--- #- # _ _ _ # | | _____ _____| | __ _ ___ ___ _ _(_) # | |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ |/ _` |/ __/ _ \_____| | | | | # | | (_) \ V / __/ | (_| | (_| __/_____| |_| | | # |_|\___/ \_/ \___|_|\__,_|\___\___| \__,_|_| # # #- from github.com/basnijholt/home-assistant-config background: var(--background-image) decluttering_templates: automation_template: card: card: show_header_toggle: false title: '[[name]] automations' type: entities filter: include: - entity_id: automation.[[slug]]* sort: entity_id type: custom:auto-entities title: Huis views: - badges: - entity: person.bas - entity: person.marcella cards: - entities: - entities: - light.sphere - light.sphere_2 - light.corner_living_room - light.ceiling_living_room - light.tv_led - entity: script.cozy_lights_living_room icon_height: 20px name: Cozy lights show_icon: false show_name: true tap_action: action: call-service service: script.cozy_lights_living_room - entity: script.white_lights_living_room icon_height: 20px name: White lights show_icon: false show_name: true tap_action: action: call-service service: script.white_lights_living_room head: color_picker: true entity: light.living_room_lights hide_when_off: false name: Living type: custom:slider-entity-row type: custom:fold-entity-row - entities: - light.ceiling_bedroom - light.lampan - light.bamboo - light.bed_reading_up - light.bed_reading_down - light.philips_go - light.bed_led - input_boolean.automatic_bedroom_lights - input_boolean.bedroom_lights_automatically_turned_on - entity: script.cozy_lights_bedroom icon_height: 20px name: Cozy lights show_icon: false show_name: true tap_action: action: call-service service: script.cozy_lights_bedroom - entity: script.white_lights_bedroom icon_height: 20px name: White lights show_icon: false show_name: true tap_action: action: call-service service: script.white_lights_bedroom head: entity: light.bedroom_lights hide_when_off: false name: Bedroom type: custom:slider-entity-row name: Bed type: custom:fold-entity-row - entities: - light.ceiling_office - light.ceiling_kitchen - light.bathroom_ceiling - light.toilet - light.kitchen_counter - entities: - light.hall_1 - light.hall_2 - light.hall_3 head: entity: light.hall_lights type: custom:fold-entity-row - entities: - light.stairs_up - light.stairs_down head: entity: light.stairs_lights type: custom:fold-entity-row - entities: - icon: mdi:human-edit name: "{% set manual_control = (\n (state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom',\ \ 'manual_control') or []) +\n (state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_living_room',\ \ 'manual_control') or []) +\n (state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom_led',\ \ 'manual_control') or []) +\n (state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_half_and_full',\ \ 'manual_control') or []) +\n (state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom_half',\ \ 'manual_control') or [])\n) %} {% if manual_control %}\n {{ manual_control\ \ | join(\", \") }}.\n{% else %}\n Nothing is manually controlled.\n\ {% endif %}\n" type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: script.reset_adaptive_lighting - type: divider - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom name: default - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_sleep_mode_default name: Sleep mode - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_brightness_default name: Adapt brightness - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_color_default name: Adapt color - type: divider - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_living_room name: living_room - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_sleep_mode_living_room name: Sleep mode - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_brightness_living_room name: Adapt brightness - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_color_living_room name: Adapt color - type: divider - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom_led name: default_bed - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_sleep_mode_default_bed name: Sleep mode - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_brightness_default_bed name: Adapt brightness - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_color_default_bed name: Adapt color - type: divider - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_half_and_full name: half_and_full - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_sleep_mode_half_and_full name: Sleep mode - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_brightness_half_and_full name: Adapt brightness - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_color_half_and_full name: Adapt color - type: divider - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom_half name: bedroom_half - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_sleep_mode_bedroom_half name: Sleep mode - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_brightness_bedroom_half name: Adapt brightness - entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_color_bedroom_half name: Adapt color head: entity: switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom type: custom:fold-entity-row head: entity: light.automatic_lights hide_when_off: false name: Auto and office type: custom:slider-entity-row type: custom:fold-entity-row show_header_toggle: false title: Lights type: entities - entity: weather.huis name: Weather type: custom:simple-weather-card - cards: - artwork: cover background: /local/tv.jpg entity: media_player.tv hide: controls: true mute: false play_stop: true volume: false icon: mdi:television type: custom:mini-media-player - artwork: cover entity: media_player.spotify hide: power: true source: false volume: true icon: mdi:spotify type: custom:mini-media-player - background: /local/kef_speakers.jpeg entity: media_player.kef_ls50 hide: controls: true mute: false play_stop: true volume: false type: custom:mini-media-player - entities: - entities: - entity: input_number.kef_ls50_desk_db - entity: input_number.kef_ls50_wall_db - entity: input_number.kef_ls50_treble_db - entity: