const plugin_version = '2022-0908-1700' const plugin_name = 'official' const plugin_desc = '官方插件' /* * Copyright 2017-2021 Baidu Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // 常用链接 // // Web 攻击检测能力说明、零规则检测算法介绍 // // // CVE 漏洞覆盖说明 // 'use strict' var plugin = new RASP(plugin_name) // 检测逻辑开关 // // block -> 拦截,并打印报警日志 // log -> 打印日志,不拦截 // ignore -> 关闭这个算法 // BEGIN ALGORITHM CONFIG // var algorithmConfig = { // 快速设置 meta: { // 若 all_log 开启,表示为观察模式,会将所有的 block 都改为 log all_log: true, // 若 is_dev 开启,表示为线下环境,将开启更多消耗性能的检测算法 is_dev: false, // 若 log_event 开启,将打印应用行为信息到 plugin.log log_event: false, // schema 版本 schema_version: 1 }, // SQL注入算法#1 - 匹配用户输入 // 1. 用户输入长度至少 8 // 2. 用户输入至少包含一个SQL关键词 - 即 pre_filter,[默认关闭] // 3. 用户输入完整的出现在SQL语句中,且会导致SQL语句逻辑发生变化 sql_userinput: { name: '算法1 - 用户输入匹配算法', action: 'block', min_length: 8, pre_filter: 'select|file|from|;', pre_enable: false, anti_detect_filter: 'add|all|alter|analyze|and|any|as|asc|avg|begin|between|by|case|create|count|delete|desc|do|dumpfile|else|elseif|end|exists|false|file|float|flush|follows|from|group|having|identified|if|in|insert|interval|into|join|last|like|limit|loop|not|null|on|or|order|procedure|regexp|return|rlike|select|then|true|union|update|values|xor', anti_detect_enable: true, lcs_search: false, // 是否允许数据库管理器 - 前端直接提交SQL语句 allow_full: true }, // SQL注入算法#2 - 语句规范 sql_policy: { name: '算法2 - 拦截异常SQL语句', action: 'block', // 粗规则 - 为了减少 tokenize 次数,当SQL语句包含一定特征时才进入 // 另外,我们只需要处理增删改查的语句,虽然 show 语句也可以报错注入,但是算法2没必要处理 pre_filter: ';|\\/\\*|(?:\\d{1,2}\\s*,\\s*){2}|(?:null\\s*,\\s*){2}|0x[\\da-f]{8}|\\W(information_schema|outfile|dumpfile|load_file|benchmark|pg_sleep|sleep|is_srvrolemember|updatexml|extractvalue|hex|char|chr|mid|ord|ascii|bin)\\W', feature: { // 是否禁止多语句执行,select ...; update ...; stacked_query: false, // 是否禁止16进制字符串,select 0x41424344 no_hex: false, // 禁止版本号注释,select/*!500001,2,*/3 version_comment: true, // 函数黑名单,具体列表见下方,select load_file(...) function_blacklist: true, // 敏感函数频次, 具体列表见下方,select chr(123)||chr(123)||chr(123)=chr(123)||chr(123)||chr(123) function_count: false, // 拦截 union select NULL,NULL 或者 union select 1,2,3,4 union_null: true, // 是否拦截 into outfile 写文件操作 into_outfile: true, // 是否拦截 information_schema 相关读取操作,默认关闭 information_schema: false }, function_blacklist: { // 文件操作 load_file: true, // 时间差注入 benchmark: true, sleep: true, pg_sleep: true, // 探测阶段 is_srvrolemember: true, // 报错注入 updatexml: true, extractvalue: true, // 盲注函数,如有误报可删掉一些函数 hex: false, mid: false, ord: false, ascii: false, bin: false }, function_count: { chr: 5, char: 5 } }, sql_exception: { name: '算法3 - 记录数据库异常', action: 'log', reference: '', // error_code 最多允许 100 个,超过直接清空 mysql: { error_code: [ // 1045, // Access denied for user 'bae'@'' // 1690, // DOUBLE value is out of range in 'exp(~((select 'root@localhost' from dual)))' 1060, // Duplicate column name '5.5.60-0ubuntu0.14.04.1' 1062, // Duplicate entry '::root@localhost::1' for key 'group_key' 1064, // You have an error in your SQL syntax 1105, // XPATH syntax error: '~root@localhost~' 1367 // Illegal non geometric 'user()' value found during parsing ] }, pgsql: { error_code: [ "42601", // normal syntax error "22P02", // ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "DATABASE: test1" ], error_state: [ "42601", // normal syntax error "22P02", // ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "DATABASE: test1" ] }, sqlite: { error_code: [ 1, // generic error, like syntax error、malformed MATCH expression: ["] and other ] }, oracle: { error_code: [ 933, // SQL command not properly ended 29257, // host string unknown 20000, // Oracle Text error 904, // invalid identifier 19202, // Error occurred in XML processing 1756, // quoted string not properly terminated 1740, // missing double quote in identifier 920, // invalid relational operator 907, // missing right parenthesis 911, // invalid character ] }, hsql: { error_code: [ -5583, // malformed quoted identifier -5584, // malformed string -5590, // unexpected end of statement ], error_state: [ "42583", // malformed quoted identifier "42584", // malformed string "42590", // unexpected end of statement ] }, mssql: { error_code: [ 105, // Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '%.*ls'. 245, // Conversion failed when converting the %ls value '%.*ls' to data type %ls. ] }, db2: { error_state: [ "42603", // The string constant beginning with "'xxx" does not have an ending string ] } }, // 此算法仅用于应急,默认不开启,用户编写时应注意redos风险 sql_regex: { name: '算法4 - 正则表达式算法', action: 'ignore', regex: 'information_schema' }, // SSRF - 来自用户输入,且为内网地址就拦截 ssrf_userinput: { name: '算法1 - 用户输入匹配算法(支持 rebind 检测)', action: 'block' }, // SSRF - 是否允许访问 aws metadata ssrf_aws: { name: '算法2 - 拦截 AWS/Aliyun/GCP metadata 访问', action: 'block' }, // SSRF - 是否允许访问 dnslog 地址 ssrf_common: { name: '算法3 - 拦截常见 dnslog 地址', action: 'block' }, // SSRF - 是否允许访问混淆后的IP地址 ssrf_obfuscate: { name: '算法4 - 拦截混淆地址', action: 'ignore' }, // SSRF - 禁止使用 curl 读取 file:///etc/passwd、php://filter/XXXX 这样的内容 ssrf_protocol: { name: '算法5 - 拦截 php:// 等异常协议', action: 'block', protocols: [ 'file', 'gopher', // python specific 'local_file', 'local-file', // java specific 'jar', 'netdoc', // php specific 'dict', 'php', 'phar', 'compress.zlib', 'compress.bzip2' ] }, // 任意文件下载防护 - 来自用户输入 readFile_userinput: { name: '算法1 - 用户输入匹配算法', action: 'block', lcs_search: false }, // 任意文件下载防护 - 使用 file_get_contents 等函数读取 http(s):// 内容(注意,这里不区分是否为内网地址) readFile_userinput_http: { name: '算法2 - 用户输入匹配算法 + http 协议', action: 'block' }, // 任意文件下载防护 - 使用 file_get_contents 等函数读取 file://、php:// 协议 readFile_userinput_unwanted: { name: '算法3 - 拦截 php:// 等异常协议', action: 'block' }, // 任意文件下载防护 - 使用 ../../ 跳出 web 目录读取敏感文件 readFile_outsideWebroot: { name: '算法4 - 禁止使用 ../../ 访问web目录以外的文件', action: 'ignore', reference: '' }, // 任意文件下载防护 - 读取敏感文件,最后一道防线 readFile_unwanted: { name: '算法5 - 文件探针算法', action: 'log' }, // 写文件操作 - NTFS 流 writeFile_NTFS: { name: '算法1 - 拦截 NTFS ::$DATA 写入操作', action: 'block' }, // 写文件操作 - PUT 上传脚本文件 - 无法关联实际上传的文件和写文件操作,暂时注释掉 // writeFile_PUT_script: { // name: '算法2 - 拦截 PUT 方式上传 php/jsp 等脚本文件', // action: 'block' // }, // 写文件操作 - 脚本文件 // writeFile_script: { name: '算法2 - 拦截 php/jsp 等脚本文件的写入操作', reference: '', action: 'block', userinput: true, lcs_search: false }, writeFile_reflect: { name: '算法3 - 拦截通过反射、反序列化执行的文件写入操作', action: 'log' }, // 任意文件删除 - 使用 ../跳出目录 deleteFile_userinput: { name: '算法1 - 用户输入匹配,禁止使用 ../ 删除文件', action: 'block', lcs_search: false }, // 重命名监控 - 将普通文件重命名为webshell, // 案例有 MOVE 方式上传后门、CVE-2018-9134 dedecms v5.7 后台重命名 getshell rename_webshell: { name: '算法1 - 通过重命名方式获取 WebShell', action: 'block' }, // copy_webshell: { // action: 'block' // }, link_webshell: { name: '算法1 - 通过链接方式获取 WebShell', action: 'block' }, // 文件管理器 - 用户输入匹配,仅当直接读取绝对路径时才检测 directory_userinput: { name: '算法1 - 用户输入匹配算法', action: 'block', lcs_search: false }, // 文件管理器 - 反射方式列目录 directory_reflect: { name: '算法2 - 通过反射调用,查看目录内容', action: 'block' }, // 文件管理器 - 查看敏感目录 directory_unwanted: { name: '算法3 - 尝试查看敏感目录', action: 'log' }, // 文件包含 - 用户输入匹配 include_userinput: { name: '算法1 - 用户输入匹配算法', action: 'block', lcs_search: false }, // 文件包含 - 特殊协议 include_protocol: { name: '算法2 - 尝试包含 jar:// 等异常协议', action: 'block', protocols: [ 'file', 'gopher', // java specific 'jar', 'netdoc', // php stream 'http', 'https', // php specific 'dict', 'php', // 'phar', 'compress.zlib', 'compress.bzip2', 'zip', 'rar' ] }, // XXE - 代码安全开关,通过调用相关函数直接禁止外部实体 xxe_disable_entity: { name: '算法1 - 禁止外部实体加载(记录日志等同于完全忽略)', action: 'ignore', clazz: { // com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/jaxp/DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl java_dom: true, // org/dom4j/io/SAXReader java_dom4j: true, // org/jdom/input/SAXBuilder,org/jdom2/input/SAXBuilder java_jdom: true, // com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/jaxp/SAXParserFactoryImpl java_sax: true, // javax/xml/stream/XMLInputFactory java_stax: true } }, // XXE - 使用 gopher/ftp/dict/.. 