# filebeat.yml filebeat.prospectors: - type: log json.keys_under_root: true # Json key name, which value contains a sub JSON document produced by our application Console Appender json.message_key: log enabled: true encoding: utf-8 document_type: docker paths: # Location of all our Docker log files (mapped volume in docker-compose.yml) - '/usr/share/filebeat/dockerlogs/*/*.log' processors: # decode the log field (sub JSON document) if JSONencoded, then maps it's fields to elasticsearch fields - decode_json_fields: fields: ["log"] target: "" # overwrite existing target elasticsearch fields while decoding json fields overwrite_keys: true - add_docker_metadata: ~ filebeat.config.modules: path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml reload.enabled: false setup.template.settings: index.number_of_shards: 3 setup.kibana: # if your kibana is local you can change it to host: "" protocol: "http" # identification required for X-pack username: "my_login" password: "my_password" # path needed if kibana not at website root path: "/kibana" output.elasticsearch: # if your elasticsearch is local you can change it to hosts: [""] template: name: "filebeat" path: "fields.yml" overwrite: false protocol: "http" # identification required for X-pack username: "my_login" password: "my_password" # Write Filebeat own logs only to file to avoid catching them with itself in docker log files logging.to_files: true logging.to_syslog: false # X-pack optional module xpack.monitoring.enabled: true xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch: