rating = NULL; $this->featured = 0; $this->nofollow = 1; $this->notif_status = 'noreq'; $this->in_reply_to_cmt_ID = 0; $this->set_renderers( array( 'default' ) ); $this->set( 'status', 'draft' ); } else { $this->ID = $db_row->comment_ID; $this->item_ID = $db_row->comment_item_ID; if( ! empty( $db_row->comment_author_user_ID ) ) { $this->author_user_ID = $db_row->comment_author_user_ID; } $this->type = $db_row->comment_type; $this->status = $db_row->comment_status; $this->author = $db_row->comment_author; $this->author_email = $db_row->comment_author_email; $url = trim( $db_row->comment_author_url ); if( ! empty($url) && ! preg_match( '~^\w+://~', $url ) ) { // URL given and does not start with a protocol: $url = 'http://'.$url; } $this->author_url = $url; $this->author_IP = $db_row->comment_author_IP; $this->IP_ctry_ID = $db_row->comment_IP_ctry_ID; $this->date = $db_row->comment_date; $this->last_touched_ts = $db_row->comment_last_touched_ts; $this->content = $db_row->comment_content; $this->renderers = $db_row->comment_renderers; $this->rating = $db_row->comment_rating; $this->featured = $db_row->comment_featured; $this->nofollow = $db_row->comment_nofollow; $this->spam_karma = $db_row->comment_spam_karma; $this->allow_msgform = $db_row->comment_allow_msgform; $this->secret = $db_row->comment_secret; $this->notif_status = $db_row->comment_notif_status; $this->notif_ctsk_ID = $db_row->comment_notif_ctsk_ID; $this->notif_flags = $db_row->comment_notif_flags; $this->in_reply_to_cmt_ID = $db_row->comment_in_reply_to_cmt_ID; $this->helpful_addvotes = $db_row->comment_helpful_addvotes; $this->helpful_countvotes = $db_row->comment_helpful_countvotes; $this->spam_addvotes = $db_row->comment_spam_addvotes; $this->spam_countvotes = $db_row->comment_spam_countvotes; } } /** * Get this class db table config params * * @return array */ static function get_class_db_config() { static $comment_db_config; if( !isset( $comment_db_config ) ) { $comment_db_config = array_merge( parent::get_class_db_config(), array( 'dbtablename' => 'T_comments', 'dbprefix' => 'comment_', 'dbIDname' => 'comment_ID', ) ); } return $comment_db_config; } /** * Get delete cascade settings * * @return array */ static function get_delete_cascades() { return array( array( 'table'=>'T_links', 'fk'=>'link_cmt_ID', 'msg'=>T_('%d links to destination comments'), 'class'=>'Link', 'class_path'=>'links/model/_link.class.php' ), array( 'table'=>'T_comments__votes', 'fk'=>'cmvt_cmt_ID', 'msg'=>T_('%d votes on comment') ), array( 'table'=>'T_comments__prerendering', 'fk'=>'cmpr_cmt_ID', 'msg'=>T_('%d prerendered content') ), ); } /** * Delete those comments from the database which corresponds to the given condition or to the given ids array * Note: the delete cascade arrays are handled! * * @param string the name of this class * Note: This is required until min phpversion will be 5.3. Since PHP 5.3 we can use static::function_name to achieve late static bindings * @param string where condition * @param array object ids * @return mixed # of rows affected or false if error */ static function db_delete_where( $class_name, $sql_where, $object_ids = NULL, $params = NULL ) { global $DB; $use_transaction = ( isset( $params['use_transaction'] ) ) ? $params['use_transaction'] : true; if( $use_transaction ) { $DB->begin(); $params['use_transaction'] = false; } if( ! empty( $sql_where ) ) { $object_ids = $DB->get_col( 'SELECT comment_ID FROM T_comments WHERE '.$sql_where ); } if( ! $object_ids ) { // There is no comment to delete if( $use_transaction ) { // Commit transaction if it was started $DB->commit(); } return; } $query_get_attached_file_ids = 'SELECT link_file_ID FROM T_links WHERE link_cmt_ID IN ( '.implode( ', ', $object_ids ).' )'; $attached_file_ids = $DB->get_col( $query_get_attached_file_ids ); $result = parent::db_delete_where( $class_name, $sql_where, $object_ids ); if( ( $result !== false ) && ( ! empty( $attached_file_ids ) ) ) { // Delete orphan attachments and empty comment attachment folders load_funcs( 'files/model/_file.funcs.php' ); remove_orphan_files( $attached_file_ids, NULL, true ); } if( $use_transaction ) { // Commit or rollback the transaction ( $result !== false ) ? $DB->commit() : $DB->rollback(); } return $result; } /** * Get the author User of the comment. This is NULL for anonymous visitors. * * @return User */ function & get_author_User() { if( isset($this->author_user_ID) && ! isset($this->author_User) ) { $UserCache = & get_UserCache(); $this->author_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $this->author_user_ID ); } return $this->author_User; } /** * Get the Item this comment relates to * * @return Item */ function & get_Item() { if( ! isset($this->Item) ) { $ItemCache = & get_ItemCache(); $this->Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $this->item_ID, false, false ); } return $this->Item; } /** * Get a member param by its name * * @param mixed Name of parameter * @return mixed Value of parameter */ function get( $parname ) { switch( $parname ) { case 't_status': // Text status: $visibility_statuses = get_visibility_statuses( '', array( 'redirected' ) ); return $visibility_statuses[ $this->status ]; case 'notif_flags': return empty( $this->notif_flags ) ? array() : explode( ',', $this->notif_flags ); } return parent::get( $parname ); } /** * Set param value * * @param string parameter name * @param mixed parameter value * @param boolean true to set to NULL if empty value * @return boolean true, if a value has been set; false if it has not changed */ function set( $parname, $parvalue, $make_null = false ) { switch( $parname ) { case 'rating': // Save star rating with checking correct values if( $parvalue < 1 ) { // cannot be less than 0 $parvalue = NULL; } elseif( $parvalue > 5 ) { // cannot be more than 5 $parvalue = 5; } return $this->set_param( $parname, 'number', $parvalue, true ); case 'author_email': return $this->set_param( $parname, 'string', utf8_strtolower( $parvalue ), $make_null ); case 'notif_flags': $notifications_flags = $this->get( 'notif_flags' ); if( ! is_array( $parvalue ) ) { // Convert string to array: $parvalue = array( $parvalue ); } $notifications_flags = array_merge( $notifications_flags, $parvalue ); $notifications_flags = array_unique( $notifications_flags ); return $this->set_param( 'notif_flags', 'string', implode( ',', $notifications_flags ), $make_null ); case 'status': // We need to set a reminder here to later check if the new status is allowed at dbinsert or dbupdate time ( $this->restrict_status( true ) ) // We cannot check immediately because we may be setting the status before having set a main cat_ID -> a collection ID to check the status possibilities // Save previous status temporarily to make some changes on dbinsert(), dbupdate() & dbdelete() if( ! isset( $this->previous_status ) ) { // Set once previous status to know what status was original on several rewriting per same page request: $this->previous_status = $this->get( 'status' ); } return parent::set( 'status', $parvalue, $make_null ); default: return $this->set_param( $parname, 'string', $parvalue, $make_null ); } } /** * Set Item this comment relates to * @param Item */ function set_Item( & $Item ) { // Save previous item ID temporarily to make some changes on dbupdate() $this->previous_item_ID = $this->item_ID; $this->Item = & $Item; parent::set_param( 'item_ID', 'number', $Item->ID ); } /** * Set author User of this comment */ function set_author_User( & $author_User ) { $this->author_User = & $author_User; parent::set_param( 'author_user_ID', 'number', $author_User->ID ); } /** * Set the spam karma, as a number. * @param integer Spam karma (-100 - 100) * @access protected */ function set_spam_karma( $spam_karma ) { return $this->set_param( 'spam_karma', 'number', $spam_karma ); } /** * Set the vote, as a number. * * @param string Vote type (spam, helpful) * @param string Vote value (spam, notsure, ok, yes, no) * @access protected */ function set_vote( $vote_type, $vote_value ) { global $DB, $current_User; if( ! in_array( $vote_type, array( 'spam', 'helpful' ) ) ) { // Restrict access for bad requests return; } switch ( $vote_value ) { // Set a value for spam vote case 'spam': case 'yes': $vote = '1'; break; case 'notsure': case 'noopinion': $vote = '0'; break; case 'ok': case 'no': $vote = '-1'; break; default: // $vote_value is not correct from ajax request return; } if( empty( $this->ID ) ) { // If comment doesn't exist return; } $DB->begin(); $SQL = new SQL( 'Check if current user already voted on comment #'.$this->ID ); $SQL->SELECT( 'cmvt_cmt_ID, cmvt_'.$vote_type.' AS value' ); $SQL->FROM( 'T_comments__votes' ); $SQL->WHERE( 'cmvt_cmt_ID = '.$DB->quote( $this->ID ) ); $SQL->WHERE_and( 'cmvt_user_ID = '.$DB->quote( $current_User->ID ) ); $existing_vote = $DB->get_row( $SQL->get(), OBJECT, NULL, $SQL->title ); if( $existing_vote === NULL ) { // Add a new vote for first time: // Use a replace into to avoid duplicate key conflict in case when user clicks two times fast one after the other: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_comments__votes ( cmvt_cmt_ID, cmvt_user_ID, cmvt_'.$vote_type.' ) VALUES ( '.$DB->quote( $this->ID ).', '.$DB->quote( $current_User->ID ).', '.$DB->quote( $vote ).' )', 'Add new vote on comment #'.$this->ID ); } else { // Update a vote: if( $existing_vote->value == $vote ) { // Undo previous vote: $vote = NULL; } $DB->query( 'UPDATE T_comments__votes SET cmvt_'.$vote_type.' = '.$DB->quote( $vote ).' WHERE cmvt_cmt_ID = '.$DB->quote( $this->ID ).' AND cmvt_user_ID = '.$DB->quote( $current_User->ID ), 'Update a vote on comment #'.$this->ID ); } $vote_SQL = new SQL( 'Get voting results of comment #'.$this->ID ); $vote_SQL->SELECT( 'COUNT( cmvt_'.$vote_type.' ) AS votes_count, SUM( cmvt_'.$vote_type.' ) AS votes_sum' ); $vote_SQL->FROM( 'T_comments__votes' ); $vote_SQL->WHERE( 'cmvt_cmt_ID = '.$DB->quote( $this->ID ) ); $vote_SQL->WHERE_and( 'cmvt_'.$vote_type.' IS NOT NULL' ); $vote = $DB->get_row( $vote_SQL->get() ); // These values must be number and not NULL: $vote->votes_sum = intval( $vote->votes_sum ); $vote->votes_count = intval( $vote->votes_count ); // Update fields with vote counters for this comment $DB->query( 'UPDATE T_comments SET comment_'.$vote_type.'_addvotes = '.$DB->quote( $vote->votes_sum ).', comment_'.$vote_type.'_countvotes = '.$DB->quote( $vote->votes_count ).' WHERE comment_ID = '.$DB->quote( $this->ID ), 'Update fields with vote counters for comment #'.$this->ID ); $this->{$vote_type.'_addvotes'} = $vote->votes_sum; $this->{$vote_type.'_countvotes'} = $vote->votes_count; $DB->commit(); if( $vote_type == 'spam' && $vote_value == 'spam' ) { // This is a voting about spam comment we should inform moderators: $this->send_vote_spam_emails(); } return; } /** * Get the vote statuses for current user * * @param string Vote type: 'spam', 'helpful' * @return boolean */ function get_vote_status( $type = 'spam' ) { global $current_User, $DB, $cache_comments_vote_statuses; if( ! is_logged_in() ) { // Current user must be logged in: return false; } if( ! is_array( $cache_comments_vote_statuses ) ) { // Initialize array first time: $cache_comments_vote_statuses = array(); } if( ! isset( $cache_comments_vote_statuses[ $this->ID ] ) ) { // Get a vote status from DB and cache in global variable: $SQL = new SQL( 'Get the vote statuses for current user and comment #'.$this->ID ); $SQL->SELECT( 'cmvt_spam AS spam, cmvt_helpful AS helpful' ); $SQL->FROM( 'T_comments__votes' ); $SQL->WHERE( 'cmvt_cmt_ID = '.$DB->quote( $this->ID ) ); $SQL->WHERE_and( 'cmvt_user_ID = '.$DB->quote( $current_User->ID ) ); $cache_comments_vote_statuses[ $this->ID ] = $DB->get_row( $SQL->get(), ARRAY_A, NULL, $SQL->title ); } if( isset( $cache_comments_vote_statuses[ $this->ID ][ $type ] ) ) { // Return a vote status: return $cache_comments_vote_statuses[ $this->ID ][ $type ]; } else { // Current user didn't vote on this comment yet: return false; } } /** * Get the vote spam type disabled, as array. * * @param int User ID * * @return array Result: * 'is_voted' - TRUE if current user already voted on this comment * 'icons_statuses': array( 'spam', 'notsure', 'ok' ) */ function get_vote_spam_disabled() { global $DB, $current_User; $result = array( 'is_voted' => false, 'icons_statuses' => array( 'ok' => 'disabled', 'notsure' => 'disabled', 'spam' => 'disabled', ) ); $vote = $this->get_vote_status( 'spam' ); if( $vote !== false ) { // Get a spam vote for current comment and user: $result['is_voted'] = true; $class_disabled = 'disabled'; $class_voted = 'voted'; switch ( $vote ) { case '1': // SPAM $result['icons_statuses']['spam'] = $class_voted; $result['icons_statuses']['notsure'] = $result['icons_statuses']['ok'] = $class_disabled; break; case '0': // NOT SURE $result['icons_statuses']['notsure'] = $class_voted; $result['icons_statuses']['spam'] = $result['icons_statuses']['ok'] = $class_disabled; break; case '-1': // OK $result['icons_statuses']['ok'] = $class_voted; $result['icons_statuses']['spam'] = $result['icons_statuses']['notsure'] = $class_disabled; break; } } return $result; } /** * Get the vote helpful type disabled, as array. * * @return array Result: * 'is_voted' - TRUE if current user already voted on this comment * 'icons_statuses': array( 'yes', 'no' ) */ function get_vote_helpful_disabled() { global $DB, $current_User; $result = array( 'is_voted' => false, 'icons_statuses' => array( 'yes' => '', 'no' => '' ) ); $vote = $this->get_vote_status( 'helpful' ); if( $vote !== false ) { // Get a helpful vote for current comment and user: $result['is_voted'] = true; $class_disabled = 'disabled'; $class_voted = 'voted'; switch ( $vote ) { case '1': // YES $result['icons_statuses']['yes'] = $class_voted; $result['icons_statuses']['no'] = $class_disabled; break; case '-1': // NO $result['icons_statuses']['no'] = $class_voted; $result['icons_statuses']['yes'] = $class_disabled; break; } } return $result; } /** * Get the vote summary, as a string. * * @param type Vote type (spam, helpful) * @param srray Params * @return string */ function get_vote_summary( $type, $params = array() ) { $params = array_merge( array( 'result_title' => '', 'result_title_undecided' => '', 'after_result' => '', ), $params ); if( ! in_array( $type, array( 'spam', 'helpful' ) ) ) { // Bad request return ''; } if( $this->{$type.'_countvotes'} == 0 ) { // No votes for current comment return ''; } // Calculate a vote summary $summary = ceil( $this->{$type.'_addvotes'} / $this->{$type.'_countvotes'} * 100 ); if( $summary < -20 ) { // Comment is OK $summary = abs($summary).'% '.( $type == 'spam' ? T_('OK') : T_('Negative') ); } else if( $summary >= -20 && $summary <= 20 ) { // Comment is UNDECIDED $summary = T_('UNDECIDED'); if( !empty( $params['result_title_undecided'] ) ) { // Display title before undecided results $summary = $params['result_title_undecided'].' '.$summary; } } else if( $summary > 20 ) { // Comment is SPAM $summary .= '% '.( $type == 'spam' ? T_('SPAM') : T_('Positive') ); } if( !empty( $params['result_title'] ) ) { // Display title before results $summary = $params['result_title'].' '.$summary; } return $summary.$params['after_result'].' '; } /** * Get the anchor-ID of the comment * * @return string */ function get_anchor() { return 'c'.$this->ID; } /** * Template function: display anchor for permalinks to refer to */ function anchor() { echo ''; } /** * Get the comment author's name. * * @return string */ function get_author_name() { if( $this->get_author_User() ) { return $this->author_User->get_preferred_name(); } else { return $this->author; } } /** * Get the comment author's gender. * * @return string */ function get_author_gender() { if( $this->get_author_User() ) { return $this->author_User->get( 'gender' ); } else { return ''; } } /** * Get the comment anonymous author's name with gender class. * * @param string format to display author * @param array Params * @return string */ function get_author_name_anonymous( $format = 'htmlbody', $params = array() ) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'rel' => NULL, ), $params ); $gender_class = ''; if( check_setting( 'gender_colored' ) ) { // Set a gender class if the setting is ON $gender_class = ' nogender'; } $author_name = $this->dget( 'author', $format ); if( is_null( $params['rel'] ) ) { // Set default rel: $params['rel'] = 'bubbletip_comment_'.$this->ID; } if( ! empty( $params['rel'] ) ) { // Initialize attribure "rel" $params['rel'] = ' rel="'.$params['rel'].'"'; } $author_name = '' .$params['before'] .$author_name .