#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail DIAGNOSE_VERSION=4.23.1 # Don't run anything before this source as it sets PATH here # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/profile # Newer OS versions do not set REGISTRY_ENDPOINT via # /usr/sbin/resin-vars; that's because the information provided by # balena cloud is meant to be the source of truth. Thus, we add the # REGISTRY_ENDPOINT argument for this script, and will supply that # argument in the proxy when this script is called. To avoid having # them overwritten by older versions of resin-vars, we save the CLI # arguments and pop them back out after sourcing resin-vars. # Set aside arguments, come back to them later current_args=( "$@" ) set -- # We still need to include resin-vars on legacy systems if [ -f /usr/sbin/resin-vars ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /usr/sbin/resin-vars else # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /usr/sbin/balena-config-vars fi # Restore arguments passed in originally set -- "${current_args[@]}" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/os-release # Determine whether we're using the older 'rce'-aliased docker or not. # stolen directly from the proxy: # (https://github.com/balena-io/resin-proxy/blob/master/src/common/host-scripts.ts#L28) X=/usr/bin/ ENG=rce [ -x $X$ENG ] || ENG=docker [ -x $X$ENG ] || ENG=balena [ -x $X$ENG ] || ENG=balena-engine TIMEOUT=10 TIMEOUT_CMD="timeout --kill-after=$(( TIMEOUT * 2 )) ${TIMEOUT}" mountpoint="/var/lib/${ENG}" external_fqdn="0.resinio.pool.ntp.org" IPV4_ADDRESS="" # IPV6_ADDRESS="2606:4700:4700::6400" # https://developers.cloudflare.com/ IPV4_ENDPOINT="ipv4.google.com" IPV6_ENDPOINT="ipv6.google.com" # workaround for self-signed certs, waiting for https://github.com/balena-os/meta-balena/issues/1398 TMPCRT=$(mktemp) echo "${BALENA_ROOT_CA}" | base64 -d > "${TMPCRT}" cat /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt >> "${TMPCRT}" low_mem_threshold=10 #% low_disk_threshold=10 #% wifi_threshold=40 #%, very handwavy expansion_threshold=80 #% slow_disk_write=1000 #ms temperature_threshold=80000 #millidegree C GOOD="true" BAD="false" mapfile -t USERVICES < <(${TIMEOUT_CMD} "${ENG}" ps --format "{{.Names}}" | awk '/(resin|balena)_supervisor/{next;}{print}' 2> /dev/null) # Helper functions function help() { cat << EOF Script to run checks on balenaOS devices Options: -h, --help Display this help and exit. --balenaos-registry Upstream registry to use for host OS apps. EOF } function announce_version() { jq -n --arg dv "${DIAGNOSE_VERSION}" '{"diagnose_version":$dv}' } function get_meminfo_field() { awk '/^'"$1"':/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo } function log_status() { # success (g) ${1} # function (f) ${2} # status (s) ${3} jq -cn --argjson g "${1}" --arg f "${2}" --arg s "${3}" '[{"name":$f,"success":$g,"status":$s}]' } function test_upstream_dns() { # force dnsmasq to print statistics to journal to read them back systemctl kill -s USR1 dnsmasq for i in $(journalctl _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID="$(systemctl show -p InvocationID --value dnsmasq.service)" | tail -n +2 | awk '{$1=$2=$3=""; print $0}' | grep -E -o '([12]?[0-9]?[0-9]\.[12]?[0-9]?[0-9]\.[12]?[0-9]?[0-9]\.[12]?[0-9]?[0-9])|(([a-f0-9:]+:+)+[a-f0-9]+)' | sort -u); do # shellcheck disable=SC2001 for j in "${external_fqdn}" "$(echo "${API_ENDPOINT}" | sed -e 's@^https*://@@')"; do if ! nslookup "${j}" "${i}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: DNS lookup failed for ${j} via upstream: ${i}" fi done; done } function test_wifi() { local wifi_active_interfaces wifi_active_interfaces=$(${TIMEOUT_CMD} nmcli --terse --fields DEVICE,TYPE,STATE device status | \ awk -F: '/wifi:connected$/{print $1}') if [[ -n ${wifi_active_interfaces} ]]; then local -i wifi_strength wifi_strengths=$(${TIMEOUT_CMD} nmcli --terse --fields DEVICE,ACTIVE,SIGNAL device wifi list) for ifname in ${wifi_active_interfaces}; do wifi_strength=$(echo "${wifi_strengths}" | awk -F: '/^'"${ifname}"':yes:/{print $3}') if (( wifi_strength < wifi_threshold )) && (( wifi_strength > 0 )); then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Configured wifi interface ${ifname} has a weak signal (<${wifi_threshold}%)" fi done fi } function test_ping() { local -i lost_packets lost_packets=$(${TIMEOUT_CMD} ping -c 