#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8:noet ## Copyright 2023 sysops.tv ;-) ## BSD-2-Clause ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ## ## 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## ## 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ## THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS ## BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ## GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ## LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. VERSION = 4.11 ### for check_mk usage link or copy binary to check_mk_agent/local/checkzfs ### create /etc/check_mk/checkzfs ## the config file name matches the filename in check_mk_agent/local/ ### to create a diffent set, link script to check_mk_agent/local/checkzfs2 and create /etc/check_mk/checkzfs2 ### ### source: host1 # [optional] comma seperated hostnames to check for source ### remote: host1 # [optional] " " " remote ### prefix: host1 # [optional] Prefix for check_mk Servicename - default REPLICA ### filter: rpool/data|replica # [optional] regex filter to match source ### replicafilter: remote # [optional] regex filter to match for replica snapshots ### snapshotfilter: # [optional] regex filter to match snapshot name ### threshold: 20,40 # [optional] threshold warn,crit in minutes ### maxsnapshots: 60,80 # [optional] threshold maximum of snapshots warn,crit ### ssh-extra-options: # [optional] comma seperated ssh options like added with -o ### ssh-identity: /path/to/priv.key # [optional] path to ssh private key ### disabled: 1 # [optional] disable the script with this config ### legacyhosts: host1 # [optional] use an external script zfs_legacy_list to get snapshots with guid and creation at lease ## Regex Tips: ## 'Raid5[ab]\/(?!Rep_|Swap-)\w+' everything from Raid5a or Raid5b not start with Rep_ or Swap- ## ##!/bin/bash ## legacy script example to put in path as zfs_legacy_list to for host with missing written attribute and list option -p # for snapshot in $(zfs list -H -t all -o name); # do # echo -ne "$snapshot" # zfs get -H -p type,creation,guid,used,available,userrefs,com.sun:auto-snapshot,tv.sysops:checkzfs $snapshot | awk '{print $3}'| # while IFS= read -r line; do # echo -ne "\t${line}" # done # echo "" # done from pprint import pprint import sys import re import subprocess import time import json import os.path import os import socket from email.message import EmailMessage from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.utils import formatdate _ = lambda x: x ## inline translate ... maybe later class zfs_snapshot(object): def __init__(self,dataset_obj,snapshot,creation,guid,written,origin,**kwargs): self.replica = [] self.dataset_obj = dataset_obj self.snapshot = snapshot self.creation = int(creation) self.age = int(time.time() - self.creation) self.written = int(written) self.origin = origin self.guid = guid def add_replica(self,snapshot): self.replica.append(snapshot) ## den snapshot als replica hinzu self.dataset_obj.add_replica(snapshot.dataset_obj) ## als auch dem dataset def __repr__(self): return f"{self.guid} {self.dataset_obj.dataset_name} {self.snapshot}\n" def __str__(self): return f"{self.guid} {self.snapshot}\n" class zfs_dataset(object): def __init__(self,dataset,guid,used,available,creation,type,autosnapshot,checkzfs,remote=None,source=None,**kwargs): self.checkzfs = checkzfs not in ("false","ignore") ## ignore wenn tv.sysops:checkzfs entweder false oder ignore (ignore macht es überischtlicher) self.snapshots = {} self.remote = remote self.is_source = source self.guid = guid self.dataset = dataset self.creation = creation = int(creation) self.autosnapshot = {"true":2,"false":0}.get(autosnapshot,1) ### macht für crit/warn/ok am meisten sinn so self.type = type self.used = int(used) self.available = int(available) self.replica = set() self.lastsnapshot = "" def add_snapshot(self,**kwargs): _obj = zfs_snapshot(self,**kwargs) ## neuen snapshot mit parametern erstellen self.snapshots[_obj.guid] = _obj ## zu lokalen snapshots diesem DS hinzu return _obj ## snapshot objeckt zurück def add_replica(self,ds_object,**kwargs): self.replica.add(ds_object) def _get_latest_snapshot(self,source=None): _snapshots = self.sorted_snapshots() if source: ## wenn anderes dataset übergeben dann nur snapshots zurück die auch auf der anderen seite (mit gleicher guid) vorhanden sind _snapshots = list(filter(lambda x: x.guid in source.snapshots.keys(),_snapshots)) return _snapshots[0] if _snapshots else None ## letzten gemeinsamen snapshot zurück def sorted_snapshots(self): return sorted(self.snapshots.values(), key=lambda x: x.age) ## snapshots nach alter sortiert @property def dataset_name(self): ## namen mit host prefixen if self.remote: return f"{self.remote}#{self.dataset}" return self.dataset @property def latest_snapshot(self): ## letzten snapshot if self.snapshots: return self.sorted_snapshots()[0] def get_info(self,source,threshold=None,maxsnapshots=None,ignore_replica=False): _latest = self._get_latest_snapshot(source if source != self else None) ## wenn das source dataset nicht man selber ist _status = -1 _has_zfs_autosnapshot = any(map(lambda x: str(x.snapshot).startswith("zfs-auto-snap_"),self.snapshots.values())) _message = "" if source == self: if not self.replica and ignore_replica == False: _status = 1 ## warn _message = _("kein Replikat gefunden") if self.autosnapshot == 2 and _has_zfs_autosnapshot: _status = 1 ## warn _message = _("com.sun:auto-snapshot ist auf der Quelle auf true und wird evtl. mit repliziert") else: if _has_zfs_autosnapshot: ## nur auf systemen mit zfs-aut-snapshot if self.autosnapshot == 1: _status = 1 ## warn _message = _("com.sun:auto-snapshot ist nicht false") elif self.autosnapshot == 2: _status = 2 ## crit _message = _("com.sun:auto-snapshot ist auf Replikationspartner aktiviert") if _latest: _threshold_status = "" _age = _latest.age / 60 ## in minuten if threshold: _threshold_status = list( map(lambda x: x[1], ## return only last filter(lambda y: y[0] < _age, ## check threshold Texte zip(threshold,(1,2)) ## warn 1 / crit 2 ) ) ) if not _threshold_status: if _status == -1: _status = 0 ## ok else: _message = _("Snapshot ist zu alt") _status = _threshold_status[-1] if _latest != self.latest_snapshot: _message = _("Rollback zu altem Snapshot. - '{0.snapshot}' nicht mehr vorhanden".format(self.latest_snapshot)) _status = 2 ## crit if maxsnapshots: _maxsnapshot_status = list( map(lambda x: x[1], filter(lambda y: y[0] < len(self.snapshots.keys()), zip(maxsnapshots,(1,2)) ) ) ) if _maxsnapshot_status: if _maxsnapshot_status[-1] > _status: _message = _("zu viele Snapshots") _status = _maxsnapshot_status[-1] if not self.checkzfs: _status = -1 return { ## neues object zurück was die attribute enthält die wir über columns ausgeben "source" : source.dataset_name if source else "", "replica" : self.dataset_name if source != self else "", "type" : self.type, "autosnapshot" : self.autosnapshot, "used" : self.used, "available" : self.available, "creation" : (_latest.creation if _latest else 0) if source != self else self.creation, "count" : len(self.snapshots.keys()), "snapshot" : _latest.snapshot if _latest else "", "age" : _latest.age if _latest else 0, "written" : _latest.written if _latest else 0, "origin" : _latest.origin if _latest else "", "guid" : _latest.guid if _latest else "", "status" : _status, "message" : _message } def __repr__(self): return f"{self.is_source}-{self.dataset_name:25.25}{self.type}\n" def __str__(self): return f"{self.dataset:25.25}{self.type} -snapshots: {self.lastsnapshot}\n" class no_regex_class(object): def search(*args): return True class negative_regex_class(object): def __init__(self,compiled_regex): self.regex = compiled_regex def search(self,text): return not self.regex.search(text) class zfscheck(object): ZFSLIST_REGEX = re.compile("^(?P.