const plugin_version = '2019-1220-1800' const plugin_name = 'iast' const plugin_desc = 'IAST Fuzz 插件' /* * Copyright 2017-2019 Baidu Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict' var plugin = new RASP(plugin_name) // BEGIN ALGORITHM CONFIG // var algorithmConfig = { // 防止前端报错 meta: {}, iast: { fuzz_server: '', request_timeout: 5000, byhost_regex: '.*' } } // END ALGORITHM CONFIG // var byhost_regex if (algorithmConfig.iast.byhost_regex.length > 0){ byhost_regex = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.iast.byhost_regex) } var ip_regex = new RegExp(String.raw`^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$`) function bufferToHex (buffer) { return Array.from (new Uint8Array (buffer)).map (b => b.toString (16).padStart (2, "0")).join (""); } function get_stack_hash (stack) { var s = stack.join(",") var hashes = Array(4); hashes.fill(0) for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i += 1) { hashes[i%4] = hashes[i%4] ^ s.charCodeAt(i); hashes[i%4] = ((hashes[i%4] >> 24 ) | (hashes[i%4] << 8)) } var ret = "" for (let i = 0; i < hashes.length; i += 1) { ret += (hashes[i] >>> 0).toString(16).padStart(8, "0") } return ret; } function add_hook(hook_type, params, context) { if (context.header == null) { return } if ( context.header["scan-request-id"] != undefined) { if (is_scanning_hook(hook_type, params, context)) { params.stack = params.stack } else { return } } else { params.stack = get_stack_hash(params.stack) } if (context.hook_info == undefined) { context.hook_info = [] } params.hook_type = hook_type context.hook_info.push(params) } function is_scanning_hook(hook_type, params, context) { /* [ { "type": "sql", "filter": [ { "query": "openrasp" }, ... ] }, ... ] */ if (context.filter === undefined) { try { let filter_ascii = context.header["x-iast-filter"] context.filter = JSON.parse(unescape(filter_ascii)) } catch (e) { context.filter = false return true } } if (context.filter === false) { return true } for (let item of Object.values(context.filter)) { if (item.type == hook_type) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(item.filter)) { if (params[key] !== undefined && params[key].indexOf(value) != -1) { return true } } } } return false } function send_rasp_result(context) { if (context.header == null) { return } var hook_info = context.hook_info || [] delete context.hook_info delete context.filter // 不检测不包含hook_info的请求, xml类型除外 if (hook_info.length == 0 && context.header["scan-request-id"] === undefined && context.header["content-type"] != undefined && context.header["content-type"].indexOf("application/xml") < 0) { return } var default_port if (context.url.toLowerCase().startsWith("https")) { default_port = 443 } else { default_port = 80 } // 构建 context var new_context = Object.assign({}, context) new_context.json = new_context.json || {} new_context.parameter = new_context.parameter || {} new_context.querystring = new_context.querystring || "" if (context.header["scan-request-id"] === undefined) { new_context.body = bufferToHex(context.body).substr(0, 200) } else{ new_context.body = "" } var web_server = {} var server_host = if (!server_host) { msg = "Agent with rasp id:" + context.raspId + " get host from http header failed! " plugin.log(msg) return } if (byhost_regex && byhost_regex.test(server_host)) { server_host = server_host.split(":") = server_host[0] web_server.port = parseInt(server_host[1]) || default_port } else { server_host = server_host.split(":") for (var i in context.nic) { if (context.nic[i].ip && ip_regex.test(context.nic[i].ip) && context.nic[i].ip != "") { = context.nic[i].ip break } } if (! { msg = "Agent with rasp id:" + context.raspId + " get ip failed! " plugin.log(msg) return } else { web_server.port = parseInt(server_host[1]) || default_port } } // 将hook点信息发送给扫描服务器 var data = { "web_server": web_server, "context": new_context, "hook_info": hook_info, "plugin_version": plugin_version } var request_config = { "method": "post", "data": data, "timeout": algorithmConfig['iast']['timeout'], "maxRedirects": 0, "headers": { "content-type": "application/json" }, } if (context.header["scan-request-server"] !== undefined) { request_config.url = context.header["scan-request-server"] } else { request_config.url = algorithmConfig['iast']['fuzz_server'] } // console.log("send to:", algorithmConfig['iast']['fuzz_server']) RASP.request(request_config).catch(console.log) } plugin.register('sql', function (params, context) { params.tokens = RASP.sql_tokenize(params.query) add_hook("sql", params, context) }) plugin.register('ssrf', function (params, context) { add_hook('ssrf', params, context) }) plugin.register('directory', function (params, context) { add_hook('directory', params, context) }) plugin.register('readFile', function (params, context) { add_hook('readFile', params, context) }) plugin.register('include', function (params, context) { add_hook('include', params, context) }) plugin.register('writeFile', function (params, context) { add_hook('writeFile', params, context) }) plugin.register('fileUpload', function (params, context) { add_hook('fileUpload', params, context) }) plugin.register('webdav', function (params, context) { add_hook('webdav', params, context) }) plugin.register('rename', function (params, context) { add_hook('rename', params, context) }) plugin.register('command', function (params, context) { if (context.url) { params.tokens = RASP.cmd_tokenize(params.command) add_hook('command', params, context) } }) plugin.register('xxe', function (params, context) { add_hook('xxe', params, context) }) plugin.register('ognl', function (params, context) { add_hook('ognl', params, context) }) plugin.register('deserialization', function (params, context) { add_hook('deserialization', params, context) }) plugin.register('eval', function (params, context) { add_hook('eval', params, context) }) plugin.register('mongodb', function (params, context) { add_hook('mongodb', params, context) }) plugin.register('deleteFile', function (params, context) { add_hook('deleteFile', params, context) }) plugin.register('request', function (params, context) { }) plugin.register('requestEnd', function (params, context) { send_rasp_result(context) }) plugin.log('OpenRASP IAST plugin: Initialized, version', plugin_version)