/** * OwnTracks Presence App * * Copyright 2020 Brian Wilson * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Version 1.1.2: bdwilson - initial version tracking. * bdwilson - moved location/user prefs to device preferences (thanks @cjkeenan) * updated instructions page, renamed device driver. * Updated attribute types from TEXT to STRING * Added lat/lon attributes * Check for null requests * Added lastUpdated attribute * Added history attribute to store the last 10 locations. */ definition( name: "OwnTracks Presence", namespace: "brianwilson-hubitat", author: "Brian Wilson", description: "OwnTracks Presence ", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bdwilson/hubitat/master/OwnTracks-Presence/owntracks-presence-app.groovy", oauth: true) preferences { page(name: "setupScreen") } import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput def setupScreen(){ state.isDebug = isDebug if(!state.accessToken){ //enable OAuth in the app settings or this call will fail createAccessToken() } def uri = getFullLocalApiServerUrl() + "/location/?access_token=${state.accessToken}" def extUri = fullApiServerUrl() + "/?access_token=${state.accessToken}" extUri = extUri.replaceAll("null","location") return dynamicPage(name: "setupScreen", uninstall: true, install: true){ section("

OwnTracks Presence

") { paragraph ("Please read all the steps below in order to link your presence to an OwnTracks Region. This integration requires the OwnTracks app.") } section("

1. Create OwnTracks Virtual Presence Devices

") { paragraph ("Go to Devices -> Add Virtual Device and create a new virtual device of type OwnTracks Virtual Mobile Presence Device corresponding to each user and region/location you wish to monitor within OwnTracks - or update your existing virtual presence devices to use this device type. You will then need to add device preference entries for each device to correspond to both the user and region/location that you will configure in OwnTracks.") } section ("

2. Select Virtual Presence Devices

") { paragraph ("This will allow this App to control the devices you created above") input "presence", "capability.presenceSensor", multiple: true, required: true } section("

3. Setup URL in OwnTracks App

"){ paragraph("Use the following as the URL for OwnTracks but make sure that you add your user info after /location/ in the URL using the same user you configured in your virtual device in step 1: ${extUri}") paragraph("You will also need to create a region in OwnTracks that matches the region/location configured in your device.") paragraph("Detailed installation instructions for OwnTracks can be found here. When you change from HTTP mode from MQTT mode, you will lose your regions & any features you use that take advantage of MQTT (like Friends tracking).") paragraph("If for some reason you want to use the Internal URL it would be ${uri} however it's inaccessible from outside your home. ") } section("

4. Enable Debug Mode

") { paragraph("Debug is enabled by default and will disable automatically after 1 hour. Having debug mode enabled will allow your presence device(s) status to be updated without leaving/entering your regions - this will aid in making sure things are working correctly but would generate unnecessary presence updates if enabled long-term.") input "isDebug", "bool", title: "Enable Debug Mode", required: false, multiple: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true } section("

