Highlight Build Errors ====================== A plugin for [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/) that highlights the lines that caused errors in the build. ![Screen capture with the Monokai theme](http://i.imgur.com/nj4WGFF.png) ## Feature * Does only one thing: highlights the erroneous lines after a build * Highlights are visible in the mini-map * Customizable display (fill, outline, underline, icon...) * Works fine with [Better Build System](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Better%20Build%20System) ## Installation Install this plugin with the [Sublime Text Package Manager](https://sublime.wbond.net/), then restart Sublime Text. # Configuration As many Sublime Text plugins, the configuration can be modified from the menu `Preferences / Package Settings / Hightlight Build Errors`. Here is the content of the default settings file: ```javascript { // the plugin tests each regex and stops at the first match // "scope" is a key in the .tmTheme file // "display" can be "fill", "outline", "solid_underline", "stippled_underline" or "squiggly_underline" "colors": [ { "regex": "note", "icon": "Packages/Highlight Build Errors/information.png" }, { "regex": "warning", "scope": "invalid", "display": "outline", "icon": "Packages/Highlight Build Errors/warning.png" }, { // default color, when none of the above matches "scope": "invalid", "display": "fill", "icon": "Packages/Highlight Build Errors/error.png" } ] } ``` ## Usage Build as usual (Ctrl+B or Cmd+B). Erroneous words or lines will be highlighted in the source files. ## Contributors * Matthew Twomey * Marcin Tolysz * Connor Clark * [Michael Yoo](https://github.com/sekjun9878) * Aurelien Grenotton * @evandrocoan ## Credits * [Icons from famfamfam.com](http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/)