""" generic streamlink plugin source: https://github.com/back-to/generic issues: https://github.com/back-to/generic/issues """ import base64 import codecs import logging import os.path import re from html import unescape as html_unescape from pathlib import Path from typing import Pattern from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, unquote, urljoin, urlparse from streamlink.exceptions import ( FatalPluginError, NoPluginError, NoStreamsError, ) from streamlink.plugin import Plugin, pluginargument, pluginmatcher from streamlink.plugin.api import useragents from streamlink.plugin.plugin import HIGH_PRIORITY from streamlink.stream import HLSStream, HTTPStream, DASHStream from streamlink.stream.ffmpegmux import MuxedStream from streamlink.utils.args import comma_list, num from streamlink.utils.url import update_scheme try: import yt_dlp as youtube_dl HAS_YTDL = True except ImportError: try: import youtube_dl HAS_YTDL = True except ImportError: HAS_YTDL = False GENERIC_VERSION = "2023-08-24" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) obfuscatorhtml_chunk_re = re.compile(r'''["'](?P[A-z0-9+/=]+)["']''') obfuscatorhtml_re = re.compile( r']*>[^<>]*var\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*\[(?P[^\[\]]+)\];\s*\1\.forEach.*-\s*(?P\d+)[^<>]*', ) unpack_packer_re = re.compile( r'''(?Peval\(function\(p,a,c,k,e,(?:d|r)\).*\))''') unpack_unescape_re = re.compile(r""" ]*>[^>]* document.write\(unescape\(\s* ["']((?=[^<>"']*%\w{2})[^<>"']+)["'] \)\);?[^<]*""", re.VERBOSE) unpack_source_url_re_1 = re.compile(r'''(?x)source:\s*(?Pwindow\.atob\( (?P["'])(?P[A-z0-9+/=]+)(?P=q)\)),\s* mimeType:\s*["']application/vnd\.apple\.mpegurl["'] ''') unpack_source_url_re_2 = re.compile(r'''(?x)var\s\w+url=(?Patob\( (?P["'])(?P[A-z0-9+/=]+)(?P=q)\));''') unpack_source_url_re_3 = re.compile(r'''(?x)Clappr\.Player\(\s*{\s* source:\s*(?P(?:window\.)atob\((?P["'])(?P[A-z0-9+/=]+)(?P=q)\))''') unpack_u_m3u8_re = re.compile(r'(\\u0022[^\s,]+m3u8[^\s,]*\\u0022)') class UnpackingError(Exception): """Badly packed source or general error.""" class Packer(object): """ Unpacker for Dean Edward's p.a.c.k.e.r source: https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify/ version: commit - b0e5f23a2d04db233f428349eb59e63bdefa78bb """ def __init__(self): self.beginstr = '' self.endstr = '' def detect(self, source): """Detects whether `source` is P.A.C.K.E.R. coded.""" mystr = source.replace(' ', '').find('eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,') if(mystr > 0): self.beginstr = source[:mystr] if(mystr != -1): """ Find endstr""" if(source.split("')))", 1)[0] == source): try: self.endstr = source.split("}))", 1)[1] except IndexError: self.endstr = '' else: self.endstr = source.split("')))", 1)[1] return (mystr != -1) def unpack(self, source): """Unpacks P.A.C.K.E.R. packed js code.""" payload, symtab, radix, count = self._filterargs(source) if count != len(symtab): raise UnpackingError('Malformed p.a.c.k.e.r. symtab.') try: if radix == 1: unbase = int else: unbase = Unbaser(radix) except TypeError: raise UnpackingError('Unknown p.a.c.k.e.r. encoding.') def lookup(match): """Look up symbols in the synthetic symtab.""" word = match.group(0) return symtab[unbase(word)] or word source = re.sub(r'\b\w+\b', lookup, payload) return self._replacestrings(source) def _filterargs(self, source): """Juice from a source file the four args needed by decoder.""" juicers = [(r"}\('(.*)', *(\d+|\[\]), *(\d+), *'(.*)'\.split\('\|'\), *(\d+), *(.*)\)\)"), (r"}\('(.*)', *(\d+|\[\]), *(\d+), *'(.