package bacalhau.authz import rego.v1 default allow = false job_endpoint := ["api", "v1", "orchestrator", "jobs"] # http_safe_methods := ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"] http_unsafe_methods := ["PUT", "DELETE", "POST"] is_legacy_api if { input.http.path[2] == "requester" } # Allow writing jobs if the access token has namespace write access allow if { input.http.path == job_endpoint input.http.method in http_unsafe_methods namespace_writable(job_namespace_perms) } # Allow reading jobs if the access token has namespace read access allow if { input.http.path == job_endpoint input.http.method in http_safe_methods namespace_readable(job_namespace_perms) } # Allow reading all other endpoints, inclduing by users who don't have a token allow if { input.http.path != job_endpoint not is_legacy_api input.http.method in http_safe_methods } # Allow access to legacy job APIs which will do authz internally allow if { is_legacy_api input.http.path[3] in ["submit", "cancel"] token_valid } # Allow reading other non-job V1 APIs without a token allow if { is_legacy_api not input.http.path[3] in ["submit", "cancel"] } # Allow posting to auth endpoints, neccessary to get a token in the first place allow if { input.http.path[2] == "auth" } # Checks to see whether the token provided is valid, separate from if the access is valid default token_valid = false # If we managed to get namespaces, the token is valid token_valid if { token_namespaces } # As we are allowing anonymous access, no token is also valid # (so a token that doesn't pass signatures or contains no namespaces is not valid) token_valid if { not input.http.headers["Authorization"] } # The permissions the access token grants on the job namespace job_namespace_perms := bits.or(token_namespaces[job_namespace], token_namespaces["*"]) if { token_namespaces[job_namespace] token_namespaces["*"] } job_namespace_perms := token_namespaces[job_namespace] if { token_namespaces[job_namespace] } job_namespace_perms := token_namespaces["*"] if { token_namespaces["*"] } # The namespace that the submitted job is going into default job_namespace := "" job_namespace := ns if { jobRequest := yaml.unmarshal(input.http.body) ns := jobRequest["namespace"] } # The list of namespaces from the verified access token token_namespaces := ns if { authHeader := input.http.headers["Authorization"][0] startswith(authHeader, "Bearer ") accessToken := trim_prefix(authHeader, "Bearer ") [valid, header, claims] := io.jwt.decode_verify(accessToken, input.constraints) valid ns := claims["ns"] } namespace_readable(namespace) if { bits.and(namespace, 1) != 0 } namespace_writable(namespace) if { bits.and(namespace, 2) != 0 } namespace_downloadable(namespace) if { bits.and(namespace, 4) != 0 } namespace_cancelable(namespace) if { bits.and(namespace, 8) != 0 }