"date","message","name","rank" "2007-01-12","Fix scope typo in add_lock! Closes #6482. [zubek]","zubek",1814 "2013-03-26","Fixed timezone mapping of Ulaanbaatar.","Zolzaya",1814 "2012-12-24","minor grammar fix","Zoltan Kiss",1814 "2008-03-24","Fixed NumberHelper#number_with_precision to properly rou...","zhangyuanyi",1814 "2006-07-10","create_table rdoc: suggest :id => false for habtm join t...","Zed Shaw",1814 "2013-04-02","Escape multibyte line terminators in JSON encoding","zackham",1814 "2013-05-20","Spelling correction in Upgrading Guide","Zack Hubert",1814 "2009-02-10","Time#to_s(:rfc822) uses #formatted_offset instead of unr...","Zachary Zolton",1814 "2006-09-03","validates_confirmation_of only kicks in when the attribu...","Zachary Holt",1814 "2013-05-07","Fix bug in ActiveRecord::Sanitization#sanitize_sql_hash_...","Zach Ohlgren",1814 "2013-01-09","Methods that return nil should not be considered YAML","Zach Moazeni",1814 "2009-08-08","validates_length_of with maximum should allow nil [#2309...","Zac Williams",1814 "2007-08-31","request.host works with IPv6 addresses. Closes #9458.","yuya",1814 "2012-05-10","Make sure TimeoutError is loaded.","Yury Velikanau",1814 "2009-03-08","Remove duplicate test [#2136 state:resolved]","Yury Kotlyarov",1814 "2013-07-08","handle notes in *.sass files","Yuri Artemev",1814 "2013-09-13","Missing destroy command","Yukiko Kawamoto",1814 "2012-12-19","Fix: documentation for String#humanize","Yuichiro Suzuki",1814 "2006-06-11","Fix plugin install bug at dir with space. (closes #5359)...","Yoshimasa NIWA",1814 "2005-09-27","Ticket #2295 - Tolerate consecutive delimiters in query ...","Yoji Shidara",1814 "2012-01-30","Fixed typo. "from" should be "form".","Ying Tsen Hong",1814 "2012-12-04","Locate `=require turbolinks` at the bottom of applicatio...","Yasuharu Ozaki",1814 "2013-05-17","make "rails dbconsole" work with activerecord-postgis-ad...","YanhaoYang",1814 "2012-06-27","fix: limit of enum columns of mysql","Yamada Masaki",1814 "2013-05-16","Support include_root_in_json for ActiveResource properly.","Xinjiang Lu",1814 "2013-06-27","Fixing links to accept_language plugin/middleware","Wouter van Lelyveld",1814 "2005-04-07","Fixed unquoting of emails that doesn't have an explicit ...","Wolfgang Klinger",1814 "2011-09-04","Add gem_group support to generators","Wojciech Mach",1814 "2005-01-25","Fixed the ordering of attributes in the xml-decleration ...","woeye",1814 "2012-02-22","#read_entry in ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore should lo...","Winston Teo Yong Wei",1814 "2007-10-11","Added better documentation for generator overwrite optio...","wincet",1814 "2010-07-13","string IDs are now quoted correctly [#5064 state:resolved]","Will St. Clair",1814 "2006-07-10","SQLServer: added tests to ensure all database statements...","Will Rogers",1814 "2008-03-02","Fix syntax errors in the documentation for image submit ...","Will Harris",1814 "2011-12-11","Add button_tag support to ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.","Will Farrington",1814 "2007-12-21","App generate says sqlite3 is the default and mentions fr...","Will Cannings",1814 "2007-08-05"," Major improvement to the documentation for the options ...","wesg",1814 "2008-11-05","Ensure ActiveRecord::ConnectionPool.connected? handles u...","Wes Oldenbeuving",1814 "2012-02-25","fix inflector bug where -ice gets pluralized into -ouse","Wes Morgan",1814 "2007-10-08","Make sure AR::Base#clone handles attr changes made in af...","Wes Gamble",1814 "2005-11-18","Windows: eliminate the socket option in database.yml. C...","Wayne Vucenic",1814 "2011-09-07","Thanks to the hard work of Ken Collins ( @metaskills ) o...","Wayne E. Seguin",1814 "2008-02-24","Fix rdoc typo. Closes #11205 [wangchun]","Wang Chun",1814 "2008-01-16","Don't ignore :precision and :scale when adding columns o...","w.piekutowski",1814 "2013-03-24","Add a method full_messages_for to the Errors class","Volodymyr Shatsky",1814 "2007-06-05","Sexy migrations for the session_migration generator. Clo...","Vladislav",1814 "2013-07-23","Fix secure_password password_confirmation validations","Vladimir Kiselev",1814 "2010-03-28","Drop expires argument from call to @data in MemCacheStor...","Vladimir Andrijevik",1814 "2007-10-23","Disabled checkboxes don't submit a form value. Closes #9...","Vlad Romascanu",1814 "2011-11-04","AR changes to support creating ordered (asc, desc) indexes","Vlad Jebelev",1814 "2007-11-06","Explain how to use the :href option for link_to_remote t...","vlad",1814 "2013-01-16","Don't rely on Hash key's ordering","Vitor Baptista",1814 "2012-07-05","Add documentation for inheritance_column method","Vitor Balocco",1814 "2009-08-09","Allow ho:through#build when the owner is a new record [#...","Visnu Pitiyanuvath",1814 "2011-02-23","Removing redundant File.expand_path from generators test","Vinicius Baggio",1814 "2008-11-26","Tiny doc example change for escape_once()","Vincent Woo",1814 "2013-04-12","Fix a typo","Viktar Basharymau",1814 "2010-12-15","to_xml doesn't work in such case: Event.select('title as...","Víctor Martínez",1814 "2005-05-19","Fixed that compute_public_path should recognize external...","Victor Jalencas",1814 "2010-04-10","made error_message_on work by passing in the object name...","Vicki Ball",1814 "2009-06-27","Make filter_parameters work correctly with array paramet...","Vicente Mundim",1814 "2010-10-08","Fixed rake task description typo","Vesa Vänskä",1814 "2008-03-21","Fix an edge case with extra periods in Routing.normalize...","veejar",1814 "2007-09-22","Fixed that using version-targetted migrates would fail o...","valeksenko",1814 "2012-12-01","Patched Marshal#load to work with constant autoloading (...","Uriel Katz",1814 "2006-12-29","Query string support. Closes #6855.","untext",1814 "2007-05-27","Add Active Resource to rails:freeze:edge and drop Action...","underbluewaters",1814 "2007-12-05","Document how the :include option can be used in Calculat...","ultimoamore",1814 "2012-06-16","Add documentation for ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#offset ...","Ulises Cabanillas",1814 "2009-03-11","Reverted affe50105f7027a44eb6e9cfb56f5b3fc070b19b and ad...","Ubiratan Pires Alberton",1814 "2008-09-10","Fixed problem causes by leftover backup templates ending...","U-ESCAPEE\Mack",1814 "2009-01-27","Fix for sweepers method_missing missing &block argument ...","Tys von Gaza",1814 "2013-07-25","Remove $VERBOSE = nil from tasks.rb","Tyler Rick",1814 "2005-07-10","Fixed that assume_bottom_position (in acts_as_list) coul...","Tyler Kiley",1814 "2011-11-10","Fixed error with 'rails generate new plugin' where the ....","Tyler Coville",1814 "2013-07-03","Add patch level to Ruby version information","Tyler Brock",1814 "2013-06-18","Add `respond_with` `location` option to the docs","Tute Costa",1814 "2012-04-08","update stdlib doc urls in comments - active_support/core...","Trevor Wennblom",1814 "2006-02-02","Further improvements to reloading code","Trevor Squires",1814 "2013-03-01","Clarified need to remove existing code in welcome index.","Trent Michaels",1814 "2012-09-15","Support for multiple etags in an If-None-Match header","Travis Warlick",1814 "2011-11-28","Fix ActionDispatch::Request method explanations","Travis Pew",1814 "2012-11-02","Support :multiple option on input tags with :index","Trace Wax",1814 "2012-09-16","Fix find_in_batches with customized primary_key","Toshiyuki Kawanishi",1814 "2012-06-22","Allow precision option for postgresql datetimes","Tony Schneider",1814 "2012-03-28","CSRF messages are no longer controlled by 422.html becau...","Tony Primerano",1814 "2011-12-28","Update railties/lib/rails/generators/actions.rb","Tony Coconate",1814 "2005-02-22","Fixed that when using validation macros with a custom me...","tonka",1814 "2012-08-20","Access @rs only through attr_accessor","tomykaira",1814 "2012-01-20","Fix indentation in code example of Delegation","Tomasz Zurkowski",1814 "2008-01-06","The asset_host block takes the controller request as an ...","Tom Taylor",1814 "2006-10-02","Fix issue with #class_inheritable_accessor saving update...","Tom Preston-Werner",1814 "2005-10-18","Correct PostgreSQL primary key sequence detection. #2507","Tom Mornini",1814 "2005-06-16","Added button_to as a form-based solution to deal with ha...","Tom Moertel",1814 "2010-06-07","Require active support/string/conversions so constantize...","Tom Meier",1814 "2005-07-02","Removed the default option of wrap=virtual on FormHelper...","Tom Lieber",1814 "2007-12-05","Fixed send_file/binary_content for testing (closes #8044...","tolsen",1814 "2005-02-07","Fixed Base#clone for use with PostgreSQL #565 [hanson@su...","Todd Hanson",1814 "2013-07-29","Added SanitizeHelper to rails guide docs [ci skip]","Toby Sims",1814 "2012-02-27","Correct NullStore cache store name in caching guide","Toby Matejovsky",1814 "2011-11-19","Meaningful errors for unexpected partial arguments. Fixe...","Tobias Svensson",1814 "2011-01-19","use name instead of title in example","Tobias Bühlmann",1814 "2012-06-10","Fix typo 'ActiveSpport'.","Tobi Lehman",1814 "2007-09-15","Fixed that altering join tables in migrations would fail...","TimoMihaljov",1814 "2004-11-25","Added the opportunity to defined method_missing on a con...","timb",1814 "2005-10-26","Added petabytes and exebytes to numeric extensions (clos...","Tim Trautmann",1814 "2011-12-01","fixed finger-dyslexia in active_support core extensions ...","Tim Sjoberg",1814 "2013-02-12","Correct bullet content line wrapping","Tim &quot;Roger&quot; Harvey",1814 "2011-11-28","fixed typo in getting started form_for for comments","Tim Reischmann",1814 "2012-10-15","ActiveRecord: sum expression returns string '0' for no r...","Tim Macfarlane",1814 "2013-03-15","added details to section 4.1.2 of the Asset Pipeline gui...","Tim Lowrimore",1814 "2013-05-02","Add styling to h1","Tim Krajcar",1814 "2012-04-11",NA,"Tim Harvey",1814 "2012-02-04","Add ActiveSupport::Inflector.ordinal and Integer#ordinal","Tim Gildea",1814 "2012-01-23","Added Apache configuration for dynamic gzip content","Tim Forbes",1814 "2006-03-18","Fixed the to_xml case (closes #4201) [twoggle@gmail.com]","Tim Fletcher",1814 "2009-10-29","Remove the random line at the beginning of every new log...","Tim Carey-Smith",1814 "2007-06-25","Added db:version to get the current schema number [via T...","Tim Bray",1814 "2006-07-07","PostgreSQL: correctly quote the ' in pk_and_sequence_for...","Tietew",1814 "2007-09-22","Remove use of & logic operator. Closes #8114.","Thomas Watson Steen",1814 "2008-12-26","MaKe Hash#slice! return removed values, akin to Array [#...","Thomas Sawyer",1814 "2010-10-06","Fixed typo in engine documentation","Thomas McDonald",1814 "2012-08-04","Update Migration Docs: Defaults for Boolean Fields","Thomas Klemm",1814 "2012-11-17","AR::Base.becomes should not change the STI type","Thomas Hollstegge",1814 "2007-09-24","Fix ARes tests under jruby. [tom.enebo@gmail.com]","Thomas Enebo",1814 "2009-05-17","Simplify filter_chain method implementation [#2327 state...","Thomas E. Glasgow",1814 "2009-02-05","created unit tests and fixed bug that failed tests","Thijs de Vries",1814 "2010-06-20","Fixed date_select date_separator when discard_month and/...","Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil",1814 "2007-07-24","Fix load-order inconsistency (closes #9081) [themug]","themug",1814 "2005-07-07","Added :handle as an option to sortable_element to restri...","thejohnny",1814 "2009-03-01","Clarified info about "pragmatic approach to locale codes...","thanks Kip",1814 "2009-03-01","Fixed incorrect examples of ActiveRecord error message l...","Thanks Alex Fortuna",1814 "2013-03-15","UTF-8 encode all keys and values in nested params hash.","Teo Hui Ming",1814 "2013-04-26","fix travis links in readme","Tee Parham",1814 "2008-02-03","Fix missing extension for caching. Closes #10733 [Catfis...","tcoppock",1814 "2011-08-13","Fixed typo","Tate Johnson",1814 "2011-07-28","Do not add files in assets/ directories to Sprockets","Tasveer Singh",1814 "2010-06-19","Use Rack::Utils.bytesize when calculating content-length...","Tarsoly András",1814 "2007-11-06","Disambiguate :size option for text area tag. Closes #895...","Tal Rotbart",1814 "2012-06-11","fix warning in Ruby2.0.0","takkanm",1814 "2005-06-16","Fixed TagHelper such that :name and 'name' keys in the o...","take_tk",1814 "2013-07-07","Added an `enforce_utf8` hash option for `form_tag` method","Takayuki Matsubara",1814 "2010-07-21","association load target shouldn't replace records","Szetobo",1814 "2012-07-20","Make it clear that you can also pass a full url to asser...","Sytse Sijbrandij",1814 "2013-05-23","Merge pull request #138 from lifo/cache","syhebel",1814 "2011-05-09","Fix Issue #342","Sven Winkler",1814 "2012-10-05","Allow parameter filters to match multi-parameter attributes","Sven Schwyn",1814 "2006-10-09","Fixed escaping of backslashes in JavaScriptHelper#escape...","Sven Klemm",1814 "2011-11-21","postgresql adapter handles quoting of not a number (NaN)...","Sven Bohm",1814 "2008-08-17","Wrong default for validate_uniqueness_of's :case_sensitive","Sunny",1814 "2012-06-20","Add prev_quarter and next_quarter method in Time/Date/Da...","Sung-hee Kang",1814 "2011-08-13","Rubygems => RubyGems","Sukeerthi Adiga",1814 "2010-07-08","Allow a PID file to be specified to rails server [#5031 ...","Sudara Williams",1814 "2010-02-04","removing , from ,= statement in WrappedDatabaseException...","SubbaRao Pasupuleti",1814 "2008-03-17","Added logging for dependency load errors with fixtures (...","stuthulhu",1814 "2013-03-27","ReCAPTCHA plug-in link now points to Github repo. Plug-i...","sthollmann",1814 "2010-09-20","use instance_eval, reduce method calls.","Stevie Graham",1814 "2009-06-09","Fixes #2439. ActionController::Integration::Session no l...","Steven Luscher",1814 "2010-07-12","Removed deprecated |map| block argument from routing doc...","Steven Hancock",1814 "2011-02-16","removed an unnecessary second query when passing an Acti...","Steven Fenigstein",1814 "2011-02-15","Added RDoc info for accepted options for simple_format i...","Steve Schwartz",1814 "2013-06-26","Add DelegationError class. Rasied by delegation to a nil...","Steve Faulkner",1814 "2010-06-20","Fix problem with migrations template that can cause bogu...","Steve Abatangle",1814 "2006-07-05","db:test:clone should remove existing tables before reloa...","Stephen Veit",1814 "2008-03-03","Make the schema dumper respect the schema settings in da...","Stephen Veiss",1814 "2011-09-02","Change the styling of '<ruby>initialize</ruby>' to '+ini...","Stephen J. Butler",1814 "2005-04-18","Changed habtm eager loading to also use joins","Stephen Haberman",1814 "2013-06-19","Fix undefined method `ref' for nil:NilClass for bad acce...","Stephen Becker IV",1814 "2012-12-05","Allow fragment cache to accept :if and :unless options","Stephen Ausman",1814 "2012-09-21","Updated description of what engines are used for","Stephan Hagemann",1814 "2012-10-28","SQLite3Adapter#type_cast should not mutate arguments","Stefan Rusterholz",1814 "2011-04-25","proper reset all inflector scopes","Stefan Huber",1814 "2006-04-01","Use --simple-prompt instead of --prompt-mode simple for ...","Starr Horne",1814 "2010-04-13","Add test case which check content type when rendering rj...","Stanko Alexander",1814 "2013-03-01","New beauty pages(404, 422, 500)","Stanislav Sobolev",1814 "2005-10-09","Add versioning convention from SwitchTower to all Rails ...","stancell",1814 "2010-04-13","Remove RAILS_ROOT from webrick_server docs.","St. Louis Ruby Users Group",1814 "2010-09-15","Only add Rack::Cache to the middleware stack if config.a...","Sparky",1814 "2006-03-14","Allow ordering of calculated results and/or grouped fiel...","Solomon White",1814 "2013-01-14","rake railties:install:migrations respects the order of r...","Slava Kravchenko",1814 "2006-02-21","Added various InPlaceEditor options, #3746, #3891, #3896...","sl33p3r",1814 "2011-02-13","Added time_tag helper to AP for HTML5 time tag [#5919 st...","Sjoerd Andringa",1814 "2013-06-17","Use Colspan in th Tags","Sıtkı Bağdat",1814 "2007-10-14","Add notes to documentation regarding attr_readonly behav...","Simon Moore",1814 "2005-06-18","Fixed relative urls support for lighttpd #1048 [Nicholas...","Simon Arnaud",1814 "2010-02-10","Fix server environment [#3877 status:resolved]","Simo Niemelä",1814 "2013-04-05","Sort modules in alphabetical order.","Shunsuke Osa",1814 "2007-10-07","Fix url_for, redirect_to, etc. with :controller => :symb...","shoe",1814 "2013-07-08","Update 'Active Record Migrations' guide [ci skip]","Shinichi Maeshima",1814 "2013-01-19","Updated version of jQuery rails in gemfile","Sherwin Wu",1814 "2012-10-26","Decode attributes pulled from URI.parse","Shawn Veader",1814 "2012-03-09","Added missing ActiveModel::Naming dependency.","Shane Hanna",1814 "2012-05-04","Update documentation for button_to.","Shalva Usubov",1814 "2012-05-06","Change unless + else into if + else","Shaliko Usubov",1814 "2013-07-28","Add ability to specify how a class is converted to Arel ...","sgrif",1814 "2012-07-18","add lazy look up in abstract controller's translate method","Sergey Pchelincev",1814 "2013-08-10","Add author_name field to post_params to the engines docs","Sergey Kuznetsov",1814 "2011-07-11","Fix xmlschema output with fraction_digits >0","Serg Podtynnyi",1814 "2012-03-24","[ci skip] updated bin/rails code in Rails Initialization...","Senthil A",1814 "2012-07-11","Fix code comment to reflect its intent.","Selem Delul",1814 "2013-03-19","Fix guides error on error class name","Sebastian Sogamoso",1814 "2012-09-09","Improve exception message for HasManyThroughAssociationP...","Sebastian Korfmann",1814 "2009-08-09","Make sure db:drop doesn't fail when sqlite db is given b...","Sebastian Graessl",1814 "2005-05-19","Fixed the pluralization of analysis to analyses #1295 [s...","seattle@rootimage.msu.edu",1814 "2009-04-27","Made a minor syntax correction.","Sean Schofield",1814 "2012-05-14","Set the primary key during #copy_table if necessary. Fix...","Sean Scally",1814 "2008-05-05","Added OrderedHash#delete [#113 state:resolved]","Sean Ouimet",1814 "2011-08-04","Make rails gem build directory consistent with actionpac...","Sean Moon",1814 "2011-05-11","Remove extra line at end of development config file.","Sean McCann",1814 "2008-06-04","Add RJS#page.reload. [#277 state:resolved]","Sean Huber",1814 "2013-03-18","Exception handling for controllers using ActionControlle...","Sean Griffin",1814 "2007-12-10","Correct empty response handling. Closes #10445.","Sean Geoghegan",1814 "2013-03-23","Custom index type support with :using.","Sean Dent",1814 "2009-03-10","Allow custom type for multipart emails [#1691 state:reso...","Sean Dague",1814 "2007-11-26","Minor inconsistency in description of render example. Cl...","Scott Schram",1814 "2009-02-16","Fix Rails LH 1825: better docs for using fixtured data i...","Scott Parkerson",1814 "2005-04-17","Fixed DateHelper to return values on the option tags suc...","Scott Mace",1814 "2005-04-13","Fixed pagination to work with joins #1034 [scott@sigkill...","Scott Laird",1814 "2013-05-15","Fixes bug 10628.","Scott Hill",1814 "2005-09-27","Keep flash after component is rendered. Closes #2291.","Scott",1814 "2006-03-18","Fix the detach option for lighttp (closes #4097) [schult...","schultzr@gmail.com",1814 "2012-06-16","Documentation: make it clearer that subscribers are not ...","Schnittchen",1814 "2013-08-18","blorgh_engine to blorgh [ci-skip]","scaryguy",1814 "2010-10-11","Show exceptions rescues the original exception","Sandro Turriate",1814 "2006-04-26","Add Oracle support for CLOB inserts. Closes #4748. [scho...","Sandra Metz",1814 "2010-12-23","Remove comma [samuelkadoph]","samuelkadoph",1814 "2013-03-27","Make connection_handler overridable per thread","Sam Saffron",1814 "2005-11-08","Destroy associated has_and_belongs_to_many records after...","Sam Kirchmeier",1814 "2009-07-09","Make it so AR attributes which conflict with object-priv...","Sam Goldstein",1814 "2012-09-27","Improve documentation for subscribe block","Sabrina Staedt",1814 "2007-05-23","Rewind request body after reading it, if possible. Close...","s450r1",1814 "2010-02-28","Print database.rake errors to stderr.","S. Christoffer Eliesen",1814 "2006-06-21","Determine the correct template_root for deeply nested co...","s.brink@web.de",1814 "2013-08-05","Fix: documentation for ActiveModel::Errors","Ryoji Yoshioka",1814 "2013-02-14","9253: Before writing a numeric attribute value, ActiveRe...","Ryan Warnick",1814 "2006-04-06","Fixed that the -r/--ruby path option of the rails comman...","Ryan Raaum",1814 "2011-11-15","Fixes issue #3483, regarding using a mixture of ranges a...","Ryan Naughton",1814 "2009-03-09","Fixed number_to_phone to work with 7 digit numbers [#217...","Ryan Heath",1814 "2013-07-04","Removed redundant upgrade docs on new cookies.","Ryan Endacott",1814 "2007-10-18","SQL Server: test for affected row count. References #955...","Ryan Davis (ryepup)",1814 "2012-12-13","Add migration example to Association Basics [ci skip]","Ryan Castillo",1814 "2009-03-11","Update bundled Rack to fix Litespeed compatibility [#219...","Russ Smith",1814 "2012-03-17","Fix typo in ActiveRecord::Relation#blank? test","Ruben Davila",1814 "2007-10-15","Sync country_select with ISO 3166 long names. Closes #6...","ruben",1814 "2006-02-21","Added various InPlaceEditor options, #3746, #3891, #3896...","ruairi",1814 "2013-01-01","Improve English","Ruafozy",1814 "2007-10-08","validates_uniqueness_of behaves well with single-table i...","rramdas",1814 "2011-04-22","Grammer fix on note about wildcard routes","Ronnie Miller",1814 "2013-04-13","update git links","Roman Shmatov",1814 "2012-08-14","raise ArgumentError if list of attributes to change is e...","Roman Shatsov",1814 "2012-08-04","polymorphic_url with an array generates a query string","Romain Tribes",1814 "2010-05-15","Added Rake task rails:templates:copy to copy templates f...","Rodrigo Urubatan",1814 "2005-03-06","Fixed that postgresql adapter would fails when reading b...","rodrigo k",1814 "2010-07-29","link_to_function now expects a piece of javascript code ...","Rodrigo Dominguez",1814 "2011-09-28","Fixed failed test under 1.8.7 as map.keys order in indet...","Rocky Jaiswal",1814 "2012-10-05","fix Example: Rename tools/profile_requires -> tools/profile","rochefort",1814 "2006-07-08"," r4704@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-27 12:00:19 -0700","Robin H. Johnson",1814 "2012-12-15","Add `ActiveModel::Validations::AbsenceValidator`, a vali...","Roberto Vasquez Angel",1814 "2013-03-09","Update documentation for collection<< to reflect << on n...","Robert Whitney",1814 "2012-11-17","Adding sqlserver.yml template to satisfy "-d sqlserver" ...","Robert Nesius",1814 "2011-10-18","Fixed DataMapper namings in symbols and constants.","Robert Glaser",1814 "2012-07-31","has_secure_password should not raise a 'digest missing' ...","Robby Grossman",1814 "2012-04-22","Adds favicon to guides layout","Robby Colvin",1814 "2006-02-27","doc fix (closes #3972) [robby]","robby",1814 "2012-10-19","Corrected the logic in production.rb comment.","Robb Shecter",1814 "2013-01-04","Support for PostgreSQL's ltree data type.","Rob Worley",1814 "2009-09-18","NestedAttributes: call reload after saving to see deleti...","Rob Olson",1814 "2006-02-08","Replace dubious controller parent class in filter docs. ...","Rob Halff",1814 "2009-08-06","Fixed adapter test cases that were failing in oracle bec...","Rob Christie",1814 "2013-04-18","fixed typo in select_tag docs","Rncrtr",1814 "2013-03-06","Typo in comment to ActionView::Resolver#find_all","RKushnir",1814 "2011-09-04","Added |t| to create_table block","Rinaldi Fonseca",1814 "2009-04-07","Changes to indicate release notes refer to most recent p...","Rick Moynihan",1814 "2012-02-10","added test for #3732","Rick Martinez",1814 "2007-08-05","Fix number_to_human_size when using different precisions...","RichardStrand",1814 "2013-06-07","Docfix: Use public interface instead of setting instance...","Richard Livsey",1814 "2012-06-23","ruby 1.9 hash syntax for generated code","Richard Huang",1814 "2010-10-19","Updating routing namespace examples to use symbols and n...","Richard Hart",1814 "2008-11-07","auto_link view helper was failing on URLs with colons af...","Rich Manalang",1814 "2013-09-13","Custom flash should be defined only for the class that d...","Ricardo de Cillo",1814 "2013-08-19","clarify instructions in contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.md...","Rex Feng",1814 "2010-03-25","Updated ActionController::Base.asset_host example","retr0h",1814 "2013-01-30","Fixing encoding to UTF-8 for OkJson backend","Renato Neves",1814 "2004-12-14","Fixed that has_and_belongs_to_many would generate bad sq...","RedTerror",1814 "2007-06-23","Fixed that radio_button_tag should generate unique ids (...","rebecca",1814 "2005-09-12","Fixed dependencies related infinite recursion bug when a...","rcolli2@tampabay.rr.com",1814 "2005-03-27","Added :owerwrite_params back to url_for and friends -- i...","raphinou",1814 "2013-05-04","Make rake install task depend on build instead of gem","Raphael Weiner",1814 "2009-03-07","Remove unused variable [#1451 state:resolved] [Raphaël V...","Raphaël Valyi",1814 "2010-02-26","the folder public/javascripts should be created by defau...","Ramon Soares",1814 "2011-09-06","Fix bug #2579.","rails-noob",1814 "2006-05-07","The app generator sets a session key in application.rb s...","rails-bug@owl.me.uk",1814 "2005-10-12","Corrections to SQLServer native data types. Closes #2267.","rails.20.clarry@spamgourmet.com",1814 "2013-08-30","FIX reload! within rails console --sandbox causes undefi...","rails",1814 "2011-12-15","Fixed small typo in the Rails::Engine documentation.","Rafael Valverde",1814 "2011-08-17","Cleanup application.css","Rafa García",1814 "2012-05-16","Relation#from to accept other Relation objects","Radoslav Stankov",1814 "2012-01-12","When force redirecting to SSL, make sure that the sessio...","Przemek Dąbek",1814 "2013-04-18","Avoid leak into controller's action_methods","printercu",1814 "2010-05-16","Added nokogiri dependency to Gemfile [#4617 state:resolved]","Priit Tamboom",1814 "2010-08-02","Corrected the rake test:units and test:functionals descr...","Prashant P. Shah",1814 "2012-02-06","Changing active model dirty module helper method to more...","Prasath Venkatraman",1814 "2012-09-13","Allow passing block to deep_merge and deep_merge!","Pranas Kiziela",1814 "2011-07-09","Add more examples to #titleize","Pol Llovet",1814 "2007-05-25","Optimistic locking: revert the lock version when an upda...","plang",1814 "2006-08-05","Added months and years to the resolution of DateHelper#d...","PJ Hyett",1814 "2011-08-08","Further monkey-patching to avoid deprecation warnings","Pivotal Casebook",1814 "2011-12-12","Default relative_url_root to ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROO...","Piotrek Okoński",1814 "2007-10-08","Move custom inflections example so available before rout...","piotrb",1814 "2005-03-20","Improved the performance of the OCI8 adapter for Oracle ...","pilx",1814 "2013-03-14","+ Add test for auto timestamps update of both old & new ...","PikachuEXE",1814 "2013-01-28","Bump version on gemspecs too.","Pietro Monteiro",1814 "2006-05-14","Preserve MySQL boolean column defaults when changing a c...","Piers Cawley",1814 "2005-03-06","Added inflection rules for "sh" words, like "wish" and "...","Phillip J. Birmingham",1814 "2006-01-14","Don't hardcode id in acts_as_list. Closes #3370","Philippe April",1814 "2011-04-25","test "Escapes special HTML/XML characters" do ...","Philipp Kempgen",1814 "2006-01-13","Add test for min_chars auto_complete_field fix. Closes #...","Philip Ross",1814 "2011-05-09","Fixed typos in documentation for the date_select helper ...","Philip Roberts",1814 "2010-10-11","I corrected a code snippet typo in the railties/guides/s...","Philip R. Dutton",1814 "2013-06-20","fix "will be ran" and "has began" typos in configuration...","Philip Dorrell",1814 "2005-06-25","Fixed that clear_association_cache doesn't delete new as...","Phil Orwig",1814 "2009-10-14","ActionView.url_for doesn't escape by default","Phil Darnowsky",1814 "2005-03-07","More fixes for symlinked setups #793 [phantom]","phantom",1814 "2007-01-28","mail_to :encode => 'hex' also encodes the mailto: part o...","pfc.pille@gmx.net",1814 "2008-12-21","Fix script/dbconsole not handling numeric password [#139...","pfagiani",1814 "2007-09-30","Fixed that render template did not honor exempt_from_lay...","Peter Williams",1814 "2012-01-29","Set default_timezone explicitly for a test in activereco...","Peter Vandenabeele",1814 "2009-05-16","Initial version - quick brain dump","Peter Szinek",1814 "2012-02-17","Correctly print names of non-timestamped migrations with...","Peter Mitchell",1814 "2013-08-05","Free result_metadata directly instead of freeing 2nd, re...","Peter Kovacs",1814 "2008-05-11","Bug: Earlier Check for Session in Forgery Protection","Peter Jones",1814 "2008-12-05","Added support for plugins to be installed as submodules ...","Peter Cooper",1814 "2008-01-06","The asset_host block takes the controller request as an ...","Peter B",1814 "2011-01-14","Minor fix to gitignore syntax","Peter Aronoff",1814 "2009-08-19","Dropped uneeded things, finalized TOC (for now), started...","peter",1814 "2005-01-24","Added that update_all calls sanitize_sql on its updates ...","Pete Yandell",1814 "2012-03-26","Remove useless conditional.","Pete Higgins",1814 "2012-12-18","Added support for validates_uniqueness_of in PostgreSQL ...","Pedro Padron",1814 "2012-01-25","Duping log handler. fixes #4668","Pedro Nascimento",1814 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #84 from pawel2105/master","pawel2105",1814 "2012-10-12","Cleanup trailing whitespaces","Paweł Mikołajewski",1814 "2013-06-12","Grammar nazi at work [ci skip]","Paweł Gościcki",1814 "2012-10-18","Extend date_select helper functionality.","Pavel Nikitin",1814 "2010-03-03","Fix quoting regexp encoding in ActionMailer","Pavel Golubeff",1814 "2011-12-29","Fix rails/generators/base.rb documentation for hook_for","Pavel Gabriel",1814 "2011-11-06","Added the test case for #3537","Pavan Kumar Sunkara",1814 "2013-01-03","Fix typo on form_tag_helper.rb","Paulo Luis Franchini Casaretto",1814 "2005-07-03","Fixed Base#write_attribute to work with both symbols and...","Paul Legato",1814 "2011-04-29","perofrmance trumps syntactical sugar","Paul Kmiec",1814 "2008-04-19","Add conditional options to caches_page method [#25 state...","Paul Horsfall",1814 "2012-05-08","add humans.txt","Paul Campbell",1814 "2008-11-26","Ensure hash conditions on referenced tables are consider...","Paul",1814 "2010-07-04","Adds tests for content negotiation change introduced in ...","Patrik Stenmark",1814 "2006-02-26","Fixed db2 connection with empty user_name and auth optio...","Patrick Hurley",1814 "2012-10-13","Fix a silly typo","Patricio Mac Adden",1814 "2008-06-27","Warn and uses singularized ModelName if a plural ModelNa...","Pat George",1814 "2006-02-19","Updated RDocTask to receive options 1 by 1 (closes #3875...","Pascal Terjan",1814 "2013-03-28","improve readability","Paritosh Piplewar",1814 "2011-04-26","Fixed minor typo in comment","Paolo &quot;Nusco&quot; Perrotta",1814 "2007-05-06","More documentations for typos in routes. Closes #8228 [pam]","pam",1814 "2013-07-27","Minor refactor - Uses Enumerable#to_a instead of iterate...","Pablo Cantero",1814 "2011-10-14","security reasonS should be plural","Pablo Astigarraga",1814 "2011-08-13","Point to current, official upgrade plugin","ov3y",1814 "2009-02-13","Fix loader's LoadError exception message to mention miss...","Oshoma Momoh",1814 "2011-04-03","added .'s to headings in the initialization textile page","Orta Therox",1814 "2010-01-23","generate_pdf gets it's parameter now","orangea",1814 "2010-10-21","Fix AbstractStore so that it preserves Set-Cookie header...","Omar Qureshi",1814 "2008-03-17","Added :format option to NumberHelper#number_to_currency ...","Olly Headey",1814 "2012-08-20","association_basics, updated how inverse_of works","Olli Huotari",1814 "2013-05-28","condition simplified","Oleg Sukhodolsky",1814 "2006-06-21","documentation fixes for ActionController::Verification::...","Oleg Frolov",1814 "2007-10-16","More Performant Cookie Regexp for Integration tests. [Ol...","Ola Bini",1814 "2013-04-01","typo recomend -> recommend","ogawaso",1814 "2010-09-15","Updated old fashion form_for samples.","oamblet",1814 "2005-05-19","Added support for descending year values in DateHelper#s...","nwoods@mail.com",1814 "2005-09-20","Include suggestion for using different socket #1951 [NVRS]","NVRS",1814 "2012-02-21","suggested changes.","Nupur Jain",1814 "2012-07-30","Add 'Writing Rake Tasks' subsection to Command Line Guide","Novikov Andrey",1814 "2007-06-23","Added support for pluralization with a different startin...","norri_b",1814 "2006-09-26","has_one associations with a nil target may be safely mar...","Norbauer Inc",1814 "2007-07-14"," Make :trailing_slash work with query parameters for url...","Nobukazu Matake",1814 "2013-02-18","clarify singular and plural routes","Noam Gagliardi",1814 "2013-01-07","Fix javascript_include_tag when no js runtime is available","Noah Silas",1814 "2006-06-16","add passing test to make sure unhandled requests don't l...","nkriege@hotmail.com",1814 "2012-06-09","buffered logger is initialized with the log level passed...","Niranjan Paranjape",1814 "2006-07-01","Generate scaffold layout in subdirectory appropriate to ...","Nils Jonsson",1814 "2005-06-15","Fixed double-singularization on scaffolded pagination ca...","Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik",1814 "2009-08-09","Require test/unit in the generated test_helper for plugi...","Nikolay Petrachkov",1814 "2009-08-08","Polymorphic routes generates collection URL from model c...","Niklas Holmgren",1814 "2012-06-07","Compact array of values added to PermissionSet instance","Nikita Pomyashchiy",1814 "2013-06-28","Omit turbolinks configuration completely on skip_javascr...","Nikita Fedyashev",1814 "2007-07-09","Allow for optional messages on assert_difference [nicwil...","nicwilliams",1814 "2005-08-14","Make link_to escape the javascript in the confirm option...","Nicolas Pouillard",1814 "2012-05-02","added proc evaluation for action cache's layout parameter","Nico",1814 "2007-10-25","Partials also set 'object' to the default partial variab...","Nick Retallack",1814 "2012-05-09",NA,"Nick Novitski",1814 "2012-07-20","AR has a subclass of AM:PresenceValidator.","Nick Monje",1814 "2008-05-29","First draft of the ActionView Partials guide.","Nick Laiacona",1814 "2007-11-16","attr_readonly behaves well with optimistic locking. Clos...","Nick Bugajski",1814 "2012-05-03","refactored extracting :size => 'XxY' into an extract_siz...","Nicholas Yianilos",1814 "2012-06-30","Persist glob when replacing a path","Nicholas Mulder",1814 "2005-07-30","Allow add_column and create_table to specify NOT NULL #1...","Nicholas Lee",1814 "2010-01-18","Partial Documentation for ActiveModel::StateMachine","Nestor Ovroy",1814 "2012-08-08","Added a note for smtp_settings.enable_starttls_auto","Neil Stockbridge",1814 "2010-10-14","Fixed casing of JavaScript (and RJS) [#183 state:resolved]","Neil Middleton",1814 "2013-07-09","Fix microsecond precision of Time#at_with_coercion","Neer Friedman",1814 "2012-09-10","Support MySQL SSL in rails dbconsole.","needfeed",1814 "2012-10-01","remove non sequitur NOTE on :include","Ned Ruggeri",1814 "2008-03-17","Ensure that you can still do expressions in calculations...","nbugajski",1814 "2005-11-09","CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore.data_column_name = 'foob...","nbpwie102@sneakemail.com",1814 "2013-01-09","Fix typo in deprecation warning","Nathaniel Jones",1814 "2010-10-11","Updated RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS documentation with mention of...","Nathan Zook",1814 "2013-08-03","Add "extname" option to javascript_include_tag","Nathan Stitt",1814 "2012-06-13","Show how to add attributes to options","Nathan Long",1814 "2009-04-03","Typo fix","Nathan Lloyd Smith",1814 "2009-01-28","Ensure that when UrlWriter is included in multiple class...","Nathan de Vries",1814 "2011-06-03","Make String.to_time respect timezones","Nate Mueller",1814 "2012-05-16","Improve logging of ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::...","Naoto Takai",1814 "2010-09-24","Make redirect_to accept blocks [#5643 state:resolved]","Nando Vieira",1814 "2005-04-28","default to using UTF-8 as response encoding for SOAP if ...","NAKAMURA Hiroshi",1814 "2009-01-16","Added in a local per request cache to MemCacheStore. It ...","Nahum Wild",1814 "2009-03-07","Added info on how to run rake with different database ad...","nachocab",1814 "2009-07-08","Callback chain stops on *true* block result (rdoc).","mynyml",1814 "2013-01-04","This commit fixes issue #8628","Mykola Kyryk",1814 "2007-05-28","request.remote_ip understands X-Forwarded-For addresses ...","Moses Hohman",1814 "2007-10-16","Refactor association create and build so before & after ...","mortent",1814 "2013-02-02","use the decimal HTML escape code for single quotes inste...","Morgan Currie",1814 "2010-06-23","Patch for Namespace problem in Scaffold. [#4763 state:re...","Mohammed Siddick.E",1814 "2013-09-12","Added quotes when defining the precision for the `decima...","mogetutu",1814 "2007-06-10","Scaffolded validation errors set the appropriate HTTP st...","mmmultiworks",1814 "2006-06-02","Rewind readable CGI params so others may reread them (su...","mklame@atxeu.com",1814 "2012-06-12","fix method redefined warning in Ruby2.0","Mitsutaka Mimura",1814 "2012-07-06","Prevent conflict between mime types and Object methods","Mircea Pricop",1814 "2007-05-30","Quickref for association methods. Closes #7723.","Mindsweeper",1814 "2011-09-04","if ... nil? is more expensive than unless","Milan Dobrota",1814 "2007-11-06","Fix broken tag in assert_tag documentation. Closes #9037...","Miklós Fazekas",1814 "2012-08-15","corrected grammar [ci skip]","Mikhail",1814 "2008-05-09","Added additional information about processing email with...","Mike Mondragon",1814 "2012-05-04","Editing log levels to reflect this doc: http://api.rubyo...","Mike Manewitz",1814 "2007-03-06","Sybase: hide timestamp columns since they're inherently ...","Mike Joyce",1814 "2008-12-04","Make NoMethodError message more descriptive when an unde...","Mike Ferrier",1814 "2012-10-11","Padding expires_in by 5 minutes on dalli key write to fa...","Mike Evans",1814 "2009-05-31","Fix url and route helpers to follow the given example","Mike Enriquez",1814 "2010-09-18","make sure a Content-Length header exists and that the re...","Mike Abner",1814 "2013-07-04","Specify request method in guides [ci skip]","Mihail Evsyukov",1814 "2013-02-19","Require AS deps in ActionDispatch::Http::URL","Miha Filej",1814 "2013-01-03","Merge tag 'v3.2.10' into 3-2-stable","Miguel Fernández",1814 "2011-12-27","Removed RUBY_ENGINE checks for ruby18","Miguel Camba",1814 "2006-03-01","Help script/about print the correct svn revision when in...","Michiaki Baba",1814 "2013-01-30","fixed failing JSON decoding in rails 3-0-stable","Michel Barbosa",1814 "2012-11-26","Length validation handles correctly nil. Fix #7180","Michal Zima",1814 "2013-04-01","fix inverse_of association in block of new child","Michal Cichra",1814 "2013-09-11","remove sentence err","michaelminter",1814 "2011-07-23","Add failing test: ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore#file_p...","Michael Pell",1814 "2007-05-02","Fixed that content_tag with a block will just return the...","michael.niessner",1814 "2013-05-21","update_counters accepts a hash, not an array of hashes","Michael Kozono",1814 "2013-09-12","remove outdated docs","Michael Hoy",1814 "2012-02-23","Update with new task names for building mysql and postgr...","Michael Guterl",1814 "2007-06-23","Added --skip-migration option to scaffold and resource g...","Michael Glaesemann",1814 "2009-03-06","added 'Sending multipart emails with attachments' sectio...","Michael Erb",1814 "2006-07-05","Added :group to available options for finds done on asso...","Michael Dewey",1814 "2009-03-29","Time.local instances: Adding 24.hours across the DST bou...","Michael Curtis",1814 "2013-02-25","Update RUBY_VERSION check for performance testing to han...","Michael Coyne",1814 "2010-02-10","Fixes unescaped version passthrough of generator 'gem' c...","Michael Bleigh",1814 "2012-10-28","fix typo in button_to helper example","Michael Bashkirov",1814 "2008-07-11","Ensure MysqlAdapter allows SSL connection when only sslc...","Micah Wedemeyer",1814 "2005-04-17","Clean up load paths to avoid unit test interaction #1113...","Micah Alles",1814 "2008-02-20","2-0-stable: Fix Fixtures for ActionController tests with...","menno.sman",1814 "2013-05-17","Fix documentation for ActionMailer template names.","Megan Bowra-Dean",1814 "2006-01-15","Automatically discover layouts when a controller is name...","me@jonnii.com",1814 "2008-03-31","Add :message option to validates_numericality_of. Closes...","mdempfle",1814 "2012-10-10","fix typo in "The Rails Initialization Process"","mdaisuke",1814 "2009-11-01","Swapped : for . on a NOTE section.","mazuhl",1814 "2012-06-22","made dynamic finders alias_attribute aware","Maximilian Schneider",1814 "2013-07-22","Removed random dot in code sample [ci skip]","Max Vasiliev",1814 "2012-12-07","Fix small grammatical error","Max Katz",1814 "2013-04-28","Fix typo in serialized_attribute_test. [ci skip]","Max Edmands",1814 "2012-06-27","Fixes #6825, adds tests covering cases and error possibi...","Mauricio Linhares",1814 "2012-12-04","Fixed issue where routes with globs caused constraints o...","Maura Fitzgerald",1814 "2007-12-05","Documentation for find incorrectly omits the :conditions...","mattwestcott",1814 "2012-07-07","move route_inspector to actionpack","Mattt Thompson",1814 "2011-07-01","Fix arguments to get plugin help. Otherwise a plugin nam...","Mattias Wadman",1814 "2010-09-27","Fix broken module namespacing in ActiveResource with Rub...","Matthijs Langenberg",1814 "2013-06-19","indicate the default Rails cache store","Matthieu Paret",1814 "2012-04-28","Correct small consistency issue in AR querying guide","Matthias Schmidt",1814 "2009-02-06","Tightening the condition for including ActiveSupport::Te...","Matthias Hennemeyer",1814 "2008-03-08","Update URL in script/generate usage. Closes #11220 [neshmi]","Matthew Vincent",1814 "2006-07-08","PostgreSQL: create/drop as postgres user. Closes #4790.","Matthew Painter",1814 "2008-10-05","ActiveResource can load array of strings, like serialize...","Matthew Moore",1814 "2013-05-05","Improve model generator USAGE grammar","Matthew Michihara",1814 "2013-07-20","Rails 4.0 release notes. Explain major features added an...","Matthew King",1814 "2013-06-07","Added bang method versions to association basics guide","Matthew Hensrud",1814 "2008-01-30","MySQL: omit text/blob defaults from the schema instead o...","Matthew Deiters",1814 "2008-05-13","ScaffoldGenerator to create public/stylesheets if missin...","Matthew Brindley",1814 "2012-01-17","race_condition_ttl should be an integer","Matt Williams",1814 "2012-12-11","Fix rewinding in ActionDispatch::Request#raw_post","Matt Venables",1814 "2005-07-07","Fixed JavascriptHelper#visual_effect to use camelize suc...","Matt Pelletier",1814 "2005-04-13","Fixed boolean saving on Oracle #1093 [mparrish@pearware....","Matt Parrish",1814 "2013-07-17","fixes plugin test for tutorial","Matt Newton",1814 "2012-05-23","Add license field to gemspecs, by Matt Griffin","Matt Griffin",1814 "2009-08-04","fallback_string_to_date sets Date._parse comp arg to tru...","Matt Ganderup",1814 "2008-04-04","Make HABTM#create behave the same as << with after_add c...","Matt Freels",1814 "2012-02-24","Fix the assert_recognizes test method so that it works w...","Matt Fawcett",1814 "2010-06-04","Improve Rails README [#4740 state:resolved]","Matt Di Pasquale",1814 "2006-08-05","Added that you can change the web server port in config/...","Mats Persson",1814 "2011-05-07","Fixes ticket #6379. Improved the handling of Accept head...","Mathieu Ravaux",1814 "2010-05-04","Use primary key in conditions, not 'id' [#4395 state:res...","Mathieu Arnold",1814 "2008-10-30","Fixed plugin generator so that generated unit tests woul...","Mathias Meyer",1814 "2011-02-22","alteracao de HTML para HTTP","Mateus Paixão",1814 "2009-08-29","Fix ActiveRecord Error message I18n:","Mateo Murphy",1814 "2005-09-27","Ticket 2256 - Recognize PostgreSQL NOW() default as equi...","mat",1814 "2006-06-02","PostgreSQL: don't ignore port when host is nil since it'...","Masashi Shimbo",1814 "2013-04-01","fix detect column type of enum","masarakki",1814 "2006-02-25","Fixed validates_length_of to work on UTF-8 strings by us...","Masao Mutoh",1814 "2013-04-25","AV Digestor correctly passes format to LookupContext","Martin Westin",1814 "2008-09-22","Fixed AssetTag cache with with relative_url_root [#1022 ...","Martin Rehfeld",1814 "2006-10-09","Add #delete support to has_many :through associations. ...","Martin Landers",1814 "2010-02-17","Fix error_messages_for i18n issue if object_name has und...","Martin Andert",1814 "2008-03-29","Dirty typecasts attribute values before comparison, if p...","Marshall Roch",1814 "2005-11-15","Associations handle case-equality more consistently: ite...","Markus Roberts",1814 "2005-07-14","Provide correct defaults for Named Routes which do not s...","Markjuh",1814 "2013-05-02","rake:db:test:prepare falls back to original environment ...","markevich",1814 "2010-04-10","Made arrays of ActiveRecords, and any classes, with name...","Mark W. Foster",1814 "2007-09-21","Added support for HTTP Only cookies (works in IE6+ and F...","Mark Somerville",1814 "2012-04-27","Use <tt>Foo::Bar</tt> instead of +Foo::Bar+","Mark Rushakof",1814 "2012-03-16","Revert "Fix typo in AR Callbacks."","Mark Larimer",1814 "2012-07-05","Use ArgumentError vs. RuntimeError, which is more precise.","Mark Dodwell",1814 "2012-03-20","[ci skip] Make guides more readable & consistent","Mark D. Blackwell",1814 "2011-04-14","respect :expire_after option","Marjan Hratson",1814 "2013-06-25","Fix typo in docs. HABTM associations should use a plural...","mariozig",1814 "2013-05-09","Added escaping of U+2028 and U+2029 inside the json enco...","Mario Caropreso",1814 "2012-12-30","Update guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.md","Marek Ovečka",1814 "2009-02-24","Just require tmail instead of autoloading it to fix issu...","Marcus Mateus",1814 "2008-05-06","Refactored and fixed Resources.map_member_actions to mak...","Marcos Arias",1814 "2005-10-26","Added TextHelper#strip_tags for removing HTML tags from ...","Marcin Szczepański",1814 "2012-01-12","When force redirecting to SSL, make sure that the sessio...","Marcin Bunsch",1814 "2013-07-10","Remove unnecessary string interpolation","Marcelo G. Cajueiro",1814 "2012-04-24","fixed non matching documentation behaviour with method s...","Marcelo Casiraghi",1814 "2011-11-16","Added a missing parameter to relative_url_root= that was...","Marc Huffnagle",1814 "2013-02-06","Fixing the examples for button_to","Marc Baumbach",1814 "2013-01-27","Fix typo in rails plugins guide","Manish Valechha",1814 "2008-05-12","minor changes in railties/README. Added dbconsole introd...","Manik Juneja",1814 "2010-07-04","ARGV.empty? is useless. If ARGV is empty, ARGV.first != ...","Madjo DIAPENA",1814 "2011-10-13","remove user-specified delimiter from start when no area ...","Mac Martine",1814 "2013-03-21","Remove duplicated accepts_nested_attributes description","ma2gedev",1814 "2007-09-22","Fixes rake annotations to search erb and builder files a...","m.langenberg",1814 "2005-01-24","Fixed that /Recipe/new and /recipe/new points to the sam...","Lyle Johnson",1814 "2013-06-25","change id="errorExplanation" to id="error_explanation" t...","Luzi Humm",1814 "2013-05-25","add notice to server boot messages if using default 0.0....","Luke Wendling",1814 "2012-04-15","Fixed a typo in migrations","luke",1814 "2012-09-19","Removing to_shorthand from default_controller_and_action...","Luiz Felipe",1814 "2013-02-11","fix a typo on the engine guide","Luis Vasconcellos",1814 "2012-10-23","Fixed typo on ActiveRecord nested_attributes.","Luis M",1814 "2009-09-04","Link to the mislav-hosted Why's Poignant Guide.","Luigi Montanez",1814 "2005-11-12"," r4325@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 03:57:46 -0800","Lugovoi Nikolai",1814 "2012-08-13","Indentation should consider line number character count.","Lucas Uyezu",1814 "2012-05-23","Adding deep versions of stringify_keys and symbolize_key...","Lucas Húngaro",1814 "2006-01-06","Have the form builder output radio button, not check box...","Louis St-Amour",1814 "2009-01-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Lori Holden",1814 "2007-05-29","SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle: quote column names in...","Loren Johnson",1814 "2012-10-08","Fix missing typewriter tag","Lincoln Lee",1814 "2013-03-15","Should be a symbol not string to defer the choice of lay...","Limon Lin",1814 "2012-10-03","Update supported ruby versions error message in ruby_ver...","Lihan Li",1814 "2011-10-09","Fixes an issue when creating a date select with too many...","Liborio Cannici",1814 "2013-04-22","Return a 405 response for unknown HTTP methods","Lewis Marshall",1814 "2012-03-30","Introduce minor spelling corrections and fix broken mark...","Levi McCallum",1814 "2012-03-06","Don't ignore call to undefined method in Sweeper","Levente Bagi",1814 "2005-08-14","Make acts_as_list work for insert_at(1) #1966 [hensleyl@...","Leslie A. Hensley",1814 "2010-10-11","Show exceptions rescues the original exception","Les Hill",1814 "2010-07-06","Fixed minor typo app/view to app/views","Leo Lou",1814 "2012-09-04","Extend HashWithIndifferentAccess#update to take an optio...","Leo Cassarani",1814 "2006-05-07","The app generator sets a session key in application.rb s...","Lennon Day-Reynolds",1814 "2012-11-20","fixed a minor spelling error","Lennart Tange",1814 "2006-02-01","Document the :xhr option for verifications. Closes #3666.","leeo",1814 "2006-07-05","Doc fix (closes #5504) [lee@omara.ca]","Lee O&#39;Mara",1814 "2007-01-12","Fix new_record? and id rollback. Closes #6910.","Lee Jensen",1814 "2012-08-21","Clarify and correct the description for the --full optio...","lazylester",1814 "2010-06-12","Create mailers folder when starting a new rails app","Lawrence Curtis",1814 "2011-10-31","dump_schema_information: explicitly order inserts into s...","Laust Rud Jacobsen",1814 "2009-01-02","Fixed call_with_exception for Routing Errors [#1684 stat...","Laszlo Bacsi",1814 "2012-04-27","Removed the sanitize_dom_id method because HTML5 doctype...","Larz Conwell",1814 "2005-09-17","Add "#:nodoc:" for ActionController::Routing::PathCompon...","Lars Francke",1814 "2005-11-08","Destroy associated has_and_belongs_to_many records after...","Larry Williams",1814 "2005-04-17","Added AssetTagHelper#image_path, AssetTagHelper#javascri...","Larry Halff",1814 "2013-09-09","Make CollectionAssociation first/last with integer fetch...","Lann Martin",1814 "2009-09-21","fixed ActiveModel::Lint typos [#3236 state:resolved]","Lakshan Perera",1814 "2006-04-06","Fix HasManyAssociation#find bugs when :finder_sql is set...","lagroue@free.fr",1814 "2013-05-12","Call assume_migrated_upto_version on connection","Kyle Stevens",1814 "2013-05-26","Minor refactor of ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration to remov...","Kyle Rippey",1814 "2010-02-16","Invalid namespace on app generation raises an error","Kyle Maxwell",1814 "2013-05-29","correct no-replay@example.com to no-reply@example.com","Kyle Fritz",1814 "2009-04-08","Fixed confusing wording in ActionCachePath","Kyle",1814 "2012-12-15","Refactoring the token_and_options method to fix bugs","Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene",1814 "2011-05-25","action_view/template/handler has been removed","Kuldar Krabbi",1814 "2007-01-16","Improve handling of LoadErrors with the oracle adapter. ...","Kubo Takehiro",1814 "2013-02-13","incorrect content of models/comment.rb after 'rails gene...","Kuba Brecka",1814 "2013-03-18","Use define_method when method name contains weird charac...","Krzysztof Jurewicz",1814 "2006-08-25","SQLServer: work around bug where some unambiguous date f...","kruth@bfpi",1814 "2007-10-26","Allow find on a has_many association defined with :finde...","Krishna Kotecha",1814 "2010-03-27","In PostgreSQLAdapter, switch tables query to use current...","Kris Selden",1814 "2013-01-17","Fix ActionDispatch::Request#formats when HTTP_ACCEPT hea...","Konstantin Papkovskiy",1814 "2012-09-04","update caching guide: stale? can also figure out last_mo...","Konstantin Haase",1814 "2009-07-16","minor HTML and formatting fixes","kommissar",1814 "2006-03-18","fixed has_many :conditions sanitizing (closes #4278) [ha...","Koichi Tsutsumi",1814 "2013-02-25","Change default root route helper","Kohei Hasegawa",1814 "2005-10-14","Change quote delimiters for sql interpolation to obviate...","Kjetil Lerøen",1814 "2009-08-29","two typos fixed","kitallis",1814 "2011-05-17","Year 0 should fall to nil only if month and day are also 0","Kirill Radzikhovskyy",1814 "2005-03-17","Added the possibility of specifying fixtures in multiple...","Kim Shrier",1814 "2011-12-11","Added :use_two_digit_numbers option [Lennart Fridén & Ki...","Kim Persson",1814 "2007-06-23","Rollback if commit raises an exception. Closes #8642.","kik",1814 "2006-07-05","Doc fix (closes #5418) [kevwil@gmail.com]","Kevin Williams",1814 "2005-06-21","Added an exception if calling id on nil to WhinyNil #584...","kevin-temp@writesoon.com",1814 "2012-04-29","Fix 'Can't mass-assign protected attributes: tags_attrib...","Kevin Richardson",1814 "2010-09-23","Changed documentation for auto_link so that the truncate...","Kevin Hughes",1814 "2012-03-06","Correct it's/its usage.","Kevin Griffin",1814 "2006-10-23","Plugin generator: check for class collisions. Closes #4833.","Kevin Barnes",1814 "2006-06-27","Fix invoke_layered since api_method didn't declare :expe...","Kevin Ballard",1814 "2009-05-18","Report errors in 'all project' rake tasks [#2224 state:r...","Kerry Buckley",1814 "2008-04-04","Don't double include DISTINCT when the user has already ...","kenneth.kalmer",1814 "2013-04-01","fixed a article link at sitepoint","Ken Lu",1814 "2011-05-03","Fix typo in Factory Girl description","Ken Gerrard",1814 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #132 from hlee/master","Ken",1814 "2008-04-13","Time#since behaves correctly when passed a Duration. Clo...","kemiller",1814 "2011-01-27","Refer to the correct action - it's the update action, in...","Keith Wansbrough",1814 "2006-05-12","PostgreSQL: migrations support :limit with :integer colu...","Keegan Quinn",1814 "2011-02-18","Created a new Troubleshooting section in the migrations ...","Kedar Mhaswade",1814 "2005-06-15"," r1318@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-15 01:08:22 -0700","kdole@tamu.edu",1814 "2005-11-02","If specified, pass PostgreSQL client character encoding ...","Kazuhiko",1814 "2008-12-20","Fix has many through not quoting table names [#1163 stat...","Karthik Krishnan",1814 "2011-11-27","Fix: when using subdomains and constraints, request para...","karevn",1814 "2013-08-30","use AR-JDBC (>=) 1.3.0 with AR 4.0","kares",1814 "2012-07-16","Fix activerecord model to_ary method comment 'see also' ...","Kang Wen",1814 "2011-10-04",":subdomain can now be specified with a value of false in...","Kamil Sobieraj",1814 "2007-10-14","Memcached sessions: add session data on initialization; ...","Kamil Kukura",1814 "2012-09-09","&#39 dates back to SGML when &#x27 was introduced in HTM...","Kalys Osmonov",1814 "2013-04-01","Fixed typo on AP dispatch Mime::Type test","KalabiYau",1814 "2010-03-27","fixing inconsistency with cattr_reader and matter_reader...","Kabari Hendrick",1814 "2005-10-15","Raise an exception if an attempt is made to insert more ...","justin@textdrive.com",1814 "2005-11-23","script/plugin: handle root paths and plugin names which ...","Justin Mecham",1814 "2010-03-09","Reinstate dom_id in controllers.","Justin Ko",1814 "2013-03-01","Allow use of assert_template with the :file option.","Justin Coyne",1814 "2012-06-13","Fix SQL injection via nested hashes in conditions","Justin Collins",1814 "2009-06-19","Testing Guide: fix some grammar errors and typos","Justin Brown",1814 "2013-02-21","Removed template_root as a configuration option","Justin Bingham",1814 "2007-11-22","PostgreSQL: correct binary escaping. References #8049, c...","Justin Ball",1814 "2013-03-15","Typo fix [ci ski]","Justin",1814 "2012-04-03","Updated/changed useless tr/gsubs","Jurriaan Pruis",1814 "2013-05-05","Fix typo in documentation comment","Junya Ogura",1814 "2013-01-02","fix block.arity raise nil error when not given a block t...","Jun Jiang",1814 "2013-05-12","Code cleanup for ActionDispatch::Flash#call","Julian Vargas",1814 "2013-01-13","Fix simple expression","Jude Arasu",1814 "2012-04-18","Add missing dependency for active_record_deprecated_finders","Juan Manuel Azambuja",1814 "2010-10-08","Fixing two minor errors in Rails::Generators::Actions in...","Juan Maiz",1814 "2008-12-15","Added gem backtrace pretty priting (Juan Lupión) [#1497 ...","Juan Lupión",1814 "2011-11-01","Fix wrong link in initialization doc","Juan De Bravo",1814 "2012-04-14","Automatically create indexes for references/belongs_to s...","Joshua Wood",1814 "2008-04-23","Fix include? on has_many collections with finder_sql to ...","Joshua Bates",1814 "2009-08-09","Adding a deprecation warning for output.flush when rende...","Josh Nichols",1814 "2013-08-06","Only cache template digests if config.cache_template_loa...","Josh Lauer",1814 "2010-03-26","Add support for a type=binary with an optional encoding=...","Josh Franklin",1814 "2013-08-15","Adding LESS to rake notes","Josh Crowder",1814 "2011-02-09","Fixed a bug where ActiveResource::HttpMock would not rep...","Josh Bassett",1814 "2013-03-20","Commas aren't comas.","Josh Adams",1814 "2005-04-30","Fixed that validate_length_of lost :on option when :with...","Joseph Hosteny",1814 "2008-11-26","Extract XmlMini from XmlSimple. [#1474 state:committed]","Joseph Holsten",1814 "2012-09-21","Remove .rb from require sentences","José Corcuera Z",1814 "2012-05-29","Added information regarding the schema_migrations table ...","Jordan Staub",1814 "2006-08-05","Make controller_path available as an instance method. Cl...","Jordan McKible",1814 "2006-04-03","Doc fix #3960 [jonrailsdev@shumi.org]","jonrailsdev@shumi.org",1814 "2011-08-14","Use mysql_creation_options inside rescue block","Jonathon M. Abbott",1814 "2006-03-18","Added :function option to PrototypeHelper#observe_field/...","Jonathan Younger",1814 "2008-04-17","Support options passed to ActiveSupport::Cache :mem_cach...","Jonathan Weiss",1814 "2012-03-17","Updates 'modyfing' typo to 'modifying'","Jonathan R. Wallace",1814 "2012-03-28","Nested attribute setters can be overridden.","Jonathan Mukai",1814 "2011-02-10","Change fenomenal to phenomenal.","Jonathan Goldman",1814 "2012-12-31","Update guides/source/rails_on_rack.md","Jonathan Baudanza",1814 "2007-05-26","find gracefully copes with blank :conditions. Closes #7599.","Jonathan Bartlett",1814 "2011-08-15","Updates to Asset Pipeline Guide","Jon Seidel",1814 "2005-09-11","Fixed clone_structure_to_test task for SQLite #1864 [jon...","Jon Moses",1814 "2013-02-14","Fixed changelog typos [ci skip]","Jon McCartie",1814 "2013-08-16","update Rails::Railtie::Configuration and ActionDispatch:...","Jon Kessler",1814 "2011-06-22","Log instrumentation name for exists? queries","Jon Guymon",1814 "2009-01-29","Added grouped_options_for_select helper method for wrapp...","Jon Crawford",1814 "2011-03-31","Trivial fix to HTTP Digest auth MD5 example","Jon Cooper",1814 "2010-07-28","fixed joining of attributes when using find_or_create_by...","Jon Buda",1814 "2007-12-05","Fix typo in documentation for polymorphic associations w...","johnjosephbachir",1814 "2011-01-19","Fix doc for #check_box [#6311 state:resolved]","Johnathan Ritzi",1814 "2007-06-30","Don't call unsupported methods on associated objects whe...","John Wilger",1814 "2007-05-29","Inflections: MatrixTest -> MatrixTests instead of Matric...","John Wells",1814 "2013-03-16","If a counter_cache is defined, then using update_attribu...","John Wang",1814 "2009-05-10","Add configuration options for :dasherize and :camelize c...","John Small",1814 "2011-04-10","Add support for Object#in? and Object#either? in Active ...","John Reitano",1814 "2006-03-18","Added migrations support to the Sybase adapter (closes #...","John R. Sheets",1814 "2005-09-11","Added irregular inflection sex => sexes #1826 [rails@ele...","John Oxton",1814 "2006-06-29","More compatible Hash.create_from_xml. Closes #5523.","John Nunemaker",1814 "2007-12-09","render :xml and :json preserve custom content types. Clo...","John Mettraux",1814 "2009-07-23","Patch to ActiveModel's (and ActiveRecord, by association...","John Maxwell",1814 "2013-03-07","Combine scope conditions using AND","John Leighton",1814 "2012-12-20","Remove Reference to Ruby 1.8.7","John Kelly",1814 "2009-03-13","Vendored gem paths now being loaded if they exist [#2204...","John Dzak",1814 "2009-07-23","make pass through error code configurable [#2817 state:r...","John Duff",1814 "2011-11-25","Updating newline fix to maintain existing linebreaks and...","John Donahue",1814 "2007-11-26","Fixed to_s bug with namespace routes (closes #10283) [jo...","John Barton",1814 "2009-03-08","Ensure SQLite adapters stores the config [#1947 state:re...","John Aughey",1814 "2010-07-31","DHH forgot to remove JS, CSS in generated index.html [#5...","Johan Lundström",1814 "2012-12-30","fixed inconsistent `require 'test_helper'` in testing guide","Joey Schoblaska",1814 "2010-03-29","use supplied primary key when eager-loading belongs_to a...","Joey Aghion",1814 "2009-11-28","avoid generating invalid SMTP commands in ruby pre 1.9","Joey A",1814 "2010-03-28","Fixes typo in environments/production.rb template.","Joel Watson",1814 "2011-09-08","db:migrate:status correctly uses ActiveRecord::Migrator....","Joel Moss",1814 "2010-04-26","Add ActiveResource::Base.include_root_in_json, like Acti...","Joe Martinez",1814 "2013-05-10","Removed jruby-openssl gem from default template Gemfile","Joe Kutner",1814 "2012-03-22","Adding documentation for ActiveRecord::Base.abstract_cla...","Joe Goggins",1814 "2007-05-28","Generate rdoc with utf-8 charset. Closes #7188 [manfred,...","Joe Ferris",1814 "2009-02-12","Adding inflection of databases (usually we wouldn't amen...","Jiri Zajpt",1814 "2006-09-04","Fixed the Ruby/MySQL adapter we ship with Active Record ...","Jim Winstead",1814 "2005-10-27","rake should run functional tests even if the unit tests ...","Jim Weirich",1814 "2009-03-09","Ensure has_many :through works with changed primary keys...","Jim Remsik",1814 "2007-11-07","Fixed handling of non-domain hosts (closes #9479) [purp]","Jim Meyer",1814 "2005-06-12","Return PostgreSQL columns in the order they are declared...","Jim Helm",1814 "2005-05-21","Added the :if option to all validations that can either ...","jhosteny",1814 "2013-04-18","Reorganize MessageEncryptor","jgls",1814 "2012-03-19","Fixes issue #5222: DateTimeSelector builds invalid dates...","Jey Balachandran",1814 "2013-04-02","Fix tests from rails.png removal.","Jessica Lynn Suttles",1814 "2009-10-06","Running rake dev leaves ERB in environment.rb. The exist...","Jesse Proudman",1814 "2008-12-17","Decorate responses from Rack Middleware and Rails Metal ...","Jesse Newland",1814 "2006-08-20","Correct example in cookies docs. Closes #5832.","Jesse Merriman",1814 "2012-03-19","Adding comma to correct syntax in comment.","Jesse Brown",1814 "2013-03-06","Update capture_helper.rb","Jess Brown",1814 "2006-12-17","Work around a cross-platform number_to_precision inconsi...","jesperron",1814 "2008-06-02","AR can be disabled, new_rails_defaults.rb should check [...","Jesper Hvirring Henriksen",1814 "2008-04-05","Improve documentation.","Jérôme Lipowicz",1814 "2012-06-22","ActiveRecord#pluck now accepts multiple columns","Jeroen van Ingen",1814 "2013-01-16","Fixes improper database name when a '.' is included whil...","Jeremy W. Rowe",1814 "2010-03-26","fix habtm documentation to correct typo","Jeremy Roman",1814 "2007-05-29","Raise an exception if both attr_protected and attr_acces...","Jeremy Lightsmith",1814 "2013-01-10","Fixes issue where duplicate assets can be required with ...","Jeremy Jackson",1814 "2005-09-28","Returning false in before_destroy should cancel action. ...","Jeremy Huffman",1814 "2010-11-03","Allowing to_xml :camelize option to be set to :lower to ...","Jeremy Holland",1814 "2013-05-15","Rewrite `activerecord/RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS`","Jeremy Audet",1814 "2013-06-13","Moving add_column_options! up to SchemaCreation","jeran",1814 "2012-06-10","fix namespace collision with test-unit-activesupport","Jens Kraemer",1814 "2009-02-16","Ensure template_runner can run script/* ruby scripts und...","Jens Kolind",1814 "2012-03-27","adds delegetion for eof? to AD::Http::UploadedFile","Jens Fahnenbruck",1814 "2005-11-08","Controllers with acronyms in their names (e.g. PDFContro...","Jeffrey Moss",1814 "2009-05-17","Ensure WhiteListSanitizer allows dl tag [#2393 state:res...","Jeffrey Chupp",1814 "2007-10-26","Added db:rollback to rollback the schema one version (or...","Jeffrey Allan Hardy",1814 "2009-03-10","Fixed an incompatibility with Ruby 1.9.","Jeff Schwab",1814 "2013-06-27","Removed "to:" from root directive and fixed typo ":to"","Jeff Rodriguez",1814 "2007-02-01","Plugins may be symlinked in vendor/plugins. Closes #4245.","Jeff Lindsay",1814 "2006-11-20","Extract template_changed_since? from compile_template? s...","Jeff Barczewski",1814 "2011-08-28","Fixed bad options order in ActiveRecord::Migration::Comm...","Jean Baptiste Barth",1814 "2008-02-22","PostgreSQL: support server versions 7.4 through 8.0 and ...","jdavis",1814 "2008-05-29","added useful example for actionview's debug()","JD Huntington",1814 "2005-08-16","add 'system.multicall' support to XML-RPC. boxcarred met...","jbonnar",1814 "2008-06-27","Finished sentence in ActiveResource README","Jay Shepherd",1814 "2008-06-13","Added test/do declaration style testing to ActiveSupport...","Jay Fields",1814 "2008-03-13","Added add/remove_timestamps to the schema statements for...","Javier Ramírez",1814 "2013-05-24","Add note about upgrading custom routes from `put` to `pa...","Javan Makhmali",1814 "2007-10-15","Fix silent failure of rxml templates. Closes #9879.","Jason Stewart",1814 "2012-11-29","Added STI support to init and building associations","Jason Rush",1814 "2007-10-23","rake test aborts if tests failed. Closes #9962 [Jason Ro...","Jason Roelofs",1814 "2007-11-25","Allow validates_acceptance_of to use a real attribute in...","Jason L Perry",1814 "2007-09-23","Fix docs (closes #9570) [anshkakashi]","Jason Ketterman",1814 "2009-06-08","String #to_time and #to_datetime: handle fractional seco...","Jason Frey",1814 "2011-12-20","Added failing test to demonstrate digest authentication ...","Jarrod Carlson",1814 "2012-01-22","Fix typo","Jari Jokinen",1814 "2012-11-19","Add rename_index to change_table.","Jarek Radosz",1814 "2011-08-27","fixed 500 error message which is misleading by suggestin...","Jared Tame",1814 "2006-09-29","assert_select_rjs decodes escaped unicode chars since th...","japgolly",1814 "2013-03-20","Fix broken ActionController#action_missing","Janko Luin",1814 "2011-11-27","Test case and fix for rails/rails#3450","Jan Varwig",1814 "2005-04-13","Fixed that an exception would be thrown when an empty fo...","jan@ulbrich-boerwang.de",1814 "2013-08-03","Removed an unnecessary loop - it kills performance on la...","Jan Szumiec",1814 "2010-11-07","Added support for Erubis <%== tag","Jan Maurits Faber",1814 "2007-06-08","Action caching is limited to GET requests returning 200 ...","Jan Krutisch",1814 "2011-11-22","fix Helpers::DateHelper with :use_hidden - hide separators","Jan Dupal",1814 "2012-09-06","add mini-validator on creating migration","Jan Bernacki",1814 "2010-06-30","Backported patch from [#4762]","Jan Berkel",1814 "2006-10-03","Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte. Provides String#chars whi...","Jan Behrens",1814 "2006-03-18","Do not include .svn files in file distro (closes #3195) ...","Jamie Orchard-Hays",1814 "2010-01-07","Add validates method as shortcut to setup validators for...","Jamie Hill",1814 "2007-05-03","Change Base#to_xml to take the name for a container elem...","James Strachan",1814 "2012-02-06","Change FILENAME_MAX_SIZE in FileStore to 228.","James Smith",1814 "2012-04-30","Don't type cast values that don't respond to to_i to 1","James Sanders",1814 "2008-08-08","dryed up resources; fixed small formatting issue in reso...","James Rosen",1814 "2011-04-08","Make csrf_meta_tags use the tag helper","James Robinson",1814 "2005-02-27","Added MacroReflection#macro which will return a symbol d...","James Megquier",1814 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11281) [jlindley]","James Lindley",1814 "2009-08-05","Allow validations to use values from custom readers [#29...","James Hill",1814 "2007-10-15","Multibyte: String#slice supports regexp argument. Closes...","James Healy",1814 "2011-09-12","Added getting_started code, updated guide with link to r...","James Gifford",1814 "2012-03-28","Remove code duplication in InclusionValidator and Exclus...","James Cook",1814 "2004-12-06","Added TestSession#session_id that returns an empty strin...","James Conroy-Finn",1814 "2013-01-10","Clarified the minute option on DateTime#change","Jakob Waller",1814 "2011-07-04","fix engines rake tasks","Jake Varghese",1814 "2008-05-16","Add rdoc task to activemodel. [#156 state:resolved]","Jake Howerton",1814 "2011-12-05","Speed up table_exists? for databases with a large number...","Jade Rubick",1814 "2007-09-02"," Add array support to remote_form_for for polymorphic ur...","jade",1814 "2008-05-28","fixed typo in url_helper & added comments on usage to js...","Jacqui Maher",1814 "2007-09-23","Secure #sanitize, #strip_tags, and #strip_links helpers ...","Jacques Distler",1814 "2005-11-10","options_for_select allows any objects which respond_to? ...","Jacob Robbins",1814 "2009-10-14","Added CDATA support to the XmlMini LibXML engine, adjust...","Jacob Lauemoeller",1814 "2012-03-07","attribute_present? should return false for empty strings","Jacob Green",1814 "2009-01-29","Sqlite adapter's copy_table incorrectly attempts to recr...","Jacob Dunphy",1814 "2012-03-26","Remove 'needless boolean casting'.","Jack Chen (chendo)",1814 "2008-02-02","Fix calculations on associations with custom :foreign_ke...","jack",1814 "2010-04-22","Ensure that url_for uses symbolized keys in the controll...","J Smith",1814 "2011-05-30","properly require javascript libraries when generating mo...","J. Edward Dewyea",1814 "2008-04-12","Allow alternative values for the 'new' and 'edit' action...","Iván Vega",1814 "2012-12-17","Add script_name option description and example for #url_...","Ivan Vanyak",1814 "2012-03-21","Added a generator option to remove the public/index.html...","Ivan Vanderbyl",1814 "2012-05-20","fixed typo in word finiding","Ivan Kukobko",1814 "2013-04-24","Move method used only in the test to the test code itself","Ivan Kataitsev",1814 "2005-06-16","Its Iraq, not Irak #1443 [ivan]","ivan",1814 "2012-12-10","Fix decorating columns for serialized attributes","itzki",1814 "2013-08-30","FIX reload! within rails console --sandbox causes undefi...","issues",1814 "2012-02-21","Bug: cache_path.size doesn't return length of filename b...","Issei Naruta",1814 "2012-08-23","Model.select takes a variable list of arguments.","Isaac Sanders",1814 "2006-03-18","Add ability for relative_url_root to be specified via an...","Isaac Reuben",1814 "2013-01-09","Set default value to ActiveModel::Validator initializer ...","Irio Irineu Musskopf Junior",1814 "2005-02-20","All the memory-based stores should use a mutex #611 [ins...","inspire22",1814 "2009-03-07","Ensure Active Record error related view helpers escape t...","Inge Jørgensen",1814 "2006-05-15","Call Inflector#demodulize on the class name when eagerly...","info@loobmedia.com",1814 "2013-02-27","fix db_runtime attribute value after raising ActionView...","Igor Fedoronchuk",1814 "2007-06-22","Fix reload error when path prefix is used. Closes #8727.","Ian Warshak",1814 "2009-06-01","added a failing test case for counting has_many :through...","Ian Terrell",1814 "2011-06-29","changing an attribute multiple times retains the correct...","Ian Stewart",1814 "2011-10-08","Postgres: Do not attempt to deallocate a statement if th...","Ian Leitch",1814 "2013-07-14","memorized -> memoized typo fix [ci skip]","Ian Fleeton",1814 "2012-12-07","Added overview items to Guides Guidelines prologue","Ian C. Anderson",1814 "2010-05-16","Fixed 1 failure in ActionPack testsuite [#4613 state:res...","Hussein Morsy",1814 "2011-07-13","Added view template invalid name check, along with tests...","huskins",1814 "2012-09-30","`assert_template` no more passing with what ever string ...","Hugo Roque",1814 "2013-04-23","Added missing ')' on routing_filter link","hughkelsey",1814 "2013-08-30","FIX reload! within rails console --sandbox causes undefi...","https:",1814 "2007-05-25","Find with a list of ids supports limit/offset. Closes #8...","hrudududu",1814 "2012-08-17","Fix slightly broken Markdown syntax in actionpack/CHANGE...","hollowspace",1814 "2004-12-31","Added second boolean parameter to Base.redirect_to_url a...","Hodel",1814 "2007-05-14","Rationalize route path escaping according to RFC 2396 se...","Herryanto Siatono",1814 "2011-02-05","Add CSS fix for WebKit/Mac rendering issue.","Henry Phan",1814 "2010-02-26","Fix a bug where default_scope was overriding attributes ...","Henry Hsu",1814 "2010-11-19","Fix AssetIncludeTag ensuring that files are in the wrong...","Henning Koch",1814 "2005-04-10","Fixed that radio buttons shouldn't have a default size a...","Hendrik Mans",1814 "2012-11-27","correct css selector for the display of validation error...","Harper Henn",1814 "2008-03-24","Fixed that FormHelper#radio_button would produce invalid...","harlancrystal",1814 "2004-12-01","Added proper handling of time fields that are turned int...","HariSeldon",1814 "2012-04-01","Useless/Confusing method definition removed","hardi",1814 "2009-04-21","Update ActionMailer guide's '2.3 Complete List of Action...","hardbap",1814 "2013-09-09","Improves a sentence in guides/security","Hannes Fostie",1814 "2013-02-18","Update guides/source/active_record_querying.md","Hanfei Shen",1814 "2010-03-30","Changed gem_path to yield the path found in $LOAD_PATH t...","Hal Brodigan",1814 "2012-03-02","Made documentation of config.assets.precompile slightly ...","Guy Bolton King",1814 "2012-03-26","ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn#dump should raise an error","Guten",1814 "2012-09-08","Add a separation option for the excerpt function","Guirec Corbel",1814 "2008-03-28","Fixed that to_param should be used and honored instead o...","gspiers",1814 "2013-04-10","Reverts rendering behavior when format is unknown","Grzegorz Świrski",1814 "2006-08-05","Fixed that default timezones for new / initialize should...","Grzegorz Daniluk",1814 "2011-12-29","content_for with flush parameter","grentis",1814 "2009-01-29","Implement HTTP Digest authentication. [#1230 state:resol...","Gregg Kellogg",1814 "2011-10-21","preserve decimal column attributes after migration","Greg Reinacker",1814 "2013-01-21","adding comma to separate clauses","Greg Miller",1814 "2011-08-31","Update wording surrounding template file extensions to i...","Greg Leppert",1814 "2006-06-03","Fixed migration trouble with SQLite when NOT NULL is use...","Greg Lappen",1814 "2010-09-02","remove use of echo [#4410 state:resolved]","Greg Hazel",1814 "2009-01-26","add an inspect method to OrderedHash to make it clear th...","Greg Borenstein",1814 "2012-05-15","Add separator argument to grouped_options_for_select","Greenie0506",1814 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #131 from lazylester/master","Grayson Wright",1814 "2013-06-01","reword for grammar and clarity","Graham Madden",1814 "2005-06-16","Fixed query parser to deal gracefully with equal signs i...","gorou",1814 "2005-04-18","Fixed PostgreSQL usage of fixtures with regards to publi...","gnuman1@gmail.com",1814 "2007-02-04","apply [6113] to stable","gnarg",1814 "2005-03-20","Improved the performance of the OCI8 adapter for Oracle ...","gjenkins",1814 "2013-08-30","FIX reload! within rails console --sandbox causes undefi...","github.com",1814 "2009-06-01","Schema dumper now records scale 0 decimal columns as dec...","Giles Alexander",1814 "2013-02-22","Correct comment for (beginning|end)_of_minute","Gert Goet",1814 "2008-12-01","Manually load the DB config rather than firing the whole...","Gerrit Kaiser",1814 "2013-03-09","included "Montevideo" in list of time zone aliases (clos...","Gernot",1814 "2007-10-16","Quote table names. Defaults to column quoting. Closes #4...","Geoff Coffey",1814 "2011-02-17","commas to set off expressions that interrupt sentence flow","genlinux",1814 "2010-01-18","Fixing documentation on ActiveModel::Observer#observed_c...","Gavin Stark",1814 "2008-05-12","adding documentation for cached_attributes","Gaurav Sharma",1814 "2008-01-19","Remove dead code. Closes #10698 [garru]","garru",1814 "2013-02-02","Fix link to point to new RefineryCMS repo","Garrett Heinlen",1814 "2006-01-13","Add support for multiple proxy servers in HTTP_X_FORWARD...","gaetanot@comcast.net",1814 "2010-03-27","Makes ActiveResource work with form_for: - Adds a `build...","Gaël Deest",1814 "2012-02-28","Change asset_host config language to be more helpful and...","Gabe Hollombe",1814 "2011-09-01","Improve examples: use each instead of for...in","Gabe Berke-Williams",1814 "2013-04-23","When empty options passed to having clause having_values...","Fyodor",1814 "2007-12-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: Update idiosyncratic block variable usa...","Frederico Macedo",1814 "2012-04-09","Adding itemscope to list of boolean attributes.","Frankie Roberto",1814 "2012-07-04","Add the options method to action_controller testcase.","François de Metz",1814 "2011-02-03","removing generation of id in submit helper","Franco Brusatti",1814 "2012-03-02","Maximum wait_timeout on Windows is 2147483","Fotos Georgiadis",1814 "2012-03-19","Provide access to logger instance within TaggedLogging b...","FND",1814 "2011-08-13","Fixed typo (attachments method name was missing an s) in...","Floris Huetink",1814 "2011-11-05","Fixed after_initialize/after_find guide","Florian Walch",1814 "2013-04-21","Make guide description more concise","Fiona Tay",1814 "2009-01-28","Ensure whitespaces are stripped when merging string join...","Filip H.F. &quot;FiXato&quot; Slagter",1814 "2006-09-18","Rescue Errno::ECONNRESET to handle an unexpectedly close...","fhanshaw@vesaria.com",1814 "2012-04-03","Fixed small typo","Fernando Briano",1814 "2009-08-09","Allow to configure trusted proxies via ActionController:...","Felipe Talavera",1814 "2010-04-13","moved rails binary to rails gem, so rubygems can find sp...","Felipe Rodrigues",1814 "2007-03-04","Test DateTime native type in migrations. References #7649.","Fedot Praslov",1814 "2010-05-16","a cloned object no longer mimics changed flags from crea...","Federico Brubacher",1814 "2010-10-01","Fix syntax error in ActiveModel::Validations .validate e...","fastred",1814 "2007-09-22","Fixed that rake doc:app should use UTF-8 (closes #8906) ...","Farzad Farid",1814 "2011-05-11","Bug fixes:","Fadzril Muhamad",1814 "2012-02-15","Fix sanitize_for_mass_assigment when role is nil","Fabio Yamate",1814 "2013-02-21","Rack::Test::UploadedFile is a permitted scalar","Fabio Kreusch",1814 "2005-05-19","Fixed Time#last_year to go back in time, not forward #12...","Fabien Mannessier",1814 "2012-03-23","[getting started][ci skip] fix link to the code","Fabián Rodríguez",1814 "2007-09-17","Hash#to_xml doesn't double-unescape. Closes #8806.","Ezran",1814 "2008-06-01","Added Rack processor","Ezra Zygmuntowicz",1814 "2007-09-22","Print Rails version when starting console (closes #7440)...","eyematz",1814 "2007-07-31","Add support for []= on ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars. ...","ewan",1814 "2006-08-24","Fixtures: correct escaping of \n and \r. Closes #5859.","Evgeny Zislis",1814 "2011-12-07","reversible migration example had missing block parameter","Evgeniy Kelyarsky",1814 "2012-07-12","add second t to overwritten","Evan Travers",1814 "2012-08-13","Add support for start_hour and end_hour options in selec...","Evan Tann",1814 "2006-07-05","Update scaffolding functional tests to use :id => people...","Evan Henshaw-Plath",1814 "2013-07-14","[ci-skip] Update link, tweak UglifyJS","Evan Goer",1814 "2006-09-29","Hash#to_xml supports Bignum and BigDecimal. Closes #6313.","Evan DiBiase",1814 "2006-03-04","Make counter cache work when replacing an association (c...","eugenol@gmail.com",1814 "2008-11-18","Add helper test generators [#1199 state:resolved]","Eugene Bolshakov",1814 "2012-04-04","Updated migrations.textile to change :integer on line 80...","Ethan Mick",1814 "2012-12-04","Fixing a couple of spelling mistakes","Ershad Kunnakkadan",1814 "2007-06-25","Added db:version to get the current schema number [via E...","Err The Blog",1814 "2012-05-04","Added reference to I18n.localize, as discussed here:","Ernesto Tagwerker",1814 "2006-03-19","Nil charset caused subject line to be improperly quoted ...","Erlend Halvorsen",1814 "2008-05-21","Improve check_box_checked? to use include? for Array val...","Erkki Eilonen",1814 "2005-09-09","Allow link_to_remote to use any DOM-element as the paren...","Erik Terpstra",1814 "2013-01-17","for recommended Apache configuration of asset pipeline, ...","Erik Johnson",1814 "2013-03-03","Fix typo on CHANGELOG.md","Érik Escobedo",1814 "2008-10-26","modified current_page? to ignore extra parameters unless...","Erik Andrejko",1814 "2006-04-01","Fix rails info for when js is off (closes #4472) [erik@c...","Erik Abele",1814 "2005-11-17","replaced constant Plugin in documentation rake task with...","Eridius",1814 "2013-08-10","Make 'enable_extension' revertible","Eric Tipton",1814 "2012-08-12","Evented notifications take priority over Timed notificat...","Eric Saxby",1814 "2007-04-25","Resource scaffolding responds to new.xml. Closes #8185.","Eric Mill",1814 "2011-04-14","Fixed a comment typo","Eric Hayes",1814 "2013-06-19","Fix name of nested attributes option include_id","Eric Hankins",1814 "2009-08-08","Adds a :file delivery_method to save email to a file on ...","Eric Davis",1814 "2006-04-26","Add support for :order option to with_scope. Closes #388...","Eric Daspet",1814 "2007-06-05","Remove junk form helper test. Closes #8416 [eric_oconnell]","eric_oconnell",1814 "2012-05-11","In robots.txt, User-agent should be all downcase except ...","Enrico Carlesso",1814 "2012-08-12","Missing closing tag","Ellis Berner",1814 "2009-03-02","Removed the "charset" parameter from the Content-Type he...","Elliott Wood",1814 "2007-06-13","1-2-stable: changing the :default Date format doesn't br...","Elias",1814 "2006-08-23","Migrations: gracefully handle missing migration files. C...","eli.gordon@gmail.com",1814 "2006-03-18","Make custom headers work in subparts (closes #4034)","Elan Feingold",1814 "2007-05-30","acts_as_nested_set: direct_children is sorted correctly....","Eelco Lempsink",1814 "2007-12-09","Be careful not to reference ActiveRecord if it isn't loa...","eedn",1814 "2007-03-03","Fix typo in validations documentation. Closes #7669. [ee]","ee",1814 "2012-08-12","Grammar fix in ActionView docs/comments","Edward Ocampo-Gooding",1814 "2006-07-08","Integration tests behave well with render_component. Clo...","edward.frederick@revolution.com",1814 "2005-04-02","Fixed include_blank for select_hour/minute/second #527 [...","Edward Betts",1814 "2009-05-27","Add % to RESERVED_PCHAR [#2574 state:resolved]","Eduard Bondarenko",1814 "2013-08-22","Stray nodoc causes rest of file not parsed [ci skip]","edogawaconan",1814 "2013-07-04","Missing closing + in documentation [ci skip]","Edho Arief",1814 "2008-09-18","HTTP Accept header","Edgar J. Suarez",1814 "2006-03-18","Change url_for to escape the resulting URLs when called ...","Eddie Stanley",1814 "2007-05-26","Routing: respond with 405 Method Not Allowed status when...","Eddie Cianci",1814 "2013-08-31","Update mapper documenation for match helper [ci skip]","Earl St Sauver",1814 "2007-12-05","Document the :message option for validates_associated. C...","dylans",1814 "2013-09-11","Avoid empty transaction from setting has_one association...","Dylan Thacker-Smith",1814 "2013-06-19","Handle single quotes in PostgreSQL default column values","Dylan Markow",1814 "2006-11-15","assert_select_rjs :remove","Dylan Egan",1814 "2005-05-19","Fixed use of construct_finder_sql when using :join #1288...","dwlt@dwlt.net",1814 "2013-08-17","Fixed grammar error in ordered_options documention.","Dustin Lam",1814 "2012-04-11","Corrected grammatical errors in schema_dumper and scopin...","Dustin Curtis",1814 "2010-03-29","Trivial doc update on nested attributes delete renaming","Dudley Flanders",1814 "2013-08-12","Fix interactions between :before_add callbacks and neste...","Dr.(USA) Joerg Schray",1814 "2005-02-21","Added Time::Calculations to ask for things like Time.now...","DP|Flurin",1814 "2010-04-01","Read postgresql encoding using string key instead of sym...","Doug Richardson",1814 "2010-11-16","Fix misspelling of 'deprecation' in plugin_generator.","Doug Ireton",1814 "2010-04-10","ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner#remove_filters! allows f...","Doug Alcorn",1814 "2006-02-26","mail_to shouldnt include language attribute in script ta...","Donald Piret",1814 "2012-04-16","Fix typo where a table name in a join was singular.","Don Petersen",1814 "2005-01-15","Added the option of passing a block to ActiveRecordHelpe...","Dominic Sisneros",1814 "2012-03-30","validate attribute names in class and module attribute a...","Dmitry Plashchynski",1814 "2012-07-22","tiny mistake in description","Dmitry Dedov",1814 "2012-01-31","Added as_json method for multibyte strings","Dmitriy Vorotilin",1814 "2012-03-27","remove redundant variable","Dmitrii Golub",1814 "2006-09-29","Use the first unparsed argument as the code or file to r...","dlpond",1814 "2005-08-14","Allow multiple invocations in the same WS test #1720","dkhawk",1814 "2013-06-29","Typo in Active Record Migrations Guide [ci skip]","dkaplan88",1814 "2011-06-09","MemcacheStore: deserialize the entry reading from local_...","Dingding Ye",1814 "2013-03-04","Fixed typo in active record's changelog","Dimko",1814 "2008-01-05","More thoroughly quote table names. Exposes some issues w...","dimdenis",1814 "2013-06-25","Fixed menu section's location (guides)","Dima Zudochkin",1814 "2011-07-19","Check Accept and Content-Type headers before evaluating ...","Diego Giorgini",1814 "2007-10-11","Backport: allow array and hash query parameters. Array r...","Diego Algorta Casamayou",1814 "2012-09-06","ActiveRecord support to PostgreSQL 9.2 JSON type","Dickson S. Guedes",1814 "2013-05-23","correction on cache.fetch race_condition_ttl","dickeyxxx",1814 "2013-06-08","fixed typo in action_view template","diatmpravin",1814 "2006-07-08","Integration tests behave well with render_component. Clo...","dev.rubyonrails@maxdunn.com",1814 "2012-01-26","Updates documentaton to indicate that :expires_in can be...","dev",1814 "2013-04-18","Passing subdomain: '' to url_for removes the subdomain (...","Derek Watson",1814 "2012-09-13","change app/plugin generators to be more SCM agnostic","Derek Prior",1814 "2012-02-03","Fix Issue #4819","densya203",1814 "2012-11-09","Trivial documentation fix for ActiveModel::Naming comment.","Dennis Taylor",1814 "2012-08-04","Document default_options configuration in ActionMailer g...","Dejan Simic",1814 "2005-09-12","Fixed inflections for status, quiz, move #2056 [deirdre@...","Deirdre Saoirse",1814 "2005-09-09","Fixed comparison of Active Record objects so two new obj...","deberg",1814 "2007-09-13","OpenBase: update for new lib and latest Rails. Support m...","dcsesq",1814 "2007-06-25","Fix polymorphic has_one associations declared in an abst...","daxhuiberts",1814 "2006-01-18","Fix case of VERSION option in migration docs. Closes #3521.","Dawnthorn",1814 "2012-11-14","[ci skip] Correct examples for form_tag helper.","DawidJanczak",1814 "2005-03-26","Fixed Form.Serialize for the JavascriptHelper to also se...","David Weitzman",1814 "2013-01-19","fix anonymous class issue","David Wang",1814 "2013-02-11","Update activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/ca...","David Silva",1814 "2005-06-12","Corrected @@configurations typo. #1410 [david@ruppconsu...","David Rupp",1814 "2007-09-22","Skip svnindex.xsl files when installing plugins (closes ...","David Rice",1814 "2005-03-20","Added path collection syntax for Routes that will gobble...","David Raynes",1814 "2012-01-17","Fix bug where reset_counters resets the wrong counter ca...","David Peter",1814 "2011-09-02","Fixed a typo in the section about migration.","David Peckham",1814 "2005-09-21","Fixed migrations for Windows when using more than 10 [Da...","David Naseby",1814 "2008-09-30","Call controller_path instance method so it can be easily...","David Masover",1814 "2012-05-15","Make the 'Using Models in Your Migrations' example code ...","David Jones",1814 "2012-10-26","Implement replace method so key? works correctly.","David Graham",1814 "2012-05-02","BigDecimal string wrapping in JSON serialization can now...","David François",1814 "2006-07-08","Reset @html_document between requests so assert_tag work...","David Easley",1814 "2009-01-02","Fixed bug where calling app method from console would ra...","David Demaree",1814 "2013-03-01","Add explanation of :dependent => :restrict","David Deller",1814 "2013-03-26","s/and and run/and runs/","David Chapman",1814 "2013-05-21","Documentation: Notifications queue does not run in a thr...","David Butler",1814 "2006-07-09","Optional identity for Enumerable#sum defaults to zero. C...","David Altenburg",1814 "2011-03-10","Added note re: functional tests and HTTP methods.","David Aaron Fendley",1814 "2006-08-07","Add support for the param_name parameter to the auto_com...","david.a.williams@gmail.com",1814 "2012-10-02","Fixing markdown typos in upgrading_ruby_on_rails.md","David A McClain",1814 "2012-08-12","Restore state on create when ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid...","Dave Yeu",1814 "2005-05-19","Fixed Form.disable in Prototype #1317 [Wintermute]","Dave Murphy",1814 "2012-07-18","revert Default timestamps to non-null","Dave Kroondyk",1814 "2005-09-12","Added TextHelper#cycle to cycle over an array of values ...","Dave Dribin",1814 "2012-08-21","reset_counters() was crashing when there were multiple b...","Dave Desrochers",1814 "2004-12-06","Fixed fixtures using primary key fields called something...","dave",1814 "2013-03-09","fixes enable_extension bug in postgresql_adapter","Darren Woodley",1814 "2008-12-01","Making the IP Spoofing check in AbstractRequest#remote_i...","Darren Boyd",1814 "2006-12-28","Routing uses URI escaping for path components and CGI es...","darix",1814 "2005-01-02","Added the possibility of specifying the remaining option...","danp",1814 "2012-02-01","escape plus sign in "Rails 2.3+" to fix markup","daniely",1814 "2012-10-29","atomicc.rb: Don't assume we may chown/chmod a file.","Daniele Sluijters",1814 "2009-07-16","The redirect_to method in ActionController supports the ...","danielc192",1814 "2006-06-03","Fixed that has_many.create ended up with duplicate objec...","Daniel Wanja",1814 "2011-05-07","New test: setting response_body to a Proc should be supp...","Daniel Stutzman",1814 "2010-04-21","updates String#to_(date|date_time|time) to return nil fo...","Daniel Neighman",1814 "2011-05-06","Take into account the Rack::Server :SSLEnable option whe...","Daniel Martin",1814 "2013-03-12","Uniq cannot be used directly on an ActiveRecord model. '...","Daniel Lobato",1814 "2005-02-20","Added options to specify an SSL connection for MySQL. De...","Daniel Hobe",1814 "2012-11-02","Support :multiple option on input tags with :index","Daniel Fox",1814 "2012-01-26","[ci skip] More docs for ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor","Daniel Fone",1814 "2012-12-01","Add periodical-style TOC and navigation to Kindle versio...","Daniel Choi",1814 "2009-01-28","Using the highlight helper on text with html shouldn't h...","Dan Weinand",1814 "2006-09-03","button_to accepts :method so you can PUT and DELETE with...","Dan Webb",1814 "2005-10-28"," r3801@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-28 00:42:28 -0700","Dan Sketcher",1814 "2006-12-27","Make error_message_on handle nil objects. [dan]","dan",1814 "2005-07-22","Fixed inflections of "index/indices" #1766 [damn_pepe@gm...","damn_pepe@gmail.com",1814 "2012-07-06","Disable query cache for lock queries","Damir Zekic",1814 "2013-01-25","Replaced abcs to config.","Damir Gaynetdinov",1814 "2005-10-12","Unescape paths before writing cache to file system. Clos...","Damien Pollet",1814 "2009-03-12","Fixed that template runner gem method to output :lib => ...","Damian Terentiev",1814 "2012-12-17","Explain controller specific assets more thoroughly","Damian Galarza",1814 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #135 from dalton/master","dalton",1814 "2013-06-10","fix ActiveModel::Validations.validators_on doc","Daichi Arai",1814 "2011-05-10","Use quotes for command substitution","Cyril Wack",1814 "2013-01-20","consistently inherit from ApplicationController in guide...","Cyril Jouve",1814 "2012-02-21","Added database pooling sub-section to the 'configuring' ...","Cynical Grinch",1814 "2007-06-07","Register alternative template engines using ActionMailer...","cwd",1814 "2007-10-20","Ensure that mysql quotes table names with database names...","crayz",1814 "2009-10-14","Test cases should see all the cookies, not just cookies ...","Craig Smith",1814 "2011-10-12","quoting 'and' to make it more distinct.","Craig Monson",1814 "2008-06-03","Callbacks fire before notifying observers [#230 state:re...","Craig Demyanovich",1814 "2012-09-23","Removed duplicate line describing "default_options".","Cory Logan",1814 "2011-02-12","Add note about running `bundle install` as root. Solves ...","Corey Ward",1814 "2010-02-02","fixed migration logger bug [#3434 status:resolved]","Corey Johnson",1814 "2012-10-08","Correct and clarify `--full` and `--mountable` options t...","Corey Innis",1814 "2010-05-17","cache connection when quoting","Comron Sattari",1814 "2012-11-03","Fixed the wrong terminology usage in 2.2.2","comptrol",1814 "2007-10-13","Define get_via_redirect as well. Closes #6834 [colthorp]","colthorp",1814 "2005-11-24","Made test_update_attributes_after_push_without_duplicate...","colman@rominato.com",1814 "2012-04-17",NA,"CollectiveJam",1814 "2011-05-17","Updated seeds.rb file.","Colin Young",1814 "2011-09-28","Fixed digest authentication for requests with a query st...","Colin Shield",1814 "2011-11-02","treat USAGE as an ERB template","Colin MacKenzie IV",1814 "2006-03-18","Update lingering uses of deprecated association dependen...","coffe2code",1814 "2013-06-07","Added a warning about #1769 to the routing guide.","Cody Robbins",1814 "2007-11-29","Removed documentation for the removed rollback! method o...","cody",1814 "2006-10-09","Fixed that some 500 rescues would cause 500's themselves...","cmselmer",1814 "2007-10-25","Refactor the default rendering out to a method called de...","Clifford Heath",1814 "2013-05-12","Improve CHANGELOG entry [ci kip]","ci kip",1814 "2012-07-11","Fix typo","Chun-wei Kuo",1814 "2006-01-13","Fix typo in mailer generator USAGE. Closes #3458.","Chriztian Steinmeier",1814 "2011-01-18","Issue one Cache#read command instead of two in the case ...","Christos Trochalakis",1814 "2007-11-29"," Allow body to be specified for nested parts with action...","Christopher Redinger",1814 "2009-07-16","fixed typo. meaning was opposite of intent.","Christopher J. Kenna",1814 "2008-10-30","Update non-gems distributions to use sqlite3 as the defa...","Christopher Currie",1814 "2011-09-22","Changed "en-UK" to "en-GB"","Christopher Arrowsmith",1814 "2010-02-25","remove rubygems (version >= 1.3.6) deprecation message b...","Christoph Schiessl",1814 "2008-11-26","Added ActiveSupport::OrderedHash#each_key and ActiveSupp...","Christoffer Sawicki",1814 "2012-10-16","Call super to nullify the reference to the original erro...","Christian Seiler",1814 "2011-10-03","Rescuable spelling error","Christian Höltje",1814 "2012-06-11","Fixed typo.","chrismcc",1814 "2009-03-31","Fix two typos in a comment in config/initializers/backtr...","chrisk",1814 "2012-06-19","Fix lookup on HashWithIndifferentAccess for array values.","Chris Zetter",1814 "2012-12-02","match text with translation file example","Chris Walquist",1814 "2013-03-09","Add `rails test` command to run the test suite","Chris Toomey",1814 "2012-03-29","Better minimum validates_length_of examples (adapted fro...","Chris Strom",1814 "2012-11-21","Typo","Chris Patuzzo",1814 "2011-03-12","Fixed a bug when empty? was called on a grouped Relation...","Chris Oliver",1814 "2013-03-27","Provides standard layout lookup behavior for method and ...","Chris Nicola",1814 "2008-08-22","Fixed that rake doc:plugins to uses UTF-8. [#573 state:r...","Chris Lloyd",1814 "2012-02-20","Reset memoized hash keys when new entry added","Chris Kelly",1814 "2010-08-02","Add missing require in ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferen...","Chris Hoffman",1814 "2009-10-14","Digest auth option for ActiveResource.","Chris Heisterkamp",1814 "2012-06-27","Mention effect of accepts_nested_attributes_for on assoc...","Chris Gunther",1814 "2006-05-22","Add docs for the :as option in has_one associations. Cl...","Chris Carter",1814 "2005-09-26"," r3569@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 05:33:09 -0700","Chris Brinker",1814 "2013-02-25","Keep second fraction when DateTime#change is called.","Chris Baynes",1814 "2012-09-18","Making test accurately reflect what is going on in the s...","Chris Barton",1814 "2012-06-28","Require URI","Chris Bandy",1814 "2012-06-28","Rails now uses the ActiveSupport BufferedLogger class","Chris Adams",1814 "2007-09-30","Fixed JSON encoding to use quoted keys according to the ...","choonkat",1814 "2010-04-13","Added tests for config.action_controller.perform_caching","Chetan Sarva",1814 "2013-03-01","Clarified removal of public/index.html file","Chelsea Macaluso",1814 "2007-10-09","Add :status to redirect_to allowing users to choose thei...","chasgrundy",1814 "2007-05-28","Test that DateTime are quoted as DateTime not Date. Clos...","Chas Grundy",1814 "2013-02-26","Fix deletion of empty directories:","Charles Jones",1814 "2013-05-28","Use Range#cover? for Numeric ranges (tests via endpoints...","Charles Bergeron",1814 "2013-06-26","Allow global override of default STI inheritance column","chapmajs",1814 "2013-03-24","Typo: Migration class name would use plural","Chao Ren",1814 "2008-02-18","Make dynamic finders respect the :include on HasManyThro...","Chad Pytel",1814 "2013-05-01","allow override of uuid_generate_v4() default by passing ...","Chad Moone",1814 "2008-03-07","Better error message for type conflicts when parsing par...","Chad Humphries",1814 "2008-01-31","Fixed preloading belongs_to associations which reference...","Cesar Ho",1814 "2007-08-28","Pass the right binding when string is passed to :if with...","caspercg",1814 "2012-06-15","included another upgrading pinfall - accidentally having...","Casey Watts",1814 "2013-07-01","Incorrectly providing program name the same as log messa...","Carson Reinke",1814 "2013-08-26","Remove whiny_nils config from the rails guides","Caroline Mota",1814 "2013-07-13","Remove block argument from callback example.","Carlos Souza",1814 "2013-03-22","fix the initializer block example and clarify","Carlos Puchol",1814 "2009-01-28","Add array id support to Model.update_counters. [#1254 st...","Carlos Júnior",1814 "2008-09-19","Fixed Time#end_of_quarter to not blow up on May 31st [#3...","Carlos Brando",1814 "2012-09-27","typo fix: remove duplicate period","Carina C. Zona",1814 "2013-03-21","Allows setting fixture_path to a Pathname","Can Berk Güder",1814 "2008-08-09","Added tests for partial collection counters [#766 state:...","Cameron Yule",1814 "2011-05-06","Small edit to the if statement simplification for blank?...","Caley Woods",1814 "2011-02-03","allow spaces and other characters in attribute names [#4...","Caleb Land",1814 "2012-06-17","Adding `load_config` task as dependency.","Cairo Noleto",1814 "2012-07-30","Refactor ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Response#cache_con...","Cainã Costa",1814 "2012-12-08","Update AR Changelog with correct example using includes","Caike Souza",1814 "2011-09-24","Re-launch assets:precompile task using (Rake.)ruby inste...","cablegram",1814 "2013-07-17","bcrypt-ruby stable is 3.1","Burkhard Vogel-Kreykenbohm",1814 "2012-07-01","Changed attr_accessible example to reflect grouped roles","Buddhika Laknath",1814 "2007-06-13","1-2-stable: changing the :default Date format doesn't br...","bshand",1814 "2009-01-28","Added options to script/dbconsole to sqlite3 console in ...","Bryan Ray",1814 "2012-09-25","Update guides/source/routing.md","Bryan Larsen",1814 "2009-01-13","Explicitly read as binary in multipart_body for Windows ...","Bryan Ash",1814 "2008-09-12","fixing typo in #sortable_element doc","bryan",1814 "2011-10-12","swallow error when can't unmarshall object from session","Bruno Zanchet",1814 "2007-11-06","Document :minute_step option for time_select. Closes #88...","Bruno Miranda",1814 "2012-01-28","Whitespace only: Use single newline at end of file.","Brook Riggio",1814 "2013-08-31","Adjusting 4.0 release notes to show more appropriate rep...","Brock Trappitt",1814 "2013-04-11","Unabbreviate AP to ActionPack","Brice Stacey",1814 "2011-06-15","Failing test to show problem when last argument of a mem...","Brian Underwood",1814 "2010-05-15","Modified default_scope to merge with any pre-existing de...","Brian Tatnall",1814 "2006-02-26","Added .rxml (and any non-rhtml template, really) support...","Brian Takita",1814 "2010-07-27","Frameworks are loaded in application.rb rather than conf...","Brian Smith",1814 "2011-11-25","load has_many associations keyed off a custom primary ke...","Brian Samson",1814 "2005-11-10","acts_as_list plays nicely with inheritance by rememberin...","Brian Mattern",1814 "2013-02-18","Fix bug in code example from layouts and rendering guide","Brian Kim",1814 "2012-07-20","Clean up Sweeper controller accessor when an Error is ra...","Brian John",1814 "2009-06-21","Ensure table names are quoted while renaming for sqlite3...","Brian Hogan",1814 "2013-09-06","pass the extra params to the rack test environment so th...","Brian Hahn",1814 "2006-04-01","Added -f/--freeze option to rails command for freezing t...","Brian Gernhardt",1814 "2013-07-05","removed markdown code markers which were rendering in th...","Brian Foshee",1814 "2006-06-28","rake build_mysql_database grants permissions to rails@lo...","Brian Egge",1814 "2010-03-24","Fixing spelling error in activerecord guide in the valid...","Brian Doll",1814 "2013-05-03","Make SchemaDumper emit "id: :uuid" when appropriate. Fix...","Brian Buchanan",1814 "2011-12-23","[docs] make it clear that the methods in a generator are...","Brian Browning",1814 "2012-07-20","AR has a subclass of AM:PresenceValidator.","Brent Wheeldon",1814 "2012-05-29","fix typo in render_template [ci skip]","Brent Vatne",1814 "2008-12-01","Removed extra 'as' in :joins clause for habtm preloading","Brent Miller",1814 "2012-10-12","Add .rake to `rake notes` and `rake notes:custom`","Brent J. Nordquist",1814 "2013-08-16","Use binary mode to write uploaded files [ci skip] See: h...","Brendon Muir",1814 "2007-03-03","Fixed that FormTagHelper#text_area_tag should disregard ...","Brendon Davidson",1814 "2012-10-04","ActionController::Parameters#permit! is recursive","Brendan Loudermilk",1814 "2005-01-24","Fixed that script/breakpointer didn't get the Ruby path ...","Brandt Kurowski",1814 "2008-12-17","Ensure error file is sent with a 'text/html' content typ...","Brady Bouchard",1814 "2013-08-03","Add note that you must be in the rails app directory whe...","Bradly Feeley",1814 "2011-05-05","Tidying up the language in wrap_parameters.rb","Bradley Priest",1814 "2011-06-08","Allow a Date to be frozen more than once without an erro...","Bradley Buda",1814 "2013-03-18","Digest auth should not 500 when given a basic header.","Brad Dunbar",1814 "2008-12-30","Simple example added for using hidden_field tag used in ...","bparanj",1814 "2013-02-23","Fix debug helper not inspecting on Exception","Bouke van der Bijl",1814 "2013-04-18","Support transactions in Migrator.run","bondarev",1814 "2010-06-30","add note of which configuration option to set in depreca...","bodhi",1814 "2010-09-26","Initial nested_has_many_through support [#1152]","Bodaniel Jeanes",1814 "2008-06-26","Added Thin support to script/server. [#488 state:resolved]","Bob Klosinski",1814 "2005-01-04","Added MemCacheStore for storing session data in Danga's ...","Bob Cottrell",1814 "2005-10-13","Added :locals support for render :inline #2463 [mdabney@...","Blane Dabney",1814 "2008-01-02","Correct Hash#assert_valid_keys docs. Closes #10621 [Chea...","blackanger",1814 "2012-12-01","Use attr_accessor for Rails.{application,cache,logger}","Bjørn Arild Mæland",1814 "2008-04-05","Avoid modifying the sendmail_settings hash when using th...","billkirtley",1814 "2008-05-30","first draft on helpers","Bill Garr",1814 "2006-02-21","Added various InPlaceEditor options, #3746, #3891, #3896...","Bill Burcham",1814 "2008-02-27","Adding Time#end_of_day, _quarter, _week, and _year. Clos...","BigTitus",1814 "2013-02-10","added compress options for gzip","Beyond",1814 "2012-04-13","SQL query formatting","Bertrand Chardon",1814 "2012-04-27","find_by_sql actually triggers after_find","Bernat Foj Capell",1814 "2013-03-14","Handle conditional get in live requests - this will prev...","Bernard Potocki",1814 "2012-04-21","Fixed expected value in comment. Removed duplicate lines...","Bernard Kroes",1814 "2007-09-30","Fixed that La Paz was included in -25200 and -14400 offs...","Bermi Ferrer",1814 "2007-12-05","Document the supported options for sortable_element. Clo...","berkelep",1814 "2012-06-24","correct line numbers for reader and writer methods","benolee",1814 "2013-01-11","Update guides/source/active_record_basics.md","Benoit Caccinolo",1814 "2012-03-11","ensure u2029 is escaped in escape_javascript helper","benmmurphy",1814 "2013-04-12","Fix links containing stray colons","Benjamin Tan Wei Hao",1814 "2013-03-05","change useless gsub to delete","Benjamin Sullivan",1814 "2012-01-20","Merge pull request #78 from trotter/fix-rails-engine-docs","Benjamin Manns",1814 "2011-04-26","Added tsvector Datatype Support","Benjamin Fritsch",1814 "2009-05-18","Fixed limited eager loading associations with numbers in...","Benjamin Floering",1814 "2012-05-10","Modified template in sample is new.html.erb, not index.h...","Ben Wilhelm",1814 "2009-01-16","Make belongs_to :dependent => :destroy destroy self bef...","Ben VandenBos",1814 "2005-01-02","Added thread-safety to the DRbStore #66, #389 [Ben Stigl...","Ben Stiglitz",1814 "2010-07-07","Fixed gruoped_by_title spelling [#5063 state:committed]","Ben Somers",1814 "2005-06-13"," r1307@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-13 19:05:00 -0700","Ben Sinclair",1814 "2011-10-08","accept optional :host parameter to force_ssl","Ben Scheirman",1814 "2012-06-20","Fix delivery_method usage","Ben Oakes",1814 "2013-03-09","Deprecate #connection in favour of accessing it via the ...","Ben Moss",1814 "2013-08-29","Test that PostgreSQL adapter includes `usec` when quotin...","Ben Cherry",1814 "2005-09-18","Add routing tests from #1945","Ben Bangert",1814 "2007-05-14","Rationalize route path escaping according to RFC 2396 se...","begemot",1814 "2009-03-08","XmlMini supports different backend parsers, starting wit...","Bart ten Brinke",1814 "2009-04-20","Update ActionMailer guide's 'Sending Multipart Emails wi...","Barry Hess",1814 "2013-06-08","change format example to read better when rendered with ...","barelyknown",1814 "2008-05-27","a tiny, one-word change","Balint Erdi",1814 "2011-06-14","Removed warning while running test with ruby 1.9.2","Bagwan Pankaj",1814 "2007-06-05","Fix typo. Closes #7504 [aurelianito]","aurelianito",1814 "2012-06-08","Don't assign the attributes if the list is empty.","Aurelian Oancea",1814 "2006-04-05","Fixed that rake clone_structure_to_test should quit on p...","August Zajonc",1814 "2005-11-15","Handle cookie parsing irregularity for certain Nokia pho...","August Zaitzow Flatby",1814 "2005-01-11","Added Base#attributes that returns a hash of all the att...","atyp.de",1814 "2005-01-13","Refactored ActiveRecord::Base#clone to use Base#attribut...","atyp",1814 "2009-03-20","Deprecate Error#on(attribute) in favour of Errors#[attri...","attribute",1814 "2005-03-06","Updated docs on auto-indexing #765 [Astinus]","Astinus",1814 "2006-01-08","Make HashWithIndifferentAccess#update behave like Hash#u...","asnem@student.ethz.ch",1814 "2008-05-11","Added protection against duplicate migration names (Asla...","Aslak Hellesøy",1814 "2005-09-09","Added -m/--mime-types option to the WEBrick server, so y...","Ask Bjørn Hansen",1814 "2006-07-08"," r4704@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-27 12:00:19 -0700","Ashley Moran",1814 "2012-04-03","Fix typo","Artyom Bolshakov",1814 "2013-06-27","Fix documentation for grouped_collection_select [ci skip]","Artyom",1814 "2012-08-07","Restoring the '%' trim mode for ERb templates, allowing ...","Artiom Di",1814 "2012-08-02","Fix for digest authentication bug - issue #2301 in rails...","Arthur Smith",1814 "2013-09-09","on SchemaCache use the connection getter instead of the ...","Arthur Neves",1814 "2009-03-07","Ensure validates_uniqueness_of considers limit on the fi...","Arthur Klepchukov",1814 "2013-02-20","Update the "upgrading" guide for people coming from 3.0 ...","Arne Brasseur",1814 "2012-08-02","Collapsed dual checks (one for content headers and one f...","Armand du Plessis",1814 "2008-03-28","Fixed that ActionController::Base#read_multipart would f...","Ariejan de Vroom",1814 "2012-08-15","Fix occasional microsecond conversion inaccuracy","Ari Pollak",1814 "2012-09-18","Add extra documentation for password_field","Arek W",1814 "2009-05-27","server command help inconsistency fix [#2685 state:resol...","anupom syam",1814 "2013-08-02","Define enable_extension method to prevent undefined meth...","Antonio Santos",1814 "2011-12-16","Fixed bug when error message is an empty string.","Antonio Roberto",1814 "2009-03-19","Added extra notes to nested model forms explanation in 2...","Anton Jenkins",1814 "2013-01-22","Improve String#squish whitespaces matching","Antoine Lyset",1814 "2009-08-08","Ensure db:drop:all doesn't error out on exception [#2997...","Anthony Caliendo",1814 "2007-09-21","[html-scanner] Fix parsing of empty tags. Closes #7641. ...","anthony.bailey",1814 "2012-08-14","Following the false issue reporting I did here : https:/...","Anthony Alberto",1814 "2009-05-18","Truncate helper accepts a :separator for a more legible ...","Andy Stewart",1814 "2012-10-11","Allow for deep directory path for view templates.","Andy Shipman",1814 "2012-01-26","Use `:rubygems` shortcut as standard Gemfile's `source` ...","Andy Rossmeissl",1814 "2011-09-01","Modified ActionMailer Basics doc with the following change:","Andy Leeper",1814 "2011-12-05","Named Routes shouldn't override existing ones (currently...","Andy Jeffries",1814 "2012-10-24","fix a typo in comments to ActiveRecord::Associations::As...","Andrii Dovgaliuk",1814 "2011-08-22","Add Destroy Alias","Andrey Ognevsky",1814 "2013-06-06","Stub logger for tests","Andrey Koleshko",1814 "2013-02-08","Fix #9168 Initialize NullCookieJar with all options need...","Andrey Chernih",1814 "2013-01-26","Remove mass-assignment line from guide summary","Andrew Wilcox",1814 "2010-03-03","whiny nil shouldn't depend on Active Record [#4092 statu...","Andrew Shcheglov",1814 "2012-05-23","Synchronize the ConnectionPool#release method to avoid t...","Andrew Selder",1814 "2013-06-25","Move the write portion of fragment_for to its own method...","Andrew Rove",1814 "2005-04-18","Fixed that fixtures were being deleted in the same order...","Andrew Peters",1814 "2009-08-10","Support deep-merging HashWithIndifferentAccess.","Andrew Moreland",1814 "2011-08-04","Make rails gem build directory consistent with actionpac...","Andrew Marshall",1814 "2013-05-12","Preserve context for joins while merging relations","Andrew Horner",1814 "2012-06-12","Adding note about cosmetic changes not being accepted","Andrew Hooker",1814 "2010-04-26","Make db console work for all versions of ruby on Windows.","Andrew Grimm",1814 "2012-10-20","Changed scope for "taken" error message translation to d...","Andrew DiMichele",1814 "2010-06-08","Fix ActiveRecord::Base.compute_type swallowing NoMethodE...","Andrew Bloomgarden",1814 "2009-03-09","Ensure blank path_prefix works as expected [#2122 state:...","Andrew Bloom",1814 "2006-02-26","Fixed rdoc.options use all over (closes #3639) [andy@tin...","Andrew A. Smith",1814 "2011-05-28","Fix typo in test.","Andrés Botero",1814 "2011-03-09","Use Rubys own Float#round method in versions 1.9 and above","Andrei Kulakov",1814 "2011-02-01","Allow customization of form class for button_to","Andrei Bocan",1814 "2008-01-16","Correct fix for [8647], Closes #6868. [isak]","Andreas Isaksson",1814 "2012-08-07","add around_create callback documentation for ActiveModel...","Andrea Longhi",1814 "2013-04-05","Remove deprecated attr_accessible mention","Andrea",1814 "2010-10-15","Fix for ActionView::Template#refresh in rails 3.1.0.beta","André Camargo",1814 "2012-03-28","Fix quotes at select_tag examples","Anderson Dias",1814 "2011-03-13","Adjust unique constraint comment to include info about t...","Anders Elfving",1814 "2011-07-06","Fix bug in collection_singular_ids on has many through a...","Anatoliy Lysenko",1814 "2012-02-05","Update fixtures testing help","Amro Mousa",1814 "2008-05-13","Fixed generator collisions for nested controller modules.","Amol Hatwar",1814 "2013-02-12","Detail Ruby 1.8 ships with TestUnit and Ruby 1.9 with Mi...","Americo Savinon",1814 "2011-03-31","Explain in the method doc that you need to call respond_...","Amaia Castro",1814 "2007-08-15","Ensure TestRequest#request_uri returns the right value w...","alisdair@randomoracle.org",1814 "2012-10-31","Fix ActiveRecord#update_column return value","Aliaxandr Rahalevich",1814 "2012-04-12","Fixed markup in security guide","Alfonso Cora",1814 "2005-08-14","Fix typo in count_by_sql documentation #1969 [Alexey Ver...","Alexey Verkhovsky",1814 "2013-07-18","Fix `assert_redirected_to` does not show user-supplied m...","Alexey Chernenkov",1814 "2011-06-07","fix typo","Alexandr Zykov",1814 "2012-03-29","Change the example for habtm association to use proc acc...","Alexander Zubkov",1814 "2013-03-21","Allows setting fixture_path to a Pathname","Alexander Murmann",1814 "2006-01-13","Disambiguate table names for columns in validates_uniqun...","Alexander Borovsky",1814 "2012-06-29","fix FileUpdateChecker when file has wrong mtime (from fu...","Alexander Baronec",1814 "2006-08-03","Fixed to_xml with :include misbehaviors when invoked on ...","Alex Wolfe",1814 "2013-03-08","remove the new metadata note in Rails 4 upgrade guide","Alex Robbin",1814 "2012-09-20","Fix out-of-date URL.","Alex Reisner",1814 "2005-11-07","New configuration option config.plugin_paths which may b...","alex.r.moon@gmail.com",1814 "2013-06-14","Update the HTML boolean attributes per the HTML 5.1 spec","Alex Peattie",1814 "2012-06-29","Remove mention of `convert_key` now that it's been taken...","Alex Nisnevich",1814 "2010-06-30","Fix ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars#slice for empty stri...","Alex Muntean",1814 "2008-02-19","Correct typo in before_type_cast code. Closes #11165 [...","Alex Mishyn",1814 "2008-05-11","Fix validates_uniqueness_of for SQL keywords [#23 state:...","Alex MacCaw",1814 "2010-08-02","ActiveModel::Errors json serialization to work as Rails ...","Alex Le",1814 "2007-10-23","Refactor and test boot.rb. Include tests from and closes...","Alex Chaffee",1814 "2013-08-27","Update Test::Unit to Minitest","Alex Altair",1814 "2012-07-29","DRY class_attribute code","Aleksandr Zykov",1814 "2005-06-28","Fixed that multiparameter posts ignored attr_protected #...","alec+rails@veryclever.net",1814 "2013-05-23","HashWithIndifferentAccess#select working as intended","Albert Llop",1814 "2011-07-07","Using the sum of bytes instead the hash of the path when...","Albert Callarisa Roca",1814 "2008-09-10","Added image_submit_tag confirm option [status:committed ...","Alastair Brunton",1814 "2005-09-17","Fixed that generate scaffold claims all words are reserv...","alancfrancis",1814 "2011-08-20","Updated the docs for the has_many :finder_sql option to ...","Alan Larkin",1814 "2013-08-23","Adds Akshay Surve to Rails Guides credits list","Akshay Surve",1814 "2006-09-26","strip_links is case-insensitive. Closes #6285.","Akira Tagoh",1814 "2005-10-13","Fixed that Time#change should also reset usec when also ...","Akira Ikeda",1814 "2012-01-28","run direcly $0 if rake invoked by Windows batch file.","Akio Tajima",1814 "2013-02-21","Link is not relevant anymore","Adrien Coquio",1814 "2010-05-15","Bundler deprecated options in Gemfile with application t...","Adrian Sanchez",1814 "2011-12-06","Let's do the same trick for asset_path that we do for [i...","Adrian Pike",1814 "2007-09-17","Added security notice to Request#remote_ip underlining t...","Adrian Holovaty",1814 "2005-02-20","Added automatic dropping/creating of test tables for run...","Adelle Hartley",1814 "2013-09-09","form_for - fix :namespace and :as options clash","Adam Niedzielski",1814 "2013-02-05","Ignore .ruby-version","Adam Mckaig",1814 "2009-02-05","implicitly rendering a js response should not use the de...","Adam McCrea",1814 "2013-05-13","fix grammar","Adam Konner",1814 "2007-11-25","Fix that empty collections should be treated as empty ar...","Adam Johnson",1814 "2006-05-16"," Fix NoMethodError when parsing params like &&. [Adam Gr...","Adam Greenfield",1814 "2013-04-08","User is not part of the Blorgh domain, so user_class doe...","Adam Dalton",1814 "2009-03-06","Ensure belongs_to association with a counter cache in na...","Adam Cooper",1814 "2012-10-18","Change 'branches' to 'branch' [ci skip]","Adam Coffman",1814 "2013-06-04","Fixes #10432 add_column not creating array columns in Po...","Adam Anderson",1814 "2009-07-07","Added callback details in "supported options" of has_man...","Abhishek Parokar",1814 "2012-11-19","displaying error message(p tag was missing) and adding o...","Abhishek Nalwaya",1814 "2006-02-27","Added support for visual effects scoped queues to the vi...","Abdur-Rahman Advany",1814 "2013-04-08","Add TEST_DIRS enviroment for constrain test directories ...","Abd ar-Rahman Hamidi",1814 "2006-04-02","Add additional autocompleter options [aballai, Thomas Fu...","aballai",1814 "2013-03-03","More helpful error message when instantiating an abstrac...","Aaron Weiner",1814 "2011-07-23","Remove leading whitespace for optional requires","Aaron Kalin",1814 "2008-07-08","Added a small comment about deleting cookies set with a ...","Aaron Gibralter",1814 "2010-02-18","Fix called_from under Windows so engines works properly","Aaron Eisenberger",1814 "2011-10-17","Exclude _destroy parameter in :all_blank check (issue #2...","Aaron Christy",1814 "2012-08-29","Fix Markdown rendering of 'controller-level etag additio...","Aaron Brethorst",1814 "2012-01-27","fix example code in documentation for has_secure_password","Aaron Beckerman",1814 "2013-07-23","Fix merge error when Equality LHS is non-attribute.","90yukke",1814 "2013-08-30","FIX reload! within rails console --sandbox causes undefi...","11834",1814 "2005-03-06","Added Object#blank? -- see http://redhanded.hobix.com/in...","_why the lucky stiff",1814 "2009-03-13","Execute the appropriate gem command when using JRuby [#2...","Zack Hobson",1078 "2009-02-27","Update rdoc: all is not a named_scope [#1959 state:commi...","Zack Hobson",1078 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","zachary@panandscan.com",1078 "2006-07-05","Fixed that real files and symlinks should be treated the...","zachary@panandscan.com",1078 "2008-01-12","Update scaffold to use labels instead of bold tags. Clo...","zach-inglis-lt3",1078 "2007-10-14","error_messages_for also takes :message and :header_messa...","zach-inglis-lt3",1078 "2008-08-25","fixed a silly mistake of not fixing a merge","Zach Inglis",1078 "2008-08-25","Corrected interpolation in a model find","Zach Inglis",1078 "2010-01-04","adding fix for auto linking to master too","Zach Brock",1078 "2010-01-04","fixing autolinking other protocols","Zach Brock",1078 "2005-02-23","Documentation fix #698","YuriSchimke",1078 "2005-02-23","Added option :schema_order to the PostgreSQL adapter to ...","YuriSchimke",1078 "2005-04-13","Added submit_to_remote that allows you to trigger an Aja...","Yurii Rashkovskii",1078 "2005-04-13","Added :confirm option to link_to_remote just like link_t...","Yurii Rashkovskii",1078 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: When multiparameter date assignment fails du...","Yuri Leikind",1078 "2008-02-02","When multiparameter date assignment fails due to an inva...","Yuri Leikind",1078 "2013-02-03","Put .rdoc at the end of the files named RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS","Yuki Nishijima",1078 "2012-06-04","accept a block in button helper.","Yuki Nishijima",1078 "2007-05-15","Merge [6738] to stable: extract Oracle CHAR column lengt...","Yossef Mendelssohn",1078 "2007-05-15","Oracle: extract column length for CHAR also. Closes #7866.","Yossef Mendelssohn",1078 "2012-12-03","added full file path in all file references","Yoni Yalovitsky",1078 "2012-12-03","removed an extra slash before the 'app' dir","Yoni Yalovitsky",1078 "2005-03-14","Fixed that SQLite3 exceptions are caught and reported pr...","yerejm",1078 "2005-02-22","Optimized the SQL used to generate has_and_belongs_to_ma...","yerejm",1078 "2005-12-21","Fixed that saving a model with multiple habtm associatio...","yanowitz-rubyonrails@quantumfoam.org",1078 "2005-12-21","Fixed that saving a model with multiple habtm associatio...","yanowitz-rubyonrails@quantumfoam.org",1078 "2013-07-05","Space is not required for Set-Cookie header","Yamagishi Kazutoshi",1078 "2013-06-24","Flag cookies as secure with ignore case in ActionDispatc...","Yamagishi Kazutoshi",1078 "2010-09-30","Fix 'rake db:create' is ignore encoding when using postg...","yalab",1078 "2010-09-30","Fix 'rake db:create' is ignore encoding when using postg...","yalab",1078 "2011-12-20","don't encode an UTF-8 encoded template","Xu Pan",1078 "2011-12-20","don't encode an UTF-8 encoded template","Xu Pan",1078 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Xavier Defrang",1078 "2008-01-02","find_or_create_resource_for handles module nesting. Clos...","Xavier Defrang",1078 "2007-08-05","Merge gem freezing fix to stable.","wselman",1078 "2007-07-24","Use Gem.find_name instead of search when freezing gems. ...","wselman",1078 "2005-04-17","Added acts_as_nested_set #1000 [wschenk]","wschenk",1078 "2005-04-17","Added acts_as_nested_set #1000 [wschenk]","wschenk",1078 "2007-12-10","Merge [8355] from trunk: fix strange NoMemoryError on am...","wrb",1078 "2007-12-10","Fix strange NoMemoryError on amd64. Closes #10442 [wrb]","wrb",1078 "2013-07-18","Add respond_to_missing? for TaggedLogging which is neede...","Wolfram Arnold",1078 "2009-08-08","Add test to verify that the new :inverse_of association ...","Wolfram Arnold",1078 "2012-02-20","removed commented line. 3434 tests, 10531 assertions, 0 ...","William Lawson",1078 "2012-02-20","Restored ability to identify ID and Sequence from tables...","William Lawson",1078 "2009-11-15","Allow explicit placement of hidden id element for nested...","Will Read",1078 "2009-11-15","Allow explicit placement of hidden id element for nested...","Will Read",1078 "2012-11-09","Update guides/source/rails_application_templates.md","Will Gray",1078 "2012-11-09","Update guides/source/rails_application_templates.md","Will Gray",1078 "2010-05-16","Postgresql doesn't allow to change a string type column ...","Wijnand Wiersma",1078 "2010-05-16","Postgresql doesn't allow to change a string type column ...","Wijnand Wiersma",1078 "2006-11-05","Merge [5432] from trunk.","whitley",1078 "2006-11-05","Fix unicode JSON regexp for Onigurama compatibility. Clo...","whitley",1078 "2011-08-13","update abstract_controller callbacks to document meta-pr...","Wesley Beary",1078 "2011-01-31","updating Gemfile with more contemporary example","Wesley Beary",1078 "2010-09-14","Only send secure cookies over SSL.","W. Andrew Loe III",1078 "2010-09-13","Only send secure cookies over SSL.","W. Andrew Loe III",1078 "2012-04-27","clean up empty lines","Vsevolod Romashov",1078 "2012-04-27","fixes run order in Rails::Queueing::TestQueue","Vsevolod Romashov",1078 "2009-08-09","Make sure association conditions work with :include and...","Vladimir Meremyanin",1078 "2009-08-09","Make sure association conditions work with :include and ...","Vladimir Meremyanin",1078 "2009-06-01","better db:create for mysql - do not assume root user","Vladimir Dobriakov",1078 "2008-11-04","Fixed that FormTagHelper generates illegal html if name ...","Vladimir Dobriakov",1078 "2006-12-05","Merge [5682] from trunk.","Vitaly Kushner",1078 "2006-12-05","find supports :lock with :include. Check whether your da...","Vitaly Kushner",1078 "2013-03-29","Merge pull request #130 from crafters/master","Vinicius Quaiato",1078 "2013-03-29","info that Gemfile *group :assets* was removed","Vinicius Quaiato",1078 "2007-10-26","Fix typo in test_helper. Closes #9925 [viktor tron]","viktor tron",1078 "2007-10-26","Fix incorrect path in helper rdoc. Closes #9926 [viktor ...","viktor tron",1078 "2006-11-13","Merge [5514] from trunk.","vesaria",1078 "2006-11-13","Oracle: automatically detect the primary key. Closes #6594.","vesaria",1078 "2012-01-17","whitespaces","Vasili Kachalko",1078 "2012-01-17","validates method should not change options argument","Vasili Kachalko",1078 "2013-01-03","Pass in `--local` when doing `gem install` for local gems.","Utkarsh Kukreti",1078 "2010-10-11","Fix typo 'configation' [#5575 state:resolved]","Utkarsh Kukreti",1078 "2012-02-09","Replaced OrderedHash usage with Ruby 1.9 Hash","Uddhava",1078 "2012-02-09","Replaced OrderedHash with Hash for ruby 1.9 series","Uddhava",1078 "2012-06-23","fixed another typo in edge guides","Uday Kadaboina",1078 "2012-06-23","fixed a typo","Uday Kadaboina",1078 "2005-08-14","Fix duplicate XSD entries for custom types (#1729), and ...","Tyler Kovacs",1078 "2005-06-16","Added a third parameter to TextHelper#auto_link called h...","Tyler Kovacs",1078 "2007-03-19","Merge [6449] from trunk. Fixes SQLite binary encoding wi...","tsuka",1078 "2007-03-19","SQLite: binary escaping works with ='u'. Closes #7862.","tsuka",1078 "2013-03-01","Fix PostgreSQL TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE to return Active...","Troy Kruthoff",1078 "2012-03-31","Remove sort on attributes.keys","Troy Kruthoff",1078 "2012-01-19","Fix documentation bug in Rails::Engine","Trotter Cashion",1078 "2012-01-19","Fix documentation bug in Rails::Engine","Trotter Cashion",1078 "2010-09-24","restore behavior of touch for models without :updated_xx...","Troels Petersen",1078 "2010-09-24","restore behavior of touch for models without :updated_xx...","Troels Petersen",1078 "2013-01-06","Fix error when assigning NaN to an integer column","Tristan Harward",1078 "2013-01-06","Fix error when assigning NaN to an integer column","Tristan Harward",1078 "2010-08-17","Missing object for comparison in ActiveModel::EachValida...","Trey Bean",1078 "2010-08-17","Missing object for comparison in ActiveModel::EachValida...","Trey Bean",1078 "2007-03-18","Merge [6445] from trunk. Consistently canonicalizes RAIL...","trevor",1078 "2007-03-18","Deprecation: remove components from controller paths. C...","trevor",1078 "2009-10-17","Ensure number_to_human_size does not strip zeros from th...","Travis Briggs",1078 "2009-05-17","Ensure number_to_human_size does not strip zeros from th...","Travis Briggs",1078 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","tomasj",1078 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","tomasj",1078 "2013-09-10","Update Rails 3.2.x guide link [ci skip]","Tomas Varaneckas",1078 "2013-07-27","Update Rails 3.2.x guide link [ci skip]","Tomas Varaneckas",1078 "2008-01-10","Merge [8615] to stable: resurrect WordNet synonym lookup...","tom.",1078 "2008-01-10","Resurrect WordNet synonym lookups. Closes #10710.","tom.",1078 "2010-10-21","bug 1108: yield to block provided to find_or_create_by_x","Toby Cabot",1078 "2010-10-21","bug 1108: fix a bug with find_or_create_by and additiona...","Toby Cabot",1078 "2011-07-07","Now accepting css/js files in deeper directory structure...","Tobias Schlottke",1078 "2011-07-01","Now accepting css/js files in deeper directory structure...","Tobias Schlottke",1078 "2013-02-11","fix serialization vulnerability","Tobias Kraze",1078 "2013-02-11","fix serialization vulnerability","Tobias Kraze",1078 "2010-02-26","fixed a 'RecordNotFound' bug when calling 'reload' on a ...","Tobias Bielohlawek",1078 "2010-02-26","fixed a 'RecordNotFound' bug when calling 'reload' on a ...","Tobias Bielohlawek",1078 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Make the docs reference the correct function...","Tobi Reif",1078 "2008-02-04","Make the docs reference the correct function. [Tobi Reif]","Tobi Reif",1078 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","tjennings",1078 "2008-01-06","Support render :text => nil. Closes #6684.","tjennings",1078 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Timothee Peignier",1078 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Timothee Peignier",1078 "2012-09-29","Don't paramify ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile in tests","Tim Vandecasteele",1078 "2012-06-22","Don't paramify ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile in tests","Tim Vandecasteele",1078 "2009-08-10","Use table prefix and suffix for schema_migrations index.","Tim Peters",1078 "2009-08-10","Use table prefix and suffix for schema_migrations index.","Tim Peters",1078 "2010-10-19","Allow default_scope to accept a Proc.","Tim Morgan",1078 "2008-05-31","Run gem install as external command. [#210 state:resolved]","Tim Morgan",1078 "2012-10-12","specify path to CommentsController again inline","Tim McEwan",1078 "2012-03-27","change number_with_precision to not return negative zeros","Tim McEwan",1078 "2012-01-18","Remove capture.","Tim Cooper",1078 "2012-01-18","Always treat the object passed to content_tag_for as an ...","Tim Cooper",1078 "2008-06-28","Dirty: recognize when an integer changes from zero to bl...","Tim Chater",1078 "2008-06-28","Dirty: recognize when an integer changes from zero to bl...","Tim Chater",1078 "2007-01-28","Merge [6064] from trunk. References #6778.","Tim Carpenter",1078 "2007-01-28","MySQL: SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 so 'where id is null' does...","Tim Carpenter",1078 "2011-12-06","Added git --rebase option for pulling rails master","Thomas von Deyen",1078 "2011-12-06","Allowing string as url argument for expire_action","Thomas von Deyen",1078 "2006-12-03","Fixed Array#to_xml when it contains a series of hashes (...","thkarcher",1078 "2006-12-03","Fixed Array#to_xml when it contains a series of hashes (...","thkarcher",1078 "2010-12-01","ActiveModel::Errors.to_hash returns plain OrderedHash an...","Thilo Utke",1078 "2010-12-01","ActiveModel::Errors.to_hash returns plain OrderedHash an...","Thilo Utke",1078 "2013-02-27","Make ActionDispatch::Journey::Path::Pattern#new raise mo...","Thierry Zires",1078 "2013-01-10","Remove redundant double quotation marks","Thierry Zires",1078 "2012-04-20","Fix example in ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper","Thibaut Courouble",1078 "2012-04-17","Fix confusing example in ActiveModel::Errors","Thibaut Courouble",1078 "2007-10-26","Fix JSON encoding/decoding bugs dealing with /'s. Close...","theamazingrando",1078 "2007-06-27","Array attribute conditions work with proxied association...","theamazingrando",1078 "2005-07-24","Made Oracle a first-class connection adapter by adhering...","The Gang of Oracles",1078 "2005-07-24","Made Oracle a first-class connection adapter by adhering...","The Gang of Oracles",1078 "2008-05-07","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:trak3r/docrails ...","Teflon Ted",1078 "2008-05-07","Added explanation about errant inflections not being pat...","Teflon Ted",1078 "2007-01-05","Merge oracle clob / serialize fix to 1.2","tdfowler",1078 "2007-01-05","Fix the Oracle adapter for serialized attributes stored ...","tdfowler",1078 "2008-08-24","Use full path in database tasks so commands will work ou...","Tapajós",1078 "2008-07-13","Use full path in database tasks so commands will work ou...","Tapajós",1078 "2008-06-23","Fixed polymorphic_url to be able to handle singleton res...","Tammer Saleh",1078 "2008-06-23","Fixed polymorphic_url to be able to handle singleton res...","Tammer Saleh",1078 "2012-06-20","Correct the AP test。","Takoyaki Kamen",1078 "2012-06-18","make events not use date and time to determine parent_of...","Takoyaki Kamen",1078 "2012-03-08","Fixed a slightly misleading equivalent SQL code on the 3...","Swanand Pagnis",1078 "2012-03-05","Fixed a slightly misleading equivalent SQL code on the 3...","Swanand Pagnis",1078 "2006-06-29"," r4730@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-29 13:13:38 -0700","Surendra Singhi",1078 "2006-06-29","Resolve conflict among mailer actions with the same name...","Surendra Singhi",1078 "2011-08-13","Dirty object methods added to active model basics","Sukeerthi Adiga G",1078 "2011-08-13","ActiveResource::Validations module basics updated","Sukeerthi Adiga G",1078 "2008-03-18","Merge [9056] from trunk: Migrations: create_table suppor...","student",1078 "2008-03-18","Migrations: create_table supports primary_key_prefix_typ...","student",1078 "2006-11-16","Use attr_accessor_with_default to dry up attribute initi...","Stuart Halloway",1078 "2006-11-16","Add Module#attr_accessor_with_default to initialize valu...","Stuart Halloway",1078 "2010-03-05","Removed the + sign as an accepted character from the par...","Stijn Mathysen",1078 "2010-03-05","Removed the + sign as an accepted character from the par...","Stijn Mathysen",1078 "2009-05-18","Ensure HTTP Digest auth uses appropriate HTTP method [#2...","Steve Madsen",1078 "2009-05-18","Ensure HTTP Digest auth uses appropriate HTTP method [#2...","Steve Madsen",1078 "2011-06-19","Fix inconsistencies by being polite to the wrapped body....","Steve Hodgkiss",1078 "2011-06-18","Fix inconsistencies by being polite to the wrapped body....","Steve Hodgkiss",1078 "2011-10-14","change activerecord query conditions example to avoid 't...","Steve Bourne",1078 "2011-10-12","change activerecord query conditions example to avoid 't...","Steve Bourne",1078 "2010-07-30","fix for rails app generator when using --pretend option","Steve Agalloco",1078 "2010-01-02","app_generator option should be skip_activerecord not no_...","Steve Agalloco",1078 "2011-10-14","Runtime conditions for associations should use procs","Stephen Pike",1078 "2011-10-11","Runtime conditions for associations should use procs","Stephen Pike",1078 "2009-06-09","Sanitized the id generated by text_area_tag helper metho...","Stephen Anderson",1078 "2009-06-09","Sanitized the id generated by text_area_tag helper metho...","Stephen Anderson",1078 "2011-04-28","Merged pull request #40 from bytesource/master.","Stefan Rohlfing",1078 "2011-04-28","Edited railties/guides/source/routing.textile via GitHub","Stefan Rohlfing",1078 "2012-02-20","sync __run_callbacks with ruby-trunk","Sokolov Yura",1078 "2012-02-14","sync __run_callbacks with ruby-trunk","Sokolov Yura",1078 "2010-06-11","Updated all number helpers with :locale option.","Slobodan Kovacevic",1078 "2010-06-10","Added :locale option explanation for number_to_currency","Slobodan Kovacevic",1078 "2011-08-13","allow select to have multiple arguments","Sławosz Sławiński",1078 "2011-07-26","allow select to have multiple arguments","Sławosz Sławiński",1078 "2010-09-20","Remove mention of Rails 3 deprecated option config.actio...","Simone Carletti",1078 "2010-08-04","Fixed Railtie Rdoc examples not properly formatted [#491...","Simone Carletti",1078 "2012-09-16","Update "Getting Started" guide","Simon Hengel",1078 "2012-07-10","[getting started] update a code listing","Simon Hengel",1078 "2010-04-06","remove_index now uses quote_table_name() [#4300 state:re...","Simon Effenberg",1078 "2010-04-06","remove_index now uses quote_table_name() [#4300 state:re...","Simon Effenberg",1078 "2013-08-27","Ensure all-caps nested consts marked as autoloaded","Simon Coffey",1078 "2013-08-27","Ensure all-caps nested consts marked as autoloaded","Simon Coffey",1078 "2013-07-22","[Fixes #11512] improves cache size calculation in Active...","Simeon Simeonov",1078 "2013-07-22","[Fixes #11512] improves cache size calculation in Active...","Simeon Simeonov",1078 "2011-09-12","Issue #636 - Parsing an xml file with multiple records a...","Sidu Ponnappa",1078 "2011-07-11","Issue #636 - Parsing an xml file with multiple records a...","Sidu Ponnappa",1078 "2007-01-28","Merge [5434] from trunk. Reference #6495.","Si Jobling",1078 "2006-11-05","Consistently use LOWER() for uniqueness validations (rat...","Si Jobling",1078 "2005-11-21"," r3258@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-21 00:33:59 -0800","Shu-yu Guo",1078 "2005-11-21","Use Kernel.binding rather than binding to allow columns ...","Shu-yu Guo",1078 "2012-07-19","Clarification to doc of ActionController::MimeResponse.r...","Shigeya Suzuki",1078 "2012-02-10","make Range#overlaps? accept Range of Time","Shigeya Suzuki",1078 "2011-07-09","document HashWithIndifferentAccess#extractable_options?","Shawn Drost",1078 "2011-07-07","document HashWithIndifferentAccess#extractable_options?","Shawn Drost",1078 "2007-05-29","Generated migrations include timestamps by default. Clos...","shane",1078 "2007-05-27","Remove unused resource generator templates obviated by [...","shane",1078 "2007-09-22","More tests (closes #7066) [sethladd]","Seth Ladd",1078 "2007-03-03","SQLServer: recognize real column type as Ruby float, cor...","Seth Ladd",1078 "2009-12-15","Added #to_i to DateTime in ActiveSupport so #to_yaml wor...","Serguei Filimonov",1078 "2009-12-15","Added #to_i to DateTime in ActiveSupport so #to_yaml wor...","Serguei Filimonov",1078 "2012-03-06","Adds line to change log and update documentation.","Sergio Arbeo",1078 "2012-03-06","Adds :layout option to render :partial when a collection...","Sergio Arbeo",1078 "2011-02-15","fixed broken link to postgresql docs","Sergii Boiko",1078 "2011-02-15","fixed broken link to postgresql docs","Sergii Boiko",1078 "2012-11-27","No sort Hash options in #grouped_options_for_select","Sergey Kojin",1078 "2006-10-22","Expose methods added to Enumerable in the documentation,...","Sergey Kojin",1078 "2007-10-11","Backport: allow array and hash query parameters. Array r...","Serge Balyuk",1078 "2007-03-06","Allow array and hash query parameters. Array route param...","Serge Balyuk",1078 "2006-08-07","Update documentation for erb trim syntax. #5651 [matt@ma...","sebastien@goetzilla.info",1078 "2006-07-08","Pass :id => nil or :class => nil to error_messages_for t...","sebastien@goetzilla.info",1078 "2012-01-23","use CamelCase convention for "tag" model name","Sebastian Spieszko",1078 "2012-01-22",""will be used throughout all the views for posts." could...","Sebastian Spieszko",1078 "2011-07-23","Documentation fix: adding missing equal sign in code sam...","Sebastian Gassner",1078 "2011-07-20","Documentation fix: adding missing equal sign in code sam...","Sebastian Gassner",1078 "2010-07-25","Fixed output_buffer encoding problem [#5179]","Sebastian A. Espindola",1078 "2008-07-14","Added db:charset support to PostgreSQL. [#556 state:reso...","Sebastian A. Espindola",1078 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Sean T Allen",1078 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Sean T Allen",1078 "2007-08-28","Formatting, grammar and spelling fixes for the associati...","Sean Hussey",1078 "2007-08-28","Formatting and grammatical fixes for the acts_as_* docum...","Sean Hussey",1078 "2009-04-22","Fix my previous commit. Don't say it's been removed when...","Sean Bryant",1078 "2009-04-22","Add a note about assert_valid(record) being deprecated.","Sean Bryant",1078 "2008-07-02","Ensure AssociationCollection#size considers all unsaved ...","sds",1078 "2008-07-02","Ensure AssociationCollection#size considers all unsaved ...","sds",1078 "2009-04-21","Quote table names when casting to regclass so that capit...","Scott Woods",1078 "2009-04-21","Quote table names when casting to regclass so that capit...","Scott Woods",1078 "2012-01-03","correctly handle order calls after a reorder","Scott Walker",1078 "2011-12-28","allow reorder to affect eager loading correctly","Scott Walker",1078 "2012-02-07","Correctly handle single media with q value. Fixes #736.","Scott W. Bradley",1078 "2012-02-07","Failing test case that shows issue #736 should still be ...","Scott W. Bradley",1078 "2012-05-11","Merge pull request #97 from itchy/doc_make_engine_Applic...","Scott Johnson",1078 "2012-05-11","update engines guide to show how to have an engine's App...","Scott Johnson",1078 "2008-05-09","Fix Time.zone.parse from stripping time zone information...","Scott Fleckenstein",1078 "2007-10-22","request.parameters doesn't overwrite request.request_par...","Scott Fleckenstein",1078 "2009-08-02","Ruby 1.9: fix Content-Length for multibyte send_data str...","Sava Chankov",1078 "2009-08-02","Ruby 1.9: fix Content-Length for multibyte send_data str...","Sava Chankov",1078 "2013-08-01","Fix status code in documents [ci skip]","Satoshi Ebisawa",1078 "2013-06-21","Fix documents for create_join_table","Satoshi Ebisawa",1078 "2010-08-03","Avoid potentially expensive inspect call in router. [#44...","Samuel Lebeau",1078 "2010-08-03","Avoid potentially expensive inspect call in router. [#44...","Samuel Lebeau",1078 "2012-10-05","Add CollectionAssociation#destroy to ActiveRecord::Assoc...","Samuel Cochran",1078 "2012-10-05","Add CollectionAssociation#destroy to association guide","Samuel Cochran",1078 "2011-08-13","Reverse order fix when using function for ActiveRecord::...","Samer Masry",1078 "2011-07-27","Reverse order fix when using function for ActiveRecord::...","Samer Masry",1078 "2010-08-27","Fix em_mysql2 error in rake db:create","Sam Aarons",1078 "2010-08-27","Fix em_mysql2 error in rake db:create","Sam Aarons",1078 "2013-08-13","Add plural form example for AR I18n section [ci skip]","Sadjow Leão",1078 "2013-08-12","Add events reference link to the text about jquery-ujs [...","Sadjow Leão",1078 "2008-08-21","remember created records and select a random one instead...","S. Brent Faulkner",1078 "2008-08-14","Use current umask when testing the expected file mode [#...","S. Brent Faulkner",1078 "2013-07-03","Grammar fix debugging rails applications [ci skip]","Ryan Williams",1078 "2013-06-25","Comment typo","Ryan Williams",1078 "2011-09-08","Added note about adding a javascript runtime to Gemfile ...","Ryan Walker",1078 "2011-09-06","Added note about adding a javascript runtime to Gemfile ...","Ryan Walker",1078 "2010-12-05","Corrected typo and wording.","Ryan L. Cross",1078 "2010-10-25","Corrected typo and wording.","Ryan L. Cross",1078 "2012-04-25","Restore .to_s to escape_hstore","Ryan Fitzgerald",1078 "2012-04-25","Always quote hstore keys and values","Ryan Fitzgerald",1078 "2009-03-24","adding session_options initialization and test [#2303 st...","Ryan Angilly",1078 "2009-03-24","adding session_options initialization and test [#2303 st...","Ryan Angilly",1078 "2012-07-10","Fixed bug creating invalid HTML in select options","Rusty Geldmacher",1078 "2012-07-10","Fixed bug creating invalid HTML in select options","Rusty Geldmacher",1078 "2006-02-25","Makes ActiveRecord::Schema respect AR::Base.table_name_p...","rubyonrails@atyp.de",1078 "2005-11-10","Add :group option, correspond to GROUP BY, to the find m...","rubyonrails@atyp.de",1078 "2006-04-06","Enhances plugin#discover allowing it to discover svn:// ...","Ruben Nine",1078 "2006-04-04","Multiple fixes and optimizations in PostgreSQL adapter, ...","Ruben Nine",1078 "2012-02-21","Refactored two methods to use delete with a block","Ruben Fonseca",1078 "2012-02-21","use Hash#delete on styelsheet_link_tag","Ruben Fonseca",1078 "2007-01-12","Merge [5891] from trunk. References #6635.","rrich",1078 "2007-01-12","SQLServer: handle [quoted] table names. Closes #6635.","rrich",1078 "2009-08-09","Add ability to set SSL options on ARes connections.","Roy Nicholson",1078 "2009-08-09","Add ability to set SSL options on ARes connections.","Roy Nicholson",1078 "2009-07-27","Don't check authenticity tokens for any AJAX requests","Ross Kaffenberger",1078 "2009-04-15","Don't check authenticity tokens for any AJAX requests","Ross Kaffenberger",1078 "2006-09-09","Make mime version default to 1.0. closes #2323","ror@andreas-s.net",1078 "2006-02-26","Added -r/--repeat option to script/process/spawner that ...","ror@andreas-s.net",1078 "2005-12-10"," r3429@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 16:55:16 -0800","Ron Lusk",1078 "2005-12-10","SQLServer: fix obscure optimistic locking bug, support u...","Ron Lusk",1078 "2005-12-10"," r3429@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 16:55:16 -0800","Ron DiFrango",1078 "2005-12-10","SQLServer: fix obscure optimistic locking bug, support u...","Ron DiFrango",1078 "2007-01-24","Increase test coverage for subclasses_of. Closes #7335.","Roman Le Négrate",1078 "2006-09-22","Filters overhaul including meantime filter support for a...","Roman Le Négrate",1078 "2012-05-01","Documentation fix in options_for_select helper. Fixed di...","Rodrigo Pavano",1078 "2012-05-01","Removing unused local vars in Queue tests","Rodrigo Pavano",1078 "2012-10-17","divided into folder with the language","Rodrigo Martins",1078 "2012-10-17","Change with start of translation in internationalization...","Rodrigo Martins",1078 "2006-09-04","Documentation for routes (closes #5165) [rramdas@gmail.com]","Rodney Ramdas",1078 "2006-06-05","Fix documentation for with_routing to reflect new realit...","Rodney Ramdas",1078 "2012-03-06","Removed flag attributes.","Robin Roestenburg",1078 "2012-03-05","Refactored method arel_attributes_values.","Robin Roestenburg",1078 "2007-10-23","Disabled checkboxes don't submit a form value. Closes #9...","Robin Fisher",1078 "2007-10-22","Expand form helper test coverage. Closes #9950 [robinjfi...","Robin Fisher",1078 "2011-06-18","cycle: make an odd number be marked as odd.","Robert Massaioli",1078 "2011-06-13","cycle: make an odd number be marked as odd.","Robert Massaioli",1078 "2006-03-04","Migrations should use symbols now that the schema dumper...","Robby Russel",1078 "2006-03-02","More docs for observers (closes #3996) [Robby Russel]","Robby Russel",1078 "2007-01-22","Make sure sqlite3 driver closes open connections on disc...","Rob Rasmussen",1078 "2006-03-12","Use require_library_or_gem to load rake in commands/serv...","Rob Rasmussen",1078 "2011-03-01","Fixed bug 6440 by checking that destroy exists on the se...","Rob Di Marco",1078 "2011-03-01","Unit test that shows calling reset session twice results...","Rob Di Marco",1078 "2006-11-02","Merge [5388] from trunk.","Rob Biedenharn",1078 "2006-11-02","next_week respects DST changes. Closes #5617, closes #23...","Rob Biedenharn",1078 "2008-08-24","Use fully-qualified controller name when logging. [#600 ...","Ripta Pasay",1078 "2008-07-17","Use fully-qualified controller name when logging. [#600 ...","Ripta Pasay",1078 "2012-10-06","Accept :remote as symbol in link_to options","Riley Lynch",1078 "2012-10-06","Accept :remote as symbol in link_to options","Riley Lynch",1078 "2013-04-28","Move 2 images to getting_started folder. All other image...","Richard Owen",1078 "2013-04-28","New rails welcome screen","Richard Owen",1078 "2009-01-22","fixed a few filenames and paths","Rich Sturim",1078 "2009-01-22","updated broken link","Rich Sturim",1078 "2012-05-18","The middleware stack is compliant with Enumarable and bi...","Rich Healey",1078 "2012-05-18","Add the #unshift method to the middleware stack","Rich Healey",1078 "2009-08-09","Fix for nested :include with namespaced models.","Rich Bradley",1078 "2009-08-09","Fix for nested :include with namespaced models.","Rich Bradley",1078 "2008-07-15","Ensure script/plugin unsource 'Usage' text is correct. [...","Ricardo Santos",1078 "2008-07-02","Ensure script/plugin unsource 'Usage' text is correct. [...","Ricardo Santos",1078 "2012-11-08","Add test to avoid regression of 58e48d5292242f000dc8a87f...","Ricardo Henrique",1078 "2012-11-07","Fix accepts_nested_attributes for child classes","Ricardo Henrique",1078 "2008-01-27","Make sure count works on has_many :through associations ...","Remco van &#39;t Veer",1078 "2007-12-11","Ensure that the :uniq option for has_many :through assoc...","Remco van &#39;t Veer",1078 "2012-04-13","mention that coercion only happens when the primary key ...","Reg Braithwaite",1078 "2012-04-13","Documents that ActiveRecord's find by id uses to_i to co...","Reg Braithwaite",1078 "2010-04-29","warn user if options are given before application name [...","Ravinder Singh",1078 "2010-03-31","Create tmp directories if required before starting serve...","Ravinder Singh",1078 "2010-08-21","Trifling typos","Raphomet",1078 "2010-08-21","Trifling typos","Raphomet",1078 "2006-09-12","Skip params with empty names, such as the &=Save query s...","Raphael Bauduin",1078 "2005-04-02","Fixed :overwrite_param so it doesn't delete but reject e...","Raphael Bauduin",1078 "2007-01-14","Merge [5929] from trunk. References #6976.","randyv2",1078 "2007-01-14","MySQL: retain SSL settings on reconnect. Closes #6976.","randyv2",1078 "2011-11-24","comma","Ramon Quezada",1078 "2011-11-16","added comma","Ramon Quezada",1078 "2013-08-02","fix a gramatical mistake","Rajeev N Bharshetty",1078 "2013-03-20","Fix a typo","Rajeev N Bharshetty",1078 "2004-12-19","Added graceful handling of an inaccessible log file by r...","rainmkr",1078 "2004-12-19","Updated the documentation #329 [rainmkr]","rainmkr",1078 "2008-01-12","Merge [8627] fix to stable.","railsjitsu",1078 "2008-01-11","Fix issue where Table#references doesn't pass a :null op...","railsjitsu",1078 "2005-04-19","Fixed that :get, :post, and the others should take a fla...","rails@cogentdude.com",1078 "2005-04-17","Fixed that purge_test_database would use database settin...","rails@cogentdude.com",1078 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #137 from zduci/master","Radu Busuioc",1078 "2013-05-16","Corrected documentation regarding validation errors","Radu Busuioc",1078 "2013-07-01","backport: linking small rails 4 features image to a bigg...","R4K3",1078 "2013-06-26","linking small rails 4 features image to a bigger one [ci...","R4K3",1078 "2012-01-08","Extend the set of compressible files by some common types.","r-stu31",1078 "2012-01-08","Enable to handle over in options the regexp determining ...","r-stu31",1078 "2008-02-09","Remove misleading / incorrect warning from validation do...","quixoten",1078 "2007-02-25","Allow routing requirements on map.resource(s) (closes #7...","quixoten",1078 "2013-02-24","Update guide doc to use migration shortcuts","Qihuan Piao",1078 "2013-02-24","Wrap `around_action` word with <code> tag","Qihuan Piao",1078 "2011-05-21","Check for Module.new.dup as well in https://github.com/r...","Prakash Murthy",1078 "2011-05-08","Lighthouse ticket # 6334; added tests to verify that spa...","Prakash Murthy",1078 "2005-07-15","Fixed line number reporting for Builder template errors ...","Piotr Banasik",1078 "2005-03-06","Fixed that the routes.rb file wouldn't be found on symli...","Piotr Banasik",1078 "2013-05-22","add failing test exposing mysql adapter tinyint bug","phinze",1078 "2013-05-16","add failing test exposing mysql adapter tinyint bug","phinze",1078 "2007-12-17","Tagged Rails 2.0.2","philodespotos",1078 "2007-12-17","Added delete_via_redirect and put_via_redirect to integr...","philodespotos",1078 "2012-08-28","Change generators controller help from singular to plura...","Philipp Weißensteiner",1078 "2012-08-12","Add mini-profiler to performance testing, useful links","Philipp Weißensteiner",1078 "2011-04-14","for escaping HTML can be treated as normal XML","Philipp Kempgen (Amooma)",1078 "2011-04-14","properly escape "'" to "&apos;" for XML/HTML (BTW Erubis...","Philipp Kempgen (Amooma)",1078 "2012-07-08","Fix broken links in 2.2 release notes, i18n, debugging, ...","Philipp Franke",1078 "2012-07-08","fix broken bleak_house link","Philipp Franke",1078 "2006-11-13","Merge [5509] from trunk.","Phil Bogle",1078 "2006-11-13","Oracle: to increase performance, prefetch 100 rows and e...","Phil Bogle",1078 "2006-09-07","Update JavaScriptGenerator#show/hide/toggle/remove to ne...","Peter Michaux",1078 "2006-08-03","Thoroughly document inflections. Closes #5700.","Peter Michaux",1078 "2010-12-05","Explain actionamailer authentication types","Peter Baker",1078 "2010-10-14","Explain actionamailer authentication types","Peter Baker",1078 "2008-05-04","PostgreSQL: update rake tasks to use full settings from ...","Pete Deffendol",1078 "2008-05-04","PostgreSQL: Connect to template1 database when creating ...","Pete Deffendol",1078 "2013-05-30","Fix word order in documentation for with_lock","Pedro Fayolle",1078 "2010-09-24","Fixed typo (CategoriesControlleR -> CategoriesControlleR).","Pedro Fayolle",1078 "2013-08-16","Add note about installing and running Memcached for Rail...","Pawel Janiak",1078 "2013-07-28","Changed stylesheet load order in the stylesheet manifest...","Pawel Janiak",1078 "2011-04-22","Added test case and fix for proper eager loading associa...","Pavel Forkert",1078 "2011-04-22","Added test case and fix for proper eager loading associa...","Pavel Forkert",1078 "2009-05-17","Fix typo in the generated routes.rb [#2433 state:resolved]","Paulo Schneider",1078 "2009-05-17","Fix typo in the generated routes.rb [#2433 state:resolved]","Paulo Schneider",1078 "2011-01-31","small edit on options extraction documentation","Paul Yoder",1078 "2011-01-27","Deleted extra "a" in method comment","Paul Yoder",1078 "2006-12-08","Rewrap scaffold_resource USAGE so it displays nicely on ...","Paul Smith",1078 "2005-07-17","Added Fixnum#ordinalize to turn 1.ordinalize to "1st", 3...","Paul Smith",1078 "2010-02-05","install ActionController::UrlFor before environment is p...","Paul Rosania",1078 "2010-01-30","tsort-based dependency resolution for initializers","Paul Rosania",1078 "2010-12-15","Updated generator guide for rails commit 7891de893951c78...","Paul Odeon",1078 "2010-12-11","Updated generator guide for rails commit 7891de893951c78...","Paul Odeon",1078 "2011-05-05","Restore emphasis on 'application name'.","Paul Morganthall",1078 "2011-05-05","Rails 3 requires the "new" command to create a new project.","Paul Morganthall",1078 "2005-12-08","Fixed that using :include together with :conditions arra...","Paul Hammmond",1078 "2005-12-08","Fixed that using :include together with :conditions arra...","Paul Hammmond",1078 "2012-01-23","ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar#deleted? predicate me...","Paul Annesley",1078 "2011-02-07","ActiveRecord :default_timezone is :utc in Rails, as set ...","Paul Annesley",1078 "2012-04-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Patrick Sharp",1078 "2012-04-09","add instructions for adding additional manifests","Patrick Sharp",1078 "2013-05-07","Handle other pk types in PostgreSQL gracefully.","Patrick Robertson",1078 "2013-05-02","Convert ActiveModel to 1.9 hash syntax.","Patrick Robertson",1078 "2008-08-24","Ensure t.timestamps respects options. [#828 state:resolved]","Patrick Reagan",1078 "2008-08-22","Ensure t.timestamps respects options. [#828 state:resolved]","Patrick Reagan",1078 "2011-05-23","Make Rake::DSL methods available within Railtie rake_tas...","Patrick Quinn",1078 "2011-05-21","Make Rake::DSL methods available within Railtie rake_tas...","Patrick Quinn",1078 "2009-06-21","Generate proper :counter_sql from :finder_sql when there...","Patrick Joyce",1078 "2008-01-27"," Use File.join to construct partial path. Closes #1...","Patrick Joyce",1078 "2013-03-12","Fix missing closing <tt> tag","Patrick Helm",1078 "2012-04-12","Provided fix for calling rake tasks within mountable eng...","Patrick Helm",1078 "2012-01-31","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Patrick Davey",1078 "2012-01-31","fixing text to match what is being displayed","Patrick Davey",1078 "2005-04-10","Fixed that ownership is brought over in pg_dump during t...","Patrick Burleson",1078 "2005-03-20","Fixed the Rakefile's interaction with postgresql to quot...","Patrick Burleson",1078 "2011-03-30","Added back the use of the Reflection module's cached san...","Patrick Bacon",1078 "2011-03-30","Added back the use of the Reflection module's cached san...","Patrick Bacon",1078 "2009-02-13","Changed scaffold generated controller tests to use #to_p...","Pat Nakajima",1078 "2008-08-03","Added documentation for ActiveSupport::StringInquirer class","Pat Nakajima",1078 "2006-05-08","Document Active Support's Module::delegate. Closes #5002.","Pat Maddox",1078 "2006-03-19","Small pgsql fixes (closes #4083) [pergesu@gmail.com]","Pat Maddox",1078 "2011-10-20","Clarified that the config.assets.initialize_on_precompil...","Pascal Lindelauf",1078 "2011-10-17","Clarified that the config.assets.initialize_on_precompil...","Pascal Lindelauf",1078 "2012-12-26","validate :on option on after_commit and after_rollback c...","Pascal Friederich",1078 "2010-12-01","Let Rack::Utils.set_cookie_header! create the Set-Cookie...","Pascal Friederich",1078 "2007-11-08","Update README to use new smtp settings configuration API...","Pascal Belloncle",1078 "2007-10-25","Add an ignored options parameter to ActiveSupport::JSON:...","Pascal Belloncle",1078 "2008-01-03","Refactor check for local databases (closes #10539) [parc...","parcelbrat",1078 "2007-12-14","Fixed that local database creation should consider 127.0...","parcelbrat",1078 "2013-04-12","Extract method declaration regexp into a constant","Pablo Herrero",1078 "2013-03-31","Break down Rails::Generator::TestCase into modules","Pablo Herrero",1078 "2013-03-09","Preserve magic comments and content encoding of copied m...","OZAWA Sakuro",1078 "2011-10-06","Support data: url scheme in asset paths.","OZAWA Sakuro",1078 "2011-12-05","Minor enhancement by not unnecessarely escaping forward ...","Overbryd",1078 "2011-12-05","Fix for redirect_to to respect urls with a network path ...","Overbryd",1078 "2007-09-22","Make date tests pass on 64-bit (closes #9121) [mutru]","Otto Hilska",1078 "2007-01-01","Fix date helper test when run on 31st day of the month! ...","Otto Hilska",1078 "2007-12-05","Adding missing space to documentation of the layout meth...","orangechicken",1078 "2007-09-14","Fix attachment decoding when using the TMail C extension...","orangechicken",1078 "2012-10-10","Offer instructions for pg gem when installed via Homebrew","Olivier Lacan",1078 "2011-11-03","CSS fix to prevent error output from being breaking out ...","Olivier Lacan",1078 "2006-08-07","Update documentation for erb trim syntax. #5651 [matt@ma...","Olivier Ansaldi",1078 "2006-07-08","Pass :id => nil or :class => nil to error_messages_for t...","Olivier Ansaldi",1078 "2012-02-27","Add brief summary of strict validations added in 3.2.","Oliver Legg",1078 "2009-05-28","Memoize cookies so that updates to cookies are available...","Oliver Legg",1078 "2006-01-22","Make dynamic finders honor additional passed in :conditi...","Oleg Pudeyev",1078 "2005-11-16","Correct time_zone_options_for_select docs. Closes #2892.","Oleg Pudeyev",1078 "2007-03-06","Merge [6344] from trunk. Check for MinGW when testing fo...","okkez",1078 "2007-03-06","Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. Closes #2...","okkez",1078 "2008-01-05","Prefer to instantiate fixtures with model classes instea...","nwilmes",1078 "2008-01-05","Cache fixture model class. References #10677 [nwilmes]","nwilmes",1078 "2007-05-18","Merge [6775] to stable from trunk: observe_form always s...","Norman Elton",1078 "2007-05-18","observe_form always sends the serialized form. Closes #5...","Norman Elton",1078 "2013-06-25","restore correct scaffold generation","Nolan Evans",1078 "2013-06-25","fix deprecation warning in scaffold controllers","Nolan Evans",1078 "2011-05-31","Modified generated text to explain where .js and .coffee...","Noel Gomez",1078 "2011-05-31","changed text to be more explicit about where stylesheets...","Noel Gomez",1078 "2011-11-13","Fix pull request #3609","Noé Froidevaux",1078 "2011-11-11","Prevent multiple SHOW TABLES calls when a table don't ex...","Noé Froidevaux",1078 "2012-11-16","Fix bug when url_for changes controller.","Nikita Beloglazov",1078 "2012-05-09","Fix bug when url_for changes controller.","Nikita Beloglazov",1078 "2008-09-03","Inline help text was incorrectly telling user to uncomme...","Nigel Ramsay",1078 "2008-09-03","Inline help text was incorrectly telling user to uncomme...","Nigel Ramsay",1078 "2012-11-13","Add ChangeLog entry.","Nicolas Despres",1078 "2012-11-10","Rake test:uncommitted finds git directory in ancestors.","Nicolas Despres",1078 "2011-03-16","Add link to mailing-list","Nicolas Cavigneaux",1078 "2007-09-22","Fixed that setting the :host option in url_for would aut...","Nicolas Cavigneaux",1078 "2011-05-10","Puts ActiveRecord::SessionStore attributes in white list...","Nicolas Blanco",1078 "2010-02-04","Updates bundler information : Yahuda's blog post is now ...","Nicolas Blanco",1078 "2012-10-02","Fix all examples in comments in active_model attribute m...","Nick Rowe",1078 "2012-10-02","Fix Example in active model attribute methods","Nick Rowe",1078 "2008-03-24","Added ActiveRecord#Base.all/first/last as aliases for fi...","Nick Kallen",1078 "2008-03-24","Merge the has_finder gem, renamed as 'named_scope'. Clos...","Nick Kallen",1078 "2013-08-30","Don't create fibers just to iterate","Nicholas Jakobsen",1078 "2013-08-10","Execute conditional procs on controller filters only for...","Nicholas Jakobsen",1078 "2009-01-11","TimeWithZone#xmlschema accepts optional fraction_digits ...","Nicholas Dainty",1078 "2009-01-11","TimeWithZone#xmlschema accepts optional fraction_digits ...","Nicholas Dainty",1078 "2010-09-26","db:structure:dump should list current Rails.env adapter ...","Nic Benders",1078 "2010-09-26","db:structure:dump should list current Rails.env adapter ...","Nic Benders",1078 "2007-03-09","Merge [6360] from trunk. Fixes YAML Omap fixtures. Refer...","nfbuckley",1078 "2007-03-09","Fixtures: fix YAML ordered map support. Closes #2665.","nfbuckley",1078 "2005-11-14"," r3073@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 23:42:32 -0800","Newhydra",1078 "2005-11-14","Correct documentation for Base.delete_all. References #...","Newhydra",1078 "2012-08-29","Merge pull request #110 from nmadura/master","Nathaniel Madura",1078 "2012-08-29","added a touch more information to the apache configurati...","Nathaniel Madura",1078 "2013-04-02","Fix #new with an STI object with complex inheritance","Nate Berkopec",1078 "2012-11-19","Explicit multipart messages respect :parts_order","Nate Berkopec",1078 "2013-02-28","Backported #6755 to 3-2-stable. Don't read csv file duri...","Narihiro Nakamura",1078 "2013-02-26","Backported #7072 to 3-2-stable. Use database value for u...","Narihiro Nakamura",1078 "2013-09-03","Fix a few typos. [ci skip]","namusyaka",1078 "2013-07-09","Fix: attribute_for_inspect truncate upto (51 => 50) char...","namusyaka",1078 "2007-01-05","Merge oracle clob / serialize fix to 1.2","mschoen",1078 "2007-01-05","Fix the Oracle adapter for serialized attributes stored ...","mschoen",1078 "2011-08-13","Revert "update rails on rack guide, section 2 needs to b...","Mr. Wolfe",1078 "2011-08-13","update rails on rack guide, section 2 needs to be change...","Mr. Wolfe",1078 "2009-08-10","Fix that creating a table whose primary key prefix type ...","Morgan Schweers",1078 "2009-08-10","Fix that creating a table whose primary key prefix type ...","Morgan Schweers",1078 "2008-04-26","Add default options to file_store to make it align with ...","monki",1078 "2007-07-24","Added :unless clause to validations (closes #8003) [monki]","monki",1078 "2011-04-19","correct links to rack articles","Moiz Raja",1078 "2010-12-24","correct links to rack articles","Moiz Raja",1078 "2007-01-11","merge [5718] to 1.2 branch","mitreandy",1078 "2006-12-14","Fix HTML::Node to output double quotes instead of single...","mitreandy",1078 "2011-07-24","Duplicable test is looking fine now.","Mitesh Jain",1078 "2011-07-24","Bringing back the jquery-rails. One test is dependent.","Mitesh Jain",1078 "2012-05-06","SpawnMethods#merge returns the intersection when passed ...","Mitch Crowe",1078 "2012-04-18","Add documentation to the SpawnMethods#merge method.","Mitch Crowe",1078 "2008-01-10","Fix CacheHelper#cache (closes #10733) [mindforge]","mindforge",1078 "2007-08-20","Fix bug where action caching sets the content type to th...","mindforge",1078 "2013-01-02","Merge remote-tracking branch 'rails/2-3-stable' into 2-3...","Mina Naguib",1078 "2009-05-11","Fix some bad grammar, and elaborate more on common web s...","Mina Naguib",1078 "2010-10-11","make sure request parameters are accessible after rack t...","Miles Egan",1078 "2010-07-13","remove size attribute from tag generated by file_field h...","Miles Egan",1078 "2012-05-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mikhail Vaysman",1078 "2012-05-25","references to the old behavior removed","Mikhail Vaysman",1078 "2008-07-02","Added application/jsonrequest as a synonym for applicati...","Mike Subelsky",1078 "2007-03-16","Undeprecate redirect_to with Hash argument and additiona...","Mike Subelsky",1078 "2013-02-28","fix broken links to README docs in intro","Mike Munroe",1078 "2013-02-28","change log4r link to most recent, updated location","Mike Munroe",1078 "2012-03-16","Moved squawk method into LocalInstanceMethods module, so...","Mike Mulvaney",1078 "2012-03-16","Changed unit tests so they refer to yaffle_test_field as...","Mike Mulvaney",1078 "2009-01-30","Deprecation tests for f17c876 [#1801 state:resolved]","Mike Gaffney",1078 "2009-01-29","changed you to your","Mike Gaffney",1078 "2010-12-09","Take into account current time zone when serializing dat...","Mike Dvorkin",1078 "2010-12-09","Take into account current time zone when serializing dat...","Mike Dvorkin",1078 "2012-10-14","Fix typo in inet and cidr saving","Miguel Herranz",1078 "2012-08-17","gpgsig -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----","Miguel Herranz",1078 "2012-11-20","remove previous commit","Michel Grootjans",1078 "2012-11-20","bug in example '<%= form_for ...' should be '<% form_for...","Michel Grootjans",1078 "2008-08-24","Alias subquery used in calculations, to provide better c...","Michalis Polakis",1078 "2008-08-11","Alias subquery used in calculations, to provide better c...","Michalis Polakis",1078 "2005-12-20","Fix change_column to work with postgres 7.x and 8.x.","Michal Šafránek",1078 "2005-09-09","Added -c/--charset option to WEBrick controller, so you ...","Michal Šafránek",1078 "2008-02-18","Ensure nested preloading works when associations return ...","Michael Sheakoski",1078 "2008-01-05","Document that .build doesn't apply to has_many :through ...","Michael Sheakoski",1078 "2012-03-08","fix ArgumentError being raised in case of invalid byte s...","Michael Reinsch",1078 "2012-03-08","fix ArgumentError being raised in case of invalid byte s...","Michael Reinsch",1078 "2011-09-11","Update to conform to rails 3.1 generated caode","Michael P Laing",1078 "2011-09-10","Update to conform to rails 3.1 generated caode","Michael P Laing",1078 "2010-08-31","Corrected typo in example on rendering collections in pa...","Michael MacDonald",1078 "2010-08-31","Corrected typo in example on rendering collections in pa...","Michael MacDonald",1078 "2013-03-19","Backport #9347 to rails 3.2","Michael Hoffman",1078 "2013-02-22","Address edge case for number_to_human with units option.","Michael Hoffman",1078 "2008-10-16","Added example for hash-style argument to find conditions","Michael Hartl",1078 "2008-05-15","Expanded and updated the link_to documentation","Michael Hartl",1078 "2012-10-10","Eager autoload ActiveRecord association helpers","Michael Fairley",1078 "2012-07-26","Eager autoload ActiveRecord association helpers","Michael Fairley",1078 "2011-05-11","Modified NamedScopeTest to use CollectionAssociation.","Michael Ebens",1078 "2011-05-11","Modified CollectionAssociation to refer to the new class...","Michael Ebens",1078 "2005-11-28","Apply [3196] to stable. Make load_fixtures include csv f...","Michael Daines",1078 "2005-11-28","Make load_fixtures include csv fixtures. Closes #3053.","Michael Daines",1078 "2010-12-10","typo","Michael Cetrulo",1078 "2010-12-03","typo","Michael Cetrulo",1078 "2012-01-30","Sorry for editing this file.","Meck",1078 "2012-01-30","Update README.rdoc","Meck",1078 "2010-09-18","Fix header capitalization by explicitly upcasing first l...","Maxim Chernyak",1078 "2010-06-23","Fix eager loading of polymorphic has_one associations ne...","Maxim Chernyak",1078 "2007-09-24","Object#instance_exec produces fewer garbage methods.","Mauricio Fernandez",1078 "2006-08-25","Use Array#assoc in ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.","Mauricio Fernandez",1078 "2010-08-17","to_sentence should return a duplicate","Matthew Mongeau",1078 "2010-08-17","to_sentence should return a duplicate","Matthew Mongeau",1078 "2012-03-08","Fix typo in asset pipeline guide","Matthew Conway",1078 "2012-03-05","Fix typo in asset pipeline guide","Matthew Conway",1078 "2007-12-05","Add documentation for freeze and readonly related method...","Matthew Bass",1078 "2007-09-22","Added rake db:version to get the current schema version ...","Matthew Bass",1078 "2007-10-26","FormHelper's auto_index should use #to_param instead of ...","Matt Lyon",1078 "2006-07-18","Allow form_for and fields_for to work with indexed form ...","Matt Lyon",1078 "2008-09-10","Added Inflector#parameterize for easy slug generation ("...","Matt Darby",1078 "2008-09-10","Added Inflector#parameterize for easy slug generation ("...","Matt Darby",1078 "2009-08-09","Allow connect_timeout, read_timeout and write_timeout se...","Matt Conway",1078 "2009-08-09","Allow connect_timeout, read_timeout and write_timeout se...","Matt Conway",1078 "2011-01-19","Make all references to engines lowercase in docs.","Matt Buck",1078 "2011-01-14","Copy-edit and format Rails::Engine docs.","Matt Buck",1078 "2008-05-11","Cleanup whitespace and change_table documentation","Matt Boehlig",1078 "2005-11-08","Correct handling of complex order clauses with SQL Serve...","Matt Boehlig",1078 "2009-06-21","Ensure hm:t#create respects source associations hash con...","Matt Bauer",1078 "2008-12-20","Fix reset_session with lazy cookie stores [#1601 state:r...","Matt Bauer",1078 "2011-05-03","Sets the HTTP charset parameter for rescue response.","Matias Korhonen",1078 "2011-05-03","Rescues template HTML5 doctype and the utf8 charset meta...","Matias Korhonen",1078 "2010-03-18","Deleting and setting a cookie in the same request was br...","Mathias Biilmann Christensen",1078 "2010-03-17","Fix for missing dependency in ActionDispatch::Integration","Mathias Biilmann Christensen",1078 "2010-06-18","Fix test which prevents connection reset on failing and ...","Master Lambaster",1078 "2010-06-18","Fix test which prevents connection reset on failing and ...","Master Lambaster",1078 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11767 from kassio/master-load-fixtur...","master",1078 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11767 from kassio/master-load-fixtur...","master",1078 "2007-03-08","Fix typo. References #7727, closes #7762.","Mason Hale",1078 "2007-03-06","PostgreSQL: don't use async_exec and async_query with po...","Mason Hale",1078 "2012-05-31","Changed symbol platform to platforms for the commented o...","Martin O&#39;Connor",1078 "2012-05-31","Changed symbol platform to platforms for the commented o...","Martin O&#39;Connor",1078 "2012-10-18","Don't use test environment by default when running rake ...","Martin Grandrath",1078 "2012-10-18","Use `Rails.env` instead of `ENV['RAILS_ENV']`; #7951","Martin Grandrath",1078 "2012-04-05","Optimistic locking: lock_version needed type information.","Martin Eisenhardt",1078 "2008-05-15","Precompute TimeZone.us_zones [#199 state:resolved]","Martin Eisenhardt",1078 "2010-05-15","added convenience methods #notice and #alert to flash.now","martin",1078 "2006-11-19","Simplify association proxy implementation by factoring c...","martin",1078 "2012-02-07","Fixed the documenation for 'to_xml'","Markus Fenske",1078 "2012-02-07","Fixed the documenation for 'to_xml'","Markus Fenske",1078 "2011-06-06","The example in the API docs incorrectly indicated that f...","Mark Roghelia",1078 "2011-05-31","The example in the API docs incorrectly indicated that f...","Mark Roghelia",1078 "2009-01-01","Fixed incorrect parsing of query parameters with mixed-d...","Mark Reginald James",1078 "2008-12-28","Fixed incorrect parsing of query parameters with mixed-d...","Mark Reginald James",1078 "2007-12-09","to_sentence returns self[0].to_s instead of just self[0]...","Mark R. James",1078 "2007-06-23","Fixed validates_associated should not stop on the first ...","Mark R. James",1078 "2007-10-26","Make Default Test work with both ruby 1.8.4 and 1.8.6. [...","Mark Lane",1078 "2007-09-28","BufferedLogger#add converts the message to a string. Clo...","Mark Lane",1078 "2006-03-19","Quit ignoring default :include options in has_many :thro...","Mark James",1078 "2005-10-26","Allow Mailers to have custom initialize methods that set...","Mark James",1078 "2008-06-23","Fix column collision with named_scope and :joins. [#46 ...","Mark Catley",1078 "2008-06-23","Fix column collision with named_scope and :joins. [#46 ...","Mark Catley",1078 "2008-01-02","Merge [8519] from trunk: SQLite: db:drop:all doesn't fai...","Mark A. Richman",1078 "2008-01-02","SQLite: db:drop:all doesn't fail silently if the databas...","Mark A. Richman",1078 "2012-02-28","Modified comments explaining what the update_only option...","mark",1078 "2008-12-11","Add :partial option to assert_template [#1550 state:reso...","mark",1078 "2009-03-07","Fixed broken migrations tests: added assert_equal. [#170...","Marcello Nuccio",1078 "2005-02-15","Fixed Inflector for words like "news" and "series" that ...","Marcello Nuccio",1078 "2011-09-01","Do not use objects that don't respond to to_sym (integer...","Marc G Gauthier",1078 "2011-08-19","Do not try to use as a parameter elements that are not a...","Marc G Gauthier",1078 "2011-11-23","- Avoid using .first since it will create an additional ...","Marc Chung",1078 "2009-01-04","Correctly formatted comment","Marc Chung",1078 "2011-11-28","* A `/` is required if you want to explicitly skip the a...","Marc Bowes",1078 "2011-10-20","Remove the unneeded `\d` when sanitizing `X-Request-Id`.","Marc Bowes",1078 "2008-01-08","Don't append the forgery token to an ajax request if it'...","Marc-André Cournoyer",1078 "2008-01-08","Don't append the forgery token to an ajax request if it'...","Marc-André Cournoyer",1078 "2013-07-18","remove duplication in test","Marat Kazbekov",1078 "2013-04-21","fix README links in the main README.md","Marat Kazbekov",1078 "2011-03-16","Remove incorrect comment that a default value of NULL ca...","Manuel Meurer",1078 "2011-03-13","Change ActionView::ViewPathSet to ActionView::PathSet","Manuel Meurer",1078 "2013-01-29","Typo in code","manishval",1078 "2013-01-27","Merge pull request #125 from manishval/fix-typo-in-rails...","manishval",1078 "2011-02-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mani Tadayon",1078 "2011-02-21","Fix typo in i18n guide: 'explicitely'","Mani Tadayon",1078 "2012-01-18","ActionController::UrlEncodedPairParser is deprecated. Re...","Makoto Inoue",1078 "2012-01-16","ActionController::UrlEncodedPairParser is deprecated. Re...","Makoto Inoue",1078 "2006-11-07","Merge [5459] from trunk.","macrnic",1078 "2006-11-07","Firebird: decimal/numeric support. Closes #6408.","macrnic",1078 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","machomagna@gmail.com",1078 "2006-04-22","Update inconsistent migrations documentation. Closes #46...","machomagna@gmail.com",1078 "2012-10-02","Fix reset_counters() crashing on has_many :through assoc...","lulalala",1078 "2012-08-07","For adding non css/js files to precompile array","lulalala",1078 "2009-01-17","Cache columns for has_and_belongs_to_many associations","Luke Ludwig",1078 "2009-01-17","Cache columns for has_and_belongs_to_many associations","Luke Ludwig",1078 "2010-08-17","Added an example and explaination for using an optional ...","Luke Brown",1078 "2010-08-17","Added an example and explaination for using an optional ...","Luke Brown",1078 "2009-04-27","Removed reference in documentation of form_authenticity_...","Luke Amdor",1078 "2008-12-11","Minor asciidoc syntax fixes to the testing guide.[Luke A...","Luke Amdor",1078 "2012-03-26","added shallow_prefix option description in documantation","Lukasz Sarnacki",1078 "2012-03-26","ActiveModel::Name does not inherit from string","Lukasz Sarnacki",1078 "2011-06-18","fix two typos: and array -> an array","Lukas Stejskal",1078 "2011-06-13","fix two typos: and array -> an array","Lukas Stejskal",1078 "2013-08-21","Remove set_primary_key, replace with primary_key=","Luka Marčetić",1078 "2013-05-27","Correct the assertion that join table columns have no op...","Luka Marčetić",1078 "2009-09-28","Make has_one with :conditions hash scope build or creati...","Luciano G Panaro",1078 "2009-09-28","Make has_one with :conditions hash scope build or creati...","Luciano G Panaro",1078 "2011-05-27","[activerecord][postgresql] verify if table has a schema(...","Lucas Stephanou",1078 "2011-05-27","find sequences with pg schemas properly","Lucas Stephanou",1078 "2010-08-29","Add .yardopts so YARD can document Rails","Loren Segal",1078 "2010-08-29","Add .yardopts so YARD can document Rails","Loren Segal",1078 "2011-06-06","FIXED: error with url_for & link_to when we have nested ...","Linux on Rails",1078 "2011-06-03","FIXED: error with url_for & link_to when we have nested ...","Linux on Rails",1078 "2013-02-17","Fix handling of dirty time zone aware attributes","Lilibeth De La Cruz",1078 "2013-01-26","Fix handling of dirty time zone aware attributes","Lilibeth De La Cruz",1078 "2013-04-26","Delegation method bug","Li Ellis Gallardo",1078 "2012-05-26","Truncate now has the ability to receive a html option th...","Li Ellis Gallardo",1078 "2005-12-09"," r3407@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 10:39:00 -0800","Lewis Jubb",1078 "2005-12-09","Generator copies files in binary mode. References #3156.","Lewis Jubb",1078 "2011-07-24","fix after_initialize edge case (close #2074 and close #2...","Les Fletcher",1078 "2011-07-23","fix after_initialize edge case (close #2074 and close #2...","Les Fletcher",1078 "2006-12-20","Merge [5761] from trunk.","leonlleslie",1078 "2006-12-20","Oracle: fix connection reset failure. Closes #6846.","leonlleslie",1078 "2009-08-10","PostgreSQL: XML datatype support","Leonardo Borges",1078 "2009-08-10","PostgreSQL: XML datatype support","Leonardo Borges",1078 "2011-06-18","Merge github.com:lifo/docrails","Leonard Garvey",1078 "2011-06-18","Fixed a typo in asset pipeline","Leonard Garvey",1078 "2013-05-19","Missing ending ``` at 14.2 Merging of scopes","Leo Gallucci",1078 "2013-05-01","Fix typo "can exploited" with "can be exploited"","Leo Gallucci",1078 "2008-04-05","Improve documentation.","leethal",1078 "2008-01-09","Document date and time to_formatted_s. Closes #10747 [le...","leethal",1078 "2006-12-19","Merge [5749],[5750],[5751] from trunk. References #6840.","leei",1078 "2006-12-19","Subclass instantiation doesn't try to explicitly require...","leei",1078 "2013-03-04","Small Typo","Lebin Sebastian F",1078 "2013-02-25","BELONGS TO ASSOCIATION | Typo fix","Lebin Sebastian F",1078 "2011-12-02","typo in the performance testing rails guide","Leandro Santos",1078 "2011-11-30","typo in the performance testing rails guide","Leandro Santos",1078 "2007-01-16","Allow the Oracle adapter to insert a string "null". Clos...","Laurel Fan",1078 "2005-06-25","Fixed Base#find to honor the documentation on how :joins...","Laurel Fan",1078 "2013-01-03","Add examples `alert=` and `notice=`, using memes","lambda_",1078 "2013-01-03","Change `Example for` to `Example of`","lambda_",1078 "2011-09-07","Postgresql adapter: added current_schema check for table...","Kym McInerney",1078 "2011-09-07","Postgresql adapter: added current_schema check for table...","Kym McInerney",1078 "2008-05-16","dbconsole should not require a username for postgresql. ...","Kyle Hargraves",1078 "2008-05-06","Restore dump_schema_information connection adapter method","Kyle Hargraves",1078 "2008-01-08","Merge classify documentation. Closes #10615 [kris_chamb...","Kristopher Chambers",1078 "2008-01-08","Improve documentation to classify to make it clear that ...","Kristopher Chambers",1078 "2010-07-19","fix mixed encoding logs can't be logged.","Kouhei Sutou",1078 "2007-11-19","Don't cache net/http object so that ActiveResource is mo...","Kouhei Sutou",1078 "2012-05-17","Render img tag with empty src if empty string is passed ...","Kirill Lashuk",1078 "2012-01-31","Do not serialize nil in serialized attribute.","Kirill Lashuk",1078 "2009-05-04","Fixed Hash#from_xml with keys that are all caps.","Kevin Smith",1078 "2009-05-04","Remove stray underscore from the hash conversion methods...","Kevin Smith",1078 "2012-11-16","Depend bundler from `=> 1.2.2` to `< 2.0`","Kentaro Kuribayashi",1078 "2012-11-16","Updated dependency for bundler to ~> 1.2.2","Kentaro Kuribayashi",1078 "2006-04-04","Do not convert driver options to strings (closes #4499) ...","Kent",1078 "2006-03-17","Fix soap type registration of multidimensional arrays (c...","Kent",1078 "2009-04-07","added tests for session options being defaulted correctl...","Kenny Ortmann",1078 "2009-04-07","added tests for session options being defaulted correctl...","Kenny Ortmann",1078 "2008-10-24","Fixed issue where block is not called on the very first ...","Ken Miller",1078 "2006-01-23","Fix merge and dup for hashes with indifferent access (cl...","Ken Miller",1078 "2005-08-24","fix invalid request XML generation in test process.","Ken Barker",1078 "2005-07-09","Added support for SQL Server in the database rake tasks ...","Ken Barker",1078 "2013-02-05","Docs: Fixed bad exists? documentation.","Kelly Stannard",1078 "2013-01-04","Better error message for String#to_date","Kelly Stannard",1078 "2012-07-05","Change JoinPart test from an integration to a unit test","Kelley Reynolds",1078 "2012-02-09","Fix eagerly loading associations without primary keys","Kelley Reynolds",1078 "2012-12-20","Fix incorrect adjustment 4c41e87e3ae548c44810b66437b2f0f...","Kei Shiratsuchi",1078 "2012-12-20","Fix documentation style","Kei Shiratsuchi",1078 "2012-12-07","Punctuation, capitalization, grammar fixes in rails guides","Katie Oldaker",1078 "2012-12-07","Fixed grammar in a lot of guide prologues.","Katie Oldaker",1078 "2011-11-04","make the inline text a comment in the code block","Karthik Muthupalaniappan",1078 "2011-11-04","outline two ways to invoke a custom active model validator","Karthik Muthupalaniappan",1078 "2012-03-11","Add ability to define callbacks in ActionMailer using Ab...","Justin S. Leitgeb",1078 "2012-03-10","Fix actionmailer tests broken by #4751a69","Justin S. Leitgeb",1078 "2007-10-16","Quote table names. Defaults to column quoting. Closes #4...","Justin Lynn",1078 "2007-10-07","Fix url_for, redirect_to, etc. with :controller => :symb...","Justin Lynn",1078 "2005-12-10"," r3435@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-10 13:40:43 -0800","Justin Forder",1078 "2005-12-10","MySQL: fixes for the bundled mysql.rb driver. Reference...","Justin Forder",1078 "2009-09-17","Enable use of MySQL stored procedures by default.","Justin Bailey",1078 "2009-09-17","Enable use of MySQL stored procedures by default.","Justin Bailey",1078 "2005-11-24"," r3313@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 23:03:36 -0800","junk@miriamtech.com",1078 "2005-11-24","Reloading a model doesn't lose track of its connection. ...","junk@miriamtech.com",1078 "2011-07-11","#many? uses count instead of select - a bit faster","Julius Markūnas",1078 "2011-07-11","#many? uses count instead of select - a bit faster","Julius Markūnas",1078 "2011-11-30","If the table behind has no primary key, do not ask again...","Julius de Bruijn",1078 "2011-11-30","If the table behind has no primary key, do not ask again...","Julius de Bruijn",1078 "2012-01-05","deleted duplicated line","Juan David Pastas",1078 "2012-01-05","Update activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb","Juan David Pastas",1078 "2013-03-17","Include I18n fallbacks in :locale lookup context","Juan Barreneche",1078 "2013-03-14","Extract hardcoded lists to Redo::RestaurantsList","Juan Barreneche",1078 "2008-05-21","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Joshua French",1078 "2008-05-21","Revised example conventions in active_record/base","Joshua French",1078 "2011-04-15","Fix for stripping tags from frozen strings.","Joshua Ballanco",1078 "2011-04-15","Test for stripping tags from a frozen string.","Joshua Ballanco",1078 "2006-09-02","to_xml: the :methods option works on arrays of records. ...","Josh Starcher",1078 "2006-08-20","to_xml: correct naming of included associations. Closes ...","Josh Starcher",1078 "2011-09-02","Merge branch 'activemodel_typo_fix'","Josh Nesbitt",1078 "2011-09-02","Fix typo in ActiveModel::Dirty comment. define_attribute...","Josh Nesbitt",1078 "2010-03-30","Fixed a bug where create_table could not be called witho...","Joseph Wilk",1078 "2009-06-21","Fixed a bug where create_table could not be called witho...","Joseph Wilk",1078 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Joseph A. Martin",1078 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Joseph A. Martin",1078 "2010-08-02","fix loading of different elements in array then int and ...","Josef Reidinger",1078 "2010-07-26","fix escaping id and parameters in path [#5137 state:reso...","Josef Reidinger",1078 "2013-01-22","Capture block so content won't leak.","José Mota",1078 "2013-01-12","Collection radio buttons and collection check boxes thro...","José Mota",1078 "2010-06-03","A small rdoc change made on lines 39 and 41 on activesup...","Jose Angel Cortinas",1078 "2010-05-25","A small rdoc change made on lines 39 and 41 on activesup...","Jose Angel Cortinas",1078 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Jørgen Orehøj Erichsen",1078 "2007-12-28","Support agnostic formats when calling custom methods. C...","Jørgen Orehøj Erichsen",1078 "2011-05-08","Add alias `r` for rails runner","Jordi Romero",1078 "2011-01-15","document ActiveRecord's except and only","Jordi Romero",1078 "2009-08-09","Active Resource recognizes 410 as Resource Gone now [#23...","Jordan Brough",1078 "2009-08-09","Active Resource recognizes 410 as Resource Gone now [#23...","Jordan Brough",1078 "2008-06-02","Added SQL escaping for :limit and :offset in MySQL [Jona...","Jonathan Wiess",1078 "2008-06-01","Added SQL escaping for :limit and :offset in MySQL [Jona...","Jonathan Wiess",1078 "2007-06-07","More nested polymorphic url helper fixes. Closes #6432, ...","Jonathan Vaught",1078 "2007-06-05","Resources: url_for([parent, child]) generates /parents/1...","Jonathan Vaught",1078 "2012-04-09","Fix small markup error; fix incorrect link","Jonathan Mazin",1078 "2012-04-04","Update activemodel rdoc links","Jonathan Mazin",1078 "2009-11-30","assert_recognizes with a hash as first argument, needs t...","Jonathan Lim",1078 "2009-11-30","assert_routing with a hash as first argument, needs to e...","Jonathan Lim",1078 "2006-10-09","Removes the ability for eager loaded conditions to be in...","Jonathan Leighton",1078 "2006-03-18","Added easy support for testing file uploads with fixture...","Jonathan Leighton",1078 "2010-07-17","Fix for integration tests not serializing arrays in mult...","Jon Yurek",1078 "2009-03-07","Ensure assert_select works with XML namespaced attribute...","Jon Yurek",1078 "2005-09-11","Added in-place editing support in the spirit of auto com...","Jon Tirsen",1078 "2005-04-07","Added JavascriptHelper#periodically_call_remote in order...","Jon Tirsen",1078 "2006-11-02","Merge [5388] from trunk.","Jon Olson",1078 "2006-11-02","next_week respects DST changes. Closes #5617, closes #23...","Jon Olson",1078 "2011-12-03","Restore performance of ERB::Util.html_escape","Jon Jensen",1078 "2011-12-03","Restore performance of ERB::Util.html_escape","Jon Jensen",1078 "2006-10-09","Fixed that FormHelper#radio_button didn't respect an :id...","Jon Evans",1078 "2006-08-07","DateTime#to_time gives hour/minute/second resolution. Cl...","Jon Evans",1078 "2011-06-10","update palmist link on performance_testing","John Hinnegan",1078 "2011-06-09","update palmist link on performance_testing","John Hinnegan",1078 "2013-07-13","it's xml, not json","John Gesimondo",1078 "2013-05-29","use grep over select for consistency and efficiency","John Gesimondo",1078 "2012-10-27","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lifo/docrails","John Gallagher",1078 "2012-10-27","Changed comment section to be more explicit. I had an is...","John Gallagher",1078 "2008-05-15","Make sure needed table joins are included :select option...","John Devine",1078 "2008-05-06","Added logic to associations.rb to make sure select_for_l...","John Devine",1078 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Ensure that modifying has_and_belongs_to_man...","john.andrews",1078 "2008-01-18","Ensure that modifying has_and_belongs_to_many actions cl...","john.andrews",1078 "2011-01-09","Improve select helpers by allowing a selected value of f...","John Allison",1078 "2011-01-09","Improve select helpers by allowing a selected value of f...","John Allison",1078 "2011-07-25","Fixed Typo","John",1078 "2011-07-24","Fixed Typo","John",1078 "2012-05-17","Don't destroy readonly models","Johannes Barre",1078 "2006-11-13","Allow mailer actions named send by using __send__ intern...","Johannes Barre",1078 "2009-08-19","Typo. wil should be will","Johan Andersson",1078 "2009-04-14","Examples should be preceded with four equal signs.","Johan Andersson",1078 "2005-09-28"," r3653@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-28 00:23:49 -0700","Joerg Diekmann",1078 "2005-07-09","Fixed that UrlHelper#link_to_unless/link_to_if used html...","Joerg Diekmann",1078 "2011-02-15","GcTime incorrectly checks GC.respond_to?(:total_time), i...","Joel Nimety",1078 "2011-02-15","GcTime incorrectly checks GC.respond_to?(:total_time), i...","Joel Nimety",1078 "2011-07-23","Minor grammar mistake","joeellis",1078 "2011-07-14","Minor grammar mistake","joeellis",1078 "2012-08-18","Table#remove passed an array to remove_column, which is ...","Joe Rafaniello",1078 "2010-03-27","Marshaling a time object added an instance variable to t...","Joe Rafaniello",1078 "2006-03-26","Make ActiveWebService::Struct type reloadable. Fix scaff...","Joe Goldwasser",1078 "2006-03-23","Fixed that AWS Scaffold Fails with Struct as a Parameter...","Joe Goldwasser",1078 "2008-08-24","Make sure association preloading works with full STI cla...","Joachim Garth",1078 "2008-07-18","Make sure association preloading works with full STI cla...","Joachim Garth",1078 "2007-09-05","Add :allow_blank to validations. Like allow_nil, but for...","jnoon",1078 "2007-06-11","Fix Base#inspect when not every attribute is present. Cl...","jnoon",1078 "2013-03-23","Fix regex to strip quotations from hstore values","jlxw",1078 "2012-02-27","logger.silence is deprecated","jlxw",1078 "2008-06-25","Patched HTML::Document#initialize call to Node.parse so ...","Jimmy Baker",1078 "2008-06-25","Patched HTML::Document#initialize call to Node.parse so ...","Jimmy Baker",1078 "2009-08-10","make private_and_public_methods unmemoizable [#2372 stat...","Jim Hughes",1078 "2009-08-10","make private_and_public_methods unmemoizable [#2372 stat...","Jim Hughes",1078 "2011-10-12","activeresource should treat HTTP status 307 as redirecti...","Jim Herzberg",1078 "2011-05-18","Attributes with :string type should not be given the typ...","Jim Herzberg",1078 "2005-05-19","Push to .org instead","jhahn@niveon.com",1078 "2005-05-19","Fixed that Time.local(2005,12).months_since(1) would rai...","jhahn@niveon.com",1078 "2009-07-02","Allow symbols on routes declaration (:controller and :ac...","Jesús García Sáez",1078 "2009-07-02","Allow symbols on routes declaration (:controller and :ac...","Jesús García Sáez",1078 "2006-05-12","rake test:recent understands subdirectories. Closes #2925.","Jerrett Taylor",1078 "2006-04-06","invoke / invoke_delegated / invoke_layered check for cor...","Jerrett Taylor",1078 "2006-02-09","* Fix pagination problems when using include","Jeremy Hopple",1078 "2005-12-02","Allow validate_uniqueness_of to be scoped by more than j...","Jeremy Hopple",1078 "2006-06-28","Mongrel: script/server works on Win32. Closes #5499.","Jeremy Durham",1078 "2006-06-23","Mongrel support for script/server. Closes #5475.","Jeremy Durham",1078 "2009-09-15","Simplify Session.sweep example?","Jens Wille",1078 "2009-09-15","Fixed some examples.","Jens Wille",1078 "2012-01-29","fix for Issue 4718","Jens Lukowski",1078 "2012-01-28","failing test case for Issue 4718","Jens Lukowski",1078 "2005-10-26","Added Time#end_of_month to accompany Time#beginning_of_m...","Jens-Christian Fischer",1078 "2005-04-07","Added quoting of column names for fixtures #997 [jcfisch...","Jens-Christian Fischer",1078 "2006-11-02","Merge [5397] from trunk.","jeffw",1078 "2006-11-02","Generator can show diff on file collision to help you de...","jeffw",1078 "2012-08-31","Merge pull request #106 from neilstockbridge/master","Jeff Shantz",1078 "2012-08-30","Expand documentation for change() method in Time, Date, ...","Jeff Shantz",1078 "2013-02-26","small typo","Jeff Dickey",1078 "2012-02-09","Fixed styles when browser is narrower than 69em.","Jeff Dickey",1078 "2006-01-15","Automatically discover layouts when a controller is name...","Jeff Cole",1078 "2005-11-02","Changed 0.blank? to false rather than true since it viol...","Jeff Cole",1078 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","jeff",1078 "2008-01-03","Added that rails:update is run when you do rails:freeze:...","jeff",1078 "2006-03-18","Added more tests to validates_format_of (closes #3142) [...","Jean-Philippe Bougie",1078 "2006-02-19","test_find_or_create_from_two_attributes is a duplicate o...","Jean-Philippe Bougie",1078 "2011-12-08","Add information to the changelog about the changes to Ac...","Jean-Francois Turcot",1078 "2011-12-08","ParamsWrapper only wrap the accessible attributes when t...","Jean-Francois Turcot",1078 "2011-11-30","reintroduce patch from #726 to handle nested eager loadi...","Jay Levitt",1078 "2005-09-27"," r3613@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 22:25:04 -0700","Jay Levitt",1078 "2010-08-18","Don't pluralize resource methods [#4704 state:resolved]","Javier Martín",1078 "2010-08-18","Don't pluralize resource methods [#4704 state:resolved]","Javier Martín",1078 "2007-11-22","Add missing sub template fixtures. References #10130 [j...","java",1078 "2007-11-18","Fixed that partial rendering should look at the type of ...","java",1078 "2011-05-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Jason Voegele",1078 "2011-05-05","Added info on using Ehcache as cache store.","Jason Voegele",1078 "2011-05-06","Add test to verify production rake tasks flush logger on...","Jason Rudolph",1078 "2011-05-06","Always flush logger at exit","Jason Rudolph",1078 "2011-05-08","Fixed documentation of select tag; options with html nee...","Jason Roth",1078 "2011-05-07","ordinalize negative numbers patch","Jason Roth",1078 "2011-04-28","Allow a label with the value option to have value-specif...","Jason Garber",1078 "2006-10-09","Fixed that assert_select selects the wrong tag by its co...","Jason Garber",1078 "2009-07-02","My suggestion to fix ticket 2401 [#2401 state:resolved]","Jarl Friis",1078 "2009-07-02","My suggestion to fix ticket 2401 [#2401 state:resolved]","Jarl Friis",1078 "2011-10-06","Quoted path to <Rails.env>_structure.sql file in db:test...","Jared Mehle",1078 "2011-10-03","Quoted path to <Rails.env>_structure.sql file in db:test...","Jared Mehle",1078 "2007-08-28","Improve documentation for ActionController::Helpers [jar...","Jared Haworth",1078 "2007-08-05"," Major improvement to the documentation for the options ...","Jared Haworth",1078 "2010-04-15","Added a note in the section on complex forms regarding n...","Jared Giles",1078 "2009-04-18","Updated migration section to mention that SQLite now sup...","Jared Giles",1078 "2010-12-05","Fixed typo in code for Session Expiry","Jared Crapo",1078 "2010-10-21","Fixed typo in code for Session Expiry","Jared Crapo",1078 "2012-07-16","A more informative comment for config.asset.debug","Jared Beck",1078 "2012-05-28","Fix handling of negative zero in number_to_currency","Jared Beck",1078 "2011-09-21","Locale code for Czech is ":cs"","Jan Vlnas",1078 "2011-09-18","Locale code for Czech is ":cs"","Jan Vlnas",1078 "2013-05-22","Add ActiveModel requirement to application.rb","Jamie Gaskins",1078 "2012-05-19","Increase `AR#cache_key` precision to nanoseconds","Jamie Gaskins",1078 "2012-04-25","Copy Edit","James Strocel",1078 "2012-04-24","Added some useful methods to the generators.textile","James Strocel",1078 "2010-10-07","fix rendering a partial with an array as its :object [#5...","James MacAulay",1078 "2010-06-30","Fix AS::MB::Chars#+ to not alter self [#4646 state:resol...","James MacAulay",1078 "2013-01-31","Modify TimeWithZone#as_json to return 3DP of sub-second ...","James Harton",1078 "2010-06-22","Fix small bug where ActiveRecord::PredicateBuilder#build...","James Harton",1078 "2011-11-20","Minor grammar, typo & readability fixes for beginning of...","James Dean Shepherd",1078 "2011-11-20","Added links to the 'Rails Initialization Guide', marked ...","James Dean Shepherd",1078 "2013-07-08","Explicitly test for true and false.","Jade Tucker",1078 "2013-07-07","cache.exists? should return true/false","Jade Tucker",1078 "2010-09-25","Allow per Resource format settings","Jacques Crocker",1078 "2010-09-25","Allow ActiveResource to work with non-generated ids [#56...","Jacques Crocker",1078 "2012-12-10","Added regression test for #8195.","Jacob Straszynski",1078 "2012-12-10","Added regression test for #8195.","Jacob Straszynski",1078 "2011-08-16","Fixed mistakes in layouts/rendering guide about yield","Jacob Mattingley",1078 "2011-08-15","Fixed mistakes in layouts/rendering guide about yield","Jacob Mattingley",1078 "2010-07-14","Set destroyed=true in opt locking's destroy [#5058 state...","Jacob Lewallen",1078 "2010-07-14","Set destroyed=true in opt locking's destroy [#5058 state...","Jacob Lewallen",1078 "2009-05-17","Supply valid ruby-prof parameters [#1804 state:resolved]","Jacob Kjeldahl",1078 "2009-05-17","Supply valid ruby-prof parameters [#1804 state:resolved]","Jacob Kjeldahl",1078 "2010-03-27","ActiveModel::Dirty#changes should return a HashWithIndif...","Jacob Atzen",1078 "2007-11-06","Explain semantics of having several different AR instanc...","Jacob Atzen",1078 "2010-01-26","PostgreSQLAdapter: set time_zone to UTC when Base.defaul...","Jack Christensen",1078 "2005-06-13"," r1294@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-13 02:17:42 -0700","Jack Christensen",1078 "2010-06-29","Test that adding an index also doesn't raise an exception.","J. Pablo Fernández",1078 "2010-06-29","Fixed error when removing an index from a table name val...","J. Pablo Fernández",1078 "2007-10-25","Remove superfluous code and quote table name. Reference...","J Kittiyachavalit",1078 "2007-09-22","Fixed the placement of fixture files for nested models w...","J Kittiyachavalit",1078 "2009-07-02","Only check for built extensions on gem dependencies that...","J.D. Hollis",1078 "2009-07-02","Only check for built extensions on gem dependencies that...","J.D. Hollis",1078 "2013-02-21","Update railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb","iwiznia",1078 "2013-02-21","Update railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb","iwiznia",1078 "2010-07-22","[PATCH] Update guides after Jeremy Kemper's changes on f...","Ivan Torres",1078 "2010-07-18","select :include_blank or :prompt should return escaped s...","Ivan Torres",1078 "2010-09-07","revision of typo: crytographically [#5566 state:resolved]","ISHIKAWA Takayuki",1078 "2010-09-07","revision of typo: crytographically [#5566 state:resolved]","ISHIKAWA Takayuki",1078 "2008-02-27","Fix Hash#from_xml with Type records. Closes #9242 [Juanj...","Isaac Feliu",1078 "2007-11-25","Fixed that named routes living under resources shouldn't...","Isaac Feliu",1078 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11263) [Irfy]","Irfan Adilovic",1078 "2008-03-15","Fixed that TextHelper#excerpt would include one characte...","Irfan Adilovic",1078 "2005-11-07","Fix docs (closes #2725)","imbcmdth@hotmail.com",1078 "2005-04-30","Fixed action/fragment caching using the filestore when a...","imbcmdth@hotmail.com",1078 "2011-03-05","added information about TEST_DIR env variable","Ilya Zayats",1078 "2011-02-26","added information about TEST_DIR env variable","Ilya Zayats",1078 "2013-04-08","Merge pull request #134 from igas/master","Igor Kapkov",1078 "2013-04-07","Getting Started Guide: add missing PATCH","Igor Kapkov",1078 "2007-01-12","Merge [5895], [5896] from trunk. References #6891.","idrifter",1078 "2007-01-12","link_to_unless_current works with full URLs as well as p...","idrifter",1078 "2011-04-04","Made the defaults section a little more readable and mor...","Ibrahim Abdullah",1078 "2011-04-04","Added information about default values","Ibrahim Abdullah",1078 "2013-03-20","Update other counter caches on destroy","Ian Young",1078 "2011-12-05","Don't tokenize string when counting characters","Ian Young",1078 "2008-06-23","Only use DROP ... IF EXISTS for PostgreSQL 8.2 or later....","ian",1078 "2008-06-23","Only use DROP ... IF EXISTS for PostgreSQL 8.2 or later....","ian",1078 "2005-06-16","Fix quote_bound_value to not map Strings #1416 [htonl]","htonl",1078 "2004-12-12","Fixed all helpers so that they use XHTML compliant doubl...","htonl",1078 "2007-12-17","Tagged Rails 2.0.2","holoway",1078 "2007-12-17","Added OPTIONS to list of default accepted HTTP methods (...","holoway",1078 "2013-04-12","Add Chatham Islands Time (UTC+1245) support.","Hiro Asari",1078 "2012-12-11","Match the controller and path names defensively.","Hiro Asari",1078 "2009-06-01","fix for IE incompatibility of :disable_with in submit_tag","Han Kessels",1078 "2009-06-01","fix for IE incompatibility of :disable_with in submit_tag","Han Kessels",1078 "2006-10-08"," r5515@ks: jeremy | 2006-10-08 13:24:42 -0700","Hampton Catlin",1078 "2006-06-03","Added simple hash conditions to find that'll just conver...","Hampton Catlin",1078 "2013-06-24","Mention Content-Type for JSON params parsing.","Gustavo Delfino",1078 "2011-08-06","sqlite transactions now logged","Gustavo Delfino",1078 "2012-06-16","update DOM and HTML vs AJAX communication [ci skip]","Gustavo Beathyate",1078 "2012-06-16","update AJAX guide intro [ci skip]","Gustavo Beathyate",1078 "2008-04-03","Update fcgi dispatcher test cases. Closes #11471 [guilla...","Guillaume Carbonneau",1078 "2008-03-30","Handle exit, reload, and restart immediately if not proc...","Guillaume Carbonneau",1078 "2009-08-09","Ensure ActiveResource#load works with numeric arrays [Gr...","Grzegorz Forysinski",1078 "2009-08-09","Ensure ActiveResource#load works with numeric arrays [Gr...","Grzegorz Forysinski",1078 "2013-03-17","Allow pass multipart option to form_for","Grzegorz Derebecki",1078 "2007-11-13","FastCGI handler ignores unsupported signals like USR2 on...","Grzegorz Derebecki",1078 "2010-01-27","Adding custom yaml (de-)serialization for OrderedHash","Gregor Schmidt",1078 "2010-01-27","Adding custom yaml (de-)serialization for OrderedHash","Gregor Schmidt",1078 "2012-02-07","The first IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header is th...","Greg Sterndale",1078 "2012-02-07","Trusted proxies is replaced with a Regexp or appended to...","Greg Sterndale",1078 "2007-03-11","Allow array and hash query parameters. Closes #7756.","Greg Spurrier",1078 "2007-03-11","Array#to_query preserves its ordering. References #7756.","Greg Spurrier",1078 "2010-12-05","fixed example code for i18n exception handling","Greg Jastrab",1078 "2010-10-22","fixed example code for i18n exception handling","Greg Jastrab",1078 "2011-06-20","Fix default options argument on ActiveRecord::Connection...","Grant Neufeld",1078 "2011-06-18","Changed the default value for the options argument on Ac...","Grant Neufeld",1078 "2012-03-10","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Grant McLean",1078 "2012-03-10","fix fragment portion of some links","Grant McLean",1078 "2010-07-08","fixes #2362, eager loading :through associations will jo...","Grant Ammons",1078 "2010-07-08","Eager loading :through associations will join the :sourc...","Grant Ammons",1078 "2009-09-12","Fix has_one with foreign_key and primary_key association...","Graeme Porteous",1078 "2009-09-12","Fix has_one with foreign_key and primary_key association...","Graeme Porteous",1078 "2011-05-04","Add a couple of missing activesupport requires so AR::Mi...","Graeme Mathieson",1078 "2007-11-12","Fixed that has_many :through associations should render ...","Graeme Mathieson",1078 "2011-07-24","now the documentation reflects the actual returned value...","gnagno",1078 "2011-07-23","now the documentation reflects the actual returned value...","gnagno",1078 "2011-02-01","Propagate association extensions to scopes called on the...","Glenn Vanderburg",1078 "2008-03-13","Fixed that script/generate would not look for plugin gen...","Glenn Vanderburg",1078 "2006-10-22","Document other options available to migration's add_colu...","Glen Gibb",1078 "2006-09-13","session_migration generator adds an index on updated_at....","Glen Gibb",1078 "2010-06-27","Fixes #2415 by creating a new instance of the Model when...","George Montana Harkin",1078 "2010-06-23","Fixes #2415 by creating a new instance of the Model when...","George Montana Harkin",1078 "2012-11-16","Test for has_many bug on unsaved records","George Brocklehurst",1078 "2012-11-10","Test/changelog for has_many bug on unsaved records","George Brocklehurst",1078 "2011-05-28","fixed asset_paths when called from sprockets for relativ...","Geoff Jacobsen",1078 "2011-05-28","fixed asset_paths when called from sprockets for relativ...","Geoff Jacobsen",1078 "2006-07-05","Added show_source_list and show_call_stack to breakpoint...","Genki Takiuchi",1078 "2006-06-03","Added uninstall.rb hook to plugin handling, such that pl...","Genki Takiuchi",1078 "2012-05-20","Fixed tag_helper data-attribute bug with BigDecimals","Gavin Morrice",1078 "2012-05-17","Fixed tag_helper data-attribute bug with BigDecimals","Gavin Morrice",1078 "2013-02-22","Added documentation for beginning_of_minute and end_of_m...","Gagan Awhad",1078 "2013-02-21","Added beginning_of_minute support to core_ext calculatio...","Gagan Awhad",1078 "2010-02-07","Fix pluralization for numbers formatted like '1.00'","Gabriel Mansour",1078 "2010-02-07","Fix pluralization for numbers formatted like '1.00'","Gabriel Mansour",1078 "2013-03-25","Put coffee-rails in top-level of generated Gemfile","Gabe Kopley",1078 "2013-03-18","More helpful message when starting server","Gabe Kopley",1078 "2013-01-14","Test to allow Range including DateTime and DateTime::Inf...","G S Phani Kumar",1078 "2013-01-14","Test to allow Range including DateTime and DateTime::Inf...","G S Phani Kumar",1078 "2012-01-19","update release note: timestamps is non-null as default","Fujimura Daisuke",1078 "2012-01-19","update release note: timestamps is non-null as default","Fujimura Daisuke",1078 "2009-06-09","1.9 compatibility - don't pass an array as the from addr...","Friedrich Göpel",1078 "2009-06-09","1.9 compatibility - don't pass an array as the from addr...","Friedrich Göpel",1078 "2011-03-06","more style changes","Frank Müller",1078 "2011-03-06","Some style changes","Frank Müller",1078 "2011-01-19","Added a testcase for bug [#5329]","Frank Fischer",1078 "2011-01-19","Added a testcase for bug [#5329]","Frank Fischer",1078 "2007-11-21","Merge [8176] to stable to fix session fixation attacks. ...","Florian Munz",1078 "2007-11-21","Refactor cookie_only option to survive multiple requests...","Florian Munz",1078 "2011-04-19","Don't reuse a closed flash when using now","Florent Piteau",1078 "2011-04-19","Undocumented :openssl_verify_mode option for smtp_settings","Florent Piteau",1078 "2007-05-29","Console reload! runs to_prepare callbacks also. Closes #...","Ferdinand Svehla",1078 "2005-07-02","Added that UrlHelper#mail_to will now also encode the de...","Ferdinand Svehla",1078 "2008-12-03","Updated Actionpack README. Removed reference to examples...","Felix Dominguez",1078 "2007-10-01","Add --prefix option to script/server when using mongrel....","Felix Dominguez",1078 "2013-08-26","Warning on doc for assets under lib|vendor not precompil...","Federico Soria",1078 "2013-08-26","Warning on doc for assets under lib|vendor not precompiling","Federico Soria",1078 "2013-03-08","If an index can't be found by column, use the index name.","Ezekiel Smithburg",1078 "2013-01-09","s/messqage/message/ in message_encryptor_test.rb","Ezekiel Smithburg",1078 "2008-04-01","PostgreSQL: use create_ and drop_database for rake tasks...","ez",1078 "2008-04-01","PostgreSQL: create_ and drop_database support. Closes #9...","ez",1078 "2012-09-28","backport 68677ffb8298105eb9d3efa26d928dd88cc5e006","Evan Petrie",1078 "2011-04-14","ruby 1.9.2 and other ruby implementations may not return...","Evan Petrie",1078 "2012-06-04","Add failing test for 3.2.5 datetime attribute regression","Evan Arnold",1078 "2012-06-04","Add failing test for 3.2.5 datetime attribute regression","Evan Arnold",1078 "2012-08-29","Update actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb","Erik Ordway",1078 "2005-04-13","Added minute_step as an option to select_minute (and the...","Erik Ordway",1078 "2011-05-31","Failing test for aggregating on default_scope with select","Erik Fonselius",1078 "2011-05-31","Failing test for aggregating on default_scope with select","Erik Fonselius",1078 "2012-09-02","Fix example code: use tasks instead of comments","Erik Behrends",1078 "2011-09-13","[:class_name] option in belongs_to should mention belong...","Erik Behrends",1078 "2013-07-18","Revert "Fix SyntaxError in guides sample code"","Erich Kist",1078 "2012-07-19","Fix a reference","Erich Kist",1078 "2009-12-17","Fixed spelling mistake.","Erica Kwan",1078 "2009-04-19","Formatted some symbols in Active Support Guide","Erica Kwan",1078 "2012-02-18","Update Time#change docs to reflect the options it uses","Eric Oestrich",1078 "2012-02-17","Update Time#change docs to reflect the options it uses","Eric Oestrich",1078 "2011-02-24","fixes: ActiveRecord::Base.scopes includes all scopes def...","Eric Allam",1078 "2011-02-09","Failing test for #6388","Eric Allam",1078 "2012-01-17","validate related records in the same validation context ...","Emmanuel Oga",1078 "2010-04-13","make ActiveRecord::Base.subclasses a public method","Emmanuel Oga",1078 "2005-11-22","Apply [3157] to stable. Make ActionController's render h...","Emanuel Borsboom",1078 "2005-11-22","Make ActionController's render honor the :locals option ...","Emanuel Borsboom",1078 "2009-08-09","validate uniqueness with limit in utf8","Elise Huard",1078 "2009-08-09","validate uniqueness with limit in utf8","Elise Huard",1078 "2009-03-12","Returning nil from named scope lambda is equivalent to a...","Elijah Miller",1078 "2008-02-15","Clear active connections before trying to drop the datab...","Elijah Miller",1078 "2010-12-15","It should be ActiveModel::Validator, not ActiveRecord::V...","Elben Shira",1078 "2010-12-15","It should be ActiveModel::Validator, not ActiveRecord::V...","Elben Shira",1078 "2012-06-25","exists?(false) returns false","Egor Lynko",1078 "2012-05-05","Prevent creating valid time-like objects from blank stri...","Egor Lynko",1078 "2006-07-31","Fixed that integration simulation of XHRs should set Acc...","Edward Frederick",1078 "2006-07-31","Fixed that integration simulation of XHRs should set Acc...","Edward Frederick",1078 "2011-02-04","Fixing ordering of HABTM association deletion [#6191 sta...","Edward Faulkner",1078 "2011-02-04","Fixing ordering of HABTM association deletion [#6191 sta...","Edward Faulkner",1078 "2013-01-16","Remove header bloat introduced by BestStandardsSupport m...","Edward Anderson",1078 "2011-11-18","Fix a number_with_delimiter :separator example","Edward Anderson",1078 "2013-09-08","Change documentation to consistently refer to the same o...","Earl J St Sauver",1078 "2013-09-08","Blacklist refferenced in docs is actually whitelist","Earl J St Sauver",1078 "2011-04-05","Destroying records via nested attributes works independe...","Durran Jordan",1078 "2011-04-05","Destroying records via nested attributes works independe...","Durran Jordan",1078 "2008-05-11","Add test for named_scope#proxy_options. [#97 state:resol...","Duncan Beevers",1078 "2008-01-25","Handle corner case with image_tag when passed 'messed up...","Duncan Beevers",1078 "2008-09-18","Ensure old buffers get properly cleared to avoid leaking...","Duff OMelia",1078 "2005-06-10","Arrays sent via multipart posts are converted to strings...","Duff OMelia",1078 "2013-06-17","Added test for link_to_unless to make sure the result co...","dtaniwaki",1078 "2013-06-17","Escape the string even when the condition of link_to_unl...","dtaniwaki",1078 "2013-06-28","adding additional plugins for debugging [ci skip]","Drew Dara-Abrams",1078 "2012-12-07","changing tense, since Rails 3.2 has been released","Drew Dara-Abrams",1078 "2009-01-26","Mysql#reconnect is set according to the 'reconnect' key ...","Dov Murik",1078 "2009-01-26","Mysql#reconnect is set according to the 'reconnect' key ...","Dov Murik",1078 "2009-05-11","ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[1,2,3,4] creates an OrderedHa...","Douglas F Shearer",1078 "2009-05-11","ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[1,2,3,4] creates an OrderedHa...","Douglas F Shearer",1078 "2013-02-19","Corrected link anchor and added colons for continuity","Doug Yun",1078 "2013-01-08","Correct method notation for #acts_like? [ci skip]","Doug Yun",1078 "2009-04-07","Fix for TestResponse.cookies returning cookies unescaped...","Doug McInnes",1078 "2009-04-07","Fix for TestResponse.cookies returning cookies unescaped...","Doug McInnes",1078 "2009-03-12","Support MD5 passwords for Digest auth and use session_op...","Donald Parish",1078 "2009-02-16","Fixed http digest authentication to use credentials URI ...","Donald Parish",1078 "2010-05-17","AR::Base#clone fixed to set dirty bits for cloned object","Dmitry Lipovoi",1078 "2010-05-16","added support for html attributes in options_for_select ...","Dmitry Lipovoi",1078 "2008-05-31","Expose GemPlugin load_paths so they can be added to Depe...","Dmitriy Timokhin",1078 "2007-11-28","Make sure the optimisation code for routes doesn't get u...","Dmitriy Timokhin",1078 "2012-05-04","improvements in "caching_with_rails" guide - backported ...","Dmitrij Mjakotnyi",1078 "2012-03-22","improvements in "caching_with_rails" guide","Dmitrij Mjakotnyi",1078 "2013-01-09","Correcting the command 'rake rails:update:bin' in the re...","Diogo Mafra",1078 "2013-01-06","Require 'active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing' in the...","Diogo Mafra",1078 "2009-03-06","Ensure replacing has_one associations respects the suppl...","Dimitri Krassovski",1078 "2009-01-26","A small addition to the fragment caching documentation","Dimitri Krassovski",1078 "2012-03-26","Made it a bit more clear where to run rails/server","Dimitri De Frenne",1078 "2012-03-26","Fixed typo in path","Dimitri De Frenne",1078 "2011-06-06","Added missing quote in grouped_options_for_select example","diego",1078 "2011-05-26","Added missing quote in grouped_options_for_select example","diego",1078 "2006-11-26","Merge [5629] from trunk.","dharana",1078 "2006-11-26","strip_tags passes through blank args such as nil or "". ...","dharana",1078 "2008-02-02","Fix number_to_human_size incorrectly removing trailing z...","developingchris",1078 "2007-11-05","Add missing quote to send_file documentation. [developin...","developingchris",1078 "2013-03-24","correct some typo in earlier commit.","Deshi Xiao",1078 "2013-03-24","correct test command's typo","Deshi Xiao",1078 "2010-06-14","updated active record querying guide to standardize on f...","Derek Willis",1078 "2010-06-14","updated active record querying guide to standardize on f...","Derek Willis",1078 "2013-01-27","Fix cases where delete_records on a has_many association...","Derek Kraan",1078 "2013-01-11","Fix .update_all and .delete_all when using a condition o...","Derek Kraan",1078 "2012-02-12","Missed a code example. Fixing the docs to be consistant.","Derek Hammer",1078 "2012-02-12","Adding documentation to clarify usage of attributes hash.","Derek Hammer",1078 "2007-11-28","Added protection from trailing slashes on page caching (...","Derek DeVries",1078 "2007-11-20","validates_inclusion_of and validates_exclusion_of allow ...","Derek DeVries",1078 "2011-09-13","fixed the failing generators_test","Deepak Prasanna",1078 "2011-09-10","added test for db migrate:redo","Deepak Prasanna",1078 "2009-11-12","Rdoc for changes introduced in e2ed1a1ca, 36058f450.","David Vrensk",1078 "2009-11-12","Rdoc for changes introduced in 6339e5d36, 542d6a0abd.","David Vrensk",1078 "2009-06-09","Made label target radio button tags with values. Radio b...","David Stevenson",1078 "2009-06-09","Made label target radio button tags with values. Radio b...","David Stevenson",1078 "2006-01-13","Add test for min_chars auto_complete_field fix. Closes #...","David Rose",1078 "2006-01-13","Fix typo in function name mapping in auto_complete_field...","David Rose",1078 "2006-11-02","Merge [5388] from trunk.","David Roetzel",1078 "2006-11-02","next_week respects DST changes. Closes #5617, closes #23...","David Roetzel",1078 "2012-06-18","Documentation for where and where! methods on relations.","David Paschich",1078 "2012-06-04","The resolver tests fail if the mysql gem is not installe...","David Paschich",1078 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","David North",1078 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","David North",1078 "2010-07-16","JoinDependency#graft does not properly set parent join [...","David Genord II",1078 "2010-06-18","form_for without :html and with :remote should not error","David Genord II",1078 "2006-09-20","Update CGI process to allow sessions to contain namespac...","David Felstead",1078 "2005-11-07","Fix conflict with assert_tag and Glue gem (closes #2255)...","David Felstead",1078 "2008-03-13","Fixed that scoped joins would not always be respected (c...","David E. Wheeler",1078 "2007-05-25","Migrations: add_column supports custom column types. Clo...","David E. Wheeler",1078 "2013-02-26","Use less hyperbole in the language re: allowed parameters","David Czarnecki",1078 "2012-09-15","Clarify the documentation on the Rails::Application#call...","David Czarnecki",1078 "2009-08-09","Fix that Hash#to_xml and Array#to_xml shouldn't modify t...","David Burger",1078 "2009-08-09","Fix that Hash#to_xml and Array#to_xml shouldn't modify t...","David Burger",1078 "2011-07-25","Ensure the constraints block is only applied to the corr...","Dave Rogers",1078 "2011-07-25","Ensure the constraints block is only applied to the corr...","Dave Rogers",1078 "2005-12-08"," r3378@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:41:47 -0800","Dave Ringoen",1078 "2005-12-08","More robust relative url root discovery for SCGI compati...","Dave Ringoen",1078 "2012-03-20","Correct description of ['migrated_at > ?', 1.week.ago] f...","Dave Burt",1078 "2005-11-15","Stricter matching for implicitly multipart filenames exc...","Dave Burt",1078 "2009-06-21","Add content_for?(:name) helper to check if content_for(:...","Darragh Curran",1078 "2008-08-21","Allow overriding id for feed and entry with atom_feed_bu...","Darragh Curran",1078 "2010-08-09","updated the action_controller guide with the new session...","Daniel McNevin",1078 "2010-08-08","updated the action_controller guide with the new session...","Daniel McNevin",1078 "2006-11-14","Cleanup SQLite AUTOINCREMENT: exclude sqlite_sequence ta...","Dane Jensen",1078 "2006-11-09","SQLite: use AUTOINCREMENT primary key in >= 3.1.0. Close...","Dane Jensen",1078 "2012-05-07","Converts inet and cidr columns to NetAddr::CIDR","Dan Seaver",1078 "2012-05-05","Adds migration and schema dump support for INET, CIDR, a...","Dan Seaver",1078 "2012-07-09","Revert "Select missing formbuilder typo."","Dan Patrick",1078 "2012-07-09","Select missing formbuilder typo.","Dan Patrick",1078 "2011-02-14","Added --sandbox option to rails console explanation.","Dan Neumann",1078 "2011-02-13","Added simple demonstration of has_many :through","Dan Neumann",1078 "2011-10-10","ActiveRecordStore is now called SessionStore.","Dan McDonald",1078 "2011-10-09","ActiveRecordStore is now called SessionStore.","Dan McDonald",1078 "2009-08-10","Introduce grouped_collection_select helper.","Dan Cheail",1078 "2009-08-10","Introduce grouped_collection_select helper.","Dan Cheail",1078 "2009-03-07","Ensure Active Record error related view helpers escape t...","Dan Barry",1078 "2008-10-12","test nested hash with float","Dan Barry",1078 "2012-01-25","example bracket error","Damian Le Nouaille",1078 "2012-01-23","example bracket error","Damian Le Nouaille",1078 "2011-09-14","forgot to sign my name to the Changelog","Dallas Reedy",1078 "2011-09-14","Removed mention of deprecated proxy methods in favor of ...","Dallas Reedy",1078 "2010-07-01","fix failure if behavior is not define and try use the de...","Cyril Mougel",1078 "2008-11-22","Add flush by ensure in script/runner because no flush in...","Cyril Mougel",1078 "2010-08-03","Refactor log-tailer to depend on File#eof? rather than F...","Curtis Cablegram",1078 "2010-08-03","Change log-tailer to properly track multi-byte characters.","Curtis Cablegram",1078 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","csn",1078 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","csn",1078 "2010-04-13","Fix a typo in the documentation. [#4318 state:resolved]","Craig R Webster",1078 "2010-03-29","Allow customisation of asset path generation using a proc.","Craig R Webster",1078 "2005-07-08","Include Javascript tests in rake #1655 [courtney]","courtney",1078 "2005-06-26","Added help text for WEBrick #1508 [courtney]","courtney",1078 "2011-05-11","add missing require for ordered_hash dependency","Corin Langosch",1078 "2011-05-11","fix bug in usage example of #unscoped","Corin Langosch",1078 "2010-09-13","added documentation for :as and :object in PartialRenderer","Collin Miller",1078 "2010-09-11","added block arguments to ActionController::Metal#use","Collin Miller",1078 "2009-01-11","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Colin Law",1078 "2009-01-11","Clarified use of assert_select with blocks in testing gu...","Colin Law",1078 "2010-09-24","Fix for imposed version number as last part of gem direc...","Colin Casey",1078 "2010-09-24","Test for imposed version number as last part of gem dire...","Colin Casey",1078 "2013-05-16","Remove trailing line break","Colin Bartlett",1078 "2012-03-27","Fix indenting in migration generator","Colin Bartlett",1078 "2012-09-07","Merge pull request #112 from cnaize/master","cnaize",1078 "2012-09-07","extended example","cnaize",1078 "2011-12-12",NA,"clst",1078 "2011-12-12",NA,"clst",1078 "2007-01-01","Make sure html_document is reset between integration tes...","Clifford T. Matthews",1078 "2007-01-01","Make sure html_document is reset between integration tes...","Clifford T. Matthews",1078 "2011-10-07","Clarifying ambiguous description of require_self in the ...","clay shentrup",1078 "2011-10-06","Clarifying ambiguous description of require_self in the ...","clay shentrup",1078 "2011-05-09","Interleave db_list and file_list.","Christopher Wade",1078 "2011-05-09","Sort migrations by the migration ID.","Christopher Wade",1078 "2005-12-02","Apply [3207] to stable. Fix docs for text_area_tag. Clos...","Christopher Cotton",1078 "2005-12-02","Fix docs for text_area_tag. Closes #3083.","Christopher Cotton",1078 "2013-03-01","Reverting commit regarding public/index.html (no longer ...","Christine Hertzel",1078 "2013-03-01","Fixed grammatical error and simplified paragraph concern...","Christine Hertzel",1078 "2011-10-14","Consider attempted action in exception message of Active...","Christian Bäuerlein",1078 "2011-10-14","Includes stale record in StaleObjectError","Christian Bäuerlein",1078 "2011-03-19","[action_view] docs for FileSystemResolver","Chris Kowalik",1078 "2011-03-19","[action_view] added custom patterns to template resolver","Chris Kowalik",1078 "2011-03-14","Removed some redundant Time#change time options from beg...","Chris Kalafarski",1078 "2011-03-08","The root route example was the only using double quotes;...","Chris Kalafarski",1078 "2013-04-03","Chained scopes will be preloaded properly. Fixes #7490","Chris Geihsler",1078 "2013-01-19","Added test case to prevent regression of chained, preloa...","Chris Geihsler",1078 "2012-01-31","Fixed issue with SQLite adapter corrupting binary data","Chris Feist",1078 "2012-01-31","Added test to illustrate bad binary blobs.","Chris Feist",1078 "2007-10-23","Assigning an instance of a foreign class to a composed_o...","Chris Cruft",1078 "2007-10-23","Assigning nil to a composed_of aggregate also sets its i...","Chris Cruft",1078 "2013-04-18","Fix loading of fixtures when the column type is a postgr...","Chris Constantine",1078 "2013-04-08","Fix loading of string arrays in postgres","Chris Constantine",1078 "2006-11-09","Merge [5469] from trunk.","Chris Anderson",1078 "2006-11-09","Rake: use absolute paths to load lib and vendor tasks so...","Chris Anderson",1078 "2010-12-15","Only call save on belongs_to associations if the record ...","Chiel Wester",1078 "2010-12-13","Only call save on belongs_to associations if the record ...","Chiel Wester",1078 "2012-03-20","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Charles Brian Quinn",1078 "2012-03-20","Updates ActionMailer Base summary and fixes space in cod...","Charles Brian Quinn",1078 "2010-06-26","Add OrderedHash#invert to preserve order in ruby 1.8","Chaitanya Vellanki",1078 "2010-06-26","Add OrderedHash#invert to preserve order in ruby 1.8 [#4...","Chaitanya Vellanki",1078 "2012-04-21","Improve signed cookies documentation","Chad Jolly",1078 "2012-01-18","Exclude rack.request.form_vars from request.filtered_env","Chad Jolly",1078 "2008-02-27","Fix edge case with colons in times interpreted as bind v...","Chad Ingram",1078 "2008-02-27","Fix preloading nil polymorphic belongs_to. Closes #11218...","Chad Ingram",1078 "2011-08-13","ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper#simple_format should not...","Casebook Developer",1078 "2011-08-04","ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper#simple_format should not...","Casebook Developer",1078 "2010-01-02","I18n label helper [#745 status:resolved]","Carsten Gehling",1078 "2010-01-02","I18n label helper [#745 status:resolved]","Carsten Gehling",1078 "2011-03-05","Properly escaped a + in the dynamic segments TIP","Carl Tashian",1078 "2011-03-03","Properly escaped a + in the dynamic segments TIP","Carl Tashian",1078 "2008-07-15","Ensure Rails::Generator quotes file names while generati...","Carl Porth",1078 "2008-07-02","Ensure Rails::Generator quotes file names while generati...","Carl Porth",1078 "2007-06-23","Merge [7086] to stable: demote Hash#to_xml to use XmlSim...","candlerb",1078 "2007-06-23","Demote Hash#to_xml to use XmlSimple#xml_in_string so it ...","candlerb",1078 "2006-12-03","Fixed Array#to_xml when it contains a series of hashes (...","Calvin Yu",1078 "2006-12-03","Fixed Array#to_xml when it contains a series of hashes (...","Calvin Yu",1078 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #119 from c0/master","Caleb Wright",1078 "2012-11-26","Update guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.md","Caleb Wright",1078 "2013-04-15","Fix freeze applying to cloned objects","Caleb Thompson",1078 "2012-10-25","Fix gratuitous use of ternary operator","Caleb Thompson",1078 "2005-10-14","DRYed up Associations#clear. Closes #1906 [Caleb]","Caleb",1078 "2005-03-06","Removed the default border on link_image_to (it broke xh...","Caleb",1078 "2007-08-15","Integration tests: introduce methods for other HTTP meth...","caboose",1078 "2007-02-22","Integration tests: introduce methods for other HTTP meth...","caboose",1078 "2013-01-23","Add postgresql range types support","bUg",1078 "2013-01-04","Added ability to compare date/time with infinity","bUg",1078 "2010-08-15","Allow for any possible TLD when using the :all option wi...","Bryce Thornton",1078 "2010-08-15","Allow for any possible TLD when using the :all option wi...","Bryce Thornton",1078 "2010-01-08","Add failing test that triggers the stack overflow","Bryan Stearns",1078 "2010-01-08","Add failing test that triggers the stack overflow for #2...","Bryan Stearns",1078 "2013-05-07","Allow numbers in partial name for digesting","Bryan Ricker",1078 "2013-03-16","Remove :all from *args options in AbstractController.helper","Bryan Ricker",1078 "2007-09-22","Doc fixes (closes #8608) [deepblue]","Bryan Kang",1078 "2007-05-31","Base.inspect handles Base itself and abstract_class? Do...","Bryan Kang",1078 "2009-02-20","Make atomic_write() puts the check_file in the cache dir...","Bruno Duyé",1078 "2009-02-20","Make atomic_write() puts the check_file in the cache dir...","Bruno Duyé",1078 "2006-09-13","Improve yaml fixtures error reporting. Closes #6205.","Bruce Williams",1078 "2006-09-04","Added locals hash to partials, which makes for convenien...","Bruce Williams",1078 "2009-03-10","Ensure ActiveRecord#to_xml respects :skip_types for incl...","Bruce Krysiak",1078 "2008-12-10","Added a :camelize option to ActiveRecord and Hash to_xml...","Bruce Krysiak",1078 "2011-10-30","note that after_initialize is run for rake tasks","Bruce Adams",1078 "2011-10-24","note that after_initialize is run for rake tasks","Bruce Adams",1078 "2011-06-06","Fixed sections regarding validations and callbacks to me...","Brian Pearce",1078 "2011-06-02","Fixed sections regarding validations and callbacks to me...","Brian Pearce",1078 "2011-06-01","Fix issue #1272","Brian Mathiyakom",1078 "2011-06-01","Fix issue #1272","Brian Mathiyakom",1078 "2013-01-22","Typo, grammar, and comma love.","Brian Littmann",1078 "2013-01-22","Typo fix in guides/source/engines.md","Brian Littmann",1078 "2013-06-01","Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'","Brian Fontenot",1078 "2013-06-01","Add detailed steps on how to squash multiple commits int...","Brian Fontenot",1078 "2013-01-15","allow :dirs option for .enumerate","Brian D. Burns",1078 "2013-01-15","use case statement","Brian D. Burns",1078 "2009-07-02","Fixed ActiveSupport::OrderedHash::[] work identically to...","Brian Abreu",1078 "2009-07-02","Fixed ActiveSupport::OrderedHash::[] work identically to...","Brian Abreu",1078 "2012-12-15","Remove unicode character encoding from ActiveSupport::JS...","Brett Carter",1078 "2012-12-14","Remove unicode character encoding from ActiveSupport::JS...","Brett Carter",1078 "2007-01-12","Merge [5904] from trunk. References #6252.","brentrowland",1078 "2007-01-12","Fix parsing of array[] CGI parameters so extra empty val...","brentrowland",1078 "2008-08-28","Routes may be restricted to lists of HTTP methods instea...","Brennan Dunn",1078 "2008-08-28","Accept an array of method symbols for collection/member ...","Brennan Dunn",1078 "2009-08-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix for SSL in Active Resource","Brendan Schwartz",1078 "2009-08-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix for SSL in Active Resource","Brendan Schwartz",1078 "2007-10-11","Backport: allow array and hash query parameters. Array r...","Brendan Baldwin",1078 "2007-03-06","Allow array and hash query parameters. Array route param...","Brendan Baldwin",1078 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","BradG",1078 "2005-04-18","Added support for web servers that use PATH_INFO instead...","BradG",1078 "2012-03-08","Fix doc examples for has_and_belongs_to_many association","Braden Schaeffer",1078 "2012-03-05","Fix doc examples for has_and_belongs_to_many association","Braden Schaeffer",1078 "2013-03-05","Routing match `via` option requirement exception message...","Boris Staal",1078 "2012-12-20","Eager loading made to use relation's in_clause_length in...","Boris Staal",1078 "2009-01-28","Improve exception handling when Location header is inval...","Bob Aman",1078 "2006-06-28","Don't assume Active Record is available. Closes #5497.","Bob Aman",1078 "2006-12-12","Fix issues with ActiveResource collection handling. Clo...","bmilekic",1078 "2006-09-16","Provide access to the underlying SOAP driver.","bmilekic",1078 "2006-08-07","Fix announcement of very long migration names. #5722 [b...","Blake Watters",1078 "2006-08-05","Fix announcement of very long migration names. Closes #5...","Blake Watters",1078 "2012-11-26","Don't run explain on slow queries for database adapters ...","Blake Smith",1078 "2010-05-11","Make sure timestamp is properly referenced","Blake Smith",1078 "2013-07-06","Cleaned up wording and tags.","blahedo",1078 "2013-07-06","Merged sections to reflect current contents of guide.","blahedo",1078 "2012-08-08","Naming helpers should first check if passed object respo...","Bert Goethals",1078 "2007-01-23","Subclasses of an abstract class work with single-table i...","Bert Goethals",1078 "2011-02-02","Provide documentation for ActionController::Metal","Bernerd Schaefer",1078 "2010-07-26","XmlMini.rename_key emits valid xml with dasherize","Bernerd Schaefer",1078 "2009-08-09","path_names could be used to customize collection actions...","Bence Nagy",1078 "2009-08-09","path_names could be used to customize collection actions...","Bence Nagy",1078 "2011-09-14","Add equivalent nginx configuration","Ben Walding",1078 "2011-09-14","Add equivalent nginx configuration","Ben Walding",1078 "2013-05-07","Confirm a record has not already been destroyed before d...","Ben Tucker",1078 "2013-05-06","Merging in fix from #8222","Ben Tucker",1078 "2010-11-11","Fixed bug in active_record/nested_attributes where an em...","Ben Tillman",1078 "2010-11-11","Fixed bug in active_record/nested_attributes where an em...","Ben Tillman",1078 "2010-09-05","Fix number_to_human(0) exception [#5532 state:resolved]","Ben Sharpe",1078 "2010-09-05","Fix number_to_human(0) exception [#5532 state:resolved]","Ben Sharpe",1078 "2005-04-17","Made the dynamic finders use the new find API and update...","Ben Schumacher",1078 "2005-04-17","Fixed page caching for non-vhost applications living und...","Ben Schumacher",1078 "2012-05-01","Lowercase.","Ben Pickles",1078 "2012-03-01","Allow fieldsets to be created without a block.","Ben Pickles",1078 "2008-06-12","Add :from option to calculations. [#397 state:resolved]","Ben Munat",1078 "2008-06-12","Add :from option to calculations. [#397 state:resolved]","Ben Munat",1078 "2010-12-15","Added :placeholder option to ActionView::Helpers::FormTa...","Ben Mills",1078 "2010-12-13","Added :placeholder option to ActionView::Helpers::FormTa...","Ben Mills",1078 "2013-04-04","Fixes skipping object callback filters","Ben McRedmond",1078 "2013-04-04","Fixes skipping object callback filters","Ben McRedmond",1078 "2013-04-30","add missing semicolon to journey parser.y","Ben Holley",1078 "2011-10-05","Fix spelling in doc:app rake task","Ben Holley",1078 "2007-01-12","Fix new_record? and id rollback. Closes #6910.","Ben Curren",1078 "2007-01-02","Rollback #new_record? and #id values for created records...","Ben Curren",1078 "2010-10-10","Make ActiveSupport load own version.","Barry Sears",1078 "2010-10-10","Make ActiveSupport load own version.","Barry Sears",1078 "2012-05-13","fix `alias_attribute` will raise a syntax error if make ...","ayaya",1078 "2012-03-29","prevent the cache sweeper ignores NoMethodError","ayaya",1078 "2011-11-30",NA,"Aviv Ben-Yosef",1078 "2011-11-01","Fix typo in Dispatcher#controller documentation","Aviv Ben-Yosef",1078 "2008-05-08","Merge branch 'docs_commit'","Austin Putman",1078 "2008-05-08","Documented class methods on ActionController::Routing. ...","Austin Putman",1078 "2013-04-30","Fix #8856 Ensure has_one association=(associate) trigger...","association=(associate)",1078 "2013-04-30","Fix #8856 Ensure has_one association=(associate) trigger...","association=(associate)",1078 "2011-07-23","Replaced appropriate word.","Aslam Najeebdeen",1078 "2011-07-13","Replaced appropriate word.","Aslam Najeebdeen",1078 "2012-04-13",""rails new -h" shows message in rails directory","ask",1078 "2012-04-09",""rails new -h" shows message in rails directory","ask",1078 "2011-08-13","accept option for recreate db for postgres (same as mysq...","Artem Kramarenko",1078 "2011-08-03","accept option for recreate db for postgres (same as mysq...","Artem Kramarenko",1078 "2012-01-06","Fixed nil field value uniqueness check","Arkadiy Zabazhanov",1078 "2012-01-06","Fixed nil field value uniqueness check","Arkadiy Zabazhanov",1078 "2012-04-05","url_for: avoid a nil check. unroll a loop. handle most...","Ara T Howard",1078 "2012-04-04","carefully and quickly merge url_for options","Ara T Howard",1078 "2012-03-22","Fixed missing space bug introduces in rails/rails@9299bf...","Anton Lindqvist",1078 "2011-12-26","Align rake notes.","Anton Lindqvist",1078 "2011-02-03","Add a test for 'render :layout'","Anton Astashov",1078 "2011-02-03","Add a test for 'render :layout'","Anton Astashov",1078 "2009-05-10","Fixed eager load error on find with include => [:table_n...","Anthony Crumley",1078 "2009-05-10","Fixed eager load error on find with include => [:table_n...","Anthony Crumley",1078 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Ant Ramm",1078 "2008-01-03","Fixed rendering of partials with layout when done from s...","Ant Ramm",1078 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","Anna Lissa Cruz",1078 "2004-12-22","Fixed that Base.table_name would expect a parameter when...","Anna Lissa Cruz",1078 "2012-02-16","Test for circular reference while saving has_one relatio...","Andy Pliszka",1078 "2012-02-15","Bugfix circular reference while saving has_one relationship","Andy Pliszka",1078 "2011-03-12","length validation for fixnums","Andriy Tyurnikov",1078 "2011-03-12","length validation for fixnums","Andriy Tyurnikov",1078 "2012-06-15","Extend assets cache store section in Assets Pipeline Gui...","Andrey Vakarev",1078 "2012-05-21","Refactoring: turn unless/else into if/else","Andrey Vakarev",1078 "2009-03-09","Ensure TemplateRunner#ask? works with the rake task to a...","Andrew Timberlake",1078 "2008-12-28","Added documentation to gsub_file method","Andrew Timberlake",1078 "2013-06-10","Don't blindly call blame_file! on exceptions in ActiveSu...","Andrew Kreiling",1078 "2013-06-09","Don't blindly call blame_file! on exceptions in ActiveSu...","Andrew Kreiling",1078 "2010-05-29","Don't rewrap system level exceptions with StatementInvalid","Andrew Chase",1078 "2008-02-19","Don't assume all records from nested include are of same...","Andrew Chase",1078 "2008-05-11","Fixed flash.now not being accessible in tests. Flash swe...","Andreas Neuhaus",1078 "2008-05-08","Calling ActiveRecord#inspect on an unloaded association ...","Andreas Neuhaus",1078 "2010-09-02","ActiveModel#to_xml fix (renamed parameter).","Andreas Garnæs",1078 "2010-09-02","ActiveModel#to_xml fix (renamed parameter).","Andreas Garnæs",1078 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Andre Caum",1078 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Andre Caum",1078 "2005-10-29","The *_plugindoc Rake tasks look deeper into the plugins'...","Anatol Pomozov",1078 "2005-10-29","The PostgreSQL :db_structure_dump task limits its dump t...","Anatol Pomozov",1078 "2013-07-09","link break added after the Travis CI link","Amit Thawait",1078 "2013-07-08","Fixed broken link of Travis CI for rails and added full ...","Amit Thawait",1078 "2007-01-15","Merge [5935] from trunk. References #3987, #6664.","altano@bigfoot.com",1078 "2007-01-15","MySQL, PostgreSQL: change_column_default quotes the defa...","altano@bigfoot.com",1078 "2012-08-23","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Almudena Garcia",1078 "2012-08-23","Fix HTML validation errors","Almudena Garcia",1078 "2007-01-13","Merge [5914] from trunk. References #7015.","alfeld",1078 "2007-01-13","Generator: use destination path for diff tempfiles. Clos...","alfeld",1078 "2012-11-08","Fix find_in_batches against string IDs when start option...","Alexis Bernard",1078 "2012-10-31","Fix find_in_batches against string IDs when start option...","Alexis Bernard",1078 "2012-01-11","Made an example a little more realistic","Alexey Trofimenko",1078 "2012-01-06","Made an example a little more realistic","Alexey Trofimenko",1078 "2013-07-02","Support array as root element in JSON","Alexey Noskov",1078 "2013-05-14","Support array as root element in JSON","Alexey Noskov",1078 "2013-01-06","return multiple assingment and response variable","Alexey Nikitin",1078 "2013-01-06","fix for rbx","Alexey Nikitin",1078 "2010-09-16","Tiny fixes to rdoc","Alexey Mahotkin",1078 "2008-11-20","Fixed RFC-2045 quoted-printable bug [#1421 state:committed]","Alexey Mahotkin",1078 "2009-09-12","Define autosave association validation methods only when...","Alexey Kovyrin",1078 "2009-09-12","Define autosave association validation methods only when...","Alexey Kovyrin",1078 "2009-05-01","Default scope :order should be overridden by named scopes.","Alexander Podgorbunsky",1078 "2009-05-01","Default scope :order should be overridden by named scopes.","Alexander Podgorbunsky",1078 "2008-08-24","Slightly faster DateTime#to_json. [#598 state:resolved] ...","Alex Zepeda",1078 "2008-07-14","Slightly faster DateTime#to_json. [#598 state:resolved] ...","Alex Zepeda",1078 "2011-09-17","Default precompile regexp that properly matches applicat...","Alex Yakoubian",1078 "2011-09-08","Fixed assets precompile regex, now accepts Procs","Alex Yakoubian",1078 "2013-07-24","don't convert mailer default values to procs","Alex Tsukernik",1078 "2013-07-22","don't convert mailer default values to procs","Alex Tsukernik",1078 "2012-05-18","Add HTML5 input[type="time"] helper","Alex Soulim",1078 "2012-05-06","Fix typo in submit_tag helper documentation","Alex Soulim",1078 "2009-04-21","Add microsecond support for sqlite adapter [#1982 state:...","Alex Pooley",1078 "2006-06-25","PostgreSQL: support microsecond time resolution. Closes ...","Alex Pooley",1078 "2010-09-01","Added :format option for form_for helper and spec for th...","Alex Chrome",1078 "2010-09-01","Added :format option for form_for helper and spec for th...","Alex Chrome",1078 "2007-05-27","Reduce file stat calls when checking for template change...","alex",1078 "2006-10-09","PostgreSQL: db:test:purge closes open database connectio...","alex",1078 "2012-01-21","Fixed typo in 'cast'.","Aleksey Gureiev",1078 "2012-01-20","Fixed typo in 'cast'.","Aleksey Gureiev",1078 "2010-05-16","Added rails command aliases (s g c db) to reserved words...","Aleksandr Koss",1078 "2010-05-16","Fix Hash#index deprecated warning in 1.9.x [#4600 state:...","Aleksandr Koss",1078 "2010-08-25","- Fix non-ascii characters in headers","Aleksander Pohl",1078 "2010-08-25","- Fix non-ascii characters in headers","Aleksander Pohl",1078 "2013-03-24","Updated docs due to removal of serializer accessor","Albert Lash",1078 "2011-09-22","Fixes #1489 again, with updated code and numerous tests ...","Albert Lash",1078 "2011-09-13","Slight change to reflect current 'destroy' code generate...","Alan Zeino",1078 "2011-09-12","Slight change to reflect current 'destroy' code generate...","Alan Zeino",1078 "2005-02-16","Enable diagnostics screen again","Alan Gano",1078 "2005-02-16","Fixed https handling on other ports than 443 [Alan Gano]","Alan Gano",1078 "2006-03-18","Added test for Accept header for xml_http_request calls ...","agkr@pobox.com",1078 "2006-02-26","The image_tag helper is not converting the options hash ...","agkr@pobox.com",1078 "2013-04-06","Deprecate ActiveRecord#Base.default_scopes?","Agis-",1078 "2013-04-06","Add option to Class#class_attribute for skipping the que...","Agis-",1078 "2013-08-21","Escape the message of an exception in debug_exceptions t...","Adrien Siami",1078 "2013-03-20","Tidying up some require : removing useless sort and homo...","Adrien Siami",1078 "2008-08-22","Add ActiveResource::Base.find(:last). [#754 state:resolved]","Adrian Mugnolo",1078 "2008-07-15","Add in_groups to ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Array::G...","Adrian Mugnolo",1078 "2005-04-17","Fixes a problem with the SQL Adapter which was resulting...","adelle",1078 "2005-03-20","changes the CREATE TABLE script for the "binaries" table...","adelle",1078 "2008-09-20","applied patch to fix the associations with blocks in mod...","Adeh DeSandies",1078 "2008-09-20","applied patch to fix the associations with blocks in mod...","Adeh DeSandies",1078 "2005-03-06","Fix database creation for postgres (again) #790 [adamm <...","adamm",1078 "2005-03-06","stats need the include paths set by the environment #782...","adamm",1078 "2007-12-05","Document how the :include option can be used in Calculat...","Adam Wiggins",1078 "2007-12-05","Reveal that the type option in migrations can be any sup...","Adam Wiggins",1078 "2012-12-10","Prevent raising EOFError on multipart GET request.","Adam Stankiewicz",1078 "2012-09-24","String.to_time documentation along examples.","Adam Stankiewicz",1078 "2009-08-08","Fix exclusive range patch to use begin/end instead of mi...","Adam Keys",1078 "2008-09-03","Add each_with_object from 1.9 for a more convenient alte...","Adam Keys",1078 "2012-10-10","Added clarity to update_column(s)","Adam Haymond",1078 "2012-10-04","Update activerecord/lib/active_record/persistence.rb","Adam Haymond",1078 "2013-04-24","added test cases for #10197","Adam Gamble",1078 "2013-03-14","Modifies belong_to touch callback to touch old associati...","Adam Gamble",1078 "2008-12-21","Allow use of symbols for :type option of ActionControlle...","Adam Cigánek",1078 "2008-09-23","Modified ActiveSupport::Inflector#parameterize with code...","Adam Cigánek",1078 "2007-10-15","Sync country_select with ISO 3166 long names. Closes #6...","Abhay Kumar",1078 "2007-10-11","Model generator tests. Closes #8966 [abhay]","Abhay Kumar",1078 "2012-03-26","Fix 'Security#Mass Assignment' URL typo","Abe Voelker",1078 "2012-03-09","Fix 'Security#Mass Assignment' URL typo","Abe Voelker",1078 "2011-03-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Aaron Todd",1078 "2011-03-29","Added back the Callback debugging section by interrogati...","Aaron Todd",1078 "2013-01-31","DATABASE_URL parsing should turn numeric strings into nu...","Aaron Stone",1078 "2012-12-08","Session variables for mysql, mysql2, and postgresql adap...","Aaron Stone",1078 "2012-09-06","Fixed non-working around callback example","Aaron Renner",1078 "2012-09-06","Fixed around callback with lambda example","Aaron Renner",1078 "2008-12-28","Use SimpleLogger for Rails::TemplateRunner outside of th...","Aaron Quint",1078 "2008-12-27","Adding test coverage and better logging to Rails::Templa...","Aaron Quint",1078 "2006-12-19","Merge [5755] from trunk. Closes #6514, closes #6743.","Aaron Namba",1078 "2006-12-19","Only cache GET requests with a 200 OK response. Closes #...","Aaron Namba",1078 "2012-08-01","Updated scaffold_controller generator docs #7146","Aaron Cruz",1078 "2012-07-14","Added time related req files to AS core_ext #6896","Aaron Cruz",1078 "2011-09-28","Fixed markup error.","45north",1078 "2011-09-13","Fixed markup error.","45north",1078 "2012-12-03","fix some formatting","1334",1078 "2012-09-07","Fix a typo","1334",1078 "2007-10-25","Make clear_reloadable_connections! take account of @@all...","Wilson Bilkovich",799 "2006-04-01","railties Rakefile refers to old rails_version.rb locatio...","Wilson Bilkovich",799 "2006-01-14","allow the 'lock_version' column to be configured with se...","Wilson Bilkovich",799 "2012-04-06","Better class name","Vitalii Khustochka",799 "2012-04-06","Update Custom Exception Handler section of International...","Vitalii Khustochka",799 "2010-07-13","Added reorder delegation for ActiveRecord::Base(to be ab...","Vitalii Khustochka",799 "2012-11-09","Clean up gemspecs","Vinny Diehl",799 "2012-10-26","Organize README","Vinny Diehl",799 "2012-10-26","Update redcarpet dependency","Vinny Diehl",799 "2013-01-22","Remove old asset tags API from docs, reflecting changes ...","Victor Babenko",799 "2013-01-21","Added AR integration tests for form helpers","Victor Babenko",799 "2012-12-26","Test nested fields with AssociationProxy mockup & fix As...","Victor Babenko",799 "2010-12-15","for the root route to work, we need to delete the public...","Umar Sheikh",799 "2010-12-13","for the root route to work, we need to delete the public...","Umar Sheikh",799 "2010-10-21","ActiveSupport::Dependencies' methods load_paths and load...","Umar Sheikh",799 "2013-06-27","activerecord/examples/simple.rb use master branch active...","tumayun",799 "2013-06-26","fix activerecord/examples/performance.rb#L101 syntax error","tumayun",799 "2012-11-19","Fix issue with params in url_for","tumayun",799 "2013-01-15","ActiveRecord <-> Active Record [ci skip]","Trung Lê",799 "2013-01-15","Use Rails 4 find_by in README [ci skip]","Trung Lê",799 "2012-01-03","Fix typos and formats for CHANGELOG","Trung Lê",799 "2012-03-21","Generate Migration Thats Adds Removed Index","Travis Jeffery",799 "2012-03-07","Adds #create/drop_schema on the PostgreSQL Adapter.","Travis Jeffery",799 "2012-03-07","Add #schema_names to PostgreSQL Adapter.","Travis Jeffery",799 "2013-05-08","dependency ActiveSupport::Deprecation","Tomohiko Himura",799 "2013-05-02","Fixes Dependency bug in Active Support","Tomohiko Himura",799 "2013-04-25","remove unused require","Tomohiko Himura",799 "2011-01-10","primary_key is returned as either string or symbol, in c...","Tomasz Pajor",799 "2011-01-09","use Object#class instead of Object#type","Tomasz Pajor",799 "2011-01-09","use Object#class instead of Object#type","Tomasz Pajor",799 "2011-07-08","Destroy association habtm record before destroying the r...","Tomas D&#39;Stefano",799 "2011-07-08","Destroy association habtm record before destroying the r...","Tomas D&#39;Stefano",799 "2011-07-08","Destroy association habtm record before destroying the r...","Tomas D&#39;Stefano",799 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Don't repeatedly add relative_url_root to as...","Tom Brice",799 "2008-01-27","Don't repeatedly add relative_url_root to asset sources....","Tom Brice",799 "2006-03-19","Fix for destroying migrations made when generating a mod...","Tom Brice",799 "2005-06-16","Added cuba to country list #1351 [todd]","Todd Gehman",799 "2005-05-19","Added Serbia and Montenegro to the country_select #1239 ...","Todd Gehman",799 "2005-04-17","Added that deleting a cookie should not just set it to a...","Todd Gehman",799 "2013-01-05","The plural of apparatus is apparatuses","Tim Raymond",799 "2013-01-03","Adding a usage message to install.rb script","Tim Raymond",799 "2013-01-03","Adding Back Rails::Engine::Railties#engines","Tim Raymond",799 "2008-10-20","Ensure ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::AssetTag::Ca...","Tim Harper",799 "2008-05-31","belongs_to polymorphic association assignments update th...","Tim Harper",799 "2008-05-31","belongs_to polymorphic association assignments update th...","Tim Harper",799 "2012-03-07","Add tests to test that through associations are not read...","Thong Kuah",799 "2012-03-07","Add tests to test that through associations are not read...","Thong Kuah",799 "2011-07-11","Fix for 3-0-stable - Conditions specified on through ass...","Thong Kuah",799 "2008-03-17","Fixed that polymorphic routes would modify the input arr...","thomas.lee",799 "2008-03-13","Fix more obscure nested parameter hash parsing bug. Clo...","thomas.lee",799 "2008-03-11","Fix nested parameter hash parsing bug. #10797 [thomas.lee]","thomas.lee",799 "2013-08-27","Comply with current umask when generating new app:","Thibault Jouan",799 "2012-12-30","Fix missing ending newline in db structure dump:","Thibault Jouan",799 "2012-05-29","Make File#atomic_write tests pass with umask","Thibault Jouan",799 "2012-03-16","test relation presence fix","Thiago Almeida",799 "2012-03-16","tests for Relation .present? and .blank? are check cases...","Thiago Almeida",799 "2012-03-16","relation .present? and .blank? should not query SELECT C...","Thiago Almeida",799 "2013-03-18","Capitalize the first letter of sentence","Tatsuro Baba",799 "2013-01-22","Fix typo","Tatsuro Baba",799 "2013-01-18","Remove useless number sign","Tatsuro Baba",799 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","tamc",799 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","tamc",799 "2008-02-02","TestSession supports indifferent access. Closes #7372.","tamc",799 "2012-08-31","reverting changes from commit b0896c38","Sven Kräuter",799 "2012-08-31","Merge pull request #111 from 5v3n/master","Sven Kräuter",799 "2012-08-31","there is no "delete" action in a controller","Sven Kräuter",799 "2012-01-06",NA,"Suraj N. Kurapati",799 "2011-12-12","disambiguate "and not" when explaining "&& return"","Suraj N. Kurapati",799 "2011-10-13","fix inconsistent alignment in Gemfile generator","Suraj N. Kurapati",799 "2013-09-13","Fix typos: the indefinite articles(a -> an)","Sugino Yasuhiro",799 "2013-08-22","Add examples of AR order method's hash notation to Rails...","Sugino Yasuhiro",799 "2012-06-09","fix stylesheet template dir","Sugino Yasuhiro",799 "2012-02-24","Added guide to updating engines built in previous versio...","Steven Anderson",799 "2011-12-15","Added .sass-cache/ directory to the genrated gitignore i...","Steven Anderson",799 "2011-10-18","Added environment rake task to engines","Steven Anderson",799 "2010-11-04","Association Proxy should not undefine the default respon...","Stephen Blackstone",799 "2010-11-04","Association Proxy should not undefine the default respon...","Stephen Blackstone",799 "2008-04-04","Time #yesterday and #tomorrow behave correctly crossing ...","Stephen Blackstone",799 "2006-02-26"," r3847@asus: jeremy | 2006-02-26 15:26:53 -0800","Simon Stapleton",799 "2006-02-26","ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection explicitly closes d...","Simon Stapleton",799 "2006-01-13","Ignore version mismatch between pg_dump and the database...","Simon Stapleton",799 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Seth Rasmussen",799 "2008-01-05","assert_response failures include the exception message. ...","Seth Rasmussen",799 "2007-12-13","Explain how the layout macro behaves when passed a path ...","Seth Rasmussen",799 "2008-12-15","Use Mime::JS in place of explicit 'text/javascript' [#15...","Seth Fitzsimmons",799 "2008-12-15","Implement Mime::Type.=~ to match all synonyms against ar...","Seth Fitzsimmons",799 "2008-10-30","Fixed regex in redirect_to to fully support URI schemes ...","Seth Fitzsimmons",799 "2007-09-22","Fixed TextHelper#word_wrap for multiline strings with ex...","seth",799 "2007-05-26","Array#to_xml yields the builder just like Hash and Activ...","seth",799 "2007-05-25","Test that #to_xml takes a block. Closes #8471. [seth]","seth",799 "2013-05-15","restore ability to return nil from asset_host proc, add ...","Sean Walbran",799 "2013-05-07","add changelog entry for fix-10502-skip-object-filter","Sean Walbran",799 "2013-05-07","fix issue #10502, do not recompute method name for alrea...","Sean Walbran",799 "2012-02-06","prevents the database.yml template option from being pas...","Sean Kirby",799 "2012-02-01","fixes rake db:test:prepare when using postgresql with sq...","Sean Kirby",799 "2011-11-04","fixes bug with PostgreSQLAdapter#indexes","Sean Kirby",799 "2010-06-19","add missing shebang to rails bin. LH [#4885 state:resolved]","Scott Taylor",799 "2009-02-05","Add ActiveRecord::Base.exists? with no args [#1817 state...","Scott Taylor",799 "2009-01-30","Controller, response, and request should all refer to sa...","Scott Taylor",799 "2006-12-06","Merge [5694]-[5698] from trunk: respond_to json and rend...","Scott Raymond",799 "2006-12-06","respond_to recognizes JSON. render :json => @person.to_j...","Scott Raymond",799 "2006-03-19","Allow has_many :through to work on has_many associations...","Scott Raymond",799 "2007-01-14","Merge [5924] from trunk. References #7023.","Scott Meade",799 "2007-01-14","Document Inflector.ordinalize and merge docs from String...","Scott Meade",799 "2007-01-12","Test proving render_to_string result passed to partial w...","Scott Meade",799 "2007-11-14","Remove stale warning from application generator usage me...","Scott Bronson",799 "2007-10-17","Raise an intelligible error message when migration aren'...","Scott Bronson",799 "2007-09-25","Fix webrick when using the debugger (closes #9348) [bron...","Scott Bronson",799 "2012-11-18","Point user to strong_parameters as the new protection mo...","Saulius Grigaliunas",799 "2012-05-29","Revert my own commit, didnt notice that this was intenti...","Saulius Grigaliunas",799 "2012-05-29","Routing guide: route constraints are anchored by default...","Saulius Grigaliunas",799 "2011-03-11","Add require 'date' to use Date.today in plugin template ...","Samuel Kadolph",799 "2010-12-15","Add support for namespaced validators","Samuel Kadolph",799 "2010-12-11","Add support for namespaced validators","Samuel Kadolph",799 "2012-01-24","code improved","Sachin Singh",799 "2012-01-23","alias_method added","Sachin Singh",799 "2012-01-22","some modifications in action_mailer/base.rb","Sachin Singh",799 "2008-07-15","Ensure plugins' rake tasks are loaded before application...","Ryan Kinderman",799 "2008-06-05","Ensure plugins' rake tasks are loaded before application...","Ryan Kinderman",799 "2008-01-19","Support aggregations in finder conditions. Closes #10572.","Ryan Kinderman",799 "2010-06-19","Added absolute path for config.ru as well. Turns out thi...","Ryan Duryea",799 "2010-06-19","Pass rack the absolute path of server's pid file","Ryan Duryea",799 "2007-10-08","PostgreSQL: support multiline default values. Closes #7533.","Ryan Duryea",799 "2009-06-21","Add expiry support File cache store [#1693 state:resolve...","Roman Shterenzon",799 "2009-01-01","Fix HasManyAssociation#create ignoring the :primary_key ...","Roman Shterenzon",799 "2008-12-27","Fix HasManyAssociation#create ignoring the :primary_key ...","Roman Shterenzon",799 "2010-02-07","fix ambiguous example for new invocation method","Roman Dittert",799 "2010-02-06","remove trailing whitespace","Roman Dittert",799 "2010-02-06","fix usage examples and more to use new invocations","Roman Dittert",799 "2010-04-09","Changed the way inflections for uncountables work for 'f...","Rolf Bjaanes",799 "2010-04-05","Changed the way inflections for uncountables work for 'f...","Rolf Bjaanes",799 "2010-04-02","Raise exceptions instead of rendering error templates in...","Rolf Bjaanes",799 "2010-03-25","Set mailer template_root as absolute path [#2263 state:r...","Rodrigo Kochenburger",799 "2008-05-16","Fixing test for named_scope through a has_many :through","Rodrigo Kochenburger",799 "2008-05-13","Add ActiveRecord option to store the full class name on ...","Rodrigo Kochenburger",799 "2012-11-26","assert_template: validating option keys","Roberto Soares",799 "2012-11-23","`assert_template` fails with empty string.","Roberto Soares",799 "2012-11-23","`assert_template` fails with empty string when a templat...","Roberto Soares",799 "2011-05-06","Adding base method symbolized_sti_name to activerecord b...","Richard Millan",799 "2011-05-05","Test: identity on inherited classes should behave the sa...","Richard Millan",799 "2011-05-05","Testing identity map on inherited active record classes....","Richard Millan",799 "2008-09-13","Allow for the dirty tracking to work with the aliased na...","Rich Cavanaugh",799 "2008-05-13","make CGI::Cookie handle deleting a cookie properly","Rich Cavanaugh",799 "2008-05-12","Don't double-escape cookie store data. Don't split cooki...","Rich Cavanaugh",799 "2012-12-02","Actually test that ActiveModel::Errors#add defaults to :...","Renato Mascarenhas",799 "2012-12-02","Call `full_messages` instead of `to_a` in its spec.","Renato Mascarenhas",799 "2012-12-01","Reset attributes should not report changes.","Renato Mascarenhas",799 "2007-12-08","Refactor of Hash#symbolize_keys! to use Hash#replace. C...","Rein Henrichs",799 "2007-12-08","Fix HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_options! so it doesn't ...","Rein Henrichs",799 "2007-10-08","PostgreSQL: support multiline default values. Closes #7533.","Rein Henrichs",799 "2009-01-28","ActiveResource#eqls? and == should not take into account...","Rasik Pandey",799 "2008-08-30","Format related patches to support serializing data out i...","Rasik Pandey",799 "2008-08-30","Format related patches to support serializing data out i...","Rasik Pandey",799 "2010-08-04","query value is converted to_s instead of to_yaml","Rainer Blessing",799 "2010-08-03","query value is converted to_s instead of to_yaml","Rainer Blessing",799 "2010-06-22","adds minus to value part of id [#4862 state:resolved]","Rainer Blessing",799 "2013-03-25","Remove “Sweepers” from Caching TOC and mention Page/Acti...","Rafaël Blais Masson",799 "2012-03-31","Reorder bits in the Layouts and Rendering guide","Rafaël Blais Masson",799 "2012-03-29","Make body background white for Lion scrollbar to be dark","Rafaël Blais Masson",799 "2007-01-05","Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang...","psross",799 "2007-01-05","Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang...","psross",799 "2006-10-09","Rename test assertion to prevent shadowing. Closes #6306.","psross",799 "2010-04-19","Regexp.escape(load_path) in add_routing_namespaces initi...","Phil Smith",799 "2010-04-19","Make the migration generator handle pre-existing migrati...","Phil Smith",799 "2010-04-12","table_name_prefix and table_name_suffix are class_attrib...","Phil Smith",799 "2009-10-28","Edinburgh TimeZone references "Europe/London" instead of...","Phil Ross",799 "2008-11-18","TimeZone: Caracas GMT offset changed to -4:30 [#1361 sta...","Phil Ross",799 "2008-11-13","TimeZone: Caracas GMT offset changed to -4:30 [#1361 sta...","Phil Ross",799 "2007-06-05","Fixtures: people(:technomancy, :josh) returns both fixtu...","Phil Hagelberg",799 "2006-03-18","Testing of uncommited should test controllers too (close...","Phil Hagelberg",799 "2006-03-02","Added test:uncommitted to test changes since last checki...","Phil Hagelberg",799 "2013-05-30","Fix regression in has_secure_password.","Phil Calvin",799 "2013-05-30","Fix regression in has_secure_password.","Phil Calvin",799 "2013-05-30","Fix regression in has_secure_password.","Phil Calvin",799 "2011-08-04","Explicitly included hashes in sentence regarding SQL-inj...","Pete Campbell",799 "2011-08-04","Explicitly included hashes in sentence regarding SQL-inj...","Pete Campbell",799 "2011-07-28","Explicitly included hashes in sentence regarding SQL-inj...","Pete Campbell",799 "2012-06-24","Fixed example in 1.2 so help will be defined as the text...","Perry Smith",799 "2008-04-01","PostgreSQL: create_ and drop_database support. Closes #9...","Perry Smith",799 "2008-02-09","Remove misleading / incorrect warning from validation do...","Perry Smith",799 "2011-08-13","Fix typo 'console' -> 'constant'","Perry Flinn",799 "2011-08-04","Fix typo 'console' -> 'constant'","Perry Flinn",799 "2011-08-04","Fix typo 'console' -> 'constant'","Perry Flinn",799 "2008-09-17","Added support for http_only cookies in cookie_store Adde...","Pelle Braendgaard",799 "2007-05-23","Scaffold generator tests. Closes #8443.","Pelle Braendgaard",799 "2005-01-18","Fixed that the Ruby/MySQL adapter wouldn't connect if th...","Pelle Braendgaard",799 "2011-02-21","Clarification of ActiveRecord ActiveModel validation doc...","Peer Allan",799 "2011-02-19","Clarification of ActiveRecord ActiveModel validation doc...","Peer Allan",799 "2009-08-10","Add validates_format_of :without => /regexp/ option [Ell...","Peer Allan",799 "2012-01-05","Nano seconds fraction of time is copied properly in Time...","Pawel Pierzchala",799 "2011-09-22","Fix named routes modifying arguments","Pawel Pierzchala",799 "2011-09-22","Fix named routes modifying arguments","Pawel Pierzchala",799 "2012-02-08","Handle nil in add_index :length option in MySQL","Paul Sadauskas",799 "2012-01-24","Handle nil in add_index :length option in MySQL","Paul Sadauskas",799 "2010-04-02","Slightly less annoying check for acceptable mime_types. ...","Paul Sadauskas",799 "2010-06-25","Alias ActiveSupport::OrderedHash#update to ActiveSupport...","Paul Mucur",799 "2010-06-25","Alias ActiveSupport::OrderedHash#update to ActiveSupport...","Paul Mucur",799 "2010-06-13","Support passing a block to ActiveSupport::OrderedHash's ...","Paul Mucur",799 "2011-02-10","Initial html_safe implemention for Array","Paul Hieromnimon",799 "2010-08-11","Raising exception if fixture file can't be found","Paul Hieromnimon",799 "2010-08-11","Raising exception if fixture file can't be found","Paul Hieromnimon",799 "2010-07-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Paul Carey",799 "2010-07-29","amended rails upgrade plugin instructions to be rails 2....","Paul Carey",799 "2010-07-27","amended Contributing to Rails guide to advise to use bun...","Paul Carey",799 "2006-10-09","Fixed test:uncommitted on Windows (backslash issue) (clo...","Paul Butcher",799 "2006-09-01","ActionWebService WSDL generation ignores HTTP_X_FORWARDE...","Paul Butcher",799 "2006-03-19","Fixed rails:freeze:gems for Windows (closes #3274) [paul...","Paul Butcher",799 "2010-11-21","Spelling mistake: "Projecto" instead of "projeto"","Pau",799 "2010-11-21","Spelling mistake: "Projecto" instead of "projeto"","Pau",799 "2010-11-20","Spelling mistake: "Projecto" instead of "projeto"","Pau",799 "2012-03-24","Testing layout gotcha when view renders partial","Panayotis Matsinopoulos",799 "2012-03-24","Small layout correction","Panayotis Matsinopoulos",799 "2012-03-24","Testing Template and Layout Example","Panayotis Matsinopoulos",799 "2011-12-01","Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'","Olli Jokinen",799 "2011-07-28","fixed test case test_render_json_with_callback to use co...","Olli Jokinen",799 "2011-07-28","Change mimetype to Mime::JS if JSONP is used","Olli Jokinen",799 "2013-04-11","Updated Singular Resource shorthand to mention shorthand...","Oliver Jakubiec",799 "2013-04-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oliver Jakubiec",799 "2013-04-03","Added a section on Rails Controller naming conventions.","Oliver Jakubiec",799 "2010-12-23","Verify that there is no unwanted implicit readonly set o...","oleg dashevskii",799 "2010-09-30","Tests proving #5441","oleg dashevskii",799 "2010-09-30","Tests proving #5441","oleg dashevskii",799 "2008-01-19","Performance: optimize route recognition. Large speedup f...","Oleg Andreev",799 "2008-01-19","Add timing test for large restful route recognition. Ref...","Oleg Andreev",799 "2008-01-17","Restructure routing into several smaller files. Referenc...","Oleg Andreev",799 "2010-09-24","Better shortcut options for custom validators [#5672 sta...","Obie Fernandez",799 "2006-12-21","Pushing a record on an association collection doesn't un...","Obie Fernandez",799 "2005-09-28"," r3653@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-28 00:23:49 -0700","Obie Fernandez",799 "2010-05-16","prevent to run fixture accessor (e.g. test_foos for Test...","Nobuhiro Imai",799 "2010-05-16","make fixture accessors private","Nobuhiro Imai",799 "2006-06-17","Enhance Symbol#to_proc so it works with list objects, su...","Nobuhiro Imai",799 "2013-07-19","Upgrade guide. Renaming Indexes on tables. [ci skip].","Nishant Modak",799 "2012-12-29","Update documentation for yml usage","Nishant Modak",799 "2012-12-29","Update documentation for yml usage","Nishant Modak",799 "2013-06-14","Fix #10932. Treat "" and "::" as invalid on constantize","Nikolay Shebanov",799 "2013-04-09","Use camelize instead of capitalize on error screen","Nikolay Shebanov",799 "2013-02-25","Fix #9360 regression in content_for","Nikolay Shebanov",799 "2010-04-22","Allow :remote => false to be passed to link_to","Nicolás Sanguinetti",799 "2010-04-15","Avoid deprecation warnings and potential TypeErrors [#44...","Nicolás Sanguinetti",799 "2007-11-06","Fix syntax error in documentation example for cycle meth...","Nicolás Sanguinetti",799 "2012-11-13","Fix deleting from a HABTM join table upon destroying an ...","Nick Rogers",799 "2012-03-08","Tests for removing a HABTM association when optimistic l...","Nick Rogers",799 "2012-03-07","Fix deleting from a HABTM join table upon destroying an ...","Nick Rogers",799 "2013-01-15","Account for ignored cookie set by turbolinks","Nick Reed",799 "2012-12-19","Remove obfuscation support from mail_to helper","Nick Reed",799 "2012-12-05","Revert turbolinks load order requirement","Nick Reed",799 "2007-01-23","Subclasses of an abstract class work with single-table i...","nick+rails@ag.arizona.edu",799 "2006-12-01","Merge [5660] from trunk.","nick+rails@ag.arizona.edu",799 "2006-12-01","Subclasses of an abstract class work with single-table i...","nick+rails@ag.arizona.edu",799 "2012-05-04","Add a role option to wrap_parameters.","Nick Ragaz",799 "2010-09-05","failing test for reorder overriding default_scope","Nick Ragaz",799 "2010-09-05","failing test for reorder overriding default_scope","Nick Ragaz",799 "2013-04-23","Add changes based on recommendations in Issue #9793","Nick Borromeo",799 "2013-04-23","Remove calls to action: and make use of named routes for...","Nick Borromeo",799 "2013-04-23","Move use of named routes to beggining of the guide","Nick Borromeo",799 "2013-01-31","Fix formatting: ruby->erb. [ci skip]","Nicholas Schultz-Møller",799 "2013-01-16","Fix formatting error introduced in cc585c8.","Nicholas Schultz-Møller",799 "2013-01-15","Improves documentation about Fragment Caching. [ci skip]","Nicholas Schultz-Møller",799 "2008-03-28","Added support for regexp flags like ignoring case in the...","Neil Wilson",799 "2006-11-02","Merge [5395] from trunk.","Neil Wilson",799 "2006-11-02","Generated directories are recursively svn added, like mk...","Neil Wilson",799 "2008-05-20","- Updated tzinfo to use Rational() instead of Rational.n...","Nate Wiger",799 "2006-12-19","Merge [5757] from trunk.","Nate Wiger",799 "2006-12-19","Silence log_error deprecation warnings from inspecting d...","Nate Wiger",799 "2009-06-09","A test to show that http_authentication needs to fail au...","nate",799 "2009-06-09","A test to show that http_authentication needs to fail au...","nate",799 "2007-10-08","Move custom inflections example so available before rout...","nate",799 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","mjobin",799 "2004-12-12","Fixed a pattern for module loading","mjobin",799 "2004-12-12","Added the possibility of marking fields as being in erro...","mjobin",799 "2011-10-15","Default timestamps to non-null","Mike Perham",799 "2010-08-28","Support pluggable cache stores.","Mike Perham",799 "2010-08-28","Support pluggable cache stores.","Mike Perham",799 "2008-03-15","Removed dead styles (closes #11353) [boone]","Mike Boone",799 "2007-12-14","Fixed that functional tests generated for scaffolds shou...","Mike Boone",799 "2007-10-26","Add docs explaining how to protect all attributes using ...","Mike Boone",799 "2011-02-02","Configurable generation of add_index for references columns","Michał Łomnicki",799 "2010-12-23","Fix behaviour of foo.has_many_through_association.select...","Michał Łomnicki",799 "2010-10-19","Use ALTER INDEX syntax to rename an index","Michał Łomnicki",799 "2008-06-23","ActiveRecord::Migrator#run records version-state after m...","Michael Raidel",799 "2008-06-23","ActiveRecord::Migrator#run records version-state after m...","Michael Raidel",799 "2005-07-02","Fixed validates_numericality_of to work with overrided g...","Michael Raidel",799 "2013-02-24","fix respond_to without blocks not working if one of the ...","Michael Grosser",799 "2012-09-25","depreacte unused Mime::Type#verify_request? and Mime::Ty...","Michael Grosser",799 "2012-05-10","add unless_exist option to memory store","Michael Grosser",799 "2010-05-04","typo "<image />" -> "<img />", and typo 'follow' -> 'fol...","Mica Eked",799 "2010-05-04","typo 'follow' -> 'following'","Mica Eked",799 "2010-05-04","typo "<image />" -> "<img />"","Mica Eked",799 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","mhackett",799 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","mhackett",799 "2008-02-02","TestSession supports indifferent access. Closes #7372.","mhackett",799 "2007-05-21","Merge [6796] to stable from trunk. Integration tests: al...","Melih Arda Yalçiner",799 "2007-05-21","Integration tests: alias xhr to xml_http_request and add...","Melih Arda Yalçiner",799 "2007-05-18","select :include_blank option can be set to a string inst...","Melih Arda Yalçiner",799 "2012-03-07","Correct grammar in documentation","Mattias Pfeiffer",799 "2012-03-07","Change syntax to accept an AR::Relation instead of old c...","Mattias Pfeiffer",799 "2012-03-07","Add :conditions option to uniqueness validator","Mattias Pfeiffer",799 "2006-06-02","Rewind readable CGI params so others may reread them (su...","Matthew Walker",799 "2005-11-03","Don't reap spawn-fcgi. Closes #2727.","Matthew Walker",799 "2005-11-02","Reaper knows how to find processes even if the dispatch ...","Matthew Walker",799 "2012-03-14","Minor clarification in documentation language and spelling","Matthew Daubert",799 "2011-10-25","Fix deprecation warnings in action pack test suite due t...","Matthew Daubert",799 "2011-05-23","Minor typo describing engine helpers","Matthew Daubert",799 "2013-07-10","Add documentation for FileStore#increment and #decrement","Matt Stopa",799 "2013-07-10","Add documentation for #clear on certain Store classes","Matt Stopa",799 "2013-07-10","Update the filestore documentation for clear","Matt Stopa",799 "2005-10-28","Fixed scaffold generator when started with only 1 parame...","Matt Mower",799 "2005-10-22","Scaffold generator pays attention to the controller name...","Matt Mower",799 "2005-01-10","Added support for the new protocol spoken by MySQL 4.1.1...","Matt Mower",799 "2011-11-26","Add config.active_record.identity_map to the configurati...","Matt Burke",799 "2011-11-18","Add config.active_record.identity_map to the configurati...","Matt Burke",799 "2011-09-02","When a collection is empty, render returns nil.","Matt Burke",799 "2009-11-03","Fix chars.reverse for multibyte decomposed strings","Matias Flores",799 "2009-11-03","Fix chars.reverse for multibyte decomposed strings","Matias Flores",799 "2009-09-28","Prefer tap to returning","Matias Flores",799 "2006-09-03","radio_button_tag generates unique id attributes. Closes ...","Mathieu Jobin",799 "2006-08-07","Mailer template root applies to a class and its subclass...","Mathieu Jobin",799 "2006-06-30","Mailer template root applies to a class and its subclass...","Mathieu Jobin",799 "2011-03-08","Rename conflicting ActionMailer::MailHelper#simple_forma...","Mat Brown",799 "2009-12-02","Fix instance_eval calls to association proxies","Mat Brown",799 "2009-12-02","Fix instance_eval calls to association proxies","Mat Brown",799 "2007-06-07","More nested polymorphic url helper fixes. Closes #6432, ...","Mark H. Wilkinson",799 "2007-06-05","Resources: url_for([parent, child]) generates /parents/1...","Mark H. Wilkinson",799 "2006-12-20","Fix date helper :include_blank regression. Closes #3811....","Mark H. Wilkinson",799 "2010-05-18","fix documentation typo","Marius Nuennerich",799 "2010-05-01","repair the activesupport message encryptor tests for me,...","Marius Nuennerich",799 "2010-05-01","repair the activesupport message encryptor tests for me,...","Marius Nuennerich",799 "2013-04-15","Document collection.create! on has_many associations in ...","Mario Visic",799 "2012-03-06","Failing test for mime responder respond_with using a block.","Mario Visic",799 "2012-03-06","Failing test for mime responder respond_with using a block.","Mario Visic",799 "2011-06-08","use association_primary_key in AssociationScope#add_cons...","Marian Rudzynski",799 "2011-05-26","added assertion for non-standard primary_key on models u...","Marian Rudzynski",799 "2011-05-26","use association_primary_key in AssociationScope#add_cons...","Marian Rudzynski",799 "2011-09-17","Fixed Apache configuration for gzipped assets: FilesMatc...","Marcus Ilgner",799 "2011-09-08","Fixed Apache configuration for gzipped assets: FilesMatc...","Marcus Ilgner",799 "2011-09-06","Fixed Apache configuration for gzipped assets: FilesMatc...","Marcus Ilgner",799 "2007-03-09","Merge [6360] from trunk. Fixes YAML Omap fixtures. Refer...","Manuel Holtgrewe",799 "2007-03-09","Fixtures: fix YAML ordered map support. Closes #2665.","Manuel Holtgrewe",799 "2005-10-15","Support ordered YAML fixtures. #1896","Manuel Holtgrewe",799 "2012-01-19","Fix for log tailer when the log file doesn't exist.","Manu J",799 "2012-01-13","Remove MRI 1.8 specific gems","Manu J",799 "2012-01-12","Handle leading spaces in protocol while sanitizing","Manu J",799 "2008-06-17","Fix url_for with no arguments when default_url_options i...","Luke Redpath",799 "2008-06-17","Fix url_for with no arguments when default_url_options i...","Luke Redpath",799 "2006-02-23","Renamed Errors#count to Errors#size but kept an alias fo...","Luke Redpath",799 "2012-03-17","use consistent explicit module inclusion","Luke Gruber",799 "2012-03-17","switch rack-test in Gemfile to using git protocol","Luke Gruber",799 "2012-03-15","allow zero-arity proc for AbstrController::layout","Luke Gruber",799 "2011-06-15","Use assert_equal instead of assert in uploaded file test.","Lukáš Konarovský",799 "2011-06-15","Use assert_equal instead of assert in uploaded file test.","Lukáš Konarovský",799 "2011-06-15","Use assert_equal instead of assert in uploaded file test.","Lukáš Konarovský",799 "2008-12-22","Ensure of Model#create support custom updated_at and upd...","Luis Hurtado",799 "2008-07-15","Fixes parsing deep nested resources from XML. [#380 stat...","Luis Hurtado",799 "2008-06-10","Fixes parsing deep nested resources from XML. [#380 sta...","Luis Hurtado",799 "2005-06-06","Don't error while processing encoded attachment names #1...","Lon Baker",799 "2005-05-30","Ignore Iconv::IllegalSequence errors when converting tex...","Lon Baker",799 "2005-03-26","Fixed that if charset was found that the end of a mime p...","Lon Baker",799 "2009-06-08","Cleaned up Apache .htaccess section of main README","Lloyd Pick",799 "2009-06-08","Minor spelling/grammer changes in associations","Lloyd Pick",799 "2009-05-24","Updated examples to use latest config structure","Lloyd Pick",799 "2011-08-11","Remove 'parameters_for_url' from 'form_tag' method signa...","Leonardo Capillera",799 "2011-08-11","Remove 'parameters_for_url' parameter from 'form_tag' me...","Leonardo Capillera",799 "2010-11-18","Remove deprecated form_for with strings or symbols","Leonardo Capillera",799 "2010-11-21","Fix code for customize the error messages html adding a ...","Léo Hackin",799 "2010-11-21","Fix code for customize the error messages html adding a ...","Léo Hackin",799 "2010-11-18","Fix code for customize the error messages html adding a ...","Léo Hackin",799 "2012-10-21","Fixes typo.","Lennart Fridén",799 "2012-01-22","Documented the :use_two_digit_numbers option","Lennart Fridén",799 "2011-12-11","Added :use_two_digit_numbers option [Lennart Fridén & Ki...","Lennart Fridén",799 "2011-07-17","made sure that the possible new output_buffer created by...","Lauri Hahne",799 "2011-07-17","Added tests for the output_buffer returned by CacheHelper","Lauri Hahne",799 "2011-07-15","fixed CacheHelper to properly support html_safe output b...","Lauri Hahne",799 "2011-03-13","Removed double texts","Lars Smit",799 "2011-03-05","Added some new advice on applying patches","Lars Smit",799 "2011-02-28","Added some new advice on applying patches","Lars Smit",799 "2013-03-07","@target might be nil when Identity Map is enabled.","Larry Lv",799 "2013-03-05","Fix issue #7526. Reload the target if it's stale.","Larry Lv",799 "2012-09-17","set up config_accessor with a default value by block","Larry Lv",799 "2011-08-13","fix some types in schema_test.rb","Lachlan Sylvester",799 "2011-07-27","fix some types in schema_test.rb","Lachlan Sylvester",799 "2011-07-27","fix some types in schema_test.rb","Lachlan Sylvester",799 "2010-04-08","Dirty datetime attributes should be aware of time zone i...","Kristopher Murata",799 "2010-04-04","Parameterize should accept malformed utf8 characters [#4...","Kristopher Murata",799 "2010-04-04","Parameterize should accept malformed utf8 characters [#4...","Kristopher Murata",799 "2012-10-07","Update actionmailer with new hash syntax.","Kirill Nikitin",799 "2012-04-29","Fix typo","Kirill Nikitin",799 "2012-04-29","Remove repeated word","Kirill Nikitin",799 "2011-02-07","Add note that validates_length_of will incorrectly plura...","Kevin Skoglund",799 "2011-02-04","Improve regex in rake db:migrate status [#5940 state:res...","Kevin Skoglund",799 "2010-06-28","rake db:migrate:status displays status of migrations [#4...","Kevin Skoglund",799 "2012-08-30","in section 4.1 acts_as_yaffle_test was incorrectly faili...","Kevin Musiorski",799 "2012-08-30","added .DS_Store to .gitignore","Kevin Musiorski",799 "2012-04-19","removed extra "you"","Kevin Musiorski",799 "2013-03-28","Add support for FULLTEXT and SPATIAL indexes using the :...","Ken Mazaika",799 "2013-03-28","Dump the 'using' options for a SQL index into the schema.","Ken Mazaika",799 "2011-02-15","ActiveResource validation tests did not test ActiveModel...","Ken Mazaika",799 "2011-07-24","Update "Getting Started" for Rails 3.1","Ken Ip",799 "2011-07-24","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lifo/docrails","Ken Ip",799 "2011-07-24","Update "Getting Started" for Rails 3.1","Ken Ip",799 "2010-06-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Keith Gautreaux",799 "2010-06-16","Clarify language around list of finder methods.","Keith Gautreaux",799 "2010-06-16","Fix incorrect pluralization in 'These methods allows you...","Keith Gautreaux",799 "2007-03-06","Merge [6344] from trunk. Check for MinGW when testing fo...","Kaspar Schiess",799 "2007-03-06","Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. Closes #2...","Kaspar Schiess",799 "2006-09-04","Fixed that AssetTagHelper#image_tag and others using com...","Kaspar Schiess",799 "2011-08-16","Fix a typo in 'Configuring Rails Applications' guide","Kamil Śliwak",799 "2011-08-15","Merge pull request #58 from cameel/fix-set_autoload_path...","Kamil Śliwak",799 "2011-08-15",NA,"Kamil Śliwak",799 "2012-02-25","Fix typo in match :to docs","Justin Woodbridge",799 "2012-02-25","Fix typo in match :to docs","Justin Woodbridge",799 "2012-02-23","Fix typo in match :to docs","Justin Woodbridge",799 "2011-11-21","Make the Rack::SSL middleware configurable","Justin Leitgeb",799 "2011-09-27","Make case in configuration document consistent","Justin Leitgeb",799 "2011-09-27","Make the Rack::SSL middleware configurable","Justin Leitgeb",799 "2011-12-17","Add test for register_alias","Justin Campbell",799 "2011-12-17","Add test for type aliases","Justin Campbell",799 "2011-12-17","Allow symbols to be passed for extension aliases","Justin Campbell",799 "2008-10-06","Fix image_tag behavior on windows. [#1085 state:resolved]","Julian Doherty",799 "2008-10-04","Fixed load path for actionmailer and activesupport tests...","Julian Doherty",799 "2008-10-03","added nicer failure reporting to #assert_difference to t...","Julian Doherty",799 "2013-09-09","[ci skip] Fix links in section 5.3 of i18n.md","Juanito Fatas",799 "2013-09-09","[ci skip] Add missing setting locale code snippet.","Juanito Fatas",799 "2013-09-09","[ci skip] Change link name of Rails i18n wiki.","Juanito Fatas",799 "2011-08-31","Fixes bug in ActiveRecord::QueryMethods, #1697","Joshua Wehner",799 "2011-05-10","Methods that return nil should not be considered YAML","Joshua Wehner",799 "2008-03-07","Make MimeResponds::Responder#any work without explicit t...","Joshua Wehner",799 "2009-08-31","I added this feature so that a Map of changed fields cou...","Josh Sharpe",799 "2009-08-08","Tidy up the AR tests, removing duplicates and making tes...","Josh Sharpe",799 "2009-08-08","Tidy up the AR tests, removing duplicates and making tes...","Josh Sharpe",799 "2011-10-09","Only use LOWER for mysql case insensitive uniqueness che...","Joseph Palermo",799 "2011-05-11","Bug fixes:","Joseph Palermo",799 "2008-12-26","Association preloading no longer stops if it hits a nil ...","Joseph Palermo",799 "2010-03-05","Solved a problem that prevented render :file => work in ...","Jose Fernandez",799 "2008-09-10","Fixed FormTagHelper#submit_tag with :disable_with option...","Jose Fernandez",799 "2008-09-10","The FormTagHelper#submit_tag helper will now pass along ...","Jose Fernandez",799 "2011-03-05","Adds link to Object.blank? from Object.present?","Jonathon D. Jones",799 "2011-03-03","Merge remote branch 'origin/master'","Jonathon D. Jones",799 "2011-03-03","Adds link to Object.blank? from Object.present?","Jonathon D. Jones",799 "2013-01-17","fix example of setting DEFAULTS in fixtures","Jonathan Garvin",799 "2013-01-17","clarify awkward sentence re: email testing","Jonathan Garvin",799 "2007-05-25","Migrations: add_column supports custom column types. Clo...","Jonathan Garvin",799 "2006-09-09","Make sure quoted-printable text is decoded correctly whe...","Jon Bright",799 "2006-09-02","Updated docs and otherwise","Jon Bright",799 "2006-09-02","Fixed that iconv decoding should catch InvalidEncoding #...","Jon Bright",799 "2013-05-18","destroys association records before saving/inserting new...","Johnny Holton",799 "2013-05-02","destroys association records before saving/inserting new...","Johnny Holton",799 "2013-04-19","destroys association records before saving/inserting new...","Johnny Holton",799 "2011-07-23","Fixing typo in plugins.textile","John Warwick",799 "2011-07-16","Fixing typo in plugins.textile","John Warwick",799 "2011-07-07","Updated rake:notes to search app, config, lib, script an...","John Warwick",799 "2012-09-23","Add CHANGELOG entry and update the guide","John Foley",799 "2012-09-23","Switch to using include? on validation callbacks","John Foley",799 "2012-09-23","Fix collisions with before and after validation callbacks.","John Foley",799 "2009-06-19","Add documentation for qualifying table names in conditio...","Joel Chippindale",799 "2008-11-11","Fixed method_missing for ActionMailer so it no longer ma...","Joel Chippindale",799 "2008-11-11","Fix for ActionMailer::Base.method_missing so that it rai...","Joel Chippindale",799 "2010-03-03","Better with #abort","Joao Carlos",799 "2010-02-28","#exit accepts an integer, not a string","Joao Carlos",799 "2010-01-10","Fixes namespaced routes [#3673 status:resolved]","Joao Carlos",799 "2013-01-02","Add missing changelog entry for #8676 [ci skip]","Jiri Pospisil",799 "2013-01-01","Add -B alias for --skip-bundle","Jiri Pospisil",799 "2012-12-31","Fix usage of lambda as a Rack endpoint","Jiri Pospisil",799 "2011-02-21","improve language and examples in Railtie docs","Jimmy Cuadra",799 "2011-02-19","improve language and examples in Railtie docs","Jimmy Cuadra",799 "2011-02-16","add note about observer config for rails apps","Jimmy Cuadra",799 "2012-08-29","Merge pull request #109 from aantix/default_security_hea...","Jim Jones",799 "2012-08-28","Added clairifications for default security headers.","Jim Jones",799 "2012-08-18","Added X-Content-Type-Options to the header defaults.","Jim Jones",799 "2006-11-19","Merge 1-2-pre-release with [5581]","jerry426",799 "2006-11-19","Merge [5561] from trunk.","jerry426",799 "2006-11-19","simple_format helper doesn't choke on nil. Closes #6644.","jerry426",799 "2013-01-20","Add documentation for abstract controller #translate and...","Jens Bissinger",799 "2013-01-20","Removed ActionController::Base dependency from abstract ...","Jens Bissinger",799 "2013-01-20","Test abstract controller's localize method.","Jens Bissinger",799 "2006-03-26","Change periods (.) in table aliases to _'s. Closes #425...","Jeff Berg",799 "2005-12-10"," r3429@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 16:55:16 -0800","Jeff Berg",799 "2005-12-10","SQLServer: fix obscure optimistic locking bug, support u...","Jeff Berg",799 "2011-08-08","Fix marshal round-tripping of fractional seconds (Time#s...","Jason Weathered",799 "2011-04-17","Bypass IdentityMap in PostgreSQL geometric tests.","Jason Weathered",799 "2011-04-17","Fix marshal round-tripping of fractional seconds (Time#s...","Jason Weathered",799 "2013-01-03","Fix undefined method `to_i' introduced since 3.2.8","Jason Stirk",799 "2013-01-03","Fix undefined method `to_i' introduced since 3.2.8","Jason Stirk",799 "2005-09-11","Added :multipart option to ActiveRecordHelper#form to ma...","Jason Stirk",799 "2011-06-18","The name for the plain text template in Rails3 appears t...","Jason Fox",799 "2011-06-15","Merge pull request #47 from jasonfox/master","Jason Fox",799 "2011-06-15","The name for the plain text template in Rails3 appears t...","Jason Fox",799 "2012-10-03","Merge pull request #116 from jarednipper/master","Jared Nipper",799 "2012-10-01","Fixed typo in command to run unit test","Jared Nipper",799 "2012-10-01","Fixed typo in command to run unit test","Jared Nipper",799 "2009-08-09","Fix HTTP basic authentication for long credentials [#257...","Jan Schwenzien",799 "2009-08-09","Fix HTTP basic authentication for long credentials [#257...","Jan Schwenzien",799 "2008-01-26","Make sure that belongs_to counter decrements when assign...","Jan Schwenzien",799 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] fix reference to ActionController::Macros::AutoCo...","Jan Prill",799 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] fix reference to ActionController::Macros::AutoCo...","Jan Prill",799 "2006-01-08","Make HashWithIndifferentAccess#update behave like Hash#u...","Jan Prill",799 "2008-01-03","Ruby 1.9: Forwards compatibility change for fixtures and...","James Edward Gray II",799 "2007-12-05","Add documentation about the virtual attribute added by v...","James Edward Gray II",799 "2006-08-31","Tighten rescue clauses. Closes #5985.","James Edward Gray II",799 "2012-03-27","Don't break Haml with textarea newline fix.","James Coleman",799 "2012-03-27","Don't break Haml with textarea newline fix.","James Coleman",799 "2012-03-02","Unset association when existing record is destroyed.","James Coleman",799 "2010-09-07","fixed some issues with JSON encoding","Jakub Suder",799 "2010-08-25","better callstack reporting in deprecation messages","Jakub Suder",799 "2010-08-25","better callstack reporting in deprecation messages","Jakub Suder",799 "2006-11-20","Test has_one :dependent => :nullify with missing associa...","Jake Janovetz",799 "2006-11-02","Merge [5401] from trunk.","Jake Janovetz",799 "2006-11-02","has_one :dependent => :nullify ignores nil associates. C...","Jake Janovetz",799 "2006-11-14","Cleanup SQLite AUTOINCREMENT: exclude sqlite_sequence ta...","Jacob Fugal",799 "2006-10-10","Wrap save! in a transaction. Closes #6324.","Jacob Fugal",799 "2006-10-09","Don't rollback in teardown unless a transaction was star...","Jacob Fugal",799 "2008-07-14","Enable loading fixtures from arbitrary locations. [#586 ...","Jacek Becela",799 "2008-06-08","Make plugins initialize also from rails/init.rb to ensur...","Jacek Becela",799 "2008-05-10","Make render shorthands work with namespaced controllers","Jacek Becela",799 "2013-08-12","Added comment to a guide about necessity of `:dependent`...","Ilya Vorontsov",799 "2013-04-24","fixed missing comma in example","Ilya Vorontsov",799 "2012-09-08","Fixed missing require","Ilya Vorontsov",799 "2013-01-23","Fix pluck when columns/tables are reserved words.","Ian Lesperance",799 "2012-09-05","Fix pluck when columns/tables are reserved words.","Ian Lesperance",799 "2011-09-28","Fixed digest authentication for requests with a query st...","Ian Lesperance",799 "2013-08-03","Updated the guide to say that the localisation file for ...","Iain Beeston",799 "2013-04-14","Tried to make the response status code table more readable","Iain Beeston",799 "2013-04-06","Added a table of html status symols","Iain Beeston",799 "2013-08-09","Fix a broken link","Hiroshige Umino",799 "2013-02-26","Do not override attributes on `dup` by default scopes","Hiroshige Umino",799 "2013-02-25","Do not override attributes on `dup` by default scopes","Hiroshige Umino",799 "2008-11-19","Let polymorphic_path treat an array contains single name...","Hiroshi Saito",799 "2008-11-19","Let polymorphic_path treat an array contains single name...","Hiroshi Saito",799 "2008-11-14","Make polymorphic_url compact given array [#1317 state:co...","Hiroshi Saito",799 "2007-09-25","Use the correct generator name in the docs (closes #9111...","Hendy Irawan",799 "2007-01-26","Fixed NumberHelper#number_with_delimiter to use "." alwa...","Hendy Irawan",799 "2007-01-26","Fixed NumberHelper#number_with_delimiter to use "." alwa...","Hendy Irawan",799 "2012-12-09","Globalize2 is only compatible with Rails 2 so link to Gl...","Henare Degan",799 "2011-10-30","Fix a little typo","Henare Degan",799 "2011-10-26","Fix a little typo","Henare Degan",799 "2013-09-14","[ci skip] Update plugins.md","Harshad Sabne",799 "2013-09-13","Update 3_2_release_notes.md","Harshad Sabne",799 "2013-09-12","Update 4_0_release_notes.md","Harshad Sabne",799 "2012-12-01","Add documentation for Hash.from_xml [ci skip]","Gustavo Leon",799 "2012-12-01","Remove :nodoc from SanitizeHelper module [ci skip]","Gustavo Leon",799 "2012-12-01","Update documentation for javascript_include_tag [ci skip]","Gustavo Leon",799 "2011-02-03","Make serialized columns with explicit object_type return...","Guillermo Álvarez",799 "2010-06-10","Add support for multi-subdomain session by setting cooki...","Guillermo Álvarez",799 "2009-02-22","Deprecated warnings for :skip_last_command and :connecto...","Guillermo Álvarez",799 "2011-08-07","Added irregular zombie inflection, so zombies no longer ...","Gregg Pollack",799 "2011-08-07","Added irregular zombie inflection, so zombies no longer ...","Gregg Pollack",799 "2009-02-28","Added ability to pass in :public => true to fresh_when, ...","Gregg Pollack",799 "2010-08-14","Add missing ActiveModel::Validations require","Greg Campbell",799 "2010-08-12","Add missing ActiveModel::Validations require","Greg Campbell",799 "2010-08-12","Add missing ActiveModel::Validations require","Greg Campbell",799 "2012-10-29","fixed support for DATABASE_URL for rake db tasks","Grace Liu",799 "2012-09-12","fixed support for DATABASE_URL for rake db tasks","Grace Liu",799 "2012-07-24","remove duplicate build runs in travis. These extra runs...","Grace Liu",799 "2006-06-21","Fix in auto_complete_result documentation. closes #5096...","Giovanni Intini",799 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Giovanni Intini",799 "2005-01-02","Added HasManyAssociation#count that works like Base#coun...","Giovanni Intini",799 "2009-03-17","this page referred to an :href_options keyword hash, in ...","Giles Bowkett",799 "2007-10-15","Uncomment test for join model method_missing. Closes #87...","Giles Bowkett",799 "2007-06-18","remove extra debug line. Closes #8681 [Giles Bowkett]","Giles Bowkett",799 "2013-09-06","Fix typo in set_callback docs. [ci skip]","Gilad Zohari",799 "2013-07-31","Refactor Date, Time, DateTime timezone methods","Gilad Zohari",799 "2013-07-31","Remove duplication from date_time calculations","Gilad Zohari",799 "2012-12-11","Update guides/source/routing.md","George Claghorn",799 "2012-12-11","Explain how to supersede the new dynamic welcome page","George Claghorn",799 "2012-12-09","Make code statistics rake task handle new test locations...","George Claghorn",799 "2011-09-05","Don't find belongs_to target when the foreign_key is NUL...","Georg Friedrich",799 "2011-09-05","Don't find belongs_to target when the foreign_key is NUL...","Georg Friedrich",799 "2007-01-29","Oracle: fix lob and text default handling. Closes #7344.","Georg Friedrich",799 "2009-09-28","Fixes a bug where layouts provided with an absolute path...","Gaspard Bucher",799 "2009-02-10","Fixes a typo in initializer.rb producing error: undefine...","Gaspard Bucher",799 "2006-03-02","Added that page caching will only happen if the response...","Gaspard Bucher",799 "2013-03-13","Add documentation to ActionDispatch::Request","Gareth Rees",799 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #113 from lifo/gr-flash-output","Gareth Rees",799 "2012-09-11","More concise flash output","Gareth Rees",799 "2007-10-08","validates_uniqueness_of behaves well with single-table i...","Gabriel Gironda",799 "2006-02-08","Don't interpret the :value option on text_area as an htm...","Gabriel Gironda",799 "2005-09-04","Added :popup option to UrlHelper#link_to #1996 [gabriel....","Gabriel Gironda",799 "2012-08-11","Fix caching guide (plural model name) [ci skip]","Franco Catena",799 "2012-08-01","Fix string interpolation in belongs_to docs","Franco Catena",799 "2011-09-02","Change photos_path to photos_url in Using redirect_to","Franco Catena",799 "2010-11-15","Fixes ActionMailer example error","Francesc Esplugas",799 "2010-11-07","Fixes ActionMailer example error","Francesc Esplugas",799 "2008-04-22","Rails Edge info returns the latest git commit hash [#36 ...","Francesc Esplugas",799 "2005-07-01","Allow for nested parts in multipart mails #1570 [Flurin ...","Flurin Egger",799 "2005-06-24","Allow specific "multipart/xxx" content-type to be set on...","Flurin Egger",799 "2005-03-31","Fixed that on very rare occasions, webrick would raise a...","Flurin Egger",799 "2013-04-21","fixes typo in testing guide","Florian Thomas",799 "2013-04-21","Updates list of assertions in testing guide","Florian Thomas",799 "2013-04-19","MiniTest::Unit is used instead of Test::Unit","Florian Thomas",799 "2012-03-12","Advise to keep secret token private","Filipe Moreira",799 "2012-03-12","Advise to keep secret token private","Filipe Moreira",799 "2012-03-05","Small typo fix","Filipe Moreira",799 "2013-08-21","Skip tests involving $SAFE, it's not supported on Rubinius.","Federico Ravasio",799 "2013-08-21","Added method to skip tests on Rubinius to AS/abstract_unit.","Federico Ravasio",799 "2013-08-12","Rely on NoMethodError#name when deciding to raise Delega...","Federico Ravasio",799 "2009-08-10","Add support for errors in JSON format.","Fabien Jakimowicz",799 "2009-08-10","Add support for errors in JSON format.","Fabien Jakimowicz",799 "2009-05-27","Add an model_subclass generator.","Fabien Jakimowicz",799 "2007-09-30","Fixed that installing plugins from SVN repositories that...","Evan Weaver",799 "2007-07-12","Default to plural table name in Rails Generator if Activ...","Evan Weaver",799 "2007-04-26","Improve Performance of calling create on has_many :throu...","Evan Weaver",799 "2013-09-12","Fix FinderMethods#last unscoped primary key","Eugene Kalenkovich",799 "2013-08-18","Fix 1.8.7 incompatible respond_to_missing","Eugene Kalenkovich",799 "2013-08-18","Fix test incompatible with 1.8.7","Eugene Kalenkovich",799 "2013-09-04","Document a difference between pluck and select [ci skip]","Eugene Gilburg",799 "2013-08-26","Updating README.md [ci skip]","Eugene Gilburg",799 "2013-08-01","Minor optimization and code cleanup in query_methods.","Eugene Gilburg",799 "2013-04-11","Correctly parse bigint defaults in PostgreSQL, Backpost ...","Erik Peterson",799 "2013-04-05","Correctly parse bigint defaults in PostgreSQL","Erik Peterson",799 "2013-02-26","Fix default output for postgres network address types","Erik Peterson",799 "2012-06-26","corrected URLs and controller benchmark method call","Eric Carty-Fickes",799 "2012-05-11","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lifo/docrails","Eric Carty-Fickes",799 "2012-05-11","Clarify expire_action with namespaced controllers","Eric Carty-Fickes",799 "2011-09-11","Fix typo in "must-revalidate" header name","Emin Hasanov",799 "2011-09-11","Merge pull request #66 from hasanove/master","Emin Hasanov",799 "2011-09-11","Fix typo in "must-revalidate" header name","Emin Hasanov",799 "2011-08-04","Removed trailing slash of 'Download and installation' Gi...","Elliot Yates",799 "2011-08-04","Removed trailing slash of 'Download and installation' Gi...","Elliot Yates",799 "2011-07-28","Removed trailing slash of 'Download and installation' Gi...","Elliot Yates",799 "2006-06-03","Create temporary dirs relative to RAILS_ROOT when runnin...","Elliot Smith",799 "2006-05-12","The app generator detects the XAMPP package's MySQL sock...","Elliot Smith",799 "2005-11-08","Destroy associated has_and_belongs_to_many records after...","Elliot Smith",799 "2009-08-09","Ensure ActiveResource#load works with numeric arrays [Gr...","Elad Meidar",799 "2009-08-09","Ensure ActiveResource#load works with numeric arrays [Gr...","Elad Meidar",799 "2009-08-08","Fixed reference to AR::SessionStore::Session.table_name ...","Elad Meidar",799 "2012-03-06","Compute asset paths from the request if ENV["RAILS_RELAT...","Dwayne Litzenberger",799 "2009-12-23","Fix ActiveSupport::JSON encoding of control characters [...","Dwayne Litzenberger",799 "2009-12-23","Fix ActiveSupport::JSON encoding of control characters [...","Dwayne Litzenberger",799 "2006-11-26","Merge [5629] from trunk.","Duncan Robertson",799 "2006-11-26","strip_tags passes through blank args such as nil or "". ...","Duncan Robertson",799 "2006-09-03","strip_tags returns nil for a blank arg such as nil or ""...","Duncan Robertson",799 "2008-10-17","Skip tests that depend on memcached if not running.","Doug Barth",799 "2008-10-17","Bring MemCacheStore and CompressedMemCacheStore inline w...","Doug Barth",799 "2008-10-17","Fix cache counter semantics for MemoryCache, FileStoreCa...","Doug Barth",799 "2005-11-19"," r3174@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 01:53:00 -0800","Don Park",799 "2005-11-19","Correct boolean handling in generated reader methods. R...","Don Park",799 "2005-11-01","A missing primary key column shouldn't raise an error wh...","Don Park",799 "2012-04-23","Fix markdown in textile.","Dmytrii Nagirniak",799 "2012-04-23","Make it explicit that Symbol-s are not officially suppor...","Dmytrii Nagirniak",799 "2011-05-24","fix minor spelling mistakes in comments","Dmytrii Nagirniak",799 "2007-10-16","Quote table names. Defaults to column quoting. Closes #4...","Dmitry V. Sabanin",799 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Dmitry V. Sabanin",799 "2004-12-31","Fixed quoting in validates_format_of that would allow so...","Dmitry V. Sabanin",799 "2009-08-09","Changed to use klass instead of constantizing in assign_...","Dmitry Ratnikov",799 "2009-08-09","Changed to use klass instead of constantizing in assign_...","Dmitry Ratnikov",799 "2009-08-09","Modified Rich Bradley's test-case to fail as part of sui...","Dmitry Ratnikov",799 "2011-12-24","added ability to specify from cli when generating a mode...","Dmitrii Samoilov",799 "2011-12-24","added ability to specify from cli when generating a mode...","Dmitrii Samoilov",799 "2011-02-04","fixed bug with nested resources within shallow scope","Dmitrii Samoilov",799 "2011-09-27","fixing docs for delete_sql where quotes should be used i...","Diego Plentz",799 "2011-09-26","fixing docs for delete_sql where quotes should be used i...","Diego Plentz",799 "2011-05-20","fixes code highlight in shallow_path example","Diego Plentz",799 "2005-03-20","Fixed the Rakefile's interaction with postgresql use PGP...","Dick Davies",799 "2005-02-07","Added that running test_units and test_functional now pe...","Dick Davies",799 "2005-01-24","Fixed skeleton Rakefile to work with sqlite3 out of the ...","Dick Davies",799 "2007-10-04","Try loading activerecord-<adaptername>-adapter gem befor...","Derrick Spell",799 "2006-05-24","Update OpenBase adaterp's maintainer's email address. Cl...","Derrick Spell",799 "2006-03-18","Added OpenBase database adapter that builds on top of th...","Derrick Spell",799 "2012-03-13","fix activerecord query_method regression with offset int...","Denis Jean",799 "2012-03-13","fix activerecord query_method regression with offset int...","Denis Jean",799 "2012-03-12","fix activerecord query_method regression with offset int...","Denis Jean",799 "2013-08-29","Fix broken link to Fixtures documentation on guides","David Padilla",799 "2012-11-15","Fixes issue #6251","David Padilla",799 "2012-05-11","Fixes issue #6251","David Padilla",799 "2011-08-24","Make ActionController::TestCase#recycle! set @protocol t...","David Majda",799 "2011-08-23","Make ActionController::TestCase#recycle! set @protocol t...","David Majda",799 "2011-08-23","Make ActionController::TestCase#recycle! set @protocol t...","David Majda",799 "2012-04-30","Correcting some confusion. Pago Pago is part of American...","Dave Gerton",799 "2012-04-30","Correcting some confusion. Pago Pago is part of American...","Dave Gerton",799 "2012-04-13","Correcting some confusion. Pago Pago is part of American...","Dave Gerton",799 "2009-08-10","Fix that JSON parser fails to read escaped backslashes.","Daniel Sheppard",799 "2009-08-10","Fix that JSON parser fails to read escaped backslashes.","Daniel Sheppard",799 "2006-06-30"," r4738@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-29 20:18:43 -0700","Daniel Sheppard",799 "2012-03-08","Left off a : when specifying the :namespace option for a...","Corey Haines",799 "2012-03-07","Left off a : when specifying the :namespace option for a...","Corey Haines",799 "2012-03-07","In a nested resource route, the parent resource param is...","Corey Haines",799 "2013-01-16","Fix date_select :selected option so you can pass it nil","Colin Burn-Murdoch",799 "2013-01-14","Rename :value option to :selected, in line with other se...","Colin Burn-Murdoch",799 "2013-01-13","Allow value to be set on date_select","Colin Burn-Murdoch",799 "2011-07-09","Updated active_record_querying.textile: intro paragraph ...","Christopher Scott Hernandez",799 "2011-07-08","Merge pull request #51 from christopherscott/master","Christopher Scott Hernandez",799 "2011-07-08","Updated active_record_querying.textile: intro paragraph ...","Christopher Scott Hernandez",799 "2008-05-10","Escape globbed parameters in routes correctly.","Chris Roos",799 "2007-05-14","Rationalize route path escaping according to RFC 2396 se...","Chris Roos",799 "2006-07-05","Fixed HashWithIndifferentAccess#default (closes #5586) [...","Chris Roos",799 "2011-09-26","Fixed typo that I added - doh.","Chris Kimpton",799 "2011-09-26","Clarify that the Active Record config should just work a...","Chris Kimpton",799 "2011-09-26","add some notes on setup for Active Record tests","Chris Kimpton",799 "2012-05-29","Allow blocks for count with ActiveRecord::Relation. Docu...","Chris Finne",799 "2010-03-26","Add debugging documentation for _callback_chain to Activ...","Chris Finne",799 "2009-02-05","Fix a syntax error in current_page?() that was prevent m...","Chris Finne",799 "2013-04-14","Align table of HTTP status codes with set supported by c...","Chase DuBois",799 "2013-04-14","Clarify arguments of head method","Chase DuBois",799 "2013-01-05","HTTP 302 means Found, not Moved","Chase DuBois",799 "2009-03-01","Speed up script/console by launching IRB directly.","Charles Nutter",799 "2009-01-30","Ensure constant_watch_stack is protected by a mutex, so ...","Charles Nutter",799 "2006-06-29","Remove use of opts.on { |options[:name] } hash assignmen...","Charles Nutter",799 "2013-06-17","rewrote render tag using more succinct and idiomatic way","Chandresh Pant",799 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #133 from chandresh/master","Chandresh Pant",799 "2013-04-05","correct image for unknown_action_create_for_posts.png","Chandresh Pant",799 "2013-03-08","Unprepared Visitor + unprepared_statement","Cédric Fabianski",799 "2013-01-05","[#8743] Test case","Cédric Fabianski",799 "2012-10-29","Add test for code change introduced in this commit f20032f","Cédric Fabianski",799 "2011-04-30","This patch allows a user to join through a polymorphic h...","Casey Dreier",799 "2011-04-30","This patch ensures that an inner join performed to a pol...","Casey Dreier",799 "2011-04-28","Fixing dynamic finders on associations to properly send ...","Casey Dreier",799 "2012-01-30","Fixing some double quotes that should be single quotes","Carol Nichols",799 "2011-07-24","Changing Textile emphasis underscores to em tags; the li...","Carol Nichols",799 "2011-07-23","Changing Textile emphasis underscores to em tags; the li...","Carol Nichols",799 "2011-09-01","Fix name of parent resource params when declaring nested...","Carlos Paramio",799 "2008-11-17","Change usage of defined? to check the rubygems constant ...","Carlos Paramio",799 "2008-11-17","Change usage of defined? to check the rubygems constant ...","Carlos Paramio",799 "2009-01-16","Fix dirty handling of nullable non-integer numeric colum...","Carlos Kozuszko",799 "2009-01-15","Fixing bug on ActiveRecord::Dirty#field_changed? for nul...","Carlos Kozuszko",799 "2009-01-15","Fixing bug on ActiveRecord::Dirty#field_changed? for nul...","Carlos Kozuszko",799 "2013-03-11","I think "uniq" is more Rails-y than select("distinct(cat...","capps",799 "2011-11-18",""denoted" instead of "donated"","capps",799 "2011-11-16",""denoted" instead of "donated"","capps",799 "2012-03-08","Fix typo in isolated engine docs","Caius Durling",799 "2012-03-06","Fix typo in isolated engine docs","Caius Durling",799 "2011-06-21","Stop find_in_batches using the records after yielding.","Caius Durling",799 "2012-11-10","use em-dashes instead of two minuses in guides","burningTyger",799 "2012-11-10","make comments fit the comment boxes (mostly) in API doc ...","burningTyger",799 "2011-03-31","fix typo","burningTyger",799 "2013-04-21","extract path into variable","buddhamagnet",799 "2013-04-20","Increase readability of ternary statement in build method","buddhamagnet",799 "2013-04-15","make [] method in router more readable","buddhamagnet",799 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Bruno Mattarollo",799 "2004-12-31","Auto-requiring of helpers should stay silent when it isn...","Bruno Mattarollo",799 "2004-12-31","Fixed that @request.remote_ip didn't work in the test en...","Bruno Mattarollo",799 "2007-02-08","Merge [6140] from trunk.","Bruce Perens",799 "2007-02-04","Optimize Class Inheritable Attributes so that unnecessar...","Bruce Perens",799 "2007-02-04","Optimize Class Inheritable Attributes so that unnecessar...","Bruce Perens",799 "2013-03-27","Add regression test for TZ grep","Brian McManus",799 "2013-03-27","Revert grep to select since they are not the same","Brian McManus",799 "2013-02-20","Fix time_zone_options_for_select to not mutate TimeZones...","Brian McManus",799 "2013-02-26","Add routing guide doc on root with namespaces.","Brendon Murphy",799 "2013-02-26","cache_key consults updated_on timestamp if present","Brendon Murphy",799 "2013-01-29","Remove yaml Proc param parser test","Brendon Murphy",799 "2011-02-21","Add info about I18n::Backend::Chain to I18n guide","Brandon Tilley",799 "2011-02-19","Add info about I18n::Backend::Chain to I18n guide","Brandon Tilley",799 "2010-08-09","Fixed problem with markup that caused an extra symbol in...","Brandon Tilley",799 "2011-10-26","correct documentation on initialize method to accept a s...","bradrobertson",799 "2011-10-26","correct documentation on initialize method to accept a s...","bradrobertson",799 "2011-06-09","modified table_exists? to always use current search_path...","bradrobertson",799 "2011-05-13","Fix bug with empty CDATA not being handled in Hash.from_xml","Bradley Harris",799 "2011-04-29","Fix bug with empty CDATA not being handled in Hash.from_xml","Bradley Harris",799 "2011-04-29","Added test for empty CDATA bug in from_xml","Bradley Harris",799 "2012-08-20","use template0 option for creating activerecord test data...","Bobby Wilson",799 "2010-07-22","Changed code style that was incorrectly rendering block ...","Bobby Wilson",799 "2009-02-09","fixed a minor typo, needed an h in Neighborly","Bobby Wilson",799 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Add tests and documentation for allow_blank....","blj",799 "2008-02-02","Introduce map.resources :cards, :as => 'tarjetas' to use...","blj",799 "2008-01-26","Add tests and documentation for allow_blank. Closes #106...","blj",799 "2006-09-04","Fixed FormOptionsHelper#select to respect :selected valu...","Benjamin Curtis",799 "2006-09-04","Fixed TextHelper#pluralize to handle 1 as a string (clos...","Benjamin Curtis",799 "2005-12-18","Honor ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names when crea...","Benjamin Curtis",799 "2008-12-08","Change field_changed? method to handle the case where a ...","Ben Symonds",799 "2008-12-08","Change field_changed? method to handle the case where a ...","Ben Symonds",799 "2008-12-08","Change field_changed? method to handle the case where a ...","Ben Symonds",799 "2013-02-17","Return false on toggle on error pages","Bartlomiej Kozal",799 "2012-05-28","Display annotations from .coffee files in `rake notes`","Bartlomiej Kozal",799 "2012-02-05","Display annotations from .coffee files in `rake notes`","Bartlomiej Kozal",799 "2011-08-21","Use typewriter styling on url_for in documentation","asmega",799 "2011-08-21","Use typewriter styling on url_for in documentation","asmega",799 "2011-08-21","Use typewriter styling on url_for in documentation","asmega",799 "2011-10-31","Ensuring a HTTP Date header when setting Cache-Control's...","Arvid Andersson",799 "2011-10-31","Added accessor methods for Date header","Arvid Andersson",799 "2011-10-31","Added test for setting of HTTP Date header when calling ...","Arvid Andersson",799 "2010-12-27","all tests pass","Artem Avetisyan",799 "2010-12-27"," #948 make template inheritance optional","Artem Avetisyan",799 "2010-12-27","#948 template_inheritance","Artem Avetisyan",799 "2010-07-30","Command Line Guide: changes all 'rails app' commands to ...","Arkadiusz Holko",799 "2010-07-26","Fixed field_error_proc default example on guides","Arkadiusz Holko",799 "2010-07-25","Fixes syntax error in "with_scope" example","Arkadiusz Holko",799 "2009-08-10","has_many :through create should not raise validation errors","Anup Narkhede",799 "2009-08-09","Ensure hm:t#find does not assign nil to :include [#1845 ...","Anup Narkhede",799 "2009-08-09","Ensure hm:t#find does not assign nil to :include [#1845 ...","Anup Narkhede",799 "2006-11-13","Merge [5512] from trunk.","Andy Lien",799 "2006-11-13","Always clear model associations from session. Closes #4795.","Andy Lien",799 "2006-03-18","Fix that has_many :through honors the foreign key set by...","Andy Lien",799 "2012-10-15","Removed useless "extend SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods"","Andrey Samsonov",799 "2012-03-27","Fixing issue #2492 for master branch. ActionView::Base.f...","Andrey Samsonov",799 "2012-03-27","Fixing issue #2492. ActionView::Base.field_error_proc do...","Andrey Samsonov",799 "2012-07-31","fix ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy document...","Andrey Morskov",799 "2012-07-31","fix typo in collection proxy","Andrey Morskov",799 "2012-07-24","fix typo in callbacks test","Andrey Morskov",799 "2012-08-04","Corrected info about asset pipeline default paths","Andrew Vit",799 "2009-02-28","Added :env option for gem in template runner [#1983 stat...","Andrew Vit",799 "2008-05-06","Fixed form helper's name attribute for question methods","Andrew Vit",799 "2011-09-02","Merge branch 'fix_validation_errors'","Andrew Olson",799 "2011-09-02","Fixing guides validation errors.","Andrew Olson",799 "2011-08-31","Fixing spelling, throught -> through.","Andrew Olson",799 "2012-12-31","Updated copyright notices for 2013","Andrew Nesbitt",799 "2011-12-31","Updated copyright notices for 2012","Andrew Nesbitt",799 "2011-12-20","Added Capistrano to the development group in Gemfile","Andrew Nesbitt",799 "2012-05-29","decoupling activesupport performance testing from action...","Andrew Mutz",799 "2012-05-28","Moving NumberHelpers from ActionView to ActiveSupport","Andrew Mutz",799 "2012-05-18","reverting decoupling of NumberHelper from safe_join and ...","Andrew Mutz",799 "2011-05-25","Added a space to the comment_if helper for formatting pu...","Andrew Davis",799 "2011-05-25","Accidentally added extra IDE files, removed them.","Andrew Davis",799 "2011-05-25","Removed unnecessary space in application.rb for formatting","Andrew Davis",799 "2010-09-10","added a test for relation which checks intersection betw...","Andreas Wurm",799 "2010-06-23","quote scoped columns in validates_uniqueness_of [#4909 s...","Andreas Wurm",799 "2009-08-31","added proc and symbol support to validates_numericality_...","Andreas Wurm",799 "2010-10-10","Override #store to be consistent with #[].","Andrea Campi",799 "2010-10-10","Override #store to be consistent with #[].","Andrea Campi",799 "2010-10-09","Fix example that became outdated after a code change.","Andrea Campi",799 "2013-07-28","Added Time#middle_of_day","Anatoli Makarevich",799 "2012-09-07","Added forgotten :message option to ActiveModel validates...","Anatoli Makarevich",799 "2012-07-26","fix typo in documentation","Anatoli Makarevich",799 "2013-07-24","Specified column type for quote_value","Alfred Wong",799 "2013-07-24","Specified column type for quote_value","Alfred Wong",799 "2013-07-22","Specified column type for quote_value","Alfred Wong",799 "2010-11-16","Fix ActiveRecord calculations when grouped by multiple f...","Alexandru Catighera",799 "2010-11-16","Fix ActiveRecord calculations when grouped by multiple f...","Alexandru Catighera",799 "2010-11-16","Fix ActiveRecord calculations when grouped by multiple f...","Alexandru Catighera",799 "2006-06-03","Fixed usage of :limit and with_scope when the associatio...","Alexander Staubo",799 "2006-06-03","Fixed that :includes merged from with_scope won't cause ...","Alexander Staubo",799 "2005-01-15","Fixed binary support for PostgreSQL #444 [alex@byzantine...","Alexander Staubo",799 "2013-05-21","In batches test @total was assigned but not used. Use it...","Alexander Balashov",799 "2013-03-28","Fix typo: overriden => overriDDen","Alexander Balashov",799 "2013-03-28","Fix typo","Alexander Balashov",799 "2013-03-19","Reset postgreSQL search path in db:test:clone_structure.","Alexander",799 "2011-12-15","Merge pull request #74 from abonec/master","Alexander",799 "2011-12-14","Update activerecord/lib/active_record/reflection.rb","Alexander",799 "2007-10-08","Create layout dir it's nested. Closes #9272 [alancfrancis]","Alan Francis",799 "2007-10-08","Create layout dir it's nested. References #9272 [alancfr...","Alan Francis",799 "2007-02-25","Added :port and :host handling to UrlRewriter (which uni...","Alan Francis",799 "2008-10-25","Fix binary data corruption bug in PostgreSQL adaptor","Adam Majer",799 "2008-10-25","Fix binary data corruption bug in PostgreSQL adaptor","Adam Majer",799 "2005-03-06","Allow unit tests to run on a remote server for PostgreSQ...","Adam Majer",799 "2005-11-07","Fix docs (closes #2725)","Adam Kramer",799 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","Adam Kramer",799 "2004-12-21","Fixed regression with Base#reset_session that wouldn't u...","Adam Kramer",799 "2012-12-24","reminder to run bundle after setting up rails-dev-box","Ace Suares",799 "2012-08-07","defines String#indent [closes #7263] [Xavier Noria & Ace...","Ace Suares",799 "2012-08-04","added info about an error that mysql gives when rails@lo...","Ace Suares",799 "2013-04-23","Update assets_pipeline with config.assets.precompile loc...","Zoltan Debre",657 "2013-04-15","Change 'validates_presence_of' to 'presence: true' ","Zoltan Debre",657 "2013-04-07","Here was a 404 error: Active Record Validations","Zoltan Debre",657 "2013-04-05","Change deprecated validates_presence_of","Zoltan Debre",657 "2013-01-11","Fix typo in guides/source/engines.md","Zachary Porter",657 "2013-01-11","Fix typo in guides/source/engines.md","Zachary Porter",657 "2013-01-11","Update engine application layout file path","Zachary Porter",657 "2011-07-23","Add failing test: ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore#file_p...","Zachary Porter",657 "2010-09-01","Remove unnecessary code from UrlHelper#link_to.","Yury Korolev",657 "2010-09-01","Remove unnecessary code from UrlHelper#link_to.","Yury Korolev",657 "2010-08-28","Micro optimization for build_named_route_call in Polymor...","Yury Korolev",657 "2010-08-28","Micro optimization for build_named_route_call in Polymor...","Yury Korolev",657 "2007-10-26","Make documentation comment for mime responders match doc...","Yonatan Feldman",657 "2007-06-08","Fix typo in resources documentation. Closes #8607 [yon]","Yonatan Feldman",657 "2005-04-13","Fixed that Base.silence should restore the old logger le...","Yonatan Feldman",657 "2005-03-07","Fixed that the :multipart option in FormTagHelper#form_t...","Yonatan Feldman",657 "2013-05-05","Added missing `require` to ActionView::LookupContext","Vladimir Strakhov",657 "2012-07-30","add mysql authentification command to chapter 2.Running ...","Vladimir Strakhov",657 "2012-07-29","fix incorrect usage `require mysql` in the activerecord/...","Vladimir Strakhov",657 "2012-07-28","fix failure test 'test_can_wait_until_commit(ResponseTes...","Vladimir Strakhov",657 "2011-08-16","When a route references a missing controller, raise Acti...","Trek Glowacki",657 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Trek Glowacki",657 "2008-01-03","Fixed String#titleize to work for strings with 's too (c...","Trek Glowacki",657 "2007-12-14","Added more specific exceptions for 400, 401, and 403 (al...","Trek Glowacki",657 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #120 from tonytonyjan/patch","Tony Jian",657 "2012-12-04","add a notice about loading assets in production mode","Tony Jian",657 "2012-04-29","Revert "Make non English title indexable (such as Chines...","Tony Jian",657 "2012-04-29","Make non English title indexable (such as Chinese or Jap...","Tony Jian",657 "2005-11-14"," r3066@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 20:24:18 -0800","Tom Werner",657 "2005-11-14","Update documentation for Migrations. References #2861.","Tom Werner",657 "2005-11-14"," r3063@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 16:13:51 -0800","Tom Werner",657 "2005-11-14","Update documentation for render :file. References #2858.","Tom Werner",657 "2012-06-10","Minimal change to query generation of exists? that makes...","Tom Stone",657 "2012-06-10","Minimal change to query generation of exists? that makes...","Tom Stone",657 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Less verbose mail logging: just recipients f...","Tom Stone",657 "2008-02-02","Less verbose mail logging: just recipients for :info log...","Tom Stone",657 "2013-01-19","Added ability to raise or log on unpermitted params.","Thomas Drake-Brockman",657 "2013-01-19","Replaced documentation for config.action_controller.rais...","Thomas Drake-Brockman",657 "2013-01-05","Allow developers to enable raising of exception when une...","Thomas Drake-Brockman",657 "2013-01-05","Document new configuration option action_controller.rais...","Thomas Drake-Brockman",657 "2007-10-26","Use VALID_FIND_OPTIONS when resolving :find scoping rath...","Sur Max",657 "2007-10-15","object.duplicable? returns true if object.dup is safe. F...","Sur Max",657 "2007-08-31","Documentation tweaks and fixes. Closes #9454 [sur, kampers]","Sur Max",657 "2007-08-28","Remove unnecessary loop in validates_presence_of. [sur] ...","Sur Max",657 "2011-04-14","Fixes performance issue introduced in 3.0.6 (issue #6695)","Stian Grytøyr",657 "2011-04-14","Fixes performance issue introduced in 3.0.6 (issue #6695)","Stian Grytøyr",657 "2005-03-26","Added trailing_slash option to url_for, so you can gener...","Stian Grytøyr",657 "2005-03-17","Added Base.exists?(id) that'll return true if an object ...","Stian Grytøyr",657 "2012-01-02","Fix grammatical error in ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecu...","Steve Richert",657 "2011-12-09","Add the .rdoc extension to the README that Rails generat...","Steve Richert",657 "2011-12-08","Add dependency status (a la build status) to the README","Steve Richert",657 "2010-11-07","Ensure that HashWithIndifferentAccess duplication preser...","Steve Richert",657 "2013-03-28","Improve poor security recommendation in docs","Stephen Touset",657 "2013-03-12","Also quote extension name in disable_extension","Stephen Touset",657 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Stephen Touset",657 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Stephen Touset",657 "2009-04-26","add JRuby-JDOM backend for XmlMini","Stephen Bannasch",657 "2009-04-26","add JRuby-JDOM backend for XmlMini","Stephen Bannasch",657 "2009-01-26","Adding AR tests for JDBC connections","Stephen Bannasch",657 "2009-01-26","Adding AR tests for JDBC connections","Stephen Bannasch",657 "2010-07-28","removed ambiguity from autosave description","Simon Tokumine",657 "2009-05-01","bugfix for with_options routing documentation","Simon Tokumine",657 "2008-09-28","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Simon Tokumine",657 "2008-09-28","check_box form helper object must be an @instance object.","Simon Tokumine",657 "2007-11-08","Ensure the plugin loader only loads plugins once. Close...","Simon Harris",657 "2006-11-20","Merge [5586], [5596] from trunk.","Simon Harris",657 "2006-11-20","Test for forged '' default before it's typecast. Closes ...","Simon Harris",657 "2006-11-20","MySQL: detect when a NOT NULL column without a default v...","Simon Harris",657 "2012-05-01","JSON: encode BigDecimal NaN/Infinity as null.","Sebi Burkhard",657 "2011-11-12","Properly cache value when it is "false"","Sebi Burkhard",657 "2011-08-15","JSON: Encode infinite or NaN floats as null to generate ...","Sebi Burkhard",657 "2011-07-08","Properly cache value when it is "false"","Sebi Burkhard",657 "2012-09-05","Use the 'mysql' binary for 'rake db:structure:load'.","Seamus Abshere",657 "2012-07-23","Make sure :environment task is executed before db:schema...","Seamus Abshere",657 "2012-02-14","thanks to @jurriaan","Seamus Abshere",657 "2012-02-02",NA,"Seamus Abshere",657 "2011-12-06","Added link to ActiveResource::Base documentation","sandeepravi",657 "2011-12-06","Added link to ActiveResource::Base documentation","sandeepravi",657 "2011-12-06","Added wiki link to REST","sandeepravi",657 "2011-12-06","Added wiki link for REST","sandeepravi",657 "2013-04-17","Document the fact you can add_index on new columns","Sammy Larbi",657 "2013-03-01","Support creating a table migration generator","Sammy Larbi",657 "2012-12-29","Document JoinTable migration generator","Sammy Larbi",657 "2012-12-29","Fix up/down column change example code formatting","Sammy Larbi",657 "2011-02-01","Ensure I18n setup is only executed once if triggered on ...","Saimon Moore",657 "2011-02-01","Additionally trigger i18n configuration setup before any...","Saimon Moore",657 "2011-02-01","Ensure I18n setup is only executed once if triggered on ...","Saimon Moore",657 "2011-02-01","Additionally trigger i18n configuration setup before any...","Saimon Moore",657 "2013-09-08","Typo in Changelog.","Ryan Wallace",657 "2013-09-08","Allow Relation#from to accept other relations with bind ...","Ryan Wallace",657 "2013-08-31","Don't use Enumerable#next in pluck since it is very slow","Ryan Wallace",657 "2010-09-28","Add test to demonstrate failure with eager loading hmt w...","Ryan Wallace",657 "2012-03-10","Fixed bug in Quoting that caused classes to be quoted in...","Ryan Oblak",657 "2011-09-28","Modified String#pluralize to take an optional count para...","Ryan Oblak",657 "2011-09-23","Minor doc fix to String#constantize","Ryan Oblak",657 "2011-09-23","Added ActiveSupport::Inflector.safe_constantize and Stri...","Ryan Oblak",657 "2012-10-04","Add nodoc to now public fragment_name_with_digest","Ryan Garver",657 "2012-10-04","Merge branch 'master' into feature/public-fragment_name_...","Ryan Garver",657 "2012-10-02","Merge branch 'master' into feature/public-fragment_name_...","Ryan Garver",657 "2012-09-27","Move the CacheHelper#fragment_name_with_digest to be pub...","Ryan Garver",657 "2005-11-16","MemCache store may be given multiple addresses. Closes ...","Ryan Carver",657 "2005-04-30","Fixed render_partial_collection to output an empty strin...","Ryan Carver",657 "2005-04-19","Fixed OCI fixtures [Ryan Carver]","Ryan Carver",657 "2005-04-10","Made eager loading work with inheritance hierarchies #10...","Ryan Carver",657 "2012-07-29","Explaining a bit better about the default behaviour of d...","Rodrigo Flores",657 "2012-04-13","Revert "Added documentation to explain what happens if y...","Rodrigo Flores",657 "2012-04-13","Added documentation to explain what happens if you don't...","Rodrigo Flores",657 "2012-01-20","Added format to percentage","Rodrigo Flores",657 "2012-07-11","Update psql adapter to rename a default pkey sequence du...","Robb Kidd",657 "2012-07-11","Add teardown method to AR::Mig::RenameTableTest","Robb Kidd",657 "2012-06-27","Update psql adapter to rename a default pkey sequence wh...","Robb Kidd",657 "2012-06-09","Make observer enable/disable documentation more informat...","Robb Kidd",657 "2012-06-25","Add missing require.","Rhett Sutphin",657 "2011-09-06","Completely remove the pool when removing a connection. F...","Rhett Sutphin",657 "2008-07-14","Make fixture accessors work when fixture name is not sam...","Rhett Sutphin",657 "2008-04-30","Fixed fixture caching with prefixed or suffixed tables.","Rhett Sutphin",657 "2012-09-21","correct a typo","Przemek Hocke",657 "2012-09-21","Add missing "m" char","Przemek Hocke",657 "2012-09-21","fix two typos in the associations guide","Przemek Hocke",657 "2012-09-21","fix a small typo","Przemek Hocke",657 "2011-05-15","Use more English language","Pirogov Evgenij",657 "2011-05-14","Clean up redundant backslashes","Pirogov Evgenij",657 "2011-04-29","Test that passing nil member of array in conditions retr...","Pirogov Evgenij",657 "2010-02-27","Fix validates_exclusion_of error message as per http://b...","Pirogov Evgenij",657 "2013-07-10","Show real LoadError on helpers require","Piotr Niełacny",657 "2012-09-13","Change ActiveSupport::Deprecation to class.","Piotr Niełacny",657 "2012-07-20","Use join without default separator","Piotr Niełacny",657 "2012-07-18","Don't use default separator","Piotr Niełacny",657 "2012-05-18","Fix typo.","Peter Suschlik",657 "2012-05-15","Fix typo [ci skip]","Peter Suschlik",657 "2011-09-16","Fix typo in deprecation warning.","Peter Suschlik",657 "2011-05-05","Display custom asset routes in `rake routes`","Peter Suschlik",657 "2009-05-14","Changed ActiveRecord::Base#exists? to invoke find_initia...","Peter Marklund",657 "2009-05-14","Changed ActiveRecord::Base#exists? to invoke find_initia...","Peter Marklund",657 "2009-03-24","Reset request_parameters in TestRequest#recycle! to avoi...","Peter Marklund",657 "2009-03-24","Reset request_parameters in TestRequest#recycle! to avoi...","Peter Marklund",657 "2012-09-11","Accept belongs_to assoc. keys in ActiveRecord queries","Pete Brown",657 "2012-08-05","Changing AR:CollectionAssociation#empty? to use #exists?","Pete Brown",657 "2012-07-26","Refactor ActiveRecord::Inheritance.base_class logic","Pete Brown",657 "2012-07-17","Fixes "Cannot visit ..." with validates_uniqueness_of","Pete Brown",657 "2011-10-22","Fixed typo.","Pepe Hipolito",657 "2011-10-22","Fixed typo.","Pepe Hipolito",657 "2011-10-20","Fixed typo.","Pepe Hipolito",657 "2011-10-20","Fixed typo.","Pepe Hipolito",657 "2010-06-29","Replaced statement in comment with an assertion","Paul Barry",657 "2010-06-26","Fixed normalize_path in Routing::Mapper to handle option...","Paul Barry",657 "2010-06-13","re-organized test for merge into separate tests","Paul Barry",657 "2008-05-06","Added code to make initialization process call rails/ini...","Paul Barry",657 "2012-10-27","Replace flow-control exception with explicit test.","Patrick Mahoney",657 "2012-05-25","Make connection pool fair with respect to waiting threads.","Patrick Mahoney",657 "2012-05-21","Make connection pool fair with respect to waiting threads.","Patrick Mahoney",657 "2012-05-19","Synchronize read and modification of @reserved_connectio...","Patrick Mahoney",657 "2009-02-06","Nested attribute accessors should ignore new records wit...","Pascal Ehlert",657 "2009-02-06","Allowing an object to be passed explicitly to a fields_f...","Pascal Ehlert",657 "2008-06-28","Ensure FormBuilder date helpers respects html_options. [...","Pascal Ehlert",657 "2008-06-28","Ensure FormBuilder date helpers respects html_options. [...","Pascal Ehlert",657 "2012-08-04","Refactored common date and time calculations.","Pan Thomakos",657 "2012-03-18","Removed ActiveSupport#load_all!","Pan Thomakos",657 "2012-03-12","Improved ActiveSupport::Autoload performance.","Pan Thomakos",657 "2011-03-12","Fixed special character encoding issue with MemCacheStor...","Pan Thomakos",657 "2011-07-24","Missed a few instances of British English spelling in th...","Oemuer Oezkir",657 "2011-07-24","Changed a few instances of of words in the API docs writ...","Oemuer Oezkir",657 "2011-07-24","Missed a few instances of British English spelling in th...","Oemuer Oezkir",657 "2011-07-24","Changed a few instances of of words in the API docs writ...","Oemuer Oezkir",657 "2012-02-06","To infinity… and beyond!","Niels Ganser",657 "2009-05-27","ActionController::Flash::FlashHash.use now returns eithe...","Niels Ganser",657 "2009-03-06","Ensure ActiveSupport::Memoizable respects private method...","Niels Ganser",657 "2009-03-06","Minor spelling fix","Niels Ganser",657 "2013-04-18","Fix subject-verb agreement in error msg (and other gramm...","Nick Cox",657 "2013-04-10","Fix inflector to respect default locale.","Nick Cox",657 "2013-04-03","Fix grammatical error on JS helper warning message","Nick Cox",657 "2013-02-10","Improve img alt attribute for screen readers","Nick Cox",657 "2008-08-24","Updated has_and_belongs_to_many association to fix :find...","Nathan Witmer",657 "2008-08-16","Updated has_and_belongs_to_many association to fix :find...","Nathan Witmer",657 "2006-09-02","Update routing documentation. Closes #6017 [Nathan Witmer]","Nathan Witmer",657 "2006-09-02","Add routing tests to assert that RoutingError is raised ...","Nathan Witmer",657 "2011-09-22","Not checking for nil is apparently a lot faster.","Nat Welch",657 "2011-09-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Nat Welch",657 "2011-08-22","From @dasch's recommendation.","Nat Welch",657 "2011-08-21","Fixes bug with schema dumper when using with Padrino.","Nat Welch",657 "2011-10-30","Adds missing closing regex slashes.","mjy",657 "2011-10-25","Adds missing closing regex slashes.","mjy",657 "2011-03-05","fixes a missmatched column in example","mjy",657 "2011-03-03","fixes a missmatched column in example","mjy",657 "2013-04-02","Remove all error masking when decoding serialized data f...","Mike Mangino",657 "2013-03-28","Raise an exception when unserialization fails due to a m...","Mike Mangino",657 "2007-05-22","Merge [6804] to stable: belongs_to assignment creates a ...","Mike Mangino",657 "2007-05-22","belongs_to assignment creates a new proxy rather than mo...","Mike Mangino",657 "2012-05-16","improve #6318","Michal Papis",657 "2012-05-15","prevent using already loaded Gemfile for 'bundle install...","Michal Papis",657 "2011-04-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Michal Papis",657 "2011-04-16","Added information about grouping conditional validations","Michal Papis",657 "2009-12-28","Add an :update_only option to accepts_nested_attributes_...","Michael Siebert",657 "2009-12-28","Add an :update_only option to accepts_nested_attributes_...","Michael Siebert",657 "2009-08-09","Fix deprecating =-methods by using send [#2431 status:re...","Michael Siebert",657 "2009-08-09","Fix deprecating =-methods by using send [#2431 status:re...","Michael Siebert",657 "2010-07-14","Sessions should not be created until written to and sess...","Michael Lovitt",657 "2010-06-27","Fixed that an ArgumentError is thrown when request.sessi...","Michael Lovitt",657 "2010-06-23","Sessions should not be created until written to and sess...","Michael Lovitt",657 "2009-01-15","Fixed broken after_save callback; was being called when ...","Michael Lovitt",657 "2013-02-07","Add example for ActiveRecord::Base.joins using a string ...","Maurizio De Santis",657 "2013-02-07","Add example for ActiveRecord::Base.group using a string ...","Maurizio De Santis",657 "2013-02-07","Add documentation for ActiveRecord.select when use strin...","Maurizio De Santis",657 "2013-02-07","Add ActiveRecord.count documentation when used on group ...","Maurizio De Santis",657 "2011-05-23","NOTE: doesn't handle newlines.","Matthew McEachen",657 "2011-05-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Matthew McEachen",657 "2011-05-22","Following proper naming conventions while referring to R...","Matthew McEachen",657 "2011-05-22","Removed the `enginex` plugin reference which is broken -...","Matthew McEachen",657 "2008-08-27","I18n: remove #populate from Simple backend as well","Marko Seppae",657 "2008-08-27","i18n: fixed failing tests after removing #populate and #...","Marko Seppae",657 "2008-08-27","I18n: removed call to #populate from main library files","Marko Seppae",657 "2008-08-27","I18n: removed #populate and #store_translations from api","Marko Seppae",657 "2010-08-14","in Rendering objects with RecordIdentifier example, loca...","Mark Hayes",657 "2010-08-12","in Rendering objects with RecordIdentifier example, loca...","Mark Hayes",657 "2010-08-03","removed duplicate word","Mark Hayes",657 "2010-07-06","Fixed typo in Rails::Generators::Base [#5051 state:resol...","Mark Hayes",657 "2011-05-29","Really fix #1322 (Rake::DSL issue)","Marcel Jackwerth",657 "2011-05-27","call .quote_value with column-parameter in patch #1362","Marcel Jackwerth",657 "2011-05-27","added regression test","Marcel Jackwerth",657 "2011-05-27","Through-association owner's primary key wasn't quoted. G...","Marcel Jackwerth",657 "2012-02-01","fix has_one, has_many restrict error message","Manoj",657 "2012-01-31","suggested fixes for :dependent => :restrict deprecation.","Manoj",657 "2012-01-29","has_many/has_one, :dependent => :restrict, deprecation a...","Manoj",657 "2012-01-24","quote fix ` to ' in the ArgumentError message","Manoj",657 "2013-03-26","Combine tests and restore columns dropped by hstore testing","Mack Earnhardt",657 "2013-03-24","Backport #5808","Mack Earnhardt",657 "2013-03-17","Fix rake test warnings in actionpack","Mack Earnhardt",657 "2013-03-17","Refactor Person/Friendship relationships to be more intu...","Mack Earnhardt",657 "2011-06-24","Improve ordering of multiple columns on postgresql","Lucia Escanellas",657 "2011-06-24","Improve ordering of multiple columns on postgresql","Lucia Escanellas",657 "2011-06-18","Update remove_index documentation","Lucia Escanellas",657 "2011-06-17","Update remove_index documentation","Lucia Escanellas",657 "2013-01-19","Replacing plugin to gem","Lucas Catón",657 "2012-01-31","Remove slash from favicon_link_tag method attribute","Lucas Catón",657 "2010-12-11","Fix link on generations' page","Lucas Catón",657 "2010-12-05","Fix link on generations' page","Lucas Catón",657 "2010-03-01","Hash#symbolize_keys(!) optimizations","Lourens Naudé",657 "2009-07-15","ActiveSupport Hash optimizations [#2902 state:resolved]","Lourens Naudé",657 "2009-01-18","Decouple the local cache strategy from MemCacheStore for...","Lourens Naudé",657 "2008-12-18","Persistent session identifier support for CookieSessionS...","Lourens Naudé",657 "2010-05-04","typo 'main.cs' -> 'main.css', and textile typo 'h6(:has_...","Logy Laps",657 "2010-05-04","typo. missing 'if'","Logy Laps",657 "2010-05-04","textile typo 'h6(:has_many-group)' -> 'h6(#has_many-group)'","Logy Laps",657 "2010-05-04","typo 'main.cs' -> 'main.css'","Logy Laps",657 "2009-07-02","make #inspect if zero length duration return '0 seconds'...","Levin Alexander",657 "2009-07-02","make #inspect if zero length duration return '0 seconds'...","Levin Alexander",657 "2009-02-14","Remove obsolete silence_warnings wrappers from TZInfo-de...","Levin Alexander",657 "2009-02-08","Make TimeWithZone#to_formatted_s an alias to TimeWithZon...","Levin Alexander",657 "2013-04-01","as of Rails 3.2.13 it appears that importing an engine's...","Les Nightingill",657 "2012-05-26","add small note about how to get the full list of options...","Les Nightingill",657 "2012-04-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Les Nightingill",657 "2012-04-25","adds a mention of the fact that an engine's lib/assets d...","Les Nightingill",657 "2012-05-08","Add failing test re #3436 which demonstrates content_typ...","Kunal Shah",657 "2012-05-08","If content_type is explicitly passed to the :head method...","Kunal Shah",657 "2012-05-07","If content_type is explicitly passed to the :head method...","Kunal Shah",657 "2012-05-07","Add failing test re #3436 which demonstrates content_typ...","Kunal Shah",657 "2013-08-22","Use infinity const","Konstantin Shabanov",657 "2012-09-08","Dump schema using new style hash","Konstantin Shabanov",657 "2012-09-05","Modularize postgresql adapter","Konstantin Shabanov",657 "2012-06-14","Add uuid type support to PostgreSQL adapter","Konstantin Shabanov",657 "2013-08-08","Set field encoding to client_encoding for mysql adapter.","Koichi Sasada",657 "2013-01-29","'minitest/parallel_each' might not always be available","Koichi Sasada",657 "2013-01-29","Needs to explicitly require 'minitest/parallel_each'","Koichi Sasada",657 "2013-01-24","Set Thread.abort_on_exception for the whole AS, AP, and ...","Koichi Sasada",657 "2010-04-16","Mark the result of grouped_options_for_select as HTML sa...","Kieran Pilkington",657 "2010-03-28","adds a few requires in active_model/dirty.rb","Kieran Pilkington",657 "2010-03-12","Add a check to ensure that the application name does not...","Kieran Pilkington",657 "2010-02-02","Updating USAGE information for Mailer generator [#3801 s...","Kieran Pilkington",657 "2013-03-20","Don't generate a scaffold.css if no-assets","Kevin Glowacz",657 "2008-07-19","Fixed index and auto index for nested fields_for [#327 s...","Kevin Glowacz",657 "2008-05-22","Fix auto_link helper for already linked urls. [#72 state...","Kevin Glowacz",657 "2008-04-30","Fixed labels that have a bracketed name and an index [#6...","Kevin Glowacz",657 "2011-12-07","Moves migrations tests from railties/test/application/ra...","Kazimierz Kiełkowicz",657 "2011-12-07","Move rake notes test to railties/test/application/rake/n...","Kazimierz Kiełkowicz",657 "2011-12-07","Update source_annotation_extractor comment.","Kazimierz Kiełkowicz",657 "2011-12-07","Add annotation to haml and slim template.","Kazimierz Kiełkowicz",657 "2012-08-01","Restoring documentation for env_config per #7070","Justin Mazzi",657 "2012-07-16","Update documentation for Rails::Application#env_config","Justin Mazzi",657 "2011-11-06","Update ActiveRecord#attribute_present? to work as docume...","Justin Mazzi",657 "2011-11-04","Preserve SELECT columns on the COUNT for finder_sql when...","Justin Mazzi",657 "2011-06-18","typo changes fixed","JudeAr",657 "2011-06-18","fixed typo chnages","JudeAr",657 "2011-06-16","typo changes fixed","JudeAr",657 "2011-06-16","fixed typo chnages","JudeAr",657 "2009-02-12","Allow memcache-client versions > 1.5.x to override bundl...","Joshua Sierles",657 "2009-02-12","Allow memcache-client versions > 1.5.x to override bundl...","Joshua Sierles",657 "2009-02-12","Allow memcache-client versions > 1.5.x to override bundl...","Joshua Sierles",657 "2007-05-27","Don't prepare response when rendering a component. Close...","Joshua Sierles",657 "2012-05-03","Make sure that javascript_include_tag/stylesheet_link_ta...","Jorge Bejar",657 "2012-04-18","Define array methods in ActiveRecord::Associations::Coll...","Jorge Bejar",657 "2012-04-12","Add index method to FormBuilder. Useful when you use fie...","Jorge Bejar",657 "2011-05-21","Add method fields_for_with_index to FormHelper","Jorge Bejar",657 "2008-10-30","Ensure indices don't flip order in schema.rb [#1266 stat...","Jordi Bunster",657 "2008-04-09","Add support for interleaving migrations by storing which...","Jordi Bunster",657 "2008-03-13","Applied the faster squish version (closes #11123) [jordi]","Jordi Bunster",657 "2008-02-16","Add String#squish and String#squish! to remove consecuti...","Jordi Bunster",657 "2012-06-05","bundle exec rake assets:precompile shouldn't fail quietly.","John Yani",657 "2012-06-04","Add a note about JavaScript runtime","John Yani",657 "2012-06-04","Merge pull request #103 from Vanuan/contributing","John Yani",657 "2012-06-04","bundle exec is needed even if running a single test.","John Yani",657 "2011-05-19","Closes GH #1032","John Paul Ashenfelter",657 "2011-02-09","replaced MODEL.human_name with MODEL.model_name.human no...","John Paul Ashenfelter",657 "2010-12-22","Added a word boundary to uncountable inflection regex fo...","John Paul Ashenfelter",657 "2010-12-22","Added a word boundary to uncountable inflection regex fo...","John Paul Ashenfelter",657 "2013-08-22","Avoid compiling regexs in AR::Base.respond_to?","John Hawthorn",657 "2011-02-06","fix db:fixtures:load with FIXTURES specified [#6061 stat...","John Hawthorn",657 "2010-11-29","test case on has_one :through after a destroy","John Hawthorn",657 "2010-11-29","test case on has_one :through after a destroy","John Hawthorn",657 "2013-01-22","Add gemspecs for bundler","John F. Douthat",657 "2012-02-18","Remove reference to rails_legacy_mapper, which isn't com...","John F. Douthat",657 "2009-04-30","Fix action-cached exception responses.","John F. Douthat",657 "2009-04-30","Fix action-cached exception responses.","John F. Douthat",657 "2013-07-24","text_area should handle nil value option like text_field","Joel Cogen",657 "2013-05-17","Fix detection of engine in rake db:load_config","Joel Cogen",657 "2013-05-17","Fix detection of engine in rake db:load_config","Joel Cogen",657 "2013-05-16","Fix detection of engine in rake db:load_config","Joel Cogen",657 "2010-12-15","add test which fails for has_many through self join [#43...","Joe Hannon",657 "2010-12-14","add test which fails for has_many through self join [#43...","Joe Hannon",657 "2010-05-04","grammatical error 'uses' -> 'use'","Joe Hannon",657 "2010-05-02","grammatical error 'uses' -> 'use'","Joe Hannon",657 "2012-06-08","A blank line is required before code blocks. The generat...","João Britto",657 "2012-03-13","Close string quotes","João Britto",657 "2012-03-09","Document validations and callbacks Array support for :if...","João Britto",657 "2012-03-09","Close string quotes","João Britto",657 "2012-05-31","Extracted redirect logic from ActionController::Force::C...","Jeremy Friesen",657 "2012-04-29","Removed extraneous .present? check for AR::Base#reload","Jeremy Friesen",657 "2012-04-29","Removed deprecation warning for #find as a result of AR:...","Jeremy Friesen",657 "2011-05-24","Addresses an inconsistency in the ActiveRecord::Base.met...","Jeremy Friesen",657 "2012-07-13","Fixing texts; down to three failing tests.","Jeremy Cole",657 "2012-07-13","Only use prepared statements when bind variables are pre...","Jeremy Cole",657 "2012-07-13","Fixing texts; down to three failing tests.","Jeremy Cole",657 "2012-07-13","Only use prepared statements when bind variables are pre...","Jeremy Cole",657 "2013-04-04","Model generator USAGE doc improved","Jason King",657 "2010-03-03","Inflection dependency, [#4067 status:resolved]","Jason King",657 "2009-03-14","SQLite adapters now support DDL transactions [#2080 stat...","Jason King",657 "2009-03-02","DDL transactions and savepoints for sqlite","Jason King",657 "2011-05-14","typo","Jason Dew",657 "2008-07-15","Add block syntax to HasManyAssociation#build. [#502 stat...","Jason Dew",657 "2008-07-14","Add block syntax to HasManyAssociation#build. [#502 stat...","Jason Dew",657 "2008-05-20","Ensure nil to '' doesn't get recorded by dirty for nulla...","Jason Dew",657 "2010-11-14","Fix bug where size of through association is not correct...","Jason Cheow",657 "2010-11-14","Fix bug where size of through association is not correct...","Jason Cheow",657 "2008-12-09","Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars#ord method so that i...","Jason Cheow",657 "2008-12-09","Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars#ord method so that i...","Jason Cheow",657 "2011-04-27","using @tenderlove's suggested implementation to speed th...","Jared McFarland",657 "2011-04-26","fixing Array#from to return consistent results","Jared McFarland",657 "2011-04-14","Only rescue a thrown NoMethodError, don't preemptively c...","Jared McFarland",657 "2011-04-14","added an exception to Object#in? to match the methods do...","Jared McFarland",657 "2013-04-29","Fix ActiveRecord::Store not tracking changes","Janko Marohnić",657 "2012-08-21","Fix documentation mistakes","Janko Marohnić",657 "2012-01-25","Make audio_tag able to receive multiple sources","Janko Marohnić",657 "2012-01-25","Make path_to_video in video_tag apply to each source","Janko Marohnić",657 "2012-03-26","Allow a defining custom member field on resources","Jamie Macey",657 "2006-09-03","Cleanup assert_tag :children counting. Closes #2181.","Jamie Macey",657 "2005-10-09","Make assert_tag :children count appropriately. Closes #2...","Jamie Macey",657 "2005-07-03","Fixed assert_template nil will be true when no template ...","Jamie Macey",657 "2009-08-10","raises an exception on habtm join table inserts if join ...","Jaime Bellmyer",657 "2009-08-10","raises exception (ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError with ...","Jaime Bellmyer",657 "2009-08-10","raises an exception on habtm join table inserts if join ...","Jaime Bellmyer",657 "2009-08-10","raises exception (ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError with ...","Jaime Bellmyer",657 "2006-08-09","PostgreSQL: autodetected sequences work correctly with m...","Guy Naor",657 "2006-06-01","Cope with missing content type and length headers. Parse...","Guy Naor",657 "2006-05-14","Don't destroy a HashWithIndifferentAccess if symbolize_k...","Guy Naor",657 "2006-03-18","Added 'port open?' check to the spawner when running in ...","Guy Naor",657 "2011-08-11","Remove 'parameters_for_url' from 'form_tag' method signa...","Gonzalo Rodriguez",657 "2011-08-11","Remove 'parameters_for_url' parameter from 'form_tag' me...","Gonzalo Rodriguez",657 "2011-07-23","Fix ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore#file_path_key does n...","Gonzalo Rodriguez",657 "2011-07-23","Fix ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore#file_path_key does n...","Gonzalo Rodriguez",657 "2011-07-25","Simplify the way default DATABASE_URL works.","Glenn Gillen",657 "2011-07-20","Add documentation for URL connection strings.","Glenn Gillen",657 "2011-07-20","Added test for postgres connections as URL. Fixed query ...","Glenn Gillen",657 "2011-07-20","Provide database connection settings as a URL.","Glenn Gillen",657 "2007-09-02","Fix task description for db:sessions:create. Closes #941...","Geoffrey Grosenbach",657 "2007-06-27","Generators: look for generators in all gems, not just th...","Geoffrey Grosenbach",657 "2006-12-03","Documentation for generators (closes #6671) [topfunky]","Geoffrey Grosenbach",657 "2006-12-03","Documentation for generators (closes #6671) [topfunky]","Geoffrey Grosenbach",657 "2005-07-06","Fixed documentation snafu with send_file -- the option i...","evl",657 "2004-12-17","Fixed a bug that would cause an ApplicationController to...","evl",657 "2004-12-09","Added CookieJar#delete and fixed CookieJar[] to just cal...","evl",657 "2004-12-08","Fixed to_input_field_tag so it no longer explicitly uses...","evl",657 "2011-08-06","Refactored to more closely resemble idiom applied for on...","Evan Light",657 "2011-07-16","Fixes #2064","Evan Light",657 "2011-07-16","Closes #2065","Evan Light",657 "2011-07-14","Fix and unit test for https://github.com/rails/rails/iss...","Evan Light",657 "2010-07-08","Mass assignment security refactoring","Eric Chapweske",657 "2009-11-26","Decode http_authentication creditentials without generat...","Eric Chapweske",657 "2009-10-18","Fixed: #without_typecast should only disable typecasting...","Eric Chapweske",657 "2009-10-17","Refactoring attributes/types [#3348 state:resolved]","Eric Chapweske",657 "2011-03-30","add space to conform with style","Eaden McKee",657 "2011-03-30","Documented undocumented feature: Class methods on your m...","Eaden McKee",657 "2010-03-12","simplify alt tag generation for images","Eaden McKee",657 "2007-10-16","Quote table names. Defaults to column quoting. Closes #4...","Eaden McKee",657 "2013-06-04","Fix mismatching variable names when using an underscore","Drew Ulmer",657 "2012-11-27","Cleanup CacheHelper changes allowing opt-out of cache di...","Drew Ulmer",657 "2012-11-27","Add CHANGELOG entry for opt-out option of automatic temp...","Drew Ulmer",657 "2012-11-26","Add explicit opt-out for fragment cache digesting","Drew Ulmer",657 "2011-05-13","A patch so that http status codes are still included in ...","Doug Fales",657 "2011-01-25","A patch so that http status codes are still included in ...","Doug Fales",657 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Doug Fales",657 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Doug Fales",657 "2012-08-27","Update guides/source/rails_application_templates.textile","Deepak Kannan",657 "2012-08-27","Minor update for usage of git command","Deepak Kannan",657 "2012-05-26","Revert "Small correction to contributing_to_rails in the...","Deepak Kannan",657 "2012-05-26","Small correction to contributing_to_rails in the section...","Deepak Kannan",657 "2007-10-27","Fix has_many :through delete with custom foreign keys. C...","Dave Naffis",657 "2007-10-27","Fix has_many :through delete with custom foreign keys. R...","Dave Naffis",657 "2007-03-05","Merge [6336] from trunk. References #6466, #7153.","Dave Naffis",657 "2007-03-05","Fix has_many :through << with custom foreign keys. Close...","Dave Naffis",657 "2010-03-27","Recovers error_messages for ActiveRecordInstanceTag. [#4...","Daniel Rodríguez Troitiño",657 "2009-01-28","Ensure selected option is not ignored for collection_sel...","Daniel Rodríguez Troitiño",657 "2008-08-08","Added file name information for errors and exceptions in...","Daniel Rodríguez Troitiño",657 "2007-09-22","Fixed rename_column for SQLite when using symbols for th...","Daniel Rodríguez Troitiño",657 "2008-12-21","Ensure Model#last doesn't affects order for another find...","Daniel Luz",657 "2008-12-16","Update documentation for default_scope","Daniel Luz",657 "2008-12-08","Update documentation for default_scope","Daniel Luz",657 "2008-12-08","Fix method "exists?" name in documentation","Daniel Luz",657 "2013-07-12","Improve Active View Overview guide. [ci skip]","Daniel Dawson",657 "2013-07-11","Fix a grammatical error/typo in Active Record Associatio...","Daniel Dawson",657 "2013-07-08","Fix a grammatical error/typo in Active Record Migrations...","Daniel Dawson",657 "2013-07-08","Fix 2 grammatical errors/typos in Active Record Basics g...","Daniel Dawson",657 "2013-01-30","Raise a specific exception with a useful message if a ra...","Daniel Azuma",657 "2013-01-30","Remove pre-emptive adapter name check from databases.rak...","Daniel Azuma",657 "2011-06-20","Add missing require 'set'","Daniel Azuma",657 "2011-06-20","Add missing require 'set'","Daniel Azuma",657 "2013-05-10","Fixed boolean validation example to use inclusion instea...","Dana Jones",657 "2009-08-09","Fix that Hash#to_xml and Array#to_xml shouldn't modify t...","Dana Jones",657 "2009-08-09","Fix that Hash#to_xml and Array#to_xml shouldn't modify t...","Dana Jones",657 "2009-04-25","Minor changes to scaffold code, addition of dependent de...","Dana Jones",657 "2013-03-26","Checks :algorithm argument for valid values","Dan McClain",657 "2013-03-25","Adds support for concurrent indexing in PostgreSQL adapter","Dan McClain",657 "2012-09-14","Moves column dump specific code to a module included in ...","Dan McClain",657 "2012-05-08","Removes NetAddr dependency","Dan McClain",657 "2013-05-27","Fixed quotes in environment example in Rails Application...","Dan Erikson",657 "2013-04-24","Fix a SystemStackError that occurs when using time zone ...","Dan Erikson",657 "2013-04-06","Improve some variable naming for the integration test in...","Dan Erikson",657 "2013-04-06","Corrected model test directory to be test/models instead...","Dan Erikson",657 "2008-11-19","Added Enumerable#none? to check that none of the element...","Damian Janowski",657 "2008-07-08","Add :recursive option to javascript_include_tag and styl...","Damian Janowski",657 "2008-01-16","Make render :partial recognise form builders and use the...","Damian Janowski",657 "2007-09-06","Add fieldset_tag for generating fieldsets, closes #9477....","Damian Janowski",657 "2010-10-18","Added :file as a possible value when configuring actionm...","Dallas Taylor",657 "2009-04-28","changed sentence","Dallas Taylor",657 "2009-04-27","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Dallas Taylor",657 "2009-04-27","fixed typo and clarified sentence","Dallas Taylor",657 "2010-04-28","Destroy respects optimistic locking.","Curtis Hawthorne",657 "2010-04-28","Destroy respects optimistic locking.","Curtis Hawthorne",657 "2009-03-09","Ensure Model#destroy respects optimistic locking [#1966 ...","Curtis Hawthorne",657 "2007-12-07","Ignore illegal seeks on body rewind. Catches CGI errors ...","Curtis Hawthorne",657 "2013-07-01","Adding find_by in guide to methods that trigger after_fi...","Cristian Planas",657 "2013-07-01","Using preferred find_by syntax in guides [ci skip]","Cristian Planas",657 "2013-06-30","Using preferred find_by syntax in guides","Cristian Planas",657 "2013-06-30","Adding find_by in guide to methods that trigger after_find","Cristian Planas",657 "2009-08-10","Add tests for scoping schema_migrations index by global ...","Cristi Balan",657 "2009-08-10","Add tests for scoping schema_migrations index by global ...","Cristi Balan",657 "2009-08-08","Add rake db:forward - opposite of db:rollback [#768 stat...","Cristi Balan",657 "2005-03-06","Fixed rails_generator to be usable without RubyGems #686...","Cristi Balan",657 "2011-11-28","Fix typo in AS::TaggedLogging","Claudio Poli",657 "2011-09-16","Fix typo in deprecation notice","Claudio Poli",657 "2011-08-24","Adding missing autoload","Claudio Poli",657 "2008-09-21","Fixed missing template paths on exception [#1082 state:r...","Claudio Poli",657 "2013-07-13","Remove ambiguity with pluralizations and I18n keys used ...","Christopher Dell",657 "2012-03-05","Tweak activerecord/test/cases/validations/i18n_generate_...","Christopher Dell",657 "2012-03-05","Test that RecordInvalid exception's translation falls ba...","Christopher Dell",657 "2012-03-04","Allow translations of activerecord.errors.messages.recor...","Christopher Dell",657 "2009-02-05","script/server command can accept --path option to set ap...","Chris Cherry",657 "2008-10-05","Fix deprecated ActionController::Base.relative_url_root ...","Chris Cherry",657 "2008-07-15","Allow Infinity (1.0/0.0) to pass validates_numericality_...","Chris Cherry",657 "2008-07-09","Allow Infinity (1.0/0.0) to pass validates_numericality_...","Chris Cherry",657 "2011-04-26","moving check fo scheme-relative URI into is_uri?","Chad Krsek",657 "2011-04-26","asset helpers should understand scheme-relative URLs","Chad Krsek",657 "2011-04-26","Revert "asset helpers should understand scheme-relative ...","Chad Krsek",657 "2011-04-26","asset helpers should understand scheme-relative URLs","Chad Krsek",657 "2011-06-10","Updated test to ensure correct sequence when copying eng...","Brian Quinn",657 "2011-06-10","Ensure engine migrations are copied in the same sequence...","Brian Quinn",657 "2011-06-10","Updated test to ensure correct sequence when copying eng...","Brian Quinn",657 "2011-06-10","Ensure engine migrations are copied in the same sequence...","Brian Quinn",657 "2010-09-24","Fix warning message when db/schema.rb doesn't exist [#56...","Brian Candler",657 "2010-09-24","Fix warning message when db/schema.rb doesn't exist [#56...","Brian Candler",657 "2008-03-28","Merge [9124] from trunk: Avoid remote_ip spoofing.","Brian Candler",657 "2008-03-28","Avoid remote_ip spoofing","Brian Candler",657 "2011-07-29","fix connection not established error while running rake ...","Bhavin Kamani",657 "2011-06-08","fix connection not established error while running rake ...","Bhavin Kamani",657 "2011-05-27","Add rake task to implement assets:cleanup, fixes Github ...","Bhavin Kamani",657 "2011-05-21","fix connection not established error while running rake ...","Bhavin Kamani",657 "2010-04-01","Fix error in number_with_precision with :significant opt...","Bernardo de Pádua",657 "2010-03-22","NumberHelper methods should now return html_safe strings...","Bernardo de Pádua",657 "2010-03-22","Adds number_to_human and several improvements in NumberH...","Bernardo de Pádua",657 "2008-11-04","Fix regression bug that made date_select and datetime_se...","Bernardo de Pádua",657 "2013-03-16","JDOM XXE Protection [CVE-2013-1856]","Ben Murphy",657 "2013-03-16","JDOM XXE Protection [CVE-2013-1856]","Ben Murphy",657 "2013-03-16","JDOM XXE Protection [CVE-2013-1856]","Ben Murphy",657 "2013-03-16","JDOM XXE Protection [CVE-2013-1856]","Ben Murphy",657 "2012-01-30","Update .travis.yml","ben",657 "2012-01-30","https://github.com/lifo/docrails/blob/master/.travis.yml","ben",657 "2007-01-28","Merge [6078] from trunk. References #6977.","ben",657 "2007-01-28","select :multiple => true suffixes the attribute name wit...","ben",657 "2010-03-15","Fixed a bug in JSON decoding with Yaml backend, where a ...","Bas van Klinkenberg",657 "2009-08-08","Fixed a bug in JSON decoding with Yaml backend, where a ...","Bas van Klinkenberg",657 "2005-06-27","Added event-based observations when frequency is not set...","Bas van Klinkenberg",657 "2005-06-26","Fixed problem with eager loading when using a has_and_be...","Bas van Klinkenberg",657 "2011-06-06","Edited activerecord/lib/active_record/transactions.rb vi...","Ayose Cazorla",657 "2011-06-06","The URL http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/savepoint...","Ayose Cazorla",657 "2011-06-01","Edited activerecord/lib/active_record/transactions.rb vi...","Ayose Cazorla",657 "2011-06-01","The URL http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/savepoint...","Ayose Cazorla",657 "2012-03-18","time_tag support for blocks","Antonio Tapiador del Dujo",657 "2012-01-29",NA,"Antonio Tapiador del Dujo",657 "2009-08-30","I18n support for plugins","Antonio Tapiador del Dujo",657 "2009-08-30","I18n support for plugins","Antonio Tapiador del Dujo",657 "2007-02-25"," Allow users to provide custom formatters to Logger. [ae...","Anthony Eden",657 "2007-01-28","Fix doubly appearing parameters due to string and symbol...","Anthony Eden",657 "2007-01-24","Merge [6023] from trunk. References #7330.","Anthony Eden",657 "2007-01-24","Fixtures use the table name and connection from set_fixt...","Anthony Eden",657 "2006-05-09","Excise ingrown code from FormOptionsHelper#options_for_s...","anonymous",657 "2005-11-21","Apply [3120] to stable. Make help for the console comman...","anonymous",657 "2005-11-21","Make help for the console command more explicit about ho...","anonymous",657 "2005-11-07","Remove bogus hyphen from script/process/reaper calls to ...","anonymous",657 "2012-05-22","Convert Hash to HashWithIndifferentAccess in ActiveRecor...","Andrey Voronkov",657 "2012-05-09","Custom coders support for ActiveRecord::Store. JSON, YAM...","Andrey Voronkov",657 "2011-06-17","Added tests for OrderedHash merging with block.","Andrey Voronkov",657 "2011-06-16","Fix OrderedHash merging with block given.","Andrey Voronkov",657 "2012-04-05","Remove unnecessary in HTML 5 type attribute with default...","Andrey A.I. Sitnik",657 "2011-12-24","Gzip files on page caching","Andrey A.I. Sitnik",657 "2011-12-24","Gzip files on page caching","Andrey A.I. Sitnik",657 "2011-08-21","Allow to debug assets by config.assets.debug","Andrey A.I. Sitnik",657 "2011-07-11","Grouped select helper","Andrew Radev",657 "2011-05-28","ActiveSupport CHANGELOG entry moved to correct place","Andrew Radev",657 "2011-05-28","Update CHANGELOG for ActiveSupport::OrderedHash change","Andrew Radev",657 "2011-05-27","Fixes minor ruby 1.8 inconsistency","Andrew Radev",657 "2012-03-11",NA,"Andrew France",657 "2011-10-20",NA,"Andrew France",657 "2009-09-12","Allow fields_for on a nested_attributes association to a...","Andrew France",657 "2009-09-12","Allow fields_for on a nested_attributes association to a...","Andrew France",657 "2008-05-11","Ensure dbconsole respects erb in database.yml. [#157 sta...","Andrew Bennett",657 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Andrew Bennett",657 "2008-01-06","Support render :text => nil. Closes #6684.","Andrew Bennett",657 "2007-10-16","Hash#symbolize_keys behaves well with integer keys. Clos...","Andrew Bennett",657 "2008-11-14","Fix typo in pool_conections_test [#1350 state:committed]","Amos King",657 "2008-08-22","camelize(:lower) should always downcase first character....","Amos King",657 "2008-06-17","verify :redirect_to => :back should redirect to the refe...","Amos King",657 "2008-06-17","verify :redirect_to => :back should redirect to the refe...","Amos King",657 "2013-03-05","avoid extra method calls for appending newlines","Aman Gupta",657 "2013-03-05","Use ActionView::OutputBuffer#safe_append= from templates","Aman Gupta",657 "2013-03-05","Call String#gsub with Hash directly","Aman Gupta",657 "2010-04-04","Use a constant proc to generate ActionView::Template fin...","Aman Gupta",657 "2011-12-23","serialize fails on subclass","Alvaro Bautista",657 "2011-12-23","serialize fails on subclass","Alvaro Bautista",657 "2010-11-11","Fix ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#localtime method with Da...","Alvaro Bautista",657 "2010-11-11","Fix ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#localtime method with Da...","Alvaro Bautista",657 "2010-12-02","made in_clause_length default nil (no limit)","Alex Rothenberg",657 "2010-11-22","Removed ids_in_list_limit in favor of in_clause_length d...","Alex Rothenberg",657 "2010-11-18","Adapters can specify maximum number of ids they support ...","Alex Rothenberg",657 "2010-11-18","Adapters can specify maximum number of ids they support ...","Alex Rothenberg",657 "2012-01-04","Update ConfirmationValidator docs, correct when the vali...","Alan Harper",657 "2010-06-10","Missing method error doesn't specify which controller it...","Alan Harper",657 "2008-09-04","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Alan Harper",657 "2008-09-04","Changed variable names for in_groups_of to make more obv...","Alan Harper",657 "2013-08-04","Added to 'Security' section; especially reference to 'Ru...","Adrien Lamothe",657 "2013-07-27","Update of 'The Asset Pipeline' guide for Rails 4. [ci skip]","Adrien Lamothe",657 "2012-10-06","Update railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates...","Adrien Lamothe",657 "2012-10-06","Update guides/source/action_mailer_basics.md","Adrien Lamothe",657 "2013-07-16","Unifies mysql and mysql2 casting of booleans","Adam Williams",657 "2013-03-07","fixes active_record_querying #pluck example","Adam Williams",657 "2007-01-12","Merge [5904] from trunk. References #6252.","Adam Williams",657 "2007-01-12","Fix parsing of array[] CGI parameters so extra empty val...","Adam Williams",657 "2013-01-07","Don't require 'turn' from rails/test_help","Aaron Suggs",657 "2012-03-28","Add test for default_url_options[:port]","Aaron Suggs",657 "2010-08-24","Bump rake dependency to 0.8.4. [#5279 state:resolved]","Aaron Suggs",657 "2010-08-24","Bump rake dependency to 0.8.4. [#5279 state:resolved]","Aaron Suggs",657 "2007-06-08","Action caching is limited to GET requests returning 200 ...","Tom Fakes",549 "2006-02-12","Add JavaScriptGenerator#replace_element for replacing an...","Tom Fakes",549 "2006-01-21","Fixed that static requests could unlock the mutex guardi...","Tom Fakes",549 "2006-01-21","Fixed that static requests could unlock the mutex guardi...","Tom Fakes",549 "2006-01-14","Show usage when script/plugin is called without argument...","Tom Fakes",549 "2008-08-29","Improve assert_select_rjs failure messages for show, hid...","Tim Haines",549 "2008-08-28","Add TestUploadFile.content_type= to match Request.Upload...","Tim Haines",549 "2008-08-28","Add TestUploadFile.content_type= to match Request.Upload...","Tim Haines",549 "2008-07-02","Make sure render :template works with :locals. [#524 sta...","Tim Haines",549 "2008-07-02","Make sure render :template works with :locals. [#524 sta...","Tim Haines",549 "2009-09-13","Ruby 1.9 compat: corrected instance_methods check","Stephen Sykes",549 "2009-09-13","Ruby 1.9 compat: corrected instance_methods check","Stephen Sykes",549 "2009-09-12","Fix habtm associations when using multiple databases","Stephen Sykes",549 "2009-09-12","Fix habtm associations when using multiple databases","Stephen Sykes",549 "2006-09-18","Rescue Errno::ECONNRESET to handle an unexpectedly close...","Stephen Sykes",549 "2012-12-13","Trimming the in resource listing; Tutorial book moved [c...","Soon Van",549 "2012-08-22","giving a pause usually made for e.g. in sentences [ci skip]","Soon Van",549 "2012-08-14","add breathing to reading sentences for flow, cut down th...","Soon Van",549 "2012-08-13","space for stack overflow; not when you get into things [...","Soon Van",549 "2012-08-11","proper casing in pronouns; relocate the pro git book [ci...","Soon Van",549 "2012-01-19","Fix small typo in mail_to docs in url_helper.rb","Simon Baird",549 "2012-01-19","Fix small typo in mail_to docs in url_helper.rb","Simon Baird",549 "2011-07-06","Fix charset/collate in mysql recreate_database","Simon Baird",549 "2011-07-06","Fix charset/collate in mysql recreate_database","Simon Baird",549 "2011-07-04","Fix charset/collate in mysql recreate_database","Simon Baird",549 "2013-09-10","Plural of Deer not deer","Sergio",549 "2013-09-09","html generated for a search form","Sergio",549 "2013-09-05","added # or comment","Sergio",549 "2013-09-04","Client.exists?(1,2,3) and Client.exists?([1,2,3]) does n...","Sergio",549 "2013-09-04","Example of Join models","Sergio",549 "2012-10-17","Fix bug with presence validation of associations.","Scott Willson",549 "2008-05-28","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Scott Willson",549 "2008-05-28","Updated README example to ActionController::TestCase fro...","Scott Willson",549 "2008-04-07","Improve ActiveRecord::Base#table_name unit tests for nes...","Scott Willson",549 "2007-12-05","Give examples for what tables should be called for model...","Scott Willson",549 "2012-07-13","Change Assertion language to Expected/Actual from obj1/obj2","Scott Stewart",549 "2011-06-18","Fixed typo in asset_pipeline, jquery_rails should be jqu...","Scott Stewart",549 "2011-06-18","Edited railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile via...","Scott Stewart",549 "2008-07-02","Ensure proper output when submit_tag is used with :disab...","Scott Stewart",549 "2008-07-02","Ensure proper output when submit_tag is used with :disab...","Scott Stewart",549 "2012-04-05","Where migration can get wrong help added","Sandip Ransing",549 "2012-04-05","Improvement to migration guide","Sandip Ransing",549 "2012-04-04","Small improvements added to getting started","Sandip Ransing",549 "2012-04-03","typo mistake fixed","Sandip Ransing",549 "2012-04-03","rails 4 will support ruby version 1.9.4 or higher","Sandip Ransing",549 "2011-10-09","Fix a typo that was mysteriously entered in previous commit","Roy Tomeij",549 "2011-10-09","Add note about how Sass & Sprockets don't match","Roy Tomeij",549 "2011-10-09","Fix a typo that was mysteriously entered in previous commit","Roy Tomeij",549 "2011-10-09","Add note about how Sass & Sprockets don't match","Roy Tomeij",549 "2011-09-01","Change "SCSS" to "Sass" in sentences where it's referred...","Roy Tomeij",549 "2012-05-24","capitalize HTML5 in Getting Started Guide","Rory O’Kane",549 "2012-05-24","grammar fixes in a tip in Rails routing guide","Rory O’Kane",549 "2012-05-22","clarified how file naming affects load order of initiali...","Rory O’Kane",549 "2012-04-26","Active Support Core Extensions guide: reworded "on one h...","Rory O’Kane",549 "2012-04-20","in feedback solicitation text, correct that docrails is ...","Rory O’Kane",549 "2012-05-02","Gem cont presence checking has been removed","Roman V. Babenko",549 "2012-05-02","Rakefile executable attributes and shebang lines has bee...","Roman V. Babenko",549 "2012-04-28","Engine#routes? method has been fixed","Roman V. Babenko",549 "2012-04-06","Class variables has been fixed to Singleton instance var...","Roman V. Babenko",549 "2012-04-02","Unnecessary uniqueness & force mapping has been removed ...","Roman V. Babenko",549 "2008-12-21","Correct description of tmp:create task [#1607 state:reso...","Roderick van Domburg",549 "2007-10-17","Use a smaller binary fixture so we don't overflow column...","Roderick van Domburg",549 "2007-08-16","Improve performance and functionality of the postgresql ...","Roderick van Domburg",549 "2007-05-21","merge [6798] into stable.","Roderick van Domburg",549 "2007-05-21","Fix column type detection while loading fixtures. Close...","Roderick van Domburg",549 "2011-11-26","Fix missing single quote that was messing up syntax high...","Robert Ross",549 "2011-11-22","Fix missing single quote that was messing up syntax high...","Robert Ross",549 "2011-10-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Robert Ross",549 "2011-10-05","Change one more place for JSON string to Hash","Robert Ross",549 "2011-10-04","Fix as_json doc to say what it actually returns.","Robert Ross",549 "2012-09-12","Added additional comments on how to use the "type" colum...","Robert Evans",549 "2007-12-17","Tagged Rails 2.0.2","Robert Evans",549 "2007-12-17","Docfix (closes #10369) [revans]","Robert Evans",549 "2007-11-15","Use Leopard's native mysql_config. Closes #10167 [Robert...","Robert Evans",549 "2007-11-14","Add MySQL install instructions for Leopard in particular...","Robert Evans",549 "2009-08-09","Fix binary fixture test on Windows","Rob Anderton",549 "2009-08-09","Fix binary fixture test on Windows","Rob Anderton",549 "2009-03-09","Allow find(:last) :order be a symbol [#2024 state:resolved]","Rob Anderton",549 "2008-09-10","Expanded documentation for new composed_of options","Rob Anderton",549 "2008-09-10","Added :constructor and :converter options to composed_of...","Rob Anderton",549 "2008-03-03","Allow file uploads in Integration Tests. Closes #11091 ...","Rick DeNatale",549 "2008-02-19","use stubbing instead of monkeypatching to stop test...","Rick DeNatale",549 "2007-10-29","Introduce finder :joins with associations. Same :include...","Rick DeNatale",549 "2007-10-25","Make sure that the Schema Dumper supports non-standard p...","Rick DeNatale",549 "2007-10-15","Enhance documentation for observe_field. Closes #9808 [R...","Rick DeNatale",549 "2010-08-25","Restore consistency with the rest of the doc.","Rémy Coutable",549 "2010-08-25","Fixed a missing simple quote.","Rémy Coutable",549 "2010-08-25","Restore consistency with the rest of the doc.","Rémy Coutable",549 "2010-08-25","Fixed a missing simple quote.","Rémy Coutable",549 "2008-03-15","Fixed that cache fetch method would cause nil exception ...","Rémy Coutable",549 "2010-12-15","test for eager load of has_one association with conditio...","Pivotal Labs",549 "2010-12-15","test for eager load of has_one association with conditio...","Pivotal Labs",549 "2008-12-26","Documentation for merged joins","Pivotal Labs",549 "2008-09-24","Allowed passing arrays-of-strings to :join everywhere. M...","Pivotal Labs",549 "2008-08-27","Fix two has_one :through errors","Pivotal Labs",549 "2009-03-10","Properly decode \u escape sequences in JSON [#1100 state...","Philip Hallstrom",549 "2008-09-17","make db:migrate:redo rake task accept an optional VERSIO...","Philip Hallstrom",549 "2008-08-24","Fix generated WHERE IN query for named scopes. [#583 sta...","Philip Hallstrom",549 "2008-08-21","Fix generated WHERE IN query for named scopes. [#583 sta...","Philip Hallstrom",549 "2006-10-09","Fixed that NumberHelper#number_to_delimiter should respe...","Philip Hallstrom",549 "2013-07-24","AM Guide: Should be "different formats".","Peter Jaros",549 "2012-03-28","Nested attribute setters can be overridden.","Peter Jaros",549 "2011-08-13","Let ActiveModel instances define partial paths.","Peter Jaros",549 "2011-07-25","Let ActiveModel instances define partial paths.","Peter Jaros",549 "2011-07-08","ActiveRecord::Base should pass ActiveModel::Lint.","Peter Jaros",549 "2012-01-23","Fix ActiveModel::Errors#dup","Paweł Kondzior",549 "2012-01-17","Fix ActiveModel::Errors#dup","Paweł Kondzior",549 "2012-01-17","Remove redundant #to_sym","Paweł Kondzior",549 "2012-01-17","Fix ActiveModel::Errors#dup","Paweł Kondzior",549 "2010-06-23","STI should identify itself inside named_scope","Paweł Kondzior",549 "2010-12-15","Replace rudimentary named_scope with scope. [#6052 state...","Pavel Gorbokon",549 "2010-12-07","Replace nested ifs with case/when","Pavel Gorbokon",549 "2010-12-07","Ommit nil in method call","Pavel Gorbokon",549 "2010-11-22","Fix ruby syntax errors in railties/guides docs","Pavel Gorbokon",549 "2010-06-11","Fix spelling error in ActiveModel::Conversion docs. [#48...","Pavel Gorbokon",549 "2010-06-23","Remove incorrect comment regarding #initialize_copy","Paul Gillard",549 "2010-06-23","Don't clone associations [#4894 state:resolved]","Paul Gillard",549 "2009-10-06","Call initialize_copy when cloning [#3164 state:resolved]","Paul Gillard",549 "2009-08-04","Added reset_attribute! method to ActiveRecord::Attribute...","Paul Gillard",549 "2009-08-04","Modified ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods to allow classes...","Paul Gillard",549 "2013-04-30","Added :nodoc: for private methods","Olli Rissanen",549 "2013-04-30","Moved update_record logic to relation.rb","Olli Rissanen",549 "2013-04-11","Switched to new naming conventions","Olli Rissanen",549 "2013-04-10","Added statement cache","Olli Rissanen",549 "2013-02-11","Changed update_record to use prepared statements.","Olli Rissanen",549 "2008-05-28","Merge git@github.com:lifo/docrails into lifo","Nick Plante",549 "2008-05-28","update language and use proper fonts for method names","Nick Plante",549 "2008-05-28","fix spelling error","Nick Plante",549 "2007-12-05","Add examples in the documentation for various assertions...","Nick Plante",549 "2007-05-26","auto_complete_field takes a :method option so you can GE...","Nick Plante",549 "2009-09-11","Fix filtering parameters when there are Fixnum or other ...","Nathaniel Talbott",549 "2009-09-11","Fix filtering parameters when there are Fixnum or other ...","Nathaniel Talbott",549 "2008-09-20","Fixed an error triggered by a reload followed by a forei...","Nathaniel Talbott",549 "2007-10-16","Dispatcher: fix that to_prepare should only run once in ...","Nathaniel Talbott",549 "2007-09-27","Avoid calling is_missing on LoadErrors. Closes #7460.","Nathaniel Talbott",549 "2012-06-01","Use to_model delegates for polymorphic route generation","Nathaniel Bibler",549 "2011-02-07","Fixed broken, memoized attributes method example","Nathaniel Bibler",549 "2010-03-27","Changed behavior of touch and added touch! Originally im...","Nathaniel Bibler",549 "2008-08-30","Added optional rake doc:app TITLE environment parameter","Nathaniel Bibler",549 "2008-08-30","Added optional rake doc:app TITLE environment parameter","Nathaniel Bibler",549 "2013-01-29","Fix #8832 - Parse '{"person":[]}' JSON/XML as {'person' ...","Nathan Broadbent",549 "2012-01-29","Use block form of 'File.open' so that File object is aut...","Nathan Broadbent",549 "2012-01-29","Replaced all 'for' loops with Enumerable#each","Nathan Broadbent",549 "2012-01-28","Reverted build_original_fullpath method, as per discussi...","Nathan Broadbent",549 "2012-01-15","Refactored watchable_args and build_original_fullpath me...","Nathan Broadbent",549 "2005-03-20","Added that the html options disabled, readonly, and mult...","mindel",549 "2005-03-20","Added with additional settings for working with transact...","mindel",549 "2005-03-06","Added UrlHelper#link_to_if/link_to_unless to enable othe...","mindel",549 "2005-03-06","Added destruction of dependent objects in has_one associ...","mindel",549 "2005-02-17","Fixed that on validation errors, scaffold couldn't find ...","mindel",549 "2013-05-16","Raise when multiple included blocks are defined","Mike Dillon",549 "2011-09-10","Use ensure instead of rescue","Mike Dillon",549 "2011-09-10","Fix changelog entry","Mike Dillon",549 "2011-09-10","Add test for warning and CHANGELOG entry","Mike Dillon",549 "2011-09-10","Change log level for CSRF token verification warning","Mike Dillon",549 "2007-11-14","Remove warning about fixture loading order from test_hel...","Mike Clark",549 "2006-09-01","Integration tests: headers beginning with X aren't exclu...","Mike Clark",549 "2006-07-06","Ensure the logger is initialized. Closes #5629.","Mike Clark",549 "2006-06-29","script/server prefers mongrel over lighttpd","Mike Clark",549 "2006-06-29","Mongrel: script/server tails the rails log like it does ...","Mike Clark",549 "2013-01-28","Added a Changelog entry for fixing HEAD requests.","Michiel Sikkes",549 "2013-01-28","Make current_url? work with a HEAD method","Michiel Sikkes",549 "2013-01-28","Remove caching_allowed? from ActionController::Caching","Michiel Sikkes",549 "2013-01-22","Added request.head? to forgery protection code","Michiel Sikkes",549 "2013-01-22","Added a test that shows that a HEAD request does not nor...","Michiel Sikkes",549 "2005-09-02","Fix observe_field to fall back to event-based observatio...","Michael Schubert",549 "2005-08-23","Add support for :include with pagination (subject to exi...","Michael Schubert",549 "2005-07-22","Added an empty robots.txt to public/, so that web server...","Michael Schubert",549 "2005-06-25","Fixed rakefile actions against PostgreSQL when the passw...","Michael Schubert",549 "2005-04-17","Fixed error handling of broken layouts #1115 [Michael Sc...","Michael Schubert",549 "2013-09-10","Refactor handling of action normalization","Max Shytikov",549 "2013-07-30","fix tests","Max Shytikov",549 "2013-07-30","Rails.logger should have level specified by config.log_l...","Max Shytikov",549 "2013-07-26","Refactor handling of action normalization","Max Shytikov",549 "2012-12-19","attempt to fix slow runner name method","Max Shytikov",549 "2013-03-12","Pass column to quote when copying a sqlite table.","Matthew M. Boedicker",549 "2013-01-05","Add join table migration generator to usage help.","Matthew M. Boedicker",549 "2012-12-14","Do not log the binding values for binary columns.","Matthew M. Boedicker",549 "2012-12-01","Quote ~ in git config global excludes command.","Matthew M. Boedicker",549 "2008-10-13","Add support for xml processing instructions in atom_feed...","Matthew M. Boedicker",549 "2006-08-07","Add documentation for how to disable timestamps on a per...","Matt Margolis",549 "2006-08-07","Update documentation for erb trim syntax. #5651 [matt@ma...","Matt Margolis",549 "2006-07-09","Update documentation for erb trim syntax. Closes #5651.","Matt Margolis",549 "2006-07-08","Update render :partial documentation. Closes #5646.","Matt Margolis",549 "2006-07-07","Clearer has_one/belongs_to model names (account has_one ...","Matt Margolis",549 "2011-10-20","Fixed misleading docs for String#to_formatted_s(:db)","Martin Svalin",549 "2011-10-20","Fixed misleading docs for String#to_formatted_s(:db)","Martin Svalin",549 "2011-10-19","Removed mention of deprecated ActiveModel::Errors#on","Martin Svalin",549 "2011-10-19","New #added? method on ActiveModel::Errors","Martin Svalin",549 "2011-10-17","ActiveModel::Errors#generate_message without i18n_scope,...","Martin Svalin",549 "2009-08-23","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Marshall Huss",549 "2009-08-23","Added docs for ActiveResource HTTP proxy support","Marshall Huss",549 "2009-08-08","HTTP proxy support","Marshall Huss",549 "2009-08-08","HTTP proxy support","Marshall Huss",549 "2008-05-05","Added information of how to set element_name in the case...","Marshall Huss",549 "2008-06-03","Fixed Request#remote_ip to only raise hell if the HTTP_C...","Mark Imbriaco",549 "2008-06-03","Fixed Request#remote_ip to only raise hell if the HTTP_C...","Mark Imbriaco",549 "2006-10-09","Fix relative URL root matching problems","Mark Imbriaco",549 "2006-03-18","Rework table aliasing to account for truncated table ali...","Mark Imbriaco",549 "2006-03-18","Fixed that Migration#execute would have the table name p...","Mark Imbriaco",549 "2011-06-06","Validations guide: order of :after_save callback was inc...","Mariusz Pękala",549 "2011-06-06","Validations guide: order of :after_save callback was inc...","Mariusz Pękala",549 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","Mariusz Pękala",549 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","Mariusz Pękala",549 "2008-02-02","TestSession supports indifferent access. Closes #7372.","Mariusz Pękala",549 "2012-01-13","Cache (FileStore) clear should keep .gitkeep","Marcos Tapajós",549 "2011-12-28","Remove empty line.","Marcos Tapajós",549 "2011-12-27","Closes #4208","Marcos Tapajós",549 "2008-06-02","Fixed changelog merge.","Marcos Tapajós",549 "2008-06-02","Fixed changelog merge.","Marcos Tapajós",549 "2013-08-28","Mention the fast `test_sqlite3_mem` option in `RUNNING_U...","Marc Schütz",549 "2013-07-10","Remove accidentally committed vi .swp file.","Marc Schütz",549 "2013-07-06","Make HashWithIndifferentAccess#select always return the ...","Marc Schütz",549 "2013-02-21","Indent comment block by two spaces.","Marc Schütz",549 "2013-02-20","Add more documentation for create_join_table.","Marc Schütz",549 "2011-06-03","Bring inline with master","Larry Sprock",549 "2011-06-03","Don't need asset_path twice","Larry Sprock",549 "2011-06-03","Generate correct asset paths when using asset pipeline","Larry Sprock",549 "2011-01-09","Backport tests for subclassed arrays","Larry Sprock",549 "2010-11-14","HashWithIndifferentAccess should not change the subclass...","Larry Sprock",549 "2011-07-07","Make `ActiveRecord::Batches#find_each` to not return `se...","Krzysztof Knapik",549 "2011-07-07","Make `ActiveRecord::Batches#find_each` to not return `se...","Krzysztof Knapik",549 "2011-07-07","Make `ActiveRecord::Batches#find_each` to not return `se...","Krzysztof Knapik",549 "2011-05-11","Fix assigning protected attributes by attributes=","Krzysztof Knapik",549 "2010-06-22","Fix controller_name for non default controller paths [#4...","Krzysztof Knapik",549 "2012-04-04","Remove unused 'cast_code' variable","Kevin Moore",549 "2011-12-29","Documented about using :path option for resources","Kevin Moore",549 "2011-12-28","Documented about using :path option for resources","Kevin Moore",549 "2011-05-17","Fix for sqlite3.yml, mysql.yml","Kevin Moore",549 "2011-01-10","Aligning master changelog w/ 3-0-stable","Kevin Moore",549 "2007-01-23","Merge [6014] from trunk. References #2928.","Keith Morrison",549 "2007-01-23","SQLServer: quote table name in indexes query. Closes #2928.","Keith Morrison",549 "2005-12-10"," r3429@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 16:55:16 -0800","Keith Morrison",549 "2005-12-10","SQLServer: fix obscure optimistic locking bug, support u...","Keith Morrison",549 "2005-11-07","Fix status pluralization bug so status_codes doesn't get...","Keith Morrison",549 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Justin Palmer",549 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Justin Palmer",549 "2006-01-21","Fix IE bug with link_to "something", :post => true (clos...","Justin Palmer",549 "2005-11-17","stable merge of 3032 -- Updated docs for in_place_editor...","Justin Palmer",549 "2005-11-14","* Updated docs for in_place_editor, fixes a couple bugs ...","Justin Palmer",549 "2009-08-10","Only load db/schema.rb if it exists; otherwise, display ...","Joshua Nichols",549 "2009-08-10","Only load db/schema.rb if it exists; otherwise, display ...","Joshua Nichols",549 "2009-08-10","Backported XML serialization behavior from master for de...","Joshua Nichols",549 "2009-08-09","Added back support for destroying an association's objec...","Joshua Nichols",549 "2009-08-09","Added back support for destroying an association's objec...","Joshua Nichols",549 "2013-02-27","Update gemspec to get mail 2.4 as the main version, 2.3....","Josh Owens",549 "2008-07-17","Hash#slice supports an array of keys [#613 state:resolved]","Josh Owens",549 "2007-10-20","merge [7978] from edge","Josh Owens",549 "2007-10-20","Ensure that cookies handle array values correctly. Clos...","Josh Owens",549 "2007-10-14","Observers can observe model names as symbols properly no...","Josh Owens",549 "2013-03-21","failure to parse params should trigger a 400 Bad Request","Josh Goebel",549 "2008-01-25","Time#- coerces TimeWithZone argument to a Time instance ...","Josh Goebel",549 "2007-08-29","Only reload routes.rb if its been modified. [Dreamer3]","Josh Goebel",549 "2005-11-24"," r3307@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 17:52:14 -0800","Josh Goebel",549 "2005-11-20","PostgreSQL: the purge_test_database Rake task shouldn't ...","Josh Goebel",549 "2011-07-22","Added missing runner to engine rake to ensure that engin...","Jonathan Lozinski",549 "2011-07-16","Added gem helper to rake task for engines, as per pull r...","Jonathan Lozinski",549 "2011-07-16","Added gem helper tasks to Rakefile for engine plugins. ...","Jonathan Lozinski",549 "2011-07-16","Added db to gemspec files so migrations are correctly pa...","Jonathan Lozinski",549 "2011-07-15","Fixed engine gemspec so that app, config, and db are pac...","Jonathan Lozinski",549 "2011-01-29","explain different ways to use match()","Jonathan Dance",549 "2011-01-29","organize and expand on options for routing methods","Jonathan Dance",549 "2011-01-29","add cross-references and documentation for scope","Jonathan Dance",549 "2011-01-29","fix cross-references in HttpHelper methods","Jonathan Dance",549 "2008-05-06","improvements to the page caching docs","Jonathan Dance",549 "2007-03-18","Hash#to_xml supports YAML attributes; ActiveRecord::Base...","jonathan",549 "2007-02-25","Allow send_file/send_data to use a registered mime type ...","jonathan",549 "2006-10-09","Added update_attributes! which uses save! to raise an ex...","jonathan",549 "2006-09-29","Add Basic HTTP Authentication to ActiveResource (closes ...","jonathan",549 "2006-09-13","script/server creates the tmp/pids directory. Closes #6204.","jonathan",549 "2012-06-02","Update guides/code/getting_started/test/functional/home_...","Johnson Wang",549 "2012-06-02","the file name should be changed to home_helper.rb","Johnson Wang",549 "2012-06-02","Update guides/code/getting_started/app/controllers/home_...","Johnson Wang",549 "2012-06-02","Update guides/code/getting_started/config/routes.rb","Johnson Wang",549 "2012-06-01","change welcome_helper.rb to home_helper.rb","Johnson Wang",549 "2009-09-28","Introduce :almost keyword for distance_of_time_in_words....","John Trupiano",549 "2009-09-28","Allow PKG_NAME env variable to control the directory nam...","John Trupiano",549 "2009-09-28","Introduce :almost keyword for distance_of_time_in_words....","John Trupiano",549 "2009-03-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","John Trupiano",549 "2009-03-01","Beefed up mass assignment coverage (section 6) in the se...","John Trupiano",549 "2007-01-05","merge sybase changes to 1.2","John Sheets",549 "2007-01-05","Sybase adapter fixes. Closes #6926 [jsheets]","John Sheets",549 "2006-04-25","Sybase Adapter type conversion cleanup [dev@metacasa.net]","John Sheets",549 "2006-03-02","Added Sybase database adapter that relies on the Sybase ...","John Sheets",549 "2006-03-02","Added Sybase database adapter that relies on the Sybase ...","John Sheets",549 "2008-09-09","Flesh out the ActiveRecord::Validations::ClassMethods RDoc","John D. Hume",549 "2008-09-09","Move the orphaned method RDoc of ActiveRecord::Validatio...","John D. Hume",549 "2008-09-08","Change over examples to use {{count}} and {{value}} inst...","John D. Hume",549 "2008-05-31","Substitute value into validates_format_of message","John D. Hume",549 "2008-05-31","Substitute value into validates_format_of message","John D. Hume",549 "2013-01-19","Refactor ActiveSupport::Cache::Store#fetch.","Joey Butler",549 "2012-12-05","Extract method refactoring in ActionDispatch::Routing::S...","Joey Butler",549 "2011-05-24","Add failing test case for issue 796","Joey Butler",549 "2011-05-24","Add failing test case for issue 796","Joey Butler",549 "2011-05-24","Add failing test case for issue 796","Joey Butler",549 "2013-02-16","Update activemodel/CHANGELOG.md","joernchen of Phenoelit",549 "2013-02-16","Update activemodel/CHANGELOG.md","joernchen of Phenoelit",549 "2013-02-10","Fix issue with attr_protected where malformed input coul...","joernchen of Phenoelit",549 "2013-02-10","Fix issue with attr_protected where malformed input coul...","joernchen of Phenoelit",549 "2013-02-09","Fix issue with attr_protected where malformed input coul...","joernchen of Phenoelit",549 "2012-10-06","[Guides] Format content for small devices","Joe Fiorini",549 "2012-10-06","[Guides] Navigation styling for small devices","Joe Fiorini",549 "2011-07-24","Tests now require MySQL2 adapter in order to run","Joe Fiorini",549 "2011-07-23","Tests now require MySQL2 adapter in order to run","Joe Fiorini",549 "2011-07-02","Enable passing root: false to #to_json","Joe Fiorini",549 "2012-12-03","Fix a typo in ActionController::Caching","Jean Boussier",549 "2012-03-05","Fix #5069 - Protect foreign key from mass assignment thr...","Jean Boussier",549 "2012-03-05","Fix #5069 - Protect foreign key from mass assignment thr...","Jean Boussier",549 "2011-11-13","Fix a tiny typo in custom validators documentation","Jean Boussier",549 "2011-11-10","Fix a tiny typo in custom validators documentation","Jean Boussier",549 "2013-06-24","test-case to prevent regressions described in #10901.","Jared Armstrong",549 "2013-06-21","Fixes CollectionAssociation#ids_reader returning incorre...","Jared Armstrong",549 "2013-04-10","While merging relations preserve context for joins","Jared Armstrong",549 "2012-05-04","Allow ActiveRecord::Relation merges to maintain context ...","Jared Armstrong",549 "2012-03-18","Fix bug with autosave collection association on new reco...","Jared Armstrong",549 "2013-04-02","Refactor CollectionProxy#scope to avoid calling #extend.","James Golick",549 "2010-03-16","Improve performance of multibyte utils.","James Golick",549 "2010-03-16","Improve performance of multibyte utils.","James Golick",549 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","James Golick",549 "2008-01-03","Fixed that you don't have to call super in ActionMailer:...","James Golick",549 "2013-01-05","Remove suggestion that Procs can be used as session secr...","James Coglan",549 "2013-01-05","Remove suggestion that Procs can be used as session secr...","James Coglan",549 "2012-11-09","Store FlashHashes in the session as plain hashes rather ...","James Coglan",549 "2012-11-03","Store FlashHashes in the session as plain hashes rather ...","James Coglan",549 "2007-09-22","Added FormHelper#label (closes #8641) [jcoglan]","James Coglan",549 "2012-02-02","updating documentation for register_template_handler","James A. Rosen",549 "2011-06-21","Railties: added tests for rake assets:clean","James A. Rosen",549 "2011-06-21","rake assets:clean also removes directories","James A. Rosen",549 "2011-06-20","assets:clean task now cleans up images","James A. Rosen",549 "2010-11-07","OrderedHash#select now preserves order [#5843 state:reso...","James A. Rosen",549 "2011-06-09","Fix issue #1598 by adding a dependency to the RDoc gem.","Jacob Poulsgaard Tjoernholm",549 "2011-06-09","Fix issue #1598 by adding a dependency to the RDoc gem.","Jacob Poulsgaard Tjoernholm",549 "2011-06-09","Fix issue #1598 by adding a dependency to the RDoc gem.","Jacob Poulsgaard Tjoernholm",549 "2011-06-09","Fix issue #1598 by adding a dependency to the RDoc gem.","Jacob Poulsgaard Tjoernholm",549 "2011-05-06","Update the description of the :path option to #resources...","Jacob Poulsgaard Tjoernholm",549 "2012-05-12","Remove prepared statement from system query in postgresq...","Ivan Evtukhovich",549 "2012-04-19","Add to guides info how to disable prepared statements","Ivan Evtukhovich",549 "2011-11-07","DrbStore removed from cache backends","Ivan Evtukhovich",549 "2010-12-11","Fix doc about nested transaction rollback","Ivan Evtukhovich",549 "2010-12-08","Fix doc about nested transaction rollback","Ivan Evtukhovich",549 "2012-01-24","Fix date_select nil and blank and order case","Indrek Juhkam",549 "2012-01-24","Add failing test for date_select","Indrek Juhkam",549 "2012-01-22","Raise exception when date.order includes invalid elements","Indrek Juhkam",549 "2011-12-20","fix default_i18n_subject comment in ActionMailer::Base","Indrek Juhkam",549 "2007-11-06","Add documentation for route conditions. Closes #9041 [in...","Indrek Juhkam",549 "2011-08-06","use assets.version in asset checksum to allow user to ea...","Ilya Grigorik",549 "2011-08-05","Merge branch 'asset_hash_should_depend_on_env'","Ilya Grigorik",549 "2011-08-05","Clear out tmp/cache when assets:clean is invoked.","Ilya Grigorik",549 "2011-08-05","generate environment dependent asset digests","Ilya Grigorik",549 "2011-08-05","Clear out tmp/cache when assets:clean is invoked.","Ilya Grigorik",549 "2008-11-06","Turn on STARTTLS if it is available in Net::SMTP (added ...","Grant Hollingworth",549 "2008-06-11","Performance: speed up Hash#except. [#382 state:resolved]","Grant Hollingworth",549 "2008-06-11","Performance: speed up Hash#except. [#382 state:resolved]","Grant Hollingworth",549 "2008-06-02","fixed typo: extra word","Grant Hollingworth",549 "2006-02-19","Also use CWD on document_root (closes #3883) [grant@anti...","Grant Hollingworth",549 "2013-08-27","adding more finder migration information to upgrade guid...","Gary S. Weaver",549 "2013-07-17","grammar fix in upgrade documentation","Gary S. Weaver",549 "2012-12-21","Updated security guide to reference secret_key_base inst...","Gary S. Weaver",549 "2012-12-21","Updated security guide with information about secret_tok...","Gary S. Weaver",549 "2012-12-18","#5523 Add ability for postgresql adapter to disable user...","Gary S. Weaver",549 "2012-11-08","Add test to avoid regression of 58e48d5292242f000dc8a87f...","Gabriel Sobrinho",549 "2012-11-07","Fix accepts_nested_attributes for child classes","Gabriel Sobrinho",549 "2012-08-24","Accept a symbol for `:in` option on inclusion and exclus...","Gabriel Sobrinho",549 "2011-11-15","Failing test case for issue #3483","Gabriel Sobrinho",549 "2011-07-01","Create a test case for disable_referential_integrity","Gabriel Sobrinho",549 "2005-01-24","Added Florian Gross' latest version of Breakpointer and ...","Florian Gross",549 "2005-01-15","Fixed some breakpoint issues and made breakpoint_client ...","Florian Gross",549 "2005-01-10","Fixed three issues with retrying breakpoints #417 [Flori...","Florian Gross",549 "2004-12-23","Added protection for creating a model through the genera...","Florian Gross",549 "2004-12-18","Added POST support for the breakpoint retries, so form p...","Florian Gross",549 "2012-02-23","Use consistent whitespace for commented options.","Felix Bünemann",549 "2012-02-23","Move config.autoflush_log to correct template.","Felix Bünemann",549 "2012-02-22","Always default to flushing enabled","Felix Bünemann",549 "2012-02-22","Advertise autoflush option in production template","Felix Bünemann",549 "2012-02-22","Make log autoflushing configurable","Felix Bünemann",549 "2011-05-31","Tests for issue #1360","Farley Knight",549 "2011-05-31","Tests for issue #1360","Farley Knight",549 "2008-01-12","Merge the fix for redirecting to nil. References #10272...","Farley Knight",549 "2008-01-12","don't misbehave when redirecting to nil. Closes #10272 ...","Farley Knight",549 "2007-12-10","Document the validates class method. Closes #10216 [Farl...","Farley Knight",549 "2013-03-08","Adding a note for :body option in `mail` method.","Fabrizio Regini",549 "2012-12-27","Fixed couple of typos","Fabrizio Regini",549 "2012-12-05","Allow fragment cache to accept :if and :unless options","Fabrizio Regini",549 "2012-12-05","Adding filter capability to ActionController logs","Fabrizio Regini",549 "2012-09-30","updates latest Rails version number","Fabrizio Regini",549 "2010-09-28","Test add_index and remove_index with a symbol name #4891","Étienne Barrié",549 "2010-09-28","Test add_index and remove_index with a symbol name #4891","Étienne Barrié",549 "2010-09-27","Fix add_index with a symbol #4891","Étienne Barrié",549 "2010-05-18","make add_index and remove_index more resilient; new rena...","Étienne Barrié",549 "2010-05-18","make add_index and remove_index more resilient; new rena...","Étienne Barrié",549 "2011-09-10","Fixed syntax error in "block setting of attributes" exam...","Erik Ostrom",549 "2009-09-28","Ported the new ActionView::TestCase from 2-3-stable to m...","Erik Ostrom",549 "2009-08-10","Correctly handle offsets in Multibyte::Chars#index and #...","Erik Ostrom",549 "2009-08-10","Correctly handle offsets in Multibyte::Chars#index and #...","Erik Ostrom",549 "2009-08-10","Add rindex to ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars.","Erik Ostrom",549 "2011-04-20","Exception got moved to ActiveModel with Rails 3","Eric Anderson",549 "2005-01-24","Added that has_and_belongs_to_many associations with add...","Eric Anderson",549 "2005-01-24","Fixed that records fetched with piggy-back attributes or...","Eric Anderson",549 "2005-01-13","Added arrays as a value option for params in url_for and...","Eric Anderson",549 "2005-01-11","Fixed that foreign keys named the same as the associatio...","Eric Anderson",549 "2010-06-24","Fix bug where ActiveResource::HttpMock would overwrite A...","Elomar França",549 "2010-06-03","Adding to_key to ActiveResource objects using ActiveMode...","Elomar França",549 "2010-05-26","Adding to_key to ActiveResource objects using ActiveMode...","Elomar França",549 "2010-05-16","Don't carry default value when changing column for a bin...","Elomar França",549 "2010-05-16","Don't carry default value when changing column for a bin...","Elomar França",549 "2012-11-26","Accept symbols as #send_data :disposition value","Elia Schito",549 "2012-11-26","Accept symbols as #send_data :disposition value","Elia Schito",549 "2012-10-29","Deprecate Paths::Path#children which is unused now","Elia Schito",549 "2012-10-27","Respect children paths filter settings","Elia Schito",549 "2012-05-11","Move HTTP Token auth docs above the Token module","Elia Schito",549 "2012-05-02","Refactored remove_column","Edgars Beigarts",549 "2011-12-04","Fix sequence name with abstract classes.","Edgars Beigarts",549 "2010-06-22","Fix connection reloading in development mode. [#4929 sta...","Edgars Beigarts",549 "2010-06-22","Improve documentation for assocations :autosave option.","Edgars Beigarts",549 "2010-03-26","Make script/dbconsole work with oracle (sqlplus <usernam...","Edgars Beigarts",549 "2013-07-10","Remove unopened closing brace.","Douglas Teoh",549 "2013-05-04","Update CreateComments migration to reflect the output fr...","Douglas Teoh",549 "2013-05-04","Fix another incorrect post_path link generation.","Douglas Teoh",549 "2013-05-04","Remove unopened closing brace.","Douglas Teoh",549 "2013-05-04","Fix incorrect post_path link generation.","Douglas Teoh",549 "2010-12-18","Fixed number_with_precision rounding error [#6182 state:...","Don Wilson",549 "2010-12-18","Fixed number_with_precision rounding error [#6182 state:...","Don Wilson",549 "2010-12-17","Fixed number_with_precision rounding error [#6182 state:...","Don Wilson",549 "2010-11-02","Added :negative_format option to number_to_currency func...","Don Wilson",549 "2010-11-02","Added :negative_format option to number_to_currency func...","Don Wilson",549 "2012-02-22","Revert "Remove meaningless code from the examples" of Au...","Dimitar Dimitrov",549 "2012-02-22",NA,"Dimitar Dimitrov",549 "2011-11-11","Fix wording and minor typos in the Responder RDoc","Dimitar Dimitrov",549 "2011-10-07","More understandable warning in the local_constant_names ...","Dimitar Dimitrov",549 "2011-08-27","Fixed typos and made minor changes in the Plugins guide.","Dimitar Dimitrov",549 "2005-06-16","Fixed radio_button to work with numeric values #1352 [de...","Demetrius Nunes",549 "2005-03-06","Added MultiparameterAssignmentErrors and AttributeAssign...","Demetrius Nunes",549 "2005-02-19","Fixed that find_by_* would fail when column names had nu...","Demetrius Nunes",549 "2005-01-24","Fixed that the dynamic finders didnt treat nil as a "IS ...","Demetrius Nunes",549 "2005-01-20","Fixed that column aliases didn't work as expected with t...","Demetrius Nunes",549 "2009-12-28","Further improvement to the documentation of has_many met...","Dave Rothlisberger",549 "2009-12-28","Corrected documentation of has_many methods collection.b...","Dave Rothlisberger",549 "2008-12-20","Fix duplicate test name [#1058 state:resolved] [Dave Rot...","Dave Rothlisberger",549 "2008-08-04","Corrected the command-line help text for script/dbconsole.","Dave Rothlisberger",549 "2008-08-03","Flesh out documentation for the :select option to AR#find","Dave Rothlisberger",549 "2008-06-23","Partial updates don't update lock_version if nothing cha...","Daniel Morrison",549 "2008-06-23","Partial updates don't update lock_version if nothing cha...","Daniel Morrison",549 "2008-05-13","Include time zone offset in TimeWithZone#to_json","Daniel Morrison",549 "2008-02-11","Fix eager loading with pre-quoted table names. Closes #1...","Daniel Morrison",549 "2007-09-23","Optimized named routes respect AbstractRequest.relative_...","Daniel Morrison",549 "2012-12-27","removed TIP: :allow_nil/:allow_blank is ignored by the p...","Colin Kelley",549 "2012-12-26","Fix `validates_presence_of` with `:allow_nil` or `:allow...","Colin Kelley",549 "2012-12-26","Tests and fix for validates_presence of :allow_nil, :all...","Colin Kelley",549 "2010-04-01","Added Object#presence that returns the object if it's #p...","Colin Kelley",549 "2009-12-28","Added Object#presence that returns the object if it's #p...","Colin Kelley",549 "2011-06-18","Tweak linebreak in ActionController::Redirecting doc","Christine Yen",549 "2011-06-18","Improve documentation around status code argument of red...","Christine Yen",549 "2011-06-15","Tweak linebreak in ActionController::Redirecting doc","Christine Yen",549 "2011-06-15","Clarify importance of *_attributes= writer methods for n...","Christine Yen",549 "2011-06-15","Improve documentation around status code argument of red...","Christine Yen",549 "2011-08-31","Revert "Ruby 1.8.7+ provides to_date/to_datetime, AS jus...","Chris Griego",549 "2011-08-31","Revert "Ruby 1.8.7+ provides to_date/to_datetime, AS jus...","Chris Griego",549 "2011-05-02","Optimize ActiveResource::Base.new(attributes)","Chris Griego",549 "2010-06-19","Strip trailing whitespace from generated applications [#...","Chris Griego",549 "2010-03-16","Deprecated framework rake tasks should exit with non-zer...","Chris Griego",549 "2006-09-12","Fix script/console --sandbox for internal transactions c...","Charles M. Gerungan",549 "2006-03-05","Added tracking of database and framework versions in scr...","Charles M. Gerungan",549 "2005-11-20","Apply #3111 to stable. Correct docs for automatic layout...","Charles M. Gerungan",549 "2005-11-20","Correct docs for automatic layout assignment. Closes #2610.","Charles M. Gerungan",549 "2005-10-29","Migrations may be destroyed: script/destroy migration fo...","Charles M. Gerungan",549 "2012-12-01","nodoc AS::Testing::ConstantLookup::ClassMethods [ci skip]","Carlos Duclos",549 "2012-12-01","update AR::Schema docs [ci skip]","Carlos Duclos",549 "2012-12-01","nodoc AD & AV railties classes","Carlos Duclos",549 "2012-12-01","nodoc AS::Testing::Pending because is deprecated [ci skip]","Carlos Duclos",549 "2012-12-01","remove unneeded Examples tag [ci skip]","Carlos Duclos",549 "2013-05-08","Use ruby's Encoding support for tidy_bytes","Burke Libbey",549 "2011-05-07","Added activesupport requires for Array.wrap in previousl...","Burke Libbey",549 "2011-05-06","Remove redundant check for is_a?(String)","Burke Libbey",549 "2011-05-06","Added a test for MissingTemplate change, and changed to ...","Burke Libbey",549 "2011-05-06","Made ActionView::MissingTemplate#initialize optionally a...","Burke Libbey",549 "2011-06-07","Do not modify a safe buffer in helpers","Bruno Michel",549 "2011-05-10",":touch => :symbol also updates the updated_at attribute","Bruno Michel",549 "2010-06-28","Strip_tags never ending attribute should not raise a Typ...","Bruno Michel",549 "2010-03-22","button_to should generate an html_safe string","Bruno Michel",549 "2010-02-14","content_tag should escape its input","Bruno Michel",549 "2011-12-20","Check for response to `#last` instead of `#first`.","Brian Rose",549 "2011-12-20","Ensure option for select helper responds to `#first` bef...","Brian Rose",549 "2011-12-20","Check for response to `#last` instead of `#first`.","Brian Rose",549 "2011-12-20","Ensure option for select helper responds to `#first` bef...","Brian Rose",549 "2010-07-21","Fixed a globbed route issue where slashes were being esc...","Brian Rose",549 "2013-02-18","Document changes in #7968","Brian Alexander",549 "2013-01-16","strong parameters exception handling","Brian Alexander",549 "2012-12-22","Digestor explicit dependency should not contain trailing...","Brian Alexander",549 "2010-11-23","Previous version inaccurately suggested that","Brian Alexander",549 "2010-11-22","Previous version inaccurately suggested that","Brian Alexander",549 "2008-07-06","Add support for :primary_key option to has_one as well a...","Brad Greenlee",549 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Brad Greenlee",549 "2007-12-28","Fix that auto_link looks for ='s in url paths (Amazon ur...","Brad Greenlee",549 "2007-12-20","Hash#symbolize_keys skips keys that can't be symbolized....","Brad Greenlee",549 "2007-07-24","Fixed that file.content_type for uploaded files would in...","Brad Greenlee",549 "2006-11-20","Test has_one :dependent => :nullify with missing associa...","Brad Ellis",549 "2006-04-01","Fixed fragment caching of binary data on Windows (closes...","Brad Ellis",549 "2006-02-09"," r3724@asus: jeremy | 2006-02-09 10:13:41 -0800","Brad Ellis",549 "2006-02-09","PostgreSQL: correctly parse negative integer column defa...","Brad Ellis",549 "2005-10-29","The *_plugindoc Rake tasks look deeper into the plugins'...","Brad Ellis",549 "2011-07-25","Fix example code for #validates_with instance method","Ben Marini",549 "2011-07-24","Fix example code for #validates_with instance method","Ben Marini",549 "2010-01-24","Updated instructions on how to create test databases wit...","Ben Marini",549 "2009-12-04","Add support for Mysql column positioning via #add_column...","Ben Marini",549 "2009-12-04","Add support for Mysql column positioning via #add_column...","Ben Marini",549 "2009-09-11","Remove redundant checks for valid character regexp in Ac...","Beau Harrington",549 "2009-09-11","Remove redundant checks for valid character regexp in Ac...","Beau Harrington",549 "2009-09-11","Remove redundant checks for valid character regexp in Ac...","Beau Harrington",549 "2009-09-11","Remove redundant checks for valid character regexp in Ac...","Beau Harrington",549 "2009-09-11","Remove redundant checks for valid character regexp in Ac...","Beau Harrington",549 "2007-10-23","Hash#to_xml handles symbol values. Closes #9954.","Assaf Arkin",549 "2007-01-28","update_all can take a Hash argument. sanitize_sql splits...","Assaf Arkin",549 "2006-11-29","Merge [5435] from trunk.","Assaf Arkin",549 "2006-11-05","Support nil and Array in :conditions => { attr => value ...","Assaf Arkin",549 "2006-09-03","Added assert_select* for CSS selector-based testing (dep...","Assaf Arkin",549 "2013-06-25","removed unnecessary mapping for on options","Anton Kalyaev",549 "2013-05-14","improved doc for ActiveRecord#find_by_sql method (Refs #...","Anton Kalyaev",549 "2013-05-11","added docs for InheritedOptions class [ci skip]","Anton Kalyaev",549 "2013-05-05","use nokogirisax as a backend","Anton Kalyaev",549 "2013-05-03","replace apostrophe with backquote for matching [ci skip]","Anton Kalyaev",549 "2011-01-28","Fixing incorrectly writtent testcase","Alexey Nayden",549 "2011-01-28","Nested attributes and in-memory changed values #first an...","Alexey Nayden",549 "2011-01-28","test_first_and_array_index_zero_methods_return_the_same_...","Alexey Nayden",549 "2011-01-15","Complex struct encoding fix","Alexey Nayden",549 "2011-01-15","Complex struct encoding test","Alexey Nayden",549 "2008-05-21","Added documentation for ActiveResource::HttpMock.","Alex Wayne",549 "2007-01-14","Merge [5909], [5927] from trunk. References #6742, #7026.","Alex Wayne",549 "2007-01-14","Allow exempt_from_layout :rhtml. References #6742, close...","Alex Wayne",549 "2006-03-02","Fixed that default image extension was not appended when...","Alex Wayne",549 "2006-03-02","Fixed that Array#to_sentence will return "" on an empty ...","Alex Wayne",549 "2012-01-12","Changed 'proc' to 'Proc.new' in ActionController::Cachin...","Alejandro Andrés",549 "2011-12-31","Fixed documentation error in code examples from form_tag...","Alejandro Andrés",549 "2011-12-30","Fixed documentation error in code examples from form_tag...","Alejandro Andrés",549 "2011-12-29","Fixed formatting of code examples in form_tag_helper.rb","Alejandro Andrés",549 "2011-12-28","Fixed formatting of code examples in form_tag_helper.rb","Alejandro Andrés",549 "2008-11-26","Added optimal formatted routes to rails, deprecating the...","Aaron Batalion",549 "2008-11-19","need to make sure the asset type is cached with it in Ca...","Aaron Batalion",549 "2008-11-19","need to make sure the asset type is cached with it in Ca...","Aaron Batalion",549 "2008-11-19","Fixed asset host to not cache objects [#1419 state:resol...","Aaron Batalion",549 "2008-11-19","Fixed asset host to not cache objects [#1419 state:resol...","Aaron Batalion",549 "2008-10-04","Fix has_many :through when the source is a belongs_to as...","Zach Dennis",484 "2008-04-01","Support render :partial => collection of heterogeneous e...","Zach Dennis",484 "2007-11-07","Allow ActionMailer subclasses to individually set their ...","Zach Dennis",484 "2007-09-18","Support multiple config.after_initialize blocks so plugi...","Zach Dennis",484 "2007-09-17","Fix JSON decoder with nested quotes and commas. Closes #...","Zach Dennis",484 "2006-11-21","Change fixture_path to a class inheritable accessor allo...","Zach Dennis",484 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","what-a-day",484 "2004-12-22","Added allow_nil options to validates_inclusion_of so tha...","what-a-day",484 "2004-12-16","Added Base.validates_inclusion_of that validates whether...","what-a-day",484 "2004-12-16","Added Base.validates_inclusion_of that validates whether...","what-a-day",484 "2004-12-15","Fixed DateHelper#date_select so that you can pass includ...","what-a-day",484 "2004-12-07","Added CSV format for fixtures #272 [what-a-day]","what-a-day",484 "2012-01-31","Fix typo in routing documentation","Wen-Tien Chang",484 "2011-09-28","Make button_to helper support "form" option which is the...","Wen-Tien Chang",484 "2011-06-29","Add test to rake test for error messages","Wen-Tien Chang",484 "2011-06-29","Make "rake test" display not only task name but also exc...","Wen-Tien Chang",484 "2011-06-16","Also change the default route comment","Wen-Tien Chang",484 "2011-06-16","Improve the legacy wild controller route in app templates","Wen-Tien Chang",484 "2011-02-16","Fixed issue #6363, avoid to pluralized already pluralize...","Timothy N. Tsvetkov",484 "2011-02-16","Fixed issue #6363, avoid to pluralized already pluralize...","Timothy N. Tsvetkov",484 "2011-02-15","Optimization for postgres adapter for add_column method....","Timothy N. Tsvetkov",484 "2011-02-07","Updated form rails guide for new place of authenticity_t...","Timothy N. Tsvetkov",484 "2011-02-05","Added tests for form_for and an authenticity_token optio...","Timothy N. Tsvetkov",484 "2010-12-31","ActionController::Base.helpers.sanitize ignores case in ...","Timothy N. Tsvetkov",484 "2012-10-23","changed test case name","Tima Maslyuchenko",484 "2012-10-12","learn ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#order work with hash ar...","Tima Maslyuchenko",484 "2012-09-17","allowing pass couple extension to register_template_hand...","Tima Maslyuchenko",484 "2012-02-26","reverted regular expression fix","Tima Maslyuchenko",484 "2012-02-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Tima Maslyuchenko",484 "2012-02-26","fixed regular expression in Specifying Constraints section","Tima Maslyuchenko",484 "2007-12-05","Add warning to documentation about using transactional f...","Thijs van der Vossen",484 "2006-03-02","Added fix for upload problems with lighttpd from Safari/...","Thijs van der Vossen",484 "2006-03-02","Doc fix (closes #4014) [thijs@fngtps.com]","Thijs van der Vossen",484 "2005-09-09","Added String#starts_with? and String#ends_with? #2118 [t...","Thijs van der Vossen",484 "2005-05-19","Fixed docs for scaffolding generator #1303 [thijs@vander...","Thijs van der Vossen",484 "2005-04-07","Fixed inflection of perspectives and similar words #1045...","Thijs van der Vossen",484 "2011-06-06","Stop linking Rails guidelines to GitHub wiki","Thais Camilo",484 "2011-06-06","Stop linking API Guidelines to GitHub wiki","Thais Camilo",484 "2011-06-06","On "contribute" guide: remove mention of LH","Thais Camilo",484 "2011-05-26","Stop linking Rails guidelines to GitHub wiki","Thais Camilo",484 "2011-05-26","Stop linking API Guidelines to GitHub wiki","Thais Camilo",484 "2011-05-26","On "contribute" guide: remove mention of LH","Thais Camilo",484 "2012-05-25","Update paths in action_view_overview raislguide to refle...","Tadas Tamošauskas",484 "2012-01-27","check_box helper with :disabled => true generates disabl...","Tadas Tamošauskas",484 "2012-01-05","check_box helper with :disabled => true generates disabl...","Tadas Tamošauskas",484 "2011-11-27","Update Object#in? description for https://github.com/rai...","Tadas Tamošauskas",484 "2011-11-26","Object#in? also accepts multiple parameters","Tadas Tamošauskas",484 "2011-06-20","Do not change a frozen text passed to simple_format text...","Tadas Tamošauskas",484 "2013-02-24","added marshal_load and marshal_dump for ProxyTestResult....","SHIBATA Hiroshi",484 "2013-01-05","backport #4f0f1b5 into 3-2-stable. because 1.9.3-p362 wa...","SHIBATA Hiroshi",484 "2013-01-05","added marshal_load and marshal_dump for ProxyTestResult....","SHIBATA Hiroshi",484 "2012-12-20","change spy of after invoked controller action. because ...","SHIBATA Hiroshi",484 "2012-12-03","handled respond_to? with private methods","SHIBATA Hiroshi",484 "2011-12-31","upgrade rack-1.3.6","SHIBATA Hiroshi",484 "2012-09-22","Accept parameters in methods delegated to tempfile","Sergio Gil",484 "2012-09-21","Update CHANGELOG.md","Sergio Gil",484 "2012-09-20","Delegate ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile#close to tem...","Sergio Gil",484 "2011-09-07","Update changelog for 'Backport "ActiveRecord::Persistenc...","Sergio Gil",484 "2008-12-21","Add :allow_nil option to delegate [#1127 state:resolved]","Sergio Gil",484 "2008-12-08","Fix message when running TemplateRunner#git. [#1526 stat...","Sergio Gil",484 "2009-07-22","Fix filter_parameter_logging of non-hash values within a...","Sebastian Delmont",484 "2006-11-13","Merge [5512] from trunk.","Sebastian Delmont",484 "2006-11-13","Always clear model associations from session. Closes #4795.","Sebastian Delmont",484 "2006-07-08","Dispatcher processes rescued actions with the same contr...","Sebastian Delmont",484 "2005-09-09","Fixed that number_to_currency(1000, {:precision => 0})) ...","Sebastian Delmont",484 "2005-09-08","Fixed that Active Record would call SHOW FIELDS twice (o...","Sebastian Delmont",484 "2012-08-21","option_tags coerced to "" instead of nil","Sandeep",484 "2012-03-19","-h also shows help options.","Sandeep",484 "2012-03-19","changed all.map to pluck","Sandeep",484 "2012-03-16","fixed - warning: instance variable @controller not initi...","Sandeep",484 "2012-03-16","fixed - warning: ambiguous first argument; put parenthes...","Sandeep",484 "2012-03-16","fixed - warning: assigned but unused variable - checker","Sandeep",484 "2012-06-11","Fix cache_store configuration example","Sam Oliver",484 "2012-05-30","Remove support for rails server RAILS_ENV=env-name","Sam Oliver",484 "2012-05-30","Fix various bugs with console arguments.","Sam Oliver",484 "2009-02-13","Stops date select helpers from defaulting the selected d...","Sam Oliver",484 "2008-12-22","Use I18n for date/time select helpers prompt text [#561 ...","Sam Oliver",484 "2008-12-21","Added prompt options to date helpers [#561 state:resolved]","Sam Oliver",484 "2013-03-19","Update documentation for Where chained modifiers.","Ryan Sandridge",484 "2011-12-13","Replacing vague mention of an unspecified section above ...","Ryan Sandridge",484 "2011-12-13","Fixing typo in Routing Guide.","Ryan Sandridge",484 "2011-12-10","Fixing typo in Routing Guide.","Ryan Sandridge",484 "2011-12-08","Replacing vague mention of an unspecified section above ...","Ryan Sandridge",484 "2011-05-08","Documentation fix. Corrected a copy/paste mistake for li...","Ryan Sandridge",484 "2008-03-28","Add #clone. Closes #7352 [Ryan Daigle, thechrisoshow]","Ryan Daigle",484 "2007-04-26","Added support for calling custom methods #6979 [rwdaigle]","Ryan Daigle",484 "2007-01-24","Loading a resource preserves its prefix_options. Closes ...","Ryan Daigle",484 "2007-01-24","Carry over the convenience of #create from ActiveRecord....","Ryan Daigle",484 "2007-01-16","Mega documentation patches. #7025, #7069 [rwdaigle]","Ryan Daigle",484 "2007-01-12","Base.exists?(id, options) and Base#exists? check whether...","Ryan Daigle",484 "2006-07-07","PostgreSQL: correctly quote microseconds in timestamps. ...","Rick Bradley",484 "2005-11-12","merge from trunk (include Enumerable in AR::Errors, make...","Rick Bradley",484 "2005-11-11","Include the Enumerable module in ActiveRecord::Errors.","Rick Bradley",484 "2005-11-10","Don't cast nil or empty strings to a dummy date. Closes...","Rick Bradley",484 "2005-11-08","Correct whitespace problem in Oracle default column valu...","Rick Bradley",484 "2005-11-03","Correct fixture behavior when table name pluralization i...","Rick Bradley",484 "2011-08-16","Typo","Raul Murciano",484 "2011-08-16","Action Mailer guide: mention how to use :cc and :bcc par...","Raul Murciano",484 "2011-08-16","Action Mailer guide update: the :to parameter now suppor...","Raul Murciano",484 "2011-08-14","Typo","Raul Murciano",484 "2011-08-14","Action Mailer guide: mention how to use :cc and :bcc par...","Raul Murciano",484 "2011-08-14","Action Mailer guide update: the :to parameter now suppor...","Raul Murciano",484 "2011-10-02","Improved testing so that it tests the real functionality...","Philippe Huibonhoa",484 "2011-10-02","Added fix so that file store does not raise an exception...","Philippe Huibonhoa",484 "2011-10-02","Improved testing so that it tests the real functionality...","Philippe Huibonhoa",484 "2011-09-30","Added fix so that file store does not raise an exception...","Philippe Huibonhoa",484 "2011-09-22","Updated existing test that fails with this fix (8d63678d...","Philippe Huibonhoa",484 "2011-09-22","Fixed issue in file store where it could create a filena...","Philippe Huibonhoa",484 "2007-05-28","Multibyte strings respond_to the String methods they pro...","Per Wigren",484 "2006-09-29","Use the first unparsed argument as the code or file to r...","Per Wigren",484 "2006-09-26","script/runner can run files, pass on arguments, and be u...","Per Wigren",484 "2005-06-30","Allow template to be explicitly specified #1448 [tuxie@d...","Per Wigren",484 "2005-06-24","Increased accuracy of 1.year by accounting for leap year...","Per Wigren",484 "2005-06-21","Added TextHelper#word_wrap(text, line_length = 80) #1449...","Per Wigren",484 "2013-05-04","Relaxed jbuilder dependency in Gemfile template","Pavel Pravosud",484 "2013-03-25","Relaxed jbuilder dependency and bumped version number","Pavel Pravosud",484 "2013-01-11","More consistent quotes in scaffold generator","Pavel Pravosud",484 "2013-01-11","Changed if ! to unless","Pavel Pravosud",484 "2013-01-11","Specified jbuilder version","Pavel Pravosud",484 "2012-12-15","AS::BasicObject can be inherited from","Pavel Pravosud",484 "2012-07-03","Make TestQueueTest work with marshalling queue","Paul Battley",484 "2012-07-03","Ensure jobs do not refer to the queue","Paul Battley",484 "2012-07-03","Ensure test jobs are marshallable","Paul Battley",484 "2012-07-03","Track queue threading with named classes","Paul Battley",484 "2011-07-23","Update form helper documentation to match code.","Paul Battley",484 "2011-07-19","Update form helper documentation to match code.","Paul Battley",484 "2012-10-22","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lifo/docrails","Pablo Ifran",484 "2012-10-22","Changeing some code-styles of the examples & fix a typo ...","Pablo Ifran",484 "2012-10-19","ActiveRecord Callbacks ordering examples","Pablo Ifran",484 "2012-01-04","improve doc in number helper options","Pablo Ifran",484 "2012-01-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Pablo Ifran",484 "2012-01-02","improve doc in number helper options","Pablo Ifran",484 "2011-07-06","Fix reverse order with new Arel Nodes (#1571)","Oriol Gual",484 "2011-06-28","Fix case","Oriol Gual",484 "2011-06-28","Update reverse order with new Arel Nodes","Oriol Gual",484 "2011-06-28","Add more test cases","Oriol Gual",484 "2011-06-28","Add failing test","Oriol Gual",484 "2011-02-28","Make ActiveSupport::Configurable work with modules","Oriol Gual",484 "2012-10-24","make the cache test more @tenderlove(ing) and not depend...","Noah Hendrix",484 "2012-10-23","pass the key to the block in cache.fetch on misses","Noah Hendrix",484 "2012-02-25","Fixed typo in composed_of example with Money#<=>, was co...","Noah Hendrix",484 "2012-02-25","Fixed typo in composed_of example with Money#<=>, was co...","Noah Hendrix",484 "2012-02-25","Fixed typo in composed_of example with Money#<=>, was co...","Noah Hendrix",484 "2012-02-24","Fixed typo in composed_of example with Money#<=>, was co...","Noah Hendrix",484 "2011-09-30","Fixing `as_json` method for ActiveRecord models.","Nicolás Hock Isaza",484 "2011-09-27","Alert about the new Bundler require for asset gems","Nicolás Hock Isaza",484 "2011-09-26",NA,"Nicolás Hock Isaza",484 "2011-09-07",NA,"Nicolás Hock Isaza",484 "2011-09-07",NA,"Nicolás Hock Isaza",484 "2011-08-30","Adding `first_or_new` documentation to the AR Querying g...","Nicolás Hock Isaza",484 "2010-10-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Nicholas E. May (on Enterprise)",484 "2010-10-03","Section 6, table, typo (extra '.rb')","Nicholas E. May (on Enterprise)",484 "2010-10-03","Section 4.3, wrong word used: 'contact' => 'content'","Nicholas E. May (on Enterprise)",484 "2010-10-03","Section 3.3: '# bundle install' instead of just 'bundle ...","Nicholas E. May (on Enterprise)",484 "2010-10-03","Section 3.2, table: 'README.rdoc' -> 'README'","Nicholas E. May (on Enterprise)",484 "2010-10-03","Removed unnecessary 'the' in the '2.2.9 Active Suport' s...","Nicholas E. May (on Enterprise)",484 "2013-07-07","Include block in a argument shift","Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi",484 "2013-07-07","Fix link_to with block and url_hash","Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi",484 "2013-07-06","Remove action view test duplication","Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi",484 "2013-01-01","Add rake test description","Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi",484 "2012-12-24","Add rake test description","Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi",484 "2012-12-24","Add rake default to description","Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi",484 "2011-12-11","Overrode Hash#nested_under_indifferent_access in HashWit...","Miles Georgi",484 "2008-08-24","PostgreSQL: fix transaction bug that can occur if you ca...","Miles Georgi",484 "2008-08-24","Make script/plugin work with svn+ssh urls. [#662 state:r...","Miles Georgi",484 "2008-08-21","Fix postgres bug when change_column is called with inval...","Miles Georgi",484 "2008-08-20","PostgreSQL: fix transaction bug that can occur if you ca...","Miles Georgi",484 "2008-07-22","Make script/plugin work with svn+ssh urls. [#662 state:r...","Miles Georgi",484 "2013-04-22","Update counter cache when pushing into association","Matthew Robertson",484 "2013-02-14","backport of fix for issue #7630","Matthew Robertson",484 "2012-12-14","Fix for has_many_through counter_cache bug","Matthew Robertson",484 "2012-12-03","grammar improvements for increment_counter and decrement...","Matthew Robertson",484 "2012-12-03","increment_counter and decrement_counter can accept and a...","Matthew Robertson",484 "2012-11-13","Updated the preformance_testing guide to reflect the fac...","Matthew Robertson",484 "2006-12-12","Merge [5715] from trunk. Closes #6699.","Martin Emde",484 "2006-12-12","Correctly report which filter halted the chain. Referenc...","Martin Emde",484 "2006-10-09"," r5540@ks: jeremy | 2006-10-08 23:05:30 -0700","Martin Emde",484 "2006-09-22","Filters overhaul including meantime filter support for a...","Martin Emde",484 "2006-09-01","has_many :through conditions are sanitized by the associ...","Martin Emde",484 "2006-04-19","Change link_to_function and button_to_function to (optio...","Martin Emde",484 "2009-02-22","Expected cookie value should also be escaped.","Kyosuke Morohashi",484 "2009-02-21","fix test data, should specify encoding to use multibyte ...","Kyosuke Morohashi",484 "2009-02-21","Ruby 1.9.1p0's URI.decode() bug fix","Kyosuke Morohashi",484 "2009-02-21","fix test data, should specify encoding to use multibyte ...","Kyosuke Morohashi",484 "2009-02-21","Ruby 1.9.1p0's URI.decode() bug fix","Kyosuke Morohashi",484 "2007-11-06","Fixed that ActionController::CgiRequest#host_with_port()...","Kyosuke Morohashi",484 "2006-08-30","Inflections: don't singularize -ies plurals.","Kevin Jackson",484 "2005-07-05","More inflector fixes #1608","Kevin Jackson",484 "2005-07-04","More inflector fixes #1599 [foamdino@gmail.com]","Kevin Jackson",484 "2005-07-02","More inflectoring #1490","Kevin Jackson",484 "2005-07-02","Fixed photo/photos #1583","Kevin Jackson",484 "2005-07-01","Added new rules to the Inflector to deal with more unusu...","Kevin Jackson",484 "2007-12-06","The test task stops with a warning if you have pending m...","Josh Knowles",484 "2007-07-19","* url_for now accepts a series of symbols representing t...","Josh Knowles",484 "2007-04-12","Allow layouts with extension of .html.erb. Closes #8032...","Josh Knowles",484 "2005-07-02","Adds the ability to include XML CDATA tags using Builder...","Josh Knowles",484 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","Josh Knowles",484 "2005-04-18","Added graceful handling of PUT, DELETE, and OPTIONS requ...","Josh Knowles",484 "2011-06-23","Fixes an issue where cache sweepers with only after filt...","Jeroen Jacobs",484 "2011-06-23","Tests only after filters in cache sweepers","Jeroen Jacobs",484 "2011-06-23","Tests only after filters in cache sweepers","Jeroen Jacobs",484 "2011-06-23","Fixes an issue where cache sweepers with only after filt...","Jeroen Jacobs",484 "2011-06-22","Tests only after filters in cache sweepers","Jeroen Jacobs",484 "2011-06-21","Fixes an issue where cache sweepers with only after filt...","Jeroen Jacobs",484 "2010-08-18","Bug Fix -- clean up connection after stored procedure [#...","Jeff Lawson",484 "2010-08-18","Bug Fix -- clean up connection after stored procedure [#...","Jeff Lawson",484 "2010-08-17","Bug Fix -- clean up connection after stored procedure [#...","Jeff Lawson",484 "2010-08-17","Bug Fix -- clean up connection after stored procedure [#...","Jeff Lawson",484 "2010-08-17","Bug Fix -- clean up connection after stored procedure [#...","Jeff Lawson",484 "2010-08-17","Bug Fix -- clean up connection after stored procedure [#...","Jeff Lawson",484 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","Jean Helou",484 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","Jean Helou",484 "2008-02-02","TestSession supports indifferent access. Closes #7372.","Jean Helou",484 "2007-01-28","Merge [6086] from trunk. References #7372.","Jean Helou",484 "2007-01-28","TestSession supports indifferent access so session['foo'...","Jean Helou",484 "2005-06-16","Fixed Time#at_beginning_of_week returned the next Monday...","Jean Helou",484 "2008-02-07","Apply [8810], [8811], [8812], and [8813] to 2.0 stable","jamesh",484 "2008-02-07","Remove :nodoc: entries around the ActiveSupport test/uni...","jamesh",484 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","jamesh",484 "2008-01-03","Refactored ActionController::Verification and improved d...","jamesh",484 "2008-01-02","Optimize ActiveRecord::Base#exists? to use #select_all i...","jamesh",484 "2007-12-14","Docfix (closes #10429) [jamesh/ssoroka]","jamesh",484 "2012-06-18","Ensure that cache-control headers are merged","James Tucker",484 "2010-11-24","Don't depend on rubygems loading thread (for Mutex)","James Tucker",484 "2010-11-24","Rakefiles are executables, and rake loads rake, not rake...","James Tucker",484 "2010-11-24","Don't depend on rubygems loading thread (for Mutex)","James Tucker",484 "2010-11-14","Add support for try to just yield the object to a block ...","James Tucker",484 "2009-08-05","Dont require thin as the thin rack adapter is now upstream","James Tucker",484 "2011-06-24","make the logs a little simpler to view, put the render m...","James Cox",484 "2007-12-10","Allow double quotes around RAILS_GEM_VERSION also. Close...","James Cox",484 "2007-01-24","Merge [5704], [6005], [6034] from trunk. References #726...","James Cox",484 "2007-01-21","Make TextHelper::auto_link recognize URLs with colons in...","James Cox",484 "2004-12-01","Added a real reference to the irc channel, and updated t...","James Cox",484 "2004-11-25","Fixed bad chars in public/.htaccess [imajes]","James Cox",484 "2010-05-18","Nested records (re: autosave) are now updated even when ...","Ian White",484 "2010-05-18","Nested records (re: autosave) are now updated even when ...","Ian White",484 "2008-10-16","Allow class methods to be sent (via #send) to associatio...","Ian White",484 "2008-04-17","Fix migrations when migrating to a specified version num...","Ian White",484 "2007-09-05","Allow additional parameters to be passed to named route ...","Ian White",484 "2006-05-21","Added :allow_nil option for aggregations (closes #5091) ...","Ian White",484 "2012-10-24","Adding a missing parenthesis in the doc of String#parame...","Geoffrey Roguelon",484 "2012-10-24","Adding a missing parenthesis in the doc of String#parame...","Geoffrey Roguelon",484 "2012-10-21","Remove extra line in Gemfile under turbolinks.","Geoffrey Roguelon",484 "2012-09-24","Remove of an extra line in template configuration file.","Geoffrey Roguelon",484 "2012-05-15","Fix an error in example in methods of instanciated fixtu...","Geoffrey Roguelon",484 "2012-05-12","Add commas missing in performance tests","Geoffrey Roguelon",484 "2013-07-05","Cleanup ul_encoded_params_parsing_test","Genadi Samokovarov",484 "2013-07-01","Further clean-up of ActiveSupport::Callbacks","Genadi Samokovarov",484 "2013-06-12","Refactor of ::Rails module","Genadi Samokovarov",484 "2013-06-04","Refactor ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters#normalize_enco...","Genadi Samokovarov",484 "2013-06-04","Dry-up ActionDispatch::Routing autoloads","Genadi Samokovarov",484 "2013-05-30","Extract ActionDispatch::Request#deep_munge","Genadi Samokovarov",484 "2012-04-08","refactor configuration of insert_returning","Doug Cole",484 "2012-04-01","pick better names and add a little documentation","Doug Cole",484 "2012-04-01","improve test coverage","Doug Cole",484 "2012-04-01","refactor","Doug Cole",484 "2012-04-01","update mysql for new exec_insert signature","Doug Cole",484 "2012-04-01","add use_returning as a postgresql connection config","Doug Cole",484 "2010-05-15","Fix for get_ids when including a belongs_to association ...","Diego Algorta",484 "2009-02-25","Fixed bug that makes named_scopes _forgot_ current scope","Diego Algorta",484 "2009-02-25","Fixed bug that makes named_scopes _forgot_ current scope","Diego Algorta",484 "2008-07-07","Fix documentation typo (classic copy & paste error).","Diego Algorta",484 "2008-06-22","MySQL: rename_column preserves default values. [#466 st...","Diego Algorta",484 "2008-06-22","MySQL: rename_column preserves default values. [#466 st...","Diego Algorta",484 "2010-11-23","Explain that NamedBase makes the variable 'name' availab...","David N. Welton",484 "2010-11-23","Slightly more natural sounding phrase.","David N. Welton",484 "2010-11-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","David N. Welton",484 "2010-11-22","Explain that NamedBase makes the variable 'name' availab...","David N. Welton",484 "2010-11-22","Slightly more natural sounding phrase.","David N. Welton",484 "2007-05-30","Calculations: return nil average instead of 0 when there...","David N. Welton",484 "2012-05-23","Fix incorrect example for fields_for - without the '=' i...","David Morton",484 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","David Morton",484 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","David Morton",484 "2005-07-03","Added JavascriptHelper#update_element_function, which re...","David Morton",484 "2005-04-02","Added pagination for scaffolding (10 items per page) #96...","David Morton",484 "2005-03-26","Added JavascriptHelper#escape_javascript as a public met...","David Morton",484 "2008-07-16","requiring rubygems version 1.1.1","David Lowenfels",484 "2008-07-15","requiring rubygems version 1.1.1","David Lowenfels",484 "2008-07-04","Add :tokenizer option to validates_length_of. [#507 stat...","David Lowenfels",484 "2008-07-04","Add :tokenizer option to validates_length_of. [#507 stat...","David Lowenfels",484 "2008-01-08","Fixtures: removed support for the ancient pre-YAML file ...","David Lowenfels",484 "2007-11-20","Add 'foxy' support for fixtures of polymorphic associati...","David Lowenfels",484 "2013-06-16","Use a case insensitive URI Regexp for #asset_path","David Celis",484 "2013-06-07","ActiveRecord::Relation#blank? should `LIMIT 1`","David Celis",484 "2012-08-23","Update the documentation for the :autosave option","David Celis",484 "2012-07-31","Fix a mistake in the I18n guide: English => Spanish [ci ...","David Celis",484 "2012-07-31","Update I18n guide with details on multilingual Inflector...","David Celis",484 "2012-07-31","Make ActiveSupport::Inflector locale aware and multilingual","David Celis",484 "2006-02-27","Added that fixtures to placed in subdirectories of the m...","David A. Black",484 "2005-03-22","Removed SCRIPT_NAME from the WEBrick environment to prev...","David A. Black",484 "2005-01-24","Added support for automatic id-based indexing for lists ...","David A. Black",484 "2004-12-22","Added more informative exception when using helper :some...","David A. Black",484 "2004-12-19","Reworded a few doc things for better comprehension [dblack]","David A. Black",484 "2004-12-19","Fixed small doc bug [dblack]","David A. Black",484 "2005-07-17","Reminder for dangers with Alias and mod_rewrite #1752 [d...","Dave Lee",484 "2005-06-12"," r1278@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-12 05:11:48 -0700","Dave Lee",484 "2005-04-02","Fixed boolean queries for t/f fields in PostgreSQL #995 ...","Dave Lee",484 "2005-04-02","Fixed auto-stamping of dates (created_on/updated_on) for...","Dave Lee",484 "2005-03-20","Fixed webrick_server cookie handling to allow multiple c...","Dave Lee",484 "2005-03-20","Added type conversion before saving a record, so string-...","Dave Lee",484 "2012-11-13","add details on password confirmation used with has_secur...","Daniel Lopes",484 "2012-06-07","on CSRF whitelisting the argument for :if must be a symbol","Daniel Lopes",484 "2012-06-07","fix typos on the CSRF whitelisting doc","Daniel Lopes",484 "2012-06-07","Document the CSRF whitelisting on get requests","Daniel Lopes",484 "2011-05-03","fix select_tag to have the same behavior of select","Daniel Lopes",484 "2009-03-01","fix broken links in performance_testing.textile","Daniel Lopes",484 "2009-09-03","Fix timing attack vulnerability in ActiveSupport::Messag...","Coda Hale",484 "2009-09-03","Fix timing attack vulnerability in ActiveSupport::Messag...","Coda Hale",484 "2007-10-09","Add :status to redirect_to allowing users to choose thei...","Coda Hale",484 "2007-09-22","Added call to inspect on non-string classes for the logg...","Coda Hale",484 "2007-05-26","Routing: respond with 405 Method Not Allowed status when...","Coda Hale",484 "2007-05-25","Date, Time, and DateTime support formatting blocks in ad...","Coda Hale",484 "2009-06-27","Make text_area_tag escape contents by default.","Chris Mear",484 "2009-06-27","Make text_area_tag escape contents by default.","Chris Mear",484 "2007-05-20","Merge [6793] to stable from trunk: document Object#blank...","Chris Mear",484 "2007-05-20","Document Object#blank?. Closes #6491.","Chris Mear",484 "2006-10-22","Fixed that setting RAILS_ASSET_ID to "" should not add a...","Chris Mear",484 "2006-08-29","has_one supports the :dependent => :delete option which ...","Chris Mear",484 "2005-09-08","An explicit include ClassInheritableAttributes is no lon...","Caleb Tennis",484 "2005-05-21","Added graceful exit from pressing CTRL-C during the run ...","Caleb Tennis",484 "2005-04-17","Added the option to specify the acceptance string in val...","Caleb Tennis",484 "2005-04-17","Cleaned up validates_length_of by calling existing valid...","Caleb Tennis",484 "2005-04-07","Fixed counter_sql when no records exist in database for ...","Caleb Tennis",484 "2005-02-24","Fixed that proxy IPs do not follow all RFC1918 nets #251...","Caleb Tennis",484 "2010-06-16","Merge remote branch 'origin/master'","Bryan Woods",484 "2010-06-16","Guides: renaming to active_record_validations_callbacks ...","Bryan Woods",484 "2010-06-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Bryan Woods",484 "2010-06-15","Fixing some minor typos, grammar, accuracy, and spacing ...","Bryan Woods",484 "2010-06-15","Active Model lint - fix minor typos","Bryan Woods",484 "2010-06-15","Active Record Associations - minor change of DeleteRestr...","Bryan Woods",484 "2011-10-03","Require rack-cache 1.1.","Brendan Ribera",484 "2011-10-03","Test demonstrating #3053: If-Modified-Since gets swallow...","Brendan Ribera",484 "2011-10-03","Require rack-cache 1.1.","Brendan Ribera",484 "2011-10-03","Test demonstrating #3053: If-Modified-Since gets swallow...","Brendan Ribera",484 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Brendan Ribera",484 "2008-01-04","pdate_all ignores scoped :order and :limit, so post.comm...","Brendan Ribera",484 "2007-06-21","Merge [7075] to stable: save associated records only if ...","Blaine Cook",484 "2007-06-21","Save associated records only if the association is alrea...","Blaine Cook",484 "2007-04-24","Don't require AWS test_invoke in railties test helper [b...","Blaine Cook",484 "2007-04-24","Improved performance by relying less on exception raisin...","Blaine Cook",484 "2007-04-24","Improved performance by relying less on exception raisin...","Blaine Cook",484 "2005-09-02","Add documentation for index_type argument to add_index m...","Blaine Cook",484 "2013-09-13","Removing ActiveSupport::Concern, it's not needed","Attila Domokos",484 "2013-09-13","Fixing comment typo in ActionController::Base","Attila Domokos",484 "2013-01-23","Adding the route_key and param_key tests","Attila Domokos",484 "2013-01-15","Cleaning up ActiveModel::Dirty tests","Attila Domokos",484 "2013-01-13","Adding tests for ActiveModel::Model","Attila Domokos",484 "2013-01-11","Covering untested methods for ActiveModel::Errors","Attila Domokos",484 "2009-08-10","Fixed typo in test name and CHANGELOG [#3017 state:resol...","Arthur Zapparoli",484 "2009-08-09","Removed duplicated tests [#3026 state:resolved]","Arthur Zapparoli",484 "2009-08-09","Removed duplicated tests [#3026 state:resolved]","Arthur Zapparoli",484 "2009-08-09","Model#human_attribute_name now accept symbols [#3025 sta...","Arthur Zapparoli",484 "2009-08-09","Model#human_attribute_name now accept symbols [#3025 sta...","Arthur Zapparoli",484 "2007-10-19","Add t.belongs_to and t.references to sexy migrations [ar...","Arthur Zapparoli",484 "2013-03-03","ActiveSupport::Notifications::Instrumenter#instrument sh...","Andrew Grim",484 "2013-02-24","Added `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#to_r` for `Time#at` c...","Andrew Grim",484 "2009-03-07","Ensure calculations respect scoped :select [#1334 state:...","Andrew Grim",484 "2008-04-01","Add efficient #include? to AssociationCollection (for ha...","Andrew Grim",484 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Andrew Grim",484 "2007-12-28","Don't unnecessarily load has_many associations in after_...","Andrew Grim",484 "2012-09-08","Add integration tests for reset_session in cookie store","Andreas Loupasakis",484 "2012-09-08","Add test for clear in ActionDispatch::Request::Session","Andreas Loupasakis",484 "2012-09-05","Fix a typo","Andreas Loupasakis",484 "2012-09-01","Force reloading of the session after destroy","Andreas Loupasakis",484 "2012-09-01","Override rack's destroy_session in cookie store","Andreas Loupasakis",484 "2012-09-01","Assign a new session_id to session options hash","Andreas Loupasakis",484 "2007-10-08","Fix in place editor's setter action with non-string fiel...","Andreas",484 "2005-03-27","Added ActionController::Base.page_cache_extension for se...","Andreas",484 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Andreas",484 "2004-12-30","Fixed broken transactions that were actually only runnin...","Andreas",484 "2004-12-30","Restored thread safety to Active Record [andreas]","Andreas",484 "2004-12-12","Fixed CgiRequest so that it'll now accept session option...","Andreas",484 "2011-08-04","Association and Callbacks guide: Added section on shortc...","Alberto Perdomo",484 "2011-08-04","Association and Callbacks guide: Added section on shortc...","Alberto Perdomo",484 "2011-07-27","Association and Callbacks guide: Added section on shortc...","Alberto Perdomo",484 "2011-06-23","Action Mailer Basics Guide: Added example on using mail(...","Alberto Perdomo",484 "2011-06-06","Fixed order of parameters in assert_equal call examples,...","Alberto Perdomo",484 "2011-06-04","Fixed order of parameters in assert_equal call examples,...","Alberto Perdomo",484 "2013-08-13","Updated outdated initialization guide [ci skip]","AJ Acevedo",484 "2013-06-08","Update Getting Started Guide - Strong Parameters [ci skip]","AJ Acevedo",484 "2013-06-08","Update Getting Started Guide - Strong Parameters [ci skip]","AJ Acevedo",484 "2013-06-08","Update Getting Started Guide - Strong Parameters","AJ Acevedo",484 "2013-05-17","plugin new missing license spec","AJ Acevedo",484 "2013-05-13","Updated comment to Rails 4","AJ Acevedo",484 "2009-10-07","Explicitly require ActionController's CGI extensions so ...","Adam Milligan",484 "2009-06-12","HasOneThroughAssociation still shouldn't derive from Has...","Adam Milligan",484 "2009-03-07","Fix RDoc grammar and ensure hm:t tests can run in isolat...","Adam Milligan",484 "2008-10-13","Ensure methods called on association proxies respect acc...","Adam Milligan",484 "2008-09-24","Changed ActiveRecord attributes to respect access control.","Adam Milligan",484 "2008-08-27","Fix two has_one :through errors","Adam Milligan",484 "2011-10-11","Fixed serialization issues with multiple includes with o...","Zheng Jia",430 "2011-07-22","remove ruby-prof for rubinius in Gemfile","Zheng Jia",430 "2010-12-18","Fix the example in ActiveSupport::Concern","Zheng Jia",430 "2010-11-21","Minor fix on Rails:Railtie documentation","Zheng Jia",430 "2010-11-21","Minor fix on Rails:Railtie documentation","Zheng Jia",430 "2010-11-16","Minor fix on Rails:Railtie documentation","Zheng Jia",430 "2010-11-11","Remove unused Configurable in Rails::Engine and Rails::A...","Zheng Jia",430 "2007-09-22","Improve tests (closes #7166) [zackchandler]","Zack Chandler",430 "2007-01-28","Merge [6071] from trunk. References #7095.","Zack Chandler",430 "2007-01-28","Improve routes documentation. Closes #7095.","Zack Chandler",430 "2007-01-24","Documentation for ActionWebService::API::Base.","Zack Chandler",430 "2007-01-24","Docs: validations examples. Closes #7343.","Zack Chandler",430 "2007-01-24","Allow action_web_service to handle various HTTP methods ...","Zack Chandler",430 "2007-01-22","Better docs for Object extensions (closes #7002)","Zack Chandler",430 "2009-08-08","Fix number_to_precision rounding error [#2071 state:reso...","Wesley Moxam",430 "2008-09-11","Fixes validates_uniquness_of problem with case insensiti...","Wesley Moxam",430 "2008-09-11","Fixes validates_uniquness_of problem with case insensiti...","Wesley Moxam",430 "2008-01-02","Fix failing date helper test. Closes #10664 [Wesley Moxam]","Wesley Moxam",430 "2007-12-23","Fix HTML Sanitizer to allow trailing spaces in CSS style...","Wesley Moxam",430 "2007-11-10","Ensure that column names are quoted. Closes #10134 [wes...","Wesley Moxam",430 "2007-10-31","Escape table names during calculation queries. [wesley.m...","Wesley Moxam",430 "2013-04-01","Make references with index:true pass Hash options to add...","Victor Costan",430 "2012-11-20","Postgresql doesn't accepts limits on text columns.","Victor Costan",430 "2012-10-27","Use the MySQL varbinary type when appropriate in migrati...","Victor Costan",430 "2012-10-01","Fix truncated line in the i18n edge guide","Victor Costan",430 "2012-05-21","Postgresql doesn't accept limits on binary (bytea) columns.","Victor Costan",430 "2012-05-10","Postgresql doesn't accept limits on binary (bytea) columns.","Victor Costan",430 "2012-02-19","Removed (outdated?) config.action_view.logger from confi...","Victor Costan",430 "2009-08-09","Allow ho:through#build when the owner is a new record [#...","Tristan Dunn",430 "2009-08-09","Prevent overwriting of table name in merging SQL conditi...","Tristan Dunn",430 "2009-08-09","Prevent overwriting of table name in merging SQL conditi...","Tristan Dunn",430 "2009-08-09","No longer require database name for MySQL to allow cross...","Tristan Dunn",430 "2009-08-09","No longer require database name for MySQL to allow cross...","Tristan Dunn",430 "2009-08-09","Don't define a default primary key in the schema dumper.","Tristan Dunn",430 "2009-08-09","Don't define a default primary key in the schema dumper.","Tristan Dunn",430 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Trevor Squire",430 "2008-01-02","Optimize ActiveRecord::Base#exists? to use #select_all i...","Trevor Squire",430 "2007-11-07","Address shortcomings of changeset [8054] [protocool]","Trevor Squire",430 "2007-03-13","apply [6408] to stable","Trevor Squire",430 "2007-03-13","Allow a polymorphic :source for has_many :through associ...","Trevor Squire",430 "2006-12-19","apply [5744] to 1.2 pre-release","Trevor Squire",430 "2006-12-19","fix faulty inheritance tests and that eager loading grab...","Trevor Squire",430 "2011-09-11","prevent errors when passing a frozen string as a param t...","Trent Ogren",430 "2011-05-10","typo fix","Trent Ogren",430 "2011-04-27","prevent errors when passing a frozen string as a param t...","Trent Ogren",430 "2011-04-23","document HTML::Selector's :has(string) pseudo class","Trent Ogren",430 "2011-01-29","corrected the location of status code symbols","Trent Ogren",430 "2011-01-29","corrected a mistake in the documentation for assert_migr...","Trent Ogren",430 "2009-03-14","allowed render :file to take Pathnames [#2220 state:reso...","Trent Ogren",430 "2012-04-28","Allow Thor 0.15 and 1.0, to be released shortly","Tom Dale",430 "2012-04-28","Allow Thor 0.15 and 1.0, to be released shortly","Tom Dale",430 "2011-05-24","Move SCSS generators and default templates from Rails to...","Tom Dale",430 "2011-05-24","Change compressor API so that plugins can register defau...","Tom Dale",430 "2011-05-24","Move SCSS generators and default templates from Rails to...","Tom Dale",430 "2011-05-24","Change compressor API so that plugins can register defau...","Tom Dale",430 "2011-05-24","Remaining cleanup from changes to AssetTagHelper","Tom Dale",430 "2012-05-22","Improve the readability of the Resolver change detection...","Tom Clarke",430 "2012-05-21","More granular locking of the Resolver template cache","Tom Clarke",430 "2012-05-21","Make the Resolver template cache threadsafe - closes #6404","Tom Clarke",430 "2012-05-21","Prevent concurrent compilation of templates - closes #6400","Tom Clarke",430 "2012-05-21","More granular locking of the Resolver template cache","Tom Clarke",430 "2012-05-21","Make the Resolver template cache threadsafe - closes #6404","Tom Clarke",430 "2012-05-20","Prevent concurrent compilation of templates - closes #6400","Tom Clarke",430 "2008-07-15","Fix integer quoting issues in association preload. [#602...","Tiago Macedo",430 "2008-07-14","Fix integer quoting issues in association preload. [#602...","Tiago Macedo",430 "2008-06-08","Fix conditions and order on join tables with limited eag...","Tiago Macedo",430 "2008-06-08","Fix conditions and order on join tables with limited eag...","Tiago Macedo",430 "2007-11-26","Make the record_timestamps class-inheritable so it can b...","Tiago Macedo",430 "2007-11-22","PostgreSQL: correct binary escaping. References #8049, c...","Tiago Macedo",430 "2007-09-22","Correctly quote id list for limited eager loading. Close...","Tiago Macedo",430 "2006-01-13","Remove Upload Progress. Closes #2871.","Sean Treadway",430 "2005-08-27","Made Upload Progress work with Prototype 1.4.0 and add s...","Sean Treadway",430 "2005-07-01","Load models and frequency typo on upoad progress #1555 [...","Sean Treadway",430 "2005-06-30","File upload progress seems to have problems on a variety...","Sean Treadway",430 "2005-06-28","Added support for upload progress indicators in Apache a...","Sean Treadway",430 "2005-06-28","Added support for upload progress indicators in Apache a...","Sean Treadway",430 "2005-06-25","Fixed prototype to consider all fields it doesn't know a...","Sean Treadway",430 "2011-10-11","Added test to check that the vendor/assets/javascripts d...","Sasha Gerrand",430 "2011-10-11","Added method to create vendor/assets/javascripts, added ...","Sasha Gerrand",430 "2011-05-09","Merge pull request #42 from sgerrand/master","Sasha Gerrand",430 "2011-05-09","- Fixed typo in association parameters configuration (ag...","Sasha Gerrand",430 "2011-05-09","Merge pull request #41 from sgerrand/master","Sasha Gerrand",430 "2011-05-09","- Fixed typo in the example of a self join on a model","Sasha Gerrand",430 "2011-05-09","- Moved foreign key parameter to correct location for se...","Sasha Gerrand",430 "2011-03-01","Remove warnings about redefined test methods","Sam Elliott",430 "2010-06-19","<=> is defined twice on multibyte/chars.rb for Ruby < 1.9","Sam Elliott",430 "2010-04-22","Is not nessesary to have @_rails_html_safe instance var ...","Sam Elliott",430 "2010-04-16","mail_to with :encode => :javascript now outputs safe html","Sam Elliott",430 "2010-03-27","Use ActiveSupport::Autoload for view helpers. [#4237 sta...","Sam Elliott",430 "2010-01-17","Module lookup issue on flash_test using ruby 1.9 solved ...","Sam Elliott",430 "2010-01-17","Adding Proc support to validation messages so that they ...","Sam Elliott",430 "2013-03-28","added comments to test_invalid_type in sqlite3 adapter t...","Ranjay Krishna",430 "2013-03-25","Created a layer of abstraction for the valid type checki...","Ranjay Krishna",430 "2013-02-12","checking in the abstractions for valid type checking:","Ranjay Krishna",430 "2013-02-12","reverted back our changes and added in the new define_me...","Ranjay Krishna",430 "2013-01-20","added db:drop task that executes mysql:drop_databses and...","Ranjay Krishna",430 "2013-01-20","removed the puts statement and simplified the execute st...","Ranjay Krishna",430 "2013-01-20","added rake db:create that executes mysql:build_databases...","Ranjay Krishna",430 "2012-02-08","test title changed corresponding to the test","prasath",430 "2012-02-08","replaced active support ordered hash to ruby hash on act...","prasath",430 "2012-02-07","replacing ordered hash to ruby hash","prasath",430 "2012-01-26","Removed unwanted intializer and replaced with ruby defau...","prasath",430 "2012-01-24","Removing unwanted method and adding to accessor for gett...","prasath",430 "2012-01-18","Refactored class methods on address render test","prasath",430 "2012-01-11","changing self.attribute to @atrribute to follow one kind...","prasath",430 "2012-09-17","Respect `config.digest = false` for `asset_path`","Peter Wagenet",430 "2010-08-17","Class Attribute setter returns set value","Peter Wagenet",430 "2010-08-17","Class Attribute setter returns set value","Peter Wagenet",430 "2009-02-05","Fixed FCGI handling [#1854 state:resolved]","Peter Wagenet",430 "2008-08-24","Don't interpret decimals as table names in ActiveRecord:...","Peter Wagenet",430 "2008-08-23","New inflectors will overwrite defaults [#337 state:resol...","Peter Wagenet",430 "2008-08-21","Don't interpret decimals as table names in ActiveRecord:...","Peter Wagenet",430 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Patrick Lenz",430 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Patrick Lenz",430 "2005-10-20","Fix Associations#clear for not-yet-loaded associations (...","Patrick Lenz",430 "2005-10-20","HABTM finder sets :readonly => false. Closes #2525.","Patrick Lenz",430 "2005-10-18","Fix the html-scanner to count children correctly, playin...","Patrick Lenz",430 "2005-06-25","Fixed ActionMailer generated tests to work properly afte...","Patrick Lenz",430 "2005-06-16","Fixed TextHelper#highlight to return the text, not nil, ...","Patrick Lenz",430 "2011-08-13","Typo fix","Oge Nnadi",430 "2011-07-09","Changed the value that log_level takes to match the exam...","Oge Nnadi",430 "2011-07-08","Changed the value that log_level takes to match the exam...","Oge Nnadi",430 "2011-04-11","Edited railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extens...","Oge Nnadi",430 "2011-04-11","Added missing </tt>","Oge Nnadi",430 "2011-04-11","Edited README.rdoc via GitHub","Oge Nnadi",430 "2011-04-11","Rewording","Oge Nnadi",430 "2011-07-25","Updated migrations.textile to clarify Using Models in Yo...","Mike Howard",430 "2011-07-24","Updated migrations.textile to clarify Using Models in Yo...","Mike Howard",430 "2011-07-24","Clarified notes in 3.2 Creating the Blog Application","Mike Howard",430 "2011-07-24","Changed wording of paragraph 2.1.1 Models to clarify tab...","Mike Howard",430 "2011-07-24","Clarified notes in 3.2 Creating the Blog Application","Mike Howard",430 "2011-07-24","Changed wording of paragraph 2.1.1 Models to clarify tab...","Mike Howard",430 "2011-05-09","xml_mini.rb:_dasherize() replacement 20 to 25% faster","Mike Howard",430 "2013-07-15","Revert "Don't use Rack::Sendfile middleware if x_sendfil...","Martin Schuerrer",430 "2013-07-15","Revert "Don't use Rack::Sendfile middleware if x_sendfil...","Martin Schuerrer",430 "2013-06-14","valid_app_const? -> valid_const?","Martin Schuerrer",430 "2013-03-25","Move away from column.sql_type in untested code too","Martin Schuerrer",430 "2013-03-25","Make Postgres point type correspond to ruby array with t...","Martin Schuerrer",430 "2010-02-21","Use ActionDispatch::Routing everywhere","Martin Schuerrer",430 "2010-02-21","Typo","Martin Schuerrer",430 "2010-10-29","Added missing AS require to active_model/naming.rb","Martin Gamsjaeger",430 "2010-03-18","AS datetime conversions now require AS time conversions","Martin Gamsjaeger",430 "2010-03-17","Require AS singleton_class code in AS output_safety","Martin Gamsjaeger",430 "2010-02-21","AMo #key is now #to_key and CI is probably happy","Martin Gamsjaeger",430 "2010-02-20","Adds #key and #to_param to the AMo interface","Martin Gamsjaeger",430 "2010-01-28","active_support/ordered_hash now requires yaml","Martin Gamsjaeger",430 "2010-01-28","active_support/ordered_hash now requires yaml","Martin Gamsjaeger",430 "2012-07-09","Add info note about sass/coffeescript use in engine asse...","Marten Veldthuis",430 "2012-01-31","Fix use of Deprecation without requiring active_support/...","Marten Veldthuis",430 "2012-01-31","Fix use of Deprecation without requiring active_support/...","Marten Veldthuis",430 "2012-01-31","Fix use of Deprecation without requiring active_support/...","Marten Veldthuis",430 "2012-01-31","Fix use of Deprecation without requiring active_support/...","Marten Veldthuis",430 "2004-12-22","Fixed that overriding an attribute's accessor would be d...","Marten Veldthuis",430 "2004-12-15","Fixed that Base#find will return an array if given an ar...","Marten Veldthuis",430 "2012-11-08","Action mailer can take an array for template_dir","Malcolm Locke",430 "2011-05-18","Explicitly use ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration","Malcolm Locke",430 "2011-04-18","best-of-bread -> best-of-breed","Malcolm Locke",430 "2010-06-17","Missing quote and indentation wrong","Malcolm Locke",430 "2010-04-12","low and behold => lo and behold!","Malcolm Locke",430 "2010-03-05","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Malcolm Locke",430 "2010-03-05","Corrects setting of :method on custom form_for","Malcolm Locke",430 "2009-07-27","Avoid loading the ActiveRecord::SessionStore class on in...","Luke Melia",430 "2009-05-30","Avoid loading the ActiveRecord::SessionStore class on in...","Luke Melia",430 "2008-11-18","Fix rendering html partial via inline render when with :...","Luke Melia",430 "2008-11-18","Fix rendering html partial via inline render when with :...","Luke Melia",430 "2008-11-18","Prevent assert_template failures when a render :inline i...","Luke Melia",430 "2008-11-18","Prevent assert_template failures when a render :inline i...","Luke Melia",430 "2008-08-31","Fixes optimised named routes generating question mark fo...","Luke Melia",430 "2010-07-26","Test to ensure that falsy objects aren't wrapped by depr...","Leigh Caplan",430 "2010-07-26","Override new on proxy objects so that they never wrap ni...","Leigh Caplan",430 "2010-07-26","Test to ensure that falsy objects aren't wrapped by depr...","Leigh Caplan",430 "2010-07-26","Override new on proxy objects so that they never wrap ni...","Leigh Caplan",430 "2010-06-29","Rewrite the clause to pluck the existing value from zone...","Leigh Caplan",430 "2010-06-28","test that unknown zones don't store mapping keys","Leigh Caplan",430 "2010-06-28","test that unknown zones don't store mapping keys","Leigh Caplan",430 "2012-10-13","Replace double quotes with single quotes","Lee Reilly",430 "2011-05-29","Corrected some typos and American vs. Queen's English is...","Lee Reilly",430 "2011-05-25","Typo; changed 'Febuary' to 'February'","Lee Reilly",430 "2011-05-25","Typo; changed 'colour' to 'color' & 'analysed' to 'analy...","Lee Reilly",430 "2011-05-25","Typo; changed 'enviroment' to 'environment'","Lee Reilly",430 "2010-12-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Lee Reilly",430 "2010-12-22","No example given on how to render JSON data despite the ...","Lee Reilly",430 "2006-11-10","Don't inspect unloaded associations. Closes #2905.","Lee Marlow",430 "2006-07-22","Fixed that you can still access the flash after the flas...","Lee Marlow",430 "2006-04-06","Enable Limit/Offset in Calculations (closes #4558) [lmar...","Lee Marlow",430 "2006-03-16","Dots in template path should not trip up rendering (clos...","Lee Marlow",430 "2005-11-16"," r3120@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-16 13:34:45 -0800","Lee Marlow",430 "2005-11-16","Remove the unused, slow response_dump and session_dump v...","Lee Marlow",430 "2005-02-18","Fixed that the dynamic finder like find_all_by_something...","Lee Marlow",430 "2013-05-05","use canonical #controller_path logic in controller test ...","Lance Ivy",430 "2010-05-24","Ensure auto_link does not ignore multiple trailing punct...","Lance Ivy",430 "2009-09-12","Don't cascade autosave validation to destroyed children....","Lance Ivy",430 "2009-09-12","Don't cascade autosave validation to destroyed children....","Lance Ivy",430 "2009-05-17","Ensure auto_link does not ignore multiple trailing punct...","Lance Ivy",430 "2009-02-13","Changed API of NestedAttributes to take an array, or has...","Lance Ivy",430 "2008-11-22","Add TestResponse#client_error? to check for 4xx status c...","Lance Ivy",430 "2010-09-25","Fixed routing examples in Routing guide. Updated URL to ...","Kulbir Saini",430 "2010-09-24","Updated 'Action Controller Overview' guide to rails 3 an...","Kulbir Saini",430 "2010-09-24","Updated all forms to accept UTF-8 encoding in Form Helpe...","Kulbir Saini",430 "2010-09-24","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Kulbir Saini",430 "2010-09-24","Minor rephrasing in Active Record Quering and Layouts an...","Kulbir Saini",430 "2010-09-23","Fixes in associations_basics guide.","Kulbir Saini",430 "2010-09-23","Updated guide to use ActiveRecord::Base.where instead of...","Kulbir Saini",430 "2013-07-31","remove language about configuring digest method [ci skip]","Justin George",430 "2013-07-30","update guide to reflect default HMAC SHA1 in MessageVeri...","Justin George",430 "2013-02-07","add ActiveRecord::AbstractAdapter#extensions and ActiveR...","Justin George",430 "2013-02-07","improve tests to check for existence of extensions metho...","Justin George",430 "2013-02-07","Add some tests to enumerate how extensions should be sto...","Justin George",430 "2010-05-02","Change event namespace ordering to most-significant firs...","Justin George",430 "2010-05-02","Make notifications go off even when an error is raised, ...","Justin George",430 "2009-06-30","Changed ActiveRecord::Base.human_name to underscore the ...","Justin French",430 "2008-01-08","Merge labelled_form_for example. Closes #10738 [justinfr...","Justin French",430 "2008-01-08","Replace labelled_form_for example with one that will act...","Justin French",430 "2007-03-14","Merge [6422] from trunk. Undeprecates verification with ...","Justin French",430 "2007-03-14","Deprecation: verification with :redirect_to => :named_ro...","Justin French",430 "2005-07-19","Dropped the 'immediate close-down' of FCGI processes sin...","Justin French",430 "2005-07-17","Added stripping of _id to String#humanize, so "employee_...","Justin French",430 "2012-05-23","Use Shellwords to scape arguments in db:structure:dump f...","Juan M. Cuello",430 "2011-12-22","Reset postgreSQL search path in db:test:clone_structure.","Juan M. Cuello",430 "2011-12-19","Fix database tasks in test namespace.","Juan M. Cuello",430 "2011-12-19","Fix database tasks in test namespace.","Juan M. Cuello",430 "2011-11-15","Backport #3232 to 3-1-stable.","Juan M. Cuello",430 "2011-10-05","refs #3232. Prepared statements and postgreSQL schemas.","Juan M. Cuello",430 "2011-10-05","Use the schema_search_path in prepared statements.","Juan M. Cuello",430 "2012-09-21","Update action_mailer_basics.md to ruby 1.9 syntax. [ci s...","José Corcuera",430 "2012-09-21","Update examples in action_controller_overview.md to ruby...","José Corcuera",430 "2012-09-21","Update examples in AS::Concern to use correct scope synt...","José Corcuera",430 "2012-09-12","Update action_controller_overview.textile to ruby 1.9 sy...","José Corcuera",430 "2012-09-12","Fix typo [ci skip]","José Corcuera",430 "2012-09-07","default scope should return an ActiveRecord::Relation [c...","José Corcuera",430 "2012-09-07","How to use default_scope as a class method","José Corcuera",430 "2009-08-09","Add :redirect to the testable RJS statements [#2612 stat...","Jon Wood",430 "2008-03-26","New applications should use UTC as the default time zone","Jon Wood",430 "2008-02-21","Patch to add a -e (export) option to script/plugin insta...","Jon Wood",430 "2005-09-02","* Allow use of the :with option for submit_to_remote #19...","Jon Wood",430 "2005-07-22","Added additional documentation to FormTagHelper #1788 [j...","Jon Wood",430 "2005-07-22","Doc fixes #1775, #1776 [jon@instance-design.co.uk]","Jon Wood",430 "2005-07-17","Docs for JavaScriptHelper#remote_function #1740 [jon@ins...","Jon Wood",430 "2013-06-29","fetch value(s) from stringified options","Jon Rowe",430 "2013-06-29","fetch value(s) from stringified options","Jon Rowe",430 "2013-04-26","formatting","Jon Rowe",430 "2013-04-25","better document `next_week` functionaility closes #9568","Jon Rowe",430 "2013-03-23","test case to assert that associations do not overwrite a...","Jon Rowe",430 "2012-03-15","when using a preloaded array and the uniq flag is set th...","Jon Rowe",430 "2012-03-15","escape commas in paths before globbing to avoid infinite...","Jon Rowe",430 "2012-02-09","Also support writing the hstore back to the database","Joel",430 "2012-02-09","Hstore values are all strings","Joel",430 "2012-02-09","string_to_hstore / hstore_to_string, serializing","Joel",430 "2012-02-09","don't test schema where hstore not installed","Joel",430 "2012-02-09","schema dumper tests for hstore","Joel",430 "2012-02-09","Additional hstore tests, supporting null values, better ...","Joel",430 "2012-02-09","add hstore to postgres native types and defaults","Joel",430 "2013-06-13","Describe ActiveSupport core extensions for BigDecimal, J...","Jeff Cohen",430 "2013-06-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Jeff Cohen",430 "2013-06-08","Describe ActiveSupport core extensions for BigDecimal, J...","Jeff Cohen",430 "2011-05-25","Replace old wording about http requests","Jeff Cohen",430 "2011-05-24","Update the MVC explanation in the main README.rdoc file","Jeff Cohen",430 "2008-11-13","Changed request forgery protection to only worry about H...","Jeff Cohen",430 "2006-02-26","Added Time#beginning_of_quarter (closes #3607) [cohen.je...","Jeff Cohen",430 "2013-09-10","Fixes typo in Object#try!","Jay Hayes",430 "2013-08-29","Add documentation for rake db:setup task","Jay Hayes",430 "2013-08-29","Note functional equivalence in reset task","Jay Hayes",430 "2013-07-26","Fixes typo in Object#try!","Jay Hayes",430 "2012-12-13","Elaborate using `inverse_of` with presence validation","Jay Hayes",430 "2012-12-13","Fix associations presence lost in steve's reformat","Jay Hayes",430 "2012-08-20","Extended documentation for `time_ago_in_words` helper","Jay Hayes",430 "2010-11-21","fix some grammar issues with section 2.5","Jamison Dance",430 "2010-11-21","fix some grammar issues with section 2.5","Jamison Dance",430 "2010-11-20","fix some grammar issues with section 2.5","Jamison Dance",430 "2010-09-14","fixed an unclear description in Sigular Resources.","Jamison Dance",430 "2010-08-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Jamison Dance",430 "2010-08-26","fix sentence fragment in validates_associated caution","Jamison Dance",430 "2010-06-22","fixing some comma and grammar problems in the note about...","Jamison Dance",430 "2012-09-24","Fix typo in 4_0_release_notes.md","Igor Zubkov",430 "2011-08-29","Documentation fixes","Igor Zubkov",430 "2011-08-29","Documentation fixes","Igor Zubkov",430 "2011-08-28","Documentation fixes","Igor Zubkov",430 "2011-07-23","Fix typo","Igor Zubkov",430 "2011-07-21","Merge pull request #54 from biow0lf/fix_typo","Igor Zubkov",430 "2011-07-21","Fix typo","Igor Zubkov",430 "2008-11-24","Test default singleton resource route to ensure it uses ...","Geoff Garside",430 "2008-11-24","Reorder the way in which map.resource routes are added t...","Geoff Garside",430 "2008-11-24","Test default singleton resource route to ensure it uses ...","Geoff Garside",430 "2008-11-24","Reorder the way in which map.resource routes are added t...","Geoff Garside",430 "2008-10-20","Bump active_support/vendor.rb tzinfo version number [#12...","Geoff Garside",430 "2008-10-20","Bump active_support/vendor.rb tzinfo version number [#12...","Geoff Garside",430 "2007-05-22","Resource namespaces are inherited by their has_many subr...","Geoff Garside",430 "2010-11-15","Fixed the name of the 'generator option'","Frederick Ros",430 "2010-11-11","Fixed the name of the 'generator option'","Frederick Ros",430 "2007-10-15","Generated fixtures use the actual primary key instead of...","Frederick Ros",430 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Frederick Ros",430 "2006-04-27","Documentation fix: integration test scripts don't requir...","Frederick Ros",430 "2006-04-27","Fix text_helper.rb documentation rendering. Closes #4725...","Frederick Ros",430 "2006-04-27","Fixes bad rendering of JavaScriptMacrosHelper rdoc (clos...","Frederick Ros",430 "2011-07-23","Fixed asset_url in asset_pipeline doc","Evan Machnic",430 "2011-07-23","image_url documentation in asset_pipelin doc","Evan Machnic",430 "2011-07-23","Capitalization compliance for asset_pipeline doc","Evan Machnic",430 "2011-07-19","Fixed asset_url in asset_pipeline doc","Evan Machnic",430 "2011-07-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Evan Machnic",430 "2011-07-19","image_url documentation in asset_pipelin doc","Evan Machnic",430 "2011-07-19","Capitalization compliance for asset_pipeline doc","Evan Machnic",430 "2010-02-19","Remove empty line and trailing hash, breaks documentatio...","Dirkjan Bussink",430 "2008-01-06","Ruby 1.9 compat: instance_eval binding to get the record...","Dirkjan Bussink",430 "2008-01-02","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix two failing tests since String#each...","Dirkjan Bussink",430 "2008-01-02","Ruby 1.9 compat: add #raise to AS::BasicObject, fixup Du...","Dirkjan Bussink",430 "2008-01-02","Fix invalid time test. Closes #10632 [Dirkjan Bussink]","Dirkjan Bussink",430 "2007-12-18","Ruby 1.9 compat: move from the deprecated Base64 module ...","Dirkjan Bussink",430 "2007-12-14","Fixed that ActionView#file_exists? would be incorrect if...","Dirkjan Bussink",430 "2008-01-03","Made fragment caching in views work for rjs and builder ...","Dee Zsombor",430 "2006-10-26","Branches so we can just get the bug fixes out of the way...","Dee Zsombor",430 "2006-10-26","Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the...","Dee Zsombor",430 "2005-05-19","Ajax docing #1282 [Dee.Zsombor@gmail.com]","Dee Zsombor",430 "2005-04-30","Added compatibility with camelCase column names for dyna...","Dee Zsombor",430 "2005-04-30","Fixed extraneous comma in count() function that made it ...","Dee Zsombor",430 "2005-04-13","Fixed that *rest parameter in map.connect couldn't accep...","Dee Zsombor",430 "2011-12-14","Fix url_for options[:subdomain] to allow objects as values","Choon Keat",430 "2007-11-21","Make sure script/plugin doesn't skip files beginning wit...","Choon Keat",430 "2007-05-21","Merge [6802] to stable: fix filtered parameter logging w...","Choon Keat",430 "2007-05-21","Fix filtered parameter logging with nil parameter values...","Choon Keat",430 "2006-09-12","Load helpers in alphabetical order for consistency. Reso...","Choon Keat",430 "2006-08-07","Short documentation to mention use of Mime::Type.registe...","Choon Keat",430 "2006-08-05","Short documentation to mention use of Mime::Type.registe...","Choon Keat",430 "2012-04-01","Correct invalid route example [ci skip]","Cezary Baginski",430 "2010-05-02","AR: fixed postgres fixture tests [#4519 state:resolved]","Cezary Baginski",430 "2010-05-01","AR: fixed postgres transaction tests [#4519 state:commited]","Cezary Baginski",430 "2010-04-28","Fix BigDecimal JSON encoding test. [#4495 state:resolved]","Cezary Baginski",430 "2010-04-26","Action Pack: fix tests with -K*, work around Ruby 1.9.1 ...","Cezary Baginski",430 "2010-04-25","actionpack: added missing encoding comments [#4466 state...","Cezary Baginski",430 "2009-04-02","Additional template render test for backup files [#2367 ...","Cezary Baginski",430 "2012-11-06","Set @permitted on new instance when slicing parameters hash","Benjamin Quorning",430 "2012-11-06","Test that permitted? is sticky on accessors, mutators, a...","Benjamin Quorning",430 "2012-11-06","Test that not permitted is sticky on #except","Benjamin Quorning",430 "2012-11-06","Current tests are testing stickiness of non-permitted pa...","Benjamin Quorning",430 "2012-11-06","Fix buggy tests","Benjamin Quorning",430 "2012-02-22","Prefer || over 'or' for boolean operations","Benjamin Quorning",430 "2010-07-13","Fixed many references to the old config/environment.rb a...","Benjamin Quorning",430 "2012-12-01","Add db to the list of default annotation folders","Antonio Cangiano",430 "2010-06-18","Adds a few connection parameters for IBM databases.","Antonio Cangiano",430 "2010-02-04","Updated the database.yml file generated for ibm_db to th...","Antonio Cangiano",430 "2008-10-04","Add IMB DB support to Rails application generator. [#113...","Antonio Cangiano",430 "2008-09-10","Fix for SQLite's db creation warnings [status:committed ...","Antonio Cangiano",430 "2008-06-12","Fixed non-standard SQL generated by preloading has_and_b...","Antonio Cangiano",430 "2008-06-12","Fixed non-standard SQL generated by preloading has_and_b...","Antonio Cangiano",430 "2006-11-20","Merge [5589] from trunk.","Andreas Schwarz",430 "2006-11-20","validates_numericality_of uses \A \Z to ensure the entir...","Andreas Schwarz",430 "2006-11-18","Merged [5482] from trunk","Andreas Schwarz",430 "2006-11-11","Sync ActionController::StatusCodes::STATUS_CODES with ht...","Andreas Schwarz",430 "2005-01-10","Added Base#reload that reloads the attributes of an obje...","Andreas Schwarz",430 "2004-12-07","Added access to custom headers, like cc, bcc, and reply-...","Andreas Schwarz",430 "2004-12-01","Fixed that cached template loading would still check the...","Andreas Schwarz",430 "2011-11-07","added remove_method core_ext tests","Anand Muthukrishnan",430 "2011-11-07","replaced remove and define method calls to :redefine","Anand Muthukrishnan",430 "2011-08-23","added missing require array/wrap in serialization","Anand Muthukrishnan",430 "2011-08-23","added missing require array/wrap in serialization","Anand Muthukrishnan",430 "2011-08-23","added missing require array/wrap in serialization","Anand Muthukrishnan",430 "2011-08-23","added more tests for only-include and except-include opt...","Anand Muthukrishnan",430 "2011-08-22","Travis status image added to GitHub README, excluding AP...","Anand Muthukrishnan",430 "2013-06-26","fix to remove warning on postgres adapter test.","Akshay Khole",430 "2013-06-25","Fixing Issue #11083","Akshay Khole",430 "2013-05-04","fix to remove warning on postgres adapter test.","Akshay Khole",430 "2013-05-04","Changing method call according to coding conventions","Akshay Khole",430 "2013-05-04","Changing the wordings in a few places","Akshay Khole",430 "2013-05-04","comments in the callbacks description are in present tense","Akshay Khole",430 "2013-05-03","Capitalizing internet to Internet. [ci skip]","Akshay Khole",430 "2009-02-09","Modifications to the first draft of active_mailer_basics","Ahmed El-Daly",430 "2009-01-31","Finalised first draft of Active Mailer Basics guide","Ahmed El-Daly",430 "2009-01-30","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ahmed El-Daly",430 "2009-01-30","Updated the Action Mailer Basics guide","Ahmed El-Daly",430 "2009-01-22","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ahmed El-Daly",430 "2009-01-22","Draft Action Mailer basics guide, now with section on te...","Ahmed El-Daly",430 "2009-01-17","First go at the Action Mailer guide","Ahmed El-Daly",430 "2008-09-23","Adds failed test case for slicing hash with indifferent ...","adam",430 "2008-09-23","slice now returns indifferent hash if called on one","adam",430 "2008-09-23","Adds failed test case for slicing hash with indifferent ...","adam",430 "2008-05-29","Add ActionMailer#reply_to. [#245 state:resolved]","adam",430 "2008-05-22","Parentheses should be acceptable characters for auto_lin...","adam",430 "2006-10-09","Deprecation cleanup for rescues (closes #6339) [adam]","adam",430 "2005-11-21","Have the lighttpd server script report the actual ip to ...","adam",430 "2012-06-06","Fix human attribute_name to handle deeply nested attributes","Tsutomu Kuroda",385 "2012-05-15","Fix human attribute_name to handle deeply nested attributes","Tsutomu Kuroda",385 "2012-01-05","Infer currency negative format from positive one.","Tsutomu Kuroda",385 "2012-01-04","Infer currency negative format from positive one.","Tsutomu Kuroda",385 "2011-12-25","Reconnect to the first database after db:create","Tsutomu Kuroda",385 "2011-12-23","Reconnect to the first database after db:create","Tsutomu Kuroda",385 "2011-12-05","Fix human_attribute_name to handle names with dots","Tsutomu Kuroda",385 "2011-02-09","Override attributes_protected_by_default when has_secure...","Tsutomu Kuroda",385 "2011-09-07","Make sure require_tzinfo only calls Kernel#require if TZ...","Tim Lucas",385 "2011-09-07","Make sure require_tzinfo only calls Kernel#require if TZ...","Tim Lucas",385 "2007-11-11","Improve documentation for IrreversibleMigrations. Close...","Tim Lucas",385 "2007-03-09","Merge [6364] from trunk. Consistently quote primary key ...","Tim Lucas",385 "2007-03-09","Consistently quote primary key column names. Closes #7763.","Tim Lucas",385 "2007-03-08","Fix typo. References #7727, closes #7762.","Tim Lucas",385 "2006-10-15","Tidy up the markup on the bundled error pages. Closes #...","Tim Lucas",385 "2006-02-26","Fixed form_for regression (closes #3962) [t.lucas@toolma...","Tim Lucas",385 "2013-06-30","unified the param names across all callbacks manipulatio...","Steven Yang",385 "2013-06-30","fix typo in ActiveModel::Error docs [ci skip]","Steven Yang",385 "2013-06-30","fix typo in ActiveModel::Error docs [ci skip]","Steven Yang",385 "2013-06-30","remove evals from AM::Validations::Callbacks","Steven Yang",385 "2013-06-30","updated AS:Callbacks doc for terminator option in define...","Steven Yang",385 "2013-06-29","provide a more sementicthe local variables name for Acti...","Steven Yang",385 "2013-06-22","add explicit AS dependencies for ActiveModel::Naming","Steven Yang",385 "2013-06-14","correct documentation about active_record behavior","Steven Yang",385 "2012-05-28","Don't enable validations when passing false hash values ...","Steve Purcell",385 "2008-06-03","Add more standard Hash methods to ActiveSupport::Ordered...","Steve Purcell",385 "2008-05-07","Add 'script/dbconsole' -- the database analog of 'script...","Steve Purcell",385 "2006-08-19","PostgreSQL: simplify index introspection query. Closes #...","Steve Purcell",385 "2006-03-16","Fixed proxy support for lighttpd (closes #3267) [stephen...","Steve Purcell",385 "2006-03-16","Added protection against proxy setups treating requests ...","Steve Purcell",385 "2006-01-23","Fixed that SSL would not correctly be detected when runn...","Steve Purcell",385 "2005-09-11","Provide Named Route's hash methods as helper methods. Cl...","Steve Purcell",385 "2013-03-20","Don't crash exception translation w/ nil result attribute.","Steve Jorgensen",385 "2012-09-13","Backport PostgreSQL auto-reconnect test coverage","Steve Jorgensen",385 "2012-08-08","Fix only-once stub logic.","Steve Jorgensen",385 "2012-08-07","Fix just-plain-wrongness of psql auto-reconnect test.","Steve Jorgensen",385 "2012-07-16","Stop being silly with formatting of method aliasing.","Steve Jorgensen",385 "2012-07-16","Simulated & actual (manual/skipped) PostgreSQL auto-reco...","Steve Jorgensen",385 "2012-07-16","Don't crash exception translation w/ nil result attribute.","Steve Jorgensen",385 "2012-06-09","Fix fragile #assert_queries implementation and usages.","Steve Jorgensen",385 "2012-02-10","Refactored code","Raghunadh",385 "2012-02-09","Refactored the OrderedHash related stuff","Raghunadh",385 "2011-07-24","Improve rails:template undefined LOCATION variable error...","Raghunadh",385 "2011-07-23","Improve rails:template undefined LOCATION variable error...","Raghunadh",385 "2011-06-10","removed the unnecessary back slashes from the regular ex...","Raghunadh",385 "2011-06-07","rafactored the regex related code in the mapper class ","Raghunadh",385 "2011-06-03","Double assignment of attributes on a collection associat...","Raghunadh",385 "2011-05-21","fixed failing tests of ActiveSupport for deprecation test","Raghunadh",385 "2013-05-01","Rails 4 has deprecated :order in has_many to use a lambd...","Nick Quaranto",385 "2011-10-07","use Rails.root.join for assets guide","Nick Quaranto",385 "2011-10-06","use Rails.root.join for assets guide","Nick Quaranto",385 "2010-10-14","Fixing a small typo in the generators guide","Nick Quaranto",385 "2010-07-17","Removing ActionDispatch::Http::FilterParameters#fitered_...","Nick Quaranto",385 "2010-02-07","Adding link to the rails module article","Nick Quaranto",385 "2009-08-09","Adding a deprecation warning for output.flush when rende...","Nick Quaranto",385 "2009-08-08","Allow content_tag options to take an array [#1741 state:...","Nick Quaranto",385 "2013-08-19","ensure freeze on Thread freezes locals","Nick Howard",385 "2013-08-19","ensure freeze on Thread freezes locals","Nick Howard",385 "2012-06-30","ActionDispatch::ClosedError no longer is raised. See d14...","Nick Howard",385 "2012-06-30","use config.action_controller instead of ActionController...","Nick Howard",385 "2011-12-14","escape assigns[:person], assigns[person] etc in actionco...","Nick Howard",385 "2011-10-25","add namespacing when referring to ActionController::Redi...","Nick Howard",385 "2011-05-08","Fix for #371","Nick Howard",385 "2011-05-01","Fix for lighthouse #6741","Nick Howard",385 "2010-02-06","Changed "before you it arrived" to "before it arrived"","Mike Naberezny",385 "2009-11-21","Fixed grammar.","Mike Naberezny",385 "2009-11-21","Updated link to RedCloth.","Mike Naberezny",385 "2007-11-27","Asset timestamps are appended, not prepended. Closes #10...","Mike Naberezny",385 "2007-11-20","validates_inclusion_of and validates_exclusion_of allow ...","Mike Naberezny",385 "2007-11-20","Fix typo in generator usage blurb. Closes #10217 [Mike N...","Mike Naberezny",385 "2007-11-14","Correct MySQL install instructions for Leopard. Closes #...","Mike Naberezny",385 "2006-10-09","Fixed that rescue template path shouldn't be hardcoded, ...","Mike Naberezny",385 "2006-07-08","PostgreSQL: create/drop as postgres user. Closes #4790.","Mike Laster",385 "2006-07-08","rails -d frontbase to create a new project with a frontb...","Mike Laster",385 "2006-04-28","Update FrontBase adapter to check binding version. Close...","Mike Laster",385 "2006-04-28","New Frontbase connections don't start in auto-commit mod...","Mike Laster",385 "2006-04-27","Add support for FrontBase (http://www.frontbase.com/) wi...","Mike Laster",385 "2006-04-25","Make build_postgresql_databases task make databases owne...","Mike Laster",385 "2006-03-18","Fix test db setup for pgsql (closes #4220) [mlaster@meta...","Mike Laster",385 "2006-03-04","Fixed that Date was in incorrect format in tasks.yml (cl...","Mike Laster",385 "2012-06-19","Remove extra test case.","Mike Gehard",385 "2011-09-09","Silence Ruby warnings about uninitialized instance varia...","Mike Gehard",385 "2011-06-23","Fix issue where assigning a empty string to the _type co...","Mike Gehard",385 "2011-05-07","Rename duplicate tests. There is now one failing test t...","Mike Gehard",385 "2011-04-30","Removed so info about assigning to specific devs and add...","Mike Gehard",385 "2011-03-12","Add additional text to NotImplementedErrors [#6328 state...","Mike Gehard",385 "2011-03-10","Minor formatting changes and remove a comment","Mike Gehard",385 "2011-02-13","change plugins guide to favor gem based plugins, clean u...","Mike Gehard",385 "2013-03-05","Backport fixes about #7774 to 3-2-stable","Maxime Réty",385 "2013-03-04","Fix formats on xhr requests when HTTP_ACCEPT is empty st...","Maxime Réty",385 "2012-11-15","Fix another AS::Concern example (class_eval is already c...","Maxime Réty",385 "2012-11-15","Fix AS::Concern example (current example doesn't work)","Maxime Réty",385 "2011-06-28","Fix JSON decoding of newline character with Yaml backend...","Maxime Réty",385 "2011-02-02","Fix JSON decoding of newline character with Yaml backend...","Maxime Réty",385 "2010-06-19","Fix Yajl backend discovery in ActiveSupport::JSON","Maxime Réty",385 "2010-06-19","Fix Yajl backend discovery in ActiveSupport::JSON","Maxime Réty",385 "2013-01-26","Use `silence` instead of `quietly` to silence the `Check...","Lucas Mazza",385 "2013-01-05","Update some code examples on the "Working with JavaScrip...","Lucas Mazza",385 "2013-01-02","Cleanup some unnecessary CSS on the new error page and r...","Lucas Mazza",385 "2012-11-29","Fix typo in the Observers deprecation message. [ci skip]","Lucas Mazza",385 "2012-07-24","Replace the flush parameter with a Hash.","Lucas Mazza",385 "2011-12-21","raises an ArgumentError if no valid options are given to...","Lucas Mazza",385 "2011-12-21","raises an ArgumentError if no valid options are given to...","Lucas Mazza",385 "2011-05-16","Using the correct CSS compressor for the yui-compressor ...","Lucas Mazza",385 "2006-08-05","Raise fully qualified names upon name errors. Closes #5533.","Lars Pind",385 "2006-07-31","Fix bug when passing multiple options to SimplyRestful, ...","Lars Pind",385 "2006-07-26","Added ICS to extension lookup recognition [Lars Pind]","Lars Pind",385 "2006-05-01","Make the inspector work on debian (closes #4935) [Lars p...","Lars Pind",385 "2006-04-06","Fixed that that multiparameter assignment doesn't work w...","Lars Pind",385 "2006-04-06","Reflect on aggregation ignores :class_name option (fixes...","Lars Pind",385 "2006-02-25","Fixed that reflections would bleed across class boundari...","Lars Pind",385 "2006-02-20","Fixed that the request method would be sticky in tests (...","Lars Pind",385 "2013-08-22","Display exceptions in text format for xhr request","Kir Shatrov",385 "2012-08-30","Added example of using options_for_select() with select_...","Kir Shatrov",385 "2011-12-17","Rake tasks generator with test","Kir Shatrov",385 "2011-09-21",""Passing variables into the translation" section added","Kir Shatrov",385 "2011-09-16","Merge pull request #68 from kirs/master","Kir Shatrov",385 "2011-09-16",""Passing variables into the translation" section added","Kir Shatrov",385 "2011-08-31","Instructions for nginx and apache added","Kir Shatrov",385 "2011-08-31","Instructions for nginx and apache added","Kir Shatrov",385 "2013-09-04","Add a test case for exists? with multiple values","Kassio Borges",385 "2013-08-31","Remove unused delegate","Kassio Borges",385 "2013-08-31","Revert "Do not dup the binds when visiting the AST"","Kassio Borges",385 "2013-08-31","Don't need to check if the scope respond to call","Kassio Borges",385 "2013-08-31","upgrade jruby dependencies","Kassio Borges",385 "2013-08-24","fix issue #11605","Kassio Borges",385 "2013-08-05","Load fixtures from linked folders","Kassio Borges",385 "2013-08-05","load fixtures from linked folders","Kassio Borges",385 "2011-07-12","Fix for SqlBypass session store","Joseph Wong",385 "2011-07-12","Fixed session ID fixation for ActiveRecord::SessionStore","Joseph Wong",385 "2011-07-12","Fix for SqlBypass session store","Joseph Wong",385 "2011-07-12","Fixed session ID fixation for ActiveRecord::SessionStore","Joseph Wong",385 "2011-06-16","Patch for #1458 - [3.1.0.rc1] App plugins initialized be...","Joseph Wong",385 "2011-06-16","Patch for #1458 - [3.1.0.rc1] App plugins initialized be...","Joseph Wong",385 "2011-06-16","Cherry-picking patch for https://github.com/rails/rails/...","Joseph Wong",385 "2011-06-14","Patch for https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/1460","Joseph Wong",385 "2012-09-24","ConnectionPool accepts spec key 'checkout_timeout'","Jonathan Rochkind",385 "2012-09-17","backport fair connection pool 02b2335563 to 3-2-stable","Jonathan Rochkind",385 "2012-09-11","ConnectionPool, unify exceptions, ConnectionTimeoutError","Jonathan Rochkind",385 "2012-05-23","ConnectionPool wait_timeout no longer used for different...","Jonathan Rochkind",385 "2012-04-24","Remove references to 'vendored plugins' except to note t...","Jonathan Rochkind",385 "2012-03-13","ConnectionPool.checkout takes account of ruby using 'non...","Jonathan Rochkind",385 "2012-03-12","deprecated clear_stale_active_connections! can call #rea...","Jonathan Rochkind",385 "2012-03-12","inline docs for clear_active_connections! no longer says...","Jonathan Rochkind",385 "2011-09-12","ActiveResource shouldn't rely on the presence of Content...","John Mileham",385 "2011-09-11","ActiveResource shouldn't rely on the presence of Content...","John Mileham",385 "2011-09-09","Failing test: ActiveResource shouldn't rely on the prese...","John Mileham",385 "2011-05-26","Don't merge base opts into includes when serializing ARs","John Mileham",385 "2011-05-26","Failing test - JSON serialization shouldn't merge base o...","John Mileham",385 "2011-03-24","Use Arel to build subquery. Adapt tests to changed fixt...","John Mileham",385 "2011-03-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails into cou...","John Mileham",385 "2011-03-04","Change behavior of count(:limit => x, :offset => y) to l...","John Mileham",385 "2007-02-04","Allow Controllers to have multiple view_paths instead of...","John Long",385 "2006-04-20","applying to stable: Properly quote index names in migrat...","John Long",385 "2006-04-20","Properly quote index names in migrations (closes #4764) ...","John Long",385 "2005-09-01","* Don't add charset to content-type header for a part th...","John Long",385 "2005-08-22","Multipart messages specify a MIME-Version header automat...","John Long",385 "2005-07-06","Correctly normalize newlines in outgoing emails before e...","John Long",385 "2005-07-01","Better multipart support with implicit multipart/alterna...","John Long",385 "2005-06-30","Normalize line endings in outgoing mail bodies to "\n" #...","John Long",385 "2011-07-18","Ensure that status codes are logged properly","Jesse Storimer",385 "2011-07-18","Ensure that status codes are logged properly","Jesse Storimer",385 "2011-07-18","Ensure that status codes are logged properly","Jesse Storimer",385 "2011-03-26","Correct docs for after_find and after_initialize","Jesse Storimer",385 "2011-01-29","Correct docs for after_find and after_initialize","Jesse Storimer",385 "2010-08-28","Ensure that inherited helper_methods are available after...","Jesse Storimer",385 "2010-08-28","Ensure that inherited helper_methods are available after...","Jesse Storimer",385 "2010-06-22","CookieStore should preserve the Set-Cookie header Array ...","Jesse Storimer",385 "2009-03-06","Methods invoked within named scope Procs should respect ...","Jeremy Voorhis",385 "2007-01-05","Slight doc tweak to #prepend_filter. Closes #6493 [Jere...","Jeremy Voorhis",385 "2007-01-05","Slight doc tweak to #prepend_filter. Closes #6493 [Jere...","Jeremy Voorhis",385 "2006-08-03","The exists? class method should treat a string argument ...","Jeremy Voorhis",385 "2006-06-21","Don't use keywords as local vars in documentation. Clos...","Jeremy Voorhis",385 "2006-06-21","Remove some cruft from the framework:update:configs task...","Jeremy Voorhis",385 "2006-03-18","Fixed UrlHelper#current_page? to behave even when url-es...","Jeremy Voorhis",385 "2006-01-13","Make migration generator only report on exact duplicate ...","Jeremy Voorhis",385 "2013-06-17","add test for 9041454def79d8e61cabe49e7c5cb72cef29138b","Jan Berdajs",385 "2013-06-17","fix serialization type cast when value is already unseri...","Jan Berdajs",385 "2013-06-17","add test for 9041454def79d8e61cabe49e7c5cb72cef29138b","Jan Berdajs",385 "2013-06-17","fix serialization type cast when value is already unseri...","Jan Berdajs",385 "2013-06-05","add test for 9041454def79d8e61cabe49e7c5cb72cef29138b","Jan Berdajs",385 "2013-06-05","fix serialization type cast when value is already unseri...","Jan Berdajs",385 "2012-10-18","add credit to committer of pull request #6569","Jan Berdajs",385 "2012-06-14","prevent users from unknowingly using bad regexps that ca...","Jan Berdajs",385 "2010-06-30","Don't remove scheduled destroys when loading an associat...","James Le Cuirot",385 "2010-06-30","Don't remove scheduled destroys when loading an associat...","James Le Cuirot",385 "2010-06-19","When not overwriting unsaved updates in nested attribute...","James Le Cuirot",385 "2010-06-19","Don't overwrite unsaved updates when loading an associat...","James Le Cuirot",385 "2010-06-09","Don't overwrite unsaved updates when loading an associat...","James Le Cuirot",385 "2010-06-09","Don't overwrite unsaved updates when loading an associat...","James Le Cuirot",385 "2009-05-18","Make sure default_scope#create checks for options[:condi...","James Le Cuirot",385 "2009-05-18","Make sure default_scope#create checks for options[:condi...","James Le Cuirot",385 "2012-05-16","log at debug level what line caused the redirect_to","Jack Dempsey",385 "2011-03-13","silence @dummy_path not defined warnings","Jack Dempsey",385 "2011-03-13","use parens and silence ambiguous args warnings","Jack Dempsey",385 "2010-09-14","require i18n in transliterate so it can run in isolated ...","Jack Dempsey",385 "2010-09-14","require i18n in transliterate so it can run in isolated ...","Jack Dempsey",385 "2010-09-01","split out active_record migration logic so others can ea...","Jack Dempsey",385 "2010-09-01","split out active_record migration logic so others can ea...","Jack Dempsey",385 "2010-07-24","Fix small middlewares typo","Jack Dempsey",385 "2012-09-22","active support core extensions guides updated with confi...","Innokenty Mikhailov",385 "2012-09-18","Date.beginning_of_week thread local and beginning_of_wee...","Innokenty Mikhailov",385 "2012-01-31","test_get_ids_for_ordered_association fixed","Innokenty Mikhailov",385 "2012-01-31","reflection test fixed","Innokenty Mikhailov",385 "2012-01-31","ids_reader method fixed, test added to has_many association","Innokenty Mikhailov",385 "2011-11-25","API docstrings updated with default value info","Innokenty Mikhailov",385 "2011-11-25","beginning_of_week extended in both Time and Date so that...","Innokenty Mikhailov",385 "2011-11-17","updating API docstring so that user can infer default value","Innokenty Mikhailov",385 "2013-07-30","Add retry to `gem install bundler` for Travis","Henrik Hodne",385 "2013-07-17","Improve ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#includes docs","Henrik Hodne",385 "2012-05-19","Remove blank trailing comments","Henrik Hodne",385 "2012-05-19","Update documentation for AbstractController::Base","Henrik Hodne",385 "2011-11-06","Removed argument throwing warnings when running tests.","Henrik Hodne",385 "2011-11-06","Refactored pluralize and singularize into a common method.","Henrik Hodne",385 "2011-11-05","Added bundle exec to rake test.","Henrik Hodne",385 "2011-11-03","Added bundle exec to rake test.","Henrik Hodne",385 "2013-03-19","Change @env_config to @app_env_config","Evan Phoenix",385 "2010-03-22","Reset class attribute after changing it","Evan Phoenix",385 "2010-03-22","Remove test ordering bug","Evan Phoenix",385 "2010-03-22","Clear the query cache between tests that test the query ...","Evan Phoenix",385 "2010-03-22","Remove obsolete use case that was broken in AR::Observers","Evan Phoenix",385 "2010-03-22","Don't depend on order of elements in Set","Evan Phoenix",385 "2010-03-22","Fix ActionMailer test issues","Evan Phoenix",385 "2010-03-22","Remove test ordering bug by using another class","Evan Phoenix",385 "2011-09-20","Add a missing require for 'active_support/deprecation' i...","Esad Hajdarevic",385 "2011-06-28","Make send_file guess content-type from file extension, i...","Esad Hajdarevic",385 "2011-06-28","Register some commonly used mime types (png, jpeg, pdf, ...","Esad Hajdarevic",385 "2009-03-06","script/plugin install should remove .gitignore too. [#13...","Esad Hajdarevic",385 "2008-03-28","Fixed HTML::Tokenizer (used in sanitize helper) didnt ha...","Esad Hajdarevic",385 "2007-09-05","Fix misleading documentation for truncate. [esad] Close...","Esad Hajdarevic",385 "2006-05-14","Fix flip flopped logic in docs for url_for's :only_path ...","Esad Hajdarevic",385 "2006-03-03","Added reload! method to script/console to reload all mod...","Esad Hajdarevic",385 "2008-03-05","Docs for ActiveSupport::Callbacks. Closes #11254 [ernest...","Ernesto Jimenez",385 "2008-02-20","Make date_helper use tag and content_tag. Move to asser...","Ernesto Jimenez",385 "2008-02-19","URI.decode site username/password. Closes #11169 [Ernest...","Ernesto Jimenez",385 "2008-02-18","Add user and password configuration options to ActiveRes...","Ernesto Jimenez",385 "2008-02-16","Tests for distance_of_time_in_words with TimeWithZone in...","Ernesto Jimenez",385 "2008-02-15","Serialize BigDecimals as Floats when using to_yaml. Clos...","Ernesto Jimenez",385 "2008-02-15","Add test for Observer#observer_class and change the impl...","Ernesto Jimenez",385 "2008-02-12","Make sure render :update support the options hash. Clos...","Ernesto Jimenez",385 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Duane Johnson",385 "2007-12-28","Don't unnecessarily load has_many associations in after_...","Duane Johnson",385 "2005-10-26","Added :offset and :limit to the kinds of options that Ba...","Duane Johnson",385 "2005-07-24","Allow ERb in the database.yml file (just like with fixtu...","Duane Johnson",385 "2005-06-21","Added option to pass in parameters to CaptureHelper#capt...","Duane Johnson",385 "2005-05-21","Added the :if option to all validations that can either ...","Duane Johnson",385 "2005-01-24","Added Base.update_collection that can update an array of...","Duane Johnson",385 "2005-01-01","Updated documentation for associations #387 [canadaduane]","Duane Johnson",385 "2011-03-22","Update 'Getting Started on Windows' tip to go to one-cli...","Dr Nic Williams",385 "2010-02-26","#add_source: Fixed docco + added required newline to lin...","Dr Nic Williams",385 "2009-09-12","Deprecate "Allow frameworks to be required by their gem ...","Dr Nic Williams",385 "2009-09-12","Revert "Allow frameworks to be required by their gem name"","Dr Nic Williams",385 "2008-01-05","Move model dependency to the end of the scaffold generat...","Dr Nic Williams",385 "2007-10-08","Namespace the internal Rakefile tasks. Closes #8850 [drnic]","Dr Nic Williams",385 "2007-09-22","Allow frameworks to be required by their gem name (close...","Dr Nic Williams",385 "2007-06-27","Generators: look for generators in all gems, not just th...","Dr Nic Williams",385 "2011-08-22","Added a test to check for correct behaviour with no opti...","David Workman",385 "2011-08-22","Using .try to test for the existence of a method option ...","David Workman",385 "2011-08-22","Neatened up the invert_add_index method as per suggeston","David Workman",385 "2011-08-22","Simple fix for correctly inverting an add_index migratio...","David Workman",385 "2011-05-24","Added a test to check for correct behaviour with no opti...","David Workman",385 "2011-05-23","Using .try to test for the existence of a method option ...","David Workman",385 "2011-05-23","Neatened up the invert_add_index method as per suggeston","David Workman",385 "2011-05-23","Simple fix for correctly inverting an add_index migratio...","David Workman",385 "2010-10-10","prevent rake test to run the test suite three times when...","David Calavera",385 "2010-06-22","preventing memcached initialization errors with default ...","David Calavera",385 "2010-06-22","defines ORIG_ARGV in Active Support's abstract_unit.rb (...","David Calavera",385 "2009-08-30","Rails templates git command runs inside another director...","David Calavera",385 "2009-07-01","ensure Inflector.camelize works with symbols [#2856 stat...","David Calavera",385 "2009-05-27","ensure initialize_database_middleware doesn't use Action...","David Calavera",385 "2009-05-27","ensure initialize_database_middleware doesn't use Action...","David Calavera",385 "2008-01-13","Allow users to declare other namespaces when using the a...","David Calavera",385 "2011-11-16","Substituted RailsCommands for Rails::Commands","Daniel Dyba",385 "2011-11-16","Changed Commands module to RailsCommands.","Daniel Dyba",385 "2011-07-23","Modified Migrations file","Daniel Dyba",385 "2011-07-18","Substituted RailsCommands for Rails::Commands","Daniel Dyba",385 "2011-07-16","Changed Commands module to RailsCommands.","Daniel Dyba",385 "2011-07-14","Modified Migrations file","Daniel Dyba",385 "2011-06-30","Merge pull request #49 from dyba/master","Daniel Dyba",385 "2011-06-30","Included w3c_validators gem and modified Migrations file","Daniel Dyba",385 "2010-01-05","Rails layouts, error pages, and public/index now use HTML5.","Dan Croak",385 "2009-08-10","has_many :through create should not raise validation errors","Dan Croak",385 "2009-08-09","docrails [#8] changed old def test_ methods to new test(...","Dan Croak",385 "2009-08-09","Deprecation warning for routes_for_controller_and_action...","Dan Croak",385 "2009-08-08","Add test ensuring redirect_to uses the given protocol [#...","Dan Croak",385 "2008-02-07","Apply [8810], [8811], [8812], and [8813] to 2.0 stable","Dan Croak",385 "2008-02-07","Remove :nodoc: entries around the ActiveSupport test/uni...","Dan Croak",385 "2007-12-13","Make the routes rake task more discoverable but document...","Dan Croak",385 "2010-04-14","Changed translate helper so that it doesn’t mark every t...","Craig Davey",385 "2008-11-25","Ensure all HTML:: constants are available to autoload [#...","Craig Davey",385 "2007-09-28","BufferedLogger#add converts the message to a string. Clo...","Craig Davey",385 "2007-09-27","BufferedLogger#add doesn't modify the message argument. ...","Craig Davey",385 "2006-08-05","Remove duplicate routes from mapped resources (closes #5...","Craig Davey",385 "2006-02-08","Replace dubious controller parent class in filter docs. ...","Craig Davey",385 "2005-09-11","Added :disabled option to all data selects that'll make ...","Craig Davey",385 "2005-09-11","Fixed that TextHelper#auto_link_urls would include punct...","Craig Davey",385 "2008-11-19","Added Object#try. ( Taken from http://ozmm.org/posts/try...","Chris Wanstrath",385 "2008-11-14","Properly check silence_spec_warnings class variable [#13...","Chris Wanstrath",385 "2007-11-11","Only load ActionMailer::TestCase if ActionMailer is load...","Chris Wanstrath",385 "2007-10-07","Extend the console +helper+ method to allow you to inclu...","Chris Wanstrath",385 "2007-07-01","Merge delete-with-options for cookies from trunk to release","Chris Wanstrath",385 "2007-07-01","Allow you to delete cookies with options. Closes #3685 [...","Chris Wanstrath",385 "2007-05-11","Sexy dumper now has its groove on (closes #8281) [Chris ...","Chris Wanstrath",385 "2006-07-05","Added exception handling of missing layouts (closes #537...","Chris Wanstrath",385 "2012-04-19","Removes unneeded caching from ActiveRecord::Base.relation","Benedikt Deicke",385 "2012-04-19","Revert "Revert "Fix #5667. Preloading should ignore scop...","Benedikt Deicke",385 "2012-04-19","Adds test to check that circular preloading does not mod...","Benedikt Deicke",385 "2012-04-19","Removes caching from ActiveRecord::Core::ClassMethods#re...","Benedikt Deicke",385 "2012-04-03","Adds test to check that circular preloading does not mod...","Benedikt Deicke",385 "2012-04-03","Removes caching from ActiveRecord::Core::ClassMethods#re...","Benedikt Deicke",385 "2011-06-12","Don't wrap operations on collection associations in tran...","Benedikt Deicke",385 "2011-06-12","Don't wrap operations on collection associations in tran...","Benedikt Deicke",385 "2012-05-18","You can add a custom primary key to a table","Avi Tzurel",385 "2012-05-18","Minor fix to the wrapper tag documentation, the options ...","Avi Tzurel",385 "2012-05-18","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Avi Tzurel",385 "2012-05-18","Added wrapper tag documentation to the simple_format method","Avi Tzurel",385 "2012-05-14","Added the wrapper tag option to simple_format","Avi Tzurel",385 "2012-05-14","simple_format refactoring","Avi Tzurel",385 "2012-03-12","Merge remote-tracking branch 'original_repo/master'","Avi Tzurel",385 "2012-03-11","Squash commits into a single commit","Avi Tzurel",385 "2013-08-06","Bump ruby version [ci skip]","Anton Cherepanov",385 "2013-08-06","Bump ruby version [ci skip]","Anton Cherepanov",385 "2013-06-24","Added markdown tag for highlight","Anton Cherepanov",385 "2013-01-15","revert to 814c9875ec4cf01e1348d1ab1c9d12eee5a9adac","Anton Cherepanov",385 "2013-01-15","Revert "fix history"","Anton Cherepanov",385 "2013-01-15","Revert "Improves documentation about Fragment Caching. [...","Anton Cherepanov",385 "2013-01-15","fix history","Anton Cherepanov",385 "2013-01-15","Update guides/source/active_record_validations.md","Anton Cherepanov",385 "2010-09-18","Updated yaffle_test.rb from 2.2 to require 'test_helper'...","Andrew Ferk",385 "2010-09-18","Removed leading : from database.yml file","Andrew Ferk",385 "2010-09-18","Updated output that should be seen from the initial rake","Andrew Ferk",385 "2010-09-18","Updated test_helper.rb to require the init.rb file from ...","Andrew Ferk",385 "2010-09-18","removed leading : from database.yml file. dbfile has be...","Andrew Ferk",385 "2010-09-18","rails/init.rb is deprecated, so keep init.rb in root of ...","Andrew Ferk",385 "2010-09-18","'rails generate plugin' --with-generator option has chan...","Andrew Ferk",385 "2010-09-18","added 'bundle install' command to h4. Create the Basic A...","Andrew Ferk",385 "2012-06-19","Typo in documentation.","Andrés Mejía",385 "2011-09-06","Using more precise method signatures for AR::Relation#fi...","Andrés Mejía",385 "2011-09-06","Adding first example with no arguments to AR::Relation#f...","Andrés Mejía",385 "2011-08-30","Adding first_or_create, first_or_create!, first_or_new a...","Andrés Mejía",385 "2010-11-27","Mentioning catch with Bundler remembering options betwee...","Andrés Mejía",385 "2010-11-27","Added missing word.","Andrés Mejía",385 "2010-11-26","Mentioning catch with Bundler remembering options betwee...","Andrés Mejía",385 "2010-11-26","Added missing word.","Andrés Mejía",385 "2013-02-02","Add --rc option to support the load of a custom rc file","Amparo Luna",385 "2013-02-01","Add --no-rc option to skip the loading of railsrc file","Amparo Luna",385 "2013-01-03","Add Changelog entry regarding update_attibutes being ren...","Amparo Luna",385 "2013-01-03","Updating default application templates to use update ins...","Amparo Luna",385 "2013-01-03","Change guides to use update instead of update_attributes","Amparo Luna",385 "2013-01-03","Change docs to use update instead of update_attributes","Amparo Luna",385 "2013-01-03","Rename update_attributes method to update, keep update_a...","Amparo Luna",385 "2012-11-29","Gemfile source url for plugins updated","Amparo Luna",385 "2012-12-17","AR supporting new int4range and int8range data type on P...","Alexey Zatsepin",385 "2012-12-16","AR supporting new intrange data type on PostgreSQL >= 9.2","Alexey Zatsepin",385 "2007-12-05","Fix eager association test. Closes #10381 [alexey]","Alexey Zatsepin",385 "2005-01-22","Fixed that the content-header was being set to applicati...","Alexey Zatsepin",385 "2005-01-20","Added TestResponse#binary_content that'll return as a st...","Alexey Zatsepin",385 "2005-01-16","Added more informative error message for "file not found...","Alexey Zatsepin",385 "2005-01-13","Fixed that controller tests can now assert on the use of...","Alexey Zatsepin",385 "2005-01-11","Fixed default scope of acts_as_list from "1" to "1 = 1",...","Alexey Zatsepin",385 "2013-05-10","[ci skip] document protect_against_forgery? method","Weston Platter",352 "2013-04-04","[layout/rendering guide] move sentence to new line to fo...","Weston Platter",352 "2013-04-04","[layout/rendering guide] remove redundant wording","Weston Platter",352 "2013-02-20","improve grammar describing ActionDispatch::Cookies::Cook...","Weston Platter",352 "2013-02-19","improve grammar describing ActionDispatch::Cookies::Cook...","Weston Platter",352 "2013-01-24","[engines guide] reformatted some stuff","Weston Platter",352 "2013-01-24","[engines guide] reworded a run on","Weston Platter",352 "2012-08-05","edit of previous content","Weston Platter",352 "2012-07-22","added 2 strategies for extending engine models","Weston Platter",352 "2010-02-25","load_path is expecting a String in the application.rb ge...","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2009-05-24","Fixed a typo","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2008-06-11","note on increasing performance a bit when using restful ...","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2008-06-11","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2008-05-16","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2008-05-16","it looks a bit strange as code, and it's not that extrem...","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2008-05-12","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2008-05-12","proper heading for "Example:"","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2008-05-12","fixed display of example","Thomas R. Koll",352 "2009-12-21","define_schema for Active Resource","Taryn East",352 "2009-10-02","add indifferent access to the attributes","Taryn East",352 "2009-10-02","update_attribute(s) added to Active Resource","Taryn East",352 "2009-08-21","Added first/last/all aliases for equivalent find scopes","Taryn East",352 "2009-08-19","Added save! which raises ResourceInvalid unless valid?","Taryn East",352 "2009-08-19","Swallow ResourceNotFound error on find_every","Taryn East",352 "2009-08-19","Pulled find-based tests into their own test case. This m...","Taryn East",352 "2009-08-19","Moved all test cases into a new test/cases directory to ...","Taryn East",352 "2009-08-19","Added validations to ActiveResource. Added a smoke test ...","Taryn East",352 "2012-08-27","Make ActionDispatch::ParamsParser::ParseError#original_e...","Szymon Nowak",352 "2012-08-24","Fix ActionDispatch::ParamsParser::ParseError message for...","Szymon Nowak",352 "2012-08-24","Raise generic ParseError exception when ActionDispatch::...","Szymon Nowak",352 "2010-12-23","Fix creation of has_many through records with custom pri...","Szymon Nowak",352 "2010-10-11","Return a valid empty JSON on successful PUT and DELETE r...","Szymon Nowak",352 "2010-10-11","Return a valid empty JSON on successful PUT and DELETE r...","Szymon Nowak",352 "2010-02-02","Change Rails::Generators::Migration protected instance m...","Szymon Nowak",352 "2009-07-16","Add primary_key option to belongs_to association","Szymon Nowak",352 "2009-07-16","Add primary_key option to belongs_to association","Szymon Nowak",352 "2011-10-18","Added test for rake environment in an engine","Steven Bristol",352 "2011-05-19","adding test","Steven Bristol",352 "2011-05-19","fixing sym and string cookie name, two cookies to browse...","Steven Bristol",352 "2009-05-01","Tests should use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.rollback_...","Steven Bristol",352 "2009-05-01","Ensure ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connectio...","Steven Bristol",352 "2007-12-05","Add example of redirect_to that uses a named route. Clos...","Steven Bristol",352 "2007-06-23","Fixed that link_to with an href of # when using :method ...","Steven Bristol",352 "2007-01-05","Slight doc tweak to the ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHe...","Steven Bristol",352 "2007-01-05","Slight doc tweak to the ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHe...","Steven Bristol",352 "2012-01-20","Don't type-cast unknown types to YAML.","Stephen Celis",352 "2011-02-02","Protocol-relative URL support.","Stephen Celis",352 "2010-10-19","Additional documentation for data-* attributes.","Stephen Celis",352 "2010-10-17","HTML5 data attribute helpers [#5825 state:resolved].","Stephen Celis",352 "2010-05-15","Let label helpers accept blocks.","Stephen Celis",352 "2010-04-05","Added all the new HTML5 form types as individual form ta...","Stephen Celis",352 "2010-01-14","Custom 'type' attribute support for text_field. [#3646 s...","Stephen Celis",352 "2009-04-21","Update rails:template task to expand file paths [#2528 s...","Stephen Celis",352 "2008-04-12","Scripts and styles with multiple dots in the filename sh...","Stephen Celis",352 "2011-12-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2011-12-05","changes in the way of how the stylesheets_link_tag works","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2011-11-29","splited a long line to shorter ones","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2011-11-28","there is no need to repeat about possibility of using -h...","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2011-11-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2011-11-28","completed documentation for the rails server command","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2011-11-28","fixed a typo in a message when there is no failuresin a ...","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2011-11-23","improved code stats calculation, check on multiline comm...","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2011-11-15","made url to a github issues a bit shorter - no need in a...","Sergey Parizhskiy",352 "2007-06-23","Fix that FCGIs would leave log files open when asked to ...","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2005-09-11","Add ability to specify Route Regexps for controllers. Cl...","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2005-08-14","Make destroy return self #1913 [sebastian.kanthak@muehlh...","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2005-06-16","Added actual database-changing behavior to collection as...","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2005-03-27","Fixed that pagination_helper would ignore :params #947 [...","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2005-03-17","close database.yml after reading in configuration #841 [...","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2005-03-14","Added optionally allow for nil or empty strings with val...","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2005-03-06","Fixed rake stats to ignore editor backup files like mode...","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2005-03-06","Added validates_numericality_of #716 [skanthak/c.r.mcgrath]","Sebastian Kanthak",352 "2006-03-19","Undo accidental escaping for mail_to; add regression tes...","Scott Reilly",352 "2006-03-18","The style police makes an expection on acts_as_tree (clo...","Scott Reilly",352 "2005-11-07","Fix docs (closes #2679) [coffee2code]","Scott Reilly",352 "2005-11-07","Fix READMEs (closes #2680) [coffee2code]","Scott Reilly",352 "2005-10-12","Misc doc fixes (typos/grammar/etc). Closes #2445.","Scott Reilly",352 "2005-10-11","Misc doc fixes (typos/grammar/etc.). Closes #2430.","Scott Reilly",352 "2005-10-11","Add test coverage for content_columns. Closes #2432.","Scott Reilly",352 "2005-09-09","Fix docs #2136 [coffee2code]","Scott Reilly",352 "2005-09-09","Added the instance methods #root and #ancestors on acts_...","Scott Reilly",352 "2005-01-24","Added ActiveRecord::Base.timestamps_gmt that can be set ...","Scott Baron",352 "2005-01-20","Fixed that find_all would produce invalid sql when calle...","Scott Baron",352 "2005-01-15","Flipped code-to-test ratio around to be more readable #4...","Scott Baron",352 "2005-01-02","Added DateHelper#select_time and DateHelper#select_secon...","Scott Baron",352 "2004-12-22","Added work-around for PostgreSQL and the problem of gett...","Scott Baron",352 "2004-12-22","Fixed mixin test and fixtures to work with postgresql #3...","Scott Baron",352 "2004-12-22","Fixed "rake stats" to work with sub-directories in model...","Scott Baron",352 "2004-12-12","Use lower-case post instead of POST as form method for X...","Scott Baron",352 "2004-12-07","Fixed the Inflector to handle the movie/movies pair corr...","Scott Baron",352 "2012-05-07","Doc for ActiveRecord::Result empty? method","Rob Zolkos",352 "2012-05-06","Add missing public method doc to TimeWithZone.name","Rob Zolkos",352 "2012-05-01","Add documention for utc_offset method","Rob Zolkos",352 "2010-11-11","skip testing framework if app created with --skip-test-u...","Rob Zolkos",352 "2010-10-30","added tip about ruby-debug needing a different gem if us...","Rob Zolkos",352 "2010-10-24","added tip about ruby-debug needing a different gem if us...","Rob Zolkos",352 "2010-10-16","implements weeks_ago and prev_week for Date/DateTime/Tim...","Rob Zolkos",352 "2010-10-15","remove Mongrel from debugger docs","Rob Zolkos",352 "2010-10-15","WEBrick is the default web server, not Mongrel [#186 sta...","Rob Zolkos",352 "2007-12-05","Enhance documentation for Active Support's Time Conversi...","Rob Sanheim",352 "2007-10-08","Documentation for assert_valid_keys. Closes #7264 [tarm...","Rob Sanheim",352 "2007-06-08","Clean up junk test. Closes #7973 [Rob Sanheim]","Rob Sanheim",352 "2007-06-08","Improve Text Helper test coverage. Closes #7274.","Rob Sanheim",352 "2007-02-04","apply [6113] to stable","Rob Sanheim",352 "2007-02-04","fix form_for example in ActionController::Resources docu...","Rob Sanheim",352 "2007-01-15","Improve the documentation for customising your rescue ac...","Rob Sanheim",352 "2006-11-20","Merge [5591] from trunk.","Rob Sanheim",352 "2006-11-20","Ensure render_to_string cleans up after itself when an e...","Rob Sanheim",352 "2011-06-19","Merge remote branch 'rails/master' into pg_schema_fu","Paul Gallagher",352 "2011-06-19","Make PostgreSQL adapter view-compatible","Paul Gallagher",352 "2011-06-11","make extract_schema_and_table a private method","Paul Gallagher",352 "2011-06-10","remove table quoting in primary_key method","Paul Gallagher",352 "2011-06-10","apply private method indentation convention","Paul Gallagher",352 "2011-06-10","Improve PostgreSQL adapter schema-awareness","Paul Gallagher",352 "2011-06-08","Make escape_javascript happy to handle SafeBuffers","Paul Gallagher",352 "2011-06-08","Make escape_javascript happy to handle SafeBuffers","Paul Gallagher",352 "2011-06-08","Make escape_javascript happy to handle SafeBuffers","Paul Gallagher",352 "2012-06-17","Rails is the default (but now override able) source for ...","Pat Allan",352 "2012-06-17","Cleaning up after some warnings, adding slightly higher-...","Pat Allan",352 "2012-06-17","One line db:create/db:drop tasks.","Pat Allan",352 "2012-06-17","db:drop and some of db:test:purge.","Pat Allan",352 "2012-06-17","db:create for PostgreSQL pulled out into a class.","Pat Allan",352 "2012-06-17","db:create for MySQL now much cleaner.","Pat Allan",352 "2012-06-17","Confirm connection is not established if file exists.","Pat Allan",352 "2012-06-16","A beginning of sorts.","Pat Allan",352 "2012-02-23","SSL should not be disabled by default in any environment.","Pat Allan",352 "2010-05-23","Don't incompatibly monkeypatch ERB.","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2010-05-23","Don't always mark the argument to #concat as HTML-safe.","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2010-05-23","Mark all raw HTML being concatted as HTML-safe.","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2010-04-28","Only run load hooks once a file has been fully loaded.","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2009-12-10","Add autoloads for ActionView::Template* classes, and an ...","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2009-11-06","When rendering layouts with blocks, use #capture to avoi...","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2008-12-15","Auto-load template handlers based on unmatched extension...","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2008-05-02","Capture view errors in ActionView::Template.","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2008-03-15","Handle template error gracefully when line number cannot...","Nathan Weizenbaum",352 "2013-01-20","Add documentation to ActionDispatch::Response","Matthew Stopa",352 "2013-01-16","More documentation for ActionDispatch::Response","Matthew Stopa",352 "2013-01-16","Document ActionDispatch::Response#body method","Matthew Stopa",352 "2013-01-04","Readd deleted section of caching rails guide","Matthew Stopa",352 "2013-01-03","Remove action/page caching from Rails guides","Matthew Stopa",352 "2013-01-03","Add documentation for BacktraceCleaner#remove_filters!","Matthew Stopa",352 "2013-01-01","Add more documentation to TimeWithZone","Matthew Stopa",352 "2013-01-01","Add documentation for TimeWithZone methods","Matthew Stopa",352 "2013-01-01","Add documentation for the TimeWithZone#dst? method.","Matthew Stopa",352 "2008-03-20","Re-added ActionView::Helpers::register_javascript/styles...","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2008-03-13","Added ActionView::Helpers::register_javascript/styleshee...","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2008-03-13","Fixed that BufferedLogger should create its own director...","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2008-02-08","Fix problem with render :partial collections, records, a...","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2008-01-05","More thoroughly quote table names. Exposes some issues w...","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2007-11-26","Foxy fixtures: allow mixed usage to make migration easie...","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2007-09-08","Fix layout overriding response status. Closes #9476.","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2007-06-07","More nested polymorphic url helper fixes. Closes #6432, ...","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2006-08-30","Inflections: don't singularize -ies plurals.","Mark Van Holstyn",352 "2012-05-25","Reorder deep_symbolize_keys methods","Mark McSpadden",352 "2012-05-23","Add Hash#deep_transform_keys and Hash#deep_transform_key...","Mark McSpadden",352 "2012-05-23","Add Hash#transform_keys and Hash#transform_keys! and ref...","Mark McSpadden",352 "2012-05-17","Fix documentation around duplicable regarding Class and ...","Mark McSpadden",352 "2012-05-17","Remove special cases for duplicable? on Class and Module","Mark McSpadden",352 "2012-03-21","Allow manual rollbacks in after_save to reset object cor...","Mark McSpadden",352 "2012-02-14","Remove double test for header inheritance leaks","Mark McSpadden",352 "2012-02-14","Allow ActiveResource subclasses to inherit headers from ...","Mark McSpadden",352 "2012-01-27","Add Inflection test (and fixes) to ensure singularizing ...","Mark McSpadden",352 "2009-07-30","Fix tag helpers so that all HTML element boolean attribu...","Marc Love",352 "2007-05-30","Quickref for association methods. Closes #7723.","Marc Love",352 "2007-05-29","SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle: quote column names in...","Marc Love",352 "2007-05-27","Wordsmith resources documentation. Closes #8484.","Marc Love",352 "2007-05-22","Resource namespaces are inherited by their has_many subr...","Marc Love",352 "2007-05-06","Add documentation for :encoding option to mysql adapter....","Marc Love",352 "2006-11-02","Merge [5388] from trunk.","Marc Love",352 "2006-11-02","next_week respects DST changes. Closes #5617, closes #23...","Marc Love",352 "2006-10-24","next_week respects DST changes. Closes #6483.","Marc Love",352 "2008-03-31","Ensure that validates_uniqueness_of works with with_scop...","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2008-03-29","Fixed that validates_size_of :within works in associatio...","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2008-03-26","Fix issue where the :uniq option of a has_many :through ...","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2008-03-26","Fix duplicate table alias error when including an associ...","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2008-03-23","Fix merging blank conditions. Closes #10764 [mcmire, cav...","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2008-03-21","Fix an edge case with extra periods in Routing.normalize...","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2008-03-17","Ensure that you can still do expressions in calculations...","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2008-03-13","port [9018] to 2.0 stable","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2008-03-13","Ensure that ActiveRecord::Calculations disambiguates fie...","Luismi Cavallé",352 "2012-12-21","Refactor Hash.from_xml.","Katrina Owen",352 "2012-12-09","Include command to create mysql user","Katrina Owen",352 "2012-11-09","Add note about squashing in contributor guide.","Katrina Owen",352 "2012-11-09","Fix message about include_blank option.","Katrina Owen",352 "2012-10-10","Expand caveat about models in migrations (rails guide)","Katrina Owen",352 "2012-07-13","Add link to relevant rails guide to Active Record unit t...","Katrina Owen",352 "2012-07-13","Add note about needing mysql superuser for unit tests.","Katrina Owen",352 "2012-07-13","Add documentation for ActiveRecord::Observer.","Katrina Owen",352 "2011-01-09","Adding postgresql template option when executing db:test...","Katrina Owen",352 "2013-07-17","Use latest mysql2.","Josef Šimánek",352 "2013-07-16","Added generated unit test for generator generator and ne...","Josef Šimánek",352 "2013-07-13","Remove update:application_controller rake task.","Josef Šimánek",352 "2012-02-18","Update activerecord/CHANGELOG.md","Josef Šimánek",352 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #82 from simi/encode_with","Josef Šimánek",352 "2012-02-07","Correcting ActiveRecord::Core#encode_with docs","Josef Šimánek",352 "2011-12-24","Changelog release dates fixed according to rubygems.org","Josef Šimánek",352 "2011-12-21","rails version order fixed and formatted in railties chan...","Josef Šimánek",352 "2011-10-10","Active Record changelog mistakes","Josef Šimánek",352 "2012-04-23","Only include Rake::DSL if it's defined.","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2012-04-21","Only include Rake::DSL if it's defined.","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2012-03-28","datetime_select should work with -/+ infinity dates","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2012-01-24","datetime_select should work with -/+ infinity dates","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2011-10-27","Added failing test case for changing schema in migration...","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2011-10-27","Added failing test case for changing schema in migration...","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2010-04-12","Avoid unnecessary allocations in Inflector.underscore [#...","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2009-05-18","Add ability to get multiple memcached keys at the same t...","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2009-05-18","Add ability to get multiple memcached keys at the same t...","Joe Van Dyk",352 "2008-11-02","Updated guide authors.txt with Heiko's bio","Heiko Webers",352 "2008-10-24","new header injection section for security guide","Heiko Webers",352 "2008-10-14","small fixes in security guide","Heiko Webers",352 "2008-10-11","small fixes in security guide","Heiko Webers",352 "2008-09-17","Added introduction, highlighting and additional resource...","Heiko Webers",352 "2008-09-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Heiko Webers",352 "2008-09-17","Added introduction, highlighting and additional resource...","Heiko Webers",352 "2008-09-14","Removed old security guide","Heiko Webers",352 "2008-09-14","Updated security guide","Heiko Webers",352 "2012-05-25","Add comment for attr_accessible/attr_protected :as optio...","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-05-11","Test Hash#except can receive more than one argument.","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-05-11","Fix copypaste. [ci skip]","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-05-08","Add example for image_submit_tag with confirmation. [ci ...","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-05-08","Add annotaion for class_eval in AbstractController#helpe...","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-05-08","Improve readability of metaprogramming annotations at Ab...","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-05-01","Add empty rows to improve readability. [ci skip]","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-05-01","Add few lines to describe how aggregation part caching w...","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-05-01","Add line which gives a little bit more information how *...","Edward Tsech",352 "2012-11-18","Add test to ensure preloading works as expected with "se...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2011-12-18","Rename STRUCTURE to DB_STRUCTURE, update dump task descr...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2011-12-16","Make structure file configureable in db:structure:dump a...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2011-12-14","dbconsole: Use the app's database_configuration instead ...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2011-07-23","Fix fragment cache helper regression on cache miss intro...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2011-07-23","Fix fragment cache helper regression on cache miss intro...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2011-07-04","Only call set_owner_attributes for has_one association i...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2011-07-04","Only call set_owner_attributes for has_one association i...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2007-06-03","Allow JSON-style values for the :with option of observe_...","Dieter Komendera",352 "2011-10-27","Fix railtie configuration test calling PostsController#c...","Denis Odorcic",352 "2011-10-10","JSON responder should return errors with :error root","Denis Odorcic",352 "2011-09-16","Fix ActiveResource JSON error parser and incorrect tests","Denis Odorcic",352 "2010-11-10","Remove useless cgi","Denis Odorcic",352 "2010-11-07","Fix FileStore cache incorrectly regenerating its key fro...","Denis Odorcic",352 "2010-11-07","Fix FileStore cache incorrectly regenerating its key fro...","Denis Odorcic",352 "2010-10-30","Convert :primary_key in association to a string before c...","Denis Odorcic",352 "2010-03-21","Remove data-url support from url_helper [#4236 state:res...","Denis Odorcic",352 "2010-03-12","Made asset_tag_helper use config.perform_caching instead...","Denis Odorcic",352 "2010-11-07","Make cookies hash in ActionDispatch::TestProcess indiffe...","David Trasbo",352 "2010-09-18","Remove existing migration when using 'rails generate mod...","David Trasbo",352 "2010-09-06","Wrap all occurences of <script> in a <tt> tag in docs [#...","David Trasbo",352 "2010-07-08","Return from ActiveRecord::Base#attributes= unless value ...","David Trasbo",352 "2010-06-29","Remove ActiveRecord::Base#class_name [#379 state:committed]","David Trasbo",352 "2010-06-29","Deprecate ActiveRecord::Base#class_name [#379 state:comm...","David Trasbo",352 "2010-06-29","Only tell users that the Rails gem is missing if it's ac...","David Trasbo",352 "2010-06-27","Change reference to Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError to ...","David Trasbo",352 "2010-06-26","Make sure ActiveResource::Errors#from_json doesn't pass ...","David Trasbo",352 "2010-07-19","Minor performance improvment in notifications/fanout and...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2009-05-17","has_one :through should not create a new association whe...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2009-05-17","has_one :through should not create a new association whe...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2009-02-05","check for template with specified extension but without ...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2008-08-24","Use klass.sti_name to make sure associations take store_...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2008-08-24","Ensure script/generate finds generators from symlinked p...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2008-07-22","Use klass.sti_name to make sure associations take store_...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2008-07-12","Ensure script/generate finds generators from symlinked p...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2008-07-09","Ensure NamedScope#build/create/create!/new works as expe...","Daniel Guettler",352 "2012-10-15","Minor cleanup, helper method was only used once","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2012-08-29","Fixed indendation","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2012-07-26","Update activerecord/CHANGELOG.md","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2012-05-14","'Netherlands locale' does not make any sense, it's Dutch...","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2012-05-14","Improved the readability of some sentences [ci skip]","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2012-05-07","Compressed all images from the guide through ImageOptim ...","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2012-05-07","Compressed all images from the guide through ImageOptim ...","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2012-05-02","Changed code examples to have a consistent code styling ...","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2011-10-04","to_formatted_s is an instance method for a Range not an ...","Ayrton De Craene",352 "2013-07-29","Fixing the broken URL [skip ci]","Ankit Gupta",352 "2013-07-28","Cleanup of class_name","Ankit Gupta",352 "2013-07-25","Typo fix","Ankit Gupta",352 "2013-07-12","Typo fix [skip ci]","Ankit Gupta",352 "2013-07-07","Refactored strong paramters usage and updated Gemfile.lo...","Ankit Gupta",352 "2013-07-06","Some performance benchmarking for take vs limit","Ankit Gupta",352 "2013-07-04","SQL Keywords to be in UPPERCASE","Ankit Gupta",352 "2013-07-04","Replaced older rocket sign to new :","Ankit Gupta",352 "2013-07-04","[ci skip] Separated full stop from the Optimistic_concur...","Ankit Gupta",352 "2012-11-25","Don't call will_change! for datetime nil->"".","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2006-04-26","Mention in docs that config.frameworks doesn't work when...","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2005-06-18","Fixed that adding a record to a has_and_belongs_to colle...","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2005-04-30","Fixed incompatibility with Base#find with an array of id...","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2005-04-30","Fixed assert_redirected_to to work with :only_path => fa...","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2005-04-19","More documentation #1148 [Alisdair McDiarmid]","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2005-04-17","Fixed url_for(nil) in functional tests #1116 [Alisdair M...","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2005-03-20","Fixed acts_as_list to trigger remove_from_list on destro...","Alisdair McDiarmid",352 "2012-09-05","Update changelog with time column type casting fix","Adam Meehan",352 "2012-09-05","Fix for time type columns with invalid time","Adam Meehan",352 "2011-03-23","Fix before_type_cast for timezone aware attributes by ca...","Adam Meehan",352 "2011-03-23","Fix before_type_cast for timezone aware attributes by ca...","Adam Meehan",352 "2010-08-09","typo in AM","Adam Meehan",352 "2010-08-09","typo in AM","Adam Meehan",352 "2010-06-29","accepts_nested_attributes_for typo","Adam Meehan",352 "2009-05-25","typo in AS","Adam Meehan",352 "2008-06-25","example output of content_tag block form was incorrectly...","Adam Meehan",352 "2010-11-28","Allow http templates again, fix the broken test","Xavier Shay",319 "2010-03-05","Remove some of the blank rescues from number helper. Thi...","Xavier Shay",319 "2008-12-12","ActionMailer::Base - add example of multiple recipients ...","Xavier Shay",319 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Xavier Shay",319 "2008-02-07","Apply [8810], [8811], [8812], and [8813] to 2.0 stable","Xavier Shay",319 "2008-02-07","Fix typo in form_helper documentation. Closes #10650 [xa...","Xavier Shay",319 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Xavier Shay",319 "2008-01-02","Fix atom_feed_helper to comply with the atom spec. Clos...","Xavier Shay",319 "2007-12-13","Document what to pass the :accept option for validates_a...","Xavier Shay",319 "2007-09-30","Make size for has_many :through use counter cache if it ...","Xavier Shay",319 "2010-09-27","Fix issue with remove_index and add unit test [#5645 sta...","Tim Connor",319 "2010-09-27","Raise errors when index creation fails","Tim Connor",319 "2010-09-26","Fix remove_index issue when provided :name is a symbol","Tim Connor",319 "2010-09-26","Fix remove_index issue when provided :name is a symbol","Tim Connor",319 "2010-09-18","Fix issue with remove_index and add unit test [#5645 sta...","Tim Connor",319 "2010-09-18","Raise errors when index creation fails","Tim Connor",319 "2009-06-06","Work around a gem dependency edge case that prevents Rai...","Tim Connor",319 "2009-06-06","Work around a gem dependency edge case that prevents Rai...","Tim Connor",319 "2009-05-05","fix problems with requires in metal choking under develo...","Tim Connor",319 "2009-05-05","fix problems with requires in metal choking under develo...","Tim Connor",319 "2005-02-19","Added :order option for date_select that allows control ...","Tim Bates",319 "2005-02-17","Addded validation for validate all the associated object...","Tim Bates",319 "2005-02-07","Dont call id explicitly to do reloading that way we get ...","Tim Bates",319 "2005-01-18","Fixed that the belongs_to and has_one proxy would fail a...","Tim Bates",319 "2005-01-15","Added validates_associated that enables validation of ob...","Tim Bates",319 "2005-01-15","Added support for associating unsaved objects #402 [Tim ...","Tim Bates",319 "2005-01-10","Added that form helpers now take an index option #448 [T...","Tim Bates",319 "2004-12-31","Added "short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new ...","Tim Bates",319 "2004-12-31","Added tests for acts_as_list with scope is null #378 [Ti...","Tim Bates",319 "2004-12-01","Added reverse order of deleting fixtures, so referential...","Tim Bates",319 "2012-05-06","remove .new from raise ActionController::UnknownFormat","Steven Soroka",319 "2012-05-06","added an integration test that checks ActionController::...","Steven Soroka",319 "2012-05-06","Raise a rescuable exception when Rails doesn't know what...","Steven Soroka",319 "2008-05-17","Make sure clone_structure can load the results of dump_s...","Steven Soroka",319 "2008-05-01","best solution?","Steven Soroka",319 "2008-04-21","Use the rails user when creating and dropping the databa...","Steven Soroka",319 "2008-02-02","Git support for script/generate. Closes #10690.","Steven Soroka",319 "2007-12-28","Use extract_options! rather than Hash test + pop. Closes...","Steven Soroka",319 "2007-12-14","Docfix (closes #10429) [jamesh/ssoroka]","Steven Soroka",319 "2007-12-08","Clean up some cruft around ActionController::Base#head. ...","Steven Soroka",319 "2012-06-19","Refactor db:charset task","Simon Jefford",319 "2010-09-10","Add configuration option for tld length","Simon Jefford",319 "2010-05-16","Tests for new reserved words [#4602 state:resolved]","Simon Jefford",319 "2010-05-16","Check blocks are not incorrectly detected when compiling...","Simon Jefford",319 "2009-08-09","Add test for routes_for_controller_and_action deprecatio...","Simon Jefford",319 "2009-03-06","Updated the Rails on Rack section concerning metal","Simon Jefford",319 "2009-03-06","Ensure that loading metals from the main app and engines...","Simon Jefford",319 "2009-03-03","Enhanced Rails Metal - the load order of metals can now ...","Simon Jefford",319 "2008-07-02","Add :as option to render a collection of partials with a...","Simon Jefford",319 "2007-10-27","Integration tests: get_ and post_via_redirect take a hea...","Simon Jefford",319 "2009-05-01","Added routing test for irregular ID requirements and cus...","Ruy Asan",319 "2009-05-01","Added routing test for irregular ID requirements and cus...","Ruy Asan",319 "2009-05-01","Fixed bug with polymorphic has_one :as pointing to an ST...","Ruy Asan",319 "2009-05-01","Fixed bug with polymorphic has_one :as pointing to an ST...","Ruy Asan",319 "2008-06-11","TimeZone -> ActiveSupport::TimeZone. [#387 state:resolved]","Ruy Asan",319 "2008-06-11","TimeZone -> ActiveSupport::TimeZone. [#387 state:resolved]","Ruy Asan",319 "2008-04-10","Ensure that save on child object fails for invalid belon...","Ruy Asan",319 "2008-04-06","Refactor HasManyThroughAssociation to inherit from HasMa...","Ruy Asan",319 "2008-02-27","Remove dead code from hmt#delete. Closes #11236 [rubyruy]","Ruy Asan",319 "2007-09-22","Fixed JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript to also escape ...","Ruy Asan",319 "2013-05-30","Revert "change additional 'RESTful' routes to 'resourcef...","Russell Norris",319 "2013-05-30","change additional 'RESTful' routes to 'resourceful' rout...","Russell Norris",319 "2013-04-09","improve accuracy of simple_format documentation. span do...","Russell Norris",319 "2008-09-10","fixed association preloading to use = instead of IN when...","Russell Norris",319 "2008-09-10","fixed association preloading to use = instead of IN when...","Russell Norris",319 "2008-07-13","Ensure :index works with fields_for select methods. [#51...","Russell Norris",319 "2008-03-29","Dirty typecasts attribute values before comparison, if p...","Russell Norris",319 "2007-09-22","Use rel="stylesheet" in lowercase as prescribed by XHTML...","Russell Norris",319 "2006-12-19","Merge [5755] from trunk. Closes #6514, closes #6743.","Russell Norris",319 "2006-12-19","Only cache GET requests with a 200 OK response. Closes #...","Russell Norris",319 "2011-06-08","No need to create a new Arel::Table, as the arel_table m...","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2011-03-05","Pointing out that dynamic_form plugin must be installed ...","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2011-02-27","Pointing out that dynamic_form plugin must be installed ...","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2011-02-23","Fixing wrong class name.","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2011-02-23","ActiveModel::Validator#validate must receive have a reco...","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2011-02-21","Adding new examples for update_all method","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2011-02-21","Adding examples","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2011-02-21","Adding new examples for update_all method","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2011-02-21","Adding examples","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2010-04-25","Fix validates_numericaly_of only integer error message [...","Rodrigo Navarro",319 "2012-05-03","use extract_options!","Paul McMahon",319 "2012-05-03","I found it strange that this guide is redirecting questi...","Paul McMahon",319 "2012-01-31","Use conditional instead of try","Paul McMahon",319 "2012-01-29","Decouple finding matching class from instantiation","Paul McMahon",319 "2012-01-28","Move argument validation into match","Paul McMahon",319 "2012-01-28","Extract different DynamicFinderMatch subclasses","Paul McMahon",319 "2012-01-27","Fix regression from Rails 3.1","Paul McMahon",319 "2012-01-25","Test for unicode path support","Paul McMahon",319 "2012-01-25","allow requiring of 'active_model/naming'","Paul McMahon",319 "2011-10-28","Add missing type to number_field_tag documentation","Paul McMahon",319 "2011-08-13","Allow ActiveRecord observers to be disabled.","Myron Marston",319 "2011-08-13","Allow ActiveRecord observers to be disabled.","Myron Marston",319 "2011-05-06","Add documentation for new observer enable/disable feature.","Myron Marston",319 "2011-04-28","Add additional tests for AM::ObserverArray that I had mi...","Myron Marston",319 "2011-04-28","Fix bug with AM::Observer disablement.","Myron Marston",319 "2011-04-28","Fix dev env memory leaks by using AS::DescendantsTracker...","Myron Marston",319 "2011-04-28","Revert "Revert "Handle enabling/disabling observers at d...","Myron Marston",319 "2011-04-28","Handle enabling/disabling observers at different levels ...","Myron Marston",319 "2011-04-28","Allow observers to be enabled and disabled.","Myron Marston",319 "2011-04-28","Wrap line that is over 200 characters long. Now it's mu...","Myron Marston",319 "2011-07-25","Update the TIP formatter to handle multiline tips","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-25","Rewrite apart of the REST section to be in the present t...","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-25","Provide consistant indentation for the example code","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-24","Simpler brief explanation of Rails and REST","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-24","Update the TIP formatter to handle multiline tips","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-24","Rewrite apart of the REST section to be in the present t...","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2011-07-24","Provide consistant indentation for the example code","Michael Lavrisha",319 "2013-01-27","Detail middleware initialization points in the initializ...","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-04-16","Update Rails 3.2.3 release date in changelogs as March 3...","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-04-14","fix bad format [ci skip]","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-04-12","Add documentation to detail passing of an object as the ...","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-04-12","Fix further typos in ActiveSupport::Notifications","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-04-12","Fix rdoc typo in ActiveSupport::Notifications","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-03-28","clarification to prevent confusing newbies; Passenger/Un...","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-03-11","Fixed Issue #2884 ActiveModel::SecurePassword code / rdo...","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-03-11","added clarification stating the counter_cache attribute ...","Michael de Silva",319 "2012-01-31","clarification to prevent confusing newbies; Passenger/Un...","Michael de Silva",319 "2009-08-10","Make sure link_to generates the form with the specified ...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-08-09","Make sure link_to generates the form with the specified ...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-04-21","Fixed dumping from postgresql columns in index in wrong ...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-04-21","Fixed wrong quoting of index names in postgres [#2402 st...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-04-21","Fixed dumping from postgresql columns in index in wrong ...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-04-21","Fixed wrong quoting of index names in postgres [#2402 st...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-04-21","Support multiple schemas in table names for postgresql [...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-04-05","Support multiple schemas in table names for postgresql [...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-02-06","Support true/false in query_attribute for calculated col...","Max Lapshin",319 "2009-02-06","Fixed tests of postgresql money insertion when non-C locale","Max Lapshin",319 "2010-11-19","Reeject attributes even if association is loaded","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","Test reorganization","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","Separated initialization","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","IdentityMap - Fixes problem with dirty attributes","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","IdentityMap - Adjustments to test cases","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","Looping prevention for autosave relations on validation ...","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","IdentityMap - adding and removing of records on create/u...","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","IdentityMap - misc fixes","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","IdentityMap - Tests for IM","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2010-11-19","IdentityMap - Adding Weakling and IM Base as concern","Marcin Raczkowski",319 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2006-09-04","Fixed TextHelper#simple_format to deal with multiple sin...","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2006-01-21","Fixed documentation tasks to work with Rake 0.7.0 (close...","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2005-11-13"," r3008@asus (orig r2978): david | 2005-11-11 01:50:42 -...","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2005-11-11","Added stable branch to prepare for 1.0 release","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2005-11-11","Make sure that legacy db tasks also reference :database ...","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2005-09-28","Make table_name and controller_name in generators honor ...","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2005-07-17","Fix doc typos #1734 [moriq@moriq.com]","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2005-02-07","Fixed that query params could be forced to nil on a POST...","Kazuhiro Yoshida",319 "2012-09-13","Freeze columns before using them as hash keys","Jeremy Evans",319 "2011-09-07","Add tests for fixes to Time.===","Jeremy Evans",319 "2011-09-01","Edited activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/ca...","Jeremy Evans",319 "2008-01-11","Fixed ActionView::Helpers::ActiveRecordHelper::form for ...","Jeremy Evans",319 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Jeremy Evans",319 "2006-04-07","Added ActionController.filter_parameter_logging that mak...","Jeremy Evans",319 "2006-03-16","Alias the has_and_belongs_to_many join table on eager in...","Jeremy Evans",319 "2005-11-17"," r3148@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-17 12:45:44 -0800","Jeremy Evans",319 "2005-11-17","Don't add the same conditions twice in has_one finder sq...","Jeremy Evans",319 "2005-07-17","Added options hash as third argument to FormHelper#input...","Jeremy Evans",319 "2012-05-22","refactor lazy_load_hooks load position","Jan Xie",319 "2012-05-22","remove useless require","Jan Xie",319 "2012-04-15","fix ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks doc","Jan Xie",319 "2012-04-08","fix doc for ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Callback#define_co...","Jan Xie",319 "2011-05-25","fix Rails::Paths::Root document","Jan Xie",319 "2011-05-05","add tests for performance test","Jan Xie",319 "2011-05-05","minitest/ruby19 compatible performance test","Jan Xie",319 "2011-02-08","make set_table_name take effect immediately","Jan Xie",319 "2010-10-20","default scope merge where clauses [#5488 state:resolved]","Jan Xie",319 "2010-10-20","default scope merge where clauses [#5488 state:resolved]","Jan Xie",319 "2008-03-02","Allow html_options to be passed to all the date helpers....","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2007-09-22","Added TEMPLATE option to rake doc:app to set a custom ou...","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2007-03-03","SQLServer: recognize real column type as Ruby float, cor...","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2007-01-28","Merge [6084] from trunk. References #7083.","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2007-01-28","SQLServer: don't choke on strings containing 'null'. Clo...","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2006-09-01","Deprecation: update docs. Closes #5998.","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2006-02-25","rake appdoc fails with unrecognized option (closes #3757...","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2005-11-08","Correct versioning in :freeze_gems Rake task. Closes #2...","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2005-09-26","Make migrations honor table name prefixes and suffixes.","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2005-09-02","Fixtures ignore table name prefix and suffix #1987 [Jako...","Jakob Skjerning",319 "2013-09-12","Enabled quirks mode on JSON.parse, fixes broken test in ...","Godfrey Chan",319 "2013-09-12","Replace JSON.load with JSON.parse, also removed the proc...","Godfrey Chan",319 "2013-05-01","Handle aliased attributes in ActiveRecord::Relation.","Godfrey Chan",319 "2013-05-01","Mute psql output when running rake db:schema:load","Godfrey Chan",319 "2012-06-21","Small typo in Backporting instructions.","Godfrey Chan",319 "2012-06-21","Adds missing inflector tests to ensure idempotency","Godfrey Chan",319 "2012-05-23","Added instructions for backporting changes to guides.","Godfrey Chan",319 "2012-05-22","Fixes the build break caused by 9ee8528 in #6445.","Godfrey Chan",319 "2012-05-22","Restore the frozen state on rollback. Fixes #6417.","Godfrey Chan",319 "2012-05-21","Restore the frozen state on rollback. Fixes #6417.","Godfrey Chan",319 "2012-12-10","Document adding member route without the option","Florent Guilleux",319 "2012-12-01","Add documentation to AssetTagHelper#image_alt [ci skip]","Florent Guilleux",319 "2012-12-01","Revert "Remove trailing whitespaces"","Florent Guilleux",319 "2012-12-01","Remove trailing whitespaces","Florent Guilleux",319 "2012-12-01","Add documentation to TransactionIsolationError [ci skip]","Florent Guilleux",319 "2012-12-01","Fix Calculations#pluck doc to mention several attributes...","Florent Guilleux",319 "2012-06-16","Add documentation for ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#reverse...","Florent Guilleux",319 "2012-06-16","Add documentation for ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#limit [...","Florent Guilleux",319 "2012-02-27","document how to create non show paths from an array of p...","Florent Guilleux",319 "2011-08-13","Document exclamation point on dynamic finders","Florent Guilleux",319 "2011-10-14","Use .add instead of << to add errors","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2011-10-11","Use .add instead of << to add errors","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2011-09-25","Implement Mime::Type#respond_to? (consistently with #met...","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2010-10-01","Fix serialization :include option name","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2010-08-21","Fix docs to reference ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2010-06-27","Add module_eval missing file_name and line_number args","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2010-06-26","Add module_eval missing file_name and line_number args [...","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2010-06-15","Fix a bunch of minor spelling mistakes","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2010-06-11","Fix minor mistake in activemodel/README","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2010-06-11","Fix a bunch of minor spelling mistakes","Evgeniy Dolzhenko",319 "2006-11-02","Merge [5388] from trunk.","Eric Hodel",319 "2006-11-02","next_week respects DST changes. Closes #5617, closes #23...","Eric Hodel",319 "2006-09-10","Fix assert_tag so that :content => "foo" does not match ...","Eric Hodel",319 "2005-03-20","Added more FormTagHelper test cases #860 [Eric Hodel]","Eric Hodel",319 "2005-02-18","Fixed that assert_template_xpath_matches did not indicat...","Eric Hodel",319 "2005-02-07","Fixed that cookies shouldn't be frozen in TestRequest #5...","Eric Hodel",319 "2005-01-15","Fixed that unit tests for MySQL are now run as the "rail...","Eric Hodel",319 "2005-01-13","Fixed that bcc and cc should be settable through @bcc an...","Eric Hodel",319 "2004-12-07","Added indifference to whether @headers["Content-Type"], ...","Eric Hodel",319 "2004-11-25","Fixed AbstractRequest#remote_ip for users going through ...","Eric Hodel",319 "2012-04-30","distance_of_time_in_words: Add/tweak comments to underst...","Elliot Winkler",319 "2012-04-30","distance_of_time_in_words: 45-60 days is about 2 months,...","Elliot Winkler",319 "2011-07-25","Improve ch. 1 of the Form Helpers guide","Elliot Winkler",319 "2011-07-24","Improve ch. 1 of the Form Helpers guide","Elliot Winkler",319 "2011-07-18","ActiveRecord: Fix eager loading so that giving a blank o...","Elliot Winkler",319 "2011-07-18","ActiveRecord: Fix eager loading so that giving a blank o...","Elliot Winkler",319 "2009-08-10","Add validates_format_of :without => /regexp/ option [Ell...","Elliot Winkler",319 "2009-07-02","Patch FormTagHelper so that when a form tag is created, ...","Elliot Winkler",319 "2009-07-02","Patch FormTagHelper so that when a form tag is created, ...","Elliot Winkler",319 "2008-03-23","Fix merging blank conditions. Closes #10764 [mcmire, cav...","Elliot Winkler",319 "2011-09-13","getting_started.textile: Fix typo and split up a sentenc...","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-09-13","getting_started.textile: Fix typos in section "Rendering...","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-09-12","getting_started.textile: Fix typo and split up a sentenc...","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-09-12","getting_started.textile: Fix typos in section "Rendering...","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-09-11","getting_started.textile section 6: Correct file names in...","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-09-08","getting_started.textile section 6: Correct file names in...","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-09-07","getting_started.textile: Fix another typo","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-09-05","getting_started.textile: fix minor typo","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-08-20","actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb: docs typo","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2011-08-20","ActionController::Redirecting : fix docs typo","Eduardo Cavazos",319 "2010-01-16","Fix #microseconds conversion and #fast_string_to_time","Chris Hapgood",319 "2009-11-06","Share ActionView::TestCase's output_buffer with view for...","Chris Hapgood",319 "2009-11-06","Make some assertions in the ActionView::TestCase tests a...","Chris Hapgood",319 "2009-11-06","Share ActionView::TestCase's output_buffer with view for...","Chris Hapgood",319 "2009-11-06","Make some assertions in the ActionView::TestCase tests a...","Chris Hapgood",319 "2009-11-05","Fix OrderedHash#replace","Chris Hapgood",319 "2009-11-05","Fix OrderedHash#replace","Chris Hapgood",319 "2008-05-19","Test for assert_response for failure response without an...","Chris Hapgood",319 "2008-02-07","Apply [8810], [8811], [8812], and [8813] to 2.0 stable","Chris Hapgood",319 "2008-02-07","Fix bug with setting Request#format= after the getter ha...","Chris Hapgood",319 "2013-06-30","store a symbol directly inside DISPATCH_CACHE for extra ...","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-30","reverts changes to Rails.version made in #8501","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-24","add changelog entry","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-21","remove references to *::VERSION, replace with *.version","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-21","Add version method to top level modules","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-16","fix incorrect ^$ usage leading to XSS in sanitize_css [C...","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-16","fix incorrect ^$ usage leading to XSS in sanitize_css [C...","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-16","fix incorrect ^$ usage leading to XSS in sanitize_css [C...","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-16","fix incorrect ^$ usage leading to XSS in sanitize_css [C...","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-03-16","fix incorrect ^$ usage leading to XSS in sanitize_css [C...","Charlie Somerville",319 "2013-04-13","Corrected paramter to parameter","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-04-06","Typo fix","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-03-31","Fix typo","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-03-26","Fix typo","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-03-22","Fix typo","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-03-18","Fix typo, ording to ordering","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-03-05","Fix typo","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-02-25","Typo fix","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-02-21","Typo fix.","Carson McDonald",319 "2013-02-11","Fix typo.","Carson McDonald",319 "2011-08-13","'/' was outside of anchor tag.","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-08-13","extra '/' removed from url, which was not linked","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-08-04","'/' was outside of anchor tag.","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-08-04","'/' was outside of anchor tag.","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-08-04","extra '/' removed from url, which was not linked","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-07-23","Download and installation, License and Support sections ...","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-07-23","Small missing information added to command description. ...","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-07-21","Download and installation, License and Support sections ...","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-06-10","Added acronym and reference link for Model–view–controller","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-06-08","Added acronym and reference link for Model–view–controller","Bratish Goswami",319 "2011-11-08"," Fix trouble using :subdomain in development environm...","Bradford Folkens",319 "2011-11-08","Fixed ' and ' should be ' && '","Bradford Folkens",319 "2011-11-08","Fix trouble using :subdomain in development environment ...","Bradford Folkens",319 "2011-07-14","assert nothing raised for setting a cookie value to nil ...","Bradford Folkens",319 "2011-07-14","write_cookies! in ActionDispatch::TestRequest won't writ...","Bradford Folkens",319 "2009-03-12","Ensure HWIA#reverse_merge! retrurns HWIA [#421 state:res...","Bradford Folkens",319 "2008-08-28","Reinstate Range#step default argument.","Bradford Folkens",319 "2008-08-28","Reinstate Range#step default argument.","Bradford Folkens",319 "2008-06-03","Fixed Request#remote_ip to only raise hell if the HTTP_C...","Bradford Folkens",319 "2008-06-03","Fixed Request#remote_ip to only raise hell if the HTTP_C...","Bradford Folkens",319 "2013-08-06","Remove privatizing of Fixnum#/ from assert_distance_of_t...","Alex Tambellini",319 "2013-08-03","Isolate railties Generators Tests","Alex Tambellini",319 "2013-08-02","Fix jruby warning when capture calls unlink on an open t...","Alex Tambellini",319 "2013-08-02","Fix ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation on jruby","Alex Tambellini",319 "2012-01-26","safe_constantize should handle wrong constant name NameE...","Alex Tambellini",319 "2012-01-26","safe_constantize should handle wrong constant name NameE...","Alex Tambellini",319 "2011-12-20","Fix reference to old :sql schema_format location","Alex Tambellini",319 "2011-12-19",NA,"Alex Tambellini",319 "2011-11-17","Move schema_format :sql config setting from test.rb to a...","Alex Tambellini",319 "2011-11-04","schema_format :sql should behave like schema_format :ruby","Alex Tambellini",319 "2012-09-05","Fixed array wrongly translated in footnote in a guide [c...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-09-02","Fixed validation issue and titles in Migrations guide [c...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-09-02","Fixed validation issue related to taken ID in Layout and...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-09-02","Fixed validation issues in the "Configuring Rails Applic...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-09-02","Fixed validation issues related to taken IDs in AR Query...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-09-02","Underscore in _attr_readonly method name is back (Upgrad...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-09-02","Fixed markup in Upgrading RoR guide [ci skip]","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-09-02","Fixed validation issue in Upgrading Ruby on Rails guide ...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-08-31","In example about params naming conventions use params[:p...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2012-08-30","Removed spaces between name and asterisks in example CHA...","Aldo &quot;xoen&quot; Giambelluca",319 "2008-11-23","Update with globally keyed fragments","Aditya",319 "2008-11-23","Updated with Conditional GET section lifted from Ryan's ...","Aditya",319 "2008-11-23","Add config.cache_store blurb and note about Rails using ...","Aditya",319 "2008-11-23","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Aditya",319 "2008-11-23","Fixed width font changes","Aditya",319 "2008-11-10","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Aditya",319 "2008-11-10","Updated as per Xavier's notes, still to do: Etags and gl...","Aditya",319 "2008-09-26","Add info about caching an action with or without the layout","Aditya",319 "2008-09-23","Updated with cleanups; new sections still to come","Aditya",319 "2008-09-15","Added first draft of caching guide; advanced caching is ...","Aditya",319 "2013-03-28","Fix updates not working within after_create hooks","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2013-03-19","Fix ActiveRecord locking column defaults not getting per...","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2011-03-08","Add better test scenario for around callback return results","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2011-03-08","Allow access to a callback event's return result from ar...","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2006-11-20","Merge [5586], [5596] from trunk.","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2006-11-20","Test for forged '' default before it's typecast. Closes ...","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2006-11-20","Run validations in the order they were declared. Closes ...","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2006-11-20","MySQL: detect when a NOT NULL column without a default v...","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2006-10-24","Make add_column use the options hash with the Sqlite Ada...","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2006-09-22","Look for rake tasks in plugin subdirs. Closes #6259.","Aaron Pfeifer",319 "2013-08-01","Added missing closing bracket for markdown url in guides...","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2012-09-28","Changed test names to match proper context","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2012-08-11","Added changelog entry for table name prefix fix [ci skip]","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2012-07-13","Updated with_routing example to 3.x syntax [ci skip]","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2012-07-06","Fixed generating namespaced table_name_prefix in engines","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2012-07-06","Added failing test for generating namespaced table_name_...","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2012-07-04","There is only task for installing migrations when using ...","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2012-04-02","removed unnecessary block when using fetch","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2011-11-10","fixed example code indentation","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2011-02-13","added proper require for ruby-debug19 gem to generated G...","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2011-02-13","added proper require for ruby-debug19 gem to generated G...","Wojciech Wnętrzak",300 "2010-01-16","Make script/dbconsole work again [#3690 state:resolved]","Sam Granieri",300 "2009-03-07","Allow String#parameterize to accept a separator [#2157 s...","Sam Granieri",300 "2009-02-25","Ruby 1.9 compat: silence a warning about regexp languages","Sam Granieri",300 "2009-02-25","Ruby 1.9 compat: silence a warning about regexp languages","Sam Granieri",300 "2008-07-24","Check for ActionMailer and ActionController before attem...","Sam Granieri",300 "2008-04-23","preventing generated documentation from being picked up ...","Sam Granieri",300 "2007-12-10","Remove references to ActsAs* from the README now that it...","Sam Granieri",300 "2007-11-16","Remove components mention from railties README. Closes #...","Sam Granieri",300 "2007-11-06","Update Schema documentation to use updated sexy migratio...","Sam Granieri",300 "2007-10-08","form_for example for namespaced routes. Closes #9769 [sj...","Sam Granieri",300 "2007-10-08","Change Migration documentation to use the new syntax. Cl...","Sam Granieri",300 "2011-03-28","Engines that use isolate_namespace with nested modules s...","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-27","Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into desc...","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-13","Revert "Revert "It should be possible to use ActiveSuppo...","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-13","Refactored AS::DescendantsTracker test cases so they can...","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-13","Missing dependency in MultiByte test.","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-13","Add missing dependency string inflection test.","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-13","Missing dependency for duration test.","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-12","Prevent callbacks in child classes from being executed m...","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-12","It should be possible to use ActiveSupport::DescendantTr...","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-12","adds a couple of missing AS dependencies","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2011-03-12","adds a couple of missing AS dependencies","Rolf Timmermans",300 "2010-09-15","Typos","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-21","Generators Guide: Fix another typo I introduced","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-20","Generators Guide: Typo of my own","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-20","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-20","Generators Guide: Style/grammar changes and minor typos","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-20","Generators Guide: Make titles conform to conventions","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-20","Generators Guide: Remove semicolons from prologue, as no...","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-14","Routing guide - Minor typo/consistency changes","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-14","Active Record Basics - Separate and clarify the explanat...","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-14","Active Record Basics - Style and grammar edits","Robert Speicher",300 "2010-06-14","Fix minor typos and inconsistencies, and one minor gramm...","Robert Speicher",300 "2012-10-09","Update test locations","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-25","Add missing inflector dependency","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Register AD::IntegrationTest for minitest's spec DSL","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Support helper tests using spec DSL","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Register helper and view tests for minitest's spec DSL","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Support mailer tests using spec DSL","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Register mailer tests for minitest's spec DSL","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Add register_spec_type test coverage","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Allow strings in the controller test describe blocks","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Support controller tests using spec DSL - fixes #7743","Mike Moore",300 "2012-09-24","Create ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup","Mike Moore",300 "2008-03-26","Standardise the implementation of the extensions to BigD...","Michael Galero",300 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11226) [mikong]","Michael Galero",300 "2007-12-29","Fixup mocha tests for 0.5.6. Closes #10602 [murphy, mikong]","Michael Galero",300 "2007-12-05","Reveal that the type option in migrations can be any sup...","Michael Galero",300 "2007-12-05","Document the timestamps schema definition method. Closes...","Michael Galero",300 "2007-10-26","Doc typo fixes for ActiveRecordHelper. Closes #9973 [mik...","Michael Galero",300 "2007-10-23","Added tests for options to ActiveRecordHelper#form. Clos...","Michael Galero",300 "2007-10-19","Move all Schema creation into schema.rb for Mysql. Close...","Michael Galero",300 "2007-10-16","Improve the error message for assert_redirected_to. Clos...","Michael Galero",300 "2007-10-15","Sync country_select with ISO 3166 long names. Closes #6...","Michael Galero",300 "2007-10-14","Fix environment.rb typos. Closes #9859 [fxn, mikong]","Michael Galero",300 "2013-07-09","Fix simple_format output example ending tag","Matt Bridges",300 "2013-01-16","clear specific logs when using rake log:clear","Matt Bridges",300 "2013-01-14","fix reference to ActiveSupport::ProxyObject","Matt Bridges",300 "2013-01-10","Updating Array access docs more consistent","Matt Bridges",300 "2013-01-09","adding small mention one single line blocks in contribut...","Matt Bridges",300 "2013-01-09","use multiline do-end blocks and rearrange definition for...","Matt Bridges",300 "2013-01-04","Small typo fix in railties/CHANGELOG.md","Matt Bridges",300 "2013-01-03","Typo and grammar fixes in the ActionPack CHANGELOG","Matt Bridges",300 "2012-10-16","Adding reference a few Time and Date aliases","Matt Bridges",300 "2012-02-21","Adding :last_week, :last_month, and :last_year aliases t...","Matt Bridges",300 "2012-01-26","Fixed small typo in ActveRecord/CHANGELOG.md","Matt Bridges",300 "2012-08-09","Add html_escape note to CHANGELOG","Mark Turner",300 "2012-08-09","Add html_escape note to CHANGELOG","Mark Turner",300 "2012-08-09","Add html_escape note to CHANGELOG","Mark Turner",300 "2012-05-02","Enable ActionDispatch::Http::Headers to support fetch","Mark Turner",300 "2011-02-21","Added .rvmrc to gitignore","Mark Turner",300 "2010-08-17","added testcase for belongs_to with a counter_cache and t...","Mark Turner",300 "2010-08-17","added testcase for belongs_to with a counter_cache and t...","Mark Turner",300 "2010-08-15","make rake routes print the name of a Rack endpoint app [...","Mark Turner",300 "2010-08-15","make rake routes print the name of a Rack endpoint app [...","Mark Turner",300 "2010-08-12","fixed indentation in test cases","Mark Turner",300 "2010-08-12","fixed indentation in test cases","Mark Turner",300 "2008-12-31","Removing topics that are covered in another guide.","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-25","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-25","fixing some disjointed ADD style writing.","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-23","The _at / _on timestamp methods do the same things, I se...","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-23","adding some documentation of the Active Record conventio...","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-23","More restructuring of this document. Trying to make the ...","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-18","Revisions to AR Basics Doc.","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-18","Added a brief overview of the intent of the guide and a ...","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-18","fleshing out the topics and removing some redundancy.","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-18","fleshing out some of the sub-topics of this guide.","Mark Daggett",300 "2008-10-16","Adding a stub file for the guide i'll be writing.","Mark Daggett",300 "2006-03-22","Fixed DB2 adapter so nullable columns will be determines...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2006-02-01","Fixed schema handling for DB2 adapter that didn't work: ...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2006-01-21","Treat timestamps like datetimes for scaffolding purposes...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2006-01-04","Multiple enhancements and adjustments to DB2 adaptor. Cl...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2005-10-27","Refactor DB exceptions and deal more with DB2 (closes #2...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2005-10-26","Added quoted_true and quoted_false methods to db2_adapte...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2005-10-12","Update DB2 adapter. Closes #2206.","Maik Schmidt",300 "2005-07-17","Fixed incompatibility in DB2 adapter with the new limit/...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2005-02-07","Added an Oracle adapter that works with the Oracle bindi...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Maik Schmidt",300 "2005-01-01","Added a db2 adapter that only depends on the Ruby/DB2 bi...","Maik Schmidt",300 "2013-05-02","Add parameter :sslcompression to PostgreSQL adapter.","Lars Kanis",300 "2013-05-02","Add note about libpq connection params in CHANGELOG","Lars Kanis",300 "2012-03-04","fix associations when using per class databases","Lars Kanis",300 "2012-02-10","fix associations when using per class databases","Lars Kanis",300 "2012-01-05","Postgresql: restore previous behaviour regarding to nil ...","Lars Kanis",300 "2012-01-04","Postgresql: add test case for setting custom libpq conne...","Lars Kanis",300 "2012-01-03","Postgresql: Allow setting of any libpq connection parame...","Lars Kanis",300 "2008-08-28","PostgreSQL: fix quote_string for certain old pg drivers....","Lars Kanis",300 "2008-08-28","PostgreSQL: fix quote_string for certain old pg drivers....","Lars Kanis",300 "2008-08-28","PostgreSQL: fix quote_string for certain old pg drivers....","Lars Kanis",300 "2005-02-28","Fixed that association#count would produce invalid sql w...","Lars Kanis",300 "2006-07-08","Firebird migrations support. Closes #5337.","Ken Kunz",300 "2006-06-03","Fixed issues with BLOB limits, charsets, and booleans fo...","Ken Kunz",300 "2006-06-03","Added disconnect! to Firebird adapter (closes #5210) [ke...","Ken Kunz",300 "2006-06-03","Make more Firebird tests pass (closes #5188) [kennethkun...","Ken Kunz",300 "2005-12-07"," r3363@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-06 22:26:27 -0800","Ken Kunz",300 "2005-12-02","Firebird: active? and reconnect! methods for handling st...","Ken Kunz",300 "2005-12-02"," r3339@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-01 17:03:16 -0800","Ken Kunz",300 "2005-12-02","Firebird: updated for FireRuby 0.4.0. References #3009.","Ken Kunz",300 "2005-11-24"," r3303@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 17:14:31 -0800","Ken Kunz",300 "2005-11-16"," r3116@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-16 00:17:06 -0800","Ken Kunz",300 "2005-09-02","Modify read_attribute to allow a symbol argument #2024 [...","Ken Kunz",300 "2013-06-06","Add info about contributing to docs to CONTRIBUTING.md","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-10-01","Fix broken scaffold routes test","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-09-29","Fixed generated whitespace in routes when using namespac...","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-08-09","Backport #7173.","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-08-09","Ported PR #4856 to 3-2-stable.","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-05-18","Tidied and standardised text_helper implementations.","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-05-18","Deprecate old APIs for highlight, excerpt and word_wrap","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-05-17","Removed old text_helper apis for highlight, excerpt and ...","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-02-02","Allow store to be a not null column.","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-01-22","Allow form.select to accept ranges.","Jeremy Walker",300 "2012-01-21","Fix inconsistent ability to use a range as choices for s...","Jeremy Walker",300 "2013-02-08","Fix test failure for ruby 1.8.","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-02-07","mysql2 adapter fixed upstream to delegate quoting of Big...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-02-07","active_record: Quote numeric values compared to string c...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-02-07","active_record: Quote numeric values compared to string c...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-02-07","active_record: Quote numeric values compared to string c...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-02-07","active_record: Quote numeric values compared to string c...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-01-11","Fix JSON params parsing regression for non-object JSON c...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-01-11","Fix json params parsing regression for non-object JSON c...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-01-11","Fix JSON params parsing regression for non-object JSON c...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-01-11","Fix JSON params parsing regression for non-object JSON c...","Dylan Smith",300 "2012-06-17","Avoid unnecessary catching of Exception instead of Stand...","Dylan Smith",300 "2013-06-28","find_in_batches should work without logger","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2013-06-10","rename method `find_first_records` to `find_first_with_l...","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2013-06-09","Refactored ActiveRecord `first` method to get rid of dup...","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2011-12-31","Removed metaclass from the has_many dependency destroy m...","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2011-12-31","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2011-10-05","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2011-10-01","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2011-09-15","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2011-09-09","Test polymorphic record with optimistic locking and coun...","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2009-09-12","Fix autosave association to skip validation if it is mar...","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2009-09-12","Fix autosave association to skip validation if it is mar...","Dmitry Polushkin",300 "2006-09-06","Update UrlWriter to support :only_path.","Dave Thomas",300 "2006-08-02","Schema dumper quotes date :default values.","Dave Thomas",300 "2006-07-13","Provide support for decimal columns to form helpers. Clo...","Dave Thomas",300 "2006-07-13","Customize default BigDecimal formatting. [dave@pragprog....","Dave Thomas",300 "2006-05-01","Add README to gem [Dave Thomas]","Dave Thomas",300 "2006-03-26","Change #form_for and #fields_for so that the second argu...","Dave Thomas",300 "2006-03-05","Migrations created alongside models should be called Cre...","Dave Thomas",300 "2005-06-13"," r1294@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-13 02:17:42 -0700","Dave Thomas",300 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","Dave Thomas",300 "2005-04-18","Added Base.save! that attempts to save the record just l...","Dave Thomas",300 "2005-03-30","Fixed bug in Base#hash method that would treat records w...","Dave Thomas",300 "2006-10-08","The has_many create method works with polymorphic associ...","Dan Peterson",300 "2006-09-14","Mock Time.now for more accurate Touch mixin tests. Close...","Dan Peterson",300 "2006-07-31","Calculate sum with SQL, not Enumerable on HasManyThrough...","Dan Peterson",300 "2006-07-24","Allow #count through a has_many association to accept :i...","Dan Peterson",300 "2005-10-30","Changed :dbfile to :database for SQLite adapter for cons...","Dan Peterson",300 "2005-04-17","Added that render_partial called from a controller will ...","Dan Peterson",300 "2005-04-10","Added support for has_and_belongs_to_many associations i...","Dan Peterson",300 "2005-03-06","Fixed that scaffold generator new template should use lo...","Dan Peterson",300 "2005-01-02","Fixed a YAML fixture on time coming out as an integer #4...","Dan Peterson",300 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","Dan Peterson",300 "2004-12-21","Fixed validates_{confirmation,acceptance}_of to only hap...","Dan Peterson",300 "2011-08-13","remove_possible_method: test if method exists","Brad Ediger",300 "2011-07-31","remove_possible_method: test if method exists","Brad Ediger",300 "2011-07-31","remove_possible_method: test if method exists","Brad Ediger",300 "2007-10-07","Add Base#to_param to Active Resource that quacks like Ac...","Brad Ediger",300 "2007-10-02","Merge session fixation fixes from stable","Brad Ediger",300 "2007-10-02","Disable non-cookie sessions to prevent Session Fixation ...","Brad Ediger",300 "2006-12-27","Docs fix for columns_hash [bradediger]","Brad Ediger",300 "2006-12-27","Ensure dynamic finders are anchored to the beginning of ...","Brad Ediger",300 "2006-08-31","Fix send_data documentation typo. Closes #5982.","Brad Ediger",300 "2006-07-05","Fixed migration generation for class names like ACLContr...","Brad Ediger",300 "2006-06-22","Correct and clarify Array#to_sentence docs. Closes #5458.","Brad Ediger",300 "2008-08-24","Make requiring gems optional.","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2008-08-04","Make requiring gems optional.","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-10-16","Improve the error message for assert_redirected_to. Clos...","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-09-23","Added --skip-fixture option to script/generate model (cl...","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-09-22","Improve the error message for assert_redirected_to (clos...","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-09-21","Fixed CaptureHelper#content_for to work with the optiona...","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-06-13","1-2-stable: changing the :default Date format doesn't br...","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-05-28","apply [6879] to stable. Closes #7293.","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-05-28","Allow nil serialized attributes with a set class constra...","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-01-28","update_all can take a Hash argument. sanitize_sql splits...","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2007-01-24","Add missing tests ensuring callbacks work with class inh...","Ben Sandofsky",300 "2013-07-23","Use GeneratedAttribute#column_name if #reference? scaffo...","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-07-23","Use GeneratedAttribute#column_name if #reference? scaffo...","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-07-22","backport efeb039 from #11201 fixes #11540 [ci skip]","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-05-15","Document Rails::Generators::MailerGenerator","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-05-15","nodoc ActionMailer module from lib/action_mailer/*.rb","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-05-15","Document ActionMailer::MailHelper","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-05-15","Document ActionMailer::LogSubscriber and ActionMailer::D...","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-05-15","ActionMailer::Collector should be nodoc'd","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-05-13","Document ActionMailer::Base#set_content_type","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-05-10","RDoc style for ActionMailer::Base#mail","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-05-10","Document ActionMailer::Base::default, ::mailer_name, and...","Zachary Scott",275 "2013-03-23","Don't use hash fragment for travis link","Zachary Scott",275 "2011-09-15","Test deprecation warning when not using an options hash ...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2011-09-15","Use an options hash to specify digest/cipher algorithm a...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2011-09-15","Add some documentation for the new serializer property o...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2011-09-15","Implement API suggestions of pull request.","Willem van Bergen",275 "2011-09-15","Fixed tests so that they will also run properly in other...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2011-09-15","Custom serializers and deserializers in MessageVerifier ...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2010-01-01","Added two SAX-based backends for XmlMini, using both Lib...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2010-01-01","Fixed some bugs and fixed some tests in new SAX-based Xm...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2010-01-01","Added SAX-based parser for XmlMini, using LibXML","Willem van Bergen",275 "2010-01-01","Added SAX-based parser for XmlMini, using Nokogiri.","Willem van Bergen",275 "2010-01-01","Bugfixes, speed improvements and code cleanup for Nokogi...