3 "${external_fqdn}" 2>/dev/null | awk -F, '/loss/{print $7}') if (( lost_packets > 0 )); then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Packets lost while pinging ${external_fqdn}" fi } function test_balena_api() { # can we reach the API? local api_ret local -i api_retval api_ret=$(CURL_CA_BUNDLE=${TMPCRT} ${TIMEOUT_CMD} curl -qs "${API_ENDPOINT}/ping") api_retval=$? if [[ "${api_ret}" != "OK" ]]; then # from man curl: # EXIT CODES # 60 Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates. if [ "${api_retval}" -eq 60 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: There may be a firewall blocking traffic to ${API_ENDPOINT} (SSL errors)" return fi echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Could not contact ${API_ENDPOINT}" fi } function test_balena_registry() { # can we authenticate with the registry? TODO: this isn't really a good check for auth, just for connectivity # TODO: old OSes fail because no --password-stdin, so can't use that. if ! ${TIMEOUT_CMD} ${ENG} login "${REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}" -u "d_${UUID}" \ --password "${DEVICE_API_KEY}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Could not communicate with ${REGISTRY_ENDPOINT} for authentication" fi ${TIMEOUT_CMD} ${ENG} logout "${REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}" > /dev/null } function test_ipv4_stack() { # Check if device expects a functioning IPv4 stack if ! ip -4 route get ${IPV4_ADDRESS} &>/dev/null; then # Don't check if IPv4 stack works since device isn't configured to use it return fi # Check if we can reach an IPv4 HTTP service since device is configured to do so local -i res res=$(CURL_CA_BUNDLE=${TMPCRT} ${TIMEOUT_CMD} curl -qs "https://${IPV4_ENDPOINT}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?) if test "$res" != "0"; then # from man curl: # EXIT CODES # 60 Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates. if [ "${res}" -eq 60 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: There may be a firewall blocking traffic to https://${IPV4_ENDPOINT} (SSL errors)" return fi echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Could not contact https://${IPV4_ENDPOINT}" fi } function test_ipv6_stack() { # Check if device expects a functioning IPv6 stack if ! ip -6 route get ${IPV6_ADDRESS} &>/dev/null; then # Don't check if IPv6 stack works since device isn't configured to use it return fi # Check if we can reach an IPv6 HTTP service since device is configured to do so local -i res res=$(CURL_CA_BUNDLE=${TMPCRT} ${TIMEOUT_CMD} curl -qs "https://${IPV6_ENDPOINT}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?) if test "$res" != "0"; then # from man curl: # EXIT CODES # 60 Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates. if [ "${res}" -eq 60 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: There may be a firewall blocking traffic to https://${IPV6_ENDPOINT} (SSL errors)" return fi echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Could not contact https://${IPV6_ENDPOINT}" fi } function test_write_latency() { # from https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/iostats.txt: # # Field 5 -- # of writes completed # This is the total number of writes completed successfully. # Field 8 -- # of milliseconds spent writing # This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all writes (as # measured from __make_request() to end_that_request_last()). local write_output write_output=$(awk -v limit=${slow_disk_write} '!/(loop|ram)/{if ($11/(($8>0)?$8:1)>limit){print $3": " $11/(($8>0)?$8:1) "ms / write, sample size " $8}}' /proc/diskstats) if [ -n "${write_output}" ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Slow disk writes detected: ${write_output}" fi } function test_diskspace() { # Last +0 forces the field to a number, stripping the '%' on the end. # Tested working on busybox. local -i used_percent local -i free_percent used_percent=$(df ${mountpoint} | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $5+0}') free_percent=$(( 100 - used_percent )) if (( free_percent < low_disk_threshold )); then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Low disk space: (df reports ${free_percent}% free)" fi } function test_disk_expansion() { local -i expansion_perc # TODO: ceil is better, but floor is supported back to jq-1.5 expansion_perc=$(lsblk -Jb -o