# Building Iosevka from Source ### Getting the files To make the font, first you need to have the files that contain the repository’s source code. Here are two ways: * Download [the archive of Iosevka’s source code](https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/archive/refs/heads/main.zip), then extract its contents into somewhere on your computer. * [Cloning](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone) this repository using [Git](https://git-scm.com/): ``` git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka.git ``` ### Building To build Iosevka you should: 1. Install [`nodejs`](http://nodejs.org) (≥ 18.0.0) and [`ttfautohint`](http://www.freetype.org/ttfautohint/). Make sure that they are accessible from [`PATH` environment variable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_(variable)). 2. Open a CLI shell in a terminal, [`cd`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cd_(command)) into the directory containing Iosevka source code. 3. Run `npm install`. This command will install **all** the NPM dependencies. 4. Run `npm run build -- contents::Iosevka`. This command will build your fonts. You will find TTFs, as well as WOFF(2) web fonts and one Webfont CSS in the `dist/` directory. To using Docker build, read [docker/README.md](../docker/README.md). ## Customized Build To create a custom build, you need: 1. Create `private-build-plans.toml` file if absent, place alongside the `build-plans.toml` in the repository. 2. Add a build plan into `private-build-plans.toml`. The configurable properties are described in the following sections. 3. Run `npm run build -- contents::` and the built fonts would be available in `dist/`. Aside from `contents::`, other options are: 1. `contents::` : Everything (TTF + webfont, hinted + unhinted); 2. `ttf::` : TTF only; 3. `ttf-unhinted::` : Unhinted TTF only; 4. `webfont::` : Web fonts only (CSS + WOFF2); 4. `webfont-unhinted::` : Unhinted web fonts only (CSS + WOFF2); 5. `woff2::` : WOFF2 only. 5. `woff2-unhinted::` : Unhinted WOFF2 only. ⚠️ **Important**: By default, the build system will schedule a number of concurrently running jobs equal to the number of threads available on the CPU, which *will* push CPU usage and also likely RAM usage, if you do not have very much to work with, to the ceiling (each job consumes more than 1 GB of RAM at its peak). If this is an issue for you, pass an additional argument `--jCmd=`. ### Configuring Custom Build Configuration of build plans are organized under `[buildPlans.]` sections in the `private-build-plans.toml`. You can use [the Customizer](https://be5invis.github.io/Iosevka/customizer) to create the build plan, and/or manually edit them, following the instructions below. It is recommended to use PascalCase in the plan names. Inside the plan, top-level properties include: * `family`: String, defines the family name of your custom variant. * `spacing`: Optional, String, denotes the spacing of the custom variant. Valid values include: - `normal`: The normal monospace font. - `quasi-proportional`: The font will become quasi-proportional. - `quasi-proportional-extension-only`: The font will become quasi-proportional, but will not shrink narrow letters (like `i`). Only wide letters (like `M`) will get expanded. - `term`: Make the symbols' width suitable for terminal emulators. Arrows and geometric symbols will become narrower. - `fontconfig-mono`: Apply `term` spacing changes and further apply changes to be compatible with FontConfig's Mono spacing, which recognizes a font as monospace if and only if its every non-combining characters having the same width. The changes include: - Completely remove wide glyphs. All non-combining glyphs will be exactly the same width. - As a consequence, the following characters will be **removed**: - `U+27F5` LONG LEFTWARDS ARROW - `U+27F6` LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW - `U+27F7` LONG LEFT RIGHT ARROW - `U+27F8` LONG LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW - `U+27F9` LONG RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW - `U+27FA` LONG LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW - `U+27FB` LONG LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR - `U+27FC` LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR - `U+27FD` LONG LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW FROM BAR - `U+27FE` LONG RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW FROM BAR - `U+27FF` LONG RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW - `U+2B33` LONG LEFTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW - Remove `NWID` and `WWID` features typographic features - `fixed`: Apply `fontconfig-mono` changes and further remove ligations. * `serifs`: Optional, String, configures style of serifs. - When set to `slab`, the font will be converted into slab-serif. - Otherwise the font will be sans-serif. * `noCvSs`: Optional, Boolean, disables `cv##` and `ss##` OpenType features. * `noLigation`: Optional, Boolean, disables ligations. * `exportGlyphNames`: Optional, Boolean, whether to export glyph names into the fonts. Setting this to `true` will increase file footprint, however this is necessary for ligature support in [Kitty](https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/). * `webfontFormats`: Optional, Array of String. Controls the formats needed to be exported into the webfont CSS. Valid options are `'ttf'` and `'woff2'`, or including both. * `buildTextureFeature`: Optional, Boolean, whether to build the `TXTR` feature for cross-letter texture adjustments. Defaults to false. Build plan could have 9 optional subsections: * `ligations` * `variants` * `weights` * `widths` * `slopes` * `compatibilityLigatures` * `excludeChars` * `metricOverride` * `namingOverride` #### Configuring Ligations Subsection `ligations` is used to customize the ligation set assigned to `calt` OpenType feature. Properties include: * `inherits`: Optional, String, defines the inherited ligation set. When absent, the ligation set will not inherit any other sets. Valid values are: - `default-calt`: Inherit default ligation set. - `dlig`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Discretionary ligatures. - `clike`: Default ligation set would be assigned to C-Like. - `javascript`: Default ligation set would be assigned to JavaScript. - `php`: Default ligation set would be assigned to PHP. - `julia`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Julia. - `raku`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Raku. - `ml`: Default ligation set would be assigned to ML. - `fsharp`: Default ligation set would be assigned to F#. - `fstar`: Default ligation set would be assigned to F*. - `haskell`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Haskell. - `idris`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Idris. - `elm`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Elm. - `purescript`: Default ligation set would be assigned to PureScript. - `swift`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Swift. - `dafny`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Dafny. - `coq`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Coq. - `matlab`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Matlab. - `verilog`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Verilog. - `wolfram`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Wolfram Language (Mathematica). - `erlang`: Default ligation set would be assigned to Erlang Language. * `disables` and `enables`: Optional, String Array, Cherry-picking ligation groups to be disabled or enabled. Valid values include: - `center-ops`: Vertically align some of the operators (like `*`) to the center position it is before or after a "center" operator (like `+`). - `center-op-trigger-plus-minus-l`: Plus (`+`) and Minus (`-`) will trigger other operator characters at left to be centered. - `center-op-trigger-plus-minus-r`: Plus (`+`) and Minus (`-`) will trigger other operator characters at right to be centered. - `center-op-trigger-equal-l`: Equal (`=`) will trigger other operator characters at left to be centered. - `center-op-trigger-equal-r`: Equal (`=`) will trigger other operator characters at right to be centered. - `center-op-trigger-bar-l`: Bars (`|`) will trigger other operator characters at left to be centered. - `center-op-trigger-bar-r`: Bars (`|`) will trigger other operator characters at right to be centered. - `center-op-trigger-angle-inside`: Less (`<`) and Greater (`>`) will trigger other operator characters at inside to be centered. - `center-op-trigger-angle-outside`: Less (`<`) and Greater (`>`) will trigger other operator characters at outside to be centered. - `center-op-influence-dot`: Treat dot (`.`) as operator and perform chained centering. - `center-op-influence-colon`: Treat colon (`:`) as operator and perform chained centering. - `arrow-l`: Enable ligation set that forms left-pointing arrows. - `arrow-r`: Enable ligation set that forms right-pointing arrows. - `arrow-lr`: Enable ligation set that forms dual-pointing arrows. - `counter-arrow-l`: Enable ligation that produces left-pointing counter-arrows. - `counter-arrow-r`: Enable ligation that produces right-pointing counter-arrows. - `trig`: Enable ligation for `<|`, `|>` , `<||`, and other bar-and-angle-bracket symbols. - `eqeqeq`: Enable special ligation for `===` with triple lines. - `eqeq`: Enable ligation for `==` and `===`. - `lteq`: Enable ligation for `<=` as less-than-or-equal sign. - `eqlt`: Enable ligation for `=<` as less-than-or-equal sign. - `gteq`: Enable ligation for `>=` as greater-than-or-equal sign. - `lteq-separate`: Display `<=` as separate shape. - `eqlt-separate`: Display `=<` as separate shape. - `gteq-separate`: Display `>=` as separate shape. - `exeqeqeq`: Enable special ligation for `!===` with triple lines. - `exeqeq`: Enable special ligation for `!==` with triple lines. - `eqexeq`: Enable special ligation for `=!=` with triple lines. - `eqexeq-dl`: Enable special ligation for `=!=` with double lines. - `exeq`: Enable ligation for `!=` and `!==`. - `tildeeq`: Enable ligation for `~=` as inequality. - `eqslasheq`: Enable special triple-line ligation for `=/=` as inequality. - `slasheq`: Enable ligation for `/=` and `=/=` as inequality. - `ltgt-ne`: Enable ligation for `<>` as inequality. - `ltgt-diamond`: Enable ligation for `<>` as diamond. - `ltgt-diamond-tag`: Enable ligation for `<>` as diamond-shaped empty HTML/XML tag. - `ltgt-slash-tag`: Enable ligation for `` and ``. - `brst`: Center asterisk in `(*` and `*)`. - `slash-asterisk`: Shift asterisk in `/*` and `*/`. - `kern-dotty`: Move connecting dotty punctuations closer, like for `::`, `:::` and `...`. - `kern-bars`: Move consecutive bars closer, like for `||`, `|||` and `//`. - `logic`: Enable ligation for `/\` and `\/`. - `llgg`: Enable ligation for `<<`, `>>` and other angle-bracket chaining. - `llggeq`: Enable ligation for `<<=`, `>>=` as shift operator. - `html-comment`: Enable ligation for ` #### Configuring Character Variants Subsection `variants` is used to configure character variants in the font. Properties include: * `inherits`: Optional, String, defines the inherited stylistic set. Valid options include: - `ss01`: Set character variant to “Andale Mono Style”. - `ss02`: Set character variant to “Anonymous Pro Style”. - `ss03`: Set character variant to “Consolas Style”. - `ss04`: Set character variant to “Menlo Style”. - `ss05`: Set character variant to “Fira Mono Style”. - `ss06`: Set character variant to “Liberation Mono Style”. - `ss07`: Set character variant to “Monaco Style”. - `ss08`: Set character variant to “Pragmata Pro Style”. - `ss09`: Set character variant to “Source Code Pro Style”. - `ss10`: Set character variant to “Envy Code R Style”. - `ss11`: Set character variant to “X Window Style”. - `ss12`: Set character variant to “Ubuntu Mono Style”. - `ss13`: Set character variant to “Lucida Style”. - `ss14`: Set character variant to “JetBrains Mono Style”. - `ss15`: Set character variant to “IBM Plex Mono Style”. - `ss16`: Set character variant to “PT Mono Style”. - `ss17`: Set character variant to “Recursive Mono Style”. - `ss18`: Set character variant to “Input Mono Style”. - `ss20`: Set character variant to “Curly Style”. - Other build plans’ configuration, using `inherits = "buildPlans."`. * `design`, `upright`, `italic`, and `oblique`: Optional, Dictionary, defines styles for individual characters. The choices are organized in key-value pairs, assigning a variant to a character group. Alternatively, you could assign numbers to `cv##` tags, like what you did when using OpenType in CSS. Assignments under `design` will be applied to all the slopes, and `upright`, `italic`, and `oblique` will apply to corresponded slopes. In addition, style selector for default digit form also uses these dictionaries. The valid combinations include: - Default digit form
2 variants
digit-form = 'lining'
Lining (default)
digit-form = 'old-style'
- APL form
2 variants
apl-form = 'none'
Disable APL-specific forms (default)
apl-form = 'enable'
Enable harmonized alternate forms APL operators
- Styles for `A`
8 variants
capital-a = 'straight-serifless', cv01 = 1
A with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-a = 'straight-top-serifed', cv01 = 2
A with straight shape, and serifs at top
capital-a = 'straight-base-serifed', cv01 = 3
A with straight shape, and serifs at base (default for Slab)
capital-a = 'straight-tri-serifed', cv01 = 4
A with straight shape, and serifs at both top and base
capital-a = 'curly-serifless', cv01 = 5
A with curly shape; without serifs
capital-a = 'curly-top-serifed', cv01 = 6
A with curly shape, and serifs at top
capital-a = 'curly-base-serifed', cv01 = 7
A with curly shape, and serifs at base
capital-a = 'curly-tri-serifed', cv01 = 8
A with curly shape, and serifs at both top and base
- Styles for `B`
12 variants
capital-b = 'standard-serifless', cv02 = 1
B with mostly symmetric shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-b = 'standard-unilateral-serifed', cv02 = 2
B with mostly symmetric shape, and serifs at top
capital-b = 'standard-bilateral-serifed', cv02 = 3
B with mostly symmetric shape, and serifs at both top and bottom (default for Slab)
capital-b = 'standard-interrupted-serifless', cv02 = 4
B with mostly symmetric shape, and interrupted middle bar; without serifs
capital-b = 'standard-interrupted-unilateral-serifed', cv02 = 5
B with mostly symmetric shape, interrupted middle bar, and serifs at top
capital-b = 'standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed', cv02 = 6
B with mostly symmetric shape, interrupted middle bar, and serifs at both top and bottom
capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-serifless', cv02 = 7
B with more asymmetric shape; without serifs
capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-unilateral-serifed', cv02 = 8
B with more asymmetric shape, and serifs at top
capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-bilateral-serifed', cv02 = 9
B with more asymmetric shape, and serifs at both top and bottom
capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-interrupted-serifless', cv02 = 10
B with more asymmetric shape, and interrupted middle bar; without serifs
capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-interrupted-unilateral-serifed', cv02 = 11
B with more asymmetric shape, interrupted middle bar, and serifs at top
capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-interrupted-bilateral-serifed', cv02 = 12
B with more asymmetric shape, interrupted middle bar, and serifs at both top and bottom
- Styles for `C`
5 variants
capital-c = 'serifless', cv03 = 1
Serifless C (default for Sans)
capital-c = 'unilateral-serifed', cv03 = 2
C with serif at top (default for Slab)
capital-c = 'bilateral-serifed', cv03 = 3
C with serifs at both top and bottom
capital-c = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv03 = 4
C with inward serif at top
capital-c = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv03 = 5
C with inward serif at both top and bottom
- Styles for `D`
6 variants
capital-d = 'standard-serifless', cv04 = 1
D with standard shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-d = 'standard-unilateral-serifed', cv04 = 2
D with standard shape, and serifs at top
capital-d = 'standard-bilateral-serifed', cv04 = 3
D with standard shape, and serifs at both top and bottom (default for Slab)
capital-d = 'more-rounded-serifless', cv04 = 4
D with more rounded shape; without serifs
capital-d = 'more-rounded-unilateral-serifed', cv04 = 5
D with more rounded shape, and serifs at top
capital-d = 'more-rounded-bilateral-serifed', cv04 = 6
D with more rounded shape, and serifs at both top and bottom
- Styles for `E`
3 variants
capital-e = 'serifless', cv05 = 1
E without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-e = 'top-left-serifed', cv05 = 2
E with serif only at top left
capital-e = 'serifed', cv05 = 3
E with serifs (default for Slab)
- Styles for `F`
3 variants
capital-f = 'serifless', cv06 = 1
F without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-f = 'top-left-serifed', cv06 = 2
F with serif only at top left
capital-f = 'serifed', cv06 = 3
F with serifs (default for Slab)
- Styles for `G`
27 variants
capital-g = 'toothed-serifless-hookless', cv07 = 1
G with toothed body; without top serif, and hooks
capital-g = 'toothed-serifless-hooked', cv07 = 2
G with toothed body, and inward hook terminal; without top serif (default for Sans)
capital-g = 'toothed-serifless-capped', cv07 = 3
G with toothed body, and capped terminal; without top serif
capital-g = 'toothed-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 4
G with toothed body, and top serif; without hooks
capital-g = 'toothed-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 5
G with toothed body, top serif, and inward hook terminal (default for Slab)
capital-g = 'toothed-serifed-capped', cv07 = 6
G with toothed body, top serif, and capped terminal
capital-g = 'toothed-inward-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 7
G with toothed body, and inward top serif; without hooks
capital-g = 'toothed-inward-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 8
G with toothed body, inward top serif, and inward hook terminal
capital-g = 'toothed-inward-serifed-capped', cv07 = 9
G with toothed body, inward top serif, and capped terminal
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifless-hookless', cv07 = 10
G with tootheless (corner) body; without top serif, and hooks
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifless-hooked', cv07 = 11
G with tootheless (corner) body, and inward hook terminal; without top serif
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifless-capped', cv07 = 12
G with tootheless (corner) body, and capped terminal; without top serif
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 13
G with tootheless (corner) body, and top serif; without hooks
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 14
G with tootheless (corner) body, top serif, and inward hook terminal
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifed-capped', cv07 = 15
G with tootheless (corner) body, top serif, and capped terminal
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-inward-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 16
G with tootheless (corner) body, and inward top serif; without hooks
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-inward-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 17
G with tootheless (corner) body, inward top serif, and inward hook terminal
capital-g = 'toothless-corner-inward-serifed-capped', cv07 = 18
G with tootheless (corner) body, inward top serif, and capped terminal
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifless-hookless', cv07 = 19
G with tootheless (rounded) body; without top serif, and hooks
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifless-hooked', cv07 = 20
G with tootheless (rounded) body, and inward hook terminal; without top serif
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifless-capped', cv07 = 21
G with tootheless (rounded) body, and capped terminal; without top serif
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 22
G with tootheless (rounded) body, and top serif; without hooks
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 23
G with tootheless (rounded) body, top serif, and inward hook terminal
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifed-capped', cv07 = 24
G with tootheless (rounded) body, top serif, and capped terminal
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-inward-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 25
G with tootheless (rounded) body, and inward top serif; without hooks
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-inward-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 26
G with tootheless (rounded) body, inward top serif, and inward hook terminal
capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-inward-serifed-capped', cv07 = 27
G with tootheless (rounded) body, inward top serif, and capped terminal
- Styles for `H`
4 variants
capital-h = 'serifless', cv08 = 1
H without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-h = 'top-left-serifed', cv08 = 2
H with serif only at top left
capital-h = 'top-left-bottom-right-serifed', cv08 = 3
H with serif only at top left and bottom right
capital-h = 'serifed', cv08 = 4
H with serifs (default for Slab)
- Styles for `I`
3 variants
capital-i = 'serifless', cv09 = 1
I without serifs, like a straight bar
capital-i = 'serifed', cv09 = 2
I with standard (long) serifs (default)
capital-i = 'short-serifed', cv09 = 3
I with short serifs
- Styles for `J`
14 variants
capital-j = 'serifless', cv10 = 1
J without serifs
capital-j = 'serifed', cv10 = 2
J with serifs (default)
capital-j = 'serifed-both-sides', cv10 = 3
J with serifs at both sides (asymmetric)
capital-j = 'serifed-symmetric', cv10 = 4
J with serifs at both sides (symmetric)
capital-j = 'flat-hook-serifless', cv10 = 5
J with flat hook; without serifs
capital-j = 'flat-hook-serifed', cv10 = 6
J with flat hook, and serifs
capital-j = 'flat-hook-serifed-both-sides', cv10 = 7
J with flat hook, and serifs at both sides (asymmetric)
capital-j = 'flat-hook-serifed-symmetric', cv10 = 8
J with flat hook, and serifs at both sides (symmetric)
capital-j = 'descending-serifless', cv10 = 9
J with descending height; without serifs
capital-j = 'descending-serifed', cv10 = 10
J with descending height, and serifs
capital-j = 'descending-serifed-both-sides', cv10 = 11
J with descending height, and serifs at both sides (asymmetric)
capital-j = 'descending-serifed-symmetric', cv10 = 12
J with descending height, and serifs at both sides (symmetric)
capital-j = 'descending-flat-hook-serifless', cv10 = 13
J with descending height, and flat hook; without serifs
capital-j = 'descending-flat-hook-serifed', cv10 = 14
J with descending height, flat hook, and serifs
- Styles for `K`
20 variants
capital-k = 'straight-serifless', cv11 = 1
K with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-k = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv11 = 2
K with straight shape, and serifs at top left
capital-k = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 3
K with straight shape, and serifs at bottom right
capital-k = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 4
K with straight shape, and serifs at top left and bottom right
capital-k = 'straight-serifed', cv11 = 5
K with straight shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-k = 'curly-serifless', cv11 = 6
K with curly shape; without serifs
capital-k = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv11 = 7
K with curly shape, and serifs at top left
capital-k = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 8
K with curly shape, and serifs at bottom right
capital-k = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 9
K with curly shape, and serifs at top left and bottom right
capital-k = 'curly-serifed', cv11 = 10
K with curly shape, and serifs
capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-serifless', cv11 = 11
K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar; without serifs
capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-serifed', cv11 = 12
K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 13
K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 14
K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-serifed', cv11 = 15
K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs
capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-serifless', cv11 = 16
K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar; without serifs
capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-serifed', cv11 = 17
K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 18
K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 19
K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-serifed', cv11 = 20
K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs
- Styles for `L`
3 variants
capital-l = 'serifless', cv12 = 1
Serifless L (default for Sans)
capital-l = 'motion-serifed', cv12 = 2
Standard L with motion serif at bottom right
capital-l = 'serifed', cv12 = 3
L with serifs (default for Slab)
- Styles for `M`
12 variants
capital-m = 'hanging-serifless', cv13 = 1
M with middle being hanging off baseline; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-m = 'hanging-motion-serifed', cv13 = 2
M with middle being hanging off baseline, and motion serifs
capital-m = 'hanging-serifed', cv13 = 3
M with middle being hanging off baseline, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-m = 'flat-bottom-serifless', cv13 = 4
M with middle aligned to baseline; without serifs
capital-m = 'flat-bottom-motion-serifed', cv13 = 5
M with middle aligned to baseline, and motion serifs
capital-m = 'flat-bottom-serifed', cv13 = 6
M with middle aligned to baseline, and serifs
capital-m = 'slanted-sides-hanging-serifless', cv13 = 7
M with slanted sides, and middle being hanging off baseline; without serifs
capital-m = 'slanted-sides-hanging-motion-serifed', cv13 = 8
M with slanted sides, middle being hanging off baseline, and motion serifs
capital-m = 'slanted-sides-hanging-serifed', cv13 = 9
M with slanted sides, middle being hanging off baseline, and serifs
capital-m = 'slanted-sides-flat-bottom-serifless', cv13 = 10
M with slanted sides, and middle aligned to baseline; without serifs
capital-m = 'slanted-sides-flat-bottom-motion-serifed', cv13 = 11
M with slanted sides, middle aligned to baseline, and motion serifs
capital-m = 'slanted-sides-flat-bottom-serifed', cv13 = 12
M with slanted sides, middle aligned to baseline, and serifs
- Styles for `N`
6 variants
capital-n = 'standard-serifless', cv14 = 1
N with standard shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-n = 'standard-motion-serifed', cv14 = 2
N with standard shape, and motion serifs
capital-n = 'standard-serifed', cv14 = 3
N with standard shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-n = 'asymmetric-serifless', cv14 = 4
N with asymmetric shape; without serifs
capital-n = 'asymmetric-motion-serifed', cv14 = 5
N with asymmetric shape, and motion serifs
capital-n = 'asymmetric-serifed', cv14 = 6
N with asymmetric shape, and serifs
- Styles for `P`
6 variants
capital-p = 'closed-serifless', cv15 = 1
P with closed shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-p = 'closed-motion-serifed', cv15 = 2
P with closed shape, and motion serifs
capital-p = 'closed-serifed', cv15 = 3
P with closed shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-p = 'open-serifless', cv15 = 4
P with open shape; without serifs
capital-p = 'open-motion-serifed', cv15 = 5
P with open shape, and motion serifs
capital-p = 'open-serifed', cv15 = 6
P with open shape, and serifs
- Styles for `Q`
10 variants
capital-q = 'curly-tailed', cv16 = 1
Q with a curly tail (default)
capital-q = 'crossing-curly-tailed', cv16 = 2
Q with a curly tail crossing the ring
capital-q = 'straight', cv16 = 3
Q with a straight tail like in the old versions
capital-q = 'crossing', cv16 = 4
Q with a tail crossing the ring
capital-q = 'crossing-baseline', cv16 = 5
Q with a tail above baseline crossing the ring
capital-q = 'vertical-crossing', cv16 = 6
Q with a vertical tail crossing the ring
capital-q = 'horizontal-tailed', cv16 = 7
Q with a horizontal tail, like Univers
capital-q = 'detached-tailed', cv16 = 8
Q with a oblique tail detached
capital-q = 'detached-bend-tailed', cv16 = 9
Q with a bend tail detached
capital-q = 'open-swash', cv16 = 10
Q with open contour and swash-y shape
- Styles for `R`
30 variants
capital-r = 'straight-serifless', cv17 = 1
R with straight leg; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-r = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv17 = 2
R with straight leg, and serifs at top-left
capital-r = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 3
R with straight leg, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 4
R with straight leg, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'straight-serifed', cv17 = 5
R with straight leg, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-r = 'straight-open-serifless', cv17 = 6
R with straight leg, and open contour; without serifs
capital-r = 'straight-open-top-left-serifed', cv17 = 7
R with straight leg, open contour, and serifs at top-left
capital-r = 'straight-open-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 8
R with straight leg, open contour, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'straight-open-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 9
R with straight leg, open contour, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'straight-open-serifed', cv17 = 10
R with straight leg, open contour, and serifs
capital-r = 'curly-serifless', cv17 = 11
R with curly leg; without serifs
capital-r = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv17 = 12
R with curly leg, and serifs at top-left
capital-r = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 13
R with curly leg, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 14
R with curly leg, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'curly-serifed', cv17 = 15
R with curly leg, and serifs
capital-r = 'curly-open-serifless', cv17 = 16
R with curly leg, and open contour; without serifs
capital-r = 'curly-open-top-left-serifed', cv17 = 17
R with curly leg, open contour, and serifs at top-left
capital-r = 'curly-open-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 18
R with curly leg, open contour, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'curly-open-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 19
R with curly leg, open contour, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'curly-open-serifed', cv17 = 20
R with curly leg, open contour, and serifs
capital-r = 'standing-serifless', cv17 = 21
R with standing leg (like Helvetica); without serifs
capital-r = 'standing-top-left-serifed', cv17 = 22
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), and serifs at top-left
capital-r = 'standing-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 23
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'standing-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 24
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'standing-serifed', cv17 = 25
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), and serifs
capital-r = 'standing-open-serifless', cv17 = 26
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), and open contour; without serifs
capital-r = 'standing-open-top-left-serifed', cv17 = 27
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and serifs at top-left
capital-r = 'standing-open-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 28
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'standing-open-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv17 = 29
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and serifs at bottom-right
capital-r = 'standing-open-serifed', cv17 = 30
R with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and serifs
- Styles for `S`
5 variants
capital-s = 'serifless', cv18 = 1
Serifless S (default for Sans)
capital-s = 'unilateral-serifed', cv18 = 2
S with single serif at top
capital-s = 'bilateral-serifed', cv18 = 3
S with serifs at both end (default for Slab)
capital-s = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv18 = 4
S with single inward serif at top
capital-s = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv18 = 5
S with inward serifs at both end
- Styles for `T`
3 variants
capital-t = 'serifless', cv19 = 1
Serifless T (default for Sans)
capital-t = 'motion-serifed', cv19 = 2
Motion-Serifed T
capital-t = 'serifed', cv19 = 3
Serifed T (default for Slab)
- Styles for `U`
15 variants
capital-u = 'toothed-serifless', cv20 = 1
U with toothed shape; without serifs
capital-u = 'toothed-bottom-right-serifed', cv20 = 2
U with toothed shape, and serif at bottom-right
capital-u = 'toothed-motion-serifed', cv20 = 3
U with toothed shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
capital-u = 'toothed-serifed', cv20 = 4
U with toothed shape, and serifs
capital-u = 'tailed-serifless', cv20 = 5
U with tailed shape; without serifs
capital-u = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv20 = 6
U with tailed shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
capital-u = 'tailed-serifed', cv20 = 7
U with tailed shape, and serifs
capital-u = 'toothless-corner-serifless', cv20 = 8
U with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape; without serifs
capital-u = 'toothless-corner-unilateral-motion-serifed', cv20 = 9
U with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and motion serifs at left side
capital-u = 'toothless-corner-bilateral-motion-serifed', cv20 = 10
U with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and motion serifs at both sides
capital-u = 'toothless-corner-serifed', cv20 = 11
U with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and serifs
capital-u = 'toothless-rounded-serifless', cv20 = 12
U with toothless (rounded) shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-u = 'toothless-rounded-unilateral-motion-serifed', cv20 = 13
U with toothless (rounded) shape, and motion serifs at left side
capital-u = 'toothless-rounded-bilateral-motion-serifed', cv20 = 14
U with toothless (rounded) shape, and motion serifs at both sides
capital-u = 'toothless-rounded-serifed', cv20 = 15
U with toothless (rounded) shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
- Styles for `V`
6 variants
capital-v = 'straight-serifless', cv21 = 1
V with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-v = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv21 = 2
V with straight shape, and motion serifs
capital-v = 'straight-serifed', cv21 = 3
V with straight shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-v = 'curly-serifless', cv21 = 4
V with curly shape; without serifs
capital-v = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv21 = 5
V with curly shape, and motion serifs
capital-v = 'curly-serifed', cv21 = 6
V with curly shape, and serifs
- Styles for `W`
18 variants
capital-w = 'straight-serifless', cv22 = 1
W with standard, straight body; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-w = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv22 = 2
W with standard, straight body, and motion serifs
capital-w = 'straight-serifed', cv22 = 3
W with standard, straight body, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-w = 'curly-serifless', cv22 = 4
W with curly body; without serifs
capital-w = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv22 = 5
W with curly body, and motion serifs
capital-w = 'curly-serifed', cv22 = 6
W with curly body, and serifs
capital-w = 'straight-flat-top-serifless', cv22 = 7
W with straight body shape that the middle is forced to be aligned the top; without serifs
capital-w = 'straight-flat-top-motion-serifed', cv22 = 8
W with straight body shape that the middle is forced to be aligned the top, and motion serifs
capital-w = 'straight-flat-top-serifed', cv22 = 9
W with straight body shape that the middle is forced to be aligned the top, and serifs
capital-w = 'straight-double-v-serifless', cv22 = 10
W with body shape like double V; without serifs
capital-w = 'straight-double-v-motion-serifed', cv22 = 11
W with body shape like double V, and motion serifs
capital-w = 'straight-double-v-serifed', cv22 = 12
W with body shape like double V, and serifs
capital-w = 'straight-asymmetric-serifless', cv22 = 13
W with asymmetric shape; without serifs
capital-w = 'straight-asymmetric-motion-serifed', cv22 = 14
W with asymmetric shape, and motion serifs
capital-w = 'straight-asymmetric-serifed', cv22 = 15
W with asymmetric shape, and serifs
capital-w = 'straight-vertical-sides-serifless', cv22 = 16
W with body shape with vertical sides; without serifs
capital-w = 'straight-vertical-sides-motion-serifed', cv22 = 17
W with body shape with vertical sides, and motion serifs
capital-w = 'straight-vertical-sides-serifed', cv22 = 18
W with body shape with vertical sides, and serifs
- Styles for `X`
6 variants
capital-x = 'straight-serifless', cv23 = 1
X with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-x = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv23 = 2
X with straight shape, and motion serifs
capital-x = 'straight-serifed', cv23 = 3
X with straight shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-x = 'curly-serifless', cv23 = 4
X with curly shape; without serifs
capital-x = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv23 = 5
X with curly shape, and motion serifs
capital-x = 'curly-serifed', cv23 = 6
X with curly shape, and serifs
- Styles for `Y`
8 variants
capital-y = 'straight-serifless', cv24 = 1
Y with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-y = 'straight-base-serifed', cv24 = 2
Y with straight shape, and serifs at bottom
capital-y = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv24 = 3
Y with straight shape, and motion serifs
capital-y = 'straight-serifed', cv24 = 4
Y with straight shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-y = 'curly-serifless', cv24 = 5
Y with curly shape; without serifs
capital-y = 'curly-base-serifed', cv24 = 6
Y with curly shape, and serifs at bottom
capital-y = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv24 = 7
Y with curly shape, and motion serifs
capital-y = 'curly-serifed', cv24 = 8
Y with curly shape, and serifs
- Styles for `Z`
27 variants
capital-z = 'straight-serifless', cv25 = 1
Z with straight body shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-z = 'straight-serifless-with-crossbar', cv25 = 2
Z with straight body shape, and a diagonal crossbar; without serifs
capital-z = 'straight-serifless-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 3
Z with straight body shape, and a horizontal crossbar; without serifs
capital-z = 'straight-top-serifed', cv25 = 4
Z with straight body shape, and serifs at top
capital-z = 'straight-top-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 5
Z with straight body shape, serifs at top, and a diagonal crossbar
capital-z = 'straight-top-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 6
Z with straight body shape, serifs at top, and a horizontal crossbar
capital-z = 'straight-bottom-serifed', cv25 = 7
Z with straight body shape, and serifs at bottom
capital-z = 'straight-bottom-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 8
Z with straight body shape, serifs at bottom, and a diagonal crossbar
capital-z = 'straight-bottom-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 9
Z with straight body shape, serifs at bottom, and a horizontal crossbar
capital-z = 'straight-serifed', cv25 = 10
Z with straight body shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
capital-z = 'straight-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 11
Z with straight body shape, serifs, and a diagonal crossbar
capital-z = 'straight-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 12
Z with straight body shape, serifs, and a horizontal crossbar
capital-z = 'curly-serifless', cv25 = 13
Z with curly body shape; without serifs
capital-z = 'curly-serifless-with-crossbar', cv25 = 14
Z with curly body shape, and a diagonal crossbar; without serifs
capital-z = 'curly-serifless-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 15
Z with curly body shape, and a horizontal crossbar; without serifs
capital-z = 'curly-top-serifed', cv25 = 16
Z with curly body shape, and serifs at top
capital-z = 'curly-top-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 17
Z with curly body shape, serifs at top, and a diagonal crossbar
capital-z = 'curly-top-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 18
Z with curly body shape, serifs at top, and a horizontal crossbar
capital-z = 'curly-bottom-serifed', cv25 = 19
Z with curly body shape, and serifs at bottom
capital-z = 'curly-bottom-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 20
Z with curly body shape, serifs at bottom, and a diagonal crossbar
capital-z = 'curly-bottom-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 21
Z with curly body shape, serifs at bottom, and a horizontal crossbar
capital-z = 'curly-serifed', cv25 = 22
Z with curly body shape, and serifs
capital-z = 'curly-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 23
Z with curly body shape, serifs, and a diagonal crossbar
capital-z = 'curly-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 24
Z with curly body shape, serifs, and a horizontal crossbar
capital-z = 'cursive', cv25 = 25
Z with cursive body shape
capital-z = 'cursive-with-crossbar', cv25 = 26
Z with cursive body shape, and a diagonal crossbar
capital-z = 'cursive-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 27
Z with cursive body shape, and a horizontal crossbar
- Styles for `a`
21 variants
a = 'double-storey-serifless', cv26 = 1