等不常见协议访问外部实体 xxe_protocol: { name: '算法2 - 使用 ftp:// 等异常协议加载外部实体', action: 'block', protocols: [ 'ftp', 'dict', 'gopher', // 'jar', // jenkins下存在误报 'netdoc', 'mailto' ] }, // XXE - 使用 file 协议读取内容,可能误报,默认 log xxe_file: { name: '算法3 - 使用 file:// 协议读取文件', reference: '', action: 'log', }, // 文件上传 - COPY/MOVE 方式,仅适合 tomcat fileUpload_webdav: { name: '算法1 - MOVE 方式上传脚本文件', action: 'block' }, // 文件上传 - Multipart 方式上传脚本文件 fileUpload_multipart_script: { name: '算法2 - Multipart 方式上传 PHP/JSP 等脚本文件', action: 'block' }, // 文件上传 - Multipart 方式上传 HTML/JS 等文件 fileUpload_multipart_html: { name: '算法3 - Multipart 方式上传 HTML/JS 等文件', action: 'ignore' }, // 文件上传 - Multipart 方式上传 DLL/EXE 等文件 fileUpload_multipart_exe: { name: '算法3 - Multipart 方式上传 DLL/EXE 等文件', action: 'ignore' }, // OGNL 代码执行漏洞 ognl_blacklist: { name: '算法1 - OGNL语句黑名单', action: 'block', expression: [ 'ognl.OgnlContext', 'ognl.TypeConverter', 'ognl.MemberAccess', '_memberAccess', 'ognl.ClassResolver', 'java.lang.Runtime', 'java.lang.Class', 'java.lang.ClassLoader', 'java.lang.System', 'java.lang.ProcessBuilder', 'java.lang.Object', 'java.lang.Shutdown', '', 'javax.script.ScriptEngineManager', 'excludedClasses', 'excludedPackageNamePatterns', 'excludedPackageNames', 'com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext' ] }, // OGNL 表达式长度限制 ognl_length_limit: { name: '算法2 - OGNL表达式长度限制', action: 'log', max_length: 400 }, // 命令执行 - java 反射、反序列化,php eval 等方式 command_reflect: { name: '算法1 - 通过反射执行命令,比如反序列化、加密后门', action: 'block' }, // 命令注入 - 命令执行后门,或者命令注入 command_userinput: { name: '算法2 - 用户输入匹配算法,包括命令注入检测', action: 'block', min_length: 2, java_unexploitable_filter: true, }, // 命令注入 - 常见命令 command_common: { name: '算法3 - 识别常用渗透命令(探针)', action: 'log', pattern: 'cat.{1,5}/etc/passwd|nc.{1,30}-e.{1,100}/bin/(?:ba)?sh|bash\\s-.{0,4}i.{1,20}/dev/tcp/|\\(.{0,6}/bin/(?:ba)?sh|fsockopen\\(.{1,50}/bin/(?:ba)?sh|perl.{1,80}socket.{1,120}open.{1,80}exec\\(.{1,5}/bin/(?:ba)?sh|\\{echo,.{10,400}{base64,-d}' }, // 命令执行 - 语法错误和敏感操作 command_error: { name: '算法4 - 查找语法错误和敏感操作', action: 'log', unbalanced_quote_enable: true, sensitive_cmd_enable: true, concat_char: ["|", ";"], sensitive_cmd: ["curl", "bash", "cat", "sh"], alarm_token_enable: true, alarm_token: ["$IFS", "${IFS}"] }, // 命令执行 - 是否拦截所有命令执行?如果没有执行命令的需求,可以改为 block,最大程度的保证服务器安全 command_other: { name: '算法5 - 记录或者拦截所有命令执行操作', action: 'ignore' }, // 命令注入 - dnslog command_dnslog: { name: '算法6 - dnslog类命令', action: 'log', pattern_cmd: '(^|\\W)(curl|ping|wget|nslookup|dig)\\W', pattern_domain: '\\.((ceye|exeye|sslip|nip)\\.io|dnslog\\.cn|(vcap|bxss)\\.me|xip\\.(name|io)|burpcollaborator\\.net|tu4\\.org|2xss\\.cc|request\\.bin|requestbin\\.net|pipedream\\.net)' }, // transformer 反序列化攻击 deserialization_blacklist: { name: '算法1 - 反序列化黑名单过滤', action: 'block', clazz: [ 'org.apache.commons.collections.functors.ChainedTransformer', 'org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InvokerTransformer', 'org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InstantiateTransformer', 'org.apache.commons.collections4.functors.InvokerTransformer', 'org.apache.commons.collections4.functors.InstantiateTransformer', 'org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ConvertedClosure', 'org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure', 'org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory', 'org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TemplatesImpl', '', 'com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.PoolBackedDataSourceBase' ] }, jndi_disable_all: { name: '算法1 - 拦截所有JNDI调用', action: 'block' }, dns_blacklist: { name: '算法1 - 拦截DNS黑名单查询(比如DNSLog)', action: 'block' }, // xss 用户输入匹配算法 // 1. 当用户输入长度超过15,匹配上标签正则,且出现在响应里,直接拦截 // 2. 当用户输入长度超过15,匹配上标签正则这样的参数个数超过 10,判定为扫描攻击,直接拦截(v1.1.2 之后废弃) xss_userinput: { name: '算法2 - 拦截输出在响应里的反射XSS', action: 'ignore', filter_regex: "\\x00-\\x20]", min_length: 15, // v1.1.2 之后废弃 max_detection_num: 10 }, // php 专有算法 xss_echo: { name: '算法1 - PHP: 禁止直接输出GPC参数', action: 'log', filter_regex: "\\x00-\\x20]" }, webshell_eval: { name: '算法1 - 拦截简单的PHP中国菜刀后门', action: 'block' }, webshell_command: { name: '算法2 - 拦截简单的PHP命令执行后门', action: 'block' }, webshell_file_put_contents: { name: '算法3 - 拦截简单的PHP文件上传后门', action: 'block' }, webshell_callable: { name: '算法4 - 拦截简单的PHP array_map/walk/filter 后门', action: 'block', functions: [ 'system', 'exec', 'passthru', 'proc_open', 'shell_exec', 'popen', 'pcntl_exec', 'assert' ] }, webshell_ld_preload: { name: '算法5 - 拦截PHP putenv 相关后门', action: 'block', env: [ 'LD_PRELOAD', 'LD_AUDIT', 'GCONV_PATH' ] }, eval_regex: { name: '算法1 - 正则表达式', action: 'ignore', regex: 'base64_decode|gzuncompress|create_function' }, loadLibrary_unc: { name: '算法1 - 拦截 UNC 路径类库加载', action: 'block' }, // loadLibrary_other: { // name: '算法2 - 记录或者拦截所有类库加载', // action: 'ignore' // }, response_dataLeak: { name: '算法1 - 检查响应里是否有敏感信息', action: 'ignore', // 检查类型 kind: { phone: true, identity_card: true, bank_card: true }, // Content-Type 过滤 content_type: 'html|json|xml' } } // END ALGORITHM CONFIG // // 配置挂载到全局 RASP 变量 RASP.algorithmConfig = algorithmConfig const clean = { action: 'ignore', message: 'Looks fine to me', confidence: 0 } var forcefulBrowsing = { dotFiles: /\.(7z|tar|gz|bz2|xz|rar|zip|sql|db|sqlite)$/, nonUserDirectory: /^\/(proc|sys|root)/, // webdav 文件探针 - 最常被下载的文件 unwantedFilenames: [ // user files '.DS_Store', 'id_rsa', '', 'known_hosts', 'authorized_keys', '.bash_history', '.csh_history', '.zsh_history', '.mysql_history', // project files '.htaccess', '.user.ini', 'web.config', 'web.xml', '', 'bower.json', 'Gemfile', 'Gemfile.lock', '.gitignore', 'error_log', 'error.log', 'nohup.out', ], // 目录探针 - webshell 查看频次最高的目录 unwantedDirectory: [ '/', '/home', '/var/log', '/private/var/log', '/proc', '/sys', 'C:\\', 'D:\\', 'E:\\' ], // 文件探针 - webshell 查看频次最高的文件 absolutePaths: [ '/etc/issue', '/etc/shadow', '/etc/passwd', // '/etc/hosts', '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf', '/root/.bash_history', '/root/.bash_profile', 'c:\\windows\\system32\\inetsrv\\metabase.xml', 'c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts' ] } // 指定检测header注入时检测的header名, 统一使用小写 var headerInjection = ["user-agent", "referer", "x-forwarded-for"] // 如果你配置了非常规的扩展名映射,比如让 .abc 当做PHP脚本执行,那你可能需要增加更多扩展名 var scriptFileRegex = /\.(aspx?|jspx?|php[345]?|phar|phtml|sh|py|pl|rb|so|dll|dylib)\.?$/i // 正常文件 var cleanFileRegex = /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|txt|rar|zip)$/i // 文件读取扩展名白名单,包含 压缩文件 office文件 图片文件 var readFileWhiteExt = new RegExp(/\.(do[c|t][x|m|]?|xl[s|t][x|m|b]?|pp[t|s|a][x|m]?|pot[x|m]|7z|tar|gz|bz2|xz|rar|zip|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|txt|)$/, 'i') // 匹配 HTML/JS 等可以用于钓鱼、domain-fronting 的文件 var htmlFileRegex = /\.(htm|html|js)$/i // 匹配 EXE/DLL 等可以执行的文件 var exeFileRegex = /\.(exe|dll|scr|vbs|cmd|bat)$/i // 其他的 stream 都没啥用 var ntfsRegex = /::\$(DATA|INDEX)$/ // 已知用户输入匹配算法误报: 传入 1,2,3,4 -> IN(1,2,3,4) 和 传入 column_name, column_pass -> select column_name, column_pass from xxx var commaSeparatedRegex = /^(, *)?(([a-zA-Z_]\w*|[0-9+\-x\.]+) *, *)+([a-zA-Z_]\w*|[0-9+\-x\.]+)$/ // 匹配内网地址 var internalRegex = /^(0\.0\.0|127|10|192\.168|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]))\./ // ssrf白名单主机名 var whiteHostName = /\.bcebos\.com$|(^|\.)oss-[\d\w\-]{0,30}\.aliyuncs\.com$/ var dnsLogDomains = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '','', // yumusb/DNSLog-Platform-Golang '', // requestbin 新地址 '', // 端口转发工具 '', '', // 免费DDNS厂商 '', '', '', '', // 其他 '' ] // SQL注入算法1 - 预过滤正则 var sqliPrefilter1 = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.sql_userinput.pre_filter, 'i') // SQL注入算法1 - 反探测正则 var sqliAntiDetect = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.sql_userinput.anti_detect_filter, 'i') // SQL注入算法2 - 预过滤正则 var sqliPrefilter2 = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.sql_policy.pre_filter, 'i') // SQL注入算法 - 管理器白名单 var sqliWhiteManager = new RegExp(/phpmyadmin/, 'i') // java 匹配可能可利用的命令注入 var cmdJavaExploitable = new RegExp(/^[^ ]*sh.{1,12}-c/, 'i') // 命令执行探针 - 常用渗透命令 var cmdPostPattern = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.command_common.pattern, 'i') // 命令执行探针 - dnslog命令 var cmdDNSlogPatternCmd = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.command_dnslog.pattern_cmd) var cmdDNSlogPatternDomain = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.command_dnslog.pattern_domain, 'i') // 敏感信息泄露 - Content Type 正则 var dataLeakContentType = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.response_dataLeak.content_type, 'i') if (! RASP.is_unittest) { // 记录日志模式: 将所有 block 改为 log if (algorithmConfig.meta.all_log) { Object.keys(algorithmConfig).forEach(function (name) { // XXE 外部实体开关不受影响 if (name != 'xxe_disable_entity') { if (algorithmConfig[name].action == 'block') { algorithmConfig[name].action = 'log' } } }) } // 研发模式: // 1. 开启更多消耗性能的检测算法 // 2. 非攻击情况,检测到漏洞也报警 if (algorithmConfig.meta.is_dev) { // 关闭 select 预过滤正则 algorithmConfig.sql_userinput.pre_enable = false // 关闭 1,2,3 误报过滤 commaSeparatedRegex = /^$/ // 关闭 xss_echo 非攻击过滤 algorithmConfig.xss_echo.filter_regex = "" } } else { algorithmConfig.eval_regex.action = "log" } // 校验 sql_regex 正则是否合法 if (algorithmConfig.sql_regex.action != 'ignore') { if (! algorithmConfig.sql_regex.regex.trim()) { plugin.log ("algorithmConfig.sql_regex.regex is empty, algorithm disabled") algorithmConfig.sql_regex.action = 'ignore' } else { try { new RegExp(algorithmConfig.sql_regex) } catch (e) { plugin.log ("Invalid regex in algorithmConfig.sql_regex.regex: ", e) algorithmConfig.sql_regex.action = 'ignore' } } } // 校验 eval_regex 正则是否合法 if (algorithmConfig.eval_regex.action != 'ignore') { if (! algorithmConfig.eval_regex.regex.trim()) { plugin.log ("algorithmConfig.eval_regex.regex is empty, algorithm disabled") algorithmConfig.eval_regex.action = 'ignore' } else { try { new RegExp(algorithmConfig.eval_regex) } catch (e) { plugin.log ("Invalid regex in algorithmConfig.eval_regex.regex: ", e) algorithmConfig.eval_regex.action = 'ignore' } } } // 常用函数 String.prototype.replaceAll = function(token, tokenValue, maxLength) { if (maxLength === undefined) { if (this.length * 2 < 4096) { maxLength = 4096 } else { maxLength = this.length * 2 } } // 空值判断,防止死循环 if (! token || token.length == 0 || this.length > maxLength) { return this } var index = 0; var string = this; do { string = string.replace(token, tokenValue); } while((index = string.indexOf(token, index)) > -1); return string } // function canonicalPath (path) { // return path.replaceAll('/./', '/').replaceAll('//', '/').replaceAll('//', '/') // } // 我们不再需要简化路径,当出现两个 /../ 或者两个 \..\ 就可以判定为路径遍历攻击了,e.g // /./././././home/../../../../etc/passwd // \\..\\..\\.. // \/..\/..\/.. function has_traversal (path) { // 左右斜杠,一视同仁 var path2 = "/" + path.replaceAll('\\', '/') + "/" // 覆盖 ../../ // 以及 /../../ var left = path2.indexOf('/../') var right = path2.lastIndexOf('/../') if (left != -1 && right != -1 && left != right) { return true } return false } // 判断参数是否包含路径穿越,比path更严格 function param_has_traversal (param) { // 左右斜杠,一视同仁 var path = "/" + param.replaceAll('\\', '/') + "/" if (path.indexOf("/../") != -1) { return true } return false } function is_hostname_dnslog(hostname) { for (var i = 0; i < dnsLogDomains.length; i ++) { if (hostname.toLowerCase().endsWith(dnsLogDomains[i])) { return true } } return false } // function basename (path) { // // 简单处理,同时支持 windows/linux // var path2 = path.replaceAll('\\', '/') // var idx = path2.lastIndexOf('/') // return path.substr(idx + 1) // } // function has_file_extension(path) { // var filename = basename(path) // var index = filename.indexOf('.') // if (index > 0 && index != filename.length - 1) { // return true // } // return false // } function is_method_from_rasp(stack) { // 检查栈顶 -> rasp堆栈之间,是否包含用户代码,即非 JDK相关的函数 for (; i < stacks.length; i ++) { var method = stacks[i] if (! method.startsWith('java.') && !method.startsWith('sun.') && !method.startsWith('com.sun.')) { return false } } return true } function validate_stack_java(stacks) { var known = { 'com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.unmarshal': "Using xstream library", 'java.beans.XMLDecoder.readObject': "Using WebLogic XMLDecoder library", 'org.apache.commons.collections4.functors.InvokerTransformer.transform': "Using Transformer library (v4)", 'org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InvokerTransformer.transform': "Using Transformer library", 'org.apache.commons.collections.functors.ChainedTransformer.transform': "Using Transformer library", 'org.jolokia.jsr160.Jsr160RequestDispatcher.dispatchRequest': "Using JNDI library (JSR 160)", 'com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContext.lookup': "Using JNDI registry service", 'org.apache.xbean.propertyeditor.JndiConverter': "Using JNDI binding class", 'com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionConfig': "Using JTA transaction manager", 'com.sun.jndi.url.ldap.ldapURLContext.lookup': "Using LDAP factory service", '': "Using fastjson library", '': "Using fastjson library", '': "Using fastjson library", '': "Using SpEL expressions", 'freemarker.template.utility.Execute.exec': "Using FreeMarker template", 'org.jboss.el.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod': "Using JBoss EL method", 'org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ProcessGroovyMethods.execute': "Using Groovy library", 'bsh.Reflect.invokeMethod': "Using BeanShell library", 'jdk.scripting.nashorn/jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunction.invoke': "Using Nashorn engine", '': "Using Shiro framework (DefaultSerializer)", 'com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.PoolBackedDataSourceBase.readObject': "Using C3p0 library" } var userCode = false, reachedInvoke = false, i = 0, message = undefined // v1.1.1 要求在堆栈里过滤 相关的类,因为没有实现正确而产生了多余的反射堆栈,这里需要兼容下防止误报 // v1.1.2 修复了这个问题,即堆栈顶部为命令执行的方法 if (stacks.length > 3 && stacks[0].startsWith('sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor') && stacks[1] == 'sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessorImpl.invoke' && stacks[2] == 'java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke') { i = 3 } for (; i < stacks.length; i ++) { var method = stacks[i] // 检查反射调用 -> 命令执行之间,是否包含用户代码 if (! reachedInvoke) { if (method == 'java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke') { reachedInvoke = true } // 用户代码,即非 JDK、 相关的函数 if (! method.startsWith('java.') && !method.startsWith('sun.') && !method.startsWith('com.sun.') && !method.startsWith('')) { userCode = true } } if (method.startsWith('ysoserial.Pwner')) { message = "Using YsoSerial tool" break } if (method.startsWith('org.su18')) { message = "Using ysuserial tool" break } if (method.startsWith('net.rebeyond.behinder')) { message = "Using BeHinder defineClass webshell" break } if (method.startsWith('com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.')) { message = "Using Jackson deserialze method" break } // 对于如下类型的反射调用: // 1. 仅当命令直接来自反射调用才拦截 // 2. 如果某个类是反射生成,这个类再主动执行命令,则忽略 if (! userCode) { if (method == 'ognl.OgnlRuntime.invokeMethod') { message = "Using OGNL library" break } else if (method == 'java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke') { message = "Unknown vulnerability detected" } } if (known[method]) { message = known[method] } } return message } function validate_stack_php(stacks) { var verdict = false var eval_count = 0 for (var i = 0; i < stacks.length; i ++) { var stack = stacks[i] // 来自 eval/assert/create_function/... if (stack.indexOf('runtime-created function') != -1 || stack.indexOf('regexp code@') != -1) { verdict = true break } // eval/assert 出现两次以上才认为是webshell if (stack.indexOf('eval()\'d code') != -1 || stack.indexOf('assert code@') != -1) { eval_count++ if (eval_count > 1) { verdict = true break } } // call_user_func/call_user_func_array 两个函数调用很频繁 // 必须是 call_user_func 直接调用 system/exec 等函数才拦截,否则会有很多误报 if (stack.indexOf('@call_user_func') != -1) { // 过滤内部安全编码库 if (stack.indexOf('safesdk-php') != -1) { continue } if (i <= 1) { verdict = true break } } } return verdict } function is_absolute_path(path, is_windows) { // Windows - C:\\windows if (is_windows) { if (path[1] == ':') { var drive = path[0].toLowerCase() if (drive >= 'a' && drive <= 'z') { return true } } } // Unices - /root/ return path[0] === '/' } function is_outside_webroot(appBasePath, realpath, path) { var verdict = false // 如果指定path 为 null 则不校验目录穿越 if (path == null || has_traversal(path)) { // servlet 3.X 之后可能会获取不到 appBasePath,或者为空 // 提前加个判断,防止因为bug导致误报 if (! appBasePath || appBasePath.length == 0) { verdict = false } else if (realpath.indexOf(appBasePath) == -1) { verdict = true } } return verdict } // 路径是否来自用户输入 // file_get_contents("/etc/passwd"); // file_get_contents("../../../../../../../etc/passwd"); // // 或者以用户输入结尾 // file_get_contents("/data/uploads/" . "../../../../../../../etc/passwd"); function is_path_endswith_userinput(parameter, target, realpath, is_windows, is_lcs_search) { var verdict = false Object.keys(parameter).some(function (key) { // 只处理非数组、hash情况 Object.values(parameter[key]).some(function (value){ // 只处理字符串类型的 if (typeof value != 'string') { return } // 如果应用做了特殊处理, 比如传入 file:///etc/passwd,实际看到的是 /etc/passwd if (value.startsWith('file://') && is_absolute_path(target, is_windows) && value.endsWith(target)) { verdict = true return true } // 去除多余/ 和 \ 的路径 var simplifiedValue var simplifiedTarget // Windows 下面 // 传入 ../../../conf/tomcat-users.xml // 看到 c:\tomcat\webapps\root\..