input_number.kef_ls50_high_hz - entity: input_number.kef_ls50_low_hz - entity: input_number.kef_ls50_sub_db - type: divider - entity: input_select.kef_ls50_bass_extension - entity: input_select.kef_ls50_sub_polarity - type: divider - entity: input_boolean.kef_ls50_desk_mode - entity: input_boolean.kef_ls50_wall_mode - entity: input_boolean.kef_ls50_phase_correction - entity: input_boolean.kef_ls50_high_pass - type: divider - entity: number.kef_ls50_desk_db - entity: number.kef_ls50_wall_db - entity: number.kef_ls50_treble_db - entity: number.kef_ls50_high_hz - entity: number.kef_ls50_low_hz - entity: number.kef_ls50_sub_db - type: divider - entity: select.kef_ls50_bass_extension - entity: select.kef_ls50_sub_polarity - type: divider - entity: select.kef_ls50_desk_mode - entity: select.kef_ls50_wall_mode - entity: select.kef_ls50_phase_correction - entity: select.kef_ls50_high_pass head: icon: mdi:equalizer name: 'KEF LS50 Equalizer ' type: custom:template-entity-row type: custom:fold-entity-row show_header_toggle: false type: entities - cards: - icon: mdi:sofa name: Play music in living room styles: card: - font-size: 12px - font-weight: bold - height: 70px tap_action: action: call-service service: script.start_spotify_playlist_of_nearest_person service_data: entity_id: media_player.kef_ls50 source: LS50 Wireless type: custom:button-card - icon: mdi:bed-king name: Play music in bedroom styles: card: - font-size: 12px - font-weight: bold - height: 70px tap_action: action: call-service service: script.start_spotify_playlist_of_nearest_person service_data: entity_id: media_player.kef_lsx source: LSX type: custom:button-card type: horizontal-stack style: "ha-card {\n --mini-media-player-base-color: red;\n --mini-media-player-icon-color:\ \ red;\n --mini-media-player-background-opacity: 0.1;\n --mini-media-player-overlay-color:\ \ red;\n}\n" type: vertical-stack - entities: - entity: sensor.adaptive type: custom:github-entity-row - entity: sensor.lovelace_ios_dark_mode_theme type: custom:github-entity-row - entity: sensor.lovelace_ios_themes type: custom:github-entity-row - entity: sensor.home_assistant_config type: custom:github-entity-row show_header_toggle: false type: entities - entities: - entity: input_boolean.alarm_clock - entity: input_datetime.alarm_clock - entity: input_select.sleep_mode - entities: - input_select.theme - input_boolean.theme_alternative head: entity: input_boolean.dark_mode name: Dark mode type: custom:fold-entity-row show_header_toggle: false type: entities - cards: - entities: - entity: vacuum.valetudo_vacuum name: Vacuum cleaner primary: entity: binary_sensor.vacuum_day name: Vacuum day secondary: attribute: battery_level name: Battery unit: '%' type: custom:multiple-entity-row - entity: switch.vacuum_mode - entity: input_boolean.cleaned_today - entity: binary_sensor.vacuum_day show_header_toggle: false type: entities - calibration_source: calibration_points: - map: x: 711 y: 474 vacuum: x: 30194 y: 26665 - map: x: 911 y: 269 vacuum: x: 32508 y: 28968 - map: x: 41 y: 63 vacuum: x: 22813 y: 31276 entity: vacuum.valetudo_vacuum map_modes: - template: vacuum_clean_zone - predefined_selections: - zones: - - 29706 - 27237 - 34806 - 31137 - zones: - - 22799 - 27340 - 27649 - 31240 - zones: - - 22803 - 25150 - 26353 - 27250 - zones: - - 26379 - 26239 - 31929 - 27189 - zones: - - 31941 - 25364 - 34791 - 27164 template: vacuum_clean_zone_predefined map_source: image: /local/vacuum-map.png service: vacuum.send_command type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card type: vertical-stack - entities: - entity: input_boolean.vacation_mode - entity: input_boolean.guest_mode - entity: input_boolean.automatic_temperature show_header_toggle: false type: entities - entities: - entities: - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{% set kwh = state_attr("switch.dishwasher", "consumption").0 %} {% set cost_today = 0.1979 * kwh %} Today used {{ kwh }} kWh and cost €{{ cost_today | round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row head: entity: binary_sensor.dishwasher name: Dishwasher secondary: "{% set on_for = as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states(\"input_datetime.dishwasher_on\"\ )) %} {% set off_for = as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states(\"input_datetime.dishwasher_off\"\ )) %} {% if states(\"binary_sensor.dishwasher\") == \"on\" %}\n Has been\ \ on for {{ (on_for / 60)|round(0) }} minutes.\n{% else %}\n Has been off\ \ for {{ (off_for / 3600)|round(1) }} hours.\n{% endif %}\n" state: "{% if is_state(\"binary_sensor.dishwasher\", \"on\") %}\n {{ states(\"\ sensor.dishwasher_watts\") }} Watt\n{% else %}\n Off\n{% endif %}\n" type: custom:template-entity-row type: custom:fold-entity-row - entities: - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{% set kwh = states("sensor.washing_machine_daily_energy") | float %} {% set cost_today = 0.1979 * kwh %} Today used {{ kwh }} kWh and cost €{{ cost_today | round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row head: entity: binary_sensor.washing_machine name: Washing machine secondary: "{% set on_for = as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states(\"input_datetime.washing_machine_on\"\ )) %} {% set off_for = as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states(\"input_datetime.washing_machine_off\"\ )) %} {% if states(\"binary_sensor.washing_machine\") == \"on\" %}\n Has\ \ been on for {{ (on_for / 60)|round(0) }} minutes.\n{% else %}\n Has been\ \ off for {{ (off_for / 3600)|round(1) }} hours.