*)'\.split\('\|'\)"), ] for juicer in juicers: args = re.search(juicer, source, re.DOTALL) if args: a = args.groups() if a[1] == "[]": a = list(a) a[1] = 62 a = tuple(a) try: return a[0], a[3].split('|'), int(a[1]), int(a[2]) except ValueError: raise UnpackingError('Corrupted p.a.c.k.e.r. data.') # could not find a satisfying regex raise UnpackingError('Could not make sense of p.a.c.k.e.r data (unexpected code structure)') def _replacestrings(self, source): """Strip string lookup table (list) and replace values in source.""" match = re.search(r'var *(_\w+)\=\["(.*?)"\];', source, re.DOTALL) if match: varname, strings = match.groups() startpoint = len(match.group(0)) lookup = strings.split('","') variable = '%s[%%d]' % varname for index, value in enumerate(lookup): source = source.replace(variable % index, '"%s"' % value) return source[startpoint:] return self.beginstr + source + self.endstr class Unbaser(object): """Functor for a given base. Will efficiently convert strings to natural numbers.""" ALPHABET = { 62: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 95: (' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' '[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~') } def __init__(self, base): self.base = base # fill elements 37...61, if necessary if 36 < base < 62: if not hasattr(self.ALPHABET, self.ALPHABET[62][:base]): self.ALPHABET[base] = self.ALPHABET[62][:base] # attrs = self.ALPHABET # print ', '.join("%s: %s" % item for item in attrs.items()) # If base can be handled by int() builtin, let it do it for us if 2 <= base <= 36: self.unbase = lambda s: int(s, base) else: # Build conversion dictionary cache try: self.dictionary = dict( (cipher, index) for index, cipher in enumerate(self.ALPHABET[base])) except KeyError: raise TypeError('Unsupported base encoding.') self.unbase = self._dictunbaser def __call__(self, s): return self.unbase(s) def _dictunbaser(self, s): """Decodes a value to an integer.""" ret = 0 for index, cipher in enumerate(s[::-1]): ret += (self.base ** index) * self.dictionary[cipher] return ret def unpack_packer(text: str) -> str: """unpack p.a.c.k.e.r""" packer = Packer() packer_list = unpack_packer_re.findall(text) if packer_list: for data in packer_list: if packer.detect(data): try: unpacked = packer.unpack(data).replace('\\', '') text = text.replace(data, unpacked) except UnpackingError: pass return text def unpack_obfuscatorhtml(text: str) -> str: """ Unpacker for Obfuscator HTML https://github.com/BlueEyesHF/Obfuscator-HTML """ while True: m = obfuscatorhtml_re.search(text) if m: unpacked = "" chunks = obfuscatorhtml_chunk_re.findall(m.group('chunks')) minus = int(m.group('minus')) for chunk in chunks: int_chunk = int(re.sub(r'\D', '', str(base64.b64decode(chunk)))) unpacked += chr(int_chunk - int(minus)) text = text.replace(m.group(0), unpacked) else: break return text def unpack_unescape(text: str) -> str: while True: m = unpack_unescape_re.search(text) if m: text = text.replace(m.group(0), unquote(m.group(1))) else: break return text def unpack_source_url(text: str, _unpack_source_url_re: Pattern) -> str: while True: m1 = _unpack_source_url_re.search(text) if m1: try: atob = base64.b64decode(m1.group("atob")).decode("utf-8") except Exception: atob = 'INVALID unpack_source_url' try: atob = "{q}{atob}{q}".format(q=m1.group("q"), atob=atob) text = text.replace(m1.group("replace"), atob) except Exception: pass else: break return text def unpack_u_m3u8(text: str) -> str: def _unicode_escape(s: str) -> str: unicode_escape = codecs.getdecoder('unicode_escape') return re.sub(r'\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}', lambda m: unicode_escape(m.group(0))[0], s) while True: m = unpack_u_m3u8_re.search(text) if m: text = text.replace(m.group(0), _unicode_escape(m.group(0))) else: break return text def unpack(text: str) -> str: """ unpack html source code """ text = unpack_packer(text) text = unpack_obfuscatorhtml(text) text = unpack_unescape(text) text = unpack_source_url(text, unpack_source_url_re_1) text = unpack_source_url(text, unpack_source_url_re_2) text = unpack_source_url(text, unpack_source_url_re_3) text = unpack_u_m3u8(text) return text class GenericCache(object): '''GenericCache is useded as a temporary session cache - GenericCache.blacklist_path - GenericCache.cache_url_list - GenericCache.whitelist_path ''' pass @pluginmatcher(re.compile(r'((?:generic|resolve)://)(?P.