# Contributing ## Commit naming We use [conventional changelogs](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0-beta.4/#summary) for commits and PR names It should be like: ``` [optional scope]: [optional body] [optional footer] ``` - [ ] with type = feat/fix/refactor/chore/docs/test/… - [ ] description should be lowercase and start with a verb Here are some examples https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0-beta.4/#examples ## Running `flashlight` commands locally Start by building the whole project: At the root of the repo: ``` yarn yarn watch ``` Keep this open in one terminal. ### `measure` command Start the webapp with ```bash yarn workspace @perf-profiler/measure start ``` Then run the `measure` commmand with: ```bash DEVELOPMENT_MODE=true node packages/commands/measure/dist/server/bin.js measure ``` ### `test` command To run the command locally: ``` node packages/commands/test/dist/bin.js test ``` This command is the equivalent of ``` flashlight test ``` ### `tools` command To run the command locally: ``` node packages/commands/tools/dist/bin.js tools ``` This command is the equivalent of ``` flashlight tools ``` ### web-reporter Run in another terminal: ``` yarn workspace @perf-profiler/web-reporter start ``` Then in `packages/commands/report/src/App.tsx`, uncomment the lines to add your own measures: ```ts // Uncomment with when locally testing // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires testCaseResults = [require("../measures.json")]; ``` You should now be able to open [the local server](http://localhost:1234/) Run `yarn jest Plugin -u` after modifications. ### Running the docs website locally [See details here](./website/README.md)