from nbodykit.lab import * import argparse def main(cpus_per_task): # the bias values to iterate over biases = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] # initialize the task manager to run the tasks with TaskManager(cpus_per_task=2, use_all_cpus=True) as tm: # set up the linear power spectrum redshift = 0.55 cosmo = cosmology.Planck15 Plin = cosmology.LinearPower(cosmo, redshift, transfer='EisensteinHu') # iterate through the bias values for bias in tm.iterate(biases): # initialize the catalog for this bias cat = LogNormalCatalog(Plin=Plin, nbar=3e-3, BoxSize=1380., Nmesh=256, bias=bias) # compute the power spectrum r = FFTPower(cat, mode="2d") # and save"power-" + str(bias) + ".json") if __name__ == '__main__': desc = "an nbodykit example script using the TaskManager class" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) h = 'the number of cpus per task' parser.add_argument('cpus_per_task', type=int, help=h) ns = parser.parse_args() main(ns.cpus_per_task)