a with double-storey body, and serifless hook; without serif at terminal (default for Sans Upright)
a = 'double-storey-serifed', cv26 = 2
a with double-storey body, serifless hook, and serif at terminal (default for Slab Upright)
a = 'double-storey-tailed', cv26 = 3
a with double-storey body, serifless hook, and curly tail
a = 'double-storey-toothless-corner', cv26 = 4
a with double-storey body, serifless hook, and toothless (cornered bottom-right)
a = 'double-storey-toothless-rounded', cv26 = 5
a with double-storey body, serifless hook, and toothless (rounded bottom-right)
a = 'double-storey-hook-inward-serifed-serifless', cv26 = 6
a with double-storey body, and serifed hook; without serif at terminal
a = 'double-storey-hook-inward-serifed-serifed', cv26 = 7
a with double-storey body, serifed hook, and serif at terminal
a = 'double-storey-hook-inward-serifed-tailed', cv26 = 8
a with double-storey body, serifed hook, and curly tail
a = 'double-storey-hook-inward-serifed-toothless-corner', cv26 = 9
a with double-storey body, serifed hook, and toothless (cornered bottom-right)
a = 'double-storey-hook-inward-serifed-toothless-rounded', cv26 = 10
a with double-storey body, serifed hook, and toothless (rounded bottom-right)
a = 'single-storey-serifless', cv26 = 11
a with single-storey body; without serif at terminal
a = 'single-storey-serifed', cv26 = 12
a with single-storey body, and serif at terminal
a = 'single-storey-double-serifed', cv26 = 13
a with single-storey body, and serifs at top and bottom
a = 'single-storey-tailed', cv26 = 14
a with single-storey body, and curly tail (default for Italic)
a = 'single-storey-tailed-serifed', cv26 = 15
a with single-storey body, and curly tail; with serifs at top and bottom
a = 'single-storey-earless-corner-serifless', cv26 = 16
a with single-storey body, and earless (cornered top-right); without serif at terminal
a = 'single-storey-earless-corner-serifed', cv26 = 17
a with single-storey body, earless (cornered top-right), and serif at terminal
a = 'single-storey-earless-corner-tailed', cv26 = 18
a with single-storey body, earless (cornered top-right), and curly tail
a = 'single-storey-earless-rounded-serifless', cv26 = 19
a with single-storey body, and earless (rounded top-right); without serif at terminal
a = 'single-storey-earless-rounded-serifed', cv26 = 20
a with single-storey body, earless (rounded top-right), and serif at terminal
a = 'single-storey-earless-rounded-tailed', cv26 = 21
a with single-storey body, earless (rounded top-right), and curly tail
- Styles for `b`
7 variants
b = 'toothed-serifless', cv27 = 1
b with toothed shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
b = 'toothed-motion-serifed', cv27 = 2
b with toothed shape, and motion serifs (default for Slab Italic)
b = 'toothed-serifed', cv27 = 3
b with toothed shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
b = 'toothless-corner-serifless', cv27 = 4
b with toothless (cornered) shape; without serifs
b = 'toothless-corner-serifed', cv27 = 5
b with toothless (cornered) shape, and serifs
b = 'toothless-rounded-serifless', cv27 = 6
b with toothless (rounded) shape; without serifs
b = 'toothless-rounded-serifed', cv27 = 7
b with toothless (rounded) shape, and serifs
- Styles for `c`
5 variants
c = 'serifless', cv28 = 1
Serifless c (default for Sans)
c = 'unilateral-serifed', cv28 = 2
c with serif at top (default for Slab Upright)
c = 'bilateral-serifed', cv28 = 3
c with serifs at both top and bottom
c = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv28 = 4
c with inward serif at top (default for Slab Italic)
c = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv28 = 5
c with inward serif at both top and bottom
- Styles for `d`
10 variants
d = 'toothed-serifless', cv29 = 1
d with toothed shape; without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
d = 'toothed-top-serifed', cv29 = 2
d with toothed shape, and serif at top
d = 'toothed-bottom-serifed', cv29 = 3
d with toothed shape, and serif at bottom
d = 'toothed-serifed', cv29 = 4
d with toothed shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
d = 'tailed-serifless', cv29 = 5
d with tailed shape; without serifs (default for Sans Italic)
d = 'tailed-serifed', cv29 = 6
d with tailed shape, and serifs (default for Slab Italic)
d = 'toothless-corner-serifless', cv29 = 7
d with toothless (cornered) shape; without serifs
d = 'toothless-corner-serifed', cv29 = 8
d with toothless (cornered) shape, and serifs
d = 'toothless-rounded-serifless', cv29 = 9
d with toothless (rounded) shape; without serifs
d = 'toothless-rounded-serifed', cv29 = 10
d with toothless (rounded) shape, and serifs
- Styles for `e`
2 variants
e = 'flat-crossbar', cv30 = 1
e with flat crossbar (default for Upright)
e = 'rounded', cv30 = 2
e with more rounded shape (default for Italic)
- Styles for `f`
20 variants
f = 'serifless', cv31 = 1
f without bottom serif, hook or extension (default for Sans Upright)
f = 'serifless-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 2
f without bottom serif, hook or extension; with crossbar at X-height
f = 'serifed', cv31 = 3
f with bottom serif (default for Slab Upright)
f = 'serifed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 4
f with bottom serif, and crossbar at X-height
f = 'extended', cv31 = 5
f with descending extension
f = 'extended-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 6
f with descending extension, and crossbar at X-height
f = 'tailed', cv31 = 7
f with descending bottom hook
f = 'tailed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 8
f with descending bottom hook, and crossbar at X-height
f = 'diagonal-tailed', cv31 = 9
f with diagonal tail
f = 'diagonal-tailed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 10
f with diagonal tail, and crossbar at X-height
f = 'flat-hook-serifless', cv31 = 11
f with flat top hook; without bottom serif, hook or extension
f = 'flat-hook-serifless-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 12
f with flat top hook, and crossbar at X-height; without bottom serif, hook or extension
f = 'flat-hook-serifed', cv31 = 13
f with flat top hook, and bottom serif
f = 'flat-hook-serifed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 14
f with flat top hook, bottom serif, and crossbar at X-height
f = 'flat-hook-extended', cv31 = 15
f with flat top hook, and descending extension
f = 'flat-hook-extended-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 16
f with flat top hook, descending extension, and crossbar at X-height
f = 'flat-hook-tailed', cv31 = 17
f with flat top hook, and descending bottom hook (default for Italic)
f = 'flat-hook-tailed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 18
f with flat top hook, descending bottom hook, and crossbar at X-height
f = 'flat-hook-diagonal-tailed', cv31 = 19
f with flat top hook, and diagonal tail
f = 'flat-hook-diagonal-tailed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 20
f with flat top hook, diagonal tail, and crossbar at X-height
- Styles for `g`
10 variants
g = 'double-storey', cv32 = 1
g with double-storey shape
g = 'double-storey-open', cv32 = 2
g with double-storey shape, and open contour
g = 'single-storey-serifless', cv32 = 3
g with single-storey shape (default for Sans Upright, Sans Italic, Slab Italic)
g = 'single-storey-serifed', cv32 = 4
g with single-storey shape, and top-right serif (default for Slab Upright)
g = 'single-storey-earless-corner', cv32 = 5
g with single-storey shape, and earless (cornered top-right)
g = 'single-storey-earless-rounded', cv32 = 6
g with single-storey shape, and earless (rounded top-right)
g = 'single-storey-flat-hook-serifless', cv32 = 7
g with single-storey shape, and flat bottom hook
g = 'single-storey-flat-hook-serifed', cv32 = 8
g with single-storey shape, flat bottom hook, and top-right serif
g = 'single-storey-flat-hook-earless-corner', cv32 = 9
g with single-storey shape, flat bottom hook, and earless (cornered top-right)
g = 'single-storey-flat-hook-earless-rounded', cv32 = 10
g with single-storey shape, flat bottom hook, and earless (rounded top-right)
- Styles for `h`
7 variants
h = 'straight-serifless', cv33 = 1
h with straight terminal; without serifs (default for Sans)
h = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv33 = 2
h with straight terminal, and serif at top left
h = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv33 = 3
h with straight terminal, and serifs at top left and bottom right (default for Slab Italic)
h = 'straight-serifed', cv33 = 4
h with straight terminal, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
h = 'tailed-serifless', cv33 = 5
h with curly tailed terminal; without serifs
h = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv33 = 6
h with curly tailed terminal, and serifs at top left and bottom right
h = 'tailed-serifed', cv33 = 7
h with curly tailed terminal, and serifs
- Styles for `i`
14 variants
i = 'serifless', cv34 = 1
i like a straight line
i = 'hooky', cv34 = 2
Hooky i
i = 'hooky-bottom', cv34 = 3
i with a sharp-turning horizontal tail
i = 'zshaped', cv34 = 4
Z-shaped i
i = 'serifed', cv34 = 5
Serifed i (default for Upright)
i = 'serifed-asymmetric', cv34 = 6
i with shorter top serif and full bottom serif
i = 'tailed', cv34 = 7
i with curly tail
i = 'tailed-serifed', cv34 = 8
i with top serif and curly tail (default for Italic)
i = 'flat-tailed', cv34 = 9
i with curly-then-flat tail
i = 'serifed-flat-tailed', cv34 = 10
i with top serif and curly-then-flat tail
i = 'diagonal-tailed', cv34 = 11
i with diagonal tail
i = 'serifed-diagonal-tailed', cv34 = 12
i with top serif and diagonal tail
i = 'semi-tailed', cv34 = 13
i with slightly curly tail
i = 'serifed-semi-tailed', cv34 = 14
i with top serif and slightly curly tail
- Styles for `j`
8 variants
j = 'serifless', cv35 = 1
j without serif
j = 'serifed', cv35 = 2
j with top serif (default)
j = 'straight-line', cv35 = 3
j like a straight line
j = 'hooky', cv35 = 4
j like a straight line with top serif
j = 'flat-hook-serifless', cv35 = 5
j with flat terminal hook
j = 'flat-hook-serifed', cv35 = 6
j with flat terminal hook and top serif
j = 'diagonal-tailed-serifless', cv35 = 7
j with diagonal tail
j = 'diagonal-tailed-serifed', cv35 = 8
j with top serif and diagonal tail
- Styles for `k`
27 variants
k = 'straight-serifless', cv36 = 1
k with standard shape; without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
k = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 2
k with standard shape, and serifs at top left
k = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 3
k with standard shape, and serifs at bottom right
k = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 4
k with standard shape, and serifs at top left and bottom right
k = 'straight-serifed', cv36 = 5
k with standard shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
k = 'curly-serifless', cv36 = 6
k with curly shape; without serifs
k = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 7
k with curly shape, and serifs at top left
k = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 8
k with curly shape, and serifs at bottom right
k = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 9
k with curly shape, and serifs at top left and bottom right
k = 'curly-serifed', cv36 = 10
k with curly shape, and serifs
k = 'symmetric-touching-serifless', cv36 = 11
k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar; without serifs
k = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 12
k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
k = 'symmetric-touching-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 13
k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
k = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 14
k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
k = 'symmetric-touching-serifed', cv36 = 15
k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs
k = 'symmetric-connected-serifless', cv36 = 16
k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar; without serifs
k = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 17
k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
k = 'symmetric-connected-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 18
k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
k = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 19
k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
k = 'symmetric-connected-serifed', cv36 = 20
k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs
k = 'cursive-serifless', cv36 = 21
k with cursive loop; without serifs (default for Sans Italic)
k = 'cursive-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 22
k with cursive loop, and serifs at top left
k = 'cursive-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 23
k with cursive loop, and serifs at bottom right
k = 'cursive-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 24
k with cursive loop, and serifs at top left and bottom right
k = 'cursive-serifed', cv36 = 25
k with cursive loop, and serifs
k = 'diagonal-tailed-cursive-serifless', cv36 = 26
k with cursive loop plus diagonal tail; without serifs
k = 'diagonal-tailed-cursive-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 27
k with cursive loop plus diagonal tail, and serifs at top left (default for Slab Italic)
- Styles for `l`
14 variants
l = 'serifless', cv37 = 1
l like a straight line
l = 'hooky', cv37 = 2
Hooky l
l = 'hooky-bottom', cv37 = 3
l with a straight sharp-turning horizontal tail
l = 'zshaped', cv37 = 4
Z-shaped l
l = 'serifed', cv37 = 5
Serifed l (default for Upright)
l = 'serifed-asymmetric', cv37 = 6
l with shorter top serif and full bottom serif
l = 'tailed', cv37 = 7
l with curly tail
l = 'tailed-serifed', cv37 = 8
l with top serif and curly tail (default for Italic)
l = 'flat-tailed', cv37 = 9
l with curly-then-flat tail
l = 'serifed-flat-tailed', cv37 = 10
l with top serif and curly-then-flat tail
l = 'diagonal-tailed', cv37 = 11
l with diagonal tail
l = 'serifed-diagonal-tailed', cv37 = 12
l with top serif and diagonal tail
l = 'semi-tailed', cv37 = 13
l with slightl curly tail
l = 'serifed-semi-tailed', cv37 = 14
l with top serif and slightl curly tail
- Styles for `m`
44 variants
m = 'serifless', cv38 = 1
m with eared body shape, and normal middle leg; without serifs (default for Sans)
m = 'top-left-serifed', cv38 = 2
m with eared body shape, normal middle leg, and serif at top left
m = 'top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 3
m with eared body shape, normal middle leg, and serifs at top left and bottom right (default for Slab Italic)
m = 'serifed', cv38 = 4
m with eared body shape, normal middle leg, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
m = 'tailed-serifless', cv38 = 5
m with eared body shape, normal middle leg, and tail; without serifs
m = 'tailed-top-left-serifed', cv38 = 6
m with eared body shape, normal middle leg, tail, and serif at top left
m = 'tailed-serifed', cv38 = 7
m with eared body shape, normal middle leg, tail, and serifs
m = 'short-leg-serifless', cv38 = 8
m with eared body shape, and shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono); without serifs
m = 'short-leg-top-left-serifed', cv38 = 9
m with eared body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serif at top left
m = 'short-leg-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 10
m with eared body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serifs at top left and bottom right
m = 'short-leg-serifed', cv38 = 11
m with eared body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serifs
m = 'short-leg-tailed-serifless', cv38 = 12
m with eared body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and tail; without serifs
m = 'short-leg-tailed-top-left-serifed', cv38 = 13
m with eared body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), tail, and serif at top left
m = 'short-leg-tailed-serifed', cv38 = 14
m with eared body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), tail, and serifs
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-serifless', cv38 = 15
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, and normal middle leg; without serifs
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 16
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, normal middle leg, and serifs at bottom right
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-serifed', cv38 = 17
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, normal middle leg, and serifs
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-tailed-serifless', cv38 = 18
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, normal middle leg, and tail; without serifs
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-tailed-serifed', cv38 = 19
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, normal middle leg, tail, and serifs
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-short-leg-serifless', cv38 = 20
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, and shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono); without serifs
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-short-leg-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 21
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serifs at bottom right
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-short-leg-serifed', cv38 = 22
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serifs
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-short-leg-tailed-serifless', cv38 = 23
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and tail; without serifs
m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-short-leg-tailed-serifed', cv38 = 24
m with earless (corner top-left) double-arch body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), tail, and serifs
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-serifless', cv38 = 25
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, and normal middle leg; without serifs
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 26
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, normal middle leg, and serifs at bottom right
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-serifed', cv38 = 27
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, normal middle leg, and serifs
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-tailed-serifless', cv38 = 28
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, normal middle leg, and tail; without serifs
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-tailed-serifed', cv38 = 29
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, normal middle leg, tail, and serifs
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-short-leg-serifless', cv38 = 30
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, and shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono); without serifs
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-short-leg-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 31
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serifs at bottom right
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-short-leg-serifed', cv38 = 32
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serifs
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-short-leg-tailed-serifless', cv38 = 33
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and tail; without serifs
m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-short-leg-tailed-serifed', cv38 = 34
m with earless (rounded top-left) double-arch body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), tail, and serifs
m = 'earless-single-arch-serifless', cv38 = 35
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, and normal middle leg; without serifs
m = 'earless-single-arch-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 36
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, normal middle leg, and serifs at bottom right
m = 'earless-single-arch-serifed', cv38 = 37
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, normal middle leg, and serifs
m = 'earless-single-arch-tailed-serifless', cv38 = 38
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, normal middle leg, and tail; without serifs
m = 'earless-single-arch-tailed-serifed', cv38 = 39
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, normal middle leg, tail, and serifs
m = 'earless-single-arch-short-leg-serifless', cv38 = 40
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, and shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono); without serifs
m = 'earless-single-arch-short-leg-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 41
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serifs at bottom right
m = 'earless-single-arch-short-leg-serifed', cv38 = 42
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and serifs
m = 'earless-single-arch-short-leg-tailed-serifless', cv38 = 43
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), and tail; without serifs
m = 'earless-single-arch-short-leg-tailed-serifed', cv38 = 44
m with earless (corner top-left) body shape, shorter middle leg (like Ubuntu Mono), tail, and serifs
- Styles for `n`