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2010-01-01","Code cleanup, bugfixes and speed improvements for the No...","Willem van Bergen",275 "2013-05-10","Remove unnecessary require from active_support/inflector...","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2013-05-09","Require different core extensions correctly.","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2012-05-25","Fixes build 4008.1","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2012-04-03","Remove unnecessary articles.","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2012-03-24","Use one 'be'.","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2012-03-15","Fix typo in AR Callbacks.","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2012-03-01","Add documentation for IndexDefinition.","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2012-02-16","Autoload various constants effectively in abstract conne...","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2012-02-12","Alias reconnect! to reset! for Mysql2 adapter since they...","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2012-01-21","Remove deprecation warning from console output when running","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2011-11-04","Remove 'size' attribute from number_field form helper fi...","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2011-09-09","Tests for rake db:migrate:status.","Waseem Ahmad",275 "2011-05-26","Correct TESTOPTS specification in activerecord/RUNNING_U...","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2010-06-29","migrations.rb requires active_support/core_ext/module/al...","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2009-03-10","Slight tweak to 2.3 release notes","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2009-03-10","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2009-03-06","Updated actionpack/CHANGELOG to include enhancements to ...","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2009-02-14","Updated rdoc to reflect changes to form option helpers","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2009-02-14","Enhanced form option helpers to add support for disabled...","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2009-02-14","DRY up form option helper tests","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2008-12-01","Ensure ActionMailer doesn't blow up when a two argument ...","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2008-11-07","Added tests for HABTM associations with counter_sql","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2008-11-07","Added :counter_sql as a valid key for habtm associations","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2008-05-29","Ensure script/plugin installs ssh/git plugins. [#277 sta...","Tekin Suleyman",275 "2010-03-07","Load RAILS_VERSION relative to the gemspec file.","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-31","UJS documentation.","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-28","Merge branch 'rails/master' into ujs","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-27","updated tests + docs, plus minor inconsistency fixes","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-27","tests + docs","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-27","Added regression tests that discovered the previous issue. ","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-27","first round of documenation for ujs","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-27","fixed failing tests","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-27","fixed failing tests","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-03","Fixed multiparameter attribute assignment bug RE: Ticket...","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-03","Failing test case RE: Ticket 3131","Stefan Penner",275 "2010-01-03","fixed missing or incorrect session data error message","Stefan Penner",275 "2006-03-18","SQL Server adapter gets some love (closes #4298) [rtomay...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-12-10"," r3429@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 16:55:16 -0800","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-12-10","SQLServer: fix obscure optimistic locking bug, support u...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-11-12","Merge [2982] to stable. SQLServer: don't report limits ...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-11-11","SQLServer: don't report limits for unsupported field typ...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-11-07","Fixed faulty regex in get_table_name method (SQLServerAd...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-11-06","Fixed that SQL Server should ignore :size declarations o...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-11-06","svn:externals is now an explicit option for script/plugi...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-11-04","Omit internal dtproperties table from SQLServer table li...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-11-04","Quote column names in generated SQL. Closes #2728.","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-10-28","Added script/plugin to manage plugins (install, remove, ...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2005-10-28","Fixed SQL Server adapter so it honors options[:condition...","Ryan Tomayko",275 "2013-08-04","Pass assert_dom_equal message arg to underlying assertion","Ryan McGeary",275 "2013-04-05","Fix explicit names on multiple file fields","Ryan McGeary",275 "2013-04-05","Fix explicit names on multiple file fields","Ryan McGeary",275 "2012-02-07","Added unit test to cover changes to RouteSet.url_for","Ryan McGeary",275 "2012-02-07","Fixed force_ssl redirects to include original query params","Ryan McGeary",275 "2012-02-07","Added unit test to cover changes to RouteSet.url_for","Ryan McGeary",275 "2012-02-06","Fixed force_ssl redirects to include original query params","Ryan McGeary",275 "2008-02-02","Introduce the :index option for form_for and fields_for ...","Ryan McGeary",275 "2007-10-26","Add docs explaining how to protect all attributes using ...","Ryan McGeary",275 "2007-10-14","error_messages_for also takes :message and :header_messa...","Ryan McGeary",275 "2007-09-28","Fixed spelling errors (closes #9706) [tarmo/rmm5t]","Ryan McGeary",275 "2007-09-15","Added block-acceptance to JavaScriptHelper#javascript_ta...","Ryan McGeary",275 "2012-11-15","Make XmlMini.with_backend usable with threads","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-13","Use nil? instead of blank? to check dynamic finder result","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-13","Regression test for #7238","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-13","Add a regression test on #8195","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-11","Match classes without to_s conversions.","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-11","Test Hash#diff deprecation, also prevent deprecation mes...","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-09","Keep the code related to serialization in Serialization ...","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-09","Backport #8078: Fix `attributes_before_type_cast` for se...","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-04","Use `tag!` instead of `method_missing` in `to_xml` conve...","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-11-01","Fix #8086 (BestStandardsSupport rewrites app X-UA-Compat...","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-10-31","Fix `attributes_before_type_cast` for serialised attribu...","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2012-10-29","Provide a call stack for deprecation warnings where needed.","Nikita Afanasenko",275 "2008-09-22","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","fixed some small errors in formating. More to come","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","clanup","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","rmoved ds_store","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","understood only for finished articles authors","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","fixed up benchmarking file names, fixed commits, truncat...","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","fixing commit","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","loss html file","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-22","version 6 shortened satistics and fixed compiling. Also ...","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-18","updated examples folder with real graph file","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-09-18","added benchmarking and profile documnetation v0.5","Matthew Bergman",275 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Make assert_routing aware of the HTTP method...","Matt Palmer",275 "2008-02-06","Add uses_tzinfo to active record tests to prevent breaki...","Matt Palmer",275 "2008-02-03","Fix missing extension for caching. Closes #10733 [Catfis...","Matt Palmer",275 "2008-01-30"," Make assert_routing aware of the HTTP method used. ...","Matt Palmer",275 "2008-01-25","Handle corner case with image_tag when passed 'messed up...","Matt Palmer",275 "2007-10-08","Add tests for [7727]. Closes #6090 [dkubb, mpalmer, tarmo]","Matt Palmer",275 "2007-09-22","Fix tests across DST (closes #9020) [mpalmer]","Matt Palmer",275 "2007-08-15","Ensure TestRequest#request_uri returns the right value w...","Matt Palmer",275 "2007-08-05","Fix number_to_human_size when using different precisions...","Matt Palmer",275 "2007-07-19","Let alias_attribute work with attributes with initial ca...","Matt Palmer",275 "2007-07-17","Introduce fake_models.rb to avoid platform-specific code...","Matt Palmer",275 "2006-07-08","Don't modify options parameters in-place. Closes #3819.","Matt Palmer",275 "2008-07-03","Changing order of equality because comparing certain obj...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-04-17","Added Element.toggle, Element.show, and Element.hide to ...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-04-13","Added Rake target clear_logs that'll truncate all the *....","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-04-02","Automatically extend the class which gets a module inclu...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-03-23","Fixed Toggle.display in prototype.js #902 [Lucas Carlson]","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-03-06","Added shortcut :id assignment to render_component and fr...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-01-24","Added :encode option to mail_to that'll allow you to mas...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-01-15","Fixed log file permissions to be 666 instead of 777 (so ...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-01-11","Added MemCacheStore to fragment caching #449 [Lucas Carl...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-01-11","Fixed that MemCacheStore wasn't included by default and ...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Lucas Carlson",275 "2004-12-31","Fixed that generated action_mailers doesnt need to requi...","Lucas Carlson",275 "2009-05-28","Only save the session if we're actually writing to it [#...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2009-05-28","Only save the session if we're actually writing to it [#...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2009-05-28","The FlashHash and friends causes a lot of needless sessi...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2009-05-28","The FlashHash and friends causes a lot of needless sessi...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2009-03-07","Ensure expires_in without a :public key sets the Cache-C...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2008-08-24","Ensure mail_to label is obfuscated for javascript encodi...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2008-07-12","Ensure mail_to label is obfuscated for javascript encodi...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2007-10-07","Correct BufferedLogger#level? checks. Closes #9806.","Johan Sørensen",275 "2006-04-29","Allow AR::Base#to_xml to include methods too. Closes #49...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2006-03-15","make save! return true on success[johan@johansorensen.co...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2005-03-31","Improved the message display on the exception handler pa...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2005-03-20","Added TextHelper#simple_format as a non-dependency text ...","Johan Sørensen",275 "2012-01-26","Add :password_confirmation as a filtered param by default.","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-09-09","Travis-ci build image should link to the rails travis ci...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-09-06","Revert "Use https for travis-ci build status image to pr...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-09-06","Use https for travis-ci build status image to prevent Gi...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-08-18","Fix ruby typo to correctly render code block in initiali...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-08-18","Fix spacing in plugins.textile to fix html rendering and...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-08-17","Updates to remove extra whitespaces and notably fix a wh...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-08-17","Fix typo in i18n.textile header and remove extra whitesp...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-08-17","Fix ruby typo to correctly render code block in initiali...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-08-17","Fix spacing in plugins.textile to fix html rendering and...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-08-16","Fix formatting of active_record_validations_callbacks.te...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2011-08-16","Fix formatting of active_record_validations_callbacks.te...","Jeff Dutil",275 "2010-05-04","AR JSON Serializer now supports custom root option.","Jatinder Singh",275 "2010-05-04","Active Model JSON serializer now supports custom root op...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2010-01-28","Use format of ARes rather than content-type of remote er...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2010-01-28","Use format of ARes rather than content-type of remote er...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-15","Fix ActiveResource load test for 64bit machines [#3051 s...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-15","Fix ActiveResource load test for 64bit machines [#3051 s...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-10","AR should respect default values for MySQL BINARY and VA...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-10","AR should respect default values for MySQL BINARY and VA...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-09","Active Resource recognizes 410 as Resource Gone now [#23...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-09","Active Resource recognizes 410 as Resource Gone now [#23...","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-09","Make ActiveResource#exists? work [#3020 state:resolved]","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-09","Make ActiveResource#exists? work [#3020 state:resolved]","Jatinder Singh",275 "2009-08-09","Added both the documentation and a test case for the col...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","Added both the documentation and a test case for the col...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","With multiparameter date attributes, the behaviour when ...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","With multiparameter date attributes, the behaviour when ...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","Added a uniqueness validation test that uses diacritics.","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","Added a uniqueness validation test that uses diacritics.","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","Fixed the end_of_* to work with Time.usec (and Time.nsec...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","added tests for namespaced models generation and fixed a...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","Setting usec (and nsec for Ruby 1.9) on Time#end_of_* me...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","Fixed generating a namespaced model with table pluraliza...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","MySQL: fix diacritic uniqueness test by setting the defa...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2009-08-09","MySQL: fix diacritic uniqueness test by setting the defa...","Hugo Peixoto",275 "2012-05-09","make both cached and record_updated accessors in one line","Hemant Kumar",275 "2012-05-09","after_commit :on => :update should be called when save is","Hemant Kumar",275 "2012-05-09","Fix transaction state not changing when after record get...","Hemant Kumar",275 "2011-05-27","delegate connection and column_hash calls directly to model","Hemant Kumar",275 "2011-05-27","close statment only if its not closed","Hemant Kumar",275 "2011-05-06","fix yield not working from around filter of observers, f...","Hemant Kumar",275 "2011-01-05","fix difference between behaviour of blank and empty","Hemant Kumar",275 "2011-01-05","fix difference between behaviour of blank and empty","Hemant Kumar",275 "2010-10-06","fix ruby 1.9 deadlock problem, fixes #5736 add connectio...","Hemant Kumar",275 "2010-10-06","fix ruby 1.9 deadlock problem, fixes #5736 add connectio...","Hemant Kumar",275 "2010-09-22","remove join table rows before removing owner row for hab...","Hemant Kumar",275 "2010-09-21","remove join table rows before removing owner row for hab...","Hemant Kumar",275 "2005-07-03","Fixed Base.content_columns call for SQL Server adapter #...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-07-01","Added support for ODBC connections to MS SQL Server so y...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-06-16","Added :extension option to NumberHelper#number_to_phone ...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-04-17","Fixed FormTagHelper#check_box to respect checked #1049 [...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-04-17","Added insert_at(position) to acts_as_list #1083 [DeLynnB]","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-04-02","Added NumberHelper for common string representations lik...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-04-02","Added options to set cc, bcc, subject, and body for UrlH...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-03-23","Fixed the MS SQL adapter to work with the new limit/offs...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-03-20","Fixed form helpers to query Model#id_before_type_cast in...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-02-19","Fixed the SQL Server adapter on a bunch of issues #667 [...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","DeLynn Berry",275 "2005-01-01","Added the final touches to the Microsoft SQL Server adap...","DeLynn Berry",275 "2009-04-29","Additional tests for the gem subsystem","David Dollar",275 "2009-04-29","Additional tests for the gem subsystem","David Dollar",275 "2009-04-29","Attempt to deal with more cases of gems with native comp...","David Dollar",275 "2009-04-29","Attempt to deal with more cases of gems with native comp...","David Dollar",275 "2009-03-24","Updates tests to cause the tests for the Request class n...","David Dollar",275 "2009-03-24","Updates tests to cause the tests for the Request class n...","David Dollar",275 "2009-03-13","Makes the gem system understand development vs. runtime ...","David Dollar",275 "2008-07-14","Add :accessible option to Associations for allowing mass...","David Dollar",275 "2008-04-23","Fixes a subtle bug when using symbols for key definition...","David Dollar",275 "2008-04-11","Now that we have gems:unpack and gems:build allowing for...","David Dollar",275 "2008-04-02","missed an added file","David Dollar",275 "2008-04-02","Flesh out rake gems:unpack to unpack all gems, and add r...","David Dollar",275 "2013-07-21","metal is no longer mentioned on rack guide","Dan Pickett",275 "2012-01-16","change class to id per scaffold change","Dan Pickett",275 "2012-01-15","change class to id per scaffold change","Dan Pickett",275 "2012-01-07","allow association as 1st uniqueness validation arg","Dan Pickett",275 "2012-01-06","allow an association as a scope parameter","Dan Pickett",275 "2011-05-11","fix bad encoding on contributing to RoR page","Dan Pickett",275 "2011-04-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Dan Pickett",275 "2011-04-29","update contributors guide to reflect GitHub use","Dan Pickett",275 "2011-02-16","handle double pluralization for irregular plurals","Dan Pickett",275 "2011-02-16","handle double pluralization for irregular plurals","Dan Pickett",275 "2011-02-06","put authenticity_token option in parity w/ remote","Dan Pickett",275 "2008-12-15","Fixed ActionView::TestCase current url context [#1561 st...","Dan Pickett",275 "2009-02-20","Added Rake section to the command line guide.","Colin Curtin",275 "2009-02-04","Added advanced server command and a mini-generator tutor...","Colin Curtin",275 "2009-02-02","Added the first part to the Rails Advanced Command Line","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-12-21","Command Line Guide: Added short console/dbconsole/plugin...","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-12-17","Started working with the scaffold instead of model gener...","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-11-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-11-26","Next installment: more of the generate script, but shoul...","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-11-20","ActionMailer should respect content type when choosing l...","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-11-20","ActionMailer should respect content type when choosing l...","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-11-13","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Colin Curtin",275 "2008-11-13","The beginnings of a command line tutorial","Colin Curtin",275 "2013-07-02","update test names in testing guide [ci-skip]","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-11-09","update syntax and add note about prompt use of HttpHelpe...","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-11-09","correct link syntax [ci-skip]","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-11-09","change rdoc syntax for adecuate render [ci-skip]","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-11-08","correct double quotes for interpolation in routing guide...","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-11-08","change match to get and add single quotes in routing/red...","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-11-08","fix bugs in rails_on_rack [ci-skip]","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-11-08","update syntax in routing guide [ci-skip]","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-11-05","fix white spaces","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-10-21","fix error in AssertTagHelper documentation [ci skip]","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-10-21","update AssetTagHelper documentation [ci skip]","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2012-10-15","fix link bug in contributing page","Cesar Carruitero",275 "2013-05-01","Revert the guide after removing varargs from `in?`.","Brian Morearty",275 "2013-05-01","Revert "Object#in? also accepts multiple parameters"","Brian Morearty",275 "2013-05-01","Revert the guide after removing varargs from `in?`.","Brian Morearty",275 "2013-05-01","Revert "Object#in? also accepts multiple parameters"","Brian Morearty",275 "2012-09-23","Update test to match new non-sorting of attributes.","Brian Morearty",275 "2012-09-23","Removed sorting of attribute names in controller generator.","Brian Morearty",275 "2011-08-24","Remove extra word from sentence in initialization guide.","Brian Morearty",275 "2011-04-10","Add support for Object#in? and Object#either? in Active ...","Brian Morearty",275 "2011-02-05","Updates to ActiveRecord::Timestamp documentation.","Brian Morearty",275 "2011-02-04","Change Time.zone= docs.","Brian Morearty",275 "2007-12-17","Tagged Rails 2.0.2","Brian Morearty",275 "2007-12-17","Allow headers[Accept] to be set by hand when calling xml...","Brian Morearty",275 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Ensure mime types can be compared with symbo...","Ben Scofield",275 "2008-02-09","Use HEAD instead of GET inside exists? Closes #11062 [bs...","Ben Scofield",275 "2008-01-26"," Make it simpler to make the root route an alias for ano...","Ben Scofield",275 "2008-01-20","Ensure mime types can be compared with symbols. Closes ...","Ben Scofield",275 "2007-12-05","Enhance documentation coverage for fragment caching. Clo...","Ben Scofield",275 "2007-11-20","Ensure that the routing optimisation code isn't used whe...","Ben Scofield",275 "2007-11-16","Use the new TestCase subclasses in the scaffold and reso...","Ben Scofield",275 "2007-09-22","Plugin license and README should use a dynamic year (clo...","Ben Scofield",275 "2007-09-18","Define dynamic finders as real methods after first usage...","Ben Scofield",275 "2007-05-25","Scaffold generator depends on model generator instead of...","Ben Scofield",275 "2007-01-28","Resource generator depends on the model generator rather...","Ben Scofield",275 "2007-01-23","Add/Update usage documentation for script/destroy, resou...","Ben Scofield",275 "2008-11-30","Minor syntax fixes to the testing guide.","AthonLab",275 "2008-11-13","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","AthonLab",275 "2008-11-13","Rails testing guide revised based on feedback from Prati...","AthonLab",275 "2008-10-14","Adds examples of integration tests in the testing guide.","AthonLab",275 "2008-10-14","Updated to testing mailers section in the testing guide.","AthonLab",275 "2008-10-14","Removes the 'Filtering emails in development' section fr...","AthonLab",275 "2008-10-12","Adds examples of integration tests in the testing guide.","AthonLab",275 "2008-10-11","Updated to testing mailers section in the testing guide.","AthonLab",275 "2008-10-11","Removes the 'Filtering emails in development' section fr...","AthonLab",275 "2008-09-28","Syntax fixes plus some modification and additions in mul...","AthonLab",275 "2008-09-25","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","AthonLab",275 "2008-09-25","Initial updates to Rails testing guide. Work in progress.","AthonLab",275 "2009-05-10","Change spelling of Kyev timezone to Kyiv [#2613 state:re...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-29","Use realtime to reduce garbage. [adymo]","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-29","Improve performance by avoiding named block arguments. ...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-14","Avoid repeated calls to Base#connection. Closes #11111 ...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-14","Optimisation for BigDecimal conversion code. Closes #11...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-14","Improve associations performance by using symbol callbac...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-14","apply [8865] to 2.0 stable","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-14","Improve associations performance by avoiding named block...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-02","Simplified, faster implementation of Benchmark.realtime ...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2008-02-01","Avoid Base#attributes when saving / creating records. C...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2006-12-06","Consolidated different create and create! versions to ca...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2006-05-22","follow_redirect doesn't complain about being redirected ...","Alexander Dymo",275 "2012-06-09","ActiveRecord#attributes optimization: minimize objects c...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2012-04-16","converting some tests to assert_raises, and DRY'ing retr...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2012-04-16","converting some tests to assert_raises, and DRY'ing retr...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2012-04-16","catch nil.to_sym errors in partial_renderer, and raise A...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2012-04-16","catch nil.to_sym errors in partial_renderer, and raise A...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2012-04-03","minor elsif/else typo fix","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2009-07-02","Adds a video_tag helper for the HTML5 video tag (similar...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2008-08-13","Fixes file_field_tag docs by taking out deprecated end_f...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2007-12-05","Fix incorrect superclass in documentation for alias_attr...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9123) [tzaharia]","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2007-09-22","Changelog fix (closes #9610) [tzaharia]","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2007-05-06","Document :allow_nil option for validates_acceptance_of s...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2006-10-09","Added an html_options hash parameter to javascript_tag()...","Tieg Zaharia",257 "2013-05-03","Do not overwrite manually built records during one-to-on...","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2013-03-08","Fix incorrectly appended square brackets to a multiple s...","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2013-02-26","Fix touching an invalid parent record for belongs_to","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2013-01-24","Allow passing interpolations to `#default_i18n_subject`,...","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2012-11-29","Add #seconds_until_end_of_day to DateTime and Time","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2012-02-12","Add HTML5 input[type="date"] helper","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2012-01-18","Add ActiveRecord::Base#with_lock","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2011-12-16","Fix expanding cache key for single element arrays","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2011-12-04","Do not validate associated records marked for destruction","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2011-11-23","Fix #3737 AS::expand_cache_key generates wrong key in ce...","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2011-11-23","Fix #3737 AS::expand_cache_key generates wrong key in ce...","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2011-07-23","Documentation fixes for rendering partials","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2011-07-09","Documentation fixes for rendering partials","Olek Janiszewski",257 "2011-02-21","Docs: Update to_xml documentation to match as_json docue...","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-21","Documentation: Added small comments to Observering module","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-21","Tpyo: fixing several cases of the the","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-21","Typo: fixing the the","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-21","Docs: Update to_xml documentation to match as_json docue...","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-21","Documentation: Added small comments to Observering module","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-20","Tpyo: fixing several cases of the the","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-20","Typo: fixing the the","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-18","Clarify Example in ActiveRecord base","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-18","Remove awkward phrasing from Ajax on Rails guide","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-18","Fix Typos: remove several occurences of the the","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2011-02-18","fix type: remove extra period","Nicholas Rowe",257 "2010-07-08","A generated plugin's test are not run by 'rake test'","Mike Breen",257 "2010-01-07","Allows you to pass :all_blank to :reject_if option to au...","Mike Breen",257 "2009-12-02","Implement ActiveRecord#reset_counter_cache","Mike Breen",257 "2009-12-02","Implement ActiveRecord#reset_counter_cache","Mike Breen",257 "2009-09-12","Raise an exception with friendlier error message when at...","Mike Breen",257 "2009-09-12","Raise an exception with friendlier error message when at...","Mike Breen",257 "2009-08-09","Serialized attributes should only be saved with partial_...","Mike Breen",257 "2009-08-09","Serialized attributes should only be saved with partial_...","Mike Breen",257 "2009-08-08","Add option to routes task to target a specific controlle...","Mike Breen",257 "2009-08-08","Add option to routes task to target a specific controlle...","Mike Breen",257 "2009-05-17","Add tests for assert_template :template","Mike Breen",257 "2009-05-17","Allow assert_template to take a symbol [#2011 state:reso...","Mike Breen",257 "2009-05-10","Allow you to pass :all_blank to :reject_if option to aut...","Mike Breen",257 "2012-05-05","Changelog entry regarding mysql(2) STRICT_ALL_TABLES","Michael Pearson",257 "2012-05-05","Add config option, rdoc, tests for mysql(2) STRICT_ALL_T...","Michael Pearson",257 "2012-05-05","Default to 'strict mode' in MySQL","Michael Pearson",257 "2012-05-05","Modify test schema.rb to use a VARCHAR rather than a TEX...","Michael Pearson",257 "2012-05-02","Add note about image_tag('') issue in Asset Pipeline gui...","Michael Pearson",257 "2011-12-25","Mip Earson -> Michael Pearson in changelog.","Michael Pearson",257 "2011-12-25","Mip Earson -> Michael Pearson in changelog.","Michael Pearson",257 "2011-12-25","guides generation for the Kindle looking good now [Mip E...","Michael Pearson",257 "2011-12-25","guides generation for the Kindle looking good now [Mip E...","Michael Pearson",257 "2011-12-25","(draft) guides for the Kindle and Kindle apps [Mip Earso...","Michael Pearson",257 "2011-12-25","(draft) guides for the Kindle and Kindle apps [Mip Earso...","Michael Pearson",257 "2011-11-23","Move JS runtime instructions to where the error would be...","Michael Pearson",257 "2011-11-23","Add step to getting_started to install JS Runtime.","Michael Pearson",257 "2010-12-09","Cleaner way to extract the Postgres version","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2010-12-09","Fix Bug: disable_referential_integrity doesn't work for ...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2010-11-21","Cleaner way to extract the Postgres version","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2010-11-20","Fix Bug: disable_referential_integrity doesn't work for ...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2010-05-16","when we run rake rails:freeze:edge update the value of t...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2010-04-24","Make assert_recognizes work in IntegrationTest [#4390 st...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2010-04-15","action_dispatch/routing/deprecated_mapper needs with_opt...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2010-03-28","defining a named_scope which overwrites an existing meth...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2009-11-01","abstract all of the ActionMailer delivery methods into t...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2009-08-05","Make sure javascript_include_tag/stylesheet_link_tag doe...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2009-02-27","Metal can now line in plugins under app/metal [#2045 sta...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2008-08-09","rake db:fixtures:load and db:fixtures:identify now accep...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2008-07-17","Add extra tests to ensure Hash#slice works with an array...","Matthew Rudy Jacobs",257 "2011-10-06","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-06","Undid previous change which violated the convention rega...","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-05","Some small corrections and improvements to the text.","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-05","Correction of code snippet tag from shell to ruby.","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-05","s/help/helper/","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-04","More corrections and clarifications to the Active Record...","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-03","Several small corrections and clarifications to the Acti...","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-03","Several small corrections and improvements to the Migrat...","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-01","Several other small corrections.","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-10-01","Several small corrections and clarifications.","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2011-09-30","Small typo corrected.","Manuel Menezes de Sequeira",257 "2012-05-04","Play nice with some lint patterns","Kristian Freeman",257 "2012-01-04","Final grammar checkup on 3.2 release notes.","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-23","Final grammar checkup on 3.2 release notes.","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-23","Grammar in 3.2 release notes.","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-23","Finished implementation of MIT license linking.","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-23","Added link in MIT license for Action Mailer README. I th...","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-23","Added link to MIT license. Would love commentary on whet...","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-23","Readability in Action Mailer README.","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-23","Correct grammar on Mailer generator -- passES. Working o...","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-20","Revert "Updated RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS"","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-20","Updated RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-19","Removed period in comment regarding Levenshtein Wikipedi...","Kristian Freeman",257 "2011-12-19","Fixed some grammatical errors in raw_email_with_invalid_...","Kristian Freeman",257 "2013-03-03","remove unused path_without_format variable","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2012-05-15","add tests and external file backtrace for Routing::Mappe...","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2012-05-13","require "rubygems" is obsolete in Ruby 1.9.3","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2008-01-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: test encoding fixes. Closes #10597 [mur...","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2007-12-29","Fixup mocha tests for 0.5.6. Closes #10602 [murphy, mikong]","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2007-12-17","Fix rdoc task name (closes #10392) [murphy]","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2007-05-19","Document deep eager includes. Closes #6267.","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2007-05-18","Docs: warn that associations names shouldn't be reserved...","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2006-07-05","Added special case for "1 Byte" in NumberHelper#number_t...","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2006-04-26","Allow default options in with_options to be overridden. ...","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2006-03-28","Show usage description if no code is passed (closes #444...","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2006-03-27","Fixed require of bluecloth and redcloth when gems haven'...","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2006-03-26","ActionView: Allow to register a Template handler with a ...","Kornelius Kalnbach",257 "2006-09-04","Fixed default routing NoMethodError downcase for nil whe...","Karel Miarka",257 "2006-06-03","Fixed problems with eager loading and counting on SQL Se...","Karel Miarka",257 "2006-05-07","Dates and times interpret empty strings as nil rather th...","Karel Miarka",257 "2006-04-26","Various fixes for sqlserver_adapter (odbc statement fini...","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-12-10"," r3429@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 16:55:16 -0800","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-12-10","SQLServer: fix obscure optimistic locking bug, support u...","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-11-24"," r3315@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 23:13:48 -0800","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-11-24","SQLServer: resolve column aliasing/quoting collision whe...","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-11-15","SQLServer: active? and reconnect! methods for handling s...","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-11-15","SQLServer: active? and reconnect! methods for handling s...","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-11-14"," r3077@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-14 14:28:21 -0800","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-11-14","SQLServer: insert uses given primary key value if not ni...","Karel Miarka",257 "2005-09-11","Fixed "connection lost" issue with the bundled Ruby/MySQ...","Karel Miarka",257 "2012-09-21","Fix MIME type in CHANGELOG","Jo Liss",257 "2012-09-21","Revert "Fix MIME type in CHANGELOG"","Jo Liss",257 "2012-09-21","Fix MIME type in CHANGELOG","Jo Liss",257 "2012-09-20","Fix indentation and update documentation for Array#wrap ...","Jo Liss",257 "2012-08-29","Fix grammar","Jo Liss",257 "2012-08-29","Revert "Grammar"","Jo Liss",257 "2012-08-29","Grammar","Jo Liss",257 "2012-01-08","Substitute "gem" for "plugin" in contributing guide","Jo Liss",257 "2011-12-29","Document that index names are made up of all columns, no...","Jo Liss",257 "2011-12-28","typo","Jo Liss",257 "2011-12-27","Document that index names are made up of all columns, no...","Jo Liss",257 "2011-12-20","Add db/*.sqlite3-journal to .gitignore","Jo Liss",257 "2011-04-10","removed :nodoc: from ActionController::MimeResponds","Jo Liss",257 "2011-07-24","- added ActionView::PartialRenderer#merge_path_into_part...","Gaston Ramos",257 "2011-07-24","- added test case for issue:","Gaston Ramos",257 "2011-07-24","- added ActionView::PartialRenderer#merge_path_into_part...","Gaston Ramos",257 "2011-07-23","- added test case for issue:","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-10-07","- update documentation","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-10-07","- ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-10-07","- Fix ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to replace the re...","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-09-27","- added mock to test ActiveResource::MissingPrefixParam ...","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-09-27","- update exceptions documentation","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-09-27","- check prefix options in collection_path","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-09-27","- better name for prefix param test case","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-09-27","- refactoring, move prefix_options check to a custom method","Gaston Ramos",257 "2010-09-27","- elmenth_path raise an ActiveResource::MissingPrefixPar...","Gaston Ramos",257 "2012-06-11","both string and sumbol will be interpolated as string no...","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2012-02-09","removed unnecessary code","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2012-02-09","replacing the orderhash with hash for ruby-1.9","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-11-25","Added tests for #3751","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-06-11","removed duplicate code","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-06-10","shallow_path example updated","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-06-10","shallow_path example updated","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-06-06","updated Changelog","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-06-03","updated Changelog ","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-06-03","added more tests for update_column","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-05-21","Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' into documentation...","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-05-21","ActionMailer deliver method Documentation corrected Tick...","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2011-04-27","enable uglifier gem as new version of execjs is relased","Ganesh Kumar",257 "2010-04-24","PostgreSQL adapter: escape_bytea, quote_string and unesc...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2010-04-15","Implement find_in_batches without with_scope [#2227 stat...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2010-03-29","PostgreSQL adapter: escape_bytea, quote_string and unesc...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2009-06-09","PostgreSQL adapter should call thread safe quote_string ...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2009-06-09","PostgreSQL adapter should call thread safe quote_string ...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2009-03-10","Ensure auto_link doesnt linkify URLs in the middle of a ...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2009-02-06","Ruby 1.9 compat: change encoding of action_view/renderab...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2009-02-06","Ruby 1.9 compat: call bytesize for content_length","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2008-10-05","Fix memoize_all for methods with punctuation [#1175 stat...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2008-08-29","Make case insensitive validates_uniqueness_of use unicod...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2008-05-16","auto_link helper fails to recognize links separated by s...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2008-04-23","Make sure member names aren't mistakenly set to nil when...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2008-02-02","Fix number_to_human_size incorrectly removing trailing z...","Eugene Pimenov",257 "2013-03-09","Improve wording for rails test command","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2013-02-06","Change Class#subclasses doc example","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-11-08","Fixed stale doc in AbstractController::Layouts","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-11-06","Fixed stale doc in AbstractController::Layouts","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-06","Fixed indentation in actionmailer base_test [#6538 state...","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-06","Improved docs for Hash#to_param method","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-05","Fixed identation in actionmailer base_test","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-05","Correct spelling for Base64 in action_mailer","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-05","Removed link to un-existing Issues page on Github","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-03","Correct spelling for Base64 in action_mailer","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-02","No need of instance variable","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-02","Fixed typos in asset_host_test","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2011-03-01","Removed link to un-existing Issues page on Github","Dalibor Nasevic",257 "2013-05-07","Test that #fresh_when accepts an array","Brandon Keepers",257 "2013-05-07","Test that #fresh_when accepts an array","Brandon Keepers",257 "2009-01-16","Dup keys in OrderedHash to prevent them from being modif...","Brandon Keepers",257 "2008-06-19","fix eager loading with dynamic finders","Brandon Keepers",257 "2008-06-09","fix eager loading with dynamic finders","Brandon Keepers",257 "2007-12-20","SQLite: fix rename_ and remove_column for columns with u...","Brandon Keepers",257 "2007-12-14","Added that Array#to_param calls to_param on all it's ele...","Brandon Keepers",257 "2007-10-23","Assigning an instance of a foreign class to a composed_o...","Brandon Keepers",257 "2007-10-08","* Add Range#overlaps?(range), Range#include?(range), and...","Brandon Keepers",257 "2007-09-15","Fixed that altering join tables in migrations would fail...","Brandon Keepers",257 "2007-02-01","Plugins may be symlinked in vendor/plugins. Closes #4245.","Brandon Keepers",257 "2006-10-09","Fixed rename_table on SQLite tables with indexes defined...","Brandon Keepers",257 "2006-09-16","Declare file extensions exempt from layouts. Closes #6219.","Brandon Keepers",257 "2012-11-30","Revert "Fix annoy warning, when executing testcase."","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-06-19","handle joins/includes correctly for pluck and calculation.","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-28","removed deprecation warnings","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-27","fix tests for SQLite3Adapter","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-27","renamed class SQLiteColumn to SQLite3Column","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-27","removed tail of old sqlite versions","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-27","fix SQLite3Adapter doc","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-27","Upgrade sqlite3 version to 1.3.6","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-27","fix tests for sqlite3","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-27","merged sqlite and sqlite3 adapters","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-26","EXPLAIN only for sqlite3","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-25","cleanliness in method parameters","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-04-25","already defined in quoting","Andrey Deryabin",257 "2012-09-04","Refactor `Mime::Type`","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-08-06","Add AS::StringInquirer#respond_to? method","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-18","Add fkey attributes to `join_table` migration generator","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-17","Add join table migration generator","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-08","Update migrations guide","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-08","Add references statements to migration generator","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-03","Add changelog entry for references statements","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-03","Refactor references schema definitions","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-03","Make references statements reversible","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-03","Add references schema statements","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-07-01","Refactor migration test_helper","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-06-30","Add more options to column_exists? method","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2012-06-27","Add polymorphic option to model generator","Aleksey Magusev",257 "2010-10-10","Fix misleading advice to add 'memcache' to Gemfile","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-10-10","Fix misleading advice to add 'memcache' to Gemfile","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-08-24","Add test case for ActiveRecord::Base.record_timestamps =...","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-08-24","Add test case for ActiveRecord::Base.record_timestamps =...","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-07-26","doc: cleanup respond_to documentation","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-07-26","doc: cleanup respond_to documentation","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-07-21","doc: form_for does return output rather than merely eval...","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-07-21","doc: form_for does return output rather than merely eval...","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-07-03","Fixes for "router" and "routes" terminology","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-06-30","docs: note that mail() accepts arbitrary headers","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-06-19","option_groups_from_collection_for_select should return H...","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2010-06-17","truncate() should not try to produce HTML-safe output","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2009-05-05","Extract ActionController::Caching::Sweeper into separate...","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2008-06-01","Previously we only added the "lib" subdirectory to the l...","Wincent Colaiuta",242 "2011-08-13","Fix the issue where default_url_options is being cached ...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-08-13","refactored 'assert_redirected_to': local call to validat...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-08-01","Fix the issue where default_url_options is being cached ...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-08-01","modified fix #1872 according to jose valim´s suggestions","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-07-26","refactored 'assert_redirected_to': local call to validat...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-18","Updated rails´s guides on the config.serve_static_assets...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-18","fixed typo for a methodname","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-15","Updated rails´s guides on the config.serve_static_assets...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-12","Make sure to have a Hash under the i18n keys 'activereco...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-11","fixed typo for a methodname","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-10","Fixed minor typo: 'Arraw' to 'Array'","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-10","Fixed minor typo: 'Arraw' to 'Array'","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-08","Brought back alternative convention for namespaced model...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2011-06-08","Brought back alternative convention for namespaced model...","Tom Hoefer",242 "2013-06-13"," `initialize_on_precompile` is not used anymore.","Terence Lee",242 "2013-03-15","make new rails apps log to STDOUT","Terence Lee",242 "2013-02-20","make type_cast_value a class level method","Terence Lee",242 "2013-02-20","update changelog","Terence Lee",242 "2013-02-20","run the load_structure test in the test environment","Terence Lee",242 "2013-02-20","test DATABASE_URL without database.yml around","Terence Lee",242 "2013-02-20","standardize database_configuration to a hash","Terence Lee",242 "2012-04-04","log which config format AR uses to connect with","Terence Lee",242 "2012-04-04","test initializer logic for DATABASE_URL env var","Terence Lee",242 "2011-09-22","set env to let rails know we're precompiling","Terence Lee",242 "2011-09-22","set env to let rails know we're precompiling","Terence Lee",242 "2011-09-22","AR wants sqlite3 1.3.4","Terence Lee",242 "2011-09-22","AR wants sqlite3 1.3.4","Terence Lee",242 "2011-07-20","fix postgres connection url test","Terence Lee",242 "2012-09-13","extend ActiveSupport::Deprecation with self, allow other...","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2012-08-02","Fix ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml#to_xml reference","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2012-07-31","Update #match documentation [ci skip]","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2012-07-31","Update #resources documentation [ci skip]","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2012-07-03","Introduce config.action_mailer.default_from=","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2011-03-17","Fix when database column name has some symbolic characte...","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2011-01-03","Use id instead of quoted_id to prevent double quoting. F...","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2011-01-03","Added one more failing test for bug #6036","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2011-01-03","User id instead of quoted_id to prevent double quoting. ...","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2011-01-03","Added one more failing test for bug #6036","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2010-12-09","Simplifies observer implementation [#6065 state:resolved]","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2010-12-09","Simplifies observer implementation [#6065 state:resolved]","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2010-11-14","Fix when database column name has some symbolic characte...","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2010-08-02","test and fix collection_singular_ids= with string primar...","Robert Pankowecki",242 "2009-12-03","Adding the directory tree of a generated Rails app.","Robby Russell",242 "2009-12-03","Added links to web server options to their respective we...","Robby Russell",242 "2009-12-03","Updating documentation for Console. Now mentioniing sand...","Robby Russell",242 "2008-05-15","Adding an example test case for pluralize for (y) -> (ies)","Robby Russell",242 "2007-09-22","Added the possibility of using symbols in addition to co...","Robby Russell",242 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] Apply more documentation for ActiveRecord Reflect...","Robby Russell",242 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] Apply more documentation for ActiveRecord Reflect...","Robby Russell",242 "2006-08-07","Update callbacks documentation. #3970 [Robby Russell <ro...","Robby Russell",242 "2006-07-10","PostgreSQL: return array fields as strings. Closes #4664.","Robby Russell",242 "2006-07-08","Update callbacks documentation. Closes #3970.","Robby Russell",242 "2006-02-26","Example for validates_presence_of method (closes #3966) ...","Robby Russell",242 "2005-10-23","Map Active Record time to SQL TIME. Closes #2576.","Robby Russell",242 "2005-10-23","Map AR time to PostgreSQL TIME. Closes #2575.","Robby Russell",242 "2005-10-15","Adds :nullify option to :depends. Closes #2015 (Robby Ru...","Robby Russell",242 "2013-09-10","change function def self.table_name to self.table_name","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-09-10","use assert_empty in activemodel conditional validation t...","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-09-05","fix actionview and activemodel test cases typos","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-09-02","fix the typo [ci skip]","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-08-23","remove unused instance variable","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-08-13","using assert_not instead of refute","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-08-02","map => map! for stopping extra array creation","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-08-02","fix the changelog typo[ci skip]","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-07-25","change function def self.table_name to self.table_name","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-07-23","add the missing middleware in command line guides rake a...","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-07-18","fixes the test case of that plugins","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-06-24","replace all older rocket sign to new ":" from examples o...","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-06-21","fix the path of action view from actionpack/lib/action_v...","Rajarshi Das",242 "2013-06-06","correction standr => standard of commits @0435d0e","Rajarshi Das",242 "2011-06-18","Typo.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-06-16","Typo.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-05","Railties typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-05","Action Pack typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-05","Active Record typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-05","Active Support typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-05","Active Resource typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-05","Active Model typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-04","Railties typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-04","Action Pack typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-04","Active Record typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-04","Active Support typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-04","Active Resource typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2011-03-04","Active Model typos.","R.T. Lechow",242 "2008-08-06","Added MigrationProxy to defer loading of Migration class...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2008-07-17","Set config.active_record.timestamped_migrations = false ...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2008-03-31","Ensure that validates_uniqueness_of works with with_scop...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-09-12","Tidy up link to remote options. Closes #9505. [nik.wakelin]","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-06-11","Fix Base#inspect when not every attribute is present. Cl...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-05-21","Merge [6796] to stable from trunk. Integration tests: al...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-05-21","Integration tests: alias xhr to xml_http_request and add...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-05-18","Sanitize Base#inspect. Closes #8392.","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-01-28","date_select and datetime_select take a :default option. ...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-01-28","Merge [6078] from trunk. References #6977.","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-01-28","select :multiple => true suffixes the attribute name wit...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-01-26","Add error_messages and error_message_on to the default F...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-01-07","Merge error_messages_on fix to 1.2","Nik Wakelin",242 "2007-01-07","Fix no method error with error_messages_on. Closes #693...","Nik Wakelin",242 "2012-03-18","respond_with description: changed 'response' to 'format'","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-18","Revised comments for respond_with","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-18","Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-18","Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-18","Revised description for responds_with","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-13","Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-13","Added documentation for the ActionController::MimeRespon...","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-13","Updated description of #retrieve_collector_from_mimes","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-11","Revised explanation of fields_for usage.","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-10","Added clarification to description of how initial form v...","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-10","Merge branch '3.9.12'","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-10","Revised explanation of form_for usage","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-09","Additional preamble comments in form_helper.rb.","Mark Thomson",242 "2012-03-08","Small correction to the description of the role of the f...","Mark Thomson",242 "2006-10-02","save! shouldn't validate twice. Closes #6324.","maiha",242 "2006-06-03","Fixed that Module#alias_method_chain should work with bo...","maiha",242 "2006-06-03","Fixed that count distinct should use the selected column...","maiha",242 "2006-03-25","Use example.com as standard (closes #4413) [anna]","maiha",242 "2006-03-04","Added cascading eager loading that allows for queries li...","maiha",242 "2006-03-03","Fixed that calling HasOneProxy#build_model repeatedly wo...","maiha",242 "2006-02-26","Added support for nested scopes (closes #3407) [anna@wot...","maiha",242 "2006-02-26","Added collision option to template generation in generat...","maiha",242 "2006-02-19","Ensure backwards compatibility with symbolized action na...","maiha",242 "2006-01-14","Don't hardcode id in acts_as_list. Closes #3370","maiha",242 "2006-01-13","Fix problems with the plugin loader where plugins could ...","maiha",242 "2006-01-13","Escape database name in MySQL adapter when creating and ...","maiha",242 "2005-12-08"," r3389@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:52:39 -0800","maiha",242 "2005-12-08","SQLite: find database file when RAILS_ROOT is a symlink....","maiha",242 "2011-02-23","Fix observer callbacks firing multiple times on descenda...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2011-02-23","Fix observer callbacks firing multiple times on descenda...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2009-08-10","find_cmd should return the full path of the db command","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2009-08-10","find_cmd should return the full path of the db command","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2008-04-08","ActiveRecord::Base#sum defaults to 0 if no rows are retu...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2008-02-02","Fix calculations on associations with custom :foreign_ke...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2007-12-02","Fix potential extra space in Array#to_sentence. Closes #...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2007-10-26","Update add_index documentation to use new options api. C...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2007-06-27","Array attribute conditions work with proxied association...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2007-06-25","Improve various test coverage. Closes #8676 [kamal]","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2007-06-22","Update tests' use of fixtures for the new collections ap...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2007-06-20","Increase mail delivery test coverage. Closes #8692.","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2007-06-01","render :partial recognizes Active Record associations as...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2007-06-01","Calculations support non-numeric foreign keys. Closes #8...","Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin",242 "2008-05-07","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","John Barnette",242 "2008-05-07","Killing/fixing a bunch of outdated language in the AR RE...","John Barnette",242 "2008-04-28","Make alias_method_chain complain about duplicate aliases...","John Barnette",242 "2008-04-27","Be friendlier when upgrading apps with an old boot.rb.","John Barnette",242 "2008-03-28","Switched to UTC-timebased version numbers for migrations...","John Barnette",242 "2008-03-27","Added that gems can now be plugins if they include rails...","John Barnette",242 "2008-01-26","Correct documentation for dom_id [jbarnette] Closes #10775","John Barnette",242 "2008-01-22","require test/unit explicitly otherwise the at_exit handl...","John Barnette",242 "2008-01-08","Fixtures: removed support for the ancient pre-YAML file ...","John Barnette",242 "2007-12-01","Added db:fixtures:identity as a way of locating what ID ...","John Barnette",242 "2007-12-01","Generated fixtures should not specify ids since theyre e...","John Barnette",242 "2007-11-25","Fixed that create table with :id => false and fixtures d...","John Barnette",242 "2007-11-20","Add 'foxy' support for fixtures of polymorphic associati...","John Barnette",242 "2007-09-22","Added VERBOSE option to rake db:migrate to turn off outp...","John Barnette",242 "2012-03-24","[#5559] Do not black out the system timezone DST jump ho...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-10-27","Tested FormHelper#label. Closes #9850 [jarkko]","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-09-22","self.fixture_class_names is defined twice in fixtures.rb...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-09-02","Remove duplication in test_help.rb Closes #3328 [jarkko]","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-05-19","Merge [6787] to stable from trunk: document caches_actio...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-05-19","Document caches_action. Closes #5419.","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-01-28","mail_to :encode => 'hex' also encodes the mailto: part o...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-01-24","Merge [5704], [6005], [6034] from trunk. References #726...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-01-24","Autolinking recognizes trailing and embedded . , : ; Cl...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-01-12","Merge [5895], [5896] from trunk. References #6891.","Jarkko Laine",242 "2007-01-12","link_to_unless_current works with full URLs as well as p...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2006-07-08","Reset @html_document between requests so assert_tag work...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2005-04-30","Fixed extraneous comma in count() function that made it ...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2005-04-30","Fixed missing id uniqueness in FormTag#radio_button #120...","Jarkko Laine",242 "2011-11-16","`ActiveRecord::Base#becomes` should retain the errors of...","James Adam",242 "2008-03-27","Added Plugin#about method to programmatically access the...","James Adam",242 "2007-11-08","Refactor Plugin Loader. Add plugin lib paths early, and...","James Adam",242 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9203) [lazyatom]","James Adam",242 "2007-09-22","Test requirement fix (closes #9276) [lazyatom]","James Adam",242 "2006-12-18","Merge plugin changes back to 1.2","James Adam",242 "2006-12-18","Reapply plugin load path changes from [5720]","James Adam",242 "2006-12-15","merge plugin loading changes to 1.2 release","James Adam",242 "2006-12-15","Make config.plugins affect $LOAD_PATH and remove duplica...","James Adam",242 "2006-08-07","Clarify usage of script/plugin source. Closes #5344. [ja...","James Adam",242 "2006-07-17","Fix script/plugin about so it uses about.yml and not met...","James Adam",242 "2006-05-22","Session migration generator obeys pluralize_table_names....","James Adam",242 "2005-11-21","Add plugin library directories to the load path after th...","James Adam",242 "2005-11-10","Pass __FILE__ when evaluating plugins' init.rb. Closes ...","James Adam",242 "2013-01-17","Don't change the original i18n data","Chris McGrath",242 "2013-01-17","Remove i18n symbol dependency","Chris McGrath",242 "2007-05-02","apply [6648] to 1.2 stable","Chris McGrath",242 "2007-05-02","Update UrlWriter to accept :anchor parameter. Closes #6771.","Chris McGrath",242 "2006-09-12","Fix script/console --sandbox for internal transactions c...","Chris McGrath",242 "2006-03-19","Added nicer message for assert_redirected_to (closes #42...","Chris McGrath",242 "2005-09-20","Fixed memory leak with Active Record classes when Depend...","Chris McGrath",242 "2005-09-20","Fixed memory leak with Active Record classes when Depend...","Chris McGrath",242 "2005-07-07","Added more efficient implementation of the development m...","Chris McGrath",242 "2005-07-03","Fixed that single-table inheritance sub-classes couldn't...","Chris McGrath",242 "2005-06-30","Fixed memory leak with Object#remove_subclasses_of, whic...","Chris McGrath",242 "2005-03-26","Added documentation on models in sessions #929 [c.r.mcgr...","Chris McGrath",242 "2005-03-06","Added validates_numericality_of #716 [skanthak/c.r.mcgrath]","Chris McGrath",242 "2005-01-10","Fixed script/console to work with Windows (that requires...","Chris McGrath",242 "2013-06-24","Improve js written for guides","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-02-10","Supress warning about method redifinition","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-02-10","Remove method redefined warning","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-02-09","Fix supported ruby version for Rails 4","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-02-09","Fix CoffeeScript example","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-02-06","Fix article for generator name","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-02-05","Fix file name in document [ci skip]","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-01-28","Fix JavaScript syntax in code comment [ci skip]","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-01-22","Remove unnecessary require","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-01-08","Use absolute path","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-01-05","Don't use layout when requested from xhr","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-01-04","Remove unnecessary `ERB::Util::h`","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-01-04","ERB::Util::h is no longer generated in scaffold","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-01-04","Suppress warning about IO#lines in Ruby 2.0","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2013-01-04","Apply `var` keyword to js at welcome#index","Ryunosuke SATO",226 "2007-10-23","Added tests for options to ActiveRecordHelper#form. Clos...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-09-22","Removed unnecessary or statement (closes #7158) [richcol...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-06-13","Improve UrlRewriter tests. Improve helper test coverage....","Rich Collins",226 "2007-06-13","Improve helper test coverage. Closes #7215, #7233, #7234...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-06-08","Improve Action View test coverage. Closes #7241, #7243, ...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-06-08","Test periodically_call_remote with frequency. Closes #72...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-06-05","Don't double-escape url_for in views. Closes #8144.","Rich Collins",226 "2007-03-05","Merge [6336] from trunk. References #6466, #7153.","Rich Collins",226 "2007-03-05","Fix has_many :through << with custom foreign keys. Close...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-01-23","Added test coverage for Inflector.inflections.clear. Cl...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-01-23","ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::UTF8Handler should r...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-01-23","Increase ActiveResource::Base test coverage. Closes #71...","Rich Collins",226 "2007-01-21","Improve test coverage of Duration. Closes #7182 [richco...","Rich Collins",226 "2006-09-04","Added access to nested attributes in RJS (closes #4548) ...","Rich Collins",226 "2006-08-14","Fix for deep includes on the same association.","Rich Collins",226 "2008-10-04","First draft of ActiveSupport::Rescuable","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-12-06","Fixed that the truncation of strings longer than 50 char...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-10-11","Backport fix to allow :controller=>:some_symbol [norbert]","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-09-28","Fixtures test fixes and general cleanup. Closes #9682 [n...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-09-23","Introduce ActionController::Base.rescue_from to declare ...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-09-15","Added Array#rand (closes #9170) [norbert]","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-09-02","Allow Float#round to take a precision argument. Closes ...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-08-28","Use extract_options instead of ad-hoc partial implementa...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-07-25","dont call #collect on a string when returning query cach...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-07-24","Added Array#extract_options! to encapsulate the pattern ...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-07-24","assert_difference belongs in Assertions, not forced onto...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-07-01","Allow you to render views with periods in the name. Clo...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-05-26"," Fix syntax error in code example for routing documentat...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-05-22","Generated scaffold functional tests use assert_differenc...","Norbert Crombach",226 "2007-05-06","Fix documentation typo in routes. Closes #8250. [norbert]","Norbert Crombach",226 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2008-02-02","TestSession supports indifferent access. Closes #7372.","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2007-06-15","Make ActionView#view_paths an attr_accessor for real thi...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2007-01-28","Merge [6086] from trunk. References #7372.","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2007-01-28","TestSession supports indifferent access so session['foo'...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2007-01-28","Merge [6078] from trunk. References #6977.","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2007-01-28","select :multiple => true suffixes the attribute name wit...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2006-11-20","Merge [5597] from trunk.","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2006-11-20","Quote ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars. Closes #6653.","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2006-10-03","Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte. Provides String#chars whi...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2006-06-05","Make sure :id and friends are properly unescaped (closes...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2006-04-30","Namespaced OrderedHash so the Rails implementation does ...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2005-10-13","Unset the X-Requested-With header when using the xhr wra...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2005-07-04","Hashes sent via multipart post should be converted to st...","Julian Tarkhanov",226 "2011-02-28","Make ActiveSupport::Configurable work with modules","Josep M. Bach",226 "2011-02-24","Fix missing inheritance from AR::Base in docs","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-15","Whitespace and example identation","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-15","Add example label to active_support/configurable","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-15","Add example label to activesupport/configurable","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-15","Documented active_support/configurable","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-15","Documentation just before Concern module","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-15","Documented active_support/concern dependency handling","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-14","Whitespace and example identation","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-14","Add example label to active_support/configurable","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-14","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-14","Add example label to activesupport/configurable","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-14","Documented active_support/configurable","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-14","Documentation just before Concern module","Josep M. Bach",226 "2010-08-14","Documented active_support/concern dependency handling","Josep M. Bach",226 "2013-01-16","Fix 3-0-stable to work with Mocha >= v0.13.0","James Mead",226 "2013-01-16","Fix 3-1-stable to work with Mocha >= v0.13.0","James Mead",226 "2013-01-14","Make tests for the presence of MiniTest consistent.","James Mead",226 "2012-11-13","Avoid a Mocha deprecation warning.","James Mead",226 "2012-11-13","Fix for Test::Unit Mocha compatibility.","James Mead",226 "2012-11-13","Use MiniTest in Ruby 1.8 if it is available.","James Mead",226 "2012-11-13","Copy Mocha bug fix.","James Mead",226 "2012-11-12","Simplify code by taking advantage of latest mocha (v0.13...","James Mead",226 "2012-05-29","Exceptions like Interrupt should not be rescued in tests.","James Mead",226 "2012-05-29","Exceptions like Interrupt should not be rescued in tests.","James Mead",226 "2012-05-29","Avoid dependency on MiniTest::Unit::TestCase::PASSTHROUG...","James Mead",226 "2012-05-28","Exceptions like Interrupt should not be rescued.","James Mead",226 "2010-10-08","Remove old workaround for mocha bug. [#3886 state:commit...","James Mead",226 "2008-08-29","ActionMailer should respond_to? to methods handled by me...","James Mead",226 "2008-04-06","Ensure that respond_to? considers dynamic finder methods...","James Mead",226 "2011-03-21","Reapply extensions when using except and only","Iain Hecker",226 "2011-03-21","Reapply extensions when using except and only","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-31","translates when a message symbol has been set on builtin...","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-21","Custom error messages scope improved","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Changed locale file to yml for actionpack, but still broken","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Removed en-US ruby locale in favor of yaml","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Locale file changed to yaml","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Locale file changed to yaml","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Added :value as interpolation variable available to erro...","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Introduced AR::Base.human_name to validations","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Added Base.human_name method","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Added :value as interpolation variable available to erro...","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Introduced AR::Base.human_name to validations","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-20","Added Base.human_name method","Iain Hecker",226 "2008-08-14","Cleaned up ActiveRecord i18n scoping","Iain Hecker",226 "2011-07-24","use existing model for testing Base.create with #after_i...","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-07-24","simplify and be more explicit about create and after_ini...","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-07-23","simplify and be more explicit about create and after_ini...","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-03-29","Add docs for ActionController::Metal class methods","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-03-19","Beef up Rails::Railtie::Configuration docs","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-03-15","doc :anchor option for #match in routes","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-02-10","add some docs for ActionController::Renderers","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-02-05","improve routing docs, mostly for #match","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-02-04","keep options titles consistent to "Options"","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-02-03","fix OrderedHash#each* methods to return Enumerators when...","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-02-02","OrderedHash#each* methods return self like Hash does [#6...","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-01-29","explain different ways to use match()","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-01-29","organize and expand on options for routing methods","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-01-29","add cross-references and documentation for scope","Gabriel Horner",226 "2011-01-29","fix cross-references in HttpHelper methods","Gabriel Horner",226 "2012-02-22","Add config.default_method_for_update to support PATCH","David Lee",226 "2011-06-11","Remove utf8_enforcer_param config option","David Lee",226 "2011-06-11","Make utf8_enforcer_tag an overrideable method","David Lee",226 "2011-06-11","Make utf8 enforcer param customizeable","David Lee",226 "2011-06-11","There are no snowmen here","David Lee",226 "2011-06-11","Add acronym support to Inflector; Issue #1366","David Lee",226 "2011-06-11","Refactor","David Lee",226 "2011-06-11","Test retain delimiter in parameterization inflector","David Lee",226 "2011-05-18","Test that HWIA.with_indifferent_access does not return self","David Lee",226 "2011-05-17","Use dup to preserve previous behavior","David Lee",226 "2011-05-17","Optimize parts of HashWithIndifferentAccess","David Lee",226 "2011-05-11","Fix tests to reflect IdentityMap no longer default","David Lee",226 "2011-05-11","Test csrf token param name customization","David Lee",226 "2011-05-08","indifferent access should recurse Hash subclasses","David Lee",226 "2011-05-07","Logs should show overridden method; Issue 426","David Lee",226 "2011-08-13","Include empty app/mailers directory in mountable and ful...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-08-13","Moved dependencies from Gemfile to gemspec to eliminate ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-08-13","Extracted version from gemspec and placed it in its own ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-08-13","Expanded meta-data in gemspec to include author, email, ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-08-13","added test case for fix to issue #2094","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-08-13","fixed problem in which options[:html][:remote] would be ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-29","Include empty app/mailers directory in mountable and ful...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-28","Moved dependencies from Gemfile to gemspec to eliminate ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-28","Extracted version from gemspec and placed it in its own ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-28","Expanded meta-data in gemspec to include author, email, ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-26","added test case for fix to issue #2094","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-26","fixed problem in which options[:html][:remote] would be ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-26","Include empty app/mailers directory in mountable and ful...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-16","added test case for fix to issue #2094","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2011-07-15","fixed problem in which options[:html][:remote] would be ...","Dan Gebhardt",226 "2013-09-12","Remove unused raw email fixtures","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2013-09-09","Remove helper fixtures not used in any test","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2013-03-18","Add release dates to documentation [ci skip]","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2013-01-07","Update guides/source/getting_started.md","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-12-23","Add release date of Rails 3.2.9 to documentation","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-12-08","Update activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation/prox...","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-12-07","Document the types of arguments accepted by AR#not","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-12-07","Update #where rdoc to match 6ba0f97 [ci skip]","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-12-05","Replace comments' non-breaking spaces with spaces","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-11-30","Remove references to AR::Observer from docs","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-11-28","Revert "rails gem has no lib directory to require"","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-11-13","Add release date of Rails 3.2.9 to documentation","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-10-08","Remove duplicate 'the' article in commented line","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-03-01","Add release dates to documentation","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2012-01-26","Add release date of Rails 3.2.0 to documentation","Claudio Baccigalupo",226 "2011-10-31","Ensure that the format isn't applied twice to the cache ...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-10-31","Ensure that the format isn't applied twice to the cache ...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-08-13","Ensure that .up and .down work as well.","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-08-13","Support backwards compatible interface for migration dow...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-08-03","Ensure that .up and .down work as well.","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-08-03","Support backwards compatible interface for migration dow...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-08-03","Ensure that .up and .down work as well.","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-08-03","Support backwards compatible interface for migration dow...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-06-20","Streamline fragment_for SafeBuffer logic to make it more...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-06-20","Only mark the sliced buffer as safe, if it was safe to b...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-06-20","Streamline fragment_for SafeBuffer logic to make it more...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-06-08","Fragment caching needs to operate on the pure output, no...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-06-08","Don't operate on the safebuffer, operate on a string and...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-06-08","Fragment caching needs to operate on the pure output, no...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-05-08","Don't quote ID's as Arel will quote them -- follow same ...","Christopher Meiklejohn",226 "2011-06-27","Added a configuration setting:","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-27","Move the config bootstrapping to initialization to minim...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-27","Stylesheet link tags should use the request protocol to ...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-27","Add asset_url helper and refactor the asset paths so tha...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-27","OrderedOptions must implement respond_to? if it implemen...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-27","Merge remote-tracking branch 'rails/3-1-stable' into ass...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-18","Added a configuration setting:","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-18","Move the config bootstrapping to initialization to minim...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-18","Merge remote-tracking branch 'rails/3-1-stable' into ass...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-16","Stylesheet link tags should use the request protocol to ...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-14","Add asset_url helper and refactor the asset paths so tha...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-14","OrderedOptions must implement respond_to? if it implemen...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2011-06-07","Use the sass-rails release candidate until full release.","Chris Eppstein",226 "2010-11-07","Correctly handle the case of an API response that return...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2010-11-05","Correctly handle the case of an API response that return...","Chris Eppstein",226 "2012-07-21","Remove deprecation warnings","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-07-21","Add back `:disable_with` and change deprecation horizon ...","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-07-21","Add back `:confirm` and change deprecation horizon to 4.1","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-07-18","Remove `:confirm` in favor of `:data => { :confirm => 'T...","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-06-05","Deprecate `:confirm` in favor of `:data => { :confirm =>...","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-23","Add tests for time_field and date_field helpers","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-23","Refactor date related helpers","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-21","Add several HTML5 input helpers","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-21","Add HTML5 input[type="color"] helper","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-16","Revert "Merge pull request #6354 from lest/patch-1"","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-15","Remove unnecessary calls to primary_key on sqlite3_adapter","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-14","Deprecate `:disable_with` for `button_tag` too","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-14","Fix typo","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-14","Deprecate `:disable_with` in favor of `'data-disable-wit...","Carlos Galdino",226 "2012-05-14","Remove `:disable_with` in favor of `'data-disable-with'`...","Carlos Galdino",226 "2013-05-19","Update configuration docs for assets.enabled, as it's se...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2013-05-19","Update filter_parameters related docs, as they have been...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-12-13","Add a small note about the compressing the file, and how...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-09-03","Fix indenentation in comment to stop the end of comment ...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-05-16","Fix an issue with inflection where my_analyses (in plula...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-05-03","Corrected the name of the module that should be included...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-03-28","Changed the config.assets.manifest to nil in the comment...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-03-28","Changed the config.assets.manifest to nil in the comment...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-03-28","Improved the comment for config.assets.manifest in the a...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-03-28","Changed the config.assets.manifest path in the comments ...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-03-10","Removed max-stale from the tests since it's a request ca...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2012-03-02","Removed max-stale from the setting the cache-headers in ...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2011-05-22","Fixed documentation for scope with path.","Anuj Dutta",226 "2010-02-05","Added rack and i18n to the list of dependencies","Anuj Dutta",226 "2009-08-14","Corrected the use of rackup command from rackup to racku...","Anuj Dutta",226 "2011-11-17","Fix impractical I18n lookup in nested fields_for","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-11-17","Fix impractical I18n lookup in nested fields_for","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-06-23","Minor formating fix","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-06-23","Follow rails convention by using Array.wrap","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-06-23","Allow to specify mass-assignment roles as array","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-06-23","Follow rails convention by using Array.wrap","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-06-23","Allow to specify mass-assignment roles as array","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-03-06","Allow model to be inherited from Hash [#6487 state:resol...","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-03-04","Add an option to FormBuilder to omit hidden field with id","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2011-03-01","Move ActiveModel::AttributeMethods#attribute_methods_gen...","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2007-10-27","Merge [8046] from trunk: allow association redefinition ...","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2007-10-27","Allow association redefinition in subclasses. Closes #9346.","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2007-10-07","Correct BufferedLogger#level? checks. Closes #9806.","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2007-09-21","Fixed CaptureHelper#content_for to work with the optiona...","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2007-09-15","Fixed optimized route segment escaping. Closes #9562.","Alexander Uvarov",226 "2010-03-25","Fix incorrect relative paths being used when looking up ...","Tom Lea",210 "2009-03-06","Ensure self referential HABTM associations raise an exce...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-11-23","Changed the fallback String#each_char to use valid 1.9 s...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-11-23","Changed the fallback String#each_char to use valid 1.9 s...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-11-23","Changed the fallback String#each_char to use valid 1.9 s...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-11-01","Cleaned up route optimisation guard condition generation...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-10-14","Added deprecated warning messages to Float#months and Fl...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-10-14","Deprecated Float#years and Float#months, moved Numeric#y...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-10-14","Time#advance recognizes fractional days and weeks [#970 ...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-08-29","Ensure that calling content_tag_for in a helper doesn't ...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-08-28","Dirty: treat two changes resulting in the original value...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-08-28","Dirty: treat two changes resulting in the original value...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-08-24","Fix incorrect signature for NamedScope#respond_to? [#852...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-08-21","Fix incorrect signature for NamedScope#respond_to? [#852...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-08-12","Serialized attributes will now always be saved even with...","Tom Lea",210 "2008-08-12","Serialized attributes will now always be saved even with...","Tom Lea",210 "2013-08-23","Fix typo in file path, should include extension.","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2013-01-30","Fix `content_tag_for` with array html option.","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-11-21","Refactoring, testing and documenting pg_connection.distinct","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-09-06","Redirect block with arity of 1 is deprecated.","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-01-31","Dont do underscore and camelize, only camelize is fine","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-01-31","There is an "inherit" option on const_get too, why not u...","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-01-21","Replace regexp matching with a simple string manipulation.","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-01-21","Why do we even need a constant here? A variable is fine.","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-01-21","TaggedLogging wraps an object, not a class.","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-01-21","Do not use the same Logger constant for class (from stdl...","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2012-01-15","Pass a symbol instead of a block. This is faster and mor...","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2011-12-19",NA,"Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2011-09-13","Fix a typo in date","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2011-09-12","Fix a typo in date","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2011-08-31","Fix typo: => instead of =","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2011-04-22","Remove HTML escaping from Record Tag Helper docs.","Semyon Perepelitsa",210 "2013-01-29","Add another NumberHelper missing dependency","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2013-01-29","Add NumberHelper missing dependency","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2012-04-16","Make log_level explicit in production.rb template","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2012-04-06","Documents that ActiveRecord instances also support []/[]...","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2011-11-28","Update information about foreign key plugins support in ...","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2011-08-31","Fix logic in 3.1 release notes sentence","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2010-09-24","Properly interpolate i18n keys in modules [#5572 state:r...","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2010-09-24","Properly interpolate i18n keys in modules [#5572 state:r...","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2010-06-20","Fix comment in en.yml datime_select -> datetime_select","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2009-08-30","Fix spelling in Rails 'generator' generator. [#3080 stat...","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2009-08-13","Update instructions for contribution guide.","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2009-07-30","Fix typo in generate_message documentation.","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2009-03-13","Extra spaces on list items were generating wrong output ...","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2009-03-13","Corrects minor spelling mistake (practises -> practices).","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2009-02-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2009-02-22","Corrects information about subtemplates.","Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas",210 "2013-05-04","generate 'app/assets/images' directory when creating new...","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2013-05-01","use constant for encoding","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2013-03-04","add prompt to 422 page to check logs","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2013-02-22","document setting custom datetime attribute for time_tag ...","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2013-02-22","fix time_tag helper and update tests to not rely on dyna...","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2013-02-21","remove assigned but unused variable warning","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2013-01-11","remove_possible_method -> remove_method","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2013-01-08","set 'alt' attribute for image_submit_tag","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2012-12-24","fetch highlighter option only when needed","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2012-10-14","remove 'then' from conditional statement","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2012-10-02","remove unnecessary object/conversions file","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2012-09-25","update image_tag output in examples to actual","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2012-09-25","change ^ and $ anchors in regexp to \A and \z respectively","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2012-09-25","allow to pass numerical value to size option in image_tag","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2012-09-14","use presence method instead of checking for blank","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2012-09-12","remove '.rb' from require call","Nihad Abbasov",210 "2008-12-29","It was decided that Multibyte does not belong to as/mini.","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","Sync with rails/rails/master","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","Pull up some other changes from rails/rails/master","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","Sync i18n update from rails/rails/master","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","Sync with rails/rails/master, merge two metaprogramming ...","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","Use active_support/mini instead of active_support/minima...","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","Sync with wycats/rails/master","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","active_support/minimalistic.rb => active_support/mini.rb","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","Annotated metaprogramming code across ActiveSupport","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-28","Introduce minimalistic package for ActiveSupport.","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-12-26","Inline the only call site of Mime::Type#browser_generated?","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-08-28","Request#remote_ip handles the uncommon case that REMOTE_...","Michael Klishin",210 "2008-08-28","Request#remote_ip handles the uncommon case that REMOTE_...","Michael Klishin",210 "2007-12-11","Base.exists? doesn't rescue exceptions to avoid hiding S...","Michael Klishin",210 "2007-12-10","Update destroy_all and delete_all documentation to bette...","Michael Klishin",210 "2007-12-10","Document Active Record exceptions. Closes #10444.","Michael Klishin",210 "2010-11-11","Make after_filter halt when before_filter renders or red...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-11-11","Make after_filter halt when before_filter renders or red...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-10-11","Honor distinct option when used with count operation aft...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-10-11","Honor distinct option when used with count operation aft...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-10-03","Correct documentation that references how *_filter of ac...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-30","AssociationCollection#include? working properly for obje...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-30","AssociationCollection#include? working properly for obje...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-30","AssociationCollection#include? working properly for obje...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-30","Remove duplication of conditions generated for associati...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-28","Set attributes properly for model built from association...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-28","Set attributes properly for model built from association...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-28","Preserving :include options for hmt association with an ...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-24","Delegate ActiveRecord::Base.offset to scoped methods (an...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-24","Delegate ActiveRecord::Base.offset to scoped methods (an...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-13","Reference watch_namespaces in comments instead of watch_...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2010-09-10","intersection between a relation and an array works in bo...","Marcelo Giorgi",210 "2011-01-10","Refactor to handle the X-Cascade without having to raise...","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2011-01-10","Refactor to handle the X-Cascade without having to raise...","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-11-30","Fix generation of wrong json string when field has multi...","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-10-18","Fix status initialization when custom status provided","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-10-18","AC::Caching DRYup","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-10-17","Change def to attr_reader + alias","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-10-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-10-12","Fix small typo in documentation","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-09-25","Fix 'warning: method redefined' [#5551 state:resolved]","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-09-25","Fix logging when cache key contains % sign [#5570 state:...","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-09-25","Remove duplicate helper method","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-09-18","Move capture to Kernel. [#5641 state:resolved]","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-09-01","Make ActiveSupport::Duration#method_missing delegate blo...","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-09-01","Make ActiveSupport::Duration#method_missing delegate blo...","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-08-24","Fix test of generated Gemfile with mysql selected as DB ...","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2010-08-24","Fix test of generated Gemfile with mysql selected as DB ...","Krekoten&#39; Marjan",210 "2009-06-01","Fixed XHR typo and another Application => ApplicationCon...","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-31","Fixed some typos and a more common grammar styles.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-31","Fixed typo.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-30","Fixed some links pointing to guides.rails.info to relati...","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-30","Fixed links to the Routing Guide.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-30","Added TIP about resources when using the short form_for ...","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-30","Link titles are generally capitalized.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-30","Removed the Javascript. It conflicts with the highlighti...","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-30","Grammer: 'a' => 'an' where applicable.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-30","Clarification in an example. Grammar correction.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-29","Semi-fix for Firefox code Copy and Paste","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-29","Linked to the IRC channel.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-29","Capitalized Rails where appropriate.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-29","Corrected path to standard.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-29","Corrected paths to standard.","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2009-05-29","Typo and Style Corrections","Joseph Pecoraro",210 "2010-07-23","Move config_accessor :asset_host from ActionController::...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-07-21","Mention that ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options is n...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-07-21","Mention that ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options is n...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-06-21","Make ActiveModel::Errors#add_on_blank and #add_on_empty ...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-05-15","Make ActiveModel::Errors#add_on_blank and #add_on_empty ...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-05-15","Added extra documentation for content_for helper","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-05-15","Added Rake task rails:templates:copy to copy templates f...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-13","Update of block helpers examples in form_helper.rb","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-12","Updated documentation for block helpers in render/layout...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-12","Updated documentation for block helpers in render/partia...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-12","Updated documentation for block helpers in form_tag_help...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-12","Updated documentation for block helpers in javascript_he...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-12","Updated documentation for block helpers in prototype_hel...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-12","Updated documentation for block helpers in record_tag_he...","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-12","Updated documentation for block helpers in tag_helper.rb","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2010-03-12","Updated documentation for block helpers in url_helper.rb","Jeroen van Dijk",210 "2013-06-15","Don't modify args in TableDefinition#primary_key","Grant Hutchins",210 "2013-05-11","Don't modify args in TableDefinition#primary_key","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-11-02","Support :multiple option on input tags with :index","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-09-27","Improve documentation for subscribe block","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-06-28","Speed up Hash#transform_keys using Hash#each_key","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-04-01","Don't include deprecation in AM::Naming anymore","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-03-29","Make controller namespace partial prefix optional","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-03-28","Test that render gets correct exact template name","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-03-11","assert_template matches against Regexp","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-03-10","Remove ActiveModel::Naming#partial_path","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-03-10","Fix comments about to_partial_path","Grant Hutchins",210 "2011-08-13","Give attribution to Peter Jaros for the patch we paired on.","Grant Hutchins",210 "2011-08-13","Let ActiveModel instances define partial paths.","Grant Hutchins",210 "2011-07-28","Give attribution to Peter Jaros for the patch we paired on.","Grant Hutchins",210 "2011-07-25","Let ActiveModel instances define partial paths.","Grant Hutchins",210 "2011-07-08","ActiveRecord::Base should pass ActiveModel::Lint.","Grant Hutchins",210 "2012-08-30","Further improve RENDER_DEPENDENCY regexp comments","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2012-08-30","Improve RENDER_DEPENDENCY regexp comment to keep the doc...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2012-08-30","`Digestor` can now parse old style hash syntax for `render`","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2012-08-30","`Digestor` ignores most whitespace when parsing `render`...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2011-11-18","Only used detailed schema introspection when doing a sch...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2011-09-26","Refactor image_path to use asset_path directly","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2011-09-26","Correctly override image_path in sprockets rails_helper","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2011-09-26","Give precedence to `config.digest = false` over manifest...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2011-08-13","Improve performance and memory usage for options_for_sel...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2011-07-27","Improve performance and memory usage for options_for_sel...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2011-07-27","Improve performance and memory usage for options_for_sel...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2009-06-26","Handle missing javascript/stylesheets assets by raising ...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2009-01-26","Updated Object#try doc to match lifo's "no code change" ...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2009-01-26","An updated description of Object#try to better reflect c...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2009-01-26","An updated description of Object#try to better reflect c...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2008-12-11","Fix for Integration::Session follow_redirect! headers['l...","Christos Zisopoulos",210 "2009-09-18","Fix typo.","Brian Donovan",210 "2008-04-02","Ensure RJS redirect_to doesn't html-escapes string argum...","Brian Donovan",210 "2008-04-02","Adding Hash#without Closes #7369 [eventualbuddha]","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-12-05","Update documentation to reflect increased accuracy of da...","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-10-08","Add link_to :back which uses your referrer with a fallba...","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-01-17","Fix #distance_of_time_in_words to report accurately agai...","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-01-15","Make 1.months and friends accurate by introducing a Dura...","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-01-14","Test that calculations don't modify their options hash. ...","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-01-13","Merge [5919] from trunk. References #7021.","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-01-13","Oracle: correctly perform eager finds with :limit and :o...","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-01-12","Merge [5887] from trunk. References #4668.","Brian Donovan",210 "2007-01-12","PostgreSQL: use a subselect to correctly perform eager f...","Brian Donovan",210 "2006-12-06","Merge [5694]-[5698] from trunk: respond_to json and rend...","Brian Donovan",210 "2006-12-06","respond_to recognizes JSON. render :json => @person.to_j...","Brian Donovan",210 "2006-02-25","Make TMail::Mail#has_attachments? use logic from #attach...","Brian Donovan",210 "2005-12-22","Added delayed execution of Javascript from within RJS (c...","Brian Donovan",210 "2012-10-14","7914 Using a better way to get the defaults from db.","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-10-14","#7914 get default value when type uses schema name","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-10-14","#7914 Remove code for unsupported postgreSQL version.","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-10-14","#7914 Using a better way to get the defaults from db.","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-10-14","#7914 Add change of previous commit to CHANGELOG.md","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-10-13","#7914 get default value when type uses schema name","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-10-13","Update guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.md","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-10-12","Fix small typo in development_dependencies_install","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-03-30","refactor instantiate method in base, so we remove nestin...","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-03-30","refactor the checking of the attributes of the record in...","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-03-30","Do not add record to identity map if the record doesn't ...","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-03-30","Adds a test that breaks IM when using #select","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-03-29","refactor instantiate method in base, so we remove nestin...","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-03-28","refactor the checking of the attributes of the record in...","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-03-28","Do not add record to identity map if the record doesn't ...","Arturo Pie",210 "2012-03-28","Adds a test that breaks IM when using #select","Arturo Pie",210 "2008-12-01","establish mysql connection before dropping database","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-11-06","Don't eval recognize_optimized use __FILE__ and __LINE__...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-10-04","Return processing lock to dispatcher, the finer grained ...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-10-04","Fix performance bug in AttibuteMethods#respond_to? in ha...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-10-04","call clear_active_connections! in :after_dispatch to giv...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-10-04","made ConnectionPool#checkout more robust by trying to lo...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-10-04","Fix race in ConnectionPool#checkout","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-10-04","don't quote decimal values for mysql. It doesn't make se...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-04-27","Remove old :limit removal code from find_initial, logic ...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Precalculate the Backtrace of a template err...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-02-02","Fix has_many :through a polymorphic has_many. Closes #10...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-01-31","Fixed preloading belongs_to associations which reference...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-01-27","Correct line numbers from template errors. Closes #109...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-01-27","Precalculate the Backtrace of a template error to avoid ...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2008-01-19","Introduce preload query strategy for eager :includes. Cl...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2007-08-07","Make habtm respect the :select option. Closes #9207. [Al...","Aliaksey Kandratsenka",210 "2009-05-02","Formatting fixes, take 3","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-05-02","Formatting fixes, take 2","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-05-02","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-05-02","Formatting fixes","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-04-28","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-04-28","Formatting updates per lifo","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-04-27","Fix typos in submitted patch","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-02-24","Add references","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-02-23","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-02-23","Another strange character fix","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-02-23","More special character removal and added cache_money to ...","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-02-23","Take out some special characters that sneaked in","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-02-23","Added a changelog","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-02-23","Updated with all the new cache_store stuff","Aditya Chadha",210 "2009-02-22","Added info about parameters passed to caches_action and ...","Aditya Chadha",210 "2008-12-27","Fixed typo","Aditya Chadha",210 "2012-05-04","Remove content-length as well","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-05-03","Make ActionController#head pass rack-link","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-04-30","Add ActiveRecord::Base#ids","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-04-29","Close #3886 - Add THEAD and TBODY to scaffold markup","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-04-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-04-29","Document ActiveSupport::Deprecations.behavior","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-04-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-04-29","Document exception handling inside resce_from handlers","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-04-28","Document #behavior= and update CHANGELOG","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-04-28","Add a "silence" behavior to completely turn off deprecat...","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-03-22","Update config.assets.initialize_on_precompile warning to...","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-03-22","[engines] [ci-skip] Add example of precompiling engine a...","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-03-15","[ci skip] Add examples of subscribing & creating ActiveS...","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-03-15","[ci skip] Add examples to instrumentation guide","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-03-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Adam Hawkins",210 "2012-03-05","Add rails glossary of common terms & concepts","Adam Hawkins",210 "2013-05-28","Whitespace trimming in guides generation","Sunny Ripert",200 "2013-05-28","Consistent one-spaced bullets in guides release notes","Sunny Ripert",200 "2013-05-28","Remove references to deprecated test tasks","Sunny Ripert",200 "2013-05-28","Remove double spaces in guides","Sunny Ripert",200 "2013-05-28","Remove double spaces in code examples","Sunny Ripert",200 "2013-05-28","Consistent use of one space only after punctuation","Sunny Ripert",200 "2013-05-28","End-of-line whitespace hunt","Sunny Ripert",200 "2011-11-17","Guides: better example to find the last sent email","Sunny Ripert",200 "2010-08-17","Testing Guide: rake test:uncommitted now supports git","Sunny Ripert",200 "2009-04-28","Missing tiny quote","Sunny Ripert",200 "2008-06-20","ActiveRecord associations example on module scopes was i...","Sunny Ripert",200 "2008-05-07","Applied list conventions in AR::Base","Sunny Ripert",200 "2008-05-07","Renamed Options list to Attributes list whenever they we...","Sunny Ripert",200 "2008-05-05","validates_numericality_of() "integer" option really is "...","Sunny Ripert",200 "2008-05-05","Harmonized hash notation in AR::Base","Sunny Ripert",200 "2008-05-05","Turned options into rdoc-lists in AR::Base","Sunny Ripert",200 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Sunny Ripert",200 "2013-08-05","Added data for permit array into scalar value","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2013-02-14","Bump rack-test dependency to 0.6.2","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2013-02-09","Added notice message for destroy method in scaffold","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2012-07-02","Made file name and class name consistant","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2012-02-29","Changed asset_host config to more specific","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2012-01-30","Used block to make sure file get auto closed after use","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-12-21","Remove unused conditions for 1.9","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-12-21","Updated gemspec for ruby 1.9.3","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-11-28","Used any? instead of length call","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-11-27","Use any instead of length","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-11-08","Updated Rakefile as CHANGELOG has been renamed to CHANGE...","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-10-18","Added test case for postgresql database","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-10-14","Fixed typos in active_support_core_extensions.textile","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-10-13","Added test to check that the vendor/assets/stylesheets d...","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-10-11","Merge pull request #71 from rahul100885/rahul100885_work...","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-10-11","Fixed typos in active_support_core_extensions.textile","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2011-10-11","Corrected typo","Rahul P. Chaudhari",200 "2012-06-06","Document ActiveSupport::JSON.parse_error [ci skip]","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-05-27",""a sql" -> "an SQL" per API documentation guidelines","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-05-17","Fix some code formatting in core_ext guide","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-05-16","Fix typos in docs for ActiveRecord::Core::arel_table [ci...","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-05-15","code-format italicized 'production' env [ci skip]","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-05-15","s/aff/add [ci skip]","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-05-07","are ran -> are run","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-30","Fix stray capitalization","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-30","Fix rdoc formatting in Mime::Type","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-30","Reword polymorphic routes + mounted engine rdoc","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-29","Remove unused assignments","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-29","Remove unused assignment in actionpack date helper test","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-29","Remove unused assignments from activerecord tests","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-28","Code-format references to config settings","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-28","More using <tt>x</tt> instead of +x+ when the latter ren...","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2012-04-27","Fix it's -> its","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2011-12-08","Fix inflection regexes for mouse, mice","Mark Rushakoff",200 "2011-03-31","Grammar tweaks to the guides guidelines","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-08-17","Debugging Guide: Improve grammar for the RJS section","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-08-17","Debugging Guide: Highlight using config over ActionView:...","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-08-16","Debugging Guide: Improve grammar for the RJS section","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-06-13","Routing guide: Fix path","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-06-03","Form Helpers guide: Use new syntax for fields_for examples","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-06-02","Revert "Guides: Give code container a proper bottom margin"","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-06-02","Guides: Give code container a proper bottom margin","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-05-25","Form Helpers guide: Use new syntax for fields_for examples","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-05-19","Testing guide: Replace removed word","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-05-19","Testing guide: Grammar, punctuation, and emphasize that ...","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-05-17","Guides: Fix numerous broken links","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-05-16","Fix punctuation and keep the tone consistent","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-05-04","image_tag should be audio_tag, and change typo 'image' t...","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-05-04","Change typo 'image' to 'audio file'","Josiah Ivey",200 "2010-05-04","image_tag should be audio_tag","Josiah Ivey",200 "2009-08-16","Fix typo in debugging guide","Josiah Ivey",200 "2011-06-16","Bump mysql2 up","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2011-06-11","Revert "Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutatio...","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2011-06-11","Revert "Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutatio...","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2011-06-11","Revert "Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutatio...","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-06-08","update docs before_validation_on_create => before_valida...","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-19","html_escape mail_to when encode javascript and not hex","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-19","Making SafeBuffer << an alias for concat method","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-14","Explicit html_escape removed when not needed","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-14","html_escape mail_to when encode javascript and not hex","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-05","Fixed html_safe test cases which weren't testing correct...","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-05","More html_safe strings now use the safe_concat method","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-05","Fixed html_safe test cases which weren't testing correctly","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-05","Tests for html_safe! backwards compatibility are restored","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-05","Added backwards compatibility for html_safe!","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-05","Backport html_safe. Use latest rails_xss plugin for forw...","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-04","require 'action_controller' added on a test that uses it","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2010-02-02","Routing Mapper with % interpolation on Ruby 1.9.1 fixed ...","José Ignacio Costa",200 "2012-07-10","use 'use_zone' method in example, instead of reimplement...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2012-07-09","Fixed second assert_match - previous one didn't make any...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2012-07-09","It's better to pass strings to assert_match - it convert...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2012-06-12","fixed http token authentication formatting","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2011-12-21","added failing tests for has_many, has_one and belongs_to...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2011-12-21","added failing tests for has_many, has_one and belongs_to...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2011-12-21","added :other_than => :!= option to numericality validator","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2011-11-28","added information about callbacks created by autosave as...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2011-11-26","added tests, replaced classify with constantize - using ...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2011-11-26","allow using orm_instance without invoking orm_class firs...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2011-11-24","make ActiveModel::Name fail gracefully with anonymous cl...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2011-01-09","authenticity_token option for form_tag [#2988 state:reso...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2010-08-02","added failing touch propagation test","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2009-09-12","ruby 1.9 friendly secure_compare","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2009-09-12","ruby 1.9 friendly secure_compare","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2008-08-24","Fix that has_one natural assignment to already associate...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2008-08-21","Fix that has_one natural assignment to already associate...","Jakub Kuźma",200 "2008-03-24","Allow the #simple_format text_helper to take an html_opt...","François Beausoleil",200 "2007-10-08","validates_uniqueness_of behaves well with single-table i...","François Beausoleil",200 "2007-05-21","Merge [6796] to stable from trunk. Integration tests: al...","François Beausoleil",200 "2007-05-21","Integration tests: alias xhr to xml_http_request and add...","François Beausoleil",200 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","François Beausoleil",200 "2006-08-05","Make Routing noisy when an anchor regexp is assigned to ...","François Beausoleil",200 "2006-05-23","Add observer generator. Closes #5167. [francois.beausole...","François Beausoleil",200 "2006-04-26","Add warning about the proper way to validate the presenc...","François Beausoleil",200 "2006-03-25","Added Fixnum#seconds for consistency, so you can say 5.m...","François Beausoleil",200 "2006-03-16","Added TestRequest#raw_post that simulate raw_post from C...","François Beausoleil",200 "2005-12-08"," r3387@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:48:42 -0800","François Beausoleil",200 "2005-12-08","Reloading an instance refreshes its aggregations as well...","François Beausoleil",200 "2005-11-10","Better svn status matching for generators. Closes #2814.","François Beausoleil",200 "2005-09-24","Added prevention of duplicate migrations from the genera...","François Beausoleil",200 "2005-09-11","Added better exception error when unknown column types a...","François Beausoleil",200 "2005-09-01","ActionController documentation update #2051 [fbeausoleil...","François Beausoleil",200 "2005-06-16","Added -e/--environment option to script/runner #1408 [fb...","François Beausoleil",200 "2012-12-20","Prevent callback from being set twice.","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2012-04-30","Replace boolean argument with an options hash.","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-09-29","Honour RAILS_ENV environment variable when running rake.","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-09-29","When running "rake db:drop" also drop test database in d...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-09-07","This way asserting that updated_at was changed in touch ...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-09-07","Do not use default_scope in ActiveRecord::Persistence#to...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-08-29","Fixed failing query when performing calculation with hav...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-08-13","Remove unnecessary require (happened after fcbde454f6)","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-08-13","Fixed failing query when performing calculation with hav...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-08-01","Remove unnecessary require (happened after fcbde454f6)","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-07-27","Fixed failing query when performing calculation with hav...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-07-07","Add require ActiveSupport delegation to ActiveRecord::Re...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-07-07","Add require ActiveSupport delegation to ActiveRecord::Re...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-06-07","Do not use default_scope in ActiveRecord::Persistence#to...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-06-07","This way asserting that updated_at was changed in touch ...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-06-07","This way asserting that updated_at was changed in touch ...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2011-06-07","Do not use default_scope in ActiveRecord::Persistence#to...","Dmitriy Kiriyenko",200 "2008-07-02","Add Inflection rules for String#humanize. [#535 state:re...","Dan Manges",200 "2007-12-21","Benchmark logs for any level below or equal to the one s...","Dan Manges",200 "2007-12-05","Document that the delegate method can delegate to things...","Dan Manges",200 "2007-10-08","Move custom inflections example so available before rout...","Dan Manges",200 "2007-09-30","Add attr_readonly to specify columns that are skipped du...","Dan Manges",200 "2007-05-26","find gracefully copes with blank :conditions. Closes #7599.","Dan Manges",200 "2007-05-19","Merge [6790] to stable from trunk: document deep eager i...","Dan Manges",200 "2007-05-19","Document deep eager includes. Closes #6267.","Dan Manges",200 "2007-03-13","Consistent public/protected/private visibility for chain...","Dan Manges",200 "2007-02-04","Merge 5876 to release.","Dan Manges",200 "2007-01-15","Merge [5944] from trunk. References #7048.","Dan Manges",200 "2007-01-15","Skip column options for primary keys. Closes #7048.","Dan Manges",200 "2007-01-15","Merge [5937] from trunk. References #6956.","Dan Manges",200 "2007-01-15","change_column accepts :default => nil. Closes #6956.","Dan Manges",200 "2007-01-14","Merge [5909], [5927] from trunk. References #6742, #7026.","Dan Manges",200 "2007-01-14","Allow exempt_from_layout :rhtml. References #6742, close...","Dan Manges",200 "2007-01-10","Pass a range in :conditions to use the SQL BETWEEN opera...","Dan Manges",200 "2008-06-26","teeny tiny change that fixes a minor formating problem'","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-05-16","Added docs about source_type for has_one association","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-04-01","Update generator tests. Closes #11487 [thechrisoshow]","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-04-01","Fix migration test when run in GMT zone. Closes #11477 [...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-28","Add #clone. Closes #7352 [Ryan Daigle, thechrisoshow]","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-28","Fix some mistaken dependencies among AR unit tests. Clos...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-28","Fixed that no gems installed would cause error (closes #...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-28","Make sure ActiveRecord tests can run individually. Close...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-24","Added ActiveRecord#Base.all/first/last as aliases for fi...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-24","Allow the #simple_format text_helper to take an html_opt...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-21","Add has_one :through support, finally. Closes #4756 [the...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-18","Merge [9056] from trunk: Migrations: create_table suppor...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-18","Migrations: create_table supports primary_key_prefix_typ...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-13","Docfix (closes #11309) [thechrisoshow]","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-05","Documentation for the drop_receiving_element helpers :on...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-03-05","Tests for div_for and content_tag_for helpers. Closes #1...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2008-02-16","Ensure that :confirm doesn't need extra quotes when usin...","Chris O&#39;Sullivan",200 "2010-04-10","Fix Array#to_xml to produce valid markup when working wi...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2009-01-27","Improve i18n support for number_to_human_size helper:","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2009-01-01","Update flash[] docs a bit.","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-12-28","Fix 'i18n' require broken by 0.0.1 -> 0.1.1 commit [#165...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-12-28","Update i18n gem to version 0.1.1 (Rails' changes were ba...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-12-28","Introduce dynamic scopes for ActiveRecord: you can now u...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-12-27","Fix ActionPack build on Windows: we really should not te...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-12-27","Refactor ActiveRecord::Base#new_record? [#1647 state:com...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-12-27","ActiveRecord::Base#new_record? now returns false for exi...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-12-27","It is better to have this commented out to let locale-ch...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-12-21","Remove dead commented out code [#1467 state:resolved]","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-11-25","Fix an example of using Inflector's #parameterize.","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-11-24","Don't generate public/dispatch.cgi/fcgi/rb files by defa...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-11-24","I18n guide: changed to reflect new i18n locale naming, a...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-11-23","Add i18n for number_to_human_size() helper storage units...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-11-23","Add i18n for number_to_human_size() helper storage units...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-09-12","Improve ActiveRecord I18n translations documentation","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2008-05-07","Add a filter_parameter_logging usage hint to generated A...","Yaroslav Markin",193 "2013-08-04","Fix active_record_validations.md document, `:save` for `...","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-22","Refactor AR's counter_cache_test.rb test","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-22","Add test for AR::CounterCache.update_counters","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-22","Extract AR::Persistence#becomes's test code out from bas...","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-21","Extract AR::AttributeMethods#attribute_for_inspect's tes...","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-21","Extract AR::Core#inspect and AR::Core.inspect's test cod...","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-18","Fix tests which started to fail due to commit 0123c39f41...","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-18","Add test to AR's counter_cache_test.rb","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-02","Add test for `AR::Base#to_param`","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-05-02","Extract tests code out from AR's base_test.rb to integra...","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-03-30","split relation_scoping_test.rb's default scoping tests i...","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-03-30","rename named_scope_test.rb to a proper file name","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-03-30","move tests for NamedScope and DefaultScope under test/ca...","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-03-18","move tests out from base_test.rb","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-03-11","add an missing assertion to inheritance_test.rb","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-02-19","delete duplicated tests in AR base_test.rb","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2013-02-17","add tests for ActiveRecord::Base#create","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2012-11-29","added examples when options is string","Takehiro Adachi",193 "2007-12-05","More complete documentation for find_by_sql. Closes #791...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-12-05","Document API for exists?'s parameter and provide example...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-12-05","Document API for create's attributes parameter and provi...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-12-05","Document options and add examples for update. Closes #79...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-12-05","Document options and add examples for delete. Closes #79...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-12-05","Document options and add examples for destroy. Closes #7...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-12-05","Document options and add examples for update_all. Closes...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-12-05","Document options for update_counters. Closes #8091 [fear...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-11-06","Enhance explanation with more examples for attr_accessib...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-05-06","Add documentation caveat about when to use count_by_sql....","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-05-06","Also add documentation enhancements for increment_counte...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-05-06","Enhance documentation for decrement_counter. Closes #809...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-05-06","Provide brief introduction to what optimistic locking is...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2007-05-06","Add brief introduction to REST to the resources document...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2006-12-26","apply [5790] to 1.2 stable branch","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2006-12-26","Fix scaffold_resource generator so it respects the --pre...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2006-11-13","Merge [5506] from trunk. Set Rails::VERSION::STRING to 1...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2006-11-13","Rails::VERSION::STRING should always be available. Close...","Jamie van Dyke",193 "2013-05-12","Replace multi_json with json","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2012-09-29","Update minitest dependency to ~> 4.0","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2012-04-19","Use `Object#respond_to?` to determine which MultiJson AP...","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2012-04-19","Revert "multi_json is restricted to < 1.3 "","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-12-12","Include TagHelper but don't explicitly require it","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-12-12","Make quotes in Gemfile consistent (use single quotes)","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-12-12","Use HTTPS rubygems source","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-08-13","Add documentation for :format => true","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-08-13","Allow a route to have :format => true","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-08-05","Test against Rubinius","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-07-25","Add documentation for :format => true","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-07-25","Add documentation for :format => true","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-07-25","Allow a route to have :format => true","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2011-07-25","Allow a route to have :format => true","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2010-10-06","Fix copy/paste bug","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2010-10-06","Fix copy/paste bug","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2010-09-09","Add support for mysql2 adapter","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2010-09-09","Fix typo in deprecation warning","Erik Michaels-Ober",193 "2013-01-31","Use \A in Regexps","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-08-27","Merge pull request #108 from homakov/master","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-08-27","default headers init","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-08-09","some tests","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-08-09","introduce default_headers config","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-06-13","These lines don't help to mitigate CVE. They only turn [...","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-05-26","do not force sanitize and whitelist protocols for auto_link","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-05-25","auto_link final sanitize","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-05-14","Update railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates...","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-05-12","Update railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates...","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-05-11","Update railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-05-11","Update guides/source/configuring.textile","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-05-11","Update guides/source/configuring.textile","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-04-24","Deleting insecure and "bad practice" code. related: http...","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-03-17","using pluck","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-03-13","'module' is reserved word. Sample of code with error - n...","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-03-04","wow how come I commit in master? O_o","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-02-28","Inflector/constantize - inject method lets us to avoid u...","Egor Homakov",193 "2012-12-01","Cleans and removes 'Examples' tag [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-12-01","Cleans and removes useless 'Examples' tag [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-12-01","Fixes wrong typo on FormHelper [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-12-01","Cleans documentation from Helpers [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-12-01","Improves documentation of Capture helper [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-12-01","Removes :nodoc: tag on AtomFeedHelper [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-12-01","Removes unneeded 'Example' tags and whitespaces [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-12-01","Removes :nodoc: label [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-12-01","Improves documentation on favicon_link_tag","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Updates Array conversions method documentations and clea...","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Adds to Batch processing documentation [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Updates examples for FinderMethods [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Adds examples to FinderMethods#first [ci skip]","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Updates documentation with cleaner examples and texts [c...","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Updates validations examples to be more attuned on the n...","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2012-05-28","Merge pull request #102 from xenda/master","Alvaro Pereyra",193 "2013-07-01","Using ActiveSupport::Concern instead of plain regular Ru...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-19","Changed the CHANGELOG for active_support and improved th...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-15","Corrected documentation and added some more for the clas...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-15","Added some more documentation for define_readers and def...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-15","Added some more documentation for ActiveRecord::Associat...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-15","Added documentation for ActiveRecord::Associations::Buil...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-14","Added a blank space and removed to_sym","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-13","Removed Class Eval and used define_method instead for th...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-13","Added documentation for model migration generation","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-13","Added documentation for Rails::Generators::NamedBase.tem...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-09","Added documentation for ActiveRecord::Generators::Migrat...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-09","Added documentation for ActiveRecord::Base#next_migratio...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-09","changed rails -> Rails at two places","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-05-08","Changed spelling of Busines to Business","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-04-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-04-22","Added instructions of latest bundler install + modified ...","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-04-22","corrected a typo related to on: :save option in validations","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-04-22","corrected a line related to on: :save option in validations","aditya-kapoor",193 "2013-04-14","fix for the bytea/binary nil value bug","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2013-04-14","added a test suite for the postgres binary type","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2011-09-22","fixed a bug with the json serialization when the class s...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2008-03-31","Fixed charset/collation for rake db:create (closes #1133...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2008-03-26","New applications should use UTC as the default time zone","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2008-03-10","Fix database rake tasks to work with charset/collation a...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2008-03-07","Better error message for type conflicts when parsing par...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2008-01-10","Merge [8615] to stable: resurrect WordNet synonym lookup...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2008-01-10","Resurrect WordNet synonym lookups. Closes #10710.","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-12-21","Add :default option to time_zone_select. Closes #10590.","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-12-14","Added db:migrate:redo and db:migrate:reset for rerunning...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-12-14","Added db:migrate:redo for rerunning existing migrations ...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-12-05","Add documentation about the virtual attribute added by v...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-08-28","Fix documentation error in xml serialization. [matt] Clo...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-06-28","db:create creates the database for the current environme...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-06-25","MySQL, PostgreSQL: database.yml defaults to utf-8. Close...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-06-20","MySQL: fix show_variable. Closes #8448.","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-05-26","Add db:create, drop, reset, charset, and collation tasks...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2007-05-26","MySQL: create_database takes :charset and :collation opt...","Matt Aimonetti",187 "2011-03-09","Add a note to discourage users from using presence valid...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2011-02-27","Make sure the Thor generator LoadError does not output -...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-11-11","The model generator shouldn't throw warnings when using ...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-11-11","The model generator shouldn't throw warnings when using ...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-11-02","Make sure capture's output gets html_escaped [#5545 stat...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-11-02","Make sure capture's output gets html_escaped [#5545 stat...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-10-16","Remove the :vew attr_reader from ActionView::AbstractRen...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-09-24","got rid of the "ambiguous first argument; put parenthese...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-09-24","got rid of the "ambiguous first argument; put parenthese...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-06-21","Changed `ruby /path/to/rails myapp --dev` to `ruby /path...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-06-10","Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute: tests, cleanups a...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-05-16","Added assert_attribute_type to clean up GeneratedAttribu...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-05-16","Added assert_attribute_type to clean up GeneratedAttribu...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-05-16","using :time_select when the attribute type is :time in t...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-05-16","using :time_select when the attribute type is :time in t...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-05-15","make sure `as` is set before trying to build an #{as}_co...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-05-15","make sure `as` is set before trying to build an #{as}_co...","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-05-15","partial counters with :as [#2804 state:resolved]","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2010-05-15","partial counters with :as [#2804 state:resolved]","Jeff Kreeftmeijer",187 "2012-08-15","Minor language fix. [ci skip]","Erich Menge",187 "2012-08-07","Deprecate ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable","Erich Menge",187 "2012-06-26","Setup each test with default ActiveRecord timezone setti...","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-30","Remove deprecated ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable.","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-30","Deprecate ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-30","Fix typo [ci skip]","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-30","True, False, and Nil should be represented in as_json as...","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-30","True, False, and Nil should be represented in as_json as...","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-26","Add some information about handle_unverified_request to ...","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-16","Fixes issue where SQL fragments prevented type casting b...","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-16","Integer limit out of range should be allowed to raise. C...","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-16","SQLite3 doesn't actually support the 'time' type.","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-12","Update 'getting started' guides for new whitelist securi...","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-11","Better document the difference between #clone and #dup.","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-08","Updated tests for has_secure_password.","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-08","has_secure_password shouldn't validate password_digest. ...","Erich Menge",187 "2012-05-01","Minor English fix.","Erich Menge",187 "2012-04-01",":success includes the whole 200 range, not just 200.","Erich Menge",187 "2012-03-12","Allow retrieve_cache_key to work on collections such as ...","Erich Menge",187 "2013-01-14","Fix DateTime comparison with DateTime::Infinity object","Dan Kubb",187 "2010-02-07","Added newline to appended gem config in Gemfile","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-10-11","Backport: allow array and hash query parameters. Array r...","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-10-08","Add tests for [7727]. Closes #6090 [dkubb, mpalmer, tarmo]","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-06-08","Action caching is limited to GET requests returning 200 ...","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-05-26","Routing: respond with 405 Method Not Allowed status when...","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-05-26","validates_numericality_of takes :greater_than, :greater_...","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-03-06","Prefer MIME constants to strings. Closes #7707.","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-03-06","Allow array and hash query parameters. Array route param...","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-01-28","Merge [6075] from trunk. References #7228.","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-01-28","Full test coverage for Inflector. Closes #7228.","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-01-28","MySQL: blob and text columns may not have defaults in 5....","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-01-28","Merge [6062] from trunk. References #7229.","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-01-28","Resource member routes require :id, eliminating the ambi...","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-01-17","Interpret 422 Unprocessable Entity as ResourceInvalid. C...","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-01-17","RecordInvalid, RecordNotSaved => 422 Unprocessable Entit...","Dan Kubb",187 "2007-01-08","Fix bug where nested resources ignore a parent singleton...","Dan Kubb",187 "2006-11-18","Merged [5482] from trunk","Dan Kubb",187 "2006-11-11","Sync ActionController::StatusCodes::STATUS_CODES with ht...","Dan Kubb",187 "2012-04-07","Fix 'Everyday Git' link","Anil Wadghule",187 "2012-04-06","Fix Rails version in getting started guide.","Anil Wadghule",187 "2012-04-06","Fix 'Everyday Git' link","Anil Wadghule",187 "2011-06-05","Fix failing test because of Timezone difference.","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-10-19","Fix SQLite adapter name [#5842 state:resolved]","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-10-07","Add jruby-openssl gem in Gemfile necessary for JRuby","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-10-07","Add jruby-openssl gem in Gemfile necessary for JRuby","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-05-19","Fix xml serialization test [#4650 state:resolved]","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-05-15","Add tests for convenience methods #notice and #alert to ...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-05-13","Updated 3.0 release notes guide to inform issues with un...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-05-05","Updated guide to inform issues with unsupported Ruby ver...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-04-26","Use Config::CONFIG['host_os'] instead of RUBY_PLATFORM [...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-04-13","Use correct RUBY_PLATFORM regex for Windows env [#4385 s...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-04-13","Changes in guide as per Rails 3 features","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-04-13","Replace deprecated RAILS_ROOT to Rails.env [#4373 state:...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-04-12","Updated guide to use 'Rails.root.join' to construct path","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-04-12","Replace 'RAILS_ROOT' to 'Rails.root' and 'RAILS_ENV' to ...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-04-12","Fix for plugin not getting installed on Windows environm...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2010-04-12","Make RUBY_PLATFORM windows regex consistent [#4345 state...","Anil Wadghule",187 "2013-05-13","Fixes NoMethodError: `alias_method_chain` when requiring...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-12-21","Correctly shows RAILS_ENV=development even when ENV['RAI...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-12-21","Revert "Make sure that RAILS_ENV is set when accessing R...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-12-10","`config.action_mailer.async` is no longer used","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-11-28","Clarifies the cookie store docs a bit and uses correct M...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-11-26","Corrects typo in test name","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-09-27","ConstantLookup is not needed in every TestCase decendant","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-09-27","Also includes ConstantLookup dependency for controller a...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-09-27","Adds missing dependency to ActionView::TestCase::Behavior","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-07-11",NA,"Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-05-03","Allows assert_redirected_to to accept a regular expression","Andy Lindeman",187 "2011-10-20","Fixes the defaults for config.cache_classes","Andy Lindeman",187 "2011-10-19","Fixes the defaults for config.cache_classes","Andy Lindeman",187 "2011-09-11","Fix for :instance_reader => false code example","Andy Lindeman",187 "2011-09-11","Fix for :instance_reader => false code example","Andy Lindeman",187 "2011-05-23","Use set data structure to speed up circular reference ch...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2011-05-17","Add fix for error when an anonymous controller subclasse...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2011-02-21","Specifying :partial is required when passing additional ...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2011-02-20","Specifying :partial is required when passing additional ...","Andy Lindeman",187 "2012-09-13","update ConnectionAdaptar::Column#type_cast_code to be co...","Thiago Pradi",179 "2012-09-09","ConnectionAdapters::Column.type_cast_code should always ...","Thiago Pradi",179 "2012-02-12","Removing old Controller test","Thiago Pradi",179 "2012-02-12","Cleaning Route generation tests","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-20","Updating error message on ruby_version_check.rb","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-20","Updating error message on ruby_version_check.rb","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-19","Exception handling more readable","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-19","Exception handling more readable","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-02","Removing RJS hack","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-02","Removing unnecessary code from render_test","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-02","Removing unnecessary code","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-01","Use join instead of looping and calling to_s [#5492 stat...","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-09-01","Use join instead of looping and calling to_s [#5492 stat...","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-08-28","Fixing typo [#5485 state:resolved]","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-08-28","Fixing typo [#5485 state:resolved]","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-07-26","Removing unnecessary code [#5192 state:resolved]","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-07-21","rake db:seed should check if the database have pending m...","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-07-08","Tests to specify the behaviour of ActiveRecord::Migrator...","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-06-28","Documentation for Array#sample","Thiago Pradi",179 "2010-06-14","Documentation for #quoted_table_name method","Thiago Pradi",179 "2013-08-14","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-08-14","guides should tell people to write ruby code, not output","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-07-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-07-17","Enhancing readability of options for delegate method","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-06-08","doc: renaming table name to follow the file's standards","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-06-08","instructions for variations and alternatives for ActiveR...","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-06-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-06-08","explaining ActiveRecord#first in rails 3 and 4","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-06-07","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-06-07","lists the options for find_each and find_in_batches","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-06-07","using Model.all.find_each in rails 3 raises an error and...","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-05-01","routes.rb should teach how to use concerns","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-01-17","repeating documentation for option form helpers","Thiago Pinto",179 "2013-01-17","repeating documentation for date and time form helpers","Thiago Pinto",179 "2012-12-09","repeating documentation for form helpers","Thiago Pinto",179 "2012-12-06","API reader should look elsewhere for helper instructions","Thiago Pinto",179 "2012-12-06","complementary options guidelines for f.file_field and fi...","Thiago Pinto",179 "2012-12-06","adding example for f.file_input","Thiago Pinto",179 "2012-12-06","adding example for f.file_input","Thiago Pinto",179 "2012-12-06","correct bad jquery syntax","Thiago Pinto",179 "2009-09-11","Removed the copyright notice not to show it in the resul...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2009-09-11","Removed the copyright notice not to show it in the resul...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2006-08-18","Greatly increased performance of String.to_json, which s...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2006-08-05","Make test_tag_options pass (closes #5600) [shugo]","Shugo Maeda",179 "2006-08-05","script/performance/profiler compatibility with the new r...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2006-07-05","HashWithIndifferentAccess shouldn't confuse false and ni...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2006-07-05","Fixed that the flash should be reset when reset_session ...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2006-06-20"," r4664@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-19 18:55:36 -0700","Shugo Maeda",179 "2006-06-19"," r4644@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-16 14:57:03 -0700","Shugo Maeda",179 "2006-01-31","Support the :column option for remove_index with the Pos...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-12-09"," r3419@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 15:36:50 -0800","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-12-07"," r3363@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-06 22:26:27 -0800","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-11-22","MySQL, PostgreSQL: reconnect! also reconfigures the conn...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-11-21","MySQL: introduce :encoding option to specify the charact...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-09-11","Use send instead of module_eval #1873 [shugo]","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-06-13","Add workaround for SOAP4R changing find_mapped_soap_clas...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-05-07","add base64 signature type (thanks, Shugo Maeda!)","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-04-30","Added encoding and min_messages options for PostgreSQL #...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-04-28","default to using UTF-8 as response encoding for SOAP if ...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2005-04-28","add charset=utf-8 to SOAP response content type, and mak...","Shugo Maeda",179 "2012-05-29","fix typo on ActiveSupport instrumentation guide [ci skip]","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-29","[contributing guide] add instructions to update fork [ci...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-28","[guides] fix reference to railties directory, guides are...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-28","[guides] guides:generate:kindle is the new interface to ...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-28","[guides] get rid of any reference to the generator scrip...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-28","[AR querying guide] Add examples for take(limit), first(...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-28","[command line guide] Use actual output of a Rails 3.2.x app","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-28","[security guide] use info, note and warning where applic...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-28","[guides] update generator.rb to refer to guides:generate...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-28","[guides] update guides guidelines with the new generatio...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-26","[guides] Add rake task to show help and make it the defa...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-26","[guides] Add :guides namespace and :html and :kindle tas...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-25","[getting started] Update Setting the Application Home Pa...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-25","[getting started] specify which kind of temporary files ...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-25","[getting started] specify what # and $ denotes in the pr...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-25","[getting started] specify that rails new blog executes b...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-23","use ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack instead of ActionCon...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-23","update loaded middlewares and use of Rack::Server instea...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-23","use ApplicationName::Application instead of ActionContro...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-10","remove duplicate usage of Rack::Utils.status_code in Log...","Rafael Magana",179 "2012-05-16","Rename test file so that the test suite matches it, impl...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-07","Fix failing test on Oracle. Having a duplicated column s...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-05","Update `first`, `last` and `take` in guides","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-05","Use `take` instead of `first` to avoid unwanted implicit...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-03","No need to force conversion to Symbol since case ensures...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-03","No need to work around 1.8 warnings anymore.","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-03","Use arel nodes instead of raw sql","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-03","Use Array#first instead of Array#[0]","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-03","Adding note about `first` and `take` to the changelog","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-03","Introducing `take` as a replacement to the old behavior ...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-03","Document `last`, check for primary key on default order ...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-05-03","Made `first` finder consistent among database engines by...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-03-21","[3-2-stable] Port of #5522 'Fix adding/removing field's ...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-03-21","Avoid another blank line in generated migration and remo...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-03-21","[3-2-stable] Remove blank line from generated migration","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-03-21","Remove blank line from generated migration","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-02-23","Remove unused implementation of next_migration_number","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-02-09","improved test case for partial indices","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-02-09","Made schema dumper recognize partial indices' where stat...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2012-02-09","Added where option to add_index to support postgresql pa...","Marcelo Silveira",179 "2009-12-28","Add inverse polymorphic association support. [#3520 stat...","George Ogata",179 "2009-12-28","Set inverse for #replace on a has_one association. [#351...","George Ogata",179 "2009-12-28","Add inverse polymorphic association support. [#3520 stat...","George Ogata",179 "2009-12-28","Set inverse for #replace on a has_one association. [#351...","George Ogata",179 "2009-10-14","Make IntegrationTest::Runner propagate method_missing to...","George Ogata",179 "2009-10-14","Make IntegrationTest::Runner propagate method_missing to...","George Ogata",179 "2009-09-29","Fix nested attributes examples again.","George Ogata",179 "2009-09-29","Fix creation example in nested attributes.","George Ogata",179 "2009-03-07","Make Chars#slice! behave more like String#slice! [#1243 ...","George Ogata",179 "2009-02-21","Document the return value of AR::Base#delete_all.","George Ogata",179 "2009-01-22","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","George Ogata",179 "2009-01-22","Update interpolations in i18n guide.","George Ogata",179 "2009-01-18","Add missing validates_numericality_of message names to i...","George Ogata",179 "2008-11-02","Fix typo in AR Basics guide.","George Ogata",179 "2008-10-20","Fix Japanese spelling in AS::Multibyte::Chars#slice docu...","George Ogata",179 "2008-09-21","Add descriptions to doc:plugins:<plugin> tasks.","George Ogata",179 "2008-08-24","Make observers define #after_find in the model only if n...","George Ogata",179 "2008-07-26","Make observers define #after_find in the model only if n...","George Ogata",179 "2008-06-17","Fix observers that use after_find. [#375 state:resolved]","George Ogata",179 "2008-06-17","Fix observers that use after_find. [#375 state:resolved]","George Ogata",179 "2012-08-15","Make a doc example output in match actual output","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-07-24","Changed several instances of British English to be Ameri...","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-07-24","Replaced ‘ with ' in the guides.","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-07-23","Changed several instances of British English to be Ameri...","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-07-23","Replaced ‘ with ' in the guides.","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-06-06","Typo and sentence restructuring","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-05-30","Spelling corrections in the guides.","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-05-29","Typo and sentence restructuring","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-05-29","Typo in the asset pipeline guide.","Evan Farrar",179 "2011-05-18","Prevent duplicable comments from being the opening parag...","Evan Farrar",179 "2009-05-09","Adds a missing comma in example code.","Evan Farrar",179 "2009-05-09","Syntax error in example code: not valid to omit parens w...","Evan Farrar",179 "2009-05-09","Tiny syntax error in the action mailer guide.","Evan Farrar",179 "2009-05-09","The MailingAddress is good design, but it adds some nois...","Evan Farrar",179 "2009-05-09","Just a fix to the units in the RPM prize 'formula.'","Evan Farrar",179 "2009-05-07","Fixes some typos in the guides.","Evan Farrar",179 "2009-05-07","Spelling fixes in activerecord.","Evan Farrar",179 "2009-05-07","Some spelling changes.","Evan Farrar",179 "2008-07-28","The :conditions for calculations are not explained in th...","Evan Farrar",179 "2008-06-05","Mass typo and misspelling fix.","Evan Farrar",179 "2012-10-30","Make caller attribute in deprecation methods optional","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-05-07","Changes for numeric api for Time because Time.current wo...","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-05-07","Added tests for comparsion operator for Range","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-05-07","Fix some guides for AS core_ext","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-05-06","Guides for deep_dup","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-05-06","Nice logic for deep_dup in rails","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-04-29","Tests for regexp separator in String#truncate","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-04-28","String quotes and trailing spaces","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-04-28","Indentation for private methods","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-04-28","AS core_ext refactoring pt.2","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-04-28","AS core_ext refactoring","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2012-04-25","Valid ips v4 and v6. Right logic for working with X-FORW...","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-12-29","Backward compatibility with 3.1 cache storing","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-12-27","Safe getting value from cache entry","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-06-20","Removed tests for rescue branch for Rails 2.x compatibility","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-06-20","Removed rescue branch for Rails 2.x compatibility","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-06-20","Fix regexp in generators for right catching error message","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-06-20","Removed shadowing variable warning in activerecord railties","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-06-20","Removed warnings about shadowing variables","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-06-16","Change version of nokogiri gem","Alexey Gaziev",179 "2011-12-31","SCSS processor is provided by the sass gem","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-31","Minor readability improvements","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-30","Minor readability improvements","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-30","SCSS processor is provided by the sass gem","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-05","Simplify load and require tests","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-05","Test that require and load raise LoadError if file not f...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-05","Test return value of ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadab...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-05","Test return value of ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadab...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-03","Simplify load and require tests","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-03","Test that require and load raise LoadError if file not f...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-03","Test return value of ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadab...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-03","Simplify load and require tests","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-03","Test that require and load raise LoadError if file not f...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-03","Test return value of ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadab...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-03","Test return value of ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadab...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-12-03","Test return value of ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadab...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-07-23","Add failing test: ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore#file_p...","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-07-23","Switch Tilt link to Textile format","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-07-23","Fix typo","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-07-17","Switch Tilt link to Textile format","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-07-17","Fix typo","Sam Umbach",174 "2011-06-15","properly require javascript libraries when generating mo...","Ryan Bates",174 "2011-06-15","namespace engine assets","Ryan Bates",174 "2011-06-13","namespace engine assets","Ryan Bates",174 "2010-04-12","fields_for returns block result when outside ERB","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-10-28","Ensure @content_for_* is checked before yielding to bloc...","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-08-24","Support find_all on named scopes. [#730 state:resolved]","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-08-22","Ensure :partial => @collection and :collection => @colle...","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-08-22","Cleanup around partial rendering","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-08-21","Support find_all on named scopes. [#730 state:resolved]","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-08-20","Return nil instead of a space when passing an empty coll...","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-08-18","pass yielded arguments to block for ActionView::Base#ren...","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-08-16","Don't raise exception when comparing ActiveRecord::Refle...","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-08-08","fixing "test_any_should_not_load_results" so it doesn't ...","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-05-31","Fix default nil tests for MySQL 5.0.51 [#192 state:resol...","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-05-28","Ensure named_scope#empty? uses count query. [#262 state:...","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-05-24","Create through associations can now work with blocks.","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-05-22","Add Rails.version. [#236 state:resolved]","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-05-21","ActiveRecord::Base#reload should clear dirty attributes....","Ryan Bates",174 "2008-05-20","Add first/last methods to associations/named_scope. [#22...","Ryan Bates",174 "2007-11-06","Standardize on using hyphens rather than colons to separ...","Ryan Bates",174 "2007-11-06","Document :with option for link_to_remote. Closes #8765 [...","Ryan Bates",174 "2013-09-11","Fix FileStore#cleanup to no longer rely on missing each_...","Murray Steele",174 "2011-03-23","Make clearing of HABTM join table contents happen in an ...","Murray Steele",174 "2011-03-23","Failing test case to show that habtm join table contents...","Murray Steele",174 "2011-03-23","Make clearing of HABTM join table contents happen in an ...","Murray Steele",174 "2011-03-23","Failing test case to show that habtm join table contents...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-12-28","Make polymorphic_inverse_of in Reflection throw an Inver...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-12-28","Provide a slightly more robust we_can_set_the_inverse_on...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-12-28","Add more tests for the various ways we can assign object...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-12-28","Make polymorphic_inverse_of in Reflection throw an Inver...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-12-28","Provide a slightly more robust we_can_set_the_inverse_on...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-12-28","Add more tests for the various ways we can assign object...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-12-21","Providing support for :inverse_of as an option to associ...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-05-31","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Murray Steele",174 "2009-05-31","Documenting :inverse_of options for associations.","Murray Steele",174 "2009-05-04","Providing support for :inverse_of as an option to associ...","Murray Steele",174 "2009-03-12","Ensure NoMethodError isn't raised when some of the neste...","Murray Steele",174 "2008-12-19","Add a repair_helper to repair changes to the validations...","Murray Steele",174 "2008-04-04","Tiny change to allow AR based creation of TIME columns i...","Murray Steele",174 "2008-03-28","Make sure ActiveRecord tests can run individually. Close...","Murray Steele",174 "2008-03-02","Allow html_options to be passed to all the date helpers....","Murray Steele",174 "2008-02-15","Fix typo in migration test. Closes #11105 [h-lame]","Murray Steele",174 "2007-01-24","Documentation for ActionWebService::API::Base.","Kent Sibilev",174 "2007-01-24","Allow action_web_service to handle various HTTP methods ...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-12-11","Ensure that DispatcherError is being thrown correctly wh...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-12-03","Added support for decimal types. Closes #6676.","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-11-01","Merge [5378] from trunk.","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-10-31","Removed deprecated end_form_tag helper.","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-10-01","Removed deprecated @request and @response usages.","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-09-25","Removed invocation of deprecated before_action and aroun...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-09-16","Provide access to the underlying SOAP driver.","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-09-05","Don't convert value if it's already of an appropriate type.","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-09-03","Shouldn't use deprecated stuff","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-09-01","ActionWebService WSDL generation ignores HTTP_X_FORWARDE...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-08-23","Fixed XMLRPC multicall when one of the called methods re...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-06-27","Fix invoke_layered since api_method didn't declare :expe...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2006-03-03","Fix a ton of issues with AWS (yes, Kent saved it from be...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2005-07-17","Fix problem with sendmail delivery where headers should ...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2005-01-10","Fixed that Dependencies.reload can't load the same file ...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2005-01-01","Added class declaration for the MissingFile exception #3...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","Kent Sibilev",174 "2004-12-22","Added scope option to validation_uniqueness #349 [Kent S...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2004-12-22","Fixed CTRL-C exists from the Breakpointer to be a clean ...","Kent Sibilev",174 "2013-09-12","Removed semicolon and added space","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-09-10","Removed unused modules and classes","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-09-10","Removed unnecessary require","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-04-10","Removed unused setup","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-04-10","Fixed typo","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-04-09","Removed unused setup","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-04-05","Removed space and unused class","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-04-05","Removed unnecessary class","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-04-04","Replaced inject with map","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-04-04","Removed unused comma after loop variable","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-04-02","Added missing assert","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-30","Refactored to remove unnecessary setup","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-28","Fixed grammar","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-28","Refactored to remove unused variable","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-22","Removed unnecessary block","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-22","Removed unused loop variable","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-20","Removed unnecessary block","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-20","Properly named variable inside block","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-15","Refactored to reuse method","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-08","Refactored test case with standard variable naming","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-03-07","Refactored and removed unnecessary lines in the test case","Anupam Choudhury",174 "2013-08-14","Typo Fix[ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-08-14","Added new line [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-08-14","Added docs for 'remove' method [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-07-24","Removed doc of removed method diff [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-07-24","Updated guides with latest method [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-07-24","fixed file name references [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-07-23","Updated guides with latest method [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-07-17","New output for scaffold generate [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-07-14","Using ruby 1.9 syntax [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-07-05","Adding back deprecation require in all.rb","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-07-04","Removed unsued deprecation require","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-06-23","[doc] Info added for tmp:create [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-06-19","[doc] Update return false if record is invalid","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-06-12","Using 1.9 syntax for edge guides","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-06-09","Image optimized for web view","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2013-06-08","Middleware in guide updated [ci skip]","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2012-11-27","Unused variable warning removed","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2011-08-13","The trailing '/' isn't being picked up by Github anyway,...","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2011-08-04","The trailing '/' isn't being picked up by Github anyway,...","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2011-08-04","The trailing '/' isn't being picked up by Github anyway,...","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2011-06-29","3-1-stable fix test when running Jruby. If Jruby Platfor...","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2011-04-25","Fixed error when running db:create with jdbcmysql","Rashmi Yadav",167 "2012-12-17","Add missing requires to core_ext/integer/time","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-13","General refreshment of the Active Record Basics guide","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-12","Add #destroy! as a method that triggers callbacks","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-12","Remove deprecated Time methods from the guides [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-06","Introduce Bundler and Gemfiles in a NOTE","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-05","Define a generator before referring to it","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-05","Correct bad English","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Standardize use of "route globbing" and "wildcard segmen...","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Add counterexample for regex [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Convert parragraph about security to a NOTE [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Add clarity to static segments docs in non-resourceful r...","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Correct grammar [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Convert a section to a tip to highlight it [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Normalize use of colon before code examples in routing g...","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Show equivalent routes definition without using concerns...","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Clarify section titles [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Move note to a meaningful section in the guides [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Use correct conjunction and connector words [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Capitalize all table column titles in routing guide","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","List instructions in the order to be executed","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Add shallow nesting to the routing guide","Pablo Torres",167 "2012-12-02","Remove nodoc from FlashHash #[]= [ci skip]","Pablo Torres",167 "2011-10-15","[layouts and rendering] Copy editing","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-15","[layouts and rendering] Copy editing to improve readability","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-11","Heavy copy editing of the find_each and find_in_batches ...","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-09","Copy editing to improve readability, consistency, and tone","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-09","Minor copy editing","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-09","Copy editing: s/Rails guesses/Rails assumes/g","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-09","Copy editing to improve readability and remove any poten...","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-09","copy editing","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-09","copy editing","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-08","copy editing","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-08","Correct stylesheet filename and remove reference to old ...","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-07","Correct formatting","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-10-07","Replace the reference to the annotate_models plugin (unc...","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-09-28","Corrected a typo.","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-03-29","Minor rephrasing to improve grammar and readability.","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-03-29","Fixed typo and improved readability.","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-03-28","Minor typo correction.","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-03-27","A little minor rephrasing for improved readability.","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2011-03-27","Minor typo fix.","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2010-07-14","Active Record Query Interface Guide: Corrected the expla...","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2010-07-14","Active Record Query Interface Guide: Fixed a few typos a...","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2010-07-14","Active Record Query Interface Guide: Fixed minor typos.","Michael Hutchinson",167 "2013-06-20","ActiveModel::Model inclusion chain backward compatibility","Fred Wu",167 "2013-06-19","Fixes AciveModel::Model with no ancestors, fixes #11004","Fred Wu",167 "2013-06-19","Fixes AciveModel::Model with no ancestors, fixes #11004","Fred Wu",167 "2013-06-19","Fixes AciveModel::Model with no ancestors, fixes #11004","Fred Wu",167 "2013-06-19","Fixed ActiveModel::Model's inclusion chain","Fred Wu",167 "2013-06-19","Fixed ActiveModel::Model's inclusion chain","Fred Wu",167 "2013-03-27","Fixed test failures on 1.8.7 caused by 74e59ea","Fred Wu",167 "2013-03-26","Added changelog for 55e2954","Fred Wu",167 "2013-03-26","Don't reset inheritance_column when setting explicitly.","Fred Wu",167 "2013-03-20","Added changelog for 687e68d","Fred Wu",167 "2013-03-20","Fixed assets loading performance in 3.2.13","Fred Wu",167 "2013-03-16","Added Inflector#underscore fix to the changelog","Fred Wu",167 "2013-03-16","Fixed a bug where the inflector would replace camelCase ...","Fred Wu",167 "2012-06-06","Fixed the application_controller require_dependency path...","Fred Wu",167 "2012-06-05","Fixed the Gemfile when gemspec is skipped in the 'rails ...","Fred Wu",167 "2011-02-02","Fixed the SelectorAssertions documentation url.","Fred Wu",167 "2010-09-24","Ensures the app generator generates the correct @app_nam...","Fred Wu",167 "2010-09-24","Ensures the app generator generates the correct @app_nam...","Fred Wu",167 "2010-09-15","Updated the Cache Money repo link to one that works with...","Fred Wu",167 "2010-08-28","Fixed the session name generated by the app_generator. A...","Fred Wu",167 "2010-08-28","Fixed the session name generated by the app_generator. A...","Fred Wu",167 "2010-08-02","Improved how AppGenerator generates the application name...","Fred Wu",167 "2010-07-26","fix bad logic in determining if in rails app subdir","Chad Fowler",167 "2010-06-10","detect being inside a rails application even from a subd...","Chad Fowler",167 "2007-02-04","Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending...","Chad Fowler",167 "2007-02-04","Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending...","Chad Fowler",167 "2006-04-07","Don't match commented out RAILS_GEM_VERSIONs.","Chad Fowler",167 "2006-03-28","Allow load_fixtures to load a subset of total fixture da...","Chad Fowler",167 "2006-03-19","Reject Ruby 1.8.3 when loading Rails; extract version ch...","Chad Fowler",167 "2006-03-18","Added access to remote_addr in integration tests (closes...","Chad Fowler",167 "2006-03-12","Use the Rake API instead of shelling out to create the t...","Chad Fowler",167 "2006-01-29","Template paths with dot chars in them no longer mess up ...","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-12-11","Apply [3276] to stable. Update instructions on how to fi...","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-12-11","Update instructions on how to find and install generator...","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-12-09"," r3416@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 15:07:21 -0800","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-12-09","Generator looks in vendor/generators also.","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-11-13","Eliminate Subversion dependencies in scripts/plugin. Co...","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-11-06","Fail gracefully when plugin was not found [Chad Fowler]","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-11-06","Enable HTTP installation of plugins when svn isn't avaia...","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-11-01","The freeze_gems Rake task accepts the VERSION environmen...","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-10-29","Improve script/plugin on Windows. Closes #2646.","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-10-06","Raise an exception when invalid options are passed to Ac...","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-09-27","Make the migration generator only check files ending in ...","Chad Fowler",167 "2005-09-03","Fixed the scaffold generator to fail right away if the d...","Chad Fowler",167 "2010-03-12","In app_generator, fix hardcoded `bundle` call to derive ...","Caio Chassot",167 "2010-03-03","In app_generator, fix hardcoded `bundle` call to derive ...","Caio Chassot",167 "2008-03-28","Fix layouts in symlinked paths. Closes #9136 [court3nay,...","Caio Chassot",167 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9259) [caio]","Caio Chassot",167 "2007-09-04","Work around mysql limitations for defaults on text colum...","Caio Chassot",167 "2007-08-15","Find layouts even if they're not in the first view_paths...","Caio Chassot",167 "2007-05-06","Sweep flash when filter chain is halted. Closes #6175. ...","Caio Chassot",167 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] Document :allow_nil option of #validate_uniquenes...","Caio Chassot",167 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] Document :allow_nil option of #validate_uniquenes...","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-10-24","Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoloa...","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-09-12","alias_method_chain works with accessor= methods also. Cl...","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-04-26","Prettify output of schema_dumper by making things line u...","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-03-18","Make generation of namespaced models produce proper migr...","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-03-18","Doc fix (closes #4210) [Caio Chassot ]","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-03-18","Doc fix (closes #4209) [Caio Chassot]","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-03-18","use cleanpath of config file in lighttpd server script (...","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-03-18","Allow for respond_to(:html, :js, :xml) (closes #4277) [C...","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-03-18","Fixed HashWithIndifferentAccess#delete to work with both...","Caio Chassot",167 "2005-10-26","Added a reader for flash.now, so it's possible to do stu...","Caio Chassot",167 "2005-09-13","Fixed Inflector.underscore for use with acronyms, so HTM...","Caio Chassot",167 "2005-04-10","Added lazy typing for generate, such that ./script/gener...","Caio Chassot",167 "2005-03-20","Added a much improved Flash module that allows for finer...","Caio Chassot",167 "2006-06-07","Make sure passed routing options are not mutated by rout...","Blair Zajac",167 "2006-06-03","to_xml fixes, features, and speedup. Closes #4989.","Blair Zajac",167 "2006-04-29","Use #flush between switching from #write to #syswrite. C...","Blair Zajac",167 "2006-04-29","Remove duplicate fixture entry in comments.yml. Closes #...","Blair Zajac",167 "2006-04-03","Fixed that rails --version should have the return code o...","Blair Zajac",167 "2006-02-09","PostgreSQL: smarter schema dumps using pk_and_sequence_f...","Blair Zajac",167 "2006-01-13","Correct the case of the CSS declarations. [Blair Zajac]...","Blair Zajac",167 "2006-01-13","Documentation typo fix. Closes #2367.","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-12-20","Fix typo in association docs. Closes #3296.","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-11-21","Apply [3136] to stable. Make the db_schema_dump task hon...","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-11-21","Make the db_schema_dump task honor the SCHEMA environmen...","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-11-18"," r3157@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-17 21:27:39 -0800","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-11-18","Eliminate nil from newly generated logfiles. References...","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-11-17"," r3149@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-17 12:47:36 -0800","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-11-17","Document :force option to create_table. References #2921.","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-11-12"," r4325@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 03:57:46 -0800","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-11-10","Better svn status matching for generators. Closes #2814.","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-10-26","Load rake task files in alphabetical order so you can bu...","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-10-13","Delegate access to a customized primary key to the conve...","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-10-12","Protect id attribute from mass assigment even when the p...","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-10-06","Allow in memory sqlite DBs when RAILS_ROOT is defined [b...","Blair Zajac",167 "2005-09-28","Ticket #2156 - Use foreign_key inflection uniformly","Blair Zajac",167 "2012-04-30","fix the Flash middleware loading the session on every re...","Will Bryant",155 "2012-04-30","fix the Flash middleware loading the session on every re...","Will Bryant",155 "2012-04-28","fix the Flash middleware loading the session on every re...","Will Bryant",155 "2012-02-18","assigns(:foo) should not convert @foo's keys to strings ...","Will Bryant",155 "2010-12-23","Verify that has_one :through preload respects the :condi...","Will Bryant",155 "2010-12-19","Fix respond_with example code so it makes sense","Will Bryant",155 "2010-12-19","Correct deprecated AR usage in ActionController::MimeRes...","Will Bryant",155 "2010-12-07","Don't add non-new records back to the target array after...","Will Bryant",155 "2009-12-16","When passing force_reload = true to an association, don'...","Will Bryant",155 "2009-12-16","When passing force_reload = true to an association, don'...","Will Bryant",155 "2009-03-12","Fixed autosave checks on objects with hm:t in :include ...","Will Bryant",155 "2009-03-06","Allow :having conditions to be sanitized like regular :c...","Will Bryant",155 "2009-02-11","Array#wrap should use #to_ary so association collections...","Will Bryant",155 "2009-02-06","support end-exclusive ... Ranges in SQL hash condition s...","Will Bryant",155 "2009-02-06","re-enable db:schema:dump so db:migrate:redo dumps the sc...","Will Bryant",155 "2008-11-15","Moved the * strings out of construct_finder_sql to a new...","Will Bryant",155 "2008-11-15","Moved the * strings out of construct_finder_sql to a new...","Will Bryant",155 "2008-10-10","explicitly including child associations that are also in...","Will Bryant",155 "2008-09-29","fix eager loading's :condition sanitizing expanding agai...","Will Bryant",155 "2008-09-29","wrote a test showing eager loading's misbehavior (saniti...","Will Bryant",155 "2008-09-29","fix eager loading's :condition sanitizing expanding agai...","Will Bryant",155 "2008-09-29","wrote a test showing eager loading's misbehavior (saniti...","Will Bryant",155 "2008-03-02","Make the mysql schema dumper roundtrip the limits of tex...","Will Bryant",155 "2013-08-15","Normalize file parameters in same place as other paramet...","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-28","Update Gemfile since group assets doesn't exist anymore ...","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-28","Update Bundler require in getting started application","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-24","Fix update_version_rb task","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-24","Ignore pkg folders","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-22","Change Standard error when is required bcrypt-ruby and f...","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-06","Change useless tr to gsub","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-05","Add DebugHelperTest","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-05","Use gsub intead of tr when the to_str is longer than the...","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-03-05","change useless gsub to tr","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-25","Remove sprockets-rails from the Gemfile generator","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-20","Improve upgrading guide with ActionDispatch::BestStandar...","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-09","Use IN operator like arel for empty hash in where clause","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-08","Fix test failure for ruby 1.8","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-08","Fix BigDecimal Typecast on 1.8.7","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-08","Change behaviour with empty array in where clause","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-08","Change behaviour with empty hash in where clause","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-04","Update upgrading guide with ActionDispatch::BestStandard...","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-04","Add --rc description on the command line","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-04","Use --rc= instead of --rc","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-02","Add --no-rc description on the command line","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-02-01","Remove BestStandardsSupport references","Roberto Miranda",155 "2013-01-18","User Rails 4 find_by","Roberto Miranda",155 "2012-02-26","layout affects views not methods","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-15","removed unnecessary indentation","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-15","added note with example for using flash in redirection","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-15","corrected sample code to clear @_current_user class vari...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-15","the partial option is not required for simple partial re...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-15","removed indentation, for code style consistency and read...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-15","removed etc. not require","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-15","corrected to Rails 3 syntax for declaring resources","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-14","removed unnecessary indentation","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-14","added note with example for using flash in redirection","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-14","corrected sample code to clear @_current_user class vari...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-14","the partial option is not required for simple partial re...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-09","this reads better, i don't know what the other 'so on' a...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-09","added missing word to clear up meaning in my previous co...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-08","removed indentation, for code style consistency and read...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-08","removed etc. not require","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-08","added missing space and minor rewording","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-11-08","corrected to Rails 3 syntax for declaring resources","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-10-16","added ignore rule for linux temp file ending with a tilda ~","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-10-16","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-10-04","added more items to the set to improve explanation of va...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2010-10-04","corrected wording for better reading, fixed ugly intente...","Rajinder Yadav",155 "2013-05-23","deprecate Validator#setup (to get rid of a respond_to ca...","Nick Sutterer",155 "2012-06-29","removing the AV::Base.helpers class attribute as it is n...","Nick Sutterer",155 "2012-06-29","remove AV.prepare and move all helper-related logic into...","Nick Sutterer",155 "2012-01-03","moving test_test.rb to test_case_test.rb for consistency.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2012-01-03","allow sending documents in AC::TestCase#post and friends.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-09-22","Using #extract_details in PartialRenderer, too!","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-09-22","Allow both sym and array for details options in #render....","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-09-22","added tests for render :file/:template and the :formats/...","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-09-22","it is now possible to pass details options (:formats, :d...","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-09-22","Add rake test:template.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-05-12","added an example for AC::UrlFor usage to make usage simp...","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-05-12","added docs for AbC::UrlFor and AC::UrlFor.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-05-03","no @controller dependency in Renderers.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-05-03","fixed test to assert initialization value.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-05-03","initialize prefixes in LookupContext.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-05-03","controller's prefixes are now added to LookupContext.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-05-03","added :prefixes accessor to LookupContext.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-01-18","fixed a missing require that causes trouble when using A...","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-01-06","corrected docs for Hash#to_xml and added examples.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-01-06","added tests for XmlMini#to_tag.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2010-12-31","added tests for the MissingTemplate exception message.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2010-12-30","process_action accepts multiple args, even with Callbacks.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2010-12-30","process_action accepts multiple args, even with Callbacks.","Nick Sutterer",155 "2011-07-03","Edited railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile via...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-24","Edited railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile via...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-21","Added Gzip to Asset Pipeline via GitHub","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-21","Sprockets itself doesn't compress","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-21","Edited railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile via...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-18","Consistency issues with pre-processor","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-18","Edited railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile via...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-18","Let the reader know what JS and CSS stand for. Slight re...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-18","Sprockets itself doesn't do this, it's uglifier and othe...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-18","Edited railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile via...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-09","Match tone already established","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-08","require_tree is pretty simple","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-06-05","Edited railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile via...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-30","Stubbing and some content addition and changes","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-30","What is the asset pipeline?","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-30","Adding assets to a gem","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-29","Fixes spelling mistakes pointed out by @vijaydev","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-29","Changes wording to make it a bit eaiser to understand","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-29","Why should you use the asset pipeline?","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-26","Removes a now needless test - via Github","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-26","Removes the restriction on primary key when joining in a...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2011-05-25","Adds outline draft#1 for the Asset Pipeline, please comm...","Mohammad Typaldos",155 "2012-04-29","Fix controller_class_name for anonymous controllers.","Michael Schuerig",155 "2009-06-26","Translate foreign key violations to ActiveRecord::Invali...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2009-06-26","Translate adapter errors that indicate a violated unique...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2009-04-02","Show installed middleware in builtin rails info (/rails/...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2008-05-11","Added not to sanitize helper docs that it doesn't guaran...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2007-09-16","connection.select_rows 'sql' returns an array (rows) of ...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2007-06-05","Fixtures: correctly delete and insert fixtures in a sing...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2006-10-01","Association collections have an _ids reader method to ma...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-10-13","Escape query strings in the href attribute of URLs creat...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-10-12","Wrap javascript_tag contents in a CDATA section and add ...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-10-10","Convert boolean form options form the tag_helper. Reclos...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-10-09","Fix typo of 'constrains' to 'contraints'. Closes #2069.","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-10-09","Add ability to get all siblings, including the current c...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-10-08","Move require_library_or_gem out of AR's abstract_adapter...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-09-27","Ticket 2263 - Make clean logger compatible with both 1.8...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-09-11","Fix problem with mime type defaults #2165 [Michael Shuerig]","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-09-09","Added documentation for overwrite_params #2146 [Michael ...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-09-02","Corrected project-local generator location in scripts.rb...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-07-22","Fixed call on inline with new render_template #1808 [Mic...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-07-09","Added that nil options are not included in tags, so tag(...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-07-03","Added :prompt option to FormOptions#select (and the user...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-07-01","Added roots, root, and siblings to the batch of methods ...","Michael Schuerig",155 "2005-07-01","Make render(:inline) use locals #1556 [Michael Shuerig]","Michael Schuerig",155 "2009-12-11","Fix postgresql AR test failure","John Pignata",155 "2009-12-11","Fix postgresql AR test failure","John Pignata",155 "2009-09-28","Enhancing distance_of_time_in_words to prefix year outpu...","John Pignata",155 "2009-09-28","Escaping symbol passed into Memoizable's flush_cache for...","John Pignata",155 "2009-09-28","Enhancing distance_of_time_in_words to prefix year outpu...","John Pignata",155 "2009-09-18","Fixing typo in ActiveRecord::Errors documentation","John Pignata",155 "2009-09-17","Allow Nokogiri XmlMini backend to process cdata elements","John Pignata",155 "2009-09-17","Allow Nokogiri XmlMini backend to process cdata elements","John Pignata",155 "2009-09-03","CookieStore should not be derived from Hash - reverting ...","John Pignata",155 "2009-09-03","If session_options[:id] is requested when using CookieSt...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-31","Duplicating the options hash in Date#advance to prevent ...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-31","Duplicating the options hash in Date#advance to prevent ...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-31","Changing plugin loader to use blocks instead of Symbol#t...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-30","Ensuring that a singular model name is set for use in co...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-16","Fix test_has_many_through_polymorphic_has_one on sqlite2...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-16","Fix calculation tests on sqlite2 [#3053 state:resolved]","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-15","Adding a call to logger from params_parser to give detai...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-15","Adding a call to logger from params_parser to give detai...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-15","Fix calculation tests on sqlite2 [#3053 state:resolved]","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-15","Fix test_has_many_through_polymorphic_has_one on sqlite2...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-13","Updates to configuration: changed syntax to use config, ...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-13","Updates to active record basics: reworked what is sectio...","John Pignata",155 "2009-08-10","Fixing isolation test","John Pignata",155 "2010-06-19","Make sure a namespaced <%= render form %> still renders ...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2010-06-08","Make sure namespaces are nested within resources","Jan De Poorter",155 "2010-03-29","Add _index to named collection routes for uncountable re...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2010-03-07","Make sure nested singular resources get the correct name","Jan De Poorter",155 "2009-03-09","Fix find_by_last when order is given [#2127 state:commit...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-09-22","Association#first and last should not load the associati...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-08-29","Fix NamedScope regex so methods containing "an" get dele...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-08-24","Fix that label_tag doesn't take a symbol for a name. [#7...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-07-29","Fix that label_tag doesn't take a symbol for a name. [#7...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-07-23","Ensure NamedScope#any? uses COUNT query wherever possibl...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-06-27","Make sure associated has_many/habtm objects get saved ev...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-06-27","Make sure associated has_many/habtm objects get saved ev...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-06-11","Added some has_many tests","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-06-11","Fix FormOptionsHelper tests.","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-06-11","Add :validate option to associations. [#301 state:resolved]","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-06-11","Added some has_many tests","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-06-11","Fix FormOptionsHelper tests.","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-06-11","Add :validate option to associations. [#301 state:resolved]","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-05-29","Ensure AssociationCollection#count works with empty cond...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-03-11","Add warning in documentation for increment!, decrement! ...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Add label_tag helper for generating elements...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2008-01-21","Add label_tag helper for generating elements. Closes #10...","Jan De Poorter",155 "2011-10-14","improved ActiveResource's .element_path and .new_element...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-10-13","improved ActiveResource's .element_path and .new_element...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-10-10","allow shorthand routes with nested optional parameters","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-04-27","added a :prefix option to number_to_human_size","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-04-25","added test for number_to_phone with an empty string and ...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-03-23","parse dates to yaml in json arrays","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-03-23","test json decoding with time parsing disabled with all b...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-03-09","publicise ActionMailer::MailHelper.format_paragraph","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-03-09","expose ActionMailer::MailHelper in the RDoc","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-03-09","refactored Engine.#find by giving an explicit name to a ...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-03-06","added failing test for fields_for with a record object t...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-03-04","reverted tests deleted by 080345baca1076a9788d, refactor...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-03-04","refactored Time#<=> and DateTime#<=> by removing unneces...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-02-28","added activesupport/test/tmp to gitignore","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-02-20","refactored ActiveModel::Validations::InclusionValidator#...","Diego Carrion",155 "2011-02-20","added Range#count? for Ruby 1.8","Diego Carrion",155 "2010-09-27","renderer calls object.to_json when rendering :json => ob...","Diego Carrion",155 "2010-09-27","renderer calls object.to_json when rendering :json => ob...","Diego Carrion",155 "2010-09-18","updated instructions on how to change the default sessio...","Diego Carrion",155 "2010-09-18","updated instructions to generate the migration for the A...","Diego Carrion",155 "2010-06-07","Add shallow routes to the new router [Closes #3765]","Diego Carrion",155 "2010-04-18","added shorthand support for routes like /projects/status...","Diego Carrion",155 "2010-04-14","fixed typo in RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS","Diego Carrion",155 "2008-03-28","Inspect options hashes in RenderError message so it's ac...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2008-03-28","Fix layouts in symlinked paths. Closes #9136 [court3nay,...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2007-03-27","Add helpful debugging info to the ActiveRecord::Statemen...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2006-03-19","Added nicer message for assert_redirected_to (closes #42...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2006-03-18","Nicer error message on has_many :through when :through r...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-11-21","Improve expire_fragment documentation. Closes #2966.","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-11-13"," r3053@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 14:37:39 -0800","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-11-13","Only include builtin filters whose filenames match /^[a-...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-10-10","Fixed that an instance variable with the same name as a ...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-09-26"," r3573@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 11:38:44 -0700","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-08-14"," Fix typo in validations documentation #1938 [court3nay]","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-14","Fixed bug with :success/:failure callbacks for the JavaS...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-10","Better documentation for Calling multiple redirects or r...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-09","Added a config example in README #1626 [courtenay]","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-09","better error message for missing associations #1631 [cou...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-09","Added a VERSION parameter to the migrate task that allow...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-09"," r2960@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-09 02:12:35 -0700","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-08"," r2951@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-08 18:09:30 -0700","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-08","Added better error message for "packets out of order" #1...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-06","Added warning about setting the test database to the sam...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-07-02","Added evaluation of <SCRIPT> blocks in content returned ...","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-06-25","Added tests for whiny nil #1476 [court3nay/marcel]","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2005-06-24","Improved AbstractRequest documentation. Closes #1483.","Courtenay Gasking",155 "2012-10-01","fix broken cache tests","Brian Durand",155 "2012-09-30","Merge branch 'optimize_log_subscribers' of github.com:bd...","Brian Durand",155 "2012-09-30","Optimize log subscribers to check if the log level is su...","Brian Durand",155 "2012-09-30","Optimize ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry to reduce memory an...","Brian Durand",155 "2012-09-19","Fix ActionMailer::LogSubscriber to use the correct log l...","Brian Durand",155 "2012-09-19","Optimize log subscribers to check if the log level is su...","Brian Durand",155 "2012-05-26","remove unnecessary memcache equire in ActionDispatch::Se...","Brian Durand",155 "2012-02-29","remove unnecessary memcache equire in ActionDispatch::Se...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-12-12","Add ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore to expose caching in...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-10-21","Fix ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore.cleanup to actually ...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-10-21","Add ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore as a generic way...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-10-21","Fix threading issues with BufferedLogger.","Brian Durand",155 "2011-08-13","Pass options in ActiveSupport::Cache::CacheStore#read_mu...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-08-13","Change ActiveSupport::Cache behavior to always return du...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-08-01","Pass options in ActiveSupport::Cache::CacheStore#read_mu...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-07-29","Change ActiveSupport::Cache behavior to always return du...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-02-17","Add description of transaction callbacks to ActiveRecord...","Brian Durand",155 "2011-02-17","update caching guide with the changes to ActiveSupport::...","Brian Durand",155 "2010-06-18","Fix bug with rolling back frozen attributes.","Brian Durand",155 "2010-06-08","Make logic for after_commit and after_rollback :on optio...","Brian Durand",155 "2010-04-30","Update after_commit and after_rollback docs and tests to...","Brian Durand",155 "2010-04-29","Add after_commit and after_rollback callbacks to ActiveR...","Brian Durand",155 "2010-04-27","ActiveSupport::Cache refactoring","Brian Durand",155 "2013-04-13","Document nested attributes as hash of hashes","Alexey Muranov",155 "2013-03-12","Fix my typo","Alexey Muranov",155 "2013-03-12","Align indentation in comments","Alexey Muranov",155 "2013-03-12","Document nested attributes as hash of hashes","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-11-17","Add a deprecation before removing find_table_name","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-10-07","Add CHANGELOG entry for "Fixtures" -> "FixtureSet"","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-10-07","Move/rename files to follow naming conventions","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-10-07","Deprecate "Fixtures" constant","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-10-07","Rename "Fixtures" class to "FixtureSet"","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-05-11","Remove unused private method yaml_fixtures_key","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-05-09","Remove deprecated use of ::instantiate_fixtures","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-05-09","Deprecate ::instantiate_fixtures unused parameter","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-05-09","Rename some variables","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-05-09","Remove unused private method in fixtures.rb","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-05-09","Remove unused parameter in ::instantiate_fixtures","Alexey Muranov",155 "2011-12-30","Fixes for TestFixtures::setup_fixture_accessors","Alexey Muranov",155 "2011-12-30","Fixture's table name be defined in the model","Alexey Muranov",155 "2011-12-30","Test case: fixture table name is defined in model","Alexey Muranov",155 "2011-12-30","Use foo/bar instead of foo_bar keys for fixtures","Alexey Muranov",155 "2011-12-30","Test fixtures with custom model and table names","Alexey Muranov",155 "2011-12-28","Use the correct table name from fixture","Alexey Muranov",155 "2011-12-27","Fix a fixtures test case with table prefix/suffix","Alexey Muranov",155 "2011-12-22","Fix a fixtures test case with table prefix/suffix","Alexey Muranov",155 "2012-02-05","Stop referring to Atom as "ATOM"","Tom Stuart",150 "2012-02-05","Remove assert_select_feed from assert_select_encoded doc...","Tom Stuart",150 "2012-01-12","Revert "Base#[] and Base#[]= are aliases so implement th...","Tom Stuart",150 "2012-01-12","Test that #[] and #[]= keep working when #read_attribute...","Tom Stuart",150 "2012-01-12","Test ActiveRecord::Base#[]= as well as #write_attribute","Tom Stuart",150 "2012-01-11","Revert "Base#[] and Base#[]= are aliases so implement th...","Tom Stuart",150 "2012-01-11","Test that #[] and #[]= keep working when #read_attribute...","Tom Stuart",150 "2012-01-11","Test ActiveRecord::Base#[]= as well as #write_attribute","Tom Stuart",150 "2011-09-01","Never return stored content from content_for when a bloc...","Tom Stuart",150 "2011-09-01","Improve content_for test coverage","Tom Stuart",150 "2011-02-12","Add block support to button_tag helper","Tom Stuart",150 "2011-02-12","Make type="submit" the default for button_tag helper","Tom Stuart",150 "2010-11-03","Backport BlankSlate removal from ActiveSupport::BasicObj...","Tom Stuart",150 "2010-08-05","Fix ActiveSupport::Callbacks' define_callbacks and Activ...","Tom Stuart",150 "2010-08-05","Fix ActiveSupport::Callbacks' define_callbacks and Activ...","Tom Stuart",150 "2009-03-07","Ensure shallow routes respects namespace [#1356 state:re...","Tom Stuart",150 "2008-11-17","Fix default_scope to work in combination with named scopes","Tom Stuart",150 "2008-11-16","Fix typo in routing guide","Tom Stuart",150 "2008-11-14","Make inheritance of map.resources :only/:except options ...","Tom Stuart",150 "2008-11-13","Fix map.resources to always generate named routes if the...","Tom Stuart",150 "2008-11-12","Add :only/:except options to map.resources","Tom Stuart",150 "2008-10-30","Update auto_link documentation to use new API (overlooke...","Tom Stuart",150 "2008-10-08","Allow use of :path_prefix and :name_prefix outside of na...","Tom Stuart",150 "2008-08-29","Make NamedScope#size behave identically to AssociationCo...","Tom Stuart",150 "2013-09-10","[ci skip] Documentation on how to create custom rake tasks.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2013-08-05","Make `rake doc:guides` works again. Fix #10384.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2013-06-27","Make `rake doc:guides` works again. Fix #10384.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2013-05-11","Clean up unused method for `rake doc`.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2013-04-30","Make `rake doc:guides` works again. Fix #10384.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2013-03-10","Make sure that debugger isn't included in production env...","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2012-12-13","don't include debugger gem if jruby is used since it doe...","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2012-09-27","bleakhouse is no longer useful for rails and outdated.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2012-09-24","[ci skip] Update Performance Testing guide.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2012-09-22","[ci skip] Update Debugging Rails Application guide.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2012-08-22","remind user a good way to generate a secret code.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2012-05-03","cache_store has an extra option of :null_store.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2012-04-22","`rake notes` and `rake notes:custom` now support","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-08-27","remove misleading line on 500 error page.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-08-21","fix escape_javascript for unicode character \u2028.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-08-21","remove extra space since comment_if already returns the ...","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-07-12","remove extra space since comment_if already returns the ...","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-05-28","minor typo in the rdoc about Interceptor.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-05-28","minor spacing fix in code example in ActionMailer::Base.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-05-18","don't include 'turn' gem in Gemfile if test unit is skip...","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-05-18","add tests for ruby-debug gem in Gemfile and make sure th...","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2011-05-18","add test case for turn gem for testunit.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2010-10-11","-j parameter added to rails new command.","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2010-03-03","Use non-deprecated Rails.application instead of ActionCo...","Teng Siong Ong",150 "2013-05-16","Mocha 0.14.0 was released with MT5 support. Switch back ...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2013-05-09","oops. I should have only required minitest, not minitets...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2013-05-08","tweak dependencies","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2013-05-07","Updates to make rails 4 happy with minitest 5:","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2013-05-03","Fixed bad tests to clean up after themselves.","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2013-02-04","Added test:all and test:all:db tasks to speed up full te...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2012-11-17","Please use assert_equal instead of diff directly","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2012-11-17","Removed extra call to #diff in #assert_recognizes. asser...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2011-05-25","+ Switched to newer rdoc and gem package tasks (and thei...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2011-05-12","Removed the bulk of the deprecations by simply not calli...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2011-05-12","Fixed buggy gem activation. Don't pass a dependency to g...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2011-05-12","Removed buggy GemDependency#requirement override. Overri...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2011-05-12","Fix broken GemDependency#==. You should ALWAYS check the...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2011-05-12","Fix stupid emacsisms. Just makes things more readable.","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2007-09-23","Dont need all of test/unit (closes #6673) [zenspider/josh]","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2007-07-24","Automatically generate add/remove column commands in spe...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2006-12-01","Merge [5660] from trunk.","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2006-12-01","Subclasses of an abstract class work with single-table i...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2006-04-06","Stop respond_to? from throwing when instances are create...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2005-11-08","More compatible Oracle column reflection. Closes #2771.","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2005-10-23"," r2718@asus: jeremy | 2005-10-23 14:45:30 -0700","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2005-01-11","Added fourth argument to render_collection_of_partials t...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2004-12-22","Fixed UrlHelper#link_to_unless so it doesn't care if the...","Ryan Davis (zenspider)",150 "2009-12-04","Replace reset_counter_cache with reset_counters that has...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-12-04","Replace reset_counter_cache with reset_counters that has...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-11-27","Make sure strip_tags removes tags which start with a non...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-11-26","Make sure strip_tags removes tags which start with a non...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-11-18","Insert generated association members in the same order t...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-11-18","Insert generated association members in the same order t...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-08-10","Fix that counter_cache breaks with has_many :dependent =...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-08-10","Fix that counter_cache breaks with has_many :dependent =...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-08-09","Enable has_many :through for going through a has_one ass...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-08-09","Enable has_many :through for going through a has_one ass...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2009-08-09","Remove unused routeset method routes_for_controller_and_...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2008-11-18","Make optimized named routes respect all reserved options...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2008-11-18","Make optimized named routes respect all reserved options...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2008-07-15","Add assert_sql helper method to check for specific SQL o...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2008-07-14","Add assert_sql helper method to check for specific SQL o...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2008-06-03","Fix assert_redirected_to for nested controllers and name...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2008-06-03","Fix assert_redirected_to for nested controllers and name...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2008-03-03","Improve performance on :include/:conditions/:limit queri...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2008-02-04","Ensure that assert_redirected_to to top-level named rout...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2007-09-15","Eager loading respects explicit :joins. Closes #9496.","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2007-09-08","Fix assert_select for XML documents. Closes #8173. [dasi...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2007-07-11","Make sure missing template exceptions actually say which...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2007-07-07","Move from select * to select tablename.* to avoid clobbe...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2007-06-15","Make ActionView#view_paths an attr_accessor for real thi...","Gabe da Silveira",150 "2013-04-02","Common behavior with adding formats to lookup_context fo...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2013-03-22","When we pass id to update_attributes it will try to set ...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2013-03-06","Fix ActiveRecord `subclass_from_attrs` when eager_load i...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-11-30","Fixed description for ActiveSupport::Concern typical case","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-11-01","Kernel#capture replaced by version which can catch outpu...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-09-19","Since in sprockets-rails uglifier's version doesn't matt...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-09-19","Use last version of sprockets-rails and syncing tests fo...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-09-10","Rake assets:precompile shouldn't fail quietly.","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-09-01","Sprockets-rails tests fail","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-07-28","Refactor to reset_table_name","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-07-26","Missed extend for eager_autoload","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-07-18","Common behavior with adding formats to lookup_context fo...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-07-05","Show in log correct wrapped keys","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-06-19","Added test for case when view doesn't have logger method...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-06-15","Added test for case when view doesn't have logger method...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-06-15","ActionController::Metal doesn't have logger method, chec...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-06-05","One-liner code for logger in ActionView::Helpers::Contro...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-06-05","Metal controller doesn't have logger method, check it an...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-05-20","Show in log correct wrapped keys","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-05-06","More faster rails dbconsole","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-05-04","Added test for assets:precompile for index files","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-05-04","Fix #3993 assets:precompile task does not detect index f...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-05-01","Added test for assets:precompile for index files","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2012-04-30","Fix #3993 assets:precompile task does not detect index f...","Dmitry Vorotilin",150 "2013-01-25","fix Active Record/Action Pack Changelog links","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2013-01-08","remove 'update' duplications","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2013-01-01","Inflector irregular singularize rules","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-10-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-10-29","3.1 and up, in configuring guide.","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-10-28","ActiveRecord::Relation#none! method.","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-10-28","loaded relations cannot be mutated by extending!","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-09-24","remove duplication","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-04-11","Override AR::Relation methods in NullRelation.","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-03-27","Remove Arel::Relation constant from PredicateBuilder.","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-03-26",NA,"Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-03-20","Fixed-width font fix for instance variable","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2012-01-31","Added `none` query method to return zero records.","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2010-03-30","New assertion: assert_present","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2010-03-30","new assertion: assert_blank","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2010-03-30","New assertion: assert_present [#4299 state:committed]","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2010-03-30","new assertion: assert_blank","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11249) [juanjo.bazan]","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2008-02-27","Fix Hash#from_xml with Type records. Closes #9242 [Juanj...","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2008-02-27","Adding Time#end_of_day, _quarter, _week, and _year. Clos...","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2008-02-18","Add :trailing_slash option to UrlWriter. Closes #9117 [...","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2008-02-13","Remove options from the attributes method, tidy up the i...","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2008-02-11","Avoid cloning in Base#attributes_before_typecast. Close...","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2008-02-08","Avoid cloning in Base#attributes. Closes #11047 [juanjo...","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2007-08-17","Improve url_for documentation for ActionController::Base...","Juanjo Bazán",144 "2008-12-02","Add "-m/--template" option to Rails generator to apply t...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2008-05-29","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2008-05-29","Start narrative documtentation","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-12-05","Adding missing space to documentation of the layout meth...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-12-05","Document that the delegate method can delegate to things...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-12-05","Add many examples to PrototypeHelper documentation. Clos...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-12-05","Add many examples to assertion documentation. Closes #78...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-12-05","Add documentation for freeze and readonly related method...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-12-05","Enhance documentation for Active Support's Time Conversi...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-10-18","Fixed incorrect migration number if script/generate exec...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-10-11","Backport: allow array and hash query parameters. Array r...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-09-20","Autolink behaves well with emails embedded in URLs. Clos...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-09-02","Make auto link behave well with URLs containing email ad...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-09-02","Properly quote the arguments to visual_effect. Closes #7...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-06-23","Massive documentation update for all helpers (closes #82...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-06-23","Big documentation upgrade for ARes (closes #8694) [jerem...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-06-07","Migrations: raise if a column is duplicated. Closes #7345.","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-05-06","Modernize documentation for form helpers. Closes #8035. ...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-05-06","Minor wording tweak to documentation for the debug helpe...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-05-06","Enhance documentation and add examples for url_for. Clos...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-03-27","documentation project patches, closes #7342, #7319, #731...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-03-27","documentation project patches, closes #7342, #7319, #731...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-03-06","Allow array and hash query parameters. Array route param...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-01-16","[DOC] clear up some ambiguity with the way has_and_belon...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2007-01-16","[DOC] clear up some ambiguity with the way has_and_belon...","Jeremy McAnally",144 "2013-05-13","exit with non-zero to signal failure","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2013-05-12","better error message when app name is not passed in `rai...","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2013-04-17","more descriptive NameError's messages for class attributes","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2013-04-17","documentation fixes for Array.wrap and AR::Validations::...","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-12-26","more descriptive return parameters","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-12-24","remove duplication from Rails::Application docs","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-10-19","include serializers in ActiveModel::Serialization example","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-10-19","better examples in ActiveModel readme","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-08-01","move method for dependent option check","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-06-03","remove unnecessary text","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-06-02","better explanations for acts_like?, try and deep_dup","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-05-11","better wording","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-05-11","missing 'with'","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-05-01","simpler wording and explanations","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-30","add ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid to exceptions","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-04","update ActionPack README links","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-04","removed deprecated methods and middlewares","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-04","added example, removed blank lines","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-04","update ActionPack README links","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-02","update purpose of middleware","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2012-04-02","update to current rack middleware stack","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2011-07-23","fixed paths, more consistent helpers and paths examples","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2011-07-11","fixed paths, more consistent helpers and paths examples","Hrvoje Šimić",144 "2006-04-03","Fixed that AssociationCollection#delete_all should work ...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-12-21","Better language for the CHANGELOG entry of previous commit.","Florian Weber",144 "2005-12-21","Fixed that saving a model with multiple habtm associatio...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-12-21","Fixed that saving a model with multiple habtm associatio...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-11-24","Credit everybody that helped =)","Florian Weber",144 "2005-11-24","Made test_update_attributes_after_push_without_duplicate...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-11-24","Made test_update_attributes_after_push_without_duplicate...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-11-23","Fixed bug where using update_attribute after pushing a r...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-11-23","Fixed bug where using update_attribute after pushing a r...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-11-09","Allow capital letters in the email address in the the va...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-10-31","Added that an DuplicateMigrationVersionError gets raised...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-10-26","Removed the dead test settings","Florian Weber",144 "2005-10-25","Minor documentation fix","Florian Weber",144 "2005-10-20","Fixed misspell of "initialize_framework_settings"","Florian Weber",144 "2005-10-16","Made the rails command use the application name for data...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-10-14","Made the instantiated/transactional fixtures settings be...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-09-20","Fixed that the create_x method from belongs_to wouldn't ...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-09-19","Fixed that Observers didn't observe sub-classes #627 [Fl...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-09-13","Fixed various problems with has_and_belongs_to_many when...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-07-05","Added callbacks on push_with_attributes #1594 [Florian W...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-07-04","Added callback hooks to association collections #1549 [F...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-07-03","Fixed that has_and_belongs_to_many didn't respect single...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-05-19","Fixed that FormHelper#checkbox should return a checked c...","Florian Weber",144 "2005-03-15","Fixed options_for_select on selected line issue #624 [Fl...","Florian Weber",144 "2004-12-07","Fixed has_and_belongs_to_many guessing of foreign key so...","Florian Weber",144 "2009-01-20","Restore cookie store httponly default to true. Remove ex...","Cody Fauser",144 "2009-01-15","Use :secure key in session_options example instead of :s...","Cody Fauser",144 "2009-01-13","Use :key instead of old :session_key in session_store.rb...","Cody Fauser",144 "2009-01-13","Remove legacy reloadable? method from ActiveRecord::Sess...","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-10-07","Add ActiveResource::Base#to_xml and ActiveResource::Base...","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-09-21","Improve explanation of with_options","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-09-21","Explain returning in a bit more detail","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-09-21","Change 'equals to' to 'equal to'","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-09-21","Add some documentation and examples for Base64 encode64 ...","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-08-19","Update listing of ActiveResource errors","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-08-15","Fix tiny typo in example","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-08-15","Remove incorrect Active Resource documentation regarding...","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-05-23","Fixup weird RDoc markup that does not render correctly","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-05-19","Markup inline code in ActiveRecord::Base docs","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-05-14","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-05-14","Improve and cleanup ActionMailer documentation","Cody Fauser",144 "2008-04-21","* Remove default_url_options from mailer generator","Cody Fauser",144 "2007-06-08","Fixed query methods on resources. [Cody Fauser]","Cody Fauser",144 "2007-01-15","Allow inGroupsOf and eachSlice to be called through rjs....","Cody Fauser",144 "2007-01-12","Apply scoping during initialize instead of create. Fixe...","Cody Fauser",144 "2006-12-05","Add AssociationCollection#create! to be consistent with ...","Cody Fauser",144 "2006-11-24","Added CSV to Mime::SET so that respond_to csv will work","Cody Fauser",144 "2006-03-19","Add :script option to in_place_editor to support evalScr...","Cody Fauser",144 "2006-03-19","Fix mixed case enumerable methods in the JavaScript Coll...","Cody Fauser",144 "2006-03-13","Don't replace application.js in public/javascripts if it...","Cody Fauser",144 "2010-02-07","remove all sudo references from CI build script","Chad Woolley",144 "2010-02-04","fix rubygems/bundler install in ci build script","Chad Woolley",144 "2010-02-04","remove arel directory, breaks 'git submodule init', whic...","Chad Woolley",144 "2010-02-02","Fix invocation of system commands in ci script","Chad Woolley",144 "2010-01-12","reduce max size of fixture IDs to fix sqlite2 tests, bec...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-10-08","Fix for Ruby 1.9 - define_method throws an exception und...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-10-08","Ruby 1.9: Fix ActiveResource::ConnectionError#to_s when ...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-09-29","reduce max size of fixture IDs to fix sqlite2 tests, bec...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-09-28","make mysql and postgresql rebuild databases on every CI ...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-09-26","include nokogiri gem, so activesupport nokogiri tests run","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-09-26","include nokogiri gem, so activesupport nokogiri tests run","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-08-30","CI config updates: do not send CI emails unless explicit...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-08-30","CI config updates: do not send CI emails unless explicit...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-08-29","Send CI notifications to core list.","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-08-12","make mysql and postgresql rebuild databases on every CI ...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-05-27","Fix failing CI test (broken in 2daac47 or e693f45): make...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-05-21","Fix eager association test related to different ordering...","Chad Woolley",144 "2009-05-19","Upgrade CI server to latest RubyGems [#2665 state:resolved]","Chad Woolley",144 "2008-08-26","use double quotes","Chad Woolley",144 "2008-08-25","properly reference geminstaller config under ci dir","Chad Woolley",144 "2008-08-24","Include the CI configuration and setup instructions.","Chad Woolley",144 "2007-11-17","RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be set to any valid gem version sp...","Chad Woolley",144 "2007-11-17","Load config/preinitializer.rb, if present, before loadin...","Chad Woolley",144 "2007-10-26","Use instead of STDERR in boot.rb. Closes #9988 [thewool...","Chad Woolley",144 "2007-10-23","Refactor and test boot.rb. Include tests from and closes...","Chad Woolley",144 "2012-06-28","fixing typo in from documentation","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-09-01","Refactoring conditional logic","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-09-01","reader method eliminates defined? checks","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-09-01","nested attributes tests should rely on associated object...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-09-01","nested attributes tests should rely on associated object...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-15","select tags coerce the :selected option, options to stri...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-15","select tags coerce the :selected option, options to stri...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-14","Adding missing required statement","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-14","no callbacks should be created for empty array [#5289 st...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-14","tidy up validations length code [#5297 state:resolved]","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-14","Adding missing required statement","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-14","Adding missing required statement","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-12","no callbacks should be created for empty array [#5289 st...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-12","tidy up validations length code [#5297 state:resolved]","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-12","no callbacks should be created for empty array [#5289 st...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-12","tidy up validations length code [#5297 state:resolved]","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-03","Tidy up error.rb code","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-03","Tidy up error.rb code","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-08-03","In nested_attributes when association is not loaded and ...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-07-21","removing unused models from tests","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-07-21","eagerly loaded association records should respect defaul...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-07-21","Strengthening the test for nested_attribute","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-07-21","In nested_attributes when association is not loaded and ...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-07-18","save on parent should not cascade to child unless child ...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-07-18","renaming test name to fix accidently override [#5076 sta...","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-07-13","renaming test name to fix accidently override","Subba Rao Pasupuleti",141 "2010-01-31","add :remote option to form_tag","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-31","form_for should pass :remote to form_tag through html_op...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","support for observers in jquery driver, and minor bug fixes","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","refactored to be more dry, data-update-failure now corre...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","support for submit_to_remote in jquery driver","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","fix duplidate data-submit attribute, submit_to_remote sh...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","upgrade jquery to 1.4.1 and default request method to GE...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","refractor handler code for remote_form_tag to also handl...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","initial jquery driver and compat, right now the only sup...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","add missing call to set_with_and_condition_attributes fo...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","refactor params and with into copat module","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","add missing test for :with option to link_to_remote","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","add missing :before and :after callbacks for link_to_remote","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","test :method option of link_to_remote, and ensure rel='n...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","port existing test suite to check for new output, and fi...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","oops, remove test code","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","restructure compatibility module so it is no longer a child","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","make observers a little more dry","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","fix failing tests from fork/merge","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","rename ajax_test.rb to ajax_helper_test.rb for consistency","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","nuke what appears to be a duplicate and unused test file","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","cleanup some spacing","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2010-01-27","extract_remote_attributes should be a private method","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2009-08-09","Update truncate documentation / examples to more clearly...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2009-08-09","Update truncate documentation / examples to more clearly...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2009-08-08","remove duplicate call to stringify_keys [#2587 status:re...","Stephen St. Martin",141 "2008-05-07","Fixing typo in association class name","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-05-07","doc: disambiguating an example ActiveRecord class","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-05-07","doc: ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection#thr...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-04-05","Improve documentation.","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-03-26","More efficient association preloading code that compacts...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-03-17","Added support for installing plugins hosted at git repos...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-03-13","Remove unused to_date_tag. Closes #11237 [danger]","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-03-13","Fixed that scoped joins would not always be respected (c...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2008-01-26","Remove dead attr_reader from association proxy. Closes ...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-12-05","When a NonInferrableControllerError is raised, make the ...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-11-21","Dynamic finders on association collections respect assoc...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-11-12","Change plings to the more conventional quotes in the doc...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-11-12","Fixed that has_many :through associations should render ...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-11-11","Fix HasManyThrough Association so it uses :conditions on...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-10-26","Make example parameters in restful routing docs idiomati...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-10-23","Limited eager loading no longer ignores scoped :order. C...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-10-16","Qualified column names work in hash conditions, like :co...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-10-15","Enhance documentation for observe_field. Closes #9808 [R...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-09-22","Removed unused @join_sql reference (closes #9174) [danger]","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-08-16","Don't clobber :includes passed to count on has_many asso...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-08-16","Merge [7235] to stable. References #9167 [danger]","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-08-16","Don't clobber :includes passed to count on has_many asso...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-08-16","Make sure has_many associations honour :include when cou...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-05-24","Ensure that associations with :dependent => :delete_all ...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2007-05-06","Update documentation for :dependent declaration so that ...","Jack Danger Canty",141 "2012-04-03","DATABASE_URL allows omission of database.yml","Tim Pope",136 "2012-04-03","DATABASE_URL allows omission of database.yml","Tim Pope",136 "2012-03-24","Return an actual boolean from xml_http_request?","Tim Pope",136 "2011-02-03","Drop remaining script/plugin sources references","Tim Pope",136 "2009-03-10","Properly decode \u escape sequences in JSON [#1100 state...","Tim Pope",136 "2009-03-09","Ensure has_many :through works with changed primary keys...","Tim Pope",136 "2008-07-14","Make script/plugin install <plugin> -r <revision> option...","Tim Pope",136 "2008-07-02","Make rake test:uncommitted work with Git.","Tim Pope",136 "2008-05-13","Fix tests broken by mocha absence [#186 state:resolved]","Tim Pope",136 "2008-02-16","Sort files to test to make load order platform independe...","Tim Pope",136 "2008-02-07","Apply [8810], [8811], [8812], and [8813] to 2.0 stable","Tim Pope",136 "2008-02-07","Remove ERB trim variables from trace template in case Ac...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-12-13","Remove references to nonexistent :joins documentation. C...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-12-02","Don't escape forward slashes with String#to_json, our un...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-12-02","Handle 8.1 default formatting. Closes #10333 [Tim Pope]","Tim Pope",136 "2007-11-04","Added --skip-timestamps to generators that produce model...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-10-29","Excise generated whitespace. Closes #10017 [Tim Pope]","Tim Pope",136 "2007-10-29","Change JSON to encode %w(< > &) as 4 digit hex codes to ...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-09-06","Fix activesupport atomic_write tests when Dir.tmpdir is ...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-06-01","Remove RAILS_ROOT from backtrace paths. Closes #8540.","Tim Pope",136 "2007-05-27","Normalize whitespace. Closes #8385 [Time Pope]","Tim Pope",136 "2007-05-24","Added option to suppress :size when using :maxlength for...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-05-06","Generators use *.html.erb view template naming. Closes #...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-04-21","Use XSD-compatible type names for Hash#to_xml and make t...","Tim Pope",136 "2007-04-20","apply [6543] to edge. Closes #5044 [tpope]","Tim Pope",136 "2007-04-20","Return the string representation from an Xml Builder whe...","Tim Pope",136 "2006-11-05","pluralize helper interprets nil as zero. Closes #6474.","Tim Pope",136 "2012-08-18","Use inversed parent for first and last child of has_many...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-08-11","Update changelog to reflect support of cookie jar option...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-08-10","Test actual content of permanent cookie","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-08-10","Dont stream back cookie value if it was set to the same ...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-08-10","Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #6084 from brainopia/...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-08-10","Test actual content of permanent cookie","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-04-30","Dont stream back cookie value if it was set to the same ...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-04-30","Dont set cookie header for deletion of unexisting data","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-04-30","Simplify matching with array of possible domains","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-04-30","Use more appropriate one-liner for class declaration","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-04-30","Remove unused ivars left from close checks","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-04-30","Support cookie jar options for all cookie stores","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-01-26","Fix contributing guide to reflect preferred position on ...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-01-26","Fix contributing guide to reflect preferred position on ...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-01-25","Deprecate DateTime.local_offset","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-01-20","Removed unused assigns from ActionView::Template::Error","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-01-18","Update time zone offset information","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2011-09-18","Fix test to reflect use of to_param for keys","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2011-09-16","Fix Hash#to_query edge case with html_safe string on 1.8...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2011-05-31","Remove autoload for a couple of constants which don't ex...","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2011-01-28","Psych correctly gets visitor for SafeBuffer from superclass","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2011-01-28","Remove unneeded yaml_as declaration","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2011-01-21","Add tld_length option when using domain :all in cookies","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2011-01-21","Support list of possible domains for cookies","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2011-01-15","Remove reference to ActiveRecord from ActiveModel comments","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2010-12-15","Fix edge cases for domain :all option on cookie store","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2010-12-15","Fix edge cases for domain :all option on cookie store","Ravil Bayramgalin",136 "2012-01-25","Fix translate_error reference for Error#add documentation","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2012-01-19","Don't instantiate two objects in collection proxy / find...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-12-01","Leave default_asset_host_protocol unset","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-12-01","Leave default_asset_host_protocol unset","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-08-24","Fix autoload_once_paths when using Pathnames & ruby 1.9","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-08-13","Replace unnecessary regexp in Dependencies#load_missing_...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-08-13","Constantize a regexp in Dependencies#load_missing_constant","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-07-26","Replace unnecessary regexp in Dependencies#load_missing_...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-07-26","Replace unnecessary regexp in Dependencies#load_missing_...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-07-26","Constantize a regexp in Dependencies#load_missing_constant","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2009-03-12","Use xmlschema when serializing TimeWithZones to xml [#22...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2009-01-09","Fix JSON decoder date-converter regexp [#1662 state:reso...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2009-01-07","Fix JSON decoder date-converter regexp [#1662 state:reso...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2008-09-02","Don't set Content-Length on 304 responses","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2008-06-11","Improve ActionCaching's format-handling","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2008-04-07","script/performance/profiler compatibility with the ruby-...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2008-02-28","Fix that batched :include would pull in duplicate record...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2008-02-03","Fix missing extension for caching. Closes #10733 [Catfis...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2008-01-12","Fix a few caching errors, expose a case thats still not ...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2007-11-14","Use rexml for some tests rather than string include? che...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2007-11-14","Base#to_xml supports the nil="true" attribute like Hash#...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2007-05-24","catch possible WSOD when trying to render a missing part...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2007-02-27","Merge [6253] from trunk. References #6680.","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2007-02-27","session_enabled? works with session :off. Closes #6680.","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2006-11-14","Merge [5521] from trunk.","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2006-11-14","Hash#to_xml handles keys with the same name as Kernel me...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2006-10-09","Fixed that caches_action breaks with file extensions (cl...","Jonathan del Strother",136 "2011-08-13","update rails on rack guide, section 2 needs to be change...","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-11-21","remove old school validations and replaced with new vali...","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-11-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-11-15","remove old school validations and replaced with new vali...","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-09-22","some fixes in routing guide","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-06-03","AR validations & callbacks: update callbacks list","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-06-03","add <%= to fields_for examples","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-06-02","AR validations: update sections 2.4 and 17.1","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-06-02","Routing: fix error in nested resources with name_prefix ...","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-05-31","AR validations & callbacks: update callbacks list","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-05-28","add <%= to fields_for examples","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-05-15","AR Validations: Errors section updated","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-05-13","routing guide: fix typos and clarify code examples","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-05-12","fix wrong action name [#134]","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-05-12","complete rake tasks table and fix format","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-05-08","Add index length support for MySQL [#1852 state:resolved]","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-05-08","Add index length support for MySQL [#1852 state:resolved]","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-30","fix format","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-26","fix font formats and code examples indentation","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-19","fix testing guide: fonts and code format","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-17","fix testing guide: fonts and code format","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-15","fix ActionController font and replace extract_locale_fro...","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-14","I18n guide: change ActionController by Action Controller...","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-09","CL guide: revises fonts in a few places","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-08","CL guide: fix font format in rails plugin section","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-08","CL guide: convert rails server to shell text","Emili Parreño",136 "2010-04-08","fix font format in Command Line Basics section","Emili Parreño",136 "2013-08-07","Minor align BR tags with HTML void - with reference to t...","Avner Cohen",136 "2013-08-06","Revert "Removing obsolete html tags in favor of markdown...","Avner Cohen",136 "2013-08-06","Removing obsolete html tags in favor of markdown code bl...","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-11-10","1.9 hash syntax in activesupport","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-11-10","1.9 Syntax related changes","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-11-08","1.9 hash syntax changes","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-11-08","Actionmailer to 1.9 hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-11-07","Hash Syntax to 1.9 converison","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-31","1.9 hash syntax changes to docs","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-29","Hash Syntax to 1.9 related changes","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-27","Multiple changes to 1,9 hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-23","Migration of docs to 1.9 hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-23","Updated activerecord test comments to new hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-23","Another batch of hash syntax changes to comment, this ti...","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-22","convert comments to 1.9 hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-21","More changes around 1.9 hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-20","Hash Syntax changes to 1.9 format","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-16","Moving code base to 1.9 hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-14","Hash syntax to 1.9 style","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-13","1.9 hash syntax changes","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-11","1.9 hash syntax changes.","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-11","1.9 hash syntax for guides, work-in-progress","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-10","migrating guides to new hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-10","gradually moving documentation to new hash syntax","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-09","moving to new hash syntax, for discussion before I take ...","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-09","Fixed unclosing tag","Avner Cohen",136 "2012-10-08","Closed unclosed <tt>, working on a complete solution for...","Avner Cohen",136 "2009-06-13","Bytes calculation speed up","Luca Guidi",133 "2009-06-13","Bytes calculation speed up","Luca Guidi",133 "2009-05-18","Ensure HasManyThroughAssociation#destroy delete orphan r...","Luca Guidi",133 "2009-05-18","Ensure HasManyThroughAssociation#destroy delete orphan r...","Luca Guidi",133 "2009-04-05","Ensure SqlBypass use ActiveRecord::Base connection","Luca Guidi",133 "2009-03-15","Make sure Metal use ActionController class name conventi...","Luca Guidi",133 "2009-03-12","Ensure AutosaveAssociation runs remove callbacks [#2146 ...","Luca Guidi",133 "2009-01-31","Make sure XmlMini is being correctly autoloaded by Ruby ...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-11-06","Increment the version of our modified memcache_client co...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-11-02","Made more clear the case of ignored :limit option for ea...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-11-01","Make sure habtm use class variable to list association v...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-11-01","Make sure habtm use class variable to list association v...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-10-30","Update prototype to","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-10-30","Update prototype to","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-10-03","Make sure recreate MySQL test database with the proper e...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-08-27","Fix Ruby's Time marshaling bug in pre-1.9 versions of Ru...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-08-27","Fix Ruby's Time marshaling bug in pre-1.9 versions of Ru...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-07-08","Removed unnecessary or condition in #error_messages_for","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-07-08","Added localize helper method","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-07-08","Make sure object name is translated in #error_messages_for","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-07-07","Updated ActiveRecord::Errors#default_error_messages depr...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-07-03","Make sure ActionMailer use default charset if no defined...","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-07-02","Fixed Date and Time localization for ActiveSupport","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-07-01","Experimental I18n charset support for ActionMailer","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-06-27","Make sure mocha is available","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-01-02","Fix small documentation typo. Closes #10670 [l.guidi]","Luca Guidi",133 "2008-01-02","Correct indentation in a couple spots. Closes #10671 [l...","Luca Guidi",133 "2013-03-22","Add minitest-spec-rails to guide's testing options","Ken Collins",133 "2011-06-23","Update SQL Server db related rake tasks.","Ken Collins",133 "2011-06-21","Update SQL Server db related rake tasks.","Ken Collins",133 "2011-06-17","Allow the connection pool's #table_exists? method to giv...","Ken Collins",133 "2011-06-10","Allow the connection pool's #table_exists? method to giv...","Ken Collins",133 "2011-04-24","Use existing #empty_insert_statement_value for an insert...","Ken Collins",133 "2011-04-22","The #substitute_at gets an ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapt...","Ken Collins",133 "2011-04-22","Move #exec_insert to abstract adapter's database stateme...","Ken Collins",133 "2011-02-09","Allow limit values to accept an ARel SQL literal.","Ken Collins",133 "2011-02-09","Allow limit values to accept an ARel SQL literal.","Ken Collins",133 "2011-02-03","The type_cast_calculated_value method will trust DB type...","Ken Collins",133 "2011-02-03","The type_cast_calculated_value method will trust DB type...","Ken Collins",133 "2010-09-03","A few schema changes for the SQL Server adapter.","Ken Collins",133 "2010-09-03","A few schema changes for the SQL Server adapter.","Ken Collins",133 "2010-09-03","Conversion of a two dimensional array that is ruby 1.8.6...","Ken Collins",133 "2010-07-08","Fix the #using_limitable_reflections? helper to work cor...","Ken Collins",133 "2010-07-08","Fix the #using_limitable_reflections? helper to work cor...","Ken Collins",133 "2009-05-18","Reimplement Fixtures.identify so that it consistently ge...","Ken Collins",133 "2009-05-18","Reimplement Fixtures.identify so that it consistently ge...","Ken Collins",133 "2009-05-10","ActiveSupport::OrderedHash#to_a method returns an ordere...","Ken Collins",133 "2009-05-10","ActiveSupport::OrderedHash#to_a method returns an ordere...","Ken Collins",133 "2009-05-01","Use table_exists? in #initialize_schema_migrations_table...","Ken Collins",133 "2009-03-10","The latest trunk of Mocha > 0.9.5 which addresses issue ...","Ken Collins",133 "2008-11-19","Remove SQL Server cases from tests for latest adapter wo...","Ken Collins",133 "2008-11-19","Remove SQL Server cases from tests for latest adapter wo...","Ken Collins",133 "2008-11-13","Make sure any Fixnum returned by a DB sum is type cast t...","Ken Collins",133 "2008-11-08","If average value from DB is 0, make sure to convert it t...","Ken Collins",133 "2008-08-28","Added TextHelper#current_cycle to return the current cyc...","Ken Collins",133 "2009-03-17","Hidden field with check box goes first.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-15","Introduce convenience methods past?, today? and future? ...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-13","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-13","Fixed a typo in the routing guide.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Whitespace.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Some performance goodness for inheritable attributes.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Some performance goodness for AR.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Some performance goodness for AM Validations.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Some performance goodness for AM StateMatchine.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Some performance goodness for routing.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Some performance goodness for AR associations.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","More symbols for send and respond_to?.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","More symbols for send and respond_to?.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Use symbols for send and respond_to?.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-09-02","Removed unnecessary Symbol#to_proc from Asset Tag Helper.","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-08-07","Refactor DateHelper to use DateTimeSelector presenter pa...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-08-05","Fixed i18n bulk translate issues in NumberHelper","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-30","Updated NumberHelper: Full i18n support (except number_t...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-27","Refactored TextHelper#truncate, highlight, excerpt, word...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-27","error_message_on takes an options hash instead of ordere...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-21","Refactored NumberHelper API to accept arguments as an op...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-21","Refactor DateHelper and improve test coverage [#665 stat...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-19","Removed handling of string parameter in link_to to have ...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-19","Removed unused option from FormHelper#fields_for [#641 s...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-12","ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Hash: Slightly modified w...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-12","ActionController::Streaming: Added missing documentation...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-10","Added notes to Routing documentation and routes.rb regar...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2008-07-10","Added notes to Routing documentation and routes.rb regar...","Clemens Kofler",133 "2013-02-09","Clarify ActiveModel::Validator initialization in docs.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2013-02-09","Validations guide: validates_with init clarification.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2012-10-28","Enable update_column(s) for the primary key attribute.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2012-10-25","AJAX -> Ajax in layouts_and_rendering guide.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2012-09-16","Doc typo: depenent -> dependent; trailing ws.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2012-08-25","Guide: improvements to "The Flash" section.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2012-03-28","Routing guide: document lambda constraints and request a...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2010-02-06","Fix 'rails server -h' double help banner. Correct its us...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2010-02-06","Change "script/server" to "rails server" in README.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2009-03-12","Fix some typos, including a global "seperator" -> "separ...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2009-03-10","Make Inflector#parameterize correctly squeeze multi-char...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2008-08-28","Typo in current_cycle example.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2008-08-07","Typo in comment.","Henrik Nyh",132 "2008-05-25","yaml -> YAML","Henrik Nyh",132 "2008-05-23","Document Integer#even? and #odd? edge cases: zero and ne...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2008-05-23","Consistently use "rake foo:bar" instead of 'rake foo:bar...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2008-05-23","environment.rb template 'rake gem:install' should be 'ra...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11230) [Henrik N]","Henrik Nyh",132 "2008-02-16","Add String#squish and String#squish! to remove consecuti...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-12-02","Fix documentation typo introduced in [8250]. Closes #103...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-11-24","Improve error messages when providing a secret that is t...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-11-16","MacOS X -> Mac OS X. Closes #10171 [henrik@nyh.se]","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-11-09","Kill the whiny_protected_attributes setting and kill the...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-11-06","Fix typo left over from previous typo fix in url helper....","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-10-08","config.active_record.whiny_protected_attributes. Closes ...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-10-07","Raise ProtectedAttributeAssignmentError in development a...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9323) [Henrik N]","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9414) [Henrik N]","Henrik Nyh",132 "2007-05-06","Fix various documentation typos throughout ActionPack. C...","Henrik Nyh",132 "2013-06-15","Rewind StringIO instances before be parsed again","Paco Guzman",128 "2013-06-15","Use xml instead already parsed xml","Paco Guzman",128 "2013-05-22","Compare with the parsed result from REXML backend","Paco Guzman",128 "2012-02-25","Update changelogs with rails 3.0-stable branch info","Paco Guzman",128 "2012-02-01","Refactor define_restrict_dependency_method using reflection","Paco Guzman",128 "2012-01-31","Same method for has_many and has_one associations","Paco Guzman",128 "2012-01-31","Easy dependent_restrict error message","Paco Guzman",128 "2012-01-29","Remove initialize variable columnn, not needed","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-12-18","Update master changelogs with rails 3.0-stable branch info","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-06-07","Add action_mailer observer and interceptors configuratio...","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-04-19","Update link to Rails 2.3 guides from 2.3.8 to last relea...","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-03-18","remove bank line","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-03-11","remove some blanks","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-03-06","Configuration options are symbols","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-03-06","Remove Example headers. Code just flows with the text. 6...","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-03-06","remove unused assigned variable","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-02-01","FIX not using _on_create or _on_update callbacks only _c...","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-11-15","colorize_logging is a Rails General Configuration option...","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-11-13","colorize_logging is a Rails General Configuration option...","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-10-11","data-disable-with in button_to helper","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-08-12","applied guidelines to "# =>"","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-08-12","applied guidelines to "# =>"","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-06-28","Revert commit 37c44c8e707c Need more research on disable...","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-06-28","Added disable_with option description to button_to helper","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-06-22","Remove unused variable on assert_recognizes [#4912 state...","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-06-20","Update integrated logging format","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-05-17","Use assert_equal correctly in transaction callback tests...","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-05-15","fix assert_select messages to its declaration behaviour","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-03-29","html_tag option to wrap error_message_on text [#4283 sta...","Paco Guzman",128 "2010-01-18","Forgot to change named_scope to scope in an ArgumentErro...","Paco Guzman",128 "2011-04-16","Fixing another example result","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-16","Removing incorrect example results","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-16","Fix syntax error in example","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-16","Fixing more spacing inconsistencies","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-16","Making spacing consistent","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-16","Fixing missing colon on symbol in example","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-16","Negative format example should use a negative number","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-16","Days are never approximated using 'about'","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-16","Making example result match actual result","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-15","Including actual usage in example","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-14","Making colon usage consistent","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-14","Remove trailing whitespace","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-14","Aligning table cells","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-14","Making identifiers consistent in example","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-13","Moving note out of prologue to match other guides and so...","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-13","Aligning comments","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-04-13","Fixing distance_of_time_in_words range near 2 days","Matt Duncan",128 "2010-02-06","Fixing usages of "it's" when referring to the possessive...","Matt Duncan",128 "2010-02-05","Fix spelling in release notes","Matt Duncan",128 "2010-02-03","Removing duplicate Rails.config bullet item","Matt Duncan",128 "2010-02-03","Fix capitalization on note","Matt Duncan",128 "2010-02-02","Bump year in MIT licenses","Matt Duncan",128 "2009-08-09","Fixed to_label_tag to accept id attribute without changi...","Matt Duncan",128 "2009-08-09","Fixed to_label_tag to accept id attribute without changi...","Matt Duncan",128 "2009-08-09","Adding :from scoping to ActiveRecord calculations","Matt Duncan",128 "2009-08-09","Adding :from scoping to ActiveRecord calculations","Matt Duncan",128 "2009-08-09","Adding :from scoping to ActiveRecord calculations","Matt Duncan",128 "2009-08-08","Users can now pass :branch for git plugins and :revision...","Matt Duncan",128 "2009-08-08","Default sent_on time to now in ActionMailer","Matt Duncan",128 "2009-08-08","Default sent_on time to now in ActionMailer","Matt Duncan",128 "2011-09-09","Added test for obj.errors.as_json","Lawrence Pit",128 "2011-09-09","Add ability to get an individual full error message + te...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2011-07-17","Made attribute_method_matchers_cache private + doc","Lawrence Pit",128 "2011-07-16","Issue #2075 Optimization of ActiveModel's match_attribut...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2011-07-14","Optimization of ActiveModel's match_attribute_method?","Lawrence Pit",128 "2010-05-15","docs + test for each_error","Lawrence Pit",128 "2010-05-07","Fix parsing xml input by ActionDispatch::ParamsParser","Lawrence Pit",128 "2010-05-03","Favor %{} in all code instead of (deprecated) {{}} as in...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2010-04-30","to_xml with :include should skip_instruct on the include...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2010-01-08","Exclude unchanged records from the collection being cons...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2010-01-08","Exclude unchanged records from the collection being cons...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2009-07-08","Use the i18n gem if present instead of vendor code. [#28...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2009-07-08","Use the i18n gem if present instead of vendor code. [#28...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2009-07-07","Ruby 1.9 style String interpolation support for lower ru...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2009-03-07","submit_tag with confirmation and disable_with [#660 stat...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2009-01-13","Change Object#try to raise NoMethodError on private meth...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2008-10-04","Try reloading model on class mismatch [#229 state:resolved]","Lawrence Pit",128 "2008-07-17","Allow deep merging of hash values for nested with_option...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2008-05-22","Show rails version when the server starts. [#235 state:r...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-22","Reinstate test_change_column_nullability for all adapter...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-22","test_select_rows shouldn't depend on implicit result ord...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-19","Move all Schema creation into schema.rb for Mysql. Close...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-18","SQL Server: test for affected row count. References #955...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-17","Read in binary mode to make sure windows support keeps w...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-17","Use a smaller binary fixture so we don't overflow column...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-16","Fix join table docs error in schema_statements. Closes #...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-15","Test that change_column quotes column names. Closes #953...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-15","Update IGNORED_SQL for SQL Server. Closes #9638 [lawrence]","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-10-15","Add build/drop/rebuild tasks for SQL Server. Closes #958...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2007-09-22","Import the right database for testing (closes #9589) [la...","Lawrence Pit",128 "2013-05-03","Simple grammar updates","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-05-02","Clean up the wording in a few places","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-05-02","Add a few overview bullet points","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-05-01","Correct formatting for remaining booleans","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-30","Consistent use of code syntax formatting for boolean values","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-23","Mention that Dynamic finders have been deprecated in Rai...","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-21","Refer to 37signals blog post for alternative","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-20","There are now 6 request methods including PATCH","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-20","Simplify ERB example code","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-19","Grammar","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-19","Be more specific about the root directory.","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-19","Remove versions from gems listing","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-12","Update to Ryan's new book per his suggestion","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-06","Grammar","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-04","Update Ryan Bigg's occupation and credentials.","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-04","Add Action View Overview to guides listing.","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-04","Basic Layouts overview w/ link to guide","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-03","Typos/grammar fixes","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-04-01","Proofreading tweaks to the Mailer guide","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-03-31","Remove unnecessary / confusing code in example","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-03-29","More typo / wording fixes","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-03-29","Proofreading tweaks","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-03-28","Minor proofing","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-03-28","Remove unnecessary hyphen.","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-03-28","Extraneous syntax on guides path.","Jonathan Roes",128 "2013-03-05","Remove reference to BugMash. Link hasn't been updated in...","Jonathan Roes",128 "2012-09-07","Fix a bunch of typos, reword some things for clarity.","Jonathan Roes",128 "2012-04-26","Minor typo.","Jonathan Roes",128 "2012-01-21","document `:raise` option support for several helpers [ci...","Jonathan Roes",128 "2012-01-20","document `:raise` option support for several helpers [ci...","Jonathan Roes",128 "2011-06-10","Prepend bundle exec to get the correct Rake version","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Prepend bundle exec to get the correct Rake version","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Use RAILS_ISOLATED_ENGINE and fix namespaced generators ...","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Use mattr_accessor :namespace","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Don't create full Rails application if RAILS_ISOLATION_C...","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Use namespace if it's a mountable engine","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Added regression tests","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Move test/engine/generators_test.rb to test/railties/gen...","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Add test for helper generator","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-06-07","Clean up engine's generator test and use bundle exec for...","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-27","We moved engine commands to rails/engine/commands","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-27","Add destroy to engine's commands","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-27","Generate script/rails only if --full is given","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-27","Refactor identifying generator's destination root","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-27","Fix appending '","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-27","We're using module not class for namespacing","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-27","Move requiring engine out of the switch case","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-27","Fix and test ENGINE_PATH and ENGINE_ROOT","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-26","Introducing engine commands","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-26","Move load_generators from Rails::Application to Rails::E...","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-26","We're now using generators directly","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-26","Use global namespace Rails","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-26","Use plugin name consistently","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-25","Improve test assertion","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-25","Remove whitespaces from empty line","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-25","Add test files to engine's gemspec","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-24","Add test for shebang in engine's script/rails file","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-24","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rails/rails","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-24","Remove shebang from the template since it's already adde...","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-24","Add test for gemspec of the generated engine","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2011-05-24","Add folders app and config to the engine's gemspec if th...","Stefan Sprenger",123 "2013-09-07","Use MiniTest::Unit::TestCase instead of Minitest::Test","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-08-16","Improve the testing guide [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-07-29","Add installation instructions for FreeBSD [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-07-28","Fix lixml2 to libxml2 [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-07-26","Use hyphenated version of assert_url [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-07-26","Add a SQL example for `not` [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-07-24","Add packages list for ArchLinux [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-07-24","Fix the SQLite gem name","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-07-10","Add documentation for add_flash_types [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-07-01","Remove a duplicated section [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-30","Complete a sentence in i18n guide's introduction","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-29","Remove a duplicated section [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-29","Update a broken link into the fixtures' template","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-29","Add few information about missing steps [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-26","Remove a comment related to 920753f","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-25","Improve the testing guide [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-22","Missing mention about a generated file [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-21","Remove code related to the rails test command","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-21","Update the feedback instructions [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-21","Update the feedback instructions [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-21","Update the feedback instructions [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-06-20","Update the feedback instructions [ci skip]","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-03-15","Unmatched parenthesis fix","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-01-03","Fix missing spaces before and after equal signs in metho...","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-01-03","Remove a useless TODO comment","Robin Dupret",123 "2012-10-21","Wrap a piece of code to a code block","Robin Dupret",123 "2012-10-14","Use Ruby 1.9 Hash syntax in railties","Robin Dupret",123 "2012-10-10","Use a 1.9 Hash syntax in README files (fixes thanks to @...","Robin Dupret",123 "2012-09-05","Fix a typo","Robin Dupret",123 "2012-07-08","Add few information on Fedora and CentOS","Robin Dupret",123 "2012-07-04","Add few information on the field types","Robin Dupret",123 "2013-08-03","used flat_map instead of map.flatten in /guides/rails_gu...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2013-08-03","fix for postgresql failing test in local","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2013-08-03","Changing the def self.table_name to self.table_name in t...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2013-07-25","used flat_map instead of map.flatten","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2013-07-22"," syntax fix for f.select doc. [ci skip] .","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-02-11","removed unuseful require for reply as we are not using r...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-02-09","moving ordered hash to normal hash because ruby 1.9.3 ha...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-13","removed unnecessary test_pass test from form_tag_helper_...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-08","Added the release dates for rails 3.1.1, rails 3.1.2, ra...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-06","removed unnecessary require for activesupport/core_ext/a...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-06","removed unnessary require active_support/core_ext/array_...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-05","Moved all the logger methods to active support logger","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-05","removed warning because logger.warn differentiate the wa...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-04","removed unnecessary +1 from assert_difference because de...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-04","using the active support logger","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2012-01-04","refactored tests -- assert_diffrence instead of checking...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-12-23","Moving to logger methods to ActiveSupport Logger","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-12-23"," change Log","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-12-21","Action pack logger methodschanged to active supoort Logg...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-12-21","Changed the old logger to new active support logger","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-12-21","Changed the require path for logger","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-12-21","removed deprecated loggers","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-12-20","remove more uses of deprecated loggers","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-10-15","more doc changes on railties README","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-10-15","railties README change to make consistent like others eg...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-10-09","improving the docs for ajax_on_rails","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-10-08","Revert "Revert "updated the ajax_on_rails.textile for ra...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-07-22","Duplicate tests removed. ","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-05-24","changed http://api.rubyonrails.com to http://api.rubyon...","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-05-23","active resource instalation instructions and Licence","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-05-21","Documentation Error Fixed for ticket #839","Karunakar (Ruby)",123 "2011-08-13","prototype switch","JudeArasu",123 "2011-08-13","grammatical changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-08-04","grammatical changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-08-04","grammatical changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-25","aligment issues fixed","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-23","grammatical changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-23","grammatical changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-23","typo change","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-21","grammatical changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-21","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-21","grammatical changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-21","typo change","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-20","notextile tag has been placed with ascii quotes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-19","notextile tag has been placed with ascii quotes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-18","notextile tag has been placed with ascii quotes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-09","rails text been added before version","JudeArasu",123 "2011-07-05","rails text been added before version","JudeArasu",123 "2011-06-19","typo changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-06-18","typo changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-06-14","typo changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-05-23","rails request has been moved from Lighthouse to Github, ...","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-06","style changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-06","Revert "style changes"","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-06","style changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-06","styles applied for usage","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-05","typo changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-05","Spelling mistake","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-05","commas to set off expressions that interrupt sentence flow","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-05","typo changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-05","typo changes","JudeArasu",123 "2011-03-03","Spelling mistake","JudeArasu",123 "2013-01-10","clearer conditional in constraint match check","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-10","add asset pipeline guides section on implementing & regi...","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-10","update assets guide code styling","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-07","access `@path` and `@routes` via reader methods in journey","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-07","refactor ShowExceptions' #call to use def-rescue instead...","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-07","more woring improvements to the engines guide","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-07","improve wording of the engines guide","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-07","prefer american spelling of 'behavior'","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-07","remove begin-rescue in favor of def-rescue","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-06","refactor DebugExceptions by combining two conditionals i...","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-06","refactor Journey::Routes","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-06","refactor Route#ast to use or-equals and block, instead o...","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-06","delegate to :class rather than 'self.class'","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-05","prefer do-end for multiline block","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-05","place article name in the beginning of guides page title","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-05","fix guides' warning bottom padding","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-05","wrap terminal prompt marks in a pre tag","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-05","fix img width in guides","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-05","proper article in the getting started guide","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-05","allow toggling about env, not just showing","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-03","TODO typo fix","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-03","move error page js into script tag","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-03","fix env toggling, improve error page styling","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-03","refactor Routing::Mapper","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-02","make symbol reference in docs appear as code","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-02","remove another unnecessary dup","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-02","remove unnecessary #dup","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-02","replace #flatten with Array()","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-02","add source line padding","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-02","allow toggling dumps instead of just showing","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-01-01","remove unnecessary always-nil var from #compact","Gosha Arinich",123 "2013-04-03","Add block support for the helper","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2012-09-09","Use internal instance variable naming scheme for mounted...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2012-01-14","Stub ip method of alternative request class","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-10-03","Ensure that enhancements to assets:precompile task are o...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-10-03","Replace calls to capture(:stdout) with quietly in assets...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-10-03","Ensure that enhancements to assets:precompile task are o...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-10-03","Replace calls to capture(:stdout) with quietly in assets...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-09-01","assets:precompile should not append asset digests when c...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-09-01","Move references to Rails.application.config out of Sproc...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-09-01","assets:precompile should not append asset digests when c...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-09-01","Move references to Rails.application.config out of Sproc...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-10","Include TagHelper within AssetTagHelper","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-10","Include TagHelper within AssetTagHelper","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-06","Test for extractable_options? within nested fields_for.","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-03","Add documentation for asset_prefix and asset_environment","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-03","Add tests for alternate asset prefix/environment","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-03","Refactor sprockets asset paths to allow for alternate as...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-03","Fix has_migrations? check in Rails::Engine","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-03","Fix has_migrations? check in Rails::Engine","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-03","Add documentation for asset_prefix and asset_environment","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-01","Add tests for alternate asset prefix/environment","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-07-01","Refactor sprockets asset paths to allow for alternate as...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-06-22","Use real hash model in nested fields_for with hash model...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2011-06-20","Test for extractable_options? within nested fields_for.","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2010-04-02","Restore changed_attributes method in ActiveModel::Dirty ...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2009-12-29","Make plugins responsible for loading their own rake tasks","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2009-12-29","Application object should instantiate non-vendored plugins","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2009-10-07","Fixed behavior of attribute_methods_generated? [#3220 st...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2009-10-07","Don't share attribute matchers between classes [#3216 st...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2009-09-03","Don't raise exceptions for missing javascript_include_ta...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2008-11-23","Allow helpers directory to be overridden via ActionContr...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2008-11-23","Allow helpers directory to be overridden via ActionContr...","Sam Pohlenz",119 "2013-01-23","Made indentation consistent.","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-09-19","Correct parameter access.","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-07-26","Switched update_column recommendation in changelog to up...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-07-26","Switched update_column recommendation in changelog to up...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-07-25","Suggest using update_columns instead of update_column.","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-07-06","Made ArgumentError messages consistent.","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-06-03","Updated guide to say Rails 4.0 requires 1.9.3 or higher,...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-05-31","Revert "Removes unneeded caching from ActiveRecord::Base...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-05-24","Fixed backward incompatibility for engines.","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-05-23","Added ActionDispatch::Request::Session#keys and ActionDi...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-05-22","Fixed typo new_defautls -> new_defaults.","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-03-13","Added missing end to example","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-03-13","Fixed problem when fixture_path is not always defined (i...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-03-13","Fixes issue #5193 using the instructions provided in the...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-03-13","Fixed problem when fixture_path is not always defined (i...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-03-13","Fixes issue #5193 using the instructions provided in the...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-03-11","Documented the removal of size from text_field based hel...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-03-11","Fix unintended removal of 'cols' from a text_area example.","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-03-10","Fixes #5324 by removing default size options from input:...","Philip Arndt",119 "2012-02-14",""Or" was not meaningful anymore, per dad7fdc5734a3813246...","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-11-18","Fixed typo: expect -> expected","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-11-18","Fixed typo: expect -> expected","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-11-17","Fixed typo: expect -> expected","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-09-27","Fixes #3087 by removing autoload for non-existant Deprec...","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-05-26","This fixes rake for me in RefineryCMS. Otherwise, I get:...","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-01-29","Test non zero exit code and that a message still appears...","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-01-29","Dir.chdir is not useful in this test, that was for anoth...","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-01-29","Added test to ensure non zero exit codes when generating...","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-01-29","Exit with non-zero to signal failure.","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-01-29","Use exit(1) instead of exit(false)","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-01-29","Use Thor's self.exit_on_failure? to exit whenever access...","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-01-29","Apply exit code 1 when commands don't succeed so that ot...","Philip Arndt",119 "2011-07-23","grammar correction for rails/paths #add method arguments","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-07-23","misc grammar and clarity changes for rails/engine docs","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-07-23","grammar/tense correction to rails application doc","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-07-12","grammar correction for rails/paths #add method arguments","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-07-12","misc grammar and clarity changes for rails/engine docs","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-07-12","grammar/tense correction to rails application doc","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-07-01","general grammar cleanup of cache docs","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-07-01","general formatting cleanup, and clarify that passing tru...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-26","clarify which url would be used to cache a page when opt...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-26","elaborate on how web server configuration to check for s...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","grammar changes in named routes description and clarity ...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","grammar changes to log subscriber docs","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","move example code to be above reconfiguring discussion; ...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","use present tense on examples","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","more detail on how the flow between redirect and show wo...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","remove extra space and clarify how an exception is made ...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","reorder layout selection examples to occur in the order ...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","singularize module and be explicit about what is delivered","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","grammar (missing "a") and formatting","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-23","elaborate details on why to use _url instead of _path in...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-22","grammar changes in named routes description and clarity ...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-22","grammar changes to log subscriber docs","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-22","move example code to be above reconfiguring discussion; ...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-21","use present tense on examples","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-21","more detail on how the flow between redirect and show wo...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-21","remove extra space and clarify how an exception is made ...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-21","reorder layout selection examples to occur in the order ...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-21","singularize module and be explicit about what is delivered","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-21","grammar (missing "a") and formatting","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-21","clarify why the only_path => false option is needed when...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-06-21","elaborate details on why to use _url instead of _path in...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2011-01-27","clarify what the "they" that are is and what the "are" i...","Matt Jankowski",119 "2007-10-15","Expand Routes::DynamicSegment test coverage. Closes #712...","Kevin Clark",119 "2007-06-09","Routing: improve static segment test coverage. #7117 [K...","Kevin Clark",119 "2007-01-17","Modernize cookie testing code, and increase coverage (He...","Kevin Clark",119 "2007-01-17","Modernize cookie testing code, and increase coverage (He...","Kevin Clark",119 "2007-01-17","Improve Test Coverage for ActionController::Routing::Rou...","Kevin Clark",119 "2007-01-17","Heckling ActionController::Resources::Resource revealed ...","Kevin Clark",119 "2007-01-17","Heckling ActionController::Resources::Resource revealed ...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-11-07","Merge [5466] from trunk.","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-11-07","assert_response supports symbolic status codes. Closes #...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-09-03","Integration tests: thoroughly test ActionController::Int...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-09-03","Thoroughly test the FCGI dispatcher. Closes #5970.","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-09-01","Deprecation: update docs. Closes #5998.","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-08-29","Railties: generator tests passing","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-08-29","Cleaning up railties tests. Set RAILS_ROOT for Rails::In...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-08-24","Clashing type columns due to a sloppy join shouldn't wre...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-08-22","Clean up and run the Active Record integration tests by ...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-08-11","Tweak fixtures so they don't try to use a non-ActiveReco...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-08-08","backport of ActionMailer documentation enhancements from...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-06-21","Fix indent in pagination documentation. Closes #4990. [...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-05-17","Add layout attribute to response object with the name of...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-05-10","ActionMailer::Base documentation rewrite. Closes #4991 [...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-04-27","ActionController::Base Summary documentation rewrite. Cl...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-04-26","Documentation for AbstractRequest. Closes #4895. [kevin....","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-02-27","Add set_fixture_class to allow the use of table name acc...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-02-09","* Fix pagination problems when using include","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-01-22","Raise a RedirectBackError if redirect_to :back is called...","Kevin Clark",119 "2006-01-13","Fix date errors for SQLServer in association tests. Clos...","Kevin Clark",119 "2005-10-25","Allow symbols to rename columns when using SQLite adapte...","Kevin Clark",119 "2005-09-09","Added -c/--svn option to the generator that'll add new f...","Kevin Clark",119 "2005-09-02","AbstractRequest#domain returns nil when host is an ip ad...","Kevin Clark",119 "2005-06-21","Added tag_options as a third parameter to AssetHelper#au...","Kevin Clark",119 "2013-08-28","Add :nodoc: to ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-21","Define jruby_skip to skip test on JRuby","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-21","Skip few of the ActiveSupport'sinflector test on JRuby","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-12","Upgrade ActiveRecord-JDBC-Adapter to master branch","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-09","Avoid Skip in test, have a unified test for order","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-08","Add tests for ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON#as_json ord...","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-07","Avoid defining multibyte method names in JSON decoding t...","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-04","Add tmp dir in actionview/test/","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-03","[Fixes #11734]Correct Association Basics Guide on has_an...","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-03","Avoid calling define_method with non-english chars in In...","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-08-02","Add timeout to test_async_stream","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-07-21","Add logging performance [ci skip]","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-04-30","Rack::Mount was replaced by Journey, Fixed comment","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-04-30","Rack::Mount was replaced by Journey, Fixed comment","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2013-04-16","replace match with get verb in ActionController::Metal","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-12-14","Change method is default since rails 3.1 [ci skip]","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-12-09","Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(sqlserver)","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-12-09","Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(jdbcmysql)","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-12-09","Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(jdbcpost...","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-12-09","Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(MySql)","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-12-09","Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(Postgres)","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-11-20","Better Error handling when parsing database.yaml","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-11-08","make syntax of select.map(&:field) same as pluck","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-09-03","Add section about tagged logging","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-06-15",NA,"Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-05-22","Move root method at TOP of routes file","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-05-22","Remove Obsolute root specifiying short syntax","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-05-22","Fix broken link","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-04-30",NA,"Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-04-24",NA,"Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-04-24","Added notice on how to enable gzip compression in rails ...","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-04-24","Added warning that require_tree includes files in unspec...","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2012-04-08","Added instructions on port number","Gaurish Sharma",117 "2010-01-31","data-remote needs to be on the form and not the submit w...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-31","updating link_to and button_to to support :remote => tru...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-29","fixed tests to also look for rails.js when using javascr...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-28","renaming javascript drivers to *.rails.js for better nam...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-28","initial prototype of jQuery driver complete","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-28","jquery driver now supports :confirm","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-28","jquery driver now supports :popup","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","initial prototype of prototype js driver","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","observe_form now supports :with option as it should","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27",":href should be comming in through html_options and not ...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","removing container inline js function of observed elemen...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","moving html_safe call into helpers directly as they only...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","start of prototype driver, missing observe_form, observe...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","periodically_call_remote does not need data-observe=true","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","need to tell erb that our <script> tag is html_safe","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","test to go with last commit, explicit :href for link_to_...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","adding :href override to link_to_remote","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","adding support for :disable_with to button_to_remote","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","remote_form_for now supports :confirm","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","account for the fact a few options may be passed as symb...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","removing Prototype inline js for attributes for :with an...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","fixing last merge breakage","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","making non remote versions of link_to, button_to, submit...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","link_to_remote and button_to_remote now support :confirm","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","modified helper that adds attributes for :method to incl...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","refactoring AjaxHelper a bit so that it calls shared met...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","making non remote versions of link_to, button_to, submit...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","link_to_remote and button_to_remote now support :confirm","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","moving include of ScriptaculousHelper into PrototypeHelp...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","fixed current tests that were failing do to module locat...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","Removed all helpers from PrototypeHelper that are implem...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","fixing failing tests from last commit, order of attribut...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2010-01-27","javascript_helper now correctly pulls in ajax_helper ins...","Erik St. Martin",117 "2013-05-17","Eliminate minitest warnings","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-05-16","restore whitespace in Gemfile between sqlite3 and sprockets","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-05-16","restore whitespace in Gemfile between sqlite3 and sprockets","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-05-16","restore whitespace in Gemfile between sqlite3 and sprockets","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-05-05","2.15.1 is the first release that supports Rails 4.","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-05-03","Add a test case for comparing Rails versions","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-05-01","Make railties version match RAILS_VERSION","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-04-16","switch (and lazily convert) ivar names to 3.x","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-04-11","Use strip_heredoc where possible","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-04-10","Editorial pass over generated Gemfile","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-04-03","Avoid running bundler on tests that don't need it","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-04-02","Prefer find_by over dynamic finders in rdoc","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-03-27","Remove buggy and unnecessary logic","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-03-27","Cosmetic cleanup of generated Gemfile","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-03-24","Use jquery-rails from github","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-03-13","Add support for generate scaffold password:digest","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-03-09","ensure response.stream is closed","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-02-26","Allow both a path and an option on root in config/routes","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-02-23","guides/rails_guides moved up and out of the railties dir...","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-02-14","Make valid_type? public","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-01-11","Fix regression introduced in pull request 8812","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-01-08","Eliminate Rack::File headers deprecation warning","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-01-02","Fix a number of validation/style errors:","Sam Ruby",112 "2012-12-15","Remove blank lines from generated Gemfile","Sam Ruby",112 "2011-11-18","Stop db:seed from performing a reload of the db","Sam Ruby",112 "2010-08-29","Make rake routes gracefully handle routes with no name","Sam Ruby",112 "2010-08-29","Make rake routes gracefully handle routes with no name","Sam Ruby",112 "2010-05-08","get the rescue error page back [#4536 state:resolved]","Sam Ruby",112 "2010-03-19","Controller generators should generate tests when action ...","Sam Ruby",112 "2010-03-11","Add deprecation warning for overwrite_params and remove ...","Sam Ruby",112 "2010-02-02","Make rdoc match current API","Sam Ruby",112 "2010-02-02","Resolve view paths correctly on CygWin","Sam Ruby",112 "2010-01-20","Add AD::Route#to_s","Sam Ruby",112 "2009-12-24","Allow named_routes to be used with root, and with new DS...","Sam Ruby",112 "2013-09-06","Use Ruby on Rails Coding Conventions for code examples i...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-09-06","Cleanup of excerpt helper","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-09-04","Extracted from `order` processing of arguments, and use ...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-27"," #11803: Move Forbidden attributes description before sh...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-21","Added bug report template for ActionController","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-21","Updated bug report templates","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-14","Rescue invalid ip address exceptions on assign.","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-14","Removed redundant asserts for assigns attribute operation","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-13"," #11804: Add description of action in Getting Started Guide","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-08","Remove using of suffix with term. [ci skip]","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-06","#11759: Update Assets Pipeline Guide","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-02","Replaced quotation marks for term by apostrophe","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-08-02","Removed redundant xml override from pg adapter","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-30","Improve documentation for controller how to get included...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-15","Do not re-save destroyed association on saving parent ob...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-14"," #4566: Remove extra decrement of transaction level","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-10"," #11381: Ignore config.eager_load=true for rake","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-08","Added cursor pointer for 'More Ruby on Rails'","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-07","Use Request#raw_post instead Request#body","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-07","Use helper method to get ENV['CONTENT_LENGTH']","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-05"," #11288: Removed duplicated touching","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-04","Cleanup belongs to tests","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-04","Added link to Form Helper article from getting strated [...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-03","Removed unused deprecation requires.","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-07-03","Removed deprecated threadsafe!","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-06-30","Removed params permit step from 5.6 section [ci skip]","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-06-30","Synchronize PostController#create code from 5.6 to other...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-06-29","Added clarification for destroy link_to description in 5...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-06-27","Remove deprecation warning from AttributeMethodsMatcher","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-06-27","Asking user to declare post resource in guide [ci skip]","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-06-20"," #10428: Added tests for config.assets.precompile","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-06-12","Use sprockets-rails 2.0.0","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-04-12","Added tests for `eager_load` config option to do not eag...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2013-03-10","Fixed tests for returning an instance of `Time` in the l...","Paul Nikitochkin",112 "2007-11-08","Smattering of grammatical fixes to documentation. Closes...","Bob Silva",112 "2007-09-15","Added block-acceptance to JavaScriptHelper#javascript_ta...","Bob Silva",112 "2007-06-23","Fixed that radio_button_tag should generate unique ids (...","Bob Silva",112 "2007-05-26","validates_numericality_of takes :greater_than, :greater_...","Bob Silva",112 "2007-01-05","Add more extensive documentation to the AssetTagHelper. ...","Bob Silva",112 "2007-01-05","Add more extensive documentation to the AssetTagHelper. ...","Bob Silva",112 "2007-01-05","Clean up multiple calls to #stringify_keys in TagHelper,...","Bob Silva",112 "2007-01-05","Clean up multiple calls to #stringify_keys in TagHelper,...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Bob Silva",112 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-11-05","Merge [5429] from trunk.","Bob Silva",112 "2006-11-05","Fix invalid test fixture exposed by stricter Ruby 1.8.5 ...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-11-05","SQLite: count(distinct) queries supported in >= 3.2.6, f...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-11-02","Merge [5412] from trunk.","Bob Silva",112 "2006-11-02","Deprecate expire_matched_fragments. Use expire_fragment ...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-10-24","Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality....","Bob Silva",112 "2006-10-22","Deprecated UrlHelper#link_to_image and UrlHelper#link_to...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-10-22","Upgraded NumberHelper with number_to_phone support inter...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-10-22","Fixed that setting RAILS_ASSET_ID to "" should not add a...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-10-09","Fixed migration creation to work with namespaced models,...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-10-09","Deprecated add_on_boundary_breaking (use validates_lengt...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-10-02","save! shouldn't validate twice. Closes #6324.","Bob Silva",112 "2006-09-26","Deprecation: count class method should be called with an...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-09-26","strip_links is case-insensitive. Closes #6285.","Bob Silva",112 "2006-09-08","Update descriptive messages for exceptions thrown by cgi...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-09-04","Improved resolution of DateHelper#distance_of_time_in_wo...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-09-04","Document validates_presences_of behavior with booleans: ...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-09-03","radio_button_tag generates unique id attributes. Closes ...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-03-18","Fixed link_to "somewhere", :post => true to produce vali...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-02-28","Added support to AssetTagHelper#javascript_include_tag f...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-02-28","Added new column to all db definitions. Where, oh where,...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-02-26","Fixed that form elements would strip the trailing [] fro...","Bob Silva",112 "2006-02-25","Updated docs (closes #3799) [ruby@bobsilva.com]","Bob Silva",112 "2006-02-10","Fix Syntax error in mysql.sql, Drop table readers and ru...","Bob Silva",112 "2010-01-27","Added observe_form","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Added submit_to_remote helper","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Removed duplication","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed data-name to data-observed on observe_field","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Refactored ajax helpers so they use a little bit more co...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Applied Yehuda's patch; Sharing extract_object_name_for_...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed observe_field to field_observer","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed data-rails-type to data-js-type","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed data-remote='true' to data-js-type='remote'","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","remote_form_for tests pass","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Took first stab at reimplementing form_remote_tag helpers","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Added assert_data_element_json test helper for data elem...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Took another stab at observe_field. Now implementing da...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed the observe field node into a div with display:none","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","ObserveFieldTest uses url_for from AjaxTestCase","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Implemented a fuller stub in AjaxTestCase for url_for be...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Added the beginnings of the observe_field helper","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Added observe_form","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Added submit_to_remote helper","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Removed duplication","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed data-name to data-observed on observe_field","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Refactored ajax helpers so they use a little bit more co...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Applied Yehuda's patch; Sharing extract_object_name_for_...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed observe_field to field_observer","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed data-rails-type to data-js-type","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed data-remote='true' to data-js-type='remote'","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","remote_form_for tests pass","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Took first stab at reimplementing form_remote_tag helpers","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Added assert_data_element_json test helper for data elem...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Took another stab at observe_field. Now implementing da...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Changed the observe field node into a div with display:none","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","ObserveFieldTest uses url_for from AjaxTestCase","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Implemented a fuller stub in AjaxTestCase for url_for be...","Bob Remeika",112 "2010-01-27","Added the beginnings of the observe_field helper","Bob Remeika",112 "2013-03-30","fix binstub typo","Andre Arko",112 "2013-03-28","need to delete bin, not binstub, update wording","Andre Arko",112 "2013-03-28","script/rails could never be from bundler","Andre Arko",112 "2013-03-21","rails commands even if bin/rails is a gem stub","Andre Arko",112 "2013-01-02","Explain the possible precautions","Andre Arko",112 "2013-01-02","Restore original remote_ip algorithm.","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-16","the object itself isn't the IP, #to_s is the IP","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-16",":facepalm: Request#remote_ip has to work without the mid...","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-16","Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #3640 from indirect/r...","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-15","GetIp#to_s should never return nil. That's icky.","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-14","add test for bug fixed in 4f2bf64","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-14","Return the calculated remote_ip or ip","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-14","memoize the relatively expensive remote IP code","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-14","cleaner names","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-13","remove ignored flag, fixes warnings","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-13","turns out the tests expect remote_addrs.first","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-13","correctly raise IpSpoofAttackError message","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-13","change tests to expect X-F-F over REMOTE_ADDR","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-12","defer calculating the remote IP until requested","Andre Arko",112 "2011-11-12","refactor RemoteIp middleware","Andre Arko",112 "2011-04-14","files are a special case and need whitespace to be signi...","Andre Arko",112 "2011-04-14","files are a special case and need whitespace to be signi...","Andre Arko",112 "2011-04-14","gsub is not needed (thanks @fxn!)","Andre Arko",112 "2011-04-14","attributes no longer disappear if a tag contains whitespace","Andre Arko",112 "2011-04-14","gsub is not needed (thanks @fxn!)","Andre Arko",112 "2011-04-14","attributes no longer disappear if a tag contains whitespace","Andre Arko",112 "2011-02-06","Allow page_cache_directory to be set as a Pathname","Andre Arko",112 "2010-08-17","Allow member actions (get, etc) to accept strings, with ...","Andre Arko",112 "2010-08-17","Allow member actions (get, etc) to accept strings, with ...","Andre Arko",112 "2010-04-21","Squash backtraces from Bundler.setup","Andre Arko",112 "2010-04-12","Update the Bundler snippet for 0.9.15 and above","Andre Arko",112 "2008-07-06","Add has_many :primary_key option to allow setting the pr...","Andre Arko",112 "2008-06-26","Extract owner_quoted_id so it can be overridden. [#292 ...","Andre Arko",112 "2008-05-13","Fix remote_function to escape apostrophes inside the rem...","Andre Arko",112 "2013-08-06","added String#to_date documentation to Rails 4 upgrade guide","Jeff Dean",111 "2010-12-08","Setting the id of a belongs_to object updates all refere...","Jeff Dean",111 "2010-07-04","Added release notes for 3 changes to helpers","Jeff Dean",111 "2010-06-23","make text_field and hidden_field omit the value attribut...","Jeff Dean",111 "2010-06-23","remove_column should raise an ArgumentError when no colu...","Jeff Dean",111 "2010-06-23","remove_column should raise an ArgumentError when no colu...","Jeff Dean",111 "2010-05-15","Sending :id => nil to form helpers now properly omits th...","Jeff Dean",111 "2009-08-10","Introduce validates_with to encapsulate attribute valida...","Jeff Dean",111 "2009-08-09","Added section to guide for validates with, which is sche...","Jeff Dean",111 "2009-06-01","Updated the db:structure:dump task to properly format th...","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-17","Plugin guide: Edits","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-17","Plugin guide: re-ran rake guides","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-17","Rails plugin: misc error fixes.","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-17","Re-ran rake guides","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-17","Rails guide: Misc reorganization","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-17","Rails guide: Added PluginGem section, reorganized the od...","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-17","Plugin Guide: added section on migrations, updated gener...","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-14","Plugin guide: updated to start working with GemPlugin","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-14","Rails plugin: Expanded helpers section","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-14","Plugin guide: added model and controller sections","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-14","Plugin Guide: updated test setup and generator sections","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-14","Plugin guide: update generator guide to include tests","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-13","Plugin guide: update acts_as section","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-13","Plugin Guide: updated core_extensions section","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-13","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-12","Plugin Guide: cleaned up file paths, made formatting mor...","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-12","Plugins guide: Cleanup the intro","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-12","Plugins Guide: added example of how to run tests, includ...","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-12","Updated preparation section of plugins guide","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-11-12","Updated readme to include instructions on which dependen...","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-05-30","added final tree structure, changed String to String.cla...","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-05-30","made the headings more consistent","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-05-30","added documentation for rake tasks to the plugin tutorial","Jeff Dean",111 "2008-05-30","Added a tutorial for how to create and test plugins","Jeff Dean",111 "2013-06-21","Fix BacktraceCleaner#noise for multiple silencers.","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2013-06-20","Fix BacktraceCleaner#noise for multiple silencers.","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2013-01-08","Revert cb3181e - no longer required.","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2013-01-08","Fix CookieStore middleware inheritance hierarchy s.t. it...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-07-03","Fix NumberHelper options wrapping to prevent verbatim bl...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-09","Consistent CHANGELOG entry indentation.","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-09","Add CHANGELOG section for unreleased Rails 3.2.4; docume...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-09","Add CHANGELOG section for unreleased Rails 3.2.4; docume...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-09","Bring activesupport CHANGELOG up-to-date/consistent with...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-08","Fix NumberHelper options wrapping to prevent verbatim bl...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-07","Remove accidentally pasted NOTE section during introduct...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-07","Corrections to +beginning_of_day+ and +end_of_day+ examp...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-07","Added documentation for +beginning_of_hour+ and +end_of_...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-04","added beginning_of_hour support to core_ext calculations...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-04","enable tests for beginning_of_* and end_of_* within time...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-05-04","added beginning_of_hour support to core_ext calculations...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-07","use thread locals and an instance variable within QueryC...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","added comment about why nondigest assets requires a rein...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","only reinvoke if necessary","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","only execute the nondigest task if needed","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","don't munge the environment, let rake do that for us","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","assets compilation task refactoring","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","added comment about why nondigest assets requires a rein...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","only reinvoke if necessary","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","only execute the nondigest task if needed","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","don't munge the environment, let rake do that for us","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","assets compilation task refactoring","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","correct path used in "digested assets are not mistakenly...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","add failing test: "digested assets are removed from conf...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","correct path used in "digested assets are not mistakenly...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-04","add failing test: "digested assets are removed from conf...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-03","add failing test for #3198","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-10-03","add failing test for #3198","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2011-09-13","Don't mount Sprockets at config.assets.prefix if config....","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2007-06-11","Merge [7002] to stable: fix syntax error in dispatcher t...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2007-06-11","Fix syntax error in dispatcher than wrecked failsafe res...","Mark J. Titorenko",105 "2012-10-10","Eager autoload Preloader classes","John Firebaugh",105 "2012-10-10","Eager autoload Preloader classes","John Firebaugh",105 "2012-07-27","Don't test language-level exception messages","John Firebaugh",105 "2012-07-17","AR::Integration must be included after AM::Conversion","John Firebaugh",105 "2012-07-17","AR::Integration must be included after AM::Conversion","John Firebaugh",105 "2012-05-16","Call methods on the correct instance in AR::Schema.define","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-07-17","ActiveModel support for the :include serialization option","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-07-17","Move to_xml tests to xml_serialization_test.rb","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-07-17","We already have the record; no need to retrieve it again","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-07-17","Replace map+compact with select","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-07-17","Add a test","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-07-17","serializable_hash(:only => [], :methods => [:foo]) shoul...","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-04-05","Rename test directory to match code directory","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-04-01","Enumerable should pass encoding options to children in #...","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-03-31","Support both conventions for translations for namespaced...","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-03-31","Support both conventions for translations for namespaced...","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-03-29","Fix formatting and broken markup","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-03-29","Fix grammar, formatting, and cross references","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-02-03","Ruby 1.8.7+ provides to_date/to_datetime, AS just makes ...","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-02-03","Preserve fractional seconds in DateTime#to_time","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-01-31","Use run_callbacks; the generated _run_<name>_callbacks m...","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-01-18","Class.__subclasses__ was removed from Rubinius.","John Firebaugh",105 "2011-01-09","Expand and clarify AS::Callbacks docs.","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-12-22","Typo (request -> response)","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-12-22","Expand ActionDispatch::Reloader docs","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-12-20","Use AD::Reloader.to_cleanup for reloading [#2873 state:r...","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-12-20","Replace AD::Callbacks.to_prepare with AD::Reloader.to_pr...","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-12-20","Introduce ActionDispatch::Reloader","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-12-19","Use assert_body","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-10-29","Ensure original exception message is present in both Tem...","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-10-29","ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence no longer needed.","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-10-04","`render :text => proc { ... }` is no longer supported.","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-10-04","Template::Error is also used if rendering fails.","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-09-25","Don't act destructively on ActiveModel::Name#human optio...","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-09-25","Don't duplicate Rack::Response functionality. [#5320 sta...","John Firebaugh",105 "2010-09-25","Add ActionDispatch::TestResponse tests.","John Firebaugh",105 "2009-05-17","Implement #many? for NamedScope and AssociationCollectio...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2009-05-04","Don't use #tap before Active Support is available, since...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2009-03-12","Fix spelling of an internal method [#1734 state:resolved]","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2009-01-12","Docs: in typical usage, "descendant" is the noun and "de...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2009-01-12","A little copyediting of 73db43527d162fdf95665d88589f7ab6...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2009-01-12","Add better docs for ActiveRecord::Base#attribute_for_ins...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2009-01-07","Rewrite ActiveRecord::Base#destroy_all docs to remove in...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-31","Fix grammar (it's -> its)","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-31","Fix some spelling, grammar, and typography in the Valida...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-29","Rewrite ActiveRecord::Base#delete docs to remove false i...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-27","Rewrite ActiveRecord::Base.delete docs for clarity, and ...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-26","ActionController::Request docs: fix reference to nonexis...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-03","Update the Action Pack README a bit to use the current A...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-02","Remove old sections on pagination and components from Ac...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-01","ActiveRecord#to_param docs: fix a few singular/plural er...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-12-01","Improve ActiveRecord#exists? docs","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-11-30","Fix typo and cleanup docs for #expire_fragment [#1398 st...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-10-04","Fix typography and punctuation in ActiveRecord#find_by_sql","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-05-31","Fix spelling in deprecation warning (affect -> effect)","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-05-16","Fix a couple spelling errors in docs","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Show RecordInvalid in the documentation. Clo...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-02-10","Show RecordInvalid in the documentation. References #109...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-02-07","Apply [8810], [8811], [8812], and [8813] to 2.0 stable","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-02-07","Remove ERB trim variables from trace template in case Ac...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2008-02-07","Fix typo in form_helper documentation. Closes #10650 [xa...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-12-05","Add documentation about the virtual attribute added by v...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-10-15","Complete AWS -> ARes changeover. Closes #8717 [kampers]","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-10-13","Make sure that custom inflections are picked up by map.r...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-09-22","Fix CSS error in scaffold (closes #7450) [kampers]","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-09-22","Docfix (closes #8767) [kampers]","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-08-31","Documentation tweaks and fixes. Closes #9454 [sur, kampers]","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-08-28","Formatting and grammatical fixes for the acts_as_* docum...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-08-05"," Major improvement to the documentation for the options ...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-07-25","misc doc fixes + Add ActiveResource to Rails::Info. Clo...","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-06-28","Improve capture helper documentation. Closes #8796.","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2007-05-29","Correct flash discard rdoc. Closes #8502 [kampers]","Chris Kampmeier",105 "2013-06-11","Use symbols instead of strings","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-29","Remove ActiveRelation#inspect","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-26","Guide update for Async ActionMailer","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-24","Some final syntax fixes","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-24","Better documentation for ActionMailer.async","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-24","Better documentation for ActionMailer.async","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-24","Forcing the message sending is no longer necessary","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-24","Support for custom queues on the mailer","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-23","Removed unecessary splatting","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-23","Use Delegator for a cleaner QueuedMessage class","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-23","Updated Changelogs","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-23","Force message delivery despite async","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-23","Add commented out ActionMailer async config option","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-23","AsyncMailer documention","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-06-23","Asynchronous ActionMailer","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-05-17","Fixed logger bug introduced by #2237","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-05-16","Changing the indentation level of the block comment clos...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-05-16","Changing the indentation level of the block comment clos...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-04-30","Rails 4.0 upgrade note for the ConfirmationValidator change","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-04-24","Support i18n attributes for confirmation","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-04-24","Reordered changelog entry","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-04-24","Updated CHANGELOG","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-04-23","confirmation validation error attribute","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-03-04","Route root helper shortcut","Brian Cardarella",105 "2012-02-05","Highlight defaults to HTML5 `mark` element","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-08-13","Resolve warnings by instantizing @attrubtes as nil","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-08-13","Instead of removing the instance variable just set it to...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-08-13","Reset @dirty to false when slicing an instance of SafeBu...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-07-30","Resolve warnings by instantizing @attrubtes as nil","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-07-29","Reset @dirty to false when slicing an instance of SafeBu...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-07-29","Instead of removing the instance variable just set it to...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-06-09","Remove deprecation warning for ActiveRecord::Errors#gene...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-04-29","Fixed comment 'config.asset' => 'config.assets'","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-04-14","Declaring the attr_accessor for password_confirmation is...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2011-04-11","Refactored uniqueness validator to use Arel instead of h...","Brian Cardarella",105 "2010-09-10","Let YARD document the railties gem","Brian Cardarella",105 "2013-06-15","fix typos","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-05-31","add cache_if and cache_unless on caching doc","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-05-13","add test for skip_before_filter with condition","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-03-13","fix absence validator doc for boolean field","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-03-13","absence validator doc","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-02-19","added more accurate test for add_on_empty","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-01-08","improved different_target conditions","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-01-08","target_reflection_has_associated_record? refactoring","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-01-08","change unless !blank? to if blank? in get_primary_key","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2013-01-02","refactoring to_sym of Symbol in preload","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-12-31","refatctoring of some code repetition in spawn_methods","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-12-28","small refactoring, added blob_or_text_colum? in Abstract...","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-12-22","return Mime::NullType if format is unknown","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-12-14","Removed :if and :unless from fragment cache option in fa...","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-10-31","if format is unknown NullMimeTypeObject is returned","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-10-14","refactoring of uniqueness validate_each","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-09-29","small refactoring of build_relation in uniqueness","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-08-03","calculate errors_options one time in validate_each","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-07-03","small refactoring of as_json method","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-07-03","observer update refactoring","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-06-21","changed the firm of changes_from_zero_to_string?","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-06-19","Validates_numericality_of is skipped when changing 0 to ...","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-06-12","Fix the the backport of the object dup with the ruby 1.9...","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-23","changed xml type datetime to dateTime, fixes #6328","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-15","add backport for the pull request #6324","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-15","clean the errors if an object that includes validations ...","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-15","corrected some misspelling","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-15","corrected some misspelling","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-13","clean the erros if an object that includes validations e...","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #98 from acapilleri/mispelling_asset","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-13","mispelling asset_tag_helper","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-13","Changed the changelog and documentation about","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-13","Always include the options :include_blank if the select ...","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-12","missplelling error in abstract_mysql_adapter","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-12","mispelling errors in render_text_test.rb and sqlite_spec...","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2012-05-12","mispelling error in actionpach changelog","Angelo Capilleri",105 "2011-12-15","Allow nested attributes in associations to update values...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-08","fix url_for to not add additional unwanted options when ...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-08","when calling url_for with a hash, additional (likely unw...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","assert_select_email fix entry","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","fix assert_select_email to work on non-multipart emails ...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","entry for fixing exists?","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","fix exists? to return false if passed nil (which may com...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","more descriptive CHANGELOG entry","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","entry for fixing exists?","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","fix exists? to return false if passed nil (which may com...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","assert_select_email entry","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-09-07","fix assert_select_email to work on non-multipart emails ...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-08-11","fix assert_select_email to work on non-multipart emails ...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-08-11","when calling url_for with a hash, additional (likely unw...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2011-08-10","fix exists? to return false if passed nil (which may com...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2010-09-26","memoized protected methods should remain protected","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2010-09-24","memoized protected methods should remain protected","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2010-09-24","memoized protected methods should remain protected","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2010-09-09","Fix fixtures in integration test sessions","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2010-07-22","update remote_function docs referencing link_to_remote","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2010-07-21","remote_function patch with more detailed test","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2010-07-14","upgrade prototype to be compatible with rails.js [#5109 ...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2009-06-11","allow absolute paths for the asset caches","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2009-06-11","allow absolute paths for the asset caches","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2008-12-01","allow options to be passed to email address auto generation","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2008-10-07","Ensure select_tag#name attribute uses [] when :multiple ...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2008-09-29","Add options to field_set_tag","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2008-06-17","Correct code example in dom_id docs. [#437 state:resolved]","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2008-06-17","Correct code example in dom_id docs. [#437 state:resolved]","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2008-04-02","Fix that config.to_prepare dependency error. Closes #105...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2008-01-20","Tidy up description for the rake test task. Closes #105...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2007-12-05","Correct example for path parameters to use strings as ke...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2006-08-09","Document find's :from option. Closes #5762. [andrew@redl...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2006-04-26","Allow error_messages_for to report errors for multiple o...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2006-03-27","Add support for :include to with_scope [andrew@redlineso...","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2005-10-09","Add geometric type for postgresql adapter. Closes #2233.","Andrew Kaspick",105 "2013-06-19","Remove duplicate letter 'a'. [ci skip]","Uģis Ozols",100 "2012-11-27","Fix Strong Parameters docs.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2012-10-24","Fix incorrect markdown by removing extra space.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2012-09-13","Remove redundant 'the'.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2012-05-23","Remove unnecessary comment.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2012-04-28","Remove unnecessary ).","Uģis Ozols",100 "2012-04-25","for get -> forget","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-29","Remove unnecessary comma.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-26","Remove unnecessary comma.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-25","Clarify what persisted? returns.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-25","Remove extra 'be'.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-21","Remove some of the ActiveSupport core extensions related...","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-15","Remove autoload for non-existent file.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-05","Use do end for multiline block.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-05","Remove .rxml, .rjs and .rhtml from source annotation reg...","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-12-05",".rhtml and .rxml was removed in Rails 3.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-11-26","what's -> that's","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-11-25","what's -> that's","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-11-25","Remove unnecessary comment.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-10-07","One of the activemodel naming tests wasn't asserting any...","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-10-05","Class name specified in example is Person, not Attribute...","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-09-29","Class name specified in example is Person, not Attribute...","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-09-21","sass-rails helpers - hyphenated in Sass, underscored in ...","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-09-17","sass-rails helpers - hyphenated in Sass, underscored in ...","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-09-08","Change hyphen to underscore.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-09-06","Change hyphen to underscore.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-06-18","with -> will","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-06-11","with -> will","Uģis Ozols",100 "2011-05-20","Remove duplicate words.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-10-30","Changed environment.rb to application.rb","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-10-30","Reworded sentence using text from rails source code.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-10-30","Changed environment.rb to application.rb","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-10-25","Changed environment.rb to application.rb","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-10-25","Reworded sentence using text from rails source code.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-10-25","Changed environment.rb to application.rb","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-10-13","Removed miscelenous letters.","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-07-03","Changed passed argument to :validate => false in validat...","Uģis Ozols",100 "2010-08-03","Remove or fix non-working examples and add a few tests t...","Tore Darell",100 "2010-04-29","Change %5b ([) to %5d (]) in escaped URL","Tore Darell",100 "2010-04-29","Replace send_data with send_file in "Sending files" example","Tore Darell",100 "2009-02-06","Add min-height to code,pre to prevent icon from being cu...","Tore Darell",100 "2009-02-06","Remove <code> from inside <pre>","Tore Darell",100 "2009-02-06","Reword the session section to reflect that CookieStore h...","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-17","Fix various typos, add note about X-Sendfile to AC guide","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-09","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-09","Be consistent with using symbols for options to methods","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-09","Use SHA1 instead of MD5 in the HTTP basic example","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-09","Fix typo in section about request/response","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-09","Make changes to AC guide as suggested by Xavier Noria","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-05","Adding myself to the authors page","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Clarify something in the session storage section","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Clarify the section mentioning session stores","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Add example using routing parameters","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Use ApplicationController instead of AC::B in example","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Add example of using default_url_options","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Add example to show how to add additional headers using ...","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Add section on CSRF to AC guide","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-04","Remove API links","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-03","Keys -> values","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-03","Link to Wikipedia page on HTTP Basic Auth","Tore Darell",100 "2008-11-03","Fixed typo, removed TODO from AC guide","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-28","Remove TODO from filters part in AC guide","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-24","Add link to Layouts & rendering guide","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-14","Sorry Pratik, typoed your name :)","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-14","Add description of flash.now","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-10","Add description of flash.now","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-09","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-08","Remove part about Ruby's rescue","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-08","Remove the bit about rescue_action","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-07","Fix links in AC guide","Tore Darell",100 "2008-10-07","Add verification, rescue + fixes to AC basics","Tore Darell",100 "2008-09-26","Change code -> source in code blocks","Tore Darell",100 "2008-09-26","Add ActionController guide (draft, unfinished)","Tore Darell",100 "2011-05-14","Reset ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber runtime at the start o...","Tom Ward",100 "2011-05-14","Escape regex in controller_runtime_test to actually chec...","Tom Ward",100 "2009-06-09","Change autoload declaration in ActionView::Helpers from ...","Tom Ward",100 "2008-08-22","Initializer to sort files before eager loading. [#859 st...","Tom Ward",100 "2008-07-19","Ensure checked value is a string when validating case-se...","Tom Ward",100 "2008-07-19","Raise ArgumentError if an invalid method is specified as...","Tom Ward",100 "2008-07-19","Set the response content type to that of found template ...","Tom Ward",100 "2008-05-31","Fixed Dependencies so load errors are not masked behind ...","Tom Ward",100 "2008-05-20","Fix Dependencies watch_frames collection. [#24 state:res...","Tom Ward",100 "2007-09-28","BufferedLogger#add converts the message to a string. Clo...","Tom Ward",100 "2007-09-25","Add BufferedLogger#add #9667 [tomafro]","Tom Ward",100 "2007-09-25","Skip test runner workaround only if Test::Unit is loaded...","Tom Ward",100 "2007-09-02","Ensure QueryCache doesn't try to dup numeric results (do...","Tom Ward",100 "2007-03-03","SQLServer: recognize real column type as Ruby float, cor...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-09-04","Optimistic locking: gracefully handle nil versions, trea...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-08-25","SQLServer: work around bug where some unambiguous date f...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-08-25","SQLServer: fix eager association test. Closes #5901.","Tom Ward",100 "2006-08-23","MySQL: update test schema for MySQL 5 strict mode. Close...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-08-05","Refactored select routing for SQL Server adapter (closes...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-07-10","SQLServer: added tests to ensure all database statements...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-03-18","Added connection#current_database that'll return of the ...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-02-26"," r3847@asus: jeremy | 2006-02-26 15:26:53 -0800","Tom Ward",100 "2006-02-26","ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection explicitly closes d...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-02-09","SQLServer: more compatible limit/offset emulation. Close...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-02-09","SQL Server cannot sort on type text. This causes three e...","Tom Ward",100 "2006-01-21","Added assert_date_from_db to do cleaner tests for SQL Se...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-11-15","SQLServer: active? and reconnect! methods for handling s...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-11-14"," r3077@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-14 14:28:21 -0800","Tom Ward",100 "2005-11-14","SQLServer: insert uses given primary key value if not ni...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-11-08","Correct handling of complex order clauses with SQL Serve...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-10-28","Made more tests for SQLServer pass (closes #2486) [Tom W...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-10-28","Added migration support to SQL Server adapter (please so...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-10-10","Replace '%e' from long and short time formats as Windows...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-09-09","Fixed that the SQL Server adapter would sometimes return...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-09-09","Make the test_find_all_by_one_attribute and test_find_al...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-07-09","Fixed optimistic locking with SQL Server #1660 [tom@popd...","Tom Ward",100 "2005-07-09","Fixed SQL Server test #1678 [Tom Ward]","Tom Ward",100 "2013-05-07","Fix grammar on AM.mailer_name documentation.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2013-03-08","Some copy edit and formatting for upgrading guide.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2013-02-25","Improve `rake stats` for JavaScript and CoffeeScript.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2012-12-03","Fix typo.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2012-11-27","Set fixed-width style where appropriate on Getting Start...","Hendy Tanata",100 "2012-10-22","Fix code example in AR::AttributeMethods::BeforeTypeCast.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2012-05-17","Fix code example for word_wrap helper.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2012-04-04","Improve config.assets.initialize_on_precompile guide.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2012-01-17","Remove redundant mention of escape_javascript alias.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2012-01-11","Update Active Support Constants guide for 1.9.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-12-21","Doc fixes on Rails::Generators::Base.hook_for.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-12-21","Doc fixes on Rails::Generators::Base.hook_for.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-12-20","Improve doc for ActiveRecord::Base.unscoped.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-12-18","Improve doc for ActiveRecord::Base.unscoped.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-11-18","Some fixes on RELEASING_RAILS.rdoc.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-10-29","On inpsect routes, show :controller and :action to indic...","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-10-06","Grammar fixes for the routing guide.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-10-05","Corrections to Active Record Validations and Callbacks g...","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-09-15","Fix: habtm doesn't respect select query method.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-09-05","Fix grammar for content_tag_for and div_for docs.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-08-16","Remove unused require.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-08-14","Active Model instead of ActiveModel.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-08-14","Use fixed-width font where necessary.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-08-14","Fix tt tag appearing on 3_1_release_notes guide.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-08-04","Fix two spaces between sententes on README.rdoc.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-08-04","Fix two spaces between sententes on README.rdoc.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-07-27","Fix two spaces between sententes on README.rdoc.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-07-23","Fix wildcard route code examples.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-07-16","Improve formatting of route to Rack application in rake ...","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-07-16","Fix wildcard route code example in changelog.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-07-15","Fix wildcard route code example in changelog.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-07-15","Better formatting of route requirements in rake:routes.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-07-15","Fix wildcard route code examples.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-06-06","Fix punctuation.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-06-06","Update Rails coding conventions link.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-05-31","Fix punctuation.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2011-05-31","Update Rails coding conventions link.","Hendy Tanata",100 "2012-03-15","fix typo in redirect test","Brian Lopez",100 "2012-03-15","strip null bytes from Location header as well","Brian Lopez",100 "2011-06-17","bump mysql2 to 0.3.6","Brian Lopez",100 "2011-06-16","bump mysql2 version","Brian Lopez",100 "2011-06-16","on second thought, lets keep casting on by default. it c...","Brian Lopez",100 "2011-06-14","mysql2 casting changes require mysql2 >= 0.3.3","Brian Lopez",100 "2011-06-14","Turn off eager casting for mysql2, so ActiveRecord can l...","Brian Lopez",100 "2011-02-13","switch over to Mysql2::Client#ping for the mysql2 connec...","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-23","mysql2 adapter is being maintained in the mysql2 gem itself","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-23","mysql2 adapter is being maintained in the mysql2 gem itself","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-23","no need to depend on mysql2 master anymore","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-23","no need to depend on mysql2 master anymore","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-21","reload bob after his journy to a new timezone","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-21","reload bob after his journy to a new timezone","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-09","move mysql2 adapter into core","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-09","ignore this test for mysql2","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-09","skip the before_type_cast_on_datetime test entirely for ...","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-09","typo","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-09","update tests for mysql2 support","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-09","move mysql2 adapter into core","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-09","ignore this test for mysql2","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-09","bringing over latest from master","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-02","skip the before_type_cast_on_datetime test entirely for ...","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-02","move reload after touch","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-02","reload the owner model after update","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-02","Merge branch 'master' into mysql2","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-02","typo","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-08-02","update tests for mysql2 support","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-05-04","add support for mysql2 adapter to dbconsole","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-05-04","add support for mysql2 adapter to dbconsole","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-05-04","Allow pre-casted values (other than nil) to pass through...","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-05-04","Allow pre-casted values (other than nil) to pass through...","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-02-05","Add yajl-ruby as a JSON parsing backend","Brian Lopez",100 "2010-02-05","Add yajl-ruby as a JSON parsing backend","Brian Lopez",100 "2009-06-09","enable *real* IO parsing for the libxml, nokogiri and re...","Brian Lopez",100 "2009-05-17","Allow ParamsParser to parse YAML from the request body I...","Brian Lopez",100 "2009-05-17","Add support for parsing XML and JSON from an IO as well ...","Brian Lopez",100 "2013-09-12",""generates" applies to "collection radio" so it should b...","Waynn Lue",99 "2013-09-10","[ci skip] 'previous version of Rails' is gramatically in...","Waynn Lue",99 "2013-05-07","XML-files isn't a word","Waynn Lue",99 "2013-04-15","took out unnecessary wordage, changed "number" to "amount"","Waynn Lue",99 "2013-03-18",""overwritten" is one word","Waynn Lue",99 "2013-03-15","make the headers consistent","Waynn Lue",99 "2013-03-13","clarify verbiage","Waynn Lue",99 "2013-03-11","update README since email-service isn't a word","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-09-23","pluralize "locales" since that's what's used in other pa...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-09-21","add a missing "on" and remove the "endprologue" text","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-09-21","add a '.' to etc","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-09-21","add "the" to mirror the structure of the other two points","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-30","incorporate feedback from vijaydev and dasch to rephrase...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-30","incorporate feedback from vijaydev and dasch to rephrase...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-26","incorporate feedback from vijaydev and dasch to rephrase...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13",""suits" is correct here, not "suites"","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13","comma is more appropriate here","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13","capitalize RubyGems properl","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13","rephrase "like to be"","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13","fix stringify_keys destructive behavior for most FormTag...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13","remove redundant calls to stringify_keys","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13","The trailing '/' isn't being picked up by Github anyway,...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13","typo in "wont"","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13",""blog" is more common than "weblog" these days.","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-13","Superfluous "the".","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-11","fix destructive stringify_keys for label_tag","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04","The trailing '/' isn't being picked up by Github anyway,...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04","typo in "wont"","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04",""blog" is more common than "weblog" these days.","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04","Superfluous "the".","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04","The trailing '/' isn't being picked up by Github anyway,...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04","typo in "wont"","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04",""blog" is more common than "weblog" these days.","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04","Superfluous "the".","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-08-04","fix stringify_keys destructive behavior for most FormTag...","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-07-30","remove redundant calls to stringify_keys","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-06-06","add a missing "the" and normalize the use of periods.","Waynn Lue",99 "2011-06-03","add a missing "the" and normalize the use of periods.","Waynn Lue",99 "2012-04-30","Add ability to specify custom annotation directories","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2012-04-30","Add test coverage for rake notes","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2012-02-25","Fixing Windows asset tag helper test failure","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Add in a tip about opening two command prompt windows","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Fix two spaces after end of sentence.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Extend description of rails generate scaffold and what i...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Make the rails not found tip more explanatory.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Updated rails_welcome.png to latest Rails welcome page.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Update wording of TIP about --database option for rails new","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Remove "bundle install" section, as rails new ______ run...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Fix TIP formatting issue","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Add a note about the fact that the Windows prompt will l...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Reformatted to 80 chars.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-25","Wrapped text content to 120 chars","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Add in a tip about opening two command prompt windows","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Fix two spaces after end of sentence.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Extend description of rails generate scaffold and what i...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Make the rails not found tip more explanatory.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Updated rails_welcome.png to latest Rails welcome page.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Update wording of TIP about --database option for rails new","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Remove "bundle install" section, as rails new ______ run...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Fix TIP formatting issue","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Add a note about the fact that the Windows prompt will l...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Reformatted to 80 chars.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Wrapped text content to 120 chars","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Moved ActionController, ActionView and ActionDispatch se...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Add link to the Layouts and Rendering guide to explain m...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Modified the content based on vijaydev's comment","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Update guide to be based on Rails 3.1.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Added link to the RubyGems User's Guide","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Added explanation to Components of Rails to help users n...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Added some context for rack apps, linked to the Rails on...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Moved ActionController, ActionView and ActionDispatch se...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Add link to the Layouts and Rendering guide to explain m...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Modified the content based on vijaydev's comment","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Update guide to be based on Rails 3.1.","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Added link to the RubyGems User's Guide","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Added explanation to Components of Rails to help users n...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2011-07-24","Added some context for rack apps, linked to the Rails on...","Ralph Shnelvar",97 "2013-02-10","Update to latest Unicode data.","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-04-18","Check for nil logger","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-02-03","Added note about new Unicode version.","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-02-03","Update Unicode database to recently-released 6.1.","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-06","Improve doc consistency","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-06","Implement Chars#swapcase.","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Use friendlier method name","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Use friendlier method names for upcasing/downcasing","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Use more descriptive method names","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Move include to top of class for clarity","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Remove unnecessary requires/encoding comment","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Replace Unicode.u_unpack with String#codepoints","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Remove multibyte utils","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Remove "_codepoints" from compose/decompose","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Remove unused code.","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Document method definition","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Just use Ruby's String#[]=","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Assume Encoding support","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Update to Unicode 6.0","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Remove useless parens","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Just delegate a few methods directly to @wrapped_string","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Merge branch 'refactor-multibyte-chars' of https://githu...","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Make return value from bang methods match Ruby docs","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Override #slice! to ensure proper return value.","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Remove overidden slice and slice! methods.","Norman Clarke",97 "2012-01-05","Fix incorrect behavior specified in test.","Norman Clarke",97 "2011-07-19","Explicitly require Active Support dependencies","Norman Clarke",97 "2011-07-19","Explicitly require Active Support dependencies","Norman Clarke",97 "2011-03-15","Add messages to plain assertions.","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-07-08","Describe recent changes in Multibyte::Chars.","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-07-08","Improve bang method defs, make slice! operate in-place. ...","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-06-30","Update Unicode database to 5.2.0. [#5011 state:resolved]","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-06-26","Move some methods into 1.8.x-only proxy. [#4978 state:re...","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-06-19","Adds titleize/titlecase to AS::Multibyte::Chars","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-05-21","Use multibyte proxy class on 1.9, refactor Unicode.","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-05-03","Fix transliteration rule example in docs. [#4526 state:r...","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-04-30","Delegate Inflector.transliterate to i18n. [#4508 state:r...","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-04-13","Improve reliability of Inflector.transliterate. [#4374 s...","Norman Clarke",97 "2010-04-09","Make tidy_bytes work on 1.9 and improve its performance....","Norman Clarke",97 "2013-08-27","check class hierarchy with is_a? in PredicateBuilder.expand","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-07-28","Typo fix","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-07-28","Using markdown-style code quotes","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-07-19","use strong_params in example","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-06-15","reorder finder methods list alphabetically","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-06-15","fix quotes and ruby old hashes","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-06-15","Use markdown quotes instead <tt> tag","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-05-22","In rails 4 there are much more ways to retrieve a single...","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-05-14","Use new hash syntax","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-04-28","Use instance variables in redirect_to","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-03-16","Capitalize first letter in sentence","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-03-15","Update action_controller_overview.md","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-03-15","fix markup of controllers guide","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-03-15","fix typo in form helpers guide","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-01-01","a bit of inline code tags","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-01-01","New hash syntax works only with symbol keys","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2013-01-01","fix wrong hash syntax","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-10-07","add more testcases and doc about Hash#extract!","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-10-07","make Hash#extract! more symmetric with Hash#slice","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-08-26","changelog #7449","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-08-26","allow to pass Symbol or Proc into :limit option of #acce...","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-08-03","Update guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-08-02","fixed wrong route for creating new post [ci skip]","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-05-23","typos","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-05-13",":foreign_key option should be on has_many side of associ...","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-04-03","also <text> replaced by <plain>","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-04-03","Changed engines guide not to use a css tag. <plain> will...","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-04-02","wrong link to getting started guide","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-04-02","parse <css> block as code (used in engines guide) ","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-03-23",":foreign_key option should be on has_many side of associ...","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-03-08","typo","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-03-04","typo","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2011-12-20","wrong link markup","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2011-12-13","Typo in list","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2011-12-13","typo in textile markup","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2011-12-08","Typo in list","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2011-06-23","updated rspec link","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2011-06-23","Fixed typo","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2011-06-23","updated rspec link","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2011-06-22","Fixed typo","Mikhail Dieterle",94 "2012-01-23","The deprecated ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64 method sho...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2012-01-22","Fix `$rails_rake_task` global variable warning without r...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2012-01-21","Fix `$rails_rake_task` global variable warning without r...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2008-11-03","Fix assert_queries failures by ignoring savepoint sql.","Jonathan Viney",94 "2008-11-03","Fix what looks like a Mysql bug with transactions, savep...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2008-11-03","Implement savepoints.","Jonathan Viney",94 "2008-07-15","Move the transaction counter to the connection object ra...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2008-06-02","Ensure Associations#sum returns 0 when no rows are retur...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2008-06-02","Ensure Associations#sum returns 0 when no rows are retur...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2008-05-11","Fix blank conditions on AssociationCollection#find. [#10...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2008-01-19","belongs_to supports :dependent => :destroy and :delete. ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-12-21","Eager belongs_to :include infers the foreign key from th...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-10-08","MySQL: fix change_column on not-null columns that don't ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-09-14","Add option to force binary mode on tempfile used for fix...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-09-14","Fix association writer with :dependent => :nullify. Clos...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-03-18","alias_method_chain preserves the original method's visib...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-01-28","Merge [6064] from trunk. References #6778.","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-01-28","MySQL: SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 so 'where id is null' does...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-01-15","Merge [5935] from trunk. References #3987, #6664.","Jonathan Viney",94 "2007-01-15","MySQL, PostgreSQL: change_column_default quotes the defa...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-11-20","Merge [5586], [5596] from trunk.","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-11-20","Test for forged '' default before it's typecast. Closes ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-11-20","Simplify query_attribute by typecasting the attribute va...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-11-05","Add assert_emails and assert_no_emails to test the numbe...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-10-16","Fix has_many :through to add the appropriate conditions ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-10-15","Fix has_many :through to add the appropriate conditions ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-08-29","has_one supports the :dependent => :delete option which ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-08-25","Nested subclasses are not prefixed with the parent class...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-08-06","Don't save has_one associations unnecessarily. Closes #5...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-03-20","Fix bug introduced by changeset 3679 which caused custom...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-03-19","Don't classify the has_one class when eager loading, it ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-03-19","Allow has_many :through associations to find the source ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-03-18","Fixed has_many :through to include :conditions set on th...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-03-18","Fixed that eager loading from belongs_to would cause the...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-03-16","Stop the MySQL adapter crashing when views are present. ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-03-06","Fix quoting of inheritance column for STI eager loading ...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-02-27","Define attribute query methods to avoid method_missing c...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2006-02-19","Fix Object.subclasses_of to only return currently define...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2005-11-23","Introduce :selected option to the select helper. Allows...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2005-11-09","Fixed acts_as_list for definitions without an explicit :...","Jonathan Viney",94 "2013-09-04","Deprecate the delegation of Array bang methods in Active...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-09-04","Pull the RelationMutationTests from cases/relation_test ...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-08-18","Fail informatively in #respond_with when no appropriate ...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-08-18","Split the 1200+ line mime_responds_test into 3 more focu...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-08-17","Stop interpreting SQL 'string' columns as :string type.","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-08-12","Refactor NestedAttributesWithCallbacksTest for clarity","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-08-12","Restore the use of `#add_to_target` for nested attribute...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-07-24","Tidy up the "Specified column type for quote_value" changes","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-07-24","Tidy up the "Specified column type for quote_value" changes","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-07-22","Don't allow `quote_value` to be called without a column","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-07-22","Tidy up the "Specified column type for quote_value" changes","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-06-19","When .find_each is called without a block, return an Enu...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-06-18","Change Result#each to return an Enumerator when called w...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-06-18","Fix formatting of my name in the changelog, and given Aa...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-06-18","It takes 4 spaces or some backticks to have this code di...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-14","Backport a super-simplified version of #6792, fixing","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-12","Deprecate SchemaStatements#distinct, and make SchemaStat...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Rather than raising ThrowResult when construct_limited_i...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Make NullRelation a bit more like a real relation by ret...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","No point in memoizing a simple literal string.","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Add coverage for the fact that pluck without an argument...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Fix that #pluck wasn't rescuing ThrowResult, meaning it ...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Extract JoinDependency#join_relation to DRY the repeated...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","In #apply_join_dependency, we can apply the #where in-pl...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","DRY-up join dependency creation by extracting construct_...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Pull the excepts into apply_join_dependency, for the sak...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Simplify conditions within apply_join_dependency","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Move the except(:select) inside the construct_limited_id...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Reject blank order_values within #columns_for_distinct, ...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Fix that #exists? can produce invalid SQL: "SELECT DISTI...","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-05-10","Fix that #exists? can produce invalid SQL: "SELECT DISTI...","Ben Woosley",94 "2012-11-26","Use File.join to better integrate fixture_path in fixtur...","Ben Woosley",94 "2012-06-11","Fix that #exists? raises ThrowResult when called with an...","Ben Woosley",94 "2012-03-29","Define Paths::Root#[]= in terms of #add.","Ben Woosley",94 "2012-03-29","Drop Paths::Root initializer check of #path as it isn't ...","Ben Woosley",94 "2012-03-29","Drop unnecessary require in Rails::Paths","Ben Woosley",94 "2011-10-04","Changing rake db:schema:dump to run :environment as well...","Ben Woosley",94 "2011-10-04","Changing rake db:schema:dump to run :environment as well...","Ben Woosley",94 "2011-07-24","Simple fix to the NoMethodError noted in #2177.","Ben Woosley",94 "2011-07-24","Simple fix to the NoMethodError noted in #2177.","Ben Woosley",94 "2013-01-04","Remove the fallback onto `ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHT...","Franck Verrot",93 "2013-01-02","Link to the right fork of country_select.","Franck Verrot",93 "2012-03-27","Rails.initialized? can be called at any time without rai...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-11-04","Synchronize the gemspecs since CHANGELOG has been rename...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-11-04","Add the MIT-LICENSE to the Active Support gemspec","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-11-04","Add the MIT-LICENSE to the Active Resource gemspec","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-11-04","Add the MIT-LICENSE to the Active Record gemspec","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-11-04","Synchronize the gemspecs since CHANGELOG has been rename...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-08-21","Add a trailing space to the comment_if method","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-08-21","This is a test on --skip-sprockets, not --skip-active-re...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-08-14","Methods like status and location are interfering with re...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-08-13","We don't need to require erb here.","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-08-13","Simplify the test by using id and name. `id` will be the...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-07-31","Remove warnings by calling remove_method","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-07-28","We don't need to require erb here.","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-07-26","Simplify the test by using id and name. `id` will be the...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-07-24","Ordering with extra spaces was raising a SQL exception","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-07-20","assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association shou...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-07-20","assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association shou...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-07-11","Rails.application#env_config is now public API. [Closes ...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-05-25","Add the MIT-LICENSE to the Active Support gemspec","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-05-25","Add the MIT-LICENSE to the Active Resource gemspec","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-05-25","Add the MIT-LICENSE to the Active Record gemspec","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-05-25","Fix the AR::Base#inspect method [closes #1294]","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-05-25","Test AR::Base#inspect on an allocated object not yet ini...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-02-09","The optimistic lock column should be increased when call...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-02-02","Refactor clear_timestamp_attributes to use the newly cre...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-02-02","Implement and test private method all_timestamp_attribut...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-02-02","Test timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model that was a...","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-02-02","Added timestamp_attributes_for_create_in_model","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-02-02","Test private method all_timestamp_attributes","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-02-02","Test private method timestamp_attributes_for_update","Franck Verrot",93 "2011-02-02","Test private method timestamp_attributes_for_create","Franck Verrot",93 "2010-12-15","Provide test for #4840: to_xml doesn't work in such case...","Franck Verrot",93 "2010-11-24","Document the behavior of the dup method: does not preser...","Franck Verrot",93 "2010-11-24","Typo in the comments of the clear_timestamp_attributes m...","Franck Verrot",93 "2010-11-24","Dup should reset the timestamps as it is considered a ne...","Franck Verrot",93 "2010-11-24","Testing that dup is resetting the timestamps","Franck Verrot",93 "2010-11-12","Finder gives a little bit more info on the lookup column...","Franck Verrot",93 "2010-11-11","STI type is now updated when calling AR::Base.becomes on...","Franck Verrot",93 "2010-05-16","I have updated the documentation according to ticket #42...","Franck Verrot",93 "2013-08-01","Change test_registering_new_handlers and test_count_on_i...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-05-07","Remove current_adapter? from test_sanitize_sql_hash_hand...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-04-11","Address ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression error","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-04-02","Show deprecated messages only when target database adapt...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-03-10","Address ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00979","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-03-07","Use shorter prefix and suffix as in Oracle database iden...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-02-27","Revert "Skip test_remove_column_with_array_as_an_argumen...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-02-27","Fix ORA-00972 error at test_rename_table_with_prefix_and...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-02-24","Oracle enhanced adapter shortens its name if it is longe...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-02-03","This pull requests addresses ORA-01400 errors and also s...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-01-14","Address test_create_when_database_exists_outputs_info_to...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-01-08","Ignore binds payload with nil column in AR log subscriber","Yasuo Honda",88 "2013-01-01","Address a failure test_remove_column_with_multi_column_i...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-12-19","Address test_binary_data_is_not_logged with Oracle database","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-11-16","Revert "mysql does not build on Ruby 2.0.0 at the moment"","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-10-19","Revert "truncate debug.log on each test run"","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-09-28","Change query pattern case insensitive","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-09-25","Skip tests for non-supported isolation levels","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-09-25","Skip tests for non-supported isolation levels with Oracle","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-08-21","Rename to test_mysql_strict_mode_disabled_dont_override_...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-07-27","Modity the :json_data_empty attribute from `:null => fal...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-07-27","Modify the preference attribute from `:null => false` to...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-07-25","Use string datatype for the setting attribute","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-07-24","This pull requests addresses ORA-01400 errors and also s...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-06-28","Skip test_setting_time_attribute because Oracle database","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-06-27","Address test_basic_model test error with Oracle enhanced...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-06-18","Add ensure Joke.reset_sequence_name","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-06-11","Address ORA-00911 errors because of the heading underscore.","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-06-07","Skip two tests with polymorphic if current adapter is Or...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-06-01","Skip test_remove_column_with_array_as_an_argument_is_dep...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-05-25","Cache metadata in advance to avoid extra sql statements ...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-04-13","Fix ORA-00972 error at test_rename_table_with_prefix_and...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-03-29","Address an error for test_has_many_through_polymorphic_h...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-03-29","Address an error for test_has_many_through_polymorphic_h...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-03-28","Change the order argument from ('id') to ('taggings.id')","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-03-15","Address the dump file format for hstore","Yasuo Honda",88 "2011-10-19","Fix ORA-00932 error when trying to insert 0 to DATE type...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2011-10-06","Fixed test_nonexisting_method_with_arguments to revert c...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2011-10-06","Fixed test_nonexisting_method_with_arguments to revert c...","Yasuo Honda",88 "2011-10-03","Fix typo in Rakefile","Yasuo Honda",88 "2011-10-03","To support ActiveRecord unit tests for IBM DB2","Yasuo Honda",88 "2011-09-30","Modified how to handle if ActiveRecord is defined.","Yasuo Honda",88 "2011-09-07","Add ROWNUM to test first and last to support Oracle.","Yasuo Honda",88 "2012-05-16","[guides] add note about cosequences of option changes","Richard Hulse",88 "2012-05-13","[guides] add local precompilation section","Richard Hulse",88 "2012-01-16","[docs] Update pipeline asset organization section.","Richard Hulse",88 "2012-01-15","[docs] Update pipeline asset organization section.","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-12-02","[docs] removed last-modifed line from examples","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-12-01","[docs] removed last-modifed line from examples","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-09-03","Added new asset config options to guides","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-09-02","fix YUI description","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-09-01","fix some minor omissions in pipeline docs","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-09-01","Move css data URI into css/erb section","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-09-01","pipeline docs improvement","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-09-01","pipeline docs - spelling and some whitespace","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-09-01","update pipeline docs to reflect new defaults","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-08-31","Added new asset config options to guides","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-08-31","Add section to pipeline docs to help people upgrading","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-08-31","Add section to pipeline docs to help people upgrading","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-08-13","[asset pipeline] update snippet to reflect patch","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-08-13","[asset pipeline] update to reflect new sendfile header d...","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-08-13","[asset pipeline] Update Capistrano info","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-08-13","[asset pipeline] fixed example","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-23","[asset pipeline] update capistrano task code","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-23","[asset pipeline] Correct CSS section and include Gem det...","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-23","[configuring] add doc for missing assets attribute","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-23","[asset pipeline] A few corrections and some new material","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-23","[asset pipeline] Add section on sendfile option","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-23","[asset pipeline] Added information about data uri helper","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-23","[asset pipeline] add capistrano task","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-23","[asset pipeline] more updates to docs","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-17","[asset pipeline] update capistrano task code","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-17","[asset pipeline] Correct CSS section and include Gem det...","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-17","[configuring] add doc for missing assets attribute","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-17","[asset pipeline] A few corrections and some new material","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-16","[asset pipeline] Add section on sendfile option","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-15","[asset pipeline] Added information about data uri helper","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-13","[asset pipeline] add capistrano task","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-11","[asset pipeline] more updates to docs","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-03","[asset pipeline] expand section on configuration","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-03","[asset pipeline] More updates","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-03","[asset pipeline] Add resources to fingerprinting","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-03","[asset pipeline] what is fingerprinting section","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-02","[asset pipeline] spelling !","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-02","[asset pipeline] Add new rationale section","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-07-01","[asset pipeline] refactor docs and add new content","Richard Hulse",88 "2011-05-14","[GUIDES] Changed the `LANGUAGE` variable to `GUIDES_LANG...","Karel Minařík",88 "2011-01-02","[FIX] Renamed ENV['LANG'] for generating translated guid...","Karel Minařík",88 "2011-01-01","Added support for generating translated guides (stored i...","Karel Minařík",88 "2010-12-28","Added information about invoking migrations in non-defau...","Karel Minařík",88 "2010-12-28","Adding information and link to guide on customizing gene...","Karel Minařík",88 "2010-12-28","Fixed incorrect instructions for calling the `rails` com...","Karel Minařík",88 "2010-12-28","Added TIP box with information about the `--database` sw...","Karel Minařík",88 "2010-12-28","Fixed incorrect command for displaying options for new a...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-07-11","Fix typo in I18n guide. Closes ticket #83 reported by noocx","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-04-25","Better wording of environment.rb example code, thanks Pa...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-04-25","Consolidate `config/locale` vs `config/locales` issue. [...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-03-12","Fixed invalid HTML in Credits","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-03-07","Raise LoadError instead of a runtime exception [#1498 st...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-03-01","Added information about "lazy lookup" inside views (`t '...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-03-01","Added information about "Localized views" into I18N guide","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-03-01","Added note how to configure Rails loading mechanism to l...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-03-01","Get rid of drop shadows in screenshots for the I18N guide","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-02-04","Fixed the wrong currency symbol in the i18n guide","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-02-02","I18n guide: Correction -- Invalid .rb dictionaries will ...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-02-02","I18n guide: Add warning about YAML sensitivity when stor...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-02-02","Add link to Ryan Tomayko's "locale" Rack middleware to i...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","Fixing stylistic issues in i18n guide","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","Finished the tutorial part of i18n guide (organization o...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","Fixed grammar and formatting issues in i18n guide","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","Finished section about "Setting the locale from the clie...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","First part of "Setting locale from the client supplied i...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","Added note about Rails' i18n pragmatic to locale keys an...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","Clarifying the need and context of patching i18n in Rail...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","Clarifications for the i18n guide: descriptions of worki...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-26","Re-wrote intro section w/r/t to i18n/L18n difference, mo...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-23","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-23","Clarified the difference between `:foreign_key` and `:as...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-22","Basic formatting fixes for the rest of the i18n guide (+...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-22","Finished section "Setting locale from the URL params" in...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-22","Complete "Setting locale from the domain name" in i18n g...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-22","Extended and clarified intro section of i18n guide.","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-21","Fixed bad path to image (demo_translated_en.png)","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-21","Added section about Setting locale from URL to i18n guide","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-21","Basic draft of section "Setting and passing the locale" ...","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-18","Add rake task for generating a subset of guides","Karel Minařík",88 "2009-01-17","Clarifications and additions to the introduction part of...","Karel Minařík",88 "2008-10-14","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Karel Minařík",88 "2008-10-10","Stated the need to specify "config.gem" +:lib+ option fo...","Karel Minařík",88 "2012-10-08","Fix typo: 'this also mean' -> 'this also means'","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-08","Allow AR::Schema's migrations_path to be overwritten by ...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-08","Allow AR::Schema's migrations_path to be overwritten by ...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-07","Remove stray semicolon from cookie_verification_secret i...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-07","Align assignments in the session_store initializer template","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-06","Fix failing app generator test when using the --dev option","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-06","Restore require of 'active_record/fixtures' for Rake tas...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-06","Use better defaults for fixtures: transactional=true, in...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-06","Update db:migrate error message to reflect the removal o...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2010-01-06","Fix spacing on frameworks error message","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-10-14","CookieJar#delete should return the key's value, consiste...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-10-14","CookieJar#delete should return the key's value, consiste...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-10-05","MessageVerifier#verify raises InvalidSignature if the si...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-10-05","MessageVerifier#verify raises InvalidSignature if the si...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-09-02","Don't try to log protected attribute removal if there's ...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-09-02","Remove ClassInheritableAttributes test case, already cov...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-27","When running multiple test tasks, don't abort early if o...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-27","When running multiple test tasks, don't abort early if o...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-27","Use a more idiomatic redirect_to example in the flash docs","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-26","Don't use AR::Base.connection for fixture column quoting...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-26","Don't use AR::Base.connection for fixture column quoting...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-26","Eliminate warnings from Regexp multiline extension tests","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-26","Correct Regexp#un/optionalize assertions and fix uncover...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-26","UrlRewriter#rewrite_url should call #to_param on the val...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-08-26","UrlRewriter#rewrite_url should call #to_param on the val...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-04-03","Fix typo in comment: hide_actions -> hide_action","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-03-24","Improve documentation for ActiveResource::Validations, f...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-03-24","Fix typos in ActiveResource::Base documentation, use pre...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-03-24","Update ActiveResource::Connection documentation to use p...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-03-24","Fix typos in Active Resource README","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-03-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-03-09","Improve documentation for ActiveRecord::Base.update_all....","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-03-08","Add ActiveRecord::Base#invalid? as the opposite of #vali...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-10-31","Really silence spec warnings when running GemDependency ...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-10-24","Fix incorrect closing CDATA delimiter. Add tests for CDA...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-10-24","Fix that HTML::Node.parse would blow up on unclosed CDAT...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-10-24","Fix incorrect closing CDATA delimiter. Add tests for CDA...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-10-24","Fix that HTML::Node.parse would blow up on unclosed CDAT...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-08-13","Account for the possibility of a nil options argument to...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-08-13","Account for the possibility of a nil options argument to...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-08-05","Make assert_template failure message more friendly","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2008-03-28","Fixed HTML::Tokenizer (used in sanitize helper) didnt ha...","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2007-09-23","Follow our own conventions (closes #6506) [packagethief]","Jeffrey Hardy",88 "2009-05-14","'TIP.' replaced with 'TIP:' for consistent formatting.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-03-10","Replace comma with full-stop in scoping chain.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-03-10","Revision of i18n guide, final sections.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-03-10","Revision of i18n guide, chapter 4.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-03-10","Revision of i18n guide, chapter 3.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-03-09","Touch-up the 'i18n' part while reading the first two sec...","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-21","RedCloth 4.1.9 is OK.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-20","More spurious backticks replaced/removed.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-20","Don't use backticks for markup.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-19","Copyediting of the 'migrations' guide.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-19","Consistent UPCASE setting of 'SQL'.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-18","Sorry, wrong patch applied.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-18","Fix typos and formatting in 'security' from chapter 8 to...","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-18","Copyediting of the 'security' guide from chapter 8 to th...","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-18","Verbatim markup does not escape angle brackets.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-18","Don't use underscore for emphasis around function contai...","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-17","Remove superflous 'notextile'.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-17","Formatting bugs corrected.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-17","Copyediting the 'Security' guide up to chapter 8.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-17","Fix two errors.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-17","Remove empty line that breaks 'code' formatting.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-17","Use tables for object properties and their purposes.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-17","Fix a programming error.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-16","Consistent monospaced markup for command options.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-16","Delete superfluous escape characters.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-16","Fix two typos.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-16","More tables headers formatted.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-16","Mark table headers.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-16","Fix a typo.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-16","Genitiv apostrophe added.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-14","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-14","Use the controller name 'Greetings' consistently.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-12","Improvements for Association Basics.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-12","Use ndash for numerical relations.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-12","Use n-dashes for ranges/relations.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-11","<code> formatting and TIP: formatting improved.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-11","Use explicit HTML charnames for textile-formatted <code/>.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-11","Fix some formatting errors","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-11","More consistent use of 'an' in front of 'h'.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-11","Improvements for the forms helper guide.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-10","Mistyped HTML corrected.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-10","Fix more typos.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2009-02-10","Missing 'code' marker added.","Andreas Scherer",88 "2012-09-13","refactor store_accessor","Matt Jones",87 "2012-09-05","correctly flag changed attributes in AR::Store, combine ...","Matt Jones",87 "2012-02-04","add handling for backwards-compatibility and update docu...","Matt Jones",87 "2012-02-04","Merge remote-tracking branch 'odorcicd/fix_activeresourc...","Matt Jones",87 "2012-01-11","add documentation explaining reorder behavior","Matt Jones",87 "2012-01-09","add documentation explaining reorder behavior","Matt Jones",87 "2012-01-03","correctly handle order calls after a reorder","Matt Jones",87 "2011-12-28","allow reorder to affect eager loading correctly","Matt Jones",87 "2009-11-10","delete correct records for a has_many with :primary_key ...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-11-10","delete correct records for a has_many with :primary_key ...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-06-09","Fix incorrect specification path in GemDependency#from_d...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-06-09","Fix incorrect specification path in GemDependency#from_d...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-06-09","Fix several issues with the 2.3.2 gem loader.","Matt Jones",87 "2009-06-09","Fix several issues with the 2.3.2 gem loader.","Matt Jones",87 "2009-05-07","Remove stray call to gems:unpack in gems:build:force","Matt Jones",87 "2009-03-12","Fix several issues with code examples.","Matt Jones",87 "2009-03-09","Correctly clean backtraces from vendor/gems and gems in ...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-03-09","Correctly clean backtraces from vendor/gems and gems in ...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-03-07","fix HTML fallback for explicit templates [#2052 state:re...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-03-01","Display gem dependencies correctly and unpack exactly on...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-02-27","describe action of include_root_in_json in to_json docs","Matt Jones",87 "2009-02-24","correctly handle layouts for AJAX requests and regular j...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-02-20","break out of initializer early if gems aren't loaded [#1...","Matt Jones",87 "2009-02-05","Fixed that ActionMailer should send correctly formatted ...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-12-18","Fix preloading of has_one :through associations on belon...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-12-01","handle missing dependecies in gem loading","Matt Jones",87 "2008-12-01","handle missing dependecies in gem loading","Matt Jones",87 "2008-11-20","alternative resolution to vendor load problem","Matt Jones",87 "2008-11-18","add vendor/ back to load paths; catch errors in constant...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-11-18","add vendor/ back to load paths; catch errors in constant...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-11-15","fix assignment to has_one :through associations.","Matt Jones",87 "2008-11-15","fix assignment to has_one :through associations.","Matt Jones",87 "2008-11-14","Update info on routing parameter defaults, better exampl...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-11-01","Make refresh_specs more resilient. Always add vendor/gem...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-10-20","config.gem: Fix typo in unpack, skip dependencies on unl...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-10-13","Initialize silence_spec_warnings","Matt Jones",87 "2008-10-13","Make VendorGemSourceIndex handle broken/missing specs ge...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-10-09","Fix script/console --sandbox warning. [#1194 state:resol...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-10-09","Fix script/console --sandbox warning. [#1194 state:resol...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-10-08","Fix definition of find_name","Matt Jones",87 "2008-10-08","Mark gem as not loaded when spec not found","Matt Jones",87 "2008-10-05","Fix a number of errors in the config.gem mechanism.","Matt Jones",87 "2008-09-07","Ensure routing optimizations are cleared when new routes...","Matt Jones",87 "2008-09-07","Ensure routing optimizations are cleared when new routes...","Matt Jones",87 "2011-09-10","Revert "Fixed syntax error in "block setting of attribut...","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-09-05","Tests shouldn't produce warnings","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-09-04","clarify where the branch name will exist","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-08-31","make code example agree with text just above","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-08-31","don't need edgeapi now that we are on 3.1","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-08-31","don't need edgeapi now that we are on 3.1","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","use the doc conventions for arguments in all cases","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","Add seach, tel, url and email inputs as 'Other Helpers o...","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","examples for telephone_field, url_field and email_field","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","document options to search_field","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","use correct in description","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","we're talking about days here, not hours","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","wording between select_second, select_minute and","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","fix typo","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","make documentation agree with test expectations and","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","document that second tags are also returned by default","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","there is no Time.today method, use Time.now","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","remove stray character","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","disambiguate uses of post/POST by using "article"","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","clarify that classes that include DateHelper can","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","clarify that DateTime objects are allowed arguments","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","use minute instead of second in description of select_mi...","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","show correct helper in description","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-23","use 'hour' instead of 'minutes' and 'second' for select_...","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-21","use the doc conventions for arguments in all cases","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","Add seach, tel, url and email inputs as 'Other Helpers o...","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","examples for telephone_field, url_field and email_field","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","document options to search_field","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","use correct in description","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","we're talking about days here, not hours","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","wording between select_second, select_minute and","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","fix typo","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","make documentation agree with test expectations and","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","document that second tags are also returned by default","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","there is no Time.today method, use Time.now","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","remove stray character","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","disambiguate uses of post/POST by using "article"","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","clarify that classes that include DateHelper can","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","clarify that DateTime objects are allowed arguments ","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","use minute instead of second in description of select_mi...","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","show correct helper in description","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-17","use 'hour' instead of 'minutes' and 'second' for select_...","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-07-01","fix a typo","Ray Baxter",86 "2011-06-26","correct error message for failed creation","Ray Baxter",86 "2010-11-23","fix typo","Ray Baxter",86 "2010-11-23","fix typo","Ray Baxter",86 "2006-11-03","merge [5424] from trunk","Scott Barron",85 "2006-11-03","Turns out call_stack slows down the entire app, so just ...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-11-02","merge [5408] from trunk","Scott Barron",85 "2006-11-02","umm ... who left that there","Scott Barron",85 "2006-11-02","Merge in [5392] and [5393] from trunk.","Scott Barron",85 "2006-11-02","Little better formatting of this string.","Scott Barron",85 "2006-11-02","Don't do call_stack warning all the time, only if a brea...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-11-01","Merge breakpoint/1.8.5 fix from [5380]","Scott Barron",85 "2006-11-01","If using Ruby 1.8.5, pull in call_stack so breakpointer ...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-05-01","Add README to gem [Dave Thomas]","Scott Barron",85 "2006-04-07","Not all file systems are case sensitive. Things like 'r...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-04-04","A better idea, take the -qr HEAD log as before but use t...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-04-04","If using svn 1.1.x and no REVISION is specified, give an...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-03-26","Don't raise when the migration file is missing or it'll ...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-03-26","When doing svn log -qr HEAD trunk/url, a log message wit...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-03-01","When freezing to edge, we should also export railties/bi...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-02-08","A more aesthetically pleasing implementation and changel...","Scott Barron",85 "2006-02-08","Make String#last behave more like Array#last, i.e.","Scott Barron",85 "2005-12-30","Apply [3359] to stable branch.","Scott Barron",85 "2005-12-30","Make auto_link handle nil by returning quickly if blank?","Scott Barron",85 "2005-12-20","Oops, I killed Tobi's changelog entries.","Scott Barron",85 "2005-12-20","Fix change_column to work with postgres 7.x and 8.x.","Scott Barron",85 "2005-12-20","DRY up PG's add_column a bit to use change_column_defaul...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-12-20","Check for the key instead of the value, because it (the ...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-11-10","This does not need to be thread local (thanks skaes).","Scott Barron",85 "2005-11-07","Adding new scripts should set them 0755.","Scott Barron",85 "2005-10-30","Fix problem where redirecting components can cause an ","Scott Barron",85 "2005-10-25","Take a different approach to keeping flash around when u...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-10-15","Should be RAILS_ROOT/test/fixtures.","Scott Barron",85 "2005-10-15","If a component redirects when called with render_compone...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-09-28","Returning false in before_destroy should cancel action. ...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-09-27","#2261 was supposed to have been closed as wontfix, not s...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-09-27","Keep flash after component is rendered. Closes #2291.","Scott Barron",85 "2005-09-27","Fix serialization problem with YAML in 1.8.3","Scott Barron",85 "2005-09-25","Fix migrations with PG 7.x.","Scott Barron",85 "2005-09-25","This seems unnecessary to call in teardown and is causin...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-09-01","Don't require the environment just to clear the logs #20...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-08-12","Preserve +x on scripts when using darcs #1929 [Scott Bar...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-08-12","Added -w flag to ps in process/reaper #1934 [Scott Barron]","Scott Barron",85 "2005-08-06","Make assert_redirected_to properly check URL's passed as...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-06-21","Added a fall-through action for form_remote_tag that'll ...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-06-21","Fixed that mailer generator generated fixtures/plural wh...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-03-23","Fixed that AR exists?() would explode on postgresql if t...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-03-06","Added support for timestamp with time zone in PostgreSQL...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-03-06","Added app/apis and components to code statistics report ...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-03-06","Fixed that single quote was not escaped in a UrlHelper#l...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-03-06","Fixed that HasManyAssociation#count was using :finder_sq...","Scott Barron",85 "2005-03-02","Fixed that RAILS_ROOT might not be defined when AP was l...","Scott Barron",85 "2013-09-11","Reduce Duration#inspect to a single series of transforma...","David Chelimsky",82 "2013-08-12","Refactor Duration#inspect","David Chelimsky",82 "2013-08-12","Use chop instead of singularize in Duration#inspect","David Chelimsky",82 "2012-05-20","Raise Assertion instead of RoutingError for routing asse...","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-07-25","Paramify param values in controller tests.","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-06-25","Get the fixture_path from self.class instead of ActiveSu...","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-05-22","use to_param (and change method to name accordingly)","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-05-22","Stringify param values in controller tests.","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-05-17","add more robust test for wrapping params with anonymous ...","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-05-17","better test name","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-05-17","add failing test for https://github.com/rails/rails/issu...","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-04-25","rename test case to better describe use case","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-04-23","rename test case to better describe use case","David Chelimsky",82 "2011-04-13","ActionView::PathSet# accepts String or Array","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-11-15","only abort in test_help in production env","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-11-09","use persisted? instead of new_record? wherever possible","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-11-09","use persisted? instead of new_record? wherever possible","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-10-04","Add view_assigns and deprecate _assigns for AV::TC on 3-...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-10-03","Rename _assigns to view_assigns in AV::TC","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-10-03","Added test case to specify that _assigns returns a Hash ...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-09-24","only abort in test_help in production env","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-23","Expose view via the view() method in AV::TestCase::Behavior","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-23","In ActionView::TestCase::Behavior, assign variables righ...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-22","update the list of instance variables that are excluded ...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-22","Add support for specifying locals in view tests with ass...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-19","Support render_template in view tests. Useful for specif...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-13","docfix (email instead of emai)","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-12","Move ActionMailer::TC to AV::TC::Behavior","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-08","Memoize the object returned by _view in ActionView::Test...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-03","In AV::TC, move protect_against_forgery? from the test_c...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-03","reorganize tests for AV::TC","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-06-03","fix small doc bug about running single unit test files","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-26","In AV::TC, move protect_against_forgery? from the test_c...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-26","reorganize tests for AV::TC","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-26","Support configuration of controller.controller_path on i...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-25","fix small doc bug about running single unit test files","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-24","Move AV::TC to AV::TC::Behavior [#4678 state:resolved]","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-15","Modified default_scope to merge with any pre-existing de...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-03","move assert_template tests to their own test case [#4501...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-03","Eliminate false positives when passing symbols to assert...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-02","add NullResolver","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-02","add tests for FixtureResolver","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-05-02","move FixtureResolver to a file that is accessible outsid...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-04-26","extract ActionController::TestCase::Behavior","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-04-25","allow unsubscribe by name or subscription [#4433 state:r...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-04-17","access assigns as a method or hash, with strings or symb...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-02-22","don't set @expected.date in generated mailer test","David Chelimsky",82 "2007-06-27","Prefix nested resource named routes with their action na...","David Chelimsky",82 "2007-05-26","Add support for assert_select_rjs with :show and :hide. ...","David Chelimsky",82 "2007-05-26","Make assert_select's failure messages clearer about what...","David Chelimsky",82 "2010-08-30","Update README to match Rails 3 generated directory struc...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-08-30","Update README to match Rails 3 generated directory struc...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-07-19","Extract ParameterFilter class from FilterParameters mixin","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-03-05","Read Rails version from a file instead of modifying the ...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-03-02","Leverage VERSION constants from gemspecs to avoid tediou...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-03-02","Update versions of all components to normalize them to n...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-03-02","Add `rake update_versions` task at root for quickly upda...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-03-02","Remove cruft in the gem packaging and release code","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-03-02","Bump version constants to 2.3.6 to more easily support g...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-02-06","Link to primary Arel repository","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2010-02-04","Link to main Arel repository","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-29","Update reference to deprecated constant to avoid warnings","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: instance variable @selected not initial...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: ambiguous first argument; put parenthes...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: instance variable @segment not initialized","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: instance variable @integration_session ...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: instance variable @auto_index not initi...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: instance variable @explicit_view_paths ...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: instance variable @real_format not init...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: instance variable @controller not initi...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: instance variable @session not initialized","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: discarding old h","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: method redefined; discarding old template","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: method redefined; discarding old filename","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Silence warning: discarding old h","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Fix Ruby warning: method redefined; discarding old break...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Fix some Ruby warnings: `*' interpreted as argument prefix","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Fix Ruby warning: method redefined; discarding old break...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Fix Ruby warning: instance variable @loaded not initialized","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-11-09","Fix some Ruby warnings: `*' interpreted as argument prefix","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-10-07","Only load rake tasks from tasks/**/*.rake and lib/tasks/...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-09-30","Reduce specificity of logging test to avoid dependency o...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-09-01","Activate rack-test gem before it's required. This should...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-08-10","Allow delegating to nil, because the method might actual...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-08-10","Allow delegating to nil, because the method might actual...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-07-27","Don't check authenticity tokens for any AJAX requests","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-20","Refactor ActionController instantiation capture","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-20","Integrating Rack::MockSession (from Rack::Test)","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-19","Use duck typing to also allow MemCache-like object when ...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-19","Use duck typing to also allow MemCache-like object when ...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-19","Allow MemCacheStore to be initialized with a MemCache ob...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-19","Allow MemCacheStore to be initialized with a MemCache ob...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-16","Changelog","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-16","Instead of checking Rails.env.test? in Failsafe middlewa...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-05-12","Use DependencyModule for included hooks in ActiveRecord","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2009-04-15","Don't check authenticity tokens for any AJAX requests","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2007-12-19","add passing test for Test::Unit subclasses running #setu...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2007-12-15","Make the Fixtures Test::Unit enhancements more supportin...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2007-10-16","Fix regression where the association would not construct...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2007-10-16","Fix regression where the association would not construct...","Bryan Helmkamp",82 "2012-02-09","Clean up some wording.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2012-02-09","Fix typo.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-29","Delegate to @flashes with 'delegate' instead of manually.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-10","Describe the user name 'variable' in a way that doesn't ...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-09","Describe the user name 'variable' in a way that doesn't ...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-09","Simplify boolean logic into ternary.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-06","Change hashrocket spacing to match conventions.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-06","Fix incorrect description of the returned results.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-06","Copy edits 64148ab96b47a9904fdd839bc69971b4e156bb04 (pre...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-06","Improve 'Joining Tables' section with additional example...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-06","Don't you lie to me!","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-06-02","Change hashrocket spacing to match conventions.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-05-28","Fix incorrect description of the returned results.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-05-27","Copy edits 64148ab96b47a9904fdd839bc69971b4e156bb04 (pre...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-05-27","Improve 'Joining Tables' section with additional example...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-05-27","Don't you lie to me!","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-05-18","Fix misspelling of 'lambda'. Closes #987","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-04-14","Add tests for InheritableOptions.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-03-05","Fix incorrect example.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-03-05","Fix incorrect word.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-03-05","Clean up wording.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-03-05","Clarify comment by removing french reference ('a la'). S...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-03-05","Example descriptions and their examples were flipped. Fix.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-03-05","Warn people that these methods are deprecated.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-03-05","Correct example that did not do what it claimed. Rework ...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-28","Remove redundant to_sym call.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-28","Fix incorrect example.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-27","Fix incorrect word.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-27","Clean up wording.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-26","Clarify comment by removing french reference ('a la'). S...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-26","Example descriptions and their examples were flipped. Fix.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-26","Warn people that these methods are deprecated.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-26","Correct example that did not do what it claimed. Rework ...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-21","Edit a few lines for readability.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-21","Add a forgotten word.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-21","Improve clarity of example. Make it follow guidelines fo...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-21","Add a clearer example for with_options (lifted from the ...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-19","Edit a few lines for readability.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-19","Add a forgotten word.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-19","Improve clarity of example. Make it follow guidelines fo...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-19","Add a clearer example for with_options (lifted from the ...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-17","Remove unused line in test setup.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-16","Remove unused code.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-15","Fix error: docrails is a fork, not a branch.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-15","Correct bad wording in description.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2011-02-04","Correct migration name the test is looking to match.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2010-04-29","Small grammatical fix.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2010-04-29","Make output match code.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2010-04-29","Fix sentence fragment and improve wording in generated R...","Ben Orenstein",82 "2009-10-30","Fixed an example that was missing a colon for a hash-key.","Ben Orenstein",82 "2013-07-14","Blacklist->whitelist for reference scans in order!","Ernie Miller",81 "2013-03-05","Fix WhereChain docs to mention only not","Ernie Miller",81 "2013-01-20","Fix for CVE-2013-0155","Ernie Miller",81 "2013-01-11","Revert "Merge pull request #7661 from ernie/build-join-r...","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-10-12","Fix has_many assocation w/select load after create","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-10-05","Fix has_many assocation w/select load after create","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-09-17","Fix collection= on hm:t join models when unsaved","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-09-08","Raise MissingAttributeError on query methods","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-09-03","Make enhanced routing Concerns more tell-don't-ask","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-09-03","Fix concerns not executing block in mapper","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-09-03","Allow routing concerns to accept a callable","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-08-19","Fix "last equality wins" logic in relation merge","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-08-17","Fix merge error when Equality LHS is non-attribute","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-06-24","Stop assuming strings for grouped calculations","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-06-11","Additional fix for CVE-2012-2661","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-06-08","Additional fix for CVE-2012-2661","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-06-08","Additional fix for CVE-2012-2661","Ernie Miller",81 "2012-05-18","Fix HABTM syntax error in Ruby 1.8.x","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-08-20","Fix PredicateBuilder clobbering select_values in subquery.","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-08-20","Fix assumption of primary key name in PredicateBuilder s...","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-07-06","Remove case statement changes from 2e0840d and 56ac32a. ...","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-07-01","Require attr_internal before using in ActionView::Helpers","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-06-28","Support reversal of ARel orderings in reverse_sql_order","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-06-20","Support reversal of ARel orderings in reverse_sql_order","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-06-01","Require attr_internal before using in ActionView::Helpers","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-05-24","Redundant condition in compute_asset_host is redundant.","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-05-05","Add a test for outer joins with conditions where value I...","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-05-05","Add join conditions to JOIN clause, not WHERE","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-02-13","Remove Relation#& alias for Relation#merge","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-02-13","Deprecate Relation#& alias for Relation#merge","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-02-12","Fix table name collision due to incorrect alias count on...","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-01-11","Fix polymorphic belongs_to associationproxy raising erro...","Ernie Miller",81 "2011-01-11","Fix polymorphic belongs_to associationproxy raising erro...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-12-15","Fix hm:t to self table aliasing in construct_scope","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-12-15","Fix hm:t to self table aliasing in construct_scope","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-10-30","Fix issues when including the same association multiple ...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-10-30","Fix issues when including the same association multiple ...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-10-04","Test to_model being called in ActiveModel::Naming helpers","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-10-04","Convert to model before calling model_name on a record i...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-06-08","Fix multiple self-referencing eager loads failing to joi...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-05-06","Fix unintuitive behavior with multiple order and group c...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-05-05","Prevent calling regexp on symbol in Ruby 1.9 in associat...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-04-29","Fix eager loading of associations causing table name col...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-03-31","Add tests for postgresql column type mapping updates [#4...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-03-31","Fix mapping of bigint/smallint/uuid columns in postgresq...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-03-29","belongs_to associations now honor :primary_key option fo...","Ernie Miller",81 "2010-03-29","Fix honoring :primary_key option when joining or eager l...","Ernie Miller",81 "2008-08-28","Refactored AssociationCollection#count for uniformity an...","Ernie Miller",81 "2008-08-24","Fixed AssociationCollection#<< resulting in unexpected v...","Ernie Miller",81 "2008-08-08","Fixed AssociationCollection#<< resulting in unexpected v...","Ernie Miller",81 "2008-06-29","Added support for regexp matching of priority zones in t...","Ernie Miller",81 "2013-02-13","Don't call after_commit when creating through an associa...","James Miller",80 "2011-12-28","Further simplify singleton_class checking in class_attri...","James Miller",80 "2011-12-28","Further simplify singleton_class checking in class_attri...","James Miller",80 "2011-07-09","Remove attachment_fu, add CarrierWave to suggested uploa...","James Miller",80 "2011-07-05","Remove attachment_fu, add CarrierWave to suggested uploa...","James Miller",80 "2011-06-19","Add option to omit creating an instance reader method on...","James Miller",80 "2011-06-19","Add option to omit creating an instance reader method on...","James Miller",80 "2011-06-18","Add option to omit creating an instance reader method on...","James Miller",80 "2011-05-10","Missing an end in routing docs","James Miller",80 "2010-11-15","Add HTTP Verb Constraints (:via) to routing guide","James Miller",80 "2010-11-15","Add HTTP Verb Constraints (:via) to routing guide","James Miller",80 "2010-08-26","Simplify render :partial","James Miller",80 "2010-08-26","Prefer modern idiom for rendering partials on a collection","James Miller",80 "2010-08-26","Getting started guide: typo","James Miller",80 "2010-08-26","Link to gembundler.com instead of Github repo","James Miller",80 "2010-08-25","to_json => as_json","James Miller",80 "2010-08-25","mysql2 is now the default, typos","James Miller",80 "2010-08-25","Fix typo, favour => favor","James Miller",80 "2010-08-25","to_json => as_json","James Miller",80 "2010-08-25","to_json => as_json","James Miller",80 "2010-08-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","James Miller",80 "2010-08-25","mysql2 is now the default, typos","James Miller",80 "2010-08-25","Fix typo, favour => favor","James Miller",80 "2010-04-09","More on the new ERB syntax in the guides","James Miller",80 "2010-04-09","ERB update for AC overview guide","James Miller",80 "2010-04-06","More on the new ERB syntax in the guides","James Miller",80 "2010-04-06","ERB update for AC overview guide","James Miller",80 "2010-04-06","First run of updating erb syntax for 3.0","James Miller",80 "2010-02-05","Correct command for installing/running bundler","James Miller",80 "2010-02-04","include should be includes","James Miller",80 "2010-02-03","First pass at updating to Rails 3 AR query syntax","James Miller",80 "2010-02-03","Remove a Rails 2 convention from namespaced routes","James Miller",80 "2010-01-27","Add my info to the credits","James Miller",80 "2010-01-27","Fix view description mismatch","James Miller",80 "2009-02-06","Minor formatting fix to contribute page","James Miller",80 "2009-02-06","Add new contribute page to replace existing Hackfest page","James Miller",80 "2009-02-06","Fix spelling errors and references to application.rb in ...","James Miller",80 "2009-02-06","Fix spelling errors in caching guide","James Miller",80 "2009-02-06","Fix spelling error in association basics guide","James Miller",80 "2009-02-06","Fix some spelling erros in Active Record Querying guide","James Miller",80 "2009-02-06","Fix some spelling errors in the Active Record Basics guide","James Miller",80 "2009-02-06","Fix some spelling errors in Action Controller guide","James Miller",80 "2008-09-21","The flash","James Miller",80 "2008-09-21","New and create actions","James Miller",80 "2008-09-11","Some more typos","James Miller",80 "2008-09-11","Fixing some typos","James Miller",80 "2008-09-10","Details of the show action","James Miller",80 "2008-09-10","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","James Miller",80 "2008-09-10","Briefly discuss the reason for the respond_to block gene...","James Miller",80 "2008-09-10","Fix some line spacing","James Miller",80 "2008-09-10","Additions to the scaffold section","James Miller",80 "2008-09-08","Continued work on the MVC/REST section","James Miller",80 "2008-09-07","Initial draft of Getting Started With Rails guide, far f...","James Miller",80 "2012-12-23","Fixes for PR [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Update Migration and 4.0 Release Guides, Changelogs [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Make execute, change_column and remove_columns methods a...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Make change_table reversible when possible [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Migration generators use `change` even for destructive m...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Factorize methods that are easily reversible [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Make remove_index reversible [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Differentiate between remove_column and remove_columns. ...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Make drop_table reversible [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Add drop_join_table [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Add Migration#reversible for reversible data operations ...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Allow revert of whole migration [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Extract exec_migration [#8267]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Allow reverting of migration commands with Migration#rev...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Split ridiculously long line","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Simple replacement of variable name for consistency","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-12-21","Simplify change_table and avoid duplicated logic","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-11-16","Simplify (and optimize)","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-11-16","Use Integer#div instead of Integer#/ to avoid side effec...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-11-14","Avoid using Integer#/, as it is redefined by the 'mathn'...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-09-12","Update documentation for CollectionProxy","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-09-12","Nice and easy delegation to the class","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-08-29","Fix bug when Rails.application is defined but is nil. Se...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-06-15","Fix doc example for dasherize","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-06-06","+ ActiveRecord::Base#destroy!","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-05-21","Fix bug when Rails.application is defined but is nil. Se...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-05-19","Fix constantize so top level constants are looked up pro...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-05-19","Make constantize look down the ancestor chain (excluding...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-05-05","Use respond_to_missing for TimeWithZone","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-05-05","Use respond_to_missing? for Chars","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-05-05","Use respond_to_missing? for OrderedOptions","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-05-04","Adjust error message for partial names starting with an ...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-05-01","notify_observers should be public","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-04-30","Allow extra arguments for Observers","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-04-30","Observer: simplify tests","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-04-30","Fix Observer by acting on singleton class [#3505]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-04-29","Generate appropriate error more judiciously","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2012-04-29","Fix error message:","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-12-06","ActiveModel::Name#i18n_key: Fix doc and add tests","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-11-29","Handle correctly optional parameters for callable asset_...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-11-22","Fix inconsistencies with Time{WithZone}#{hash,eql?}","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-11-22","Make explicit the default media when calling stylesheet_...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-07-23","Trivial optimization for Enumerable#each_with_object","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-07-23","Insure that Enumerable#index_by, group_by, ... return En...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-07-23","Make Enumerable#many? iterate only over what is necessary","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-07-23","Make Enumerable#many? not rely on #size","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-07-23","Test using generic Enumerables instead of arrays.","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-07-23","Make tests more precise","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-07-11","Generate valid default fixtures for models with a type c...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-07-11","Generate valid default fixtures for models with a type c...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2011-04-05","Raise on invalid timezone","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2010-05-15","Accept :alt => nil on image_tag [#4558 state:resolved]","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2009-08-09","Enumerable#sum now works will all enumerables, even if t...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2009-08-09","Enumerable#sum now works will all enumerables, even if t...","Marc-André Lafortune",79 "2013-09-11","Relation#merge should not lose readonly(false) flag.","thedarkone",78 "2013-08-20","do not load all child records for inverse case","thedarkone",78 "2013-08-06",""Naked" rescue clauses only catch StandardError subclasses.","thedarkone",78 "2013-08-06","Add a missing require.","thedarkone",78 "2013-07-30","AV::Digestor thread safety fixes.","thedarkone",78 "2013-02-24","There is already a Set of non-hidden action_names lying ...","thedarkone",78 "2012-12-14","Replace some global Hash usages with the new thread safe...","thedarkone",78 "2012-10-18","There is already a Set of non-hidden action_names lying ...","thedarkone",78 "2012-10-18","Make DescendantsTracker thread safe and optimize the #de...","thedarkone",78 "2011-08-13","Make use of the inherited initializer.","thedarkone",78 "2011-08-13","There is no need to be destructive with the passed-in op...","thedarkone",78 "2011-08-13","Handle the empty array correctly.","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-28","Make use of the inherited initializer.","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-28","There is no need to be destructive with the passed-in op...","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-28","Make use of the inherited initializer.","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-28","There is no need to be destructive with the passed-in op...","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-28","Handle the empty array correctly.","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-27","Handle the empty array correctly.","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-25","Use shorter class-level File methods instead of going th...","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-25","Bring back the ability to provide :order for update_all.","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-25","Make polymorphic_url calls go through application helper...","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-25","Make polymorphic_url calls go through application helper...","thedarkone",78 "2011-07-25","Bring back the ability to provide :order for update_all.","thedarkone",78 "2011-05-21","Fix AS::Duration#duplicable? on 1.8","thedarkone",78 "2011-05-21","Handle polymorphic_type NOT NULL-able columns as well.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Fix Namind#model_name.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Assume compute_asset_host returns reasonable values.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Convert unless/else into if/else.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Performance: refactor convert_options_to_data_attributes.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Remove dead code.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Clean up url_for.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Hash#empty? is faster than Enumerable#any? when used on ...","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Do a single string interpolation.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Simple .empty? test will do fine here (rails_asset_id re...","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","options[:action] is very likely to be nil.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Make assert_valid_keys slightly faster.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","No need for an extra wrapper array.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Cache 2 of Request's commonly called methods.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Cache url_options on a per-request basis.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","No need to create a separate lambda for each call.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Make asset extension rewriting faster.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Optimize relative_url_root rewriting code.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Use native attr_* macros for performance reasons.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Creating singleton class for every object whenever the i...","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Try to use Hash's native #[] for speed.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Make InheritableOptions's constructor more flexible.","thedarkone",78 "2010-09-27","Compile ActionController::Base.config's methods to avoid...","thedarkone",78 "2009-03-24","Fix template extension parsing. [#2315 state:resolved] [...","thedarkone",78 "2009-03-24","Simplify handling of absolute path templates. [#2276 sta...","thedarkone",78 "2009-03-24","Fix template extension parsing. [#2315 state:resolved] [...","thedarkone",78 "2009-03-24","Simplify handling of absolute path templates. [#2276 sta...","thedarkone",78 "2009-03-06","Fix layouts with absolute paths [#2134 state:resolved]","thedarkone",78 "2009-02-24","Template without a known template handler should only be...","thedarkone",78 "2009-02-20","Fix a failing mailer test.","thedarkone",78 "2009-02-12","Port fast reloadable templates from rails-dev-boost.","thedarkone",78 "2013-08-05","Create sqlite3 directory if not present","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-07-20","Match Dev/Prod parity for Index Page","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-07-01","s/plugin_new/plugin","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-06-29","Fix `rails plugin --help`","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-05-16","Fix named routing regression from 3.2.13","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-05-16","Fix named routing regression from 3.2.13","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-05-16","Fix named routing regression from 3.2.13","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-03-19","Fix improperly configured host in generated urls","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-01-21","In Browser Path Matching with Javascript","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-01-18","Remove "Application" section title from routes","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-12-27","Ruby 1.9 style hash in Route Inspector","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-12-17","Format routes as html on debug page","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-12-17","HTML formatting to Rails::InfoController#routes","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-12-16","DebugExceptions `File.join` => `File.expand_path`","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-12-12","Output routes in :html format","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-12-11","Update railties/lib/rails/info_controller.rb","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-12-11","Use Rails to Render Default Index Page","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-12-10","Use `File.expand_path` instead of `File.join`","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-11-14","add AR deep dive video links to guides","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-28","Don't log on pending migration check ","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-12","Prompt to run rake when accidentally typed rails","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","Add command before bash output ","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","add command line $ tip for new programmers","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","improve wording over `change` method docs","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","instructions for running migrations in another ENV","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","Add /rails/info/routes method to getting_started","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","explain how to check if the server has returned on *nix ...","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","Explain that command line commands have $","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","change `#` to `$` in bash section","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-10-02","Space between "every" and "time"","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-09-25","add documentation to generated routes","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-09-24","remove misleading comment in Rakefile","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-09-18","Stronger wording in Contributing file","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-09-05","Doc: sweepers only work on Active Record Models","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-08-28","refactor route_set `generate_extras` functionality","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-08-28","Add Missing Keys from Journey on failed URL format","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-08-11","check for nil or empty record in form_for","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-08-09","Document the namespacing of controller actions per this ...","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-07-07","show routes while debugging added to changelog","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-07-07","move route_inspector to actionpack","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-07-07","show routes while debugging RoutingError","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-06-09","add prompt to 404 & 500 pages to check logs","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-06-09","test errors for pending migrations","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-06-09","raise error for pending migration ","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-06-03","add convenience methods for checking migrations","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-06-01","routes are viewable in browser (update guides)","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-05-30","remove unused route reloading code","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-05-25","remove unnecessary test from route_inspect_test","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-05-24","Rails::InfoController tests passing","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-05-24","/rails/info/routes path shows routing information","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-05-02","Add backtrace to development routing error page","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-03-24","document `-e` argument for rails console","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-03-22","match rails console environment support, to server","Richard Schneeman",75 "2012-03-21","fix rails server support of RAILS_ENV variable","Richard Schneeman",75 "2011-12-17","add help text to routing error","Richard Schneeman",75 "2011-04-22","show http method in routing error message","Richard Schneeman",75 "2013-05-11","Don't try to EXPLAIN select_db calls","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-05-10","Don't try to EXPLAIN select_db calls","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-05-10","Don't try to EXPLAIN select_db calls","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-05-10","Don't try to EXPLAIN select_db calls","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-05-10","Don't try to EXPLAIN select_db calls","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-05-06","Instrument template compilation","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-05-06","Allow fetching multiple values from the cache at once","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-04-16","Extract a base class from ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-03-07","Use the instrumentation framework to instrument Strong P...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-02-20","Register trackers on extensions, not handlers","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-02-20","Rename ErbTracker to ERBTracker","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-02-20","Return an empty array if no tracker is found","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-02-20","Use a thread safe hash","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-02-20","Allow registering custom dependency trackers","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2013-02-20","Extract dependency tracking from Digestor","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2012-04-12","Remove the addition to the guides","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2012-04-12","Add changelog entry","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2012-04-12","Remove Module#delegate!","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2012-04-12","Add back the old `deprecate` method as `deprecate!`","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2012-04-12","Document the changes to delegate in the guides","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2012-04-12","Change API docs regarding delegation to non-public methods","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2012-04-12","Optimize the performance of #delegate","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-12-27","Make Request#remote_ip return nil when HTTP_X_FORWARDED_...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-09-04","No need to use a begin block there","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-30","Document the Sprockets compressors","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-29",NA,"Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-28","Refactor ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-25","Don't require a specific value for the ?debug flag","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-25","Make Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper#debug_assets? more ...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-25","Move asset debugging tests into a separate test case","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-24","Simplify JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-23","Remove trailing whitespace","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-08-22","Refactor Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper#performing_cach...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-07-09","Make #extract_schema_and_table an instance method in Utils","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-07-08","Refactor PostgreSQLAdapter a bit","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-05-24","Also use double quotes for #source","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-05-24","Use quotes consistently in Gemfile","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-05-22","Remove superfluous whitespace from ActiveModel::SecurePa...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2011-01-15","Properly indent code example block","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2010-02-08","Remove commas","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2009-12-21","Fix some more typos in ActionController::Responder","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2009-12-21","Fix some typos in the docs for ActionController::Responder","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2009-02-23","Make the 'Guides Index' menu link point to index.html","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2009-02-20","Fix code blocks inside info boxes","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-12-29","Made code segments and method names have fixed-width fonts","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-11-25","Made documentation of validates_presence_of use monospac...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-11-20","Ensure only delegations to methods can have an automatic...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-11-20","Ensure only delegations to methods can have an automatic...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-11-05","Improved the use of monospace fonts in the documentation...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-10-19","Simplified the implementation of the :prefix option.","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-10-19","Added documentation of the new :prefix option.","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-10-19","Moved test object instantiation to a setup method.","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-10-19","Made the :prefix option on Module#delegate accept a cust...","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-10-19","Added :prefix option to Module#delegate.","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-09-14","Fixed indentation error caused by the last commit.","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2008-09-14","Fixed typo in ActiveRecord aggregations documentation.","Daniel Schierbeck",75 "2009-03-12","Changing :integer_only to :only_integer in the AR Valida...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-03-11","Fixing image for error messages in the ActiveRecord Vali...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-02-07","Fixing the description of the i18n guide in the index page","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-31","Getting rid of some of the pre-existent content in the A...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-30","More text added to the active record basics guide","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-28","Advancing in the Active Record Basics guide","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-26","Starting to work at the Active Record Basics guide","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-18","Changed the 'guides' Rake task to ignore Vim swap files ...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-15","Small modifications in the text of the section about usi...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-15","Fixing mistake in code example with validates_numericali...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-15","Adding options for validates_numericality_of, adding aut...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-15","Added Vim old swap files do .gitignore","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-11","Adding explanation about how the callback chain is wrapp...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-10","Getting rid of the example of callback registration by o...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-10","Adding text about conditional callbacks","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-08","Added :allow_blank to the common validation options section","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-08","Moved validates_each to the last position of it's sectio...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-01","Removed stuff about overriding validate_on_create on the...","Cássio Marques",75 "2009-01-01","Fix small typo on the 'The declarative validation helper...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-29","Added missing images for the AR validations and callback...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-28","Fixed error message that was written in portuguese inste...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-28","New content for the AR Validations and Callbacks guide: ...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-14","Added some text about the possibility of observers' regi...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-13","Updated section about halting execution of operations wh...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-13","Some more info about the effect of calling the clear met...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-10","Wrap code lines longer than 80 columns on AR validations...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-08","Fixed typos on validates_numericality_of all over AR val...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-12-02","Added documentation for Observers in the AR validations ...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-25","Added some text about callbacks classes","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-23","Added some more text on Active Record callbacks","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-19","Added some text about AR callbacks","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-18","Added note about update_attribute not triggering validation","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-17","Added 'Using the errors collection' to the AR validation...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-12","Fix typo on 'custom validations', at AR validation and c...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-12","Added 'custom validations' to AR validations and callbac...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-12","Changed conditional validation with Proc to use :unless ...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-12","Added 'Conditional Validations' to AR validations and ca...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-11","Added 'Common Validation Options'","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added documentation for validates_uniqueness_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added info about validates_size_of, as being an alias fo...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added note about testing booleans to validates_presence_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added documentation for validates_presence_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added documentation for validates_numericallity_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added documentation for validates_length_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added documentation for validates_inclusion_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added documentation for validates_format_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-10","Added documentation for validates_exclusion_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-09","Added documentation for validates_each","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-08","Some more text on validates_confirmation_of, added some ...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-08","Added some aditional info to validates_confirmation_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-08","Added documentation for validates_confirmation_of","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-07","added doc for validates_associated","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-07","Added some more text about how validations work, include...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-06","AR validations and callbacks - Chaper 2: When does valid...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-05","AR validations and callbacks: Chapter 1 - Motivations to...","Cássio Marques",75 "2008-11-05","Initial commit for Active Record validations and callbac...","Cássio Marques",75 "2013-05-15","Removed incorrect warning from application.js templates ...","Nick Sieger",73 "2011-06-21","Use non-'jdbc*' names so that db:create and db:drop work","Nick Sieger",73 "2011-06-21","Convert database names to ones appropriate for JRuby","Nick Sieger",73 "2011-06-21","Add generic 'jdbc' database option","Nick Sieger",73 "2011-06-21","Remove superfluous pg driver install instructions","Nick Sieger",73 "2011-06-21","Use non-'jdbc*' names so that db:create and db:drop work","Nick Sieger",73 "2011-06-21","Convert database names to ones appropriate for JRuby","Nick Sieger",73 "2011-06-21","Add generic 'jdbc' database option","Nick Sieger",73 "2011-06-21","Remove superfluous pg driver install instructions","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-08-20","Fix hash modification during iteration in Mapper [#5420]","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-08-20","Fix hash modification during iteration in Mapper [#5420]","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-08-11","Missed one spot for --skip-active-record, which means th...","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-08-11","Missed one spot for --skip-active-record, which means th...","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-07-26","JRuby should not need system_timer, and cannot install i...","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-07-16","Don't rely on implementation-specific order-dependence o...","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-06-24","AS::Isolation functional on Windows/JRuby.","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-05-20","More accurate JRuby gem requirements","Nick Sieger",73 "2009-10-16","Modify connection pool callbacks to be compatible w/ new...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-11-07","Simplify dispatcher callbacks to eliminate unnecessary s...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-10-03","Provide alternate implementation of Object#subclasses_of...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-09-04","Remove flawed execute("ROLLBACK") approach; #reset! defa...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-09-04","Default connection allow_concurrency to false (for Postg...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-09-04","Deprecate verification_timeout and verify before reset","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Minor tweak to retrieve_connection_pool -- recurse inste...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Remove some synchronization that's probably overkill, as...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Remove call to active_record.allow_concurrency since it'...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Collapse connection pool class hierarchy; YAGNI.","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Make clear_active_connections! also return stale connect...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Remove CachedConnectionPerThread per-thread pooling mech...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Deprecate allow_concurrency and make it have no effect","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Add connection reset and verification upon each connecti...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Fix typo: was using brackets instead of parens. Must nee...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Favor existing connections over new ones if available","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","More doco and class/method renames. Now have a strategy ...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Fix checkin method, add a couple more tests","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Nearing the finish line. Initial fixed-size connection p...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Clean up the code, get rid of reserve/release, add some ...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Extract a base class for connection pools, start to fles...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Add readme stating intentions of the work","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Split connection handler into single- and multiple-threa...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Connection handling methods extracted out into separate ...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Revert "Change all databases.rake adapter 'when' stateme...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Fix failure to retain value of allow_concurrency","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Add synchronization to connection pool also","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Introduce synchronization around connection pool access","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Module#synchronize: Add testcase to ensure that singleto...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Add method punctuation handling to #synchronize","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Adds Module#synchronize for easier method-level synchron...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Rename defined_connections to connection_pools","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Initial conversion to connection pool","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Change all databases.rake adapter 'when' statements to u...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-08-29","Make query-cache thread-local","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-04-13","Added Rails.public_path to control where HTML and assets...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-04-01","PostgreSQL: use create_ and drop_database for rake tasks...","Nick Sieger",73 "2008-04-01","PostgreSQL: create_ and drop_database support. Closes #9...","Nick Sieger",73 "2006-11-02","merge xmlsimple update to release branch","Nick Sieger",73 "2006-11-02","update XmlSimple to 1.0.10. Closes #6532. [nicksieger]","Nick Sieger",73 "2006-06-28","Remove opts.on { |options[:option_name] } style hash ass...","Nick Sieger",73 "2010-01-08","Renamed AssociationReflection #collection_association? t...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-08","Rollback the transaction when one of the autosave associ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-08","Renamed AssociationReflection #collection_association? t...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-08","Rollback the transaction when one of the autosave associ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-08","Fixed french sentence so it actually makes sense.","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Raise a RecordNotFound if an ID in nested attributes is ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Moved the validation logic to the association reflection...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Remove deprecated '_delete' option from NestedAttributes.","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Removed unnecessary call to #try and cleaned up a bit more.","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Don't use strings for callbacks, as these will be evaled...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Cleanup some code in nested_attributes.rb, autosave_asso...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Add AssociationReflection#collection_association? which ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Refactored nested attributes a bit after last commit.","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Raise a RecordNotFound if an ID in nested attributes is ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Moved the validation logic to the association reflection...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Remove deprecated '_delete' option from NestedAttributes.","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Removed unnecessary call to #try and cleaned up a bit more.","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Don't use strings for callbacks, as these will be evaled...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Cleanup some code in nested_attributes.rb, autosave_asso...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Add AssociationReflection#collection_association? which ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2010-01-07","Refactored nested attributes a bit around :reject_if => ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-12-28","Refactored previous changes to nested attributes.","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-12-28","Refactored previous changes to nested attributes.","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-12-28","Make sure to not add autosave callbacks multiple times. ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-12-28","Make sure to not add autosave callbacks multiple times. ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-11-06","Define autosave association callbacks when using accepts...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-11-06","Define autosave association callbacks when using accepts...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-25","The DomAssertions now also strip surrounding whitespace ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-25","Made assert_dom_equal and assert_dom_not_equal ignore me...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-25","Rewrote ActionView::TestCase.","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","Removed the version of ActiveRecord::Base#destroyed? tha...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","Removed some superfluous conditionals from the autosave ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","Added some documentation about setting :autosave => fals...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","During autosave, ignore records that already have been d...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","Explicitely setting `autosave => false' should override ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","Removed some superfluous conditionals from the autosave ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","Added some documentation about setting :autosave => fals...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","During autosave, ignore records that already have been d...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-09-12","Explicitely setting `autosave => false' should override ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-05-20","Ensure the parent record is always saved when the child ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-04-27","Ensure the parent record is always saved when the child ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-03-15","Added a collection association form example.","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-03-14","Started on a Rails guide on nested model forms.","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-03-12","Fixed some spelling errors in documentation about Associ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-03-12","Revert "Fixed some spelling errors in documentation abou...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-03-12","Fixed some spelling errors in documentation about Associ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-02-27","Don't validate records of an :autosave association if th...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-02-27","Pass a custom form builder on to nested fields_for calls...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-02-06","Also save :autosave enabled associations when #save! is ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2009-02-01","Add support for nested object forms to ActiveRecord and ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2008-12-11","Fixed ActiveSupport::OrderedHash #delete_if, #reject!, a...","Eloy Duran",73 "2008-11-24","Allow optional arguments and/or block for Object#try lik...","Eloy Duran",73 "2008-10-13","Make sure named routes with parameters can be used in te...","Eloy Duran",73 "2008-10-03","Dynamic finders should use the ActiveRecord::Base::find ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2008-08-24","Fix ActiveRecord::NamedScope::Scope#respond_to? [#818 st...","Eloy Duran",73 "2008-08-13","Fix ActiveRecord::NamedScope::Scope#respond_to? [#818 st...","Eloy Duran",73 "2008-03-08","Allow using named routes in ActionController::TestCase b...","Eloy Duran",73 "2007-06-01","pass the prefix_options to the instantiated record when ...","Eloy Duran",73 "2007-05-26","Oracle binary fixtures; pull fixture insertion into the ...","Michael Schoen",72 "2007-03-12","Oracle: fix quoted primary keys and datetime overflow. C...","Michael Schoen",72 "2007-03-06","Oracle: overflow Time to DateTime. Closes #7718.","Michael Schoen",72 "2007-01-29","Oracle: fix lob and text default handling. Closes #7344.","Michael Schoen",72 "2007-01-28","Use Date#to_s(:db) for quoted dates. Closes #7411.","Michael Schoen",72 "2007-01-15","Merge [5933] from trunk. References #7000.","Michael Schoen",72 "2007-01-15","Oracle: create_table takes a :sequence_name option to ov...","Michael Schoen",72 "2007-01-13","Merge [5919] from trunk. References #7021.","Michael Schoen",72 "2007-01-13","Oracle: correctly perform eager finds with :limit and :o...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-12-06","Don't do introspection queries during locking tests [Mic...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-12-05","AssociationCollection#any? takes a block [Michael Schoen]","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-11-13","Merge [5514] from trunk.","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-11-13","Oracle: automatically detect the primary key. Closes #6594.","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-11-13","Merge [5509] from trunk.","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-11-13","Oracle: to increase performance, prefetch 100 rows and e...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-11-10","Merge [5480] from trunk.","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-11-10","Oracle: fix limited id selection for eager loading. Clos...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-11-01","Merge [5384] from trunk.","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-11-01","Oracle: resolve test failures, use prefetched primary ke...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-08-17","Cache nil results for :included has_one associations als...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-08-08","Cache nil results for has_one associations so multiple c...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-07-10","Oracle: BigDecimal support. Closes #5667.","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-07-07","Oracle: use nonblocking queries if allow_concurrency is ...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-07-05","Fixed a few Oracle issues: Allows Oracle's odd date hand...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-05-21","Add modifications to database rake tasks as part of #513...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-05-21","Fix Oracle boolean support and tests. Closes #5139. [sch...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-05-21","Strip out leading schema name in classify. References #5...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-04-26","Fix column type check error in changeset [4280]. [Michae...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-04-26","Add Oracle support for CLOB inserts. Closes #4748. [scho...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-04-09","Include the calculations fix for a new release of AR","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-04-09","Include the calculations fix for a new release of AR","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-04-06","fix calculations for the Oracle Adapter (closes #4626) [...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-04-04","Get the green light for Oracle AR unit tests (closes #45...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-03-30","Fixed broken OCIAdapter (closes #4457) [schoenm@earthlin...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-03-26","Support the use of public synonyms with the Oracle adapt...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-03-16","Change LEFT OUTER JOIN authors AS authors to LEFT OUTER ...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-03-16","Oracle adapter gets some love #4230 [schoenm@earthlink.net]","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-03-01","Renamed the "oci" adapter to "oracle", but kept the old ...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-03-01","Make #save return true on success, even if locking is en...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-02-21","Improved the Oracle OCI Adapter with better performance ...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-02-10","Allow has_many :through to work with :include [Michael S...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-01-25","If the OCI library is not available, raise an exception ...","Michael Schoen",72 "2006-01-21","Fix .count for has_many associations with multi-line fin...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-12-08"," r3401@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 23:30:11 -0800","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-12-08","Oracle: active? performs a select instead of a commit. ...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-12-08"," r3372@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:25:20 -0800","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-12-08","Oracle: use syntax compatible with Oracle 8. References...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-12-07"," r3363@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-06 22:26:27 -0800","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-11-24","Oracle: active? check pings the database rather than tes...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-11-24","Made test_update_attributes_after_push_without_duplicate...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-11-14","Oracle: active? and reconnect! methods for handling stal...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-11-14"," r3070@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 20:54:50 -0800","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-11-14","Oracle: test case for column default parsing. Reference...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-11-13"," r3033@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 23:27:13 -0800","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-11-13","Much faster Oracle column reflection. References #2848.","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-11-08","More compatible Oracle column reflection. Closes #2771.","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-10-29","Added migration support for Oracle (closes #2647) [Micha...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-10-29","Worked around that connection can't be reset if allow_co...","Michael Schoen",72 "2005-10-26","Fixed handling of nil number columns on Oracle and clean...","Michael Schoen",72 "2012-11-16","Introduce `ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB.escape_wh...","Joost Baaij",71 "2012-06-19","Remember the stored attributes in a config attribute.","Joost Baaij",71 "2012-02-29","Improve header hierarchy.","Joost Baaij",71 "2012-02-29","Include a comment as to why ETag header should be remove...","Joost Baaij",71 "2012-01-06","Expanded rdoc about primary keys being protected from ma...","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-11-08","Replace example with SQL placeholder syntax.","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-11-08",NA,"Joost Baaij",71 "2011-10-28","Updated links to authentication plugins.","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-10-25","Added a note that optimistic locking also needs a hidden...","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-09-07","Rails.root is a Pathname, no need to use File.join first.","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-08-23","removed the link to my blog to help stop endless comments","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-08-23","removed the link to my blog to help stop endless comments","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-08-23","removed the link to my blog to help stop endless comments","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-08-23","Revert "Removed my name from the changelog as the amount...","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-08-21","Removed my name from the changelog as the amount of blog...","Joost Baaij",71 "2011-04-21","Replace example hostname with "example.com".","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-09-29","Cleanup of the References section.","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-09-29","Removed obsolete "advanced" plugin URLs.","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-09-21","Document form_for behaviour when using file_field inside...","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","Remove mention of InstantRails, it is completely obsolete.","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","Remove beta and RC paths in documentation","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","Expanded routing documentation with current best practices","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","Rework the routing documentation.","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","Remove mention of InstantRails, it is completely obsolete.","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","Remove beta and RC paths in documentation","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","refer to guides since 3.0 is released now","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-30","refer to guides since 3.0 is released now","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-28","Expanded routing documentation with current best practices","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-28","Rework the routing documentation.","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","The call-seq directive has no useful effect on our docum...","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","Use common terminology","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","escape constants that should not be linked to","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","mention the alert and notice accessors on the flash","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","expand cookie examples with signed and permanent methods","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","Use common terminology","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","escape constants that should not be linked to","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","mention the alert and notice accessors on the flash","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","expand cookie examples with signed and permanent methods","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-27","call-seq directive makes rdoc cry and replaces method na...","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-26","escape constant names","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-26","Reflect how CSRF protection now works and refer to the S...","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-26","cleanup of ActionController::Metal inline documentation","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-26","Escape 'caching' when used in a sentence; remove unnesse...","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-26","Prevent any warnings from being printed during RDoc gene...","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-25","Restored top-level documentation for ActionController::B...","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-25","fixed capitalization","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-25","change rdoc to conform to api guidelines","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-25","remove unwanted linebreak","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-25","Restored top-level documentation for ActionController::B...","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-25","fixed capitalization","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-25","change rdoc to conform to api guidelines","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-25","remove unwanted linebreak","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-24","fix broken relative links [#5415 state:committed]","Joost Baaij",71 "2010-08-24","fix broken relative links [#5415 state:committed]","Joost Baaij",71 "2008-03-27","Fixed that a return-path header would be ignored (closes...","Joost Baaij",71 "2007-11-07","Added :mouseover short-cut to AssetTagHelper#image_tag f...","Joost Baaij",71 "2007-09-22","Improved test coverage (closes #7571) [joost]","Joost Baaij",71 "2013-04-08","Mark unused variables and make some style fixes","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2013-04-07","Remove unused block parameters","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2013-04-07","Remove unecessary variable call, `#sort!` always returns...","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2013-04-06","Fix markdown formatting","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2013-04-05","Remove extra whitespace","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2013-03-09","Remove extra whitespace and fix a comment","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax (guides)","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax (guides)","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Update the middleware stack to reflect the current Rails...","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Remove unnecessary whitespace","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Add link to the Application Templates guide","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Remove unnecessary whitespace","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax (guides)","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax (guides)","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Add a consideration note","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax & remove some parentheses when...","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Add a consideration note and a WIP note","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-16","Remove the ActiveRecordHelper section","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax and remove unnecessary punct. ","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax plus minor fixes","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Properly align some example comments","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Fix 'persons' to 'people' and add some whitespace","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax plus minor fixes","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Switch to 1.9 hash syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Add links to TryGit & official documentation","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Some minor improvements","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Minor improvements & fixes","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Update links to API documentation & add a TODO","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Minor improvements & fixes","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Minor improvements & fixes","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Update table of contents as a result of #bf63c4971d73e80...","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Improve the starting sentence","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Move "Using Action View outside of Rails" at the bottom","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Some minor fixes & improvements","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Add a consideration note","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Some minor fixes","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Remove unecessary word","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Slightly improve the syntax & grammar","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Add a note for the example in Setting Custom Headers","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Wrap before & after words in quotes when they're referri...","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Slightly improve the syntax","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Replace "name" with "author" in the Cookies example","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Minor punctuation improvement in ActionController guide","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-11-15","Use the more compact syntax in the example","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-10-26","Use a better word","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-10-21","Fix a typo","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-10-21","Improve grammar","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-10-21","Improve grammar a bit","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-10-21","Explain where the acronym AJAX stands for & replace "Jav...","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-10-21","Improve "request response" term typing & fix a minor typo","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-10-21","Consistent headlines & ToC","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2012-10-21","fix a typo","Agis Anastasopoulos",70 "2013-06-03","Improve upgrade guide documentation about the PUT->PATCH...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-04-03","Remove comments about removing LegacyKeyGenerator in 4.1","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-04-02","Rename DummyKeyGenerator -> LegacyKeyGenerator","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-04-02",":scissors: spacing after private","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-04-02","Be consistent when talking about cookies, key -> name","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-04-02","Fix permanent cookie jar accessor typo","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-04-01","Improve documentation around the cookie store auto-upgra...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-28","Allow transparent upgrading of legacy signed cookies to ...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-24","Introduce UpgradeLegacySignedCookieJar to transparently ...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-20","Tweak exception message to avoid giving potentially misl...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-20","Raise an ArgumentError when a clashing named route is de...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-18","The default route has been removed","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-18","The HTTP method helpers are preferred over match and sho...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-18","The default route has been removed","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-18","Using match without via is deprecated","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-03-12","Document change to clashing named route selection from j...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document introduction of ActionDispatch::ParamsParser::P...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document that scopes require a callable object","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document common deprecations","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document the deprecation of ActionView::RecordIdentifier","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document ActiveRecord::Fixtures becoming ActiveRecord::F...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document change in routes using match","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document removal of assets:precompile:primary","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document sass-rails asset_url deprecation","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document caveat from 5b3bb61 which fixed handling SCRIPT...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document rails-observers extraction","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document the switch from memcache-client to dalli","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Improve docs for UpgradeSignatureToEncryptionCookieStore","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document extraction of actionpack-xml_parser","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-02-28","Document introduction of the ActionController::UnknownFo...","Trevor Turk",69 "2012-11-14","Use BCrypt's MIN_COST in the test environment for speedi...","Trevor Turk",69 "2010-08-24","Note about how to exit the console in the Getting Starte...","Trevor Turk",69 "2010-08-24","Note about how to exit the console in the Getting Starte...","Trevor Turk",69 "2010-08-19","Note about validates_presence_of and nested attributes","Trevor Turk",69 "2010-08-19","Note about using attr_accessible with nested attributes","Trevor Turk",69 "2010-06-25","Provide example for working around that regexp anchors c...","Trevor Turk",69 "2010-06-22","Note that 'rails server' allows specifying mongrel, thin...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-09-11","AV overview guide: progress on helpers","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-09-10","AV overview guide: helper docs progress","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-09-04","Commit progress on Action View Overview","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-09-03","Commit progress on Action View Overview","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-09-03","Commit progress on Action View Overview guide","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-04-05","Starting work on Action View Overview guide","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-03-08","Added information about the new Object#invalid? method j...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-03-07","Finish up callbacks section for Active Record Validation...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-03-07","Fix guide error: save(false) skips validations but does ...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-19","Validation and Callbacks cleanup, finishing up Validations","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-16","Small improvements to Validations and Callbacks guide","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-10","Removing self from credits - didn't know you needed to c...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-10","Revise Observers section, add myself to the credits","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-05","Active Record Validations and Callbacks TODOs added, spe...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-05","Fix for validations docs, person.invalid?(:email) should...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-05","Finish TODOs for Active Record Callbacks and Validations...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-04","Remove stray API link","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-04","Merge changes to Active Record Validations section","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-04","Formatting cleanup and fixes for Active Record Validations","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-04","Update Guides, Active Record Validations, better explana...","Trevor Turk",69 "2009-02-04","add link to machinist in testing guide under other testi...","Trevor Turk",69 "2008-11-15","note that rake:db:migrate updates db/schema.rb by invoki...","Trevor Turk",69 "2008-08-12","move logging of protected attribute removal into log_pro...","Trevor Turk",69 "2008-05-24","add failing test case for block-setting of attributes vi...","Trevor Turk",69 "2007-12-10","Document how to disable forgery protection for tests. Us...","Trevor Turk",69 "2013-09-07","do not break params filtering on nil values","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2013-07-20","add support for html attributes to grouped_options_for_s...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2013-06-16","collection tags accept html attributes as the last eleme...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2013-04-11","options_from_collection_for_select helper takes html att...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2013-01-08","Wrap time ranges with timezones, closes #8807","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-12-18","handle protocol option in stylesheet_link_tag and javasc...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-11-09","delegate PathSet's enumerator methods","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-11-05","use Array() instead flatten","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-10-20","check_box value can be not only an object of Array class","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-08-25","correct handling of date selects when using both disable...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-08-25","correct handling of date selects when using both disable...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-07-22","don't escape options in option_html_attributes method","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-18","doesn't modify params in SafeBuffer#%","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-18","respect nsec in TimeWithZone","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-17","update AS docs","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-17","wrap time ranges with timezones, closes #6179","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-16","fix safe string interpolation with SafeBuffer#%, closes ...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-15","update docs on String#at about ruby version","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-15","remove backported string interpolation","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-14","remove docs on Range#step","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-13","remove useless tests for Range#step","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-13","update docs on Object#try","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-12","Object#try can't call private methods","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-12","remove docs related to ruby 1.8 from Array#wrap","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-05-05","check checkboxes with array of strings as :checked option","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-04-26","remove unnecessary else statement","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-04-14","remove extra new line from generated Gemfile","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-03-26","String#titleize works properly with smart quotes, closes...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-03-13","fix typo in AP CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-03-13","add 'include_hidden' option to select tag, closes #5402","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-03-06","refactor Hash#slice and Hash#extract!","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-02-25","use content_tag instead strings","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-02-23","correct fetching :name option in form fields","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-02-21","refactor option_text_and_value and option_value_selected...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-02-21","refactor time_zone_options_for_select","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-02-20","refactor options_for_select","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-02-20","refactor grouped_options_for_select","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-02-18","add selected and disabled option to grouped select","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-01-29","tiny refactoring","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-01-18","remove ruby 1.8 related code","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2012-01-14","refactor response_body= method","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-29","remove ruby 1.8 checking in constantize method","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-27","deprecate Base64.encode64s from AS. Use Base64.strict_en...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-26","refactor Range#include? for range value","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-26","remove rexml security fix for rubies 1.8","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-25","remove File#to_path alias","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-25","Module#name returns nil for anonymous class in ruby 1.9","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-25","remove useless 1.8 ruby code from Range#step, because Ra...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-24","remove Time._dump and Time._load patching for ruby 1.8","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-24","don't call an extra method if options[:tokenizer] is not...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-24","use Range#min and Range#max to reduce extra statement","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-23","remove checking for non-empty string before calling to_sym","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-23","add ability to set a prompt string in include_blank opti...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-22","deprecate Array#uniq_by and Array#uniq_by! in favor of A...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-22","remove Proces.daemon from core_ext","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-21","remove Array#sample from core_ext","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-20","fix adding field_with_errors to date selects, closes #3487","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-19","add failing tests for issue #3487","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-06","add prefix and suffix to renamed tables, closes #1510","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-12-04","form_for with +:as+ option uses "action_as" as css class...","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-11-28","update guides","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-11-28","update CHANGELOG","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2011-11-27","add namespace options to form_for","Vasiliy Ermolovich",67 "2013-08-31","Using indent method to refactor controller generator.","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-08-30","Fix typo in generators test helpr -> helper [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-08-23","Add a note about edge guides in the feedback section[ci ...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-08-22","Add error message for including nokogiri in Gemfile for ...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-08-21","Moved "`mod_expires` to be enabled" to new line.","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-08-19","Change the wording to explain following methods skip cal...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-08-14","Generate namespaced routes correctly for generators. Fix...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-08-05","Removed confusing statements about routes in getting sta...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-07-29","Improved the doc about showing posts in getting started ...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-07-20","Removed information about creating database[ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-06-27","fix grammar, change 'an' to 'a' [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-06-27","Use activerecord 4.0.0 for reporting bugs using the temp...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-06-27","Improved grammar and replaced 'dbs' slang with 'databases'","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-06-14","Added an example of the query without except before the ...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-06-12","Fix typos in AR changelog [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-06-09","Fixed typos in activesupport [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-18","Fxied some typos","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-18","Don't autorequire mocha to avoid deprecation warnings","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-12","ruby -> Ruby","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-09","rails -> Rails [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-08","Fix Typo xml -> XML, json -> JSON","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-08","Fix Typo existant -> existent [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-05","dir -> directory [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-05","Updated link to to GitHub article about ignoring files [...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-05","Updated link to to GitHub article about ignoring files [...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-05","Github -> GitHub [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-05","Fixes warning 'method redefined' in scaffold generators ...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-04","dir -> directory [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-05-04","dir -> directory","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-20","Typo Fix in AR CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-19","rubygem -> RubyGem","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-18","stdlib -> standard library","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-18","Use secure source for rubygems in engine tests","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-17","Use secure source in generated Gemfile for creating new ...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-16","Fixed typos in AR CHANGELOG","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-14","Fixed typo [ci skip]","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-14","Updated link to peepcode Git screencast","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-14","Added description for mtime","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-14","ARel -> Arel","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-14","Changed grammar for better readability","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-10","Searching for rails executable correctly","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-03","Fixed Typo","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-03","Fixed Typo","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-04-03","Changed rspec/model directory example to spec/models","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-28","Fix typo","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-28","Removed unused variable in proc","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-28","Fixed typos in ActiveRecord","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-27","Fixed typos in activerecord","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-25","localised => localized","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-25","Fixed typo in railties/test","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-25","Controller name pluralized","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-24","view/views, asset/assets","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-23","Changed 'args' to 'arguments' in test description","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-23","Fixed typo in activemodel/CHANGELOG","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-23","Reverted change in activemodel/CHANGELOG.md introduced b...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-23","Reverted code change introduced in d45145acdc576e46a1f17...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-23","Changed 'args' to 'arguments' when used in places other ...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-23","Spelling 'PostgreSQL' correctly","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-23","Fixed typos in activerecord CHANGELOG","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-23","Fixed typo : contraints -> constraints","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-21","Using American English spellings over British style spel...","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-21","Added link to Turbolinks Railscast","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2013-03-19","Fixed small typos","Prathamesh Sonpatki",67 "2012-12-06","Oracle needs table to check index existence","Josh Susser",66 "2012-12-06","convert time to string","Josh Susser",66 "2012-12-05","dump schema.rb without :version option","Josh Susser",66 "2012-12-04","style cleanup","Josh Susser",66 "2012-12-03","Add migration history to schema.rb dump","Josh Susser",66 "2012-12-02","Add metadata to schema_migrations","Josh Susser",66 "2011-11-29","don't change class definition in test case","Josh Susser",66 "2011-11-27","avoid warnings","Josh Susser",66 "2011-11-27","changelog & docs for GeneratedFeatureMethods","Josh Susser",66 "2011-11-27","use GeneratedFeatureMethods module for associations","Josh Susser",66 "2011-11-16","add test for super-ing to association methods","Josh Susser",66 "2011-11-16","association methods are now generated in modules","Josh Susser",66 "2011-03-25","comment typo fix","Josh Susser",66 "2011-03-24","add #first! and #last! to models & relations","Josh Susser",66 "2010-12-01","tests mostly pass","Josh Susser",66 "2010-12-01","clear schema_migrations in Schema.define","Josh Susser",66 "2010-12-01","name in schema_migrations, migrations in schema dump","Josh Susser",66 "2010-12-01","record migration timestamp when migrations run","Josh Susser",66 "2010-12-01","Add migrated_at column to schema_migrations table.","Josh Susser",66 "2010-03-26","find railties and engines by name [4264 state:resolved]","Josh Susser",66 "2009-01-22","Minor refactoring of validates_associated to replace #in...","Josh Susser",66 "2009-01-18","Refactor Object#try to use inheritance. [#1774 state:res...","Josh Susser",66 "2008-08-26","add dynamic finder bang version to raise RecordNotFound","Josh Susser",66 "2008-08-26","refactor dynamic finder name matching into its own class","Josh Susser",66 "2008-08-22","coerce blank strings to nil values for boolean and integ...","Josh Susser",66 "2008-08-21","coerce blank strings to nil values for boolean and integ...","Josh Susser",66 "2008-08-13","Refactor Filter predicate methods to use inheritance. [#...","Josh Susser",66 "2008-01-07","Doc fixes for #atom_feed_helper. Closes #10715 [hasmany...","Josh Susser",66 "2008-01-07","Doc fixes for #atom_feed_helper. #10715 [hasmanyjosh]","Josh Susser",66 "2007-12-12","Fix that validates_acceptance_of still works for non-exi...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-12-04","Add 'disabled' attribute to <OPTION> separators used in ...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-11-22","Document that the cookie store is the default session st...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-11-06","Update XML documentation examples to include explicit ty...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-10-28","Make sure that << works on has_many associations on unsa...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-09-25","Fix test (closes #9120) [hasmanyjosh]","Josh Susser",66 "2007-08-28","Make sure create! raises errors on validation when creat...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-08-05","Performance enhancement for Base.exists?. CLoses #8769....","Josh Susser",66 "2007-07-16","Change belongs_to so that the foreign_key assumption is ...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-06-23","Added support for pluralization with a different startin...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-06-21","Added proper handling of arrays. Closes #8537 [hasmanyjosh]","Josh Susser",66 "2007-06-01","Added proper handling of arrays (closes #8537) [hasmanyj...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-05-19","Merge [6790] to stable from trunk: document deep eager i...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-05-19","Document deep eager includes. Closes #6267.","Josh Susser",66 "2007-05-18","Docs: warn that associations names shouldn't be reserved...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-03-14","find_or_create_by_* takes a hash so you can create with ...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-01-23","A couple extra tests for #classify. Closes #7273. [Josh...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-01-23","Remove useless code in #attribute_present? since 0 != bl...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-01-23","Fix incorrect usage of #classify when creating the eager...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-01-15","Improve association documentation, closes #7022. [hasma...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-01-12","Merge [5889] from trunk. References #6030.","Josh Susser",66 "2007-01-12","acts_as_nested_set works with single-table inheritance. ...","Josh Susser",66 "2007-01-01","Merge [5820] from trunk.","Josh Susser",66 "2007-01-01","Set session to an empty hash if :new_session => false an...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-11-05","Merge [5427] from trunk.","Josh Susser",66 "2006-11-05","scaffold_resource generator uses _path named routes and ...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-09-04","Add deprecation warning for inferred foreign key. #6029 ...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-09-04","Deprecation: use :dependent => :delete_all rather than :...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-08-20","Pushing a record onto a has_many :through sets the assoc...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-08-19","Pushing a record onto a has_many :through sets the assoc...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-07-31","Fix bug when passing multiple options to SimplyRestful, ...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-05-29","Fix the has_and_belongs_to_many #create doesn't populate...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-05-28","Provide Association Extensions access to the instance th...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-04-11"," Allow multiple association extensions with :extend opti...","Josh Susser",66 "2006-03-19","Raise error when trying to select many polymorphic objec...","Josh Susser",66 "2010-09-08","fix setting session cookie with activerecord and memcach...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-22","improve Active Model README","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-22","remove unneeded "Dependencies" section from Action Maile...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-22","improve Active Record README","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-22","improve Action Pack README","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-22","revise download/installation/support sections in READMEs","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-21","correct typos in Routing examples","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-19","correct typos in Routing examples","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-13","enable AS::JSON.encode to encode AR::Relation by providi...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-08","test that ActiveRecord `destroy` and `destroy_all` retur...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-08","add missing require to ActiveRecord "base_test.rb"","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-07-08","fix ActiveRecord `destroy_all` so it returns destroyed r...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-06-03","fix `reset_counters` to work even with complex class names","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-06-03","move counter_cache tests to a separate file and refactor","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-06-03","cleanup `update/reset_counters`: less SQL strings, more ...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-06-03","avoid auto_linking already linked emails; more robust de...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-06-03","auto_link: support arbitrary URI schemes like "ftp:" and...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-05-24","fix `reset_counters` to work even with complex class names","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-05-24","move counter_cache tests to a separate file and refactor","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-05-24","cleanup `update/reset_counters`: less SQL strings, more ...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-05-24","avoid auto_linking already linked emails; more robust de...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-05-24","auto_link: support arbitrary URI schemes like "ftp:" and...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-05-24","avoid auto_linking already linked emails; more robust de...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-05-24","auto_link: support arbitrary URI schemes like "ftp:" and...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-04-17","`String#starts/ends_with?` should return false for non-s...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-04-17","fix `reset_counters` to work even with complex class names","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-04-17","cleanup `update/reset_counters`; refactor tests","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-04-16","improve how ActiveRecord::Observer defines callbacks on ...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-04-16","ActiveModel::Observing: stop using Observable Ruby modul...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-04-16","merge callbacks_observers_test.rb into lifecycle_test.rb...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-04-16","ruby 1.8.7 compat: `starts/ends_with?` doesn't cast to s...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2010-04-16","add missing requires to Rescuable and RouteSet [#4415 st...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-06-21","Fix polymorphic_path doesn't modify options hash [#2099 ...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-05-17","replace the aaa_create_tables_test hack with loading tes...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-04-18","Always buffer rack.input if it is not rewindable","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-04-18","Always buffer rack.input if it is not rewindable","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-04-18","Improve rewindable input test coverage so tests fail whe...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-04-18","Improve rewindable input test coverage so tests fail whe...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-03-25","remove piece of UrlWriter documentation claiming that yo...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-03-10","Ensure correct content type is declared after cache hits...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2009-01-20","Don't let empty Tempfiles come through as uploaded files...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-12-24","form helpers: twakes based on feedback; more content; se...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-11-15","auto_link helper: add intelligent ending closing bracket...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-11-15","refactor autolink helper. change tests to expect HTML-es...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-11-03","update forms guide: tweaks from feedback, first half of ...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-09-26","I wish people would add .DS_Store to their global gitign...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-09-13","Ensure Hash#except is allowed on a frozen hash. Referenc...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-09-13","Ensure Hash#except is allowed on a frozen hash. Referenc...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-09-09","resolve a few things asciidoc complained about","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-09-09","initial commit of form helpers guide (halfway there)","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-04-18","Add example for default_url_options[:host] to generated ...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-04-18","Changed mailer generator to not use instance variables.","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-04-18","Cleanup generator tests by extracting repeated code into...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-02-11","Fix the pre-quoted table names in the eager tests. [mis...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Correct inconsistencies in RequestForgeryPro...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2008-02-06","Correct inconsistencies in RequestForgeryProtection docs...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2007-10-23","Added tests for options to ActiveRecordHelper#form. Clos...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2007-10-13","Make sure that custom inflections are picked up by map.r...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2007-10-04","Tidy up framework initialization code to ensure that it ...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2007-06-23","Fixed that HTTP authentication should work if the header...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2007-06-22","Ensure clean_logger fixes are 1.8.2 compatible [mislav] ...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2007-06-11","Deprecate pagination for Rails 1.2.4. Install the classi...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2007-06-08","Quote db path so SQLite AR tests work on Windows. Closes...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2006-06-28","Fix CGI extensions when they expect string but get nil i...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2006-04-26","Fix syntax error in documentation. Closes #4679. [mislav...","Mislav Marohnić",64 "2011-03-23","Add a failing test case for an implicit action with a be...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2010-03-16","Improve performance of Multibyte::Utils.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-11-04","Autoload Multibyte features.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-11-04","Make ActiveSupport::Chars#limit run on Ruby 1.9.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-11-04","Improve performance of Multibyte::Utils.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-11-04","Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars#limit.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-09-25","Prefix Internet Explorer's accepted mime types with sens...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-09-03","Add methods for string verification and encoding cleanup...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-09-03","Add verify and clean methods to ActiveSupport::Multibyte.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-09-01","Add methods for string verification and encoding cleanup...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-04-07","Improve tests and code for Rails::InfoController and Rai...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-03-10","Ensure nested with_scope merges conditions inside out [#...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-02-25","Test view path loading from the initializer.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-02-25","Test database middleware loading from the initializer.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2009-02-25","Add test case for ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Conn...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-12-18","Free MySQL::Result objects after a call to execute [#141...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-11-24","Accept a prefix argument to filter_backtrace_with_cleani...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-10-06","Fix a typo in ActiveSupport::Multibyte::NORMALIZATION_FO...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Set encoding of the multibyte test helpers file to UTF-8...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Change all calls to String#chars to String#mb_chars.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Change call to String#chars in inflector to String#mb_ch...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Deprecated String#chars in favor of String#mb_chars.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Move multibyte test helpers to a separate file and make ...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Add tests for u_unpack to make sure it raises an Encodin...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Fix a test that assumes .mb_chars to always return an in...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Non-string results from forwarded methods should be retu...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Remove special 1.9 version of excerpt helper.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Improve documentation.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Change all calls to String#chars to String#mb_chars. Rem...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","All methods which normally return a string now return a ...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Change all calls to String#chars to String#mb_chars.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Move with_kcode helper to abstract_unit. Add tests for m...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Add a test for ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars.consumes?.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-21","Simplify ActiveSupport::Multibyte and make it run on Rub...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2008-09-11","Fix ActiveRecord::Base.quote_bound_value for ActiveSuppe...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-12-05","Add documentation examples to prototype helper. Closes #...