#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import batoceraFiles from . import libretroOptions from . import libretroMAMEConfig from Emulator import Emulator import settings from settings.unixSettings import UnixSettings import json import subprocess from utils.logger import get_logger from PIL import Image, ImageOps import utils.bezels as bezelsUtil import utils.videoMode as videoMode import controllersConfig eslog = get_logger(__name__) sys.path.append( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))) # return true if the option is considered defined def defined(key, dict): return key in dict and isinstance(dict[key], str) and len(dict[key]) > 0 # Warning the values in the array must be exactly at the same index than # https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/blob/master/gfx/video_driver.c#L188 ratioIndexes = ["4/3", "16/9", "16/10", "16/15", "21/9", "1/1", "2/1", "3/2", "3/4", "4/1", "9/16", "5/4", "6/5", "7/9", "8/3", "8/7", "19/12", "19/14", "30/17", "32/9", "config", "squarepixel", "core", "custom", "full"] # Define system emulated by bluemsx core systemToBluemsx = {'msx': '"MSX2"', 'msx1': '"MSX2"', 'msx2': '"MSX2"', 'colecovision': '"COL - ColecoVision"' }; # Define Retroarch Core compatible with retroachievements # List taken from https://docs.libretro.com/guides/retroachievements/#cores-compatibility coreToRetroachievements = {'arduous', 'beetle-saturn', 'blastem', 'bluemsx', 'bsnes', 'bsnes_hd', 'cap32', 'desmume', 'duckstation', 'fbneo', 'fceumm', 'flycast', 'flycastvl', 'freechaf', 'freeintv', 'gambatte', 'genesisplusgx', 'genesisplusgx-wide', 'handy', 'kronos', 'mednafen_lynx', 'mednafen_ngp', 'mednafen_psx', 'mednafen_supergrafx', 'mednafen_wswan', 'melonds', 'mesen', 'mesens', 'mgba', 'mupen64plus-next', 'neocd', 'o2em', 'opera', 'parallel_n64', 'pce', 'pce_fast', 'pcfx', 'pcsx_rearmed', 'picodrive', 'pokemini', 'potator', 'ppsspp', 'prosystem', 'quasi88', 'snes9x', 'sameduck', 'snes9x_next', 'stella', 'stella2014', 'swanstation', 'uzem', 'vb', 'vba-m', 'vecx', 'virtualjaguar', 'wasm4'} # Define systems NOT compatible with rewind option systemNoRewind = {'sega32x', 'psx', 'zxspectrum', 'n64', 'dreamcast', 'atomiswave', 'naomi', 'saturn'}; # 'o2em', 'mame', 'neogeocd', 'fbneo' # Define systems NOT compatible with run-ahead option (warning: this option is CPU intensive!) systemNoRunahead = {'sega32x', 'n64', 'dreamcast', 'atomiswave', 'naomi', 'neogeocd', 'saturn'}; # Define the libretro device type corresponding to the libretro CORE (when needed) coreToP1Device = {'atari800': '513', 'cap32': '513', '81': '259', 'fuse': '769'}; coreToP2Device = {'atari800': '513', 'fuse': '513'}; # Define the libretro device type corresponding to the libretro SYSTEM (when needed) systemToP1Device = {'msx': '1', 'msx1': '1', 'msx2': '1', 'colecovision': '1' }; systemToP2Device = {'msx': '1', 'msx1': '1', 'msx2': '1', 'colecovision': '1' }; # Netplay modes systemNetplayModes = {'host', 'client', 'spectator'} # Cores that require .slang shaders (even on OpenGL, not only Vulkan) coreForceSlangShaders = { 'mupen64plus-next' } def connected_to_internet(): # Try first cmd = ["timeout", "1", "ping", "-c", "1", "-t", "255", ""] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd) process.wait() if process.returncode == 0: eslog.debug("Connected to the internet") return True else: # Try if fails cmd = ["timeout", "1", "ping", "-c", "1", "-t", "255", ""] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd) process.wait() if process.returncode == 0: eslog.debug("Connected to the internet") return True else: eslog.error("Not connected to the internet") return False def writeLibretroConfig(generator, retroconfig, system, controllers, metadata, guns, wheels, rom, bezel, shaderBezel, gameResolution, gfxBackend): writeLibretroConfigToFile(retroconfig, createLibretroConfig(generator, system, controllers, metadata, guns, wheels, rom, bezel, shaderBezel, gameResolution, gfxBackend)) # Take a system, and returns a dict of retroarch.cfg compatible parameters def createLibretroConfig(generator, system, controllers, metadata, guns, wheels, rom, bezel, shaderBezel, gameResolution, gfxBackend): # retroarch-core-options.cfg retroarchCore = batoceraFiles.retroarchCoreCustom if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(retroarchCore)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(retroarchCore)) try: coreSettings = UnixSettings(retroarchCore, separator=' ') except UnicodeError: # invalid retroarch-core-options.cfg # remove it and try again os.remove(retroarchCore) coreSettings = UnixSettings(retroarchCore, separator=' ') # Create/update retroarch-core-options.cfg libretroOptions.generateCoreSettings(coreSettings, system, rom, guns, wheels) # Create/update hatari.cfg if system.name == 'atarist': libretroOptions.generateHatariConf(batoceraFiles.hatariConf) if system.config['core'] in [ 'mame', 'mess', 'mamevirtual', 'same_cdi' ]: libretroMAMEConfig.generateMAMEConfigs(controllers, system, rom, guns) retroarchConfig = dict() systemConfig = system.config renderConfig = system.renderconfig systemCore = system.config['core'] # Basic configuration retroarchConfig['quit_press_twice'] = 'false' # not aligned behavior on other emus retroarchConfig['menu_show_restart_retroarch'] = 'false' # this option messes everything up on Batocera if ever clicked retroarchConfig['menu_show_load_content_animation'] = 'false' # hide popup when starting a game retroarchConfig['video_driver'] = '"' + gfxBackend + '"' # needed for the ozone menu # Set Vulkan if system.isOptSet("gfxbackend") and system.config["gfxbackend"] == "vulkan": try: have_vulkan = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/batocera-vulkan", "hasVulkan"], text=True).strip() if have_vulkan == "true": eslog.debug("Vulkan driver is available on the system.") try: have_discrete = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/batocera-vulkan", "hasDiscrete"], text=True).strip() if have_discrete == "true": eslog.debug("A discrete GPU is available on the system. We will use that for performance") try: discrete_index = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/batocera-vulkan", "discreteIndex"], text=True).strip() if discrete_index != "": eslog.debug("Using Discrete GPU Index: {} for RetroArch".format(discrete_index)) retroarchConfig["vulkan_gpu_index"] = '"' + discrete_index + '"' else: eslog.debug("Couldn't get discrete GPU index") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: eslog.debug("Error getting discrete GPU index") else: eslog.debug("Discrete GPU is not available on the system. Using default.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: eslog.debug("Error checking for discrete GPU.