module.exports = function (sails) { /** * Module dependencies */ var Err = require('../../../errors'), path = require('path'), ChildProcess = require('child_process'); return { /** * Initialize this project's Grunt tasks * and execute the environment-specific gruntfile * */ initialize: function (cb) { sails.log.verbose('Loading app Gruntfile...'); // Start task depending on environment if(sails.config.environment === 'production'){ return this.runTask('prod', cb); } this.runTask('default', cb); }, /** * Fork Grunt child process * * @param {String} taskName - grunt task to run * @param {Function} cb - optional, fires when the Grunt task has been started (non-production) or finished (production) */ runTask: function (taskName, cb_afterTaskStarted) { cb_afterTaskStarted = cb_afterTaskStarted || function () {}; var environment = sails.config.environment; var pathToSails = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../'); // Only relevant in a development environment: // (unfortunately, cannot use sails.getBaseurl() because it is not calculatable yet) var baseurl = 'http://' + ( || 'localhost') + ':' + sails.config.port; if (!taskName) { taskName = ''; } var execArgs = process.execArgv.slice(0); if(execArgs.indexOf('--debug') !== -1) { execArgs.splice(execArgs.indexOf('--debug'),1) } // Fork Grunt child process var child = ChildProcess.fork( // cwd for child process path.join(__dirname, 'grunt-wrapper.js'), // cmd args+opts for child process [ taskName, '--pathToSails='+pathToSails, // Backwards compatibility for v0.9.x '--gdsrc='+ pathToSails + '/node_modules' ], // opts to pass to node's `child_process` logic { silent: true, stdio: 'pipe', execArgv: execArgs } ); var errorMsg = ''; var stackTrace = ''; // Log output as it comes in to the appropriate log channel child.stdout.on('data', function (consoleMsg) { // store all the output consoleMsg = consoleMsg.toString(); errorMsg += consoleMsg; // Clean out all the whitespace var trimmedStackTrace = (typeof stackTrace === 'string') ? stackTrace : ''; trimmedStackTrace = trimmedStackTrace.replace(/[\n\s]*$/,''); trimmedStackTrace = trimmedStackTrace.replace(/^[\n\s]*/,''); var trimmedConsoleMsg = (typeof consoleMsg === 'string') ? consoleMsg : ''; trimmedConsoleMsg = trimmedConsoleMsg.replace(/[\n\s]*$/,''); trimmedConsoleMsg = trimmedConsoleMsg.replace(/^[\n\s]*/,''); // Remove '--force to continue' message since it makes no sense // in this context: trimmedConsoleMsg = trimmedConsoleMsg.replace(/Use --force to continue\./i, ''); trimmedStackTrace = trimmedStackTrace.replace(/Use --force to continue\./i, ''); // Find the Stack Trace related to this warning stackTrace = errorMsg.substring(errorMsg.lastIndexOf('Running "')); // if (consoleMsg.match(/Use --force to continue/)) { // // sails.log.warn('** Grunt :: Warning **'); // // sails.log.warn(errorMsg,trimmedStackTrace); // } // Handle fatal errors, like missing grunt dependency, etc. if (consoleMsg.match(/Fatal error/g)) { // If no Gruntfile exists, don't crash- just display a warning. if (consoleMsg.match(/Unable to find Gruntfile/i)) {'Gruntfile could not be found.');'(no grunt tasks will be run.)'); if(sails.config.environment === 'production'){ cb_afterTaskStarted(); } return; } Err.fatal.__GruntAborted__(trimmedConsoleMsg, trimmedStackTrace); return; } // Handle fatal Grunt errors by killing Sails process as well if (consoleMsg.match(/Aborted due to warnings/)) { sails.log.error('** Grunt :: An error occurred. **'); // sails.log.warn(trimmedStackTrace); // sails.emit('hook:grunt:error', trimmedStackTrace); Err.fatal.__GruntAborted__(trimmedConsoleMsg, trimmedStackTrace); return; } if (consoleMsg.match(/ParseError/)) { sails.log.warn('** Grunt :: Parse Warning **'); sails.log.warn(trimmedStackTrace); } // Only display console message if it has content besides whitespace else if ( !consoleMsg.match(/^\s*$/) ) { sails.log.verbose('Grunt :: ' + trimmedConsoleMsg); } }); // Handle general-case grunt output: child.stdout.on('error', function (gruntOutput) { sails.log.error('Grunt ::', _sanitize(gruntOutput)); }); child.stderr.on('data', function (gruntOutput) { gruntOutput = _sanitize(gruntOutput); // Ignore the "debugger listening" message from node --debug if (gruntOutput.match(/debugger listening on port/)) { return; } sails.log.error('Grunt ::', gruntOutput); }); child.stderr.on('error', function (gruntOutput) { sails.log.error('Grunt ::', _sanitize(gruntOutput)); }); // When process is complete, fire event on `sails` child.on('exit', function (code, s) { if ( code !== 0 ) return sails.emit('hook:grunt:error'); sails.emit('hook:grunt:done'); // Fire finish after grunt is done in production if(sails.config.environment === 'production'){ cb_afterTaskStarted(); } }); // Since there's likely a watch task involved, and we may need // to flush the whole thing, we need a way to grab hold of the child process // So we save a reference to it sails.log.verbose('Tracking new grunt child process...'); sails.childProcesses.push(child); // Go ahead and get out of here, since Grunt might sit there backgrounded if(sails.config.environment !== 'production'){ cb_afterTaskStarted(); } } }; }; /** * After ensuring a chunk is a string, trim any leading or * trailing whitespace. If chunk cannot be nicely casted to a string, * pass it straight through. * * @param {*} chunk * @return {*} */ function _sanitize (chunk) { if (chunk && typeof chunk === 'object' && chunk.toString) { chunk = chunk.toString(); } if (typeof chunk === 'string') { chunk = chunk.replace(/^[\s\n]*/, ''); chunk = chunk.replace(/[\s\n]*$/, ''); } return chunk; }