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-11-06","Add documentation for route conditions. Closes #9041 [in...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-08-05","Make the utf-handler return the correct value for non-ma...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-08-05"," Add ljust, rjust and center to utf8-handler. Closes #91...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-07-31","Add support for []= on ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars. ...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-06-30","Don't call unsupported methods on associated objects whe...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-06-23","Fixed validates_associated should not stop on the first ...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-05-28","Multibyte strings respond_to the String methods they pro...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-05-28","Generate rdoc with utf-8 charset. Closes #7188 [manfred,...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-05-18","Merge [6775] to stable from trunk: observe_form always s...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-05-18","observe_form always sends the serialized form. Closes #5...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-02-25","Added fixtures :all to test_helper.rb to assume that mos...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-01-15","Merge [5935] from trunk. References #3987, #6664.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-01-15","MySQL, PostgreSQL: change_column_default quotes the defa...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-01-12","Merge [5895], [5896] from trunk. References #6891.","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2007-01-12","link_to_unless_current works with full URLs as well as p...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-10-17","Ensure Chars#tidy_bytes only tidies broken bytes. Closes...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-10-14","Replace KCODE checks with String#chars for truncate. Cl...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-10-12","Use String#chars in TextHelper::excerpt. Closes #6386 [M...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-10-12","Make core_ext/string/access.rb multibyte safe. Closes #6...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-10-12","Make String#chars slicing behaviour consistent with Stri...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-10-04","Pull in latest multibyte patch. Closes #6346 [Manfred St...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-10-03","Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte. Provides String#chars whi...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-09-12","Skip params with empty names, such as the &=Save query s...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-06-03","Added documentation for inflections (closes #5013) [m.st...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-06-02","Add :status option to send_data and send_file. Defaults ...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2006-01-25","Add documentation for add_index and remove_index. Closes...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2005-10-01","Added new scriptaculous options for auto_complete_field ...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2005-09-11","Added Array#to_sentence that'll turn ['one', 'two', 'thr...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2005-01-01","Added automated rewriting of the shebang lines on instal...","Manfred Stienstra",64 "2011-08-30","Ensure correct ordering of results in test_update_all_wi...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-08-30","Ensure correct ordering of results in test_update_all_wi...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-08-30","Oracle adapter removes double quotes when quoting table ...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-08-08","Fixed test_disable_referential_integrity on Oracle","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-06-28","Fix test_finding_with_cross_table_order_and_limit for Or...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-06-28","Fix test_finding_with_cross_table_order_and_limit for Or...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-06-08","Fix for Oracle adapter to count SELECT queries for asser...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-06-08","Do not hardcode :id as it was ignored by mass assignment...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-06-08","Do not hardcode :id as it was ignored by mass assignment...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-04-25","Do not use SQL LIKE operator for case insensitive unique...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-02-09","bugfix for serialized_attributes to be class specific","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-02-02","fix for test_read_attributes_before_type_cast_on_datetim...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-02-02","fix for test_read_attributes_before_type_cast_on_datetim...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-01-10","Always return decimal average of integer fields","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-01-10","Always return decimal average of integer fields","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-01-04","Explicitly select * from has_and_belongs_to_many associa...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2011-01-04","require ActiveSupport deprecatation file before using de...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-12-23","fixed retrieval of primary key value in Ralation#insert ...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-12-23","Fix for default_scope tests to ensure comparing of equal...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-11-07","use column names as order by complex function parameters...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-09-10","fixed Subject model after_initialize callback for test_o...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-23","use database from ARUNIT_DB_NAME environment variable wh...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-23","use database from ARUNIT_DB_NAME environment variable wh...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-22","Do not use time zone in test_read_attributes_before_type...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-22","updated test_should_record_timestamp_for_join_table for ...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-22","Do not use time zone in test_read_attributes_before_type...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-22","updated test_should_record_timestamp_for_join_table for ...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-16","Replaced hardcoded SessionStore table creation SQL with ...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-16","added dependencies in Gemfile for running ActiveRecord t...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-16","Replaced hardcoded SessionStore table creation SQL with ...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-08-16","added dependencies in Gemfile for running ActiveRecord t...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","compare sorted arrays in relations_test","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","ignore raw_sql_ table alias that is used by Oracle adapter","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","fix test_belongs_to_with_primary_key_joins_on_correct_co...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","Downcase quoted table name in regex in count_aliases_fro...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","Fixed adapter tests not to assert LIMIT and OFFSET in SQ...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","ignore selects from data dictionary views when running t...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","fix conditions when DateTime#to_date and DateTime#xmlsch...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","assert log output match in case insensitive mode to avoi...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","downcase table names in aliased_table_name_for and refer...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","test fixes for Oracle enhanced adapter:","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","do order by id when finding first fixture to ensure that...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","Oracle enhanced adapter now supports shortening of defau...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","Reduced size of table name prefix and suffix in migratio...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","Explicitly set Topic model last_read attribute as Date v...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2010-06-04","create DateTime value with local offset as later it is c...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Some databases (e.g. Oracle) does not allow "AS" between...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","fixed test_foreign_key_violations_are_translated_to_spec...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","modifications to Oracle connection.rb setup","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","fix schema_dumper_test for Oracle as it supports precisi...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","changed default connection to localhost orcl database","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","always sort lists by id before comparison to avoid error...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","support for assert_queries when using Oracle adapter","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","added Subject#after_initialize to be the same as Topic#a...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Oracle can store integers with any :limit","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Oracle adapter recourns count() as numeric (not string)","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Oracle adapter gets Time or DateTime value already with ...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Oracle generates different ORDER BY fragment","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Oracle adapter returns Time value for DATE columns","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","added :order to find :all as otherwise Oracle tests were...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Oracle needs sequence value for primary key in INSERT st...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Oracle adapter returns numeric (not string) value after SUM","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","Oracle saves empty string as NULL","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","1=2 is invalid expression in Oracle SELECT","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","added :order option to find :first methods and associati...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","added additional objects necessary for OracleAdapter spe...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-08-06","modified native_oracle/connection.rb to run it with orac...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2009-06-09","disabled base_test.rb tests that were not Oracle compati...","Raimonds Simanovskis",63 "2013-01-16","adding regression test in master for #8631","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2013-01-16","fixes #8631 local inflections from interfereing with HTT...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2013-01-04","removed dangling whitespace in generated database yml","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-12-01","Add Mailer Callback section to Mailer guides","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-11-20","fix guide with field_with_error proc example","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-10-10","Add missing CHANGELOG related to addition of callbacks t...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-10-10","Revert "Add changelog/release note entries for missing A...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-10-10","Add changelog/release note entries for missing ActionMai...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-09-06","Added information about dynamic delivery options to acti...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-09-06","Dynamic Delivery Method Options","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-09-06","fix bad changelog example","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-09-04","Allow delivery method options to be set per mail instance","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-08-06","add changelog for #7202","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-07-30","allow perform deliveries to be set within mailer action","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-04-25","and one more time","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-04-17","another attempt at the language","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-04-17","review changes for #5875","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-04-17","stamp out ruby-debug19 with extreme prejudice :)","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-04-17","Replace ruby-debug19 which doesnt work on 1.9.3 out of t...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-04-13","Hey, let's just make it easier for everyone and dump the...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-02-18","Do get it right this time. Fixing the documentation arou...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-02-18","Add note about Rails 4.0 changes","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-02-18","Add a note about :dependent => :restrict on has_one and ...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2012-02-17","backporting #4918 to 3.2 stable; adding extra test for a...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-22","has_many :dependent => :restrict raises an exception but...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-10","Explain the implication of using :ignore_date on time_se...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-06","Made language consistent with the rest of the comments i...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-06","be consistent","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-06","review fixes","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-06","default orm and test_framework to false; change applicat...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-06","When skipping skip active record, mark config.generators...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-06","strip space","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-06","Take leap years into account more seriously when calcula...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-05-05","Multiparameter POLA, time_select fixes. See LH4346","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-04-29","DRY this baby up","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-04-29","fix typo","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-04-28",":if should not fire on validations when not in context w...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-04-28","add more documentation; remove unused assignment","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-04-28","Allow AM/PM in datetime selectors","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2011-03-23","Fix test for prepend giving a false positive. [#5716 sta...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-12-15","eternal confusion! fixed doco to inform correctly","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-12-15","eternal confusion! fixed doco to inform correctly","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-12-08","Ensure that boolean false is properly serialized [#6079 ...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-12-08","Ensure that boolean false is properly serialized [#6079 ...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-12-05","grammar fix","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-12-05","Resolves LH #6063, should be :expires_in not :expire_in","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-29","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/peterb/docra...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-29","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/kotfu/docrai...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-29","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/gjastrab/doc...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-29","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cylence/docr...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-27","grammar fix","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-27","Resolves LH #6063, should be :expires_in not :expire_in","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-27","Resolving LH #5986, cookies doc updates","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-26","Resolving LH #5986, cookies doc updates","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-14","deliver_* is no more","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-11","patching to ensure separator is printed with order [#581...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-11-11","patching to ensure separator is printed with order [#581...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-29","reverting last change to javascript helper; needs more i...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-29","fixed javascript helper doc to close issue #10 raised by...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-16","The deleted examples are redundant.","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-12","fix time.to_formatted_time(:time) example","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-11","Fix test helpers to ensure get method forms are properly...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-09","test that skip active records does not load fixtures","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-06","adding test for namedspaced mailers","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-06","mailer comment should use namespace in comment","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-06","adding test for namedspaced mailers","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-06","mailer comment should use namespace in comment","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-02","added test for form_for with search_field","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-02","Fixing search_field to remove object attribute from opti...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-02","added test for form_for with search_field","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-10-02","Fixing search_field to remove object attribute from opti...","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-09-25","review comments","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-09-25","add section about email with name","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2010-09-25","Add section about multiple recipients","Aditya Sanghi",62 "2013-05-16","Add more data to AR::UnknownAttributeError","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2013-01-06","Simplify code in AS json encoder","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-11-21","Fix postgresql adapter to handle bc timestamps correctly","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-11-10","Do not create useless database transaction when building...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-09-10","Revert "Changelog entry for PR #7560"","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-09-10","Changelog entry for PR #7560","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-09-07","AS::Callbacks: deprecate monkey patch of object callbacks","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-08-10","RouteSet: refactor internals","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-08-06","AM::Validation#validates: ability to pass custom excepti...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-08-04","RouteSet: cleanup some unneeded compexity","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-08-04","Renamed _path_segments to _recall","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-08-04","Simplify logical statement","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-07-31","AR::Relation#order: make new order prepend old one","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-07-29","More polite cleanup for sqlite tests","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-07-10","AM::Validations: remove documentation duplicates","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-06-26","AS::Callbacks: deprecate monkey patch code","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-05-18","AS::Callbacks: fix run_callbacks for objects with negati...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-05-17","AS::Callbacks: simplify logical statement","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-05-16","AS::Callbacks remove useless code, improve performance","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-05-03","RouteSet: optimize routes generation when globbing is used","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-05-02","RouteSet: remove some code dups","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-05-02","ActionPack routes: remove some useless code.","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-05-02","ActionPack: remove tests for hash_for_* methods","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-04-27","AS::Callbacks optimized to reduce call backtrace","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-04-24","ActionDispatch::HTTP::Url#url_for refactor method","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-04-24","RouteSet: decomplecting a way to handle positional args","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-04-24","RouteSet: simplify routes helpers generation code","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-04-23","Add missing requires in routes","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-03-15","ActiveRecord::Core#initialize: improve performance","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-03-14","AM::MassAssingmentSecurity: improve performance","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-22","AS::Callbacks: deprecate rescuable option","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-20","AM::Errors: allow :full_messages parameter for #as_json","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-16","ActionDispatch: add missing test for callbacks","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-08","AR::Relation#pluck: improve to work with joins","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-05","AS::Callbacks: remove unused code","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-04","AS::Callbacks: rip out per_key option.","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-03","AS::Callbacks: :skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated option","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-03","AC::Callbacks: remove usage of :per_key option from filters","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-01-17","AS::Callbacks: Refactor :per_key option","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-01-12","AS::Callbacks: remove unused runner","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-01-07","Fixed after_initialize callbacks call on AR model #dup","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-01-03","AS::Callbacks: remove __define_runner","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-01-03","Refactor AS::Callbacks","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-01-03","AS::Callbacks: improved __define_runner performance","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-01-03","AS::Callbacks: improve __define_runner perfomance","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-01-02","Fixed path to local gemfile.","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-12-30","AS::Callbacks: remove __define_runner","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-12-28","Refactor AS::Callbacks","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-12-25","AS::Callbacks: improved __define_runner performance","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-12-25","AS::Callbacks: improve __define_runner perfomance","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-12-23","AM::MAS.attr_protected: rework usage example.","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-12-22",NA,"Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-12-22","Fix AM::MassAssignementSecurity doc","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-11-30","ActiveRecord::Relation#pluck method","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-11-15","AS::Callbacks::Callback refactor","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-11-11","AS::Callbacks::Callback#_compile_option refactored","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-11-10","AS::Callbacks.__run_keyed_callback: remove unused cache","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-11-10","AS::Callbacks#_define_runner refactored","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-08-29","Fixed CollectionAssociation#find to be compatible with A...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-08-25","Moved strict validation changelog entry to right place","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-08-25","Typo fix","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-08-24","Add change log entry on strict validation","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-08-24","Add strict validation example to guides","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-08-17","Implemented strict validation concept","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-08-13","MassAssignmentProtection: consider 'id' insensetive in S...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-07-28","MassAssignmentProtection: consider 'id' insensetive in S...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-07-07","Rails app template: setup different mass assignment sani...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-07-05","Fixed AR::Relation#sum compatibility with Array#sum","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-07-05","Fixed CollectionAssociation#find to be compatible with A...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-07-01","Fixed ActionView::FormOptionsHelper#select with :multipl...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-07-01","Fixed ActionView::FormOptionsHelper#select with :multipl...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-06-30","Fixed ActionView::FormOptionsHelper#select with :multipl...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-06-17","Select tag helpers: remove some code dups","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-06-08","Fixing select[multiple] html specification problem.","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-05-30","ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity.mass_assignment_sani...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2011-05-26","MassAssignmentSecurity: add ability to specify your own ...","Bogdan Gusiev",61 "2012-02-07","use appropriate words for docs of Model.none","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2012-02-06","minor tidy up of none relation query method","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2012-01-25","remove extra 'the'","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2012-01-25","remove extra 'the'","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2011-06-06","Upcoming version of Rails is upon us so no need to refer...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2011-06-04","Upcoming version of Rails is upon us so no need to refer...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2011-04-19","Guides: Add test directory to load path to run individua...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-20","Fix output of 'rails runner --help' [#5661 state:committed]","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-19","Send 'rails runner' help message to stdout instead of st...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-19","Send 'rails runner' help message to stdout instead of st...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-18","Fix output of 'rails runner --help' [#4249 state:open]","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-14","Application settings are specified in application.rb and...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-14","Application settings are specified in application.rb and...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-13","Guides: Add test directory to load path to run individua...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-02","Add two integration tests for GeneratedAttribute missing...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-02","Output a friendly message when no type given for Generat...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-02","Failing test for GeneratedAttribute [#5461 state:open]","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-02","Add two integration tests for GeneratedAttribute missing...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-02","Output a friendly message when no type given for Generat...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-09-02","Failing test for GeneratedAttribute [#5461 state:open]","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-08-04","Give extracted options back to args in AMo callbacks. Fi...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-08-03","Failing test for validates_length_of, when both too_shor...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-08-03","Failing test for validates_length_of, when both too_shor...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-08-02","Failing test to check for route file corruption if legac...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-07-30","API Docs: Use 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' and not :authorize as...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-07-27","Fix app generator so that it uses the right app_name dur...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-07-08","API Docs: Fixes to the Routing docs","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-28","Convert instance_variables to symbols before excluding i...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-25","Remove previously defined class method logger to supress...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-24","Revert "Guides: Add :references to supported column types."","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-24","Guides: Add :references to supported column types.","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-23","Guides: replace reference to hpricot with nokogiri [#329...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-22","Rails Runner now sets $0 and $PROGRAM_NAME to name of fi...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-22","Added 4 tests for Rails Runner. 2 failing tests for $0 a...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-21","Initialize @last_update_at in file_update_checker to hid...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-21","Guides: AS Core Extensions, minor type","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-21","Guides: AS Core Extentions, fix warning message to displ...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-21","Guides: AS Core Extentions, minor typos fixed.","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-20","Add test for migration generator with name not starting ...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-19","remove executable permission from files that don't need ...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-16","Guides: AS Core Extensions, behaviour => behavior","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-16","Guides: AS Core Extensions, fixed a few typos.","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-13","Rails Guides: AR Querying, .count should be at the end a...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-12","Change sanitize to escape in test names of text_helper_t...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-08","Made markdown honor :safe option and handle safe input. ...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-08","Fixed textilize_without_paragraph and added tests for it...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-03","Getting Started, don't forget to link to yourself if you...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-06-03","Minor typo fix in callbacks.rb of abstract_controller","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-21","Getting Started, don't forget to link to yourself if you...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-20","Minor typo fix in callbacks.rb of abstract_controller","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-18","Fixed numericality validator in ActiveModel to reject he...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-18","Add a valid hex that shouldn't be valid to ActiveModel n...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-16","Fixed 1 failure and 2 errors in ActionPack testsuite [#4...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-16","Fixed two failing tests in railties on 1.9.2-head [#4609...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-10","Getting started, fixed some links in changelog","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-07","migration, correct file and created a code sample out of...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-05-07","Migrations, rewrote a sentence for clarity.","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-30","more fixes and updated the changelog","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-30","fixes to tags section","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-30","Rewrote Security para and a minor fix","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-30","Rewrote para for clarity and better reading","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-29","revert back to <b> tags instead of <strong> tags in the ...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-28","readability fixes to two paras in Refactorization","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-28","replaced <b> tag with <strong> tag in samples","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-28","fixed para for better readability","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-28","Fixed incomplete para","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-28","added notice to all samples of show.html.erb of posts co...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-28","added views dir to list of created things","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-25","Removed mentions of controller specific layouts. Ticket ...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-21","Replaced f.error_messages with the new code as generated...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-20","minor fix and re-organized description of index action","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-19","Fixes to the getting started guide","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-19","Cleaned up the table of files created by scaffolding a P...","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-19","Fixed wrong purpose of _form.html.erb","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-19","Replaced ',' with 'or' to make it read better.","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-11","Fixed indentation of database.yml examples.","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2010-04-11","Fixed indentation of database.yml examples.","Rohit Arondekar",60 "2013-08-31","Using indent method to refactor controller generator.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-28","Refactoring Generators::Base.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-26","Add config to method calls in fixtures.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-25","Changing deprecation_horizon to be Rails 4.2","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-25","Removing instances of string class_names in fixtures.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-24","Adding deprecation assertions for proper_table_name.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-23","Deprecating passing strings as class name in fixtures.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-22","Making proper_table_name take in options.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-21","Document ability to run a single test.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-21","Removing merge conflict remnants in the guides.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-08-15","Fixing multi-word automatic inverse detection.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-07-30","Creating an SSE class to be used with ActionController::...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-07-13","ActionController::Live documentation in the guides.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-07-09","Creating a class to handle preparing ARGV.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-07-09","Using the instance variable for argv.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-07-08","Creating a class for carrying out rails commands.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-07-01","Allowing multiple rails applications in the same ruby in...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-27","Removing deprecation message and silencing method.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-26","Adding documentation to the Rails initialization guide. ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-26","Moving the `pluck` and `ids` methods to their own delega...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-25","Making the rake file for tests easier to read.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-24","Removing deprecated rake tasks.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-18","Removing a repetitive comment and removing a deprecation...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-16","Removing a repetitive comment and refactoring the Applic...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-16","Creating a class to build the default middleware stack.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-11","Calls to the application constant have been refactored t...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-08","Getting rid of the +automatic_inverse_of: false+ option ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-06-04","Removing use of subclassed application constant and inst...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-05-31","Fixing a failing railtie test by using the ENV variable ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-05-29","Adding a test to make sure that using rake routes with t...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-05-12","Adding documentation to the automatic inverse_of finder.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-05-08","Using define method instead of class eval when defining ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-05-08","Created a method to automatically find inverse associati...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-05-02","Improving the performance of callbacks by keeping a hash...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-05-02","Refactoring the creation of TestTasks to remove code dup...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-30","Removing the app constant and replacing it with Rails.ap...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-29","Removing Railtie::Configurable from the base Railtie obj...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-28","Making the retrieval of the cache store class a method, ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-23","Moved the check for the rails test environment into rail...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-22","Created a registry based on the +PerThreadRegistry+ modu...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-21","Removing tests for deprecated options in active support....","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-18","Adding documentation to actionview so that the big pictu...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-17","The increment and decrement commands in the local cache ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-17","Refactored the storage of a temporary version of the loc...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-17","Adding a local thread registry to store local caches.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-16","let EXPLAIN use a thread locals registry [John J. Wang &...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-10","Using public send instead of send for the PerThreadRegis...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-10","Changed the ScopeRegistry and the InstrumentationRegistr...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-10","Created a runtime registry for thread local variables in...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-10","Creating a module so that per thread registries can be e...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-08","Creating an object to consolidate thread locals which ho...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-08","Delegating the value getter and setters in the ScopeRegi...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-08","Grouping thread locals in the ActiveRecord scopes so tha...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-07","Added a bang to the end of +raise_nested_attributes_reco...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-07","Added documentation to the FormBuilder class, should help","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-05","Refactoring some reused code into a method (inside of th...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-02","Changed the guides to use distinct instead of uniq for a...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-01","Updated the error message for +find+ on an inverse_of as...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-04-01","Throwing a RecordNotFound exception when a record is sca...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-03-23","Refactoring validate_missing_parameters to validate_requ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-03-21","Adding a bang to method name of raise_on_type_mismatch.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-03-20","Changed the call to .sort.last to .max when computing th...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-03-19","Calling find() on an association with an inverse will no...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-03-19","The repair_validations helper was not working correctly ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-03-09","Renumbering the comments in the application boot process.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-03-08","Refactored nested associations so they are more readable...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-03-04","Created an unscope method for removing relations from a ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-02-25","Added documentation about how touch now throws an error ...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-02-25","Raising an ActiveRecordError when one tries to use .touc...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-02-20","Renaming the check_empty_arguments method to something m...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-02-20","Added comments about the check_empty_arguments method wh...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-02-20","Reduced memory leak problem in transactions by lazily up...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-02-16","Removed an old require of an MD5 digest which is no long...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-02-15","Added extra comment when a migration already exists of t...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-01-21","Refactored transaction state into its own object. Each t...","John J. Wang",58 "2013-01-20","Added a changelog entry.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-01-20","Removed reflects_transaction_state.","John J. Wang",58 "2013-01-20","Created state for a transaction and added tests.","John J. Wang",58 "2011-10-30","Fix typo on the performance test guide","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-10","removed redundant metric support check (and print when i...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-10","remove forgotten puts","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-10","ruby-prof's awesome call stack printer is now used by de...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-10","Merge branch 'performance_test' of github.com:goncalossi...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-10","benchmarker and profiler now use the new performance tes...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-10","benchmarker and profiler now use the new performance tes...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-09","fixed a typo in the guide","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-09","contemplate unsupported metrics","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-09","added a note about profiling options to the generators","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-08","explicitly return from run() under minitest (metrics wer...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-05-08","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rails/rails ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-04-17","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rails/rails ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-04-03","don't use internal profiler methods on Rubinius and JRub...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-04-03","removed unused class declaration","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-04-03","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rails/rails ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-04-03","profiling enabled under JRuby. Added documentation for w...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-30","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rails/rails ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-30","updated documentation because of the benchmark/profile i...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-30","check if there is support for the specified metric when ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-29","fixed a bug where rubinius was creating the profiling fi...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-29","don't allow decimal places on the amount of objects and ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-29","performance tests inherit from AD::PT and not AC::PT, fi...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-28","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rails/rails ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-28","improved detection and feedback of supported/unsupported...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-28","fixed a couple of hidden bugs","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-28","improved options handling in performance tests","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-28","we need test-unit on mri 1.9","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-28","added profiling and benchmarking capabilities to jruby (...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-28","benchmarking metrics are also implementation-specific","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-28","warn the user about unsupported benchmarking metrics he ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-27","removed duplication in rubinius' benchmark code","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-27","fix a bug where the GC wasn't being triggered at the sta...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-27",":min_percent only makes sense in a RubyProf context","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-27","remove deprecated documentation","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-26","added basic structure for jruby","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-26","added support for profiling under rubinius","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","fixed time and size units (should be seconds / bytes), f...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","added gc info (runs, time) to rubinius' benchmarks","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","added memory size and allocations to rubinius' benchmarks ","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","added time (wall, process, cpu) to rubinius' benchmarks","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","added missing require","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","removed leftovers from the copy-paste from mri","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","rubinius returns "rbx" for RUBY_ENGINE, not "rubinius"","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","added basic structure for Rubinius","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","divide the ruby interpreter into mri and yarv for improv...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","renamed "mri" to "ruby", for consistency with RUBY_ENGINE","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","check whether the user is using a supported ruby interpr...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","using number_helper to pretty print some results ","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","extracted more generic methods, added a note for methods...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","initial separation of RubyProf-specific code","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-25","ruby-prof only makes sense in an MRI context","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-24","move "check for ruby-prof" from AD/testing/performance_t...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-24","check if RubyProf's WALL_TIME and PROCESS_TIME are avail...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2011-03-24","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rails/rails","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-08-10","added support for more printers","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-08-10","added support for more printers","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-08-10","added support for more printers","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-08-10","Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/rails/rails","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-07-10","Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/rails/rails","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-30","Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/rails/rails","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-30","performance tests now working accurately on 1.9, using R...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","performance tests now working accurately on 1.9, using R...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","enable_stats added back in since Benchmarker doesn't sta...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","check if the profiler patch is applied, otherwise GC::Pr...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","added information about what is being used","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","heap_live_objects+heap_free_objects is broken, use heap_...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","also use GC profiler extended patch to retrieve GC time ...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","ruby's GC doesn't support the time method, removed suppo...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","use GC profiler extended patch to retrieve GC runs on 1.9","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","ruby's GC doesn't support collections and heap_info, Rub...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","GC at 1.9.X doesn't have malloc_allocated_size, remove s...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","removed support for 1.8's GC alternative hacks (railsben...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","check if the data method is defined (meaning it's correc...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","the official profiler (present in 1.9) should have the h...","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-18","don't set cpu_frequency if RubyProf resolved it","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-06-03","performance and integration tests inherit from AD, not AC","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2010-05-28","performance and integration tests inherit from AD, not AC","Gonçalo Silva",58 "2013-08-07","let the sqlite task run without rails","Damien Mathieu",57 "2013-07-26","Refix my misreading of the diff","Damien Mathieu",57 "2013-07-26","Revert "Fix the SQLite gem name"","Damien Mathieu",57 "2013-07-22","remove useless duplication in include test","Damien Mathieu",57 "2013-07-18","use the appropriate RDoc code markup","Damien Mathieu",57 "2013-07-18","document the Rails::ConsoleMethods#helper and #controlle...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2013-01-26","remove the warning when testing whiny_nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2013-01-26","remove the warning when testing whiny_nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2012-09-19","fix querying with an empty hash","Damien Mathieu",57 "2012-07-06","Limit the number of records in Relation#inspect","Damien Mathieu",57 "2012-06-20","raise an error if no implicit mailer template could be f...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2012-06-20","just specify what's to be done, not what's not to be.","Damien Mathieu",57 "2012-05-19","fix typo. probem => problem","Damien Mathieu",57 "2012-05-17","explain why we also add attr_accessible in the model","Damien Mathieu",57 "2012-01-27","don't set the hidden checkbox value if it's nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2012-01-06","don't set the hidden checkbox value if it's nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-15","cherry-pick #1318 into 3-1-stable","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-08","better method documentation on disable safe string methods","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-08","remove support of symbols on classify and camelize","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-08","make gsub and sub unavailable in SafeBuffers - Closes #1555","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-06","add has_key? to ActiveModel::Errors","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-06","#first doesn't take an order in this test","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-06","#first doesn't take an order in this test","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-05","first and last orders the records by id","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-05","Backport #2789 and add changelog entry","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-05","Use LIMIT sql word in last when it's possible","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-09-05","use LIMIT SQL word in first - Closes #2783","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-08-24","remove useless rescue","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-08-13","use sprocket's append_path and assert_match","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-26","use sprocket's append_path and assert_match","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-26","use sprocket's append_path and assert_match","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-25","provide more explicit test names","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-25","add test checking that precompiling assets performs caching","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-24","help the next guy with explanations - See bb3b3e306","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-24","rake assets:precompile should always perform caching - C...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-23","rake assets:precompile should always perform caching - C...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-20","missing require of string/encoding to have access to enc...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-20","fix String#blank? on binary strings.","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-20","Merge pull request #53 from sepastian/master","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-07","remove the warning when testing whiny_nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-03","Load the generators test helper and properly load it's t...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-03","all numerics should be html_safe - Closes #1935","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-03","all numerics should be html_safe - Closes #1935","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-03","provide a more explicit message when using url_for with nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-07-02","provide a more explicit message when using url_for with nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-28","comparing different classes returns nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-28","allow comparison on model objects - Closes #1858","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-26","comparing different classes returns nil","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-26","allow comparison on model objects - Closes #1858","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-22","calling unsafe methods which don't return a string shoul...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-17","cherry-pick changes in simple_format from master - Close...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-15","all requests are utf-8. Don't use the external encoding.","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-15","encode the uploaded file's name in the default external ...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-15","all requests are utf-8. Don't use the external encoding.","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-15","encode the uploaded file's name in the default external ...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-15","simplify to only one condition","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-15","simplify to only one condition","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-15","simplify to only one condition","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-15","allow boolean last argument in memoized methods - Closes...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-14","all requests are utf-8. Don't use the external encoding.","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-14","encode the uploaded file's name in the default external ...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-09","don't reinitialize the arel_table unless the table_name ...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-09","don't reinitialize the arel_table unless the table_name ...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-06-01","fix creating an empty route on 1.8. Closes #1210","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-05-31","no need for .rb","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-05-31","string inflections are needed for running tests in isola...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-05-27","don't raise an exception if the format isn't recognized","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-05-26","don't raise an exception if the format isn't recognized","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-05-24","create the dummy app if there's no test_unit but there's...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-05-24","properly reference yml alias nodes","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-05-21","make sure missing method does not fail with arguments","Damien Mathieu",57 "2011-05-21","don't raise NoMethodError the tried method doesn't exists","Damien Mathieu",57 "2010-11-15","Use Rails.logger, not ActiveRecord::Base.logger","Damien Mathieu",57 "2010-11-08","Use Rails.logger, not ActiveRecord::Base.logger","Damien Mathieu",57 "2010-08-31","Fix benchmarking for rails3","Damien Mathieu",57 "2010-08-31","Fix benchmarking for rails3","Damien Mathieu",57 "2010-08-30","fix the cache_fu links","Damien Mathieu",57 "2010-08-30","fix the cache_fu links","Damien Mathieu",57 "2010-06-12","Test create mailers folder when starting a new app","Damien Mathieu",57 "2010-01-18","Missing rename from named_scope to scope [#3735 status:r...","Damien Mathieu",57 "2005-11-09","Fix that XML-RPC date/time values did not have well-defi...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-08-24","fix invalid request XML generation in test process.","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-08-16","special-case non-existent target method handling for 'sy...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-08-16","add 'system.multicall' support to XML-RPC. boxcarred met...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-08-14","Fix duplicate XSD entries for custom types (#1729), and ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-08-14","Allow multiple invocations in the same WS test #1720","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-08-12","fix rendering of scaffolding (@content_for_layout has to...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-08-12","Add API::Base.soap_client and API::Base.xmlrpc_client he...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-07-22","Add comment in config/environment.rb explaining $KCODE a...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-07-16","we should respect charset for incoming messages and not ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-07-13","add changelog entry.","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-07-13","make sure that we get back a SOAPString when $KCODE is U...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-07-13","always send back SOAP responses as UTF-8, we can't guara...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-07-06","ensure the second manual WS request of scaffolding conta...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-07-06","fix bug in unit test causing spurious failures, and make...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-06-25","add RDoc for base signature types","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-06-25","clean up cases where we override #inherited","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-06-25","fix WSDL generation, change the way protocols are instan...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-06-13","Add workaround for SOAP4R changing find_mapped_soap_clas...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-06-13","Fix moduled controller URLs in WSDL, and add unit test t...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-31","fix scaffolding template paths (Pathname does weird thin...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-20","memo to self: add :rest dispatching mode, and vanilla XM...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-08","add test to ensure the bug fixed by [1295] can't occur a...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-08","fix that functional testing for :layered SOAP would comp...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-07","support using invocation filters in :direct controllers ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-07","add base64 signature type (thanks, Shugo Maeda!)","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-05","remove usages of @request, @response, @params, and repla...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-05","fix boolean field rendering in scaffolding","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-05","fix :delegated invocation in the scaffolding","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-05-01","add support for structured types as input parameters to ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-28","default to using UTF-8 as response encoding for SOAP if ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-28","add charset=utf-8 to SOAP response content type, and mak...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-27","add entry for nil casting change","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-19","Fix regression where nil values were incorrectly being c...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-17","add backwards compatibility for the public API change ma...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-16","Send a stripped down message in the text following 500, ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-16","Remove a cause of casting failure for XML-RPC by ignorin...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-10","Added rollbacks of transactions if they're active as the...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-10","add missing public API change","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-05","support SOAP invocation of layered services in scaffoldi...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-05","initial go at making :layered dispatching generate WSDL ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-05","make XMLRPC::FaultException have a #message, otherwise t...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-05","add API::Method#expects_to_hash convenience as well","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-05","add API::Method#expects_index_of helper to get the index of","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-05","be explicit about the object to do #instance_eval in for...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-04"," * Fix casting of nested members in structured types if ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-03","don't use SyncEnumerator, its far too slow to be used in...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-03","use #rescue_action in WS scaffolding so that exceptions ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-03","remove finished tasks","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-03","allow selecting the protocol to use when invoking the","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-02","filter out embedded nil values for XML-RPC","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-04-02","* collapse 'ws' back into protocols, it just added compl...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-31","display the amount of time taken to invoke a scaffolding...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-31","remove ActiveRecordSoapMarshallable, can't reproduce the...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-29","first pass of web service scaffolding. add ability to qu...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-29","remove wrongheaded uses of "rescue nil" if it will mask ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-28","don't hide exceptions when we fail to parse XML-RPC mess...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-28","generalize casting code to be used by both SOAP and XML-...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-26","allow direct dispatching methods to declare their parame...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-20","add missing entries","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-20","make the response QName match up with that declared for ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-15","dup the value received from @request, so we modify the c...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-10","allow 0, 1, '0' or '1' to be cast to the appropriate val...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-10","change type of faultCode in marshaled SOAP faults to a Q...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-06","Added web_service generator (run ./script/generate web_s...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-06","Added web_service generator (run ./script/generate web_s...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-04","add action_web_service/test_invoke, will be used by for ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-03","allow the client to specify options to be passed through...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-02","make the marshaler use the same set of columns as the co...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-03-02","add missing entry for #allow_active_record_expects","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-28","add allow_active_record_expects option to ActionWebServi...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-27","drop version back down to 0.5.0 so that we can use 0.6.0...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-27","Make all custom types and method calls are declared in t...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-25","merged the changes for the upcoming 0.6.0:","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-25","handle elapsed times that are nil in #log_response (happ...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-24","Marked for release","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-20","add code coverage testing scripts, remove dead code","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-19","ensure clients can handle APIs with named parameter sign...","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-19","refactoring:","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-18","rename entire package to Action Web Service","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-18","rename service* to web_service*.","Leon Breedt",56 "2005-02-18","test commit","Leon Breedt",56 "2012-04-05","Fix slightly awkward English in Action Caching section o...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-11-13","Fix bad English.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-11-13","Clearing cache in action caching is not "the exact same ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-11-13","Suggest a workaround for page caching and parameters ins...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-11-13","Fix "in memory" where it should be "in-memory".","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-11-11","Update Memcached website to its new one at http://memcac...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-11-11","Fix "in memory" where it should be "in-memory".","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-04-22","Grammar fixes for Object#in? documentation.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-03-02","Fix Action caching bug where an action that has a non-ca...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2011-03-02","Fix Action caching bug where an action that has a non-ca...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2010-12-29","Fix typo in ActionPack changelog.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2010-12-29","Remove link to outdated Github tag comparison in ActionP...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2010-11-27","Fix missing word in ActionMailer::Base documentation.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2010-11-25","Fix missing word in ActionMailer::Base documentation.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2010-04-19","Rails on Rack Rails guide: indicate that Metal pieces no...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2010-04-19","Rails on Rack Rails guide: indicate that Metal pieces no...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2009-11-20","Indicate that the :method routing condition can also acc...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2009-05-12","Remove space between JSON keys and values since we're no...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-08-24","Ensure url_for(nil) falls back to url_for({}). [#472 sta...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-08-12","Fix reference to incorrect block variable in :cache_path...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-07-09","Remove some Symbol#to_proc usage in runtime code. [#484...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-07-09","Ensure url_for(nil) falls back to url_for({}). [#472 sta...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-06-27","Allow single quote (the ' character) in the middle of UR...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-06-27","Allow single quote (the ' character) in the middle of UR...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-06-23","Allow script/about to run in production mode instead of ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-06-23","Allow script/about to run in production mode instead of ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-06-23","It's select_date, not select_datetime - fix copy and pas...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-06-23","Use consistent "takes precedence over" verbiage and remo...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-06-02","Faster Hash#slice that doesn't use Enumerable#include?.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-06-02","Faster Hash#slice that doesn't use Enumerable#include?.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-05-31","Make a note about script/destroy in 'script/generate sca...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-05-29","Add examples for #to_json for Date, Time, DateTime, Time...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-05-11","Remove unused JSON methods. [#164 state:resolved]","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-05-07","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-05-07","Document AttributeAssignmentError and MultiparameterAssi...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-05-07","Make a note about ActiveResource::Timeouterror being rai...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-05-06","Allow ActionController::Base#default_url_options to have...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-05-04","Ensure that default_url_options, if defined, are used in...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-04-21","Rescue from Timeout::Error in ActiveResource::Connection.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-04-21","Introduce ActiveResource::Base.timeout. This allows a ti...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-02-18","Check the host string contains %d before using String#%,...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-25","TimeZone#to_s uses UTC rather than GMT; reapplying chang...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-10","Merge [8616] to stable: UrlWriter respects relative_url_...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-10","UrlWriter respects relative_url_root. Closes #10748.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-06","Use a decorator module for Files instantiated by Hash.fr...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-06","The asset_host block takes the controller request as an ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-06","Support render :text => nil. Closes #6684.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-06","Simplify and speedup Hash#stringify_keys! References #10...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-02","Ruby 1.9 compat: add #raise to AS::BasicObject, fixup Du...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-02","db:sessions:clear task uses session_table_name method. C...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-02","Correct Hash#assert_valid_keys docs. Closes #10621 [Chea...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-02","Merge [8519] from trunk: SQLite: db:drop:all doesn't fai...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2008-01-02","SQLite: db:drop:all doesn't fail silently if the databas...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-21","Document custom methods. Closes #10589.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-21","Update layout docs. Closes #10584 [Cheah Chu Yeow]","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-21","App generate says sqlite3 is the default and mentions fr...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: Update idiosyncratic block variable usa...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-18","Ruby 1.9 compat: move from the deprecated Base64 module ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-17","Ruby 1.9 compatibility. References #1689.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-16","Added option to pass proc to ActionController::Base.asse...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-15","Revert const_missing bypass in favor of Duration constan...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: define Duration#== [chuyeow]","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: normalize date and time xmlschema to ma...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: prefer builtin String#starts_ and ends_...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-10","TimeZone#to_s uses UTC rather than GMT. References #1689.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-10","Ruby 1.9 compat: TimeZone avoids localtime conversion. R...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-10","Fix javascript_tag method name collision. Closes #10337.","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-09","Move #to_query methods where they ought to belong. Close...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-09","render :xml and :json preserve custom content types. Clo...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-09","to_sentence returns self[0].to_s instead of just self[0]...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-05","Document automatically generated predicate methods for a...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-05","Document Date conversions. Closes #10368 [chuyeow]","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-05","Enhance documentation for Active Support's Time Conversi...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-05","Fix broken test (closes #10364) [chuyeow]","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-12-03","Fixed that to_xml should not automatically pass :procs t...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-11-17","RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be set to any valid gem version sp...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-11-06","Minor documentation enhancements and white-space fixes. ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-11-06","Grammatical and whitespace fixes for form helper docs. ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-10-29","Change JSON to encode %w(< > &) as 4 digit hex codes to ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-10-24","Document Enumerable and Hash #to_json. Add test for hash...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-10-15","Fix Json related documentation for render and the AR ser...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-10-05","Disambiguate Time, Date, and DateTime#to_json formatting...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-10-04","Hash#to_json takes :only or :except options to specific ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-09-30","Docfix (closes #9740) [chuyeow]","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-09-30","Fixed JSON encoding to use quoted keys according to the ...","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2007-09-28","Added :include option to to_json (closes #9677) [chuyeow]","Cheah Chu Yeow",55 "2012-01-11","Edits to spastorino's additions in 3.2 Release Notes","Rizwan Reza",54 "2011-01-09","HTML5 button_tag helper","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-12-23","Edits to caching/fragments.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-12-23","More minor edits.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-12-23","Revised documentation for cache_helper.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-07-01","Added documentation for usage of associative resources w...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-20","Take out documentation from DeprecatedMapper to discoura...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-20","Use h1 for titles.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-20","Final touches and fixes.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-20","Action View is now titled.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-20","Action View is now titled.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-20","All scopes are now cross-referenced.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Adds backslash to scope for cross-references.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Added title to some other files in actionpack/lib/action...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Added titles and description.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Adds title and description where needed.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Adds title to activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/*","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Adds title to the rest of the files in activerecord/lib","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Adds title and proper formatting to docs.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Adds title where needed.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Adds basic description and title.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-16","Adds title and minor changes.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Adds title.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Added typewriter tag to code.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Added description and title to Dynamic Scope Match","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Changes call backs to callbacks.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Adds title and basic description where needed.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Add titles to the rest of the files in active_model/vali...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Minor doc changes to active_model/validations/confirmati...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-15","Minor doc changes to active_model/validations/acceptance.rb","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Added headings to serializers.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Revised the rest of the files from ActiveModel.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Revised and added headings.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Revised naming.rb and lint.rb","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Added headings and revised active_model.rb/lint.rb gramm...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Minor changes to active_model/errors.rb","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Minor changes to active_model/callbacks.rb and dirty.rb","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Minor changes to active_model/attribute_methods","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Minor changes to callbacks and conversion API docs.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-14","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-11","Added tests for cookies with domain option.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-11","Moved test/controller/cookie_test.rb to test/dispatch/co...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-11","Refactored duplication into a separate method. Dropped c...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-11","Adding missing docs to delete cookies with :all which we...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-11","Took out the domain option logic to cookies.rb.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-11","Moved Domain regexp to a constant and added comments.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-11","The previous commit didn't work with complex domains, wh...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-11","Add support for multi-subdomain session by setting cooki...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-07","Fixed Load Error failures in 1.9.2-head","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-07","Router accepts member routes on resource. [#4624 state:r...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-04","Readme file changes:","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-06-04","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-05-17","Deprecate Array#rand in favor of Array#random_element [#...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-05-17","Renames Array#rand -> Array#random_element","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-05-16","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-05-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-05-16","Changed guide to use random_element.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-05-16","Rack dependency bumped to 1.1.0, tests passing. [#3558 s...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-05-16","Take out stale tasks from Actionpack's Rakefile [#4619 s...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-05-16","Takes out stale methods relating to edge_rails_version","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-04-05","Active Record Query Interface Guide: Added LIMIT so the ...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-04-05","Routes Guide: Added Section on customizing path names fo...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-04-05","We don't need explicit :url => { :action => "create" } i...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-04-02","Routing guide updated for new Routes DSL. It still misse...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-04-02","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-29","Update USAGE docs for generators.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-29","Reorganized app/test directory. [#3057 state:resolved]","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-29","Add more tests and docs to uncountable routes. [#3930 st...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-29","Reapply Rizwan's patch, but memoize Bundler.load.specs i...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-28","Add :dependent = to has_one and has_many [#3075 state:re...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-28","Rails 3 application can run performance tests now. [#417...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-28","Changes migration number to version due to ambiguity. [#...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-28","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-28","Oops, a docfix.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-28","When creating database with rake, create schemas in sche...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-27","primary_key now supports :limit for MySQL","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-27","primary_key now supports :limit. [#876 state:resolved]","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-27","Tests method_missing to raise NameError. [#2522 state:re...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-26","Better MySQL Error message. [#3775 state:resolved]","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-24","Routes guide being rewritten, done till :singular.","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-03-11","Rake task for generating Rails documentation updated to ...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-01-24","Revamp of Rails documentation task","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-01-17","Fix RAILS_ROOT deprecation on guides generation. [#3710 ...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-01-17","Take --skip-activerecord into account boot.rb requires. ...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2010-01-17","Fixes rake:template task [#3714 status:resolved]","Rizwan Reza",54 "2009-08-09","Support passing Redcloth options via textilize helper [#...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2009-08-09","Support passing Redcloth options via textilize helper [#...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2009-08-08","Allow content_tag options to take an array [#1741 state:...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2009-08-08","Add :include_blank option for select_tag [#1987 status:r...","Rizwan Reza",54 "2008-08-09","Fixed autolink regexp compatibility for ruby 1.9 [#783 s...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2008-07-16","Fixed template recompile logic [#630 state:resolved]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2008-07-15","Observers not longer add an after_find method to the obs...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2008-07-15","Observers not longer add an after_find method to the obs...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-10-06","Only cache attributes which need it for performance reas...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-10-03","Cache the descends_from_activerecord? call to speed up q...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-07-14","Improve performance of action caching. Closes #8231 [skaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-07-11","Merge [7177] to release. [skaes] References #8891","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-07-11","Fix errors with around_filters which do not yield, resto...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-05-27","Action Caching speedup. #8231 [skaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-05-27","Ensure compiled template tests pass on windows where the...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-05-02","apply [6649] to stable, closes #8226 [Stefan Kaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-05-02","Replace the current block/continuation filter chain hand...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-03-16","Merge [6431] from trunk. CGI::Session::Pstore performanc...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-03-16","Performance: patch cgi/session/pstore to require digest/...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-02-10","Merge [6143] from trunk.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2007-02-10","Performance: patch cgi/session to require digest/md5 onc...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-11-09","Merge [5474] from trunk.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-11-09","Cache inheritance_column. Closes #6592.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-11-07","make add_order a tad faster","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-11-07","make add_order a tad faster (Closes #6567)","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-11-06","Merge [5442] from trunk.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-11-06","Cache parsed query parameters. Closes #6559.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-11-02","Merge [5416] from trunk.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-11-02","Dynamically generate reader methods for serialized attri...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-10-08","cleanup of local_assigns handling and documentation upda...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-10-02","MySQL: introduce Mysql::Result#all_hashes to support fur...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-09-22","Filters overhaul including meantime filter support for a...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-06-08","Remove problematic control chars in rescue template. (cl...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-05-16","performance enhancement for previous patch [skaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-04-25","Refactor various InstanceTag instance method to class me...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-04-06","Fixed that template extensions would be cached developme...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-04-03","Changed those private ActiveRecord methods to take optio...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-04-01","dont merge when you can update (closes #4529) [skaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-03-27","Making ActiveRecord faster [skaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-03-20","Fixed the hash.delete :sym (closes #2176) [Stefan Kaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-03-13","Dynamically set allow_concurrency. Closes #4044.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-03-13","Simplify controller_path","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-02-27","Speed up class -> connection caching and stale connectio...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-02-20","Added :count option to pagination that'll make it possib...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-02-09","Major components cleanup and speedup. Closes #3527.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2006-01-22","Added the possibility to specify atomatic expiration for...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-12-08"," r3392@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 21:10:42 -0800","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-12-08","MySQL: more robust test for nullified result hashes. Re...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-19"," r3174@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 01:53:00 -0800","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-19","Correct boolean handling in generated reader methods. R...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-19"," r3167@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-18 22:47:31 -0800","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-19","Don't generate read methods for columns whose names are ...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-18","Correct length for the truncate text helper. Closes #2913.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-16","fewer objects, no loop in convert_content_type. Closes ...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-16","Inline commonly-called template presence checks. Closes...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-16","Avoid logging code if logger is nil. Closes #2881.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-11-16","Use Set instead of Array to speed up prototype helper in...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-28","Fix that render :text didn't interpolate instance variab...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-25","Reset template variables after using render_to_string. C...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-22","Clarify semantics of ActiveRecord::Base#respond_to? Clo...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-17","Make string-keys locals assigns optional","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-13","Optimize postgresql selects.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-11","Speed up for unthreaded environments. Closes #2431.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-11","Optimization for Mysql selects using mysql-ruby extensio...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-11","Speed improvement for session_options. #2287. [skaes@web...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-10","Speed up the setting of table_name. Closes #2428.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-09","Optimize instantiation of STI subclass records. In parti...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-09","Optimization refactoring for add_limit_offset!. In parti...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-07","Add option (true by default) to generate reader methods ...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-10-06","Add convenience predicate methods on Column class. In pa...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-09-27","Streamline render process, code cleaning. Closes #2294.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-09-24","Added native, faster implementations of .blank? for the ...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-09-20","Optimized tag_options to not sort keys, which is no long...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-09-15","Added check for RAILS_CONNECTION_ADAPTERS on startup and...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-09-15","Added check for RAILS_CONNECTION_ADAPTERS on startup and...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-09-15","Cache relative_url_root for all webservers, not just Apa...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-09-15","Speed up cookie use by decreasing string copying #2194 [...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-09-08","Performance improvements to CGI methods. Closes #1980","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-27","Fixed dynamic scaffolding [Stefan Kaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-25","Fixed broken error handling #1827 [Stefan Kaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-24","Improved performance of test app req/sec with ~10% refac...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-24","Fixed regression for content_for #1820 [Stefan Kaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-23","Improved performance with 5-30% through a series of Acti...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-23","Extended template caching to rxml and attempted to fix p...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-22","Fixed changing templates in development mode [Stephan Kaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-15","More pagination speed #1334 [Stefan Kaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-14","Made pagination faster #1334 [Stefan Kaes]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-14","Added :select option to find which can specify a differe...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-05"," r2840@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-05 00:42:27 -0700","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-04"," r2817@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 20:49:12 -0700","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-03","Mark ticket # in changelog. Snip some trailing whitespace.","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-03"," r1601@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 14:33:08 -0700","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-07-02"," r1588@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 03:14:45 -0700","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-05-19","Speed up timestamping a tad #1227 [skaen]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-05-19","Optimize ActionCacheFilter by using url_for less #1230 [...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-05-19","Cache relative_url_root and optimize path #1232 [skaen]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-05-19","Faster action_exempted? #1231 [skaen]","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-04-07","Fixed Cache#expire_matched_fragments that couldn't recog...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-04-02","Fixed that benchmarking times for rendering included db ...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-04-02","Fixed Base.silence/benchmark to only log if a logger has...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-04-02","Added a join parameter as the third argument to Base.fin...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2005-03-31","Added a join parameter as the third argument to Base.fin...","Stefan Kaes",53 "2013-05-27","removes forgotten avatar","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-11-18","Fix broken link in Active Record Query Interface guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-10-26","Fix a pair of typos on Active Record Querying guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-10-17","Fix typos in Association Basics guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-10-15","Fix formatting errors on the Active Record Validations a...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-10-14","Fix formatting on migrations guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-10-12","Fix typos and clean up Getting Started guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-08-24","Add exception handling to rake guides:validate","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-08-24","Fix rake guides:validate","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-08-24","Revert "Fix rake guides:validate task as it should be ru...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2012-08-23","Fix rake guides:validate task as it should be run from t...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2011-09-14","Fix typos and broken link on asset pipeline guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2011-09-13","Fix typos and broken link on asset pipeline guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2011-01-17","ActiveRecord#save(false) is now deprecated, now it is sa...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-23","i18n guide: fix RedCloth artifacts that were rendering b...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-23","i18n guide: fix RedCloth artifacts that were rendering b...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-21","i18n guide: fix external link to rack locale","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-21","i18n guide: this is not longer a problem","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-21","i18n guide: remove link to external page about 'How to e...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-21","i18n guide: it's activerecord.errors.messages.record_inv...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-21","i18n guide: fix external link to rack locale","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-21","i18n guide: this is not longer a problem","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-21","i18n guide: remove link to external page about 'How to e...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-21","i18n guide: it's activerecord.errors.messages.record_inv...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-19","i18n guide: fix external link to rack locale","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-17","i18n guide: this is not longer a problem","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-16","i18n guide: remove link to external page about 'How to e...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-16","i18n guide: it's activerecord.errors.messages.record_inv...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-15","Getting Started guide: remove calls to f.error_messages ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-14","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-11-14","Getting Started guide: remove calls to f.error_messages ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-09-30","Action Mailer Basics guide - reformatted configuration t...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-09-30","Action Mailer Basics guide - fixed typos","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-31","Fix API docs for button_to options","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-31","Fix API docs for button_to options","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","change 'a SQL' to 'an SQL' as suggested by the api docum...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","lifecycle should be two words, life cycle","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","Fix capture_helper.rb api documentation, unescaped scrip...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","change 'a SQL' to 'an SQL' as suggested by the api docum...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","lifecycle should be two words, life cycle","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","Fix capture_helper.rb api documentation, unescaped scrip...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","change 'a SQL' to 'an SQL' as suggested by the api docum...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","lifecycle should be two words, life cycle","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-08-26","Fix capture_helper.rb api documentation, unescaped scrip...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-21","non-singleton true and false should go on regular font","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-21","Active Record Validations and Callbacks guide: Fixed typ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-20","non-singleton true and false should go on regular font","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-20","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-20","Active Record Validations and Callbacks guide: Fixed typ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-15","Migrations guide: minor typos corrected","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-12","Getting started guide: typos and changelog","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-11","Getting started guide: Post validation example is cleare...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-11","Getting started guide: rephrase the paragraph about the ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-09","Minor typos: 'built-in' instead of 'built in', 'built in...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-07-01","Fixes README for generated apps with Rails 3 (rails *new...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-06-21","Ignore file guides/output/layout.html on W3C validations","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-06-18","Merge branch 'validate_dots'","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-06-18","cleaner output for rake validate_guides: dot-style, brie...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-06-03","Fixed XHTML on activerecord_validation_callbacks guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-06-03","Added info about guides validation to Contribute guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-06-03","Fixed minor typo on credits","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-06-03","New rake validate_guides task to validate output/*.html ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-05-24","Fixed XHTML on activerecord_validation_callbacks guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-05-24","Added info about guides validation to Contribute guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-05-24","Fixed minor typo on credits","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-05-24","Merge branch 'w3c_validator'","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-05-24","New rake validate_guides task to validate output/*.html ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-09","update changelog","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-09","Fixed duplicated IDs on active_record_querying guide to ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-09","Fixed duplicated IDs on associations_basics guide to val...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-07","update changelog","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-07","Fixed duplicated IDs on active_record_querying guide to ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-07","Fixed duplicated IDs on associations_basics guide to val...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-06","Fix form_helpers guide to validate XHTML 1.0 Strict","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-06","Fix configuring guide to validate XHTML 1.0 Strict","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-06","Fixed rails_on_rack guide to validate XHTML 1.0 Strict","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-06","Fix contributing_to_rails guide so that it validates XHT...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-06","Fix 3_0_release_notes so it valides XHTML 1.0 Strict","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-06","Fix 2_2_release_notes so it validates XHTML 1.0 Strict","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-05","Merge branch 'w3validations'","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-05","Changelogs: change link from credits page to home page f...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Replace <pre> by <shell>, <ruby> and <yaml> on plugins g...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Fix XHTML on performance guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Move credits pic to new assets/image folder","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Merge branch 'w3validations'","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Fixed debugging guide to pass XHTML 1.0 Strict","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Fix testing guide so that it validates XHTML 1.0 Strict","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Added 'Rails Guides Reviewers' section to credits","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Updated changelog on getting_started and layouts_and_ren...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Added .DS_Store to .gitignore","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Fixing credits page so that it validates XHTML 1.0 Stric...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-04","Fixed layouts_and_rendering guide so that it validates X...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-01","Putting back italics into association headers on associa...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-01","Fix unescaped '<' and badly formed ids on association_ba...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-04-01","Fix unescaped <% and %> on action_view_overview guide","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-03-31","Fixed unescaped '<' and '>' chars on getting_started sec...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-03-31","Fixed chapter list generation on index section, an empty...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-03-31","Fixed extra closing A tag on footer, now index validates...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-03-31","Fixed unclosed li and ul tags on index","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-03-04","Update contribute guide so that it shows the new command...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2010-03-04","Updated 3_0_release_notes so that it specifies that the ...","Jaime Iniesta",52 "2008-11-18","Update Prototype to and update script.aculo.us t...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2008-11-18","Update Prototype to and update script.aculo.us t...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-12-04","Update trunk to script.aculo.us, fixes a regress...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-11-06","Update Prototype to 1.6.0 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.0.","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-10-16","Update Prototype to 1.6.0_rc1 and script.aculo.us to 1.8...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-06-03","Allow JSON-style values for the :with option of observe_...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-05-19","Update edge to script.aculo.us to 1.7.1_beta3","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-04-24","Include Active Resource in rails:freeze:edge rake task","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-02-09","Add a :url_based_filename => true option to ActionContro...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-01-21","Make TextHelper::auto_link recognize URLs with colons in...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-01-19","Update trunk to script.aculo.us 1.7.0","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-01-18","Update prototype.js to [5985], fixes content-type issue ...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2007-01-18","Update prototype.js to [5985], fixes content-type issue ...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-11-20","Merge [5602] from trunk","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-11-20","Make sure .morph makes it in","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-11-19","Merge 1-2-pre-release with [5581]","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-11-19","Update trunk w/ latest Prototype and script.aculo.us","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-11-17","Update Prototype in RC to [5550]","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-11-17","Update Prototype in trunk to [5550]","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-11-06","Merge [5438] from trunk","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-11-06","Deprecate JavaScriptHelper#update_element_function, whic...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-10-28","Update to latest Prototype, which doesnt serialize disab...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-10-28","Update to latest Prototype, which doesnt serialize disab...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-10-09","Update to latest Prototype and script.aculo.us trunk ver...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-09-07","Fix loop_on_multiple_args to work, again (not my day), f...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-09-07","Ahem, now for real","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-09-07","Fix a warning in prototype_helper_test, fixes #6077","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-09-07","Update JavaScriptGenerator#show/hide/toggle/remove to ne...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-09-05","Update to script.aculo.us 1.6.3 [Thomas Fuchs]","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-08-20","Fix unit tests for JSON emitters","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-08-18","Greatly increased performance of String.to_json, which s...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-08-15","Updated trunk to script.aculo.us 1.6.2","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-08-07","Add support for the param_name parameter to the auto_com...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-04-02","Add additional autocompleter options [aballai, Thomas Fu...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-04-01","Applied Prototype $() performance patches (#4465, #4477)...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-03-27","Speedup for sortable with handles initialization in rail...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-03-26","effects.js and controls.js fixes","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-03-26","one too many","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-03-26","Update to script.aculo.us 1.6","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-03-09","Update to latest script.aculo.us trunk, fixes possible i...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-03-04","Fixed Effect.Appear in effects.js to work with floats in...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-02-27","Added support for visual effects scoped queues to the vi...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-02-26","Added script.aculo.us drag and drop helpers to RJS [Thom...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-02-22","Update script.aculo.us to V1.5.3 [Thomas Fuchs]","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-02-21","Added various InPlaceEditor options, #3746, #3891, #3896...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2006-02-14","Update script.aculo.us in Rails trunk to V1.5.2","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-12-25","Added support for toggling visual effects to Scriptaculo...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-12-25","Update to script.aculo.us to 1.5.0 rev. 3343","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-12-24","Added :select option for JavaScriptMacroHelper#auto_comp...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-12-24","Added :select option for JavaScriptMacroHelper#auto_comp...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-12-24","Added :select option for JavaScriptMacroHelper#auto_comp...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-12-13","Update trunk to scriptaculous 1.5 final","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-12-13","Update stable to scriptaculous 1.5 final","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-12-12","Update to script.aculo.us 1.5.0_rc6","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-11-22","Make javascript_include_tag :default behave correctly wi...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-11-22","Make javascript_include_tag :default behave correctly wi...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-11-14","Update stable to latest script.aculo.us","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-11-14","Update trunk to latests script.aculo.us","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-11-01","Change javascript_include_tag :defaults to not use scrip...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-10-29","Added support for the queue option on visual_effect","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-10-29","Update script.aculo.us to V1.5_rc4","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-10-15","Updated and clarified documentation for JavaScriptHelper...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-10-09","Make it clear that we are at script.aculo.us V1.5_rc3 now","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-10-09","Update Prototype to V1.4.0_pre11, script.aculo.us to [25...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-10-01","Added new scriptaculous options for auto_complete_field ...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-09-28","Updated rdoc for javascript_include_tag","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-09-28","Forgot about CHANGELOGs","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-09-28","Update script.aculo.us to 1.5_rc2, and Prototype to 1.4....","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-09-27","Ticket 2261 - Include lib/tasks/*.rake in rake stats","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-09-25","Fix open/save dialog in IE not opening files send with s...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-09-16","Make upload progress not throw JavaScript errors when th...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-09-09","Fixed JavascriptHelper#auto_complete_for to only include...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-08-27","Made Upload Progress work with Prototype 1.4.0 and add s...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-17","Added Base#expires_in(seconds)/Base#expires_now to contr...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-17","Cleaning up of javascript_helper array options, add :onl...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-14","Fixed bug with :success/:failure callbacks for the JavaS...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-11","Improved documentation for :success/:failure callbacks #...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-11","Script.aculo.us: latest rev, new autocompleter features,...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-10","Fixed that Action View should always use the included Bu...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-09","Added even more goodies to script.aculo.us #1677 [Thomas...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-07","Added a bunch of script.aculo.us features: Effect.Scroll...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-06","Make new AJAX helpers aware of more of their options #16...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-04","Improved update_element_function #1597 [Thomas Fuchs]","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-03","AJAX error handling fix, Prototype event handling #1589 ...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-02","Update for JavaScript helper tests #1584 [Thomas Fuchs]","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-02","Auto completer should hide update element by when initia...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-02","Added JavascriptHelper#draggable_element and JavascriptH...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-02","Added evaluation of <SCRIPT> blocks in content returned ...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-07-01","Fix IE 30-sec timeout bug, make auto_complete_for even m...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-06-29","Script.aculo.us: autocompletion focus fix, setContentZoo...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-06-28","Fix the Event.findElement prototype function. Needed to ...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-06-27","Added support for graceful error handling of Ajax calls ...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-06-27","Update script.aculo.us scripts for Prototype 1.3.0 #1522...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-06-26","Added script.aculo.us Javascripts (controls.js, dragdrop...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-06-21","Added :xhr => true/false option to verify so you can ens...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-06-21","Added Fix/Bignum#multiple_of? which returns true on 14.m...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-04-10","Fixed that the content-type for some browsers could incl...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-03-31","Added Effect.Puff and Effect.Appear #990, #996","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-03-28","Added Effect.Scale for smoothly scaling images or text u...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-03-28","Added Effect.Fade which smoothly turns opacity from 100 ...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-03-26","Added include_seconds option as the third parameter to d...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2005-03-26","Added TextHelper#human_size for formatting file sizes, l...","Thomas Fuchs",51 "2011-04-26","bump the i18n gem to 0.6.0beta1 and update docs for the ...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2011-02-28","Make TranslationHelper#translate use the :rescue_format ...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2010-12-04","Make TranslationHelper#translate use the :rescue_format ...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2010-12-04","bump i18n gem","Sven Fuchs",49 "2010-11-23","Allow registering javascript/stylesheet_expansions to ex...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2010-11-22","add respond_to? to ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner","Sven Fuchs",49 "2010-04-17","Make i18n fallbacks configurable and fallback to the def...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-08-29","Fix ActiveRecord Error message I18n:","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-08-26","allow ActiveRecord#RecordInvalid exception message to be...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-08-26","allow ActiveRecord#RecordInvalid exception message to be...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-08-05","Make app template git adapter sync back output immediate...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-08-02","Stop messing with supposedly-deprecated interpolation pl...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-07-18","* don't include String#% for Ruby 1.9","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-02-27","Vendorize i18n 0.1.3 gem (fixes issues with incompatible...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-02-22","load plugin view_paths to action_mailer view_paths and m...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-02-20","make action_controller/layouts pick templates from the c...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-02-20","Lazy evaluate middleware arguments [#2028 state:resolved]","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-02-15","workaround for picking layouts based on wrong view_paths...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-01-26","add #available_locales to I18n and I18n::SimpleBackend, ...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-01-21","i18n guide: refer to section 'Error messages scopes'","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-01-21","i18n guide: add section: overview of other built-in methods","Sven Fuchs",49 "2009-01-21","i18n guide: added sections: conclusion, contributing to ...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","i18n guide: add note about #t and #l aliases","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","i18n guide: add screenshots and explain localize method","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","i18n guide: renumber footnotes (do i really need to do t...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","i18n guide: add link to rails-i18n wiki about "How to en...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","i18n guide: actually use footnotes","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","add quote from wikipedia about I18n and L10n","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","explain exceptions, exception_handler and :raise option","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","explain changes of pluralization feature","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","explain purpose of interpolation feature","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","use new asciidoc table syntax","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","note about #t helper vs I18n.t","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-12-16","i18n guide: remove remaining references to en-US, use Sy...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-11-29","Make sure #compute_public_path caching allows to return ...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-11-18","use :en as a default locale (in favor of :en-US)","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-11-18","use :en as a default locale (in favor of :en-US)","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-11-17","initial draft for i18n guide","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-09-20","I18n: Introduce I18n.load_path in favor of I18n.load_tra...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-09-20","I18n: move old-style interpolation syntax deprecation to...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-09-11","add activerecord tests to make sure the deprecated %s an...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-09-11","add activerecord tests for deprecation of %s and %d in e...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-09-11","change activerecord validation tests to not use the depr...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-09-10","Added ActionController::Translation module delegating to...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-30","I18n: applied Luca Guidi's patch for better #interpolate...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-25","I18n: fix activerecord i18n test for classy backend","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-25","Merge branch 'i18n' of git@github.com:svenfuchs/rails in...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-25","Update translations for pluralization key change from 'm...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-25","Update translations for pluralization key change from 'm...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-25","update i18n gem","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-25","Merge commit 'rails/master' into i18n","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-25","I18n: add aliases #t and #l to TranslationHelper#transla...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-23","I18n: use :other instead of :many as default key for plu...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-23","I18n: use :other instead of :many as default key for plu...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-21","Merge branch 'master' into i18n","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-20","Merge branch 'iain' into i18n","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-20","fixing actionpack yml translations","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-20","fix activerecord i18n_test to work with backend classes","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-20","remove warning in i18n gem","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-20","add human_name and value to ar validation #generate_message","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-19","switch to class and instance instead of a module for the...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-13","fixing unit tests for active_record validations_i18n","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-13","provide more useful feedback on missing translations for...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-13","fix bug in I18n::Backend::Simple (A default array of non...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-13","update activesupport/vendor i18n gem","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-13","fix validations_i18n tests for changed locale file format","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-13","switch to using I18n.load_translations instead of requir...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-13","fix require path in vendor.rb for fixed vendor/gem dir s...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-10","update i18n gem and clean up dir structure within i18n-0...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-08-10","update i18n usage for pluralization hashes (api change)","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-16","moving country helpers from form_options_helper to form_...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-16","fixing another timezone dependent test","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-16","make i18n date/time tests timezone independent","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-16","missed to remove a call to to_s while resolving conflict...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-16","add i18n lib files","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-16","remove i18n lib subproject","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-16","merge forward to current rails/master","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-16","reverting changes to form_options_helper for merge","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-06","align with changes in i18n","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-06","add a translation helper","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-04","reverting changes to ActionMailer","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-04","Reverting changes to ActionMailer","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-04","Reverting changes to ActionMailer","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-04","Merge branch 'i18n' of git@github.com:svenfuchs/rails in...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-04","use :default for human_attribute_name","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-07-02","remove core extensions in favor of I18n#translate and I1...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-23","silence deprecation warning during validations test","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-23","including rcov shell scripts for reference","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-23","update tests according to removal of self.locale from he...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-23","remove call to self.locale from helpers","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-23","remove generic translate helpers","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-23","rather cosmetic improvements of test coverage","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-22","check self.locale instead of request.locale in helpers","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-22","crap, an array never has a request, stupid.","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-22","Replaced country_options_for_select with old,","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-22","remove DeprecatedConstantToMethodProxy again","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-21","experimental DeprecatedConstantToMethodProxy","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-21","incorporate #translate usage with several default keys","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-21","Renamed lang/ to locale/ because that's what we seem to","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-21","Changed process of storing translations from the","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-20","rename Backend::Simple#add_translations to set_translations","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-19","add a generic tranlate view helper","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-19","make ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages look up...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-19","I18n has not been released as a gem, yet","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-19","add lang file for active_support","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-06-19","integrating I18n into Rails","Sven Fuchs",49 "2008-05-16","Ensure routing generator works with non-string keys. [#1...","Sven Fuchs",49 "2012-11-25","Revert "Updated with where functional/helper tests go"","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","Reword Post model to note there are lines not shown","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","We should use post_path, not post_url","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","Updated with where functional/helper tests go","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","Moved position of has_many","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","Added new line to make it more readable","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","Changed the Using Partials section to read a little better","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","Modified "Allowing the update of fields" section","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","Update version numbers of Ruby and Rails","Jason Noble",49 "2012-11-25","Updated link to RubyGems site","Jason Noble",49 "2012-04-30","Don't type cast values that don't respond to to_i to 1","Jason Noble",49 "2012-04-30","Remove empty lines.","Jason Noble",49 "2012-04-30","Fixed styling issues brought up by @jeremy","Jason Noble",49 "2012-04-30","Add documentation to command_line.textile explaining how...","Jason Noble",49 "2012-04-30","Add ability to specify custom annotation directories","Jason Noble",49 "2012-04-30","Add test coverage for rake notes","Jason Noble",49 "2012-01-14","Fix styling of example layout. Fixes #4461","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-05","Remove redundant or","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Be explicit about where to add/remove stuff to the migra...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Fix missing /ruby block","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Be explicit of where the constraints are.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Improve readability","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Be more friendly than "shut up"","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","A table format makes this section easier to read","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","This section is more about changing the output of runnin...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Improve readability","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Readability improvements","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Move this into a section so that "Resetting the database...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Change wording to be more explicit on what migrating wit...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Migrations can also run the "change" method","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Reword section to make it more readable.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","We're using methods, not writing them","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Change wording to be more understandable","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","We're using the method, not writing it","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Change The other... to Another...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Reword confusing section","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Correct grammatical errors","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","It's more that Rails needs to know how to recreate the c...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Added "also" to read better","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Explain the t.timestamps method a little better","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Re-word confusing section","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Rollback is used elsewhere in the tutorial","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Alphabetize fields to make reading easier","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Improve wording, fix some formatting issues","Jason Noble",49 "2011-12-04","Constrained to 80 chars per line","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Move tooltip on re-running rails new with a different --...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Update guide to use Ruby 1.9 hash syntax","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Add output for add_index command","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Convert tables to table format","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Grammar change","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Be explicit on where the show.html.erb is located","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Make the guide more friendly","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Be explicit about changing code","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","p.errors.full_messages is a little more human readable","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Add link to AR Validations and Callbacks to further expl...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Update wording to read better","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Update wording to be more explicit on what the timestamp...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Update order so they show up in the order they do in the...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Update wording to flow better","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Fix typo","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Move Tip up higher so users who are fine with SQLite can...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Updated wording to read better","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Updated wording on what 'rails new blog' did for the user","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Use rails help new instead of rails new -h","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Move paragraphs to flow better","Jason Noble",49 "2011-11-13","Add Tip about skipping to Section 3 if they want to come...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Add in a tip about opening two command prompt windows","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Fix two spaces after end of sentence.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Extend description of rails generate scaffold and what i...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Make the rails not found tip more explanatory.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Updated rails_welcome.png to latest Rails welcome page.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Update wording of TIP about --database option for rails new","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Remove "bundle install" section, as rails new ______ run...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Fix TIP formatting issue","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Add a note about the fact that the Windows prompt will l...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Reformatted to 80 chars.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-25","Wrapped text content to 120 chars","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Add in a tip about opening two command prompt windows","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Fix two spaces after end of sentence.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Extend description of rails generate scaffold and what i...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Make the rails not found tip more explanatory.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Updated rails_welcome.png to latest Rails welcome page.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Update wording of TIP about --database option for rails new","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Remove "bundle install" section, as rails new ______ run...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Fix TIP formatting issue","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Add a note about the fact that the Windows prompt will l...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Reformatted to 80 chars.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Wrapped text content to 120 chars","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Moved ActionController, ActionView and ActionDispatch se...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Add link to the Layouts and Rendering guide to explain m...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Modified the content based on vijaydev's comment","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Update guide to be based on Rails 3.1.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Added link to the RubyGems User's Guide","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Added explanation to Components of Rails to help users n...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Added some context for rack apps, linked to the Rails on...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Moved ActionController, ActionView and ActionDispatch se...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Add link to the Layouts and Rendering guide to explain m...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Modified the content based on vijaydev's comment","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Update guide to be based on Rails 3.1.","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Added link to the RubyGems User's Guide","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Added explanation to Components of Rails to help users n...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-07-24","Added some context for rack apps, linked to the Rails on...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-06-17","Change ActiveRecord and ActionPack links to point to the...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-06-17","Change ActiveRecord and ActionPack links to point to the...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-06-17","Change ActiveRecord and ActionPack links to point to the...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-05-07","Added deprecation warning for Fixture(s) (Use ActiveReco...","Jason Noble",49 "2011-05-07","Namespace Fixtures in ActiveRecord","Jason Noble",49 "2013-06-29","doc for more input tag types","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2013-06-16","change rails verison to 4.0.0 in command line","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #150 from vatrai/edgerails_in_command...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #146 from vatrai/command_line_rake_guid","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #151 from vatrai/action_view_basic","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2013-06-15","date_field docs for action view","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2013-06-15","replace version 3.2.3 by 4.0.0.beta in command line","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2013-06-14","more guidelines for command line","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-04-16","remove autoload for OrderedHash, usages removed already","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-03-10","remove unused require from AS/core_ext/class/delegating_...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-03-04","AS/kernel/reporting no where used in ts_isolated","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-03-03","remove usages of AS::OrderedHash","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-02-26","content_tag used instead string for option","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-02-21","ordered_options will work if inherited from Hash, remove...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-02-13","remove unwanted require for string encoding","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-02-12","Revert PR#5001 "removed unuseful require for reply as we...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-02-12","fix build 5001, model reply is required in cases/primary...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-02-12","fix build #5001 reply model required in relations_test","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-29","remove autoload UrlWriter, no longer exists","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-14","changelog entry for deprecated ActionController::Integra...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-14","Deprecate ActionController::Integration, ActionControlle...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-07","if turn available then MiniTest::Unit.respond_to?(:use_n...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-06","revert "fixing some tests on ruby 1.9.3 SHA 33f222b"","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-05","ActiveSupport::Testing::Pending support for MiniTest only","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-05","support only MiniTest run with Isolation test ","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-05","parse only minitest results in isolation test ","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2012-01-01","rename ruby-debug to ruby-debug19","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-31","MiniTest condition removed","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-30","remove more conditions for Fiber available in ruby19","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-30","fiber is available in ruby19","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-30","remove condition since to_time always available in ruby1...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-30","ruby 1.8 ActiveSupport BasicObject no longer available","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-27","remove conditions for GC::Profiler in ruby19","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-26","GC::Profiler available in ruby19","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-26","remove ForClassicTestUnit support for ruby 1.8","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-25","Test::Unit::Util::BacktraceFilter not available in ruby1...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-25","::BasicObject always defined in ruby 19","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-25","gem ruby-debug19 for console error if ruby-debug19 not f...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-24","remove deprecated whiny nil related code","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-12-23","remove ruby 1.8 stuff skip hack from AR","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-10-16","fix to remove warning in test cases","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","ActiveModel::Validations basic guide","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","ActiveModel::Conversion basic guide","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","ActiveModel::Callbacks basic guide","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","ActiveModel::Callbacks basic guide","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","AttributeMethods refector suffix method added some usages","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","ActiveModel::AttributeMethods basic guide","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","remove extra require for 'active_support/dependencies' a...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","remove extra require for 'stringio' as it is required in...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","Covering more files in test for plugin new generator.","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","pluging generator test fix","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","remove unused variables warnings removed","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","remove deprication warning: ambiguous first argument; pu...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","remove deprication warning for ruby 1.9.3-head for unuse...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","Active Resource - guide for destroy","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","Active Resource - guide for update/save","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","Active Resource - guide for create","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","Active Resource - guide for reading and writing data","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","usages of active resouce","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","configuration for active resource","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","Introduction for active resource","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-13","Active Resouce guide initial load","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resource - guide for destroy","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resource - guide for update/save","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resource - guide for create","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resource - guide for reading and writing data","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","usages of active resouce","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","configuration for active resource","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Introduction for active resource","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resouce guide initial load","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resource - guide for destroy","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resource - guide for update/save","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resource - guide for create","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resource - guide for reading and writing data","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","usages of active resouce","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","configuration for active resource","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Introduction for active resource","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-08-04","Active Resouce guide initial load","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-31","remove extra require for 'active_support/dependencies' a...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-31","remove extra require for 'stringio' as it is required in...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-29","Covering more files in test for plugin new generator. ","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-28","pluging generator test fix","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-26","remove unused variables warnings removed","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-26","remove deprication warning: ambiguous first argument; pu...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-26","remove deprication warning for ruby 1.9.3-head for unuse...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-23","remove ruby-prof for rubinius in Gemfile cherry-pick","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-23","alias added for rails generate guide","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-23","alias added for rails runner guide","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-23","fixed type","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-23","Should be "match" instead of "map"","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-22","lazy load ConnectionAdapters remove require.","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-21","alias added for rails generate guide ","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-21","alias added for rails runner guide ","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-21","fixed type","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-15","Should be "match" instead of "map"","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-07-11","TODO fix explicitly loading exceptations, autoload removed","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-06-29","3-0-stable fix test when running Jruby. If Jruby Platfor...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-06-01","AttributeMethodTest test fix #jruby","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-06-01","AttributeMethodTest test fix #jruby","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-31","AttributeMethodTest test fix #jruby","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-30","refectored assets:clean task","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-27","rename task and Rake::FileList used ","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-22","remove require active_support/tzinfo as file dosent exis...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-22","require 'time' ","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-22","Fix todo Time.xmlschema used instead of Time.parse","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-22","test fix jdom_engine_test ","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-17","instruct user to install using Gem file in database.yml ...","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-13","rack_mount upgrade to new version 0.8.0","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-10","minor cleaning with new api method","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-10","minor cleaning","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-05-05","adding ruby-prof gem for ruby platform only #jruby","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2011-04-25","jdbcpostgresql support added into template.","Vishnu Atrai",48 "2010-06-20","Allow instrumentation of cache hits and misses. [#4888 s...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2010-06-17","Remove documentation reference to AS::Notifications::Eve...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2010-01-04","The failsafe middleware should flush the logger upon log...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-08-16","Fix reloading of metal pieces.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-08-10","Correctly unlock the reloader lock if the underlying app...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-08-01","Make the new code reloading behavior work with multithre...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-07-08","Cleanup application after #close has been called on the ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-07-07","Add support for dumping non-standard primary keys when u...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-07-07","Add support for dumping non-standard primary keys when u...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-07-07","Mocha >= 0.9.7 is required, otherwise mocking doesn't wo...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-05-27","Make the default 500 Internal Server Error page more fri...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-05-27","Make the Failsafe middleware attempt to render 500.html ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-05-25","activesupport/json/encoders fix that to_json should call...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-05-24","Document the way BufferedLogger defines its methods.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-04-26","Fix environment variable testing code in failsafe.rb.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-04-26","Fix environment variable testing code in failsafe.rb.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-04-26","Remove reference to Rack::RewindableInput, which has bee...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-04-26","Remove reference to Rack::RewindableInput, which has bee...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-03-24","TRUNCATE is also a MySQL DDL statement, so document this...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-02-08","Improve documentation for ActionController::Streaming. D...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2009-01-13","Fix PostgreSQL unit test failures that only occur when u...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-12-16","Do not output an ETag header if response body is blank o...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-12-15","Require mocha >= 0.9.3, older versions don't work anymor...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-12-09","Merge commit 'origin/master' into savepoints","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-12-03","Merge commit 'origin/master' into savepoints","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-18","Register 'checked' as an HTML boolean attribute.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-18","Register 'checked' as an HTML boolean attribute.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-17","Fix compatibility with Ruby 1.8 that also has the Miniun...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-13","Tag helper should output an attribute with the value 'fa...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-04","Remove invalid uses of [source, ...] in the guides.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-04","Remove invalid use of [source, log] in the 'Debugging Ra...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-04","Update guides generation task: make it compatible with t...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-03","Reimplement Jeremy's PostgreSQL automatic transaction st...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-03","Rename ActiveRecord::Base#transaction's :force option to...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-03","Make SQLite3 pass the unit tests for savepoints.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-03","Fix a stale typo in the PostgreSQL adapter. Fix a stale ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-03","Revert "PostgreSQL: introduce transaction_active? rather...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-03","Fix the final MySQL unit test failure that's related to ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-11-03","Improve documentation for DatabaseStatements#transaction...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-10-26","Write documentation for the cache stores.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-10-09","Add documentation for AbstractAdapter#sanitize_limit, an...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-24","Refactor configure_dependency_for_has_many to use a few ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-23","Make AssociationCollection start transactions in the cor...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-22","Change 'racing condition' to 'race condition'.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-21","Improve documentation for attributes= and document its '...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-21","Add Model#delete instance method, similar to Model.delet...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-21","In ActiveRecord::Base#destroy's documention, also mentio...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-21","Document some of the internals of associations handling.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-21","Improve various examples and API description texts.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-21","In some of ActiveRecord::Base's API documentation, repla...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-20","Fix another typo.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-20","Fix typo.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-20","Fix minor formatting error.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-20","Document concurrency issues in validates_uniqueness_of.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-20","s/ActionPack/Action Pack/","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-20","Improve documentation for ActiveRecord::Base#to_param.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-20","Document ActiveRecord::AssociationPreload.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-18","Improve documentation for AbstractAdapter#add_limit_offset!","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-18","Rename 'bechmarking and profiling' folder to 'benchmarki...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-18","Remove .DS_Store files that were accidentally committed ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-18","Improve documentation for create_table.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-17","Document ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionHan...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-17","Improve documentation for ConnectionPool, again.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-17","Improve documentation for ConnectionPool.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-17","Update documentation for AbstractAdapter#reset!","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-17","Improve the overview documentation for AbstractAdapter: ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-17","Improve documentation for the connection methods in Abst...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-17","Document ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-17","Improve documentation for ActiveRecord::Base#reset_colum...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-16","s/class/Model/","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-16","Warn about statement errors causing a transaction to bec...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-16","Add more information about transactions.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-16","Wrap overview documentation for ActiveRecord::Transactio...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-16","Add overview description for ActiveRecord::Transactions,...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-13","Add example for TableDefinition#column in combination wt...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-13","Write class overview for ColumnDefinition.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-13","Clarify decimal precision and scale options.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-13","Improve class overview for TableDefinition.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-12","Add 'Getting Started with Rails' to guides index page.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-09","Add special AssociationReflection methods for creating a...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-09","Make the options that has_many, belongs_to and other ass...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-09","Change index title for the routing guide.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-09","Make the index page look like manuals.rubyonrails.com's ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-09","Layout enhancements for the guides.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-08","Add an index file for the guides.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-08","Get rid of the work-in-progress 'book' that's supposed t...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-08","Add migrations guide to guide HTML generation task.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-07","Add 'Debugging Rails Applications' guide to guide HTML g...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-05","Add HTML generation task for the routing guide.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-05","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-09-04","Plugin locator: sort directory listing because we can't ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-08-29","Move some core extension methods into a module under the...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-08-27","Deprecate Rails::SecretKeyGenerator in favor of ActiveSu...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-08-27","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-08-26","The 'rails' command was broken by the last commit. Fix t...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-08-26","When an unexpected exception is caught, tell the adminis...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-08-08","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-25","Begin working on a little Rails book.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-24","Improve documentation for ActionController::UrlWriter.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-21","Improve the plugin creation guide's title.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-20","Update guide generation task for latest Mizuho commandli...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-20","Fix some layout/styiling problems.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-20","Convert 'creating plugins' guide to asciidoc format.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-20","Revived two ancient manuals from manuals.rubyonrails.org...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-19","Improve documentation for ActiveRecord transactions.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-19","Improve documentation of ActiveRecord::Rollback.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-19","Improve readability of other ActiveRecord association me...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-18","Improve readability of ActiveRecord::Assocations.has_man...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-18","Improve overview for ActionController::TestCase.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-18","Fix markup.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-18","Write overviews for AbstractController::TestResponse and...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-18","Improve documentation for ActionController::Session.get.","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-07-09","Plugin locator: sort directory listing because we can't ...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-05-01","Prevent AssetTagHelper from crashing if RAILS_ROOT is no...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2008-02-09","Move SecretKeyGenerator comments to the correct place fo...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2007-11-28","Introduce SecretKeyGenerator for more secure session sec...","Hongli Lai (Phusion)",47 "2013-04-23","Remove superfluous `self.` in Action Mailer mail method ...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2013-04-23","Cosmetic fixes in AM::Base docs. Missed spaces in OpenSS...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2013-04-22","Make AM readme example more consistent","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-06-18","Fix misprint in UrlHelper module","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-25","Fix unbalanced braces in Hash#typecast_xml_value interna...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-25","Fix Range#sum optimized version","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-25","Clean Date#beginning_of_month description","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-25","Update examples of Array #in_groups and #in_groups_of","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-25","Fix ActiveSupport Cache decrement method description","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-22","Use new hash syntax for generators gem method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-22","Remove obsolete comment from generator gem method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-22","Fix `rails db -h` and cosmetic fixes in usage banners","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-22","Use relative path to sqlite3 db in `rails db` command","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-21","Fix AR preloader example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-21","Add instance_accessor option to class_attribute","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-19","Make AC::LogSubscriber#send_file like #send_data","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-16","Fix misprint in AR changelog","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-16","Update AR has_one association example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-14","Missed colon","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-04","Improve assert_template layout checking","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-04","Fix assert_template :layout => nil assertion","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-04","Fix assert_template assertion with :layout option","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-04","Fix ActiveModel README example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-02","Fix example url in text helper","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-02","Fix form tag with non GET/POST method example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-05-02","Add Rails::DBConsole tests","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-28","Fix misptint","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-28","Update guides - run single test for AR testing","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-28","Update contributing guide - run single test","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-28","Update AM example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-26","Fix misprints in assert_file & assert_instance_method docs","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-26","Namedspaced generator indent method test refactoring","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-25","Don't indent blank lines in named base generators","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-25","Remove lonely number sign","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-24","Use leap years trick in distance_of_time_in_words only f...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-24","Distance of time in words should work correct if from ti...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-24","Missed checked in Form Helper example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-22","Add distance_of_time_in_words example for seconds","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-21","Comma missed","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-17","Fix redirect with block example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-17","Fix example in flash middleware","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-13","Fix comment in AD http response","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-13","Fix HTML sanitizer allowed_css_properties comment","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-12","Remove obsolete code","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-07","Fix example action dispatch in mime type","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-05","Add AC record identifier example with not-persisted object","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-04","Fix AC responder example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-03","Remove non-obligatory params in AC respond_to examples","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-01","Small #label method refactoring, thanks @rafaelfranca","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-01","Tests :if option of force_ssl method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-04-01","Block version of label should wrapped in field_with_erro...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-30","Remove obsolete reader from AC::MethodNotAllowed excepti...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-30","Remove AC::RenderError class second declaration","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-27","Proc objects for caches_page no need controller object","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-24","Fix AC actions caching comment","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-24","ActionController caching small String#split optimization","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-13","Fix layout method doc formatting","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-13","Fix AM Guide","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-10","Fix exceptions messages in AC layouts","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-10","Fix layout method doc formatting","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-09","Fix comment about layout folders lookup","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-03-09","In AR depths use &:to_i before :uniq to process mixed ar...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-28","Fix layout lookup for anonymous controller","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-23","Remove unused global variable in controller filters test","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-23","Remove skip_filter block param","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-23","Cosmetic fixes in AM changelog","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-19","Fix AbstractController#controller_path doc","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-18","Fix actionpack readme weblog example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-18","Fix actionpack readme weblog example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-18","Fix AbstractController::Base#hidden_actions comment","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-15","Fix AM format_paragraph helper method if a first word is...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-15","Cosmetic fixes in block_format AM helper method + test","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-15","Fix AM block_format helper method description","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2012-02-12","Cosmetic fix in AM readme","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-12-01","Fix argument error message for length validation","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-27","Cosmetic fixes in AM validatations docs","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-26","Small docs fix in Active Model callbacks module","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-19","Small docs fix in Active Model callbacks module","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-13","Cosmetic fix in number_to_currency docs","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-10","Fix and simplify highlight regexp","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-10","Cosmetic fix in number_to_currency docs","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-08","Fix small typo in link_to_function doc","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-08","Fix small typo in link_to_function doc","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-06","Docs cosmetic fixes in Action View form_helper.rb","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-06","Docs cosmetic fixes in Action View form_helper.rb","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-05","Fix javascript_include_tag examples in documentation","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-05","Fix typo in constraints method documentation","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-05","Update routing guides, root route should be at the top o...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-03","Fix javascript_include_tag examples in documentation","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-03","Fix small typos in routing docs","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-11-01","Fix typo in constraints method documentation","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-31","Update routing guides, root route should be at the top o...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-24","Remove needless to_param in scaffold functional test","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-20","HTMl -> HTML: html scanner comment fix","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-18","Remove superfluous assignment in cookies","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-15","HTMl -> HTML: html scanner comment fix","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-15","Update AC::RecordIdentifier example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-14","Add ActionController#head example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-11","Support symbol and string actions in AC#respond_to options","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-11","Add ActionController#head example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-09","Fix params hash example in AC::Base comment","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-08","Remove unnecessary dup in expire_page","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-08","Fix params hash example in AC::Base comment","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-06","Fix comment in AbstractController callbacks","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-05","missed underscore in AV::TestCase helper_method document...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-03","normalize arg for ActionView::TestCase tests method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-03","normalize arg for ActionMailer::TestCase tests method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-03","normalize arg for AC::TestCase tests class method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-03","missed underscore in AV::TestCase helper_method document...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-10-03","use safe_constantize instead constantize in AC::TestCase","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-27","add missing require to html sanitizer","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-27","update ActionMailer example using last truncate helper m...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-27","fix ActionMailer readme example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-26","update ActionMailer example using last truncate helper m...","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-26","fix ActionMailer readme example","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-25","escape options for the stylesheet_link_tag method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-25","escape options for the stylesheet_link_tag method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-24","remove superfluous to_s in ERB::Util.html_escape","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-21","update guides, use html safe translations in i18n","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-15","update guides, use html safe translations in i18n","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-03","fix helpers behavior description","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-02","current_page? returns false for non-GET requests","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2011-09-02","fix indent for generator environment method","Alexey Vakhov",46 "2013-09-12","Remove unnecessary loop","Vipul A M",45 "2013-09-05","Fix method name typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-09-02","`implemention` => `implementation`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-09-02","`attibutes` => `attributes`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-09-02","Be assertive about adding `[ci skip]` message","Vipul A M",45 "2013-09-02","4.0 Release notes should point to 4.0 Changelog","Vipul A M",45 "2013-09-02","Fix spacing issue","Vipul A M",45 "2013-08-27","Fix doc for singularize - `pluralized` => `singularized`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-08-26","Add Finder API changes to upgrading guide [skip ci]","Vipul A M",45 "2013-08-12","drop extra variable","Vipul A M",45 "2013-08-10","Remove extra case.","Vipul A M",45 "2013-08-09","Remove redundant `string_to_binary` from type-casting","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-31","Change from `map` => `map!` and `collect!` to save creat...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-26","Refactor `ArrayParser`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-24","Cleanup task for informing about hstore","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-22","rescue from all exceptions in `ConnectionManagement#call`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-19","Extract verbs array from helper to a constant","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-19","Fix test name typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-09","Remove redundant test about `push_with_attributes` removal.","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-06","Extract common query to a constant.","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-06","Remove conditional, since results are always an instance...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `Time#time_with_datetime_fallback`, `T...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `ActiveRecord::Fixtures.find_table_nam...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecated `Date#to_time_in_current_zone`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecated `config.whiny_nils`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-01","Remove `FormBuilder` deprecation warning about block arg...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-01","Remove redundant escapes from xml serialization test","Vipul A M",45 "2013-07-01","Document where `column` param gets utilized in `substitu...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-25","We are now rails 4 [skip-ci]","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-24","Fix `another_contract` not being used warning","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-16","Fix TOC ul markup","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-15","Update contributing to rails guide to depict new contrib...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-15","Change documentation about contributing to Docs","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-15","Make test name descriptive and add reference to original...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-15","Change "." to ":" for formatting purpose","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-15","`dasboard` => `dashboard`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-15","`existant` => `existent`","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-12","Drop extra variable from test","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-07","Fix some typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-04","fix HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_hash behaviour","Vipul A M",45 "2013-06-02","wonderfull => wonderful","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-26","compatability => compatibility","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-26","Fix some typo in method names, variables","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-20","Fix wrong `case_sensitive` in uniqueness validity test","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-20","Fix typo in test name and documentation","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-17",""normalize_callback_params" doesn't require name param","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-15","change to destructive `deep_symbolize_keys` after https:...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-13","Extract variable out of loop","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-12","Fix class and method name typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-10","sort => sort! on new array","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-09","remove variable and fix warning","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-09","remove redundant var","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-06","remove unused variable","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-05","use destructive sort on array in Hash#to_param for perfo...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-02","fix typo","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-02","document String#to_time exception","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-02","Fix typo in test","Vipul A M",45 "2013-05-02","Use faster Array.new instead of []*padding","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-24","refactor number helper","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-23","refactor initialization of array","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-22","extract arrays to constants in Mapper","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-22","remove redundant variable","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-22","extract no content response codes to a constant","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-22","extract array to a constant","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-21","fix typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-19","fix HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_hash behaviour","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-19","symbolize_keys => symbolize_keys! on new hash;","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-15","interpolate instead of string concat","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-13","remove unused variable","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-11","refactor order hash test","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-11","initialize instead of assert to fix warning","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-11","cleanup statement cache test","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-09","change array of array to hash","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-09","fix AP warning; remove unused variable","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-07","each to each_value; remove unused vars","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-06","change some more merge to merge! on new hashes","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-06","remove unused variables","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-04","fix private attribute warning","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-04","fix warnings in railties test","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-03","add require to suppress warning; remove variable","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-03","Fix some railties test warnings","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-03","optimize some code around merge","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-02","each_with_index => each as we dont use index","Vipul A M",45 "2013-04-02","change merge to merge! in AS on new hashes","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-31","fix request methods test","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-31","cleanup railties test; fix typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-31","remove unused variable and assignment","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-31","remove unused match variables in selector","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-31","fix wrong argument error message","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-30","fix some typos in AS","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-29","change merge to merge!","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-28","anual_salary => annual_salary","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-27","drop errors constant","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-27","drop variable assignment in validations","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-26","respect auto_increment in rename_column for mysql","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-24","fix some typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-24","Fix some typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-22","Add Error#full_message test; Fix typos","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-21","Fix copy table index test; Change == to ! on false in tr...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-20","Fix some typos in AR- CHANGELOG, tests, method doc. fixed","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-19","fix introduced `:` ; fix another typo","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-19","more typos in guides","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-19","remove unused payloads in blocks in caching instrumentation","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-19","drop an unused hash; change slang to SPECIAL","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-18","change from blank? to empty? on obvious string values t...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-18","1. Change from each to each_value since we did not use key","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-18","fix typos in AR. lots of them.","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-18","fix repeat of test; remove unused variable by use of eac...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-18","fix some typos found in activemodel","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-17","refactor test to drop unnecessary hash creation, test di...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-17","extra lines from Rakefile removed, which also threw warning","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-17","remove unused parameter passed to assert_query_equal method","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-15","Small typos here and there.","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-14","MOAR cleanups.","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-14","do some typo fixing","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-13","fix missing to","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-13","Change from each to each_value in http/parameters since ...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-12","Fix typo in DependenciesTestHelpers module name","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-11","Cleanup tests for unused variables","Vipul A M",45 "2013-03-10","Change from each to each_value on hash to avoid unused v...","Vipul A M",45 "2013-01-23","Add new DB rake tasks to the contributing section.","Vipul A M",45 "2013-01-21","Remove extra sort from test","Vipul A M",45 "2012-11-12","Merge and add tests related to 5215","Vipul A M",45 "2010-07-30","Don't increment and then decrement the same counter when...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2009-02-01","Removed map.resources :only/:except inheritance","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-10-30","Don't rely on string CoreExtensions in StringInquirer si...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-10-09","Made i18n simple backend able to store false values (and...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-10-06","Implement submit_to_remote as a wrapper around a more ge...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-09-26","Ignore all exceptions for validates_acceptance_of column...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-09-26","Ignore all exceptions for validates_acceptance_of column...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-09-18","Fix incorrect validates_uniqueness_of doc claiming defau...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-09-10","Support :limit on update_all so that has_many with :limi...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-09-10","Fixed test_find_last_by_one_attribute_caches_dynamic_fin...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-09-04","Don't run 32bit dependant assertions in 64bit environments","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-09-04","Don't run 32bit dependant assertions in 64bit environments","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-29","Added button_to_remote helper","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-29","Make case insensitive validates_uniqueness_of use unicod...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-28","Implement count limit/offset support for has_many associ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-28","Implement count limit/offset support for has_many associ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-28","Alias included associations if needed when doing a count","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-28","Alias included associations if needed when doing a count","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Just look at sql_type when testing that the correct data...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Added missing fixtures for tests which fail to run indep...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Fix yet another implicit order dependant test","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Print the queries that were executed if assert_queries f...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Just look at sql_type when testing that the correct data...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Back to fetching all versions in ruby instead of letting...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Back to fetching all versions in ruby instead of letting...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Create mysql binary_fields table with latin1 character s...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Create mysql binary_fields table with latin1 character s...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Include mysql older than 5.1.23 in the 5.1 series in the...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Include mysql older than 5.1.23 in the 5.1 series in the...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Use DECIMAL instead of INTEGER when casting as mysql doe...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Use DECIMAL instead of INTEGER when casting as mysql doe...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Cache migrated versions list in Migrator and use it to f...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Cache migrated versions list in Migrator and use it to f...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Load the first and not the last has_one result when doin...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-26","Load the first and not the last has_one result when doin...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-25","Fixed merge mistake for 38a0d5c0c7a37e22f9376c7cc363f4cf...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Merge branch '2-1-unsure' into tarmo_2-1-unsure","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Clear prefix_parameters cache when setting prefix","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Fixed ordering in test_find_in_association_with_custom_f...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Properly quote CREATE DATABASE parameters in postgresql ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Test for eager loading of STI subclasses from htm associ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Fixed STI type condition for eager loading of associations","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Fixed negative default integer parsing for Postgresql 8.3.3","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Cast value to string in validates_uniqueness_of if the c...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Fixed test_joins_with_namespaced_model_should_use_correc...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Always require activesupport, even if its constant alrea...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-24","Don't set "NULL" as a constraint on nullable columns [#3...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-23","Generate belongs_to association when generating a model","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-23","Generate belongs_to associations automatically for 'refe...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-23","Don't set "NULL" as a constraint on nullable columns [#3...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-23","Pass class through to DeprecatedConstantProxy target","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-23","Always require activesupport, even if its constant alrea...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-23","Clear prefix_parameters cache when setting prefix","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-22","Made migrations transactional for PostgreSQL [#834 state...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-22","Fixed ordering in test_find_in_association_with_custom_f...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-22","Properly quote CREATE DATABASE parameters in postgresql ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-21","Allow polymorphic_url helper to take url options. [#880 ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-16","Test for eager loading of STI subclasses from htm associ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-16","Fixed STI type condition for eager loading of associations","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-15","Use type_condition method for hmt STI condition","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-15","Use type_condition method for hmt STI condition","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-15","Fixed validates_uniqueness_of with decimal columns","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-13","Fixed Time/Date object serialization","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-13","Fixed Time/Date object serialization","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-08-04","Added missing fixtures for tests which fail to run indep...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-31","Use "/usr/bin/env ruby" instead of "/usr/local/bin/ruby"","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-31","Fix file permissions","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-31","validates_uniqueness_of uses database case sensitivity s...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-31","Fixed negative default integer parsing for Postgresql 8.3.3","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-31","Cast value to string in validates_uniqueness_of if the c...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-31","Fixed test_joins_with_namespaced_model_should_use_correc...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-24","Use :namespace instead of :path_prefix for finding contr...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","SQLite: rename_column raises if the column doesn't exist.","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","Fixed postgresql limited eager loading for the case wher...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","Fixed test_rename_nonexistent_column for PostgreSQL","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","Fixed that create database statements would always inclu...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","Oops, already had a postgresql_version method!","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","Fixed mysql change_column_default to not make the column...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","SQLite: rename_column raises if the column doesn't exist.","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","Fixed postgresql limited eager loading for the case wher...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-15","Some performance tweaks to ActiveSupport::Memoizable","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-14","Use sub instead of gsub","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-14","Fixed mysql change_column_default to not make the column...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-14","Fixed test_rename_nonexistent_column for PostgreSQL","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-07-03","Use :namespace instead of :path_prefix for finding contr...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-06-23","Always treat integer :limit as byte length. [#420 state...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-06-23","Always treat integer :limit as byte length. [#420 state...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-06-23","Fixed that scopes defined with a string name could not b...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-06-23","Fixed that scopes defined with a string name could not b...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-06-22","Named bind variables can now be used with postgresql-sty...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-06-22","Named bind variables can now be used with postgresql-sty...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-05-25","Fix tests for postgres 8.3.x","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-05-13","Use 'public' schema path when connecting to 'postgres' d...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-05-13","Use 'postgres' database instead of 'template1'","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-05-07","create_table :force => true no longer tries to drop a no...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-05-07","Added AbstractAdapter#table_exists? and made AbstractAda...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-02-27","Adding Time#end_of_day, _quarter, _week, and _year. Clos...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Less verbose mail logging: just recipients f...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2008-02-02","Less verbose mail logging: just recipients for :info log...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-11-29","Make sure assert_select_rjs gets counted, Closes #10278...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-11-29","Raise UnknownHttpMethod exception for unknown HTTP metho...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-11-22","Tests and fix for extension extraction. References #101...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-11-06","Add documentation for Hash#diff. Closes #9306 [tarmo]","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-31","Make fixtures work with the new test subclasses. [tarmo,...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-29","Add new superclass_delegating_accessors. Similar to cla...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-15","Generated fixtures use the actual primary key instead of...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-08","PostgreSQL: support multiline default values. Closes #7533.","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-08","Add tests for [7727]. Closes #6090 [dkubb, mpalmer, tarmo]","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-08","Documentation for assert_valid_keys. Closes #7264 [tarm...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-08","Add link_to :back which uses your referrer with a fallba...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-08","MySQL: fix change_column on not-null columns that don't ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-08","validates_uniqueness_of behaves well with single-table i...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-07","Use fast date/time parsing by default. Closes #9811.","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-07","Fix url_for, redirect_to, etc. with :controller => :symb...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-07"," Fix calling .clear on a has_many :dependent=>:delete...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-07","Allow change_column to set NOT NULL in the PostgreSQL ad...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-10-06","Send the correct INSERT statement when dealing with obje...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-09-28","Fixed spelling errors (closes #9706) [tarmo/rmm5t]","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-09-22","Docfix (closes #7593) [tarmo]","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-09-22","Added the possibility of using symbols in addition to co...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-09-22","Test CGI::Cookie#to_s. Closes #9624 [tarmo]","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-09-20","Autolink behaves well with emails embedded in URLs. Clos...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-09-17","Don't worry about retrieving the last inserted id. [tarm...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-09-15","Added block-acceptance to JavaScriptHelper#javascript_ta...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-08-29","Use mocha to avoid the sleep calls in the compiled_templ...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2007-08-06","Let inspect on AR classes work when the table doesn't ex...","Tarmo Tänav",43 "2013-09-03","Move BasicRendering to AbstractController","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-09-03","Make Mime::TEXT default format in AbstractController","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-09-03","Move skeleton methods from AV to AbsC","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-09-02","Return to using protected_instance_variables in AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-09-02","Revert "Port all remaining self.protected_instance_varia...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-29","Port all remaining self.protected_instance_variables to ...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-26","Make AV dependency for ActionMailer","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Fix formatting of error message","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Change description of BasicRendering#render","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Simplify if statements","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move abstract's controller tests to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move actionpack's controller tests","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Describe BasicRendering shortly","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Extend basic rendering, test it in railties","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Load HTML in ActionView not ActionPack","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Update AP changelog","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Basic rendering test","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move AP's capture tests to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move remaining layouts tests to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Add AP tests to runner","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Cleanup & reorganise rake tasks in AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove unused fixtures and models from AP tests","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Split rendering tests between AP & AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move render_test to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Fist stab on basic rendering","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Do not include action_view/layouts","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Add #rendered_format method to controllers","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Add --skip-action-view to app generator","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Include AV railtie when we're not loading full rails stack","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Missing AV requires in railties tests","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Include AV railtie in railties isolation tests","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Add missing requires inside AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Add AV as development dependency for railties","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove hard require to ActionView from ActionMailer","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Do not load AV inside AP","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Require log_subscriber","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove dependency on AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Add missing require","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Revert "Move setting content_type to AV"","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Change documentation of metal anonymous class","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move setting content_type to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Use concat to avoid allocating additional array","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Pass args to render's super method","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Improve AV::Rendering docs","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Fix railtie tests","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Include AV::Layouts before setting view_paths","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Load AV::Layout to AM::Base in railties","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Do not silance mail gem warnings.","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Don not require AC::Caching","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove RenderERBUtils from AP (only AV use it)","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove AV::TestCase from AP","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove ApplicationController & RoutingTestHelpers","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove unused ActionDispatch::RoutingVerbs","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove unused in AV fixture-controllers","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Indent protected methods","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove view_assigns from AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Load AV::Layouts dynamicly via railties","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Code formatting & typo fixes","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move anonymous class to the top, add documentation","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove abstract_controller load hooks","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move protected_instance_variables & view_assigns to Abst...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Include AbsC::Rendering interface in ActionMailer","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","No need for .rb extension","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Remove 'api plugin' from docs","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Create AbstractController::Rendering interface","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Revert "Rename abstract_controller/rendering. to errors.rb"","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Rename abstract_controller/rendering. to errors.rb","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Fix AP test suite after moving stuff to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Do not include AV::Rendering","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Integrate ActionMailer with ActionView","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Fix eager_autoload for layouts","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Fix AV tests, I18nProxy was moved to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Revert "Require only path_set && lookup_context instead ...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Hook up AV::Rendering on AV intialization","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move layouts to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Add loading 'action_view' as part of rails/all","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move rendering from AP to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Require only path_set && lookup_context instead of whole...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-08-25","Move view_paths from AP to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-27","Remove depreacted finders","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-27","Remove deprecated attr_protected/accessible","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Check if malformed fixture exists first","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Restore mistakenly removed malformed file fixtures","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Rename AP to AV in info about running tests","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Bump up version, fix module name","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Adjust changelog for AV & AP","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Remove heading from AV's CHANGELOG","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Change from 'actionpack' to 'actionview' for locales path","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Fix isolated tests on AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Add ActionView to CI","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Template test were moved to AV","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Remove require to AP stuff that left","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Fix digestor tests","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Remove digestor fixtures from AP","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-06-20","Copy company test fixture to AV (fixes failing test)","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2013-03-12","Cast number to string in Postgres","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2012-05-18","Fix inspecting route redirections, closes #6369","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2012-05-18","More DRY route inspect tests","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Fixed 2 broken tests for router.","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","This test is invalid for new router","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Removed deprecated_mapper - we don't need it anymore","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Removed tests for setting default value of *path in route","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Made test_generate pass","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","If it's unused there's no reason to keep it commented. I...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Removed rest of errors and failures in routing_test.rb. ...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Test for recognizing routes with http method set","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Fixed about half of broken tests in routing_test","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Fixed url_for test","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Revert "Extended default route for match in tests - now ...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-05","Extended default route for match in tests - now it match...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-02","Setup explicit requires for files with exceptions. Remov...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-09-02","Cleaned up autoload definitions.","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-08-27","Fixed broken test suite - there was problem with namespa...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-08-04","Fixed broken test suite - there was problem with namespa...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-08-04","Typo in class name","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-26","Removed deprecated APIs in text and number helpers [#515...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-19","Added missing require of remove_method","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-19","Make use of redefine_method, removed some more redefinin...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-19","Test for behaviour of befeore_type_cast when operating o...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-19","Removed warnings about method redefining","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-19","Introduced redefine_method","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-19","Removed warnings when a variable is shadowed","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-15","Bump bundler to 1.0.0.beta.5","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-07-08","Removing method before redefining it. It was causing war...","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-06-28","Information about new rake task in CHANGELOG","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-06-25","Line break in migration template and nicer code indentation","Łukasz Strzałkowski",43 "2010-08-17","Added test case to verify that transaction callbacks are...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2010-08-10","Added test case to verify that transaction callbacks are...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2008-05-01","Accept header mime parser can now deal with empty fields","Tobias Lütke",42 "2008-04-29","Add missing clear method to memory_store","Tobias Lütke",42 "2008-04-29","Allow access to mem_cache_store's stats hash","Tobias Lütke",42 "2008-04-29","Implement increment/decrement on cache storage engines, ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2008-04-29","By default rails will update keys in memcached when usin...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-11-29","Removed documentation for the removed rollback! method o...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-10-10","find_and_(initialize|create)_by methods can now properly...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-10-09","Set default charset of MTAs to ISO instead of us-ascii (...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-10-03","only create custom accessors for Kernel:: methods","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-10-03","Allow column accessors to be created even if Kernel. or ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-09-18","Define dynamic finders as real methods after first usage...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-09-06","Remove deprecated named routes [pixeltrix]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-09-06","Added new new_admin_products_url named route in addition...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-08-09","Raise ActiveResource::Redirection on 301,302 http code","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-07-19","* url_for now accepts a series of symbols representing t...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-07-09","Allow for optional messages on assert_difference [nicwil...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-07-09","Support for non heterogeneous arrays when serializing to...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-07-09","Make [7169] work as expected with indented XML. ","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-07-09","Include empty has_many/has_and_belongs_to_many associati...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-07-09","Don't blow up when using nested fields_for and the sourc...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-06-27","Add the type="array" moniker to has_many / has_and_belon...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-06-27","Fixes that using a subclass of an ARes object would cach...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-06-19","Ensure that post and put requests pass in Content-Length...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-06-08","Fixed query methods on resources. [Cody Fauser]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-06-01","Enhance assert_difference to accept arrays of strings wh...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-05-22","Set RAW_POST_DATA in integration tests as expected","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-05-22","Rescuing in around_filters works as expected again [coda...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-05-22","Initializers are now loaded consistently sorted by name....","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-05-19","Allow routes to be declared off namespaces","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-05-17","Allow nested namespaces in routing","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-05-04","Make respond_to? work as expected","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-05-01","Added assert_difference and assert_no_difference to test...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-04-16","Introduce RELATIVE_RAILS_ROOT and changed spawner script...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-04-09","Removed ill faded xml_node class from codebase. Use XmlS...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-03-28","Improved the handling of broken accept headers","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-03-19","Fix nil error for requests with empty PATH_INFO header s...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-03-06","Cached versions of concatted js/css asset tags have to b...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-03-05","Ignore odd charset declaration in CONTENT_TYPE header wh...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-02-21","Fixed query cache when multiple database connections wer...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-02-21","Enable active record cache automatically for all actions","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-02-20","You can now use cache in instance hierachies. This allow...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-02-06","Introducing Model.cache { ... } for the occasional query...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-01-24","Merge [5704], [6005], [6034] from trunk. References #726...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-01-15","Allow inGroupsOf and eachSlice to be called through rjs....","Tobias Lütke",42 "2007-01-12","Apply scoping during initialize instead of create. Fixe...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-12-08","Remove side effects of [5684]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-12-07","Improved auto_link to match more valid urls correctly","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-12-06","Consolidated different create and create! versions to ca...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-12-05","Add AssociationCollection#create! to be consistent with ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-11-24","Added CSV to Mime::SET so that respond_to csv will work","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-11-13","Merge from [5516]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-11-13","Make sure that exceptions which are thrown outside of th...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-08-30","respond_to .html now always renders #{action_name}.rhtml...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-08-17","Cache nil results for :included has_one associations als...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-08-16","Fixed a bug which would cause .save to fail after trying...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-08-07","Mailer template root applies to a class and its subclass...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-04-04","Multiple fixes and optimizations in PostgreSQL adapter, ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-03-15","Fixes a bug in routes controller traversing which caused...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-03-13","Don't replace application.js in public/javascripts if it...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-03-08","Integration test's url_for now runs in the context of th...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-03-08","reverted #to_sentence to use red, green, and blue style","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-03-06","forgot to commit the fixed test case! (yea right)","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-03-06","changed default of Array#to_sentence to use one, two and...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-03-05","ActionController::Base.param_parsers now accept symbols....","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-03-05","Added new infrastructure support for REST webservices.","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-02-05","ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid now states which validations...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-02-04","fixed small bug in routing which caused the traverse_to_...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-02-04","added some (pointless) test cases to dependency loading,...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-01-25","give helpful error messages when fixtures accessed style...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-01-11","fix for Initializer doc, routing is loaded last so that ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2006-01-10","Fixed that .with_scope imposed create parameters bypass ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-12-24","ActiveRecord::Base.schema_ignore_tables => ActiveRecord:...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-12-24","SchemaDumper now doesn't fail anymore when there are unk...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-12-23","cosmetic change to assert_valid","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-12-22","only log session_id if @session object responds to .sess...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-12-20","removed :piggyback in favor of just allowing :select on ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-12-20","made .find() and class method delegation work on :throug...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-12-20","added :piggyback option to has_many :through relationshi...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-12-16","Fixed :through relations when using STI inherited classe...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-11-17","stable merge of 3032 -- Updated docs for in_place_editor...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-11-17","stable merge of [3069]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-11-17","replaced constant Plugin in documentation rake task with...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-11-14","* Updated docs for in_place_editor, fixes a couple bugs ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-20","Fix Associations#clear for not-yet-loaded associations (...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-17","Fixed a few sqlserver test case errors. Closes #2486","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-16","moved generators to lib/generators","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-16","modified finder test a tiny bit so that it passes on sql...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-16","added assert_valid to AP","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-15","action pack asserts don't spam you with unnecissary back...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-15","Adds update_javascripts task which will fetch all the la...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-15","Adds :nullify option to :depends. Closes #2015 (Robby Ru...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-14","DRYed up Associations#clear. Closes #1906 [Caleb]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-13","modified javascript_helper testcase to back up #2097","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-10-06","Add rename_table to mysql, sqlite and postgres adapters ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-09-20","Fixed saving a record with two unsaved belongs_to associ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-08-23","Saving a record with two unsaved belongs_to associations...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-07-22","Added support for calling constrained class methods on h...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-07-05","Made default changes work in both postgresql and mysql #...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-07-05","Sugared up migrations with even more bling #1609 [Tobias...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-07-04","Added new Migrations framework for describing schema tra...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-07-04","Make postgres8 ar tests work #1601 [Tobias Luetke]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-07-02","Rake task to update spin off libraries #1514 [Tobias Lue...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-06-14","Support :render option to :verify #1440 [TobiasLuetke]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-06-13"," r1294@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-13 02:17:42 -0700","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-03-20","Improved the generated scaffold code a lot to take advan...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-03-20","Improved the generated scaffold code a lot to take advan...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-03-20","Changed .htaccess to allow dispatch.* to be called from ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-03-14","Added CaptureHelper with CaptureHelper#capture and Captu...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-03-06","Added exception shallowing if the DRb server can't be st...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-03-06","Better yaml fixture error #759 [xal]","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-03-03","Fixed an exception when using Ajax based requests from S...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-01-25","Added @request.raw_post as a convenience access to @requ...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-01-17","Fixed up some docs","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-01-15","Fixed that auto reloading would some times not work or w...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-01-11","Fixed that host would choke when cgi.host returned nil #...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-01-11","Added that rake clone_structure_to_test, db_structure_du...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-01-02","Fixed handling of binary content in blobs and similar fi...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2005-01-01","Fixed a bug in the Ruby/MySQL that caused binary content...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-22","Added Base#clear_association_cache to empty all the cach...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-22","Added search through session to clear out association ca...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-19","Added higher_item and lower_item as public methods for a...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-15","Added Base.default_error_messages as a hash of all the e...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-15","Added Base.validates_boundries_of that delegates to add_...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-08","Added ActiveRecord::Mixins::Touch that will record creat...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-07","Added the possibility of having validate be protected fo...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2004-12-07","Added all the HTTP methods as alternatives to the generi...","Tobias Lütke",42 "2012-08-06","Update list of finder methods","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-19","Fix typos","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-17","Add nodocs to delegation module and docs for merge!","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-17","Update batches docs","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-17","Add nodoc to HashMerger and Merger","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-17","Fix typos and add nodocs to NullRelation","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-17","Improve docs for AR Relation","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-17","Add docs for Relation initialize, create and create!","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-17","Don't link to edgeguides in docs","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-16","Typo","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-16","Add documentation for query_methods bang methods","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-16","Add nodoc to create_with_value","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-16","Add documentation for arel and build_arel","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-16","Add documentation for create_with","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-07","Add docs for having, lock and readonly","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-07","Add doc for joins and improve includes doc","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-07","Add docs for eager_laod and preload","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-07","Add nodoc to relation methods","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-06","Add order docs","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-06","Add group documentation","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-06","Add documentation for includes","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-06","Update list of AR Relation methods","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-07-06","Bump query guide to latest version","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-17","Rewrite some parts of the Rails initialization guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-17","Add initialization section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-17","Rewrite rails command section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-17","Add tip for browsing source code on Github","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-17","Not focusing on Passenger for now","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-14","Add server.run example","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-13","Show when Rack middlewares are executed","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-13","Add initialize! explanation","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-13","Close explanation of config/environment","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-11","Remove initialization explanation for each framework","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-11","Add config/application to initialization guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-11","Rewrite Rails server initialization section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-11","Refactor Action Dispatch description to be more concise","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-11","Change initialization guide introduction","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-09","Add files required by action_dispatch","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-06-09","Add missing requires for rails/commands/server","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-30","Remove irrelevant assertion","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-25","[Guides] Add missing file descriptions","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-25","[Guides] Add inflector example","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-24","[Guides] Update rack example","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-24","[Guides] Add core_ext/object section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-24","[Guides] Rewrite Rails application section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-24","[Guides] Add extract_options section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-24","[Guides] Update ruby version check","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-24","[Guides] Add sprockets to list of loaded frameworks","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-23","[Guides] Fix sample code","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-23","[Guides] Rewrite server start section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-23","[Guides] Rewrite server start section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-22","[Guides] Update rails commands section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-22","[Guides] Change bundler section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-22","[Guides] Review bin/rails section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-22","[Guides] change rails bin section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-22","The initialization guide will cover Rails 4","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-19","Revert typo","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-19","Typo","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-19","Getting started guide has been completely rewritten and ...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-18","Refactor migration generator","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-18","Call undefine_attribute_methods only when defining new a...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-18","Add oscardelben to authors","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-18","Revert "Add oscardelben to authors"","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-17","Add oscardelben to authors","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-16","Remove useless check of adapter","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-16","Update docs in sqlite3 adapter","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-16","Bumo sqlite3 gem","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-16","Update action view context docs.","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-15","Add documentation for arel_table","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-14","Minor editing of getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-14","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-13","Refactor App Generator Test","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-13","Update docs to public_send for Object#try","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-07","Initial proof reading of getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-05","Switch token_tag if block","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-04","mention database mapping in getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-03","Update command line guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-02","Typo","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-02","Mention mac os x installation tools on getting started g...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-02","Remove tags from getting started guide and adapt some of...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-02","Rewrite refactoring section in getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-02","Rewrite comments action in getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-02","Use new hash syntax in generated Gemfile","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-01","Bump Rails version in action mailer guide.","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-05-01","Getting Started Guide Code Cleanup","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-30","Rewrite adding a second model section of Getting Started...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-29","Remove scaffold explanation from getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-28","Remove circular require of time/zones","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-28","Add REST section to getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-27","Add delete post section to Getting Started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-26","minor docs improvements","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-26","Add documentation for validate options","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-26","Enhance validations documentation","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","Add partials section to getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","Refactor Observer.observed_class","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","Add partials explanation to getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","Add screenshot to updating post section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","fix code syntax","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","Add include documentation to serialization","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","Minor refactor of serializable hash","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-25","improve serialization doc","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-24","Fix secure_password setter","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-24","Correct documentation of SecurePassword","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-24","Refactor SecurePassword#authenticate","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-24","make sample code more compact","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-24","Add update post section to getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-24","Fix some code in getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-21","Add validation code to getting started guide and improve...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-21","Add model validation section to Getting Started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-21","Remove circular require of time/zones","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-20","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-20","Add index and links section to Getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-20","Add show action in getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-20","New Getting started guide wont have tags","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-20","Adapt "Getting started guide" code sample","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-20","Add "Saving data in the controller" section","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-19","Add model creation step to getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-19","Fix broken images links","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-19","Add Ruby 1.9.3 recommendation","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-19","Put warning on getting started guide back","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-19","Add "Using the change method" title back to make it stan...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-19","Regenerate Gemfile for getting started guide","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-19","Update guide for rails 3.2.3, fix code download link.","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-18","Improve observers documentation","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-18","Fix formatting","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-17","Warn about do end syntax in redirect option","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-14","Rename notify_observers argument *arg to *args to make i...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-14","Rename Observing#count_observers to Observing#observers_...","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-14","Improve example in initializer","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-04","Add better errors reporting for ActiveModel::Configuration","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-04","No need to extend ActiveSupport::Extend here","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2012-04-04","Use the more idiomatic tap method","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2011-11-17","Cleanup of databases.rake psql env variables","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2011-11-14","use any? instead of !empty?","Oscar Del Ben",40 "2011-11-01","Remove a circular require in AS deprecations. This is sa...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-08-13","enable Travis CI irc notifications to #rails-contrib on ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-26","enable Travis CI irc notifications to #rails-contrib on ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-26","enable Travis CI irc notifications to #rails-contrib on ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-26","enable Travis CI irc notifications to #rails-contrib on ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-20","this fixes a brittle test in fixtures_test.rb which fail...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-19","this fixes a brittle test in fixtures_test.rb which fail...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-19","Changed the year of a date used in a test which fails wh...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-18","Added a .travis.yml config and travis specific ci script.","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-18","This fixes an issue when bundling to a local path (eg. /...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-18","Added a .travis.yml config and travis specific ci script.","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-18","This fixes an issue when bundling to a local path (eg. /...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-17","This fixes an issue when bundling to a local path (eg. /...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-07-15","Added a .travis.yml config and travis specific ci script.","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-31","added an alias for new to build to the AR collection pro...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-31","added an alias for new to build to the AR collection pro...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-25","correction to the AR::Base#attributes= guard_protected_a...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-25","Removed deprecated methods and related tests from Active...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-25","removed deprecated methods, and related tests, from Acti...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-24","corrected the ActionMailer tests which broke due to some...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-24","removed deprecated methods, and related tests, from Acti...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-24","Removed deprecated ActionMailer API and related tests","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-23","deprecate AS core_ext/kernel/requires in 3.1","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-23","removed require_library_or_gem from the AS core extensio...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-23","Removed the AS core_ext/kernel/debugger breakpoint metho...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-23","Removed AS core_ext/kernel/requires as it's not used and...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-21","corrected a minor ruby19 variable name reuse warning","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-21","fixed some ruby 19 warnings, including circular requires...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-21","attr_accessor_with_default is deprecated, so lets not us...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-19","renamed the wrap_parameters :only and :except options to...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-18","updated the ActiveResource changelog","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-18","add some missing requires for AS core_ext/numeric/time. ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-18","corrected some further tests and docs for the ARes chang...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-18","removed a contrived ARes example","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-18","updated all the tests in ARes to work with json","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-18","move the ARes conn test to the correct location","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-18","remove a circular dependency","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-12","Remove a circular require in AS deprecations. This is sa...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-12","updated AR#create! to accept an options hash so the mass...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-11","updated the ActiveSupport changelog","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-09","removed an unneed AS::Concern from AR::IdentityMap","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-08","renamed mass-assignment scopes to roles, updated code, t...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-04","minor correction to the ActionDispatch::Http::URL subdom...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-03","added the mysql schema test to mysql2 adapter, and fixed...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-03","raise an error if the old router draw method is used, al...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-02","favor collect over each in mysql* adapters","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-01","singular and collection relations in AR can now specify ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-05-01","Added mass-assignment security :as and :without_protecti...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-28","removed the default_scope deprecations and updated the d...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-27","some test renaming to avoid collisions, and some annoyin...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-27","final corrections to the mass-assignment security tests","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-27","fixed a small bug with Array#from core_ext","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-27","minor git sources formatting change in railties app_base.rb","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-26","fix mass-assignment security tests, this was due to a st...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-26","AR update_attributes api is updated to reflect the addit...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-26","bump multi_json dependency","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-25","deprecated the use of the guard_protected_attributes arg...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-25","bump AS deprecation_horizon to 3.2","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-24","minor correction to the AMo mass-assignment security docs","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-24","added config.active_record.whitelist_attributes which cr...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-24","updated the security guide on the updated mass-assignmen...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-24","Added assign_attributes to Active Record which accepts a...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-24","AM mass assignment security attr_accessible and attr_pro...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-22","correction to the i18n locale filter examples","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-22","minor correction to the Active Model instantiate_observe...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-19","correction to the i18n locale filter examples","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-19","remove MultiJson from the Gemfile and instead add the cu...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-18","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rails/rails ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-18","AS Json parse_error makes a return for backwards compati...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-18","removed AS backends and instead rely on MultiJson for js...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-05","added find_zone and find_zone! to AS timezones and chang...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-05","remove AM delegating register_observer and register_inte...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-05","AM register_interceptor and register_observer only const...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-04-04","remove AM delegating register_observer and register_inte...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-03-31","pass respond_with options to controller render when usin...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-03-31","only try to display an api template in responders if the...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-03-31","when using respond_with with an invalid resource and cus...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-03-24","correction to the outputted controller name in the diagn...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-03-24","correction to the outputted controller name in the diagn...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-03-16","fixes an issue with number_to_human when converting valu...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-03-16","fixes an issue with number_to_human when converting valu...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-28","Updated the AS guides with some information on the diffe...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-28","updated Time, Date and DateTime current methods in AS to...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-28","Updated the AS guides with some information on the diffe...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-28","updated Time, Date and DateTime current methods in AS to...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-13","Allow for the format of time_tag in AP to be changed via...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-12","Applied changes to stylesheet_link_tag from javascript_i...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-12","This corrects two issues with javascript_include_tag, th...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-12","Updated the json date regex to recognize xmlschema forma...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-12","Fixes an issue when decoding a json string which looks l...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-12","Updated the json date regex to recognize xmlschema forma...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-11","Fixes an issue when decoding a json string which looks l...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-10","Removed Array#safe_join in AS core_ext and moved it to a...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-10","Removed Array#safe_join in AS core_ext and moved it to a...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-10","Corrected the html_safe implementation for Array. Moved ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-09","removed some duplication from LH issue 5505 regarding AR...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-09","fix for AS Gzip returning a UTF-8 string in Ruby 1.9 whe...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-02-09","fix for AS Gzip returning a UTF-8 string in Ruby 1.9 whe...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-01-12","Fixed various isolated test missing requires within AS.","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-01-12","In AS, only inflector/methods is need in proxy_wrappers....","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-01-12","Fixed various isolated test missing requires within AS.","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2011-01-12","In AS, only inflector/methods is need in proxy_wrappers....","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-30","Added documentation explaining the new additional suppor...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-30","The redirect routing method now allows for a hash of opt...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-25","move the setting up of the mime collector into the colle...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-25","move the setting up of the mime collector into the colle...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-24","port_string bought back to life as it is part of the pub...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-23",":subdomain, :domain and :tld_length options can now be u...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-20","removed an AR method which wasn't used internally, had n...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-20","class inheritable attributes is used no more! all intern...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-17","bye bye extlib_inheritable_*, AS callbacks now using cla...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-16","Brought the domain method in AD http url inline with sub...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","updated the rails guide to reflect changes in the action...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","changed asset_timestamps_cache to asset_ids_cache, added...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","corrected the AV railtie to use the new home for cache_a...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","reorganised the the common asset helpers module into a c...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","incorporated most of the feedback from José","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","reduced duplication between the javascript and styleshee...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","removed an assert from a test as it was testing a privat...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","separated the asset id methods to a separate module, rem...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-11-15","split the javascript and stylesheet tag helpers into sep...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-07-23","Move config_accessor :asset_host from ActionController::...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-07-08","removed an old unused method in AR which removed readonl...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-07-08","mass_assignment_security moved from AR to AMo, and minor...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-07-08","minor changes to mass assignment security patch to bring...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-06-23","Regression with how base errors messages are added to a ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-06-22","refactored the javascript asset tag helpers and moved th...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-06-21","removed default Formatter in logger, not needed with 1.8...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-06-21","removed 'unless const_defined?' code smell","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-06-18","fix for :shallow in router not generating helpers for cr...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-15","backported AR correction to find_each and find_in_batche...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-13","minor changes to instance level validations implementati...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-13","validation macros can now be used within an instance","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-10","corrected error message in session/cookie_store [#4546 s...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-09","corrected AR find_each and find_in_batches to raise when...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-08","removed AR from all AMo tests, including any unneeded fi...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-08","removed an old unused model in the AMo tests which also ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-08","updated AR to work with the AMo model validation changes","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-08","removed use of AR in AMo tests and removed testing of sc...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2010-05-08","updated AMo validations to use a context for valid? and ...","Josh Kalderimis",40 "2013-09-11","Reduce allocations when extracting AR models","Sam Stephenson",39 "2013-09-11","Perf: avoid dupes add fallback logic for coders","Sam Stephenson",39 "2013-08-29","Perf: micro optimised Result column hash_row creation","Sam Stephenson",39 "2013-08-27","Perf: memoize serialized column list and time zone colum...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2013-08-26","Perf: avoid array allocation where not needed","Sam Stephenson",39 "2013-08-26","Perf: fields in pg gem causes an allocation, cache it","Sam Stephenson",39 "2013-04-03","Per #9999 revert the revert changing so columns are only...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2009-12-18","Models with no attributes should just have empty hash fi...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2009-12-18","Models with no attributes should just have empty hash fi...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2008-12-04","Fix rendering html partials from an rjs template","Sam Stephenson",39 "2008-06-17","Added block-call style to link_to [Sam Stephenson/DHH]","Sam Stephenson",39 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Sam Stephenson",39 "2008-01-03","Added by parameter to increment, decrement, and their ba...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-12-05","Update Prototype to","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-11-29","Update to Prototype -r8232","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-11-06","Update Prototype to 1.6.0 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.0.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-10-16","Update Prototype to 1.6.0_rc1 and script.aculo.us to 1.8...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-05-19","Update to Prototype 1.5.1","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-03-18","Refactor ActiveSupport::JSON to be less obtuse. Add sup...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-01-18","Update versions in preparation for Rails 1.2.1","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-01-17","Apply [5970] to 1.2 branch","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-01-17","Update to Prototype 1.5.0","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-01-15","Fix that Dates couldn't be subtracted from Dates after [...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2007-01-05","Update to latest Prototype","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-11-19","Merge 1-2-pre-release with [5581]","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-11-12","Merge [5497] from trunk.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-11-12","Merge [5487] from trunk.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-11-12","Merge [5486] from trunk.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-11-12","Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc2","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-11-11","Remove JavaScriptLiteral in favor of ActiveSupport::JSON...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-11-11","Don't quote hash keys in Hash#to_json if they're valid J...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-10-19","Add support for converting blocks into function argument...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-09-20","Update RJS render tests.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-09-05","Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc1","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-06-20","Added find_or_initialize_by_X which works like find_or_c...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-06-02","Add OrderedHash#values","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-05-31","Make "script/plugin install" work with svn+ssh URLs","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-04-19","Change link_to_function and button_to_function to (optio...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-04-13","Add Array#split for dividing arrays into one or more sub...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-04-08","Added :add_headers option to verify which merges a hash ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-04-06","Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc0","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-04-01","Applied Prototype $() performance patches (#4465, #4477)...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-03-27","Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre1","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-03-13","Added simple alert() notifications for RJS exceptions wh...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-03-12","Use require_library_or_gem to load rake in commands/serv...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-03-12","Use the Rake API instead of shelling out to create the t...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-03-06","Update Prototype for beta gems","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-02-12","Add JavaScriptGenerator#replace_element for replacing an...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-02-08","Add :html option for specifying form tag options in form...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-02-01","Subclasses of ActionController::Caching::Sweeper should ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-23","Add the ability to call JavaScriptGenerator methods from...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-23","Add render(:update) to ActionView::Base","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-23","Fix render(:update) to not render layouts","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-23","Backing out of [3470] until visual_effect, et al can work","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-23","Add the ability to call JavaScriptGenerator methods from...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-23","Add Object#instance_exec and Proc#bind","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-21","Fix the requires in option_merger_test to unbreak AS tests","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-20","Extract Test::Unit::TestCase test process behavior into ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-20","Pass along blocks from render_to_string to render","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-20","Add render :update for inline RJS","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-18","Get the version right: 1.5.0_pre0, not rc0","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-18","Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc0","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-13","Show a message on script/server exit before reaping FCGIs","Sam Stephenson",39 "2006-01-12","Reap FCGI processes after lighttpd exits","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-12-27","Add ActiveSupport::JSON and Object#to_json for convertin...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-12-20","Add additional RJS functionality: alert, redirect_to, ca...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-12-15","Add Object#with_options for DRYing up multiple calls to ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-12-13","Update to Prototype 1.4.0 final","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-12-13","Update to Prototype 1.4.0 final","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-12-06","Add builtin/ to the gemspec. Closes #3047.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-12-06","Add builtin/ to the gemspec. Closes #3047.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-30","Bring stable lighttpd server script in-line with trunk","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-30","Run initialize_logger in script/lighttpd to ensure the l...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-22","Remove superfluous check for pluralize_table_names (use ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-22","Make ActionController's render honor the :locals option ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-21","Strip out trailing &_= for raw post bodies #2868","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-21","Strip out trailing &_= for raw post bodies #2868","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-21","Have the lighttpd server script report the actual ip to ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-21","Pass multiple arguments to Element.show and Element.hide...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-20","Add Array#to_strings which to_s's all elements in an array.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-19","Update to Prototype 1.4.0_rc4. Closes #2943 (old Array.p...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-19","Update to Prototype 1.4.0_rc4. Closes #2943 (old Array.p...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-18","Use Element.update('id', 'html') instead of uid=501(sam)...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-18","Update to Prototype 1.4.0_rc3. Closes #1893, #2505, #255...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-18","Update to Prototype 1.4.0_rc3. Closes #1893, #2505, #255...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-14","Refactored JavaScriptHelper into PrototypeHelper and Scr...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-08","Added an omnipresent RailsInfoController with a properti...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-07","Use require_library_or_gem 'fcgi' in script/server","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-07","Make use of silence_stderr in script/lighttpd, script/pl...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-07","Define kernel.rb methods in "class Object" instead of "m...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-07","Added Kernel#silence_stderr to silence stderr for the du...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-06","Enable HTTP installation of plugins when svn isn't avaia...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-05","Move info.rb to rails_info.rb and load Rails::Info after...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-05","Added script/about to display formatted Rails::Info output","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-05","Added Rails::Info to catalog assorted information about ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-05","Update changelog","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-05","Added action_pack.rb stub so that ActionPack::Version lo...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-04","script/lighttpd: Detach and exit the forked process","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-11-04","script/lighttpd: tail the logfile when running in the fo...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-28","Trim down the default mimetypes in config/lighttpd.conf.","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-26","Bump to Prototype 1.4.0_rc2","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-18","Upgrade to Prototype 1.4.0_rc1","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-16","Merge remainder of util.js into effects.js","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-16","Upgrade to Prototype 1.4.0_rc0","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-15","Change default logging colors to work on both white and ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-13","Unset the X-Requested-With header when using the xhr wra...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-13","Support using different database adapters for developmen...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-12","Wrap javascript_tag contents in a CDATA section and add ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-10","Fixed that an instance variable with the same name as a ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-10-10","Fix Element.toggle logic","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-09-27","Make the migration generator only check files ending in ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-09-09","Fixed that render :partial would fail when :object was a...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-09-01","Yield @content_for_ variables to templates #2058 [Sam St...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-09-01","Make rendering an empty partial collection behave like :...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-22","Added migration support for SQLite (using temporary tabl...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-11","Update Railties to Prototype 1.3.1","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-11","Update to Prototype 1.3.1","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-10","Made JavaScriptHelper tests pass regardless of hash orde...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-10","Fixed that each request with the WEBrick adapter would o...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-05","Added create_db and destroy_db tasks in the Rakefile to ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-04","Fix failure container logic in Ajax.Updater","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-04","Update Prototype; hopefully the last change before 0.13","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-07-02","Fixed a bug with alternate layout #1468 [sam]","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-06-29","Fix JavaScriptHelper capitalization and make it compatib...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-06-29","Sync Prototype; closes #1539","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-06-27","Make Object.prototype.extend work correctly","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-06-27","Work around existing Element and Event objects in Prototype","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-06-27","Fix a potential bug in Prototype's Ajax.Request involvin...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-06-27","Update to Prototype 1.3.0; closes #1441, #1348","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-04-19","Added xml_http_request/xhr method for simulating XMLHttp...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-04-19","Update to Prototype 1.2.1","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-04-18","Fixed that you can now pass an alternative :href option ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-04-18","Update to Prototype 1.2.0","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-04-17","Added Request#xml_http_request? (and an alias xhr?) to t...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-03-26","Added :position option to link_to_remote/form_remote_tag...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-03-21","Added a JavascriptHelper and accompanying prototype.js l...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-03-20","Added pagination support through both a controller and h...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-03-20","Added adapter independent limit clause as a two-element ...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-03-20","Added alias_method :to_param, :id to Base, such that Act...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2005-03-20","Added to_param call for parameters when composing an url...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2004-12-07","Added the option for sanitizing find_by_sql and the offs...","Sam Stephenson",39 "2013-02-11","define Active Record Store accessors in a module","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-11-20","embed code example using backticks in caching guide","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-11-01","memoize calculated ip without additional variable","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-09-18","fix shadowing outer local variable warning","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-09-14","update CHANGELOG","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-09-13","Implement :null_session CSRF protection method","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-30","accept a block in button_to helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-30","no need to pass an empty block to button_to helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-28","make AS::Multibyte::Chars work w/o multibyte core ext","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-28","remove unnecessary require","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-21","Assets: don't add extension if other given and file exists","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-18","respect nsec in TimeWithZone","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-16","remove unnecessary require","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-13","use const_defined? with second argument in AS::Dependencies","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-05-13","mailer can be anonymous","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-30","split CDATA end token in cdata_section helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-30","no need to dup options in send_data","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-30","allow send_file/send_data to skip disposition header, cl...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-30","wrap translate defaults to use translate helper features...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-26","remove calls to deprecated find(:first) in actionpack te...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-26","refactor content_tag_for helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-26","use safe_join in number helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-11","don't duplicate default values in text helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-09","no need in temporary array in number_to_phone helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-07","use extract_options! in cycle helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-06","pass default value as argument to fetch","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-04-01","add type option to atom feed entry builder","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-30","use `symbolize_keys` instead of `dup.symbolize_keys!`","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-27","force datetime attributes to be changed","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-26","apply form_for namespace option to date_select","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-26","apply form_for namespace option to date_select","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-23","fix HashWithIndifferentAccess.[] method","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-22","deprecate Proc#bind that can cause symbol memory leak","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-14","use content_tag in button_to helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-13","add include_hidden option to checkbox tag","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-09","configure how unverified request will be handled","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-05","force response body to be read in assert_template","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-02","simplify namespace assignment in fields_for","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-02","don't pass unnecessary argument","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-03-02","Optimize url helpers.","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-27","remove unnecessary code","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-27","force datetime attributes to be changed, fix GH #3965","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-20","fix output safety issue with select options","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-20","fix output safety issue with select options","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-20","fix output safety issue with select options","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-20","fix output safety issue with select options","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-18","fix spacer template example","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-16","escape static file path to prevent double unescaping","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-16","move id_before_type_cast to PrimaryKey module","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-14","remove unnecessary require core_ext/string/encoding","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-12","fix spacer template example","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-11","handle id attribute in PrimaryKey module","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-02-06","allow mass-assign version attribute in AR::SchemaMigration","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-31","fix assets test","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-31","fix assets test","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-30","merge MRI performance methods into one file","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-29","remove ruby 1.8 support code","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-26","fix fixtures test as table_name is a string now","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-26","call to_s on value passed to table_name=","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-26","call to_s on value passed to table_name=","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-25","reuse common video/audio tags code and do not modify opt...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-25","do not modify options in image_tag","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-25","allow to pass multiple sources to audio/video tags witho...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-24","no need in separate MiniTest modules","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-23","Use instance_eval instead of Proc#bind","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-23","use rack 1.4.1","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-22","remove unnecessary AS::Concern usage","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-22","remove obsolete code as old actionmailer api was removed","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-18","refactor RAILS_CACHE deprecation","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-18","simplify some TaggedLogging methods","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-18","remove unused requires","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-16","use thread variable in TaggedLogging","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-16","use rack from master branch","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-16","use Rack::BodyProxy in activerecord middlewares","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-16","use Rack::BodyProxy in AD::Reloader","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-13","remove unused private methods","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-13","use Rack::Utils.escape_path","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-12","to_date, to_time, and to_datetime Time methods present i...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-07","Symbol#[] method presents in Ruby 1.9","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-07","instance_variables method returns symbols in 1.9 ruby","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-07","get rid of using instance_variable_names method from AS","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-07","add benchmark helper that works in erb","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-06","use stub instead of redefining method to suppress warnings","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-06","Array.wrap is an overhead as there is already check for ...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-06","use Kernel#Array instead of Array.wrap in Rails::Generat...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-05","remove use of Multibyte.clean as it's no-op in ruby 1.9","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-05","remove obsolete commented asserts in TextHelper tests","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-05","remove ruby 1.8 example from Array.wrap documentation","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-05","remove useless call to mb_chars","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-05","refactor AS::Multibyte::Chars","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-04","refactor String#truncate not to use mb_chars","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-04","simplify Class#descendants using singleton_class method","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-03","use correct variant of checking whether class is a singl...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-03","add CHANGELOG entry for AS::Base64 deprecation","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-03","do not rewrite log during application bootstrap","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-03","deprecate AS::Base64 methods without DeprecatedConstantP...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-03","use pg 0.11.0 under ruby 1.8.7","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-02","fix base64 requires","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-02","deprecate ActiveSupport::Base64","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-02","fix base64 require","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-02","remove ActiveSupport::Base64 in favor of ::Base64","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-02","fix use of FormBuilder.field_helpers","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-01-01","use #to_s to convert Range to json","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-30","refactor Range#include? to handle ranges with floats","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-29","refactor Range#include? to handle ranges with floats","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-25","ruby 1.9 returns method names as symbols","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-25","remove date methods that are present in 1.9 ruby","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-25","remove checks for encodings availability","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-24","remove deprecated Module#synchronize from ActiveSupport","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-24","remove deprecated define_attr_method from ActiveModel::A...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-24","use Array#uniq in AM instead of deprecated Array#uniq_by","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-24","deprecate String#encoding_aware? and remove its usage","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-23","remove Rails application fallback from AD::IntegrationTest","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-23","remove Enumerable#each_with_object again","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-22","no more need to make Time#to_date and Time#to_datetime p...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-22","remove AS whiny nil extension and deprecate config.whiny...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove status_code from AD::ShowExceptions and useless r...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove deprecated set and original methods for table_nam...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove deprecated underscore versions of attribute methods","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove requires of core_ext/array/random_access that no ...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove Enumerable#each_with_object from core_ext as it i...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove Kernel#singleton_class from core_ext as it is pre...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove check for string from request body setter","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove dead code as ruby 1.9.3 has Base64 module","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-21","remove support for ruby 1.8 in AS String extensions","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-20","requiring enumerator is not nessessary in ruby 1.9","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-20","remove warnings about @variable_for_layout","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-20","remove warnings about @variable_for_layout","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-19","handle not only strings in date type cast","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-18","backport call scope within unscoped to prevent duplicati...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-18","bypass preloading for ids_reader","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-17","call scope within unscoped to prevent duplication of whe...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-14","fix separator insertion in date_select helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-13","log exception backtrace when all backtrace lines silenced","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-13","missing require in buffered logger","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-13","missing require in activesupport test","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-13","commented whitelist mode enforcement for mass assignment","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-12-05","use classify in ParamsWrapper to derive model name from ...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-30","fix exception page when template contains utf-8 and para...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-30","fix method redefined warning in activemodel","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-30","fix deprecation warnings in activeresource","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-30","fix method redefined warnings in tests","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-30","fix warning in tests when using render_erb helper","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-30","test helpers in erb using erb","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-28","put backtrace_cleaner to env","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-27","fix label with block in erb","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-25","middlewares should use logger from env","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-23","configuration option to always write cookie","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-22","deprecation warning, changelog entry","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-22","javascript_include_tag should add '.js' to sources that ...","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-22","move show_detailed_exceptions? to Rescue module","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-22","refactor show exceptions tests","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-22","add ActionController::Metal#show_detailed_exceptions?","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-19","fix warning about instance variable in plugin generator","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-19","fix rails plugin new CamelCasedName bug","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-17","_html translation should escape interpolated arguments","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-17","_html translation should escape interpolated arguments","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-17","_html translation should escape interpolated arguments","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2011-11-17","_html translation should escape interpolated arguments","Sergey Nartimov",38 "2012-09-28","Add #update_columns entry to AR Changelog.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2012-09-27","Add #update_columns entry in Rails 4.0 release notes [ci...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2012-07-25","New #update_columns method.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2012-07-24","New #update_columns method.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2012-02-02","Remove useless argument in #columns.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-09-01","Add #update_attributes as another alternative to #update...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-08-19","Document debugging assets set by default for dev and tes...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-08-16","Document Hash#extract!.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-08-15","Document Hash#extract!.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-08-13","Some fixes on the 3_1_release_notes guide.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-18","Prefer Time.current over Time.now on example code","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-18","Add Time#all_* to AS guides.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-18","Add example for rails server port option.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-14","Prefer Time.current over Time.now on example code","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-14","Add Time#all_* to AS guides.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-11","Add example for rails server port option.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-11","Remove unused variable causing warning in 1.9.3","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-09","Remove unused 'y' variable.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-09","Remove unused 'quoted_column_names' variable.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-08","Prefer 'each' over 'for in' syntax.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-06","Fix font styling on associations.rb","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-06","Revert this, commited by mistake.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-06","Fix grammar mistake. Lets vs let's.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-06-06","Fix fixed-fonts stlye on rails_on_rack guide.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-28","#drop_table accepts no options now.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-26","Fix font styling on associations.rb","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-25","Revert this, commited by mistake.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-25","Fix grammar mistake. Lets vs let's.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-25","Fix fixed-fonts stlye on rails_on_rack guide.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-24","Parenthesize arguments when the first one is a Regexp li...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-24","Remove extra white spaces on ActiveSupport docs.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-23","Remove extra white spaces on ActiveRecord docs.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-23","Remove extra white-space on some exception messages.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-23","Remove extra white spaces on ActiveModel docs.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-23","Remove extra white spaces on ActionMailer docs.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-23","Remove extra white spaces on ActionPack docs.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-23","Fix styling error on plugins guide.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-23","Add entry to AP changelog","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-21","Remove extra white spaces on guides.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-21","Remove extra white spaces.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-21","Add more doc to #update_column.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-19","Remove extra white spaces.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-19","Remove extra white-spaces.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-17","Better doc styling in ActiveRecord::Locking","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-16","Add doc to #attribute_names","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","Follow code conventions on some tests","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","Follow code conventions on docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","Fix styiling issues on DateHelper docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","Fix styiling issues on AtomFeedHelper docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","Remove extra whitespace.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","Fix styiling issue on TranslationHelper docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","Fix styiling issue on ActionView::Template docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","impact guides with no CSV fixture support","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","more fixed-fonts here","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-10","added some fixed fonts","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-08","Better use #remove_possible_method here","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-06","better styling on #available_action? docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-05","Improve doc styles for ActiveModel::Conversion","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-04","Fix punctuation errors.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-04","Use #remove_possible_method instead here","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-04","Use #remove_possible_method instead","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-04","Remove extra whitespaces","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-04","Improves Mysql2 adapter docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-04","Added #recreate_database docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-04","Fixes on schema_definitions docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-02","fixed-fonts on SchemaDefinitions","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-02","Fix ParamsWrapper docs errors","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-02","Remove extra whitespaces","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-02","Update security guide with #new and #create respect mass...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-01","Added some docs on ActiveResource::HttpMock","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-01","Documented ActiveResource#observing","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-01","Remove extra whitespaces.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-01","Fix punctuation errors.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-05-01","Bring this back on the contributing guide.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-30","Improved ActiveModel Observing docs.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-30","Added missing word on guide","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-30","Upload patches is for LH, we use pull requests on GitHub...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-27","Rephrased Dirty#changed? docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-27","Removed extra whitespace","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-27","Better formatting on ActiveModel::Translation","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-26","Fix #update_attributes api format error","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-24","Better formatting here","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-23","Added missing docs to mysql2_adapter","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-23","Fixed punctuation errors.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-23","Better docs formatting","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-23","Fix #postgresql_version docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-23","Added docs for #version on mysql_adapter","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added some docs on SQLite adapter","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Make this docs more consistent with the rest of the docs...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","dot missing here","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added doc for #table_exists?","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added docs for #rename_table on some adapters","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added docs for #columns on some adapters","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added docs for #indexes on adapters","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added docs for #drop_database on MySQL adapter","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added docs for #disconnect! on adapters","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added missing docs for clear_cache! on adapters","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added missing docs for +supports_primary_key?+ on some a...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Added missing docs for +support_migrations?+ on some ada...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Have a more connection specific rdoc for +supports_state...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-22","Removed ON() on distinct comment","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-20","Fix 'FIXME' annotation typo","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-19","docs for ActionMailer::Base.default_i18n_subject","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-18","Formated docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-18","oops fixed typo","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-18","Fixed docs for NilClass#try","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Formatting docs","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Docs for +duplicable?+","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Docs for NilClass#try","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Formatting examples","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Documented String#blank?","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Documented Hash#blank?","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Documented Array#blank?","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Documented TrueClass#blank?","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Documented FalseClass#blank?","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Documented NilClass#blank?","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-17","Remove 2.3 since guides are supposed to be for Rails 3","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-16","Added CHANGELOG entry for new section additions on Actio...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-16","Better formatting","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-16","Added Templates section on ActionView guide.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-16","Added Spacer Templates on Partials section of ActionView...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-16","Added Partials section to ActionView guide.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-16","Added Using Action View with Rails guide section.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-15","Added an example of exception situation on Array#sample ...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-15","Improved Array#sample documentation","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-15","Added missing CHANGELOG entries for 3.0.7","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-15","Added more detailed use of the +list+ command on debuggi...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-14","Remove extra whitespaces from guides","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-14","Update guide mentioning that +in?+ may raise an +Argumen...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-14","Move [#ticket_number state:commited] to the end of the c...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-14","change to use the Sass file extension .scss","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-14","Remove extra whitespace","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-14","Update guides with controller generator producing asset ...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-14","Update Contributing to the Rails Code guide for automati...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-14","Fix patch file name to make it consistent with the rest ...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-13","Documented +ActiveSupport::Notifications+ module.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-13","Update guides with new scaffold.css path","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-13","Removed Object#among? from guides","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-13","Update test name to the corresponding method name","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-12","Changed Object#either? to Object#among? on guides","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-12","Update guides reflecting that scaffold_controller genera...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-04-11","Updated AS guide with new Object#in? and Object#either? ...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-29","Remove 'warning: ambiguous first argument' when running ...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-29","Fix Basic Authentication examples","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-29","Updated Basic Authentication guides to reflect new Base....","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-28","Un-deprecate #reorder method","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-28","Bring #reorder back","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-28","Added new #update_column method.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-27","Revert "Removed #update_attribute method. New #update_co...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-26","Updated guides for new #update_column.","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-26","Removed #update_attribute method. New #update_column met...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-25","impact recent updates to #first! and #last! methods","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2011-03-25","Update AR querying guide with #first! and #last! new met...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2010-03-23","updated Rakefile with new app generator path [#4258 stat...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2010-03-23","rake tasks should use the new app generator path [#4257 ...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2010-03-21","do not support 'data-url' anymore, just use 'href' [#423...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2010-03-19","removed useless require line","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2010-03-19","Make dependencies_test pass running standalone [#4215 st...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2010-03-19","Added missing requires abstract_unit and activesupport t...","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2010-03-18","Fixed require line","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2010-03-18","added require abstract_unit on setter_trap.rb","Sebastian Martinez",37 "2013-06-24","ActionDispatch:SSL: don't include STS header in non-http...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2010-10-11","require 'uri' in action_controller/url_rewriter [#5555 s...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2010-07-02","Time#as_json: use Time#formatted_offset instead of strft...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2010-06-11","Date#since, #ago, #beginning_of_day, #end_of_day, #xmlsc...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2010-01-28","Time#- with a DateTime argument behaves the same as with...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2010-01-28","Time#- with a DateTime argument behaves the same as with...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2010-01-27","Update bundled TZInfo to v0.3.16","Geoff Buesing",36 "2010-01-27","Georgetown TimeZone is now mapped to "America/Guyana" in...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-12-15","Add test for TimeWithZone#to_i with wrapped DateTime","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-12-15","Add test for TimeWithZone#to_i with wrapped DateTime","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-10-28","Bundle Tzinfo 0.3.15","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-10-28","Tzinfo bundling task: unpack tzinfo with lib directory p...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-09-01","Rails::Info doesn't require version for unwanted frameworks","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-09-01","Rails::Info doesn't require version for unwanted frameworks","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-08-05","Revert "fallback_string_to_date sets Date._parse comp ar...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-08-04","quoted_date converts time-like objects to ActiveRecord::...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-06-08","Add notes to TZInfo bundling task","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-06-08","Kathmandu TimeZone: reference Asia/Kathmandu zone direct...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-06-08","Load correct version of TZInfo","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-06-08","Update bundled TZInfo to v0.3.13","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-04-05","Test cleanup","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-04-05","Hash::XML_TYPE_NAMES: no longer a need for a TimeWithZon...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-04-05","TimeWithZone.name returns 'Time', to further thwart type...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-03-29","Enhance Time #since and #ago DST tests.","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-02-10","TimeWithZone#advance: leverage Hash#values_at and non-bl...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-02-10","Changelog update for previous commit","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-02-09","TimeWithZone#advance: use #any? instead of #detect","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-02-09","TimeWithZone: eliminate unnecessary flatten","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-02-09","TimeWithZone: use Array#any? instead of detect, since we...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-01-04","TimeWithZone#- gives correct result with wrapped DateTim...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-01-04","TimeWithZone#- gives correct result with wrapped DateTim...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2009-01-04","TimeWithZone#- gives correct result with wrapped DateTim...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-18","TimeZone offset tests: use current_period, to ensure Tim...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-18","Merge branch '2-1-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-18","TimeZone offset tests: use current_period, to ensure Tim...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-18","TimeZone offset tests: use current_period, to ensure Tim...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-18","Update bundled TZInfo to 0.3.12","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-18","Update bundled TZInfo to 0.3.12","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-18","Update bundled TZInfo to 0.3.12","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-13","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-11-13","TimeZone: fix base offset for Sri Jayawardenepura. Ancho...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-10-20","TimeWithZone#freeze: preload instance variables so that ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-10-20","TimeWithZone#freeze: preload instance variables so that ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-10-20","Bundle TzInfo version 0.3.11","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-10-20","Bundle TzInfo version 0.3.11","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-10-14","Enhance testing for fractional days and weeks. Update ch...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-09-15","TimeWithZone #wday, #yday and #to_date avoid trip throug...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-09-15","Add thorough tests for Time-object #past?, #future? and ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-09-14","Multiparameter attributes skip time zone conversion for ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-09-14","Multiparameter attributes skip time zone conversion for ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-07-15","TimeWithZone: when crossing DST boundary, treat Duration...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-07-15","Fix TimeWithZone unmarshaling: coerce unmarshaled Time i...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-07-15","Fix TimeWithZone unmarshaling: coerce unmarshaled Time i...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-06-29","TimeWithZone#advance: treat :weeks option as variable-le...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-06-29","TimeWithZone: when crossing DST boundary, treat Duration...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-06-29","Fix indentation and update changelogs for previous commit","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-25","TimeZone#to_s shows offset as GMT instead of UTC, becaus...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-18","Adding documentation for time zone features","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-18","Hash.from_xml: datetime xml types overflow to Ruby DateT...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-18","TimeWithZone #+ and #- : ensure overflow to DateTime wit...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-18","InstanceTag#default_time_from_options overflows to DateTime","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-18","Time#to_json: don't convert to utc before encoding. Refe...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-18","time_zone_select docs: explain priority zones option. Ad...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-09","ActionView::InstanceTag#default_time_from_options with h...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-09","Adding Date.current, which returns Time.zone.today if co...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-09","Base#instantiate_time_object: eliminate check for Time.z...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-09","TimeWithZone: date part getter methods (#year #mon #day ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-09","Updating changelogs","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-09","Time.zone.parse: return nil for strings with no date inf...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-09","Time.zone.parse: compatibility with far future date with...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-05-09","ActiveRecord time zone aware attributes: blank string is...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-21","select_datetime and select_time default to Time.zone.now...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-21","datetime_select defaults to Time.zone.now when config.ti...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-21","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-21","Duration #since and #ago with no argument (e.g., 5.days....","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-12","Add #getutc alias for DateTime#utc","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-12","Refactor TimeWithZone: don't send #since, #ago, #+, #-, ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-12","TimeWithZone respects config.active_support.use_standard...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-12","rake time:zones:local finds correct base utc offset for ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-04","Time #yesterday and #tomorrow behave correctly crossing ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-02","TimeWithZone: Adding tests for dst and leap day edge cas...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-04-02","TimeWithZone#method_missing: send to utc to advance with...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-30","TZInfo: Removing unneeded TimezoneProxy class","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-30","TZInfo: Removing unneeded TimezoneIndexDefinition, since...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-30","Removing unnecessary uses_tzinfo helper from tests, give...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-30","Bundling abbreviated version of TZInfo gem 0.3.8: only t...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-28","config.time_zone and TimeWithZone#marshal_load accept tz...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-28","Time.zone= accepts TZInfo::Timezone instances and Olson ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-28","TimeWithZone time conversions don't need to be wrapped i...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-28","TimeWithZone#usec returns 0 instead of error when DateTi...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-28","Rails::Initializer#initialize_time_zone raises an error ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-26","New applications should use UTC as the default time zone","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-22","Ensure correct TimeWithZone#to_date","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-22","Correct grammar in config.time_zone description in envir...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-22","Added config.time_zone = 'UTC' as a commented-out option...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-22","Adding rake tasks time:zones:all, time:zones:us and time...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-21","Make TimeWithZone work with tzinfo 0.2.x: use TZInfo::Ti...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-17","Time, DateTime and TimeWithZone #in_time_zone defaults t...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-17","TZInfo caches Timezone instances in its own internal has...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-17","Adding TimeZone#parse","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-17","Adding TimeZone#at and DateTime#to_f","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-17","TimeWithZone responds to Ruby 1.9 weekday-named query me...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-17","TimeWithZone caches TZInfo::TimezonePeriod used for time...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-11","Fix Numeric time tests broken by DST change by anchoring...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-11","Removing unneeded #change_time_zone method from Time, Da...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-11","TimeZone #local and #now correctly enforce DST rules","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-11","TimeWithZone instances correctly enforce DST rules. Addi...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-10","test_native_types expects DateTime.local_offset instead ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-10","test_time_with_datetime_fallback expects DateTime.local_...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-03-03","Adding TimeWithZone #marshal_dump and #marshal_load","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-17","Adding TimeWithZone#between?","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-16","Time.=== returns true for TimeWithZone instances","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-16","TimeWithZone #+ and #- behave consistently with numeric ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-16","Tests for distance_of_time_in_words with TimeWithZone in...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-16","ActiveRecord::Base#instantiate_time_object only uses Tim...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-16","Refactor ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.new_ti...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","Multiparameter attributes for time columns fail over to ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","Adding TimeWithZone #to_yaml, #to_datetime, #eql? and me...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","TimeWithZone #in_time_zone returns +self+ if zone argume...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","Adding TimeWithZone #to_a, #to_f, #to_i, #httpdate, #rfc...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","Pruning unneeded TimeWithZone#change_time_zone_to_current","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","Time#zone=, #in_time_zone and #change_time_zone accept a...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","Time#in_time_zone handles Time.local instances correctly","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","Pruning unneeded Time#change_time_zone_to_current. Enhan...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","TimeZone#new renamed #local, so that new TimeWithZone in...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Add documentation for polymorphic URL helper...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-02-06","Add Time Zone support to ActiveRecord, and config.time_z...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-27","Add documentation for polymorphic URL helpers, make API...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-26"," TimeWithZone#- added, so that #- can handle a Time or T...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-26","with_timezone test helper renamed with_env_tz, to distin...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-25","Time#- coerces TimeWithZone argument to a Time instance ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-25","Adding UTC zone to TimeZone; TimeWithZone no longer has ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-25","Time.get_zone refactored to private method, given that t...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-25","Time.zone uses thread-local variable for thread safety. ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-25","TimeZone#to_s uses UTC rather than GMT; reapplying chang...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-25","Time.days_in_month defaults to current year if no year i...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-23","Adding Time and DateTime #compare_with_coercion, which l...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-23","TimeZone#now returns an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-23","Time #in_current_time_zone and #change_time_zone_to_curr...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-23","Remove unneeded #to_datetime_default_s alias for DateTim...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-23","Refactor Time and DateTime #to_formatted_s: use ternary ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-23","Adding Time and DateTime #formatted_offset, for outputti...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-23","Adding alternate_utc_string option to TimeZone#formatted...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-23","Introduce ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, for wrapping Time...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-21","Replace non-dst-aware TimeZone class with dst-aware clas...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-16","Introducing DateTime #utc, #utc? and #utc_offset, for du...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-12","Time#to_json uses Numeric#to_utc_offset_s to output cros...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2008-01-12","Refactor number-to-HH:MM-string conversion logic from Ti...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-12-07","Anchor DateTimeTest to fixed DateTime instead of a varia...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-11-24","Honor Ruby's default calendar reform setting when creati...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-11-24"," Change Time and DateTime #end_of_month to return last s...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-11-05","Use the safe conversion code introduced in earlier commi...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-11-05","Cater for DST changes when converting Times to DateTimes...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-19","Remove more potential clashes with asset methods and res...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-19","Rename image_path path_to_image to avoid conflicting wit...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-13","Time, Date and DateTime #advance accept :weeks option. C...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-13","Fix Time#years_ago and #years_since from leap days. Clos...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-13","Time and DateTime#advance accept :hours, :minutes, and :...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-13","Fix Date#years_ago and #years_since from leap days. Clos...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-13","Refactor Time and Date#months_since and #months_ago to u...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-05","Disambiguate Time, Date, and DateTime#to_json formatting...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-04","Hash#to_json takes :only or :except options to specific ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-10-01","Fixed Date#xmlschema for dates outside the range of what...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-08-03","Fix Time#advance bug when trying to advance a year from ...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-06-04","Add Date#since, ago, beginning_of_day, and end_of_day. D...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-06-04","String#to_time overflows to DateTime. Add String#to_date...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-06-04","Date.yesterday and .tomorrow. Closes #8571.","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-06-04","Readable Date and DateTime#inspect. Closes #8570.","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-06-01","Move common DateTime calculations to Date. Closes #8536.","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-05-30","Fix imprecise duration addition test. Closes #8516 [Geof...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-05-30","DateTime#to_time converts to Time unless out of range. D...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-05-30","Time durations use since instead of + for accuracy. Clos...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-05-27","Fix chained duration operation tests. Closes #8489 [Geof...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-03-09","DateTimes assume the default timezone. Closes #7764.","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-03-05","Time#since overflows to DateTime. Introduce Time#to_date...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-03-04","Out-of-range Time calculations transparently overflow to...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-03-04","Test DateTime native type in migrations. References #7649.","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-03-04","DateTime calculations analogous to the Date and Time ext...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2007-02-27","Give DateTime correct .to_s implementations, lets it pla...","Geoff Buesing",36 "2012-07-08","Document building complex forms using accepts_nested_att...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2011-05-23","Take into account time spent in AR even if a redirect oc...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2011-05-22","Take into account time spent in AR even if a redirect oc...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2011-02-18","Change validates inclusion to use cover? for Ranges in r...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2011-02-18","Change validates inclusion to use cover? for Ranges in r...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-12-28","honour :inverse_of for joins based include","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-12-28","honour inverse_of when preloading associations","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-05-10","honour :inverse_of for joins based include","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-05-10","honour inverse_of when preloading associations","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-04-01","Don't use the transaction instance method so that people...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-26","more corrections","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-26","corrections from Xavier","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-26","remove stray backslashes","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","More minor corrections","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","no to excessive capitalisation","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","Rails.root instead of RAILS_ROOT","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","AJAX => Ajax","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","Some minor typos and corrections","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","etc... => etc.","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","point people in the direction of attr_accessible etc...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","some missing fixed width words","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","don't use short form of form_for before it's been introd...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","tweak section name","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","add warning about options_from_collection_for_select","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","find :all -> .all","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","clarify wording around second arg to options_for_select","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-25","lisabon -> lisbon","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-24","when mentionning csrf link to the security guide","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-24","tidy up dealing with model objects helpers section","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-24","could -> can when appropriate","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-24","tidyup section on select boxes","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-24","Tidy up section on dates and times (and add brief blurb ...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-24","fix some typos in parameter names section","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-24","attributions belong at the bottom","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-23","update with some of fxn's corrections","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-19","Fix asciidoc formating","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-19","link to the validations guide","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-19","rename some sections","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-19","rename section","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-19","Rearrange sections on basic form helpers/form_for","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-19","tidy up some wording","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-19","move section on uploads up","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-16","Fix date_select within fields_for with an index [#1666 s...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-04","fix typos etc. picked up by Xavier","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Mention another complex forms plugin","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Add stub section on complex forms until a definitive sol...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","merge work on form helpers guide","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","claridy handling missing files","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Bevy of typo corrections","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","first stab at the section on file uploads","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Delete todo section","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","info on namespaces","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Rearrange the date and form builder sections","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Flesh out the section on parameter names","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","move the fields_for/form builder section higher up","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","waffle about parameter names and fields_for","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Clarify fields_for and form builders","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","explain fields_for","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Fix to_sentence being used with options removed by 273c77","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Fix :include of has_one with :primary_key option","Frederick Cheung",35 "2009-01-01","Fix :include of has_many associations with :primary_key ...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","First draft of section on parameter names","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","Added section on date/time helpers","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","country_select url","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","typos","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","minor clarifications","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","Warning about using select on associations","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","Fix one last remaining 'we'","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","ActiveRecord -> Active Record","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","put credits at end, consistent with other guides","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","exorcise we/us/ours","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","clarify option value","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","fix mistakes from merge","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","Tidy up discussion of second hash passed to form_tag/htm...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","Waffle about the difference between text_field and f.tex...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","Add warning","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","Stylistic tweak","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","describe foo_tag versus foo","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","Describe options_from_collection_for_select","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-31","fix typo","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-27","Fix to_sentence being used with options removed by 273c77","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-26","Fix :include of has_one with :primary_key option","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-26","Fix :include of has_many associations with :primary_key ...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-26","Preload uses exclusive scope [#643 state:resolved]","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-26","Fix assert_select_rjs not checking id for inserts [#540 ...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-26","Fix randomly failing cookie store tests","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-21","Fix configure_dependency_for_has_many not quoting condit...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-21","Use explicit order to stop test failing randomly","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-21","Fix failing cookie store test","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-21","Remove observe_field :on option as prototype no longer s...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-21","Fix Mime::Type#=~ not using Regexp.quote","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-18","Don't include table_name twice","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-18","Ensure :include checks joins when determining if it can ...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-18","Fix preloading of belongs_to with null foreign key gener...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-18","Make exceptions raise from find_by_foo! have a more help...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-15","Make constantize look into ancestors","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-15","Make constantize look into ancestors","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-15","Fixed session related memory leak [#1558 state:resolved]","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-15","Fixed session related memory leak [#1558 state:resolved]","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-15","Properly parenthasize calls to defined?(Rails) in 75fa82...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-15","Fix formatting typo","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-15","Make delete_if/reject faster and fix other mutators","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-14","Fix typo","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-12","Make delete_if/reject faster and fix other mutators","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-11","Fixed session related memory leak [#1558 state:resolved]","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-10","Don't use the transaction instance method so that people...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-10","Squash memory leak when calling flush with an empty buffer","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-10","Squash memory leak when calling flush with an empty buffer","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-10","Rework ActiveSupport::OrderedHash to make lookups faster","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-12-10","Fix example using wrong method name","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-11-11","Remove redundant uniq","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-15","stop AR's debug.log filling with warnings about not bein...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-15","Deal with MySQL's quirky handling of defaults and blob/t...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-14","Add link to ticket","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-14","Start authors section and link to it from migrations guide","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-14","Use a better example","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-13","Final batch of corrections","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-12","mention that innoDB is the default","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-12","Revert "mention that InnoDB is actually the default"","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-12","mention that InnoDB is actually the default","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-11","Add an example","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-11","Fix typo","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-11","Mention schema.rb as a place for seing model attributes","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-11","Fixed many typos","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-09","Add some cross links","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-09","add foreign keys section","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-09","typo","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-09","make more explicit benefits of migrations and ruby vs mysql","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-08","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-08","expand the schema section","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-07","Style regular font for constants","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-07","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-07","ActiveRecord -> Active Record","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-07","Add to the preamble","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-07","Stylistic cleanups","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-07","Fixed typo","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-07","Merge branch 'mig_guide'","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-09-07","Initial draft","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-08-26","Implement old-skool eagerloading for has_one :through","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-08-26","Implement old-skool eagerloading for has_one :through","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-08-26","Fix preloading of has_one through associations","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-08-26","Fix preloading of has_one through associations","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-08-21","Mark Class as not being duplicable. [#829 state:resolved]","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-06-05","Make partial counter start from 0.","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-06-05","Make partial counter start from 0 (as in 2.0.x)","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-22","Fix failing tests on mysql 4.1 & ruby 1.8.4. [#237 state...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-21","Fix mysql 4.1 incompatibility in the active record schem...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-19","Ensure observe_field encodes value parameter. [#216 stat...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-18","Update documentation on :include.","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-11","Remove AR::Base#attributes argument. [#52 state:resolved]","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-11","Deprecate AR::Base#attributes argument","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-11","When preloading group by reflection rather than by class...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-11","Ensure hm:t preloading honours reflection options. [#137...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-05-06","Ensure correct record is returned when preloading has_on...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-04-30","Ensure postgresql tests work when starting from scratch.","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-04-26","Ensure table names are quoted by the association preload...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-04-23","Provide data for the key column otherwise adding a uniqu...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-04-22","Use schema.rb for all databases","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-04-20","Avoid adding two DISTINCT statements to queries in sqlit...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-04-20","Fix sqlite adapter to work with the quoted table names r...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-01-31","Fixed preloading belongs_to associations which reference...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-01-19","Introduce preload query strategy for eager :includes. Cl...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-01-12","Add some tests for adv_attr_accessor. Closes #10633 [fch...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Frederick Cheung",35 "2008-01-02","Optimize ActiveRecord::Base#exists? to use #select_all i...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-29","Ruby 1.9 compat: introduce ActiveSupport::FrozenObjectEr...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-29","Ruby 1.9 compat: workaround module_eval bug. Closes #106...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-28","Introduce ActiveSupport::BasicObject which bridges Build...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-28","Ruby 1.9 compat: introduce instance_variable_names. Clos...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: calculations don't assume array impleme...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: javascript proxy. References #1689 [Fre...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: file uploads. References #1689 [Frederi...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-22","Ruby 1.9 compat: dependencies uses Module#local_constant...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-10","post.comments.reload returns the association rather than...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-12-08","Fix DoubleRenderError message and leave out mention of r...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-11-29","Make reset return nil when using a dangling belongs_to a...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-10-07","error_messages_for and friends also work with local vari...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-09-28","Added fixture caching thatll speed up a normal fixture-p...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-09-22","Fix broken mysql test [frederick.cheung@gmail.com]","Frederick Cheung",35 "2007-09-21","Added the :all option to config.plugins thatll include t...","Frederick Cheung",35 "2013-08-27","Fix misspelling on README.md","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-05-03","Add some documentation for AM.mailer_name","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-04-05","Update Rake tasks to call `rails test` instead","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-18","Add in missing requires","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-11","Make sure that the test case is run under test env","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-11","Fix test failure introduced in 3ed41e57","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-09","Make sure that `rails test` load test in test env","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-09","Update Rake tasks to call `rails test` instead","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-09","Load fixtures only when running suites, or `-f`","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-09","Add support for MiniTest flags in TestRunner","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-09","Update testing documentation","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-03-09","Add `rails test` command to run the test suite","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-24","Rails 3.2.x is now compatible with Ruby 2.0.0","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-24","Do not redirect cache logger to /dev/null in test","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-24","Check for `method_missing` in public and protected","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-24","Define #inspect instead of #to_s","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-24","Fix failing test case when no database.yml","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-24","Add in missing requires","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-24","Remove `--builder` option from `rails` command","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-20","Remove XML Parser from ActionDispatch","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-02-14","Add Ruby 2.0 RC to Travis CI build matrix","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-01-09","Remove test for XML YAML parsing","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-01-09","Remove test for XML YAML parsing","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-01-09","Remove test for XML YAML parsing","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-01-08","Add CHANGELOG entry for YAML parsing removal","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-10-03","Make `.validators_on` accept `:kind` option","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-10-03","Make Rails.public_path return a Pathname","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Fix footnote format","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Fix broken and duplicate headings","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Change #id generation rule","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","No more Textile guide generation support","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Convert legacy release notes to Markdown","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Move all the legacy guides to Markdown","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Update Guides Guideline for Markdown","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Fix the usage of `*` in Markdown","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Fix remaining formatting problems in the guide","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Retain heading styles in the page chapters list","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Make sure that styles in NOTE block got converted","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Convert image tags to Markdown syntax","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Convert all tables to Markdown syntax","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Convert all the links into Markdown format","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Convert all inline codes to Markdown syntax","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Enable table","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","change shell to bash","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Convert inline code tags to Markdown","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Convert heading tags and heading section","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Convert code blocks into GFM style","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Update Markdown renderer to be more flexible","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Rename the rest of the guides to Markdown","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Skip kindle's readme file on generation","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Reuse parent's id if it's already exists","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","4.0 release note now renders correctly with index","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Start rewriting 4.0 release note into Markdown","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-17","Rename 4.0 release note into Markdown","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-09-06","Update Active Record CHANGELOG for #7419","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-24","Raise more helpful error message on missing gem","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-24","Remove meta Sesion Migration generator","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-24","Update guide/release note about AR::SessionStore","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-24","Extract ActiveRecord::SessionStore from Rails","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-06","Rearrange example output of javascript_include_tag","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-06","Do not include application.js if it doesn't exists","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-06","Rearrange example output of javascript_include_tag","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-06","Do not include application.js if it doesn't exists","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-08-02","Audit the usage of the word "JavaScript"","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-07-09","Update coding convention from master","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-04-28","Create plpgsql language if not available","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-04-28","Add parentheses to hide Ruby warning","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-04-27","Log the exception from the ThreadConsumer","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-04-23","Fix broken test from the earlier merge conflict","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-04-12","Fix code example in generator test case","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-04-09","Fix code example in generator test case","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-03-13","Remove Active Resource source files from the repository","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-03-06","Always passing a respond block from to responder","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-03-06","Always passing a respond block from to responder","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-02-04","Add *_url helpers to get the full assets URL","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-02-03","Fix override API response bug in respond_with","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-02-03","Fix override API response bug in respond_with","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-02-01","Fix plugin_new test failure from c8c84397","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-02-01","Fix broken test introduced from #4814","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2012-01-30","Fix failing test from [7619bcf2]","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-12-07","Allow layout fallback when using `layout` method","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-12-07","Fix bug in assert_template when using only `:layout` option","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-11-18","Update variable's name in the test case to reflect the c...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-11-18","Update variable's name in the test case to reflect the c...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-11-11","For what it's worth; Update `memcache-client` gem name","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-10-22","Add some note on adding index to HABTM table","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-10-22","Use new migration style in HABTM join table","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-10-20","Add some note on adding index to HABTM table","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-10-20","Use new migration style in HABTM join table","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-10-05","Update Rails routing guide to mention that `redirect()` ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-09-05","Make `ActiveSupport::OrderedHash` extractable when using...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-09-05","Make sure that result from content_tag_for with collecti...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-09-04","Make `content_tag_for` and `div_for` accepts the array o...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-09-03","Make `ActiveSupport::OrderedHash` extractable when using...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-18","Refactor test case to use anonymous class - Thank you @t...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-18","Refactor test case to use anonymous class - Thank you @t...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-17","Show a deprecation warning if user passing less number o...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-17","Refactor the code a bit to reduce the duplication","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-17","Raise an ArgumentError if user passing less number of ar...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-17","Fix a wrong assertion on url_helper_test, and refactor `...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-17","Fix a wrong assertion on url_helper_test, and refactor `...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-17","Fix a wrong assertion on url_helper_test, and refactor `...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-11","Mention about acronym inflection in config/initializers/...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-07-03","Fix failing test on uninitialized `Rails.config.assets.p...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-10","Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutation on Saf...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-10","Update CHANGELOG to mention the json_escape change, and ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-10","Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutation on Saf...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-10","Update CHANGELOG to mention the json_escape change","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-10","Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutation on Saf...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-10","Update CHANGELOG to mention the json_escape change","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-10","Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutation on Saf...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-10","Update CHANGELOG to mention the json_escape change","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-09","Make sure `escape_javascript` return `SafeBuffer` if the...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-09","Make sure `escape_javascript` return `SafeBuffer` if the...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-09","Make sure `escape_javascript` return `SafeBuffer` if the...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-09","Make sure `escape_javascript` return `SafeBuffer` if the...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Add proper fix to `mail_to` helper.","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Revert "Fixed mailto for SafeBuffer#gsub"","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Update CHANGELOG to mention the new SafeBuffer change","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Update CHANGELOG to mention the new SafeBuffer change","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Update CHANGELOG to mention the new SafeBuffer change","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Fix failing test on uninitialized `Rails.config.assets.p...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Add proper fix to `mail_to` helper.","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Adapt [823aa223efbac6ad4d31ea33402892267bb77cb4] to make...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Add proper fix to `mail_to` helper.","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Adapt [059692a74692917cf1d6bbe4fafe19211f363fe2] to make...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Adapt [823aa223efbac6ad4d31ea33402892267bb77cb4] to make...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-08","Fix `simple_format` helper to work correctly with the ne...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-06","Revise documentation indentation from [79990505e5080804b...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-03","Revise documentation indentation from [79990505e5080804b...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-02","Revert "Fix broken test. You know, the merge button will...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-06-01","Isolated PostgreSQL test into PostgreSQL folder","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-22","Make sure that we're able to run Action Pack test standa...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-18","Update Rack::Mount to 0.8.1","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-15","Make ParamsWrapper calling newly introduced `Model.attri...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-15","Add ActiveRecord::attribute_names to retrieve a list of ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-15","Do not try to call `column_names` on the abstract class.","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-13","Update Mailer generator to use 1.9 styled hash when run ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-13","Link the API documentation to non-edge instead","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-13","Adding guide for wrapping JSON/XML parameters, which als...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-03","Fix broken params_wrapper_test on 1.8.7 :bomb:","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-03","Update Action Pack to depend on Rack 1.3.0","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-02","Add `ActionController::ParamsWrapper` to wrap parameters...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-05-02","Update CHANGELOG file to mention my name","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-26","Change from `self.(up|down)` to `(up|down)` method","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-26","Update guide to use `change` method in various places af...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-26","Change examples in guide to reflect changes from XML -> ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-25","No need to check for both full and mountable.","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-25","Add `app/assets/images` directory to plugin new generator","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-14","Update scaffold controller to generate scss file if Sass...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-13","Fix missing requires in Action Mailer","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-13","Remove `#among?` from Active Support","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-11","Fix failing test case on master","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-10","Using Object#in? and Object#either? in various places","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-10","Add support for Object#in? and Object#either? in Active ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-10","Add :use_include option to allow user to explicitly use ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-10","Add support for proc or lambda as an option for Inclusio...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-10","Add --old-style-hash option to force creating old style ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-10","Rails will now generate Ruby 1.9 style hash when running...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-10","Rails will now generate Ruby 1.9 style hash when running...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-04-10","Make scaffold_controller generator generate code for JSO...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-29","Move mapper_test to the appropriate location","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-29","Update the wildcard route to be non-greedy by default, t...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-28","Do not show optional (.:format) block for wildcard route...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-27","Fix documentation typo","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-27","Add controller-specific `force_ssl` method to force web ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-27","Add `config.force_ssl` configuration which will load `Ra...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-22","Do not show optional (.:format) block for wildcard route...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-10","Filter sensitive query string parameters in the log [#62...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-03-10","Filter sensitive query string parameters in the log [#62...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-02-25","Always use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions middleware [#6...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-02-25","Make sure that we set `env["action_dispatch.show_excepti...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-02-25","Always use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions middleware [#6...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-02-25","Make sure that we set `env["action_dispatch.show_excepti...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-02-22","We're in 2011, let's update our license","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-01-04","Add test cases for model and migration generators which ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-01-04","Use Rails 3.1 `change` method in 'add_' migration generator","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-01-04","Use Rails 3.1 `change` method in model generator","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-01-01","Update CHANGELOGs to include 3.0.3 changes","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-01-01","Make sure that generator's default banner is showing its...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2011-01-01","Make sure that generator's default banner is showing its...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-11-21","Mention the case that `render` will return nil if given ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-11-20","Mention the case that `render` will return nil if given ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-09-19","Use `Time.current` to maintain consistency with AS::Dura...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-09-19","Use `Time.current` to maintain consistency with AS::Dura...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-09-18","[CI] Remove RailTies temporary directory on every run","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-09-13","Add documentation for `:spacer_template` in Rails 3","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-09-13","Add documentation for `:spacer_template` in Rails 3","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-08-14","Removing most of the symbol to proc usage in Active Record","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-08-13","Removing most of the symbol to proc usage in Active Record","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-08-13","Removing most of the symbol to proc usage in Active Record","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-29","Fix [54a5088cd56d28303c1af204b9f632083ff6a3f5] where the...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-25","Make sure that Rails doesn't resent session_id cookie ov...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-25","Make sure that Rails doesn't resent session_id cookie ov...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-24","Remove the --singeleton option from scaffold generator.","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-24","Remove obsolete test case, since we have move Rails::Log...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-22","Missing require for the class/attribute.rb [4812 state:r...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-20","Change all i18n interpolations from {{...}} to %{...}","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-20","Update bundled i18n gem to 0.4.1 to make sure every proj...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-08","Make sure that rails recognized the full notation of IPv...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-06-08","Make sure that rails recognized the full notation of IPv...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-21","Add validators reflection so you can do 'Person.validato...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-16","Rename Rails::Subscriber to Rails::LogSubscriber","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-10","Add default values to output of 'rails server -h', hardc...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-10","Add missing -h/--help flag to several rails command [#39...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-06","Fix tiny version number from '3.0.0beta' to '3.0.0.beta1...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-02","Modify the behavior of `radio_button_tag` to use `saniti...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-02","Add test case for unable to run migration if ActiveRecor...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-02","Hide '/rails/info/properties' from 'rake routes' [#3793 ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-01","Fix some typo that I forgot to remote 'map.'","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-02-01","Modify the documentation for routing to add the new DSL ...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-22","Add test case for load initializers before routing behav...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-21","Add test case for load initializers before routing behav...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-21","Add deprecation warning for calling filter_parameter_log...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-21","Move filter_parameter_logging logic out of the controlle...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-21","Update vendored i18n gem to 0.3.3 [#3492 status:resolved]","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-19","Fix bug that causes to_utf_offset_s to returns wrong off...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-19","Fix bug that causes TimeZone.seconds_to_utc_offset to re...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-18","Make local_request? to returns true when facing ::1 IPv6...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2010-01-17","Make local_request? to returns true when facing ::1 IPv6...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2009-08-10","Fix that irregular plural inflections should not be doub...","Prem Sichanugrist",34 "2013-09-14","Merge pull request #12231 from harshadsabne/master","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-09-13","Merge pull request #12225 from adomokos/no_need_for_acti...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12184 from waynn/patch-4","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-09-10","Add meta tag with charset information to application lay...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-09-10","Merge pull request #9368 from CrowdFlower/3-2-stable","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-09-09","Merge pull request #12167 from hannesfostie/grammar-impr...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-09-09","Merge pull request #12164 from rywall/patch-1","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-09-04","Merge pull request #12094 from brocktimus/master","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-09-04","Merge pull request #12077 from estsauver/doc_fix","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #12015 from vipulnsward/add_dynamic_f...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-26","Add note about features vs. bugs.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-26","Flesh out feedback portion of contributing guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-26","Soften wording about knowing other devs.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-26","Add note about features vs. bugs.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-26","Flesh out feedback portion of contributing guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-26","Soften wording about knowing other devs.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #12015 from vipulnsward/add_dynamic_f...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-13","Merge pull request #11807 from jetthoughts/11804_actions...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-13","Merge pull request #11847 from AJ-Acevedo/master","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-12","Merge pull request #11856 from dchelimsky/refactor-durat...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-12","Merge pull request #11823 from fomede/add-jquery-ujs-ref...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-12","Merge pull request #11852 from prijutme4ty/guide_addition","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-12","Merge pull request #11838 from vipulnsward/drop_extra_var","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-08-07","Merge pull request #11789 from gaurish/multibyte_methods","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-07-25","rake -> bin/rake","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-07-25","Merge pull request #11582 from steveklabnik/add_bin","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-07-24","rake -> bin/rake","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-07-10","Merge pull request #11394 from robin850/patch-8","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-07-05","Merge pull request #11131 from ykzts/fix/actiondispatch-...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11187 from jetthoughts/form_for_expl...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11175 from robin850/patch-4","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11152 from senny/remove_implicit_joi...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11175 from robin850/patch-4","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11137 from WvanLelyveld/master","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-25","Change reference to all to scoped instead.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11088 from nolman/nolman/scaffold-fix","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-18","Merge pull request #10998 from Empact/tidy-changelog","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-10","Merge pull request #10795 from atambo/master","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-08","’ -> ' [ci skip]","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-06-08","Merge pull request #10872 from AJAlabs/master","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-31","Add propery docs to ActionDispatch::Response [ci skip]","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-30","Merge pull request #10805 from pilaf/master","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-30","Merge pull request #10694 from steveklabnik/hsp_regression","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-24","Add note about decorator loading in Engines guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10697 from zhubert/patch-1","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10691 from vipulnsward/typo_fix_ar_1","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-18","Merge pull request #10597 from steveklabnik/patch_docume...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-13","Adding notes on PATCH to the upgrade guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10480 from juno/fix-typo","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-21","Merge pull request #10280 from vipulnsward/fix_typos_temp","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10158 from steveklabnik/issue_10125","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #10103 from senny/get_action_mailer_g...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-04","Merge pull request #10090 from vipulnsward/fix_private_warn","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-04","Merge pull request #10082 from vipulnsward/fix_railties_...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10080 from vipulnsward/railties_warn...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10064 from thenickcox/fix_grammatica...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-03","true/false => truthy falsy","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-03","Getting rid of a few other vestiges of rails.png.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-03","CHANGELOG entry for rails.png removal.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-03","We don't need to remove index.html any more.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-03",".gitkeep -> .keep","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10059 from trevorturk/perm-cookie-ja...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-02","adding .gigkeep to default app/assets/images","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-02","Remove rails.png.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10053 from wangjohn/change_docs_for_...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-31","Merge pull request #10017 from vipulnsward/railties_clea...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-31","Merge pull request #10015 from vipulnsward/remove_unused...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-31","Merge pull request #10014 from vipulnsward/remove_unused...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-31","Merge pull request #10012 from vipulnsward/fix_AP_error_...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-29","Add attr_accessible to the Getting Started Guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-29","Merge pull request #9998 from neerajdotname/association-doc","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9974 from prathamesh-sonpatki/change...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9925 from senny/relative_guide_links","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9920 from senny/clean_up_testing_exa...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9918 from prathamesh-sonpatki/railti...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-19","Undo bad change in cf0931166be13dbbe660","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9792 from vipulnsward/drop_unused_hash","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9022 from braddunbar/digest-basic-auth","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9778 from vipulnsward/fix_typos_in_a...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9202 from gkop/more_helpful_message_...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-16","Getting Started Guide: typo fix. [ci skip]","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-16","Revert "Merge pull request #8156 from fredwu/acronym_fix...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-16","Update image in Getting Started Guide [ci skip]","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-15","Revert "make new rails apps log to STDOUT"","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #5606 from teohm/multipart_unicode_pa...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9691 from hone/stdout_logging","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-15","Getting Started Guide: 3.2.9 -> 4.0.0. [ci skip]","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-14","Merge pull request #7368 from jbarreneche/bug/render-loc...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-14","Merge pull request #9711 from vipulnsward/moar_cleanups","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-13","Add extra clarifying line in docs. [ci skip]","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-13","Fix docs: response -> request.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-13","Merge pull request #9698 from garethrees/request_documen...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-11","Mention that debugging can be slow.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9629 from wangjohn/numbering_of_appl...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-05","Update CHANGELOGs for 3.2.13.rc1","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-03-04","Merge pull request #9537 from NARKOZ/patch-6","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","Preparing for 3.2.13.rc1 release","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","Update CHANGELOGs for 3.2.13 release.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","Revert "Merge pull request #9207 from dylanahsmith/mysql...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","Revert "Merge pull request #9210 from dylanahsmith/3-0-m...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","Revert "Merge pull request #9208 from dylanahsmith/3-2-m...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","Tighten up AS.gemspec.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","CHANGELOG entry for ee291b9.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","Revert "Merge pull request #9208 from dylanahsmith/3-2-m...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-27","Merge pull request #9452 from frodsan/remove_private_att...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-26","Move AS CHANGELOG entry up.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9329 from chuckbjones/fix-cache-dele...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #8815 from bogdan/simplified-to-json-...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9356 from senny/988_multiple_actions...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-22","Merge pull request #9347 from hoffm/number_to_human_bug","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-22","Fix backwards compatibility with Rails 3 apps.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-21","Merge pull request #9354 from NARKOZ/remove-warnings","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-19","Merge pull request #9324 from acapilleri/add_on_empty","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-19","Merge pull request #9315 from Takehiro-Adachi/remove-une...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-19","Duck typing is hard. Add header to HtmlTableFormatter.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-19","Use strip_heredoc in the tests as well.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-19","use strip_heredoc to keep indentation consistent.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-19","Add message when you have no routes defined.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-18","Add headings to rake routes table","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-13","Merge pull request #9115 from bensie/issue_5802","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-11","Merge pull request #9250 from senny/8583_fix_engines_doc...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-11","Merge pull request #9245 from vasconcelloslf/fix_guide_typo","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-01","Fix markdown syntax in actionpack CHANGELOG.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-01","Fix markdown syntax in actionpack CHANGELOG.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-02-01","Added extra note about when to email other rubies to REL...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-22","Merge pull request #9030 from johndouthat/2-3-stable","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-22","Merge pull request #9027 from carlosantoniodasilva/rever...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-22","Re-do Getting Started application with Rails 4.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-22","fixing link to validations guide in getting started guide","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-22","Getting Started Guide: strong_parameters","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-22","Fix images in getting started guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-14","Merge pull request #8938 from colinbm/date_select_value","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-13","Merge pull request #8925 from colinbm/date_select_value","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-13","Remove WIP from Working With JavaScript Guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-13","Associaton -> Association","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8810 from NARKOZ/image-submit-tag","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-07","Merge pull request #8799 from goshakkk/ivar-readers","Steve Klabnik",33 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8771 from lucasmazza/unobtrusive-jav...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-28","Merge pull request #8641 from arunagw/warning_removed_un...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-26","Note about migration timestamps.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-21","Merge pull request #8471 from kytrinyx/refactor-xml-to-hash","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-21","Refactor Hash.from_xml.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-21","Merge pull request #7312 from krainboltgreene/http-token...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-18","Merge pull request #8389 from nashby/issue-8388","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-16","Merge pull request #8529 from schneems/schneems/debug-ex...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-16","Restored 'Working with Validation Errors'","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-14","Revert "Fix failing test in railties"","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-14","Revert "Merge pull request #8499 from schneems/schneems/...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-13","Merge pull request #8499 from schneems/schneems/html-rou...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-13","Merge pull request #8496 from ptn/link-AR-basics-guide","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-10","Add multipart: true to form for file upload.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-08","Security Guide: removing Mass Assignment.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-08","Fill out API Documentation Guidelines 'you will learn' l...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-08","Fill out Active Support Core Extensions 'you will learn'...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-08","Remove reference to background queue in mailer guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-08","Remove references to Rails versions.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-06","CHANGELOG for 78d5d6f.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-01","Migration Guide: General fix-up","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-12-01","Here's a few updates to the validations guide. A bunch o...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Split Validations and Callbacks into separate guides.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Normalize on 'After reading this guide, you will know:'","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Asset Pipeline: add 'the'","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Command Line: remove 'A Guide to'","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Migrations: add 'Active Record' to title","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Fix title of 'form helpers' guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Associations: s/A Guide//","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Remove 'This guide is based on ' warnings.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Add periods to the bullet points in guides.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Migrations: Fix opening bullets.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","ActionView -> Action View","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","ActionController -> Action Controller","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","ActiveSupport -> Active Support","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","ActionMailer -> Action Mailer.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","ActionPack -> Action Pack.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","ActiveRecord -> Active Record","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Migrations: move massive paragraph out of intro.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Getting Started: Improve instructions on opening a terminal","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Getting Started: remove reference to attr_accessible","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Getting Started: mac -> Mac OS X","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Getting Started: Rails 3.2 -> Rails 4.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-29","Remove observers and sweepers","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-28","Simplify String#mb_chars and stop proxying #class","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-28","Fix documentation for String#mb_chars.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-28","Ensure that associations have a symbol argument.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-28","Specify type of singular association during serialization","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-27","Adding a note about :inverse_of for validations.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-27","Fix validation based on object not _id.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-26","@steveklabnik can't spell 'distance.'","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-26","@steveklabnik can't spell 'distance.'","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-26","Add changelog for #7997.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-26","Add i18n scope to disance_of_time_in_words.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-21","Coerce strings in create_join_table.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-17","Add Ruby 2.0 to .travis.yml.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-09","Deprecate Hash#diff.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-09","Further explain the CDN and caching situation.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-09","Add note about asset pipeline and CDNs.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-09","Fix default cache store documentation.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-09","Removing duplication in callback normalization.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-09","Add note about squashing in contributor guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-09","Fix message about include_blank option.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-02","Fixed grammar in migration pending error.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-02","Fixed timezone mapping of Solomon Islands.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-11-01","Make sure that RAILS_ENV is set when accessing Rails.env","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-10-19","Add i18n scope to disance_of_time_in_words.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-10-15","Working With JavaScript guide.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-10-08","updating i18n guide with locale config location.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-10-08","Moving locale stuff from app.rb to an initializer.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-10-02","Failsafe exception returns text/plain.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-10-01","fix cache store test","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-30","Fix other assertions that were backwards.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-30","fix order of assertions.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-30","Fix reference to code sample in Getting Started.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-26","Remove readonly notice.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-22","Better docs for overriding inheretance column","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-21","Add extra note about :dependent => :destroy.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-18","Add upgrading note to 3.1 release notes.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-18","Update 3.0 -> 3.1 session information.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-18","Remove 'assigned but unused variable' warning","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-18","Expanded note about poly associations.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-17","Add note about inheretance and poly associations.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-17","Improve CONTRIBUTING.md","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-17","Don't preserve SELECT columns on COUNT","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-15","fix the build","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-15","Improve Process::Status#to_json","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-15","Improve documentation about :dependent and callbacks.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-09-15","Deprecate ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable#silence.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-08-31","Properly reset the session on reset_session","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-08-31","Fix comment about Session.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-08-14","We don't need to require AS::TestCase","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-08-04","Add extra documentation to the locale file.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-08-02","Changelog entry for Digest Auth fix (#2301)","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-07-23","Removed reference to composed_of.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-07-13","Added note about feature requests and rails-core list.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-06-18","Deprecating composed_of in ActiveRecord","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-06-18","Removing composed_of from ActiveRecord.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-06-16","Respect absolute paths in compute_source_path.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-06-14","Deprecate update_attribute.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-06-14","Remove update_attribute.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-05-24","Properly discover a connection is closed in postgresql_a...","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-05-17","Created a Raw handler for templates.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-03-05","Added parsing of arbitrary media type parameters.","Steve Klabnik",33 "2012-08-02","Fix ActiveSupport integration with Mocha > 0.12.1","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2012-08-02","Fix ActiveSupport integration with Mocha > 0.12.1","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2012-02-29","Some cleanup on the upgrading guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2012-02-18","Documenting the :inverse_of option for associations","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2012-02-18","Documenting the :inverse_of option for associations","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2012-01-04","General editing pass over assets pipeline guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2012-01-01","General editing pass over assets pipeline guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2011-09-13","Fix typo","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2011-09-13","Fix typo","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-10-18","Fix bad assumption in BacktraceCleaner test [#3249 state...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-10-18","Fix bad assumption in BacktraceCleaner test [#3249 state...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-09-28","Remove SQLite2 from CI setup","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-09-23","More places to bump rack-test version [#3250 state:resol...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-09-21","Fix variable error in Nokogiri XmlMini code [#3242 state...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-09-21","SQLite 2 test passage is no longer required when patchin...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-09-15","Clean up documentation on validates_length_of and change...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-09-11","Use 'git apply' to apply patches","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-08-20","Fix trivial typo in template runner example [#3082 state...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-08-18","Remove sqlite2 build from CI recipe [#3066 state:resolved]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-08-01","Updates/additions to contributing guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-07-20","Insert missing word in callbacks documentation.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-07-18","Minor cleanup to Getting Started for 2.3.3","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-07-09","Updated migration documentation to reflect default for U...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-06-18","rdoc spelling fix","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-06-05","Some general cleanup to the rdoc for date_select","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-06-05","Correct typo on add_month_numbers option (From: Sam Pohl...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-05-17","Remove obsolete wiki reference [#2291 state:resolved]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-05-15","Fix comment in seeds.rb to make more sense.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-05-04","Minor update to RDoc for enumerable#sum","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-29","Tweak to credits.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-21","Remove excess mocking from polymorphic_url tests [#2330 ...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-19","Added touch to associations guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-19","Remove named scopes from query guide contents, separate ...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-11","Fix typo in release notes","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-08","Fix typos in date helper rdoc (via Mike Breen)","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-08","Fix grammar error in caching docs (via pblka)","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-07","Revert "Changes to indicate release notes refer to most ...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-04-03","Tech edit of caching guide from Gregg Pollack","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-27","Clear up a little confusing wording in Routing Guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-25","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-25","Add note about change to session options","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-14","Minor edits to I18n guide; publish guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-14","A few more changes for caching guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-14","Some editorial cleanup on caching guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-14","Mark callbacks guide done","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-14","Minor cleanup to callbacks/validations guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-14","Fix requirements for additional member/collection routes...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-13","Update 2.3 relnotes through 3/13 AM, remove warning abou...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-12","Handle irregular plurals in polymorphic_urls [#2212 stat...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-10","Update 2.3 release notes with changes through March 6","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-10","Fix typo in Routing Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-08","Support OPTIONS verb in route conditions [#1727 state:re...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-07","Fix bad link on index dropdown","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-06","Failing test for routes with member & requirement [#2054...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-04","Allow routes with a trailing slash to be recognized","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-03","Reconcile index and layout for Guides.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-03","Fix bad crossref in RDoc for ActiveSupport::CoreExtensio...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-02","The missing guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-03-02","Added "Contributing" Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-28","Update 2.3 release notes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-28","Fix that scoped find with :group and :having [#2006 stat...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-28","Fix spelling in test name.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-27","Update release notes for 2.3 RC2","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-25","Added RC2 note to Release Notes for 2.3.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-25","Updating release notes for 2.3.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-23","Add ActiveRecord each and find_with_batches to release n...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-22","Bring 2.3 release notes up to date.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-14","Fix AR callbacks sample code to actually make sense","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-13","Updates to 2.3 release notes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-13","Layout fixes for configuring guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-12","Remove space from the test name [#1953 state:resolved]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-10","Layout cleanup and minor edits for layouts & rendering g...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-10","Warning about config.threadsafe! in the configuration gu...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-09","Add some clarification of the side effects of threadsafe!","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-08","Fix code sample in Association Basics Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-07","Update the contribute page","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-06","Some cleanup to Credits page","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-06","Update 2.3 release notes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-05","Fix broken scaffolding tests [#1889 state:committed]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-05","Update scaffolding [#1840 state:committed]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-05","Format and typo cleanup of 2.3 release notes","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-05","Add example of creating join table to habtm documentation","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-04","Formatting fixes for Getting Started guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Regenerate Guides HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Add missing changelog entry to getting started guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Update associations guide for 2.3","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Add Rails Guides to the default links on generated index...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Add :reconnect option to generated mysql database.yml [#...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Regenerate HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Getting Started edit + 2.3 content","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Additional links on 2.3 release notes","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Rebuild release note HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-02-01","Update 2.3 release notes","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-31","Rebuild guides + relnotes HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-31","Update 2.3 release notes, plus one late change to 2.2 re...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-28","First draft of Rails 2.3 release notes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-16","Make ActioMailer quoting test play nice with Ruby 1.9 [#...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-12","Edits to validation section","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-10","Copy editing on performance test guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-09","Update CI configuration to reflect latest gems.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-07","Update CI configuration to reflect latest gems.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-07","Update CI config to reflect current gem requirements.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-07","Update CI configuration to reflect latest gems.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-03","Complete draft of configuring guide; add configuring gui...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-03","FIx bad date in Guide changelog.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-03","Update table syntax in guides to fix deprecation warning...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-01","Fix named scope tests for sqlite3 [#1667 state:resolved]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-01","Add transaction check to SQLite2 adapter to fix test_sql...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-01","Fix failing gem dependency tests [#1659 state:resolved]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2009-01-01","Fix FCGI dispatching tests","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-30","Fix named scope tests for sqlite3 [#1667 state:resolved]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-30","Add transaction check to SQLite2 adapter to fix test_sql...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-29","Fix failing gem dependency tests [#1659 state:resolved]","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-29","Fix FCGI dispatching tests","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-28","Ensure template runner tests don't depend on hash orderi...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-27","Regenerate Guides HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-27","More formatting cleanup for testing guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-27","Fix typo in layout and rendering guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-27","Merge patch on subtemplates into layouts & rendering guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-27","Add information on new rendering syntax to layouts + ren...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-27","Formatting changes on index and testing guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-27","Add version links to index","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-17","Fix bad link in Getting Started, rebuild HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-10","Fix bad RDoc markup on update_all.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-12-08","Remove bad markup on validation method placeholders","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-30","Regenerate Guides HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-30","Typo fixes to various guides.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-21","Final changes for 2.2 release notes","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-18","Configuration options for Active Model, Active Resource,...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-18","Finishing up RDoc 2.x markup for cattr_accessors","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-18","Regenerate Guide HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-18","FIx minor errors in Getting Started & Associations guides","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-17","Structure change to AR Associations Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-17","Fix bad link in Getting Started guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-17","Added Action View and Action Mailer documentation to the...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-17","Fix markup for cattr_accessors in Action View and Action...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-16","Added documentation of Action Controller configuration o...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-16","Fix markup for cattr_accessors in Action Controller to w...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-15","Added documentation of ActiveRecord configuration option...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-15","Fix markup for cattr_accessors in ActiveRecord to work w...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-15","Additional details on config.gem processing for 2.2 rele...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-15","Typo fix in 2.2 relnotes (core ticket #1378)","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-14","Getting a few recent changes into 2.2 release notes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-12","Fix typo in routing guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-12","Regenerate Guides HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-12","Add :except and :only documentation to the Routing Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-12","Add :except and :only for resource routes to 2.2 release...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-09","Mention DB2 Adapter transactional migration support in 2...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-09","Add collection counters to layouts & rendering guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-09","Fix major gaffe about shallow routes in routing guide & ...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-08","Rewrite start of Finders guide to be more consistent wit...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-08","Format & edit cleanup of named scope guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-08","Amend description of SQLite in Getting Started guide (#33)","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-08","Fix typo in Getting Started guide (#34)","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-08","Fix typos in Debugging Guide (core LH #1388)","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-05","Outline for Configuration Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-05","Add more documentation pointers to Getting Started Guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-05","Copy edit on AC Basics Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-04","Regenerate recently-changed guides.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-04","Typo fix in testing guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-04","Fix a typo in 2.2 release notes (http://rails.lighthouse...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-03","Formatting tweaks on Getting Started, regen Guides HTML","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-03","Finalized debugging guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-01","Marking Getting Started and Security guides as finished.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-01","Error fix and some reformatting for Layouts/Rendering Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-01","Add warning about deprecated partials behavior to Layout...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-11-01","Update 2.2 relnotes & Layouts/Rendering Guide to include...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-31","Update release notes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-29","Clarify use of :select on :belongs_to in AR Associations...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-29","Fix typo in routing guide, regenerate routing + actionco...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-28","Typo fix for AR Associations Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-27","Fix reference to StringQuestioneer (renamed to StringInq...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-27","Fix bug in layout guide, regenerate guides html","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-26","Editing pass on AR Finders guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-25","One more link for Release notes","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-25",""raise NoMethodError" raises NoMethodError. Raise it wit...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-25","Typo fixes in 2.2 release notes","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-25","Fix a few more typos in 2.2 release notes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-24","Tiny cleanup in layouts & rendering guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-24","2.2 Relnotes: more info on association proxies","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-24","Updates to Getting Started: REST references, partials, f...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-24","Added details on how Rails locates layouts to Layouts & ...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-23","Fix grids in AR guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-23","Fix minor formatting issues on AR guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-21","Add license to Guides.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-21","Fix up broken links in Getting Started guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-20","Added note on route generation from arrays.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-20","Edit pass on security guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-20","Typo fixes in Getting Started guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-20","Editing pass on debugging guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-19","Fixes to Getting Started guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-16","More detail on partials.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-16","Additional detail on rendering partials","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-16","A few updates to Getting Started guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-16","Marking layout guide completed","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-16","Minor formatting change in Getting Started guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-16","Revised draft of Getting Started guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-15","Edit/formatting pass for the testing guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-14","First complete draft of "getting started" guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-14","Edits and rewrites (work in progress)","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-14","Fix egregious error in documenting :class_name","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-14","First complete draft of "getting started" guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-13","Edits and rewrites (work in progress)","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-11","Fix egregious error in documenting :class_name","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-10","Typo fix in routing guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-09","Minor change on :name_prefix and :path_prefix documentat...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-07","Additional detail on routes for namespaced controllers.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-07","Added some additional detail on asset caching syntax.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-06","Clarify that the event sequence shown in the comments ap...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-04","Additional detail on specifying verbs for resource membe...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-04","Additional detail on options for rendering partials.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-04","Revise associations guide: no need to set default on cou...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-10-04","Remove erroneous warning about counter_cache column defa...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-30","Fix several typos in route names.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-30","Correct number of routes created by map.resource.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-30","Rework of Guides index page","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-28","Layout & Rendering Guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-28","Back mentions of accessible out of Associations guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-28","Image updates & reorganization. First release version.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-28","Change erroneous "unless" to "if" in documentation.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-28","Finished rendering and redirecting section.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-27","Fix substitution of path_prefix for name_prefix, some re...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-27","Finished section on :render","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-25","Various fixes, section on self-joins, note on using hmt ...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-24","Work in progress.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-23","Slight change to examples.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-23","Added section on controller namespaces.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-22","Added images to associations guide, cleaned up some typo...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-18","Added a small section on defining multiple resources on ...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-18","Eradicate some stray colons.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-18","Added namespaced routes, added more on defaults, cleaned...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-15","Fix typo (see http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-15","Typo fixes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-14","Add author info/changelogs for Routing & Associations gu...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-13","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-13","Added some additional text about default routes.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-13","Changes for routing from the outside in guide","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-10","Fix a bunch of singular-vs-plural mistakes in URLs","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-10","Fix various AsciiDoc markup issues and a few typos.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-08","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-08","Add "A Guide to Active Record Associations"","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-08","Updates to nested/shallow routes discussion in "Routing ...","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-09-05","Edits to the "Routing from the Outside In" guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2008-08-31","Added "Routing from the Outside In" guide.","Mike Gunderloy",32 "2013-07-24","Fix indentation.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-07-24","Simplify select_one method.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-07-22","Uses mysql2 0.3.13 or later","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-07-22","Added some usage about ActiveRecord::Result [ci skip]","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-07-22","Defines the return type of select / select_all method.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-07-16","Move initializing process for query cache to ActiveRecor...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-07-14","Backport #11437 to 4-0-stable. Fix default rendered form...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-07-14","Fix default rendered format problem when calling render ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-07-13","Reset @column_defaults when assigning .","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-27","Remove passing the prompt to grouped_options_for_select ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-27","Re-remove deprecated API.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-27","Fix copyright year for actionview [ci skip]","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-05","Remove FirebirdDatabaseTasks was deprecated, because thi...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-05","Remove SqlseverDatabaseTasks was deprecated, because thi...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-05","Remove OracleDatabaseTasks was deprecated, because this ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-05","Fix #10789. Now at last ::Logger doesn't support #silenc...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-05","Fix #10789. Now at last ::Logger doesn't support #silenc...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-05","Fix #10789. Now at last ::Logger doesn't support #silenc...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-04","Fix HWIA#to_hash behavior with array of hashes.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-02","Remove unnecessary testcase for instance level stored_at...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-02","Remove instance level serialized_attributes setting was ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-02","Remove instance level attr_readonly setting was deprecated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove behavior that deals with a string as third argume...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Raise ArgumentError to fix Rails 4.1 deprecation warn me...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove Mime::Type#verify_request? and Mime::Type.browser...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove ActionView::Template#mime_type was deprecated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove #sum with a block was deprecated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove ActionController::RecordIdentifier was deprecated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove action_controller/vendor/html-scanner.rb was depr...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove :confirm and :disable_with options from ActionVie...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove link_to_function / button_to_function from Action...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove :confirm and :disable_with options for ActionView...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove active_support/testing/pending.rb was deprecated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable#silence was deprecated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-06-01","Remove active_support/json/variable was deprecated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-05-17","Fix AM testcase break with mail 2.5.4. It seems that AM'...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-05-15","Fix HWIA#to_hash behavior with array of hashes.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-05-15","Remove unnecessary code, because this extension is creat...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-05-15","Also support extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1, because this ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-30","Abort a rake task when missing db/structure.sql like `db...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-24","Added testcase for #10067 and a CHANGELOG entry about th...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-16","Fix #7619. 0x prefix must be added when assigning hexade...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-15","Add OID::Bit for supporting bit string.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-15","Revert "fixing bit string test"","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-02","Add CHANGELOG entry about extracting and deprecating Fir...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-02","Fix tiny problem: change method order for consistency an...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-02","Suppress deprecation messages for deprecated database ta...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-02","Add deprecation message on Firebird / Sqlserver / Oracle...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-02","Extract Oracle database tasks.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-02","Extract Sqlserver database tasks.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-04-02","Extract Firebird database tasks.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-03-25","Bump TZInfo version to 0.3.37 based on version v2013b of...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-03-20","Wrong exception is occured when raising no translatable ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-03-19","Fix warning: mismatched indentatmmismatched indentations...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-03-05","Remove unused return value, because collecting_queries_f...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-02-28","Wrong exception is occured when raising no translatable ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-01-26","Fix build. It seems that the Mocha's behavior were changed.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2013-01-26","Fix build. It seems that the Mocha's behavior were changed.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-12-16","backport runner fixes to 3-2-stable","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-12-05","Add ENV['RACK_ENV'] support to rake runner/console/server.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-12-05","silence warning: possibly useless use of a constant in v...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-12-04","Fix #8414. Performance problem with postgresql adapter p...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-12-04","pg_namespace table isn't used.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-12-03","Fix wrong doc and message about rails profiler.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-11-13","Backport #8074 to 3-2-stable. Use query cache/uncache, w...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-11-01","This is comment for singular association.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-10-31","Fix #6951. Use query cache/uncache, when using not only ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-10-30","include_root_in_json allows inheritance.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-10-08","Should use app.paths instead of specific path.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-10-02","Fix warning: circular require considered harmful.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-10-02","fix warning: method redefined","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-27","Removing dead code. attribute_cast_code is not called.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-20","Fix #6962. AS::TimeWithZone#strftime responds incorrectl...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-19","Fix #6962. AS::TimeWithZone#strftime responds incorrectl...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-17","Remove unncessary code.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-17","Fix warning: method redefine. Testcase name are duplicated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-16","Don't explain except normal CRUD sql.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-15","Query for sequence info also should be markd as SCHEMA.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-15","Query for loading index info should be marked as SCHEMA.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-11","Use configuration['encoding'], because database configur...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-11","Use native mysqldump command for 'rake db:structure:dump'.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-11","Backported #7572 to 3-2-stable. Use config['encoding'], ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-10","Remove expired comment. This method is used from other p...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-09-10","Fix annoy warning, when executing testcase.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-30","Fix build about TemplateDigestorTest.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-30","Fixes warning: & interpreted as argument prefix","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-29","Added missing require. When performing rake test:isolate...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-28","Fix method redefined warnings.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-28","Fixes warnings when executing rake test in ActionMailer....","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-28","Remove unused require.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-28","Fixes wrong test class names.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-21","Refactor AR::Result or inherits. Because we have redunda...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-21","Use instance_accessor: false instead of instance_writer.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-21","Round usec when writing timestamp attribute.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-07","Fix #7191. Remove unnecessary transaction when assigning...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-02","Improve error handling when using partial name with hyph...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-02","Backport #5168 to 3-2-stable. Fix a problem that NULLS i...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-01","Change AR's CHANGELOG, because it is related to e35c67ae...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-08-01","The use_schema_cache_dump configuration moved to ActiveR...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-23","Fix build. Bump Journey requirements to 2.0.0.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-22","Restore connection_id on error.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-17","Log query plan when we use count_by_sql method.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-17","Fix class_eval without __FILE__ and __LINE__.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-14","session_id column is string in default","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-14","Fix SqlBypass.data_column= problem. SqlBypass.find_by_se...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-14","Avoid to call send(store_attribute) twice.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-13","Remove duplicated unique index name.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-13","Remove instance level quote_value method. This method is...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-13","Remove duplicated code in the AR::Store.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-07","Added support add_flash_types","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-07","Added *instance_writer: false* for stored/serialized att...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-07","Remove unused code.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-07-03","Don't mark the store as changed if an attribute isn't ch...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-30","Extract collation tasks to database tasks.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-29","Added an entry about fda24312d3 in the CHANGELOG.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-28","Support collate and ctype on the PostgreSQL.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-27","Fix wrong environment. env should be RAILS_ENV or test.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-27","Fix wrong testcase. This is a testcase for db:test:prepare.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-25","Move to db:structure namespace, because these methods ar...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-25","Remove session_table_name method because this is global ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-25","Add a description about ENV["SCOPE"]","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-25","Change the behavior of db:test:prepare task when schema_...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-25","Change the behavior of db:test:clone task when schema_fo...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-25","Change an order of methods for readbility.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-24","Added a feature to add a database task. e.g. OracleDatab...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-23","Move tasks(rake) tests to under the tasks dir.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-20","Refactor testcase codes. It's repeated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-20","Remove duplicated codes.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-20","Refactor db:structure:load task.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-19","Rename testcase name. It's wrong in the context.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-19","Rename MySQLTestPurge to MySQLPurgeTest for consistency.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-19","Refactor db:structure:dump task.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-18","Change minimum (default) log level in PostgreSQL to warn...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-17","Bump tzinfo gem.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-16","Don't read csv file during executing db:fixtures:load.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-15","Support unicode character route in config/routes.rb.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-12","Create hstore extension when building PostgreSQL databases.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-11","Fix GH #3163. Should quote database on mysql/mysql2.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-11","Change the string to use in test case.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-11","Fix GH #3163. Should quote database on mysql/mysql2.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-11","Change the string to use in test case.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-11","Fix GH #3163. Should quote database on mysql/mysql2.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-11","Added a testcase for #6690.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-10","Fix #6635. We should call Scoping methods, before callin...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-04","Fix #6591. If a field with timezone isn't changed, we do...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-06-04","Fix #6591. If a field with timezone isn't changed, we do...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-30","Add a changelog entry about runner hook.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-30","Fix #5797. Error calling dup method on AR model with ser...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-29","Fix #5847 and #4045 on master.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-29","Use runner hook to load ActiveRecord::Base.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-29","Add support runner hook.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-29","SchemaMigration should be loaded lazily.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-29","Add a testcase for #5847.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-19","Fix a problem of translate_exception method in Japanese.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-19","Don't use assert_block method. It will be deprecated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-19","Fix warning: shadowing outer local variable - constant.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-18","Fix warning: possibly useless use of % in void context","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-18","Fix build: can't convert Regexp to String","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-18","Fix logs name consistency.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-17","Fix warning: ambiguous first argument.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-05-15","Remove unnecessary assertions. We should only test the b...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-26","Fix #5847 and #4045. Load AR::Base before loading an app...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-24","Fix build. It seems that the Mocha's behavior were changed.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-24","Fix build. It seems that the Mocha's behavior were changed.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-18","Remove unused code. We should use 'active_support/time'.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-13","Fix wrong return value from reset_sequence_name method.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-12","Fix #5563. Should reflect the most recent change to eith...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-12","@stale_state should be nil when a model isn't saved.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-12","Fix typo on the add_index.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-12","Some refactor for association.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-04-03","Get a properly aliased_table_name, when we use a polymor...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-22","Fix GH #5411. When precompiling, params method is undefi...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-21","migrate(:down) method with table_name_prefix","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-20","Add missing require","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-18","Fix GH #5435. db:structure:dump should be re-enable.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-17","Should use an argument in http_digest_authentication_tes...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-17","Fix GH #5435. db:structure:dump should be reenable.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-14","Fix GH #5430. A Payload name for schema_search_path shou...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-13","[3-2-stable] Fix GH #5399. connection_pools's keys are A...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-13","Fix GH #5399. connection_pools's keys are ActiveRecord::...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-08","Update CHANGELOG to fix wrong extension.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-07","Don't reset inheritance_column when setting explicitly.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-07","Change the string to use in test case.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-06","Revert table_name= needs connection now, so just stub ta...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-04","Fix GH #3163. Should quote database on mysql/mysql2.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-04","Added test case for new_record round trip with associati...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-04","Don't clear sequence name when we explicitly assign it.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-03-04","Fix GH #4674. Reset column information and sequence name...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-29","Fix warning: assigned but unused variable","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-29","Add entry for schema cache dump to CHANGELOG.md.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-29","Support judgement expired schema cache dump.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-29","Load db/schema_cache.dump duaring boot time.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-29","Add db:schema:cache:dump and db:schema:cache:clear tasks.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-29","Add support schema cache dump and load.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-28","Fix type_to_sql with text and limit on mysql/mysql2. Fix...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-28","Fix type_to_sql with text and limit on mysql/mysql2. Fix...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-25","Fix type_to_sql with text and limit on mysql/mysql2. Fix...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-25","Remove NULLS FIRST/LAST. closes #5152","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-25","Remove wrong and redundant code.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-21","Testcase for GH #5114.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-21","Fix some warnings on 3-2-stable","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-11","Fix warning: The method name is a duplicate and wrong.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-10","Fix GH #4720. Routing problem with nested namespace and ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-09","Bump tzinfo. 0.3.31 was released on November 6, 2011.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-09","Fix GH #4909. Dependency on TZInfo move from AR to AS.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-06","Fix url_for method's behavior when it is called with :co...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-05","Optional start_day argument for Time#all_week.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-05","GH #4883. Optional start_day argument for Time#all_week","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-05","Add testcase for non english filename. Related to #2982.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-04","Fix GH #4873. Allow swapping middleware of same class","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-01","Fix GH #4737. Missing helper file (LoadError) in mountab...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-02-01","Fix GH #4749. Remove branch options, because edge is not...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-31","Don't run bundle install when passed with --pretend option","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-31","Fix GH #4760. A Block was not evaluated.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-31","Fix GH #4754. Remove double-quote characters around PK w...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-30","Fix GH #4754. Remove double-quote when using ANSI_QUOTES","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-27","Fix warning. assigned but unused variable - path_params","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-27","Remove redundant instance_variables (@colorize_logging)","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-24","Fix GH #4344. A defined callback in extended module is c...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-24","Fix GH #4344. A defined callback in extended module is c...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-21","Fix GH #4580. Rails 3.2: uninitialized constant ActiveSu...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-21","Remove unused argument.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-20","Bump mail","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-19","Convert URI.parser.parse to URI.parse, and remove ruby 1...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-18","Fix warning: assigned but unused variable - result","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-17","Deprecate RAILS_CACHE constant.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-12","Fix GH #3980. Support assets:cache:clean method to respe...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-11","Fix GH #3743. We must specify rdoc option's encoding.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-10","migrate(:down) method with table_name_prefix","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-10","Fix GH #4259. We must remove table_name_prefix and table...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-06","Don't fork a process when assets:precompile:nondigest is...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-06","Don't fork a process when assets:precompile:nondigest is...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-04","Fix GH #4285. Remove options when we record calling crea...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-04","Fix GH #4285. Remove options when we record calling crea...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2012-01-03","Use -e option instead of -c option (rake rdoc task).","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-12-08","Fix testcase an error on ruby 1.8.x.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-12-08","Fix warning for params_wrapper_test.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-12-07","Use freezed string constant. Some string literals is use...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-12-07","Assign config.encoding to AD::Response.default_charset a...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-12-07","Use default charset when we read content type without ch...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-12-05","Use show create table.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-12-02","Use show create table.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-11-27","Call a block passed rake_tasks method in the self context","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-11-27","avoid absolute path for the rails.png in index.html","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-11-23","Remove unreachable code, and add additional testcases.","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-11-23","Warnings removed. (ambiguous first argument)","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-11-19","Use `show index from`. We could fix `pk_and_sequence_for...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-11-18","Use `show index from`. We could fix `pk_and_sequence_for...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-11-05","Barckport to 3-1-stable: fixed an issue id false option ...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-11-05","Fixed an issue id false option is ignored on mysql/mysql...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-10-30","Refactor ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore. used method a...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-10-30","fix a document for :compress_threshold. DEFAULT_COMPRESS...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-10-29","avoided to call twice","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-10-29","fix a document for race_condition_ttl. ActiveSupport::Ca...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-10-29","removed reference to SynchronizedMemoryStore and Compres...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-10-09","fix invalid regex","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-09-12","fix https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/2947 (with tes...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2011-09-12","fix https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/2582 (with tes...","Toshinori Kajihara",31 "2007-09-27","Avoid calling is_missing on LoadErrors. Closes #7460.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-09-22","Remove use of & logic operator. Closes #8114.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-09-21","Don't warn when a path segment precedes a required segme...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-05-12","Add broken test","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-05-12","Add ActionController::Routing::Helpers, a module to cont...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-05-02","Update UrlWriter to accept :anchor parameter. Closes #6771.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-04-29","Updated initializer to only load #{RAILS_ENV}.rb once. A...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-03-14","Add environment variable RAILS_DEFAULT_DATABASE, which a...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-03-14","Merge [6426] to stable","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-03-14","Fix changelog line","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-03-14","Update Dependencies to ignore constants inherited from a...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-28","Allow Routes to generate all urls for a set of options b...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-28","Change the query parser to map empty GET params to "" ra...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-28","Change session restoration to allow namespaced models to...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-28","Fix doubly appearing parameters due to string and symbol...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-28","Fix overly greedy rescues when loading helpers. Closes #...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-24","Added Hash#to_query to turn a hash of values into a form...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-24","Increase test coverage for subclasses_of. Closes #7335.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-12","Merge [5904] from trunk. References #6252.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2007-01-12","Fix parsing of array[] CGI parameters so extra empty val...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-31","Apply [5811] to RC","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-31","Fix Dependencies.autoloaded? to ignore anonymous modules...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-26","Allow config.to_prepare to work, make the dispatcher saf...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-24","Apply [5781] and [5782] to RC","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-24","Update load once paths to prevent nested once constants ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-24","Checkin failing test case related to load once paths","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-17","Merge [5728] from trunk.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-10","Apply [5710] to RC","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-09","Fix remove_constant to correctly handle constant names o...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-12-09","Fix a bug in Routing where a parameter taken from the pa...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-25","Apply [5624] to RC. References #6698.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-25","Update initializer to load Rails::VERSION as soon as pos...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-22","Apply [5607] to RC. References #6669.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-22","Update Routing to complain when :controller is not speci...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-17","Apply [5548] to RC","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-17","Reuse named route helper module between Routing reloads ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-09","Apply [5471] to RC","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-09","Alter prior change to use require_dependency instead of ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-07","Merge [5440], [5444], [5463], [5464] from trunk.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-07","Update dependencies to delete partially loaded constants.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-07","Remove temporary crutch to help ApplicationController be...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-07","Update changelog","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-07","Remove temporary crutch to help ApplicationController be...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-06","Fix warning and incorrect test trigger","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-01","Update dependencies to allow constants to be defined alo...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-11-01","Update dependencies to allow constants to be defined alo...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-16","Fix deprecation warnings when rendering the template err...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-16","Fix routing to correctly determine when generation fails...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-16","Remove extraneous expand_path; fix plugin load paths","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-16","Add plugins and builtins to the load_path.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-16","Remove autoload_paths to simplify configuration.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-15","Add 'unloadable', a method used to mark any constant as ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-14","Undo accidental commit","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-14","Rename overlapping test names","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-11","Install named routes into ActionView::Base instead of pr...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-09","Fix typo","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-10-09","Rename test assertion to prevent shadowing. Closes #6306.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-23","Clear the cache of possible controllers whenever Routes ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-20","Update CGI process to allow sessions to contain namespac...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-20","Fix routing to respect user provided requirements and de...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-08","Update descriptive messages for exceptions thrown by cgi...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-07","Add descriptive messages to the exceptions thrown by cgi...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-07","Too much dotware","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-07","Remove the uncanny default of adding all app/models/*/ d...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-06","Update UrlWriter to support :only_path.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-06","Fix loadable_constants_for_path to handle load paths tha...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-05","Fix logic error in determining what was loaded by a give...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-05","Equate Kernel.const_missing with Object.const_missing. F...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-03","Add forgotten file","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-09-02","Add ApplicationController special case to Dependencies.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-30","Switch to using FormEncodedPairParser for parsing reques...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-30","Add desc for test task so that completion can detect it","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-29","Update Initializer to use load_once_paths to avoid plugi...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-24","Add UrlWriter to allow writing urls from Mailers and scr...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-22","Add test case from ticket #4090","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-17","Add tests for prior checkin","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-17","Widen too narrow rescue","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-17","Detect missing_constants calls from removed modules and ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-16","Fix const_missing to behave responsibly when called with...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-16","Update require_dependency to return true or false as req...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-16","Stop using defined? in Dependencies.qualified_const_defi...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-15","cleanup","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-15","Relax Routing's anchor pattern warning; it was preventin...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-15","Add controller_paths variable to Routing; Assign Routing...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-14","Add silencing to deprecations; avoid self-scolding.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-13","Invoke method_missing directly for hidden actions. Close...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-13","Add debugging logging to Dependencies.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-12","Use require_dependency and not require to load models","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-10","Can't use controller_path due to Admin model and Admin::...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-10","Use config.controller_paths instead of pattern matching","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-10","Readable","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-08","Add forgotten files; Fix double loading errors.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-08","Checkin forgotten add. Update const_missing handler to a...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-08","New dependencies implementation","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-07","it's me, john wayne","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-07","that wasnt me","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-07","cleanup comments","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-06","Remove requires from webrick server; they were causing d...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-06","Move method","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-06","Add Dispatcher.to_prepare and config.to_prepare to provi...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-05","Raise fully qualified names upon name errors. Closes #5533.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-05","Add extention to obtain the missing constant from NameEr...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-05","I know we all love > but we can't all have them","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-05","Make Routing noisy when an anchor regexp is assigned to ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-08-04","Fix broken query parameter tests","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-07-27","Update integration.rb to require test_process explicitly...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-07-17","Remove leak in development mode","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-07-03","Minor tweak to improve performance of ActiveRecord::Base...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-30","Add route_name_path method to generate only the path for...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-29","Remove use of opts.on { |options[:name] } hash assignmen...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-28","Remove opts.on { |options[:option_name] } style hash ass...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-28","Fix broken traverse_to_controller","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-25","Add AssociationCollection#sum since the method_missing i...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-24","Add Enumerable#index_by","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-24","Add test file that should never be loaded","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-19","Change AR::Base#to_param to return a String instead of a...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-18","...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-18","Refinement to avoid exceptions in traverse_to_controller","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-18","Fix loading of arbitrary files in ruby's load path by tr...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-06-01","New routes implementation. Simpler, faster, easier to un...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-05-21","Remove Enumerable#first_match in favor of using break(re...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-07","Don't match commented out RAILS_GEM_VERSIONs.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-06","Fix type_name_with_module to handle type names that begi...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-04","fsking svn...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-04","Add forgotten testcase","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-04","Update the diagnostics template skip the useless '<contr...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-03","Abort broken tighter resolution suppression. Closes #4431","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-03","Typo fix","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-03","Install alias so Rails::InfoController is accessible at ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-01","Exit when no gem is found; expand on error message","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-01","Remove explicit require of departed file.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-01","Remove explicit require of departed file.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-01","Make Rails::VERSION implicitly loadable. Closes #4491.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-04-01","Teach Rails apps to only load gems of the same Rails ver...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-29","Fix Rails info controller for postgres; Closes #4469.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-28","Replace 'rescue Object' with a finer grained rescue. Clo...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-27","Dependencies cleanup. Fixes #4221.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-27","Add CachingTools::HashCaching to simplify the creation o...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-26","Remove broken hack which has no effect.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-26","Update Object.subclasses_of to locate nested classes. Up...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-22","Fix double url escaping of remote_function. Add :escape ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-19","Reject Ruby 1.8.3 when loading Rails; extract version ch...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-19","Remove explicit loading of RailsInfo and RailsInfoContro...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-19","Fix RailsInfoController.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-19","Undo accidental escaping for mail_to; add regression tes...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-18","Change url_for to escape the resulting URLs when called ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-18","Add ability for relative_url_root to be specified via an...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-16","Explain thyself","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-13","Simplify controller_path","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-13","Delay rake:uncommitted's execution of `svn status`","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-03-11","Don'tt abort rake when rendering the _trace.rhtml template","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-28","Change Fixtures.create_fixtures arity to be backwards co...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-27","Fix delerious changelog","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-27","Add set_fixture_class to allow the use of table name acc...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-26","Remove ::Controllers related cruft; fix AP tests","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-26","Update duplicated OrderedOptions code.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-22","Check NameErrors and re-raise if they do not match the e...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-12","Fix form_for brokenness due to a shortage of parenthesis","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-11","Remove over-engineered form_for code for a leaner implem...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-11","Fix constantize to handle names beginning with '::'. Clo...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-06","Fix remote_form_for creates a non-ajax form. Closes #3741.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Don't let arbitrary classes match as controllers","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Fix bad require for rake test","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Fix routing tests to pass when run independently of the ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Fix Routing tests. Fix routing where failing to match a ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Add :builder => option to form_for and friends. Closes 3...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Just go with Subclasses instead of OnlySubclasses","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Remove unneeded logging","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Fix controller resolution to avoid accidentally inheriti...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Set sweeper's @controller to nil after a request so that...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-04","Fix Reloadable to handle the case where a class that has...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-03","Don't allow Reloadable to be included into Modules","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-03","Remove LoadingModule","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-02","Add LoadingModule.clear! back temporarily","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-02","Remove definition of reloadable? from ActiveRecord::Base...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-02","Reloadable::OnlySubclasses","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-02","Add Reloadable::OnlySubclasses which handles the common ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-02","Pluralization bites again","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-02-02","Further improvements to reloading code","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-01-30","Ensure assigns are copied to the template when using re...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-01-22","Show a meaningful error when the DB2 adapter cannot be l...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2006-01-22","Show a meaningful error when the DB2 adapter cannot be l...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-12-19","Documentation fixes","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-12-06","Add builtin/ to the gemspec. Closes #3047.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-12-06","Add builtin/ to the gemspec. Closes #3047.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-28","Apply freeze gems fix to stable","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-28","Fix freeze_gems so that the latest rails version is dump...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-22","Initialize @optional in routing code to avoid warnings","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-16","Change Inflector#constantize to use eval instead of cons...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-16","Change Inflector#constantize to use eval instead of cons...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-10","Fix const_missing handler to ignore the trailing '.rb' o...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-10","Fix sqlite adaptor's detection of missing dbfile or data...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-09","Don't detach or fork for script/server tailing","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-11-07","Fix broken tests caused by incomplete loading of active ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-27","Fix line number detection and escape RAILS_ROOT in backt...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-27","When loading classes using const_missing, raise a NameEr...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-27","Recognize ./#{RAILS_ROOT} as RAILS_ROOT in error traces","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-27","Back off cleanpath to be symlink friendly. Closes #2533","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-27","Add name to changelogs","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-26","Remove fingerprinting from AR session store; fix bug in ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-25","Reset template variables after using render_to_string. C...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-18","Remove trailing '/' from RAILS_ROOT","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-18","Update error trace templates","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-18","Remove generated code from app traces; improve accuracy ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-17","Fix spelling error","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-17","Make string-keys locals assigns optional","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-16","Improve line number detection for template errors","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-16","Update Exception extension to show the first few framewo...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-16","Fix rake dev and related commands","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-16","Add unit tests for exception extensions","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-16","Add missing file","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-16","Fix bad commit. (Bad developer, bad\!)","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-16","Add line and file information to test process' get, post...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-16","Add temporary support for passing locals to render using...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-15","Add __FILE__ and __LINE__ to eval","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-15","Shorten long line","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-15","Clean up error pages by providing better backtraces","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-15","Added Extension extension to provide support for clean b...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-15","Updated whiny nil to be more concise and useful.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-15","Add changelog","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-15","Fix Request#host_with_port to use the standard port when...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-14","Added cleaning of RAILS_ROOT to useless elements such as...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-14","Added Enumerable#first_match","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-13","Improved line number reporting for template errors","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-10-06","Raise an exception when invalid options are passed to Ac...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-29","Fix broken testcase for transactions","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-28","Fix transactions so that calling return while inside a t...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-27","Undo condition change made in [2345] to prevent normal p...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-27","Streamline render process, code cleaning. Closes #2294.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-20","Improved migrations' behavior when the schema_info table...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-18","Fix eager loading error messages, allow :include to spec...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-18","Add routing tests from #1945","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-18","Add a routing test case covering #2101","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-12","Fixed dependencies related infinite recursion bug when a...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-11","Ensure that request.path never returns nil. Closes #1675","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-11","Add ability to specify Route Regexps for controllers. Cl...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-11","Provide Named Route's hash methods as helper methods. Cl...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-08","Avoid extending view instance with helper modules each r...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-08","Performance improvements to CGI methods. Closes #1980","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-07","Symbolize the keys of overwritten parameters. Really clo...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-09-06","Fix overwrite params. Closes #1909","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-08-31","Only load breakpoint in development mode and when BREAKP...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-08-31","Add option to specify the singular name used by paginati...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-08-30","Use string key to set action_name for controllers. Close...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-08-29","Add dummy ActionView::Base.cache_template_loading access...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-08-26","Render refactoring; render error reporting fixes","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-08-26","Update changelog","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-08-26","Fix routing to handle :some_param => nil better","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-08-17","Replace render_partial with render :partial in scaffold ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-22","Remove extra definition of supports_migrations? from abs...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-19","Factor Fixnum and Bignum extensions into Integer class","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-18","Fix last changeset to pass unittests","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-18","Fixed construction of get parameters for arrays","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-18","Updating changelog to reflect [1855]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-18","Add ordinalize to Fixnum and Bignum instances","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-15","Fix assert_routing with nested controllers. Closes #1582...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-14","Add RouteSet#named_route so that RouteSet instance metho...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-14","Provide correct defaults for Named Routes which do not s...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-14","Show correct paths to generated templates for nexted con...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-14","Fix rescue handling to erase both render and redirect re...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-14","Generate URLs for :action => index when :action => nil i...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-13","Named routes should not provide nil values to url_for. I...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-08","Routes now raise an exception if a path component is mis...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-08","Fix routes to generate proper URLs when given Fixnum def...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-07","Allow RouteSet#recognition_failed to be used to handle u...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-07","Enable routes to recognize uppercase controller names. C...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-07","Properly unescape recognized path components. Fixes #1651.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-07","Improved testing of functional test setup.","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-07","Fixed routing to allow for testing of *path components #...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-07","Fixed that named routes didn't use the default values fo...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-06","Fixed that Yaml error message in fixtures hid the real e...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-06","Added fixed gateway script [Nicholas Seckar]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-04","Fixed that hashes was not working properly when passed b...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-04","Added an EXPERIMENTAL gateway.cgi for getting high-speed...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-04","Added an EXPERIMENTAL gateway.cgi for getting high-speed...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-07-04","Improved the whiny nil #1600 [Nicholas Seckar]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-29"," r1475@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-28 23:19:51 -0700","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-28","Routes fail with leading slash #1540 [Nicholas Seckar]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-28","This patch modifies RouteSet#write_generation and RouteS...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-27","Don't ignore :controller for urls made inside a controll...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-27","Make named routes work without hashes #1523 [Nicholas Se...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-27","Fixed assert_redirected_to to handle absolute controller...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-26","Fixed that Functional tests do not set request.path_para...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-26","Added testing of named routes #1506 [Nicholas Seckar]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-25","RoutingError should show 404.html when in public #1503 [...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-24","Improved performance of Routes generation by a factor of...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-18","Fixed relative urls support for lighttpd #1048 [Nicholas...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-16","Fixed the test_helper.rb to be safe for requiring contro...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-16","Fixed Webrick to escape + characters in URL's the same w...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-06-13"," r1300@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-13 18:31:29 -0700","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-05-21","Added DoubleRenderError exception that'll be raised if r...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-05-19","Fixed assert_redirect_to to work with redirect_to_path #...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-05-19","Fixed Dependencies so all modules are able to load missi...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-05-19","Fixed the Inflector to underscore strings containing num...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-05-19","Fixed that HashWithIndifferentAccess stringified all key...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-04-18","Added support for web servers that use PATH_INFO instead...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-04-10","Fixed that in some circumstances controllers outside of ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-04-02","Fixed problem with classes being required twice. Object#...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-26","Fixed link_to :confirm #936 [Nicholas Seckar]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-25","Fixed that MissingSourceFile's wasn't properly detected ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-23","Improved error reporting especially around never shallow...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-23","Improved error reporting especially around never shallow...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-22","Removed SCRIPT_NAME from the WEBrick environment to prev...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-20","Combined the script/environment.rb used for gems and reg...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-20","Changed .htaccess to allow dispatch.* to be called from ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-20","Added alias_method :to_param, :id to Base, such that Act...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-14","Fixed :anchor use in url_for #821 [Nicholas Seckar]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-14","Removed the reliance on PATH_INFO as it was causing prob...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-07","Fixed Hash#indifferent_access to also deal with include?...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-06","Fixed issues with caching root pages #734 [Nicholas Seckar]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-06","Fixed that map.connect should convert arguments to strin...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-06","Fixed WEBrick server to use ABSOLUTE_RAILS_ROOT instead ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-01","Fix request.path_info and clear up LoadingModule behavio...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-03-01","Fixed caching to be aware of extensions (so you can cach...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-02-27","Fixed that Routes would raise NameErrors if a controller...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-02-21","Fixed that Active Record would throw Broken Pipe errors ...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-02-20","Fixed that script/server -d was broken so daemon mode co...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-02-19","Fix module support for controller generators #668 [Ulysses]","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2005-02-17","Fixed that a bunch of methods from ActionController::Bas...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2004-12-19","Fixed that textilize and markdown would instantiate thei...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2004-12-19","Added support for a -h/--help parameter in the generator...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2004-12-15","Documented select, collection_select, and country_select...","Nicholas Seckar",30 "2013-05-14","Update mail to minimum version 2.5.4","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2013-05-14","Update mail to minimum version 2.5.4","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2013-05-14","Update mail to minimum version 2.5.4","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-11-18","Upgrade mail dependency to 2.5.2","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-11-18","Upgrade mail dependency to 2.5.2","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-11-17","Upgrade mail dependency to 2.5.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-11-17","Upgrade mail dependency to 2.5.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-03-19","Increase minimum version of mail.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-03-19","Increase minimum version of mail.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-03-19","Increase minimum version of mail.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-03-06","Increasing minimum version of mail due to security vulne...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-03-06","Increasing minimum version of mail due to security vulne...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-03-06","Increasing minimum version of mail due to security vulne...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-01-15","Upgrade mail dependency to 2.4.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2012-01-15","Upgrade mail dependency to 2.4.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-04-26","Update actionmailer to use Mail 2.2.19","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-04-26","Updating to use Mail v2.3.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-04-16","Updating mail to 2.2.16","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-04-16","Updating mail to 2.2.16","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-29","Fix gitignore to ignore tmp/ correctly, credit telemachus","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-29","Merge branch 'fix-gitignore' of https://github.com/telem...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-18","Removing unused method argument","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-18","Cleaning up style, concat inside method calls is ugly","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-18","Fixing redundant escape in regex","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-18","Should use standard ruby signature for respond_to","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-18","Fixing spelling","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-02","Updating documentation on ActionMailer base to show a mu...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2011-01-02","Correcting actionmailer guide for Rails 2.3","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-12-19","Add set_weak_passwords call in alignment with set_table_...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-12-19","Fix incorrect docs","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-12-19","Added ability to specify which passwords you want as wea...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-11-27","Application templates should work with HTTPS too","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-11-27","Application templates should work with HTTPS too","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-11-15","Revert "Bump up mail dependency to take advantage of rel...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-11-15","Revert "Bump up mail dependency to take advantage of rel...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-11-15","Bump up mail dependency to take advantage of relaxed i18...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-11-15","Bump up mail dependency to take advantage of relaxed i18...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-10-26","Updating mail dependency to 2.2.9","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-10-26","Updating mail dependency to 2.2.9","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-13","Backport of: added documentation for :as and :object in ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-12","Fixing documentation to reflect deprecated add_to_base","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-12","Fixing documentation to reflect deprecated add_to_base","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-12","Backport of: added block arguments to ActionController::...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-11","Partial revert of commit #7fae0aa4ac116 removing action_...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-11","Updating ActionMailer dependency to 2.2.6","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-11","Intersection between a relation and an array works in bo...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-09","Fixing up rails application init command - Rails Guides ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-09","Fixing up rails application init command - Rails Guides ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-09","Adding linkage to redirect_to from Base and adding statu...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-09","Adding linkage to redirect_to from Base and adding statu...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-09-09","Adding documentation to redirect_to and status code opti...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-30","Adding option to ActiveResource to allow you to not rese...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-30","Back porting HttpMock test from Rails 3 master","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-30","Updating documentation on ActiveResource HTTP Mock and a...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-30","Adding option to ActiveResource to allow you to not rese...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-30","Updating documentation on ActiveResource HTTP Mock and a...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-30","Adding option to ActiveResource to allow you to not rese...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-30","Updating documentation on ActiveResource HTTP Mock and a...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-25","Make ActiveResource::InvalidRequestError more user friendly","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-25","Make ActiveResource::InvalidRequestError more user friendly","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-25","Make ActiveResource::InvalidRequestError more user friendly","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-15","Making time_zone_options_for_select return a html_safe s...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-08-15","Making time_zone_options_for_select return a html_safe s...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-08","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-08","Updating ActionMailer basics guide to have inline attach...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-08","Updating readme for ActionMailer::Base","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-08","Adding inline attachment support to ActionMailer","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-08","Updating image_tag to support cid:content_id "URLs"","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-07","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-07","Updating ActionMailer to Mail 2.2.2 (fixing two tests to...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-07","Updating ActionMailer to Mail 2.2.2 (fixing two tests to...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-04","Missed fixing the banner on the Usage output for Thor","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-04","Updating guides to new rails initialization process","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-04","Changing command line API from 'rails blog' to 'rails ne...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-04","Missed fixing the banner on the Usage output for Thor","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-03","Updating guides to new rails initialization process","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-03","Changing command line API from 'rails blog' to 'rails ne...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-06-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-05-14","Changed encoding behaviour of mail, so updated tests in ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-05-04","Cleaning up Action Mailer spelling with and without the ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-05-04","Adding more docs to ActionMailer","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-05-02","Cleaning up Action Mailer spelling with and without the ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-05-02","Adding more docs to ActionMailer","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-05-02","Adding ability for the procs to be called within the ins...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-05-02","Adding ability to pass proc's to the ActionMailer class ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-25","Fixing typo in guide, updating ActionMailer description ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-20","Needed to update release notes too","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-20","Adding auto encoding of headers and bodies to the guide ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-16","Fixing up some errors and changing the observer pattern ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Updating changelog for Mail 2.2.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Updating actionmailer to Mail version 2.2.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","New mail is more intelligent on encoding and decoding","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Cleaning up expectations from the new way mail does it","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Moved test of QP into mail","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Don't need no quoting test, done in mail","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Mail::Part now no longer has nil as a default charset, i...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Added explict setting of charset in set_fields! method t...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Fixing up some bad test cases","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Removing quoting.rb, upgrade to, changing all ut...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-11","Removing quoting and adding Mail 2.3.5","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-04-08","Adding Rails.env= to railties to allow changing of rails...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-28","Updating mail version requirement to 2.1.5","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-28","Fixing up attachment encoding specs to work with latest ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-28","Mail now correctly bundles up the charset into the conte...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-28","Updating test, should be calling :decoded, not :encoded,...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-28","Fixing test, ; is a delimiter, not a termination charact...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-28","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-11","Updating 3.0 release notes with cookie session store and...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-11","Updating command line guide","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-11","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-11","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-03","Removing prototype and just using vanilla js","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-03-03","Removing prototype and just using vanilla js","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-22","Adding options to register observers and interceptors th...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-10","Debrittlize tests somewhat - fix for CI build","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-09","Altering the warnings","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-08","Updating Prototype to 1.6.1 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.3","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-08","Adding ruby version spec to all gemspec files to at leas...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-08","Editing the railties/../railtie.rb and engine.rb docs","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-08","First pass at full re-write of getting started guide","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-07","Fixing actionmailer tests for CI","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-07","Reindended and handled old ruby syntax","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-07","Fixed test to check using 8Bit and verified, removed str...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-07","Updating to TMail 1.2.7","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-07","Fixing TMail encoding problem, porting to ActionMailer","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-07","Changing test, TMail now encodes this correctly","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-06","Changed version of TMail to 1.2.6","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-05","Left off the map variable, spotted by Johan Andersson","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-05","Added note on pre-release install","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-04","-v and --version params now work on rails script in or o...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-04","Adding guard to make sure test database declarations exi...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Adding commit diff to the prologue after confirming all ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Adding 'db' as a shortcut for dbconsole to the rails com...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Updating warning at the top","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Deprecated freeze rake tasks and cleaned up annotations....","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Added encoding qery support for SQLite3 to make rake db:...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Made rake db:create also create the test database if you...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Updating index.html to remove script/generate and making...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Fixed up i18n info on release notes","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Fixing all the 'script' references","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Updating index.html to remove script/generate and making...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Adding note about not being final and we want contributions","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Fixing up the idea of bundle and freezing gems","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-03","Updated release notes","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-02","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-02","Updating install docs","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-02","Fixed --dev flag for new bundler","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-01","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-01","Adding in I18n section","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-01","Adding in rake task updates and extra data on postgres a...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-01","Adding extra points from crowd sourcing","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-01","Adding Release Notes 3.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-01","Updates to output and warning on being for Rails 3.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-02-01","Completely updated the ActionMailer guide","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-31","Updating copyright dates on all licenses","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-31","Full update on ActiveModel documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-31","Updating Action Mailer documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-31","deOMGifying Railties, Active Support, and Action Pack","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-29","Add a failing test case for render :layout","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-29","Added tests for rendering different template for new API","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-29","Updating Action Mailer documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-28","Unvendor'd text-format, now requires text-format gem","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-28","Unvendor'd MemCache-Client. Now requires the MemCache C...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-28","Unvendor'd Builder. Now requires the Builder gem as a d...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-28","Unbundling TZInfo","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-28","Updated mail requirement to 2.1.2","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-27","Fixed bug on HTML only emails getting set to text/plain","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Fixing mailer generators to use the right email address","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Tidy up tests and docs.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Fixing up tests and docs to use defaults :from => 'name'...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Fixed up documentation to reflect code change and cleane...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Fixed up being able to pass random headers in with heade...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Update generators to use new defaults.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Deprecate old defaults API.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Make defaults accept a hash.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Updating generators for mailer to reflect changes in API","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Fixing up expectations in base_test.rb","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Implementing class level :defaults hash, instead of deli...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Fix small typo.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Refactor content type setting, added tests to ensure bou...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","Remove old files, add some information to docs and impro...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-26","More work on generated mailer templates.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","We don't support enriched yet","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Added initial documentation for the new API","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Change mailer generator templates and refactor the whole...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Updated to mail 2.1.1","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Updated gemspec for Mail","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Got AM working with Mail yield on delivery_handler and u...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Updating credits file to add myself","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Updated formatting on shell code to fit","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Updated layouts and rendering guide to Rails 3.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","changed test to get TestMailer to use :file delivery met...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-25","Added delivery_handler method to mail and implemented in...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Added delivers_from.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Add some view paths tests.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Ensure implicit multipart templates with locale works as...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Speed up some Hash core extensions.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Remove deprecated behavior since 2.3.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Add uniq_by and uniq_by! to Array.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Add tests to mail helper.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Move old tests to a specific folder and add some deliver...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Handle some TODOs and deprecations.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Finish cleaning up delivery methods implementation.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Maintain old_api and deprecated_api in different files.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Add new class delivery method API.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Some refactoring.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Adding failing tests for calling just the action, instea...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Fixed :_delete is now :_destroy in Rails 3.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Fixing up that _delete is no longer used on the form hel...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Updated "Getting Started" to work and reflect changes in...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Moving AS::Notifications call to one location in base","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-24","Delegated ActionMailer::Base.deliveries to Mail.deliveri...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Set sort order for explicit parts from the collector's t...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Add some tests to collector with templates and any.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Make implicit and explicit templates pass through the sa...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Adding collector to ActionMailer","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Added basic explicit multipart rendering and tests","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Move double render check out of AbstractController.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Refactor subject with i18n.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Added AbstractController::Collector.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-23","Updated Gemspec to mail 2.0.3 from gemcutter","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Get implicit multipart and attachments working together.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","First work on implicit multipart.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Add basic template rendering to new DSL.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Add more tests to new API.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Move class methods to deprecated stuff.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Moved deprecated_body.rb to deprecatead_api.rb","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Fixing typo in config.frameworks error","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Added more documentation on railtie.rb","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Updating functional tests to not compare equality with e...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Updating deprecated_body.rb to use :content instead of :...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Added use of AS::Notifications for tmail_compat.rb","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-22","Updating deprecated API to sanitize old style attachment...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-21","Adding tests for attachments['blah.rb'] = {} et al","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-21","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-20","Mail method accepting all headers set via the hash","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-20","Created mail method for new API","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-20","Moved old API into deprecated_api.rb in preparation for ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-20","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-20","Fixing failing test on sendmail expectation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-20","Updating gemspec to 2.0.1 for mail","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","First pass on fixing delivery method","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","latest updates","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails in...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","Adding Rails 3.0 release notes","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","remove newline","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","Adding initial intro to railtie","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","Fix up spelling in railties/lib/rails/subscriber.rb docs","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-19","Documentation cleanup and linkage for validator","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-18","Adding ActiveModel::Validations documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-18","Adding documentation for ActiveModel::Translation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-18","Fixing up state machine docs","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Fixing up base to refactor settings","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Updating mail require to 2.0.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Updating ActiveModel::Errors documentation to plug Trans...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Adding documentation for ActiveModel::Serialization","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Fixing documentation for ActiveModel::Observer","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Adding ActiveModel::Naming documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Update errors docs","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Added documentation for ActiveModel::Lint","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Added ActiveModel::Errors documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-17","Adding ActiveModel::AttributeMethods documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-16","Removed autoload of DeliveryMethods","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-16","Migrated over to Mail doing delivery.","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-16","Removing internal delivery agents","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-16","fixed column alignment","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-16","Adding RDoc for active_model dirty","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-16","Fixed readme for ActiveModel::Dirty","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-14","Updated README","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-14","ActiveModel::Conversion documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-14","ActiveModel::Callbacks documentation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-08","Return-Path per RFC needs '<' and '>' around the addr_spec","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-08","Updating mail require","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-03","Silence warnings","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-03","Updating to Mail 1.5.0, including default values for all...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-03","Updating to Mail 1.5.0, including default values for all...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-02","Silence warning of missing init on @config","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-02","Silence @text not initialized warning","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-01","Silence warning of missing init on @config","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2010-01-01","Silence @text not initialized warning","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-31","Updating mail requirement to 1.4.3","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-31","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-31","removing spurious line","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-31","Adding :transfer_encoding -> :content_transfer_encoding ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-30","Adding :transfer_encoding -> :content_transfer_encoding ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-30","Adding TMailCompat layer for :set_content_type and friends","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-28","Adding default 8bit encoding if the body has non usascii...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-28","Moved sort_parts into Mail, updated mail requirement to ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-27","Updating action_mailer to need mail 1.4.1","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-27","Changing body to use :to_s instead of :decoded... better...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-27","Updating readme","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-27","Updating actionmailer to call :to_s on all field values ...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-17","Updating requirement for mail to 1.3.4","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-17","Updating requirement for mail to 1.3.3","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-17","Merged in latest changes from rails/master","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-17","Fixes for working with 1.9.1-head","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-12-17","Merge branch 'rails'","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails in...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-23","Change require mail version to 1.3.0","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-23","Changed deprecation to use ActiveSupport::Deprecation","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-23","Fixed up incompatible encoding problem for Ruby 1.9 in t...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-23","Deprecating attachment :body => 'string' in favour of at...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-23","Removing utils, and updating requires to match","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-22","Opps.. need to require it as well as gem mail :)","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-22","Adding mail as a gem load","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-22","131 tests, 309 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-21","Updating tests for Mail gem","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-21","131 tests, 266 assertions, 9 failures, 6 errors","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-20","Down to 13 failures, 14 errors","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-20","Down to 30 failures total","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-20","More updates... 45 errors left to get it working with Ma...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2009-11-12","Starting again on actionmailer integration with mail","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2008-01-11","Updated TMail to version 1.2.1 (2.0 stable) [raasdnil]","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2008-01-11","Updated TMail to version 1.2.1 [raasdnil]","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2007-12-02","Remove old tests which relied on @ being an ATOM to work...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2007-12-01","Remove @ as an ATOM character, syncing with upstream tm...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2007-11-06","Update TMail to v1.1.0. Use an updated version of TMail...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2007-10-09","Make sure acts_as_list's remove_from_list and in_list? p...","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2007-10-08","Fix unescaped test expectations. Closes #9821 [mikel]","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2007-10-08","Improve README documentation. Closes #8770 [mikel]","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2007-10-08","Improve README documentation. References #8770 [mikel]","Mikel Lindsaar",29 "2008-02-08","Ooops. Add fixture partials for last commit","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2008-02-08","Fix problem with render :partial collections, records, a...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2008-01-23","Indicate in documentation that newer version of AR suppo...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2008-01-23","Reference to :element option in documentation should be ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-31","Changed the implementation of Enumerable#group_by to use...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-13","Remove references to nonexistent :joins documentation. C...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-13","Make the routes rake task more discoverable but document...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-13","Document what to pass the :accept option for validates_a...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-13","Explain how the layout macro behaves when passed a path ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-10","Remove references to ActsAs* from the README now that it...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Adding missing space to documentation of the layout meth...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Add example of redirect_to that uses a named route. Clos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Correct example for path parameters to use strings as ke...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Fix incorrect superclass in documentation for alias_attr...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document that the delegate method can delegate to things...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Update documentation to reflect increased accuracy of da...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Add documentation examples to prototype helper. Closes #...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Enhance documentation coverage for fragment caching. Clo...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document how the :include option can be used in Calculat...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Fix typo in documentation for polymorphic associations w...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Reveal that the type option in migrations can be any sup...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Add warning to documentation about using transactional f...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Add many examples to PrototypeHelper documentation. Clos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Add many examples to assertion documentation. Closes #78...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","More complete documentation for find_by_sql. Closes #791...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document API for exists?'s parameter and provide example...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document API for create's attributes parameter and provi...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Documentation for find incorrectly omits the :conditions...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Fix typo in [8287]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document options and add examples for update. Closes #79...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document options and add examples for delete. Closes #79...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document options and add examples for destroy. Closes #7...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document options and add examples for update_all. Closes...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document options for update_counters. Closes #8091 [fear...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Add documentation about the virtual attribute added by v...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document the supported options for sortable_element. Clo...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Add documentation for freeze and readonly related method...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document the timestamps schema definition method. Closes...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Add examples in the documentation for various assertions...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","When a NonInferrableControllerError is raised, make the ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Give examples for what tables should be called for model...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document the :message option for validates_associated. C...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-05","Document automatically generated predicate methods for a...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-12-02","Fix documentation typo introduced in [8250]. Closes #103...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-27","Asset timestamps are appended, not prepended. Closes #10...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-26","Minor inconsistency in description of render example. Cl...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-12","Change plings to the more conventional quotes in the doc...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-08","Update README to use new smtp settings configuration API...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-08","Smattering of grammatical fixes to documentation. Closes...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Enhance explanation with more examples for attr_accessib...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Standardize on using hyphens rather than colons to separ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Fix syntax error in documentation example for cycle meth...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Document :with option for link_to_remote. Closes #8765 [...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Update association/method mapping table to refected late...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Document :minute_step option for time_select. Closes #88...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Explain how to use the :href option for link_to_remote t...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Disambiguate :size option for text area tag. Closes #895...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Make transaction documentation example more realistic","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Explain semantics of having several different AR instanc...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Fix broken tag in assert_tag documentation. Closes #9037...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Add documentation for route conditions. Closes #9041 [in...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Add documentation for Hash#diff. Closes #9306 [tarmo]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Add missing file for revision #8090","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Fix typo left over from previous typo fix in url helper....","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Update XML documentation examples to include explicit ty...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-11-06","Update Schema documentation to use updated sexy migratio...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Add docs explaining how to protect all attributes using ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Update add_index documentation to use new options api. C...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Allow find on a has_many association defined with :finde...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Doc typo fixes for ActiveRecordHelper. Closes #9973 [mik...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Make example parameters in restful routing docs idiomati...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Make documentation comment for mime responders match doc...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Use VALID_FIND_OPTIONS when resolving :find scoping rath...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Fix typo in test_helper. Closes #9925 [viktor tron]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-26","Fix incorrect path in helper rdoc. Closes #9926 [viktor ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-23","Limited eager loading no longer ignores scoped :order. C...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-10-23","Added tests for options to ActiveRecordHelper#form. Clos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-07-31","Add support for []= on ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars. ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-26"," Fix syntax error in code example for routing documentat...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-26","Add support for assert_select_rjs with :show and :hide. ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-26","Make assert_select's failure messages clearer about what...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-08","Evaluate expression for assert_difference in the scope o...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-08","Fix typo and clarify code examples in documentation for ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-08","Simplify API of assert_difference by passing in an expre...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Modernize documentation for form helpers. Closes #8035. ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Minor wording tweak to documentation for the debug helpe...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Document :allow_nil option for validates_acceptance_of s...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Update documentation for :dependent declaration so that ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Add documentation caveat about when to use count_by_sql....","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Also add documentation enhancements for increment_counte...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Enhance documentation for decrement_counter. Closes #809...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Provide brief introduction to what optimistic locking is...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Add brief introduction to REST to the resources document...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Fix various documentation typos throughout ActionPack. C...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Add documentation for :encoding option to mysql adapter....","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Enhance documentation and add examples for url_for. Clos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","More documentations for typos in routes. Closes #8228 [pam]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Fix documentation typo in routes. Closes #8250. [norbert]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-05-06","Sweep flash when filter chain is halted. Closes #6175. ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-03-03","Fix typo in validations documentation. Closes #7669. [ee]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-03-03","Move plugin classes into the rails directory to match th...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-03-03","Move responsibility for ensuring that all registered gem...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-03-02","Use to_sentence rather than inspect when reporting which...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-03-02","Split out the basic plugin locator functionality into an...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2007-03-02","Split plugin location and loading out of the initializer...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-11-16","Use attr_accessor_with_default to dry up attribute initi...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-11-16","Add Module#attr_accessor_with_default to initialize valu...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-10-22","Expose methods added to Enumerable in the documentation,...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-10-22","Document other options available to migration's add_colu...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-10-12","Make page caching respect the format of the resource tha...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-09-02","Don't pad remaining places with in_groups_of if specifie...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-14","Update respond_to docs to follow established naming conv...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-09","Fix typo in caching docs.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-09","Document find's :from option. Closes #5762. [andrew@redl...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-08","backport of ActionMailer documentation enhancements from...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-07","Add documentation for how to disable timestamps on a per...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-07","Clarify usage of script/plugin source. Closes #5344. [ja...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-07","Fix generate usage argument order. Backported from trunk.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-07","Fix announcement of very long migration names. #5722 [b...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-07","Update callbacks documentation. #3970 [Robby Russell <ro...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-07","Update documentation for erb trim syntax. #5651 [matt@ma...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-07","Short documentation to mention use of Mime::Type.registe...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-04","Fix typo in caching docs. [Marcel Molina Jr.]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-08-03","Make action caching aware of different formats for the s...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-07-13","Get rid of constant redefinition warnings when running A...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-07-13","Provide support for decimal columns to form helpers. Clo...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-07-13","Customize default BigDecimal formatting. [dave@pragprog....","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-06-28","Fix CGI extensions when they expect string but get nil i...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-06-27","Fix invoke_layered since api_method didn't declare :expe...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-24","Update OpenBase adaterp's maintainer's email address. Cl...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-23","Add generator files...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-23","Add observer generator. Closes #5167. [francois.beausole...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-22","Normalize classify's argument to a String so that it pla...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-21","Add modifications to database rake tasks as part of #513...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-21","Fix Oracle boolean support and tests. Closes #5139. [sch...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-21","Strip out leading schema name in classify. References #5...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-17","Add layout attribute to response object with the name of...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-17","Make Array#in_groups_of just return the grouped collecti...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-14","Fix flip flopped logic in docs for url_for's :only_path ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-14","Preserve MySQL boolean column defaults when changing a c...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-14","Don't destroy a HashWithIndifferentAccess if symbolize_k...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-05-10","ActionMailer::Base documentation rewrite. Closes #4991 [...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-30","Use reverse_each rather than reverse.each. [Marcel Molin...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-30","Ensure that StringIO is always available for the Schema ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Allow AR::Base#to_xml to include methods too. Closes #49...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Replace superfluous name_to_class_name variant with came...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Replace alias method chaining with Module#alias_method_c...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Strip out punctuation on predicates or bang methods bein...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Replace Ruby's deprecated append_features in favor of in...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Fix test database name typo. [Marcel Molina Jr.]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Revert unintential change to filter parameters","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Update README","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Use #flush between switching from #write to #syswrite. C...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-29","Remove duplicate fixture entry in comments.yml. Closes #...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-28","Update FrontBase adapter to check binding version. Close...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-28","New Frontbase connections don't start in auto-commit mod...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-28","When grouping, use the appropriate option key. [Marcel M...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-28","Only modify the sequence name in the FrontBase adapter i...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-27","Don't require the frontbase adapter until you need to","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-27","Documentation fix: integration test scripts don't requir...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-27","Add support for FrontBase (http://www.frontbase.com/) wi...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-27","ActionController::Base Summary documentation rewrite. Cl...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-27","Fix text_helper.rb documentation rendering. Closes #4725...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Allow error_messages_for to report errors for multiple o...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Enhance documentation for setting headers in integration...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Add warning about the proper way to validate the presenc...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Fix column type check error in changeset [4280]. [Michae...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Allow default options in with_options to be overridden. ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Fix syntax error in documentation. Closes #4679. [mislav...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Add Oracle support for CLOB inserts. Closes #4748. [scho...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Various fixes for sqlserver_adapter (odbc statement fini...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Mention in docs that config.frameworks doesn't work when...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Documentation for AbstractRequest. Closes #4895. [kevin....","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Fix documentation indentation","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Add support for :order option to with_scope. Closes #388...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-26","Prettify output of schema_dumper by making things line u...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-25","Refactor various InstanceTag instance method to class me...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-25","Make build_postgresql_databases task make databases owne...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-25","Sybase Adapter type conversion cleanup [dev@metacasa.net]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-25","Remove all remaining references to @params in the docume...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-25","Add documentation for redirect_to :back's RedirectBackEr...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-25","Change the scaffolding layout to use yield rather than @...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-25","Update layout and content_for documentation to use yield...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-22","Update inconsistent migrations documentation. Closes #46...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-15","DRY up association collection reader method generation.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-15","DRY up and tweak style of the validation error object.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-13","Correct spurious documentation example code which result...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-06","Do filter condition lookup against the actual hash","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-04-05","Honor skipping filters conditionally for only certain ac...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-03-30","Do not implicitly mark recordss of has_many :through as ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-03-28","Add 1.0 marker to edge rails changelongs","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-03-28","Add documentation for respond_to","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-03-23","Don't polute the top level namespace in the console with...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-03-21","Make all ActionView helpers available in the console for...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-03-01","Make Enumerable#group_by return a Hash (sacrificing the ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-03-01","Add Enumerable#group_by and Array#in_groups_of","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-02-08","Replace dubious controller parent class in filter docs. ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-02-08","Don't interpret the :value option on text_area as an htm...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-02-01","Document the :xhr option for verifications. Closes #3666.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-31","Support the :column option for remove_index with the Pos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-25","Add documentation for add_index and remove_index. Closes...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-25","If the OCI library is not available, raise an exception ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-22","Add explicit :order in finder tests as postgresql orders...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-22","Make dynamic finders honor additional passed in :conditi...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-22","Change layout discovery to take into account the change ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-19","Refactor human_size to exclude decimal place if it is zero.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-18","Fix case of VERSION option in migration docs. Closes #3521.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-15","Automatically discover layouts when a controller is name...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Make migration generator only report on exact duplicate ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Fix typo in mailer generator USAGE. Closes #3458.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Documentation typo fix. Closes #2367.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Remove Upload Progress. Closes #2871.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Add test for min_chars auto_complete_field fix. Closes #...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Fix date errors for SQLServer in association tests. Clos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Escape database name in MySQL adapter when creating and ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Disambiguate table names for columns in validates_uniqun...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Fix typo in function name mapping in auto_complete_field...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-13","Ignore version mismatch between pg_dump and the database...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-12","Allow auto-discovery of third party template library lay...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-08","Make HashWithIndifferentAccess#update behave like Hash#u...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-06","Have the form builder output radio button, not check box...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-05","Don't raise an exception when there are more keys than t...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-04","Multiple enhancements and adjustments to DB2 adaptor. Cl...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2006-01-04","Sanitize scoped conditions.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-26","Value of full_messages on stubbed out AR instances shoul...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-26","Make auto_link match urls with a port number specified.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-20","Don't try to strip out the controller name if default_ac...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-20","Fix typo in association docs. Closes #3296.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-18","Honor ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names when crea...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-17","Don't include a layout when rendering an rjs template us...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-13","Apply [3290] to stable. Fix typo in benchmarker usage st...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-13","Fix typo in benchmarker usage string.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-13","Apply [3288] to stable. Fix typo in profiler usage string.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-13","Fix typo in profiler usage string.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-11","Remove duplicate entry from chagnelogs.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-11","Remove duplicate entry from chagnelogs.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-11","Apply [3276] to stable. Update instructions on how to fi...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-11","Update instructions on how to find and install generator...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-03","Add install.rb file to plugin generation which is loaded...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-02","Apply [3207] to stable. Fix docs for text_area_tag. Clos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-02","Fix docs for text_area_tag. Closes #3083.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-02","Allow validate_uniqueness_of to be scoped by more than j...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-02","Silence deprecation warnings for keep_flash when running...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-12-02","Change form_for and fields_for method signatures to take...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-28","Apply [3196] to stable. Make load_fixtures include csv f...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-28","Make load_fixtures include csv fixtures. Closes #3053.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-22","Apply [3159] to stable. Remove superfluous check for plu...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-22","Apply [3157] to stable. Make ActionController's render h...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-22","Make ActionController's render honor the :locals option ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Revert [3140]. Behavior of introducing Kernel.binding ca...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Revert [3130]. Behavior of introducing Kernel.binding ca...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Apply [3136] to stable. Make the db_schema_dump task hon...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Make the db_schema_dump task honor the SCHEMA environmen...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Add plugin library directories to the load path after th...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Apply [3120] to stable. Make help for the console comman...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Make help for the console command more explicit about ho...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Pull out Array#to_strings in favor of more general Symbo...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-21","Add Symbol#to_proc, which allows for, e.g. [:foo, :bar]....","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-20","Add Array#to_strings which to_s's all elements in an array.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-20","Add extended_by, extend_with_included_modules_from and c...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-20","Apply #3111 to stable. Correct docs for automatic layout...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-20","Correct docs for automatic layout assignment. Closes #2610.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-20","Apply [3105] to stable. Add tasks to create, drop and re...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-20","Add tasks to create, drop and rebuild the MySQL and Post...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-18","Make rjs templates always implicitly skip out on layouts.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-17","Add support for new rjs templates which wrap an update_p...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-17","Apply [3067] to stable. Update from LGPL to MIT license ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-17","Update from LGPL to MIT license as per Minero Aoki's per...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-17","Apply [3065] to stable. Rename Version constant to VERSI...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-11-17","Rename Version constant to VERSION. Closes #2802.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-29","Add task to generate rdoc for all installed plugins.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-27","Update documentation for observers to reflect new config...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-19","Update CHANGELOG.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-19","Make all of tests runnable on their own.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-19","Add title case method to String to do, e.g., 'action_web...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-17","Use the more appropriate columns_hash to get the session...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-15","Raise an exception if an attempt is made to insert more ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-15","Eliminate an obsolete comment.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-14","Change quote delimiters for sql interpolation to obviate...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-14","Back out of [2548].","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-13","Delegate access to a customized primary key to the conve...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-13","Optimize postgresql selects.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-12","Update DB2 adapter. Closes #2206.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-12","Corrections to SQLServer native data types. Closes #2267.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-12","Unescape paths before writing cache to file system. Clos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-12","Deprecated ActiveRecord::Base.threaded_connection in fav...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-12","Protect id attribute from mass assigment even when the p...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-12","Add test coverage for customized primary keys including ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-12","Misc doc fixes (typos/grammar/etc). Closes #2445.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-11","Misc doc fixes (typos/grammar/etc.). Closes #2430.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-11","Add test coverage for content_columns. Closes #2432.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-11","Fix typo in CHANGELOG.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-11","Speed up for unthreaded environments. Closes #2431.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-11","Optimization for Mysql selects using mysql-ruby extensio...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-11","Make cacheing binary files friendly with Windows. Closes...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-10","Convert boolean form options form the tag_helper. Reclos...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-10","Speed up the setting of table_name. Closes #2428.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-10","Replace '%e' from long and short time formats as Windows...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-09","Optimize instantiation of STI subclass records. In parti...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-09","Fix typo of 'constrains' to 'contraints'. Closes #2069.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-09","Optimization refactoring for add_limit_offset!. In parti...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-09","Add versioning convention from SwitchTower to all Rails ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-09","Add ability to get all siblings, including the current c...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-09","Make assert_tag :children count appropriately. Closes #2...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-09","PostgreSQL returns the path type wrapped in quotes.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-09","Add geometric type for postgresql adapter. Closes #2233.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-08","Backing out of #2496. Comparing md5 checksums is in no w...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-08","Compare md5 checksums of files rather than files themsel...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-08","Skip directories when checking for identical source and ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-08","Evaluate dynamic templates before checking if the new fi...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-08","Make the generator skip a file if it already exists and ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-08","Move require_library_or_gem out of AR's abstract_adapter...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-07","Add option (true by default) to generate reader methods ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-06","Add convenience predicate methods on Column class. In pa...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-10-06","Raise an exception when invalid options are passed to Ac...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-28","Make schema definition column lookups agnostic w/r/t/ wh...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-28","Add failing test that shows that AR::Migration.remove_co...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-28","Added test coverage for stylesheet_path to show that it ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-28","Include additional ticket number that is closed by [2380].","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-28","Make table_name and controller_name in generators honor ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-27","Add extensive documentation to the ActiveRecord::Abstrac...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-26","Make update_attribute use the same writer method that up...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-26","Make migrations honor table name prefixes and suffixes.","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-26","Have text helpers use built in Regexp.escape rather than...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-26","Get rid of warnings generated by calling obsolete .to_a ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-19","Include libs/ in rake stats #2223 [Marcel Molina]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-18","Fix eager loading error messages, allow :include to spec...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-09-14","Fixed access to "Host" header with requests made by crap...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-07-22","Added load_fixtures task to the Rakefile, which will loa...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-07-02","Added :field_name option to DateHelper#select_(year|mont...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-07-02","Fixed that model generator would make fixtures plural, e...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-06-26","Updated all references to the old find_first and find_al...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-06-25","Fixed that validations didn't respecting custom setting ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-06-25","Added tests for whiny nil #1476 [court3nay/marcel]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-06-16","Fixed image_tag so an exception is not thrown just becau...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-03-06","Updated wording in YAML error [noradio]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-02-23","Changed default IP binding for WEBrick from to...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-01-20","Replaced === checks with is_a? checks #502, #82 [Marcel ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-01-18","Added 5-second timeout to WordNet alternatives on creati...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-01-11","Added Byte operations to Numeric, so 5.5.megabytes + 200...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-01-11","Added conditional layouts like <tt>layout "weblog_standa...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2005-01-09","Added conditional filters #431 [Marcel]","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2004-12-19","Added documentation for automatic layout inclusion #328 ...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2004-12-16","Added Base.validates_format_of that Validates whether th...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2004-12-15","Make Railties *not* include .svn dirs in its gemspec fil...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2004-12-15","Added that controllers will now search for a layout in $...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2004-12-12","Added that render_partial will always by default include...","Marcel Molina Jr.",28 "2013-09-13","Missing destroy command","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-09-10","Use Ruby 2.0 caller_locations instead of caller if avail...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-09-10","Be sure to restore the default I18n.locale after changed...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-09-10","More unused associations in AR test models","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-09-10","Clean up unused associations in AR test model","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-09-10","Reset ActionView::Base.logger instead of AC::Base.logger","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-09-10","Don't mutate the Base settings by merge!ing the given value","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-08-11","chmod -x","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-08-06","asakusa.rb hack night!","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-28","Avoid "uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::PendingMigra...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-28","Revert "fix order dependent test related to migration"","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-28","Properly repair validations when dynamically added","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-28","Clear class ivar before testing","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-28","Unneeded assertion","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-28","Don't rewrite AR connection#commit_db_transaction method...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Be sure to restore the default I18n.locale after changed...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Fix order dependent tests","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Don't mutate the Base settings by merge!ing the given value","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Don't mutate the Base settings by merge!ing the given value","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Reset ActionView::Base.logger instead of AC::Base.logger","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Fix order dependent tests","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Fix order dependent AP test","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","More unused associations in AR test models","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Clean up unused associations in AR test model","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Use Ruby 2.0 caller_locations instead of caller if avail...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-25","Privatize non-test method","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-11","Add missing require","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-11","Array#to_formatted_s does not call each element's to_s a...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Better not mutate the given options Hash","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Simplify Array#in_groups_of code","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Speed up Array#split","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Speed up String#truncate","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Speed up AS::Inflector.underscore","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Speedup AS::Inflector.camelize","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Speedup AS::Inflector.deconstantize","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Speedup String#to","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-10","Avoid creating an extra Range instance","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-09","Make sure that a joins Relation can be merged with has_m...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-09","Make sure that a joins Relation can be merged with has_m...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-08","Fix SyntaxError in guides sample code","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-08","1.9 Hash Syntax","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-07-08","params keys are Strings","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-06-28","Fix indentation","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-06-28","Fix indentation","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-06-27","Fix punctuation in config templates","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-03-25","Fix some typos","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-03-25","s/Textmate/TextMate/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-03-25","s/Github/GitHub/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-03-24","s/app\/model\//app\/models\//g","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-03-05","Typppo","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-03-02",":scissors: extra blank line","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-02-26","No need to send public methods","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-02-20","Better not use tab chars in the generator template","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-02-18","Bump up minitest dependency and remove our own reinvente...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-02-18","Gist URLs are now namespaced","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-02-01","Prefer File.read over File.open.read","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-02-01","--no-rc in the railties tests","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-02-01","Missing require hash/keys","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-02-01","Missing or unneeded require extract_options","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-31","Missing require extract_options","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-31","Missing require extract_options","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-29","'minitest/parallel_each' might not always be available","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-29","Needs to explicitly require 'minitest/parallel_each'","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-29","s/ERb/ERB/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-28","Use Encoding::UTF_8 constant :do_not_litter:","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-28","Use already defined Encoding constants rather than creat...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-26",":scissors: "raise" duplication","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","Default dead_connection_timeout to 5","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","Describing the reason for defining BlankTopic#blank? whi...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","Revert "Unused methods, module, etc."","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","Unused methods, module, etc.","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","Set Thread.abort_on_exception for the whole AS, AP, and ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","Unused test model","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","Goodbye there, very special rubbish!","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","proxy_{owner,reflection,target} are no more available","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-24","Unused model DeprecatedPostWithComment","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","A test case name needs to start with "test_"","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","Fix some wrong String extensions tests","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","Test String#dasherize","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","Test that rescue_from accepts a class name in String","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","Test Kernel#quietly","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","Test try! with a block","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","Test that DeprecatedConstantProxy does not warn when acc...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","Missing AS::Deprecation::DeprecatedObjectProxy test","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-23","Test that a DateTime acts_like_date","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-22","Merge branch 'isolating_tests'","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-22","Just ignore all PRAGMA queries","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-22","Reset SchemaMigration after updating","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-22","Restore I18n.locale after running tests","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-21","Make sure to reset default_url_options","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-21","Preload some join table schemas","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-21","Ignore schema queries on SQLite 3 as well","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-21","Be sure to clear schema cache","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-21","Ignore "SHOW search_path" when counting PostgreSQL queries","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-21","Reset table_name_{prefix,suffix}, and table_name after e...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-21","Missing repair_validations","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-18",""Asynchronous Mailers" will not be available in 4.0","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-18","s/it's/its/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-18","script => bin","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-18","use tap with block parameter","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-08","Reset test data, and fix bug that the inserted data were...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-08","Reset AR::Migration.verbose change to avoid depending on...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-07","Instance_variable_names are strings. That is the most im...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Fix failing test under sqlite3","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Reduce number of Strings a bit","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Namespace HashWithIndifferentAccess","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Needs to reset SchemaMigration first, or the tests fail ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Missing require","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","These are already required through AS/rails","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Needless requires","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Missing requires","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","These are already required through AS/rails","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Update generated app's README [ci skip]","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Remove unnecessary begin..rescue..end, use only rescue","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","The controller generator invokes assets generator in add...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Fix generated migration file name in model generator USAGE","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-06","Update mailer generator USAGE","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-05","beginrescueend has ended","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","fix failing test broken in 15fb7889c5566ddade1d8f74f49bb...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","misleading error message that prompts non-existing command","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","get rid of unused .empty_directory files in the app gene...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","undecorated_table_name was moved and refactored","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","Ruby 1.8 support had gone","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","get rid of outdated "`server` with Different Backends" s...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","update the example of generated postgresql config","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","A Relation is not a collection of records. So let's not ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-04","Revert "TODO typo fix"","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","No such feature in Rails anymore. That's Bundler's business","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","update directory tree in the generated README","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","no, call <%= yield %>","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","update directory tree in the generated README","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","we don't have public/index.html anymore","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","update the scaffold generator outputs","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03",".all does not return an Array","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","deliver_ is an old API","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","`Model.all` alone does nothing","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","need to to_a the Relation to execute SQL here","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","remove meaningless use of Relation#all","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","PUT => PATCH","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","let's get started with PATCH method rather than PUT","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-03","test PATCH method for update action in generated scaffol...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-02","missing changelog entry for #8682","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-02","remove meaningless AS::FrozenObjectError","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","s/ERb/ERB/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","PUT => PATCH or PUT","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","wrong model name","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","Observers was extracted from Active Model as `rails-obse...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","find + conditions is deprecated in AR 4","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","unused scope","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","find_or_initialize_by is deprecated in AR 4","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","find_or_create_by is deprecated in AR 4","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","find_last_by is deprecated in AR 4","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","find_all_by is deprecated in AR 4","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","scoped_by is deprecated in AR 4","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","Model.scoped is deprecated in favour of Model.all","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","no more supporting 1.8","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01","correct raw GitHub URLs","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-01-01",""SSL everywhere" for GitHub URLs","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-12-24","chmod -x from non-script files","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-12-24",""warning: ambiguous first argument; put parentheses or e...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-12-24","we're not supporting SQLite 2","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-11-29","Relation.where with no args can be chained with not, lik...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-11-27","default source in Gemfiles to :rubygems rather than hard...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-11-27","unshift html-scanner into $LOAD_PATH rather than append","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-11-27","rails gem has no lib directory to require","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-26",":update_details method no more exists on @lookup_context","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-11","current AR::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter supports ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-11","ignore .gitignore'd files in rake test:uncomitted","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-11","TimeZone format is always /[+-]\d{2}:\d{2}/ in Ruby 1.9","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-11","Range#cover? is not implemented in AS now","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-11","Proc always respond_to :binding","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-06","reduce number of Strings","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-06","MiniTest::Spec shipped with Ruby >= 1.9.3 always respond...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-06","no need to to_s here. Both String and Symbol can be inte...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-06","Symbol responds_to :upcase & :downcase in Ruby >= 1.9","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-06","stop `to_s`ing method names","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-06","fix meaningless test case","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-03","AR::Relation#model would be a better API than AR::Relati...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-03","a test case that ensures AR::Relation#merge can merge as...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-01","remove unneeded blank line from !namespeced? controller ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-01","remove unneeded blank line from !namespeced? controller ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-01","improve readability of AR explain result","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-01","Revert "Only include Rake::DSL if it's defined."","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-01","unused method arguments","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-06-01","modulize AR::NullRelation","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-04-19","Be sure to correctly fetch PK name from MySQL even if th...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-04-19","be sure to currectly fetch PK name from MySQL even if th...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-27","ruby19: no need to rescue when requiring 'rdoc/task' in ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","use AS::SafeBuffer#clone_empty for flushing the output_b...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","add AS::SafeBuffer#clone_empty","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","use AS::SafeBuffer#clone_empty for flushing the output_b...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","add AS::SafeBuffer#clone_empty","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","delete vulnerable AS::SafeBuffer#[]","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","use AS::SafeBuffer#clone_empty for flushing the output_b...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","add AS::SafeBuffer#clone_empty","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","delete vulnerable AS::SafeBuffer#[]","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","use AS::SafeBuffer#clone_empty for flushing the output_b...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-21","add AS::SafeBuffer#clone_empty","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-14","A test case for GH #3544 to ensure that a field named fi...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-02-14","Rename field_changed? to _field_changed? so that users c...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-01-23","properly memoize {field_type,select_type} as class variable","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-01-23","no need to module_eval here anymore","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-01-21","change AR default_timezone to :utc since it's the defaul...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-01-20","let AR::Relation pretty_printed like an Array","Akira Matsuda",27 "2012-01-16","show stats for app/mailers","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-12-31","bump up rack version to the one that includes the Hash D...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-12-31","bump up rack version to the one that includes the Hash D...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-12-28","refactor AR::PredicateBuilder.build_from_hash","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-12-28","where(foo: [1, nil]) becomes "WHERE foo = 1 OR foo IS NULL"","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-12-28","no need to compact an already compacted Array","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-12","Unneeded require memoizable","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-10","A test case to ensure that AC::Metal#response_body= alwa...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-09","Extend IRB right before starting IRB to remove dependenc...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-09","Modulize Rails console methods so that other console lib...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-09","Remove j alias for ERB::Util.json_escape","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-08","exclude ORDER BY clause when querying Relation#exists?","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-08","document fix: remove_column takes multiple column_names","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-08","self.up, self.down => up, down","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-07","Fix AC::Metal#response_body= to store same value on Ruby...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-07","Remove redundant blank line at the bottom","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-07","document fix: remove_column takes multiple column_names","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-07","self.up, self.down => up, down","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-11-03","move Rails console top level methods to IRB context","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-10-14","status is a number in Rails 3","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-10-12","status is a number in Rails 3","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-10-05","ruby193: String#prepend is also unsafe","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-10-05","override unsafe methods only if defined on String","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-10-05","ruby193: String#prepend is also unsafe","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-10-05","override unsafe methods only if defined on String","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-10-05","ruby193: String#prepend is also unsafe","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-10-05","override unsafe methods only if defined on String","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-08-25","do not compute table names for abstract classes","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-08-24","do not compute table names for abstract classes","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-28","callback methods are Class methods","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-23","documentation fix: wrong result","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-15","convert multiple Date parameters into a nil if any of it...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-14","need magic comments","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-13","treat fullwidth whitespace as a blank character","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-13","documentation fix: wrong result","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-09","formats","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-09","fix AR having() not to raise NoMethodError when the give...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-09","formats","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-09","fix AR having() not to raise NoMethodError when the give...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-09","find(:first) => first","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-08","Use Enumerable#with_index. We're on Ruby > 1.8.7 (part II)","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-08","Use Enumerable#with_index. We're on Ruby > 1.8.7","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-08","minor document edit","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-07",":conditions => where","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-07",":joins => joins","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-07",":include => includes","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-07","find(:first) => first","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-07-07","find(:all) => all","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-06-28","correct invalid HAVING query","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-06-28","correct invalid GROUP BY query","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-06-06","s/a/an/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-06-06","s/an/a/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-06-06","Ensure RDoc::Task exists even if 'rdoc/task' was not req...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-06-06","require 'rake/rdoctask' if failed to require 'rdoc/task'","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-06-01","s/a/an/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-06-01","s/an/a/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-28","No need to pass options which is never used","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-28","No need to override for just calling super","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-28","Disable IdentityMap by default for ActiveRecord testing","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-28","Disable IdentityMap by default for ActiveRecord testing","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-25","Ensure RDoc::Task exists even if 'rdoc/task' was not req...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-25","require 'rake/rdoctask' if failed to require 'rdoc/task'","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-20","Tests for new create_table DSL","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-20","No "t." for the migration DSL!","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","on.upcase!","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","be sure to parenthesize the arguments when the first one...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","parenthesize the arguments with splat","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","initialize @inside_template","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","for ... in => .each","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","why not use JOIN statement for joining tables? (vol. 2)","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","remove unused table from FROM clause","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","why not use JOIN statement for joining tables?","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-18","always enable `pp` on the Rails console","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-16","generate HTML5 number_field tag for integer fields","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-16","Remove unneeded merge with default false options","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-16","Don't add DEFAULT_TOKENIZER to every instance of LengthV...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-12","eliminating the noise","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-12","Revert "Delegate everything to the generator"","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-05-12","remove update:javascripts rake task","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-04-19","NilClass is a singleton","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-04-03","s/ERb/ERB/g (part II)","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-04-03","s/ERb/ERB/g","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-03-06","more "SSL everywhere" for GitHub URLs","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-03-06",""SSL everywhere" for GitHub URLs","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-03-06","s/a/an/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-03-06","fix typos","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-03-05","wrong SQL statement","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-12","do not to_s where you are testing that a string value is...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-12","avoid nil.dup","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-07","do not to_s where you are testing that a string value is...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-07","avoid nil.dup","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-01","auto_link: avoid recognizing full width chars as a part ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-01","Accept 'postgres' as a PostgreSQL driver name in dbconso...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-01","Accept String value for render_partial :as option","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-01","before_type_cast on Datetime tests for Mysql2Adapter","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-01","Make before_type_cast available for datetime fields","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-02-01","Make before_type_cast available for datetime fields","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-01-31",""rails dbconsole t" must not load "production" but "test"","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-01-29","make the example code a bit more accurate","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-01-28","Fix indentation","Akira Matsuda",27 "2011-01-28","missing parentheses","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-12-26","use https to fetch files from GitHub","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-12-24",".erb => .html.erb","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-12-24","for ... in => each ... do","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-12-17","'nil' => nil","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-12-05","s/myqsl/mysql/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-12-05","Added a space before "do" keyword","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-11-28","s/myqsl/mysql/","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-11-28","Added a space before "do" keyword","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-09-03","fix typo(?)","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-09-02",""rails console t" must not load "production" but "test" ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-09-02",""rails console t" must not load "production" but "test"","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-09-01","fix typo(?)","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-08-30","The command for creating the sessions table has changed","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-08-30","The command for creating the sessions table has changed","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-07-07","Print proper "Usage:" messages for "rails plugin" command","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-07-07","whitespace","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-06-28","Avoid "no such table" exception when schema migrations t...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-06-28","Use ActiveRecord::Migrator.schema_migrations_table_name ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2010-04-25","Fix pattern to match various magic comment formats","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-09-12","Ruby 1.9 compat: Avoid using the return value of FileUti...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-09-12","Ruby 1.9 compat: Avoid using the return value of FileUti...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-09-12","Ensure validation errors to be ordered in declared order","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-09-12","Ensure validation errors to be ordered in declared order","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-09-12","Fix default_error_messages back to the original message","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-09-12","Fix default_error_messages back to the original message","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-09-12","1.9 compat: let -c option work with Ruby 1.9","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-09-12","1.9 compat: let -g option work with Ruby 1.9","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-08-26","I18n: use I18n for select helpers' prompt text","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-08-26","I18n: use I18n for select helpers' prompt text","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-08-26","I18n: use I18n for select helpers' prompt text","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-08-26","I18n: use I18n for select helpers' prompt text","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-08-06","Ruby 1.9.2 compat: Array#* uses to_str instead of to_s t...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-08-06","Ruby 1.9.2 compat: Array#* uses to_str instead of to_s t...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-07-21","Ruby 1.9.2 compat: name method was renamed to __name__ s...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-07-21","Ruby 1.9.2 compat: Use File#expand_path for require path...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-07-21","Ruby 1.9.2 compat: name method was renamed to __name__ s...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-07-21","Ruby 1.9.2 compat: Use File#expand_path for require path...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-07-01","Fix pattern to match various magic comment formats","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-02-17","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix JSON decoding to work properly with...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2009-02-17","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix JSON decoding to work properly with...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2008-12-08","Make word separator in AR validation error messages conf...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2008-12-08","Change Array#to_sentence I18n options to pass comma and ...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2008-11-19","Require active_support/secure_random for Ruby 1.9.","Akira Matsuda",27 "2008-11-19","Require active_support/secure_random for Ruby 1.9.","Akira Matsuda",27 "2008-09-09","Ruby 1.9 compat: remove instance variables and global va...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2008-09-09","Ruby 1.9 compat: use String#lines instead of to_a in Rub...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2008-09-09","Ruby 1.9 compat: remove constants from block parameters","Akira Matsuda",27 "2008-07-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: call Proc#binding explicitly. [#623 st...","Akira Matsuda",27 "2013-08-20","fix bad test by making number that fits for integer","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-08-03","use flat_map","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-30","assert_no_queries should ignore certain sqls","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-30","assert_no_queries should allow to ignore some queries","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-29","interceptor should mimick original method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-29","use method with_active_record_default_timezone","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-29","remove duplicate method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-28","make test not depend on order","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-28","reset default timezone and make test order independent","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-28","make test order independent by resetting timezone","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-28","fix order dependent test related to migration","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-28","fix order dependent test","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-09","flatten merged join_values before building the joins","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-03","Removed deprecated method `columns_for_remove`","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Dropped deprecated option `:restrict` for `:dependent` i...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Removed support for deprecated `delete_sql` in associati...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Removed support for deprecated `insert_sql` in associati...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","use extract_options!","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","fix indentation","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Removed support for deprecated `finder_sql` in associati...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Removed support for deprecated `counter_sql`","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Removing not useful test related to reflect_on_all_assoc...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","calling default_scope without a proc will raise Argument...