--- format: pdf fontsize: 11pt indent: true header-includes: - \input{../preamble.tex} --- # Homework 1 Solutions **Hansen 2.2** \begin{align*} \E[YX] &= \E[X \E[Y|X]] \\ &= \E[X (a+bX)] \\ &= \E[aX + bX^2] \\ &= a\E[X] + b\E[X^2] \end{align*} where the first equality holds by the law of iterated expectations, the second equality holds by the expression for $\E[Y|X]$ in the problem, and the remaining two equalities are just algebra/basic properties of expectations. ## Hansen 2.5 a) The mean squared error is given by \begin{align*} MSE = \E[(e^2 - h(X))^2] \end{align*} b) $e^2$ is closely related to a measure of the magnitude of how far off our predictions of $Y$ given $X$ are. For example, given $X$, if we predict a "high" value of $e^2$, it would suggest that we expect our predictions of $Y$ to not be too accurate for that value of $X$. c) Recall that $\sigma^2(X) = \E[e^2|X]$ so that \begin{align*} MSE &= \E\Big[((e^2 - \E[e^2|X]) - (h(X) - \E[e^2|X]))^2\Big] \\ &= \E\Big[(e^2 - \E[e^2|X])^2\Big] - 2\E\Big[(e^2 - \E[e^2|X])(h(X) - \E[e^2|X])\Big] + \E\Big[(h(X) - \E[e^2|X])^2\Big] \end{align*} Let's consider each of these three terms. * The first term does not depend on $h(X)$ so it is invariant to our choice of $h$. * The second term is equal to 0 after applying the law of iterated expectations. * The third term is minimized by setting $h(X) = \E[e^2|X] = \sigma^2(X)$ which implies that $MSE$ is minimized by $\sigma^2(X)$. ## Hansen 2.6 To start with, notice that \begin{align*} \E[Y] = \E[m(X) + e] = \E[m(X)] \end{align*} where the last equality holds because $\E[e]=0$. Thus, we have that \begin{align*} \var(Y) &= \E\Big[(Y - \E[Y])^2\Big] \\ &= \E\Big[(m(X) + e - \E[m(X)])^2\Big] \\ &= \E\Big[(m(X) - \E[m(X)])^2\Big] + 2\E\Big[(m(X) - \E[m(X)])e\Big] + \E[e^2] \\ &= \E\Big[(m(X) - \E[m(X)])^2\Big] + \E[e^2] \\ &= \var[m(X)] + \sigma^2 \end{align*} where first equality holds by the definition of $\var(Y)$, the second equality holds by the expression for $\E[Y]$ in the previous display, the third equality holds by expanding the square, the fourth equality holds by applying the law of iterated expectations to the middle term (and because $\E[e|X]=0$), and the fifth equality holds by the definition of $\var[m(X)]$ and the fact that $\E[e^2]=\sigma^2$. ## Hansen 2.10 True. \begin{align*} \E[X^2e] = \E\big[ X^2 \underbrace{\E[e|X]}_{=0} \big] = 0 \end{align*} ## Hansen 2.11 False. Here is a counterexample. Suppose that $X=1$ with probability $1/2$ and that $X=-1$ with probability $1/2$. Importantly, this means that $X^2=1$, $X^3=X$, $X^4=1$, and so on; this further implies that $\E[X]=0$, $\E[X^2]=1$, $\E[X^3]=0$ and so on. Also, suppose that $\E[e|X] = X^2$. Then, $\E[Xe] = \E[X\E[e|X]] = \E[X \cdot X^2] = \E[X^3] = 0$. However, $\E[X^2e] = \E[X^2\E[e|X]] = \E[X^2 \cdot X^2] = \E[X^4] = 1 \neq 0$ ## Hansen 2.12 False. Here is a counterexample. Suppose that $\E[e^2|X]$ depends on $X$, then $e$ and $X$ are not independent. As a concrete counterexample, suppose $e|X \sim \N(0,X^2)$ (that is, conditional on $X$, $e$ follows a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance $X^2$). In this case $\E[e|X]=0$, but $e$ and $X$ are not independent. ## Hansen 2.13 False. The same counterexample as in 2.11 works here. In that case, $\E[Xe]=0$, but $\E[e|X]=X^2$ (in that case $X^2 = 1$, but the main point is that it is not equal to 0 for all values of $X$). ## Hansen 2.14 False. In this case, higher order moments can still depend on $X$. For example, $\E[e^3|X]$ can still depend on $X$. If it does, then $e$ and $X$ are not independent. ## Hansen 2.21 a) Following omitted variable bias types of arguments (also, notice that the notation in the problem implies that $X$ is scalar here), we have that \begin{align*} \gamma_1 &= \frac{\E[XY]}{\E[X^2]} \\ &= \frac{\E[X(X\beta_1 + X^2 \beta_2 + u)]}{\E[X^2]} \\ &= \beta_1 + \frac{\E[X^3]}{\E[X^2]}\beta_2 \end{align*} Thus, $\gamma_1=\beta_1$ if either $\beta_2=0$ or $\E[X^3] = 0$. $\beta_2=0$ if $X^2$ does not have an effect on the outcome (after accounting for the effect of $X$); this is similar to the omitted variable logic that we talked about in class. A leading case where $\E[X^3]=0$ is when $X$ is a mean 0 symmetric random variable; for example, if $X$ is standard normal, then its third moment is equal to 0. b) Using the same arguments as in part (a), we have that \begin{align*} \gamma_1 = \theta_1 + \frac{\E[X^4]}{\E[X^2]} \theta_2 \end{align*} Similar to the previous part, $\gamma_1$ could equal $\theta_1$ if $\theta_2$ were equal to 0. Unlike the previous part though, here, we cannot have that $\E[X^4]=0$ except in the degenerate case where $X=0$ with probability 1 (which would be ruled out here as it would also imply that $\E[X^2]=0$). ## Extra Question ```{r} load("fertilizer_2000.RData") # part (a) nrow(fertilizer_2000) # part (b) fertilizer_2000[21,]$country # part (c) mean_gdp <- mean(fertilizer_2000$avgdppc) mean_gdp # part (d) above_avg_gdp <- subset(fertilizer_2000, avgdppc > mean_gdp) mean(above_avg_gdp$prec) ```