17 variants
n = 'straight-serifless', cv39 = 1
n with straight terminal; without serifs (default for Sans)
n = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv39 = 2
n with straight terminal, and serif at top left
n = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv39 = 3
n with straight terminal, and serif at top left and bottom right (default for Slab Italic)
n = 'straight-serifed', cv39 = 4
n with straight terminal, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
n = 'tailed-serifless', cv39 = 5
n with tailed terminal; without serifs
n = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv39 = 6
n with tailed terminal, and serif at top left and bottom right
n = 'tailed-serifed', cv39 = 7
n with tailed terminal, and serifs
n = 'earless-corner-straight-serifless', cv39 = 8
n with earless (corner top-left) body shape, and straight terminal; without serifs
n = 'earless-corner-straight-motion-serifed', cv39 = 9
n with earless (corner top-left) body shape, straight terminal, and serif at top left and bottom right
n = 'earless-corner-straight-serifed', cv39 = 10
n with earless (corner top-left) body shape, straight terminal, and serifs
n = 'earless-corner-tailed-serifless', cv39 = 11
n with earless (corner top-left) body shape, and tailed terminal; without serifs
n = 'earless-corner-tailed-serifed', cv39 = 12
n with earless (corner top-left) body shape, tailed terminal, and serifs
n = 'earless-rounded-straight-serifless', cv39 = 13
n with earless (rounded top-left) body shape, and straight terminal; without serifs
n = 'earless-rounded-straight-motion-serifed', cv39 = 14
n with earless (rounded top-left) body shape, straight terminal, and serif at top left and bottom right
n = 'earless-rounded-straight-serifed', cv39 = 15
n with earless (rounded top-left) body shape, straight terminal, and serifs
n = 'earless-rounded-tailed-serifless', cv39 = 16
n with earless (rounded top-left) body shape, and tailed terminal; without serifs
n = 'earless-rounded-tailed-serifed', cv39 = 17
n with earless (rounded top-left) body shape, tailed terminal, and serifs
- Styles for `p`
7 variants
p = 'eared-serifless', cv40 = 1
p with eared shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
p = 'eared-motion-serifed', cv40 = 2
p with eared shape, and motion serifs
p = 'eared-serifed', cv40 = 3
p with eared shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
p = 'earless-corner-serifless', cv40 = 4
p with earless (cornered) shape; without serifs
p = 'earless-corner-serifed', cv40 = 5
p with earless (cornered) shape, and serifs
p = 'earless-rounded-serifless', cv40 = 6
p with earless (rounded) shape; without serifs
p = 'earless-rounded-serifed', cv40 = 7
p with earless (rounded) shape, and serifs
- Styles for `q`
16 variants
q = 'straight-serifless', cv41 = 1
q with straight terminal; without serifs (default for Sans)
q = 'straight-bottom-serifed', cv41 = 2
q with straight terminal, and serif at bottom (default for Slab Italic)
q = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv41 = 3
q with straight terminal, and motion serifs
q = 'straight-serifed', cv41 = 4
q with straight terminal, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
q = 'tailed-serifless', cv41 = 5
q with tailed terminal; without serifs
q = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv41 = 6
q with tailed terminal, and motion serifs
q = 'diagonal-tailed-serifless', cv41 = 7
q with diagonally tailed terminal; without serifs
q = 'diagonal-tailed-motion-serifed', cv41 = 8
q with diagonally tailed terminal, and motion serifs
q = 'earless-corner-straight-serifless', cv41 = 9
q with earless (cornered) shape, and straight terminal; without serifs
q = 'earless-corner-straight-serifed', cv41 = 10
q with earless (cornered) shape, straight terminal, and serifs
q = 'earless-corner-tailed-serifless', cv41 = 11
q with earless (cornered) shape, and tailed terminal; without serifs
q = 'earless-corner-diagonal-tailed-serifless', cv41 = 12
q with earless (cornered) shape, and diagonally tailed terminal; without serifs
q = 'earless-rounded-straight-serifless', cv41 = 13
q with earless (rounded) shape, and straight terminal; without serifs
q = 'earless-rounded-straight-serifed', cv41 = 14
q with earless (rounded) shape, straight terminal, and serifs
q = 'earless-rounded-tailed-serifless', cv41 = 15
q with earless (rounded) shape, and tailed terminal; without serifs
q = 'earless-rounded-diagonal-tailed-serifless', cv41 = 16
q with earless (rounded) shape, and diagonally tailed terminal; without serifs
- Styles for `r`
20 variants
r = 'serifless', cv42 = 1
r with normal body shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
r = 'top-serifed', cv42 = 2
r with normal body shape, and serif at top (default for Slab Italic)
r = 'base-serifed', cv42 = 3
r with normal body shape, and serif at bottom
r = 'serifed', cv42 = 4
r with normal body shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
r = 'earless-corner-serifless', cv42 = 5
r with earless (corner top-left) body shape; without serifs
r = 'earless-corner-serifed', cv42 = 6
r with earless (corner top-left) body shape, and serifs
r = 'earless-rounded-serifless', cv42 = 7
r with earless (rounded top-left) body shape; without serifs
r = 'earless-rounded-serifed', cv42 = 8
r with earless (rounded top-left) body shape, and serifs
r = 'hookless-serifless', cv42 = 9
r with hookless body shape; without serifs
r = 'hookless-top-serifed', cv42 = 10
r with hookless body shape, and serif at top
r = 'hookless-base-serifed', cv42 = 11
r with hookless body shape, and serif at bottom
r = 'hookless-serifed', cv42 = 12
r with hookless body shape, and serifs
r = 'corner-hooked-serifless', cv42 = 13
r with corner-hooked body shape; without serifs
r = 'corner-hooked-top-serifed', cv42 = 14
r with corner-hooked body shape, and serif at top
r = 'corner-hooked-base-serifed', cv42 = 15
r with corner-hooked body shape, and serif at bottom
r = 'corner-hooked-serifed', cv42 = 16
r with corner-hooked body shape, and serifs
r = 'compact-serifless', cv42 = 17
r with compact body shape (identical to 'hookless' for monospace fonts); without serifs
r = 'compact-top-serifed', cv42 = 18
r with compact body shape (identical to 'hookless' for monospace fonts), and serif at top
r = 'compact-base-serifed', cv42 = 19
r with compact body shape (identical to 'hookless' for monospace fonts), and serif at bottom
r = 'compact-serifed', cv42 = 20
r with compact body shape (identical to 'hookless' for monospace fonts), and serifs
- Styles for `s`
5 variants
s = 'serifless', cv43 = 1
Serifless s (default for Sans)
s = 'unilateral-serifed', cv43 = 2
s with single serif at top
s = 'bilateral-serifed', cv43 = 3
s with serifs at both end (default for Slab Upright)
s = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv43 = 4
s with single inward serif at top
s = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv43 = 5
s with inward serifs at both end (default for Slab Italic)
- Styles for `t`
24 variants
t = 'bent-hook', cv44 = 1
t with bent hook, and crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem (default)
t = 'bent-hook-short-neck', cv44 = 2
t with bent hook, crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem, and a shorter neck
t = 'bent-hook-short-neck2', cv44 = 3
t with bent hook, crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem, and a more shorter neck
t = 'bent-hook-asymmetric', cv44 = 4
t with bent hook, and crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem
t = 'bent-hook-asymmetric-short-neck', cv44 = 5
t with bent hook, crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem, and a shorter neck
t = 'bent-hook-asymmetric-short-neck2', cv44 = 6
t with bent hook, crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem, and a more shorter neck
t = 'flat-hook', cv44 = 7
t with flat hook, and crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem
t = 'flat-hook-short-neck', cv44 = 8
t with flat hook, crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem, and a shorter neck
t = 'flat-hook-short-neck2', cv44 = 9
t with flat hook, crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem, and a more shorter neck
t = 'flat-hook-asymmetric', cv44 = 10
t with flat hook, and crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem
t = 'flat-hook-asymmetric-short-neck', cv44 = 11
t with flat hook, crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem, and a shorter neck
t = 'flat-hook-asymmetric-short-neck2', cv44 = 12
t with flat hook, crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem, and a more shorter neck
t = 'diagonal-tailed', cv44 = 13
t with diagonal tail, and crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem
t = 'diagonal-tailed-short-neck', cv44 = 14
t with diagonal tail, crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem, and a shorter neck
t = 'diagonal-tailed-short-neck2', cv44 = 15
t with diagonal tail, crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem, and a more shorter neck
t = 'diagonal-tailed-asymmetric', cv44 = 16
t with diagonal tail, and crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem
t = 'diagonal-tailed-asymmetric-short-neck', cv44 = 17
t with diagonal tail, crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem, and a shorter neck
t = 'diagonal-tailed-asymmetric-short-neck2', cv44 = 18
t with diagonal tail, crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem, and a more shorter neck
t = 'hookless', cv44 = 19
t without hook or tail; with crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem
t = 'hookless-short-neck', cv44 = 20
t without hook or tail; with crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem, and a shorter neck
t = 'hookless-short-neck2', cv44 = 21
t without hook or tail; with crossbar at both sides of the vertical stem, and a more shorter neck
t = 'hookless-asymmetric', cv44 = 22
t without hook or tail; with crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem
t = 'hookless-asymmetric-short-neck', cv44 = 23
t without hook or tail; with crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem, and a shorter neck
t = 'hookless-asymmetric-short-neck2', cv44 = 24
t without hook or tail; with crossbar at only right side of the vertical stem, and a more shorter neck
- Styles for `u`
13 variants
u = 'toothed-serifless', cv45 = 1
u with toothed shape; without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
u = 'toothed-bottom-right-serifed', cv45 = 2
u with toothed shape, and serif at bottom-right
u = 'toothed-motion-serifed', cv45 = 3
u with toothed shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
u = 'toothed-serifed', cv45 = 4
u with toothed shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
u = 'tailed-serifless', cv45 = 5
u with tailed shape; without serifs (default for Sans Italic)
u = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv45 = 6
u with tailed shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right (default for Slab Italic)
u = 'tailed-serifed', cv45 = 7
u with tailed shape, and serifs
u = 'toothless-corner-serifless', cv45 = 8
u with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape; without serifs
u = 'toothless-corner-motion-serifed', cv45 = 9
u with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
u = 'toothless-corner-serifed', cv45 = 10
u with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and serifs
u = 'toothless-rounded-serifless', cv45 = 11
u with toothless (rounded) shape; without serifs
u = 'toothless-rounded-motion-serifed', cv45 = 12
u with toothless (rounded) shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
u = 'toothless-rounded-serifed', cv45 = 13
u with toothless (rounded) shape, and serifs
- Styles for `v`
8 variants
v = 'straight-serifless', cv46 = 1
v with straight body; without serifs (default for Sans)
v = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv46 = 2
v with straight body, and motion serifs (default for Slab Italic)
v = 'straight-serifed', cv46 = 3
v with straight body, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
v = 'curly-serifless', cv46 = 4
v with curly body; without serifs
v = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv46 = 5
v with curly body, and motion serifs
v = 'curly-serifed', cv46 = 6
v with curly body, and serifs
v = 'cursive-serifless', cv46 = 7
v with cursive body; without serifs
v = 'cursive-serifed', cv46 = 8
v with cursive body, and serifs
- Styles for `w`
20 variants
w = 'straight-serifless', cv47 = 1
w with standard, straight body; without serifs (default for Sans)
w = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv47 = 2
w with standard, straight body, and motion serifs (default for Slab Italic)
w = 'straight-serifed', cv47 = 3
w with standard, straight body, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
w = 'curly-serifless', cv47 = 4
w with curly body; without serifs
w = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv47 = 5
w with curly body, and motion serifs
w = 'curly-serifed', cv47 = 6
w with curly body, and serifs
w = 'straight-vertical-sides-serifless', cv47 = 7
w with body shape with vertical sides; without serifs
w = 'straight-vertical-sides-motion-serifed', cv47 = 8
w with body shape with vertical sides, and motion serifs
w = 'straight-vertical-sides-serifed', cv47 = 9
w with body shape with vertical sides, and serifs
w = 'straight-flat-top-serifless', cv47 = 10
w with straight body shape that the middle is forced to be aligned the top; without serifs
w = 'straight-flat-top-motion-serifed', cv47 = 11
w with straight body shape that the middle is forced to be aligned the top, and motion serifs
w = 'straight-flat-top-serifed', cv47 = 12
w with straight body shape that the middle is forced to be aligned the top, and serifs
w = 'straight-double-v-serifless', cv47 = 13
w with body shape like double V; without serifs
w = 'straight-double-v-motion-serifed', cv47 = 14
w with body shape like double V, and motion serifs
w = 'straight-double-v-serifed', cv47 = 15
w with body shape like double V, and serifs
w = 'straight-asymmetric-serifless', cv47 = 16
w with asymmetric shape; without serifs
w = 'straight-asymmetric-motion-serifed', cv47 = 17
w with asymmetric shape, and motion serifs
w = 'straight-asymmetric-serifed', cv47 = 18
w with asymmetric shape, and serifs
w = 'cursive-serifless', cv47 = 19
w with cursive shape; without serifs
w = 'cursive-serifed', cv47 = 20
w with cursive shape, and serifs
- Styles for `x`
10 variants
x = 'straight-serifless', cv48 = 1
x with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
x = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv48 = 2
x with straight shape, and motion serifs
x = 'straight-serifed', cv48 = 3
x with straight shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
x = 'curly-serifless', cv48 = 4
x with curly shape; without serifs
x = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv48 = 5
x with curly shape, and motion serifs
x = 'curly-serifed', cv48 = 6
x with curly shape, and serifs
x = 'cursive', cv48 = 7
x with cursive shape (default for Slab Italic)
x = 'semi-chancery-straight', cv48 = 8
x with Semi-chancery shape with straight counter-leg
x = 'semi-chancery-curly', cv48 = 9
x with Semi-chancery shape with curly counter-leg
x = 'chancery', cv48 = 10
x with Chancery shape
- Styles for `y`
18 variants
y = 'straight-serifless', cv49 = 1
y with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
y = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv49 = 2
y with straight shape, and motion serifs
y = 'straight-serifed', cv49 = 3
y with straight shape, and serifs
y = 'straight-turn-serifless', cv49 = 4
y with straight shape, and a tail turns leftward; without serifs
y = 'straight-turn-motion-serifed', cv49 = 5
y with straight shape, a tail turns leftward, and motion serifs
y = 'straight-turn-serifed', cv49 = 6
y with straight shape, a tail turns leftward, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
y = 'curly-serifless', cv49 = 7
y with curly shape; without serifs
y = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv49 = 8
y with curly shape, and motion serifs
y = 'curly-serifed', cv49 = 9
y with curly shape, and serifs
y = 'curly-turn-serifless', cv49 = 10
y with curly shape, and a tail turns leftward; without serifs
y = 'curly-turn-motion-serifed', cv49 = 11
y with curly shape, a tail turns leftward, and motion serifs
y = 'curly-turn-serifed', cv49 = 12
y with curly shape, a tail turns leftward, and serifs
y = 'cursive-serifless', cv49 = 13
y with cursive shape; without serifs (default for Sans Italic)
y = 'cursive-motion-serifed', cv49 = 14
y with cursive shape, and motion serifs (default for Slab Italic)
y = 'cursive-serifed', cv49 = 15
y with cursive shape, and serifs
y = 'cursive-flat-hook-serifless', cv49 = 16
y with cursive shape, and a flat terminal hook; without serifs
y = 'cursive-flat-hook-motion-serifed', cv49 = 17
y with cursive shape, a flat terminal hook, and motion serifs
y = 'cursive-flat-hook-serifed', cv49 = 18
y with cursive shape, a flat terminal hook, and serifs
- Styles for `z`
27 variants
z = 'straight-serifless', cv50 = 1
z with straight body shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
z = 'straight-serifless-with-crossbar', cv50 = 2
z with straight body shape, and a diagonal crossbar; without serifs
z = 'straight-serifless-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 3
z with straight body shape, and a horizontal crossbar; without serifs
z = 'straight-top-serifed', cv50 = 4
z with straight body shape, and serifs at top
z = 'straight-top-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 5
z with straight body shape, serifs at top, and a diagonal crossbar
z = 'straight-top-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 6
z with straight body shape, serifs at top, and a horizontal crossbar
z = 'straight-bottom-serifed', cv50 = 7
z with straight body shape, and serifs at bottom
z = 'straight-bottom-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 8
z with straight body shape, serifs at bottom, and a diagonal crossbar
z = 'straight-bottom-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 9
z with straight body shape, serifs at bottom, and a horizontal crossbar
z = 'straight-serifed', cv50 = 10
z with straight body shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
z = 'straight-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 11
z with straight body shape, serifs, and a diagonal crossbar
z = 'straight-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 12
z with straight body shape, serifs, and a horizontal crossbar
z = 'curly-serifless', cv50 = 13
z with curly body shape; without serifs
z = 'curly-serifless-with-crossbar', cv50 = 14
z with curly body shape, and a diagonal crossbar; without serifs
z = 'curly-serifless-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 15
z with curly body shape, and a horizontal crossbar; without serifs
z = 'curly-top-serifed', cv50 = 16
z with curly body shape, and serifs at top
z = 'curly-top-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 17
z with curly body shape, serifs at top, and a diagonal crossbar
z = 'curly-top-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 18
z with curly body shape, serifs at top, and a horizontal crossbar
z = 'curly-bottom-serifed', cv50 = 19
z with curly body shape, and serifs at bottom
z = 'curly-bottom-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 20
z with curly body shape, serifs at bottom, and a diagonal crossbar
z = 'curly-bottom-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 21
z with curly body shape, serifs at bottom, and a horizontal crossbar
z = 'curly-serifed', cv50 = 22
z with curly body shape, and serifs
z = 'curly-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 23
z with curly body shape, serifs, and a diagonal crossbar
z = 'curly-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 24
z with curly body shape, serifs, and a horizontal crossbar
z = 'cursive', cv50 = 25
z with cursive body shape (default for Slab Italic)
z = 'cursive-with-crossbar', cv50 = 26
z with cursive body shape, and a diagonal crossbar
z = 'cursive-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 27
z with cursive body shape, and a horizontal crossbar
- Styles for `ſ` (Long-S)
30 variants
long-s = 'bent-hook-serifless', cv51 = 1
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook; without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
long-s = 'bent-hook-middle-serifed', cv51 = 2
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, and middle serif
long-s = 'bent-hook-middle-serifed-xh', cv51 = 3
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, and middle serif at x-height
long-s = 'bent-hook-bottom-serifed', cv51 = 4
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, and bottom serif (default for Slab Upright)
long-s = 'bent-hook-double-serifed', cv51 = 5
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, and bottom and middle serifs
long-s = 'bent-hook-double-serifed-xh', cv51 = 6