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Removed deprecated method type_cast_code from Column","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Removed deprecated options for assocations","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-01","Removed deprecated methods partial_updates and family","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-01","Removed deprecated method scoped","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-01","Removed deprecated method default_scopes?","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-06-30","Do not invoke callbacks when delete_all is called","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-06-29","cookies are encrypted starting Rails 4","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-06-22","flatten merged join_values before building the joins","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-06-21","do not load all child records for inverse case","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-06-21","fix bad test by making number that fits for integer","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-06-19","log the sql that is actually sent to the database","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-06-18","do not load all child records for inverse case","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-06-17","remove bind values for where clauses that were removed","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-27","minor comments cleanup","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-23","enhanced comments for foreign_key_present? method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-22","Added an example for primary_key option","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-22","remove code duplication","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-13","emphasize that callbacks are called in destroy_all","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-11","read_attribute_before_type_cast should accept symbol","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-09","minor rdoc cleanup for reflection methods","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-08","extracted piece of code into a method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-06","fix failing test caused by 3771e4d511","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-06","raise IrreversibleMigration if no column given","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-05-03","added to rdoc for unscope that default_scope wins","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-24","Remove code duplication","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-21","fix wrong test description and failure message","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-21","Added tests for if condition in Active Model callbacks","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-19","fix respond_to? for non selected column","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-17","bump the rails version in bug report template","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-17","readonly info for save and save!","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-17","updated rdoc to reflect info about readonly attribute","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-17","without autosave option updated records not save","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-10","converge three lines into one","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-10","rdoc for some of the methods in JoinDependency","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-10","remove_duplicate_results! should be protected","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-10","While merging relations preserve context for joins","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-09","changed variable name active_record => base_klass","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-09","JoinPart is no longer an abstract class","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-05","failing test for #9869","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-04","template should have generic name","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-04","use | to have more intent revealing code","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-04","expanded rdoc for chain and reflection_names","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-04","has_many through obeys order on through association","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-04","expanded rdoc on source_reflection method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-02","show name of the klass that has missing association","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-02","not a relation. it's an arel select manager","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-02","write sql queries to terminal","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-02","no need to invoke to_s before applying intern","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-04-01","gist for Active Record issues [Neeraj Singh & Xavier Noria]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-30","minor copy editing","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-29","explain method invertible_for [ci skip]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-29","Do not use deprecate method [ci skip]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-29","fix broken sentence [ci skip]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-27","entirelyby => 'entirely by'","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-25","if cookie is tampered with then nil is returned [ci skip]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-23","enhance unscoped tests","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-23","unscoped works with named scope [ci skip]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-19","fix sentence [ci skip]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-18","SQLite3 3.6.8+ supports nested transactions [ci skip]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-12","dependent: :destroy should call destroy_all","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-11","Minor copy editing","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-11","Show warning message if delete_all is firing callbacks","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-08","fixing typo in the merging scopes section","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-08","Explained how merging of scope works","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-08","SQLite3 3.6.8+ supports savepoints","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-07","Combine scope conditions using AND","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-03-03","fix the sql that is generated from scoping","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-02-24","Updated doc to clarify about update_all and delete_all","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-01-30","class_eval should use __FILE__ and __LINE__","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-13","Remove "is_assed" with something more meaningful","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-11","remove meaningless assert true","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-11","expected message should come first","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-11","try not to use assert_blank when nil will would","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-10","add missing ensure","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-10","replaced and with && as per coding guidelines","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-10","The test name is misleading. It says","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-09","remove unused user_controller from test","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-09","class WithSymbolReturningString is not used anywhere in ...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-08","Make test meaningful","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-08","test name should reflect the name of the method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-06-08","remove unused class from test","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-04-28","upgrade rack-mount","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-01-25","render_to_string must ensure that response_body","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-01-25","If I want to set respond_body to nil then it","Neeraj Singh",26 "2011-01-13","editing comments regarding rescuable optoin in AS callbacks","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-28","while defining callbacks option :rescuable => true","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-21","expand on set_callback method to explain that in","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-09","Do not send id for quoting twice if the primary key is s...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-09","Ensure that while caching a page rails takes into","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-09","Ensure that while caching a page rails takes into","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-08","Add to documentation that action caching does","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-06","Add to documentation that action caching does","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-05","Rewording existing comment","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-05","Add comment for config_accessor method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-05","Rewording existing comment","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-12-05","make it clear that recompilation happens only in","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-30","Rewording existing comment","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-30","Add comment for config_accessor method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-30","Rewording existing comment","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-28","make it clear that recompilation happens only in","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","If a user wants json output then try best to render json...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","If a nested_attribute is being marked for destruction an...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","If a user wants json output then try best to render json...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","If a nested_attribute is being marked for destruction an...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","process text/* if it appears in the middle of","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","processing image/* is an odditity because there is","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","clean up test by using unregister method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","unregister method implementation and test","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","Remove the not needed setup and teardown","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-24","No need to return anything","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-23","Do not send id for quoting twice if the primary key is s...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-23","Revert "unscoped takes care of named_scopes too"","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","Revert "unscoped takes care of named_scopes too"","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","make test more resilient to future changes by not","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","remove select, collect and then inject with","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","string include method is 10x faster than creating","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","Compile regex only once","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","move the mime registration code to setup so that","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","rename star star to just one star","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","cleanup Mime::LOOKUP after registering image/gif","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","fix test","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","implement code that handles text/*, appplication/*,","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","test for text/*, application/* and image/*","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","declare regex as a constant","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","add the fixture file","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","do not assume that there is no space between","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","failing test for #6022","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-22","current code ignores http header "Accept" if it","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-21","use_accept_header is no longer supported","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-21","unscoped takes care of named_scopes too","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-21","use_accept_header is no longer supported","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-21","unscoped takes care of named_scopes too","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-21","use_accept_header is no longer supported","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-20","json_escape makes json invalid doc change [#1485 state:r...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-18","unscoped takes care of named_scopes too","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-17","replace and with && as per rails coding convention","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-17","remove the rescue block by returning a not asking Base f...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-17","fix warning during test execution","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-15","if association is already loaded and if a find operation...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-11","provide better error message if path is uri [#5914 state...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-11","fields_for should treat ActiveRecord::Relation as an array","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-11-11","fields_for should treat ActiveRecord::Relation as an array","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-10-17","no need to check for nil","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-10-17","replace if ! with unless","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-10-16","json_escape makes json invalid doc change [#1485 state:r...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-30","no need to check for nil","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-30","assert on empty array is always true. fixing test.","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-30","double negative is not good","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-30","another case of extra nil? check","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-30","no need to check for nil?","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-30","no need to check for nil?","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-30","no need of nil check","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-29","no need of nil check","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-28","performance improvement based on discussion at http://gi...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-28","backport of #5706 and #5579 to 3-0-stable","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-28","backport of #5705 to 3-0-stable","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-27","after_create in ActiveModel should in the order specified","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-27","Test for after_create callback order in ActiveSupport [#...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-27","after_create in ActiveModel should in the order specified","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-27","Fix for #5579 involved the code change for both has_one ...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-27","Fix for nested_attributes with has_many association fail...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-27","Three performance improvements:","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-24","reject_id option should be respected while using nested_...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-22","Error message should advice to use 'mysql2' gem.","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-22","Error message should advice to use 'mysql2' gem.","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-18","test for #5038","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-18","expanding the test to include both type of order declara...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-18","remove irrelevant comments","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-09","return is not needed here","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-09","return is not needed here","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-09","remove unnecessary call","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-09","remove unnecessary call","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-09","make apply_modules run faster","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-09","make apply_modules run faster","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-05","order should always be concatenated.","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-05","order should always be concatenated.","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-01","delegate method should treat :prefix => false same as :p...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-09-01","delegate method should treat :prefix => false same as :p...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-31","If certain sections of skip_callback method are commente...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-31","replacing superclass_delegating_accessor with class_attr...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-31","Replacing superclass_delegating_accessoror with class_at...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-31","Replacing superclass_delegating_accessoror with class_at...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-31","adding new test for ActiveModel::Serialization","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-25","minor formatting fixes","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-25","minor formatting fixes","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-24","touch operationg if used along with belongs_to will also...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-24","unscoped does not work when chained with named_scope","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-24","@user.touch should not fail if User does not have update...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-24","@user.touch should not fail if User does not have update...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-24","touch operationg if used along with belongs_to will also...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-23","unscoped does not work when chained with named_scope","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-20","Patch for Lighthouse ticket #5419 has been been applied....","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-20","after_validation should be called irrespective of the re...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-20","after_validation should be called irrespective of the re...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-20","documentation regarding after_validation","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-19","While creating a new record using has_many create method...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-19","While creating a new record using has_many create method...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-18","correcting the documentation which wrongly states that r...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-18","fixing typo","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-14","Ensure we can nest include calls [#5285 state:resolved]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-12","Ensure we can nest include calls [#5285 state:resolved]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-12","Ensure we can nest include calls [#5285 state:resolved]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-12","updating documentation for named_scope and default_scope","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-12","adding more documentation for autosave option","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-12","updating documentation for named_scope and default_scope","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-09","adding more documentation for autosave option","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-08","correcting wrong example","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-06","correcting wrong example","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-06","updating documentation for method configure_dependency_f...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-06","adding documentation for OrderedHash and OrderedOptions","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-06","adding an example of skipping a callback","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-05","fixing typo","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-05","more documentation for class_inheritable_*","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-05","fixing typo","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-05","more documentation for class_inheritable_*","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-05","correcting the documentation that default to false. it d...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-04","adding documentation to ActiveSupport::Concern ht:strict...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-03","adding test cases for ActiveModel::Errors","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-03","Dynamic finder method like scoped_by_* create methods so...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-03","Making Active Record base_test.rb thinner by moving tests","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-03","fixing documentation","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-02","Correcting the documentation which wrongly states that e...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-02","Adding to AR::Base documentation about dynamically scope...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-02","ensuring that description does not exceed 100 columns","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-02","Eager loading an association should not change the count...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-02","updating documentation to ensure line does not exceed 10...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-08-02","ensuring that documentation does not exceed 100 columns","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-31","ensuring that documentation does not exceed 100 columns","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-31","adding the missing closing tag","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-31","fixing documentation just a little bit","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-30","returns not returned . fixing documentation for reflection","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","Adding documentation regarding lazy_load_hooks","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","updating documentation about lazy hooks in ActiveSupport","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","moving time zone related documentation to timestamp.rb f...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","adding documentation regarding time_zone_aware_attribute...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","expanding on the will_change! method in documentation","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","itsy bitsy changes to documentation","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","itsy bitsy changes to ActionMailer documentation","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","putting receive method under tt","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-29","superclass_delegating_accessor has been deprecated.","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","adding punctuations","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","more documentation for update_attribute","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","editing the documentation regarding :race_condition_ttl ...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","editing a sentence","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","adding comment specifying that cattr_accessor also suppo...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","clarifying the instance_write option with an example","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","adding some comments to cattr_accessor method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","updating description of how class_attribute works","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","adding test for respond_to cache_key and cleaning up the...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","test cases for rails_app_version in AS cache.rb","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","adding more test cases for expand_cache_key","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-28","removing unused variable","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-27","clarifying description for class_attribute method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-27","adding comments to update_attribute method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-27","polishing comments","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-27","making comments meaningful by correcting, adding and pru...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-27","making comments have a consistent theme of narrative","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-26","No need to check for :uniq","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-26","strengthening the test suite for rescue_from","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-26","strengthening the rescue_from test suites","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-24","bringing consistency in comments","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-23","making comments sentence more concise","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-23","fixing typo","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-23","adding proper markup in comments","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-23","shortening the sentences and removing fluff","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-23","reformatting sentence","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-21","expanded comment for update_attribute method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-21","replacing around with for in the comments for callbacks","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-21","renaming tests by removing proxy_options from names","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-21","update_attribute should not update readonly attributes","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-21","Timestamp columns of HABTM join table should record time...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-21","- without the id test is passing even if I change :allow...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-20","Ensure that primary_keys of HABTM records is not double ...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-20","expanded comment for update_attribute method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-19","Exceptions from views should be rescued based on the ori...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-18","replacing around with for in the comments for callbacks","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-18","expected value should come first in assert_equal","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-18","primary_keys_test reads better than pk_test","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-18","fixing typo","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-18","removing extra whitespaces","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-18","fixing the ternary operation where the logic is very con...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-18","update_attribute and updated_attributes! are now wrapped...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-16","moving persistence related tests to a new file","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-16","adding proper markup to comment","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-13","count method should not take options if it is operated o...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-13","update_attributes and update_attributes! are now wrapped...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-13","string IDs are now quoted correctly [#5064 state:resolved]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-13","with this fix touch method - does not call validations -...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-09","expanding on :uniq option in has_many","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-08","reset_counter should work with non-traditional belongs_t...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-08","This patch changes update_attribute implementatino so:","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-08","consolidating updated_at and updated_on","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-08","removing unused method","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-08","This test never runs and it has never run. Since the day...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-08","clarifying how to create non standard primary key","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-06","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-06","added more info about << operation in associations","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-07-02","clarifying the comments regarding base_class declaration","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-29","array subtraction should be faster than iterating over a...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-29","splitting a really long line into multiple lines which i...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-28","with_exclusive_scope does not work properly if ARel is p...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-25","Support for multiple selects added","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-25","added to_xml section for controller","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-25","regexp anchors can't be in route constraints","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-24","adding missing assertion and fixing the test","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-24","fixing test by replacing assert with assert_equal","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-24","adding middleware test for RAILS_CACHE","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-23","adding fix for to_xml for ActiveRecord relation object","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-23","ActiveRecord's relation object should respond to to_json...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-23","adding column named 'group' to ensure that nothing break...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-23","fixes to the tests for patch #4909","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-23","Fragment cache not generating the proper cache key in log","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-23","test for #1570","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-22","should be able to run ActiveModel validations_test [#493...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-22","test for #4917","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-22","test for #4862","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-19","moving before_validation and after_validation functional...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-15","Revert "removing the extra \"","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-15","removing the extra \","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-14","adding to the :kind documentation for ActiveSupport call...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-14","clearer documentation of how scope applies to ActiveSupp...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-14","truncate safe method description changes","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-13","render(:inline) in a layout before yield replaces origin...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-11","fixing typo","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-10","Validators should at model level and not at AR:Base leve...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-09","Better test for ticket [#3914 state:resolved]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-06-08","cache_sweeper yields blank output","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-21","1.day should respond_to kind_of too","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-21","Replace assert with assert_equal in some test cases","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-19","Final iteration of use better testing methods","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-19","Use better assertion methods for testing","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-19","Updating the doc with the info that class_inheritable_ac...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-18","assert_equal should be used instead of assert","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-18","expected value should come first in assert_equal","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-18","Use assert_equal correctly in actionmailer test (exposin...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-18","Better error messages for some of ActiveSupport tests","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-18","assert should be replaced with assert_equal in a particu...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-18","Use assert_respond_to because it has better error messaging","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-16","Fix broken integration test in 2.x [#4565 state:resolved]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-16","better documentation for dependent option [#4564 state:r...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-15","db:drop:all throws error when database does not exist [#...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-15","STI should not ignore type condition while applying scop...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-05-14","Better code formatting and proper line numbers for stack...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-04-30","removing the extra assignment statement [#4432 state:res...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-04-30","test cases for record.to_xml [#458 state:resolved]","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-04-29","making rake:migrate VERSION=0 a noop called in successio...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-04-29","Fix form builder and form helpers inconsistencies [#4432...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-04-29","making rake:migrate VERSION=0 a noop called in successio...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-04-29","ActionCachingTestController rescues from all exceptions....","Neeraj Singh",26 "2010-04-29","array.to_xml should be able to handle all types of data ...","Neeraj Singh",26 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecated SchemaStatements#distinct","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-07-02","Add CHANGELOG entry for 1c9f9a2 [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-07-02","Remove `page_cache_extension` deprecated method","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-07-02","Fix code example in Getting Started guide - fixes #11219...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecated AR::Connection#clear_stale_cached_conn...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-05-01","Merge branch 4-0-stable of github.com:lifo/docrails [ci ...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-05-01","add unreleased header to CHANGELOGs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-05-01","add CHANGELOG entry for a8ef0bbb [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-30","add missing :nodoc: marks to ActiveRecord::Delegation [c...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-30","add missing :nodoc: marks to ActiveRecord::Delegation [c...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-30","Fix guide section about assets precompiling task in prod...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-30","Fix guide section about assets precompiling task in prod...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-17","add :nodoc: mark to *Registry classes [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-13","use define_singleton_method instead of class_eval","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-13","Add :nodoc: mark to PerThreadRegistry#method_missing [ci...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-13","fix :nodoc: mark on AR::AttributeMethods::Serialization ...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-12","minor edit on StatementCache documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-11","Fix StatementCache docs format [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-11","Merge pull request #136 from bricestacey/master","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-05","update ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Serialization doc...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-05","mark ReversibleBlockHelper as :nodoc: [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-05","fix Array#uniq_by! docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-04","add documentation to Benchmark#ms [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-04","Exclude template files for rdoc API [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-04","fix broken format in Array#to_sentence [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-04","fix broken format in ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-04","mark ActionView::Helpers::Tags as :nodoc: [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-03","fix broken format in ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper [...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-04-03","mark relation mutator as :nodoc: [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-03-16","nodoc AR::ConnectionHandling for adapters [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-02-26","remove private attribute? warning","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-02-26","Add tests for #9441","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-02-26","JRuby does not support racc, include it only in ruby pla...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-01-18","fix broken examples format in image_tag helper [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-01-07","improve StrongParameters documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-01-04","extract alert= and notice= examples to FlashHash#now [ci...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-20","update AD::Journey to follow Rails coding conventions","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-20",":nodoc: Journey because is not part of the public API [c...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-19","remove code for Ruby 1.8.x support","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-18","update concerned tests","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-18","fix railties CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-17"," fix AS::BasicObject :nodoc: [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-11","remove attr_protected reference from AS Core Extensions ...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-11","remove Mass Assignment reference from Form Helpers guide...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-11","remove Mass Assignment reference from Security Guide [ci...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-09","use default_options= instead of default to avoid confusion","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-08","use _action callbacks in actionmailer","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-08","Fix #assert_instance_method to also assert indented methods","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-08","update guides to use _action callbacks [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-08","fix scaffold controller generator tests","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-08","use :only instead of :except callback option in the cont...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-07","add tests to aliased _filter callbacks","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-07","use `_action` instead of `_filter` callbacks","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-07","update documentation and code to use _action callbacks","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-07","fix prepend_before_filter documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-07","Rename ActiveSupport::BasicObject to ActiveSupport::Prox...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-12-01","ensure original encoding doesnt change","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-11-30","hash filters should be accessed with symbols or strings","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-11-29","nodoc AS::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator class [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-11-29","add documentation to CollectionProxy #length and #size m...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-11-29","add documentation to CollectionProxy#empty?","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-28","dont encourage AC::Parameters#permit_all_parameters usag...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-28","AR::AttributeMethods#[] raises AM::AttributeMissingError...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-27","fix failing isolated tests","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-27","fix AM::Serializers titles [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-27","AM::Serializers::Xml depends on AM::Naming","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-26","update AR::ImmutableRelation documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-26","minor edits and remove mixed titles in AM::Validations d...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-26","encourage use of Ruby 1.9 syntax [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-22","fix output messages - docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-22","read_attribute is public [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-22","add docs to AR::AttributeMethods::BeforeTypeCast [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-22","improve AR::AttributeMethods documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-21","fix typo and improve example [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-21","update AR::AttributeMethods::BeforeTypeCast docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-21","Fix AR::AttributeMethods#[] example [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-21","fix StrongParameters example [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-21","nodoc deprecated AR::Fixtures constant [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-21","minor edits in AM documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-21","update AR::AttributeMethods documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-21","nodoc AR::Generators [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-19","truncate debug.log on each test run","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-19","remove assert_valid method from testing guide [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-18","add a nested attributes example into Strong Parameters d...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-18","remove some non-breaking spaces [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-18","remove non-breaking spaces [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-12","update AC::Parameters#permit documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-07","update Rails::Generators docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-07","nodoc JS::Generators [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-07","nodoc Erb::Generators [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-07","nodoc CSS::Generators [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-07","nodoc TestUnit::Generators [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-06","rename private method to avoid overriding","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-06","use Rails backtrace in tests","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-06","bump minitest version ~> 4.1.0","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-05","add AC::Parameters#permit_all_parameters config option [...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-05","remove old AR Mass Assignment config options [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-05","Merge pull request #115 from ruggeri/master","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-05","delete removed page cache options [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-05","use default_static_extension instead of page_cache_exten...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-05","update caching with rails guide to reflect action and pa...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-04","add an entry about AP page and action extraction in the ...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-04","add CHANGELOG entry for AP page and action caching extra...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-03","Count returns 0 without querying if parent is not saved","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-03","rename page_cache_extension option to default_static_ext...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-03","extract AP Page and Action caching to actionpack-depreca...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-01","use <url> markdown syntax instead of [url](url) [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-10-01","fix example in Migration docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-30","add change_table transformation to Migration docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-28","move metal/caching_test into controller/caching_test","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-24","update Security guide to reflect mass assignment protect...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-24","add a note about DynamicForm in error_messages_for secti...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-23","update AC::ConditionalGet documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-23","update AC::Caching documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","remove added indentation from the last commit [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","update AR::Validations documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","nodoc AR::Railtie [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","remove AC::Parameters reference [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","update AR::Scoping documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","add :nodoc: directive to AR::Fixtures::File [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","fix AR::Coders::YAMLColumn nodoc [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","update AR/attribute_methods documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","fix AR::AttributeMethods::Dirty :nodoc: [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","fix AR::Associations::CollectionProxy#delete broken docu...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","update AR::Associations::CollectionProxy#loaded? documen...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-22","fix typos in AC::StrongParameters documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-21","add note about AR#include_root_in_json default in Upgrad...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","remove unnecessary entry and make minor edits to AR/CHAN...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","rename AR::Model::Tag to AR::Tag - fixes #7714","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","add :nodoc: to AMo::DeprecatedMassAssignmentSecurity::Cl...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","change AMo::ForbiddenAttributesProtection#sanitize_for_m...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","update AMo::ForbiddenAttributesError documentation [ci s...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","fix typos and improve AC::StrongParameters documentation...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","add :nodoc: directives to AMo::DeprecatedMassAssignmentS...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","update AC::StrongParameters documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","define permitted? method instead of use an alias to fix ...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","update AC::Parameters documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","update AC::ParameterMissing documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","update AR::AttributeAssignment documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-20","update AC::ParamsWrapper documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-19","fix :nodoc:s in AR::Timestamp [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-19","fix Hash#slice code example [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-18","update ActionMailer documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-17","show love to contributors","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-17","fix rdoc task for Action Mailer documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-17","update ActionMailer::Base documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-17","update code examples to 1.9 hash syntax in the AR/README...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-17","update AS docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-17","fix AS::OrderedOptions documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-17","improve AR/CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-15","update AS/values and AS/xml_mini docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-15","update AS/notifications and AS/testing docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-15","update AS/log_subscriber and AS/multibyte docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-15","update AS/json docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-15","update AS/inflector docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-15","update AS/deprecation docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-15","add :nodoc: to AS::Autoload#extended [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-13","fix markdown markup in AR/CHANGELOG","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-13","fix AS/core_ext examples [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-12","update AS/core_ext docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-12","update some AS code examples to 1.9 hash syntax [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-10","fix punctuation in Getting Started prologue [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-08","set default_headers to nil after use it to avoid order d...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-08","add :nodoc: to AR::Store::IndifferentCoder [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-08","add note about using block form of unscoped in AR Queryi...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-09-08","improve AR CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-08-27","ensures that the test repairs the validation setup","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-08-27","fix order dependent test in AR::BasicsTest","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-08-26","fix order dependent test in AggregationsTest","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-08-23","Fix ActionMailer tests that depend on run order","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-08-23","Fix ActiveModel tests that depend on run order","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-08-23","Fix ActiveSupport tests that depend on run order","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-08-20","fix punctuation in config templates","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-31","fix punctuation in #resources and #match documentation [...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-31","update ActiveModel::Observer documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-31","update ActiveModel::ObserverArray documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-31","add :nodoc: to ActiveModel::Observing#inherited [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-31","update ActiveModel::Observing documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-31","update ActiveModel::Serializers documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-31","add documentation to ActiveModel #from_json method [ci s...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","fix nodoc in metal/live","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","update coding conventions in metal/live","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","fix typo in metal/live [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","fix #after_validation example [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","update AR::Validations::AssociatedValidator documentatio...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","update AR::Validations::UniquenessValidator documentatio...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","add :nodoc: directives to ActiveModel Sanitizers [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","fix class reference in AM::MassAssignmentSecurity docume...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","update ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks documentation...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","update #validates and #validates! documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","update ActiveModel::Valdations#validates_with docs [ci s...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-30","update ActiveModel::Validations docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-29","update ActiveModel::Validator docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-29","update ActiveModel::SecurePassword docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-28","add example to ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed [ci s...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-28","Backport #6995 to 3-2 stable","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-28","add example to ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-28","update ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-28","add example to ActiveModel::Naming#model_name [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-28","fix AM::Naming examples [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-28","update to_param docs [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-27","use 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' instead of :authorization as ke...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-24","Update performance testing guide [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-23","fix removed ruby tag in commit 890b9dd [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-22","add :nodoc: directive to AM::ObserverArray internal meth...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-21","fixing :nodoc:s in AS::JSON::Encoding","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-13","add note about requiring gem dependencies before initial...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-06","update test_help to config properly turn natural languag...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-06","update performance test template to use test method","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-06","add :nodoc: to internal implementations of AM::Validator...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-06","update ActiveModel::Serialization documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-05","fix syntax of AM::Validations::HelperMethods examples [c...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-05","update ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods documenta...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-05","update ActiveModel::Conversion documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-05","fix quoting for ActiveSupport::Duration instances","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-04","fix link and add activeresource link in release notes pa...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-03","remove test/dummy from gitignore when "plugin new -T"","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-02","Backport #3329 to 3-2-stable","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-07-01","remove :nodoc: of AR::Scoping#unscoped [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-30","fix AR::SchemaStatements#column_exists? example [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-30","update AR::SchemaStatements#column_exists? documentation...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-28","update AR::FinderMethods#exists?(false) example [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-28","fix ActionMailer::Async docs and update to follow coding...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-25","add :nodoc: to internal implementations [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-25","update ActiveModel::Name documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-25","fix punctuation in activemodel/errors [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-23","update ActiveModel::Naming documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-23","Merge pull request #104 from udaykadaboina/typofix","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-23","update ActiveModel::Model documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-23","add description ActiveModel::StrictValidationField [ci s...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-22","update ActiveModel::Lint documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-22","update ActiveModel::Errors#include? documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-22","add :nodoc: to internal implementations [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-22","add documentation and examples to ActiveModel::Errors [c...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-22","change param name to improve documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-22","update ActiveModel::Errors documentation and minor fixes...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-22","update ActiveModel::Conversion documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-22","update ActiveModel::Callbacks documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-21","add description to ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError [c...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-21","add :nodoc: to AM::AttributeMethods#instance_method_alre...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-21","add example to ActiveModel::AttributeMethods#undefine_at...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-21","add docs to AM::AttributeMethods#define_attribute_method...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-21","add :nodoc: to AM::AttributeMethods::AttributeMethodMatc...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-21","fix ActiveModel::AttributeMethods#alias_attribute docume...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-21","update ActiveModel::AttributeMethods documentation [ci s...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-20","switch to prototype also modifies application.js [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-20","remove deprecated methods [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-20","update Built-in Rails Helpers section [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-20","fix typo [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-19","add :nodoc: to AV StylesheetIncludeTag, JavascriptInclud...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-19","add documentation to AS::TestCase#assert_nothing_raised","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-19","update AS::Testing::Assertions docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-19","fix typo [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-18","add example to AS::Deprecation#deprecate_methods [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-18","fix invalid syntax and sqlite rake failing tests","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-18","add :nodoc: to AR::Tasks and update to follow the coding...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-18","check if sqlite3 file exists before remove","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-18","bump AS deprecation_horizon to 4.0","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-17","bump AS deprecation_horizon to 4.1","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-17","add example to AS::Deprecation#silence [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-16","change not valid syntax [ci-skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-16","fix example with data: { disable-with: '' } [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-16","unnecessary reference to link_to_remote method in rails ...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-15","add example to ActiveModel::Validations#validators [ci s...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-12","Fix build","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-06","change AMS::JSON.include_root_in_json default value to f...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-05","add :nodoc: to AS::NumberHelper private methods [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-05","add instance_accessor option to ActiveSupport::Configura...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-05","add example to AS::Gzip","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-06-05","remove double hyphen that doesn't allow properly parsing","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-31","update ActiveModel::Dirty documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-29","update Gemfile template to 1.9 hash syntax","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-29","fix example format and add markup in Module#mattr_access...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-29","fix typos on migrations guide [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-29","Add tests to delete by fixnum or string id with has many...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-29","Add support for CollectionAssociation#delete by Fixnum o...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","change example on CollectionProxy#delete to accept multi...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","add ActiveSupport::JSON.decode documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","add example to ActiveSupport::JSON.encode [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","fix typo and remove 'examples' noise [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","fix empty lines [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","remove :nodoc: from Class#subclasses [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","add :locale option to Array#to_sentence documentation [c...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","add examples to Array#to_sentence [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","update documentation of array/access methods [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-28","Merge pull request #101 from lazylester/master","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-27","update Module#mattr_accessor documentation [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-27","remove unnecessary ruby 1.8 reference from active_record...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-27","add CollectionProxy#uniq documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-27","update Hash documentation with 1.9 syntax [ci skip]","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-27","add examples to Hash#deep_stringify_keys and Hash#deep_s...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-26","add :nodoc: to CollectionProxy#initialize","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-26","add CollectionProxy#== documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-26","add CollectionProxy#count documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-26","add CollectionProxy#to_ary documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-26","add CollectionProxy#delete documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","add CollectionProxy#length documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","add CollectionProxy#size documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","add :call-seq: to +first+ and +last+ CollectionProxy met...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","add CollectionProxy#create! documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","add CollectionProxy#create documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","add more examples to CollectionProxy#find","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","adding :call-seq: to CollectionProxy methods","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","add CollectionProxy#build documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","remove repeated documentation in CollectionProxy#clear","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","update CollectionProxy#clear documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","update CollectionProxy#delete_all documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-22","add CollectionProxy#delete_all documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-21","fix CollectionProxy documentation markup","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-21","add CollectionProxy#reload documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-21","improve CollectionProxy#destroy documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-21","add CollectionProxy#destroy documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-20","update CollectionProxy#destroy_all documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","add CollectionProxy#select documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","add CollectionProxy#find documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","add CollectionProxy#last documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","add CollectionProxy#first documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","improve CollectionProxy#concat documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","fix CollectionProxy#<< documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","add CollectionProxy#<< documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","add CollectionProxy#clear documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","add CollectionProxy#include? documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-19","minor fix wrapper tag documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","move docs from CollectionAssociation to CollectionProxy","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","add explanation of raising errors when a limit scope is ...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","remove incorrect example of CollectionAssociation#empty?","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","add docs to CollectionAssociation#empty?","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","add docs to CollectionAssociation#any?","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","add examples to CollectionAssociation#concat","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","fix CollectionAssociation docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","add example to CollectionAssociation#destroy_all","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","add more explanation to CollectionAssociation docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","add CollectionAssociation hierarchy","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-18","add docs to CollectionAssociation#many?","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-17","fix CollectionAssociation#replace docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-17","Add docs to CollectionAssociation#replace","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-17","fix validations docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-16","update AS:OrderedHash docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-16","fixing removed empty lines and examples","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-16","fixing validates_with docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-16","better format and fixes to validators docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-16","removing 1.8 reference","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-16","better example format in validates_exclusion_of docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-15","Backporting some docs on core_ext/hash","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-15","Removing ==Examples and last blank lines of docs from ac...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-14","updating define_attribute_methods documentation","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-14","allow define_attribute_methods to pass multiple values","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-14","Removing ==Examples and last blank lines of docs from ra...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-14","adding examples to deep_dup method","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-14","removing unnecessary 'examples' noise from activesupport","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-14","Fixing Hash#stringify_keys docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-13","marking self in Hash#symbolize_keys!","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-13","added example to Hash#symbolize_keys","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-13","unnecessary 'examples' noise in Hash#assert_valid_keys docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-13","added example to Hash#stringify_keys","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-13","adding examples to Hash#deep_merge method","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-13","fix todo: use minitest skip instead of return nil","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-13","adding examples and docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-12","added examples to Integer#multiple_of?","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-12","removing trailing spaces","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","added docs to String#to_datetime","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","added docs to String#to_date","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","added examples to String#exclude?","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","remove unnecessary 'examples' noise","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","fix String#last example","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","fix String#last example","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","added docs to String#last","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","improve String#first docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","fix typo in String#first","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","added docs to String#first","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","added docs to String#from","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","improve String#to docs","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","added docs to String#to","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-11","added docs to String#at","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-10","Remove key argument from run_callbacks to fix build","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-10","removing key argument from run_callbacks - fix build","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-10","AS::Callbacks#run_callbacks remove key argument","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-10","deleting empty lines in docs parts","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-09","fix attribute_accessors docs to support 1.8 syntax","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-09","Fix build","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-08","removing docs duplication","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-08","added docs to attribute_accessors methods","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-08","added docs to alias_attribute method","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-08","added docs to cattr_reader","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-08","better docs for cattr_accessor and cattr_writer","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-07","added docs and examples to cattr_writer method","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-07","added docs to cattr_accessor method","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-07","adding example about using cattr_accessor with subclasses","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-07","removing the surrounding +s in active model readme","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-07","fixing marked actived model classes in readme","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-07","marking some active model classes","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-07","fixing active model links in readme","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-07","adding observer example","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-05-02","Fix #4979 against 3-2-stable - delete_all raise an error...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-04-30","delete_all raise an error if a limit is provided - fixes...","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2012-04-29","fix typo in ActiveSupport::Inflector#titleize","Francesco Rodríguez",25 "2013-09-09","Merge pull request #12157 from robin850/patch-9","Yves Senn",24 "2013-09-09","Merge pull request #12166 from JuanitoFatas/doc-patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-09-05","Merge pull request #12139 from vipulnsward/typos_av","Yves Senn",24 "2013-09-05","Merge pull request #12139 from vipulnsward/typos_av","Yves Senn",24 "2013-09-05","Merge pull request #12130 from egilburg/patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-09-05","Merge pull request #12130 from egilburg/patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-09-04","Merge pull request #11958 from jetthoughts/extract_pre_p...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-09-02","Merge pull request #12105 from rajcybage/fixing_typo","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-28","Merge pull request #10642 from LTe/invalid-load-error","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-28","Merge pull request #12053 from schuetzm/doc_sqlite3_mem","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-28","Merge pull request #12033 from alexaltair/patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #12030 from garysweaver/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-26","fix typo in the credit section of the guides. [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-26","fix typo in the credit section of the guides. [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #11997 from startupjockey/add_credits_AS","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #11997 from startupjockey/add_credits_AS","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-26","PG adapter deals with negative money values formatted wi...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #11973 from prathamesh-sonpatki/nokog...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #11973 from prathamesh-sonpatki/nokog...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-26","PG adapter deals with negative money values formatted wi...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11996 from semaperepelitsa/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11996 from semaperepelitsa/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11991 from prathamesh-sonpatki/note-...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11991 from prathamesh-sonpatki/note-...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-22","Merge pull request #11943 from suginoy/ar-order-notation","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-22","Merge pull request #11976 from etehtsea/inf","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-22","Merge pull request #11943 from suginoy/ar-order-notation","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-22","Merge pull request #11978 from edogawaconan/fix_doc_coll...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-20","write changelog entry for #11922. [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-20","Merge pull request #11922 from Empact/string-confusion","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-19","explain how to contribute to the documentation. [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-19","explain how to contribute to the documentation.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-19","Merge pull request #11934 from xta/clarify_instructions_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-15","fix build error caused by #11900.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-15","Merge pull request #11900 from onlymejosh/add_less_to_ra...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-14","Merge pull request #11574 from jetthoughts/11552_rescue_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-14","Merge pull request #11886 from jetthoughts/remove_redund...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-14","document `assert_not_XYZ` in place of `refute_XYZ`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-14","document `assert_not_XYZ` in place of `refute_XYZ`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-14","Merge pull request #11544 from prathamesh-sonpatki/names...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-14","test-case for fixed issue #11870.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-14","Merge pull request #11756 from zilkey/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-14","Merge pull request #11756 from zilkey/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-09","Merge pull request #11815 from yaotti/patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-08","cast hstore values on write to be consistent with readin...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-07","Fix multidimensional PG arrays containing non-string items","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-07","Merge pull request #10045 from senny/document_relative_u...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-07","document how to deploy to a subdirectory. #2992 [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-07","skip `test_unicode_column_name` for `MysqlAdapter`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-06","test to express that we can't turn non-array columns to ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11730 from neerajdotname/use_flat_map","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11724 from arunagw/warning-removed-ap","Yves Senn",24 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11735 from arunagw/av-warning-remove...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #11648 from prathamesh-sonpatki/doc-fix","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #11646 from neerajdotname/remove_dupl...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11461 from kennyj/fix_11454","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11551 from skammer/patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-22","Revert "Merge pull request #11416 from tigrish/master"","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-21","Merge pull request #11515 from prathamesh-sonpatki/edit-...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-21","Merge pull request #11416 from tigrish/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-21","Merge pull request #11515 from prathamesh-sonpatki/edit-...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-20","Merge pull request #11508 from vipulnsward/extract_const...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-19","Merge pull request #11501 from nishantmodak/patch-3","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-19","fix typo in Active Record Validations guide. [ci skip].","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-19","fix typo in Active Record Validations guide. [ci skip].","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-18","Merge pull request #11492 from maratvmk/concern_test","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-17","Merge pull request #11479 from henrikhodne/improve-ar-qu...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-17","Merge pull request #11478 from newton10471/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-17","Merge pull request #11473 from arunagw/guides_typo","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-17","Revert "Merge pull request #11120 from awilliams/ar_mysq...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-17","Revert "Merge pull request #11120 from awilliams/ar_mysq...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-16","Merge pull request #11435 from kennyj/move_to_query_cache","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-16","Merge pull request #11120 from awilliams/ar_mysql2_boole...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-16","Merge pull request #11120 from awilliams/ar_mysql2_boole...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-16","`change_column` for PG adapter respects `:array` option.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-16","`change_column` for PG adapter respects `:array` option.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11451 from jetthoughts/11450_do_not_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11451 from jetthoughts/11450_do_not_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11451 from jetthoughts/11450_do_not_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11451 from jetthoughts/11450_do_not_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11282 from arunagw/deprecation-remov...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11448 from arunagw/updated_middlewar...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11439 from ernie/only-scan-strings-f...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-14","re-introduce `select_for_count` private method.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-14","re-introduce `select_for_count` private method.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11431 from ianfleeton/initialization...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11417 from arunagw/gem_source_index_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-13","Merge pull request #11413 from envylabs/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-13","Merge pull request #11420 from simi/remove_update_applic...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-13","Merge pull request #11417 from arunagw/gem_source_index_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-13","Merge pull request #11414 from ankit8898/typo","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-12","add test-case to verify `error.path` when a helper was n...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-12","move `MissingHelperError` out of the `ClassMethods` module.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-12","Merge pull request #11401 from dpdawson/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-11","Merge pull request #11400 from dpdawson/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-10","Merge pull request #10642 from LTe/invalid-load-error","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-08","Merge pull request #11359 from willnet/patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11339 from arunagw/running-actionpac...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11327 from schuetzm/hash-with-indiff...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-05","Revert "Merge pull request #11299 from arunagw/disable_i...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-05","Revert "remove string based terminators for `ActiveSuppo...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-05","explain how to extend application templates. [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-05","fix typo in Active Support CHANGELOG. [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-05","remove string based terminators for `ActiveSupport::Call...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-05","Merge pull request #11201 from jetthoughts/fix_create_po...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11261 from ryan-endacott/fixguide","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11261 from ryan-endacott/fixguide","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","remove leftover if after deprecation removal (68563128).","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","remove useless `env.merge!(env)` from ActionDispatch::In...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","build fix: railties tests used deprecated `SchemaCache` ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","Remove deprecated nil-passing to `SchemaCache` methods.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","replace artificial space with RDoc markup (follow up #11...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","replace artificial space with RDoc markup (follow up #11...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11285 from ankit8898/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","Remove deprecated block filter from `ActiveRecord::Migra...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11285 from ankit8898/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","Remove deprecated String constructor from `ActiveRecord:...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11277 from arunagw/deprecation-removed","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11280 from arunagw/added-missing-cha...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-03","cleanup, remove trailing whitespace from guides/CHANGELOG","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-03","remove deprecated `PostgreSQLAdapter#outside_transaction...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11265 from vipulnsward/deprecated_ti...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11264 from vipulnsward/deprecate_fin...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-03","use American English: "favor" not "favour" [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11263 from neerajdotname/columns_for...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-02","remove unused `ActiveRecord::TestCase#sqlite3` method.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-02","deprecated `ActiveRecord::TestCase` is no longer public.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11236 from vipulnsward/deprecate_dat...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11237 from vipulnsward/remove_whiny_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-01","remove deprecated `ActiveRecord::Base#connection` method.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11227 from vipulnsward/form_builder","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-01","remove auto-explain-config deprecation warning","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-01","remove deprecated `BufferedLogger`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-01","Remove deprecated `:distinct` option from `Relation#count`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-07-01","remove deprecated `assert_present` and `assert_blank`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-30","Merge pull request #11186 from jetthoughts/synchronize_c...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-30","don't shadow `through_scope` method name with local var.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-30","Merge pull request #11180 from robin850/patch-5","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-30","Merge pull request #11189 from jetthoughts/destroy_link_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-30","Merge pull request #11190 from dkaplan88/typo","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-29","remove deprecated implicit join references.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-28","`inspect` for AR model classes does not initiate a new c...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","unify duplicate CHANGELOG entry","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #9173 from senny/backport_perftest_fix","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11127 from jetthoughts/ask_user_add_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","clear ARGV to prevent mintest autorun errors:","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","Backport rails/rails-perftest#2 to fix rake test:benchmark","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11141 from keydunov/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11139 from prathamesh-sonpatki/grammar","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","mention the removal of `--builder` in 4.0 release notes.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11133 from wangjohn/remove_deprecati...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11136 from prathamesh-sonpatki/rails4","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #11128 from edg3r/patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #10828 from southpolesteve/delegation...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","mention the removal of `--builder` in 4.0 release notes.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","remove trailing whitespace from `config/routes.rb` templ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","remove trailing whitespace from `config/routes.rb` templ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #11019 from tkhr/test_case_for_issue_...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","build fix, fall back to old hash syntax","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #9893 from JonRowe/add_test_to_assert...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #11109 from wangjohn/moving_pluck_and...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-25","Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #10901 from armstrjar...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11084 from arkiver/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-25","remove trailing whitespace from Active Record CHANGELOG","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-25","test-case => failing","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-24","Merge pull request #11075 from vipulnsward/remove_record","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-22","test-case to prevent regressions on `Association#build` ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-22","make default value for `:message` on `AM::Errors` explicit.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-22","Merge pull request #11053 from yangchenyun/mine","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-22","Revert "Merge pull request #10901 from armstrjare/fix_qu...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-22","Merge pull request #10901 from armstrjare/fix_query_null...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-20","`inspect` for AR model classes does not initiate a new c...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-19","Merge pull request #11017 from stormsilver/patch-1","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-19","add forgotten CHANGELOG entry for #10884.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-19","Merge pull request #10884 from dmarkow/pg_fix_default_qu...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-19","add documentation for `ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndT...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-19","Merge pull request #10991 from neerajdotname/10982","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-19","better documentation for `AS::Testing::Declarative#test`...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-19","Merge pull request #11007 from ugisozols/remove_duplicat...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-19","Merge pull request #10883 from ifeelgoods/3-2-stable","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-18","Merge pull request #10988 from tute/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-18","`CollectionProxy#include?` returns `true` and `false` as...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-17","Merge pull request #10942 from yangchenyun/mine","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10907 from senny/fixtures_and_databa...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-15","fixture setup does not rely on `AR::Base.configurations`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10925 from senny/10917_test_to_preve...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10925 from senny/10917_test_to_preve...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10925 from senny/10917_test_to_preve...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-15","regression test + mysql2 adapter raises correct error if...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-15","cleanup, remove trailing whitespace from AR changelog","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10953 from acapilleri/fix_typos","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10937 from prathamesh-sonpatki/excep...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-13","Merge pull request #10890 from buytruckload/master","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-12","minor doc changes to `ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-09","Remove fall back and column restrictions for `count`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-06-09","cleanup whitespace in relation.rb","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-30","`RoutesInspector` deals with routes using regexp as `:co...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-29","Prevent side effects in `Hash#with_indifferent_access`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-28","test cleanup, replace `define_method` and `remove_method...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-27","`implicit_readonly` is being removed in favor of calling...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-27","cleanup whitespace in `active_record/relation.rb`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-26","add test-case for `Array#to_sentence with blank items.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-23","Fix the `:primary_key` option for `has_many` associations.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-21","the rake task `db:test:prepare` needs to load the config...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-08","cleanup, assert on warning from postgres adapter","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-08","cleanup, switch arguments in assert_equal calls","Yves Senn",24 "2013-05-07","according to @fxn it's ERB not ERb.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-30","more naming fixes.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-30","it's Active Record not ActiveRecord","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-22","also assign nil in dirty nullable_datetime test. #10237","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-15","asset guide, match application.rb snippets to the genera...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-15","more Ruby 1.9 Hash syntax in our guides","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-15","Ruby 1.9 hash syntax for action controller guide","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-12","align the result of expressions vertically [ci skip].","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-12","use unified and clean formatting in CHANGELOGS. [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-09","get the Action Mailer guide ready. [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-04","describe Action Mailer I18n subject lookup","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-03","fix regression in Mapper when `format:` was used in a `s...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-03","fix formatting typo, + should be `","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-03","add `(association)`_type to schema convetions in AR basi...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-03","link the Active Record pattern to the EAA Catalog","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-03","remove trailing whitespace from AR Basics guide","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-03","remove broken links from reference section in debugging ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-03","adjust config.ru tempalte used in the rails on rack guide","Yves Senn",24 "2013-04-02","replace #merge with relation API calls in calculations_t...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-28","determine_constant_from_test_name does not swallow NoMet...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-27","mention strong parameters in complex forms section of th...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-26","routing shorthand syntax works with multiple paths","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-26","bugfix, when matching multiple paths with `get`, `post`,...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-25","use relative links inside guides [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-25","move mailer testing examples into the testing guide.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-22","use ruby 1.8 Hash syntax [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-22","test-case to prevent resetting associations when preload...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-22","do not reset associations when preloading twice.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-18","`TimeWithZone` raises `NoMethodError` in proper context.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-18","do not freeze NumberHelper defaults.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-18","remove ancient TODOs [ci skip].","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-18","refer to the contributing guide on how to create issues.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-17","`rake db:create` does not change permissions of root user.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-15","config.ru uses the effective Rack app","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-15","make it possible to disable implicit join references.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-15","Deprecate the `:distinct` option for `Relation#count`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-15","rename `Relation#uniq` to `Relation#distinct`. `#uniq` s...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-15","`#reset_counters` verifies counter names.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-15","document request simulation methods in functional tests.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-15","`Http::Headers` directly modifies the passed environment.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-13","`Http::Headers` respects dotted env vars, symbols, heade...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-13","allow headers and env to be passed in `IntegrationTest`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-13","refactor, `Http::Headers` stores headers in env notation","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-13","Http::Headers respects headers that are not prefixed wit...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-13","fix typo in Active Record CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-10","document habtm join-table name with custom prefix [ci sk...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-09","Uniqueness validation uses a proc to specify the `:condi...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-09","Use "Fixes" in place of "Fix" in changelogs for consiste...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-09","fixed typo in strong parameters example","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-09","strong parameter example for hashes with integer keys.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-07","test case for `serialize` default values.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-07","replace non-breaking spaces with normal spaces [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-06","rake db:structure:dump warns when `mysqldump` is not in ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-06","`Connection#structure_dump` is no longer used. #9518","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-06","CHANGELOG entry for improved singularizing of singulars.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-05","transactions can be turned off per Migration.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-05","transactional migration test-case was broken.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-05","assigning '0.0' to a nullable numeric column does not ma...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-05","example for `accepts_nested_attribtues_for` and strong p...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-05","strong parameters example for default values using `fetc...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-04","`ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json` is `false` by ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-04","rewrite tests to have no side-effects on `include_root_i...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-04","`has_secure_password` is not invalid when assigning empt...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-04","`validates_confirmation_of` does not override writer met...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-03","integrate the strong params README into the AC guide.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-01","deal with `#append` and `#prepend` on association collec...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-03-01","don't use non-ascii ' chars in documentation","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-28","Update docs, change_table does not use TableDefinition.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-28","Support PostgreSQL specific column types when using `cha...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-28","update docs, change_table does not use TableDefinition.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-27","`format: true` does not override existing format constra...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-27","cleanup AP number_helpers_test","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-27","remove duplicated number_helper tests in AP. They are al...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-26","allow non-String default params in the router.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-26","the router allows String contraints.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-25","Expand order(:symbol) to "table".symbol to prevent broke...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-25","some minor AR changelog modifications [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-25","update 4.0 release notes to reflect the removal of auto ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-24","don't apply invalid ordering when preloading hmt associa...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-24","update the example for `after_commit` in the guides.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-24","remove AR auto-explain (config.auto_explain_threshold_in...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-24","Revert "move config.assets.precompile into config/applic...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-24","test case to prevent duplicated associations with custom...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-24","also rename the test-case class inside columns_test.rb","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-23","rename_column_test.rb -> columns_test.rb to reveal intent.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-23","forwardport #9388 rename/remove column preserves custom PK.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-23","Sqlite preserves primary keys when copying/altering tables.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-22","determine the match shorthand target early.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-21","determine the match shorthand target early.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-21","multiple actions for :on option with `after_commit` and ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-21","remove uncommented railties boot_test.rb","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-20","unify AR changelog entries [ci skip]","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-20","also rename indexes when a table or column is renamed","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-20","reserve less chars for internal sqlite3 operations","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-20","reserve index name chars for internal rails operations","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-20","move config.assets.precompile into config/application.rb","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-20","descriptive error message when AR adapter was not found....","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-19","keep the build :green_heart:, #first on 1.8.7 and pg is ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-19","don't cache invalid subsets when preloading hmt associat...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-14","don't cache invalid subsets when preloading hmt associat...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-11","fix the example code in the engines guide. closes #8583.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-11","remove trailing whitespace from engines guide","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-10","use .ruby-version instead of tool specifc config","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-09","the `:controller` option for routes can contain numbers....","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-06","ruby constant syntax is not supported as routing `:contr...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-04","partials inside directory work with `assert_template`","Yves Senn",24 "2013-02-04","descriptive `assert_template` error when partial wasn't ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-26","document the behavior of `ActionMailer::Base.delivieries...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-26","`#count` in conjunction with `#uniq` performs distinct c...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-21","document how to create custom rails environments","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-17","spelling correction for AM interceptors","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-16","document Intercepters in ActionMailer guide","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-16","replace regexp global in #url_for","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-14","test for ActiveModel::Conversion#to_partial_path and nam...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-12","`CollectionAssociation#empty?` respects newly builded re...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-10","mention performance test extraction in 4.0 guide","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-10","remove the rails guide on performance testing","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-10","remove performance tests from the default stack","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-10","extract PerformanceTest into rails-performance_tests gem","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-05","deprecate `assert_blank` and `assert_present`.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-05","display mountable engine routes on RoutingError.","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-05","split formatting concerns from RoutesInspector","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-02","Backport #8701, do not append a second slash with `trail...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-02","do not append a second slash when using","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-31","backport #8662, charset should not be appended for `head...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-31","charset should not be appended for `head` responses","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-28","work off FIXME comments in AR rename_column_test.rb","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-27","rewrite order dependent test case. #8185","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-26","backport #8616, quote column names in generated fixture ...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-26","quote column names in generated fixture files","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-25","replace AS::BufferedLogger doc mentions with AS::Logger","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-25","deprecation warning when BufferedLogger is instantiated","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-25","ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger can be subclassed","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-19","Backport #8522, Keep index names when using with sqlite3","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-19","Keep index names when using with sqlite3","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-13","recognize migrations, in folders containing numbers and ...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-13","recognize migrations, in folders containing numbers and ...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-10","Backport #8450, the return value from mailer methods is ...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-10","revised the actionmailer's CHANGELOG structure","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-10","The return value from mailer methods is not relevant.","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-04","backport #8403, no intermediate AR objects when eager lo...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-04","Do not instantiate intermediate AR objects when eager lo...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-12-02","More descriptive error when rendering a partial with `:l...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-29","augment the rails4 guide with links to PRs","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-29","add list of extracted plugins to rails4 guide","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-26","log output from activemodel's railtie_test directly to S...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-25","cleanup, removed dispensable `require` statements from `...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-25","cleanup, remove broken whitespace","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-24","document :hidden_field_id option for fields_for","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-22","backport #8291, prevent mass assignment of polymorphic t...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-22","prevent mass assignment of polymorphic type when using `...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-19","render every partial with a new `PartialRenderer`.","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-19","backport #8262, require bundler groups to include rake-t...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-18","refactor the naming within plugin new generator","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-18","require bundler groups to include rake-tasks in engines","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-18","cleanup, remove whitspace from railties CHANGELOG","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-18","make ActionMailer::QueuedMessage autoloadable","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-15","backport #8139, `plugin new` adds dummy app tasks when n...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-13","backport #8176, `#pluck` can be used on a relation with ...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-13","backport #8185, `#as_json` isolates options when encodin...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-12","`#pluck` can be used on a relation with `select` clause.","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-12","cleanup, removed whitespace from CHANGELOG","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-12","`#as_json` isolates options when encoding a hash. Closes...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-08","backport, handle trailing slash with engines","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-08","`plugin new` adds dummy app tasks when necessary.","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-04",":counter_cache option for to support custom named count...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-04","routing prefix slash replacement is no longer necessary","Yves Senn",24 "2012-11-04","test case to lock down the behavior of #7842","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-28","Do not render views when mail() isn't called. (NullMail ...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-28","raise `ArgumentError` when redefining the primary key co...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-28","refactor `SQLite3Adapter#copy_table` to prevent primary ...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-27","cleanup, remove trailing whitespace within actionpack","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-18","active_model/validations requires necessary files to run","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-18","active_model/validations requires necessary files to run","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-18","cleanup, replace non-breaking spaces with spaces","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-12","trailling whitespace cleanup in query_methods.rb","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-11","refactor `ActionView::TestCase` internals to track rende...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-11","recognizes when a partial was rendered twice. Closes #3675","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-09","remove duplicated require statements in AR test cases","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-08","remove unused `expand_range_bind_variables` method","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-06","can't pass :locals to #assert_template without a view te...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-05","PostgreSQL, quote table names when fetching the primary ...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-01","prefix TemplateAssertions ivars (#7459)","Yves Senn",24 "2012-10-01","resource and resources do no longer modify passed options","Yves Senn",24 "2012-09-17","log 404 status when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound was rai...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-09-17","cleanup, remove whitespace from CHANGELOG","Yves Senn",24 "2012-09-17","log 404 status when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound was rai...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-09-06","postgres, map scaled intervals to string datatype (#7518)","Yves Senn",24 "2012-09-03","test cleanup, remove ruby_type because it's no longer ne...","Yves Senn",24 "2012-09-03","rewrite inheritance tests with a custom inheritance_column","Yves Senn",24 "2012-09-03","set the configured #inheritance_column on #become (#7503)","Yves Senn",24 "2012-09-03","set the configured #inheritance_column on #become (#7503)","Yves Senn",24 "2012-05-03","allow the :converter Proc form composed_of to return nil","Yves Senn",24 "2011-05-20","Specify the name to be used for ActiveModel::Name fixes ...","Yves Senn",24 "2013-01-08","evaluate the dependency blocks at the instance level, no...","Jamis Buck",23 "2013-01-08","view_cache_dependency API","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "make TestCaseTest work for pre-1.9 rubies, too"","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "scrub instance variables from test cases on tear...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "rein in GC during tests by making them run (at m...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "make TestCaseTest work for pre-1.9 rubies, too"","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "scrub instance variables from test cases on tear...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "rein in GC during tests by making them run (at m...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "make TestCaseTest work for pre-1.9 rubies, too"","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "scrub instance variables from test cases on tear...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","Revert "rein in GC during tests by making them run (at m...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","rein in GC during tests by making them run (at most) onc...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","scrub instance variables from test cases on teardown","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","make TestCaseTest work for pre-1.9 rubies, too","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","rein in GC during tests by making them run (at most) onc...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","scrub instance variables from test cases on teardown","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","make TestCaseTest work for pre-1.9 rubies, too","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","rein in GC during tests by making them run (at most) onc...","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","scrub instance variables from test cases on teardown","Jamis Buck",23 "2011-01-19","make TestCaseTest work for pre-1.9 rubies, too","Jamis Buck",23 "2009-02-23","Added ActiveRecord::Base.each and ActiveRecord::Base.fin...","Jamis Buck",23 "2008-09-11","Add the Asia/Colombo definition from the tzinfo gem","Jamis Buck",23 "2008-09-10","Fix Sri Jayawardenepura time zone to map to Asia/Colombo","Jamis Buck",23 "2008-08-19","Make AbstractRequest.if_modified_sense return nil if the...","Jamis Buck",23 "2008-02-12","remove support for ampersand-delimited cookie values","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-05-11","don't assume the http authorization header will be nil, ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-03-26","Make sure the expiry hash is built by comparing the to_p...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-02-28","Set the original button value in an attribute of the but...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-02-25","Added source-annotations extractor tasks to rake [Jamis ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-02-22","Make sure parsed emails recognize attachments nested in ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-02-22","Fix broken tests","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-02-07","Made increment_counter/decrement_counter play nicely wit...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-30","When dealing with SQLite3, use the table_info pragma hel...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-30","When dealing with SQLite3, use the table_info pragma hel...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-22","Make sure sqlite3 driver closes open connections on disc...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-22","Better docs for Object extensions (closes #7002)","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-17","Allow fields_for to be nested in form_for","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-15","be like a duck. Let's not rely on explicit classes, so w...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-15","change Duration to use the new Object#acts_like? helper ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-15","Add Object#acts_like? and Time#acts_like_time? and Date#...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-15","Make sure Duration uses duck-typing instead of explicit ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-11","dry up some duplicated code","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-11","treat create! like create and make sure the target is lo...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-11","fix regression in has_one#create, that caused instances ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-01","Make sure html_document is reset between integration tes...","Jamis Buck",23 "2007-01-01","Make sure html_document is reset between integration tes...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-12-29","try to appease the angry Oracle","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-12-29","make sure query attributes on custom fields works as it ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-12-19","Add a 'referer' attribute to TestRequest","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-11-12","Add grep-based fallback to reaper, to work in pidless se...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-11-11","Add grep-based fallback to reaper, so it can work in pid...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-11-07","make add_order a tad faster","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-11-07","make add_order a tad faster (Closes #6567)","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-24","to_xml needs to accept an options hash to conform with t...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-24","make sure link_to_image is deprecated as well as link_im...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-24","a few more deprecation improvements","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-24","update deprecations to include alternative methods (wher...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-24","Use new deprecate syntax so that alternatives are given ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-24","Extend deprecate so that alternatives can be specified v...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-23","Add basic logging support for logging outgoing requests.","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-21","More consistent implementation of filter replacement (th...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-16","Fix deprecation warnings when rendering the template err...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-16","Fix broken assert_generates when extra keys are being ch...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-15","remove an obsolete #dup call. avoid double negatives, to...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-14","make sure filters in subclasses with :only or :except co...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-13","make sure the String::Access methods return strings, and...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-09","Fix relative URL root matching problems","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-06","Add Base.delete for deleting resources without having to...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-04","callbacks that return false should cause save to return ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-04","add a failing test so we can make it happy again","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-10-02","Make #save behavior mimic AR::Base#save (true on success...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-28","modify head so that you can specify a bare status code a...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-28","Add ActionController::Base#head for rendering empty resp...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-26","Make sure map.resources(:things, :new => { :new => :any ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-10","Fix assert_tag so that :content => "foo" does not match ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-09","Add test case to test attribute matching by assert_tag","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-09","Make mime version default to 1.0. closes #2323","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-09","Make sure quoted-printable text is decoded correctly whe...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-09","Make sure DOS newlines in quoted-printable text are norm...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-09-02","Make auto_link parse a greater subset of valid url formats.","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-08-30","Fix spurious newlines and spaces in AR::Base#to_xml output","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-08-08","be sure to require_dependency on 'application', so that ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-08-03","Added Module#alias_attribute [Jamis/DHH]","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-08-01","More tweaks to make sure assert_redirected_to works with...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-08-01","Make sure assert_respond_to works with symbol parameters","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-07-27","Add a test to stable to show that the sql injection vuln...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-07-27","Patch sql injection vulnerability when using integer or ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-07-27","Don't search a load-path of '.' for controller files, si...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-07-18","Make sure script/reaper only reaps dispatcher pids by de...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-08","Fix strip_links so that it doesn't hang on multi-line ac...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-08","Remove problematic control chars in rescue template. (cl...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-07","Make sure passed routing options are not mutated by rout...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-07","Do some path normalization to prevent the possible_contr...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-06","Make sure named routes are never generated relative to s...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-06","Improve parameter expiry handling to fix sticky-id issue...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-05","Remove dependency on Pathname in new routes","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-05","Make sure changing the controller from foo/bar to bing/b...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-05","Use explicit delegation instead of method aliasing for A...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-05","Escape the entire path before trying to recognize it (cl...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-05","Make sure :id and friends are properly unescaped (closes...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-05","Make sure regexp chunks are grouped when the segment has...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-05","Fix documentation for with_routing to reflect new realit...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-01","Tweaks to integration tests and url rewriter for further...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-01","Add RouteSet::Mapper#named_route for compatibility with ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-06-01","New routes implementation. Simpler, faster, easier to un...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-04-26","Added Module#alias_method_chain","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-04-21","restore some commented lines","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-04-21","fix to ';' interpretation in route recognition--only fol...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-04-21","Add ActiveRecord::Errors#to_xml","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-04-21","Add support in routes for semicolon delimited "subpaths"...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-04-13","Modify routing so that you can say :require => { :method...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-04-04","Delegate xml_http_request in integration tests to the se...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-30","Make asset timestamping safe to use on assets that don't...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-28","Add documentation for respond_to","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-25","Add an integration test generator","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-25","Enable application/x-yaml processing by default","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-20","Fix assert_redirected_to so it works with symbols","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-19","Nil charset caused subject line to be improperly quoted ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","Parse content-type apart before using it so that sub-par...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","Make custom headers work in subparts (closes #4034)","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","Use the full template file name for implicitly selected ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","Fix incorrect mysql column type (requires AR test DB to ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","Make sure xml_simple requests don't blow up if an empty ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","fix broken respond_to test","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","Add Integration::Session.accept for setting the HTTP Acc...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","rename 'integration_test.rb' -> 'integration.rb'","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","Add a test to make sure basic XML entities get unescaped...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","Make Mime::Type.parse consider q values (if any)","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-18","XML-formatted requests are typecast according to "type" ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-17","Be sure to look at array elements when dasherizing keys ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-17","Make all tinyint(1) variants act like boolean in mysql (...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-16","dasherize the root element when doing to_xml","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-15","Underscore dasherized keys in formatted requests","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-15","Enhance Inflector.underscore to convert '-' into '_' (as...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-15","Add MimeResponds::Responder#any for managing multiple ty...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-15","Upgrade to Transaction::Simple 1.3","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-15","use "mime_type" instead of "format"","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-15","Fix Mime::Type#to_sym to do @string.to_sym. Add text/yam...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-14","Make the xml_http_request testing method set the HTTP_AC...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-12","More integration testing tweaks","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-10","Make assertions in integration sessions proxy to the tes...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-10","make sure nil @session doesn't mess up wsod stacktraces","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-09","Fix counter cache setting in belongs-to proxy","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-09","Add suppress_messages to migrations, to temporarily turn...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-09","a few more tests for the custom counter_cache naming code","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-09","Allow counter_cache to accept a column name","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-09","Move methods from TestResponse into a module, so they ca...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-08","Fix problem with unloaded ARStore sessions being loaded ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-07","make integration testing not interfere with command-line...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-07","Make IntegrationTest refer to superclass properties usin...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-07","more integration tweaks","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-07","A few minor tweaks to the integration testing stuff","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-05","Silence the migration messages when importing the schema...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-04","Make counter cache work when replacing an association (c...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-04","Make migrations verbose","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-04","Make counter_cache work with polymorphic belongs_to","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-03","remove explicit dependency mechanism setting in console_app","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-01","restore elided TestProcess#assigns method","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-01","Make TestProcess methods public for access via Integrati...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-01","Use require instead of load with the integration stuff. ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-03-01","Add 'app' accessor to script/console as an instance of I...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-02-28","Add integration test support to app generation and testing","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-02-28","Add ActionController::IntegrationTest to allow high-leve...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-01-29","Template paths with dot chars in them no longer mess up ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-01-23","Make sure anything with content-disposition of "attachme...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-01-23","Make sure TMail#attachments includes anything with conte...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-01-20","Add a test to verify correct behavior when creating a po...","Jamis Buck",23 "2006-01-20","Add AR::Base.base_class for querying the ancestor AR::Ba...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-21","Allow assert_tag(:conditions) to match the empty string ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-21","Update html-scanner to handle CDATA sections better. Clo...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-12","merge from trunk (include Enumerable in AR::Errors, make...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-12","Make Validations#create! use the current scope","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-10","Make sure the acts_as_list_class is resolved relative to...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-10","The auto_link text helper accepts an optional block to f...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-09","assert_tag uses exact matches for string conditions, ins...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-07","Add 'add_new_scripts' rake task for adding new rails scr...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-07","Copy lighttpd.conf when it is first needed, instead of o...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-07","Restore access to 'directory' and 'config' inside the pl...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-06","Add documentation to assert_tag indicating that it only ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-06","Add a new test case to demonstrate that subject headers ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-11-02","Make fcgi handler respond to TERM signals with an explic...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-29","Migrations may be destroyed: script/destroy migration fo...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-25","Allow symbols to rename columns when using SQLite adapte...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-23","Constants set in the development/test/production environ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-19","Abbreviate RAILS_ROOT in traces","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-19","Don't clean RAILS_ROOT on windows","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-18","Fix the html-scanner to count children correctly, playin...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-16","Don't rdoc the Version module","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-16","Update/clean up ActiveRecord documentation (rdoc)","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-16","Update/clean up AP documentation (rdoc)","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-16","Update/extend ActionMailer documentation (rdoc)","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-16","Documentation updates/fixes for railties","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-16","Comment out the memory leak test because it b0rks the te...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-16","Add documentation for Rails::Initializer and Rails::Conf...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-15","Allow ARStore::Session to indicate that it should not be...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-15","squash the memleak in dev mode finally (fingers crossed,...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-14","Avoid memleak in dev mode with fastcgi","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-14","Fix problem with RAILS_ENV being frozen when set from en...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-13","Fix errors caused by assigning a has-one or belongs-to p...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-13","Fix script/server to use the environment given by the -e...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-13","Make webrick work with session(:off)","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-12","Make sure ENV['RAILS_ENV'] and RAILS_ENV are kept in sync","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-12","Honor the runner -e toggle even if the RAILS_ENV constan...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-12","Make xyz_tag(..., :id => "foo") work again","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-11","Speed improvement for session_options. #2287. [skaes@web...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-10","Require rails_version instead of version","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-10","mv lib/version.rb to lib/rails_version.rb","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-10","move lib/version.rb to lib/active_support/version.rb","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-10","mv lib/version.rb to lib/action_web_service/version.rb","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-10","move lib/version.rb to lib/action_mailer/version.rb","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-10","Move lib/version.rb to lib/action_pack/version.rb","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-10","move lib/version.rb to lib/active_record/version.rb","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-05","Load plugins last","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-05","prepend to load path before loading the plugin","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-05","Add experimental plugin support #2335","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-05","Schema dumper should emit ":default => false" if the def...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-03","Add :rfc822 as an option for Time#to_s (to get rfc822-fo...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-10-03","Chain the const_missing hook to any previously existing ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-30","Don't prepend the asset host if the string is already a ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-25","Remove duplicate 'quote_column_name' definition","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-25","Standardize the interpretation of boolean columns in the...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-24","Wrap :conditions in parentheses to prevent problems with...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-24","Make the sqlite adapter preserve not-null constraints an...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-23","Allow the postgresql adapter to work with the SchemaDumper.","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-23","Post the postgresql adapter (and hopefully other adapter...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-23","Make sqlite adapter pass all tests","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-23","Add db_schema_dump and db_schema_import rake tasks to wo...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-23","Add ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper for dumping a DB schema t...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-20","Fixed saving a record with two unsaved belongs_to associ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-20","Require 'pp' early to prevent the pretty-print methods b...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-19","Make the truncate() helper multi-byte safe (assuming $KC...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-15","Don't set the :MimeTypes option if it is nil (causes rou...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-14","More auto-link fixes (to include query strings in autoli...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-13","Fix autolinking to not include trailing tags as part of ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-05","Make the default stats task extendable by modifying the ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-05","Allow the selected environment to define RAILS_DEFAULT_L...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-05","Updated vendor copy of html-scanner to support better xm...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-05","Fix vendor require paths to prevent files being required...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","Use chop! instead of chop! for efficiency","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","Drop trailing \000 if present on RAW_POST_DATA (works ar...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","Make sure the schema_info table is created before queryi...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","Fix observe_field to fall back to event-based observatio...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","* Allow use of the :with option for submit_to_remote #19...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","Fixtures ignore table name prefix and suffix #1987 [Jako...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","Add documentation for index_type argument to add_index m...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","Corrected project-local generator location in scripts.rb...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","AbstractRequest#domain returns nil when host is an ip ad...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-02","Modify read_attribute to allow a symbol argument #2024 [...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-01","ActionController documentation update #2051 [fbeausoleil...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-01","Yield @content_for_ variables to templates #2058 [Sam St...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-01","Make rendering an empty partial collection behave like :...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-01","Don't require the environment just to clear the logs #20...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-01","* Don't add charset to content-type header for a part th...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-01","Preserve underscores when unquoting message bodies #1930","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-09-01","Encode multibyte characters correctly #1894","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-31","Make Time#last_month work when invoked on the 31st of a ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-31","Add Time.days_in_month, and make Time#next_month work wh...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-31","Make the default rakefile read *.rake files from config/...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-31","More rails-switchtower decoupling","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-30","More rails-switchtower decoupling","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-30","Move switchtower to the tools directory, to decouple it ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-30","Remove switchtower integration from rails","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-27","SwitchTower: specify the revision to release via the :re...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-27","SwitchTower: allow variables to be set via the cli using...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-27","SwitchTower: log checkouts to a "revisions.log" file","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-24","Allow the --toggle-spin switch on process/reaper to be n...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-24","Revert [2040], caused assignment of belongs_to associati...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-24","Add a failing test","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-24","SwitchTower: use a timestamp as the release name, instea...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-23","Add support for :include with pagination (subject to exi...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-23","Saving a record with two unsaved belongs_to associations...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-23","Prevent the benchmark module from blowing up if a non-HT...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-22","Multipart messages specify a MIME-Version header automat...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-22","Add a unified render method to ActionMailer (delegates t...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-22","Fixture for tests in [2034]","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-22","Move mailer initialization to a separate (overridable) m...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-22","Look at content-location header (if available) to determ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-22","Added :use_short_month option to select_month helper to ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-17","Add an :if option to session management, to allow progra...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-17","When copying the config files, also transform and copy t...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-17","Make the rakefile tasks that set up a new project aware ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-17","Added CVS module for SwitchTower (very, very experimental!)","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-14","Update changelog","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-14","Make destroy return self #1913 [sebastian.kanthak@muehlh...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-14"," Fix typo in validations documentation #1938 [court3nay]","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-14","Make link_to escape the javascript in the confirm option...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-14","Make acts_as_list work for insert_at(1) #1966 [hensleyl@...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-14","Fix typo in count_by_sql documentation #1969 [Alexey Ver...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-13","Works with public keys now, for passwordless operation","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-12","Subversion module recognizes the password prompt for HTT...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-12","Preserve +x on scripts when using darcs #1929 [Scott Bar...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-12","Added -w flag to ps in process/reaper #1934 [Scott Barron]","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-06","Explicitly terminate shell statements with ';' if they a...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-06","The utility's name is SwitchTower","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-06","When executing multiline commands, escape newlines with ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-06","Mention the dependencies of SwitchTower (Net::SSH, Needle)","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-06","Make assert_redirected_to properly check URL's passed as...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-05","Make sure :layout => false is always used when rendering...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-03","Add integration with SwitchTower (rake tasks, default de...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-03","Initial commit of the new switchtower utility","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-08-01","Use raise instead of assert_not_nil in Test::Unit::TestC...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-31","Make sure assigns are built for every request when testi...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-31","Allow remote_addr to be queried on TestRequest #1668","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-31","Fixed that Time#midnight would have a non-zero usec on s...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-31","ActionMailer::Base.deliver(email) had been accidentally ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-30","Allow add_column and create_table to specify NOT NULL #1...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-27","Fix create_table so that id column is implicitly added [...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-22","Add unit test to ensure that session management options ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-22","Added support for per-action session management #1763","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-22","Remove duplicated file contents","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-20","Fix acts_as_list such that moving next-to-last item to t...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-18","Allow unspecified join-table columns to use to their def...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-12","Make Request#subdomains handle "foo.foo.com" correctly","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-09","Improved error message for DoubleRenderError","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-06","Correctly normalize newlines in outgoing emails before e...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-05","Routing fix","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-05","Fix regression from [1631] that caused an attribute to b...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-04","Added unit test to confirm that #1393 is fixed in HEAD","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-04","Avoid adding nil values to mail headers #1392","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-04","Fix broken capture test","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-04","Hashes sent via multipart post should be converted to st...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-04","Fix test broken by [1648]","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-04","Updated html-scanner so that assert_tag(:tag => "p", :co...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-01","Better multipart support with implicit multipart/alterna...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-07-01","Allow for nested parts in multipart mails #1570 [Flurin ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-30","Normalize line endings in outgoing mail bodies to "\n" #...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-30","Allow template to be explicitly specified #1448 [tuxie@d...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-29","Use SIGHUP to dynamically reload an fcgi process without...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-28","Routes fail with leading slash #1540 [Nicholas Seckar]","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-27","Added support for graceful error handling of Ajax calls ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-27","Had some logic backwards in the new dispatch.fcgi handler","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-27","RailsFCGIHandler (dispatch.fcgi) no longer tries to expl...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-27","Attempt to explicitly flush the output at the end of Cgi...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-25","RoutingError should show 404.html when in public #1503 [...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-25","Eliminate a "string literal in condition" warning from s...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-24","Fix problem with symbol/string mismatch on some routes","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-24","Allow specific "multipart/xxx" content-type to be set on...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-24","ActionMailer::Base subclasses are reloaded with other ra...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-22","Missing parameter for trap_handler in dispatch.fcgi","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-22","Updated changelog for [1479]","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-22","Refactored dispatch.fcgi. Added unit tests for dispatch....","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-22","Use the real charset for parts generated by a template, ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-22","Unquoted @ chars in received email headers are parsed pr...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-21","Removed the AR::Recursion module--it broke more code tha...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-16","Updated CHANGELOG","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-16","Helper support for ActionMailer","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-15","render(:template) applies a layout by default. render("f...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-14","Removed the require hack used in functional tests that w...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-14","Allow distance_of_time_in_words to work with any value t...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-14","Resync with html-scanner (fix parser bug)","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-14","Support :render option to :verify #1440 [TobiasLuetke]","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-14","Fix broken test case caused by change of testing address...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-14","Updated vendor copy of html-scanner lib, for bug fixes a...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-13","Be sure to use the @finder_sql in the has_many associati...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-13","Added ActiveRecord::Recursion to guard against recursive...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-11","Allow before/after update hooks to work on models with o...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-10","Do not use instantiated fixtures (in general) in tests. ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-10","Eager loading of dependent has_one associations won't de...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-10","Arrays sent via multipart posts are converted to strings...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-08","Fixture for new test in [1395]","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-08","Silently ignore Errno::EINVAL errors when converting bet...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-07","Sort the migration files explicitly so that they are alw...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-06","Add a test case for malformed email headers","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-06","Don't error while processing encoded attachment names #1...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-06","Handle parsing of recursively multipart messages","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-06","BCC headers are removed when sending via SMTP","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-03","Using transactional fixtures now causes the data to be l...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-03","Added fixture accessors that can be used when fixture in...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-03","Added a "content_type" accessor to allow messages to exp...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-03","Don't apply a charset to attachments. Wrap base64-encode...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-06-01","render(:action) and render() are the only two render cal...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-30","Ignore Iconv::IllegalSequence errors when converting tex...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-30","render(:inline) defaults to :layout => false","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-30","Make sure the benchmarking render method always returns ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-30","render(:text), render(:partial), and render(:nothing) al...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-30","verify with :redirect_to won't redirect if a redirect or...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-30","render(:partial => "...") uses an empty hash for the loc...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-30","Don't die when an attempt to delete a cache fails","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-29","A very thorough refactoring, resulting in new mail prope...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-10","Step cautiously around subheaders in TMail #1285 [Jamis ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-10","Fix attachments and content-type problems #1276 [Jamis B...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-09","Added TextHelper#sanitize that can will remove any Javas...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-09","Fixed the HTML scanner used by assert_tag where a infini...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-06","Added functionality to assert_tag, so you can now do tes...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-06","Fixed the TMail#body method to look at the content-trans...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-04","Made dispatch.fcgi more robust by catching fluke errors ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-05-02","Added automatic decoding of base64 bodies #1214 [Jamis B...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-30","Improved the speed of regular expression expirations for...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-30","Fixed that email address like "Jamis Buck, M.D." <wild.m...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-25","Fixed acts_as_list where deleting an item that was remov...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-17","Added assert_tag and assert_no_tag as a much improved al...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-13","Address parsing failed when the "to" (or "cc", or whatev...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-11","Fixed quoting for all address headers, not just to #955 ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-07","Added simulation of @request.request_uri in functional t...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-07","Moved to new server","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-06","Fixed autolinking to work better in more cases #1013 [Ja...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-06","Fixed autolinking to work better in more cases #1013 [Ja...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-04-02","Added :method option to verify for ensuring that either ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-03-26","Added fourth option to process in test cases to specify ...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-03-26","Added Verifications that allows you to specify precondit...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-03-06","Changed ActiveRecordStore to use Marshal instead of YAML...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-02-27","Added PATH_INFO access from the request that allows urls...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-02-24","Changed the auto-timestamping feature to use ActiveRecor...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-02-23","Moved TimeZone to Active Support","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-02-23","Added TimeZone as the first of a number of value objects...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-02-23","Added FormOptionsHelper#time_zone_select and FormOptions...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-02-19","Added support for charsets for both subject and body. Th...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-02-19","Added ActionView::Base.register_template_handler for eas...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-02-07","Added keyword-style approach to defining the custom rela...","Jamis Buck",23 "2005-01-24","Added :application_prefix to url_for and friends that ma...","Jamis Buck",23 "2013-09-10","Merge pull request #12173 from arunagw/fixes_reverted_by...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-09-02","Merge pull request #11952 from lmarcetic/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-30","Merge pull request #12078 from prathamesh-sonpatki/typo","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-21","Merge pull request #11952 from lmarcetic/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-19","Merge pull request #11940 from baroquebobcat/thread_var_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-19","oops, I missed this in 7193f75","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-19","oops, I missed this in 7193f75","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-18","Merge pull request #11914 from pawel2105/development-dep...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-18","Rename @locals to @_locals in Thread to avoid conflict w...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-18","Rename @locals to @_locals in Thread to avoid conflict w...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-18","Dont' check for any order in hash since we aren't sortin...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-18","Merge pull request #11930 from UncleGene/ties_test","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-18","Merge pull request #11929 from scaryguy/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-18","Refactor serialization test for hash order","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-18","Merge pull request #11812 from gaurish/json-order","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-12","Merge pull request #11846 from gaurish/jdbc-upgrade","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11780 from thedarkone/logger-naked-r...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11743 from gaurish/tmp-magic","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-04","Remove "Using Action View outside of Rails" section from...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-04","Remove "Using Action View outside of Rails" section from...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11736 from gaurish/avoid-multibyte-m...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-03","Revert "Isolate railties Generators Tests"","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11726 from atambo/isolate_generator_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11721 from gaurish/join-timeout","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11725 from atambo/jruby_capture_unlink","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11720 from arunagw/added-av-in-rails...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-28","Merge pull request #11633 from neerajdotname/fix_rder_de...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-23","Merge pull request #11107 from nettsundere/password-conf...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11558 from kennyj/bump_mysql2_to_0_3_13","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-21","Update note about declarative etags in release notes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-21","Improve comment about ActiveModel::Model","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-21","Fix note about AP/AV decoupling in release notes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-20","Merge pull request #11521 from mking/release-notes-major...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-19","Merge pull request #11507 from vipulnsward/av_typo-4","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-17","Merge pull request #11485 from simi/mysql2","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-16","Merge pull request #11419 from simi/generator_generator_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-16","Lock mysql2 version to 0.3.11 since 0.3.12 is failing ri...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11065 from gbuesing/hstsfix","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11069 from ykzts/actiondispatch-ssl-...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-15","Rack::Sendfile is now included in middleware by default,...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-15","Rack::Sendfile is now included in middleware by default,...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11438 from kennyj/fix_11393-40","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11437 from kennyj/fix_11393","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11428 from evangoer/minor_asset_pipe...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-13","Merge pull request #11422 from arunagw/added_missing_act...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-13","Merge pull request #11421 from arunagw/actionpack_active...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11211 from gsamokovarov/trailing-comma","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11144 from kennyj/fix_copyright_year","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-25","Use sass-rails 4.0.0 in new apps","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-25","Use sass-rails 4.0.0 in new apps","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-24","Merge pull request #11069 from ykzts/actiondispatch-ssl-...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-24","Merge pull request #11065 from gbuesing/hstsfix","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-24","Merge pull request #11067 from rajars2576/fix_older_rocket","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #10537 from jetthoughts/10428_bug_wit...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10833 from hone/remove_initialize_on...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-13","Don't set X-UA-Compatible header by default","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-12","Merge pull request #10915 from gsamokovarov/railties-aut...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-12","Merge pull request #10928 from jetthoughts/use_sprockets...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-11","Use sass-rails 4.0.0.rc2","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-11","Use sass-rails 4.0.0.rc2","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-11","Use sprockets-rails 2.0.0","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-11","Use sprockets-rails 2.0.0","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-08","Merge pull request #10893 from arunagw/test_for_checkpen...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-04","Replace comment about Sprockets stub directive with a li...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-04","Replace comment about Sprockets stub directive with a li...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-03","Replace comment about Sprockets stub directive with a li...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-03","Merge pull request #10809 from wangjohn/fix_failing_rail...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-02","Merge pull request #10825 from arunagw/remove-rake-packa...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-06-02","Merge pull request #10824 from vipulnsward/wonderful","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-05-15","Merge pull request #10626 from firedev/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10580 from CodeTag/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #10405 from rubys/410-beta","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #10394 from BMorearty/remove-varargs-...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10379 from frodsan/fix_nodoc_ar_dele...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-28","Merge pull request #10368 from demands/fix-typo","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-26","Merge pull request #10347 from lellisga/delegation_bug_d...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-24","Merge pull request #10331 from neerajdotname/exec-migrat...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-23","Merge pull request #10318 from vipulnsward/refactor_obvious","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-21","Merge pull request #10284 from neerajdotname/missing-act...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-18","Use sprockets-rails 2.0.0.rc4","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-13","Merge pull request #10204 from shmatov/update-git-links","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-04-12","Merge pull request #9639 from BanzaiMan/chatham_islands_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-30","Use last released version of thor","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9989 from robertomiranda/group-assets","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-28","Update the call to Bundler.require in application.rb sin...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-28","Add better comments to assets gems","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9912 from rwz/jbuilder-bump","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #9904 from rubys/jquery-rails-github","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #9902 from robertomiranda/fix-release...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-24","Fix test: ActiveSupport.version is returning now a Gem::...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-24","Use jquery-rails from github (fix Gem::Version error)","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-24","Ignore all pkg folders (including also top level one)","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-22","Merge pull request #9871 from arunagw/stringio-require-j...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-22","Merge pull request #9863 from robertomiranda/require-bcr...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9837 from kjg/no_scaffold_css_when_n...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9816 from sebasoga/strong_parameters...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9573 from robertomiranda/useless_gsub","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9564 from robertomiranda/useless_gsub","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-03","Merge pull request #9531 from erik-escobedo/patch-1","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-03-02","Merge pull request #9512 from Jacke/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-28","Merge pull request #9475 from queso/update-mail","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9441 from rubys/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9429 from frodsan/racc_jruby_incompa...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9419 from banyan/change-default-root...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-25","Bump i18n version to 0.6.2","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-25","Bump sass-rails and coffee-rails to 4.0.0.beta1 in Gemfile","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9420 from robertomiranda/remove-spro...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-25","sprockets 2.0.0.rc3 is in rails gemspec already","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-25","Revert "Use sass compressor as the default CSS compressor"","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9320 from wangjohn/touch_handling_on...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-25","Revert "Simplify code in AS json encoder"","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-24","Use sprockets-rails 2.0.0.rc3 in new apps","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9398 from senny/revert_precompile_co...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-23","Merge pull request #9393 from rubys/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9328 from sikachu/ps-remove-xml-parser","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9331 from robertomiranda/upgrading-g...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-17","Merge pull request #9313 from bkzl/return-false-on-toggl...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-17","Merge pull request #9312 from Takehiro-Adachi/add_tests_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #9285 from rahul100885/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-10","Merge pull request #9240 from tricknotes/supress-warning","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-10","Merge pull request #9239 from senny/use_ruby_version_on_3_2","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-10","Merge pull request #9224 from dylanahsmith/bigdecimal-ta...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-10","Merge pull request #9208 from dylanahsmith/3-2-mysql-quo...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-09","Update activerecord/CHANGELOG.md","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-09","Merge pull request #9232 from robertomiranda/where-with-...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Reverting e170014113 (Change behaviour with empty hash i...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Reverting 16f6f25 (Change behaviour with empty array in ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9226 from robertomiranda/fix-bigdeci...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9224 from dylanahsmith/bigdecimal-ta...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9223 from robertomiranda/fix-bigdeci...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9216 from robertomiranda/where-with-...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9208 from dylanahsmith/3-2-mysql-quo...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9209 from dylanahsmith/3-1-mysql-quo...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9210 from dylanahsmith/3-0-mysql-quo...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-07","Merge pull request #9207 from dylanahsmith/mysql-quote-n...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-04","Merge pull request #9175 from robertomiranda/add--rc-desc","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-02","Merge pull request #9154 from robertomiranda/add-rc-desc","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-02","Refactor --rc option","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-02","Merge pull request #9147 from amparo-luna/custom_rc","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-02-01","Merge pull request #9149 from robertomiranda/remove-ref-...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-29","Changelog about BestStandardsSupport removal","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-29","Add 'X-UA-Compatible' => 'chrome=1' to default headers","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-29","Remove BestStandardsSupport middleware","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-22","Merge pull request #9031 from virusman/doc-no-asset-concat","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #9021 from drogus/fix-asset-path","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-20","Merge pull request #9008 from ranjaykrishna/dbcreate","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-20","Merge pull request #9004 from arunagw/warning_removed_sh...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-20","Don't use anonymous classes in connection tests","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-20","Anonymous class is not allowed. For reference see #8934 ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-18","Fix syntax error :grin:","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-18","Merge pull request #8995 from schneems/schneems/formatti...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-18","Revert "Merge pull request #8989 from robertomiranda/use...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-18","Merge pull request #8989 from robertomiranda/use-rails-4...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-15","Merge pull request #8947 from joneslee85/patch-1","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8886 from rwz/specify-jbuilder-version","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-10","Merge pull request #8884 from mattdbridges/array-access-...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-10","Merge pull request #8756 from causes/js_include_tag_fix","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-10","Merge pull request #8735 from jejacks0n/duplicate_asset_fix","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-10","Merge pull request #8869 from goshakkk/guides-asset-pipe...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-10","Merge pull request #8878 from senny/add_performance_test...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-10","Merge pull request #8876 from senny/extract_performance_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-08","Don't configure Turn output, we aren't using it since 3.2.0","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8801 from ktheory/dont_require_turn","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8802 from claudiob/patch-1","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8768 from goshakkk/about-env-toggling","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8761 from mattdbridges/patch-3","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8754 from amatsuda/app_generator_unu...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8739 from franckverrot/remove_active...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8738 from amatsuda/frozen_rails","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8736 from tricknotes/apply-var","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8723 from goshakkk/refactor-error-page","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8731 from amatsuda/readme_dir_tree","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8705 from amparo-luna/change_update_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Add Changelog entry regarding update_attibutes being ren...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Updating default application templates to use update ins...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Change guides to use update instead of update_attributes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Change docs to use update instead of update_attributes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Rename update_attributes method to update, keep update_a...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8725 from mattdbridges/patch-2","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8713 from goshakkk/better-error-page","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #7980 from steveklabnik/issue_7979","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-02","Fixing closing </p>","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8702 from rubys/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8688 from goshakkk/error-page-toggle","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8682 from amatsuda/rm_as_frozen_obje...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-01","Add entry in Releases Notes about changes in exceptions ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-01","Add CHANGELOG entry for changes in exception pages","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-01-01","Fix indent in UnknownAction template","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-31","formatted_code_for should be private","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-31","Summary and Details HTML elements aren't supported in al...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-31","Fix test for DebugExceptions due to template change","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-31","Add style to AV::Template::Error exception page","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-31","Improve line-height to have better line spacing in excep...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-31","Add new style to Routing Error page","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-31","Styling for exception page","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-31","Add source extract to detailed exception page","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-30","Revert "Rails 4.0 is going to depend on Rack 1.5.x so le...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-30","Merge pull request #8656 from arunagw/warning_removed_sh...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-29","Merge pull request #8650 from codeodor/patch-1","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-25","Merge pull request #8609 from senny/buffered_logger_docu...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-25","Merge pull request #8592 from rafaelfranca/warning_fix","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-24","Merge pull request #8604 from zoltankiss/minor_fixes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-24","Merge pull request #8594 from amatsuda/rm_sqlite2","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-23","Fix syntax error in controller template","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-22","Merge pull request #8085 from acapilleri/format_never_nil","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-21","Merge pull request #8584 from garysweaver/security_guide...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-21","Merge pull request #8581 from garysweaver/security_guide...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-12-20","Fix CHANGELOG entry about scope change","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-11-22","Allow setting a symbol as path in scope on routes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-11-12","Update production.rb: Split long comment in two lines","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-11-12","Update production.rb documentation: only files in app/as...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-11-09","Lock sprockets to 2.2.x","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-31","Revert "if format is unknown NullMimeTypeObject is retur...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-24","With the Asset Pipeline the :cache and :concat options a...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-24","Update Upgrading Guide with removal of :cache and :conca...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-24","Update upgrading notes: users should stop using :concat ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-09","Add missing entry in CHANGELOG about config.assets.cache...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-09","Remove duplicated test","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-09","Minor test refactoring: Use add_to_env instead of an ini...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-09","Rails.config doesn't exist, it should be Rails.applicati...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-05","Fix middleware cache tests enabling rack_cache","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-05","Update CHANGELOG entry about rack-cache extract","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-05","Comment rack-cache entry on Gemfile","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-05","config.action_dispatch.rack_cache should set explicitly ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-02","Add rack-cache to default Gemfile","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-10-02","Use Rack::Cache middleware only if is in Gemfile","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-30","Fix changelog entry about sprockets-rails","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-30","Make strong_parameters example simpler","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-28","Assets cache shouldn't be shared between different envir...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-22","Update asset test to match one in sprockets-rails","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-20","AR::Base#attributes= is just an alias for AR::Base#assig...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-19","Allow to use a local copy of sprockets-rails during deve...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-19","Remove highly uncommon `config.assets.manifest` option f...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-19","Update changelogs to add entries about strong_parameters...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-19","Set AC::Parameters.permit_all_parameters explicitly to f...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-19","Remove unused private method AR::NestedAttributes#unassi...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-19","Update AR::Base.create and AR:Base#update_attributes doc...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-19","Update docs for AR::Base#new to remove references to mas...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Rename .rb template handler to .ruby to avoid conflicts ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Set primary key with id= only if primary key exists","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Remove mass_assignment_options from ActiveRecord","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","AC::ParameterMissing inherits from KeyError since it's m...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","attr_accessible and attr_protected raise an exception po...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Support fields_for attributes, which may have numeric sy...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Add config.action_controller.permit_all_attributes to by...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Change tainted/untainted wording to permitted/forbidden","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Don't use assert_nothing_raised when assert_equal is used","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Change scaffold_generator: Don't use #require or #permit...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Rename ForbiddenAttributes exception to ForbiddenAttribu...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","config.activerecord.whitelist_attributes isn't used anym...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Remove configuration test for config.activerecord.whitel...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Remove attributes whitelist tests from AppGenerator tests","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Change scaffold_controller to generate and use private m...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","require abstract_unit in parameters tests","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Remove integration between attr_accessible/protected and...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Remove all references to attr_accessible/protected and o...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Change AMo::ForbiddenAttributesProtection tests to use a...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Add tests for ForbiddenAttributesProtection in ActiveRecord","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Remove mass assignment security from ActiveRecord","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Remove MassAssignmentSecurity from ActiveModel","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Integrate ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection fro...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Integrate ActionController::Parameters from StrongParame...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-17","Add missing entries in AP changelog","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-11","Add .rb template handler","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-07","Improve error message for memcache session store when da...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-06","Dalli doesn't support autoloading of unloaded classes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-06","Use dalli 2.2.1 or prior to fix failing tests in memcach...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-09-03","Update caching guide: memcache-client was replaced with ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-08-18","Add test to cover increment/decrement of non-existing ke...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-08-18","Replace deprecated `memcache-client` gem with `dalli` in...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-08-11","Add doc for config.action_dispatch.default_headers","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-08-11","Move AD default_headers configurations to railtie","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-07-05","CSV fixtures aren't supported by default anymore, update...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-06-30","Remove ActiveModel dependency from ActionPack","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-05-13","Upgrade sprockets to 2.0.4","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-05-13","Upgrade sprockets to 2.1.3","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-29","CHANGELOG entry for AR#slice","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-29","Add ActiveRecord::Base#slice to slice method calls","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-26","sprockets-rails 1.0.0 was released, remove git dependenc...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-13","Add sprockets-rails to generated Gemfile. This should be...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-13","Depend on sprockets-rails v1.0","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-13","The sprockets railtie was moved to sprockets/rails/railtie","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-13","Remove remaining sprockets tests","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-13","Remove sprockets dependency on actionpack","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-13","Add sprockets-rails to rails project Gemfile","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-13","Remove tests and fixtures for Sprockets on ActionPack","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-13","Remove sprockets integration on ActionPack","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-03","Use public_send instead of send in ActiveModel::Model in...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-03-03","Add ActiveModel::Model, a mixin to make Ruby objects to ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-02-07","--edge option should generate app with rails 3-2-stable","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-02-06","Add branch to sass-rails and coffee-rails for apps gener...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-02-01","Use https://rubygems.org source for default Gemfile","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-02-01","Remove ruby_debugger_gemfile_entry from app_base, we can...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-21","Add therubyracer gem commented in default Gemfile (3.1.x)","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-21","Bump rubygems required version to 1.8.11 (default versio...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-18","Adding Action Mailer section to 3.2 release notes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-18","Update Release Notes: sprockets-rails section should be ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-18","Adding Action Mailer section to 3.2 release notes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-18","Update Release Notes: sprockets-rails section should be ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-18","Update AM CHANGELOG","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-18","Update CHANGELOG and docs for config.assets.logger","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-18","Silent Sprockets logger when config.assets.logger is set...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-18","Silent Sprockets logger when config.assets.logger is set...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-16","Mention how use config.assets.prefix to avoid conflictin...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-16","Getting Started Guide: Update reference about JavaScript...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-15","Don't hardcode assets route skipped in route inspector","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-14","Bump Sprockets to 2.2.0","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-14","Don't hardcode assets route skipped in route inspector","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-14","Mention how use config.assets.prefix to avoid conflictin...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-13","Getting Started Guide: Update reference about JavaScript...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-13","Update Railties section of 3.2 release notes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-13","Update railties 3.2.0 changelog","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-13","Update Railties section of 3.2 release notes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-13","Update actionpack Changelog in 3-1-stable","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2012-01-13","Add therubyracer gem commented in default Gemfile","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-21","We don't need a special html_escape for 1.8 anymore","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-20","Fix railties tests: I broke development.rb template duri...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-20","Skip assets groups if --skip-sprockets option is given","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-20","Use ProcessedAsset#pathname in Sprockets helpers when de...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-20","Skip assets options in environments files when --skip-sp...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-20","Update .travis.yml","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-12","Use rubygems https endpoint for the Gemfile on new apps","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-11","Skip assets options in environments files when --skip-sp...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-10","Use ProcessedAsset#pathname in Sprockets helpers when de...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-10","Skip assets groups if --skip-sprockets option is given","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-10","Add test to verify that therubyrhino isn't included when...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-12-10","Add test to verify that therubyrhino isn't included when...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-11-21","Update CHANGELOG with the addition of therubyrhino","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-11-21","Added therubyrhino to default Gemfile under JRuby","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-11-14","Added therubyrhino to default Gemfile under JRuby","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-11-14","Upgrade Sprockets to 2.1.0","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-11-06","Add arel to Gemfile on apps generated in edge Rails","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-22","Lock turn version to 0.8.2 if Ruby version is 1.9.2","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-22","Remove Turn from default Gemfile.","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-09","Merge pull request #70 from mcdd/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-08","Isolate rake action tests that should be run under defau...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-08","Isolate rake action tests that should be run under defau...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-08","Test utf8 assets filenames with request instead of manif...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-08","Test utf8 assets filenames with request instead of manif...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-02","Print information about .railsrc to users","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-10-02","Read extra args for 'rails new' from ~/.railsrc","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-26","Avoid use of existing precompiled assets during rake ass...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-25","Add public API for register new js and css compressors f...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-23","Remove Sprockets compute_public_path, AV compute_public_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-21","Add reference about --skip-sprockets to Asset Pipeline G...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-21","Move precompile task to Sprockets::StaticCompiler","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-16","Add reference about --skip-sprockets to Asset Pipeline G...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-16","config.action_controller.asset_host shouldn't set to nil...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-14","Clear cache before of each precompile to avoid inconsist...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-14","Add missing changelog entries for actionpack","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-13","Fix broken asset test","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-13","Fix precompile asset_host test","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-13","Fix for relative url root in assets","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-13","Backport e767cda6ea17 (move assets tests to assets_test ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-13","Move asset tests to assets_test file","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-13","Set relative url root in assets when controller isn't av...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-12","Remove odd asignation","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-09","Add missing require in base_test.rb, fixes isolated test","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-08","Updating changelogs in 3-0-stable","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-08","Add reference about "bundle install --without assets" in...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-08","Add CoffeeScript example to JavaScript and ERB section","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-08","Add JavaScript and ERB section to Asset Guide","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-07","Refactor assets tests to use add_to_config instead of cr...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-06","config.action_controller.perform_caching isn't used anym...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-05","Remove unused config variable from test.rb template","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-05","Add reference about "bundle install --without assets" in...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-05","Add CoffeeScript example to JavaScript and ERB section","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-05","Add JavaScript and ERB section to Asset Guide","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-05","Add entry about Asset behaviour fix to ActionPack ChangeLog","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-04","AssetNotPrecompiledError should be raise when config.ass...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #64 from rinaldifonseca/master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-03","Review config.assets options.","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-03","Include ticket numbers in CHANGELOG","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-03","Add entry about bcrypt-ruby remove to ActiveModel changelog","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-03","Add comments about bcrypt-ruby gem to SecurePassword","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-03","Add bcrypt-ruby to Gemfile template","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-02","Fix asset_path example in CSS and ERB section","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-02","Remove hard dependency on bcrypt.","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-02","Remove hard dependency on bcrypt.","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-01","Add missing changelog entries for 3.1.1","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-01","Adding reference about ExecJS for CoffeeScript","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-01","Add reference to ExecJS in JavaScript Compression section","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-01","Fixing sass-rails helpers methods examples","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-01","Giving info about what are the defaults for test environ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-01","Add missing changelog entries for 3.1.1","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-09-01","Review config.assets options.","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Remove deprecated code used only in Sprockets < 2.0.0.be...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Manifest should be nil by default. Closes #2776","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Fix asset debugging tests to reflect last changes in 3-1...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Set default location of manifest with config.assets.mani...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Backport f443f9cb0c64 to master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Backport b0f30631662 to master","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Read digests of assets from manifest.yml if config.asset...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Always enable digest and compile in the Rake task","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Always enable digest and compile in the Rake task","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-31","Update Assets guide to reflect all the new changes","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-30","Set default location of manifest with config.assets.mani...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-30","Configuration changes for asset pipeline: remove config....","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-30","Add a default asset version to production config, this g...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-30","Read digests of assets from manifest.yml if config.asset...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-29","Avoid extra recursive call in Sprockets helpers","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-28","Update Rails 3.1 CHANGELOGs","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-26","Fix failing asset test under 1.8","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-26","Fix failing asset debug test under 1.8","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-25","Removing redundant stringify_keys in Sprockets helpers","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-25","Update Debugging Assets section of Assets Pipeline guide","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-25","Add missing CHANGELOG entries for Railties","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-24","Preserve stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag ...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-24","Use super in javascript_include_tag and stylesheet_link_...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-24","Remove redundant join and call to html_safe","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-24","Add config.allow_debugging option to determine if the de...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-24","Debug assets shouldn't ignore media type for stylesheets...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-23","Add destroy alias to engines","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-22","Fix Sprockets rewrite_asset_path","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-22","Fix Sprockets rewrite_asset_path","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-20","Bump sprockets to 2.0.0.beta.14","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-20","Add .rbenv-version to .gitignore","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-18","Debug assets by default in development and test environm...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-06","Fix ActiveSupport::Gzip under Ruby 1.8.7. Closes #2416","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-05","Fix AR test suite error under Rubinius 2.0","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-08-05","Fix AR test suite error under Rubinius 2.0","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-07-23","Remove unneccesary map chaining","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-07-18","Fix Rails::Generators::Actions#environment when env is p...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-07-07","Update to latest rails.js for fix some bugs under IE","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-29","Avoid extra call to Cache#read in case of a fragment cac...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-28","Bump ARel to 2.1.3","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-27","Bump ARel to 2.1.3","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-21","Use uglifier from rubygems instead of git repo","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-21","Use uglifier from rubygems instead of git repo","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-17","Bump to mysql2 0.3.6","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-12","Remove trailing whitespaces","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-08","Allow multiple sources in Sprockets helpers","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-07","Fixing Rails::Server#app under Rack::URLMap","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-07","Fixing Rails::Server#app under Rack::URLMap","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-06","Change http://api.rubyonrails.com to http://api.rubyonra...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-06","Remove trailing white-spaces","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-06","Removing trailing white-spaces","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-06","Change http://api.rubyonrails.com to http://api.rubyonra...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-05","Remove trailing white-spaces","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-05","Allow multiple sources in Sprockets helpers","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-01","Removing trailing white-spaces","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-06-01","Don't add .rb in requires","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-25","Updating Railties changelog","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-25","Removing deprecated config.generators in Rails::Railtie","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-25","Remove deprecated plugin generator","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-25","Removing Deprecated Path API tests","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-25","Removing deprecated config.paths.app.controller API","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-25","load_generators_from_railties was removed, remove failin...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-24","Prefer each instead of for on activesupport","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-24","Removed extra white-spaces on config/environment/test.rb...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-24","Removing extra white-spaces on config/environment/develo...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-24","Prefer each instead of for in activeresource","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-22","Adding pluralize_table_names change to CHANGELOG","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-21","AliasTracker.pluralize use pluralize_table_names of model","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-20","Refactoring test_has_many_with_pluralize_table_names_fal...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-20","Allow pluralize_table_names for individual model","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-20","Changin 'for' with 'each' on FormHelpers guide","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-20","Using each instead of for in actionview guide","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-20","Replacing 'for' with 'each' in actionmailer guide ","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-20","for => each in model migration template","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-20","Changing examples: use 'each' instead of 'for in'","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-20","Syntax cleanup: for in => each","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-19","Prefer each instead of for in","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-18","Fixing typo in test for turn gem","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-17","Adding missing require","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-16","Mailer example has more sense calling to deliver method","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-15","Fixing Changelog link","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-15","Fixing has_many association when ActiveRecord::Base.plur...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-13","Using new hash syntax in wrap_parameters initializer und...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-13","Prefer topic branches instead of master branch for users...","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-10","Adding .sass-cache to gitignore template","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-10","Merging 3.0.x CHANGELOGs","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2011-05-09","Just a minor fix in A.S CHANGELOG","Guillermo Iguaran",22 "2013-08-29","Merge pull request #12051 from bcherry/preserve_datetime...","Andrew White",21 "2013-08-04","No need to use blocks here","Andrew White",21 "2013-08-04","Fix unused variable warning","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-31","Merge pull request #11686 from gzohari/pr-refactor-time-...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-31","Merge pull request #11681 from gzohari/pr-refactor-date-...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-30","Don't mutate the original inflections instance in the tests","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-30","Add CHANGELOG entry for inflection removal","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-30","Don't have a cow, man!","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #10879 from makaroni4/master","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-29","Fix handling of offsets with Time#to_s(:iso8601)","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-25","Allow overriding of all headers from passed environment ...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-25","Allow overriding of all headers from passed environment ...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-21","Add test to prevent route reloading regression","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-21","Clear named routes when routes.rb is reloaded","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-21","Clear named routes when routes.rb is reloaded","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-17","Refactor to reduce number of loops","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-17","Refactor to reduce number of loops","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-17","Fix failing test missed for the past year :(","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-17","Fix failing test missed for the past year :(","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-16","Skip Rack applications and redirects when generating urls","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-16","Skip Rack applications and redirects when generating urls","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-15","Only raise DelegationError if it's is the source of the ...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-11","Only raise DelegationError if it's is the source of the ...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-10","Add missing require so that DateTime has the right super...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-10","Add missing require so that DateTime has the right super...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-10","Add missing require so that DateTime has the right super...","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-10","Add failing test for #9562","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-10","Keep sub-second resolution when wrapping a DateTime value","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-10","Add failing test for #9562","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-09","Return local time for backwards compatibility","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-09","Return local time for backwards compatibility","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-09","Return local time for backwards compatibility","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-09","Retain offset and fraction when using Time.at_with_coercion","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-09","Retain offset and fraction when using Time.at_with_coercion","Andrew White",21 "2013-07-09","Retain UTC offset when using Time.at_with_coercion","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-25","Use old style hash syntax for 3-2-stable","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-25","Fix shorthand routes where controller and action are in ...","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-25","Fix shorthand routes where controller and action are in ...","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-25","Fix shorthand routes where controller and action are in ...","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-25","Clarify what arguments are passed to redirect blocks - f...","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-25","Fix shorthand routes where controller and action are in ...","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-13","Revert "Keep sub-second resolution when wrapping a DateT...","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-13","Keep sub-second resolution when wrapping a DateTime value","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-13","Add missing nsec test for 17f5d8e","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-13","Keep sub-second resolution when wrapping a DateTime value","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-08","Override Time.at to work with Time-like values","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-08","Override Time.at to work with Time-like values","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-08","Override Time.at to work with Time-like values","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-08","Override Time.at to work with Time-like values","Andrew White",21 "2013-06-07","Merge pull request #10874 from rlivsey/patch-1","Andrew White",21 "2013-05-24","Restore rescue block for when IM is enabled","Andrew White",21 "2013-05-24","Merge pull request #10745 from arunagw/build_fix_ruby187","Andrew White",21 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10557 from arunagw/pluck-refactor-us...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-27","Don't reprocess the options hash on every request","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-26","Merge pull request #9980 from stouset/patch-1","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-25","Add support for extra options to `force_ssl`","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-25","Use `request.fullpath` to build redirect url in `force_ssl`","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-24","Lookup the class at runtime, not when the association is...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-24","Removed unused associations","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-24","Reset the primary key for other tests","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-24","Revert "Revert "`belongs_to :touch` behavior now touches...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-24","Add test for `format: false` with resources - closes #10323","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-23","Adjust for daylight savings in String#to_time","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10301 from vipulnsward/extract_in_ma...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10299 from econsultancy/use-method-n...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10297 from vipulnsward/dont_mutate_i...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-18","Add CHANGELOG entries - closes #10180, #10185","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-18","Refactor ActionDispatch::Http::URL.build_host_url","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-18","Add url generation tests for #10185","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-18","Duplicate options before mutating them","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-10","Return nil for Mime::NullType#ref","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-10","Add failing test case for #9654","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-06","Merge pull request #10101 from wangjohn/refactoring_rout...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-05","Improve `belongs_to touch: true` timestamp test","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-04","Use inspect when writing the foreign key from the reflec...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #9932 from senny/9913_routing_problem","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10070 from rubys/skip_bundle_in_rail...","Andrew White",21 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10072 from senny/10071_format_on_sco...","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9794 from schneems/schneems/email-host","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9774 from senny/9772_reraise_no_meth...","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9732 from arunagw/warning_fix_unused...","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9731 from senny/9724_argument_error_...","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9716 from senny/rework_headers_funct...","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-13","Merge pull request #9700 from senny/6513_integration_tes...","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-13","Merge pull request #9696 from senny/typo_in_changelog","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-13","Fix ar:mysql2 build on Ruby 1.8.7","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-13","Add regression tests for #9678","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-13","Fix `ActiveSupport::TimeZone.parse` when time is a local...","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-11","Merge pull request #9664 from sikachu/master-fix-test_te...","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-03","Merge pull request #9528 from korny/patch-1","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-03","Use custom visitor class for optimized url helpers","Andrew White",21 "2013-03-02","Merge pull request #9431 from troyk/patch-2","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-28","Remove redundant method","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-28","Merge pull request #9469 from senny/9466_format_enforcin...","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9439 from senny/9435_router_params_a...","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9437 from senny/9432_undefined_metho...","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9390 from chris-baynes/datetime_sec_...","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-22","Merge pull request #9374 from senny/improved_match_short...","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-22","Merge pull request #9334 from NARKOZ/time_tag","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-21","Merge pull request #9365 from gaganawhad/core-ext-beginn...","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-21","Merge pull request #9361 from senny/improved_match_short...","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9330 from bdmac/time_zone_select_dup","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-19","Remove config.autoload_paths from config/application.rb","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-19","Don't unhook autoloading in production","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-19","Revert "Deprecate the `eager_load_paths` configuration"","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-17","Add CHANGELOG entry for 41ff6a10216f48f43605a1f9cd609476...","Andrew White",21 "2013-02-10","Merge pull request #8643 from tricknotes/remove-method-r...","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-26","Simplify type casting code for timezone aware attributes","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-24","Deprecate the `eager_load_paths` configuration","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-24","Fix PostgreSQL tests on Travis","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-23","Remove warning by using a custom coder","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-22","Revert "Merge pull request #6986 from kennyj/fix_6975"","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-22","Add failing test case for #8460","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-22","Revert "Round usec when writing timestamp attribute."","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-22","Add failing test case for #8460","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-21","Duplicate possible frozen string from route","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-21","Duplicate possible frozen string from route","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-21","Use `DateTime.parse` inside `String#to_datetime`","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-21","Standardise the return value of `to_time`","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8963 from asanghi/regress_8631","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8632 from asanghi/3-2-stable","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-15","Change the behavior of route defaults","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-15","Add support for other types of routing constraints","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-15","Ensure port is set when passed via the process method","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-15","Raise correct exception now Journey is integrated.","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-12","Remove unnecessary caching of ParameterFilter","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-12","Remove unnecessary caching of ParameterFilter","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-12","Remove unnecessary caching of ParameterFilter","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8800 from acapilleri/primary_key","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8777 from goshakkk/delegate-class","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8766 from jcoglan/session_token_docs","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8722 from kwstannard/string_to_date_...","Andrew White",21 "2013-01-04","Allow use of durations for ActionDispatch::SSL configura...","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-19","Remove the actual extension file as well [ci skip]","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-19","Remove obsolete Hash extension needed for Ruby 1.8.x sup...","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-19","Integrate Journey into Action Dispatch","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-17","Make conditional_layout? private and update documentation","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-14","Don't use 1.9 hash syntax on 3-2-stable","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-14","Clear url helper methods when routes are reloaded","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-14","Clear url helper methods when routes are reloaded","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-14","Revert "Clear url helpers when reloading routes"","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-11","Deprecate obsolete Time to DateTime fallback methods","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-11","Beef up tests for String#in_time_zone and Date#in_time_zone","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-11","Only call `in_time_zone` on Time or DateTime instances","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-11","Clean up 'active_support/time' requires","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-11","Deprecate Date#to_time_in_current_zone","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-11","Add missing at_end_of_* aliases","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-11","Add String#in_time_zone method","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-07","Revert "Invert precedence of content in ActionDispatch::...","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-06","Invert precedence of content in ActionDispatch::Static","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-06","Add comment about implementation of class_attribute","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8404 from freegenie/filter_redirects","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-04","Make distance_of_time_in_words work with DateTime offsets","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-04","Make output of distance_of_time_in_words consistent","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-01","Only take the date parts from Time.zone.now","Andrew White",21 "2012-12-01","Make `Time.zone.parse` to work with JavaScript date strings","Andrew White",21 "2012-11-29","Merge pull request #7961 from exviva/seconds_until_end_o...","Andrew White",21 "2012-11-26","Improve clarity of routing tests","Andrew White",21 "2012-11-22","Merge pull request #8114 from guilleiguaran/use-symbols-...","Andrew White",21 "2012-11-16","Refactor Generator class to not rely on in-place editing...","Andrew White",21 "2012-11-09","Gracefully handle upgrading apps with mass assigment con...","Andrew White",21 "2012-08-29","Merge pull request #7230 from schneems/schneems/expose_r...","Andrew White",21 "2012-08-04","Revert "polymorphic_url with an array generates a query ...","Andrew White",21 "2012-08-04","Revert "Refactor passing url options via array for polym...","Andrew White",21 "2012-08-04","Merge branch 'polymorphic_url_builds_query_string_with_a...","Andrew White",21 "2012-08-04","Refactor passing url options via array for polymorphic_url","Andrew White",21 "2012-08-04","Backport of fix from #5173 - fixes #7252","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-23","Bump Journey requirements to 1.0.4","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-23","Bump Journey requirements to 1.0.4","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-20","Don't assume resource param is :id when using shallow ro...","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-20","Support constraints on resource custom params when nesting","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-17","Add support for optional root segments containing slashes","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-17","Add support for optional root segments containing slashes","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-02","Improve performance of DateTime#seconds_since_unix_epoch","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-01","Revert "Use strftime to convert DateTime to numeric"","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-01","Make Time#change work with offsets other than UTC or local","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-01","Remove rescue clause from ActiveSupport::TimeZone#to_f","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-01","Remove DateTime#to_time override","Andrew White",21 "2012-07-01","Use strftime to convert DateTime to numeric","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-23","Add test cases for 46492949b8c09f99db78b9f7a02d039e7bc6a702","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-22","It's AR::Reflection not AR::Relation","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-22","Improve the derivation of HABTM assocation join table names","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-10","Ensure that mass assignment options are preserved","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-09","Merge pull request #6689 from arunagw/duplicate_test_rem...","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-06","Merge pull request #6644 from amatsuda/fix_meaningless_t...","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-06","Make method name consistent with existing methods","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-05","Eliminate dependency on Rails::VERSION::STRING","Andrew White",21 "2012-06-01","Restore behavior of Active Record 3.2.3 scopes","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-31","Reduce warning messages when running Active Support tests","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-24","Merge pull request #6461 from schneems/schneems/sextant-...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-20","Escape the extension when normalizing the action cache p...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-20","Return 400 Bad Request for URL paths with invalid encoding.","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-20","Raise ActionController::BadRequest for malformed paramet...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-20","Correct order of expected and actual arguments","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-19","Add CHANGELOG entry for constantize - closes #6165.","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-19","Handle case where ancestor is not the end of the chain","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-19","Add CHANGELOG entry for #6369 & #6391","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-19","Improve `rake routes` output for redirects - closes #6369.","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-13","Autoload ActionDispatch::Request::Session to avoid circu...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-11","Copy literal route constraints to defaults - fixes #3571...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-10","Return false for exists? with new records - fixes #6199.","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-10","Return false for exists? with new records - fixes #6199.","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-10","Don't ignore nil positional arguments for url helpers - ...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-10","Don't ignore nil positional arguments for url helpers - ...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-10","Don't ignore nil positional arguments for url helpers - ...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-10","Refactor the handling of default_url_options in integrat...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-10","Refactor the handling of default_url_options in integrat...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-10","Refactor the handling of default_url_options in integrat...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-09","Merge pull request #6223 from carlosantoniodasilva/remov...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-09","Refactor Generator class to not rely on in-place editing...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6157 from mjtko/fix-activesupport-ti...","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-02","Reset the request parameters after a constraints check","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-02","Reset the request parameters after a constraints check","Andrew White",21 "2012-05-02","Reset the request parameters after a constraints check","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-30","Fix PR #6091","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-30","Lock mocha gem to fix the build","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5838 from IamNaN/patch-1","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-30","Add note about using 303 See Other for XHR requests othe...","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-30","Add note about using 303 See Other for XHR requests othe...","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Restore interpolation of path option in redirect routes","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Restore interpolation of path option in redirect routes","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Add missing require from b608cdd64c95d0d16eb98d86562e22f...","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Escape interpolated params when redirecting - fixes #5688","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Escape interpolated params when redirecting - fixes #5688","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Escape interpolated params when redirecting - fixes #5688","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Add failing test case for #6053","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Don't convert params if the request isn't HTML - fixes #...","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Don't convert params if the request isn't HTML - fixes #...","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-29","Don't convert params if the request isn't HTML - fixes #...","Andrew White",21 "2012-04-28","Merge session arg with existing session instead of overw...","Andrew White",21 "2012-03-19","Merge pull request #5503 from jeyb/leap_day_time_date_ti...","Andrew White",21 "2012-03-12","Add documentation for find_or_create_by_{attribute}! met...","Andrew White",21 "2012-03-12","Add documentation for find_or_create_by_{attribute}! met...","Andrew White",21 "2012-03-12","Add dynamic find_or_create_by_{attribute}! method.","Andrew White",21 "2012-03-12","Add dynamic find_or_create_by_{attribute}! method.","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-26","Adding tests for non-optional glob parameters","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-26","Detect optional glob params when adding non-greedy regex...","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-26","Adding tests for non-optional glob parameters","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-23","Document the :host option for force_ssl","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-23","Update documentation for force_ssl - closes #5023.","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-20","Remove fixture files with Windows incompatible filenames","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-20","Remove fixture files with Windows incompatible filenames","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-20","Remove fixture files with Windows incompatible filenames","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-17","Simplify regexp","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-17","Simplify regexp","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-17","Simplify regexp","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-17","Fix ActionDispatch::Static to serve files with unencoded...","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-17","Fix ActionDispatch::Static to serve files with unencoded...","Andrew White",21 "2012-02-17","Fix ActionDispatch::Static to serve files with unencoded...","Andrew White",21 "2011-09-17","Revert "Fixed Apache configuration for gzipped assets: F...","Andrew White",21 "2011-08-25","Don't modify params in place - fixes #2624","Andrew White",21 "2011-08-24","Add failing test case for #2654","Andrew White",21 "2011-08-23","Add failing test case for #2654","Andrew White",21 "2011-08-23","Add failing test case for #2654","Andrew White",21 "2011-08-23","Ensure regexp and hash key are UTF-8","Andrew White",21 "2011-08-23","Don't modify params in place - fixes #2624","Andrew White",21 "2011-08-23","Don't modify params in place - fixes #2624","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-24","Use top level Rails constant","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-24","Use top level Rails constant","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-04","Revert "The rails gem doesn't have a lib directory - clo...","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-04","Revert "The rails gem doesn't have a lib directory."","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-04","Revert "The rails gem doesn't have a lib directory."","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-04","The rails gem doesn't have a lib directory.","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-04","The rails gem doesn't have a lib directory.","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-04","The rails gem doesn't have a lib directory - closes #1958.","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-04","Use an instance variable to store the current masss assi...","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-04","Use an instance variable to store the current masss assi...","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","It's autoload all the way down","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","It's autoload all the way down","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","Don't require ActionView::Context as it's autoloaded","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","Revert "Add missing require for ActionView::AssetPaths"","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","Don't require ActionView::Context as it's autoloaded","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","Revert "Add missing require for ActionView::AssetPaths"","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","Add missing requires for ActionView::Context and Module#...","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","Add missing require for ActionView::AssetPaths","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","Add missing requires for ActionView::Context and Module#...","Andrew White",21 "2011-07-01","Add missing require for ActionView::AssetPaths","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-15","Make MissingTranslation exception handler respect :rescu...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-15","Make MissingTranslation exception handler respect :rescu...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-15","Make MissingTranslation exception handler respect :rescu...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-13","Remove obsolete compatibility module","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-13","Remove obsolete compatibility module","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-13","Remove obsolete compatibility module","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-13","Pass mass-assignment options to nested models - closes #...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-13","Pass mass-assignment options to nested models - closes #...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-13","Rename tests to reflect associations","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-13","Rename tests to reflect associations","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-12","Define ActiveSupport#to_param as to_str - closes #1663","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-12","Define ActiveSupport#to_param as to_str - closes #1663","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-12","Define ActiveSupport#to_param as to_str - closes #1663","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-10","Ensure number helpers can handle HTML safe strings - clo...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-10","Ensure number helpers can handle HTML safe strings - clo...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-10","Ensure number helpers can handle HTML safe strings - clo...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-10","Ensure number helpers can handle HTML safe strings - clo...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-05","Move CHANGELOG entry to future version","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-05","Add backward compatibility for testing cookies","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-05","Ensure cookie keys are strings","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-04","Add missing require for cookies middleware","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-04","Refactor ActionController::TestCase cookies","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-03","Don't double assign attributes - closes #1467.","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-03","Don't double assign attributes - closes #1467.","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-01","Raise NameError instead of ArgumentError in ActiveSuppor...","Andrew White",21 "2011-06-01","Raise NameError instead of ArgumentError in ActiveSuppor...","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-31","Make MemCacheStore work with Ruby 1.9 and -Ku","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-31","Make MemCacheStore work with Ruby 1.9 and -Ku","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-31","Make MemCacheStore work with Ruby 1.9 and -Ku","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-24","Ignore :includes on through associations","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-24","Failing tests for #1233.","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-24","Failing tests for #1233.","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-24","Ignore :includes on through associations","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-21","Add support for passing mass assignment roles to dynamic...","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-21","Correct example and expand on description of :shallow op...","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-17","Don't pass a block as we are yielding","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-17","Add block setting of attributes to singular associations","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-17","Pass the attribute and option hashes to build_association","Andrew White",21 "2011-05-11","Don't remove the target if it has already been destroyed","Andrew White",21 "2011-04-15","Add missing CHANGELOG entries","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-29","Quote find_in_batches ORDER BY clause [#6620 state:resol...","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-29","Quote find_in_batches ORDER BY clause [#6620 state:resol...","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-29","Delegate first!, last!, any? and many? to scoped","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-29","Delegate any? and many? to scoped","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-29","Change exists? so that it doesn't instantiate records [#...","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-29","Change exists? so that it doesn't instantiate records [#...","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-23","Fix filter :only and :except with implicit actions","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-23","Fix filter :only and :except with implicit actions","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-16","Fix typo in assertion message","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-13","Remove invalid test","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-13","Remove invalid test","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-12","Fixed a bug when empty? was called on a grouped Relation...","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-09","Filter params that return nil for to_param","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-09","Filter params that return nil for to_param and allow thr...","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-06","Report the correct value of nil.id in the exception message","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-06","Report the correct value of nil.id in the exception message","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-06","Improve testing of cookies in functional tests:","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-06","Improve testing of cookies in functional tests:","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-06","Raise ArgumentError if route name is invalid [#6517 stat...","Andrew White",21 "2011-03-06","Raise ArgumentError if route name is invalid [#6517 stat...","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-14","Add test to prevent regression on namespace root nested ...","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-14","Add test to prevent regression on namespace root nested ...","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-14","Fix named route helper for routes nested inside deeply n...","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-14","Fix named route helper for routes nested inside deeply n...","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-14","Add notes on how to override the default :id constraint ...","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-14","Add notes on how to override the default :id constraint ...","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-14","Remove incorrect assert_recognizes example","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-14","Remove incorrect assert_recognizes example","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-13","Remove incorrect assert_recognizes example","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-13","Fix assert_recognizes with block constraints [#5805 stat...","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-13","Remove incorrect assert_recognizes example","Andrew White",21 "2011-02-13","Fix assert_recognizes with block constraints [#5805 stat...","Andrew White",21 "2010-11-09","Strip regexp anchors from rake routes output [#5934 stat...","Andrew White",21 "2010-11-09","Strip regexp anchors from rake routes output [#5934 stat...","Andrew White",21 "2010-11-02","Add additional HTTP request methods from the following R...","Andrew White",21 "2010-11-02","Add additional HTTP request methods from the following R...","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-29","Backport of documentation fixes:","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-27","Don't write out secure cookies unless the request is secure","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-27","Ensure that Rails.env is defined first","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-27","Ensure that Rails.env is defined first","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-26","Allow generated url helpers to be overriden [#5243 state...","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-26","Allow generated url helpers to be overriden [#5243 state...","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-26","Don't create a deprecation proxy object if the variable ...","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-25","Don't write out secure cookies unless the request is secure","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-25","Don't write out secure cookies unless the request is secure","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-18","Reset assert_template instance variables between request...","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-18","Reset assert_template instance variables between request...","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-08","Refactor resource action scope methods","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-08","Refactor resource action scope methods","Andrew White",21 "2010-10-08","Backport ca3936d to 3-0-stable [#5274]","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-18","Raise ArgumentError instead of normalizing controller na...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-18","Raise ArgumentError instead of normalizing controller na...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-18","Remove leading slash from controller [#5651 state:resolved]","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-18","Remove leading slash from controller [#5651 state:resolved]","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-03","Add missing lookup keys for error messages","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Reset default scope in Thread.current when class is unlo...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Add before_remove_const callback to ActiveSupport::Depen...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Reset default scope in Thread.current when class is unlo...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Add before_remove_const callback to ActiveSupport::Depen...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Add missing lookup keys for error messages","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Move implicit nested call before options handling so tha...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Move implicit nested call before options handling so tha...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Bump rack-mount to 0.6.13 and add test case for named ch...","Andrew White",21 "2010-09-01","Bump rack-mount to 0.6.13 and add test case for named ch...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-28","Read the route name directly from the route instead of l...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-28","Read the route name directly from the route instead of l...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-25","Catch mysql2 access denied errors in rake db:create [#54...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-25","Catch mysql2 access denied errors in rake db:create [#54...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-25","Remove rails info route from rake routes output [#5452 s...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-25","Remove rails info route from rake routes output [#5452 s...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-25","Use nested scope for routes defined at the :resources sc...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-25","Use nested scope for routes defined at the :resources sc...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-24","Revert "Use symbols when specifying custom resource acti...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-24","Reset symbolized path parameters when a test request is ...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-24","Reset symbolized path parameters when a test request is ...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-24","When custom resource actions are specified using strings...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-24","When custom resource actions are specified using strings...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-24","Use symbols when specifying custom resource actions","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-22","Cache the symbolized path parameters using a instance va...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-22","Cache the symbolized path parameters using a instance va...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-20","Support routing constraints in functional tests","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-20","Support routing constraints in functional tests","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-20","Don't add the standard https port when using redirect in...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-20","Don't add the standard https port when using redirect in...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-20","Allow symbols for :path resource(s) option [#5306 state:...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-20","Allow symbols for :path resource(s) option [#5306 state:...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-19","Optimize find_sti_class when store_full_sti_class is true","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-19","Optimize find_sti_class when store_full_sti_class is true","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-19","Move regexps in options hash to :constraints hash so tha...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-19","Move edit route before show route so that it will have p...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-19","Move regexps in options hash to :constraints hash so tha...","Andrew White",21 "2010-08-19","Move edit route before show route so that it will have p...","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-07","Add note about incompatibility of namespace and :controller","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-06","When a dynamic :controller segment is present in the pat...","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-06","Refactor handling of :only and :except options. The rule...","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-04","Fix syntax of routing tests so they actually run","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-04","Refactor resource options and scoping. Resource classes ...","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-04","Reword routing guide so that we talk about prefixing as ...","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-03","Updated routing guide to reflect the fact that :name_pre...","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-03","Refactor recall parameter normalization [#5021 state:res...","Andrew White",21 "2010-07-03",":singular is no longer a valid option for resources [#50...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-28","Add :controller and :action to the list of valid conditions","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-28","Restores the escaping of urls generated from hashes. [#4...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-28","Merge :constraints from scope into resource options [#26...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-28","Remove invalid conditions from route [#4989 state:resolved]","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-27","Normalize recall params when the route is not a standard...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-26","Support optional static segements as well [#4832 state:r...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-26","Don't force pluralization of controller name when defini...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-26","URL fragments should not have safe characters escaped. R...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-25","Add column and index query methods to ActiveRecord::Schema","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-25","Failing test for whether glob parameters accept regexps","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-25","Add failing test case for parameters with periods","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-24","Fix namespaced redirects [#4389 state:resolved]","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-19","Don't use module to work out shallow name prefix and pat...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-19","Make polymorphic_url and scaffolding work with uncountab...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-19","Accept an object for :constraints option [#4904 state:re...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-19","Custom resource routes should be scoped","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-17","Add shallow routing option to new router [#3765 status:c...","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-08","Fix resources ignoring scope options","Andrew White",21 "2010-06-08","Add support for actions on a new resource to the new rou...","Andrew White",21 "2010-04-25","Support fixtures for namespaced models [#2965 state:reso...","Andrew White",21 "2010-04-13","Refactor compute_type to handle situations where the cor...","Andrew White",21 "2010-04-12","Generate module file for namespaced models [#4230 state:...","Andrew White",21 "2010-04-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Andrew White",21 "2010-04-04","Update various documentation examples to use new routing...","Andrew White",21 "2010-04-04","Backport of lazy evaluation of has_many ..., :dependent ...","Andrew White",21 "2010-04-04","Add tests to prevent regression of lazy evaluation of ha...","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-31","ActionController::Resources has gone away","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-31","Remove routing implementation details from RDoc","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-31","Update routing documentation to the new way of specifyin...","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-31","Mark ActionDispatch::Routing::DeprecatedMapper as nodoc ...","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-29","Add the ability to specify table_name_prefix on individu...","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-29","Add the ability to specify table_name_prefix on individu...","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-29","Ignore generated railties RDocs [#4289 state:resolved]","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-29","Make Railties RDoc task work again [#4291 state:resolved]","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-29","Add ActionDispatch to RDoc task [#4287 state:resolved]","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-28","Add constraints to resources in new routing DSL","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-27","Fix named routes for member actions of singleton resourc...","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-27","Add parameter defaults support to new routing DSL [#4265...","Andrew White",21 "2010-03-15","Don't force singularization of singleton resource names,...","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-22","Remove hardcoded number_of_capturesin ControllerSegment ...","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-22","Fix requirements regexp for path segments","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-22","Fix requirements regexp for path segments","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-22","Remove hardcoded number_of_capturesin ControllerSegment ...","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-10","Fix some edge cases when the same template is called wit...","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-09","Improve view rendering performance in development mode a...","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-07","Move cleanup before prepare_dispatch so that constants a...","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-06","Use Path rather than EagerPath when cache_classes == fal...","Andrew White",21 "2009-02-05","Eliminate unnecessary File.exist? when correct file exte...","Andrew White",21 "2009-01-15","Update route globbing documentation in routing guide","Andrew White",21 "2009-01-15","Update route globbing documention in RDoc","Andrew White",21 "2008-08-28","Merge scoped :joins together instead of overwriting them...","Andrew White",21 "2008-05-29","Ensure :select passed in options overrides the one from ...","Andrew White",21 "2007-10-01","Change the resource seperator from ; to / change the gen...","Andrew White",21 "2007-09-10","Fixed that resource namespaces wouldnt stick to all nest...","Andrew White",21 "2007-09-06","Remove deprecated named routes [pixeltrix]","Andrew White",21 "2007-09-06","Added new new_admin_products_url named route in addition...","Andrew White",21 "2013-09-09","Back AV description in gemspec","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-09-09","Fix order dependent test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-09-09","grab executable from rubygems","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-09-09","Fixed API task file","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-08-03","Using URI.parser.unescape","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-08-02","Using URI.parser.unescape to avoid warnings","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-08-02","As we are doing debug mode on","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-08-02","Added Action View in 'rake about' [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-08-02","Added action_view in Rails::Info","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-31","Moved README into action_view [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-26","Removed excluding vendor from API doc [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-26","Excluding action_view/vendor in API [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-26","grab executable from rubygems","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Fixed README link in API [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Guides fixed typo in index.html.erb file [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Fixed typo in guides [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Removed unused test file","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Fixed README link in API [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Added some description to generate actionview gem [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Added routing in test for actionpack","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Running isolated tests","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-17","Added routing in test for actionpack","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-16","Fixed USAGE file for generator [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-15","Remove deprecation warning from attribute_missing ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-15","No need to add config for x_sendfile_header","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-15","Added Rack::Sendfile in rake about [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-15","Added CheckPending middleware in default","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-15","No need to add config for x_sendfile_header","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-15","Rack Sendfile is coming as default now","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-14","Removed unused require from Rakefile","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-14","Removed unused broken task for update README [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-14","Added actionview in API generation [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-13","Added missing actionview in list for release","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-13","Removed unused file! Moved to actionview","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-13","Removing Gem.source_index [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-08","Removed unused require from actionview rakefile.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-08","Fixed broken rake task for update_version [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-08","actionview should be able to install using install.rb [c...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-07","Removed unused test for DateTime.local_offset","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-06","Running isolated test for assertions and journey","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-06","actionpack not having activerecord tests [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-06","RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS file is in rdoc [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-04","Removed deprecated `Rails.application.railties.engines`.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-04","Remove deprecated `ActiveRecord::Base.disable_implicit_j...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `scope` use without passing a callable...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `transaction_joinable=`","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `decrement_open_transactions`.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","removed deprecated increment_open_transactions","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","Added missing CHANGELOG from PR #11279 [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","Fixed test broken by local_constant_names ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `String#encoding_aware?` ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `Module#local_constant_names` ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated `DateTime.local_offset`","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-02","[doc] fixed printing of code samples","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-07-02","Adding actionview in Rakefile to run test ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-27","README update for code links [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-26","Minor changes to actionpack/actionview Rakefile","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-21","Adding verbose in isolated test.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-21","Adding verbose mode to test_with_ar_integration","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-21","Saying gemcutter => rubygems [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-15","Updated the doc for const_regexp [ci skip]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-15","'json' gem is no more required under JRuby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-14","Changing const_regexp to check for constant name.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-12","Warning removed for Minitest","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-08","Testing CheckPending middleware","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-06","As we have moved to rails/docrails from lifo/docrails","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-06","As we have moved to rails/docrails from lifo/docrails","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-06","As we have moved to rails/docrails from lifo/docrails","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-05","Unused variable warning removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-05","Fixing build for not checking migration","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-05","Fix Build. Changing constructor.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-06-02","No need to load 'rake/packagetask' as it's already","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-28","Running isolated tests","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-24","It's scoped in 3-2-stable!","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-24","Using 1.8.7 syntax for 3-2-stable","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-13","Fixing build broken by this change","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-10","Using map. No need to run query again","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-10","Fixed pluck to be working with selects.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-10","Remove useless else","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-07","Build fix for scaffold generator ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-04","Fixes Scaffold generator with --assets=false","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-04-29","Minor code duplication removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-04-01","Turning on warnings in "rake test" for railties","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-03-25","Skipping test for OpenSSL::PKCS5 JRuby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-03-22","StringIO is not required by default in JRuby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-03-15","Warning removed unused variable task_name","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-03-08","Removing FIXME","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-03-08","Using latest AR-JDBC for JRuby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-01-20","Removing warning: shadowing outer local variable ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-01-17","Removing : warning: ambiguous first argument;","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-12-30","warning removed: shadowing outer local variable","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-12-28","Remove 'assigned but unused variable' warning","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-12-13","Fixed test names for generated_attribute_test.rb","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-11-20","Initialize accessors to remove some warnings in Ruby 2.0","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-11-11","Removing warning : ambiguous first argument","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-11-10","Removing warning : assigned but unused variable","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-11-01","Small change to remove warning unused variable.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-10-28","Removing JSON for other ruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-10-16","redcarpet gem will not work with JRuby!","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-10-12","warning removed: shadowing outer local variable - value","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-10-11","No need to test for rack-cache present in Gemfile","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-10-10","warning fixed: ambiguous first argument; put parentheses...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-10-01","warning fixed: (...) interpreted as grouped expression","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-17","Fix build for Queue.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-15","Few more warnings removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-14","warning removed: shadowing outer local variable - message","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-14","Build fix for ActionMailer","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-12","Fix build Rails.queue","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-12","warning removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-09","removed warning: shadowing outer local variable","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-06","More fixes for action pack tests with Dalli.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-09-06","Let's run action pack tests with Dalli","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-08-28","removed : warning: `*' interpreted as argument prefix","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-08-27","More fixes for action pack tests with Dalli.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-08-27","Let's run action pack tests with Dalli","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-08-24","We need to have 1-0-stable for joureny gem in edge","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-08-05","Remove warning: `*' interpreted as argument prefix","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-07-19","Bumping mocha!","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-21","Removed warnings.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-16","It should also include text/css => Build Fix","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-12","Need a assert here in tests","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-10","Build fix broken here 03f2249153ae4d2078646e6796d8b9e5ef...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-09","Duplicate tests removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-08","We should not include engine.rake file into rake","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-08","Removed protected as we already doing it above.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-08","We should not include engine.rake file into rake","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-06-08","Removed protected as we already doing it above. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-31","Add code statistics for Javascript and","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-30","Unused variable warning removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-30","More assert_match warnings fixed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-30","Warnings removed for "assert_match /".","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-29","JRuby return different Array for module contents.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-13","Need to include "OutputSaftyHelper" here to prevent","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-13","Fixed ruby-prof changes and let's use latest ruby-prof now.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-11","Ruby-Prof works with 1.9.3. Let's run.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-11","Ruby-Prof works with ruby-1.9.3 also.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-11","Update performance profiler to work with latest ruby-prof","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-08","Adding test for humans.txt","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-08","locking ruby-prof until we got a fix","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-07","Locking ruby-prof for now. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-02","Fix build for railties generators ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-05-02","build fix for SharedGeneratorTests","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-30","build fix for observing_test.rb","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-30","Build fix for observed_classes","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-30","railties variable is not required here.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-29","mocha can be locked here as new version is failing","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-26","Shadowing variable warning removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-24","Upgrading mocha 0.11.2","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-23","Updated other README to point 3-2-stable","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-23","ARes URL should be pointed to 3-2-stable tree not master.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-16","multi_json is restricted to < 1.3 ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-16","multi_json is restricted to < 1.3.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-16","fixed broken build after multi_json upgrade","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-16","fix scaffold_generator_test.rb and model_generator_test.rb","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-04-10","README fix! [skip ci]","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-31","CHANGELOG entry added","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-31",":subdomain can now be specified with a value of false in...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-31","warning removed: `&' interpreted as argument prefix","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-31","no more deprecation required.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-31","No more BufferedLogger so it can be LoggerTest","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-31","warning removed: (...) interpreted as grouped expression","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-27","Fix broken encoding test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-27","removed unused variables","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-24","Build fix for form_options_helper_test.rb ruby-1.8.7","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-24","removed warning: shadowing outer local variable - exception","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-19","Build fix for form_options_helper_test.rb ruby-1.8.7","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-19","Build fix for ruby1.8.7-358","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-19","fix test failing in 1.8.7","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-18","Build fix for app_generator_test.rb","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-18","Build fix for app_generator_test.rb","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-07","Test fix failing in 1.8.7-p358","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-07","fixed test when running with latest 1.8.7-p357 and ree","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-06","warning fix : mismatched indentations at 'end' with 'case'","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-03-01","call binmode on the tempfile for Ruby 1.8 compatibility","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-25","assert => assert_equal","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-25","assert => assert_equal","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-25","Checking headers in a better way. as doing here","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-25","fixed build for ruby187-p358","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-25","Build fix for ruby187-p358","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-25","put and patch both are allowed for update","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-18","fix test with ruby 187-p358","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-18","fixed assets test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-17","fixed failing test in ruby-1.8.7-p358","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-17","Fixes failing test with ruby 1.8.7-p358","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-03","Verbose output for tests.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-01","No verbose the output for tests.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-02-01","Build fix when running isolated test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-01-31","warning removed: mismatched indentations","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-01-31","warning removed: shadowing outer local variable - klass","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-01-23","Unused var removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2012-01-07","Fixed failing test for ruby-1.8.7-p357","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-27","Revert "This conditions is required to work with databas...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-23","[docs] Added missing "}" fixes #4126","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-23","[docs] pluck docs reverted for activesupport","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-22","[docs] added missing "}" fixes #4126","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-22","[docs] Added missing "}" fixes #4126","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-21","removed warning "warning: ambiguous first argument; put ...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-21","Using uuid which is supported in 1.9","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-21","More tests deep including through habtm","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-21","'with_kcode' removed. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-21","Removed test which works only < 1.9","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-21","No Ruby 1.8 stuff. No more checks in code.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-20","No need to check here now for < 1.9.3","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-20","Removal dead code from my side :-)","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-20","It should be README.rdoc fixes #4067","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-20","It should be README.rdoc fixes #4067","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-20","It should be README.rdoc fixes #4067","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-20","[docs] Ruby upgrade","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-20","4.0.0.beta now :-)","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-18","Warning removed in test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-18","No need 'abstract_unit' here. It's already in 'generator...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-17","Fixed test "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments(1 f...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-17","warning removed "warning: instance variable @variable_fo...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-16","Warning removed "warning: (...) interpreted as grouped e...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-10","Fix broken encoding test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-04","SQlite3 Bump ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-03","Simplifying test in app/generator","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-02","Added doc about pluck for active_support core ext","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-02","indentation fix warning","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-02","[Docs] Information about ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-12-02","Adding information about ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-30","ActiveModel confirmation validator fix fixes #1152","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-28","global variable `$rails_rake_task' not initialized Warni...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-28","Bump Mysql2!","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-28","Revert "fixed typo in getting started form_for for comme...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-27","[Docs] Adding RequestId middleware in configuring middle...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-27","Documentation about config.log_level config options","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-26","Tests added for monday and sunday ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-26","Let's say this 3.1.3 instead of 3.1.1 in docs","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-26","Warning removed unused variable","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-22","Bump Mysql2!","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-20","Bump Arel","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-19","Warning removed for shadowing variable","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-17","It should be @calculated_ip not @calculate_ip","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-17","No need to `readlines` then `join`, just use `read` :heart:","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-17","Mysql2 version bump!","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-15","Unused variable removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-09","CHANGELOG => CHANGELOG.md","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-09","CHANGELOG to CHANGELOG.md","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-09","Refactor test:uncommitted task.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-08","Should be checking if file exists or not.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-08","Warnings removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-08","CHANGELOG to CHANGELOG.md","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-05","Doc Fix It should be :git not :path in Gmefile Fix #3527","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-11-04","Fix test as one more has_many added","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-29","method redefined warning removed!","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-29","ActiveRecord is no more in controller directory.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-27","More checks for instance writers.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-27","Adding more checks for instance_writer false","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-27","Test fix Allow instances to disable record_timestamps","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-24","Unused variable removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-24","ActionPack test fix for RBX","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-22","No need to check ruby version here","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-22","No need to check ruby version here ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-22","Using middleware name to show proper name in the info","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-22","Warnings removed from RequestIdTest","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-22","rake about information updated for 3.1 branch","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-22","Updated rack version in docs for 3.2","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-22","Rails version to 3.2.0.beta in docs","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-22","Middleware details updated for 3.2","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-21","Checking blank if tag might coming nil or blank","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-20","Adding ActionDispatch::RequestId in middleware test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-18","Bump Rack to 1.3.5","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-17","Bump sprockets","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-14","activerecord/sqlnet.log into gitignore when running with...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-10","ambiguous first argument; put parentheses or even spaces...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-09","Warnings removed when running with 1.9.3","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-09","URI.escape is obsolete : warning removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-08","Sqlnet.log should also be ignored into the app gitignore","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-08","Sqlnet should also be ignored into the app gitignore","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-08","Sqlnet.log should be ignored","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-08","sqlnet.log file to gitignore. Generates when running wit...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-08","Fixed BodyProxy.new for tests! for wrong argument","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-08","Fixed BodyProxy.new for tests! ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-01","Warning Use of :: in void context Warning removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-10-01","Use of :: in void context Warning removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-30","warning removed : '&' interpreted as argument prefix","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-30","possibly useless use of :: in void context Warning removed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-18","fixed test for JRuby.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-18","fix test error when running with postgresql.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-17","Fixed test for JRuby. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-17","Bump AR-JDBC version.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-17","Bump AR-JDBC version.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-10","Warnings removed unused variables. Please don't add them","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-10","Adding assert for "test_form_for_with_isolated_namespace...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-10","No need to use </form> here. It's already in whole_form ...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-10","Not used variables removed. Warnings removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-05","Uglifier bump","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-05","Sort here to make sure the order is ok.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-05","Sort here to make sure the order is ok.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","We need to recorder here. Need to drop the order from de...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","Changelog updated for find_in_batches fix.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","We need to recorder here. Need to drop the order from de...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","We can't simply check the first line of the backtrace, ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","We can't simply check the first line of the ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","require bcrypt to pass the test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","stop circular require warnings","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","Modified content in guides and comments","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","Warnings removed for "assert_match /" Please do","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","Warnings removed for using shadow variable.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","Modified content in guides and comments ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","Warnings removed for "assert_match /" Please do ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-04","Warnings removed for unused variables. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-03","We need to check here for the table name.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-03","Warning removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-03","pg does not allow aliases in the having clause, but func...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-09-03","Need to add here to pass the test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-30","MySQL2 Bump to 0.2.13","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-26","Removed Unused Variable. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-25","Yes we need this to pass the test. we are using config.l...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-25","Yes we need this to pass the test. we are using config.l...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-15","Requiring delegate.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-15","Notification Test Fix","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-15","Unused variable removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-15","Including delegation","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-15","Need to include public_send","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-14","Need to use initializers true here to pass the test.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-14","Bringing back the jquery-rails. One test is dependent.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-13","Adding Basic file for ActiveModel. @vatrai and @sukeerth...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-13","Removing extra requires from the test. Already loaded in...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-13","magic comment test only if encoding_aware?.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-13","Test add for plugin new generator generate mailer","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-13","Adding more info as rake about is fixed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-13","Rack::Sendfile is no more default middleware.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-13","We need [] method here. previously it's an array.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-13","We actually don't need a reverse_merge! here. dup remove...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-12","We actually don't need a reverse_merge! here. dup remove...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-04","Adding more info as rake about is fixed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-04","Rack::Sendfile is no more default middleware.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-04","Extra "l" removed before h2.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-04","Adding more info as rake about is fixed","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-04","Rack::Sendfile is no more default middleware.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-04","Extra "l" removed before h2.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-08-03","Test added to check mass_assignment_sanitizer is not pre...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-31","Removing extra requires from the test. Already loaded in...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-31","skiping magic comment test. checking encoding_aware?","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-31","skiping magic comment test. checking encoding_aware?","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-30","magic comment test only if encoding_aware?.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-29","Test add for plugin new generator generate mailer","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-25","Fix rake rails:template to tell user to pass LOCATION va...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-23","fixed task for rake test:uncommitted","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-23","Backporting from master fixes #713","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-23","For svn files also spilt required","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-23","Spliting the ouput of git ls-files for running tasks Fix...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-21","This conditions is required to work with database create...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-21","This conditions is required to work with database create...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-17","Checking with to_s. As regexp fail with 1.8.7","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-17","Not creating script/rails in full mode. from master.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-17","More changes for plugin_new_generator.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-17","Adding tests for gemspec file creation","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-07-17","As we are adding db folder in it. Required in test also.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-30","Fix test for plugin_new_generator_test.rb","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-29","It should be in Json format to work with JsonGem","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-28","Using not effected timezone in tests.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-28","Using not effected timezone in tests.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-28","fix test when running Jruby. If Jruby Platform is availa...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-28","Using not effected timezone in tests.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-28","No need to register again. As it's default now.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-28","Fix test to use Mime::Zip","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-25","StringToParameterizeWithNoSeparator: dashed parameter wi...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-23","Closing </yaml>","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-23","Using slice for instead of gsub to pass with 1.8.7","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Test added to check default option with jruby. It should...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Modified .yml files according to master changes. As this...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Tests added for jdbc option","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Tests added when no option is given with #jruby. It shou...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Convert database names to ones appropriate for JRuby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Add generic 'jdbc' database option","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Remove superfluous pg driver install instructions","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Making tests according to the changes #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-22","Test added for jdbc-adapter","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-21","Fixed for sqlite3 checking with jdbc","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-21","Only mysql and jdbcmysql.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-21","More specific for jdbc-sqlite ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-21","For more specific for jdbc postgresql databases.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-20","Closing </yaml> ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-19","Removing require_relative gem. Linecache new version 0.4...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-19","Removing require_relative gem. Linecache new version 0.4...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-19","Removing require_relative gem. Linecache new version 0.4...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-18","Jruby => JRuby, Mysql => MySQL","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-18","Moving hint down. As required after all database examples.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-18","Using "Finally" at the end of database section.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-18","Added Doc for Postgresql database with Jruby Platform. #...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-18","Added doc for Mysql database with Jruby platform #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-18","Adding doc for Sqlite3 database for Jruby platform #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-16","Using lib/assets only. Javascripts/Stylesheets people ca...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-16","Mysql bump","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-16","Bump mysql2 to 0.3.5","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-15","Jruby => JRuby, Mysql => MySQL","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-15","Moving hint down. As required after all database examples. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-15","Using "Finally" at the end of database section. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-15","Added Doc for Postgresql database with Jruby Platform. #...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-15","Added doc for Mysql database with Jruby platform #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-15","Adding doc for Sqlite3 database for Jruby platform #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Using different constant. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Modified database.rake file to run with jdbcsqlite3","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Allow database.rake tasks to perform opreation with jdbc...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Fixed error when running db:create with jdbcmysql ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Adding Jruby-openssl in gemfile for 3-0-stable.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Adding JDBCpostgresql template for Jruby in 3-0-stable.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Adding jdbcsqlite3 in comment","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Adding JDBCsqlite3 template for Jruby in 3-0-stable.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Tests added for activerecord-jdbcmysql","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-11","Adding JDBCmysql template for Jruby in 3-0-stable.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-08","Cache helper fixed for SafeBuffer","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-08","Fixed mailto for SafeBuffer#gsub","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-06","Fix for CI server. Dependent on RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-06","loading_test.rb with RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-06","framework_test.rb also dependent on RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-06","Fix for CI server. Dependent on RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-06","loading_test.rb with RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-06","framework_test.rb also dependent on RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-06","Fix for CI server. Dependent on RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-05","loading_test.rb with RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-05","framework_test.rb also dependent on RAILS_ENV=development","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-05","Loading multi_json instead of i18n gem. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-03","Test added for namedscope target.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Import => java_import performance test #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Indented as required.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Fixed tests for JDOM. File From Xml is working now","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Fixing XMLMini_JDOM","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Using java_import instead of import. Need with rake 0.9.0","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Loading files if PLATFORM available.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Adding comment","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Adding comment","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-06-01","Adding comment","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-31","sprockets gem update to beta9 ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-31","Opening class CascadedEagerLoadingTest at once.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-31","Adding comment to work with 1.8.7. Nested Attribute fix.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-31","Fix nested attribute for memory record.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-30","Fixed tests for #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-28","File From Xml is working now. #3-0-stable ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-28","Fixing XMLMini_JDOM #3-0-stable","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-27","Loading files if PLATFORM available. #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-27","Using java_import instead of import. Need with rake 0.9....","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-27","Loading active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions fixed U...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-26","Adding tests for file_from_xml for XmlMini_JDOM #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-26","Adding __content__ into XmlMini_JDOM","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-25","Database.rake file fixed for load_generators","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-25","Using load_generators","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-25","fixed test_deliver_is_notified need base_mailer","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-25","Fixed failing tests for generators_test","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-24","Fixed failing tests.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-24","Fixed failing test against with 3-0-stable branch. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-24","import to java_import. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-24","Using java_import instead of import. Need to do this wit...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-24","Not loading file if PLATFORM not available. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-23","We don't need to load version any more as Sprockets.beta...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-22","Let's load jruby-openssl now for all. #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-21","Not loading ruby-debug specially. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-21","Loading action_controller twice removed.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-21","No more need rubygems here.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-21","Removal require again from tests.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-20","Not updating rubyforge for new versions. Result of "gem ...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-19","Sprockets version update.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-19","Example Usage updated for actionpack and actionmailer.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-19","README updated for for => each","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-18","Putting back mysql2 and sqlite3 in database.yml docs. In...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-17","Fixed InnerJoinAssociationTest. Need to load essays fixt...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-16","Link changes lighthouse to github","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-14","Fixed failing tests for namespaced_generators_test. in 1...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-13","Test added for getting route segment values","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-13","rack-mount gem updated.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-10","Some readme fixes as required. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-07","Updated change log for jdbc* adapters template.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-05","Grouped the ruby-prof into test.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-05","Removing from duplicate places. Only in Ruby platform ne...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-05","Adding jruby-openssl in Gemfile by default. #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-05-04","Fixed tests for new_plugin_generator.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-27","Minor fixes in databases.rake ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-27","Allowing jdbcsqlite3 to drop database, clone structure. ...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-26","Re-factored database.rake to allow Jdbcpostgresql. #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-25","Using sass directly as new version is out.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-25","Database creation for jdbcpostgresql #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-23","Adding jdbcsqlite3 name in comment.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-23","Looks more friendly. ","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-23","jdbcsqlite3 support added into template. #jruby","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-22","Fixed images path in plugin_new_generator","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-22","Start Adding jdbcmysql support to new rails template.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-22","Images path fixed in test.","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-18","File should be open in read/write mode. When doing lock ...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-18","File should be open in read/write mode. When doing lock ...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2011-04-17","Test failing with Jruby "uninitialized constant TestJSON...","Arun Agrawal",20 "2013-05-17","Bug fix: Evented notification subscribers can handle pub...","Carl Lerche",19 "2012-07-10","Raise a helpful error message on #mount misuse","Carl Lerche",19 "2011-02-06","Find all validators for multiple attributes","Carl Lerche",19 "2011-02-06","Optionally pass in the attribute being validated to an i...","Carl Lerche",19 "2011-02-06","Be able to pass a validator method to #validates","Carl Lerche",19 "2011-02-06","Provide a way to specify alternate option keys for valid...","Carl Lerche",19 "2011-02-05","Do not require that validation attributes be specified a...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-19","Raise an ArgumentError when passing an invalid argument ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Anchors should be allowed on constraints that are not on...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Anchors should be allowed on constraints that are not on...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","The PRE part of the rails version is a string or nil","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","The PRE part of the rails version is a string or nil","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Removing the old release.rb script","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Small cleanup of the release task","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Add a task to tag the commit and push","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Ignore the dist directory","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Add a task to commit the changes","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Add some sanity checks to the gem push script","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Remove some useless comments from the release task","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Update the main Rakefile to use the new release tasks","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Add a new file containing tasks related to releasing","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Update the version.rb files to include a PRE part","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Remove the old gem release task","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Removing the old release.rb script","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Small cleanup of the release task","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Add a task to tag the commit and push","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Ignore the dist directory","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Add a task to commit the changes","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-17","Add some sanity checks to the gem push script","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-16","Remove some useless comments from the release task","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-16","Update the main Rakefile to use the new release tasks","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-16","Add a new file containing tasks related to releasing","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-16","Bump up the version.rb file for ActiveRecord to 3.0.3","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-16","Update the version.rb files to include a PRE part","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-11-16","Remove the old gem release task","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-10-15","#transaction on the instance level should take options a...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-10-13","Update the ActiveRecord tests to not set unused options","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-10-13","Update the PostgreSQL adapter documentation","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-10-13","rb_thread_select should always be used in DB drivers whe...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-23","Improve performance of applications using file uploads b...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-23","Improve performance of applications using file uploads b...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-17","Small tweak the ConditionalGet documentation","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-17","Update Rails' built in routes to use RouteSet#append","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-17","Add RouteSet#append","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-14","Require lazy_load_hooks.rb with the correct path.","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-14","Require lazy_load_hooks.rb with the correct path.","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-13","Update changelog","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-13","Add tests for Rack::Cache","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-13","Allow view helper's #initialize method to be called. [#5...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-09-13","Allow view helper's #initialize method to be called. [#5...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-07-30","Add another missing require in 'active_support/inflector...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-07-29","Add a missing require in 'active_support/core_ext/string...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-07-22","Performance optimizations to handle cases of instrumento...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-05-08","Revert "Add index length support for MySQL [#1852 state:...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-05-06","Expand paths to app builders relative to the working dir...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-30","RouteSet does not raise ActionController::RoutingError w...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-30","Fix a bug in the generators from the previous commit","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-30","It would be nice to actually commit test fixtures","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-30","Provide a mechanism for overriding the entire generator ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-30","Set up app generator class to make it easier to for alt-...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-29","Move ActionMailer generator to AM","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-18","Merge remote branch 'spastorino/master'","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-18","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-16","Revert "Avoid deprecation warnings and potential TypeErr...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-15","Make perform_caching work again, with the tests passing ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-15","Revert "logger added to the deprecated config accessor" ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-03","Bring back +extra_conditions+. This effectively reverts ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-03","Raise a StatementInvalid error when trying to build a co...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-03","Sanitize association conditions using the correct class","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-03","Make the query built by has_many ...., :dependent => :__...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-03","Remove an unused argument","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-04-02","Fix class_attribute so that it works with singleton clas...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-19","Fix protect_against_forgery","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-19","Each controller class has it's own view context subclass...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-19","Return a valid Rack response from bare ActionController:...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-18","Make render :partial, :layout consistent between AC and AV","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-18","All tests pass without memoizing view_context","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-18","Remove caching's dependency on view_context. Also, make ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-18","Make action_has_layout? non-private","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-18","@layout is a confusing name... use @cache_layout","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-18","While isolated tests are useful, they take far too long ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-18","Fix an error in isolated running of tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-18","Get modules back into integration tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-17","Modify assert_template to use notifications. Also, remov...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-17","Remove unneeded AV::Base and AV::Template monkey-patches","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-17","Modify assert_template to use instrumentation","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-16","Do not always include the named URL helpers into AC::Bas...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-16","Make RouteSet#finalize! a NOOP if it's been called alrea...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-16","Some more tweaks on <% %>.","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-15","Add deprecation notices for <% %>.","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-11","ActionController::Base.request_forgery_protection_token ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-10","Deprecate block_called_from_erb? pending a solution for ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-09","Simplify the action endpoint:","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-09","Add memoizing to AD::Request","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-08","Require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/except' in the rou...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-08","Move request forgery protection configuration to the AC ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-08","Whoops. We meant to switch from returning to tap, not vi...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-08","Add support for mount RackApp, :at => "/sprockets" with ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-08","Move middlewares to the Application level. If you want t...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Remove the ability to set the mountpoint when initializi...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Tweak out url_for uses :script_name and add some tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Have ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new ready to rece...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Fixed a broken AM test. I'm unsure how this passed before.","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Get rid of relative_url_path in favor of respecting SCRI...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Use AS::Concern for caching modules","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Refactor cache_store to use ActionController config","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","remove_method is private","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Change generated code to replace faulty comment","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Deprecated ActionController::Base.session_options= and A...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-05","Move stuff from compatibility.rb to deprecated.rb","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Fix Sam Ruby's tests and deprecation warnings","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Move session and session_store onto ActionDispatch and a...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Update CI to the latest bundler","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","No need for a module if it's only being included once in...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Somehow this fixes the AR tests when ran with rake. I sh...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Update the ActionMailer tests to run off of the latest A...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Fix a bunch of failing AP / AM specs created from the pr...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Add a method for configuring abstract controllers","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Merge branch 'configuration_refactor'","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Modifying configurations on the instance of a controller...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Tweak how ActionPack handles InheritableOptions","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Fix all the broken tests due to the AC configuration ref...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Move the original config method onto AbstractController","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Start refactoring the method of configuring ActionView","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Add caller to deprecation notices","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Deprecate IP spoofing settings that are directly on the ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Add caller to request_uri deprecation notice","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Move remote_ip to a middleware:","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Add a BlockUntrustedIps middleware","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Indicate that ActionController::Base.resource_action_sep...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","ActionController::Base.use_accept_header is not actually...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","ActionDispatch::Request deprecates #request_uri","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Fix tests for the request refactor","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Rack::Request actually defines #query_string","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-04","Tweak the semantic of various URL related methods of Act...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Work on deprecating ActionController::Base.relative_url_...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Move InheritableOptions into ActiveSupport","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Move session_store and session_options to the AC configu...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Don't rely on Rails.application global state in Config","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Remove a failed attempt at refactoring AC configuration","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Revert "In app_generator, fix hardcoded `bundle` call to...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Actually move ImplicitRender into it's own file","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Fix active_records' log tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Fix active_resource tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-03","Fix action_mailer tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","Fix failing Action Pack tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","Get the railties tests to pass again.","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","Have log subscribers subscribe to the actual events, so ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","Log Tailer doesn't exist anymore. Removing some traces l...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","Moved initializers for ActionMailer and ActionController...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","Fix a test that assumes that defined?(ActiveRecord) == d...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02",":controller doesn't work for namespaced controllers anym...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","Optimize AS::Notifications to remember which subscribers...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","You can unsubscribe a subscriber","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","AS::Subscriber is not a LogSubscriber","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-02","Merge _details_defaults and details_for_render","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-01","Change AV formats so they can delegate to the controller...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-03-01","Delegate formats to the controller","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-27","1.9 seems to have a bug involving cloned classes and sup...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-27","Set the body using the accessor for AD::Response introsp...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-27","Make ActionController::Routing::Routes a DeprecatedProxy","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-27","If IntegrationSession is initialized with an objects tha...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-27","Upon further reflection, we realized that SharedTestRout...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Relatively speaking, it's not actually that bad...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Setting UrlFor in with_routing is no longer needed now t...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Including UrlFor in Redirecting and Head will warn usefu...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Remove traces of SharedTestRoutes from user code; leave ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Stop setting UrlFor using SharedTestHelpers","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Silence test deprecation warnings","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Change the API for setting global options for #url_for t...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Remove the :use_defaults check in UrlFor#merge options","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Rename named_url_helpers to url_helpers and url_helpers ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Rename metaclass to singleton_class","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Get URL helpers working again in integration tests.","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Final pass at removing the router from a global constant","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Continued effort to deglobalize the router","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Get Railties tests passing","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Get ActionMailer's tests passing with the non global router","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Fix all of AP's tests with the non global router","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-26","WIP: Remove the global router","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-24","Remove ActionController::Base.resources_path_names","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-24","Remove references to ActionDispatch::Routing::Routes in ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-24","Woops, forgot to actually add active_support/core_ext/fi...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-24","Revert "Fix test load paths for those not using bundler"","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-24","Makes send_file work again by deferring to Rack::Sendfile. ","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-24","Make AD::Response correctly handle bodies that respond_t...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-23","Fix streaming by having it create a File object, which c...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-20","Fix a bunch of pending tests by providing an introspecti...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-19","Avoid calling triggering const_missing if const_missing ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-17","Have CI use the current version of bundler","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-11","Remove backtrace cleaner specific to Bundler. Bundler ju...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-04","Update rails to use the latest bundler","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-02","Remove the generated gemfile in railties tests since the...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-02","Use bundler 0.9.0.pre4 when running CI","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","Update the Gemfile and CI build","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","Run bundle exec rake instead of bin/rake during CI","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","[PATCH] remove geminstaller dependency from ci build","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","Add the database adapter in the generated Gemfile","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","Update the Ci build script","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","Update the generated Gemfile and config/boot.rb to work ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","Have rails depend on bundler","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","Update the CI geminstaller to pull in the correct versio...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-02-01","Get rails tests running on bundler 0.9","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-01-28","Move the ActiveRecord generator settings into the Railtie","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-01-28","Cleanup the test_unit generator move into the railtie","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-01-28","Fix the test_framework generator tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-01-28","Test::Unit Railtie ","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-01-26","Fix AR's rake tasks to work with the Rails::Application ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2010-01-05","Fix --dev option","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-31","Some railties cleanup:","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-31","Rename rails.rb -> rails/all.rb and rails/core.rb -> rai...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-31","Raise a helpful error if config.frameworks is used","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-31","Add a /rails.rb for each framework for consistency","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-31","Fully remove config.frameworks in favor of requires in b...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-31","Allow ActiveSupport's isolation tests to run with MiniTe...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-30","ActionDispatch should require as little of ActiveSupport...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-30","Use the correct method for eager loading autoloads","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-29","Use extlib_inheritable_accessor in request_forgery_prote...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-29","Finally remove rails/initializer.rb","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-29","Check to see if the plugin object responds to load_tasks...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-29","Don't require initializer.rb in core.rb","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-29","Move the ActiveRecord related rake tasks into the AR gem.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-29","Require active_support/dependencies/autoload in action_d...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-29","Add the ability to have plugins load rake tasks.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Merge remote branch 'origin/master'","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Rackup config.ru from the correct directory","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Require active_support/all unless specifically requested...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Remove the ActionView::Base autoload because it creates ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Isolation tests intentionally avoid loading any state (b...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Finish moving config.frameworks-dependent code to the fr...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Make /rails/info/properties work again. Also, the mocked...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Isolation tests intentionally avoid loading any state (b...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-24","Moving out some framework specific initializers into the...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-23","Raise an exception if an initializer is defined without ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-23","tests pass with requiring the frameworks in rails.rb","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-22","Fix ActionMailer. The fact that ActionMailer::Base does ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-22","Replace reopening the class with App.configure as an ali...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-22","test.rb, dev.rb, and production.rb just reopen the Appli...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-16","Add the ability for plugins to set default configuration...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-09","Simpler RenderOption API -- removes the need for registe...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-03","Reorganize autoloads:","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-02","Ignore all pkg files","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-02","Fix an ivar name conflict in Rails::Server","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-02","Stop evalling the environment file in favor of require +...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-02","Add support for bare ActiveSupport via config.active_sup...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-02","Break up rails and railties:","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-12-02","Remove global Rails initializers","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-25","Fix the application.rb generator","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-25","Fix the rackup test to correctly use Rack::Builder.parse...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-25","Load application specific rake tasks in the application ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-24","Have script/* and Rakefile use the application object","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-24","Refactor script/dbconsole into an object","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-24","Refactor script/console into an object and use IRB.start...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-24","Refactor script/server into an object that inherits from...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-24","Update rails application root detection to take into con...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-24","Updates notifications tests in railties to reflect chang...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-19","Final steps toward clean rails "foo"; cd foo; gem bundle...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-12","Refactor plugins","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-05","Add the ability to merge initializers from various objec...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-11-05","Conceptually unify instance & global initializers","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-28","Update initializable","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-28","Duplicate AS code no longer needed","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-21","Refactored railties' isolation tests to be able to run s...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-20","Have all the tests running off a single Gemfile","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-17","Remove some remnants of config.gem","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-17","Remove config.gem in favor of using the bundler. This ma...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-16","Make the railties tests pass","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-16","Get apps generated with working again.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-16","Deprecate RAILS_ROOT in favor of Rails.root (which proxi...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-15","Have config/application.rb contain the application defin...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-14","Have Rails.root be based off of config.ru","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-14","Finish porting over the initializers to the app object a...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-14","Add Gemfile to the rails application generator","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-14","Make rails configuration's path object's root lazy","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-09","Finish porting over the initializers to the app object a...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-08","Even more initializers ported over","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-08","Ported over more initializers","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-08","Add a test that ensures that Rails::Initializable can be...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-08","Move the ensure_tmp_directories_exist initializer to the...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-08","Moving more initializers into the application object","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-08","Start moving the initializers into the application object","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-08","Remove the old initializer file.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-10-08","Fix warning spew for 1.9","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-30","Initialize a new instance of Rails.application during in...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-30","Remove all calls to Rails::Initializer from boot.rb","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-30","Remove a duplicate initializer","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-30","Change Rails::Application to a class that is inherited f...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-29","Remove unneeded files from the railties test directory","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-29","Fix the broken railties isolation tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-29","Create the application object from config/environment.rb","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-26","Start Rails::Application object","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-24","Move railties/lib/* into railties/lib/*","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-03","Test for previous commit (we wrote it first, I swear)","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-03","Replace :formats => ["*/*"] with the default formats set","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-03","Refactor ActionController to use find_template and templ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-03","Remove a useless method in the fixture template class","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-03","Refactor ActionView::Resolver","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-03","Extract finding the template in AC to it's own method","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-03","Vendor the latest version of the bundler","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-03","Add ActiveModel's ./pkg and ./doc to .gitignore","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-01","Fix the */* with Net::HTTP bug [#3100 state:resolved]","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-01","Add required dependencies on activemodel","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-09-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-29","Make sure all needed files get added to the rails gem","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-27","Require necessary active_support files in cookie store","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-27","Fixed stupid mistake... nothing to see here.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-27","Add a default parameter for Resolver#initialize","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-27","Set the request and response in ActionController::Middle...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-27","Have AbstractController::Logger#process_action return su...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-26","And the same thing for Basic","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-26","HTTP Auth should not depend on RenderingController","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-26","Redirector had an undeclared dependency on Logger.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-26","Rework Middleware stack to match the Rack middleware pro...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-25","Modify Digest and Basic to take a request so they can be...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-25","Add a TODO so we remember to fix partial layouts","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-08-25","ActionController::Metal can be a middleware","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-21","Vendor the bundler project","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-06","Get Initializer tests running without requiring parts of...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-06","Reapply Rails::Application::Path tweaks","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-03","Added tests for the :install_gem_spec_stubs initializer","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-02","Wrote tests for the :check_ruby_version initializer","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-02","Adds support for def self.setup in isolation tests for s...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-02","Compact the way application paths are defined","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-02","Modify the Rails::Application::Path object to allow for ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-02","Removed unnecessary calls to image_path and hash lookups...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-02","Fixes a number of tests that inexplicably didn't fail wh...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-02","Fixes a number of tests that inexplicably didn't fail wh...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-02","Fixes bug where Memcached connections get corrupted when...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Fixes bug where Memcached connections get corrupted when...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Forgot to commit the new file. This is slightly embarras...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Apparently stdlib isn't std enough","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Modify isolation test to require a file not in use anywh...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Updates CI to use latest mocha","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Updates CI to use latest mocha","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Original cache objects should not be immutable [#2860 st...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Added AR:B#dup method for duplicationg object without fr...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Move mocha down below initial T::U require and bump vers...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Move mocha down below initial T::U require and bump vers...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Accept Symbol for contoller name [#2855 state:resolved]","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Accept Symbol for contoller name [#2855 state:resolved]","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-07-01","Crazy hacks to get the Isolation testing module to work ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-30","Bump up the version to 3.0.pre","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-30","Add #concat to Rails::Application::Path","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-30","Test that builtin_directories is only used in developmen...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-30","Created AS::Testing::Isolation which runs each test case...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-30","Require core_ext/kernel/requires in test_help to providi...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-30","Stop the initializer from blowing up when builtin_direct...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-30","Remove stray checks for Rspec in the testing setup.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-27","Starting to replace scattered path configuration setting...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-26","Finished a first stab at the Rails application path object.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-26","Update paths to support an explicit root and multiple pa...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-26","Simple initial Paths impl","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-26","Checkpoint. Added a bunch of TODOs and some changes afte...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-25","Try speeding up rails booting","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-25","Run the block passed to #run first when initializing","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Separate Rails module methods, the config object, and th...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Resurrect threadsafe!","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Tests pass, AWDoR passes, and a fresh app boots.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Got all the railties tests to pass, rails must boot!","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Fix the default frameworks","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Get more tests to pass","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Get initializer_test.rb to pass with the new initializer.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Started making progress on implementing a new initializer.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Initial initializer impl","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Starting to write the new initializer","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-23","Passes in 1.9","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-22","Revert "Generate proper :counter_sql from :finder_sql wh...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-18","Minor ActionView cleanup","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-18","Fix typo","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-18","Extract the layout proc into a method, and write documen...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-18","Remove one more note about deprecated behavior","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-18","Drive the final stake through @content_for_*'s heart!","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Cleaning up more tests and code that needed to work in b...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Cleaning up if defined?(ActionController::Http) blocks f...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Remove some defined?(Http) checks","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Rename path.rb to resolver.rb","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Rename ActionView::Template::Path ActionView::Resolver","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Updated require for AMo move","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Finish making pending tests pass","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","RJS doesn't render with an HTML layout by default","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Fixing pending tests and fixed some formats / partial re...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-17","Fix pending test about content-type","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-16","Remove a stray process2 require","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-16","Move the exceptions for missing template into Compatibil...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-16","An exception is raised if a layout is missing only if th...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-16","Exceptions now in an exceptions module","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-16","Remove exceptions from AbstractUnit so they work in real...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-16","Merge process2 into process to people's regular tests ru...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-16","More _write_layout_method removal","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-16","Whoops, I guess we broke layouts ;)","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","rm -r controller/base!","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Get all of rake tests to pass","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Get the new base tests to pass","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Get the AR integration tests to pass","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Keep ActionMailer using the old layouts code until it ge...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Fix the fixture path","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Get tests to run (with failures) without old base around","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Require missing file in AS","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Fix failing tests in new callbacks","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-15","Finish making things pass with updated internal content_...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-10","Document and clean up HideActions and Http","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-10","Removed unnecessary code","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-10","Document ActionController::Helpers","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-10","Cleaned up the #default_helper_module method to make bet...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-10","Adding "test" to the lib directory when running action p...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-10","Simplify helper use of ActiveSupport::Dependencies, and ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-10","Clean up AbstractController::Logger and write documentation","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-09","Cleaning up and documenting AbstractController::Layouts","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-09","Write documentation for AbstractController::Helpers","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-09","More documentation work on AbstractController","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-08","Writing comments to AbstractController","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-08","Remove extraneous response_obj","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-08","Remove duplicate","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-08","ActionPack components should no longer have undeclared d...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-06-01","Get all the callback tests to work on new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-28","Fix failing ActionCacheFilter tests due to around filter...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-27","Added support to new callbacks for around filter object ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-27","Added support to new callbacks for around filter object ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-27","Added a compatibility layer to get legacy filter tests t...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-27","Added hook point in new base #send_action which does the...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-27","Add the ability to prepend filters to new callbacks","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-26","Get all template tests passing on new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-26","Got all the dispatch tests running on new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-26","Add controller/integration_test.rb to the new base test ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-26","Get controller/test_test.rb to pass on new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-26","Add html-scanner to the new base set of autoloads","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-26","Get controller/view_paths_test.rb to pass on new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-26","In new base Rails2Compatibility, move @template assignme...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-26","Remove a no-op from view path tests and removed a Symbol...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-23","Modify render_test's determine_layout to match RJS","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-23","Created an ActionController::Renderers::All that include...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-23","Got controller/render_js_test.rb to pass on new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-22","Get controller/render_other_test.rb to pass on new base ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-22","Added render_other_test.rb to the new base test runner","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-22","Get controller/layout_test.rb running on new base except...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-22","Cleaned up the #render_to_body chain by extracting deter...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-22","Implemented layout conditions in new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-21","Added the :rjs render option","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-21","Renamed #implicit_render to #default_render in new base ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-21","Update render options to remove performance implications...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-21","Added the :xml render option","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-21","Added the ability to register methods to handle specific...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-21","Remove some response content type concepts from ActionView","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-21","Make controller/content_type_test.rb pass on new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-21","Fixed new_base tests on ruby 1.9","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-20","Got controller/mime_responds_test.rb running on the new ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-20","Added passing old tests on new base to the main test runner","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-20","Added responds_to to new base.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-20","Make old caching tests pass on new base.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-20","Modified caching implementation to work with NewBase","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-20","Include caching module into new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-20","Modify caching to use new included helper","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-20","Corrected new callbacks semantics with regards to using ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-19","Ported simple benchmarking in new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-16","Ported Rescuable to new base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-15","Refactored AbstractController to provide better hook poi...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-15","Merge commit 'origin/master'","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-15","Got new base to pass controller/base_test.rb, implemente...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-14","Cleaning up more render tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-14","Ported over render :file tests.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-12","Implemented redirects and partial rendering in new base.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-12","Fixed new callbacks to not call the action when a callba...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-12","Merge branch 'master' into wip_abstract_controller","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-11","Revert "Whitespace!"","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-11","Fixed a bug with handling render options","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-11","Aliased AbstractController::ActionNotFound to ActionCont...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-11","Ported ConditionalGet to new Base","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-11","Don't run the action if callbacks are halted.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-11","Merge branch 'master' into wip_abstract_controller","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-11","Ported fresh_when into a ConditionalGet module","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Get render :inline working","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","A few more tweaks to get new Base running old render tes...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Renamed Base2 to Base and don't require old action_contr...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Starting to get new_base to run on old tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Add support for stripping "layouts/" from the layout name ","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Modify new_base to use String action_names for back-compat","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Committing the last changes before we start trying to ge...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Ported over the concept of public instance methods on co...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Move ContentType inline for now. ","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Support implicit and explicit content types","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Support implicit render and blank render","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Ported over render :template tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Finished implementing render :text in Base2","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Renamed the new_base tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Renamed ActionController::AbstractBase to ActionControll...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Removed a stray method_missing in the new callbacks system","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","OMG, a lot of work","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-05-02","Makes new callbacks support keys with special characters","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-28","Makes new callbacks support keys with special characters","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-27","Fixes ActionMailer to work with the ActionView refactoring","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-27","Refactor ActionView::Template","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-23","Refactor ActionView::Path","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-16","Make more Template methods public to make ActionMailer t...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-15","Makes rails-dev-boost work again","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-15","Move all Templates methods not used by other class into ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-14","Rails server boots again","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-13","Resurrecting 1.9 compatibility.","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-13","Bring abstract_controller up to date with rails/master","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-09","Revert rspec-runner change. TODO: Add back support for t...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-09","Updated old AC::Base for small changes to AV","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-09","Temporarily modifies setup to call super directly. This ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-08","Reverts changes made to AS::TC","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-08","Get Base2 layouts to work :)","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-07","Layouts work in AbstractController. Add support for the ...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-07","Add depends_on, use, and setup to abstract up ideas abou...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-06","Merge branch 'abstract_controller' of git@github.com:wyc...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-04-06","Changes necessary to run the T::U tests with the rspec r...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-03-24","In the middle of some refactoring... some fails due to c...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-03-23","Checkpoint","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-03-23","Adding render :layout tests","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-03-23","Finished implementing :layout for most of the render opt...","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-03-23","Finished implementing layout for render :text","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-03-23","Working on being able to render :text with layouts","Carl Lerche",19 "2009-03-23","Modified the action layout tests to use the new FixtureT...","Carl Lerche",19 "2007-10-08","PostgreSQL: support multiline default values. Closes #7533.","Carl Lerche",19 "2012-03-27","Use helper method here.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2012-03-27","Silence warnings here, only setting Encoding.default_ext...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-04-15","Fix console to accept [environment] [options] as specifi...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-04-15","Fix console to accept [environment] [options] as specifi...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-04-05","Disable IdentityMap in log tests, it's not important and...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-04-04","Add log message when loading records from Identity Map.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-04-04","Use IM when trying to load records using ID.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","We really don't care about IM middleware order, the impo...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","Merge remote branch 'rails/master' into identity_map","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","Don't use skip, just don't run anything, we don't have s...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","Remove nbproject form gitignore. This shouldn't be here ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","WeakHash is not used, remove it.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","No need to have reinit_with inside an InstanceMethods mo...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","Initialize @target instead asking if it is defined.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","Should use "=" instead "replace" after this commit: 1644...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","No need to test agaisnt target.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","Reindent and remove wrong line left in merge by mistake.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","Use to_a instead :load in test, since :load changed.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","No need to test against target anymore.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-18","Merge remote branch 'rails/master' into identity_map","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-15","Fix expected queries in relation tests.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-15","Don't shadow outer local variable.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-15","Run tests without IdentityMap when IM=false is given.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-15","Remove identity map from benchmark script.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-15","Merge remote branch 'rails/master' into identity_map","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-09","Add missing require","Emilio Tagua",18 "2011-02-09","Add missing require","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-12-20","Should save without validation if autosave is enabled.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-12-20","Merge remote branch 'rails/master' into identity_map","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-25","Remove explicit return.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-25","Use ternary instead explicit return.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-25","Remove return, we are already returning self.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-25","Remove explicit return.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-25","Reuse lock_col variable instead calling locking_column c...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Refactor && simplify count_records.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","No need to create a variables to use them once.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Don't create local vars.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Avoid creating local var.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Remove explicit return and avoid creating local var.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Remove explicit return.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Use params default.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Remove unneeded local var.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Remove uneeded local var definition.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","Remove confusing parenthesis.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-23","No need to define a local var here.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Clean IdentityMap before running each benchmark.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","No need to specify clear is a method from IM when we are...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","IM enable should be kept in current thread.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19",""there is no need to store this option just for initiali...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","identity_map name is used for configuration, use Identit...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Simplify remove_from_config.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Enable IdentityMap when generating new apps.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Fix typo.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","We have to check object class to avoid issues when using...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Enable IM in performance script unless IM=disabled is se...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","IM is disabled by default.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Add test using identity map and select.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","No need to check returned object now that weakhash is gone.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Usa Hash instead of WeakHash.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Revert "Use ActiveSupport::WeakHash for MRI, JRuby prefe...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Read from config, because AR may not be loaded yet.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Set IdentityMap disabled by default.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","We don't need to dup key, since only value is weak.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Refactor associations cache removal from IM. (ht: Aaron ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Update number of queries executed instead of avoiding IM.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Don't change tests, fix code: if locking is enabled skip...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Remove associated objects from IM when clearing them fro...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Test setup method should clean up IM.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Query objects if readonly_value is false, skip them only...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Added method to IM to remove objects by class and id. Th...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Clear IdentityMap before continue this test, we can do t...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Call super setup in this test.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Fix number of queries performed in tests.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Ups, forgot to remove one conflict tag from previous com...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Revert "IdentityMap - Adjustments to test cases"","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Don't load IdentityMap middleware if not enabled. Simpli...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Don't wrap into identity map if it is disabled.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Bring back "Reject attributes even if association is loa...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use block syntax in IdentityMap middleware.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Change API name, we don't need any param.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use just one repository and keep it in the current thread.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Flush IdentityMap when running tests.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use association_class method which returns the reflectio...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use IdentityMap middleware to flush map on each request.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Add initial tests for WeakHash.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Check if constant is defined in AR, if not this can caus...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use conditional to avoid warnings.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Weakling is only required for JRuby.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use ActiveSupport::WeakHash for MRI, JRuby prefers Weakl...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use hash[:Post][1] style identity maps for each table.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","IdentityMap is enabled by default.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Add docs to Identity Map.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Added config syntax to enable/disable identity map: conf...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Fix test name and typo.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Set Identity Map disabled by default. Enable it for test...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Test with target object, failing on 1.9.2 when comparing...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Testing objects equality is what we are looking for here...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Change test models.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use strings primary keys in identity map keys to avoid p...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","implicit_readonly is not set until records are loaded, j...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Don't use identity map if loading readonly records, this...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Add tests for inverse relations when using has many and ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Remove associated object from identity map when reloading.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Associated objects are assigned from identity map if ena...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Add test for update_attributes and identity map.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Remove objects from identity map if save! failed, otherw...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Remove objects from identity map if save failed, otherwi...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Add test to show that when IdentityMap is disabled finde...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Uncomment test and make it work.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use yield instead block argument.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Disable identity map when loading associated records fro...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Prevent pushing duplicated records when using identity map.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Remove associated records from identity map if any raise...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Use identity mapper only if enabled.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-11-19","Remove object from identity map if transaction failed.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-30","Add examples to performance script that were included in...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-30","Use detect instead select to avoid sh [..] command not f...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-29","Use detect instead select to avoid "sh: [mysqldump]: com...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-29","We can't assign @view_context_class here, define super()...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-29","_ is not a valid scheme name character, \w includes it a...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-29","Remove redundant conditional.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-29","Don't try to interpolate string if there's no interpolat...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-29","Test correct method behaviour.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-29","Initialize @view_context_class and cache view_context_cl...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Enable warnings now that they can be readed.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Fix test that wasn't running at all.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove methods to avoid warnings.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Change test to avoid warnings.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Redefine duplicated test name.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Redefine duplicated test name.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Use redefine_method since baz is already defined.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Fix more warnings by defining variables and using instan...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Define @_layout if it is not defined.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Initialize @path.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Use helper method here.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Silence warnings here, only setting Encoding.default_ext...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Silence warnings here, only setting Encoding.default_ext...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove more warnings on AP.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Define @title to avoid warnings.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Use instance_variable_defined? instead instance_variable...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Initialize ivars in tests.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove useless string line causing a warning.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove more warnings by initializing variables in test.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove more warnings: no need to define attr_accessor if...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Use redefine_method instead define_method, it may be alr...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove duplicated class test. copy/paste fail?","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove method if exists, avoid calling Array#first so ma...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove more warnings on variables.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Initialize @trusted_proxies.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Initialize @compiled_at if it is not.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove warings from rescues: don't define more than once...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove remaining warnings on _trace by adding parenthesi...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Use parenthesis to avoid ambiguous first argument warning.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","undef method if already defined.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove useless use of :: in void context.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Ask if the instance variable is defined before asking fo...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Add parenthesis to avoid syntax warnings.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Avoid more uninitialized variable warnings.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove duplicated method.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Initialize @sub_templates","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Initialize @_virtual_path path ivar.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Rename tests to avoid name collisions and warnings when ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Rename duplicated test, and give it a correct name. Remo...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Remove duplicated test.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","@selected may not be defined here, avoid warning.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Don't define _test_case method if already defined.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","No need to call super here. Use yield instead block.call","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Initialize @app if it doesn't exists.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-28","Move uri parser to AS as URI.parser method to reuse it i...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Move uri parser to AS as URI.parser method to reuse it i...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Define @_routes inside method, makes more sense and will...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove more warnings shadowing outer local variable.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove warning "URI.unescape is obsolete" from actionpack.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","_routes must be inside @controller conditional.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Initialize @_routes if not defined yet, avoiding more wa...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Rename duplicated test name.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Refactor method to avoid warnings and not run unnecessar...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Avoid uninitialized variable warning.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Initialize @_request and @_response.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove method previous method if already defined.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Define @emitted_hidden_id if it doesn't exists and reuse...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Avoid uninitialized variable warning.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Initialize @cookies.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove more warnings shadowing outer local variable.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Don't shadow outer local variables.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove method if already exists to avoid warnings.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove duplicated test.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Avoid uninitialized variable warning, reuse @integration...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Ask is @controller is defined to avoid warning.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Initialize @_routes if it doesn't exists.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove warning "too many arguments for format string" wh...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Initialize @_etag.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Initialize @as before plural method is called.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove old method before redefining it.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Remove warning "URI.unescape is obsolete" from actionpack.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Fix indentation.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Use parentheses when using assert_match followed by a re...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Don't redefine existing attributes accessors.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-27","Prevent shadowing outer local variable.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","These tests shouldn't depend on local time to pass or fa...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","Fix typo and add sanity test for code statistics rake task.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","Refactor decode_credentials to avoid inject and use map ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","Perf: refactor _assign method to avoid inject and defini...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","Refactor methods in html node to avoid injects.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","Refactor association_collection uniq method.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","No need to use inject here.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","Perf: refactor method.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","No need to use inject here, use map instead.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","Goodbye inject, hello map.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","These tests shouldn't depend on local time to pass or fa...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-24","Fix typo and add sanity test for code statistics rake task.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Use map, no need to use inject here.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Perf: speed up json encoding.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Refactor inject use in hash conversions.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Perf: speed up 2 methods in railties.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Perf: refactor methods using inject when not need in act...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","No need to use inject here.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Refactor routing methods.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Refactor decode_credentials to avoid inject and use map ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Perf: refactor _assign method to avoid inject and defini...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Refactor methods in html node to avoid injects.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Refactor association_collection uniq method.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","No need to use inject here.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Perf: refactor method.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","No need to use inject here, use map instead.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Goodbye inject, hello map.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-22","Use map instead inject.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-21","Remove helper methods that were moved to helper.rb","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-21","Move helper methods to helper.rb. Make test not depend o...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-17","Refactor setup methods by extracting them in abstract_un...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-17","Remove TODO and support all expected attributes.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-10","Add more examples in performance script.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-10","Add more examples in performance script.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-10","Add more examples in performance script.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-09","Refactor finder conditions look up and assigment for app...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-09","Refactor finder conditions look up and assigment for app...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-09","Refactor Relation#only. No need to go through every opti...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-09","Add tests for Relation#only.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-09","No need to go through every option and test it, just don...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-09","Refactor Relation#only. No need to go through every opti...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-09","Add tests for Relation#only.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-09","No need to go through every option and test it, just don...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-03","Use new finders syntax in docs.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-01","Use new finders syntax in docs.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-01","Fix test: this should return 0 not 7, since Arel was ign...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-01","Fix test: this should return 0 not 7, since Arel was ign...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-01","Avoid calling build_where is no argument is given.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-01","Improved conditionals usage to prevent calling methods.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-09-01","Don't test conditional in iteration if it is not present...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-08-31","Avoid calling build_where is no argument is given.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-08-31","Improved conditionals usage to prevent calling methods.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-08-31","Don't test conditional in iteration if it is not present...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-24","Only yield block if given.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-24","Remove block definitions in finder methods.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-24","Remove block definition from method, is not needed since...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-24","Don't define block, just yield if block is given.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-24","Remove deprecated block usage in composed_of.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-24","Add tests for relation count. Fix other tests that were ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-22","Clean CHANGELOG whitespace.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-22","Fix order method to accept relation attributes.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-22","Use the new query API in AR performance script.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-20","Don't waste time building relations if there are no valu...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-19","Refactor build_arel: move joins out and simplify havings...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-08","Avoid PostgreSQL and MySQL tests warnings.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-08","Add parentheses to avoid warnings when running AR tests.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-06-08","Bump Arel to 0.4.0","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-30","Fix failing test in MySQL.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-30","Named scopes shouldn't test equality using to_a if it's ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-29","Arel now handles ranges with excluded end.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-29","Warn scoped order and limit are ignored. [#4123 state:re...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-25","Remove unused attributes_with_quotes method.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-25","Move methods from association to relation finder methods.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-25","Refactor relation merging to create just one relation an...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-25","Require Arel 0.3.2","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-25","Add add_limit_offset! to adapters.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-25","Allow deprecation messages with or without a final period.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-22","From and lock should be defined to be consistent with ot...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2010-03-10","Arel now fallback to using Arel::Attribute if the table/...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-12-31","Add Relation#delete [Pratik Naik, Emilio Tagua]","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-12-29","Relation#count should look for projections in chained re...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-14","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-13","Use ActiveSupport::Callbacks instead of","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-13","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-08","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-08","Updated ARel commit version.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-07","Relations: Added offset when finding with associations. ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-07","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-07","Don't send table_name when updating attributes, use the ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-07","Don't send table_name when there's no need to.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-07","Allow preload and eager_load to work on relations at the...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-06","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-05","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-05","Initial documentation to Base#all.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-05","Merge branch 'associations_2'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-05","Added eager loading support to Relation and ActiveRecord...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-05","Moved relation's test to relation_test.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-05","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-03","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-10-02","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-09-22","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-09-21","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-09-14","Updated ARel version.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-09-14","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-09-08","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-09-08","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-09-01","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-09-01","Added association preload to relation.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-27","Revert "Revert "Add readonly support for relations.""","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-27","Revert "Add readonly support for relations."","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-27","Add readonly support for relations.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-27","No need to reload the relation table with a method param...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-27","Performance: Don't reload ARel relation on update.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-27","Performance: Don't reload the ARel relation on create, d...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-27","Performance: Don't reload the arel_table when destroying.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-27","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-26","Remove useless var local definition.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-25","No need to create a new relation if the argument is blank.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-25","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-25","timestamps gives a created_at field not created_on.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-24","timestamps gives a created_at field not created_on.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-21","Revert "Add bench script for ActiveRecord. Ignore log fi...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-21","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-20","Add bench script for ActiveRecord. Ignore log file and t...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-19","Remove useless conditionals/local var.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-19","Make sure join association methods are called once.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-19","Don't sanitize_sql where it doesn't make sense.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-19","Remove old method and comment.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-19","Remove useless InnerJoinDependency, inner joins are perf...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-19","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-19","Remove whitespace.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Remove unused quoted_record_ids, now ARel does this usin...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","has_many nullify associations keys using ARel.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Remove now unused quote_table_name, ARel does that quoti...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","habtm insertion with ARel integration.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","habtm delete method integrated with ARel.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Call to_sql method on ActiveRecord::Relation instance no...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Override respond_to? in ActiveRecord::Relation to go with","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Cache arel_table when possible, use class method arel_ta...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Cache #arel_able when possible.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Inline initializer setup.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Use immutable relation objects to generate queries.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Use explicit method definition instead of metaprogramming.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Relation#joins! should know what to join instead of dele...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Fix typo in test classname.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-18","Use finder options as relation method names to provide m...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-17","Clean up relation joins when finding records with includ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-17","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-17","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-16","Remove group when building the relation, it will be adde...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-14","Don't use regular rinder on calculations since scoping o...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-14","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-14","Use ARel's joins when building a query for finding recor...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-11","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-10","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-10","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-10","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-10","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-08","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-08","Fix models load order to be able to run unit tests.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-07","Removed unused methods.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-07","Removed useless OR.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-07","Don't scope order in calculations.'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-07","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-07","More work on removing plain SQL from associations and us...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-06","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-05","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-03","Added collection iteration to AR::Relation.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-03","Don't use local vars before testing its conditional.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-08-03","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-31","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-31","Added ActiveRecord::Relation tests. Allow Relation to ac...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-22","Performance: cache/reload arel relation when possible to...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-21","Removed unused local variable.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-21","Introduced ActiveRecord::Relation, a layer between an AR...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-21","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-20","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-20","Performance boost for AR#create","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-20","Removed legacy test.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-16","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-16","Added ActiveRecord::Base#(where|join|project|group|order...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-15","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-07","Adds a audio_tag helper for the HTML5 audio tag. Fixed v...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-06","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-03","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-02","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-01","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-01","Create is now powered by Arel. Removed methods that are ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-01","Small refactor to update_all.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-07-01","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-30","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-30","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-30","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-24","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-23","Updated Arel submodule.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-23","Refactoring: Calculations now use construct_finder_sql i...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-23","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-23","Removed unused methods.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-23","Arel now buils SQL queries for associations. Removed old...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-23","Arel updated. All tests passing for SQLite3 and PostgreSQL.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-23","Removed old commented code","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-17","Forget about auto scope, it's always explicit.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-16","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-12","Leave the quoting part to ARel","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-12","HasOneAssociation inherits AssociationProxy since it sha...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-12","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-10","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-10","Arel updated","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-10","Merge branch 'update_all'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-10","Use array of orders instead of string concatenation","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-10","Initial update_all migration","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-10","Revert "Use ARel in SQL generation through associations"","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-10","Use ARel in SQL generation through associations","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-10","Use ARel in SQL generation through associations","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-09","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-02","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-02","Updated Arel submodule","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-02","Set ActiveRecord as Arel engine on load.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-02","No need to specify the engine now that it is in active_r...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-06-02","Refactors to work with latest Arel implementation.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-26","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-19","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-19","Add missing models and fixtures [#2673 state:resolved]","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-18","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-18","Remove unnecessary condition and local variable [#2602 s...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-18","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-18","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-18","Add missing model and fixtures to finder_test [#2671 sta...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-12","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-09","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-06","Refactor to calculations. Migration's versions are strin...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-06","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-05","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-05","Fixes to have all test passing on PostgreSQL.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-04","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-02","Revert "Work around count returning string (bug)"","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-02","Refactor to use arel_table method, and also use the same...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-02","Removed ARel table assignment","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-02","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-05-02","Updated ARel","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-30","exists? method now uses ARel","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-30","Added arel_attributes_values methods, refactored locking...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-30","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-29","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-29","Fix duplicated test name","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-29","Calculations now use Arel to construct the query.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-28","Show executed queries when assert_sql assertion fails [#...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-25","construct_finder_sql now use Arel","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-24","Refactored locking update","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-24","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-24","Changed locking to use Arel. Arel updated","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-24","Added ruby-debug","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-23","Fix models load order to be able to run unit tests.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-23","Remove connection method definition, since it's called j...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-23","More progress on migrations. Arel updated.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-23","Added Arel integration to migration's version update table","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-23","Arel updated","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-23","Removed blank lines","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-23","Require Arel","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-04-23","Added arel as a submodule. This is temporary and will ma...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2009-02-01","validate_length_of should use custom message if given wh...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-20","Add missing fixture to allow reload models test to run i...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-18","Add missing model files so tests can run isolated [#1506...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-10","Fix test names collision.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-10","Fix test names collision.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-10","Fix: counter_cache should decrement on deleting associat...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-10","Fix: counter_cache should decrement on deleting associat...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-10","Fix: counter_cache should decrement on deleting associat...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-02","Make new_record? an alias of new? in ActiveResource to f...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-02","Make new_record? an alias of new? in ActiveResource to f...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-12-01","Add :having option to find, to use in combination with g...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-11-03","Added RJS, memory leaks and plugins chapters to Debuggin...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-11-03","Added missing sidebar block closing delimiter.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-16","Updated Debugging Rails Applications: use title case in ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-15","When counting grouped records the target should be loade...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-14","Base.skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes uses class...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-12","Use select and change test so new tests can work on post...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-11","Improve test coverage when using the group option in fin...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-11","Add --debugger option to script/console.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-11","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-11","Updated Debugging Rails applications guide styles, use b...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-10","Include tip for using ruby-debug in development mode wit...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-10","Add the description of "Debugging Rails applications" gu...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-10","Added find_last_by dynamic finder [status:committed #762]","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-08","Changes on Rails Debugging Guide: added the logger secti...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-05","Added View Helpers to the Rails debugging guide.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-05","Rails debugging guide updated.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-05","Debugging Guide updated after having some feedback on it...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-05","Updates on Debugging Rails guide.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-05","Debugging Rails Applications guide updated.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-05","More work on Rails debugging guide.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-04","Added prompt, context and references to debugging Rails ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-09-04","Initial commit of the Rails debugging guide.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-08-31","Use reflection primary_key instead of id for when select...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-08-30","Allow prototype functions to receive position parameter ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-08-30","Allow prototype functions to receive position parameter ...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-08-30","Performance: Better query for ASSOCIATION_ids. Select on...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-08-30","Make assert_select_rjs code more readable, make use of u...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-08-24","In javascript helpers option[:type] = :synchronous shoul...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-08-08","mail_to should use decodeURIcomponent instead of unescap...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-08-06","Added missing opening double quote to doc example in pro...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-31","In javascript helpers option[:type] = :synchronous shoul...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-31","Fix HasManyThroughAssociationsTest tests. [#733 state:re...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-30","Performance: grouping helpers should use yield instead o...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-30","Prototype helpers should generate Element.insert instead...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-30","Prototype helpers should generate Element.insert instead...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-17","Include a :number option example inside Time conversions...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-15","update_counters should update nil values.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-15","update_counters should update nil values.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-07-04","Allow date helpers to ignore date hidden field tags. [#5...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-05-16","Change migration generator USAGE to explain the timestam...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-04-01","Improving railties test coverage. Closes #11496 [miloops]","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-31","Fix case-sensitive validates_uniqueness_of. Closes #1136...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-31","Add :message option to validates_numericality_of. Closes...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-28","Fixed that has_many :through would ignore the hash condi...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-25","Fixed that ActiveRecord#Base.find_or_create/initialize w...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-24","Added :confirm option to submit_tag (closes #11415) [mil...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-21","Allow association scoping for built/created records if :...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-12","Added ActiveRecord::Base.find(:last) (closes #11338) [mi...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-07","Add :readonly option to HasManyThrough associations. Clo...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-03-05","Documenation for has_one/has_many nested resource option...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2008-02-13","Introduce the :readonly option to all associations. Reco...","Emilio Tagua",18 "2013-08-15","[getting started] Don't define resources :posts a second...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-09-05","Add giant belongs_to 'please don't pluralize me' note","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-26","[routing guide] Add mention of get '/:username' route","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-18","[engines] initializer method call needs an argument for ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] remove two more beginningruby links","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] add comma in 'First we will make a com...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] remove another beginning ruby link","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] briefly explain form_for with array pa...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] Remove beginning ruby link in posts/show","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] generating routes manually was done as...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] split up section about rake routes aft...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] dialog box is not automatic, is provid...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] Fix index template after destroy actio...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] dabase -> database","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started guide] more explanation around the dele...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-17","[getting started] explain :as option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] explain that posts_path exists due to ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] Split up refactoring of new and edit t...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] don't call it 'a _form partial', just ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] remove tab in form partial","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] Prefix users templates with 'users' to...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] split up adding link for edit to index...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] grammatical changes at beginning of up...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] some more handholding around where exa...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] fix weird linebreak when talking about...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] re-add new action back to PostsControl...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] Explain the create action check for va...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] add attr_accessible to Post model","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] split up addition of links to index/sh...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] add segue at the end of posts/index se...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] indent iteration in posts/index template","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-16","[getting started] Split up creation of route, action and...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-13","Correct code wrapping around content of welcome/index.ht...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-13","Wrap 'Missing template posts/new' error message in a blo...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-13","Rails actually has one root route defined","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-13","Separate CR out in CRUD explanation, explain each letter...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-13","Re-enforce/re-explain what happens when you go to root r...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-05-13","Briefly explain static file routing in the getting start...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-04-07","Don't use arel_table in published_and_commented example ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-18","[getting started] Explain what the create action is acco...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-18","[getting started] [ci skip] Explain in better terms what...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-18","[getting started] [ci skip] Just want to get post params","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-18","[getting started] Add images","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-15","[getting started] [ci skip] Fix incongruant use of 'we' ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-15","[getting started] Round out 'Laying down the ground work...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-15","[getting started] rename initial 'meat' section of guide...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-15","[getting started] correct typo in welcome/index.html.erb...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-15","[getting started] Improve explanation around initial con...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-15","[getting started] remove indentation for get 'posts/new'","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] Reworking beginnings of the 'meat' of ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] Default root route in config/routes.rb...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] add warning that guide is being worked...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] Link to Bundler website when explainin...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] Improve prose for initial routing section","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] mention generators early on, when rail...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] briefly explain what a controller and ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] more line lengthening","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] fix lines that are too short.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] update Rails version to 3.2.2","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] *THE* way to install Rails is by runni...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","[getting started] Remove super-early mention of REST fro...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-14","Move database configuration section from Getting Started...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-12","[config guide] Add mass_assignment_sanitizer to Active R...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-11","Add engines guide to documents.yaml","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-11","[instrumentation] Add further action placeholders","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-11","[instrumentation guide] Cover deliver.action_mailer event","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-11","[instrumentation guide] Cover receive.action_mailer event","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-03-05","[instrumentation guide] Add introduction + basic outline","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-02-16","[engines guide] basic revision/review work","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-02-16","[engines guide] Clean up explanation for routing methods","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-02-16","[engines guide] Elaborate on isolate_namespace functiona...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-02-16","update engines guide to explicitly reference relative-to...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-02-16","[engines guide] Revise draft of guide, add testing, asse...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2012-02-16","Rails::Engine docs should use helper method, not helpers","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-12-03","Update layouts and rendering guide javascript_include_ta...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-11-05","[config guide] mention that config methods are to be cal...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-11-01","[config guide] mention that config methods are to be cal...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-11-01","[engines guide] add 'General engine configuration' section","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-20","[engines guide] explanation of overriding views + refere...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-20","[engines guide] some fixes for the author id migration i...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-20","[engines guide] add missing end for to_s method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-19","[engines guide] wrap up 'Configuring an Engine' section","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-19","[engines guide] Rather than calling name, require a to_s...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-19","[engines guide] mention that we cover similar ground to ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-17","[engines guide] missed a spot in the 'Using a class sect...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-17","[engines guide] Point out that we need to run rake db:mi...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-17","[engines guide] [reviewing] remove excessive 'Now'","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-16","[engines guide] Complete section about using an applicat...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-16","[engines guide] beginning to cover using application's c...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-16","[engines guide] Add 'Engine setup' section in 'Hooking i...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-16","[engines guide] improve intro to 'Hooking into an applic...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-14","[engines guide] WIP for explaining how to hook engine in...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-14","[engines guide] complete comments resource generation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-14","[engines guide] Add heading for comments","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-14","[engines guide] make clear that the comment generator co...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-14","[engines guide] make it clear that the scaffold generato...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-14","[engines guide] correct render line is blorgh/comments/form","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-14","[engines guide] improve wording for sentence describing ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-13","[engines guide] don't show actual timestamp in migration...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-13","[engines guide] change comments resource generation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","Fix rails/generators/base.rb documentation for generator...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] add TODO for RedCarpet example","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] cover generating the comment resource","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","Fix rails/generators/base.rb documentation for generator...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] amend two TODOs for further things in th...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] finish covering what the scaffold genera...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] final line change","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] Add TODO for mentioning rails s and rails c","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] begin explaining what the scaffold gener...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] reword first two dot points in prologue","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] Credit where credit is due + explaning d...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-10","[engines guide] Credit where credit is due","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-06","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-06","[config guide] Show example of defining initialization h...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-06","[config guide] mention that to_prepare hooks are called ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-05","[engines guide] More explanation for 'Generating an engine'","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-05","[engines] Expanded 'What are engines?' and 'Generating a...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-10-04","[engines guide] initial layout","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-09-21","Document ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-09-17","Document ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-09-13","Add documentation for the extending method in ActiveReco...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-07-23","Complete another review of asset pipeline guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-07-18","Complete another review of asset pipeline guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-07-09","Add section about debugging assets","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-07-09","Clarify that per-controller asset files are not 'magical...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-07-09","Add section about debugging assets","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-07-09","Clarify that per-controller asset files are not 'magical...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-27","[asset pipeline] Add production assets section","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-27","[asset pipeline] Add examples of javascript_include_tag ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-27","[Asset pipeline] Move external assets section down to 'A...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-27","[asset pipeline] production assets covered later in the ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-27","[asset pipeline] sections at the bottom of the asset pip...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-27","[asset pipeline] Mention that hashed files are also pick...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-27","[asset pipeline] Cascade -> Cascading","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-26","Update changelog for querying guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-26","Querying guide: add mention of scoped, unscoped and defa...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-26","Refer to sprockets + jammit as libraries, not gems","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-18","Fix indentation on manifest examples in assets guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-18","File needs to be at public/assets, not public/images","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-18","Flesh out the asset pipeline guide with information lear...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-18","Added 'Configuring Assets' section to configuring guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-18","Added 'Configuring Assets' section to configuring guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-07","Clean up engine generators_test code and add test for mo...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-06-07","Add beginnings of test for generators within the context...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-04-05","Correct documentation on url_for. It doesn't call to_s, ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-03-30","Symbol to proc is preferred over longer form of map","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-03-30","Cleanup of named_scope documentation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-03-30","Fix typo in named_scope documentation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-03-26","Proc objects for cache_path for caches_action no longer ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-03-22","Caching guide: Capitalize 'Note' so that it's rendered a...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-03-22","Querying guide: mention that performing a where on an re...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-03-22","Querying guide: mention that performing a where on an re...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-01-06","Fix documentation for validates_uniqueness_of to NOT hav...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-01-06","config guide: add basic description for disable_dependen...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2011-01-06","Re-add "Using initializer files" section to configuring ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-31","Routing guide: clarify what the :as option does for scopes","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-31","Routing guide: move scope documentation down to where it...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-31","Routing guide: improve documentation for the scope metho...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-29","Routing guide: mention that routes are matched from the ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","There's a couple -> There are a couple","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","Init guide: begin down the rabbit warren that is active_...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","Init: finish coverage of railties/lib/rails.rb","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","init guide: Cover the action_dispatch/railtie require fr...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","Remove old initialization guide text. Too much has chang...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","init guide: cover active_support/railtie.rb","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","Init guide: Segue between rails/version and active_suppo...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","Cover the inherited method from Rails::Railtie being use...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","Init guide: finish covering the process of the i18n_rail...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","init guide: active_support/railtie does not require itse...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","Init guide: finish covering initializers for i18n_railti...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-28","init guide: active_support/inflector/methods is loaded b...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-27","Init guide: cover Railtie::Configuration and begin to co...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-27","Init guide: Cover the config variable set up which is re...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-24","Revert "Query guide: arel_table, eq and eq_any" along wi...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: visists => visits","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: add or conditions","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: cover further ARel methods","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: Document "in" methods","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: arel_table, eq and eq_any","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: specify what type of objects scopes return","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: Ordering, selecting and so on shouldn't be ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query Guide: update Changelog","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: class methods are still available on associ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: scopes with arguments should be instead def...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: fix indentation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Query guide: lambdas must be used when working with scopes","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Init guide: further revision, covering rails/plugin.rb a...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-23","Querying guide: Add mention of the scope method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-21","Config guide: Complete sentence about the Rack::SendFile...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-21","Further re-working of the initialization guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-21","Improve documentation on ActiveSupport::Deprecation.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-21","config guide: mention ActiveSupport::Deprecation configu...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-17","Config guide: middlewares can also be removed from the s...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-17","init guide: Cover beginnings of rails/application.rb","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-17","init guide: Cover ruby version checker and kernel report...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-15","Active Support coreext guide: Logger core extension docu...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-15","Fix indentation on the namespace method's documentation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-15","Remove nodoc from FormBuilder because the methods inside...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-15","Provide an example for ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper#s...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-15","Active Support coreext guide: Logger core extension docu...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-15","WIP: Reviewing the initialization guide for Rails 3.1","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-13","Fix indentation on the namespace method's documentation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-12","Remove nodoc from FormBuilder because the methods inside...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Provide an example for ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper#s...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Action Controller Overview: Remove dead link to the API ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","root method options are the same as the match method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","root route should go at the *top* of the routes file, be...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","indent code samples for mount doc","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","mapper.rb: add "options" to make the default-to-namespac...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Move ActiveModel::Lint::Tests documentation to be above ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Config guide: Use bold titles for initializers instead o...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Add note which links to documentation regarding the type...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Config guide: Space out initialization events to improve...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Config guide: add further initializers","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Config guide: add session store config option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-11","Config guide: eager_load_paths by default contains every...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-10","Action Controller Overview: Remove dead link to the API ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","root method options are the same as the match method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","root route should go at the *top* of the routes file, be...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","indent code samples for mount doc","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","mapper.rb: add "options" to make the default-to-namespac...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","Move ActiveModel::Lint::Tests documentation to be above ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","Config guide: Use bold titles for initializers instead o...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","Add note which links to documentation regarding the type...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","Config guide: Space out initialization events to improve...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","Config guide: add further initializers","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","Config guide: add session store config option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-09","Config guide: eager_load_paths by default contains every...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: continuing work on documenting the initial...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: begin documenting the initializers","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: Add javascript_expansions and stylesheet_e...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: should use config.action_dispatch.tld_leng...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: Add cache_asset_ids","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: add tld_length to ActionDispatch section","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Remove extra f","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: Mention ActionDispatch::Callbacks methods:...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: clarify what cache_store defaults to.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Clarify that preload_frameworks defaults to nil","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: Add config.active_support.bare","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: separate the initialization events and ini...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Move Rails Environment settings to above the initializat...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Configuring guide: Adding mention of the initializer met...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Config guide: Rails has *5* initialization events","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Add mention of config.to_prepare in configuring guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Add missing colons on the end of before_initialize and a...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Finish documenting generator / template methods for the ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Add gem method documentation to the generators guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","For templates' gem method, :env is deprecated, use :grou...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Covering generator methods provided by Rails in the gene...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Begin covering application templates in the generators g...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Mention that the documentation of create_file can be fou...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Add perform_caching to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Add documentation for page_cache_directory and page_cach...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","re-add config.action_controller.asset_host and asset_pat...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Bring order description in line with actual text.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Use ARel for Range Conditions section, remove Date & Tim...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Fix documentation regarding the initialization events of...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","asset_host and asset_path are now set at the global level","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Reorder logger and middleware global config options","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Add mention of helper_paths to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Mention encoding in config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Add asset_host and asset_path to the configuring guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","No more app_generators method in 3.1","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Mention controller_paths in the config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Move threadsafe warning to threadsafe's new location in ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Move consider_all_requests_local to global config method...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Change coloriz_logging description to follow the standar...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Mention threadsafe! method in config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","allow_concurrency is a "global" configuration option in ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Add documentation for secret_token to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-05","Mention filter_parameters for config","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-04","Config guide: continuing work on documenting the initial...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Config guide: begin documenting the initializers","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Config guide: Add javascript_expansions and stylesheet_e...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Config guide: should use config.action_dispatch.tld_leng...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Config guide: Add cache_asset_ids","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Config guide: add tld_length to ActionDispatch section","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Remove extra f","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Config guide: Mention ActionDispatch::Callbacks methods:...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Config guide: clarify what cache_store defaults to.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-03","Clarify that preload_frameworks defaults to nil","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-02","Config guide: Add config.active_support.bare","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-02","Config guide: separate the initialization events and ini...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-02","Move Rails Environment settings to above the initializat...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-02","Configuring guide: Adding mention of the initializer met...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-02","Config guide: Rails has *5* initialization events","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-02","Add mention of config.to_prepare in configuring guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-02","Association guide: change wording to say that build is f...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-02","Associations guide: Add note that you must use the build...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-01","Add missing colons on the end of before_initialize and a...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-01","Finish documenting generator / template methods for the ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-01","Add gem method documentation to the generators guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-01","For templates' gem method, :env is deprecated, use :grou...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-01","Covering generator methods provided by Rails in the gene...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-01","Begin covering application templates in the generators g...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-12-01","Mention that the documentation of create_file can be fou...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Add perform_caching to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Add documentation for page_cache_directory and page_cach...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","re-add config.action_controller.asset_host and asset_pat...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Bring order description in line with actual text.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Use ARel for Range Conditions section, remove Date & Tim...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Fix documentation regarding the initialization events of...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","asset_host and asset_path are now set at the global level","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Reorder logger and middleware global config options","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Add mention of helper_paths to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Mention encoding in config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Add asset_host and asset_path to the configuring guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","No more app_generators method in 3.1","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Mention controller_paths in the config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Move threadsafe warning to threadsafe's new location in ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Move consider_all_requests_local to global config method...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Change coloriz_logging description to follow the standar...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Mention threadsafe! method in config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","allow_concurrency is a "global" configuration option in ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Add documentation for secret_token to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-29","Mention filter_parameters for config","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Add methods for configuring middleware to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Add "Configuring Middleware" section to config guide, st...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Add explicit statement that verify_authenticity_token ca...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Add mention of config.serve_static_assets to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Added documentation for config.generators to the config ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Add mention of after_initialize to the config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no more load_application_initializers in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","root_path is now simply root in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Update Changelog for configuring guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no RAILS_GEM_VERSION environment variable or co...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no config.action_mailer.default_implicit_parts_...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Mention the default config.action_mailer.default options...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no config.action_mailer.default_content_type me...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no config.action_mailer.default_charset method ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Update ActionMailer documentation to not use deprecated ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no config.action_mailer.template_root method fo...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no config.action_view.warn_cache_misses method ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Separate Action Dispatch and Action Pack sections in Con...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no config.action_controller.params_parser metho...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no view_path config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no root_path config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no plugin_paths config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no plugin_locators config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no plugin_loader config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","load_once_paths is now autoload_paths in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no database_configuration_file method in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no controller_paths method in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Mention what cache_classes defaults to in all three defa...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Don't mention Rails 2.3, given that this is supposed to ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","There is no more routes_configuration_file method.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Add mention of nested resource to resources documentation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Document the :path option for resources :posts","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Add :module option documentation for the resources method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Remove non-sensical first couple of lines for scope meth...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-27","Fix formatting issue with rake routes output for the nam...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Add methods for configuring middleware to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Add "Configuring Middleware" section to config guide, st...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Add explicit statement that verify_authenticity_token ca...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Add mention of config.serve_static_assets to config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Added documentation for config.generators to the config ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Add mention of after_initialize to the config guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no more load_application_initializers in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","root_path is now simply root in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Update Changelog for configuring guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no RAILS_GEM_VERSION environment variable or co...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no config.action_mailer.default_implicit_parts_...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Mention the default config.action_mailer.default options...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no config.action_mailer.default_content_type me...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no config.action_mailer.default_charset method ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Update ActionMailer documentation to not use deprecated ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no config.action_mailer.template_root method fo...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no config.action_view.warn_cache_misses method ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Separate Action Dispatch and Action Pack sections in Con...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no config.action_controller.optimize_named_rout...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no config.action_controller.resource_path_names...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no config.action_controller.params_parser metho...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no view_path config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no root_path config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no plugin_paths config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no plugin_locators config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no plugin_loader config option in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","load_once_paths is now autoload_paths in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no database_configuration_file method in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no controller_paths method in Rails 3","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Mention what cache_classes defaults to in all three defa...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","Don't mention Rails 2.3, given that this is supposed to ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-26","There is no more routes_configuration_file method.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-23","Add mention of nested resource to resources documentation","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-23","Document the :path option for resources :posts","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-23","Add :module option documentation for the resources method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-23","Remove non-sensical first couple of lines for scope meth...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-23","Paths in ActionDispatch::Scoping documentation should be...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-23","Fix formatting issue with rake routes output for the nam...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the constraints method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Add documentation for :path_names option on resources","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","See the scope method for documentation for namespace's s...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Add documentation for the mount method in ActionDispatch...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Fix indentation for :as option documentation on the name...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the :shallow_path option for scope","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Indent final comment for :path option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Indent code example for :as option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the :as option for the scope method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Space between module option documentation and path docum...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Fix indentation on comment for :path option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the :as option for the namespace method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the :module option for namespace","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the :path option for namespace","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Begin to document the namespace method for AD's Mapper","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the controller method for AD's Mapper","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the defaults method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Document the :module and :path options for the scope met...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Separate comments and examples with "Examples" header.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Add further documentation + examples for the get, post, ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-13","Document the constraints method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-13","Add documentation for :path_names option on resources","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-13","See the scope method for documentation for namespace's s...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-13","Add documentation for the mount method in ActionDispatch...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Fix indentation for :as option documentation on the name...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Document the :shallow_path option for scope","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Indent final comment for :path option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Indent code example for :as option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Document the :as option for the scope method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Space between module option documentation and path docum...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Fix indentation on comment for :path option","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Document the :as option for the namespace method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Document the :module option for namespace","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Document the :path option for namespace","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Begin to document the namespace method for AD's Mapper","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Document the controller method for AD's Mapper","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Document the defaults method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Document the :module and :path options for the scope met...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Separate comments and examples with "Examples" header.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Fix where the documentation says "photos", but the examp...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-11-07","Add further documentation + examples for the get, post, ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-10-13","Use <em> rather than underscores to fix display issue wi...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-10-11","Add missing CHANGELOG entry about reset_javascript_inclu...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-10-11","Remove mention to register_javascript_include_default in...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-10-11","Updated RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS documentation with mention of...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-10-08","Remove the final initializers since initializers += will...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-10-07","Add "a" to make it better English","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-10-07","Add "a" to make it better English","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-06-12","There is no type="array" returned with errors. [#3691:re...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-06-03","Cover more of the Rails initialization process, regardin...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-05-25","Cover more of the Rails initialization process, regardin...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-14","Begun documenting YourApp::Application and how it ties i...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-14","Rip out bundler notes, they're now living at http://gith...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-14","More expansion on Bundler internals.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-14","Use <plain> instead of <text>","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-10","Re-define empty? for errors to check if the values insid...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-09","Expansion on require method from runtime.rb","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-09","Continue expanding on Bundler.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-09","Further work on the bundler section. Almost there now.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-09","Mention a way to turn off bundler and begin talking abou...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-09","Further expansion into how Bundler loads the gemfile.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-09","Expansion on require method from runtime.rb","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-09","Continue expanding on Bundler.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-09","Further work on the bundler section. Almost there now.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-08","Mention a way to turn off bundler and begin talking abou...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-08","Further expansion into how Bundler loads the gemfile.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-05","It seems the test directory backtrace line is output wit...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-05","Covered further what happens in config/application.rb. M...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-05","Further expansion on the Railties and moved Common Inclu...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-04-05","Further (re)work done. Mostly centering around ActionMai...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-03-31","Fix missing quote and remove core ext explanation.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-03-31","More header shuffling, scope all the "Require Rails" sec...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-03-31","Went through from the top down to line 650 fixing up dis...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-03-30","Fix headers so that the TOC generates, rails/subscriber ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-03-28","Adding the initialization guide to docrails.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-03-27","Use ActiveSupport::Autoload for view helpers. [#4237 sta...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-02-26","Nitpick: the first value should be odd, second is even.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-02-08","Use mkdir_p so that the output directory is always created.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-01-16","Make guides generation work for Ruby 1.9.x","Ryan Bigg",17 "2010-01-16","Mark title and headers as html_safe! for guides [#3702 s...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-12-16","[].from(0) actually returns [], not nil","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-12-16","Add options_from_collection_for_select to select_tag doc...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-10-27","There is no query method for belongs_to associations.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-09-01","Document IrreversibleMigration.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-08-21","Add missing end ERB tag.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-07-15","More documentation about methods taking blocks.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-07-15","Document that after_create can take a block.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-06-22","Added example of using shorthand in create_table.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-05-04","Use the word 'action' over 'method'... is clearer and he...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-04-27","Add documentation for respond_to's any method","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-04-04","Document complete_request_uri and action_methods.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-04-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-04-04","Documented performed?","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-02-07","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2009-02-07","Fixed up bug reported by Darktatka in regards to :joins ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-29","James B. Byrne's suggestions","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-23","Xavier Noria suggestions added! Guides #16, parts 27-29.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-21","Added section on having.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-21","Added section about using expressions as values for the ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-21","Fixed http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16213/tick...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-21","Added more to the hashn conditions section.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-19","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-19","Better documentation for options_from_collection_for_sel...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-17","Correct one instance of table syntax.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-16","Fixed up syntax errors.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-16","Documented some undocumented activerecord methods.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-12-16","Updated finders guide to include hash conditionals.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-30","Added using an SQL function example to Selecting Certain...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-23","Was very naughty and did not add changelog message to gu...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-23","Updated finders guide to include newcomers find_last_by ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-21","Updated finders guide based on: http://rails.lighthousea...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-19","Fixed all points in http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/proje...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-19","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-12","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-11-12","Updated finders guide","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-31","Removed extra space from the array conditions section.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-27","Added scoped section, added named params for conditions ...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-27","Added information about @performed_redirect for redirect...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-27","Fixed up according to this comment: http://rails.lightho...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-22","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-22","First "completed" version of the finders guide... and ab...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-20","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-20","More work done on finders guide, extended named_scope se...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-18","Fixed obvious duplication of select_minute docs for sele...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-08","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-08","Did some more work on the finders guide tonight, lock an...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-06","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-06","Added a small section on using conditions on tables from...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-05","Updated guide, adding to the conditions section mostly.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-01","Finders guide has no table of contents.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-10-01","Updated finders guide.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-09-28","Another revision of the finders guide.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-09-26","Add the first draft of the ActiveRecord Finders guide.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-09-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-09-17","Added partial first draft of finders guide.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-08-03","Added a better explanation for config.active_record.obse...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Ryan Bigg",17 "2008-01-25","Time.days_in_month defaults to current year if no year i...","Ryan Bigg",17 "2013-09-13","Don't require using application_name before options","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #11396 from strzalek/extract_renderers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-08-12","Use assert_not rather than refute","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-08-12","Merge pull request #11525 from Empact/nested_attributes_...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-07-22","Add info about placing a new CHANGELOG entry to contribu...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-07-22","Revert "Match Dev/Prod parity for Index Page"","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11546 from swoop-inc/ss_memory_store...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11538 from vipulnsward/rescue-exp","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11514 from schneems/schneems/dev-pro...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11517 from nashby/optgroup-html-attr...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-07-21","Merge pull request #11534 from gaurish/log","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-23","Setup env and seed_loaded for DatabaseTasks outside load...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-23","Change a way ActiveRecord's config is prepared for rake ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-23","Setup env and seed_loaded for DatabaseTasks outside load...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-23","Change a way ActiveRecord's config is prepared for rake ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-23","Setup env and seed_loaded for DatabaseTasks outside load...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-23","Change a way ActiveRecord's config is prepared for rake ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11038 from mjtko/backport/fix-11030-...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-21","Revert "Don't remove trailing slash from PATH_INFO for m...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-21","Don't remove trailing slash from PATH_INFO for mounted apps","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-21","Don't remove trailing slash from PATH_INFO for mounted apps","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11014 from senny/10936_inspect_does_...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11030 from mjtko/fix/backtrace-silen...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-20","Merge pull request #11032 from strzalek/extract-actionview","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-20","Remove unneeded test fixtures in AV","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-20","Add actionpack as actionview's development dependency","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-20","Remove unneeded files","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-20","Move template tests from actionpack to actionview","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-20","ActionView version should be 4.1.0","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-20","Move actionpack/lib/action_view* into actionview/lib","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-20","Add bare actionview gem to the root directory","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-14","Properly namespace DatabaseTasks","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-14","Properly namespace DatabaseTasks","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-14","Properly namespace DatabaseTasks","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-14","Use DatabaseTasks.env instead of Rails.env in databases....","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-14","Use DatabaseTasks.env instead of Rails.env in databases....","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-06-14","Use DatabaseTasks.env instead of Rails.env in databases....","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-05-17","Check if APP_RAKEFILE is defined","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-05-17","Check if APP_RAKEFILE is defined","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-05-16","Check if APP_RAKEFILE is defined","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10640 from joelcogen/master","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-05-03","Fix generating route from engine to other engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-05-03","Fix generating route from engine to other engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-24","Merge branch 'active-record-standalone-improvements'","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-24","Use env == 'development' instead of env.development?","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-24","Move CHANGELOG entry for db.rake improvements to 4.0.0","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-24","Don't require Rails.env in order to use AR::Tasks::Datab...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-24","Add some documentation to ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseT...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-24","Use DatabaseTasks.fixtures_path instead of FIXTURES_PATH...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-24","Don't require having Rails.application to run database t...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-17","Merge pull request #10249 from shime/descriptive_error_m...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-04-16","Use db:test:load instead of db:test:load_schema","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-02-03","Duplicate column_defaults properly","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-01-21","Update actionpack's CHANGELOG for 445f14e","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2013-01-21","Fix asset_path in mounted engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-09-16","Merge pull request #7657 from kennyj/fix_6458-2","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-09-01","Remove unneeded require","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-09-01","Merge pull request #7494 from route/actionview_decouplin...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-31","Require bundler 1.2","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-31","Don't use Gemfile in test application in railties","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-31","Use Bundler.with_clean_env instead of custom code","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-31","Revert "Revert changes related to `bundle install` fixes...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-30","Merge pull request #7477 from kennyj/fix_7469","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-29","Merge pull request #7474 from steveklabnik/backport_89ebd28","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Merge branch 'actionview-decoupling'","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Update AP's CHANGELOG with user facing changes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Deprecate AV::RecordIdentifier in controllers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Fix ActionView::RecordIdentifier to work as a singleton","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","No need to use included hook for include","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Deprecate Template#mime_type","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Add deprecation horizon to html-scanner","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Implement ActionView::Template::Types","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Don't require action_dispatch in ActionView::UrlHelpers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Use ActionView::Base.logger instead of AC::Base.logger","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Add ActionView::Base.default_formats","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Remove Mime::Type translations from Action View","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Deprecate mime types lookup in auto_discovery_link_tag","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Remove comment about getting rid of old AV::Base.new beh...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Remove stubs from LogSubscriber tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Move action_controller/vendor/html-scanner to action_view","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Deprecate ActionController::RecordIdentifier","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Add ActionView::ModelNaming","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Move ActionController::RecordIdentifier to ActionView","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-28","Remove dependency on actionpack in ActionView::AssetPaths","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-11","[guides] Add info about CHANGELOGs to contributing guide","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-11","[guides] Add info about CHANGELOGs to contributing guide","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-08-10","Fix handling SCRIPT_NAME from within mounted engine's","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-07-16","Merge pull request #7006 from jaredbeck/issue_7005_expla...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-07-11","Merge pull request #7031 from robbkidd/rename_sequences_...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-07-11","Fix indentation.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-07-10","Don't raise an error if http auth token isn't well forma...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-25","Merge pull request #6544 from flexoid/issue-6431","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-25","Revert "Merge pull request #6344"","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-09","Fix tests, active_authorizer shouldn't include blank values","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-08","Merge pull request #6668 from pomnikita/master","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-08","Don't add sqlite3 to gemspec with -O on rails plugin new","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-08","Don't add sqlite3 to gemspec with -O on rails plugin new","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-07","Fix railties test suite","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-07","Fix asset tags for files with more than one dot","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-04","Merge pull request #6619 from kennyj/fix_6591","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-01","Allow to use mounted helpers in ActionView::TestCase","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-01","Allow to use mounted helpers in ActionView::TestCase","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-01","Include routes.mounted_helpers into integration tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-01","Include routes.mounted_helpers into integration tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-06-01","Merge pull request #6583 from amatsuda/rake_dsl_19","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6553 from erichmenge/3-2-stable-json...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6554 from erichmenge/remove-json-var...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-28","Fix sorting of helpers from different paths","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-27","Fix railties_order when application object is passed","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-27","Fix railties_order when application object is passed","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-24","Merge pull request #6447 from chancancode/add_backportin...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6435 from janx/remove_useless_require","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-22","Use require_dependency in generated controllers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-22","Use require_dependency in generated controllers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6150 from avakhov/dbconsole-fixes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6420 from chancancode/master_restore...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-21","More info on commit messages in contributing guide","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-21","More info on commit messages in contributing guide","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-21","Fix generators to help with ambiguous `ApplicationContro...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-20","Fix generators to help with ambiguous `ApplicationContro...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-20","Revert "Merge pull request #5702 from oscardelben/patch-4"","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-20","Improve docs for `try` by adding note on `BasicObject`","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-20","Improve docs for `try` by adding note on `BasicObject`","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-20","Merge pull request #5702 from oscardelben/patch-4","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-20","Fix uniqueness validator with `allow_nil: false` also fo...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-20","Fix `validates_uniqueness_off :field, :allow_nil => false`","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-20","Merge pull request #5631 from avakhov/ac-log-subsriber-s...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-19","Ensure that CollectionAssociation#replace returns proper...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-19","Fix railties tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-19","Ensure that CollectionAssociation#replace returns proper...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6391 from strzalek/redirect_route_in...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-17","Revert changes related to `bundle install` fixes in `rai...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-17","Fix CollectionAssociation#replace to return new target (...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-17","Fix CollectionAssociation#replace to return new target (...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-16","Load all the env files available in config.paths (closes...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-16","Remove unneeded tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-16","Fix tests in railties","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6344 from erichmenge/patch_sqlite_ti...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6346 from oscardelben/patch-9","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6317 from korny/routes-draw-backtrace","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-11","Failing test for #6251","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-11","Merge pull request #6261 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-10","Allow to run `connection_adapters/quoting_test.rb` indep...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-09","Merge pull request #6219 from frodsan/fix_build","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-07","Merge pull request #6191 from arunagw/ruby_prof_lock","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-07","Fix build","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-07","Ensure that Rails.env is equal to "test" by default when...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-07","[guides] Add comments to deep_dup example, fix second ex...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-06","Remove obsolete deep_dup requires","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-06","Use deep_dup in aciverecord default columns assignment","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-06","Keep all methods in object/deep_dup","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-06","Updated CHANGELOG entry for `deep_dup`","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-06","Reword guide entry for `deep_dup` method.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-05","Try to convert object passed to debug_hash to hash","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-05","Give more detailed instructions in script/rails in engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-05","Give more detailed instructions in script/rails in engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-05","Duplicate column_defaults properly (closes #6115)","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-05","Change unless + ! into if","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #5821 from Deradon/fix-engine-tasks","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6012 from avakhov/dbconsole-test","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-02","Deprecate remove_column with array as an argument","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #3707 from ebeigarts/refactor_remove_...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-01","Fix tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-01","Use :github option in Gemfile and make hashes consistent","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-01","Merge pull request #6096 from hasclass/as_json__encode_i...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-05-01","Merge pull request #2532 from hasclass/as_json__encode_i...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-30","Failing test for #6034","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-30","Failing test for #6034","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-30","Failing test for #6034","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6034 from willbryant/flash_must_not_...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6061 from twinturbo/scaffold-markup","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-29","Lazy load `default_form_builder` if it's passed as a string","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-29","Lazy load `default_form_builder` if it's passed as a string","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-28","Don't create new directory for tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-28","Fix Engine#routes to not call draw_paths multiple times","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-28","Add a failing test for #5764","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-28","Merge pull request #6038 from arunagw/warning_removed_3-...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-21","Merge pull request #5917 from oscardelben/master","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-17","Merge pull request #5869 from LachyGroom/patch-1","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-16","Merge pull request #5860 from arunagw/multi_json_upgrade...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-16","Merge pull request #5856 from arunagw/build_fix_master","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-15","Add missing require in Active Support time zones (fixes ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-15","Require for time_with_zone should stay in core_ext/time_...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-15","Add missing require in Active Support time zones (fixes ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-13","Merge pull request #5814 from lest/patch-4","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-07","Merge pull request #5759 from romanvbabenko/refactor/rai...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-02","Merge pull request #5695 from lest/patch-1","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-01","Usage file in generators shouldn't be fetched only based...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-04-01","Usage file in generators shouldn't be fetched only based...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-31","Merge pull request #5664 from lest/patch-1","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-30","Merge pull request #5673 from avakhov/ac-render-exception","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-28","Allow ActiveModel::Name to duck type","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-28","Cover one more case in auth_token and remote forms","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-28","Cover one more case in auth_token and remote forms","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-28","Cover one more case in auth_token and remote forms","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-28","config.action_view.embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_fo...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-28","Added config.action_view.embed_authenticity_token_in_rem...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-28","Added config.action_view.embed_authenticity_token_in_rem...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5618 from lest/patch-1","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-27","If partial is rendered in controller, grab format from t...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-27","If partial is rendered in controller, grab format from t...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-27","Don't ignore non Enumerable values passed to sanitize (c...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5592 from nashby/fix-issue-5584","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5596 from lest/patch-3","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5594 from lest/patch-1","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-25","Merge pull request #5566 from lest/patch-3","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5556 from rafaelfranca/remove-warning","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5558 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-23","Fix tests, when creating rescue handler, we need to chec...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5546 from mptre/master","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-22","Merge pull request #5542 from mhfs/port_5522_to_32stable","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-22","Merge pull request #5540 from mhfs/another_blank_line_fix","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-18","Merge pull request #5492 from arunagw/build_fix_app_gene...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-18","Merge pull request #5493 from kennyj/fix_5435-32","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-17","Rubyracer does not work on ruby, so add it to Gemfile wi...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-17","Rubyracer does not work on ruby, so add it to Gemfile wi...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-17","Add missing test for #5308","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-17","Fix #5440 - multiple render_to_string breaks partials fo...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5475 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5365 from avakhov/ac-layouts-excpeti...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5454 from luke-gru/luke-dev","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-15","Check for existence of exactly the called `fixture_path=...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-15","Remove ActionController::TestCase#rescue_action_in_public!","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-15","Remove ActionController::TestCase#rescue_action_in_public!","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-14","Merge pull request #5357 from bagilevi/sweeper-undefined...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-13","[engines guide] Add information about running and revert...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5420 from lest/patch-2","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-13","Check for existence of exactly the called `fixture_path=...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-13","Environment in engines tests is required on boot_rails, ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-13","Don't need to share engine's tests anymore, plugins are ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-13","Ensure that engine can be mounted at root (#4314)","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5414 from nashby/select-hidden-input","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-04","Fix tests, table_name= needs connection now, so just stu...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-04","Merge pull request #5269 from castlerock/remove_unwanted...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-04","Merge pull request #5266 from bcardarella/root_with_stri...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-04","Merge pull request #5270 from kennyj/fix_3163","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-03","[engines guide] Add more concrete example of conflicts w...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-03","Handle files from ActionDispatch::Static with Rack::Send...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-03","Merge pull request #5255 from carlosantoniodasilva/activ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-02","Can't cache url_options on a controller level","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-02","Fix #5238, rendered_format is not set when template is n...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-02","Fix #5238, rendered_format is not set when template is n...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-03-02","Merge pull request #5234 from benpickles/allow-empty-fie...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-02-16","Fix tests, Rails.env may be different on CI","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-02-16","Refactor Rails::Console to make it easier to test and ad...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-02-16","Allow to set custom console type with Rails.application....","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-02-16","Remove console --irb deprecation notice","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-27","Merge pull request #4713 from carlosantoniodasilva/form-...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-23","Add ActiveModel::Errors#delete, which was not available ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-19","Merge pull request #4534 from lest/patch-1","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4492 from pkondzior/3-2-stable","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4491 from pkondzior/master","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-16","Apparently asssert_empty is not available in 1.8.7","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-16","Add ActiveModel::Errors#delete, which was not available ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-16","Add ActiveModel::Errors#delete, which was not available ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-16","Try to create schema migrations table in schema dumper test","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-16","Fix ActiveRecord mysql tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-15","Fix railties tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-15","Fix stack level too deep when model does not have attrib...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-15","Fix stack level too deep when model does not have attrib...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-12","Added note about [ci skip] tag to contributing guide","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-12","Added note about [ci skip] tag to contributing guide","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-12","Fix table_name in ActiveRecord with more than one abstra...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-12","Fix table_name in ActiveRecord with more than one abstra...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-10","Fix http digest authentication with trailing '/' or '?' ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-10","Add original_fullpath and original_url methods to Request","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-10","Add ORIGINAL_FULLPATH to env","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-10","Fix http digest authentication with trailing '/' or '?' ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-10","Add original_fullpath and original_url methods to Request","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-10","Add ORIGINAL_FULLPATH to env","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-07","Fix tests, ./ is not needed for relative entries in Gemf...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-07","No need to check for 'draw do |map|' anymore","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-07","Add Gemfile entry when creating a plugin in application'...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-07","Merge pull request #4369 from lest/remove-warnings","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2012-01-07","Merge pull request #4373 from castlerock/remove_condition","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-26","Refactor RouteInspector","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-26","Revert "Merge pull request #4154 from nashby/include-bla...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-26","Merge pull request #4154 from nashby/include-blank-date-...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-26","Correctly display rack apps with dynamic constraints in ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-26","Correctly display rack apps with dynamic constraints in ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-22","Merge pull request #4128 from arunagw/doc_fixes_3_2-stable","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4105 from lest/bad-requires","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-20","Fix http digest authentication with trailing '/' or '?' ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-20","Add original_fullpath and original_url methods to Request","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-20","Add ORIGINAL_FULLPATH to env","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4077 from arunagw/gemfile_update","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4063 from andrew/patch-1","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-20","Clarify the default assets.precompile matcher behavior","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-20","Ensure that files that compile to js/css are not compile...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-19","Merge pull request #4036 from Juanmcuello/database_tasks","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-17","Merge pull request #4009 from kirs/generate-rake-task","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-16","Merge pull request #4002 from arunagw/warning_removed_gr...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-14","Merge pull request #3979 from kommen/dbconsole_db_config","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-13","Merge pull request #3950 from guilleiguaran/use-https-fo...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-10","Ensure that files that compile to js/css are not compile...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-10","Clarify the default assets.precompile matcher behavior","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-10","Update partials documentation, partial_path is no longer...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Fix indentation","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Allow to run migrations with given scope, with SCOPE=<sc...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Allow to filter migrations by passing a block","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Compare migrations for copying only by name and scope","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Add suffix for migrations copied from engines","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","String#to_a is not available in 1.9","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Run also migrations in subdirectories.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Fix railties tests, identical migrations are not conside...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Ignore origin comment when checking for duplicates on Mi...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-12-09","Fix copying migrations from engines","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-11-25","I suck, forgot to also change rake's task description","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-11-25","Display mounted engines in `rake routes` by default","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-11-24","Allow to display engine's routes when running `rake rout...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-11-24","Merge pull request #3746 from qoobaa/active-model-naming...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-11-24","Forgot to add CHANGELOG entry for config.railties_order","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-11-23","Allow to change engine's loading priority with config.ra...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-08-13","Revert "allow select to have multiple arguments"","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-07-26","Revert "allow select to have multiple arguments"","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2271 from slawosz/enhance_select_met...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-06-11","Update changelog with #1552 feature: add hidden field be...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-06-11","Merge pull request #1552 from bogdan/select","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-06-07","Added missing assert to test checking form with namespac...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-06-01","Merge pull request #1447 from dmathieu/empty_route","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-05-14","Merge pull request #553 from arunagw/namespaced_generators","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-05-13","Merge pull request #538 from arunagw/update_rack_mount","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #490 from vijaydev/patch-4","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #495 from vatrai/minor_fixes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #319 from nusco/master.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-04-25","Fix tests, main_app mounted helper must be defined expli...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-04-25","Make ActionController::Base.modules_for_helpers and Acti...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-04-25","Explicitly define main_app proxy","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-04-25","Add Engine#helpers method which loads all the engine's h...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-04-16","Fix plugin new generator to work with new javascript/sty...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-03-22","Install rb-fsevent gem if ENV[RB_FSEVENT] is set","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-02-09","text-format requires text-hyphen, which needs ruby 1.8","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2011-02-09","Application's assets should have higher priority than en...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-31","Recreate symlink in layouts for tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-31","Do not take gems' i18n locales while testing locales paths","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-31","Don't be so picky on MissingTemplate error details, this...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-22","Ensure that uncountable are removed after test","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-22","Fix activesupport tests. These classes are not used anyw...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-22","Do not use the same hash instance for expansions [#6114 ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-22","Fix activesupport tests. These classes are not used anyw...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-22","Ensure that uncountable are removed after test","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-19","More love for engines tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-19","Temporary fix for railties test for newest rack changes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-19","Refactoring of application's task in engine.rake","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-19","Do not load all application's task in generated engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-18","Fix tests in railties","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-18","Use gemspec instead of gem rails in Gemfile","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-18","Use gemspec instead of gem rails in Gemfile","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-17","Use require 'bundler/setup' instead of directly calling ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-17","Use require 'bundler/setup' instead of directly calling ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-17","Revert "Fixed number_with_precision rounding error [#618...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-17","Allow to use BUNDLE_GEMFILE env variable in boot.rb [#61...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-17","Allow to use BUNDLE_GEMFILE env variable in boot.rb [#61...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-16","Changelog and guide entries for config.action_view.cache...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-16","ActiveRecord::Base.joins should allow single nil argumen...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-16","Bring back config.action_view.cache_template_loading [#5...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","AppGenerator: use options instead of @options","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Kill whitespace!","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Generate default layout in engine with --mountable option","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Fix generation of prototype files, it should work with -...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Generate javascripts in engine with --mountable option","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Set proper engine's asset directories when assets are se...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Should be isolated engine instead of namespaced engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Fix indentation and newlines in generated engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Skip creating migration if --skip option is passed to mo...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Allow to generate namespaced generators [#6140 state:res...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","AppGenerator: use options instead of @options","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Kill whitespace!","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Generate default layout in engine with --mountable option","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Fix generation of prototype files, it should work with -...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Generate javascripts in engine with --mountable option","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Set proper engine's asset directories when assets are se...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-15","Should be isolated engine instead of namespaced engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-14","Fix indentation and newlines in generated engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-11","Skip creating migration if --skip option is passed to mo...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-11","Allow to generate namespaced generators [#6140 state:res...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-10","require core_ext/array/wrap in active_record/migration","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-09","Use Array.wrap instead of using ternary","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-09","Fix test on finding migrations from 2 paths","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-09","Refactor db:load:config to automatically pick additional...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-09","Use Rails::Engine.find in commands.rb","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-09","Rails::Engine.find(path) - method to find engine by path","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-09","Rake tasks for managing database while development and t...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-09","Do not require fixtures in example integration test in e...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-08","properly load database config in database rake tasks, to...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-08","Allow to run migrations from more than one directory in ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-12-08","Allow to run migrations from more than one directory","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-22","Ensure that app generator is not loaded twice to get rid...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-22","Do not create table_name_prefix method on isolated modul...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-18","Ensure that initializers are executed before loading rak...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-17","Added config.action_controller.include_all_helpers to CH...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-17","Add config.action_controller.include_all_helpers, by def...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-17","Fix generators tests on ruby 1.9","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-16","Do not run migrations from mounted engine separately.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-16","Create directory before copying migrations if it does no...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-16","Fix plugin new --mountable: ActionController instead of ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-16","Change inside_namespace method to inside_template and us...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-15","Do not allow to use plugin_new generator directly, you s...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-15","Allow running `rails plugin new` command inside rails ap...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-15","Bye bye bang bang.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-15","There is no need to make isolated? method with bang-bang...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-15","Deprecate plugin generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-15","Add skip-gemspec option to 'plugin new' generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-15","Update changelog with rails plugin new","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-15","Don't need to support rails plugin --version","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-08","Allow to set dummy application path through options","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-04","New version of thor was released no need to use the one ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-03","Fix scaffold generator to be aware of namespace in isola...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Add --mountable option to 'plugin new' generator which g...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Add example rake task to 'plugin new' generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","create_dummy_app method that allows to easily create dum...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Properly skip test unit in 'plugin new' generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Properly handle other databases in 'plugin new' generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Skip active record properly in 'plugin new' generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Use rails integration tests by default in 'plugin new' g...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","We don't need to configure ActionMailer in plugin's test...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Refactor app and plugin generators to use new Thor API","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Make deep copy of application generators on engine initi...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Added Hash#deep_dup function which performs deep duplica...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Use application's generators defaults as engine defaults...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Do not create additional newline","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Don't be verbose while creating dummy application in plu...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","No need to require 'app_base', it's required in app_gene...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Pass more options to test/dummy in 'plugin new' generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Add --full option to 'plugin new' generator, which gener...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","No need for say_step in 'plugin new' generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","DRY up app generator and plugin new generator. Moved sha...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Remove integration tests and ActionModel/ActiveRecord ca...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","We don't need gem tasks, we have a gemspec","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Builder should not be responsible for running store_appl...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Make tests for app and plugin generators more DRY","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Allow easy overriding of test framework in 'rake plugin ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Ensure that tests run properly","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Change // style regexp to %r{}, to not confuse editors c...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Add --dev and --edge options to rails plugin new","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Added USAGE for rails plugin new","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","That method is already declared at AppBase","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Add support for templates for rails plugin new","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Ensure that options for plugin new generator are not pas...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Refactored AppGenerator and PluginNewGenerator to inheri...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-11-02","Added 'rails plugin new' generator which generates gem p...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-15","Removed duplicated method find_root_with_flag","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-14","Use railtie_name to correctly get name from plugins","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-14","Remove task for creating symlinks for railties","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-14","Update documentation for new tasks","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-14","Add task foo:install (where foo is plugin) as a shortcut...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-14","Added foo:install:assets task that copies assets from pl...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-14","Do not treat information about skipped migrations as WAR...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-09","Add 'foo:install:migrations' task to copy migrations fro...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-09","Load rake tasks defined in superclasses in context of ra...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-09","Rename rake railties:copy_migrations to rake railties:in...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-09","Add callback on skipped migration while copying migrations","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-09","Change the method for copying migrations, do not add scope.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-09","Rename namespace method to isolate_namespace.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-08","Fix engines test","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-08","Refactored routes reloading to use RouteSet#append inste...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-10-03","Add documentation on app_generators","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-30","Try to guess application's directory while trying to run...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-30","Moved Rails::RoutesReloader to Rails::Application::Route...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-30","Allow running generators for Engine with usage of other ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-30","Added config.app_generators to allow configuring applica...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-30","Move routes_reloader to a class: RoutesReloader","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-30","Properly reload routes defined in class definition","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-30","Allow mounting engines at '/'","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-30","Do not overwrite _railtie method on namespace while crea...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-25","Fix app and actions generators tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-25","Refactor a few methods connected with namespacing in Rai...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-25","Add namespacing to mailer generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-25","Add namespacing for observer generator","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-25","Add namespace for test_unit generators","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-25","Rails.application is set anyway, we don't need to set it...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-25","Generators fix: properly check if module should be creat...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-24","Refactor namespaced generators to use module_namespacing...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-24","Generators are not aware of namespace of isolated engine...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-20","List all of isolated engine changes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-20","Strengthen documantation on engine's migrations and seed...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-20","Add helper for loading seed data for engine and application","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-19","Fix running engine_test in isolation","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-19","Remove unnecessary puts","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-11","Fix routing test","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-11","Change singular to param_key in form_helper, param_key i...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-10","Set default asset_path only for engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-08","Fix warning by removing |map| from routes.draw","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-08","Change app to main_app in mounted_helpers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-08","Do not require passing :app to mounted helpers, it's act...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-06","Add documentation on serving assets from engine strategies","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-06","Use railties:copy_migrations instead of db:copy_migrations","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-06","Modified changelog for 3.1.0","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-06","Added task for creating symlinks to engines' public dire...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","Deleted test with extended regexp - it fails with no rea...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","Fix action mailer tests after old mapper removal","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","Ported missing functionality from Rails 2.3.x, raise err...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","Fixed routes to use new API in a few more actionpack tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","raise error on invalid HTTP methods or :head passed with...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","Implemented resources :foos, :except => :all option","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","Removed deprecated router API from railties","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","Fixed almost all resources tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-05","Removed deprecated RouteSet API, still many tests fail","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Do not use ActionController::Base.page_cache_extension i...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Optimize ActionDispatch::Static","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Forgot to move that line to railtie on rebase","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Fixed tests after rebase","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","I've changed that test along the way, it should actually...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Use default_scope in isolated Engines to not force user ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Implemented RouteSet#default_scope, which allows to set ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","engines_blank_point should always be the last initialize...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","We should avoid creating additional initializers when we...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Add some documantation on new route_key and param_key in...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Remove namespace for isolated namespaced models in forms","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Use new ActiveModel::Naming.route_key in polymorphic_routes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Prepared ActiveModel::Naming to handle cases for namespa...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Add some more docs on polymorphic_url with routes proxy","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Add short note on using url_for instead of directly call...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Add possibility to explicitly call engine's routes throu...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Updated tests to use scope(:module => :engine_name) inst...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Move RoutesProxy to separate file","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Include all helpers from non-namespaced engines","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Set only helpers_path on inherited hook in action_contro...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Added more tests for polymorphic_url with namespaced mod...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","This was used only to clear warning in ActionMailer test...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Moved ActionMailer and ActionController railties options...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Modified polymorphic_url to check for model's namespace","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Get rid of static_paths method and instead configure pat...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","We don't need to clear action_methods on inherited hook ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","ActionMailer should not depend on ActionDispatch","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Refactor RoutesProxy to avoid using _with_routes in helpers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Documented mounted helpers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Document engine_name","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Added documentation for namespaced Engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Add table_name_prefix to Engine's namespace automatically","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Rename isolated_engine_for to namespace","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Refactor ActionMailer to not use hide_actions","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Move ActionController::Railties::RoutesHelpers and Actio...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Include routes helpers only for inherited classes in Act...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Fix generating urls with mounted helpers in view context","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Fix copying migrations to empty directory","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Include application's helpers and router helpers by defa...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","For view_context we need to initialize RoutesProxy in co...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","mounted helpers should be included in ActionMailer","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","This is not needed","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Engine's assets are now served with ActionDispatch::Static","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Modified ActionDispatch::Static to allow passing multipl...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Set asset_path to engine_name by default","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Always convert railtie_name to string","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","rake db:copy_migrations task, which copies railties migr...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Implemented ActiveRecord::Migrations#copy based on James...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Added tests for railtie_name and aliased it in engine as...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Add Rails::Railtie.railtie_name method to allow setting ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Added Rails.application.config.paths.db.migrate to remov...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","to_param shoul return a string","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","We don't need delegating polymorphic_url and polymorphic...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Added ability to set asset_path for engines","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Ensure that Rails.application.initialize! is called only...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Added documentation on endpoint, middeware stack and rou...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","We don't need that initializer in tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Ensure that url_helpers included after application's one...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Add mounted_helpers to routes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Routes refactoring:","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Use new url_for API instead of including routes.url_helpers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Ensure that env is always available in controllers","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Extended url_for to handle specifying which router shoul...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Added some more tests for url generation between Engine ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Get rid of :skip_prefix options in routes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Refactored tests for prefix generation and added test fo...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","New way of generating urls for Application from Engine.","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Fix url generation for mounted Engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Allow to generate Application routes inside Engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Pass routes via env['action_dispatch.routes'], it's need...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Use env['action_dispatch.routes'] to determine if we sho...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Move singleton pattern to Railtie and remove Engine::Con...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Removed most of deprecated stuff from Application and En...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Allow Engines loading its own environment file from conf...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Ensure that plugins are not loaded twice","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","We don't need to add railties initlaizers in Application...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Removed ActionDispatch::Static, but left empty Middlewar...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","We don't need to overwrite default paths in tests","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Ensure that init.rb is evaled in context of Engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Engine can now serve files with ActionDispatch::Static","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Engine sets routes as default rack endpoint if no endpoi...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Delegate non existing class methods to instance for Engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Added TODO for evaling init.rb in context of Engine","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Gather initializers from railties in engines to get rid ...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Engine can now load its own plugins","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","Made Engine valid rack app with its own middleware stack","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-09-03","require 'active_support/dependencies' in action_dispatch...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-08-04","Reload action_methods in AbstractController after defini...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-08-04","Reload action_methods in AbstractController after defini...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-07-21","Moved a few methods from RecordIdentifier to ActiveModel...","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-07-20","Moved PolymorphicRoutes to ActionDispatch::Routing","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-07-01","Unify routes naming by renaming router to routes","Piotr Sarnacki",16 "2010-04-30","add HTTP Token Authorization support to complement Basic...","Rick Olson",15 "2009-09-04","Prepare for Rails 2.2.3 release.","Rick Olson",15 "2009-08-05","move the serialized AR record logic to #as_json. Leave ...","Rick Olson",15 "2009-05-18","load the JSON Backend lazily. If the JSON gem is alread...","Rick Olson",15 "2009-05-18","load the JSON Backend lazily.","Rick Olson",15 "2009-05-18","Add pluggable JSON backends with support for the JSON gem.","Rick Olson",15 "2009-04-23","* Add pluggable JSON backends with support for the JSON ...","Rick Olson",15 "2009-02-25","update the default scope test to take the model's defaul...","Rick Olson",15 "2009-02-25","Merge branch '2-2-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-11-13","fix two MimeType failing test cases","Rick Olson",15 "2008-09-20","Merge branch '2-1-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-09-20","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-09-04","use mocha for TimeZone mocking in Form Options helper tests","Rick Olson",15 "2008-08-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-07-16","merge with local tweaks","Rick Olson",15 "2008-07-08","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-07-06","Merge branch 'assert_redirected_to_fix'","Rick Olson",15 "2008-07-06","fix ordering of assert_equal in assert_redirected_to. b...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-07-02","use mocha for TimeZone mocking in Form Options helper tests","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-29","Merge branch 'state_machine'","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-28","all aasm tests without activerecord moved over and passing","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-28","converted tests for more complex state transitions","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-28","add basic events and transitions. still more tests to c...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-28","initial statemachine machine and state classes","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-28","tweak activemodel load order a bit","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-28","add special requires for ActiveSupport::Inflector so you...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-28","convert specs to tests","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-19","Fix discrepancies with loading rails/init.rb from gems. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-19","Add the gem load paths before the framework is loaded, s...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-19","fix merge","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-09","add deprecation for the #concat helper's 2nd argument, w...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-09","add deprecation for the #concat helper's 2nd argument, w...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-09","change some more TimeZone references to ActiveSupport::T...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-08","Add the gem load paths before the framework is loaded, s...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-08","Fix discrepancies with loading rails/init.rb from gems. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-08","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-01","fix changelog conflict","Rick Olson",15 "2008-06-01","Add ActiveRecord::Base.sti_name that checks ActiveRecord...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-31","fix doc typos","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-31","Consolidate error messages for missing gems, and skip th...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-31","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-31","fix Gem installation command with versions","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-31","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-31","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:technoweenie/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-13","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-11","fix merge conflict with actionpack changelog","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-06","change ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection to use...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-06","include bugfix to [e792d4ab70448f79142fdf492390682ff5ea6...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-06","Change the request forgery protection to go by Content-T...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-06","Fix bug where plugin init.rb files from frozen gem specs...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-06","Merge commit 'e792d4ab70448f79142fdf492390682ff5ea6398'","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-06","regression test for bug introduced in [6a6b4392c16c665eb...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-05-06","Merge commit 'core/master'","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-23","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-14","Merge commit 'stephencelis/master' into asset_shit","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-10","Change validates_uniqueness_of :case_sensitive option de...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-09","Require rubygems if needed when initializing GemDependen...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-09","Add support for interleaving migrations by storing which...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-08","ActiveRecord::Base#sum defaults to 0 if no rows are retu...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-08","Automatically parse posted JSON content for Mime::JSON r...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-08","add json_escape ERB util to escape html entities in json...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-08","Don't require rails/gem_builder during rails initializat...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-08","set ActiveSupport.escape_html_entities_in_json = false f...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-08","Add config.active_support.escape_html_entities_in_json t...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-02","missed an added file","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-02","Flesh out rake gems:unpack to unpack all gems, and add r...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-01","spell check","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-01","Add config.active_support for future configuration optio...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-01","Add config.active_support.use_standard_json_time_format ...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-01","Tweak ActiveRecord::Base#to_json to include a root value...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-04-01","Add efficient #include? to AssociationCollection (for ha...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-31","Allow files in plugins to be reloaded like the rest of t...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-30","whoops, typo in the CHANGELOG","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-30","Small tweak to allow plugins to specify gem dependencies...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-30","Added config.gem for specifying which gems are required ...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-26","Fix issue where the :uniq option of a has_many :through ...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-26","Fix duplicate table alias error when including an associ...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-26","More efficient association preloading code that compacts...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-24","Merge the has_finder gem, renamed as 'named_scope'. Clos...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-24","Allow the #simple_format text_helper to take an html_opt...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-23","Ensure that TimeWithZone#to_yaml works when passed a YAM...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-23","Fix regression from filter refactoring where re-adding a...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-21","Allow association scoping for built/created records if :...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-21","Add has_one :through support, finally. Closes #4756 [the...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-13","Fix more obscure nested parameter hash parsing bug. Clo...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-13","port [9018] to 2.0 stable","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-13","Ensure that ActiveRecord::Calculations disambiguates fie...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-11","Fix nested parameter hash parsing bug. #10797 [thomas.lee]","Rick Olson",15 "2008-03-07","Better error message for type conflicts when parsing par...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-14","Improve associations performance by using symbol callbac...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-14","apply [8865] to 2.0 stable","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-14","Improve associations performance by avoiding named block...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-07","Apply [8810], [8811], [8812], and [8813] to 2.0 stable","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-07","Remove ERB trim variables from trace template in case Ac...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-07","Fix typo in form_helper documentation. Closes #10650 [xa...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-07","Fix bug with setting Request#format= after the getter ha...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-07","Remove :nodoc: entries around the ActiveSupport test/uni...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-07","Add a slightly more informative exception message for Ac...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-06","Correct inconsistencies in RequestForgeryProtection docs...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-06","Add Time Zone support to ActiveRecord, and config.time_z...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-03","ensure that the after_initialize hooks are run after the...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-02-02","Reshuffle load order so that routes and observers are in...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-29","Remove unnofficial 'PST' timezone","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-29","Support retrieving TimeZones with a Duration. TimeZone[...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-18","Ensure that modifying has_and_belongs_to_many actions cl...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-12","Update scaffold to use labels instead of bold tags. Clo...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-11","Fix issue where Table#references doesn't pass a :null op...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-11","Updated TMail to version 1.2.1 (2.0 stable) [raasdnil]","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-11","Updated TMail to version 1.2.1 [raasdnil]","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-07","Doc fixes for #atom_feed_helper. Closes #10715 [hasmany...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-07","Doc fixes for #atom_feed_helper. #10715 [hasmanyjosh]","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-02","Optimize ActiveRecord::Base#exists? to use #select_all i...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-02","Fix atom_feed_helper to comply with the atom spec. Clos...","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-02","Fix small documentation typo. Closes #10670 [l.guidi]","Rick Olson",15 "2008-01-02","Correct indentation in a couple spots. Closes #10671 [l...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-28","Fix that auto_link looks for ='s in url paths (Amazon ur...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-28","remove multiple enumerations from ActiveSupport::JSON#co...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-28","Don't unnecessarily load has_many associations in after_...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-28","Allow setting ActiveResource::Base#format before #site. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-28","Support agnostic formats when calling custom methods. C...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-28","inherit from the new ActiveSupport::BlankSlate class","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-23","Fix HTML Sanitizer to allow trailing spaces in CSS style...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-19","add passing test for Test::Unit subclasses running #setu...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-15","Ensure optimistic locking handles nil #lock_version valu...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-15","Make the Fixtures Test::Unit enhancements more supportin...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-12","Fix that validates_acceptance_of still works for non-exi...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-11","Ensure that the :uniq option for has_many :through assoc...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-08","Fix DoubleRenderError message and leave out mention of r...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-08","Clean up some cruft around ActionController::Base#head. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-08","Refactor of Hash#symbolize_keys! to use Hash#replace. C...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-08","Fix HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_options! so it doesn't ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-12-04","Add 'disabled' attribute to <OPTION> separators used in ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-29","Raise UnknownHttpMethod exception for unknown HTTP metho...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-26","Add #prepend_view_path and #append_view_path instance me...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-26","Refactor sanitizer helpers into HTML classes and make it...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-26","Update ActionMailer so it treats ActionView the same way...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-26","Add deprecation for old subtemplate syntax for ActionMai...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-26","Fix TemplateError so it doesn't bomb on exceptions while...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-19","Don't cache net/http object so that ActiveResource is mo...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-11","Fix HasManyThrough Association so it uses :conditions on...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-11","Only load ActionMailer::TestCase if ActionMailer is load...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-09","initial experimental commit of active_model","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-08","Ensure the plugin loader only loads plugins once. Close...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-08","Refactor Plugin Loader. Add plugin lib paths early, and...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-11-06","Update TMail to v1.1.0. Use an updated version of TMail...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-29","Change JSON to encode %w(< > &) as 4 digit hex codes to ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-26","Simplfy #view_paths implementation. ActionView template...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-26","Update tests for ActiveSupport's JSON escaping change. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-26","FormHelper's auto_index should use #to_param instead of ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-26","Fix JSON encoding/decoding bugs dealing with /'s. Close...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-20","Ensure that mysql quotes table names with database names...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-20","merge [7978] from edge","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-20","Ensure that cookies handle array values correctly. Clos...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-14","Add notes to documentation regarding attr_readonly behav...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-14","Observers can observe model names as symbols properly no...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-06","Fix that ActiveRecord would create attribute methods and...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-05","Don't call attr_readonly on polymorphic belongs_to assoc...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-03","rescue LoadError if memcache isn't available while loadi...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-03","Use #require_library_or_gem to load the memcache library...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-10-03","Move ActionController::Routing.optimise_named_routes to ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-30","Add attr_readonly to specify columns that are skipped du...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-30","Make size for has_many :through use counter cache if it ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-28","Moved the SourceAnnotationExtractor to a separate file i...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-28","Better error messages if you leave out the :secret optio...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-28","[7668] part deux (forgot to add the railties love to the...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-28","Allow ability to disable request forgery protection, dis...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-24","protect new rails apps from csrf by default.","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-24","port over some of the csrf_killer README docs","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-24","Decode json strings as Dates/Times if they're using a YA...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-23","Rename some RequestForgeryProtection methods. The class...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-23","move TextHelper#sanitize config options to the TextHelpe...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-23","Merge csrf_killer plugin into rails. Adds RequestForger...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-23","Secure #sanitize, #strip_tags, and #strip_links helpers ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-09-04","Fix bug where unserializing an attribute attempts to mod...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-08-20","correct the ActionCacheTest from [7346]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-08-20","Fix bug where action caching sets the content type to th...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-08-15","add missing layouts from [7321]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-08-15","Find layouts even if they're not in the first view_paths...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-08-03","Fix Time#advance bug when trying to advance a year from ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-25","dont call #collect on a string when returning query cach...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-25","Perform a deep #dup on query cache results so that modif...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-25","Ensure that has_many :through associations use a count q...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-25","tiny doc patches [lifo]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-25","misc doc fixes + Add ActiveResource to Rails::Info. Clo...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-25","Allow you to set custom :conditions on resource routes. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-24","Automatically generate add/remove column commands in spe...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-20","Fix #count on a has_many :through association so that it...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-17","Fix and properly document/test count(column_name) usage....","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-16","Remove deprecated count(conditions=nil, joins=nil) usage...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-16","Change belongs_to so that the foreign_key assumption is ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-12","Default to plural table name in Rails Generator if Activ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-07-01","Allow you to render views with periods in the name. Clo...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-06-21","Added proper handling of arrays. Closes #8537 [hasmanyjosh]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-06-18","remove extra debug line. Closes #8681 [Giles Bowkett]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-06-15","Make ActionView#view_paths an attr_accessor for real thi...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-06-15","Fixed that dispatcher preparation callbacks only run onc...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-06-05","Assume html format when rendering partials in RJS. #8076...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-06-05","revert [6924]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-06-01","pass the prefix_options to the instantiated record when ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-29","fix test cases to match new json output. Closes #8371","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-29","escape <'s and >'s in JSON strings. #8371 [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-28","apply [6879] to stable. Closes #7293.","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-28","Allow nil serialized attributes with a set class constra...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-27","Action Caching speedup. #8231 [skaes]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-24","update changelog too","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-24","Ensure that associations with :dependent => :delete_all ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-24","catch possible WSOD when trying to render a missing part...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-21","forgot binary fixture","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-21","forgot binary fixture","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-21","merge [6798] into stable.","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-21","Fix column type detection while loading fixtures. Close...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-15","Add some performance enhancements to ActionView.","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-15","add test case for js.erb partials on *.js formatted requ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-15","Assume that rendered partials go by the HTML format by d...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-09","Handle string and symbol param keys when splitting param...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-02","apply [6648] to 1.2 stable","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-02","apply [6649] to stable, closes #8226 [Stefan Kaes]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-05-02","Replace the current block/continuation filter chain hand...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-29","change #custom_headers to just #headers [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-29","Add support for setting custom headers per ActiveResourc...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-24","dont bother merging in prefix_options","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-24","why oh why do i always forget to save the changelog","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-24","Remove explicit prefix_options parameter for ActiveResou...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-24","oops! forgot new layout for layout tests","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-20","apply [6543] to edge. Closes #5044 [tpope]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-20","forgot to save changelog","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-20","Return the string representation from an Xml Builder whe...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-15","Tweak template format rules so that the ACCEPT header is...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-12","remove useless mock test","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-12","The default respond_to blocks don't set a specific exten...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-12","Allow layouts with extension of .html.erb. Closes #8032...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-08","Only load ActionController::UrlWriter if ActionControlle...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-08","add #view_paths attr_accessor for ActionView::Base","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-08","add tip on keeping backwards compatibility","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-08","Change default respond_to templates for xml and rjs form...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-08","Fix WSOD due to modification of a formatted template ext...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-08","Fix WSOD when template compilation fails [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-02","Change ActionView template defaults. Look for templates...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-04-01","add ActionView::Base#find_template_extension_for tests","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-27","documentation project patches, closes #7342, #7319, #731...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-27","documentation project patches, closes #7342, #7319, #731...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-27","Add helpful debugging info to the ActiveRecord::Statemen...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-22","Allow configuration of the default action cache path for...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-13","trim the fat","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-13","apply [6408] to stable","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-13","Allow a polymorphic :source for has_many :through associ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-13","forgot to add tests for #7044","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-12","Apply [5709] to stable","Rick Olson",15 "2007-03-06","Add a #dbman attr_reader for CGI::Session and make CGI::...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-27","apply [6248] to stable","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-27","boot.rb sets RAILS_ROOT, so remove that. Install http p...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-27","set the RAILS_ROOT for script/plugin if it's not set alr...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-24","fix app generator","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-15","remove Mime::PLAIN from tests so its not confused with t...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-15","Add Mime::Type convenience methods to check the current ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-08","Merge [6140] from trunk.","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-06","rename #lookup_template_base_path_for to #find_base_path...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-05","Fix #render_file so that TemplateError is called with th...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Fix Rails::Initializer since #view_paths is never nil","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Update Rails Initializer to use ActionController::Base#v...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Fix issue with deprecation messing up #template_root= us...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Allow Controllers to have multiple view_paths instead of...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Add much-needed html-scanner tests. Fixed CDATA parsing...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Add much-needed html-scanner tests. Fixed CDATA parsing...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","fix problem with EMPTY_INHERITABLE_ATTRIBUTES being rede...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","fix problem with EMPTY_INHERITABLE_ATTRIBUTES being rede...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","apply [6113] to stable","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","fix form_for example in ActionController::Resources docu...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Optimize Class Inheritable Attributes so that unnecessar...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","fix #write_inheritable_attribute bug that crept in","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Optimize Class Inheritable Attributes so that unnecessar...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Don't create instance writer methods for class attribute...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Added :instance_writer option to #mattr_writer/accessor,...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-02-04","Add singleton resources from trunk [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-28","Don't create instance writer methods for class attribute...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-28","Added :instance_writer option to #mattr_writer/accessor,...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-28","Rename test file so it's not ignored by rake","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-26","Require the dispatcher for Rails::Configuration#to_prepa...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-24","Add missing tests ensuring callbacks work with class inh...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-24","Carry over the convenience of #create from ActiveRecord....","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-23","Added test coverage for Inflector.inflections.clear. Cl...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-23","ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::UTF8Handler should r...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-23","Increase ActiveResource::Base test coverage. Closes #71...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-23","A couple extra tests for #classify. Closes #7273. [Josh...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-23","Remove useless code in #attribute_present? since 0 != bl...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-23","Fix incorrect usage of #classify when creating the eager...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-23","Add/Update usage documentation for script/destroy, resou...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-17","Modernize cookie testing code, and increase coverage (He...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-17","Modernize cookie testing code, and increase coverage (He...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-17","Improve Test Coverage for ActionController::Routing::Rou...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-17","Heckling ActionController::Resources::Resource revealed ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-17","Heckling ActionController::Resources::Resource revealed ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-17","Fix #distance_of_time_in_words to report accurately agai...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-17","Refactor #form_tag to allow easy extending. [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-16","Mega documentation patches. #7025, #7069 [rwdaigle]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-16","[DOC] clear up some ambiguity with the way has_and_belon...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-16","[DOC] clear up some ambiguity with the way has_and_belon...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-12","Recognize the .txt extension as Mime::TEXT [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-11","merge [5718] to 1.2 branch","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-10","add some more detail on nested resource docs [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-10","add some more detail on nested resource docs [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-08","Lookup the mime type for #auto_discovery_link_tag in the...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-08","Fix bug where nested resources ignore a parent singleton...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","add application.js filter to fix failing asset tag helpe...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","Slight doc tweak to the ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHe...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","Slight doc tweak to the ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHe...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","Slight doc tweak to #prepend_filter. Closes #6493 [Jere...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","Slight doc tweak to #prepend_filter. Closes #6493 [Jere...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","Add more extensive documentation to the AssetTagHelper. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","Add more extensive documentation to the AssetTagHelper. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","Clean up multiple calls to #stringify_keys in TagHelper,...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","Clean up multiple calls to #stringify_keys in TagHelper,...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] Apply more documentation for ActiveRecord Reflect...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] Apply more documentation for ActiveRecord Reflect...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] Document :allow_nil option of #validate_uniquenes...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] Document :allow_nil option of #validate_uniquenes...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] fix reference to ActionController::Macros::AutoCo...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-05","[DOCS] fix reference to ActionController::Macros::AutoCo...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-04","rollback [5833] and [5835]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-04","rollback [5833] and [5835]","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-04","apply [5835] to 1.2 RC branch","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-04","Allow ActionController::Base.session_store and #fragment...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-04","apply [5833] to 1.2 RC branch","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-04","Allow ActionController::Base.session_store to lazily loa...","Rick Olson",15 "2007-01-02","Rollback #new_record? and #id values for created records...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-27","apply [5801] to 1.2 stable branch","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-27","Ensure plugins are in the Dependencies.load_once_paths c...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-26","apply [5790] to 1.2 stable branch","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-26","Fix scaffold_resource generator so it respects the --pre...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-25","apply [5785] to 1.2 branch","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-25","apply [5784] to 1.2 pre-release","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-25","forgot to save CHANGELOG","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-25","Fix assert_redirected_to bug where redirecting from a ne...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-25","Fix Webrick Daemon dispatching bug regarding a bad curre...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-21","Subclasses share superclass site until explicitly set. T...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-19","fix Rakefile so that the rdoc can be generated","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-19","Ensure render :json => ... skips the layout. Closes #68...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-19","apply [5744] to 1.2 pre-release","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-19","fix faulty inheritance tests and that eager loading grab...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-14","Fix HTML::Node to output double quotes instead of single...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-13","Allow subclassed resources to share the site info [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-12","Fix issues with ActiveResource collection handling. Clo...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-07","added tests checking for nested singleton resources","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-07","fix docs for singleton resources","Rick Olson",15 "2006-12-07","Add singleton resources. [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-11-19","merge [5571] and [5572] from trunk","Rick Olson",15 "2006-11-19","Use custom mime file for script/server mongrel if config...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-11-19","Add custom mime type file for mongrel. config/mime.yml ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-11-17","ActionView::Base.erb_variable accessor names the buffer ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-11-10","merge [5476] from trunk","Rick Olson",15 "2006-11-09","Lazily load the Unicode Database in the UTF-8 Handler [R...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-24","Deprecate start_form_tag and end_form_tag. Use form_tag...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-24","Added block-usage to PrototypeHelper#form_remote_tag, do...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-22","clean up failing routing tests from missing :only_path o...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-20","Force *_url named routes to show the host in ActionView ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-18","Add <%= escape_once html %> to escape html while leaving...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-18","Fix double-escaped entities, such as &amp;amp;, &amp;#12...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-16","Fix has_many :through to add the appropriate conditions ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-15","Fix has_many :through to add the appropriate conditions ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-13","automatically add primary key to #select_limited_ids_lis...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-13","fix select_limited_ids_list issues in postgresql, retain...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-13","add test for select_limited_ids_list that passes in mysq...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-11","Restore eager condition interpolation, document it's dif...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-09","Add #delete support to has_many :through associations. ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-09","learn to clean up after myself","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-09","Reverted old select_limited_ids_list postgresql fix that...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-09","Removes the ability for eager loaded conditions to be in...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-02","Fix issue with #class_inheritable_accessor saving update...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-10-02","assume the passed headers to the ActiveResource HttpMock...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-30","Fixed some deprecation warnings in ActionPack [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-30","Add an attribute reader method for ActiveRecord::Base.ob...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-29","Add Basic HTTP Authentication to ActiveResource (closes ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-27","Don't undefine #class in OptionMerger [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-27","Fix bug that kept any before_filter except the first one...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-20","fixed failing tests now that non-GET requests are sent w...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-18","test default content type for implicit rjs template render","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-17","Work-in-progress scaffolder for resources [DHH/Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-16","Updated prototype.js to 1.5.0_rc1 with latest fixes. [Ri...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-14","Add chained replace/update support for assert_select_rjs...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-08","Basic validation support [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-06","added passing test for using partials with an xml builder","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-04","Add deprecation warning for inferred foreign key. #6029 ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-03","Update sanitize text helper to strip plaintext tags, and...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-02","Update routing documentation. Closes #6017 [Nathan Witmer]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-02","Add routing tests to assert that RoutingError is raised ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-02","Remove Dir.chdir in the Webrick DispatchServlet#initiali...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-01","Fix cases where empty xml nodes weren't being translated...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-01","Add some XmlSerialization tests for ActiveRecord [Rick O...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-09-01","Major updates to ActiveResource, please see changelog an...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-13","Fix assert_redirected_to issue with named routes for mod...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-13","Tweak RoutingError message to show option diffs, not jus...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-11","Tweak fixtures so they don't try to use a non-ActiveReco...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-09","Remove ActiveRecord::Base.reset since Dispatcher doesn't...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-09","Rearrange application resetting and preparation, fix bug...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-09","Add missing mock directories from the autoload_paths con...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-09","Require Tempfile explicitly for TestUploadedFile due to ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-09","Add RoutingError exception when RouteSet fails to genera...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-08","Cache nil results for has_one associations so multiple c...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-07","Fix Dispatcher.reset_application! so that AR subclasses ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-06","add Rdocs to map.resources","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-06","fixed lifecycle tests so they instantiate the observers","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-06","Tweak the Rails load order so observers are loaded after...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-06","Refactor ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses to #reset, ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-08-01","Restrict Request Method hacking with ?_method to POST re...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-31","Fix bug when passing multiple options to SimplyRestful, ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-31","Calculate sum with SQL, not Enumerable on HasManyThrough...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-31","Dup the options passed to map.resources so that multiple...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-31","Fixed the new_#{resource}_url route and added named rout...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-30","show missing file path on failed fixture_file_upload","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-28","Fixed the failsafe response so it uses either the curren...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-24","Allow #count through a has_many association to accept :i...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-22","Fixed that you can still access the flash after the flas...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-21","Strip boolean XML content before checking for 'true' [Ri...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-20","fix association exception messages, fix them so the erro...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-18","Allow form_for and fields_for to work with indexed form ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-17","Fix script/plugin about so it uses about.yml and not met...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-13","Correctly convert <foo nil=true> to nil when using Hash....","Rick Olson",15 "2006-07-05","revert ActiveRecord equality change. Closes #5596","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-21","documentation fixes for ActionController::Verification::...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-21","Fix in auto_complete_result documentation. closes #5096...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-21","Don't use keywords as local vars in documentation. Clos...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-21","Fix indent in pagination documentation. Closes #4990. [...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-21","Remove some cruft from the framework:update:configs task...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-17","Enhance Symbol#to_proc so it works with list objects, su...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-17","Fix that routes with *path segments in the recall can ge...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-16","add passing test to make sure unhandled requests don't l...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-12","Fix script/plugin so it doesn't barf on invalid URLs [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-11","Fix plugin install bug at dir with space. (closes #5359)...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-09","Fix bug with 'script/plugin install' so it reports unkno...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-06-01","delegate AssociationProxy#to_param to the association ta...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-05-31","Add a list of regexes assert_queries skips in the Active...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-05-29","band-aid for oracle","Rick Olson",15 "2006-05-29","Fix the has_and_belongs_to_many #create doesn't populate...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-05-28","Provide Association Extensions access to the instance th...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-05-23","Add a quick note about :select and eagerly included asso...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-05-23","preliminary support for plugin meta files","Rick Olson",15 "2006-05-22","Add docs for the :as option in has_one associations. Cl...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-05-15","Call Inflector#demodulize on the class name when eagerly...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-30","Small fix in routing to allow dynamic routes (broken aft...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-30","Namespaced OrderedHash so the Rails implementation does ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-30","Add Integration Session methods for PUT and DELETE reque...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-27","Fixes bad rendering of JavaScriptMacrosHelper rdoc (clos...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-26","Enhance documentation for setting headers in integration...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-25","Fix bug where calculations with long alias names return ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-25","always forget the changelog","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-25","Raise error when trying to add to a has_many :through as...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-25","Allow all calculations to take the :include option, not ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-25","Fix assert_redirected_to tests according to real-world u...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-23","only require redcloth/bluecloth if they are not already ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-23","Cache CgiRequest#request_parameters so that multiple cal...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-23","Diff compared routing options. Allow #assert_recognizes...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-22","allow -'s in tag names for html scanner when scanning AR...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-22","Use ActiveSupport's String#join method","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-22","Diff compared options with #assert_redirected_to [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-22","reset TestRequest#parameters after assigning paramters","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-20","applying to stable: Properly quote index names in migrat...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-20","Properly quote index names in migrations (closes #4764) ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-19","forgot changelog entry","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-19","Fix the HasManyAssociation#count method so it uses the n...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-19","applying to stable: Ensure that Associations#include_eag...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-19","applying to stable: Associations#select_limited_ids_list...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-19","Ensure that Associations#include_eager_conditions? check...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-18","Associations#select_limited_ids_list adds the ORDER BY c...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-14","Modify ActiveRecord::Base.count so it shares the same si...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-14","Modify ActiveRecord::Base.count so it shares the same si...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-12","Add :case_sensitive option to validates_uniqueness_of (c...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-11"," Allow multiple association extensions with :extend opti...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-06","fix calculations for the Oracle Adapter (closes #4626) [...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-06","Enhances plugin#discover allowing it to discover svn:// ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-06","Enable Limit/Offset in Calculations (closes #4558) [lmar...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-06","Fixed that loading including associations returns all re...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-05","Support eager includes when going through a polymorphic ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-05","Added support for eagerly including polymorphic has_one ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-05","Added descriptive error messages for invalid has_many :t...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-04","fix ruby syntax in comments for the JavascriptGenerator ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-03","Changed those private ActiveRecord methods to take optio...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-04-01","Private ActiveRecord methods add_limit, add_joins, and a...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-30","pass the correct reflection to HasManyThroughAssociation...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-28","regression test for #4206","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-28","documentation for polymorphic joins","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-27","Fixed eager loading so that an aliased table cannot clas...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-27","add the TestCase.fixture_path when testing file uploads","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-26","finish form_for change, allow hash as the second param: ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-26","Change #form_for and #fields_for so that the second argu...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-26","Change periods (.) in table aliases to _'s. Closes #425...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-26","Changed has_and_belongs_to_many join to INNER JOIN for M...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-26","Fixed issue that kept :select options from being scoped ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-24","remove some documentation cruft on has_many","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-24","Change has_many :through to use the :source option to sp...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-23","STI associations are now aliased to the table name for b...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-22","fix test so that it passes","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-21","Allow overriding of find parameters in scoped has_many :...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-21","add self referential has_many :through example [Rick]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-20","Replaced old session rake tasks with db:sessions:create ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-20","fix usage of #returning in ActionController::Base","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-20","fix indifferent hash. The lambdas were acting funny in ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Add :script option to in_place_editor to support evalScr...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Fix mixed case enumerable methods in the JavaScript Coll...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Don't classify the has_one class when eager loading, it ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","add support for COUNT(DISTINCT id) queries in sqlite2 (c...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","skip count_by_sql test using COUNT(DISTINCT) for sqlite2...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Quit ignoring default :include options in has_many :thro...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Allow has_many :through associations to find the source ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Remember kiddies, Dir[] uses Dir#glob, not a Regexp","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Added nicer message for assert_redirected_to (closes #42...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","forgot to save changelog... doh","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Eager Loading support added for has_many :through => :ha...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Allow has_many :through to work on has_many associations...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","add ticket # to changeset","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-19","Raise error when trying to select many polymorphic objec...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-18","Fixed has_many :through to include :conditions set on th...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-18","Fix that has_many :through honors the foreign key set by...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-18","fixed has_many :conditions sanitizing (closes #4278) [ha...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-18","remove space","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-18","Rework table aliasing to account for truncated table ali...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-18","Add AbstractAdapter#table_alias_for to create table alia...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","trivial documentation patch for #pagination_links [Franc...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","remove some commented-out cruft","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","Use association's :conditions when eager loading. [jerem...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","fix AR tests for sqlite","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","Alias the has_and_belongs_to_many join table on eager in...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","fix test_find_in_association_with_options test, tweak ot...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","Added Time#advance to do precise time time calculations ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","added test checking that NOT NULL is properly reflected ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","Added Base.abstract_class? that marks which classes are ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-16","Allow :dependent options to be used with polymorphic joi...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-15","fix calculation tests to get around inconsistent orderin...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-14","Catch FixtureClassNotFound when using instantiated fixtu...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-14","Allow ordering of calculated results and/or grouped fiel...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-08","move vendor inside lib so that rake freeze_edge works","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-08","Make the 3rd arg optional for #failsafe_response","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-08","Re-added mixed-in helper methods for the JavascriptGener...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-08","remove explicit Builder require","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-07","Added a backtrace to the evil WSOD (White Screen of Deat...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-06","Allow set_fixture_class to take Classes instead of strin...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-06","Allow method chaining in RJS elements [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-06","Fix quoting of inheritance column for STI eager loading ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-06","slight change to eager associations table aliasing: use ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-05","added assert_queries for the AR test suite","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-05","Added tracking of database and framework versions in scr...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-05","Fixed eager loading problems with single-table inheritan...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-05","Fixed tests (closes #4087) [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-05","Fixed tests (closes #4087) [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-05","allow RJS enum values to be passed to visual_effect() an...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-03","RJS now does enumerations, baby! (closes #3876) [Rick Ol...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-03-01","Make calculations typecasty! (closes #4016) [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-27","Dont require association classes before theyre supposed ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-26","Added more information to script/plugin's doings to ease...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-25","Added calculations: Base.count, Base.average, Base.sum, ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-17","Make RJS treat symbolic action names nicely #3861 [Rick ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-12","save polymorphic joins from the has_many|one association...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-09","Polymorphic join support for has_one associations (has_o...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-06","Fix remote_form_for creates a non-ajax form. Closes #3741.","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-04","Add :builder => option to form_for and friends. Closes 3...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-02-01","Subclasses of ActionController::Caching::Sweeper should ...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-01-23","AR should run schema.rb for tests when building test DBs...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-01-22","Add explicit :order in finder tests as postgresql orders...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-01-21","allow has_many :through to work with custom :foreign key...","Rick Olson",15 "2006-01-14","Load plugins in a consistent order. Closes #3429","Rick Olson",15 "2005-12-20","Fix change_column to work with postgres 7.x and 8.x.","Rick Olson",15 "2005-12-08"," r3375@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:36:13 -0800","Rick Olson",15 "2005-12-08","PostgreSQL: more robust sequence name discovery. Refere...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-20"," r3199@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 21:13:22 -0800","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-20","Allows generator to specify migrations directory. Refer...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-20"," r3190@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 20:20:48 -0800","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-20","Introducing the session_migration generator. Creates an...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-13","Eliminate Subversion dependencies in scripts/plugin. Co...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-13"," r3022@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-13","SQLite: the clone_structure_to_test and purge_test_datab...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-13","SQLite: the clone_structure_to_test Rake task should alw...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-11-07","Fail gracefully from svn checks (closes #2700) [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2005-10-30","The freeze_edge Rake task does smarter svn detection and...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-10-30","Fix problem where redirecting components can cause an ","Rick Olson",15 "2005-10-21","Include tasks from vendor/plugins/*/tasks in the Rakefil...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-10-11","Make cacheing binary files friendly with Windows. Closes...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-09-27","Keep flash after component is rendered. Closes #2291.","Rick Olson",15 "2005-09-12","Added dump of schema version to the db_structure_dump ta...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-09-11","Fixed script/profiler for Ruby 1.8.2 #1863 [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2005-07-27","Fix create_table so that id column is implicitly added [...