========= SubDpaste ========= A `Sublime 3`_ plugin to paste code snippets on `dpaste.de`_. There is also an older version for `Sublime 2`_. Installation ============ Download_ or clone this project into Sublimes `Packages` Folder. On a Mac you can find it in ``~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages``. Usage ===== Select one or more regions in your text and run the command ``dpaste``. Alternativly use the (default) shortcut: ``Control + Alt + Super (Cmd) + D``. The dpaste URL gets copied to your clipboard. Watch the status bar. .. image:: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/bartTC/SubDpaste/SubDpaste.png .. _Download: https://github.com/bartTC/SubDpaste/zipball/master .. _Sublime 3: http://www.sublimetext.com/3 .. _Sublime 2: https://github.com/bartTC/SubDpaste/releases/tag/Sublime_2 .. _dpaste.de: http://www.dpaste.de/