' Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. ' SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT (For details, see https://github.com/awslabs/aws-icons-for-plantuml/blob/master/LICENSE) ' Colors ' ################################## !define AWS_COLOR #232F3E !define AWS_BG_COLOR #FFFFFF !define AWS_BORDER_COLOR #FF9900 !define AWS_SYMBOL_COLOR AWS_COLOR ' Customer Enablement; Database; Developer Tools; Satellite !define AWS_COLOR_BLUE #3A47CB ' Cloud Financial Management; Internet of Things; Storage !define AWS_COLOR_GREEN #3F8624 ' Blockchain; Compute; Containers; Media Services; Quantum Technologies !define AWS_COLOR_ORANGE #D86613 ' Application Integration; Management & Governance; VR & AR !define AWS_COLOR_PINK #CD2264 ' Analytics; Game Tech; Networking & Content Delivery; Serverless !define AWS_COLOR_PURPLE #693BC5 ' Business Applications; Contact Center; Front-End Web & Mobile; Robotics; Security, Identity & Compliance !define AWS_COLOR_RED #D6232C ' End User Computing; Machine Learning; Migration & Transfer !define AWS_COLOR_TURQUOISE #1B7B67 ' Styling ' ################################## !define TECHN_FONT_SIZE 12 skinparam defaultTextAlignment center skinparam PackageTitleAlignment Left skinparam wrapWidth 200 skinparam maxMessageSize 150 skinparam rectangle { StereotypeFontSize 12 } skinparam Arrow { Color #666666 FontColor #666666 FontSize 12 } !definelong AWSEntityColoring(stereo) skinparam rectangle<> { BackgroundColor AWS_BG_COLOR BorderColor AWS_BORDER_COLOR } ' https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml/issues/1023 'skinparam participant<> { ' BackgroundColor AWS_BG_COLOR ' BorderColor AWS_BORDER_COLOR '} !enddefinelong ' "StereotypeFontSize 0" below will hide text ' still need "hide stereotype" in diagrams to hide whitespace !definelong AWSGroupColoring(g_stereo, g_background_color, g_border_color, g_border_style) skinparam rectangle<> { StereotypeFontSize 0 BackgroundColor g_background_color BorderColor g_border_color BorderStyle g_border_style Shadowing false RoundCorner 0 } !enddefinelong ' Layout ' ################################## !definelong LAYOUT_AS_SKETCH skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC skinparam handwritten true skinparam defaultFontName "Comic Sans MS" center footer Warning: Created for discussion, needs to be validated !enddefinelong !define LAYOUT_TOP_DOWN top to bottom direction !define LAYOUT_LEFT_RIGHT left to right direction ' Elements ' ################################## !function $AWSImg($service) !return %call_user_func("$" + $service + "IMG") !endfunction !function $AWSGroupImg($service) !return %call_user_func("$" + $service + "IMG", "0.5") !endfunction !definelong AWSEntity(e_alias, e_label, e_techn, e_color, e_sprite, e_stereo) rectangle "==e_label\n$AWSImg(e_sprite)\n//[e_techn]//" <> as e_alias !enddefinelong !definelong AWSEntity(e_alias, e_label, e_techn, e_descr, e_color, e_sprite, e_stereo) rectangle "==e_label\n$AWSImg(e_sprite)\n//[e_techn]//\n\n e_descr" <> as e_alias !enddefinelong !definelong AWSParticipant(p_alias, p_label, p_techn, p_color, p_sprite, p_stereo) participant "p_label\n$AWSImg(p_sprite)\n[p_techn]" as p_alias <> !enddefinelong !definelong AWSParticipant(p_alias, p_label, p_techn, p_descr, p_color, p_sprite, p_stereo) participant "p_label\n$AWSImg(p_sprite)\n[p_techn]\n\n p_descr" as p_alias <> !enddefinelong ' wraps each line (seperated by \n) of a multi-line label with color !function $colorlabel($label, $color="black") !$buffer = "" !$tmp = $label !$i = %strpos($tmp, "\n") !while $i >= 0 !$buffer = $buffer + %substr($tmp, 0, $i) + "\n" !$tmp = %substr($tmp, $i + 2) !$i = %strpos($tmp, "\n") !endwhile !return "" + $buffer + $tmp + "" !endfunction !definelong AWSGroupEntity(g_alias, g_label, g_color, g_stereo) rectangle "$colorlabel(g_label, g_color)" as g_alias <> !enddefinelong !definelong AWSGroupEntity(g_alias, g_label, g_color, g_sprite, g_stereo) rectangle "$AWSGroupImg(g_sprite) $colorlabel(g_label, g_color)" as g_alias <> !enddefinelong