package answers; import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import io.restassured.builder.RequestSpecBuilder; import io.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification; import org.junit.*; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import*; @RunWith(DataProviderRunner.class) public class RestAssuredAnswers2Test { private static RequestSpecification requestSpec; @BeforeClass public static void createRequestSpecification() { requestSpec = new RequestSpecBuilder(). setBaseUri("http://localhost"). setPort(9876). setBasePath("/api/f1"). build(); } /******************************************************* * Create a DataProvider that specifies in which country * a specific circuit can be found (specify that Monza * is in Italy, for example) ******************************************************/ @DataProvider public static Object[][] circuitData() { return new Object[][] { { "monza", "Italy" }, { "spa", "Belgium" }, { "sepang", "Malaysia" } }; } /******************************************************* * Create a DataProvider that specifies for all races * (adding the first four suffices) in 2015 how many * pit stops Max Verstappen made * (race 1 = 1 pitstop, 2 = 3, 3 = 2, 4 = 2) ******************************************************/ @DataProvider public static Object[][] pitstopData() { return new Object[][] { { "1", 1 }, { "2", 3 }, { "3", 2 }, { "4", 2 } }; } /******************************************************* * Request data for a specific circuit (for Monza this * is /circuits/monza.json) * and check the country this circuit can be found in ******************************************************/ @Test @UseDataProvider("circuitData") public void checkCountryForCircuit(String circuitName, String circuitCountry) { given(). spec(requestSpec). and(). pathParam("circuitName", circuitName). when(). get("/circuits/{circuitName}.json"). then(). assertThat(). body("MRData.CircuitTable.Circuits.Location[0].country",equalTo(circuitCountry)); } /******************************************************* * Request the pitstop data for the first four races in * 2015 for Max Verstappen (for race 1 this is * /2015/1/drivers/max_verstappen/pitstops.json) * and verify the number of pit stops made ******************************************************/ @Test @UseDataProvider("pitstopData") public void checkNumberOfPitstopsForMaxVerstappenIn2015(String raceNumber, int numberOfPitstops) { given(). spec(requestSpec). and(). pathParam("raceNumber", raceNumber). when(). get("/2015/{raceNumber}/drivers/max_verstappen/pitstops.json"). then(). assertThat(). body("MRData.RaceTable.Races[0].PitStops",hasSize(numberOfPitstops)); } }