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, and bottom and middle serifs at x-height
long-s = 'bent-hook-descending', cv51 = 7
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, and terminal descends baseline; without serifs
long-s = 'bent-hook-descending-middle-serifed', cv51 = 8
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, terminal descends baseline, and middle serif
long-s = 'bent-hook-descending-middle-serifed-xh', cv51 = 9
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, terminal descends baseline, and middle serif at x-height
long-s = 'bent-hook-tailed', cv51 = 10
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, and terminal has a tail; without serifs
long-s = 'bent-hook-tailed-middle-serifed', cv51 = 11
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, terminal has a tail, and middle serif
long-s = 'bent-hook-tailed-middle-serifed-xh', cv51 = 12
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, terminal has a tail, and middle serif at x-height
long-s = 'bent-hook-diagonal-tailed', cv51 = 13
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, and terminal has a diagonal tail; without serifs
long-s = 'bent-hook-diagonal-tailed-middle-serifed', cv51 = 14
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, terminal has a diagonal tail, and middle serif
long-s = 'bent-hook-diagonal-tailed-middle-serifed-xh', cv51 = 15
Long S (ſ) with bending top hook, terminal has a diagonal tail, and middle serif at x-height
long-s = 'flat-hook-serifless', cv51 = 16
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook; without serifs
long-s = 'flat-hook-middle-serifed', cv51 = 17
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, and middle serif
long-s = 'flat-hook-middle-serifed-xh', cv51 = 18
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, and middle serif at x-height
long-s = 'flat-hook-bottom-serifed', cv51 = 19
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, and bottom serif
long-s = 'flat-hook-double-serifed', cv51 = 20
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, and bottom and middle serifs
long-s = 'flat-hook-double-serifed-xh', cv51 = 21
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, and bottom and middle serifs at x-height
long-s = 'flat-hook-descending', cv51 = 22
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, and terminal descends baseline; without serifs
long-s = 'flat-hook-descending-middle-serifed', cv51 = 23
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, terminal descends baseline, and middle serif
long-s = 'flat-hook-descending-middle-serifed-xh', cv51 = 24
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, terminal descends baseline, and middle serif at x-height
long-s = 'flat-hook-tailed', cv51 = 25
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, and terminal has a tail; without serifs (default for Italic)
long-s = 'flat-hook-tailed-middle-serifed', cv51 = 26
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, terminal has a tail, and middle serif
long-s = 'flat-hook-tailed-middle-serifed-xh', cv51 = 27
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, terminal has a tail, and middle serif at x-height
long-s = 'flat-hook-diagonal-tailed', cv51 = 28
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, and terminal has a diagonal tail; without serifs
long-s = 'flat-hook-diagonal-tailed-middle-serifed', cv51 = 29
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, terminal has a diagonal tail, and middle serif
long-s = 'flat-hook-diagonal-tailed-middle-serifed-xh', cv51 = 30
Long S (ſ) with flat top hook, terminal has a diagonal tail, and middle serif at x-height
- Styles for `ß` (Eszet)
40 variants
eszet = 'traditional-serifless', cv52 = 1
Eszet (ß) with traditional, Fraktur-like shape
eszet = 'traditional-middle-serifed', cv52 = 2
Eszet (ß) with traditional, Fraktur-like shape, and serif at middle
eszet = 'traditional-bottom-serifed', cv52 = 3
Eszet (ß) with traditional, Fraktur-like shape, and serif at bottom
eszet = 'traditional-dual-serifed', cv52 = 4
Eszet (ß) with traditional, Fraktur-like shape, and serif at middle and bottom
eszet = 'traditional-descending-serifless', cv52 = 5
Eszet (ß) with traditional, Fraktur-like shape, and terminal descends baseline
eszet = 'traditional-descending-middle-serifed', cv52 = 6
Eszet (ß) with traditional, Fraktur-like shape, terminal descends baseline, and serif at middle
eszet = 'traditional-tailed-serifless', cv52 = 7
Eszet (ß) with traditional, Fraktur-like shape, and terminal containing tail
eszet = 'traditional-tailed-middle-serifed', cv52 = 8
Eszet (ß) with traditional, Fraktur-like shape, terminal containing tail, and serif at middle
eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-serifless', cv52 = 9
Eszet (ß) with traditional Fraktur-like shape (containing a flat top hook)
eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-middle-serifed', cv52 = 10
Eszet (ß) with traditional Fraktur-like shape (containing a flat top hook), and serif at middle
eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-bottom-serifed', cv52 = 11
Eszet (ß) with traditional Fraktur-like shape (containing a flat top hook), and serif at bottom
eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-dual-serifed', cv52 = 12
Eszet (ß) with traditional Fraktur-like shape (containing a flat top hook), and serif at middle and bottom
eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-descending-serifless', cv52 = 13
Eszet (ß) with traditional Fraktur-like shape (containing a flat top hook), and terminal descends baseline
eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-descending-middle-serifed', cv52 = 14
Eszet (ß) with traditional Fraktur-like shape (containing a flat top hook), terminal descends baseline, and serif at middle
eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-tailed-serifless', cv52 = 15
Eszet (ß) with traditional Fraktur-like shape (containing a flat top hook), and terminal containing tail
eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-tailed-middle-serifed', cv52 = 16
Eszet (ß) with traditional Fraktur-like shape (containing a flat top hook), terminal containing tail, and serif at middle
eszet = 'sulzbacher-serifless', cv52 = 17
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape (default for Sans Upright)
eszet = 'sulzbacher-middle-serifed', cv52 = 18
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, and serif at middle
eszet = 'sulzbacher-middle-serifed-xh', cv52 = 19
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, and serif at middle at x-height
eszet = 'sulzbacher-bottom-serifed', cv52 = 20
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, and serif at bottom (default for Slab Upright)
eszet = 'sulzbacher-dual-serifed', cv52 = 21
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, and serif at middle and bottom
eszet = 'sulzbacher-dual-serifed-xh', cv52 = 22
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, and serif at middle (x-height) and bottom
eszet = 'sulzbacher-descending-serifless', cv52 = 23
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, and terminal descends baseline
eszet = 'sulzbacher-descending-middle-serifed', cv52 = 24
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, terminal descends baseline, and serif at middle
eszet = 'sulzbacher-descending-middle-serifed-xh', cv52 = 25
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, terminal descends baseline, and serif at middle at x-height
eszet = 'sulzbacher-tailed-serifless', cv52 = 26
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, and terminal containing tail (default for Italic)
eszet = 'sulzbacher-tailed-middle-serifed', cv52 = 27
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, terminal containing tail, and serif at middle
eszet = 'sulzbacher-tailed-middle-serifed-xh', cv52 = 28
Eszet (ß) with more modern, beta-like shape, terminal containing tail, and serif at middle at x-height
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-serifless', cv52 = 29
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-middle-serifed', cv52 = 30
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, and serif at middle
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-middle-serifed-xh', cv52 = 31
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, and serif at middle at x-height
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-bottom-serifed', cv52 = 32
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, and serif at bottom
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-dual-serifed', cv52 = 33
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, and serif at middle and bottom
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-dual-serifed-xh', cv52 = 34
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, and serif at middle (x-height) and bottom
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-descending-serifless', cv52 = 35
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, and terminal descends baseline
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-descending-middle-serifed', cv52 = 36
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, terminal descends baseline, and serif at middle
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-descending-middle-serifed-xh', cv52 = 37
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, terminal descends baseline, and serif at middle at x-height
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-tailed-serifless', cv52 = 38
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, and terminal containing tail
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-tailed-middle-serifed', cv52 = 39
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, terminal containing tail, and serif at middle
eszet = 'longs-s-lig-tailed-middle-serifed-xh', cv52 = 40
Eszet (ß) with ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, terminal containing tail, and serif at middle at x-height
- Styles for `ð` (Lowercase Eth (`ð`))
2 variants
lower-eth = 'straight-bar', cv53 = 1
Lowercase Eth (ð) with a straight bar
lower-eth = 'curly-bar', cv53 = 2
Lowercase Eth (ð) with a curly bar (default)
- Styles for `þ` (Lowercase Thorn (`þ`))
3 variants
lower-thorn = 'serifless', cv54 = 1
Lowercase Thorn (þ) without serifs (default for Sans)
lower-thorn = 'motion-serifed', cv54 = 2
Lowercase Thorn (þ) with motion serifs
lower-thorn = 'serifed', cv54 = 3
Lowercase Thorn (þ) with serifs (default for Slab)
- Styles for `α` (Greek lower Alpha)
12 variants
lower-alpha = 'crossing', cv55 = 1
Greek lower Alpha (α) with cross-like shape at right (default)
lower-alpha = 'barred', cv55 = 2
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar
lower-alpha = 'barred-serifed', cv55 = 3
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, and serif at terminal
lower-alpha = 'barred-double-serifed', cv55 = 4
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, and serifs at top and bottom
lower-alpha = 'barred-tailed', cv55 = 5
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, and curly tail
lower-alpha = 'barred-tailed-serifed', cv55 = 6
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, and curly tail; with serifs at top and bottom
lower-alpha = 'barred-earless-corner', cv55 = 7
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, and earless (cornered top-right)
lower-alpha = 'barred-earless-corner-serifed', cv55 = 8
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, earless (cornered top-right), and serif at terminal
lower-alpha = 'barred-earless-corner-tailed', cv55 = 9
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, earless (cornered top-right), and curly tail
lower-alpha = 'barred-earless-rounded', cv55 = 10
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, and earless (rounded top-right)
lower-alpha = 'barred-earless-rounded-serifed', cv55 = 11
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, earless (rounded top-right), and serif at terminal
lower-alpha = 'barred-earless-rounded-tailed', cv55 = 12
Greek lower Alpha (α) with straight right bar, earless (rounded top-right), and curly tail
- Styles for `Γ` (Greek capital Gamma)
4 variants
capital-gamma = 'serifless', cv56 = 1
Standard capital Gamma (Γ) without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-gamma = 'top-right-serifed', cv56 = 2
Standard capital Gamma (Γ) with serifs at top right
capital-gamma = 'bottom-serifed', cv56 = 3
Standard capital Gamma (Γ) with bottom serif
capital-gamma = 'serifed', cv56 = 4
Standard capital Gamma (Γ) with motion serifs at top and bottom (default for Slab)
- Styles for `Δ` (Greek capital Delta (`Δ`))
2 variants
capital-delta = 'straight', cv57 = 1
Standard, straight Greek capital Delta (Δ) (default)
capital-delta = 'curly', cv57 = 2
Slightly curly Greek capital Delta (Δ), like Iosevka 2.x
- Styles for `δ` (Greek lower Delta)
2 variants
lower-delta = 'rounded', cv58 = 1
Greek lower Delta (δ) with rounded top (default)
lower-delta = 'flat-top', cv58 = 2
Greek lower Delta (δ) with flat top
- Styles for `ι` (Greek lower Iota)
12 variants
lower-iota = 'tailless', cv59 = 1
Greek lower Iota (ι) like a straight line
lower-iota = 'tailless-serifed', cv59 = 2
Greek lower Iota (ι) like a straight line with top serif
lower-iota = 'hooky-bottom', cv59 = 3
Greek lower Iota (ι) with a sharp-turning horizontal tail
lower-iota = 'zshaped', cv59 = 4
Z-shaped Greek lower Iota (ι)
lower-iota = 'tailed', cv59 = 5
Greek lower Iota (ι) with curly tail
lower-iota = 'tailed-serifed', cv59 = 6
Greek lower Iota (ι) with top serif and curly tail (default for Italic)
lower-iota = 'flat-tailed', cv59 = 7
Greek lower Iota (ι) with a curly-then-flat tail
lower-iota = 'serifed-flat-tailed', cv59 = 8
Greek lower Iota (ι) with top serif and a curly-then-flat tail
lower-iota = 'diagonal-tailed', cv59 = 9
Greek lower Iota (ι) with a diagonal tail
lower-iota = 'serifed-diagonal-tailed', cv59 = 10
Greek lower Iota (ι) with top serif and a diagonal tail
lower-iota = 'semi-tailed', cv59 = 11
Greek lower Iota (ι) with a slightly curly tail
lower-iota = 'serifed-semi-tailed', cv59 = 12
Greek lower Iota (ι) with top serif and a slightly curly tail (default for Upright)
- Styles for `Λ` (Greek capital Lambda (`Λ`))
8 variants
capital-lambda = 'straight-serifless', cv60 = 1
Greek capital Lambda (Λ) with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
capital-lambda = 'straight-top-serifed', cv60 = 2
Greek capital Lambda (Λ) with straight shape, and serifs at top
capital-lambda = 'straight-base-serifed', cv60 = 3
Greek capital Lambda (Λ) with straight shape, and serifs at base (default for Slab)
capital-lambda = 'straight-tri-serifed', cv60 = 4
Greek capital Lambda (Λ) with straight shape, and serifs at both top and base
capital-lambda = 'curly-serifless', cv60 = 5
Greek capital Lambda (Λ) with curly shape; without serifs
capital-lambda = 'curly-top-serifed', cv60 = 6
Greek capital Lambda (Λ) with curly shape, and serifs at top
capital-lambda = 'curly-base-serifed', cv60 = 7
Greek capital Lambda (Λ) with curly shape, and serifs at base
capital-lambda = 'curly-tri-serifed', cv60 = 8
Greek capital Lambda (Λ) with curly shape, and serifs at both top and base
- Styles for `λ` (Greek small Lambda)
6 variants
lower-lambda = 'straight', cv61 = 1
More-straight Greek small Lambda (λ) (default for Sans Upright, Sans Italic, Slab Italic)
lower-lambda = 'straight-turn', cv61 = 2
Greek small Lambda (λ) with straight upper and a tail turns leftward (default for Slab Upright)
lower-lambda = 'tailed-turn', cv61 = 3
More curly Greek small Lambda (λ), with a tail turns leftward at top and a tail turns right at bottom-right
lower-lambda = 'curly', cv61 = 4
More curly Greek small Lambda (λ), like Iosevka 2.x
lower-lambda = 'curly-turn', cv61 = 5
More curly Greek small Lambda (λ), like Iosevka 2.x, with a tail turns leftward
lower-lambda = 'curly-tailed-turn', cv61 = 6
More curly Greek small Lambda (λ), with a tail turns leftward at top, a tail turns right at bottom-right, and curly bottom-left leg
- Styles for `μ` (Greek small Mu)
13 variants
lower-mu = 'toothed-serifless', cv62 = 1
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothed shape; without serifs
lower-mu = 'toothed-bottom-right-serifed', cv62 = 2
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothed shape, and serif at bottom-right
lower-mu = 'toothed-motion-serifed', cv62 = 3
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothed shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
lower-mu = 'toothed-serifed', cv62 = 4
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothed shape, and serifs
lower-mu = 'tailed-serifless', cv62 = 5
Greek small Mu (μ) with tailed shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
lower-mu = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv62 = 6
Greek small Mu (μ) with tailed shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right (default for Slab Italic)
lower-mu = 'tailed-serifed', cv62 = 7
Greek small Mu (μ) with tailed shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
lower-mu = 'toothless-corner-serifless', cv62 = 8
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape; without serifs
lower-mu = 'toothless-corner-motion-serifed', cv62 = 9
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
lower-mu = 'toothless-corner-serifed', cv62 = 10
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and serifs
lower-mu = 'toothless-rounded-serifless', cv62 = 11
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothless (rounded) shape; without serifs
lower-mu = 'toothless-rounded-motion-serifed', cv62 = 12
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothless (rounded) shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
lower-mu = 'toothless-rounded-serifed', cv62 = 13
Greek small Mu (μ) with toothless (rounded) shape, and serifs
- Styles for `ξ` (Greek lower Xi)
2 variants
lower-xi = 'rounded', cv63 = 1
Greek lower Xi (ξ) with rounded top
lower-xi = 'flat-top', cv63 = 2
Greek lower Xi (ξ) with flat top (default)
- Styles for `π` (Greek lower Pi)
3 variants
lower-pi = 'tailless', cv64 = 1
Greek lower Pi (π) with a tailless shape
lower-pi = 'tailed', cv64 = 2
Greek lower Pi (π) with a tailed shape (default)
lower-pi = 'small-capital', cv64 = 3
Greek lower Pi (π) with a small-capital shape
- Styles for `τ` (Greek lower Tau)
6 variants
lower-tau = 'tailless', cv65 = 1
Greek lower Tau (τ) with a tailless shape
lower-tau = 'short-tailed', cv65 = 2
Greek lower Tau (τ) with a very short tail
lower-tau = 'tailed', cv65 = 3
Greek lower Tau (τ) with curly tail (default for Italic)
lower-tau = 'flat-tailed', cv65 = 4
Greek lower Tau (τ) with a flat tail
lower-tau = 'diagonal-tailed', cv65 = 5
Greek lower Tau (τ) with a diagonal tail
lower-tau = 'semi-tailed', cv65 = 6
Greek lower Tau (τ) with a slightly curly tail (default for Upright)
- Styles for `χ` (Greek lower Chi)
9 variants
lower-chi = 'straight-serifless', cv66 = 1
Greek lower Chi (χ) with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
lower-chi = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv66 = 2
Greek lower Chi (χ) with straight shape, and motion serifs
lower-chi = 'straight-serifed', cv66 = 3
Greek lower Chi (χ) with straight shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
lower-chi = 'curly-serifless', cv66 = 4
Greek lower Chi (χ) with curly shape; without serifs
lower-chi = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv66 = 5
Greek lower Chi (χ) with curly shape, and motion serifs
lower-chi = 'curly-serifed', cv66 = 6
Greek lower Chi (χ) with curly shape, and serifs
lower-chi = 'semi-chancery-straight', cv66 = 7
Greek lower Chi (χ) with Semi-chancery shape with straight counter-leg
lower-chi = 'semi-chancery-curly', cv66 = 8
Greek lower Chi (χ) with Semi-chancery shape with curly counter-leg
lower-chi = 'chancery', cv66 = 9
Greek lower Chi (χ) with Chancery shape
- Styles for `Ж` (Cyrillic Capital Zhe)
5 variants
cyrl-capital-zhe = 'straight', cv67 = 1
Cyrillic Capital Zhe (Ж) with straight legs
cyrl-capital-zhe = 'curly', cv67 = 2
Cyrillic Capital Zhe (Ж) with curly legs
cyrl-capital-zhe = 'symmetric-touching', cv67 = 3
Cyrillic Capital Zhe (Ж) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar
cyrl-capital-zhe = 'symmetric-connected', cv67 = 4
Cyrillic Capital Zhe (Ж) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar (default)
cyrl-capital-zhe = 'cursive', cv67 = 5
Cyrillic Capital Zhe (Ж) with cursive legs
- Styles for `ж` (Cyrillic Zhe)
5 variants
cyrl-zhe = 'straight', cv68 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with straight legs
cyrl-zhe = 'curly', cv68 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with curly legs
cyrl-zhe = 'symmetric-touching', cv68 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar
cyrl-zhe = 'symmetric-connected', cv68 = 4
Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar (default)
cyrl-zhe = 'cursive', cv68 = 5
Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with cursive legs
- Styles for `З` (Cyrillic Capital Ze)
5 variants