$params['after'] .''; return $author_name; } /** * Get the EMail of the comment's author. * * @return string */ function get_author_email() { if( $this->get_author_User() ) { // Author is a user return $this->author_User->get('email'); } else { return $this->author_email; } } /** * Get the URL of the comment's author. * * @return string */ function get_author_url() { if( $this->get_author_User() ) { // Author is a user return $this->author_User->get('url'); } else { return $this->author_url; } } /** * Template function: display the avatar of the comment's author. * * @param string * @param string class for the img tag * @param array */ function avatar( $size = 'crop-top-64x64', $class = 'bCommentAvatar', $params = array() ) { if( $r = $this->get_avatar( $size, $class, $params ) ) { echo $r; } } /** * Get the avatar of the comment's author. * * @param string Avatar thumb size * @param string Class name of avatar img tag * @param array Params * @return string */ function get_avatar( $size = 'crop-top-64x64', $class = 'bCommentAvatar', $params = array() ) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'thumb_zoomable' => false, ), $params ); global $Settings, $Plugins; if( ! $Settings->get('allow_avatars') ) { // Avatars are not allowed generally, Exit here return; } $comment_Item = $this->get_Item(); $comment_Item->load_Blog(); if( !$this->Item->Blog->get_setting('comments_avatars') ) { // Avatars are not allowe for this Blog, Exit here return; } $author_link = get_user_identity_url( $this->author_user_ID ); if( $comment_author_User = & $this->get_author_User() ) { // Author is a user if( $comment_author_User->has_avatar() ) { // Get an image $r = $comment_author_User->get_avatar_imgtag( $size, $class, '', $params['thumb_zoomable'] ); if( $author_link != '' && !$params['thumb_zoomable'] ) { // Add author link $r = ''.$r.''; } return $r; } } // TODO> add new event // See if plugin supplies an image // $img_url = $Plugins->trigger_event( 'GetCommentAvatar', array( 'Comment' => & $this, 'size' => $size ) ); // Get gravatar for anonymous users and for users without uploaded avatar return get_avatar_imgtag_default( $size, $class, '', array( 'email' => $this->get_author_email(), 'username' => $this->get_author_name(), 'gender' => $this->get_author_gender(), ) ); } /** * Template function: display author of comment * * @deprecated use Comment::author2() instead * @param string String to display before author name if not a user * @param string String to display after author name if not a user * @param string String to display before author name if he's a user * @param string String to display after author name if he's a user * @param string Output format, see {@link format_to_output()} * @param boolean true for link, false if you want NO html link * @param string What show as user name: avatar_name | avatar_login | only_avatar | name | login | nickname | firstname | lastname | fullname | preferredname */ function author( $before = '', $after = '#', $before_user = '', $after_user = '#', $format = 'htmlbody', $makelink = false, $lint_text = 'name' ) { echo $this->get_author( array( 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'before_user' => $before_user, 'after_user' => $after_user, 'format' => $format, 'link_to' => ( $makelink ? 'userurl>userpage' : '' ), 'link_text' => $lint_text, ) ); } /** * Template function: display author of comment * * @param array */ function author2( $params = array() ) { echo $this->get_author( $params ); } /** * Get author of comment * * @param array * @return string */ function get_author( $params = array() ) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'profile_tab' => 'user', 'before' => ' ', 'after' => '#', // After anonymous user 'before_user' => '', 'after_user' => '#', // After Member user 'format' => 'htmlbody', 'link_to' => 'userurl>userpage', // 'userpage' or 'userurl' or 'userurl>userpage' 'userpage>userurl' 'link_text' => 'auto', // avatar_name | avatar_login | only_avatar | name | login | nickname | firstname | lastname | fullname | preferredname 'link_rel' => '', 'link_class' => '', 'thumb_size' => 'crop-top-32x32', 'thumb_class' => '', ), $params ); global $Plugins; global $Collection, $Blog; if( empty( $Blog ) ) { // Set Blog if it is still not defined $comment_Item = $this->get_Item(); $Collection = $Blog = $comment_Item->get_Blog(); } if( $Blog->get_setting( 'allow_comments' ) != 'any' && $params['after_user'] == '#' && $params['after'] == '#' ) { // The blog does not allow anonymous comments, Don't display a type of comment author $params['after_user'] = ''; $params['after'] = ''; } if( $params['after_user'] == '#' && $this->is_meta() ) { // Don't display a commenter type for meta comment, because only memebers can create them: $params['after_user'] = ''; } if( !$Blog->get_setting('comments_avatars') && $params['link_text'] == 'avatar' ) { // If avatars are not allowed for this Blog $params['link_text'] = 'name'; } if( $this->get_author_User() ) { // Author is a registered user: if( $params['after_user'] == '#' ) $params['after_user'] = ' ['.T_('Member').']'; $r = $this->author_User->get_identity_link( $params ); $r = $params['before_user'].$r.$params['after_user']; } else { // Not a registered user, display info recorded at edit time: if( $params['after'] == '#' ) $params['after'] = ' ['.T_('Visitor').']'; if( utf8_strlen( $this->author_url ) <= 10 ) { // URL is too short anyways... $params['link_to'] = ''; } $author_name_params = array(); if( strpos( $params['link_text'], 'avatar' ) !== false ) { // Get avatar for anonymous user $author_name_params['before'] = $this->get_avatar( $params['thumb_size'], $params['thumb_class'] ); } // Don't display avatar login name on mode 'only_avatar' $author_name = $params['link_text'] == 'only_avatar' ? $author_name_params['before'] : $this->get_author_name_anonymous( $params['format'], $author_name_params ); switch( $params['link_to'] ) { case 'userurl': case 'userurl>userpage': case 'userpage>userurl': // Make a link: $r = $this->get_author_url_link( $author_name, $params['before'], $params['after'], true, $params['link_class'] ); break; default: // Display the name: (NOTE: get_author_url_link( with nolink option ) would NOT handle this correctly when url is empty $r = $params['before'].$author_name.$params['after']; break; } } $hook_params = array( 'data' => & $r, 'Comment' => & $this, 'makelink' => ! empty($params['link_to']), ); $Plugins->trigger_event( 'FilterCommentAuthor', $hook_params ); return $r; } /** * Template function: display comment's author's IP * * @param string String to display before IP, if IP exists * @param string String to display after IP, if IP exists * @param boolean|string Type of url * TRUE|'filter' - create an url to filter by IP * 'antispam' - to antispam page with filtered by the IP * FALSE - display IP as plain text without link * @param boolean TRUE to display a link to antispam ip page */ function author_ip( $before = '', $after = '', $IP_link_to = false, $display_antispam_link = false ) { if( ! empty( $this->author_IP ) ) { global $Plugins, $CommentList; $author_IP = $this->author_IP; if( $IP_link_to === 'antispam' ) { // Add link to antispam page $author_IP = implode( ', ', get_linked_ip_list( array( $author_IP ) ) ); } elseif( $IP_link_to === 'filter' || $IP_link_to ) { // Add link to filter by IP $filter_IP_url = regenerate_url( 'filter,ctrl,comments,cmnt_fullview_comments', 'cmnt_fullview_author_IP='.$author_IP.'&ctrl=comments' ); $author_IP = ''.$author_IP.''; } echo $before; // Filter the IP by plugins for display, allowing e.g. the DNSBL plugin to add a link that displays info about the IP: echo $Plugins->get_trigger_event( 'FilterIpAddress', array( 'format'=>'htmlbody', 'data' => $author_IP ), 'data' ); if( $display_antispam_link ) { // Display a link to antispam ip page $antispam_icon = get_icon( 'lightning', 'imgtag', array( 'title' => T_( 'Go to edit this IP address in antispam control panel' ) ) ); echo ' '.implode( ', ', get_linked_ip_list( array( $this->author_IP ), NULL, $antispam_icon ) ); } echo $after; } } /** * Template function: display link to comment author's provided email * * @param string String to display for link: leave empty to display email * @param string String to display before email, if email exists * @param string String to display after email, if email exists * @param boolean false if you want NO html link */ function author_email( $linktext='', $before='', $after='', $makelink = true ) { $email = $this->get_author_email(); if( strlen( $email ) > 5 ) { // If email exists: echo $before; if( $makelink ) echo ''; echo ($linktext != '') ? $linktext : $email; if( $makelink ) echo ''; echo $after; } } /** * Template function: display comment's country that was detected by IP address * * @param string String to display before country, if country_ID is defined * @param string String to display after country, if country_ID is defined */ function ip_country( $before = '', $after = '' ) { echo $this->get_ip_country( $before, $after ); } /** * Get comment's country that was detected by IP address * * @param string String to display before country, if country_ID is defined * @param string String to display after country, if country_ID is defined * @return string Country with flag */ function get_ip_country( $before = '', $after = '' ) { $country = ''; if( !empty( $this->IP_ctry_ID ) ) { // Country ID is defined load_funcs( 'regional/model/_regional.funcs.php' ); load_class( 'regional/model/_country.class.php', 'Country' ); $CountryCache = & get_CountryCache(); if( $Country = $CountryCache->get_by_ID( $this->IP_ctry_ID, false ) ) { $country .= $before; $country .= country_flag( $Country->get( 'code' ), $Country->get_name(), 'w16px', 'flag', '', false ); $country .= ' '.$Country->get_name(); $country .= $after; } } return $country; } /** * Get link to comment author's provided URL * * @param string String to display for link: leave empty to display URL * @param string String to display before link, if link exists * @param string String to display after link, if link exists * @param boolean false if you want NO html link * @param string Link class * @return boolean true if URL has been displayed */ function get_author_url_link( $linktext = '', $before = '', $after = '', $makelink = true, $link_class = '' ) { global $Plugins; $url = $this->get_author_url(); if( utf8_strlen( $url ) < 10 ) { return false; } // If URL exists: $r = $before; if( $makelink ) { $r .= 'nofollow ) { $r .= 'rel="nofollow" '; } if( ! empty( $link_class ) ) { $r .= 'class="'.$link_class.'" '; } $r .= 'href="'.$url.'">'; } $r .= ( empty($linktext) ? $url : $linktext ); if( $makelink ) $r .= ''; $r .= $after; $Plugins->trigger_event( 'FilterCommentAuthorUrl', array( 'data' => & $r, 'makelink' => $makelink, 'Comment' => $this ) ); return $r; } /** * Template function: display link to comment author's provided URL * * @param string String to display for link: leave empty to display URL * @param string String to display before link, if link exists * @param string String to display after link, if link exists * @param boolean false if you want NO html link * @return boolean true if URL has been displayed */ function author_url( $linktext='', $before='', $after='', $makelink = true ) { $r = $this->get_author_url_link( $linktext, $before, $after, $makelink ); if( !empty( $r ) ) { echo $r; return true; } return false; } /** * Display author url, delete icon and ban icon if user has proper rights * * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. * @param boolean true to use ajax button * @param boolean true to check user permission to edit this comment and antispam screen * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url */ function author_url_with_actions( $redirect_to = NULL, $ajax_button = false, $check_perms = true, $save_context = true ) { global $current_User; if( $this->author_url( '', ' ', '' ) ) { // There is an URL if( ! $this->get_author_User() && $current_User->check_perm( 'comment!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $this ) ) { // Author is anonymous user and we have permission to edit this comment... if( $redirect_to == NULL ) { $redirect_to = regenerate_url( '', 'filter=restore', '', '&' ); } $this->deleteurl_link( $redirect_to, $ajax_button, false, '&', $save_context ); $this->banurl_link( $redirect_to, $ajax_button, true, '&', $save_context ); } echo ''; } } /** * Template function: display spam karma of the comment (in percent) * * "%s" gets replaced by the karma value * * @param string Template string to display, if we have a karma value * @param string Template string to display, if we have no karma value (pre-Phoenix) */ function spam_karma( $template = '%s%', $template_unknown = NULL ) { if( isset($this->spam_karma) ) { echo str_replace( '%s', $this->spam_karma, $template ); } else { if( ! isset($template_unknown) ) { echo /* TRANS: "not available" */ T_('N/A'); } else { echo $template_unknown; } } } /** * Provide link to edit a comment if user has edit rights * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string link text * @param string link title * @param string class name * @param string Glue string for url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. * @return boolean */ function edit_link( $before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '', $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $redirect_to = NULL ) { global $current_User, $admin_url; if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) return false; if( empty($this->ID) ) { // Happens in Preview return false; } if( ! $current_User->check_perm( 'comment!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $this ) ) { // If User has no permission to edit this comment: return false; } if( $text == '#' ) $text = get_icon( 'edit' ).' '.T_('Edit...'); if( $title == '#' ) $title = T_('Edit this comment'); $this->get_Item(); $item_Blog = & $this->Item->get_Blog(); echo $before; if( $item_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing' ) && !is_admin_page() ) { echo 'ID.$glue.'action=edit'.$glue.'comment_ID='.$this->ID; } if( $save_context ) { // Use a param to redirect after action: if( $redirect_to === NULL ) { // Get current url for redirect: $redirect_to = regenerate_url( '', 'filter=restore', '', '&' ); } echo $glue.'redirect_to='.rawurlencode( $redirect_to ); } echo '" title="'.$title.'"'; echo empty( $class ) ? '' : ' class="'.$class.'"'; if( $this->is_meta() ) { // Edit meta comment by ajax echo ' onclick="return edit_comment( \'form\', '.$this->ID.' )"'; } echo '>'.$text.''; echo $after; return true; } /** * Display delete icon for deleting author_url if user has proper rights * * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. * @param boolean true if create ajax button * @param boolean true if need permission check, because it wasn't checked before * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @return link on success, false otherwise */ function deleteurl_link( $redirect_to, $ajax_button = false, $check_perm = true, $glue = '&', $save_context = true ) { global $current_User, $admin_url; if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) return false; if( $check_perm && ! $current_User->check_perm( 'comment!CURSTATUS', 'delete', false, $this ) ) { // If current user has no permission to edit this comment return false; } if( $save_context ) { // Use a param to redirect after action: if( $redirect_to === NULL ) { // Get current url for redirect: $redirect_to = regenerate_url( '', 'filter=restore', '', '&' ); } $redirect_to = $glue.'redirect_to='.rawurlencode( $redirect_to ); } else { // Don't allow a redirect after action: $redirect_to = ''; } $delete_url = $admin_url.'?ctrl=comments'.$glue.'action=delete_url'.$glue.'comment_ID='.$this->ID.$glue.url_crumb( 'comment' ).$redirect_to; if( $ajax_button ) { echo ' '.get_icon( 'remove' ).''; } else { echo ' '.get_icon( 'remove' ).''; } } /** * Display ban icon, which goes to the antispam screen with keyword=author_url * * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. * @param boolean true if create ajax button * @param boolean true if need permission check, because it wasn't check before * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @return link on success, false otherwise */ function banurl_link( $redirect_to, $ajax_button = false, $check_perm = true, $glue = '&', $save_context = true ) { global $current_User, $admin_url; if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) return false; //$Item = & $this->get_Item(); if( $check_perm && ! $current_User->check_perm( 'spamblacklist', 'edit' ) ) { // if current user has no permission to edit spams return false; } if( $save_context ) { // Use a param to redirect after action: if( $redirect_to === NULL ) { // Get current url for redirect: $redirect_to = regenerate_url( '', 'filter=restore', '', '&' ); } $redirect_to = $glue.'redirect_to='.rawurlencode( $redirect_to ); } else { // Don't allow a redirect after action: $redirect_to = ''; } // TODO: really ban the base domain! - not by keyword $ban_domain = get_ban_domain( $this->get_author_url() ); $ban_url = $admin_url.'