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-07-17","Make all tests pass on PGSQL #1759 [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2005-07-15","Fix assert_routing with nested controllers. Closes #1582...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-07-11","Added support for limit and offset with eager loading of...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-07-04","Fixed conflict with Glue gem #1606 [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2005-07-02","Added more tests on assert_redirected_to #1581 [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2005-06-27","Fixed assert_redirected_to to handle absolute controller...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-06-25","Updated assert_generates/routing to the new Routes code ...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-05-21","Slight change to allow custom date/time conversions #132...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-05-19","Fixed escaping of :method option in remote_form_tag #121...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-05-19","Fixed that :delete_sql in has_and_belongs_to_many associ...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-04-03","Fixed javascript_include_tag to output type instead of l...","Rick Olson",15 "2005-03-27","Fixed problem with page caching #958 [Rick Olson]","Rick Olson",15 "2005-03-26","Added expire_matched_fragments(regular_expression) to cl...","Rick Olson",15 "2013-04-18","Merge pull request #10235 from joergleis/patch-1","Michael Koziarski",14 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9220 from robertomiranda/where-with-...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2013-01-28","Add an OkJson backend and remove the YAML backend","Michael Koziarski",14 "2013-01-28","Add an OkJson backend and remove the YAML backend","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-10-02","Merge pull request #6952 from NZKoz/key_generator","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-10-01","Provide access to the application's KeyGenerator","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-10-01","Add ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator as a simple wrapper arou...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-09-14","Merge pull request #7616 from lest/null-session-forgery-...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #5125 from winston/log_exception_when...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-05-08","Merge pull request #5500 from panthomakos/load-all","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5624 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-03-11","Merge pull request #5326 from lest/patch-2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-03-05","Merge pull request #5278 from rafaelfranca/fix-build-3-2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-03-05","Merge pull request #5277 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-03-04","Whitelist all attribute assignment by default.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2012-03-04","Whitelist all attribute assignment by default.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-06-08","Ensure that the strings returned by SafeBuffer#gsub and ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-06-08","Ensure that the strings returned by SafeBuffer#gsub and ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-06-07","Ensure that the strings returned by SafeBuffer#gsub and ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-06-02","Merge pull request #1454 from sikachu/revert_failing_commit","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-05-19","Merge pull request #1097 from kirillrdy/master","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-05-19","Merge pull request #1118 from amatsuda/pp_console","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-05-17","Add a deprecation warning about config.action_view.debug...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-05-17","Don't print deprecation warnings every time the user rea...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-05-17","Make sure that 3.0.x apps generated reference a compatib...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-22","Prepend the CSRF filter to make it much more difficult t...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-22","Prepend the CSRF filter to make it much more difficult t...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-08","Make rails.js include the CSRF token in the X-CSRF-Token...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-08","Change the CSRF whitelisting to only apply to get requests","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-08","Be sure to javascript_escape the email address to preven...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-08","Merge branch '3-0-4-security' into 3-0-stable","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-08","Prepare for the 2.3.11 release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-08","Change the CSRF whitelisting to only apply to get requests","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-08","Be sure to javascript_escape the email address to preven...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-02-08","Prepare for the 3.0.4 release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-01-31","Make rails.js include the CSRF token in the X-CSRF-Token...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-01-31","Change the CSRF whitelisting to only apply to get requests","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-01-31","Be sure to javascript_escape the email address to preven...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-01-30","Prepare for the 3.0.4 release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-01-18","Use the derived request_method from AD::Request rather t...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-01-18","Use the derived request_method from AD::Request rather t...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-01-17","Change the CSRF whitelisting to only apply to get requests","Michael Koziarski",14 "2011-01-17","Change the CSRF whitelisting to only apply to get requests","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-12-19","Require thread explicitly rather than relying on rubygem...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-12-07","Revert "In nested_attributes when association is not loa...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-12-02","Work around a strange piece of Syck behaviour where it c...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-12-02","Work around a strange piece of Syck behaviour where it c...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-11-07","Update the validates_uniqueness_of documentation to tell...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-11-07","Make safe_append= live on AV::OutputBuffer not AS::SafeB...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-11-07","Make safe_append= live on AV::OutputBuffer not AS::SafeB...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-11-07","Added support for Erubis <%== tag","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-10-17","Rejig the html5 data helper code","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-10-14","Revert 0c0b0aa0f223523331afdc157fb3992a121bf497 which in...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-10-14","Revert 0c0b0aa0f223523331afdc157fb3992a121bf497 which in...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-10-14","Prepare for the 3.0.1 release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-10-14","Prepare for the 2.3.10 release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-10-14","Revert 7d2173ec5c68e10807da96f4bc8bc6ab1e89c167 which in...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-10-13","Revert 0c0b0aa0f223523331afdc157fb3992a121bf497 which in...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-10-07","fix rendering a partial with an array as its :object [#5...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-09-26","Revert "Makes form_helper use overriden model accessors ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-08-10","Revert "Ruby 1.9.2: explicitly raise NoMethodError for a...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-07-16","Only skip eager loading the code if dependency_loading i...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-06-23","Revert "make text_field and hidden_field omit the value ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-06-23","make text_field and hidden_field omit the value attribut...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-05-29","Merge commit 'mislav/counter_cache'","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-05-29","Merge commit 'mislav/auto_link'","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-05-29","Merge commit 'mislav/counter_cache_2-3-stable' into 2-3-...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-05-29","Merge commit 'mislav/auto_link_2-3-stable' into 2-3-stable","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-04-15","Split the observer railtie into two phases.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-04-08","Revert "When creating database with rake, create schemas...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-04-08","Add accessors for request and response so tests don't ha...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2010-03-30","Fix syntax error and avoid the use of unless/else.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-12-02","1.9 Fix for exception views.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-11-28","avoid generating invalid SMTP commands in ruby pre 1.9","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-11-25","Remove strange .diff file","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-11-25","Prepare for the 2.3.5 release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-11-19","Handle a nil logger when generating Deprecation warnings","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-15","Make the erubis implementation easier for plugins to cha...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-15","Add a read-only method which plugin authors can use to d...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-15","Backport the xss_safe? method for plugin authors targett...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-14","Avoid warning spam by flipping to the new callbacks mech...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-14","Missing requires","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-14","Make sure non-escaped urls aren't considered safe","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-14","Use ERB::Util.h over CGI.escapeHTML as the former is saf...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-08","Don't need h in there now that XSS protection is on by d...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-08","field_error_proc needs to return a safe string","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-08","Merge the prerequisites for on-by-default XSS escaping i...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-07","error procs have to be safe too","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-07","Switch to on-by-default XSS escaping for rails.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-06","don't ignore all bin directories","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-10-05","Revert "Fix Dispatch.new so passenger works" as it broke...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-12","Dup the arguments to string compare so we can use force_...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-12","Dup the arguments to string compare so we can use force_...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-12","Dup the arguments to string compare so we can use force_...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-12","Merge commit 'alloy/master-nested_attributes_and_autosave'","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-08","1.9 compatible secure_compare","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-08","Revert "Ruby 1.9: fix MessageVerifier#secure_compare"","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-04","Fix a messed up merge commit","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-03","Clean tag attributes before passing through the escape_o...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-03","Prepare for 2.3.4 release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-03","Clean tag attributes before passing through the escape_o...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-03","Clean tag attributes before passing through the escape_o...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-03","Add verify and clean methods to ActiveSupport::Multibyte.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-09-01","Clean tag attributes before passing through the escape_o...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-31","Clean tag attributes before passing through the escape_o...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-31","Add verify and clean methods to ActiveSupport::Multibyte.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-23","Fix timing attack vulnerability in the Cookie Store","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-09","Merge branch 'patches'","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-09","Don't call additional methods on builders passed to the ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-09","Don't call additional methods on builders passed to the ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-08","Depend on rubygems 1.3.2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-08","Depend on rubygems 1.3.2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-08-05","Run the view tests too","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-07-21","Memoize cookies so that updates to cookies are available...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-07-19","Forgot to bump the railties versions","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-07-16","Move from referencing the BlueCloth constant directly, t...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-07-12","Prepare version numbers, changelogs and gem dependencies...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-07-08","Match tests with new reloading behaviour","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-06-27","Make filter_parameters work correctly with array paramet...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-06-26","Make sure the wrapped exceptions also have the original ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-06-10","Whitelist the methods which are called by multiparameter...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-06-10","Whitelist the methods which are called by multiparameter...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-06-09","Pull autoload fix from 2-3-stable","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-06-09","Revert "Ensure HasManyThroughAssociation#destroy delete ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-06-01","name is case sensitive, update tests to reflect that","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-06-01","Revert "Ensure calculations respect scoped :select". Br...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-03-02","Revert "DDL transactions and savepoints for sqlite"","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-02-22","Revert "Wrap calls to update_attributes in a transaction."","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-02-06","Don't use weird attribute_condition methods in AR Sessio...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-02-06","Handle every error that can come out of the Iconv branch...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-02-06","Handle every error that can come out of the Iconv branch...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-02-01","Don't rely on the order in these tests","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-29","Move to use pg instead of postgres on the CI server","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-29","Move to use pg instead of postgres on the CI server","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-22","Bring back relative_url_root but deprecate it","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-21","Rationalise the session options to one hash, prevents ra...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-18","Fix has_and_belongs_to_many_associations tests. #1738","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-16","Fix the AR json serialization tests to comply with the e...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-16","Properly quote json keys.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-09","Spam people with commit rights on test failures.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-07","Spam people with commit rights on test failures.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-07","Spam people with commit rights on test failures.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-07","Don't expand_path the tests in 2-2-stable as the target ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-07","Explicitly require action_view to bring in its i18n load...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2009-01-07","Remove errant debugger statement","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-25","Add a MessageEncryptor, just like MessageVerifier but us...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-23","Move the cookie store to use the MessageVerifier class.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-23","Don't need _message as it's in the class name already","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-23","Add ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier to aid users who need...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-23","Update the generated controller to not include the depre...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-23","Change the forgery token implementation to just be a sim...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-18","Spam more people, the list is next","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-18","Remove duplicate distribution of prototype and scriptacu...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-18","Remove mention of long-dead define_javascript_functions","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-18","Remove duplicate distribution of prototype and scriptacu...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-18","Remove mention of long-dead define_javascript_functions","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-18","Verify form submissions for text/plain posts too.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-16","Add text/plain to the browser_generated_types array as w...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-16","Add text/plain to the browser_generated_types array as w...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-14","Merge branch 'master' into 2-2-stable","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-14","Missing changelogs for relative_url_root changes","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-14","Missing changelog for memcache-client changes","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-14","Missing changelog for CSRF changes","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-14","Missing changelog for :only/:except on map.resources","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-13","Instead of overriding html_types, base the verification ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-07","Revert commit which breaks all the tests.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-06","Fix stupid typo","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-11-02","Backwards compatibility fixes for relative_url_root","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-28","Remove reload call from vendored gem. Breaks a bunch of...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-26","Remove reference to fformat to restore support for postg...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-26","Remove reference to fformat to restore support for postg...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-19","Sanitize the URLs passed to redirect_to to prevent a pot...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-19","Sanitize the URLs passed to redirect_to to prevent a pot...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-19","Memoize the require and construction of the StringInquirer","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-14","Remove the class_path from the collisions test.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-14","Avoid warnings by undefining the old method transliterate.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-14","Reverse the order of the iconv arguments to remain compa...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-14","Sanitize the URLs passed to redirect_to to prevent a pot...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-10","Remove the functionality introduce in 28d3390","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-07","Make sure last_modified! works with <= rather than just ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-07","Reduce memory usage slightly in String#parameterize","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-07","Extract transliteration code to a seperate method.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-05","Update to 2.2 in the warnings","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-05","Reference more detailed documentation on the country_sel...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-04","1.8 compatibility for random_number method on SecureRandom.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-04","Fix mismatched assertions.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-03","Remove AS for oracle compatibility","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-10-03","Remove AS for oracle compatibility","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-30","Fix etag! and last_modified! to work as advertised.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-30","Remove unneeded interning.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-24","Partially revert 185fe2e9cce737d69d3b47a656f3651ce152c0c1","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-24","Partially revert 185fe2e9cce737d69d3b47a656f3651ce152c0c1","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-24","Handle quoting multibyte strings with newlines.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-24","Use ActiveSupport::SecureRandom instead of the strange f...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-23","Fix up messed up merge","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-23","Revert "Performance: faster Object.subclasses_of" as it ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-23","slice now returns indifferent hash if called on one","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-22","Changelog entry for manfred's multibyte changes","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-22","Merge branch 'patches' into multibyte","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-22","Bump the Version constants to align with the *next* rele...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-22","Bump the Version constants to align with the *next* rele...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-22","Bump the Version constants to align with the *next* rele...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-18","Remove the country_select helper.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-18","Deprecate country_select for 2.1, it's gone in 2.2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-18","Revert API breaking changes in ActiveResource in prepara...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-16","Update the documentation to reflect the change handling ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-16","Enhance the test "some string" method to support creatin...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-14","Make sure the permissions check file is closed before be...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-11","Remove the .to_s fix in validates_uniqueness_of, as Char...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-11","Flesh out the parameterize method to support non-ascii t...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-11","Add missing assert_deprecated calls to prevent spam duri...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-09","Interpolation requires double quotes","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-09","Interpolation requires double quotes","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-09","Remove the Version check as it's not always available.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-09","Remove the Version check as it's not always available.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-09","Remove the Version check as it's not always available.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-04","Handle connection timeouts with a slightly nicer error m...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-04","Handle the case where there is no ivar set.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-04","Handle the case where there is no ivar set.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-02","Merge rexml-expansion-fix gem into activesupport.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-02","Merge rexml-expansion-fix gem into activesupport.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-09-02","Merge rexml-expansion-fix gem into activesupport.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-29","Use a set for the named scope methods not a big regexp.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-29","Fix parentheses warnings","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-29","Fix parentheses warnings","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-29","Fix NamedScope regex so methods containing "an" get dele...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-28","Prevent deprecation warning in the tests","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-27","Formally deprecate the old secret key generator","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-26","Be more careful","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-26","Re enable CI for postgresql","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-25","Merge commit 'tarmo/2-1-stable' into upgrade","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-24","Merge branch 'patches'","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-08-24","Reverse the priority of the mysql commands in dbconsole","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-31","Ensure dbconsole includes the -p parameter to mysql as i...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-31","Ensure dbconsole includes the -p parameter to mysql as i...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-30","Set config.active_record.timestamped_migrations = false ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-29","Remove incomplete non-blocking logger functionality","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-29","Guard the logger's internal buffer to prevent major brea...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-20","If it doesn't overflow, it won't have a .start method. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-20","Handle the case where 64bit time_t won't overflow.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-15","Use require_dependency 'application' not require in the ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-15","Tighten the rescue clause when dealing with invalid inst...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-15","Tighten the rescue clause here to prevent hiding strange...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-15","Try to get more useful errors out of the test_line_offse...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-12","Restore support for partial matches in assert_redirected_to","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-11","Use require_dependency 'application' not require in the ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-11","Whitespace","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-09","Reenable the use of the Accept header to give people a c...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-09","Deprecate the limited follow_redirect in functional test...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-07","Disable the Accept header by default","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-04","Simplify the implementation of assert_redirected_to to n...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-04","Remove old broken follow_redirect from functional tests....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-04","Move test related core_ext stuff out of regular core ext...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Tighten the rescue clause when dealing with invalid inst...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Move the file exists checks outside write_asset_file_con...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Move template_format logic out to the request so it's al...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Support for custom annotations with rake notes:custom an...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Deprecate define_javascript_functions in favour of javas...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Remove unused local_binding option to InstanceTag's Cons...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Remove nested ternary operators from select_year in favo...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Remove unneeded ObjectWrapper class.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Tighten the rescue clause here to prevent hiding strange...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Remove old method of including javascripts define_javasc...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-07-03","Remove strange alias for JavaScriptHelper","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-06-03","Merge branch 'master' into patches","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-31","Remove dead code, and the tests for it.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-31","Remove dead code, and the tests for it.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-31","Don't provide the password with dbconsole unless explici...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-24","Fix faulty tests introduced in 8d0b4fa39","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-22","Mention partial updates in environment.rb to make it eas...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-22","Return Partial Updates to be purely opt in to prevent us...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-17","ignore pkg too","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-11","Prepare for 2.0.3","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-06","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-05-04","Allow custom loggers to work with script/server.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-28","Revert alias_method_chain exceptions as they broke alias...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-12","Merge branch 'master' into custom_paths_for_resource_names","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-12","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-12","Allow freezing to specific releases with rake rails:free...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-11","Revert "Ensure that save on child object fails for inval...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-05","Avoid modifying the sendmail_settings hash when using th...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-04","Make HABTM#create behave the same as << with after_add c...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-04","Don't double include DISTINCT when the user has already ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-04-04","Tiny change to allow AR based creation of TIME columns i...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-26","Typo fix in documentation from [9090] References #11422","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-26","Standardise the implementation of the extensions to BigD...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-03","Make the schema dumper respect the schema settings in da...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-03","Allow file uploads in Integration Tests. Closes #11091 ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-03","Improve performance on :include/:conditions/:limit queri...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-03","Refactor partial rendering into a PartialTemplate class....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-03","Add OrderedHash#to_hash. Closes #11266 [josh]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-03","2-0-stable: Add OrderedHash#to_hash References #11266 [j...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-02","Fix syntax errors in the documentation for image submit ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-02","Make the mysql schema dumper roundtrip the limits of tex...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-02","Allow html_options to be passed to all the date helpers....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-03-01","Fix regexp to contain only one rjs, and add rhtml [lifof...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-29","Use realtime to reduce garbage. [adymo]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-29","Improve performance by avoiding named block arguments. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-29","2-0-stable: Revert [8866]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-29","2-0-stable: Enumerable#group_by uses ActiveSupport::Orde...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-21","Patch to add a -e (export) option to script/plugin insta...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","Sort the results to remove platform dependent test failures","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","Move the eager load nested include tables into schema.rb...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","Revert to previous mysql-specific assertion, and only ru...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","remove implicit assumption about mysql in the assertion","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","Make date_helper use tag and content_tag. Move to asser...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","2-0-stable: Fix Fixtures for ActionController tests with...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","Sort test cases to make test runs deterministic","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","Remove disconnect! in test case, it causes segfaults on ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","Cleanup whitespace and remove keys instead of providing nil","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-20","Remove reference to 'postgres' user in the connection an...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-19","use stubbing instead of monkeypatching to stop test...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-19","Correct typo in before_type_cast code. Closes #11165 [...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-18","Ensure nested preloading works when associations return ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-18","Check the host string contains %d before using String#%,...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-18","Add :trailing_slash option to UrlWriter. Closes #9117 [...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-18","Add user and password configuration options to ActiveRes...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-18","Make dynamic finders respect the :include on HasManyThro...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-17","Update generated comments to reflect the fact that confi...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-16","Sort files to test to make load order platform independe...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-16","Ensure that :confirm doesn't need extra quotes when usin...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-16","Add String#squish and String#squish! to remove consecuti...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-15","Serialize BigDecimals as Floats when using to_yaml. Clos...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-15","Clear active connections before trying to drop the datab...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-15","Add test for Observer#observer_class and change the impl...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-14","Avoid repeated calls to Base#connection. Closes #11111 ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-14","Optimisation for BigDecimal conversion code. Closes #11...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-14","Minor formatting changes","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-13","Remove options from the attributes method, tidy up the i...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-12","Make sure render :update support the options hash. Clos...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-12","2-0-stable: Remove table quoting; only pull last_insert_...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-11","Avoid cloning in Base#attributes_before_typecast. Close...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-11","Fix the pre-quoted table names in the eager tests. [mis...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-11","Fix eager loading with pre-quoted table names. Closes #1...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Show RecordInvalid in the documentation. Clo...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","Show RecordInvalid in the documentation. References #109...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Add documentation for polymorphic URL helper...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","Don't split cookies on comma also. References r8505.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Correct inconsistencies in RequestForgeryPro...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Make the docs reference the correct function...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Less verbose mail logging: just recipients f...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: When multiparameter date assignment fails du...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Make the non inferrable controller message a...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","Rejig strange changelog error","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Make assert_routing aware of the HTTP method...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Precalculate the Backtrace of a template err...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Don't repeatedly add relative_url_root to as...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Correct documentation for dom_id [jbarnette]...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Add tests and documentation for allow_blank....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Reference to :element option in documentatio...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Add label_tag helper for generating elements...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Ensure mime types can be compared with symbo...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Ensure that modifying has_and_belongs_to_man...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-09","Use HEAD instead of GET inside exists? Closes #11062 [bs...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-09","Move SecretKeyGenerator comments to the correct place fo...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-09","Remove misleading / incorrect warning from validation do...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-08","Avoid cloning in Base#attributes. Closes #11047 [juanjo...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-06","Add uses_tzinfo to active record tests to prevent breaki...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-06","Introduce a Template class to ActionView. Closes #11024...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-04","Make the docs reference the correct function. [Tobi Reif]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-04","Ensure that assert_redirected_to to top-level named rout...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-02","Simplified, faster implementation of Benchmark.realtime ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-02-01","Avoid Base#attributes when saving / creating records. C...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-30","Move the declaration of the compilation related cattr_ac...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-30","Make the non inferrable controller message a little frie...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-30"," Make assert_routing aware of the HTTP method used. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-27","Correct line numbers from template errors. Closes #109...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-27","Precalculate the Backtrace of a template error to avoid ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-27","Make sure count works on has_many :through associations ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-27","Add documentation for polymorphic URL helpers, make API...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-27","Don't repeatedly add relative_url_root to asset sources....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-27"," Use File.join to construct partial path. Closes #1...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-26"," Make it simpler to make the root route an alias for ano...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-26","Remove dead attr_reader from association proxy. Closes ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-26","Make sure that belongs_to counter decrements when assign...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-26","Correct documentation for dom_id [jbarnette] Closes #10775","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-26","Add tests and documentation for allow_blank. Closes #106...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-25","Handle corner case with image_tag when passed 'messed up...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-22","require test/unit explicitly otherwise the at_exit handl...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-22","Refactor template compilation from AV::Base into the tem...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-22","Add options missing from earlier changeset","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-21","Add label_tag helper for generating elements. Closes #10...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-21","missing changelog for [8683]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-21","Reapply the TemplateFinder first applied in [8669] then ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-20","Tidy up description for the rake test task. Closes #105...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-20","Ensure mime types can be compared with symbols. Closes ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-17","Restructure routing into several smaller files. Referenc...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-16","Correct fix for [8647], Closes #6868. [isak]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-16","Don't ignore :precision and :scale when adding columns o...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-16","Make render :partial recognise form builders and use the...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-16","Ensure that the tests use the instance-level view-paths ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-14","Correct docs on caching and all.js. Merging [8641]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-14","Correct docs on caching and all.js","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-13","Use non-blocking writing if available. Closes #10794 [l...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-13","Allow users to declare other namespaces when using the a...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-12","Merge the fix for redirecting to nil. References #10272...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-12","don't misbehave when redirecting to nil. Closes #10272 ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-12","Add some tests for adv_attr_accessor. Closes #10633 [fch...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-12","Merge [8627] fix to stable.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-11","Provide a nicer way to access headers. request.headers[...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-11"," * Pass around handler instances, not their classes [Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-08","Don't append the forgery token to an ajax request if it'...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-08","Merge labelled_form_for example. Closes #10738 [justinfr...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-08","Merge classify documentation. Closes #10615 [kris_chamb...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-08","Don't append the forgery token to an ajax request if it'...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-08","Replace labelled_form_for example with one that will act...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-08","Improve documentation to classify to make it clear that ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-03","Merge CSV compat changes to stable, closes #10673","Michael Koziarski",14 "2008-01-03","Ruby 1.9: Forwards compatibility change for fixtures and...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-12-05","Document Date conversions. Closes #10368 [chuyeow]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-12-05","Enhance documentation for Active Support's Time Conversi...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-12-05","Remove Great Britain from the Country select helper to e...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-12-02","Remove old tests which relied on @ being an ATOM to work...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-12-02","Don't escape forward slashes with String#to_json, our un...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-12-02","Fix potential extra space in Array#to_sentence. Closes #...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-12-01","Warn users about the race condition in validates_uniquen...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-12-01","Remove @ as an ATOM character, syncing with upstream tm...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-30","use autoeval not autoirb, it's mostly equivalent but doe...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-29"," Allow body to be specified for nested parts with action...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-29","Make sure assert_select_rjs gets counted, Closes #10278...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-29","Make reset return nil when using a dangling belongs_to a...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-28","correct confusing comments","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-28","Make sure the optimisation code for routes doesn't get u...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-24","Improve error messages when providing a secret that is t...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-24","Forgot railties changelog","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-24","Prepare for 1.2.6","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-22","Add missing sub template fixtures. References #10130 [j...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-22","Tests and fix for extension extraction. References #101...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-21","Make sure that cookie sessions use a secret that is at l...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-21","Merge [8176] to stable to fix session fixation attacks. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-21","Refactor cookie_only option to survive multiple requests...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-21","Make sure script/plugin doesn't skip files beginning wit...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-21","Make Dynamic Finders on Association Collections Respect ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-21","mailer_class is a class method not an instance method. [...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-20","Add 'foxy' support for fixtures of polymorphic associati...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-20","Ensure that the routing optimisation code isn't used whe...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-19","Remove unnecessary route reload in integration tests, ob...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-17","memoize host with port and refactor the tests which depe...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-17","Remove unneeded code to disable optimisations. the defi...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-17","Use debug, not info as log_info will discard the informa...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-14","Speedup String#blank? and remove some overspecified tests.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-14","Only Benchmark and log if we're going to output the info...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-14","Fix Tests broken in [8134]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-14","Actually cache the template names.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-11","Improve documentation for IrreversibleMigrations. Close...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-10","Ensure that column names are quoted. Closes #10134 [wes...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-06","Remove unneeded file that was missed by [8098]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-06","Minor documentation enhancements and white-space fixes. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-06","Make rescue_from behave like rescue when dealing with su...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-06","Grammatical and whitespace fixes for form helper docs. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-05","Use the safe conversion code introduced in earlier commi...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-05","Cater for DST changes when converting Times to DateTimes...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-11-05","Add missing quote to send_file documentation. [developin...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-31","Escape table names during calculation queries. [wesley.m...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-31","Make fixtures work with the new test subclasses. [tarmo,...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-29","Add new superclass_delegating_accessors. Similar to cla...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-29","Test which fails without [8052] [Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-28","Make sure that << works on has_many associations on unsa...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-26","Make sure default_test is tested for ActiveSupport::Test...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-26","Make Default Test work with both ruby 1.8.4 and 1.8.6. [...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-26","Remove broken require","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-26","Introduce TestCase subclasses for testing rails applicat...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-25","Remove superfluous code and quote table name. Reference...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-25","Make clear_reloadable_connections! take account of @@all...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-25","Add an ignored options parameter to ActiveSupport::JSON:...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-25","Make sure that the Schema Dumper supports non-standard p...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-25","Refactor the default rendering out to a method called de...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-19","typo in test name","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-19","Remove more potential clashes with asset methods and res...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-19","Few more tests for Sexy Migrations","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-19","Forgotten changelog entry","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-19","Add t.belongs_to and t.references to sexy migrations [ar...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-19","Move all Schema creation into schema.rb for Mysql. Close...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-19","Rename image_path path_to_image to avoid conflicting wit...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-17","Read in binary mode to make sure windows support keeps w...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-17","Use a smaller binary fixture so we don't overflow column...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-17","Raise an intelligible error message when migration aren'...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-16","More Performant Cookie Regexp for Integration tests. [Ol...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-15","Simple changes to bring AWS up to date with view_paths a...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-15","Fix Json related documentation for render and the AR ser...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-15","Sync country_select with ISO 3166 long names. Closes #6...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-15","Remove seemingly misleading 'faster tests' instructions too","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-15","Update the instructions for running tests.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-15","Enhance documentation for observe_field. Closes #9808 [R...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-13","Missed post_via_redirect. References #6834","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-13","Define get_via_redirect as well. Closes #6834 [colthorp]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-13","Make sure that custom inflections are picked up by map.r...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-11","Backport fix to allow :controller=>:some_symbol [norbert]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-10","Ensure that 'autosaving' works when associations aren't ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-10","Add deprecation warning for calling .create on has_many ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-10","Fix tests broken by earlier change","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-09","Add :status to redirect_to allowing users to choose thei...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-09","Make sure acts_as_list's remove_from_list and in_list? p...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-08","Make sure AR::Base#clone handles attr changes made in af...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-08","* Add Range#overlaps?(range), Range#include?(range), and...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-08","form_for example for namespaced routes. Closes #9769 [sj...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-08","Improve README documentation. Closes #8770 [mikel]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-08","Improve README documentation. References #8770 [mikel]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-08","Documentation for assert_valid_keys. Closes #7264 [tarm...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-08","Add link_to :back which uses your referrer with a fallba...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-08","Change Migration documentation to use the new syntax. Cl...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-07"," Fix calling .clear on a has_many :dependent=>:delete...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-07","Allow change_column to set NOT NULL in the PostgreSQL ad...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-07","Extend the console +helper+ method to allow you to inclu...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-07","Add Base#to_param to Active Resource that quacks like Ac...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-06","Missed the add","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-06","Send the correct INSERT statement when dealing with obje...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-06","Only cache attributes which need it for performance reas...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-05","Ensure json tests run in stable.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-04","Tidy up framework initialization code to ensure that it ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-04","Actually add the file referenced in [7730]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-03","Merge rake routes to stable to help people upgrading.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-03","Cache the descends_from_activerecord? call to speed up q...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-02","Merge session fixation fixes from stable","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-02","Forgotten changelog entry","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-02","Disable non-cookie sessions to prevent Session Fixation ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-01","Change the resource seperator from ; to / change the gen...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-01","Add --prefix option to script/server when using mongrel....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-01","Merge sqlite test fixes from trunk","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-10-01","Silence mocha warnings","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-29","Ensure request is present, as well as defined. [nzkoz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-28","Re-enable Routing optimisation code for _url methods, ad...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-28","Add missing require","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-24","Fix ARes tests under jruby. [tom.enebo@gmail.com]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-22","Fix broken mysql test [frederick.cheung@gmail.com]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-22","Disable the routing optimisation code when dealing with ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-22","Remove last mentions of AWS from railties","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-22","Remove the AWS web_service generator","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-21","[html-scanner] Fix parsing of empty tags. Closes #7641. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-21","Forgotten changelog entry","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-21","Prevent clashing named routes when using uncountable res...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-18","Stop users from calling .create on a has_many / habtm as...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-17","Disable optimisation code for UrlWriter as request.host ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-17","Ensure that custom mutators aren't redefined by define_a...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-12","Tidy up link to remote options. Closes #9505. [nik.wakelin]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-10","Remove broken require","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-10","Remove acts_as_list. Users are advised to install the n...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-09","Use attribute pairs instead of the migration name to cre...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-09","Optimise named route generation when using positional ar...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-08","Fix assert_select for XML documents. Closes #8173. [dasi...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-07","Add a user_agent to TestRequest","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-06","Add fieldset_tag for generating fieldsets, closes #9477....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-06","Fix activesupport atomic_write tests when Dir.tmpdir is ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-05","Allow additional parameters to be passed to named route ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-05","Add credit where due. References #8446","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-05","Fix misleading documentation for truncate. [esad] Close...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-05","Fix assertion for the mysql default work around committe...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-05","Add :allow_blank to validations. Like allow_nil, but for...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-04","Work around mysql limitations for defaults on text colum...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-03","Add missing changelog entry","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-03","Remove deprecated functionality from actionpack. Closes...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-03","Remove deprecated functionality from edge rails. Closes...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-02","Allow Float#round to take a precision argument. Closes ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-02"," Add array support to remote_form_for for polymorphic ur...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-02","Ensure QueryCache doesn't try to dup numeric results (do...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-02","Fix task description for db:sessions:create. Closes #941...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-02","Make auto link behave well with URLs containing email ad...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-02","Properly quote the arguments to visual_effect. Closes #7...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-09-02","Remove duplication in test_help.rb Closes #3328 [jarkko]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-29","Fix incorrectly named instance variable.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-29","Remove commented out test which refers to old code, old ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-29","Use mocha to avoid the sleep calls in the compiled_templ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-29","Only reload routes.rb if its been modified. [Dreamer3]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-28","Formatting, grammar and spelling fixes for the associati...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-28","Fix documentation error in xml serialization. [matt] Clo...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-28","Formatting and grammatical fixes for the acts_as_* docum...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-28","Pass the right binding when string is passed to :if with...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-28","Use extract_options instead of ad-hoc partial implementa...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-28","Improve documentation for ActionController::Helpers [jar...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-28","Remove unnecessary loop in validates_presence_of. [sur] ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-28","Make sure create! raises errors on validation when creat...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-20","Merge 8801 fix to stable. Closes #8801","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-17","Add missing sentence","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-17","Improve url_for documentation for ActionController::Base...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-16","Improve performance and functionality of the postgresql ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-16","Don't clobber :includes passed to count on has_many asso...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-16","Merge [7235] to stable. References #9167 [danger]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-16","Don't clobber :includes passed to count on has_many asso...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-16","Make sure has_many associations honour :include when cou...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-15","Ensure TestRequest#request_uri returns the right value w...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-15","Integration tests: introduce methods for other HTTP meth...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-14","Fix failing active record store tests","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-14","Add forgotten changelog entry","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-14","Change the implementation of ActiveRecord's attribute re...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-12","Send freshness information when sending Etags. Without ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-10","Ignore processing instructions when parsing html","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-07","Make habtm respect the :select option. Closes #9207. [Al...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-06","Let inspect on AR classes work when the table doesn't ex...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-05","Merge gem freezing fix to stable.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-05"," Major improvement to the documentation for the options ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-05","Fix number_to_human_size when using different precisions...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-05","Performance enhancement for Base.exists?. CLoses #8769....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-05","Make the utf-handler return the correct value for non-ma...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-08-05"," Add ljust, rjust and center to utf8-handler. Closes #91...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-24","Use Gem.find_name instead of search when freezing gems. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-19","fix one line formatting bug","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-19","Let alias_attribute work with attributes with initial ca...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-17","Introduce fake_models.rb to avoid platform-specific code...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-15","Remove spurious tests from deprecated_associations_test,...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-14"," Make :trailing_slash work with query parameters for url...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-14","Improve performance of action caching. Closes #8231 [skaes]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-11"," Make create! on a has_many :through association return ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-11","Make sure missing template exceptions actually say which...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-11","Merge [7177] to release. [skaes] References #8891","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-11","Fix errors with around_filters which do not yield, resto...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-07","Move from select * to select tablename.* to avoid clobbe...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-01","Merge delete-with-options for cookies from trunk to release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-07-01","Allow you to delete cookies with options. Closes #3685 [...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-06-30","Don't call unsupported methods on associated objects whe...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-06-22","Ensure clean_logger fixes are 1.8.2 compatible [mislav] ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-29","Fix template compile tests on windows [skaes] closes #8234","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-27","Ensure compiled template tests pass on windows where the...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-18","Ensure that the BigDecimal assertions aren't run for sql...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-18","Replace the transaction {|transaction|..} semantics with...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-12","Ensure copy table test runs for sqlite and sqlite3. [mis...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-06","Stop depending on strange platform specific rounding beh...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-06","don't depend on the order of hash.inspect in assertions.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-06","Allow asset tag tests to pass on windows","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-06","fix actionpack tests broken by additional mocha methods","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-06","Apply prepend_before_filter bugfix from stefan.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-06","Bug fix for the filter implementation","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-06","Use assert_match instead of String#include? so we can ge...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-05-03","Change Base#to_xml to take the name for a container elem...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-04-26","Improve Performance of calling create on has_many :throu...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-03-16","Remove deprecated object transactions. People relying o...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-03-16","Remove special cases for BigDecimal and SQLite, tests pa...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-03-13","Make sure with_scope takes both :select and :joins into ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-02-28","Add missing files","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-02-27","Give DateTime correct .to_s implementations, lets it pla...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-02-27","Add File.atomic_write to prevent users from seeing half ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-02-25"," Allow users to provide custom formatters to Logger. [ae...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-02-20","Stop swallowing errors during rake test [Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-02-20","Stop swallowing errors during rake test [Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-02-04","Merge 5876 to release.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-02-04","Fix for DateTime superclass mismatch errors seen on some...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-31","Fix missed smtp_session changes to base.rb. ","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-31","Rename server_settings to smtp_settings, add sendmail_s...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-31","Deprecate server_settings renaming it to smtp_settings, ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-26","Add error_messages and error_message_on to the default F...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-21","Improve test coverage of Duration. Closes #7182 [richco...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-21","Improve Test Coverage for raise_delivery_errors. [kevinc...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-16","Merge oracle fixes over to 1.2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-16","Allow the Oracle adapter to insert a string "null". Clos...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-16","Improve handling of LoadErrors with the oracle adapter. ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-15","Improve the documentation for customising your rescue ac...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-15","Make 1.months and friends accurate by introducing a Dura...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-15","Improve association documentation, closes #7022. [hasma...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-07","Merge error_messages_on fix to 1.2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-07","Fix no method error with error_messages_on. Closes #693...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-05","Merge oracle clob / serialize fix to 1.2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-05","Fix the Oracle adapter for serialized attributes stored ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-05","merge sybase changes to 1.2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2007-01-05","Sybase adapter fixes. Closes #6926 [jsheets]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-27","Merge nil fix for error_message_on to RC, closes #6884","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-27","Make error_message_on handle nil objects. [dan]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-27","Apply doc fix to RC, closes #6522","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-27","Docs fix for columns_hash [bradediger]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-27","Ensure dynamic finders are anchored to the beginning of ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-27","Ensure dynamic finders are anchored to the beginning of ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-26","Allow config.to_prepare to work, make the dispatcher saf...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-18","Merge plugin changes back to 1.2","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-18","Reapply plugin load path changes from [5720]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-16","Merge [5722] to release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-16","Revert [5720] ","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-15","merge plugin loading changes to 1.2 release","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-12-15","Make config.plugins affect $LOAD_PATH and remove duplica...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-27","Merge [5641] to Trunk","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-27","ensure follow_redirect works with normalized headers","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-27","merge 5639 to trunk","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-27","Ensure integration tests get the correct value of fixtur...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-21","Change fixture_path to a class inheritable accessor allo...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-02","merge xmlsimple update to release branch","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-02","update XmlSimple to 1.0.10. Closes #6532. [nicksieger]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-02","merge rakefile changes to prerelease","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-11-02","Interim test task for railties, the existing one fails s...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-31","Revert environment.rb changes for autoloading","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-31","Revert environment changes for autoload_paths","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-27","Merge Statistics cleanup to release branch","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-27"," Clean up the output of rake stats, de-emphasise compon...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-24","Make add_column use the options hash with the Sqlite Ada...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-24","Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoloa...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-24","Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality....","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-17","Default $KCODE to 'u' to enable the multibyte-safe chars...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-17","Ensure Chars#tidy_bytes only tidies broken bytes. Closes...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-15","Tidy up the markup on the bundled error pages. Closes #...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-14","Replace KCODE checks with String#chars for truncate. Cl...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-12","Use String#chars in TextHelper::excerpt. Closes #6386 [M...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-12","Make core_ext/string/access.rb multibyte safe. Closes #6...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-12","Make String#chars slicing behaviour consistent with Stri...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-04","Pull in latest multibyte patch. Closes #6346 [Manfred St...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-10-03","Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte. Provides String#chars whi...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-09-24","Duplicate the hash provided to AR::Base#to_xml to preven...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-09-17","Add a :namespace option to AR::Base#to_xml [Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-09-04","Rename quote to quote_value so the name can be used in A...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-09-04","Formally deprecate the non-namespaced rake tasks. [Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-08-08","backport of ActionMailer documentation enhancements from...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-08-07","Mention Reload when talking about console. Merging docs ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-08-05","Formally deprecate the deprecated finders. [Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-08-05","Formally deprecate rich associations. [Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-08-05","Short documentation to mention use of Mime::Type.registe...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-07-28","Ensure TestRequest#session always returns a TestSession ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-07-27","Initial Version of Deprecation for Rails[Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-05-16","performance enhancement for previous patch [skaes]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-05-16"," Fix NoMethodError when parsing params like &&. [Adam Gr...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-04-06","Stop respond_to? from throwing when instances are create...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-04-03","Fix for depot and other applications with .13 style envi...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-28","to_xml documentation [DHH, Koz]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-28","Allow load_fixtures to load a subset of total fixture da...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-27","Add support for :include to with_scope [andrew@redlineso...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-18","Provide access to the underlying database connection wit...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-18","Remove broken attempts at handling columns with a a defa...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-15","Time#xmlschema is only available when you've required 't...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-15","make save! return true on success[johan@johansorensen.co...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-15","Unit test fixes for postgresql.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-15","Switch to_xml to use the date formate defined in xml sch...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-15","Correct syntax error in postgresql schema definition","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-14","Add verification to scaffolds (generated and reflection ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-09","format fix for locking [Michael Koziarski]","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-03-09","Added a note to the documentation for the Date related N...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-28","Make rake load_fixtures work with the new, flexible, fix...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-28","Add more documentation for Reflection. [robby@planetargo...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-26","Add around methods to Logger. Closes #3809","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-10","Fix Syntax error in mysql.sql, Drop table readers and ru...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-10","Add missing models and fixture","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-10","Allow has_many :through to work with :include [Michael S...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-09","* Fix pagination problems when using include","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-07","Add Configuration#after_initialize for specifying a bloc...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-02-01","Fix Syntax problems which were preventing webrick from s...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-21","Fix .count for has_many associations with multi-line fin...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-19","make error_messages_for return "" for nil objects","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-14","allow the 'lock_version' column to be configured with se...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-14","Don't hardcode id in acts_as_list. Closes #3370","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-14","Load plugins in a consistent order. Closes #3429","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-14","Show usage when script/plugin is called without argument...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-14","Fix test error caused by operator error with last commit","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-14","Don't alter the Hash passed to attributes=, closes #3385","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-13","Correct the case of the CSS declarations. [Blair Zajac]...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-13","Fix problems with the plugin loader where plugins could ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-13","Add support for multiple proxy servers in HTTP_X_FORWARD...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-13","Fix broken autocompleter test.","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-13","Fix for failing auto complete unit test","Michael Koziarski",14 "2006-01-13","Fix failing test due to hard coded year","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-10-18","unbreak unit tests on windows","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-10-17","attempt to fix #2500","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-10-15","Renaming the deprecated finder test","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-10-15","reasoning behind the seemingly duplicated method","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-10-15","Add code and message to test response as per #2460","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-10-14","Ensure radio_button works as expected with values other ...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-10-06","Allow in memory sqlite DBs when RAILS_ROOT is defined [b...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-10-06","Quote booleans according the rules defined by the adapter","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-09-20","Fixed that Request#domain caused an exception if the dom...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-07-17","Log if filters return false and halt execution #1735 [Mi...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-07-02","Added a DOCTYPE of HTML transitional to the HTML files g...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2005-06-18","Added a 'whiny nil' that's aim to ensure that when users...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2004-12-31","Added automated optimistic locking if the field lock_ver...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2004-12-14","Added FormHelper#radio_button to work with radio buttons...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2004-12-08","Added named bind-style variable interpolation #281 [Mich...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2004-12-07","Added bind-style variable interpolation for the conditio...","Michael Koziarski",14 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10576 from sferik/remove_multi_json_...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8263 from senny/refactor_plugin_new_...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-12-23","Fix spacing regression in scaffold generator","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-12-22","Forgot to check in railties fixture for binstubs","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-12-22","Add --no-html to scaffold generator","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-12-22","Detect rbenv and update the shebang","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-12-22","Install binstubs by default","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-06-21","Merge pull request #6428 from pinetops/resolver_concurre...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6091 from twinturbo/add-ids","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5044 from dracco/3-0-stable","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-28","Allow Thor 0.15 and 1.0, to be released shortly","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-28","Allow Thor 0.15 and 1.0, to be released shortly","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-27","Missing git add :trollface:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-27","Initial queue implementation","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-26","Routes reloader knows how to reload external files","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-25","Fix missing Rails.env in route inspect tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-25","Fix the build","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-25","Make files in paths consistent","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-25","Allow loading external route files from the router","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-25","Clean up some straggling build failures","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-04-25","Remove default match without specified method","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-03-05","Add a new guide for API-only applications","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-12-11","Merge pull request #3936 from guilleiguaran/skip-assets-...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-12-10","Merge pull request #3925 from guilleiguaran/extra-test-f...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-12-10","Merge pull request #3926 from guilleiguaran/skip-assets-...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-30","Merge pull request #3816 from lest/exception-page-utf-8","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-27","Merge pull request #3767 from tadast/object_in","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-23","Merge pull request #3731 from HeeL/master","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-23","Merge pull request #3733 from kennyj/fix_warnings_for_sh...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-22","Merge pull request #3725 from marcandre/twz_eql","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-22","Merge pull request #3724 from marcandre/media_default","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-19","Merge pull request #3695 from tobiassvn/partial_path_error","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-19","Merge pull request #3689 from arunagw/warning_removed_ac...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-16","Merge pull request #3646 from mhuffnagle/3-0-stable","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-15","Merge pull request #3640 from indirect/remote_ip","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-14","Merge pull request #3628 from oscardelben/refactoring","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-11-13","Merge pull request #3622 from noefroidevaux/issue_3595","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Remove 1.9 Hash syntax - tests passing on 1.8.7","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Add initial support for embed API","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Add support for the root attribute","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Fix nil has_one association","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Add association_ids","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Add support for overriding associations, mostly used for...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Add support for implicit serializers","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Added has_one and has_many","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Don't unnecessarily use String eval.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Don't require serializable_hash to take options.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Initial implementation of ActiveModel::Serializer","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Refactor to make renderers a Set","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-10-15","Initial commit of serializer support","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-16","Make the API for compression consistent between JS and C...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-16","Make the API for compression consistent between JS and C...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-04","Restructure TemplateAssertions-related code to eliminate...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-04","Merge pull request #1473 from lardawge/fix_broken_asset_...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-03","Another missed piece of the merge. I screwed up this mer...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-03","Remove explicit sprockets usage. This should have come o...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-02","Pull back in asset_path","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-02","Renaming helper in the Rake task, but why is this needed...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-02","Update generator config to support hiding namespaces and...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-02","Make sure that Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper can be found","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-02","Move the last pockets of Sprockets stuff into the Sprock...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-02","Move javascript/css helpers into the Sprockets helper an...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-06-02","Start moving some logic from being embedded in AV into t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-25","Renaming helper in the Rake task, but why is this needed...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-25","Renaming helper in the Rake task, but why is this needed...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Update default Gemfile to point to sass-rails, not sass","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Hide css:* and the default stylesheet from rails g","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Update generator config to support hiding namespaces and...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Move SCSS generators and default templates from Rails to...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Change compressor API so that plugins can register defau...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Update default Gemfile to point to sass-rails, not sass","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Hide css:* and the default stylesheet from rails g","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Update generator config to support hiding namespaces and...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Move SCSS generators and default templates from Rails to...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Change compressor API so that plugins can register defau...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Remaining cleanup from changes to AssetTagHelper","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-24","Make sure that Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper can be found","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Move the last pockets of Sprockets stuff into the Sprock...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Move javascript/css helpers into the Sprockets helper an...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Start moving some logic from being embedded in AV into t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Bump Rack version","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Eliminate uninitialized instance variable warning","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Prepare the context in URLHelperTest so that there are n...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Always initialize @title in caching test to avoid uninit...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Restructure TemplateAssertions-related code to eliminate...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-05-23","Make :status an attr_reader to avoid unnecessary warning...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-02-20","Allow tests to proceed as soon as the payload changes, i...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-02-20","Add tests for an FSSM backend for the file system watche...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2011-02-06","Add initial FileWatcher implementation. The Backend is j...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-12-27","Speed up template inheritance and remove template inheri...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-12-27","A bunch of cleanup on the inherited template patch","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-11-13","Allow bundler 1.1 (and 1.2, etc.) in Rails 1.0.2 and above","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-10","Cherry pick didn't get this deletion","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-10","Always pull in version for frameworks (standardize autol...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-10","Always pull in version for frameworks (standardize autol...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-10","Rendering doesn't need RackDelegation","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-10","Fix a few bugs when trying to use Head standalone","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-10","Fix a few bugs when trying to use Head standalone","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-06","Some initial docs","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-06","Delegate everything to the generator","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-10-06","Revert "Clean up the builder abstraction in AppGenerator."","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-09-13","Update changelog","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-09-13","Add tests for Rack::Cache","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-09-13","First pass at Rack::Cache","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-09-11","Merge remote branch 'drogus/engines'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-09-10","Simplify form_for by removing *args and extract_options!...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-31","Speed up form_for by specializing extract_options! (at a...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-31","Speed up content_tag_for by simplifying needed logic","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-27","Fix a subtle bug involving RAILS_ROOT","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-27","Fix up constant deprecation to be less dependent on load...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-18","Revert "It's snowing!"","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-18","Revert "It's snowing!"","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-17","1.8 block variable shadowing strikes again","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-17","Sadly, this segv's in 1.8 :(","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-17","1.8 block variable shadowing strikes again","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-17","Sadly, this segv's in 1.8 :(","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-15","Make sure apps upgrading from 2.3 get defaulted to UTF-8...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-15","Test callbacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-15","Make sure apps upgrading from 2.3 get defaulted to UTF-8...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-15","Add back #callback and deprecate it","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-15","find .text.html and .text.plain files, and deprecate it","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-15","headers["X-Foo-Count"] = 2 is deprecated properly now","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-15","render :file in 2.3 behaved like render :template in Rai...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-12","Replace snowman with utf8=✓","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-12","Replace snowman with utf8=✓","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-09","Properly deprecate register_javascript_include_default a...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-09","rename _snowman to _e","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-09","rename _snowman to _e","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-09","Improve best_standards_support to use only IE=Edge in de...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-09","Improve best_standards_support to use only IE=Edge in de...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","I'm unsure how cloning was working in Rails 3 before","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","I'm unsure how cloning was working in Rails 3 before","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","Concernify SanitizeHelper and TextHelper so including Te...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","If a file is in the load path, require it without its fu...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","require_dependency should require using the normal mecha...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","If a file is in the load path, require it without its fu...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","Fix a subtle bug involving RAILS_ROOT","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","Concernify SanitizeHelper and TextHelper so including Te...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","Add a fake UrlRewriter, since instantiating it in tests ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","require_dependency should require using the normal mecha...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","Provide a bit more information in the deprecation for co...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-04","Shim Initializer.run","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Fix up constant deprecation to be less dependent on load...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Put lib back on the autoload path","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Put lib back on the autoload path","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Deprecate the @controller instance variable","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Move the deprecations before the load hooks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Fix a couple of mistaken deprecation solutions","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Deprecate ActionController::UrlWriter properly","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Fix the session= deprecation to include the secret key","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Even though exempt_from_layout is no longer needed, some...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Allow :name to be a Symbol (was this removed by accident?)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Allow :name to be a Symbol (was this removed by accident?)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","update this for a change in the core method","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","properly deprecate #{type}_validation_on_#{on}","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Properly deprecate validate_on_#{on}","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-08-03","Properly deprecate `config.load_paths` and `config.gem`","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-07-28","Fix middleware test","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-07-28","Forgot to check in this new file","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-07-28","Add a header that tells Internet Explorer (all versions)...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-07-26","Fix a bug where requires inside of autoloads were being ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-07-22","Performance optimizations to handle cases of instrumento...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-07-15","Style fixes","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-07-13","Revert "Improve performance of MessageVerifier while kee...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-29","Add CHANGELOG for new deprecation style","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-29","_snowman CHANGELOG (dobry pies)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-29","Create a deprecation behavior that triggers a notificati...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-28","Small typo","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-28","Fix several known web encoding issues:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-25","Change the generated Gemfile to resolve, via documentati...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-19","Remove a relic of #request being in RackDelegation","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-13","CI changes per Chad's request","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-13","Revert "Revert "Validators should at model level and not...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-13","Revert "Validators should at model level and not at AR:B...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-08","Update bundler dependency","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-08","Missing require restored","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-08","Require encoding.rb","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-08","Move the undef into the 1.9 only branch","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-08","Merge remote branch 'rsim/oracle_enhanced_rails3'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-08","If we undef <=>, it solves a problem involving compariso...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-07","regular expressions are usually ASCII-encoded, so force_...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-07","Make named helpers unprotected without becoming actions ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Optimize LookupContext","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Small optimization of 1.9 unescape. We should make sure ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","No need to unescape params twice if we came from Rack::M...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Memoizing methods on request means we need to clear them...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Stop the flash middleware from forcibly loading sessions...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Whoops. _run_*_callbacks is private","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Improve performance of the Logger middleware by using si...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Improve performance of MessageVerifier while keeping it ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Improve performance of the log subscriber by remembering...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Eliminate the need to check for superclass changes to th...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Use faster form of running callbacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-05","Improve performance of commonly used request methods","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-03","Changes made while working on upgrading cells to Rails 3","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-03","Update CHANGELOG","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-03","Update template to allow handlers to more cleanly handle...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-03","Now that we always return a proxy from mb_chars, even in...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-03","Removing Metal from Rails 3.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-02","Changes made while working on upgrading cells to Rails 3","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-06-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-30","Update CHANGELOG","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-30","Update template to allow handlers to more cleanly handle...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-29","Now that we always return a proxy from mb_chars, even in...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-29","Removing Metal from Rails 3. ","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-24","Needs to work on 1.8 too","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-24","Give the ERB String the encoding of the original template","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-17","Merge remote branch 'origin/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-17","Merge branch 'encodings'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-17","Revert "Moved encoding work in progress to a feature bra...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-17","Make sure encoding changes don't break 1.8","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-16","Significantly improved internal encoding heuristics and ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-16","Initial work to improve the state of encodings for templ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-15","Reorganized initializers a bit to enable better hooks fo...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-15","Remove the need for a special action_mailer.url_for init...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-08","eliminate alias_method_chain from ActiveRecord","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-05-05","Update hidden namespace mechanism to work better with al...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-30","It would be nice to actually commit test fixtures","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-30","Provide a mechanism for overriding the entire generator ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-30","Set up app generator class to make it easier to for alt-...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-30","Add generators to the guides and break out an extensions...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-30","Add generators to the guides and break out an extensions...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-29","Move ActionMailer generator to AM","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-21","It should be possible to render :json with options","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-17","Missing requires","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-15","Rely specifically on 0.6.0 and add a missing require","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-13","Add a test that used to fail but is fixed now [#3417 sta...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-12","Merge remote branch 'mikel/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-11","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-10","Not using class_eval wasn't adding clarity here","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-10","Use <plain>, not <pre> in guides","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-10","Merge branch 'master' into docrails_master","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-10","Revert "Revert "Use path_names, not resource_path_names,...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-10","Updated changelog","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-10","Update the routing guide for style and to add informatio...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-10","Use path_names, not resource_path_names, consistently","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-05","Include author in changelog","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-05","Move filter_parameter_logger to deprecated.rb","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-05","Make it easier to subclass AC::Metal with most, but not ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-05","Bump the version","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-05","Whitespace","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-05","Whitespace","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-05","render_to_string should have the identical signature as ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-04","Reapply redirect {|params, request| } with passing tests...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-04","Pass in the request as an optional second parameter to r...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-04","* Change the object used in routing constraints to be an...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-03","Refactored url_for in AV to have its own instances of th...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-03","Fix memory leak in dev mode","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-01","Updated changelogs to differentiate beta1 and beta2","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-04-01","Updated changelogs","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-30","Replace the placeholder base_hook API with on_load. To s...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-29","Revert "Ruby 1.9: use ruby-debug19. [#3949 state:resolved]"","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-29","Revert "Ruby 1.9: use ruby-debug19. [#3949 state:resolved]"","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-29","Rename modularized_table_name_prefix to full_table_name_...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-29","Provide a better error if the parsed REXML document has ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-29","preinitializer.rb is no longer needed, so remove it from...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-29","Updated asset_template_path to asset_path and have it al...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-28","Why are we not updating bundler?","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-28","Request#content_type exists in Rack::Request, and other ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-28","Merge remote branch 'rizwan/restrict'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Missing require","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Actually check the value of the ivar","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Remove stray instance variable to resolve serialization ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Don't write to /dev/null on mingw. [#3921 state:resolved...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Use the new RAILS_VERSION in rake install (ht: ZhangJinz...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Fixes a bug where error_messages_for was returning an em...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Limit Array#extract_options! to directl instances of Has...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Fix a mistake in the documentation (ht: Evgeniy Dolzhenk...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-27","Fixes typo (ht: Claudio Poli) [#4107 state:closed]","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-26","Make X-Sendfile default to "" so it works correctly in d...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-26","Merge branch 'master' into docrails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-23","init.rb in plugins is here to stay","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-23","Protect routes again so they don't end up as actions. We...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-23","Put MRI-specific dependencies in an MRI group","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-23","open_session can just return the a dup of the current co...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-22","No -rubygems needed","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-22","Provide a better error if thor is missing","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-20","response_body is an Array in 1.9, so an Array was being ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-20","Fixed a bunch of tests that failed in 1.9 because they a...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-19","Eliminate an error from an implicit dependency on AV::Base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-19","Fix protect_against_forgery","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-19","Well that was a bust","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-19","We seem to have removed the URL helpers from ActionView ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-19","Each controller class has it's own view context subclass...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-19","Return a valid Rack response from bare ActionController:...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","Make render :partial, :layout consistent between AC and AV","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","All tests pass without memoizing view_context","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","Remove caching's dependency on view_context. Also, make ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","Make action_has_layout? non-private","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","@layout is a confusing name... use @cache_layout","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","While isolated tests are useful, they take far too long ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","Fix an error in isolated running of tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-18","Get modules back into integration tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Modify assert_template to use notifications. Also, remov...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Remove unneeded AV::Base and AV::Template monkey-patches","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Modify assert_template to use instrumentation","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Any reason we can't just use the slow 1.8 path for trans...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Fix some more warnings on 1.9","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Remove some 1.9 warnings (resulting in some fixed bugs)....","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Eliminate warnings for AM on 1.8","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Another missing require","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Fix missing require","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-17","Make sure options[:anchor] is correct in shorthand cases","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-16","Some more tweaks on <% %>.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-15","Add deprecation notices for <% %>.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-10","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-10","Make form helpers work with <%= ","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-10","Deprecate block_called_from_erb? pending a solution for ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-10","Rails requires Rubygems 1.3.6","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-09","Refactor the RouteSet so it uses a Generator object inst...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-09","Get rid of the instance-level URL rewriter","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-09","Now that class_attribute creates an instance method, rem...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-09","Simplify the action endpoint:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-09","Add memoizing to AD::Request","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-08","Whoops. We meant to switch from returning to tap, not vi...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-08","Add support for mount RackApp, :at => "/sprockets" with ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-08","Move middlewares to the Application level. If you want t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-08","Aliasing class_eval makes JRuby ornery.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-08","Typo in config.action_dispatch","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-07","Make many parts of Rails lazy. In order to facilitate this,","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-05","Fixed a broken AM test. I'm unsure how this passed before.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-05","Get rid of relative_url_path in favor of respecting SCRI...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-05","Use AS::Concern for caching modules","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-05","Refactor cache_store to use ActionController config","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-05","remove_method is private","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-05","Change generated code to replace faulty comment","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-05","Deprecated ActionController::Base.session_options= and A...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-05","Move stuff from compatibility.rb to deprecated.rb","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Safely cleans up a test to avoid relying on a particular...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Fixes test ordering bug (ht: evan)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Fix Sam Ruby's tests and deprecation warnings","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Move session and session_store onto ActionDispatch and a...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Start refactoring the method of configuring ActionView","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Add caller to deprecation notices","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Deprecate IP spoofing settings that are directly on the ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Add caller to request_uri deprecation notice","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Move remote_ip to a middleware:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","Tweak the semantic of various URL related methods of Act...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-04","don't depend on the order of cookies (Hash ordering bug)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-03","Work on deprecating ActionController::Base.relative_url_...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-03","Move InheritableOptions into ActiveSupport","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-03","Move session_store and session_options to the AC configu...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-03","Don't rely on Rails.application global state in Config","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-03","Remove a failed attempt at refactoring AC configuration","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Fix failing Action Pack tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Fix some tests that relied on hardcoded Exception inform...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Get the railties tests to pass again.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Have log subscribers subscribe to the actual events, so ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Log Tailer doesn't exist anymore. Removing some traces l...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Moved initializers for ActionMailer and ActionController...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Fix a test that assumes that defined?(ActiveRecord) == d...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02",":controller doesn't work for namespaced controllers anym...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Optimize AS::Notifications to remember which subscribers...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","You can unsubscribe a subscriber","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","AS::Subscriber is not a LogSubscriber","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-02","Merge _details_defaults and details_for_render","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-01","Change AV formats so they can delegate to the controller...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-03-01","Delegate formats to the controller","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-28","Explain why we're calling an empty callback","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-28","1.9 doesn't like lambda {} being called with arguments","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","Escape the file name (who knows when a "(" might appear ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","Remove the noisy lines involving AS::Dependencies from t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","The instance_reader of default_url_options needs to not ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","Remind us that RoutingAssertions should work in an integ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","1.9 seems to have a bug involving cloned classes and sup...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","Set the body using the accessor for AD::Response introsp...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","Make ActionController::Routing::Routes a DeprecatedProxy","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","If IntegrationSession is initialized with an objects tha...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-27","Upon further reflection, we realized that SharedTestRout...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Relatively speaking, it's not actually that bad...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Setting UrlFor in with_routing is no longer needed now t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Including UrlFor in Redirecting and Head will warn usefu...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Remove traces of SharedTestRoutes from user code; leave ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Stop setting UrlFor using SharedTestHelpers","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Silence test deprecation warnings","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Change the API for setting global options for #url_for t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Remove the :use_defaults check in UrlFor#merge options","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Rename named_url_helpers to url_helpers and url_helpers ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Fix 1.9 issue","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Rename metaclass to singleton_class","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Get URL helpers working again in integration tests.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Final pass at removing the router from a global constant","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Continued effort to deglobalize the router","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Get Railties tests passing","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Get ActionMailer's tests passing with the non global router","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Fix all of AP's tests with the non global router","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-26","WIP: Remove the global router","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-24","Fix render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :st...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-24","Woops, forgot to actually add active_support/core_ext/fi...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-24","Revert "Fix test load paths for those not using bundler"","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-24","Makes send_file work again by deferring to Rack::Sendfile. ","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-24","Make AD::Response correctly handle bodies that respond_t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-23","Fix streaming by having it create a File object, which c...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-20","Fix a bunch of pending tests by providing an introspecti...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-19","Revert "i18n translate with arrays issue solved"","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-19","Fix test ordering bug related to introducing masked Name...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-19","Fix a problem where nil was appearing in the list","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-19","Git fail","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-18","Don't constantize possible module names when looking for...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-18","Update Renderer","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-16","Clear the attribute after done","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-16","Update AP to start locking down a public API. This work ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-14","Right.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-14","require Strings, not Symbols","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-14","Save off Module's const_missing, not Class'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-14","Missing require","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-14","Simplify dependencies.rb some. Remove alias of Kernel::F...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-10","Since require_dependency cannot be cleared, remove the d...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-10","Fix a JSON ordering issue","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-10","No need to emulate default Ruby behavior in initialize","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-10","Don't rely on @message in Error classes being available ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-08","Fix failing spec","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-06","Updates subscriber test for new output","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-06","Fixes test fail","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-04","Removing submodule hacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-01","Add support for compile-time <%= raw %>","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-02-01","For performance reasons, you can no longer call html_saf...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-29","superclass_delegating_accessor rewritten to serve as the...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-28","Test::Unit Railtie ","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-26","Fix AR's rake tasks to work with the Rails::Application ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-20","Stop overriding LoadError.new to return a MissingSourceE...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-09","Add a generator_paths config option","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-05","Fix --dev option","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-03","AppName::Application.root should work","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-03","Doc fix","Yehuda Katz",13 "2010-01-01","Put MySQL and Postgres in an :only block so you can gem ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-29","Make sure evalled method knows where it came from","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-28","Update rack submodule","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-28","Fixes some problems with getting a new app working","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-27","Merge remote branch 'jose/perf'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-25","Merge remote branch 'jose/am'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-25","This code was needed to work around http://redmine.ruby-...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-25","Simplify and improve the performance of output_safety","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-25","Instead of marking raw text in templates as safe, and th...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-25","Dead code","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Merge remote branch 'origin/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Rackup config.ru from the correct directory","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Require active_support/all unless specifically requested...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Remove the ActionView::Base autoload because it creates ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Isolation tests intentionally avoid loading any state (b...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Finish moving config.frameworks-dependent code to the fr...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Make /rails/info/properties work again. Also, the mocked...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Isolation tests intentionally avoid loading any state (b...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-24","Moving out some framework specific initializers into the...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-23","Raise an exception if an initializer is defined without ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-23","tests pass with requiring the frameworks in rails.rb","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-22","Fix ActionMailer. The fact that ActionMailer::Base does ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-22","Replace reopening the class with App.configure as an ali...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-22","test.rb, dev.rb, and production.rb just reopen the Appli...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-21","AC::Head now doesn't have an unfulfilled Rendering depen...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-21","Missing acts_like dependency","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-21","Fixes Dependency bug in ActiveSupport","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-20",":to => redirect() can take a String using 1.9-style inte...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-20","Add active_support/ruby/shim to the default requirements...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-13","Modify backtrace test to take implementations with sligh...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-13","Extract descendents a bit so it can take advantage of Ru...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-10","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-09","Simpler RenderOption API -- removes the need for registe...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-03","Should fix a few Sam Ruby fails.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-03","Reorganize autoloads:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-02","Ignore all pkg files","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-02","Fix an ivar name conflict in Rails::Server","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-02","Stop evalling the environment file in favor of require +...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-02","Add support for bare ActiveSupport via config.active_sup...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-02","Break up rails and railties:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-12-02","Remove global Rails initializers","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-29","Remove reference to class that doesn't exist (ht: brynary)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-24","Have script/* and Rakefile use the application object","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-24","Refactor script/dbconsole into an object","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-24","Refactor script/console into an object and use IRB.start...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-24","Refactor script/server into an object that inherits from...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-24","Update rails application root detection to take into con...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-24","Updates notifications tests in railties to reflect chang...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-23","Fixes remote errors in isolation tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-19","Final steps toward clean rails "foo"; cd foo; gem bundle...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-16","Make script/server work with correct application.rb","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-16","Require action_dispatch, not action_controller","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-16","Temporarily add submodules to the Rails repo for Arel an...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-15","Add TimeZone dependency","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-12","Refactor plugins","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-09","Revert "Bundle I18n 0.2.0."","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-07","Since we require 1.8.7 we don't need to shim instance_ex...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-07","Break up inflector to reduce the dependency burden on de...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-05","Update AC::Middleware to play better with the normal AC:...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-05","Update Ruby version check to 1.8.7","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-05","Add the ability to merge initializers from various objec...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-05","Conceptually unify instance & global initializers","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-11-03","CI breakage","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-29","Caching refactoring","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","First pass at cleaning up action caching","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","Array.wrap(struct) needs to return the wrapped struct","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","Change Event#thread_id to #transaction_id. Defaults to o...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","Make it possible to have IDs per request","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","New semantics eliminate the need for __send__","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","This is all that's needed in 1.8.7+","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","Reduce TextTemplate cost for simple cases","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","Reorganize CSRF a bit","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","AS::Notifications.subscribe blocks are now yielded the a...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","Tests pass again","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","Update initializable","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-28","Duplicate AS code no longer needed","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-27","#include should be #extend","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-27","Some optimizations on AS::Notifications. This does not c...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-27","Clean up flash a bit","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-27","Clean up flash a bit","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-27","Clean up parameter logging some","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-27","Clean up and update cookies","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-27","Fixes expires_now and cleans things up a bit","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-27","Extract #head into its own module and simplify it","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-26","Base setup for config object in AC.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-21","Fixed HTTP digest to properly return 401 when the Author...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-20","Have all the tests running off a single Gemfile","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-17","Make encodings work with Erubis and 1.9 again","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-16","Fix a bug where templates with locales were not being so...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-16","Fix a few more 1.9 bugs. Rack 1.0.1 is required for 1.9 ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-15","Rack responses need to wrap Strings in 1.9","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-15","Update MetalTest for constant scoping change in 1.9","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-15","Fix test to correctly handle 1.9 Array#to_s behavior","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-15","Work around apparent bug in 1.9","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-15","Change config implementation in AV slightly","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-15","Bundle AMo","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-15","Make this less brittle and work on 1.8","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-14","Start adding configuration to ActionView instead of usin...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-14","Add Gemfile to the rails application generator","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-14","Make rails configuration's path object's root lazy","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-13","Make logger work again (h/t Sam Ruby)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-10","Fix a bug where render :text could not handle yield :sym...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-09","Fix issue with standalone ActionView","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-09","Avoid super in define_method for Rubinius","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-09","Get rid of constant name usage for stack trace help in f...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-07","Not calling a private method anymore","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-10-07","Fix warning spew","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-29","Create the application object from config/environment.rb","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-28","Merge branch '2-3-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-26","Start Rails::Application object","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-24","Move railties/lib/* into railties/lib/*","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-21","Merge commit 'jose/orchestra'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-18","1.9 fix for changes to #to_s. By Sam Ruby. [#3228 state:...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-16","Adds patch to CI","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-12","Memoize in the endpoint.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-12","Get ActionPack's test running on bundled gems. This shou...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-12","Revert "ruby 1.9 friendly secure_compare" because it bre...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-12","Add per-controller middleware","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-03","Test for previous commit (we wrote it first, I swear)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-03","Replace :formats => ["*/*"] with the default formats set","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-03","Refactor ActionController to use find_template and templ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-03","Remove a useless method in the fixture template class","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-03","Refactor ActionView::Resolver","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-03","Extract finding the template in AC to it's own method","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-02","Make Sam Ruby's test suite happy","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-01","Fix the */* with Net::HTTP bug [#3100 state:resolved]","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-09-01","Add rake gemspec and gemspecs to the repo","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-31","Merge commit 'jose/generators'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-29","Initial AMo Lint implementation","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-28","Make rake install work","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-27","Create an install task that successfully installs all Ra...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-27","Remove some old cruft","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-26","Create new ActionController::Middleware class that will ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-26","And the same thing for Basic","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-26","HTTP Auth should not depend on RenderingController","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-26","Redirector had an undeclared dependency on Logger.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-26","Rework Middleware stack to match the Rack middleware pro...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-25","Modify Digest and Basic to take a request so they can be...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-25","Add a TODO so we remember to fix partial layouts","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-25","ActionController::Metal can be a middleware","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-18","Removes examples so it can be replaced with separate repo","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-16","Fixes ActionMailer regression [#3059 state:resolved]","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-16","Missing fixture template -- fixes AP tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-15","Got tests to pass with some more changes.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-15","Caches and cache clearing seems to actually work, but th...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-15","More cleanup of ActionView and reduction in need for blo...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-15","Clean up ActionView some:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-12","Remove submodule","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","Made benchmarks submodule so it's easier to keep in sync","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","Allow superclass_delegating_accessor to take a block for...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","More perf work:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","Got overhead down from 127 to 85. All tests pass:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","Tentatively accept the ":as or :object, but not both" so...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","Make large_collection 1,000 partials","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","Further experimentation. Was able to cut the cost of ren...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","Add a few more benches","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","Add some more caching to the lookup","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-11","This change causes some failing tests, but it should be ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Add a .tmp path","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Update bench harness in 2.3 to match master output","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Benchmarks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Added benchmark to 2-3","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Make bench harness produce output that is easier to compare","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Updates to benchmark harness.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Temporary fix to get our LoadError monkey-patch working ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Experimental: Improve performance of ActionView by preve...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Cache controller_path on the AV instance to avoid needin...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Use response_body rather than performed?","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Rendering a template from ActionView will default to loo...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Cache some more things to improve partial perf","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Went from 25% slower partials (vs. 2.3) to 10% faster. M...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Support a warmup for JRuby","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Update minimal.rb to benchmark partials","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Clean up partial object some more; replace passing aroun...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-09","Clean up initializer and some of the internals of Partia...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-08","Merge commit 'jose/responder'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-08","Fixes "Cached fragment hit" written to log even if fragm...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-08","First pass at making partial rendering an Object. More c...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Rename find_by_parts and find_by_parts? to find and exists?","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Get all ActionController partial rendering to use Action...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Whitespace","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Continue reworking the partial path.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Modify various partial methods to carry along the block ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Some more AV work:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Replace _render_template_with_layout with _render_templa...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Some more AV refactoring:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Start cleaning up partial path","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","This is handled by the resolver now","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Clean up render @object a bit more.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Improve a path in _render_partial","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Remove file that doesn't seem to be used anymore","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-07","Move AbstractController to a top-level component","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-06","ActionController::Metal#to_rack converted to #to_a to ma...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-06","Update _render_options to reflect the fact that they're ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-06","Rename /base to /metal and make base.rb and metal.rb top...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-06","rename ActionController::Http to ActionController::Metal...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-06","Replace _action_view with view_context to reflect that i...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-06","replace _render_*_from_controller with render_* as they ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-02","Remove legacy processing and content_length","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-08-02","Update cache_control to be a Hash of options that is use...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-30","Removed default_internal, which was preventing round-tri...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-29","Add support for error_messages_for(@obj)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-21","Vendor the bundler project","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-20","First effort at new Ajax helpers","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Rename ActiveRecordHelper to ActiveModelHelper","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Finish convert_to_object updates","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Update some tests and add a to_model to form helpers","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Define ActiveModel API Compliance","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Add some simple examples for unconventional AMo and AP use","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Move default_form_builder to ActionView so it'll work in...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Separate ActionView::Context so something else can easil...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-19","Simplify required "ActionView compliant" API","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-15","Add some missing dependencies","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-15","Fix AbstractController::Layouts to work when included di...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-15","Centralize commonly used parts of AS in ActionController...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-12","Rename method to a more obvious name","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-06","Get Initializer tests running without requiring parts of...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-06","Reapply Rails::Application::Path tweaks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-03","Added tests for the :install_gem_spec_stubs initializer","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-02","Wrote tests for the :check_ruby_version initializer","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-02","Adds support for def self.setup in isolation tests for s...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-02","Compact the way application paths are defined","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-02","Modify the Rails::Application::Path object to allow for ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-02","Removed unnecessary calls to image_path and hash lookups...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-02","Fixes a number of tests that inexplicably didn't fail wh...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-02","Fixes a number of tests that inexplicably didn't fail wh...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-02","Fixes bug where Memcached connections get corrupted when...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Fixes bug where Memcached connections get corrupted when...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Forgot to commit the new file. This is slightly embarras...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Apparently stdlib isn't std enough","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Modify isolation test to require a file not in use anywh...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Updates CI to use latest mocha","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Updates CI to use latest mocha","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Original cache objects should not be immutable [#2860 st...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Added AR:B#dup method for duplicationg object without fr...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Move mocha down below initial T::U require and bump vers...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Move mocha down below initial T::U require and bump vers...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Accept Symbol for contoller name [#2855 state:resolved]","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Accept Symbol for contoller name [#2855 state:resolved]","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-07-01","Crazy hacks to get the Isolation testing module to work ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-30","Created AS::Testing::Isolation which runs each test case...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-27","Starting to replace scattered path configuration setting...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-26","Finished a first stab at the Rails application path object.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-26","Update paths to support an explicit root and multiple pa...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-26","Simple initial Paths impl","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-26","Checkpoint. Added a bunch of TODOs and some changes afte...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-25","Try speeding up rails booting","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-25","Run the block passed to #run first when initializing","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Separate Rails module methods, the config object, and th...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Resurrect threadsafe!","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Tests pass, AWDoR passes, and a fresh app boots.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Got all the railties tests to pass, rails must boot!","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Fix the default frameworks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Get more tests to pass","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Get initializer_test.rb to pass with the new initializer.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Started making progress on implementing a new initializer.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Initial initializer impl","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Starting to write the new initializer","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Passes in 1.9","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-23","Small changes to get 1.9 passing (for the most part)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-22","Revert "Generate proper :counter_sql from :finder_sql wh...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-18","Minor ActionView cleanup","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-18","Fix typo","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-18","Extract the layout proc into a method, and write documen...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-18","Remove one more note about deprecated behavior","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-18","Drive the final stake through @content_for_*'s heart!","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Cleaning up more tests and code that needed to work in b...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Cleaning up if defined?(ActionController::Http) blocks f...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Remove some defined?(Http) checks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Rename path.rb to resolver.rb","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Rename ActionView::Template::Path ActionView::Resolver","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Updated require for AMo move","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Finish making pending tests pass","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","RJS doesn't render with an HTML layout by default","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Fixing pending tests and fixed some formats / partial re...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-17","Fix pending test about content-type","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-16","Remove a stray process2 require","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-16","Move the exceptions for missing template into Compatibil...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-16","An exception is raised if a layout is missing only if th...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-16","Exceptions now in an exceptions module","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-16","Remove exceptions from AbstractUnit so they work in real...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-16","Merge process2 into process to people's regular tests ru...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-16","More _write_layout_method removal","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-16","Whoops, I guess we broke layouts ;)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","rm -r controller/base!","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Get all of rake tests to pass","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Get the new base tests to pass","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Get the AR integration tests to pass","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Keep ActionMailer using the old layouts code until it ge...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Fix the fixture path","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Get tests to run (with failures) without old base around","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Require missing file in AS","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Fix failing tests in new callbacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-15","Finish making things pass with updated internal content_...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-10","Document and clean up HideActions and Http","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-10","Removed unnecessary code","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-10","Document ActionController::Helpers","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-10","Cleaned up the #default_helper_module method to make bet...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-10","Adding "test" to the lib directory when running action p...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-10","Simplify helper use of ActiveSupport::Dependencies, and ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-10","Clean up AbstractController::Logger and write documentation","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-09","Cleaning up and documenting AbstractController::Layouts","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-09","Write documentation for AbstractController::Helpers","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-09","Further cleanup of callbacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-09","More pruning of NewCallbacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-09","More documentation work on AbstractController","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-08","Writing comments to AbstractController","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-08","Remove extraneous response_obj","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-08","Remove duplicate","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-08","ActionPack components should no longer have undeclared d...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-03","YAGNI Method references. Deprecated","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-03","Add explicit requirement in a few cases it was missing.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-03","Further cleaning up new callbacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-03","Simplify callbacks to use less metaprogramming","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-06-01","Get all the callback tests to work on new base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-28","Fix failing ActionCacheFilter tests due to around filter...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-27","Added support to new callbacks for around filter object ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-27","Added support to new callbacks for around filter object ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-27","Added a compatibility layer to get legacy filter tests t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-27","Added hook point in new base #send_action which does the...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-27","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-27","Reduce the cost of using ActionController::Http signific...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-23","Make a couple more tests pass. ","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-23","Slightly modify things to get content type matching work...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-23","Modify render_test's determine_layout to match RJS","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-23","Created an ActionController::Renderers::All that include...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-23","Got controller/render_js_test.rb to pass on new base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-22","Get controller/render_other_test.rb to pass on new base ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-22","Added render_other_test.rb to the new base test runner","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-22","Get controller/layout_test.rb running on new base except...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-22","Cleaned up the #render_to_body chain by extracting deter...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-22","Implemented layout conditions in new base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-21","Added the :rjs render option","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-21","Renamed #implicit_render to #default_render in new base ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-21","Update render options to remove performance implications...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-21","Added the :xml render option","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-21","Added the ability to register methods to handle specific...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-21","Remove some response content type concepts from ActionView","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-21","Make controller/content_type_test.rb pass on new base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-21","Fixed new_base tests on ruby 1.9","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-20","Got controller/mime_responds_test.rb running on the new ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-20","Added passing old tests on new base to the main test runner","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-20","Added responds_to to new base.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-20","Make old caching tests pass on new base.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-20","Modified caching implementation to work with NewBase","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-20","Include caching module into new base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-20","Modify caching to use new included helper","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-20","Corrected new callbacks semantics with regards to using ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-19","Ported simple benchmarking in new base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-16","Get Railties passing again","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-16","Fix ActionMailer Symbol#to_proc instance","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-16","Get AR CI passing again by requiring the entire core_ext","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-16","Ported Rescuable to new base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-15","Refactored AbstractController to provide better hook poi...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-15","Merge commit 'origin/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-15","Got new base to pass controller/base_test.rb, implemente...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-14","Cleaning up more render tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-14","Ported over render :file tests.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-12","Implemented redirects and partial rendering in new base.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-12","Fixed new callbacks to not call the action when a callba...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-12","Merge branch 'master' into wip_abstract_controller","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-11","Revert "Whitespace!"","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-11","Fixed a bug with handling render options","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-11","Aliased AbstractController::ActionNotFound to ActionCont...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-11","Ported ConditionalGet to new Base","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-11","Don't run the action if callbacks are halted.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-11","Merge branch 'master' into wip_abstract_controller","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-11","Ported fresh_when into a ConditionalGet module","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-11","More community code review :)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Implement FooController.action(:name)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Get render :inline working","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","A few more tweaks to get new Base running old render tes...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Renamed Base2 to Base and don't require old action_contr...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Starting to get new_base to run on old tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Add support for stripping "layouts/" from the layout name ","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Modify new_base to use String action_names for back-compat","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Committing the last changes before we start trying to ge...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Ported over the concept of public instance methods on co...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Move ContentType inline for now. ","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Support implicit and explicit content types","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Support implicit render and blank render","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Ported over render :template tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Finished implementing render :text in Base2","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Renamed the new_base tests","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Renamed ActionController::AbstractBase to ActionControll...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Removed a stray method_missing in the new callbacks system","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","OMG, a lot of work","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-05-02","Makes new callbacks support keys with special characters","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-28","Makes new callbacks support keys with special characters","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-27","Fixes ActionMailer to work with the ActionView refactoring","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-27","Refactor ActionView::Template","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-25","Updated 2-3-stable to Rack 1.0","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-25","Updated for Rack 1.0","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-23","Refactor ActionView::Path","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-16","Make more Template methods public to make ActionMailer t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-15","Makes rails-dev-boost work again","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-15","Move all Templates methods not used by other class into ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-14","Rails server boots again","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-13","Resurrecting 1.9 compatibility.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-13","Bring abstract_controller up to date with rails/master","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-09","Revert rspec-runner change. TODO: Add back support for t...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-09","Updated old AC::Base for small changes to AV","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-09","Temporarily modifies setup to call super directly. This ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-08","Reverts changes made to AS::TC","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-08","Get Base2 layouts to work :)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-07","Layouts work in AbstractController. Add support for the ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-07","Add depends_on, use, and setup to abstract up ideas abou...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-06","Merge branch 'abstract_controller' of git@github.com:wyc...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-04-06","Changes necessary to run the T::U tests with the rspec r...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-24","In the middle of some refactoring... some fails due to c...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-23","Checkpoint","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-23","Add a bunch of tests for various render :action, layout ...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-20","Temporary runner","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-20","Hacked up fixture view paths to simplify tests for a bit","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-19","Test controller layout","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-19","Get very basic layouts working.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-19","Started implementing render :action","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-18","Implemented basic template rendering in AC::Base2:","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-18","Rework NewCallbacks to not require method_missing","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-18","Temporarily reraise to simplify debugging","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-18","Working toward getting a basic AbstractController framework","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-12","Try to build a new AC::Base on top of AbstractController","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-12","Use extlib accessor for new callbacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-12","Move Abstract stuff to autoload","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-12","Handle nil QS","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-04","memoize correctly ;)","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-03-04","Helpers with an initial test","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-28","Callbacks test","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-28","Fixes multiple conditions","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-28","Add support for callbacks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-27","Initial hooks","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-27","AbstractController now supports layouts and rendering","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-25","First, very early, AbstractController code. More to come","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-03","Remove errant debug code","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-02","Make tests pass","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-02","Whoops.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-02","Add support for pending","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-02","Merge commit 'rails/3-0-unstable'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-02-02","Some merge cleanup","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-30","Merge commit 'rails/3-0-unstable'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-30","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:wycats/rails","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-30","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-22","Begin unifying the interface between ActionController an...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-15","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-13","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-13","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-11","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-10","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-07","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-06","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-05","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-04","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2009-01-03","Sync 'rails/rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2008-12-27","More optimizations on respond_to after a profile and ben...","Yehuda Katz",13 "2008-12-27","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2008-12-26","Remove method missing use in respond_to","Yehuda Katz",13 "2008-12-26","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Yehuda Katz",13 "2008-12-26","Initial work to merge several places with similar logic","Yehuda Katz",13 "2008-05-13","Add documentation for Inflector.inflections","Yehuda Katz",13 "2007-05-18","Date, Time, and DateTime#to_json. Closes #8399.","Yehuda Katz",13 "2012-08-31","Fix my bio","Pratik Naik",12 "2012-08-28","Ensure association preloading properly merges default sc...","Pratik Naik",12 "2012-08-28","Ensure association preloading properly merges default sc...","Pratik Naik",12 "2012-08-28","Add a test to make sure preloading properly merges assoc...","Pratik Naik",12 "2012-08-20","Make sure :via works with mount","Pratik Naik",12 "2011-10-26","Allow instances to disable record_timestamps","Pratik Naik",12 "2011-09-12","Dont use association proxy#reload to load the target for...","Pratik Naik",12 "2011-03-25","No arguments for first! and last!","Pratik Naik",12 "2011-01-31","Run BulkAlterTableMigrationsTest only when the adapter s...","Pratik Naik",12 "2011-01-31","Add :bulk => true option to change_table","Pratik Naik",12 "2011-01-04","Bump rack-test version","Pratik Naik",12 "2011-01-04","Bump rack-test version","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-12-30","Make sure Model#touch doesn't try to update non existing...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-12-30","Make sure Model#touch doesn't try to update non existing...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-12-29","Fix Duration#to_json","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-12-29","Make serialized fixtures work again","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-12-29","Make serialized fixtures work again","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-11-02","Make should_record_timestamps? serialization aware rathe...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-11-02","Ensure save always updates timestamps when serialized at...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-11-02","Add timestamps to Topic","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-09-06","Improved indentation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-09-01","Make all the Relation finder methods consistent","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-09-01","Remove default values for Relation#limit/offset/from/cre...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-09-01","Change relation merging to always append select, group a...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Fix an english fail","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Fix the readonly section","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Update the section about joins","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Fix pessimistic locking examples","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Reword calculations section","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Reword the section about exists?","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Improve example for having()","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Remove {} from hash conditions. And more occurrences of ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Array conditions dont need []","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Make all the Relation finder methods consistent","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Merge remote branch 'miloops/rails_master_fixes'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Remove default values for Relation#limit/offset/from/cre...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-31","Change relation merging to always append select, group a...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Fix an english fail","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Fix the readonly section","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Update the section about joins","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Fix pessimistic locking examples","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Reword calculations section","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Reword the section about exists?","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Improve example for having()","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Remove {} from hash conditions. And more occurrences of ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","Array conditions dont need []","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","User.each is a lie","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-08-30","User.each is a lie","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-07-16","Fix data loading from the performance script","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-07-15","Revert "Style fixes"","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-07-14","Remove unintentional API changes. [#1108]","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-07-14","Style fixes","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-06-12","Remove an unused method","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-06-09","Fix AR perf script","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-06-03","Properly cache association_collection#scopes calls havin...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-06-03","Special treatement for Relation#select { with block }","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-06-02","Special treatement for Relation#select { with block }","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-18","Remove Model.clear_default_scope","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-12","Use superclass_delegating_accessor for connection handlers","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-11","Remove undocumented save_without_validation!","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-11","Use arel instead of sql strings","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-11","Succint save definition","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-09","Make sure schema dumper doesnt throw up when there are n...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-09","Revert "Revert "Add index length support for MySQL [#185...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-09","Make sure schema dumper doesnt throw up when there are n...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-09","Revert "Revert "Add index length support for MySQL [#185...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-09","Improve code from 231d7676f72947bae765b9bd885b134aaf949921","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-04","Use primary key in conditions, not 'id' [#4395 state:res...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-04","Use class_inheritable_accessor for connection_handler","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-05-04","Use class_inheritable_accessor for connection_handler","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-21","Build PredicateBuilder object only when needed","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-14","Ensure not to load the entire association when bulk upda...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-14","Ensure not to load the entire association when bulk upda...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-08","Some doc updates reflecting the new query API","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-07","Reset named scope cache whenever the @target is reset","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-05","Memoize association.named_scope calls","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-03","Improve scope docs","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-03","Improve named scope lambda","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-03","Remove unnecessary argument for creating scopes","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-02","Make Relation#inspect less noisy","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-02","Goodbye ActiveRecord::NamedScope::Scope","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-02","Make Relation#first and Relation#last behave like named ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-02","Scope#method_missing can safely rely on Relation#method_...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-02","Scope#current_scoped_methods_when_defined is no longer n...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-02","Oops :extends is not a MULTI_VALUE_METHOD","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-02","Add Relation extensions","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-04-02","Consistency when using Relation constants","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-03-31","Dont use Rails 3 finder syntax in Rails 2.3.x test [#430...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-03-31","Dont try to load the record from the db if preloading di...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-03-31","Dont try to load the record from the db if preloading di...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-03-27","Revert "Changed behavior of touch and added touch! Origi...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-03-15","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-03-12","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-03-10","Fix scope loading issue when the table doesn't exist","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-02-14","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-02-12","Move batch finders to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-02-04","Make RAILS_* give deprecation warning just once","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-02-04","Add rails --dev to release notes","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-02-04","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-02-03","Some improvements to the release notes","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-02-01","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-31","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-30","Rely on arel to generate the correct sql when an empty a...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-28","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-23","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-23","Make default_scope work with Relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-22","Relation should respond to class methods","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-22","Allow calling class methods on a Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-21","Revert "Refactoring attributes/types" [#3348 state:open]","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-21","Simplify finder method definitions","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-21","Supplying Arel::SqlLiteral is much faster","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Use quoted_table_name with arel.from() if no from values...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Cache quoted_table_name","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Relation#spawn is basically clone + reset","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Always use table.* in the finder query unless specified","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Use @limit_value and @offset_value instead of calling arel","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Move update and update_all to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Fix AP's AR integration tests warning","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Base.merge_conditions is no longer needed","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Dont delegate Relation#update to arel","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Delegate delete_all to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Move destroy to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Remove Base.delete as it's same as Relation#delete","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Delegate exists? to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Make Relation#destroy_all handle all the cases","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Use unscoped instead of with_exclusive_scope for preloading","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Move array_of_strings? to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-20","Remove stale methods constructing joins","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Scope#find is no longer needed now that Relation#find ha...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Delegate all finders to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Ignore order for simple calculations to make postgresql ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Named scopes dont need count() now that Relation#count h...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","with_scope no longer needs :reverse_merge","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Remove find_with_associations and related code from asso...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Remove Relation#where_clause","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Give preference to to_a over arel from Relation#method_m...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Rename CalculationMethods to Calculations and get rid of...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Move the only remaining calculation method calculate() t...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Get rid of construct_count_options_from_args","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Delegate count to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Fix the named scope equality check","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Delegate :average, :minimum, :maximum, :sum to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Fix DoubleRenderError error message","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Add Relation#construct_relation_for_association_calculat...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-19","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-18","Add Relation#find_with_associations to load relation wit...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-18","Simplify calculation scope building. Remove :order from ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-18","Remove construct_calculation_arel_with_included_associat...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-18","No need to pass current_scoped_methods to construct_calc...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-18","Simplify construct_finder_arel_* methods","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-18","Handle invalid query IN() generated when a blank array i...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-18","Get rid of Relation#order_clauses","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-18","Fix the named_scope deprecation notice","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-17","Add missing CHANGELOG entry about relations as scopes","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-17","Rename named_scope to scope","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-17","Dont check for class equaity when merging relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-17","Inherit named scope class Scope from Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-17","Ensure that Scope#proxy_scope is always klass. Rename pr...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-17","Make relations work as scopes","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-17","Make sure named_scope names are not used as method names...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-17","Make merging of order values consistent","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Make Relation#reload force load the records immediately","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Use relations to build scope for named scopes","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Simplify Model.scoped definition","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Cache Model.arel_table","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Use arel_table[] instead of unscoped[] to get arel attri...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Revert "Fix #microseconds conversion and #fast_string_to...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Rename Model.active_relation to Model.unscoped","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Improve the error message for class mismatch on Relation...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Get rid of Base#merge_includes","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","No need to set @arel_engine to nil twice. Committed by m...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Make sure Model#active_relation always adds STI conditio...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Use new finder methods for association preloading","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Use Relation#apply_finder_options from calculations","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Add Relation#apply_finder_options for applying old finde...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-16","Rename active_relation_engine -> arel_engine and active_...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Remove protected method Class#scoped?","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Make type_condition return Arel predicate and not a stri...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Remove unused default_select","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Remove scope related code from construct_join","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Remove stale construct_* methods","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Remove construct_conditions","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Simplify Model.delete_all","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Model.delete should just use scoped.delete","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Remove AR#scope() method","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Fix the query matching in SubscriberTest","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-15","Make scopes use relations under the hood","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-12","Use Relation#except for reversing the order","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-12","Ensure using proper engine for Arel::Table","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-12","Delay building arel relation as long as possible for imp...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Add Relation#create_with to explictily specify create scope","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Ensure using proper engine for Arel::Table","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Relation#merge and Relation#except should respect locks","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Relation#merge and Relation#except should respect havings","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Add Relation#except","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Rename a variable name for consistency","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Move Relation#spawn and Relation#merge to a separate module","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Give preference to the second relation's order when merging","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-03","Reapply "Remove optional join_dependency argument as Rel...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Remove optional join_dependency argument as Relation alw...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Further simplify Relation#references_eager_loaded_tables?","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Cache Relation#to_sql","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Remove unused code from association.rb now that Relation...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Make Relation#includes behave exactly like the existing ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Add Relation#includes to be an equivalent of current fin...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Get rid of Model.construct_finder_arel_with_includes. Us...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Simply methods for checking eager loaded tables referenc...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Implement Relation#create and Relation#create!","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Implement Relation#new","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Use arel predicates instead of strings wherever possible...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Give higher preference to second relation's equality pre...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Remove the test which was testing a non-existing method,...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-02","Make sure not to spalt string arguments","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-01","Use relations to build uniqueness conditions","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-01","Fix join string for the WHERE clause","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-01","Rename Model.arel_table to Model.active_relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-01","Rename Model.engine to active_relation_engine. Cache are...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-01","Use Arel::Table instead of ActiveRecord::Relation from H...","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-01","Remove unncessary arguments passed to arel_table","Pratik Naik",12 "2010-01-01","Use arel for building the STI type condition","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Make sure association proxy does not pass quoted table n...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Handle Range with excluded end","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Try using cached attribute before creating a new one","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Use PredicateBuilder for sql hash sanitization","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Fix the method name for recusion","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Move predicate building to a stand alone PredicateBuilde...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Use Arel::Attribute when building where conditions from ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Use Arel::Attribute for pk conditions","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Add Relation#table to get the relevant Arel::Table","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-31","Add Relation#delete [Pratik Naik, Emilio Tagua]","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-30","Organize Relation methods into separate modules","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-30","Relation#many? shoud load the records if there's a LIMIT","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-30","Add Relation#any? and Relation#many?","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-30","Fix the count test for postgres","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Simplify get_projection_name_from_chained_relations usin...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Oops, add the missing #tap call","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Replace Base#safe_to_array with Array.wrap","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Rewrite Relation#readonly, eager_load, preload using Obj...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Rename Relation#create_new_relation to spawn and refacto...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Refactor Relation#readonly using attr_writer","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Relation#respond_to? should take second argument for res...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Make sure Relation responds to dynamic finder methods","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Add Relation#size and Relation#empty?","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Use relation#delete_all for Model.delete_all","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-29","Add Relation#delete_all","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Oops. Remove debug information inside a test from the pr...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Migrate all the calculation methods to Relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Add ruby-debug to Gemfile for Ruby < 1.9","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Add Model.having and Relation#having","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Move Relation calculation methods to a separate module","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Add Relation#count","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Remove the todo note for arel#lock","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Add Model.readonly and association_collection#readonly f...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Remove locking related unused code","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Raise ArgumentError when trying to merge relations of di...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Relation#readonly(false) should toggle the readonly flag","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Remove unused construct_finder_sql","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Fix a typo in CHANGELOG","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-28","Add Model.lock and relation#lock now that arel has locking","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Add Model.from and association_collection#from finder me...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Use relation.from when constructing a relation","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Dont delegate relation#find to to_a","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Use arel#from instead of the current hack","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Fix relation tests for postgres","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Handle preloads and eager loads when merging relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Add relation#merge to merge two relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Return a new relation when blank is supplied to relation...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Rewrite AssociationCollection#find using relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Add relation.destroy_all","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.destroy_all use new finders","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.find(:last) use relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Add relation.last and relation.reverse_order","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.all just a wrapper for find(:all)","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.find(:first, ..) use relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.exists? use relation.exists?","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Add relation.exists?","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.find(:all) use relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Add relation.from as a temporary workaround until arel r...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Relation should supply :from to find_with_associations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.find(ids) use relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Add find(ids) to relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.all return an array rather than a relation fo...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Fix dynamic finder docs","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.find_or_create_by_* and find_or_initialize_by...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Add find_or_create_by_* and find_or_initialize_by_* to r...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-27","Make Model.find_by_* and Model.find_all_by_* use relatio...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Add find_by_* and find_all_by_* finders to ActiveRecord:...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Replace Model.first(options) with new finder methods ins...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Add new finder methods to association collection.","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Ensure Model.scoped adds type conditions for STI models","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Ensure all the finder methods respect scoping","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Add relation.reload to force reloading the records","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Cache the loaded relations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Ensure preload and eager_load finder methods accept mult...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Make sure the relations are always immutable","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Add support for multiple arguments to .where finder","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Add missing changelog entries","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-26","Add Relation#all as an alias for to_a","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-25","Stop supporting blank arguments to AR#relation query met...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-25","Rename Model.conditions and relation.conditions to .where","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-25","No parentheses for assert_equal","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-25","Add Model.select/group/order/limit/joins/conditions/prel...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-12-25","Model.scoped now returns a relation if invoked without a...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-11-17","Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-19","Make sure boot.rb requires rubygems only when needed","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-10","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-09","Add a :limit option to specify the maximum number of rec...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-09","Add a :limit option to specify the maximum number of rec...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-09","Store entire options hash in the class var rather than j...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-09","Store entire options hash in the class var rather than j...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-09","Mute log info coming from the local_cache strategy","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-09","Mute log info coming from the local_cache strategy","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-09","Ensure MessageVerifier raises appropriate exception on t...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-09","Ensure MessageVerifier raises appropriate exception on t...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-07","Use indifferent access attributes instead of stringifyin...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-07","Use indifferent access attributes instead of stringifyin...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-07","Allow accepts_nested_attributes_for :reject_if option ac...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-07","Allow accepts_nested_attributes_for :reject_if option ac...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-10-06","Monkey patch Rack::Lint to allow string subclass body","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-09-30","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-09-21","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-31","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-17","Remove support for SQLite 2.","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-17","Deprecate SQLite2Adapter and DeprecatedSQLiteAdapter","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-11","Add tests for hm:t#push failures","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-10","Rewrite hm:t#create tests using assert_no_difference and...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-10","Remove unnecessary scoping for creating hm:t join record","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-10","Remove unnecessary scoping and validation checks from hm...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-10","Unify hm:t#create and create! implementation","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-10","Move :with/:without check outside the method generated b...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-09","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-09",".gitignore activesupport/test/fixtures/isolation_test","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-09","Remove unnecessary &block from Range#sum and add tests f...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-09","Make enumerable test run stand alone","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-09","Get rid of parenthesize argument warnings","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-09","Use Pathname for checking if sqlite path is absolute","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-08","Ensure hm:t#create/create! throws ActiveRecord::RecordNo...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-08","DRY migration's rollback/forward methods","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-08","Simplyfy validates_length_of and remove puts","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-08-05","Use send instead of instance_eval","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-30","Generator config should be commented by default","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-30","Remove whitespaces from the default mailer file","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-30","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-27","Ignore everything under test/fixtures/public/absolute","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-25","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-25","Revert "Added callback details in "supported options" of...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-25","Revert asset tag changes","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-25","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-13","Use map! instead of map for <association>_ids","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-13","Optimize <association>_ids for hm:t with belongs_to source","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-03","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-03","Revert "Compact the way application paths are defined"","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-07-03","Revert "Modify the Rails::Application::Path object to al...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-06-30","Revert "Revert "Generate proper :counter_sql from :finde...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-06-25","Missed file from the previous commit 92b229e1251d7d3578c...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-06-25","Make performance tests work again","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-06-21","Use stubbing instead of sleep() in File store cache tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-06-21","Add expiry support File cache store [#1693 state:resolve...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-06-09","Vendor Rack edge ( commit : 815342a8e15db564b766f209ffb1...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-06-01","Make ApplicationController extend from AC::Base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-06-01","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-30","Make sure tests pass action name to Controller.action()","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-30","Support Object#filter method for before/after filters","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-26","Support Method callbacks","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-25","Make Filter#filter work with around filters","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-25","Make cookie store tests pass with the new base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-24","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-23","Remove unnecessary asset_host initialization","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-23","Add asset_host to Rails2Compatibility","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-23","Move html-scanner tests one dir up","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-23","Add missing selector_test to the list","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-23","Add Translation to the new base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-22","Add some more tests to the test_new_base_on_old_tests task","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-22","Make logging_test pass with the new base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-22","Use super wherever possible in ActionController::Helpers...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-22","Add all the existing helpers related features to the new...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-22","Move FilterParameterLogging to a stand alone module and ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-22","Add assert_select tests to the new base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-22","Make assertion tests pass with the new base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-22","Require ruby-debug from new_base/abstract_unit","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-21","Add HTTP Authentication to the new base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-21","Add missing dependency in Streaming","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-21","Add Streaming to new base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-21","RequestForgeryProtection now works with the new base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-21","Allow Module#depends_on to accept multiple modules","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-21","Made ActionController::Verification work with new_base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-20","Make ActionController::Flash work with new_base","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-20","Add coding style to contributing guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-20","Replace the class level Rack::Test DSL with the regular ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-19","Replace ad hoc Rack::Test with ActionController::Integra...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-19","Missing CHANGELOG entry for 4a6f4b92ad2f","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-19","Change integration test helpers to accept Rack environme...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-17","Ensure rake test does not run new base tests as that req...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-16","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-16","Include guides directory in the rails gem","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-16","Include guides directory in the rails gem","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-16","Remove some informal sentences and new lines","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-15","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-01","Rename vendor/rack to vendor/rack-1.1.pre","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-05-01","Vendor Rack edge ( commit : 815342a8e15db564b766f209ffb1...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-30","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-30","Minor edits","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-29","More templates","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-23","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-23","String interpolation conditions","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-23","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-22","Merge branch 'master' into active_model","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-21","Fix nginx config in ci setup notes [Chad Woolley] [#2290...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-21","Change table to prevent copying indexes on sqlite2","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-21","Change table to prevent copying indexes on sqlite2","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-21","Specify :group with the table name for it to work on sql...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-21","Specify :group with the table name for it to work on sql...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-21","Fix tests for sqlite3 3.6.xx","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-21","Fix tests for sqlite3 3.6.xx","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-21","Ensure :dependent => :delete_all works for association w...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-20","Ensure :dependent => :delete_all works for association w...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-20","Ensure JoinAssociation uses aliased table name when mult...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-20","Ensure JoinAssociation uses aliased table name when mult...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-20","Ensure JoinAssociation uses aliased table name when mult...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-17","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-17","Initial template guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-17","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-05","Supply fullfile name to the generator","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-05","Namespace under RailsGuides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-05","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-04","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-04-04","No whitespaces please","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-24","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-24","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-22","Fix a small typo","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-21","Deprecate Model#validate/validate_on_create/validate_on_...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-21","Deprecate Errors#on_base/add_to_base/invalid?/each_full","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-21","Get rid of active_model/core and active_model/callbacks","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-21","Validation options dont need explicit :on => :save","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-21","Remove DEFAULT_VALIDATION_OPTIONS from validations","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-21","Move validate_on_create and validate_on_update from Acti...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Add ActiveModel::Validations tests for regular ruby classes","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Add I18n translations to ActiveModel and move more AR sp...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Include ActiveModel::Validations from ActiveRecord::Vali...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Fix ActiveResource::Errors deprecation messages","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Improve the deprecation message for Errors#on","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Validation tests arent using any fixtures","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","ActiveModel.load_all! isn't really needed at this point","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Use mattr_accessor in TestsDatabase instead of setup method","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","TestDatabase -> TestsDatabase","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Remove unused columns from the ActiveModel test schema","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Future deprecation message","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Move relevant validation tests from Active Record to Act...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Add test sqlite3 db to .gitignore","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Make Active Model test suite similar to Active Record","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-20","Autload ActiveModel::Observing","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-19","Make Active Resource use ActiveModel::Errors","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-19","Move uniqueness and association validations to Active Re...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-19","Move all the Active Record validations to Active Model","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-18","Ensure script/plugin doesn't show error message when svn...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-18","Remove outdated script/plugin options","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-17","Try to use actionpack gem to generate guide when Rails i...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-16","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-16","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-15","clients.id","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-15","Fix generated sql","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-14","Query guide is done","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-14","Fix the table name","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-14","Move find_each stuff to the top and change a bit","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-14","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-12","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-11","Move JZ in the middle","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-11","Ensure ActiveRecord::Base.find_in_batches fires doesnt f...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-11","Add tests for AssociationCollection#find_each and Associ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-11","Add NamedScope#find_each tests [#2201 state:resolved]","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-11","Rename ActiveRecord::Base.each to ActiveRecord::Base.fin...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-11","Alphabetical ordering","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-11","Add the team","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-10","Remove duplicate text","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-10","Remove untested part from 9b9b2937ce3bef3bca9d22821e76c4...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-10","Add a missing CHANGELOG entry","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-10","Revert "Updated actionpack/CHANGELOG to include enhancem...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-10","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-09","Add a note in release notes about using request.cookies[...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-09","Add some rack links","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-08","Ensure SQLite adapters stores the config [#1947 state:re...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-07","Fix calculation tests to work on sqlite","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-07","Move the warning down a lil in the relnotes","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-07","DRY with_kcode in Active Record tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-06","Ensure supplie :from has precedence over scoped :from [#...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-06","Remove duplicate links from the index page","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-06","Add some more stuff to the rack guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-06","I ate a word","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-05","Change the link on the index page","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-03-05","Some changes to the doc section and renaming the guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-28","Merge docrails and update the release notes","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-28","Fix some formatting in the caching guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-28","Use Array.wrap() instead of Array() and handle action_vi...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-28","Ensure 16b3d2b621b1682f249209097c31b0a10f0f87ef works wi...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-28","Ensure the old behaviour is retained when action_view.ca...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-24","Update with the new CSS from Jason and change the header...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-24","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-24","Merge with docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-22","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-20","Fix the fucking rake task","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-19","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-18","Revert "Copyediting of the 'security' guide from chapter...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-10","Add Model.exists?","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-09","Removed named scopes from the finders guide. Named scope...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-07","Rewrite eager loading and joins sections","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-07","Reorder find options under a same section","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-07","Improve sections dealing with order, select, limit and l...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-07","Improve Conditions section","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-07","Add options to the arg list","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-07","Improve structure at the beginning of the AR Finders guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-07","Minor fixes in layout and index","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-07","Second version of the Rack guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-06","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-06","Merge docrails along with the new guides and guides gene...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-06","Remove whitespaces","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-05","Change the name of perf guide in index/navbar","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-05","Fix links in performance guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-04","Remove API links and add TODOs #26","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-04","Minor rewording on the index page","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-04","Convert the guides from asciidoc to textile and integrat...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-04","Remove all the existing asciidoc guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-03","Remove all the guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-03","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-03","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-02","Template#mime_type should not use Mime::Type when Action...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-01","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-01","Reword the docs for association_foreign_key","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-01","Revert "A small addition to the fragment caching documen...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-02-01","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-31","Regenerate guides html","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-30","Make Partial example more clear","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-30","Remove core ppl from lead contributors","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-29","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-29","Digest#validate_digest_response should accept request in...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-29","Add Digest authentication","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-29","Implement HTTP Digest authentication. [#1230 state:resol...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-29","Move basic auth test controller inside the test class","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-28","Session cookie header should always be set if :expire_af...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-28","Change the license to Creative Commons Attribution-Share...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-27","Dont use Memoizable for ActionController::Request","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-27","Remove caching guide for now","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-27","Regenerate html","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-26","We have a very strict NO code changes policy.","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-25","Regen form guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-24","Remove the irrelevant fixture added in fe6ffce51dc162850...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-24","Make sure inner scope conditions get a preference over t...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-24","Regenerate guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-23","Fix the changelog entry","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-23","Add Mailer to the index page and regenerate","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-22","Regenerate guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-21","ActiveRecord => Active Record","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-21","Regenerate guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-19","Deprecate ActionController::Base#session_enabled?","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-19","Regen guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Improve HTTP Basic authentication tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Fix year in ARes license","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Bump up the year in MIT license files","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Remove script/performance/profiler in favour of performa...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Fix has_and_belongs_to_many_associations tests. #1738","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Add links to lighthouse ticket for i18n guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-18","Regenerate guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-17","Add command line to index and minor change in finders guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-17","Revert "Updated readme to include instructions on which ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-16","* Tabs -> Spaces in guides templates","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-16","Remove version info","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-14","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-13","Revert "HTTP Digest authentication [#1230 state:resolved]"","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-13","Regenerate html","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-13","Update guide to say sessions are lazy loaded","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-13","Change Object#try to raise NoMethodError on private meth...","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-12","Move rake middleware to the top","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-12","Update internal middlewares/purpose table.","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-11","Add Pratik to authors page","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-11","- Approve performance guide for publication","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-11","Add links","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-11","- Add 'Performance test environment' to Performance guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-11","Initial draft of the rack guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Minor changes to AR#delete/destroy docs","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Regen html","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Add command line tools to perf guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Fix typos","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Add a note about tuning perf test runs","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Minor changes in performance guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Some examples for perf testing","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","Keep movin stuff in perf guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-10","More refactoring in perf guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-09","Some more perf guide stuff","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-09","Process time should be wall time when benchmarking","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-08","Update performance testing guide stuff","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-07","Regen guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2009-01-01","Regenarate html","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-31","Add validations guide to index","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-30","Merge commit 'fred/pullable'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-28","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-28","Request#env['SERVER_NAME'] does not contain port number","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-28","Revert inline docs","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-26","Merge commit 'fred/pullable'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-26","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-26","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-26","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-26","Don't recurse when ActionController#render is called wit...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-26","Make ActionController#render(symbol) behave same as Acti...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-25","Make ActionController#render(string) work as a shortcut ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-25","Make ActionController#render(string) work as a shortcut ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-25","Make ActionController#render(string) work as a shortcut ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-25","Move ActionController::Base#render arguments validation ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-25","Make render_test.rb run in isolation","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-25","Undry ActionController::TestCase#<HTTP_METHODS> for bett...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-25","Move request parsing related code to ActionController::R...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-23","Remove duplicate attr_reader :env","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-23","Unify ActionController::AbstractRequest and ActionContro...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-23","Use Rack::MockRequest for TestRequest","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-23","Rename RackRequest to Request","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-23","Remove rack_process.rb","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-23","Remove deprecated relative_url_root","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-21","Merge commit 'fred/more_pullable'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-20","Fix duplicate test name [#1058 state:resolved] [Dave Rot...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-19","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-19","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-19","Revert "Fix example using wrong method name"","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-19","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-19","Add repair_helper.rb file I forgot in previous commit 8a...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-19","Revert "Auto-load template handlers based on unmatched e...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-16","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-11","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-07","Add a rake task to apply a template to an existing appli...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-07","Remove unused TemplateRunner attributes","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-07","Merge with docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-07","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-04","Add :env and :sudo options to TemplateRunner#rake.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-03","Make TemplateRunner#generate accept any number of arguments","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-12-02","Remove docs for TemplateRunner#gem as the behaviour has ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-26","Don't re-require 'rexml/document'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-24","Add a rake task to generate dispatchers : rake rails:gen...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-24","Fix typo in 5b5730cc6e9194fb5f67fe79d2c7849e200ba6ed","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-19","Revert "Simplify benchmarking and rescue". Need a differ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-19","Simplify benchmarking and rescue","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-19","Remove deprecated ActionController::Base#assign_default_...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-19","Remove reset! as a connection#checkout callback","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-19","Remove reset! as a connection#checkout callback","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-19","Remove deprecated render_component. Please use the plugi...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-18","Fix a typo in test helper","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-18","Dont require 'application' when running tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-18","Fix script/console","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-16","Added default_scope to Base [#1381 state:committed] (Paw...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-16","Ensure @@already_loaded_fixtures is initialized before use","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Update release notes from docrails.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Merge docrails.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Please dont change code. 4146efc380255319768031f26e63210...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Rails now requires rubygems 1.3.1 of higher.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Rails now requires rubygems 1.3.1 of higher.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Rails now requires rubygems 1.3.1 of higher.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Deprecate update_attribute_with_validation_skipping. [#1...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-14","Simplify ActiveRecord::Base#update_attribute","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-08","Add some basic controller logging tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-07","Don't leave open dangling connections in development mod...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-07","Simplify dispatcher callbacks to eliminate unnecessary s...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-05","Make sure ActiveRecord::Base.connected? doesn't raise an...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-05","Update guides from docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-05","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-05","Oops. Remove CAUTION from AC basics guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-05","Regen html","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-02","Remove unused debug_routes","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-02","Dont dup params twice when filter_parameters is present","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-02","Check first for git repository before using git branch","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-02","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-02","Dont document internals","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-02","Merge docrails. Remove unnecessary files.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-02","Revert "Added information about @performed_redirect for ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-02","Remove unnecessary files","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-01","Merge with docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-11-01","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-25","Update rn html","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Fix typos in release notes","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Hey..generate html ;-)","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Enum#many?","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Update guides and release notes","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","And html too","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Revert "Fix script/console --sandbox warning. [#1194 sta...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Regenerate guides again","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Fix release notes","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Generate new guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Fix a typo","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-24","Add some more info to the release notes","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-23","Fix a typo in fxn's name","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-23","Add release notes","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-23","Add release notes and stuff","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-23","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-22","Merge with docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-22","Dont copy images twice","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-22","Fix icons","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Merge with docrails. Also add a rake task to generate gu...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","generate html too","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Fix index","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Add rake task to generate guides inside a rails app","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","New html files","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Dont fetch images from internet","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Ignore images/stylesheets inside html dir","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Use custom templates and stuff","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Fix that dir.html.html guide name","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Rearrange guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Minor change to generated perf tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Remove stuff that was deprecated in 2-1-stable","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Fix script/generate warning","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-21","Fix script/generate warning","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-19","Expose default value of database connection pool in gene...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-17","Fix test warnings","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-17","CHANGELOG entry for the previous commit (18e7bf28655cfd9...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-17","Fix Brasilia timezone. [#1180 state:resolved]","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-17","Fix Brasilia timezone. [#1180 state:resolved]","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-17","Don't create test/performance/test_helper.rb. Just requi...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-17","Compiling rubies installing gems","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-16","Add info about benchmark() helper and stuff","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-16","Ensure association proxy responds to private class metho...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-16","Remove fiveruns. And preamble->index","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-16","Merge with mainstream rails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-16","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-16","Mark layout/rendering guide as done","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-13","Ensure methods called on association proxies respect acc...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-05","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-05","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-05","Move controller ivar copying to a separate method","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-04","Add tests for ActiveSupport::Rescuable. Use ActiveSuppor...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-04","Ensure Model.sum and Model.avg typecast appropriately. [...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-04","Ensure Model.sum and Model.avg typecast appropriately. [...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-04","Ensure rescue_from handlers are respected inside tests. ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-04","Remove HasManyAssociationStrategy and move the logic to ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-10-04","Introduce ActiveRecord::Reflection::ThroughReflection to...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-29","Move render/layout guide to the top","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-28","Typooo","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-27","Mark AR Associations guide as complete","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-27","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-26","Add stuff to index","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-26","Change some more code -> source in code blocks","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-26","Add Action Controller Basics guide to rake task. Remove ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-22","Add profiling guide to the index page","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-18","Update index page","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-15","Add a link back to hackfest page from the index","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-15","Fix security guide link","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-15","Add caching guide","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-14","Add new security guide to generate list","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-14","Generate authors file","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-13","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-13","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-10","Fix a typo in guide and change assertion style in examples","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-10","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-10","Revert "Add :accessible option to Associations for allow...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-09","Force generate guides","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-09","Add new guides to index page","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-05","Dont use multipage","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-05","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-03","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-03","Merge docrails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-09-03","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-31","Add layout functionality to mailers.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-31","Fix AM tests and add tests for rendering logging","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-31","Add lost log messages about template rendering","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-31","Move layout rendering logic to ActionView::Base","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-31","Move copying ivar logic from ActionController::Base to A...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-30","Remove unused use_full_path argument","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-30","Add test to make sure RJS block inside controller is exe...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-30","Dont pass controller partial layout option to view","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-30","Remove double layout check","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-30","Add support for shallow nesting of routes. [#838 state:r...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-29","Deprecate render_component.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-28","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-14","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-08-03","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-31","Raise UnknownAttributeError when unknown attributes are ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-28","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-28","Merge docrails changes","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-28","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-17","Fix symbol cookie test","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-17","Revert "Hash#slice supports an array of keys [#613 state...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","Allow Dispatcher exceptions to be handled in application...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","Merge with docrails.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","Add config.ru to rails app generator","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","Improve rack/cgi tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","Make RackRequest#request_method respect _method","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","RackResponse should not contain Status header","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","Tests for rack response content type","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","Add tests for CgiRequest#content_type","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-16","RackRequest#content_type should return Mime::Type","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-15","Fix that Rails::InfoController tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-15","Move performance test helper settings to railties","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-12","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-04","Use ActiveSupport::TimeZone in time:zones rake tasks","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-04","Use ActiveSupport::TimeZone in time:zones rake tasks","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-03","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-02","Make sure render :collection doesnt set nil local when :...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-07-02","Add :as option to render a collection of partials with a...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-28","Add extra hash conditions tests for named_scope","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-28","Allow conditions on multiple tables to be specified usin...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-27","Ensure observer test inherits from ActiveSupport::TestCase","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-27","Ensure observer test inherits from ActiveSupport::TestCase","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-27","Cache sanitized conditions in reflection object for asso...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-25","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-19","Add performance test generator","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-15","Reload cached templates when a new handler is registered","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-13","Make rescue template xhtml compatible [Sam Ruby] [#415 s...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-13","Make rescue template xhtml compatible [Sam Ruby] [#415 s...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-11","Silence TimeZone warning","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-11","Silence TimeZone warning","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-11","Update docs to reflect 71bf75","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-11","Disable validations for associated belongs_to record by ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-11","Update docs to reflect 71bf75","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-11","Disable validations for associated belongs_to record by ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-11","Make sure cache_template_loading works and don't use to_...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-10","Delegate ActionView::Base#controller_name to controller","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-10","Lazy load cache and session stores","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-07","Simplify ActiveRecord::Base#update_attribute","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-05","Ensure render :file works inside templates","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-05","Ensure render :file works inside templates","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-05","Fix that Rails::InfoController tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-02","Ensure AR#sum result is typecasted properly","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-02","Ensure AR#sum result is typecasted properly","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-06-02","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-28","Ensure correct db time is reported in production logs.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-27","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-25","merge","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-25","Merge","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-25","Merge docrails.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-25","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-22","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-21","Verbose ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch exception ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-20","Ensure nil to '' doesn't get recorded by dirty for nulla...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-20","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-20","Ensure add_column gives valid error for sqlite. [Gunnar ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-20","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-17","Deprecate ActionView::Base.cache_template_extensions","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-16","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-16","Merge documentation changes from docrails.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-15","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-15","DRY associations code and improve eager loading tests.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-13","Remove unnecessary DeprecatedInstanceVariable class","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-11","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-11","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-09","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-09","Merge docrails:","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-07","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-06","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-06","Delegate action_name to controller inside views.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-06","Add class to deprecate instance variables","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-06","Deprecate ivars in view.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-06","Merge commit 'mainstream/master'","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-02","Improve PartialTemplate tests","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-05-01","Fixed render :template for templates in top level of vie...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-24","Pass template object to Handler#compile","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-21","Alias Object#instance_variable_names to Object#instance_...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-21","Delegate ivars to controller instead of copying","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-21","Remove ActionController::Base#view_controller_internals","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-21","Remove ActionController::Base#add_class_variables_to_ass...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-19","Remove unused ignore_missing_templates option","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-19","Move missing template logic to ActionView","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-19","Introduce ActionView::InlineTemplate class","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-18","Refactor Dispatcher callbacks to remove unnecessary Depe...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-10","Ensure that save on child object fails for invalid belon...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-06","Ensure that respond_to? considers dynamic finder methods...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-06","Split associations_test.rb into multiple files based on ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-06","Ensure that save on parent object fails for invalid has_...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-06","Remove duplicate code from associations. [Pratik]","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-06","Refactor HasManyThroughAssociation to inherit from HasMa...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-05","Ensure HABTM#create and HABTM#build do not load entire a...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-05","Fix more typos and changelog","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-05","Improve documentation.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-02","Ensure RJS redirect_to doesn't html-escapes string argum...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-02","Fix that config.to_prepare dependency error. Closes #105...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-02","Revert [9209] Use Hash#except","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-02","Adding Hash#without Closes #7369 [eventualbuddha]","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-01","Add Rails.logger, Rails.root, Rails.env and Rails.cache ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-04-01","Remove unnecessary arguments. References #11491.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-31","Ensure that validates_uniqueness_of works with with_scop...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-28","Make sure ActiveRecord tests can run individually. Close...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-15","Handle template error gracefully when line number cannot...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-13","Move tests from action_view_test.rb to template_finder_t...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-11","Add warning in documentation for increment!, decrement! ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-10","Fix database rake tasks to work with charset/collation a...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-08","Allow using named routes in ActionController::TestCase b...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-08","Update URL in script/generate usage. Closes #11220 [neshmi]","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-07","Add :readonly option to HasManyThrough associations. Clo...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-07","Fixed typos in ActiveSupport::Callbacks documentation. C...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-07","Make MimeResponds::Responder#any work without explicit t...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-05","Remove unused ActionController::Base.template_class. Clo...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-05","Docs for ActiveSupport::Callbacks. Closes #11254 [ernest...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-05","Documentation for the drop_receiving_element helpers :on...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-05","Documenation for has_one/has_many nested resource option...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-05","Moved template handlers related code from ActionView::Ba...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-05","Tests for div_for and content_tag_for helpers. Closes #1...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-03","Refactor partial rendering into a PartialTemplate class....","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-03-01","Fix regexp to contain only one rjs, and add rhtml [lifof...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-02-06","Introduce a Template class to ActionView. Closes #11024...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-02-02","Slight camelize speedup [Pratik Naik]","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-01-30","Move the declaration of the compilation related cattr_ac...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-01-22","Refactor template compilation from AV::Base into the tem...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-01-21","Reapply the TemplateFinder first applied in [8669] then ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-01-19","Introduce TemplateFinder to handle view paths and lookup...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-01-16","Ensure that the tests use the instance-level view-paths ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-01-13","Use non-blocking writing if available. Closes #10794 [l...","Pratik Naik",12 "2008-01-02","Ruby 1.9 compat: add #raise to AS::BasicObject, fixup Du...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-12-18","Ruby 1.9 compat: move from the deprecated Base64 module ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-12-10","Ruby 1.9 compat: File.exists\? -> File.exist\? en masse....","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-12-10","Ruby 1.9 compat. References #1689 [Pratik Naik]","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-11-06","Update association/method mapping table to refected late...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-10-29","Associations: speedup duplicate record check. Closes #10...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-10-16","caches_page uses a single after_filter instead of one pe...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-10-16","Refactor association create and build so before & after ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-10-15","Alias association #build to #new so it behaves predictab...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-10-10","rescue_from accepts :with => lambda { |exception| ... } ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-29","Fixed that strip_tags blows up with invalid html (closes...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-28","Allow ability to disable request forgery protection, dis...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-28","Fixed the layout defaults (closes #9564) [lifo]","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-25","Protect button_to behind protect_from_forgery (closes #9...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-23","Secure #sanitize, #strip_tags, and #strip_links helpers ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-21","Added support for HTTP Only cookies (works in IE6+ and F...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-18","Fixed that default layouts did not take the format into ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-15","root_path returns '/' not ''. Closes #9563.","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-11","Moved acts_as_tree into a plugin of the same name on the...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-11","Moved ActionController::Macros::AutoComplete into the au...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-10","Moved ActionController::Macros::InPlaceEditing into the ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-09","Use attribute pairs instead of the migration name to cre...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-03","Remove deprecated functionality from actionpack. Closes...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-09-03","Remove deprecated functionality from edge rails. Closes...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-08-20","Merge 8801 fix to stable. Closes #8801","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-07-25","Ensure that has_many :through associations use a count q...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-07-25","tiny doc patches [lifo]","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-07-20","Fix #count on a has_many :through association so that it...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-07-17","Fix and properly document/test count(column_name) usage....","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-07-16","Remove deprecated count(conditions=nil, joins=nil) usage...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-07-15","Remove spurious tests from deprecated_associations_test,...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-07-11"," Make create! on a has_many :through association return ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-06-27","Define collection singular ids method for has_many :thro...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-06-25","Fix polymorphic has_one associations declared in an abst...","Pratik Naik",12 "2007-06-23","Don't mistakenly interpret the request uri as the query ...","Pratik Naik",12 "2013-09-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-09-03","Merge pull request #12126 from namusyaka/fix-some-typos","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-08-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-08-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-08-17","Revert "Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails"","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-07-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-07-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-07-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-28","Merge pull request #11160 from wangjohn/documentation_fo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-15","reword the docrails info [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-13","Merge pull request #142 from codyrobbins/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-13","copy editing AS guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-13","copy editing AS guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-13","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-13","Revert "Add detailed steps on how to squash multiple com...","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-13","Revert "Whitespace trimming in guides generation"","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-06-07","Merge pull request #139 from rajcybage/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-19","copy edits[ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-19","Revert "Corrected documentation and added some more for ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-19","Revert "Changed the CHANGELOG for active_support and imp...","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-19","Revert "ActionMailer::Collector should be nodoc'd"","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-19","Revert "nodoc ActionMailer module from lib/action_mailer...","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-19","Revert "Document Rails::Generators::MailerGenerator"","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-12","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-05-01","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-04-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-04-11","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-04-11","add wip for the action view guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-04-11","Revert "added details to section 4.1.2 of the Asset Pipe...","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #129 from rafBM/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-30","fix upgrading guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-30","Revert "Using American English spellings over British st...","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #9901 from vipulnsward/fix_some_typos","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9821 from vipulnsward/fix_typos_in_AR","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9825 from rShetty/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-09","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #8670 from sanemat/fix/rake-desc","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-03-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-02-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-02-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-02-15","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8859 from tehgeekmeister/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-01-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-01-01","update rake tasks output [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-01-01","fix alignment in rails info properties page [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-01-01","small fix in js guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-01-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-01-01","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-01-01","Merge pull request #123 from m-o/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-29","Merge pull request #8647 from nishantmodak/patch-2","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-28","Revert "Add rake test description"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-28","Revert "Add rake default to description"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-28","Revert "reminder to run bundle after setting up rails-de...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-21","copy edits in assets guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-21","Revert "Fix incorrect adjustment 4c41e87e3ae548c44810b66...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","make an editing pass through the upgrading guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","copy editing [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","bullets have fullstops too [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","Revert "Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","Revert "Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","Revert "Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","Revert "Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-15","Revert "Add quotes to Numeric Passwords to force string(...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-09","revise block on kindle guides [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-09","Revert "API reader should look elsewhere for helper inst...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-08","Merge pull request #8348 from danchoi/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-08","update release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-08","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-08","Revert "Introduce Bundler and Gemfiles in a NOTE"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-04","Updated 4.0 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-04","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-04","Revert "Add documentation to TransactionIsolationError [...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-01","Merge pull request #8382 from asanghi/mailerguide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-01","Merge pull request #8379 from steveklabnik/validations_g...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-12-01","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-23","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-16","Remove old comments about using our own sdoc fork [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-16","copy edits and fixes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-16","remove kindle link from guides index [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-16","Revert "Switch to 1.9 hash syntax"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-16","Revert "add AR deep dive video links to guides"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-10","recent railties changes added to the release notes [ci s...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-10","update turbolinks readme link [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-02","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-02","Revert "Updated activerecord test comments to new hash s...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-11-02","Revert "dont encourage AC::Parameters#permit_all_paramet...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-21","fix a couple of typos in the js guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-21","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-14","Merge pull request #118 from patriciomacadden/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-11","Merge pull request #7050 from kytrinyx/documentation-res...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7887 from senny/remove_unused_requir...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Fixing build failures","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7898 from olivierlacan/pg_homebrew_i...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7890 from AvnerCohen/new_hash_syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","fix github url [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","copy-edit the email delivery errors comment","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Revert "Fix Example in active model attribute methods"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Revert "Fix all examples in comments in active_model att...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7899 from asanghi/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7897 from arunagw/warning_fixes_asse...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7895 from mdaisuke/guides_typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-30","Merge pull request #7795 from guilleiguaran/fix-ap-chang...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-28","revise commandline guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-28","copy editing [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-28","Revert "add documentation to generated routes"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-24","Merge pull request #7741 from siong1987/testing","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-23","Merge pull request #7737 from siong1987/debugging","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-21","some edits in 4.0 release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-21","Fix typos and links in engines guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-21","fix some md syntax errors and general revisions [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-21","remove nodoc [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7673 from frodsan/fix_amailer_rdoc","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-09","indent fix [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-09","minor fixes and edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-01","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-09-01","Revert "added .DS_Store to .gitignore"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-30","Merge pull request #7481 from joliss/typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-23","Merge pull request #7061 from davidcelis/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-22","edit secret token template comment [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-22","copy edit the time_ago_in_words helper docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-22","Merge pull request #7398 from iamvery/time_ago_in_words-...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-17","Merge pull request #7373 from hollowspace/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-15","remove reference to humans.txt from release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-15","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-15","tiny formatting fix in i18n guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-11","Merge pull request #7331 from morgoth/changelog-for-engi...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-04","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-04","Revert "Fix string interpolation in belongs_to docs"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-08-04","Merge pull request #7260 from thomasklemm/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-21","update 4.0 release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-21","improve NullRelation docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-21","minor copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-21","Revert "Make it clear that you can also pass a full url ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-12","Merge pull request #7037 from evantravers/misspelling","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-11","Merge pull request #7032 from necrodome/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-07","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-07","minor text change [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-07-07","Revert "Add nodoc to relation methods"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-23","format the 4.0 release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-22","fixes a few mistakes in api docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-22","copy edit the assets guide[ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-14","fix some formatting [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-14","modify middleware docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-14","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-14","move the info about cosmetic changes to a diff location ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-14","moar copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-14","copy editing [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-14","Revert "Add a note about JavaScript runtime"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-03","Merge pull request #6607 from parndt/patch-2","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-02","starting with the Rails 4.0 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-02","copy edit AS guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-02","copy edit routing guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-06-02","fix up the example app for getting started guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-30","cut down spaces [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-30","Revert "Revert "[AR querying guide] Add examples for tak...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-30","copy edit the batches docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-30","let's not add too much details upfront in the introducti...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-30","Revert "[AR querying guide] Add examples for take(limit)...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-30","some copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-27","some asset path changes and formatting fixes in AV overv...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-27","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-26","Update initialization guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-26","some small corrections & wrapping changes in the initial...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-26","fix mention of ruby versions that rails 4 won't run on [...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-26","make it explicit that bundle install at the time of app ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-26","Merge pull request #6454 from rafmagana/guides_rails_on_...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-26","Merge pull request #6491 from rafmagana/getting_started_...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-23","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6383 from oscardelben/add_oscardelbe...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6194 from ayrton/optimized_images","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-23","copy edits in collection proxy docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-23","Revert "Remove Obsolute root specifiying short syntax"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-23","Revert "Remove blank trailing comments"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-23","copy edit[ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-20","fix closing tag [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-19","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-19","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-19","Revert "You can add a custom primary key to a table"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6367 from frodsan/fix_validators_docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6363 from markmcspadden/fix_duplicab...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-17","fix word_wrap eg output [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-17","copy edits assets guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-17","copy edit and remove nodoc on instance_values method [ci...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-17","Revert "Update docs in sqlite3 adapter"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-16","remove stray text in getting started guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-16","document the AR::Base#ids method introduced in 9307616 [...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-16","fix bad formatting [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-16","remove image_tag onmouseover option docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6347 from avakhov/ar-changelog-misprint","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-15","Revert "corrected some misspelling"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #99 from GRoguelon/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6321 from frodsan/backport_docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-15","missing dot [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-15","copy edit asset guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-14","fix format in getting started guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6294 from frodsan/docs_backport","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","update example outputs of some asset helpers","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","fixes a nodoc which swallowed the documentation for the ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6285 from acapilleri/missplelling_er...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","s/wether/whether [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","fix incorrect example [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","copy editing [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6281 from acapilleri/mispelling_erro...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6278 from GRoguelon/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-10","remove unnecessary 'examples' noise [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-09","Merge pull request #6228 from mjtko/changelog-fixes-for-...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-09","Merge pull request #6227 from mjtko/changelog-fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-09","fix a couple of formatting issues [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-09","Merge pull request #6218 from frodsan/fix_docs_32stable","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-08","Merge pull request #6213 from frodsan/cut_docs_dup","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-08","update some examples in asset tag helper docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-08","Merge pull request #6211 from frodsan/docs_attr_accessor...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-08","remove redundant and stray line [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-08","simplify the alias_attribute example [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-08","cut some duplication and minor edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-07","Revert "fixing active model links in readme"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-07","note that WIP guides are not in the index menu [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-06","doc edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-06","Merge pull request #5924 from cjolly/signed-cookies-docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-06","Merge pull request #6180 from soulim/fix_submit_tag_doc","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-05","Make RedCloth not convert double hyphens to emdashes. Cl...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-05","Revert "Play nice with some lint patterns"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-05","some corrections in the AR query guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #6175 from mhfs/guide_take_first_last","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-04","fix doc [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6154 from shaliko/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-04","update invalid partial error message as per 04202a3f8d66...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6159 from marcandre/fix_bad_partial_...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6158 from Dagnan/3-2-stable","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #5650 from sekrett/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6137 from FLOChip/cache_documentation","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01","copy-edit guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01","remove unused pguides rake task from railties","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01","fix grammar in deprecation message [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01","changelog fixes. Closes #3911","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01","more edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01","copy edit AS deprecation/behaviours docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01",NA,"Vijay Dev",11 "2012-05-01","Merge pull request #95 from RobZolkos/add_doc_for_utc_of...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-29","Removed unclear doc in AR querying guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-27","made a few changes and fixes in getting started guide [c...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-27","update docs - disabling prepared statements is not conne...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-26","fix number_to_human docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-26","fix number_to_human docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5878 from oscardelben/refactor_obser...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-25","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-25","Revert "Added warning that require_tree includes files i...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-25","removing changes made in ccd0b511c933d3e2c7f3e345622ad2c...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-23","Merge pull request #5887 from mcrowe/document-relation-m...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-23","Merge pull request #5936 from arunagw/other_readme_fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-23","Merge pull request #5935 from arunagw/readme_fixes_3-2-s...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-22","Merge pull request #92 from geetarista/add-favicon","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-21","Revert "in feedback solicitation text, correct that docr...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-17","the index option is always created if the type is one of...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-17","let's not use `and` in place of `&&`","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-17","let's keep the slash in the return value instead of the ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-16","Merge pull request #5858 from bsodmike/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-12","fix typo in readme [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-12","avoid autolinking by rdoc [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-11","copy editing [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-11","Revert "add instructions for adding additional manifests"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-11","fix bad format [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-10","Merge pull request #5799 from arunagw/readme_fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-08","Merge pull request #5773 from trevor/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-07","fix markup error [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-07","avoid empty api pages","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-07","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-07","Merge pull request #5766 from lest/patch-4","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-07","Revert "Documents that ActiveRecord instances also suppo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-07","Revert "Where migration can get wrong help added"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-07","copy editing [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-06","Merge pull request #5765 from anildigital/3-2-stable","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-05","lets not show too much output and shadow the intention [...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-05","minor fixes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-05","fix boolean value in guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-05","Revert "Update activemodel rdoc links"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-04","Revert "update ActionPack README links"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-04","Revert "update ActionPack README links"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-04","Revert "rails 4 will support ruby version 1.9.4 or higher"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-02","fix formatting in engines guide; also removed a couple o...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-02","Revert "parse <css> block as code (used in engines guide) "","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-01","Merge pull request #5684 from arunagw/warning_removed_ra...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-04-01","copy editing [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-31","Merge pull request #5679 from arunagw/warning_removed_ma...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-29","fix incorrect url in the deprecation message for vendor/...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-29","fix incorrect url in the deprecation message for vendor/...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-27","minor edits in testing guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-27","add missing do [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-27","Revert "[ci skip] updated bin/rails code in Rails Initia...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-24","Merge pull request #5569 from arunagw/warning_remove_master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-24","spacing fix in guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-20","guides location has changed [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-14","Merge pull request #5421 from parndt/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-13","mark engines guide as wip [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-13","Revert "Fixed Issue #2884 ActiveModel::SecurePassword co...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-13","copy-edit contributing guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-09","Minor changelog fixes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-09","Merge pull request #5350 from rafaelfranca/changelog-fix...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-09","Merge pull request #5349 from rafaelfranca/changelog-fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-09","Merge pull request #5348 from rafaelfranca/fix-warning","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-08","update changelogs for gems without changes too [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-08","fix incorrect changelog headings [ci skip].","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-08","changelog updates for Rails 4 [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-08","changelog updates [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-08","In a nested resource route, the parent resource param is...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-08","Revert "Add rails glossary of common terms & concepts"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-07","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-07","Merge pull request #88 from kevingriffin/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-07","fixes #4506 [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-07","Merge pull request #5305 from arunagw/warning_fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-06","Clean up module docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-06","Merge pull request #86 from bschaeffer/ar-doc-fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-05","Merge pull request #5281 from filipeamoreira/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-05","minor corrections in AMo::Model docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-05","document the shortcut to the root route helper [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-03","CSS fix for guides. Closing #5028 [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-03","Merge pull request #4984 from raghunadhd/change_orderhash","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-03","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-03-01","Merge pull request #5232 from claudiob/add_release_date_...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-29","fix api doc [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-29","adds a nodoc [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-28","Merge pull request #85 from whilefalse/rails_32_engine_u...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-28","minor edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-28","move the strict validations to an appropriate section an...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-28","copy edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-25","A guide for upgrading Rails [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-25","copy-edits [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-23","Merge pull request #5143 from mguterl/update_running_uni...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-21","fix bad docs from f373f296 [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-21","fix bad docs from f373f296 [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-18","Merge pull request #5085 from simi/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-18","fix a typo [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-18","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-18","fix some typos [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-14","CSS fix for guides. Closing #5028 [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #5042 from parndt/patch-2","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-09","Merge pull request #4959 from ram123naresh/removed_order...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-08","Merge pull request #4950 from ask4prasath/text_changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-04","Document Integer#ordinal available in PR #2072.","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-04","remove unasserted line in test","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-04","make the ONLY env variable used in guides generation wor...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-04","mention how to generate guides for the Kindle [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-04","document config.active_record.dependent_restrict_raises ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-03","Merge pull request #4863 from norman/unicode","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-01","revise docs [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-01","document the AR none method [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-01","fix a typo [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-01","fixes the plus sign properly [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-02-01","Revert "fixing text to match what is being displayed"","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-30","Fixes #4764 - remove generated new line in routes.rb on ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-30","fix typo [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-27","fix a small typo [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4699 from mattdbridges/typo_fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4529 from ask4prasath/refactor","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4673 from carlosantoniodasilva/valid...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-25","Revert "Added Apache configuration for dynamic gzip cont...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-25","minor text change [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-24","fix some examples - method names can't start with a number","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-23","test base64 encode and decode","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4611 from jviney/3-2-stable","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-21","Merge pull request #4579 from guilleiguaran/add-js-runti...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-21","Revert "Fixed typo in 'cast'."","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-20","Merge pull request #4545 from trotter/fix-documentation-bug","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","update release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","update release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","add uglifier version info in the 'what to update' section","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","fix duplicate ids for the headers [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","add uglifier version info in the 'what to update' section","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","fix duplicate ids for the headers [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","document AR::Base#with_lock in release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","document AR::Base#with_lock in release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","update the getting_started guide code [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","update the getting_started guide code [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","revising release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","revising release notes [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","select doesn't take multiple arguments - fixes #4539 [ci...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-19","select doesn't take multiple arguments - fixes #4539 [ci...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-18","revise wording [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-18","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-18","revise wording [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4525 from guilleiguaran/am-changelog...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-18","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-18","Revert "Remove redundant mention of escape_javascript al...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-18","updates to 3.2 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-18","updates to 3.2 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-16","Merge pull request #76 from makoto/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-16","minor edits in getting started guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-16","copy editing asset pipeline changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-16","minor edits in getting started guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-16","copy editing asset pipeline changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-15","fix a broken test","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-15","Merge pull request #4467 from castlerock/changelog_for_d...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4459 from Karunakar/small_test_fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-13","revise wording [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4443 from guilleiguaran/changelog-3-...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4442 from guilleiguaran/3-1-changelogs","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","fix rails binary path when using --dev [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","fix rails binary path when using --dev [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","add info about kindle guides in the release guide [ci skip]","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","add info about kindle guides in the release guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","prepare for 3.2 guides release :)","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","remove hidden link in guides layout","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","prepare for 3.2 guides release :)","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","remove hidden link in guides layout","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4387 from Karunakar/releasenotes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","add 3.2 release notes to the guides index","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","minor edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","fixes in api docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","add 3.2 release notes to the guides index","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","minor edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","fixes in api docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","First attempt at providing a 'what to update' section fo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","First attempt at providing a 'what to update' section fo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","minor revision in 3.2 release guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-12","minor revision in 3.2 release guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-11","add some missing formats in the release guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-11","add some missing formats in the release guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-11","Some revisions to the release notes guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-11","Some revisions to the release notes guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-11","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-04","copy edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-04","copy edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-04","updates to 3.2 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-04","updates to 3.2 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4265 from laserlemon/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-01","DRY up guides index page","Vijay Dev",11 "2012-01-01","fix a warning about grouped expressions","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-31","Merge pull request #4248 from andrew/2012","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-31","DRY up guides index page","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-31","fix a couple of formatting issues","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-31","remove wiki link","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-31","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-31","remove wiki link","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-31","fix a couple of formatting issues","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-29","revise some doc changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-29","revise some doc changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-25","add back the version info to the title in guides index page","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-25","add back the version info to the title in guides index page","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-25","Some fixes in rails guides generation","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-25","Some fixes in rails guides generation","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-25","fix kindle apps link in edge guides index","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-25","fix kindle apps link in edge guides index","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4181 from mipearson/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4171 from castlerock/remove_deprecat...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-24","add latest changes to 3.2 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-24","add latest changes to 3.2 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-24","minor edits in caching guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-24","minor edits in caching guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-24","A few doc changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-24","Revert "Changelog release dates fixed according to rubyg...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-23","Rails 3.2 Release Notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-23","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-23","Rails 3.2 Release Notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-22","remove conflict marker","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4102 from arunagw/warning_removed_ac...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-21","sync AS guide with the Ruby 1.9 related deletions in master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-20","NullStore cache belongs in Active Support","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4061 from indrekj/action-mailer-18n-...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-20","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-20","remove unnecessary link. This is already mentioned in se...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-20","Revert "Fixed some grammatical errors in raw_email_with_...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-18","fix a minor typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-18","Revert "Update master changelogs with rails 3.0-stable b...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-16","Merge pull request #3780 from marcbowes/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-13","copy edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-11","update command line guide: generated README is now an rdoc","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-11","revising doc","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-08","fix a bad url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-08","fix nodocs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-08","add haml and slim to the list of extensions supported by...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-08","fix comments","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-08","minor text change","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-06","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-06","Revert "Added link to ActiveResource::Base documentation"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-06","use textile syntax in links","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-06","rxml and rhtml are no longer searched for source code an...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-06","copy edits in layouts guide, change links to be relative","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-04","copy edits in the migrations guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-02","fix a typo in query guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-02","fix typo in railties changelog","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-02","revises Enumerable#pluck in AS guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-12-02","rephrase doc on explain threshold","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-30","expand on pluck docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-30","minor typo fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-30","s/is is/is","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-30","Merge pull request #3786 from nashby/add-namespace-to-form","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-30","fix bad nodocs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-29","Merge pull request #3797 from HeeL/test","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-29","Merge pull request #3790 from masterkain/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-28","Merge pull request #3783 from HeeL/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-28","Revert "use any? to check for size"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","add more tests for monday and sunday methods","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","Merge pull request #3764 from arunagw/test_sunday_monday","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","documenting monday and sunday methods","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","Adds Time#sunday method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","Convert aliases monday and sunday to methods","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","s/end_on_week/end_of_week","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","minor doc changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","rephrased ef38c3089e1269e2b315aff503e61c0b23c95f00 and","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-26","use any? to check for size","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-22","Revert "Added links to the 'Rails Initialization Guide',...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-22","caching 'false' properly","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-22","remove nodoc on OrderedHash","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-21","Remove the -h option to dbconsole which is the shorter f...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-18","mailer guide - update info about using default host. Fix...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-18","Merge pull request #3682 from sikachu/3-1-stable-fix_tes...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-18","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-18","remove unneeded params from issue tracker url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-18","put back the removed eg","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-18","Merge pull request #3681 from sikachu/fix_test_variable","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-18","Merge pull request #3666 from oscardelben/databases_rake...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-18","Merge pull request #3669 from parndt/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-17","update guide: db:structure:dump produces structure.sql now","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-17","Merge pull request #3658 from arunagw/fix_initialize_var...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-17","Merge pull request #3656 from arunagw/readline_to_read","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-15","refactor test_multiple_of","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-13","copy edits in getting started guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-13","Revert "Move Tip up higher so users who are fine with SQ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-13","Revert "Use rails help new instead of rails new -h"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-13","Revert "Update guide to use Ruby 1.9 hash syntax"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-11","Revert "Fix "in memory" where it should be "in-memory"."","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-11","change_table bulk test case should check if the connecti...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-10","Modify change_table to remove the need for the block arg...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-10","update ci file name in contributing guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-10","Checking the arity of the block passed to create_table","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-10","Fixes deprecation warning about passing a template handler","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-09","Merge pull request #3579 from arunagw/missing_md_in_chan...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-09","Merge pull request #3574 from arunagw/refactor_testing_u...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-09","Merge pull request #3576 from arunagw/changelog_changelo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-08","Merge pull request #3562 from rahul100885/rahul100885_work","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-08","Merge pull request #3563 from arunagw/changelog_to_md","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-08","fix typo again (Thanks Phillip Oertel)","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-07","fix incorrect code example","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-06","fix typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-06","fix markups for plus in AR guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-06","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-05","make class name consistent with the filename","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-05","Merge pull request #2378 from cesario/remove_warnings_ac...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-05","Fixed after_initialize/after_find guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-05","Revert "outline two ways to invoke a custom active model...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-05","Revert "make the inline text a comment in the code block"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-04","add tests for the case where size is explicitly passed t...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-02","minor edit","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-02","minor edits in AR validations guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-11-01","use relative urls for linking to sections in the guides","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-31","assert_match takes a regexp and a string in that order","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-30","Merge pull request #3468 from kennyj/fix_a_document_for_...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-29","Merge pull request #3459 from arunagw/running_test_doc_fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-26","minor fixes in the composed_of doc","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-26","Merge pull request #3439 from bradrobertson/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-25","Merge pull request #3357 from rahul100885/rahul100885_ws","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-25","Merge pull request #3422 from arunagw/unused_var_warning","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-25","safeguard against configs missing environment or the dat...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-22","Merge pull request #3409 from guilleiguaran/lock-turn-ve...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-22","edge doesnt provide turn gem in the gemfile anymore","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-22","Merge pull request #3352 from arunagw/bump_sprockets","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-22","minor fixes in the composed_of doc","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-22","Merge pull request #3403 from arunagw/rack_doc_update","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-20","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-19","Merge pull request #3362 from avakhov/p-superfluous-assi...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-17","use variables from test setup","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-17","fix a typo and slightly reword has_secure_password comment","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-17","Merge pull request #3330 from arunagw/ignore_sqlnet_3-0-...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-16","Merge pull request #3343 from vatrai/fix_warning","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-15","minor edits in serializers guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-14","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-14","Merge pull request #72 from pote/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-12","refactor guide example","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-11","Merge pull request #3286 from rahul100885/rahul100885_wo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-10","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-10","Merge pull request #3274 from arunagw/warning_removed_my...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-10","Merge pull request #3265 from arunagw/warning_uri_parser","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-09","Corrections to the ajax guide recent changes. This guide...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-07","fix bad formatting in the assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-07","fix bad formatting in the assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-07","closes #3241 - partial doc fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-07","Merge pull request #3244 from ugisozols/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-07","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-07","use https for github url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-06","fix an example","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-06","fix a space in the assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-06","fix a space in the assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-06","Merge pull request #3203 from jrmehle/fix_clone_structure","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-06","Merge pull request #3233 from benolee/fix_spelling_in_do...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-10-05","copy editing","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-28","fixing typo in assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-28","fixing typo in assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-27","copy edit d47c2c4","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-26","remove stray line","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-25","fix deprecation warning in cookie_store_test","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","fix incorrect comment","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","copy edits 302e5707","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","copy edits 908f2616","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","remove unnecessary markup","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","Fixing incorrect notextile tags","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","minor edit","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","Revert "add a missing "on" and remove the "endprologue" ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-21","indentation fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-20","copy edits 302e5707","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-20","copy edits 908f2616","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-20","remove unnecessary markup","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-16","Fixing incorrect notextile tags","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-16","minor edit","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-16","Merge pull request #3048 from masterkain/patch-2","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-16","Merge pull request #3042 from splattael/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-14","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-14","No more changelogs inside guides","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-14","Mention that old fixes are to be done on 3-0-stable","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-14","minor edit","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-14","change first_or_new to first_or_initialize as per 118701...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-14","update 3.1 release date in changelogs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-14","remove info about guides hackfest","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-13","Delete contribute.textile now that its contents are merg...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-13","change GH issue tracker url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-13","merged the contribution guides and changed the","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-13","delete stray backup files from guides sample app","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #67 from alanzeino/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-12","Delete contribute.textile now that its contents are merg...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-12","change GH issue tracker url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-11","merged the contribution guides and changed the","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-11","some copy-edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-11","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2968 from arunagw/form_helper_test","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-10","fix assert message","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-08","revert the changes from c60995f3 - related to marking su...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-08","Merge pull request #2682 from guilleiguaran/3-0-stable-c...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-08","some copy-edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-08","copy edit assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-08","Merge pull request #2931 from dmathieu/safe_gsub_doc","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-07","Use Travis https build status image in order to prevent ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-07","Revert "Rails.root is a Pathname, no need to use File.jo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-07","copy edit assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2905 from nhocki/patch-1","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-05","add blanks between methods","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-04","minor fixes in assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-04","add some missing dots in the docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-04","Merge docrails, resolving conflicts in the assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-04","minor fixes in assets guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-03","add some missing dots in the docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2836 from avakhov/action-controller-...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2830 from arunagw/warning_removed_3-...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-02","document send_file guesses content type from the file ex...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-02","some of the changes for validation earlier reverted from...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-02","Revert "Fixing guides validation errors."","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-02","debug option to js, stylesheet tags are ignored when deb...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #63 from carlosparamio/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-01","Revert "Fix logic in 3.1 release notes sentence"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2718 from dasch/patch-5","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #62 from roytomeij/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-09-01","docs formatting changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-31","doc fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-31","Merge pull request #2706 from mitio/doc-changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-27","doc fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-20","params wrapper docs correction","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-20","minor change in the 3.1 release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-19","mailer guide: fixes indentation, and use fixed width fon...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-19","mailer guide: fixes indentation, and use fixed width fon...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-19","mailer guide: fixes indentation, and use fixed width fon...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-16","document Array#append and Array#prepend methods in AS guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-16","assets guide - add info about require_directory, minor r...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-16","minor changes in app templates guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-16","rephrase how the verbose methods in a migration work","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-16","document alias for rails runner","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-16","fix misleading comment (originally made by Tate Johnson,...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-16","document Array#append and Array#prepend methods in AS guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-15","assets guide - add info about require_directory, minor r...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-15","minor changes in app templates guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-14","rephrase how the verbose methods in a migration work","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-14","document alias for rails runner","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-14","added a few more items in the release notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-14","fix misleading comment (originally made by Tate Johnson,...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","3.1 release notes: fixed font changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","3.1 release notes: organize action_pack notes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","expand tmp:* tasks, and a few more additions in the comm...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","indentation fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","fixes #2368. rake about not showing the middleware, db a...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","typo fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","minor changes in migrations guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","fixed incorrect tags","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","3.1 release notes Active Record changes, Architectural c...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","3.1 release notes - added AP and Railties sections","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","3.1 release notes draft","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","prefer to use if..end unless the condition is simple/com...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","remove some parts of the section on shortcut helpers, do...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","make the warning clear about the effect of using validat...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-13","Fixes readme links better - earlier links broke when the...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","typo fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","minor changes in migrations guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","fixed incorrect tags","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","3.1 release notes Active Record changes, Architectural c...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","3.1 release notes - added AP and Railties sections","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","3.1 release notes draft","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","prefer to use if..end unless the condition is simple/com...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","remove some parts of the section on shortcut helpers, do...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","make the warning clear about the effect of using validat...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","document meta method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","move the note after the scaffold files listing","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","typo fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","minor changes in migrations guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","fixed incorrect tags","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","3.1 release notes Active Record changes, Architectural c...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","3.1 release notes - added AP and Railties sections","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","3.1 release notes draft","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","prefer to use if..end unless the condition is simple/com...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","remove some parts of the section on shortcut helpers, do...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","make the warning clear about the effect of using validat...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","document meta method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-08-04","move the note after the scaffold files listing","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-31","fixes #2368. rake about not showing the middleware, db a...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-31","fixes #2368. rake about not showing the middleware, db a...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-31","fixes #2368. rake about not showing the middleware, db a...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-28","document meta method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-26","move the note after the scaffold files listing","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-25","Revert "Add in a tip about opening two command prompt wi...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-25","Revert "Update the TIP formatter to handle multiline tips"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-25","Revert "aligment issues fixed"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-25","Revert "Add in a tip about opening two command prompt wi...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-25","Revert "Update the TIP formatter to handle multiline tips"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","minor refactor in the template guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","document the change in edge rails which makes a more str...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","corrected sentences to make them consistent in command l...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","minor corrections in caching guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","spacing fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","Fixing the incorrect change made in bae54c5","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","reword select_date's behaviour clearly when an incomplet...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","minor corrections in form helpers guide and api docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","some corrections in assets pipeline guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","Revert "notextile tag has been placed with ascii quotes"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","Revert "Fix wildcard route code examples."","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-23","use simpler words in docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-22","minor refactor in the template guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-22","document the change in edge rails which makes a more str...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-22","corrected sentences to make them consistent in command l...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-22","minor corrections in caching guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-22","Fixes typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","avoid Symbol#to_proc","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","add entry for submit helper change removing object_name_id","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","add entry for submit helper change removing object_name_id","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","avoid Symbol#to_proc","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","spacing fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","Fixing the incorrect change made in bae54c5","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","reword select_date's behaviour clearly when an incomplet...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","minor corrections in form helpers guide and api docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","some corrections in assets pipeline guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-19","Revert "notextile tag has been placed with ascii quotes"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-15","Merge pull request #52 from dyba/651cabc69a6cd661bc33824...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-15","Revert "Fix wildcard route code examples."","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-10","use simpler words in docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-09","update Rails version. (rails console didn't exist in 2.1)","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-08","update Rails version. (rails console didn't exist in 2.1)","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-06","add w3c_validators gem to the doc group to fix failing v...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-04","minor edit in 7896ac3","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-04","add w3c_validators gem to the doc group to fix failing v...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-03","Reversing the changes done in c278a2c while still resolv...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-03","document meta methods","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-02","Merge pull request #50 from wader/master","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-02","Reversing the changes done in c278a2c while still resolv...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-02","document handle_unverified_request method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-07-02","Revert "fix a typo"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-30","update doc about resetting the session in case of authen...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-30","Revert "Included w3c_validators gem and modified Migrati...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-28","record unsupported methods in CommandRecorder instead of...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-27","fix javascript case","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-26","minor changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-26","minor indentation fixes on a6293ff","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-25","replace find(all) with all","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-25","fix typo in method name","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-25","Revert "add missing methods supported by reversible migr...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-25","record unsupported methods in CommandRecorder instead of...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-24","add missing methods supported by reversible migrations u...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-23","font style changes in perf guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-23","document Active Record's reverse_order method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-23","AR: use where in place of find","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-23","minor changes in getting started guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-23","document the instance_reader option for class_attribute","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-22","font style changes in perf guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-19","document Active Record's reverse_order method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-19","AR: use where in place of find","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-19","minor changes in getting started guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-19","document the instance_reader option for class_attribute","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","To solve the problem of links being broken in GitHub for...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","edit assets guide for cases & minor wording changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","Revert changes done in c56618ec, 51cb7459 and 030950a. T...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","Revert changes done in c56618ec, 51cb7459 and 030950a. T...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","minor clean up generators section","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","add info that plugin installs need git or svn installed","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","document doc:* rake tasks","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","add details on how to use specific annotations in rake:n...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","document how rake notes work","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","form => form_for","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","minor copy edit 0bdeddb","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","fix minor errors in nested model guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","document the instance_accessor option for cattr_accessor","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","assets are in app now and not in public","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","document server options","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","more command guide changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","make some changes to the command line guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","minor changes in templates guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","add missing end in example","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","favor includes over old AR way","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","fixed incorrect command usage. (This section needs to be...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-18","minor fixes in action view guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-16","minor clean up generators section","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-16","add info that plugin installs need git or svn installed","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-16","replace dev.ror.com plugin url with a dummy one","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-16","document doc:* rake tasks","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-16","fix merge errors","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-15","add details on how to use specific annotations in rake:n...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-15","document how rake notes work","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-15","form => form_for","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-15","Merge pull request #45 from christineyen/redirect_to_docs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-15","minor copy edit 0bdeddb","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-14","Added instance_accessor: false to Module#mattr_accessor","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-13","fix minor errors in nested model guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-13","document the instance_accessor option for cattr_accessor","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-12","assets are in app now and not in public","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-11","document server options","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-11","more command guide changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-11","make some changes to the command line guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-11","minor changes in templates guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-11","add missing end in example","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-11","favor includes over old AR way","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-11","fixed incorrect command usage. (This section needs to be...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-11","minor fixes in action view guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-10","minor corrections in configuring guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-10","remove generators section from command line guide in fav...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-10","fix generators guide url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-10","use git: rather than https: in git remote urls; else, gi...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-10","minor fixes from 5acf76d","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-10","fix incorrect validation examples","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-10","fix typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-10","make 'rails runner' show usage when run without any options","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-08","minor corrections in configuring guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-08","remove generators section from command line guide in fav...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-08","fix generators guide url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","use git: rather than https: in git remote urls; else, gi...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","minor fixes from 5acf76d","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","fix incorrect validation examples","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","fix spacing","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","add missing generator configs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","proof reading and fixes in configuring guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","fix indents and a code error in caching guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","fix typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","fix spacing","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","add missing generator configs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","proof reading and fixes in configuring guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-07","fix indents and a code error in caching guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","add info about docrails policy on changelogs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","comment the recorder methods","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","up and down are no longer class methods in a migration","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","rearrange sections of the commandline guide giving more ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","document assets related rake tasks","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","minor edits in migrations guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","annotate class_eval method for active resource schema at...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","correct code indendation in the initialization guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","s/ActiveRecord/Active Record according to api guidelines","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","minor corrections in generators guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","fix incorrect module name for wrap parameters","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","some grammatical corrections","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","fix incorrect output","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","use clearer variable name in examples","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","remove stray (","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","fix indentation, fixed-width for nils","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","add alias info for runner command","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","removed references to old remote_* helpers; add info abo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","fix typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","document aliases for commands and update rails versions","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","add info about docrails policy on changelogs","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","comment the recorder methods","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","up and down are no longer class methods in a migration","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","rearrange sections of the commandline guide giving more ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","document assets related rake tasks","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","cherry picked 05adf524 for 3-0-stable. Original Author: ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","cherry picked 24b28a2 for 3-0-stable. Original Author: a...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","fixes Rake::RDocTask deprecation warnings from rake 0.9....","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-06","fixes Rake::GemPackageTask deprecation warnings from rak...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-05","minor edits in migrations guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-05","annotate class_eval method for active resource schema at...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-04","correct code indendation in the initialization guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-04","s/ActiveRecord/Active Record according to api guidelines","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-04","minor corrections in generators guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-04","fix incorrect module name for wrap parameters","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-04","some grammatical corrections","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-04","fix incorrect output","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-04","fixes Rake::RDocTask deprecation warnings from rake 0.9.0","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-04","fixes Rake::GemPackageTask deprecation warnings from rak...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-03","use clearer variable name in examples","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-03","remove stray (","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-03","use 'bundle exec rake'","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-03","fix indentation, fixed-width for nils","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-01","add alias info for runner command","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-06-01","styling changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-29","removed references to old remote_* helpers; add info abo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-28","fix typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-28","document aliases for commands and update rails versions","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-28","Use change in place of up and down in sessions table mig...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","prefer validates :x in place of validates_x_of","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","fixed minor errors","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","fix indentation","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","changes validates_format & numericality to newer syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","changes validates_inclusion & exclusion to newer syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","changes validates_length_of to newer syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","changes validates_confirmation_of to newer syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","changes validates_acceptance_of to newer syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","changes validates_uniqueness_of to newer syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","changes validates_presence_of to newer syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","fix incorrect textile syntax","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-25","update language env variable name","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-24","fixes Rake::RDocTask deprecation warnings from rake 0.9.0","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-24","fixes Rake::GemPackageTask deprecation warnings from rak...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-17","fix coding error in readme reported in rails GH #980","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-13","minor corrections","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-11","fix spellings","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-11","indentation fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-11","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-10","Use all in place of find(:all)","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-10","Replace LH with GitHub url for filing issues","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-10","s/javascript/JavaScript","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-10","minor fix in assets usage","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-10","Fix typos in IM documentation","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-09","Update copyright year in Active Resource and Active Support","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-09","fixes github fork url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-08","Include examples for negative ordinalize in the guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-08","improve comment in wrap_parameters template","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-08","adds code examples for negative ordinalize","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-08","included examples for negative ordinalize","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-08","Included more details on Rails coding conventions (from ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-07","remove unnecessary use of 'Example'","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-07","update readme to reflect app/assets","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-07","replaced eg using old router api with the one in the gui...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-07","minor fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-07","fixes incorrect error message for sample method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-07","use new AR calls in examples","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-07","fix comment alignment","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-07","revises comment for blank? method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-04","commented meta code","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-04","formatting results in comments","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-03","Fix typos in test method names","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-02","removed reference to verify method","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-02","removed verify docs (feature removed in Rails3)","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-01","remove info about adding verified tag","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-05-01","fix GitHub guides url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-29","update verification.git plugin url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-27","document the reorder method(fb215110401c70cfc7013c6e2ad5...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-27","update the Array#from behaviour changes - returns [] if ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-27","minor changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-26","added the list of reversible commands in the newer migra...","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-26","minor changes in migrations guide","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-23","indentation fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-22","fix block alignment","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-22","fix indentation","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-22","add examples for array access methods","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-22","updating to_xml example to new AR api","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-20","document the Active Support extension - String#inquiry","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-06","fix example query","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-06","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-04-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-03-31","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-03-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-03-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-03-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-03-16","remove to from to to :)","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-03-10","update plugin urls to reflect official maintainers","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-03-07","formatting changes","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-03-05","use resources in place of map.resources","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-26","use resources in place of map.resources","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-24","standardize all shell commands with the $ prefix","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-21","cleans up PS1. Sorry lifo :)","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-21","minor rephrasing","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-21","session is reset on token mismatch","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-20","cleans up PS1. Sorry lifo :)","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-20","minor rephrasing","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-20","fix incorrect version in deprecation message","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-19","session is reset on token mismatch","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-17","fix typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-17","fix typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-10","updated reference to remote_form_for","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-10","fix typos, minor edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-08","minor fixes in generators","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-02-06","fix minor typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-23","Revert "fix csrf_meta_tag"","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-23","filter_parameter_logging => config.filter_parameters","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-23","fix csrf_meta_tag","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-16","minor edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-15","Document the LANGUAGE option for generating guides","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-15","Documented the except and only conditions in the guides....","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-14","use new AR api","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-14","ends_width => ends_with","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-08","fixed query output","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-08","fix template url","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-05","fixes rubycentral url and a minor AR change","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-02","Fix typos and JavaScript case.","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2011-01-01","fix typos","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-28","fixed incorrect spacing from 98368546719cf09b3bc2","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-28","fixed examples & minor typos","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-26","fix spacing","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-26","changed template gist to reflect Rails 3 and documented ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-26","use new routes in templates","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-25","fix formatting","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-25","use all and first instead of find(:all) and find(:first)","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-25","use new routes","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-25","highlighted find(array of keys) behaviour when one or mo...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-25","minor edit","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-24","fixed comment - same as 592f600","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-24","removed dup link to 'getting started'","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-24","fixed comment in w3c_validator","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-24","clean up plugin references","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-24","fixed typos and cut down the spaces","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-24","minor edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-23","minor convention edit","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-23","fixing typo that crept in 2c8938f","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-23","It's JavaScript :)","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-23","fixed inject example and some minor edits","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-23","indentation fix","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-22","fix typo","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-22","remove duplication of links","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-19","indentation fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-19","minor fixesin READMEs","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-19","fix typos","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-19","minor example fix for Rails 3","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-19","minor corrections","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-19","deleting trailing whitespaces","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-17","changes in examples - reflect new mailer api and mysql2 ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","removed info about deprecated rake tasks, documented the...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","removed info about deprecated rake tasks, documented the...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","fixed link to ruby-prof","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","fixed font","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","filter_parameter_logging is deprecated in Rails 3. Chang...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","fixed typos in mailer","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","fixed typos and rephrased a few sentences; also removed ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","fixed typos","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","minor formatting fixes","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","fixed link to ruby-prof","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","fixed font","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-15","filter_parameter_logging is deprecated in Rails 3. Chang...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-12","fixed typos in mailer","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-11","fixed typos and rephrased a few sentences; also removed ...","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-11","fixed typos and rephrased few sentences in routing","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-11","fixed typo in test method name","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-10","fixed typos and rephrased few sentences in routing","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-10","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Vijay Dev",11 "2010-12-05","fixed typo in test method name","Vijay Dev",11 "1970-01-01","edit changelog to mention about x_sendfile_header defaul...","Vijay Dev",11 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #10417 from jholton/fix_association_a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-28","Apply default scope when joining associations.","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-28","Simplify/fix implementation of default scopes","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-28","Fix test","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-28","Fix rake test_sqlite3_mem","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-28","Apply default scope when joining associations.","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-28","Fix test","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-28","Fix rake test_sqlite3_mem","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-28","Merge pull request #11153 from strzalek/remove-ar-deprec...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-22","Merge pull request #10796 from neerajdotname/10669","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11051 from neerajdotname/10509f","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11049 from neerajdotname/no-need-of-...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-19","Revert "Merge pull request #10566 from neerajdotname/105...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-18","Merge pull request #10566 from neerajdotname/10509d","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-09","Merge pull request #10710 from senny/5554_let_the_databa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-09","Merge pull request #10710 from senny/5554_let_the_databa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-09","Merge pull request #10710 from senny/5554_let_the_databa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-09","Merge pull request #10886 from wangjohn/chnges_for_autom...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-07","Revert "Merge pull request #10539 from davidcelis/ar-sql...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-07","Merge pull request #10539 from davidcelis/ar-sql-improve...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-07","Merge pull request #10561 from Empact/nix-throwresult","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-07","Merge pull request #9426 from exviva/nested_attributes_r...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-06-07","Merge pull request #9426 from exviva/nested_attributes_r...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-10","Move #proxy_association method to AssociationRelation","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-10","Set the inverse when association queries are refined","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-10","Move #proxy_association method to AssociationRelation","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #6792 from Empact/postgres-distinct","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-10","Set the inverse when association queries are refined","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-03","Merge pull request #9426 from exviva/nested_attributes_r...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-03","Merge pull request #10417 from jholton/fix_association_a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-03","Work around change in how MiniTest detects SIGINFO","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-03","Fix broken mysql test","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-03","Revert "Merge pull request #10433 from wangjohn/making_c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-03","Work around change in how MiniTest detects SIGINFO","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-05-03","Fix broken mysql test","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-04-19","Revert "Merge pull request #10183 from jholton/fix_assoc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-04-19","Merge pull request #10183 from jholton/fix_association_a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-04-19","Merge pull request #10200 from calebthompson/ct-fix-free...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #9996 from mikz/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10058 from jamesgolick/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-04-05","Fix scope chaining + STI","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-22","Don't kill the console","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-22","Merge pull request #9873 from senny/use_old_hash_syntax","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-22","Merge pull request #9872 from senny/test_case_to_prevent...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-22","Merge pull request #9870 from senny/9806_eager_loading_r...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-22","Merge pull request #9707 from route/updates_another_record","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-22","Send SIGTERM, not SIGQUIT.","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-22","Delete failing test","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9733 from senny/9712_option_to_turn_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-15","Cache the association proxy object","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9683 from senny/deprecate_count_dist...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9686 from strzalek/cast_number_to_st...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9371 from benmoss/access-connection-...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-09","Fix race condition in test","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-09","Bump up timeouts","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-08","The console --sandbox transaction should not be joinable","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-08","Fix rails console --sandbox","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-08","Write a more comprehensive CHANGELOG message [ci skip]","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #9553 from neerajdotname/7365-mergin-...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-02-15","Remove valid_type? method","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-02-15","Revert "Make valid_type? public"","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-02-15","Revert "checking in the abstractions for valid type chec...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-02-15","Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #9206 from ranjaykris...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-02-15","Revert "Merge pull request #9206 from ranjaykrishna/use_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-27","Prevent Relation#merge from collapsing wheres on the RHS","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-25","Remove obsolete test file","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-18","Merge pull request #8994 from Springest/fix_default_scop...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-18","The test setup is not threadsafe. Wrap in a mutex.","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-18","MiniTest already defines a ParallelEach class","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-18","Undeprecate the :extend option","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-18","CollectionProxy should be default scoped","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-18","Merge pull request #8912 from senny/8879_association_emp...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8623 from virusman/form_helpers_coll...","Jon Leighton",10 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8568 from inossidabile/fix-in_clause...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-30","Use separate Relation subclasses for each AR class","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-30","Fix memory leak in development mode","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-30","Mark Relation mutators as :nodoc:","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-21","Don't allocate new strings in compiled attribute methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-21","Merge pull request #8183 from jcoglan/objectless_sessions","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-13","fix test","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-10","Make ActiveRecord::Delegation#method_missing threadsafe","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-09","fix warnings","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-09","Properly deprecate ConnectionHandler#connection_pools","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8116 from senny/7993_configure_count...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-09","Delegate all calculations to the scope.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-09","CollectionProxy#pluck issues no query for a new_record? ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-09","Nullify the relation at a more general level.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-09","Relations built off collection associations with an unsa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-09","Revert "Merge pull request #8017 from jcoglan/objectless...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8017 from jcoglan/objectless_sessions","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-30","Revert "Support `Mailer.deliver_foo(*args)` as a synonym...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-26","remove unused config option","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-26","Remove ActiveRecord::Model","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-19","Get rid of the ActiveRecord::Model::DeprecationProxy thing.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-19","Rename the partial_updates config to partial_writes","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-19","nodoc the first_or_create methods and document alternatives","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-19","fix test :/","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-19","The default value of a text/blob in mysql strict mode sh...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-19","Add Relation#find_or_create_by and friends","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7765 from insside/clever-order","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-12","Don't allocate new strings in compiled attribute methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-12","Revert "Key the attributes hash with symbols"","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-28","Add an explicit test for hot compatibility","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-28","Support for partial inserts.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-28","Support `Mailer.deliver_foo(*args)` as a synonym for `Ma...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-21","Make the serializable test much looser","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-21","Support for specifying transaction isolation level","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-21","Merge pull request #5248 from jcoleman/should-unset-asso...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7720 from frodsan/rename_ar_tag","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-15","simplify rescue","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Fix test","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Ensure disconnecting or reconnecting resets the transact...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Remove our use of #outside_transaction?","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Remove the transaction_open variable","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Move transaction joinability into the transaction object","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Alter the naming structure a bit","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Split Open into Real and Savepoint","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","DRY","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Don't do the rollback in #commit","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Store the transaction number in the transaction object","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Start to tease out transaction handling into a state mac...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-14","Revert "create a transaction object and point AR objects...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-12","Pass in the model class rather than engine","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-12","Refactor to remove some duplication","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-12","Fix nested association references","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #7273 from beerlington/foreign_key_mo...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-09-07","Merge pull request #4976 from kreynolds/fix_eager_withou...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-31","Avoid #fetch for non-nil values.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-31","Key the attributes hash with symbols","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-31","Cache the connection pool for a given class","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-31","One hash is enough","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-31","Refactor connection handler","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-31","Make connection pool retrieval faster","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-31","Revert "Merge pull request #7452 from arunagw/memcached_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-31","Revert "Add missing require"","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Pull more serialize code into a lazy included module","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","don't call method unless we need to","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","align them assignments","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Optimize for the happy path","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Avoid #any?","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","The default value can be set once in #column_defaults","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Optimize instantiation for models which don't use serialize","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Avoid deep_dup when intantiating.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Increase benchmark time to 20 seconds.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Increase benchmark time to 20 seconds.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Increase benchmark time to 20 seconds.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Use benchmark/ips to measure AR performance","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Use benchmark/ips to measure AR performance","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Use benchmark/ips to measure AR performance","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-17","Renaming active_record_deprecated_finders to activerecor...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-10","fixup guides in light of :dependent changes","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-10","Use method compilation for association methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-10","remove some artifacts of dependent_restrict_raises that ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-10","DRY up handling of dependent option","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-10","Unprivatise all the things","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-10","move dependency logic out of generated methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-10","Clean up dependent option validation.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-10","Remove the dependent_restrict_raises option.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-05","Merge pull request #7270 from beerlington/use_exists_for...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-03","Make ActiveRecord::Model::DeprecationProxy work better","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-03","Update the docs to reflect the new association API","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-03","Remove ActiveRecord::Base.to_a","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-03","reinstate changelog that seems to have been accidentally...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-03","Allow Relation#merge to take a proc.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-01","s/scoped/scope/","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-01","Add CollectionProxy#scope","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-01","Use explicit delegations","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-01","Refactor a bit","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-01","Add `Relation#load`","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-01","Deprecate :finder_sql, :counter_sql, :insert_sql, :delet...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-01","Revert "Remove :finder_sql, :counter_sql, :insert_sql, :...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-08-01","Revert "Deprecate :finder_sql, :counter_sql, :insert_sql...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-27","Changelog and doc updates for the previous changes.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-27","Deprecate Relation#all.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-27","Deprecate ActiveRecord::Base.scoped.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-27","ActiveRecord::Base.all returns a Relation.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-26","Merge pull request #7166 from ayrton/patch-1","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-26","Merge pull request #7161 from michaelfairley/eager_load_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","rm unnecessary test","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","rm redundant test","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","remove unused method","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","remove references to :finder_sql, :counter_sql, :delete_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","we don't need this arg","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","Remove :finder_sql, :counter_sql, :insert_sql, :delete_sql.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","Remove obsolete line.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","Deprecate :finder_sql, :counter_sql, :insert_sql, :delet...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","Convert association macros to the new syntax","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-20","Avoid options ever being nil","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-17","Merge pull request #7080 from jfirebaugh/to_param_regres...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-17","Merge pull request #7081 from jfirebaugh/to_param_regres...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-17","Merge pull request #7072 from beerlington/fix_validation...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-13","fix association :extend option","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-13","move the deprecated options into active_record_deprecate...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-13","stop using class_attribute where methods/inheritance wil...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-13","extract deprecated association options to active_record_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-13","Represent association scope options as AR::Relations ins...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-13","fix assertion arguments order","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-13","Allow associations to take a lambda which builds the scope","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-13","support relations created with a table alias","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-07","Load all records in Relation#inspect","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-07","fixup changelog","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-07","Relation#inspect handles doesn't perform a new query on ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-07","Simplify Relation#inspect","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-07-06","Show the records in Relation#inspect","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-30","Merge pull request #6869 from bcardarella/active_relatio...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-22","disallow mutating a relation once loaded","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-17","Merge pull request #6761 from freelancing-god/db-rake","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-15","no need to define methods in included hook","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-15","Fix deprecation warnings when using config.active_record...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-15","Fix observers with AR::Model","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-15","Fix config.active_record.whitelist_attributes with AR::M...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-15","Simplify AR configuration code.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-15","refactor","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-07","Make test cover previous reversion","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-07","Revert "Perf: Don't load the association for #delete_all."","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-06-03","Merge pull request #6605 from amatsuda/ar_merge_associat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","fix #delete_all with habtm with :delete_sql","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","fix #delete_all with habtm with :delete_sql","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","no longer need #delete_all_on_destroy","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","Perf: Don't load the association for #delete_all.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","Perf: Don't load the association for #delete_all.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","fix typo [ci skip]","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","add changelogs about deprecated stuff [ci skip]","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","quarantine more deprecated stuff","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-18","quarantine deprecated tests","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6058 from RStankov/relation-from-to-...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6280 from nashby/private-try","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-11","Remove #=== quirk","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-11","this stuff can all be handled by Relation","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-11","extract deprecated code","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-11","set_owner_attributes is covered by the scoping","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-11","CollectionProxy < Relation","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-11","Use respond_to?(:to_ary) rather than is_a?(Enumerable) t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #6054 from flexoid/column-fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-05","Revert "Merge pull request #5494 from armstrjare/active_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #5494 from armstrjare/active_record_r...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-04","extract deprecated dynamic methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-04","actually don't need to expand the aggregates at all","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-04","#to_sym is unnecessary","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-04","de-globalise method","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-04","extract code from AR::Base","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-04","clean up implementation of dynamic methods. use method c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6134 from carlosantoniodasilva/ar-re...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","remove deprecated calls","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","Merge pull request #5989 from arunagw/warning_removed_ma...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","more deprecations manually fixed","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","find and replace deprecated keys","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","allow AssociationProxy#scoped to take options so that AP...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","%s/find(:\(first\|last\|all\), \([^()]*\))/scoped(\2).\1...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","remove unnecessary test code","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-27","Merge pull request #6011 from aderyabin/nosqlite","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","Merge pull request #6004 from lest/patch-1","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","don't need this test","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","remove calls to find(:first), find(:last) and find(:all)","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","remove deprecate #all usage","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","remove deprecated #first calls","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","remove deprecate #calculate calls","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","remove deprecated #find_in_batches calls","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","Merge pull request #5995 from kennyj/fix_5847-3","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","remove deprecate #update_all usage","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","fix #scoped deprecations","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","remove deprecated scope stuff","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-26","default_scope with a hash is deprecated","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","remove unused method","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","remove tests for #with_scope (it's now deprecated)","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","Merge remote-tracking branch 'jmbejar/define_array_metho...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","Merge remote-tracking branch 'kennyj/fix_5563'","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","add missing test","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","extract #with_scope and #with_exclusive_scope to active_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","extract deprecated code","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","Extract deprecated code","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","fix interpolation for hash merging","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","allow merging a single where value","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","extract to active_record_deprecated_finders","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-25","giving a hash to default scope should not be deprecated ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-14","Merge pull request #5837 from yahonda/new_sequence_name_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","extract deprecated code for #find, #first, #last, #all","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","extract deprecated #calculate code","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","move code out to active_record_deprecated_finders","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","fix tests","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","Merge pull request #5832 from kennyj/fix_5267","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","move some of the update_all implementation to active_rec...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","now we can just manipulate the values hash in #only and ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","use a hash to store relation values","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","Merge pull request #5823 from avakhov/ac-test-case-remov...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","doesn't make sense for select! to take a block","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","remove apply_finder_options call from AssociationScope","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","Make Relation#extending work like other value methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","Add Relation#merge!","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","assert valid keys","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","Allow Relation#merge to take a hash","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","we have no need for the ASSOCIATION_METHODS constant","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","we don't need to test that constant assignment works","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","refactoring","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-13","Extract clusterfuck method for surgery","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-12","Add bang versions of relation query methods.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-12","Merge pull request #2733 from dasch/improve-delegate","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-12","Merge pull request #5722 from kennyj/some_refactor_for_a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-12","move apply_finder_options to active_record_deprecated_fi...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-12","add active_record_deprecated_finders as a dep","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-11","Merge pull request #5736 from oscardelben/configuration_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-11","Merge pull request #5720 from kennyj/should_use_klass_me...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-04-11","Merge pull request #5809 from xuanxu/null_relation_methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","Fix #5667. Preloading should ignore scoping.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","Fix #5667. Preloading should ignore scoping.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","clear up duplication between Persistence#destroy and Loc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","fix test","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","whitespace :scissors:","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","Merge pull request #5334 from courtland/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","fix typo. thanks @nertzy","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","Update guides to reflect 0a12a5f8169685915cbb7bf4d0a7bb4...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","remove irrelevant references to ARel","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","Add Relation#find_by and Relation#find_by!","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","Merge pull request #2945 from Casecommons/nested_attribu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-30","recurse in read_attribute we get caching / don't duplica...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-28","much code can be deleted thanks to @tenderlove's refacto...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-28","Fix #5549.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-21","Deprecate eager-evaluated scopes.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-21","Avoid obscure &Proc.new thing","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-21","Remove valid_scope_name? check - use ruby","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-21","no need for cast","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-21","no need for lvar","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-08","Merge pull request #5289 from rafaelfranca/fix-through-a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-05","Merge pull request #5275 from rafaelfranca/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-04","Merge pull request #5268 from carlosantoniodasilva/ar-ne...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-04","remove troll","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-04","tidy up formatting","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-04","Merge pull request #5267 from kennyj/fix_4674","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-04","Fix rake test_sqlite3_mem","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-04","Remove unusused variables","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-03-03","Merge pull request #5258 from guilleiguaran/amo-model","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-02-22","Merge commit 'v3.0.11' into 3-0-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5107 from rubenfonseca/stylesheet_li...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-02-07","Fix attribute_before_type_cast for serialized attributes...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-02-07","Fix attribute_before_type_cast for serialized attributes...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4543 from jdelStrother/find_or_init","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4543 from jdelStrother/find_or_init","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Improve deprecation message","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4805 from xuanxu/none_and_null_objec...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4787 from kennyj/fix_4754-2","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4783 from gregolsen/ids_reader_fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4783 from gregolsen/ids_reader_fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4727 from railsaholic/dependent_rest...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Allow writing unknown attributes, but with a deprecation...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Add workaround and deprecation if the inherited hook is ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4763 from kennyj/fix_4754","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4763 from kennyj/fix_4754","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4732 from pwim/refactor-dynamic-match","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-27","Merge pull request #4715 from pwim/find-create-multi-args","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-27","Merge pull request #4715 from pwim/find-create-multi-args","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-20","Fix another race condition.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-20","Fix another race condition.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","Make it more explicit that the feature is deprecated, no...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","Deprecate inferred JOINs with includes + SQL snippets.","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","infer references from Relation#order","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","store references as a string","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","Avoid sanitize_sql when we can use Relation#where instead","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","automatically add references when we can","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","Make referencing an included item trigger eager loading","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","Add ActiveRecord::Relation#references (#950)","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-16","Revert "Deprecate implicit eager loading. Closes #950."","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-13","Fix race condition :bomb:","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-01-13","Fix race condition :bomb:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-29","Deprecate implicit eager loading. Closes #950.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Fix CI","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4221 from tonycoco/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Revert "Further simplify singleton_class checking in cla...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Delete some stray lines","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Revert "Merge pull request #4220 from bensie/singleton-c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Avoid deprecation warning","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Support establishing connection on ActiveRecord::Model.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Support configuration on ActiveRecord::Model.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4213 from amatsuda/ar_where_array_of...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4153 from alexeymuranov/my_fix_for_p...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Intercept sends in Model::DeprecationProxy","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Fix position of load hook so that Base has been defined ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Add some doc for ActiveRecord::Model","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Add test to ensure AR::Model initialization works correctly","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Add deprecation for the change to the active_record load...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Support nested AR::Models","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds should be a global con...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Don't include anything else if AR::Model has already bee...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Make PredicateBuilder recognise AR::Model","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Ensure attribute methods are included after all the AR s...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Fix #exists? for AR::Model","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Make generated_feature_methods work with ActiveRecord::M...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Fixtures support for ActiveRecord::Model","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Deal with global config better between AR::Base and AR::...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Add test for inheritance from a non-AR superclass","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Extract common logic into a method","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","I herd you like modules.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-24","Start work towards making AR include-able.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-23","stop test resetting global state","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-23","Fix situation where id method didn't get defined causing...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-23","Fix situation where id method didn't get defined causing...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-23","Doh, remove debugging line","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-23","Doh, remove debugging line","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-23","Fix #4046.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-23","Fix #4046.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-23","Fix build when IM=true","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Fix build when IM=true","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Delete unnecessary line that was necessary before I chan...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Remove 1.8 backport","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Make ActiveRecord::Relation#pluck work with serialized a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Make read_attribute code path accessible at the class level","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Make ActiveRecord::Relation#pluck work with serialized a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Make read_attribute code path accessible at the class level","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Revert "Merge pull request #4114 from alexeymuranov/my_f...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-22","Merge pull request #4114 from alexeymuranov/my_fix_for_p...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4110 from lest/remove-deprecated-und...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-19","Don't notify campfire when the build keeps passing","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-19","Don't notify campfire when the build keeps passing","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-18","Don't notify campfire when the build keeps passing","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-18","Prefix newly added method to avoid breakings people's apps.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-18","Merge pull request #4014 from lest/bypass-preloading-for...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-18","Merge pull request #4011 from lest/scope-with-lambda-dup...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-16","Delete obsolete comment","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-16","Fix the build on postgres. Note: we should probably actu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-16","Should clear the primary keys cache also","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-16","Don't store defaults in the schema cache","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-16","Defaults hash can go on the model","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-16","Cache columns at the model level.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-15","Move DefaultScope and NamedScope under Scoping","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-15","Let AttributeMethods do its own including etc","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-15","Split out most of the AR::Base code into separate module...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-15","Fix #3987.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-15","Fix #3987.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-15","Merge pull request #3991 from akaspick/attrfix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Fix #3672 again (dependent: delete_all perf)","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Fix #3672 again (dependent: delete_all perf)","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Remove that there copy/pasted code :bomb:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Don't try to autosave nested assocs. Fixes #2961.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Cache column defaults on model. ~30% on Model.new due to...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Avoid super; speeds up Model.new by about 12%","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Stop the build asploding on 1.8.7","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Use a separate module for 'external' attribute methods.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Add return for 1.8.7","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-14","Unfluff the CI.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-13","Revert naive O(1) table_exists? implementation.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-08","Fix #3890. (Calling proxy_association in scope chain.)","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-08","Fix #3890. (Calling proxy_association in scope chain.)","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-08","Fix broken test_exists_query_logging from the table_exis...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-04","Merge pull request #3851 from ebeigarts/fix_sequence_name","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Add missing require","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Enable postgres on the CI :heart: :beer: :sparkles:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Enable postgres on the CI :heart: :beer: :sparkles:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Avoid postgres 9.X syntax","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Enable postgres on the CI :heart: :beer: :sparkles:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Avoid postgres 9.X syntax","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Fix #3837.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Merge pull request #3820 from jaylevitt/nested_loading_t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-03","Merge pull request #3833 from kennyj/fix_3678-3","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-02","Revert "Roflscaling!" (for now)","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Fewer string allocations in attribute method","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Roflscaling!","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Create method with known identifier then alias into place.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Remove some unnecessary code etc","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Add test for read_attribute(:id) with non-standard PK.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Remove the need for type_cast_attribute.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Fix up test altering global state that was causing me grief","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Get rid of the underscore versions of attribute methods!","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Don't rely on underscore-prefixed attribute methods.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Remove unnecessary *args","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-12-01","Add hackery to make Syck use encode_with/init_with. Fixe...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","don't alter global state in test","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","don't alter global state in test","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","consistency","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","Don't check column type, you might implement a custom co...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","omg computer science!","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","Fix typo","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","Don't need second param","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","No longer need to undef id as we are defining it ourselves","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","Move some serialization stuff out of Base","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","Extract attribute serialization code into a separate module","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","Use inheritance to avoid special-case code for the 'id' ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","#id is an alias for whatever the primary key is","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","fix indent","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-30","Merge pull request #1915 from bogdan/active_record_map","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Fix ruby 1.8 compat. const_defined? only takes a second ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Deprecated `define_attr_method` in `ActiveModel::Attribu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Deprecate set_locking_column in favour of self.locking_c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Deprecate set_primary_key in favour of self.primary_key=","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Make sure the original_foo accessor still works (but dep...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","extract method","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Deprecate set_sequence_name in favour of self.sequence_n...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Add tests for set_sequence_name etc","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Deprecate set_inheritance_column in favour of self.inher...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Deprecate set_table_name in favour of self.table_name= o...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Merge pull request #3636 from joshsusser/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Fix resolver_test.rb on travis (postgresql isn't setup, ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-29","Fix schema_cache_test.rb for sqlite3_mem","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-27","Merge pull request #3748 from samsonasu/has_many_custom_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-20","Preparing for 3.1.3 release","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-20","Fix sass-rails dependency. Closes #3704.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-20","Downgrade sprockets to 2.0.3. Closes #3686.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Perf fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Perf fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Add missing CHANGELOG entry for #3678. Closes #3678.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Add missing CHANGELOG entry for #3678. Closes #3678.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Don't html-escape the :count option to translate if it's...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Don't html-escape the :count option to translate if it's...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Don't html-escape the :count option to translate if it's...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Bump sprockets to 2.1.1","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Bump sprockets to 2.1.1","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Merge pull request #3687 from kennyj/fix_3678-2","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Verify that #3690 has been closed by previous changes to...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Verify that #3690 has been closed by previous changes to...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-19","Merge branch '3-1-2' into 3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-18","Merge pull request #3680 from rubys/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-18","Preparing for 3.1.2 release","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-18","Preparing for 3.0.11 release","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-17","Implement a workaround for a bug in ruby-1.9.3p0.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-17","Use broken YAML that will fail with Syck as well as Psyc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-16","Merge pull request #3500 from olivierlacan/error-whitespace","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-16","Merge pull request #3438 from lazyatom/becomes-includes-...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-16","Merge pull request #3608 from arunagw/unused_var_remove","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-16","Switch from marshal format to plain text for the encodin...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-16","Switch from marshal format to plain text for the encodin...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-16","Switch from marshal format to plain text for the encodin...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-15","Revert "Merge pull request #3640 from indirect/remote_ip"","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-15","Merge pull request #3633 from Juanmcuello/3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-15","Merge pull request #3633 from Juanmcuello/3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Merge pull request #3632 from indirect/b8c85de","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Add a note to REALEASING_RAILS about testing the gem loc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","rake release should push the tag","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","rake release should push the tag","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","rake release should push the tag","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Preparing for 3.1.2.rc2 release","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Put sass-rails 3.1.5.rc.2 in the default Gemfile.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Put sass-rails 3.1.5.rc.2 in the default Gemfile.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Preparing for 3.1.2.rc1 release","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Sync changelog entry","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Merge pull request #3625 from guilleiguaran/sprockets-2.1.0","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Add note about checking postgres tests before release","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Merge pull request #3625 from guilleiguaran/sprockets-2.1.0","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Add note about syncing CHANGELOGs","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Sync CHANGELOGs from 3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Add missing CHANGELOG entries","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-14","Revert "Properly cache value when it is "false""","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-12","Merge pull request #3618 from amatsuda/ad_headers_unmemo...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-06","RUBY_ENGINE is not defined on 1.8","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-06","RUBY_ENGINE is not defined on 1.8","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-06","Implement a workaround for a bug in ruby-1.9.3p0.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-06","Implement a workaround for a bug in ruby-1.9.3p0.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-06","Revert "Skip test_default_external_works on the CI for R...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-06","Merge pull request #3535 from jmazzi/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-06","Merge pull request #3533 from kennyj/fix_3440-2","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-05","Merge pull request #3525 from kennyj/fix_3440-1","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-05","Revert "Merge pull request #2378 from cesario/remove_war...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-05","Skip test_default_external_works on the CI for Ruby 1.9.3.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-05","Use uniq instead of manually putting a DISTINCT in the q...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-05","Add ActiveRecord::Relation#uniq for toggling DISTINCT in...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-05","Merge pull request #3529 from vjebelev/ar_ordered_indexes2","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-04","Merge pull request #3518 from cesario/gemspec-3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-04","Merge pull request #3517 from arunagw/test_fix_activerecord","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-04","Merge pull request #3516 from cesario/fix_gemspec","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-04","Convert CHANGELOGs to Markdown format.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-04","Convert CHANGELOGs to Markdown format.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-04","Allow the :class_name option for associations to take a ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Stub find_template so that when handle_render_error is c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Stub find_template so that when handle_render_error is c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Fix #3271.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Fix #3271.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Memoize through association","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Remove all revelant through records.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Remove all revelant through records.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Fix adding multiple instances of the same record to a ha...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Fix adding multiple instances of the same record to a ha...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Fix #3247.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-11-03","Fix #3247.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-10-23","Ignore .rbx directories (rbx compiled bytecode files)","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-10-09","Use broken YAML that will fail with Syck as well as Psyc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-10-05","Raise an exception on unknown primary key inside Associa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-10-05","Raise an exception on unknown primary key inside Associa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-10-05","Revert "Raise error on unknown primary key."","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-10-05","Raise error on unknown primary key.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-29","Don't call self.class unless necessary. Closes #3171.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-29","Don't call self.class unless necessary. Closes #3171.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-28","Merge pull request #3152 from rocky-jaiswal/fix-failed-a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Don't require a DB connection when setting primary key.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Don't require a DB connection when setting primary key.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Merge pull request #3030 from htanata/fix_habtm_select_q...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Add CHANGELOG","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Merge pull request #3030 from htanata/fix_habtm_select_q...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Forgot CHANGELOG entry.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Fix belongs_to polymorphic with custom primary key on ta...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Fix belongs_to polymorphic with custom primary key on ta...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Add deprecation for the preload_associations method. Fix...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","Make serializable_hash take attr values directly from at...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","CollectionProxy#replace should change the DB records rat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-26","CollectionProxy#replace should change the DB records rat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-15","Merge pull request #3036 from dmathieu/cherry-pick-1318","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-13","Stop trying to be clever about when to define attribute ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-13","Generate attribute method unless it's already in the mod...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-13","We don't need to build a set for DangerousAttributeError.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-13","Rename first_or_new to first_or_initialize.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Deprecate using method_missing for attributes that are c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Add an attribute_missing method to ActiveModel::Attribut...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Avoid double super call in some cases.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Let Ruby deal with method visibility.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Reset column info when messing with columns.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Always generate attribute methods on the base class.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Raise error when using write_attribute with a non-existe...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Make protected method public so we avoid method_missing.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Fix warnings.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Add deprecation for doing `attribute_method_suffix ''`","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","refactoring","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Use an empty AttributeMethodMatcher by default.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Alias id= if necessary, rather than relying on method_mi...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2678 from jmileham/ares_content_leng...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-08","Merge pull request #2757 from andmej/first_or_create_pul...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-08","Remove failing test which was wrongly introduced.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-08","Remove failing test which was wrongly introduced.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2926 from akaspick/assert_select_ema...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2918 from akaspick/assert_select_ema...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2919 from akaspick/exists_fix_3_0","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2914 from yahonda/add_rownum_to_test...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2499 from akaspick/assert_select_ema...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2911 from toolmantim/patch-1","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Don't include any of includes, preload, joins, eager_loa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Don't include any of includes, preload, joins, eager_loa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2485 from akaspick/exists_fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Nested through associations: preloads from the default s...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Nested through associations: preloads from the default s...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Ensure we are not comparing a string with a symbol in Ha...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Ensure we are not comparing a string with a symbol in Ha...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Use broken YAML that will fail with Syck as well as Psyc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Make the logic easier to read","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Disable active record marshalling tests on Ruby 1.8.7 on...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Disable active record marshalling tests on Ruby 1.8.7 on...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Merge pull request #2883 from dmathieu/fix_test","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Add CHANGELOG entry for 78c896ce83f96df2a133ac314b317c16...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-06","Merge pull request #2851 from dasch/patch-6","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2871 from dmathieu/limit-3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2789 from dmathieu/limit_first_last","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2867 from arunagw/batches_test_pg_3-...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2868 from arunagw/batches_test_pg_ma...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2855 from arunagw/fix_find_in_batche...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2854 from arunagw/find_in_batches_ch...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2850 from arunagw/find_in_batch_fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2852 from milandobrota/remove_unneed...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2848 from arunagw/jruby_activesuppor...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2849 from arunagw/jruby_activesuppor...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-04","Revert "Fixes bug in ActiveRecord::QueryMethods, #1697"","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2846 from arunagw/bcrypt_3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-09-02","Add missing CHANGELOG entry. Closes #2791.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2752 from rsim/fix_test_update_all_w...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2750 from rsim/fix_test_column_names...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2750 from rsim/fix_test_column_names...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-29","Fix test failures on 1.8.7, since Object#initialize_dup ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-29","Move clear_timestamp_attributes into Timestamp module","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-29","The join_nodes must be passed to the JoinDependency init...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-29","The join_nodes must be passed to the JoinDependency init...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-29","Move the bulk alter table code into the abstract mysql a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-29","Extract simplified_type into the abstract class","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-29","Create an AbstractMysqlAdapter to abstract the common co...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-25","Revert all the stuff to do with disallowing non-public m...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2674 from masterkain/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-19","Revert "Deprecate the use of non-public methods by Modul...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-19","Revert "Deprecate the use of non-public methods by Modul...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Fix non-public method warning in Module#delegate. Fixes ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Use lazy load hooks to set parameter wrapping configurat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Use lazy load hooks to set parameter wrapping configurat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Fix assets tests in railties","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Don't reference ActiveRecord::Base in initializers/wrap_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Fix assets tests in railties","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Don't reference ActiveRecord::Base in initializers/wrap_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","In 1efd88283ef68d912df215125951a87526768a51, ConnectionA...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Fix tzinfo require (it broke test_raises_when_an_invalid...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Fix tzinfo require (it broke test_raises_when_an_invalid...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Fix wrap_parameters initializer template","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Fix wrap_parameters initializer template","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Be more lazy about creating time zone objects. Decreases...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Be more lazy about creating time zone objects. Decreases...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-16","Don't refer to ActionController::Base in the wrap_parame...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Don't refer to ActionController::Base in the wrap_parame...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Bump arel dependency","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Use new SelectManager#source method","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Use new SelectManager#projections= method","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","use update.key instead of update.ast.key. make better us...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Use a SelectCore rather than a full SelectManager","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Refactor building the update manager","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Support for multi-table updates with limits, offsets and...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Support updates with joins. Fixes #522.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Bump arel dependency","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Use new SelectManager#source method","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Use new SelectManager#projections= method","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","use update.key instead of update.ast.key. make better us...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Use a SelectCore rather than a full SelectManager","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Refactor building the update manager","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Support for multi-table updates with limits, offsets and...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Support updates with joins. Fixes #522.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Merge pull request #2539 from arunagw/delegate_expl","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Removing unnecessary require, solve 'circular require co...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Merge pull request #2538 from arunagw/notifications_test...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Update travis config on @joshk's instructions","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Update travis config on @joshk's instructions","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Update travis config on @joshk's instructions","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Ensure empty has_many :through association preloaded via...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Document Object#public_send","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Add a test for delegating a method ending in '=' as this...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Merge pull request #2535 from arunagw/delegation_fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Ensure empty has_many :through association preloaded via...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Merge pull request #2534 from arunagw/public_send_require","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Removing unnecessary require, solve 'circular require co...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Split up the definitions in Module#delegate depending on...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Fix the line number in the backtrace when Module#delegat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Fix the line number in the backtrace when Module#delegat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Fix deprecation warnings due to private methods which ar...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Fix private methods which are delegated to. This previou...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Just do the method call directly in Module#delegate, if ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Deprecate the use of non-public methods by Module#delegate","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-15","Backport Object#public_send to 1.8 so that we can implem...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Quote these dates to prevent intermittent test failure. ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Revert "Merge pull request #2309 from smasry/master"","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Add a proxy_association method to association proxies, w...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Perf: don't mess around with thread local vars unless we...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Fix default scope thread safety. Thanks @thedarkone for ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Perf: don't mess around with thread local vars unless we...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Fix default scope thread safety. Thanks @thedarkone for ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Work around for lolruby bug. (Read on for explanation.)","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Work around for lolruby bug. (Read on for explanation.)","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-13","Merge pull request #2516 from arunagw/path_set_fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-09","Okay, the new incompatible arel is now called 2.2 and th...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-09","Okay, the new incompatible arel is now called 2.2 and th...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-08","Remove TODO comment I didn't mean to commit","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-08","Remove TODO comment I didn't mean to commit","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-08","Bump arel version","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-08","Bump arel version","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-08","Fully marshal AR::Base objects. Fixes #2431.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-08","Make it the responsibility of the connection to hold ont...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-08","Fully marshal AR::Base objects. Fixes #2431.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-08","Make it the responsibility of the connection to hold ont...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-03","Quote these dates to prevent intermittent test failure. ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-03","Quote these dates to prevent intermittent test failure. ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-08-03","Quote these dates to prevent intermittent test failure. ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2372 from bradediger/issue-2346-3-1-...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2371 from bradediger/issue-2346","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-30","Revert "Replace inline lambdas with named methods" and "...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-28","Revert "Merge pull request #2309 from smasry/master"","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-27","Merge pull request #1969 from dmitriy-kiriyenko/calculat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-27","Update deprecation messages to point out the availabilit...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-27","Add a proxy_association method to association proxies, w...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-27","Add a proxy_association method to association proxies, w...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-18","Add autoload declaration for deprecated AssociationColle...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2129 from sikachu/3-1-stable-dynamic...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2128 from sikachu/master-dynamic_finder","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-17","Don't do remove_possible_method when delegate is used. T...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-17","Don't do remove_possible_method when delegate is used. T...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-17","Revert "Fix failure in test_preserves_existing_fixture_d...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-16","Deprecated the AssociationCollection constant","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #1797 from kuahyeow/3-0-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-11","Fix exception if old and new targets are both nil. Fixes...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-11","Fix failure in test_preserves_existing_fixture_data from...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-11","Fix exception if old and new targets are both nil. Fixes...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-09","Foo.joins(:bar).includes(:bar) should result in a single...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-09","Foo.joins(:bar).includes(:bar) should result in a single...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-08","Ensure that the foreign key gets set when doing record.c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-08","Ensure that the foreign key gets set when doing record.c...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-07","Don't construct association scope in initializer. This y...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-07","Don't construct association scope in initializer. This y...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1987 from ernie/fix_fix_to_reverse_s...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1979 from bogdan/association_sum_arr...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-04","Merge pull request #1964 from kommen/has_one_fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1941 from vijaydev/command-recorder-fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-30","Remove AssociationReflection#create_association and Asso...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-30","Assign the association attributes to the associated reco...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-30","Add an extremely lulzy deprecation warning which tries t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-30","Assign the association attributes to the associated reco...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-30","Remove AssociationReflection#create_association and Asso...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-30","Document the change to Array.wrap's behaviour that was m...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-29","CommandRecorder should delegate in method_missing where ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-29","CommandRecorder should delegate in method_missing where ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-29","Array.wrap should follow Kernel#Array semantics when the...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-29","Define to_ary on ActiveRecord::Base to return nil. Impro...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-29","Define to_ary on ActiveRecord::Base to return nil. Impro...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-23","Apply the default scope earlier when doing calculations....","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-23","Apply the default scope earlier when doing calculations....","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-17","Add require 'pathname' as it has not already been requir...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-17","Add require 'pathname' as it has not already been requir...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-17","Add require 'pathname' as it has not already been requir...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-16","Perf fix - Use an instance variable instead of a class_a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-16","Perf fix - Use an instance variable instead of a class_a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-14","Merge pull request #1698 from bagwanpankaj/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-13","Add Gemfile dependency for require_relative on mri18. Th...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-13","Add Gemfile dependency for require_relative on mri18. Th...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-13","Add Gemfile dependency for require_relative on mri18. Th...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Add support for using an ARCONFIG environment variable t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Add support for using an ARCONFIG environment variable t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Add support for using an ARCONFIG environment variable t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Oops, this should have been in the last commit :zap:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Make assert_no_queries literally enforce that there are ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","If we're going to use a global variable, let's at least ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Replace inline lambdas with named methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Refactor tests to be less brittle","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Move BEGIN and COMMIT into IGNORED_SQL rather than havin...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Replace inline lambdas with named methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Refactor tests to be less brittle","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-12","Move BEGIN and COMMIT into IGNORED_SQL rather than havin...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-09","Print out information about whether the identity map is ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-09","Update the RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS file","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1554 from rsim/assert_queries_oracle...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-07","When you add a record to a polymorphic has_one, you shou...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-07","Allow polymorphic has_one to work when the association i...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-07","Allow polymorphic has_one to work when the association i...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-07","When you add a record to a polymorphic has_one, you shou...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-07","Fix a couple of helper requires that were missed. This w...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Don't ensure all keys in build_results are only written ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Make sure that the build/drop database rake tasks take a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Make sure that the build/drop database rake tasks take a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Don't ensure all keys in build_results are only written ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Make sure that the build/drop database rake tasks take a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Fix double definition of #teardown. Thanks @mike-burns :+1:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Fix another CIfail :zap: :fire: Deleting RAILS_ENV from ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Fix double definition of #teardown. Thanks @mike-burns :+1:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Fix another CIfail :zap: :fire: Deleting RAILS_ENV from ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Fix double definition of #teardown. Thanks @mike-burns :+1:","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Fix another CIfail :zap: :fire: Deleting RAILS_ENV from ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Solve the RAILS_ENV problem in the railties tests in a m...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Solve the RAILS_ENV problem in the railties tests in a m...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-06","Solve the RAILS_ENV problem in the railties tests in a m...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","load_path_test.rb is also dependent on RAILS_ENV=develop...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","load_path_test.rb is also dependent on RAILS_ENV=develop...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","load_path_test.rb is also dependent on RAILS_ENV=develop...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","Fix adapter_test.rb to make no assumptions about the dat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","Fix typo","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","Fix adapter_test.rb to make no assumptions about the dat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","Fix typo","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","Fix adapter_test.rb to make no assumptions about the dat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-05","Fix typo","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Bring back oracle specific crap","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Refactor Active Record test connection setup. Please see...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Bring back oracle specific crap","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Bring back oracle specific crap","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Refactor Active Record test connection setup. Please see...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Force RAILS_ENV=development in rackup_test.rb. This fixe...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Force RAILS_ENV=development in rackup_test.rb. This fixe...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Refactor Active Record test connection setup. Please see...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-04","Force RAILS_ENV=development in rackup_test.rb. This fixe...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-01","Fix broken test. You know, the merge button will be the ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-01","Fix broken test. You know, the merge button will be the ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-01","Fix broken test. You know, the merge button will be the ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-01","Merge pull request #1451 from arunagw/3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-01","Merge pull request #1444 from arunagw/3-1-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-01","Merge pull request #1430 from vatrai/jruby_test_fix","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-06-01","Add missing require to fix the CI","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Merge pull request #1437 from joshk/ar_collection_new_alias","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Merge pull request #1437 from joshk/ar_collection_new_alias","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Merge pull request #1437 from joshk/ar_collection_new_alias","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Revert "[activerecord][postgresql] verify if table has a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Ensure that calculations properly override the select va...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Ensure that calculations properly override the select va...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Only save the record once when calling create! on a coll...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Only save the record once when calling create! on a coll...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Implementing @dmathieu's cleaner fix from #1425. Unfortu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Implementing @dmathieu's cleaner fix from #1425. Unfortu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-31","Reduce test noise","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1323 from fx/association_primary_key","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1318 from TheEmpty/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-24","Fix infinite recursion where a lazy default scope refere...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-24","Ensure that the surrounding code in Relation#to_a respec...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-24","Fix infinite recursion where a lazy default scope refere...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1254 from pixeltrix/ignore-includes-...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-24","Ensure that the surrounding code in Relation#to_a respec...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-23","Fix problem with loading polymorphic associations which ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-23","Removed ActiveSupport::SecureRandom in favour of SecureR...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-23","Replace references to ActiveSupport::SecureRandom with j...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-23","Deprecate ActiveSupport::SecureRandom. Just use SecureRa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-23","Replace references to ActiveSupport::SecureRandom with j...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-22","Fix problem with loading polymorphic associations which ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1162 from guilleiguaran/singularize_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-19","Implement proxy_owner, proxy_target and proxy_reflection...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #1100 from arunagw/innerjoin_test","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #1095 from guilleiguaran/fix_join_mod...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-16","Merge pull request #560 from guilleiguaran/fix_pluralize...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-14","These extra array operations appear to be unnecessary. R...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-14","CollectionAssociation#merge_target_lists should write to...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-14","An attempt to make CollectionAssociation#merge_target_li...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-13","Instead of doing find(:all) which does scoped.find(:all)...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-13","Remove pointless rescue (it doesn't happen anywhere in t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-12","Don't use mass-assignment protection when setting foreig...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #512 from pivotalneutron/fix_eager_lo...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-11","Don't use select() values from the join model of a throu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-11","Bring back obj.association_loaded? as a deprecated metho...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #509 from gucki/master","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #352 from daphonz/polymorphic-join-sq...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-10","Add test to specify that attributes from an association'...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-10","Remove unnecessary '|| {}'","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-10","Don't use mass-assignment protection when applying the s...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #451 from baroquebobcat/fixing_last_f...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-08","Ensure that ORDER BY clauses from default scopes are not...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #332 from cmeiklejohn/bug6230_optimis...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-05-05","Merge pull request #399 from ernie/join_conditions_on_join","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-18","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-18","Bring back support for passing a callable object to the ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-18","Un-deprecate using 'default_scope' as a macro, but if yo...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-17","Fix test_load_save in test/cases/binary_test.rb (thanks ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-17","Fix test_associate_existing in has_many_through_associat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-17","Bring back some bits of documentation for scopes which w...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-17","Revert "Deprecate defining scopes with a callable (lambd...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Update CHANGELOG","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Backport test assertions from 65469a6 (the behaviour is ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Undo performances regressions I introduced in 36691ac9fc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Return nil from read_attribute if _foo is defined, but @...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Remove unnecessary code from define_read_method and add ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Update CHANGELOG","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Backport test assertions from 65469a6 (the behaviour is ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Return nil from read_attribute(:foo) if 'foo' is not pre...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Undo performances regressions I introduced in 36691ac9fc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Undo performances regressions I introduced in bbe0a507f2...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Refactor test to avoid hackery","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Backported 14b880fd035fcdf807051398674c9aa89bd3b4d3 (Fix...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Return nil from read_attribute if _foo is defined, but @...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Remove unnecessary code from define_read_method and add ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-15","Remove unnecessary code from define_read_method and add ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-14","Extract the constraint-building for joins in JoinAssocia...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-13","Deprecate defining scopes with a callable (lambda, proc,...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-13","ActiveRecord::Base.scopes hash is not needed","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-13","Evaluate default scopes at the last possible moment in o...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-13","Deprecated support for passing hashes and relations to d...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-04-13","Removing the scope-caching which happens on association ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-18","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-18","Add order clauses to fix some tests which were failing u...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-16","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-16","oracle, y u defy me","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-12","Fix tests under postgres - we should always put conditio...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-12","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-12","Resolve some TODO comments which I decided did not need ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-11","Simplify implementation of ThroughReflection#chain","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-11","Abstract some common code from AssociationScope and Join...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-10","Refactor JoinAssociation","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-10","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-10","Rename Reflection#through_reflection_chain and #through_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-10","Move the code which builds a scope for through associati...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-07","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-07","Fix test_has_many_association_through_a_has_many_associa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-07","Referencing a table via the ON condition in a join shoul...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-07","Referencing a table via the ON condition in a join shoul...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-06","Refactor ThroughAssociation#join_to to be much smaller, ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-06","Refactor ThroughAssociation#tables to just be a flat arr...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-05","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-05","Use Base#type_condition in JoinAssociation","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-05","Push source_type and polymorphic conditions out of Throu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-05","Add a test for STI on the through where the through is n...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-04","When preloading has_and_belongs_to_many associations, we...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-04","Fix a couple of tests in join_model_test.rb which were f...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-04","Stop identity-mapping the through records in the preload...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-04","Fix a couple of tests in join_model_test.rb which were f...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-04","When preloading has_and_belongs_to_many associations, we...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-04","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-03-04","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-28","Move JoinDependency and friends from ActiveRecord::Assoc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-28","Rewrote AssociationPreload.","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-21","Use proper objects to do the work to build the associati...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-21","Rename target_klass to klass","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-21","Delegate through_reflection and source_reflection to ref...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-21","Delegate Association#options to the reflection, and repl...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-21","Singular associations no longer use a proxy, so no need ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-21","Associations - where possible, call attributes methods r...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-18","Remove test which was broken on 1.8. This test is now ir...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-18","Split AssociationProxy into an Association class (and su...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-18","Add :nodoc: to ThroughAssociation and HasOneAssociation","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-18","Allow building and then later saving has_many :through r...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-18","Ensure that association_ids uses the correct attribute w...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Add a transaction wrapper in add_to_target. This means t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Inline ensure_owner_is_persisted! as it is only called f...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","@target should always be an array","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Rename add_record_to_target_with_callbacks to add_to_target","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Don't pass the block through build_record","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Move create and create! next to build","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Get rid of create_record as it is not only used in one p...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Get rid of AssociationCollection#save_record","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Fix test/cases/connection_pool_test.rb for sqlite3 in-me...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-14","Add interpolation of association conditions back in, in ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-13","Deprecated support for interpolated association conditio...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-07","Documentation for recent refinements to association dele...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-07","Refactor the implementations of AssociatioCollection#del...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-07","This string should continue","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-07","Correctly update counter caches on deletion for has_many...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-07","Support the :dependent option on has_many :through assoc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-02-07","Make record.association.destroy(*records) on habtm and h...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Make use of helpers in AssociationReflection","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Has many through - It is not necessary to manually merge...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","@join_table_name is no longer used","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Make AssociationCollection#include? a bit more readable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Don't use method_missing when we don't have to","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","AssociationCollection#clear can basically just use #dele...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","AssociationCollection#to_ary should definitely dup the t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Just use primary_key here, AR::Relation will resolve the...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Call sum on the scope directly, rather than relying on m...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Condense first_or_last a bit more","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Get rid of separate reset_target! and reset_scopes_cache...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","target is always an array","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","load_target will return the target. it also will not loa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","DRY up first/last and hence make last benefit from the b...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Use scoped.find directly rather than having a find_by_sq...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Use scoped.first and scoped.last instead of find(:first,...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Try to make fetch_first_or_last_using_find? more readable","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","load_target returns the target","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Rename AssociationProxy#loaded to loaded! as it mutates ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Abstract load_target conditional logic","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Remove unused methods conditions, sql_conditions and san...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Don't pass around conditions as strings in ThroughAssoci...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Indent methods under private/protected sections","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","Let's be less blasé about method visibility on associati...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-30","We shouldn't be using scoped.scoping { ... } to build as...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Added deprecation warning for has_and_belongs_to_many as...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Add CHANGELOG entry for the addition of create_associati...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Removed support for accessing attributes on a has_and_be...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Rename some variables","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Use self.target= in HasOneThroughAssociation too","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","find_target can also go into SingularAssociation","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Abstract a bit more into SingularAssociation","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Use self.target= rather than @target= as the former auto...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Abstract common code from BelongsToAssociation and HasOn...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","belongs_to records should be initialized within the asso...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Document the new create_association! method on one-to-on...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-16","Add create_association! for belongs_to","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","test_with_polymorphic_and_condition works without the co...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Support for create_association! for has_one associations","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Refactor the code for singular association constructors....","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","It's not necessary to pass the association proxy class a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Get rid of set_association_target and association_loaded...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","We can use the association_proxy method directly in HasO...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","DRY up the code which instantiates the association proxy","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","find_target can be inherited","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Document the recent changes to association assignment","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved if an AssociationColl...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","When assigning a has_one, if anything fails, the assignm...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","In a number of places in the tests, we only need to turn...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","SQLite3 has supported savepoints since version 3.6.8, we...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","When assigning a has_one, if the new record fails to sav...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","When assigning a has_one, if the existing record fails t...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Have a separate test connection directory for sqlite3 in...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Enable the sqlite3 in-memory test connection to work","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","has_one should always remove the old record (properly), ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Return value is irrelevant here as the RHS of the assign...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Remove incorrect documentation about build_assoc on has_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","For a singular association, it should be build_associati...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-11","Correctly indent the bullet points under 'One-to-one ass...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-07","Refactor HasOneAssociation#replace","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-07","Don't not remove double negatives","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-07","Clean up create, create! and build in HasOneAssociation","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-07","merge_with_conditions is not necessary because the condi...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-07","Not really worth having the HasAssociation module for ju...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-07","Construct an actual ActiveRecord::Relation object for th...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-07","Use encode_with for marshalling","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Remove undocumented feature from has_one where you could...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","ActiveRecord::Relation#primary_key should return a strin...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Implement deprecated version of AssociationReflection#pr...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","When preloading a belongs_to, the target should still be...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Create the association scope directly rather than going ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Make Relation#create_with always merge rather than overw...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Use the association directly in other places too","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Let AssociationCollection#find use #scoped to do its fin...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Fix test_any in relations_test.rb, which was failing whe...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Rename AssociationProxy#foreign_key_present to foreign_k...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Allow assignment on has_one :through where the owner is ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Have a proper AssociationReflection#foreign_type method ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Add documentation for the :foreign_type option on belong...","Jon Leighton",10 "2011-01-04","Some basic tests for the :foreign_type option on belongs...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","Rename AssociationReflection#primary_key_name to foreign...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","Support for :counter_cache on polymorphic belongs_to","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","Refactor BelongsToAssociation to allow BelongsToPolymorp...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","Specify the STI type condition using SQL IN rather than ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","Verify that when has_many associated objects are destroy...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","Get rid of extra_conditions param from configure_depende...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","And owner_quoted_id can go too","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","Now we can drop-kick AssociationReflection#dependent_con...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-31","Refactor configure_dependency_for_has_many to use Associ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Refactor we_can_set_the_inverse_on_this? to use a less b...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Add a HasAssociation module for common code for has_* as...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Remove AssociationProxy#dependent? - it's badly named an...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Associations: DRY up the code which is generating condit...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Fix dodgy tests which were effectively asserting nil == nil","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Remove custom_select param from construct_select, as it ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Remove construct_from from ThroughAssociationScope - it'...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Set the create scope to an empty hash in ThroughAssociat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Use conditionals and implicit returns rather than explic...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Remove has_cached_counter? and cached_counter_attribute_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Remove pointless use of 'private'","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Use the through association proxy for operations on the ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","Remove target_obsolete? which is not called from anywhere","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-26","scoped.where_values_hash is never nil","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","Raise an error for associations which try to go :through...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","If a has_many goes :through a belongs_to, and the foreig...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","Improved strategy for updating a belongs_to association ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","Test to verify that #2189 (count with has_many :through ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","Revert "Optimize <association>_ids for hm:t with belongs...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","Test demonstrating problem with foo.association_ids wher...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","When a has_many association is not :uniq, appending the ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","Don't allow a has_one association to go :through a colle...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","Fix problem where wrong keys are used in JoinAssociation...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-23","Test to verify that #2189 (count with has_many :through ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-20","Avoid Symbol#to_proc for performance reasons in Ruby 1.8","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-20","has_many associations with :dependent => :delete_all sho...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-20","Refactor delete_records in HasManyAssociation","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-20","Fix problem where wrong keys are used in JoinAssociation...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-20","Remove unnecessary overloaded methods create, create! an...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-20","Refactor create_record and build_record in AssociationCo...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-20","Delete create, create! and create_record from HasManyThr...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-20","Specify insert_record with NotImplementedError in Associ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-16","Fix various issues with the :primary_key option in :thro...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-16","Fix problem with duplicated records when a :uniq :throug...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-15","Verify that creating a has_many through record where the...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-15","Respect the default_scope on a join model when reading a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-15","Verify that creating a has_many through record where the...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-15","Respect the default_scope on a join model when reading a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-12-12","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-11-27","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-11-17","Fix bug with 0bb85ed9ffa9808926b46e8f7e59cab5b85ac19f wh...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-11-17","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-11-08","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-31","Fix bug with 0bb85ed9ffa9808926b46e8f7e59cab5b85ac19f wh...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-31","Update new tests in cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb to wo...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-31","Fix bug with 0bb85ed9ffa9808926b46e8f7e59cab5b85ac19f wh...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-31","Fix naughty trailing whitespace","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-31","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-30","Refactoring: replace the mix of variables like @finder_s...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-28","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Rename nested_has_many_through_associations_test.rb beca...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Add explicit ordering in relations_test.rb, as the lack ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Add explicit ordering to nested_has_many_through_associa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Remove obsolete require to active_record/associations/ne...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Fix typo","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Remove obsolete autoload","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Add a CHANGELOG entry about nested through associations","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Add some API documentation about nested through associat...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Add some comments for ThroughReflection#through_reflecti...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Remove various comments and code which were just being u...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Add explicit tests for the nested through association ch...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Fix broken test","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Small refactoring","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Support the :primary_key option on a through reflection ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Bugfix/refactoring","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Remove unused methods","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Support for :primary_key option on the source reflection...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-19","Respect the :primary_key option on the through_reflectio...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-18","Properly support conditions on any of the reflections in...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-17","Refactoring: replace the mix of variables like @finder_s...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-15","Make sure nested through associations are read only","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-15","Fix small bug which was shown by the last commit","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-15","Add assertions for nested through associations loaded by...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-15","Support preloading nested through associations (using th...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-14","Remove unnecessary requires from nested_has_many_through...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-14","Add test_has_one_through_has_one_through_with_belongs_to...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-14","Add test_has_many_through_belongs_to_with_has_many_throu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-14","Add test_has_many_through_has_many_through_with_belongs_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-14","Added test_has_many_through_has_many_with_has_many_throu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-14","Fix bug in previous refactoring","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-14","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-13","Add test_has_many_through_has_and_belongs_to_many_with_h...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-13","Refactoring ThroughAssociationScope#construct_through_joins","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-13","Delete unused methods in JoinAssociation","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-13","Renaming and formatting changes in JoinDependency","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-13","Refactor JoinDependency and friends so that a JoinAssoci...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-13","Add some tests for functionality in JoinAssociation whic...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-13","First bit of support for habtm in through assocs - test_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Hook ThroughAssociationScope up to use the AliasTracker ...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Some small tweaks on the last commit","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Extract aliasing code from JoinDependency and JoinAssoci...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Add a commented, failing test for using a habtm in a has...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Add test_has_many_through_has_one_through_with_has_many_...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Adding test_has_many_through_has_one_with_has_many_throu...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Rename some tests for consistency","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Add test_has_many_through_has_one_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","Support has_one through assocs as the source association","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-12","A load of tests that need to be written","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-09","Refactoring to remove duplication introduced by the last...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-09","Add support for nested through associations in JoinAssoc...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-06","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-06","Refactoring JoinDependency and friends. This improves th...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-05","A failing test for a nested has many through association...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-03","Fix the tests (I have actually verified that these are a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-02","Add support for table aliasing, with a test that needs a...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-02","Integrate nested support into ThroughAssociationScope, u...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-10-01","Started implementing nested :through associations by usi...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-09-30","Prevent test_has_many_through_a_has_many_through_associa...","Jon Leighton",10 "2010-09-30","Merge branch 'master' into nested_has_many_through_2","Jon Leighton",10 "2008-09-23","Backport offset/limit SQL injection fix to 2-0-stable","Jon Leighton",10 "2008-09-13","Support for updating a belongs to association from the f...","Jon Leighton",10 "2012-10-18","Change back to official sprockets-rails","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-18","Add changelog entry for precompile config","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-16","Only compile non-js/css under app/assets by default","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Switch to new sprockets-rails plugin","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Ignore asset url query string or anchor when appending e...","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Use sprockets-rails master","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Extract compute_asset_extname and allow extname to be di...","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Sprockets-rails branch","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Use sprockets-rails branch for now","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Merge branch 'master' into asset-path-helper","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Remove old asset_path from rails config","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15",":fire: Rails asset id support","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","merge! default asset tag options","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-15","Just check request instead of controller.request","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-13","Allow asset url config to be undefined","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-13","Add a few more compute_asset_path tests","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-12","All asset url helpers should pass options","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-12","JAVASCRIPTS_DIR, STYLESHEETS_DIR, ASSETS_DIR don't even ...","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-12","Ensure AssetUrlHelper can be mixed into AC::Base","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-12","Refactor AssetUrlHelper to make it friendly for plugins ...","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-12","Add asset_path and asset_url helpers","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-12","Split asset url helpers into seperate AssetUrlHelper","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-10","Ensure expires_in and created_at timestamps aren't nil w...","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-10","Remove expansion config","Josh Peek",9 "2012-10-10","Remove old asset tag concatenation","Josh Peek",9 "2012-08-07","Fix invalid asset compile assertions","Josh Peek",9 "2012-08-07","Loosen sprockets version restriction","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-24","Bring in sprockets precompile task","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-24","Merge branch '3-1-0' into 3-1-stable","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-24","Bring in sprockets precompile task","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2634 from guilleiguaran/fix-sprocket...","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-21","Fix sprockets warnings","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-21","Fix sprockets warnings","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-13","Make Rails.application.assets available in initializers","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-08","Merge pull request #2448 from igrigorik/master","Josh Peek",9 "2011-08-08","Merge pull request #2448 from igrigorik/master","Josh Peek",9 "2011-07-27","Make Rails.application.assets available in initializers","Josh Peek",9 "2011-07-27","Make Rails.application.assets available in initializers","Josh Peek",9 "2011-07-11","Ensure Dir.glob is sorted","Josh Peek",9 "2011-07-11","Ensure Dir.glob is sorted","Josh Peek",9 "2011-07-11","Float sprockets again","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-22","Revert "Bump sprockets requirement"","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-22","Revert "Bump sprockets requirement"","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-21","Bump sprockets requirement","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-21","Bump sprockets requirement","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-21","Adds a test to check link_to with method & rel options","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-21","Assign Rails.cache to sprockets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-21","Assign Rails.cache to sprockets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-21","Allow additional link relations when using method attrib...","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-20","Merge pull request #1776 from jamesarosen/clean_images","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-14","Fix appending sprockets paths","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-14","Fix appending sprockets paths","Josh Peek",9 "2011-06-07",NA,"Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-30","Merge pull request #1355 from gnufied/master","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-23","Merge branch '3-1-stable'","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-23","Require sprockets beta 8","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-22","Add debug_asset support","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-22","Lock to stable sprockets beta","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-20","Use sprockets prepend_path if its available","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-19","Merge pull request #1150 from stevenbristol/master","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-17","Bump sprockets dependency","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-17","Remove old call to sprockets context","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-13","Update for sprockets/master context class api","Josh Peek",9 "2011-05-02","Use sprockets beta gem","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-27","Merged pull request #324 from joshk/fix_array_from.","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #312 from joshk/bump_multi_json.","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-22","Add shorthand for js and css compressors","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-21","Only include SprocketsHelper into assets context","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-19","Merge branch 'joshk-multi_json'","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-19","Merge branch 'multi_json' of https://github.com/joshk/ra...","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-13","Generate CoffeeScript stub by default","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-13","Include CoffeeScript in Gemfile","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-13","Add default require directives for jquery","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-13","Merge branch 'sprockets'","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-13","Index sprockets environment if perform caching is enabled","Josh Peek",9 "2011-04-13","Merge branch 'master' into sprockets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-31","Fix assets prefix joining","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-31","Fix assets prefix joining","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-31","Fix config.assets.precompile option","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-31","Unify sprockets config options","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-31","Merge branch 'master' into sprockets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-31","Merge branch 'master' into sprockets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-31","Switch to sprockets/master","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-30","Precompile configured assets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-30","Seperate asset directories","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-30","Rename option to config.asset_pipeline","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-30","Move sprockets initializers back to application","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-29","Change back to /assets prefix","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-29","Fix building route set with sprockets in production","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-29","Only add fingerprints if perform_caching is on","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-29","Fix sprockets logger","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-29","Copy use_sprockets config","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-29","Use sprockets helpers if config.use_sprockets is set","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-29","Add sprockets to Gemfile for testing","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-29","Tests for SprocketsHelper","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-28","Update sprockets path generation method","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-28","Add SprocketsHelper","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-28","Remove sprockets exception from main asset helpers","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-28","Fix reference to config.use_sprockets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-28","Add use_sprockets flag","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-28","Logger isn't set here","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-28","Add route for assets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-22","Change static root to /public","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-22","Use sprockets precompile","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-22","Move app/javascripts and app/stylesheets under app/assets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-22","Add sprockets md5s to asset tags","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-22","Remove ensure_fresh_assets flag","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-22","Assign sprockets static root","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-21","Need to load assets task file","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-21","Add sprockets task to compile assets","Josh Peek",9 "2011-03-21","Add sprockets environment to Application","Josh Peek",9 "2010-04-07","Make sure MemCacheStore logger exists","Josh Peek",9 "2010-04-07","Remove #size call on rack input io","Josh Peek",9 "2010-04-05","Fix cookie access in integration tests with other host n...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-31","Add --skip-bundler option to rails application generator","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-30","Missed a few spots in railties","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-30","Consistent routing language","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-30","Fix stack overflow bug in integration test router helpers","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-23","Load plugin initializers from lib/rails/initializers/*.rb","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-20","Remove invalid builtin tests since we aren't adding that...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-20","Autoload Rails::Info","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-20","Require info controller from info routes","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-20","Move railties/builtin into lib","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-17","Install url helpers on module instance so they can be ac...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-17","link_to_function is here to stay","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-10","skip_relative_url_root url_for option is dead","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-10","Allow default_url_options to be set on route set","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-10","RouteSet#rewrite => url_for","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-10","Unused RouteSet#url_for is hogging a good method name","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-10","Move AC::UrlRewriter onto route set","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-07","Bump rack-mount requirement to 0.6","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","nested controllers need to be explicitly declared with t...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","Define Bundler constant stub if bundler gem is not insta...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","vendor/rails doesn't work anymore, remove it from the bl...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","correct activeresource load path","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","activerecord test load paths","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","ensure activemodel lib is setup correctly","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","don't expand test path","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","add activesupport and activemodel load paths to actionpa...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","fix up actionmailer load path","Josh Peek",9 "2010-03-01","fix up activesupport test load paths","Josh Peek",9 "2010-02-28","Request#subdomain returns a string version of Request#su...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-02-28","Remove implicit controller namespacing from new dsl","Josh Peek",9 "2010-02-19","Reinstate pending tests that were supposed to be fixed b...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-02-15","rack-mount 0.5 support","Josh Peek",9 "2010-02-15","CI has a bunch of duplicate load paths","Josh Peek",9 "2010-02-15","Make sure AS test env doesn't have duplicate libs in loa...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-02-15","Fix test load paths for those not using bundler","Josh Peek",9 "2010-02-02","Fix empty Set-Cookie headers [#3811 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-31","Require ac/test_case from AV::TestCase","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-31","Add rel=nofollow on non get remote links","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-31","Generate UJS code for :disable_with","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-31","Include prototype ujs adapter with new apps","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-31","Axe AM state machine","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Reorg options_for_javascript and array_or_string_for_jav...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Move button_to_function to prototype helper","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Unused JAVASCRIPT_PATH const","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Move scripty JSG helpers into scriptaculous_helper.rb","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Move form_remote_tag and remote_form_for into prototype_...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Move button_to_remote and submit_to_remote into prototyp...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Move link_to_function and link_to_remote into prototype_...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Drop AjaxHelper","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Move periodically_call_remote into prototype_legacy_help...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Move observe_field and observe_form to prototype_legacy_...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Revert "Merge branch 'rails/master' into ujs"","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Revert "Add rails.js driver to default source list"","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Revert "fixed tests to also look for rails.js when using...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Revert "Drop JS scripts from core"","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Deprecation notice for TestResponse#redirected_to","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Drop JS scripts from core","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-30","Deprecate link_to :popup","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-29","Add rails.js driver to default source list","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-26","Failing AM test for legacy multipart alternative rendering","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-26","Failing AM test for nested layouts","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-26","Keep ActionController::Base.helpers_dir around for a bit...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-25","Failing test for plugin init requiring another plugin li...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-25","Failing test for using plugin middleware in application ...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-25","Plugins need to load before app initializers","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-24","Use Rails::Application ref in Rakefile and console scripts.","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-24","Add Rails::Application pointer to the default app to add...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-22","I removed the rdoc task from plugin Rakefile","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-22","Delegate App calls to instance","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-22","Make @controller an internal ivar in the view","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-22","Use expand_path to require environment in metal template","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-22","Include cascade header in metal template","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-22","lib is already included w/ rake test task","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-22","Remove rdoc task from generated plugin Rakefile","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-22","Template whitespace","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-20","Only send filtered_env for notifications","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-20","Request#filter_parameters and filter_env","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-20","Expose last controller in rack env["action_controller.in...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-20","Revert streaming params parser support.","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-20","Cleanup middleware introspection output","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-19","Disable ShowExceptions during integration tests","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-19","Define named routes for other non-GET REST actions","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-19","Prettier hash dump","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-19","Show Rack env dump on exception page","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-18","Install plugin view paths into AM view load path","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-18","Add all folders in app/* to the load path","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-18","Cleanup deprecation notices.","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-18","Clear out AS callback method pollution in AC::Base.actio...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-18","Base#action_methods delegates to Base.action_methods","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-18","Accessing nonexistant cookies through the signed jar sho...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-17","debug helper output should not be sanitized","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-17","Use backtrace cleaner for dev mode exception page","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-16","Cookies middleware","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-16","Build middleware stack and reload routes after app initi...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-16","Allow custom controller for resource(s) [#3703 state:res...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-15","Fix singleton resource named routes","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-15","Fix const reference for SessionRestoreError","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-15","Always join scoped paths with slashes","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-15","Cleanup internal resource macro to use method helper sho...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-15","Routing method shorthand shouldn't clobber :to options","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-15","Move Flash into middleware","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-15","Make HEAD method masquerade as GET so requests are route...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-14","Set a good example, no system ignores in project ignore ...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-14","Respect resources_path_names and :path_names options in ...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-14","optimise_named_routes is unnecessary","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-13","Add router support for resources :only and :except actions","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-13","Cool this routing test passes now","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-13","Pass :as to resources to change the resource name","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-13","Passing in a crud action overloads the default action in...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-11","Cleanup junk metal and revise API","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-11","Rewrite Metal tests","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-07","Run railtie and plugin initializers before app specific ...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-06","Remove config.gem deprecation stub since its not "deprec...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-06","config.plugins should still work with an array of strings","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-05","All router redirect helper to accept a full URI [#3653 s...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-05","assert_template depends on AV::Template monkey patches i...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-05","Trash string coercion rack hacks","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-05","Default middleware stack needs to be available at config...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-05","Middleware configuration tests","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","use_instantiated_fixtures and use_transactional_fixtures...","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","Smoke test for test_help","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","rack and rack-test are pulled in by AD","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","Autoload AR test case","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","Autoload AMo test case","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","Autoload AS test case","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","Autoload AM test case class","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","Autoload AC and AV test case classes","Josh Peek",9 "2010-01-04","Remove rack submodule, 1.1 has been released as a gem.","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-27","script/server should init Rails by loading config.ru","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-26","AD::Cascade that supports X-Cascade","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-26","rack-mount 0.4","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-26","Expect Rack 1.1","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-23","Require rack-mount 0.3.3","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","All AMo modules are safe to defer","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","All ARes modules are safe to defer","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","All AM modules are safe to defer","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","Flip deferrable autoload convention","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","All AD modules are "deferrable"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","Use Rack::Runtime middleware so the reported time includ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","Referer and user agent are in Rack::Request","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","AD::StatusCodes support is now part of rack","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","Float on rack/master in preparation for rack 1.1 gem rel...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-22","Update routes.rb template to use App name","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Default route was removed from default route config, pat...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Less annoying RoutingError message","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","reset_session needs to be a real method so flash can ove...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Update CI bundler","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","We don't need AD parse_config","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Rename RackConvenience => RackDelegation","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Merge Session stuff into RackConvenience","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Remove annoying and useless meta comments","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Use instance_eval for schema block","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Rename define_schema => schema","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-21","Rename SchemaDefinition => Schema","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-18","Pending tests for AD Response","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-18","Don't need response prepare!","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-16","Need to lazy realize middleware options so they can be m...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-16","Use AbstractController error constants","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-16","Fully expand relative rails framework paths and make sur...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-16","Hush AMo test suite","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-16","ARes rake task should not worry about AS being in path","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-16","Hush ARes test suite","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-16","Hush AM test suite","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-16","Hush AS test suite","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-15","Procs don't call themselves","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Move route reloading into railties","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Remove route loading tests since it should be tested by ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Fix loading plugin and engine route sets","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Fix response_body warning in AC","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Hush loading AR unless it fails","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Hush AP test suite","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Fix warning in AC flash","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Fix warnings in AD::Response","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-14","Fix warnings in railties configuration and initializeable","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","Forgot to revert tests from that last commit","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","Revert "Fix instance_eval calls to association proxies"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","rendering controller needs base","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","Don't require AD test_case","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","Nearly all AC modules can be deferred","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","All AbstractController modules are deferrable","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","Relocate AbstractController exceptions into their proper...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","Allow autoloads to opt out of eager loading","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-13","TestProcess belongs in AD","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-11",""new" and "edit" name routes always need to be prepend t...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-11","Use rackmounts recognize api and don't piggyback recogni...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-11","Remove fancy method not allowed resource exceptions sinc...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-11","Kill RouteSet#recognize","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-11","Cleanup generate_extras build/parse mess","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-11","Reduce usage of interpret_status. It should also return ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-10","Check block arity passed to routes draw so you don't nee...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-10","Fixed old routing mapper example in generated routes.rb","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-10","Scaffolding generates new routing dsl examples","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","More test porting","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Tack format onto resource routes","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Use new routing dsl in tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Fix ambiguous access_token scoping example","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Remove double scoping blocks and just use one","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Seperate scope level for nesting resources","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Don't use name prefix by itself unless as is an empty st...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Routes added under resource collection should be prefixe...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Fixed named prefix scope in resource member and collecti...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Ignore name_prefix unless there is an explicit name","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Move base mapper methods into Base module so plugins can...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Move name_prefix merging into Scoping concern","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Cleanup resource scoping by passing down the parent reso...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","named_prefix doesn't join with "_"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Allow name_prefix to be pass into scope","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-08","Allow scope to take :path and :controller options","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-07","Pass symbol in as route name when match is used with a s...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-07","Deprecate recalling generation params when the defaults ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-05","Update rackmount to fix some pending tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Use to_query in route query string generation","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Quick fix for not escaping []s (not ideal)","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Failing tests for to_param/to_query not escaping "[]"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Move controller namespace tracking into route set so it ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Stop escaping "[]" in query string","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Rackmount 0.3.0","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Fork rack build nested query to support to_param","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Response#write is defined twice (this is why -w is good)","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Response#cache_control is defined later","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Remove concat before overriding it","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Fix parens warning in ajax test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","cache_store and page_cache_directory are already defined...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Silence known internal AM deprecation calls","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Fix @renderer warning","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Simply track controller namespaces instead of a complete...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Make recognize try to constantize controller to see if i...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-02","Some basic route discovery tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Josh Peek",9 "2009-12-01","Fix generating params with optional defaults [#3404 stat...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-30","Define a welcome controller in mailer tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-30","Fix some nested resource generation tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-29","Wrap up http related routing helpers","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-29","Break down long match routing method","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-29","Make use of extract_options!","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-29","Extract Resource and SingletonResource helper objects","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-29","Bump required rack-mount version to 0.2.3","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-29","Remove rackmount submodule","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-29","Resource collection should be defined before member routes","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","Quieter rake test runner","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","Privatize Routing.possible_controllers and fix brittle u...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","Find all controllers in memory to use for routing","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","with_controllers is no longer used","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","Extract Routing.controller_constraints","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","Remove inflection reloads routes test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","Kill dead routing internals helpers","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","Don't really care about reloading routes when inflection...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-24","Require rackmount >= 0.2.2","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-23","Revert "Prefix Internet Explorer's accepted mime types w...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-20","Should be rackmount 0.2","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-20","Depend on rack-mount 0.0.2","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-20","Extended and case insensitive regexp routes aren't that ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-20","Update routing for rackmount 0.2 api changes","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-19","Add basic nested named route support to new routing dsl....","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-17","Merge remote branch 'Fingertips/master'","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-13","Remove rackmount const usage","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Enable warnings for mailer tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Avoid adding component lib/ to load path multiple times","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Remove preflight lib check during AP tests. Bundler reso...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Always add AS lib/ to path when running its test suite","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Don't warn me if I'm not using bundler to run tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Remove automatic rubygems loading from AS test runner","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Fix railties isolated tests if bundler environment doesn...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Don't load all of railties just for Rails::Version","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Add pending test for generating routes with optional par...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Add pending test for route generation with default param","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-10","Fixed AD assertion autoloads [#3470 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-08","Merge remote branch 'Fingertips/master'","Josh Peek",9 "2009-11-03","Fix simple resource named routes for new routing dsl","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-28","Some more generation tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-28","Extract routing controller stub helper into abstract unit","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-28","Enable named route tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-28","Start migrating AC routing tests into dispatch folder","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-26","Fix `rake routes` method name output [#3422 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-26","Splat calls to_a not to_ary [#3423 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-24","Restore `rake routes` [#3402 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-21","Always add actionpack/lib to load path for isolated tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Start rewriting some internal tests to use the new routi...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Run bundler before AM and AMo tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","New routing dsl","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Group together all the old routing dsl logic","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Add arel to AMo gemfile","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Move Routing into AD","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Donate tests I wrote for rackmount rails integration","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Exclude gem backtrace filter if rubygems is not loaded","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Add rackmount to railties gemspec","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Add rackmount to actionmailer gemspec","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Replace decaying routing internals w/ rack-mount","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Kill routing tests expecting path to be unescaped. Most ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-20","Fix brittle query string comparisons","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","Rails info tests needs use_controllers","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","Relax generation requirements and only enforce the requi...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","Use Rails.root in railties tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","RAILS_GEM_VERSION is obsolete","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","Need to use "use_controllers" for nonexistent controller...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","Don't use use_controllers in routing tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","This is routing error message test is tightly coupled to...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","Drop legacy support for case insensitive controller reco...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-18","Fix brittle query string comparisons","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Fix brittle query string comparisons","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Fix standalone run of routing test. Only reference contr...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Stop using with_controllers in tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","No longer need this special routing exception message be...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Drop support for routing :generate_all","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Invalid route requirements should always raise an except...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Add stub for configuring your package manager","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Use Rails.root in statistics rake task","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Rakefile doesn't need initializers to be ran","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Fix incorrect path in script/runner template","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","script/runner should require environment","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","script/performance/profiler should require environment","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","script/performance/benchmarker should require environment","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","script/generate should require environment","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Ignore log folder created by tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","script/about should require environment","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Fix Rails root in sqlite adapter","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-17","Use Rails.application where we want a valid rack app","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-16","Use Rails.initialize! where we just want to run the init...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-16","Rackup file should require environment","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-16","Expand paths in i18n initializer tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-16","Ruby 1.9: qualify toplevel File reference since config.r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-16","We won't be publishing tars and zips anymore","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-15","Punt on ConcurrentHash [#3322 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-15","Rename Orchestra to Notifications [#3321 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-14","Refactor AS concern to avoid hacking the "include" method.","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-14","Extend Callbacks and Rescuable with AS concern","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-13","Rewrite AS::TestCase setup/teardown as a single callback...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-13","Get AS TestCase off deprecated callbacks","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-13","Add erubis gem to ci","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-13","Insert a deprecation warn notice when using AS::Deprecat...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-13","Callbacks, DeprecatedCallbacks = NewCallbacks, Callbacks","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-13","Use "run_callbacks :foo" since it is the public api for ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-13","Kill unused SafelyMemoizable [#3323 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-11","Kill mock routing assertion that tests router implementa...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-11","Fix failing safe buffer test. We don't patch CGI.escapeH...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-11","Move safe buffer into test/template","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-11","Relative url generations are covered more thoroughly by ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-11","Add define another "stuff" controller to support routing...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-11","Drop implementation specific routing test assertions","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-11","Add define a "stuff" controller in fixtures to support r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-08","API change: content_tag_for outputs prefixed class name","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-07","Rewrite ActiveModel::Lint as a simple TU mixin","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-05","Coerce all out going body parts to Strings","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-05","Coerce all out going body parts to Strings","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-05","Yank FCGI Handler from core","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-05","Rewrite FCGI handler test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-05","Try to load lib before trying to activate the gem for te...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-05","Put test in place for deprecated dispatcher","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-05","More robust console test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-05","Revert "Revert "Fix Dispatch.new so passenger works" as ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Fix Dispatch.new so passenger works","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Only draw default route once","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Use with_routing helper in tests instead of modifying gl...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Redraw default routes on all internal integration tests....","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Avoid creating new controller constants during test runt...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Run AP isolated tests on CI","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Moved shared form helper models into fake_models","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","NumberHelper depends on big decimal extensions","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Changing directories during the test breaks file loading...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Don't load rubygems for isolated tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Move improved isolated test runner to AP","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","File extra test folders into controller, dispatch, or te...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-04","Add custom "with_routing" to internal tests to fix reset...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-10-02","Cleanup whitespace introduced in 8377646 and f4f6888","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-27","Move middleware and route configuration from AC::Dispatc...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-27","Allow setting a default application for all integration ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-27","Create separate middleware stack for initializer","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-27","Allow integration test rack app to be set with "@app" iv...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-27","Fix skipping memcache tests if a memcache server isn't r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-27","Remove deprecated calls to Dispatcher.to_prepare","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Move default middleware stack into initializer","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","AC::Dispatcher is the default app, don't need to set it","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Clean up session integration tests so they don't referen...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Pull middleware for Rails info from the initializer inst...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","ruby 1.9: Qualify toplevel File reference since config.r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Move Rails::Static into ActionDispatch","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Enable static asset server by default","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Add gem filter for default gem path since it maybe diffe...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Move tmp directory creation from server to initializer","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Remove config.ru generation from --with-dispatchers option","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Fix railties tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Set const for application object. "Basecamp::Application"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Initializer.run returns an application object","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Extract "parse_config" into AD","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Restore "Start Rails::Application object","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Remove relative url configuration from script/server","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Generate a config.ru stub","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-26","Revert "Start Rails::Application object"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-25","Fix generic url rewriter in integration tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-25","Wrap isolated test runner in a test suite","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-25","Make gemspecs the authoritative source instead of genera...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-25","Make activesupport.gemspec the authoritative source inst...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-25","Check if the lib is in the load path and requirable befo...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-24","Clean up log output for rendered templates","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-24","Resurrect AC::Benchmarking [#3140 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-24","Remove dead requries to AC integration. Rely on autoload...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-24","SessionRestoreError belongs in AD","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-24","Move helpers specific to functional tests out of TestPro...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-24","Move integration test runner into ActionDispatch","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-22","Bump rack-test required version to 0.5","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","All tests should be ran under isolated_test too","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","Merge "test_new_base" runner into standard "test_action_...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","Ensure changes to I18n locale get reset during tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","Follow short name convention for test folder and just ca...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","Merge bundler helper into abstract_unit","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","Namespace TestControllers inside their test case class","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","Avoid conflict with a "MetalTest" module used in tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","All on one base, don't need this","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","Avoid conflicts with another ContentTypeController used ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","All on one abstract_unit","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","There is only one base now","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-19","Make sure caching test is using a generatable url","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-17","Forward all methods to delayed log","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-15","Beef up AD::Rescue to replace global exception handling ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-15","Remove global exception catching from ApplicationControl...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","Lookup ruby bin name too","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","Use rbconfig instead of rubygem detection","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","For testing, only load rubygems if mocha is missing","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","Forgot to update load path dir for vendored memcache","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","Don't run `gem bundle` by default","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","Bump vendored memcache to 1.7.5","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","Rollback AS bundler work and improve activation of vendo...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","Callbacks need to require reporting","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-14","Restore AS vendor file until we get things sorted out in...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Rewrite resource routing tests that are coupled to the r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Need to reset session for AP rescue tests after altering...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Define weblog controller for url helper test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","AV::UrlHelper depends on Array#second","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Omit PATH_INFO in integration test so rack mock will pro...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","AP tests: detect missing dependencies and automatically ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Merge abstract_controller/test_helper and new_base/test_...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Don't eager require mocha, AS unit needs to set stuff up...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Remove dead old base abstract unit","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Lazy require memcache for session middleware","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Detect missing dependencies and automatically run bundler","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Ignore bundled gems","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Shush interpolation warnings","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Forget about old memoize immutable behavior","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Need to declare optional dependencies from AS","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Load vendored i18n if its not found since its a real req...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Avoid referencing rubygems","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Don't force test suite to use bundler","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","Move AS vendor support into bundler.","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-13","require reporting before attempting to "shush"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-11","Add gem load paths after loading environment","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-08","Please 1.8.6 CI","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-08","Start running AS isolated tests on CI","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-07","Use draw/connect mapper api instead of directly using ad...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-07","Need to reset session for AR session tests after alterin...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-07","Add fake controllers for url rewriter tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-07","Cleanup hacky routing with controller_path in url helper...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-07","Need to reset session in internal integration tests afte...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-07","Fix isolated running of AddressesTest","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-07","Fix isolated running of ActionPackAssertionTest","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-06","Fix failing isolated routing test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-06","Fix failing ARes isolated tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-06","Fix warnings in AMo","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-05","Fix failing AMo isolated tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-05","Fix failing AS isolated tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-05","Turn warnings on for AS isolated tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-02","Kill AMo observing wrap_with_notifications since ARes wa...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-01","ActionPack test helpers need to activate rack gem","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-01","Railties test helpers need to activate rack gem","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-01","rack-test 0.4.2 has rack 1.1.pre goodies, we'll use it i...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-01","Temp rack-test gem needs proper gem source","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-01","Initializer middleware helper needs to require actioncon...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-09-01","License, version, and gemspec for ActiveModel. Ship it!","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-31","Deprecated "best fit" detection is to difficult. Just pr...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-31","To make CI happy, use my edge rack-test gem (just for now)","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-31","Restore rack gem dependency","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-31","Back off rack 1.1-pre and bundle in the new testing goodies","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-31","action_dispatch and action_view are just more autoloads,...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-31","Switch over to rack-test gem","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-31","SessionHash#update and SessionHash#delete are missing a ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-27","Reset session in integration tests after changing routes...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-26","Track all AC base subclasses as possible controllers for...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-21","Move legacy param_parsers config onto AD::ParamsParser","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-17","k, thats really slow, lets not","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-17","Cleanup route reloading in tests. Prefer with_routing ov...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-15","Axe "best fit" generation support","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-14","Attempt to rewrite most of the highly coupled router seg...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-14","Kill routing timed tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-14","Break up concerns for choosing what attributes should be...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-14","Use safe tmp dir","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-10","Extract common dirty tracking methods in AMo","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-10","AMo overrides alias_attribute and manages aliasing all k...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-10","Centralize attr method name concatenation in AttributeMe...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-10","Deprecate router generation "best match" sorting","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-10","Deprecate router generation "best match" sorting","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-05","Extract generic attribute method generation to AMo","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-04","whitespace","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-04","Add simple support for ActiveModel's StateMachine for Ac...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-08-03","Track generated attribute methods in a separate module","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Start separating primary key concerns","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Make sure we use send for the default attribute method b...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Make sure to reset defined methods after calling attribu...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Move attribute_types_cached_by_default into attribute me...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Don't need to pass attr_name to evaluate_attribute_metho...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Undefine id and let it automatically be generated","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Redirect method missing for primary key to read_attribute","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","ditto for id=","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Don't define id_before_type_cast, just let it be generat...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Move id attribute methods into their related concern","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Restore DangerousAttributeError","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Wrap up attribute method reset concerns in 'undefine_att...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","read_attribute is always available through attribute","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","cache_attributes is related to attribute reading","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Generate methods for all suffixes","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-30","Concernify AR AttributeMethods","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-23","Dasherize XML root by default to avoid invalid tags "<ad...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-21","Clean up validation example","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-21","So you can require 'activemodel'","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-21","AMo conversion helper","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-21","Kill AMo Base","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-21","Improve AMo observing docs","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-21","Add wrap_with_notifications helper to AMo observing","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-21","Kill AMo ivar attributes helper","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-13","Correctly setup the rack gem dependency.","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-13","Go back to depending on Rack 1.0.x gem","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-11","Add observing hooks to ARes","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-11","Integrate AMo XML serializer into AR","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-10","Switch scaffolding templates to HTML 5 doctype","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-04","Integrate AMo JSON serializer into AR","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-04","Initial extraction of AMo xml serializer","Josh Peek",9 "2009-07-04","Ensure JSON serializer includes model naming ","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-25","ignore absolute tmp directory","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-25","send_data should set Content-Length as a string","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-25","send_data should set Content-Length as a string","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-25","Remove deprecated implicit ivar assignment","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-18","Add basic JSON serializer to AMo","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-18","Add simple attribute implementation backed by ivars","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-18","Simplify AMo validation attribute reader","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-17","Move model naming into ActiveModel","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-15","Add :concat option to asset tag helpers to force concate...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-15","Add :concat option to asset tag helpers to force concate...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-12","Vendor rack 1.0.x stable","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-11","Move observing notify helper into AMo","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-11","Fix observing AS dependencies","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-11","Integrate ActiveModel::Observing into ActiveRecord","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-09","Make use of AS::Concern in ActiveResource","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-09","Setup ActiveResource autoloads","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-09","Properly require ActiveModel validation dependencies","Josh Peek",9 "2009-06-09","Fix activesupport path","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-30","Revert "Only save the session if we're actually writing ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-30","Revert "Only save the session if we're actually writing ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-30","Use AS::Concern in ActiveModel","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-29","AS::Concern redefines "include" to lazy include modules ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-29","AS::Concern includes InstanceMethods module if it exists","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-29","Merge branch 'master' into active_model","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-28","Break up DependencyModule's dual function of providing a...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-28","Revert "Revert "Whitespace!""","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-28","Fix script/server's default mount path [#2731 state:reso...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-27","Ensure Memcache local cache returns duplicated values [#...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-27","Ensure Memcache local cache returns duplicated values [#...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-20","Temporarily bundle rack-test while MockSession is baking","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-17","Missed a file from the previous commit","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-17","Fix reset_session with ActiveRecord store [#2200 state:r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-17","Fix reset_session with ActiveRecord store [#2200 state:r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-17","Extract generic callbacks middleware from dispatcher","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-17","Merge Failsafe middleware into ShowExceptions","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-17","Rescue hack was supposed to be removed. Some how it crep...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-14","Sweeper does not belong in Sweeping module","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-10","Fix syntax error from 5ac05f15","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-08","Don't stream each line of the body, just send the whole ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-07","Whitespace!","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-07","Prefer "included" language over "setup"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-07","Make module dependency DSL opt in","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-07","Add test coverage to module setup extensions","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-05","assert_redirect_to's partial hash matching was deprecate...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-05","Deprecate assert_redirect_to's partial hash matching. Th...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-05","Fix console","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-03","Wrap dispatcher callbacks around the whole middleware ch...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-03","Show lazy middleware args in pretty print","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-03","Extract ActionController rescue templates into Rescue an...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-02","Deprecate Controller.process interface","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-02","Switch functional tests to run through the rack interfac...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-02","Functional test runner finalizes response just like the ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-02","Deprecate assert_redirect_to's partial hash matching","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-01","Update some old tests to use AC TestProcess","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-01","alias method chain process with test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-01","Move TestRequest#query_parameters into AD TestRequest","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-01","Set rack.input instead of RAW_POST_DATA in TestRequest","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-01","Missed stray @request_uri","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-01","Move TestRequest cookies accessor into AD TestRequest","Josh Peek",9 "2009-05-01","Depend on unreleased rack 1.1","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-30","Start moving TestRequest and TestResponse into ActionDis...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-30","Vendor new Rack::Mock changes","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-30","Group integration test helpers and delegate other helper...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-30","Switch to action_dispatch rack namespace ","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-30","Move generic assertions into ActionDispatch","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-30","Test::Unit work arounds are handled by ActiveSupport","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-30","Framework backtrace cleaning is handled by ActiveSupport...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-29","Deprecate template, session, assigns, and layout accesso...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-29","Deprecate response.assigns","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-29","Move header injection back into integration tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-29","Fix validate_request method name","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-27","Delegate controller.session to request.session and depre...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-26","Inherit TestSession from Session::AbstractStore and add ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-26","Require an ActionDispatch::Request to use response asser...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-26","Unify functional and integration tests cookie helpers","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-26","Fix typo in stale session check [#2404 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-26","Deprecate response.redirect_url_match?, use assert_match...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-26","Move useful response test helpers into request","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-26","Create a new file for response tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-25","Remove RewindableInput middleware since all input MUST b...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-25","Remove RewindableInput middleware since all input MUST b...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-25","Remove vendored version of Rack","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-25","Remove vendored version of Rack","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-25","Remove pending rack specifications until they are official","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-25","Remove pending rack specifications until they are official","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-25","Start to integrate some of the features in Rack::Test.","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-22","Fix test_rescue_routing_exceptions when running with rake","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-22","refactor some coupled rescue tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-22","Session tests belong under dispatch folder","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-15","Move middleware stack out of utils folder","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-15","Make dispatcher instances immutable","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-15","Final blow to CGI","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-15","We aren't using UploadedStringIO and UploadedTempfile an...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Move MimeResponds into base folder","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Move reloader middleware in ActionDispatch","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Session management belongs in base folder","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Move middleware stack out of utils folder","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Backwords compat alias for ActionController::Request and...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Use rack's status code list as a base","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Make dispatcher instances immutable","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Final blow to CGI","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","We aren't using UploadedStringIO and UploadedTempfile an...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-14","Move bundled rack into ActionDispatch","Josh Peek",9 "2009-04-02","Nicer name for anonymous local cache middleware class","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-24","just kill brittle test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-24","just kill brittle test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-16","update rack fixture to be ruby 1.9 compat","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-16","Better error message to try to figure out why the CI bui...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-16","ruby 1.9 compat: Pathname doesn't support =~","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-16","update rack fixture to be ruby 1.9 compat","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-16","update metal fixtures to be ruby 1.9 compat","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-16","Fix brittle Time.now mock","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-16","Ensure our bundled version of rack is at the front of th...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-14","Add Rack version to Rails info","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-13","Revert 5b7527ca "Failing test for routes with member & r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-13","Update rack to fix multipart uploads with an empty file ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-10","check for rack 1.0 gem before falling back to bundled ve...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-10","update bundled version of rack before 2.3 final","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-10","remove rack gem dependency","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-10","Ensure public folder structure is setup correctly if the...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-10","Fix serving index files with rack static file server [#2...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-10","reset_session should force a new session id to be genera...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-07","Fixed simplified render with nested models [#2042 state:...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-04","Generating routes with optional format segment does not ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-04","stray character in railties test","Josh Peek",9 "2009-03-03","Fixed reset_session for ActiveRecord session store [#210...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-24","missed template fixtures with ~","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-24","Ensure ActiveRecord session store's connections are chec...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-24","Put back dispatcher cleanup call in console reload! [#20...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-20","Move development mode reloading up the stack to avoid is...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-20","Lazy evaluate ActionController session store middleware ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-20","Fix templates reloading in development when using custom...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-17","Special case in deprecated CGI proxy layer for Mongrel C...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-16","Properly skip fcgi tests if the gem is not installed","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-16","Autoload ActionController::Caching::Sweeper constant [#1...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-16","Removed dead convert_expires! in Response [#1952 state:r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-15","Update bundled rack to fix more parameter parsing issues","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-10","Reapply 0d5b3e6","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-10","Update vendored rack","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-10","Move checkbox hidden field before the actual checkbox so...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-10","Make sure vendored rack is at the front of the load path","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-09","Still need to setup view paths","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Session LazyHash#inspect triggers the hash to load","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Don't add vendored rack to load path","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Update bundled Rack for Ruby 1.9 spec changes","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Deprecate ActionController::Response#set_cookie :http_on...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: removed redundant nested repeat operator","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","~ backup files don't clobber original templates [#1818 s...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Fix up failing tests broke by 2316e7d","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Fix FCGI handler with lighttpd [#1854 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Temporarily bundle Rack 1.0 prerelease for testing","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-07","Ensure session id is set in session options hash [#1880 ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-06","Cleanup application has been merged with reload","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-06","Restore stale session check and move after dispatch deve...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-06","Revert "Fixed FCGI handling [#1854 state:resolved]"","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-05","Make sure all autoload constants are pulled in when usin...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-01","Use Rack::Head middleware to ensure the body is discarde...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-01","Remove ancient tests for CGI parsing bug","Josh Peek",9 "2009-02-01","Removed Prototype specific Safari 2 AJAX hack.","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-29","Move dispatch related tests into test/dispatch","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-29","Only dup local cache values if duplicable [#1653 state:r...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-28","Move HTTP libs and middleware into ActionDispatch component","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-28","Reorganize ActionController folder structure","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-27","Disable eager loading for all rake tasks [#802 state:res...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-27","Restore implicit rendering for XHR requests that want a ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-27","Fixed deprecated methods on TestSession [#1801 state:res...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-27","Ensure the full path is used when searching for layouts ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-26","Fix for failing ActionMailer multipart tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-26","Add localized templates","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-22","Merge branch 'master' into 3-0-unstable","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-21","Setup ActiveRecord QueryCache middleware in the initializer","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-21","Only insert metal middleware if any exist","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-21","Missed RequestParser in ff0a267","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-21","Allow empty files to be uploaded","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-21","Add MiddlewareStack#swap","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-18","Build query string and POST params parser on top of Rack...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-18","Add test coverage for fixing Safari 2 trailing null char...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-17","Ensure any method sent to RewindableIO reads the origina...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-17","Lock middleware has been committed upstream","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-16","Fix date_select within fields_for with an index [#1666 s...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-13","Use Rack's MethodOverride lib [#1699 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-13","Update multipart tests to expose (another) bug in Rack's...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-13","Add RewindableInput wrapper to fix issues with middlewar...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-10","Refactor request urlencoded params parsing tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-10","Moved query string parsing tests into the request tests ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-10","Refactor request multipart params parsing tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-09","Refactor request xml params parsing tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-09","Refactor request json params parsing tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-09","Ensure we override Rack::Request's POST method too","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-09","Refactor request query string parsing tests","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-09","Inherit ActionController::Request from Rack::Request","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-06","Bump Rack version to 0.9","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-05","Cache AssetTag timestamps","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-05","Revert to the good old days when AssetTag didn't cause a...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-04","Cache AssetTag timestamps","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-04","Memoize request accessors on the Rack env so other reque...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-04","Move metal above method piggybacking middleware and add ...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-03","Add failing test for file uploads with unrewindable input","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-02","Revert to the good old days when AssetTag didn't cause a...","Josh Peek",9 "2009-01-01","Clean up view path cruft and split path implementations ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-30","Clean up view path cruft and split path implementations ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-28","Use rack namespace for routing args","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-28","Make router and controller classes better rack citizens","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-28","HTTP Digest authentication [#1230 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-28","Allow custom rails generators to pass in their own bindi...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-28","Allow multiple conditions for callbacks [#1627 state:res...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-23","ActionController::VerbPiggybacking middleware","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-22","Defining a new method is atomic, no mutex needed.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-22","Move default middleware stack to middlewares.rb","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-22","ActiveRecord::QueryCache middleware","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-21","Ensure the template format is always passed to the templ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-21","Switch to Rack::Response#set_cookie instead of using CGI...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-19","Rename AbstractResponse to Response and inheirt from Rac...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-19","Process CGI 'cookie' header into 'Set-Cookie' for all re...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-19","Improve cookie test coverage","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-19","Use status response accessor instead of the 'Status' header","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-19","Diverge Metal implementation from Rack::Cascade since we...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-18","Cleanup dispatch path","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-18","Use more generic test env flag","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-18","Conditionally inject session middleware instead of using...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-18","Move gaint lock into middleware","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-17","When checking for the wrong routing method, ensure the e...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-17","Fix metal tests","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-17","Make generated Metal bits a pure rack endpoint applicati...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-17","Remove set_cookie hack from rack response since we dont ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-17","Remove CGI::Session memory leak patch","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-16","Session Fixation tests have been rolled into the session...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-16","Introduce Rails Metal","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-16","Lazy load flash access","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-16","Don't write nil values to default session options hash","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-16","Session objects are always a hash, so we need to ensure ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-16","Clear empty nil values in session hash before saving","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-15","Switch to Rack based session stores.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-11","Fixed template lookups from outside the rails root [#155...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-11","Prefer Rails.logger over RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-09","Explicitly require ERB Utils extensions from TagHelper","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-08","Make integration test runner more Rack friendly and clea...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-05","Silence server backtrace in rescue templates and log fil...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-05","Boot out CGI Processor.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-05","Ensure route set is cleared on teardown","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-04","Set template_format to html inside rjs templates so rend...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-04","Ensure each rack request has its own dispatcher instance","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-04","Refactor SessionFixationTest and WebServiceTest with Int...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-03","Register bogus template handlers for ActionMailer test f...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-03","Add Memoizable#flush_cache to clear the cache of a speci...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-03","Validate template extensions [#1187 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-03","Removed deprecated register_template_extension","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-03","ActionView::Base.register_template_extension doesn't exi...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-01","Add internal middleware stack to Dispatcher","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-01","opps, inner_app is in the wrong conditional","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-01","Generate rackup dispatcher with rails:update:generate_di...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-01","fix failing railties test","Josh Peek",9 "2008-12-01","Switch FCGI handler over to Rack","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-29","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-28","fixed template recompile issue with previous commit and ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-28","Reinstate "Super lazy load view paths in development mod...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-27","Super lazy load view paths in development mode (no index...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-25","Move debugger into middleware","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-25","don't try to require vendored rack in script/server","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-25","Depend on rack 0.4.0 instead of vendoring it","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-25","Deprecate assert_valid","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-25","Ensure ActionView will be available to ActionMailer if A...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","missed ActiveRecord::Migrator","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","prototype and scripty helpers require json","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","helpers require dependencies","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","get activerecord tests passing with lazy loading","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","fixtures depends on dependencies","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","require json lib when serialization is loaded","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","Add LAZY env flag for testing autoload/lazy load feature","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","Autoload more ActiveSupport libs","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","Autoload ActiveRecord files","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","prefer autoloaded html scanner","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","prefer autoloading Mime::Type","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-24","Ensure integration test is load in script/console [#1452...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-23","Use autoload instead of explicit requires for ActionCont...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-23","simplify console with helpers","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-23","A back support for legacy TemplateHandler#render API","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-23","A back support for legacy TemplateHandler#render API","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-23","use autoload instead of explicit requires for ActionView","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-23","use autoload instead of explicit requires for ActionMailer","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-22","Switch script/server to use rack processor","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-22","Vendor rack 0.4.0","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-22","missed lighttpd config","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-22","Drop lighttpd support from script/server","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-22","Kill dead "new_mongrel" handler","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-22","write_fragment returns content if caching is disabled [#...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-16","Ensure shared default_scoping stack is duped before assi...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-10","Add simple case when DB calculations returns 0 instead o...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-11-06","Fix memory leak issue in ActiveRecord scoped_methods","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-30","Revert "config.load_paths should be frozen [#728 state:r...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-30","It is not necessary to store QueryCache in a thread loca...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-30","config.load_paths should be frozen [#728 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-30","Use database name in query cache thread local key [#1283...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-30","Ensure content type gets reset after render_to_string [#...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-30","Dup local assigns for partial collections so nil values ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-28","Track rendered templates in stack so the current templat...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-27","Thread Safety: Ensure recognize_optimized is immediately...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-10-14","Don't include the path when checking class collisions [#...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-09-28","Protect body ivar from being clobbered by the mailer tem...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-09-22","Refactor AssetTagHelper and fix remaining threadsafe iss...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-09-11","Switched computed public paths cache over to a simple ha...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-09-10","Removed monitor from MemoryStore and created a seperate ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-09-04","Stub out timestamped_migrations in generator tests","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-31","Moved layout exemption logic into the view","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-31","Prefix ActionView::Base private methods with an underscore","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-29","1.9: methods need to be coerced into strings","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-29","Merge RenderTest and NewRenderTest","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-28","Deprecated implicit local assignments when rendering par...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-27","Moved Logger extensions into core_ext","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-26","Store application and other context specific helper modu...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-26","defined? has no bounds","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-26","Require missing libraries and check for defined ActionCo...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-26","Performance: reduce garbage created by ActiveRecord::Cal...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-26","Cache JavaScriptGenerator's helper module set on the tem...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-26","Updated bundled TZInfo gem to version 0.3.9 for Ruby 1.9...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-26","Performance: Cache modules that extend the view context ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-26","Include all helpers into ActionView::Helper","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-25","The view context always responds to controller, check if...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-25","Base path may be nil if template is at the root of the v...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-24","Update uses_mocha in ActionMailer and ActiveResource","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-24","All 2xx requests are considered successful [#217 state:r...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-24","Renamed StringQuestioneer to StringInquirer.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-24","Namespaced StringQuestioneer under ActiveSupport.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-22","Removed old deprecation test because the warning was rem...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-22","Removed template_public? because it will always be true ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-22","Tidy up pick partial template logic","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-21","Simplified and renamed CallbackChain union method to rep...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-21","Partial revert of 2681685 premature TypeArray abstraction","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-20","Switched integration test runner to use Rack processor i...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-20","Improve test coverage for integration tests cookie header","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-20","Don't shadow query string method","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-20","Test coverage for integration testing with parameters","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-20","Ensure objects cached with MemoryStore are immutable","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-19","Delegate xhr helper method to integration session","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-19","Touch file with git revision when freezing edge","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-19","Removed config.ru template from app generator","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-19","hack around CGI session close","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-19","Added rack logger middleware that tails the environment log","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-19","Maintain a seperate buffer for each thread","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-19","Consistently use the framework's configured logger and a...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-19","Replace MemoryStore mutex with a monitor to avoid issues...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-18","More integration test coverage","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-18","Use Response status accessor instead of the Status header","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-18","Merge RackProcess#normalize_headers logic into AbstractR...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-18","Use RackRequest as a mock instead of StubCGI into Reques...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-14","Ensure results returned by a memoized method are immutable","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-14","Marshal FileStore values","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-14","Fix rendering partials at the top level [#795 state:reso...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-14","Ensure templates are rendered if all the parts are alrea...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-07","Optimize memoized method if there are no arguments","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-07","Tidy up ActionMailer rendering logic to take advantage o...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-06","Make sure ActionView is loaded inorder to build view paths","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-06","Ensure file atomic write uses the cache directory as its...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-06","Treat single C operations in MemoryStore as atomic","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-06","Make FileStore use atomic writes","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-06","MemoryStore is the only "unsafe" store. Make it threadsa...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-06","Make File.atomic_write copy the original permissions or ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-05","Added config.threadsafe! to toggle allow concurrency set...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-08-01","Treat ActionMailer template_root as a view path set inte...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-31","Turn cache_classes on by default [#645 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-30","Reapply 'cab168ac' because it was accidentally patched o...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-28","Added back ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency flag...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-28","Prepare Route#generate and Route#recognize early. Also r...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-28","Routing whitespace cleanup","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-27","Revert "Ensure adapater specific code is loaded on Activ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-24","ActionController::Base.relative_url_root falls back to E...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-24","AbstractRequest.relative_url_root is no longer automatic...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-24","Added config.dependency_loading to enable or disable the...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-23","Fixed bc5896e, and added test case for the caching bug i...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-23","Revert 'bc5896e'","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-23","Load view path cache after plugins and gems.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-23","Just file?","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-22","Extract ActiveSupport::TypedArray class to ensure an arr...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-22","Memoize ActionView::Base pick_template and find_partial_...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-22","Improved Memoizable test coverage and added support for ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-22","Ensure adapater specific code is loaded on ActiveRecord:...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-21","Added configurable eager load paths. Defaults to app/mod...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-21","Preload application classes. Uses same strategy as phusi...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Refactor ActiveSupport::Dependencies injector so it woul...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Fixed spelling mistake in deprecation warning [#381 stat...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Ensure ActionView::PathSet::Path is not initialized with...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Only create a path for ActionMailer template root instea...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Ruby 1.9: Call join on template_root instead of to_s","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Prefer Mongrel over Thin [#658 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Stub out timestamped_migrations in generator tests","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Dropped SQLite 2 from default test runner","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Update uses_mocha in ActionMailer and ActiveResource","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Fix some warnings in i18n lib","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Undefine old run method","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Ruby 1.9: Fixed regexp warning by replacing nested repea...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Ruby 1.9: Strip encoding from ERB source since you can n...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-19","Ruby 1.9: Ensure Memoizable#freeze is only overriden onc...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-18","Removed lagacy TemplateHandler#render API. Left in a leg...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-18","Changed ActiveSupport::Memoizable API to extend since it...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-18","Allow memoized methods to be reloaded and allow multiple...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-17","Wrap AssetTagHelper's computed public path cache in a th...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-17","Allow ActiveSupport::Cache logger to be silenced","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-17","Cleanup ActiveSupport::Cache::ThreadSafety module and ad...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-17","Revert "Run callbacks from object's metaclass"","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-17","All 2xx requests are considered successful [#217 state:r...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","MemCacheStore#decrement should use data instance variabl...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Revert "Run callbacks from object's metaclass"","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Revert "Added Object#metaclass"","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Add some useful comments to rackup config","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","ActionMailer and ActionView can share the same view path...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Removed config.action_view.cache_template_loading, use c...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Run callbacks from object's metaclass [#575 state:resolved]","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Added Object#metaclass","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Run callbacks from object's metaclass","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Added Object#metaclass","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-16","Improved test coverage for fragment cache helper","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-15","Fixed teardown method typo (plus whitespace)","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-15","Wrap date part value method tests inside a uses mocha bl...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-15","Get buffer for fragment cache from template's @output_bu...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-15","Append a "_" to memoized instance variables","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-15","memorize typo","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-15","Include Memoizable in ActionView::Template","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-15","Added Memoizable mixin for caching simple lazy loaded at...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-14","Eager load Partial variable_name and counter_name. Tidy ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-13","Check first render format and extension. Fixes failing A...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-13","Small tweak to e0fef66","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-13","Made ActionView::Base#first_render a little more private...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-12","Set config.action_view.warn_cache_misses = true to recei...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-12","Refactor template preloading. New abstractions include R...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-12","Set global ActionController::Base.view_paths for test cases","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-12","Removed a few implementation specific view path tests","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-12","Improve test coverage and create fixtures for RenderPart...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-11","Changed ActionView::TemplateHandler#render API method si...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-11","Added tests to show that 2d372d7 breaks old generator be...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-11","Revert "Fixed generator collisions for nested controller...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-11","Ensure use_accept_header is enabled for test_action_cach...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-11","Ensure use_accept_header is enabled for test_action_cach...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-11","Fixed teardown method typo (plus whitespace)","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-11","Check for response in builder template since ActionMaile...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-11","Stubba is included in Mocha already","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-06","Added local assign keys to compiled method name so two t...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-06","Synchronize template compiling","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-06","Lookup compiled methods in CompiledTemplates instance me...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-05","Do not stat template files in production mode before ren...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-05","Use the inline template's hash as a method key instead o...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-05","Removed unused template_args variable","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-05","Deprecated TemplateHandler line offset","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-05","Ensure all complied method names are cleaned up in the e...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-05","Moved complied method name logic into Renderable","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-05","Renamed Renderer to Renderable","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-04","Revert "Moved TemplateHandlers to Base"","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-03","Reduce the number of callsites for new TemplateFiles","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-03","Extracted Template rendering logic into Renderer module","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-03","Use render on InlineTemplate","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-03","Don't rely on view instance logger","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-03","Moved TemplateHandlers to Base","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-03","Deprecate :use_full_path render option. The supplying th...