+)'), priority=HIGH_PRIORITY) @pluginmatcher(re.compile(r'(?P.+)'), priority=1) @pluginargument( "playlist-max", default=5, metavar="NUMBER", type=num(int, ge=0, le=25), help=""" Number of how many playlist URLs of the same type are allowed to be resolved with this plugin. Default is 5""" ) @pluginargument( "playlist-referer", metavar="URL", help="""Set a custom referer URL for the playlist URLs. This only affects playlist URLs of this plugin. Default is the URL of the last website.""" ) @pluginargument( "blacklist-netloc", metavar="NETLOC", type=comma_list, help=""" Blacklist domains that should not be used, by using a comma-separated list: "example.com,localhost,google.com" Useful for websites with a lot of iframes.""" ) @pluginargument( "blacklist-path", metavar="PATH", type=comma_list, help=""" Blacklist the path of a domain that should not be used, by using a comma-separated list: "example.com/mypath,localhost/example,google.com/folder" Useful for websites with different iframes of the same domain. """ ) @pluginargument( "blacklist-filepath", metavar="FILEPATH", type=comma_list, help=""" Blacklist file names for iframes and playlists by using a comma-separated list: "index.html,ignore.m3u8,/ad/master.m3u8" Sometimes there are invalid URLs in the result list, this can be used to remove them. """ ) @pluginargument( "whitelist-netloc", metavar="NETLOC", type=comma_list, help=""" Whitelist domains that should only be searched for iframes, by using a comma-separated list: "example.com,localhost,google.com" Useful for websites with lots of iframes, where the main iframe always has the same hosting domain. """ ) @pluginargument( "whitelist-path", metavar="PATH", type=comma_list, help=""" Whitelist the path of a domain that should only be searched for iframes, by using a comma-separated list: "example.com/mypath,localhost/example,google.com/folder" Useful for websites with different iframes of the same domain, where the main iframe always has the same path. """ ) @pluginargument( "ignore-same-url", action="store_true", help=""" Do not remove URLs from the valid list if they were already used. Sometimes needed as a workaround for --player-external-http issues. Be careful this might result in an infinity loop. """ ) @pluginargument( "ytdl-disable", action="store_true", help="Disable youtube-dl fallback." ) @pluginargument( "ytdl-only", action="store_true", help=""" Disable generic plugin and use only youtube-dl. """ ) @pluginargument( "debug", action="store_true", help=""" Developer Command! Saves unpacked HTML code of all opened URLs to the local hard drive for easier debugging. """ ) class Generic(Plugin): # iframes _iframe_re = re.compile(r'''(?isx) [^"'\s<>]+)\s?["'] [^<>]*?> ''') # playlists _playlist_re = re.compile(r'''(?sx) (?:["']|=|")(?P (?\s\;{}]+\.(?:m3u8|mp3|mp4|mpd) (?:\?[^"'<>\s\\{}]+)?)/? (?:\\?["']|(?|\\") ''') # mp3 and mp4 files _httpstream_bitrate_re = re.compile(r'''(?x) (?:_|\.|/|-) (?: (?P\d{1,4})(?:k)? | (?P\d{1,4}p) (?:\.h26(?:4|5))? ) \.mp(?:3|4) ''') _httpstream_common_resolution_list = [ '2160', '1440', '1080', '720', '576', '480', '360', '240', ] # javascript redirection _window_location_re = re.compile(r'''(?sx) [^"']+)["'];[^<>]+ ''') # obviously ad paths _ads_path_re = re.compile(r'''(?x) /ads?