cyrl-capital-ze = 'serifless', cv69 = 1
Serifless Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) (default for Sans)
cyrl-capital-ze = 'unilateral-serifed', cv69 = 2
Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) with serif at top (default for Slab)
cyrl-capital-ze = 'bilateral-serifed', cv69 = 3
Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) with serif at both top and bottom
cyrl-capital-ze = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv69 = 4
Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) with inward serif at top
cyrl-capital-ze = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv69 = 5
Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) with inward serif at both top and bottom
- Styles for `з` (Cyrillic Lower Ze)
5 variants
cyrl-ze = 'serifless', cv70 = 1
Serifless Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) (default for Sans)
cyrl-ze = 'unilateral-serifed', cv70 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) with serif at top (default for Slab Upright)
cyrl-ze = 'bilateral-serifed', cv70 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) with serif at both top and bottom
cyrl-ze = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv70 = 4
Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) with inward serif at top (default for Slab Italic)
cyrl-ze = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv70 = 5
Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) with inward serif at both top and bottom
- Styles for `К` (Cyrillic Capital Ka)
20 variants
cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-serifless', cv71 = 1
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with straight shape; without serifs
cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv71 = 2
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with straight shape, and serifs at top left
cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv71 = 3
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with straight shape, and serifs at bottom right
cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv71 = 4
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with straight shape, and serifs at top left and bottom right
cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-serifed', cv71 = 5
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with straight shape, and serifs
cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-serifless', cv71 = 6
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with curly shape; without serifs
cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv71 = 7
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with curly shape, and serifs at top left
cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv71 = 8
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with curly shape, and serifs at bottom right
cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv71 = 9
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with curly shape, and serifs at top left and bottom right
cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-serifed', cv71 = 10
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with curly shape, and serifs
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-serifless', cv71 = 11
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar; without serifs
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-serifed', cv71 = 12
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-bottom-right-serifed', cv71 = 13
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv71 = 14
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-serifed', cv71 = 15
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-serifless', cv71 = 16
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar; without serifs (default for Sans)
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-serifed', cv71 = 17
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-bottom-right-serifed', cv71 = 18
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv71 = 19
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-serifed', cv71 = 20
Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs (default for Slab)
- Styles for `к` (Cyrillic Ka)
20 variants
cyrl-ka = 'straight-serifless', cv72 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with straight shape; without serifs
cyrl-ka = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv72 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with straight shape, and serifs at top left
cyrl-ka = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv72 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with straight shape, and serifs at bottom right
cyrl-ka = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv72 = 4
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with straight shape, and serifs at top left and bottom right
cyrl-ka = 'straight-serifed', cv72 = 5
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with straight shape, and serifs
cyrl-ka = 'curly-serifless', cv72 = 6
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with curly shape; without serifs
cyrl-ka = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv72 = 7
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with curly shape, and serifs at top left
cyrl-ka = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv72 = 8
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with curly shape, and serifs at bottom right
cyrl-ka = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv72 = 9
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with curly shape, and serifs at top left and bottom right
cyrl-ka = 'curly-serifed', cv72 = 10
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with curly shape, and serifs
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-serifless', cv72 = 11
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar; without serifs
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-serifed', cv72 = 12
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-bottom-right-serifed', cv72 = 13
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv72 = 14
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-serifed', cv72 = 15
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-serifless', cv72 = 16
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar; without serifs (default for Sans)
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-serifed', cv72 = 17
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left (default for Slab Italic)
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-bottom-right-serifed', cv72 = 18
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv72 = 19
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-serifed', cv72 = 20
Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
- Styles for `л` (Cyrillic Lower El)
2 variants
cyrl-el = 'straight', cv73 = 1
Cyrillic Lower El (л) with standard shape (default)
cyrl-el = 'tailed', cv73 = 2
Cyrillic Lower El (л) with tail shape
- Styles for `м` (Cyrillic Lower Em)
12 variants
cyrl-em = 'hanging-serifless', cv74 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with middle being hanging off baseline; without serifs
cyrl-em = 'hanging-motion-serifed', cv74 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with middle being hanging off baseline, and motion serifs
cyrl-em = 'hanging-serifed', cv74 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with middle being hanging off baseline, and serifs
cyrl-em = 'flat-bottom-serifless', cv74 = 4
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with middle aligned to baseline; without serifs (default for Sans)
cyrl-em = 'flat-bottom-motion-serifed', cv74 = 5
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with middle aligned to baseline, and motion serifs
cyrl-em = 'flat-bottom-serifed', cv74 = 6
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with middle aligned to baseline, and serifs (default for Slab)
cyrl-em = 'slanted-sides-hanging-serifless', cv74 = 7
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with slanted sides, and middle being hanging off baseline; without serifs
cyrl-em = 'slanted-sides-hanging-motion-serifed', cv74 = 8
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with slanted sides, middle being hanging off baseline, and motion serifs
cyrl-em = 'slanted-sides-hanging-serifed', cv74 = 9
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with slanted sides, middle being hanging off baseline, and serifs
cyrl-em = 'slanted-sides-flat-bottom-serifless', cv74 = 10
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with slanted sides, and middle aligned to baseline; without serifs
cyrl-em = 'slanted-sides-flat-bottom-motion-serifed', cv74 = 11
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with slanted sides, middle aligned to baseline, and motion serifs
cyrl-em = 'slanted-sides-flat-bottom-serifed', cv74 = 12
Cyrillic Lower Em (м) with slanted sides, middle aligned to baseline, and serifs
- Styles for `н` (Cyrillic Lower En)
7 variants
cyrl-en = 'serifless', cv75 = 1
Cyrillic Lower En (н) without serifs (default for Sans)
cyrl-en = 'top-left-serifed', cv75 = 2
Cyrillic Lower En (н) with serifs at top left
cyrl-en = 'top-left-bottom-right-serifed', cv75 = 3
Cyrillic Lower En (н) with serifs at top left and bottom right (default for Slab Italic)
cyrl-en = 'serifed', cv75 = 4
Cyrillic Lower En (н) with serifs (default for Slab Upright)
cyrl-en = 'tailed-serifless', cv75 = 5
Cyrillic Lower En (н) with tail; without serifs
cyrl-en = 'tailed-top-left-serifed', cv75 = 6
Cyrillic Lower En (н) with tail, and serifs at top left
cyrl-en = 'tailed-serifed', cv75 = 7
Cyrillic Lower En (н) with tail, and serifs
- Styles for `р` (Cyrillic Lower Er)
7 variants
cyrl-er = 'eared-serifless', cv76 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Er (р) with eared shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
cyrl-er = 'eared-motion-serifed', cv76 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Er (р) with eared shape, and motion serifs
cyrl-er = 'eared-serifed', cv76 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Er (р) with eared shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
cyrl-er = 'earless-corner-serifless', cv76 = 4
Cyrillic Lower Er (р) with earless (cornered) shape; without serifs
cyrl-er = 'earless-corner-serifed', cv76 = 5
Cyrillic Lower Er (р) with earless (cornered) shape, and serifs
cyrl-er = 'earless-rounded-serifless', cv76 = 6
Cyrillic Lower Er (р) with earless (rounded) shape; without serifs
cyrl-er = 'earless-rounded-serifed', cv76 = 7
Cyrillic Lower Er (р) with earless (rounded) shape, and serifs
- Styles for `У` (Cyrillic Capital U)
18 variants
cyrl-capital-u = 'straight-serifless', cv77 = 1
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans)
cyrl-capital-u = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv77 = 2
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with straight shape, and motion serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'straight-serifed', cv77 = 3
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with straight shape, and serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'straight-turn-serifless', cv77 = 4
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with straight shape, and a tail turns leftward; without serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'straight-turn-motion-serifed', cv77 = 5
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with straight shape, a tail turns leftward, and motion serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'straight-turn-serifed', cv77 = 6
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with straight shape, a tail turns leftward, and serifs (default for Slab)
cyrl-capital-u = 'curly-serifless', cv77 = 7
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with curly shape; without serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv77 = 8
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with curly shape, and motion serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'curly-serifed', cv77 = 9
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with curly shape, and serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'curly-turn-serifless', cv77 = 10
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with curly shape, and a tail turns leftward; without serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'curly-turn-motion-serifed', cv77 = 11
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with curly shape, a tail turns leftward, and motion serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'curly-turn-serifed', cv77 = 12
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with curly shape, a tail turns leftward, and serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'cursive-serifless', cv77 = 13
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with cursive shape; without serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'cursive-motion-serifed', cv77 = 14
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with cursive shape, and motion serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'cursive-serifed', cv77 = 15
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with cursive shape, and serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'cursive-flat-hook-serifless', cv77 = 16
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with cursive shape, and a flat terminal hook; without serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'cursive-flat-hook-motion-serifed', cv77 = 17
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with cursive shape, a flat terminal hook, and motion serifs
cyrl-capital-u = 'cursive-flat-hook-serifed', cv77 = 18
Cyrillic Capital U (У) with cursive shape, a flat terminal hook, and serifs
- Styles for `у` (Cyrillic Lower U)
18 variants
cyrl-u = 'straight-serifless', cv78 = 1
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with straight shape; without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
cyrl-u = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv78 = 2
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with straight shape, and motion serifs
cyrl-u = 'straight-serifed', cv78 = 3
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with straight shape, and serifs
cyrl-u = 'straight-turn-serifless', cv78 = 4
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with straight shape, and a tail turns leftward; without serifs
cyrl-u = 'straight-turn-motion-serifed', cv78 = 5
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with straight shape, a tail turns leftward, and motion serifs
cyrl-u = 'straight-turn-serifed', cv78 = 6
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with straight shape, a tail turns leftward, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
cyrl-u = 'curly-serifless', cv78 = 7
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with curly shape; without serifs
cyrl-u = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv78 = 8
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with curly shape, and motion serifs
cyrl-u = 'curly-serifed', cv78 = 9
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with curly shape, and serifs
cyrl-u = 'curly-turn-serifless', cv78 = 10
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with curly shape, and a tail turns leftward; without serifs
cyrl-u = 'curly-turn-motion-serifed', cv78 = 11
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with curly shape, a tail turns leftward, and motion serifs
cyrl-u = 'curly-turn-serifed', cv78 = 12
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with curly shape, a tail turns leftward, and serifs
cyrl-u = 'cursive-serifless', cv78 = 13
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with cursive shape; without serifs (default for Sans Italic)
cyrl-u = 'cursive-motion-serifed', cv78 = 14
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with cursive shape, and motion serifs (default for Slab Italic)
cyrl-u = 'cursive-serifed', cv78 = 15
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with cursive shape, and serifs
cyrl-u = 'cursive-flat-hook-serifless', cv78 = 16
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with cursive shape, and a flat terminal hook; without serifs
cyrl-u = 'cursive-flat-hook-motion-serifed', cv78 = 17
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with cursive shape, a flat terminal hook, and motion serifs
cyrl-u = 'cursive-flat-hook-serifed', cv78 = 18
Cyrillic Lower U (у) with cursive shape, a flat terminal hook, and serifs
- Styles for `ф` (Cyrillic Lower Ef)
8 variants
cyrl-ef = 'serifless', cv79 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with straight bar; without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
cyrl-ef = 'top-serifed', cv79 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with straight bar, and serif at top
cyrl-ef = 'serifed', cv79 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with straight bar, and serifs at top and bottom (default for Slab Upright)
cyrl-ef = 'cursive', cv79 = 4
Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with cursive bar (default for Italic)
cyrl-ef = 'split-serifless', cv79 = 5
Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with split bowl, and straight bar; without serifs
cyrl-ef = 'split-top-serifed', cv79 = 6
Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with split bowl, straight bar, and serif at top
cyrl-ef = 'split-serifed', cv79 = 7
Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with split bowl, straight bar, and serifs at top and bottom
cyrl-ef = 'split-cursive', cv79 = 8
Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with split bowl, and cursive bar
- Styles for `ч` (Cyrillic Lower Che)
2 variants
cyrl-che = 'standard', cv80 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Che (ч) with standard shape (default)
cyrl-che = 'tailed', cv80 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Che (ч) with tail
- Styles for `ь` (Cyrillic Lower Yeri and related letters)
3 variants
cyrl-yeri = 'corner', cv81 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Yeri (ь) with corner at bottom left (default for Upright)
cyrl-yeri = 'round', cv81 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Yeri (ь) with rounded shape (default for Sans Italic)
cyrl-yeri = 'cursive', cv81 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Yeri (ь) with cursive shape (default for Slab Italic)
- Styles for `ы` (Cyrillic Lower Yery)
6 variants
cyrl-yery = 'corner', cv82 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with corner at bottom left (default for Upright)
cyrl-yery = 'corner-tailed', cv82 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with corner at bottom left and tail
cyrl-yery = 'round', cv82 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with rounded shape (default for Sans Italic)
cyrl-yery = 'round-tailed', cv82 = 4
Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with rounded shape and tail
cyrl-yery = 'cursive', cv82 = 5
Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with cursive shape (default for Slab Italic)
cyrl-yery = 'cursive-tailed', cv82 = 6
Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with cursive shape and tail
- Styles for `Я` (Cyrillic Capital Ya)
18 variants
cyrl-capital-ya = 'straight-serifless', cv83 = 1
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with straight leg; without serifs (default for Sans)
cyrl-capital-ya = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv83 = 2
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with straight leg, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-capital-ya = 'straight-serifed', cv83 = 3
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with straight leg, and serifs (default for Slab)
cyrl-capital-ya = 'straight-open-serifless', cv83 = 4
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with straight leg, and open contour; without serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'straight-open-motion-serifed', cv83 = 5
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with straight leg, open contour, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-capital-ya = 'straight-open-serifed', cv83 = 6
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with straight leg, open contour, and serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'curly-serifless', cv83 = 7
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with curly leg; without serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv83 = 8
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with curly leg, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-capital-ya = 'curly-serifed', cv83 = 9
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with curly leg, and serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'curly-open-serifless', cv83 = 10
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with curly leg, and open contour; without serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'curly-open-motion-serifed', cv83 = 11