\..\conf\tomcat-users.xml if (is_windows) { value = value.replaceAll('/', '\\') target = target.replaceAll('/', '\\') realpath = realpath.replaceAll('/', '\\') simplifiedTarget = target.replaceAll('\\\\','\\').replaceAll('\\.\\', '\\') simplifiedValue = value.replaceAll('\\\\','\\').replaceAll('\\.\\', '\\') } else{ simplifiedTarget = target.replaceAll('//','/').replaceAll('/./', '/') simplifiedValue = value.replaceAll('//','/').replaceAll('/./', '/') } var simplifiedValues if ( is_lcs_search ) { simplifiedValues = lcs_search( simplifiedValue, simplifiedTarget ) } else { simplifiedValues = [simplifiedValue] } for(var i = 0, len = simplifiedValues.length; i < len; i++) { simplifiedValue = simplifiedValues[i] // 参数必须有跳出目录,或者是绝对路径 if ((target.endsWith(value) || simplifiedTarget.endsWith(simplifiedValue)) && (param_has_traversal(value) || value == realpath || simplifiedValue == realpath)) { verdict = true return true } } }) if (verdict){ return true } }) return verdict } // 检查是否包含用户输入 - 适合目录 function is_path_containing_userinput(parameter, target, is_windows, is_lcs_search) { var verdict = false if (is_windows) { target = target.replaceAll('/', '\\').replaceAll('\\\\', '\\') } else{ target = target.replaceAll('//', '/') } Object.keys(parameter).some(function (key) { var values = parameter[key] Object.values(values).some(function(value){ // 只处理字符串类型的 if (typeof value != 'string') { return } if (is_windows) { value = value.replaceAll('/', '\\').replaceAll('\\\\', '\\') } else { value = value.replaceAll('//', '/') } var values if (is_lcs_search) { values = lcs_search(value, target) } else { // java 下面,传入 /usr/ 会变成 /usr,所以少匹配一个字符 if ( value.charAt(value.length - 1) == "/" || value.charAt(value.length - 1) == "\\" ) { value = value.substr(0, value.length - 1) } values = [value] } for(var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) { // 只处理非数组、hash情况 if (param_has_traversal(values[i]) && target.indexOf(values[i]) != -1) { verdict = true return true } } }) if (verdict){ return true } }) return verdict } // 是否来自用户输入 - 适合任意类型参数 function is_from_userinput(parameter, target) { var verdict = false Object.keys(parameter).some(function (key) { var values = parameter[key] Object.values(values).some(function(value){ // 只处理非数组、hash情况 if (value == target) { verdict = true return true } }) }) return verdict } // 是否包含于用户输入 - 适合任意类型参数 function is_include_in_userinput(parameter, target) { var verdict = false Object.keys(parameter).some(function (key) { var values = parameter[key] Object.values(values).some(function(value){ // 只处理非数组、hash情况 if (value.indexOf(target) != -1) { verdict = true return true } }) }) return verdict } // 检查逻辑是否被用户参数所修改 function is_token_changed(raw_tokens, userinput_idx, userinput_length, distance, is_sql) { if (is_sql === undefined) { is_sql = false } // 当用户输入穿越了多个token,就可以判定为代码注入,默认为2 var start = -1, end = raw_tokens.length, distance = distance || 2 // 寻找 token 起始点,可以改为二分查找 for (var i = 0; i < raw_tokens.length; i++) { if (raw_tokens[i].stop > userinput_idx) { start = i break } } // 注释可能在结尾,防止去掉注释导致的越界 if (start == -1) { return false } // 寻找 token 结束点 if (raw_tokens[start].stop >= userinput_idx + userinput_length) { // 大部分用户输入都只包含在一个token中,只需一次判定 end = start } else { // 不在一个token内,按顺序查找 // 这里需要返回真实distance, 删除 最多需要遍历 distance 个 token i < start + distance 条件 for (var i = start + 1; i < raw_tokens.length; i++) { if (raw_tokens[i].stop >= userinput_idx + userinput_length) { if (raw_tokens[i].start >= userinput_idx + userinput_length) { end = i - 1 break } else { end = i break } } } } var diff = end - start + 1 if (diff >= distance) { if (is_sql && algorithmConfig.sql_userinput.anti_detect_enable && diff < 10) { var non_kw = 0 for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { sqliAntiDetect.test(raw_tokens[i].text) || non_kw ++ if (non_kw >= 2) { return true } } return false } return true } return false } // 查找str1和str2的最长公共子串,返回为所有最长子串组成的数组 function lcs_search(str1, str2){ var len1 = str1.length; var len2 = str2.length; var dp_arr = [[],[]] var pre = 1 var now = 0 var result =0 var result_pos = [] for (var i = 0; i <= len2+1; i ++) { dp_arr[0][i] = 0 dp_arr[1][i] = 0 } for (var i = 0; i <= len1; i ++) { for (var j = 0; j <= len2; j ++) { if ( i == 0 || j == 0 ){ dp_arr[now][j] = 0 } else if ( str1[i-1] == str2[j-1] ) { dp_arr[now][j] = dp_arr[pre][j-1] + 1 if (dp_arr[now][j] > result){ result = dp_arr[now][j] result_pos = [i - result] }else if (dp_arr[now][j] == result){ result_pos.push( i - result ) } } else { dp_arr[now][j] = 0 } } if( now == 0 ){ now = 1 pre = 0 } else { now = 0 pre = 1 } } var result_pos_set = new Set(result_pos) var result_str = new Set() for (var item of result_pos_set) { result_str.add(str1.substr(item, result)) } return Array.from(result_str) } // 从字符串中解析cookie function get_cookies(cookie_str) { cookie_items = cookie_str.split(';') var result = {} for(i = 0; i < cookie_items.length; i++) { item = cookie_items[i].trim() if (item.length == 0) { continue } else { key_len = item.indexOf("=") if (key_len <= 0) { continue } key = unescape(item.substr(0, key_len)) value = unescape(item.substr(key_len + 1)) result[key] = value } } return result } // 合并context.parameter中 header、cookie、parameter、json参数, header、cookie的key会被重命名 function get_all_parameter(context) { if (context.get_all_parameter !== undefined) { return context.parameter || {} } context.get_all_parameter = true var key_num = 0 var parameter = context.parameter || {} if (context.header != null) { for (name in context.header) { if (name.toLowerCase() == "cookie") { var cookies = get_cookies(context.header.cookie) for (name in cookies) { while ("cookie" + key_num + "_" + name in parameter) { key_num++ } parameter["cookie" + key_num + "_" + name] = [cookies[name]] } } else if (headerInjection.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) != -1) { while ("header" + key_num + "_" + name in parameter) { key_num++ } parameter["header" + key_num + "_" + name] = [context.header[name]] } } } var jsons = [ [context.json || {}, "input_json"] ] while (jsons.length > 0) { var json_arr = jsons.pop() var crt_json_key = json_arr[1] var json_obj = json_arr[0] for (item in json_obj) { if (typeof json_obj[item] == "string") { while ("json" + key_num + "_" + crt_json_key + "->" + item in parameter) { key_num++ } parameter["json" + key_num + "_" + crt_json_key + "->" + item] = [json_obj[item]] } else if (typeof json_obj[item] == "object") { jsons.push([json_obj[item], crt_json_key + "->" + item]) } } } return parameter } function check_internal_ip(ip, origin_ip) { // origin_ip不为空且全部为内网地址则跳过 if (origin_ip && origin_ip.every(function(value) { return internalRegex.test(value) })){ return } for (var i=0; i 20) { distance = 3 } if (is_token_changed(raw_tokens, userinput_idx, value.length, distance, is_sql=true)) { reason = _("SQLi - SQL query structure altered by user input, request parameter name: %1%, value: %2%", [name, value]) return true } } }) return reason } // 算法1: 匹配用户输入,简单识别逻辑是否发生改变 if (algorithmConfig.sql_userinput.action != 'ignore') { // 匹配 GET/POST/multipart 参数 Object.keys(parameters).some(function (name) { // 覆盖场景,后者仅PHP支持 // ?id=XXXX // ?data[key1][key2]=XXX var value_list = [] Object.values(parameters[name]).forEach(function (value){ if (typeof value == 'string') { value_list.push(value) } else { value_list = value_list.concat(Object.values(value)) } }) reason = _run(value_list, name) if (reason) { return true } }) // 匹配 header 参数 if (reason == false && context.header != null) { Object.keys(context.header).some(function (name) { if ( name.toLowerCase() == "cookie") { var cookies = get_cookies(context.header.cookie) for (name in cookies) { reason = _run([cookies[name]], "cookie:" + name) if (reason) { return true } } } else if ( headerInjection.