/?(?:\w+)? (?:\d+x\d+)? (?:_\w+)?\.(?:html?|php)$ ''') # START - _make_url_list # Not allowed at the end of the parsed url path blacklist_endswith = ( '.gif', '.jpg', '.png', '.svg', '.vtt', '/chat.html', '/chat', '/novideo.mp4', '/vidthumb.mp4', '/ads-iframe-display.php', ) # Not allowed at the end of the parsed url netloc blacklist_netloc = ( '', 'a.adtng.com', 'about:blank', 'abv.bg', 'adfox.ru', 'cbox.ws', 'googletagmanager.com', 'javascript:false', 'accounts.google.com', ) # END - _make_url_list def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.url = update_scheme('http://', self.match.group('url'), force=False) self.html_text = '' # START - cache every used url and set a referer if hasattr(GenericCache, 'cache_url_list'): GenericCache.cache_url_list += [self.url] # set the last url as a referer self.referer = GenericCache.cache_url_list[-2] else: GenericCache.cache_url_list = [self.url] self.referer = self.url self.session.http.headers.update({'Referer': self.referer}) # END # START - how often _get_streams already run self._run = len(GenericCache.cache_url_list) # END def compare_url_path(self, parsed_url, check_list, path_status='startswith'): status = False for netloc, path in check_list: if path_status == '==': if (parsed_url.netloc.endswith(netloc) and parsed_url.path == path): status = True break elif path_status == 'startswith': if (parsed_url.netloc.endswith(netloc) and parsed_url.path.startswith(path)): status = True break return status def merge_path_list(self, static, user): for _path_url in user: if not _path_url.startswith(('http', '//')): _path_url = update_scheme('http://', _path_url, force=False) _parsed_path_url = urlparse(_path_url) if _parsed_path_url.netloc and _parsed_path_url.path: static += [(_parsed_path_url.netloc, _parsed_path_url.path)] return static def repair_url(self, url, base_url, stream_base=''): # remove \ new_url = url.replace('\\', '') # repairs broken scheme if new_url.startswith('http://'): new_url = 'http:' + new_url[9:] elif new_url.startswith('https://'): new_url = 'https:' + new_url[10:] new_url = unquote(new_url) # creates a valid url from path only urls # and adds missing scheme for // urls if stream_base and new_url[1] != '/': if new_url[0] == '/': new_url = new_url[1:] new_url = urljoin(stream_base, new_url) else: new_url = urljoin(base_url, new_url) return new_url def _make_url_list(self, old_list, base_url, url_type=''): # START - List for not allowed URL Paths # --generic-blacklist-path if not hasattr(GenericCache, 'blacklist_path'): # static list blacklist_path = [ ('facebook.com', '/connect'), ('facebook.com', '/plugins'), ('google.com', '/recaptcha/'), ('youtube.com', '/['), ] # merge user and static list blacklist_path_user = self.get_option('blacklist_path') if blacklist_path_user is not None: blacklist_path = self.merge_path_list( blacklist_path, blacklist_path_user) GenericCache.blacklist_path = blacklist_path # END blacklist_path_same = [ ('player.vimeo.com', '/video/'), ('youtube.com', '/embed/'), ] # START - List of only allowed URL Paths for Iframes # --generic-whitelist-path if not hasattr(GenericCache, 'whitelist_path'): whitelist_path = [] whitelist_path_user = self.get_option('whitelist_path') if whitelist_path_user is not None: whitelist_path = self.merge_path_list( [], whitelist_path_user) GenericCache.whitelist_path = whitelist_path # END allow_same_url = (self.get_option('ignore_same_url')) new_list = [] for url in old_list: new_url = self.repair_url(url, base_url) # parse the url parse_new_url = urlparse(new_url) # START REMOVE = False if new_url in GenericCache.cache_url_list and not allow_same_url: # Removes an already used url # ignored if --hls-session-reload is used REMOVE = 'SAME-URL' elif (not parse_new_url.scheme.startswith(('http'))): # Allow only an url with a valid scheme REMOVE = 'SCHEME' elif (url_type == 'iframe' and self.get_option('whitelist_netloc') and parse_new_url.netloc.endswith(tuple(self.get_option('whitelist_netloc'))) is False): # Allow only whitelisted domains for iFrames # --generic-whitelist-netloc REMOVE = 'WL-netloc' elif (url_type == 'iframe' and GenericCache.whitelist_path and self.compare_url_path(parse_new_url, GenericCache.whitelist_path) is False): # Allow only whitelisted paths from a domain for iFrames # --generic-whitelist-path REMOVE = 'WL-path' elif (parse_new_url.netloc.endswith(self.blacklist_netloc)): # Removes blacklisted domains from a static list # self.blacklist_netloc REMOVE = 'BL-static' elif (self.get_option('blacklist_netloc') and parse_new_url.netloc.endswith(tuple(self.get_option('blacklist_netloc')))): # Removes blacklisted domains # --generic-blacklist-netloc REMOVE = 'BL-netloc' elif (self.compare_url_path(parse_new_url, GenericCache.blacklist_path) is True): # Removes blacklisted paths from a domain # --generic-blacklist-path REMOVE = 'BL-path' elif (parse_new_url.path.endswith(self.blacklist_endswith)): # Removes unwanted endswith images and chatrooms REMOVE = 'BL-ew' elif (self.get_option('blacklist_filepath') and parse_new_url.path.endswith(tuple(self.get_option('blacklist_filepath')))): # Removes blacklisted file paths # --generic-blacklist-filepath REMOVE = 'BL-filepath' elif (self._ads_path_re.search(parse_new_url.path) or parse_new_url.netloc.startswith(('ads.'))): # Removes obviously AD URL REMOVE = 'ADS' elif (self.compare_url_path(parse_new_url, blacklist_path_same, path_status='==') is True): # Removes blacklisted same paths from a domain REMOVE = 'BL-path-same' elif parse_new_url.netloc == 'cdn.embedly.com' and parse_new_url.path == '/widgets/media.html': # do not use the direct URL for 'cdn.embedly.com', search the query for a new URL params = dict(parse_qsl(parse_new_url.query)) embedly_new_url = params.get('url') or params.get('src') if embedly_new_url: new_list += [embedly_new_url] else: log.error('Missing params URL or SRC for {0}'.format(new_url)) continue else: # valid URL new_list += [new_url] continue log.debug('{0} - Removed: {1}'.format(REMOVE, new_url)) # END # Remove duplicates log.debug('List length: {0} (with duplicates)'.format(len(new_list))) new_list = sorted(list(set(new_list))) return new_list def _window_location(self): match = self._window_location_re.search(self.html_text) if match: temp_url = urljoin(self.url, match.group('url')) if temp_url not in GenericCache.cache_url_list: log.debug('Found window_location: {0}'.format(temp_url)) return temp_url log.trace('No window_location') return False def _resolve_playlist(self, playlist_all): playlist_referer = self.get_option('playlist_referer') or self.url self.session.http.headers.update({'Referer': playlist_referer}) playlist_max = self.get_option('playlist_max') or 5 count_playlist = { 'dash': 0, 'hls': 0, 'http': 0, } o = urlparse(self.url) origin_tuple = ( '.cloudfront.net', ) for url in playlist_all: parsed_url = urlparse(url) if parsed_url.netloc.endswith(origin_tuple): self.session.http.headers.update({ 'Origin': '{0}://{1}'.format(o.scheme, o.netloc), }) if (parsed_url.path.endswith(('.m3u8')) or parsed_url.query.endswith(('.m3u8'))): if count_playlist['hls'] >= playlist_max: log.debug('Skip - {0}'.format(url)) continue try: streams = HLSStream.parse_variant_playlist(self.session, url).items() if not streams: yield 'live', HLSStream(self.session, url) for s in streams: yield s log.debug('HLS URL - {0}'.format(url)) count_playlist['hls'] += 1 