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with curly leg, open contour, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-capital-ya = 'curly-open-serifed', cv83 = 12
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with curly leg, open contour, and serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'standing-serifless', cv83 = 13
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with standing leg (like Helvetica); without serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'standing-motion-serifed', cv83 = 14
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-capital-ya = 'standing-serifed', cv83 = 15
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), and serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'standing-open-serifless', cv83 = 16
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), and open contour; without serifs
cyrl-capital-ya = 'standing-open-motion-serifed', cv83 = 17
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-capital-ya = 'standing-open-serifed', cv83 = 18
Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and serifs
- Styles for `я` (Cyrillic Lower Ya)
36 variants
cyrl-ya = 'straight-serifless', cv84 = 1
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg; without serifs (default for Sans)
cyrl-ya = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv84 = 2
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'straight-serifed', cv84 = 3
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, and serifs (default for Slab)
cyrl-ya = 'straight-tailed-serifless', cv84 = 4
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, and tail; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'straight-tailed-motion-serifed', cv84 = 5
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, tail, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'straight-tailed-serifed', cv84 = 6
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, tail, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'straight-open-serifless', cv84 = 7
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, and open contour; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'straight-open-motion-serifed', cv84 = 8
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, open contour, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'straight-open-serifed', cv84 = 9
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, open contour, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'straight-open-tailed-serifless', cv84 = 10
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, open contour, and tail; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'straight-open-tailed-motion-serifed', cv84 = 11
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, open contour, tail, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'straight-open-tailed-serifed', cv84 = 12
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with straight leg, open contour, tail, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'curly-serifless', cv84 = 13
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv84 = 14
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'curly-serifed', cv84 = 15
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'curly-tailed-serifless', cv84 = 16
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, and tail; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'curly-tailed-motion-serifed', cv84 = 17
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, tail, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'curly-tailed-serifed', cv84 = 18
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, tail, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'curly-open-serifless', cv84 = 19
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, and open contour; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'curly-open-motion-serifed', cv84 = 20
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, open contour, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'curly-open-serifed', cv84 = 21
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, open contour, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'curly-open-tailed-serifless', cv84 = 22
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, open contour, and tail; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'curly-open-tailed-motion-serifed', cv84 = 23
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, open contour, tail, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'curly-open-tailed-serifed', cv84 = 24
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with curly leg, open contour, tail, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'standing-serifless', cv84 = 25
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica); without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'standing-motion-serifed', cv84 = 26
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'standing-serifed', cv84 = 27
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'standing-tailed-serifless', cv84 = 28
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), and tail; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'standing-tailed-motion-serifed', cv84 = 29
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), tail, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'standing-tailed-serifed', cv84 = 30
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), tail, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'standing-open-serifless', cv84 = 31
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), and open contour; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'standing-open-motion-serifed', cv84 = 32
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'standing-open-serifed', cv84 = 33
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and serifs
cyrl-ya = 'standing-open-tailed-serifless', cv84 = 34
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, and tail; without serifs
cyrl-ya = 'standing-open-tailed-motion-serifed', cv84 = 35
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, tail, and motion serifs at bottom-left
cyrl-ya = 'standing-open-tailed-serifed', cv84 = 36
Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with standing leg (like Helvetica), open contour, tail, and serifs
- Styles for `0`
54 variants
zero = 'unslashed', cv85 = 1
Zero (0) with standard body shape; without slash
zero = 'slashed', cv85 = 2
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and slash (default)
zero = 'reverse-slashed', cv85 = 3
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and revese slash
zero = 'tall-slashed', cv85 = 4
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and tall slash
zero = 'tall-reverse-slashed', cv85 = 5
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and tall reverse slash
zero = 'dotted', cv85 = 6
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and center dot
zero = 'long-dotted', cv85 = 7
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and long center dot
zero = 'slashed-split', cv85 = 8
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and slash separated from the outline
zero = 'reverse-slashed-split', cv85 = 9
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and reverse slash separated from the outline
zero = 'broken-slash', cv85 = 10
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and slash broken in the middle (like in Fixedsys)
zero = 'broken-reverse-slash', cv85 = 11
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and reverse slash broken in the middle
zero = 'broken-vertical-bar', cv85 = 12
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and vertical bar broken in the middle
zero = 'slashed-cutout', cv85 = 13
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and a slash cutout
zero = 'reverse-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 14
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and a reverse-slash cutout
zero = 'tall-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 15
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and a taller slash cutout
zero = 'tall-reverse-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 16
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and a taller reverse-slash cutout
zero = 'vertical-bar-cutout', cv85 = 17
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and a vertical bar cutout
zero = 'top-right-cutout', cv85 = 18
Zero (0) with standard body shape, and the top-right bit cutout
zero = 'oval-unslashed', cv85 = 19
Zero (0) with oval body shape; without slash
zero = 'oval-slashed', cv85 = 20
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and slash
zero = 'oval-reverse-slashed', cv85 = 21
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and revese slash
zero = 'oval-tall-slashed', cv85 = 22
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and tall slash
zero = 'oval-tall-reverse-slashed', cv85 = 23
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and tall reverse slash
zero = 'oval-dotted', cv85 = 24
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and center dot
zero = 'oval-long-dotted', cv85 = 25
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and long center dot
zero = 'oval-slashed-split', cv85 = 26
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and slash separated from the outline
zero = 'oval-reverse-slashed-split', cv85 = 27
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and reverse slash separated from the outline
zero = 'oval-broken-slash', cv85 = 28
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and slash broken in the middle (like in Fixedsys)
zero = 'oval-broken-reverse-slash', cv85 = 29
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and reverse slash broken in the middle
zero = 'oval-broken-vertical-bar', cv85 = 30
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and vertical bar broken in the middle
zero = 'oval-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 31
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and a slash cutout
zero = 'oval-reverse-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 32
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and a reverse-slash cutout
zero = 'oval-tall-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 33
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and a taller slash cutout
zero = 'oval-tall-reverse-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 34
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and a taller reverse-slash cutout
zero = 'oval-vertical-bar-cutout', cv85 = 35
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and a vertical bar cutout
zero = 'oval-top-right-cutout', cv85 = 36
Zero (0) with oval body shape, and the top-right bit cutout
zero = 'diamond-unslashed', cv85 = 37
Zero (0) with diamond body shape; without slash
zero = 'diamond-slashed', cv85 = 38
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and slash
zero = 'diamond-reverse-slashed', cv85 = 39
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and revese slash
zero = 'diamond-tall-slashed', cv85 = 40
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and tall slash
zero = 'diamond-tall-reverse-slashed', cv85 = 41
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and tall reverse slash
zero = 'diamond-dotted', cv85 = 42
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and center dot
zero = 'diamond-long-dotted', cv85 = 43
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and long center dot
zero = 'diamond-slashed-split', cv85 = 44
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and slash separated from the outline
zero = 'diamond-reverse-slashed-split', cv85 = 45
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and reverse slash separated from the outline
zero = 'diamond-broken-slash', cv85 = 46
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and slash broken in the middle (like in Fixedsys)
zero = 'diamond-broken-reverse-slash', cv85 = 47
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and reverse slash broken in the middle
zero = 'diamond-broken-vertical-bar', cv85 = 48
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and vertical bar broken in the middle
zero = 'diamond-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 49
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and a slash cutout
zero = 'diamond-reverse-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 50
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and a reverse-slash cutout
zero = 'diamond-tall-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 51
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and a taller slash cutout
zero = 'diamond-tall-reverse-slashed-cutout', cv85 = 52
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and a taller reverse-slash cutout
zero = 'diamond-vertical-bar-cutout', cv85 = 53
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and a vertical bar cutout
zero = 'diamond-top-right-cutout', cv85 = 54
Zero (0) with diamond body shape, and the top-right bit cutout
- Styles for `1`
9 variants
one = 'line', cv86 = 1
1 drawn just like a straight line
one = 'no-base', cv86 = 2
1 without bottom serif (default for Sans)
one = 'base', cv86 = 3
1 with bottom serif (default for Slab)
one = 'no-base-long-top-serif', cv86 = 4
1 without bottom serif and with a long top serif
one = 'base-long-top-serif', cv86 = 5
1 with bottom serif and a long top serif
one = 'no-base-flat-top-serif', cv86 = 6
1 without bottom serif and with a flat top serif
one = 'base-flat-top-serif', cv86 = 7
1 with bottom serif and a flat top serif
one = 'no-base-top-cut', cv86 = 8
1 without bottom serif and with a diagonal cut at top
one = 'base-top-cut', cv86 = 9
1 with bottom serif and a diagonal cut at top
- Styles for `2`
4 variants
two = 'straight-neck-serifless', cv87 = 1
2 with straight neck; without serifs
two = 'straight-neck-serifed', cv87 = 2
2 with straight neck, and serifs
two = 'curly-neck-serifless', cv87 = 3
2 with curly neck; without serifs (default for Sans)
two = 'curly-neck-serifed', cv87 = 4
2 with curly neck, and serifs (default for Slab)
- Styles for `3`
3 variants
three = 'flat-top-serifless', cv88 = 1
3 with flat top (Like Museo Sans / Montserrat); without serifs
three = 'flat-top-serifed', cv88 = 2
3 with flat top (Like Museo Sans / Montserrat), and serifs
three = 'two-arcs', cv88 = 3
3 with arched top (default)
- Styles for `4`
12 variants
four = 'closed-serifless', cv89 = 1
4 with closed contour; without serifs
four = 'closed-serifed', cv89 = 2
4 with closed contour, and serifs
four = 'closed-non-crossing-serifless', cv89 = 3
4 with closed contour, and horizontal bar that does not overflow the vertical bar; without serifs
four = 'closed-non-crossing-serifed', cv89 = 4
4 with closed contour, horizontal bar that does not overflow the vertical bar, and serifs
four = 'semi-open-serifless', cv89 = 5
4 with semi-open contour; without serifs (default for Sans)
four = 'semi-open-serifed', cv89 = 6
4 with semi-open contour, and serifs (default for Slab)
four = 'semi-open-non-crossing-serifless', cv89 = 7
4 with semi-open contour, and horizontal bar that does not overflow the vertical bar; without serifs
four = 'semi-open-non-crossing-serifed', cv89 = 8
4 with semi-open contour, horizontal bar that does not overflow the vertical bar, and serifs
four = 'open-serifless', cv89 = 9
4 with open contour; without serifs
four = 'open-serifed', cv89 = 10
4 with open contour, and serifs
four = 'open-non-crossing-serifless', cv89 = 11
4 with open contour, and horizontal bar that does not overflow the vertical bar; without serifs
four = 'open-non-crossing-serifed', cv89 = 12
4 with open contour, horizontal bar that does not overflow the vertical bar, and serifs
- Styles for `5`
8 variants
five = 'upright-arched-serifless', cv90 = 1
5 with upright upper-left bar, and arched middle part; without serifs (default for Sans)
five = 'upright-arched-serifed', cv90 = 2
5 with upright upper-left bar, arched middle part, and serifs (default for Slab)
five = 'upright-flat-serifless', cv90 = 3
5 with upright upper-left bar, and flat middle part; without serifs
five = 'upright-flat-serifed', cv90 = 4
5 with upright upper-left bar, flat middle part, and serifs
five = 'oblique-arched-serifless', cv90 = 5
5 with arched middle part; without serifs
five = 'oblique-arched-serifed', cv90 = 6
5 with arched middle part, and serifs
five = 'oblique-flat-serifless', cv90 = 7
5 with flat middle part; without serifs
five = 'oblique-flat-serifed', cv90 = 8
5 with flat middle part, and serifs
- Styles for `6`
3 variants
six = 'closed-contour', cv91 = 1
6 with a more closed contour
six = 'open-contour', cv91 = 2
6 with a more open contour
six = 'straight-bar', cv91 = 3
6 with a straight bar (default)
- Styles for `7`
12 variants
seven = 'straight-serifless', cv92 = 1
7 with straight stem; without serifs (default for Sans)
seven = 'straight-serifless-crossbar', cv92 = 2
7 with straight stem, and crossbar; without serifs
seven = 'straight-serifed', cv92 = 3
7 with straight stem, and serifs (default for Slab)
seven = 'straight-serifed-crossbar', cv92 = 4
7 with straight stem, serifs, and crossbar
seven = 'bend-serifless', cv92 = 5
7 with bend stem; without serifs
seven = 'bend-serifless-crossbar', cv92 = 6
7 with bend stem, and crossbar; without serifs
seven = 'bend-serifed', cv92 = 7
7 with bend stem, and serifs
seven = 'bend-serifed-crossbar', cv92 = 8
7 with bend stem, serifs, and crossbar
seven = 'curly-serifless', cv92 = 9
7 with curly stem; without serifs
seven = 'curly-serifless-crossbar', cv92 = 10
7 with curly stem, and crossbar; without serifs
seven = 'curly-serifed', cv92 = 11
7 with curly stem, and serifs
seven = 'curly-serifed-crossbar', cv92 = 12
7 with curly stem, serifs, and crossbar
- Styles for `8`
3 variants
eight = 'crossing', cv93 = 1
8 with crossing middle part (default)
eight = 'two-circles', cv93 = 2
8 looks like two circles joined together
eight = 'crossing-asymmetric', cv93 = 3
8 looks asymmetric crossing middle part
- Styles for `9`
3 variants
nine = 'closed-contour', cv94 = 1
9 with a more closed contour
nine = 'open-contour', cv94 = 2
9 with a more open contour
nine = 'straight-bar', cv94 = 3
9 with a straight bar (default)
- Styles for `öẋ`, `ij` (Dot and Comma shape in diacritics)
2 variants
diacritic-dot = 'round', cv95 = 1
Dots and Commas in diacritics are round (default)
diacritic-dot = 'square', cv95 = 2
Dots and Commas in diacritics are square
- Styles for `.,`, `:;` (Dot and Comma shape in punctuations and symbols)
2 variants
punctuation-dot = 'round', cv96 = 1
Small punctuations (like ., ,) use round dots (default)
punctuation-dot = 'square', cv96 = 2
Small punctuations (like ., ,) use square dots
- Styles for `~`
2 variants
tilde = 'high', cv97 = 1
Higher tilde ~
tilde = 'low', cv97 = 2
Lower tilde ~ (default)
- Styles for `*`
12 variants
asterisk = 'penta-high', cv98 = 1
Asterisk (*) with five-pointed shape, and high position (default)
asterisk = 'penta-mid', cv98 = 2
Asterisk (*) with five-pointed shape, and medium position
asterisk = 'penta-low', cv98 = 3
Asterisk (*) with five-pointed shape, and low position
asterisk = 'turn-penta-high', cv98 = 4
Asterisk (*) with turned five-pointed shape, and high position
asterisk = 'turn-penta-mid', cv98 = 5
Asterisk (*) with turned five-pointed shape, and medium position
asterisk = 'turn-penta-low', cv98 = 6
Asterisk (*) with turned five-pointed shape, and low position
asterisk = 'hex-high', cv98 = 7
Asterisk (*) with six-pointed shape, and high position
asterisk = 'hex-mid', cv98 = 8
Asterisk (*) with six-pointed shape, and medium position
asterisk = 'hex-low', cv98 = 9
Asterisk (*) with six-pointed shape, and low position
asterisk = 'turn-hex-high', cv98 = 10
Asterisk (*) with turned six-pointed shape, and high position
asterisk = 'turn-hex-mid', cv98 = 11
Asterisk (*) with turned six-pointed shape, and medium position
asterisk = 'turn-hex-low', cv98 = 12
Asterisk (*) with turned six-pointed shape, and low position
- Styles for `_`
3 variants
underscore = 'above-baseline', cv99 = 1
Extra-high _, placed right above baseline
underscore = 'high', cv99 = 2
Higher underscore _, placed right below baseline (default)
underscore = 'low', cv99 = 3
Lower underscore _, placed right above descender line
- Styles for `^`
3 variants
caret = 'high', VSAA = 1
Higher circumflex ^
caret = 'medium', VSAA = 2
Lower circumflex ^ (default)
caret = 'low', VSAA = 3
Lower circumflex ^
- Styles for `` ` ``
3 variants
ascii-grave = 'straight', VSAB = 1
Show ASCII grave (`) as short diagonal straight bar. (default)
ascii-grave = 'raised-inverse-comma', VSAB = 2
Show ASCII grave (`) as raised comma.
ascii-grave = 'raised-turn-comma', VSAB = 3
Show ASCII grave (`) as raised turned comma, identical to curly open single quote symbols (U+2018).
- Styles for `'`
2 variants
ascii-single-quote = 'straight', VSAC = 1
Show ASCII quote (") as short vertical straight bar. (default)
ascii-single-quote = 'raised-comma', VSAC = 2
Show ASCII quote (") as raised comma.