?ctrl=antispam'.$glue.'action=ban'.$glue.'keyword='.rawurlencode( $ban_domain ).$redirect_to.$glue.url_crumb( 'antispam' ); if( $ajax_button ) { echo ' '.get_icon( 'lightning' ).''; } else { echo ' '.get_icon( 'lightning' ).' '; } } /** * Displays button for deleting the Comment if user has proper rights * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string link text * @param string link title * @param string class name * @param boolean true to make this a button instead of a link * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param boolean true if create AJAX button * @param string confirmation text * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. */ function delete_link( $before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '', $button = false, $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $confirm_text = '#', $redirect_to = NULL ) { global $current_User, $admin_url; if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) return false; if( empty($this->ID) ) { // Happens in Preview return false; } $this->get_Item(); if( ! $current_User->check_perm( 'comment!CURSTATUS', 'delete', false, $this ) ) { // If User has no permission to delete a comments: return false; } if( $text == '#' ) { // Use icon+text as default, if not displayed as button (otherwise just the text) $text = ( $this->status == 'trash' || $this->is_meta() ) ? T_('Delete').'!' : T_('Recycle').'!'; if( ! $button ) { // Append icon before text $text = ( $this->status == 'trash' || $this->is_meta() ? get_icon( 'delete' ) : get_icon( 'recycle' ) ).' '.$text; } } if( $title == '#' ) { // Set default title $title = ( $this->status == 'trash' || $this->is_meta() ) ? T_('Delete this comment') : T_('Recycle this comment'); } $url = $admin_url.'?ctrl=comments'.$glue.'action=delete'.$glue.'comment_ID='.$this->ID.$glue.url_crumb('comment'); if( $save_context ) { // Use a param to redirect after action: if( $redirect_to === NULL ) { // Get current url for redirect: $redirect_to = regenerate_url( '', 'filter=restore', '', '&' ); } $url .= $glue.'redirect_to='.rawurlencode( $redirect_to ); } echo $before; if( $ajax_button && ( $this->status != 'trash' ) ) { $comment_type = $this->is_meta() ? 'meta' : 'feedback'; echo ''.$text.''; } else { // JS confirm is required only when the comment is not in the recycle bin yet $display_js_confirm = ( $this->status == 'trash' ); if( $display_js_confirm && ( $confirm_text == '#' ) ) { // Set js confirm text on comment delete action $confirm_text = TS_('You are about to delete this comment!\\nThis cannot be undone!'); } if( $button ) { // Display as button echo ''; } else { // Display as link echo ''.$text.''; } } echo $after; return true; } /** * Provide link to deprecate a comment if user has edit rights * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string link text * @param string link title * @param string class name * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param boolean true if create AJAX button * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. * @return string A link to deprecate this comment */ function get_deprecate_link( $before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '', $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $redirect_to = NULL ) { global $current_User, $admin_url; if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) { return false; } if( ( $this->status == 'deprecated' ) // Already deprecated! || !$current_User->check_perm( 'comment!deprecated', 'moderate', false, $this ) ) { // User has no right to deprecated this comment: return false; } $status = 'deprecated'; $status_order = get_visibility_statuses( 'ordered-array' ); $status_index = get_visibility_statuses( 'ordered-index', array( 'redirected' ) ); if( isset( $status_index[ $status ] ) && isset( $status_order[ $status_index[ $status ] ] ) && ! empty( $status_order[ $status_index[ $status ] ][3] ) ) { // Get color of button icon $status_icon_color = $status_order[ $status_index[ $status ] ][3]; } else { // Use grey arrow as default $status_icon_color = 'grey'; } $params = array( 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'text' => ( ( $text == '#' ) ? get_icon( 'move_down_'.$status_icon_color ).' '.T_('Deprecate').'!' : $text ), 'title' => $title, 'class' => $class, 'glue' => $glue, 'save_context' => $save_context, 'ajax_button' => $ajax_button, 'redirect_to' => $redirect_to, 'status' => 'deprecated', 'action' => 'restrict' ); return $this->get_moderation_link( $params ); } /** * Provide link to vote a comment if user has edit rights * * @param string a vote type * @param string a vote value * @param string class name * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param boolean true if create AJAX button * @param array Params */ function get_vote_link( $vote_type, $vote_value, $class = '', $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $params = array() ) { $params = array_merge( array( 'title_spam' => T_('Cast a spam vote!'), 'title_spam_voted' => T_('You sent a spam vote.'), 'title_notsure' => T_('Cast a "not sure" vote!'), 'title_notsure_voted' => T_('You sent a "not sure" vote.'), 'title_ok' => T_('Cast an OK vote!'), 'title_ok_voted' => T_('You sent an OK vote.'), 'title_yes' => T_('Cast a helpful vote!'), 'title_yes_voted' => T_('You sent a "helpful" vote.'), 'title_no' => T_('Cast a "not helpful" vote!'), 'title_no_voted' => T_('You sent a "not helpful" vote.'), ), $params ); global $current_User, $admin_url; $this->get_Item(); $is_voted = false; $icon_params = array(); if( $class == 'voted' ) { // Current user already voted for this $class = ''; $is_voted = true; $icon_params = array( 'class' => 'voted' ); } switch( $vote_value ) { case "spam": $title = $is_voted ? $params['title_spam_voted'] : $params['title_spam']; $icon_params['title'] = $title; $text = get_icon( 'vote_spam'.( $class != '' ? '_'.$class : '' ), 'imgtag', $icon_params ); $class .= ' '.button_class(); break; case "notsure": $title = $is_voted ? $params['title_notsure_voted'] : $params['title_notsure']; $icon_params['title'] = $title; $text = get_icon( 'vote_notsure'.( $class != '' ? '_'.$class : '' ), 'imgtag', $icon_params ); $class .= ' '.button_class(); break; case "ok": $title = $is_voted ? $params['title_ok_voted'] : $params['title_ok']; $icon_params['title'] = $title; $text = get_icon( 'vote_ok'.( $class != '' ? '_'.$class : '' ), 'imgtag', $icon_params ); $class .= ' '.button_class(); break; case "yes": $title = $is_voted ? $params['title_yes_voted'] : $params['title_yes']; $icon_params['title'] = $title; $text = get_icon( 'thumb_up'.( $class != '' ? '_'.$class : '' ), 'imgtag', $icon_params ); break; case "no": $title = $is_voted ? $params['title_no_voted'] : $params['title_no']; $icon_params['title'] = $title; $text = get_icon( 'thumb_down'.( $class != '' ? '_'.$class : '' ), 'imgtag', $icon_params ); break; } if( strpos( $class, 'disabled' ) !== false ) { // add rollover action for disabled buttons $class .= ' rollover_sprite'; } $class .= ' action_icon'; // change classes for bootstrap styles if( $is_voted ) { $class .= ' active'; } $class = str_replace( 'disabled', '', $class ); $r = 'ID.', \''.$vote_type.'\' , \''.$vote_value.'\' ); return false;"'; } $r .= ' title="'.$title.'" class="'.$class.'">'.$text.''; return $r; } /** * Display link to deprecate a comment if user has edit rights * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string link text * @param string link title * @param string class name * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param boolean true if create AJAX button * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. */ function deprecate_link( $before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '', $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $redirect_to = NULL ) { $deprecate_link = $this->get_deprecate_link( $before, $after, $text, $title, $class, $glue, $save_context, $ajax_button, $redirect_to ); if( $deprecate_link === false ) { // The deprecate link is unavailable for current user and for this comment return false; } // Display the deprecate link echo $deprecate_link; return true; } /** * Display link to vote a comment as SPAM if user has edit rights * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param boolean true if create AJAX button * @param array Params */ function vote_spam( $before = '', $after = '', $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $params = array()) { $params = array_merge( array( 'display' => false, // TRUE - to show this tool on loading(Used to make it visible only when JS is enalbed) 'title_spam' => T_('Cast a spam vote!'), 'title_spam_voted' => T_('You sent a spam vote.'), 'title_notsure' => T_('Cast a "not sure" vote!'), 'title_notsure_voted' => T_('You sent a "not sure" vote.'), 'title_ok' => T_('Cast an OK vote!'), 'title_ok_voted' => T_('You sent an OK vote.'), 'title_empty' => T_('No votes on spaminess yet.'), 'button_group_class' => button_class( 'group' ), ), $params ); if( $this->is_meta() ) { // Don't allow voting on meta comments: return; } global $current_User; $this->get_Item(); if( !is_logged_in( false ) || !$current_User->check_perm( 'blog_vote_spam_comments', 'edit', false, $this->Item->get_blog_ID() ) ) { // If User has no permission to vote spam return false; } echo $before; $style = $params['display'] ? '' : ' style="display:none"'; echo '
'; $vote_result = $this->get_vote_spam_disabled(); if( $current_User->ID == $this->author_user_ID ) { // Display only vote summary for users on their own comments $result_summary = $this->get_vote_summary( 'spam', array( 'result_title' => T_('Spam consensus:'), 'after_result' => '.', ) ); echo ( !empty( $result_summary ) ? $result_summary : $params['title_empty'] ); } else { // Display form to vote echo T_('Spam Vote:').' '; echo ''; foreach( $vote_result['icons_statuses'] as $vote_type => $vote_class ) { // Print out 3 buttons for spam voting echo $this->get_vote_link( 'spam', $vote_type, $vote_class, $glue, $save_context, $ajax_button, $params ); } echo ''; if( $vote_result['is_voted'] ) { // Display vote summary if user already voted on this comment echo ' '.$this->get_vote_summary( 'spam', array( 'result_title' => T_('Consensus:'), 'after_result' => '.', ) ); } } echo '
'; echo $after; } /** * Display links to vote a comment as HELPFUL if user is logged * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param boolean true if create AJAX button * @param array Params */ function vote_helpful( $before = '', $after = '', $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $params = array() ) { $params = array_merge( array( 'before_title' => '   ', 'skin_ID' => 0, 'helpful_text' => T_('Is this comment helpful?'), 'title_yes' => T_('Cast a helpful vote!'), 'title_yes_voted' => T_('You sent a "helpful" vote.'), 'title_noopinion' => T_('Cast a "no opinion" vote!'), 'title_noopinion_voted' => T_('You sent a "no opinion" vote.'), 'title_no' => T_('Cast a "not helpful" vote!'), 'title_no_voted' => T_('You sent a "not helpful" vote.'), 'title_empty' => T_('No user votes yet.'), 'class' => '', 'display_wrapper' => true, // Use FALSE when you update this from AJAX request ), $params ); if( $this->is_meta() ) { // Don't allow voting on meta comments: return; } global $current_User; $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $comment_Item->load_Blog(); if( ! is_logged_in( false ) || ! $comment_Item->Blog->get_setting('allow_rating_comment_helpfulness') ) { // If User is not logged OR Users cannot vote return false; } echo $before; if( $params['display_wrapper'] ) { // Display wrapper: echo ''; } echo $params['before_title']; if( $current_User->ID == $this->author_user_ID ) { // Display only vote summary for users on their own comments $params['result_title_undecided'] = T_('Helpfulness:'); $params['after_result'] = '.'; $result_summary = $this->get_vote_summary( 'helpful', $params ); echo ( !empty( $result_summary ) ? $result_summary : $params['title_empty'] ); } else { // Display form to vote $vote_result = $this->get_vote_helpful_disabled(); if( !$vote_result['is_voted'] ) { // Current user didn't vote on this comment $title_text = $params['helpful_text']; } else { // Display vote summary if user already voted on this comment $title_text = $this->get_vote_summary( 'helpful', $params ); } display_voting_form( array( 'vote_type' => 'comment', 'vote_ID' => $this->ID, 'skin_ID' => $params['skin_ID'], 'display_inappropriate' => false, 'display_spam' => false, 'title_text' => $title_text.' ', 'title_like' => $params['title_yes'], 'title_like_voted' => $params['title_yes_voted'], 'title_noopinion' => $params['title_noopinion'], 'title_noopinion_voted' => $params['title_noopinion_voted'], 'title_dontlike' => $params['title_no'], 'title_dontlike_voted' => $params['title_no_voted'], ) ); } if( $params['display_wrapper'] ) { // Display end of wrapper: echo ''; } echo $after; } /** * Get next status to publish/restrict to this comment * * @param boolean true to get next publish status, and false to get next restrict status * @param string Status that can be used instead of $this->status * @return mixed false if user has no permission | array( status, status_text, icon_color ) otherwise */ function get_next_status( $publish, $current_status = NULL ) { if( !is_logged_in() ) { return false; } global $current_User, $blog; if( is_null( $current_status ) ) { // Use status of comment if param is NULL $current_status = $this->status; } $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); // Comment status cannot be more than post status, restrict it: $restrict_max_allowed_status = ( $comment_Item ? $comment_Item->status : '' ); // Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to edit comment in this blog: $restricted_statuses = get_restricted_statuses( $blog, 'blog_comment!', 'edit', $current_status, $restrict_max_allowed_status ); $status_order = get_visibility_statuses( 'ordered-array' ); $status_index = get_visibility_statuses( 'ordered-index', array( 'redirected' ) ); $curr_index = $status_index[$current_status]; if( ( !$publish ) && ( $curr_index == 0 ) && ( $current_status != 'trash' ) && ( $current_status != 'deprecated' ) ) { // Increase curr_index value to allow deprecated status for the other statuses from the same public level $curr_index = $curr_index + 1; } $has_perm = false; while( !$has_perm && ( $publish ? ( $curr_index < 4 ) : ( $curr_index > 0 ) ) ) { // Check until the user has permission or there is no more status to check $curr_index = $publish ? ( $curr_index + 1 ) : ( $curr_index - 1 ); if( in_array( $status_order[$curr_index][0], $restricted_statuses ) ) { // The status is restricted for this comment by its item or collection settings: $has_perm = false; } else { // Check if current user can moderate this comment to the next/prev status: $has_perm = $current_User->check_perm( 'comment!'.$status_order[$curr_index][0], 'moderate', false, $this ); } } if( $has_perm ) { // An available status has been found $label_index = $publish ? 1 : 2; return array( $status_order[$curr_index][0], $status_order[$curr_index][$label_index], $status_order[$curr_index][3] ); } return false; } /** * Provide link to publish a comment if user has edit rights * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string link text * @param string link title * @param string class name * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param boolean true if create AJAX button * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. */ function get_publish_link( $before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '', $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $redirect_to = NULL ) { global $current_User, $admin_url; if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) return false; $next_status_in_row = $this->get_next_status( true ); if( !$next_status_in_row ) { return false; } $publish_status = $next_status_in_row[0]; $publish_text = $next_status_in_row[1]; if( $text == '#' ) $text = get_icon( 'publish', 'imgtag' ).' '.$publish_text; if( $title == '#' ) $title = T_('Publish this comment!'); $r = $before; $r .= 'ID.', \''.$publish_status.'\', \''.request_from().'\', \''.$redirect_to.'\'); return false;"'; } $r .= ' title="'.$title.'"'; if( !empty( $class ) ) $r .= ' class="'.$class.'"'; $r .= '>'.$text.''; $r .