# Stack Overflow Debug Helper This is a plugin for sublime text 3, which can be run after an unsuccessful build to search StackOverflow for the error that occured. ## Language support The plugin has been tested for these programming languages: ``` C C++ Java Python ``` ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the plugin in your sublime-text editor. ### Prerequisites Using sublime-text-3 as your code editor, also for the easy installation method you need to have [Sublime Package Manager](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control). installed. ### Installing The easiest method to install this plugin is through [Sublime Package Manager](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control). Open up the package manager and search for: ``` StackOverflowDebugHelper ``` Alternatively, you can download the files from github and place them in the sublime's directory: ``` $HOME/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User ``` ### Usage The default key binding for this plugin is ctr+alt+b. After you started a build (with ctrl+b) and you get an error activate our plugin from package control or by pressing before mentioned key combination. ## Versioning Let [Sublime Package Manager](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) take care of versioning. ## Authors * **Blaž Bagić** - *Developer* - [debugginator](https://github.com/debugginator) See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/your/project/contributors) who participated in this project. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details ## Acknowledgments * Eric Martel for the idea of opening a tab in a web browser (https://github.com/ericmartel/Sublime-Text-2-Stackoverflow-Plugin) --------------------------- ## Donate If you use the DebugHelper and feel it is making your coding life better and easier, please consider making a donation for all the coffee and beer involved in this project. Thank you! Donate via: * [**Paypal**](https://paypal.me/blazbagic)