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: eslog.debug("Error executing batocera-vulkan script.") retroarchConfig['audio_driver'] = '"pulse"' if (system.isOptSet("audio_driver")): retroarchConfig['audio_driver'] = system.config['audio_driver'] retroarchConfig['audio_latency'] = '64' # best balance with audio perf if (system.isOptSet("audio_latency")): retroarchConfig['audio_latency'] = system.config['audio_latency'] retroarchConfig['audio_volume'] = '0' if (system.isOptSet("audio_volume")): retroarchConfig['audio_volume'] = system.config['audio_volume'] if system.isOptSet("display.rotate") and not videoMode.supportSystemRotation(): # only for systems that don't support global rotation (xorg, wayland, ...) # 0 => 0 ; 1 => 270; 2 => 180 ; 3 => 90 if system.config["display.rotate"] == "0": retroarchConfig['video_rotation'] = "0" elif system.config["display.rotate"] == "1": retroarchConfig['video_rotation'] = "3" elif system.config["display.rotate"] == "2": retroarchConfig['video_rotation'] = "2" elif system.config["display.rotate"] == "3": retroarchConfig['video_rotation'] = "1" else: retroarchConfig['video_rotation'] = '0' if system.isOptSet('video_threaded') and system.getOptBoolean('video_threaded') == True: retroarchConfig['video_threaded'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['video_threaded'] = 'false' if system.isOptSet('video_allow_rotate') and system.getOptBoolean('video_allow_rotate') == False: retroarchConfig['video_allow_rotate'] = 'false' else: retroarchConfig['video_allow_rotate'] = 'true' # variable refresh rate if system.isOptSet("vrr_runloop_enable") and system.getOptBoolean("vrr_runloop_enable") == True: retroarchConfig['vrr_runloop_enable'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['vrr_runloop_enable'] = 'false' # required at least for vulkan (to get the correct resolution) retroarchConfig['video_fullscreen_x'] = gameResolution["width"] retroarchConfig['video_fullscreen_y'] = gameResolution["height"] retroarchConfig['video_black_frame_insertion'] = 'false' # don't use anymore this value while it doesn't allow the shaders to work retroarchConfig['pause_nonactive'] = 'false' # required at least on x86 x86_64 otherwise, the game is paused at launch if not os.path.exists(batoceraFiles.CONF + '/retroarch/cache'): os.makedirs(batoceraFiles.CONF + '/retroarch/cache') retroarchConfig['cache_directory'] = batoceraFiles.CONF + '/retroarch/cache' # require for core informations retroarchConfig['libretro_directory'] = '/usr/lib/libretro' retroarchConfig['libretro_info_path'] = '/usr/share/libretro/info' retroarchConfig['video_fullscreen'] = 'true' # Fullscreen is required at least for x86* and odroidn2 retroarchConfig['sort_savefiles_enable'] = 'false' # ensure we don't save system.name + core retroarchConfig['sort_savestates_enable'] = 'false' # ensure we don't save system.name + core retroarchConfig['savestate_directory'] = batoceraFiles.savesDir + system.name retroarchConfig['savefile_directory'] = batoceraFiles.savesDir + system.name # Forced values (so that if the config is not correct, fix it) if system.config['core'] == 'tgbdual': retroarchConfig['aspect_ratio_index'] = str(ratioIndexes.index("core")) # Reset each time in this function # Disable internal image viewer (ES does it, and pico-8 won't load .p8.png) retroarchConfig['builtin_imageviewer_enable'] = 'false' # Input configuration retroarchConfig['input_joypad_driver'] = 'udev' retroarchConfig['input_driver'] = 'udev' # driver for mouse/keyboard. udev required for guns. retroarchConfig['input_max_users'] = "16" # Allow up to 16 players retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' # Default devices choices retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1' # D-pad = Left analog stick forcing on PUAE and VICE (New D2A system on RA doesn't work with these cores.) if system.config['core'] == 'puae' or system.config['core'] == 'puae2021' or system.config['core'] == 'vice_x64': retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '3' retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '3' # force notification messages, but not the "remap" one retroarchConfig['video_font_enable'] = '"true"' retroarchConfig['notification_show_remap_load'] = '"false"' # prevent displaying "QUICK MENU" with "No Items" after DOSBox Pure, TyrQuake and PrBoom games exit retroarchConfig['load_dummy_on_core_shutdown'] = '"false"' ## Specific choices if(system.config['core'] in coreToP1Device): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = coreToP1Device[system.config['core']] if(system.config['core'] in coreToP2Device): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = coreToP2Device[system.config['core']] ## AMIGA BIOS files are in /userdata/bios/amiga if (system.config['core'] == 'puae') or (system.config['core'] == 'puae2021') or (system.config['core'] == 'uae4arm'): retroarchConfig['system_directory'] = '"/userdata/bios/amiga/"' ## AMIGA OCS-ECS/AGA/CD32 if system.config['core'] == 'puae' or system.config['core'] == 'puae2021': if system.name != 'amigacd32': if system.isOptSet('controller1_puae'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_puae'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' if system.isOptSet('controller2_puae'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_puae'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1' else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '517' # CD 32 Pad ## BlueMSX choices by System if(system.name in systemToBluemsx): if system.config['core'] == 'bluemsx': retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = systemToP1Device[system.name] retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = systemToP2Device[system.name] ## SNES9x and SNES9x_next (2010) controller if system.config['core'] == 'snes9x' or system.config['core'] == 'snes9x_next': if system.isOptSet('controller1_snes9x'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_snes9x'] elif system.isOptSet('controller1_snes9x_next'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_snes9x_next'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' # Player 2 if system.isOptSet('controller2_snes9x'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_snes9x'] elif system.isOptSet('controller2_snes9x_next'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_snes9x_next'] elif len(controllers) > 2: # More than 2 controller connected retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '257' else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1' # Player 3 if system.isOptSet('Controller3_snes9x'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p3'] = system.config['Controller3_snes9x'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p3'] = '1' ## NES controller if system.config['core'] == 'fceumm': if system.isOptSet('controller1_nes'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_nes'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' if system.isOptSet('controller2_nes'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_nes'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1' ## PlayStation controller if (system.config['core'] == 'mednafen_psx'): # Madnafen if system.isOptSet('beetle_psx_hw_Controller1'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['beetle_psx_hw_Controller1'] if system.config['beetle_psx_hw_Controller1'] != '1': retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' if system.isOptSet('beetle_psx_hw_Controller2'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['beetle_psx_hw_Controller2'] if system.config['beetle_psx_hw_Controller2'] != '1': retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' if (system.config['core'] == 'pcsx_rearmed'): # PCSX Rearmed if system.isOptSet('controller1_pcsx'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_pcsx'] if