#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # A copy of the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. # This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR # CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # # # - Collects Docker daemon and Amazon ECS Container Agent logs on Amazon Linux, # Redhat 7, Debian 8. # - Collects general operating system logs. # - Optional ability to enable debug mode for the Docker daemon and Amazon ECS # Container Agent on Amazon Linux variants, such as the Amazon ECS-optimized # AMI. For usage information, see --help. export LANG="C" export LC_ALL="C" # Collection configuration # curdir is the working root of collection. curdir="$(dirname "$0")" # collectdir is where all collected informaton is placed under. This # services as the top level for this script's operation. readonly collectdir="${curdir}/collect" # datetime is the date and time when the script was executed used in pack() datetime=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M` # pack_name is the name of the resulting tarball. This will generally # be collect-i-ffffffffffffffffff-YYYYMMDDHHmm, where i-ffffffffffffffffff is the # instance id and YYYYMMDDHHmm is date and time. pack_name="collect" # Shared check variables # info_system is where the checks' data is placed. info_system="${collectdir}/system" # pkgtype is the detected packaging system used on the host (eg: yum, deb) pkgtype='' # defined in get_pkgtype # jsonformatter is the detected tool to process JSON installed on the host jsonformatter='' # init_type is the operating system type used for casing check behavior. init_type='' # defined in get_init_type progname='' # defined in parse_options # dstdir is the destination where the logs collected are placed. dstdir='' # defined in several routines # Script run defaults mode='brief' # defined in parse_options # Common functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help() { echo "USAGE: ${progname} [--mode=[brief|enable-debug]]" echo " ${progname} --help" echo "" echo "OPTIONS:" echo " --mode Sets the desired mode of the script. For more information," echo " see the MODES section." echo " --help Show this help message." echo "" echo "MODES:" echo " brief Gathers basic operating system, Docker daemon, and Amazon" echo " ECS Container Agent logs. This is the default mode." echo " enable-debug Enables debug mode for the Docker daemon and the Amazon" echo " ECS Container Agent. Only supported on Systemd init systems" echo " and Amazon Linux." } parse_options() { local count="$#" progname="$0" for i in $(seq "$count"); do eval arg=\$"$i" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 param="$(echo "$arg" | awk -F '=' '{print $1}' | sed -e 's|--||')" val="$(echo "$arg" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')" case "${param}" in mode) eval "$param"="${val}" ;; help) help && exit 0 ;; *) echo "Parameter not found: '$param'" help && exit 1 ;; esac done } ok() { echo "ok" } info() { echo "$*" } try() { local action=$* echo -n "Trying to $action ... " } warning() { local reason=$* echo "warning: $reason" } failed() { local reason=$* echo "failed: $reason" } die() { echo "ERROR: $*" exit 1 } is_root() { try "check if the script is running as root" if [[ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]]; then die "this script must be run as root!" fi ok } cleanup() { rm -rf "$collectdir" >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f "$curdir"/collect.tgz } init() { is_root try_set_instance_collectdir get_init_type get_pkgtype get_jsonformatter } collect_brief() { init is_diskfull get_common_logs get_kernel_logs get_mounts_info get_selinux_info get_iptables_info get_pkglist get_system_services get_docker_info get_docker_containers_info get_docker_logs get_docker_systemd_config get_docker_sysconfig get_docker_daemon_json get_ecs_agent_logs get_ecs_agent_info get_open_files