except Exception as e: log.error('Skip HLS with error {0}'.format(str(e))) elif (parsed_url.path.endswith(('.mp3', '.mp4')) or parsed_url.query.endswith(('.mp3', '.mp4'))): if count_playlist['http'] >= playlist_max: log.debug('Skip - {0}'.format(url)) continue try: name = 'vod' m = self._httpstream_bitrate_re.search(url) if m: bitrate = m.group('bitrate') resolution = m.group('resolution') if bitrate: if bitrate in self._httpstream_common_resolution_list: name = '{0}p'.format(m.group('bitrate')) else: name = '{0}k'.format(m.group('bitrate')) elif resolution: name = resolution yield name, HTTPStream(self.session, url) log.debug('HTTP URL - {0}'.format(url)) count_playlist['http'] += 1 except Exception as e: log.error('Skip HTTP with error {0}'.format(str(e))) elif (parsed_url.path.endswith(('.mpd')) or parsed_url.query.endswith(('.mpd'))): if count_playlist['dash'] >= playlist_max: log.debug('Skip - {0}'.format(url)) continue try: for s in DASHStream.parse_manifest(self.session, url).items(): yield s log.debug('DASH URL - {0}'.format(url)) count_playlist['dash'] += 1 except Exception as e: log.error('Skip DASH with error {0}'.format(str(e))) else: log.error('parsed URL - {0}'.format(url)) def _res_text(self, url): try: res = self.session.http.get(url, allow_redirects=True) except Exception as e: if 'Received response with content-encoding: gzip' in str(e): headers = { 'User-Agent': useragents.FIREFOX, 'Accept-Encoding': 'deflate' } res = self.session.http.get(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True) elif '403 Client Error' in str(e): log.error('Website Access Denied/Forbidden, you might be geo-' 'blocked or other params are missing.') raise NoStreamsError(self.url) elif '404 Client Error' in str(e): log.error('Website was not found, the link is broken or dead.') raise NoStreamsError(self.url) else: raise e if res.history: for resp in res.history: log.debug('Redirect: {0} - {1}'.format(resp.status_code, resp.url)) log.debug('URL: {0}'.format(res.url)) return res.text def get_author(self): parsed = urlparse(self.url) split_username = list(filter(None, parsed.path.split('/'))) if len(split_username) == 1: return split_username[0] elif parsed.fragment: return parsed.fragment return super().get_author() def get_title(self): if self.title is None: if not self.html_text: self.html_text = self._res_text(self.url) _og_title_re = re.compile(r'[^<>]+)"\s*/?>') _title_re = re.compile(r']*>(?P[^<>]+)') m = _og_title_re.search(self.html_text) or _title_re.search(self.html_text) if m: self.title = re.sub(r'[\s]+', ' ', m.group('title')) self.title = re.sub(r'^\s*|\s*$', '', self.title) self.title = html_unescape(self.title) if self.title is None: # fallback if there is no self.title = self.url return self.title def ytdl_fallback(self): '''Basic support for m3u8 URLs with youtube-dl''' log.debug(f'Fallback {youtube_dl.__name__} {youtube_dl.version.__version__}') class YTDL_Logger(object): def debug(self, msg): log.debug(msg) def warning(self, msg): log.warning(msg) def error(self, msg): log.trace(msg) ydl_opts = { 'call_home': False, 'forcejson': True, 'logger': YTDL_Logger(), 'no_color': True, 'noplaylist': True, 'no_warnings': True, 'verbose': False, 'quiet': True, } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: try: info = ydl.extract_info(self.url, download=False) except Exception: return if not info or not info.get('formats'): return self.title = info['title'] streams = [] for stream in info['formats']: if stream['protocol'] in ['m3u8', 'm3u8_native'] and stream['ext'] == 'mp4': log.trace('{0!r}'.format(stream)) name = stream.get('height') or stream.get('width') if name: name = '{0}p'.format(name) streams.append((name, HLSStream(self.session, stream['url'], headers=stream['http_headers']))) if