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-03","Added Rails.initialized? flag","Josh Peek",9 "2008-07-02","Improved test coverage and added RackRequest support for...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-25","Set precompiled fixture load path constant to speed up t...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-25","Hide InlineTemplate class from ActionController and use ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-25","Made ActionView::Base#render_file private","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-25","Consolidate CustomHandlerTest, TemplateFileTest, and Tem...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-18","Improved test coverage for integration test's api","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-18","Replaced TemplateFinder abstraction with ViewLoadPaths","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-14","Updated bundled TZInfo gem to version 0.3.9 for Ruby 1.9...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-12","Ensure MemCacheStore is required when using CompressedMe...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-12","Opps, I forgot to add template_handlers.rb to my index.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-12","Moved template handler registration into a mix-in module.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-11","Ensure view path cache is rebuilt in production mode whi...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-09","Fixed deprecated call to Dependencies in plugin loader t...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-09","Fixed ambiguous first argument warning in ArrayExtTest.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-09","Namespace Inflector, Dependencies, OrderedOptions, and T...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-09","Removed TemplateFinder.update_extension_cache_for since ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-09","Removed used check_view_paths after 057768c","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-09","Ensure ActionView::TemplateFinder view cache is rebuilt ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-09","Drop ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency flag","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-08","Wrap Initializer after_initialize inside mocha block.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-08","Wrap CGIResponse, LegacyRouteSet, Route, RouteSet and Ro...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-08","Wrap date part value method tests inside a uses mocha bl...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-05","Use CGI::Cookie::parse for request cookies until we offi...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-04","Renamed StringQuestioneer to StringInquirer.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-04","Namespaced StringQuestioneer under ActiveSupport.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-04","Fixed deprecated call to Dependencies in plugin loader t...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-03","Fixed ambiguous first argument warning in ArrayExtTest.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-03","Namespace Inflector, Dependencies, OrderedOptions, and T...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-03","Ensure Rack processor reads CGI output_cookies for the s...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-03","In 9c4f003, gem installation quotes versions. Do the sam...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-03","Fixed initializer tests by stubbing out gems dependencie...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-02","Fixed initializer tests by stubbing out gems dependencie...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-02","In 9c4f003, gem installation quotes versions. Do the sam...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-06-01","Added Rack middleware to handle static files.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-31","Removed suggestion for turning off partial updates.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-14","Don't fallback to just adding "'s" in TextHelper#plurali...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-14","One last fix to test_filter_parameters_is_protected.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-14","Prefer string core_ext inflector methods over directly a...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-14","Clean up previously commited test.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-14","Protect #filter_parameters created by filter_parameter_l...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-14","Create a seperate file for ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-14","Added conditional support to caches_action [José Valim] ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-13","Add some test coverage for RailsControllerGenerator.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-05","Added Ruby 1.8 implementation of Process.daemon","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-05","Preload TimeZone zones for thread safety.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-05-05","Replaced unnecessary class variable with a constant in w...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-30","FormHelper#label_tag accepts :for option [encoded] [#38 ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-24","Use .gitignore as the convention for dummy file names.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-22","Fallback to Ruby's pseudo random number generator if the...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-22","Don't require generator_test_helper in RailsGeneratorTest.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-22","Add .empty files to empty directories so git preserves t...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-21","Add back empty plugin folders that were lost when we mov...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-21","Revert "Update plugin loading tests to reflect changes i...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-21","Update plugin loading tests to reflect changes in plugin...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-21","Gem dependencies don't require a version. Also fixed up ...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-21","Mock RailsFCGIHandler and Dispatcher to stop mocha depre...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-20","Use define_callbacks helper for ActiveRecord validations.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-19","Introduce ActionView::TestCase for testing view helpers.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:josh/rails","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-18","Slight optimization to CallbackChain#union and delete.","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-18","Tidy up ActiveSupport::Callbacks::CallbackChain instance...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-16","Ignore debug logs and ensure ActiveResource's log is cle...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-15","Stub out Dispatcher#log_failsafe_exception method to ple...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-14","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/stephencelis/r...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-07","Improve ActiveRecord::Base#table_name unit tests for nes...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-07","script/performance/profiler compatibility with the ruby-...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-06","Provide a helper proxy to access helper methods from out...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-04","Replaced callback method evaluation in AssociationCollec...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-04-02","Ensure RJS redirect_to doesn't html-escapes string argum...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-03-30","Ruby 1.9 compat: Suppress Benchmark.realtime method rede...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-03-29","Force json string encoding to ASCII-8BIT before unpackin...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-03-29","Ensure threads finish running for time zone thread safet...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-03-18","Refactor filters to use Active Support callbacks. Closes...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-03-03","Add OrderedHash#to_hash. Closes #11266 [josh]","Josh Peek",9 "2008-03-03","2-0-stable: Add OrderedHash#to_hash References #11266 [j...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-01-19","Extract ActiveSupport::Callbacks from Active Record, tes...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-01-10","Move fragment caching from special helper methods to Tem...","Josh Peek",9 "2008-01-05","* Continue evolution toward ActiveSupport::TestCase and ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-12-28","Merge r8497 from trunk: ensure that test case setup is r...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-12-28","Ensure that test case setup is run even if overridden. C...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-12-10","More Action View refactoring. Knock :erb default down a ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-12-10","Fix javascript_tag method name collision. Closes #10337.","Josh Peek",9 "2007-12-10","Ensure asset cache directories are automatically created...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-12-09","Refactor Action View template handlers. Closes #10437.","Josh Peek",9 "2007-11-21","mailer_class is a class method not an instance method. [...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-10-29","Change JSON to encode %w(< > &) as 4 digit hex codes to ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-10-24","Remove unnecessary returns from builtin filters since re...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-10-23","Limited eager loading no longer ignores scoped :order. C...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-10-23","Some mime type refactoring. Closes #9957 [Josh Peek]","Josh Peek",9 "2007-10-23","Remove duplicate rjs layout check. Closes #9956 [Josh Peek]","Josh Peek",9 "2007-10-15","Uncomment test for join model method_missing. Closes #87...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-10-08","validates_uniqueness_of behaves well with single-table i...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-09-23","Dont need all of test/unit (closes #6673) [zenspider/josh]","Josh Peek",9 "2007-09-23","Fixed cache_page to use the request url instead of the r...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-09-22","Improve tests (closes #7240) [josh]","Josh Peek",9 "2007-09-22","Fixed that pluralizing an empty string should return the...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-09-21","Increase test coverage (closes #8699, #8700) [josh]","Josh Peek",9 "2007-09-11","Moved acts_as_nested_set into a plugin of the same name ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-09-10","Remove acts_as_list. Users are advised to install the n...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-07-24","Refactored in use of extract_options! (closes #9079) [josh]","Josh Peek",9 "2007-07-01","Merge delete-with-options for cookies from trunk to release","Josh Peek",9 "2007-07-01","Allow you to delete cookies with options. Closes #3685 [...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-28","Added rake routes for listing all the defined routes in ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-23","Fixed that link_to with an href of # when using :method ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-23","Fix that FCGIs would leave log files open when asked to ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-23","Fixed validates_associated should not stop on the first ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-23","Fixed that radio_button_tag should generate unique ids (...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-14","Improve Time and Date test coverage. Closes #8646.","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-13","Improve UrlRewriter tests. Improve helper test coverage....","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-13","Improve helper test coverage. Closes #7215, #7233, #7234...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-13","Take advantage of Mocha support for sequenced returns. C...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-11","Deprecation: remove pagination. Install the classic_pagi...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-09","Remove ActiveResource::Struct because it hasn't proven v...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-08","Action caching is limited to GET requests returning 200 ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-08","Improve Text Helper test coverage. Closes #7274.","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-07","Register alternative template engines using ActionMailer...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-07","Migrations: raise if a column is duplicated. Closes #7345.","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-05","Don't double-escape url_for in views. Closes #8144.","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-05","Fixtures: people(:technomancy, :josh) returns both fixtu...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-06-05","Fix indentation in model generator migration template. C...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-05-30","with_scope is protected. Closes #8524.","Josh Peek",9 "2007-05-30","acts_as_nested_set: direct_children is sorted correctly....","Josh Peek",9 "2007-05-26","Recognize and raise an exception on 405 Method Not Allow...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-05-26","Routing: respond with 405 Method Not Allowed status when...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-05-26","Introduce a default respond_to block for custom types. C...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-05-26","validates_numericality_of takes :greater_than, :greater_...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-05-24","Ensure that associations with :dependent => :delete_all ...","Josh Peek",9 "2007-03-04","Extract dynamic scaffolding into a plugin. Closes #7700.","Josh Peek",9 "2007-01-08","Lookup the mime type for #auto_discovery_link_tag in the...","Josh Peek",9 "2006-12-21","Merge [5746] from trunk.","Josh Peek",9 "2006-12-19","Ensure render :json => ... skips the layout. Closes #68...","Josh Peek",9 "2006-08-03","Added support for conditions on Base.exists? (closes #56...","Josh Peek",9 "2005-01-10","Fixed random ordering of test cases that would cause err...","Josh Peek",9 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Josh Peek",9 "2005-01-02","Fixed redirects when the controller and action is named ...","Josh Peek",9 "2004-12-31","Added :counter_cache option to acts_as_tree that works j...","Josh Peek",9 "2004-12-01","Added options to tailor header tag, div id, and div clas...","Josh Peek",9 "2013-09-12","Fix typo on instance variable get call","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12205 from claudiob/remove-unused-ra...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-12","Fix typo on instance variable get call","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12205 from claudiob/remove-unused-ra...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-10",":scissors: [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-10","Merge pull request #12187 from anupamc/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-09","Merge pull request #12181 from claudiob/remove-unused-he...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-06","Fix failure with minitest 5.0.7","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-06","Do not use instance variables if they are not reused els...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-06","Merge pull request #12148 from gzohari/callback-typo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-06","Merge pull request #12148 from gzohari/callback-typo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-05","Merge pull request #12143 from rajcybage/fixing_typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-05","Merge pull request #12143 from rajcybage/fixing_typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-01","Remove useless comment and white spaces :scissors: [ci s...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-31","Reuse variable to avoid symbol usage","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-31","Merge pull request #12079 from kares/jdbc-1.3.0","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-30","Merge pull request #12076 from dabit/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-30","Merge pull request #12076 from dabit/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-30","Fix typos [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-30","Stop messing up with instance variables, use protected a...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-30","Remove not necessary AR changelog entry, fix markup [ci ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-27","Improve AP changelog regarding AV extraction [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #12032 from carolinemota/fixdoc","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11994 from rajcybage/fix_instance","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11994 from rajcybage/fix_instance","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-19","Fix typo [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-16","Merge pull request #11910 from brendon/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-16","Merge pull request #11910 from brendon/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-15","Merge pull request #11887 from raysrashmi/typo_fix","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-08","Merge pull request #11806 from jetthoughts/change_model_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-08","Merge pull request #11806 from jetthoughts/change_model_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11784 from davetoxa/patch-2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11783 from davetoxa/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11762 from peterkovacs/patch-2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11762 from peterkovacs/patch-2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11716 from jetthoughts/use_backquote...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11716 from jetthoughts/use_backquote...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-02","Use assert_nil instead of testing for equality","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-02","Use assert_nil instead of testing for equality","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-02","Use map! to avoid an extra object creation","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-02","Remove useless begin..end","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-02","Backport changelog fixed from #11713 [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11713 from rajcybage/fix_changelog","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-01","Merge pull request #11699 from satococoa/fix-render-stat...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-08-01","Merge pull request #11689 from arunagw/readme-updated-av","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #11651 from neerajdotname/log_should_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #11653 from ankit8898/typo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #11653 from ankit8898/typo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #11649 from neerajdotname/use_method_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-29","Move changelog entry to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-25",":scissors: [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-25","Merge pull request #11591 from ankit8898/typo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-25","Merge pull request #11591 from ankit8898/typo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-25","Merge pull request #11593 from rajcybage/fix_test_models","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-24","Refactor to use flat_map","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-23","Stop reading the same file twice for testing different c...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-22","Leave the knowledge of boolean tag values to content tag","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-22","Use merge! to avoid a new hash and change some spots to ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-22","Fix changelog syntax and use Ruby 1.9 hash style [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-22","Move #11546 changelog to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-17","Merge pull request #11469 from bvogel/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-17","Merge pull request #11469 from bvogel/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-17","Merge pull request #11468 from arunagw/removed_unsed_test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-16","Merge pull request #11458 from arunagw/fix_usage_file","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-08","Merge pull request #11363 from dpdawson/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-08","Merge pull request #11363 from dpdawson/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-05","Merge pull request #11307 from jetthoughts/cleanup_asser...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-05","Merge pull request #11309 from crakalakin/AR-querying-guide","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-05","Merge pull request #11303 from evsyukovmv/specify-reques...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-05","Merge pull request #11309 from crakalakin/AR-querying-guide","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11303 from evsyukovmv/specify-reques...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11299 from arunagw/disable_implicit_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11298 from raysrashmi/removed-deprec...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11273 from arunagw/deprecation-removed","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Fix ruby patch level example in rails docs regarding inf...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated Logger core extensions (core_ext/logge...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11267 from TylerBrock/add-patch-leve...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #10565 from prathamesh-sonpatki/rake-db","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated Hash#diff with no replacement.","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #10909 from dockyard/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11134 from wangjohn/object_orienting...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11258 from frodsan/remove_deprecated...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated Rails application fallback for integra...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Remove deprecated constants autoload","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-03","Remove the deprecated include_seconds argument from dist...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11257 from arunagw/adding_actionview","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11255 from neerajdotname/restrict-be...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11240 from neerajdotname/remove-not-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11244 from ccarruitero/testing-guide","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11244 from ccarruitero/testing-guide","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Remove unneeded require","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecated `Proc#bind` with no replacement.","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecated Array#uniq_by and Array#uniq_by!","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecated AS::BasicObject, use AS::ProxyObject i...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecated constants from Action Controller","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-02","Remove deprecation messages about protected_attributes a...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-01","Add missing require","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11220 from aditya-kapoor/add-concern","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11221 from neerajdotname/partial_upd...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11207 from vipulnsward/remove_escapes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11195 from yangchenyun/update_doc_fo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11205 from Gawyn/using-preferred-fin...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11204 from Gawyn/find_by-triggers-af...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-30","Merge pull request #11192 from charliesome/extra-roflscale","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-30","Merge pull request #11196 from yangchenyun/remove_evals_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11163 from nfedyashev/omit_turbolink...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11161 from dmitry/find_in_batches_wo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-28","Merge pull request #11163 from nfedyashev/omit_turbolink...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-28","Merge pull request #11161 from dmitry/find_in_batches_wo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-28","Remove order_values argument now that default_scope is s...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-28","Merge pull request #11104 from drewda/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-28","Merge pull request #11104 from drewda/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-28","Fix layouts and rendering guide example using flash.now ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-28","Fix layouts and rendering guide example using flash.now ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-28","Merge pull request #11150 from jetthoughts/remove_depr_m...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11151 from arunagw/readme_updated","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11149 from strzalek/remove-protected...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-27","Review AV changelog [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11147 from kennyj/remove_prompt_argu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11054 from senny/11048_make_default_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Review railties changelog [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Move delegation error constant to inside Module","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #11112 from arunagw/rakefile_changes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Fix @tenderlove's name in changelog :sparkles:","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Fix @tenderlove's name in changelog :sparkles:","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #10774 from chuckbergeron/validates-i...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #11000 from sbeckeriv/accept_header","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Use coffee-rails master to run the build for now","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge branch '4-0-0' into 4-0-stable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Move changelog entry to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #10373 from janko-m/fix-store-accessor","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #10542 from waseem/remove_require","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #10774 from chuckbergeron/validates-i...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #10627 from vipulnsward/destructive_s...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #10666 from YanhaoYang/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #10730 from tkhr/add_test_for_AR__Cou...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Add changelog entry for database tasks removal #10853 [c...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #10853 from kennyj/deprecated-databas...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge branch 'cache-fragment-refactor'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Refactor cache fragment handling with read/write methods","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #10992 from Empact/find-each-enumerator","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #10993 from Empact/result-each-enumer...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11105 from mariozig/correct-document...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11105 from mariozig/correct-document...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11000 from sbeckeriv/accept_header","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11046 from arunagw/verbose_mode_on","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge branch 'error-explanation'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge branch 'error-explanation'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Fix another "error_explanation" css class in guides [ci ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11096 from akalyaev/remove-unnecessa...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11096 from akalyaev/remove-unnecessa...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-22","Merge pull request #11050 from robin850/remove-rails-tes...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-22","Merge pull request #11050 from robin850/remove-rails-tes...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-22","Merge pull request #11050 from robin850/remove-rails-tes...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11040 from satococoa/fix-create_join...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11040 from satococoa/fix-create_join...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11040 from satococoa/fix-create_join...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11043 from arunagw/gemcutter_to_ruby...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-14","Fix AS changelog [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10924 from pjg/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10924 from pjg/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10950 from appscape-forks/fix-wrong-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10950 from appscape-forks/fix-wrong-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10950 from appscape-forks/fix-wrong-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-12","Merge pull request #10919 from vipulnsward/cleanup_as_test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-12","Merge pull request #10922 from prathamesh-sonpatki/typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-12","Merge pull request #10923 from arunagw/warning_removed_m...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-12","Merge pull request #10924 from pjg/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-10","Merge pull request #10897 from prathamesh-sonpatki/activ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-10","Merge pull request #10906 from darai2k/fix-activemodel-v...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-07","Merge pull request #10860 from ka8725/activemodel_log","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-07","Merge pull request #10875 from vipulnsward/fix_some_typo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-06","Merge pull request #10861 from arunagw/unused_var_removed","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-06-06","Merge pull request #10861 from arunagw/unused_var_removed","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-29","Merge pull request #10767 from jmondo/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-26","Merge pull request #10763 from senny/10758_to_sentence_w...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-26","Merge pull request #10762 from vipulnsward/change_compat...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-26","Merge pull request #10761 from vipulnsward/fix-typo-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-26","Merge pull request #10762 from vipulnsward/change_compat...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-26","Merge pull request #10761 from vipulnsward/fix-typo-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10725 from neerajdotname/remove_code...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10714 from tkhr/extract_test_from_ba...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-21","Merge pull request #10702 from divineforest/use-total-in...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-18","Merge pull request #10678 from prathamesh-sonpatki/typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-18","Merge pull request #10678 from prathamesh-sonpatki/typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10639 from cbartlett/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10639 from cbartlett/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10639 from cbartlett/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-14","Revert "Merge pull request #10397 from BMorearty/remove-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-14","Revert "Merge pull request #10397 from BMorearty/remove-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10468 from rimidl/add-missing-requir...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10543 from vipulnsward/to_sort","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-09","Merge pull request #10535 from vipulnsward/remove_var","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-09","Merge pull request #10536 from vipulnsward/fix_exp_warning","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-09","Merge pull request #10531 from waseem/refactor_require","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10496 from arunagw/build-fix-scaffol...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10479 from frodsan/backport_gitignor...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10466 from prathamesh-sonpatki/scaff...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10466 from prathamesh-sonpatki/scaff...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10468 from rimidl/add-missing-requir...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10466 from prathamesh-sonpatki/scaff...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10468 from rimidl/add-missing-requir...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10472 from prathamesh-sonpatki/github","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10472 from prathamesh-sonpatki/github","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-03","Merge pull request #10413 from vipulnsward/change_grouping","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-03","Fix failures in AS with minitest 4.7.4","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10426 from tkrajcar/rescue-h1-fix","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10426 from tkrajcar/rescue-h1-fix","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10416 from tkhr/add-test-for-AR--Bas...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10412 from vipulnsward/fix_callback_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10407 from NARKOZ/encoding-constant","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Remove not used module from initializable test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Fix failures in AS with minitest 4.7.4","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10396 from tkhr/extract-test-code-fr...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Improve docs for postgresql with uuid primary keys [ci s...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10407 from NARKOZ/encoding-constant","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-01","Fix failing AP test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-05-01","Fix failing AP test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-30","Fix typos in deprecation proxy docs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-30","Fix typos in deprecation proxy docs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-29","Delegate #unscope query method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-28","Merge pull request #10361 from teeparham/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-28","Use new hash syntax in module delegation docs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-24","Review DatabaseTasks docs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-24","Minor AR changelog review [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10302 from vipulnsward/remove_redund...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10285 from wangjohn/subscriber_registry","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10295 from senny/10237_dirty_with_nu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10292 from matthewrobertson/fix-upda...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-21","Merge pull request #10286 from neerajdotname/fix-wrong-t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-20","Merge pull request #10275 from buddhamagnet/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-18","Unindent attributes iteration in scaffold index template","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-18","Merge pull request #10259 from prathamesh-sonpatki/secur...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-17","Merge pull request #10255 from wangjohn/increment_or_dec...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-17","Merge pull request #10254 from wangjohn/refactoring_loca...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-17","Merge pull request #10246 from prathamesh-sonpatki/3.2.1...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-16","Fix "Scaling Rails Screencasts" link in caching guide","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-16","Merge pull request #10228 from prathamesh-sonpatki/AR-Typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-15","Merge pull request #10212 from mariovisic/active_record_doc","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-13","Merge pull request #9688 from alexeymuranov/doc-nested-a...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-13","Merge pull request #10201 from vipulnsward/remove_unused...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-13","Revert "Merge pull request #10194 from pabloh/extract_re...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-12","Merge pull request #10194 from pabloh/extract_regexp_at_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-12","Merge pull request #10192 from senny/align_expression_ou...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-12","Merge pull request #10190 from senny/changelog_cleanup","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-11","Merge pull request #10177 from yahonda/test_relation_mer...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-11","Merge pull request #10174 from vipulnsward/cleanup_cachi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-11","Remove warning","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10170 from rubys/editorial_pass_over...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10162 from choudhuryanupam/fix_activ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #10154 from killthekitten/fix_templat...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #10148 from vipulnsward/traces_change","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #10147 from vipulnsward/fix_AP_live_w...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-08","Merge pull request #10130 from Agis-/patch-2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-08","Merge pull request #10131 from Agis-/metal_helper","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-07","Minor AR changelog improvements [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-07","Avoid iterating over records hash when not necessary","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-07","Merge pull request #10127 from vipulnsward/each_to_each_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-07","Merge pull request #10123 from wangjohn/added_bang_to_ra...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-06","Merge pull request #10118 from vipulnsward/remove_unused...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10111 from Agis-/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10110 from choudhuryanupam/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Move changelog to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Fix indent and remove extra white spaces","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10102 from xxxcaqui/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Avoid an attempt to fetch old record when id was not pre...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Use the correct pk field from the reflected class to fin...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Refactor mail_to to not generate intermediate hashes whe...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Ensure mail_to helper does not modify the given html opt...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10065 from spohlenz/mail_to_block","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10092 from amco/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-04","Use a space after the comment sign when showing the resu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-04","Merge pull request #10094 from neerajdotname/fix2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-04","Merge pull request #10095 from frodsan/exclude_template_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-04","Merge pull request #10087 from neerajdotname/10016","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-04","Further simplify enumerable group_by test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-04","Fix typo in view name","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Fix typo in view name","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Use 1.8 hash style in test views","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #7792 from seejee/chained_scopes_prel...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Remove duplicated require from AR base test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10079 from prathamesh-sonpatki/typo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10078 from vipulnsward/railties_warn...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Add missing require to inheritance test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Move changelog entry to the top and fix conflict [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-04-03","Move alias method near to the aliased one in collection ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-31","Merge pull request #9680 from bdmac/time-zone-options-re...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Fix formatting and minor review in AP changelog","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Make comment about uglifier in generated Gemfile consist...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Fix indent and change "or" usage to "||" in schema dumpe...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Improve AP changelog entry about layout method with nil ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Refactor index algorithm lookup so that it only builds t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Minor doc improvement about index algorithms [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Fix typos in AP: "overriden" => "overridden"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Review some tests from AMo::Errors to remove "should" usage","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Improve changelog entry for ActiveModel::Errors#full_mes...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Do not calculate values if they are not going to be used","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Make docs a little bit more consistent with colons [ci s...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Fix code examples indent in new index options docs [ci s...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Use new hash style in doc examples [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Minor reviews in AR changelog [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Merge pull request #10003 from tkhr/refactor-scoping-tes...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Merge pull request #9997 from vipulnsward/hash_destructi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-30","Merge pull request #10007 from vipulnsward/fix_AS_typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9982 from prathamesh-sonpatki/railit...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-28","Use snake case variable names, stick with the convention","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9967 from choudhuryanupam/fix_action...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9963 from obrie/fix/after_create_upd...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9968 from choudhuryanupam/fix_typo_n...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9945 from vipulnsward/drop_var_in_va...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9943 from fredwu/test_fix_for_74e59ea","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #9905 from docunext/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-22","Remove exception variable from rescue block","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-22","Merge pull request #9866 from choudhuryanupam/fix_connec...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-22","Merge pull request #9867 from choudhuryanupam/fix_mysql2...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-21","Merge pull request #9836 from Intrepidd/tidy-require","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9833 from choudhuryanupam/fix_active...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-20","Remove bad changelog entry from AR [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9818 from wangjohn/sort_last_to_max_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9817 from knewter/fix-test-case-name...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-19","Remove mentions of "app" from http request docs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-19","Be consistent with quotes in smtp example guide [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-19","Initialize @app_env_config now that the var name has cha...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Revert "Merge pull request #9784 from vipulnsward/change...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9784 from vipulnsward/change_from_bl...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Bring back test and changelog entry from #pluck method a...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Fix method name indent [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Fix changelog conflicts and remove release dates [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Fix failing tests related to where values change to strings","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9753 from jbarreneche/bug/render-loc...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9768 from senny/do_not_freeze_number...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9763 from vipulnsward/fix_transliter...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9766 from senny/remove_ancient_todos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9771 from vipulnsward/fix_typos_acti...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9765 from tkhr/mv-tests-out-from-bas...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9677 from neerajdotname/update-comme...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-17","Merge pull request #9757 from vipulnsward/remove_message...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-17","Merge pull request #9745 from madmax/allow_pass_multipar...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-17","Merge pull request #9758 from vipulnsward/remove_from_ra...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-17","Merge pull request #9759 from vipulnsward/remove_hash_fr...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-15","Fix implicit join references option reversion in test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9728 from vipulnsward/fix_em_typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-15","Fix typos and improve docs a bit [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-13","Merge pull request #9699 from rubys/scaffold_password_di...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-13","Move some railties changelog entries to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-13","Merge pull request #9694 from vipulnsward/change_from_ea...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-12","Merge pull request #9616 from exviva/multiple_select_nam...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-12","Stop calling "super" twice in Rails::Server#app","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-12","Remove manual "return true" from AS::TZ match method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-12","Merge pull request #9615 from mmb/copy_table_binary_sqlite","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-12","Merge pull request #9681 from vipulnsward/fix_typo_in_mo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-12","Fix typo [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-11","Replace assert_(no_)match args from regexps to strings t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-11","Skip fetching path if the iteration is going to be skipped","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-10","Merge pull request #9653 from jetthoughts/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-10","Merge pull request #9651 from vipulnsward/change_to_each...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-10","Merge pull request #9645 from senny/9643_habtm_wrong_tab...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-10","Merge pull request #9638 from siong1987/debugger","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Change uniq validation with conditions examples to use w...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9637 from GSI/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9633 from senny/5321_make_it_lazy","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9618 from manvsmachine/fix-postgres-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Fix "ActiveRecord" => "Active Record" in changelog [ci s...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9632 from senny/unify_the_changelogs","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9630 from robertjwhitney/update_coll...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Fix AMo code example indent, add missing author to entry...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9627 from rubys/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9616 from exviva/multiple_select_nam...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9616 from exviva/multiple_select_nam...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9623 from Agis-/patch-2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-09","Fix failing test regarding console change to fix sandboxing","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #9613 from arunagw/remove_fixme","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-08","Fix changelog indent, remove self from method call in ch...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #9609 from arunagw/using-latest-arjdbc","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #9609 from arunagw/using-latest-arjdbc","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-08","Update test name to reflect change in how scopes merging...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-08","Fix warnings","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #9605 from neerajdotname/sqlite-suppo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-07","Fix hash spaces and use 1.9 style hash [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-07","Move AP changelog entry to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-06","Merge pull request #9585 from RKushnir/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-06","Add missing require to debug helper test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9042 from senny/9034_float_0_0_is_al...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9561 from inossidabile/explicit_matc...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9543 from maximerety/backport_fix_7774","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9557 from bonsaiben/useless_gsub","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-05","Fix typo in AC overview guide [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-04","Remove .all usage from unscope doc examples [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-04","Use 1.9 hash style in changelog and doc examples [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-04","Merge pull request #9532 from neerajdotname/fix-sql-in-e...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-03-01","Merge pull request #8652 from codeodor/create_table_migr...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-28","Merge pull request #9484 from senny/9480_change_table_an...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-28","Improve AR changelog [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-28","Merge pull request #9485 from authorNari/backport-6755-t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-28","Minor changelog improvement [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-28","Enforce i18n version >= v0.6.4","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-28","Enforce i18n version >= v0.6.4","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-27","Merge pull request #9218 from Fivell/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-27","Merge pull request #9457 from senny/remove_duplicated_nu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-27","Merge pull request #9359 from justinwb/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9446 from bemurphy/enhance_root_rout...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-26","Improve changelog entry [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9430 from authorNari/backport-7072-t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9412 from senny/clean_ar_changelog","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9409 from wangjohn/adding_documentat...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-24","Improve AR changelog [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9395 from yahonda/oracle_index_length","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-23","Merge pull request #9389 from senny/forwardport_9388","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-23","Merge pull request #9388 from senny/9367_wrong_schema_af...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-23","Merge pull request #9387 from boukevanderbijl/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-22","Move number_to_human test from AP to AS","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-22","Changelog improvements, use 1.9 style hash in examples [...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-22","Merge pull request #9384 from eval/documentation_of_minute","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-22","Use 1.8 hash style","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-21","Use #grep to filter priority zones when a regexp is given","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-21","Use Array Difference to calculate the zones array, inste...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-21","Fix test name and refactor fake timezones creation in fo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-21","Remove not necessary changelog about time zone array mut...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-21","Change tabs to spaces in form options helper [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-21","Merge pull request #9352 from senny/remove_uncommented_b...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-19","Fix rake routes output in railties test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-19","Fix AP tests related to routes inspector output and the ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-19","Add missing require to routes inspector","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-14","Fix typo in railties changelog [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-14","Fix changelog typos [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #9283 from rubys/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #9254 from warnickr/9253_avoid_bigdec...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #9278 from matthewrobertson/backport-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-12","Merge pull request #9206 from ranjaykrishna/use_define_m...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-12","Add note about attr_protected fix in Active Model change...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-12","Update changelogs with version/release dates [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-12","Update changelogs with version/release dates [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-11","Revert "Merge pull request #9251 from Davidslv/patch-1"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-11","Merge pull request #9251 from Davidslv/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-11","Merge pull request #9247 from lest/store-module","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-11","Improve changelog entry from #9221 [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-11","Add changelog entry for #9177 [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-11","Merge pull request #9221 from thenickcox/image_alt_attri...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-10","Merge pull request #9238 from norman/unicode_62","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-09","Merge pull request #9234 from senny/9231_no_numbers_in_r...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-09","Merge pull request #9233 from rahul100885/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-09","Add missing require to AP","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-08","Improve changelog entries in AR","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9185 from tricknotes/fix-article-for...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-07","Skip schema dumper extensions test if connection does no...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-07","Run schema dumper extensions without creating real exten...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-07","Do not print anything related to extensions when they do...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-07","Add blank line after extensions to separate from tables ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-07","Fix indentation of extensions in schema","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-07","Call super to use the abstract adapter implementation in...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-07","Add changelog entry for #9203 about schema dumper with d...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-06","Update changelog from #9128 with author name","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-04","Merge pull request #9178 from robertomiranda/best-standa...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-04","Merge pull request #8520 from senny/8516_assert_template...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-02-03","Merge pull request #9159 from lexmag/col_defaults-dup-fix","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-31","Merge pull request #9119 from dazuma/database_tasks_for_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-30","Merge pull request #9125 from neerajdotname/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-30","Merge pull request #9124 from semaperepelitsa/content_ta...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-30","Merge pull request #9123 from renatosnrg/3-0-stable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-30","Merge pull request #9118 from dazuma/remove_adapter_name...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-29","Merge pull request #9043 from senny/backport_7536","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-29","Merge pull request #9104 from bemurphy/remove_bad_idea_p...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-29","Send paths argument as an array rather than converting i...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-29","Refactor to use each_key, remove extra spaces","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-28","Merge pull request #9099 from pietro/2-3-gemspec-bump","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-28","Move AS changelog entry to the top, improve AP changelog...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-27","Fix typo: adaptors => adapters [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-27","Fix failing test related to escaping include_blank in se...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-26","Remove obsolete rake/rdoctask require","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-26","Update failing tests overriding destroy method instead o...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-26","Fix indentation to remove warning","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-26","Remove not used variable warning","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-26","Update mocha version to 0.13.0 and change requires","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-25","Add keys/values methods to TestSession","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-25","Integrate Action Pack with Rack 1.5","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-25","Merge pull request #9046 from exviva/actionmailer_subjec...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-25","Merge pull request #9074 from gaynetdinov/replace_undefi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-24","Depend on thor >= 0.17.0","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-23","Merge pull request #9035 from adomokos/aligning_tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-22","Add changelog entry for skipping explain from dbs that d...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-22","Revert "Merge pull request #7873 from steveklabnik/updat...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-22","Revert "Set the default timezone after the initializatio...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-22","Revert "updating i18n guide with locale config location."","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-22","Remove tabs, use spaces :scissors:","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-21","Fix setting expected value in translation tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #8913 from seejee/regression_test_for...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-21","Review #translate docs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-21","Refactor grep call to remove .each","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-21","Add missing assert calls","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-21","Use 1.9 hash style in docs/comments [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-20","Fix markdown formatting to highlight block in changelog ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-19","Remove warning: shadowing outer local variable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-19","Fix failing test about date.order translation values","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-19","Improve relation docs about to_sql and where_values_hash","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-17","Refactor predicate builder when receiving empty hash","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-17","Remove warning of not used variable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-17","Do not run this streaming test in Ruby 1.8, fix syntax e...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-17","Remove useless || operation","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-17","Merge pull request #8975 from arunagw/warning_removed_am...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-17","Deprecate direct calls to AC::RecordIdentifier.dom_id an...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8964 from mattdbridges/specify-log-t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8965 from colinbm/date_select_value","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-16","Update mocha version to 0.13.0 and change requires","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-16","Remove warnings: "(...) interpreted as grouped expression"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-16","Fix typo introduced in 0004ca3a","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Merge pull request #8954 from davetoxa/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Merge pull request #8940 from adomokos/adding_tests_for_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Revert "Merge pull request #8930 from cordawyn/ordered_r...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Merge branch 'revert-binds-3-2' into 3-2-stable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Revert "Work around undiagnosed bug that's draining a re...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Revert "Merge pull request #7983 from georgebrock/bug795...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Merge pull request #8930 from cordawyn/ordered_railties","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Revert "log at debug level what line caused the redirect...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Improve mysql database tasks handling to ensure we alway...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-15","Revert "Merge pull request #8942 from yahonda/tested_onl...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-12","Fix AR tests due to Mysql constant not being defined","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-12","Deprecate `Rails::Generators::ActiveModel#update_attribu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-12","Bring back "database already exists" messages when runni...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-11","Add changelog entry for scaffold generator and jbuilder ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8882 from goshakkk/clearer-conditional","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8866 from adomokos/adding_more_tests...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-10","Reorder AP changelog and remove duplicated entry [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-10","Merge pull request #8863 from zires/dev","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-10","Update changelogs with release dates and minor improveme...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8853 from zmoazeni/3-0-xml-serializa...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Update changelogs with release dates and minor improveme...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Update changelogs with release date [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8848 from Irio/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8849 from mattdbridges/contributing_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8836 from sikachu/3-0-stable-fix-ars","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8833 from diogomafra/release_notes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8834 from sikachu/3-2-stable-fix-ars","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8835 from sikachu/3-1-stable-fix-ars","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-09","Fix a few warnings of unused variables","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8823 from acapilleri/target_reflecti...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8826 from acapilleri/different_target","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Remove :yaml related tests and fix other related to pars...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Fix warning: & interpreted as argument prefix","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Fix syntax error and remove duplicated test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Changelog improvements [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Bump rack dependency to 1.4.3","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8812 from rubys/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Bump rack dependency to 1.4.3","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8812 from rubys/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Do not generate local vars for partials without object o...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Ignore binds payload with nil column in AR log subscriber","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8808 from tricknotes/use-absolute-path","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Initialize instance variable to remove warning","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-08","Fix readme tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-07","Refactor write attribute logic to convert number column ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-07","Remove not used variable in eager test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-07","Fix named scope + class method example","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-07","Fix named scope + class method example","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-07","Merge pull request #8803 from frodsan/sp_docs","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-07","Revert some warning removals related to Ruby 2.0","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8780 from diogomafra/require_core_ext","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Rescue from LoadError when trying to load the debugger g...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Rename route_wrapper partial layout to table","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Move table routes formatter class to the inspector and r...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Do not call fields_for from form_for, to avoid instantia...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Refactor the logic that checks whether or not to emit th...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Move the hidden :id field logic to where it belongs to","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Eliminate the usage of parent_builder option from form_for","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Do not call fields_for from form_for, to avoid instantia...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Refactor to not call path.ast twice","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8779 from goshakkk/refactor-route-ast","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Improve javascript in welcome page [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8774 from goshakkk/multiline-block-d...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Remove warning, remove not used variable, and make metho...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Close container div tag in routing error page","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Move style to head to make routes page valid html5","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Redirect using action hash instead of hardcoding full route","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Change Rails Info controller to use the new table routes...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Action Pack changelog improvements [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8658 from senny/8649_unify_routes_ou...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8737 from tricknotes/info-page-style","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8765 from mmb/join_table_usage","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Remove warning "ambiguous first argument"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Use better variable names for ltree tests, remove instan...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8763 from hsbt/backport-to-hide-warning","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Remove unnecessary begin..rescue..end, use only rescue","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Move class method to instance in dbconsole","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-05","Move changelog entry in railties to the top","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8758 from amatsuda/plugin_new_error_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8750 from tricknotes/remove-unnecess...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8747 from asanghi/wsfix","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8746 from tricknotes/remove-h-from-g...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-04","Refactor infinite comparable definition a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8719 from pcasaretto/fix-actionview-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8719 from pcasaretto/fix-actionview-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8717 from amatsuda/scaffold_controll...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8715 from goshakkk/refactor-mapper","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8714 from utkarshkukreti/faster-gem-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-02","Changelog improvements [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8694 from goshakkk/undup","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-23","Merge pull request #8588 from marcandre/fix_reversible","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-21","Remove duplicated methods in command recorder and duplic...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-21","Fix calling quote column name in interpolated string","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-21","Fix doc pointing to non existent logger class [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-20","Fix indentation issuing warning","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-20","Fix Action Mailer changelog indenation to match other ch...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-20","Improve AMo changelog example to not rely on AR [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-20","Merge pull request #8565 from frodsan/wed_code_journey","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-19","Move changelog entry to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-19","Revert "Add test to deprecation of Path#children"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-19","Merge pull request #8558 from senny/backport_3489","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-19","Merge pull request #8522 from senny/3489_index_names_on_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-19","Merge pull request #8554 from yahonda/binary_count_oracle","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-19","Merge pull request #8552 from frodsan/concerned_tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Fix argument name in fixtures method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Merge branch 'uniqueness-validation-postgresql-arrays'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Extract some methods","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Change relation in place","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Simplify value logic by always typecasting","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Avoid unnecessary hashes with error options","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Remove prepend_and_append requirement from AS","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Refactor uniqueness validator logic a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-18","Minor js review [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-17","Merge pull request #8539 from frodsan/fix_as_basic_object","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-15","Be a bit less conservative with mysql in adapter","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-15","Update xml serialization tests to reflect a change in bu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-15","Use 1.8 style hash in json encoding test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-14","Skip binary data with binds test for mysql2, fix build","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-14","Convert changelogs to 1.9 hash style and fix some format...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-14","Merge pull request #8400 from matthewrobertson/has-many-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-14","Fix failing test in railties","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-13","Bring back helpers_path attr accessor","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-13","Merge pull request #8503 from siong1987/debugger-jruby","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-13","Refactor helpers code in Action Pack a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-13","Merge pull request #8504 from senny/backport_8492","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-13","Merge pull request #8500 from senny/8492_migrations_cras...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-12","Remove deprecation message from Action Pack","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-12","Remove not used variable warnings from AM and AC","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-11","Improve test name related to cache timestamp format [ci ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-11","Improve test name related to cache timestamp format [ci ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-11","Add :nsec format only for Ruby 1.9","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-11","Run backported serialized test without Identity Map","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-11","Use 1.8 hash style :bomb:","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-11","Remove changelog entry from #8441 [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-11","Merge pull request #8441 from itzki/fix_decorate_columns","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-10","Merge pull request #8441 from itzki/fix_decorate_columns","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-08","Fix method assertion ensuring it will match "end" with t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-08","Fix scaffold controller generator tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-08","Improve where.not docs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-08","Merge pull request #8461 from frodsan/fix_assert_method_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-08","Merge pull request #8395 from bmaland/attr_accessors","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-08","Merge pull request #8457 from caike/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-08","Merge pull request #8462 from frodsan/update_guides_acti...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-08","Merge pull request #8459 from frodsan/explicit!","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Rollback where.like and where.not_like","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Merge pull request #8452 from claudiob/explain_where_cha...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Fix where.not with in clause","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Merge pull request #8445 from claudiob/match_rdoc_with_6...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Move where with blank conditions test to the correct whe...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Ensure there won't be any regression with where(nil) calls","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Merge pull request #8332 from amatsuda/ar_where_chain","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Stop shelling out more than necessary","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Unscope update_column(s) query to ignore default scope","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Unscope update_column(s) query to ignore default scope","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Improve AR changelog","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Remove method redefined warnings","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-07","Use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP since it has apparently better cro...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-06","Run rake tasks all at once in rake dbs test for a speed up","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-06","Merge pull request #8439 from joshsusser/fixes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-06","Refactor tests that switch RAILS_ENV and RACK_ENV","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8429 from reednj77/turbolinks-js-inc...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-05","Fix duplicated method name","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8421 from claudiob/remove_unicode_bl...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-04","Fix Active Record validation error messages markup in gu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-04","Improve the Active Model guide [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #8418 from ershad/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #8393 from frodsan/fix_dependend_orde...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-04","Use send in Time marshal extensions since the methods ar...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-03","Use send in Time marshal extensions since the methods ar...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-03","Skip ruby-prof in Gemfile for Ruby 2.0","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-03","Use 1.8 hash style","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-03","Merge pull request #8405 from hsbt/fix-respond-initializ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-03","Fix failing tests related to rake notes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-01","Remove not used variable warnigns","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-12-01","Fix typo in AS guide [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-30","Use 1.8 hash style in xml serialization test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-30","Simplify keys order test for as_json in Active Model","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-30","Merge pull request #8381 from aderyabin/unnecessary_monk...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-29","User assert_kind_of, invert assert_equal expectations","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-29","Merge pull request #8363 from Takehiro-Adachi/add-string...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-28","Merge pull request #8261 from steveklabnik/fix_mb_chars","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-28","Merge pull request #8327 from elia/fix-send-data-disposi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-28","Use 1.8 hash style in pg specific schema","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-27","Use "refute" instead of "assert !"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-27","Merge pull request #8338 from ugisozols/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-27","Merge pull request #8336 from rashmi14yadav/warning_removed","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-27","Remove useless check of AR being defined from teardown f...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-27","Refactor generators tests to include test helpers in the...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8329 from elia/fix-send-data-disposi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8325 from steveklabnik/backport_7997","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8319 from alindeman/typo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8320 from senny/active_model_log_folder","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-26","Require active_model/railtie directly instead of rails/all","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8316 from roberto/assert_template_va...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8311 from alisdair/dirty-nullable-da...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8302 from roberto/assert_template_em...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-25","Merge pull request #8311 from alisdair/dirty-nullable-da...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-24","Merge pull request #8306 from senny/documentation_for_hi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-24","Fix changelog entry about fast_string_to_time fix","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-24","Refector a bit to remove extra slice iteration and splat...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-24","Use merge! in some places to avoid creating extra hashes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-24","Simplify scope options recovery by using merge!","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-24","Normalize scope recovering :blocks option name","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-24","Simplify constraints condition in scope when checking fo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-24","Move initialize_copy method around to let new method / b...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-22","Indent changelog markdown code to highlight correctly","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-22","Remove private partial/template renderer methods","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-22","Merge branch 'deprecate-calculations-with-block'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-22","Remove the #sum method from CollectionAssociation","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-22","Deprecate Relation#sum with a block.","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-22","Revert "Yield only one argument instead of splatting."","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-21","Move migration test together with other join table tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-21","Use secure password min cost option in its own tests for...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-21","Merge pull request #8290 from cpatuzzo/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-20","Merge pull request #8282 from arunagw/warning_removed_fo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-20","Merge pull request #8279 from gaurish/database_error","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Merge branch 'url-for-params'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Correct the use of params options when given to url_for","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Refactor request tests, remove #with_set method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Be a bit less conservative with mysql in adapter","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Be a bit less conservative with mysql in adapter","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Merge pull request #8258 from kommen/eager_loading_with_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Remove not needed begin..end from AR#save","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Initialize accessors to remove some warnings in Ruby 2.0","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Merge pull request #8256 from nalwayaabhishek/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Refactor config abort message a bit for dbconsole","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-19","Fix rails db command with sqlite3 database","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-18","Merge branch 'deprecate-pending'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-18","Properly deprecate #pending from AS::TestCase","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-18","Revert "Merge pull request #4575 from carlosantoniodasil...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-18","Ensure ordering to make the test pass with postgresql","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-18","Merge pull request #8258 from kommen/eager_loading_with_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-18","Remove not used require and some useless test comments","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-18","Bump mysql gem version to the newly 2.9.0, fix build.","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Initialize #min_cost to avoid warning in Ruby 2.0","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Fix typo in module name and make #in_time_zone private","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Extract #in_time_zone helper method duplication to a module","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Simplify helper method in attribute methods test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Remove return guard","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Merge pull request #8251 from alexeymuranov/deprecate-re...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Merge pull request #8249 from steveklabnik/add_two_oh_to...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Merge pull request #8248 from zenspider/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-17","Remove the git option from ruby-prof gem pointing to wyc...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-16","Add changelog entry for #6003 backport","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-16","Fix some AR changelog entries [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-16","Merge pull request #7983 from georgebrock/bug7950-squashed","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-16","Merge pull request #8244 from yahonda/mysql_ruby200","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-16","Move changelog entry from #8235 to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-16","Remove config.threadsafe! from production env template","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-16","Refactor url methods a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-16","Fix failing template tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-14","Merge pull request #8218 from DawidJanczak/form-tag-doc","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-14","Merge pull request #8218 from DawidJanczak/form-tag-doc","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8188 from courtland/habtm-fix-stable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Assert the query result instead of checking for nothing ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8202 from nikitug/regression_test_on...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Revert "Use MiniTest in Ruby 1.8 if it is available."","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Fix warning with assigned but not used variable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Add changelog entry for #8200 [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Update mocha version to 0.13.0 and change requires","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Fix json encoding test with ruby 1.8.7 and random hash o...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Use new mocha version and add changelog entry for #8180","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8180 from freerange/mocha-fixes-supp...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8200 from freerange/3-2-stable-with-...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8199 from senny/backport_8182","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8185 from senny/8182_as_json_options...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-13","Lock mocha in ~> 0.12.x until we fix the Ruby 1.8.7 issu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-12","Merge pull request #8184 from vipulnsward/add_merge_tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-12","Merge pull request #8154 from bogdan/has_one_association...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-11","Remove duplicated ConnectionHandling extension in AR::Base","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-11","Merge pull request #8173 from nikitug/match_classes_with...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-10","Merge pull request #8165 from arunagw/warning_removed_un...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-10","Merge pull request #8154 from bogdan/has_one_association...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-10","Merge pull request #8164 from nikitug/keep_serialization...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-09","Use get in the redirection doc examples","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-09","Fix redirect example block","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8158 from steveklabnik/deprecate_diff","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-09","Remove not used load hooks for active_record_config","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8151 from nashby/forwardable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8153 from steveklabnik/fix_include_b...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8082 from nikitug/backport_serialize...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #7763 from route/full-capture","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8093 from nikitug/keep_app_x_ua_comp...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-08","Remove free usage of #tap","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8139 from senny/8121_engine_generato...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-07","Remove not used indifferent_access requires from Base an...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-07","Use cached quoted_table_name instead of going through th...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-07","Remove block given check from private find_with_ids","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-07","Fix guides home links and maintain compatibility with sm...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-07","Do not strip code blocks, otherwise we may get misaligne...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-06","Merge pull request #8132 from bquorning/permitted_is_sti...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-06","Update mocha github repo to new one","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-05","Revert "fix white spaces"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-05","Remove AS::Concern extension from Testing::TaggedLogging","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-05","Minor css style improvements","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-05","Restore index link states to the way they are in current...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-04","Use flat_map when building AR order","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-04","Add ensure block to make sure the state is properly rest...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-04","Remove some line breaks between array items that make th...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-04","Refactor Inflector#ordinal to avoid converting the numbe...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-04","Fix typo in test name","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-04","Raise ArgumentError when no attribute is given to AMo::E...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-04","Set hash value instead of using merge!","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-04","Merge pull request #8111 from nikitug/use_tag_instead_of...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-03","Ensure nested attributes is restored in case of a test f...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-03","Simplify query conditions a bit in nested attributes test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-03","Remove #permitted attr accessor from Parameters","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-02","Merge pull request #8106 from steveklabnik/fix_grammar","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-01","Fix issue with collection associations and first(n)/last(n)","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-01","Ensure calling first/last with options correctly set inv...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-01","Fix issue with collection associations and first(n)/last(n)","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-01","Merge pull request #8093 from nikitug/keep_app_x_ua_comp...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-01","Add test to ensure data attributes are properly escaped ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-11-01","Merge pull request #8026 from steveklabnik/issue_8025","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-31","Remove extre count, preheat already happens during setup","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-31","Merge pull request #8073 from alexisbernard/fix_find_in_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-31","Merge pull request #8078 from nikitug/serialized_attribu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-30","Merge pull request #8072 from kennyj/remove_mattr_includ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-30","Merge pull request #6107 from gazay/make_caller_attribut...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-30","Remove not assigned variable warning from sqlite3 adapte...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #8066 from cfabianski/AddTestForSeria...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-29","Fix failing tests and use new hash style in deprecation ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #8063 from nikitug/deprecation_caller...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-29","Fix deprecation message in test for Path#children","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #8053 from henrik/update_columns_with...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8053 from henrik/update_columns_with...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8047 from arunagw/json_only_in_18","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-28","Fix some assert_raise calls containing messages in Activ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8047 from arunagw/json_only_in_18","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8054 from senny/6378_create_table_ra...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-28","Add syntax highlight to code blocks in javascript guide ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-28","Add backticks around link_to example in javascript guide...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8050 from bashmish/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-26","Remove ActiveRecord::Model entry from 4.0 Release Notes ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-26","Remove ActiveRecord::Model consant from AS::TestCase","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-26","Merge pull request #8031 from gbchaosmaster/redcarpet-2.2.2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-20","Merge pull request #7951 from Grandrath/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-20","Merge pull request #7986 from Grandrath/patch-2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-19","Update rails gemspec to use sprockets-rails 2.0.0.rc1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-16","Merge pull request #7963 from arunagw/redcarpet_not_for_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-10-15","Move changelog entry from #7439 to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-21","Get rid of global variable in AR transactions test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-20","Update delegate docs with new hash syntax [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-20","Add changelog entry and docs about class delegation usin...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #7697 from guilleiguaran/minor-ar-cle...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7669 from guilleiguaran/rename-rb-ha...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-16","Merge pull request #7652 from toshi-kawanishi/find_in_ba...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-13","Merge pull request #7633 from frodsan/patch-5","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-13","Merge pull request #6348 from LTe/no_global_depreactations","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #7622 from marcandre/doc","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #7605 from revans/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #7612 from arunagw/build_fix_queue","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #7615 from NARKOZ/patch-2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-11","Merge pull request #7564 from kennyj/using_mysqldump","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-11","Merge pull request #7569 from skorfmann/improve-has-many...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-09","Merge pull request #7513 from kalys/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-08","Merge pull request #7548 from ernie/missing-attributes-q...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-08","Tidy up excerpt separator logic a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-08","Improve latest AR and AP changelog entries","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-08","Refactor some date helpers to use merge!","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-08","Refactor nested attributes limit logic to lookup :limit ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-08","Merge pull request #7189 from GCorbel/excerpt_with_separ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-08","Merge pull request #7566 from etehtsea/schema-new-hash","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-08","Merge pull request #7568 from alup/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Add changelog entry for #7545: map interval with precisi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Minor refactor in ActiveRecord#initialize_dup","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Merge pull request #7565 from guilleiguaran/dalli-sessio...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Fix AS tests due to builder change with nil values / emp...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Fix AR tests due to builder change with nil values / emp...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Fix AS tests due to builder change with nil values / emp...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Fix AR tests due to builder change with nil values / emp...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Update Active Model xml serialization test to reflect a ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Bump builder dependencies in Active Model and Action Pack","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Update Active Model xml serialization test to reflect a ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Use merge! to merge additional options onto default options","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Fix Active Support changelog formatting [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Remove 3.2.x entries from Active Record changelog [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Add Changelog entry for #4976: fix eager load associatio...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-07","Add Changelog entry for #7560: deprecate #filter in AS::...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-06","Merge pull request #7549 from asanghi/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-06","Merge pull request #7550 from sikachu/master-changelog","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-02","Merge pull request #7502 from xoen/fixed-upgrading-guide...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-09-02","Merge pull request #7504 from behrends/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-29","Merge pull request #7480 from aaronbrethorst/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-26","Create variable only in the test that uses it","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-22","Merge pull request #7413 from siong1987/secret_token","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-21","Remove app building setup/teardown for remote ip railtie...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-21","Set eager load option in "make_basic_app" for railties t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-21","Use Ruby 1.8 hash syntax","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #6499 from lazylester/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #7408 from yahonda/sqlmode_mysql","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #7377 from brainopia/use_inversed_par...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-21","Minor refactoring in Active Record model schema methods","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-20","Merge pull request #7401 from frodsan/fix_environments_p...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-19","Remove private verify readonly attr method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-19","Merge pull request #7377 from brainopia/use_inversed_par...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Merge branch 'multiparameter-attributes-refactor'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Get rid of some arguments by using the accessors","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Move multiparameter attribute logic to a class","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Some more cleanup to use Hash#values_at, and some method...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Use cached column information to instantiate time object","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Refactor blank date parameter validation","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Refactor missing parameter validation based on position","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Reuse already fetched column to check for :time","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Refactor some code in multiparameter assignment","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-18","Extract nested parameter assignment to a separate method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-15","Merge pull request #7244 from lucasuyezu/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-15","Add html_escape note to CHANGELOG","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-15","Remove duplicated changelog entry [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-15","Remove duplicated changelog entry [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-15","Move changelog entry to the top [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-15","Merge pull request #7133 from roshats/fix_update_all_wit...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-15","Merge pull request #7027 from erichmenge/patch/jruby_sen...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-14","Merge pull request #7184 from anthonyalberto/xml_dasheri...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-12","Minor punctuation fix in api documentation guide [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-11","Ensure option_html_attributes does not modify the given ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-11","Simplify html attributes generation for options_for_select","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-11","Refactor model name logic and make it a real private cla...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-11","Merge branch 'number-helpers-defaults'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-11","Ensure I18n format values always have precedence over de...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-11","Fallback to :en locale instead of handling a constant wi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-11","Bring back changelog entries for Active Support","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-11","Further refactor build_conditions in route set","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-02","Merge pull request #7232 from kennyj/fix_7200","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-02","Merge pull request #7235 from ffmike/mocha_12_2_compat","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-01","Merge pull request #7217 from freerobby/no_password_requ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-01","Merge pull request #7228 from kennyj/move_to_ar2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-01","Merge branch 'refactor-dependency-check'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-08-01","Refactor dependency check validation","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-30","Merge pull request #7205 from frodsan/fix_nodoc_live","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-29","Merge pull request #7188 from rodrigoflores/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-29","Merge pull request #7192 from bogdan/sqlite_tests_fix","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-29","Merge pull request #7194 from alexandrz/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-26","Fix AR#update_columns tests on Ruby 1.8.7","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-25","Merge pull request #7151 from graceliu/travis-rm-dup-run","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-20","Merge pull request #7106 from LTe/default_separator_updated","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-20","Merge pull request #6616 from dpassage/fix_resolver_test...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-19","Create default join table name using a Symbol","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-11","Merge pull request #7030 from robbkidd/dry_up_rename_tab...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-08","Remove AS declarative extension from erb tag test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-08","Merge pull request #7003 from philiqq/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-08","Improve and fix AP changelog, sync release notes [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-08","Rename RouteInspector to RoutesInspector","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-08","Remove RoutesInspector from railties, since it was moved...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-08","Merge pull request #6998 from robin850/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-07","Refactor locked? method in query cache","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6938 from acapilleri/as_json_refacto...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6838 from kennyj/added_registration_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-07","Use "instance_accessor" for flash types class attribute","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-07","Fix failing AM test due to missing template","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-07","Improve docs, changelog and release notes for Action Mai...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6950 from paneq/default_from2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6995 from frodsan/update_test_help","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-06","Update release notes with AR::Relation#inspect change [c...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-06","Remove mention to csv fixtures from test_helper in guide...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-06","Merge pull request #6927 from parndt/patch-3","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-05","Merge pull request #6976 from vitorbal/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-05","Merge pull request #6957 from francois2metz/options_method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-04","Kill not used constant since removal of runner method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-03","Merge pull request #6940 from acapilleri/observer_update","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-03","Update 4.0 Release Notes with changelogs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-02","Merge pull request #6919 from rahul100885/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-07-01","Fix failing test related to persist glob when replacing ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-30","Update AR and AP changelogs [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-30","Merge pull request #6904 from guilleiguaran/remove-amo-d...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-30","Merge pull request #6913 from lexmag/column_exists_options","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-30","Fix collation database task to use begin..rescue..end","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-29","Fix failing test in file update checker","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-29","Remove another missing test related to draw external routes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-28","Merge pull request #6902 from frodsan/mailer_async_doc","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-28","Merge pull request #6900 from cbandy/issue-6898","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-28","Merge pull request #6900 from cbandy/issue-6898","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-28","Remove some aggregation tests related to composed_of","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-28","Move newly added multiparameter tests to base_test file","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-28","Merge pull request #6890 from yahonda/address_test_setti...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-28","Merge pull request #6886 from nertzy/faster_stringify_an...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-27","Add changelog entry for polymorphic option in model gene...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-27","Merge pull request #6880 from kennyj/fix_20120628","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-27","Merge pull request #6856 from lexmag/polymorphic_generators","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-27","Refactor attribute method matcher to use Hash#fetch","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-27","Cleanup attribute methods a bit, use map! when accepting...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-27","Use default + merge! instead of reverse_merge","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-27","Set hash value instead of merge a single key, and use fl...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-27","Ensure Array#to_sentence does not modify given hash","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-26","Use args.flatten! in query methods when applicable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-25","Merge pull request #6857 from rsutphin/as_core_ext_time_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-25","Ensure Arel columns are typecasted properly when groupin...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-25","Ensure Arel columns are typecasted properly when groupin...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-25","Merge pull request #6857 from rsutphin/as_core_ext_time_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-25","Make internal callback model definitions private in AMo","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-24","Merge branch 'number-helpers-refactor'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-24","Get rid of the clear_i18n hack by using a different locale","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-24","Move number helper i18n related tests to AS","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-24","Refactor AV number helper tests with invalid numbers","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-24","Move constants to the top, remove freeze","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-24","Do not propagate the :raise option to AS number helpers","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-24","Remove some not used variables and improve code a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-24","Merge pull request #6847 from benolee/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-23","Merge pull request #6805 from tim-vandecasteele/uploaded...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-23","Merge pull request #6837 from kennyj/move_to_tasks_dir","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-23","Merge pull request #6836 from flyerhzm/ruby_19_hash","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-22","Fix changelog typo [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-22","Merge branch 'pluck-multiple-columns'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-22","Add changelog entry and guide updates for pluck with mul...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-22","Refactor pluck with multiple columns","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-22","Fix serializable_hash with xml generation and default :e...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-22","Add some coverage for AR serialization with serializable...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-22","Set the hash value directly instead of using merge!","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-21","Merge pull request #6804 from acapilleri/firm_changes_fr...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-21","Merge pull request #6806 from chancancode/add_test_singu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-21","Merge pull request #6808 from arunagw/warning_removed_ac...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-20","Merge pull request #6798 from kennyj/db-rake-structure-load","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-20","Merge pull request #6402 from paranoiase/prev-and-next-q...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-20","Merge pull request #6426 from pinetops/template_concurre...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6787 from frodsan/add_nodoc_asset_he...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6784 from msgehard/active_support_cl...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6785 from kennyj/rename_testcase_name","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6779 from simonjefford/db-rake-charset","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6777 from route/logger_in_metal_tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #5412 from tilsammans/stored_attributes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Refactor and use class_attribute","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Merge branch 'hash_with_indifferent_access_fix'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Use map! instead of replace + map","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Refactor Relation#update a bit to avoid an extra Enumera...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Make DatabaseTasks a module with real private methods","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6649 from route/logger_in_metal_3_2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-18","Merge branch 'eliminate_notice_messages'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-18","Merge branch 'dp_docs'","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-15","Merge pull request #6646 from kennyj/fix_3470","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-15","Refactor public exceptions to reuse render format method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-06","Merge pull request #6629 from marcandre/destroy","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-06","Merge pull request #6645 from amatsuda/reduce_string_ins...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-06-05","Merge pull request #6616 from dpassage/fix_resolver_test...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-31","Fix changelog example for count method with block [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-31","Fix wrong example for count method with block [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-31","Simplify link_to using content_tag","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-31","Make link_to arguments explicit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-31","Make button_to arguments explicit and refactor a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-31","Simplify logic to initialize valid conditions in RouteSet","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6519 from oscardelben/3-2-stable","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6535 from arunagw/jruby_module_test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6526 from appfolio/decoupling_active...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6527 from frodsan/add_test_to_delete...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Add note about CollectionAssociation#delete change to up...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Fix failing build related to change in CollectionAssocia...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Review requires from number helper","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Yield only one argument instead of splatting.","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6511 from frodsan/add_fixnum_string_...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-29","Parse float value only once in number helpers","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-24","Add missing requires for deep_dup and hash ext test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-24","Merge pull request #5925 from Juanmcuello/pg_structure_dump","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-24","Merge pull request #5925 from Juanmcuello/pg_structure_dump","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6060 from lucashungaro/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6446 from acapilleri/mini_xml_4","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6455 from ugisozols/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #6429 from marcandre/fix_test_request","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-21","Remove not used variables from connection poll test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-21","Refactor aggregation writer method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #5156 from avakhov/class-attribute-in...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #6423 from lest/patch-2","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-20","Merge pull request #6408 from ivankukobko/master","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-19","Use right option for excerpt text helper in tests, fix b...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #4835 from pacoguzman/refactor_define...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #5678 from troyk/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-19","Clarify grouped_options_for_select method API, add chang...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-19","Remove delegated methods from generators test case","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-19","Remove warning in namespaced generator test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6336 from erichmenge/patch-pluck-fra...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6325 from kennyj/fix_5832-3","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6327 from nashby/string-interpolation","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-15","Fix indent from previous merge","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-15","Kill whitespaces :scissors:","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-15","Remove extra `end` in arel_table docs. [ci skip]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6284 from acapilleri/dup_validation","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-14","Remove not used date variable and another test warning","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-14","Merge pull request #6018 from lest/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-14","Merge pull request #6018 from lest/patch-1","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-14","Merge pull request #6266 from alexeymuranov/remove_unuse...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-13","Remove dependency on safe_join from number helpers","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6305 from arunagw/ruby-prof-fixes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6307 from oscardelben/refactor_app_g...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6306 from erichmenge/3-2-stable-guid...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-13","Improve and cleanup a bit partial renderer","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-11","Update performance profiler to work with latest ruby-pro...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-09","Stop showing deprecations for Ruby 1.8.7 with remove_column","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-04","Use Hash#fetch instead of has_key? check","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-04","Force given path to http methods in mapper to skip canon...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-04","Add some docs and changelog entry","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-04","Allow overriding exception handling in threaded consumer","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-04","Allow configuring a different queue consumer","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-04","Remove vestiges of the http_only! config from configurin...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-03","Fix issue with private kernel methods and collection ass...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-05-02","Build fix for plugin new generator change","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-30","Improve changelog of new :silence deprecation behavior","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-29","Add changelog entry and some docs for collection + layout","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-29","Move layout logic with collection to be handled only wit...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-29","Allow access to current object_counter variable from lay...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-29","Allow layout to access current object being rendered whe...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-29","Allow layout rendering to access current object being re...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-29","Add changelog entry for jsonp mimetype change, fix faili...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-28","Add test for default silence and stderr deprecation beha...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-28","Refactor RoutesReloader a bit to avoid creating extra ha...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-28","Remove Declarative module extending, it is already part ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-28","Define only writer method for queue, as reader is declared","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-28","Refactor human attribute name","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-28","Do not modify options hash in human_attribute_name, remo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-28","Refactor AMo::Errors","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-27","Return earlier if attribute already changed in *_will_ch...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-27","Fix failing test, TestQueue#contents is not #jobs","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-27","Do not mutate options hash","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-24","Add extra order clause to fix failing test on Ruby 1.8.7","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-24","Refactor hash creation in routeset","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-23","Refactor GeneratedAttributes","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-05","Initialize variables in file update checker to avoid war...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-04-05","Remove not used require from as to avoid circular requires","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-30","Deprecate Column#type_cast_code","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-30","Properly typecast id attribute when using custom primary...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-29","Fix failing ARes test due to hash keys ordering","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-26","Remove warning added by my own commit :fire:","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-26","Return the same session data object when setting session id","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-26","Fix AV::FixtureResolver and rjs tests with random order ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-26","Return the same session data object when setting session id","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-24","Return the same session data object when setting session id","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-23","Fix identity map tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-23","Add order to tests that rely on db ordering, to fix fail...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-23","Properly deprecate the block argument in AV FormBuilder","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-23","Fix identity map tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-23","Fix more failing tests related to ruby 1.8.7 p358 versio...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-23","Add order to tests that rely on db ordering, to fix fail...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-23","Add order to tests that rely on db ordering, to fix fail...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-16","Remove deprecation from AS::Deprecation behavior, some m...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-15","Add missing quotes on AS::Notifications examples","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Fix scaffold controller template, ensure rake scaffold t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Do not generate app/views and sprockets entries on http app","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Generate special controller and functional test template...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Rename http-only app generator option to http","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Move http only option to AppGenerator","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Add test to ensure setting config.generators.http_only a...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Allow generator configs from http_only! to be overriden ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Remove duplicated tests from shared generator","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Refactor http_only, remove reader method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Disable template, helper and assets options when using h...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Create generators http_only! setup and hide some common ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Generate middleware http_only! config when running http ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Add http-only option to Rails app generator","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-14","Add ActionController::HTTP","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-13","Expand changelog and upgrading rails guide with Identity...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-13","Remove IdentityMap","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-10","Change api_only to http_only","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-10","Add some docs for MiddlewareStackProxy methods and api_o...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-10","Rename variable to avoid using name "include"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-10","Remove Array#wrap usage in AMo serialization","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-10","Make sure serializable hash with :include always returns...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-08","Use one system call whenever possible, group rake and Di...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-08","Improve docs for attr_accessible|protected related to Ha...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-07","Add test case for #5307","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-07","Add test case for #5307","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-07","Improve docs for attr_accessible|protected related to Ha...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-07","Add some docs for ActionController::Base.without_modules","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-06","Refactor AD::UploadedFile, and raise sooner if tempfile ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-05","Add config.middleware.api_only!","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-04","Bump "latest version" from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 in upgrading r...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-04","Fix message assertions for quoting database name in "sho...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-04","Only run binary type cast test with encode! on Ruby 1.9","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-04","Only run binary type cast test with encode! on Ruby 1.9","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-04","Initialize @stale_state to nil in association","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-03","Add docs with usage examples for ActiveModel::Model","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-03","Refactor and cleanup in some ActiveRecord modules","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-02","Stop SafeBuffer#clone_empty from issuing warnings","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-02","Stop SafeBuffer#clone_empty from issuing warnings","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-02","Stop SafeBuffer#clone_empty from issuing warnings","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-03-02","Stop SafeBuffer#clone_empty from issuing warnings","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-14","Always reenable _dump task in AR databases rake. Closes ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-14","Remove not used button translation from av locale","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-14","Update f.button docs to reflect real label implementation","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-14","Allow collection helpers with block to access current ob...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-13","Use Hash#fetch instead of testing for #key?","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-13","Refactor sprockets compressors module","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-13","Make sure serializable hash with :methods option returns...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-13","Cleanup extra spaces","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-09","Change AR validation guide to remove ordered hash mentio...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-07","Fix failing request test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-07","Fixes in AMo README","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-03","Add convenience method to hide a generator from the avai...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Remove default class to collection_check_boxes and","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Allow collection radio_buttons/check_boxes to access cur...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Add changelog, docs and guides entries","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Allow proc for value/text method in collection_select","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Move collection radio buttons / check boxes back to Form...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Extract common collection helpers to a module to avoid t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Create a Builder factory class to use with collection he...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Refactor collection helpers to extract radio/checkbox/la...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Remove collection_wrapper* and item_wrapper* options","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Refactor value sanitization logic","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Cleanup options helper methods a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Refactor option groups to use content_tag","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Add basic documentation to collection_check_boxes and","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Use @output_buffer variable instead of concat in tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Implement skipped test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Add collection_radio_buttons and collection_check_boxes ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Refactor the methods to use instance variables","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Change Tag class to Category since there is another Tag ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Refactor render_collection method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Move collection_check_boxes and collection_radio_buttons...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Add collection_check_boxes helper","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Create collection_radio_buttons helper","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-02","Replicate :form html5 attribute to hidden field for chec...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-01","Fix code example in ActiveRecord::Relation#none","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-01","Generate strict validation error messages with attribute...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-01","Generate strict validation error messages with attribute...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-01","Move escaping regexps to constants","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-02-01","Move escape_once logic to ERB::Util, where it belongs to","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-31","check_box with nil as unchecked value should be HTML safe","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-31","Remove eval calls, use send.. eval is evil","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-31","Refactor select tag form helpers","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-31","Improve readonly examples and optimistic locking docs","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-31","Improve ar associations habtm docs a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-28","Improve active record associations guide a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-27",NA,"Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-26","Do not generate label for attribute when giving nil","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Fix callbacks order for destroying an object in validati...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Improve field error proc example in validations guide","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Change ActiveRecord::Errors to ActiveModel::Errors in gu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Fix custom validation methods section in AR validations ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Refactor button_to to avoid calling method#to_s twice","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Change OrderedHash with array options to simple hash usage","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Do not mutate given options hash in number helpers","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Refactor percentage helper","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Refactor float number parsing","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Improve getting translations for number helpers","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Fix callbacks order for destroying an object in validati...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Improve field error proc example in validations guide","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Change ActiveRecord::Errors to ActiveModel::Errors in gu...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-25","Fix custom validation methods section in AR validations ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-23","Remove not used if..else clause","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-22","Add missing require to Array#wrap in generators action m...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-21","Remove not used requires from csrf helper file and test","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-21","Remove ActiveSupport::TestCase#pending, use `skip` instead","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-19","Use performed? instead of checking for response_body","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","Refactor FormBuilder arguments and default config","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","Fix errors when running entire suite due to class name c...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","Cleanup Post model, no need to require fake_models","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","Refactor content tag to not detect options Hash always","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","Do not mutate options hash","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","Cleanup persisted setup for model","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","Mimic AR models yielding when building new records, avoi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","No need for concat as well","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-18","Add test for content tag with prefix and extra html options","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Update changelog","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove duplicated constant definition","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Deprecate AC::UnknownError and AC::DoubleRenderError","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Add default charset config to ActionDispatch","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Deprecate default_charset= at controller level","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Add some deprecations for logic being removed in 4.0","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Update changelog","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Bring back rendering templates that start with / in nest...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Move protected instance variables definition, kill compa...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove deprecated default_charset= from AC::Base","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Move render_to_body logic to return a spaced string to A...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove method missing handling when action is not found,...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Refactor render nothing/text => nil logic, and move to r...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Move render :nothing and :text => nil options to AC::Ren...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Rename test class and fix tests to keep consistency","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove deprecated logic to render templates starting with /","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove relative url root setting from ENV var","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove rescue_action from compatibility module and tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove other old compatibility constants","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove constant already defined in exceptions module","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-17","Remove old compatibility methods not being used","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-16","Improve description of :allow_destroy option for nested ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-15","Fix test class name that should read Without","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-15","Improve description of :allow_destroy option for nested ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-14","Delegate clear_active_connections to handler as well","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-14","Extract index and uniq index options to constants","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-13","Refactor url_for helper to check for nil in the case sta...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-13","Delegate data tag option to tag option for escaping","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-13","Remove value argument from boolean option","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-13","Return faster when no option is given","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-13","Refactor and improve readability","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-12","Split tag options helper in smaller methods","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-12","Remove deprecated and not used method","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-12","Extract asset paths uri regexp to a constant","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-12","Delegate subdomain method to the URL module, removing du...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-12","Simplify named host logic and missing host condition check","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-12","Extract ip host regexp to a constant","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-06","Remove deprecation warning from test related to old proc...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-06","Revert "Regexp.union seems to have different results in ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-06","Revert "Add return for 1.8.7"","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2012-01-06","Fix routing test to use assert_equal","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-12-04","Refactor readonly attributes conditional","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-05-15","Use record_name to make fields for methods more consistent","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-05-15","Refactor fields_for to make the api more clear, and fix ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-05-14","Cleanup instantiate builder method definition","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-02-12","Add tests showing the LH issue #6381: fields_for with in...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-02-12","Remove duplicated action pack tests added to fix issue w...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-02-11","Add missing deprecation require","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-02-11","Add missing deprecation require","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2011-02-08","Add tests showing the LH issue #6381: fields_for with in...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-12-05","Fix mime type doc typos","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-11-13","Remove lost commented debugger call","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-11-13","Fix rendering partial with layout, when the partial cont...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-11-11","Fix render partial with layout and no block","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-11-11","Fix issue with rendering partials and then yielding insi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-11-11","Bring ActionPack tests back to life","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-11-11","Fix render partial with layout and no block","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-11-11","Fix issue with rendering partials and then yielding insi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-10-02","Refactor AssociationCollection#include? with objects in ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","Partial revert of #d650b71 'Remove deprecated stuff in A...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","We don't need to check if the format exists to generate ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","More cleanup on form helpers","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","Remove last tests with deprecated form_for and cleanup f...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","Select tags with array options are deprecated, removing","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","Refactor form_for helper","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","Review most of the form_for deprecated tests, missing te...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","Remove deprecated stuff in ActionController","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","There is no need to open AC::Base three times to setup t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-25","There is no DeprecatedBlockHelpers in AV, so remove it","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-06","Start cleanup of deprecations in ActionView","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-06","Cleanup Action Dispatch assertions tests","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-06","Cleanup deprecations in Action Dispatch","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-06","Cleanup deprecation warnings in Action Controller","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-06","Refactor AR validations a bit","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-06","Cleanup deprecation warnings in active record","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-06","Remove all deprecation warnings in activeresource","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-06","Remove deprecation warnings in railties","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-05","Refactor a bit dependencies logging","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-05","Improve dependencies by not calling constantize(const) t...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-09-05","Fix docs related to param_key in ActiveModel::Naming","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-08-27","Removing some unuseful begin/end and refactor prompt_opt...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-08-27","Removing some unuseful begin/end and refactor prompt_opt...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-08-18","Use COALESCE in update_counters docs to reflect the impl...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-08-11","layout_for works again with objects as specified in the ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-08-11","layout_for works again with objects as specified in the ...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-08-02","Fix label form helper to use I18n and html options, with...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-07-25","Add assertion to link_to_function test with block and ca...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-07-15","Small fix in cookie docs and trailing whitespaces","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-06-25","Do not wrap hidden fields with error proc [#4962 state:r...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-06-22","Add the :path option to match routes when given as symbo...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-06-22","Allow namespace accept options in routes [#4936 state:re...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-06-20","Adding missing test to autolink with other protocols (fi...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-06-07","Fixing test class names and refactor line in autosave as...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-05-15","Add missing require to with_options [#4601 state:resolved]","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-03-08","Fix associations to call :destroy or :delete based on th...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2010-01-14","Add possibility to use i18n translatios in submit FormHe...","Carlos Antonio da Silva",8 "2013-09-10","Merge pull request #12189 from rajcybage/test_assert","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-09-10","Merge pull request #12176 from arthurnn/ar32_schema_cache","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-09-10","Make AC standalone rendering work","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-09-04","render_to_string shouldn't play with response_body","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-09-03","Revert "Merge pull request #12085 from valk/master"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-09-03","Revert "Merge pull request #12085 from valk/master"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-30","Merge pull request #12085 from valk/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-30","Merge pull request #12085 from valk/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #12034 from wangjohn/fixtures_config_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #11827 from vipulnsward/remove_extra_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-25","Merge pull request #12014 from wangjohn/change_deprecati...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-25","Merge pull request #12009 from wangjohn/fixtures_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-24","Merge pull request #12008 from wangjohn/skipping_depreca...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #12000 from wangjohn/deprecating_clas...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11984 from wangjohn/proper_table_name","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-19","Use each_with_object","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-19","Organize normalize_encoding_params' conditionals a bit b...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-19","Merge pull request #11891 from robertomiranda/remove_upl...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-19","Merge pull request #11443 from wangjohn/sse_reloader_class","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-08-17","Merge pull request #11920 from dlam/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-27","Merge pull request #11620 from spajus/update_docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-27","Merge pull request #11620 from spajus/update_docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11549 from dmathieu/test_duplication","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11536 from dpickett/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-18","Merge pull request #11483 from garysweaver/grammar_fix_i...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-15","Merge pull request #11434 from jetthoughts/new_save_tran...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11424 from kennyj/fix_column_default...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-14","This is not needed anymore, before_initialize block can ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-13","Merge pull request #11426 from wangjohn/action_controlle...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-13","Merge pull request #11427 from jmondo/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-03","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #10099 from wangjohn/railties_each_wi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-06-30","Clean the code a bit","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #11124 from wangjohn/removing_depreca...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-06-18","Revert "Merge pull request #10961 from wangjohn/changing...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-06-18","Merge pull request #10968 from wangjohn/refactoring_rail...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-06-18","Merge pull request #10961 from wangjohn/changing_rails_e...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-06-18","Merge pull request #10902 from wangjohn/removing_applica...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10672 from carllerche/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10672 from carllerche/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-05-17","Merge pull request #10672 from carllerche/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10290 from buddhamagnet/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-21","Merge pull request #10289 from maratvmk/readme","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-21","Merge pull request #10283 from wangjohn/remove_tests_for...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-11","Merge pull request #10179 from vipulnsward/refactor_orde...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10063 from SamSaffron/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10061 from trevorturk/dummy-key-gene...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10054 from rubys/use_find_by_in_rdoc","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10055 from vipulnsward/remove_each_w...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #3782 from arunagw/warning_mode_on","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-02","Use released sdoc","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10041 from vipulnsward/more_destruct...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10042 from choudhuryanupam/fix_activ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-02","Revert "Use jquery-rails from github"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-02","Revert "Use jquery-rails from github (fix Gem::Version e...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-01","Fix release task after ceb3b8717beb9818fbfbab429a8aa6975...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10031 from trevorturk/cookie-store-a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #9978 from trevorturk/cookie-store-au...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10026 from ogawaso/typo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-31","Merge pull request #10013 from vipulnsward/fix_request_m...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-26","Merge pull request #9930 from kennyj/bump_tzinfo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9800 from kennyj/fix_warning_20130319","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-11","There's no need to install test group in travis","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-11","Move benchmark-ips to test group","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-11","Use platforms instead of conditionals in Gemfile","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-06","debugger 1.4.0 works in Ruby 2.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-05","Freeze columns only once per Result","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-03-03","Freeze columns only once per Result","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-27","There's no need to access Railties through self.class","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-26","We want i18n >= 0.6.2 but < 1.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-21","Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #4803 from lucascaton...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-21","This cache is not needed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-21","Use composition to figure out the forgery protection str...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-20","Revert "Merge pull request #4803 from lucascaton/master"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-19","InvalidMessage is in ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor nam...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-13","Avoid to_sym calls","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-10","Bump rack dependency to 1.4.5","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-08","We don't need a CHANGELOG entry for an issue of somethin...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-08","Merge pull request #9196 from AndreyChernyh/fix-cookies-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-08","Bump rack dependency to 1.4.5","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-02-08","Bump rack dependency to 1.5.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-01-28","Merge pull request #9032 from firmhouse/head-breaks-csrf","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-01-25","Integrate Action Pack with Rack 1.5","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-01-24","Do not mark strip_tags result as html_safe","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8824 from mjtko/fix/cookie-store-inh...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-01-08","Avoid Rack security warning no secret provided","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-01-08","Avoid Rack security warning no secret provided","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-01-08","Avoid Rack security warning no secret provided","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-01-08","Avoid Rack security warning no secret provided","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-31","Merge pull request #8666 from mekishizufu/fix_lambdas","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-31","Revert "Merge pull request #8665 from senny/8661_should_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-31","Merge pull request #8665 from senny/8661_should_not_appe...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-31","Merge pull request #8662 from senny/8661_should_not_appe...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-31","Define [], []=, permanent, signed and encrypted as the o...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-31","Merge pull request #8546 from hsbt/fix-testcase-strict-w...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-30","Point to guides.rubyonrails.org instead of edgeguides.ru...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-30","Improve secret_token deprecation message","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-29","Rails 4.0 is going to depend on Rack 1.5.x so let's test...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-26","Merge pull request #8598 from NARKOZ/refactor-highlight","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-14","Remove AR gem pushed by mistake","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-11","Merge pull request #8482 from BanzaiMan/defensive_matchi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-12-11","Merge pull request #8468 from schneems/schneems/rack-ind...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-30","Merge pull request #8387 from claudiob/remove_ar_observe...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-29","Tiny refactor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-19","Add UpgradeSignatureToEncryptionCookieStore to upgrading...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-19","Fix UpgradeSignatureToEncryptionCookieStore doc","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-17","Revert "Debugger gem doesn't work with patchlevel >= 327"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Improve UpgradeSignatureToEncryptionCookieStore docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Add UpgradeSignatureToEncryptionCookieStore","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Call get_cookie to allow the method to be overriden by s...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Add missing env param to get_cookie","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Remove duplicated get /foo/write_session","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Remove unused config option","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Remove extra whitespace","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Add docs for CachingKeyGenerator","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-16","Add nodoc to DummyKeyGenerator since it's a private thing","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-15","Merge pull request #8112 from rails/encrypted_cookies","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-12","Merge branch '3-2-9' into 3-2-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-12","Bump to 3.2.9","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-12","Debugger gem doesn't work with patchlevel < 327","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-11","Merge pull request #8172 from nikitug/silent_diff_deprec...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-11","Merge pull request #8170 from arunagw/warning_removed_ra...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-09","Revert "Add test case to assets eager load"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-09","Revert "Add test case to assets eager load"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-09","Merge branch '3-2-9' into 3-2-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-09","Bump up to 3.2.9.rc3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-09","Revert "Respect children paths filter settings"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-09","Revert "Respect children paths filter settings"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #7987 from alexisbernard/3-2_find_in_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-08","Fix test_find_in_batches_should_use_any_column_as_primar...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-08","start could be a string","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Disallow ability to use EncryptedCookieJar with DummyKey...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Rename secret_token_key to secret_key_base","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Move ensure_secret_secure to DummyKeyGenerator","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Cache generated keys per KeyGenerator instance using sal...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Allow users to change the default salt if they want, sho...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Use derived keys everywhere, http_authentication was mis...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Add encrypted cookie store","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Add cookie.encrypted which returns an EncryptedCookieJar","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Warn config.derive_keys will be true by default in 4.1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-03","Sign cookies using key deriver","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-02","Clear url helpers when reloading routes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-02","Clear url helpers when reloading routes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-01","Merge pull request #8019 from lest/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-01","Bump to 3.2.9.rc2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-11-01","Merge pull request #8092 from arunagw/warning_removed_un...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-30","Revert "The debugger gem isn't compatible with 1.9.3-p28...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-29","Bump to 3.2.9.rc1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-29","Add 3.2.9 section in ARes CHANGELOG","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-18","Merge pull request #7371 from csmuc/fix_dup_validation_e...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-16","Merge pull request #7371 from csmuc/fix_dup_validation_e...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-16","Merge pull request #7958 from mattdbridges/rails-guides-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-15","Merge pull request #7953 from kryzhovnik/sanitize_helper...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-15","Merge pull request #7952 from ayrton/minor_cleanup","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-12","When executing permit with just a key that points to a h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-06","Merge pull request #7862 from frodsan/rename_private_method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-05","Revert "Use flat_map { } instead of map {}.flatten"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-05","Use flat_map { } instead of map {}.flatten","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-05","Merge pull request #7838 from guilleiguaran/extract-rack...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-03","Refactor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-03","Refactor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-02","Add the CHANGELOG entry that Guillermo forgot :P","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-02","Merge pull request #7794 from guilleiguaran/extract-rack...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-10-01","Merge pull request #7811 from iHiD/resource_generator_ro...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-28","Merge pull request #7783 from guilleiguaran/namespace-as...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-27","Is not needed to wrap name inside an array here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-27","Change key not found to param not found","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-27","Merge pull request #7760 from alindeman/adds_missing_dep...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-25","Use plaform mri_19 for debugger gem","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-24","Merge pull request #6936 from jfoley/callbacks","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-24","Merge pull request #7742 from GRoguelon/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-22","Fix test_find_in_batches_should_use_any_column_as_primar...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-22","Merge pull request #7728 from guilleiguaran/fix-asset-test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-21","Merge pull request #7726 from jcorcuera/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-21","Use debugger gem if we are not Travis and Ruby < 2.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-21","Add debugger to mri:test section of the Gemfile","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-21","start could be a string","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-21","Revert "Fix find_in_batches with customized primary_key"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-21","Raise the same exception the code is handling","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7721 from frodsan/ar_changelog_impro...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-20","Freeze columns only once per Result","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-20","Freeze columns just before using them as hash keys","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7702 from guilleiguaran/remove-manif...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7692 from frodsan/strong_params_docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-14","Move queue classes to ActiveSupport","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-11","Action Mailer async flag is true by default using a Sync...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-09-07","Merge pull request #7552 from guilleiguaran/dalli-sessio...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-27","Merge pull request #7451 from frodsan/fix_dep_ag","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-24","Merge pull request #7438 from arunagw/3-2-stable-edge-ra...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-18","Merge pull request #6903 from guilleiguaran/dalli-memcac...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-10","Merge pull request #7321 from bogdan/refactor_routes_set","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-10","Add 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN' and 'X-XSS-Protect...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Merge pull request #7310 from amerine/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Merge pull request #7309 from amerine/3-2-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Merge pull request #7308 from amerine/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Do not mark strip_tags result as html_safe","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Merge branch '3-2-8' into 3-2-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Bump to 3.2.8","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Add release date to CHANGELOGs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Bump to 3.1.8","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Add CHANGELOG entries","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Bump to 3.0.17","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Add CHANGELOG entries","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Do not mark strip_tags result as html_safe","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Do not mark strip_tags result as html_safe","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","Do not mark strip_tags result as html_safe","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","escape select_tag :prompt values","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","escape select_tag :prompt values","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-09","escape select_tag :prompt values","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-08","html_escape should escape single quotes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-07","Merge pull request #7033 from kron4eg/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-07","html_escape should escape single quotes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-04","Merge pull request #7262 from bogdan/refator_route_set","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-03","Bump to 3.2.8.rc2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-03","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-03","Add test select_tag escapes prompt","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-03","Use content_tag here instead of manually building HTML","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-03","Don't eager load all this","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-02","html_escape should escape single quotes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-02","html_escape should escape single quotes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-01","This entry is wrong","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-01","Bump to 3.2.8.rc1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-01","Add missing CHANGELOG entries","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-08-01","html_escape should escape single quotes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-07-24","Merge pull request #7143 from accessd/fix-typo-callbacks...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-07-23","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-07-23","Remove ActionDispatch::Head middleware in favor of Rack:...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-07-04","Merge pull request #6961 from frodsan/fix_release_note","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-29","Merge pull request #6905 from kennyj/add_changelog_entry...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-28","Bump minitest to 3.2.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-20","Bump minitest to 3.1.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-17","Merge pull request #6760 from kennyj/bump_20120617","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-17","Merge pull request #6759 from dylanahsmith/only-catch-st...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-15","Use status, content_type, body method signature for rend...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-14","Add docs about how to remove some middleware","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-13","Fix build","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-13","Merge pull request #6721 from homakov/patch-2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-13","ActionController::Caching depends on RackDelegation and ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-13","ActionController::Caching depends on RackDelegation and ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-12","content_type is already a Mime::Type object","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-12","This consider_all_requests_local doesn't make sense","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-11","Return proper format on exceptions","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-09","Remove conditional committed by accident","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-06-09","Use each_with_object instead of each here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-22","Fix the build","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-22","require active_support/lazy_load_hooks where is needed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-14","Use merge! instead reverse_merge! here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-13","Remove blockless_step leave all that up to Ruby","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6300 from guilleiguaran/upgrade-spro...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6299 from guilleiguaran/upgrade-spro...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-13","Remove remaining require 'rubygems'","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6303 from korny/remove-require-rubygems","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-12","Move AS set configs to AS Raitie","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6271 from homakov/patch-5","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-12","Remove wrong rack/utils dependency from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-11","Add test directory to TestTask's libs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-11","Remove useless load path modifications","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-11","Lazy load I18n","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-11","Move require to where it's needed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-11","Remove ruby/shim","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-11","Merge pull request #6263 from arunagw/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-11","Merge pull request #6262 from arunagw/ruby_prof_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-09","Merge pull request #6149 from jmbejar/javascript_include...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-08","Merge pull request #6200 from arunagw/3-2-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-03","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6131 from schneems/schneems/routes_b...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6109 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #4345 from sunaku/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6072 from marcandre/observer_simplif...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6036 from carlosantoniodasilva/route...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-28","Merge pull request #6026 from sikachu/master-fix_warning","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-23","Merge pull request #5946 from sikachu/3-2-stable-fix-mer...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-18","Add hook for add_resource_route","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-18","Remove unused generator options. This was added for the ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-18","Add hook for add_resource_route","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-18","Merge pull request #5889 from juanazam/juan-master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-17","Merge pull request #5882 from vijaydev/fix_generated_att...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-17","Fix test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-14","Merge pull request #5842 from oscardelben/refactoring_no...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-12","Merge pull request #5746 from jmbejar/index_method_form_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-09","Merge pull request #5788 from Ask11/rails_new_help","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-09","Merge pull request #5787 from frankieroberto/itemscope-p...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-09","Merge pull request #5784 from rafaelfranca/default_url-3-2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-09","Merge pull request #5783 from rafaelfranca/default_url_o...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-09","Revert "Merge pull request #5750 from ahoward/master"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-09","Inline the symbolize_keys/stringify_keys methods","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-09","Remove Fixnum#to_sym support in 1.8.7","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-04","Merge pull request #5737 from rafaelfranca/3-2-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-04","Merge pull request #5716 from jurriaan/tr-gsub-cleanup","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-04","Merge pull request #5188 from jlxw/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-04","Merge pull request #5188 from jlxw/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-04","Merge pull request #5733 from oscardelben/patch-5","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-04-01","Merge pull request #5694 from hardipe/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-31","Remove not needed requires","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-31","Merge pull request #5683 from arunagw/buffered_logger_test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-31","Merge pull request #5674 from avakhov/ac-exception-remov...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-30","Merge branch '3-2-3' into 3-2-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-30","Bump up to 3.2.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-30","Remove the leading \n added by textarea on assert_select","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-30","Remove the leading \n added by textarea on assert_select","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-30","Remove the leading \n added by textarea on assert_select","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5658 from yahonda/address_ora_00918_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5655 from yahonda/address_ora_00918_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-29","Bumping to 3.2.3.rc2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-29","Add missing CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-29","Add missing CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5359 from avakhov/missed-commits-fro...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5644 from andhapp/fix-config-asset-m...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5643 from rafaelfranca/remove-duplic...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Set proper rendered_format when doing render :inline","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Set proper rendered_format when doing render :inline","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Set proper rendered_format when doing render :inline","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5640 from yahonda/address_ora_00918_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5630 from andhapp/fix-config-asset-m...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5633 from drogus/embed-auth-token-in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5633 from drogus/embed-auth-token-in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5616 from cbartlett/migration-indent","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5616 from cbartlett/migration-indent","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5619 from jcoleman/textarea-newline-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5619 from jcoleman/textarea-newline-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5620 from jcoleman/textarea-newline-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-27","Bumping to 3.2.3.rc1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5499 from arunagw/remove_unused_code","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-17","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-17","Remove unused require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5468 from sandeepravi/warning_fixes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Add API apps CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Do not generate app/views and sprockets entries on http app","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Generate special controller and functional test template...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Rename http-only app generator option to http","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Move http only option to AppGenerator","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Add test to ensure setting config.generators.http_only a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Allow generator configs from http_only! to be overriden ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Remove duplicated tests from shared generator","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Refactor http_only, remove reader method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Disable template, helper and assets options when using h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Create generators http_only! setup and hide some common ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Generate middleware http_only! config when running http ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Add http-only option to Rails app generator","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-14","Add ActionController::HTTP","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5407 from homakov/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-12","Remove unused method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-10","@controller already includes url_helpers in with_routing...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-10","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-10","Fix broken tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-10","AbstractController.action_methods should return a Set","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-10","Merge pull request #5367 from carlosantoniodasilva/middl...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-10","Change api_only to http_only","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-10","Add some docs for MiddlewareStackProxy methods and api_o...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-07","Merge pull request #5322 from arunagw/test_fix_1.8.7-3-1...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-07","Merge pull request #5319 from arunagw/fix_test_ree","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-07","Merge pull request #5320 from carlosantoniodasilva/test-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-06","Deprecate ActionController::SessionManagement","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-06","Remove unused ActionController::SessionManagement","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-06","Avoid ImplicitRender just call render directly","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-05","Add config.middleware.api_only!","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-05","Fix typo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-03","Merge pull request #5260 from castlerock/remove_ordered_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-03","Turn off verbose mode of rack-cache, we still have X-Rac...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-03","Turn off verbose mode of rack-cache, we still have X-Rac...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-03-02","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5171 from arunagw/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5170 from arunagw/3-2-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-23","Merge pull request #5140 from fbuenemann/fix/autoflush-w...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-22","Fix CHANGELOG","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-22","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-22","format lookup for partials is derived from the format in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-22","format lookup for partials is derived from the format in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5118 from castlerock/ordered_options...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-21","Don't wrap the raise with ensure","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-21","Don't wrap the raise with ensure","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-21","Restore lookup formats to the previous value after searc...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-21","Restore lookup formats to the previous value after searc...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-21","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5112 from nupurjain/activesupport_ca...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5106 from kennyj/fix_warnings_20120210","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-20","Fix a failing test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-20","Fix a failing test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-20","Use the right format when a partial is missing.","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-20","Use the right format when a partial is missing.","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-17","Merge pull request #5072 from arunagw/fix_failing_test_r...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-17","Merge pull request #5071 from arunagw/fix_failing_test_r...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-14","Rack body respond to each and not to join","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-14","Rack body respond to each and not to join","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #5026 from castlerock/remove_require_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-11","Merge pull request #5003 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120211","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-09","Merge pull request #4963 from ram123naresh/update_rails_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-08","Merge pull request #4934 from rafaelfranca/fix-doc","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-05","Merge pull request #4891 from kennyj/fix_4883","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-05","Merge pull request #4890 from kennyj/improvement_4883","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4815 from kennyj/fix_4749","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4814 from guilleiguaran/remove-ruby-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4811 from rafaelfranca/3-2-stable-fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4788 from arunagw/warning_remove_sha...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-30","Merge pull request #4765 from vijaydev/fix_4764","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-30","Merge pull request #4753 from rahul100885/rahul100885_work","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-29","Merge pull request #4744 from ndbroadbent/replace_for_lo...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-29","Merge pull request #4739 from nashby/refactor-date-helper","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-29","Merge pull request #4741 from pacoguzman/initialize_vari...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-28","Merge pull request #4731 from ndbroadbent/revert_build_o...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-28","Merge pull request #4730 from carlosantoniodasilva/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-13","Use a BodyProxy instead of including a Module that respo...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-13","Use a BodyProxy instead of including a Module that respo...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4448 from lest/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4432 from lest/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4418 from tomstuart/read-and-write-a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-12","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-12","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-12","html_escape already handles nil","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-12","on and ON are type casted to a true boolean column","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-12","on and ON are type casted to a true boolean column","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-11","Tiny refactor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-11","Merge pull request #4412 from kennyj/fix_3743","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-11","Merge pull request #4412 from kennyj/fix_3743","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-11","Merge pull request #4412 from kennyj/fix_3743","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-11","Merge pull request #4408 from tomstuart/read-and-write-a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-11","Merge pull request #4408 from tomstuart/read-and-write-a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-11","Merge pull request #4404 from rizwanreza/edits-to-spasto...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-11","Merge pull request #4404 from rizwanreza/edits-to-spasto...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-10","Add "What to update in your apps" section to the release...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-10","Add "What to update in your apps" section to the release...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-10","Remove dead code","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-10","Remove dead code","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-10","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-10","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-10","Rails initialization with initialize_on_precompile = fal...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-10","Rails initialization with initialize_on_precompile = fal...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4358 from castlerock/remove_plus_min...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4359 from Karunakar/logger","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4356 from Karunakar/logger","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-06","Do not stub id here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-06","Revert "Revert "More 1.9 way""","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-05","More 1.9 way","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-05","Use 1.9 way","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4303 from Karunakar/logger","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-05","Depend on coffee-rails 3.2.1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4320 from castlerock/include_only_mi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4319 from castlerock/parse_only_mini...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-05","Revert "active record base class test case should not be...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-04","Bump to rc2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-04","Remove more references to postgres on the release notes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-04","Postgres is on travis right now, don't need an special m...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-04","Use sass-rails 3.2.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-04","Revert "use pg 0.11.0 under ruby 1.8.7"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4289 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4281 from lest/3-2-changelog","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Pass extensions to javascript_path and stylesheet_path h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Pass extensions to javascript_path and stylesheet_path h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Pass extensions to javascript_path and stylesheet_path h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Add font_path helper method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Add font_path helper method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4278 from kennyj/fix_rdoc_generating...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4278 from kennyj/fix_rdoc_generating...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Rails::Plugin has gone","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2012-01-03","Deprecate Rails::Plugin in favor of gems","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-31","Merge pull request #4242 from castlerock/remove_conditio...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-28","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-28","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-28","Bump to rack 1.4.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-28","Bump to rack 1.4.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-27","Merge pull request #4201 from arunagw/no_worry_about_1.9.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-27","Merge pull request #4198 from castlerock/remove_GC_check...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-26","Merge pull request #4195 from castlerock/remove_19_condi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-26","Merge pull request #4150 from Karunakar/new_PR","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-22","Use sass-rails >= 3.2.2 for new apps","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4074 from arunagw/doc_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4073 from arunagw/doc_rake_fix_master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4069 from arunagw/issue_4067","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4031 from arunagw/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-19","Merge pull request #4025 from arunagw/travis_sync","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-17","Sync .travis.yml with master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-17","Add campfire notifications for travis","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-17","Add campfire notifications for travis","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-12","Merge pull request #3948 from sferik/use_https_rubygems_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-07","Merge pull request #3894 from kelyar/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-06","Sync AP CHANGELOG with 3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-06","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-06","Merge pull request #3428 from adrianpike/asset_path_conf...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-12-06","Merge pull request #3428 from adrianpike/asset_path_conf...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-11-27","Merge pull request #3773 from rahul100885/rahul100885_work","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-11-19","Merge pull request #3668 from gregolsen/api_docstring_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-11-12","Allow to use ruby-debug in 1.9.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-11-01","Merge pull request #1796 from jdeseno/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-30","Merge pull request #3469 from kennyj/dont_use_old_code","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-30","Merge pull request #3464 from kennyj/avoid_to_call_twice","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-30","Merge pull request #3463 from kennyj/fix_document_for_cache","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-30","Merge pull request #3463 from kennyj/fix_document_for_cache","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-26","Merge pull request #3435 from MDaubs/action_pack_depreca...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-18","Use again Rack's ContentLength middleware","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-18","Use again Rack's ContentLength middleware part 2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-18","Use again Rack's ContentLength middleware","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-13","Merge pull request #3314 from macmartine/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-13","Merge pull request #2224 from kommen/fix_fragment_cachin...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-13","Merge pull request #2219 from kommen/fix_fragment_cachin...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-09","Add 3.1.1 release date","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-09","Merge pull request #3270 from kennyj/fix_invalid_regex","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-09","Merge pull request #3266 from arunagw/warnings_removed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-08","Revert "Merge pull request #3255 from arunagw/app_gitign...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-08","Revert "Merge pull request #3254 from arunagw/app_gitign...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-08","Merge pull request #3255 from arunagw/app_gitignore_sqln...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-08","Merge pull request #3254 from arunagw/app_gitignore_sqln...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-07","Merge pull request #3243 from mjtko/connection-pool-thre...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-07","Bumping to 3.1.1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-07","Merge pull request #3243 from mjtko/connection-pool-thre...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-06","Bumping to 3.1.1.rc3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-05","Add missing CHANGELOG entried","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-05","stylesheet_link_tag('/stylesheets/application') and simi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-05","stylesheet_link_tag('/stylesheets/application') and simi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-04","Bump sprockets to 2.0.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-04","Bump sprockets to 2.0.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-04","Merge pull request #3212 from ayrton/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #3200 from docwhat/spelling-booboo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-02","Precompile properly refers files referenced with asset_p...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-02","capture was commented out","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-02","Precompile properly refers files referenced with asset_p...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-10-02","capture was commented out","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-29","Bumping to 3.1.1.rc2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-29","Add CHANGELOG entries","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-29","Add CHANGELOG entries","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-29","Fix tests in 1.8.7","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-28","javascript_path and stylesheet_path should honor the ass...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-28","javascript_path and stylesheet_path should honor the ass...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-28","Merge pull request #3156 from ihower/enhance_button_to_h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-28","Merge pull request #3156 from ihower/enhance_button_to_h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-28","Merge pull request #3150 from avakhov/patch-html-sanitiz...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-28","Merge pull request #3150 from avakhov/patch-html-sanitiz...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Merge pull request #3138 from christos/correct_image_pat...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Merge pull request #3138 from christos/correct_image_pat...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Merge pull request #3136 from guilleiguaran/clear-digest...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Merge pull request #3136 from guilleiguaran/clear-digest...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Copy assets to nondigested filenames too","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Copy assets to nondigested filenames too","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Just assert_equal here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Just assert_equal here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Merge pull request #3135 from christos/respect_assets_di...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","Merge pull request #3135 from christos/respect_assets_di...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","image_tag should use /assets if asset pipelining is turn...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-26","image_tag should use /assets if asset pipelining is turn...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-24","Merge pull request #3123 from avakhov/patch-5-remove-sup...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-24","Merge pull request #3123 from avakhov/patch-5-remove-sup...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-24","Merge pull request #3121 from cablegram/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-24","Merge pull request #3121 from cablegram/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-24","Revert "Make process reuse the env var passed as argument"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-24","Revert "Make process reuse the env var passed as argument"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-23","Merge pull request #3115 from guilleiguaran/refactor-rai...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-23","Merge pull request #3115 from guilleiguaran/refactor-rai...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-23","Merge pull request #3092 from asee/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-23","Merge pull request #3092 from asee/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-22","No need to create a range object","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-22","No need to create a range object","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3096 from phuibonhoa/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3096 from phuibonhoa/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3027 from alex3/assets-precompile-re...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3027 from alex3/assets-precompile-re...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3081 from guilleiguaran/move-precomp...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3081 from guilleiguaran/move-precomp...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-21","Add jquery-rails to Gemfile of plugins, test/dummy app u...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-21","Add jquery-rails to Gemfile of plugins, test/dummy app u...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-21","Merge pull request #3065 from brainopia/fix_to_param_test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-21","Merge pull request #3065 from brainopia/fix_to_param_test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-19","Merge pull request #3060 from arunagw/query_cache_test_3...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-19","Merge pull request #3064 from arunagw/jruby_test_fix_que...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-18","Merge pull request #3049 from brainopia/fix_to_query_edg...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-18","Merge pull request #3049 from brainopia/fix_to_query_edg...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-18","Merge pull request #3057 from arunagw/arjdbc_bump_master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-18","Merge pull request #3056 from arunagw/arjdbc_bump","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-18","Merge pull request #3058 from arunagw/jruby_query_cache_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-17","Proper lines numbers for stack trace info","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-17","Proper lines numbers for stack trace info","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Bumping up to 3.1.1.rc1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Add some CHANGELOG missing stuff","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Allow asset tag helper methods to accept :digest => fals...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Allow asset tag helper methods to accept :digest => fals...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Merge pull request #3012 from guilleiguaran/3-1-1-change...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Merge pull request #3012 from guilleiguaran/3-1-1-change...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Revert "Provide a way to access to assets without using ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Revert "Provide a way to access to assets without using ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-14","Merge pull request #2964 from msgehard/silence_warnings","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #3011 from guilleiguaran/disable-spro...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #3011 from guilleiguaran/disable-spro...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Provide a way to access to assets without using the dige...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Provide a way to access to assets without using the dige...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Fix asset_path relative_url_root method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Fix asset_path relative_url_root method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #3001 from guilleiguaran/fix-assets-p...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #3001 from guilleiguaran/fix-assets-p...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #3000 from guilleiguaran/fix-relative...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #3000 from guilleiguaran/fix-relative...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #2997 from guilleiguaran/move-assets-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #2996 from guilleiguaran/move-assets-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","always rewrite_relative_url_root","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","always rewrite_relative_url_root","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #2977 from guilleiguaran/fix-relative...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #2993 from deepakprasanna/generator_t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #2977 from guilleiguaran/fix-relative...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #2987 from kennyj/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #2987 from kennyj/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2988 from guilleiguaran/remove-extra...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2988 from guilleiguaran/remove-extra...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2985 from kennyj/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2985 from kennyj/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2936 from joelmoss/migration_status","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2936 from joelmoss/migration_status","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-11","Merge pull request #2969 from arunagw/warnings_removed_3...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-11","Merge pull request #2974 from md5/csrf_token_warning","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2970 from deepakprasanna/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2970 from deepakprasanna/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2967 from arunagw/add_missing_assert","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2957 from waseem/migration_status_tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2957 from waseem/migration_status_tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2876 from alex3/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2876 from alex3/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2966 from arunagw/no_use_warnings_re...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2921 from akaspick/exists_fix_3_1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2904 from guilleiguaran/refactor-ass...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2904 from guilleiguaran/refactor-ass...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-06","Merge pull request #2577 from rails-noob/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-06","Merge pull request #2577 from rails-noob/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-06","Merge pull request #2889 from guilleiguaran/perform-cach...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-06","Merge pull request #2889 from guilleiguaran/perform-cach...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Bump uglifier up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Bump uglifier up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2870 from arunagw/uglifier_bump","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2870 from arunagw/uglifier_bump","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2877 from dmathieu/fix_tests_pg_18","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2877 from dmathieu/fix_tests_pg_18","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2874 from sikachu/3-1-stable-extract...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2873 from guilleiguaran/remove-unuse...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2873 from guilleiguaran/remove-unuse...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2872 from sikachu/content_tag_html_safe","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2815 from avakhov/current-page-non-g...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2799 from tomstuart/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2799 from tomstuart/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Remove empty test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2863 from raybaxter/silence_unitiali...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2861 from guilleiguaran/assets-fix-c...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2861 from guilleiguaran/assets-fix-c...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2860 from guilleiguaran/fix-assets-b...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2860 from guilleiguaran/fix-assets-b...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","* is not allowed in windows file names. Closes #2574 #2847","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","* is not allowed in windows file names. Closes #2574 #2847","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","* is not allowed in windows file names. Closes #2574 #2847","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","Remove useless parens","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","Remove useless parens","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2844 from arunagw/warnings_removed_m...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2843 from arunagw/warnings_removed_f...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2835 from guilleiguaran/actionpack-c...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2835 from guilleiguaran/actionpack-c...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2780 from guilleiguaran/assets-pipel...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2780 from guilleiguaran/assets-pipel...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-31","Bump sprockets up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-31","Bump sprockets up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-31","Bump sprockets up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-31","Depend on sass-rails and coffee-rails 3.1.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-31","Depend on sass-rails and coffee-rails 3.1.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-30","Revert "Merge pull request #2647 from dmathieu/no_rescue"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-30","Revert "Merge pull request #2647 from dmathieu/no_rescue"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-30","Revert "Merge pull request #2647 from dmathieu/no_rescue"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-29","bumping to 3.1.0.rc8","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-29","Merge pull request #2724 from guilleiguaran/avoid-recurs...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-29","Merge pull request #2724 from guilleiguaran/avoid-recurs...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-28","bumping to 3.1.0.rc7","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-28","Merge pull request #2723 from guilleiguaran/3-1-0-change...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-28","Merge pull request #2723 from guilleiguaran/3-1-0-change...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-28","Merge pull request #2723 from guilleiguaran/3-1-0-change...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-28","Bump rack-cache, rack-test, rack-mount and sprockets up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-28","Bump rack-cache, rack-test, rack-mount and sprockets up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-28","Bump rack-cache, rack-test, rack-mount and sprockets up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-28","assert_no_match","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-27","Merge pull request #2714 from vijaydev/docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-26","Merge pull request #2702 from arunagw/removed_unused_var","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-26","Merge pull request #2701 from guilleiguaran/fix-asset-te...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2696 from guilleiguaran/string-keys-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2696 from guilleiguaran/string-keys-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2694 from bogdan/internal_validation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-25","Tiny refactor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2491 from waynn/fix_symbol","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2677 from guilleiguaran/refactor-spr...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2677 from guilleiguaran/refactor-spr...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Revert "Simplify JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2644 from guilleiguaran/allow-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2644 from guilleiguaran/allow-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2644 from guilleiguaran/allow-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2668 from guilleiguaran/debug-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2668 from guilleiguaran/debug-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2668 from guilleiguaran/debug-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2390 from arunagw/test_for_environme...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2390 from arunagw/test_for_environme...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2390 from arunagw/test_for_environme...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2647 from dmathieu/no_rescue","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2647 from dmathieu/no_rescue","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2647 from dmathieu/no_rescue","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2669 from BMorearty/remove-extra-word","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2411 from ai/debug_assets_by_config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2411 from ai/debug_assets_by_config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2411 from ai/debug_assets_by_config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2524 from JonathonMA/fix_ecd37084b28...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2216 from martinisoft/remove_generat...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2524 from JonathonMA/fix_ecd37084b28...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2524 from JonathonMA/fix_ecd37084b28...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2524 from JonathonMA/fix_ecd37084b28...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2631 from dasch/refactor-sprockets","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2620 from cesario/3-1-0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2620 from cesario/3-1-0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2620 from cesario/3-1-0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2609 from guilleiguaran/bump-sprocke...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2609 from guilleiguaran/bump-sprocke...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2609 from guilleiguaran/bump-sprocke...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2615 from cesario/cherry_picks_on_rc6","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2615 from cesario/cherry_picks_on_rc6","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2596 from dharmatech/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2595 from smartinez87/assets-guide","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2597 from dharmatech/patch-2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2596 from dharmatech/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2595 from smartinez87/assets-guide","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2597 from dharmatech/patch-2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2596 from dharmatech/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2595 from smartinez87/assets-guide","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2597 from dharmatech/patch-2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2604 from vijaydev/params_wrapper_docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2604 from vijaydev/params_wrapper_docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2604 from vijaydev/params_wrapper_docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2603 from vijaydev/guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2603 from vijaydev/guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2603 from vijaydev/guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-19","Merge pull request #2581 from guilleiguaran/debug-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-19","Merge pull request #2581 from guilleiguaran/debug-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-19","Merge pull request #2581 from guilleiguaran/debug-assets...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-16","Revert "Merge pull request #2543 from htanata/unused_req...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-16","Merge pull request #2543 from htanata/unused_require_in_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-15","Fix typo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-15","rake assets:precompile executes in production environmen...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-15","rake assets:precompile executes in production environmen...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-15","Merge pull request #2536 from arunagw/unused_var","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-14","Merge pull request #2522 from arunagw/railties_test_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Add git push and git push --tags to RELEASING_RAILS.rdoc","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Fix a bit precompile and lazy compile comments","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Don't require assets group in production by default, you...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","This dep is already defined in activerecord.gemspec","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Merge pull request #2324 from zenapsis/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Tidy up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Tidy up a bit plugin new gemspec","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Remove blank line","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Remove cruise files","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","use_sprockets is not used anymore","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Bump sprockets up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Check that Rack::Sendfile is not included unless config....","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Bump rack up. Closes #2107","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Remove unused use_sprockets config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Don't use Rack::Sendfile middleware if x_sendfile_header...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Merge pull request #2518 from myronmarston/fix_active_re...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-13","Merge pull request #2512 from arunagw/cant_dup_on_nil_3-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-11","Merge pull request #2497 from akaspick/url_for_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-11","Merge pull request #2497 from akaspick/url_for_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-11","Merge pull request #2494 from grzuy/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-11","Merge pull request #2489 from grzuy/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-11","Merge pull request #2489 from grzuy/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-09","rake assets:precompile defaults to production env","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-09","rake assets:precompile defaults to production env","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-08","Initialize config.assets.version the same way it's done ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-08","Initialize config.assets.version the same way it's done ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-07","Merge pull request #2455 from vijaydev/patch-7","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-07","Merge pull request #2455 from vijaydev/patch-7","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-07","x_sendfile_header now defaults to nil and production.rb ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-07","x_sendfile_header now defaults to nil and production.rb ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-06","Merge pull request #2450 from guilleiguaran/activesuppor...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-06","Merge pull request #2450 from guilleiguaran/activesuppor...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-06","Merge pull request #2450 from guilleiguaran/activesuppor...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-06","Merge pull request #2444 from elight/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-06","Use rake >= 0.9.3.beta.1 in Ruby 1.9.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-06","Use rake >= 0.9.3.beta.1 in Ruby 1.9.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-06","Avoid generating app/views/layouts/application.html.erb ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-06","Avoid generating app/views/layouts/application.html.erb ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-05","Revert "to_key on a destroyed model should return nil". ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-05","Revert "to_key on a destroyed model should return nil". ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-05","Fix test for Rubinius","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-05","Fix test for Rubinius","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-04","Add git push and git push --tags to RELEASING_RAILS.rdoc","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-04","Merge pull request #2421 from pivotal-casebook/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-04","Merge pull request #2356 from waynn/fix_symbol","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-04","Fix a bit precompile and lazy compile comments","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-04","Fix a bit precompile and lazy compile comments","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-03","Merge pull request #2413 from artemk/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-03","Don't require assets group in production by default, you...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-03","Don't require assets group in production by default, you...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-03","This dep is already defined in activerecord.gemspec","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-03","This dep is already defined in activerecord.gemspec","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-01","Merge pull request #2324 from zenapsis/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-01","Merge pull request #2324 from zenapsis/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-01","Merge pull request #2393 from bdurand/fix_cache_read_multi","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-01","Merge pull request #2393 from bdurand/fix_cache_read_multi","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-01","Merge pull request #2393 from bdurand/fix_cache_read_multi","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-08-01","Merge pull request #2389 from dmitriy-kiriyenko/remove_u...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2382 from vijaydev/rakeaboutfix3.1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2381 from vijaydev/rakeaboutfix3.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2379 from arunagw/extra_require_removal","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2377 from castlerock/remove_require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2374 from arunagw/30_schema_dumper_t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2370 from castlerock/remove_duplicat...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-30","Merge pull request #2345 from castlerock/plugin_new_gene...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-30","Merge pull request #2354 from waynn/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-29","Merge pull request #2342 from bcardarella/remove_control...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Tidy up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Generated apps with --dev or --edge flags depend on git ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2326 from castlerock/plugin_generato...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2326 from castlerock/plugin_generato...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Tidy up a bit plugin new gemspec","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2295 from dgeb/mo-better-plugins","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Tidy up a bit plugin new gemspec","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2295 from dgeb/mo-better-plugins","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2320 from amatsuda/callback_deprecat...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2319 from thedarkone/errors-include-3-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-27","Merge pull request #2305 from thedarkone/errors-include","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2279 from jdelStrother/load_missing_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2279 from jdelStrother/load_missing_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Remove blank line","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2273 from thoefer/refactor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Remove cruise files","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Remove cruise files","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Remove cruise files","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2289 from joshk/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2288 from joshk/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2285 from castlerock/remove_warnings...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2284 from joshk/patch-6","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2281 from castlerock/remove_warnings...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2278 from dmathieu/fix_actionpack_3-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2272 from cesario/fix_relations_test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","use_sprockets is not used anymore","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Bump sprockets up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Check that Rack::Sendfile is not included unless config....","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Check that Rack::Sendfile is not included unless config....","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Bump rack up. Closes #2107","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-26","Bump rack up. Closes #2107","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Remove unused use_sprockets config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Remove unused use_sprockets config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Don't use Rack::Sendfile middleware if x_sendfile_header...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Don't use Rack::Sendfile middleware if x_sendfile_header...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2260 from davidtrogers/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2245 from davidtrogers/constraints_b...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2257 from thedarkone/udpate-all-orde...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2236 from cldwalker/after_initialize","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2249 from arunagw/rake_template_path...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #1186 from mitijain123/duplicable_test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2239 from castlerock/scaffold_jquery","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2080 from lhahne/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2235 from arunagw/location_var_fix_c...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Revert "Merge pull request #2194 from cldwalker/after_in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2194 from cldwalker/after_initialize","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Remove unused gems from Gemfile","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Remove jquery-rails from Gemfile","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2221 from grzuy/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2219 from kommen/fix_fragment_cachin...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2213 from grzuy/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2198 from Karunakar/fixing_2168","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2205 from arunagw/test_un_3_0_stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2172 from arunagw/database-rake-1.9....","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2171 from arunagw/database-rake-1.9.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2204 from castlerock/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2203 from arunagw/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2193 from zhengjia/remove_ruby_prof_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2196 from arunagw/issue_713","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2195 from castlerock/command_line_in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-22","Merge pull request #2186 from loz/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-22","Merge pull request #2183 from castlerock/3-0-stable-dupl...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-20","Merge pull request #2159 from ogeidix/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2156 from vijaydev/changelogs31","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2155 from vijaydev/changelogs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2154 from vijaydev/better_map","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2147 from norman/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2148 from norman/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2140 from mcmire/issue_2078_3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2139 from mcmire/issue_2078_master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2135 from jstorimer/ensure-status-co...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2134 from jstorimer/ensure-status-co...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2116 from guilleiguaran/fix-environm...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2124 from arunagw/render_partial_inv...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-17","Merge pull request #2048 from sikachu/3-1-stable-test_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-17","Merge pull request #2047 from sikachu/3-0-stable-test_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-17","Merge pull request #2046 from sikachu/master-test_fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-17","Merge pull request #2018 from bhus/render_partial_invali...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-17","Merge pull request #2118 from arunagw/fix_plugin_gen_test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-16","Merge pull request #2082 from htanata/rake_routes_format...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-16","Merge pull request #2064 from elight/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-16","Merge pull request #2108 from loz/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-16","Merge pull request #2103 from loz/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-16","Merge pull request #2065 from elight/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-16","Fix the output a bit","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-16","Fix the output a bit","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-15","Merge pull request #2092 from loz/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-15","Merge pull request #2090 from htanata/fix_wildcard_route...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-14","Merge pull request #2073 from bfolkens/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-14","Fix indentation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-14","Merge pull request #2071 from bfolkens/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-14","Merge pull request #2063 from elight/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-14","Merge pull request #1807 from caius/find_in_batches_id_bug","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-14","Bump rack up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-14","Bump rack up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-12","Merge pull request #2042 from SAP-Oxygen/master-sqlbypas...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-12","Merge pull request #2041 from SAP-Oxygen/master-session-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-12","Merge pull request #2040 from SAP-Oxygen/3-1-stable-sqlb...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-12","Merge pull request #2039 from SAP-Oxygen/3-1-stable-sess...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #1929 from sobrinho/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #1823 from gnarg/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-09","to_key on a destroyed model should return nil","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-09","to_key on a destroyed model should return nil","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-09","Merge pull request #2022 from amatsuda/having_vargs_nome...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-09","Merge pull request #2007 from amatsuda/having_vargs_nome...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-09","config should always be an AS::InheritableOptions object...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-09","config should always be an AS::InheritableOptions object...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-08","Merge pull request #2010 from hasclass/cache_false_values","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-08","Merge pull request #2011 from amatsuda/with_index","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #2002 from knapo/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #2004 from knapo/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #2001 from tobsch/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #1767 from jwarwick/rake_notes_dirs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #1997 from knapo/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #1120 from lysenko/collection_singula...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #1990 from simonbaird/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #1989 from simonbaird/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1273 from jeremyf/feature-associatio...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1463 from psanford/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1494 from anildigital/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1789 from grantneufeld/schema_column...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1904 from oriolgual/1571_fix_for_3_1...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1837 from msgehard/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1926 from tobsch/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1952 from simonbaird/3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1982 from spohlenz/backport-1778","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1894 from arunagw/fix_test_for_jruby...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1895 from arunagw/fix_test_for_jruby...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-05","Merge pull request #1968 from bogdan/associations_find_a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1942 from dmathieu/url_for","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-07-02","Merge pull request #1940 from dmathieu/missing_location","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Depend on edge version of sass-rails","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Depend on edge version of coffee-rails","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Master version is 3.2.0.beta","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Bump up rack-cache and tzinfo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Bump up rack-cache and tzinfo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Allow CI to use the latest rubygems version","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Update CI config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Allow CI to use the latest rubygems version","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Update CI config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Allow CI to use the latest rubygems version","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Update CI config","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Merge pull request #1901 from arunagw/json_parse","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Move Coffee generators and templates to Coffee Railtie a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-30","Move Coffee generators and templates to Coffee Railtie a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1886 from arunagw/fix_test_for_jruby_db","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1885 from guilleiguaran/3-1-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-27","Merge pull request #1870 from chriseppstein/asset_urls_m...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-25","Merge pull request #1861 from dchelimsky/fixture_path","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-24","Merge pull request #1849 from raviolicode/postgresql-fix...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-24","Merge pull request #1848 from raviolicode/postgresql_ord...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-24","Merge pull request #1844 from jeroenj/cachesweeper-fix-3-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-23","Merge pull request #1840 from wildchild/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-23","Add CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-23","Merge pull request #1834 from jeroenj/cachesweeper-fix-3-0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-23","Minor refactor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-23","fixtures :all is already included in test_helper.rb","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-23","Merge pull request #1796 from jdeseno/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-22","Merge pull request #1798 from jeroenj/cachesweeper-fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-20","Call super here to allow SessionHash initialize new stuf...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-17","Bump mysql2 up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-17","Merge pull request #1751 from guilleiguaran/mysql-0-3-6","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-17","Merge pull request #1752 from brianmario/bump-mysql2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1738 from gazay/3-1-stable-change-no...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-16","Use html_safe","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1728 from vijaydev/doc-merge-fix","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-16","Bump mysql2 up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1724 from brianmario/lazy-mysql2-cas...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-15","Merge pull request #1719 from ryanb/fix_generated_engine...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-15","Merge pull request #1716 from ryanb/namespace_engine_ass...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-13","Merge pull request #1676 from neerajdotname/make_test_na...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-13","Merge pull request #1654 from ganeshkumar/test_cases","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-11","Revert "Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutatio...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-11","Revert "Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutatio...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-11","Revert "Make sure that we don't perform in-place mutatio...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-11","Merge pull request #1644 from smartinez87/warns","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-08","remove warning: assigned but unused variable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-06-08","ruby-prof doesn't work in 1.9.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-24","default_executable is deprecated since rubygems 1.7.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-24","Gem::Specification#has_rdoc= is deprecated since rubygem...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1241 from smartinez87/extra-space","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1187 from thedarkone/polymorphic-cla...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-19","Merge pull request #1153 from arunagw/sprockets_update","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1129 from amatsuda/pgsql_schema_quer...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-17","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-17","Run bundle install once when using plugin_new --full --m...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-12","Merge pull request #527 from joshk/deprecation_circular_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-12","Merge pull request #227 from farski/master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-12","Merge pull request #521 from seanmccann/patch-1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-12","Merge pull request #491 from arunagw/readme_changes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-11","Depend on master uglifier for now","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-11","Add missing requires","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #449 from msgehard/rename_duplicate_t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-05-04","Bump up rack-cache, tzinfo and thor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-30","Change from LH to github way of autoclosing issues","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-30","Update jquery-ujs and prototype-ujs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-30","Make update_ujs task update the right files","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-15","Prepare for the 3.0.7.rc2 release","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-14","Prepare for the 3.0.7.rc1 release","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-14","Add missing CHANGELOG entries","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-07","Cache flash now","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-07","Revert "Use freeze instead of close!"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-07","Revert "Eagerly load Signed and Permanent cookies"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-07","cookies here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-07","Eagerly load Signed and Permanent cookies","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-06","Use freeze instead of close!","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-06","Delete useless arguments","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-06","Delete useless env variable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-06","Add tests to verify that signed and permanent cookies ra...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-06","Make process reuse the env var passed as argument","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-06","raise if someone tries to modify the cookies when it was...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-06","Add ClosedError message to the initializer","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-05","raise if someone tries to modify the flash when it was a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-03","Add railties to the LOAD_PATH if running from a Rails ch...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-03","Bump up erubis to 2.7.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-03","Implicit actions named not_implemented can be rendered","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-02","Gem::Specification#has_rdoc= is deprecated since rubygem...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-04-02","default_executable is deprecated since rubygems 1.7.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-30","Bring back i18n_key to avoid regression","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-30","Bring back i18n_key to avoid regression","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-30","Bring back AMo#i18n_key method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-27","Make edge and dev options use edge mysql2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-22","use class_eval with a string when it's possible","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-22","Allow to read and write AR attributes with non valid ide...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-22","Do not in place modify what table_name returns","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-22","use class_eval with a string when it's possible","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-22","Allow to read and write AR attributes with non valid ide...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-22","Do not in place modify what table_name returns","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-18","Update CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-18","Sync attribute_methods.rb with master code, tests added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-18","define_attr_method should be able to define methods that...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-17","Add AMo CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-17","define_attr_method correctly defines methods with invali...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-17","Add a define_attr_method test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-17","Add test for define_attr_method using as name an invalid...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-17","Add test for define_attribute_method using as name an in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-16","Add number_to_human CHANGELOG entry","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-16","Refactor length validation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-12","Add CHANGELOG entry 'Fix length validation for fixnums'","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-12","Refactor length validation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-12","require 'thread' in order to use Mutex","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-09","Fix typo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-04","Fix CI","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-04","Make CI test with and without IM","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-02","Add some CHANGELOG entries for 3.0.6","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-03-02","Add missing versions to CHANGELOGs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-28","javascript_include_tag shouldn't raise if you register a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-28","javascript_include_tag shouldn't raise if you register a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-28","Add tests for register expansion methods with key = []","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-28","Add a test for passing :rescue_format => nil to #translate","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-27","Revert "Properly interpolate i18n keys in modules [#5572...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-27","failing test for i18n key collision with namespaced models","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-27","Revert "Properly interpolate i18n keys in modules [#5572...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-27","failing test for i18n key collision with namespaced models","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-27","Bump i18n version","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-13","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-13","Add Date#rfc3339 and Date#iso8601 to AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-13","Make gem "ruby-debug19" require ruby-debug","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-13","Make gem "ruby-debug19" require ruby-debug","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-12","Backport fix from master: fields_for with inline blocks ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-09","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-09","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-08","fields_for with inline blocks and nested attributes alre...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-07","Use map + flatten here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-05","Update jQuery UJS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-04","Remove stupid mistake","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-04","Remove stupid mistake","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-04","git am is better here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-04","git am is better here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-03","module_eval is not needed here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-03","method_defined?, define_method and send accepts a string...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-03","just < 1.9 is fine and 1.9.1 is not supported","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-02","Fix tests providing valid JSON","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-02","Delete blank lines in migration generator","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-01","add test to check class is being escaped in form_class","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-01","Update to jQuery 1.5","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-02-01","scope is always a Relation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-28","Bump mail version up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-28","Bump mail version up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-15","README.rdoc is a template","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-15","plugin new generator should generate config/routes.rb fi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-14","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-13","sorry, the CI cannot lie to us anymore (Part II)","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-13","sorry, the CI cannot lie to us anymore (Part II)","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-13","One more missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-13","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-13","button_tag should escape it content","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-12","Allow generators nested in more than one level","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-12","Allow generators nested in more than one level","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-12","Reuse the view_context from the controller, this make th...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-12","Reuse the view_context from the controller, this make th...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-12","Allow view in AV::TestCase to access it's controller hel...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-12","CI should run isolated tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-12","CI should run isolated tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-12","Allow view in AV::TestCase to access it's controller hel...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-11","html_safe.to_str makes no sense","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-09","Bump up bcrypt-ruby dependency to 2.1.4","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-09","Initialize these options as false if they are not given","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-09","Remove InstanceTagMethods module and define the methods ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-01","render :template is faster than render :file","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2011-01-01","This is not needed anymore","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-29","Do not use primary key on insertion when it's nil","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-28","Simplify inspect implementation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-28","Allow primary_key to be an attribute when the model is a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-26","Update JQuery UJS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-26","Update Prototype UJS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-24","Bump up rack-cache","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-22","Allow registering javascript/stylesheet_expansions to ex...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-22","This can make make included javascripts/stylesheets from...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-22","Avoid Bundler Resolver bug until they solve the issue","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-21","Avoid Bundler Resolver bug until they solve the issue","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-19","Remove require AS::Concern from places where is already in","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-19","Tests and docs which explain the use of validate with a ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-19","Remove weak_passwords list and the length/strong passwor...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-19","Fix indentation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-19","Use Concern in Rails::Railtie::Configurable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-19","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-16","Generate add_index by default when giving type belongs_t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-16","dragdrop was tested twice and effects.js was missing, ad...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-15","This is not an executable file","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-15","Tables style unification","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-15","Add named helper to photo controller example","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-15","Add underline to header","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-15","Add named helper output to translated paths example","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-11","This is not an executable file","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-11","Tables style unification","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-11","Add named helper to photo controller example","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-11","Add underline to header","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-11","Add named helper output to translated paths example","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-05","Test using default option as symbol added for human_attr...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-05","default could be a symbol here so attribute.to_s.humaniz...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-05","We can use the keys of the @attributes hash here and avo...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-05","use map instead of each","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-05","If default is provided don't add attribute.to_s.humanize...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-05","Test falling back to default added for human_attribute_name","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-05","Test using default option added for human_attribute_name","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-04","Allow back passing :rescue_format => nil and test added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-04","Use ||= here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-04","Fix indentation here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-04","attributes_before_type_cast are just the value of @attri...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-02",":method: is not needed when RDoc can detect it","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-02","Base#[] and Base#[]= are aliases so implement them as al...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-02","Doesn't need to sort, lets users of attribute_names sort...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-12-02","Don't compute this string again","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-28","Revert f1c13b0dd7b22b5f6289ca1a09f1d7a8c7c8584b","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-28","Fix another error in tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-28","Fix test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-25","implicit self here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-25","nil check unneeded ht. exviva","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-23","Update to Prototype 1.7","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-22","Remove unused constant","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-22","There's no need for ternary op here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-22","Remove unneeded metaprogramming and method generation in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-20","Fix indentation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-20","Avoid range object creation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-19","Fix indentation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-19","Don't merge just directly add to the action to the :part...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-19","Useless assignation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-19","Make ARes tests unescape [ and ]","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-19","Revert "Quick fix for not escaping []s (not ideal)"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-18","When use where more than once on the same column, relati...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-18","When use where more than once on the same column, relati...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-17","Fix stupid error","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-17","Bump builder to 3.0.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-17","Typo fixed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-16","Relax bundler dependency to allow the faster 1.1","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-16","Models should be equals even after destroyed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-16","Models should be equals even after destroyed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-15","Bring back ruby-debug19 for Ruby versions < 1.9.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-14","Add f.submit to forms just to show the most common use case","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-14","Merge branch 'spastorino-master'","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-14","This doesn't make sense here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-14","Add empty line between previous method and RDoc of submi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-14","Change deprecated syntax and use f.submit instead of sub...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-14","Remove unused var","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-14","Remove unused var","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-13","Tests added for rendering partial with layout, when the ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-13","Tests added for rendering partial with layout, when the ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-13","Make collection and collection_from_object methods retur...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-13","Make collection and collection_from_object methods retur...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-12","Update to JQuery 1.4.4","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-11","present? is better here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-11","Use ! instead of not","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-11","Use ! instead of not","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-11","Bump Arel up to 2.0.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-11","Bump Arel up to 2.0.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-11","Duck typing here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-11","Duck typing here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-10","Remove copy_instance_variables_from from guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-10","Remove unused method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-09","Double negation of an already boolean value produces the...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-09","Don't check if persisted is defined just initialize it p...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-09","Execute less operations","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-09","Double negation of an already boolean value produces the...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-09","Don't check if persisted is defined just initialize it p...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-09","Execute less operations","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-07","Test cache.key_file_path with separators ht. Jim Wilson ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-07","Test cache.key_file_path with separators ht. Jim Wilson ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-06","Move @assigns from the controller to the test itself","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-06","Fix problems trying to functional test AC::Metal control...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-05","Bring back ruby-debug19 for Ruby versions < 1.9.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-05","Avoid warning: shadowing outer local variable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-05","Fixes queries using limits and punctuation in order, rem...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-03","Just initialize options with an empty hash","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-02","Test that capture doesn't escape twice","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-02","Call as ERB::Util.html_escape since is not the module is...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-02","Test that capture doesn't escape twice","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-11-02","Call as ERB::Util.html_escape since is not the module is...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-21","Revert "Bump bundler up to 1.0.3"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-20","Remove this require since active_support/testing/default...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-19","Change mysql2 to the gem version again since 0.2.5 was r...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Call html_escape in ERB::Util module and don't mix it in...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Use mysql2 from git for a while","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Invoke html_escape on the proper receiver","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Merge CHANGELOGs from 3-0-stable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","compact is unneeded here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Merge 3.0.1 CHANGELOGs and prepare 3.0.2.pre","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Tidy up a bit this code","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Why strip only the extension, this can be done by the user","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","This or login doesn't make sense","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Use unless instead of if nil?","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-18","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-17","parse number only if options[:raise] is provided","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-17","number_to_phone always return safe","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-17","No need for parenthesis here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-16","Bump bundler up to 1.0.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-16","Bump bundler up to 1.0.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-16","extract formats_regexp as a method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-16","There's no need now to expose lookup_context as an exter...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-16","Delegate freeze_formats to lookup_context","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-16","JQuery updated to 1.4.3","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-15","delete from :number until the end","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-14","Leave env :AREL only for testing purposes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-14","Don't use Arel from git anymore","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-11","Railties changelog updated with -j parameter","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-11","Refactor a bit this code to add data-confirm and data-di...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-11","data-disable-with in button_to helper","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-11","reorder removed in favor of except(:order).order","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-11","CHANGELOG of reorder deprecation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-11","Deprecate reorder in favor of except(:order).order(...)","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-11","Add except as AR public API","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-10","Revert "Make InstanceTagMethods#value_before_type_cast r...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-10","Revert "Make InstanceTagMethods#value_before_type_cast r...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-09","Merge rails routing guide from master","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-09","Fix error in routing guide edit_photo_path needs the id ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-09","This test is not only testing config/database stuff anymore","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-09","Test if test/performance/browsing_test.rb exists when --...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-08","Makes this code a bit more clear","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-07","Add a TODO to remove gem "jruby-openssl" when jruby-open...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-07","Add a TODO to remove gem "jruby-openssl" when jruby-open...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-04","_assigns can have more internal vars in this test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-03","PERF: more Hash + map changes","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-03","PERF: more changes from inject({}) to Hash + map","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-03","PERF: Don't create unnecessary objects","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-03","PERF: change inject({}) with Hash + map","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-03","PERF: Hash[] + map is faster than this silly inject, and...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-10-03","PERF: Hash[] + map is faster than this inject, and var[1...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-29","Add gem 'arel' from git commented out as an example of h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-29","Add gem 'arel' from git commented out as an example of h...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","Fix the precedence issue here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","Fix the precedence issue here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","Not need to do this double ternary","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","Not need to do this double ternary","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","port is appended twice to HTTP_HOST when host already ha...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","port is appended twice to HTTP_HOST when host already ha...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","Bump up more deps","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","Bump up some deps","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-26","Bump up some deps","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-22","Missing the mysql2 gem here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-22","Missing the mysql2 gem here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-22","form_for with file_field docs fixed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-20","file_field propagates up multipart property even inside ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-19","application.js should be the last file on javascript_inc...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-19","application.js should be the last file on javascript_inc...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-18","file_field makes the enclosing form multipart","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-07","unscoped has nothing so merging with a relation just ret...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-07","unscoped has nothing so merging with a relation just ret...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Use scoped here to get the scoped where","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Use scoped here to get the scoped where","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Make number_to_human and number_with_precision work with...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Fix indentation errors","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Fix code style a bit","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Make number_to_human and number_with_precision work with...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Fix indentation errors","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Fix code style a bit","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Make scoped reorder override previous applied orders","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-05","Make scoped reorder override previous applied orders","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-02","Add ruby-debug19 for mri 1.9","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-09-02","Add ruby-debug19 for mri 1.9","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-31","Bring back build to the initialization guide","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-29","-v=1.0.0 not needed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-29","-v=1.0.0 not needed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-29","Make CI install bundler stable since 1.0 is out","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-29","Make CI install bundler stable since 1.0 is out","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-29","No more beta or rc on guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-29","No more beta or rc on guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-29","PERF: Avoid two method calls","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-29","PERF: Avoid two method calls","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-28","password_field renders with nil value by default","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-28","type="password" for password_fields","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-28","type="password" for password_fields","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-27","Make InstanceTagMethods#value_before_type_cast raise if ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-27","Make InstanceTagMethods#value_before_type_cast raise if ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-24","Allow actions which start with A-Za-z_ only","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-24","Allow actions which start with A-Za-z_ only","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-24","Point guides to bundler 1.0.0.rc.6","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-24","Point guides to bundler 1.0.0.rc.6","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-24","Config is deprecated on 1.8.8 and 1.9.3 use RbConfig","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-24","Config is deprecated on 1.8.8 and 1.9.3 use RbConfig","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Bump up rack-mount to 0.6.12","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Bump up rack-mount to 0.6.12","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","type fixed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","type fixed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Silence warnings for Encoding.default_external= and Enco...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Silence warnings for Encoding.default_external= and Enco...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Fix namespace problem on object which inherit from Activ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Set default_internal and default_external on AS for test...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Set default_internal and default_external on AS for test...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Set default_internal and default_external on AM for test...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Set default_internal and default_external on AM for test...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Move encoding settings for testing purposes to abstract_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-22","Move encoding settings for testing purposes to abstract_...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-20","Bump up tzinfo to 0.3.23","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-20","Bump up tzinfo to 0.3.23","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-19","Bump up rack-mount to 0.6.10","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-19","Bump up rack-mount to 0.6.10","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-19","We need bundle update only here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-19","We need bundle update only here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-18","Bump up rdoc to 2.5.10","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-18","Bump up rdoc to 2.5.10","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-17","recommended is the right word here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-17","Restore pet -> owner relationship to the previous state","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-17","Restore pet -> owner relationship to the previous state","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-17","assert_equal here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-16","assert_equal here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Object#returning has gone, it's already deprecated on 3-...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Revert "Makes AR use AMo to_key implementation"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Revert "Makes AR use AMo to_key implementation"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Making time_zone_options_for_select return a html_safe s...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","This is not needed anymore","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","This is not needed anymore","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","recommended is the right word here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Makes use of class << self instead of def self.","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Makes use of class << self instead of def self.","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","remove already defined method to avoid warnings","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Revert "connection reader is defined later"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","remove already defined method to avoid warnings","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Revert "connection reader is defined later"","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","connection reader is defined later","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Makes topics.written_on null => true back again some tes...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","connection reader is defined later","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","Makes topics.written_on null => true back again some tes...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","MySQL2 added to CI","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-15","MySQL2 added to CI","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Should be Boolean there","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Add missing model","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Both tests are using the same model, move the model to a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Add missing model","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Both tests are using the same model, move the model to a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","object/try should be required after abstract_unit to hav...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","object/try should be required after abstract_unit to hav...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","deprected -> deprecated","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Fixes some ActionMailer tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Deletes trailing whitespaces (over text files only find ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Makes AR use AMo to_key implementation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","This method is actually not used, it's implemented on th...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Moves local_request? to require.local?","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Fixes some ActionMailer tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Fixes some ActionMailer tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Deletes trailing whitespaces (over text files only find ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Deletes trailing whitespaces (over text files only find ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","deprected -> deprecated","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Makes AR use AMo to_key implementation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","Makes AR use AMo to_key implementation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","This method is actually not used, it's implemented on th...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-14","This method is actually not used, it's implemented on th...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-13","Moves local_request? to require.local?","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-13","Moves local_request? to require.local?","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-10","ActiveModel::Base doesn't exist, include_root_in_json is...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-03","Stub is_a? not instance_of? here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-03","Stub is_a? not instance_of? here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-02","Makes rails destroy scaffold don't duplicate routes.draw...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-02","Use AS::OrderedHash when trusting in the order of the hash","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-01","Makes form_helper use overriden model accessors backport","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-08-01","Makes form_helper use overriden model accessors","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-30","AS gem doesn't depend on nokogiri so shows a nicer error...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-30","Make options an attr_reader","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-30","Bump up bundler version to rc.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-30","This version is going to be outdated when new nokogiri v...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-30","Bump up nokogiri to","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-26","This is a hash in 1.9.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-26","missing requires added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-26","Changed returning with tap on guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-26","This is for making sure const_missing is triggered witho...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-26","Fixes usage message when running rails without --dev on ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-26","Changes Object#returning with Object#tap on guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Changed returning with tap on guides","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Gemfile now makes use of platforms calls with blocks ins...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Bump up bundler","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Don't interpolate a blank string, avoid warnings","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","CHANGELOG updated Object#returning removed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Object#returning removed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Changelog update for Object#responding deprecation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Deprecates Object#returning in favor of Object#tap","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Changes the usage of Object#returning with Object#tap","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Change returning with tap","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-25","Removing one AS/lib ruby and rake adds to $LOAD_PATH","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-23","make a throwaway value equals to _ to avoid warnings","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-23","Make this test, test again","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-23","Removes unused vars","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-23","Makes restore previosly saved warnings_on_first_load val...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-22","Makes Rakefile activate rdoc >= 2.5.9","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-22","session_id is a VARCHAR","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-22","Makes current adapter decide the syntax of PRIMARY KEY c...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-22","This is a VARCHAR not a TEXT","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-22","MySQL can't index a TEXT column","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-22","Don't shadow outer local variables","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-22","These tests are trusting in the order of the elements so...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-22","options could be of any kind of Hash (Hash, HashWithIndi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-21","Test Hash#to_param escapes keys and values","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-21","Hash#to_param is doesn't use sort anymore, some tests ad...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-21","Change some missing README -> README.rdoc","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-21","Make use of tap to return a previously used var","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-21","Make config.generators accept string namespaces, you can...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-21","We are doing the same in this conditions","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-21","id is a public method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-20","Make use of severity levels","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-20","This example is better for guides and gem/plugins docs","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-19","Remove unused orig_handler and unneeded parentheses","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-19","Test added, we shouldn't log sql calls when logger is no...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-18","Float comparison adjustment","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-17","It's not needed to initialize the attr when calling matt...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-16","Makes test use the new config.action_view.javascript_exp...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-16","Makes this test don't trust on the speed of execution","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-16","Adds application.js when app is generated with -J and cl...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-16","Explain how to change javascript default files","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-15","CI should bundle update instead of install so gems are p...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-15","Bump up nokogiri, memcache-client, sqlite3-ruby, fcgi, m...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-15","Bump up to rack-mount 0.6.9 and rack-mount-0.6.6.pre rem...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-13","Makes CI builder install --pre version of Bundler, now t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-12","Fixes a regression caused by having mapping options cont...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-12","We shouldn't rely on float comparison, delta added just ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-11","We need to wait for the final release of bundler for thi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-11","Add missing require to use Set","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-11","Avoid interpreted as grouped expression warnings","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-04","Move Date#xmlschema to conversions and add a missing req...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-04","Avoids deprecation warning running tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-03","Add a missing require to allow the usage of Array#to_xml","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-03","Removes the dependency that AMo has on tzinfo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-03","Refactor move some date, time and date_time methods to *...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-03","Time#formatted_offset is defined in core_ext/time/conver...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-01","bump erubis version to 2.6.6 and thor version to 0.13.7","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-01","Time has it own implementation of xmlschema, now AMo doe...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-07-01","AS json refactor, move to_json implementation to core_ex...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-30","We are trying to test that & escapes here not that &amp;...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-29","Remove unneeded reject","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-28","Don't store incorrect values in zones_map backport","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-28","Don't store incorrect values in zones_map","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-28","Add this rule to run common tests and specifics ones fro...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-28","Add missing require, Base use deprecate method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","Implemented getbyte as an aliased method and RDoc added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","Move sqlite to sqlite3 for this tests to be run only on ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","AV::logger returns AC::logger if it's defined, workaroun...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","Move Rails module to abstract_unit to make test in isola...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","Makes more sense to ask about method_defined?","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","String#[] doesn't return the byte representation on 1.9....","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","Added getbyte as a core_ext to Ruby < 1.9","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","Refactor: metaprogramming here it's confusing and make u...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","Refactor of column_exists? method and this works with Po...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-27","Removes useless flatten","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-26","Load JSON additions (as to_json) on active_support/all.","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-26","Move constantize from conversions to inflections.","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-25","blocks removed from all the ActiveRelation query_methods...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-25","reorder method added to ActiveRelation","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-25","Test for concatenated orders added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-25","Order is not guaranteed here, ordering by id of people t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-25","Support for multiple selects added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-25","Makes a build_select for the select part of build_arel","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-25","Metaprogramming not needed here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-25","Avoid a blank line before the add/remove columns","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-24","Your original TIME ZONE value on PostgreSQL is correctly...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-24","quotes are not necessary here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-23","Fixes encoding mistakes on old_base/mail_service tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-22","Avoid method redefined warning","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-22","Avoid method redefined warning","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-19","<=> is defined twice on multibyte/chars.rb for Ruby < 1.9","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-17","Make text_helpers methods which return valid html to ret...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-17","excerpt shoudn't return safe output test added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-13","Remove unneeded .rb suffix on require statements","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-13","removes spurious .rb in require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-13","truncate documentation an examples added for :safe option","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-13","gems versions bumped up","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-13","Change implementation to do it without asking each time ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-13","Bump rack-mount version to 0.6.4","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-13","require conversions to use String#ord","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-11","text_helper now escape the unsafe input instead of sanit...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-10","layout 'application' is not anymore on application_contr...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-09","Make sure about which is the first element of the query,...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-09","Should call configure! to initiliaze the application","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-09","SQLite2Adapter doesn't exist","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-09","Removed textilize, textilize_without_paragraph and markd...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-08","update docs before_validation_on_create => before_valida...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-08","This test shouldn't rely on the order of the data return...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-07","Makes text_helper methods sanitize the input if the inpu...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-07","content_tag_string shouldn't escape_html if escape param...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-07","bump sqlite version to 1.3.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-07","Observing module is using constantize","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-03","Unforce text-format from AM","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-03","Unforce memcache from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-03","Unforce builder from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-03","Unforce tzinfo from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-03","Unforce i18n from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-03","rack-test version updated and removed from Gemfile","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-03","fix translation test in actionpack [#4701 state:commited]","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-01","Unforce text-format from AM","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-01","Unforce memcache from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-01","Unforce builder from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-06-01","Unforce tzinfo from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-31","Unforce i18n from AS","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-31","rack-test version updated and removed from Gemfile","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-29","fix translation test in actionpack [#4701 state:commited]","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-26","removes an unneeded alias","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-25","Fix test incorrectly using a bare assert to use assert_k...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-25","Refactor calculation test to remove unneeded SQLite spec...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-25","SQLite: forward compatibility with future driver releases","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-24","Error messages for asserts","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-24","translate method doesn't support arrays anymore and is o...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-24","Revert "translation method for arrays on TranslationHelp...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-24","translate helper method using an array is deprecated","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-24","translation method of TranslationHelper module returns a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-24","Revert "translation method of TranslationHelper module r...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-24","translation method for arrays on TranslationHelper modul...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-23","Make use of safe_concat on TextHelper concat","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-20","refactor evals and adds some __FILE__ and __LINE__","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-19","group :mri deleted in favor of RUBY_ENGINE and RUBY_VERS...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-19","Enable ruby-debug only for MRI","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-19","Fixes a test on transaction_callbacks_test.rb","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-19","Avoid instance variable @output_buffer not initialized","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-18","Fixes transaction callbacks tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-17","Added default currency values to NumberHelper and pass t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-16","Change on Array extension from rand => random_element [#...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-16","Gemfile requires sqlite3-ruby = 1.3.0.beta.2","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-16","Added missing require, we are using bind method defined ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-16","Make use of assert_equal to test equallity between objec...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-15","Reset quoted_table_name after set_table_name [#4568 stat...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-15","ActiveResource shouldn't consider modules in the path","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-14","To allow proper fisting of stack trace","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-12","to_json and to_xml tests added to ActiveResource","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-12","Fixes to_json and to_xml for ActiveResource","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-12","Revert "Refactor of active_model/naming.rb and allow col...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-12","Make ActiveResource serialize XML correctly when element...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-12","Refactor of active_model/naming.rb and allow collection ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-12","Make use of to_xml and to_json in tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-12","type_cast_calculated_value refactor: value is never a Fi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-12","type_cast_calculated_value refactor: value is never a Fi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-09","Updates bundler information, now bundler has a homepage","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-08","The intention here was to assign to different objects ht...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-08","Here the intention was to assign to different objects","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-07","Make find_or_create and find_or_initialize work mixing e...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-07","simple_format should return html_safe but not escape tex...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-07","Make find_or_create and find_or_initialize work mixing e...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-05","typo 'Provivdes' -> 'Provides'","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-05-02","Missing require added make pass activesupport/test/json/...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-29","as changes named routes, path is the appropriate option ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-28","failing test for: validates_acceptance_of overrides data...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-28","Makes validates_acceptance_of to not override database f...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-26","Reuse Active Model serialization in Active Resource. [#2...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-26","Use explicit source encoding rather than forced UTF-8 fr...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-24","Add a test for assert_recognizes on ActionDispatch::Inte...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-22","Is not nessesary to have @_rails_html_safe instance var ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-22","HWIA relies on Hash#symbolize_keys and #stringify_keys e...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-22","HWIA symbolize_keys now returns a hash so no need to do ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-22","Make ActionDispatch url_for use HWIA symbolize_keys","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-22","HWIA delegates to to_hash symbolize_keys and stringify_k...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-22","params already has a setted controller and action here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-22","url_for now works with HashWithIndifferentAccess ht jay ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-21","load tzinfo on initialize only","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-21","Some require indifferent_access added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-21","require without .rb","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-21","TimeZones lazy load","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-21","TimeZones lazy load","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-20","Missing requires added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-19","Changed versions to ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 3.0.0","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-19","Rails 3.0.0 version bootup messages","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-19","let's talk about the same path","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-19","rails about is now rake about","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-19","test refactor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-19","Make this test pass on > 1.9","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-18","Missing require added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-18","remove code for Ruby < 1.8.7","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-18","Missing require added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-18","perform_caching should be accessed through the controlle...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-18","perform_caching is now delegated to config on instance a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-17","Added missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-17","avoid warning: ambiguous first argument; put parentheses...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-16","Add missing require","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-16","page_cache_extension is delegating to config so no need ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-16","Added test get to js should have a header with content-t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-16","Tidy up a bit this test file","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-16","Revert "Add test case which check content type when rend...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","Make perform_caching work again, with the tests passing ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","Revert "logger added to the deprecated config accessor" ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","logger added to the deprecated config accessor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","protected instance variables added to the deprecated con...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","asset and helper path added to the deprecated config acc...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","page_cache added to the deprecated config accessor","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","Make use of config.perform_caching","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","utc_offset returns nil for unknown zones","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","Test for unknown zone with nil utc_offset","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-15","Fix missing dependency on Hash#to_query","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-13","config.perform_caching added to the deprecated config ac...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-13","Bring back bin/rails to life on edge","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-13","Added missing require and delete unused one on proc.rb","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-12","Fix namespaced_controllers_with_namespaced_routes test","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-12","Make dev and edge app generation options generate edge a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-11","Make namespace work with options[:to] [#4351 state:commi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-10","form_for :as rubydoc and tidy up a bit the form_for doc","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-09","Fixed method sign error","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-09","fix stack trace lines on class_eval","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-09","fix stack trace lines on class_eval","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-09","Don't include fixtures if --skip-activerecord is given","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-09","db:test:prepare for tasks only if AR is loaded","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-07","Generate routes for nested resources with nil object rai...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-05","changed from :object_name to :as on form_for api","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-05","create option to include_root_in_json for ActiveResource...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-05","deprecate form_for(symbol_or_string, ...) in favor of :o...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-03",":action => "create" added to form_for with name only to ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-03",":action => "update" used in a non RESTful way confuses","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-02","Fixing index style [#4313 state:committed]","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-02","delegate unknown timezones to TZInfo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-02","delegate unknown timezones to TZInfo","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-02","utc_offset is no longer required on TimeZone and if it's...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-04-02","utc_offset is no longer required on TimeZone and if it's...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-31","avoid method redefined; discarding old empty? warning [S...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-30","avoid method redefined; discarding old empty? warning [#...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-30","Don't cache the utc_offset we are already caching the ti...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-30","Don't cache the utc_offset we are already caching the ti...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-29","ruby-debug19 added to Gemfile [#4290 state:committed]","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-28","backport of inconsistency with cattr_reader and matter_r...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-28","flatten not needed here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-28","Time marshalling backported [#4286 state:committed]","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-27","Ruby's marshaling of Time instances doesn't respect the ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-27","LINE on class_eval need + 1, also removed comments [#428...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-27","flatten not needed here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-22","db group makes more sense here","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-22","avoid active_support/core_ext/time/conversions.rb warnings","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-22","ActionView::SafeBuffer should be there for backwards com...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-19","remove duplicated self.view_paths assingment on controll...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-19","Make dependencies_test pass running standalone [#4215 st...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-19","Added missing requires abstract_unit and activesupport t...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-16","scope_key_by_partial fix for Ruby 1.9 when there's virtu...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-16","scope_key_by_partial fix for Ruby 1.9 when there's virtu...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-16","translation method of TranslationHelper module returns a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-16","translation method of TranslationHelper module returns a...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-16","Change array entries to safe doesn't worth then the arra...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-16","Change array entries to safe doesn't worth then the arra...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-16","object_and_class_ext_test warnings removed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-14","There's a Ruby issue with File.basename different versio...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-14","There's a Ruby issue with File.basename different versio...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-14","Making escaped things more readable","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-05","Adds disable option to date_helpers generated hidden fie...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-03-05","Adds disable option to date_helpers generated hidden fie...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-26","no more warning ambiguous first argument; put parenthese...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-26","no more warning interpreted as argument prefix on associ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-26","no more interpreted as grouped expression warnings on ar...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-25","add time_separator for minutes only if minutes aren't hi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-25","add time_separator for minutes only if minutes aren't hi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-25","add time_separator for minutes only if minutes aren't hi...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-22","avoid @lock_value not initialized warning","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-22","avoid @transaction_joinable not initialized warning","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-22","avoid active not initialized warning","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","missing html_safe added and tests","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","missings html_safe added","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","ruby 1.9 array.to_s returns a string representing an esc...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","i18n translate with arrays issue solved","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","i18n translate with arrays issue solved","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","html_escape mail_to when encode javascript and not hex","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","Making SafeBuffer << an alias for concat method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","require publicize_conversion_method to ensure to_date an...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","warning: instance variable @_const_missing not initializ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","ruby 1.9 array.to_s returns a string representing an esc...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-19","i18n translate with arrays issue solved","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-14","Explicit html_escape removed when not needed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-14","html_escape mail_to when encode javascript and not hex","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-13","simple_format returns a safe buffer escaping unsafe inpu...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-13","simple_format returns a safe buffer escaping unsafe inpu...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-06","method_missing errors on activeresource tests, mocha is ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-06","test_validates_acceptance_of_as_database_column fixed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-05","Fixed html_safe test cases which weren't testing correct...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-05","More html_safe strings now use the safe_concat method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-05","Making SafeBuffer << an alias for concat method","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-05","Fixed html_safe test cases which weren't testing correctly","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-05","Tests for html_safe! backwards compatibility are restored","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-05","Added backwards compatibility for html_safe!","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-05","Backport html_safe. Use latest rails_xss plugin for forw...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-04","require 'action_controller' added on a test that uses it","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-02","Routing Mapper with % interpolation on Ruby 1.9.1 fixed ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-01","failing tests in multibyte_chars_test.rb fixed","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-01","Deleted all references to ActionView::SafeBuffer in favo...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-01","action_view/safe_buffer is no longer valid","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-02-01","action_view is requiring the deleted action_view/erb/uti...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-01-20","fixes the failure of config.plugins without :all option ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-01-17","Module lookup issue on flash_test using ruby 1.9 solved ...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-01-17","mail.create_path returns an array test fixed [#3712 stat...","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2010-01-16","Missings do added to with_scope","Santiago Pastorino",7 "2013-09-13","Merge pull request #12223 from adomokos/fixing_typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-13","Merge pull request #12222 from rcillo/fix-custom-flash","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-13","Merge pull request #12222 from rcillo/fix-custom-flash","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-13","Merge pull request #12215 from harshadsabne/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-13","Merge pull request #12216 from suginoy/a-an","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-13","Merge pull request #12129 from Empact/deprecate-array-ba...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12137 from lann/fix_association_firs...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #11698 from dmathieu/sqlite_tasks_wit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11698","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #11698 from dmathieu/sqlite_tasks_wit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12156 from rywall/from-copy-binds","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12156 from rywall/from-copy-binds","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12159 from nashby/issue-12149","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #12149","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12159 from nashby/issue-12149","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Use the Rails binary when generating task","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12170 from siong1987/task","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12210 from vipulnsward/remove_extra_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12209 from waynn/patch-4","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #10879","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12112 from adamniedzielski/fix-form-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12198 from anupamc/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12175 from JuanitoFatas/doc-patch","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12196 from h-lame/fix-activesupport-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Revert "Merge pull request #12208 from mjhoy/patch-1"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12196 from h-lame/fix-activesupport-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12208 from mjhoy/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12196 from h-lame/fix-activesupport-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12207 from chancancode/fix_json_load","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11603","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #11603 from jetthoughts/join_strings_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Write the right CHANGELOG entry for #11603","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #11603 from jetthoughts/join_strings_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Wrap the guides in 80 columns [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12206 from harshadsabne/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12206 from harshadsabne/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for de20a6d15ac98464b87e8be9a493050b...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11161","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11440","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11069","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11065","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #163 from mogetutu/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Disable prepared statements in the unprepared_statement ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Disable prepared statements in the unprepared_statement ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Remove conditional adding a new method","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Fix inverted conditional","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-12","Fix inverted conditional","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Remove invalid comment","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Check if the SQL is not a prepared statement","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Remove invalid comment","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Check if the SQL is not a prepared statement","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12200 from dchelimsky/simplify-durat...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12135 from dylanahsmith/avoid_empty_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12135 from dylanahsmith/avoid_empty_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12185 from SamSaffron/join_dep","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Whitespaces","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12185 from SamSaffron/join_dep","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12194 from thedarkone/readonly-merge...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12194 from thedarkone/readonly-merge...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12199 from michaelminter/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-10","Merge pull request #12193 from arunagw/revert-revert","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-04","Add a test case for exists? with multiple values","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-04","Review the changes made on 90155b4e28a3887dce9428e9df150...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-03","Merge pull request #12121 from strzalek/move-methods-to-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-02","Merge pull request #12110 from strzalek/revert-default-p...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-31","Merge pull request #11912 from jonkessler/respond-to-sig...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-31","Revert "Do not dup the binds when visiting the AST"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-31","Don't need to check if the scope respond to call","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-31","Revert "reconnect after the fork returns"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-31","Do not dup the binds when visiting the AST","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-31","Merge pull request #12095 from kassio/upgrade-jruby-gems","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-28","Merge pull request #12061 from wangjohn/refactoring_gene...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-28","Merge pull request #12058 from gaurish/secure-pass-doc","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Improve CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #11768 from cloudspace/cache_template...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #11768 from cloudspace/cache_template...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #11805 from jetthoughts/11803_update_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #11805 from jetthoughts/11803_update_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Remove gist link from the code","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #11945 from Mik-die/polymorphic-decor...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #12028 from egilburg/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #12038 from SamSaffron/memoize_decora...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Review Action Mailer CHANGELONG","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #12038 from SamSaffron/memoize_decora...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-26","Remove gist link from the code","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-26","Review Active Support CHANGELOG","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-26","Review Active Record CHANGELOG","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-26","Review Action Pack CHANGELOG","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-26",":scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #12006 from kassio/11605-render-with-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11960 from kirs/xhr-errors","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-23","Merge pull request #11967 from jetthoughts/add_action_co...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-22","Merge pull request #11967 from jetthoughts/add_action_co...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-21","Merge pull request #11966 from jetthoughts/update_bug_re...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-21","Merge pull request #11932 from gaurish/skip-encoding-con...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-21","Merge pull request #11850 from razielgn/mod-delegation-b...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-21","Merge pull request #11959 from razielgn/skip-global-safe...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-21","Merge pull request #11961 from Intrepidd/debug-exception...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-20","Merge pull request #11948 from thedarkone/backport-11049...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-20","Fix the indentation :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-19","Merge pull request #11919 from prathamesh-sonpatki/doc","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-19","Fix the indentation on the from template of the scaffold...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-19","Fix the indentation on the from template of the scaffold...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-13","Merge pull request #11868 from rajcybage/fix_refute","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-12","Merge pull request #11855 from dchelimsky/chop-is-faster","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-10","Merge pull request #11826 from etipton/enable_extensions...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-10","Merge pull request #11799 from njakobsen/fix-controller-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-10","Merge pull request #11799 from njakobsen/fix-controller-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-09","Merge pull request #11820 from vipulnsward/remove_s2b","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-06","Use the proper encoding comment on the file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-06","Use the proper encoding comment on the file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-06","Fix indentation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-06","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11767","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11778 from jetthoughts/11759_update_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11771 from atambo/jruby_assert_dista...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11778 from jetthoughts/11759_update_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-06","Merge pull request #11771 from atambo/jruby_assert_dista...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","config[:database] should be a string","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","config[:database] should be a string","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","Remove deprecated branch on the scope method.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","Use the right instrumentation name","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","Use the right instrumentation name","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11765 from kassio/load-fixtures-from...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11760 from rahul100885/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11760 from rahul100885/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11757 from ryog/fix_document_active_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11757 from ryog/fix_document_active_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11751 from rmm5t/assert_dom_equal-me...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11751 from rmm5t/assert_dom_equal-me...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11665 from mshytikov/fix-config-log_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11665","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11665 from mshytikov/fix-config-log_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11677 from jaggederest/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11677 from jaggederest/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11693 from egilburg/minor_relation_r...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11749 from Alamoz/getting_started_guide","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11737 from tkhr/fix-document-about-o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11737 from tkhr/fix-document-about-o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","No need to abbreviate application","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11747 from bradly/guides_getting_sta...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04",":scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","No need to abbreviate application","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-04","Merge pull request #11747 from bradly/guides_getting_sta...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Revert "Merge pull request #11712 from atambo/activesupp...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11733 from iainbeeston/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11733 from iainbeeston/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11738 from gaurish/guides-associatio...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11600 from jasiek/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11738 from gaurish/guides-associatio...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11740 from Karunakar/self_table","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11712 from atambo/activesupport_test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11744 from Karunakar/minor_fix_on_fl...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11707 from nathanstitt/extname_option","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11741 from Karunakar/failing_test_in...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-03","Merge pull request #11741 from Karunakar/failing_test_in...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Enable jruby and rubinius on travis","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11712 from atambo/activesupport_test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11722 from arunagw/removed-deprecati...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11455 from antonio/fix_enable_extens...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11455 from antonio/fix_enable_extens...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11718 from rShetty/patch-4","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11714 from jetthoughts/11706_remove_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11714 from jetthoughts/11706_remove_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-02","Merge pull request #11717 from rajcybage/fix_map","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-01","Use the right minitest method","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-01","Merge pull request #11709 from yahonda/case_sensitive","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-01","Make current_page? compare binary strings","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-01","Make current_page? compare binary strings","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-01","Enable rubinius on travis too","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-01","Allow jruby on travis allowing failures","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-01","Fix `current_page?` when the URL contains escaped charac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-08-01","Fix `current_page?` when the URL contains escaped charac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-31","Merge pull request #11678 from vipulnsward/helper_destru...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-31","Merge pull request #11601 from TylerRick/dont_permanentl...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-31","Merge pull request #11606 from vipulnsward/refactor_arra...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-31","Merge pull request #11668 from neerajdotname/make_test_o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-31","Move changelog entry to the top [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-30","Merge pull request #11673 from jetthoughts/11671_describ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-30","Merge pull request #11672 from henrikhodne/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-30","Merge pull request #11664 from thedarkone/digestor-threa...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-30","Merge pull request #11664 from thedarkone/digestor-threa...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-30","Revert change on ActiveRecord::Relation#order method tha...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-30","Merge branch 'revert-order-prepending'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-30","Merge pull request #10673 from sgrif/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-30","Revert change on ActiveRecord::Relation#order method tha...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-28","Merge pull request #11641 from ankit8898/test_cleanup","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-28","Merge pull request #11634 from neerajdotname/fix_order_d...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-28","Merge pull request #11635 from neerajdotname/make_test_o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-28","Merge pull request #11637 from neerajdotname/make_test_n...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-28","Merge pull request #11638 from neerajdotname/make_order_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-27","Merge pull request #11625 from phstc/minor-refactor-code...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-25","Merge pull request #11598 from Karunakar/flat_map1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-25","Merge pull request #11341 from arunagw/added-missing-act...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-24","Merge pull request #11585 from vipulnsward/hstore_change","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-24","Merge pull request #11584 from Peeja/actionmailer-guide-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-24","New CHANGELOG entries are always on top","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-24","Merge pull request #11581 from bughit/11533_to_proc_back...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-24","Fix broken test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-24","Merge pull request #11579 from kennyj/refactor_20130724","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-24","Merge pull request #11570 from joelcogen/harmonize_text_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-24","Merge pull request #11570 from joelcogen/harmonize_text_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-23","Merge pull request #11566 from rajcybage/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-23","Merge pull request #11566 from rajcybage/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-23","Merge pull request #11563 from 90yukke/fix-nomethoderror...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-22","Fix actionpack CHANGELOG entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-22","Merge branch '3-2-14' into 3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-22","Fix activemodel CHANGELOG","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11562 from zzak/backport_efeb039","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-22","Preparing for 3.2.14 release","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-22","Update CHANGELOG entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11528 from Empact/optimistic_lock_im...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-22","Merge pull request #11537 from Karunakar/small_fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-18","Merge pull request #11486 from wolframarnold/3-2-stable_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-18","Merge pull request #11491 from erichkist/ek-revert-unsco...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-18","Use the canonical router on the CHANGELOG entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-18","Use the canonical router on the CHANGELOG entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-18","Fix examples of number_to_percentage","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-18","Fix examples of number_to_percentage","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-18","Merge pull request #159 from rajcybage/my_fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-18","Merge pull request #10800 from 907th/fix-custom-message-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-16","Preparing for 3.2.14.rc2 release","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-15","Use Ruby 1.8 syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-15","Use Ruby 1.8 syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-13","Preparing for 3.2.14.rc1 release","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-11","Documment config.log_formatter added on 51aeae91","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-11","Documment config.log_formatter added on 51aeae91","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-10","Merge pull request #11387 from zzak/backport_714bb17","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-10","Merge pull request #11391 from schuetzm/remove-swp-file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-10","Merge pull request #11385 from MarceloCajueiro/remove_st...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11383 from mattdbridges/simple-forma...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11378 from wangjohn/class_for_applic...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11372 from wangjohn/fixing_rails_com...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11375 from namusyaka/fix_attribute_f...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Do not shallow the original exception in exec_cache","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11174 from vipulnsward/remove_column...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11073 from tricknotes/improve-guides-js","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11143 from robin850/upgrading-rails","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11143 from robin850/upgrading-rails","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11354 from jadeatucker/cache_exists_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11351 from jetthoughts/cleanup_request","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11353 from jetthoughts/revert_to_raw...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11353 from jetthoughts/revert_to_raw...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11361 from jetthoughts/add_cursor_po...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11368 from Amit-Thawait/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-09","Merge pull request #11373 from vipulnsward/remove_deprec...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-08","Merge pull request #11371 from arunagw/actionview-changes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-08","Merge pull request #11370 from dpdawson/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-08","Merge pull request #11370 from dpdawson/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-08","Remove git dependecy","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-08","Add license to the gemspec","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-08","Merge pull request #11355 from wangjohn/class_for_rails_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-08","Merge pull request #11367 from artemeff/sass_in_notes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Add CHANGELOG entry for #11348","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Backport #11348 to fix `link_to` with url hashes and block","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Merge pull request #11348 from sanemat/fix/link-to-block","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Fix "Stack Level Too Deep" error when rendering recursiv...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Fix "Stack Level Too Deep" error when rendering recursiv...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Merge pull request #11347 from ankit8898/refactoring-sp","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Merge pull request #11347 from ankit8898/refactoring-sp","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Merge pull request #11317 from ma2gedev/enforcer_tag_option","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-07","Merge pull request #11274 from arunagw/deprecation-remov...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","New changelog entries always on the top [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11313 from gsamokovarov/url-encoded-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11324 from blahedo/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11336 from ankit8898/performance-bm","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11306 from jetthoughts/11288_remove_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11337 from arunagw/actionview-rdoc","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11306 from jetthoughts/11288_remove_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Remove warning of assigned but unused variable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Skip connection url test when the machine is using socke...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11332 from sanemat/fix/av-test-dupli...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11329 from vipulnsward/cache_one","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-06","Merge pull request #11322 from blahedo/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-05","Merge pull request #11314 from raysrashmi/fix-missing-de...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11297 from ankit8898/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11295 from ankit8898/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11281 from jetthoughts/remove_unused...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11279 from jetthoughts/removed_threa...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11276 from arunagw/build-fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11272 from vipulnsward/generator_update","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11254 from neerajdotname/delete-sql-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11253 from neerajdotname/removed-ins...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11252 from neerajdotname/use-extract...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11251 from neerajdotname/deprecated-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Add CHANGELOG enty for #11235","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11235 from frodsan/support_array_as_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11241 from neerajdotname/deprecated-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Use block instead passing as argument","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11233 from frodsan/remove_page_cache...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #10604 from neerajdotname/delete_all_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11229 from neerajdotname/deprecated-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11230 from frodsan/remove_deprecated...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11232 from frodsan/fix_11219","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11231 from neerajdotname/deprecated-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-02","Merge pull request #11222 from neerajdotname/removed-dep...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11224 from senny/remove_assert_blank...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11226 from senny/remove_deprecated_d...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11213 from neerajdotname/scoped-depr...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11212 from neerajdotname/default_sco...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #11203 from schneems/schneems/plugin_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-07-01","Merge pull request #8881 from carsonreinke/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11176 from schneems/schneems/plugin_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11176 from schneems/schneems/plugin_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11178 from JonRowe/fix_tags_picking_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11156 from JonRowe/fix_tags_picking_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11146 from kennyj/re-remove-deprecat...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11145 from JeffreyRodriguez/rails_4_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-27","Merge pull request #11142 from tumayun/use_master_branch...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-26","Merge pull request #11126 from tumayun/fix_activerecord_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11098 from vredniy/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11097 from ryancw/patch-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11093 from nolman/restoring-scaffold...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-24","Add CHANGELOG entry for #10971","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-24","Add CHANGELOG entry for #10971","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-24","Add CHANGELOG entry for #10971","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-24","Merge pull request #10971 from dtaniwaki/escape_link_to_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-24","Merge pull request #10971 from dtaniwaki/escape_link_to_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-24","Fix textile markup","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-20","Merge pull request #11020 from fredwu/master-activemodel...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-20","Merge pull request #11020 from fredwu/master-activemodel...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-20","Merge pull request #11020 from fredwu/master-activemodel...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Merge branch 'fix-test_unit-railtie'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Merge pull request #10981 from neerajdotname/10958","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Merge pull request #10970 from sbagdat/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Merge pull request #10971 from dtaniwaki/escape_link_to_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Merge pull request #10969 from davidcelis/case-insensiti...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Compare host scheme using case-insensitive regexp","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Merge pull request #10969 from davidcelis/case-insensiti...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Add CHANGELOG entry for #10969","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-17","Merge pull request #10969 from davidcelis/case-insensiti...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-16","Merge pull request #10964 from nashby/collection-html-op...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-16","Merge pull request #10960 from pacoguzman/fix-build-due-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-16","Merge pull request #10960 from pacoguzman/fix-build-due-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10957 from nertzy/dont-modify-option...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10727 from pacoguzman/fix-xml-mini-t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10727 from pacoguzman/fix-xml-mini-t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15","nokogiri >= 1.6 doesn't work with ruby 1.8","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10949 from alexpeattie/update_html_b...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10533 from vipulnsward/fix_test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15","Wrap text on 80 columns","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15",":scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10955 from arunagw/jruby_json_not_re...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-14","Add CHANGELOG entry for #10740","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10740 from mrsimo/hash-with-indiffer...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10898 from dmitry/find_first_refacto...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-13","Merge pull request #10425 from ranjaykrishna/push_add_co...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-04","Merge pull request #10839 from gsamokovarov/clean-normal...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-04","Merge pull request #10838 from gsamokovarov/routing-auto...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-04","Merge branch 'fix-hwia' into 4-0-0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-04","Merge branch 'fix-hwia' into 4-0-0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-04","Merge pull request #10784 from senny/10526_prevent_key_t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-03","Merge pull request #10784 from senny/10526_prevent_key_t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-03","Revert "Merge pull request #4490 from EmmanuelOga/master"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-02","Merge pull request #10821 from kennyj/deprecations_4_1-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-06-01","Merge pull request #10814 from kennyj/deprecations_4_1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-30","Merge pull request #10783 from wangjohn/rake_routes_addi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-30","Merge pull request #10803 from gsamokovarov/extract-deep...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-30","Merge pull request #10785 from senny/10782_routes_inspec...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-30","Merge pull request #10785 from senny/10782_routes_inspec...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-30","Merge pull request #10785 from senny/10782_routes_inspec...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","Merge pull request #10781 from arunagw/run-isolated-test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","Merge pull request #10766 from kylerippey/minor_schema_m...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","Merge pull request #10495 from senny/postgres_test_cleanup","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","Merge branch 'fix-test_unit-railtie'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","Merge branch 'fix-test_unit-railtie'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","No need changelog entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","Merge pull request #10629 from stmpjmpr/bug_10628","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","Merge pull request #10755 from lukewendling/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-28","Merge pull request #10775 from senny/postgres_adapter_te...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-27","Merge pull request #10769 from senny/10615_join_should_n...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-23","Merge pull request #10713 from senny/10693_fix_primary_k...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-23","Merge pull request #10713 from senny/10693_fix_primary_k...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-23","Merge pull request #10222 from senny/update_bundler_sect...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-23","Merge pull request #10222 from senny/update_bundler_sect...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-23","Merge pull request #10222 from senny/update_bundler_sect...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-23","Merge pull request #10713 from senny/10693_fix_primary_k...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-23","Merge branch 'deprecate-validator-setup'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10681 from jholton/3-2-stable-fix_as...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10636 from seanwalbran/fix-asset-hos...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10636 from seanwalbran/fix-asset-hos...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Add CHANGELOG entry for 99860582b2b1c0fc42bf84c52aac57b2...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Add CHANGELOG entry for 7a2a942","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Require only minitest.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10667 from rubys/minitest-autorun","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10711 from senny/10660_rake_db_test_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10711 from senny/10660_rake_db_test_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-21","Merge pull request #10711 from senny/10660_rake_db_test_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10646 from kennyj/fix_am_20130517","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10646 from kennyj/fix_am_20130517","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10646 from kennyj/fix_am_20130517","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-20","No need CHANGELOG entry for a test fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10646 from kennyj/fix_am_20130517","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10688 from elgalu/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-19","Merge pull request #10659 from vipulnsward/normalize_param2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-18","Merge pull request #10676 from tkhr/add-test-to-counter_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-18","Merge pull request #10675 from prathamesh-sonpatki/dont-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-17","Merge pull request #10657 from AJ-Acevedo/plugin","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10654 from schneems/schneems/fix-rou...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10652 from md5/concern-multiple-incl...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Revert "Integration tests support the OPTIONS http method"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Revert "Integration tests support the OPTIONS http method"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Revert "Integration tests support the OPTIONS http method"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10504 from kennyj/support_pg_91","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10636 from seanwalbran/fix-asset-hos...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10645 from rubys/consistent_gemfile_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Revert "Add the options method to action_controller test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Revert "Add the options method to action_controller test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Revert "Add the options method to action_controller test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10578 from dingle/lu/back_port_to_js...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-15","Merge pull request #10504 from kennyj/support_pg_91","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-15","Revert "Merge pull request #10600 from aditya-kapoor/cod...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-15","Merge pull request #10631 from kennyj/improve_10266","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-15","Merge pull request #10601 from Ichimonji10/fix-docs","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-14","Merge pull request #10266 from vipulnsward/fix_HIA_to_hash","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-14","Merge pull request #10600 from aditya-kapoor/code_refactor","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-14","Merge pull request #10616 from Empact/backport-distinct-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10592 from arunagw/build-fix-flash-hash","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10503 from kstevens715/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10404 from chadmoone/fix-pg-uuid-def...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10377 from bricker/template_digest_e...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10587 from vipulnsward/indent_var","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10584 from alindeman/range-missing-a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10584 from alindeman/range-missing-a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10584 from alindeman/range-missing-a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10586 from AJ-Acevedo/comments","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10586 from AJ-Acevedo/comments","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-13","Merge pull request #10586 from AJ-Acevedo/comments","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Improve CHANGELOG entries","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10581 from shime/better-generator-error","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10577 from vipulnsward/fix_method_typos","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10560 from jkutner/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10560 from jkutner/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10560 from jkutner/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Fix typo: require -> requires","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #7695 from benolee/backport_cc7dd66_a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Add CHANGELOG entry for #10576","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10556 from Empact/deprecate-schema-s...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10556 from Empact/deprecate-schema-s...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Some editorial changes on the documentation.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10303 from ahorner/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10574 from wangjohn/automatic_invers...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Improve CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10503 from kstevens715/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-12","Merge pull request #10503 from kstevens715/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-11","Merge pull request #10571 from dasch/dasch/restore-expla...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-11","Add CHANGELOG entry removed by mistake [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-11","Merge pull request #10567 from neerajdotname/read_attrib...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-11","Merge pull request #10572 from nertzy/dont-modify-option...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-11","Merge pull request #10572 from nertzy/dont-modify-option...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","Merge branch 'fix-json-encoding'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","Give credits to all the envolved people [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10534 from cmaruz/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","Fix syntax error on Ruby 2.0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10057 from zackham/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","So not make Fixnum#/ private on Ruby verions less than 1...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10558 from Empact/cleanup-finder-met...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","Fix test to ruby 2.0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10552 from arunagw/pluck-fixed-3-2-s...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-09","Revert "Merge pull request #8209 from senny/backport_8176"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-09","Revert "Remove unicode character encoding from ActiveSup...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-08","Merge pull request #10524 from wangjohn/define_method_fo...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-08","Merge pull request #10521 from yahonda/sanitize_oracle","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-08","Merge pull request #10519 from eiel/dependency-core_ext-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10234 from dasch/dasch/fetch-multi","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10377 from bricker/template_digest_e...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10489 from greenriver/ar_counter_cac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10377 from bricker/template_digest_e...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10446 from dasch/instrument-template...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10489 from greenriver/ar_counter_cac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Improve CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10489 from greenriver/ar_counter_cac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10478 from cainlevy/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10478 from cainlevy/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Fix test asserting the sanitized SQL hash differently to...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10352 from zohlgren/fix_activerecord...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10478 from cainlevy/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Fix test asserting the sanitized SQL hash differently to...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10352 from zohlgren/fix_activerecord...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-06","Merge pull request #10488 from neerajdotname/10419-b","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-06","Merge pull request #10488 from neerajdotname/10419-b","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-06","Merge pull request #10437 from neerajdotname/10419","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-06","Merge pull request #10437 from neerajdotname/10419","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-06","Merge pull request #10486 from vipulnsward/remove_variable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-06","Merge pull request #10406 from greenriver/distance_of_ti...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10467 from akalyaev/set-correct-back...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10476 from prathamesh-sonpatki/gitig...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-05","Use Ruby 1.9 syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10465 from raphweiner/rake_install_d...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10465 from raphweiner/rake_install_d...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10464 from arkiver/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10463 from prathamesh-sonpatki/dir","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Use Ruby 1.9 syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10448 from arunagw/bug-fix-scaffold-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10448 from arunagw/bug-fix-scaffold-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Review the CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10448 from arunagw/bug-fix-scaffold-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10404 from chadmoone/fix-pg-uuid-def...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10404 from chadmoone/fix-pg-uuid-def...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10458 from bwbuchanan/issue-10451","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10458 from bwbuchanan/issue-10451","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10436 from NARKOZ/keep-images","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10436 from NARKOZ/keep-images","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10461 from rwz/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-04","Merge pull request #10461 from rwz/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-03","Merge pull request #10452 from rubys/rails_version_test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-03","Remove CHANGELOG entry related with infinite comparison.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10424 from markevich/fix_test_prepare","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10424 from markevich/fix_test_prepare","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10433 from wangjohn/making_callbacks...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10431 from larskanis/add_note_about_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10430 from larskanis/add_sslcompress...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10423 from wangjohn/refactoring_test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10408 from patricksrobertson/convert...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #10404 from chadmoone/fix-pg-uuid-def...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #10400 from frodsan/add_changelog_ent...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #10397 from BMorearty/remove-varargs-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10390 from Noemj/bind_param_handling","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10389 from wangjohn/removing_the_app...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10339 from eiel/unused-require","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10388 from benolee/fix-parser-semicolon","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10386 from kennyj/should_stop_task_w...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10387 from gaurish/rack-mount","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10357 from arunagw/minor-code-deupli...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10383 from Noemj/bind_param_handling","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10378 from frodsan/fix_precompiling_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-29","Merge pull request #9791 from wangjohn/remove_configurable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-29","rails/master is now 4.1.0.beta","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-29","Update CHANGELOGs with the release date","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-29","Bump activerecord-deprecated_finders. Fixes #10304","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-25","Revert "Merge pull request #10337 from eimermusic/fix_te...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-25","Merge pull request #10337 from eimermusic/fix_template_d...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-24","Merge pull request #10333 from ikataitsev/move-test-meth...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-24","Merge pull request #10332 from vipulnsward/number_helper","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-24","Merge pull request #10330 from kennyj/fix_10067","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-24","Merge pull request #10256 from wangjohn/moving_check_for...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-23","Merge pull request #10317 from arabonradar/ar_having_val...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-22","Move CHANGELOG entry to top","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10096 from benofsky/fix_skipping_obj...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-22","Merge pull request #10293 from vipulnsward/dont_mutate_c...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-19","Merge pull request #10211 from neerajdotname/4208","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-19","Merge pull request #10267 from vipulnsward/use_destructi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-19","Merge pull request #10265 from wangjohn/documenting_acti...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-19","Merge pull request #10264 from cconstantine/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-19","Improve the error message","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-19","Merge pull request #10217 from mirasrael/make-migrator-r...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Revert "Merge pull request #10043 from cconstantine/master"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Use sass-rails 4.0.0.rc1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Use the same uglifier version that the generated applica...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Use latest coffee-rails release","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Revert "sprockets 2.9.x doesn't work with uglifier 2.0 y...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Bump arel to 4.0.0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Merge pull request #10043 from cconstantine/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Merge pull request #10262 from printercu/patch-3","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-18","Merge pull request #10258 from thenickcox/pending_migrat...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-17","activerecord-deprecated_finders 1.0.0 has a bug with has...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-17","Merge pull request #10252 from epiclabs/nodoc_registries","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-17","Add nodoc to LocalCacheRegistry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-17","Merge pull request #10250 from wangjohn/local_cache_regi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-17","Don't need to add activerecord-deprecated_finders on edg...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-17","Bump activerecord-deprecated_finders to 1.0.0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-16","Merge pull request #10173 from nashby/element-attributes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-16","Merge pull request #8206 from kennyj/fix_7619-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-16","Copy-edits in the ActiveSupport::Subscriber documentation.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-16","Merge pull request #10218 from dasch/dasch/extract-subsc...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-16","Merge pull request #10230 from gaurish/remove-match","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-16","The third argument of deprecation_warning is always opti...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-16","Fix documentation to the custom Deprecator","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-15","Merge pull request #10226 from buddhamagnet/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-15","Merge pull request #10225 from kennyj/fix_bit_string_pro...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-15","Merge pull request #10178 from rubys/app_base_strip_heredoc","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-15","Merge pull request #10214 from mattetti/ar_postgres_bytea","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-15","Merge pull request #10220 from vipulnsward/interpolate_o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-11","Merge pull request #10175 from vipulnsward/initialize_fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-11","Merge pull request #10172 from senny/10098_backport","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10152 from Noemj/statement_cache","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10168 from neerajdotname/simple_impr...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-10","Revert "Merge pull request #6226 from gnufied/master"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10164 from neerajdotname/3002-final","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-10","Revert "Merge pull request #10158 from steveklabnik/issu...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10165 from wangjohn/public_send_for_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #9843 from indirect/rails_bin","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-09","Fix typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #10153 from choudhuryanupam/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #10142 from wangjohn/grouping_thread_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #10151 from neerajdotname/ar-to-klass","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-09","Merge pull request #10138 from hbakhtiyor/test-dirs-envi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-08","Merge pull request #10145 from wangjohn/instrumentation_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-08","Merge pull request #10143 from Agis-/mark_unused_vars","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-08","Merge pull request #10135 from wangjohn/grouping_thread_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-08","Merge pull request #9604 from sgrif/live_streaming_excep...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-08","Merge pull request #10122 from wangjohn/adding_documenta...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-06","Forgot to lock the uglifier version in our Gemfile","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-06","Merge pull request #10121 from Agis-/patch-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-06","Merge pull request #10120 from vipulnsward/change_merge_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-06","sprockets 2.9.x doesn't work with uglifier 2.0 yet.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-06","Merge pull request #10113 from Agis-/default_scopes_pred...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-06","Bring back ActiveRecord::Base#connection_handler removed...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10108 from choudhuryanupam/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #9555 from tmm1/optimize-erb","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-05","Improve the changelog entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10105 from rmm5t/fix-explicit-name-o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-05","Improve the changelog entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10106 from rmm5t/fix-explicit-name-o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-05","Merge pull request #10098 from subwindow/postgres_dump_b...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-04","Revert "Merge pull request #10034 from benofsky/fix_skip...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-04","Merge pull request #10034 from benofsky/fix_skipping_obj...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-04","Merge pull request #10076 from choudhuryanupam/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-04","Merge pull request #10088 from neerajdotname/fixes1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10049 from vipulnsward/optimize_arou...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #10074 from trevorturk/remove-fixme-c...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #9971 from kennyj/refactor_tasks","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10052 from neerajdotname/stdout-in-log","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10050 from neerajdotname/no-need-of-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10048 from senny/replace_merge_with_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10038 from nateberkopec/sti-new-with...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10036 from wangjohn/norecord_error_m...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Revert more Rails.version changes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10022 from wangjohn/find_on_nonexist...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01",":scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10033 from kalabiyau/fix_typo_on_ap_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Remove CHANGELOG entry for #10002","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01",":uniq is still a valid relation option since it was only...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10010 from pwnall/fix_ref_index_true","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Move the class methods to above the protected section","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10021 from pabloh/refactor_rails_gen...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10025 from masarakki/fix_detect_enum...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-30","Merge pull request #9991 from Passionate/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-30","Merge pull request #10004 from choudhuryanupam/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9987 from robertomiranda/group-assets","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9984 from ranjaykrishna/col-prob","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9977 from vipulnsward/fix_column_tes...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Removing explain support warning from the Railtie","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9972 from divineforest/fix-overriden...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9973 from prathamesh-sonpatki/AR-typos","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9970 from divineforest/fix-typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Add coffee-rails and javascript runtime to gemfile if sk...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9944 from where/rebased-fulltext-spa...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-28","Merge pull request #9964 from where/using-schema-dump","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9523 from stopdropandrew/Instrumente...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9955 from rubys/cleanup_app_gemfile","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Fix syntax error","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9274 from KrzysiekJ/spaces_in_scope_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #8458 from lucisferre/improve-layout-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9954 from neerajdotname/space_after_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9949 from vipulnsward/drop_yaml_erro...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9952 from prathamesh-sonpatki/AR-typos","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #9947 from senny/strong_params_doc_fo...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Merge pull request #8368 from SamSaffron/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-27","Use thor master since 0.18.0 has a regression","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-26","Merge pull request #9576 from fredwu/backport_fix_explic...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-26","Merge pull request #9876 from macksmind/restore_cols_dro...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-26","Merge pull request #9928 from vipulnsward/fix_rename_aut...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-26","Merge pull request #9939 from dchapman1988/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-26","Merge pull request #9937 from zolzaya/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-26","Merge pull request #9923 from danmcclain/psql-concurrent...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-25","Fix typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-25","The sql_type method called here is from","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #7324 from MSch/pg-geometric","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9874 from arunagw/skipping-test-for-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #8527 from shockone/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9864 from vipulnsward/fix_test_AR_v2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9916 from neerajdotname/no-exception...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #9897 from robertomiranda/ignore-pkg-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #8501 from charliesome/version-to-s","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Merge branch 'jlxw-patch-2'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Merge pull request #9891 from doabit/additional_index_su...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Merge pull request #9890 from prathamesh-sonpatki/CL-Typos","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Better styles for the CSS [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Merge pull request #9889 from neerajdotname/unscoped","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Fix documentation markup [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Review some CHANGELOG entries [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Merge pull request #9880 from wangjohn/refactoring_attri...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Autoload the AlterTable class","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Merge pull request #9888 from zzak/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-23","Merge pull request #9883 from prathamesh-sonpatki/AR-Typos","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-21","Merge pull request #9853 from wangjohn/adding_bang_to_ra...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-21","Fix test to Ruby 1.8","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-21","Merge pull request #9847 from vipulnsward/fix_sqlite_test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-21","Improve CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9802 from newsline/fix-broken-action...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #9802 from newsline/fix-broken-action...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9811 from neerajdotname/fix-secret-t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9796 from dembskoi/clone_structure","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9804 from samsonasu/backport_number_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9785 from claudiob/add-3-2-13-releas...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9782 from vipulnsward/change_from_ea...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-17","Merge pull request #9762 from senny/8079_do_not_grant_on...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-17","Merge pull request #9754 from macksmind/fix_actionpack_w...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-17","Merge pull request #9747 from macksmind/refactor_friend_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-15","Merge pull request #9734 from choudhuryanupam/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-13","Merge pull request #9690 from trevorturk/upgrade-notes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-12","Merge pull request #9687 from stouset/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-12","Merge pull request #9676 from neerajdotname/9567-destroy...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-11","Merge pull request #9666 from sikachu/master-fix-test_te...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-11","Merge pull request #9080 from sikachu/master-rails-test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-11","Merge pull request #9657 from vipulnsward/cleanup_tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-11","Merge pull request #9658 from tkhr/add-assert-to-test_co...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-10","Merge pull request #9650 from yahonda/group_by_oracle","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #9614 from wangjohn/refactoring_neste...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-08","Make sure options is a hash","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-08","Avoid short-circuit return","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #9497 from route/subclass_from_attrs","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #9611 from choudhuryanupam/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #8868 from tehgeekmeister/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-08","Merge pull request #8966 from cfabianski/disable_prepare...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9464 from jcoyne/assert_template_file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9600 from larrylv/fix-load-target-wi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9597 from senny/9110_serialized_not_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9105 from bemurphy/cache_key_updated_on","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9474 from HonoreDB/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9549 from larrylv/reload-stable-targ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9545 from senny/9535_secure_password...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9595 from senny/remove_non_breaking_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9596 from choudhuryanupam/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Merge pull request #9594 from yahonda/3-2-stable_prefix_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-07","Remove regression test added in 0268b5d8cdc3c5a133746213...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-06","Merge pull request #9586 from robertomiranda/useless_tr","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-06","Merge pull request #9538 from senny/remove_structure_dump","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-06","Merge pull request #9507 from senny/9483_migrations_with...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9574 from robertomiranda/debug_helpe...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-04","Merge pull request #9467 from senny/9459_include_json_ro...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-03-01","Merge pull request #9510 from senny/7364_warn_when_appen...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-28","Improve the CHANGELOG entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-28","Merge pull request #9493 from kennyj/fix_wrong_exception","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-28","Improve the CHANGELOG entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-28","Merge pull request #9366 from killthekitten/fix-content_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-27","Merge pull request #9472 from yahonda/revert_7544c7a9","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-27","Merge pull request #9471 from yahonda/5837_32-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9443 from exviva/belongs_to_touch_ne...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-26","Move the CHANGELOG entry to the proper place","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9434 from zires/dev","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9444 from frodsan/add_test_for_977455cc","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-26","Update CHANGELOGS","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9414 from senny/9275_order_with_symb...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9425 from dickeyxxx/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25","Are was release","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25","I released 0.0.3 some time ago","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25","jquery-rails 2.2.1 was released","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25","New CHANGELOG entries always on top [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9197 from yaotti/fix/overriden-attr-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25","Do not use --local option when installing the gems","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25","Use sass compressor as the default CSS compressor","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25",":scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9408 from mikeycgto/origin/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9406 from rails/3-2-stable-ruby-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Add more information to the CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Make the tests pass with minitest 4.2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9403 from stopdropandrew/TimeWithZon...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Remove warning","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Make explicit the method will raise an exception","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9391 from senny/8663_broken_hmt_orde...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9402 from senny/9356_update_guides","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9401 from sikachu/master-remove-buil...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9399 from neerajdotname/7832-depende...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Mention the extraction of Active Resource in the upgradi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Mention the removal of attr_accessible and attr_protecte...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Skip connection url test when the machine is using socke...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Do not type cast all the database url values.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9397 from senny/9201_duplicate_assoc...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9394 from senny/actually_rename_the_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-21","Fix warning","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-21","Use order to get the first record since postgresql retur...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9345 from wangjohn/change_name_of_qu...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Skip failing test and add a FIXME note","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9344 from senny/changelog_cleanup","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #8645 from senny/rename_index_on_rena...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #8613 from senny/8264_character_limit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9332 from wangjohn/adding_documentat...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9342 from hone/db_migrate_with_datab...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9068 from wangjohn/transaction_callb...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9341 from senny/move_precompiled_ass...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #9120 from hone/db_migrate_with_datab...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-20","Whitespace :heart: and hash syntax change","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-19","Merge pull request #9258 from wangjohn/blank_argument_er...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-19","Merge pull request #9323 from senny/build_fix_from_9252","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-19","Merge pull request #9322 from senny/backport_9252","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-18","Allow failures to 2.0.0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-18","Merge pull request #9317 from balexand/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-15","Revert "Merge pull request #9252 from senny/8423_hmt_pre...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-14","Do not put the version in unreleased changes [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-14","Fix the CHANGELOG headers [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #9252 from senny/8423_hmt_preloading_bug","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #9252 from senny/8423_hmt_preloading_bug","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #9289 from rails/3-2-stable-test-with...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #9288 from jmccartie/jm/typos","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-13","Revert "incorrect content of models/comment.rb after 'ra...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-06","Update actionpack/CHANGELOG.md","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-06","Merge pull request #9039 from senny/warn_on_controller_o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-05","Enable hstore extensions on tests if it is not enabled a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-05","Merge pull request #9192 from adammck/ignore-dot-ruby-ve...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-04","Merge pull request #9174 from robertomiranda/railsrc-cli...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-04","Take care of whitespaces and changing the hash syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-02","Merge pull request #9151 from gogogarrett/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-02","Fix the tests related with single quotes being escaped","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-02","Merge pull request #9078 from senny/6865_ar_count_with_uniq","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-02-01","Merge pull request #9138 from amparo-luna/no_rc","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-31","Fix typo :bomb:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-31","Fix typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-31","Merge pull request #9133 from homakov/patch-6","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-31","CHANGELOG review","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-31","Strict regexp","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-31","Extract the value casting to a method","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-31","Merge pull request #9041 from sodabrew/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-29","Merge pull request #9114 from rosenfeld/patch-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-29","Merge pull request #9113 from rosenfeld/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-29","Fix typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-29","Only search for enabled extension if the PostgreSQL vers...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-28","Merge pull request #9096 from tricknotes/fix-code-comment","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-28","Merge pull request #9098 from firmhouse/add-head-requests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-26","Merge pull request #9078 from senny/6865_ar_count_with_uniq","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-25","Merge pull request #8303 from jeremywrowe/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-25","Fix the CHANGELOG entry order [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-23","Merge pull request #7345 from slbug/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-22","Less strict activerecord-deprecated_finders version","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-22","Lets kepp using Ruby 1.9 syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-22","Only check for unpermmited parameters if","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-22","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-22","Merge pull request #8557 from timraymond/add_back_engine...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-22","Stylistic pass at form_helper_test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-22","Capture block so content won't leak.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #9011 from wangjohn/activerecord_tran...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #9014 from virusman/form_helpers_ar_t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #9001 from schneems/schneems/routes-p...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #9010 from vipulnsward/remove_extra_s...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #9007 from dpree/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-19","Merge pull request #8081 from JoeyButler/refactor_cache_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-19","Merge pull request #9000 from sherwu/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-19","Restore and adapt the implementation reverted at","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-19","Merge pull request #8999 from thomasfedb/raise_or_log_un...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8959 from vitorbaptista/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8871 from freerange/3-1-stable-with-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8872 from freerange/3-0-stable-with-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8933 from freerange/3-2-stable-with-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8955 from burns/source_annotation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8914 from nilbus/fix-header-bloat","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8958 from balexand/strong_parameters...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8914 from nilbus/fix-header-bloat","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-14","Merge pull request #8942 from yahonda/tested_only_with_m...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-14","Merge pull request #8939 from senny/to_partial_path_test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-14","Fix the TestCase class and make tests pass on ruby 2.0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-14","Add regression test to #8907","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-14","Merge pull request #8927 from dkubb/issue-8178","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-14","Merge pull request #8916 from josemota/collection-with-b...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-14","Add regression test to #8907","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-14","Merge pull request #8917 from adomokos/adding_more_tests...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-12","Merge pull request #8907 from rubys/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8907 from rubys/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8895 from ernie/revert-hmt-on-unsave...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8896 from NARKOZ/patch-5","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-11","All green with Ruby 2.0 :green_heart:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-11","Use thor master to make rails work with Ruby 2.0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-11","thread_safe is a dependency of active_support","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8887 from rwz/controller-scaffold-co...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-10","Merge pull request #8821 from jamis/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8846 from AlexRiedler/revert_5861","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8839 from mattdbridges/clarify_chdir","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8838 from yahonda/8806_3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #8842 from nthj/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-07","Use whitelist to pass valid connection parameters to PGC...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-07","connection_parameters is an Array and will never have","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-07","Fix operators precedence issue","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-07","Remove the configuration key in the correct place","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-07","Merge pull request #8787 from tank-bohr/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8785 from goshakkk/refactor-debug-ex...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-06","Test only with Ruby 1.9+","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8783 from goshakkk/refactor-journey-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8782 from tank-bohr/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-06","Remove warnings","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8781 from trisweb/tristan_8757_integ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8772 from goshakkk/guides-warning-fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Remove the content_tag_for change from CHANGELOG since i...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Fix documentation to content_tag_for [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Move config.filter_parameters to you own initializer file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Assert config.filter_parameters should be able to be set...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Make sure assets is disable when --skip-sprockets is used","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Rename the last occurrence of UnexpectedParameters","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Wrong copy and paste :bomb:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Rename raise_on_unexpected_params to raise_on_unpermitte...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Add documentation to raise_on_unpermitted_parameters option","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Rename the configuration to raise_on_unpermitted_parameters","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Ensure that raise_on_unexpected_params configuration wil...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Fix typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8752 from thomasfedb/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Revert "[#8743] Test case"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-05","Don't use Rails.root since it is not available at this p...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8633 from mykola-kyryk/issue_8628","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8760 from amatsuda/railties_failing_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8755 from robworley/postgresql-ltree...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #8744 from tricknotes/suppress-warning","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Set the default timezone after the initialization since ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Remove unnecessary requires","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Remove assert_nothing_raised","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Merge pull request #7350 from slbug/date_time_ranges_wit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Change the encrypted campfire notification token","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Reuse the Column integer converter","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-04","Change duplicated test name","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8718 from jstirk/column_writer_to_i_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8734 from jstirk/master-column_write...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8733 from amatsuda/rails32_readme_di...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8732 from amatsuda/readme_call_yield","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Add documentation to ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile#...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8730 from robin850/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8729 from timraymond/help_message_fo...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8716 from miguelff/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8728 from amatsuda/model_all_returns...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #8727 from robin850/patch-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-03","Use Ruby 1.8 syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8706 from steveklabnik/ip_precautions","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8697 from goshakkk/undup","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8703 from senny/backport_8700","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Add release date of 3.2.10","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Improve CHANGELOG message [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8701 from senny/8700_double_slash_wi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8693 from goshakkk/flatten","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8692 from lucasmazza/error-page-css","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8691 from acapilleri/preload_associa...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8689 from goshakkk/error-page","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","No need to pass a empty block to content_tag_for anymore","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Make content_tag_for work without block","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8640 from jasl/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-01","Standardize the use of current_adapter?","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-01","Merge pull request #8678 from yahonda/remove_column_oracle","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-01-01","Merge pull request #8677 from amatsuda/unused_scope_in_t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Only call MiniTest.autorun if the dependecy is present","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Merge pull request #8664 from acapilleri/spawn_method","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Revert "Do not install debugger in the pathlevel 362"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Use ActiveSupport::TestCase in the journey tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Do not install debugger in the pathlevel 362","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Merge branch 'minitest_cleanup'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Add note on the contributing guide to not use the refute...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Alias refute methods to assert_not and perfer assert_not...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Do not use the same tests description","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Remove unneeded tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Add active_support/testing/autorun","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Inherit from MiniTest::Unit::TestCase instead of MiniTes...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-31","Revert "minitest provides "it" and "describe""","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-30","Merge pull request #8651 from tjouan/activerecord-struct...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-28","Merge pull request #8644 from acapilleri/abstract_mysql","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-28","Merge pull request #8636 from senny/work_off_fixme_in_re...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-27","Merge pull request #8634 from senny/rewrite_order_depend...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-27","Merge pull request #8627 from schneems/schneems/routes-1-9","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-27","Extract the component rendering of collection_radio_butt...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-27","Fix collection_radio_buttons with the option `:checked` ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","This change doesn't need a CHANGELOG entry.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Revert "Fix `validates_presence_of` with `:allow_nil` or...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Add CHANGELOG entry for #8622","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Fix `validates_presence_of` with `:allow_nil` or `:allow...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Revert the change at ActiveModel::Errors#add_on_blank an...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Merge pull request #8618 from senny/backport_8612","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Consistent use of single and double quotes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Merge pull request #8616 from senny/8612_respect_yaml_ke...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Fix CHANGELOG style [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Merge pull request #5100 from paukul/validate_on_conditi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","We need to check explictly that env['action_dispatch.sho...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-26","Merge pull request #8600 from shime/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-25","Merge pull request #8608 from senny/8576_cant_inherit_fr...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-25","Merge pull request #8607 from senny/8576_cant_inherit_fr...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-24","Merge pull request #8601 from amatsuda/chmod_x","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-24","Merge pull request #8595 from amatsuda/regex_warning","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-24","Explicit options should have precedence over railsrc on ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-24","Merge pull request #8593 from shime/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-23","Remove warning of intance variable not initialized","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-22","Merge pull request #8586 from balexand/cache_digests_regex","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Merge pull request #8574 from alindeman/rails_env","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Merge pull request #7376 from dmitriy-kiriyenko/fix-doub...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Remove CHANGELOG entry for ActiveModel::Errors#add_on_pr...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Use :present as key for the absence validatior message","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Remove ActiveModel::Errors#add_on_present method.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Serialized attribute can be serialized in an integer column","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","BufferedLogger is deprecated too.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Fix broken test for postgresql","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Serialized attribute can be serialized in an integer column","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-21","Wrap table creation in a transaction.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-20","Merge pull request #8560 from u16suzu/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-20","Merge pull request #8567 from frodsan/update_coding_conv...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-18","Revert "Merge pull request #7587 from elia/fix-too-eager...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-18","Merge pull request #8548 from garysweaver/postgresql_fal...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-17","Merge pull request #8543 from schneems/schneems/html-rou...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-17","Merge pull request #8542 from le0pard/fixed_ar_intrange","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-17","Merge pull request #8528 from le0pard/fixed_ar_intrange","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-17","Merge pull request #8521 from schneems/schneems/html-routes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-15","Merge pull request #8519 from rubys/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-14","Improve the documentation of cache_if and cache_unless","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-14","Merge pull request #8497 from acapilleri/conditional_cache","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-13","Add missing require.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-13","Merge pull request #8432 from rmcastil/add_migration_exa...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-12","Merge pull request #8490 from mattv/fix_request_raw_post","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-11","Merge pull request #8490 from mattv/fix_request_raw_post","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-11","Backport thread-local variables from Ruby 2.0","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-11","Make sure that no extra spaces are created with a non-po...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Add CHANGELOG entry for #6376.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Allow users to choose the timestamp format in the cache key","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Add CHANGELOG entry for #6376.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Allow users to choose the timestamp format in the cache key","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Make sure the tests pass in the case closer to described...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Move new CHANGELOG entry to the top","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Merge pull request #8476 from sheerun/fix/multipart-get","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Make sure the tests pass in the case closer to described...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Remove warning of unused variable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Merge pull request #8477 from senny/backport_8448","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Merge pull request #8450 from senny/8448_mailer_return_v...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Merge branch 'scaffold_fixes'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Ensure the scaffold tests will pass when using reference...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Merge pull request #8472 from schneems/schneems/expand_path","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Add GeneratedAttribute#column_name to get the name of th...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Extract a attributes_names method to avoid duplication","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Deal with polymorphic attributes correctly in the genera...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Make references and belongs_to attributes to generate th...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-10","Put the reference and belongs_to attributes in the scaff...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-09","Use the references and belongs_id ids in the scaffold_co...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-09","Add test case for scaffold_controller generator without ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-09","Remove the spaces after the open bracket and before the ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-09","Merge pull request #8469 from kytrinyx/explicit-mysql-in...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-08","Merge pull request #8465 from frodsan/update_am_action_c...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-06","Merge pull request #8440 from steveklabnik/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-06","Change the encrypted campfire notification token","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8427 from kennyj/support_rack_env","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8371 from freegenie/5396-conditional...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8412 from JoeyButler/action_dispatch...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8417 from kennyj/fix_8414","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #8417 from kennyj/fix_8414","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #8416 from kennyj/redundant_pg_namespace","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #8413 from senny/8403_backport","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #8403 from senny/3313_after_find_is_t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #8411 from YasuOza/turbolinks_require...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-03","Merge pull request #8407 from kennyj/fix_profiler_comments","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-03","Try to get back the campfire notifications","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-02","Merge pull request #8402 from senny/8376_descriptive_err...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-02","Merge pull request #8402 from senny/8376_descriptive_err...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-02","Merge pull request #8394 from acangiano/add_db_folder_to...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-02","Merge pull request #8398 from rmascarenhas/active-model-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-01","Merge pull request #8397 from mmb/gitignore_global_home","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-12-01","Merge pull request #8391 from rmascarenhas/reset-attribu...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-30","Merge pull request #8385 from frodsan/strings_love","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-30","Make the CHANGELOG consistent [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-29","Merge pull request #8378 from steveklabnik/split_validat...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-29","Merge pull request #8372 from amparo-luna/gemfile_source...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-29","Merge pull request #8352 from steveklabnik/update_7858","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-29","Add CHANGELOG entries for the observes extraction","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-29","Merge pull request #8361 from lucasmazza/typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-29","Merge branch 'extract_observers'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-29","Gracefully handle upgrading apps with observers","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-29","Remove observers and sweepers","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-28","Merge pull request #8355 from steveklabnik/update_7418","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-28","Merge pull request #8352 from steveklabnik/update_7858","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-28","Fix some indentation in the postgresql_specific_schema","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-28","Add comment to a table without model.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-28","Use assert_nil instead of assert_equal","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-27","Merge pull request #8318 from Empact/fixture-file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-27","Merge pull request #8339 from latortuga/cache-digest-opt...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-27","Revert "Merge pull request #8341 from amatsuda/bundle_so...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-27","Merge pull request #8341 from amatsuda/bundle_source_rub...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-27","Merge pull request #8340 from skojin/grouped_options_for...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-27","Merge pull request #8337 from amatsuda/unshift_html_scanner","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-27","Remove warning of circular require","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #7282 from xHire/validates_length_of_fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8324 from steveklabnik/changelog_7997","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8323 from steveklabnik/changelog_7997","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8321 from steveklabnik/backport_7997","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8312 from senny/make_active_model_pa...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-22","Merge pull request #8295 from senny/8265_backport","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-22","Merge pull request #8291 from senny/8265_build_with_poly...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-21","Merge pull request #7716 from steveklabnik/issue_7715","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-21","Merge pull request #6245 from bogdan/bc_timestamp","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-21","Merge pull request #8289 from semaperepelitsa/pg_adapter...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-21","Remove return guard and use code convetions","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-20","Merge pull request #8280 from asanghi/fix_guide_field_wi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-20","Merge pull request #8280 from asanghi/fix_guide_field_wi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-20","Merge pull request #8276 from pwnall/pgsql_text_limits","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-20","Merge pull request #8276 from pwnall/pgsql_text_limits","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-19","Merge pull request #8044 from nateberkopec/block_does_no...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-19","Merge pull request #8271 from senny/backport_8262","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-19","Merge pull request #8262 from senny/8229_correct_bundler...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-19","Merge pull request #3023 from Tho85/preserve_sti_type","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-19","Merge pull request #8266 from CvX/index_rename","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-18","Merge pull request #8260 from sauliusg/improved_deprecat...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-18","Merge pull request #8259 from senny/make_queued_message_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-17","Merge pull request #8247 from rnesius/sqlserver-template","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-16","Merge pull request #8234 from kentaro/bundler-1.2.2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-15","Merge pull request #8219 from nikitug/threadsafe_xmlmini...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-15","Merge pull request #8227 from senny/backport_8139","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-15","Merge pull request #8222 from marcandre/avoid_slash","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-14","Merge pull request #8216 from trevorturk/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8209 from senny/backport_8176","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8204 from nikitug/fix_dynamic_finder...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8169 from nicolasdespres/robust_git_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8205 from kennyj/fix_6951-32","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8176 from senny/7551_pluck_with_select","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8201 from nikitug/regression_test_on...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-13","Merge pull request #8193 from claudiob/add_rails329_rele...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8162 from fimmtiu/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8161 from guilleiguaran/downgrade-sp...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8161 from guilleiguaran/downgrade-sp...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8157 from steveklabnik/remove_callba...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8147 from gbchaosmaster/gemspec","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8149 from senny/backport_7842_to_rai...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8115 from senny/7842_handle_trailing...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8145 from sobrinho/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-08","Use a more descriptive test name","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-08","Add CHANGELOG entry for #8108 on master too.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-08","Fix the release in the CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8108 from Casecommons/fix-multiple-a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8138 from sobrinho/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-05","Make the tests pass with minitest 4.2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-05","Merge pull request #8118 from nashby/activemodel-errors","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-03","Check if the options value is present before to send the...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Merge pull request #8108 from Casecommons/fix-multiple-a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Remove old comment","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Deprecate passing a string as third argument of `add_index`","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Raise an ArgumentError when passing an invalid option to...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Add test to avoid regression of 1bfc5b4","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Add test to avoid regression of 4a86362","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Revert "Merge pull request #7668 from Draiken/fix_issue_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Revert "Merge pull request #7668 from Draiken/fix_issue_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-11-02","Merge pull request #8097 from steveklabnik/issue_8095","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-31","Merge pull request #8084 from acapilleri/format_never_nil","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-31","Revert "Merge pull request #7659 from HugoLnx/template_e...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-31","Revert "Merge pull request #7797 from senny/7459_prefix_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-31","Merge pull request #8074 from kennyj/fix_6951","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-30","Add CHANGELOG entry to #8032 fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-30","Fix typo :bomb: [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-30","Fix bug when Column is trying to type cast boolean value...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-30","Fix bug when Column is trying to type cast boolean value...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #8009 from graceliu/3-2-fix_database_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Add test to deprecation of Path#children","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #7587 from elia/fix-too-eager-loading","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Revert "Deprecate Paths::Path#children which is unused now"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #7587 from elia/fix-too-eager-loading","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #8057 from frodsan/fix_sqlite_mutate_arg","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Make Active Record tests pass in isolation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Fix the skip code.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Fix the skip code.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #7593 from veader/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #8057 from frodsan/fix_sqlite_mutate_arg","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #7750 from xuanxu/none_modificating_r...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8046 from pmahoney/exceptions_as_flo...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8048 from senny/7761_dont_render_vie...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8048 from senny/7761_dont_render_vie...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8056 from frodsan/fix_issue_missing_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-28","Merge pull request #8052 from schneems/schneems/silence-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-27","USe the released version of sprockets-rails in a new Rai...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-27","Merge pull request #7960 from pwnall/mysql_varbinary","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-27","Improve the deprecation message of link_to_function and","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-27","Add the Working with JavaScript Guides in the guides hom...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-27","Merge pull request #8043 from senny/remove_trailing_whit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-27","Add test case to assets eager load","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-26","Merge pull request #7593 from veader/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-26","Merge pull request #7971 from dgraham/hash-replace","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-25","Merge pull request #8030 from calebthompson/fix-ternary","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-24","Merge pull request #8022 from GRoguelon/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-24","Merge pull request #8021 from ugisozols/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-23","Merge pull request #8014 from insside/task-test-typos","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-22","Add tests to make sure that the I18n taken message can b...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-21","Merge pull request #8006 from GRoguelon/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-20","Rotate the debug.log on each 100MB","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-20","Merge pull request #8002 from nashby/checkbox-include","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-20","We don't need this anymore since we had a sprockets-rail...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-20","Merge pull request #7995 from adimichele/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-19","Merge pull request #7997 from steveklabnik/issue_733","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-19","Merge pull request #7996 from yahonda/revert_7994","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-19","Merge pull request #7994 from frodsan/truncate_debug_log","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Require ActionController::Railtie in the default middlew...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Require ActionController::Railtie in the default middlew...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Merge pull request #7975 from butcher/extend_date_select...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Remove warning setting eager_load","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Don't use action_controller.perform_caching to enable ra...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Fix the app_generator and plugin_new tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Merge pull request #7990 from mrbrdo/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Merge pull request #7989 from senny/backport_7969","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Merge pull request #7969 from senny/active_model_validat...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Now the Sprockets railtie lives in sprockets/railtie","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Permit string and float values in the multiparameter at...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Typecast to string and array are not supported in multip...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Merge pull request #7968 from josh/only-precompile-app-a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Merge pull request #7964 from josh/josh-sprockets-rails","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Add more CHANGELOG entries from #7927","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-18","Add CHANGELOG entry for #7927","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-17","Revert "Change with start of translation in internationa...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-17","Revert "divided into folder with the language"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-15","Merge pull request #7956 from josh/ignore-asset-url-quer...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-15","Merge pull request #7927 from josh/asset-path-helper","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-14","Merge pull request #7947 from acapilleri/uniqueness_vali...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-14","Merge pull request #7942 from IPGlider/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-14","Merge pull request #7940 from arturopie/7914-backport-to...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-14","Merge pull request #7937 from arturopie/7914-defaults-on...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-13","Merge pull request #7935 from leereilly/minor-gemfile-twerk","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7007 from Mik-die/hash_extract","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7926 from senny/whitespace_cleanup","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7925 from ernie/3-2-fix-collection-a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7923 from josh/seperate-asset-tag-an...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","ActiveSupport::SynchronousQueue doesn't have the drain m...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","Move the TestQueue tests to the proper file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7871 from bjnord/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7919 from arunagw/warning_removed_sh...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7915 from frodsan/docs_permit","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-11","Merge pull request #7912 from mrship/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-11","Merge pull request #7886 from senny/3675_assert_template...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-11","Merge pull request #7908 from arunagw/build_fix_railties","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-11","Merge pull request #7905 from jfirebaugh/eager_autoload_3-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-11","Merge pull request #7904 from jfirebaugh/eager_autoload","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-09","Merge pull request #7885 from guilleiguaran/railties-cha...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-09","Merge pull request #7883 from guilleiguaran/refactor-ass...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-09","Merge pull request #7881 from guilleiguaran/fix-initializer","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-08","Merge pull request #7877 from claudiob/remove_duplicate_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-08","Merge pull request #7875 from senny/interpolation_for_ex...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-07","Merge pull request #6282 from alexeymuranov/rename-fixtu...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-07","Merge pull request #7869 from Locke23rus/actionmailer_ne...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-07","Remove unneeded attr_reader","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-07","Fix nodoc comment","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-07","More Ruby 1.9 hash syntax.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-07","We don't need to check blank? here.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-07","Update some code styles.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-07","Merge pull request #7865 from teleological/link_to_remot...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Merge pull request #7864 from teleological/link_to_remot...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Remove unneeded require","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Move multiparameter attributes related tests to its own ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Use the Ruby 1.8 hash syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Merge pull request #7848 from senny/3415_assert_template...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Merge pull request #7848 from senny/3415_assert_template...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Merge pull request #7850 from senny/5920_postgres_adapte...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Merge pull request #7850 from senny/5920_postgres_adapte...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","We don't need the each call since grep take a block and ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-06","Merge pull request #7861 from frodsan/test_backtrace","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-05","Allow parameter filters to match multi-parameter attributes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-05","Merge pull request #7854 from guilleiguaran/extract-rack...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-05","Fix the coffee-rails dependecy version","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Use String#exclude? to make sure that Active Support is ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Remove action cache related tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Strip heredoc to not generate the Gemfile with trailing ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Add turbolinks as development dependency","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Remove unneeded CHANGELOG entry.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Do not set removed option","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Merge pull request #7833 from frodsan/extract_ap_pages_a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Merge pull request #6978 from frodsan/count_nosql_unsave...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Merge pull request #7846 from ahaymond/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Fix CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-04","Merge pull request #6978 from frodsan/count_nosql_unsave...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-03","Merge pull request #7836 from lihanli/error-msg-update","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-03","Use the `flat_map` method.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-03","Revert "Merge pull request #7826 from sikachu/master-val...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-03","Don't use tap in this case.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-03","Merge pull request #7826 from sikachu/master-validators-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-03","Merge pull request #7825 from sikachu/master-rails-pathname","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-02","Merge pull request #7822 from lulalala/reset-counter-cac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-02","Merge pull request #7822 from lulalala/reset-counter-cac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-02","Merge pull request #7636 from steveklabnik/issue_5660","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-02","Merge pull request #7708 from bdurand/optimize_log_subsc...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-02","Merge pull request #7797 from senny/7459_prefix_tempalte...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-02","Merge pull request #7797 from senny/7459_prefix_tempalte...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-02","New CHANGELOG entries always in the top","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-01","Merge pull request #7789 from senny/7777_resource_functi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-01","Merge pull request #7789 from senny/7777_resource_functi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-01","Merge pull request #7813 from arunagw/warning_fixed_as","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-01","Merge pull request #6450 from iHiD/resource_generator_ro...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-01","Since File instance doesn't respond to #open use a doubl...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-10-01","Merge pull request #6450 from iHiD/resource_generator_ro...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-30","Merge pull request #7791 from acapilleri/build_association","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-30","New CHANGELOG entries always in the top [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-30","Whitespaces :scissors: [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-30","Merge pull request #7659 from HugoLnx/template_error_no_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-30","Merge pull request #7659 from HugoLnx/template_error_no_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-29","Merge pull request #7786 from yabawock/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-29","Merge pull request #7784 from morgoth/proper_test_names_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-28","Merge pull request #7782 from yahonda/case_insensitive_t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-28","Fix syntax error in the command_line guide [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-28","Fix syntax error with no US-ASCII char","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-28","Add missing CHANGELOG entry removed by mistake at 7f3b47...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-28","Merge pull request #7776 from smartinez87/changelog_entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-28","Merge pull request #7394 from bobbyw/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-28","Merge pull request #7775 from frodsan/test_ap_metal","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-27","remove method redefinition warnings","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-27","Merge pull request #7768 from kennyj/removing_dead_code_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-25","Merge pull request #7757 from yahonda/skip_non_supported...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-25","Merge pull request #7756 from yahonda/isolation_level_or...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-25","Merge pull request #7754 from NARKOZ/image_tag-size","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-25","Merge pull request #7738 from grosser/verified_request","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-25","Merge pull request #7684 from jrochkind/connection_pool_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-24","Merge pull request #7727 from frodsan/security_guide_sp","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-22","Put the new CHANGELOG entries always in the top [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-21","Revert "update ActionMailer::Base documentation [ci skip]"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-21","Fix invalid ruby 1.8 syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-21","Merge pull request #7724 from joliss/changelog","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-21","Merge pull request #7723 from steveklabnik/backport_3554","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Revert "Revert "Respect `config.digest = false` for `ass...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Explictly set the assets digest option to false","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Revert "Respect `config.digest = false` for `asset_path`"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Revert "backport fair connection pool 02b2335563 to 3-2-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7719 from frodsan/strong_params_docs...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Remove the environment variables in the Gemfile","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7703 from kennyj/fix_6962","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7718 from kennyj/fix_6962-32","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7710 from guilleiguaran/refactor-ar-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7709 from alexreisner/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #7707 from guilleiguaran/changelogs-u...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #7701 from guilleiguaran/set-permit-a...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Improve the CHANGELOG entry for #6971","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #6971 from dmathieu/empty_hash","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #7482 from route/syncing_tests_for_sp...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #7668 from Draiken/fix_issue_6497","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #7668 from Draiken/fix_issue_6497","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #7694 from guilleiguaran/update-ar-docs","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Merge pull request #7693 from parndt/patch-6","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-19","Cache columns metadata to avoid extra while testing","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-18","In development and test we drain the jobs in the same th...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #7691 from lest/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #7686 from steveklabnik/add_upgrade_note","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #5339 from gregolsen/week_start_config","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #7680 from steveklabnik/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #7672 from wagenet/asset_path_digest_fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7675 from jrochkind/fair_conn_pool_b...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7660 from senny/7646_wrong_status_co...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7644 from insside/register_template_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Use the CHANGELOG convention [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7661 from ernie/build-join-records-o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7661 from ernie/build-join-records-o...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7595 from guilleiguaran/update-ap-ch...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7667 from kennyj/fix_unnecessary_cod...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7666 from kennyj/fix_9fa3f102813eeee...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7664 from arunagw/build_fix_railties","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7666 from kennyj/fix_9fa3f102813eeee...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7662 from frodsan/ar_changelog","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7547 from danmcclain/pg-arrays","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Remove debug code :bomb:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7651 from steveklabnik/issue_3956","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7651 from steveklabnik/issue_3956","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Backport explain fixes.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7645 from larrylv/configurable-defaults","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-15","Merge pull request #7648 from kennyj/rename_2_schema","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-15","Check if etag exists before to do the gsub","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-15","Merge pull request #7655 from steveklabnik/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-15","Merge pull request #7643 from steveklabnik/deprecate_sil...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-15","Merge pull request #7649 from steveklabnik/issue_2520","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-15","Fix syntax error in assert_match","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-15","Merge pull request #7653 from arunagw/warnings-removed","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-14","`skip` in Ruby 1.8 doesn't skip the test case without re...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-13","Merge pull request #7632 from stevecj/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-13","Merge pull request #7628 from Pranas/deep_merge_with_block","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-13","Copy-edit deprecation relared documentation [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-13","Merge pull request #7524 from al2o3cr/store_boolean","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-13","Merge pull request #7623 from tchandy/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-13","Merge pull request #7614 from frodsan/scm_agnostic","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-12","Remove the queue configuration from the environments tem...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-12","Updating the documentation to ActionMailer::Base.queue","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-12","Define a SynchronousQueue for test in Action Pack.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-12","Allow users to configure the queue for the mailers","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-12","Use the SynchronousQueue as default in production and de...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #7603 from kennyj/fix_charset_vs_enco...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #7521 from graceliu/fix_database_url_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-11","Merge pull request #7488 from needfeed/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-11","Merge pull request #7594 from guilleiguaran/rb-template-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-10","Merge pull request #7586 from route/precompile-should-no...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-10","Merge pull request #7432 from kennyj/fix_annoy_warning","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-09","Merge pull request #7582 from tchandy/fix_type_cast_code","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-09","Merge pull request #7571 from arunagw/warning_removed_sh...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-08","Merge pull request #7577 from frodsan/fix_ap_response","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-08","Merge pull request #7576 from prijutme4ty/fix_require_ne...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-08","Merge pull request #7574 from frodsan/chlog_ar","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-06","Put the create_table block in a transaction.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-06","Merge pull request #7527 from guedes/pg9.2_json_support","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Add CHANGELOG entry for #7532 [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Merge pull request #7532 from al2o3cr/fix_store_bugs","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Merge pull request #7536 from pivotal/fix_pluck_with_res...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Merge pull request #7525 from seamusabshere/use-mysql-bi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Define just the cattr_reader.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Use the same logger that ActionView::Base for the Digestor","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Remove unneeded requires","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Merge pull request #7337 from adzap/string_to_dummy_time","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Merge pull request #7337 from adzap/string_to_dummy_time","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Merge pull request #7447 from etehtsea/postgresql-adapter","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-05","Merge pull request #7519 from leocassarani/merge-with-block","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-04","Merge pull request #7522 from lexmag/mime_type","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-03","Merge pull request #7515 from senny/custom_inheritance_c...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-03","Merge pull request #7514 from senny/issue_7503_3_2_stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-09-03","Merge pull request #7506 from senny/issue_7503","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-30","Merge pull request #7485 from kennyj/fix_build_20120830","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-30","Merge pull request #7484 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120830","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-28","Merge pull request #7470 from kennyj/fix_method_redefine...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-28","Merge pull request #7466 from arunagw/warning_removed_ap","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-28","Add missing require","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-28","Remove warning when using html_escape with Ruby 1.9.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-28","Merge pull request #7452 from arunagw/memcached_dalli","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-28","Merge pull request #7458 from frodsan/fix_orddep_basics","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-27","Merge pull request #7460 from frodsan/fix_nested_attribu...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Remove unused variable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Add test to ensure that save will raise SerializationTyp...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","We don't need this reload","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Use the Topic class in the attribute serialized tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Use teardown hook to return the initial state of the object","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Move the serialized attribute tests to their own file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Move test to the correct file","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Remove some entries from the 4.0 release notes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Remove CHANGELOG entry for the update_attribute removal.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Use verify_readonly_attribute in the update_columns method","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Revert "Remove private verify readonly attr method"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Revert "Remove update_attribute."","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Merge pull request #7029 from panthomakos/date-and-time","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-26","Merge pull request #7449 from Mik-die/nested-limits","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-25","Merge pull request #7435 from nashby/fix-issue-7431","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-25","Merge pull request #7446 from nashby/backport-fix-issue-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-24","Merge pull request #7342 from sobrinho/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-24","Merge pull request #7058 from frodsan/fix_as_random_tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-23","Update the ducumentation about the before_eager_load cal...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-23","before_eager_load only runs when eager_load is true","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #6606 from amatsuda/ar_relation_model...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Add CHANGELOG entry for #3578 [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #3578 from amatsuda/remove_j_alias_fo...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Use a model without counter cache to test read-only attr...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Use a model without counter cache to test read-only attr...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #5210 from Pliny/masteri","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #5210 from Pliny/masteri","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #7410 from sandeepravi/default_option...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Add CHANGELOG entry for #7410","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #7410 from sandeepravi/default_option...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #7409 from kennyj/refactor_activereco...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #7406 from janko-m/documentation_fixes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #7000 from kennyj/fix_6697-3","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #6986 from kennyj/fix_6975","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Add CHANGELOG entry for #6986","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #6986 from kennyj/fix_6975","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-20","Revert "association_basics, updated how inverse_of works"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-20","Merge pull request #7396 from tomykaira/cleanup_test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-19","Merge pull request #7392 from ernie/real-fix-for-last-eq...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-18","Merge pull request #7390 from aantix/add_x_content_type_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-18","Merge pull request #7388 from ManageIQ/fix_table_remove_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-18","Ruby 1.8 doesn't have to_r defined to NilClass and Float.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-17","Merge pull request #7381 from IPGlider/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-17","Merge pull request #7352 from aripollak/microsecond-time...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-17","Merge pull request #7352 from aripollak/microsecond-time...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-16","Merge pull request #7024 from bogdan/strict_validation_c...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-16","Remove the active_model require from action_dispatch.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-15","Remove warning when using html_escape with Ruby 1.9.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-15","Do not use update_column where update_attribute is not i...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-14","Merge pull request #7349 from steveklabnik/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-14","Some release notes love :heart:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-14","Merge branch 'concerns'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-14","Add CHANGELOG entry and documentation for Routing Concerns","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-14","Extract common controllers to abstract_unit","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-14","Implementing Routing Concerns","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-13","Merge pull request #7343 from egtann/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-12","Merge pull request #7341 from edward/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-12","Merge pull request #6073 from daveyeu/restore-state-on-r...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-12","Merge pull request #6073 from daveyeu/restore-state-on-r...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-11","Merge pull request #7316 from brainopia/backport_fix_ses...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-11","Sync CHANGELOGs [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-11","Add CHANGELOG entry for #7314","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-11","Merge pull request #7314 from schneems/schneems/form_for...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-11","Merge pull request #7329 from guilleiguaran/move-default...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-10","Add CHANGELOG entry for #7286","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-10","Merge pull request #7286 from kennyj/fix_7191","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-10","Merge pull request #7286 from kennyj/fix_7191","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-09","Merge pull request #7299 from iHiD/3-2-stable-store","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-09","Add CHANGELOG entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-08","Merge pull request #7294 from stevecj/fix-psql-reconnect...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-08","Merge pull request #7292 from stevecj/fix-psql-reconnect...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-08","Fix CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-08","Fix tests about single quote escaping","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-07","Deprecate `button_to_function` and `link_to_function` he...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-07","Add back missing require","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-07","Fix the deprecation horizon. [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-07","Remove references to old behavior with headers at","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-07","Merge pull request #7284 from josh/fix-asset-tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-06","Add CHANGELOG entry for a935c7a","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-06","Merge pull request #7277 from sikachu/master-js-include-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-06","Merge pull request #7276 from sikachu/3-2-stable-js-incl...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-06","Merge pull request #7275 from asanghi/perform_deliveries...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-06","Merge pull request #7272 from lexmag/string_inquirer","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-06","Don't use `html_escape` to test the escaping","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-06","Add CHANGELOG entry for 3c731a4ad62430100ba0b65bc966aa6d...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-05","Merge pull request #7140 from seamusabshere/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-05","Revert "Merge pull request #6084 from brainopia/support_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-05","Merge pull request #7140 from seamusabshere/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-05","Update changelog","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-05","Merge pull request #7268 from arunagw/warning-removed-small","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-03","Merge pull request #7253 from acapilleri/lenght_validato...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-03","Merge pull request #7231 from armanddp/no_content","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Remove `:rails_env` task since it is not needed anymore.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","More `:rails_env` cleanup.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","More `:rails_env` cleanup.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Merge pull request #7240 from steveklabnik/fix_2301","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Fix html_escape with Ruby 1.8","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Fix html_escape with Ruby 1.8","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Fix tests.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Use `:data => { :confirm => "Text" }` syntax instead of ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Do not consider the numeric attribute as changed if the ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Use `:data => { :confirm => "Text" }` syntax instead of ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Do not consider the numeric attribute as changed if the ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-02","Do not consider the numeric attribute as changed if the ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Revert "Deprecate link_to_function and button_to_functio...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Revert "Deprecate `:mouseover` options for `image_tag` h...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Revert "Deprecate ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Fix CHANGELOGS","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Revert "Deprecate `:confirm` in favor of `:data => { :co...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Revert "Deprecating composed_of in ActiveRecord"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Merge pull request #7219 from jmazzi/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Merge pull request #7070 from jmazzi/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Merge pull request #7147 from pferdefleisch/scaffold_con...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Merge pull request #7147 from pferdefleisch/scaffold_con...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-08-01","Merge pull request #7204 from frodsan/update_conventions","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-31","Add CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-31","Merge pull request #7212 from accessd/small-typo-fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-31","Merge pull request #7176 from bogdan/reverse_order","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-30","Merge pull request #7203 from frodsan/typo_live","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-30","Remove the deprecation of update_column.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-30","Revert "Add update_columns and the suggestion of using u...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-30","Merge pull request #7198 from cfcosta/refactor-cache_con...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-30","ActionController::DataStreaming::FileBody doesn't respon...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-29","Remove warning renaming the test classes to use the test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-29","Remove deprecation warning, since scoped waas deprecated","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-28","Merge pull request #7187 from frodsan/fix_test_help","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-28","Merge pull request #7186 from rimidl/fix-failure-test-in...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-28","Merge pull request #7185 from route/reset_table_name_ref...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-27","Revert "Removed reference to composed_of."","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-27","Revert "Removing composed_of from ActiveRecord."","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-27","Merge pull request #7182 from yahonda/address_7178","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-27","Merge pull request #7181 from jfirebaugh/rbx","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-27","Only require the `:rails_env` task where is needed.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-27","Only require the `:rails_env` task where is needed.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-27","Merge pull request #7173 from yahonda/address_7138","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-26","Merge pull request #7171 from beerlington/refactor_inher...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-26","Merge pull request #7170 from makaroni4/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-26","Merge pull request #7165 from parndt/patch-5","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-26","Merge pull request #7164 from parndt/patch-4","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-25","Merge pull request #7158 from yahonda/use_string_for_set...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-24","Merge branch 'update_columns'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-24","Deprecate update_column in favor of update_columns.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-24","Use update_columns to implemente the update_column","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-24","Merge pull request #7148 from yahonda/address_6195","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-24","Merge pull request #7150 from lucasmazza/flush_option","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-24","Merge pull request #6991 from frodsan/performance_test_g...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-23","Merge pull request #7137 from kennyj/fix_installing_prob...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-22","Add one more test case to make sure that data attributes...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-22","Merge pull request #7130 from kennyj/fix_restoring_query...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-22","Merge pull request #7123 from nashby/data-in-options","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-21","Merge pull request #7126 from frodsan/fix_nodoc_encoding","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-21","Remove deprecation warnings","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-21","Add back `:disable_with` and change deprecation horizon ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-21","Add back `:confirm` and change deprecation horizon to 4.1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-21","+"foo"+ doesn't generate code tag [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-21","Lets be consistent with whitespaces at documentation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-21","Copy-edits at Rails::Queueing documentation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-20","Update documentation and change the range method name to...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-20","`validates_inclusion_of` and `validates_exclusion_of` no...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-20","Don't pass `:within` option to the i18n","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-20","`validates_inclusion_of` and `validates_exclusion_of` no...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-20","Merge pull request #7099 from f1sherman/sweeper-clean-up...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-19","Merge pull request #7078 from kennyj/logging_query_plan","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-19","Merge pull request #7108 from arunagw/mocha_bump","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-18","Merge pull request #7095 from davekaro/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-18","Merge pull request #6614 from carlosgaldino/data-confirm","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-17","Merge pull request #4396 from kennyj/fix_4259","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-16","Merge pull request #7066 from wkang/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-14","Merge pull request #7057 from kennyj/fix_sql_bypass_problem","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-14","Merge pull request #7056 from kennyj/avoid_twice_call","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-13","Merge pull request #7048 from kennyj/tiny_fixes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-13","Merge pull request #7045 from kennyj/remove_duplicated_c...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-10","Merge pull request #7025 from rustygeldmacher/select_opt...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-10","Merge pull request #7026 from rustygeldmacher/select_opt...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-08","Merge pull request #6956 from lexmag/ref_migration_gener...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-06","Merge pull request #6985 from sidonath/disable-query-cac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-06","Merge pull request #6985 from sidonath/disable-query-cac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-05","Merge pull request #6973 from route/wrapped_keys_in_log_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-05","Merge pull request #6967 from frodsan/quite_as_duration","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-05","Merge pull request #6968 from guilleiguaran/update-test-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-04","Update 4.0 Release Notes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-03","Merge pull request #6948 from frodsan/plugin_skip_ignore","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-03","Merge branch 'lexmag-reference_statements'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-03","Don't need to use delete in the options hash","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-03","Merge pull request #6934 from kennyj/fix_store","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-02","Merge pull request #6935 from frodsan/b1e509ad7a8c826454...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-01","Use strings for the table names","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-01","Unify the collation API for the database adpters","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-07-01","Merge pull request #6914 from lexmag/migration_tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-30","Merge pull request #6906 from kennyj/extract_collation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-29","Remove more tests related to draw external routes files","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-28","Merge pull request #6878 from masarakki/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-28","Merge pull request #6895 from kennyj/support_collate_for...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-28","Merge pull request #6894 from subbarao/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-27","Merge pull request #6878 from masarakki/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-27","Merge pull request #6873 from mauricio/fix-for-6825","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-27","Merge pull request #6879 from yahonda/address_basic_incl...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-26","Merge pull request #6870 from erichmenge/patch/base_test...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-26","Remove file added by mistake at 88230b7cf77181c2088cce33...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-25","Merge pull request #6855 from kennyj/refactor_database_t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-25","Merge pull request #6853 from frodsan/nodoc_patch2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-25","Rails 4 will be 1.9.3+ only [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-24","Merge pull request #6842 from ernie/handle-non-strings-i...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-24","Merge pull request #6842 from ernie/handle-non-strings-i...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-22","Merge pull request #6832 from frodsan/nodoc_patch1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-22","Merge pull request #6821 from tonywok/pg_datetime_precision","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-22","Merge pull request #6829 from frodsan/misunderstood_param","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-22","Merge pull request #6800 from mschneider/dynamic_finders...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-21","Merge pull request #6818 from frodsan/add_nodoc_instance...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-21","Merge pull request #6815 from frodsan/add_nodoc_attrmeth...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-21","Remove waning of unused variable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-21","Merge branch 'acapilleri-update_nested_attributes'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-20","Merge pull request #6801 from dmathieu/mailer_raise_if_n...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-20","Merge pull request #6799 from kennyj/refactor_long_codes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-20","Merge pull request #4396 from kennyj/fix_4259","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-20","Run the logger tests in isolation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-20","CORES needs to be a integer","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-20","Merge branch 'aderyabin-fix7'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-20","Remove unneeded code since pluck is respecting joins now","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-20","Extract conditional to a method to avoid duplication","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-19","Add missing require","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6782 from kennyj/db-rake-structure-dump","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6783 from kennyj/rename_testname","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-19","Merge branch 'acapilleri-update_nested_attributes'","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-19","Refactor the conditionals","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-19","Improve the CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-18","Add CHANGELOG entry to composed_of removal","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-18","Merge pull request #6742 from steveklabnik/deprecate_com...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-18","Merge pull request #6743 from steveklabnik/remove_compos...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-18","Merge pull request #6772 from yahonda/reset_sequence_nam...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-18","Merge pull request #6767 from frodsan/fix_sqlite_rake_tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-18","Merge pull request #6766 from frodsan/refactor_db_tasks","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-18","Merge pull request #6765 from frodsan/fix_build_railties","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-18","Merge pull request #6764 from frodsan/patch-4","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-16","Merge pull request #6756 from arunagw/build_fix_ap","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-16","Merge pull request #6755 from kennyj/remove_csv_support","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-16","Merge pull request #6752 from steveklabnik/fix_5680","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-16","Merge pull request #6752 from steveklabnik/fix_5680","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-15","Merge pull request #6748 from marcandre/dasherize_doc","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-14","Remove unneded tests.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-14","Remove unneded tests.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-14","Add CHANGELOG entry to the uuid datatype support to Post...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-14","Merge pull request #6713 from etehtsea/activerecord-uuid","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-12","Merge pull request #6716 from frodsan/patch-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-12","Merge pull request #6715 from arunagw/add_asserts","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-12","Merge pull request #6715 from arunagw/add_asserts","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-12","Merge pull request #6676 from aurelian/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-12","Merge pull request #6676 from aurelian/master","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-12","Merge pull request #6682 from acapilleri/dup_validation_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-12","Merge pull request #6444 from kennyj/create_extenstion_h...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-12","Remove warnings and unused code","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","No need to cache table metadata in advance now that #668...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Mysql and Mysql2 adapters accepts only two arguments in ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6492 from pmahoney/fair-connection-p...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6709 from amatsuda/sqlite3_version_i...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6706 from amatsuda/ar_timezone_forma...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6690 from suginoy/fix-templates-copy","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6705 from ganeshkumar/string_method_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6690 from suginoy/fix-templates-copy","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6699 from takkanm/fix-character-clas...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6698 from yahonda/address_ora_911_ma...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6698 from yahonda/address_ora_911_ma...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6521 from Empact/throw-result","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6521 from Empact/throw-result","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-10","Remove bundle exec from the exception message","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-10","Remove warning","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-10","Add test to column alias in `exists?` SQL.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-10","Add test to column alias in `exists?` SQL.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-10","Merge pull request #6688 from c42engineering/buffered_lo...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-10","Merge pull request #6695 from kennyj/fix_6635","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-10","Merge pull request #6695 from kennyj/fix_6635","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-10","Merge pull request #6683 from stevecj/fix-fragile-assert...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-08","Merge pull request #6681 from arunagw/plugin_gen_fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-08","Merge pull request #6678 from arunagw/fix_issue_6673","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-08","Merge pull request #6677 from arunagw/3-2-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-07","Merge pull request #6667 from yahonda/skip_polymorphic_i...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-07","Merge pull request #6597 from frodsan/am_include_root_to...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-06","Merge pull request #6647 from amatsuda/192_minitest_meth...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-05","Revert "fix the Flash middleware loading the session on ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-05","Add test to flash sweep after two redirects","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-05","Merge pull request #6613 from carlosgaldino/3-2-data-con...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-05","Merge pull request #6638 from frodsan/config_accessor","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-04","Merge pull request #6622 from kennyj/fix_6591-32","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-01","Merge pull request #6593 from yahonda/skip_test_remove_c...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-01","Revert some ActiveSupport::Callbacks changes.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-01","Sync CHANGLOG with the 3-2-stable branch","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-01","Add release date of 3.2.5 on the CHANGELOG","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-01","Merge pull request #6587 from amatsuda/controller_genera...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-06-01","Merge pull request #6586 from amatsuda/generator_blank_line","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-31","Merge pull request #6571 from jeremyf/extract-force-ssl-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-31","Merge pull request #6566 from arunagw/add-javascripts-to...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-31","Set RACK_ENV to nil in the dbconsole test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-31","Merge pull request #6562 from martinoconnor/generator-fi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-31","Fix app_generator_test with the changes introduced at","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-31","Merge pull request #6560 from martinoconnor/generator_fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6276 from samoli/fix_console_arguments","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6477 from steveklabnik/close_discove...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6477 from steveklabnik/close_discove...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6556 from lest/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6541 from tjouan/tj/activesupport-fi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6555 from schneems/schneems/remove-r...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6532 from freerange/3-1-stable-minit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6531 from freerange/3-2-stable-minit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-27","Remove test for not accepted protocols to auto_link","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-26","Add `:escape` option for `truncate`","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-26","Update the documentation and add CHANGELOG entry","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-26","Test that the block used in truncate is escaped if it is...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-26","Merge pull request #6031 from lellisga/truncate_readme","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-26","Merge pull request #6495 from homakov/3-0-stable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #6493 from markmcspadden/hash_keys_or...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #5244 from fotos/myqsl2_wait_timeout","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #5244 from fotos/myqsl2_wait_timeout","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #6487 from avakhov/range-sum-optimiza...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #6481 from schneems/schneems/sextant-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-24","Use deep_dup in the deep_transform_keys tests.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6466 from markmcspadden/hash_deep_tr...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-23","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-23","PGconn doesn't accepts :checkout_timeout option.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6259 from markmcspadden/hash_transfo...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6452 from carlosgaldino/refactor-dat...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6433 from parndt/fix_typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6451 from chancancode/3-2-stable_res...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6445 from chancancode/3-2-stable_res...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-22","Revert "Merge pull request #6416 from pmahoney/threadsaf...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-20","Fix CHANGELOG order and add a brief description of the c...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-20","Merge pull request #6410 from Bodacious/tag_helper_data_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #6396 from kennyj/dont_use_assert_block","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #3359 from mrreynolds/datamapper_nami...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #6395 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120519-2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6390 from ernie/invalid-ruby18-synta...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6388 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120519","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6387 from kennyj/fix_test_20120519","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6355 from amutz/fix_number_with_deli...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6377 from ihid/depreciate_old_text_h...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6371 from ihid/remove_old_text_helpe...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #2036 from Bodacious/tag_helper_data_fix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-17","Make MockLogger work with blocks.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-17","Don't need to force size to nil","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-17","Document the usage of grouped_options_for_select with di...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-16","Make :prompt work as documented","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-16","Test deprecation and fix the documentation of grouped_op...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-16","Revert "Merge pull request #6354 from lest/patch-1"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6354 from lest/patch-1","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6343 from oscardelben/bump_sqlite3","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6273 from KensoDev/feature/simple_fo...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6333 from carlosgaldino/unnecessary-...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6329 from acapilleri/backport_dup_va...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6322 from acapilleri/some_mispelling...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6324 from acapilleri/dup_validation_3_2","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6186 from anydiem/fix_unconventional...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-14","Deprecate `:disable_with` for `button_tag` too","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-14","Fix typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-14","Deprecate `:disable_with` in favor of `'data-disable-wit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-14","Remove `:disable_with` in favor of `'data-disable-with'`...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-14","Merge pull request #6220 from frodsan/pass_multiple_value","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","MySQL doesn't allow default values for blobs.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Remove `:mouseover` option from `image_tag` helper.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Deprecate `:mouseover` options for `image_tag` helper.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #3237 from sakuro/data-url-scheme","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #3237 from sakuro/data-url-scheme","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #3237 from sakuro/data-url-scheme","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Copy edit [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #5807 from Antiarchitect/store-improv...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #4431 from lest/refactor-1-9","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6298 from frodsan/fix_todo_skip","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Copy edit the documentation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Do not add `:include_blank` option if prompt is present","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Only set `:include_blank` if the value of this options i...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","`:include_blank` should be true if the size option is nil","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6225 from acapilleri/select_with_req...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6193 from mhfs/fix_oracle_spec","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6292 from erichmenge/3-2-stable-docfix","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6171 from oscardelben/move_token_tag...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-05-12","Remove tailing spaces :scissors: [ci skip]","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-30","Remove `button_to_function` and `link_to_function` helpers","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-30","Add missing require when helpers are used in isolation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-30","Add release data to Rails 3.2.3","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-30","Add CHANGELOG entry.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-30","Deprecate link_to_function and button_to_function helpers","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-30","Add missing require when helpers are used in isolation","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-29","Change check_box to work inverting the checked and unche...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-29","Remove warning of unused variable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-29","Fix the build.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-17","Remove unused test code.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-11","Fix delete_all when chained with joins.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-09","Document that default_url_options must return a hash wit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-09","Document that default_url_options must return a hash wit...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-09","default_url_options does not receive one argument anymore","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-09","default_url_options does not receive one argument anymore","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-05","Make url_for work when option is nil and default_url_opt...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-05","Fix url_for when options is nil","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-04-04","Fix tests of benchmark with silence equals to true","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-31","Fix the redirect when it receive blocks with arity of 1.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-28","Remove code duplication in InclusionValidator and Exclus...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-28","Add arel branch to the tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-27","Check if the options hash already exists and merge it wi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-27","Check if the options hash already exists and merge it wi...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-23","Use the new scope syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-19","Remove code duplication","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-19","Fix secure cookies when there are more than one space be...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-19","Remove exclude option from ActionDispatch::SSL","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-17","Update the guides and CHANGELOG","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-17","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-17","Some refactoring and update ActionDispatch::SSL code to ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-17","Rack::SSL -> ActionDispatch::SSL","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-16","Fix ActiveRecord::Relation#blank? tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-14","Remove key_value helper now that master is 1.9 only and ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-13","Refactor the test_unit scaffold generator to use the key...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-13","Use Ruby 1.8 hash syntax","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-13","Use the attributes hash explicitly","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-13","Do not use the attributes hash in the scaffold functiona...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-13","Use the attributes hash explicitly","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-12","Do not use the attributes hash in the scaffold functiona...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-09","Fix my name in the CHANGELOG to follow the convention","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-09","Fix my name in the CHANGELOG to follow the convention","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-09","Remove warning of unused variable","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-09","Not need to pass join attributes to association build","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-09","Add test case to has_many through association when mass_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-08","Not need to pass join attributes to association build","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-05","Add test case to has_many through association when mass_...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-05","Now all the models need to explicitly declare the access...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-05","Only add the whitelist_attributes option if ActiveRecord...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-05","Now all the models need to explicitly declare the access...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-03-05","Only add the whitelist_attributes option if ActiveRecord...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-27","Add a new line after the textarea opening tag.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-27","Add a new line after the textarea opening tag.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-26","Fix collection_check_boxes and collection_radio_buttons ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-26","Add documentation to object method of CollectionHelpers:...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-26","Move all the helpers to protected section","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-26","Revert "No need to pass options which is never used"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-22","Only set ActionView configuration inside the on_load block","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-22","Fix routes inspection order","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-15","Revert "No need to pass options which is never used"","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-08","PostgreSQL does not work in the same way of the other ad...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-08","Use real table and columns for index test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-08","Fix match docs","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-07","Always use content_tag for audio/video tag","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","columns method doesn't have name argument","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Remove default class to collection_check_boxes and","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Allow collection radio_buttons/check_boxes to access cur...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Add changelog, docs and guides entries","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Allow proc for value/text method in collection_select","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Move collection radio buttons / check boxes back to Form...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Extract common collection helpers to a module to avoid t...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Create a Builder factory class to use with collection he...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Refactor collection helpers to extract radio/checkbox/la...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Remove collection_wrapper* and item_wrapper* options","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Refactor value sanitization logic","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Cleanup options helper methods a bit","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Refactor option groups to use content_tag","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Add basic documentation to collection_check_boxes and","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Use @output_buffer variable instead of concat in tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Implement skipped test","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Add collection_radio_buttons and collection_check_boxes ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Refactor the methods to use instance variables","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Change Tag class to Category since there is another Tag ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Refactor render_collection method","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Move collection_check_boxes and collection_radio_buttons...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Add collection_check_boxes helper","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-02","Create collection_radio_buttons helper","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-01","Fix typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-01","Remove the dependent_restrict_raises configuration if ac...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-01","Use human attribute name to show the dependent destroy m...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-02-01","Fix broken tests added by 85c724d59","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-31","check_box with nil as unchecked value should be HTML safe","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-31","Remove deprecation warnings from tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-31","Put spaces between the words at deprecation warning","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-31","Only add ActiveRecord configuration if it is present","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-27","Add `create_join_table` migration helper to create HABTM...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-26","Remove extra attributes from HABTM join tables in AR tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-24","Remove unused variables to avoid warnings","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-24","Remove unused variables to avoid warnings","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-24","Fix date_select with discard_month and discard_year options","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-23","Only show the type if column is present","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-23","Raise a better error if anyone wants to create your own ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-23","Use ActiveSupport::Autoload to autoload the tags","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-20","Refactor translations retrieval","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-20","Remove code duplication","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-20","No need to check html_safe? twice","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-19","Extract method_tag","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-19","Refactor button_to helper to use token_tag method","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-18","Test::Unit::Collector::ObjectSpace is not present anymore","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-18","Remove delegation to ActionController::Base","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-18","ActionView now has its own logger","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-18","Update docs for config.assets.logger","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-18","No need to call html_safe since concat two SaffeBuffers ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-18","Use block syntax to avoid code duplication","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-18","No need to create a SafeBuffer since form_tag_html alway...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract input_checked? to a module","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Do not need of ActionView::Helpers scope since we are in...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Add option to configure Sprockets logger","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Add documentation to config.assets.logger","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Add option to configure Sprockets logger","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Remove unused code","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Do not need each here anymore","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract DatetimeSelect","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract TimeSelect","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract DateSelect","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Cleanup","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract TimeZoneSelect","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract GroupedCollectionSelect","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract CollectionSelect","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract Select","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Remove unused code","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract RangeField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract NumberField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract EmailField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract UrlField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract TelField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract SearchField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Remove code duplication between CheckBox ans RadioButton","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract RadioButton","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract CheckBox","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract TextArea","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract FileField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract HiddenField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Adding one test case for label with block","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract PasswordField","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Rename classes","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract duplicated code to a class","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract TextFieldTag","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-17","Extract LabelTag","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-13","Do not check if record is an Array twice","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-10","AC:TestCase::Behavior#head only accepts parameters as se...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-10","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-10","Fix ActionController::TestCase::Behavior.head","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-10","Add missing end","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-07","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-07","Remove unneeded code","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-07","Test constant is not defined anymore","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-07","Use MiniTest::Assertions instead of Test::Unit::Assertions","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Use ActiveModel::TestCase instead of Test::Unit:TestCase","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","MiniTest is always defined in this case","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Test::Unit::Util::BacktraceFilter is never defined","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Remove more references to Test::Unit","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","No need to check if MiniTest::Assertions is defined","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Remove unneeded tests","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Add test path to LOAD_PATH to fix load error","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Require ActiveSupport::TestCase form ActiveSupport isola...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Remove Array.wrap calls in ActiveSupport","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Remove Array.wrap calls in ActiveRecord","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-06","Remove Array.wrap call in ActiveModel","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-05","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-05","Refactor extract_selected_and_disabled","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-05","Change more Array.wrap to Kernel#Array","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-05","Use Kernel#Array in ActionController::Helpers","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-05","Use Kernel#Array instead of Array.wrap in view_paths","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-05","Array.wrap is no longer needed in AbstractController::Ca...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-05","Array.wrap is no longer needed here","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need to require psych since require yaml does that.","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need to override to_yaml and yaml_initialize methods ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need to override to_yaml method in ActiveSupport::Tim...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need to override to_yaml method in ActiveSupport::Ord...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need to override the to_yaml method in ActiveSupporte...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need to override the to_yaml method in BigDecimal","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need to use rescue block to require psych","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need to check if YAML::ENGINE is defined since ruby 1...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","Whitespaces :scissors:","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","Make sure that check_box helper return a safe buffer","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","Add test to make sure that add two safe buffers always r...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2012-01-04","No need of html_safe here","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2010-10-13","Remove doc for debugging callbacks. Methods don't exist ...","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2010-10-06","Fixes typo","Rafael Mendonça França",6 "2013-09-07","Merge pull request #12155 from jetthoughts/reformat_guid...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #11636 from urbanautomaton/uppercase-...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #11986 from fedesoria/patch-3","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-23","typo [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-23","cleans the guides sources from fancy non-ASCII stuff","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-19","documents 565c367 in the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-19","let AR::FinderMethods#exists? return singletons in all c...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-19","documents 1af0c17 in the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-19","let AR::FinderMethods#exists? return singletons in all c...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-16","Merge pull request #11059 from robin850/improve-test-guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-14","Merge pull request #11617 from swooop/doc_sanitize","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-12","renames the :abort deprecation behaviour to :raise","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-12","renames the :abort deprecation behaviour to :raise","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-12","fixes typo in CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-12","fixes typo in CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-12","defines a new :abort deprecation behaviour that raises","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-12","defines a new :abort deprecation behaviour that raises","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-07","RDoc tweaks","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-07","RDoc tweaks","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11666 from prathamesh-sonpatki/doc-fix","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-05","migrations guide: fix and edits [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-05","migrations guide: fix and edits [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-05","getting started guide: pass the resource to the URL help...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-08-05","getting started guide: pass the resource to the URL help...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #11358 from Alamoz/asset_pipeline","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-29","Merge pull request #11654 from robin850/freebsd","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-26","Merge pull request #11611 from arunagw/api-generation-av","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-17","Merge pull request #11465 from arunagw/removed_missleadi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-16","removes the obsolete private method column_methods_hash ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11425 from arunagw/actionview_api_ge...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-06","fixes Rails version for the stable API [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-06","fixes Rails version for the stable API [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-06","fixes broken links in the API [Fixes #11335] [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-06","fixes broken links in the API [Fixes #11335] [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11286 from edogawaconan/fix/doc-2013...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11286 from edogawaconan/fix/doc-2013...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-07-03","Merge pull request #11271 from ryancw/patch-3","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11095 from vipulnsward/rails_4_docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-25","Merge pull request #11095 from vipulnsward/rails_4_docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11045 from rajars2576/fixing_action_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11042 from robin850/4-0-0","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11041 from robin850/4-0-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-21","Merge pull request #11039 from robin850/patch-2","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-20","Merge pull request #11033 from robin850/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-20","Merge pull request #11024 from pdorrell/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-18","Merge pull request #10987 from senny/10979_association_i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-15","Merge pull request #10954 from arunagw/update_docs_for_c...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10946 from arunagw/build_fix_for_obj...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-14","Merge pull request #10943 from killthekitten/10932_const...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-08","Merge pull request #10889 from diatmpravin/fix-typo-in-a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-06","Merge pull request #10871 from arunagw/lifo-to-rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-06","registers recent patch in the railties CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-06","registers recent patch in the railties CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-06","registers recent patch in the railties CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-06","clearing autoloaded constants triggers routes reloading ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-06","clearing autoloaded constants triggers routes reloading ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-06","clearing autoloaded constants triggers routes reloading ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-06","Merge pull request #10867 from iHiD/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-01","revises the documentation of ActiveRecord::Relation#find...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-01","revises the documentation of ActiveRecord::Relation#find...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-01","rewrites AR's reload documentation","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-01","rewrites AR's reload documentation","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-06-01","revises the documentation of ActiveRecord::Relation#find...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-31","rewrites AR's reload documentation","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-12","respond_to -> respond to in a message from AM::Lint","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-12","respond_to -> respond to in a message from AM::Lint","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-12","respond_to -> respond to in a message from AM::Lint","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-12","specify that dom_(id|class) are deprecated in controller...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-12","specify that dom_(id|class) are deprecated in controller...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-12","specify that dom_(id|class) are deprecated in controller...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-11","Merge pull request #10568 from siong1987/minor-refactoring","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-10","Revert "Don't try to EXPLAIN select_db calls"","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10554 from dasch/dasch/dont-try-to-e...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10555 from dasch/dasch/3-2-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10553 from dasch/dasch/dont-try-to-e...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-10","Merge pull request #10510 from think602/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-09","Merge pull request #10532 from prathamesh-sonpatki/Rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-09",""rails" -> "Rails" [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-09",""rails" -> "Rails" [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-09",""rails" -> "Rails" [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-06","let rake tasks be robust to a missing RDoc in Rubinius [...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-06","let rake tasks be robust to a missing RDoc in Rubinius [...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-06","let rake tasks be robust to a missing RDoc in Rubinius [...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-03","Merge pull request #10401 from frodsan/merge_docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #10414 from eiel/fix_dependency","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-01","Revert "Consistent use of code syntax formatting for boo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-01","Revert "Correct formatting for remaining booleans"","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-01","Revert "Consistent use of code syntax formatting for boo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-05-01","Revert "Correct formatting for remaining booleans"","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-30","registers 56cdc81 in the changelog","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-30","Merge pull request #10385 from siong1987/fix_rake_doc_gu...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-28","fixes a test, and explains why AR::AttributeMethods chec...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-28","pass over the code comments","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-26","Module#delegate checks nilness rather that falsehood if ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-26","Merge pull request #10351 from JonRowe/update_as_date_ne...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-25","ActiveRecord -> Active Record","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-25","fixes warning in the AR test suite","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-24","Merge pull request #10324 from prijutme4ty/guides_fix","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-22","ActiveRecord -> Active Record","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-22","applies documentation guidelines","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-22","allow the branch to be managed with a modern rake","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-20","if singletons belong to the contract, test them","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-20","Rewrites a CHANGELOG entry.","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-20","Merge pull request #10273 from prathamesh-sonpatki/AR-typos","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-16","let EXPLAIN use a thread locals registry [John J. Wang &...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-16","fixes gemspec","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-16","Ruby On Rails -> Ruby on Rails [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-16","editorial touch, remove these dots","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-16","converts the project README to Markdown","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-13","Merge pull request #10207 from epiclabs/use_define_singl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-13","Merge pull request #10206 from epiclabs/nodoc_for_missin...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-13","hides the per thread registry instance, and caches singl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-13","removes calls to AR::Runtime.instance","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-13","simplifies the RDoc of AR::RuntimeRegistry","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-13","complete rewrite of the documentation of AS::PerThreadRe...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-12","replaces Pathname#(dirname|realpath) with File.$1","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-11","fixes app_rails_loader_test.rb in Mac OS X","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-11","fixes remaining lowercase "rails"","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-11","application loader refactor and test suite complete rewrite","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-10","code review of 22e5ab3","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10157 from prathamesh-sonpatki/app_l...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10160 from choudhuryanupam/fix_typo_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-09","copy-edit pass in AM changelog [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-04","typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-04","removes the obsolete task pdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-04","enforces rake 0.8.0 in the Rakefile","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-04","Revert "Revert "Revert "Switched to newer rdoc and gem p...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-04-01","gist for Active Record issues [Neeraj Singh & Xavier Noria]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-30","configure API generation lazily","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-30","be lazy configuring the RDoc files","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-30","be lazy loading SDoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-30","adds the API home page to the gemspec, needed for doc:rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","registers the new doc:rails behaviour in the changelog","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","rdoc is no longer a gem dependency, sdoc becomes a runti...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","unifies API generation","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","moves RDOC_MAIN.rdoc to railties","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","encapsulates API generation in Rails::API::Task","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","changes the RDoc title of the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","removes bindir from the rails gemspec","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-29","removes activerecord/examples/associations.png","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-28","contrib guide: documents guidelines for running the test...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-28","contrib guide: documents how to generate a --dev applica...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9914 from prathamesh-sonpatki/contro...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-18","Revert "instruct RDoc to only parse Ruby files under lib...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-18","instruct RDoc to only parse Ruby files under lib [Fixes ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9773 from senny/how_to_report_an_issue","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-17","sets limit 191 for schema_migrations#version in mysql2 i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-16","revises the CHANGELOG entry from 26aa265 [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-16","Merge pull request #8156 from fredwu/acronym_fix-master","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-16","fixes markup of the CHANGELOG entry from 455d710","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-11","promotes change_column_null to the migrations API","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-11","quick pass over the RDoc of schema_statements.rb [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-11","documents how to DROP DEFAULT [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-11","Merge pull request #9668 from neerajdotname/9567-delete-...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-06","Merge pull request #9581 from senny/9559_changelog_singu...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9565 from kennyj/remove_unused_retur...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9556 from senny/strong_params_examples","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-04","adds guides/.document to tell rdoc not to process this d...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-04","Merge pull request #9540 from dimko/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-03-03","Merge pull request #9465 from senny/document_strong_para...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #9442 from czarneckid/adjust-generato...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-25","removes redundant require","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-25","typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-25","AR loads activerecord-deprecated_finders, no need to add...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9411 from senny/add_auto_explain_rem...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-24","did a pass over the AS changelog [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-24","did a pass over the AM changelog [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-24","Merge pull request #9400 from senny/remove_auto_explain_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-24","Revert "prevent minitest from printing a --seed run option"","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-24","prevent minitest from printing a --seed run option","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-23","registers the encrypted session store in the AP changelog","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-23","adds a missing LIMIT 1 in #take docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-21","completes pass over the AP changelog [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-21","tweaks to the AP changelog [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-21","tweaks to the AP changelog [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-21","Merge pull request #9358 from iwiznia/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-21","Merge pull request #9357 from fabiokr/rack_test_uploaded...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-21","Merge pull request #9348 from schuetzm/doc_no_indices_wi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","ActiveRecord -> Active Record [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","removes relation bang methods from the AR changelog [ci ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","removes some remaining relation bang methods documentati...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","puts a lambda around a default scope [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","adds an example in the docs of #not with multiple condit...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","database.yml -> config/database.yml [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","moves the new :nsec date format to the Active Support ch...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","revises the documentation of AR::Base.cache_timestamp_fo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-20","Merge pull request #8060 from senny/7313_descriptive_err...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-19","s/revertible/reversible/","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-19","fixes a typo in the migrations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-19","moves a CHANGELOG entry from AR to AP","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-19","small tweaks in the AR CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-19","Merge pull request #9321 from mfilej/action-dispatch-htt...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-19","editorial tweaks","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-19","Merge pull request #9316 from steveklabnik/no_routes","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-19","Merge pull request #9318 from steveklabnik/router_headings","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-16","Merge pull request #9307 from wangjohn/remove_unneeded_m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-16","Merge pull request #9309 from joernchen/patch-2","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-16","Merge pull request #9308 from joernchen/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-16","copy-edits RDoc in fba496f","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-15","Revert "Switched to newer rdoc and gem package tasks (an...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-10","Merge pull request #7730 from beyond/gzip","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-06","Merge pull request #9194 from kwstannard/2-3-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-03","Merge pull request #9164 from yuki24/put_rdoc_at_the_end...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-02","Merge remote-tracking branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-02-02","Revert "Detail middleware initialization points in the i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-28","revamps the RDoc of Object#try","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-28","no need for \Z, \z is more concise","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-28","Merge pull request #8830 from antoinelyset/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-28","updates a dynamic method heredoc doc","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-28","explains why the query cache checks arel.locked","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-26","Merge remote-tracking branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-26","generic pass before merging docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-23","ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile is a permitted scalar...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-22","Merge pull request #6197 from blakesmith/connection_adap...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-22","avoid creating an object in every call","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-22","Merge pull request #9026 from tricknotes/remove-unnecess...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-21","copy-edits 7e6e4f2 [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #9019 from senny/doc_custom_rails_env","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-21","resistance is futile","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-21","slices less, reads better","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-21","Merge pull request #8671 from xuanxu/fix_irregular","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-20","strong parameters filters permitted scalars","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-18","iterates the RDoc of update_column(s)","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-17","Merge pull request #8976 from senny/spelling_correction","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-16","Merge pull request #8967 from senny/add_interceptor_to_a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-15","removes spurious file pushed in cc585c8","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-15","Merge pull request #8949 from joneslee85/patch-2","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-08","mv README README.rdoc as app template file","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-07","new README generated for new apps","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-07","doc/README_FOR_APP is no longer generated","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-07","let the rails gem ship with the README","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-07","Merge pull request #8773 from goshakkk/guides-page-titles","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-07","Merge pull request #8788 from goshakkk/remove-begin-rescue","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-06","Merge pull request #8770 from goshakkk/guides-img-fix","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-01-02","Merge pull request #8686 from mekishizufu/changelog_entry","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-31","removes the Ajax on Rails early draft","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-24","silences "possibly useless use of :: in void context" wa...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-22","adds kindlerb to the :doc bundle group for guides genera...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-17","Merge pull request #8532 from ptn/add_missing_require","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-11","Merge pull request #8484 from gclag/dynamic-index-refine...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-07","Merge pull request #8456 from frodsan/actionize2","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-07","Merge pull request #8455 from frodsan/actionize","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-07","revises a RDoc example to make it idiomatic","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-07","let @version be always externally set in guides generati...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-06","adds a couple of items to the check list for stable rele...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8424 from kennyj/tiny_fixes_20121206","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-03","Merge pull request #8375 from steveklabnik/migrations_guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-01","copy-edits the docs of 9ee0ffb","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-12-01","Merge pull request #8246 from urielka/uriel-fixed-8167","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-30","Merge pull request #8380 from route/fix-concern-description","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-29","Merge pull request #8356 from senny/add_links_to_rails4_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-28","Revert "correct css selector for the display of validati...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-27","prevent Dependencies#remove_const from autoloading paren...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #6197 from blakesmith/connection_adap...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-16","Merge pull request #8236 from marcandre/use_div","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-15","let remove_constant still delete Kernel#autoload constan...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-15","dependencies no longer trigger Kernel#autoload in remove...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-12","depend on voloko/sdoc again","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-09","Merge pull request #8152 from steveklabnik/squashing_guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-11-08","Merge pull request #8027 from daenney/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-31","relaxes assertion","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-29","Merge pull request #8027 from daenney/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-27","Merge pull request #8034 from gbchaosmaster/readme-format","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-24","Revert "Improve grammar a bit"","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-24","Revert "Explain where the acronym AJAX stands for & repl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-24","Revert "Improve "request response" term typing & fix a m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-24","Revert "fix a typo"","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-24","Revert "Consistent headlines & ToC"","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-23","JS guide: applies guides casing guidelines for titles [c...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-23","registers the JS guide in the CHANGELOG [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-23","JS guide: AJAX -> Ajax","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-23","renames the JS guide file name to match the new title [c...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-23","adds Rails to the title of the JS guide [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-21","Merge pull request #7493 from steveklabnik/ajax_guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-16","Revert "remove unnecessary object/conversions file"","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7913 from mje113/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-09","let (array|hash)/conversions.rb load the extensions in o...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-09","adds a missing require","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-09","adds missing require","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-09","copy-edits ae9b3d7 [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-09","AS guide: revises the description of #monday, and #sunda...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-09","Merge pull request #7736 from gregolsen/beginning_of_wee...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-09","keys.include? -> key?","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-09","Merge pull request #7817 from NARKOZ/object-conversions","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-07","explains why these requires are in an unusual place","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-07","Merge pull request #7650 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120915","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-07","adds a CHANGELOG for guides and registers the new respon...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-10-07","Merge pull request #6475 from joefiorini/responsive-guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-30","Merge pull request #7808 from steveklabnik/fix_assertion...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-30","Merge pull request #7805 from steveklabnik/fix_assertion...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-30","Merge pull request #7802 from steveklabnik/issue_7799","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-30","Merge pull request #7800 from bdurand/optimize_cache_ent...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-24","some copy-editing I did in passing","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-24","gives credit to Aaron in the CHANGELOG entry for AC::Live","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-24","make clear that expired db/schema_cache.dump are ignored","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-24","adds the release notes for Rails 4.0 to the guides index","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-22","fixes the suite for uploaded files","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-22","documents ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-22","Merge pull request #7713 from porras/action-dispatch-upl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-19","extracts manual development dependencies installation to...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","let .md be the only supported extension for guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","add some kindness","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #7681 from schneems/schneems/stronger...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","the contributing guide should be mentioned upfront","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #7676 from frodsan/patch-7","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","spurious space I saw in passing","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","ActiveRecord -> Active Record","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","copy edits 137e5d9","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #7678 from dxg/add_password_field_doco","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7663 from sikachu/master-guide-markdown","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","removes spurious quote","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","edits a little bit CONTRIBUTING.md [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","Merge pull request #7671 from steveklabnik/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","removes unnecessary self","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","revises the RDoc of AC::Base.without_modules","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","documents the request and response methods in AC::Base","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","revises RDoc in AC::Metal [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-17","removes unnecessary self","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-15","Merge pull request #7656 from czarneckid/clarify-documen...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-15","Merge pull request #7654 from steveklabnik/issue_4857","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-06","we already have the module objects, do not constantize","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-06","restores awesome comment","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-06","no more const_missing combinatorics","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-05","Merge pull request #7530 from robin850/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-03","revised the exception message "Expected #{file_path} to ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-09-01","require bundle in the app generator","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-31","Merge pull request #7479 from eriko/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-30","documents after_(commit|rollback)","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-30","documents after_(commit|rollback)","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-29","fixes a regexp","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-29","Merge pull request #7476 from ayrton/fixed_indentation","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-28","CHANGELOGs are now per branch","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-28","CHANGELOGs are now per branch","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-28","CHANGELOGs are now per branch","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-28","detect circular constant autoloading","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-28","fixes a bug in dependencies.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-28","fixes a bug in dependencies.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-25","simplifies yet another regexp","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-25","instead of returning $& if =~ succeeds, use String#[]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-25","simplifies a regexp","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-24","Merge pull request #107 from jaimeiniesta/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-23","simplifies a regexp","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-22","revises a brittle test in Active Support","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-20","Revert "removes unused optional argument in AS::Dependen...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-20","removes unused optional argument in AS::Dependencies::Lo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-19","removes the second argument of the AS const_missing hook","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-19","no need for AS::Dependencies.(hook!|unhook!) to return a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-14","revises the contributing guide to document and encourage...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-12","Merge pull request #7339 from maletor/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-07","defines String#indent [closes #7263] [Xavier Noria & Ace...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-05","removes usage of Object#in? from the code base (the meth...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-02","load active_support/deprecation in active_support/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-02","load active_support/core_ext/module/delegation in active...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-02","load active_support/core_ext/class/attribute in active_s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-02","load active_support/concern in active_support/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-02","load active_support/dependencies/autoload in active_supp...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-02","load active_support/core_ext/object/inclusion in active_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-02","load active_support/core_ext/object/blank in active_supp...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-02","defines a private require-hub active_support/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-01","removes the deprecation of update_attribute","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-08-01","revises the deprecation warning of update_attribute","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-28","removes the AR session store from eager loaded code [fix...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-28","removes the AR session store from eager loaded code [fix...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-28","missing require: the AR session store depends on the AP ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-28","missing require: the AR session store depends on the AP ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-27","adds a missing require from Active Support","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-27","adds a missing require from Active Support","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-21","makes a pass over the API of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-21","Revert "Fix a reference"","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-21","Hash#fetch(fetch) is not the same as doing hash[key]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-21","Hash#fetch(fetch) is not the same as doing hash[key]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-21","copy-edits 9674d2c","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-21","Merge pull request #7100 from shigeya/fix_mime_responds_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-14","adds a missing require [fixes #6896]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-14","adds a missing require [fixes #6896]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-14","Merge pull request #7053 from pferdefleisch/activesuppor...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-13","revises RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS to delegate stuff to the cont...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-13","Merge pull request #7044 from kytrinyx/documentation-ar-...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-13","Merge pull request #7043 from kytrinyx/documentation-ar-...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-12","testing guide: start of a pass","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-10","Merge pull request #7022 from bogdan/validations_doc","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-09","Merge pull request #7015 from sikachu/3-2-stable-code-style","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-08","Merge pull request #7004 from philiqq/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-07-02","explains why the file update checker ignores mtimes in t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-29","make sure the inflection rules are loaded when cherry-pi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-29","make sure the inflection rules are loaded when cherry-pi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-27","Merge pull request #6863 from bcardarella/asyn-actionmai...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-14","registers the removal of update_attribute in the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-14","registers the deprecation of update_attribute in the CHA...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-14","Merge pull request #6738 from steveklabnik/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-14","Merge pull request #6739 from steveklabnik/3-2-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-14","removes item in the Active Record CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-14","removes item in the Active Record CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-09","removes the obsolete require_association method from dep...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-01","minor comment revision","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-06-01","Merge pull request #6584 from amatsuda/ar_explain_inspec...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6502 from rafmagana/guides_refactor_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-29","copy edits the upgrading guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-12","copy-edits a recent CHANGELOG entry [ci skip]","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6279 from acapilleri/mispelling_erro...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-11","Merge pull request #6269 from edtsech/hash-except-test","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-08","registers ceb1dcc in the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-08","Merge pull request #6205 from arunagw/humnans_txt_test","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-08","Merge pull request #2734 from paulca/humans","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-07","Merge pull request #6064 from gazay/fix_guides_for_as_co...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-05-07","Revert "Compressed all images from the guide through Ima...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6080 from carlosantoniodasilva/as-ch...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6065 from Locke23rus/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-26","Merge pull request #5997 from avakhov/test_namespaced_co...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-26","Merge pull request #5998 from aderyabin/fix7","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-13","Merge pull request #5830 from raganwald/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-11","Merge pull request #5792 from lest/patch-4","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-11","Merge pull request #5805 from dcurtis/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-09","Merge pull request #5725 from kevmoo/remove_unused_castcode","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-09","rewords the section about default_url_options in the Act...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-09","rewords the section about default_url_options in the Act...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-07","adds a new test case for titleize","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-07","Merge pull request #5772 from lest/patch-4","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-07","revises the regexp used in titleize","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-05","revises requires of some AS deprecation files","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-05","documents the contract for the argument of AD::Routing::...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-05","Merge pull request #5751 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-05","Merge pull request #5182 from castlerock/content_tag_ins...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-05","Merge pull request #5707 from morgoth/remove-unnecessary...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-05","Merge pull request #3084 from esad/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-05","Merge pull request #5747 from mneisen/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-03","the file update checker now also detects removed files","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-04-03","Merge pull request #5713 from bolshakov/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5653 from eee-c/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #4843 from seamusabshere/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5582 from chendo/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5575 from phiggins/remove_conditiona...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-25","restores example depicting the use of true or false in r...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-24","Revert "Return an actual boolean from xml_http_request?"","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-20","Merge pull request #5524 from kennyj/add_missing_require","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-19","Merge pull request #5507 from sandeepravi/warning_fixes","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-17","moves the guides up to the root directory","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5484 from luke-gru/consistent_module...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-08","Merge pull request #5336 from kennyj/fix_wrong_extension","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-07","Revert "let the connection pool of new applications have...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-07","Revert "updates the new default pool size in some additi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-02","revert setting NOT NULL constraints in add_timestamps","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-03-02","revert setting NOT NULL constraints in add_timestamps","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-28","Merge pull request #5212 from MarkMT/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-28","Merge pull request #4284 from mattdbridges/time_calculat...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-28","Merge pull request #5199 from gabehollombe/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-26","updates the new default pool size in some additional places","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-26","let the connection pool of new applications have size 1 ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #4023 from pacoguzman/update-changelogs","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5166 from arunagw/3-2-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5165 from arunagw/build_fix_ruby187-...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5164 from arunagw/build_fix_ruby187-...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-25","fixes a test: rake routes now includes PATCH for resources","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-25","consistently mention first patch, then put","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-25","uses PATCH for the forms of persisted records, and route...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-24","decouples the implementation of the inflector from its t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-24","removes the reconnect key from the database.yml generate...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-24","explains why reconnect is false by default in the databa...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-24","removes verify_active_connections!","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-22","updates CHANGELOGs to register changes in 002713c","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5130 from dlee/revised_patch_verb","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-18","Merge pull request #5081 from arunagw/fix_ar_test","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-17","let expires_in accept a must_revalidate flag","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-16","Merge pull request #5059 from waseem/autoload_effectively","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-13","prefer tr to gsub for replacing characters","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-13","inflection regexp are meant to be applied once","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-13","removes redundant argument","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-12","boosts inflections","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-12","Merge pull request #5014 from castlerock/fix_build_PR_5001","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-11","Merge pull request #5006 from lest/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-11","Merge pull request #5001 from Karunakar/no_reply_requires","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-11","say unshift when you mean unshift (modulus prepend)","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-11","say goodbye to #with_test_routes :axe:","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-11","fixes a regression introduced by 532cd4, and a bogus tes...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-10","Merge pull request #4719 from markmcspadden/singularize_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-09","Merge pull request #4965 from raghunadhd/fix_hash","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-09","Merge pull request #4966 from Karunakar/moving_ordered_h...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-09","Merge pull request #4957 from ganeshkumar/order_hash_change","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-09","Merge pull request #4958 from ganeshkumar/order_hash_req...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-08","Merge pull request #4949 from ask4prasath/ordered_hash_r...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #4878 from vijaydev/ordinal-2072","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-07","no need to check for this constant","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-07","no need to check for this constant","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #4926 from iblue/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-04","let automatic EXPLAIN ignore CACHE notifications","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-02-04","let automatic EXPLAIN ignore CACHE notifications","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-30","Merge pull request #4769 from sikachu/failing-test","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-30","query cache instrumentation should included the bindings...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-30","query cache instrumentation should included the bindings...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-30","rewrites a couple of alternations in regexps as characte...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","fixes whitespace in CHANGELOG entries","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","updating RAILS_VERSION","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","CHANGELOG revision for v3.2.1","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","syncs 3-2-stable CHANGELOGs in master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","registers 2483460 in the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","disable automatic explain if there is no logger [closes ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","disable automatic explain if there is no logger [closes ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4689 from claudiob/add_rails32_relea...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4684 from rossmeissl/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4685 from brainopia/fix_contribute_g...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4636 from sachin87/code_improved","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-21","uniformizes the punctuation of comments in some files ge...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-20","Merge pull request #79 from doriath/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4488 from rafaelfranca/av-refactor","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-12","warns against using temporary subscribers","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-12","warns against using temporary subscribers","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-12","deprecates Module#local_constant_names","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4425 from carlosantoniodasilva/url-f...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4302 from lest/simplify-descendants","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-02","Merge pull request #4268 from lest/3-2-deprecate-actives...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-02","Merge pull request #4267 from lest/3-2-deprecate-actives...","Xavier Noria",5 "2012-01-02","Merge pull request #4250 from lest/range-json","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-31","removes comment obsoleted by 18ed37b","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-30","adds a comments that clarifies why Range#include? choose...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-30","adds a comments that clarifies why Range#include? choose...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-30","Merge pull request #4229 from lest/range-include","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-28","app code in general wants Time.current, not Time.now","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-28","app code in general wants Time.current, not Time.now","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4217 from tapajos/patch-2","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-26","Merge pull request #4118 from nashby/remove-file-to-path","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","removes the compatibility method Module#method_names","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","removes the compatibility method Module#instance_method_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4186 from lest/remove-1-8-code","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4185 from nashby/module-anonymous","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","fixes credit in changelog entry","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","registers guide generation for the Kindle and Kindle app...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","registers guide generation for the Kindle and Kindle app...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","download guides for the Kindle and Kindle apps from the ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","guides generation for the Kindle looking good now [Mip E...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","download guides for the Kindle and Kindle apps from the ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","guides generation for the Kindle looking good now [Mip E...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","(draft) guides for the Kindle and Kindle apps [Mip Earso...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-25","(draft) guides for the Kindle and Kindle apps [Mip Earso...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-23","removes Enumerable#pluck from the AS guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-23","removes Enumerable#pluck from the AS guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-20","adds deprecation warnings to the RDoc of Array#uniq_by(!)","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-20","removes some unnecessary selfs","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-16","AS::Concern is not really needed for AR::Explain","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-15","removes Ruby constraint in RedCloth dependency","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-15","it's -> its","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-15","Merge pull request #3998 from rafacv/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-14","let sdoc say which version of rdoc we depend on","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-14","let sdoc say which version of rdoc we depend on","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-10","revises some stuff that was out of sync with the recent ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-08","Merge pull request #3909 from laserlemon/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-08","use our own fork of sdoc while Vijay's fix is not applie...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-08","updates the host and port of publish_docs, and changes t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-08","use our own fork of sdoc while Vijay's fix is not applie...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-08","releasing instructions: updates the URLs that triggers s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-05","Merge pull request #3858 from Overbryd/redirect_to_url_w...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-04","moves some auto explain logic to the subscriber [José Va...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-04","simplifies ActiveRecord::ExplainSubscriber [José Valim &...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-04","Merge branch 'explain'","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-04","implements a much faster auto EXPLAIN, closes #3843 [Jos...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-04","Merge pull request #3848 from arunagw/sqlite3_bump","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-03","removes the convenience instance version of AR::Base.sil...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-02","yield > block.call","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-02","two small details from the previous patch","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-02","implements AR::Base(.|#)silence_auto_explain","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-02","Merge pull request #3832 from arunagw/indentation","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-02","revises some details in the previous explain patch","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-12-02","implements automatic EXPLAIN logging for slow queries","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-28","Revert "Used any? instead of length call"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-25","removes a Serialization constant left in the previous re...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-25","finders guide: adds some pointers to help users interpre...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-25","add the query to AR::Relation#explain output","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-25","some tweaks to PR#3547. [Closes #3547]","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-21","tests predicates according to the boolean interpretation...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-21","Revert "tests predicates according to the boolean interp...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-21","tests predicates according to the boolean interpretation...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-21","cache entry: options[:compressed] is a regular flag, no ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-21","adds a comment to clarify an edge case","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-21","a couple of spurious spaces I saw in passing","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-18","release instructions: new section about docs generation","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-17","Revert "warn the user values are directly interpolated i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-17","Revert "warn the user values are directly interpolated i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-17","warn the user values are directly interpolated into _htm...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-17","warn the user values are directly interpolated into _htm...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-11","Merge pull request #3613 from mitio/fix-actionpack-respo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-08","Merge pull request #3565 from arunagw/warning_remove_rel...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-07","adds trailing +s to the output of EXPLAIN for MySQL","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-07","revises EXPLAIN tests for SQLite3","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-06","implements AR::Relation#explain","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-06","Merge pull request #3534 from guilleiguaran/arel-git-gem...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-05","bumps up sprockets","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-05","fixes typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-05","implements AS::Notifications.subscribed, which provides ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-05","expands the documentation of AS::Notifications","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-11-05","Merge pull request #3528 from arunagw/doc_fix","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-30","prefer qualified constant "name" to "reference expressio...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-30","fixes a typo (thanks to Alexey Vakhov)","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-30","defines Module#qualified_const_(defined?|get|set) and St...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-29","Merge pull request #3460 from arunagw/method_redefine_wa...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-29","let demodulize do less work, and add tests","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-24","minor revision to some new code in databases.rake","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-24","registers PR #2419 in the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-24","Merge pull request #2419 from dmitriy-kiriyenko/drop_tes...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-22","Merge pull request #3407 from arunagw/rake_upgrade","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-07","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-07","asset pipeline guide: removes Apache config for serving ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-07","asset pipeline guide: removes Apache config for serving ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-06","revises the precompilation section of the asset pipeline...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-06","Merge branch '3-1-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-06","revises the precompilation section of the asset pipeline...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-02","rewords the docs of config.assets.initialize_on_precompi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-02","rewords the docs of config.assets.initialize_on_precompi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-02","documents config.assets.initialize_on_precompile in the ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-10-02","documents config.assets.initialize_on_precompile in the ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-28","partial pass over the assets guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-28","partial pass over the assets guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-27","the infamous detail only spotted in GitHub diffs no matt...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-27","the infamous detail only spotted in GitHub diffs no matt...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-27","partial pass over the asset pipeline","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-27","partial pass over the asset pipeline","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-27","partial pass over the asset pipeline guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-27","partial pass over the asset pipeline guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2984 from jrgifford/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-10","clarify that documentation bugs have to be reported as R...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-10","clarify that documentation bugs have to be reported as R...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-08","delete the CHANGELOG entry re SafeBuffer and sub/gsub, s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-08","mention the issue number for future reference","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-08","registers removal of sub and friends for safe strings in...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-08","this should have gone with the previous commit","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-08","copy-edits a couple of exception messages","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-03","restores the API docs of AR::Fixtures, made a quick pass...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-03","restores the API docs of AR::Fixtures, made a quick pass...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-02","syncs asset pipeline guide with master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-02","fixes CSS example in the asset pipeline guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #61 from gabebw/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","Merge pull request #2779 from kirs/3-1-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","syncs assets guide with what's in 3-1-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","Merge pull request #2762 from guilleiguaran/assets-docum...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","Merge pull request #2761 from raybaxter/bump_api_url","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","release notes: adds a couple of blank lines to get the m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","release notes: adds a couple of blank lines to get the m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","adds the release notes of 3.1 to the index","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-31","adds the release notes of 3.1 to the index","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-30","Merge branch '3-1-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-30","adds the asset pipeline guide to the index","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-30","adds the asset pipeline guide to the index","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-30","adds the asset pipeline guide to the index","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2684 from waynn/patch-2","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-29","let SDoc add a link to the source code in GitHub for eac...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-29","let SDoc add a link to the source code in GitHub for eac...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-29","let SDoc add a link to the source code in GitHub for eac...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-29","Merge pull request #2720 from biow0lf/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-27","deletes spurious arrow","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-27","deletes spurious arrow","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-27","deletes spurious arrow","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-27","use sdoc to generate the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-27","use sdoc to generate the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-27","use sdoc to generate the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2681 from guilleiguaran/doc-changes","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-24","the command line guide is good to go","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-24","the command line guide is good to go","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-24","the command line guide is good to go","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-23","Merge pull request #2616 from tilsammans/patch-2","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-23","Merge pull request #2653 from luckydev/ser-wrap","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-23","Merge pull request #2652 from dasch/remove-trailing-whit...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2610 from asmega/documentation","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-21","Merge pull request #2600 from al/finder_sql_example_update","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-19","Merge pull request #2589 from vijaydev/guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-18","minor details revised in a gsub","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-18","minor details revised in a gsub","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-18","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-17","fixes generation of the AR querying guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-17","fixes generation of the AR querying guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-17","Merge pull request #2551 from rgo/remove-blank-spaces-ap...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-16","Merge branch '3-1-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-16","syncs the 3.1 release notes and asset pipeline guide wit...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-16","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-16","prefer ends_with? over slicing","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-16","AS guide: document in Module#delegate that the method mu...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-13","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-13","contrib app minor tweak","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-13","Revert "Explicitly included hashes in sentence regarding...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-13","Revert "grammatical changes"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-13","Merge pull request #2519 from vijaydev/readme_fixes","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-07","guides generation: apparently this workaround for RedClo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-07","guides generation: apparently this workaround for RedClo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-07","Merge pull request #2457 from Gregg/zombie_singular_fix","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-05","backports doc fix 9f9446f","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-04","Revert "Explicitly included hashes in sentence regarding...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-04","Revert "grammatical changes"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-04","Revert "Explicitly included hashes in sentence regarding...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-04","Revert "grammatical changes"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-08-04","sync the getting started guide with master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2329 from nertzy/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-27","contrib app minor tweak","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-27","contrib app minor tweak","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-27","contrib app minor tweak","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-27","contrib app minor tweak","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-27","Merge pull request #2302 from christos/performant_option...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-27","Merge pull request #2296 from lsylvester/typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-25","sync the getting started guide with master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-25","let TIP and friends handle a multiline paragraph","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-25","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-25","let TIP and friends handle a multiline paragraph","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2243 from dmathieu/comment","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-24","little details seen while reviewing","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-24","Revert "Tests now require MySQL2 adapter in order to run"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-24","little details seen while reviewing","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-24","Revert "Tests now require MySQL2 adapter in order to run"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","registers the recent change to date multiparameter handl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2086 from amatsuda/date_multiparamet...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","checked all .rb files in the project tree for missing ma...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","checked all .rb files in the project tree for missing ma...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","adds a couple of missing magic comments [fixes #1374]","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","adds a couple of missing magic comments [fixes #1374]","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","Revert "notextile tag has been placed with ascii quotes"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-23","little details seen while doing a pass through what's ne...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-22","Merge pull request #2188 from vijaydev/patch-6","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-21","I actually love well-formed Gemfiles","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-20","Merge pull request #2165 from joshk/fixtures_test_fix","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-20","Merge pull request #2136 from judearasu/guides_branch","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-20","documents the changes to String#blank? in the AS guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-20","registers the changes to String#blank? in the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-20","Merge pull request #2164 from dmathieu/missing_require","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-20","Merge pull request #2146 from dmathieu/blank_binary_enco...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2157 from vijaydev/3-1-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2141 from joshk/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-16","synchronizes assets.rake with master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-16","indeed, if we are going to remove everything in public/a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-16","if we are cleaning all files, we are cleaning all gz files","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #2032 from dziulius/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-09","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-08","backports f6a6b51 and ad912c0","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-07","use Zlib.crc2 rather that bytes.sum, as per Aaron's sugg...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #1999 from dmitriy-kiriyenko/add_requ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-06","Merge pull request #1983 from vijaydev/cherrypicks-valid...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-04","syncs guides with master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-04","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-07-04","Merge pull request #1957 from vijaydev/add-validator-gem","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-29","sub suffices here","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-29","sub suffices here","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-27","the generated ALT attribute for images no longer contain...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-27","the generated ALT attribute for images no longer contain...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-25","Merge pull request #1853 from arunagw/string_parameterize","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-24","registers support for acronyms in the CHANGELOG of Activ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-24","Merge pull request #1648 from dlee/acronyms","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-24","updates the contributing guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-24","judgement -> judgment, according to guidelines","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-23","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-22","Merge pull request #1750 from dmathieu/non_string_methods","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-19","explains why links are gsub'ed, and changes the regexp d...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-19","explains why links are gsub'ed, and changes the regexp d...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-18","Merge pull request #1762 from vijaydev/readme_links_rdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-18","Merge pull request #48 from scott-stewart/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-18","copy-edits 7c2db6c, cbf2af1, and f391f94","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-18","copy-edits 7c2db6c, cbf2af1, and f391f94","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-18","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-17","AS guide: expands safe string docs regarding destructive...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-17","AS guide: expands safe string docs regarding destructive...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1731 from vijaydev/plugin_name_change","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-12","backslash insertion for RDoc main page ignores code bloc...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-12","backslash insertion for RDoc main page ignores code bloc...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-12","revises the pattern that excludes generator templates in...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-12","revises the pattern that excludes generator templates in...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-10","s/Bundle/Bundler/","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-10","shell out to run bundler on app generation, see rational...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-10","s/Bundle/Bundler/","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-10","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-10","shell out to run bundler on app generation, see rational...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1523 from raghunadhd/refactor_regex","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1550 from rsim/fix_test_has_many_wit...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","Merge pull request #1533 from alexandrz/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","mention assets:clean in railties CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","mention assets:clean in railties CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","sprockets gzips assets now","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","sprockets gzips assets now","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","adds missing require","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-07","adds missing require","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-06","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-06","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-06","Revert "updated Changelog "","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-04","adds Vijay Dev to the new Rails Guides Reviewers team","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-04","adds Vijay Dev to the new Rails Guides Reviewers team","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-04","move Ryan up, since the list is ordered by surname","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-04","move Ryan up, since the list is ordered by surname","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-04","adds Ryan Bigg to the credits page of the guides, he is ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-04","specify image dimensions for pictures in the guides cred...