checkProfil(PROFIL_ADMIN); # On édite la configuration if(!empty($_POST)) { $plxAdmin->editConfiguration($plxAdmin->aConf,$_POST); header('Location: parametres_themes.php'); exit; } class plxThemes { public $racineTheme; public $activeTheme; public $aThemes = array(); # liste des themes public function __construct($racineTheme, $activeTheme, $lang=DEFAULT_LANG) { $this->racineTheme = $racineTheme; $this->activeTheme = $activeTheme; $this->lang = $lang; $this->getThemes(); } public function getThemes() { # on met le theme actif en début de liste $activeTheme = $this->activeTheme; if(is_dir($this->racineTheme.$activeTheme)) $this->aThemes[] = $activeTheme; else $activeTheme = false; $racineThemes = $this->racineTheme; $autresThemes = array_filter( array_map( function($item) use($racineThemes) { return preg_replace('@^'.$racineThemes.'([^/]*)/css/$@', '\1', $item); }, glob($racineThemes.'*/css/', GLOB_ONLYDIR) ), function($item) use($activeTheme) { return (($item !== $activeTheme) and !preg_match('@^mobile\..*$@i', $item)); } ); if(!empty($autresThemes)) $this->aThemes = array_merge($this->aThemes, $autresThemes); } public function getImgPreview($theme) { $src = PLX_CORE.'admin/theme/images/theme.png'; foreach(explode(' ', 'png jpg gif') as $ext) { $filename = $this->racineTheme.$theme.'/preview.'.$ext; if(is_file($filename)) { $src = $filename; break; } } $current = ($theme == $this->activeTheme) ? ' current' : ''; return <<< EOT preview EOT; } public function getInfos($theme) { $aInfos = array('folder' => $theme); $filename = $this->racineTheme.$theme.'/infos.xml'; if(is_file($filename)){ $data = implode('',file($filename)); $parser = xml_parser_create(PLX_CHARSET); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE,0); xml_parse_into_struct($parser,$data,$values,$iTags); xml_parser_free($parser); foreach(explode(' ', 'title author version date site description') as $field) { if(isset($iTags[$field]) AND !empty($values[$iTags[$field][0]]['value'])) { $aInfos[$field] = $values[$iTags[$field][0]]['value']; } } } return $aInfos; } private function _strInfos($theme) { $aInfos = $this->getInfos($theme); $lines = array(); foreach(explode(' ', 'title date version site author description folder') as $field) { if(!empty($aInfos[$field])) { switch($field) { case 'title': $lines[] = ''.ucFirst($aInfos[$field]).''; break; case 'date': if(!empty($aInfos['version'])) $lines[] = L_PLUGINS_VERSION.' : '.$aInfos['version'].' - '.$aInfos[$field]; else $lines[] = L_PLUGINS_VERSION.' : '.$aInfos[$field].''; break; case 'version': if(empty($aInfos['date'])) $lines[] = L_PLUGINS_VERSION.' : '.$aInfos[$field].''; break; case 'site': $caption = (!empty($aInfos['author'])) ? $aInfos['author'] : $aInfos['site']; $prefix = (!empty($aInfos['author'])) ? L_PLUGINS_AUTHOR : 'Site'; $lines[] = $prefix.' : '.$caption.''; break; case 'author': if(empty($aInfos['site'])) $lines[] = L_PLUGINS_AUTHOR.' : '.$aInfos['author']; break; case 'description': $lines[] = $aInfos[$field]; break; case 'folder': $title = (empty($aInfos['title'])) ? ''.ucFirst($aInfos[$field]).''."
\n" : ''; $lines[] = $title.L_MEDIAS_FOLDER.' : '.$aInfos[$field]; break; } } } return (implode("
\n", $lines)); } private function _printTheme($theme) { $checked = ($theme == $this->activeTheme) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $preview = $this->getImgPreview($theme); $aInfos = $this->_strInfos($theme); $filename = $this->racineTheme.$theme.'/lang/'.$this->lang.'-help.php'; if(is_file($filename)) { echo "\n"; $href = 'parametres_help.php?help=theme&page='.urlencode($theme); $help = "
\n".''.L_HELP.''; } else $help = ''; echo <<< EOT $aInfos$help EOT; } public function printThemes() { if(!empty($this->aThemes)) { foreach($this->aThemes as $theme) { $this->_printTheme($theme); } return true; } else return false; } } # On inclut le header include(dirname(__FILE__).'/top.php'); $plxThemes = new plxThemes(PLX_ROOT.$plxAdmin->aConf['racine_themes'], $plxAdmin->aConf['style'], $plxAdmin->aConf['default_lang']); ?>

plxPlugins->callHook('AdminThemesDisplayTop')) # Hook Plugins ?>
printThemes()) { ?>
plxPlugins->callHook('AdminThemesDisplay')) # Hook Plugins ?>
plxPlugins->callHook('AdminThemesDisplayFoot')); # On inclut le footer include(dirname(__FILE__).'/foot.php'); ?>