# [BalmUI](https://v8.material.balmjs.com) ChangeLog > :tada: [`balm-ui`](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui)(v9+) supports for Vue 3 ## v8.67.1 / 2024-03-28 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix watcher bug ## v8.67.0 / 2024-03-15 ### Features - ``: add `dataFormat.parentKey` for parent node expansion ## v8.66.1 / 2024-03-12 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix some bug for only unchecked child node ## v8.66.0 / 2024-03-05 ### Features - ``: update `timeoutMs` to support disabled ## v8.65.1 / 2023-12-15 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix init selected bug ## v8.65.0 / 2023-12-05 ### Features - ``: add number type for `selectedNodes` ## v8.64.0 / 2023-12-01 ### Chore - ``: optimize choice chips default value from `-1` to `''` ## v8.63.1 / 2023-11-07 ### Chore - ``, ``: optimize initialization ## v8.63.0 / 2023-10-31 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix individual bug ## v8.62.1 / 2023-09-21 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix prevent click for custom label ## v8.62.0 / 2023-09-15 ### Features - utils: ban debugger ## v8.61.5 / 2023-07-20 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix tbodyRowData bug ## v8.61.4 / 2023-06-16 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix `readonly` watch bug ## v8.61.3 / 2023-06-14 ### Chore - ``: optimize tree node data for children ## v8.61.2 / 2023-06-01 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix emoji module bug for bubble theme ## v8.61.0 / 2023-04-20 ### Features - new component for plus: `` ## v8.60.2 / 2023-04-17 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix prevent click for custom label ## v8.60.0 / 2023-04-12 ### Features - ``: add prop `filterParentNode` ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: remove prop `selectedNodesWithParent` ## v8.59.0 / 2023-04-04 ### Features - ``: add prop `selectedNodesWithParent` ## v8.58.0 / 2023-02-15 ### Features - ``: add event `sorted` - ``: add prop `disableRangePlugin` ## v8.57.0 / 2023-01-20 > Happy Chinese New Year ### Chore - optimize build ## v8.56.4 / 2023-01-03 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix expand all keys with props `defaultExpandedKeys` - `vCopy`: fix textarea `readOnly` for boolean value ## v8.56.3 / 2022-12-14 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix: tree single select bug for manual mode ## v8.56.2 / 2022-12-09 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix createNode bug ## v8.56.1 / 2022-10-31 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix init selected value bug ## v8.56.0 / 2022-10-27 ### Features - ``: add `unitText` prop - ``: add `filterKeywords` prop ## v8.55.0 / 2022-09-23 ### Chore - update vetur ### BREAKING CHANGES - `balm-ui-next.js` is deprecated - move components: - `UiCollapse` from `balm-ui-plus.js` to `balm-ui.js` library - `UiBottomNavigation` from `balm-ui-next.js` to `balm-ui-plus.js` library - `UiBottomSheet` from `balm-ui-next.js` to `balm-ui-plus.js` library - move directives: `vDebounce` from `balm-ui-plus.js` to `balm-ui.js` library ## v8.54.1 / 2022-08-17 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix center css bug for action area ## v8.54.0 / 2022-08-03 ### BREAKING CHANGES - move components: `UiAlert` from `balm-ui-plus.js` to `balm-ui.js` library ## v8.53.1 / 2022-07-28 ### Chore - ``: interactive optimization for scrim ## v8.53.0 / 2022-07-28 ### Features - ``, ``: add `inside` prop for overflow inside component ## v8.52.2 / 2022-07-10 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix filter chips bug in watching ## v8.52.0 / 2022-07-10 ### Features - ``: add `rowCheckboxDisabled` prop - ``, ``: update for overflow inside component ### Chore - `v-longpress`: optimize config and fix missing event bug - `types`: update `isFunction` for async function ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: remove `fixed` prop ## v8.51.0 / 2022-06-17 ### Features - `$bus`: add `.once` function ## v8.50.4 / 2022-06-13 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix twice trigger event bug - ``: fix choice chips event bug ## v8.50.2 / 