version: "3.8" services: sbbs: container_name: sbbs # -- LOCAL BUILD ---------------------------- # build: # context: ./docker # image: bbsio/synchronet:local # ------------------------------------------- # -- LATEST RELEASE ------------------------- image: bbsio/synchronet:3.19c # ------------------------------------------- # -- NIGHTLY -------------------------------- # Nightly images are tagged with # # Latest Nightly - sometimes may be broken # image: bbsio/synchronet:nightly # # Specific year-month-day as follows. # image: bbsio/synchronet:nightly-YYYYMMDD # image: bbsio/synchronet:nightly-20210225 # ------------------------------------------- deploy: restart_policy: condition: any volumes: - $PWD:/sbbs-data networks: - sbbs ports: - 80:80 #http - 443:443 #https - 1123:1123 #ws-term - 11235:11235 #wss-term - "21:21" #ftp - "22:22" #ssh - "23:23" #telnet - "513:513" #rlogin - "64:64" #petscii 40-column - "128:128" #petscii 128-column - "25:25" #smtp-mail - 587:587 #smtp-submit - 465:465 #smtp-submit+tls - 110:110 #pop3 - 995:995 #pop3+tls - 119:119 #nntp - 563:563 #nntps - "18:18" #message send prot - "11:11" #active user svc - "17:17" #qotd - 79:79 #finger - 6667:6667 #irc # - 5500:5500 #hotline # - 5501:5501 #hotline-trans # - 24554:24554 #binkp # - 24553:24553 #binkps # - 143:143 #imap # - 993:993 #imap+tls # sbbs_irc: # container_name: sbbs_irc # build: # context: . # deploy: # restart_policy: # condition: any # delay: 3s # volumes: # - $PWD:/sbbs-data # command: sbbs-run jsexec /sbbs/exec/ircd.js # ports: # - 6667:6667 # sbbs_ecweb: # container_name: sbbs_ecweb # build: # context: . # deploy: # restart_policy: # condition: any # delay: 3s # volumes: # - $PWD:/sbbs-data # - $PWD/web-ecweb4:/sbbs-data/web # - $PWD/web-ecweb4:/sbbs/web # command: /sbbs/scripts/sbbs t- f- m- s- $PWD/ctrl/sbbs.web-ecweb4.ini # ports: # - 51080:80 # - 51443:443 # sbbs_rmweb: # container_name: sbbs_rmweb # build: # context: . # deploy: # restart_policy: # condition: any # delay: 3s # volumes: # - $PWD:/sbbs-data # - $PWD/web-runemaster:/sbbs-data/web # - $PWD/web-runemaster:/sbbs/web # command: /sbbs/scripts/sbbs t- f- m- s- $PWD/ctrl/sbbs.web-runemaster.ini # ports: # - 52080:80 # - 52443:443 # # # Door Party Connector # # # # Save: ~/sbbs/mods/doorparty.js # # # # # # Add the following to modopts.ini (optional) # # # # [doorparty] # # tunnel_host=doorparty # # tunnel_port=9999 # # # doorparty_connector: # hostname: doorparty # container_name: doorparty_connector # image: bbsio/doorparty # environment: # - SSH_USERNAME=TODO # - SSH_PASSWORD=TODO # - SYSTEM_TAG=[TODO] # - LOCAL_INTERFACE= # - LOCAL_PORT=9999 # - # - SSH_PORT=2022 # - # - RLOGIN_PORT=513 # deploy: # restart_policy: # condition: any # networks: # - sbbs networks: sbbs: name: sbbs