= $after; return $r; } /** * Get any kind of moderation link where the user status will be changed. * This function should be private! * TODO: asimo>This function should be used instead the old get_publish_link and get_deprecate_link * * @param array params * @return string the moderate link */ function get_moderation_link( $params ) { global $admin_url; // Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside: $redirect_to = $params['redirect_to']; $new_status = $params['status']; $action = $params['action']; $glue = $params['glue']; $status_param = ( $action == 'publish' ) ? 'publish_status' : 'comment_status'; $r = $params['before']; $r .= 'is_meta() ? 'meta' : 'feedback'; $r .= ' onclick="setCommentStatus('.$this->ID.', \''.$new_status.'\', \''.request_from().'\', \''.$redirect_to.'\' ); return false;"'; } $status_title = get_visibility_statuses( 'moderation-titles' ); $r .= ' title="'.$status_title[$new_status].'"'; if( !empty( $params['class'] ) ) $r .= ' class="'.$params['class'].'"'; $r .= '>'.$params['text'].''; $r .= $params['after']; return $r; } /** * Display link to publish a comment if user has edit rights * TODO: asimo> Use params array instead of so many param * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string link text * @param string link title * @param string class name * @param string glue between url params * @param boolean TRUE - to save context(memorized params), to allow append redirect_to param to url * @param boolean true if create AJAX button * @param string Redirect url. NOTE: This param MUST NOT be encoded before sending to this func, because it is executed by this func inside. * @return boolean TRUE - if the publish link is available */ function publish_link( $before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '', $glue = '&', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $redirect_to = NULL ) { global $current_User; if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) return false; if( !$current_User->check_perm( 'comment!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $this ) ) { // User has no permission to edit this comment return false; } $this->get_Item(); $target_blog_ID = $this->Item->get_blog_ID(); // get the current User highest publish status in this comment item blog list( $highest_status, $publish_text ) = get_highest_publish_status( 'comment', $target_blog_ID ); if( compare_visibility_status( $highest_status, $this->status ) <= 0 ) { // Current User has no permission to change this comment status to a more public status return false; } $status_order = get_visibility_statuses( 'ordered-array' ); $status_index = get_visibility_statuses( 'ordered-index', array( 'redirected' ) ); if( isset( $status_index[ $highest_status ] ) && isset( $status_order[ $status_index[ $highest_status ] ] ) && ! empty( $status_order[ $status_index[ $highest_status ] ][3] ) ) { // Get color of button icon $status_icon_color = $status_order[ $status_index[ $highest_status ] ][3]; } else { // Use green arrow as default $status_icon_color = 'green'; } $params = array( 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'text' => ( ( $text == '#' ) ? get_icon( 'move_up_'.$status_icon_color, 'imgtag' ).' '.$publish_text : $text ), 'title' => ( ( $title == '#' ) ? $publish_text : $title ), 'class' => $class, 'glue' => $glue, 'save_context' => $save_context, 'ajax_button' => $ajax_button, 'redirect_to' => $redirect_to, 'status' => $highest_status, 'action' => 'publish' ); // Display the publish link echo $this->get_moderation_link( $params ); return true; } /** * Display next available level raise/lower status link * * @param array params * @param boolean set true to get raise link and false to get lower link * @param string set any status what is required instead of $this->status * @return boolean true if link is available, false otherwise */ function next_status_link( $params, $raise, $current_status = NULL ) { global $current_User; if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) return false; $next_status_in_row = $this->get_next_status( $raise, $current_status ); if( !$next_status_in_row ) { // Next status is not allowed for current user return false; } $class = empty( $params['class'] ) ? '' : $params['class'].' '; unset( $params['class'] ); $next_status = $next_status_in_row[0]; $status_text = $next_status_in_row[1]; if( $raise ) { $action = 'publish'; $action_icon = get_icon( 'move_up_'.$next_status_in_row[2], 'imgtag', array( 'title' => '' ) ); $class .= 'btn_raise_status_'.$next_status; } else { $action = 'restrict'; $action_icon = get_icon( 'move_down_'.$next_status_in_row[2], 'imgtag', array( 'title' => '' ) ); $class .= 'btn_lower_status_'.$next_status; } $params = array_merge( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'text' => $action_icon.' '.$status_text, 'title' => $status_text, 'action' => $action, 'status' => $next_status, 'class' => $class, 'glue' => '&', 'save_context' => true, 'ajax_button' => false, 'redirect_to' => NULL, ), $params ); echo $this->get_moderation_link( $params ); return true; } /** * Display raise status link if it is available * * @param array params * @return boolean true if link was displayed, false otherwise */ function raise_link( $params ) { return $this->next_status_link( $params, true ); } /** * Display lower status link if it is available * * @param array params * @return boolean true if link was displayed, false otherwise */ function lower_link( $params ) { return $this->next_status_link( $params, false ); } /** * Display moderation status links if it is available * * @param array params * @return boolean true if link was displayed, false otherwise */ function moderation_links( $params ) { if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) { return false; } if( empty( $this->ID ) ) { // Happens in Preview return false; } $params = array_merge( array( 'detect_last' => true, // TRUE if we should find what button is last and visible, FALSE if we have some other buttons after moderation buttons (e.g. button to delete a comment) ), $params ); $statuses = get_visibility_statuses( 'ordered-array' ); $statuses = array_reverse( $statuses ); $frontoffice_statuses = $this->get_frontoffice_statuses(); // Get first and last statuses that will be visible buttons $first_status_in_row = $this->get_next_status( true, $this->status ); $last_status_in_row = $this->get_next_status( false, $this->status ); $first_status = $first_status_in_row ? $first_status_in_row[0] : ''; $last_status = ''; if( $params['detect_last'] ) { // We should detect what button is last $last_status = $last_status_in_row ? $last_status_in_row[0] : ''; } $r = ''; $prev_status = ''; foreach( $statuses as $status ) { // Print the buttons to increase status $next_status_in_row = $this->get_next_status( true, $status[0] ); if( $next_status_in_row && $prev_status != $next_status_in_row[0] ) { $tmp_params = $params; if( $first_status == $next_status_in_row[0] ) { // Mark this button as first visible $tmp_params['class'] = ( isset( $tmp_params['class'] ) ? $tmp_params['class'] : '' ).' first-child'; if( $params['detect_last'] && empty( $last_status ) ) { // This first button is also last button $tmp_params['class'] .= ' last-child'; } } if( $next_status_in_row[0] == $first_status_in_row[0] ) { $tmp_params['class'] .= ' btn_next_status'; } if( ! in_array( $next_status_in_row[0], $frontoffice_statuses ) ) { // Don't make ajax button for those statuses which are not allowed in the front office $tmp_params = array_merge( $tmp_params, array( 'ajax_button' => false ) ); } $r .= $this->next_status_link( $tmp_params, true, $status[0] ); } $prev_status = $next_status_in_row[0]; } $prev_status = ''; foreach( $statuses as $status ) { // Print the buttons to decrease status $next_status_in_row = $this->get_next_status( false, $status[0] ); if( $next_status_in_row && $prev_status != $next_status_in_row[0] ) { $tmp_params = $params; $tmp_params['class'] = (isset( $tmp_params['class'] ) ? $tmp_params['class'] : '' ); if( $params['detect_last'] && $last_status == $next_status_in_row[0] ) { // Mark this button as last visible $tmp_params['class'] .= ' last-child'; } if( empty( $first_status ) ) { // This last button also is first button $tmp_params['class'] .= ' first-child'; } if( $next_status_in_row[0] == $last_status_in_row[0] ) { $tmp_params['class'] .= ' btn_next_status'; } if( ! in_array( $next_status_in_row[0], $frontoffice_statuses ) ) { // Don't make ajax button for those statuses which are not allowed in the front office $tmp_params = array_merge( $tmp_params, array( 'ajax_button' => false ) ); } $r .= $this->next_status_link( $tmp_params, false, $status[0] ); } $prev_status = $next_status_in_row[0]; } return $r; } /** * Provide link to message form for this comment's author * * @param string url of the message form * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string link text * @param string link title * @param string class name */ function msgform_link( $form_url, $before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '' ) { if( $this->get_author_User() ) { // This comment is from a registered user: $msg_type = $this->author_User->get_msgform_possibility(); if( empty( $msg_type ) ) { // message form is not allowed return false; } $form_url = url_add_param( $form_url, 'recipient_id='.$this->author_User->ID ); } else { // This comment is from a visitor: if( empty($this->author_email) ) { // We have no email for this comment :( return false; } elseif( empty($this->allow_msgform) ) { // Anonymous commentator does not allow message form (for this comment) return false; } $msg_type = 'email'; } $form_url = url_add_param( $form_url, 'recipient_id=0&comment_id='.$this->ID.'&post_id='.$this->item_ID .'&redirect_to='.rawurlencode(url_rel_to_same_host(regenerate_url('','','','&'), $form_url)) ); if( $title == '#' ) { if( $msg_type == 'email' ) { $title = T_('Send email to comment author'); } else { $title = T_('Send message to comment author'); } } if( $text == '#' ) $text = get_icon( 'email', 'imgtag', array( 'class' => 'middle', 'title' => $title ) ); echo $before; echo ''.$text.''; echo $after; return true; } /** * Generate permalink to this comment. * * Note: This actually only returns the URL, to get a real link, use Comment::get_permanent_link() * * @param string glue between url params * @param string Anchor for meta comment */ function get_permanent_url( $glue = '&', $meta_anchor = '#' ) { $this->get_Item(); return $this->Item->get_single_url( 'auto', '', $glue ).'#'.$this->get_anchor(); } /** * Template function: display permalink to this comment * * Note: This actually only returns the URL, to get a real link, use Comment::permanent_link() * * @param string 'urltitle', 'pid', 'archive#id' or 'archive#title' * @param string url to use */ function permanent_url( $mode = '', $blogurl='' ) { echo $this->get_permanent_url( $mode, $blogurl ); } /** * Returns a permalink link to the Comment * * Note: If you only want the permalink URL, use Comment::get_permanent_url() * * @param string link text or special value: '#', '#icon#', '#text#', '#item#' * @param string link title * @param string class name * @param boolean TRUE - to use attr rel="nofollow" * @param boolean Restrict by inskin statuses * @return string Link */ function get_permanent_link( $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '', $nofollow = false, $restrict_status = true ) { if( $restrict_status && ! $this->may_be_seen_in_frontoffice() ) { return ''; } switch( $text ) { case '#': $text = get_icon( 'permalink' ).T_('Permalink'); break; case '#icon#': $text = get_icon( 'permalink' ); break; case '#text#': $text = T_('Permalink'); break; case '#item#': $text = $comment_Item->get_title( array( 'link_type' => 'none' ) ); break; } if( $title == '#' ) $title = T_('Permanent link to this comment'); $url = $this->get_permanent_url(); // Display as link $r = ''; return $r; } /** * Displays a permalink link to the Comment * * Note: If you only want the permalink URL, use Comment::permanent_url() */ function permanent_link( $params = array() ) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'before' => ' ', 'after' => ' ', 'text' => '#', 'title' => '#', 'class' => '', 'nofollow' => false, ), $params ); echo $params['before']; echo $this->get_permanent_link( $params['text'], $params['title'], $params['class'], $params['nofollow'] ); echo $params['after']; } function get_prerendered_content( $format = 'htmlbody' ) { global $CommentList, $Plugins, $DB; $use_cache = $this->ID && in_array( $format, array('htmlbody', 'entityencoded', 'xml', 'text') ); if( $use_cache ) { // the format/comment can be cached: if( empty( $CommentList ) ) { // set comments Blog from comment Item $this->get_Item(); $comments_Blog = & $this->Item->get_Blog(); } else { // set comments Blog from CommentList $comments_Blog = & $CommentList->Blog; } $comment_renderers = $this->get_renderers_validated(); if( empty( $comment_renderers ) ) { return format_to_output( $this->content, $format ); } $comment_renderers = implode( '.', $comment_renderers ); $cache_key = $format.'/'.$comment_renderers; $CommentPrerenderingCache = & get_CommentPrerenderingCache(); if( isset($CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$this->ID][$cache_key]) ) { // already in PHP cache. $r = $CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$this->ID][$cache_key]; // Save memory, typically only accessed once. unset($CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$this->ID][$cache_key]); } else { // try loading into Cache if( ! isset($CommentPrerenderingCache[$format]) ) { // only do the prefetch loading once. $CommentPrerenderingCache[$format] = array(); $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT( 'cmpr_cmt_ID, cmpr_format, cmpr_renderers, cmpr_content_prerendered' ); $SQL->FROM( 'T_comments__prerendering' ); if( empty( $CommentList ) ) { // Load prerendered cache for each comment which belongs to this comments Item: $SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_comments ON cmpr_cmt_ID = comment_ID' ); $SQL->WHERE( 'comment_item_ID = '.$this->Item->ID ); } else { // Load prerendered cache for each comment from the CommentList: $comments_page_ID_array = $CommentList->get_page_ID_array(); if( ! empty( $comments_page_ID_array ) ) { // If at least one comment is loaded in current comments list: $SQL->WHERE( 'cmpr_cmt_ID IN ( '.implode( ',', $comments_page_ID_array ).' )' ); } } $SQL->WHERE_and( 'cmpr_format = '.$DB->quote( $format ) ); $rows = $DB->get_results( $SQL->get(), OBJECT, 'Preload prerendered comments content ('.$format.')' ); foreach($rows as $row) { $row_cache_key = $row->cmpr_format.'/'.$row->cmpr_renderers; if( ! isset($CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$row->cmpr_cmt_ID]) ) { // init list $CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$row->cmpr_cmt_ID] = array(); } $CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$row->cmpr_cmt_ID][$row_cache_key] = $row->cmpr_content_prerendered; } // Get the value for current Comment. if( isset($CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$this->ID][$cache_key]) ) { $r = $CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$this->ID][$cache_key]; // Save memory, typically only accessed once. unset($CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$this->ID][$cache_key]); } } } } if( !isset( $r ) ) { $data = $this->content; $Plugins->trigger_event( 'FilterCommentContent', array( 'data' => & $data, 'Comment' => $this ) ); $r = format_to_output( $data, $format ); if( $use_cache ) { // save into DB (using REPLACE INTO because it may have been pre-rendered by another thread since the SELECT above) global $servertimenow; $DB->query( 'REPLACE INTO T_comments__prerendering ( cmpr_cmt_ID, cmpr_format, cmpr_renderers, cmpr_content_prerendered, cmpr_datemodified ) VALUES ( '.$this->ID.', '.$DB->quote( $format ).', '.$DB->quote( $comment_renderers ).', '.$DB->quote( $r ).', '.$DB->quote( date2mysql( $servertimenow ) ).' )', 'Cache prerendered comment content' ); } } // Trigger Display plugins FOR THE STUFF THAT WOULD NOT BE PRERENDERED: $r = $Plugins->render( $r, $this->get_renderers_validated(), $format, array( 'Item' => $this->get_Item() ), 'Display' ); return $r; } /** * Unset any prerendered content for this item (in PHP cache). */ function delete_prerendered_content() { global $DB; // Delete DB rows. $DB->query( 'DELETE FROM T_comments__prerendering WHERE cmpr_cmt_ID = '.$this->ID ); // Delete cache. $CommentPrerenderingCache = & get_CommentPrerenderingCache(); foreach( array_keys($CommentPrerenderingCache) as $format ) { unset($CommentPrerenderingCache[$format][$this->ID]); } } /** * Template function: get content of comment * * @param string Output format, see {@link format_to_output()} * @return string */ function get_content( $format = 'htmlbody' ) { if( $format == 'raw_text' ) { return format_to_output( $this->content, 'text' ); } return $this->get_prerendered_content( $format ); } /** * Template function: display content of comment * * @param string Output format, see {@link format_to_output()} * @param boolean Add ban url action icon after each url or not * @param boolean show comment attachments * @param array attachment display params */ function content( $format = 'htmlbody', $ban_urls = false, $show_attachments = true, $params = array() ) { global $current_User; global $Plugins; // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'before_image' => '