*?)(?:|@(?P.*?))\t(?P\w*)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+|-)\t(?P\d+|-)\t(?P\d+|-)\t(?P.*?)\t(?P[-\w]+)\t(?P[-\w]+)$",re.M) ZFS_DATASETS = {} ZFS_SNAPSHOTS = {} #VALIDCOLUMNS = ["source","replica","type","autosnap","snapshot","creation","guid","used","referenced","size","age","status","message"] ## valid columns VALIDCOLUMNS = zfs_dataset("","",0,0,0,"","","").get_info(None).keys() ## generate with dummy values DEFAULT_COLUMNS = ["status","source","replica","snapshot","age","count"] #,"message"] ## default columns DATEFORMAT = "%a %d.%b.%Y %H:%M" COLOR_CONSOLE = { 0 : "\033[92m", ## ok 1 : "\033[93m", ## warn ## hier ist das hässliche gelb auf der weißen console .... GOFOR themes!!!1111 2 : "\033[91m", ## crit "reset" : "\033[0m" } COLUMN_NAMES = { ## Namen frei editierbar "source" : _("Quelle"), "snapshot" : _("Snapshotname"), "creation" : _("Erstellungszeit"), "type" : _("Typ"), "age" : _("Alter"), "guid" : _("GUID"), "count" : _("Anzahl"), "used" : _("genutzt"), "available" : _("verfügbar"), "replica" : _("Replikat"), "written" : _("geschrieben"), "origin" : _("Ursprung"), "autosnapshot" : _("Autosnapshot"), "message" : _("Kommentar") } COLUMN_ALIGN = { ## formatierung align - python string format "source" : "<", "replica" : "<", "snapshot" : "<", "copy" : "<", "status" : "^" } TIME_MULTIPLICATOR = { ## todo "h" : 60, ## Stunden "d" : 60*24, ## Tage "w" : 60 * 24 * 7, ## Wochen "m" : 60 * 24 * 30 ## Monat } COLUMN_MAPPER = {} def __init__(self,remote,source,sourceonly,legacyhosts,output,ignoreattr,mail=None,prefix='REPLICA',debug=False,**kwargs): _start_time = time.time() self.remote_hosts = remote.split(",") if remote else [""] if source and not sourceonly else [] ## wenn nicht und source woanders ... "" (also lokal) als remote self.source_hosts = source.split(",") if source else [""] ## wenn nix dann "" als local self.legacy_hosts = legacyhosts.split(",") if legacyhosts else [] self.sourceonly = sourceonly self.filter = None self.debug = debug self.print_debug(f"Version: {VERSION}") self.prefix = prefix.strip().replace(" ","_") ## service name bei checkmk leerzeichen durch _ ersetzen self.rawdata = False self.ignoreattr = ignoreattr self.mail_address = mail self._overall_status = [] self.sortreverse = False self.output = output if mail == None else "mail" self.print_debug(f"set attribute: remote -> {self.remote_hosts!r}") self.print_debug(f"set attribute: source -> {self.source_hosts!r}") self.print_debug(f"set attribute: sourceonly -> {sourceonly!r}") self.print_debug(f"set attribute: prefix -> {prefix!r}") if legacyhosts: self.print_debug(f"set attribute: legacyhosts -> {self.legacy_hosts}") self._check_kwargs(kwargs) self.print_debug(f"set attribute: output -> {self.output!r}") self.get_data() if self.output != "snaplist": _data = self.get_output() else: print(self.get_snaplist()) if self.output == "text" or self.output == "": print(self.table_output(_data)) if self.output == "html": print( self.html_output(_data)) if self.output == "mail": self.mail_output(_data) if self.output == "checkmk": print(self.checkmk_output(_data)) if self.output == "json": print(self.json_output(_data)) if self.output == "csv": print(self.csv_output(_data)) def _check_kwargs(self,kwargs): ## alle argumente prüfen und als attribute zuordnen ## argumente überprüfen for _k,_v in kwargs.items(): self.print_debug(f"set attribute: {_k} -> {_v!r}") if _k == "columns": if self.output == "snaplist": _default = ["status","source","snapshot","replica","guid","age"] else: _default = self.DEFAULT_COLUMNS[:] if not _v: self.columns = _default continue ## defaults # add modus wenn mit + if not _v.startswith("+"): _default = [] else: _v = _v[1:] _v = _v.split(",") if _v == ["*"]: _default = self.VALIDCOLUMNS else: for _column in _v: if _column not in self.VALIDCOLUMNS: raise Exception(_("ungültiger Spaltenname {0} ({1})").format(_v,",".join(self.VALIDCOLUMNS))) _default.append(_column) _v = list(_default) if _k == "sort" and _v: ## sortierung desc wenn mit + if _v.startswith("+"): self.sortreverse = True _v = _v[1:] if _v not in self.VALIDCOLUMNS: raise Exception("ungültiger Spaltenname: {0} ({1})".format(_v,",".join(self.VALIDCOLUMNS))) if _k == "threshold" and _v: _v = _v.split(",") ## todo tage etc _v = list(map(int,_v[:2])) ## convert zu int if len(_v) == 1: _v = (float("inf"),_v[0]) _v = sorted(_v) ## kleinere Wert ist immer warn if _k == "maxsnapshots" and _v: _v = _v.split(",") ## todo tage etc _v = list(map(int,_v[:2])) ## convert zu int if len(_v) == 1: _v = (float("inf"),_v[0]) _v = sorted(_v) ## kleinere Wert ist immer warn if _k in ("filter","snapshotfilter","replicafilter"): if _v: if _v.startswith("!"): _v = negative_regex_class(re.compile(_v[1:])) else: _v = re.compile(_v) else: _v = no_regex_class() ### dummy klasse .search immer True - spart abfrage ob filter vorhanden setattr(self,_k,_v) ## funktionen zum anzeigen / muss hier da sonst kein self if not self.rawdata: self.COLUMN_MAPPER = { "creation" : self.convert_ts_date, "age" : self.seconds2timespan, "used" : self.format_bytes, "available" : self.format_bytes, "written" : self.format_bytes, "autosnapshot" : self.format_autosnapshot, "status" : self.format_status } def get_data(self): _hosts_checked = [] _remote_servers = set(self.source_hosts + self.remote_hosts) ### no duplicate connection _remote_data = {} _start_time = time.time() _iteration = 0 for _remote in _remote_servers: ## erstmal rohdaten holen _remote = _remote.strip() if type(_remote) == str else None ## keine leerzeichen, werden von ghbn mit aufgelöst _remote_data[_remote] = self._call_proc(_remote) _iteration+=1 _matched_snapshots = 0 _filtered_snapshots = 0 for _remote,_rawdata in _remote_data.items(): ## allen source datasets erstmal snapshots hinzu und bei den anderen dataset anlegen for _entry in self._parse(_rawdata): _iteration+=1 _dsname = "{0}#{dataset}".format(_remote,**_entry) ## name bilden _is_source = bool(_remote in self.source_hosts and self.filter.search(_dsname)) if _entry.get("type") in ("volume","filesystem"): ## erstmal keine snapshots self.ZFS_DATASETS[_dsname] = zfs_dataset(**_entry,remote=_remote,source=_is_source) continue ## nix mehr zu tun ohne snapshot if not _is_source: continue ## snapshots if not self.snapshotfilter.search(_entry.get("snapshot","")): ## wenn --snapshotfilter gesetzt und kein match _filtered_snapshots+=1 continue _matched_snapshots+=1 _dataset = self.ZFS_DATASETS.get("{0}#{dataset}".format(_remote,**_entry)) try: _snapshot = _dataset.add_snapshot(**_entry) except: pass raise self.ZFS_SNAPSHOTS[_snapshot.guid] = _snapshot _execution_time = time.time() - _start_time if self.sourceonly == True: return for _remote,_rawdata in _remote_data.items(): ## jetzt nach replica suchen for _entry in self._parse(_rawdata): ## regex geparste ausgabe von zfs list _iteration+=1 if _entry.get("type") != "snapshot": ## jetzt nur die snapshots continue _dataset = self.ZFS_DATASETS.get("{0}#{dataset}".format(_remote,**_entry)) if _dataset.is_source: continue ## ist schon source _snapshot = _dataset.add_snapshot(**_entry) ## snapshot dem dataset hinzufügen .. eigentliche verarbeitung Klasse oben snapshot object wird zurück gegeben _source_snapshot = self.ZFS_SNAPSHOTS.get(_snapshot.guid) ## suchen ob es einen source gibt if _source_snapshot: ## wenn es schon eine gleiche guid gibt if self.replicafilter.search(_dataset.dataset_name): _source_snapshot.add_replica(_snapshot) ## replica hinzu self.print_debug(f"computation time: {_execution_time:0.2f} sec / iterations: {_iteration} / matched snapshots: {_matched_snapshots} / filtered snaphots: {_filtered_snapshots}") def get_snaplist(self): _output = [] for _dataset in self.ZFS_DATASETS.values(): if not _dataset.is_source: ## nur source im filter continue for _snapshot in _dataset.snapshots.values(): _replicas = list(map(lambda x: x.dataset_obj.dataset_name,_snapshot.replica)) _output.append({ "status" : 1 if len(_replicas) == 0 else 0, "source" : _dataset.dataset_name, "snapshot" : _snapshot.snapshot, "replica" : ",".join(_replicas), "guid" : _snapshot.guid, "age" : _snapshot.age, "written" : _snapshot.written, }) #print(f"{_snapshot.snapshot}{_snapshot.guid}{_snapshot.replica}") return self.table_output(_output) def get_output(self): _output = [] for _dataset in self.ZFS_DATASETS.values(): ## alle Datasets durchgehen die als source gelistet werden sollen if not _dataset.is_source: ## wenn --filter gesetzt continue #if _dataset.remote in self.remote_hosts:## or _dataset.autosnapshot == 0: ## wenn das dataset von der remote seite ist ... dann weiter oder wenn autosnasphot explizit aus ist ... dann nicht als source hinzufügen # continue _dataset_info = _dataset.get_info(_dataset,threshold=self.threshold,maxsnapshots=self.maxsnapshots,ignore_replica=self.sourceonly) self._overall_status.append(_dataset_info.get("status",-1)) ## alle stati für email overall status _output.append(_dataset_info) if self.sourceonly == True: continue for _replica in _dataset.replica: ## jetzt das dataset welches als source angezeigt wird (alle filter etc entsprochen nach replika durchsuchen #if not self.replicafilter.search(_replica.dataset_name): # continue _replica_info = _replica.get_info(_dataset,threshold=self.threshold,maxsnapshots=self.maxsnapshots) ## verarbeitung ausgabe aus klasse self._overall_status.append(_replica_info.get("status",-1)) ## fehler aus replica zu overall status für mail adden _output.append(_replica_info) return _output def _parse(self,data): for _match in self.ZFSLIST_REGEX.finditer(data): yield _match.groupdict() def _call_proc(self,remote=None): ZFS_ATTRIBUTES = f"name,type,creation,guid,used,available,written,origin,com.sun:auto-snapshot,{self.ignoreattr}" ## wenn ändern dann auch regex oben anpassen ### eigentlicher zfs aufruf, sowohl local als auch remote zfs_args = ["zfs", "list", "-t", "all", "-Hp", ## script und numeric output "-o", ZFS_ATTRIBUTES, ## attributes to show #"-r" ## recursive ] if remote: ##wenn remote ssh adden if remote in self.legacy_hosts: zfs_args = ["zfs_legacy_list"] _privkeyoption = [] if self.ssh_identity: _privkeyoption = ["-i",self.ssh_identity] _sshoptions = ["BatchMode=yes","PreferredAuthentications=publickey"] __sshoptions = [] if self.ssh_extra_options: _sshoptions += self.ssh_extra_options.split(",") for _sshoption in _sshoptions: __sshoptions += ["-o", _sshoption] ## alle ssh optionen brauchen -o einzeln _parts = remote.split(":") _port = "22" ## default port if len(_parts) > 1: remote = _parts[0] _port = _parts[1] zfs_args = ["ssh", remote, ## Hostname "-T", ## dont allocate Terminal "-p" , _port ] + __sshoptions + _privkeyoption + zfs_args self.print_debug("call proc: '{0}'".format(" ".join(zfs_args))) _start_time = time.time() _proc = subprocess.Popen(zfs_args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,shell=False) #aufruf prog entweder lokal oder mit ssh _stdout, _stderr = _proc.communicate() _execution_time = time.time() - _start_time _lines_returned = len(_stdout.split()) self.print_debug(f"returncode: {_proc.returncode} / Executiontime: {_execution_time:0.2f} sec / Lines: {_lines_returned}") if _proc.returncode > 0: ## wenn fehler if remote and _proc.returncode in (2,66,74,76): ## todo max try pass ## todo retry ## hier könnte man es mehrfach versuchen wenn host nicht erreichbar aber macht bei check_mk keinen sinn #time.sleep(30) #return self._call_proc(remote=remote) if remote and _proc.returncode in (2,65,66,67,69,70,72,73,74,76,78,79): ## manche error ignorieren hauptsächlich ssh ## todo set status ssh-error .... pass ## fixme ... hostkeychange evtl fehler raisen o.ä damit check_mk das mitbekommt raise Exception(_stderr.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)) ## Raise Errorlevel with Error from proc -- kann check_mk stderr lesen? sollte das nach stdout? return _stdout.decode(sys.stdout.encoding) ## ausgabe kommt als byte wir wollen str def convert_ts_date(self,ts,dateformat=None): if dateformat: return time.strftime(dateformat,time.localtime(ts)) else: return time.strftime(self.DATEFORMAT,time.localtime(ts)) @staticmethod def format_status(val): return {-1:"ignored",0:"ok",1:"warn",2:"crit"}.get(val,"unknown") @staticmethod def format_autosnapshot(val): return {0:"deaktiviert",2:"aktiviert"}.get(val,"nicht konfiguriert") @staticmethod def format_bytes(size,unit='B'): # 2**10 = 1024 size = float(size) if size == 0: return "0" power = 2**10 n = 0 power_labels = {0 : '', 1: 'K', 2: 'M', 3: 'G', 4: 'T'} while size > power: size /= power n += 1 return "{0:.2f} {1}{2}".format(size, power_labels[n],unit) @staticmethod def seconds2timespan(seconds,details=2,seperator=" ",template="{0:.0f}{1}",fixedview=False): _periods = ( ('W', 604800), ('T', 86400), ('Std', 3600), ('Min', 60), ('Sek', 1) ) _ret = [] for _name, _period in _periods: _val = seconds//_period if _val: seconds -= _val * _period #if _val == 1: # _name = _name[:-1] _ret.append(template.format(_val,_name)) else: if fixedview: _ret.append("") return seperator.join(_ret[:details]) def _datasort(self,data): if not self.sort: return data return sorted(data, key=lambda k: k[self.sort],reverse=self.sortreverse) def checkmk_output(self,data): if not data: return "" _out = [] for _item in self._datasort(data): _status = _item.get("status",3) _source = _item.get("source","").replace(" ","_") _replica = _item.get("replica","").strip() _creation = _item.get("creation","0") _count = _item.get("count","0") _age = _item.get("age","0") _written = _item.get("written","0") _available = _item.get("available","0") _used = _item.get("used","0") if _status == -1: ## tv.sysops:checkzfs=ignore wollen wir nicht (ignoreattr) continue if self.maxsnapshots: _warn = self.maxsnapshots[0] _crit = self.maxsnapshots[1] _maxsnapshots = f"{_warn};{_crit}".replace("inf","") #if _status == 0: # _status = "P" else: _maxsnapshots = ";" if self.threshold: _warn = self.threshold[0] * 60 _crit = self.threshold[1] * 60 _threshold = f"{_warn};{_crit}".replace("inf","") else: _threshold = ";" _msg = _item.get("message","").strip() _msg = _msg if len(_msg) > 0 else "OK" ## wenn keine message ... dann OK _out.append(f"{_status} {self.prefix}:{_source} age={_age};{_threshold}|creation={_creation};;|file_size={_written};;|fs_used={_used};;|file_count={_count};{_maxsnapshots} {_replica} - {_msg}") if self.piggyback != "": _out.insert(0,f"<<<<{self.piggyback}>>>>\n<<>>") _out.append("<<<<>>>>") return "\n".join(_out) def table_output(self,data,color=True): if not data: return #print ("Max-Status: {0}".format(max(self._overall_status))) ## debug _header = data[0].keys() if not self.columns else self.columns _header_names = [self.COLUMN_NAMES.get(i,i) for i in _header] _converter = dict((i,self.COLUMN_MAPPER.get(i,(lambda x: str(x)))) for i in _header) _line_draw = (" | ","-+-","-") if color: _line_draw = (" ║ ","═╬═","═") ## mail quoted printable sonst base64 kein mailfilter _output_data = [_header_names] _line_status = [] for _item in self._datasort(data): _line_status.append(_item.get("status")) _output_data.append([_converter.get(_col)(_item.get(_col,"")) for _col in _header]) _maxwidth = [max(map(len,_col)) for _col in zip(*_output_data)] ## max column breite _format = _line_draw[0].join(["{{:{}{}}}".format(self.COLUMN_ALIGN.get(_h,">"),_w) for _h,_w in zip(_header,_maxwidth)]) ## format bilden mit min.max breite für gleiche spalten _line_print = False _out = [] _status = -99 # max(self._overall_status) ## ??max status?? FIXME for _item in _output_data: if _line_print: _status = _line_status.pop(0) if color: _out.append(self.COLOR_CONSOLE.get(_status,"") + _format.format(*_item) + self.COLOR_CONSOLE.get("reset")) else: _out.append(_format.format(*_item)) if not _line_print: _out.append(_line_draw[1].join(map(lambda x: x*_line_draw[2],_maxwidth))) ## trennlinie _line_print = True return "\n".join(_out) def html_output(self,data,columns=None): if not data: return "" _header = data[0].keys() if not self.columns else self.columns _header_names = [self.COLUMN_NAMES.get(i,i) for i in _header] _converter = dict((i,self.COLUMN_MAPPER.get(i,(lambda x: str(x)))) for i in _header) _hostname = socket.getfqdn() _now = self.convert_ts_date(time.time(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') _out = [] _out.append("") _out.append("") _out.append("") _out.append("") _out.append("Check ZFS") _out.append(f"



") _out.append("") _out.append("".format("".format("
".join(_header_names))) for _item in self._datasort(data): _out.append("
".join([_converter.get(_col)(_item.get(_col,"")) for _col in _header]),_converter["status"](_item.get("status","0")))) _out.append("
") return "".join(_out) def mail_output(self,data): _hostname = socket.getfqdn() _email = self.mail_address if not _email: _users = open("/etc/pve/user.cfg","rt").read() _email = "root@{0}".format(_hostname) _emailmatch = re.search("^user:root@pam:.*?:(?P[\w.]+@[\w.]+):.*?$",_users,re.M) if _emailmatch: _email = _emailmatch.group(1) #raise Exception("No PVE User Email found") _msg = EmailMessage() _msg.set_content(self.table_output(data,color=False)) _msg.add_alternative(self.html_output(data),subtype="html") ## FIXME wollte irgendwie nicht als multipart .. #_attach = MIMEApplication(self.csv_output(data),Name="zfs-check_{0}.csv".format(_hostname)) #_attach["Content-Disposition"] = "attachement; filename=zfs-check_{0}.csv".format(_hostname) #_msg.attach(_attach) _msg["From"] = "ZFS-Checkscript {0} -1 ## wenn im check_mk ordner if _is_checkmk_plugin: try: ## parse check_mk options _check_mk_configdir = "/etc/check_mk" if not os.path.isdir(_check_mk_configdir): _check_mk_configdir = os.environ["MK_CONFDIR"] args.config_file = f"{_check_mk_configdir}/{_basename}" if not os.path.exists(args.config_file): ### wenn checkmk aufruf und noch keine config ... default erstellen if not os.path.isdir(_check_mk_configdir): os.mkdir(_check_mk_configdir) with