system.config['controller1_pcsx'] != '1': retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' if system.isOptSet('controller2_pcsx'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_pcsx'] if system.config['controller2_pcsx'] != '1': retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' # wheel if system.isOptSet('use_wheels') and system.getOptBoolean('use_wheels'): deviceInfos = controllersConfig.getDevicesInformation() nplayer = 1 for controller, pad in sorted(controllers.items()): if pad.dev in deviceInfos: if deviceInfos[pad.dev]["isWheel"]: retroarchConfig['input_player' + str(nplayer) + '_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' if "wheel_type" in metadata and metadata["wheel_type"] == "negcon" : retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p' + str(nplayer)] = 773 # Negcon else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p' + str(nplayer)] = 517 # DualShock Controller nplayer += 1 ## Sega Dreamcast controller if system.config['core'] == 'flycast': if system.isOptSet('controller1_dc'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_dc'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' if system.isOptSet('controller2_dc'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_dc'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1' if system.isOptSet('controller3_dc'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p3'] = system.config['controller3_dc'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p3'] = '1' if system.isOptSet('controller4_dc'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p4'] = system.config['controller4_dc'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p4'] = '1' # wheel if system.isOptSet('use_wheels') and system.getOptBoolean('use_wheels') and len(wheels) > 0: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '2049' # Race Controller ## Sega Megadrive controller if system.config['core'] == 'genesisplusgx' and system.name == 'megadrive': if system.isOptSet('controller1_md'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_md'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '513' # 6 button if system.isOptSet('controller2_md'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_md'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '513' # 6 button ## Sega Megadrive style controller remap if system.config['core'] in ['genesisplusgx', 'picodrive']: valid_megadrive_controller_guids = [ # 8bitdo m30 "05000000c82d00005106000000010000", "03000000c82d00000650000011010000", "050000005e0400008e02000030110000", # 8bitdo m30 modkit "03000000c82d00000150000011010000", "05000000c82d00000151000000010000", # Retrobit bt saturn "0500000049190000020400001b010000", ] valid_megadrive_controller_names = [ "8BitDo M30 gamepad", "8Bitdo 8BitDo M30 gamepad", "8BitDo M30 Modkit", "8Bitdo 8BitDo M30 Modkit", "Retro Bit Bluetooth Controller", ] def update_megadrive_controller_config(controller_number): # Remaps for Megadrive style controllers remap_values = { 'btn_a': '0', 'btn_b': '1', 'btn_x': '9', 'btn_y': '10', 'btn_l': '11', 'btn_r': '8', } for btn, value in remap_values.items(): retroarchConfig[f'input_player{controller_number}_{btn}'] = value if system.config['core'] == 'genesisplusgx': option = 'gx' if system.config['core'] == 'picodrive': option = 'pd' controller_list = sorted(controllers.items()) for i in range(1, min(5, len(controller_list) + 1)): controller, pad = controller_list[i - 1] if (pad.guid in valid_megadrive_controller_guids and pad.configName in valid_megadrive_controller_names) or (system.isOptSet(f'{option}_controller{i}_mapping') and system.config[f'{option}_controller{i}_mapping'] != 'retropad'): update_megadrive_controller_config(i) ## Sega Mastersystem controller if system.config['core'] == 'genesisplusgx' and system.name == 'mastersystem': if system.isOptSet('controller1_ms'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_ms'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '769' if system.isOptSet('controller2_ms'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_ms'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '769' ## Sega Saturn controller if system.config['core'] in ['yabasanshiro', 'beetle-saturn'] and system.name == 'saturn': if system.isOptSet('controller1_saturn'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_saturn'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' # Saturn pad if system.isOptSet('controller2_saturn'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_saturn'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1' # Saturn pad # wheel if system.config['core'] == 'beetle-saturn' and system.name == 'saturn': if system.isOptSet('use_wheels') and system.getOptBoolean('use_wheels'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '517' # Arcade Racer ## NEC PCEngine controller if system.config['core'] == 'pce' or system.config['core'] == 'pce_fast': if system.isOptSet('controller1_pce'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_pce'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' ## WII controller if system.config['core'] == 'dolphin' or system.config['core'] == 'dolphin': # Controller 1 Type if system.isOptSet('controller1_wii'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_wii'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' # Controller 2 Type if system.isOptSet('controller2_wii'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_wii'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1' # Controller 3 Type if system.isOptSet('controller3_wii'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p3'] = system.config['controller3_wii'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p3'] = '1' # Controller 4 Type if system.isOptSet('controller4_wii'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p4'] = system.config['controller4_wii'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p4'] = '1' ## MS-DOS controller if (system.config['core'] == 'dosbox_pure'): # Dosbox-Pure if system.isOptSet('controller1_dosbox_pure'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_dosbox_pure'] if system.config['controller1_dosbox_pure'] != '3': retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '3' if system.isOptSet('controller2_dosbox_pure'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_dosbox_pure'] if system.config['controller2_dosbox_pure'] != '3': retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '3' ## PS1 Swanstation if (system.config['core'] == 'swanstation'): if system.isOptSet('swanstation_Controller1'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['swanstation_Controller1'] if system.config['swanstation_Controller1'] != '261' and system.config['swanstation_Controller1'] != '517': retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' if system.isOptSet('swanstation_Controller2'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['swanstation_Controller2'] if system.config['swanstation_Controller2'] != '261' and system.config['swanstation_Controller2'] != '517': retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1' retroarchConfig['input_player2_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' ## Wonder Swan & Wonder Swan Color if (system.config['core'] == "mednafen_wswan"): # Beetle Wonderswan # If set manually, proritize