', 'before_image_legend' => '
', 'after_image_legend' => '
', 'after_image' => '
', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320', 'image_class' => '', 'image_text' => '', // Text below attached pictures 'attachments_mode' => 'read', // read | view 'attachments_view_text' => '', ), $params ); $attachments = array(); if( $show_attachments ) { if( empty( $this->ID ) && isset( $this->checked_attachments ) ) { // PREVIEW $attachment_ids = explode( ',', $this->checked_attachments ); $FileCache = & get_FileCache(); foreach( $attachment_ids as $ID ) { $File = $FileCache->get_by_ID( $ID, false, false ); if( $File != NULL ) { $attachments[] = $File; } } } else { // Get all Links $LinkOwner = new LinkComment( $this ); $attachments = & $LinkOwner->get_Links(); } } $images_above_content = ''; $images_below_content = ''; foreach( $attachments as $index => $attachment ) { if( ! empty( $this->ID ) ) { // Normal mode when comment exists in DB (NOT PREVIEW mode) $Link = $attachment; $link_position = $Link->get( 'position' ); $params['Link'] = $Link; $attachment = $attachment->get_File(); } else { // Set default position for preview files $link_position = 'aftermore'; } $File = $attachment; if( empty( $File ) ) { // File object doesn't exist in DB global $Debuglog; $Debuglog->add( sprintf( 'File object linked to comment #%d does not exist in DB!', $this->ID ), array( 'error', 'files' ) ); continue; } if( ! $File->exists() ) { // File doesn't exist on the disk global $Debuglog; $Debuglog->add( sprintf( 'File linked to comment #%d does not exist (%s)!', $this->ID, $File->get_full_path() ), array( 'error', 'files' ) ); continue; } $r = ''; $params['File'] = $File; $params['Comment'] = $this; $params['data'] = & $r; $temp_params = $params; foreach( $params as $param_key => $param_value ) { // Pass all params by reference, in order to give possibility to modify them by plugin // So plugins can add some data before/after image tag (E.g. used by infodots plugin) $params[ $param_key ] = & $params[ $param_key ]; } // Prepare params before rendering comment attachment: $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true_with_params( 'PrepareForRenderCommentAttachment', $params ); if( count( $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true( 'RenderCommentAttachment', $params ) ) != 0 ) { // This attachment has been rendered by a plugin (to $params['data']), Skip this from core rendering: if( $link_position == 'teaser' ) { // Image should be displayed above content $images_above_content .= $r; } else { // Image should be displayed below content $images_below_content .= $r; } unset( $attachments[ $index ] ); continue; } if( $File->is_image() ) { // File is image if( $params['attachments_mode'] == 'view' ) { // Only preview attachments $image_link_rel = ''; $image_link_to = ''; } else// if( $params['attachments_mode'] == 'read' ) { // Read attachments $image_link_rel = 'lightbox[c'.$this->ID.']'; $image_link_to = 'original'; } if( empty( $this->ID ) ) { // PREVIEW mode $r = $File->get_tag( $params['before_image'], $params['before_image_legend'], $params['after_image_legend'], $params['after_image'], $params['image_size'], $image_link_to, T_('Posted by ').$this->get_author_name(), $image_link_rel, $params['image_class'], '', '', '#' ); } else { $r = $Link->get_tag( array_merge( array( 'image_link_to' => $image_link_to, 'image_link_title' => T_('Posted by ').$this->get_author_name(), 'image_link_rel' => $image_link_rel, ), $params ) ); } if( $link_position == 'teaser' ) { // Image should be displayed above content $images_above_content .= $r; } else { // Image should be displayed below content $images_below_content .= $r; } unset( $attachments[ $index ] ); } $params = $temp_params; } if( ! empty( $images_above_content ) ) { // Display images above content echo $images_above_content; if( $params['image_text'] != '' ) { // Display info text below pictures echo $params['image_text']; } } if( $ban_urls ) { // add ban icons if user has edit permission for this comment $ban_urls = $current_User->check_perm( 'comment!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $this ); } if( $ban_urls ) { // ban urls and user has permission echo add_ban_icons( $this->get_content( $format ) ); } else { // don't ban urls echo $this->get_content( $format ); } if( ! empty( $images_below_content ) ) { // Display images below content echo $images_below_content; if( empty( $images_above_content ) && $params['image_text'] != '' ) { // Display info text below pictures echo $params['image_text']; } } if( isset( $attachments ) ) { // show not image attachments $after_docs = ''; if( count( $attachments ) > 0 ) { echo '
'.T_( 'Attachments' ).':'; echo ''; } foreach( $attachments as $attachment ) { // $attachment is a File in preview mode, but it is a Link in normal mode $doc_File = empty( $this->ID ) ? $attachment : $attachment->get_File(); echo '
  • '; if( empty( $doc_File ) ) { // Broken File object $attachment_download_link = ''; $attachment_name = empty( $attachment ) ? '' : T_( 'Link ID' ).'#'.$attachment->ID; } elseif( ! $doc_File->exists() ) { $attachment_download_link = ''; $attachment_name = $doc_File->get_name(); } elseif( $params['attachments_mode'] == 'view' ) { // Only preview attachments $attachment_download_link = ''; $attachment_name = $doc_File->get_type(); } else// if( $params['attachments_mode'] == 'read' ) { // Read attachments $attachment_download_link = action_icon( T_('Download file'), 'download', $doc_File->get_url(), '', 5 ).' '; $attachment_name = $doc_File->get_view_link( $doc_File->get_name() ); } echo $attachment_download_link; echo $attachment_name; if( ! empty( $doc_File ) && $doc_File->exists() ) { // Display file size if it exists echo ' ('.bytesreadable( $doc_File->get_size() ).')'; } else { // Display warning if File is broken echo ' - '.get_icon( 'warning_yellow' ).' '.T_('Missing attachment!').''; } if( !empty( $params['attachments_view_text'] ) ) { echo $params['attachments_view_text']; } echo '
  • '; } echo $after_docs; } } /** * Template function: display checkable list of renderers * * @param array|NULL If given, assume these renderers to be checked. * @params boolean display or not */ function renderer_checkboxes( $comment_renderers = NULL, $display = true ) { global $Plugins; if( is_null($comment_renderers) ) { $comment_renderers = $this->get_renderers(); } $r = $Plugins->get_renderer_checkboxes( $comment_renderers, array( 'Comment' => & $this ) ); if( $display ) { echo $r; } return $r; } /** * Get title of comment, e.g. "Comment from: Foo Bar" * * @param array Params * 'author_format': Formatting of the author (%s gets replaced with * the author string) * 'link_text' : 'avatar' - display author's login with avatar icon, * 'only_avatar' - display only author's avatar * 'login' - display only author's login * 'thumb_size' : Author's avatar size * @return string */ function get_title( $params = array() ) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'author_format' => '%s', 'link_text' => 'name', // avatar_name | avatar_login | only_avatar | name | login | nickname | firstname | lastname | fullname | preferredname 'thumb_size' => 'crop-top-32x32', // author's avatar size 'linked_type' => false, // TRUE - to make comment type text as link to permament url ), $params ); $author = sprintf( $params['author_format'], $this->get_author( $params ) ); switch( $this->get( 'type' ) ) { case 'comment': // Display a comment: $s = T_('Comment from %s'); break; case 'trackback': // Display a trackback: $s = T_('Trackback from %s'); break; case 'pingback': // Display a pingback: $s = T_('Pingback from %s'); break; case 'meta': // Display a meta comment: $href = ''; if( $params['linked_type'] ) { // Make a comment type as link to permanent url: $href = 'href="'.$this->get_permanent_url().'"'; } return sprintf( T_('
    Meta comment from %s'), $href, $author ); } return sprintf( $s, $author ); } /** * Get the list of validated renderers for this Comment. This includes stealth plugins etc. * @return array List of validated renderer codes */ function get_renderers_validated() { if( ! isset($this->renderers_validated) ) { global $Plugins; $this->renderers_validated = $Plugins->validate_renderer_list( $this->get_renderers(), array( 'Comment' => & $this ) ); } return $this->renderers_validated; } /** * Get the list of renderers for this Comment. * @return array */ function get_renderers() { return explode( '.', $this->renderers ); } /** * Set the renderers of the Comment. * * @param array List of renderer codes. * @return boolean true, if it has been set; false if it has not changed */ function set_renderers( $renderers ) { return $this->set_param( 'renderers', 'string', implode( '.', $renderers ) ); } /** * Template function: display date (datetime) of comment * * @param string date/time format: leave empty to use locale default date format * @param boolean true if you want GMT */ function date( $format = '', $useGM = false ) { if( empty( $format ) ) { // Get the current locale's default date format $format = locale_datefmt(); } echo mysql2date( $format, $this->date, $useGM ); } /** * Template function: display time (datetime) of comment * * @param string date/time format: leave empty to use locale default time format * '#short_time' - to use locale default short time format * @param boolean true if you want GMT */ function time( $format = '', $useGM = false ) { if( empty( $format ) ) { // Get the current locale's default time format $format = locale_timefmt(); } if( $format == '#short_time' ) { // Use short time format of current locale $format = locale_shorttimefmt(); } echo mysql2date( $format, $this->date, $useGM ); } /** * Template tag: display rating */ function rating( $params = array() ) { if( empty( $this->rating ) ) { return false; } // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'before' => '
    ', 'after' => '
    ', ), $params ); echo $params['before']; star_rating( $this->rating ); echo $params['after']; } /** * Rating input */ function rating_input( $params = array() ) { global $rsc_uri; $params = array_merge( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'label_low' => T_('Bad'), 'label_2' => T_('Poor'), 'label_3' => T_('Average'), 'label_4' => T_('Good'), 'label_high' => T_('Excellent'), 'reset' => false, 'item_ID' => 0, // Set only for new comments without defined item ID ), $params ); echo $params['before']; if( empty( $this->item_ID ) && !empty( $params['item_ID'] ) ) { // Set item ID for form with new comment $this->item_ID = $params['item_ID']; } if( $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item() ) { if( $item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog() ) { if( $item_Blog->get_setting( 'rating_question' ) != '' ) { // Display star rating question echo '
    '; echo nl2br( $item_Blog->get_setting( 'rating_question' ) ); echo '
    '; } } } echo '
    '; echo $params['label_low']; for( $i=1; $i<=5; $i++ ) { echo 'rating == $i ) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo ' />'; } echo $params['label_high']; $jquery_raty_param = ''; if( $params['reset'] ) { // Init "reset" button $jquery_raty_param = 'cancel: true'; $this->rating_none_input( array( 'before' => '

    ', 'after' => '

    ' ) ); } echo '
    '; echo ''; echo $params['after']; } /** * Rating reset input */ function rating_none_input( $params = array() ) { $params = array_merge( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'label' => T_('No rating'), ), $params ); echo $params['before']; echo ''; echo $params['after']; } /** * Get status of comment * * Statuses: * - published * - deprecated * - protected * - private * - draft * * @param string Output format, see {@link format_to_output()} * @param array Params * @return string Status */ function get_status( $format = 'htmlbody', $params = array() ) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '', ), $params ); $r = $params['before']; switch( $format ) { case 'raw': $r .= $this->dget( 'status', 'raw' ); break; case 'styled': // DEPRECATED: instead use something like: $Comment->format_status( array( 'template' => '
    ' ) ); if( $this->is_meta() ) { $r .= get_styled_status( 'meta', T_('Meta') ); } else { $r .= get_styled_status( $this->status, $this->get( 't_status' ) ); } break; default: $r .= format_to_output( $this->get( 't_status' ), $format ); break; } $r .= $params['after']; return $r; } /** * Template function: display status of comment * * Statuses: * - published * - deprecated * - protected * - private * - draft * * @param string Output format, see {@link format_to_output()} * @param array Params */ function status( $format = 'htmlbody', $params = array() ) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '', ), $params ); echo $this->get_status( $format, $params ); } /** * Display status of item in a formatted way, following a provided template * * There are 3 possible variables: * - $status$ = the raw status * - $status_title$ = the human readable text version of the status (translated to current language) * - $tooltip_title$ = the human readable text version of the status for tooltip * * @param array Params */ function format_status( $params = array() ) { $params = array_merge( array( 'template' => '
    get( 'outbound_notifications_mode' ); if( $notifications_mode == 'off' ) { // Don't send notifications: return false; } if( $executed_by_userid === NULL && is_logged_in() ) { // Use current user by default: global $current_User; $executed_by_userid = $current_User->ID; } // FIRST: Moderators need to be notified immediately, even if the comment is a draft/review. // Send email notifications to users who can moderate this comment: $already_notified_user_IDs = $this->send_moderation_emails( $executed_by_userid, $is_new_comment ); // SECOND: Subscribers may be notified asynchornously... $notified_flags = array(); if( $force_members == 'mark' ) { // Only change DB flag to "members_notified" but do NOT actually send notifications: $force_members = false; $notified_flags[] = 'members_notified'; $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Marking email notifications for members as sent.'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); } if( $force_community == 'mark' ) { // Only change DB flag to "community_notified" but do NOT actually send notifications: $force_community = false; $notified_flags[] = 'community_notified'; $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Marking email notifications for community as sent.'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); } if( ! empty( $notified_flags ) ) { // Save the marked processing status to DB: $this->set( 'notif_flags', $notified_flags ); $this->dbupdate(); } // Instead of the above we now check the flags: if( ( $force_members != 'force' && $force_community != 'force' ) && $this->check_notifications_flags( array( 'members_notified', 'community_notified' ) ) ) { // All possible notifications have already been sent: $Messages->add_to_group( T_('All possible notifications have already been sent: skipping notifications...'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); return false; } // IMMEDIATE vs ASYNCHRONOUS sending: if( $notifications_mode == 'immediate' ) { // Send email notifications now!: // Send email notifications to users who want to receive them for the collection of this comment: (will be different recipients depending on visibility) $notified_flags = $this->send_email_notifications( $executed_by_userid, $is_new_comment, $already_notified_user_IDs, $force_members, $force_community ); // Record that we have just notified the members and/or community: $this->set( 'notif_flags', $notified_flags ); // Record that processing has been done: $this->set( 'notif_status', 'finished' ); } elseif( $this->get( 'notif_status' ) != 'todo' && $this->get( 'notif_status' ) != 'started' ) { // Create scheduled job to send notifications: // CREATE CRON JOB OBJECT: load_class( '/cron/model/_cronjob.class.php', 'Cronjob' ); $comment_Cronjob = new Cronjob(); // start datetime. We do not want to ping before the post is effectively published: $comment_Cronjob->set( 'start_datetime', $this->date ); // key: $comment_Cronjob->set( 'key', 'send-comment-notifications' ); // params: specify which post this job is supposed to send notifications for: $comment_Cronjob->set( 'params', array( 'comment_ID' => $this->ID, 'executed_by_userid' => $executed_by_userid, 'is_new_comment' => $is_new_comment, 'already_notified_user_IDs' => $already_notified_user_IDs, 'force_members' => $force_members, 'force_community' => $force_community, ) ); // Save cronjob to DB: if( $comment_Cronjob->dbinsert() ) { $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Scheduling email notifications for subscribers.'