\n{% endif %}\n" state: "{% if is_state(\"binary_sensor.washing_machine\", \"on\") %}\n {{\ \ states(\"sensor.washing_machine_power\") }} Watt\n{% else %}\n Off\n\ {% endif %}\n" type: custom:template-entity-row type: custom:fold-entity-row - entities: - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: 'Today''s usage statistics ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{{ states("sensor.daily_power")|round(2) }} kWh power → €{{ states("sensor.daily_power_cost")|float|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{{ states("sensor.daily_gas")|round(2) }} m³ gas → €{{ states("sensor.daily_gas_cost")|float|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '€{{ states("sensor.daily_energy_fixed_cost")|float|round(2) }} (fixed) + €{{ (states("sensor.daily_gas_cost")|float + states("sensor.daily_power_cost")|float)|round(2)}} = €{{ (states("sensor.daily_gas_cost")|float + states("sensor.daily_power_cost")|float + states("sensor.daily_energy_fixed_cost")|float)|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row - type: divider - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{{ as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom("%B") }}''s usage statistics ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{{ states("sensor.monthly_power")|round(2) }} kWh power → €{{ states("sensor.monthly_power_cost")|float|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{{ states("sensor.monthly_gas")|round(2) }} m³ gas → €{{ states("sensor.monthly_gas_cost")|float|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '€{{ states("sensor.monthly_energy_fixed_cost")|float|round(2) }} (fixed) + €{{ (states("sensor.monthly_gas_cost")|float + states("sensor.monthly_power_cost")|float)|round(2)}} = €{{ (states("sensor.monthly_gas_cost")|float + states("sensor.monthly_power_cost")|float + states("sensor.monthly_energy_fixed_cost")|float)|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row - type: divider - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: 'Last month''s usage statistics ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{{ states("sensor.monthly_power_last_period")|round(2) }} kWh power → €{{ states("sensor.monthly_power_cost_last_period")|float|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '{{ state_attr("sensor.monthly_gas", "last_period")|round(2) }} m³ gas → €{{ states("sensor.monthly_gas_cost_last_period")|float|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row - icon: mdi:currency-eur name: '€{{ states("sensor.monthly_energy_fixed_cost_last_period")|float|round(2) }} (fixed) + €{{ (states("sensor.monthly_gas_cost_last_period")|float + states("sensor.monthly_power_cost_last_period")|float)|round(2)}} = €{{ (states("sensor.monthly_gas_cost_last_period")|float + states("sensor.monthly_power_cost_last_period")|float + states("sensor.monthly_energy_fixed_cost_last_period")|float)|round(2) }}. ' type: custom:template-entity-row head: entity: sensor.daily_gas name: Energy usage secondary: 'Today {{ states("sensor.daily_power")|round(2) }} kWh and {{ states("sensor.daily_gas")|round(2) }} m³ gas. ' state: '€{{ (states("sensor.daily_gas_cost")|float + states("sensor.daily_power_cost")|float + states("sensor.daily_energy_fixed_cost")|float)|round(2) }} ' type: custom:template-entity-row type: custom:fold-entity-row show_header_toggle: false title: Utilities type: entities - cards: - cards: - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.temperature_living_room name: Living room font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.temperature_bathroom name: Bathroom font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.temperature_bedroom name: Bedroom font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.temperature_hall name: Hall font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack type: vertical-stack - cards: - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.humidity_living_room name: Living room font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.humidity_bathroom name: Bathroom font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.humidity_bedroom name: Bedroom font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.humidity_hall name: Hall font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack type: vertical-stack - cards: - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.pressure_living_room name: Living room font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.pressure_bathroom name: Bathroom font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.pressure_bedroom name: Bedroom font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.pressure_hall name: Hall font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack type: vertical-stack type: custom:swipe-card - cards: - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.power_consumption name: Power consumption font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.daily_gas name: Gas consumption font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card name: Speedtest type: horizontal-stack - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.daily_power_cost name: Power cost font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.daily_gas_cost name: Gas cost font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card name: Speedtest type: horizontal-stack parameters: autoplay: delay: 5000 speed: 2000 type: custom:swipe-card - cards: - cards: - color: auto icon: mdi:weather-sunset-up name: Wake up styles: card: - font-size: 12px - font-weight: bold - height: 70px tap_action: action: call-service haptic: success service: input_select.select_option service_data: entity_id: input_select.sleep_mode option: 'off' type: custom:button-card - color: auto entity: input_select.sleep_mode icon: mdi:weather-night name: '[[[ if (entity.state != "off") return "Sleep mode on"; else return "Go to sleep" ]]]' styles: card: - font-size: 12px - font-weight: bold - height: 70px tap_action: action: call-service haptic: success service: script.going_to_sleep type: custom:button-card type: horizontal-stack - cards: - color: auto icon: mdi:home-map-marker name: Arrive Home styles: card: - font-size: 12px - font-weight: bold - height: 70px tap_action: action: call-service haptic: success service: script.arriving type: custom:button-card - color: auto icon: mdi:home-export-outline name: Leave Home styles: card: - font-size: 12px - font-weight: bold - height: 70px tap_action: action: call-service haptic: success service: script.leaving type: custom:button-card type: horizontal-stack type: vertical-stack - control: false entity: climate.thermostat icon: false name: false step_layout: row step_size: 