# Sublime Tensorflow Tensorflow plugin for Sublime Text editor. ![goto doc example](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16015833/27678287-fab80c96-5cb4-11e7-8ebd-2818c42776c0.gif "Straight-to-doc example") ## Installation ## Sublime Tensorflow can be installed: * Through Sublime Package Control. Package name: *Tensorflow* * Manually by cloning this repo and copy/paste in a folder into the Sublime Text packages directory. ## Usage ## Sublime Tensorflow offers you: * Autocompletion from a list scrapped from official Tensorflow API documentation. * Shortcut to check the doc by selecting or simply pointing the Tensorflow class/function and: * Windows & Linux: `ctrl + alt + w` * OSX: `ctrl + cmd + w` ## Configuration ## You can change the shortcut by editing the keymap file accessible from *Preferences->Package Settings->Sublime Tensorflow->Settings - User* The correct syntax is the following: ``` [ { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+w"], "command": "tfdoc" } ] ``` ## Support on Beerpay Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of :beers:! [![Beerpay](https://beerpay.io/baptisteArnaud/Sublime-Tensorflow/badge.svg?style=beer-square)](https://beerpay.io/baptisteArnaud/Sublime-Tensorflow) [![Beerpay](https://beerpay.io/baptisteArnaud/Sublime-Tensorflow/make-wish.svg?style=flat-square)](https://beerpay.io/baptisteArnaud/Sublime-Tensorflow?focus=wish)