# waveform-data.js ## v4.5.0 (2024/01/18) * (#119) Added support for 16-bit samples in `createFromAudio()` (@jameadows) ## v4.4.0 (2023/12/06) * (#84) Added `slice` method (@chrisn) * (#97) Fixed unhandled rejection when calling Web Audio `decodeAudioData` (@jdelStrother) ## v4.3.0 (2021/10/12) * Replaced inline-worker with rollup-plugin-web-worker-loader (@chrisn) * (#78) Fixed "Uncaught ReferenceError" when waveform-data.js is used in an Angular app (@chrisn) ## v4.2.1 (2021/10/09) * Added missing CommonJS module dist file (@chrisn) ## v4.2.0 (2021/10/09) * Updated to use ES module format. Replaced browserify with Rollup (@chrisn) * Fixed `WaveformData.toArrayBuffer()` for 16-bit waveform data (@chrisn) * To reduce memory usage, waveform data is now stored internally in binary format, and converted from JSON format if needed. `WaveformData.resample()` now produces binary format data (@chrisn) * Removed the undocumented partial resampling feature (@chrisn) * Removed the `WaveformDataArrayBufferAdapter` and `WaveformDataObjectAdapter` classes (@chrisn) * Moved source files from lib to src folder (@chrisn) ## v4.1.1 (2021/08/01) * Fixed handling of 16-bit binary waveform data (@chrisn) ## v4.1.0 (2021/04/29) * Added `WaveformData.toArrayBuffer()` method (@chrisn) * Fixed TypeScript declarations (@wong2) ## v4.0.0 (2021/04/24) * Added disable_worker option to `WaveformData.createFromAudio()` (@Christilut, @chrisn) * Added `WaveformData.toJSON()` method (@chrisn) * Updated TypeScript declarations (@Kangaroux, @chrisn) * Added d3.js example, see demo/d3.html (@chrisn) * Reworded error messages (@chrisn) * The `WaveformData.resample()` method no longer accepts a single number (@chrisn) ## v3.3.4 (2020/09/07) * Improve browser compatibility (@Dantist) ## v3.3.3 (2020/08/28) * Clean up Worker and AudioBuffer objects to avoid leaks (@jdelStrother) * Added error handling to demo page, also add missing waveform data file (@chrisn) * Fixed demo page in Safari (@jdelStrother) ## v3.3.2 (2020/05/08) * Fixed TypeScript declarations (@chrisn) ## v3.3.1 (2020/02/23) * Version bump after fixing Travis CI config (@chrisn) ## v3.3.0 (2020/02/23) * Removed unnecessary files to reduce size of NPM package (@chrisn) ## v3.2.0 (2020/02/22) * (#66) Added TypeScript declarations (@artemkosenko) * Improved documentation (@chrisn) ## v3.1.0 (2019/10/23) * Added concat() method (@jdelStrother) ## v3.0.0 (2019/08/23) * Added support for multi-channel waveforms (@chrisn) * Added `fromAudioBuffer()` method to create waveform from AudioBuffer (@davidturissini) * This release has some breaking API changes, refer to doc/migration-guide.md for details of how to update your code ## v2.1.2 (2018/11/10) * Version bump after updating npm access token (@chrisn) ## v2.1.0 (2018/11/10) * Move Web Audio based waveform generation to a Web Worker (@semiaddict) * Fix audio decode error handling in Safari (@chrisn) ## v2.0.2 (2016/06/07) * Allow offset length to be zero (@chrisn) * Improved documentation and code examples (@gr2m, @mdesenfants, @chrisn) ## v2.0.1 (2016/03/14) * (#42) Fixed multi-channel audio handling in Web Audio builder (@chrisn) * Fixed off-by-one error in waveform data generation (@chrisn) * Replaced auto-generated ChangeLog (@chrisn) * Apply jshint to test code (@chrisn) ## v2.0.0 (2016/12/10) * Auto-generate CHANGELOG.md on version bump (@oncletom) * (#40) Drop bower support, remove compiled files from git and include them in npm package (#40) (@oncletom) * (#39) Replace blanket by nyc for code coverage reporting (@oncletom) * Use ES2015 syntax for README examples (@oncletom) * (#38) Extracted Web Audio builder from the main package (@oncletom) * (#37) Callers must now pass in an AudioContext object (@dodds-cc) ## v1.5.3 (2016/09/21) * (#36) Moved the project from github.com/bbcrd to github.com/bbc (@oncletom) * Added missing npm dependencies (@oncletom) * Deploy to npm from Travis CI (@oncletom) * Use working blanket module version (@chrisn) ## v1.5.2 (2016/08/05) * Allow zero as a valid segment name (@chrisn) ## v1.5.1 (2015/03/14) * (#29) Don't let min/max go outside int8 range (@a1k0n) ## v1.5.0 (2015/03/11) * (#28) Changed the Web Audio decoder to pass the decoded AudioBuffer (@a1k0n) ## v1.4.4 (2014/10/09) * Fixed an include issue (@oncletom) ## v1.4.3 (2014/10/09) * Extracted getAudioDecoder function into a separate module (@oncletom) * Added tests for Web Audio builder (@oncletom) * Allow the user to specify the scale factor in the Web Audio builder, and changed the default from 512 to 128 (@chainlink) ## v1.4.2 (2014/09/25) * (#25) Added audio-context module to provide access to a singleton AudioContext (@oncletom) ## v1.4.1 (2014/09/10) * Improved error messages (@oncletom) ## v1.4.0 (2014/06/25) * (#6) Generate partial resampled data (@oncletom) ## v1.2.0 (2014/06/03) * (#19) Added Points interface (@chainlink) ## v1.1.3 (2014/04/24) * (#16) Replaced dense array with normal array in offsetValues method (@jonkoops) ## v1.1.2 (2014/01/30) * (#9) Fixed XMLHttpRequest handling in WaveformData.create with IE9 (@oncletom) ## v1.1.1 (2013/10/30) * (#3) Added code coverage reporting with mocha-blanket (@oncletom) ## v1.1.0 (2013/10/14) * First release (@oncletom)