that. # Otherwise, set to portrait for games listed as 90 degrees, manual (default) if not. if not system.isOptSet('wswan_rotate_display'): wswanGameRotation = videoMode.getAltDecoration(system.name, rom, True) if wswanGameRotation == "90": wswanOrientation = "portrait" else: wswanOrientation = "manual" else: wswanOrientation = system.config['wswan_rotate_display'] retroarchConfig['wswan_rotate_display'] = wswanOrientation ## N64 Controller Remap if system.config['core'] in ['mupen64plus-next', 'parallel_n64']: valid_n64_controller_guids = [ # official nintendo switch n64 controller "050000007e0500001920000001800000", # 8bitdo n64 modkit "05000000c82d00006928000000010000", "030000007e0500001920000011810000", ] valid_n64_controller_names = [ "N64 Controller", "Nintendo Co., Ltd. N64 Controller", "8BitDo N64 Modkit", ] def update_n64_controller_config(controller_number): # Remaps for N64 style controllers remap_values = { 'btn_a': '1', 'btn_b': '0', 'btn_x': '23', 'btn_y': '21', 'btn_l2': '22', 'btn_r2': '20', 'btn_select': '12', } for btn, value in remap_values.items(): retroarchConfig[f'input_player{controller_number}_{btn}'] = value if system.config['core'] == 'mupen64plus-next': option = 'mupen64plus' elif system.config['core'] == 'parallel_n64': option = 'parallel-n64' controller_list = sorted(controllers.items()) for i in range(1, min(5, len(controller_list) + 1)): controller, pad = controller_list[i - 1] if (pad.guid in valid_n64_controller_guids and pad.configName in valid_n64_controller_names) or (system.isOptSet(f'{option}-controller{i}') and system.config[f'{option}-controller{i}'] != 'retropad'): update_n64_controller_config(i) ## PORTS ## Quake if (system.config['core'] == 'tyrquake'): if system.isOptSet('tyrquake_controller1'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['tyrquake_controller1'] if system.config['tyrquake_controller1'] == '773' or system.config['tyrquake_controller1'] == '3': retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' ## DOOM if (system.config['core'] == 'prboom'): if system.isOptSet('prboom_controller1'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['prboom_controller1'] if system.config['prboom_controller1'] != '1' or system.config['prboom_controller1'] == '3': retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '0' else: retroarchConfig['input_player1_analog_dpad_mode'] = '1' else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '1' ## ZX Spectrum if (system.config['core'] == 'fuse'): if system.isOptSet('controller1_zxspec'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = system.config['controller1_zxspec'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p1'] = '769' #Sinclair 1 controller - most used on games if system.isOptSet('controller2_zxspec'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = system.config['controller2_zxspec'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p2'] = '1025' #Sinclair 2 controller if system.isOptSet('controller3_zxspec'): retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p3'] = system.config['controller3_zxspec'] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p3'] = '259' # Smooth option if system.isOptSet('smooth') and system.getOptBoolean('smooth') == True: retroarchConfig['video_smooth'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['video_smooth'] = 'false' # Shader option if 'shader' in renderConfig: if renderConfig['shader'] != None and renderConfig['shader'] != "none": retroarchConfig['video_shader_enable'] = 'true' retroarchConfig['video_smooth'] = 'false' # seems to be necessary for weaker SBCs else: retroarchConfig['video_shader_enable'] = 'false' # Ratio option retroarchConfig['aspect_ratio_index'] = '' # reset in case config was changed (or for overlays) if defined('ratio', systemConfig): index = '22' # default value (core) if systemConfig['ratio'] in ratioIndexes: index = ratioIndexes.index(systemConfig['ratio']) # Check if game natively supports widescreen from metadata (not widescreen hack) (for easy scalability ensure all values for respective systems start with core name and end with "-autowidescreen") elif system.isOptSet(f"{systemCore}-autowidescreen") and system.config[f"{systemCore}-autowidescreen"] == "True": metadata = controllersConfig.getGamesMetaData(system.name, rom) if metadata.get("video_widescreen") == "true": index = str(ratioIndexes.index("16/9")) # Easy way to disable bezels if setting to 16/9 bezel = None retroarchConfig['video_aspect_ratio_auto'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['aspect_ratio_index'] = index # Rewind option retroarchConfig['rewind_enable'] = 'false' if system.isOptSet('rewind') and system.getOptBoolean('rewind') == True: if(not system.name in systemNoRewind): retroarchConfig['rewind_enable'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['rewind_enable'] = 'false' else: retroarchConfig['rewind_enable'] = 'false' # Run-ahead option (latency reduction) retroarchConfig['run_ahead_enabled'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['run_ahead_frames'] = '0' retroarchConfig['run_ahead_secondary_instance'] = 'false' if system.isOptSet('runahead') and int(system.config['runahead']) >0: if (not system.name in systemNoRunahead): retroarchConfig['run_ahead_enabled'] = 'true' retroarchConfig['run_ahead_frames'] = system.config['runahead'] if system.isOptSet('secondinstance') and system.getOptBoolean('secondinstance') == True: retroarchConfig['run_ahead_secondary_instance'] = 'true' # Auto frame delay (input delay reduction via frame timing) if system.isOptSet('video_frame_delay_auto') and system.getOptBoolean('video_frame_delay_auto') == True: retroarchConfig['video_frame_delay_auto'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['video_frame_delay_auto'] = 'false' # Retroachievement option if system.isOptSet("retroachievements.sound") and system.config["retroachievements.sound"] != "none": retroarchConfig['cheevos_unlock_sound_enable'] = 'true' retroarchConfig['cheevos_unlock_sound'] = system.config["retroachievements.sound"] else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_unlock_sound_enable'] = 'false' # Autosave option if system.isOptSet('autosave') and system.getOptBoolean('autosave') == True: retroarchConfig['savestate_auto_save'] = 'true' retroarchConfig['savestate_auto_load'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['savestate_auto_save'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['savestate_auto_load'] = 'false' if system.isOptSet('incrementalsavestates') and not system.getOptBoolean('incrementalsavestates'): retroarchConfig['savestate_auto_index'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['savestate_max_keep'] = '50' else: retroarchConfig['savestate_auto_index'] = 'true' retroarchConfig['savestate_max_keep'] = '0' # state_slot option if system.isOptSet('state_slot'): retroarchConfig['state_slot'] = system.config['state_slot'] else: retroarchConfig['state_slot'] = '0' # Retroachievements option retroarchConfig['cheevos_enable'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['cheevos_leaderboards_enable'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['cheevos_verbose_enable'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['cheevos_auto_screenshot'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['cheevos_challenge_indicators'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['cheevos_start_active'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['cheevos_richpresence_enable'] = 