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) != -1) { reason = _run([context.header[name]], "header:" + name) if (reason) { return true } } }) } // 匹配json参数 if (reason == false && Object.keys(json_parameters).length > 0) { var jsons = [ [json_parameters, "input_json"] ] while (jsons.length > 0 && reason === false) { var json_arr = jsons.pop() var crt_json_key = json_arr[1] var json_obj = json_arr[0] for (item in json_obj) { if (typeof json_obj[item] == "string") { reason = _run([json_obj[item]], crt_json_key + "->" + item) if(reason !== false) { break; } } else if (typeof json_obj[item] == "object") { jsons.push([json_obj[item], crt_json_key + "->" + item]) } } } } if (reason !== false && !sqliWhiteManager.test(params.stack[0])) { return { action: algorithmConfig.sql_userinput.action, confidence: 90, message: reason, algorithm: 'sql_userinput' } } } // 算法2: SQL语句策略检查(模拟SQL防火墙功能) if (algorithmConfig.sql_policy.action != 'ignore') { // 懒加载,需要时才处理 if ((raw_tokens.length == 0) && (sqliPrefilter2.test(params.query))) { raw_tokens = RASP.sql_tokenize(params.query, params.server) } var features = algorithmConfig.sql_policy.feature var func_list = algorithmConfig.sql_policy.function_blacklist var func_count_list = algorithmConfig.sql_policy.function_count // 黑名单函数计数 var func_count_arr = {} // 转换小写,避免大小写绕过 var tokens_lc = { return v.text.substr(0, 50).toLowerCase() }) // 是否在union select 语句中 var union_state = false for (var i = 1; i < tokens_lc.length; i ++) { if (features['union_null']) { if (tokens_lc[i] === 'union') { union_state = true } else if (tokens_lc[i] === 'from') { union_state = false } else if (tokens_lc[i] === 'select' && union_state) { var null_count = 0 var num_count = 0 // 寻找连续的逗号、NULL或者数字 for (var j = i + 1; j < tokens_lc.length && j < i + 6; j ++) { if ((tokens_lc[j] === ',' || tokens_lc[j] == 'null') && tokens_lc[j] != tokens_lc[j+1]) { null_count ++ } else { break } } for (var j = i + 1; j < tokens_lc.length && j < i + 6; j ++) { if ((tokens_lc[j] === ',' || ! isNaN(parseInt(tokens_lc[j]))) && tokens_lc[j] != tokens_lc[j+1]) { num_count++ } else { break } } // NULL,NULL,NULL == 5个token // 1,2,3 == 5个token if (null_count >= 5 || num_count >= 5) { reason = _("SQLi - Detected UNION-NULL phrase in sql query") break } continue } } if (features['stacked_query'] && tokens_lc[i] == ';' && i != tokens_lc.length - 1) { reason = _("SQLi - Detected stacked queries") break } else if (features['no_hex'] && tokens_lc[i][0] === '0' && tokens_lc[i][1] === 'x') { reason = _("SQLi - Detected hexadecimal values in sql query") break } else if (features['version_comment'] && tokens_lc[i][0] === '/' && tokens_lc[i][1] === '*' && tokens_lc[i][2] === '!') { reason = _("SQLi - Detected MySQL version comment in sql query") break } else if (features['function_blacklist'] && i > 0 && tokens_lc[i][0] === '(') { var func_name = tokens_lc[i - 1] if (func_list[func_name]) { reason = _("SQLi - Detected dangerous method call %1%() in sql query", [func_name]) break } if (features['function_count'] && func_count_list[func_name]) { if (! func_count_arr[func_name]) { func_count_arr[func_name] = 1 } else { func_count_arr[func_name] ++ } // 超过次数拦截 if (func_count_arr[func_name] >= func_count_list[func_name]) { reason = _("SQLi - Detected multiple call to dangerous method %1%() in sql query (%2% times)", [func_name, func_count_arr[func_name]]) break } } } else if (features['into_outfile'] && i < tokens_lc.length - 2 && tokens_lc[i] == 'into') { if (tokens_lc[i + 1] == 'outfile' || tokens_lc[i + 1] == 'dumpfile') { reason = _("SQLi - Detected INTO OUTFILE phrase in sql query") break } } else if (features['information_schema'] && i < tokens_lc.length - 1 && tokens_lc[i] == 'from') { // `information_schema`.tables // information_schema .tables var part = tokens_lc[i + 1].replaceAll('`', '', 40) // 正常的antlr和flex返回1个token if (part == 'information_schema.tables') { reason = _("SQLi - Detected access to MySQL information_schema.tables table") break } // flex在1.1.2以前会产生3个token else if (part == 'information_schema' && i < tokens_lc.length - 3) { var part2 = tokens_lc[i + 3].replaceAll('`', '', 10) if (part2 == "tables") { reason = _("SQLi - Detected access to MySQL information_schema.tables table") break } } } } if (reason !== false && !sqliWhiteManager.test(params.stack[0])) { return { action: algorithmConfig.sql_policy.action, message: reason, confidence: 100, algorithm: 'sql_policy' } } } // 算法4: SQL正则表达式 if (algorithmConfig.sql_regex.action != 'ignore') { var regex_filter = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.sql_regex.regex, 'i') if (regex_filter.test(params.query)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.sql_regex.action, confidence: 60, message: reason, algorithm: 'sql_regex' } } } // 加入缓存,对 prepared sql 特别有效 return clean }) plugin.register('ssrf', function(params, context) { var ret = check_ssrf(params, context, false) if (ret !== false) { return ret } return clean }) plugin.register('ssrfRedirect', function(params, context) { var params2 = { // 使用原始url,用于检测用户输入 origin_hostname: params.hostname, origin_ip: params.ip, url: params.url2, hostname: params.hostname2, ip: params.ip2, port: params.port2, function: params.function, stack: params.stack } var ret2 = check_ssrf(params2, context, true) if (ret2 !== false) { ret = check_ssrf(params, context, false) if (ret === false) { return ret2 } } return clean }) } plugin.register('sql_exception', function(params, context) { // 为了提高效率,异常代码在 agent 端过滤,插件仅负责过滤掉可能的误报和拼接消息,e.g // mysql error 1367 detected: XXX var error_code = parseInt(params.error_code) var message = _("%1% error %2% detected: %3%", [params.server, params.error_code, params.error_msg]) // 过滤phpmyadmin if (sqliWhiteManager.test(params.stack[0])) { return clean } if (params.server == "mysql") { // 1062 Duplicated key 错误会有大量误报问题,仅当语句里包含 rand 字样报警 if (error_code == 1062) { // 忽略大小写匹配 if ( !/rand/i.test(params.query)) { return clean } } else if (error_code == 1064) { if ( /in\s*(\(\s*\)|[^\(\w])/i.test(params.query)) { return clean } // 过滤非语法错误 if (! /syntax/i.test(params.error_msg)) { return clean } } } else if (params.server == 'sqlite') { if (error_code == 1) { // 忽略大小写匹配 if ( !/syntax/i.test(params.error_msg) && ! /malformed MATCH/i.test(params.error_msg)) { return clean } } } return { action: algorithmConfig.sql_exception.action, message: message, confidence: 70, algorithm: 'sql_exception' } }) plugin.register('directory', function (params, context) { var realpath = params.realpath var server = context.server var is_windows = server.os.indexOf('Windows') != -1 var language = server.language // 算法2 - 检查PHP菜刀等后门 if (algorithmConfig.directory_reflect.action != 'ignore') { if (language == 'php' && validate_stack_php(params.stack)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.directory_reflect.action, message: _("WebShell activity - Using file manager function with China Chopper WebShell"), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'directory_reflect' } } else if (language == 'java' && validate_stack_java(params.stack) && !is_method_from_rasp(params.stack)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.directory_reflect.action, message: _("WebShell activity - Using file manager function with Java WebShell"), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'directory_reflect' } } } // 算法1 - 用户输入匹配。 