======================================== Superlime plugin for Sublime Text editor ======================================== Superlime requests root/admin rights if a file cannot be saved in SublimeText. Compatibility ------------- * Linux (depends on gksudo or kdesudo or pkexec) * Windows (depends on PowerShell) * Mac OS X (depends on osascript) * Sublime Text 2 * Sublime Text 3 Mac version of SublimeText supports such functionality natively |screenshot| Plugin installation ------------------- There are two ways to install the plugin: * Search for Superlime in `Package Control`_ * Clone repository_ to SublimeText Packages folder Possible problems ----------------- 1. On old builds of Sublime Text 3 you could get "unable to create tmp directory" message. In this case set "atomic_save" setting to false. There is no such problem in new builds (tested with build 3065). .. _Package Control: https://packagecontrol.io/ .. _repository: http://projects.zubr.me/superlime.git .. |screenshot| image:: http://projects.zubr.me/browser/superlime/screenshot.png?format=raw