'false' if system.isOptSet('retroachievements') and system.getOptBoolean('retroachievements') == True: if (system.config['core'] in coreToRetroachievements) or (system.isOptSet('cheevos_force') and system.getOptBoolean('cheevos_force') == True): retroarchConfig['cheevos_enable'] = 'true' retroarchConfig['cheevos_username'] = systemConfig.get('retroachievements.username', "") retroarchConfig['cheevos_password'] = systemConfig.get('retroachievements.password', "") retroarchConfig['cheevos_cmd'] = "/usr/share/batocera/configgen/call_achievements_hooks.sh" retroarchConfig['cheevos_token'] = "" # clear the token, otherwise, it may fail (possibly a ra bug) # retroachievements_hardcore_mode if system.isOptSet('retroachievements.hardcore') and system.getOptBoolean('retroachievements.hardcore') == True: retroarchConfig['cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable'] = 'false' # retroachievements_leaderboards if system.isOptSet('retroachievements.leaderboards') and system.getOptBoolean('retroachievements.leaderboards') == True: retroarchConfig['cheevos_leaderboards_enable'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_leaderboards_enable'] = 'false' # retroachievements_verbose_mode if system.isOptSet('retroachievements.verbose') and system.getOptBoolean('retroachievements.verbose') == True: retroarchConfig['cheevos_verbose_enable'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_verbose_enable'] = 'false' # retroachievements_automatic_screenshot if system.isOptSet('retroachievements.screenshot') and system.getOptBoolean('retroachievements.screenshot') == True: retroarchConfig['cheevos_auto_screenshot'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_auto_screenshot'] = 'false' # retroarchievements_challenge_indicators if system.isOptSet('retroachievements.challenge_indicators') and system.getOptBoolean('retroachievements.challenge_indicators') == True: retroarchConfig['cheevos_challenge_indicators'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_challenge_indicators'] = 'false' # retroarchievements_encore_mode if system.isOptSet('retroachievements.encore') and system.getOptBoolean('retroachievements.encore') == True: retroarchConfig['cheevos_start_active'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_start_active'] = 'false' # retroarchievements_rich_presence if system.isOptSet('retroachievements.richpresence') and system.getOptBoolean('retroachievements.richpresence') == True: retroarchConfig['cheevos_richpresence_enable'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_richpresence_enable'] = 'false' if not connected_to_internet(): retroarchConfig['cheevos_enable'] = 'false' else: retroarchConfig['cheevos_enable'] = 'false' if system.isOptSet('integerscale') and system.getOptBoolean('integerscale') == True: retroarchConfig['video_scale_integer'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['video_scale_integer'] = 'false' # Netplay management if 'netplay.mode' in system.config and system.config['netplay.mode'] in systemNetplayModes: # Security : hardcore mode disables save states, which would kill netplay retroarchConfig['cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable'] = 'false' # Quite strangely, host mode requires netplay_mode to be set to false when launched from command line retroarchConfig['netplay_mode'] = "false" retroarchConfig['netplay_ip_port'] = systemConfig.get('netplay.port', "") retroarchConfig['netplay_delay_frames'] = systemConfig.get('netplay.frames', "") retroarchConfig['netplay_nickname'] = systemConfig.get('netplay.nickname', "") retroarchConfig['netplay_client_swap_input'] = "false" if system.config['netplay.mode'] == 'client' or system.config['netplay.mode'] == 'spectator': # But client needs netplay_mode = true ... bug ? retroarchConfig['netplay_mode'] = "true" retroarchConfig['netplay_ip_address'] = systemConfig.get('netplay.server.ip', "") retroarchConfig['netplay_ip_port'] = systemConfig.get('netplay.server.port', "") retroarchConfig['netplay_client_swap_input'] = "true" # Connect as client if system.config['netplay.mode'] == 'client': if 'netplay.password' in system.config: retroarchConfig['netplay_password'] = '"' + systemConfig.get("netplay.password", "") + '"' else: retroarchConfig['netplay_password'] = "" # Connect as spectator if system.config['netplay.mode'] == 'spectator': retroarchConfig['netplay_start_as_spectator'] = "true" if 'netplay.password' in system.config: retroarchConfig['netplay_spectate_password'] = '"' + systemConfig.get("netplay.password", "") + '"' else: retroarchConfig['netplay_spectate_password'] = "" else: retroarchConfig['netplay_start_as_spectator'] = "false" # Netplay host passwords if system.config['netplay.mode'] == 'host': retroarchConfig['netplay_password'] = '"' + systemConfig.get("netplay.password", "") + '"' retroarchConfig['netplay_spectate_password'] = '"' + systemConfig.get("netplay.spectatepassword", "") + '"' # Netplay hide the gameplay if system.isOptSet('netplay_public_announce') and system.getOptBoolean('netplay_public_announce') == False: retroarchConfig['netplay_public_announce'] = 'false' else: retroarchConfig['netplay_public_announce'] = 'true' # Enable or disable server spectator mode if system.isOptSet('netplay.spectator') and system.getOptBoolean('netplay.spectator') == True: retroarchConfig['netplay_spectator_mode_enable'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['netplay_spectator_mode_enable'] = 'false' # Relay if 'netplay.relay' in system.config and system.config['netplay.relay'] != "" and system.config['netplay.relay'] != "none" : retroarchConfig['netplay_use_mitm_server'] = "true" retroarchConfig['netplay_mitm_server'] = systemConfig.get('netplay.relay', "") else: retroarchConfig['netplay_use_mitm_server'] = "false" # Display FPS if system.isOptSet('showFPS') and system.getOptBoolean('showFPS') == True: retroarchConfig['fps_show'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['fps_show'] = 'false' # rumble (to reduce force feedback on devices like RG552) if system.isOptSet('rumble_gain'): retroarchConfig['input_rumble_gain'] = systemConfig.get('rumble_gain', "") else: retroarchConfig['input_rumble_gain'] = "" # On-Screen Display retroarchConfig['width'] = gameResolution["width"] # default value retroarchConfig['height'] = gameResolution["height"] # default value # force the assets directory while it was wrong in some beta versions retroarchConfig['assets_directory'] = '/usr/share/libretro/assets' # Adaptation for small resolution (GPICase) if isLowResolution(gameResolution): retroarchConfig['menu_enable_widgets'] = 'false' retroarchConfig['video_msg_bgcolor_enable'] = 'true' retroarchConfig['video_font_size'] = '11' # AI option (service for game translations) if system.isOptSet('ai_service_enabled') and system.getOptBoolean('ai_service_enabled') == True: retroarchConfig['ai_service_enable'] = 'true' retroarchConfig['ai_service_mode'] = '0' retroarchConfig['ai_service_source_lang'] = '0' if system.isOptSet('ai_target_lang'): chosen_lang=system.config['ai_target_lang'] else: chosen_lang='En' if system.isOptSet('ai_service_url') and system.config['ai_service_url']: retroarchConfig['ai_service_url'] = system.config['ai_service_url']+'&mode=Fast&output=png&target_lang='+chosen_lang else: retroarchConfig['ai_service_url'] = 'http://ztranslate.net/service?api_key=BATOCERA&mode=Fast&output=png&target_lang='+chosen_lang if system.isOptSet('ai_service_pause') and system.getOptBoolean('ai_service_pause') == True: retroarchConfig['ai_service_pause'] = 'true' else: retroarchConfig['ai_service_pause'] = 'false' else: retroarchConfig['ai_service_enable'] = 'false' # Guns # clear premapping for each player gun to make new one. Useful for libretro-mame and flycast-dreamcast if system.isOptSet('use_guns') and system.getOptBoolean('use_guns'): for g in range(0, len(guns)): clearGunInputsForPlayer(g+1, retroarchConfig) gun_mapping = { "bsnes" : { "default" : { "device": 260, "p2": 0, "gameDependant": [ { "key": "type", "value": "justifier", "mapkey": "device", "mapvalue": "516" }, { "key": "reversedbuttons", "value": "true", "mapcorekey": "bsnes_touchscreen_lightgun_superscope_reverse", "mapcorevalue": "ON" } ] } }, "mesen-s" : { "default" : { "device": 262, "p2": 0 } }, "mesen" : { "default" : { "device": 262, "p2": 0 } }, "snes9x" : { "default" : { "device": 260, "p2": 0, "p3": 1, "device_p3": 772, # different device for the 2nd gun... "gameDependant": [ { "key": "type", "value": "justifier", "mapkey": "device", "mapvalue": "516" }, { "key": "reversedbuttons", "value": "true", "mapcorekey": "snes9x_superscope_reverse_buttons", "mapcorevalue": "enabled" } ] } }, "snes9x_next" : { "default" : { "device": 260, "p2": 0, "gameDependant": [ { "key": "type", "value": "justifier", "mapkey": "device", "mapvalue": "516" } ]} }, "nestopia" : { "default" : { "device": 262, "p2": 0 } }, "fceumm" : { "default" : { "device": 258, "p2": 0 } }, "genesisplusgx" : { "megadrive" : { "device": 516, "p2": 0, "gameDependant": [ { "key": "type", "value": "justifier", "mapkey": "device", "mapvalue": "772" } ] }, "mastersystem" : { "device": 260, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 }, "segacd" : { "device": 516, "p2": 0, "gameDependant": [ { "key": "type", "value": "justifier", "mapkey": "device", "mapvalue": "772" } ]} }, "fbneo" : { "default" : { "device": 4, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 } }, "mame" : { "default" : { "p1": 0, "p2": 1, "p3": 2 } }, "mame078plus" : { "default" : { "device": 4, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 } }, "mame0139" : { "default" : { "device": 4, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 } }, "flycast" : { "default" : { "device": 4, "p1": 0, "p2": 1, "p3": 2, "p4": 3 } }, "flycastvl" : { "default" : { "device": 4, "p1": 0, "p2": 1, "p3": 2, "p4": 3 } }, "mednafen_psx" : { "default" : { "device": 260, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 } }, "pcsx_rearmed" : { "default" : { "device": 260, "p1": 0, "p2": 1, "gameDependant": [ { "key": "type", "value": "justifier", "mapkey": "device", "mapvalue": "516" } ]} }, "swanstation" : { "default" : { "device": 260, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 } }, "beetle-saturn" : { "default" : { "device": 260, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 } }, "opera" : { "default" : { "device": 260, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 } }, "stella" : { "default" : { "device": 4, "p1": 0, "p2": 1 } }, "vice_x64" : { "default" : { "gameDependant": [ { "key": "type", "value": "stack_light_rifle", "mapcorekey": "vice_joyport_type", "mapcorevalue": "15" } ] } } } # apply mapping if system.isOptSet('use_guns') and system.getOptBoolean('use_guns'): if system.config['core'] in gun_mapping: # conf from general mapping if system.name in gun_mapping[system.config['core']]: ragunconf = gun_mapping[system.config['core']][system.name] else: ragunconf = gun_mapping[system.config['core']]["default"] raguncoreconf = {} # overwrite configuration by gungames.xml if "gameDependant" in ragunconf: for gd in ragunconf["gameDependant"]: if "gun_"+gd["key"] in metadata and metadata["gun_"+gd["key"]] == gd["value"] and "mapkey" in gd and "mapvalue" in gd: ragunconf[gd["mapkey"]] = gd["mapvalue"] if "gun_"+gd["key"] in metadata and metadata["gun_"+gd["key"]] == gd["value"] and "mapcorekey" in gd and "mapcorevalue" in gd: raguncoreconf[gd["mapcorekey"]] = gd["mapcorevalue"] for nplayer in range(1, 3+1): if "p"+str(nplayer) in ragunconf and len(guns)-1 >= ragunconf["p"+str(nplayer)]: if "device_p"+str(nplayer) in ragunconf: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p'+str(nplayer)] = ragunconf["device_p"+str(nplayer)] else: if "device" in ragunconf: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p'+str(nplayer)] = ragunconf["device"] else: retroarchConfig['input_libretro_device_p'+str(nplayer)] = "" configureGunInputsForPlayer(nplayer, guns[ragunconf["p"+str(nplayer)]], controllers, retroarchConfig, system.config['core'], metadata, system) # override core settings for key in raguncoreconf: coreSettings.save(key, '"' + raguncoreconf[key] + '"') # write coreSettings a bit late while guns configs can modify it coreSettings.write() # Bezel option try: writeBezelConfig(generator, bezel, shaderBezel, retroarchConfig, rom, gameResolution, system, controllersConfig.gunsBordersSizeName(guns, system.config)) except Exception as e: # error with bezels, disabling them writeBezelConfig(generator, None, shaderBezel, retroarchConfig, rom, gameResolution, system, controllersConfig.gunsBordersSizeName(guns, system.config)) eslog.error(f"Error with bezel {bezel}: {e}") # custom : allow the user to configure directly retroarch.cfg via batocera.conf via lines like : snes.retroarch.menu_driver=rgui for user_config in systemConfig: if user_config[:10] == "retroarch.": retroarchConfig[user_config[10:]] = systemConfig[user_config] return retroarchConfig def clearGunInputsForPlayer(n, retroarchConfig): # mapping keys = [ "gun_trigger", "gun_offscreen_shot", "gun_aux_a", "gun_aux_b", "gun_aux_c", "gun_start", "gun_select", "gun_dpad_up", "gun_dpad_down", "gun_dpad_left", "gun_dpad_right" ] for key in keys: for type in ["btn", "mbtn"]: retroarchConfig['input_player{}_{}_{}'.format(n, key, type)] = '' def configureGunInputsForPlayer(n, gun, controllers, retroarchConfig, core, metadata, system): # gun mapping retroarchConfig['input_player{}_mouse_index' .format(n)] = gun["id_mouse"] retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_trigger_mbtn' .format(n)] = 1 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = 2 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = 3 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_select_mbtn' .format(n)] = 4 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 5 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_b_mbtn' .format(n)] = 6 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_c_mbtn' .format(n)] = 7 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_dpad_up_mbtn' .format(n)] = 8 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_dpad_down_mbtn' .format(n)] = 9 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_dpad_left_mbtn' .format(n)] = 10 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_dpad_right_mbtn' .format(n)] = 11 # custom