if (algorithmConfig.directory_userinput.action != 'ignore') { var all_parameter = get_all_parameter(context) if (is_path_containing_userinput(all_parameter, params.path, is_windows, algorithmConfig.directory_userinput.lcs_search)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.directory_userinput.action, message: _("Path traversal - Accessing folder specified by userinput, folder is %1%", [realpath]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'directory_userinput' } } } // 算法3 - 读取敏感目录 if (algorithmConfig.directory_unwanted.action != 'ignore') { for (var i = 0; i < forcefulBrowsing.unwantedDirectory.length; i ++) { if (realpath == forcefulBrowsing.unwantedDirectory[i]) { return { action: algorithmConfig.directory_unwanted.action, message: _("WebShell activity - Accessing sensitive folder: %1%", [realpath]), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'directory_unwanted' } } } } return clean }) plugin.register('readFile', function (params, context) { var server = context.server var is_win = server.os.indexOf('Windows') != -1 // weblogic/tongweb 下面,所有war包读取操作全部忽略 if (server['server'] === 'weblogic' || server['server'] == 'tongweb') { if (params.realpath.endsWith('.war') || params.realpath.endsWith('.ear')) { return clean; } } // 获取协议,如果有 var path_parts = params.path.split('://') var proto = "" if (path_parts.length > 1) { proto = path_parts[0].toLowerCase() } // // 算法1: 简单用户输入识别,拦截任意文件下载漏洞 // // 不影响正常操作,e.g // ?path=download/1.jpg // if (algorithmConfig.readFile_userinput.action != 'ignore') { var all_parameter = get_all_parameter(context) // ?path=/etc/./hosts // ?path=../../../etc/passwd if ( (proto == "" || proto == "file" ) && !readFileWhiteExt.test(params.realpath) && is_path_endswith_userinput(all_parameter, params.path, params.realpath, is_win, algorithmConfig.readFile_userinput.lcs_search) ) { return { action: algorithmConfig.readFile_userinput.action, message: _("Path traversal - Downloading files specified by userinput, file is %1%", [params.realpath]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'readFile_userinput' } } // @FIXME: 用户输入匹配了两次,需要提高效率 if (is_from_userinput(all_parameter, params.path)) { // 1. 读取 http(s):// 内容 // ?file= if (proto === 'http' || proto === 'https') { if (algorithmConfig.readFile_userinput_http.action != 'ignore') { return { action: algorithmConfig.readFile_userinput_http.action, message: _("SSRF - Requesting http/https resource with file streaming functions, URL is %1%", [params.path]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'readFile_userinput_http' } } } // 2. 读取特殊协议内容 // ?file=file:///etc/passwd // ?file=php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=XXX if (proto === 'file' || proto === 'php') { if (algorithmConfig.readFile_userinput_unwanted.action != 'ignore') { return { action: algorithmConfig.readFile_userinput_unwanted.action, message: _("Path traversal - Requesting unwanted protocol %1%://", [proto]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'readFile_userinput_unwanted' } } } } } // // 算法2: 文件、目录探针 // 如果应用读取了列表里的文件,比如 /root/.bash_history,这通常意味着后门操作 // if (algorithmConfig.readFile_unwanted.action != 'ignore') { var realpath_lc = params.realpath.toLowerCase() for (var j = 0; j < forcefulBrowsing.absolutePaths.length; j ++) { if (forcefulBrowsing.absolutePaths[j] == realpath_lc) { return { action: algorithmConfig.readFile_unwanted.action, message: _("WebShell activity - Accessing sensitive file %1%", [params.realpath]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'readFile_unwanted' } } } } // // 算法3: 检查文件遍历,看是否超出web目录范围 [容易误报~] // if ( (proto == "" || proto == "file" ) && algorithmConfig.readFile_outsideWebroot.action != 'ignore') { var path = params.path var appBasePath = context.appBasePath if (is_outside_webroot(appBasePath, params.realpath, path)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.readFile_outsideWebroot.action, message: _("Path traversal - accessing files outside webroot (%1%), file is %2%", [appBasePath, params.realpath]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'readFile_outsideWebroot' } } } return clean }) plugin.register('include', function (params, context) { var url = params.url var server = context.server var is_win = server.os.indexOf('Windows') != -1 var realpath = params.realpath // 用户输入检查 // ?file=/etc/passwd // ?file=../../../../../var/log/httpd/error.log if (algorithmConfig.include_userinput.action != 'ignore') { var all_parameter = get_all_parameter(context) if (is_path_endswith_userinput(all_parameter, url, realpath, is_win, algorithmConfig.include_userinput.lcs_search)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.include_userinput.action, message: _("File inclusion - including files specified by user input"), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'include_userinput' } } } // 如果有协议 // include ('http://xxxxx') var items = url.split('://') var proto = items[0].toLowerCase() // 特殊协议, // include('file://XXX') // include('php://XXX') if (algorithmConfig.include_protocol.action != 'ignore') { if (algorithmConfig.include_protocol.protocols.indexOf(proto) != -1) { return { action: algorithmConfig.include_protocol.action, message: _("File inclusion - using unwanted protocol '%1%://' with funtion %2%()", [proto, params.function]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'include_protocol' } } } return clean }) plugin.register('writeFile', function (params, context) { // 写 NTFS 流文件,通常是为了绕过限制 if (algorithmConfig.writeFile_NTFS.action != 'ignore') { if (ntfsRegex.test(params.realpath)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.writeFile_NTFS.action, message: _("File write - Writing NTFS alternative data streams", [params.realpath]), confidence: 95, algorithm: 'writeFile_NTFS' } } } // PUT 上传脚本文件 - 有个关联问题需要解决,暂时注释掉 // if (context.method == 'put' && // algorithmConfig.writeFile_PUT_script.action != 'ignore') // { // if (scriptFileRegex.test(params.realpath)) // { // return { // action: algorithmConfig.writeFile_PUT_script.action, // message: _("File upload - Using HTTP PUT method to upload a webshell", [params.realpath]), // confidence: 95, // algorithm: 'writeFile_PUT_script' // } // } // } // 关于这个算法,请参考这个插件定制文档 // if (algorithmConfig.writeFile_script.action != 'ignore') { var all_parameter = get_all_parameter(context) var is_win = context.server.os.indexOf('Windows') != -1 if (scriptFileRegex.test(params.realpath)) { if (!(algorithmConfig.writeFile_script.userinput) || ((algorithmConfig.writeFile_script.userinput) && (is_path_endswith_userinput(all_parameter, params.path, params.realpath, is_win, algorithmConfig.writeFile_script.lcs_search))) ) { return { action: algorithmConfig.writeFile_script.action, message: _("File write - Creating or appending to a server-side script file, file is %1%", [params.realpath]), confidence: 85, algorithm: 'writeFile_script' } } } } if (algorithmConfig.writeFile_reflect.action != 'ignore') { if (context.server.language == 'java' && (params.realpath.endsWith(".jsp") || params.realpath.endsWith(".jspx")) ) { var message = validate_stack_java(params.stack) if (message) { return { action: algorithmConfig.writeFile_reflect.action, message: _("Reflect file write - %1%, file is %2%", [message, params.realpath]), confidence: 85, algorithm: 'writeFile_reflect' } } } } return clean }) plugin.register('deleteFile', function (params, context) { if (algorithmConfig.deleteFile_userinput.action != 'ignore') { var all_parameter = get_all_parameter(context) var is_win = context.server.os.indexOf('Windows') != -1 if (is_path_endswith_userinput(all_parameter, params.path, params.realpath, is_win, algorithmConfig.deleteFile_userinput.lcs_search)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.deleteFile_userinput.action, message: _("File delete - Deleting files specified by userinput, file is %1%", [params.realpath]), confidence: 85, algorithm: 'deleteFile_userinput' } } } return clean }) plugin.register('fileUpload', function (params, context) { // 是否禁止使用 multipart 上传脚本文件,或者 apache/php 服务器配置文件 if (algorithmConfig.fileUpload_multipart_script.action != 'ignore') { if (scriptFileRegex.test(params.filename) || ntfsRegex.test(params.filename)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.fileUpload_multipart_script.action, message: _("File upload - Uploading a server-side script file with multipart/form-data protocol, filename: %1%", [params.filename]), confidence: 95, algorithm: 'fileUpload_multipart_script' } } if (params.filename == ".htaccess" || params.filename == ".user.ini") { return { action: algorithmConfig.fileUpload_multipart_script.action, message: _("File upload - Uploading a server-side config file with multipart/form-data protocol, filename: %1%", [params.filename]), confidence: 95, algorithm: 'fileUpload_multipart_script' } } } // 是否禁止 HTML/JS 文件,主要是对抗钓鱼、CORS绕过等问题 if (algorithmConfig.fileUpload_multipart_html.action != 'ignore') { if (htmlFileRegex.test(params.filename)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.fileUpload_multipart_html.action, message: _("File upload - Uploading a HTML/JS file with multipart/form-data protocol, filename: %1%", [params.filename]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'fileUpload_multipart_html' } } } // 是否禁止 EXE/DLL 文件,防止被用于后门下载站点 if (algorithmConfig.fileUpload_multipart_exe.action != 'ignore') { if (exeFileRegex.test(params.filename)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.fileUpload_multipart_exe.action, message: _("File upload - Uploading a Executable file with multipart/form-data protocol, filename: %1%", [params.filename]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'fileUpload_multipart_exe' } } } return clean }) if (algorithmConfig.fileUpload_webdav.action != 'ignore') { plugin.register('webdav', function (params, context) { // 源文件不是脚本 && 目标文件是脚本,判定为MOVE方式写后门 if (! scriptFileRegex.test(params.source) && scriptFileRegex.test(params.dest)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.fileUpload_webdav.action, message: _("File upload - Uploading a server-side script file with HTTP method %1%, file is %2%", [ context.method, params.dest ]), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'fileUpload_webdav' } } return clean }) } if (algorithmConfig.rename_webshell.action != 'ignore') { plugin.register('rename', function (params, context) { // 目标文件在webroot内才认为是写后门 if (!is_outside_webroot(context.appBasePath, params.dest, null)) { // 源文件是干净的文件,目标文件是脚本文件,判定为重命名方式写后门 if (cleanFileRegex.test(params.source) && scriptFileRegex.test(params.dest)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.rename_webshell.action, message: _("File upload - Renaming a non-script file to server-side script file, source file is %1%", [ params.source ]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'rename_webshell' } } } return clean }) } if (algorithmConfig.link_webshell.action != 'ignore') { plugin.register('link', function (params, context) { // 目标文件在webroot内才认为是写后门 if (!is_outside_webroot(context.appBasePath, params.dest, null)) { // 源文件是干净的文件,目标文件是脚本文件,判定为重命名方式写后门 if (cleanFileRegex.test(params.source) && scriptFileRegex.test(params.dest)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.link_webshell.action, message: _("File upload - Linking a non-script file to server-side script file, source file is %1%, link type", [ params.source, params.type ]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'link_webshell' } } } return clean }) } plugin.register('command', function (params, context) { var cmd = params.command var server = context.server var message = undefined var raw_tokens = [] // 算法1: 根据堆栈,检查是否为反序列化攻击。 // 理论上,此算法不存在误报 if (algorithmConfig.command_reflect.action != 'ignore') { // Java 检测逻辑 if (server.language == 'java') { message = validate_stack_java(params.stack) if (message) { message = _("Reflected command execution - %1%", [message]) } } // PHP 检测逻辑 else if (server.language == 'php' && validate_stack_php(params.stack)) { message = _("WebShell activity - Detected reflected command execution") } if (message) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_reflect.action, message: message, confidence: 100, algorithm: 'command_reflect' } } } // 从 v0.31 开始,当命令执行来自非HTTP请求的,我们也会检测反序列化攻击 // 但是不应该拦截正常的命令执行,所以这里加一个 context.url 检查 if (! context.url) { return clean } // 算法2: 检测命令注入,或者命令执行后门 if (algorithmConfig.command_userinput.action != 'ignore') { var reason = false var min_length = algorithmConfig.command_userinput.min_length var parameters = context.parameter || {} var json_parameters = context.json || {} var unexploitable_filter = algorithmConfig.command_userinput.java_unexploitable_filter // 检查命令逻辑是否被用户参数所修改 function _run(values, name) { var reason = false values.some(function (value) { if (value.length <= min_length) { return false } // 检查用户输入是否存在于命令中 var userinput_idx = cmd.indexOf(value) if (userinput_idx == -1) { return false } if (cmd.length == value.length) { reason = _("WebShell detected - Executing command: %1%", [cmd]) return true } // 懒加载,需要的时候初始化 token if (raw_tokens.length == 0) { raw_tokens = RASP.cmd_tokenize(cmd) } if (is_token_changed(raw_tokens, userinput_idx, value.length)) { reason = _("Command injection - command structure altered by user input, request parameter name: %1%, value: %2%", [name, value]) return true } }) return reason } // 过滤java无法利用的命令注入 if (server.language != 'java' || !unexploitable_filter || cmdJavaExploitable.test(cmd)) { // 匹配 GET/POST/multipart 参数 Object.keys(parameters).some(function (name) { // 覆盖场景,后者仅PHP支持 // ?id=XXXX // ?data[key1][key2]=XXX var value_list = [] Object.values(parameters[name]).forEach(function (value){ if (typeof value == 'string') { value_list.push(value) } else { value_list = value_list.concat(Object.values(value)) } }) reason = _run(value_list, name) if (reason) { return true } }) // 匹配 header 参数 if (reason == false && context.header != null) { Object.keys(context.header).some(function (name) { if ( name.toLowerCase() == "cookie") { var cookies = get_cookies(context.header.cookie) for (name in cookies) { reason = _run([cookies[name]], "cookie:" + name) if (reason) { return true } } } else if ( headerInjection.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) != -1) { reason = _run([context.header[name]], "header:" + name) if (reason) { return true } } }) } // 匹配json参数 if (reason == false && Object.keys(json_parameters).length > 0) { var jsons = [ [json_parameters, "input_json"] ] while (jsons.length > 0 && reason === false) { var json_arr = jsons.pop() var crt_json_key = json_arr[1] var json_obj = json_arr[0] for (item in json_obj) { if (typeof json_obj[item] == "string") { reason = _run([json_obj[item]], crt_json_key + "->" + item) if(reason !== false) { break; } } else if (typeof json_obj[item] == "object") { jsons.push([json_obj[item], crt_json_key + "->" + item]) } } } } } if (reason !== false) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_userinput.action, confidence: 90, message: reason, algorithm: 'command_userinput' } } } // 算法3: 常用渗透命令 if (algorithmConfig.command_common.action != 'ignore') { var reason = false if (cmdPostPattern.test(params.command)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_common.action, message: _("Webshell detected - Executing potentially dangerous command, command is %1%", [params.command]), confidence: 95, algorithm: 'command_common' } } } // 算法4: 查找语法错误和敏感操作 if (algorithmConfig.command_error.action != 'ignore') { if (raw_tokens.length == 0) { raw_tokens = RASP.cmd_tokenize(cmd) } var concat_char = algorithmConfig.command_error.concat_char var sensitive_cmd = algorithmConfig.command_error.sensitive_cmd var alarm_token = algorithmConfig.command_error.alarm_token var double_quote = 0 var ticks = 0 for (var i=0; i 0 && i < raw_tokens.length-1 && raw_tokens[i-1].text == '"' && raw_tokens[i+1].text == '"')) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_error.action, confidence: 90, message: _("Command execution - Sensitive command token detect: %1%", [raw_tokens[i].text]), algorithm: 'command_error' } } } } // 敏感连接命令检测 if (algorithmConfig.command_error.sensitive_cmd_enable) { if (raw_tokens[i+1] !== undefined && concat_char.indexOf(raw_tokens[i].text) != -1 && sensitive_cmd.indexOf(raw_tokens[i+1].text) != -1) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_error.action, confidence: 70, message: _("Command execution - Sensitive command concat detect: %1% %2%", [raw_tokens[i].text, raw_tokens[i+1].text]), algorithm: 'command_error' } } } if (raw_tokens[i].text == "\"") { double_quote ++ } else if (raw_tokens[i].text == "`") { ticks ++ } else if (raw_tokens[i].text == "'" && algorithmConfig.command_error.unbalanced_quote_enable) { if ( !