# SassBeautify https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/SassBeautify A Sublime Text plugin that beautifies Sass files. (Compatible with Sublime Text 2 & 3.) ![ScreenShot](https://raw.github.com/badsyntax/SassBeautify/master/assets/screenshot.png) ## Dependencies This plugin uses `sass-convert`, and so you need to have sass installed. Read the [sass download page](http://sass-lang.com/download.html) to view the installation options. It's a good idea to always use the latest version of Sass. ## Installation **Option 1 (recommended)** Install via package control: 1. Ensure you have package control installed, see here: https://sublime.wbond.net/installation 2. Install the package: open up the command palette (ctrl/cmd + shift + p), execute the following command: 'Package Control: Install Package', then enter 'SassBeautify' **Option 2** Manual download: 1. Download the zip file file here: https://github.com/badsyntax/SassBeautify/archive/master.zip 2. Unzip the archive, rename the 'SassBeautify-master' folder to 'SassBeautify' and move it into your Sublime Text 'Packages' directory. ## Usage **Default usage** Run the plugin from the command palette: 1. Open the command palette (ctrl/cmd + shift + p) 2. Enter 'SassBeautify' **Conversion usage** Run the conversion commands from the command palette: 1. Open the command palette (ctrl/cmd + shift + p) 2. Type 'SassBeautify' 3. Choose one of the following options: * Convert from CSS to current type * Convert from SCSS to current type * Convert from SASS to current type ## Settings Once installed, you can customize how the beautification works by changing the package settings. 1. Open the default settings from the preferences menu: `Preferences >> Package Settings >> SassBeautify >> Settings - Default` 2. Copy the settings and paste them into your user settings file: `Preferences >> Package Settings >> SassBeautify >> Settings - User` 3. Change the user settings. ### Settings overview The following settings can be adjusted: ```javascript { // How many spaces to use for each level of indentation. "t" means use hard tabs. "indent": 4, // Convert underscores to dashes. "dasherize": false, // Output the old-style ":prop val" property syntax. Only meaningful when generating Sass. "old": false, // Custom environment PATH. "path": false, // Custom environment GEM_PATH. "gemPath": false, // Beautify the sass file after saving it? "beautifyOnSave": false, // Keep "inline" comments inline? "inlineComments": false, // Add a new line between selectors? "newlineBetweenSelectors": false, // Use single quotes everywhere "useSingleQuotes": false } ``` ### Key bindings The plugin does not set any default key bindings, thus you will need to specify your own. In your keymap file (Preferences >> Key bindings - User), add a custom key binding: ```json [ { "keys": ["alt+w"], "command": "sass_beautify" } ] ``` ## Issues with ruby, Sass and your PATH If you installed ruby and sass via a version manager tool like [RVM](https://rvm.io/), [rbenv](https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv) or via an installer like [ruby installer](http://rubyinstaller.org/), then you're likely to encounter issues with running `sass-convert` from Sublime Text. ### Compatibility with RVM/rbenv You need to specify the custom `PATH` and `GEM_PATH `values in your SassBeautify user settings. Follow the steps below: 1. Open up terminal 2. Run: `echo $PATH` 3. Copy the *entire* `PATH` into the 'path' setting 4. Run: `echo $GEM_PATH` 5. Copy the *entire* `GEM_PATH` into the 'gemPath' setting ### Compatibility with RubyInstaller During the install process, there should be an option to add ruby to your environment PATH. Ensure this option is selected. ## Issues This plugin should work on Linux (tested on Ubuntu 12.04), Windows (tested on Windows 7/8) and OSX (tested on 10.5.7). Please [create an issue](https://github.com/badsyntax/SassBeautify/issues) if you find it doesn't work as expected on your setup. ## Thanks Thanks to the [contributors](https://github.com/badsyntax/SassBeautify/graphs/contributors) and to all the people who have tested and reported issues. ## License Licensed under the MIT license. Created by [Richard Willis](http://badsyntax.co/)