0.5 style: "ha-card {\n --st-font-size-xl: 30px;\n}\n" type: custom:simple-thermostat - cards: - entity: plant.peace_lily type: plant-status - entity: plant.calathea type: plant-status - entity: plant.monstera type: plant-status parameters: autoplay: delay: 5000 speed: 2000 type: custom:swipe-card - entities: - entities: - entity: input_boolean.office_door_open_warning - type: divider - align: center color: '#0279ff' entity: sensor.time_at_work_this_week entity_row: true height: 30px max: 50 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 30 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 30 to: 38 - color: '#34c758' from: 38 to: 42 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 42 to: 50 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 40 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_prognosis entity_row: true height: 30px max: 50 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 30 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 30 to: 38 - color: '#34c758' from: 38 to: 42 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 42 to: 50 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 40 type: custom:bar-card - type: divider - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_monday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_tuesday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_wednessday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_thursday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_friday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - card: show_header_toggle: false title: Bas type: entities filter: include: - group: group.iphone_bas type: custom:auto-entities head: entity: person.bas name: 'Bas ' state: '{{ states(''person.bas'').replace(''_'', '' '').capitalize() }} ' type: custom:template-entity-row type: custom:fold-entity-row - entities: - card: show_header_toggle: false title: Marcella type: entities filter: include: - group: group.iphone_marcella type: custom:auto-entities head: entity: person.marcella name: 'Marcella ' state: '{{ states(''person.marcella'').replace(''_'', '' '').capitalize() }} ' type: custom:template-entity-row type: custom:fold-entity-row show_header_toggle: false type: entities - entities: - entity: sensor.bus_home_to_rotterdam_centraal secondary: Next bus {{ states('sensor.bus_home_to_rotterdam_centraal_future_1') }} type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: sensor.bus_from_rotterdam_to_delft secondary: Next bus {{ states('sensor.bus_from_rotterdam_to_delft_future_1') }} type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: sensor.bus_from_delft_to_rotterdam secondary: Next bus {{ states('sensor.bus_from_delft_to_rotterdam_future_1') }} type: custom:template-entity-row type: entities - cards: - content: '# Quarantine-o-meter The gauge meters display the amount of time spent at home in the last 14 days. Where Bas left the house (on average) {{ (states("sensor.quarantine_meter_bas_times_left")|int / 14) | round(1) }} times per day and is outside {{ states("sensor.hours_outside_per_day_bas") }} h/d and Marcella {{ (states("sensor.quarantine_meter_marcella_times_left")|int / 14) | round(1) }} times per day and is outside for {{ states("sensor.hours_outside_per_day_marcella") }} h/d. ' type: markdown - cards: - entity: sensor.quarantine_meter_marcella max: 100 min: 0 name: Marcella severity: green: 95 red: 0 yellow: 80 theme: Backend-selected type: gauge - entity: sensor.quarantine_meter_bas max: 100 min: 0 name: Bas severity: green: 95 red: 0 yellow: 80 theme: default type: gauge type: horizontal-stack type: vertical-stack icon: mdi:home path: default_view title: Home - cards: - cards: - entities: - entity: sensor.installed_version icon: mdi:home-assistant name: Hassio Installed Version - entity: sensor.home_assistant_versions icon: mdi:home-assistant name: Hassio Current Version - entity: sensor.hacs icon: mdi:update name: Community Store - entity: binary_sensor.snapshots_stale - type: divider - entity: sensor.last_boot icon: mdi:calendar - entity: sensor.uptime icon: mdi:home-assistant - entity: sensor.mariadb_size icon: mdi:home-assistant - animation: 'off' entity: sensor.processor_use entity_row: true height: 30px indicator: 'off' severity: - color: green from: 0 to: 60 - color: orange from: 60 to: 85 - color: red from: 85 to: 100 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:bar-card - animation: 'off' entity: sensor.cpu_temperature entity_row: true height: 30px indicator: 'off' severity: - color: green from: 0 to: 60 - color: orange from: 60 to: 70 - color: red from: 70 to: 100 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:bar-card - animation: 'off' entity: sensor.memory_use_percent entity_row: true height: 30px indicator: 'off' severity: - color: green from: 0 to: 60 - color: orange from: 60 to: 85 - color: red from: 85 to: 100 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:bar-card - animation: 'off' entity: sensor.disk_use_percent entity_row: true height: 30px indicator: 'off' severity: - color: green from: 0 to: 60 - color: orange from: 60 to: 85 - color: red from: 85 to: 100 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:bar-card - type: divider - entity: sensor.myip icon: mdi:ip-network show_header_toggle: false title: System type: entities type: vertical-stack - cards: - columns: 4 entities: - entity: sensor.count_automations name: Automations - entity: sensor.count_scripts name: Scripts - entity: sensor.count_zones name: Zones - entity: sensor.count_device_trackers name: Device Trackers - entity: sensor.count_switches name: Switches - entity: sensor.count_sensors name: Sensors - entity: sensor.count_binary_sensors name: Binary Sensors - entity: sensor.count_input_booleans name: Input Booleans - entity: sensor.count_input_numbers name: Input Numbers - entity: sensor.count_input_texts name: Input Texts - entity: sensor.count_input_selects name: Input Select - entity: sensor.count_input_datetimes name: Input Date Times title: Component Count type: glance type: vertical-stack - cards: - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.speedtest_ping