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); // Memorize the cron job ID which is going to handle this post: $this->set( 'notif_ctsk_ID', $comment_Cronjob->ID ); // Record that processing has been scheduled: $this->set( 'notif_status', 'todo' ); } } // Update comment notification params: $this->dbupdate(); } /** * Send "comment may need moderation" notifications for those users who have permission to moderate this comment and would like to receive these notifications. * * @param integer User ID who executed the action which will be notified, or NULL if it was executed by an anonymous user or current logged in User * @param boolean TRUE if it is notification about new comment, FALSE - for edited comment * @return array The notified user IDs */ function send_moderation_emails( $executed_by_userid = NULL, $is_new_comment = false ) { global $Settings, $UserSettings, $Messages; if( $executed_by_userid === NULL && is_logged_in() ) { // Use current user by default: global $current_User; $executed_by_userid = $current_User->ID; } $UserCache = & get_UserCache(); $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $comment_item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog(); $owner_User = $comment_item_Blog->get_owner_User(); $notify_users = array(); $moderators = array(); if( ! $this->is_meta() ) { // Get the moderators which can be notified about this NORMAL comment: $moderators_to_notify = $comment_item_Blog->get_comment_moderator_user_data(); $notify_moderation_setting_name = ( $is_new_comment ? 'notify_comment_moderation' : 'notify_edit_cmt_moderation' ); foreach( $moderators_to_notify as $moderator ) { $notify_moderator = ( is_null( $moderator->$notify_moderation_setting_name ) ) ? $Settings->get( 'def_'.$notify_moderation_setting_name ) : $moderator->$notify_moderation_setting_name; if( $notify_moderator ) { // add user to notify: $moderators[] = $moderator->user_ID; } } if( $UserSettings->get( $notify_moderation_setting_name, $owner_User->ID ) && is_email( $owner_User->get( 'email' ) ) ) { // add blog owner: $moderators[] = $owner_User->ID; } // Load all moderators, and check each edit permission on this comment: $UserCache->load_list( $moderators ); foreach( $moderators as $index => $moderator_ID ) { $moderator_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID( $moderator_ID, false ); if( ( ! $moderator_User ) || ( ! $moderator_User->check_perm( 'comment!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $this ) ) ) { // User doesn't exists any more, or has no permission to edit this comment! unset( $moderators[$index] ); } else { $notify_users[$moderator_ID] = 'moderator'; } } } $notified_user_IDs = array_keys( $notify_users ); if( $executed_by_userid !== NULL && isset( $notify_users[ $executed_by_userid ] ) ) { // Don't notify the user who just created/updated this comment: unset( $notify_users[ $executed_by_userid ] ); } // Send emails to the moderators: $this->send_email_messages( $notify_users, $is_new_comment ); // Record that we have notified the moderators (for info only): $this->set( 'notif_flags', 'moderators_notified' ); // Update comment notification params: $this->dbupdate(); $Messages->add_to_group( sprintf( T_('Sending %d email notifications to moderators.'), count( $notify_users ) ), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); return $notified_user_IDs; } /** * Send email notifications to subscribed users * * @param integer User ID who executed the action which will be notified, or NULL if it was executed by an anonymous user or current logged in User * @param boolean TRUE if it is notification about new comment, FALSE - for edited comment * @param array The already notified user IDs * @param boolean|string Force sending notifications for members: * false - Auto mode depending on current item statuses * 'skip' - Skip notifications * 'force' - Force notifications * @param boolean|string Force sending notifications for community (use same values of fourth param) * @return array Notified flags: 'members_notified', 'community_notified' */ function send_email_notifications( $executed_by_userid = NULL, $is_new_comment = false, $already_notified_user_IDs = array(), $force_members = false, $force_community = false ) { global $DB, $Settings, $UserSettings, $Messages; if( $executed_by_userid === NULL && is_logged_in() ) { // Use current user by default: global $current_User; $executed_by_userid = $current_User->ID; } $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $comment_item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog(); if( ! $comment_item_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_item_subscriptions' ) ) { // Subscriptions not enabled! $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Skipping email notifications to subscribers because subscriptions are turned Off for this collection.'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); return array(); } if( ! in_array( $this->get( 'status' ), array( 'protected', 'community', 'published' ) ) ) { // Don't send notifications about comments with not allowed status: $status_titles = get_visibility_statuses( '', array() ); $status_title = isset( $status_titles[ $this->get( 'status' ) ] ) ? $status_titles[ $this->get( 'status' ) ] : $this->get( 'status' ); $Messages->add_to_group( sprintf( T_('Skipping email notifications to subscribers because status is still: %s.'), $status_title ), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); return array(); } if( $force_members == 'skip' && $force_community == 'skip' ) { // Skip subscriber notifications because of it is forced by param: $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Skipping email notifications to subscribers.'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); return array(); } if( $force_members == 'force' && $force_community == 'force' ) { // Force to members and community: $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Force sending email notifications to subscribers...'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); } elseif( $force_members == 'force' ) { // Force to members only: $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Force sending email notifications to subscribed members...'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); } elseif( $force_community == 'force' ) { // Force to community only: $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Force sending email notifications to other subscribers...'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); } $notify_members = false; $notify_community = false; if( $this->get( 'status' ) == 'protected' ) { // If the comment is visible for members only... if( $force_members == 'force' || ! $this->check_notifications_flags( 'members_notified' ) ) { // Members have not been notified yet, do so: $notify_members = true; } } elseif( $this->get( 'status' ) == 'community' || $this->get( 'status' ) == 'published' ) { // If the comment is visible to the community or is public... if( $force_members == 'force' || ! $this->check_notifications_flags( 'members_notified' ) ) { // Members have not been notified yet (which means the community has not been notified either), notify them all: $notify_members = true; } if( $force_community == 'force' || ! $this->check_notifications_flags( 'community_notified' ) ) { // Community have not been notified yet, do so: $notify_community = true; } } if( ! $notify_members && ! $notify_community ) { // Everyone has already been notified, nothing to do: $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Skipping email notifications to subscribers because they were already notified.'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); return array(); } if( $notify_members && $force_members == 'skip' ) { // Skip email notifications to members because it is forced by param: $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Skipping email notifications to subscribed members.'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); $notify_members = false; } if( $notify_community && $force_community == 'skip' ) { // Skip email notifications to community because it is forced by param: $Messages->add_to_group( T_('Skipping email notifications to other subscribers.'), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); $notify_community = false; } // Set flags what really users will be notified below: $notified_flags = array(); if( $notify_members ) { // If members should be notified: $notified_flags[] = 'members_notified'; } if( $notify_community ) { // If community should be notified: $notified_flags[] = 'community_notified'; } if( ! $notify_members && ! $notify_community ) { // All notifications are skipped by requested params: return $notified_flags; } $notify_users = array(); if( ! $this->is_meta() ) { // Get the notify users for NORMAL comments: // Send only for active users: $active_users_condition = 'AND user_status IN ( "activated", "autoactivated" )'; $except_condition = ''; if( ! empty( $already_notified_user_IDs ) ) { // Set except moderators condition. Exclude moderators who already got a notification email: $except_condition .= ' AND user_ID NOT IN ( "'.implode( '", "', $already_notified_user_IDs ).'" )'; } // Check if we need to include the item creator user: $creator_User = & $comment_Item->get_creator_User(); if( $UserSettings->get( 'notify_published_comments', $creator_User->ID ) && ( ! empty( $creator_User->email ) ) && ( ! ( in_array( $creator_User->ID, $already_notified_user_IDs ) ) ) ) { // Comment creator wants to be notified, and comment author is not a moderator: $notify_users[$creator_User->ID] = 'creator'; } // Get list of users who want to be notified about the this post comments: if( $comment_item_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_item_subscriptions' ) ) { // If item subscriptions is allowed: $sql = 'SELECT user_ID FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT isub_user_ID AS user_ID FROM T_items__subscriptions INNER JOIN T_users ON ( user_ID = isub_user_ID '.$active_users_condition.' ) WHERE isub_item_ID = '.$comment_Item->ID.' AND isub_comments <> 0 UNION SELECT user_ID FROM T_coll_settings AS opt INNER JOIN T_coll_settings AS sub ON ( sub.cset_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub.cset_name = "allow_item_subscriptions" AND sub.cset_value = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON ( bloggroup_blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND bloggroup_ismember = 1 ) INNER JOIN T_users ON ( user_grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID '.$active_users_condition.' ) LEFT JOIN T_items__subscriptions ON ( isub_item_ID = '.$comment_Item->ID.' AND isub_user_ID = user_ID ) WHERE opt.cset_coll_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID.' AND opt.cset_name = "opt_out_item_subscription" AND opt.cset_value = 1 AND NOT user_ID IS NULL AND ( isub_comments IS NULL OR isub_comments = 1 ) UNION SELECT sug_user_ID FROM T_coll_settings AS opt INNER JOIN T_coll_settings AS sub ON ( sub.cset_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub.cset_name = "allow_item_subscriptions" AND sub.cset_value = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON ( bloggroup_blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND bloggroup_ismember = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_users__secondary_user_groups ON ( sug_grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID ) LEFT JOIN T_items__subscriptions ON ( isub_item_ID = '.$comment_Item->ID.' AND isub_user_ID = sug_user_ID ) INNER JOIN T_users ON ( user_ID = isub_user_ID '.$active_users_condition.' ) WHERE opt.cset_coll_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID.' AND opt.cset_name = "opt_out_item_subscription" AND opt.cset_value = 1 AND NOT sug_user_ID IS NULL AND ( isub_comments IS NULL OR isub_comments = 1 ) UNION SELECT bloguser_user_ID FROM T_coll_settings AS opt INNER JOIN T_coll_settings AS sub ON ( sub.cset_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub.cset_name = "allow_item_subscriptions" AND sub.cset_value = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON ( bloguser_blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND bloguser_ismember = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_items__subscriptions ON ( isub_item_ID = '.$comment_Item->ID.' AND isub_user_ID = bloguser_user_ID ) INNER JOIN T_users ON ( user_ID = isub_user_ID '.$active_users_condition.' ) WHERE opt.cset_coll_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID.' AND opt.cset_name = "opt_out_item_subscription" AND opt.cset_value = 1 AND NOT bloguser_user_ID IS NULL AND ( isub_comments IS NULL OR isub_comments = 1 ) ) AS users WHERE user_ID IS NOT NULL'.$except_condition; $notify_list = $DB->get_results( $sql, OBJECT, 'Get list of users who want to be notified about comments of the the post #'.$comment_Item->ID ); // Preprocess list: foreach( $notify_list as $notification ) { if( ! isset( $notify_users[ $notification->user_ID ] ) ) { // Don't rewrite a notify type if user already is notified by other type before: $notify_users[ $notification->user_ID ] = 'item_subscription'; } } } // Get list of users who want to be notified about this blog comments: if( $comment_item_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_comment_subscriptions' ) ) { // If blog subscription is allowed: $sql = 'SELECT user_ID FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT sub_user_ID AS user_ID FROM T_subscriptions INNER JOIN T_users ON ( user_ID = sub_user_ID '.$active_users_condition.' ) WHERE sub_coll_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID.' AND sub_comments <> 0 UNION SELECT user_ID FROM T_coll_settings AS opt INNER JOIN T_blogs ON ( blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND blog_advanced_perms = 1 ) INNER JOIN T_coll_settings AS sub ON ( sub.cset_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub.cset_name = "allow_subscriptions" AND sub.cset_value = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON ( bloggroup_blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND bloggroup_ismember = 1 ) INNER JOIN T_users ON ( user_grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID '.$active_users_condition.' ) LEFT JOIN T_subscriptions ON ( sub_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub_user_ID = user_ID ) WHERE opt.cset_coll_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID.' AND opt.cset_name = "opt_out_comment_subscription" AND opt.cset_value = 1 AND NOT user_ID IS NULL AND ( ( sub_comments IS NULL OR sub_comments = 1 ) ) UNION SELECT sug_user_ID FROM T_coll_settings AS opt INNER JOIN T_blogs ON ( blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND blog_advanced_perms = 1 ) INNER JOIN T_coll_settings AS sub ON ( sub.cset_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub.cset_name = "allow_subscriptions" AND sub.cset_value = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON ( bloggroup_blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND bloggroup_ismember = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_users__secondary_user_groups ON ( sug_grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID ) LEFT JOIN T_subscriptions ON ( sub_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub_user_ID = sug_user_ID ) INNER JOIN T_users ON ( user_ID = sub_user_ID '.$active_users_condition.' ) WHERE opt.cset_coll_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID.' AND opt.cset_name = "opt_out_comment_subscription" AND opt.cset_value = 1 AND NOT sug_user_ID IS NULL AND ( ( sub_comments IS NULL OR sub_comments = 1 ) ) UNION SELECT bloguser_user_ID FROM T_coll_settings AS opt INNER JOIN T_blogs ON ( blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND blog_advanced_perms = 1 ) INNER JOIN T_coll_settings AS sub ON ( sub.cset_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub.cset_name = "allow_subscriptions" AND sub.cset_value = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON ( bloguser_blog_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND bloguser_ismember = 1 ) LEFT JOIN T_subscriptions ON ( sub_coll_ID = opt.cset_coll_ID AND sub_user_ID = bloguser_user_ID ) INNER JOIN T_users ON ( user_ID = sub_user_ID '.