not streams: if ('youtube.com' in self.url and info.get('requested_formats') and len(info.get('requested_formats')) == 2 and MuxedStream.is_usable(self.session)): audio_url = audio_format = video_url = video_format = video_name = None for stream in info.get('requested_formats'): if stream.get('format_id') == '135': url = stream.get('manifest_url') if not url: return return DASHStream.parse_manifest(self.session, url).items() if not stream.get('height'): audio_url = stream.get('url') audio_format = stream.get('format_id') if stream.get('height'): video_url = stream.get('url') video_format = stream.get('format_id') video_name = '{0}p'.format(stream.get('height')) log.debug('MuxedStream: v {video} a {audio} = {name}'.format( audio=audio_format, name=video_name, video=video_format, )) streams.append((video_name, MuxedStream(self.session, HTTPStream(self.session, video_url, headers=stream['http_headers']), HTTPStream(self.session, audio_url, headers=stream['http_headers'])) )) return streams def _get_streams(self): if HAS_YTDL and not self.get_option('ytdl-disable') and self.get_option('ytdl-only'): ___streams = self.ytdl_fallback() if ___streams and len(___streams) >= 1: return (s for s in ___streams) if self.get_option('ytdl-only'): return if self._run <= 1: log.info('Version {0} - https://github.com/back-to/generic'.format(GENERIC_VERSION)) new_url = False log.info(' {0}. URL={1}'.format(self._run, self.url)) # GET website content self.html_text = self._res_text(self.url) # unpack common javascript codes self.html_text = unpack(self.html_text) if self.get_option('debug'): _valid_filepath = re.sub(r'(?u)[^-\w.]', '', str(self.url).strip().replace(' ', '_')) _new_file = os.path.join(Path().absolute(), f'{self._run}_{_valid_filepath}.html') log.warning(f'NEW DEBUG FILE! {_new_file}') try: with open(_new_file, 'w+') as f: f.write(str(self.html_text)) except OSError: pass # Playlist URL playlist_all = self._playlist_re.findall(self.html_text) if playlist_all: log.debug('Found Playlists: {0}'.format(len(playlist_all))) playlist_list = self._make_url_list(playlist_all, self.url, url_type='playlist', ) if playlist_list: log.info('Found Playlists: {0} (valid)'.format( len(playlist_list))) return self._resolve_playlist(playlist_list) else: log.trace('No Playlists') # iFrame URL iframe_list = self._iframe_re.findall(self.html_text) if iframe_list: log.debug('Found Iframes: {0}'.format(len(iframe_list))) # repair and filter iframe url list new_iframe_list = self._make_url_list(iframe_list, self.url, url_type='iframe') if new_iframe_list: number_iframes = len(new_iframe_list) if number_iframes == 1: new_url = new_iframe_list[0] else: log.info('--- IFRAMES ---') for i, item in enumerate(new_iframe_list, start=1): log.info('{0} - {1}'.format(i, item)) log.info('--- IFRAMES ---') try: number = int(self.input_ask( 'Choose an iframe number from above').split(' ')[0]) new_url = new_iframe_list[number - 1] except FatalPluginError: new_url = new_iframe_list[0] except ValueError: log.error('invalid input answer') except (IndexError, TypeError): log.error('invalid input number') if not new_url: new_url = new_iframe_list[0] else: log.trace('No iframes') if not new_url: # search for window.location.href new_url = self._window_location() if new_url: # the Dailymotion Plugin does not work with this Referer if 'dailymotion.com' in new_url: del self.session.http.headers['Referer'] return self.session.streams(new_url) if HAS_YTDL and not self.get_option('ytdl-disable') and not self.get_option('ytdl-only'): ___streams = self.ytdl_fallback() if ___streams and len(___streams) >= 1: return (s for s in ___streams) raise NoPluginError __plugin__ = Generic