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-04","adds Ryan Bigg to the credits page of the guides, he is ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-06-04","specify image dimensions for pictures in the guides cred...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-31","standarize documentation (and indirectly code) to use Am...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-31","revises commit from pull request 1408","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-31","revises commit from pull request 1409","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1371 from FLOChip/typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-25","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1301 from amatsuda/require_rdoc_task...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1180 from Karunakar/documentation_ch...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-20","Merge pull request #1157 from smartinez87/extra_whitespaces","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-20","Merge pull request #1161 from guilleiguaran/each_syntax_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-18","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-18","set log encoding to BINARY, but still use text mode to o...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-18","set log encoding to BINARY, but still use text mode to o...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-16","configuratin guide: finished a pass to the "Rails Genera...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-15","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-15","reviewed the first ~70 lines of the configuration guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-14","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-14","minor edits after going through what's new in docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-14","asking the user whether he is "offline" rather than "onl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-14","removes now unused method Rails::Generators::AppBase#dev...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-14","application and plugin generation run bundle install unl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-13","move bundler loading down to #bundle_command","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-13","run bundler programmatically rather than shelling out","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-13","use #quietly in a few places, and s/silence/capture/ whe...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-13","Merge pull request #537 from amatsuda/update_scripts2","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-12","new reporting method Kernel#quietly","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-12","silences stderr to prevent an expected error message in ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-12","say something when running bundle commands","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-12","say silence when you mean silence","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-12","application and plugin generation run bundle check unles...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-12","removes duplicate tests","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #516 from gucki/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #513 from BlackBulletIV/patch-1","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #487 from vijaydev/patch-3","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #435 from vijaydev/master","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-06","adds comments clarifying the role of SharedGeneratorTests","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-06","Revert "Small edit to the if statement simplification fo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #396 from asanghi/lh_4346","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-04","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-04","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-04","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-04","fixes typo in railties/CHANGELOG (spotted by Vijay Dev)","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-04","Merge pull request #384 from arunagw/new_plugin_test.","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-04","restores the -j option, but now it accepts the name of a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-04","removes the :update_ujs task in railties","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-04","jQuery is no longer vendored","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-01","made a copy-edit pass on the streaming RDoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-01","(temporary hack) generate a main file for RDoc escaping ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-05-01","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-30","Prototype and Scriptaculous are no longer vendored, but ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-29","Merged pull request #350 from bcardarella/master.","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-29","JavaScript expansions are ignored if the application use...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-22","copy-edits 0e2644c","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-22","copy-edits e2656e0","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-22","copy-edits 3d45964","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-22","copy-edits 2f0dca5","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-19","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-19","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-19","Revert "Better formatting"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-19","remove unwanted Example headers as per the guidelines, s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-19","commit copy-edit: simplifies blank? rdoc and revises for...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-19","Revert "Formated docs"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-19","brings a #:nodoc: back","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-19","let this regexp be stricter","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","updates AP CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","updates railties CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","renames response_from_page_or_rjs -> response_from_page,...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","fixes the name of a test","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes some remaining .rjs occurrences","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes reference to RJS from AC::RecordIdentifier docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes a remaining reference to .rjs in template resolv...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removed references to RJS from the AP README","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes RJS documentation from AV::Base","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes mentions to RJS in the security guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes debug_rjs from ActionView::Base","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes render :update from views","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes ActionView::Helpers::ScriptaculousHelper","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes the RJS template handler","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes support for render :update","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","let the default function in button_to_function be nil","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","applies API guidelines to example","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes support for RJS in button_to_function","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes assert_select_rjs","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","removes support for RJS in link_to_function","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-13","jQuery is the new default","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-12","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-11","Revert "Edited railties/guides/source/active_support_cor...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-04-03","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-27","let these heredocs flow with the code","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-27","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-27","AR validations and callbacks guide: put update_attribute...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-27","s/with/when/","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-27","fixes a couple of regexps, the suite showed warnings abo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-25","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-25","removes unnecessary selfs, and mentions that first! and ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-25","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-23","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-14","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-14","be be -> be","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-14","move the tips about :allow_(nil|blank) near their explan...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-10","remove item in CHANGELOG that leaked in a merge","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-10","Filter sensitive query string parameters in the log [#62...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-10","Filter sensitive query string parameters in the log [#62...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-09","move the conditional definition of Float#round down","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-09","copy-edits 532b770","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-09","revises links to the API websites of individual componen...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-07","reorganizes the RDoc of Hash#to_param","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-07","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-06","Merge branch 'active_model_unused_variable' of https://g...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-06","removes merge conflicts","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-06","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-06","removes Examples headers introduced in 9b96de6","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-06","Revert "Fixed identation in actionmailer base_test"","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-05","merges rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-05","revises the RDoc of Hash#reverse_merge","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-05","copy-edits 819762c","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-05","copy-edits 108561f","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-03-05","implements ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config to be ab...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-28","revises a few details in public/index.html","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-25","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-21","copy-edits 8d96b89","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-21","copy-edits 6d7a826","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-21","copy-edits 34316d8","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-21","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-21","copy-edits 8d96b89","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-21","copy-edits 6d7a826","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-21","copy-edits 34316d8","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-20","adds Range#cover? to the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-20","documents the backported Range#cover?, and related stuff","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-18","fixes a merge conflict","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-18","merges docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-18","removes indent from guides example","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-18","Revert "Created a new Troubleshooting section in the mig...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-18","removes unrealistic example (authentication plus gender?...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-15","Revert "Fix error: docrails is a fork, not a branch."","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-13","the shell prompt for non-root sessions is "$" by convention","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-13","Revert "Add note about running `bundle install` as root....","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-09","now that the API guidelines are a guide, it is enough to...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-09","now that the API guidelines are a guide, it is enough to...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-09","getting started guide: the generated application README ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-09","adds RedCloth to the Gemfile, and defines a :doc group","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-05","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-02","revises a metal example","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-02","copy-edits 2446b13","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-02-02","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-20","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-20","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-16","updates AR's CHANGELOG with changes in 9e64dfa and ad343d7","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-12","upgrades RDoc and horo dependencies","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-12","fixes a comment in the generated app Gemfile","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-12","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-12","defines a :doc group in the project's Rakefile, just for...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-12","adds a sample gem call for RedCloth in the generated app...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-12","upgrades RedCloth dependency to ~> 4.2, adds RedCloth to...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-12","upgrades to RDoc ~> 3.4 and removes the gem call in root...","Xavier Noria",5 "2011-01-01","Revert "Update CHANGELOGs to include 3.0.3 changes"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-31","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-30","contrib_guide.gsub!("aptitude", "apt-get")","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-30","contrib_guide.gsub!("aptitude", "apt-get")","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-29","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-29","renames the contrib guide in the index","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-29","since a lot of people use Ubuntu, document specific apti...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-29","renames the contrib guide in the index","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-29","since a lot of people use Ubuntu, document specific apti...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-28","complete revision of the Contributing to Ruby on Rails g...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-28","complete revision of the Contributing to Ruby on Rails g...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-26","small rewording of my entry in the credits","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-26","no docs credits are written in first person, thanks to V...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-22","API guidelines: RDoc markup documentation has been moved...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-22","API guidelines: RDoc markup documentation has been moved...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-22","removes binary? hack for RDoc, API requires RDoc 3 and h...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-20","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-15","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-15","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-11","reviews commit 53bbbcc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-11","spaces with underscores, I mean","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-11","testing guide: revises explanation of the test macro","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-10","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-10","reviews commit 53bbbcc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-10","spaces with underscores, I mean","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-10","testing guide: revises explanation of the test macro","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-10","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/vijaydev/doc...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-10","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lucascaton/d...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-10","Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/git2samus/do...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-08","makes a pass to the action caching rdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-08","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-08","makes a pass to the action caching rdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-12-05","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-27","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-25","removes a couple of redundant selfs","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-23","copy-edits RDoc of 2fe43b6","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-23","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","documents <%== in the AS guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","realigns a series of hash arrows","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","documents <%== in the AS guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","Spanish for "project" is "proyecto"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","copy-edits d773ef8","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","Spanish for "project" is "proyecto"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","copy-edits d773ef8","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-21","Spanish for "project" is "proyecto"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-20","copy-edits d773ef8","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-20","applies API conventions to the RDoc of json_encode","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-20","applies API conventions to the RDoc of json_encode","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-19","guides: gives clear instructions for feedback, removes l...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-19","guides: gives clear instructions for feedback, removes l...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-19","removes orphan tests, custom String#% was removed from A...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-16","revises RDoc of AR::Base#==","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-16","revises RDoc of AR::Base#==","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-16","adds a publish_docs task to force stable docs generation...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-15","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-10","restores the example for fixed-width font in API guidelines","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-09","syncs CHANGELOGs for 3.0.2 in 3-0-stable with the ones i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-09","registers number_to_currency's :negative_format in the C...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-09","registers number_to_currency's :negative_format in the C...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-03","made a pass to the docs of :negative_format","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-11-03","made a pass to the docs of :negative_format","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-30","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-24","ensures that no browser shows a vertical scrollbar in th...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-24","ensures that no browser shows a vertical scrollbar in th...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-24","configure a uniform font-family for code in guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-24","use a gray a little darker in code blocks, for better co...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-24","removes the toolbar from guides code blocks","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-24","configure a uniform font-family for code in guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-24","use a gray a little darker in code blocks, for better co...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-24","removes the toolbar from guides code blocks","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-23","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-23","switches guides code syntax highlighting to the better S...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-23","switches guides code syntax highlighting to the better S...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-22","copy-edits some CI traces","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-22","made a pass in AR's schema.rb to keep (most) create stat...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-22","has_one maintains the association with separate after_cr...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-19","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-19","rewords a little the RDoc of the tag helper","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-19","api guidelines: adds a reference to the RDoc documentati...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-19","adds the new :data idiom in tag helpers to the CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-19","Additional documentation for data-* attributes.","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-18","explains why ERB::Util#h is removed before being re-aliased","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-16","Revert "added ignore rule for linux temp file ending wit...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-16","implements weeks_ago and prev_week for Date/DateTime/Tim...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-15","in regexps, the dot in a character class is not a metach...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-14","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-13","Use <em> rather than underscores to fix display issue wi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-12","getting started guide: deletes orphan <% end %>, reporte...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-12","getting started guide: deletes orphan <% end %>, reporte...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-12","fixes spelling of jQuery and Prototype","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-11","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-11","Revert "Add missing CHANGELOG entry about reset_javascri...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-06","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-05","a couple of touches to the guides guidelines","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-05","a couple of touches to the guides guidelines","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-05","aaaaannnddd, your beloved typo only spotted in the githu...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-05","aaaaannnddd, your beloved typo only spotted in the githu...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-05","new guide: Ruby on Rails Guides Guidelines","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-05","new guide: Ruby on Rails Guides Guidelines","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-10-01","brings csrf_meta_tags back to the generated layout","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-27","revises RDoc of Hash#to_param to be more precise about o...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-27","revises RDoc of Hash#to_param to be more precise about o...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-27","let Hash#to_param and Hash#to_query sort again","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-27","let Hash#to_param and Hash#to_query sort again","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-23","resolves rdoc conflict","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-21","api guidelines: adds Test::Unit and RSpec as examples of...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-21","un-nodocs AR::Batches","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-18","adds to the API guidelines the proper spelling of Arel","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-14","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-13","get csrf_meta_tag back to the generated layout in defere...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-13","reviews 02656ac","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-13","copy-edits 4eb8987","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-11","removes /i from the TRUSTED_PROXIES regexp, adds /x and ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-11","gets rid of a double negation, no need to force exactly ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-11","revises implementation and documentation of csrf_meta_ta...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-10","append asset IDs to the examples of the RDoc of #javascr...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-03","too many people are looking for the 2.3 guides, put by n...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-03","too many people are looking for the 2.3 guides, put by n...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-09-03","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-31","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-30","resolves merge conflict","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-30","Revert "refer to guides since 3.0 is released now"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-30","Revert "Revert "refer to guides since 3.0 is released now""","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-30","Revert "refer to guides since 3.0 is released now"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-30","let String#strip_heredoc handle blank lines even if they...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-30","let String#strip_heredoc handle blank lines even if they...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-29","implements String#strip_heredoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-29","implements String#strip_heredoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-29","revises a deprecation message","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-29","revises a deprecation message","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-27","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-27","Revert "call-seq directive makes rdoc cry and replaces m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-27","solves everything in guides raised by WARNINGS=1 (except...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-27","adds a comment in cli.rb so that it is clear that exec_s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-27","solves everything in guides raised by WARNINGS=1 (except...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-27","adds a comment in cli.rb so that it is clear that exec_s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","updates de title of the generators guide in the home and...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","updates de title of the generators guide in the home and...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","getting started guide: adds a reference to Michael Hartl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","getting started guide: adds a reference to Michael Hartl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","getting started guide: revises text wrt bundler","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","revises a few link texts","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","getting started guide: revises text wrt bundler","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","revises a few link texts","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-26","Revert "to_json => as_json"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-25","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-25","Revert "to_json => as_json"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-25","adds missing require for #parameterize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-25","adds missing require for #parameterize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-25","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-25","AS guide: Array.wrap vs splat is only valid for 1.8","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-25","AS guide: Array.wrap vs splat is only valid for 1.8","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-24",":nodoc:s #unscoped until its behavior is more clear, now...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-24","edit pass to a recent doc patch","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-24",":nodoc:s #unscoped until its behavior is more clear, now...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-24","edit pass to a recent doc patch","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-24","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-23","removes words moved in previous edit of the generator ge...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-23","removes words moved in previous edit of the generator ge...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-23","generators guide: edit pass","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-23","adds USAGE to the generator generator USAGE (not sure th...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-23","generators guide: edit pass","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-23","adds USAGE to the generator generator USAGE (not sure th...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-22","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-21","prevent RDoc from autolinking "Rails" in the API home page","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-21","requires horo 1.0.2","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-21","prevent RDoc from autolinking "Rails" in the API home page","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-21","requires horo 1.0.2","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-20","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-20","deletes the rdoc task of each component, they are no lon...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-20","the pdoc task is no longer needed","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-20","deletes the rdoc task of each component, they are no lon...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-20","the pdoc task is no longer needed","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-20","restores railties/README as home page of the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-20","revises guides generation","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-19","avoids warnings about mismatched indentations in Ruby 1.9.2","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-19","avoids warnings about mismatched indentations in Ruby 1.9.2","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-19","now for real, the suite loads everything and these went ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-19","avoids a ton o warnings activesupport/lib/active_support...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-19","now for real, the suite loads everything and these went ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-19","avoids a ton o warnings activesupport/lib/active_support...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-19","get rid of the warning "+ after local variable is interp...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-19","get rid of the warning "+ after local variable is interp...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","you rarely want ^ or $ in validations, use \A when you m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","commit review: now that there are two supported, just me...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","you rarely want ^ or $ in validations, use \A when you m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","debugging guide: revises the section on debugging RJS","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","debugging guide: revises the section on debugging RJS","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","code gardening: we have assert_(nil|blank|present), more...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","code gardening: we have assert_(nil|blank|present), more...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","the (public) routing DSL does not accept symbols for get...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-17","the (public) routing DSL does not accept symbols for get...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-15","routing guide: wildcard segments are quite flexible, go ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-15","routing guide: wildcard segments are quite flexible, go ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-15","getting started guide: typos reported by Abder-Rahman Ali","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-15","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-15","Revert "Add example label to activesupport/configurable"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-15","Revert "Add example label to active_support/configurable"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-15","reviews commit dcc9d38","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-14","Revert "Add example label to activesupport/configurable"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-14","Revert "Add example label to active_support/configurable"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-14","reviews commit dcc9d38","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-14","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-12","be more precise re :validate and :autosave","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-12","be more precise re :validate and :autosave","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-12","be more precise re :validate and :autosave","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-12","revises some autosave docs, style and content","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-12","commit review: applies guidelines to "# =>"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-12","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-12","revises some autosave docs, style and content","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-12","commit review: applies guidelines to "# =>"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-11","AS guide: some revisions","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-11","no need to assign if we are gonna return","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-11","AS guide: some revisions","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-11","no need to assign if we are gonna return","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","fixes a typo reported by rymai","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","fixes a typo reported by rymai","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","AS guide: removes some duplication, and makes a second p...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","AS guide: removes some duplication, and makes a second p...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","adds the AS guide to the guides index","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","AS guide: documents Module#redefine_method","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","AS guide: documents Module#(instance_)method_names","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","adds the AS guide to the guides index","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","AS guide: documents Module#redefine_method","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","AS guide: documents Module#(instance_)method_names","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","AS guide: documents Module#delegate","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-10","AS guide: documents Module#delegate","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","AS guide: documents Process.daemon","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","AS guide: documents Process.daemon","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","AS guide: documents date/datetime/time arithmetic with d...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","AS guide: documents date/datetime/time arithmetic with d...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","adds missing requires for Object#try","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","adds missing requires for Object#try","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","form helpers guide: fixes an example","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","form helpers guide: fixes an example","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","adds URL to the body generated by the redirect macro in ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","adds URL to the body generated by the redirect macro in ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","AC guide: commit review, block examples go at column 0, ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-09","AC guide: commit review, block examples go at column 0, ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-08","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-08","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-08","routing guide: documents the CONTROLLER environment vari...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-08","routing guide: documents the CONTROLLER environment vari...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-08","updates horo dependency to 1.0.1","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-08","updates horo dependency to 1.0.1","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-07","undoes one of the modifications to RDoc::Parser.binary?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-07","undoes one of the modifications to RDoc::Parser.binary?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-07","quick hack: hijacks the predicate RDoc::Parser.binary? s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-07","quick hack: hijacks the predicate RDoc::Parser.binary? s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","adds Abstract Controller to the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","adds Abstract Controller to the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","fix reference to time/calculations.rb in AS guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","AS guide: documents calculations with Time objects","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","AS guide: documents calculations with Time objects","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","edit pass to AMo::Serializers::JSON","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","AR guide: fixes a query","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","AR guide: fixes a query","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-06","commit review: say clearly that AS::OrderedHash is about...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-05","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-05","documents that :terminator is a string to be eval'ed, an...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-05","Revert "correcting the documentation that default to fal...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-05","adds test coverage to ensure DateTime#advance processes ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-05","AS guide: documents DateTime#advance","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-05","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-05","AS guide: documents DateTime#advance","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-04","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-04","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master' into 3-0-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-04","standarizes the use of the article "an" for "SQL" and "S...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-04","it is no longer true that load_paths are going to be rem...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-03","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master' into 3-0-stable","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-08-01","explains Array.wrap directly, rather by comparison with ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-31","fixes typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-31","use the same amount of left indent in all code blocks of...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-31","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-31","README.rdoc is your first impression, make sure it is clean","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-30","if there's a Gemfile and doc:guides can't load RedCloth,...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-30","the main page of the API generated by the doc:rails task...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-30","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-30","edit pass to apply API guideline wrt the use of "# =>" i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-28","adds test coverage for edge-cases of Array.wrap, and bet...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-27","Revert "Frameworks are loaded in application.rb rather t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-26","prefer %Q() over escaped double quotes","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-26","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-25","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-25","APIs for individual components are no longer published","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-25","AS guide: Object#returning is gone","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-25","application generation: --skip-testunit and --skip-activ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-23","include the root README.rdoc as main page","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-22","bump required RDoc to >= 2.5.9, and replace the 2.2 horo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-21","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-21","camelize and underscore are sort of inverse of each othe...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-21","routing guide: say "path" when you mean path","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-21","routing guide: a "photo" resource has by convention path...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-21","camelize and underscore are sort of inverse of each othe...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-21","routing guide: say "path" when you mean path","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-21","routing guide: a "photo" resource has by convention path...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-17","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-17","new guide: API Documentation Guidelines, ported and revi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-16","minor pass to generated code in application.rb related t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-15","AS guide: revised the docs of class_attribute and cattr_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-15","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-15","layouts and rendering guide: use content_for? instead of...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-14","revises the rdoc of update_attributes and update_attribu...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-14","AR queying guide: let limit and offset be different numb...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-13","AS guides: reword the docs of Enumerable#group_by","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-13","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-09","missing article, only seen in github's colored diff by t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-09","revises recent commit related to :uniq => true","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-09","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-09","application.rb: revises the comment for autoload_paths s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-08","copy-edits some docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-07","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-07-06","documents automatic management of join models in hmt ass...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-30","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-29","s/escape_once/html_escape/, since html safety is the con...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-29","url_for no longer escapes HTML, the :escape option is al...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-27","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-27","your beloved and infamuous typo only spottable in github...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-27","AS guide: documents String|conversions","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-23","renames load_(once_)paths to autoload_(once_)paths in de...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-23","deprecates load_(once_)paths in dependencies and app con...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-20","Revert "files in the lib directory are no longer autoloa...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-20","files in the lib directory are no longer autoloaded","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-20","adds parens to silence a warning in the test suite of AS","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-20","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-17","documents how to run an individual test in AR","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-16","pdoc tasks publishe APIs in api.rubyonrails.org","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-16","use RDoc 2.2 to generate the documentation of individual...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-16","removes the documentation group from the Gemfile, thus m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-16","migrates the Jamis template to RDoc 2.x, the root Rakefi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-14","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-14","edit pass: the names of Rails components have a space, i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-14","edit pass in #define_callbacks rdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-14","refactors AR::Base#reset_table_name","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-13","explains why AS::OrderedHash does not leverage inheritance","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-13","revises implementation of AS::OrderedHash#merge!","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-13","Revert "hash merging with a block ignores non-existing k...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-13","hash merging with a block ignores non-existing keys alto...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-12","registers 4146a44 in CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-12","removes spurious .rb in require","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-11","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-11","AS guide: updates docs on date calculations to reflect a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-11","adds missing require for having ActiveSupport::Inheritab...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-11","adds missing require for having ActiveSupport::Inheritab...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-11","grammar fixes","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-10","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-10","abort generation/booting on Ruby 1.9.1","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-08","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-08","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-08","AS guide: documents datetime calculations","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-07","getting started guide: mentions that last REE release do...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-07","getting started guide: mentions that last REE release do...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-07","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-07","oops, two cancelling errors made a previous test pass, f...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-07","the order in which we apply deltas in Date#advance matte...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-06","AS guide: first complete draft covering date/calculation...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-05","deprecates Array#random_element in favor of Array#sample...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-04","AS guide: removes your spurious line","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-04","removes Array#random_element and backports Array#sample ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-03","AS guide: documents String#truncate","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-03","revises the documentation of String#truncate and the tru...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-03","revises rdoc of AMo::Error#add [#4738 state:resolved]","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-01","Merge remote branch 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-01","revises the documentation of String#truncate and the tru...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-01","AS guide: documents String#truncate","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-06-01","revises rdoc of AMo::Error#add [#4738 state:resolved]","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-27","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-25","get railties/README back to the home page of the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-25","get railties/README back to the home page of the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-19","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-19","in Ruby things in general happen at runtime, no need to ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-18","1.9 compat: deprecated last_(month|year) in favor of pre...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-18","removes deprecations of last_(month|year) from master, t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-17","method rename to fix a broken test","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-15","simplify contact information in the guides contribution ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-15","updates the contribute guide in several aspects","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-12","defines prev_(month|year) in Date and Time to ease trans...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-12","revises the rdoc of #average according to 5f3bd55, and r...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-11","Gemfile requires sqlite3-ruby 1.3.0.beta.1","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-09","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-09","AS guide: more date calculation utilities","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-09","aliases Date#sunday to Date#end_of_week, for symmetry wi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-09","AS guide: you know, the 10th is not November","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-09","AS guide: adds a catchall note about date calculations a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-09","adds calendar reform test coverage for more relevant dat...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-08","AS guide: documents some Date calculations (calendar ref...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-08","Backports Date#>> from 1.9 so that calculations do the r...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-08","add test coverage for (last|next)_year on leap years","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-04","adds Date#to_time refinement from previous commit to the...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-04","let Time.time_with_datetime_fallback handle properly yea...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-04","Merge remote branch 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-03","date/conversions needs time/calculations for (utc|local)...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-03","BigDecimal#as_json does not really specify the F format,...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-03","adds a comment explaining why BigDecimal#as_json returns...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-03","fixes colon in previous YAML example","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-02","adds test coverage for Date.current vs Date.today in Dat...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-01","revises tests for Date.yesterday and Date.tomorrow","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-01","let Date.yesterday and Date.tomorrow be based on Date.cu...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-01","say something about after_(commit|rollback) in callbacks...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-01","edit pass in the transactions preamble rdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-05-01","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-30","after_(commit|rollback) rdoc, edit pass","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-30","guides index: punctuation","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-28","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-27","release notes: updates path to the rails command in the ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-27","use ordinary syntax for options to be well-formed in 1.8","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-25","the names of Rails components have a space, eg "Active R...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-19","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-19","much complete rdoc for String#ord","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-19","revises the rdoc of String#ord","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-19","AS guide: AS no longer extends Pathname","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-18","much complete rdoc for String#ord","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-17","removes code written for Ruby < 1.8.7","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-17","revises the rdoc of String#ord","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-17","AS guide: AS no longer extends Pathname","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-16","Merge commit 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-15","Revert "I18n guide: change ActionController by Action Co...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-14","fix dash -> edit in an example, and a few touches now th...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-14","i18n -> AS/i18n","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-14","adds missing requires for arel and i18n, prevents Arel c...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-14","Merge commit 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-13","removes unnecessary assignment and local variable in AR:...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-11","your beloved typo only spotted in github diff no matter ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-11","second pass to the intro rdoc of form_helper.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-11","Merge commit 'rohit/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-10","removes some duplication in previous edit","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-10","makes a pass to the intro rdoc of form_helper.rb, will r...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-09","release notes: updates instructions for installing the c...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-09","image_path -> path_to_image in a couple of places, plus ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-09","adds an entry for #favicon_link_tag in AP's CHANGELOG","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-09","adds #favicon_link_tag back, rdoc explains why it is use...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-07","adds #favicon_link_tag and #apple_touch_icon_link_tag to...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-07","adds a default source to #apple_touch_icon_link_tag","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-07","new helpers #favicon_link_tag and #apple_touch_icon_link...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-06","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-06","guides: adds support in the indexer for custom header ID...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-06","guides: adds page title to home and credits, and revises...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-05","AS guide: updates definition file for singleton_class an...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-05","minimal update to 3.0 release notes, will link to CHANGE...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-05","moves Object#singleton_class to Kernel#singleton_class t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-05","revises some <%= in rdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-05","<% yield to <%= yield in rdoc of _layout_for, and copy-e...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-04","Jaime is not an author by now","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-04","Revert "Added 'Rails Guides Reviewers' section to credits"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-04","Merge commit 'docrails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-04","fixes duplicate element IDs in some guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-04","guides assets are now centralized in the assets director...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-04","sanity check arguments in guides generation collapsed in...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-03","adds a preamble to the guides generator, documents what ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-03","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-02","guides: warn about edge guides at the top of the home pr...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-02","guides: badge insertion was a quick hack, rewrites that","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-01","guides index: splits prologue in two paragraphs","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-01","insert the badge in a valid way","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-01","fine, rolling back the test","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-04-01","tests guides regeneration cron in edge server","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-31","guides: rewrites index and credit pages as pure HTML to ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-31","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-31","adds missing require for blank? and present?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-30","adds and entry for assert_blank and assert_present to CH...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-30","<%=izes and adds doctype to guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-30","periods are not metacharacters within character classes","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-28","adds missing requires for Object#blank? and Object#present?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-28","adds missing requires for Object#duplicable?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-28","AS guide: warns about the singleton classes of nil, true...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-22","AS guide: documents Module#remove_possible_method","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-19","normalizes titles of release notes guides, and adds them...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-19","s/guides.rails.info/edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/ in a few...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-19","cleans a bit #compute_public_path","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-17","guides generator skips untouched guides by default, over...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-16","AS guide: completes section about loading AS core extens...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-16","AS guide: adds extension to file name","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-16","adds tests for #flush_output_buffer","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-16","adds tests for #capture","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-15","adds test coverage for with_output_buffer","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-15","guides generation: undoes output buffer workaround, more...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-15","with_output_buffer cannot assume there's an output_buffer","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-15","AS guide: documents a use case for :instance_writer, bas...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-15","refactors some bits of the guides generator, ONLY select...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-13","restricts a test to < 1.9, and rewrites it using a prope...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-12","adds coverage for the issue addressed in fe43bbd","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-12","keep AssociationProxy#to_a to avoid warning in Array(pos...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-11","release notes: minor edit pass","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-04","the guides generator needs fileutils","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-03","AS guide: How to Load Core Extensions","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-02","AS guide: documents String#foreign_key","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-02","AS guide: documents String#humanize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-02","AS guide: documents String#constantize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-02","AS guide: documents String#classify","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AS guide: documents String#tableize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AS guide: documents String#parameterize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AS guide: documents String#demodulize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AS guide: documents String#dasherize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AS guide: documents String#titleize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AV guide: titleize is defined by Active Support","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AS guide: documents String#underscore","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AS guide: documents String#singularize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-03-01","AS guide: adds a real example for #pluralize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-28","AS guide: shortens a sentence","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-28","AS guide: documents String#pluralize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-27","plugins guide: rails/init.rb is deprecated","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-25","AS guide: s/metaclass/singleton_class/ due to 0b87d11","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-25","let the rails command recurse upwards looking for script...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-24","caching guide: fixes a typo, thanks to Jonathan Bryan","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-23","plugins guide: rewords a paragraph and revises some typo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-19","Revert "AM guide: standarizes call to rails runner"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-19","getting started guide: script/generate -> rails generate","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-19","AM guide: standarizes call to rails runner","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-17","edge badge revised by Jose Espinal","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-17","adds support for an edge badge in guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-15","and now even with proper markup","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-15","testing cron job in edge api generation","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-15","adds rdoc dependency to generate the API","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-14","name.blank? -> anonymous?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-14","name.blank? -> anonymous? in a few places","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-14","adds a few missing requires in AS object.rb and module.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-12","AS guide: documents Module#anonymous?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-12","AS guide: documents Module#reachable?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-11","fixes Module#anonymous? for 1.9","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-11","moves Class#reachable? to Module#reachable?, bases imple...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-11","defines Module#anonymous?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-10","AS guide: fixes a typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-10","AS guide: documents Class#subclasses","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-10","AS guide: documents Object#subclasses_of","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-10","fixes doc generation","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-10","release notes: the following methods have resurrected: C...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-08","simplify a couple of regexps","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-08","getting started guide: move link to Instant Rails to the...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-08","guides textile extensions: now recognizes also TIP.","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-07","removes Module#as_load_path, which is no longer used","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-07","removes Module#included_in_classes, which is no longer used","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-07","AS guide: specifies that renaming a file is atomic on PO...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-07","AS guide: documents Module#synchronize","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","AS guide: documents Module#local_constants and Module#lo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","removes p calls in rdoc examples","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","AS guide: documents methods related to a module's parent(s)","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","release notes: Kernel#daemonize is gone after 299ab1f","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","AS guides: documents Module#delegate","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","reformats an example in the rdoc of delegate","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","rack debugger needs active_support/core_ext/kernel/requi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","removes Kernel#daemonize, which is no longer used","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","AS guide: documents module attributes","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","AS guide: documents internal attributes","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","AS guide: documents Module#attr_accessor_with_default","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","revises an example in the rdoc of TextHelper#concat","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","AS guide: documents where output safety is defined","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-06","AS guide: documents Kernel#require_library_or_gem","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-05","the infamuous typo that escapes a thousand passes and it...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-05","AS guide: first version of a section on output safety, t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-05","final touch","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-05","release notes: quick copy-editing pass to the section ab...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-05","release notes: put removals to Regexp in the same list i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-05","release notes: adds a missing period","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-04","typography detail in release notes","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-03","reworded section "script/* replaced by script/rails"","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-03","Doc Rails -> docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-03","checking guides regeneration, should be out before 9am","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-03","mention Object before Class","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-03","ends_with is not a plural","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-02","this 2nd test should be alive in rails.info sometime bef...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-02","this test should be alive in rails.info at 9:30","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-02","update html_safe calls in guides generation","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-01","AS guide: documents Class#class_attribute","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-01","Xavier's edits","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-02-01","dumps the current 3.0 release notes draft","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-28","removes unnecessary curlies in collection_select rdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-27","AS guide: Class#subclasses has been removed in ec7c642f5...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-27","AS guide: Object#remove_subclasses_of has been removed i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-27","AS guide: Object#subclasses_of has been removed in 245bf...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-27","AS guide: Class#descendents has been removed in f85f5dfc...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-27","AS guide: Class#reachable? has been removed in 5f981ff02...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-27","AS guide: Class#remove_class has been removed in 44afd78...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-27","AS guide: Object#extend_with_included_modules_from has b...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-27","Object#extended_by has been deleted in c25ac0deeefe55837...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes now void extending.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes Object#extended_by","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes unused method Object#extend_with_included_module...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","deletes no void files removal.rb and class_test.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes unused method Class#remove_class","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes unused method Class#reachable?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes unused Class#descedents","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes unused Object#subclasses_of","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes unused Object#remove_subclasses_of","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes unused Class#remove_subclasses","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-26","removes unused method Class#subclasses","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-23","render :text renders text, thank to Patrik Wenger","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-22","Add missing require for Object#try [#3771 state:resolved]","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-21","removes that beloved typo you only catch in github color...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-21","rewords rdoc about :allow_nil in Module#delegate","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-21","a hash has no final key","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-21","AS guide: updates docs for LoadError after 1a50d2e","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-19","AS guide: documents Float#round","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-18","AS guide: documents Object#extend_with_included_modules_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-18","AS guide: documents Object#extended_by","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-16","AS guide: documents Class#descendents","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-16","AS guide: Object#subclasses_of also selects anonymous cl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-16","AS guide: revises Class#reachable?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-16","AS guide: documents Class#reachable?","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-16","AS guide: revises section about Class#subclasses","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-16","AS guide: documents Object#subclasses_of","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-16","AS guide: documents Object#remove_subclasses_of","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-13","adds missing fixed-width font","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-03","removes warning in multiple_of? that is no longer needed...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-03","Let Integer#multiple_of? accept zero as argument","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-02","AS guide: documents the file where each method is define...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-02","Regexp#(un)optionalize are also gone","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-02","Regexp#number_of_captures is gone","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-02","AS guide: documents the file where each method is define...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-02","AS guide: documents the file where each method is define...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","fixes a couple of wrong requires","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","nokogiri.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object/blank","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","libxml.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object/blank","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","jdom.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object/blank","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","time_with_zone.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object/a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","testing/performance.rb needs active_support/core_ext/str...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","rescuable.rb needs active_support/core_ext/array/extract...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","rescuable.rb needs active_support/core_ext/string/inflec...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","message_verifier.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","message_verifier.rb needs active_support/base64","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","message_encriptor.rb needs active_support/base64","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","duration.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object/acts_like","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","method_wrappers.rb needs active_support/core_ext/array/e...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","to_param.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object/to_query","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","extending.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object/blank","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","extending.rb needs active_support/core_ext/class/removal...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","synchronization.rb needs active_support/core_ext/array/e...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","loading.rb needs active_support/core_ext/string/inflecti...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","hash/conversions.rb needs active_support/core_ext/string...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","hash/conversions.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","date_time/calculations.rb needs active_support/core_ext/...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","date/calculations.rb needs active_support/core_ext/objec...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","callbacks.rb needs active_support/core_ext/object/metacl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","cache.rb requires active_support/core_ext/string/inflect...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","requires active_support/inflector/methods active_support...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","requires active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","requires active_support/gzip in CompressedMemCacheStore ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","requires active_support/core_ext/hash/keys in benchmarka...","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","make sure returning is available for the libxml extension","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","delegating_attributes.rb does not use duplicable","Xavier Noria",5 "2010-01-01","require cgi to reopen it, not technically needed but mak...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-30","AS guide: documents Object#presence","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-30","fixes a link in the plugins guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-29","fixes link to Pickaxe in getting started guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-29","fixes broken links in migrations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-29","fixes broken links in form helpers guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-29","LH redirects to https in contributing guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-29","fixes broken links in 2.3 release notes","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-29","fixes broken links in 2.2 release notes","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-25","fixes broken link, thanks to veger","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-16","AS guide: fixes an example","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-16","AS guide: documents Enumerable#exclude?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-12-03","revises an example in docs about habtm & fixtures","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-19","documents that the REXML security fix is still needed to...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-18","explains the motivation for duplicable?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","AS guide: removes docs for String#start_with? and String...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","AS guide: removes docs for Object#instance_variable_defi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","AS guide: removes docs for Symbol#to_proc, no longer in AS","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","AS guide: removes docs for Object#tap, no longer in AS","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","AS guide: removes docs for bytesize, no longer in AS","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","AS guide: removes docs for each_char, no longer in AS","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","AS guide: removes docs for none?, no longer in AS","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","AS guide: removes docs for even? and odd?, no longer in AS","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","the REXML security fix is not needed for Ruby >= 1.8.7","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","Enumerable#none? is not needed for Ruby >= 1.8.7","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","Integer#even? and Integer#odd? are not needed for Ruby >...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","String#each_char is not needed for Ruby >= 1.8.7","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","String#start_with? and String#end_with? are not needed f...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","String#bytesize is not needed for Ruby >= 1.8.7","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","Object#tap is not needed for Ruby >= 1.8.7","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","Symbol#to_proc is not needed for Ruby >= 1.8.7","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-09","Object#instance_variable_defined? is not needed for Ruby...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-01","corrects an example","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-11-01","AS guide: documents Numeric#bytes and friends","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-26","AS guide: documents Proc#bind","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","AS guide: documents the Range#overlaps?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","AS guide: documents the extension to Range#include?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","AS guide: documents the extension to Range#to_s","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","AS guide: documents the extension to Range#step","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","AS guide: removes the placeholder for extensions to Benc...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","AS guide: removes the placeholder for extensions to Exce...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","AS guide: removes CGI placeholder section, CGI.escape_s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","AS guide: reflects the guide finally covers only core ex...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","corrects typo in previous commit","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-25","Caching guide: documents that page/action caching run in...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-10","trust generated HTML, and define html_safe! for gem >= 2...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-10","removes a no longer needed workaround in the guides gene...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-10-10","requires rubygems in all cases, fixes guides generation","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-26","typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-26","AS guide: touches an example that confounds the indexer","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-26","AS guide: documents Regexp.unoptionalize","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-26","AS guide: documents Regexp.optionalize","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-26","AS guide: documents Regexp#multiline?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-26","AS guide: documents Regexp#number_of_captures","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-22","AS guide: documents String#first, and String#last","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-22","details how a corner case behaves in different Ruby vers...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-22","AS guide: details how a corner case behaves in different...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-22","AS guide: documents String#to and fixes examples","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-22","AS guide: documents String#at","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-22","AS guide: documents Enumerable#none?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-22","AS guide: documents Enumerable#many?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-22","AS guide: documents Enumerable#index_by","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-21","AS guide: documents Enumerable#each_with_object","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-20","AS guide: documents Enumerable#sum","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-16","AS guide: documents Array#extract_options!","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-15","AS guide: str[0, 1] -> str.at(0) in an example","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-15","removes (nowadays) unneeded tests macro from an example ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-15","AS guide: documents Enumerable#group_by","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-15","@user -> user in example of Action Mailer guide, thanks ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-14","AS guide: documents slice and slice!","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-14","AS guide: documents reverse_update","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-14","AS guide: documents reverse_merge and reverse_merge!","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-13","AS guide: documents assert_valid_keys","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-13","AS guide: documents to_options and to_options!","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-13","details that symbolize_keys symbolizes keys as long as t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-13","AS guide: documents symbolize_keys and symbolize_keys!","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-13","AS guide: documents stringify_keys and stringify_keys!","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-12","documents Hash#with_indifferent_access","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-12","AS guide: documents Hash#with_indifferent_access","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-12","documents in Hash#except that convert_key is honored","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-12","AS guide: documents Hash#except","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-12","AS guide: documents Hash#diff","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-12","AS guide: documents Hash#deep_merge","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-11","documents Hash#to_xml","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-11","AS guide: documents Hash#to_xml","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-11","AS guide: corrects a typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-05","AS guide: documents Array#to_xml","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-02","fixes generation of index and credits page","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-09-02","fixes undefined method keys for nil:NilClass error while...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-30","AS guide: your lovely typo only seen in github diff even...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-30","AS guide: explains Array#to_formatted_s","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-30","AS guide: explains Array#to_sentence","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-30","AS guide: reorders an example","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-24","AS guide: explains Array.wrap","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-24","explains difference between Array.wrap and Array()","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-24","AS guide: documents String#each_char","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-23","fixes typo in previous (pushed) commit","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-23","AS guide: documents String#(start|end)_with?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-23","AS guide: documents key-based interpolation","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-22","AS guide: documents String#squish","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-22","AS guide: documents String#bytesize","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-22","AS guide: 2nd pass in aliasing","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-22","a couple of touches in just committed text","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-22","AS guide: documents aliasing","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-08","AS guide: changes the example in explanation of MissingS...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-08","AS guide: explains extensions to NameError","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-05","AS guide: documents extensions to LoadError","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-05","AS guide: extensions to NilClass are documented in "Exte...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-05","AS guide: extensions to (True|False)Class are documented...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-08-01","AS guide: explains a few extensions to Integer","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-30","AS guide: explains Symbol#to_proc","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-25","AS guide: explains File.atomic_write","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-25","i18n guide: removes some related for 2.2","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-25","i18n guide: minor tweaks","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-16","redirect_to forwards options to url_for if it is a Hash ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-16","AS guide: documents extensions related to instance varia...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-15","AS guide: documents with_options","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-14","AS guide: fixes internal link","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-14","AS guide: documents Object#returning","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-12","just removes a blank line","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-12","AS guide: documents Object#try","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-11","AS guide: explains Object#tap","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-10","AS guide: class objects are not duplicable either","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-10","class objects are not duplicable either","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-10","AS guide: documents duplicable?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-08","Action Mailer guide: revised a couple of links, thanks t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-06","updates work status of fxn","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-02","routing guide: removes misleading full stop, thanks to s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-07-02","migrations guide: updates link to foreign_key_migrations...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-28","AS guide: added section "Silencing Warnings, Streams, an...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-21","guides -> Guides in title of home page","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-13","moves reopening of core classes to add generic stuff fro...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-13","AS guide: renames a variable","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-13","AS guide: typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-13","AS guide: explains to_query","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-13","AS guide: 2nd revision of the explanation of to_param","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-13","AS guide: explains to_param","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-13","AS guide: adds another example to Object#metaclass","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-12","uses Object#metaclass and Object#class_eval in a few spots","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-12","AS guide: explains acts_like?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-12","AS guides: explains Object#metaclass and Object#class_eval","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-12","AS guide: rewords a sentence","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-06","AS guide: explains blank? and present?","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-01","AS guide: explains array grouping","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-06-01","simplifies a sentence","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-31","AS guide: explains extensions to Array for accessing ele...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-31","AS guide: adds see also to explanation of Class#remove_s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-31","AS guide: small rewording","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-31","AS guide: explains class removal","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-31","use "Subclasses" in title for coherence with method name","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-31","AS guide: explains Class#subclasses","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-30","just a typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-30","explains superclass_delegating_accessor","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-30","form helpers guide: revises a TIP on resources","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-27","fixes markup, thanks to Joseph Pecoraro","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-26","suggests using Hash#(except|slice) to be able to impleme...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-25","The original example was correct.","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-24","a few details here and there in url_helper.rb docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-23","performance guide: performance tests run in test environ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-23","layouts guide: makes some app paths relative","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-23","associations guide: find_by_customer_id -> find_all_by_c...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-23","in associations guide: exist? -> exists?, thanks to Pete...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-23","AS guide: documents class attribute accessors and inheri...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-19","attempt at fixing fxn picture in credits page","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-13","a few details in the caching guide I saw in passing","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-06","destroyal -> destruction, thanks to FelixLeiter","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-05-04","tray and -> try to, thanks to FelixLeiter","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-28","fixes redirect codes in layouts and rendering guide, tha...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-27","fixes an example from the previous commit","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-27","adds timestamps in examples of generated asset paths, an...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-27","bring index actions back in caching guide, REST conventi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-22","initial skeleton for extensions in AS guide, just bootst...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-18","fixes email/radio mismatch reported by Marek in LH","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-18","adds a missing word","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-18","Initial Active Support guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-13","in 2.3 release notes, fix name of a rake task","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-05","fixes spelling of "JavaScript" and link to the complex f...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-03","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-03","deletes screencast promo in prologue, its proper place i...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-03","list -> index","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-04-03","in caching guide, RESTifies some examples, revised conve...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-30","With -> with in a title","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-26","copyedited minor details in the rack on rails guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-22","ensure authors get warnings about broken links, and ensu...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-21","in guides generator, warn about duplicate header IDs onl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-21","replace edit distance implementation with one written fr...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-21","removes a wrong comment in the finders guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-21","updates fxn picture","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-19","thanks but release notes are mostly frozen once they are...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-17","clarifies a bit more what's the issue with check boxes a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-17","be even more ambiguous about the order of generation of ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-17","update explanation of check box generation according to ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","dasherize titles in a more predictable way, and update f...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","guides generator warns about duplicate header IDs","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","revised links in guides according to W3C link checker re...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","update links in layout according to W3C link checker report","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","in guides generator, broken link warning now suggests th...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","fixes broken links in association basics guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","fixes broken links in security guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","fixes broken links in security guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","fixes broken links in migrations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","fixes broken links in i18n guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-15","fixes broken links in finders guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","recommend rake guides instead of script in instructions ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","some minor details in finders guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles of caching guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles of the command line guide, and added chan...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles of plugins guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles of testing guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles of action mailer guide, and added changelog","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles in i18n guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles in form helpers guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles in validation and callbacks guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles in performance guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles in debugging guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles in security guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised titles of rack guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised typography in titles of the routing guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","fixes typo in finders guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised case in titles of AC overview guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised typography in layouts and rendering guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised case in titles of associations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised case in titles of AR basics guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised case in titles of migrations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","revised capitalization of titles","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-14","minor details in the querying guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-13","explains the order in which records are fetched by find_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-13","prevents the mini-bio of fxn to wrap below the picture","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-13","reword a paragraph in find_each explanation","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-12","explains find_each and find_in_batches in the querying g...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-12","in batches.rb, rewrap rdoc, and document options as symbols","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-12","each -> find_each in 2.3 release notes","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-11","finished proofreading of the validations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-11","and now even with the right dimensions","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-11","updates fxn picture with better quality","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-11","uploads fxn picture, links to fxn's tweet account","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-11","in validations guide, emphasize after_save runs always a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-10","revised sections 9 to 14 of the validations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-10","revised section 8 of validations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-10","your dear missed typo, thank you","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-10","revised section 7 of validations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-09","revision of validations guide, chapters 4 to 7","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-08","yet some more deprecated :message formats updated","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-08","just a missing preposition","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-08","important revision in (current) chapter 3 of validations...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-08","proofread validations guide up to section 2","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-08","remove unneeded curlies in AR::Base.update example","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-08","harmonizes whitespace surrounding special boxes and thei...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-06","get style for dd.warning back","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-06","fixes CSS rule for warning blocks in guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-04","removes questionable :message examples (reported in Rail...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-02","fix form builder example in form helpers guide (reported...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-03-02","do not assume code blocks have blank lines around, also ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","removes trailing whitespace","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","implements a temporary workaround for failing notextile","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","in security guide, substitutes pre tags with appropriate...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","in textile extensions, simplify regexp literal, and remo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","let the guides generator warn about broken links","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","fixes broken links in AR finders guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","fixes broken links in associations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","complete pass on the associations guide, mostly typograp...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-28","unbox TT elements","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-27","fixes typo @customer -> customer","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-25","s:hbody:/body:g in layouts & rendering guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-24","fixes scroll beyond the box in code blocks (fix suggeste...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-24","added overflow: auto for code blocks in guides CSS","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-22","Wrap calls to update_attributes in a transaction.","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-21","let the indexer pass element IDs to the guides generator...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-18","#nil? is not a generated method in belongs_to and has_on...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-17","textilize titles in ToC of guides","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-17","added overflow: auto to style of code blocks","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-17","just nitpicking here and there","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-17","document :checked => true in #radio_button.","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-17","yet another pass on the action controller guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-16","fixed example, closes LH ticket #59","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-15","copyedited the migrations guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-15","in main.css removed extra line-height and box for TT ele...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-15","made a complete pass over the Action Mailer guide, it pr...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-14","small touches to the contribute page","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-07","edged coverage of session storage configuration","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-07","removed spurious space in changelog of routing guide","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-07","added Changelog section","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-05","added a convenience rake task for guides authors","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-03","regenerate guides HTML","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-02-02","details and minor rewordings in Action Mailer guide up t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-01-18","quoted a couple of strings","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-01-18","in depth revision of AssetTagHelper rdoc","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-01-17","removed colons from an Options header","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-01-17","removed colons from a few Example headers","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-01-17","reworded docs of AssetTagHelper, Mike helped here","Xavier Noria",5 "2009-01-15","revised rdoc of class_of_active_record_descendant","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-12-31","This example seems unnecessary. Note that the examples o...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-12-30","document edge cases in AR calculations, and wrap some co...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-12-28","Inline code comments for class_eval/module_eval [#1657 s...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-12-27","adds more inline docs for dynamically created methods in...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-12-27","adds inline docs for dynamically created methods in Acti...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-12-27","adds inline docs for dynamically created methods in Acti...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-12-27","adds inline docs for dynamically created methods in Acti...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-12-16","normalize author names in changelogs [#1495 state:commit...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-11-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-11-17","adding a config file for asciidoc, needs latest mizuho t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-11-09","added a comma suggested by Brandon Zylstra in LH","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-11-09","fixed missing "you" reported by Brandon Zylstra in LH","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-11-02","fixes a typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-10-17","revised documentation of collection.delete","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-09-23","a leading slash in the :controller of url_for ensures yo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-26","Reworded and corrected docs of AR#save and AR#save!","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-24","Fix has_many#count_records. [#865 state:resolved]","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-24","Rollback the transaction when a before_* callback return...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-23","before_validation raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid ins...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-21","Fix has_many#count_records. [#865 state:resolved]","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-21","added class rdoc for AssociationCollection and revised t...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-19","revised rdoc of join_table_name","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-19","added a class rdoc and documented count_records in has_m...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-18","escaped some otherwise autolinked words","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-17","typo","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-17","complete revision of the docs of association_proxy.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-13","in save! docs: added a note about what happens if AR::Ro...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-13","documented how to trigger rollbacks within the callback ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-12","removed a wrong statement, I'll look into this to docume...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-12","added a few docs about transactions","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-12","An string -> A string","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-12","activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-02","escaped otherwise autoquoted words","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-08-02","say explicitily that after_* callbacks run within the sa...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-07-29","revised conventions, fixed an example, escaped autolinke...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-07-28","escaping otherwise autolinked "resource(s)" in resource....","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-07-28","escaping otherwise autolinked "scopes" in named_scope.rb...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-07-28","convention revision and typos","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-07-20","in access.rb, documented edge cases of #from and #to and...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-06-17","tweaked a header","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-06-17","provide a more complete explanation about why the check_...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-27","Active Resource instance -> ActiveResource::Base instance","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-27","small fix in ActiveResource::Base docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-25","revised some conventions in validations docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-25","revised markup in dirty.rb docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-22","overall cleanup of "#=>" and other minor details","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-22","revision of inflector.rb docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-22","fixed indentation in description lists","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-22","fixed indentation in description list","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","regular font for a constant","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","gsub("ActionMailer", "Action Mailer")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","gsub("ActiveResource", "Active Resource")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","gsub("ActionPack", "Action Pack")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","gsub("ActionController", "Action Controller")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","gsub("ActiveSupport", "Active Support")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","gsub("ActiveRecord", "Active Record")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","revised conventions in http_mock.rb docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","revised conventions and minor details in scriptaculous_h...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","revised conventions in cookie.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","revised font of constants in Railties","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","revised font of constants in Active Record","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","revised font of constants in Action View","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","revised font of constants in Action View","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-21","revised case of constants in Action Controller","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-20","revised docs of first/last in AR base and association co...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-20","details left in previous revision of time zone related docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-20","revised conventions in time zone related docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","revised markup in fixtures.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","gsub("css", "CSS") and assorted improvements","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","#method vs +method+ in Active Support","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","Class#method in regular font","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","#method vs +method+ in Active Record","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","#method vs +method+ in Action View","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","#method vs +method+ in Action Controller","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","#method vs +method+ in Action Mailer","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","gsub("yaml", "YAML")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","gsub("xml", "XML")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-19","gsub("http", "HTTP")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-18","gsub("sql", "SQL")","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-18","fixed-width font for nil","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-18","added mention to Model.(first|last|all) in AR's find, an...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-18","revised description list convention in AR's find docs, a...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-18","minor details in associations.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-17","revised documentation of attr_(protected|accessible)","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-17","small touches to the form_for docs revision","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-17","major revision of form_for documentation","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-16","revised docs of form_for","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-15","minor revision in url_for docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-13","Dirty attributes aren't cleared if save fails. [#174 sta...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-12","minor details revised in attribute_methods.rb docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-12","revised doc conventions in attr_internal.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-11","moved documentation header","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-11","documented the source annotation extractor","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-08","corrected and completed docs of increment/decrement/togg...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-08","removed spurious word","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-08","documented potential gotchas in increment and increment!","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","punctuation fix in fixtures.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","+ vs <tt> in ActiveResource::Base docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","+ vs <tt> in fixtures.rb docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","+ vs <tt> fixes in abstract adapter docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","several fixes and conventions revision in AR association...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","fixed markup in AV::Base docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","revised markup in AR session storage docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","markup fix, and conventions revision in routing docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","fix and conventions revision in page caching docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","revised docs of hash with indiferent access","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","applies patch in http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","applied patch in http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","applied patch in http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","fixed markup","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","fixed markup","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","revised details in Exceptions section of AR::Base docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","revised a few details in session docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","fixed a misplaced closing tag","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","revised a few of filenames","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-07","revised a couple of filenames","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-06","revised conventions in rails/plugin.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-06","revised conventions in ActiveResource::Base","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-05","revised conventions in AR's validations.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-05","revised conventions in associations.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-05","revised list conventions in AM's numericality.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-05","revised list conventions in AM's validates_associated","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-05","revised conventions in url_for docs","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-05","revised conventions in resources.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-05","revised convention for lists in request_forgery_protecti...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-05","revised convention for lists in action_mailer/base.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","revised convention for lists of option in sqlite_adapter.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","mysql adapter port is an integer","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","revised some conventions in postgresql_adapter.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","revised some conventions in mysql_adapter.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","revised some conventions in url_helper.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","revised some conventions in form_tag_helper.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","revised some conventions in polymorphic_routes.rb","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","revised conventions for lists of options in action_contr...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-04","revised conventions for lists of options in selector_ass...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-05-02","Improve documentation coverage and markup","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-04-05","Fix more typos and changelog","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-04-05","Improve documentation.","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-03-26","Improve documentation.","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-02-17","Update generated comments to reflect the fact that confi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-02-10","2-0-stable: Reference to :element option in documentatio...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-02-02","Reshuffle load order so that routes and observers are in...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-01-23","Indicate in documentation that newer version of AR suppo...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-01-23","Reference to :element option in documentation should be ...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-01-04","Document that eager loading doesn't work with polymorphi...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-01-04","Ruby 1.9: Module#local_constants can now just use consta...","Xavier Noria",5 "2008-01-02","Ruby 1.9 compat: add #raise to AS::BasicObject, fixup Du...","Xavier Noria",5 "2007-12-16","Add tests for html_escape, and remove an unneeded backsl...","Xavier Noria",5 "2007-12-10","Fix doc typo on Dispatcher.dispatch. Closes #10434 [fxn]","Xavier Noria",5 "2007-11-06","Make rescue_from behave like rescue when dealing with su...","Xavier Noria",5 "2007-10-14","Fix environment.rb typos. Closes #9859 [fxn, mikong]","Xavier Noria",5 "2013-09-09","Remove BasicRendering tests","José Valim",4 "2013-09-09","Remove remaining coupling with AV in MimeResponds","José Valim",4 "2013-09-09","Remove BasicRendering and remove template functionality ...","José Valim",4 "2013-08-31","Merge pull request #12097 from kassio/remove-unused-dele...","José Valim",4 "2013-08-31","Merge pull request #12091 from rywall/pluck-optimization","José Valim",4 "2013-08-31","Merge pull request #12093 from wangjohn/indentation_in_g...","José Valim",4 "2013-08-29","Merge pull request #12062 from strzalek/default-protecte...","José Valim",4 "2013-08-18","Merge pull request #11926 from Empact/respond-with-csv","José Valim",4 "2013-08-15","Merge pull request #11897 from wangjohn/fixing_multiple_...","José Valim",4 "2013-08-13","Merge pull request #11861 from sadjow/improve-doc-transl...","José Valim",4 "2013-08-10","Merge pull request #11830 from cr0t/master","José Valim",4 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11763 from schneems/schneems/create-...","José Valim",4 "2013-08-05","Merge pull request #11763 from schneems/schneems/create-...","José Valim",4 "2013-08-01","Merge pull request #11701 from morgoth/link-fix-in-guides","José Valim",4 "2013-07-24","Merge pull request #11559 from bughit/11533_to_proc","José Valim",4 "2013-07-14","Merge pull request #11433 from arunagw/removed_unused_task","José Valim",4 "2013-07-10","Merge pull request #11389 from jetthoughts/11381_fix_hit...","José Valim",4 "2013-07-10","Merge pull request #11389 from jetthoughts/11381_fix_hit...","José Valim",4 "2013-07-04","Merge pull request #11300 from arunagw/railties-engine-d...","José Valim",4 "2013-06-29","Merge pull request #11177 from yangchenyun/mine","José Valim",4 "2013-06-22","Revert "Merge pull request #11053 from yangchenyun/mine"","José Valim",4 "2013-06-19","Merge pull request #11002 from fredwu/master-activemodel...","José Valim",4 "2013-06-19","Merge pull request #11004 from fredwu/4-0-activemodel-in...","José Valim",4 "2013-06-19","Merge pull request #11002 from fredwu/master-activemodel...","José Valim",4 "2013-06-18","Merge pull request #10986 from wangjohn/changing_rails_e...","José Valim",4 "2013-06-04","Merge pull request #10832 from wangjohn/removing_use_of_...","José Valim",4 "2013-06-03","Revert "Merge pull request #4490 from EmmanuelOga/master"","José Valim",4 "2013-06-03","Revert "Merge pull request #4490 from EmmanuelOga/master"","José Valim",4 "2013-05-22","Merge pull request #10722 from jgaskins/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2013-05-20","Add has_named_route? to the mapper API","José Valim",4 "2013-05-20","Add has_named_route? to the mapper API","José Valim",4 "2013-05-20","Merge pull request #10692 from vipulnsward/fix_test_3","José Valim",4 "2013-05-08","Merge pull request #10511 from prathamesh-sonpatki/existent","José Valim",4 "2013-04-12","Merge pull request #10195 from jetthoughts/eager_load_on...","José Valim",4 "2013-03-19","Use @app_env_config instead of @env_config","José Valim",4 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9789 from puma/3-2-stable","José Valim",4 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9626 from dasch/dasch/instrument-str...","José Valim",4 "2013-03-05","Merge pull request #9554 from tmm1/string-gsub-hash","José Valim",4 "2013-03-04","Merge pull request #9541 from maximerety/fix_7774","José Valim",4 "2013-03-03","Bring config.allow_concurrency back","José Valim",4 "2013-03-02","Remove hard coded references to Active Record in railties","José Valim",4 "2013-02-28","Ensure plugins generated with plugin new can boot the du...","José Valim",4 "2013-02-27","Improve docs for AbsC::Rendering","José Valim",4 "2013-02-26","Apparently we can't get away from adding lib to the load...","José Valim",4 "2013-02-26","Plugins can use a similar bootscript to Rails apps","José Valim",4 "2013-02-25","ar-deprecated_finders is already in the gemspec","José Valim",4 "2013-02-25","Remove rack-test git dependency","José Valim",4 "2013-02-05","Update .gitignore","José Valim",4 "2013-01-26","Install latest bundler on Travis.","José Valim",4 "2013-01-26","Merge pull request #9087 from lucasmazza/silence-migrati...","José Valim",4 "2013-01-26","Merge pull request #9084 from senny/document_am_delivier...","José Valim",4 "2013-01-17","Merge pull request #5288 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2013-01-07","Merge pull request #8798 from goshakkk/show-exceptions-b...","José Valim",4 "2013-01-01","Merge pull request #8676 from mekishizufu/skip_bundle_alias","José Valim",4 "2013-01-01","Merge pull request #8675 from goshakkk/cleanup","José Valim",4 "2012-12-22","Ignore /bin on new apps","José Valim",4 "2012-12-19","Merge pull request #8559 from mshytikov/runner_method_is...","José Valim",4 "2012-12-04","Merge pull request #4942 from bogdan/pluck_joins","José Valim",4 "2012-11-28","Merge pull request #8350 from claudiob/restore_default_r...","José Valim",4 "2012-11-27","Merge pull request #8333 from amatsuda/rails_gem_empty_r...","José Valim",4 "2012-11-19","Merge pull request #8212 from senny/8197_make_render_in_...","José Valim",4 "2012-11-16","Merge pull request #8235 from tilsammans/dont_escape_act...","José Valim",4 "2012-11-16","Merge pull request #8235 from tilsammans/dont_escape_act...","José Valim",4 "2012-10-31","Merge pull request #8083 from saks/fix_update_column_ret...","José Valim",4 "2012-10-17","Merge pull request #7972 from scottwillson/fix-double-pr...","José Valim",4 "2012-10-13","Merge pull request #7891 from schneems/schneems/rake_com...","José Valim",4 "2012-10-12","Merge pull request #7917 from dfens/master","José Valim",4 "2012-10-08","Merge pull request #7872 from kennyj/should_use_app_paths","José Valim",4 "2012-09-23","Merge pull request #7740 from BMorearty/dont-sort-params","José Valim",4 "2012-09-14","Merge pull request #7642 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-09-14","Merge pull request #7635 from arunagw/warning_removed_sh...","José Valim",4 "2012-09-14","Merge pull request #7634 from arunagw/build_fix_actionma...","José Valim",4 "2012-09-12","Merge pull request #7610 from arunagw/warning_removed_ac...","José Valim",4 "2012-09-10","Merge pull request #7592 from bogdan/callbacks-changelog","José Valim",4 "2012-09-10","Merge pull request #7591 from bogdan/callbacks-changelog","José Valim",4 "2012-09-09","Merge pull request #7580 from spohlenz/mounted-url-helpe...","José Valim",4 "2012-09-07","Merge pull request #7560 from bogdan/deprecate_callbacks...","José Valim",4 "2012-09-06","Merge pull request #7419 from releu/fix-invalid-filename...","José Valim",4 "2012-09-06","Merge pull request #7542 from aaronrenner/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-09-06","Merge pull request #7397 from asanghi/master","José Valim",4 "2012-08-30","Instrumentation requires RackDelegation","José Valim",4 "2012-08-28","Merge pull request #7469 from kennyj/fix_many_warnings_i...","José Valim",4 "2012-08-28","Merge pull request #7468 from kennyj/tiny_fixings","José Valim",4 "2012-08-28","Merge pull request #7465 from wpp/generator_controller_p...","José Valim",4 "2012-08-24","Merge pull request #7436 from sikachu/master-remove-acti...","José Valim",4 "2012-08-23","Revert "Use join without default separator"","José Valim",4 "2012-08-23","Fix failure on middleware/exceptions_test","José Valim",4 "2012-08-21","Merge pull request #7225 from rails/eager_load","José Valim",4 "2012-08-21","Deprecate config.threadsafe!","José Valim",4 "2012-08-21","Get rid of config.preload_frameworks in favor of config....","José Valim",4 "2012-08-21","Make ActiveSupport::Autoload local","José Valim",4 "2012-08-21","Remove allow_concurrency as a flag","José Valim",4 "2012-08-21","Allow users to choose when to eager_load the application...","José Valim",4 "2012-08-07","Revert "Merge pull request #7202 from asanghi/perform_de...","José Valim",4 "2012-08-06","Merge pull request #7167 from route/missed_extend","José Valim",4 "2012-08-04","Merge pull request #7202 from asanghi/perform_deliveries...","José Valim",4 "2012-08-03","Merge pull request #6084 from brainopia/support_for_magi...","José Valim",4 "2012-08-02","Check validity of options[:as] just once","José Valim",4 "2012-08-02","Merge pull request #7129 from kennyj/fix_7079","José Valim",4 "2012-08-01","Merge pull request #7224 from kennyj/move_to_ar","José Valim",4 "2012-07-31","Update activesupport/CHANGELOG.md","José Valim",4 "2012-07-31","Merge pull request #7197 from davidcelis/i18n_inflector","José Valim",4 "2012-07-30","Revert "DRY class_attribute code"","José Valim",4 "2012-07-27","Merge pull request #6827 from zephyr-dev/master","José Valim",4 "2012-07-26","Merge pull request #7167 from route/missed_extend","José Valim",4 "2012-07-19","Use attributes instead of table names in migration example","José Valim",4 "2012-07-19","Merge pull request #7097 from lexmag/join_table_gen_attr","José Valim",4 "2012-07-18","Merge pull request #7084 from LTe/logger_default_separator","José Valim",4 "2012-07-18","Update changelog for migration generator change","José Valim",4 "2012-07-18","Merge pull request #7082 from jalkoby/lazy_lookup_in_abs...","José Valim",4 "2012-07-18","Merge pull request #7028 from lexmag/join_table_indexes","José Valim",4 "2012-07-18","Merge pull request #6626 from route/render_formats","José Valim",4 "2012-07-08","Merge pull request #6696 from schneems/schneems/sextant-...","José Valim",4 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6992 from kennyj/improve_6977-2","José Valim",4 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6993 from morgoth/engine-table-name-...","José Valim",4 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6996 from kennyj/remove_unused_code_...","José Valim",4 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6997 from kennyj/fix_stored_attributes","José Valim",4 "2012-07-07","Update master","José Valim",4 "2012-07-07","Merge pull request #6987 from dmathieu/limit_inspect","José Valim",4 "2012-07-06","Merge pull request #6990 from mirceapricop/bug/mime-type...","José Valim",4 "2012-07-06","Since Rails 3.2, use layout false to render no layout","José Valim",4 "2012-07-05","Merge pull request #6959 from robin850/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-07-01","Merge pull request #6910 from mulder/fix_path_glob","José Valim",4 "2012-06-30","Merge pull request #6908 from apotonick/av-prepare2","José Valim",4 "2012-06-29","Merge pull request #6911 from abonec/master","José Valim",4 "2012-06-29","Revert "Allow loading external route files from the router"","José Valim",4 "2012-06-29","Remove unused responsibilities and add a few load defini...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-29","Remove unnecessary Railties structure now that plugins a...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-29","Depend on thor 0.15.4","José Valim",4 "2012-06-29","Rename RouteInspect to RoutesInspector for consistency","José Valim",4 "2012-06-26","Merge pull request #6859 from bogdan/deprecate_monkey_patch","José Valim",4 "2012-06-26","Merge pull request #6858 from amatsuda/av_no_such_method...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6776 from raggi/cache_control","José Valim",4 "2012-06-19","Merge pull request #6758 from caironoleto/master","José Valim",4 "2012-06-18","Require thor 0.15.3 onwards","José Valim",4 "2012-06-18","Use strict_args_position! if available from Thor","José Valim",4 "2012-06-17","Merge pull request #6762 from frodsan/patch-3","José Valim",4 "2012-06-17","Merge pull request #6758 from caironoleto/master","José Valim",4 "2012-06-16","Merge pull request #6753 from schnittchen/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-06-14","Merge pull request #6671 from mrbrdo/master","José Valim",4 "2012-06-12","Merge pull request #6711 from takkanm/fix-warning-LoadEr...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-12","Stop relying on mutable structures in the FileUpdateChecker","José Valim",4 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6708 from amatsuda/ignore_git_ignore...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-11","Merge pull request #6704 from amatsuda/lambda_respond_to...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-10","Merge pull request #6694 from arunagw/build_fix_master","José Valim",4 "2012-06-10","Merge pull request #6692 from schneems/schneems/somethin...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-10","Merge pull request #6693 from jkraemer/3-2-stable","José Valim",4 "2012-06-10","Use . instead of :: for class methods, add CHANGELOG ent...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-10","Merge pull request #6665 from schneems/schneems/raise-mi...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-09","Merge pull request #6687 from tiegz/3-2-optimizations","José Valim",4 "2012-06-09","Merge pull request #6687 from tiegz/3-2-optimizations","José Valim",4 "2012-06-06","Merge pull request #6643 from fredwu/fix_require_dependency","José Valim",4 "2012-06-06","Merge pull request #6642 from kuroda/3-2-activemodel-tra...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-05","Merge pull request #6627 from Vanuan/tests_add_precompil...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-05","Merge pull request #6632 from route/one_line_code_for_lo...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-05","Merge pull request #6631 from yuki24/use_block_in_button...","José Valim",4 "2012-06-05","Merge pull request #6628 from fredwu/fix_skip_gemspec","José Valim",4 "2012-06-05","Merge pull request #6630 from route/logger_in_metal","José Valim",4 "2012-06-01","Merge pull request #6588 from nbibler/polymorphic_to_model","José Valim",4 "2012-06-01","Merge pull request #6588 from nbibler/polymorphic_to_model","José Valim",4 "2012-06-01","Merge pull request #6579 from amatsuda/null_relation_mod...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6551 from kennyj/add_entry_20120531","José Valim",4 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6550 from arunagw/warning_removed_as...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #5843 from kuroda/translation_of_deep...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6518 from kennyj/fix_5847-4","José Valim",4 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6525 from freerange/minitest-passthr...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-29","Merge pull request #6528 from frodsan/update_hash_syntax...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-28","Merge pull request #6522 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-05-28","Merge pull request #6517 from purcell/validates-false-value","José Valim",4 "2012-05-28","Merge pull request #6512 from jaredbeck/fix_number_to_cu...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-28","Merge pull request #6315 from appfolio/moving_number_hel...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-27","Merge pull request #6494 from pwim/no-memcache-require","José Valim",4 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #4785 from ayamomiji/add-self-to-allo...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-25","Remove implicit dependency on pathname","José Valim",4 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #6482 from waseem/fix_build_4008","José Valim",4 "2012-05-24","Merge pull request #6471 from parndt/rails_root_should_b...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6462 from grosser/feature/licenses","José Valim",4 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6453 from parndt/session_keys","José Valim",4 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6439 from janx/remove_useless_require","José Valim",4 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6437 from avakhov/gen-gem-method","José Valim",4 "2012-05-21","Revert "Merge pull request #6425 from pinetops/resolver_...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-20","Merge pull request #6407 from pinetops/565c1b0a0772ac6cf...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-20","Merge pull request #6407 from pinetops/565c1b0a0772ac6cf...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-20","Merge pull request #6399 from dchelimsky/issue-5899","José Valim",4 "2012-05-20","Merge pull request #6050 from route/wrapped_keys_in_log","José Valim",4 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #5020 from KL-7/fix-blank-image_tag-s...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6382 from oscardelben/refactor_migra...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6380 from nashby/output-safety-inter...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6373 from bogdan/callbacks_fix","José Valim",4 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6372 from richo/bugs/middleware_stac...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #5020 from KL-7/fix-blank-image_tag-s...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-17","Update actionpack/CHANGELOG.md","José Valim",4 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6309 from steveklabnik/fix-2394","José Valim",4 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6351 from bogdan/callbacks","José Valim",4 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6362 from bogdan/callbacks_simplify_...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6361 from markmcspadden/issue_6265","José Valim",4 "2012-05-17","Ensure blocks given to subscriber are properly yield","José Valim",4 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6356 from andhapp/fix-bug-with-infle...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-15","Revert "Revert "Remove `:disable_with` in favor of `'dat...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-15","Revert "Remove `:disable_with` in favor of `'data-disabl...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #6318 from mpapis/master","José Valim",4 "2012-05-14","Remove assertion on date from humans.txt tests","José Valim",4 "2012-05-14","Remove dates and environment variables from humans.txt","José Valim",4 "2012-05-14","Default escape_html_entities_in_json to true in new apps","José Valim",4 "2012-05-14","Since escape_html_entities_in_json was moved to 3-2-stab...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6308 from nashby/blockless-step","José Valim",4 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #5729 from oscardelben/use_tap","José Valim",4 "2012-05-13","Merge pull request #6293 from carlosantoniodasilva/rende...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6277 from homakov/patch-6","José Valim",4 "2012-05-12","Revert "Merge pull request #6142 from spartan-developer/...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-12","Merge pull request #6142 from spartan-developer/master","José Valim",4 "2012-05-11","Merge pull request #6268 from carlesso/master","José Valim",4 "2012-05-10","Merge pull request #6253 from rafmagana/master","José Valim",4 "2012-05-10","Merge pull request #6252 from grosser/unless_exist_for_m...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-10","Merge pull request #6244 from frodsan/fix_build_remove_key","José Valim",4 "2012-05-10","Merge pull request #6242 from frodsan/fix_abstract_contr...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-10","Merge pull request #6241 from frodsan/deprecate_key_call...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-08","Merge pull request #6201 from whistlerbrk/master","José Valim",4 "2012-05-08","Merge pull request #6198 from whistlerbrk/3-2-stable","José Valim",4 "2012-05-07","Merge pull request #5368 from andhapp/remove-max-stale","José Valim",4 "2012-05-07","Merge pull request #6182 from shaliko/change_unless_else...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-06","Update actionpack/CHANGELOG.md","José Valim",4 "2012-05-06","Merge pull request #2313 from ssoroka/master","José Valim",4 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #6176 from nashby/checkboxes","José Valim",4 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #6169 from marcandre/respond_to_missing","José Valim",4 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #4445 from nragaz/role_based_params_w...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #4445 from nragaz/role_based_params_w...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #5808 from avakhov/assert-template-la...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6153 from carlosantoniodasilva/queue...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6148 from twinturbo/head-fix","José Valim",4 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6144 from bogdan/routes","José Valim",4 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6135 from alindeman/assert_redirect_...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6139 from pwim/extract_options-actio...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6141 from mhfs/mailer_tweeks","José Valim",4 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #6138 from bogdan/routes","José Valim",4 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6125 from ncri/master","José Valim",4 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6121 from bogdan/routes","José Valim",4 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6120 from arunagw/build_fix_master_r...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6118 from arunagw/build_fix_master","José Valim",4 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6040 from Paymium/issue-6033","José Valim",4 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #5962 from bogdan/routes","José Valim",4 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6111 from oscardelben/new_hash_synta...","José Valim",4 "2012-05-01","Merge pull request #6102 from rodrei/remove_unused_vars","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6084 from brainopia/support_for_magi...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6082 from brainopia/smarter_cookie_jar","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6083 from brainopia/remove_unused_cl...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #3726 from JanDupal/fix-date-helper-h...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6079 from arunagw/build_fix_master_o...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6077 from dmitriy-kiriyenko/improve_...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5530 from malclocke/add_option_to_sk...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6078 from lest/patch-4","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Update activesupport/CHANGELOG.md","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5177 from cap10morgan/fix-gh-issue-4374","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6076 from arunagw/build_fix_observed...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6032 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6059 from rafaelfranca/check_box_inv...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6006 from carlosantoniodasilva/parti...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6057 from jeremyf/remove-deprecation...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6056 from jeremyf/remove-deprecation...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6051 from rafaelfranca/fix_build","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6047 from carlosantoniodasilva/chang...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6044 from gazay/tests_for_string_tru...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #5986 from carlosantoniodasilva/depre...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Avoid calling content type multiple times","José Valim",4 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #2321 from omjokine/master","José Valim",4 "2012-04-28","Merge pull request #6035 from carlosantoniodasilva/amo-t...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-28","Use Rails::Queueing::Queue instead of Queue so people ca...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-28","Merge pull request #6025 from carlosantoniodasilva/amo-e...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-28","Merge pull request #6024 from carlosantoniodasilva/amo-d...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-28","Merge pull request #6029 from aderyabin/fix_depr","José Valim",4 "2012-04-27","Merge pull request #6021 from sikachu/log_exception","José Valim",4 "2012-04-27","Revert "Merge pull request #5995 from kennyj/fix_5847-3"","José Valim",4 "2012-04-25","Allow loading external route files from the router","José Valim",4 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5902 from avakhov/generator-no-inden...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5977 from oscardelben/refactor_seria...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-25","Remove unnecessary empty line ","José Valim",4 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5841 from oscardelben/rename_count_o...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-25","Clean up some straggling build failures","José Valim",4 "2012-04-25","Remove default match without specified method","José Valim",4 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5966 from oscardelben/fix_secure_pas...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5965 from oscardelben/refactor_secur...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5960 from homakov/patch-3","José Valim",4 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5957 from bogdan/routes","José Valim",4 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5955 from bogdan/routes","José Valim",4 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5954 from bogdan/routes","José Valim",4 "2012-04-23","Merge pull request #5930 from carlosantoniodasilva/gener...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-17","Merge pull request #5871 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-04-14","Merge pull request #5846 from nashby/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-04-05","Merge pull request #5753 from carlosantoniodasilva/as-re...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-05","Merge pull request #4446 from ayamomiji/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-04-03","Merge pull request #5723 from tiegz/minor_fixes","José Valim",4 "2012-04-03","Merge pull request #5686 from arunagw/issue_4083","José Valim",4 "2012-04-01","Merge pull request #5691 from avakhov/form-label-block","José Valim",4 "2012-04-01","Merge pull request #5690 from nertzy/remove_naming_depre...","José Valim",4 "2012-04-01","Merge pull request #5692 from avakhov/force-ssl-if-test","José Valim",4 "2012-03-30","Merge pull request #5668 from plashchynski/validate_attr...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5625 from nertzy/prefix_partial_path...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #4904 from ask4prasath/refactor_dirty...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-28","Add a test case for layout nil.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #2528 from cesario/fix_2507","José Valim",4 "2012-03-28","Merge pull request #5623 from Houdini/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-27","Avoid inspecting the whole route set, closes #1525","José Valim",4 "2012-03-27","Avoid inspecting the whole route set, closes #1525","José Valim",4 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5609 from tjmcewan/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5600 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5603 from drogus/fix-rendered-format...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5597 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5183 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5581 from jamie/custom_param_field","José Valim",4 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5565 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5564 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5518 from rafaelfranca/minor-refactor","José Valim",4 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5374 from nertzy/remove_deprecated_p...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-22","Merge pull request #5525 from kennyj/fix_5411","José Valim",4 "2012-03-21","Merge pull request #5532 from mhfs/migration_blank_line","José Valim",4 "2012-03-21","Merge pull request #5533 from mhfs/migration_blank_line_3_2","José Valim",4 "2012-03-21","Merge pull request #5522 from travisjeffery/fix_migratio...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-19","Merge pull request #5515 from rafaelfranca/remove-exclude","José Valim",4 "2012-03-19","Merge pull request #5508 from FND/tagged_logger_shortcut","José Valim",4 "2012-03-19","Merge pull request #5506 from arunagw/build_fix_1.8.7-3-...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-19","Merge pull request #5505 from arunagw/build_fix_1.8.7-3-...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-19","Merge pull request #5504 from arunagw/build_fix_1-8-7","José Valim",4 "2012-03-18","Merge pull request #5498 from arunagw/build_fix_app_gene...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-18","Merge pull request #3329 from armstrjare/autosave_collec...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-18","Merge pull request #5496 from atd/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Ensure load hooks can be called more than once with diff...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5489 from rdavila/fix_typo_activerec...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5488 from rafaelfranca/ad-ssl","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5480 from drogus/rendering-issues","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5321 from pfeiffer/uniqueness_valida...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5480 from drogus/rendering-issues","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5487 from kennyj/should_use_argument","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5470 from sandeepravi/warning_fixes","José Valim",4 "2012-03-17","Merge pull request #5483 from luke-gru/gemfile_change","José Valim",4 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5469 from yakko/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-16","Speed up mass assignment by avoiding extra loops.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5467 from bogdan/initialize_callbacks","José Valim",4 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5466 from carlosantoniodasilva/as-re...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5465 from sandeepravi/warning_fixes","José Valim",4 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5461 from yakko/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-15","Revert "AM::MassAssingmentSecurity: improve performance"","José Valim",4 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5448 from JonRowe/patch_file_update_...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-15","Simplify helpers handling. Ensure Metal can run AC hooks.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-14","Remove remaining http_only? calls.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-14","Remove --http.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-14","Merge pull request #5439 from carlosantoniodasilva/rake-...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-14","Update railties/guides/source/api_app.textile","José Valim",4 "2012-03-14","Merge pull request #5431 from bogdan/mas_performance","José Valim",4 "2012-03-14","Merge pull request #5425 from rafaelfranca/remove_key_value","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Update API guide with latest decisions.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5261 from carlosantoniodasilva/ident...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5409 from rails/sprockets-rails","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Remove ARes from the list.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5415 from rafaelfranca/refactor","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #572 from sikachu/remove_activeresource","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5419 from nashby/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5410 from rafaelfranca/fix-scaffold-3-2","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5397 from rafaelfranca/fix-scaffold","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5406 from parndt/fix_issue_5193_in_m...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5398 from parndt/fix_issue_5193","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5400 from arunagw/issue_4409","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5401 from arunagw/issue_4409_3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5404 from MarkMT/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5390 from arunagw/picked_commits","José Valim",4 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5387 from panthomakos/autoload","José Valim",4 "2012-03-11","Merge pull request #5366 from parndt/fix_issue_5324","José Valim",4 "2012-03-11","Merge pull request #5372 from jsl/add_before_send_to_act...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-11","Merge pull request #5373 from nertzy/fix_comments_about_...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-10","Merge pull request #5371 from jsl/fix_actionmailer_tests","José Valim",4 "2012-03-10","Merge pull request #5364 from carlosantoniodasilva/activ...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-09","Install latest bundler on Travis.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-09","Bump bundler dependency.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-09","Merge pull request #5356 from carlosantoniodasilva/rake-...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-09","Merge pull request #5352 from avakhov/ar_finder_sql_uniq...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-09","Merge pull request #5347 from rafaelfranca/fix-has_many_...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-09","Merge pull request #5351 from shanna/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-08","Merge pull request #5306 from kennyj/fix_69c7f02","José Valim",4 "2012-03-07","Merge pull request #5316 from Jacobkg/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-07","Merge pull request #5316 from Jacobkg/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-07","Remove usage of deprecated module.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-07","Set the rendered_format on respond_to.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-07","Set the rendered_format on respond_to.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-07","Just change the formats on first render, closes #5307, c...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-07","Just change the formats on first render, closes #5307, c...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-06","Merge pull request #5310 from Serabe/layout_for_partials...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-06","Ensure load hooks can be called more than once with diff...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-06","Use latest rack-cache.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-06","Use latest rack-cache.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-06","Use latest rack-cache.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-06","Merge pull request #5299 from sikachu/3-2-stable-fix-res...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-06","Merge pull request #5298 from sikachu/master-fix-responder","José Valim",4 "2012-03-06","Merge pull request #5296 from dlitz/relative_url_root_fr...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-05","Merge pull request #5290 from steveklabnik/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-05","Merge pull request #5288 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-03-05","Merge pull request #5274 from tigrish/master","José Valim",4 "2012-03-05","Add a new guide for API-only applications","José Valim",4 "2012-03-04","Merge pull request #5271 from carlosantoniodasilva/ar-fi...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-03","Merge pull request #5246 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-03-03","Merge pull request #5256 from carlosantoniodasilva/activ...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-02","Merge pull request #5243 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-03-02","Merge pull request #5242 from rails/opt_routes","José Valim",4 "2012-03-02","Merge pull request #5241 from carlosantoniodasilva/outpu...","José Valim",4 "2012-03-02","Optimize url helpers.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-02","Optimize path helpers.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-01","Merge pull request #5227 from arunagw/build_fix_3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2012-03-01","Ensure [] respects the status of the buffer.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-01","Ensure [] respects the status of the buffer.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-01","Ensure [] respects the status of the buffer.","José Valim",4 "2012-03-01","Ensure [] respects the status of the buffer.","José Valim",4 "2012-02-28","Merge pull request #5196 from lest/patch-3","José Valim",4 "2012-02-28","Merge pull request #5197 from lest/patch-4","José Valim",4 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5192 from amatsuda/rdoc_task_19","José Valim",4 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5185 from rafaelfranca/fix-collectio...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5174 from nashby/safe-concat","José Valim",4 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5117 from nashby/form-option-refactor","José Valim",4 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5163 from kennyj/fix_5119","José Valim",4 "2012-02-25","Merge pull request #5161 from arunagw/put_patch_build_fix","José Valim",4 "2012-02-23","Merge pull request #5139 from mhfs/remove_next_migration...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-23","Avoid inspecting the whole route set, closes #1525","José Valim",4 "2012-02-23","Avoid inspecting the whole route set, closes #1525","José Valim",4 "2012-02-23","Merge pull request #5138 from avakhov/remove-unused-glob...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-23","Merge pull request #5137 from avakhov/remove-skip-filter...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5128 from bogdan/deprecate_rescuable","José Valim",4 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5124 from bquorning/prefer-||-over-'...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-20","Merge pull request #5102 from nashby/form-option-refactor","José Valim",4 "2012-02-20","Merge pull request #5101 from ckdake/ckdake_actionview_h...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-20","Merge pull request #5101 from ckdake/ckdake_actionview_h...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-20","Merge pull request #5083 from nashby/grouped-select-options","José Valim",4 "2012-02-20","Merge pull request #5075 from bogdan/json_full_messages","José Valim",4 "2012-02-18","Merge pull request #5079 from arunagw/fix_assets_test","José Valim",4 "2012-02-18","Merge pull request #3479 from arvida/ensure-date-header-...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-17","Merge pull request #5073 from asanghi/4918_backport","José Valim",4 "2012-02-17","Merge pull request #5066 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-02-16","Merge pull request #5062 from bogdan/test2","José Valim",4 "2012-02-15","Merge pull request #5049 from fabioyamate/master","José Valim",4 "2012-02-15","Merge pull request #5049 from fabioyamate/master","José Valim",4 "2012-02-15","Merge pull request #5045 from avakhov/am-format-paragrap...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-15","Merge pull request #5046 from avakhov/am-block-format-fit","José Valim",4 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #5038 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-d...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #5038 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-d...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #5039 from funny-falcon/fix_callback","José Valim",4 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #5036 from carlosantoniodasilva/form-...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #5032 from carlosantoniodasilva/colle...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #5035 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-02-13","Fix deprecation warning in AS::Concern.","José Valim",4 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #5024 from carlosantoniodasilva/amo-s...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #5016 from exviva/form_helper_date_fi...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #5021 from tchandy/clean_controller_t...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-12","Merge pull request #5015 from castlerock/revert_PR_5001_...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-12","Merge pull request #5013 from castlerock/fix_build_pull_...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-12","Merge pull request #5010 from tchandy/clean_routing_tests","José Valim",4 "2012-02-08","Merge pull request #4941 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","José Valim",4 "2012-02-08","Merge pull request #4942 from bogdan/pluck_joins","José Valim",4 "2012-02-08","Push proper test changes for previous commit conflicts.","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #4932 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-r...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Update README to mention lint.","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Trim down Active Model API by removing valid? and errors...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #4928 from rmm5t/fix_force_ssl_redire...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #2490 from gsterndale/x_forwarded_for...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #4916 from rmm5t/fix_force_ssl_redire...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #2632 from gsterndale/replace_trusted...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #4918 from scottwb/fix-single-accept-...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #4920 from guilleiguaran/revert-gemfi...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-07","Merge pull request #4924 from rafaelfranca/fix-asset_tag","José Valim",4 "2012-02-06","Merge pull request #4908 from kennyj/fix_3864","José Valim",4 "2012-02-06","Merge pull request #4908 from kennyj/fix_3864","José Valim",4 "2012-02-06","Merge pull request #4900 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-02-05","Merge pull request #4893 from bcardarella/mark_for_highl...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-05","Merge pull request #4892 from bkzl/master","José Valim",4 "2012-02-05","Merge pull request #4888 from kennyj/fix_2982","José Valim",4 "2012-02-05","Merge pull request #4886 from bogdan/callbacks_cleanup","José Valim",4 "2012-02-05","Merge pull request #4875 from sikachu/master-asset-url","José Valim",4 "2012-02-04","Clean up a bit default_response handling and cache forma...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-04","Merge pull request #4870 from sikachu/3-2-stable-respond...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-04","Clean up a bit default_response handling and cache forma...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-04","Merge pull request #4869 from sikachu/master-responder-fix","José Valim",4 "2012-02-04","Merge pull request #4879 from kennyj/fix_4873","José Valim",4 "2012-02-04","Merge pull request #4879 from kennyj/fix_4873","José Valim",4 "2012-02-04","Merge pull request #4877 from bogdan/drop_per_key","José Valim",4 "2012-02-04","Merge pull request #4866 from bogdan/terminate_after_cal...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-03","Merge pull request #4865 from bogdan/deprecate_per_key","José Valim",4 "2012-02-03","Merge pull request #4862 from norman/unicode","José Valim",4 "2012-02-03","Merge pull request #4861 from arunagw/verbose_test_output","José Valim",4 "2012-02-03","Merge pull request #4860 from carlosantoniodasilva/gener...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-02","Merge pull request #4851 from carlosantoniodasilva/colle...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-02","Merge pull request #4849 from carlosantoniodasilva/check...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-02","Merge pull request #3892 from arunagw/verbose_rake_test","José Valim",4 "2012-02-02","Merge pull request #4842 from jamesarosen/master","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4832 from guilleiguaran/https-gemfile","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4828 from railsaholic/fix_error_message","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4827 from sikachu/3-2-stable-fix-plu...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4804 from rafaelfranca/check_box-fix","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4825 from sikachu/master-fix-plugin-new","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4826 from kennyj/fix_4737-2","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4822 from carlosantoniodasilva/stric...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4821 from carlosantoniodasilva/stric...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4818 from arunagw/build_fix_isolated","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4433 from carlosantoniodasilva/html-...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4672 from carlosantoniodasilva/av-ur...","José Valim",4 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4808 from route/mb_chars_as_json","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4802 from carlosantoniodasilva/colle...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4791 from gregolsen/reflection_test_...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4800 from rafaelfranca/remove-warnings","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4797 from kennyj/fix_4774","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4798 from ihower/fix_routing_typo","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4792 from rafaelfranca/build-fix","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4793 from kennyj/fix_4760","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","to_proper_path -> to_partial_path","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Update actionpack/lib/action_view/renderer/partial_rende...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4790 from marten/fix-require-depreca...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4786 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4782 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-30","Merge pull request #4767 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-01-30","Merge pull request #4745 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-29","Merge pull request #4743 from atd/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-29","Merge pull request #4740 from castlerock/remove_autoload...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-27","Merge pull request #4721 from ab9/fix_has_secure_passwor...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-27","Merge check box fixes from remote-tracking branch 'canto...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Revert usage of safe constantize","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Revert usage of safe constantize","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4711 from atambo/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Revert "Merge pull request #4690 from jdutil/filter_pass...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4690 from jdutil/filter_password_con...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4687 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4686 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Use content_tag_for with array by default on scaffold.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4679 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4676 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4524 from nashby/datetime-18-code","José Valim",4 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4667 from carlosantoniodasilva/av-nu...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4661 from janko-m/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4651 from paul/mysql-add-index-bug","José Valim",4 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4654 from pwim/explicit-deprecation-...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4643 from rafaelfranca/3-2-stable","José Valim",4 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4641 from rafaelfranca/date_select-f...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4641 from rafaelfranca/date_select-f...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4628 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","José Valim",4 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4596 from kennyj/fix_4344","José Valim",4 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4601 from carlosantoniodasilva/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4617 from sachin87/remove_repetition","José Valim",4 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4614 from arunagw/unused_var_remove","José Valim",4 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4613 from pda/cookie_jar_deleted_pre...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4612 from rafaelfranca/av-refactor","José Valim",4 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4610 from lest/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4608 from indrekj/translated_date_order","José Valim",4 "2012-01-22","Merge pull request #4605 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-22","Support decimal{1,2} and decimal{1-2} and decimal{1.2} s...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-22","Support decimal{1,2} and decimal{1-2} and decimal{1.2} s...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-22","Merge pull request #4604 from ihid/3-2-stable","José Valim",4 "2012-01-22","Merge pull request #4574 from ihid/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-22","Merge pull request #4599 from jarijokinen/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-22","Merge pull request #4592 from jviney/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-22","Merge pull request #4598 from sachin87/action_mailer","José Valim",4 "2012-01-21","Merge pull request #4588 from carlosantoniodasilva/remov...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-21","Merge pull request #4575 from carlosantoniodasilva/remov...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-21","Merge pull request #4586 from waseem/assert_with_no_depr...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-21","Merge pull request #4582 from kennyj/fix_4580","José Valim",4 "2012-01-21","Merge pull request #4573 from amatsuda/ar_default_timezo...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-21","Merge pull request #4572 from semaperepelitsa/noregexp","José Valim",4 "2012-01-21","Merge pull request #4560 from rafaelfranca/av-number_hel...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-20","Merge pull request #4557 from rafaelfranca/av-number_hel...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-20","Merge pull request #4555 from kennyj/mail_bump","José Valim",4 "2012-01-20","Merge pull request #4554 from rodrigoflores/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-19","Merge pull request #4546 from carlosantoniodasilva/respo...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-19","Do not deprecate performed.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-19","Update CHANGELOG","José Valim",4 "2012-01-19","Do not deprecate performed?","José Valim",4 "2012-01-19","Merge pull request #4532 from rafaelfranca/av-button_to-...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4527 from rafaelfranca/av-logger","José Valim",4 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4522 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120119","José Valim",4 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4518 from guilleiguaran/silent-sproc...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4517 from carlosantoniodasilva/form-...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4509 from rafaelfranca/form_tag-refa...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4510 from carlosantoniodasilva/av-co...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4512 from guilleiguaran/silent-sproc...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4508 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4498 from carlosantoniodasilva/actio...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4497 from carlosantoniodasilva/actio...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4493 from bogdan/callbacks_per_key","José Valim",4 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4501 from rafaelfranca/assets-logger...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4499 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4494 from Dreamfa11/patch-0","José Valim",4 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4490 from EmmanuelOga/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4484 from lest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-16","Merge pull request #4480 from lest/use-rack-body-proxy","José Valim",4 "2012-01-16","Merge pull request #4478 from amatsuda/rake_stats_mailer","José Valim",4 "2012-01-15","Merge pull request #4474 from guilleiguaran/fix-route-in...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-15","Merge pull request #4469 from guilleiguaran/fix-skipping...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-15","Merge pull request #4468 from guilleiguaran/bump-sprocke...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-15","Merge pull request #4470 from ndbroadbent/small_refactoring","José Valim",4 "2012-01-14","Merge pull request #4466 from carlosantoniodasilva/gener...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-14","Merge pull request #4398 from castlerock/remove_deprecated","José Valim",4 "2012-01-14","Merge pull request #4463 from nashby/refactor-response_body","José Valim",4 "2012-01-14","Add begin/ensure block since we are returning.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-14","Add begin/ensure block since we are returning.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","No AS::TestCase here.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","No AS::TestCase here.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","config.force_ssl should mark the session as secure.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","config.force_ssl should mark the session as secure.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","config.force_ssl should mark the session as secure.","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4457 from j-manu/remove-mri-18-gems","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4451 from guilleiguaran/add-therubyr...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4451 from guilleiguaran/add-therubyr...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4434 from carlosantoniodasilva/actio...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-13","Merge pull request #4439 from rafaelfranca/av-refactor","José Valim",4 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4429 from marcinbunsch/1923-force-ss...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4427 from kennyj/fix_3980","José Valim",4 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4417 from bogdan/remove_runner","José Valim",4 "2012-01-10","Remove duplicated test line which was causing Ci failure...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-10","Merge pull request #4395 from rafaelfranca/fix_ac_test_case","José Valim",4 "2012-01-08","Merge pull request #4385 from r-stu31/static_compiler_op...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-07","Merge pull request #4378 from lest/changes-1-9","José Valim",4 "2012-01-07","Merge pull request #4377 from lest/instance-variables-1-9","José Valim",4 "2012-01-07","Merge pull request #4376 from bogdan/after_initialize_on...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-07","Merge pull request #4375 from lest/benchmark-helper","José Valim",4 "2012-01-07","Merge pull request #4372 from arunagw/fixed_failing_test","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4353 from dmathieu/hide_nil_unchecke...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4352 from kennyj/improve_3694-2","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","We should finalize the routes as soon as possible and no...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4351 from norman/multibyte","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4350 from kennyj/improve_3694","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4348 from lest/change-array-wrap","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4346 from pyromaniac/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4342 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-r...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Revert "Merge pull request #2325 from pyromaniac/master"","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4343 from carlosantoniodasilva/activ...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4340 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4339 from rafaelfranca/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #2325 from pyromaniac/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Update actionpack/CHANGELOG.md","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4337 from tadast/master-checkbox_patch","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #3637 from bogdan/compile_options","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4117 from lest/remove-deprecated","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4192 from mptre/master","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4322 from castlerock/minitest_pending","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4324 from juanpastas/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4333 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4332 from norman/multibyte","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4335 from lest/useless-multibyte-clean","José Valim",4 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4334 from lest/remove-obsolete-comme...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-04","Revert "AS::Callbacks: remove __define_runner"","José Valim",4 "2012-01-04","Revert "AS::Callbacks: remove __define_runner"","José Valim",4 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4288 from kennyj/fix_4285-2","José Valim",4 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4286 from kennyj/fix_4285","José Valim",4 "2012-01-03","Override respond_to? since we are also overriding method...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4280 from lest/3-2-backport-callbacks","José Valim",4 "2012-01-03","Override respond_to? since we are also overriding method...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-03","Override respond_to? since we are also overriding method...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-03","Clean up routes inclusion and add some comments for the ...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4275 from lest/3-2-deprecate-actives...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4273 from lest/fix-pg-version","José Valim",4 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4272 from apotonick/ac-process-rebase","José Valim",4 "2012-01-02","Merge pull request #4266 from lest/deprecate-activesuppo...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-02","Merge pull request #4252 from lest/deprecate-activesuppo...","José Valim",4 "2012-01-02","Merge pull request #4253 from lest/remove-warnings","José Valim",4 "2012-01-02","Merge pull request #4263 from bogdan/local_gemfile","José Valim",4 "2012-01-01","Merge pull request #4251 from castlerock/rename_ruby_deb...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-31","Merge pull request #4246 from amatsuda/hashdos_30","José Valim",4 "2011-12-31","Merge pull request #4247 from amatsuda/hashdos_23","José Valim",4 "2011-12-31","Merge pull request #4244 from hsbt/upgrade-rack-dependency","José Valim",4 "2011-12-31","Merge pull request #4241 from castlerock/remove_more_con...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-30","Merge pull request #4235 from castlerock/remove_ruby_18_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-30","Merge pull request #4236 from castlerock/to_time_availab...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-30","Merge pull request #4233 from bogdan/remove_define_runner","José Valim",4 "2011-12-29","Merge pull request #4226 from grentis/content_for_with_f...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-29","Merge pull request #4231 from nashby/remove-constantize-...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-29","Merge pull request #4230 from alovak/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4218 from bogdan/reset_runner_callbacks","José Valim",4 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4210 from tapajos/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-12-27","Merge pull request #4199 from cibernox/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-12-26","Merge pull request #4197 from nashby/refactor-range-include","José Valim",4 "2011-12-26","Merge pull request #4194 from castlerock/remove_18_test_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-26","Merge pull request #4193 from nashby/remove-old-rexml-se...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4188 from castlerock/remove_1.8_test","José Valim",4 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4189 from bogdan/non_keyed_callbacks","José Valim",4 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4187 from castlerock/basic_object_in_19","José Valim",4 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4184 from lest/remove-1-8-code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4183 from nashby/blockless-step-range","José Valim",4 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4182 from bogdan/non_keyed_callbacks","José Valim",4 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4180 from lest/remove-encoding-related","José Valim",4 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4177 from castlerock/ruby-debug19_wi...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4173 from nashby/remove-time-marshal...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Use 1.9 hash syntax instead.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Last attempt to fix 1.8.7 tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4172 from nashby/refactor-tokenizer","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4170 from lest/remove-deprecated-syn...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","assert_not_match -> assert_no_match.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","assert_not_match -> assert_no_match.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4161 from lest/remove-uniq-by-usage","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4160 from lest/deprecate-encoding-aware","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Fix regexp intervals.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Fix regexp intervals.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Remove Rescue middleware that was never used by Rails.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Update CHANGELOGs","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Update CHANGELOGs.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Tidy up migration types.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Remove unecessary config_accessors.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Provide a class optin for page_cache_compression.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Merge branch 'gzip-index' which contains two features:","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Tidy up migration types.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Remove unecessary config_accessors.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Provide a class optin for page_cache_compression.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4149 from castlerock/remove_1.8_stuff","José Valim",4 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4147 from lest/remove-app-fallback","José Valim",4 "2011-12-23","Merge pull request #4142 from lest/remove-1-8-code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-23","Merge pull request #4141 from arunagw/fix_build","José Valim",4 "2011-12-22","Merge pull request #4135 from nashby/deprecate-uniq-by","José Valim",4 "2011-12-22","Merge pull request #4133 from lest/remove-1-8-code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-22","Update activesupport/lib/active_support.rb","José Valim",4 "2011-12-22","Merge pull request #4121 from lest/remove-whiny-nils","José Valim",4 "2011-12-22","Merge pull request #4125 from nashby/remove-process-daemon","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4122 from qoobaa/mass_assignment_wit...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4119 from lucasmazza/render_without_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4104 from lest/remove-1-8-code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4109 from Karunakar/test1","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4116 from lest/remove-deprecated","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4103 from lest/remove-1-8-code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4101 from nashby/ruby-18-cleaning","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4094 from lest/remove-1-8-code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4098 from Karunakar/active_model2","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4100 from simi/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4079 from drogus/http_digest_issue","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4095 from arunagw/using_uuid","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4093 from arunagw/issue_3183","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4090 from arunagw/more_more_more_187...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4092 from qoobaa/other_than_numerica...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4089 from lest/remove-1-8-code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4076 from lest/remove-1-8-code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4088 from rahul100885/rahul100885_work","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4086 from ugisozols/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4085 from arunagw/more_1_8_7_removal","José Valim",4 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4071 from rahul100885/rahul100885_work","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4080 from heimidal/3-2-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4078 from Karunakar/fix_failing_test","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4075 from arunagw/activeresource_dea...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4070 from lest/remove-require-enumer...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4065 from guilleiguaran/fix-railties...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4064 from nashby/date-helper-field-e...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Remove dead code from AMo.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Remove more dead code from AS.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4033 from nashby/date-helper-field-e...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Initial pass at removing dead 1.8.x code from Active Sup...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Get rid of more 1.8.x dead code","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","This test is rubbish.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Get rid of --old-style-hash","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Depend on 3-2-stable.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Update ruby_version_check.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4058 from guilleiguaran/asset-pipeli...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4057 from joliss/gitignore","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Remove deprecations from Active Support.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Remove deprecation warnings from Action Pack.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Add a test case for layout nil.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Remove deprecated layout lookup.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4052 from lest/warning-variable-for-...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Check if source is encoding aware.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Check if source is encoding aware.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Do not hard code encoding to UTF8","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Remove i18n dependencies from AP and AMo since they are ...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Do not hard code encoding to UTF8","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4043 from cqpx/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-20","Remove i18n dependencies from AP and AMo since they are ...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-19","Revert "Merge pull request #4030 from Juanmcuello/databa...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-19","Merge pull request #4030 from Juanmcuello/database_tasks","José Valim",4 "2011-12-18","Update activerecord/lib/active_record/railties/databases...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-18","Merge pull request #4019 from kommen/rake_db_structure","José Valim",4 "2011-12-18","Merge pull request #4018 from arunagw/warning_removed_","José Valim",4 "2011-12-18","Merge pull request #4017 from arunagw/remove_extra_require","José Valim",4 "2011-12-17","Merge pull request #4015 from schneems/schneems/routing_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-17","Update .travis.yml","José Valim",4 "2011-12-17","Merge pull request #4012 from JustinCampbell/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-17","Use gem versions of sass-rails and coffee-rails.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-17","Merge pull request #4010 from arunagw/fix_test_activemodel","José Valim",4 "2011-12-17","Merge pull request #4008 from arunagw/warning_variable_f...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Merge pull request #4007 from exviva/expand_cache_key_fo...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Merge pull request #4006 from devton/validation_error_on...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Wait a full second so we have time for changes to propagate","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Fix failing asset test.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Update CHANGELOGs and guides.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Show detailed exceptions no longer returns true if the r...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Do not raise an exception if an invalid route was genera...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","ShowExceptions should understand X-Cascade responses fro...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Improve the specs on exceptions app.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Allow a custom exceptions app to set.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Extract the rendering of public exceptions pages into a ...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-16","Get rid of the close checks since we cannot reliably clo...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","Set up delegations also for to_a and arel branches.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","Move delegation reponsibilities of Relation to a module....","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","Make with_scope public so we stop using send :bomb:","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","Improve delegate list to avoid method missing.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","Fix diagnostics page for routing errors.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","Clean up the cache before the request in case we are run...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","There isn't a column_hash. It was being invoked by metho...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","Merge pull request #3994 from whilefalse/sass_cache_giti...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-15","Merge pull request #3990 from ugisozols/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-14","Merge pull request #3988 from lest/fix-date-select","José Valim",4 "2011-12-14","Close the response body on cascade pass, closes #3975.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-14","Clean up details keys before some tests to expire the ca...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Merge pull request #3970 from lest/backtrace-when-silenced","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Fix failing AP tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Merge pull request #3963 from lest/logger-missing-require","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","FileUpdateChecker should be able to handle deleted files.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Clean up FileUpdateChecker API.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Move hooks back to initializers (we need an API that all...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Add config.file_watcher so developers can provide their ...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Merge pull request #3958 from lest/comment-on-whitelist","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Merge pull request #3960 from lest/activesupport-test-mi...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-13","Revert "Provide a unique point for running initializers."","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Merge pull request #3943 from sferik/add_explicit_requires","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Merge pull request #3954 from bdurand/null_store_2","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Speed up development by only reloading classes if depend...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Provide a dir => extension API to file update checker.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Allow reloader to be configured.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Update checker returns a boolean if callback was execute...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Merge pull request #3946 from pokonski/relative_root","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Give hooks the flexibility to choose the type of callback.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Provide a unique point for running initializers.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Improve docs for Rails::Application and add routes_reloa...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Allow FileUpdateChecker to work with globs.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-12","Composition > inheritance.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-11","Merge pull request #3941 from azimux/fix_nested_under_in...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-11","Merge pull request #3933 from wfarr/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-11","Merge pull request #3932 from guilleiguaran/fix-assets-h...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-10","Merge pull request #3928 from arunagw/fix_template_test","José Valim",4 "2011-12-10","Merge pull request #3705 from guilleiguaran/3-1-stable-t...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-10","Fix AS test suite.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-09","Fix extend -> include.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-09","Deprecate implicit layout lookup in favor of inheriting ...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-09","Simplify path traversal logic","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Fix another regression related to the layout optimization.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Move symbolize keys to the inner options as we can assum...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Fix a regression and also fix broken test.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Remove NilClass whiners feature.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Improve cache on route_key lookup.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Remove NilClass whiners feature.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Improve cache on route_key lookup.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Revert accidental change from cattr_accessor to class_at...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Merge pull request #3908 from kennyj/should_use_default_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Merge pull request #3906 from kennyj/fix_warnings_for_pa...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Just use the proc if there is a chance of layout lookup.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Optimize layout lookup to avoid double calls.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Some small optimizations and improvements to benchmark c...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Add performance scripts from wycats/rails-simple-benches...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Remove rb-fsevent from Gemfile.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Merge pull request #3900 from jfturcot/accessible_wrap_p...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Remove dead broken code from AD::Request","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Merge pull request #3888 from kennyj/should_use_default_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-08","Merge pull request #3901 from mark-rushakoff/inflection-...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-07","Remove #:nodoc: from partial renderer.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-07","Merge pull request #3895 from kennyj/should_use_freezed_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-07","Merge pull request #3889 from kielkowicz/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-07","Merge pull request #3884 from sikachu/master-fix_layout","José Valim",4 "2011-12-07","Merge pull request #3878 from kennyj/should_use_default_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-06","Just track "require" if we have something in the watchin...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-06","Ensure length validator also works on 1.8.7.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-06","Merge pull request #3876 from tvdeyen/string_as_url_for_...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-06","Merge pull request #3872 from marcandre/i18n_key","José Valim",4 "2011-12-06","Merge pull request #3873 from iangreenleaf/no_default_to...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-05","Merge pull request #3866 from ugisozols/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-05","Merge pull request #3861 from andyjeffries/master","José Valim",4 "2011-12-05","Merge pull request #3863 from lest/params-wrapper-inflec...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-05","Namespaced attribute lookup now works as 'model/associat...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-05","Merge pull request #3859 from kuroda/human_attribute_name","José Valim",4 "2011-12-05","Merge pull request #3857 from Overbryd/redirect_to_url_w...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-04","Merge pull request #3854 from exviva/validates_associate...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-04","moves some auto explain logic to the subscriber [José Va...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-04","simplifies ActiveRecord::ExplainSubscriber [José Valim &...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-04","implements a much faster auto EXPLAIN, closes #3843 [Jos...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-04","Merge pull request #3853 from nashby/form_for_as_option","José Valim",4 "2011-12-04","Merge pull request #3850 from carlosantoniodasilva/reado...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-03","Merge pull request #3842 from arunagw/app_gen_test","José Valim",4 "2011-12-03","Fix failing cascade exception.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-02","Try to play nice with plugins doing monkey patches.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Merge branch 'exceptions' with the following features:","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Remove unnecessary test setup.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Split and improve show and debug exceptions middlewares.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Split ShowExceptions responsibilities in two middlewares.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Add a deprecation to old show exceptions API (even thoug...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Add an ExceptionWrapper that wraps an exception and prov...","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Allow rescue responses to be configured through a railtie.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Merge pull request #3660 from jdelStrother/asset_protocol","José Valim",4 "2011-12-01","Merge pull request #3823 from avakhov/av-length-validati...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-30","Revert "Implement ArraySerializer and move old serializa...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-30","Merge pull request #3810 from lest/fix-warnings","José Valim",4 "2011-11-30","Merge pull request #3809 from lest/test-helpers-in-erb","José Valim",4 "2011-11-30","Merge pull request #3806 from lest/test-helpers-in-erb","José Valim",4 "2011-11-30","Merge pull request #3805 from arunagw/active_model_patch...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-30","Log 'Filter chain halted as CALLBACKNAME rendered or red...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-30","Update sprockets which theoretically fixes the regressio...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-30","Fixes for using action view template in isolation.","José Valim",4 "2011-11-29","Merge pull request #3793 from marcandre/asset_host","José Valim",4 "2011-11-28","Merge pull request #3785 from lest/backtrace-cleaner-env","José Valim",4 "2011-11-28","Merge pull request #3278 from arunagw/rails_rake_task_wa...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-28","Merge pull request #3657 from arunagw/mysql2_bump_master","José Valim",4 "2011-11-28","Revert "Use any instead of length"","José Valim",4 "2011-11-28","Merge pull request #3776 from nashby/add-namespace-to-form","José Valim",4 "2011-11-28","Merge pull request #3779 from rahul100885/rahul100885_work","José Valim",4 "2011-11-27","Merge pull request #3771 from kennyj/fix_rake_test_warnings","José Valim",4 "2011-11-27","Merge pull request #3769 from kennyj/fix_index_html","José Valim",4 "2011-11-27","Merge pull request #3772 from lest/label-with-block","José Valim",4 "2011-11-26","Merge pull request #3765 from qoobaa/orm-instance-fix","José Valim",4 "2011-11-26","Merge pull request #3763 from qoobaa/orm-instance-fix","José Valim",4 "2011-11-26","Merge pull request #3760 from arunagw/warning_removed_un...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-25","Revert the serializers API as other alternatives are now...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-25","Merge pull request #3756 from johnmdonahue/update-gem-ac...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-25","Merge pull request #3747 from lest/middleware-logger","José Valim",4 "2011-11-25","Merge branch 'serializers'","José Valim",4 "2011-11-25","Merge pull request #3752 from ganeshkumar/gem_lending","José Valim",4 "2011-11-25","Add docs to serializers. Update CHANGELOGs.","José Valim",4 "2011-11-25","Add a hook for serializers in the scaffold generator (of...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-25","Add generators for serializers.","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Rename UserSerializer to DefaultUserSerializer in tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Rely solely on active_model_serializer and remove the fa...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Remove listings from the serialization guide that won't ...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Implement ArraySerializer and move old serialization API...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Add safe_constantize to ActiveSupport::Dependencies.","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Merge pull request #3739 from lest/config-always-write-c...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Merge branch 'master' into serializers","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Rely on a public contract between railties instead of ac...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Optimize cache expansion by skipping rails cache id in n...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Merge pull request #3738 from exviva/issues/3737_AS_cach...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-23","Merge pull request #3735 from kennyj/fix_3728","José Valim",4 "2011-11-22","Merge pull request #3718 from lest/fix-javascript-includ...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-22","Merge pull request #3717 from lest/show-exceptions-refactor","José Valim",4 "2011-11-21","Deprecate InstanceMethods namespace handling in ActiveSu...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-21","Merge pull request #3710 from dmathieu/cherry-pick-ssl-c...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-19","Merge pull request #3696 from lest/fix-plugin-generator","José Valim",4 "2011-11-17","Merge pull request #3665 from wildchild/label_i18n_3-1-s...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-17","Merge pull request #3663 from atambo/master","José Valim",4 "2011-11-17","Merge pull request #3654 from wildchild/label_i18n","José Valim",4 "2011-11-17","Merge pull request #3655 from arunagw/mysql_bump_3-0-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-11-14","Merge pull request #3631 from indirect/remote_ip","José Valim",4 "2011-11-14","Speed up attribute invocation by checking if both name a...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-14","Merge pull request #3626 from guilleiguaran/include-ther...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-13","Merge pull request #3623 from indirect/remote_ip","José Valim",4 "2011-11-13","Merge pull request #3617 from indirect/remote_ip","José Valim",4 "2011-11-11","Merge pull request #3611 from bogdan/compile_options","José Valim",4 "2011-11-11","Merge pull request #3607 from bogdan/callbacks","José Valim",4 "2011-11-10","Merge pull request #3603 from vijaydev/change_table_with...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-10","Merge pull request #3600 from vijaydev/migration_arity","José Valim",4 "2011-11-10","self.class.name -> self.name (we are already inside a cl...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-10","Merge pull request #3592 from avakhov/av-highlight-regexp","José Valim",4 "2011-11-10","Merge pull request #3591 from tylercoville/fix-plugin-new","José Valim",4 "2011-11-10","Merge pull request #3593 from bogdan/callbacks","José Valim",4 "2011-11-10","Merge pull request #3581 from amatsuda/metal_response_bo...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-09","Don't marshal dump twice when using encryptor.","José Valim",4 "2011-11-09","Deprecated ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor#encrypt and d...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-09","Merge pull request #3589 from amatsuda/console_extend_co...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-09","Use head :no_content on the guides as well.","José Valim",4 "2011-11-09","Merge pull request #3509 from amatsuda/console_extend_co...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-08","Merge pull request #3561 from bfolkens/3-1-stable-url_su...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-08","Merge pull request #3568 from bfolkens/master-url_subdom...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-08","Merge pull request #3564 from arunagw/uncommitted_rake_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-11-07","Merge pull request #3552 from evtuhovich/master","José Valim",4 "2011-11-07","Merge pull request #3542 from amatsuda/controller_genera...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-06","Merge pull request #3536 from pkumar/master","José Valim",4 "2011-11-06","Merge pull request #3537 from dvyjones/refactor-pluraliz...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-04","Merge pull request #3514 from waseem/remove_size_attribu...","José Valim",4 "2011-11-02","Merge pull request #3494 from sinisterchipmunk/usage-erb","José Valim",4 "2011-10-31","Merge pull request #3477 from rud/stable-migrations-vers...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-29","Merge pull request #3462 from kennyj/remove_deprecated_code","José Valim",4 "2011-10-29","Merge pull request #3337 from htanata/fix_rake_routes_fo...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-28","Merge pull request #3456 from pwim/documentation-fix","José Valim",4 "2011-10-27","Merge pull request #3449 from arunagw/checks_for_instanc...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-27","Merge pull request #3448 from arunagw/instance_disable_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-10-27","Merge pull request #3445 from odorcicd/fix_railtie_wrap_...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-26","Responders now return 204 No Content for API requests wi...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-26","Scaffold returns 204 No Content for API requests without...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-26","Fix failing tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-25","Revert "Ignore .rbx directories (rbx compiled bytecode f...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-25","Revert "Merge pull request #3395 from bdurand/fix_file_s...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-24","Merge pull request #3424 from avakhov/av-scaffold-func-t...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-24","Merge pull request #3416 from arunagw/rbx_test_fixes","José Valim",4 "2011-10-22","Merge pull request #3408 from guilleiguaran/remove-turn","José Valim",4 "2011-10-22","Merge pull request #3404 from arunagw/warning_removed_re...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-22","Merge pull request #3396 from bdurand/session_cache_store","José Valim",4 "2011-10-21","Merge pull request #3395 from bdurand/fix_file_store_cle...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-21","Merge pull request #3394 from bdurand/buffered_logger_th...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-21","Merge pull request #3387 from arunagw/tagged_log_nil","José Valim",4 "2011-10-20","Merge pull request #3375 from arunagw/middleware_test_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-10-20","Merge pull request #3374 from marcbowes/master","José Valim",4 "2011-10-19","Don't use :path in Gemfile for --dev except for Rails.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-19","Unify logger and taggedlogging middleware as both addres...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-19","Ensure TaggegLogging is thread safe.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-19","Load object/blank and make use of presence.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-19","Make tests run on 1.8.x, add integration setup.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-19","Merge pull request #3369 from martinsvalin/am_errors_added","José Valim",4 "2011-10-19","Require missing string access dependency.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-19","Require securerandom as it is the proper dependency.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-18","Update actionpack/CHANGELOG","José Valim",4 "2011-10-18","Merge pull request #3350 from whilefalse/rake_environmen...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-18","Merge pull request #3356 from arunagw/bunp_rack","José Valim",4 "2011-10-17","Merge pull request #3340 from surfacedamage/exclude_dest...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-17","Merge pull request #3151 from zenprogrammer/pluralize_wi...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-17","Merge pull request #3319 from martinsvalin/active_model_...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Remove 1.9 Hash syntax - tests passing on 1.8.7","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Add initial support for embed API","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Add support for the root attribute","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Fix nil has_one association","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Add association_ids","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Add support for overriding associations, mostly used for...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Add support for implicit serializers","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Added has_one and has_many","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Don't unnecessarily use String eval.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Don't require serializable_hash to take options.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Initial implementation of ActiveModel::Serializer","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Refactor to make renderers a Set","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Initial commit of serializer support","José Valim",4 "2011-10-15","Merge pull request #3320 from sunaku/space-align","José Valim",4 "2011-10-14","Merge pull request #3331 from fabrik42/master","José Valim",4 "2011-10-13","Merge pull request #3315 from rahul100885/rahul100885_wo...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-12","Merge pull request #3287 from sgerrand/vendor_assets_jav...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-12","Add some implementation docs. closes #3298. closes #2509.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-12","Add some implementation docs. closes #3298. closes #2509.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-12","Provide failing test case for #3298 #2509","José Valim",4 "2011-10-12","Fix wrong identation and remove extra spaces.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-11","Merge pull request #3295 from zhengjia/master","José Valim",4 "2011-10-11","Merge pull request #3289 from avakhov/p-respond_to-condi...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-11","Merge pull request #3285 from dcrec1/master","José Valim",4 "2011-10-10","Merge pull request #3275 from simi/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-10-10","Merge pull request #3272 from odorcicd/fix_json_error_root","José Valim",4 "2011-10-09","Merge pull request #3262 from subdigital/master","José Valim",4 "2011-10-09","Merge pull request #3196 from avakhov/patch-am-av-tests-2","José Valim",4 "2011-10-08","Merge pull request #3253 from arunagw/gitignore_sqlnet_file","José Valim",4 "2011-10-08","Merge pull request #3248 from arunagw/query_cache_test_f...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-08","Merge pull request #3249 from arunagw/query_cache_test_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-10-08","Merge pull request #3250 from arunagw/adding_sqlnet_to_g...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-08","Merge pull request #3252 from avakhov/p-remove-expire_pa...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-07","testing.rake should set the default task, closes #2564","José Valim",4 "2011-10-07","testing.rake should set the default task, closes #2564","José Valim",4 "2011-10-06","Merge pull request #3236 from yahonda/fix_test_nonexisti...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Revert "don't raise NoMethodError the tried method doesn...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Revert "don't raise NoMethodError the tried method doesn...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Do not require railtie as it messes up Rails.application...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Merge pull request #3230 from amatsuda/string_prepend_31","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Merge pull request #3229 from amatsuda/string_prepend","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Fix regression when calling helpers inside sprockets.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Fix regression when calling helpers inside sprockets.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Fix the lame config.action_controller.present? check sca...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Fix the lame config.action_controller.present? check sca...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Ensure default_asset_host_protocol is respected, closes ...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-05","Ensure default_asset_host_protocol is respected, closes ...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Encapsulate common rake invocation logic in a method.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Encapsulate common rake invocation logic in a method.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Merge pull request #3225 from mjtko/assets-compilation-r...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Fix failing test added in previous commit.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Fix failing test added in previous commit.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Merge pull request #3221 from mjtko/asset-tests","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Clean up subdomain code a bit.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Merge pull request #3209 from ksob/subdomain_false_strip...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Fix failing tests and refactor assets.rake","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Fix failing tests and refactor assets.rake","José Valim",4 "2011-10-04","Merge pull request #3208 from Empact/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #3202 from abscondment/3053-missing-h...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-03","Fix #3198.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-03","Fix #3198.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #3193 from avakhov/patch-ac-test-case...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #3194 from avakhov/patch-ac-test-case...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #3192 from spohlenz/precompile-enhanc...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02","Update sass and coffee dependencies to latest.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02",":group => :assets should only run in the assets environm...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02",":group => :assets should only run in the assets environm...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02","Provide initialize_on_precompile which, when set to fals...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02","Provide initialize_on_precompile which, when set to fals...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02","TestCase should respect the view_assigns API instead of ...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02","Merge pull request #3174 from phuibonhoa/master","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02","TestCase should respect the view_assigns API instead of ...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-10-02","Merge pull request #2583 from guilleiguaran/railsrc","José Valim",4 "2011-10-01","Merge pull request #3185 from arunagw/void_context_warni...","José Valim",4 "2011-10-01","Merge pull request #3186 from arunagw/void_context_warni...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-30","Merge pull request #3181 from yahonda/fix_uninitialized_...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-30","Provide read_attribute_for_serialization as the API to s...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-30","Set the default options value for as_json in the encoder...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-30","Merge pull request #3175 from nhocki/as-json-patch","José Valim",4 "2011-09-30","Merge pull request #3177 from arunagw/void_warnings_removed","José Valim",4 "2011-09-30","Merge pull request #3178 from arunagw/argument_warning_r...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-29","Merge pull request #3167 from dmitriy-kiriyenko/honour_r...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-28","Merge pull request #3159 from elliterate/digest_auth_wit...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-27","Merge pull request #3142 from parndt/3-0-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-09-27","Merge pull request #3141 from jsl/make_ssl_configurable","José Valim",4 "2011-09-26","Encapsulate assets initialization in its own rake task.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-26","Encapsulate assets initialization in its own rake task.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-25","Merge pull request #3125 from dolzenko/master","José Valim",4 "2011-09-25","Merge pull request #3124 from avakhov/patch-6-stylesheet...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-25","Merge pull request #2246 from guilleiguaran/sprockets-co...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","Avoid using pathnames and automatically create the manif...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","Add test for belongs_to? and group initializers.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","Remove the ENV flag, yagni.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","`rake assets:precompile` loads the application but does ...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","Fix spacing on Gemfile.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","Avoid using pathnames and automatically create the manif...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","Add test for belongs_to? and group initializers.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","Remove the ENV flag, yagni.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-24","`rake assets:precompile` loads the application but does ...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-23","Merge pull request #3114 from zenprogrammer/fix_constant...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-23","Update CHANGELOG for safe_constantize.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-23","Use safe_constantize where possible.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-23","Ensure that constantize just rescues NameError that appl...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Fix failing tests and add tests for :formats on partial.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Refactor AMo as_json.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3106 from mattetti/master","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3103 from hone/precompile_flag","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3102 from hone/3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Deprecate passing the template handler in the template n...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Make handlers a registered detail.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Get rid of update_details in favor of passing details to...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","No need to recalculate the @details_key after update_det...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-22","Merge pull request #3099 from wrozka/master","José Valim",4 "2011-09-21","Slightly reorganize lookup context modules in order to b...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-18","to_xml should also rely on serializable hash.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-16","Merge pull request #3040 from guilleiguaran/asset-host-s...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-16","Merge pull request #3040 from guilleiguaran/asset-host-s...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-15","Merge pull request #3037 from wvanbergen/master","José Valim",4 "2011-09-15","Merge pull request #3035 from wvanbergen/master","José Valim",4 "2011-09-15","Merge pull request #3031 from wvanbergen/master","José Valim",4 "2011-09-14","Merge pull request #3015 from guilleiguaran/clear-tmp-ca...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-14","Merge pull request #3015 from guilleiguaran/clear-tmp-ca...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-12","Use the proper executable on tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-12","Just provide the executable for railtie. This should be ...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-12","Remove rails executable from the gemspec.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-12","Revert "Copy the bin to railties so it also works if you...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-12","Merge pull request #2983 from sikachu/3-1-stable-hash-ba...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-09","Merge pull request #2956 from lawrencepit/full_messages","José Valim",4 "2011-09-08","Revert removing gsub and sub from safe buffer.","José Valim",4 "2011-09-08","Merge pull request #2939 from akaspick/url_for_fix_3_0","José Valim",4 "2011-09-08","Merge pull request #2248 from dmathieu/safe_gsub","José Valim",4 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2713 from FLOChip/500-fixed","José Valim",4 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2841 from wojtekmach/app-generators-...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-04","Merge pull request #2816 from sikachu/content_tag_for","José Valim",4 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2827 from sikachu/extractable_ordere...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-02","Merge pull request #2811 from avakhov/fix-environment-ge...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2585 from marcgg/fix-ruby19-splitopt...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2788 from spohlenz/precompile-withou...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2782 from spohlenz/precompile-withou...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2787 from guilleiguaran/changelogs-3...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2786 from spohlenz/extract-asset-pat...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2785 from spohlenz/extract-asset-pat...","José Valim",4 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2784 from guilleiguaran/changelog-3-1-1","José Valim",4 "2011-08-31","Merge pull request #2772 from guilleiguaran/backports-as...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-31","Merge pull request #2768 from guilleiguaran/fix-assets-r...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2563 from bogdan/internal_validation","José Valim",4 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2675 from jdelStrother/load_once_pat...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-23","Merge pull request #2651 from luckydev/serialization-tests","José Valim",4 "2011-08-21","Edited .travis.yml via GitHub","José Valim",4 "2011-08-14","Ensure changing RAILS_GROUPS will load the proper depend...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-14","Ensure changing RAILS_GROUPS will load the proper depend...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-14","Merge pull request #2527 from cesario/fix_2511","José Valim",4 "2011-08-13","Rename new method to_path to to_partial_path to avoid co...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-13","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-08-13","Move the cache to a nested hash which performs better th...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-13","Rename class method to_path to _to_path and make it expl...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-13","Merge pull request #2514 from myronmarston/fix_active_re...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-09","Remove lame comment.","José Valim",4 "2011-08-07","Test against 1.9.3 as well.","José Valim",4 "2011-08-07","Test against 1.9.3 as well.","José Valim",4 "2011-08-01","Merge pull request #2385 from bogdan/test_default_saniti...","José Valim",4 "2011-08-01","Merge pull request #2307 from thoefer/3-1-stable-fix1872","José Valim",4 "2011-08-01","Rename new method to_path to to_partial_path to avoid co...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2375 from vijaydev/rakeaboutfix","José Valim",4 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2373 from arunagw/31_schema_dumper_t...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-31","Merge pull request #2358 from arunagw/test_fix_187_skip","José Valim",4 "2011-07-30","Merge pull request #2364 from bcardarella/resolve_undefi...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-29","Merge pull request #2343 from arunagw/test_add_for_plugi...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-29","Merge pull request #2339 from dgeb/mailers-in-plugins","José Valim",4 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2327 from cesario/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2332 from thedarkone/resources-route...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2330 from thedarkone/resources-route...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-28","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-28","Move the cache to a nested hash which performs better th...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-28","Rename class method to_path to _to_path and make it expl...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-28","Merge pull request #2034 from Casecommons/to_path","José Valim",4 "2011-07-27","Merge pull request #2287 from dgeb/3-1-mailers-in-plugins","José Valim",4 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2277 from dmathieu/fix_actionpack_tests","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2262 from sferik/format_true","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2263 from sferik/format_true","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2258 from thedarkone/no-file-stat","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2256 from thedarkone/polymorphic-url...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2254 from dmathieu/test_name","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2247 from dmathieu/test_precompile_c...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2253 from dchelimsky/stringify-param...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2251 from thedarkone/update-all-order","José Valim",4 "2011-07-25","Merge pull request #2252 from thedarkone/polymorphic-url...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2133 from jstorimer/ensure-status-co...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #195 from bigfix/active_model_include...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2075 from lawrencepit/match_attribut...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-18","Merge pull request #2121 from arunagw/3-1-plugin_new_gen...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-16","Merge pull request #2101 from loz/master","José Valim",4 "2011-07-13","Use cache/assets instead.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-13","Use cache/assets instead.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-13","assets.cache_store now defaults to filesystem. You will ...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-13","assets.cache_store now defaults to filesystem. You will ...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-12","Merge pull request #2038 from FLOChip/extra_space","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #1722 from AndrewRadev/grouped-select","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #1756 from shtirlic/xmlschema_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #2009 from vatrai/autoload-todo-new","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Require assets in all environments by default and provid...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Require assets in all environments by default and provid...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #2029 from sikachu/acronym_mention","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #1608 from sishen/sishen","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #1296 from c42engineering/issue636","José Valim",4 "2011-07-11","Merge pull request #1924 from cesario/1922-get-back-and-...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-10","Make Rails.groups accept arrays.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-10","Make Rails.groups accept arrays.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-10","Merge pull request #2026 from spohlenz/asset-tag-fix","José Valim",4 "2011-07-09","Merge pull request #2017 from Casecommons/active_record_...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Move config.default_asset_host_protocol to the railtie.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Move config.default_asset_host_protocol to the railtie.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Don't raise on mass assignment for test","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #2005 from acroca/master","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Just generate AR options if AR is enabled","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #1996 from bogdan/default_sanitizer_s...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Merge pull request #1406 from dmathieu/fix_test_warnings","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Ensure the engine_path is there (it may make CI happy).","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Give higher priority to assets.cache_store.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Give higher priority to assets.cache_store.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Make compressors lazily load.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-07","Make compressors lazily load.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-06","Deprecate stream at the class level.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-06","Remove stream at the class level.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-05","Merge pull request #1963 from jake3030/fix_engine_rake_task","José Valim",4 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1950 from dmathieu/require_railties","José Valim",4 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1949 from dmathieu/cherry-picks","José Valim",4 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1948 from dmathieu/html_safe_numeric","José Valim",4 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1947 from spohlenz/refactor-asset-pa...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1946 from spohlenz/fix-engine-migrat...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1945 from spohlenz/fix-engine-migrat...","José Valim",4 "2011-07-03","Merge pull request #1925 from spohlenz/refactor-asset-paths","José Valim",4 "2011-07-02","Merge pull request #1938 from joefiorini/master","José Valim",4 "2011-07-01","require 'thread' before using Mutex","José Valim",4 "2011-07-01","require 'thread' before using mutex","José Valim",4 "2011-07-01","Add assets_gemfile_entry.","José Valim",4 "2011-07-01","Revert "Add method fields_for_with_index to FormHelper"","José Valim",4 "2011-07-01","Merge pull request #1927 from bogdan/select_multiple_index","José Valim",4 "2011-06-30","Make sure respond_with with :js tries to render a templa...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-30","Make sure respond_with with :js tries to render a templa...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-30","Add has_key? and key? methods to CookieJar removed in 0c...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-30","Add has_key? and key? methods to CookieJar removed in 0c...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-30","Merge pull request #1690 from vijaydev/mattr_accessor_ch...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-30","Merge pull request #1912 from arunagw/new_plugin_g_test","José Valim",4 "2011-06-29","Merge pull request #1909 from r00k/master","José Valim",4 "2011-06-29","Merge pull request #1899 from ihower/patch_rake_test","José Valim",4 "2011-06-29","Fix configurable cristalization and tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-29","Fix configurable cristalization and tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-29","[IMPORTANT] Make "sprockets/railtie" require explicit.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-29","[IMPORTANT] Make "sprockets/railtie" require explicit.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-29","Merge pull request #1897 from istewart/active_model_dirt...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-28","Update railties.gemspec","José Valim",4 "2011-06-28","Copy the bin to railties so it also works if you don't h...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1878 from arunagw/mime_test_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-06-28","Update railties.gemspec","José Valim",4 "2011-06-28","Copy the bin to railties so it also works if you don't h...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1877 from arunagw/fix_mime","José Valim",4 "2011-06-28","Edited actionpack/CHANGELOG via GitHub","José Valim",4 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1875 from esad/master","José Valim",4 "2011-06-27","Skip if it is actually a pluralize scheme.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-27","Edited railties/lib/rails/paths.rb via GitHub","José Valim",4 "2011-06-24","Merge pull request #1839 from wildchild/3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-23","Merge pull request #1829 from wildchild/master","José Valim",4 "2011-06-23","Edited actionpack/actionpack.gemspec via GitHub","José Valim",4 "2011-06-23","Edited actionpack/actionpack.gemspec via GitHub","José Valim",4 "2011-06-23","Merge pull request #1830 from arunagw/enum_fixes","José Valim",4 "2011-06-22","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-22","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-22","Merge pull request #1813 from arunagw/jruby_tests","José Valim",4 "2011-06-22","Merge pull request #1778 from spohlenz/hash-models","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Require helpers so autoload is properly setup.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Require helpers so autoload is properly setup.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Merge pull request #1793 from jamesarosen/clean_images","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Merge pull request #1804 from guilleiguaran/3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Merge pull request #1803 from guilleiguaran/uglifier-1-0","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Don't use deprecated stuff.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Don't use deprecated stuff.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Create an :assets group in the Gemfile.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Rename AV::Helpers::AssetPaths to AV::AssetPaths to solv...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Add Rails.groups to encapsulate available groups for re...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Create an :assets group in the Gemfile.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Rename AV::Helpers::AssetPaths to AV::AssetPaths to solv...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-21","Add Rails.groups to encapsulate available groups for re...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-20","Merge pull request #1786 from gazay/3-1-stable-regexp-fix","José Valim",4 "2011-06-20","Merge pull request #1791 from cmeiklejohn/3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-20","Merge pull request #1787 from cmeiklejohn/make_fragment_...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-20","Removed file added by accident.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-20","Merge pull request #1785 from medwezys/master","José Valim",4 "2011-06-20","Merge pull request #1784 from gazay/3-1-stable-shadowing...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-20","Fix SafeBuffers by adding a dirty flag.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-20","Merge pull request #1780 from dazuma/fix_missing_require...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1775 from bensie/class-attr-3-0-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1773 from bensie/class-attr-3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1772 from arunagw/require_rel_remove...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1771 from arunagw/require_rel_remove","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1770 from arunagw/require_relative_r...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1768 from stevehodgkiss/3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Ugh, the class_attribute pull request broke the build. f...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1763 from grantneufeld/schema_column...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1764 from stevehodgkiss/master","José Valim",4 "2011-06-19","Merge pull request #1765 from bensie/class_attribute_ski...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-17","Attributes on scaffold and model generators default to s...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-17","Merge pull request #1749 from dmathieu/simple_format","José Valim",4 "2011-06-17","Merge pull request #1748 from bogdan/select_form_helpers...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-17","Merge pull request #1740 from Antiarchitect/2-3-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1737 from SAP-Oxygen/master-app_plug...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1735 from SAP-Oxygen/3-1-stable-app_...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Fix SafeBuffers by adding a dirty flag.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","safe_concat should not work on dirty buffers.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Fix safe buffer by adding a dirty status.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1733 from SAP-Oxygen/master-plugins_...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1726 from arunagw/mysql_bump_3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Remove usage of memoizable from ActionPack.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Update CHANGELOG, improve message.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1460 from SAP-Oxygen/27d7083addd1bc8...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1727 from ihower/improve_legacy_wild...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-16","Merge pull request #1725 from arunagw/mysql_bump","José Valim",4 "2011-06-15","Deprecate memoizable.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-15","load_generators from engine should also handle self auto...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-15","load_generators from engine should also handle self auto...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-15","Merge pull request #1714 from dmathieu/3-0-cherry","José Valim",4 "2011-06-15","Merge pull request #1713 from dmathieu/3-1-cherry","José Valim",4 "2011-06-15","Merge pull request #1711 from daeltar/master","José Valim",4 "2011-06-15","Merge pull request #1707 from dmathieu/memoize","José Valim",4 "2011-06-14","Merge pull request #1702 from brianmario/lazy-mysql2-cas...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-14","Merge pull request #1689 from dmathieu/utf8-filename","José Valim",4 "2011-06-13","Merge pull request #1675 from thoefer/3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-13","Merge pull request #1672 from ryanb/namespace_engine_assets","José Valim",4 "2011-06-12","Make i18n tests more robust.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-12","Make i18n tests more robust.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-11","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-11","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-11","Get rid of the alternate namespace lookup.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-11","Add a deprecation for nested i18n namespace lookup.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-11","Get rid of the alternate namespace lookup.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-11","No need for a configuration option here.","José Valim",4 "2011-06-11","Merge pull request #549 from dlee/utf8_enforcer","José Valim",4 "2011-06-11","Merge pull request #1647 from neerajdotname/make_tests_s...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1631 from vijaydev/runner-help","José Valim",4 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1630 from BDQ/engine_migrations_3_1","José Valim",4 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1567 from BDQ/engine_migrations","José Valim",4 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1625 from neerajdotname/page_caching","José Valim",4 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1606 from neerajdotname/remove_users...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1356 from flippingbits/fix_engine_ge...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1591 from smartinez87/unused","José Valim",4 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1588 from neerajdotname/remove_unuse...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1579 from bradleybuda/master","José Valim",4 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1577 from reu/useless-variable-set","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1562 from sikachu/3-1-i18n-convention","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1561 from sikachu/3-1-escapejs","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1560 from sikachu/master-escapejs","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1559 from neerajdotname/before_filte...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1558 from tardate/3-0-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1557 from guilleiguaran/multiple-sou...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1556 from thoefer/master","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1549 from neerajdotname/rename_to_me...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1548 from neerajdotname/remove_class...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1547 from sikachu/safebuffer","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1542 from cmeiklejohn/dont_gsub_on_s...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1546 from sikachu/31safebuffer","José Valim",4 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1535 from smartinez87/each","José Valim",4 "2011-06-07","Merge pull request #1527 from guilleiguaran/3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-07","Merge pull request #1516 from guilleiguaran/rack-urlmap-fix","José Valim",4 "2011-06-07","Merge pull request #1474 from ganeshkumar/update_column_...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-06","Merge pull request #1508 from vijaydev/rake_rdoc_fixes_c...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-06","Merge pull request #1506 from arunagw/3-0-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-06","Merge pull request #1505 from arunagw/3-1-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-06-06","Merge pull request #1504 from arunagw/console_test_for_c...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-06","Merge pull request #1478 from arunagw/warning_cherry-picks","José Valim",4 "2011-06-06","Merge pull request #1497 from arunagw/framework_test","José Valim",4 "2011-06-05","Merge pull request #1495 from arunagw/fixed_failing_isol...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-05","Merge pull request #1426 from arunagw/sprockets_gem_update","José Valim",4 "2011-06-05","Merge pull request #1462 from arunagw/test_added_for_nam...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-05","Merge pull request #1488 from guilleiguaran/multiple_sou...","José Valim",4 "2011-06-03","Merge pull request #1468 from castlerock/fix_issue_1467","José Valim",4 "2011-06-01","Merge pull request #1448 from ernie/attr_internal_require","José Valim",4 "2011-06-01","Merge pull request #1441 from guilleiguaran/no_rb_require","José Valim",4 "2011-05-31","Merge pull request #1434 from dmathieu/mass_assignment","José Valim",4 "2011-05-31","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-31","Transform the symbol into a constant lookup.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-31","Merge pull request #1403 from bogdan/config","José Valim",4 "2011-05-31","Merge pull request #1415 from brainopia/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-30","Merge pull request #1404 from commuter/plugin_new_genera...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1380 from vijaydev/session_migration","José Valim",4 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1203 from dchelimsky/stringify-param...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1378 from AndrewRadev/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1373 from anbotero/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1372 from jacott/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-27","Merge pull request #1359 from AndrewRadev/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-27","Merge pull request #1351 from arunagw/3-0-stable-jruby-j...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1334 from bogdan/callback","José Valim",4 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1344 from jmileham/serialization_inc...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1328 from flippingbits/cleanup_engin...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1324 from dmathieu/no_error_on_inval...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1315 from ardavis/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1313 from joshk/deprecation_message_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1312 from joshk/remove_active_suppor...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1311 from kuldarkrabbi/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1305 from amatsuda/require_rdoc_task...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1308 from vijaydev/fix-codestat-indent","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1299 from cesario/mit-license","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1298 from flippingbits/add_test_file...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1260 from flippingbits/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1297 from cesario/1294-allocated-obj...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1293 from janx/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1292 from arunagw/database_generators","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1290 from arunagw/load_generators_use","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Use load_generators instead.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1288 from guilleiguaran/railties-dep...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1287 from guilleiguaran/removing-tes...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Everyone receives app as argument for consistency.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Everyone receives app as argument for consistency.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Actually this file may be invoked directly as well with ...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Streamline generators initialization flow.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1283 from joshk/actiom_mailer_tests_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1281 from joshk/removed_action_pack_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1279 from dasch/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1279 from dasch/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1239 from alindeman/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1278 from vijaydev/rake-doctask-warn...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1274 from vijaydev/rake-packagetask-...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1271 from joshk/remove_am_deprecated...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1269 from arunagw/fix_load_path_test...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1268 from ernie/compute_asset_host_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1267 from guilleiguaran/prefer-each-...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1266 from arunagw/deprecation_warnin...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1262 from dmathieu/dummy_without_tests","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Fix failing test suite (please run tests before sending ...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1255 from flippingbits/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1243 from smartinez87/warnings","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Merge pull request #1235 from joshk/deprecate_kernel_req...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Merge pull request #1231 from joshk/ruby-debugger","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Merge pull request #1230 from smartinez87/changelog","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Merge pull request #1228 from fcheung/db_time_fix2","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Move content length to the server, this brings the same ...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Move content length to the server, this brings the same ...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Require rubygems (chill out, just for rails internal tes...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Use Rack 1.3.0.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-23","Merge pull request #1222 from arunagw/sprockets-fixes","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1219 from fcheung/db_time_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1215 from vatrai/remove_require_tzinfo","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1192 from arunagw/removal_extra","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1202 from vatrai/todo_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1193 from arunagw/railties_tests","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Fix I18n dependency as final is out.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Depend on I18n ~> 0.6","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Move I18n dependency back to ActiveSupport.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Edited actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1189 from jmbejar/7c562d5e460d97b18e...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Fix failing tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1208 from dasch/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1206 from arunagw/jruby_openssl_load","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1199 from vatrai/jdon_engine_test_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1198 from guilleiguaran/changelog_pl...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1191 from arunagw/removal_extra","José Valim",4 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1188 from thedarkone/duplicable-dura...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1182 from prakashmurthy/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1165 from arunagw/rubyforge_remove","José Valim",4 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1179 from castlerock/activesupport_test","José Valim",4 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1178 from joshk/ruby19_warning","José Valim",4 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1177 from joshk/ruby19_warnings","José Valim",4 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1175 from joshk/active_resource_corr...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-20","Temporarily ship with ContentLength middleware.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-20","Merge pull request #1169 from senny/specify_a_custom_act...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-19","Use Rack::ContentLength.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-19","Merge pull request #1151 from joshk/wrap_params_options_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-19","Merge pull request #1137 from guilleiguaran/each_syntax_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-19","Merge pull request #1136 from arunagw/actionmailer_readme","José Valim",4 "2011-05-19","Merge pull request #1135 from arunagw/for_to_each","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1109 from dlee/optimize_indifferent_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1133 from joshk/options_merger_test","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1132 from joshk/ares_changelog","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1131 from joshk/active_model_xml_fix","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1126 from sikachu/bump_rack_mount","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1124 from amatsuda/fix_railties_warn...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1115 from joshk/active_resource_json...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1123 from amatsuda/generator_for_to_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1117 from joshk/as_numeric_time","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1116 from guilleiguaran/typo_in_app_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1112 from FLOChip/turn","José Valim",4 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1114 from arunagw/databaseyml_doc","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Ensure Set-Cookie is not set on assets.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Dump and load rack-cache stuff.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Add a test case for issue #476.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #1093 from lucasmazza/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Use anonymous? that works on both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #1104 from colinyoung/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #1106 from vatrai/user_instruct","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #1090 from dchelimsky/issue-1089","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #1105 from kevmoo/b1103","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #1099 from dlee/optimize_indifferent_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-17","Fixes failing test, closes #1098.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-16","Deprecate attr_accessor_with_default.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-16","Merge pull request #1087 from amatsuda/generate_number_f...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-16","Merge pull request #1085 from amatsuda/amo_validator_ini...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-16","Merge pull request #573 from smartinez87/attr","José Valim",4 "2011-05-15","Merge pull request #570 from sikachu/decouple_actionpack","José Valim",4 "2011-05-15","Merge pull request #568 from carlosantoniodasilva/fields...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-14","Added some docs to controller runtime.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-14","Merge pull request #554 from tomafro/reset-activerecord-...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-14","Merge pull request #550 from jasondew/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-05-13","Merge pull request #540 from sikachu/mailer_generator_1_...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-13","Merge pull request #542 from guilleiguaran/1_9_hash_style","José Valim",4 "2011-05-13","Merge pull request #547 from vatrai/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-05-12","Merge pull request #532 from amatsuda/update_script","José Valim",4 "2011-05-12","Merge pull request #531 from amatsuda/update_javascripts","José Valim",4 "2011-05-12","Merge pull request #524 from joshk/ar_create_mas_correction","José Valim",4 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #515 from joshk/patch-3","José Valim",4 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #519 from knapo/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #507 from dlee/fix_identity_map_tests","José Valim",4 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #506 from dlee/custom_csrf_token_tests","José Valim",4 "2011-05-11","Merge pull request #503 from smartinez87/conventions","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #501 from guilleiguaran/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Get around weird missing constant error caused by AS ins...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #499 from smartinez87/csv","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #498 from vatrai/minor_cleaning","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #494 from vijaydev/patch-5","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #492 from jaw6/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Fix previous commit by allowing a proc to be given as re...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #446 from danielstutzman/response_bod...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #484 from slainer68/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #482 from vijaydev/patch-2","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Document identity map inconsistency with associations, c...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Fix #480. Passing nil to create association works.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Revert "b9ea751d0e56bd00d341766977a607ed3f7ddd0f".","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Add failing tests according to #479.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Add failing tests, according to #480.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Ensure assign_attributes and update_attributes do not fa...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-10","Add tests for content_for() for read, closes #475.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Disable identity map by default. Detailed documentation ...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Merge pull request #471 from joshk/remove_as_concern","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Merge pull request #461 from chrislwade/sorted-migrations","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Warn if we cannot verify CSRF token authenticity","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Fix failing test.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Oops, missing autoload, closes #466","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Merge pull request #465 from sven-q/3-0-stable","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Merge pull request #460 from guilleiguaran/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","Optimize the most common resolver case.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-09","No need for replace.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #457 from vijaydev/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #455 from joshk/mass_assignment_roles","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #388 from smartinez87/remove_method","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","prepend the assets route instead of appending, closes #436","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #454 from dlee/nested_indifferent_access","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Revert to use === only here because of perf. :(","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #420 from burke/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #430 from dlee/methodoverride","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Fix failing xml mini test.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #452 from jrom/runner-r-alias","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Revert "Merge pull request #275 from pk-amooma/master"","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Always expand */*","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","xml_mini_test.rb now runs.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #434 from arunagw/changelog_doc","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Class.new.name returns an empty string on 1.8","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Revert "Revert the merge because tests did not pass."","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #343 from asanghi/ampm","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #286 from jasoncodes/marshal_subsec","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","ADdd missing requires (thanks to @arunagw)","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #280 from jballanc/frozen-string-stri...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #275 from pk-amooma/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #263 from CvX/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge remote branch 'rolftimmermans/desc_tracker'","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #248 from bigfix/enumerable_as_json","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #349 from bradley178/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-07","Use .ref instead of .to_sym.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #424 from gnufied/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Revert the merge because tests did not pass.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #423 from richardiux/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #419 from smartinez87/avail_action","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Revert to old semantics, use available_action? instead o...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #389 from jasonrudolph/always_flush_l...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Revert "Pass the proper method_name instead of hardcodin...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #414 from asanghi/lh5796","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Don't pluralize, camelize.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Don't pluralize, camelize.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","More updates to ivars list.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Move variables to underscore format, update protected in...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #410 from asanghi/LH6074","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #408 from etdsoft/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Ensure params wrapper settings are not inherited and cal...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Update CHANGELOGs.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #400 from arunagw/ruby_prof","José Valim",4 "2011-05-05","Merge pull request #397 from dchelimsky/view-path-decorator","José Valim",4 "2011-05-05","Merge pull request #394 from splattael/fix_rake_routes_s...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-05","Merge pull request #392 from janx/master","José Valim",4 "2011-05-05","Update respond_with docs to deal better with collections.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-05","Merge pull request #390 from arunagw/jruby_openssl","José Valim",4 "2011-05-05","Merge pull request #391 from bradleypriest/patch-1","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Merge pull request #387 from smartinez87/remove_method.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Fix renew feature on cookies.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Fix .subdomain regression.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Use remove possible method here.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Relax this dependency a bit.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Let's run those precious tests against the gem.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Move sandbox to AR and pass the sandbox as a value. This...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Remove defined?(ActiveRecord) and use the railtie hook i...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","More AV::Base cleanup.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Move prefixes to view paths as they are now a lookup con...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Also allow prefixes as third argument to lookup context.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Merge remote branch 'apotonick/presentation'","José Valim",4 "2011-05-04","Merge pull request #383 from mathie/patch-1.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Use latest rack-test.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Merge pull request #380 from vijaydev/master.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Merge pull request #378 from danielvlopes/master.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Add a shared entry point for AV and AC render which can ...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Merge pull request #377 from joshk/rails_legacy_mapper_m...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Merge pull request #375 from k33l0r/master.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Add static_cache_control as configuration option and set...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","We no longer depend on those git repos.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","No need for a regexp here.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Static middleware accepts cache control.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Multipart is now fixed in Rack.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-03","Merge pull request #373 from sikachu/bomb.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","More performance optimizations.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Improve performance for filtered parameters and add tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Instrumentation should have callbacks.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Move most processing to load time for performance and im...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Koz asked to test something crazy.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Allow ignore_accept_header through configuration option.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Add ignore_accept_header config to AD::Request.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Merge pull request #367 from sikachu/credit_changelog.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Fix failing AR test.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-02","Merge pull request #360 from cgriego/activeresource-perf...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","Tidy up pending TODOs after discussion with Mr. Gatoz (@...","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","Streaming docs.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","log errors when an exception happens when streaming.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","Add a test for rendering from the controller context.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","Introduce view renderer.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","Remove view dependency from AV::Renderer.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","More cleanup and moving responsibilities around.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","Remove more dependencies from the view.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","Remove dependency from _template.","José Valim",4 "2011-05-01","Start abstracting the renderer.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-29","Make postgresql faster on development (thanks to @tapajos).","José Valim",4 "2011-04-29","No need for &block here.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-29","Make postgresql faster on development (thanks to @tapajos).","José Valim",4 "2011-04-29","Merged pull request #344 from asanghi/callback_if.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Merge remote branch 'myron/am_disabling_fix_memory_leaks'","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Merged pull request #327 from dcrec1/master.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Merged pull request #336 from neerajdotname/upgrade_rack...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Tidy up previous commit.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Merged pull request #219 from panthomakos/memcache.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Merged pull request #198 from robdimarco/2-3-stable.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Merged pull request #333 from jgarber/master.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Revert "Handle enabling/disabling observers at different...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Merged pull request #331 from daphonz/2-3-stable.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-28","Merged pull request #328 from MSNexploder/fix_clear_infl...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #279 from miloops/434d757.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #278 from miloops/fix_console.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #308 from joshk/assign_attributes.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-25","Merged pull request #305 from joshk/bump_deprecation.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-25","Fix tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-22","File watcher won't make the cut for 3.1. Maybe on 3.2.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-22","Use .erb in the test.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-20","Fix tests on 1.8 by explicitly checking for strings (whi...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Use initialize_copy! to proper initialize now on clone.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Actually add an abstract class, so it is easier to get r...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Include modules to the context in the railtie.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Let's use inheritance here, shall we?","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Let's not dup because value may not always be duplicable.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Avoid define_method if possible.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Avoid define_method if possible.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Do not stream on HTTP/1.0.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Output a redirect to the 500 page if something happens w...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Do not inherit from Rack::Response, remove a shit-ton of...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-19","Be sure to not store the closed flash in the session.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-18","Test explicit skip.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-18","Just define the controller if fibers are defined.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-18","Body... wanna *stream* my body? Body... such a thrill my...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-18","Rename it to DataStreaming.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-18","Add missing dependency.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-18","Slightly reorganize rendering stack.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-17","What a lovely surprise, controller_generator_test was al...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-17","Fix more generator tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-17","Lazily load sprockets.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-17","Fix assets generators.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-17","Make generators more modular, add hooks and improve test...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-17","Move app initializers to sprockets railtie.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-17","Move controller configs to sprockets own railtie.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-17","Generate app/* stubs directories for full plugins to sho...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","Fix CI test on 1.8","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","Class docs.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","Docs.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","content_for should work with provide.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","Add more tests, ensure we never yield outside the fiber ...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","Basic tests for streaming. Basic tests for provide.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","The magic medicine worked.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","Yo dawg, I heard you like streaming. So I put a fiber, i...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-16","Buffer should be an option passed down to template rende...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Initial work on fibered layout.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Fix generator tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Fix missing test_helper.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","render :once, YAGNI.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Make static faster as we don't have to serve multiple pa...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Remove the ability for engines to serve assets from the ...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Fix tests.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Booya, sprockets now works from Engines.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Add some very simple docs.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Remove rescue as it was clobbering the real error.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","attribute should be attributes","José Valim",4 "2011-04-15","Edited actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-11","Remove code duplication.","José Valim",4 "2011-04-11","No need to rescue here. Invoking the wrong method in an ...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-11","Revert "Add :use_include option to allow user to explici...","José Valim",4 "2011-04-10","Remove dead branch code that appeared back in a merge.","José Valim",4 "2011-03-31","Improve docs.","José Valim",4 "2011-03-30","Make action_method? public and change implicit rendering...","José Valim",4 "2011-03-29","Pass the proper method_name instead of hardcoding to act...","José Valim",4 "2011-03-29","Pass the proper method_name instead of hardcoding to act...","José Valim",4 "2011-03-19","Improved resolver docs a bit","José Valim",4 "2011-03-13","Revert "It should be possible to use ActiveSupport::Desc...","José Valim",4 "2011-03-11","Add missing require 'thread' to BufferedLogger.","José Valim",4 "2011-03-04","log and readme should respect --quiet","José Valim",4 "2011-03-04","log and readme should respect --quiet","José Valim",4 "2011-02-22","Fix tests on 1.8.","José Valim",4 "2011-02-11","Remove misleading reference to polymorphic_url.","José Valim",4 "2011-02-10","Revert "Removed Array#safe_join in AS core_ext and moved...","José Valim",4 "2011-02-08","Use Mime::Type references.","José Valim",4 "2011-02-08","Ensure render is case sensitive even on systems with cas...","José Valim",4 "2011-01-31","Use Mime::Type references.","José Valim",4 "2011-01-31","Ensure render is case sensitive even on systems with cas...","José Valim",4 "2011-01-31","Fix AM tests","José Valim",4 "2011-01-19","Solve SystemStackError when changing locale inside Actio...","José Valim",4 "2011-01-19","Solve SystemStackError when changing locale inside Actio...","José Valim",4 "2010-12-27","Clean up PathSet.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-27","No need to symbolize these.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-27","Final tidy up on templates inheritance.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-23","Don't deprecate to_prepare.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-23","Clean up callbacks should also be called on exceptions.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-20","Small changes on AD::Reloader.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-19","Use class_attribute to ensure weak_passwords are inherit...","José Valim",4 "2010-12-19","'unsecure' => 'insecure'","José Valim",4 "2010-12-19","Make password messages translatable.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-19","Add missing require and remove extra module.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-19","Avoid warnings and fix small typo on SecurePassword.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-09","Ensure asset_path defaults to nil for application","José Valim",4 "2010-12-09","Merge remote branch 'drogus/dummy_tasks'","José Valim",4 "2010-12-09","Ensure resolvers backward compatibility.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-09","Clean up asset_host and asset_path.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-09","Properly check the arity for template handlers.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-09","Check if the routes object really responds to define_mou...","José Valim",4 "2010-12-03","Wrap everything in class << self.","José Valim",4 "2010-12-03","Merge remote branch 'joshk/redirect_routing'","José Valim",4 "2010-12-01","Revert "Fix AbstractStore so that it preserves Set-Cooki...","José Valim",4 "2010-12-01","Revert "Fix generation of wrong json string when field h...","José Valim",4 "2010-12-01","Deprecate handler_class_for_extension as template handle...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-28","Partialy revert f1c13b0dd7b22b5f6289ca1a09f1d7a8c7c8584b","José Valim",4 "2010-11-28","Fix tests on 1.9.2.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-28","trailing star mimes should respect the order in which mi...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-27","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-26","Only convert direct hash instances in hash with indiffer...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-26","Only convert direct hash instances in hash with indiffer...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-25","Dynamically generaeted helpers on collection should not ...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-25","Dynamically generaeted helpers on collection should not ...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-25","#:nodoc: internal methods.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-24","Allow template handlers to store temp data.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-23","Remove bazillion warnings from AP suite.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-23","Speed up subdomain and domain calculus.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-20","Ensure session responds to destroy before calling it.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-20","Ensure calling reset session twice does not raise errors.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-20","Ensure calling reset session twice does not raise errors.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-20","I18n is always loaded on boot by Active Model or Action ...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-18","Revert "Remove deprecated form_for with strings or symbols"","José Valim",4 "2010-11-18","Facepunch failing tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-17","Pass the view object as parameter to the handler. Useful...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-17","Tidy up generators commits.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-15","Fix failing tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-15","Relax i18n requirement.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-15","Update abort message (ht: tilsammans).","José Valim",4 "2010-11-15","Add a note to TextHelpers making explicit their default ...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-14","Update the guides.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-11","Remove whitespaces and add missing test.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-11","Merge remote branch 'drogus/plugin_new'","José Valim",4 "2010-11-11","Add missing autoload.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-11","Remove inline comment.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-11","Allow AR Session Store to be renewed","José Valim",4 "2010-11-08","Add a note to TextHelpers making explicit their default ...","José Valim",4 "2010-11-04","Update to latest thor with https bug fix.","José Valim",4 "2010-11-04","Update to latest thor.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-26","Use latest I18n.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-26","Remove rack-cache-purge.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-21","Use render :template instead of render :file in nested l...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-14","Remove :cache => true on lookup templates initialization.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-14","SReorganize autoloads slightly and move two files to lib...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-14","render :once should consider the current controller prefix.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-14","Comment internal railties tasks.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-11","Updated DOCS for engines and added a couple TODOs. Also,...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Do not allow templates coming from Fallback resolvers to...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Use identifiers for template equality.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Merge remote branch 'drogus/engines'","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Clean up unused methods from AV::Base and pass in the te...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Add expire! and rerender to the template API. This will ...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Add some unit tests to Template#refresh.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Add support to render :once.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Clean up the house before moving in the new furniture.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-10","Resolvers now consider timestamps.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-09","Deprecate old template handler API. Remove old handlers.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-09","Add more docs and tests to templates.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-08","Cleanup logger a bit.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-08","Ensure rack body responds to each.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-08","Fix 1.9.2 failures.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-07","Allow cache to be temporarily disabled through lookup_co...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-07","render :template => 'foo/bar.json' now works as it should.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-07","Make collection rendering faster.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-07","Remove locals dependency from template.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-07","Get rid of ruby warnings in Resolvers. Move a few method...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-06","Provide a cleaner syntax for paths configuration that do...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-06","Clean up the builder abstraction in AppGenerator.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-05","Don't expect an AD::Response object back from the app.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-05","Use RbConfig instead of Config for 1.9.3 compatibility.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-04","No need to pass self as parameter here.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-04","Link to rack from github for this while.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-04","Ensure the proper content type is returned for static fi...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-04","Update to Thor 0.14.3.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-04","Initialize sid should just skip instance variables.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-03","Merge branch 'racksession'","José Valim",4 "2010-10-03","Solve some warnings and a failing test.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-03","Move ETag and ConditionalGet logic from AD::Response to ...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-03","Rely on Rack::Session stores API for more compatibility ...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02",":'' is not valid ruby.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02","Deprecate config.generators in Rails::Engine in favor of...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02","Be more explicit about what is deprecated.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02","Deprecate generators in Railties. You should use app_gen...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02",":'' is not valid ruby.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02","reload_routes! is part of the public API and should not ...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02","Fix a routing test. Reorganize middleware tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02","Revert "Perf: refactor _assign method to avoid inject an...","José Valim",4 "2010-10-02","Revert "Perf: refactor _assign method to avoid inject an...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-30","Revert "removing crazy finalizer code until there is pro...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-30","Add more information to comments.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-30","Merge remote branch 'drogus/engines'","José Valim",4 "2010-09-30","Use .find here as it is simpler and faster.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-30","Use .find here as it is simpler and faster.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-29","Merge remote branch 'miloops/warnings'","José Valim",4 "2010-09-29","Fix a small typo (ht: masterkain)","José Valim",4 "2010-09-29","Ensure that named routes do not overwrite previously def...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-29","Ensure that named routes do not overwrite previously def...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-29","Fix an error on 1.8.7.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-29","@_etag is not used anywhere.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-29","Avoid (@_var ||= nil) pattern by using initialize method...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-29","Merge remote branch 'miloops/warnings'","José Valim",4 "2010-09-27","Fix tests on 1.9.2.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-27","Properly initialize variables inside the initialize method.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-27","Merge remote branch 'gramos/ares-missing-prefix-value'","José Valim",4 "2010-09-27","Do not cache the script name outcome.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-27","Merge remote branch 'miloops/warnings'","José Valim",4 "2010-09-27","Call it compile_methods! and do the same on AM.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-27","Merge remote branch 'thedarkone/performance'","José Valim",4 "2010-09-25","Fix active_resource assertions.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-25","Update abort message (ht: tilsammans).","José Valim",4 "2010-09-24","Bump thor version requirement.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-24","There is no need to use instance_eval since the proc is ...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-05","Remove a few tests from old router that do not make sens...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-05","Merge remote branch 'drogus/remove_deprecated_routes'","José Valim",4 "2010-09-03","Remove more deprecated behavior from plugins.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-03","Small tidy up on Rails::Engine.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-03","This commit merges most of the work done by Piotr Sarnac...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-02","Revert "Setup explicit requires for files with exception...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-02","Ensure routes are loaded only after the initialization p...","José Valim",4 "2010-09-02","Remove deprecated dispatch test.","José Valim",4 "2010-09-02","Ensure routes are loaded only after the initialization p...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-30","Merge josevalim/deprecations branch.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-30","Remove NonConcattingString.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-30","Remove deprecated support to <% form_for %> and several ...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-29","Remove constants deprecation.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-29","Remove deprecations in ActiveModel.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-29","Deprecate the old mailer API that was not deprecated yet.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-29","Remove the deprecated API from ActionMailer.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-29","Ensure we are not calling length on nil.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-29","Ensure we are not calling length on nil.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-27","Add missing require.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-27","Add missing require.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Be sure to call helper :all just on direct children. (Te...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Doh, be sure to store the string modification.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Be sure to call helper :all just on direct children. (Te...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Doh, be sure to store the string modification.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Do not modify frozen strings in place.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Do not modify frozen strings in place.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Add clear_helpers as a way to clean up all helpers added...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Ensure templates like template.html are found but still ...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Add clear_helpers as a way to clean up all helpers added...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-26","Ensure templates like template.html are found but still ...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Allow format to be skipped. This is used internally by m...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Finally fix the bug where symbols and strings were not h...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Ensure shortcuts inside resources also generates helpers.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Allow format to be skipped. This is used internally by m...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Finally fix the bug where symbols and strings were not h...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Ensure shortcuts inside resources also generates helpers.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Hide internal apps from rake routes [#5443 state:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Hide internal apps from rake routes [#5443 state:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Fix how routes inside namespaces are generated.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Fix how routes inside namespaces are generated.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Ensure prefix in routes are generated properly.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Ensure prefix in routes are generated properly.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Ensure timestamps are not generated when explicitly set ...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Ensure timestamps are not generated when explicitly set ...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Fix a bug where symbols and strings were not behaving th...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Fix a bug where symbols and strings were not behaving th...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Update CHANGELOG for ActionPack.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-24","Update CHANGELOG for ActionPack.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-19","Use attribute readers as they are faster in general.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-19","Use attribute readers as they are faster in general.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-16","annoted_source_code may return nil if an erro rhappens d...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-16","annoted_source_code may return nil if an error happens d...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-15","Improve routes task code and print the application as :t...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-15","Improve routes task code and print the application as :t...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-15","to_key should return all exists keys (if any exists), re...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-15","to_key should return all exists keys (if any exists), re...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-12","Make update_attribute behave as in Rails 2.3 and documen...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-12","Make update_attribute behave as in Rails 2.3 and documen...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-11","Ensure @config is not a reserved instance variable in co...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-11","layout_for works again with objects as specified in the ...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-11","Ensure @config is not a reserved instance variable in co...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-11","layout_for works again with objects as specified in the ...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-10","Revert "require_dependency should require using the norm...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-10","Revert "require_dependency should require using the norm...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-04","Revert "If a file is in the load path, require it withou...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-04","Revert "If a file is in the load path, require it withou...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-04","Revert "Put lib back on the autoload path"","José Valim",4 "2010-08-04","Revert "Put lib back on the autoload path"","José Valim",4 "2010-08-03","Freeze options so we raise an error when people modify i...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-03","validates_length_of should not change the options hash i...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-03","Freeze options so we raise an error when people modify i...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-03","validates_length_of should not change the options hash i...","José Valim",4 "2010-08-03","Merge branch 'master' into 3-0-stable","José Valim",4 "2010-08-02","Bring returning back to ease migration.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-02","Remove duplicated logic.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-02","Tidy up previous commit.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-02","Handle edge cases in the previous patch.","José Valim",4 "2010-08-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-08-02","Add an internal (private API) after_touch callback. [#52...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-29","Revert "Avoid uneeded queries in session stores if sid i...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-28","More documentation to class_attribute.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-26","Move runtime back to the Thread.current","José Valim",4 "2010-07-26","Update to latest thor.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-25","Cache instrumenter again as per Aaron's patch.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-25","Cache connection access.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-25","Move runtime back to connection.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-25","Revert the previous three commits.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-25","runtime should be properly initialized.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-25","Move runtime to log subscriber.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-24","Get rid of instrumenter.elapsed.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-23","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-07-23","Clean up AM and AC railties.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-23","Also move asset_path to AbstractController.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-22","Merge remote branch 'spastorino/master'","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Use capture instead of yield in link_to_unless.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Ensure insert_before in middleware stack raises a meanin...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Ensure default_scope can be overwriten by association co...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Ensure all join table attributes will be in the same tim...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Revert "save on parent should not cascade to child unles...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Fix failing railties tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Reuse already existing classes for ActiveModel tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Add .rdoc extension to README files.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Rework a bit README files.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Improve contribuition guide.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","Remove old install.rb files.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-21","No need to delegate. Simply include the whole RecordIden...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-20","Fix a failing test in Railtie and properly define all se...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-20","Add a test for elapsed and require missing benchmark file.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-20","Add missing require to metal/streaming.rb","José Valim",4 "2010-07-20","Fix typo on CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-19","Remove assert_valid. It was already deprecated on Rails ...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-19","Add missing entries and tidy up CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-19","There is absolutely no need to use __send__ here.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-19","No need to create a new module in the previous commit.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-18","Set session options id to nil is respected and cancels l...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-18","Avoid uneeded queries in session stores if sid is not gi...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-18","Add console hook to force ActiveRecord::Base to be loade...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-17","Add skip_eager_load!, skip_autoload! and friends to path...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-13","Tidying up a bit, so update_attribute is not called twic...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-12","Just add connection management middleware if running in ...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-12","Remove old rubygems require.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-12","Routes should respect namespace even if action is a rege...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-08","Refactor previous commits a bit.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-08","Improve a bit the code in latest commits.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-08","Change documentation for ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecu...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-07","Add a test to ensure url helpers are not action methods ...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-05","Recognize should also work with route is wrapped in a co...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-05","RouteSet should also handle anonymous classes.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-05","Define a convention for descendants and subclasses.","José Valim",4 "2010-07-04","Use bind instead of instance_exec cause it may be causin...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-02","Fix routes with :controller segment when namespaced [#50...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-02","reload_routes! was still referencing old Rails::Applicat...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-01","Avoid calls to Rails::Application since this is not the ...","José Valim",4 "2010-07-01","Add the possibility to have several behaviors in AS::Dep...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-30","Make relation a private method.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-30","Improve the idiom used in multibyte chars a bit.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-30","Add missing CHANGELOG items.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-30","A couple enhancements to the router:","José Valim",4 "2010-06-30","Clean up the logic to specify the name and path for acti...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-29","Change :notification to :notify (ht: m4n)","José Valim",4 "2010-06-29","No need to check if the attribute exists (this is the sa...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-29","Push a failing test for issues [#4994] and [#5003].","José Valim",4 "2010-06-29","Rename _snowman_ to _snowman to be in sync with _method ...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-29","Tidy up deprecation message for with_exclusive_scope.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-29","Add scoping and unscoped as the syntax to replace the ol...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-29","Revert "Name compiled render methods". This caused sever...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-28","Make the sentinel flag for route a bit more robust.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-28","Tidy up valid conditions in router a bit.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-28","Do not trigger the old mapper to avoid deprecation messa...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-28","Deprecate the old router DSL. Since it is still used int...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-28","Update CHANGELOGs.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-27","A few changes were done in this commit:","José Valim",4 "2010-06-26","Create a little bit less objects in ARel.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-26","Tidy up tests in previous commit since they did not assu...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-26","Small changes to responder:","José Valim",4 "2010-06-26","Oops. Make previous commit pass on 1.9.2.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-26","Tidy up tests in previous commit since they did not assu...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-26","Work around the fact the JSON gem was overwriting to_jso...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-25","Merge branch 'tago'","José Valim",4 "2010-06-25","Do not mark the session as loaded if an error happened w...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-25","Calling exists? in the session store, without checking f...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-25","Just reading flash messages should not create a session ...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-24","Merge remote branch 'miloops/fixes'","José Valim",4 "2010-06-24","Avoid deserializing cookies too early, which causes sess...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-24","Ops, this should be beta4.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-24","Move Rails::LogSubscriber to ActiveSupport::LogSubscribe...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-24","Remove run_initializers from class methods.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-23","Avoid using Pathname on Resolver and AS::Dependencies.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-23","Use size for Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-22","Tidy up asset tag a bit and make railties tests green ag...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-22","Update CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-22","Provive resources_path_names helpers in the router.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-22","Stop filling the blocks scope array with nil.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-22","Deprecate :name_prefix in the new router DSL.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-22","Ensure overwritten callbacks conditions in controllers w...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-21","Refactor previous commit a bit [#4057 state:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-06-20","Alias app to build_middleware_stack for clarity.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-20","Remove unused webrick_server file.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-20","Update ActiveSupport CHANGELOG with latest changes.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-20","I18n.reload! is only called if any of the locale files a...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-20","Use the new ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker instead of ...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-20","Add ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-20","Improve documentation for add_lib_to_load_paths!","José Valim",4 "2010-06-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-06-19","ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks should not be requir...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-19","Clear DescendantsTracker on each request.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-19","Remove descendants warning while executing tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-19","ActiveRecord and ActionPack now use the new descendants ...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-19","Change callbacks to automatically include DescendantsTra...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-19","Add ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-17","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-06-17","Add a failing test for ticket #4874","José Valim",4 "2010-06-13","Tidy up generators based on latest change on AM.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-12","subject is automatically looked up on I18n using mailer_...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-12","Use load_paths on AR benchmarks so it uses the bundler s...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-12","No need to call convert_key before except.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-12","Simplify and optimize callbacks superclass sync.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-11","Revert "Don't overwrite unsaved updates when loading an ...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-10","Revert "Add support for multi-subdomain session by setti...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-10","Remove punctuate_body! No code in lib was using it and i...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-10","class_attribute is not a direct replacement of class_inh...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-09","Ensure show exceptions middleware properly filters backt...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-08","Add more cases to previous commit [#4394 state:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-06-08","Bring pg back.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-08","Accept both regexps and strings for LOCALHOST.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-08","Fix generator test broken when rails new was added.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-08","Hide remaining generators hooks [#4790 state:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-06-07","Really make include_root_in_json default to true [#3770 ...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-07","Add delete to middleware stack proxy.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-07","Fix case when rendering a partial inside RJS with inheri...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-07","member on resource should not expect an ID.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-07","Make the logic for nested_records_changed_for_autosave? ...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-07","Make AP test suite green once again and speed up perform...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-03","Add an asset_host accessor for consistency.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-03","Configure generators before invoking.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-03","Still copy application configuration to generator even i...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-03","Add lib to load paths when application is inherited to b...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-03","Add :only and :except to controllers MiddlewareStack. Th...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-03","Remove the laziness from the middleware stack.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-03","Use I18n 0.4.0","José Valim",4 "2010-06-02","Add an asset_host accessor for consistency.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-02","Configure generators before invoking.","José Valim",4 "2010-06-02","Still copy application configuration to generator even i...","José Valim",4 "2010-06-01","Add lib to load paths when application is inherited to b...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-30","Add :only and :except to controllers MiddlewareStack. Th...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-29","Remove the laziness from the middleware stack.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-27","Use I18n 0.4.0","José Valim",4 "2010-05-24","Ensure translations work with symbols.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-24","Fix a bug where responders were not working properly on ...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-23","Fix a bug where I18n fallbacks modules where not include...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-21","Fix failing test.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-20","Fix typo on rackup test (ht: pleax)","José Valim",4 "2010-05-18","Avoid creating a Rack::Response object in the cookie mid...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-18","Deprecate legacy CGI options in SessionStores.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-18","Cut the fat and make session stores rely on request.cook...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-18","Remove deprecated methods since 2-3-stable.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-18","Kill legacy dispatcher.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-18","Simplify cookie_store by simply relying on cookies.signed.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-17","Rely on set and delete cookie logic from rack.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-17","Allow root to be given in the resources scope without ne...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-17","superclass_delegating_accessor does not accept options.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-16","Add some comments related to Hash method check.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-16","Rename assert_attribute_type to asser_field_type.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-16","Move AD::Cascade to the bottom of the middleware stack.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-15","Expose remaining hooks to minimize the need for a Railti...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-15","Ensure that eager_load actually takes place just after t...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-15","Revert "Make ActiveModel::Errors#add_on_blank and #add_o...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-15","Optimize the code added in fa99de0bd054576336c9","José Valim",4 "2010-05-15","Update generators test.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-15","Improve previous patch a bit [#3645 state:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-05-14","Remove deprecated tests according to 8e679f1","José Valim",4 "2010-05-11","Remove i18n interpolation deprecation. It has been aroun...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-10","Make sure valid? preceives the context as in ActiveModel...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-05-09","Use annoted source code in Template:Error to avoid speci...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-08","Revert "Add index length support for MySQL [#1852 state:...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-03","Update I18n gem to 0.4.0.beta1 [#4525 state:resolved].","José Valim",4 "2010-05-03","Make backtrace_cleaner work as expected. Prior to this p...","José Valim",4 "2010-05-02","Event should be aware if yielded block failed or not.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-01","Speed up I18n helpers in views and add entry to CHANGELOG.","José Valim",4 "2010-05-01","Use %{} syntax in I18n (faster) instead of {{}}.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-30","Depend on the I18n 0.4.0.beta.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-30","Updated the generators guide.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-30","Update generators to use thor 0.13.6 with simpler source...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-30","Reorganize the mailer generator a bit.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-29","Update thor dependency to 0.13.5","José Valim",4 "2010-04-29","ActiveRecord middlewares should be inserted before AD::C...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-29","Move several configuration values from Hash to ActiveSup...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-29","Ops. Rename performance to profiler.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-29","The rake task :environment now loads config/environment....","José Valim",4 "2010-04-28","Fix failing test.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-26","No need to require test and rdoc tasks.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-26","Ensure application rake tasks and generators are loaded ...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-26","Refactor tests by moving all middleware tests to the sam...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-24","Fix render :xml test (ht Simo Niemelä)","José Valim",4 "2010-04-22","Speed up xml serializer by computing values just once an...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-22","Always downstream given options in :json, :xml and :js r...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-22","Clean up the config object in ActionPack. Create config_...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-20","Remove only formats in shortcuts and do it just once.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-20","Move observers initialization to after_config blocks, th...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-13","Allow a Rails application to be initialized from any dir...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-13","template_name and template_path should not be added to m...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-12","Fix a bug in url generation for generic routes.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-12","Ensure match path, :controller => name works as expected.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-12","Let capture handle the yielding.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-12","Fix ActionMailer test broken in 99d54599215c2a8cea7e57f6...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-12","Move set_fields! to the old API module.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-11","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Fix a typo in load_once_paths [#4357 state:resolved] (ht...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Use pluralize to properly inflect the number of errors.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Update versions (otherwise you install a gem from source...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Remove error_messages_for data from locale.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Move verification to a plugin as well: http://github.com...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Remove error_messages_for from scaffold.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Remove input, form, error_messages_for and error_message...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-10","Revert "Use path_names, not resource_path_names, consist...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-09","Fix a failure added on 958b0e977a263100e3767d749afc08986...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-09","Fix tests broken in 0653a6d30e1a2746c6fbab768a989e2b3750...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-09","Still use the directory command and also remove the fixt...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-08","Update rails.js to the latest one at http://github.com/r...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-08","Fix a bug in ActionDispatch::Static where Rails cannot f...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-07","Move the error raising to api_behavior.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-07","Alleviate the pain in working with utf8 templates by set...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-06","Use config.filter_parameters on in-browser request dump....","José Valim",4 "2010-04-06","Use raw in yield since templates engines should not be r...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-06","Rename search_field to test_search_field (ht: Piotr Usew...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-06","Remove :layout option from generators.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-05","Update the documentation for Engine and Railtie.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-05","Update the documentation for Engine and Railtie.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-05","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-04-05","A new application now comes with a layout and a stylesheet.","José Valim",4 "2010-04-05","Remove app/views from the load paths [#4226 state:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-04-05","Rename config.cookie_secret to config.secret_token and p...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-04","No .DS_Store on .gitignore. Text editor files should be ...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-02","Add a test which ensures action_dispatch.show_exceptions...","José Valim",4 "2010-04-02","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-04-02","Maintain the usage of :as consistent in the router. When...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-31","yield always return an array, so we don't need to use .key?","José Valim",4 "2010-03-31","Deprecate cookie_verifier_secret in favor of config.cook...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-30","Add a test which ensures slugs in :id work.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-30","Bring rdoc tasks back to plugins.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-30","Remove deprecated model_subclass since it was never publ...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-30","Remove if/else branch when generating the documentation ...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-29","Just inspect load paths to generate the documentation.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-29","Fix dom_id for ActiveRecord [#4296 state:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-03-29","Revert "Update USAGE docs for generators."","José Valim",4 "2010-03-29","Revert "Reorganized app/test directory. [#3057 state:res...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-28","Time zone tests were right all along.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-27","Ensure details are frozen after @details_keys lookup. Th...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-27","Revert "primary_key now supports :limit for MySQL". Brea...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-27","Do not need to load ActionPack::VERSION","José Valim",4 "2010-03-27","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-03-27","Revert "primary_key now supports :limit. [#876 state:res...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-27","Fix tests added in previous commit.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-27","Do not check for a valid const name in Rails 3.0 applica...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-26","Just assert for 'Hi' in generated mailer tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-26","Added compatibility to Ruby 1.9.2.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-26","Move application configuration to the application config...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-26","Revert "find railties and engines by name [4264 state:re...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-26","Rails router automatically calculated for you the contro...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-26","Improve heuristic for railties default name, otherwise r...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-26","Ensure to reference the proper TZInfo namespace [#4268 s...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-26","Remove reference to unexistent methods and fix typo.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-25","Actually, bring Arel back to Gemfile and use git repo si...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-25","Remove Arel's git repo from Gemfile and use system_timer...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-23","Use latest I18n (0.3.6).","José Valim",4 "2010-03-23","Ensure lib/rails/initializers/*.rb also works for gems.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-23","Explicitly require files before monkey patching them.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-23","bin/rails should use the new app generator path.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-23","Load generators from both lib/rails/generators and lib/g...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-22","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-03-22","Rename unsignificant to insignificant.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-22","Current url helpers become actions in controller. Added ...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-22","Controller generators should use routes shortcut.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-22","Make router shortcuts more polite to URLs starting with ...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-22","Killing fixtures in mailer before they kill me (they usu...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-21","Make ERB generators more flexible and customizable.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-19","Clean up Mime::Type and remove deprecated stuff (from 2.3).","José Valim",4 "2010-03-19","Controller generator now creates routes as well [#4233 s...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-19","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-03-19","Improve performance of the rendering stack by freezing f...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-19","Singleton classes returns parent's methods with instance...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-18","Sending the partial as info is no longer required.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-17","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-03-17","Mark bang instrumentations as something that you shuold ...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-17","Ensure json is loaded before using responders.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-16","Use human_name in scaffold.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-16","Fix rendering of HTML partials inside JS templates [#419...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-16","Change functional tests to make use of a setup block.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-16","Move more normalization up to the lookup context, so it ...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-14","Optimize DetailsKey generation.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-13","Ensure controller filters are executed before stuff star...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-13","Remove formats setters from render template, speeding up...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-12","Prettify generators description whenever using the defau...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-12","Load the environment before executing rails console. [#3...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-12","Revert "Always load the environment before executing any...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-12","Finish cleaning up rendering stack from views and move a...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-12","Allow anything that responds to render to be given as :t...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-12","Always load the environment before executing any command...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-12","%= works for content_tag and does not require parenthesi...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-12","Make all AP tests pass for Ruby 1.9.1.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-11","Add tests for lookup context.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-10","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-03-10","Optimize and clean up how details key get expired.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-10","Remove uneeded methods.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-10","Require AP::VERSION in order to install gems.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-09","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-03-09","Added alert to layouts on scaffold.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-09","Clean up the API required from ActionView::Template.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Clean LookupContext API.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Merge master.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Bring AM up to date with new rendering stack.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Move details to lookup_context and make resolvers use th...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Move ViewPaths module to its own file.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Speed up performance in resolvers by adding fallbacks ju...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Rename Template::Lookup to LookupContext.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","More refactoring on the views side of rendering.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Finally moved the find template logic to the views.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","More refactoring. Split _normalize_args and _normalize_o...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","More cleanup on the layouts side.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-08","Move layout lookup to views.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-07","Added template lookup responsible to hold all informatio...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-07","First take on ViewPaths clean up.","José Valim",4 "2010-03-06","Add mailers to paths in case someone wants to access it ...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-05","Actually, revert previous commit. Having a lot of inform...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-05","Define to_s method in ActionView::Resolver, so I'm not r...","José Valim",4 "2010-03-03","Add missing super call in AC::Metal. [#4085 status:resol...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-28","ActiveRecord should raise an error on invalid migration ...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-28","Add missing information about attributes method.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-28","ActiveModel::Lint should not require our models to respo...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-26","reload! on console now works as expected. [#3822 status:...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-26","Fix controller_path returnsing an empty string in Ruby 1...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-26","Update thor dependency.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-26","Add autoload to generators modules and fix failing test.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-26","Add missing require on abstract_controller/collector [#4...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-26","Application detection should also allow dots in the path.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-24","Renamed LocalizedCache to DetailsCache.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-24","Use render instead render_to_body.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-24","Cleanup render callstack and make render(:json => {}, :s...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-24","Remove the renderer option from the hash.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-22","Rename erubis_implementation to erb_implementation.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-22","Include missing modules.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-22","Fix AMo isolated tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-21","Add a tests which ensures filtered_parameters does not r...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-21","Store compiled parameter filters so we don't have to com...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-21","Make install appear on rake -T.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-21","Also check if application is a valid constant in rake ra...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-21","Add a test for default_url_options in AM.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-21","Require persisted? in ActiveModel::Lint and remove new_r...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-21","Add to_key and to_param methods to ActiveModel::Conversion.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-20","Rename engines_load_path to railties_load_path.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-19","Allow to choose the template path and template name used...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-19","Revert behavior from a5684dfa3c16472bfa5d5d861ba78cb6dba...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-18","Ensure config.after_initializer is executed before build...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-17","Rename router internal option :namespace to :controller_...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-17","Add readme as method in Rails::Generators::Actions (as w...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-16","Merge master.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-16","Show deprecation message for rails/init.rb in plugins.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-16","Make Railties tests green again.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-16","Ensure render :text => resource first tries to invoke :t...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-16","AD::TestProcess relies on request.flash, so let's load it.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-16","Should allow symbols in :only and :except in routes.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-16","Do not swallow controller loading errors unless required.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-16","Subscriber should not explode if a non namespaced instru...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-10","Fix a couple failing tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-09","Remove outdated docs.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-08","Take into account gem versions (so script/rails server c...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-07","Check if Test::Unit is defined before adding backtrace f...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-07","Add backtrace cleaner on test unit railtie.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-07","Fix nested attributes with specified collection.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-06","Add config.generators.templates to provide alternative p...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-06","Add a test which ensures namespaced roots.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-06","Routes should not swallow all NameErrors [#3862 status:r...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-04","Remove duplicated version check.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-04","Automatically require rubygems when --dev flag is given.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-04","Update Gemfile to use latest bundler config.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-04","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-02-04","Remove instrument! and require thread from AS::Notificat...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-03","Make bin/rails call rails/commands/application, fix gene...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-03","Properly show middlewares on rake about.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-03","No more vendored thor.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-03","Add method and path to AC notifications.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-03","Merge remote branch 'mikel/master'","José Valim",4 "2010-02-03","Small I18n updates on release notes.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-02","Add docs for Railtie, Engine, Plugin and Application.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-02","Revert "failing tests in multibyte_chars_test.rb fixed"....","José Valim",4 "2010-02-02","Configuration values should be on AV::Base.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-02","Get rid of deprecation warnings on config/environments/*","José Valim",4 "2010-02-02","Ensure that attr_reader methods in generators are protec...","José Valim",4 "2010-02-01","Make AM test suite green.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-01","Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-02-01","Deprecate AC configuration values which were moved to Rack.","José Valim",4 "2010-02-01","Add config.generators.fallbacks.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-31","Improve missing template error messages a little bit.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-30","Bring helpers_dir deprecation back.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-30","Add transfer_encoding= setter deprecation.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-30","Fix some backward incompatible behavior on AM.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-30","Drop AR I18n deprecation and simple use errors.messages ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-30","Improve railtie deprecation messages.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-29","Only load testing tasks if test unit is being used.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-29","Automatically configure generators if application is def...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-29","Added :format and :locale options to render.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-29","Fix rendering of layouts.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-29","Get rid of AM warnings in AP test suite.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-29","ActionMailer should depend just on AbstractController.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-28","Add more tests to some key points in Railties.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-28","Add reloadable specific for engines and move environment...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-28","Add config.to_prepare back and add tests for it.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-28","Refactor MetalLoader and RoutesReloader to rely less on ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","AC railtie should configure helpers path.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Fix t('.helper').","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Bring AM tests back to green again.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Fix failing tests on AM about render(:body => Hash).","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Bring layouts with proc back alive.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Also include translation in ActionMailer.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Merge remote branch 'mikel/master'","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Tidy up tests and docs.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Add a test which ensures application can overwrite plugi...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Clean up Rails::Rack::Logger.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Move Rails::Rack::Metal to Rails::Application::Metal and...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Middleware stack actually runs routes and not the applic...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Add tests for explicit engines.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Remove old fixtures files.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Refactor railties test, break huge files in smaller chu...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Ensure app does not show up in generators.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Ensure proper class is shown on rake middleware.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Ensure calling a method in Rails::Application does not i...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Update generators to use new defaults.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Deprecate old defaults API.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Make defaults accept a hash.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Merge remote branch 'mikel/master'","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Fix small typo.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Refactor content type setting, added tests to ensure bou...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","Remove old files, add some information to docs and impro...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-26","More work on generated mailer templates.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Ensure root routes inside optional scopes works as expec...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Ensure all initializers are collections.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Add a deprecation for helpers_dir.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Refactor some railties tests structure.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","As first step setup the load path and lazy compare midd...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Fix i18n locales order test.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","We don't support enriched yet","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Added initial documentation for the new API","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Change mailer generator templates and refactor the whole...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Updated to mail 2.1.1","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Updated gemspec for Mail","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Got AM working with Mail yield on delivery_handler and u...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","changed test to get TestMailer to use :file delivery met...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Added delivery_handler method to mail and implemented in...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-25","Add active_model/railtie back to generated boot.rb, add ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Added delivers_from.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Add some view paths tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mikel/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Ensure implicit multipart templates with locale works as...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Speed up some Hash core extensions.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Remove deprecated behavior since 2.3.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Add uniq_by and uniq_by! to Array.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Fix a couple failures on 1.9.1.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Add tests to mail helper.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Move old tests to a specific folder and add some deliver...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Handle some TODOs and deprecations.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Finish cleaning up delivery methods implementation.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Maintain old_api and deprecated_api in different files.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Add new class delivery method API.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Some refactoring.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Fix failing tests after merge.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Ensure metals and initializers in plugins are loaded.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Add tests for plugin sanity check.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Rename plugin_name to railtie_name and engine_name.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Ensure environment config has higher priority than appli...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Ensure helpers work from configured path.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Ensure namespaced controllers in engines work.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Adding failing tests for calling just the action, instea...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Add I18n tests to engines.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Load deprecated tasks for plugins.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Make plugin generator compatible with new schema.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Solve some pendencies.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Moving AS::Notifications call to one location in base","José Valim",4 "2010-01-24","Delegated ActionMailer::Base.deliveries to Mail.deliveri...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Set sort order for explicit parts from the collector's t...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Move console stuff to its own directory.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Merge branch 'master' into app","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Move configuration to subfolders.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Create configurable modules and ensure that they are add...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Plugin is now an Engine.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","First steps into making Plugin < Engine.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Extract Railtie load from application.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Break application.rb file in smaller chunks.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Extract routes reloading responsibilities from applicati...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Add some tests to collector with templates and any.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Make implicit and explicit templates pass through the sa...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Adding collector to ActionMailer","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Added basic explicit multipart rendering and tests","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Move double render check out of AbstractController.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Refactor subject with i18n.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Added AbstractController::Collector.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Ensure user set load paths have higher preference and mo...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-23","Get rid of initializers global and create i18n railtie.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Moved more configuration away from bootstrap.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Ensure strings given to render with slash are rendered r...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Got tests working once again.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Get implicit multipart and attachments working together.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","First work on implicit multipart.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Add basic template rendering to new DSL.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Add more tests to new API.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Move class methods to deprecated stuff.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Moved deprecated_body.rb to deprecatead_api.rb","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Updating functional tests to not compare equality with e...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Updating deprecated_body.rb to use :content instead of :...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Added use of AS::Notifications for tmail_compat.rb","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Updating deprecated API to sanitize old style attachment...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-22","Add view paths to Engine setup.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Massive cleanup in Railties and load stack.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Make filter parameters based on request, so they can be ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Give higher priority to rails generators.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Default to sync instrumentation.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Add shortcut test to abstract/render_test.rb","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Don't let generators die if rubygems puts crap in your l...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Tidy up new filter_parameters implementation.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Adding tests for attachments['blah.rb'] = {} et al","José Valim",4 "2010-01-21","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-20","Move ActionController::Translation to AbstractController...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-20","Bring normalize behavior to AbstractController::Rendering","José Valim",4 "2010-01-20","Mail method accepting all headers set via the hash","José Valim",4 "2010-01-20","Created mail method for new API","José Valim",4 "2010-01-20","Moved old API into deprecated_api.rb in preparation for ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Mail should log when raise_delivery_methods is false.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Avoid load tasks from plugins recursively (so stuff in t...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Allow railties to specify generators paths.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Get rid of RAILS_ROOT deprecation on AM::TestCase.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Logging thread should not die on logging errors.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Move parameters to the top on logging.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Fix failing test.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Do not send rack.input or any other rack information to ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Refactor delivery methods.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Get all tests passing.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Bring render_message back for 2.3 compatibility.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Bring body(Hash) behavior back.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","`script/generate mailer Notifier` will now create a mail...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Get generators tests running on Ruby 1.9.1","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Improve script/generate help.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-19","Since Rails will require Ruby >= 1.8.7, we can rely on i...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-18","Rake tasks should load generators from new paths.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-18","Improve generators help.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-18","More cleaning up on rails generators load path.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-18","Generators load path now will be Ruby load path. If you ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-18","Automatically remove :generators: from namespaces.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-18","Ensure generators can be invoked by their shortcut and r...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-18","Ensure deprecated validate methods are invoked when they...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Fix resources_path_names branch which was sending an arr...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Plugin generator should use templates.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","save(false) is gone, use save(:validate => false) instead.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Move middleware builder back to Rails::Rack::Metal witho...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Add ActionDispatch::Railties::Subscriber and finish tidy...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Get rid of prepare_each_request, since now it's a middle...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Add notifications to default middleware stack and update...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Add ActionDispatch::Notifications middleware.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Validates needs hash slice.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-17","Clean up filter parameter logging tests.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-16","Split ActionDispatch http in smaller chunks.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Move I18n to gemspec and update dependencies.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Add tests for simple match with namespace.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Add some implicit path tests to Subscriber.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","In heterogeneous collections, neither the @path nor the ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Allow f.submit to be localized per object.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Remove URI object from ActiveResource notification, send...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Ensure log is flushed and tailed on failures.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Bundle automatically if --dev or --edge is given as option.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Add message_id to AM payload and don't send bcc and cc i...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Template rendering should include layout time.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Fix an issue where log was not being tailed in the first...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Do not send the whole controller in notifications, cherr...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Ensure we just send Ruby Stdlib objects in ActionMailer ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","ActiveRecord should give the connection id as payload, a...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Yield the payload notifications for further modification...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","LogTailer should be invoked after all logs in threads we...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Rails::Subscriber is now responsible for flushing all lo...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Small tweaks in ActionController subscriber messages for...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-15","Move Dispatcher setup to Railties and add instrumentatio...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Add documentation to f.submit and make scaffold generato...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Different nested validations should not be ignore [#3638...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Ensure optional path scopes are properly handled.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Make check boxes accept :multiple as option so they can ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Call :to_model before working with the object.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Tidy up ActiveRecord and Views runtime information on pr...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Add notifications to ActiveResource.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Add instrument! to notifications which adds the result t...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-14","Add subscriber to ActionMailer.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","ControllerRuntime tests also use Rails::Subscriber::Test...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Test fragment/page cache and send data/file notifications.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Add subscriber for ActionPack and move all logging insid...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Deprecate ActiveRecord::Base.colorize_logging.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Create Rails::Subscriber::TestHelper and use it to make ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Move AR logging responsibilities to ActiveRecord::Railti...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Set up subscriber on initialization.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Remove allow_concurrency and verification_timeout from A...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Get rid of old rails_info_controller.rb","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Set deprecation warnings for RAILS_ENV and RAILS_DEFAULT...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Allow to add subscribers through Railtie.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Do not send notifications when instrumentation raise an ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Stub initial Rails::Subscriber implementation.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","As the other constants, RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER no more.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Revert "Add a generator_paths config option"","José Valim",4 "2010-01-13","Remove old bundler version from vendor.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-11","Fix typos and add tests to ensure they will be caught th...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-11","Expose connections available in the connection pool.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-11","Improve ActionPack logger output.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-11","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-11","Send the connection in AR notifications to avoid checkin...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-11","Provide useful information when instrumenting partials.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-10","Raise an error if respond_with is invoked and no format ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-10","Ensure nested namespaces work as expected.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-08","Merge remote branch 'eloy/2-3-stable' into 2-3-stable","José Valim",4 "2010-01-08","Merge remote branch 'eloy/master'","José Valim",4 "2010-01-08","Fix typo by renaming :genre to :gender.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-08","Ensure new validates works with uniqueness validator.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-08","Mailer should give self as payload because it contains a...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-08","Allow validates to map some types to specific options. S...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-08","Compile length validator options still at the class leve...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","No more hacks to ensure generators are executed inside R...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Ensure application names are not singularized.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Ensure config/application.rb also uses app_const instead...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Merge remote branch 'eloy/master'","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Allow :if, :unless, :on, :allow_nil and :allow_blank as ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Ensure that segments in default_url_options also work wi...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","From now on, parameters defined in default_url_options c...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Remove duplicated url_for code and move methods shared b...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Updated the documentation for helpers.label.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Allow to specify default attributes names translation in...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Be sure to dup load paths before clearing the array.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Use helpers.label instead of views.labels.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","errors in ActionView should not be namespaced as well.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Add a deprecation message to activerecord.errors.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Errors messages are now moved from :activerecord.errors ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-07","Use helpers.label instead of views.labels.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-06","instrumenter should be accessible from ActiveSupport::No...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-06","Ensure before_validation and after_validation accepts :o...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-06","namespace in routes changes both the path and name prefix.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-06","Allow named routes to be debugged.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-05","Ruby 1.9.1 requires hash given to foormat to contain sym...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-05","Remove CGI.escape in function of Rack::Mount.escape","José Valim",4 "2010-01-05","redirect in routes takes port into account [#3653 status...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-04","Make ActionPack specs work when I18n 0.3.3 is installed ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-04","Expose Instrumenter id in Notifications.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-04","@_formats initialization should be AbstractController::B...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-04","Remove deprecated formatted named routes","José Valim",4 "2010-01-04","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Bring generators tests back to life.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Use underscore in notification namespaces.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Ensure no notification is on the queue before running no...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Add notifications to ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, thi...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Use namespaces in notifications.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Add missing tests to Validators.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Move all generators tests to use new test case syntax.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Create Rails::Generators::TestCase.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Assert for valid application names. [#3556 status:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2010-01-03","Use regexp in lookups instead of traversing namespaces. ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-02","Rails notifications are set through Railtie in each fram...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-02","Remove deprecated ActiveModel tests (%d and %s is no lon...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-02","Update vendored Thor.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-02","Do not enforce human_attribute_name as required API.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-02","Add naming to AMo::Lint","José Valim",4 "2010-01-02","Use activerecord.errors.format as in Rails 2.3.5.","José Valim",4 "2010-01-02","Be sure to convert namespaced names to we have 'Parrots ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-02","Make nested attributes behave like in 2.3.5 and add a sa...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-01","Make rendering in ActionView happen through _render_temp...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-01","Expose a _render_partial hook as thhe _render_template o...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-01","ActionController::Logger should include AbstractControll...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-01","controller_path is required by ActionView, so move it up...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-01","Simplify repair_validations on AR and make it work with ...","José Valim",4 "2010-01-01","Fix inheritance issue with new callbacks.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-30","Get rid of DeprecatedCallbacks in ActiveRecord::Associat...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-30","Setup and teardown now use new callbacks.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-30","Kick AR logging back to life and move ControllerRuntime ...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-30","Get rid of DeprecatedCallbacks in ActiveRecord::Associat...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-30","Setup and teardown now use new callbacks.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-29","Clean up railties Rakefile from old responsibilities whi...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-29","Add rails app --edge and rails app --dev","José Valim",4 "2009-12-29","Add default respond_to formats to ApplicationController.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-29","Move ActiveRecord callbacks implementation to ActiveMode...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-28","Remove unused code paths and require mail only when it's...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-27","Fix generators tests.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-27","Remove ActiveRecord runtime logging from ActionPack and ...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-27","Add config.action_controller.include behavior to plugins.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-27","DRY ActionMailer code.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-27","Getting rid of some warnings in AM suite.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-27","Merge Mail with latest Rails and move mail gem to Gemfile.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-26","Remove ActionView inline logging to ActiveSupport::Notif...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-26","More <%= render(@posts) %> optimization.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-26","Optimize <%= render(@posts) %>.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-26","Break instrumentation into several end-points so renderi...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-26","Wrap layout rendering in one method: _render_layout (thi...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-26","String#<< should work for any object which responds to :...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-25","Fix whiny_nil tests, improve error messages and make CI ...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-25","Refactor multiple parts logic and move Utils to PartCont...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-25","adv_attr_accessors in ActionMailer are not sent to the v...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-25","Move i18n to Gemfile.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-25","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-12-23","No need to use ValidationsRepairHelper hack on ActiveMod...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-23","Small clean up in Naming and TTranslation tests.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-23","ActiveRecord::Validations are now built on top of Valida...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-23","validates_each uses a BlockValidator.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-23","Added check_validity! to EachValidator and refactor exis...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-22","Move validations in ActiveModel to validators, however a...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-22","Validator is simply sent to validate method. However, th...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-22","Make ActionMailer::Base inherit from AbstractController:...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-22","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-12-16","Fix another regression due to the inclusion of ActiveRec...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-11","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-12-07","Responder redirects to resource if destroy fails.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-07","Make controller.flash public to be used in responders.","José Valim",4 "2009-12-03","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-12-02","Update vendored thor and ensure that content is complete...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-01","Allow ActionController::Responder to have a common entry...","José Valim",4 "2009-12-01","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-11-26","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-11-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-11-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-11-24","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-11-23","Ensure generator fallbacks work even when a context is g...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-23","Also load generators at lib/rails_generators.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-23","Create SyncListener. Since they do not rely on Thread, t...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-22","More improvements to generators guide.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-22","More improvements to Rails Generators Guide.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-22","First version of Generators guides","José Valim",4 "2009-11-13","Split mime responder into smaller chunks and allow actio...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-11","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-11-10","[PATCH] Optimize Error I18n to avoid unecessary lookups ...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-09","Change mailer subjects lookup.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-09","Bundle I18n 0.2.0.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-09","Refactor generators a little bit.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-09","Update Rails Generators to use Thor 0.12.0.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-04","Pass config.generators options along when RAILS_GENERATO...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-04","Remove --freeze (since Rails will come bundled in all ne...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-04","Ensure ActiveRecord is loaded on revoke/destroy.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-04","Avoid duplicated names on help description and show prop...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-03","Ensure that generators can be invoked from any directory.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-03","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Extracted localized_cache.rb from ActionController, adde...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Allow :instance_reader to be given to superclass_delegat...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Use I18n on ActionMailer subjects by default.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","More refactoring on ActionMailer::Base.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Make tests run without deprecation warning (just one left).","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Another refactoring on AM. body is deprecated, use rende...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Add some basic render_test to AbstractController.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Improve AbstractController layouts coverage.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Move some of helper tests to AbstractController.","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Move all render and layout pieces required in ActionMail...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Remove ActionMailer helpers and rely on AbstractControll...","José Valim",4 "2009-11-01","Refactor ActionMailer layout and remove legacy one.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-28","Generators should use Rails.root instead of Dir.pwd [#34...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-28","Make polymorphic_url work with symbols again and refacto...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-28","Make polymorphic_url work with symbols again and refacto...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-28","Fix nested attributes error messages which is broken in ...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-27","Fix rake dev and update vendored Thor.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-21","Fix error_messages_for when instance variable names are ...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-21","Move validator, human_name and human_attribute_name to A...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-17","By default use ActiveModel API in controller generators,...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-17","Make app generatoor specs green once again.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-17","Bring agnosticism to error_messages_for.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-17","Unify class_inheritable_accessor and extlib_inheritable_...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-16","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Renamed Orchestra to Notifications once again [#3321 sta...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Added parent_of? method to help tracing events.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Make Orchestra specs run on isolation.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Unify benchmark APIs.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Configure Orchestra on initialization.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Instrument cache store events only if required.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Update Orchestra instrumentations and move part of loggi...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Orchestra listeners have their own queue.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Events are created inside threads.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Abstract publishing, subscribing and instrumenting in Or...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Added queue abstraction to Orchestra.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-15","Revert "Rename Orchestra to Notifications [#3321 state:r...","José Valim",4 "2009-10-11","Fix rake dev.","José Valim",4 "2009-10-07","Do not ignore .empty_directory files.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-22","Fixes Sam Ruby tests suite.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-20","Instrumenting cache stores.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-20","Instrument create and deliver in ActionMailer.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-20","Use NewCallbacks on ActionDispatch::Callbacks.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-20","Add Orchestra instrumentation to fragment and page caching.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-20","Instrument process_action, render and sql.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-20","Added Orchestra.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-15","Remove unused code in ActionView.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-12","Rename nested attributes _delete to _destroy to reflect ...","José Valim",4 "2009-09-12","Rename nested attributes _delete to _destroy to reflect ...","José Valim",4 "2009-09-08","Fix callbacks on ActionPack.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-08","Allow scope to be changed for ActiveRecord::Errors#gener...","José Valim",4 "2009-09-08","Refactor new callbacks and AR implementation.","José Valim",4 "2009-09-08","Changed ActiveRecord to use new callbacks and speed up o...","José Valim",4 "2009-09-01","Assert primary key does not exist in habtm when the asso...","José Valim",4 "2009-09-01","Assert primary key does not exist in habtm when the asso...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-30","Change div.attribute to div.field and add some _form to ...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-30","Ensure scaffold works properly even if plural name is gi...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-30","Remove inline css. [#593 status:resolved]","José Valim",4 "2009-08-30","Change scaffold to use _form as partial and div's instea...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-30","Update vendored thor.","José Valim",4 "2009-08-29","Ensure that blocks are also handled inside the responder.","José Valim",4 "2009-08-29","Attempt to render the template inside the responder, so ...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-13","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-08-13","Ensure collections are not treated as nested resources.","José Valim",4 "2009-08-10","Use less strict rules in generators lookup, so people ca...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-10","Allow radio buttons to work with booleans.","José Valim",4 "2009-08-09","Improving test coverage for Range#sum [#2489]","José Valim",4 "2009-08-09","Optimize Range#sum only for integers [#2489]","José Valim",4 "2009-08-09","Make http digest work with different server/browser comb...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-09","Refactored create_migration on model generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-08-09","Optimize Range#sum to use arithmetic progression when a ...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-09","Make http digest work with different server/browser comb...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-08","Improved coverage for session_migration generator. [#300...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-08","Allow radio buttons to work with booleans.","José Valim",4 "2009-08-08","Added rubygems to generators load_paths, but we only loa...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-08","Rename Rails::Generators::ActionORM to Rails::Generators...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-08","Renamed ActionController::Renderer to ActionController::...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-07","Allow rails templates relative to the current path to be...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-07","Renamed presenter to renderer, added some documentation ...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-07","Encapsulate respond_with behavior in a presenter.","José Valim",4 "2009-08-07","Add destroyed? to ActiveRecord, include tests for polymo...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-07","Add nagivational behavior to respond_with.","José Valim",4 "2009-08-07","Updated vendored thor to 0.11.5","José Valim",4 "2009-08-07","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails in...","José Valim",4 "2009-08-07","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails in...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-31","Merge branch 'respond_with'","José Valim",4 "2009-07-31","Added tests for nested resources.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-31","Allow respond_with to deal with http verb accordingly.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-30","Remove any resource logic from respond_to.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Remove last TODO.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Add a couple more tests to respond_with.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Added respond_with.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Added tests for respond_to class method.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Ensure that the proper accept header value is set during...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Improve request test coverage by adding formats and nego...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Remove Mime::ALL from Mime::SET.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Refactor even more Responder. Move mime negotiation to r...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-29","Refactor Responder to only calculate available mime type...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-28","Always use application generator to run templates.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-28","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-07-28","Ensure that not namespaced generators also load RAILS_RO...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-28","Ensure that developers options are overwritten by user o...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-25","Allow templates for non namespaced generators too.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-23","Updated vendored thor to 0.11.3.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-23","Do not try to use thor gem.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-21","Solving merge conflicts.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-21","Allow nested and multiple fallbacks for generators.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-21","Change attributes default type to array to allow order t...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-21","Update db:sessions:create to use the proper generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-16","Modified rake tasks to use new app generator structure a...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-16","Update vendored Thor to have latest actions updates.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Implemented generaators fallbacks.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Change generators configuration to have a hash style.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Add a form hook to erb scaffold. Customize and go!","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Added source_paths to rails generators. If a template is...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Change false to :verbose => false as in new Thor version.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Allow nil and false to be given as configuration values ...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Allow namespaced configuration on generators.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-15","Refactored some generators to make use of improved invoc...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-14","Updated vendored Thor to 0.11.1 and update Rails::Genera...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-14","Add version to thor frozen gem.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Copy Thor files instead of using as a submodule.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Vendorized Thor.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Added a generator generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Ensure non timestamped migrations are generated properly.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Add some attribute readers to migration module.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Add hooks for integration and performance tests.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Remove generator environment until we have a gem manifest.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Make explicit that references and belongs_to types have ...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Always allow params to be skipped on action orm in gener...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Do not require options on class_option.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-13","Cache source root in a rails specific variable.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-12","Solving merge conflicts.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-09","Do not clean up frameworks on generators environment, ot...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-08","Add the new generators environment and update commands.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-08","Generators are configured on initialization if RAILS_ENV...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-08","Added config.generators with tests.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-08","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-07-06","Use active_support/mini since we just need inflections.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-06","Make specs pass on Ruby 1.9.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Load generators from user home and show a error message ...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Allow scaffold controller to load action_orm files on de...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Ensure that rails templates methods are invoked with the...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Use the proper shebang when using Ruby 1.9 or jruby or w...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Make generators test pass with latest Thor version","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Search for generators on vendorized plugins and gems.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Removed invoke_if and allow hook_for to accept boolean o...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Remove update_js from Rakefile and the uneeded railsgen.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-04","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-07-03","Add some tests for no_color! behavior.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-03","More tests for rails generators and lookup.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-03","Removed remaining old generators files.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-03","Plugin generators now reflect new generators sutrcture.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-03","Added lookup to generators.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-03","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Make color optional.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Make invoke output white and use padding.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Add update tasks.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Updated rake tasks.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Updated commands.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Rename a wrongly named file.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","rm -rf rails_generator/generators","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Tests for scaffold generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Added stylesheets controller which is invoked by scaffold.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Rename ControllerNamedBase to ScaffoldBase and move Acti...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Added tests to scaffold controller.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Added test unit files for scaffold_controller.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Added scaffold views to scaffold controller.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Make scaffold controller generate agnostic code and mark...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Added Rails::Generators::ActionORM to hold ORM methods n...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Added comments to meta programming code.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Ensure both migration and routes are removed on revoke.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Put migration methods into a separate folder and let jus...","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Added controller named base.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Removing unecessary class methods.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Added scaffold_controller.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Show second level invocations on usage.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Started with scaffold controller and added remove_hook_for.","José Valim",4 "2009-07-02","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-06-29","Small fix to plugin generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-29","Simplifying resource generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-28","Added singleton support to resource controller.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-28","Added tessts for resources generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-28","Added ResourceGenerator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-28","Use inject_into_file instead of gsub_file (the first is ...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-28","Added migration and session_migration generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-28","Move file action only to app generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-28","Added migrations and make base generators be lazy loaded.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Show invoked generators options on meta generators.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Add model_subclass generator with deprecation warning.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Added parent option to model generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Output invocations.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Rename invoke_for to hook_for.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Add a fixture replacement hook to TestUnit model generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Initial scratch of model generators.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Do not generate aliases automatically to avoid conflicts.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Make Observer generator agnostic.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-27","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Spec --no and --skip.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Add invoke_iff and invoke_for to the public interface.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Added invoke_if and make use of it on controller generat...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","invoke_for now uses Rails built-in lookup.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Added Rails::Generators.find_by_namespace.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Update some USAGE files.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Use type :default for invoke_for, this allows --no-test-...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Added Controller Generators.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Small fixes.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Clean up class collisions check and a class method helper.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Class collision checks.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Added HelperGenerator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Added integration and performance test generators.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Improving generators runner.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-26","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","More tests for mailer.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Mailer tests.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","More code refactoring.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Refactoring out descriptions.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Added Mailer generaator template engine and test framewo...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Added class collision checks.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Added observer generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Make tests pass again after merge.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Tests for metal generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Tests for plugin generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Get base_name from class_name.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Removed TODOs.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Clean up plugin generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-25","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Delete uneeded USAGE file.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Added plugin generators (and a couple of TODOs).","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Splitting base into several files.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","TestUnit, you have a home.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Change current sstructure.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Add GeneratedAttribute.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Removing template runner old specs.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","NamedBase.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Added a generator file responsable for loading generator...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Added metal generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Use Rails generators files organization.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Use Rails default banner.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-23","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-06-20","Remove class level conditions and ensure that RAILS_GEM_...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-20","More tests to app generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-20","First stub at app generators test.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Skip Rails::VERSION warnings.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Removing duplicated files.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Moving tests to new generators schema.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Starting test structure.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","No more application generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Template wwas not found? Raise an error.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Secret key generator. You are gone.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Kick boot_test back to life.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Refactor shebang to a class method, so other generators ...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Require open-uri, we will need it.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Do not show status when calling gsub_file or append_file.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Fix shebang on created files.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Change --freeze alias from -f to -F to avoid conflict wi...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Apply template when required.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Freeze rails when required.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Update templates to be backwards compatible.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Raise an error if invalid value for database is provided.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","When rails is invoked without args, be sure that help is...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Updated namespace so help can show usage properly.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Updated dependency, so we can remove extra code.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","bin/rails uses the new generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Added a couple more options to app generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Allow user to skip ActiveRecord, TestUnit and/or Prototy...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Small alias typo.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Moved prototypes files to where they should be.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Added usage to app generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Send new files too.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Add base and port actions. Not functional though.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Move prototype files to javascripts folder.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Send new files too.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","App generator is working using new generators (except fo...","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","More tasks into app generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Initial scratch of application generator.","José Valim",4 "2009-06-19","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","José Valim",4 "2009-06-17","Convert line breaks.","José Valim",4 "2009-05-15","Allow strings to be sent as collection to select.","José Valim",4 "2009-05-15","Allow strings to be sent as collection to select.","José Valim",4 "2009-04-18","Replaced TimeZone references by ActiveSupport::TimeZone","José Valim",4 "2009-04-05","Object names with underscore do the wrong lookup in I18n...","José Valim",4 "2009-02-07","Render implicit html template when xhr request now suppo...","José Valim",4 "2009-02-07","Added support to dashed locales in templates localizatio...","José Valim",4 "2009-02-02","Added localized rescue (404.da.html) [#1835 state:commit...","José Valim",4 "2009-01-18","Add ActionMailer::Base#enable_starttls_auto option for e...","José Valim",4 "2008-10-21","Dont try to auto-set the etag based on the body if any f...","José Valim",4 "2008-07-30","Initializer requires ERB explicitly instead of assuming ...","José Valim",4 "2008-07-30","Initializer requires ERB explicitly instead of assuming ...","José Valim",4 "2008-07-30","Initializer skips prepare_dispatcher if Action Controlle...","José Valim",4 "2008-07-30","Initializer skips prepare_dispatcher if Action Controlle...","José Valim",4 "2008-07-04","Allow caches_action to accept cache store options. [#416...","José Valim",4 "2008-06-03","Allow caches_action to accept a layout option [#198 stat...","José Valim",4 "2008-05-24","Added :select option to has_one and belongs_to, remove u...","José Valim",4 "2008-05-19","Add fragment_exist? and exist? methods to cache stores. ...","José Valim",4 "2008-05-14","Improve test coverage for filter_parameters [José Valim]","José Valim",4 "2013-09-12","these are not real developer objects, so counting them d...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12188 from SamSaffron/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-11","Merge branch '4-0-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-11","Merge pull request #12188 from SamSaffron/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-11","Revert "Add meta tag with charset information to applica...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-11","fix deleting join models with no pk","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-10","add a comment for sanity of other people to come","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-10","ask the association for records rather than calling `send`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-09","let the class cache object clean up user input","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-09","make @bitsweat happy. :heart:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-09","stop using deprecated api in the tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-07","hm:t join tables may not have a primary key","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-06","use polymorphic proxies to remove duplicate code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-06","reduce duplication somewhat","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-06","make the duplicate code more similar","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-06","auto link hm:t fixture join tables like habtm","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-06","don't depend on object state when reading fixture files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-06","ensure @model_class is initialized","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-05","no need to dup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-05","push logic outside the FixtureSet constructor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-05","only construct the FixtureSet with AR models","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-05","push constant lookup in the a cache object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-03","adding a hm:t test for singleton ar objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-03","support anonymous classes on has_many associations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-03","Merge pull request #12065 from SamSaffron/result_optimis...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-03","Merge pull request #12065 from SamSaffron/result_optimis...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-09-03","Merge pull request #11971 from freerunningtechnologies/d...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-31","clear all connections before forking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-31","Merge pull request #12090 from njakobsen/merger-performance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-31","reconnect after the fork returns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-31","reduce relation allocations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-31","remove unused variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-31","no need to fully qualify","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-30","move the cache to the AR models and populate it on inher...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-30","add a failing test for marshal + cache problems","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-30","no need for the const_get since we lock","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-30","require a class for cache computations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-30","cache misses should return self","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-30","add missing fixtures file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","make sure there are actually some categories when runnin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","pk should not be required for hm:t associations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","Merge branch 'typecast'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","correctly typecast keys, remove conditionals, reduce obj...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","no need to to_a the scope","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","remove extra flat_map array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","avoid extra empty array allocation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","extract owner id calculation to a method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-29","only call to_a when we have to","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-27","use consistent keys between cache get / set","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-27","remove intermediate variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-27","cache association reset calculation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-27","query the association rather than send the method for th...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #12048 from tjouan/app_generator-bin_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #12048 from tjouan/app_generator-bin_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-27","Merge pull request #12048 from tjouan/app_generator-bin_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #12037 from SamSaffron/mem_alloc","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-26","Merge pull request #12037 from SamSaffron/mem_alloc","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-22","Merge pull request #11971 from freerunningtechnologies/d...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-19","only reconnect if there was already an active connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-18","duration is called multiple times in dev, so lets cache it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-14","Merge pull request #11802 from ko1/fix_field_encoding_fo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-11","only reconnect if there was already an active connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-08","Merge pull request #11802 from ko1/fix_field_encoding_fo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-08","Merge pull request #11331 from vipulnsward/remove_condit...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-08","use `skip` so we can see what tests are not run","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","asakusa.rb hack night!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","freeze the constant value so it isn't duped when used as...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","making the comment more accurate","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","eagerly assign the attribute name cache, remove const_mi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","initialize generated modules on inclusion and on inherit...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","push attribute constant cache in to the attribute method...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","initialize ivars so we don't have to constantly check them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","eagerly initialize the attributes module to avoid check-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","adding a weird test case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-06","adding a weird test case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-02","add a test for concat on hm:t associations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-02","extract habtm handling to a method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","use drop and avoid a range object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","remove intermediate assignments","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","push option handling "chrome" outside `initialize`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","remove `valid_options` class method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","association builder classes no longer need the model","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","remove more mutations from the `build` method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","make mutation method apis more consistent","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","push more mutations outside the factory method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","push module building to the constructor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","users should be warned if clobbering constants","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","no need to define the constant twice","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","this code is dead, removing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","defning extensions happens once, no need to cache","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","assert that constants have been set rather than the names","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","remove dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","pushing out more callback definitions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","push more mutations out of the builder","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","remove dependency on @model when defining callbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","extract more mutations to the caller","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","separate some mutations from reflection construction","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","oops! :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","do is_a? tests on assignment so runtime is faster","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","Revert "all `scope_chain` methods allocate new arrays, n...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","callback should always have a value","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","no need to to_sym","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","pass the mixin in to the code generation methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","we should not allow invalid objects to be constructed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-01","push some validation up to the factory method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-31","use bind values for model types","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-30","all `scope_chain` methods allocate new arrays, no need t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-30","only calculate the klass once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-28","Merge pull request #11608 from arunagw/ruby-from-rubygems","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-25","grab executable from rubygems","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-24","oops!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-24","eliminate conditional in JoinHelper","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-24","acually get the actual source reflection :cry::gun:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","stop relying on side effects of const_missing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","add a specific factory method rather than using new","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","factory methods should not have side effects.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","extract mutation from generation method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","habtm can only ever be an association reflection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","use the predicate method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","AR::Base does not need to know how to create reflection ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","remove unnecessary reader","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","only flatten one side","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","extend by adding relationships rather than monkey patching","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-23","decouple extensions from association object state","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-18","use the superclass implementation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-16","parent_table is only used internally","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-16","decouple the manager class from building join constraints","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-16","cache the klass member of the reflection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-16","cache the scope chain on the stack and eliminate `i`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-16","just push on to the scope chain items. Oops! (thanks @ca...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-16","use Relation#merge to combine scope chain items","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-16","make sure scope_chain_items has consistent types","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-15","save another array allocation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-15","removing useless assingment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-15","reorder bind parameters when merging relations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-15","use arel rather than slapping together SQL strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-10","fix visibility of the relation construction methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-10","pass arel to select_all rather than depend on method_mis...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-08","close our connection when we are done","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-08","remove dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-08","if we remove the connection from the pool, we should clo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-08","use latches rather than mucking with the scheduler","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-08","refactor to_sql so it does not depend on the to_sql impl...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","method transplanting between modules isn't supported on 1.9","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","refactor the method cache objects to have a superclass","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","keep a cache of writer methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","move the reader method cache in to the read module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","keep a cache of the reader methods so we can reuse them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","reduce the amount of code Ruby has to parse","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","freeze the constant value so it isn't duped when used as...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","making the comment more accurate","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","stop storing multiple copies of a particular attribute name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","eagerly assign the attribute name cache, remove const_mi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","initialize generated modules on inclusion and on inherit...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-03","push attribute constant cache in to the attribute method...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","Revert "fix to_sql output on eager loaded relations"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","fix to_sql output on eager loaded relations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","fix to_sql output on eager loaded relations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","lock around mutating the generated methods module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","remove private attribute reader","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","define attribute methods in a thread safe manner","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","we don't need to use active support *everwhere* common.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","initialize ivars so we don't have to constantly check them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","eagerly initialize the attributes module to avoid check-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","remove wrong documentation from a :nodoc:'d method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","no need to to_sym the column name, leave it as-is","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","resolve aliases before passing the hash to the predicate...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","avoid intermediate zipped array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","make the identity type a singleton to save on object cre...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","only deal with strings internally","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","build an AST rather than slapping strings together","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-02","stop exposing the underlying alias datastructure","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-01","we don't need to to_s the column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-07-01","the data structure used to store attribute aliases shoul...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-29","use bytesize rather than force encoding","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-28","writing the new body can cause the response to be commit...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-28","writing the new body can cause the response to be commit...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-18","we only support 1.9+, so just check for a name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-18","be consistent about parameter types passed to new_consta...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-18","load the file rather than evaling","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-17","just construct real objects rather than mock and stub","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-17","just construct real objects rather than mock and stub","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-17","just construct real objects rather than mock and stub","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-17","Merge branch 'master' into mrbrdo-fixserialization","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","quoted table name is also cached","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","table name is cached on the class, so stop caching twice","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","calculate types on construction","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","only cache the primary key column in one place","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","these methods are never called, so remove them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","This test does not test anything that happens in the rea...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","oops. step away from the keyboard aaron. :cry:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","fix caching of automatic inverse of. :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","let the object stay in charge of internal cache invalida...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","refute the predicate for better failure messages","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","reduce automatic_inverse_of caching logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","active_record should always be set. Do or do not, there ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","push ambiguous reflection warning down to reflection nam...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","clean up ivar assignment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","Ambiguous reflections are on :through relationships are ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","sometimes singularize does not work, so we get a list of...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-13","no need to cache hash lookups","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-12","split aggregates from association reflections to avoid i...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-12","remove unnecessary is_a check","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-12","we should apply the default scope before querying","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","bind values should not be merged between scopes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","stop adding a new method for touch callbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","expose a few attribute changed methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","push the touch method outside the eval","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","remove unused variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","check whether the association is constructible rather th...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","use attribute methods for finding key values rather than...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","push belongs_to counter cache method to a single method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","push before_destroy counter cache method to a single method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","remove evaled belongs_to counter cache method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","adding callbacks should be private","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","indentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","remove evals from the association","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","reduce evals in depdendent associations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-11","remove some evals from callback conditionals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10851 from arunagw/fixing_build_pend...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10851 from arunagw/fixing_build_pend...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10851 from arunagw/fixing_build_pend...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10850 from arunagw/build_fix_null_mi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10850 from arunagw/build_fix_null_mi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10850 from arunagw/build_fix_null_mi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10482 from scudco/10432-fix-add-colu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","only check pending migrations if there are new files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","the typecast value should be passed to the serializer. ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","adding a test for #10830","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10482 from scudco/10432-fix-add-colu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","Merge pull request #10482 from scudco/10432-fix-add-colu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","only check pending migrations if there are new files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","only check pending migrations if there are new files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","the typecast value should be passed to the serializer. ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","adding a test for #10830","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","the typecast value should be passed to the serializer. ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","adding a test for #10830","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-06-05","adding a test for #10830","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-22","tiny types should only be integers when the length is <=...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-22","reverse comparison because of strange AS behavior","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-22","just set the default argument, a nil parent should be an...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-22","fold the collection rather than multiple assigments","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","use drop rather than calculate the array length","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","Merge branch 'bindwhere'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","avoid creating a set if no where values are removed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","remove bind values for where clauses that were removed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","push partitioning up so bind elimination can get the rem...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","push partion logic down and initialization logic up","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","partition the where values so we can access the removed ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","eliminate some conditionals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","change method name to reflect what it actually does.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","save the where values in variables so we don't need to l...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-21","pass where values to the helper function rather than rel...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-18","stop swallowing exceptions in assert_queries. Methods t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-17","stop doing assingments in an iterator","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-17","include bind values from the default scope","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","let Ruby do the is_a check for us","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10656 from zenspider/fix_mocha_back","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","Revert "just call the class method since we know the cal...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10527 from zenspider/squishy_minitest5","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","test refactor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10594 from shime/rack-debugger","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10619 from alno/top_level_array_in_p...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","tiny types should only be integers when the length is <=...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-16","Merge pull request #10591 from acapilleri/cond_callback_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","require things we need","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","just call the class method since we know the callbacks a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","this variable is used, so we don't have to use double as...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","remove dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","remove deprecation notices","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","stop keeping a reference to the options hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","conditions are guaranteed to be arrays by initialize","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","simplify the condions lambda generation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-15","use unless instead of if!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","only dup the options once, the Callback object does not ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","make the compile method thread safe","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","use inject rather than multiple assignments","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","deprecating string based terminators","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","inspect the filter when displaying error messages","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","use public api for testing rather than grabbing instance...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","halting lambda must be instance execed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","fixing arity2 test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","Merge branch 'polymorphic'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","fix shadowed variable warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","polymorphic around callbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","polymorphic after filter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","rename terminal to halting, try to keep naming consistent","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","push the before filter lambdas to factory methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","polymorphic before callbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","Merge branch 'master' into normalizecb","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-14","private callback methods should work","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","use a singleton end node","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","Revert "we never pass blocks, so remove this"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","if there is nothing to compile, then do not bother compi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","Arrays are no longer supported","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","we never pass blocks, so remove this","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","raise an argument error if the filter arity is greater t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","Merge branch 'master' into normalizecb","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","adding more callback type coverage","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","Merge branch 'master' into normalizecb","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","extract getting an setting callbacks to methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","call extracted method from callback manipulation methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","extract callback param munging","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","no reason to make these defaulted, we always pass values in","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","pass the actual filter, not a string","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","Merge branch 'master' into normalizecb","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-13","add tests for reset_calbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","do not keep a reference to the chain in the callback obj...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","fix deprecation test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","push merge code to the callback itself","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","dup the callback and set the chain","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","remove klass because it is not used","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","rename instance variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","push duplicates? logic to the instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","callback chain is in charge of the cache, so remove meth...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","__define_callbacks method is not necessary anymore","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","just run compiled callbacks since they are cached","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","cache compiled callbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","use delegation over inheritance so we can figure when to...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","fixing activemodel tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","use an environment object to hold state about the filter...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","object based callbacks cannot be duplicated","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","pass the run block as a normal variable to the rest of t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","fixing more variable names","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","fix variable name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","reduce the number of lambas","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","callback sequence is no longer used","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","no need for variable assignments, just pass the values in","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","make_lambda is never called with an Array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","callbacks are wrapped with lambdas","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","remove dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","fix method names","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","using lambas for the callback bodies","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","wrap all options in lambas","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-10","conditions in callbacks return consistent lambdas","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","use public send on the scope parameters","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","add test for object conditional with scope","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","using strings as scopes is not used anywhere, so remove it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","adding a class conditional test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","adding tests for lambdas as conditions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","Merge branch 'polycb'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","separate identification computation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","separate filters from source code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","if the callbacks are not the same class, they cannot be ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","fix object comparison case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","polymorphic comparison operator","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","we need to indicate the type of callback","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","adding more tests around callback inconsistencies","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","refactor tests for more points","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-08","adding test to demonstrate inconsistencies in the AS::Ca...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10506 from seanwalbran/fix-10502-ski...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-07","Revert "Fixes skipping object callback filters"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-07","Revert "Fixes skipping object callback filters"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-07","Revert "Merge pull request #10455 from patricksrobertson...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-07","Revert "Merge pull request #10455 from patricksrobertson...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10455 from patricksrobertson/bigseri...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-07","Merge pull request #10455 from patricksrobertson/bigseri...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-03","Merge pull request #10457 from zenspider/squishy_test_or...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-03","Merge pull request #10457 from zenspider/squishy_test_or...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-03","Squashed commit of the following:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-03","Squashed commit of the following:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-02","Merge pull request #7839 from chancancode/handle_aliased...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-01","maintain return value for recreate_database","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-01","maintain return value for recreate_database","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #9857 from yyyc514/bad_params_should_400","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #9857 from yyyc514/bad_params_should_400","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #10349 from caliper-io/mute_psql_output","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-05-01","Merge pull request #10349 from caliper-io/mute_psql_output","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-30","mysql needs to reconnect after recreate. Thanks @mperham","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-30","mysql needs to reconnect after recreate. Thanks @mperham","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-26","adding test for the symbol refs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-26","adding test for the symbol refs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-17","just clear the caches on clear! rather than replacing. f...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-17","adding a test for root path in the app","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-17","adding a test for root path in the app","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-09","Merge branch '2-3-later' into 2-3-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-09","Merge branch '3-1-later' into 3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-09","Merge branch '3-2-later' into 3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-06","`fast_xs` support has been removed. Use 'String#encode(...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-06","updating the guide","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-06","add integration test for shorthand rake tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-06","rake test app/model/foo.rb and rake test models/foo works","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-05","extract test info from the command line and set up the t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-05","add a class for splitting up rake commands","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-05","just use ruby to run tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-05","removing `rails test`, updating docs to show how to use ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-05","Merge branch 'railstest'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-05","Merge branch 'master' into railstest","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-05","do not blow away the test database on every run","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-05","just check pending migrations in the current environment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-04","stop depending on callbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","check pending migrations against the test db","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","only match the default task","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","test no longer makes sense after requiring all test files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","switch the testing tests to use rake","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","a test file can be provided to rake, e.g.:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","switch to Rails::TestTask","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","default task should also be in the test env","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","ensure the schema checking is done in the dev connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","Revert "Update Rake tasks to call `rails test` instead"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","Revert "Warning removed unused variable task_name"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-03","apps that depend on active record should load fixtures","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #9975 from mmangino/raise_when_attrib...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-25","default RAILS_ENV to test if we're in a test task","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-23","Merge branch 'schema'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-23","squelch an unused variable warning","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-23","add uuid primary key support","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-23","separate primary key from column type","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","push the mysql add_column up to the abstract adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","allow multiple add columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","pull add_column_options! off the pg connection class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","add a pg visitor for dealing with schema modification","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","push alter table add column sql in to the schema modific...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","there is no reason to check for an already defined column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","push column initialization down to the factory method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","@columns list is no longer necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","keep ivars private, do not manipulate them outside their...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","factory methods should not alter object state","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","push SQL generation inside the schema creation object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","mostly decouple TableDefinition from the database connec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","remove to_sql from TableDefinition","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","decouple column definition from the database connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","stop depending on sql_type in pg","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-22","remove knowledge of SQL from the column definition object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-20","Merge branch '3-2-stable' into fredwu-slow_view_loading_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-20","use `connect_poll` on pg so that reaping does not hurt t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-20","Revert "default the reaping frequency to 10 seconds"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9363 from wangjohn/fix_repair_valida...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-18","Merge branch 'master-sec'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-18","Merge branch '3-2-13' into 3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-18","bumping to 2.3.18","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-18","Revert "Revert "Switched to newer rdoc and gem package t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-18","bumping to 3.2.13","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-18","bumping to 3.1.12","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","fix protocol checking in sanitization [CVE-2013-1857]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","stop calling to_sym when building arel nodes [CVE-2013-1...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","fix protocol checking in sanitization [CVE-2013-1857]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","fix protocol checking in sanitization [CVE-2013-1857]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","stop calling to_sym when building arel nodes [CVE-2013-1...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","fix protocol checking in sanitization [CVE-2013-1857]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","stop calling to_sym when building arel nodes [CVE-2013-1...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","fix protocol checking in sanitization [CVE-2013-1857]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-16","stop calling to_sym when building arel nodes [CVE-2013-1...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","ask column if it is a pk","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","fix hash duping on 1.9","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","clean up pk delclaration in `create_table`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","bumping arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","oops!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","just access the ivars rather than rb_iv_get","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","hide more data in the schema cache","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","safely publish columns and columns hash info","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","dup and set the default proc to nil rather than looping ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","you can provide uuid_generate_v4 as the default value fo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","pg is the only adapter that supports the xml type, so pu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","Apparently people were mutating this array. :'(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","hashes are ordered, so just use the columns_hash ivar","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","use the method so we do not depend on internal ivars","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-15","extract factory method and push common code up to abstra...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-14","Merge pull request #9713 from imanel/live_stale","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-12","removing out of date comment. :heart::heart::heart::hea...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-12","drop memory consumption and startup speed by switching t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-11","default the reaping frequency to 10 seconds","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-11","debugger does not work on trunk","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-06","bumping to rc2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-05","Revert "Merge pull request #8209 from senny/backport_8176"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-03-04","only calculate next_id when we need a new method defined","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-26","Merge pull request #8010 from subwindow/postgres_inet_de...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9246 from Noemj/update_prepared_stat...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-24","Ruby 2.0.0 defaults source encoding to utf-8 so we need ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-24","search private and protected methods for convert_key","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-24","`name` should be public.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-14","Merge pull request #8704 from senny/remove_regexp_global...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-12","Merge pull request #9204 from ranjaykrishna/col-prob","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-12","test for regression from a712e08ebe21f6d8653a0e6602df2e0...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","Revert "Merge pull request #9126 from mbarb0sa/bugfix/js...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","Merge branch '2-3-sec' into 2-3-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","Merge branch '3-0-sec' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","Merge branch '3-2-sec' into 3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","Merge pull request #9126 from mbarb0sa/bugfix/json-decod...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","fixing bit string test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","bumping to 2.3.17","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","bumping to 3.1.11","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","bumping version","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-11","remove ruby-prof","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-10","adding test for CVE","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-10","fixing attr_protected CVE-2013-0276","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-10","adding test for CVE","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-10","adding test for CVE","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-10","fixing call to columns hash. run the damn tests when you...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-10","fixing call to columns hash. run the damn tests when you...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-07","Merge pull request #9203 from jaggederest/dumping_pgsql_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-04","Merge pull request #9177 from zenspider/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-02-04","Merge pull request #9152 from dahakawang/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","Merge pull request #9111 from jsomara/3-0-json-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","remove dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","change parameter name for positional args","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","nodoc the helper classes, cache stuff for optimized helper","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","cache path parts in the instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","stop evaling a string every time","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","moving helper classes outside the private block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","pushing specialization down to the optimized class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","use polymorphism to remove conditional","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","move conditionals to instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","pull stuff out of the caller and hide in the instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","moving more stuff on to the instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","move optimize_helper? to the helper instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","moving more stuff to the instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","moving some stuff to the initializer","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","moved more evald code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-30","factored out some of the dynamic code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-29","reloading type map on extension changing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-29","fixing comment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-29","add API to pg for enabling / disabling hstore","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-28","bumping to 3.0.20","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-28","bumping version","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-27","add fetch to CookieJar","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","use the helpers list rather than getting the methods fro...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","module_eval is not necessary here","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","don't need to eval everything","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","removing [nil] from the params","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","backporting deep_munge","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","Squashed commit of the following:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","fixing load error messages","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","reduce the number of queries on IN clauses, fix relation...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-24","stop converting strings to symbols","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-20","Merge pull request #9006 from wangjohn/activerecord_tran...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-20","Merge pull request #9005 from ranjaykrishna/dbcreate","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-20","Merge pull request #9002 from dahakawang/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-19","Merge pull request #8978 from chrismcg/remove_i18n_symbo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-19","Merge pull request #8977 from Soylent/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-09","fire a notification when the request stops / starts","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-09","adding missing requires","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-09","extract logger and development checks to methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-09","adding start / finish on the instrumenter, adding tests ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8827 from sikachu/master-remove-yaml...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","remove yaml as a param parser :burn:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","* Strip nils from collections on JSON and XML posts. [CV...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","Merge branch 'master-sec'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","Merge branch '3-2-sec' into 3-2-secmerge","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","bumping to 2.3.15 :cry::gun:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","bumping version","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","* Strip nils from collections on JSON and XML posts. [CV...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","bumping version","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","bumping version","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","* Strip nils from collections on JSON and XML posts. [CV...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","* Strip nils from collections on JSON and XML posts. [CV...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-08","* Strip nils from collections on JSON and XML posts. [CV...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8762 from hsbt/fix-marshal_load","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-03","Merge pull request #6722 from adgear/2-3-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-02","CVE-2012-5664 options hashes should only be extracted if...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-02","Merge branch '3-2-stable' into 3-2-secmerge","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-02","take into account multipart when calculating tag attributes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-02","ask the form builder for form tag attributes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-01-02","do not mutate the options hash (when we do not need to)","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-29","add missing require and fixtures","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-29","fix time typcasting on group counts in PG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-29","mysql does not return alias names, so fall back","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-29","fix PG typecasting errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","bumping to 3.0.18","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","bumping version to 3.1.9","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","bumping version to 3.2.10","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","Merge branch '3-2-sec' into 3-2-secmerge","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","CVE-2012-5664 options hashes should only be extracted if...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","CVE-2012-5664 options hashes should only be extracted if...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","CVE-2012-5664 options hashes should only be extracted if...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","CVE-2012-5664 options hashes should only be extracted if...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","updating changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","updating the changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-23","updating the changelog for the CVE","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-21","Merge pull request #8267 from marcandre/reversible_drop_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-18","Revert "use File.basename to get the filename minus .yml"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-15","do not install ruby-prof on Ruby 2.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-14","test for 8018","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-14","Merge pull request #8514 from mmb/filter_blob","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-14","remove a cache we do not need","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-14","Merge pull request #8510 from thedarkone/thread_safety_i...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-05","Merge pull request #8431 from joshsusser/schemadump","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-12-05","Merge branch 'joshsusser-master' into merge","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-30","Merge pull request #6397 from kennyj/fix_translate_excep...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-28","Merge pull request #7689 from cbarton/assume_migration_v...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-26","schema cache already has the columns as a hash, so use that","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-26","schema cache already has the columns as a hash, so use that","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-26","speed up fixture loading by querying the schema cache fo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-26","schema cache already has the columns as a hash, so use that","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-26","speed up fixture loading by querying the schema cache fo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-15","arel columns can be used for grouping so that "weird" co...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-15","stop hardcoding FrontBase adapter conditionals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-15","stop passing *args to generate aliases","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-15","create fewer relation objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","asset compilation should not require a database connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","lazily calculate name in the options object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","move include calculation to include method on the option...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","model name is lazily evaluated in the options object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","move the controller class to the options object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","attribute_names will always return a list, so just use any?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","wrap up hash conversion in the constructor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","use the options object in the wrapper defaults","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","start using options object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","only do hash lookups on options once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-14","replace present? with any? to reduce dependency on AS","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-13","backporting Struct#to_h from ruby 2.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-13","Ruby 2.0.0 defaults source encoding to utf-8 so we need ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-13","only clear caches if we are actually connected to the da...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-10","use bind values for join columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-09","implement to_a and to_ary so that the Array() call in te...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-09","make the extremely useful logs debug level","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-09","copy the log level from the config settings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-09","rm dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-07","stop raising so many exceptions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-07","adding requires for constant dependencies","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-07","cleaning up constantize tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-11-07","fix warnings in Ruby 2.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-25","remain backwards compatible, exception can be constructe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-25","give access to the original exception raised in case of ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-25","do not lose backtrace information from the raised exception","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-25","fix uninitialized ivar warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-25","Merge pull request #8013 from noahhendrix/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-22","frozen state should be restored after txn is aborted","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-22","frozen state should be restored after txn is aborted","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-19","synchronize on param filter cache.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-19","add another singleton for environment filtering","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-19","oops, forgot the default parameter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-19","keep a singleton filter around that we can use when no f...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-19","move compiled filters to their own class so that recursi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-19","nil isn't a valid filter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-19","prevent people from accidentally modifying the filter word","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","simplify filter enabled checking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","if no filters are supplied, default to an empty list","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","initialize required instance variables for this mixin","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","eagerly populate the http method loookup cache so we don...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","move cache inside the instance so we do not need locking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","add test for fetch with a block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","prefer composition over inheritence","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","fix assertions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-18","some ruby interpreters don't have ruby-prof so just skip...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-17","remove unused variables. Oops!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-17","use columns hash to look up the column for the count field","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-17","fix Digestor to be thread safe.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-17","use the tmp filesystem rather than our own thing.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-15","Merge pull request #7439 from featurist/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-15","use `setup` for setting up the test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-15","Synchronize around deleting from the reserved connection...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-15","buckets hash isn't public, so use symbol keys to avoid s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-15","Move two hotspots to use Hash[] rather than Hash#dup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-12","performance improvements to joins!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-12","Speed up relation merging by reducing calls to Array#-","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-12","adding a test for b21f24d9807bd161af947cf0f0cc440c9adffb73","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7859 from ernie/fix-collection-assoc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-28","Merge pull request #7785 from okcwest/3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-26","Merge pull request #7444 from szimek/params_parser_raise...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-25","fixing most tests on Ruby 2.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-25","Revert "Use plaform mri_19 for debugger gem"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-25","Merge pull request #7759 from blowmage/minitest","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-25","Merge pull request #7749 from blowmage/minitest","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-21","Merge pull request #3544 from amatsuda/_field_changed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7631 from jeremyevans/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-11","Merge pull request #7601 from jrochkind/connection_pool_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-07","Merge pull request #7545 from senny/7518_postgres_type_d...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-07","create a transaction object and point AR objects at that...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-06","fix tests on Ruby 2.0.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-09-02","Merge pull request #7495 from steveklabnik/issue_7478","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-25","use Hash#fetch to eliminate conditional","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-24","call methods on AR::Model after ClassMethods module is d...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-23","ivar will always be defined, so stop checking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-23","mysql does not build on Ruby 2.0.0 at the moment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-23","Merge pull request #7434 from frodsan/select_list_arguments","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-22","skip the memcache tests if the memcache server is not up","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-21","add Rack::Lock for webrick","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-20","removing dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-20","define singleton methods rather than adding and removing...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-20","remove dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-20","initialize instance variables for transactions to remove...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-20","This method is useless without a block, so remove test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-20","remove unused variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-20","initialize instance variables to avoid conditionals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-20","fix whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-17","Merge pull request #7380 from ernie/fix-nomethoderror-on...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-17","column default extraction should handle newlines.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-13","oops, should be directory","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-13","push header merge down to a private method so that live ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-13","live response headers can be merged with a hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-13","speed up cache directory creation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-13","Merge pull request #7338 from sax/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-10","Merge pull request #7315 from brainopia/fix_assertion","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-10","set the controller under test so we no longer need the r...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-09","push drawing once to it's own module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-09","refactor the before_setup hooks to a module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-09","switch callbacks to minitest hooks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-09","Merge pull request #7302 from homakov/default_headers","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-09","initialize instance variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-09","use a sized buffer to prevent the queue being too large","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-08","Merge pull request #7293 from Bertg/activemodel_naming_h...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-07","make assertions easier to track down","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-07","make assertions easier to track down","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-06","Merge pull request #5872 from evtuhovich/prepared_statem...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-06","let ruby decompose the tuples in the iterator","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-08-03","make sure the body finishes rendering before checking re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","updated changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","close the response when the response body is set so that...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","header hash is duped before being sent up the rack stack","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","freeze the header object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","make sure set_response! sets the correct response object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","adding a more docs on closing response streams","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","pushing Buffer up to Live","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","adding some docs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","Controller actions are processed in a separate thread fo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","raise exceptions on header set after response committed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","make sure appropriate headers are set and deleted","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","added live responses which can be written and read in se...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-30","flushing output should write to the stream rather than m...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-29","remove dead test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-29","adding a buffered stream to the response object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-29","initialize ivars, refactor recycle! to call initialize","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-29","Merge pull request #7196 from rimidl/fix-incorrect-requi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-29","issue a warning when we cannot construct a controller","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-29","this test is not a controller test, so switch to AS::TC","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-27","threads can wait on responses to be committed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","* Do not convert digest auth strings to symbols. CVE-201...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","Merge branch '3-2-rel' into 3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","bumping to 3.0.16","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","bumping to 3.1.7","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","updating release date","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","updating rails release date","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","updating release date","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","bumping to 3.2.7","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","updating changelog with CVE","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","* Do not convert digest auth strings to symbols. CVE-201...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","updating changelog with CVE","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","* Do not convert digest auth strings to symbols. CVE-201...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","updating the changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-26","* Do not convert digest auth strings to symbols. CVE-201...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-25","Merge pull request #6654 from stevecj/postgresql-auto-re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-25","Merge pull request #7159 from parndt/update_columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-23","updating the version","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-23","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-23","updating changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-23","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-19","adding Rails::Queueing::Container","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-18","Revert "Merge pull request #7084 from LTe/logger_default...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-17","Merge pull request #7076 from kennyj/fix_class_eval","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-13","teaching the mysql adapter how to typecast strings retur...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-13","fixing tests to deal with data differences between prepa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-13","fixing tests to deal with data differences between prepa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-10","Merge pull request #6874 from robbkidd/rename_sequences_too","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-09","deprecate `describe` without a block.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-08","we still need `describe` as the implementation differs f...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-08","minitest provides "it" and "describe"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-08","minitest is a gem dep, so remove this conditional","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-05","Revert "push parameter instantiation to one method"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-05","Merge branch 'master' into testclean","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-04","Merge branch 'master' into testclean","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-04","activesupport gem dependencies should reflect the versio...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-04","push parameter instantiation to one method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-04","add Mime.fetch so we can have default mime types","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-04","make the default environment have actual defaults","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-04","assing the request on the response only once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-04","group things that are alike","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-04","push functional test specific methods to it's own module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","test should be testing to_param not to_s, remove Array s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","push the cookie writing stuff out of the controller","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","extend the controller with special logic on recycle","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","push req / res setting to the test runner","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","extract response setting to a method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","remove duplicate requires of mocha.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","remove the runner method copied from minitest","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","hook mocha in through m/t before_setup, after_teardown h...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-03","Merge pull request #6946 from threedaymonk/queue-refs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-07-02","push response creation down since third param is never u...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-26","Merge pull request #6839 from bcardarella/async-actionma...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-23","eliminating another string subclass","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-22","fix some accidental nils","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-21","use mutex_m rather than use a delegate system","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-21","stop subclassing string","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-20","logger is a singleton, just flush the singleton","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-20","explain listener does not care about time, so use evente...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-20","use thread local queues.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-20","Merge pull request #6789 from takoyakikamen/aptests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-20","run the notes tests in isolation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-20","run railties tests in parallel, default to 2 cores","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","join any extra args to the tmp path","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","expand the tmpdir to the realpath so tests on OS X pass","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","Merge branch 'remote'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","move fanout back to a global variable, add a mutex for s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","use system tmpdir rather than our own","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","make logger a singleton on the class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","listeners are per thread, so remove nested hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","subscribers are per thread, so remove the nested hash ac...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","documenting concurrency rules for the Fanout class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","remove global cache","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","reduce thread locals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-19","make the fanout notifier local to the current thread","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-18","Merge pull request #6775 from takoyakikamen/events","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-15","TestCase does not need to be loaded when loading the fra...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","adding a test for #6459","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","adding a test for #6459","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","Revert "AV::TestCase does not need to be loaded when eag...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","adding a test for #6459","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","we raise a subclass of LoadError, so rescue that","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","AV::TestCase does not need to be loaded when eagerly loa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","i suck, fixing error message","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","Wrap up missing helper exceptions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-14","using hax to fix tests on Ruby 2.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-13","3.0.15","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-13","we haven't monkey patched the Result class, so use each","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-12","raise the same exception in order to keep path info","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-12","fixing security email address","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-12","Merge branch 'master-sec'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-12","Merge branch '3-2-stable-rel' into 3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-12","Array parameters should not contain nil values.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-12","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-12","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-12","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","bumping to 3.0.14","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","updating changelogs with security fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","bumping versions in the CHANGELOG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","Merge branch '3-0-stable-sec' into 3-0-stable-rel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","bumping version numbers","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","updating changelogs with security fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","adding version number to changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","Merge branch '3-1-stable-sec' into 3-1-stable-rel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","bumping version numbers","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","updating changelogs with security fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","Array parameters should not contain nil values.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","Array parameters should not contain nil values.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-11","Array parameters should not contain nil values.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-06-01","bumping to 3.2.5","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-1-rel' into 3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-2-rel' into 3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-0-rel' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-0-stable-sec' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-1-stable-sec' into 3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-2-stable-sec' into 3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch 'master-sec'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","bumping to 3.0.13","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","updating CHANGELOGs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-0-stable-sec' into 3-0-rel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","bumping to 3.1.5","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","updating the CHANGELOG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-1-stable-sec' into 3-1-rel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","bumping to 3.2.4","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","adding security notifications to CHANGELOGs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge branch '3-2-stable-sec' into 3-2-rel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge pull request #6558 from parndt/fix_regression","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-31","Merge pull request #6558 from parndt/fix_regression","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","Strip [nil] from parameters hash.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","Strip [nil] from parameters hash.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","Strip [nil] from parameters hash.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","Strip [nil] from parameters hash.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","predicate builder should not recurse for determining whe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","predicate builder should not recurse for determining whe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","predicate builder should not recurse for determining whe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","predicate builder should not recurse for determining whe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #5810 from kennyj/fix_5797","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #5810 from kennyj/fix_5797","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6386 from kennyj/fix_logs_name_consi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-28","bumping to 3.2.4.rc1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-28","bumping to 3.1.5.rc1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-28","bumping to 3.0.13.rc1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-26","Merge pull request #4132 from Juanmcuello/clone_structure","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #5872 from evtuhovich/prepared_statem...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-25","Merge pull request #6485 from homakov/3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-24","do not set the ENGINE_PATH to nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-24","`name` should be public.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","use File.join rather than depend on Pathname","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","Revert "require the constants we use. ensure that root a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","require the constants we use. ensure that root always re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","removing more pathnameisms","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","use File.join to decrease dependencies on Pathname","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6467 from aselder/3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","Merge pull request #6463 from jrochkind/connection_pool_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","I guess we have to return a pathname object. o_O","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-23","use File.realpath and avoid making Pathname objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-22","use RUBY_PLATFORM in case of cross compiled ruby","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-22","initialize instance variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-22","initialize our instance variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-21","using __method__ for the command method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #6425 from pinetops/resolver_concurre...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #2549 from trek/RoutingErrorForMissin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #6416 from pmahoney/threadsafe-connec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #6418 from pwnall/pgsql_bytea_limit3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #6143 from senny/composed_of_converte...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #6398 from pmahoney/threadsafe-connec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #6397 from kennyj/fix_translate_excep...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #6398 from pmahoney/threadsafe-connec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-18","port some mocha to minitest/mock","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6238 from pwnall/pgsql_bytea_limit","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6215 from erichmenge/fix_has_secure_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6250 from iGEL/dont_destroy_readonly...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6365 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120518","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6360 from bcardarella/logger_debug_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #5453 from JonRowe/patch_uniq_has_and...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6357 from takai/improve_logging_of_m...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-17","Merge pull request #6358 from jfirebaugh/schema_define","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #2237 from jackdempsey/log_redirect_to","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6192 from danmcclain/add_inet_and_ci...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #5369 from Greenie0506/add_separator_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #5535 from markmcspadden/issue_5527_r...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6340 from bcardarella/patch-3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6337 from bcardarella/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","assuming there is only one column, we can simplify the t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","MySQL returns "SUM(DISTINCT(credit_limit))" as the colum...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6136 from mhfs/sqlbypass_fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6349 from erichmenge/patch-raise-typ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-16","Merge pull request #6353 from nashby/safe-interpolation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-15","Merge pull request #5571 from jarkko/5559-fix-dst-jump-b...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-09","Merge pull request #5362 from zenprogrammer/quoting_bug","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-09","Merge pull request #6226 from gnufied/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #6128 from frodsan/delete_all_limit_32","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #3713 from kf8a/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-04","need to dup the default options so that mutations will n...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-04","make sure the superclass matches so load order does not ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6160 from carlosantoniodasilva/resou...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-04","session creation methods to a module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-04","create a request session in the cookie stores","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-04","create a request::session object in the memecache store ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-04","Merge branch 'master' into session","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #4452 from tapajos/e5425c8f68fbb720fc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-03","bread AD::Request::Session to it's own file, consolidate...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #4496 from makeable/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-03","extract options finding to a method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-03","Merge pull request #5153 from mhfs/first_finder_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-03","testing session store behavior","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","initialize instance variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","converted session hash to delegation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","session hash imported","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","oops, forgot some semicolons","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","remove unused ivar","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","use hash fetches to populate the :id value","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","imported options, switched to object composition","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6122 from amerine/add_fetch_to_actio...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-02","* move exception message to exception constructor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-01","Merge pull request #6089 from frodsan/delete_all_limit","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-05-01","Merge pull request #6092 from jsanders/issue_4001_error_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6063 from marcandre/observer_extra_args","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-30","remove useless assertions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-30","return value of block is returned","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-30","only yield to finder block if something is found","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #5942 from bcardarella/confirmation_e...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6067 from Locke23rus/patch-2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6062 from marcandre/tweak_observer","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-28","Merge pull request #6028 from sikachu/master-fix_plpgsql","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","Merge pull request #6023 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-q...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","Merge pull request #6022 from sikachu/3-2-stable-record_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","ensure that draining the queue will raise exceptions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","adding the `jobs` method to the test queue for getting a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","oops!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","Extend stdlib queue for the test queue","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","do not depend on time","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","Merge pull request #6020 from 7even/test_queue_order","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","add a factory method for queue construction so that apps...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","Merge pull request #4528 from j-manu/log-tailer-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-27","Merge pull request #5698 from dougcole/support_postgresq...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5973 from academia-edu/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5959 from carlosantoniodasilva/refac...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-23","Merge pull request #5866 from tiegz/minor_fixes_3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-20","Merge pull request #5865 from tiegz/minor_fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-18","Merge pull request #5894 from norman/3-2-fix-nil-logger","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-17","Revert "Merge pull request #5864 from vatrai/remove_orde...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-16","Merge pull request #5864 from vatrai/remove_ordered_hash...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-16","opening a connection will block if the pool is full","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-12","test against ruby features in order to fix tests on Ruby...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-11","Merge pull request #5649 from rafaelfranca/fix-delete_all","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-10","probably should require the objects we monkey patch.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-10","bigdecimal can be duped on Ruby 2.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-10","add the class name to the assertion message","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-05","Merge pull request #5750 from ahoward/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-04","Merge pull request #5727 from hone/ar_database_url_logging","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-03","use File.binread to pull in the schema cache","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-02","Merge pull request #5708 from romanvbabenko/refactor/add...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-04-01","use undef_method to avoid NameError exceptions all the time","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-31","use tsort_each to avoid intermediary array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-31","Merge pull request #4911 from Floppy/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-30","Merge pull request #5662 from arturopie/3-2_fixing_IM_wh...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-30","Merge pull request #5661 from carlosantoniodasilva/ar-pk...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5617 from Empact/paths","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5647 from arturopie/fixing_IM_when_u...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-28","Test for #5549.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5613 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","adding a branch to arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","attributes are cached by string keys, so to_s to support...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","load the encoding converter to work around [ruby-core:41...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","favor composition over inheritance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #2621 from icco/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #2621 from icco/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #2621 from icco/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","favor composition over inheritance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #2621 from icco/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5601 from carlosantoniodasilva/cooki...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5331 from castlerock/remove_unused_r...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","still need to ensure the path is a directory","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","eliminating a branch we do not need. thanks @jeremy","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","stop using *args in order to simplify our constructor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5599 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5561 from carlosantoniodasilva/form-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","Don't depend on ivars. Thanks @fesplugas","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5595 from guilleiguaran/sprockets-ra...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","no need to freeze things all the time","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","test against ruby features in order to fix tests on Ruby...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-26","Merge pull request #5593 from lukesarnacki/activemodel_n...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-24","Merge pull request #5567 from tpope/xhr-boolean","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-23","chdir before globbing so that we don't need to escape di...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-23","oops, forgot to commit the tests! :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-23","chdir before globbing so that we don't need to escape di...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5537 from kennyj/fix_4399-32","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5550 from schneems/schneems/server_env","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-23","Merge pull request #5557 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-22","properly namespace the fixture exception","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-22","Merge pull request #5552 from lest/patch-3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-21","remove duplicate requires. thanks @atambo","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-21","evented listeners can subscribe to any message","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-21","evented subscribers work","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-21","start / finish events are sent by the instrumenter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-21","push the autoloads up to requires","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-21","split subscribers based on pattern type","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-20","probably should require the objects we monkey patch.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-20","search private and protected methods for convert_key","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-20","bigdecimal can be duped on Ruby 2.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-18","Merge pull request #5486 from kennyj/fix_5435","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-16","use empty? on the hash to avoid another method call","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-16","removed unnecessary calls to "freeze"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-16","remove some mocha stubs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-16","make stubbing Time.now easier","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-16","Merge pull request #5327 from kennyj/fix_explicitly_inhe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5457 from brianmario/typo-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5457 from brianmario/typo-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5457 from brianmario/typo-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5457 from brianmario/typo-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5456 from brianmario/redirect-saniti...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5456 from brianmario/redirect-saniti...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5456 from brianmario/redirect-saniti...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5456 from brianmario/redirect-saniti...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","errors should probably be logged as errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5451 from yahonda/address_hstores_fa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5437 from kennyj/fix_5430","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5437 from kennyj/fix_5430","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5338 from mreinsch/3-2-static_invali...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-15","Merge pull request #5337 from mreinsch/static_invalid_by...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-14","Merge pull request #5423 from jrochkind/checkout_account...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5417 from kennyj/fix_5399-32","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-13","Merge pull request #5416 from kennyj/fix_5399","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","use AS::Logger so we are consistent","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","allow people to specify custom formatters, use the defau...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5294 from robinroestenburg/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","make sure connections returned after close are marked as...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","make sure connections returned after close are marked as...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","make the tagged formatter extend the existing formatter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5312 from kennyj/fix_3927-31","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5394 from erichmenge/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5375 from nertzy/assert_template_wit...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5380 from benmmurphy/escape_unicode_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5391 from jrochkind/connection_pool_doc","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-12","Merge pull request #5393 from jrochkind/clear_to_reap","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-09","ensure that released connections move between threads","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-09","ensure that released connections move between threads","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-08","make active_connection? return true only if there is an ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-08","make active_connection? return true only if there is an ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-08","Merge pull request #5287 from nashby/hash-slice-extract","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-08","Merge pull request #5162 from kennyj/schema_cache_dump","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-07","Merge pull request #5315 from travisjeffery/enhance_post...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-06","Merge pull request #5309 from carlosantoniodasilva/ad-up...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-06","Merge pull request #5304 from kennyj/fix_connection_depe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-02","only log an error if there is a logger. fixes #5226","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-02","only log an error if there is a logger. fixes #5226","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-02","only log an error if there is a logger. fixes #5226","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","Merge branch 'master-security'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","Merge branch '3-2-2' into 3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","Merge branch '3-1-4' into 3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","Merge branch '3-0-12' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","bumping to 3.0.12","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","Merge branch '3-0-stable-security' into 3-0-12","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","bumping to 3.1.4","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","Merge branch '3-1-stable-security' into 3-1-4","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","bumping to 3.2.2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-03-01","Merge branch '3-2-stable-security' into 3-2-2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-29","Merge pull request #5203 from avakhov/anonymous-controll...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-29","Merge pull request #5219 from mattfawcett/2781-fix-query...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-29","Merge pull request #5207 from kennyj/fix_5173-31","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-29","Merge pull request #5206 from kennyj/fix_5173-32","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-29","reduced localhost check to two method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-28","Merge pull request #5208 from ysoslow/ef79b8400f064361b2...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-28","Revert "only mutate the scope object in the `bind` method"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","call binmode on the tempfile for Ruby 1.8 compatibility","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","call binmode on the tempfile for Ruby 1.8 compatibility","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","only mutate the scope object in the `bind` method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","bind value creation refactoring","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","removing dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","use bind values for join columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5190 from rafaelfranca/fix-393-3-2-s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5191 from rafaelfranca/fix-393","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5168 from kennyj/fix_5152","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5173 from kennyj/fix_3931-2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5179 from RalphShnelvar/Binary_mode_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5179 from RalphShnelvar/Binary_mode_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-27","Merge pull request #5179 from RalphShnelvar/Binary_mode_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-25","use regular ruby for fewer method calls. we do not need ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-24","Merge pull request #5144 from nashby/input-name-nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-23","Merge pull request #4834 from sskirby/fix_usage_of_psql_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-23","Merge pull request #4834 from sskirby/fix_usage_of_psql_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5087 from pwnall/no_view_logger","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5084 from johndouthat/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5084 from johndouthat/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5084 from johndouthat/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #4998 from fbuenemann/feature/configu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","updating RAILS_VERSION","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","updating RAILS_VERSION","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","updating RAILS_VERSION","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","fixing bad merge: adding bind substitution visitor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","add some tests, yay!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5133 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","prepared statements can be disabled","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5132 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","Merge pull request #5119 from kennyj/fix_5114","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","bumping up arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","prepared statements can be disabled","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","bumping up arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","bumping up arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-22","prepared statements can be disabled","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","tag bind params with a bind param object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","tag bind params with a bind param object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","more ruby 2.0 respond_to? changes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","more ruby 2.0 respond_to? changes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","more ruby 2.0 respond_to? changes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","ruby 2.0 makes protected methods return false for respon...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","ruby 2.0 makes protected methods return false for respon...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","ruby 2.0 makes protected methods return false for respon...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5096 from lawso017/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5096 from lawso017/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5108 from mirakui/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5116 from rubenfonseca/delete_with_b...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-21","tag bind params with a bind param object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-20","use Hash#delete with a default block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-20","search private / protected methods in trunk ruby","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-20","search private / protected methods in trunk ruby","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-20","search private / protected methods in trunk ruby","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-20","Merge pull request #5082 from willbryant/assigns_should_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-20","Merge pull request #5096 from lawso017/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-17","Merge pull request #5076 from petmit/migrate_status_with...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-16","use Process.pid rather than $$","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-16","database connections are automatically established after...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-15","fixing AP tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-15","adding tests to document behavior for #4817","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-15","adding tests to document behavior for #4817","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #3544 from amatsuda/_field_changed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #4834 from sskirby/fix_usage_of_psql_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #5000 from flavorpill/master-with-mul...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #5012 from waseem/alias-reconnect-mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #5018 from hammerdr/issue-4659-docs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-11","Merge branch 'master' into instance_reader","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-11","PG column consults oid types when typecasting","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-10","dynamically populate casting objects via the pg_type table","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-10","Merge branch 'joelhoffman-postgres_schema_builder' into ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-10","Merge branch 'master' into instance_reader","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-10","Merge pull request #4956 from mhfs/pg_partial_indices","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-10","Merge pull request #4985 from shigeya/range_overlaps_to_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-10","Merge pull request #4988 from kennyj/fix_4720-3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-10","Merge pull request #4988 from kennyj/fix_4720-3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-09","fixing indentation, moving class methods together","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-09","removing dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-09","typecast columns based on the returned types","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-09","Merge branch 'master' into instance_reader","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-09","fixing the list of cached columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-09","only exclude serialized columns from cacheable columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-09","Merge pull request #4975 from kennyj/bump_tzinfo","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-09","Merge pull request #4973 from kennyj/fix_4909","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-08","removed unnecessary translator object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-08","use the key name yielded to the fetch block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-08","return early if the cast attribute has been cached","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-08","always call `read_attribute` from the reader method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-08","use the pg column to cast values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-08","Merge pull request #4947 from rafaelfranca/fix-build","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-08","Merge pull request #4930 from ask4prasath/ordered_hash_r...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","cache attribute if it is supposed to be cached","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","only unescape bytea after it has been read from the data...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","pgcolumn knows how to typecast binary columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","give each PG type a `type` method and decortate tz attri...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","hstores can be typecast","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","columns are lazily typecast, so no more calls to `result...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","taking column width in to account when fetching decimal ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","return early from typecasting if the value is nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","mapping more oids","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","postgresql correctly typecasts back to Ruby, so change a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","many of the OIDs mapped and implemented","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","moving column types to an ivar on the result","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","copy over columns hash on reload","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","wrap and cache columns for typecasting","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","column_types hash is used for doing typecasting","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","column types are passed from the result set to the insta...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","moved attribute translation to an object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","moved most of the evald code in to regular ruby code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","copy the columns hash to the active record instances, ty...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","always flush all logs. fixes #4277","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-07","always flush all logs. fixes #4277","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-06","adding a comment for myself","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-06","delegate attribute typecasting to the column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-06","pg supports real booleans, so handle the case when `true...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-06","Merge pull request #4912 from guilleiguaran/fix-edge-gem...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-06","Merge pull request #4905 from herimedia/to-infinity-and-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-06","Merge pull request #4910 from sskirby/fixes_regression_i...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-03","Merge pull request #4868 from skult/3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-02","Merge pull request #4856 from ihid/store_null_bug","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-02","*args is already an array. :'(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-02","Merge pull request #4853 from rafaelfranca/fix-build-again","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-02","removed whitespace errors :yellow_heart::blue_heart::pur...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-02","Merge pull request #4850 from smartinez87/useless_arg","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-02","Merge pull request #4809 from cfeist/feist-sqlite-binary...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-02","use the class method to (un)escape binary values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4830 from rafaelfranca/restrict-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4829 from rafaelfranca/restrict-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4806 from KL-7/do-not-serialize-nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4809 from cfeist/feist-sqlite-binary...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4784 from semaperepelitsa/constantize","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-02-01","Merge pull request #4799 from arunagw/warning_fixed_for_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","Revert "Merge pull request #4746 from jenslukowski/issue...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4735 from arton/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","QueryCache will just dup an AR::Result, AR::Result can d...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","always return the result set from select_all","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","made the result set object act more like an array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4735 from arton/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4742 from petervandenabeele/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4746 from jenslukowski/issue4718","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4779 from bsodmike/bsodmike-3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-31","Merge pull request #4803 from lucascaton/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-27","Merge pull request #4726 from rafaelfranca/create_join_t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-27","Merge pull request #4709 from ask4prasath/refactor_valid...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-27","Merge pull request #4722 from kennyj/fix_4708","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-27","Merge pull request #4724 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120128","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-26","bumping journey to 1.0.1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-26","bumping journey to 1.0.1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4696 from rafaelfranca/issue-4653","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-26","Merge pull request #4696 from rafaelfranca/issue-4653","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-26","global variables may not be set depending on the match. ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-26","global variables may not be set depending on the match. ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-25","The primary key is always initialized in the @attributes...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4675 from lunks/3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4645 from brainopia/deprecate_dateti...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4644 from ask4prasath/refactor_test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4646 from lest/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4658 from pwim/unicode-paths","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-25","use fetch rather than both Hash#key? and Hash#[]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-25","Merge pull request #4658 from pwim/unicode-paths","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4639 from joevandyk/datetime-infinit...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4606 from lest/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","deprecated AR::TestCase in favor of AS::TestCase","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Moving AR::TestCase in to the AR tests directory","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4514 from brainopia/update_timezone_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4514 from brainopia/update_timezone_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4514 from brainopia/update_timezone_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4514 from brainopia/update_timezone_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #3775 from karevn/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4630 from lest/patch-2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Merge pull request #4637 from railsaholic/error_message_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","work against 1-0-stable until a new journey is released","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Added custom regexps to ASTs that have literal nodes on ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","initialized the @segment_keys instance variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-24","Added custom regexps to ASTs that have literal nodes on ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-23","moved the `get` testing method to a module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-23","updated the warning signature","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-23","Deprecated multi args to http route methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4558 from stephencelis/type-cast-unk...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4563 from amatsuda/ar_relation_pp","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4576 from guilleiguaran/bump-require...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4581 from kennyj/remove_unused_argument","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-23","Merge pull request #4620 from carlosantoniodasilva/count...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","stop splatting so much. We don't need :star:args everywhere","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","broadcasting to the console and remove file tailing midd...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","pushed broadcasting down to a module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","defined the actual logger signature","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","restored logging to the log file and display on the console","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","fixed test for more informative message","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","made the broadcast logger quack more like a logger","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","added the backtrace so errors can be found","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","add a broadcasting logger so we can split logs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","Merge pull request #4528 from j-manu/log-tailer-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","Merge pull request #4556 from brainopia/remove_old_cruft","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","Revert "just use an alias. The target method is public,...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","push ivar initialization down to a common method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","adding tests for previous_changes hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","just use an alias. The target method is public, so make...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-20","remove unused captures","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-19","avoid useless is_a checks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-19","move tagged logging to a module, stop proxying every met...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-19","do not do reverse lookups on incoming requests for webri...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-19","Merge pull request #4531 from exviva/pessimistic_with_lock","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-19","Merge pull request #4531 from exviva/pessimistic_with_lock","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-19","Merge pull request #4538 from kennyj/should_use_uri_parse","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-18","Merge pull request #4523 from rafaelfranca/av-logger","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4487 from sarenji/fix-reset-counters","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4487 from sarenji/fix-reset-counters","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-17","disable transactions for this test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-17","Merge pull request #4500 from kennyj/should_deprecate_ra...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","stop more ddl changes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","stop ddl modifications for another test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","use one based indexes for the mock migrations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","stop making ddl changes for migrator tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","actually use the variable I created. :bomb: thanks @exviva","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","move another migrator to use sensors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","moving verbosity tests to the migrator test, removing dd...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","silencing migrator tests, refactoring the migration test...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","fix tests on sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","prefer method sensors over actual ddl changes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","testing the current version method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","test that migrations have connections, and method missin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","making sure the temp connection and the real connection ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","Merge pull request #4462 from spohlenz/fix-routing-tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-16","Merge pull request #4462 from spohlenz/fix-routing-tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-15","Merge pull request #4471 from semaperepelitsa/enum_sum","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-14","make sure the migration table is alive and empty","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","refactor schema migration table creation to the schema m...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","stop depending on the filesystem for interleaved migrati...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","convert the migration list to a Set, remove duplicate code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","deprecate the block argument to Migrator#migrate","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","refactor the migrate method to filter migrations before ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","move schema dumper tests to the correct class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","use the schema migration model to dump schema info","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","move another migrator test, use schema migration model","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","use the model to delete records","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","move another migrator test to the correct class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","use the schema migration model to create a new record","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","moving more migrator tests to the right test case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","test code that finds migrations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","removing migration files as they are no longer needed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","moving migrator tests to a migrator test class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","fixing test class name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","adding a test class for table renaming","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","moving more column renaming tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","moving more renaming tests to the proper test case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","moving rename column tests to their own class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","moving column attributes tests to their own class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","remove unused code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","use ruby rather than mocha","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","move another index related test case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","move tests regarding index modification to their own class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","decoupling more tests from AR::Base","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","use skip rather than conditionally define tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","skip openbase test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","move more schema modification tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","add a migration schema model","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","instantiate our own broken migration rather than relying...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","use skip so we know what tests are being skipped","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","remove dependency on the filesystem","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","moving logger test to its own file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-13","construct a migrator with a list of migrations rather th...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-12","moving to arel 3.0.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-12","depend on journey 1.0.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-12","moving the table and index test to it's own file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-12","moving to arel 3.0.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-12","depend on journey 1.0.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4414 from ask4prasath/changes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-12","Merge pull request #4419 from j-manu/4255-handle-spaces-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","all tested database support migrations, so stop making t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","adding missing require","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","move column ordering tests to it's own class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","deprecate the subdirectories parameter to `migrations`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","deprecate the subdirectories parameter to `migrations`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","refactoring migration test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","dropping support for `schema_info`.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-10","Merge pull request #4399 from kennyj/problem_when_i_exec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-09","no need for extra method calls inside the framework","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-09","Merge pull request #4370 from EnlightSolutions/validates...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-09","Merge pull request #4371 from rafaelfranca/test_unit_cle...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-07","remove reference to Test::Unit","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-07","spec class names can possibly be nil in mt/s < 2.6.1, so...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-07","Merge pull request #4360 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","register spec subclasses for people who spec","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","require minitest rather than test/unit","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","backport assert_not_same","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","require test/unit and sort test order","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","started converting AS::TestCase to minitest","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","make sure the test case name is nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","removing unnecessary requires","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","just mix the run method in for minitest","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","rescue the assertion exception","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","add the class name to the assertion message","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","use a regular expression for the number of passes. We o...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","convert build_message to sprintf","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","use assert_equal and assert_operator","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","use sprintf rather than build_message","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","Just use assert_equal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","refactor assert_response","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","test response assertions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","no need for assert_block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","stop using build_message for creating a string","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","use assert_includes rather than calling includes? specif...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","just use assert and refute rather than building messages","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4357 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4327 from Karunakar/minor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4354 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","convert railties to use AS::TestCase","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","use AS::TestCase as the base class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","activeresource tests use AS::TestCase","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","Revert "More 1.9 way"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","AP tests should inherit from AS::TestCase","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","test cases should inherit from AS::TestCase","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-06","test a subclass so that the removed method does not imac...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","Revert "remove deprecated API"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","remove deprecated API","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","fix some whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4330 from lest/remove-call-mbchars","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","do not require a file that is not used","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","delete reaping frequency from the db config","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4301 from Karunakar/refactor_tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4304 from lest/refactor-truncate","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4311 from kuroda/3-2-negative_format","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4315 from larskanis/allow_setting_of...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4316 from wrozka/time_advance_nsec","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4325 from juanpastas/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","call super from setup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","just use the list of formatting keys we care about","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","call super","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","clear the sql counter on teardown so the GC can do it's ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","fix some formatting","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","use regular expression or statement. loltargetrichenviro...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-05","active record base class test case should not be public","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","use logger.warn for warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","push exception message formatting to the exception class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","push target down to the classes that care about it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","just implement the delegate method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","Array.wrap no longer needed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4282 from edgecase/order_after_reorder","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4282 from edgecase/order_after_reorder","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4296 from kuroda/negative_format","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4298 from rafaelfranca/patch-2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-04","Merge pull request #4299 from Karunakar/logger","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","use File.basename to get the filename minus .yml","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #2955 from dmitry/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","When generating routes, the last defined named route win...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","Revert "Named Routes shouldn't override existing ones (c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4283 from lest/fix-singleton-checking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4283 from lest/fix-singleton-checking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","actually disconnect from the database at the end of each...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4274 from joneslee85/changelog-fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4279 from lest/fix-log","Aaron Patterson",3 "2012-01-03","Merge pull request #4279 from lest/fix-log","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-31","Merge pull request #4237 from castlerock/fiber_available...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-31","updating the reaping frequency documentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-31","rename start to run and use Thread.pass rather than slee...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","connection pool starts the reaper","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","just dup the spec now that it will deep copy","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","connection specification will deep copy the config","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","each connection pool has a reaper","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","introduce a timer class for reaping connections","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","raise a pull full error when the connection pool is full...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","connections are only removed if they are inactve","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","connections can be reaped via the `reap` method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","deal with removing connections associated with the curre...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","connections can be removed from the pool","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","queue and signal no longer needed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","refactor checking out the connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","infinite loop is no longer necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","connections must be checked in at the end of a thread","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","Merge pull request #4227 from gazay/3-2-stable-marshalling","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","be explicit about where helpers are installed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","Merge pull request #4224 from alexeymuranov/my-fix-for-f...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-30","just add the writer rather than adding both and removing...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","stop using __send__ and just module eval in the extensions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","we know the classes will be a list, so *tell* it to resp...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","don't need the begin / end","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","avoid extra method calls by just defining the delegate","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","don't use instance eval, just reference variables so we ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","fixing typo. Thanks Vijay!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","removing dead code.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","decouple initialize from clear!. Initialize ivars in ini...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","modules don't have any instance methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","Merge pull request #4202 from dasch/request-remote-ip","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","simplify sweep now that discard and flashes are in sync","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","mutations on the underlying hash should also mutate the ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","rename @used to something a bit more meaningful","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","mutations can't be done without the consent of our proxy...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","again, use Set#subtract","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","Use Set#subtract and Set#merge for keeping track of used...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","fix method visibility","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","no need for bang bang :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","Merge pull request #4216 from edgecase/master_fix_reorde...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","Merge pull request #4216 from edgecase/master_fix_reorde...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","Revert "Merge pull request #4196 from gazay/3-2-stable-m...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-29","last named route wins. fixes #4164","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4222 from amatsuda/ar_predicate_buil...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4207 from nashby/deprecate-base64-en...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4196 from gazay/3-2-stable-marshalling","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-28","Merge pull request #4220 from bensie/singleton-class-master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-25","Merge pull request #4175 from kuroda/3-2-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-24","avoid deprecation warnings when running AR tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-24","delegating and deprecating logger#silence. fixes #4159","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-23","Merge pull request #4140 from kuroda/databases_rake","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-23","adding an integration test for splat regexp substitution...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-23","adding an integration test for splat regexp substitution...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-23","Adding an integration test. Fixes #4136","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-23","Adding an integration test. Fixes #4136","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","Merge branch '3-2-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","rack bodies should be a list","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","rack bodies should be a list","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","rack bodies should be a list","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","refactoring routing tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","refactoring routing tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","refactoring routing tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","Merge branch '3-2-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","Revert "Added Enumerable#pluck to wrap the common patter...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-22","Revert "Added Enumerable#pluck to wrap the common patter...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","just require things once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","append puts the routes after the default, which causes a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","just require things once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","append puts the routes after the default, which causes a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","just use def setup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","DeprecatedUnderscoreRead does not exist anymore","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","adding integration test for journey #7","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","switch to git journey","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4115 from Karunakar/action_pack","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","adding integration test for journey #7","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","caches should not be global, so no need to clear in the ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","caches should not be global, so no need to clear in the ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","removing deprecated methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","Merge pull request #4097 from guilleiguaran/safebuffer-h...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-21","adding tests for #4029","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","skip hstore tests on PG databases that do not have hstore","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","do not compile regexp on every call","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","making sure updates work","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","hstores can cycle","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","can create hstore records via AR API","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","multiple key / values work","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","PostgreSQL hstore types are automatically deserialized f...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","pg columns should understand the hstore type","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","Merge pull request #4035 from lest/date-type-cast","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","remove more uses of deprecated logger methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","Revert "Update .travis.yml"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-20","* BufferedLogger is deprecated. Use ActiveSupport::Logg...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-19","adding tests for #4029","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-15","seed file was already tested for existence. ಠ_ಠ","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-14","updating arel and journey dependencies","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-13","dup the details hash if a key has already been set for t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-13","locale and default_locale may be the same, so uniq the a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-13","stop freezing the details hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-13","stop freezing hash value","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-13","use Array#join so that file encoding doesn't impact retu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-13","use Array#join so that file encoding doesn't impact retu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-13","logger adds a newline for us","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-12","use the schema cache when asking for the primary key","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-12","strip whitespace errors from the generated Gemfile","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-11","ensure @fixture_connections is initialized in case an ex...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-11","Errno::ENOENT error makes more sense when a file cannot ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-11","Try to keep people from calling the deprecated flush met...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-10","* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#silence is deprecated....","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-09","Merge pull request #3924 from laserlemon/readme-ext","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-09","Use `table_exists?` from the schema cache.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-09","don't need a begin / end.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-09","squelch table exists? queries.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-09","only load converter if the encodings are different","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","load the encoding converter to work around [ruby-core:41...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","Exceptions should read from the spec configu","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","load the encoding converter to work around [ruby-core:41...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","fixing eval'd line numbers.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","Regexp.union seems to have different results in 1.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","moving ignored regexp to the instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","speeding up ignored sql testing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","Use a hash to look up column definitions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","try to normalize the objects passed to column()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-08","automatically add the column definition to the columns l...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-07","stop calling String#to_s so frequently","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-07","the required sqlite3 adapter responds to encoding, so st...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-06","avoid deprecated methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-06","make method signatures match the superclass signature","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-06","return value is never tested, so stop calling `presence`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-05","Quitoting the table name before querying.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-05","Merge pull request #3867 from jadeforrest/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-05","Merge pull request #3860 from sumbach/test-return-value-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-04","Merge pull request #3845 from sumbach/test-return-value-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-03","Merge pull request #3846 from sumbach/backport-load-and-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-03","`load` should also return the value from `super`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-12-03","require needs to return true or false. thank you Ryan "z...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-30","switch WatchStack to use composition, tighten up API","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-30","Revert "avoid hundreds of thousands of calls to (Symbol|...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-30","avoid hundreds of thousands of calls to (Symbol|String)#...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-30","`run_test` method conflicts with newer minitest, so chan...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","Module#synchronize is deprecated with no replacement. P...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","push synchronization in to each method. Reduces method c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","Automatic closure of connections in threads is deprecate...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","AbstractAdapter#close can be called to add the connectio...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","Start implementing @reserved_connections in terms of con...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","Rename `checked_out` to more descriptive `active_connect...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","Use connection lease to determine "checked_out" connections","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","expire will set in_use to false","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","last_use is set on connection lease","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","Leased connections return false on second lease","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","Adapters keep in_use flag when leased","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","namespace the adapter test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-29","respond_to? information of AR is not the responsibility ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-28","remove unused instance variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-28","just check in all connections","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-28","remove useless class_eval","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-28","Move connection resoluion logic to it's own testable class.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-28","clean up string => hash conversion for connection pool","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-28","pools are 1:1 with spec now rather than 1:1 with class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-28","break establish_connection to smaller methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-28","Merge pull request #3768 from janv/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-20","oops! I suck! :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-20","fixing tests on ruby 1.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-20","Merge pull request #3701 from arunagw/arel_bump","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-20","removing deprecated methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-20","Revert "copy options keys to the right place so that und...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-20","adding visitors to the respective adapters","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-20","pushing caching and visitors down to the connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","fixing my bad merge. doh!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","allow people to set a local .Gemfile so that things like...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","Revert "make sure to require the right deprecation warni...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","Refactoring the redirect method for the router api.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","moving redirection to objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","remove the :path feature to redirects, since it cannot work","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","make sure to require the right deprecation warning file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","arity check has been pushed up, so no need for proc wrap...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","require that all blocks have arity of 2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","copy options keys to the right place so that undo will w...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","no need for type checking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","cleaning up variable names to match method parameter names","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","stop doing is_a? checks on the resource type","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","move constants to methods since nothing else is using them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","pushing hash validation up","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","breaking match down to smaller methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","some refactoring of the match method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","Merge pull request #3683 from christos/schema_introspect...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-18","Merge pull request #3683 from christos/schema_introspect...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-17","fixing test case test on 1.9.3dev","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-17","removing stubs. 1.9.3 implements Date.today in C so mock...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-17","allow people to set a local .Gemfile so that things like...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-17","Revert "Merge pull request #1163 from amatsuda/sexier_mi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-17","Revert "Merge pull request #3603 from vijaydev/change_ta...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-17","Initialize our instance variables.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-17","Merge pull request #3649 from indirect/remote_ip","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-17","No need to `readlines` then `join`, just use `read` :heart:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","Adding a deprecation warning for use of the schema_info ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","Join method uses empty string by default, so remove it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","dbfile isn't supported anymore, so remove","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","Reduce schema format tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","Move conditionals to separate tasks so they can be reused.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","removing some useless conditionals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","Merge pull request #2948 from atambo/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","fixing tests on PG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","bundler treats trunk ruby as ruby 1.9, hack around that ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","Revert "Merge pull request #2122 from dyba/3-0-stable"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","Merge pull request #2122 from dyba/3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-16","Merge pull request #3634 from RyanNaughton/fixes_3483","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-14","Merge pull request #3371 from yahonda/fix_ora_00932_error","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-11","Merge pull request #3609 from noefroidevaux/issue_3595","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-08","Merge pull request #3572 from amatsuda/ar_exists_uniq_order","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-07","Merge pull request #3549 from luckydev/rmethod","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-07","Merge pull request #3541 from dvyjones/fix-datetime-warn...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-06","Merge pull request #3521 from nulogy/fix_postgres_adapte...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-06","Merge pull request #3521 from nulogy/fix_postgres_adapte...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-11-04","Merge pull request #1163 from amatsuda/sexier_migration_31","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-31","this should never return nil, so no use for "try"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-31","this should never return nil, so no use for "try"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-27","clear statement cache when tables are altered","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-27","clear statement cache when tables are altered","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-26","scumbag 1.8: strings are enumerable :'(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-26","properly handle lists of lists. Thanks @adrianpike for r...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-22","Revert "Merge pull request #3405 from arunagw/middleware...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-22","Merge pull request #3405 from arunagw/middleware_name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-21","Merge pull request #3400 from greinacker/sqlite-decimal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-20","Merge pull request #3258 from ileitch/3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-20","Merge pull request #3258 from ileitch/3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-18","only use now() on pg!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-18","reset prepared statement when schema changes imapact sta...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-18","reset prepared statement when schema changes imapact sta...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-18","use now() for dates in pg","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-16","Merge pull request #3334 from mperham/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-07","just check to see that the first item in the list is an ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-07","Merge pull request #3232 from Juanmcuello/pg_prepared_st...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-06","fix require","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #3191 from yahonda/activerecord_unitt...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-13","Merge pull request #2922 from wayneeseguin/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","removing backwards compatibility module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","point rails at Journey for dev and edge","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","partially expand the parameters to `match`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","unfactor the Route class to private factory methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","reduce dependencies of external objects in the Route class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","delete unused code, pass path explicitly to journey","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","adjust route inspection to work with Journey","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","all routes can be stored in the Journey Routes object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","clear! does not need to be called from initialize","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","reuse the route collection and formatter by clearing them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","Instantiate each part of our routing system:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","stop freezing the routes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","stop using a hash for parameterizing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-12","Switching rack-mount to journey.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-10","Merge pull request #2972 from md5/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-10","railties depends on actionpack, so put actionpack in the...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-10","rake already ships with a ruby command","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-10","move route inspecting to an object so that we can more e...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-09","Exceptions from database adapters should not lose their ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-09","Merge pull request #2960 from guilleiguaran/fix-isolated...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-08","Pull up a method we only use once.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-08","Conditions must never be equal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","LRU cache in mysql and sqlite are now per-process caches.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","fixing file name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","LRU should cache per process in postgresql. fixes #1339","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","LRU cache in mysql and sqlite are now per-process caches.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","fixing file name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","LRU should cache per process in postgresql. fixes #1339","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2922 from wayneeseguin/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","fixing view queries","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","use the supplied bind values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Merge commit 'refs/pull/2909/head' of https://github.com...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","use the supplied bind values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Merge commit 'refs/pull/2909/head' of https://github.com...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2913 from toolmantim/3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2897 from rsutphin/ar31-remove_conne...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Merge pull request #2897 from rsutphin/ar31-remove_conne...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","updating changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Eliminate newlines in basic auth. fixes #2882","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Eliminate newlines in basic auth. fixes #2882","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","updating changelog with pool limit","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-07","Database adapters use a statement pool.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-06","adding a statement pool for mysql and sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-06","Database adapters use a statement pool.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-06","adding a statement pool for mysql and sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-06","Merge pull request #2893 from dmathieu/errors_has_key","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2716 from jbbarth/fix_invert_rename_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-05","Merge pull request #2716 from jbbarth/fix_invert_rename_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2826 from guilleiguaran/changelog-re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2825 from guilleiguaran/bcrypt-ruby-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2825 from guilleiguaran/bcrypt-ruby-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2824 from arunagw/bcrypt_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2829 from arunagw/pg_min_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-03","Merge pull request #2831 from arunagw/pg_abstract_class_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","preserve the backtrace of the exception","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","* Psych errors with poor yaml formatting are proxied. Fi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","* Psych errors with poor yaml formatting are proxied. Fi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","* Psych errors with poor yaml formatting are proxied. Fi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","make sure encoding_aware? is available","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","make sure encoding_aware? is available","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","CookieJar is enumerable. fixes #2795","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","CookieJar is enumerable. fixes #2795","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-09-01","Merge pull request #2775 from jaw6/fix/reverse","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-31","should be using a / in this route rather than a #","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-31","use String#start_with? rather than creating regexps or c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-31","Merge branch '3-1-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-31","adding changelog dates","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-31","Merge pull request #2760 from cgriego/home_run","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-31","Merge branch '3-1-0' into 3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-31","bumping to 3.1.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2756 from guilleiguaran/manifest-loc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2756 from guilleiguaran/manifest-loc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge branch '3-1-0' of github.com:rails/rails into 3-1-0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2748 from guilleiguaran/assets-versi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2748 from guilleiguaran/assets-versi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge branch '3-1-0' into 3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2747 from guilleiguaran/manifest-on-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2744 from arunagw/mysql2_bump","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2636 from dasch/document-sprockets-c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-30","Merge pull request #2741 from guilleiguaran/assets-manif...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-29","Merge pull request #2021 from dasch/more_postgres_utils","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-28","fixing typo","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-28","fixing typo","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-28","clear and disable query cache when an exception is raise...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-28","clear and disable query cache when an exception is raise...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-28","clear and disable query cache when an exception is raise...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-28","Merge pull request #2711 from dasch/patch-3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-26","stop messing with the load path, load path should be adj...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-26","stop messing with the load path, load path should be adj...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-26","Merge pull request #2699 from guilleiguaran/fix-asset-de...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-25","Force binary data inserted for a string data type to utf...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-25","Force binary data inserted for a string data type to utf...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2695 from dasch/more-debug-assets","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2683 from arunagw/engine_test_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2690 from dasch/pretty-debug-assets","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-25","Merge pull request #2688 from dasch/refactor-asset-debug...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","fix ambiguous * and remove unused variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","fix ambiguous * and remove unused variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","fix ambiguous use of *","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","fix ambiguous use of *","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","stop circular require warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","only backport the to_d method if it does not exist","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","only define the encoding reader since we define the writ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","only backport the to_d method if it does not exist","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","only define the encoding reader since we define the writ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","we are *sure* we want to set the encoding, so silence wa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","we are *sure* we want to set the encoding, so silence wa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","Merge pull request #2679 from amatsuda/nullify_abstract_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","`load` should also return the value from `super`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","require needs to return true or false. thank you Ryan "z...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","`load` should also return the value from `super`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","require needs to return true or false. thank you Ryan "z...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","bumping bcrypt-ruby requirement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","bumping bcrypt-ruby requirement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","bumping bcrypt-ruby requirement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","dealing with some -w warnings on startup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","dealing with some -w warnings on startup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-24","`load` should also return the value from `super`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-23","require needs to return true or false. thank you Ryan "z...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-23","Merge pull request #1995 from guilleiguaran/prototype-uj...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-23","Merge pull request #2646 from guilleiguaran/add-destroy-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2627 from luckydev/tr","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2611 from ognevsky/add-destroy-alias","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-22","Merge branch '3-1-stable' into 3-1-0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-22","Merge pull request #2618 from FLOChip/unicode_j","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2605 from ernie/3-1-stable-2602-back...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2602 from ernie/fix_predicate_builde...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-20","Merge pull request #2602 from ernie/fix_predicate_builde...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-17","making the order more clear, adding linux distros mailin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","adding lessons learned so I do not make the same mistake...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","Merge branch '3-0-10' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","bumping to 3.1.0.rc6","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","Properly escape glob characters.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","properly escape html to avoid invalid utf8 causing XSS a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","Tags with invalid names should also be stripped in order...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","prevent sql injection attacks by escaping quotes in colu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","properly escape html to avoid invalid utf8 causing XSS a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","Tags with invalid names should also be stripped in order...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","prevent sql injection attacks by escaping quotes in colu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","Properly escape glob characters.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","bumping rails to 3.0.10","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","properly subsituting bad utf8 characters","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","Tags with invalid names should also be stripped in order...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","prevent sql injection attacks by escaping quotes in colu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","Properly escape glob characters.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","fixing utf8 escape vulerability","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","fixing strip tags vulnerability","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","fixing sql injection problem","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","2.3.14. yay. :'(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","bumping to 2.3.13","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","fixing response splitting problem","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","adding notification for rdoc","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-16","adding security email address","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","we should not ignore all gems in here","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","moving CI and Sam Ruby to the top of the list. I :heart...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","add section about notifying implementors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","fixing assert_difference issues on ruby 1.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","fixing wrong words. thanks @jbrown","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","adding my brain dump of the release process","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","make assert_difference error message not suck","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","initializing @open_transactions in the initialize method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","add a migrate class method and delegate to the new instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","use File.directory? as Dir.exists? is only 1.9.2+","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","delay backtrace scrubbing until we actually raise an exc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","default writing the schema file as utf-8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","dump IO encoding value along with schema.rb so the file ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","simplify conditionals by assuming hash values will never...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","use regular ruby rather than clever ruby","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","fixing wildcard path matching when wildcard is inside pa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","fixing tests on ruby trunk","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-13","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-12","moving test_generate to an integration test with one ass...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-12","Merge pull request #2503 from arunagw/cant_dup_on_nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-10","Revert "Ensure original exception message is present in ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-10","add the gem requirement for sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-10","add the gem requirement for sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","adding missing require to fist railties tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","Merge pull request #2465 from pivotal-casebook/patch-3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","deprecating process_view_paths","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","avoid object creation via useless duping and freezing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","just use map and case / when rather than modifying the i...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","only typecast what we need to typecast","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","Favor composition over inheritance.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","Array#+ automatically dups, no double duping","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","Just remove the sort_locals method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","the freeze trick does nothing on arrays used as hash keys.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","use functional style to build a list of template objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","refactor the optimized build_query a bit","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","reduce file stats by improving our dir glob pattern","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","reduce file stats by improving our dir glob pattern","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","hash on the template directory in order to improve cache...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","use meaningful names with our variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","use binread to read the files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","backporting IO#binread for 1.8 users","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-09","be explicit about arguments passed around","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-08","Merge pull request #2426 from pivotal-casebook/fix-build","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-08","Merge pull request #2466 from rsim/fix_test_disable_refe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-08","Merge pull request #2451 from gdelfino/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-05","Revert "Test against Rubinius"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-05","Merge pull request #2442 from sferik/test_on_rubinius","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-05","Merge pull request #2439 from guilleiguaran/fix-error-on...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-05","pg does not allow aliases in the having clause, but func...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-05","bumping to 3.0.10.rc1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-05","more changelog updates","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","updating CHANGELOGs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","we should not ignore all gems in here","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","we should not ignore all gems in here","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","we should not ignore all gems in here","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","we should not ignore all gems in here","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","moving CI and Sam Ruby to the top of the list. I :heart...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","add section about notifying implementors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","fixing assert_difference issues on ruby 1.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","fixing assert_difference issues on ruby 1.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","fixing wrong words. thanks @jbrown","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-04","adding my brain dump of the release process","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-03","make assert_difference error message not suck","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-03","make assert_difference error message not suck","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-03","fixing deprecation notice for dynamic finders that use h...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-03","initializing @open_transactions in the initialize method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-03","add a migrate class method and delegate to the new instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-03","add a migrate class method and delegate to the new instance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-02","use File.directory? as Dir.exists? is only 1.9.2+","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-08-02","use File.directory? as Dir.exists? is only 1.9.2+","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","Merge pull request #2353 from bdurand/no_freeze_cache_en...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","updating the CHANGELOG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","delay backtrace scrubbing until we actually raise an exc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","delay backtrace scrubbing until we actually raise an exc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","delay backtrace scrubbing until we actually raise an exc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","updating changelog with schema.rb changes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","default writing the schema file as utf-8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","default writing the schema file as utf-8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","default writing the schema file as utf-8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","dump IO encoding value along with schema.rb so the file ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","dump IO encoding value along with schema.rb so the file ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","dump IO encoding value along with schema.rb so the file ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-29","Merge pull request #2344 from bcardarella/resolve_warnin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-27","Merge pull request #2309 from smasry/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-27","simplify conditionals by assuming hash values will never...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-27","use regular ruby rather than clever ruby","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-27","fixing wildcard path matching when wildcard is inside pa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2291 from jdelStrother/load_missing_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2095 from dgeb/issue-2094","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-26","Merge pull request #2283 from castlerock/remove_warnings...