# BetterFindBuffer for SublimeText 3 Adds a couple of missing features to SublimeText Find Results buffer. **Note**: You need to *restart* your SublimeText after installing this plugin. ## Features - Open the the file and line under the cursor by pressing Enter or o - n and p to jump to next/previous file - j and k to jump to next/previous match - Open multiple files with multiple cursor at the same time by selecting lines and pressing Enter or o - Open all files in the result with a - Fold a result with f and move to next file - Show shortcuts with ? - Remove path prefix in filenames based on open sublime's project folders (can be disabled in settings) - Set find results as readonly (can be disabled in settings) - Adds search keyword and file names to the symbols list (use Super+R) - Cleaner UI (hides line numbers, gutter, indent guides) - Better Syntax highlighting for find results - Custom color scheme ![BetterFindBuffer Screenshot1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3202/16536669/d9ed24c0-3ff4-11e6-9d4f-779049c063cd.png) ![BetterFindBuffer Screenshot2](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3202/16536672/e07db07a-3ff4-11e6-865d-1f24cb2a8dad.png) ## Installation You can install via [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) Or you can clone this repo into your Sublime Text Packages folder. ## Changing color scheme If you don't like colors used in the find results buffer just copy [this file](https://github.com/aziz/BetterFindBuffer/blob/master/FindResults.hidden-tmTheme) to your User folder, change colors and save it and then create a file called `Find Results.sublime-settings` in your User folder and paste the code below: ``` json { "color_scheme": "Path to your custom color scheme file. e.g. Packages/User/Custom_FindResults.hidden-tmTheme", } ``` Alternatively, you can use [BetterFindBuffer-Designer](http://bobtherobot.github.io/BetterFindBuffer-Designer/) tool as GUI to easily customize the Find-Results color scheme. ### Credit `FindInFilesOpenFileCommand` is inspired by [this answer on StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/a/16779397/78254) #### License See the LICENSE file