# Guidelines for contributing to NOMAD - A blackbox optimization software. ### NOMAD 4 For questions, bugs, feature requests and other issues, please open a new issue at https://github.com/bbopt/nomad/issues. To add a feature, especially if it involves algorithmic developments, or to otherwise suggest changes to the code, do [contact us](mailto:nomad@gerad.ca) for more information. ### Questions We are happy to help. An issue may be opened with the question, or you can [email us](mailto:nomad@gerad.ca). ### Bugs Make sure to include these informations: * A clear description of the bug, with the expected behavior * Steps to reproduce * OS / platform * NOMAD version * It may be useful to have a trace of the output with the parameter `DISPLAY_DEGREE 4` ### Features / Enhancements If the feature is already in the list of issues, input should be added to that issue. Otherwise, a new issue may be opened. Please check the [roadmap](https://github.com/bbopt/nomad/blob/master/ROADMAP.md) for upcoming features. ### Pull requests We will review carefully pull requests, but we will not merge them directly. Our current development path involves a private repository that we may update with the suggested changes before updating the public repository.