# Theme Outlined An adaptive Sublime Text 3 Theme based on [Theme Fits](https://github.com/xxxzc/themefits) that can be used to almost all color schemes. ![screenshot-mariana](./screenshots/screenshot-mariana@small.png) Font: Inconsolata Bold, Color Scheme: Mariana ![screenshot-breakers](./screenshots/screenshot-breakers.png) Font: Inconsolata Bold, Color Scheme: Breakers ![screenshot-charcoal](./screenshots/screenshot-charcoal.png) Font: IBM Plex Mono, Color Scheme: Charcoal ## Installation ### Recomended Download using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io): search "Theme - Outlined" ### Manual - Open Preferences -> Browse Packages... - Create new folder named "Theme - Outlined" - Download the package and unzip it into this folder ## Customization To modify the theme install "PackageResourceViewer", open the Quick Panel and search "Open Resource". Then search for "Theme - Outlined" and modify `Outlined.sublime-theme` as you want. ## Credits Based extensivly on [Theme Fits](https://github.com/xxxzc/themefits) by xxxzc.