NAME,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT | jq -S '.blockdevices[] | select(.children[]?.mountpoint == "/mnt/boot").size as $total | [.children[].size | tonumber] | 100 * add / ($total | tonumber) | floor') if (( expansion_perc < expansion_threshold )) ; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Block media device may not have fully expanded (${expansion_perc}% of available space)" fi } function test_data_partition_mounted() { data_mounted=$(awk '($2 == "/mnt/data") {print $4}' /proc/mounts) case $data_mounted in *rw*) return ;; *ro*) echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Data partition not mounted read-write" ;; "") echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Data partition not mounted" ;; esac } function is_valid_check() { local list_type="${1}" shift local found=1 i read -r -a args <<< "$@" for i in ${args[*]} do if [ "${i}" == "${SLUG}" ] ; then found=0 break fi done if [[ "${list_type}" == "WHITELIST" ]]; then return "${found}" elif [[ "${list_type}" == "BLACKLIST" ]]; then return $(( 1 - found )) fi } function run_tests() { local original_check local subject original_check=${1} subject=${original_check//check_/} shift; local tests=("$@") local output output="" local cmd_out for i in "${tests[@]}"; do cmd_out=$(${i}) if [ -n "${cmd_out}" ]; then output+=$'\n'$(printf '%s' "${cmd_out}") fi done if [ "$(echo "${output}" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then log_status "${BAD}" "${original_check}" "Some ${subject} issues detected: ${output}" else log_status "${GOOD}" "${original_check}" "No ${subject} issues detected" fi } # Check functions function check_networking() { local tests=( test_upstream_dns test_wifi test_ping test_balena_api test_balena_registry test_ipv4_stack test_ipv6_stack ) run_tests "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${tests[@]}" } function check_localdisk() { local tests=( test_write_latency test_diskspace test_disk_expansion test_data_partition_mounted ) run_tests "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${tests[@]}" } function check_under_voltage(){ local SLUG_WHITELIST=('raspberrypi3-64' 'raspberrypi4-64' 'raspberry-pi' 'raspberry-pi2' 'raspberrypi3' 'fincm3' 'raspberrypi0-2w-64' 'npe-x500-m3' 'raspberrypi3-unipi-neuron' 'raspberrypi4-superhub' 'raspberrypi4-unipi-neuron' 'raspberrypi400-64' 'raspberrypicm4-ioboard' 'revpi-connect-4' 'revpi-connect-s' 'revpi-connect' 'revpi-core-3' 'rt-rpi-300' 'raspberrypi5') if is_valid_check WHITELIST "${SLUG_WHITELIST[*]}"; then local -i UNDERVOLTAGE_COUNT UNDERVOLTAGE_COUNT=$(dmesg | grep -E -c "Under-?voltage detected\!") if (( UNDERVOLTAGE_COUNT > 0 )); then log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${UNDERVOLTAGE_COUNT} under-voltage events detected, check/change the power supply ASAP" else log_status "${GOOD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "No under-voltage events detected" fi fi } function check_temperature(){ local tests=( test_current_temperature test_throttling_dmesg ) run_tests "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${tests[@]}" } function test_current_temperature(){ # see https://github.com/balena-io/device-diagnostics/issues/168 SLUG_WHITELIST=('astro-tx2' 'blackboard-tx2' 'cti-rogue-xavier' 'jetson-nano-2gb-devkit' 'jetson-nano-emmc' 'jetson-nano' 'floyd-nano' \ 'jetson-tx1' 'jetson-tx2' 'jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc' 'jetson-xavier-nx-devkit' 'jetson-xavier' \ 'jn30b-nano' 'n310-tx2' 'n510-tx2' 'nru120s-xavier' 'orbitty-tx2' 'photon-nano' 'photon-xavier-nx' \ 'spacely-tx2' 'skx2' 'apollo-tx2' 'j120-tx2' 'srd3-tx2') local -i temp for i in /sys/class/thermal/thermal* ; do if [ -e "$i/temp" ]; then temp=$(cat "$i/temp") if (( temp >= temperature_threshold )); then if is_valid_check WHITELIST "${SLUG_WHITELIST[*]}" && [ -e "$i/type" ] && grep -q "PMIC-Die" "$i/type"; then : # Ignore PMIC-Die because it reports a dummy value on Jetsons: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/pmic-temperature-in-tegrastats-output/75582 else echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Temperature above $(( temperature_threshold / 1000 ))C detected ($i)" fi fi fi done } function test_throttling_dmesg(){ # see https://github.com/balena-io/device-diagnostics/issues/183 local -i TEMP_THROTTLING_COUNT TEMP_THROTTLING_COUNT=$(dmesg | grep -cE 'Temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled') if (( TEMP_THROTTLING_COUNT > 0 )); then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${TEMP_THROTTLING_COUNT} cpu throttling events detected, check CPU temperature" fi } function check_balenaOS() { # test resinOS 1.x based on matches like the following: # VERSION="1.24.0" # PRETTY_NAME="Resin OS 1.24.0" local variant_tag=$(echo "${VARIANT:-production}" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]") local variant_slug=$(echo "${variant_tag}" | sed "s/production/prod/" | sed "s/development/dev/") if grep -q -e '^VERSION="1.