# # Azure Citadel - minimal-mistakes config # ======================================= # - This is a heavily modified config, un-used sections have been removed # - For an unmodifed config see _config_orig.yml # # Ben Coleman, Dec 2018 # Modified: Jan 2019 - Removed Algolia search `search false` # Jan 2019 - Switched to Prism.js for synatx highlighting # Set `highlighter: none` & `syntax_highlighter_opts.disable: true` # # Extra Azure integration things, keys etc. These are all safe to have public azure_app_insights : "2702934d-41f5-4a1c-beb6-0c631fd8f28f" #"75483cef-e0a0-45aa-8c2e-019f5a1acb2f" azure_search_key : "2F9C8576FF9E1D45FE63CA285A2500C5" azure_search_account : "citadel" azure_search_index : "citadel-index" # Skin (note this is a modified & custom skin file) minimal_mistakes_skin : "citadel" # Site Settings locale : "en-GB" title : "Azure Citadel" logo : "/images/site/logo.png" title_separator : "-" name : "Microsoft" description : "Azure related training material developed and maintained by the technical field team at Microsoft." url : # Left empty so default used baseurl : # Left empty so default used "/" repository : https://github.com/azurecitadel/azurecitadel.github.io teaser : "/images/teaser/default.png" breadcrumbs : false # These do not work with the site structure words_per_minute : 100 safe : false comments: provider : disqus disqus: shortname : https-ukpducim-github-io atom_feed: path : /feed.xml # Switched to Azure Search, using json-generate.rb plugin search : false # search_full_content : true # search_provider : algolia # search: # application_id : 7OH2BGCS3F # YOUR_APPLICATION_ID # index_name : Azure_Citadel # YOUR_INDEX_NAME # search_only_api_key : c7d0d56e6a342c7a26ae845c63cef275 # YOUR_SEARCH_ONLY_API_KEY # powered_by : true # Analytics # We use App Insghts, see _includes/head/custom.html for snippet # Site Author # - NEED TO REVIEW THIS, DON'T THINK IT'S EVER USED ANYWHERE # (It does show in the feed.xml) author: name : "Richard Cheney" avatar : images/authors/rich-c.jpg bio : Cloud Solution Architect.
Infrastructure as code, automation, networking, storage, compute location : "UK" email : richard.cheney@microsoft.com # Site Footer - Edited to include disclaimer footer: links: - label: "Disclaimer" icon: "fas fa-fw fa-balance-scale" url: "/disclaimer" - label: "GitHub" icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github" url: "https://github.com/azurecitadel/azurecitadel.github.io" - label: "Contributing" icon: "fas fa-fw fa-user-edit" url: "/contributing" # Reading Files include: - .htaccess - _pages exclude: - templates - _staging - _site_assets - "*.sublime-project" - "*.sublime-workspace" - vendor - .asset-cache - .bundle - .jekyll-assets-cache - .sass-cache - assets/js/plugins - assets/js/_main.js - assets/js/vendor - Capfile - CHANGELOG - config - Gemfile - Gruntfile.js - gulpfile.js - LICENSE - log - node_modules - package.json - Rakefile - README - tmp - /docs # ignore Minimal Mistakes /docs - /test # ignore Minimal Mistakes /test - CNAME keep_files: - .git - .svn encoding: "utf-8" markdown_ext: "markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md" # Conversion # Note - I've disabled the default Rouge highlighter # And enabled Prism.js https://prismjs.com markdown: kramdown #highlighter: rouge highlighter: none lsi: false excerpt_separator: "\n\n" incremental: false # Markdown Processing kramdown: input: GFM hard_wrap: false auto_ids: true footnote_nr: 1 entity_output: as_char toc_levels: 1..6 smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo enable_coderay: false syntax_highlighter_opts: disable: true # Sass/SCSS sass: sass_dir: _sass style: compressed # http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#output_style # Outputting permalink: /:categories/:title/ paginate: 5 # amount of posts to show - NOT USED ANYWHERE YET paginate_path: /page:num/ timezone: Etc/GMT # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones # Plugins (previously gems:) plugins: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-gist - jekyll-feed - jemoji - jekyll-include-cache # mimic GitHub Pages with --safe whitelist: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-gist - jekyll-feed - jemoji - jekyll-include-cache # Archives # category_archive: # type: liquid # path: /categories/ tag_archive: type: liquid path: /tags/ # HTML Compression # - http://jch.penibelst.de/ compress_html: clippings: all ignore: envs: development # # Defaults for all user content # These defaults are Azure Citadel specific # # Note. All posts need to have `category: news` for them to show up in the news section # defaults: - scope: path: "" type: pages values: layout: single author_profile: true read_time: true comments: true share: true toc: true toc_sticky: true toc_depth: 2 header: teaser: /images/teaser/default.png overlay_color: "rgb(0, 120, 215)" overlay_filter: 0.5 - scope: path: "" type: posts values: layout: single category: news author_profile: true read_time: false comments: true share: true toc: false excerpt: "" header: teaser: /images/teaser/default.png overlay_image: /images/header/news.jpg overlay_filter: 0.5