$active_users_condition.' ) WHERE opt.cset_coll_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID.' AND opt.cset_name = "opt_out_comment_subscription" AND opt.cset_value = 1 AND NOT bloguser_user_ID IS NULL AND ( ( sub_comments IS NULL OR sub_comments = 1 ) ) ) AS users WHERE NOT user_ID IS NULL'.$except_condition; $notify_list = $DB->get_results( $sql, OBJECT, 'Get list of users who want to be notified about comments of the collection #'.$comment_item_Blog->ID ); // Preprocess list: foreach( $notify_list as $notification ) { if( ! isset( $notify_users[ $notification->user_ID ] ) ) { // Don't rewrite a notify type if user already is notified by other type before: $notify_users[ $notification->user_ID ] = 'blog_subscription'; } } } } else { // Get the notify users for META comments: $meta_SQL = new SQL( 'Select users which have permission to the edited_Item #'.$comment_Item->ID.' meta comments and would like to recieve notifications' ); $meta_SQL->SELECT( 'user_ID, "meta_comment"' ); $meta_SQL->FROM( 'T_users' ); $meta_SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_groups ON user_grp_ID = grp_ID' ); $meta_SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_groups__groupsettings ON user_grp_ID = gset_grp_ID AND gset_name = "perm_admin"' ); $meta_SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_users__usersettings ON user_ID = uset_user_ID AND uset_name = "notify_meta_comments"' ); $meta_SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON bloguser_user_ID = user_ID AND bloguser_blog_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID ); $meta_SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON bloggroup_blog_ID = '.$comment_item_Blog->ID.' AND ( bloggroup_group_ID = user_grp_ID OR bloggroup_group_ID IN ( SELECT sug_grp_ID FROM T_users__secondary_user_groups WHERE sug_user_ID = user_ID ) )' ); // Check if users have access to the back-office: $meta_SQL->WHERE( '( gset_value = "normal" OR gset_value = "restricted" )' ); // Check if the users would like to receive notifications about new meta comments: $meta_SQL->WHERE_and( 'uset_value = "1"'.( $Settings->get( 'def_notify_meta_comments' ) ? ' OR uset_value IS NULL' : '' ) ); // Check if users are activated: $meta_SQL->WHERE_and( 'user_status IN ( "activated", "autoactivated" )' ); // Check if the users have permission to edit this Item: $users_with_item_edit_perms = '( user_ID = '.$DB->quote( $comment_item_Blog->owner_user_ID ).' )'; $users_with_item_edit_perms .= ' OR ( grp_perm_blogs = "editall" )'; if( $comment_item_Blog->get( 'advanced_perms' ) ) { $creator_User = & $comment_Item->get_creator_User(); $creator_User->get_Group(); $post_creator_user_level = $creator_User->get( 'level' ); $users_with_item_edit_perms .= ' OR ( bloguser_perm_delpost = 1 ) OR ( bloggroup_perm_delpost = 1 ) OR ( ( ( bloguser_perm_poststatuses LIKE '.$DB->quote( '%'.$comment_Item->get( 'status' ).'%' ).' ) OR ( bloggroup_perm_poststatuses LIKE '.$DB->quote( '%'.$comment_Item->get( 'status' ).'%' ).' ) )'; $users_with_item_edit_perms .= ' AND ( ( bloguser_perm_edit = "all" OR ( bloguser_perm_edit = "le" AND '.$DB->quote( $post_creator_user_level ).' <= user_level ) OR ( bloguser_perm_edit = "lt" AND '.$DB->quote( $post_creator_user_level ).' < user_level ) OR ( bloguser_perm_edit = "own" AND '.$DB->quote( $creator_User->ID ).' = user_ID ) )'; $users_with_item_edit_perms .= ' OR ( bloggroup_perm_edit = "all" OR ( bloggroup_perm_edit = "le" AND '.$DB->quote( $post_creator_user_level ).' <= user_level ) OR ( bloggroup_perm_edit = "lt" AND '.$DB->quote( $post_creator_user_level ).' < user_level ) OR ( bloggroup_perm_edit = "own" AND '.$DB->quote( $creator_User->ID ).' = user_ID ) ) )'; $users_with_item_edit_perms .= ' )'; } $meta_SQL->WHERE_and( $users_with_item_edit_perms ); // Select users which have permission to the edited_Item meta comments and would like to recieve notifications: $notify_users = $DB->get_assoc( $meta_SQL->get(), $meta_SQL->title ); } if( $executed_by_userid !== NULL && isset( $notify_users[ $executed_by_userid ] ) ) { // Don't notify the user who just created/updated this comment: unset( $notify_users[ $executed_by_userid ] ); } // Load all users who will be notified: $UserCache = & get_UserCache(); $UserCache->load_list( array_keys( $notify_users ) ); $members_count = 0; $community_count = 0; foreach( $notify_users as $user_ID => $notify_type ) { // Check for each subscribed User, if we can send a notification to him depending on current request and Item settings: if( ! ( $notify_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $user_ID, false, false ) ) ) { // Invalid User, Skip it: unset( $notify_users[ $user_ID ] ); continue; } // Check if the user is member of the collection: $is_member = $notify_User->check_perm( 'blog_ismember', 'view', false, $comment_item_Blog->ID ); if( $notify_members && $notify_community ) { // We can notify all subscribed users: if( $is_member ) { // Count subscribed member: $members_count++; } else { // Count other subscriber: $community_count++; } } elseif( $notify_members ) { // We should notify only members: if( $is_member ) { // Count subscribed member: $members_count++; } else { // Skip not member: unset( $notify_users[ $user_ID ] ); } } else { // We should notify only community users: if( ! $is_member ) { // Count subscribed community user: $community_count++; } else { // Skip member: unset( $notify_users[ $user_ID ] ); } } } if( $notify_members ) { // Display a message to know how many members are notified: $Messages->add_to_group( sprintf( T_('Sending %d email notifications to subscribed members.'), $members_count ), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); } if( $notify_community ) { // Display a message to know how many community users are notified: $Messages->add_to_group( sprintf( T_('Sending %d email notifications to other subscribers.'), $community_count ), 'note', T_('Sending notifications:') ); } if( empty( $notify_users ) ) { // No-one to notify: return $notified_flags; } $this->send_email_messages( $notify_users, $is_new_comment ); return $notified_flags; } /** * Send email notifications to users * * @param array Array of users which should be notified, where key is User ID and value is a notify type: * - 'moderator' * - 'creator' * - 'blog_subscription' * - 'item_subscription' * - 'meta_comment' * @param boolean TRUE if it is notification about new comment, FALSE - for edited comment */ function send_email_messages( $notify_users, $is_new_comment = false ) { global $debug, $Debuglog; $UserCache = & get_UserCache(); $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $comment_item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog(); if( ! count( $notify_users ) ) { // No-one to notify: return; } /* * We have a list of user IDs to notify: */ // TODO: dh> this reveals the comments author's email address to all subscribers!! // $notify_from should get used by default, unless the user has opted in to be the sender! // fp>If the subscriber has permission to moderate the comments, he SHOULD receive the email address. // Get author email address. It will be visible for moderators/blog/post owners only -- NOT for other subscribers if( $this->get_author_User() ) { // Comment from a registered user: $reply_to = $this->author_User->get( 'email' ); $author_name = $this->author_User->get_username(); $author_user_ID = $this->author_User->ID; } elseif( ! empty( $this->author_email ) ) { // non-member, but with email address: $reply_to = $this->author_email; $author_name = $this->dget( 'author' ); $author_user_ID = NULL; } else { // Fallback (we have no email address): fp>TODO: or the subscriber is not allowed to view it. $reply_to = NULL; $author_name = $this->dget( 'author' ); $author_user_ID = NULL; } // Load all users who will be notified, becasuse another way the send_mail_to_User funtion would load them one by one: $UserCache->load_list( array_keys( $notify_users ) ); // Load a list with the blocked emails in cache load_blocked_emails( array_keys( $notify_users ) ); // Send emails: foreach( $notify_users as $notify_user_ID => $notify_type ) { // get data content $notify_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID( $notify_user_ID ); $notify_email = $notify_User->get( 'email' ); // init notification setting locale_temp_switch( $notify_User->get( 'locale' ) ); $notify_user_Group = $notify_User->get_Group(); $notify_full = ( ( $notify_type == 'moderator' ) && ( $notify_user_Group->check_perm( 'comment_moderation_notif', 'full' ) ) || ( $notify_user_Group->check_perm( 'comment_subscription_notif', 'full' ) ) ); switch( $this->type ) { case 'trackback': /* TRANS: Subject of the mail to send on new trackbacks. First %s is the blog's shortname, the second %s is the item's title. */ $subject = sprintf( T_('[%s] New trackback on "%s"'), $comment_item_Blog->get('shortname'), $comment_Item->get('title') ); break; case 'meta': /* TRANS: Subject of the mail to send on new meta comments. First %s is author login, the second %s is the item's title. */ $subject = sprintf( T_( '%s posted a new meta comment on "%s"' ), $author_name, $comment_Item->get('title') ); break; default: if( $notify_type == 'moderator' ) { // Subject for moderators: if( $this->status == 'draft' || $this->status == 'review' ) { /* TRANS: Subject of the mail to send on new comments to moderators. First %s is blog name, the second %s is the item's title. */ $subject = T_('[%s] New comment awaiting moderation on "%s"'); } else { /* TRANS: Subject of the mail to send on new comments to moderators. First %s is blog name, the second %s is the item's title. */ $subject = T_('[%s] New comment may need moderation on "%s"'); } } else { // Subject for subscribed users: /* TRANS: Subject of the mail to send on new comments to subscribed users. First %s is blog name, the second %s is the item's title. */ $subject = T_('[%s] New comment on "%s"'); } $subject = sprintf( $subject, $comment_item_Blog->get('shortname'), $comment_Item->get('title') ); } switch( $notify_type ) { case 'moderator': // moderation email case 'creator': // user is the creator of the post $user_reply_to = $reply_to; break; case 'blog_subscription': // blog subscription case 'item_subscription': // item subscription case 'meta_comment': // meta comment notification $user_reply_to = NULL; break; default: // Invalid notify type debug_die( 'Unknown user subscription type' ); } $email_template_params = array( 'notify_full' => $notify_full, 'Comment' => $this, 'Blog' => $comment_item_Blog, 'Item' => $comment_Item, 'author_name' => $author_name, 'author_ID' => $author_user_ID, 'notify_type' => $notify_type, 'recipient_User' => $notify_User, 'is_new_comment' => $is_new_comment, ); if( $debug ) { $notify_message = mail_template( 'comment_new', 'text', $email_template_params ); $mail_dump = "Sending notification to $notify_email:
    Subject: $subject\n$notify_message
    "; if( $debug >= 2 ) { // output mail content - NOTE: this will kill sending of headers. echo "


    "; } $Debuglog->add( $mail_dump, 'notification' ); } // Send the email: // Note: Note activated users won't get notification email send_mail_to_User( $notify_user_ID, $subject, 'comment_new', $email_template_params, false, array( 'Reply-To' => $user_reply_to ) ); blocked_emails_memorize( $notify_User->email ); locale_restore_previous(); } blocked_emails_display(); } /** * Send "comment spam" emails for those users who have permission to moderate this comment. */ function send_vote_spam_emails() { global $current_User, $Settings, $UserSettings; if( ! is_logged_in() ) { // Only loggen in users can vote on comments return; } if( $this->is_meta() ) { // Meta comments have no spam voting return; } $UserCache = & get_UserCache(); $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $comment_item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog(); $coll_owner_User = $comment_item_Blog->get_owner_User(); $moderators = array(); $moderators_to_notify = $comment_item_Blog->get_comment_moderator_user_data(); foreach( $moderators_to_notify as $moderator ) { $notify_moderator = is_null( $moderator->notify_spam_cmt_moderation ) ? $Settings->get( 'def_notify_spam_cmt_moderation' ) : $moderator->notify_spam_cmt_moderation; if( $notify_moderator ) { // Include user to notify because of enabled setting: $moderators[] = $moderator->user_ID; } } if( $UserSettings->get( 'notify_spam_cmt_moderation', $coll_owner_User->ID ) && is_email( $coll_owner_User->get( 'email' ) ) ) { // Include collection owner: $moderators[] = $coll_owner_User->ID; } $email_subject = sprintf( T_('[%s] Spam comment may need moderation on "%s"'), $comment_item_Blog->get( 'shortname' ), $comment_Item->get( 'title' ) ); $email_template_params = array( 'Comment' => $this, 'Blog' => $comment_item_Blog, 'Item' => $comment_Item, 'voter_ID' => $current_User->ID, ); // Load all moderators, and check each edit permission on this comment: $UserCache->load_list( $moderators ); foreach( $moderators as $moderator_ID ) { if( $moderator_ID == $current_User->ID ) { // Don't send email to the voter: continue; } $moderator_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID( $moderator_ID, false ); if( $moderator_User && $moderator_User->check_perm( 'comment!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $this ) ) { // If moderator has a permission to edit this comment: $moderator_Group = $moderator_User->get_Group(); $email_template_params['notify_full'] = $moderator_Group->check_perm( 'comment_moderation_notif', 'full' ); // Send email to the moderator: send_mail_to_User( $moderator_ID, $email_subject, 'comment_spam', $email_template_params ); } } } /** * Handle quick moderation secret param: checks if comment secret should expire after first comment moderation, and delete the secret if required * This should be called after every kind of commment moderation */ function handle_qm_secret( $save_comment = false ) { $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $comment_Item->load_Blog(); if( $comment_Item->Blog->get_setting( 'comment_quick_moderation' ) == 'expire' ) { // comment secret expires after first comment moderation $this->set( 'secret', NULL ); } if( $save_comment ) { $this->dbupdate(); } } /** * Get a list of those comment statuses which can be displayed in the front office * * @return array Front office statuses in the comment's collection */ function get_frontoffice_statuses() { if( ! ( $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item() ) || ! ( $comment_blog_ID = $comment_Item->get_blog_ID() ) ) { // Comment's collection ID must be detected to get front-office comment statuses: return array(); } return get_inskin_statuses( $comment_blog_ID, 'comment' ); } /** * Check if this comment may be seen in front office * * @return boolean true if the comment status is used to display on front office, false otherwise */ function may_be_seen_in_frontoffice() { $current_status_permvalue = get_status_permvalue( $this->status ); $frontoffice_statuses_permvalue = get_status_permvalue( $this->get_frontoffice_statuses() ); return ( $current_status_permvalue & $frontoffice_statuses_permvalue ) ? true : false; } /** * Trigger event AfterCommentUpdate after calling parent method. * * @return boolean true on success */ function dbupdate() { global $Plugins, $DB; if( isset( $this->previous_status ) ) { // Restrict comment status by parent item: // (ONLY if current request is updating comment status) $this->restrict_status( true ); } $dbchanges = $this->dbchanges; if( count( $dbchanges ) ) { $this->set_last_touched_date(); } $DB->begin(); if( ( $r = parent::dbupdate() ) !== false ) { if( isset( $dbchanges['comment_content'] ) || isset( $dbchanges['comment_renderers'] ) ) { // Delete a prerendered content if content or text renderers have been updated: $this->delete_prerendered_content(); } $update_item_contents_last_updated_date = false; if( $this->may_be_seen_in_frontoffice() ) { // Update contents last update date of the comment's post ONLY when the updated comment may be seen in frontoffice: if( isset( $dbchanges['comment_content'] ) || isset( $dbchanges['comment_rating'] ) || isset( $dbchanges['comment_item_ID'] ) || ( isset( $dbchanges['comment_status'] ) && isset( $this->previous_status ) && ! $this->can_be_displayed( $this->previous_status ) ) ) { // AND if content, rating or parent Item have been updated // or status has been updated from NOT front-office status into some front-office status: $update_item_contents_last_updated_date = true; } } if( !empty( $this->previous_item_ID ) ) { // Comment is moved from another post $ItemCache = & get_ItemCache(); $ItemCache->clear(); if( $previous_Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $this->previous_item_ID, false, false ) ) { // Update ONLY last touched date of previous item: $previous_Item->update_last_touched_date( false, true ); } // Also move all child comments to new post $child_comment_IDs = $this->get_child_comment_IDs(); if( count( $child_comment_IDs ) ) { $DB->query( 'UPDATE T_comments SET comment_item_ID = '.