*$' -e '^PRETTY_NAME="Resin OS 1.*$' /etc/os-release; then log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "ResinOS 1.x is now completely deprecated" else local -i versions # We still need to try finding the hostApp release by filtering using the deprecated release_tags, # since the versioning format of balenaOS [2019.10.0.dev, 2022.01.0] was non-semver compliant # and they were not migrated to the release semver fields. versions=$(CURL_CA_BUNDLE=${TMPCRT} curl -qs --retry 3 --max-time 5 --retry-connrefused -X GET \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${DEVICE_API_KEY}" \ "${API_ENDPOINT}/v6/release?\$select=id,semver&\$expand=release_tag&\$filter=(belongs_to__application/any(a:a/is_for__device_type/any(dt:dt/slug%20eq%20'${SLUG}')%20and%20a/is_host%20eq%20true))%20and%20is_invalidated%20eq%20false%20and%20(((semver%20eq%20%27${VERSION}%27)%20and%20(variant%20in%20(%27${variant_slug}%27,%20%27%27)))%20or%20((release_tag/any(rt:(rt/tag_key%20eq%20'version')%20and%20(rt/value%20eq%20'${VERSION}')))%20and%20((release_tag/any(rt:(rt/tag_key%20eq%20'variant')%20and%20(rt/value%20eq%20'${variant_tag}')))%20or%20not(release_tag/any(rt:rt/tag_key%20eq%20'variant')))))" \ | jq -r "[.d[]] | length") if (( versions == 0 )); then log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "balenaOS 2.x detected, but this version is not currently available in ${API_ENDPOINT}" elif (( versions > 1 )); then log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "balenaOS 2.x detected, but more than one hostapp release available in ${API_ENDPOINT}" else log_status "${GOOD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Supported balenaOS 2.x detected" fi fi } function check_memory() { local -i total_kb local -i avail_kb local avail_exists total_kb=$(get_meminfo_field MemTotal) avail_exists=$(get_meminfo_field MemAvailable) if [ -z "${avail_exists}" ]; then # For kernels that don't support MemAvailable. # Not as accurate, but a good approximation. avail_kb=$(( $(get_meminfo_field MemFree) + \ $(get_meminfo_field Cached) + \ $(get_meminfo_field Buffers) )) else avail_kb="${avail_exists}" fi local -i percent_avail percent_avail=$(( 100 * avail_kb / total_kb )) if (( percent_avail < low_mem_threshold )); then local -i total_mb local -i avail_mb total_mb=$(( total_kb / 1024 )) avail_mb=$(( avail_kb / 1024 )) local -i used_mb used_mb=$(( total_mb - avail_mb )) log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Low memory: ${percent_avail}% (${avail_mb}MB) available, ${used_mb}MB/${total_mb}MB used" else log_status "${GOOD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${percent_avail}% memory available" fi } function check_timesync() { local is_time_synced is_time_synced=$(timedatectl | awk -F": " '/(System clock|NTP) synchronized:/{print $2}') if [[ "${is_time_synced}" != "yes" ]]; then log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Time is not being synchronized via NTP" else log_status "${GOOD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Time is synchronized" fi } function check_container_engine() { local tests=( test_container_engine_running_now test_container_engine_restarts test_container_engine_responding test_container_engine_migration_failed ) run_tests "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${tests[@]}" } function test_container_engine_running_now() { if (! systemctl is-active ${ENG} > /dev/null); then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Container engine ${ENG} is NOT running" fi } function test_container_engine_restarts() { local -i engine_restarts engine_restarts=$(systemctl show -p NRestarts ${ENG} | awk -F= '{print $2}') if (( engine_restarts > 0 )); then local start_timestamp start_timestamp=$(systemctl show -p ExecMainStartTimestamp ${ENG} | awk -F= '{print $2}') echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Container engine ${ENG} has ${engine_restarts} \ restarts and may be crashlooping (most recent start time: ${start_timestamp})" fi } function test_container_engine_responding() { if ! ERRMSG=$(${TIMEOUT_CMD} "${ENG}" ps 2>&1); then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Error querying container engine: ${ERRMSG}" fi } function test_container_engine_migration_failed() { # needs to match the path here: # https://github.com/balena-os/meta-balena/blob/master/meta-balena-common/recipes-containers/balena/balena/balena.conf.storagemigration#L3 local logpath="/mnt/state/balena-engine-storage-migration.log" if [ -f "${logpath}" ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Storage migration to overlayfs failed. Check the logs at ${logpath}." fi } function check_supervisor() { # TODO: grab healthcheck results here if [[ ! $(${TIMEOUT_CMD} ${ENG} ps --filter "name=resin_supervisor" --filter "name=balena_supervisor" -q) ]] ; then log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Supervisor is NOT running" else if ! curl -qs --max-time 10 "localhost:${LISTEN_PORT}/v1/healthy" > /dev/null; then log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Supervisor is running, but may be unhealthy" else log_status "${GOOD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "Supervisor is running & healthy" fi fi } function check_os_rollback() { local root="/mnt/state" local health_name="rollback-health-triggered" local altboot_name="rollback-altboot-triggered" local rolled_back for i in "${health_name}" "${altboot_name}"; do if [ -f "${root}/${i}" ]; then rolled_back="${i}" break fi done if [[ -n "${rolled_back}" ]]; then log_status "${BAD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "OS rollback detected: ${rolled_back}" else log_status "${GOOD}" "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "No OS rollbacks detected" fi } function check_user_services() { local status healthcheck_output inspect fail_streak last_code last_output pretty_name healthy if (( ${#USERVICES[@]} > 0 )); then for service in "${USERVICES[@]}"; do if ! inspect=$(${TIMEOUT_CMD} "${ENG}" inspect "${service}"); then status="User service '${service}' inspection timed out" log_status "${BAD}" "check_service_${service}" "${status}" continue fi pretty_name=$(echo -E "${inspect}" | jq -r '.[].Config.Labels."io.balena.service-name"') healthcheck_output=$(echo -E "${inspect}" | jq -r '.[].State.Health | select(. != null)') healthy=$(echo -E "${healthcheck_output}" | jq -r '.Status == "healthy"') if [ -n "${healthcheck_output}" ] && [ "${healthy}" = "false" ]; then # artificially limited to 100 chars last_output=$(echo -E "${healthcheck_output}" | jq -ar '.Log[-1].Output[:100]' | sed "s/\"/\'/g") last_code=$(echo -E "${healthcheck_output}" | jq -ar '.Log[-1].ExitCode') fail_streak=$(echo -E "${healthcheck_output}" | jq -r '.FailingStreak') status="User service '${pretty_name}' healthcheck failed, count: ${fail_streak}" status+=$'\n'$(printf 'exit code: %s, output: %s' "${last_code}" "${last_output}") log_status "${BAD}" "check_service_${pretty_name}" "${status}" continue fi restart_count=$(echo -E "${inspect}" | jq -r '.[].RestartCount') if [ "${restart_count}" -gt 0 ]; then status="User service '${pretty_name}' is restarting unexpectedly, count: ${restart_count}" log_status "${BAD}" "check_service_${pretty_name}" "${status}" continue fi status="User service '${pretty_name}' is running & healthy" log_status "${GOOD}" "check_service_${pretty_name}" "${status}" continue done fi } function run_checks() { # TODO remove echo | jq echo -E \ "$(check_balenaOS)" \ "$(check_container_engine)" \ "$(check_localdisk)" \ "$(check_memory)" \ "$(check_networking)" \ "$(check_os_rollback)" \ "$(check_supervisor)" \ "$(check_temperature)" \ "$(check_timesync)" \ "$(check_under_voltage)" \ "$(check_user_services)" \ | jq -s 'add | {checks:.}' } # Parse arguments while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do arg="$1" case $arg in -h|--help) help exit 0 ;; --balenaos-registry) if [ -z "$2" ]; then log ERROR "\"$1\" argument needs a value." fi REGISTRY_ENDPOINT=$2 shift ;; esac shift done jq --argjson a1 "$(announce_version)" --argjson a2 "$(run_checks)" -cn '$a1 + $a2' rm -f "${TMPCRT}" > /dev/null 2>&1