2022-06-12 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix choice and filter chips event bug - ``: fix focus bug, fix start input value bug ## v8.50.1 / 2022-06-07 ### Bug Fixes - `$validator`: fix local validation rule bug ## v8.50.0 / 2022-06-04 ### Features - `$validator`: optimize validations ### BREAKING CHANGES - `$validator`: update validations - Old ```ts interface BalmUIValidationRule { label?: string; validator: string; // 'customRule1, customRule2, ...' ...customRule?: { validate(fieldValue: any, formData: { [fieldName: string]: any }): boolean; message: string | (fieldValue: any, formData: { [fieldName: string]: any }) => string; }; } type BalmUIValidations = { [key: string]: BalmUIValidationRule; } ``` - New ```ts interface BalmUIValidationRule { key: string; // field name label?: string; validator: string; // 'customRule1, customRule2, ...' ...customRule?: { validate(fieldValue: any, formData: { [fieldName: string]: any }): boolean; message: string | (fieldValue: any, formData: { [fieldName: string]: any }) => string; }; } type BalmUIValidations = BalmUIValidationRule[] ``` ## v8.49.7 / 2022-06-01 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix filter chips values bug - ``: fix clear event bug ## v8.49.6 / 2022-05-19 ### Features - ``: update mini mode for infinity ## v8.49.5 / 2022-04-07 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix change event bug in month mode ## v8.49.4 / 2022-03-30 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix vertical divider bug ## v8.49.3 / 2022-03-08 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix some bug for others data - ``: fix ripple bug ## v8.49.1 / 2022-02-15 ### Bug Fixes - ``, ``: fix getListTag bug ## v8.49.0 / 2022-02-15 ### Features - add vetur support ## v8.48.2 / 2022-02-09 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix sort css bug ### Chore - ``: optimize helper with counter hints ## v8.48.1 / 2022-02-08 :tada: Vue 3 is now the new default version! ## v8.48.0 / 2022-01-29 TL;DR: Vue 3 will become the new default version on **Monday, February 7, 2022**! ### Features - update material-icons v121 ## v8.47.4 / 2022-01-21 ### Bug Fixed - ``, ``: fix `nonInteractive` prop bug ## v8.47.3 / 2022-01-19 ### Bug Fixed - ``: fix destroy bug ## v8.47.2 / 2022-01-13 ### Reverts - revert dependencies ## v8.47.1 / 2021-12-24 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix some bug for `selectedRows` watcher ## v8.47.0 / 2021-12-16 ### Features - ``: add prop `ofText` ### Chore - `v-debounce`: optimize the default delay (`250ms`) for debounce - ``: optimize the fixed table ## v8.46.6 / 2021-12-10 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix the table cell checkbox handler bug ## v8.46.5 / 2021-12-09 ### Bug Fixes - ``: throwing error on pressing enter key ### Chore - ``: optimize fixed table ## v8.46.4 / 2021-11-23 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix override variables (`$header-row-text-color`, `$row-text-color`) bug ## v8.46.3 / 2021-11-16 ### Chore - ``: update non-Interactive lists ## v8.46.2 / 2021-08-27 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix step bug ## v8.46.1 / 2021-08-26 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix type watcher bug ## v8.46.0 / 2021-08-25 ### Features - ``: add `selected` event ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix selected value bug ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: update prop `model`, just use boolean type - ``, ``, ``: the `name` prop is deprecated - ``: rename prop `hidden` to `selected` ## v8.45.0 / 2021-08-24 ### Reverts - ``: remove prop `hasPage`, use `pageSpan` instead ## v8.44.1 / 2021-08-24 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix animation bug ## v8.44.0 / 2021-08-11 ### Features - ``: add prop `hasPage` ### Chore - ``: update css for root and leaf node ## v8.43.1 / 2021-08-03 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix selected nodes bug for async data ## v8.43.0 / 2021-08-03 ### Features - ``: - add `selectedEvent` parameter for `@change` event - add `disabled` field for `dataFormat` prop ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix watch