# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines. ## [1.7.0](https://github.com/mokkapps/changelog-generator-demo/compare/v1.6.0...v1.7.0) (2023-11-09) ### Features * This is mostly a maintenance release for updating dependencies and modernizing the code base. * assume main instead of master as default branch ([f4bcb9d](https://github.com/mokkapps/changelog-generator-demo/commits/f4bcb9d6495ad9a387c08b4267f6ce0fe2f41606)) ### Bug Fixes * fix lebab transform name clash (repo tags vs. opt tags) ([85daa53](https://github.com/mokkapps/changelog-generator-demo/commits/85daa536f402e1424e5628193c3276804144ca02)) ### 1.6.0 (13.11.2019) * Add new commands `add` and `remove` to add/remove repos from a config. ### 1.5.5 (12.11.2019) * Fix "repoman config --local crashes when a repo has no origin" (#30, thanks @stennie). ### 1.5.4 (11.03.2018) * Fix breaking changes from upgrade to octokit/rest.js, add documentation about `repoman signin` and `--github-auth-user`/`--github-auth-pass`. ### 1.5.3 (18.02.2018) * Update all dependencies, upgrade to octokit/rest.js ### 1.5.2 (14.02.2018) * Update to bagofcli@1.1.0. ### 1.5.1 (14.02.2018) * README overhaul. ### 1.5.0 (13.02.2018) * Improve layout for `report` command. ### 1.4.0 (11.02.2018) * Add new command `report`. ### 1.3.0 (30.05.2017) * Add new options `--github-use-ssh` and `--remove-extraneous` (see #23 and #24, thanks to @scamden). ### 1.1.0 (21.06.2016) * Improve error message when .repoman.json is not found (#19). ### 1.0.0 (2016-01-31) * Use Mustache.js templates instead of Jazz templates for `repoman exec`. This is a breaking change for you if you used Jazz template substitutions in your `repoman exec` commands – that is, if you used something like `repoman exec 'touch .gitignore && echo "Created {workspace}/{name}/.gitignore file;"`. You would need to change this to `repoman exec 'touch .gitignore && echo "Created {{{workspace}}}/{{{name}}}/.gitignore file;"`. * Make `repoman exec` work on Windows ([#20](https://github.com/basti1302/repoman/issues/20), thanks to @Guysbert for the report). * Use `&&` instead of `;` in command lines with multiple commands, in particular, when a `cd` command is required before the actual command. That means, if repoman cannot successfully `cd` into the repository directory, it will not attempt to execute the action for this repository. * Use `git reset --head` instead of `git stash && git stash clear` for `repoman undo`. ### 0.2.5 * Improved output for `repoman changes` for git. ### 0.2.4 * Add build reports to readme ### 0.2.3 * Fix Bitbucket repo config URL construction [faandi](https://github.com/faandi) ### 0.2.2 * Add Bitbucket generator ### 0.2.1 * Add tags and regex filter support to list command ### 0.2.0 * Change --config flag to --config-file as per README * Add tags filter support * Add regex filter support * Modify config generator to merge repositories in configuration file ### 0.1.0 * Set min node engine to >= 0.10.0 ### 0.0.16 * Add --local flag to config command, for generating config file from local repositories [Stephen Steneker](https://github.com/stennie) ### 0.0.15 * Change get command for git to use --rebase ### 0.0.14 * Fix clean command prompt handling * Change test lib to buster-node + referee * Set min node engine to >= v0.8.0 ### 0.0.13 * Fix exec command argument handling. ### 0.0.12 * Add -f/--fail-fast flag * Add list command * Add Gitorious repositories configuration file generation * Replace underscore with lodash, replace bagofholding with bagofcli and bagofrequest * Display commands to be executed on each repo ### 0.0.11 * Re-add custom config file override (accidentally removed) ### 0.0.10 * Add GitHub client proxy setting ### 0.0.9 * GitHub configuration file uses clone URL ### 0.0.8 * Add support for creating configuration file containing GitHub repositories * Add undo command * Add clean command ### 0.0.7 * Add custom config file override * Add exec command ### 0.0.6 * Set max node engine to < 0.9.0 ### 0.0.5 * Add Windows support * Configuration file in current directory now takes precedence over one in home directory ### 0.0.4 * Add config command for creating sample .repoman.json file ### 0.0.3 * Use cly to handle process exit * Config file name is now .repoman.json * Replace cly with bagofholding, replace vows with mocha * Config file .repoman.json can now be placed at user home directory, or at current directory ### 0.0.2 * Display usage on arg-less comamand * Upgrade vows to v0.6.1 * Use cly to parse CLI arguments and execute shell commands ### 0.0.1 * Initial version