open(args.config_file,"wt") as _f: ## default config erstellen _f.write("## config for checkzfs check_mk") _f.write("\n".join([f"# {_k}:" for _k in CONFIG_KEYS.split("|")])) _f.write("\n") print(f"please edit config {args.config_file}") os._exit(0) except: pass args.output = "checkmk" if not args.output else args.output _is_zabbix_plugin = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).find("/zabbix/scripts") > -1 ## wenn im check_mk ordner if _is_zabbix_plugin: try: ## parse check_mk options args.config_file = f"/etc/zabbix/checkzfs-{_basename}" if not os.path.exists(args.config_file): ### wenn checkmk aufruf und noch keine config ... default erstellen if not os.path.isdir("/etc/zabbix"): os.mkdir("/etc/zabbix") with open(args.config_file,"wt") as _f: ## default config erstellen _f.write("## config for checkzfs zabbix") _f.write("\n".join([f"# {_k}:" for _k in CONFIG_KEYS.split("|")])) _f.write("\n") print(f"please edit config {args.config_file}") os._exit(0) except: pass args.output = "json" if not args.output else args.output if args.config_file: _rawconfig = open(args.config_file,"rt").read() for _k,_v in _config_regex.findall(_rawconfig): if _k == "disabled" and _v.lower().strip() in ( "1","yes","true"): ## wenn disabled dann ignorieren check wird nicht durchgeführt os._exit(0) if _k == "sourceonly": args.sourceonly = bool(_v.lower().strip() in ( "1","yes","true")) elif _k == "prefix": args.__dict__["prefix"] = _v.strip() elif not args.__dict__.get(_k.replace("-","_"),None): args.__dict__[_k.replace("-","_")] = _v.strip() try: if args.update: import requests import hashlib import base64 from datetime import datetime import difflib _github_req = requests.get(f"https://api.github.com/repos/bashclub/check-zfs-replication/contents/checkzfs.py?ref={args.update}") if _github_req.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Github Error") _github_version = _github_req.json() _github_last_modified = datetime.strptime(_github_req.headers.get("last-modified"),"%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z") _new_script = base64.b64decode(_github_version.get("content")).decode("utf-8") _new_version = re.findall("^VERSION\s*=\s*([0-9.]*)",_new_script,re.M) _new_version = float(_new_version[0]) if _new_version else 0.0 _script_location = os.path.realpath(__file__) _current_last_modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(os.path.getmtime(_script_location))) with (open(_script_location,"rb")) as _f: _content = _f.read() _current_sha = hashlib.sha1(f"blob {len(_content)}\0".encode("utf-8") + _content).hexdigest() _content = _content.decode("utf-8") if _current_sha == _github_version.get("sha"): print(f"allready up to date {_current_sha}") sys.exit(0) else: if VERSION == _new_version: print("same Version but checksums mismatch") elif VERSION > _new_version: print(f"ATTENTION: Downgrade from {VERSION} to {_new_version}") while True: try: _answer = input(f"Update {_script_location} to {_new_version} (y/n) or show difference (d)? ") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") sys.exit(0) if _answer in ("Y","y","yes","j","J"): with open(_script_location,"wb") as _f: _f.write(_new_script.encode("utf-8")) print(f"updated to Version {_new_version}") break elif _answer in ("D","d"): for _line in difflib.unified_diff(_content.split("\n"), _new_script.split("\n"), fromfile=f"Version: {VERSION}", fromfiledate=_current_last_modified.isoformat(), tofile=f"Version: {_new_version}", tofiledate=_github_last_modified.isoformat(), n=0, lineterm=""): print(_line) else: break else: ZFSCHECK_OBJ = zfscheck(**args.__dict__) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) if args.debug: raise sys.exit(1)