- Styles for `(`, `)`
3 variants
paren = 'normal', VSAD = 1
Parenthesis with normal contour (default)
paren = 'large-contour', VSAD = 2
Parenthesis with larger contour, like that in Monaco
paren = 'flat-arc', VSAD = 3
Parenthesis with flat arc, like that in JetBrains Mono
- Styles for `{`, `}`
3 variants
brace = 'straight', VSAE = 1
More straight braces
brace = 'curly', VSAE = 2
More curly braces (default)
brace = 'curly-flat-boundary', VSAE = 3
Curly braces with flat boundary shape
- Styles for `«`, `»` (Guillemets)
2 variants
guillemet = 'straight', VSAF = 1
Straight Guillemets (« »)
guillemet = 'curly', VSAF = 2
Curly Guillemets (« ») (default)
- Styles for `#`
8 variants
number-sign = 'upright', VSAG = 1
Number sign with vertical bars (default)
number-sign = 'slanted', VSAG = 2
Number sign with slanted bars
number-sign = 'upright-open', VSAG = 3
Number sign with vertical bars and open inner
number-sign = 'slanted-open', VSAG = 4
Number sign with slanted bars and open inner
number-sign = 'upright-tall', VSAG = 5
Number sign with vertical bars and taller than digits
number-sign = 'slanted-tall', VSAG = 6
Number sign with slanted bars and taller than digits
number-sign = 'upright-open-tall', VSAG = 7
Number sign with vertical bars, open inner, and taller than digits
number-sign = 'slanted-open-tall', VSAG = 8
Number sign with slanted bars, open inner, and taller than digits
- Styles for `&`
8 variants
ampersand = 'closed', VSAH = 1
Ampersand (&) with a closed contour (default)
ampersand = 'upper-open', VSAH = 2
Ampersand (&) with an open contour at upper half
ampersand = 'lower-open', VSAH = 3
Ampersand (&) with an open contour at lower half
ampersand = 'flat-top', VSAH = 4
Ampersand (&) drawn with a flat top
ampersand = 'et-toothed', VSAH = 5
Ampersand (&) drawn like a ligature of Ɛ and t with tooth
ampersand = 'et-toothless-corner', VSAH = 6
Ampersand (&) drawn like a ligature of Ɛ and t without tooth (corner)
ampersand = 'et-toothless-rounded', VSAH = 7
Ampersand (&) drawn like a ligature of Ɛ and t without tooth (rounded)
ampersand = 'et-tailed', VSAH = 8
Ampersand (&) drawn like a ligature of Ɛ and t with tail
- Styles for `@`
9 variants
at = 'threefold', VSAI = 1
At symbol (@) with three-fold body (default)
at = 'threefold-tall', VSAI = 2
At symbol (@) with three-fold body, and tall height
at = 'threefold-solid-inner', VSAI = 3
At symbol (@) with three-fold body, and solid inner
at = 'threefold-solid-inner-tall', VSAI = 4
At symbol (@) with three-fold body, solid inner, and tall height
at = 'fourfold', VSAI = 5
At symbol (@) with four-fold body
at = 'fourfold-tall', VSAI = 6
At symbol (@) with four-fold body, and tall height
at = 'fourfold-solid-inner', VSAI = 7
At symbol (@) with four-fold body, and solid inner
at = 'fourfold-solid-inner-tall', VSAI = 8
At symbol (@) with four-fold body, solid inner, and tall height
at = 'compact', VSAI = 9
At symbol (@) with compact body
- Styles for `$`
6 variants
dollar = 'open', VSAJ = 1
Dollar symbol with open contour
dollar = 'through', VSAJ = 2
Dollar symbol with strike-through vertical bar (default)
dollar = 'interrupted', VSAJ = 3
Dollar symbol with interrupted strike-through vertical bar
dollar = 'open-cap', VSAJ = 4
Dollar symbol with open contour, sized not exceeding baseline and ascender
dollar = 'through-cap', VSAJ = 5
Dollar symbol with strike-through vertical bar, sized not exceeding baseline and ascender
dollar = 'interrupted-cap', VSAJ = 6
Dollar symbol with interrupted strike-through vertical bar, sized not exceeding baseline and ascender
- Styles for `¢`
6 variants
cent = 'open', VSAK = 1
Cent sign (¢) with open contour
cent = 'through', VSAK = 2
Cent sign (¢) with vertical bar all through the c part (default)
cent = 'bar-interrupted', VSAK = 3
Cent sign (¢) with vertical bar breaks at center
cent = 'open-cap', VSAK = 4
Cent sign (¢) with open contour, sized not exceeding baseline and ascender
cent = 'through-cap', VSAK = 5
Cent sign (¢) with vertical bar all through the c part, sized not exceeding baseline and ascender
cent = 'bar-interrupted-cap', VSAK = 6
Cent sign (¢) with vertical bar breaks at center, sized not exceeding baseline and ascender
- Styles for `%`
4 variants
percent = 'dots', VSAL = 1
Percent % with rectangular dots
percent = 'rings-segmented-slash', VSAL = 2
Percent % with rings and segmented slash (default)
percent = 'rings-continuous-slash', VSAL = 3
Percent % with rings and continuous bar
percent = 'rings-continuous-slash-also-connected', VSAL = 4
Percent % with rings and continuous bar and the slash in % is also connected to the top-left ring
- Styles for `|`, `¦`
2 variants
bar = 'natural-slope', VSAM = 1
Bar punctuations (|) has a natural slope under italics and oblique (default)
bar = 'force-upright', VSAM = 2
Bar punctuations (|) is forced upright under italics and oblique
- Styles for `?`
3 variants
question = 'smooth', VSAN = 1
Smooth question mark (?) (default)
question = 'corner', VSAN = 2
Question mark (?) with a corner at middle
question = 'corner-flat-hooked', VSAN = 3
Question mark (?) with a corner at middle and flat hook
- Styles for `¶`
2 variants
pilcrow = 'high', VSAO = 1
Higher pilcrow sign (default)
pilcrow = 'low', VSAO = 2
Lower pilcrow sign
- Styles for `∂` (Partial derivative symbol)
2 variants
partial-derivative = 'straight-bar', VSAP = 1
The upper bar of the partial derivative symbol is straight
partial-derivative = 'curly-bar', VSAP = 2
The upper bar of the partial derivative symbol is curly (default)
- Styles for `µ` (Micro sign)
13 variants
micro-sign = 'toothed-serifless', VSAQ = 1
Micro Sign (µ) with toothed shape; without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
micro-sign = 'toothed-bottom-right-serifed', VSAQ = 2
Micro Sign (µ) with toothed shape, and serif at bottom-right
micro-sign = 'toothed-motion-serifed', VSAQ = 3
Micro Sign (µ) with toothed shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
micro-sign = 'toothed-serifed', VSAQ = 4
Micro Sign (µ) with toothed shape, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
micro-sign = 'tailed-serifless', VSAQ = 5
Micro Sign (µ) with tailed shape; without serifs (default for Sans Italic)
micro-sign = 'tailed-motion-serifed', VSAQ = 6
Micro Sign (µ) with tailed shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right (default for Slab Italic)
micro-sign = 'tailed-serifed', VSAQ = 7
Micro Sign (µ) with tailed shape, and serifs
micro-sign = 'toothless-corner-serifless', VSAQ = 8
Micro Sign (µ) with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape; without serifs
micro-sign = 'toothless-corner-motion-serifed', VSAQ = 9
Micro Sign (µ) with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
micro-sign = 'toothless-corner-serifed', VSAQ = 10
Micro Sign (µ) with toothless (corner bottom-right) shape, and serifs
micro-sign = 'toothless-rounded-serifless', VSAQ = 11
Micro Sign (µ) with toothless (rounded) shape; without serifs
micro-sign = 'toothless-rounded-motion-serifed', VSAQ = 12
Micro Sign (µ) with toothless (rounded) shape, and motion serifs at top-left and bottom-right
micro-sign = 'toothless-rounded-serifed', VSAQ = 13
Micro Sign (µ) with toothless (rounded) shape, and serifs
- Styles for `<=`, `>=` (Less-equal and Greater-equal ligations)
2 variants
lig-ltgteq = 'flat', VLAA = 1
The lower bar of <= and >= ligation is flat (default)
lig-ltgteq = 'slanted', VLAA = 2
The lower bar of <= and >= ligation is slanted
- Styles for `!=` (Not-equal ligations)
6 variants
lig-neq = 'vertical', VLAB = 1
The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is vertical
lig-neq = 'slightly-slanted', VLAB = 2
The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is slightly slanted (default)
lig-neq = 'more-slanted', VLAB = 3
The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is more slanted
lig-neq = 'vertical-dotted', VLAB = 4
The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is vertical, and with a dot at bottom for ligations built from exclamation sign (!)
lig-neq = 'slightly-slanted-dotted', VLAB = 5
The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is slightly slanted, and with a dot at bottom for ligations built from exclamation sign (!)
lig-neq = 'more-slanted-dotted', VLAB = 6
The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is more slanted, and with a dot at bottom for ligations built from exclamation sign (!)
- Styles for `==` (Equality ligations)
2 variants
lig-equal-chain = 'with-notch', VLAC = 1
The bars in equality (==, etc.) ligation have notches in the middle (default)
lig-equal-chain = 'without-notch', VLAC = 2
The bars in equality (==, etc.) ligation do not have notches in the middle
- Styles for `--` (Hyphen-minus ligations)
2 variants
lig-hyphen-chain = 'with-notch', VLAD = 1
The bars in connected hyphen-minus (--, etc.) ligation have notches in the middle (default)
lig-hyphen-chain = 'without-notch', VLAD = 2
The bars in connected hyphen-minus (--, etc.) ligation do not have notches in the middle
- Styles for `++` (Plus ligations)
2 variants
lig-plus-chain = 'with-notch', VLAE = 1
The bars in connected plus (++, etc.) ligation have notches in the middle
lig-plus-chain = 'without-notch', VLAE = 2
The bars in connected plus (++, etc.) ligation do not have notches in the middle (default)
- Styles for `=>` (Double arrow ligation)
2 variants
lig-double-arrow-bar = 'with-notch', VLAF = 1
The bars in double arrow (=>, etc.) ligation have notches in the middle
lig-double-arrow-bar = 'without-notch', VLAF = 2
The bars in double arrow (=>, etc.) ligation do not have notches in the middle (default)
- Styles for `->` (Single arrow ligation)
2 variants
lig-single-arrow-bar = 'with-notch', VLAG = 1
The bars in single arrow (=>, etc.) ligation have notches in the middle
lig-single-arrow-bar = 'without-notch', VLAG = 2
The bars in single arrow (=>, etc.) ligation do not have notches in the middle (default)
#### Configuring Weights, Widths and Slopes Subsection `weights` is used to change the weight grades that the custom family needs. It is a dictionary from the filename suffix (in PascalCase) to either... * A string formatted in `default.` format, meaning reusing a default weight grade; * Or, a sub-object with properties: * `shape`: Number, configures the weight grade of the glyphs' shapes. * `menu`: Integer, configures the weight grade used when naming fonts. * `css`: Integer, configures the weight grade used in web font CSS. Subsection `widths` is used to change the width grades that the custom family needs. It is a dictionary from the filename suffix (in PascalCase) to either... * A string formatted in `default.` format, meaning reusing a default width grade; * Or, a sub-object with properties: * `shape`: Number, configures the width of the glyphs' shapes, measured in 1/1000 em. * `menu`: Integer, configures the width grade used when naming fonts. The valid values are from `1` to `9`, inclusive. * `css`: String, configures the [font-stretch](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-stretch) value used in web font CSS. Subsection `slopes` is used to change the slope angles and grades that the custom family needs. It is a dictionary from the filename suffix (in PascalCase) to either... * A string formatted in `default.` format, meaning reusing a default slope grade; * Or, a sub-object with properties: * `angle`: Number, configures the slope angle in degrees. The valid vales are from `0` to `15`, inclusive. * `shape`: String from `upright`, `italic` or `oblique`. Configures the slope used for variant selection. * `menu`: String from `upright`, `italic` or `oblique`. Configures the slope grade used when naming fonts. * `css`: String from `normal`, `italic` or `oblique`. Configures the [CSS font-style](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/CSS/font-style) value. In addition to list all the weights/widths/slopes directly, the user could also configure the weights/widths/slopes list using “inherits” to inherit the list from another build plan: ```toml [buildPlans.IosevkaCustom2] family = "Iosevka Custom 2" weights.inherits = "buildPlans.IosevkaCustom1" # Inherit weights list from "IosevkaCustom1" widths.inherits = "buildPlans.IosevkaCustom1" # Inherit widths list from "IosevkaCustom1" slopes.inherits = "default" # Inherit slopes list from default ``` #### Compatibility Ligatures Certain software, notably Emacs, relies on pre-encoded ligatures instead of OpenType to provide ligations. Iosevka could be configured with additional subsection `compatibilityLigatures`, being an array of records with following fields: * `unicode`: The PUA code point being assigned to. * `featureTag`: The feature tag to compute ligations. * `sequence`: The source character sequence. A sample of compatibility ligature config is: ```toml [[buildPlans.IosevkaCustom.compatibilityLigatures]] unicode = 57600 # 0xE100 featureTag = 'calt' sequence = '<*>' ``` #### Excluding Characters Use the `excludeChars` configuration to exclude character ranges from the font. ```toml [buildPlans.iosevkaCustom.excludeChars] ranges = [[10003, 10008]] ``` #### Metric Override Subsection `metricOverride` provides ability to override certain metric values, if you *reallly* want to. Adding this section is **strongly discouraged** as it may introduce broken geometry or broken shapes. | Property | Unit | Default Value | Meaning | |----------|------|---------|----------| | `cap` | emu | 735 | Height of `H`. | | `ascender` | emu | 735 | Height of `b`. | | `xHeight` | emu | 520 | Height of `x`. | | `sb` | emu | (*varies, 60 for Regular*) | Width of common side-bearings. | | `accentWidth` | emu | 200 | Width of accent marks. | | `accentClearance` | emu | 72 | Vertical clearance of accent marks to the base. | | `accentHeight` | emu | 176 | Height of accent marks. | | `accentStackOffset` | emu | 220 | Offset height of accent mark stack. | | `dotSize` | emu | (*varies, 125 for regular*) | Size of dots in diacritic marks. | | `periodSize` | emu | (*varies, 140 for regular*) | Size of dots in period. | | `leading` | emu | 1250 | Built-in line height. | | `symbolMid` | emu | 340 | Height of the center of hyphen (`-`). | | `parenSize` | emu | 966 | Height of Parentheses. | | `winMetricAscenderPad` | emu | 0 | Additional pad for Win metrics’ ascender to avoid clipping in legacy Windows applications. | | `winMetricDescenderPad` | emu | 0 | Additional pad for Win metrics’ descender to avoid clipping in legacy Windows applications. | | `powerlineScaleX`, `powerlineScaleY` | (*ratio*) | 1 | X and Y scale of Powerline glyphs. | | `powerlineShiftX`, `powerlineShiftY` | emu | 0 | X and Y shift of Powerline glyphs. | | `onumZeroHeightRatio` | (*ratio*) | 1.145 | Ratio of height of `0` under `onum` feature, to the height of `x`. | | `essRatio` | (*ratio*) | (*varies, 1.12 for Regular*) | Ratio of the thickness of the neck of `S`/`s`/`?`, to the normal stroke width. `essRatioUpper`, `essRatioLower` and `rssRatioQuestion` will override this value for corresponded glyph categories when set. | | `essRatioUpper` | (*ratio*) | (*varies, 1.12 for Regular*) | Ratio of the thickness of the neck of `S`, to the normal stroke width. | | `essRatioLower` | (*ratio*) | (*varies, 1.12 for Regular*) | Ratio of the thickness of the neck of `s`, to the normal stroke width. | | `essRatioQuestion` | (*ratio*) | (*varies, 1.12 for Regular*) | Ratio of the thickness of the neck of `?`, to the normal stroke width. | | `archDepth` | emu | (*varies, 195 for Regular*) | Depth of the curve segment of arches / O rings in capital letters. | | `smallArchDepth` | emu | (*varies, 200 for Regular*) | Depth of the curve segment of arches / O rings in small letters. | The values of each item could be either a number, or a string representing an expression so that it could be different for different instance fonts, or depending on default values. The syntax of valid expressions are: ``` Expression -> Term (('+' | '-') Term)* Term -> Factor (('*' | '/') Factor)* Factor -> ('+' | '-')* Primitive Primitive -> Literal | Call | Binding | Group | List Literal -> ['0'..'9']+ ('.' ['0'..'9']+)? Identifier -> ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_']+ Call -> Identifier '(' Expression (',' Expression)* ')' List -> Identifier '[' Expression (',' Expression)* ']' Binding -> Identifier ``` Valid identifiers include: * `weight`: being the weight grade; * `width`: being the characters' unit width, measured in em-units; * `slopeAngle`: being the slope angle in degrees; * Default value of all overridable metrics, prefixed with `default_`, i.e., default `cap` value will be accessable thorugh `default_cap`. Valid functions include: * `blend`(_x_, \[_x1_, _y1_\], \[_x2_, _y2_\], ...): Perform a smooth interpolation through data pairs \[_x1_, _y1_\], \[_x2_, _y2_\], ..., against parameter _x_. For example, the following configuration: ```toml [buildPlans.IosevkaCustom.metricOverride] leading = 1500 sb = 'default_sb * 1.0625 + 15' dotSize = 'blend(weight, [100, 50], [400, 125], [900, 180])' ``` will: * Override line height to `1500` em-unit; * Override the sidebearing value by its value multiplied by `1.0625` then added with `15`. * Override the dot size by a interpolation against weight: at thin (`100`) being `50`, at regular (`400`) being `125`, and at heavy (`900`) being `180`. #### Naming Override The properties in the `namingOverride` section could be uase to override menu names of the produced font. The following properties will be applied to the font directly: - `copyright`: Name ID 0, copyright notice. - `manufacturer`: Name ID 8, manufacturer name. - `designer`: Name ID 9, designer name. - `description`: Name ID 10, description of the typeface. - `urlVendor`: Name ID 11, URL of font vendor. - `urlDesigner`: Name ID 12, URL of typeface designer. - `licence`: Name ID 13, license description. - `licenceURL`: Name ID 14, license Info URL. In addition, you can also use the `version` property to override font version. The version number should follow [SemVer](https://semver.org/), like being `1.0.0`. #### Sample Configuration A sample configuration could be found at [private-build-plans.sample.toml](https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/blob/master/private-build-plans.sample.toml). ### TTC Building It is possible to create a customized TTC build by using the following method: 1. Add a collect plan into `private-build-plans.toml`, with a `from` field containing all the TTF groups it needs: ```toml [collectPlans.IosevkaCustom] from = ["IosevkaCustom1", "IosevkaCustom2"] ``` 2. Run build with the following command: - `npm run build -- ttc::IosevkaCustom`: Create TTCs from collection `IosevkaCustom`; The file will be saved into `dist/.ttc`. - `npm run build -- super-ttc::IosevkaCustom`: Create a single-file TTC from collection `IosevkaCustom`; The file will be saved into `dist/.super-ttc`. ### Baking other OpenType features There are tools tha could be used to bake other OpenType that are not configurable with TOML files (like baking localized forms). The tools include: * https://mutsuntsai.github.io/fontfreeze/ * https://github.com/twardoch/fonttools-opentype-feature-freezer These tools could be used in post-processing fonts. Please refer their documents for instructions.