index: 0 name: Ping font_size: 70 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 lower_bound: 0 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: true fill: fade icon: true labels: false name: true state: true style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.speedtest_download index: 0 name: Download font_size: 70 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 lower_bound: 0 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: true fill: fade icon: true labels: false name: true state: true style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.speedtest_upload index: 0 name: Upload font_size: 70 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 lower_bound: 0 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: true fill: fade icon: true labels: false name: true state: true style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:mini-graph-card horizontal: true name: Speedtest style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: var(--ha-card-background);\n\ }\n" title: Network type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card - entities: - entity: zone.home icon: mdi:restart name: Lovelace tap_action: action: call-service service: frontend.reload_themes - entity: zone.home icon: mdi:restart name: Home Assistant tap_action: action: call-service service: homeassistant.restart - entity: zone.home icon: mdi:restart name: Server tap_action: action: call-service service: hassio.host_reboot show_name: true show_state: false type: glance icon: mdi:home-assistant path: system title: System Information - badges: [] cards: - columns: 5 entities: - entity: sensor.smart_switch_bedroom_bas_battery_level - entity: sensor.smart_switch_bedroom_marcella_battery_level - entity: sensor.smart_switch_doorbell_battery_level - entity: sensor.smart_switch_door_battery_level - entity: sensor.smart_switch_living_room_battery_level show_icon: true show_name: false title: Buttons type: glance - entities: - entity: binary_sensor.activity_in_bathroom - entity: binary_sensor.activity_in_hall - entity: binary_sensor.activity_in_kitchen - entity: binary_sensor.activity_in_toilet - entity: binary_sensor.activity_in_bedroom - entity: binary_sensor.activity_in_living_room - type: divider - entity: binary_sensor.openclose_front_door - entity: binary_sensor.openclose_guest_room - entity: binary_sensor.openclose_living_room - type: divider - entity: binary_sensor.motion_detected - entity: binary_sensor.motion_detected_in_last_hour - entity: binary_sensor.someone_showering - entity: binary_sensor.someone_in_the_house_in_last_hour show_header_toggle: false title: Activity in the house type: entities - entities: - entity: binary_sensor.vibration - entity: sensor.vibration_battery_level title: Vibration sensors type: glance - columns: 3 entities: - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_living_room_klok name: Living room - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_living_room_klok_light_level name: '' - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_living_room_klok_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_kitchen name: Kitchen - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_kitchen_light_level name: '' - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_kitchen_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_toilet name: Toilet - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_toilet_light_level name: '' - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_toilet_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_hall name: Hall - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_hall_light_level name: '' - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_hall_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bathroom name: Bathroom - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_bathroom_light_level name: '' - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_bathroom_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_door name: Bedroom door - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_door_light_level name: '' - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_door_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_kabinet name: Bedroom kabinet - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_kabinet_light_level name: '' - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_kabinet_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_desk name: Bedroom desk - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_desk_light_level name: '' - entity: sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_desk_battery_level name: '' show_icon: true show_name: true state_color: true title: Motion sensor type: glance - columns: 2 entities: - entity: binary_sensor.openclose_front_door name: Front door - entity: sensor.openclose_front_door_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.openclose_guest_room name: Guest room - entity: sensor.openclose_guest_room_battery_level name: '' - entity: binary_sensor.openclose_living_room name: Living room - entity: sensor.openclose_living_room_battery_level name: '' show_icon: true show_name: true title: Open/close sensor type: glance - entities: - entity: binary_sensor.anything_on - entity: binary_sensor.any_light_on show_header_toggle: false title: Devices are on type: entities - entities: - entity: sensor.mi_flora_calathea_moisture - entity: sensor.mi_flora_calathea_temperature - entity: sensor.mi_flora_calathea_conductivity - entity: sensor.mi_flora_calathea_illuminance - type: divider - entity: sensor.mi_flora_peace_lily_moisture - entity: sensor.mi_flora_peace_lily_temperature - entity: sensor.mi_flora_peace_lily_conductivity - entity: sensor.mi_flora_peace_lily_illuminance - type: divider - entity: sensor.mi_flora_monstera_moisture - entity: sensor.mi_flora_monstera_temperature - entity: sensor.mi_flora_monstera_conductivity - entity: sensor.mi_flora_monstera_illuminance show_header_toggle: false title: Plant sensors type: entities - columns: 4 entities: - entity: sensor.temperature_living_room name: Living room - entity: sensor.humidity_living_room name: '' - entity: sensor.pressure_living_room name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_living_room_battery_level name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_bedroom name: Bedroom - entity: sensor.humidity_bedroom name: '' - entity: sensor.pressure_bedroom name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_bedroom_battery_level name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_hall name: Hall - entity: sensor.humidity_hall name: '' - entity: sensor.pressure_hall name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_hall_battery_level name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_bathroom name: Bathroom - entity: sensor.humidity_bathroom name: '' - entity: sensor.pressure_bathroom name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_bathroom_battery_level name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_xbox name: Xbox - entity: sensor.humidity_xbox name: '' - entity: sensor.pressure_xbox name: '' - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_xbox_battery_level name: '' show_icon: true show_name: true show_state: true theme: Backend-selected title: Temperature sensors type: glance - entities: - entity: sensor.humidity_bathroom - entity: binary_sensor.humidity_bathroom_trend - entity: sensor.humidity_bathroom_derivative - entity: sensor.humidity_bathroom_stats - entity: binary_sensor.someone_showering title: Shower occupied type: entities - entities: - entity: sensor.hours_bedroom_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days icon: mdi:clock name: Bedroom lights secondary: 'Been on {{ (states(''sensor.hours_bedroom_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days'')|float / (7*24) * 100) | round(2) }}% during last 7 days. ' state: '{{ states("sensor.hours_bedroom_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days") }} h' type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: sensor.hours_living_room_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days icon: mdi:clock name: Living room lights secondary: 'Been on {{ (states(''sensor.hours_living_room_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days'')|float / (7*24) * 100) | round(2) }}% during last 7 days. ' state: '{{ states("sensor.hours_living_room_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days") }} h' type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: sensor.hours_toilet_light_has_been_on_last_7_days icon: mdi:clock name: Toilet secondary: 'Been on {{ (states(''sensor.hours_toilet_light_has_been_on_last_7_days'')|float / (7*24) * 100) | round(2) }}% during last 7 days. ' state: '{{ states("sensor.hours_toilet_light_has_been_on_last_7_days") }} h' type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: sensor.hours_bathroom_light_has_been_on_last_7_days icon: mdi:clock name: Bathroom secondary: 'Been on {{ (states(''sensor.hours_bathroom_light_has_been_on_last_7_days'')|float / (7*24) * 100) | round(2) }}% during last 7 days. ' state: '{{ states("sensor.hours_bathroom_light_has_been_on_last_7_days") }} h' type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: sensor.hours_kitchen_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days icon: mdi:clock name: Kitchen lights secondary: 'Been on {{ (states(''sensor.hours_kitchen_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days'')|float / (7*24) * 100) | round(2) }}% during last 7 days. ' state: '{{ states("sensor.hours_kitchen_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days") }} h' type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: sensor.hours_hall_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days icon: mdi:clock name: Hall lights secondary: 'Been on {{ (states(''sensor.hours_hall_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days'')|float / (7*24) * 100) | round(2) }}% during last 7 days. ' state: '{{ states("sensor.hours_hall_lights_have_been_on_last_7_days") }} h' type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: sensor.hours_bathroom_light_has_been_on_last_7_days icon: mdi:clock name: Hall lights secondary: 'Been on {{ (states(''sensor.hours_bathroom_light_has_been_on_last_7_days'')|float / (7*24) * 100) | round(2) }}% during last 7 days. ' state: '{{ states("sensor.hours_bathroom_light_has_been_on_last_7_days") }} h' type: custom:template-entity-row - type: divider - entity: sensor.hours_bathroom_light_has_been_on_last_7_days icon: mdi:clock name: Total cost estimate for last 7 days secondary: 'Total is {{ states(''sensor.lights_on_total_hours'') | round(1) }} hours, {{ states(''sensor.lights_on_total_kwh'') | round(1) }} kWh, €{{ (states(''sensor.lights_on_total_kwh'')|float * 0.21) | round(2) }}. ' state: '{{ states("sensor.hours_bathroom_light_has_been_on_last_7_days") }} h' type: custom:template-entity-row title: Lights on last 7 days type: entities icon: mdi:motion-sensor path: sensors title: Sensors - badges: [] cards: - entities: - entity: input_boolean.start_kef_ls50 - entity: input_boolean.start_kef_lsx - type: divider - entity: input_boolean.start_spotify_on_kef_ls50 - entity: input_boolean.start_spotify_on_kef_lsx - type: divider - entity: input_boolean.wake_up_light - entity: input_boolean.demo_wake_up_light - type: divider - entity: input_boolean.wake_up_with_spotify - entity: input_boolean.demo_wake_up_with_spotify show_header_toggle: false title: Test apps type: entities - entities: - entity: input_select.cube_mode - entity: input_select.last_script_bedroom - entity: input_select.last_script_living_room show_header_toggle: false title: Inputs (automatically switched) type: entities - entities: - entity: sensor.kef_ls50_volume - entity: sensor.tv_volume - type: divider - entity: sensor.kef_lsx_volume - entity: input_select.lsx_volume show_header_toggle: false title: Volume sync type: entities - entities: - entity: input_datetime.dishwasher_on - entity: input_datetime.dishwasher_off - entity: input_datetime.washing_machine_on - entity: input_datetime.washing_machine_off show_header_toggle: false title: Datetimes type: entities - entities: - align: center