$DB->quote( $this->item_ID ).' WHERE comment_ID IN ( '.$DB->quote( $child_comment_IDs ).' )' ); } } $this->update_last_touched_date( true, $update_item_contents_last_updated_date ); $DB->commit(); $Plugins->trigger_event( 'AfterCommentUpdate', $params = array( 'Comment' => & $this, 'dbchanges' => $dbchanges ) ); } else { $DB->rollback(); } return $r; } /** * Get karma and set it before adding the Comment to DB. * * @return boolean true on success, false if it did not get inserted */ function dbinsert() { /** * @var Plugins */ global $Plugins; global $Settings; if( isset( $this->previous_status ) ) { // Restrict comment status by parent item: // (ONLY if current request is updating comment status) $this->restrict_status( true ); } // Get karma percentage (interval -100 - 100) $spam_karma = $Plugins->trigger_karma_collect( 'GetSpamKarmaForComment', array( 'Comment' => & $this ) ); $this->set_spam_karma( $spam_karma ); // Change status accordingly: if( ! is_null($spam_karma) ) { if( $spam_karma < $Settings->get('antispam_threshold_publish') ) { // Publish: $this->set( 'status', 'published' ); } elseif( $spam_karma > $Settings->get('antispam_threshold_delete') ) { // Delete/No insert: return false; } } // set comment secret for quick moderation // fp> users have requested this for all comments $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $comment_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog(); if( $comment_Blog->get_setting( 'comment_quick_moderation' ) != 'never' ) { // quick moderation is permitted, set comment secret $this->set( 'secret', generate_random_key() ); } $this->set_last_touched_date(); $dbchanges = $this->dbchanges; if( $r = parent::dbinsert() ) { // Update last touched date of item if comment is created with ANY status, // But update contents last updated date of item if comment is created ONLY in published status(Public, Community or Members): $this->update_last_touched_date( true, $this->may_be_seen_in_frontoffice() ); // Plugin event to call after new comment insert: $Plugins->trigger_event( 'AfterCommentInsert', $params = array( 'Comment' => & $this, 'dbchanges' => $dbchanges ) ); } return $r; } /** * Trigger event AfterCommentDelete after calling parent method. * * @param boolean set true to force permanent delete, leave false for "move to trash/recylce" * @param boolean TRUE to use transaction * @return boolean true on success */ function dbdelete( $force_permanent_delete = false, $use_transaction = true ) { global $Plugins, $DB; if( $use_transaction ) { $DB->begin(); } if( $this->status != 'trash' ) { // The comment was not recycled yet if( $this->has_replies() ) { // Move the replies to the one level up $new_parent_ID = !empty( $this->in_reply_to_cmt_ID ) ? $DB->quote( $this->in_reply_to_cmt_ID ) : 'NULL'; $DB->query( 'UPDATE T_comments SET comment_in_reply_to_cmt_ID = '.$new_parent_ID.' WHERE comment_in_reply_to_cmt_ID = '.$this->ID ); } } // Get the latest Comment of parent Item in order to know to refresh $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); if( $item_latest_Comment = & $comment_Item->get_latest_Comment() && $item_latest_Comment->ID == $this->ID ) { // We should refresh last touched date after deleting of this Comment because it was the latest comment of parent Item: $refresh_parent_item = true; } if( $force_permanent_delete || ( $this->status == 'trash' ) || $this->is_meta() ) { // Permamently delete comment from DB: // remember ID, because parent method resets it to 0 $old_ID = $this->ID; if( $r = parent::dbdelete() ) { // re-set the ID for the Plugin event $this->ID = $old_ID; $Plugins->trigger_event( 'AfterCommentDelete', $params = array( 'Comment' => & $this ) ); $this->ID = 0; } } else { // don't delete, just move to the trash: $this->set( 'status', 'trash' ); $r = $this->dbupdate(); } if( $r ) { if( $this->ID == 0 ) { // Update only last touched date of item if comment was deleted from DB, // Don't call this when comment was recycled because we already called this on dbupdate() above: $this->update_last_touched_date(); } if( $use_transaction ) { $DB->commit(); } if( ! empty( $refresh_parent_item ) ) { // Refresh contents last updated ts of parent Item if this Comment was the latest Comment of parent Item: $comment_Item->latest_Comment = NULL; $comment_Item->refresh_contents_last_updated_ts(); } } else { if( $use_transaction ) { $DB->rollback(); } } return $r; } /** * Displays link for replying to the Comment if blog's setting allows this action * * @param string to display before link * @param string to display after link * @param string link text * @param string link title * @param string class name */ function reply_link( $before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '' ) { if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) { return false; } if( empty( $this->ID ) ) { // Happens in Preview return false; } $this->get_Item(); $this->Item->load_Blog(); if( ! $this->Item->Blog->get_setting( 'threaded_comments' ) ) { // A blog's setting is OFF for replying to the comment return false; } if( !$this->Item->can_comment() ) { // The comments are disabled return false; } // ID of a replying comment $comment_reply_ID = param( 'reply_ID', 'integer', 0 ); if( $text == '#' ) { // Use default text $text = $this->ID == $comment_reply_ID ? T_('You are currently replying to this comment') : T_('Reply to this comment'); } if( $title == '#' ) { // Use default title $title = T_('Reply to this comment'); } $class .= ' comment_reply'; if( $this->ID == $comment_reply_ID ) { // This comment is using for replying now $class .= ' active'; } $class = ' class="'.trim( $class ).'"'; // Initialize an url to reply on comment: if( is_admin_page() ) { // for back-office: global $admin_url; $url = $admin_url.'?ctrl=items&blog='.$this->Item->Blog->ID.'&p='.$this->Item->ID.( $this->is_meta() ? '&comment_type=meta' : '' ).'&reply_ID='.$this->ID.'#comment_checkchanges'; } else { // for front-office: $url = url_add_param( $this->Item->get_permanent_url(), 'reply_ID='.$this->ID.( $this->is_meta() ? '&comment_type=meta' : '' ).'&redir=no' ).'#'.( $this->is_meta() ? 'meta_' : '' ).'form_p'.$this->Item->ID; } echo $before; // Display a link echo ''.$text.''; echo $after; return true; } /** * Check if comment has the replies */ function has_replies() { global $cache_comments_has_replies; if( ! isset( $cache_comments_has_replies ) ) { // Init an array to cache $cache_comments_has_replies = array(); } if( ! isset( $cache_comments_has_replies[ $this->item_ID ] ) ) { // Get all comments that have the replies from DB (first time) global $DB; // Cache a result $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT( 'DISTINCT ( comment_in_reply_to_cmt_ID ), comment_ID' ); $SQL->FROM( 'T_comments' ); $SQL->WHERE( 'comment_in_reply_to_cmt_ID IS NOT NULL' ); $SQL->WHERE_and( 'comment_item_ID = '.$this->item_ID ); // Init an array to cache a result from current item $cache_comments_has_replies[ $this->item_ID ] = $DB->get_assoc( $SQL->get() ); } // Get a result from cache return isset( $cache_comments_has_replies[ $this->item_ID ][ $this->ID ] ); } /** * Set field last_touched_ts */ function set_last_touched_date() { global $localtimenow; $this->set_param( 'last_touched_ts', 'date', date2mysql( $localtimenow ) ); } /** * Update field last_touched_ts * * @param boolean update comment's post last touched ts as well or not * @param boolean Use TRUE to update field contents_last_updated_ts of the comment's item */ function update_last_touched_date( $update_item_last_touched_ts = true, $update_item_contents_last_updated_ts = false ) { global $localtimenow, $current_User; if( $this->is_meta() ) { // Don't touch Item when this Comment is meta return; } $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); if( empty( $comment_Item ) ) { // Don't execute the following code because this comment is broken return; } $timestamp = date2mysql( $localtimenow ); if( $this->ID && ( $this->last_touched_ts !== $timestamp ) ) { // If the comment was not deleted then update last touched date $this->set_param( 'last_touched_ts', 'date', $timestamp ); $this->dbupdate(); } if( $update_item_last_touched_ts || $update_item_contents_last_updated_ts ) { // Update last touched timestamp or content last update timestamp of the Item: $comment_Item->update_last_touched_date( true, $update_item_last_touched_ts, $update_item_contents_last_updated_ts ); } } /** * Get a permalink link to the Item of this Comment * * @param array Params * @return string Link to Item with anchor to Comment */ function get_permanent_item_link( $params = array() ) { $params = array_merge( array( 'text' => '#item#', 'title' => '#', 'class' => '', 'nofollow' => false, 'restrict_status' => false, ), $params ); return $this->get_permanent_link( $params['text'], $params['title'], $params['class'], $params['nofollow'], $params['restrict_status'] ); } /** * Check if this comment is meta * * @return boolean TRUE if this comment is meta */ function is_meta() { return $this->type == 'meta'; } /** * Get all child comment IDs * * @param integer Parent comment ID * @return array Comment IDs */ function get_child_comment_IDs( $parent_comment_ID = NULL ) { global $DB; if( $parent_comment_ID === NULL ) { // Use current comment ID as main parent ID $parent_comment_ID = $this->ID; } // Get child comment of level 1 $comments_SQL = new SQL(); $comments_SQL->SELECT( 'comment_ID' ); $comments_SQL->FROM( 'T_comments' ); $comments_SQL->WHERE( 'comment_in_reply_to_cmt_ID = '.$parent_comment_ID ); $parent_comment_IDs = $DB->get_col( $comments_SQL->get() ); $comment_IDs = array(); foreach( $parent_comment_IDs as $comment_ID ) { // Get all children recursively $comment_IDs[] = $comment_ID; $child_comment_IDs = $this->get_child_comment_IDs( $comment_ID ); foreach( $child_comment_IDs as $child_comment_ID ) { $comment_IDs[] = $child_comment_ID; } } return $comment_IDs; } /* * Get max allowed comment status depending on parent item status * * @param string Status key to check if it is allowed, NULL- to use current comment status * @return string Status key */ function get_allowed_status( $current_status = NULL ) { $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog(); if( $current_status === NULL ) { // Use current comment status: $current_status = $this->get( 'status' ); } // Restrict status to max allowed for item collection: $item_restricted_status = $item_Blog->get_allowed_item_status( $comment_Item->get( 'status' ) ); if( empty( $item_restricted_status ) ) { // If max allowed status is not detected because for example current User has no perm to item status, // then use current status of the Item in order to restrict max comment status below: $item_restricted_status = $comment_Item->get( 'status' ); } // Comment status cannot be more than post status, restrict it: $restricted_statuses = get_restricted_statuses( $item_Blog->ID, 'blog_comment!', 'edit', '', $item_restricted_status, $this ); // Get all visibility statuses: $visibility_statuses = get_visibility_statuses( '', $restricted_statuses ); // Find what max comment status we can use depending on parent item: $status_order = 0; $comment_status_order = NULL; $item_status_order = NULL; $max_allowed_comment_status = ''; foreach( $visibility_statuses as $visibility_status => $visibility_status_title ) { if( $status_order == 0 ) { // Set max allowed comment status: $max_allowed_comment_status = $visibility_status; } if( $visibility_status == $current_status ) { // Set an order for current status of this comment: $comment_status_order = $status_order; } if( $visibility_status == $item_restricted_status ) { // Set an order for max allowed status of the comment's item: $item_status_order = $status_order; } $status_order++; } if( $comment_status_order === NULL ) { // Current comment status is higher than max allowed by parent item, // So restrict it by max allowed for comments: $comment_restricted_status = $max_allowed_comment_status; } elseif( $comment_status_order < $item_restricted_status ) { // Restrict comment status to max allowed by parent item: $comment_restricted_status = $item_restricted_status; } else { // Don't restrict because current comment status is allowed: $comment_restricted_status = $current_status; } return $comment_restricted_status; } /** * Restrict Comment status by parent Item status AND its Collection access restriction AND by CURRENT USER write perm * * @param boolean TRUE to update status */ function restrict_status( $update_status = false ) { global $current_User; // Store current status to display a warning: $current_status = $this->get( 'status' ); $commented_Item = & $this->get_Item(); if( $this->is_meta() ) { // Meta comment: if( ! is_logged_in() || ( $commented_Item && ! $current_User->check_perm( 'meta_comment', 'view', false, $commented_Item->get_blog_ID() ) ) ) { // Change meta comment status to 'protected' if user has no perm to view them: $comment_allowed_status = 'protected'; } else { // Do not restrict if meta comment and user has the proper permission: $comment_allowed_status = $current_status; } } else { // Restrict status of normal comment to max allowed by parent item: $comment_allowed_status = $this->get_allowed_status(); if( empty( $comment_allowed_status ) && $commented_Item && ( $item_Blog = & $commented_Item->get_Blog() ) ) { // If min allowed status is not found then use what default status is allowed: $comment_allowed_status = get_highest_publish_status( 'comment', $item_Blog->ID, false ); } } if( $update_status ) { // Update status to new restricted value: $this->set( 'status', $comment_allowed_status ); } else { // Only change status to update it on the edit forms and Display a warning: $this->status = $comment_allowed_status; if( $current_status != $this->get( 'status' ) && ! $this->is_meta() ) { // If current comment status cannot be used because it is restricted by parent item: global $Messages; // Get max allowed for item collection: $comment_Item = & $this->get_Item(); $item_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog(); $item_restricted_status = $item_Blog->get_allowed_item_status( $comment_Item->status ); // Get all visibility status titles: $visibility_statuses = get_visibility_statuses(); // Display a warning: $Messages->add( sprintf( T_('Since the parent post of this comment have its visibility set to "%s", the visibility of this comment will be restricted to "%s".'), $visibility_statuses[ $item_restricted_status ], $visibility_statuses[ $this->status ] ), 'warning' ); } } } /** * Check what were already notified on this item * * @param array|string Flags, possible values: 'moderators_notified', 'members_notified', 'community_notified' */ function check_notifications_flags( $flags ) { if( ! is_array( $flags ) ) { // Convert string to array: $flags = array( $flags ); } // TRUE if all requested flags are in current item notifications flags: return ( count( array_diff( $flags, $this->get( 'notif_flags' ) ) ) == 0 ); } /** * Check if this comment can be displayed for current user on front-office * * @param string|NULL Status | NULL to use current status of this comment * @return boolean */ function can_be_displayed( $status = NULL ) { if( empty( $this->ID ) ) { // Comment is not created yet, so it cannot be displayed: return false; } // Load Item of this comment to get a collection ID: $Item = & $this->get_Item(); if( $status === NULL ) { // Use current status of this comment: $status = $this->get( 'status' ); } return can_be_displayed_with_status( $status, 'comment', $Item->get_blog_ID(), $this->author_user_ID ); } /** * Get comment order numbers for current filtered list (global $CommentList) * * @return integer|NULL */ function get_inlist_order() { if( empty( $this->ID ) ) { // This comment must exist in DB return NULL; } global $CommentList; if( empty( $CommentList ) ) { // Comment list must be initialized globally return NULL; } if( ! isset( $CommentList->inlist_orders[ $this->ID ] ) ) { // Order number is not found in list for this comment: return NULL; } $inlist_order = intval( $CommentList->inlist_orders[ $this->ID ] ); return $inlist_order < 0 ? 0 : $inlist_order; } } ?>