mapping by core to match more with avaible gun batocera buttons # different mapping for ps1 which has only 3 buttons and maps on aux_a and aux_b not available on all guns if core == "pcsx_rearmed": if "gun_type" in metadata and metadata["gun_type"] == "justifier": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 else: retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_b_mbtn' .format(n)] = 3 if core == "fbneo": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 if core == "snes9x": if "gun_type" in metadata and metadata["gun_type"] == "justifier": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 else: retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_select_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_b_mbtn' .format(n)] = 3 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = 4 if core == "genesisplusgx": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_select_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_b_mbtn' .format(n)] = 3 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = 4 if core == "flycast": if system.isOptSet('flycast_offscreen_reload') and system.getOptBoolean('flycast_offscreen_reload') == 1: retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_select_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 3 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = 4 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_select_mbtn' .format(n)] = 5 else: retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 if core == "mame": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = 3 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_select_mbtn' .format(n)] = 4 if core == "mame078plus": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_select_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_b_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = 3 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_select_mbtn' .format(n)] = 4 if core == "swanstation": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn'.format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_start_mbtn' .format(n)] = '' retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_a_mbtn' .format(n)] = 2 retroarchConfig['input_player{}_gun_aux_b_mbtn' .format(n)] = 3 # mapping mapping = { "gun_trigger" : "b", "gun_offscreen_shot" : "a", "gun_aux_a" : "x", "gun_aux_b" : "y", "gun_aux_c" : "pageup", "gun_start" : "start", "gun_select" : "select", "gun_dpad_up" : "up", "gun_dpad_down" : "down", "gun_dpad_left" : "left", "gun_dpad_right" : "right" } # controller mapping hatstoname = {'1': 'up', '2': 'right', '4': 'down', '8': 'left'} nplayer = 1 for controller, pad in sorted(controllers.items()): if nplayer == n: for m in mapping: if mapping[m] in pad.inputs: if pad.inputs[mapping[m]].type == "button": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_{}_btn'.format(n, m)] = pad.inputs[mapping[m]].id elif pad.inputs[mapping[m]].type == "hat": retroarchConfig['input_player{}_{}_btn'.format(n, m)] = "h0" + hatstoname[pad.inputs[mapping[m]].value] elif pad.inputs[mapping[m]].type == "axis": aval = "+" if int(pad.inputs[mapping[m]].value) < 0: aval = "-" retroarchConfig['input_player{}_{}_axis'.format(n, m)] = aval + pad.inputs[mapping[m]].id nplayer += 1 def writeLibretroConfigToFile(retroconfig, config): for setting in config: retroconfig.save(setting, config[setting]) def writeBezelConfig(generator, bezel, shaderBezel, retroarchConfig, rom, gameResolution, system, gunsBordersSize): # disable the overlay # if all steps are passed, enable them retroarchConfig['input_overlay_hide_in_menu'] = "false" overlay_cfg_file = batoceraFiles.overlayConfigFile # bezel are disabled # default values in case something wrong append retroarchConfig['input_overlay_enable'] = "false" retroarchConfig['video_message_pos_x'] = 0.05 retroarchConfig['video_message_pos_y'] = 0.05 # special text... if bezel == "none" or bezel == "": bezel = None eslog.debug("libretro bezel: {}".format(bezel)) # create a fake bezel if guns need it if bezel is None and gunsBordersSize is not None: eslog.debug("guns need border") gunBezelFile = "/tmp/bezel_gun_black.png" gunBezelInfoFile = "/tmp/bezel_gun_black.info" w = gameResolution["width"] h = gameResolution["height"] h5 = bezelsUtil.gunsBorderSize(w, h) # could be better to compute the ratio while on ra it is forced to 4/3... ratio = generator.getInGameRatio(system.config, gameResolution, rom) top = h5 left = h5 bottom = h5 right = h5 if ratio == 4/3: left = (w - (h-2*h5)*4/3)//2 right = left with open(gunBezelInfoFile, "w") as fd: fd.write("{" + f' "width":{w}, "height":{h}, "top":{top}, "left":{left}, "bottom":{bottom}, "right":{right}, "opacity":1.0000000, "messagex":0.220000, "messagey":0.120000' + "}") bezelsUtil.createTransparentBezel(gunBezelFile, gameResolution["width"], gameResolution["height"]) # if the game needs a specific bezel, to draw border, consider it as a specific game bezel, like for thebezelproject to avoir caches bz_infos = { "png": gunBezelFile, "info": gunBezelInfoFile, "layout": None, "mamezip": None, "specific_to_game": True } else: if bezel is None: return bz_infos = bezelsUtil.getBezelInfos(rom, bezel, system.name, True) if bz_infos is None: return overlay_info_file = bz_infos["info"] overlay_png_file = bz_infos["png"] bezel_game = bz_infos["specific_to_game"] # only the png file is mandatory if os.path.exists(overlay_info_file): try: infos = json.load(open(overlay_info_file)) except: infos = {} else: infos = {} # if image is not at the correct size, find the correct size bezelNeedAdaptation = False viewPortUsed = True if "width" not in infos or "height" not in infos or "top" not in infos or "left" not in infos or "bottom" not in infos or "right" not in infos or shaderBezel: viewPortUsed = False gameRatio = float(gameResolution["width"]) / float(gameResolution["height"]) if viewPortUsed: if gameResolution["width"] != infos["width"] or gameResolution["height"] != infos["height"]: if gameRatio < 1.6 and gunsBordersSize is None: # let's use bezels only for 16:10, 5:3, 16:9 and wider aspect ratios ; don't skip if gun borders are needed return else: bezelNeedAdaptation = True retroarchConfig['aspect_ratio_index'] = str(ratioIndexes.index("custom")) # overwritten from the beginning of this file if defined('ratio', system.config): if system.config['ratio'] in ratioIndexes: retroarchConfig['aspect_ratio_index'] = ratioIndexes.index(system.config['ratio']) retroarchConfig['video_aspect_ratio_auto'] = 'false' else: # when there is no information about width and height in the .info, assume that the tv is HD 16/9 and infos are core provided if gameRatio < 1.6 and gunsBordersSize is None: # let's use bezels only for 16:10, 5:3, 16:9 and wider aspect ratios ; don't skip if gun borders are needed return else: # No info on the bezel, let's get the bezel image width and height and apply the # ratios from usual 16:9 1920x1080 bezels (example: theBezelProject) try: infos["width"], infos["height"] = bezelsUtil.fast_image_size(overlay_png_file) infos["top"] = int(infos["height"] * 2 / 1080) infos["left"] = int(infos["width"] * 241 / 1920) # 241 = (1920 - (1920 / (4:3))) / 2 + 1 pixel = where viewport start infos["bottom"] = int(infos["height"] * 2 / 1080) infos["right"] = int(infos["width"] * 