from sys import argv import re import os.path pattern = re.compile('(?:require(?:\(|\ )(?:\"|\'))(.+)(?:\"|\')(?:\))?') basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(argv[1])) requires = {} def parsefile(path, outfile): with open(path, 'r') as infile: text = matches = pattern.findall(text) return (text, matches) def handlematches(matches, outfile): for match in matches: if not match in requires: path = match.split('.') path[-1] = path[-1] + '.lua' text, reqs = parsefile(os.path.join(basedir, *path), outfile) requires[match] = text handlematches(reqs, outfile) def createfunctions(reqs, outfile): outfile.write('local __modrequire_functions={}\n') for req in reqs: outfile.write('__modrequire_functions["' + req + '"]=function()\n' + reqs[req] + '\nend\n') with open(argv[2], 'w+') as outfile: text, matches = parsefile(argv[1], outfile) handlematches(matches, outfile) createfunctions(requires, outfile) outfile.write('local __modrequire_modules={} function require(req) if __modrequire_modules[req] == nil then __modrequire_modules[req] = __modrequire_functions[req]() end return __modrequire_modules[req] end\n') outfile.write(text)