get_os_release get_uname_info get_dmidecode_info get_lsmod_info get_cgroupv2_events get_systemd_slice_info get_veth_info get_gpu_info } enable_debug() { is_root get_init_type enable_docker_debug enable_ecs_agent_debug } # Routines # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # uname gets basic system and kernel information. get_uname_info() { try "get uname kernel info" mkdir -p "$info_system" uname -a > "$info_system"/uname.txt ok } # dmidecode is a tool sometimes installed on VMs that provides detailed # information about the VM hypervisor, underlying hardware, and system. get_dmidecode_info() { try "get dmidecode info" if command -v dmidecode &>/dev/null; then mkdir -p "$info_system" dmidecode > "$info_system"/dmidecode.txt fi ok } # lsmod lists loadable kernel modules. get_lsmod_info() { try "get lsmod info" if command -v lsmod &>/dev/null; then mkdir -p "$info_system" lsmod > "$info_system"/lsmod.txt fi ok } get_init_type() { try "collect system information" case "$(cat /proc/1/comm)" in systemd) init_type="systemd" ;; *) init_type="other" ;; esac ok } get_pkgtype() { if [[ -n "$(command -v rpm)" ]]; then pkgtype="rpm" elif [[ -n "$(command -v dpkg)" ]]; then pkgtype="dpkg" else pkgtype="unknown" fi } get_jsonformatter(){ if [[ -n "$(command -v python)" ]]; then jsonformatter="python -mjson.tool" elif [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then jsonformatter="jq" else jsonformatter="" fi } try_set_instance_collectdir() { try "resolve instance-id" if [ -f /var/lib/amazon/ssm/registration ]; then info "SSM managed instance detected, getting managed instance id" if command -v jq > /dev/null; then instance_id=$(jq -r ".ManagedInstanceID" < /var/lib/amazon/ssm/registration) fi fi if test -z "$instance_id" && command -v curl > /dev/null; then info "getting instance id from ec2 metadata endpoint" imds="" token=$(curl -sS --retry 3 -X PUT "${imds}/api/token" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600" 2>/dev/null) instance_id=$(curl -sS --retry 3 -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $token" "${imds}/meta-data/instance-id" 2>/dev/null) fi if [ -n "$instance_id" ]; then # Put logs into a directory for this instance. info_system="${collectdir}/${instance_id}" # And in a pack that includes the instance id in its name. pack_name="collect-${instance_id}" mkdir -p "${info_system}" echo "$instance_id" > "$info_system"/instance-id.txt else warning "unable to get instance id" return 1 fi ok } pack() { try "archive gathered log information" local tar_bin tar_bin="$(command -v tar 2>/dev/null)" [ -z "${tar_bin}" ] && warning "TAR archiver not found, please install a TAR archiver to create the collection archive. You can still view the logs in the collect folder." cd "$curdir" || { echo "cd failed."; exit 1; } ${tar_bin} -cvzf "$curdir/$pack_name-$datetime".tgz "$collectdir" > /dev/null 2>&1 ok } is_diskfull() { try "check disk space usage" threshold=70 i=2 result=$(df -kh | grep -ve "Filesystem" -ve "loop" | awk '{ print $5 }' | sed 's/%//g') exceeded=0 for percent in ${result}; do if [[ "${percent}" -gt "${threshold}" ]]; then partition=$(df -kh | head -$i | tail -1| awk '{print $1}') echo warning "${partition} is ${percent}% full, please ensure adequate disk space to collect and store the log files." : $((exceeded++)) fi i=$((i+1)) done if [ "$exceeded" -gt 0 ]; then return 1 else ok fi } get_mounts_info() { try "get mount points and volume information" mkdir -p "$info_system" mount > "$info_system"/mounts.txt echo "" >> "$info_system"/mounts.txt df -h >> "$info_system"/mounts.txt if command -v lvdisplay > /dev/null; then lvdisplay > "$info_system"/lvdisplay.txt vgdisplay > "$info_system"/vgdisplay.txt pvdisplay > "$info_system"/pvdisplay.txt fi ok } get_veth_info() { try "get veth info" if command -v brctl >/dev/null; then brctl show > "$info_system"/brctlshow.txt fi if command -v ip >/dev/null; then ip addr show > "$info_system"/ipaddrshow.txt fi ok } get_selinux_info() { try "check SELinux status" enforced="$(getenforce 2>/dev/null)" { [ "${pkgtype}" != "rpm" ] || [ -z "${enforced}" ]; } \ && info "not installed" \ && return mkdir -p "$info_system" echo -e "SELinux mode:\\n ${enforced}" > "$info_system"/selinux.txt ok } get_iptables_info() { try "get iptables list" mkdir -p "$info_system" iptables -nvL -t filter > "$info_system"/iptables-filter.txt iptables -nvL -t nat > "$info_system"/iptables-nat.txt ok } get_open_files() { try "get open files list" mkdir -p "$info_system" for d in /proc/*/fd; do echo "$d"; find "$d" -maxdepth 1 | wc -l; done > "$info_system"/open-file-counts.txt ls -l /proc/*/fd > "$info_system"/open-file-details.txt ok } get_common_logs() { try "collect common operating system logs" mkdir -p "$info_system" if command -v journalctl >/dev/null; then journalctl > "${info_system}"/system.log fi dstdir="${info_system}/var_log" mkdir -p "$dstdir" for entry in syslog messages; do [ -e "/var/log/${entry}" ] && cp -f /var/log/${entry} "$dstdir"/ done ok } get_kernel_logs() { try "collect kernel logs" dstdir="${info_system}/kernel" mkdir -p "$dstdir" if [ -e "/var/log/dmesg" ]; then cp -f /var/log/dmesg "$dstdir/dmesg.boot" fi dmesg > "$dstdir/dmesg.current" dmesg --ctime > "$dstdir/dmesg.human.current" ok } get_docker_logs() { try "collect Docker and containerd daemon logs" dstdir="${info_system}/docker_log" mkdir -p "$dstdir" case "${init_type}" in systemd) journalctl -u docker > "${dstdir}"/docker journalctl -u containerd > "${info_system}"/containerd.log ;; other) for entry in docker upstart/docker; do if [[ -e "/var/log/${entry}" ]]; then cp -f /var/log/"${entry}" "${dstdir}"/docker fi done ;; *) warning "the current operating system is not supported." return 1 ;; esac ok } get_ecs_agent_logs() { try "collect Amazon ECS Container Agent logs" dstdir="${info_system}/ecs_agent_logs" if [ ! -d /var/log/ecs ]; then failed "ECS log directory does not exist" return 1 fi mkdir -p "$dstdir" cp -f -r /var/log/ecs/* "$dstdir"/ ok } get_pkglist() { try "detect installed packages" mkdir -p "$info_system" case "${pkgtype}" in rpm) rpm -qa >"$info_system"/pkglist.txt 2>&1 ;; dpkg) dpkg --list > "$info_system"/pkglist.txt 2>&1 ;; *) warning "unknown package type." return 1 ;; esac ok } get_system_services() { try "detect active system services list" mkdir -p "$info_system" case "${init_type}" in systemd) systemctl list-units > "$info_system"/services.txt 2>&1 ;; other) service --status-all >> "$info_system"/services.txt 2>&1 ;; *) warning "unable to determine active services." return 1 ;; esac top -b -n 1 > "$info_system"/top.txt 2>&1 ps fauxwww > "$info_system"/ps.txt 2>&1 netstat -plant > "$info_system"/netstat.txt 2>&1 ok } get_docker_info() { try "gather Docker daemon information" mkdir -p "$info_system"/docker if pgrep dockerd > /dev/null ; then timeout 20 docker info > "$info_system"/docker/docker-info.txt 2>&1 || echo "Timed out, ignoring \"docker info output \" " timeout 20 docker ps --all --no-trunc > "$info_system"/docker/docker-ps.txt 2>&1 || echo "Timed out, ignoring \"docker ps --all --no-trunc output \" " timeout 20 docker images > "$info_system"/docker/docker-images.txt 2>&1 || echo "Timed out, ignoring \"docker images output \" " timeout 20 docker version > "$info_system"/docker/docker-version.txt 2>&1 || echo "Timed out, ignoring \"docker version output \" " timeout 60 docker stats --all --no-trunc --no-stream > "$info_system"/docker/docker-stats.txt 2>&1 || echo "Timed out, ignoring \"docker stats\" output" ok else warning "the Docker daemon is not running." | tee "$info_system"/docker/docker-not-running.txt fi } get_ecs_agent_info() { try "collect Amazon ECS Container Agent state and config" mkdir -p "$info_system"/ecs-agent if [ -e /var/lib/ecs/data/ecs_agent_data.json ]; then cp -f /var/lib/ecs/data/ecs_agent_data.json "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ecs_agent_data.txt 2>&1 if [ -n "$jsonformatter" ]; then cat "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ecs_agent_data.txt | $jsonformatter > "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ecs_agent_data_tmp.txt mv "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ecs_agent_data_tmp.txt "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ecs_agent_data.txt fi fi if [ -e /var/lib/ecs/data/agent.db ]; then cp -f /var/lib/ecs/data/agent.db "$info_system"/ecs-agent/agent.db 2>&1 chmod +r "$info_system"/ecs-agent/agent.db fi if [ -e /etc/ecs/ecs.config ]; then cp -f /etc/ecs/ecs.config "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ 2>&1 if grep --quiet "ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA" "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ecs.config; then sed -i 's/ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA=.*/ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA=/g' "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ecs.config fi fi ok try "collect Amazon ECS Container Agent engine data" if pgrep agent > /dev/null ; then if command -v curl >/dev/null; then if curl --max-time 3 -s http://localhost:51678/v1/tasks > "$info_system"/ecs-agent/agent-running-info.txt 2>&1; then if [ -n "$jsonformatter" ]; then cat "$info_system"/ecs-agent/agent-running-info.txt | $jsonformatter > "$info_system"/ecs-agent/agent-running-info-tmp.txt mv "$info_system"/ecs-agent/agent-running-info-tmp.txt "$info_system"/ecs-agent/agent-running-info.txt fi ok else warning "failed to get agent data" fi else warning "curl is unavailable for probing ECS Container Agent introspection endpoint" fi else warning "The Amazon ECS Container Agent is not running" | tee "$info_system"/ecs-agent/ecs-agent-not-running.txt return 1 fi } get_docker_containers_info() { try "inspect all Docker containers" mkdir -p "$info_system"/docker if pgrep dockerd > /dev/null ; then for i in $(docker ps -a -q); do timeout 10 docker inspect "$i" > "$info_system"/docker/container-"$i".txt 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 124 ]; then touch "$info_system"/docker/container-inspect-timed-out.txt failed "'docker inspect' timed out, not gathering containers" return 1 fi if grep --quiet "ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA" "$info_system"/docker/container-"$i".txt; then sed -i 's/ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA=.*/ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA=/g' "$info_system"/docker/container-"$i".txt fi done else warning "the Docker daemon is not running." | tee "$info_system"/docker/docker-not-running.txt return 1 fi ok } get_docker_sysconfig() { try "collect Docker sysconfig" if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/docker ]; then mkdir -p "${info_system}"/docker cp /etc/sysconfig/docker "${info_system}"/docker/sysconfig-docker ok else info "/etc/sysconfig/docker not found" fi try "collect Docker storage sysconfig" if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage ]; then mkdir -p "${info_system}"/docker cp /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage "${info_system}"/docker/sysconfig-docker-storage ok else info "/etc/sysconfig/docker-storage not found" fi } get_docker_daemon_json(){ try "collect Docker daemon.json" if [ -e /etc/docker/daemon.json ]; then mkdir -p "${info_system}"/docker cp /etc/docker/daemon.json "${info_system}"/docker/daemon.json ok else info "/etc/docker/daemon.json not found" fi } get_docker_systemd_config(){ if [[ "$init_type" != "systemd" ]]; then return 0 fi try "collect Docker systemd unit file" mkdir -p "${info_system}"/docker if systemctl cat docker.service > "${info_system}"/docker/docker.service 2>/dev/null; then ok else rm -f "$info_system/docker/docker.service" warning "docker.service not found" fi try "collect containerd systemd unit file" if systemctl cat