241 / 1920) bezelNeedAdaptation = True except: pass # outch, no ratio will be applied. if gameResolution["width"] == infos["width"] and gameResolution["height"] == infos["height"]: bezelNeedAdaptation = False if not shaderBezel: retroarchConfig['aspect_ratio_index'] = str(ratioIndexes.index("core")) if defined('ratio', system.config): if system.config['ratio'] in ratioIndexes: retroarchConfig['aspect_ratio_index'] = ratioIndexes.index(system.config['ratio']) retroarchConfig['video_aspect_ratio_auto'] = 'false' if not shaderBezel: retroarchConfig['input_overlay_enable'] = "true" retroarchConfig['input_overlay_scale'] = "1.0" retroarchConfig['input_overlay'] = overlay_cfg_file retroarchConfig['input_overlay_hide_in_menu'] = "true" if "opacity" not in infos: infos["opacity"] = 1.0 if "messagex" not in infos: infos["messagex"] = 0.0 if "messagey" not in infos: infos["messagey"] = 0.0 retroarchConfig['input_overlay_opacity'] = infos["opacity"] # stretch option if system.isOptSet('bezel_stretch') and system.getOptBoolean('bezel_stretch') == True: bezel_stretch = True else: bezel_stretch = False tattoo_output_png = "/tmp/bezel_tattooed.png" if bezelNeedAdaptation: wratio = gameResolution["width"] / float(infos["width"]) hratio = gameResolution["height"] / float(infos["height"]) # Stretch also takes care of cutting off the bezel and adapting viewport, if aspect ratio is < 16:9 if gameResolution["width"] < infos["width"] or gameResolution["height"] < infos["height"]: eslog.debug("Screen resolution smaller than bezel: forcing stretch") bezel_stretch = True if bezel_game is True: output_png_file = "/tmp/bezel_per_game.png" create_new_bezel_file = True else: # The logic to cache system bezels is not always true anymore now that we have tattoos output_png_file = "/tmp/" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(overlay_png_file))[0] + "_adapted.png" if system.isOptSet('bezel.tattoo') and system.config['bezel.tattoo'] != "0": create_new_bezel_file = True else: if (not os.path.exists(tattoo_output_png)) and os.path.exists(output_png_file): create_new_bezel_file = False eslog.debug(f"Using cached bezel file {output_png_file}") else: try: os.remove(tattoo_output_png) except: pass create_new_bezel_file = True if create_new_bezel_file: fadapted = [ "/tmp/"+f for f in os.listdir("/tmp/") if (f[-12:] == '_adapted.png') ] fadapted.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(x)) # Keep only last 10 generated bezels to save space on tmpfs /tmp if len(fadapted) >= 10: for i in range (10): fadapted.pop() eslog.debug(f"Removing unused bezel file: {fadapted}") for fr in fadapted: try: os.remove(fr) except: pass if bezel_stretch: borderx = 0 viewportRatio = (float(infos["width"])/float(infos["height"])) if (viewportRatio - gameRatio > 0.01): new_x = int(infos["width"]*gameRatio/viewportRatio) delta = int(infos["width"]-new_x) borderx = delta//2 eslog.debug(f"Bezel_stretch: need to cut off {borderx} pixels") retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_x'] = (infos["left"] - borderx/2) * wratio retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_y'] = infos["top"] * hratio retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_width'] = (infos["width"] - infos["left"] - infos["right"] + borderx) * wratio retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_height'] = (infos["height"] - infos["top"] - infos["bottom"]) * hratio retroarchConfig['video_message_pos_x'] = infos["messagex"] * wratio retroarchConfig['video_message_pos_y'] = infos["messagey"] * hratio else: xoffset = gameResolution["width"] - infos["width"] yoffset = gameResolution["height"] - infos["height"] retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_x'] = infos["left"] + xoffset/2 retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_y'] = infos["top"] + yoffset/2 retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_width'] = infos["width"] - infos["left"] - infos["right"] retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_height'] = infos["height"] - infos["top"] - infos["bottom"] retroarchConfig['video_message_pos_x'] = infos["messagex"] + xoffset/2 retroarchConfig['video_message_pos_y'] = infos["messagey"] + yoffset/2 if create_new_bezel_file is True: # Padding left and right borders for ultrawide screens (larger than 16:9 aspect ratio) # or up/down for 4K eslog.debug(f"Generating a new adapted bezel file {output_png_file}") try: bezelsUtil.padImage(overlay_png_file, output_png_file, gameResolution["width"], gameResolution["height"], infos["width"], infos["height"], bezel_stretch) except Exception as e: eslog.debug(f"Failed to create the adapated image: {e}") return overlay_png_file = output_png_file # replace by the new file (recreated or cached in /tmp) if system.isOptSet('bezel.tattoo') and system.config['bezel.tattoo'] != "0": bezelsUtil.tatooImage(overlay_png_file, tattoo_output_png, system) overlay_png_file = tattoo_output_png else: if viewPortUsed: retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_x'] = infos["left"] retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_y'] = infos["top"] retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_width'] = infos["width"] - infos["left"] - infos["right"] retroarchConfig['custom_viewport_height'] = infos["height"] - infos["top"] - infos["bottom"] retroarchConfig['video_message_pos_x'] = infos["messagex"] retroarchConfig['video_message_pos_y'] = infos["messagey"] if system.isOptSet('bezel.tattoo') and system.config['bezel.tattoo'] != "0": bezelsUtil.tatooImage(overlay_png_file, tattoo_output_png, system) overlay_png_file = tattoo_output_png if gunsBordersSize is not None: eslog.debug("Draw gun borders") output_png_file = "/tmp/bezel_gunborders.png" innerSize, outerSize = bezelsUtil.gunBordersSize(gunsBordersSize) borderSize = bezelsUtil.gunBorderImage(overlay_png_file, output_png_file, innerSize, outerSize, bezelsUtil.gunsBordersColorFomConfig(system.config)) overlay_png_file = output_png_file eslog.debug(f"Bezel file set to {overlay_png_file}") writeBezelCfgConfig(overlay_cfg_file, overlay_png_file) # For shaders that will want to use Batocera's decoration as part of the shader instead of an overlay if shaderBezel: # Create path if needed, clear old bezels shaderBezelPath = '/var/run/shader_bezels' shaderBezelFile = shaderBezelPath + '/bezel.png' if not os.path.exists(shaderBezelPath): os.makedirs(shaderBezelPath) eslog.debug("Creating shader bezel path {}".format(overlay_png_file)) if os.path.exists(shaderBezelFile): eslog.debug("Removing old shader bezel {}".format(shaderBezelFile)) if os.path.islink(shaderBezelFile): os.unlink(shaderBezelFile) else: os.remove(shaderBezelFile) # Link bezel png file to the fixed path. # Shaders should use this path to find the art. os.symlink(overlay_png_file, shaderBezelFile) eslog.debug("Symlinked bezel file {} to {} for selected shader".format(overlay_png_file, shaderBezelFile)) def isLowResolution(gameResolution): return gameResolution["width"] < 480 or gameResolution["height"] < 480 def writeBezelCfgConfig(cfgFile, overlay_png_file): fd = open(cfgFile, "w") fd.write("overlays = 1\n") fd.write("overlay0_overlay = \"" + overlay_png_file + "\"\n") fd.write("overlay0_full_screen = true\n") fd.write("overlay0_descs = 0\n") fd.close()