color: '#0279ff' entity: sensor.time_at_work_this_week entity_row: true height: 30px max: 50 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 30 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 30 to: 38 - color: '#34c758' from: 38 to: 42 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 42 to: 50 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 40 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_prognosis entity_row: true height: 30px max: 50 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 30 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 30 to: 38 - color: '#34c758' from: 38 to: 42 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 42 to: 50 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 40 type: custom:bar-card - type: divider - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_monday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_tuesday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_wednessday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_thursday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card - align: center entity: sensor.time_at_work_on_friday entity_row: true height: 30px max: 12 min: 0 severity: - color: '#ff3c31' from: 0 to: 6 - color: '#ffcc01' from: 6 to: 8 - color: '#34c758' from: 8 to: 9 - color: '#ff3c31' from: 9 to: 10 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" target: 8 type: custom:bar-card show_header_toggle: false title: Work time type: entities - entities: - icon: mdi:information name: This is to control the volume using HA-menu on my iMac type: custom:template-entity-row - entity: switch.kef_lsx - type: divider - entity: input_select.lsx_volume - entity: input_select.lsx_source show_header_toggle: false title: LSX control (for HA-Menu) type: entities - entities: - entity: sensor.times_dishwasher_has_been_on_last_7_days - entity: sensor.hours_dishwasher_has_been_on_last_7_days - entity: sensor.times_washing_machine_has_been_on_last_7_days - entity: sensor.hours_washing_machine_has_been_on_last_7_days - entity: sensor.times_tv_has_been_on_last_7_days - entity: sensor.hours_tv_has_been_on_last_7_days title: Stats type: entities - entities: - entity: sensor.gas_per_hour - entity: sensor.gas_per_hour_filtered type: entities - entities: - entity: input_boolean.test - entity: sensor.average_sleep_time - entity: input_select.sleep_mode type: entities - entities: - animation: 'off' entity: sensor.quarantine_meter_bas entity_row: true height: 30px indicator: 'off' severity: - color: red from: 0 to: 60 - color: orange from: 60 to: 95 - color: green from: 95 to: 100 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:bar-card - animation: 'off' entity: sensor.quarantine_meter_marcella entity_row: true height: 30px indicator: 'off' severity: - color: red from: 0 to: 60 - color: orange from: 60 to: 95 - color: green from: 95 to: 100 style: "ha-card {\n box-shadow: none;\n --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0,\ \ 0, 0)';\n}\n" type: custom:bar-card title: Quarantine metrics type: entities - cards: - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_brightness name: Brightness font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_sun_position name: Sun position font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_color_temp_mired name: Color temperature (mired) font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_color_temp_kelvin name: Color temperature (Kelvin) font_size: 100 group: false hour24: true line_width: 6 points_per_hour: 1 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack type: vertical-stack - cards: - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_brightness name: Brightness show_state: true - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_color_temp_kelvin name: Color temp (Kelvin) show_state: true y_axis: secondary font_size: 80 group: false hour24: true hours_to_show: 72 line_width: 2 lower_bound: 60 lower_bound_secondary: 0 name: Brightness vs color temp points_per_hour: 2 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card upper_bound: 105 upper_bound_secondary: ~5500 - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_brightness name: Brightness show_state: true - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_sun_position name: Sun position show_state: true y_axis: secondary font_size: 80 group: false hour24: true hours_to_show: 72 line_width: 2 lower_bound: 40 lower_bound_secondary: -100 name: Brightness vs sun position points_per_hour: 2 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card upper_bound: 100 upper_bound_secondary: 100 - color_thresholds_transition: smooth entities: - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_color_temp_kelvin name: Color temp show_state: true - entity: sensor.adaptive_lighting_sun_position name: Sun position show_state: true y_axis: secondary font_size: 80 group: false hour24: true hours_to_show: 72 line_width: 2 lower_bound: 0 lower_bound_secondary: -100 name: Color temp vs sun position points_per_hour: 2 show: extrema: false fill: fade labels: false name: true state: true type: custom:mini-graph-card upper_bound: ~5500 upper_bound_secondary: 100 type: custom:swipe-card - dark_mode: true entities: - entity: person.bas - entity: person.marcella hours_to_show: 240 type: map - entity: media_player.living_room_xboxone type: media-control - entities: - entity: sensor.temperature_living_room name: Living room secondary: '💦 {{ states(''sensor.humidity_living_room'') }}%, ⚖️ {{ states(''sensor.pressure_living_room'') }} hPa, 🔋 {{ states(''sensor.temperature_living_room_battery_level'') }}% ' state: '{{ states("sensor.temperature_living_room") }} °C' type: custom:template-entity-row title: Temperature sensors type: entities - entities: - active: '{{ is_state("binary_sensor.motion_sensor_kitchen", "on") }}' entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_kitchen name: Kitchen secondary: 'Light level {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_kitchen_light_level") }} lx, battery {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_kitchen_battery_level") }}% ' type: custom:template-entity-row - active: '{{ is_state("binary_sensor.motion_sensor_toilet", "on") }}' entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_toilet name: Toilet secondary: 'Light level {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_toilet_light_level") }} lx, battery {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_toilet_battery_level") }}% ' type: custom:template-entity-row - active: '{{ is_state("binary_sensor.motion_sensor_hall", "on") }}' entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_hall name: Hall secondary: 'Light level {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_hall_light_level") }} lx, battery {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_hall_battery_level") }}% ' type: custom:template-entity-row - active: '{{ is_state("binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bathroom", "on") }}' entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bathroom name: Bathroom secondary: 'Light level {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_bathroom_light_level") }} lx, battery {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_bathroom_battery_level") }}% ' type: custom:template-entity-row - active: '{{ is_state("binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_door", "on") }}' entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_door name: Bedroom door secondary: 'Light level {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_door_light_level") }} lx, battery {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_door_battery_level") }}% ' type: custom:template-entity-row - active: '{{ is_state("binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_kabinet", "on") }}' entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_kabinet name: Bedroom kabinet secondary: 'Light level {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_kabinet_light_level") }} lx, battery {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_kabinet_battery_level") }}% ' type: custom:template-entity-row - active: '{{ is_state("binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_desk", "on") }}' entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_desk name: Bedroom desk secondary: 'Light level {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_desk_light_level") }} lx, battery {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_bedroom_desk_battery_level") }}% ' type: custom:template-entity-row - active: '{{ is_state("binary_sensor.motion_sensor_living_room_klok", "on") }}' entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_living_room_klok name: Living room klok secondary: 'Light level {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_living_room_klok_light_level") }} lx, battery {{ states("sensor.motion_sensor_living_room_klok_battery_level") }}% ' type: custom:template-entity-row title: Motion sensors type: entities - entity: camera.camera1 type: picture-entity icon: mdi:test-tube path: tests title: Tests - badges: [] cards: - card: show_header_toggle: false title: Uncategorized automations type: entities filter: exclude: - entity_id: automation.adaptive_lighting* - entity_id: automation.alarm_clock_* - entity_id: automation.apple_watch* - entity_id: automation.arriving_* - entity_id: automation.climate_* - entity_id: automation.control_switches* - entity_id: automation.cube_* - entity_id: automation.doorbell_* - entity_id: automation.frontend_* - entity_id: automation.kef_dsp_* - entity_id: automation.leaving_* - entity_id: automation.light_* - entity_id: automation.lovelace_* - entity_id: automation.lsx_* - entity_id: automation.media_player_* - entity_id: automation.music_* - entity_id: automation.night_mode_* - entity_id: automation.plant_* - entity_id: automation.rhasspy_* - entity_id: automation.security_* - entity_id: automation.system_* - entity_id: automation.utilities_* - entity_id: automation.vacation_mode_* - entity_id: automation.vacuum_* - entity_id: automation.work* include: - domain: automation sort: entity_id type: custom:auto-entities - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Alarm clock - slug: alarm_clock - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Arriving - slug: arriving_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Climate - slug: climate - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Control switches - slug: control_switches - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Cube - slug: cube_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Doorbell - slug: doorbell_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Frontend - slug: frontend_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: KEF DSP - slug: kef_dsp_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: LSX - slug: lsx_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Leaving - slug: leaving - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Light - slug: light - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Lovelace - slug: lovelace - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Media player - slug: media_player_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Music - slug: music - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Night mode - slug: night_mode_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Plant - slug: plant - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Rhasspy - slug: rhasspy_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Security - slug: security - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: System - slug: system_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Utilities - slug: utilities_ - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Vacation mode - slug: vacation_mode - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Vacuum - slug: vacuum - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Work - slug: work - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Apple Watch - slug: apple_watch - template: automation_template type: custom:decluttering-card variables: - name: Adaptive Lighting - slug: adaptive_lighting_ icon: mdi:robot path: automations title: Automations