/* * Neo Smart Controller * * Calls URIs with HTTP GET for shade open/close/stop/favourite using the Neo Smart Controller * * Assumption: The blinds (or room of blinds) you're controlling all take the * same amount of time to open/close (some may be a little faster/slower than * the others, but they should all generally take the same amount of time to * otherwise, create another virtual driver for ones that are slower/faster). * * To use: * 1) Run a stopwatch to time how long it takes for the blinds to close (in * seconds) * 2) Open the blinds completely then time how long it takes to get to your * favorite setting) * * Input these values in the configuration, rounding down. Your device will * like a dimmable bulb to Alexa, thus you should be able to say "Alexa, turn * the living room blinds to 50%" and it will go in the middle (or close). * * Keep in mind, in order for this to work you have to always control the * blinds through Hubitat and not the Neo App or RF remote. * * Based on the Hubitat community driver httpGetSwitch and initial * contributions and testing from bigrizz and others via Hubitat community: * https://community.hubitat.com/t/neo-smart-controller-for-blinds/. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Version 1: bigrizz - initial commits * 1.1: bdwilson - parameterized inputs & preliminary level settings, fixed time stamp * 1.2: bdwilson - adjusted level settings to use runIn vs. blocking delays * 1.3: bdwilson - setup timing-based movement tracking to estimate * where the blinds are so that open/close/stop and level-based * locations somewhat work. This still has the assumptions from * above. If your "50%" or "25" locations aren't in the right * place, adjust your timing up or down to tweak * - Config option to stop if you press open or close for a second * time (since I'm using a 2 button controller for open/close/stop) * 1.3.1: moved to open vs. opened. keep version in states. * 1.3.2: added config to stop if you change directions vs. changing * direction. * 1.3.3 added position and targetPosition attributes so homebridge will * stop complaining. fixes errors, but no idea if they are * implemented correctŀy.. 16JUN24. */ def driverVer() { return "1.3.3" } metadata { definition(name: "Neo Smart Controller", namespace: "brianwilson-hubitat", author: "Bigrizz, Brian Wilson", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bdwilson/hubitat/master/NeoSmart/NeoSmart.groovy") { capability "WindowShade" capability "Switch" capability "Actuator" capability "ChangeLevel" capability "Switch Level" command "stop" command "favorite" command "up" command "down" attribute 'targetPosition', 'number' attribute 'position', 'number' } } preferences { section("URIs") { input "blindCode", "text", title: "Blind or Room Code (from Neo App)", required: true input "controllerID", "text", title: "Controller ID (from Neo App)", required: true input "controllerIP", "text", title: "Controller IP Address (from Neo App)", required: true input "timeToClose", "number", title: "Time in seconds it takes to close the blinds completely", required: true input "timeToFav", "number", title: "Time in seconds it takes to reach your favorite setting when closing the blinds", required: true, defaultValue: 0 input name: "stopOnDouble", type: "bool", title: "Stop on the second press of open or close?", defaultValue: false input name: "stopOnReverse", type: "bool", title: "Stop when pressing alternate direction vs changing direction.", defaultValue: false input name: "logEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true } } def date() { def origdate = new Date().getTime().toString().drop(6) // API docs say only 7 chars def random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) random = random.toInteger().toString().take(4) // get four random #'s def date = origdate.toInteger() + random.toInteger() // add 4 random #'s to millisecs if (logEnable) log.debug "Using ${date}" return date } def get(url,mystate) { if (logEnable) log.debug "Call to ${url}; setting ${mystate}" state.lastCmd = mystate try { httpGet([uri:url, timeout:5]) { resp -> if (resp.success) { sendEvent(name: "windowShade", value: "${mystate}", isStateChange: true) } if (logEnable) if (resp.data) log.debug "${resp.data}" } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn "Call to ${url} failed: ${e.message}" } } def logsOff() { log.warn "debug logging disabled..." device.updateSetting("logEnable", [value: "false", type: "bool"]) } def installed() { log.info "installed..." if (!controllerID || !controllerIP || !blindCode || !timeToClose || !timeToFav) { log.error "Please make sure controller ID, IP, blind/room code, time to close and time