bug for `data` ## v8.42.1 / 2021-07-30 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix prop `singleChecked` default value bug ## v8.42.0 / 2021-07-29 ### Features - update [`mdc@12.0.0`](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1200-2021-07-27) - update material-icons v94 - ``, ``: add prop `optionFormat` (`{ label: 'label', value: 'value' }`) - ``: add prop `singleChecked`, add event `selected` - docs: update sass docs for all ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``, ``: remove prop `optionLabel` and `optionValue`, use `optionFormat` instead ## v8.41.1 / 2021-07-19 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix create node bug ## v8.41.0 / 2021-07-19 ### Features - ``: add slot `before` ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: rename slot `action` to `after` ## v8.40.9 / 2021-07-13 ### Bug Fixes - ``: update pageSize watcher ### Chore - ``: optimize fixed table ## v8.40.7 / 2021-07-05 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix `$refs.tree.getNode` function params bug ## v8.40.6 / 2021-07-05 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix dynamic options bug ## v8.40.5 / 2021-07-02 ### Chore - ``, ``, ``, ``, ``: add click event ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix zero count render bug ## v8.40.4 / 2021-06-24 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix reset selected value bug - ``: update css ## v8.40.3 / 2021-06-18 ### Chore - ``: optimize performance ## v8.40.1 / 2021-06-16 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix form-field label bug for form component props - ``: fix selected default value for single tree ## v8.40.0 / 2021-06-10 ### Features - ``: add method `updateNode(type: 'create' | 'update' | 'delete', parentKey: string | number, nodeData: object)` for tree operations ## v8.39.0 / 2021-05-28 ### Features - update docs for mdc sass usage - ``: add prop `iconEndAligned` ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix css bug for the action label ## v8.38.0 / 2021-05-27 ### Features - add `$theme` init config - add helpers: `toCamelCase`, `toCapitalize` ## v8.37.0 / 2021-05-25 ### BREAKING CHANGES - move components: `UiAutocomplete`, `UiDatepicker`, `UiRangepicker` from `balm-ui-plus.js` to `balm-ui.js` library - move plugins: `$alert`, `$confirm`, `$toast` from `balm-ui-plus.js` to `balm-ui.js` library ## v8.36.0 / 2021-05-20 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix init `selectedNodes` bug and `defaultExpandedKeys` bug ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: remove prop `defaultSelectedKeys` ## v8.35.0 / 2021-04-22 ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: the component is deprecated, just use `` - ``: the `noBackdrop` prop rename to `noScrim` ## v8.34.0 / 2021-04-21 ### Features - new components for next: - `` - `` ## v8.33.0 / 2021-04-16 ### Features - update [`mdc@11.0.0`](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1100-2021-04-15) - update material-icons v85 - new components: `` - ``: add prop `type`, `rich` - `v-tooltip`: add tooltip anchor for global ### Bug Fixes - `v-button`: individual package ## v8.32.0 / 2021-04-12 ### Features - update material-icons v83 ## v8.31.0 / 2021-04-09 ### Features - new directives: - `v-button` ## v8.30.0 / 2021-04-08 ### Features - ``: add prop `position` - `$toast`: add option `position` ## v8.29.0 / 2021-04-07 ### Features - new directives: - `v-copy` - `v-debounce` - `v-longpress` ## v8.28.3 / 2021-04-06 ### Bug Fixes - ``, ``: fix dynamic tabs bug ## v8.28.0 / 2021-04-01 ### Features - `$toast`: update css for mobile - docs: update for pwa ## v8.27.1 / 2021-03-31 ### Bug Fixes - fix overwrite components' props bug ## v8.27.0 / 2021-03-31 ### Code Refactoring - refactor BalmUI source code structure - ``: add prop `centered`, `fixed`, `withImage`, `mobileStacked` ### Features - docs: update material icons demo ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix sync counter bug - fix `disabled` bug for all data input components ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: remove prop `message` - `$setGrid`: The `$setGrid` has been deprecated. Use the `$grid.set` instead. ## v8.26.0 / 2021-03-24 ### Features - ``: add sass variables `$dark-focused`, `$light-focused` - optimize warn/error message for all - docs: update 中文 translation - update material-icons v82 ## v8.25.0 / 2021-03-11 ### Features - ``: add prop `autoExpandParent`, `defaultExpandedKeys`, `defaultSelectedKeys` ## v8.24.2 / 2021-03-11 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix selected handler bug ### Features - ``: add sass variables ## v8.24.0 / 2021-03-11 ### Features - new components: `` ## v8.23.0 / 2021-03-11 ### Features - validator: add `$validations.clear`, `$validations.get`, `$validations.set` ### BREAKING CHANGES - validator: The `$setValidations` has been deprecated. Use the `$validations.set` instead. ## v8.22.0 / 2021-02-18 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix table cell properies bug ### Features - ``: add prop `escapeKey` ## v8.21.1 / 2021-02-07 ### Bug Fixes - `v-ripple`: fix theme color bug ## v8.21.0 / 2021-02-07 ### Features - update [`mdc@10.0.0`](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1000-2021-02-05) - update material-icons v76 ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: remove prop `reversed` ## v8.20.1 / 2021-02-05 ### Bug Fixes - ``, ``: fix click handler bug ## v8.20.0 / 2021-02-04 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix `outlined` prop bug ### Features - ``: add prop `jumperButtonOutlined` ## v8.19.0 / 2021-02-04 ### Features - `$store`: add `useStore` function - add `` component for experimental ## v8.18.1 / 2021-02-02 ### Chore - ``: update css for fixed table ## v8.18.0 / 2021-01-28 ### Features - `` - add prop `labelTopRightAligned`, `actionAlign` - add slot prop `itemClass`, `subitemClass` - add sass variable `$form-subitem-margin-right` - style refactoring ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix `distance` watching bug ## v8.17.0 / 2021-01-27 ### Bug Fixes - `$validator`: fix custom validations bug ### BREAKING CHANGES - `$validator`: `resetValidations` is deprecated ## v8.16.2 / 2021-01-25 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix header row checkbox bug ## v8.16.1 / 2021-01-20 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix document event bug for ssr, fix emoji blur event for multi editors ## v8.16.0 / 2021-01-13 ### Features - ``: add prop `showProgress`, `fixedHeader`, `defaultColWidth`, `scroll` ### Code Refactoring - ``: add fixed table ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: rename prop `caption`, `colgroup`, `columns`, `noData` ## v8.15.0 / 2021-01-04 ### Chore - optimize building ## v8.14.0 / 2020-12-30 ### Code Refactoring - `` ### Features - update [`mdc@9.0.0`](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#900-2020-12-29) - new components: - `` - `` ## v8.13.1 / 2020-12-21 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix tmpId compatibility bug for IE 11 ## v8.13.0 / 2020-12-16 ### Features - update material-icons v67 ### ss - `` - restore sharp theme icons ## v8.12.0 / 2020-12-09 ### Features - ``: add `highlight` prop - ``: add `fixed` prop for overflow inside of some component ### Bug Fixes - ``: optimize and improve search function ## v8.11.0 / 2020-12-07 ### Features - ``: add default slot for custom pagesize area info ### Reverts - restore `` css for the component inside of `` ## v8.10.0 / 2020-12-01 ### Features - ``: add `closable` prop - ``: add `sourceFormat` prop ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix second input onChange bug for rangePlugin ## v8.9.2 / 2020-11-27 ### Bug Fixes - ``: textfield onBlur bug in table - ``: card button class bugfix ## v8.9.1 / 2020-11-25 ### Bug Fixes - ``: change `fieldset` to `div` tag for display bug ## v8.9.0 / 2020-11-24 ### Features - ``: add `html` format ### Chore - ``: update toolbarTips for `align`/`list`/`indent`/`script` formats ## v8.8.0 / 2020-11-23 ### Features - ``: add prop `toolbarTips` ## v8.7.3 / 2020-11-20 ### Chore - ``: update css ### Reverts - revert floating label tag ## v8.7.2 / 2020-11-06 ### Bug Fixes - ``, ``: update the component inside of `` css - ``: update the component inside of `` css ### Chore - ``, ``: update css ### Reverts - ``: deprecated `v8.7.1` ## v8.7.1 / 2020-11-04 ### Features - ``: add prop `fixedWidth` for [mdc select bug](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/issues/5590) ## v8.7.0 / 2020-11-03 ### Features - update [`mdc@8.0.0`](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#800-2020-11-02) ### BREAKING CHANGES > sync code from BalmUI v9 - ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``: rename prop `id` -> `inputId` ## v8.6.0 / 2020-11-01 ### Code Refactoring - ``: more built-in quill extensions ### Features - ``: add prop `toolbarIcons`, `toolbarOptions`, `withCounter` - update `mdc@8.0.0-canary.5511c5254.0` ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: rename prop `toolbarCustomHandlers` to `toolbarHandlers` ## v8.5.1 / 2020-10-21 ### Bug Fixes - ``: focus bugfix ### Chore - optimize `` css ## v8.5.0 / 2020-10-16 - optimize `` - update `mdc@8.0.0-canary.2ab716cbd.0` ## v8.4.1 / 2020-10-14 - update `balm@3.6.0` and `mdc@8.0.0-canary.790ca85fd.0` ## v8.4.0 / 2020-10-10 - rebuild for some plugins bug in runtime mode ## v8.3.3 / 2020-10-09 - rebuild for some components bug in runtime mode ## v8.3.2 / 2020-10-05 ### Bug Fixes - `$store`: bugfix for name ## v8.3.0 / 2020-10-01 ### Features - rebuild all - The `Ui` prefix for components - The `$` prefix for plugins - The `v` prefix for directives - upgrade: export all plugins for Vue Compiler/Runtime - `$store`: optimize initialization ### BREAKING CHANGES - `event` -> `$event` - `grid` -> `$grid` - `store` -> `$store` - `theme` -> `$theme` - `typography` -> `$typography` - `validator` -> `$validator` - `alert` -> `$alert` - `confirm` ->`$confirm` - `toast` -> `$toast` ## v8.2.5 / 2020-09-30 ### BREAKING CHANGES - remove Material Icons Sharp (Flagged: GPL-3.0-only) ## v8.2.2 / 2020-09-29 - update store plugins: remove `useStore`, use `$store` in app instance - optimize validator: support computed `validations` ## v8.2.1 / 2020-09-29 ### BREAKING CHANGES - remove `bus` plugin and migrate to `event` plugin ## v8.2.0 / 2020-09-28 ### Features - `$bus`: update apis - `sub` -> `on(eventName, callback)` - `pub` -> `emit(eventName, ...args)` ## v8.1.1 / 2020-09-28 ### Features - ``: add prop `nativeType` ## v8.1.0 / 2020-09-27 ### Features - update plugins without `.vue` component: - `useBus` - `useGrid` - `useStore` - `useTheme` - `useTypography` - `useAlert` - `useConfirm` - `useToast` ## v8.0.0 / 2020-09-25 ### Bug Fixes - ``: fix tbody fields function bug - ``: fix clear event bug - fix custom event, typography, card action, anchor and editor for SSR ### Code Refactoring - `` - `` - `` - `$toast`: optimize option `timeoutMs` - `$alert` - `$confirm` - `` ### Features - simplify Sass module usage - update mdc@8.0.0 - update material-icons v55 - new components: - `` - `` - `` - new plugins: - `$bus` - `$store` - ``: add prop `value` - ``: add prop `itemMarginBottom`, `labelWidth`, `labelMarginRight`, `labelMarginBottom` - ``: add slot for thead cell - `v-anchor`: optimize for dynamic html - `$theme`: new theme apis - `v-shape`: new shape apis - override variables become more concise and clear - Old ```scss @use '@material/button/variables'; ``` - New ```scss @use '@material/button'; ``` ### BREAKING CHANGES - ``: rename prop `displayMarker` to `withTickMarks` - ``: optimize slots - ``: optimize selected event - `$themeColor`, `$setTheme`, `$textColor`, `$setTextTheme`: deprecated. Use `$theme` instead. - ``: remove slot prop `itemClass`, `activeClass` --- ## [7.x](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui/blob/7.x/CHANGELOG.md) ## [6.x](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui/blob/6.x/CHANGELOG.md) ## [5.x](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui/blob/5.x/CHANGELOG.md) ## [4.x](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui/blob/4.x/CHANGELOG.md) ## [3.x](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui/blob/3.x/CHANGELOG.md) ## [2.x](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui/blob/2.x/CHANGELOG.md) ## [1.x](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui/blob/1.x/CHANGELOG.md) ## [0.x](https://github.com/balmjs/balm-ui/blob/0.14.x/CHANGELOG.md)