5. Testing your installation

") { paragraph("To test your installation, make sure debug mode is enabled, your URL above is configured in OwnTracks (with the addition of your user info after /location/), then within OwnTracks create your region and name it corresponding to your region/location in step 1.") paragraph("Once created, go back and forth between significant and move a few times and review your logs & virtual devices (you probably want to leave this on significant long-term because of battery life, but can review what these settings do here). Device presence status should update to reflect correct presence for your devices.") paragraph("NOTE: Not all fields (battery, battery status, SSID, BSSID) will be available from all devices - this is a limitation with OwnTracks.") } } } def installed() { log.warn "debug logging for OwnTracks: ${state.isDebug == true}" if (state.isDebug) runIn(3600, logsOff) ifDebug("Installed with settings: ${settings}") } def updated() { log.warn "debug logging for OwnTracks: ${state.isDebug == true}" if (state.isDebug) runIn(3600, logsOff) ifDebug("Updated with settings: ${settings}") } def listLocations() { def resp = [] presence.each { ifDebug("RECEIVED: ${it.displayName}, attribute ${it.name}, ID: ${it.id}") resp << [Name: it.displayName, ID: it.id] } return resp } def deviceHandler(evt) {} def correctURL () { def msg = ["This is the right URL! Add it directly into the OwnTracks URL field and make sure your virtual presence device is configured with the the location/region and user (${params.user}) within the device preferences."] ifDebug("${msg}") return msg } def validCommandsg() { def msg = ["Valid Commands: GET:/listLocations, POST:/location/, GET:/location/ (to verify correct URL only)."] ifDebug("${msg}") return msg } def validCommandsp() { def msg = ["You're missing a user - check the directions and add a user after the /location/: /location/?access_token=....."] ifDebug("${msg}") return msg } def updateLocation() { update(presence) } def update (devices) { if (request.body) { ifDebug("DBGREQ: ${request}") ifDebug("DBGREQBODY: ${request.body}") data = parseJson(request.body) ifDebug("DATA: ${data} PARAMS: ${params}") if (data._type == "transition") { // https://owntracks.org/booklet/tech/json/#_typetransition ifDebug("Received transition event") def event = data.event def user = params.user def location = data.desc def deviceName = location + "-" + user def device = devices.find { it.currentValue("region") + "-" + it.currentValue("user") == deviceName } ifDebug("event: ${event} device: ${device} location: ${location} user: ${user} deviceName: ${deviceName}") if (location) { if (!device) { def msg = ["Error: device (${deviceName}) not found. Make sure a device a with type: OwnTracks Virtual Mobile Presence Device exists AND is configured with the proper region and user settings."] ifDebug("${msg}") } else { lastUpdated(device) if (event == "leave") { def msg = "${user} has exited ${location} - turning ${device} off" ifDebug("${msg}") device.off() } else { def msg = "${user} has entered ${location} - turning ${device} on" ifDebug("${msg}") device.on() } } } else { ifDebug("Location not found. You need to make sure you configure the name of your region on OwnTracks to match the settings configured in your OwnTracks Virtual Mobile Presence Device.") } } else if (data._type == "location") { // https://owntracks.org/booklet/tech/json/#_typelocation ifDebug("Received location event") def batt = data.batt ?: "0" def user = params.user def ssid = data.SSID ?: "N/A" def bssid = data.BSSID ?: "N/A" def batteryStatus = "N/A" def regions = data.inregions // 0=unknown, 1=unplugged, 2=charging, 3=full if (data.bs == 0) { batteryStatus = "unknown" } else if (data.bs == 1) { batteryStatus = "unplugged" } else if (data.bs == 2) { batteryStatus = "charging" } else if (data.bs == 3) { batteryStatus = "full" } def lat = data.lat ?: 0.0 def lon = data.lon ?: 0.0 devices?.each { myDevice -> def name = myDevice.displayName def DNI = myDevice.deviceNetworkId ifDebug("Found device: ${name} with DNI ${DNI}") def myLocation = myDevice.currentValue("region") def myUser = myDevice.currentValue("user") if (!myLocation) { log.warn "OwnTracks Device ${name} does not have a region/location configured. Please configure it in device settings" } if (!myUser) { log.warn "OwnTracks Device ${name} does not have a user configured. Please configure it in device settings" } def found = 0 ifDebug("MyUser: ${myUser} MyLocation: ${myLocation}") if (myUser == user) { lastUpdated(myDevice) myDevice.sendEvent(name: "battery", value: "${batt}") myDevice.sendEvent(name: "ssid", value: "${ssid}") myDevice.sendEvent(name: "bssid", value: "${bssid}") myDevice.sendEvent(name: "batteryStatus", value: "${batteryStatus}") myDevice.sendEvent(name: "lat", value: lat) myDevice.sendEvent(name: "lon", value: lon) // keep location history def history = myDevice.currentValue("history") // add current history to front of list // format: lat,lng,date def dt = new Date().format("yyyyMMddHHmmss") history = "${lat},${lon},${dt}\n" + history // only save last 10 locations def historyArr = history.split('\n') if (historyArr.length >= 10) { history = "" for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i > 0) history += "\n" history += historyArr[i] } } myDevice.sendEvent(name: "history", value: history) // since location is only updated when a transition event is sent, we can force the location // to be updated if debug mode is on. if (state.isDebug) { if (regions?.contains(myLocation)) { //ifDebug("In debug mode - updating presence if necessary for location: ${myLocation}") found = 1 } if (found) { if (myDevice.currentSwitch == "off") { ifDebug("${user} entered ${myLocation} (forced because debug mode is on - ${user} did not really transition)") myDevice.on() } } else { if (myDevice.currentSwitch == "on") { ifDebug("${user} exited ${myLocation} (forced because debug mode is on - ${user} did not really transition)") myDevice.off() } } } } } } render contentType: "application/json", data: JsonOutput.toJson([]) } } mappings { path("/") { action: [ GET: "validCommandsg" ] } path("/listLocations") { action: [ GET: "listLocations" ] } path("/location") { action: [ POST: "validCommandsp", GET: "validCommandsp" ] } path("/location/:user") { action: [ POST: "updateLocation", GET: "correctURL" ] } } def lastUpdated(device) { def date = new Date() date = date.format("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") device.sendEvent(name: "lastUpdated", value: date) } def logsOff() { log.warn "debug logging for OwnTracks now disabled..." app.updateSetting("isDebug", [value: "false", type: "bool"]) state.isDebug = false } private ifDebug(msg) { if (msg && state.isDebug) log.debug 'OwnTracks-Presence: ' + msg }