to favorite are configured." } log.warn "debug logging is: ${logEnable == true}" if (logEnable) runIn(3600, logsOff) state.DriverVersion=driverVer() } def updated() { log.info "updated..." if (!controllerID || !controllerIP || !blindCode || !timeToClose || !timeToFav) { log.error "Please make sure controller ID, IP, blind/room code, time to close and time to favorite are configured." } log.warn "debug logging is: ${logEnable == true}" if (logEnable) runIn(1800, logsOff) state.DriverVersion=driverVer() } def parse(String description) { if (logEnable) log.debug(description) } def up() { startLevelChange("up") } def down() { startLevelChange("down") } def on() { open() } def off() { close() } def close() { url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-dn&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() if (stopOnDouble && (state.lastCmd == "closing")) { stop() } else if (stopOnReverse && (state.lastCmd == "opening")) { stop() } else if (state.lastCmd != "closing") { UpdateTimeRunning() def closingTime = timeToClose if (state.lastCmd == "opening") { // someone went from open to close without stopping. how do we deal? Change to call stop() later? if (logEnable) log.debug "Status was opening, closing was hit. scheduling closingTime for ${state.secs}" unschedule(updateStatus) closingTime = state.secs } else if (state.lastCmd == "stopped") { // we're partially open closingTime = timeToClose - state.secs if (logEnable) log.debug "Going from Stopped to Closing. closingTime will now be: ${closingTime}" } else if (state.lastCmd == "closed") { if (logEnable) log.debug "Status is closed, close was hit. unscheduling all and updating status immediately" unschedule(updateStatus) closingTime=0 } else { if (logEnable) log.debug "else called in close, lastCmd is ${state.lastCmd}, setting closingTime to timeToClose" closingTime = timeToClose } if (logEnable) log.debug "Sending close GET request to ${url}" get(url,"closing") if (logEnable) log.debug "Closing... timeToClose: ${closingTime}" closingTime = closingTime * 1000 runInMillis(closingTime.toInteger(),updateStatus,[data: [status: "closed", level: 0, secs: timeToClose]]) } } def open() { url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-up&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() if (stopOnDouble && (state.lastCmd == "opening")) { stop() } else if (stopOnReverse && (state.lastCmd == "closing")) { stop() } else if (state.lastCmd != "opening") { UpdateTimeRunning() def closingTime = timeToClose if (state.lastCmd == "closing") { unschedule(updateStatus) if (logEnable) log.debug "Status was closing, open was hit - scheduling closingTime for ${state.secs}" closingTime = state.secs } else if (state.lastCmd == "stopped") { // we're partially open closingTime = state.secs if (logEnable) log.debug "Going from Stopped to Opening. closingTime will now be: ${closingTime}" } else if (state.lastCmd == "open") { if (logEnable) log.debug "Status is open, open was hit. unscheduling all and updating status immediately" unschedule(updateStatus) closingTime=0 } else { if (logEnable) log.debug "else called in open, lastCmd is ${state.lastCmd}, setting closingTime to timeToClose" closingTime = timeToClose } if (logEnable) log.debug "Sending open GET request to ${url}" get(url,"opening") if (logEnable) log.debug "Opening... timeToOpen: ${closingTime}" closingTime = closingTime * 1000 runInMillis(closingTime.toInteger(),updateStatus,[data: [status: "open", level: 100, secs: 0]]) } } def updateStatus(data) { state.level = data.level state.lastCmd = data.status state.secs = data.secs if (logEnable) log.debug "Running updateStatus: status: ${state.lastCmd}, level: ${state.level}, secs: ${state.secs}" sendEvent(name: "level", value: "${state.level}", isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name: "windowShade", value: "${state.lastCmd}", isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name: "targetPosition", value: "${state.level}", isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name: "position", value: "${state.level}", isStateChange: true) } def stop() { url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-sp&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() unschedule(updateStatus) UpdateTimeRunning() if (logEnable) log.debug "Sending stop GET request to ${url}" get(url,"partially open") state.level=100-((state.secs/timeToClose)*100).toInteger() state.data = [status: "partially open", level: state.level, secs: state.secs] updateStatus(state.data) state.lastCmd = "stopped" } def UpdateTimeRunning() { def now = new Date().getTime() def timeRunningSecs = null def timeRunning = null if (state.stateChangeTime) { timeRunning = now.toInteger()-state.stateChangeTime.toInteger() timeRunningSecs = timeRunning/1000 // convert MS to Secs if (logEnable) log.debug "Found that ${now} - ${state.stateChangeTime} = ${timeRunning} ($timeRunningSecs)" } if ((timeRunningSecs > timeToClose) || (state.lastCmd == "open") || (state.lastCmd == "closed") || (state.lastCmd == "stopped")) { if (logEnable) log.debug "Found that ${timeRunningSecs} > ${timeToClose} OR lastCmd was open/closed/stopped" if (logEnable) log.debug "Resetting state.stateChangeTime = ${now}, lastCmd: ${state.lastCmd}" state.stateChangeTime = now } else if ((state.stateChangeTime < now) && (timeRunningSecs != null)) { if (logEnable) log.debug "UpdateTimeRunning- Time Running: ${timeRunningSecs} Old State.secs: ${state.secs} Last Cmd: ${state.lastCmd}" if (state.lastCmd == "closing") { state.secs=timeRunningSecs + state.secs } else if (state.lastCmd == "opening") { state.secs=state.secs - timeRunningSecs } if (logEnable) log.debug "UpdateTimeRunning- Time Running: ${timeRunningSecs} New State.secs: ${state.secs}" } else { if (logEnable) log.debug "state.stateChangeTime = ${state.stateChangeTime} timeRunningSecs = ${timeRunningSecs}" if (logEnable) log.debug "Setting state.stateChangeTime = ${now}" state.stateChangeTime = now } } def stopPosition(data) { url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-sp&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() if (logEnable) log.debug "Sending stop GET request to ${url}" get(url,"partially open") state.data = [status: "partially open", level: data.newposition, secs: state.secs] updateStatus(state.data) if (logEnable) log.debug "Stopped ${data.newposition} ${data.difference}" } def runAndStop(data) { if (data.direction == "up") { url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-up&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() } else { url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-dn&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() } if (logEnable) log.debug "Adjusting ${data.direction} to ${data.newposition} for ${data.difference} request to ${url}" get(url,"partially open") runInMillis(data.difference.toInteger(),stopPosition,[data: [newposition: data.newposition, difference: data.difference]]) } def favorite() { // we don't have to know where the blind is here as this is calling a setting on the blind/room url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-gp&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() if (logEnable) log.debug "Sending favorite GET request to ${url}" def closingTime = timeToFav if (state.secs > timeToFav) { closingTime = state.secs - timeToFav } else { closingTime = timeToFav - state.secs } state.secs=timeToFav state.level=100-((timeToFav/timeToClose)*100) get(url,"partially open") closingTime = closingTime * 1000 runInMillis(closingTime.toInteger(),updateStatus,[data: [status: "partially open", level: state.level, secs: state.secs]]) } def setPosition(position) { // timeToClose= closed/down, 0=open/up secs = timeToClose-((position/100)*timeToClose) // get percentage based on how long it takes to open. if (logEnable) log.debug "Setting Position for ${blindCode} to ${position} (maps to travel time from open of ${secs} secs)" if (secs >= timeToClose) { secs = timeToClose } if (position != state.level) { state.lastCmd="stopped" if (logEnable) log.debug "Position: ${position} StateLevel: ${state.level} StateSecs: ${state.secs} Secs: ${secs} Last Cmd: ${state.lastCmd}" if ((position > state.level) || (state.secs > secs)) { // requested location is more closed than current. if (position == 100) { open() } else { pos = ((state.secs - secs) * 1000) //-2000 if (pos < 1000) { pos = 1000 } state.secs = secs if (logEnable) log.debug "Opening... Stopping at ${pos} secs" runInMillis(10,runAndStop,[data: [direction: "up", difference: pos, newposition: position]]) } } else { // location is less closed than current if (position == 0) { close() } else { def pos = ((secs - state.secs)*1000) //-2000 if (pos < 1000) { pos = 1000 } state.secs = secs if (logEnable) log.debug "Closing... Stopping at ${pos} secs" runInMillis(10,runAndStop,[data: [direction: "down", difference: pos, newposition: position]]) } } } } def startLevelChange(direction) { if (direction == "up") { url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-mu&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() } else { url = "http://" + controllerIP + ":8838/neo/v1/transmit?command=" + blindCode + "-md&id=" + controllerID + "&hash=" + date() } if (logEnable) log.debug "Sending startLevel Change ${direction} GET request to ${url}" get(url,"partially open") } def setLevel(level) { setPosition(level) }