from phBot import * from threading import Timer from random import randrange import os import phBotChat import QtBind pName = 'triviaBot' pVersion = '0.1.8' pUrl = '' ####################################################################### server = "pearl" # pearl,xeon # qafolder = "triviaBot" # Subfolder of Plugins folder # qafile = "triviaBot.txt" # Place of saved Q & A file # qacache = "cache.txt" # if character cannot joined # answertime = [3,9] # Random interval to answer # ####################################################################### # if folder and files doesn't exists path = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(path+"/Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/"): os.makedirs(path+"/Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/") open("Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/"+qafile, 'a+').close() # clear qacache file open("Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/"+qacache, 'w').close() # GUI gui = QtBind.init(__name__, pName) QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'triviaBot is automatically answers trivia event questions and automatically adds new questions.', 10, 10) QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'Questions List', 11, 38) QtBind.createButton(gui, 'gui_qlist', ' Refresh List ', 448, 35) QtBind.createButton(gui, 'gui_answer', ' Selected Question\'s Answer ', 534, 35) QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'Added Questions:', 587, 255) qlist = QtBind.createList(gui, 10, 55, 680, 190) qnumber = QtBind.createLabel(gui, '0', 680, 255) qanswer = QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'Answer: ', 11, 255) # its need to avoid conflict def joined_game(): global qacache qacache = get_character_data()['name']+"_cache.txt" open("Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/"+qacache, 'w').close() return False def gui_qlist(): a = 0 while True: if a == get_qa('l',0): break b = get_qa("q",a) if not gui_check_qlist(b): QtBind.append(gui,qlist,b) a += 1 return False # [a] value is a question, need check for data added to list def gui_check_qlist(a): b = QtBind.getItems(gui,qlist) for i in range(len(b)): if b[i].lower() == a.lower(): return True return False def gui_answer(): selectedItem = QtBind.text(gui,qlist) a = 0 if selectedItem == "": QtBind.setText(gui, qanswer,"Answer: Choose a question!") else: while True: if a == get_qa('l',0): QtBind.setText(gui, qanswer,"Error: Please check [Plugins/"+qafolder+"/"+qafile+"] file!") break else: if get_qa('q',a) == selectedItem: QtBind.setText(gui, qanswer,"Answer: "+get_qa('a',a)) break a += 1 return False # value of [a]: q(question), a(answer), l(lenght), all for array # value of [b]: row number # value of [c]: 0 for any questions, 1 for country questions, 2 need for adding qacache to qafile def get_qa(a,b,c=0): qdosya = "Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/"+qafile ayrac = "--" if c == 2: qdosya = "Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/"+qacache ayrac = "--" qlen = 0 qarray = [] with open(qdosya) as f: for line in f: inner_list = [elt.strip() for elt in line.split(ayrac)] qarray.append(inner_list) qlen = len(qarray) f.close() if a == "q": return qarray[b][0] elif a == "a": return qarray[b][1] elif a == "l": return qlen elif a == "all": return qarray # adds qacache rows to qafile rows def add_newq(): a = 0 b = 0 while True: if get_qa("l",0,2) == a: if b == 0: log("triviaBot: Not found new question.") else: log("triviaBot: "+ str(b) + " question(s) automatically added.") break else: if get_qa("q",a,2) not in str(get_qa("all",0)): if get_qa("a",a,2) != "": file = open("Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/"+qafile,"a") file.write('--\n'+get_qa("q",a,2)+'--'+get_qa("a",a,2)) file.close() QtBind.append(gui,qlist,get_qa("q",a,2)) log("triviaBot: "+ get_qa("q",a,2) + " automatically added to list.") QtBind.setText(gui, qnumber,str(int(QtBind.text(gui,qnumber)) + 1)) b += 1 a += 1 # saving questions to qacache def save_q2_cache(a): # this is need for if you press the reload plugins button global qacache qacache = get_character_data()['name']+"_cache.txt" file = open("Plugins/"+server+"_"+qafolder+"/"+qacache,"a") if server == "pearl": if "Silks" in a: s = a.find('wrote') + 7 e = a.find('won', s) - 6 answer = a[s:e] file.write(answer) elif "Nobody" in a and "correct" in a and "answer" in a: file.write(a[63:-2]) else: file.write('--\n'+a+'--') elif server == "xeon": if "winner of this round" not in a and "Correct answer" not in a: file.write('--\n'+a+'--') elif "Correct answer" in a: s = a.find('was') + 5 answer = a[s:-1] file.write(answer) file.close() return False def handle_chat(t, player, msg): if t == 6: # global message if server == "pearl": if player == "[BOT]Events": a = 0 while True: if a == get_qa('l',0): save_q2_cache(msg) # save question if dont know Timer(randrange(30,80), add_newq, ()).start() # automatically add questions to qafile and gui list break else: if get_qa('q',a) == msg: reply = get_qa('a',a) Timer(randrange(answertime[0],answertime[1]), phBotChat.Private, (player,reply)).start() log("triviaBot: ["+msg+"] question replied as ["+reply+"]") break a += 1 elif server == "xeon": if player == "[BOT]" and "winner of this round" not in msg and "no winner for this" not in msg: a = 0 while True: if a == get_qa('l',0): save_q2_cache(msg) # save question if dont know Timer(randrange(30,80), add_newq, ()).start() # automatically add questions to qafile and gui list break else: if get_qa('q',a) == msg: reply = get_qa('a',a) Timer(randrange(answertime[0],answertime[1]), phBotChat.Private, (player,reply)).start() log("triviaBot: ["+msg+"] question replied as ["+reply+"]") break a += 1 log("Plugin: triviaBot v"+pVersion+" plugin successfully loaded.") #gui_qlist()