(i > 0 && i < raw_tokens.length-1 && raw_tokens[i-1].text == '"' && raw_tokens[i+1].text == '"')) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_error.action, confidence: 70, message: _("Command execution - Detected unbalanced single quote!"), algorithm: 'command_error' } } } } // 引号不匹配检测 if (algorithmConfig.command_error.unbalanced_quote_enable) { if (double_quote % 2 != 0) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_error.action, confidence: 70, message: _("Command execution - Detected unbalanced double quote!"), algorithm: 'command_error' } } if (ticks % 2 != 0) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_error.action, confidence: 70, message: _("Command execution - Detected unbalanced backtick!"), algorithm: 'command_error' } } } } // 算法5: 记录所有的命令执行 if (algorithmConfig.command_other.action != 'ignore') { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_other.action, message: _("Command execution - Logging all command execution by default, command is %1%", [params.command]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'command_other' } } // 算法6: DNSlog检测 if (algorithmConfig.command_dnslog.action != 'ignore') { if (cmdDNSlogPatternCmd.test(params.command)) { if (cmdDNSlogPatternDomain.test(params.command)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.command_dnslog.action, message: _("Command injection - Executing dnslog command, command is %1%", [params.command]), confidence: 95, algorithm: 'command_dnslog' } } } } return clean }) // 注意: 由于libxml2无法挂钩,所以PHP暂时不支持XXE检测 plugin.register('xxe', function (params, context) { var server = context.server var is_win = server.os.indexOf('Windows') != -1 var items = params.entity.split(':') var parameters = context.parameter || {} var header = context.header || {} if (algorithmConfig.xxe_protocol.action != 'ignore') { // 检查 windows + SMB 协议,防止泄露 NTLM 信息 if (params.entity.startsWith('\\\\')) { return { action: algorithmConfig.xxe_protocol.action, message: _("XXE - Using dangerous protocol SMB"), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'xxe_protocol' } } } if (items.length >= 2) { var protocol = items.shift().toLowerCase() var address = items.join(":") // 拒绝特殊协议 if (algorithmConfig.xxe_protocol.action != 'ignore') { if (algorithmConfig.xxe_protocol.protocols.indexOf(protocol) != -1) { return { action: algorithmConfig.xxe_protocol.action, message: _("XXE - Using dangerous protocol %1%", [protocol]), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'xxe_protocol' } } } // file 协议 + 绝对路径, e.g // file:///etc/passwd // file:///etc/passwd?a=1#b=2 (仅Java支持) // // 相对路径容易误报, e.g // file://xwork.dtd if (algorithmConfig.xxe_file.action != 'ignore') { if (address.length > 0 && protocol === 'file') { if (address.startsWith("//")) { // 去掉file://中的//,两种格式统一逻辑处理 // file:/etc/passwd // file:///etc/passwd address = address.substr(2) } var address_lc = address.toLowerCase() if (address_lc.indexOf("../") != -1) { // 使用 ../ return { action: algorithmConfig.xxe_file.action, message: _("XXE - Accessing file %1% with ../", [address]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'xxe_file' } } if (address_lc.indexOf("#") !=-1 || address_lc.indexOf("?") !=-1) { return { action: algorithmConfig.xxe_file.action, message: _("XXE - Using url comment in file path %1%", [address]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'xxe_file' } } if (is_absolute_path(address, is_win) || address_lc.startsWith("localhost") || (is_win && items.length > 2)) { // 三种情况: // 一般绝对路径 file:/etc/passwd // localhost起始路径 file://localhost/c:/windows/win.ini // 带盘符的windows绝对路径 file:c:/windows/win.ini // 1.0 Rhino 引擎不支持URL对象,考虑到 1.0 用户不多,先简单处理下 var content_type = header["content-type"] || "" if (content_type.indexOf("xml") != -1 || is_include_in_userinput(parameters, address)) { // 过滤掉 xml、dtd、xsd if (! address_lc.endsWith('.xml') && ! address_lc.endsWith('.xsd') && ! address_lc.endsWith('.dtd')) { return { action: algorithmConfig.xxe_file.action, message: _("XXE - Accessing file %1%", [address]), confidence: 90, algorithm: 'xxe_file' } } } } } } } return clean }) if (algorithmConfig.eval_regex.action != 'ignore') { // 算法1: 正则表达式 plugin.register('eval', function(params, context) { var regex_filter = new RegExp(algorithmConfig.eval_regex.regex, 'i') if (regex_filter.test(params.code)) { // 避免 message 太长 var code = params.code.substr(0, 50) if (params.code.length > 50) { code = code + ' ...' } return { action: algorithmConfig.eval_regex.action, confidence: 60, message: _("Code Execution - Running %1% with %2%() function", [code, params.function]), algorithm: 'eval_regex' } } }) } plugin.register('loadLibrary', function(params, context) { if (algorithmConfig.loadLibrary_unc.action != 'ignore') { // 仅 windows 需要检查 UNC var is_windows = context.server.os.indexOf('Windows') != -1 if (is_windows) { if (params.path.startsWith('\\\\') || params.path.startsWith('//')) { return { action: algorithmConfig.loadLibrary_unc.action, confidence: 60, message: _("Load library in UNC path - loading %1% with %2%() function", [params.path, params.function]), algorithm: 'loadLibrary_unc' } } } } // if (algorithmConfig.loadLibrary_other.action != 'ignore') { // return { // action: algorithmConfig.loadLibrary_other.action, // confidence: 60, // message: _("Load library - logging all by default, library path is %1%", [params.path]), // algorithm: 'loadLibrary_other' // } // } return clean }) // 默认情况下,当OGNL表达式长度超过30才会进入检测点,此长度可配置 plugin.register('ognl', function (params, context) { // 算法1: OGNL语句黑名单 if (algorithmConfig.ognl_blacklist.action != 'ignore') { var ognlExpression = params.expression for (var index in algorithmConfig.ognl_blacklist.expression) { if (ognlExpression.indexOf(algorithmConfig.ognl_blacklist.expression[index]) > -1) { return { action: algorithmConfig.ognl_blacklist.action, message: _("OGNL exec - Trying to exploit a OGNL expression vulnerability"), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'ognl_blacklist' } } } } // 算法2: OGNL表达式长度限制 if (algorithmConfig.ognl_length_limit.action != 'ignore') { var ognlLength = params.expression.length if (ognlLength > algorithmConfig.ognl_length_limit.max_length) { return { action: algorithmConfig.ognl_length_limit.action, message: _("OGNL exec - Trying to execute a OGNL expression of unusual length: " + ognlLength), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'ognl_length_limit' } } } return clean }) if (algorithmConfig.jndi_disable_all.action != 'ignore') { plugin.register('jndi', function (params, context) { let name = return { action: algorithmConfig.jndi_disable_all.action, message: _("JNDI blacklist - blocked jndi lookup: " + name), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'jndi_disable_all' } }) } if (algorithmConfig.dns_blacklist.action != 'ignore') { plugin.register('dns', function (params, context) { let host = if (is_hostname_dnslog(host)) { return { action: algorithmConfig.dns_blacklist.action, message: _("DNS blacklist - blocked dnslog domain: " + host), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'dns_blacklist' } } }) } if (algorithmConfig.deserialization_blacklist.action != 'ignore') { plugin.register('deserialization', function (params, context) { var clazz = params.clazz for (var index in algorithmConfig.deserialization_blacklist.clazz) { if (clazz === algorithmConfig.deserialization_blacklist.clazz[index]) { return { action: algorithmConfig.deserialization_blacklist.action, message: _("Deserialization blacklist - blocked " + clazz + " in resolveClass"), confidence: 100, algorithm: 'deserialization_blacklist' } } } return clean }) } // 匹配身份证 function findFirstIdentityCard(data) { const regexChineseId = /(?= 1; i--) { let t = card[len - i] - '0'; if (i % 2 == 0) { t *= 2; } sum = sum + Math.floor(t / 10) + t % 10; } if (sum % 10 == 0) { return { type: 'Bank Card', match: m[0], parts: data.slice(Math.max(m.index - 40, 0), m.index + m[0].length + 40) } } } } if (algorithmConfig.response_dataLeak.action != 'ignore') { // response 所有检测点都会抽样 plugin.register('response', function (params, context) { const content_type = params.content_type const content = params.content const kind = algorithmConfig.response_dataLeak.kind const header = context.header || {} var items = [], parts = [] // content-type 过滤 if ( ! content_type || ! dataLeakContentType.test(content_type)) { return clean } // 是否检查身份证泄露 if (kind.identity_card) { const data = findFirstIdentityCard(content) if (data) { items.push(data.match + '(' + data.type + ')') parts.push(data) } } // 是否检查手机号泄露 if ( { const data = findFirstMobileNumber(content) if (data) { items.push(data.match + '(' + data.type + ')') parts.push(data) } } // 是否检查银行卡泄露 if (kind.bank_card) { const data = findFirstBankCard(content) if (data) { items.push(data.match + '(' + data.type + ')') parts.push(data) } } if (items.length) { return { action: algorithmConfig.response_dataLeak.action, message: 'PII leak detected: ' + items.join('、 '), confidence: 80, algorithm: 'response_dataLeak', params: { parts } } } }) } plugin.log('OpenRASP official plugin: Initialized, version', plugin_version)