containerd.service > "${info_system}"/docker/containerd.service 2>/dev/null; then ok else rm -f "$info_system/docker/containerd.service" warning "containerd.service not found" fi } get_os_release(){ try "collect /etc/os-release" if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then cat /etc/os-release > "${info_system}"/os-release ok else info "/etc/os-release not found" fi } get_cgroupv2_events(){ # cgroup v2 is only supported on systemd systems if [[ "$init_type" != "systemd" ]]; then return 0 fi # this file will only exist on systems with cgroup v2 enabled if [ ! -f /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers ]; then return 0 fi try "collect cgroupv2 events" local outfile="${info_system}"/cgroupv2.events touch $outfile # find cgroup memory event files for all ecs tasks with task resource limits and all # docker containers running on the system. for eventfile in $(find /sys/fs/cgroup/ -type f -name "memory*events" | grep -e "docker-" -e "ecstask"); do echo "$eventfile" >> $outfile cat $eventfile >> $outfile echo "" >> $outfile done ok } get_systemd_slice_info(){ if [[ "$init_type" != "systemd" ]]; then return 0 fi try "collect systemd slice info" # system.slice will exist on all systemd systems: local outfile="${info_system}"/system.slice touch $outfile systemctl status system.slice >$outfile # ecstasks.slice will only exist if we're using the systemd cgroup driver and cgroups v2: if systemctl status ecstasks.slice &>/dev/null; then local outfile="${info_system}"/ecstasks.slice touch $outfile systemctl status ecstasks.slice >$outfile fi ok } enable_docker_debug() { try "enable debug mode for the Docker daemon" if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/docker ] && grep -q "^\\s*OPTIONS=\"-D" /etc/sysconfig/docker; then info "Debug mode is already enabled." else if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/docker ]; then case "${init_type}" in systemd) sed -i 's/^OPTIONS="\(.*\)/OPTIONS="-D \1/g' /etc/sysconfig/docker ok try "restart Docker daemon to enable debug mode" systemctl restart docker.service ok ;; *) echo "OPTIONS=\"-D \$OPTIONS\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/docker try "restart Docker daemon to enable debug mode" service docker restart ok esac else warning "the current operating system is not supported." fi fi } enable_ecs_agent_debug() { try "enable debug mode for the Amazon ECS Container Agent" if [ -e /etc/ecs/ecs.config ] && grep -q "^\\s*ECS_LOGLEVEL=debug" /etc/ecs/ecs.config; then info "Debug mode is already enabled." else case "${init_type}" in systemd) if [ ! -d /etc/ecs ]; then mkdir /etc/ecs fi echo "ECS_LOGLEVEL=debug" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config ok try "restart the Amazon ECS Container Agent to enable debug mode" systemctl restart ecs ok ;; *) if rpm -q --quiet ecs-init; then if [ ! -d /etc/ecs ]; then mkdir /etc/ecs fi echo "ECS_LOGLEVEL=debug" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config ok try "restart the Amazon ECS Container Agent to enable debug mode" stop ecs; start ecs ok else warning "the current operating system is not supported." fi ;; esac fi } # nvidia-smi is a tool available on GPU based AMIs provides detailed # information about the GPU present on the VM. get_gpu_info() { try "get gpu info" if command -v nvidia-smi &>/dev/null; then mkdir -p "$info_system"/gpu nvidia-smi -L > "$info_system"/gpu/gpu-list.txt nvidia-smi -q > "$info_system"/gpu/gpu-info.txt fi # get open kernel module version if [ -d /var/lib/dkms-archive/nvidia-open ]; then ls /var/lib/dkms-archive/nvidia-open > "$info_system"/gpu/gpu-open-module.txt fi if command -v modinfo nvidia &>/dev/null; then modinfo nvidia > "$info_system"/gpu/gpu-installed-kmod.txt fi ok } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parse_options "$@" case "${mode}" in brief) cleanup collect_brief pack ;; enable-debug) enable_debug ;; *) help && exit 1 ;; esac