The Name of My Project ====================== Foo project enables you to do bar. Requirements ------------ This module requires that the following modules are also enabled: * [Bar]( * [Baz]( Installation ------------ - Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at - Visit the configuration page under Administration > Configuration > Category > Foo (admin/config/category/foo) and enter the required information. - Any additional steps. Differences from Drupal 7 ------------------------- - Administrative interface has been improved. Documentation ------------- Additional documentation is located in [the Wiki]( Issues ------ Bugs and feature requests should be reported in [the Issue Queue]( Current Maintainers ------------------- - [John Smith]( - [Jane Lee]( - Seeking additional maintainers. Credits ------- - Ported to Backdrop CMS by [Betty Boop]( - Originally written for Drupal by [Bob Brown]( - Based on [The MagicalCode project]( - Inital development sponsored by [MiniCorp]( License ------- This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.