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-26","fixing tests on ruby trunk","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-26","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-26","fixing tests on ruby trunk","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-26","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-25","bumping to rc5","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-25","bumping up arel version","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-25","updating sprockets to beta 12","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-25","no need for an anonymous class on every setup call","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2238 from cesario/order-with-extra-s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2233 from gramos/fix-issue-1951-master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","just use normal ruby for stubbing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","just use normal ruby for stubbing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2185 from castlerock/lazy_load_abstr...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2229 from gramos/fix-issue-1951","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2228 from Empact/helper_tags_in_mailers","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","simplify singleton_class? method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","simplify singleton_class? method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-24","Merge pull request #2226 from dmathieu/perform_caching","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2218 from guilleiguaran/avoid-map-ch...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-23","remove unused gems from Gemfile","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-23","Merge pull request #2217 from marcandre/fix_enumerable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-22","forgot to add this test case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-22","forgot to add this test case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-21","use rake tasks to set the default environment variables....","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-21","use rake tasks to set the default environment variables....","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-21","removing inline source option from rdoc task. fixes #2169","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-21","removing inline source option from rdoc task. fixes #2169","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-21","adding changelog entry for connection urls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-21","adding more tests around database uri parsing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-21","move around tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-20","no need to sort the values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-20","no need to sort the values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-20","Revert "this fixes a brittle test in fixtures_test.rb wh...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-20","bigdecimal should be typecast to a float on sqlite3. fix...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-20","bigdecimal should be typecast to a float on sqlite3. fix...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-18","make tzinfo a development dependency","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-18","make tzinfo a development dependency","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-16","Merge pull request #2099 from htanata/backport_2090_to_3...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-14","Merge pull request #2066 from amatsuda/magicome","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-14","Merge pull request #2052 from amatsuda/fullwidth_blank","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-12","Merge pull request #1607 from bradrobertson/pg_adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-08","Merge pull request #2012 from dasch/refactor_postgres_ad...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-07","removing brittle assertion","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-05","updating pg supported versions docco. fixes #1959","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-01","a few minor performance improvements: fewer strings, few...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-01","a few minor performance improvements: fewer strings, few...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-01","calling super is super. if the other object is exactly e...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-01","remove unused codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-01","calling super is super. if the other object is exactly e...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-01","remove unused codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-01","reduce calls to owners_by_key and to read_attribute, res...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-07-01","reduce calls to owners_by_key and to read_attribute, res...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","match method signature of the superclass","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","call super rather than delegating to the other objects e...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","just alias eql? to == for frewer method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","only calculate method name once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","cache the plural name on the reflection so we do not pay...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","match method signature of the superclass","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","call super rather than delegating to the other objects e...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","just alias eql? to == for frewer method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","only calculate method name once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-30","cache the plural name on the reflection so we do not pay...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-29","Revert "Delegate to @flashes with 'delegate' instead of ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-29","Merge pull request #1896 from guilleiguaran/issue-1893","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1883 from arunagw/time_zone_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1574 from oriolgual/1571_ar_relation...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1882 from rsim/fix_test_finding_with...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1857 from vijaydev/irreversible-migr...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1860 from dmathieu/comparison","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","Merge pull request #1649 from arunagw/jruby_3_0_stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","remove useless assignment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","remove useless assignment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","lock_optimistically is typically true, so evaluate the c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","lock_optimistically is typically true, so evaluate the c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","reduce object allocation during AR instantiation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","reduce object allocation during AR instantiation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","remove the check for needs_type_condition? because ensur...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","remove the check for needs_type_condition? because ensur...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","stop using && for the short circuit side effect","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","let strings be converted to symbols inside the interpreter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","stop using && for the short circuit side effect","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","let strings be converted to symbols inside the interpreter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","avoice paying hash cost if there are no serialized attri...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","cache column defaults for AR object instantiation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","avoice paying hash cost if there are no serialized attri...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-28","cache column defaults for AR object instantiation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","AR object instantiation is ~30% faster in the simple case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","AR object instantiation is ~30% faster in the simple case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","initialize instance variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","oops! remove debugging codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","initialize instance variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","oops! remove debugging codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","default create_with_value to a hash so we can eliminate ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","default create_with_value to a hash so we can eliminate ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-27","Merge pull request #1871 from guilleiguaran/arel-2-1-3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-23","Merge pull request #1835 from metaskills/ss_rake_master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-23","Merge pull request #1795 from metaskills/ss_db_tasks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-22","Merge pull request #1790 from ernie/reverse_sql_order_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-21","Merge pull request #1811 from nicksieger/more-jruby-gem-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-21","Merge pull request #1809 from nicksieger/more-jruby-gem-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-21","Merge pull request #1632 from tardate/pg_schema_fu","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-17","Merge pull request #1636 from metaskills/upstream/3-1-st...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-16","Merge branch '3-0-9' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-16","Preparing for 3.0.9 release","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-16","avoid false positives caused by release candidates","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-12","Preparing for 3.0.9.rc5 release","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-12","Merge branch '3-0-9' of github.com:rails/rails into 3-0-9","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-12","bumping to rc4","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-12","Merge branch '3-0-stable' into 3-0-9","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1642 from sikachu/master-render-inline","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1641 from sikachu/3-1-stable-render-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1640 from sikachu/3-0-9-render-inline","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-10","Merge pull request #1639 from sikachu/3-0-stable-render-...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","bumping to 3.1.0.rc4","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","bumping to rc3 since syck is not playing nicely","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","bumping to 3.0.9.rc2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","ensuring that json_escape returns html safe strings when...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","ensuring that json_escape returns html safe strings when...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","ensuring that json_escape returns html safe strings when...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","ensuring that json_escape returns html safe strings when...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1611 from sikachu/3-0-stable-javascript","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1610 from sikachu/3-1-stable-javascript","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1609 from sikachu/master-javascript","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-09","Merge pull request #1593 from r00k/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","bumping to 3.1.0.rc3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","bumping to 3.0.9.rc1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1568 from sikachu/3-0-stable-mailto","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1566 from sikachu/3-1-stable-changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1565 from sikachu/3-0-stable-changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1564 from sikachu/master-changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1545 from sikachu/30testbuffer","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1541 from arunagw/3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","Merge pull request #1539 from cmeiklejohn/fix_safe_buffe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-08","bumping to rails 3.1.0.rc2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-07","Merge branch '3-0-8' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-07","bumping to 3.0.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-07","Merge pull request #1528 from chriseppstein/3-1-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-07","find the spec from the source index, then activate it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-07","make sure AR isolated tests set the environment variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-07","make sure AR isolated tests set the environment variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-07","make sure AR isolated tests set the environment variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-07","oops! add parens so the block is properly bound","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","oops! add parens so the block is properly bound","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","oops! add parens so the block is properly bound","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","set the environment variable from the rake file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","set the environment variable from the rake file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","set the environment variable from the rake file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","more oracle fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","do not muck with the load path, that is the test task re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","updating configs for oracle","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","add test to the include path","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","please use ruby -I lib:test path/to/test.rb, or export R...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","more oracle fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","do not muck with the load path, that is the test task re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","updating configs for oracle","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","add test to the include path","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","please use ruby -I lib:test path/to/test.rb, or export R...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","more oracle fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","do not muck with the load path, that is the test task re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","updating configs for oracle","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","add test to the include path","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","please use ruby -I lib:test path/to/test.rb, or export R...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","remove call to source index","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-06","Merge pull request #1511 from vijaydev/rake_rdoc_fixes_c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-01","Merge pull request #1385 from smartinez87/drop","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-06-01","Merge pull request #1439 from sikachu/isolated_pg_test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-31","Merge pull request #1417 from arunagw/nested_attributes_fix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-31","Merge pull request #1400 from arunagw/query_cache_test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-31","rebuilding rc because of syck. :'(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-30","Merge pull request #1410 from lucasts/pg_schema","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-30","bumping to rc3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-30","Merge branch '3-0-stable' into 3-0-8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-29","avoid creating range objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-29","Merge pull request #1398 from leereilly/my_new_branch","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-29","Merge pull request #1397 from sirlantis/3-0-8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-29","Merge pull request #1362 from sirlantis/patch-1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1384 from amatsuda/simplify_drop_table","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1375 from amatsuda/disable_im_by_def...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1369 from arunagw/3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-28","Merge pull request #1368 from amatsuda/disable_im_by_def...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","stop using boolean expressions because of the side effects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","Merge pull request #1365 from gnufied/sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","Merge pull request #1229 from workmad3/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","work around bug in the sqlite3 bindings. fixes #1289","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","work around bug in the sqlite3 bindings. fixes #1289","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","Merge pull request #1346 from arunagw/jdom_file_from_xml...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","fixing test for mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","adding a test for #1322","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","fixing test for mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","fixing test for mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","bumping to 3.0.8.rc2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-27","extend with Rake::DSL in case of rake 0.9.0. fixes #1322","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-26","adding a test for #1322","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-26","quoting id columns when doing hm:t joins. fixes #1322","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-26","adding a test for #1322","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1317 from parndt/3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-26","Merge pull request #1316 from guilleiguaran/railties-cha...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","bumping to 3.0.8.rc1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","updating changelogs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","add Psych::SyntaxError to the list of rescued YAML excep...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","use ! " " YAML string literal syntax rather than removin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","load and prefer psych as the YAML parser when it is avai...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","require Psych if possible, use Psych output when enabled","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","load psych by default if possible","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","prefering psych as the yaml parser if possible, fixing a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","fixing psych support in big decimal, fixing tests to sup...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1285 from joshk/remove_active_record...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-25","Merge pull request #1286 from arunagw/fixed_failing_gene...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","make open_log private","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","rescue record invalid exceptions and return false from t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","add tests surrounding behavior of save and save! for ass...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","adding a test for create! with invalid associations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","do not bother with assert_nothing_raised, the test will ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","rescue record invalid exceptions and return false from t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","add tests surrounding behavior of save and save! for ass...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","adding a test for create! with invalid associations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","do not bother with assert_nothing_raised, the test will ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","rescue record invalid exceptions and return false from t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","add tests surrounding behavior of save and save! for ass...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","adding a test for create! with invalid associations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","do not bother with assert_nothing_raised, the test will ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1247 from arunagw/loading-file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1253 from arunagw/preformance_java_i...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1251 from arunagw/java_import","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-23","fixing 1.8 support for new fixture tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-23","removing CSV fixture support","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-23","fixture file will validate fixture format","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-23","return an empty array for empty yaml files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-23","use top level file constant for join, etc","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-23","adding AR::Fixtures::File class to wrap a fixture file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-23","Merge pull request #1184 from gnufied/master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-18","Merge pull request #1122 from amatsuda/postgres_schema_q...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-17","bumping gem dependency for arel on 3.0.x","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-17","bumping arel requirement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-16","make sure log file is written in binary mode. fixes #497","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-16","simplifying buffered logger for easier and slightly more...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-15","Merge pull request #564 from sikachu/fix_wrapper","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-14","securerandom ships with 1.8.7+, so just use it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-13","backport skip to the AR base class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-13","supporting infinity and -infinity for timestamps in PG. ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-13","supporting infinity and -infinity for timestamps in PG. ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-13","backport skip to the AR base class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-13","test/unit in ruby trunk adds a new instance variable. YAY!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-13","use encoding name since SJIS is Windows-31J on 1.9.3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-13","use valid yaml in tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-13","RedCloth will not install on 1.9.3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-10","make sure log file is written in binary mode. fixes #497","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-10","deprecating CSV fixture support","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-10","deprecating read_csv_fixture_files method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-10","Merge pull request #493 from guilleiguaran/changelog-fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-10","removing splat flatten as we no longer support 1.8.6. fi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-09","use a null byte as a bind parameter substitute as it is ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-08","Merge pull request #445 from prakashmurthy/lighthouse_6334","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #442 from jasonnoble/namespace_fixtures","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-07","Merge pull request #438 from jasonmichaelroth/ordinalize...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-06","Merge pull request #418 from myronmarston/am_observer_do...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-05","Merge pull request #358 from baroquebobcat/fix_find_or_c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-04","ensure query cache is cleared when Rack body is closed, ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-03","Merge pull request #381 from joshk/mysql2_schema_test.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-03","make sure IM repository is cleared after body is closed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-03","proxying the body in the IM middleware so that IM is ava...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-03","adding a test case for the identity map middleware","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-03","cache strings in the AST for faster comparison than incl...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-02","Merge pull request #370 from joshk/unrolled_map.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-02","removing auto_link and moving it to the rails_autolink g...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-02","introduce a body proxy to ensure that query cache is ena...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-02","more tests around caching","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-02","add a couple test cases surrounding query cache middleware","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-01","convert strings to lambdas so we can use a consistent in...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-01","assert_difference can take a callable piece of code rath...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-01","Merge pull request #316 from arunagw/jdbc_postgresql.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-01","fixing more test warnings in 1.9.3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-01","fixing test warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-01","using bind parameters for updates","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-05-01","fixing arel requirements for released arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-30","making sure the `create_fixtures` method works to preven...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-30","make sure we flatten the fixture path list","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-30","shorten up our fixture path resolving code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-30","table name needs to be classified when instantiating fix...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","only use mysql2 0.2.x with rails 3.0.x","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","Merged pull request #351 from vijaydev/3-0-stable.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","Merged pull request #351 from vijaydev/3-0-stable.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","convert query results to a list of lists","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","requring pg ~> 0.11, so remove conditional code for supp...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","Merged pull request #347 from pkmiec/SyntacticalSugar30.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","lean on rubygems to provide error messages about missing...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","supporting delete with bind parameters in mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","refactor exec_delete to reuse the statement cache from e...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","statement cache for deletes working on mysql","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","sqlite3 supports prepared statement deletes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","postgresql supports prepare statement deletes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-29","supporting nil when passed in as an IN clause","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-28","clearing statement from cache on exception in order to s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-27","requiring a newer version of the mysql2 gem","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-27","Merged pull request #325 from joshk/mass_assignment_test...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-27","Merged pull request #325 from joshk/mass_assignment_test...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #318 from joshk/fix_tests.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #314 from smartinez87/master.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-26","simplifying buffered logger for easier and slightly more...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #307 from arunagw/master.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #311 from joshk/assign_attributes.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #310 from beanieboi/master.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #277 from kuinak/master.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-25","Merged pull request #306 from rsim/case_insensitive_uniq...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-25","Merged pull request #309 from arunagw/sass_new.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-25","Merged pull request #304 from arunagw/jdbcmysql_db_create.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-25","Merged pull request #300 from arunagw/jdbc_test.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-25","Merged pull request #302 from metaskills/empty_inserts.","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-22","split indexes and column types on money / binary iteration","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-22","fetch result row arrays from pg in C and return early if...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-22","set the backtrace to prevent AR exceptions from lying to us","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-22","removing incorrect comment and string concatenation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-22","bumping the pg requirements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-22","stop using distinct on for the unique id queries. [#6450...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-18","adding a rake task to help generate changelog notes for ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-18","adding a rake task to help generate changelog notes for ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-18","Merge branch '3-0-7' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-18","bumping version for release","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-18","adding a rake task to update CHANGELOG dates","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-17","Merge branch 'identity_map' of https://github.com/jasonc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-17","make our constructor signature match the superclass","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-15","switch to using comments to comment things","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","bcrypt will encrypt anything, so validate_presence_of wo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","sort insert columns for better cache hits","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","generated session ids should be encoded as UTF-8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","refactoring inserts to use the same method on the connec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","mimic prepared statements in the exec_insert for mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","mysql type cast should return integers when typecasting ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","using the database adapter to typecast before executing ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","inserting big decimals as strings works consistently amo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","insert statements are prepared, but values are not escap...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-14","adding a type cast method for prepared statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-13","do not depend on to_yaml being called, but rather depend...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-13","use index based substitution for bind parameters","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-13","common @jonleighton :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","stop using deprecated methods in arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","remove so many nested if statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","wrap the pg_get_serial_sequence function and reuse it fo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","cache table exists queries in prepared statement cache","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","only use the primary_key method, refactor schema and tab...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","use prepared statements for primary key queries","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","last insert id can never be called, so remove that code ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","we know the table and pk, so we can calculate a default ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","always look up pk and sequence unless both are provided","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","pg does not know the insert_id in advance, so super will...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","updating the docco for ActiveRecord::Result","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","implement exec_query on mysql2 adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","make sqlite insert_sql more consistent with other adapters","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","adding exec_insert for postgresql","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","fixing variable name in mysql test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","properly name schema queries for the logger","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","adding mysql adapter test case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","adding client_encoding method for discovering the encodi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","properly name schema queries for logging","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","adding exec_insert to sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","adding a case_sensitive_modifier for forcing comparisons...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","only support pg >= 8.2, so no need to check","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","pg should define insert_sql so that query cache actually...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","adding pg support notes to the changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-11","community support for pg < 8.2 has ended, so we can drop...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-08","moving sqlite_adapter_tests to sqlite3_adapter_test so t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-08","make turn a soft dependency. generate a Gemfile that con...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-07","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-07","many args does not make sense with the current implement...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-07","getting the flash hash under test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-07","favor composition over inheritance, have FlashHash deleg...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-06","CookieJar should prefer composition over inheritance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-05","do not return html safe strings from auto_link","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-05","Merge branch '3-0-6' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-05","bumping version to 3.0.6","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-05","updating CHANGELOG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-05","updating CHANGELOG for actionpack","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-04-05","do not return html safe strings from auto_link","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-31","bumping to 3.0.6.rc2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-30","Merge branch 'eager_load_has_one_with_conditions_fix' of...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-30","use assert_equal so we get normal error messages along w...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-30","TableAlias leg ordering has changed, so change accordingly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-30","test against AR class rather than the relation (thanks A...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-30","Merge branch 'master' into zomg","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-30","order is not guaranteed by this select, so add an order ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-30","oracle stores this with microseconds, so convert to seco...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-29","make sure that active connections are not cleared during...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-29","clearing active connections in the ConnectionManagement ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-29","proxy body responses so we close database connections af...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-29","Revert "Improve testing of cookies in functional tests:"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-29","make sure we have an active database connection before r...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-29","adding active_connections? to the connection pool for fi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-28","adding active_connection? to the connection pool","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-28","testing app delegation from the ConnectionManagement mid...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-28","namespacing connection management tests. :heart:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-28","sql logger ignores schema statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-28","bumping version to 3.0.6.rc1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-28","updating AR changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-27","cleaning up typecast test a little","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-27","cleaning up typecast test a little","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-27","refactoring tz to a variable rather than repeating it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-27","refactoring tz to a variable rather than repeating it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-26","adding a test for attributes after type cast. thanks nra...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-26","adding a test for attributes after type cast. thanks nra...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-26","fixing whitespace errors. :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-25","fixing whitespace errors. :bomb:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-22","adding missing require","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-22","Merge branch 'master' into fuuu","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-22","pushing id insertion and prefetch primary keys down to R...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-21","use prepared statements to fetch the last insert id","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-21","escaping binary data encoding when inserting to sqlite3....","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-21","escaping binary data encoding when inserting to sqlite3....","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-21","oops, forgot to commit this test!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-21","schemas set by set_table_name are respected by the mysql...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-21","schemas set by set_table_name are respected by the mysql...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-21","updating ar changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-21","SJIS is an alias to Windows-31J in ruby trunk. Use SHIFT...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-17","remove misleading comment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-17","dup strings on return so that in place modifications do ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-15","use a list to represent the supported verbs for a route ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-14","stop splatting arguments so that we can understand wtf i...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-14","RegexpWithNamedGroups is only used for path_info, so onl...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-12","Just define methods directly on the class rather than us...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-12","do not automatically add format to routes that end in a ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-09","stop being clever and just call methods on the Route object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-08","test/unit in ruby trunk adds a new instance variable. YAY!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-07","removing stubs. 1.9.3 implements Date.today in C so mock...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-07","fixing some tests on ruby 1.9.3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-07","do not test explicit equality of predicate methods, they...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-07","refactor calls to to_param in expand_key method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-07","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-06","use sort_by instead of sort()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-05","use Arel::Table#alias rather than passing the :as parameter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","only compute path.to_s once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","remove to_s implementation so that inspect is helpful","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","* LocalCache strategy is now a real middleware class, no...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","require deprecation so that we can deprecate methods!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","anonymous classes have blank names on ruby 1.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","make sure string keys are always looked up from the clas...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","Ruby 1.8: Y U NO FUN?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","use newer class cache api","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","adding deprecation noticies to deprecated class cache me...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","adding backwards compat for class cache references. <3<3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","yo dawg, directly use the class cache rather than the ca...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","refactor Reference to a ClassCache object, fix lazy look...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-02","initialize ivars","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","Enumerable gives us include?, so remove include?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","prefer composition over inheritance with AD::MS","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","fixing test case test on 1.9.3dev","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","Revert "compute ext in initialize, and use an attr_reader"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","no need to pass a regex to Regexp.compile","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","compute ext in initialize, and use an attr_reader","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","Merge branch 'fuuu'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","use a subclass of AS::TZ for testing html output","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-03-01","use a subclass of AS::TZ for testing html output","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-28","reduce two method calls per request, 1 to method_missing...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-28","skip this on oracle","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-27","Merge branch '3-0-5' into 3-0-stable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-27","prepping for 3.0.5 release","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-27","use an attribute rather than a SQL literal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-25","removing limits and offsets from COUNT queries unless bo...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-25","only take the limit if there is a limit to take","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-24","observers leak across tests, so rather than modify the o...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-24","observers leak across tests, so rather than modify the o...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-23","updating to 3.0.5.rc1","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-22","silencing deprecation spam","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-22","expectations change when using IM. Change oracle tests t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-22","Relation will delegate to AR::Base which already uses th...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-22","adding a test case for custom locking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-22","adding a test case for custom locking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-21","Gem.cache is going to be deprecated, use source_index in...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-21","Gem.cache is going to be deprecated, use source_index in...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-19","instance_methods includes public and protected, so reduc...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-18","oops, no need for puts!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-18","AR::AttributeMethods does not need to be included in an ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-18","just use the list of column names to generate attribute ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-17","updating changelog","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-16","explicitly anding queries of the same column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-16","explicitly allowing lolqueries","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-16","use the arel table rather than generating strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-16","no need for Array.wrap","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-16","fixing whitespace problems","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-15","fixture methods can be overridden and super() is useful","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-15","fixing variable names to reflect reality","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-15","this is in the AR namespace, so AR must exist","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-15","fixing variable names, removing FixtureFile instances fr...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-15","removing unused variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-15","bad tests are bad","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-15","remove accidental raise!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-15","removing irrelevant test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-14","Merge branch 'fixtures'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-14","remove unused methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-14","extract database activity out of Fixtures instances","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-14","extract rows that should be inserted to a method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-14","Merge remote branch 'jonleighton/deprecate_string_interp...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-14","Merge remote branch 'jonleighton/association_fixes'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-14","fixtures will return a list of tables that may be effect...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-14","HabtmFixtures class is no longer needed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","key habtm fixtures off table name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","Fixture class no longer needs a reference to the databas...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","convert fixtures to a list of hashes to insert","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","fixture should quack like a hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","Fixtures class constantizes this value, so no need to do...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","database quoting should take care of this, no need to gsub","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","calculate model class on construction","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","clear cache for all connections when resetting","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","avoid side effects from method calls, localize ivar assi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","create fixtures always returns a list, so build a hash f...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-12","create_fixtures() should always return a list","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-11","fixing variable names","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-11","use hash defaults to dry up ||= calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-11","psych does not emit a space after the type","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-11","no more text-format for Ruby 1.9 compatibility","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-11","refactor fixtures to do less work in the constructor","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-11","skip this test on mysql2 as well","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-11","favor composition over inheritence. use AS::OrderedHash ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-10","fixing tests on 1.8, using a list of lists because order...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-10","simplify bind parameter logging","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-10","bind parameters are logged to debug log","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-10","test cases for bind parameter logging","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","rubygems 1.5.0 compatibility. Thanks Tim Serong","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","log method takes an option list of bind values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","fanout unsubscribe only accepted one argument, so taking...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","just use an attr_accessor so we do not pay ||= on every ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","fixing indentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","speed up notification publishing by writing the delegate...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","rawr, mysql, mysql2, why do you hate me. :'(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","use parenthesis so limit works on all dbs","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","removing text-format in favor of a more simple solution","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","implementing include? on AM::Errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","we do not need message to be an array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","use map rather than array concatenation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","favor composition over inheritence","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","use 1 call to concat rather than calling << n times","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","comma limits do not make sense on oracle or pg","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","comma limits do not make sense on oracle or pg","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","reduce string append funcalls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","redcloth does not install on 1.9.3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-09","primary keys should not be cleared on cache clear, fixin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","limit() should sanitize limit values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","ignore max identifier length queries from pg","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","this test requires the job model, so we should require it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","use === so that regular expressions are not required","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","use === so that regular expressions are not required","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","no more faker, rbench, or addressable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","cleaning up some warnings on 1.9.3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","just return the record from insert_record, use truthines...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-08","require tag since we need it for this test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-07","we do not use this method, so delete","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-07","update ignored SQL for oracle","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-07","removing some freedom patches. use notification system t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-07","mysql2 should log these sql statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-07","notifier should be saved and re-set, not deleted","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-07","the connection pool caches table_exists? calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-05","adjust query counts to be consistent across databases, m...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-05","column cache now lives on the connection pool","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-05","almost fisted","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-05","making sure primary key is set on the columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-05","connection pool can cache column, table, and primary key...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-04","introduce a fake AR adapter for mocking database return ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-04","refactor a bunch of return / if to a case / when","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-03","add_limit_offset! is deprecated","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-03","just use the superclass implementation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-03","allow AR caches to be cleared, clear them on class reloa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-03","Revert "ARel only requires the connection from the AR cl...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-03","ARel only requires the connection from the AR class. Sim...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-03","reduce cache misses on STI subclasses","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-03","this method should be private","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-02","this method should never return nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-02","just require mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-02","using mysql2 from git","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-02","adding mysql2 adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","make sure de-serialization happens on object instantiation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","store the serialized column values in the @attributes hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","serialize can take an arbitrary code object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","share column cache among subclasses, only look up column...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","move the coders to the serialized_attributes hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","avoid column lookup on subclasses, keep column info cach...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","adding a YAML Column coder for YAML serialization to db ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","moving AR::ConnectionAdapters::Column to its own file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","column will use coder to typecase value when it is avail...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","coders can be assigned to columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","namespace test so we can dry up constant lookup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","dry up our case / when statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-02-01","fixing invalid yaml [#4418 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-31","expand mulasgn for enhancing readability","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-31","limit() should sanitize limit values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-29","always return the identity function from type_cast_code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-29","use an identity conversion to avoid conditional codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-28","make sure we play nicely when syck is activated","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-28","load psych by default if possible","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-24","Merge remote branch 'jonleighton/deprecate_habtm_attribu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-22","load and prefer psych as the YAML parser when it is avai...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-21","use spec compliant YAML","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-21","psych does not emit a space after the tag","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-21","use ! " " YAML string literal syntax rather than removin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-21","prefering psych as the yaml parser if possible, fixing a...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-21","fixing psych support in big decimal, fixing tests to sup...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-19","we have a method for setting preloaded records, so use it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","reduce objects, reduce loops and function calls while bu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","keys will always be strings in the id => record map","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","reduce method calls and loops when dealing with custom c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","ony bother with record map keys when we need them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","refactor elaborate group_by in to a normal group_by","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","removing usesless variable assignments","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","Changing sqlite3-ruby to sqlite3. backporting 8f88a2841...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","Merge branch 'template_error' into merge","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","fixing bug where 1.8 hangs while running pg tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","remove unnecessary module_eval","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","remove useless conditional","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-18","ordering can change depending on ruby version, so parse ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-17","minitest added @__io__, so we should ignore it too","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-17","minitest added @__io__, so we should ignore it too","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-17","fixing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-17","fixing wrong test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-17","removing more unused variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-17","fixing unused variable warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-16","change sqlite3-ruby => sqlite3 in the generators","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-16","updating sqlite3-ruby => sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-16","updating gem dependency for sqlite3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-15","push !loaded? conditional up","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-15","return early in case the left or right side lists are empty","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-15","only find_target can raise the exception, so isolate the...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-15","we always have a target, so stop checking","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-15","we should use [] instead of Array.new","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-15","@target is always a list, so stop doing is_a? checks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-15","move complex logic to it's own method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","loaded? will not raise an AR::RecordNotFound exception, ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","reduce funcalls by using falsey objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","write the delegate method directly to avoid `delegate` c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","reduce some lasigns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","use rake to create test databases for us","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","transactional fixtures must be set to false for this test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","Arel::Table.engine will be deprecated, so stop using it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","preheat the table cache in arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-14","use rack-test from git","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-13","include_in_memory? should check against @target list in ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-13","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-13","include_in_memory? should check against @target list in ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","turn off deprecation silencing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","use array maths rather than *args","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","just use return value of load_target","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","just call methods on return value of `load_target`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","default return value is nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","@loaded is defined in initialize, so we should not need ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","just use respond_to? and super rather than aliasing arou...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","remove locales external to the system before assertion","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","use raise to create exceptions and to set the backtrace","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","reraising should be in the rescue block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","remove locales external to the system before assertion","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","use raise to create exceptions and to set the backtrace","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","reraising should be in the rescue block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","sorry, the CI cannot lie to us anymore","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","sorry, the CI cannot lie to us anymore","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-12","adding a test for no method error","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-11","use underlying _read_attribute method rather than causin...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-11","kill unused variable warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-11","lazily instantiate AR objects in order to avoid NoMethod...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-11","avoid splatting arrays by using concat","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-11","only use one array when collecting split up queries","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-10","adding to_d to BigDecimal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-10","adding to_d to BigDecimal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-10","use SQLite3::VERSION rather than the deprecated class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-10","use SQLite3::VERSION rather than the deprecated class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-10","calculate to_s on the primary key once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-09","remove unused string substitution","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-09","use select_all because not all database adapters support...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-08","join the cult of cargo. reduce the number of NoMethodErr...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-08","stop creating intermediate AR objects, just construct AR...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-08","no need for to_sym","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-08","String#insert() mutates the string, so no need for lasgn","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-08","fewer funcalls to the cached attributes variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-07","send() will raise an ArgumentError, so we should leverag...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-07","no need for parens","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-07","use a hash for caching aggregations rather than ivars","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-07","method is never called with arguments","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-07","only rescue from Mysql::Error exceptions [#6236 state:re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-07","just use a hash for doing association caching","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-06","no need for self","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","adding an `encode_with` method for Psych dump/load methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","make sure new objects can round trip","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","make sure that Psych can roundtrip an AR object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","AR internals expect a normal hash, otherwise there are s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","only define log_level reader once, make sure to initiali...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","no need to specify self","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","no need to send a symbol to send()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","avoid creating so many Arel::Table objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","use attr_reader and alias methods to access instance var...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","we have a method for this, so let's use it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","use arel ast construction rather than generating strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","use arel to construct AST rather than generate strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","make our yaml output consistent","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-05","add Psych::SyntaxError to the list of rescued YAML excep...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-04","fixing merge errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-04","Merge remote branch 'rsim/require_deprecation'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-04","Merge remote branch 'rsim/habtm_select_fix'","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-04","test that the custom ordered hash can be round-tripped","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-04","require Psych if possible, use Psych output when enabled","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-04","use dots for method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-03","herp derpricating add_limit_offset!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2011-01-01","Merge remote branch 'jonleighton/association_fixes' into...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-27","I N C E P T I O N: flatten_deeper works around a bug in ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-27","try not to make so many funcalls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-27","make our hash of klasses and ids actually have classes f...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-27","stop calling deprecated apis","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","refactor to use group_by","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","arel will deal with casting the ids, so we can delete this","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","use arel to determine selection column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","refactoring method selection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","using arel to compile sql statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","use sql literal factory method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","take more advantage of arel sql compiler","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","refactoring AST building","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","use arel to compile SQL statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-25","stop redifining methods on every call to set_primary_key","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-24","use the sql literal factory method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-24","stop the recursive insanity","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-24","setting the primary key on the update manager","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-23","avoid duping and new objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-23","arel can escape the id, so avoid using the database conn...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-23","Arel::Table#[] always returns an attribute, so no need f...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-23","probably should use the some_ids variable here. o_O","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-23","removing SQL interpolation, please use scoping and attri...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-23","use arel to compile SQL rather than build strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-23","to_sym stuff before passing it to arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-23","build an AST rather than build SQL strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-21","returning id (for some yet to be discovered reason)","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-21","define_attr_method must serialize nil correctly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-21","if there is no base name, we cannot determine a primary key","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-21","remove some lasigns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-20","no use for set, no need to to_ary, reduce extra objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-20","use array arithmetic rather than create sets","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-17","dry up case / when statement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","dry up compute type in attribute","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","make sure that join nodes are uniq","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","class names are already strings, so we do not need to ca...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","build SQL AST nodes rather than generate strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","construct_joins no longer needs an argument","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","supporting arel AST nodes when building join statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","just copy the joins to the list","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","bucketing based on join type","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","taking advantage of the JoinSource node in the SQL AST","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","stop delegating inserts to ARel, use the INSERT SQL ours...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","persisted? should be able to return a truthy object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","just use the regexp directly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","combine regexp","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","reduce method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","move ivar to initialize, use triple dot rather than minus","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","explicitly set prefix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","remove lasgn since AST is mutated","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","just mutate the ast, fewer lasgns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-15","make sure that join nodes are uniq","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-14","class names are already strings, so we do not need to ca...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-14","build SQL AST nodes rather than generate strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-14","construct_joins no longer needs an argument","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-14","supporting arel AST nodes when building join statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-14","just copy the joins to the list","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-14","bucketing based on join type","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-14","taking advantage of the JoinSource node in the SQL AST","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-14","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-13","stop delegating inserts to ARel, use the INSERT SQL ours...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-13","persisted? should be able to return a truthy object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-11","just use the regexp directly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-11","combine regexp","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-11","reduce method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-11","move ivar to initialize, use triple dot rather than minus","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-11","explicitly set prefix","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-11","remove lasgn since AST is mutated","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-11","just mutate the ast, fewer lasgns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","use table alias nodes rather than Table nodes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","use alias nodes to represent table aliases","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","avoid *args on join_target_table","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","only quote the table name once per call","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","no more manager manipulation if there is no custom join ast","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","froms should never equal 0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","manager will always be a manager","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","eliminate lasgns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-10","dealing with an AST manager, not a relation, so fix the ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","move join creation a little closer to where it is used","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","use inject rather than lasgn","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","preheating cache so that tests can run in isolation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","reuse the superclass methods for shorter codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","just use core methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","Merge remote branch 'rude/disable-keys-for-postgres-9.0....","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","fixing documentation, thanks Ivan Evtuhovich","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","removing useless lasgn","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","just wrap as a sql literal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-09","use sort_by","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","updating CHANGELOG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","removing method to prevent warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","just allocate the table in initialize","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","fewer method calls, fewer code branches","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","only call active_record once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","dry up calls to table_aliases","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","remove code that could never be executed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","have table_aliases call count_aliases to set the default...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","arel ignores the columns parameter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","adding a fixme comment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","renaming variables, making the join_ast method private","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","further reducing dependence on custom_joins","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","reducing use of custom joins","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","passing the ast to a table when the relation is a table","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","JoinDependency is always created with an AST now","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-08","passing the ast to JoinDependency","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-07","arel is lazy about column information, so no need to pas...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-07","reduce string objects, reduce method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-07","save the AR reference rather than delegating","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-07","cleaning up custom_join_sql method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-04","not a responsibility for rails to test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-03","use the columns hash for primary key lookup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-03","removing unused setup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-03","in the middle of refactoring","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","remove calls to deprecated methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","avoid deprecate api","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","removing more calls to deprecated methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","removing more calls to deprecated methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","removing calls to deprecated methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","refactor `self.class` to a variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","avoiding deprecated methods in arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","removing some calls to insert on arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","fixing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","adding a test for YAML round trip","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","adding a test for YAML round trip","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","fixing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","no need for self","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-02","rolling out migrated_at until I can fix the build","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","removing duplicate test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","should not to_s the possibly nil value","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","make sure we have a value in migrated_at","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","not all databases return dates as strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","avoid deprecated methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","updating CHANGELOG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","fixing tests and warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","just use alias","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","fix warnings, stop using global variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","JoinBase initialize can be deleted","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","stop using splat args when we do not need them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","just grep the AST for OuterJoin nodes rather than conver...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","reduce method calls on arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","just call join_sql against the manager object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-12-01","isolating eager_loading? method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","we already know it is already an array, so we do not nee...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","shorten up scope_for_create","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","making sure scope_for_create value is cached","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","surrounding scope_for_create behavior","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","scope_for_create always returns something","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","Ruby 1.8, how does it work?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","removing arel 1.0 compatibility","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","testing combined nodes are not traversed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","adding more tests surrounding where_values_hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","testing Relation#table_name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","adding a test for ActiveRecord::Relation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","fix whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","making relationship merge cheaper","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","cleaning up where_values_hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-30","adding more tests surrounding where values hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-29","testing attributes applied by default_scope","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-29","removing interpolate_sql from join associations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-29","moving method to subclass that actually uses the method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","alias should be a SQL literal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","initialize instance variables in initialize... o_O","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","adding a factory method to the join part for generating ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","use ARel rather than generate SQL strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","remove useless join","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","moving column_aliases to JoinDependency","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","reduce method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","removing ternary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","breaking classes up in to respective files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-24","fixing variable names. oops!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","just wrap as a sql literal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","updating changelog for dup and clone semantics","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","clone and dup are working on 1.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","converting clone test to dup test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","fixing dup regressions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","fixing more dup tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","renaming duplication test to dup test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","adding a specific case for clone testing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","testing duped attributes are independent","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","initialize_clone can go away","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","making sure changes to dup will not touch original","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","dup keeps changes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","dup is working better","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","skip cloning if arguments are blank","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","removing space error","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-23","removing unused variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-22","adding a test for the runner module [#6027 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-22","sort lists before comparing them","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-20","do not require ruby-debug automatically. please require...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-20","do not require ruby-debug automatically. please require...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","wtf vim","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","fisting typeo, thanks @vinibaggio","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","adding documentation for reversible migrations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","adding Migration#change to the CHANGELOG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","fisting my spelling errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","testing a non-invertible migration case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","invertable migrations are working","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","command recorder will record commands sent to a delegate...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","adding invertable migration test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","updating documentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","IrreversibleMigration is raised if we cannot invert the ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","commands are reversed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","add and remove timestamps can be inverted","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","inverting add_index","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","partial implementation of the command recorder","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","this return value is not used, so stop returning it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-19","instantiate the delegate object after initialize is defi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","connection is set from the connection pool during migrat...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","testing multiple ORd queries","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","testing multiple ORd queries","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","delegating path and open to internal tempfile","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","delegating path and open to internal tempfile","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","removing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","removing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","group can be done by left side only","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","group can be done by left side only","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","collapsing same table / column WHERE clauses to be OR [#...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","collapsing same table / column WHERE clauses to be OR [#...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","use shorter form for sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-18","use shorter form for sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","adding an initialize with name and version defaults","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","updating generators","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","fixing more documentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","fixing documentation, removing unused AS files","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","fixing indentation since these methods are not class met...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","these methods are no longer needed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","updating CHANGELOG","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","do not need these accessors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","testing instance based migrations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","singleton method added is no longer needed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","schema migrations work as instances","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","converted migrations to support instance methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","fixing assertions so error messages will be more helpful","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-17","removing many unused variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","super automatically passes on the implicit block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","use unless instead of if !","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","removing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","reloading an association will properly set attributes of...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","refactoring uniq method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","refactor to reduce method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","using a merge with a Hash[] rather than a loop to add SA...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","using a merge with a Hash[] rather than a loop to add SA...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","support finding by a ruby class [#5979 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-16","support finding by a ruby class [#5979 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","adding more test coverage around finding with active rec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","adding more test coverage around finding with active rec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","updating CHANGELOG to reflect bug fixes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","rejecting blank strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","use quoted id of single AR::Base objects in predicates","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","use quoted id of single AR::Base objects in predicates","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","reduce method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","make sure we are only doing sanity checking against regu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","make sure we are only doing sanity checking against regu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-15","fisting a bunch of unused variable warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-07","reduce duplication in assiciations #construct()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-06","make sure we keep parent records in order","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-06","only call to_s on the association variable once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-05","simplify instantiate in the join parts object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-05","index is not used, so removing it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-05","reduce method calls to the join base object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-05","stop recursively calling exists?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-05","renaming exec in the mysql adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-05","renaming exec in the PG adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-05","converted exec to exec_query for sqlite","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-04","ignoring certain SQL when using Oracle","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-04","select goes through exec(), so no method chaining for qu...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-04","use bind params in select with query monkeypatch","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-11-03","add more tests surrounding camlize in xmlmini, refactor ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","only returning where values for the corresponding relati...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","adding tests for #5234 and #5184. Tests were from Akira ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","no need to merge where values if no new where values hav...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","reduce duplicate where removal to one loop","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","swap out some n^2 for some n","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","dup rather than create so many arrays","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","only returning where values for the corresponding relati...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","adding tests for #5234 and #5184. Tests were from Akira ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","no need to merge where values if no new where values hav...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","ruby-debug19 does not work with 1.9.3, so I am removing it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","refactoring find_join_association","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","only do string substitution on column names once, remove...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","columns are always strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-30","no need to to_i, sqlite does that for us","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-27","select_all() should always return an array, so no need t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-27","fisting test name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-27","speeding up query cache","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-27","making query cache work with prepared statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-27","reducing the number of parameters to select()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","renaming bind_values to binds where it makes sense","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","adding backwards compatibility for non-prepare statement...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","caching column values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","setting the authorized session clears the statement cache","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","add a session authorization setter to the pg connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","avoiding statement cache if there are no bind values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","folding async_exec to exec","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","clear cache before resetting the connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","prepare the statement before we cache the key","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","bind substitution is working properly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","bind parameters are now typecast","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","basic bind parameters are working","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","initial exec() method is working in pg adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","monkey patching with enumerable so we can call each","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","monkey patching Mysql::Stmt, calling free on the metadata","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","free the result after slurping","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","eliminating some calls to execute()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","statements are cached, cache is cleared on reconnect","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","all mysql tests are passing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","one more mysql test left!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","mysql tests are mostly passing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","find_one uses prepared statement cache","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","clearing statements on disconnect and reset","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","refactoring tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","type casting bound value based on column associated with...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","stop calling execute directly on the database connection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","removing another execute","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","removing more execute calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","removing more calls to execute","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","removing some uses of execute","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","exec returns an AR::Result","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","adding bind_values to relations","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","adding bind value substitution","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","adding the abstract method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","Revert "removing unused variable"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-26","reducing the number of parameters to select()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-24","refactor to remove `through_records`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-24","removing dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-24","removing unused variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-23","save a few method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-22","removing wtfalse","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-22","removing call to deprecated API, this test is outside AR...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-22","if it responds to :usec, it should also "act like" a time","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-22","removing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-21","removing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-21","adding a test to ensure offsets with no limits will work...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","use grep instead of select + is_a?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","use a map and flatten to avoid << calls on array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","only call `column_methods_hash` once, use array math for...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","roll up weird method to meta programmed method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","use zip + Hash.[] rather than looping with an index","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","extract options is not necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","removing unused variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","removing unused variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","reduce duplicate where removal to one loop","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","swap out some n^2 for some n","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","bumping mysql2 requirement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","bumping mysql2 requirement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","dup rather than create so many arrays","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","use array math rather than looping through the array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","use shortened version to generate a sql literal","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","avoid cloning if we do not need to clone","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","avoid creating a proc object when possible","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","scopes can take an object that responds to `call`","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-20","avoid creating the proc object if possible","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-19","default scope can accept any object that responds to #call","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-19",""instance_methods" includes public and protected","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","avoid a few comparisons","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","remove strange else block","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","skip extra work if no text or phrase was provided","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","lets not invert the hash on every iteration through this...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","use -= in place of the expanded form","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","implicitly return nil if there is no number","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","implicit return of nil","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","use regex escape sequences to shorten stuff up","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-18","join strings rather than resizing buffer","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-15","should sort these ids before asserting they are equal!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-15","testing that symbols work as sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-15","fixing an error in the rdoc","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-15","Revert "refactor delete a little"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-14","Revert "speeding up flattened version of OrderedHash.[]"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-14","speeding up flattened version of OrderedHash.[]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-14","refactor delete a little","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-14","use unless instead of if !","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-13","clear any stale connections before messing with threaded...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","stop using deprecated arel API","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","stop using deprecated arel API","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","dry up column type testing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","all columns respond to string_to_binary, so no need to c...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","drying up true and false cases","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","reducing comparisons in when statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","removing intermediate variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","reduce the number of times we test for the column variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","test quoting a string with an unknown column type","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","refactoring date / time / datetime when statement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","fixing case / when indentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","test quoting multibyte chars object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","test quoting strings with binary columns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","test quoting a string with a float column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","testing quoting a string for an int column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","testing crazy object quoting","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","test that dates / times / datetimes call quoted_date","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","test quoting of bigdecimals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","testing floats, fixnum, and bignums","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","test quoting nils, true, false, id","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","getting quoted_time under more specific tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-12","starting to get the quote module under test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-11","we should always cast the value based on the column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-11","we should always cast the value based on the column","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-11","removing freeze","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-11","removing some load path tomfoolery","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-11","fixing railties tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-07","removing false comment","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-07","only forwarding enough methods to work. People should gr...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-07","making sure respond_to? works properly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-07","raising an argument error if tempfile is not provided","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-07","if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must b...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-07","delegate to the @tempfile instance variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-07","adding tests for uploaded file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-05","refactoring to use fewer intermediate variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-05","cleaning up more crazy!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-05","deleting more crazy","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-05","dry up some crazy codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-05","fixing a few test warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-05","only forwarding enough methods to work. People should gr...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-05","making sure respond_to? works properly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-05","raising an argument error if tempfile is not provided","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must b...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","delegate to the @tempfile instance variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","adding tests for uploaded file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","avoid method call to compact","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","create fewer objects, call fewer methods in extract_pg_i...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","* + flatten is not required in >= Ruby 1.8.7","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","calling correct method on minitest for test name when te...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","[#5406 state:resolved] calling the correct method on min...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","calling correct method on minitest for test name when te...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","[#5406 state:resolved] calling the correct method on min...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","calling correct method on minitest for test name when te...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-04","[#5406 state:resolved] calling the correct method on min...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","converting inject([]) to map","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","speed up duplicate migration detection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","reduce the number of calls to camelize","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","convertion MigrationProxy to a Struct, initialize instan...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","dry up some migration logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","no need to differentiate between nil and false in this case","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","two argument String#slice is faster than single argument...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","lengths will be nil or an array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","remove a few function calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","be kind to the garbage collector and reuse our visitor o...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","avoid creating objects when we can","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-03","moving fake model to the correct file","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-02","removing more duplicate code. :'(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-02","fixing warnings with regexps on assert_match","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-02","removing more duplicate code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-02","delete repeated code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-02","remove another lolinject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-02","use a method that actually exists","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-02","speed up index_by by removing a lolinject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-10-02","removing AS::Testing::Default in favor of just undefing ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","Arel::Sql::Engine.new does not do anything anymore","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","Arel::Sql::Engine.new does not do anything anymore","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","type_name should check for blank because people may have...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","type_name should check for blank because people may have...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","build_where should be private","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","type_name is never a blank string, so use faster .nil? call","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","build_where should be private","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","type_name is never a blank string, so use faster .nil? call","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","speeding up object instantiation by eliminating instance...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","speeding up object instantiation by eliminating instance...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","changing map and include to find","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","fixing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","[#5441 state:resolved] refactoring code to determine agg...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","group clause must be more specific","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","[#5441 state:resolved] refactoring code to determine agg...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","group clause must be more specific","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","avoid creating a block if possible","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","fixing regexp warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-30","tag value can be false, so nil? check is necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing crazy finalizer code until there is proof that ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing useless code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","dry up method checking in the request object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","reduce function calls on Array","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing more lolinject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing lollerject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","self is implied, so remove self","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","dry up method missing","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","oops, missed a uniq","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","dry up action_methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","fixing space error","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","eliminating method_missing on TableDefinition","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","no need to call e.class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","DRY up postgresql quote logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","fixing where clause indentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","use consistent method calls for column inspection","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","require pg when this adapter is loaded","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","only reopen ConnectionAdapters once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","use inheritence to deal with custom methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","fisting test organization","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","just use if rather than nil?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","just require sqlite3 when the database adapter is required","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing more useless code! yay!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","SqlLiteral is a string, so we can dry up these conditionals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","shorten up or sql literal creation statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","we only care about arrays and strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","dry up calls to arel.join()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing unused lasgns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","refactoring to remove crazy logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing a conditional that is not used","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","fisting the postgresql tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","convert inject to map + join","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","each works well too","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","no need for splat and flatten","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","avoid calling to_sql when we can","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing an inject + merge in favor of Hash#[]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","use new skool Ruby instead of Ruby Classic™","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","be kind to the garbage collector: only instantiate objec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","adding test cases for the dynamic finder matcher match m...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","constructor should not do so much work; avoid allocating...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","@klass also uses DynamicFinderMatch, so no need for it o...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","no need for a case / when statement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","do not need intermediate variable, avoid lasgn","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","DRY up our regular expression","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","reduce method calls in the dynamic finder matcher","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","where_values_hash always returns a hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","removing more useless code! yay!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","SqlLiteral is a string, so we can dry up these conditionals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","shorten up or sql literal creation statements","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","we only care about arrays and strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-29","dry up calls to arel.join()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","removing unused lasgns","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","refactoring to remove crazy logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","where_values_hash always returns a hash","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","Revert "porting 515917f5d8678af6c57842ca5dfd7c18e67ff1fe...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","Revert "porting 066518295032a8e3f3468737337b8c8299442867...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","removing a conditional that is not used","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","fisting the postgresql tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","convert inject to map + join","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","each works well too","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","no need for splat and flatten","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","avoid calling to_sql when we can","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","removing an inject + merge in favor of Hash#[]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","fixing indentation warning","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","porting 066518295032a8e3f3468737337b8c8299442867 to mast...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","porting 515917f5d8678af6c57842ca5dfd7c18e67ff1fe to master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","porting 066518295032a8e3f3468737337b8c8299442867 to mast...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","porting 515917f5d8678af6c57842ca5dfd7c18e67ff1fe to master","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","use new skool Ruby instead of Ruby Classic™","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","be kind to the garbage collector: only instantiate objec...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","adding test cases for the dynamic finder matcher match m...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-28","constructor should not do so much work; avoid allocating...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","@klass also uses DynamicFinderMatch, so no need for it o...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","no need for a case / when statement","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","do not need intermediate variable, avoid lasgn","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","DRY up our regular expression","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","reduce method calls in the dynamic finder matcher","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","make sure we use the engine assigned to the table when q...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","make sure we use the engine assigned to the table when q...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","adding a test for slug behavior","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","depending on arel 2.0.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","depending on arel 2.0.0","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","Revert "depend on the arel gem, not the arel git repo"","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","removing nonsensical tests, limit now actually adds a limit","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","depend on the arel gem, not the arel git repo","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","do not pass nil values to arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-27","third parameter is not used","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-24","attr_accessor_with_default should raise an ArgumentError...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-24","fixing bug with rails use of rack-test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-23","Hash#to_s behaves differently between 1.8 and 1.9, so ad...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-23","fixing bug with rails use of rack-test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","switch present in favor of empty","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","third parameter for rack must respond to each","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","testing poor behavior of hash serialization","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","avoid a proc object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","avoid creating a range object","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","drying up construct_association","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","dry up some conditionals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","fixing case / when indentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","fix case / when indentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","avoid a hash lookup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","remove more codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","deleting more code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","use each properly to avoid splatting a variable","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","deleting repeated codes","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-22","do not pass nil values to arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","refacoring duplicate code. <3 <3 <3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","this reject can be replaced with compact","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","removing unused code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","remove some repeated code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","break up giant method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","removing lolinject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","fixing tests. woo","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","removing lolinject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","fixing tests. woo","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","providing arel with column information when possible [#5...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-21","providing arel with column information when possible [#5...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-18","removing some warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-18","freeze is not necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-18","argument error is done for us","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-15","removing nonsensical tests, limit now actually adds a limit","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-15","@join_values is passed in, so we should use the parameter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-12","Remove dummy method definition in favor of RDoc hints:","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-10","passing the quoted id to arel if the object has a quoted id","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-10","converting an inject to a map + Hash[]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-10","passing the quoted id to arel if the object has a quoted id","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-10","converting an inject to a map + Hash[]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-10","specific number of spaces should not be enforced","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-10","specific number of spaces should not be enforced","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-10","avoid method_missing and reduce method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-10","avoid method_missing and reduce method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-09","creating a new array is required. who knew? :-(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-09","creating a new array is required. who knew? :-(","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-09","no need for Array.wrap, also avoid array creation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-09","no need for Array.wrap, also avoid array creation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","eliminate present? for fewer method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","eliminate present? for fewer method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","returning arrays lets us avoid Array.wrap","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","returning arrays lets us avoid Array.wrap","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","removing unnecessary conditional test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","removing unnecessary conditional test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","switch to blank? to avoid method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","switch to blank? to avoid method calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","refactor to use faster empty?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","refactor to use faster empty?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","drying up joins()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","drying up joins()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","reduce method calls, use reject + blank? instead of sele...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","reduce method calls, use reject + blank? instead of sele...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","refactor a couple injects to map + Hash[]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","refactor a couple injects to map + Hash[]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","avoid an inject in favor of dup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-08","avoid an inject in favor of dup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","attributes should be constructed with table objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","attributes should be constructed with table objects","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","attributes should be associated with tables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","attributes should be associated with tables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","serialized attributes should be serialized before valida...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","serialized attributes should be serialized before valida...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","no need to freeze this string","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","no need to freeze this string","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","removing useless code, cleaning variable names","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","removing useless code, cleaning variable names","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","select should raise error when no block or no parameter ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","select should raise error when no block or no parameter ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","select does not need a *args","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","select does not need a *args","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","cleaning up confusing logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-09-07","cleaning up confusing logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","use blank? instead of present?, mark SQL literals as SQL...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","no need to send on a public method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","refactor select { is_a? } to grep()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","mark SQL literals as SQL literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","use blank? instead of present?, mark SQL literals as SQL...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","no need to send on a public method","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","refactor select { is_a? } to grep()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","run tests in verbose mode","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-25","mark SQL literals as SQL literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-24","marking sql literals as sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-24","marking sql literals as sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-24","making variable names a little more clear","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-23","we should mark sql strings as sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-23","we should mark sql strings as sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-23","sql literal strings should be marked as sql literal strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-23","sql literal strings should be marked as sql literal strings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-23","we should mark strings as SQL Literal values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-23","we should mark strings as SQL Literal values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-23","removing unused code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-22","removing duplicate tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-20","adding FOUND_ROWS to the connect flags for mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-20","adding FOUND_ROWS to the connect flags for mysql2","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-20","fisting after_rollback and after commit callbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-20","fisting after_rollback and after commit callbacks","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-20","updates return number of rows matched rather than number...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-20","updates return number of rows matched rather than number...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-19","removing useless ternary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-19","removing useless ternary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-19","we should wrap strings as sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-19","we should wrap strings as sql literals","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-19","refactor if / else to ||=","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-19","refactor if / else to ||=","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-18","refactoring to remove duplicate logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-18","refactoring to remove duplicate logic","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-18","call to present? is not necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-18","call to present? is not necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-18","run the AS tests in verbose mode","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-14","converting to a symbol is not necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-14","removing a lolinject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-14","avoid direct use of arel constants","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-14","removing references to arel constants","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-14","avoiding symbol to proc again","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-14","do not use arel constants directly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-14","symbol to proc is slow, we should avoid it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","converting to a symbol is not necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","converting to a symbol is not necessary","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","removing a lolinject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","removing a lolinject","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","avoid direct use of arel constants","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","avoid direct use of arel constants","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","removing references to arel constants","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","avoiding symbol to proc again","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","do not use arel constants directly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","symbol to proc is slow, we should avoid it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","removing references to arel constants","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","avoiding symbol to proc again","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","do not use arel constants directly","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-13","symbol to proc is slow, we should avoid it","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","subtracting blank strings is slightly faster than blank?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","subtracting blank strings is slightly faster than blank?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","avoid multiple hash lookups","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","dry up the hash dup and avoid sending nil values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","avoid multiple hash lookups","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","dry up the hash dup and avoid sending nil values","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","avoiding tap saves us time","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","unless Array#empty? is faster than if Array#present?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","stop using private methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","avoiding tap saves us time","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","unless Array#empty? is faster than if Array#present?","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-11","stop using private methods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-06","reduce the number of times current_connection_id is call...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-06","reduce the number of times current_connection_id is call...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-06","test to ensure that respond_to? delegates to arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-06","test to ensure that respond_to? delegates to arel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-06","sorry AR, my privates are none of your business","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-06","sorry AR, my privates are none of your business","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-06","do not rely on arel class structure","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-06","do not rely on arel class structure","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-05","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-05","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","avoid passing lists of lists to the group clause","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","avoid passing lists of lists to the group clause","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","call to_a since we are not passing anything to all()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","call to_a since we are not passing anything to all()","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","fisting indentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","fisting indentation","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","do not pass AR objects to ARel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","do not pass AR objects to ARel","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","avoid passing AR::Base objects to Arel when we can","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-04","avoid passing AR::Base objects to Arel when we can","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-08-03","order query is already a string, no need to to_s","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-30","reverting where() functionality, adding a test","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-30","fewer method calls, using faster methods when possible","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-30","reducing function calls and using faster methods for tes...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-29","got the ternary backwards. somehow the sqlite tests pas...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-29","PERF: avoiding splat args and reducing function calls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-29","Shouldn't have committed this! Revert "avoid calling to_...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-29","avoid calling to_sql twice","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-28","slight performance improvement when grabbing an arel table","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-26","fixing space errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-25","using AREL from the environment if it exists","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-25","fisting warning","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-25","do not execute the session tests within transactions","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-25","look up connection once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-25","cache the instrumentor for a speed gain","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-25","use a hash to collect optional statistics about the inst...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-23","update Rakefiles for RDoc 2.5","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-23","testing sqlbypass destroy. caching connection during des...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-23","brrrrr! freeze is not needed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-23","fixing space error","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-23","refactoring more methods to a class methods module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-23","refactoring class methods to a module","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-22","refactor to use instance methods and be kind to subclasses","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-22","adding a test for session save","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-21","testing loaded? method and reducing funcalls","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-21","testing new_record? and converting to an attribute","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-21","reducing function calls in the session store","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-21","readability is hip","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-21","starting sql bypass test, fixing create_table and drop_t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-21","initializing instance variables","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-21","adding tests for sessions and clearing up warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-20","adding a reader for loaded, initializing @loaded to false","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-19","reusing the time instrumentation from the instrumenter r...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-19","mocking out debing? call in the MockLogger","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-19","avoid const lookup. we know what these constants are in...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-19","avoid call to Array#first","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-19","avoid proc activation every time a log message is made","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-19","subscriber does not need to be a block, but an object th...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-18","Notifier API == Fanout API, so replace Notifier with Fan...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-18","tap the subscriber for easier return value","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-18","bind method is not needed, so goodbye! <3 <3 <3","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-18","changing fixtures back to superclass_delegating_accessor...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-17","convert duration to an attr_reader","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-17","drained? is never called","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-17","private method is not needed","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-17","removing Binding class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-17","use === to avoid regular expression creation, and speed ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-16","unfactoring clear_stale_cached_connections!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-16","adding a test for clearing stale connections","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-16","fixing test file name","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-16","fixing whitespace errors","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-16","only test for existence of +pool+ once","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-16","use an attr_reader for performance","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-16","fixing typeo. thanks bamnet!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-16","backporting a couple missing files. sorry folks!","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-15","fixing performance regression from 2.3.5 -> 2.3.8","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-15","clean up ||= with an initialized variable and attr_reader","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-15","primary_key_name already checks for the model_class","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-15","use array intersection for dry / faster code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-14","activerecord tests should inherit from ActiveRecord::Tes...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-14","remove useless ternary in PostgreSQL adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-14","PostgreSQLAdapter#query string interpolation calls to_s ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-14","PostgreSQLAdapter#query bail early if there is no column...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-14","Let's initialize instance variables in the postgres adap...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-13","reducing range comparisons when converting types to sql","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-13","only loop through all rows and columns once in the postg...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-13","use constants instead of magic numbers. meow","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-13","our method is modifying the original array, so refactor ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-13","PostgreSQLAdapter#select_raw removing dead code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-13","PostgreSQLAdapter#select_raw use each_with_index to avoi...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-13","PostgreSQLAdapter#select_raw fields and results are empt...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-13","refactor PostgreSQLAdapter#result_as_array to create few...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-12","cleaning up PostgreSQLAdapter#select","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-12","these strings do not need to be frozen","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-12","use Hash#each to avoid a second hash lookup","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-10","reducing funcalls, cleaning up primary key methods for s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-10","primary key behavioral tests","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-10","behavioral tests for sqlite adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-10","adding more behavioral tests for the sqlite adapter","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-08","moving parse_sqlite_config to the sqlite3_connection met...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-08","removing useless code. [#5070 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-07","adding some behavioral tests for the sqlite adapter. [#5...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-01","porting session.clear fix to master branch. [#5030 state...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-07-01","fisting Session::AbstractStore#clear to actually clear t...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-29","AssociationCollection#create_by_*, find_or_create_by_* w...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-29","AssociationCollection#create_by_*, find_or_create_by_* w...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-27","removing useless code. [#4988 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-26","adding adapter tests, avoiding private apis, fixing code...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-25","refactoring the postgres adapter index method to avoid i...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-25","index dump should not include full text indexes. Thanks ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-25","reorganizing adapter specific tests. [#4974 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-17","setting the timezone in postgres to whatever ruby thinks...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-17","when the timezone is nil, a TimeWithZone object should n...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-16","use assert_in_delta() for floating point comparisons in ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-06-08","forcing encoding on 1.9 when dealing with "binary" colum...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-05-22","backporting beda2d43 for newer sqlite-ruby bindings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-17","fisting codes so it will parse [#4430 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-17","working around syck defects by optionally matching a spa...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-17","making yaml tests less specific to emitter. [#4425 state...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-17","fixing invalid yaml [#4424 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-16","fixing invalid yaml [#4418 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-16","fix a failure and some warnings on 1.9.2 [#4417 state:re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-11","mode postgresql adapters table_exists? method take the s...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-11","clearing up many warnings, removing unnecessary regular ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-10","clear the rest of the warnings, run with warnings turned...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-10","kill warnings on 1.8.7 [#4331 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-08","fisting stack trace [#4349 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-04-02","errors.rb needs to be declared as UTF-8 [#3941 state:res...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-29","use the database to lower case strings rather than ruby....","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-27","avoiding a few closure references by evaling. [#4223 sta...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-24","expand migration paths before requiring them. [#4240 sta...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-24","do not use unloadable constants in tests [#4260 state:re...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-19","switching migrations to use require cleans up many warni...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-18","kill where / having method redefine warnings. [#4225 sta...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-18","squelching more warnings in the AR tests. [#4218 state:r...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-17","cleaning up a bunch of method already defined warnings [...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-17","fixing activemodel tests. [#4210 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-17","fixing activerecord tests [#4205 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-16","fisting uninitialized ivar warnings. [#4198 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-16","clean up more warnings, remove unnecessary methods, fix ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-16","removing dead code from activerecord tests. [#4187 state...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-16","cleaning up a bunch of parse time warnings in AR [#4186 ...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-15","cleaning up many more warnings in activerecord [#4180 st...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-14","speeding up clone_attributes, changing readonly to be in...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-14","cleaning up some test warnings","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-10","removing spawn from SpawnMethods","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-07","drying up more code in associations.rb","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-07","deleting repeated code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-07","converting inject to each and map","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-07","converting inject to each and map","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-03-06","refactoring build_where","Aaron Patterson",3 "2010-01-26","future proofing the sqlite3 adapter code","Aaron Patterson",3 "2009-09-17","making nokogiri to hash less clever, more fast O_o","Aaron Patterson",3 "2009-09-17","making nokogiri to hash less clever, more fast O_o","Aaron Patterson",3 "2009-09-13","making secure_compare faster","Aaron Patterson",3 "2009-07-02","wycats forgot a +1, so I added it [#2749 state:resolved]","Aaron Patterson",3 "2009-03-11","adding more nokogiri tests and making the main rails tes...","Aaron Patterson",3 "2009-03-10","Nokogiri backend for XmlMini","Aaron Patterson",3 "2013-08-13","Add String#remove(pattern) as a short-hand for the commo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-07-28","Add Time#to_s(:iso8601) for easy conversion of times to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-07-28","Merge pull request #11640 from pawel2105/manifest_fix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-25","Prepare for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-13","Merge pull request #10841 from latortuga/fix-underscore-...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-11","Update CHANGELOG with release date","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-11","Prep for Rails 4.0.0.rc2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-11","Revert "Merge pull request #10710 from senny/5554_let_th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-04","Merge pull request #10841 from latortuga/fix-underscore-...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","Merge branch '4-0-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","The behavior we had in place in rc1 was actually to conv...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","The behavior we had in place in rc1 was actually to conv...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","The behavior we had in place in rc1 was actually to conv...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","Allow Date to be compared with Time (like it was possibl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","Allow Date to be compared with Time (like it was possibl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","Allow Date to be compared with Time (like it was possibl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","Merge pull request #10827 from trevorturk/patch-upgrade-...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-06-03","Merge pull request #10747 from javan/patch-1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-29","Bump version to rc1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-23","Remove test case also related to the belongs_to touch fe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-23","Revert "`belongs_to :touch` behavior now touches old ass...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-18","Alignment","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-18","Indent around the scaffold loop","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-18","HTML5 breaks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-18","Better ordering","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-03","Merge pull request #9141 from adamgamble/issue-9091","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10056 from steveklabnik/remove_rails...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-02-25","Preparing for 4.0.0.beta1 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #8530 from dasch/dependency-trackers","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-02-25","Merge pull request #9072 from htanata/statistics","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-02-02","test for issue 8931","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-15","Merge pull request #8946 from reednj77/rack-cache-headers","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-10","Include jbuilder by default and rely on its scaffold gen...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-08","Merge pull request #8818 from jamis/master","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-08","Revert "unpermitted params" exception -- it's just not g...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-08","Never treat action or controller as unpermitted params","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-07","Use similar comment style","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-06","This is not that common of a change to warrant top-line ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-06","Include the standard reminder that you need to restart f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-05","Needless fancy structure that did not anything","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-05","Fix indention issue in generated template","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-05","Fix indention issue in generated template","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-05","Merge pull request #8769 from senny/deprecate_assert_blank","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-05","No need to give an example where there is generated code...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-05","config.assets.enabled is now true by default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-01-01","Merge pull request #8668 from guilleiguaran/exceptions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-26","Revert "Ignore /bin on new apps" -- given the move to de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-21","Revert "Make sure that ActiveSupport::Logger includes th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-21","Make sure that ActiveSupport::Logger includes the Logger...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-21","Add ActiveSupport::Logger#silence that works the same as...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-19","Merge pull request #8523 from reednj77/remove-mail-to-en...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-18","Fix changelog","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-18","Merge","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-18","Add app/models/concerns and app/controllers/concerns to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-07","Let the scaffold example use the "set shared record" pat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-07","Fix README","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-07","Rename all action callbacks from *_filter to *_action","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-12-04","Track the default application.css/js files for turbolink...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-11-26","Merge pull request #8317 from latortuga/cache-digest-opt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-31","Revert "Don't allocate new strings in compiled attribute...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-31","No need for the debugger","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-31","Allow #permit to take its list of permitted parameters a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7902 from josh/fix-bug-in-as-cache-u...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-10","Add changelog entry for killing the asset tag concatenation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-10","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7900 from josh/kill-old-asset-tag-he...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-08","Merge pull request #7873 from steveklabnik/update_initia...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-08","There is already an invitation to use rack-cache in conf...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-08","Cleanup comments a bit and fuck 80 characters","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-08","Inline comment","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-08","Encoding already defaults to utf-8 per lib/rails/applica...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-08","Everyone is running bundler, no need for defensive progr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-08","Not precompiling your assets for production is a bad ide...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-04","Merge pull request #7847 from bloudermilk/recursive_permit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-04","Turn turbolinks on by default for new apps","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-10-04","Merge pull request #7769 from rgarver/feature/public-fra...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-09-18","Merge pull request #7251 from rails/integrate-strong_par...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-09-04","We dont need to include the name and the format in the d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-09-04","Merge pull request #7422 from ernie/improvements-to-impr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-30","Merge pull request #7483 from christos/improve_template_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-29","Use class_attribute so we dont bleed","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-29","Added controller-level etag additions that will be part ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-29","Add automatic template digests to all CacheHelper#cache ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-29","Fix spacing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-29","Fix spacing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-15","Add Request#formats=(extensions) that lets you set multi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-08","Remove highly uncommon option for moving the manifest path","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-08","Allow data attributes to be set as a first-level option ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-08","Modernize the documentation for view caching somewhat","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-07","Remove antiquated example code","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-07","Remove outdated examples and feature highlights","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-07","Observers are no longer important enough to get this con...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-07","Revert "Merge pull request #7033 from kron4eg/master". N...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-07","Revert "The application generator generates `public/huma...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-08-07","Merge pull request #7283 from josh/bump-sprockets","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-07-27","Add Object#try! with the old NoMethodError raising behavior","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-07-27"," will now return nil instead of raise a NoMethodError if...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-03-20","We dont need to merge in the parameters as thats all bei...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-03-20","We dont need to merge in the parameters as thats all bei...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-03-14","Allow you to force the authenticity_token to be rendered...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-03-14","Allow you to force the authenticity_token to be rendered...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-03-14","Do not include the authenticity token in forms where rem...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-03-14","Do not include the authenticity token in forms where rem...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-03-13","Actually commit the change!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-03-13","Undo unwarranted change to coding conventions. I am not ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-01-27","Inline the prefix assignment so it doesnt look so daft","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-01-27","Revert "Fix expanding cache key for single element arrays"","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-01-27","Inline the prefix assignment so it doesnt look so daft","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-01-27","Revert "Fix expanding cache key for single element arrays"","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2012-01-20","Preparing for 3.2.0 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-12-20","rails/master is now 4.0.0.beta and will only support Rub...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-12-20","Party like its R-C-UNO!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-12-20","Add an invitation to use jbuilder, since we are not goin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-12-09","Make ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable a default module for A...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-12-02","Added Enumerable#pluck to wrap the common pattern of col...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-12-01","Revert "Added ActiveRecord::Base#last_modified to work w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-12-01","Added ActiveRecord::Base#last_modified to work with the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-12-01","Allow fresh_when/stale? to take a record instead of an o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-25","Fix that changing a store should mark the store attribut...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-19","Fix the proper production.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-19","Encourage use of tagged logging even when using a differ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-19","Programatically define the log level methods and use the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-19","Blah, SecureRandom#uuid is not supported in 1.8.7 -- can...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-19","Simplify TaggedLogging symbol shortcuts (thanks Jose!)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-19","Added X-Request-Id tracking and TaggedLogging to easily ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-10-13","Added ActiveRecord::Base.store for declaring simple sing...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-08-31","Merge pull request #2607 from guilleiguaran/add-rbenv-gi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-08-23","Merge pull request #2607 from guilleiguaran/add-rbenv-gi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-08-15","Added Array#prepend as an alias for Array#unshift and Ar...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-27","Merge pull request #1699 from chriseppstein/asset_urls","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-27","Add JavaScript Runtime name to the Rails Info properties...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-27","Add JavaScript Runtime name to the Rails Info properties...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-27","Merge pull request #1481 from arunagw/lib_assets","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-27","Merge pull request #1481 from arunagw/lib_assets","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-13","Rename Time#whole_* to Time#all_* [thanks Pratik!]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-13","Added Time#whole_day/week/quarter/year as a way of gener...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-13","Added instance_accessor: false as an option to Class#cat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-08","Indention style + whitespace for readability","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-08","If you set a js_compressor, it means that you want shit ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-08","Indention style + whitespace for readability","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-08","If you set a js_compressor, it means that you want shit ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-06","Use Latest Sprockets beta","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-06","Depend on latest Sprockets beta","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-06-02","Revert "Renaming helper in the Rake task, but why is thi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-24","Remove asserts for js ext stuff thats not used any more","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-24","Remove asserts for js ext stuff thats not used any more","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-24","The asset pipeline is always on for new apps, dont need ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-24","The asset pipeline is always on for new apps, dont need ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-24","Merge pull request #1257 from dmathieu/yml_alias","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-22","Revert "Take into account time spent in AR even if a red...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1221 from sikachu/fix_tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-22","Bump versions for rc1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-22","Merge pull request #1195 from dmathieu/try_undefined_method","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-21","Now that we are compatible with Rake 0.9.0, lets allow i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-21","Merge pull request #1174 from bilts/fix-rake-dsl","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-21","Uglifier works properly now with 0.5.4","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-21","Bind to Rake 0.8.7 until a fix for Rake 0.9.0 is released","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-12","The new release supposedly fixed things, but it is still...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-12","Proper fix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-12","Fix the assets regexp for non-js/css files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-10","Need it declared too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-10","Include lib/assets for sprocket paths","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-10","Update sprocket comments","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-05","No longer need to reference mysql2 from git","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-05","Prepare for beta1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-05","Only show dump of regular env methods on exception scree...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-05","Dont show the assets mount in rake routes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-03","Use require_self from latest Sprockets","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-03","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-02","Merge pull request #369 from smartinez87/params_wrapper.","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-02","Flunk makes a lot more sense, doesnt it (hat tip @tender...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-02","Merge pull request #359 from sikachu/params_wrapper.","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-02","Make the identity map use the instrumentation infrastruc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-02","Remove schema noise from logging (TODO: Deprecate/remove...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-01","Merge pull request #357 from joshk/assign_attributes.","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-05-01","Merge pull request #340 from joshk/default_scope_changes.","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-30","Include CSRF token in remote:true calls","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-27","Relevant options closer together","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #317 from jaredonline/master.","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #313 from chadk/master.","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-26","Prem fixes 1.9 engine test issue","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-26","Merged pull request #311 from joshk/assign_attributes.","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-25","Go with latest Sass directly","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-25","Temporarily disable uglifier until a new version dependi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-23","Stop adding actual dummy tests (they clutter up the real...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-22","The example uses erb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-22","Need this for testing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-22","We cant use assert_block because its buggy in MiniTest a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-22","Turn on JS/CSS compression by default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-19","Add app/assets/images and include the rails.png as a sam...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-19","Add note about the option to add other precompile targets","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-19","Set a default precompile target to be the application.js...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-19","Give assets access to asset_path during precompilation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-19","Switch to asset_path and make it available in the Sprock...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-19","Cleanup compute_sprockets_path -- when you are reaching ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-19","All assets, including images, audio, and video, now uses...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-18","Use proper coffee comments","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-18","Add description to assets:precompile such that it shows ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-18","Add String#inquiry as a convenience method for turning a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-14","Use JS comments, please","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-14","The controller and resource generators will now automati...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-14","Bring back tmp/cache for the default local cache to work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Its assets.enabled, not assets.enable","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Cleanup the Gemfile and compute whats needed depending o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Generate scaffold.css to app/assets/stylesheets (next st...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Includes have to be in the first comment","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Use driver_ujs now that we no longer have to depend on a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Use driver_ujs now that we no longer have to depend on a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Blah, assets cant be turned on from initializers either","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Cleanup comments","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Not needed","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Require asset pipeline targets by default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Require everything by default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Dont need to make application.js into coffee since it wi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Move json requirement to user Gemfile -- still need to d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Use Sass from git until the final gem is out","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Move the asset template engines to the user-generated Ge...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Blah, identity_map has to be setup in application.rb to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Fix triplets","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Clean up the generator, switch to assets usage, use vend...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Move to app/assets in anticipation of image support bein...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-13","Until the latest sprockets gem is released, we need new ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-11","Change Object#either? to Object#among? -- thanks to @jam...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-11","Keep the same API semantics for update/delete as we had ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-11","Cant use inclusion in commands/application.rb as the fra...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-04-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lifo/docrails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-31","Moved Turn activation/dependency to railties","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-31","Direct logging of Active Record to STDOUT so it's shown ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-31","Add using Turn with natural language test case names if ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-31","require turn only for minitest","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-31","Use Turn to format all Rails tests and enable the natura...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-31","Delegate pending to skip if Minitest is available","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-29","Dont call authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic twice","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-29","Fix examples","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-29","Added Base.http_basic_authenticate_with to do simple htt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-27","Fix alias_method, add test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-26","Allow FormHelper#form_for to specify the :method as a di...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2011-03-26","Make JavaScriptHelper#j() an alias for JavaScriptHelper#...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-12-29","Instance methods shouldnt be added until you actually ca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-12-19","BCrypt does its own salting, lovely!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-12-18","Switch from SHA2 to BCrypt (easy Windows compatibility i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-12-18","Added ActiveRecord::Base#has_secure_password (via Active...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-12-18","Merge branch '3-0-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-11-26","Merge branch '3-0-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-11-17","Preparing for 3.0.4.rc release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-11-16","Prepare to release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-11-15","Get ready for the re-run of the earlier release -- now w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-11-15","Prep for relese","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-11-15","Prep for 3.0.2 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-09-02","Dont need to spell out the dependency","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-09-02","Dont need to spell out the dependency","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-09-01","Have sections for both Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 for the debu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-09-01","Have sections for both Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 for the debu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-29","Depend on Bundler 1.0 w/ tiny fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-29","Depend on ARel 1.0 w/ tiny fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-29","No more build","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-29","Depend on ARel 1.0 w/ tiny fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-29","Depend on Bundler 1.0 w/ tiny fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-29","Prep for final release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Master is now targeting 3.1.0.beta","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Master is now targeting 3.1.0.beta","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","mysql db defaults to mysql2 gem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","mysql db defaults to mysql2 gem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Bump rails version","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Depend on latest arel RC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Depend on latest arel RC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Depend on latest Bundler RC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Depend on latest Bundler RC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Prefer the mysql2 gem for MySQL database.ymls","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Prefer the mysql2 gem for MySQL database.ymls","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-08-24","Prep for RC2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-07-26","Fix deprecation message on info screen","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-07-26","Add install script for testing gems locally","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-07-26","Spaces, people, spaces!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-07-26","Make Rails 3 RC depend on Bundler RC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-07-26","Rails version update","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-07-26","Prep for RC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-24","Dont reload the environment, just not needed bro","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-09","Cut down even further on rake -T noise","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-09","Silence even more noisy rake task docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-09","Cut down on tasks shown in rake -T","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-09","Remove outdated section on web servers that didnt really...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-09","Remove needless links and search box and update doc links","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-09","You dont have to manually mention the application layout...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-08","Revert "Add shallow routes to the new router" for now. N...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-08","Get ready for beta 4","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-08","Fixed double output from cache in no caching mode","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-03","Missed the extraction","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-03","Extract assets paths and make them available to Action M...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-03","You need the ruby-debug available in your Gemfile for de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-03","Extracted String#truncate from TextHelper#truncate [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-03","Base options cant live in lazy loaded helpers as they th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-02","Missed the extraction","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-02","Extract assets paths and make them available to Action M...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-02","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-02","You need the ruby-debug available in your Gemfile for de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-01","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-06-01","Extracted String#truncate from TextHelper#truncate [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-05-31","Base options cant live in lazy loaded helpers as they th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-13","Cleanup indention and spacing and turn errorExplanation ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-13","Simple release script","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-13","Update changelogs for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-09","Stray carrier returns","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-09","Need a double escape there","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-09","Notice/alert are out of the layout, so notice has to go ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-09","Fixed that default locale templates should be used if th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-09","Fixed that default locale templates should be used if th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-08","Consistently use lowercase instead of camelCase for all ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-08","Revert "adds #favicon_link_tag and #apple_touch_icon_lin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-05","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-01","Release is today, yo","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-01","Bump this guy too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-01","Neat and tidy, I say","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-01","Make your bed and clean up your gemspecs!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-01","Not needed with RubyGems 1.3.6","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-01","Prep for beta2, depend on latest Bundler","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-04-01","Added Object#presence that returns the object if it's #p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-03-29","Update example of default_scope to use the new arel find...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-25","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-13","Safely concat the ending tag to simple_format or it will...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-10","Its not a deprecation if you actually just ignore the call","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-10","Suggest Mongrel and Capistrano in the default bundle","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-06","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-06","Silenced "SHOW FIELDS" and "SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0" stat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-06","Lookup the status code and rework the Completed line a bit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-06","Cleanup comments","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-06","Not a fan of the double ##","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-06","Simplify conditions for --dev and --edge","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-06","Path approach shouldnt specify version","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-06","New style for path references","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-05","Need gemcutter here too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-04","Homogenize gemspecs and remove the deprecated autorequire","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-04","Merge","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-04","Move to 3.0.0.beta","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-04","Simplify description","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-04","Copy over latest release notes from docrails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-04","Tweaks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-03","New prologue with 57% less enterprisey!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-03","Rename usage path to command to just the command name","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-03","Wups, need the application command in there too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-03","Fix rails server","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-03","Added "rake about" as a replacement for script/about [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-02","Add a reminder that you should use "rails" not "script/r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-02","Boot path has already been required, dont need it again","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-02-02","Removed all the default commands in script/* and replace...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-11","Get everyone running on Rails.env and fix the broken env...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-11","Javascript tests expects the old default of escaping HTM...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-11","Use safe_concat instead of trying to html_safe! what mig...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-09","Have to remove the environment name from ARGV or IRB wil...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-08","Fixed that PrototypeHelper#update_page should return htm...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-08","Merge branch '2-3-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-08","Fixed that PrototypeHelper#update_page should return htm...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-08","Fixed that much of DateHelper wouldn't return html_safe?...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-08","Fixed that much of DateHelper wouldn't return html_safe?...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-08","Fixed that fragment caching should return a cache hit as...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-08","Fixed that fragment caching should return a cache hit as...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-05","NumberHelper#number_to_currency should output html_safe ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Merge","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Stop featuring ActiveSupport::TestCase.use_instantiated_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Describe intent, not implementation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Removed config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb as all...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Changed ActiveRecord::Base.store_full_sti_class to be tr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Changed the default ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Change the ActiveModel::Base.include_root_in_json defaul...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Time zoning should be turned on by default with UTC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","This comment has been true of all helpers for a long time","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Remove self-evident comment about how subclasses work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2010-01-04","Added that ActionController::Base now does helper :all i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-31","Dont gitkeep things that are gitignored","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-31","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-31","Added .gitkeep to empty directories and --skip-git to sk...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-31","Orphan experiment no longer needed","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-28","Added Object#presence that returns the object if it's #p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-28","Added default .gitignore (this is just recognizing Git m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-27","Fix tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-27","Require the enumberable extension from active support be...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-27","Fix the i18n dependency problem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-27","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-27","Added shorthand for match 'products/overview' that expan...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-25","The controller key shouldnt be part of the mapping if it...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-25","Fix tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-25","Translated strings in the view are assumed html_safe (Cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-25","Translated strings in the view are assumed html_safe (Cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-25","Stray carrier return","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-25","The new routes shortform now also works for :as","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-24","Merge","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-24","Extract Mapping class from monster match method","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-23","Merge","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-23","Dont auto require rubygems, move dep on rack-test to Gem...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-23","Dont encourage __FILE__ bullshit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-22","Add test for root","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-22","Fix the documentation for root :to. It should use a full...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-22","Dont need to specify password_confirmation, that happens...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-22","Dont introspect inline templates for the logger and clea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Give the builtin controllers their own routes.rb now tha...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Its cookie_verifier_secret","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Turn filter_parameter_logging on by default for password...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Show the new short-form in an example","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Its now possible to use match 'stuff' => 'what#stuff' in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Mark the wild controller route as legacy an comment it out","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Just a little tidying","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Added ActionDispatch::Request#authorization to access th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Rename RenderOptions to Renderers","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Renamed Redirector to Redirecting (its a module, not a c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-21","Rename the RenderingController module to just plain Rend...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-20","Added cookies.permanent, cookies.signed, and cookies.per...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-18","Added alert/notice from 2-3-stable and refactored redire...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-17","Fix deprecated :vendored_at option","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-17","Added :alert, :notice, and :flash as options to ActionCo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-16","Fix the app generator of cookie_verification_secret.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-16","Accessing nonexistant cookies through the signed jar sho...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-16","Its cookie_verifier_secret","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-16","Added cookies.permanent, cookies.signed, and cookies.per...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-15","Dont be an ass and leave merge shit in stable, please","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-15","Add Enumerable#exclude? to bring parity to Enumerable#in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-12-15","Add Enumerable#exclude? to bring parity to Enumerable#in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-11-23","Fixed that the debugger wouldn't go into IRB mode becaus...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-11-23","Merge branch '2-3-stable' of github.com:rails/rails into...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-11-23","Fixed that the debugger wouldn't go into IRB mode becaus...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-08-18","Added db/seeds.rb as a default file for storing seed dat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-05-11","Added db/seeds.rb as a default file for storing seed dat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-04-16","Added :touch option to belongs_to associations that will...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-04-16","Added :touch option to belongs_to associations that will...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-04-16","Added ActiveRecord::Base#touch to update the updated_at/...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-04-16","Added ActiveRecord::Base#touch to update the updated_at/...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-03-16","Prepare for final 2.3 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-03-09","Revert "XmlMini supports different backend parsers, star...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-03-09","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-03-05","Fixed that redirection would just log the options, not t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-03-05","Make sure that Rails frameworks are silenced when runnin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-03-05","Push the guides","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-03-05","Release RC2 today","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-28","So it didnt happen yesterday, but very soon! Just need t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-27","Prep for RC2 later today","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-27","Force all internal calls to Array#to_sentence to use Eng...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-27","Fixed that autosave should validate associations even if...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-23","Fix docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-23","Added ActiveRecord::Base.each and ActiveRecord::Base.fin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-22","Ensure that the app routes file is loaded even when engi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-10","Added partial scoping to TranslationHelper#translate, so...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-06","This is no longer relevant when the 500.html is comletel...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-06","Fixed syntax error [#1894 state:committed]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-06","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-06","Remove the ERb in the 500 as it looks dumb when served b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-05","Revert "created unit tests and fixed bug that failed tests"","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-05","Added tests from Andrew Whites fix [#1385 state:committed]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-05","A few more minor scaffold template cleanups","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-05","Remove double parenthesis in docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-02-01","Mark CHANGELOGs for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-01-27","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-01-02","Make sure #compute_public_path caching allows to return ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-01-01","Fixed the AssetTagHelper cache to use the computed asset...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-01-01","Added :silence option to BenchmarkHelper#benchmark and t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-01-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2009-01-01","Fixed the AssetTagHelper cache to use the computed asset...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-12-28","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-12-15","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-12-09","Updated included memcache-client to the version ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-12-02","Github comments are an excellent way to perform communit...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-12-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Extracted the process scripts (inspector, reaper, spawne...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Changed Rails.root to return a Pathname object (allows f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Add restart notice where missing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Even more polish of the default configration files and s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Cleanup the app generator","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Say it briefly","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","More organization based on priority","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Me loves me some whitespace","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Cleanup other examples and wording","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Rails::Configuration never had more details. Stop lying ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-30","Its no longer common to run Rails in environments where ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-29","Enhanced Rails.root to take parameters that'll be join w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-29","Include Rack in the server noise","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-29","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-29","Revert "Super lazy load view paths in development mode (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-27","Revert "Super lazy load view paths in development mode (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-27","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-27","Added view path support for engines [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-27","Added the option to declare an asset_host as an object t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-26","Let all plugins not just engines have a config/routes.rb...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-26","Fix routing test and add changelog note about draw no lo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-26","Added that config/routes.rb files in engine plugins are ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-26","Added support for multiple routes files and made draw no...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-26","Added app/[models|controllers|helpers] to the load path ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-24","Strip out the ./ part of the test path so the backtrace ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-24","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-24","Removed the old .htaccess as it is no longer used","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-24","Updated docs to stop talking exclusively about lighttpd ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-23","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-23","Docfix [#1444 state:committed]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-23","Added rake rails:update:application_controller to rename...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-22","Added ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner and Rails::Backtra...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-22","Let ApplicationController stay unloaded for as long as p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-21","Doc updates","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-21","Prepped for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-21","Reduced the number of literal aliases to the range that ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-21","Its forty, not fourty, dummy","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-21","Reduced the number of literal aliases to the range that ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-20","Merge branch '2-2-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-20","Added back special case for ApplicationController","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-20","Cleaned up deprecation notices","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-20","Next release will be 2.2.2, might as well prepare for that","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-20","alternative resolution to vendor load problem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-20","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","Assume that the next version is going to be 2.3 for now","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","Changed the default of ActionView#render to assume parti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","Deprecated the :file default for ActionView#render to pr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","Changed the default of ActionView#render to assume parti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","Another piece of markup removed from environment.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","Another piece of markup removed from environment.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","The docs in environment.rb are not going to be rendered ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","The docs in environment.rb are not going to be rendered ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-19","Update doc to make more sense","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-18","Added config.i18n settings gatherer to config/environmen...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-18","Added config.i18n settings gatherer to config/environmen...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-17","BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Renamed application.rb to applic...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-17","Fixed RedCloth and BlueCloth shouldn't preload. Instead ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-16","The inflector is meant to work on words not phrases -- d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-16","The inflector is meant to work on words not phrases -- d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-16","Revert "Added default_scope to Base [#1381 state:committ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-16","Added default_scope to Base [#1381 state:committed] (Paw...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-15","Wrong reference","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-15","Added lambda merging to OptionMerger (especially useful ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-15","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-15","Added lambda merging to OptionMerger (especially useful ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-15","Fixed that no body charset would be set when there are a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-14","A few more dependency updates","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-14","Link to 2.2.1 gems","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-14","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-14","Prepare for RC2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-14","Revert "Move fixtures settings from AR::TestCase to rail...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-06","Fixed the sanitize helper to avoid double escaping alrea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-06","Fixed the sanitize helper to avoid double escaping alrea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-06","Stop logging SHOW FIELDS and SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-06","Stop logging SHOW FIELDS and SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-06","Dont bother logging the parameters hash if there are no ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-04","Dont log the _method attribute either. Its already avail...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-04","Dont log the _method attribute either. Its already avail...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-01","Simplified the logging format for parameters (don't incl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-01","Remove the logging of the Session ID when the session st...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-01","Accidently nixed a doc header","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-11-01","Added render :js for people who want to render inline Ja...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-31","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-31","Fixed the option merging in Array#to_xml [#1126 state:re...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-30","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-30","Fixed that ActiveResource#post would post an empty strin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-30","Update the default deprecation message to not promise th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-30","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-29","Make #destroy write 1 line into log (instead of 3) (Dmit...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-29","Proper API for reloading translations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-28","A few more style changes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-28","Make I18n::Backend::Simple reload its translations in de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-28","Follow style conventions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-28","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-28","A little less hokus pokus","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-27","Fixed that serialized strings should never be type-caste...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-26","Fixed bug with asset timestamping when using relative_ur...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-24","Update CHANGELOGs with the last few fixes, set date for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-23","Proper update call for gem server","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-23","Should be 2.2.0 as well","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-23","Push to new gem server","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-23","Prepare for Rails 2.2.0 [RC1]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-23","Latest release.rb script","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-23","Fix changelog for 2.1.1, all the 2.2.0 changes had snuck...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-23","Make ready for the 2.1.2 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-21","Dont try to auto-set the etag based on the body if any f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-21","No use case handy for justifying fresh? any more","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-21","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-21","Let fresh_when actually do the head(:not_modified). Clea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-21","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-21","Added stale?/fresh? and fresh_when methods to provide a ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-19","Use current time as build number","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-19","Prepare for release of 2.0.5","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-10-13","Added inline builder yield to atom_feed_helper tags wher...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Remove merge clutter","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Missing doc updates","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Merge branch '2-1-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Add back version check for REXML but account for differe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Add back version check for REXML but account for differe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","No local variable in the global namespace plz","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Account for two different REXML::Version/VERSION constan...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Fixed that REXML fix would break on earlier versions of ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Revert "Remove the Version check as it's not always avai...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Only separate loggings with a comma when there are actua...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-10","Stopped logging template compiles as it only clogs up th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-09","Dont reference the class being tested when it can be ass...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-09","Revert "Revert "Add layout functionality to mailers.""","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-09","Revert "Add layout functionality to mailers."","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-05","Use a more sensible resolution on the new millisecond be...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-05","Changed all benchmarking reports to be in milliseconds","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-05","Use copy instead of export for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-04","Forgot to resolve one file","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-04","Prepare for release of 2.1.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-04","Push to temporary gem server until Wrath is back in shape","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-04","Actually, removing File/FileUtil entirely is the answer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-04","Use FileUtil for cp","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-04","A few updates, still in progress","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-02","Use personal server as temporary gem testing site until ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-02","Tell about the REXML fix in the CHANGELOG","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-09-02","Prepare for 2.0.4 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-08-24","Fixed that AssetTagHelper#compute_public_path shouldn't ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-08-15","Fixed problems with the logger used if the logging strin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-07-19","Update Prototype to (Patrick Joyce) [#599 status...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-07-16","Resolved conflict","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-07-16","Fixed that AssetTagHelper#compute_public_path shouldn't ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-07-14","Fixed that create database statements would always inclu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-07-09","Changed PrototypeHelper#submit_to_remote to PrototypeHel...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-20","Added block-handling to Enumerable#many? (Damian Janowsk...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-17","Added block-call style to link_to [Sam Stephenson/DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-17","Added Array#second through Array#tenth as aliases for Ar...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-13","Change Enumberal#several? to Enumberal#many?","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-13","Changed all generated tests to use the test/do declarati...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-13","Revert "Ensure MemCacheStore is required when using Comp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-13","Revert "Lazy load cache and session stores"","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-12","Added Object#present? which is equivalent to !Object#bla...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-12","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-12","Added Enumberable#several? to encapsulate collection.siz...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-04","Dependencies move to ActiveSupport::Dependencies missed ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-04","Dependencies move to ActiveSupport::Dependencies missed ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Wrapped Rails.env in StringQuestioneer so you can do Rai...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Wrapped Rails.env in StringQuestioneer so you can do Rai...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Fixed Base#exists? to check status code as integer [#299...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Fixed Date#end_of_quarter to not blow up on May 31st [#2...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Added tests [#279 state:resolved] (Nicholas Schlueter)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Added tests [#279 state:resolved] (Nicholas Schlueter)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Fixed Date#end_of_quarter to not blow up on May 31st [#2...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Fixed Base#exists? to check status code as integer [#299...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Fixed that RailsInfoController wasnt considering all req...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Fixed that RailsInfoController wasnt considering all req...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Fixed the brokeness from 952ec79bec313e0001adfc8c86f7970...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-03","Fixed the brokeness from 952ec79bec313e0001adfc8c86f7970...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-02","Added a test for Gzip","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-02","AR can be disabled, new_rails_defaults.rb should check [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-02","Added a test for Gzip","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-06-01","Making ready for release of 2.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-31","Added SQL escaping for :limit and :offset [#288 state:cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-31","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-31","Added better error message for when the class name is al...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-11","Updated copyright years","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-11","Making ready for RC1 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-11","No more svn version numbers to rely on, use timestamps i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-11","Depend on latest Rake","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-11","Fixed that forgery protection can be used without sessio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-11","Fix generate_app_doc task (Jaroslaw) [#70 state:resolved]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-11","Added session(:on) to turn session management back on in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-11","Added session(:on) to turn session management back on in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-03","Added change_table for migrations (Jeff Dean) [#71 state...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Fixed that TextHelper#text_field would corrypt when raw ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Made the location of the routes file configurable with c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Added missing files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Fixed AssociationsPreload such that it doesnt require fo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Cheaper Dependencies#log_call to resolve irritating erro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-05-01","Added block-setting of attributes for Base.create like B...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-30","Fixed that pessimistic locking you reference the quoted ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-30","Forgot these","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-30","Fixed tests (and the weird assumption that no logger wou...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-30","Added test for has_one partial rendering (keeran) [#43 s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-30","Fixed render :partial => @collection.named_scope (nkalle...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-30","Change tests against all scope to base scope as all is n...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-29","Fixed tabs to spaces [#47 state:resolved]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-29","Fixed response logging to use length instead of the enti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-29","Fixed that change_column should be able to use :null => ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-29","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-29","Default integer need not specify a limit [#20371 state:r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-28","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-28","Let Base.all use conditions etc like first/last","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-28","Fixed that BenchmarkHelper should use controller.logger ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-28","Added ActionController::TestCase#rescue_action_in_public...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-27","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-27","Changing "and" to && whereever I catch it","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-25","Added that the MySQL adapter should map integer to eithe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-13","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-12","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-11","Fixed that formatted_polymorphic_route should be able to...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-11","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/rails/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-11","Testing commits","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-01","Use class << self","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-01","gems should be specified before plugins","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-01","Added examples for config.gem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-01","Move it around a bit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-04-01","Splitting them up first","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-31","Deprecate some more legacy","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-31","Something more to work with","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-31","Fixed charset/collation for rake db:create (closes #1133...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-29","Removed the default .htaccess configuration as there are...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-29","Update welcome screen with revised instructions and remo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-29","Space at the bottom feels better","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-29","Removed outdated scaffold from template","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-29","Fixed that validates_size_of :within works in associatio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Fix new migration versions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Switched to UTC-timebased version numbers for migrations...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Add missing file","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Update doc (closes #11402)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Added support for regexp flags like ignoring case in the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Fixed that to_param should be used and honored instead o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Fixed that ActionController::Base#read_multipart would f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Fixed that no gems installed would cause error (closes #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Fixed HTML::Tokenizer (used in sanitize helper) didnt ha...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-28","Fixed that has_many :through would ignore the hash condi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-27","Stop adding the antiquated test/mocks/* directories and ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-27","Added that gems can now be plugins if they include rails...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-27","Missing test data","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-27","Fixed that a return-path header would be ignored (closes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-27","Added Plugin#about method to programmatically access the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-26","New applications should use UTC as the default time zone","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-25","Fixed that ActiveRecord#Base.find_or_create/initialize w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-24","Fixed that FormHelper#radio_button would produce invalid...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-24","Added :confirm option to submit_tag (closes #11415) [mil...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-24","Fixed NumberHelper#number_with_precision to properly rou...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-24","Added ActiveRecord#Base.all/first/last as aliases for fi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-22","Use the more modern error_messages from the form object ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-20","Docfixes (closes #11356, #11172, #10523)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-18","sshpublisher needs to be explicitly required now, appare...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-17","Fixed that polymorphic routes would modify the input arr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-17","Added :format option to NumberHelper#number_to_currency ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-17","Only log if theres a logger","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-17","Added logging for dependency load errors with fixtures (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-17","Added support for installing plugins hosted at git repos...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-17","Fixed that atom_feed shouldnt require a schema_date sinc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-17","Ensure that you can still do expressions in calculations...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11230) [Henrik N]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11226) [mikong]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11249) [juanjo.bazan]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-15","Fixed that cache fetch method would cause nil exception ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11263) [Irfy]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-15","Fixed that TextHelper#excerpt would include one characte...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-15","Docfix (closes #11281) [jlindley]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-15","Removed dead styles (closes #11353) [boone]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-13","Docfix (closes #11309) [thechrisoshow]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-13","Fixed that scoped joins would not always be respected (c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-13","Fixed that script/generate would not look for plugin gen...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-13","Added ActionView::Helpers::register_javascript/styleshee...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-13","Applied the faster squish version (closes #11123) [jordi]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-13","Added add/remove_timestamps to the schema statements for...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-13","Fixed that BufferedLogger should create its own director...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-12","Added ActiveRecord::Base.find(:last) (closes #11338) [mi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-03-08","Fixed that sweepers defined by cache_sweeper will be add...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-02-29","Added that requests with JavaScript as the priority mime...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-02-07","Added support for naming concrete classes in sweeper dec...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-02-07","Fix that the options hash can be nil when coming from fr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-02-07","Added Base64.encode64s to encode values in base64 withou...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-22","Log an error to the console when the memcache server is ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-12","Fix a few caching errors, expose a case thats still not ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-11","Fixed ActionView::Helpers::ActiveRecordHelper::form for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-10","Fix CacheHelper#cache (closes #10733) [mindforge]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-09","Re-enable the debugger in testing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-09","Show that a different cache store can be used","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-07","Catchup Backport to 2.0 of the following Changesets:","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Moved the caching stores from ActionController::Caching:...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Refactored ActionController::Verification and improved d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Made fragment caching in views work for rjs and builder ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Fixed rendering of partials with layout when done from s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Fixed that you don't have to call super in ActionMailer:...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Refactor check for local databases (closes #10539) [parc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Added by parameter to increment, decrement, and their ba...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Fixed String#titleize to work for strings with 's too (c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2008-01-03","Added that rails:update is run when you do rails:freeze:...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-31","Changed the implementation of Enumerable#group_by to use...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-17","Tagged Rails 2.0.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-17","Added delete_via_redirect and put_via_redirect to integr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-17","Docfix (closes #10369) [revans]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-17","Fix rdoc task name (closes #10392) [murphy]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-17","Allow headers[Accept] to be set by hand when calling xml...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-17","Added OPTIONS to list of default accepted HTTP methods (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Docfix (closes #10493)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Fix doc (closes #10526)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Add tests for html_escape, and remove an unneeded backsl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Added option to pass proc to ActionController::Base.asse...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Proper attribution in CHANGELOG","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Prepare for 2.0.2 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Doc fixing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Changed the default database from mysql to sqlite3, so n...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-16","Turned on ActionView::Base.cache_template_loading by def...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","Added more specific exceptions for 400, 401, and 403 (al...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","We love whitespace","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","Fixed that local database creation should consider 127.0...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","Docfix (closes #10429) [jamesh/ssoroka]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","Fixed that functional tests generated for scaffolds shou...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","Fixed that ActionView#file_exists? would be incorrect if...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","Added that Array#to_param calls to_param on all it's ele...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","Added db:migrate:redo and db:migrate:reset for rerunning...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-14","Added db:migrate:redo for rerunning existing migrations ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-07","Make ready for 2.0.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-07","Removed query cache rescue as it could cause code to be ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-06","Fixed that the Query Cache should just be ignored if the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-06","Fixed documentation that made rdoc bark","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-06","Fixed documentation that made rdoc bark","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-06","Preparing for release shortly","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-06","Fixed that the truncation of strings longer than 50 char...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-05","Fixed send_file/binary_content for testing (closes #8044...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-05","Fixed that habtm associations should be able to set :sel...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-05","Fixed that habtm associations should be able to set :sel...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-05","Fix typos (closes #10378)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-05","Ensure that ActionMailer::Base is there and not just the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-05","Try again","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-05","Fix broken test (closes #10364) [chuyeow]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-05","Fix that options[:from] table names should never be quot...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-04","Removed some of the tags that does not make sense to all...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-03","Make sure that setting the format with a symbol works too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-03","Copy the cache too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-03","Added ActiveRecord::Base#becomes to turn a record into o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-03","Fixed that to_xml should not automatically pass :procs t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-02","Deal with nested fields_for too [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-02","Added the same record identification guessing rules to f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-01","Added db:fixtures:identity as a way of locating what ID ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-12-01","Generated fixtures should not specify ids since theyre e...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-30","Fixed that verification violations with no specified act...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-30","You dont need to explicitly declare which controller you...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-29","Prep for RC2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-28","Added protection from trailing slashes on page caching (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-27","Added Array#from and Array#to that behaves just from Str...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-26","Fixed to_s bug with namespace routes (closes #10283) [jo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","Add documentation about asset timestamps (just for koz)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","Allow validates_acceptance_of to use a real attribute in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","Docfix (closes #10252)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","Fixed that named routes living under resources shouldn't...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","Fixed that create table with :id => false and fixtures d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","No trailing whitespace in migration generation (closes #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","Docfix (closes #10256)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","Fix that empty collections should be treated as empty ar...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-25","Dont mind the pkg dir","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-21","Cleanup documentation a bit and be more specific","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-21","Cleanup documentation a bit and be more specific","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-21","Emphasize the importance of a dictionary attack-proof se...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-21","Ousted ActionWebService from Rails 2.0","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-18","Fixed that partial rendering should look at the type of ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-18","Docfix (closes #10155)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-12","Fixed that has_many :through associations should render ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-09","Set the record straight on the purpose and utility of db...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-09","Fixed that db:reset would use migrations instead of load...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-09","Remove things that trip up RDoc","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-09","Prepare versions for RC1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-09","Kill the whiny_protected_attributes setting and kill the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-09","Removed unused code (closes #9906)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-07","Allow ActionMailer subclasses to individually set their ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-07","Added :mouseover short-cut to AssetTagHelper#image_tag f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-07","Address shortcomings of changeset [8054] [protocool]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-07","Fixed handling of non-domain hosts (closes #9479) [purp]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-06","Make work with --skip-timestamps","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-06","Fixed that ActionController::CgiRequest#host_with_port()...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-11-04","Added --skip-timestamps to generators that produce model...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-31","Expose the cookie jar as a helper method (before the vie...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-26","Added db:rollback to rollback the schema one version (or...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-21","Changed before_filter halting to happen automatically on...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-18","Fixed incorrect migration number if script/generate exec...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-18","Docfix (cloases #9832)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-12","Mark for release now","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-12","Update versions here too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-12","Update versions for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-11","Added better documentation for generator overwrite optio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-10","Extracted sanitization methods from TextHelper to Saniti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-05","Remember these for the next release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-05","Tagged 1.2.4 for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-05","Update versions for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-01","Fixed Date#xmlschema for dates outside the range of what...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-01","Removed calls to fixtures in generated tests as fixtures...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-10-01","A set secret causes trouble with the cookie store","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-30","Fixed that render template did not honor exempt_from_lay...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-30","Fixed that La Paz was included in -25200 and -14400 offs...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-30","Docfix (closes #9740) [chuyeow]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-30","Fixed that installing plugins from SVN repositories that...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-30","Fixed JSON encoding to use quoted keys according to the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-29","Updated CHANGELOGs. They need to be filtered for duplicates","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-29","Updated","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-29","Updated","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-29","Fixed that a response has to be available for that exact...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-29","Remind that you need a server restart for initializer de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-29","Fixed that strip_tags blows up with invalid html (closes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-28","Missing test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-28","Fixed spelling errors (closes #9706) [tarmo/rmm5t]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-28","Added :include option to to_json (closes #9677) [chuyeow]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-28","Added fixture caching thatll speed up a normal fixture-p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-28","Fixed the layout defaults (closes #9564) [lifo]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Fix webrick when using the debugger (closes #9348) [bron...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Fix test (closes #9120) [hasmanyjosh]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Use the correct generator name in the docs (closes #9111...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Protect button_to behind protect_from_forgery (closes #9...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Include the tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Add BufferedLogger#add #9667 [tomafro]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Please do remember","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Added another failing test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Doh, forgot this file","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Better failing tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Added failing tests for iphone","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-25","Added ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger as a duck-typing alt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-24","Updated iphone_with_html_response_type to fail as it use...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-24","Include the new 422 in the app generation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-24","Change from InvalidToken to InvalidAuthenticityToken to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-24","Stop rdoc from whining","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-24","Give a pointer on where to look for more","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-24","Added a default 422.html page to be rendered when Active...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-24","Beefed up docs a bit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-23","Fix docs (closes #9570) [anshkakashi]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-23","Follow our own conventions (closes #6506) [packagethief]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-23","Dont need all of test/unit (closes #6673) [zenspider/josh]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-23","Added --skip-fixture option to script/generate model (cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-23","Fixed cache_page to use the request url instead of the r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Test fix (closes #6911)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","More tests (closes #7066) [sethladd]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Skip svnindex.xsl files when installing plugins (closes ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","self.fixture_class_names is defined twice in fixtures.rb...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Removed unnecessary or statement (closes #7158) [richcol...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Improve tests (closes #7166) [zackchandler]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Improve tests (closes #7240) [josh]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Roll back #7578, tests failed","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Improve the error message for assert_redirected_to (clos...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixed that using version-targetted migrates would fail o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Print Rails version when starting console (closes #7440)...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fix CSS error in scaffold (closes #7450) [kampers]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Added rake db:version to get the current schema version ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixed the placement of fixture files for nested models w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Docfix (closes #7593) [tarmo]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixed that pluralizing an empty string should return the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Added TEMPLATE option to rake doc:app to set a custom ou...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixed JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript to also escape ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Added VERBOSE option to rake db:migrate to turn off outp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Added call to inspect on non-string classes for the logg...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Doc fixes (closes #8608) [deepblue]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixed rename_column for SQLite when using symbols for th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixed TextHelper#word_wrap for multiline strings with ex...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Docfix (closes #8767) [kampers]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Allow frameworks to be required by their gem name (close...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9123) [tzaharia]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Use rel="stylesheet" in lowercase as prescribed by XHTML...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fix tests across DST (closes #9020) [mpalmer]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Make date tests pass on 64-bit (closes #9121) [mutru]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixed that rake doc:app should use UTF-8 (closes #8906) ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Removed unused @join_sql reference (closes #9174) [danger]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixes rake annotations to search erb and builder files a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Make tests run with mocha gem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9203) [lazyatom]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9259) [caio]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9323) [Henrik N]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Doc fix (closes #9414) [Henrik N]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Test requirement fix (closes #9276) [lazyatom]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Plugin license and README should use a dynamic year (clo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Improved test coverage (closes #7571) [joost]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fixed that setting the :host option in url_for would aut...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Added FormHelper#label (closes #8641) [jcoglan]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Added symbols as a legal way of specifying plugins in co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Added the possibility of using symbols in addition to co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fix test (closes #9618)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Changelog fix (closes #9610) [tzaharia]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Import the right database for testing (closes #9589) [la...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-22","Fix buffer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-21","Fix tests for atom feed","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-21","Increase test coverage (closes #8699, #8700) [josh]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-21","Added the :all option to config.plugins thatll include t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-21","Removed deprecated task names, like clear_logs, in favor...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-21","Added AtomFeedHelper (slightly improved from the atom_fe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-21","Added support for HTTP Only cookies (works in IE6+ and F...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-21","Submit missing fixture files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-21","Fixed CaptureHelper#content_for to work with the optiona...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-20","Stress that you should really install the C-based MySQL ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-20","Added that render :json will automatically call .to_json...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-20","Added ActiveRecord::Base#to_json/from_json (currently do...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-20","Added ActiveResource.format= which defaults to :xml but ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-20","Updated some docs to reference the latest and greatest a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-18","Fixed that default layouts did not take the format into ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-17","Added security notice to Request#remote_ip underlining t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Avoid RDoc warning","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Missing file from previous patch","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Added db:drop:all to drop all databases declared in conf...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Added Array#rand (closes #9170) [norbert]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Added block-acceptance to JavaScriptHelper#javascript_ta...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Fixed that altering join tables in migrations would fail...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Inform people that were using the cookie store as defaul...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Fixed that setting request.format should also affect res...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-15","Fixed that setting request.format would also affect resp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-13","Trips up the RDoc generation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-11","Moved acts_as_tree into a plugin of the same name on the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-11","Moved acts_as_nested_set into a plugin of the same name ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-11","Moved ActionController::Macros::AutoComplete into the au...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-10","Fixed that resource namespaces wouldnt stick to all nest...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-10","Moved ActionController::Macros::InPlaceEditing into the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Remove the wrapping feature that was never actually turn...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed outdated benchmarks and examples","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Random hits from the style nazi","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Random hits from the style nazi","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed deprecated form of calling xml_http_request/xhr ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed deprecated ActionController::Base.cookie (use Ac...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed deprecated ActionController::Base.cookie (use Ac...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed the deprecated behavior of appending ".png" to i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed the deprecated behavior of appending ".png" to i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Scaffolding is no longer mixed in","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Scaffolding is no longer mixed in","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed ActionController::Base.scaffold -- it went throu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed ActionController::Base#keep_flash (use flash.kee...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed deprecated ActionController::Base#expire_matched...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Removed the deprecated ActionController#Base.template_ro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Update copyright span","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","The examples are outdated and misleading","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-09-09","Rename fieldset_tag to field_set_tag to follow the conve...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-08-21","Back out of [7300] -- it screwed up nested XML","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-08-21","Fix spacing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-08-21","Fixed that eager loading queries and with_scope should r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-08-21","Fixed that eager loading queries should respect the :gro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-08-02","Added partial layouts (see example in action_view/lib/pa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-07-24","Fix load-order inconsistency (closes #9081) [themug]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-07-24","Refactored in use of extract_options! (closes #9079) [josh]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-07-24","Added Array#extract_options! to encapsulate the pattern ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-07-24","Added :unless clause to validations (closes #8003) [monki]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-07-24","assert_difference belongs in Assertions, not forced onto...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-07-24","Fixed that file.content_type for uploaded files would in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-07-24","Its just ERb now","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-07-09","Added Hash#except which is the inverse of Hash#slice -- ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-28","Temporary fix for formatted_polymorphic_urls and other p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-28","Allow symbols as name","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-28","Drop the trailing slash","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-28","Added rake routes for listing all the defined routes in ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-26","Allow sweepers to be created solely for expiring after c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-25","Added db:version to get the current schema number [via E...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-25","Added db:version to get the current schema number [via T...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Missing test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Added --skip-migration option to scaffold and resource g...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfix (closes #8096)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Massive documentation update for all helpers (closes #82...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfix (closes #8353)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfix (closes #8480)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfix (closes #8518)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfixes (closes #7348, #7778, #8669)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfix (closes #8674)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfix (closes #8321)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfix (closes #8585)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Big documentation upgrade for ARes (closes #8694) [jerem...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Docfix (closes #8715)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Fixed that link_to with an href of # when using :method ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Fix that FCGIs would leave log files open when asked to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Fixed validates_associated should not stop on the first ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Fixed that radio_button_tag should generate unique ids (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Added support for pluralization with a different startin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Fixed that HTTP authentication should work if the header...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-23","Be specific about the Ruby on Rails part","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-06-01","Added proper handling of arrays (closes #8537) [hasmanyj...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-31","Fixed that DateHelper#date_select should set the day to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-31","Added Date#change (like Time#change) [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-27","Added custom path cache_page/expire_page parameters in a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-24","Added option to suppress :size when using :maxlength for...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-18","We changed name to scaffold","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-18","We dont use semicolon any more","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-17","Added url_for usage on render :location, which allows fo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-17","A few more fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-16","Updated with the latest tricks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-16","Scaffold resource is now scaffold","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-16","Make way for the new and improved scaffold","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-14","Added record identifications to FormHelper#form_for and ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-12","Removed deprecated parameters_for_method_reference conce...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-11","Sexy dumper now has its groove on (closes #8281) [Chris ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-08","Rendering is protected","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-08","Included the HttpAuthentication plugin as part of core (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-06","Added short-hand declaration style to migrations (inspir...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-02","Try the class itself if the ancestor doesnt have anything","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-02","Fixed that content_tag with a block will just return the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-05-01","BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Changed the finder API to be mor...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-30","Added the first part of Simply Helpful to core. The rest...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-29","You're dead! We killed you!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-29","Include sub-resources example","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-29","Start in irb mode if possible","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-28","Removed breakpointer and Binding.of_caller in favor of r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-27","Added find-by-path options to ActiveResource::Base.find ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-27","Added map.namespace to deal with the common situation of...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-27","Added test case for overwritting the name prefix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-27","Name prefix should nest like path prefix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-27","Actually make the name_prefix work like the previous che...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-26","Added :has_many and :has_one for declaring plural and si...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-26","Added support for using classes from within a single nes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-26","Added load_attributes_from_response as a way of loading ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-26","The find should instantiate real objects, not return hashes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-26","Added support for calling custom methods #6979 [rwdaigle]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-26","XML values can be nil","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-25","Added parsing of file type in Hash.xml_in so you can eas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-24","Include default route for formats","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-24","Don't require AWS test_invoke in railties test helper [b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-24","Added that render :xml will try to call to_xml if it can...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-24","Removed default WSDL route now that AWS is debundled fro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-24","Added :location option to render so that the common patt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-24","Improved performance by relying less on exception raisin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-24","Improved performance by relying less on exception raisin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-23","Dont insert search parameters into the object","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-23","It is activeresource, silly","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-23","Only include relevant files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-23","Include Active Resource instead of Action Web Service [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-21","Added ActiveRecord::Base.inspect to return a column-view...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-21","Run with the latest versions so beta gems will work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-21","Ensure that render_text only adds string content to the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-21","Use XSD-compatible type names for Hash#to_xml and make t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-19","Added yielding of builder in Hash#to_xml [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-19","Disregard namespaces from the default element name, so H...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-16","Fixed that parameters from XML should also be presented ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-04-13","Added yielding of Builder instance for ActiveRecord::Bas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-28","Dropped the use of ; as a separator of non-crud actions ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-27","Added that FormTagHelper#submit_tag will return to its o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-13","Only auto-push gems","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-13","Monkey doc around in an attempt to please rdoc","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-13","Use inline rubyforge automation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-12","Prepare for release of Rails 1.2.3","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-07","Backed out of using File.atomic_write in the asset_tag_h...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-07","Caching shouldnt include the host still","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-04","Sans request please","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-04","Added Request#url that returns the complete URL used for...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-04","Added URL escaping of user and password when used throug...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-03","Added user/password options for url_for to add http auth...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-03","Fixed that FormTagHelper#text_area_tag should disregard ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-03-01","Options are more often than not meaningless babble, just...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-27","Added assumption that all plugin creators desire to be s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Added :port and :host handling to UrlRewriter (which uni...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Doc fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Allow send_file/send_data to use a registered mime type ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Allow routing requirements on map.resource(s) (closes #7...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Fixed broken test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Moved perform_caching test set up into test's setup to f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Added source-annotations extractor tasks to rake [Jamis ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Setting fixtures automatically for integration tests is ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-25","Added fixtures :all to test_helper.rb to assume that mos...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-24","Make it a default assumption that you want all helpers, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-24","Added helper(:all) as a way to include all helpers from ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-23","No s on config","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-23","Include two default initializers as examples","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-23","Added config/initializers where all ruby files within it...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-23","Move session settings closer together","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-21","Added database connection as a yield parameter to Active...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-21","Added subdirectory test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-21","Make sure that the filesystem is not involved with asset...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-21","Make assert_select access content_type through accessor ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-21","Apply the rest of Chads patch","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-20","Added .erb and .builder as preferred aliases to the now ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-19","Fix tests depending too deep","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-19","Its ETag not Etag","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-19","Set cache-control to private if theres an etag available...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-19","Dont ask for no caching if we have a etag to base that d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-19","Move etagging down to response, so renders with layouts ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-18","Added caching option to AssetTagHelper#stylesheet_link_t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-18","Allow people to set their own etags, if they want more c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-18","Added default mime type for CSS (Mime::CSS) [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-17","Added that rendering will automatically insert the etag ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-17","Added X-Runtime to all responses with the request run ti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-16","Added X-Benchmark to all responses with the same benchma...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-15","In tests, content_type can be nil, which would disturb a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-06","More Safari appeasement","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-06","Safari requires an explicit submit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-06","Fix that FormTagHelper#submit_tag using :disable_with sh...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-06","Update date","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-04","Prepare for release of Rails 1.2.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-04","Update release script on stable branch","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-04","Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-02-04","Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-31","Make sure that the string returned by TextHelper#truncat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-29","Added FormBuilder#submit as a delegate for FormTagHelper...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-28","Remove noisy nodoc for Ruby 1.8.4","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-28","Remove noisy nodoc for Ruby 1.8.4","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-26","Fixed NumberHelper#number_with_delimiter to use "." alwa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-26","Fixed NumberHelper#number_with_delimiter to use "." alwa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-26","Nodoc the irrelevant (from 1.2)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-26","stable becomes 1-1-stable, 1-2-pre-release becomes 1-2-s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-24","Make to_query safe against nils","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-24","Added Hash#to_query to turn a hash of values into a form...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-18","Bump rails version too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-18","Update versions in preparation for Rails 1.2.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-18","Fix nodoc breaking adapters (closes #7161)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-18","Tagged Rails 1.2.0","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-18","Keep the irrelevant stuff out with :nodoc:","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-18","Keep the irrelevant stuff out with :nodoc:","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-17","Prepare for release of 1.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-15","Made sure that connections are only removed for SQLite","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-15","Made sure that connections are only removed for SQLite","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-05","Fixing release notes for RC2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-05","Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-05","Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2007-01-05","Applied [5845] from trunk","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-31","Make RDoc not spew errors on install because of HTML com...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-31","Make RDoc not spew errors on install because of HTML com...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-27","Attempt at fixing the preparation_callbacks, nzkoz will ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-27","False is a reasonable default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-26","Apply [5740] from trunk","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-05","Added counter optimization for AssociationCollection#any...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-04","Fixed script/process/spawner to work properly with Mongr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-04","Fixed script/process/spawner to work properly with Mongr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-04","Dropped the idea of automatically routing :format for th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-04","Dropped the idea of automatically routing :format for th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-03","Documentation for generators (closes #6671) [topfunky]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-03","Documentation for generators (closes #6671) [topfunky]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-03","Fixed Array#to_xml when it contains a series of hashes (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-03","Fixed Array#to_xml when it contains a series of hashes (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-02","Added Request#format to return the format used for the r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-02","Added the option for extension aliases to mime type regi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-01","Wups","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-01","Wups","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-01","If only life was that simple (it didnt help)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-01","If only life was that simple (it didnt help)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-01","Replace the elaborate reloading connection checking sche...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-01","Replace the elaborate reloading connection checking sche...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-12-01","Added one-letter aliases for the three default environme...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-30","Refactored to use same option setup","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-30","Refactored to use same option setup","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-30","Premature commit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-30","Fixed that script/server running against Mongrel should ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-30","Fixed that script/server running against Mongrel should ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-26","Only reload connections in development mode that support...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-26","Only reload connections in development mode that support...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-26","Fix that redirects should set "Location" header, not "lo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-26","Fix that redirects should set "Location" header, not "lo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-26","redirect_to is the one place where _url should be used, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-26","redirect_to is the one place where _url should be used, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-25","Added Time#to_s(:time) which will just return H:M, like ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-25","Tried delaying database disconnect until after dependenc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-25","Tried delaying database disconnect until after dependenc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-25","Dont set default charset if the response is sending a fi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-25","Dont set default charset if the response is sending a fi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Fixed that HEAD should return the proper Content-Length ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Fixed that HEAD should return the proper Content-Length ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","* Added GET-masquarading for HEAD, so request.method wil...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","* Added GET-masquarading for HEAD, so request.method wil...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Added text/csv as a default mime type and included examp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Added text/csv as a default mime type and included examp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Added ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! in de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Added ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! in de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Actually require the gem found","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Actually require the gem found","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Made RAILS_GEM_VERSION work for beta gems too, so specif...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Made RAILS_GEM_VERSION work for beta gems too, so specif...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Dont include the mime.yml anyway, Mongrel will just ship...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Dont include the mime.yml anyway, Mongrel will just ship...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-23","Update release date for RC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-20","Proper dates","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-19","Merge 1-2-pre-release with [5581]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-19","Made script/server work with -e and -d when using Mongre...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-19","Restore windows compatibility","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-19","Starting, not started yet","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-19","Make script/server work with -d and -e on Mongrel","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-19","Scaffold resource should have both a layout and a styles...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-19","Scaffold resource should have both a layout and a styles...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-19","Update changelogs in preparation for RC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-18","Merged [5503] from trunk","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-18","Merged [5485] from trunk","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-18","Merged [5482] from trunk","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-18","Merged [5473] from trunk","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-18","Merged [5546] and [5547] from trunk","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-18","Active Resource will not ship with Rails 1.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-14","Fix end of day","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-12","Added Time#end_of_day to get 23:59:59 of that day [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-11-02","Resolved the conflict","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-26","Branches so we can just get the bug fixes out of the way...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-26","Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-26","Fix scaffolding from using deprecated :post => true (clo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-23","Made FormTagHelper#form_tag work with blocks, rendering ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-23","Added block-usage to TagHelper#content_tag [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-23","Docfix (closes #6462)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-22","Docfix (closes #6393)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-22","Deprecated UrlHelper#link_to_image and UrlHelper#link_to...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-22","Upgraded NumberHelper with number_to_phone support inter...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-22","Fixed that setting RAILS_ASSET_ID to "" should not add a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-17","GET parameter keys can be escaped too [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-17","Added config.plugins to control which plugins are loaded...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-10","Fixed default 404.html and 500.htmls to remove extreme u...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed test:uncommitted on Windows (backslash issue) (clo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Docfix (closes #6234)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed migration creation to work with namespaced models,...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed rename_table on SQLite tables with indexes defined...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Docfix (closes #6040)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Added timeout option to SQLite3 configurations to deal m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Docfix (closes #5143)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Added update_attributes! which uses save! to raise an ex...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Deprecated add_on_boundary_breaking (use validates_lengt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Doc fixes (closes #6325)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed that NumberHelper#number_to_delimiter should respe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed that caches_action breaks with file extensions (cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed that FormHelper#radio_button didn't respect an :id...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Added an html_options hash parameter to javascript_tag()...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Also update escaping for prototype rescues [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed that rescue template path shouldn't be hardcoded, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed escaping of backslashes in JavaScriptHelper#escape...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed that some 500 rescues would cause 500's themselves...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Fixed that assert_select selects the wrong tag by its co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Deprecation cleanup for rescues (closes #6339) [adam]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Docfix (closes #6356)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Include field:type option for models","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-09","Added script/generate resource which works just like sca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-08","Added proper USAGE to the scaffold_resource generator [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-08","Added proper USAGE to the scaffold_resource generator [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-10-08","cleanup of local_assigns handling and documentation upda...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-20","Just use the vanilla mime type string, no need for fancy...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-20","Hash.create_from_xml has been renamed to Hash.from_xml, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-20","Added map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' as a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-19","Implemented ./script/generate scaffold_resource comment ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-17","Work-in-progress scaffolder for resources [DHH/Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-17","Added that respond_to blocks will automatically set the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-17","Added proper getters and setters for content type and ch...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-15","Last version change, dammit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-15","Fix versions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-15","Version updates and missing licenses","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-15","Dont run tests on gem creation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-15","Dont run FCGIDispatcher tests if mocha is not available","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-13","All verbs should use formatted urls [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-13","Make sure that formatted routes for all verbs are create...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-12","test svn","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-08","Split Form.serialize into Form.serialize and Form.serial...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-08","We cant make MySQL 5 happy if it means making SQLite and...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-08","Since to_sing, we need to check for empty string","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-08","Added parentheses around FROM clauses generated by Base ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-06","Get symbol definitions of methods converted to strings [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-06","Backed out of locals hash as it caused trouble with Buil...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-06","Fixed JavaScriptHelper#link_to_function and JavaScriptHe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-05","Still need the regular assertions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-05","caller is necessary for proper trace in deprecation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-05","Better bundling of new assertions and make integration t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-05","Backed out of new_record? to new? transformation as it w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-05","Deprecated ActiveRecord::Base.new_record? in favor of Ac...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-05","Proper description syntax for test tasks (closes #5308)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Added access to nested attributes in RJS (closes #4548) ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Fixed that AssetTagHelper#image_tag and others using com...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Expose more options of inplace_editor (but its still goi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Superseeded by action_caching_test (closes #5173)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Documentation for routes (closes #5165) [rramdas@gmail.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Deprecated the auto-appending of .png to AssetTagHelper#...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Fixed default routing NoMethodError downcase for nil whe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Added locals hash to partials, which makes for convenien...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Update usage notes to verify","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Fixed FormOptionsHelper#select to respect :selected valu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Fixed TextHelper#simple_format to deal with multiple sin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Fixed TextHelper#pluralize to handle 1 as a string (clos...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Doc fix (closes #5660)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Fixed the Ruby/MySQL adapter we ship with Active Record ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Improved resolution of DateHelper#distance_of_time_in_wo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Doc fix (closes #6023)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-04","Dont raise deprecation warning on render :action => "stuff"","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","More inclusive 500 language","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Changed that uncaught exceptions raised any where in the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Docs and deprecation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Added deprecation language for in_place_editor and auto_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Deprecated all of ActionController::Dependencies. All de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Deprecated old render parameter calls","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Backout of blowup fix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Require action mailer more gracefully","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","More deprecation fun","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","If not running in Rails, we will log deprecations to $st...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Deprecate deprecated assertions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Modules can deprecate stuff too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Moved in deprecated assertions and remove duplicated req...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Follow proper naming conventions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Better compartmentalizing of assertions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Added assert_select* for CSS selector-based testing (dep...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Stress that 2.0 is the cut and that we will have a page ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Made it clear that deprecated stuff leaves on majors only","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Update copyright times","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-03","Nitpick updates","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-02","Doc fixes (closes #6012)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-02","Modernize the main README (closes #6002)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-02","Docs for js linkers (closes #5948)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-02","Added test for custom headers on parts (closes #3043)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-02","Updated docs and otherwise","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-09-02","Fixed that iconv decoding should catch InvalidEncoding #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-31","Fixed a few find_alls","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-30","Switch to using FormEncodedPairParser for parsing reques...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-29","Keep onsubmit around for form_remote_for","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-29","Reload should take options for the replace","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-28","FormEncodedStringParser needs a tad more work before it ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-26","Deprecation: test deprecated instance vars in partials.","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-26","Actually, indifferent access mattered in the bowels (has...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-26","Result is made indifferent on the way out","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-26","Changed the POST parameter processing to use the new Que...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-26","More tests for array/hashing in parameters, one failing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-25","Automatically included ActionController::UrlWriter, such...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-14","Fix AWS tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-10","Prepare for release of 1.1.6","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-10","Prepare for release of 1.1.6","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-09","Fix release script","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-09","Cause ApplicationController to be reloaded","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-09","Preparing for Rails 1.1.5","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-06","Proper initialization","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Added that you can change the web server port in config/...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Make test_tag_options pass (closes #5600) [shugo]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Added months and years to the resolution of DateHelper#d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Mention reload! when talking about console (closes #5560)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Refactored select routing for SQL Server adapter (closes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Fixed that default timezones for new / initialize should...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Remove duplicate routes from mapped resources (closes #5...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Remove unnecessary brackets in regex (closes #5715)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-05","Call an inspector for inspector","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-04","The white space inquisition is coming for you!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-04","Make us pass to ease RESTful children posts","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-04","Make us pass to ease RESTful children posts","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-03","Added Module#alias_attribute [Jamis/DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-03","Fixed to_xml with :include misbehaviors when invoked on ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-08-03","Added support for conditions on Base.exists? (closes #56...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-31","Added map.resources from the Simply Restful plugin (back...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-31","Fixed that integration simulation of XHRs should set Acc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-31","Fixed that integration simulation of XHRs should set Acc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-26","Added ICS to extension lookup recognition [Lars Pind]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-06","Updated","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-06","Added Mongrel-spawning capabilities to script/process/sp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Fixed test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Fixed migration generation for class names like ACLContr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Fixed a few Oracle issues: Allows Oracle's odd date hand...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Doc fixes (closes #5443)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Added exception handling of missing layouts (closes #537...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","rake should run active_schema_mysql_test.rb (closes #5390)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Doc fix (closes #5418) [kevwil@gmail.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Doc fix (closes #5429)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Fixed that real files and symlinks should be treated the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Added show_source_list and show_call_stack to breakpoint...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Added :group to available options for finds done on asso...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Doc fix (closes #5504) [lee@omara.ca]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Doc fix (closes #5576)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Fixed that the flash should be reset when reset_session ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Fixed HashWithIndifferentAccess#default (closes #5586) [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Doc fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-07-05","Added special case for "1 Byte" in NumberHelper#number_t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-30","Fixed proper form-encoded parameter parsing for requests...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-30","Allow Rails controllers in too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-30","Prepare for 1.1.4 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-27","Use real date","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-25","Initial check-in of Active Resourse","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-24","Cant use separate module [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-24","Added Enumerable#sum for calculating a sum from the elem...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-24","Made ready for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-16","Added Hash.create_from_xml(string) which will create a h...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-16","Added Jim Weirich's excellent FlexMock class to vendor (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-06","Include uninstall.rb (closes #5003)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-04","Added binary formatting","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-04","Refactored ActiveRecord::Base.to_xml to become a delegat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Rolled back broken aliasing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Fixed that Module#alias_method_chain should work with bo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Added documentation for inflections (closes #5013) [m.st...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Added uninstall.rb hook to plugin handling, such that pl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Create temporary dirs relative to RAILS_ROOT when runnin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Added simple hash conditions to find that'll just conver...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Fixed issues with BLOB limits, charsets, and booleans fo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","For Firebird adapter","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Fixed usage of :limit and with_scope when the associatio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Added disconnect! to Firebird adapter (closes #5210) [ke...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Make more Firebird tests pass (closes #5188) [kennethkun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Fixed migration trouble with SQLite when NOT NULL is use...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Fixed problems with eager loading and counting on SQL Se...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Fixed that count distinct should use the selected column...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Fixed that has_many.create ended up with duplicate objec...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-03","Fixed that :includes merged from with_scope won't cause ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-02","Finish custom handling [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-02","Make new mime types first class [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-02","Make new mime types first class [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-02","Added Mime::TEXT (text/plain) and Mime::ICS (text/calend...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-02","Added Mime::Type.register(string, symbol, synonyms = [])...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-02","Added support for Mime objects in render :content_type o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-01","Dont keep nothing as a lookup [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-01","Fixed that Base.find :all, :conditions => [ "id IN (?)",...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-06-01","Oracle and others wont take a string null for an answer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-31","Added Array#to_s(:db) that'll produce a comma-separated ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-31","Added interrogation of params[:format] to determine Acce...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-31","Easy way to set accepting for functional tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-31","If not passing a hash, assume :id => whatever","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-29","Expanded :method option in FormTagHelper#form_tag, FormH...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-29","Expanded :method option in FormTagHelper#form_tag, FormH...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-28","Added :method handling for other verbs to remote_form_ta...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-28","Added lib/ to the directories that will get application ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-28","Expanded :method option in FormHelper#form_tag to allow ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-28","Added :method option to UrlHelper#link_to, which allows ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-21","Make Oracle happy","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-21","Minor style tweaks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-21","Fixed that has_many collections shouldn't load the entir...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-21","Added :allow_nil option for aggregations (closes #5091) ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-21","Disabling sessions is not a common day event","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-02","Distinguish the spawners for different processes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-02","Added -n/--process to script/process/spawner name the pr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-02","Added -n/--process to script/process/spawner name the pr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-05-01","Make the inspector work on debian (closes #4935) [Lars p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-28","Added script/process/inspector to do simple process stat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-28","Status in one line","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-28","Added a simple process inspector","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-28","Added pid file usage to script/process/spawner and scrip...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-25","Updated to Builder 2.0 [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-18","Doc fix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-16","Its 2006, not 2005","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-16","Fixed that remote_form_for can leave out the object para...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-09","Use Aras RubyForge uploader","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-09","Use Aras RubyForge uploader","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-09","Include the calculations fix for a new release of AR","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-09","Include the calculations fix for a new release of AR","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-09","Prepare for tiny release of 1.1.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-09","Prepare for tiny release of 1.1.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-07","Added ActionController.filter_parameter_logging that mak...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-07","RAILS_ROOT, please","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-07","RAILS_ROOT, please","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-07","Fixed that boot.rb would set RAILS_GEM_VERSION twice, no...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-07","Fixed that boot.rb would set RAILS_GEM_VERSION twice, no...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-07","Fixed that boot.rb would set RAILS_GEM_VERSION twice, no...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-07","Now where did that stable go","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","Fixed that template extensions would be cached developme...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","Fixed that that multiparameter assignment doesn't work w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","Update versions for Rails 1.1.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","Failed test for Marcel to ponder","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","Fixed that the -r/--ruby path option of the rails comman...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","Fix HasManyAssociation#find bugs when :finder_sql is set...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","Reflect on aggregation ignores :class_name option (fixes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","Doc fix (closes #4609)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-06","invoke / invoke_delegated / invoke_layered check for cor...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-05","Added that Dispatcher exceptions should not be shown to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-05","Fixed that rake clone_structure_to_test should quit on p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-05","Note difference between fcgis","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-04","Fix CSS for Windows (closes #4564)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-04","CHANGED DEFAULT: Don't parse YAML input by default, but ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-04","Reformatted for better readability [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-04","Get the green light for Oracle AR unit tests (closes #45...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-04","Do not convert driver options to strings (closes #4499) ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-03","Fixed that rails --version should have the return code o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-03","Doc fix #3960 [jonrailsdev@shumi.org]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-03","Ever so lined up","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-03","Fixed that spawner should daemonize if running in repeat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-03","Show tag properly in about","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-03","Added TAG option for rake rails:freeze:edge, so you can ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-02","Added docs for to_proc","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","Fix rails info for when js is off (closes #4472) [erik@c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","Fixed fragment caching of binary data on Windows (closes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","Doc fix (closes #4515)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","Fixed that records returned from has_and_belongs_to_many...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","Doc fix (closes #4521)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","railties Rakefile refers to old rails_version.rb locatio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","Use --simple-prompt instead of --prompt-mode simple for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","dont merge when you can update (closes #4529) [skaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","Added -f/--freeze option to rails command for freezing t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-04-01","Specify gem version in environment.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-30","Fixed broken OCIAdapter (closes #4457) [schoenm@earthlin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-29","Skip complete URLs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-29","Added automated timestamping to AssetTagHelper methods f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-29","Added gzip compression for JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","I tag by hand, thank you","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Tagged and branches 1.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Rails 1.1.0 is real","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Made ready for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","to_xml documentation [DHH, Koz]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Fixed docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Fixed docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Fixed docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Fixed docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Fixed documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Make release rake work on 1.8.4","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Show usage description if no code is passed (closes #444...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-28","Update description","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-27","Spell existence properly (closes #4442)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-27","Fixed require of bluecloth and redcloth when gems haven'...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-27","Making ActiveRecord faster [skaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-26","ActionView: Allow to register a Template handler with a ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-26","Support the use of public synonyms with the Oracle adapt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-26","Make ActiveWebService::Struct type reloadable. Fix scaff...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-26","Only string_to_binary if the column responds","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-26","Dont require rake to run the server, just have a little ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-25","Beef up the default test just a tad","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-25","The Ruby path should be a string (closes #4361) [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-25","Do it in style","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-25","Fixed db_schema_import when binary types are present (cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-25","ST is Cap (closes #4214)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-25","Added Fixnum#seconds for consistency, so you can say 5.m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-25","Fixed that MySQL enums should always be returned as stri...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-25","Use example.com as standard (closes #4413) [anna]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-23","Fixed that AWS Scaffold Fails with Struct as a Parameter...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-22","Fixed DB2 adapter so nullable columns will be determines...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-22","Fix test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Fixed the hash.delete :sym (closes #2176) [Stefan Kaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Turn RJS debugging on by default and show the source cod...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Fix bug introduced by changeset 3679 which caused custom...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Added sample named route [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","lighttpd.conf should use CWD so the config file is porta...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Dont line up that which does not","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Fixed that schema changes while the database was open wo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Fixed that schema changes while the database was open wo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Clearing doesnt need migrations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Comments, comments","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","My beautiful eyes [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Update docs and index.html [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Updated Kernel#returning for the AP performance patch [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Performance speedup for ActionController (closes #4174) ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Rolled back #2176 because it destroyed performance [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-20","Added option to String#camelize to generate lower-cased ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-19","Fix boolean test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-19","Rails is not compatible with Ruby 1.8.3, explicitly prev...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-19","If RAW_POST_DATA was set explicitly, use that (closes #4...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-19","Fix for destroying migrations made when generating a mod...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-19","Only run migrations that look like migrations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-19","Small pgsql fixes (closes #4083) [pergesu@gmail.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-19","Fixed rails:freeze:gems for Windows (closes #3274) [paul...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Date in iso8601 should just be a to_s alias","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added more tests to validates_format_of (closes #3142) [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Dates should be able to go xmlschema too [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","SQL Server adapter gets some love (closes #4298) [rtomay...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added test for Accept header for xml_http_request calls ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Make generation of namespaced models produce proper migr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Doc fix (closes #4210) [Caio Chassot ]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Doc fix (closes #4209) [Caio Chassot]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Removed XML argument style for respond_to, so type.xml(o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","use cleanpath of config file in lighttpd server script (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Update lingering uses of deprecated association dependen...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Fixed that eager loading from belongs_to would cause the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added easy support for testing file uploads with fixture...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added 'port open?' check to the spawner when running in ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Fixed UrlHelper#current_page? to behave even when url-es...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Fix the detach option for lighttp (closes #4097) [schult...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added OpenBase database adapter that builds on top of th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Do not include .svn files in file distro (closes #3195) ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Styling","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Fixed link_to "somewhere", :post => true to produce vali...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Just use a normal update on the indifferent hash","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added :function option to PrototypeHelper#observe_field/...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Fixed the to_xml case (closes #4201) [twoggle@gmail.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Testing of uncommited should test controllers too (close...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Allow for respond_to(:html, :js, :xml) (closes #4277) [C...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Fixed HashWithIndifferentAccess#delete to work with both...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added connection#current_database that'll return of the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Nicer error message on has_many :through when :through r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Fixed that Migration#execute would have the table name p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added access to remote_addr in integration tests (closes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Fix test db setup for pgsql (closes #4220) [mlaster@meta...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","The style police makes an expection on acts_as_tree (clo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-18","Added migrations support to the Sybase adapter (closes #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-17","Fix soap type registration of multidimensional arrays (c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Fixed proxy support for lighttpd (closes #3267) [stephen...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Added protection against proxy setups treating requests ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Change LEFT OUTER JOIN authors AS authors to LEFT OUTER ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Oracle adapter gets some love #4230 [schoenm@earthlink.net]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Added TestRequest#raw_post that simulate raw_post from C...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Added Time#advance to do precise time time calculations ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Stop the MySQL adapter crashing when views are present. ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Dots in template path should not trip up rendering (clos...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-16","Breakpoints in running code makes for no fun ;)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-13","Always use application/xml, then the charset is determin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-13","The mere existance of a rjs file shouldnt cause the layo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-13","The mere existance of a rjs file shouldnt cause the layo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-13","Prefer application/xml over text/xml for charset reasons","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-13","Rendering xml shouldnt happen inside any layout. Added c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-12","Prepare for mime type reordering depending on the branch...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-12","Default mime type for XML should be application/xml [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-12","Mime types are separated by a comma, not semicolon, in t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-12","Use accept headers","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-12","Added synonym and custom type handling to respond_to [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-12","Assume that we accept what we give [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-12","Added defaults to respond_to [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-12","Added option to render action/template/file of a specifi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-11","Added better support for using the same actions to outpu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-10","Passing comment","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-10","tag! is nicer than __send__","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-10","Added options to control the :only/:except for included ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-10","Added association inclusion in to_xml [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-09","Implemented nested to_xml and named elements for array x...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-09","Fixed to_xml across the board to use nice indention, bet...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-08","Added Hash#to_xml and Array#to_xml that makes it much ea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-07","Proper options for XmlSimple","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-07","XmlSimple _should_ be the default since XmlNode is not c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-06","Allow method chaining in RJS elements [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Added tracking of database and framework versions in scr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Doc fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Doc fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Dont mkdir for each framework now that theyre checked ou...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Fixed eager loading problems with single-table inheritan...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Dont generate migration when doing scaffolding","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Fixed tests (closes #4087) [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Fixed tests (closes #4087) [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","allow RJS enum values to be passed to visual_effect() an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-05","Migrations created alongside models should be called Cre...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Added public/javascripts/application.js as a sample sinc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Added cascading eager loading that allows for queries li...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Backed out of that. PStore doesnt support suffix :(","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Backed out of that. PStore doesnt support suffix :(","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","CHANGED DEFAILT: File-based sessions now have a suffix o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Words of caution","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Added -a/--with-assets option to rails generator that wi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Migrations should use symbols now that the schema dumper...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Added socket cleanup for lighttpd, both before and after...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","We need to silence_stderr on the call to svn in order no...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Fixed that Date was in incorrect format in tasks.yml (cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-04","Fixed Effect.Appear in effects.js to work with floats in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-03","RJS now does enumerations, baby! (closes #3876) [Rick Ol...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-03","Fixed that calling HasOneProxy#build_model repeatedly wo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-03","Fixed test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-03","Fixed type (closes #3999)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-03","Fix a ton of issues with AWS (yes, Kent saved it from be...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-03","Added reload! method to script/console to reload all mod...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-03","Added that rake rails:freeze:edge will now just export a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","More docs for observers (closes #3996) [Robby Russel]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Added fix for upload problems with lighttpd from Safari/...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","No longer needed (closes #4017)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Doc fix (closes #4014) [thijs@fngtps.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Fixed that default image extension was not appended when...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Fixed that Array#to_sentence will return "" on an empty ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Added that page caching will only happen if the response...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Catch requirement of Sybase adapter, if we cant, dont ha...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Dont require sybase unless you try to connect","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Added Sybase database adapter that relies on the Sybase ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Added Sybase database adapter that relies on the Sybase ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-02","Added test:uncommitted to test changes since last checki...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-01","Make calculations typecasty! (closes #4016) [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-01","Update old alias too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-01","Renamed the "oci" adapter to "oracle", but kept the old ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-01","Make #save return true on success, even if locking is en...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-01","Have to use inheritance","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-03-01","Added Kernel#daemonize to turn the current process into ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Match singular naming from directory structure [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Guard against app generation if the database specified i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Stop annoying me when Im changing fixtures for other tes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Fixed tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Fixed that Base.save should always return false if the s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Various problems with in-memory sqlite dbs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Make clearing follow the object:action naming of the res...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Make clearing follow the object:action naming of the res...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Make clearing follow the object:action naming of the res...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Added support to AssetTagHelper#javascript_include_tag f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-28","Added new column to all db definitions. Where, oh where,...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","Rails now depend on Rake 0.7.x","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","Load, not dump, schema to test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","Only load .yml files in sub-directories","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","Include functionals in default test run","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","Added that fixtures to placed in subdirectories of the m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","doc fix (closes #3972) [robby]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","Dont require association classes before theyre supposed ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","Added namespaces to all tasks, so for example load_fixtu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-27","CHANGED DEFAULT: ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format is now...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Example for validates_presence_of method (closes #3966) ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Added -r/--repeat option to script/process/spawner that ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Added support for nested scopes (closes #3407) [anna@wot...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Added .rxml (and any non-rhtml template, really) support...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Fixed form_for regression (closes #3962) [t.lucas@toolma...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Fixed tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Added collision option to template generation in generat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","mail_to shouldnt include language attribute in script ta...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Fixed that form elements would strip the trailing [] fro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","The image_tag helper is not converting the options hash ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Added Time#beginning_of_quarter (closes #3607) [cohen.je...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Aesthetics, baby","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Added more information to script/plugin's doings to ease...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Fixed rdoc.options use all over (closes #3639) [andy@tin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-26","Fixed db2 connection with empty user_name and auth optio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Fixed validates_length_of to work on UTF-8 strings by us...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Compatibility patches for calculations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Make TMail::Mail#has_attachments? use logic from #attach...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Updated docs (closes #3799) [ruby@bobsilva.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Fixed that reflections would bleed across class boundari...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","rake appdoc fails with unrecognized option (closes #3757...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Makes ActiveRecord::Schema respect AR::Base.table_name_p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Documentation fixes (closes #3838)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Added calculations: Base.count, Base.average, Base.sum, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Added tmp/sessions, tmp/cache, and tmp/sockets as defaul...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Added that script/generate model will now automatically ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Prepare order for uncommenting, use consistent opt optio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-25","Added -d/--database option to the rails command, so you ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-23","Renamed Errors#count to Errors#size but kept an alias fo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-21","Improved the Oracle OCI Adapter with better performance ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-20","Fixed that the request method would be sticky in tests (...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-20","Added :count option to pagination that'll make it possib...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-19","Added SIGTRAP signal handler to RailsFCGIHandler that'll...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-19","test_find_or_create_from_two_attributes is a duplicate o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-19","Also use CWD on document_root (closes #3883) [grant@anti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-19","Fix Object.subclasses_of to only return currently define...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-19","Ensure backwards compatibility with symbolized action na...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-19","Updated RDocTask to receive options 1 by 1 (closes #3875...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-17","Make RJS treat symbolic action names nicely #3861 [Rick ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-14","Refactor the Javascript proxy into a hierarchy for eleme...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Use real assigns instead of a method call [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","replace_element was renamed replace [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Wups, committed too much","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Also support replace and replace_html and some refactori...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Added element and collection proxies to RJS [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","save polymorphic joins from the has_many|one association...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Changed default lighttpd.conf to use CWD from lighttpd 1...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","The session should be saved even if the filter chain is ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Modernize flash tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Fixed that flash wasnt being cleared after components re...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Flash shouldnt depend on components either [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Stopped the massive bleeding of concerns into ActionCont...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Add caution and restyle components","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","The components module should also contain the options th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Expose object and object_name from the FormBuilder [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-12","Clean up style around form_for and friends a bit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-05","Update versions to match latest from stable","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-04","Added delegation support to Module that allows multiple ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-04","Just go with Subclasses instead of OnlySubclasses","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-04","Just go with Subclasses instead of OnlySubclasses","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-04","Fixed Class.remove to not blow up on inheritance","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-03","Using AssociationCollection#build with arrays of hashes ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-01","Fixed schema handling for DB2 adapter that didn't work: ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-01","Silly me","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-01","Added Errors#any? to mean !Errors#empty? [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-01","If included_modules doesnt take a parameter, we shouldnt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-01","ActiveRecordStore::Session shouldnt be reloadable","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-02-01","Dont mark Sweepers as reloadables","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-31","Added :only and :except controls to skip_before/after_fi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-30","Added check for RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT constant that allow...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-29","Added reusable reloading support through the inclusion o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-23","Fix merge and dup for hashes with indifferent access (cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-23","Fixed that SSL would not correctly be detected when runn...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-23","AR should run schema.rb for tests when building test DBs...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-22","Added the possibility to specify atomatic expiration for...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-22","Raise a RedirectBackError if redirect_to :back is called...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-21","Treat timestamps like datetimes for scaffolding purposes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-21","allow has_many :through to work with custom :foreign key...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-21","Fixed that static requests could unlock the mutex guardi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-21","Fixed that static requests could unlock the mutex guardi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-21","Fix IE bug with link_to "something", :post => true (clos...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-21","Added assert_date_from_db to do cleaner tests for SQL Se...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-21","Fixed documentation tasks to work with Rake 0.7.0 (close...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-16","Dont repeat the button_to method","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-09","Fix doc bug","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2006-01-03","Added assignment of the Autocompleter object created by ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-31","Added JavaScriptHelper#button_to_function that works jus...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-31","Made Field.focus in prototype friendly to effects by add...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-31","Added that JavaScriptHelper#link_to_function will honor ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-31","Added that JavaScriptHelper#link_to_function will honor ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-30","Added :disable_with option to FormTagHelper#submit_tag t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-27","Added option to Base.reflection_of_all_associations to s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-24","Added :select option for JavaScriptMacroHelper#auto_comp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-24","Added :select option for JavaScriptMacroHelper#auto_comp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-24","Added :select option for JavaScriptMacroHelper#auto_comp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-22","Added delayed execution of Javascript from within RJS (c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-22","Add session ID to default logging, but remove the verbos...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-21","Fix form_for use of datetime_select and date_select as w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-20","Added toggle to compliment show and hide for RJS","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-13","Made ready for 1.0 launch","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-13","Added option inheritance for find calls on has_and_belon...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-11","Added tests for join models and fixed a bug #3177","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-10","Close h1 with h1 not h2 #3150","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-10","Close h1 with h1 not h2 (closes #3150)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-10","Added form_remote_for [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Prepare versions for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Remove insignificant classes from docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Remove insignificant classes from docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Fixed that using :include together with :conditions arra...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Fixed that using :include together with :conditions arra...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Warn people not to change boot.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Warn people not to change boot.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Finish polish on new welcome screen","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Fixed RDoc warnings [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-08","Fixed RDoc warnings [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-07","Fix has_many :through","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-06","Shouldnt overwrite Base documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-05","Dont overwrite the documentation from the real base class","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-03","Added preliminary support for join models [DHH] Added pr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-02","Work-in progress for providing better join model support...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-12-02","Change form_for and fields_for method signatures to take...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-21","Back out of 3109 for now as it seems to interfere with t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-13","hidden_field can also be in fields_for","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-13","Make form_for work with additional options","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-13","Show with local vars","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-13","Added FormHelper#form_for and FormHelper#fields_for that...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-12","Pulled auto-starting browser: More pain than gain","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-12","Pulled auto-starting browser: More pain than gain","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-11","Added stable branch to prepare for 1.0 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-11","Changelogging","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-11","Make sure that legacy db tasks also reference :database ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-10","Disabled stderr suppressing until activesupport is avail...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-10","Don't reload routes until plugins have been loaded so th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-09","Added automatic browser launching on OS X when starting ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-09","Changed all script/* to use /usr/bin/env ruby instead of...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-09","Another word on precedence (closes #2790)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-09","Force RAILS_ENV to be "test" when running tests, so that...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-09","Increase criticality in comment for ENV["RAILS_ENV"]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-09","Fixed acts_as_list for definitions without an explicit :...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-09","Added note about precedence (closes #2790)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Made ready for 0.14.3 (RC4)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fix socket in the end","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fix socket in the end","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Added in bars to help guard against the production envir...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Less spacing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Dont generate config/lighttpd.conf, will be done on firs...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Added request as instance method to views, so you can do...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Make sure to check for FCGI as well as lighttpd","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Only use a socket if there","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Dont have password: optional in there","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Dont have password: optional in there","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Added default lighttpd config in config/lighttpd.conf an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Added default lighttpd config in config/lighttpd.conf an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fixed Rails generator tests (closes #2613) [torben [at] ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fixed faulty regex in get_table_name method (SQLServerAd...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fix docs (closes #2679) [coffee2code]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fix READMEs (closes #2680) [coffee2code]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fail gracefully from svn checks (closes #2700) [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fix docs (closes #2725)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-07","Fix conflict with assert_tag and Glue gem (closes #2255)...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-06","Added :include as an option for association declarations...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-06","Fixed missing join table fixtures","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-06","Sharper example","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-06","Made association extensions use simpler block syntax","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-06","Fail gracefully when plugin was not found [Chad Fowler]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-06","Fixed that SQL Server should ignore :size declarations o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-06","svn:externals is now an explicit option for script/plugi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-04","Fix assert_no_tag","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-04","Added skip_before_filter/skip_after_filter for easier co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-04","Added extension capabilities to has_many and has_and_bel...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-03","Added extension capabilities to has_many and has_and_bel...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-02","Added redirect_to :back as a short-hand for redirect_to(...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-11-02","Added demonstration of fixture use to the test case gene...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-30","Patches go to trac now","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-30","Last conversion from dbfile to database","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-30","Changed :dbfile to :database for SQLite adapter for cons...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-29","Added migration support for Oracle (closes #2647) [Micha...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Added that plugins can carry generators and that generat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Removed app/apis as a default empty dir since its automa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Dont hardcode","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Added script/plugin to manage plugins (install, remove, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Work, but better!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","You've been down that road, Neo. You know where it ends....","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Move down to 1 proc by default and a bit more help","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Added test_plugins task: Run the plugin tests in vendor/...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Added default lighttpd config in config/lighttpd.conf an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Added default lighttpd config in config/lighttpd.conf an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Plugin tests should include test/unit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Added plugin generator to create a stub structure for a ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Added app/services as a default dir in the Rails skeleto...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Fixed SQL Server adapter so it honors options[:condition...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Fixed scaffold generator when started with only 1 parame...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Made more tests for SQLServer pass (closes #2486) [Tom W...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Added migration support to SQL Server adapter (please so...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-28","Fix that render :text didn't interpolate instance variab...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-27","rake should run functional tests even if the unit tests ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-27","Refactor DB exceptions and deal more with DB2 (closes #2...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Tagged (a little late) for ~0.14.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Add exception to example (closes #2315)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Proper CSS color definition (closes #2334)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Added TextHelper#strip_tags for removing HTML tags from ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Fixed docs (closes #2468)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Added :offset and :limit to the kinds of options that Ba...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Added a reader for flash.now, so it's possible to do stu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Added petabytes and exebytes to numeric extensions (clos...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Added Time#end_of_month to accompany Time#beginning_of_m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Fix docs (closes #2491)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Fix docs (closes #2598)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Allow Mailers to have custom initialize methods that set...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Fixed handling of nil number columns on Oracle and clean...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Load rake task files in alphabetical order so you can bu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-26","Added quoted_true and quoted_false methods to db2_adapte...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-25","Prepared for release of 0.14.2 (RC3)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-24","A little spacing goes a long way","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-21","Include tasks from vendor/plugins/*/tasks in the Rakefil...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-19","Really ready for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-19","Really ready for push","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-19","Made ready to push RC2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-18","Added support for using limits in eager loads that invol...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-17","Updated the gem specs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-16","Upgrade Rails dependencies","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-16","Dont include unnecessary active support classes in docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-16","Getting ready for 0.14.0 (1.0.0 Release Candidate 1)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-16","Fixed more Windows tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-16","Fix freeze_gems","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-16","Remove util.js","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-16","Minero Aoki made TMail available to Rails/ActionMailer u...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Austin Ziegler made Text::Simple available to Rails/Acti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Backed out of setting testing settings through initializ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Make freezing work with Windows","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Added Rails framework freezing tasks: freeze_gems (freez...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Updated documentation and fixed the spinner to reference...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Fixed the overeager test running","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Cleaned up test_helper","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Fixed script/performance","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Cleaned up some docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-15","Take retry with breakpoint out until we fix it","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","Finished move","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","Moving perform to performance","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","Clean-up fix a bit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","SQL Server needs to quote booleans just like MySQL 1/0","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","Only dump schema if schema_format is :ruby","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","Update docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","Made them actually work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","Performers go .rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-14","Fix spelling","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-13","Cleaned it up a bit.. Dependencies can be declared inline","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-13","Fixed that Time#change should also reset usec when also ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-13","Added :locals support for render :inline #2463 [mdabney@...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-13","Refactored cleanly","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-12","Use the correct scope for Rake tasks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-12","Migrating should also dump the latest schema","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-09","Added to_s(:db) to Range","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-06","Added :force option to create_table that'll try to drop ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-06","Dont repeat yourself","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-06","Dont include script/process dir","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-06","Dont include run","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-06","Backed out of script/run portal idea. Muscle memory too ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-03","Made the documentation about render template/file sane","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-02","Forced newer versions of RedCloth to use hard breaks [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-02","Forced newer versions of RedCloth to use hard breaks [DHH]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-01","Use a nicer date format","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-10-01","Better logging about partials when logger to to debug","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Run set load path so others can do boot and get path","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Update the spinner to the latest commands","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Dont redefine RAILS_ENV once set","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Not the avenue we want to go down","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Made the order of framework settings significant so conf...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Added method access to OrdredOptions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Include OrderedOptions by default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Added test for looping in order","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-30","Added OrderedOptions array/hash for use with initializer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-29","Dont bitch over resetting const","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-29","Clean up the act of commands","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-29","Removed all the scripts in script/* and replaced it with...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-29","Going to pull all commands into Rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-29","Testing should also use a default REQUEST_METHOD","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-28","Dont log size of request, doesnt work well with procs, n...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-28","Solved the hanging issue.. USR2 is now the preferred way...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-28","Solved the hanging issue.. USR2 is now the preferred way...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-28","My life for white space","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-28","Dont log it twice","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-28","Log request method and response size / status code","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-28","Added in-process restarting on USR2 -- still missing a g...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-25","Refactored the AbstractAdapter to be a lot less scary. C...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-25","Okay, you can have an extra space","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-25","Use assignment instead of call","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-25","Use assignment instead of call","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-25","Added new symbol-driven approach to activating observers...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-24","Added AbstractAdapter#select_value and AbstractAdapter#s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-24","Just include activerecord/schema with AR so it doesnt ne...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-24","Added prevention of duplicate migrations from the genera...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-24","Added native, faster implementations of .blank? for the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-22","Only configure settings for loaded frameworks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-22","Fixed that auto_discovery_link_tag couldn't take a strin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-21","Fixed clean logger to work with Ruby 1.8.3 Logger class ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-21","Fixed migrations for Windows when using more than 10 [Da...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-21","Asserts now need html/document so it should require it","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-20","Fixed that the create_x method from belongs_to wouldn't ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-20","Fixed memory leak with Active Record classes when Depend...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-20","Added small note about how longtext might be needed for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-20","Fixed problem with send_file and WEBrick using stdout #1812","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-20","Fixed memory leak with Active Record classes when Depend...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-20","Include suggestion for using different socket #1951 [NVRS]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-20","Optimized tag_options to not sort keys, which is no long...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-20","Fixed that Request#domain caused an exception if the dom...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-19","Make the reaper slightly more robust in the nudging depa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-19","Fixed that Observers didn't observe sub-classes #627 [Fl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-19","Include ActionView as a configurable framework","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-19","Include libs/ in rake stats #2223 [Marcel Molina]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-17","Doc fix #2197","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-17","Add "#:nodoc:" for ActionController::Routing::PathCompon...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-17","Fixed that generate scaffold claims all words are reserv...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-16","Make upload progress not throw JavaScript errors when th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-15","Cant use silence_warnings before active support is loaded","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-15","Added check for RAILS_CONNECTION_ADAPTERS on startup and...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-15","Added check for RAILS_CONNECTION_ADAPTERS on startup and...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-15","Only attempt to require Active Support if it hasnt been ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-15","Cache relative_url_root for all webservers, not just Apa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-15","Speed up cookie use by decreasing string copying #2194 [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-15","Included UrlRewriter tests in rake run and made them not...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-15","Made base_tests.rb run as part of rake","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-14","Fixed access to "Host" header with requests made by crap...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Moved session and fragment options out","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Only include dirs that exists in the stats","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Reformed all the config/environments/* files to conform ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Make it easy to go UTC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Fixed various problems with has_and_belongs_to_many when...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Reformed environments files to the new config style","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Control depedency mechanism, breakpoints, and whiny nils...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Added easy assignment of fragment cache store through us...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Moved session options to SessionManagement","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Added ActionController::Base.session_store=, session_sto...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Fixed Inflector.underscore for use with acronyms, so HTM...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-13","Fixed pointer to tasks location #2175","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Dont log creation of view class","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Make it even easier to set a new session store and use s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Added Rails::Configuration support for fragment stores","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Use session_id instead of deprecated sessid","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Use session_id instead of deprecated sessid","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Sessions with an s","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Added create_session_table, drop_session_table, and purg...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Make periodically_call_remote use type="text/javascript"...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Added dump of schema version to the db_structure_dump ta...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Fixed inflections for status, quiz, move #2056 [deirdre@...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-12","Added TextHelper#cycle to cycle over an array of values ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Rolled back broken #1814","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Refactored to a more readble form #1813","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added better exception error when unknown column types a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added irregular inflection sex => sexes #1826 [rails@ele...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fixed script/profiler for Ruby 1.8.2 #1863 [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fixed clone_structure_to_test task for SQLite #1864 [jon...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Use send instead of module_eval #1873 [shugo]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fixed docs #1884","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fixed docs #1886","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Split macros test into their own suite","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added :multipart option to ActiveRecordHelper#form to ma...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added Hash#reverse_merge, Hash#reverse_merge!, and Hash#...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added in-place editing support in the spirit of auto com...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Dont encourage custom url options to be called with symb...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Moved config/tasks to lib/tasks and added more documenta...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fixed missing ds","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fix tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Use the inflector rules made for the purpose","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added Array#to_sentence that'll turn ['one', 'two', 'thr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added :disabled option to all data selects that'll make ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fixed that TextHelper#auto_link_urls would include punct...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fixed "connection lost" issue with the bundled Ruby/MySQ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added test to ensure that silence_warnings also returned...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added test to ensure that silence_warnings also returned...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Added Kernel#silence_warnings and puts it into use throu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fix fixture problem for pgsql","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-11","Fix problem with mime type defaults #2165 [Michael Shuerig]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Forgot to add core_ext/string/starts_ends_with.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Added -m/--mime-types option to the WEBrick server, so y...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Added -c/--svn option to the generator that'll add new f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Added -c/--charset option to WEBrick controller, so you ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Fixed comparison of Active Record objects so two new obj...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Added String#starts_with? and String#ends_with? #2118 [t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Fixed that number_to_currency(1000, {:precision => 0})) ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Fixed that the SQL Server adapter would sometimes return...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Make the test_find_all_by_one_attribute and test_find_al...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Refactored away all the legacy validate_options calls an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Make assert_valid_keys slightly more lenient","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Fix docs #2136 [coffee2code]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Allow link_to_remote to use any DOM-element as the paren...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Added the instance methods #root and #ancestors on acts_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Added documentation for overwrite_params #2146 [Michael ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Fixed that render :partial would fail when :object was a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-09","Fixed JavascriptHelper#auto_complete_for to only include...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-08","Fixed that onclick would be overridden even when special...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-08","Added documentation for #1904","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-08","Fixed all AssetHelper methods to work with relative path...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-08","Fixed a broken test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-08","An explicit include ClassInheritableAttributes is no lon...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-08","Fixed that Active Record would call SHOW FIELDS twice (o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-07","Use this.href, not unexisting url","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-07","Added :post option to UrlHelper#link_to that makes it po...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-06","Give AR the new benchmark method too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-06","Fix fragment benchmark calls and limit timings to 5 deci...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-06","Only do benchmarking if log level matches and log caching","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-06","Added use_silence parameter to ActiveRecord::Base.benchm...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-06","Dont encode the default subject for the test cases since...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-04","Added :popup option to UrlHelper#link_to #1996 [gabriel....","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-04","Get rid of that silly lock","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Silence logger initialization","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Updated the options_for_select to deal with the fact tha...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Fix mocks dir","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Fix the spot looking for migrations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Fix the spot looking for migrations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Talk about whats missing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Also configure template view path","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Proper clean rakefile","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Moved all the shared tasks from Rakefile into Rails, so ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","You will never sleep again!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Added note about how pre-packaged error functionality ca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Fixed the scaffold generator to fail right away if the d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-03","Added String#at, String#from, String#to, String#first, S...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-09-02","Fix documentation for mailer generator","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-08-27","Made Upload Progress work with Prototype 1.4.0 and add s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-08-24","Made SwitchTower conform to the other Rakefiles in terms...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-28","Really fix the syntax error issue","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-27","More fixes, but still broken","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-27","Fixing the fix, but not quite","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-27","Fixing the fix, but not quite","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-27","Fixed bug when a partial render was passing a local with...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-27","Demonstrate breakage better","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-27","Fixed dynamic scaffolding [Stefan Kaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-27","Added two failing tests for partials with locals from co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-27","Fixed #1774 again","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-26","Removed unused statement","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-26","Fixed snag in status reporting","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-26","Made the reaper talk to the spinner to make it spin fast...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-26","Only log status if there is one different from 200 set","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-26","Document the design of the compiled templates approach a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-25","Fixed broken error handling #1827 [Stefan Kaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-25","Add a catch-all eraser","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-24","Improved performance of test app req/sec with ~10% refac...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-24","Simplify content_for implementation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-24","Made Oracle a first-class connection adapter by adhering...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-24","Made Oracle a first-class connection adapter by adhering...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-24","Fixed regression for content_for #1820 [Stefan Kaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-24","Allow ERb in the database.yml file (just like with fixtu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-24","Added convenience controls for FCGI processes (especiall...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-23","Fix that env_qs might be nil","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-23","Fix that env_qs might be nil","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-23","Improved performance with 5-30% through a series of Acti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-23","Added test for template to layout variable transfer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-23","Caching template logging goes DEBUG","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-23","Extended template caching to rxml and attempted to fix p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Fixed call on inline with new render_template #1808 [Mic...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Added warning about relying on habtm table aliases etc","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Dont be ambigious about the condition key","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Expiring a cache that doesnt exist is bliss not bad","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Added support for calling constrained class methods on h...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Added migration support for SQLite (using temporary tabl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Fixed changing templates in development mode [Stephan Kaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Changed caching/expiration/hit to report using the DEBUG...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Use debug to report compilation of erb templates","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Fixed compile of template fails if template name contain...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Fixed inflections of "index/indices" #1766 [damn_pepe@gm...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Added additional documentation to FormTagHelper #1788 [j...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Added load_fixtures task to the Rakefile, which will loa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Doc fixes #1775, #1776 [jon@instance-design.co.uk]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","A bit more work on the still unfinished query cache #1722","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Added an empty robots.txt to public/, so that web server...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-22","Add comment in config/environment.rb explaining $KCODE a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-21","Improved rendering speed on complicated templates by up ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-19","Dropped the 'immediate close-down' of FCGI processes sin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Added stripping of _id to String#humanize, so "employee_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Fix doc typos #1734 [moriq@moriq.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Added Fixnum#ordinalize to turn 1.ordinalize to "1st", 3...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Added options hash as third argument to FormHelper#input...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Fixed incompatibility in DB2 adapter with the new limit/...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Fix problem with sendmail delivery where headers should ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Log if filters return false and halt execution #1735 [Mi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Docs for JavaScriptHelper#remote_function #1740 [jon@ins...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Reminder for dangers with Alias and mod_rewrite #1752 [d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Added Base#expires_in(seconds)/Base#expires_now to contr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Make all tests pass on PGSQL #1759 [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-17","Cleaning up of javascript_helper array options, add :onl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-16","Regret inclusion for now","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-16","Support for upcoming script/spawner","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-15","More pagination speed #1334 [Stefan Kaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-15","Fixed line number reporting for Builder template errors ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-15","Turned off the test task as it breaks all others for now","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-14","Fixed bug with :success/:failure callbacks for the JavaS...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-14","Made pagination faster #1334 [Stefan Kaes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-14","Made test_rendering_nothing_on_layout acknowledge the space","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-14","Added :select option to find which can specify a differe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-14","Cleared conflict","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-12","Worked around a Safari bug where it wouldn't pass header...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-11","Fixed that auto_complete_for didn't force the input stri...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-11","Made ready for release of 0.13.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-11","Fixed documentation for :action/:template confusion #1643","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-11","Improved documentation for :success/:failure callbacks #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-11","Added support for limit and offset with eager loading of...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-11","Script.aculo.us: latest rev, new autocompleter features,...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-10","Fixed that Action View should always use the included Bu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-10","Fixed that assume_bottom_position (in acts_as_list) coul...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-10","Better documentation for Calling multiple redirects or r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-10","Made JavaScriptHelper tests pass regardless of hash orde...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-10","Fixed that each request with the WEBrick adapter would o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Added that nil options are not included in tags, so tag(...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Added a config example in README #1626 [courtenay]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","better error message for missing associations #1631 [cou...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Fixed that UrlHelper#link_to_unless/link_to_if used html...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Added support for SQL Server in the database rake tasks ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Fixed optimistic locking with SQL Server #1660 [tom@popd...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Added even more goodies to script.aculo.us #1677 [Thomas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Fixed SQL Server test #1678 [Tom Ward]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Made target migrations actually work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-09","Added a VERSION parameter to the migrate task that allow...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-08","Added better error message for "packets out of order" #1...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-08","Include Javascript tests in rake #1655 [courtney]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Fixed routing to allow for testing of *path components #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Added more efficient implementation of the development m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Added :handle as an option to sortable_element to restri...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Added a bunch of script.aculo.us features: Effect.Scroll...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Fixed that named routes didn't use the default values fo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Fixed first run of "rake migrate" on PostgreSQL by not e...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Fixed JavascriptHelper#visual_effect to use camelize suc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Post release minor fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-07","Remove fix against memory leaks in development mode as i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Fixed that a SessionRestoreError was thrown if a model o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Pegged the versions for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Keep JS files locally","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Fixed routing snafu","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Fixed documentation for release (AS)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Fixed that Yaml error message in fixtures hid the real e...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Made documentation ready for release (AR)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Made documentation ready for release (AP)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Retract the session fix until 0.13.1 to preserve the tru...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Make new AJAX helpers aware of more of their options #16...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Partly tuned docs for release (AP)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Tuned documentation for release (AWS)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Tuned documentation for release (AM)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Fixed that a SessionRestoreError was thrown if a model o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Pulled the gateway.cgi until we can make it work properl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Fixed documentation snafu with send_file -- the option i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Added a USAGE document to the migration generator","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Added fixed gateway script [Nicholas Seckar]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-06","Added warning about setting the test database to the sam...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Move URI to the end for greater overview","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Fix syntax error","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Changed logging of SQL statements to use the DEBUG level...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Fixed routing regression on index exception","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Fixed transparent background for Safari with auto completer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Added javascript_include_tag :defaults shortcut that'll ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Backed out of #1694","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Backed out of #1694 as it broke requests that hit the ca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Fixed recognize bug introduced with #1694","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Made default changes work in both postgresql and mysql #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Backed out of create/destroy_db -- didnt yet work right ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Added create_db and destroy_db tasks in the Rakefile to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Fixed Prototype bug #1602","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","More inflector fixes #1608","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Added callbacks on push_with_attributes #1594 [Florian W...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-05","Sugared up migrations with even more bling #1609 [Tobias...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Made gateway.cgi work with a ruby called anything","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Fixed that hashes was not working properly when passed b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Added an EXPERIMENTAL gateway.cgi for getting high-speed...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Fixed conflict with Glue gem #1606 [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Added an EXPERIMENTAL gateway.cgi for getting high-speed...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Documented the migration support in railties","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Added new Migrations framework for describing schema tra...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Make postgres8 ar tests work #1601 [Tobias Luetke]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","More inflector fixes #1599 [foamdino@gmail.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Improved the whiny nil #1600 [Nicholas Seckar]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Added documentation about Manipulating the request colle...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Made it even easier to turn on transactional fixtures","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Made it even easier to turn on transactional fixtures","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Added migrate task to default rakefile (this is still a ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Fixed migration initialization of table","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Tests for association callbacks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Added callback hooks to association collections #1549 [F...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-04","Improved update_element_function #1597 [Thomas Fuchs]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Fixed assert_template nil will be true when no template ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Fixed Base.content_columns call for SQL Server adapter #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Added :prompt option to FormOptions#select (and the user...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Fixed routing bug #1592","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Added JavascriptHelper#update_element_function, which re...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Fixed Base#write_attribute to work with both symbols and...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Fixed that has_and_belongs_to_many didn't respect single...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Fixed that single-table inheritance sub-classes couldn't...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","Added note about render_partial_collection #1557","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-03","AJAX error handling fix, Prototype event handling #1589 ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","More inflectoring #1490","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Fixed photo/photos #1583","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Fixed a bug with alternate layout #1468 [sam]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Added :field_name option to DateHelper#select_(year|mont...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Fixed that model generator would make fixtures plural, e...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Update for JavaScript helper tests #1584 [Thomas Fuchs]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Auto completer should hide update element by when initia...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Added more tests on assert_redirected_to #1581 [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Added ActionController::Base.enable_upload_progress for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Added JavascriptHelper#draggable_element and JavascriptH...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Added a DOCTYPE of HTML transitional to the HTML files g...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Fixed validates_numericality_of to work with overrided g...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Clarified intentions of validates_associated #870","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Added that UrlHelper#mail_to will now also encode the de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Removed the default option of wrap=virtual on FormHelper...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Rake task to update spin off libraries #1514 [Tobias Lue...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Adds the ability to include XML CDATA tags using Builder...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-02","Added evaluation of <SCRIPT> blocks in content returned ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-01","Added roots, root, and siblings to the batch of methods ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-01","Make render(:inline) use locals #1556 [Michael Shuerig]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-01","Added support for ODBC connections to MS SQL Server so y...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-01","Added new rules to the Inflector to deal with more unusu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-01","Load models and frequency typo on upoad progress #1555 [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-07-01","Fix IE 30-sec timeout bug, make auto_complete_for even m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-30","Fixed mr recycle!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-30","Uncommented request.recycle! as it breaks more than it f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-30","Dont include the upload progress automatically before it...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-30","File upload progress seems to have problems on a variety...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-30","Fixed memory leak with Object#remove_subclasses_of, whic...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-30","Wrong variable name used in observe_field #1551","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-29","Give auto_complete_for parameters, fix browser-autocompl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-29","A bit more routes refactoring and test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-29","Got back to functional testing harmony","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-29","Rolled back changed to test_process as it broke havok th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-29","Fix JavaScriptHelper capitalization and make it compatib...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-29","Script.aculo.us: autocompletion focus fix, setContentZoo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-28","Badly applied patch fix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-28","Added support for upload progress indicators in Apache a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-28","Added support for upload progress indicators in Apache a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-28","This patch modifies RouteSet#write_generation and RouteS...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-28","Fixed that multiparameter posts ignored attr_protected #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-28","Fix the Event.findElement prototype function. Needed to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-27","Added support for graceful error handling of Ajax calls ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-27","Don't ignore :controller for urls made inside a controll...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-27","Make named routes work without hashes #1523 [Nicholas Se...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-27","Fixed routing bug","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-27","Update script.aculo.us scripts for Prototype 1.3.0 #1522...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-27","Fixed assert_redirected_to to handle absolute controller...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-27","Added event-based observations when frequency is not set...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-27","Dont use evals in backtraces #1513","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Update script.aculo.us scripts to fix some bugs #1515","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Fixed that Functional tests do not set request.path_para...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Renamed remote_sortable to sortable_element","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Added auto_complete_for to controller and text_field_wit...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Include the new Javascripts in new apps","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Added script.aculo.us Javascripts (controls.js, dragdrop...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Removing javascripts to make it an svn:externals instead","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Updated all references to the old find_first and find_al...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Added testing of named routes #1506 [Nicholas Seckar]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Fixed problem with eager loading when using a has_and_be...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-26","Added help text for WEBrick #1508 [courtney]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-25","Fixed Base#find to honor the documentation on how :joins...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-25","Fixed that validations didn't respecting custom setting ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-25","Fixed rakefile actions against PostgreSQL when the passw...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-25","Added tests for whiny nil #1476 [court3nay/marcel]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-25","Fixed ActionMailer generated tests to work properly afte...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-25","Updated assert_generates/routing to the new Routes code ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-25","Fixed that clear_association_cache doesn't delete new as...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-25","Fixed prototype to consider all fields it doesn't know a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-24","Improved performance of Routes generation by a factor of...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-23","Added ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency to contro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-22","Fixed new WEBrick handling to actually pass parameters","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-22","Removed the mutex from the WEBrick adapter under the pro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-22","Added a migration generator","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Fixed docs #856","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Updated documentation for partials #1171","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Include Routing tests in rake run #1287","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Added an exception if calling id on nil to WhinyNil #584...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Fixed that calling Model.find([]) returns [] and doesn't...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","changelog message","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Added TextHelper#word_wrap(text, line_length = 80) #1449...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Added a fall-through action for form_remote_tag that'll ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Added :xhr => true/false option to verify so you can ens...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Added Fix/Bignum#multiple_of? which returns true on 14.m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Fixed that mailer generator generated fixtures/plural wh...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Added tag_options as a third parameter to AssetHelper#au...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Added option to pass in parameters to CaptureHelper#capt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Make migrations work with the latest SQLite","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Proper order in test #1329","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-21","Changed the default name of the input tag generated by F...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-20","Forgot to actually add the whiny nil","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-18","Added a 'whiny nil' that's aim to ensure that when users...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-18","Fixed that adding a record to a has_and_belongs_to colle...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-18","Document better #1057","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-18","More tests for JavascriptHelper #1460","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-18","Fixed relative urls support for lighttpd #1048 [Nicholas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-17","Fixed saving of in-memory association structures to happ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fix quote_bound_value to not map Strings #1416 [htonl]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Revealed the man behind the mask!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Allow any Enumerable, not just Array, to work as bind va...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fixed query parser to deal gracefully with equal signs i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Added cuba to country list #1351 [todd]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fixed radio_button to work with numeric values #1352 [de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Added :extension option to NumberHelper#number_to_phone ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Added button_to as a form-based solution to deal with ha...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fix spelling","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fixed the test_helper.rb to be safe for requiring contro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fixed image_tag so an exception is not thrown just becau...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fixed Webrick to escape + characters in URL's the same w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Added a third parameter to TextHelper#auto_link called h...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fixed Time#at_beginning_of_week returned the next Monday...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Added -e/--environment option to script/runner #1408 [fb...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fixed TextHelper#highlight to return the text, not nil, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Added actual database-changing behavior to collection as...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Its Iraq, not Irak #1443 [ivan]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-16","Fixed TagHelper such that :name and 'name' keys in the o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-15","Reverted changeset #1326 coming off ticket #1230 since i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-15","Fixed double-singularization on scaffolded pagination ca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-14","Changed test requests to come from instead of 12...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-07","Replace the in-memory object, but dont orphan the existi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-06","Added a second parameter to the build and create method ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-06","CSS needs "red" not #red","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-02","Fixed scaffolding to use the latest style","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-06-02","Made Action View work with the new render :file/:partial...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-22","Updated unit test style","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-22","Test for no layout on nothing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-22","render :nothing shouldnt cause layouts","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-22","Set redirected_to proper","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-22","Cure some ills discovered with the refactoring","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-22","Deprecated all render_* methods in favor of consolidatin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-22","Deprecated redirect_to_path and redirect_to_url in favor...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Added DoubleRenderError exception that'll be raised if r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Added note of limitation for #1279","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Added Errors#add_on_blank which works like Errors#add_on...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Fixed use of an integer as return code for renders, so r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Slight change to allow custom date/time conversions #132...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Remove unneeded file","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Missing file","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Added graceful exit from pressing CTRL-C during the run ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Added the :if option to all validations that can either ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-21","Made the console and profiler work with the default 1.8....","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-20","Made the post_format work with content-type","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-20","Made the post_format work with content-type","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-20","Needed for test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-20","Include flash in the list of attributes with accessors i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed assert_redirect_to to work with redirect_to_path #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed Dependencies so all modules are able to load missi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed the Inflector to underscore strings containing num...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed that HashWithIndifferentAccess stringified all key...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed escaping of :method option in remote_form_tag #121...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Speed up timestamping a tad #1227 [skaen]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Optimize ActionCacheFilter by using url_for less #1230 [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Cache relative_url_root and optimize path #1232 [skaen]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Faster action_exempted? #1231 [skaen]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Added Serbia and Montenegro to the country_select #1239 ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed Request#remote_ip in testing #1251 [bitsweat]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed that compute_public_path should recognize external...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Added support for descending year values in DateHelper#s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed Time#last_year to go back in time, not forward #12...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Ajax docing #1282 [Dee.Zsombor@gmail.com]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed that FormHelper#checkbox should return a checked c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed use of construct_finder_sql when using :join #1288...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed doc #1291","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed the pluralization of analysis to analyses #1295 [s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed that :delete_sql in has_and_belongs_to_many associ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed docs for scaffolding generator #1303 [thijs@vander...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed Form.disable in Prototype #1317 [Wintermute]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Push to .org instead","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed that clone would break when an aggregate had the s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Fixed that Time.local(2005,12).months_since(1) would rai...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-19","Added accessors to logger, params, response, session, an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-14","Update docs to X-POST_DATA_MARSHAL","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-14","Use X-POST_DATA_FORMAT instead of just POST_DATA_FORMAT","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-14","Added support for POST data in form of YAML or XML, whic...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-14","Added support for POST data in form of YAML or XML, whic...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-13","Fixed that render_partial_collection should always retur...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-10","Step cautiously around subheaders in TMail #1285 [Jamis ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-10","Fix attachments and content-type problems #1276 [Jamis B...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-09","Go straight to the class for asset_host","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-09","Added TextHelper#sanitize that can will remove any Javas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-09","Fixed the HTML scanner used by assert_tag where a infini...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-06","Only gsub on a string","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-06","Added functionality to assert_tag, so you can now do tes...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-06","Fixed the TMail#body method to look at the content-trans...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-06","Changed RAILS_ASSET_HOST to become ActionController::Bas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-06","Added better error handling for regexp caching expiration","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-04","Made dispatch.fcgi more robust by catching fluke errors ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-04","Treat all request types as upper-case so the switch will...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-04","Made it default to assuming a GET request and reading fr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-03","Added that both AssetHelper#stylesheet_link_tag and Asse...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-03","Added FormTagHelper#image_submit_tag for making submit b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-03","Added the option of specifying a RAILS_ASSET_HOST that w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Dont activate the query cache just yet","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Improved the silence method on the logger to ensure rest...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Missing test data","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Added automatic decoding of base64 bodies #1214 [Jamis B...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Changed that destroying an object will only freeze the a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Changed the callbacks such that observers are notified b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Added that delivery errors are caught in a way so the ma...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Added silencing to the default Logger class","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Dont expire or read fragments if caching is turned off","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Dont benchmark if the logger has been turned off","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Started work on a per-request query cache","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Started work on a per-request query cache","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-05-02","Added option for passing an array to the find_all versio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed association picture reference","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Added compatibility with camelCase column names for dyna...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed extraneous comma in count() function that made it ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Added console --profile for profiling an IRB session #11...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed action/fragment caching using the filestore when a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed incompatibility with Base#find with an array of id...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed that validate_length_of lost :on option when :with...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Doc fix #1200","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","A few more tests #1199","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Added encoding and min_messages options for PostgreSQL #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed documentation #1214","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed missing id uniqueness in FormTag#radio_button #120...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Added commented out tests for staying either singular or...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed assert_redirected_to to work with :only_path => fa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Check definition on constant not string","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed render_partial_collection to output an empty strin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Improved the speed of regular expression expirations for...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Fixed that email address like "Jamis Buck, M.D." <wild.m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-30","Removed dumping of template assigns on the rescue page a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-27","Disregard expire methods when the controller hasnt been ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-27","Added descriptions for new caching features","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-27","Added BenchmarkHelper that can measure the execution tim...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-27","Added ActionController::Caching::Sweeper as an improved ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-27","Added conditions to around_filters just like before_filt...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-25","Fixed acts_as_list where deleting an item that was remov...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-24","Added validates_exclusion_of as a negative of validates_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-23","Optimize counting of has_many associations by setting th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Prepared for 0.12.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Fixed frivilous database queries being triggered with ea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Dont reload on empty associations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Added xml_http_request/xhr method for simulating XMLHttp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Fixed order of loading in eager associations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Fixed that :get, :post, and the others should take a fla...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","More documentation #1148 [Alisdair McDiarmid]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Fixed OCI fixtures [Ryan Carver]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Added documentation about :limit not working with eager ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Fixed stringification on all assigned hashes. The sacrif...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Fixed that rendering a template would require a connecti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Fixed that rendering a template would require a connecti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Fixed stray comma when using eager loading and ordering ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-19","Upload documentation to the new server","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Fixed documentation and prepared for release of 0.12","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Added Base.save! that attempts to save the record just l...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Updated to take compilation out of the measurements","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","More documentation for .htaccess #1137","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Speeded up eager loading a whole bunch","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Added support for web servers that use PATH_INFO instead...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Updated documentation here and there","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Added documentation for new Base.find API and eager asso...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Added graceful handling of PUT, DELETE, and OPTIONS requ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Do document this...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Fixed PostgreSQL usage of fixtures with regards to publi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Fixed that fixtures were being deleted in the same order...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Move nodoc to the individual methods","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Added that deliver_* will now return the email that was ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Refactored a bit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Changed habtm eager loading to also use joins","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Fixed that you can now pass an alternative :href option ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-18","Fixes for postgresql testing #1129, #1130, #1131","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Made the dynamic finders use the new find API and update...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added assert_tag and assert_no_tag as a much improved al...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added Request#xml_http_request? (and an alias xhr?) to t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Fixed page caching for non-vhost applications living und...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Fixes a problem with the SQL Adapter which was resulting...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","SqlServer fixtures - CategoriesPosts","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Hide the deprecated methods from the docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Deprecated the majority of all the testing assertions an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added the option to specify the acceptance string in val...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Fixed that purge_test_database would use database settin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added acts_as_nested_set #1000 [wschenk]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added acts_as_nested_set #1000 [wschenk]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Fixed DateHelper to return values on the option tags suc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Fixed FormTagHelper#check_box to respect checked #1049 [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added that render_partial called from a controller will ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added Element.toggle, Element.show, and Element.hide to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added that deleting a cookie should not just set it to a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added insert_at(position) to acts_as_list #1083 [DeLynnB]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Cleaned up validates_length_of by calling existing valid...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Dont prefix on updates and deletes, only selects","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Added AssetTagHelper#image_path, AssetTagHelper#javascri...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Fixed url_for(nil) in functional tests #1116 [Alisdair M...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Clean up load paths to avoid unit test interaction #1113...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-17","Fixed error handling of broken layouts #1115 [Michael Sc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-16","Changed render_partial to take local assigns as the seco...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-16","Fixed partials handling","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-16","Made migrations create InnoDB tables per default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-15","Honor the order in the new finder","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-14","Added script/benchmarker to easily benchmark one or more...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-14","Dont initialize the association proxy for nil records","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-14","Order by is no longer a guarentee","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Qualify the ids used such that eager loading can avoid a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Removed the default order by id on has_and_belongs_to_ma...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Improved address header processing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Added submit_to_remote that allows you to trigger an Aja...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Fixed pagination to work with joins #1034 [scott@sigkill...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Fixed that *rest parameter in map.connect couldn't accep...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Added Rake target clear_logs that'll truncate all the *....","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Added :confirm option to link_to_remote just like link_t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Fixed that Base.silence should restore the old logger le...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Added minute_step as an option to select_minute (and the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Added KLOC counter for AR and AP. Combined theyre at ~9KLOC","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Fixed that an exception would be thrown when an empty fo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Improved tests for NumberHelper","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Fixed boolean saving on Oracle #1093 [mparrish@pearware....","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-13","Address parsing failed when the "to" (or "cc", or whatev...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-12","Made error_messages_for take a symbol as object_name","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-12","Moved TextHelper#human_size to NumberHelper#number_to_hu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-12","Moved build_association and create_association for has_o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-11","No conditions relevant here","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-11","Dont quote the body","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-11","Fixed quoting for all address headers, not just to #955 ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Doc changes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Doc fix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Fixed #1030","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Tests for AS","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Added lazy typing for generate, such that ./script/gener...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Added rollbacks of transactions if they're active as the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Fixed that ownership is brought over in pg_dump during t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Fixed spelling of delimiter #1058","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Fixed db schema","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Added support for has_and_belongs_to_many associations i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Made eager loading work with inheritance hierarchies #10...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Fixed that the content-type for some browsers could incl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Updated docs #1068","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Updated docs #1070","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Fixed that radio buttons shouldn't have a default size a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Fixed a few tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-10","Fixed that in some circumstances controllers outside of ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Fixed syntax error","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Update to the helper to abstract delimeting a number #1015","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Added quoting of column names for fixtures #997 [jcfisch...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Fixed check_box with postgresql booleans is more work no...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Added JavascriptHelper#periodically_call_remote in order...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","generate --quiet documentation #715","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Fixed Cache#expire_matched_fragments that couldn't recog...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Fixed unquoting of emails that doesn't have an explicit ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Fixed counter_sql when no records exist in database for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Added simulation of @request.request_uri in functional t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Moved to new server","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-07","Fixed inflection of perspectives and similar words #1045...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-06","Fixed autolinking to work better in more cases #1013 [Ja...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-06","Fixed autolinking to work better in more cases #1013 [Ja...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-05","Use :foreign_key option if specified on the association","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-05","Added Fixnum#even? and Fixnum#odd?","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-05","Added Fixnum#even? and Fixnum#odd?","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-04","Made it possible to do text_field :account, :name in add...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-04","Dont include multiple versions of the same association o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-04","Prefix primary key with table name so it works as part o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-03","More eager fixes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-03","Made eager loading work even more","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-03","Fixed .id => .object_id in TMail","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-03","Fixed javascript_include_tag to output type instead of l...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-03","Allow order, conditions, and joins in finds that include...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-03","Only include associations when the relevant rows have co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-03","Added tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-03","Added new Base.find API and deprecated find_all, find_fi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Added NumberHelper for common string representations lik...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Fixed that benchmarking times for rendering included db ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Removed broken attempt to DRY module ClassMethod #970","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Automatically extend the class which gets a module inclu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Added pagination for scaffolding (10 items per page) #96...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Fixed boolean queries for t/f fields in PostgreSQL #995 ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Added assert_no_cookie and fixed assert_cookie_equal to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Added that model.items.delete(child) will delete the chi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Fixed auto-stamping of dates (created_on/updated_on) for...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","decrease reliance on instantiated fixtures #980 [Jeremy ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Fixed :overwrite_param so it doesn't delete but reject e...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Added :method option to verify for ensuring that either ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Fixed Base.silence/benchmark to only log if a logger has...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Added a join parameter as the third argument to Base.fin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Fixed problem with classes being required twice. Object#...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Added options to set cc, bcc, subject, and body for UrlH...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Fixed include_blank for select_hour/minute/second #527 [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Made sure all MySQL tables are created as InnoDB","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-04-02","Added install.rbs for all frameworks and made all of the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-31","Improved the message display on the exception handler pa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-31","Added a join parameter as the third argument to Base.fin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-31","Added Effect.Puff and Effect.Appear #990, #996","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-31","Fixed that on very rare occasions, webrick would raise a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-30","Fixed bug in Base#hash method that would treat records w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-30","Renamed DateHelper#distance_of_time_in_words_to_now to D...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-29","Dont load the target before the proxy has had a chance t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-28","Fixed references to element","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-28","Added Effect.Scale for smoothly scaling images or text u...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-28","Added Effect.Fade which smoothly turns opacity from 100 ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Fixed problem with page caching #958 [Rick Olson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Fixed the Rakefile #959","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Fixed doc links","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Released 0.11.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Made ready for the release of 0.11.1","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Fixed that Active Record objects with float attribute co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Made ready for better release automation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Added documentation about named bind variables","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Added ActionController::Base.page_cache_extension for se...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Fixed "bad environment variable value" exception caused ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Fixed that pagination_helper would ignore :params #947 [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-27","Added :owerwrite_params back to url_for and friends -- i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added :position option to link_to_remote/form_remote_tag...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Effects can just be used through the callbacks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Fixed a couple of more js issues","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Updated to prototype.js 1.1.0","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Whitespace flicker","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added include_seconds option as the third parameter to d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added fourth option to process in test cases to specify ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added Verifications that allows you to specify precondit...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Fixing JS bugs, renamed :position values","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added other DOM manipulation positions than just replace","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Fixed highlight effect","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added :highlight effect to do YFT automatically","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Fixed Form.Serialize for the JavascriptHelper to also se...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added JavascriptHelper#escape_javascript as a public met...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added trailing_slash option to url_for, so you can gener...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added documentation on models in sessions #929 [c.r.mcgr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Removed old UrlWriter methods that are no longer in use ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Fixed Inflector.pluralize to handle capitalized words #9...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Fixed that if charset was found that the end of a mime p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added expire_matched_fragments(regular_expression) to cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Added TextHelper#human_size for formatting file sizes, l...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Fixed link_to :confirm #936 [Nicholas Seckar]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-26","Copy prototype.js to public/javascripts/ not just public","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-25","Made getElementsByClassName actually work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-25","Fixed that MissingSourceFile's wasn't properly detected ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Fixed that :counter_cache option would look for a line_i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","_at is better for Time.now than _on","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Added rescue for missing iconv library and throws warnin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Tweaked the rescue with breakpoint, still not perfect","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Improved error reporting especially around never shallow...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Improved error reporting especially around never shallow...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Fixed that AR exists?() would explode on postgresql if t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Fixed the MS SQL adapter to work with the new limit/offs...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Fixed the dispatch.fcgi use of a logger","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-23","Fixed Toggle.display in prototype.js #902 [Lucas Carlson]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-22","Dont include WS docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-22","Releasing 0.11.0","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-22","Fixed documentation and prepared for 0.11.0 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-22","Updated more documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-22","Added documentation and fixed an ajax bug","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-22","Last-minute ajax fixes #898","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-22","Removed SCRIPT_NAME from the WEBrick environment to prev...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-22","Applied the Safari fix on both prototype.js files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","fix for javascript_helper.rb build_callbacks #893","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Added additional error handling to the FastCGI dispatche...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Made the Ajax request itself also use the &_= trick for ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Tweaked the documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Wrong parameter names in observe_field/observe_form","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Protect against nil strings and empty conversion bases","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Made the unquoted subject and body the default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Cleanup pkg when pushing gems","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Dont repeat error messages in scaffolds","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Choose a simpler requiring of picking gems or not for li...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Expanded the requires again and included the load paths","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Expanded the requires again and included the load paths","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Renamed Toggle.visibility to Toggle.display and fixed it...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Fixed js bug","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Add prototype.js to new apps in javascripts/ #885","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Added a JavascriptHelper and accompanying prototype.js l...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Routes: *path items should use arrays #883","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-21","Fixed stuff for vendor/rails","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Improved the generated scaffold code a lot to take advan...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Improved the generated scaffold code a lot to take advan...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added note about routing the site root","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added pagination support through both a controller and h...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Introduce to_param to assert_redirected_to #880","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Routes: Convert results of #to_param to strings #879","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Combined the script/environment.rb used for gems and reg...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Changed .htaccess to allow dispatch.* to be called from ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added adapter independent limit clause as a two-element ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Fixed the PGPORT option used #875","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added a much improved Flash module that allows for finer...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added framework support for processing incoming emails w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added receiver method for incoming email","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added script/runner which can be used to run code inside...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","More postgresql rakefile tweaking #875","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Fixed webrick_server cookie handling to allow multiple c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added alias_method :to_param, :id to Base, such that Act...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added to_param call for parameters when composing an url...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Fixed form helpers to query Model#id_before_type_cast in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added TextHelper#simple_format as a non-dependency text ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added that the html options disabled, readonly, and mult...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Fixed the Rakefile's interaction with postgresql use PGP...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Improved the performance of the OCI8 adapter for Oracle ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Fixed the Rakefile's interaction with postgresql to quot...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added type conversion before saving a record, so string-...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added path collection syntax for Routes that will gobble...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","changes the CREATE TABLE script for the "binaries" table...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added more FormTagHelper test cases #860 [Eric Hodel]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added with additional settings for working with transact...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Fixed acts_as_list to trigger remove_from_list on destro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-20","Added a bit more to the session documentation on how to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-19","Dont choke on nil bodies","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-19","Only include attachments that arent blank","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-19","Added warning about specifying callbacks before associat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-18","Added better quoting and attachments handling in anticip...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-17","Added the possibility of specifying fixtures in multiple...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-17","close database.yml after reading in configuration #841 [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-17","Added Base.exists?(id) that'll return true if an object ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-15","Fixed options_for_select on selected line issue #624 [Fl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Added optionally allow for nil or empty strings with val...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Fixed that SQLite3 exceptions are caught and reported pr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Remove superfluous begin/end in caching.rb methods #836","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Added CaptureHelper with CaptureHelper#capture and Captu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Fixed :anchor use in url_for #821 [Nicholas Seckar]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Remove the duplicated remote_function and make the real ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Made async callbacks work with :update","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Made async the default approach and add get_elements_by_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Added asynchronous processing model","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Removed the reliance on PATH_INFO as it was causing prob...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Doc fix #805","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Moved image_tag to AssetTagHelper","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-14","Added that all types of after_find/after_initialized cal...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-13","Deal with Safari garbage and allow html_options","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-13","Added Field.present, .focus, and .clear as JS convenienc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-13","Added Field.present, .focus, and .clear as JS convenienc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-13","Added :condition option to abort an update if some condi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-13","Fixed example in docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-12","Checked in some documentation for JavascriptHelper","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-12","Respect :onclick in link_to_toggle_display","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-12","Put it in the right module","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-12","Added first stab at Javascript/Ajax helpers","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-12","Added first stab at Javascript/Ajax helpers","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-11","Params for components should treat string and symbol key...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-10","Fixed that symbols can be used on attribute assignment, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-10","More incremental work on active schema for MySQL","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-10","More incremental work on active schema for MySQL","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-10","Added assigns shortcut for @response.template.assigns to...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-09","Added render_partial/render_partial_collection from cont...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-09","Added TagHelper#image_tag and deprecated UrlHelper#link_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-09","Fixed textilize to be resilient to getting nil parsed (b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-07","Fixed that the :multipart option in FormTagHelper#form_t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-07","Prepared for 0.10.1 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-07","Prepared for 0.10.1 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-07","Fixed tests for indifferent access","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-07","Fixed Hash#indifferent_access to also deal with include?...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-07","More fixes for symlinked setups #793 [phantom]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed that the routes.rb file wouldn't be found on symli...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fix database creation for postgres (again) #790 [adamm <...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed rake stats to ignore editor backup files like mode...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed issues with caching root pages #734 [Nicholas Seckar]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Changed ActiveRecordStore to use Marshal instead of YAML...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Logs in GEMs is bad style","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added exception shallowing if the DRb server can't be st...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed link_to documentation references nonexistent URL #573","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added shortcut :id assignment to render_component and fr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added an empty favicon.ico file to the public directory ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added ActiveRecord::Base.colorize_logging to control whe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed that scaffold generator new template should use lo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added support for timestamp with time zone in PostgreSQL...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added Object#blank? -- see http://redhanded.hobix.com/in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Allow unit tests to run on a remote server for PostgreSQ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed that map.connect should convert arguments to strin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","stats need the include paths set by the environment #782...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added MultiparameterAssignmentErrors and AttributeAssign...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added UrlHelper#link_to_if/link_to_unless to enable othe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added web_service generator (run ./script/generate web_s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added web_service generator (run ./script/generate web_s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed that postgresql adapter would fails when reading b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Updated docs on auto-indexing #765 [Astinus]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Updated wording in YAML error [noradio]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added transactional fixtures that uses rollback to undo ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Better yaml fixture error #759 [xal]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added inflection rules for "sh" words, like "wish" and "...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added destruction of dependent objects in has_one associ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added validates_numericality_of #716 [skanthak/c.r.mcgrath]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Added app/apis and components to code statistics report ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Use example.com domains to make rails RFC2606 compliant ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed WEBrick server to use ABSOLUTE_RAILS_ROOT instead ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed rails_generator to be usable without RubyGems #686...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed that single quote was not escaped in a UrlHelper#l...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Removed the default border on link_image_to (it broke xh...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed reflection_for_gps_location test","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed that HasManyAssociation#count was using :finder_sq...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed that form helpers would treat string and symbol ke...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-06","Fixed -h/--help for generate and destroy generators #331","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-04","Added begin/rescue around the FCGI dispatcher so no unca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-03","Fixed that broken pipe errors (clients disconnecting in ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-03","Added the original exception message to session recall e...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-03","Fixed an exception when using Ajax based requests from S...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-02","Added String#to_time and String#to_date for wrapping Par...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-02","Fixed that RAILS_ROOT might not be defined when AP was l...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-01","Added better defaults for composed_of, so statements lik...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-01","Made path work for lighttpd again as it uses an empty st...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-01","Ensure that the schema information table is available be...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-01","Added preliminary support for an agile database migratio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-01","Fix request.path_info and clear up LoadingModule behavio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-03-01","Fixed caching to be aware of extensions (so you can cach...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-28","Removed a fix that was caused by a bug in RubyGems 0.8.5","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-28","Fixed that association#count would produce invalid sql w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Slicker way of quiting on less than Ruby 1.8.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Fixed test/mocks/testing to the correct test/mocks/test ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Added early failure if the Ruby version isn't 1.8.2 or a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Fixed the missing shebang in main "rails" script #736","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","--i/index is obsolete #743","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Added MacroReflection#macro which will return a symbol d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Correct default for ip binding on webrick server #717","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Fixed that Routes would raise NameErrors if a controller...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Added PATH_INFO access from the request that allows urls...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-27","Fixed that caching the root would result in .html not in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-25","Tagged the 0.10.0 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Include Action Web Service and Active Support in the doc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Marked for release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Made ready for 0.10.0 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","With const_missing loading, its no longer necessary to d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Updated a few more docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Drop the _doc nonsense and use the index.html straight on","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Drop the _doc nonsense and use the index.html straight on","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Noted things that wasnt mentioned","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Fixed that proxy IPs do not follow all RFC1918 nets #251...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Changed the auto-timestamping feature to use ActiveRecor...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Made TimeZone even more delicious #709","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Fixed tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Updated the license (still referered to the old ruby one)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Documentation stuff","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Updated documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Fix empty url_for with nested modules #707","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Fixed some docing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Updated documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Added year-based time calculations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Fixes OCI adapter failure on timezone tests #700","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-24","Removed unused methods in url_rewriting.rb #701","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Fixed TimeZone issues in action-pack and active-support ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added some unit tests #706","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Finished polishing API docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Finished polishing API docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Updated documentation even more","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added documentation for database adapters to visible RDoc","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Moved over TimeZone test too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added Base#render_component_as_string","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Moved TimeZone to Active Support","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Fixed tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added Base#render_to_string to parse a template and get ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Remove outdated dev-utils","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Removed unnecessary table_name overwrite #695","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Fixed that send_file/data can work even if render* has b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Where to get the OCI8 driver","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added a OCI8-based Oracle adapter that has been verified...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added TimeZone as the first of a number of value objects...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added FormOptionsHelper#time_zone_select and FormOptions...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Keep the singular style, like before_filter, etc","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Fixed some tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Documentation fix #698","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added option :schema_order to the PostgreSQL adapter to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Changed default IP binding for WEBrick from to...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Documentation fixes #694","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Show value when NOT file","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Rake recent should clone db structure like test_units/fu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-23","Added FormHelper#file_field and FormTagHelper#file_field...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","More component fun","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","More component fun","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Fixed component method names","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Fixed the Broken pipe error on SHOW FIELDs queries too","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Fix the error message on generate mailer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Made the sharing of request and response safer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Fixed path problem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Added fine-grained assertions for Routing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Optimized the SQL used to generate has_and_belongs_to_ma...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Fixed that when using validation macros with a custom me...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-22","Made Action Mailer templates use UTF-8 as default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Added Date::Conversions for getting dates in different c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Added Time::Conversions for getting times in different c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Added some examples for the time calculations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Make it possible to say Time.now.in(1.year)","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Added last_month and next_month","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Added next_week and made beginning_of_week be a Monday, ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Treat UTC times nicer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Added Time::Calculations to ask for things like Time.now...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Redirects to root should be / not ""","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Fixed that Active Record would throw Broken Pipe errors ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Fixed more caching and routing love","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-21","Fixed caching for root and Routing for getting back the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Added lighttpd config example and changed apache.log to ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Remove debugging statement","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","All the memory-based stores should use a mutex #611 [ins...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Fixed that script/server -d was broken so daemon mode co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Set Railsy defaults for breakpoint client","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Upgraded to breakpoint 92","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Added options to specify an SSL connection for MySQL. De...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Added automatic dropping/creating of test tables for run...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Blame controller files #684","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Never end generated paths with a '/' #683","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Help against errors in ApplicationController","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Made caching work for WEBrick and lighttpd by appending ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Added support for independent components residing in /co...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Added new keyword to specify load paths as being compone...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Updated dependency loading to consider non-standard clas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Allows a loading module to load from multiple load paths...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Allow downloading of WSDL for an AWS controller as a pro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Gives Rescues some Love #680","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-20","Fixed internal calling","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Tests and tweaks for components","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Unit tests for rendering components","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Add AWS as a vendor dir","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Fixed a few tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Fixed the scaffolding/routing issue for real","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added --sandbox option to script/console that'll roll ba...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added --sandbox option to script/console that'll roll ba...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added support for charsets for both subject and body. Th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Use full status for render_component from within a contr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added preliminary version of render_component","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added Afghanistan (no more conspiracy!) to FormOptions#c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added :order option for date_select that allows control ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added ActionView::Base.register_template_handler for eas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Fixed scaffolding and routes conflict #669","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","A few ignores","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Fix module support for controller generators #668 [Ulysses]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","One comma too much","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added AssetTagHelper that provides methods for linking a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Completed FormTagHelper by adding radio_button_tag and s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added FormTagHelper that provides a number of methods fo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added Iran and Irak to the countries list used by FormOp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Updated tests for TextHelper#auto_link","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Made auto_link the only public method of its clan and ad...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added Iran and Irak to the countries list used by countr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Renamed link_to_image to link_image_to (since thats what...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Fixed that find_by_* would fail when column names had nu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Use per-document setting for hardbreaks on textile","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Added defaults and regexp requirements to Routing #666","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","More Action Web Service minor tweaks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Fixed the SQL Server adapter on a bunch of issues #667 [...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Renamed action_service to action_web_service","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-19","Fixed textilize for RedCloth3 to keep doing hardbreaks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Clear route defaults using :name => nil #663","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Added URL escaping for routing #664","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Renamed Action Service to Action Web Service","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Added validates_each that validates each specified attri...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Fixed that the dynamic finder like find_all_by_something...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Fixed that assert_template_xpath_matches did not indicat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Fixed a bit to eager requiring of oracle bindings in ora...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Fixed functional test path problems #662","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Get Action Service (soon to be renamed Action Web Servic...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Added TextHelper#auto_link, TextHelper#auto_link_urls, a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Integrated Action Service with the existing elements","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-18","Added Action Service to the repository","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Loading the Routes should happen in the environments #655","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Added 'recent' as a rake target that'll run tests for fi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Check class path for conflicts on generation #640 [bitsw...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Documentation on :include_blank #579","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Changed script/console to default to development environ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Skip Active Record tests in Action Pack if the SQLite da...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Only load ROUTE_FILE if one has been declared","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Addded validation for validate all the associated object...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Fixed that on validation errors, scaffold couldn't find ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","AR, AP, and AM should look for AS in sibling directory b...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","More tests for Routing related stuff","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Fixed that a bunch of methods from ActionController::Bas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Added current_page?(options) method to check if the url_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Simplified link_to_unless_current to work with the new R...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Better fix for requireing a missing route file in unit t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Fix that routes werent being loaded in production enviro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Forget defaults :action if :controller changed at all","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Make Routes drop the default for action when the control...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-17","Fixed the verbosity of using the AR store","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-16","Enable diagnostics screen again","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-16","Fixed https handling on other ports than 443 [Alan Gano]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Made apache start out on cgi and added back the default ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Forget to addd this","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Go away you silly externals","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Tied to specific version of support","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Fixed generated functional test for nested controllers h...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Dont generate rdoc for railties","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Call Active Support 0.9 until release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Require the Active Support gem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Move Controllers wrapper module away from environment.rb...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","All libraries should link against the independent active...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","All libraries should link against the independent active...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Moved Active Support into its own gem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Fixed all the tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Fix deprecated id error #588","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","No leading return","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Updated the Rails generator command to work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Fix test case for MySQL #598","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Fixed Inflector for words like "news" and "series" that ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","A hopefully more successful attempt at the Routing branc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Backed out of routing merge.. investigating missing patches","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Added routing itself.. wonder why that didnt make it thr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Merged back the Routing branch","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-15","Small indent","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-12","Stringify the parameters on follow_redirect","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-12","Added Hash#stringify_keys and Hash#stringify_keys!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-12","Added follow_redirect method for functional tests that'l...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-11","Added IndifferentAccess as a way to wrap a hash by a sym...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-11","Fixed whitespace","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-11","Fixed double requiring of models with the same name as t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Make the store less verbose when saving the session data","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Added keyword-style approach to defining the custom rela...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Fixed that query params could be forced to nil on a POST...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Fixed documentation snafus #575, #576, #577, #585","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Added that the 'fixture :posts' syntax can be used for h...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Added that running test_units and test_functional now pe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Added an Oracle adapter that works with the Oracle bindi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Dont call id explicitly to do reloading that way we get ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Fixed that cookies shouldn't be frozen in TestRequest #5...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Fixed Base#clone for use with PostgreSQL #565 [hanson@su...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-07","Added new generator framework that informs about its doi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-02-06","Minor refactoring to prettify","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Prepared for 0.9.5 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Catch ArgumentError not NameError","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Updated documentation for serialize","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Updated documentation for serialize","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Fixed dependency reloading by switching to a remove_cons...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Raise LoadErrors separately","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Moved subclass reloading responsibilities to Dependencies","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Comply to the new dependency reload system","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","New approach to reloading that uses remove_const on ARs ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Added methods for removing subclasses -- couldnt make it...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Fixed the ordering of attributes in the xml-decleration ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Added the option of supplying an array of ids and attrib...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Fixed documentation #538","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","Added @request.raw_post as a convenience access to @requ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-25","The create and build methods are only available for has_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Fixed that /Recipe/new and /recipe/new points to the sam...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Applied the dblack patch","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Fetch from current dir","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added Base.update_collection that can update an array of...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added support for automatic id-based indexing for lists ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added :application_prefix to url_for and friends that ma...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added :encode option to mail_to that'll allow you to mas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added Florian Gross' latest version of Breakpointer and ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added ActiveRecord::Base.timestamps_gmt that can be set ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Fixed skeleton Rakefile to work with sqlite3 out of the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added that update_all calls sanitize_sql on its updates ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Fixed that the dynamic finders didnt treat nil as a "IS ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Fixed install.rb files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Fixed that script/breakpointer didn't get the Ruby path ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added bind-named arrays for interpolating a group of ids...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Added that has_and_belongs_to_many associations with add...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Fixed that records fetched with piggy-back attributes or...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Fixed handling of syntax errors in models that had alrea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Minor tweak","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Another swing at reloading","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-24","Another swing at reloading","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-23","Brought back reloading of models","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-23","Added mass-assignment protection for the inheritance col...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-23","Fixed that association proxies would fail === tests like...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-22","Fixed that the content-header was being set to applicati...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-22","Fixed that generate scaffold would produce bad functiona...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Fixed no-binding fragment caching","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Removed the need for passing the binding when using Cach...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Flipped reloads around","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Fixed that FCGI can also display SyntaxErrors","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Deactivated RAW_POST_DATA pending fix","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","A few missing files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Added TestResponse#binary_content that'll return as a st...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Replaced === checks with is_a? checks #502, #82 [Marcel ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Fixed that column aliases didn't work as expected with t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Fixed that find_all would produce invalid sql when calle...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Added @request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] for people who need ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Fixed that all redirect and render calls now return true...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-20","Fixed that a default fragment store wan't being set to M...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-18","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-18","Made ready for release of","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-18","Cleanup the proxy rollback #492","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-18","Fixed that the belongs_to and has_one proxy would fail a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-18","Added 5-second timeout to WordNet alternatives on creati...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-18","Fixed that the Ruby/MySQL adapter wouldn't connect if th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Fixed a bug where cookies wouldn't be set if a symbol wa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Added assert_cookie_equal to assert the contents of a na...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Made human_attribute_name(attribute_key_name) use Inflec...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Added Inflector.humanize to turn attribute names like em...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Added Inflector.humanize to turn attribute names like em...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","CHANGELOGs..","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Fixed bug in page caching that prevented it from working...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Fixed sending of emails to use Tmail#from not the deprec...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Made methods class level methods again","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Tagged the 0.9.4 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Made more stuff quiet","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Made more stuff quiet","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Made a bunch of stuff quiet in the docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Made ready for release of 0.9.4","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Made ready for release of 0.9.4","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Fixed up some docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Make sure #470 shouldnt be happening","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Added test_forgetting_the_load_when_foreign_key_enters_late","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Only remember that an association was loaded if it was f...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","Test for #489","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-17","belongs_to association should always honor a present for...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-16","Removed debugging aid from dependencies","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-16","No need for reloading any more","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-16","New adventures in dependency reloading","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-16","New adventures in dependency reloading","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-16","Minor tweaks","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-16","Added more informative error message for "file not found...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Finished documentation for caching","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Went back to original breakpointing as I couldnt make th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Fixed some breakpoint issues and made breakpoint_client ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Removed the Ruby 1.8.2 test/unit fix as it didnt work an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Added the option of passing a block to ActiveRecordHelpe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Fixed errors thrown to namespace collision","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Flipped code-to-test ratio around to be more readable #4...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Fixed that unit tests for MySQL are now run as the "rail...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Added validates_associated that enables validation of ob...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Added support for associating unsaved objects #402 [Tim ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Fixed log file permissions to be 666 instead of 777 (so ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Dont polute the load path more than necessary","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Added the meat for String inflection","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Missing something from #475","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Added availability of class inheritable attributes to th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Added a bit more documentation on how to use the instanc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Fixed binary support for PostgreSQL #444 [alex@byzantine...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Added Inflections as an extension on String, so Inflecto...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Fixed that auto reloading would some times not work or w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-15","Fixed page caching problems with saving cached file fail...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-14","Removed silly change caused by inability to grok own cod...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-14","Changed add_to_list_top and add_to_list_bottom to be public","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-13","Added the option to specify a controller name to "genera...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-13","Added arrays as a value option for params in url_for and...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-13","Fixed that controller tests can now assert on the use of...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-13","Refactored ActiveRecord::Base#clone to use Base#attribut...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-13","Fixed that send_file would "remember" all the files sent...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-13","Fixed that bcc and cc should be settable through @bcc an...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-12","Fixed url rewriter confusion when the controller or acti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-12","Fixed url rewriter confusion when the controller name wa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Remove length alias of size","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Fixed the half applied 393 changeset","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Added option to turn off caching","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Added Byte operations to Numeric, so 5.5.megabytes + 200...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Added a differenciation between AssociationCollection#si...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Fixed the 4.11 changes to the mysql adapter","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Tweaks and tinkering","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Updated to new naming style","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Added conditional layouts like <tt>layout "weblog_standa...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Added Base#attributes that returns a hash of all the att...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Added MemCacheStore to fragment caching #449 [Lucas Carl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Fixed that MemCacheStore wasn't included by default and ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Added fourth argument to render_collection_of_partials t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Fixed that foreign keys named the same as the associatio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Fixed that host would choke when cgi.host returned nil #...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Fixed default scope of acts_as_list from "1" to "1 = 1",...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-11","Added that rake clone_structure_to_test, db_structure_du...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added that form helpers now take an index option #448 [T...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Fixed that Dependencies.reload can't load the same file ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added Base#reload that reloads the attributes of an obje...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Fixed script/console to work with Windows (that requires...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added SQLite3 compatibility through the sqlite3-ruby ada...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Fixed random ordering of test cases that would cause err...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added support for the new protocol spoken by MySQL 4.1.1...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added Fixnum#ago/until, Fixnum#since/from_now #450 [bits...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Fixed three issues with retrying breakpoints #417 [Flori...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Some missing docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Updated caching to include action caching as well and si...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added that Observers can use the observes class method i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Also accepts Symbols and Classes by calling .to_s on the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added time unit extensions to Fixnum that'll return the ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added that all renders and redirects now return false, s...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Apparently the temp hack for functional tests was still ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Removed temporary hack for test/unit problems that only ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added inclusion of fix for test/unit and rake problems w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-10","Added run time fix for the test/unit problems with Ruby ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Added more core_ext to install.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Added more core_ext to install.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Updated install.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Removed last trace of ill-conceived authentication frame...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Removed authentication framework as xal made me realize ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Added conditional filters #431 [Marcel]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Added write_inheritable_hash to use with conditional fil...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Added :before option to authentication","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Added authentication framework to protect actions behind...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Added the first of the coming core extensions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-09","Added the first of the coming core extensions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-08","Added rewrite conditions needed for page caching to work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-08","Taken out as noradio took over","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-08","Added first stab at page and fragment caching","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-08","Fixed rewriting of dashes, lashes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-07","Fixed that conditions in has_many and has_and_belongs_to...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-06","Simplified the set_cookie method and made it indifferent...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-06","Fixed WEBrick servlet slowdown over time by restricting ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-06","Fixed Base#update_attribute to be indifferent to whether...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-06","Added Base#toggle(attribute) and Base#toggle!(attribute)...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-05","Fixed small issue with ARGV and IRB","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-05","Added the possibility of passing nil to UrlHelper#link_t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Removed Fancy Indexing as a default option on the WEBric...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Include package dependency information","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Upgrade the dependencies of the Rails gem","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Minor tweak for readability","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Fixed some thread safety issues with DB2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Added MemCacheStore for storing session data in Danga's ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Fixed #406 for real","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-04","Fixed that validates_uniqueness_of used 'id' instead of ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-03","Fixed that the overwritten respond_to? method didn't tak...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-03","Fixed that the overwritten respond_to? method didn't tak...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-03","Added support for SQLite in the auto-dumping/importing o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-03","Fixed the last details to please DB2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Nuke the controllers after the dispatcher reload to avoi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Fixed a YAML fixture on time coming out as an integer #4...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Fixed redirects when the controller and action is named ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Fixed loading problems with controller hierarchies","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Fixed problems with running multiple functional tests in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Added HasManyAssociation#count that works like Base#coun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Fixed problems with dependency caching and controller hi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Added the possibility of specifying the remaining option...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Added thread-safety to the DRbStore #66, #389 [Ben Stigl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","DB2 driver shouldnt be looking for RubyGems stuff","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Brought install.rb up to date #408 [bitsweat]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Added DateHelper#select_time and DateHelper#select_secon...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Added test cases and rakefile to Active Support","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Fixed handling of binary content in blobs and similar fi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Added find_all style to the new dynamic finders","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Added dynamic attribute-based finders as a cleaner way o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-02","Restored bind arity checking #412 [bitsweat]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Added that Base#find takes an optional options hash, inc...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Added the latest two tables to the DB2 schemas","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Added a db2 adapter that only depends on the Ruby/DB2 bi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Added the final touches to the Microsoft SQL Server adap...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Fixed a bug in the Ruby/MySQL that caused binary content...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Added automated rewriting of the shebang lines on instal...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Updated documentation for associations #387 [canadaduane]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Fixed some test cases","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Added class declaration for the MissingFile exception #3...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2005-01-01","Added block-style for callbacks #332 [bitsweat]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Added automated optimistic locking if the field lock_ver...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Added "short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Added second boolean parameter to Base.redirect_to_url a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Added tests for acts_as_list with scope is null #378 [Ti...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Added :counter_cache option to acts_as_tree that works j...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Auto-requiring of helpers should stay silent when it isn...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Fixed that @request.remote_ip didn't work in the test en...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Fixed quoting in validates_format_of that would allow so...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-31","Fixed that generated action_mailers doesnt need to requi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-30","Fixed broken transactions that were actually only runnin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-30","Restored thread safety to Active Record [andreas]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-30","Transactions are now actually working on the database le...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-30","Updated Rakefiles for the server move","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-30","Fixed dependency management to happen in a unified fashi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-30","Include as loaded regardless of success","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","Switch dispatcher to use the new shared Dependencies app...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","Rearranging dependencies","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","Moved support into Active Support","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","Moved support files into Active Support","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","Moved the cookies fix to cgi_ext","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","Moved support from both Action Pack and Active Record in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-29","Added documentation for using render_with_layout","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-28","Added Base.default_timezone accessor that determines whe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-28","Fixed that the const_missing autoload assumes the reques...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-28","Added the possibility for adapters to overwrite add_limi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-23","Added ActionMailer::Base.deliver_method = :test to the t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-23","Added ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = false t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-23","Added :host and :protocol options to url_for and friends...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-23","WordNet not Nets","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-23","Touched up wording on the new recommendation stuff for g...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-23","Added protection for creating a model through the genera...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-23","Ignore doc and pkg directories","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Added scope option to validation_uniqueness #349 [Kent S...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Added allow_nil options to validates_inclusion_of so tha...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Added work-around for PostgreSQL and the problem of gett...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Fixed UrlHelper#link_to_unless so it doesn't care if the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","You should redirect externally on the default action","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Forgot to include the new session module","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Fixed mixin test and fixtures to work with postgresql #3...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Added Base#clear_association_cache to empty all the cach...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Added search through session to clear out association ca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Added more informative exception when using helper :some...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Added more informative exceptions in establish_connectio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Fixed that options[:counter_sql] was overwritten with in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Fixed that overriding an attribute's accessor would be d...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Fixed CTRL-C exists from the Breakpointer to be a clean ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Fixed "rake stats" to work with sub-directories in model...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Fixed that Base.table_name would expect a parameter when...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","The dispatcher should reload the associations AFTER clea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-22","Fixed that nested transactions now work by letting the o...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-21","Fixed validates_{confirmation,acceptance}_of to only hap...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-21","Added acts instead of mixins","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-21","Fixed regression with Base#reset_session that wouldn't u...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-21","Fixed error rendering of rxml documents to not just swal...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-20","Deal with associated classes that doesnt reside in their...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-20","Checked in the proper version of const_missing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-20","Forgot a "or" in Inflector","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-20","Switched strategy on the id_before_type_cast problem and...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-20","Added a require_association hook on const_missing that m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Pulling attributes_from_column_definition should set the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Scrap that","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Dont define respond_to? lookups for primary key","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","FormHelper should only use *_before_type_cast if they av...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Changed the interface on AbstractAdapter to require that...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Added that query benchmarking will only happen if its go...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Reworded a few doc things for better comprehension [dblack]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Fixed small doc bug [dblack]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Fixed that textilize and markdown would instantiate thei...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Added graceful handling of an inaccessible log file by r...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Updated the documentation #329 [rainmkr]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Added higher_item and lower_item as public methods for a...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Added documentation for automatic layout inclusion #328 ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Added support for a -h/--help parameter in the generator...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Added breakpoints to stand-alone Active Record, so we ca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Set a high default salary within the validation range","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Added Developer#salary for the type tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-19","Added respondence to *_before_type_cast for all attribut...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-18","Added Request#port_string to get something like ":8080" ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-18","Added Request#domain (returns string) and Request#subdom...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-18","Fixed the automated timestamping feature when running un...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-18","Added POST support for the breakpoint retries, so form p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-18","Base#update_attribute isnt subject to validation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-18","Made Base#update_attributes actually work","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-18","File.expand_path in config/environment.rb would fail whe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-17","Added Base#update_attributes that'll accept a hash of at...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-17","Added Base.destroy and Base.delete to remove records wit...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-17","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-17","Tagged the 0.9.1 release","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-17","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-17","Upgraded to Action Pack 1.0.1 for important bug fix. Upd...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-17","Fixed a bug that would cause an ApplicationController to...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Cut down on the documentation visible","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Fixed a small bug in the new referencing of DEFAULT_SESS...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Rails 0.9 is a reality","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Made the last tweaks before 0.9","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Updated documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Updated documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Updated documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Updated and added more documentation","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added Base.validates_inclusion_of","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Improving documentation...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Renamed Mixins to Acts to resemble the change from inclu...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Only requests that require processing from a controller ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Needed to update the server root for the new placement","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Renamed script/envcon to script/console","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Renamed public/dispatch.servlet to script/server -- it w...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Renamed breakpointing to breakpointer","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added option for turning off the automated timestamps","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added assumption that a Symbol-based scope should end in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added assumption that a Symbol-based scope should end in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Make it possible to use a regular scope string in additi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Shouldnt have removed generators from gemspec","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added Base.validates_inclusion_of that validates whether...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added Base.validates_inclusion_of that validates whether...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added that Active Records will automatically record crea...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added that controllers will now attempt to require a mod...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-16","Added Base.validates_format_of that Validates whether th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Added Base.default_error_messages as a hash of all the e...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Added automatic transaction block around AssociationColl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Moved generate to bin and included it again","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Removed redundent tests for success and removed the test...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Generators shouldnt be placed in a new Rails creation by...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Fixed DateHelper#date_select so that you can pass includ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Added Base.validates_boundries_of that delegates to add_...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Make Railties *not* include .svn dirs in its gemspec fil...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Fixed that Base#find will return an array if given an ar...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Documented select, collection_select, and country_select...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Insignificante...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Updated examples to use ApplicationController instead of...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Added that controllers will now search for a layout in $...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Renamed AbstractApplicationController and abstract_appli...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Brought unit tests up to date","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Changed validate_* to validates_*_of, so validate_accept...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-15","Added tree mixin and unit tests for all the mixins","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-14","Wrapped multi-step operations in transactions","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-14","fixtures :models will now also attempt to include the mo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-14","fixtures :models will now also attempt to include the mo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-14","Fixed that has_and_belongs_to_many would generate bad sq...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-14","Added FormHelper#radio_button to work with radio buttons...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-14","This patch allows urls to be of the form :module/:contro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-14","Added a better exception for when a type column is used ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Cut dependency on dev-utils by using included breakpoint...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Slightly less overzealous testing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Improved the quality of the breakpointing -- especially ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Added TemplateError#backtrace that makes it much easier ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Extended no inclusion of messages if theyre nil to base","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Fixed bug with reloading associations","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Added the option of passing false to :module or :control...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Updated unit tests to reflect lowercase post as method i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-13","Moved methods into the main body as only wiring is neede...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Fixed that every successive call on the sqlite adapter p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Cleaner deactivation of the breakpoint server","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Fixed a pattern for module loading","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Breakpointing that works much better with CGI and FCGI","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Added the possibility of marking fields as being in erro...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Added collusion handling for FCGI","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Added confirmations on successfull connections and resum...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Attempted to capture #286 in a unit test, but couldnt ge...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Reload the cached column information between requests wh...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Added methods for resetting the cached information on cl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Added pattern for specific actions in a modularized cont...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Only start the breakpoint server when included by dispat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","No longer necessary to guard against reincludes with the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Turn off ACL for localhost","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Moved require_association to associations.rb and added m...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Display error messages on scaffolded form pages","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Fixed the default button name on forms generated with form","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Superseeded by rails_generator.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Added option to ERB templates to swallow newlines by usi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Remember to include the right breakpoint for the docs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Differentiate breakpointing on gem or not in an attempt ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","No longer needed to explicitly pass the session defaults...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Fixed CgiRequest so that it'll now accept session option...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Added that render_partial will always by default include...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Fixed CgiRequest#out to fall back to #write if doesn't ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Fixed all helpers so that they use XHTML compliant doubl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-12","Use lower-case post instead of POST as form method for X...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-10","Fix breakpointing by differenciating between gem and not","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-10","Mailer generator should create passing tests","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-10","Fixed problem with cookies not being set to path=/ by de...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-10","Options for the new validation methods are now given as ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-10","Added Base.validate_uniqueness thatv alidates whether th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-10","Added Base.validate_presence as an alternative to implem...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-10","Set border on link_to_image to 0 by default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Added link_to_image(src, options = {}, html_options = {}...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Fixed a few issues for the breakpointing","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Added breakpoint retries on rescue screens","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Added preliminary remote breakpoint support","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Updated the usage documentation for the generator action...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Tidied up Fixtures for better readability and some error...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Fixed TIMESTAMP columns broken due to TIME handling patch","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Fixed Base.errors to be indifferent as to whether string...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Added Base.validate_confirmation that encapsulates the p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Changed the Proc for a string to avoid repetition problems","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Added Base.validate_confirmation that encapsulates the p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Added validation macros to make the stackable just like ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","We need to pass the name when deleting the cookie","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-09","Added CookieJar#delete and fixed CookieJar[] to just cal...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","A fix that actually works...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Callbacks added to the inheritable que should only be ca...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","scope_condition defaults to 1 on list mixin","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Added mixins to install.rb","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Cleaned up the class_eval stuff in the new mixins a bit","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Forgot to include Mixins::Touch by default","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Added ActiveRecord::Mixins::Touch that will record creat...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Added ActiveRecord::Mixins::List that can decorates an e...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Renamed from ListMixin and mixins/list_mixin.rb to Mixin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Unofficially added ListMixin","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Fixed to_input_field_tag so it no longer explicitly uses...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Killed the out of place alias and made sure you can use ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Only nuke the AbstractApplicationController if its avail...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Added named bind-style variable interpolation #281 [Mich...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-08","Updated Builder to 1.2.2","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added the option for sanitizing find_by_sql and the offs...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Forgot another small change with the new generators","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Forgot a small change with the new generators","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","New error checking removes the necessity for giving a sp...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Fixed value quoting in all generated SQL statements, so ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Fixed has_and_belongs_to_many guessing of foreign key so...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added counter_sql option for has_many associations [bits...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added the possibility of having validate be protected fo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Trick tests on url_for","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Fixed that methods wrapped in callbacks still return the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Make the dispatch.rb behave after being run by the WEBri...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added a better generator for scaffolding that actually c...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added that ActiveRecordHelper#form now calls url_for on ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Fixed a bug with the HEAD stuff","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Fixed the Inflector to handle the movie/movies pair corr...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Documentation bugs","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added all the HTTP methods as alternatives to the generi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added indifference to whether @headers["Content-Type"], ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added bind-style variable interpolation for the conditio...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added CSV format for fixtures #272 [what-a-day]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-07","Added access to custom headers, like cc, bcc, and reply-...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-06","Fixed fixtures using primary key fields called something...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-06","Added TestSession#session_id that returns an empty strin...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-06","Syntax errors and other exceptions thrown outside of an ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-06","Cleaned it up","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-06","Added an easier way of starting a IRB session on the env...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-06","Added an easier way of starting a IRB session on the env...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-06","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-06","Added extra words of caution for guarding against SQL-in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Fixed that cached template loading would still check the...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Dont include the primary key in updates -- its unneeded ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Added options to tailor header tag, div id, and div clas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Added proper handling of time fields that are turned int...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Added graceful handling of non-alphanumeric names and mi...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Added reverse order of deleting fixtures, so referential...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Added a real reference to the irc channel, and updated t...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","script/new_controller should create directory for views ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Fixed infinite loop when environment is missing in datab...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-12-01","Added relative path search for sqlite dbfiles in databas...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-30","Moved the global require_* out of the classes so they ac...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-30","Abolished ActionController::Base.require_or_load in favo...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-30","AbstractApplicationController and the individual control...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-30","Pass on the original exception","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-30","A change in attempt to combat periodical errors with FCG...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-30","Silenced warnings from reloading files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-30","Silence errors occurring when reloading classes","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Handle empty cookie jars gracefully -- dont pout!","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Renamed CookieContainer to CookieJar to be cute. Its a p...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Report to logger when a cookie is set","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Allow symbols to be used as names for setting cookies","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Allow symbols to be used as keys for setting cookies","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Added a new container for cookies that makes them more i...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Added ActionController#cookies[]= as an alias for cookie...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Added ActionController#cookies[] as a reader for @cookie...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","symbolize_strings_in_hash shouldnt change receiver -- th...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-26","Keep quiet about failing to load association classes. Pe...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Added the opportunity to defined method_missing on a con...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Put establish_connection back in...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Fixed bad chars in public/.htaccess [imajes]","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Fixed AbstractRequest#remote_ip for users going through ...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Dont include svn directories in packages","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Cleaned up the Rakefile","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Consolidated and better commented the environment files","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Added option to establish_connection where you'll be abl...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-25","Dump development database, not test database","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-24","Added Request#ssl? which is shorthand for @request.proto...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-24","Allow form_tag with no arguments (resulting in a form po...","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2004-11-24","Initial","David Heinemeier Hansson",2 "2013-09-12","Merge pull request #12201 from chancancode/json_load","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-09-08","Fix fixtures regression that required table names to map...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-05-09","Fix that JSON and XML exception responses should give th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-05-09","Fix that JSON and XML exception responses should give th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-05-09","Fix that JSON and XML exception responses should give th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-05-09","Merge pull request #10523 from neerajdotname/last-where-...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-05-08","Merge pull request #10355 from burke/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-05-08","Merge pull request #9522 from wangjohn/automatic_search_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-05-05","Merge pull request #10453 from vipulnsward/destructive_sort","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-04-29","Merge pull request #10372 from jeremy/statement-invalid-...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-04-29","StatementInvalid takes WrappedDatabaseException's place","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-04-28","Merge pull request #10364 from wangjohn/refactoring_acti...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-04-16","Merge pull request #10239 from rubys/cache_entry_convers...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-04-10","Merge pull request #10156 from wangjohn/grouping_thread_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-04-09","Explain how to upgrade bin/ for Rails 4","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-04-02","Merge pull request #10060 from trevorturk/cookies-refact...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-04-01","Merge pull request #10002 from charliesome/revert-versio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-25","Fix jquery-as-default test to account for switch from ge...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-25","Update tests for #9704, named route collisions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-25","Tender love for #9909 :heart:","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9909 from trevorturk/9740","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-25","Merge pull request #9881 from gkop/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #9489 from obrie/fix/overridden_defau...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #9899 from macksmind/backport_5808","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-24","Merge pull request #9704 from trevorturk/warn-about-skip...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-21","Merge pull request #9861 from pivotalcommon/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-20","Merge pull request #7706 from iangreenleaf/multiple_coun...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9529 from wangjohn/find_on_inverse_o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-19","Merge pull request #9807 from vipulnsward/remove_unused_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-18","Merge pull request #9669 from senny/rails_method_missing...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-16","Merge pull request #9737 from wangjohn/counter_cache_upd...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-09","Merge pull request #9621 from sakuro/migration-magic-com...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-04","Merge pull request #9200 from wangjohn/unscoping_activer...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-01","Restore note about nested SCRIPT_NAME handling.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-03-01","Wordsmithing @trevorturk's upgrade notes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-02-28","Merge pull request #9495 from trevorturk/upgrade-guide","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-02-25","Bundler 1.3.0 released. We prefer it for new binstub beh...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-02-24","Ruby 2 compat. Hash[] now raises on bad elements rather ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-02-24","Ruby 2 compat. CGI.escapeHTML has changed the way it esc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-02-15","Merge pull request #9298 from wangjohn/add_documentation...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-02-10","Prefer Ruby 2.0; require 1.9.3+","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-02-06","Merge pull request #9128 from jamesotron/iso8601-sub-sec...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-17","Revert "bump up rack version to the one that includes th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-14","Revert benchmark helper regression. Use a #capture withi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8890 from dylanahsmith/3-0-parse-non...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8889 from dylanahsmith/3-1-parse-non...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8888 from dylanahsmith/3-2-parse-non...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-11","Merge pull request #8855 from dylanahsmith/parse-non-obj...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-10","Relax bundler dep until 1.3.0 is actually released.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-09","Merge pull request #5896 from sferik/revert_5861","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-08","CVE-2013-0156: Safe XML params parsing. Doesn't allow sy...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-08","Revert "Merge branch 'master-sec'"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-08","CVE-2013-0156: Safe XML params parsing. Doesn't allow sy...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-08","CVE-2013-0156: Safe XML params parsing. Doesn't allow sy...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-08","CVE-2013-0156: Safe XML params parsing. Doesn't allow sy...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-08","CVE-2013-0156: Safe XML params parsing. Doesn't allow sy...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-08","CVE-2013-0156: Safe XML params parsing. Doesn't allow sy...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-07","Take the heat :fire:","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-07","Merge pull request #8786 from jeremy/executables","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-07","Introduce ./bin for your app's executables: bin/bundle, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-04","Use bundler --pre for travis builds","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2013-01-04","Bump bundler dep to 1.3.0.pre.4+ to introduce 'bundle bi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-31","Merge pull request #8667 from andrew/copyright-update","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-29","Test that assert_not returns true. Use assert_raises ins...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-28","Revert "Install binstubs by default"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-28","Revert "Detect rbenv and update the shebang"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-28","Introduce assert_not to replace 'assert !foo'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-27","Consistent punctuation for @jaroslawr :bowtie:","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-27","Make test logs easier to read.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-22","Move background jobs to the 'jobs' branch until fully ba...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-15","Merge pull request #8518 from rwz/inheritable-basic-object","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-13","Merge pull request #8502 from arunagw/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-12","Shush deprecation warning due to initializing a Migrator...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-10","Merge pull request #6376 from jgaskins/timestamp-microse...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-10","Revert "Omit directories from gemspec.files for RubyGems...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-09","Move to the schema-migrations-metadata branch.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-09","Merge pull request #8466 from gclag/stats-handle-new-tes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-09","Omit directories from gemspec.files for RubyGems 2 compat.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-08","Merge pull request #8346 from sodabrew/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-07","Merge pull request #8454 from frodsan/deprecate_as_basic...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-04","Bump mailer to quiet the stdout log messages","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-04","Bump mailer to quiet the stdout log messages","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-03","Override <%== to always behave as literal text rather th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-12-03","Override <%== to always behave as literal text rather th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-11-29","Backport 78b30fed9336336694fb2cb5d2825f95800b541c to fix...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-11-29","Move instantiation responsibilities from Inheritance to ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-11-28","Work around undiagnosed bug that's draining a relation's...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-11-06","mocha_standalone is now deprecated. Switch to mocha/api.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-27","Merge pull request #8038 from frodsan/fix_am_serializers...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-27","Merge pull request #8040 from frodsan/fix_build_isolated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-27","Merge pull request #8038 from frodsan/fix_am_serializers...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-27","Fix queueing tests that should be consuming the queue ra...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-26","Job consumer logs to Rails.logger by default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-26","Job worker thread logs failed jobs too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-26","Job worker thread logs to stderr if no logger is provided","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-26","Remove REE GC stats since master is 1.9.3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-26","Add missing require for minitest assertions. Breaks call...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-20","Revert "Get rid of the ActiveRecord::Model::DeprecationP...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-15","ruby-prof isn't compatible with ruby trunk after 36925","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-14","Fix typo in #7941","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-14","The debugger gem isn't compatible with 1.9.3-p286 yet. O...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-14","Merge pull request #7941 from robin850/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-14","Merge pull request #7943 from NARKOZ/patch-4","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-13","Test that a Rails.queue consumer is automatically starte...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-13","Backpedal from class-oriented config.queue. Set an actua...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-13","Tighten up asset precompile tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-13","Remove the queue container. Premature consolidation. Set...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-12","Immediately run queued jobs in tests. Otherwise you have...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-10","Remove the leading :: constant qualifier in the ActiveRe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-10","Upgrade to a jquery-rails that doesn't expect config.act...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-10","Merge pull request #7878 from blowmage/test_locations","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-07","Backport 1a7049906ee6735bae058e9985a3806d08d9746b","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-07","Gotta log each spacer line separately to ensure each is ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-07","Tag the blank log line between dev requests so it's easi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-07","Ruby 2 compat. CGI.escapeHTML has changed the way it esc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-07","Ruby 2 compat. Hash[] now raises on bad elements rather ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-05","Merge pull request #7852 from rochefort/fix-example","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-01","Merge pull request #7812 from bdurand/optimize_cache_ent...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-10-01","Merge pull request #7810 from steveklabnik/fix_build","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-30","Add a changelog entry for asset aliasing update in sproc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-30","Asset manifest includes aliases for foo.js -> foo/index....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-29","Merge pull request #7787 from sferik/update_minitest","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-28","Hashrocket for 1.8 support","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-28","Shush uninitialized @_layout warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-28","Shush syntax warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-27","Fix tests broken by adding a new instance variable to vi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-27","Tune up Rails::Rack::Logger. Only put space between requ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-27","Add logger.push_tags and .pop_tags to complement logger....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-27","Log newlines separately to ensure the 'Started GET ...' ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-27","Only apply log tags if the logger supports it","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-26","Tune up Rails::Rack::Logger. Only put space between requ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-26","Tests tag the Rails log with the current test class and ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-26","Allow wrapping a logger that hasn't set a formatter. Def...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-26","Add logger.push_tags and .pop_tags to complement logger....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-26","Log newlines separately to ensure the 'Started GET ...' ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-25","Fix destructive side effects from marshaling an associat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-24","Only apply log tags if the logger supports it","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-21","Style: remove hash noise","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-21","Correct default charset/collation for mysql dbs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-21","Use default charset/collation only if *neither* is speci...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-20","Merge pull request #7613 from marcandre/delegate_to_class","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-20","Load the environment after creating the database","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-19","Load the environment after creating the database","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-19","Revert "Make sure :environment task is executed before d...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-18","No need to defensively work jobs in another thread","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-17","Roll contrib guide link into feature request guidance","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-17","Oops, rdoc -> markdown.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-17","GitHub isn't rendering Markdown for CONTRIBUTING.md. Rel...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-17","Point to the contributing-to-Rails guide","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-17","Use synchronous queue by default. Separate queued messag...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-17","Always run jobs using a consumer, even in synchronous & ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-09-14","Merge pull request #7637 from NARKOZ/patch-3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-08-15","Backport 5c51cd0: #send_file leans on Rack::Sendfile to ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-07-05","Merge pull request #6969 from mkdynamic/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-31","Rake::DSL should always be available","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-31","Explicitly require rake so its DSL is available","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-31","Rake is in 1.9 stdlib, no need for gem dep","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-31","Psych is always available on 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-31","Work around undiagnosed bug that's draining a relation's...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-31","Fix backward compatibility with stored Hash values. Wrap...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-30","Merge pull request #6546 from erichmenge/patch-as-json","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6359 from carlosgaldino/add-html5-in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6440 from gaurish/route_move_top","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-22","Merge pull request #6368 from Antiarchitect/store-indiff...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-21","Merge pull request #6424 from avakarev/refactoring_unles...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #6376 from jgaskins/timestamp-microse...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-19","Merge pull request #6384 from ihid/tidy_text_helpers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #6183 from nashby/fix-issue-6179","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-18","Merge pull request #5715 from soulim/add_time_input_control","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-17","Fix incorrect assert_block -> assert conversion. Assumed...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-17","MiniTest deprecated #assert_block in favor of calling #a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-15","Expand and improve #pluck docs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-15","Restore support for Model.pluck('sql fragment')","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-10","Merge pull request #6230 from spectator/active_resource_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-10","Merge pull request #6221 from alexeymuranov/deprecate__i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-10","Merge pull request #4254 from alexeymuranov/my-nicify-fi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-07","Add passing tests for generating URLs with nested SCRIPT...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-06","Merge pull request #5910 from route/rails-dbconsole","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-06","Fix that optimized named routes should also work as sing...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #6173 from mhfs/takes_instead_first","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #6069 from mipearson/use_strict_mode_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-05","Merge pull request #6170 from mjtko/feature-beginning_of...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6156 from mjtko/feature-beginning_of...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6163 from carlosantoniodasilva/wrap-...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-04","Merge pull request #6152 from route/assets_precompile_ta...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6095 from route/assets_precompile_task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6119 from romanvbabenko/refactor/che...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-02","Merge pull request #6116 from romanvbabenko/refactor/exe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-05-01","Merge pull request #6093 from marcandre/observer_public","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5181 from mcmire/issue_3560","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5175 from jasonnoble/rake_notes_dire...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5705 from lest/patch-3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5923 from rafaelfranca/remove_javasc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #5922 from rafaelfranca/deprecate_jav...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6074 from mark-rushakoff/unused-vari...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6075 from arunagw/warning_removed_un...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-30","Merge pull request #6071 from marcandre/observer_redef","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #5999 from bogdan/callbacks","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6017 from larzconwell/remove_sanitiz...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #6046 from arunagw/lock_mocha_to_fix_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-29","Merge pull request #5996 from gazay/remove_excess_selfs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-26","Merge pull request #6002 from lest/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-26","Merge pull request #6001 from nashby/patch-2","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-25","Remove blank line at the end of routes.rb","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5980 from gazay/valid_ips","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5976 from aderyabin/fix1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5978 from aderyabin/fix2","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5880 from asanghi/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-25","Merge pull request #5971 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5968 from sikachu/3-2-stable-backport","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5929 from FLOChip/notes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5963 from kennyj/fix_build_20120425","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5961 from bogdan/routes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5927 from avakhov/distance_of_time_i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-24","Merge pull request #5956 from arunagw/mocha_upgrade","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-23","Merge pull request #5919 from joevandyk/rake-dsl-fix","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-21","Merge pull request #5896 from sferik/revert_5861","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-20","Freeze the middleware stack after it's built","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-19","Merge pull request #5900 from amatsuda/ar_mysql_pk_with_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-19","Merge pull request #5898 from benedikt/3-2-stable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-19","Revert "Fix #5667. Preloading should ignore scoping."","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-18","Merge pull request #5891 from kennyj/remove_time_directory","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-17","Merge pull request #5874 from asanghi/3-2-stable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-16","Merge pull request #5835 from asanghi/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-16","Relax multi_json dependency to allow any 1.3 -> 1.x inst...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-16","Merge pull request #5863 from rosenfeld/explicit-log-level","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-16","Merge pull request #5862 from arunagw/multi_json_fix_3-1...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-16","Merge pull request #5861 from arunagw/multi_json_fix_3-2...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-14","Merge pull request #5262 from joshuap/references_index","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-12","#send_file leans on Rack::Sendfile to X-Accel-Redirect t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-12","Merge pull request #5820 from arunagw/more_ruby-2-0-fixes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-10","Merge pull request #5800 from arunagw/bigdecimal_dup","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-08","Merge pull request #5718 from benedikt/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-08","Fix a couple more script[type=text/javascript] tests aff...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-04-08","Merge pull request #5748 from ai/no_type_in_html5","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5659 from carlosantoniodasilva/fix-b...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-03-29","Merge pull request #5345 from guilleiguaran/ar-slice","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5622 from rafaelfranca/fix-2492-3-2","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-03-27","Merge pull request #5621 from rafaelfranca/fix-2492-master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-03-25","Merge pull request #5570 from avakhov/ac-caching-split","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-03-07","Use 1.9 native XML escaping to speed up html_escape and ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-03-03","Merge pull request #5253 from guilleiguaran/amo-model","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-03-01","Tap, tap goes the middleware","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-29","Merge pull request #5221 from kennyj/fix_warning_20120301","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-29","Merge pull request #5214 from bdurand/fix_session_cache_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-21","Merge pull request #5033 from markmcspadden/inherited_he...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-20","Integration tests support the OPTIONS http method","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-16","Merge pull request #5064 from lest/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-15","Merge pull request #5055 from rafaelfranca/fix-drop-table","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-14","Merge pull request #3305 from cjolly/request_filtered_env","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-13","Merge pull request #5031 from carlosantoniodasilva/sproc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-10","Fix that failed tests should exit with a nonzero error c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-07","Fix that failed tests should exit with a nonzero error c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-06","Note the ways #match may be called","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-06","Revert "Deprecated multi args to http route methods"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-06","Get ActiveRecord::TestCase back on its feet, despite dep...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-02-05","Merge pull request #4881 from al2o3cr/compatible_json_er...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-27","Disagree with @spastorino, @jonleighton, @tenderlove on ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-23","Clean up http config","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-23","Clean up SSL client cert example","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-23","Prefer to document with https:// example URLs and no por...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-23","Describe Basic and Digest authentication. Document how t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-23","One space separates sentences, not two","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-21","Split Basic and Digest authorization tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-06","Merge pull request #4349 from lest/change-array-wrap-2","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-05","Merge pull request #4329 from rafaelfranca/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-04","Add release notes URL to vendor/plugins deprecation warn...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-04","Clarify vendor/plugins deprecation warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-04","create_fixtures should accept symbol keys for custom tab...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2012-01-03","setup_fixture_accessors should accept symbols for table ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4168 from lest/remove-define-attr-me...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4166 from nashby/range-min-max","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-24","Merge pull request #4156 from nashby/to-sym-ruby-18","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-24","Remove broken #compute_source_path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-24","Remove broken #compute_source_path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-22","Depend on 4.0.0.beta gems. Use https for github urls.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-21","Move SubTestTask. Soften up tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-21","Move SubTestTask. Soften up tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-21","Rails::SubTestTask warns on test failure and moves on. R...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-21","Restore `rake TEST=test/unit/foo_test.rb` support.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-21","Rails::SubTestTask warns on test failure and moves on. R...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-14","Merge pull request #3981 from choonkeat/master","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-11","Remove duplicate html_escape docs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-12-11","Use 1.9 native XML escaping to speed up html_escape and ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-11-30","Using InstanceMethods in a Concern is deprecated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-11-04","Merge pull request #3507 from jmazzi/issue-3503","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-11-04","Merge pull request #3507 from jmazzi/issue-3503","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-11-02","Revert "Disable 1.9.3 builds until upgraded from -previe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-11-02","Revert "Disable 1.9.3 builds until upgraded from -previe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-29","Removing db/seeds.rb is fine. Don't blow up.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-29","Removing db/seeds.rb is fine. Don't blow up.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-25","Clean up .gitignore and make a note about using global i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-19","Use toplevel Rack::ContentLength","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-19","Use toplevel Rack::ContentLength","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-14","Symbol captures may generate multiple path segments, so ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-14","/ is allowed in URI fragments","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-14","Leave escaping up to Journey","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-14","Failing tests for path parameter escaping","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-13","Rails 4 is just around the corner. Stuck with 1.8 until ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-13","Tests gotta run in 1.8 too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-12","Fix version number in CHANGELOG","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-12","Treat 303 See Other as a redirect response, too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-12","Merge remote-tracking branch 'jimherz/activeresource_red...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-09","Remove stray whitespace","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-09","Merge pull request #500 from cyril/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Merge remote-tracking branch 'guilleiguaran/test-utf8-as...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","The generator invokes rake with either the :env option, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Skip broken asset precompilation test on Macs. Issues wi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","The generator invokes rake with either the :env option, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Skip broken asset precompilation test on Macs. Issues wi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Don't notify IRC on every single build, just failures an...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Disable 1.9.3 builds until upgraded from -preview1 to -rc1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Don't notify IRC on every single build, just failures an...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Disable 1.9.3 builds until upgraded from -preview1 to -rc1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Add comments to our generated .gitignore, including a no...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-08","Add comments to our generated .gitignore, including a no...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-06","Merge branch 'multiple-transactional-fixture-connections'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-06","Transactional fixtures enlist all active database connec...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #2801 from jeremyevans/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #2801 from jeremyevans/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-10-03","Merge pull request #2801 from jeremyevans/patch-1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-07-19","Merge pull request #2160 from joshk/patch-5","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-05-17","Merge pull request #247 from goncalossilva/performance_test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-03-28","Cheaper attribute reads and respond_to?. Add underscore-...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-01-10","Revert "use Object#class instead of Object#type"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2011-01-08","Add test for e0e3adf","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-10-26","Fix loop introduced by rack:dda892d","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-10","Ruby 1.9 compat: convert Pathname to string","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-10","Revert "Fix require for class_attribute"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-10","Switch back to mysql for easier comparison","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-10","Ruby 1.9 compat: convert Pathname to string","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-10","Include addressable for AR perf bench","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-10","Ruby 1.9 compat: convert Pathname to string","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-10","Include addressable for AR perf bench","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-10","Switch back to mysql for easier comparison","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-09","AR perf test: switch to mysql2, bundle faker and rbench","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-09","Fix require for class_attribute","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-09","Cheaper attribute reads and respond_to?. Add underscore-...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-09","Fewer object allocations","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-09","Cheaper attribute_method_matchers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-09","Cache unserialized attributes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-09","AR perf test: switch to mysql2, bundle faker and rbench","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-09","Fix require for class_attribute","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-07","fixed some issues with JSON encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-09-04","Rails 2.3.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-31","require 'thread' for Mutex dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-30","Update CHANGELOGs for 3.0 release and upcoming 3.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-30","Bump version to 3.0.1.pre","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-30","Prepare for Rails 2.3.9. Release 2.3.9.pre gems.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-30","Exclude guides from gem to keep file size small","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-29","Bump arel to 1.0.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-29","Bump arel to 1.0.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-28","Clean up CHANGELOGs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-28","Clean up CHANGELOGs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-27","Ruby 1.9: be sure to explicitly reference toplevel const...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-27","Ruby 1.9: be sure to explicitly reference toplevel const...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-21","Revert "Just add connection management middleware if run...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-21","Revert "Just add connection management middleware if run...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-19","Memoize STI class lookups for the duration of a request","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-19","Memoize STI class lookups for the duration of a request","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-14","It's snowing!","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-12","It's snowing!","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-12","It's snowing!","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-09","Merge remote branch 'brianmario/3-0-stable' into 3-0-stable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-08-09","Merge remote branch 'brianmario/mysql2'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-07-22","Session data will exceed 255 bytes. Use TEXT.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-07-10","Revert "Revert "Bump bundler to 1.0.0.beta.3""","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-07-08","Revert "Bump bundler to 1.0.0.beta.3"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-07-08","Bump bundler to 1.0.0.beta.3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-07-07","Fix setting helpers_path to a string or pathname","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-07-03","Merge remote branch 'spastorino/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-07-02","Fix indent","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-07-01","Bump bundler dependency to 1.0.0.beta.2 or later","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-30","Support any mysql-like adapter","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-29","Revert "Revert "Name compiled render methods". This caus...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-28","Use caller for helpers_dir deprecation warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-28","Slice new buffer from beginning of old buffer to skip en...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-28","Name compiled render methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-28","returning -> tap","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-28","ETag: use body instead of @body since the method will al...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-28","Warn that ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses is gone in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-28","Upgrade to Rack 1.2.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-27","Update to latest rails.js","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-27","Vendor unreleased rack-mount 0.6.6.pre dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-27","Missing BigDecimal dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-25","Depend on unreleased rack-mount 0.6.6.pre","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-24","Fix initializable tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-24","Move Collection responsibility from application to initi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-24","Speed up boot by tsorting as infrequently as possible","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-24","Don't halt railties tests on failures","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-24","Array#sample now exists, so test for #forty_two instead","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-24","Support an extra profile printer arg","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-23","Show GC time and # of runs too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-22","CI: add i18n gem","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-22","Bump rack-mount to 0.6.5 for tokenizer speedup","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-18","Credit for the heavy lifting!","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-11","Support ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 (and development versions)","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-11","Single ruby version requirement message","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-11","Ruby 1.9.1 compat: constant lookup","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-11","Remove String#constantize deps","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-11","Explicitly delegate Chars#<=> to work around Kernel#<=> ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-08","Revert "Temporarily revert "Update after_commit and afte...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-08","Clarify Fixture#key_ and value_list","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-08","Temporarily revert "Update after_commit and after_rollba...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-06","Formats should always be an array.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-06","Reset request.parameters after assigning params for func...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-06","Simplify middleware stack lazy compares using named cons...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-06","Clear const references all at once","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-06","ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constantize shortcut for cac...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-06","Bump i18n to 0.4.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-06","Restore flash sweep","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-05","MySQL: require 2.7 or later so we can rely on result.eac...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-06-05","Include backtrace in failsafe log. Rescue possible excep...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-25","Shift SafeBuffer#concat responsibility over to rails_xss","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-25","Bump 2-3-stable to 2.3.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-25","i18n: t() handles single keys returning an Array, also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-25","i18n: t() handles single keys returning an Array, also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-25","HTML safety: fix textarea with nil content","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-25","HTML safety: fix textarea with nil content","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","Work around strange Ruby 1.9 autoload issue by using abs...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","Work around strange Ruby 1.9 autoload issue by using abs...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","2.3.7.pre1: fixes HTML escaping when *not* using rails_xss","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","Add global gem task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","Work around strange Ruby 1.9 autoload issue by using abs...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","Fix that captured content (e.g. with form_for or div_for...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","Bump 2-3-stable to 2.3.8","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","2.3.7 release: fix rails_xss compatibility","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","Move tests for deprecated String#html_safe! to plugin","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-24","rails_xss handles deprecated String html safety, when in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-23","Revert "Don't always mark the argument to #concat as HTM...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-23","Use a non-XSS-protected output buffer for view tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-23","Fix test rendering unmarked but safe HTML","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-23","Missing changelog heading","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-23","Bump 2-3-stable to 2.3.7","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-23","2.3.6 release","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-23","Remove miscommit from 57337cd","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-18","Revert "Don't carry default value when changing column f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-18","Revert "Don't carry default value when changing column f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-17","Valid hex strings aren't valid float column values, to m...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-17","Ruby 1.9: helper path may be a pathname, so convert to a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-16","Moved encoding work in progress to a feature branch.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-16","CI: bump rack to 1.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-15","Ruby 1.9: fix invalid rack response in test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-05-12","Drop require removed by 8e679f1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-30","Merge remote branch 'technoweenie/http_token_authenticat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-29","Fix docs typo: app.middlewares -> app.middleware","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-29","Add missing deprecation requires","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-28","object_id may be negative, producing an invalid symbol. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-28","Bundle json and yajl-ruby gems for AS::JSON testing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-28","Fix prototype grep depending on JSON encoding regexp as ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-28","Switch driver to pg. [#3635 state:resolved]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-27","JSON: encode objects that don't have a native JSON repre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-26","Update CHANGELOG for include_root_in_json.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-26","Revert "create option to include_root_in_json for Active...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-25","Fix backport error: wrong exception name","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-25","Missed commit: explicit source encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-25","Explicit source encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-25","Fix unstated AS::Multibyte dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-25","Expect an incompatible encoding exception when a templat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-25","Expect an incompatible encoding exception when a templat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-25","Ensure ERB source begins with the encoding comment","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-25","Ruby 1.9: ERB template encoding using a magic comment at...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","Remove quoted_string_prefix entirely since PostgreSQL wa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","Remove quoted_string_prefix entirely since PostgreSQL wa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","PostgreSQL: remove the unnecessary heuristic checking wh...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","PostgreSQL: always rely on pg driver for escape/unescape...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","PostgreSQL: use standard-conforming strings if possible","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","PostgreSQL: use standard-conforming strings if possible","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","Rename fieldWithErrors style to field_with_errors. Remov...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","Use Array.wrap to quiet 1.8.8 deprecation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","Drop support for postgres driver. Use pg >= 0.9.0.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-24","Ensure require and load are private - h/t apeiros","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-22","Change HWIA#stringify_keys to return a HWIA not a Hash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-22","Restore HWIA#stringify_keys! and update changelog","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-20","Switch to TimezoneProxy for later support of deferred TZ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-19","MemoryStore#read_multi(*keys) for dev-mode compatibility...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-19","MemoryStore#read_multi(*keys) for dev-mode compatibility...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-17","Upgrade bundled i18n from 1.3.3 to 1.3.7","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-17","Fix 1.9-specific syntax error in test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-16","Bump rack-mount dependency to ~> 0.6.3 for CRITICAL FIX","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-16","Revert "Require rack-mount 0.6.0 since 0.6.1 and later c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-16","Fix Active Model observer tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-16","Distinguish test for 1.8.6 compat","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-15","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-15","Require rack-mount 0.6.0 since 0.6.1 and later can't be ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-13","Fix regexp typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-11","Fix evals missing context","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-11","Avoid deprecated String#to_a by using Array.wrap(...) in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-10","Dial back from 'namespace :controller => ...' to 'scope ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-10","Add test showing root match in path namespace","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-10","Routes can be selectively namespaced by path or controll...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-10","Only set response etag if body is not blank","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-10","CI: show all headers for diagnosis","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-10","Refactor for readability","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-10","Refactor for readability","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-10","CI: message for some outstanding failures","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-09","Use thor shorthand for indicating that application.html....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-09","Partially revert "A new application now comes with a lay...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-09","Include app name in layout title","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-09","Discourage << as public API, much less config","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-09","Layout contents are html-safe","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-09","Trim application.html.erb fat","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-09","Expect an incompatible encoding exception when a templat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-09","Expect an incompatible encoding exception when a templat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-08","Remove superfluous condition","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-08","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-07","Use request.body IO and rewind, if possible","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-04","Use call stack printer if available","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-04","Revert "Pass in the request as an optional second parame...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-04","Fix signed cookies by explicitly passing config to the c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-02","Key partial name cache on controller and object class *n...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-02","CI: omit ruby-debug19 from Gemfile since the ruby source...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-02","Check more carefully for vendored tzinfo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-02","Adjust test in case tzinfo is not available","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-02","CI: add tzinfo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-01","HTML safety: give a deprecation warning if an array of o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-01","HTML safety: give a deprecation warning if an array of o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-04-01","Missed __FILE__","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-31","To skip bundler, `rm Gemfile`. Create a Gemfile to use i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","Ruby 1.9: use ruby-debug19. [#3949 state:resolved]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","Work without bundler","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","Revert "Hash#symbolize_keys(!) optimizations"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","Ruby 1.9: use ruby-debug19. [#3949 state:resolved]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","ruby-debug19 doesn't install cleanly on 1.9.2 trunk","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","Add missed changelog for table_name_prefix","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","Merge remote branch 'miloops/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","Bump mail to","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","Ruby 1.9.2: marshaling round-trips Time#zone","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-29","./tools/console to drop into irb with rails loaded","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-28","Bump mail dep to","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-28","Merge remote branch 'mikel/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-28","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-28","Cosmetics: mismatch indentation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-27","Bust gem prelude to ensure bundler's in the load path. N...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-27","Use Array.wrap uniformly","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-27","Fix unstated dep on HWIA","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-25","Bump to arel 0.3.3 to resolve Active Support dep","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-21","Also revert mailer generator test changes in 8b50f89","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-21","Fix regression introduced in 8b50f89. Generated views me...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-18","Use Array.wrap not Array()","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-18","Fix broken test due to constant collision","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-18","Kill nonexistent method removal","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-17","Move require closer to home","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-17","Don't rely on Active Support being loaded here","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-17","Bundler returns a Pathname from #loaded_from; work aroun...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-16","Break a window :/","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-16","RJS may cache an array","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-16","Fix link_to with block","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-16","link_to_remote -> link_to :remote => true","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-16","Swear I ran this test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-16","Integration test url options should account for :protoco...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","Revert "Reinstate old default_url_options method signature"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","Reinstate old default_url_options method signature","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","Allow memcache-client 1.8.0","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","Hack to keep column metadata queries out of test query c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","to_str works here","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","to_str works here","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","CI: sudo rm to sledgehammer bad perms","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","Hack to keep column metadata queries out of test query c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","read_ and write_fragment cache preserve html safety yet ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-15","read_ and write_fragment cache preserve html safety yet ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-12","Be sure to pass through args to to_yaml","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-12","Be sure to pass through args to to_yaml","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-12","Fix test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-12","Write strings to fragment cache, not outputbuffers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-12","OutputBuffer#to_yaml should return string yaml, not some...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-12","Delegate #encoding to SafeBuffer too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-12","Write strings to fragment cache, not outputbuffers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-12","OutputBuffer#to_yaml should return string yaml, not some...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-11","Revert "Rake task for generating Rails documentation upd...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-11","Float arel on latest rails/arel","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-11","Update scaffold to use <%= form_for","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-10","Use arel 0.3.1, for srs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-10","For rails tests, use latest from rails/arel.git","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-10","Bump arel dep to 0.3.0+","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-09","Disprefer JSONGem decoder since it only decodes JSON obj...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-09","Disprefer JSONGem decoder since it only decodes JSON obj...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-09","Reinstate default_url_options and remove url_options= wr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-09","Remove outdated, distracting commented code","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-09","class_attribute gets instance methods which delegate to ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-07","Update generated Gemfile to use http://rubygems.org, uni...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-07","If RAILS_PATH isn't set, make a dummy doc task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-07","rake doc:rails complains loudly if there's no path to ge...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-05","Allow deprecation messages with or without a final period.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-05","Tweak default_url_options deprecation warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-04","Clarify cookie jar test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","No longer add missing leading / on path args to assert_r...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Deprecate omitting the leading slash on a path arg to as...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Action Mailer setup obviated by test bundle","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Stray line. Typo.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Wordsmith gem descriptions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Revert orphaned SharedTestRoutes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Fix unstated usage of Action Dispatch","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Fix unstated usage of Pathname","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Fix unstated usage of inflector","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-03-02","Bump pg dep to 0.9.0+","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-28","Revert "Revert "Application detection should also allow ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-28","Revert "Application detection should also allow dots in ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-27","plugin rails/init.rb deprecation message","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-26","CI: restore sudo for bundler gem install","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-26","Typo: _tasks -> _paths","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-26","Add *.gem, pkg, and .bundle to .gitignore. Remove globs ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-26","Deprecate toplevel plugins tasks in favor of lib/tasks f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-26","Remove bin dir from .gitignore","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-26","Bump to Bundler 0.9.8. Remark on RubyGems 1.3.6 fix.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-26","Remove doubled period","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-26","Update plugin tasks dirs deprecation warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Fill in for I18n.normalize_translation_keys removed from...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Bump i18n for new public I18n.normalize_keys","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Accept array of attributes as arg also, like 2.3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","metaclass deprecated in 2.3.6","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Use Object#singleton_class instead of #metaclass. Prefer...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Fix dangling klass reference","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Missed singleton_class","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Missed singleton_class","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Fix test on 1.8.8. Broken by inherited hook now running ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Use Object#singleton_class instead of #metaclass. Prefer...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Commented metaprogramming turned out to be noisier not c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-25","Missing fileutils require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-18","Use FileUtils.mv instead of rename to copy in case of cr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-18","Use FileUtils.mv instead of rename to copy in case of cr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-12","Revert to rack-mount 0.4.7","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-12","CI: blow away bundle path between runs to solve 1.8/1.9 ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-12","Force 0.4.7 for 3.0.0.beta. Bump to ~> 0.5.0 for beta1.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-12","Wups, rack-mount 0.5.0","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-12","Bump rack-mount dep to 0.5.3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-11","Merge remote branch 'fxn/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-11","CI: use minitest on 1.9 again.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-11","Resolve test/unit load ordering by removing backtrace fi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-11","Fix isolated test fail due to missing mocha","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-10","Reinstate object/extending require too for Object.subcla...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-10","Reinstate Object.subclasses_of and Class#descendents for...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-09","rails runner loads environment after parsing command-lin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-08","Merge remote branch 'fxn/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-07","Fix doc typo and update fast_xs URL. Thanks to Dmitrii G...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-07","CI: sudo unnecessary. Bump bundler dep to 0.9.3.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-07","CI: set env after sudo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-07","Update CHANGELOG","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-07","Merge remote branch 'mikel/2-3-stable' into 2-3-stable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-07","Ruby 1.9: cookie header parser works with either newline...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-06","Merge remote branch 'fxn/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-06","CI: show bundled gems","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-06","CI: add missing isolated tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Automatically prefer Yajl or JSON backend over Yaml, if ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Make UrlWriter includable in a Module","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Automatically prefer Yajl or JSON backend over Yaml, if ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Bump git versions to 3.0.0.beta1 since we've released","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Bump arel dep","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Revert "Link to main Arel repository"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Submarine the rake-gemcutter dep in Rakefiles","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Add the dummy rails3b gemspec that pulls in non-prerelea...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Kill default require_path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Fix task defines","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","No sense bundling sense it's not available in Rakefile. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Release using gemcutter gem:push tasks","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Test that csrf meta content is html-escaped, too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Add prototype ujs handler for data-method","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Revert dumb test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","Update prototype-ujs for data-confirm","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-05","HTML-escape csrf meta contents","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Expose CSRF param name also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Expose CSRF tag for UJS adapters","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Ensure javascripts are pulled in so UJS can hook the Del...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Bump to bundler 0.9.2","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Autorequire default libs and those in groups named after...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Depend on bundler >= 0.9.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","server command loads the application","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Revert "Rails script commands load the application rathe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Rails script commands load the application rather than j...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Fix broken autorequires","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Use the correct environment.rb path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Rationalize railtie dependencies: AC uses AV; AR uses AM...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Move framework requires and Bundler.require from boot.rb...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Use a normal gem source url instead of a magic symbol","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Bump bundler dep to 0.9.1.pre1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Autorequire bundled libraries by default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-04","Merge remote branch 'mikel/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-01","Convert to class_attribute","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-01","Introduce class_attribute to declare inheritable class a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-02-01","Bump arel dependency to 0.2.0 from 0.2.pre","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-29","Cherry-pick bd74060 from i18n master to fix broken strin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Ensure test sets json time format flag","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Missed template change for defaults -> default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Rename 'defaults' class method to 'default' to reflect t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Attend to brittle mailer generator tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Clear up some ivar warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Fix time comparison. Mail#date returns DateTime not Time.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Expected attachment encoding is binary","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","self.defaults => default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Remove unbundle changelogs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-28","Merge remote branch 'mikel/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-26","Merge remote branch 'fxn/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-08","Liberalize picky test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-08","Merge remote branch 'mikel/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-08","Qualify constant lookup in BasicObject","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-07","Revert "Remove connection method definition, since it's ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-07","Remove unneeded reliance on super -> method_missing quirk","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-07","Remove unneeded reliance on Numeric#round quirk","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-05","Controller tests should always require view tests since ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-05","Reinstate explicit active_support/test_case require sinc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-03","Skip isolation test tests until they work","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-03","Revert "Remove optional join_dependency argument as Rela...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-01","Ruby 1.9.2: explicit coercion check no longer needed; bu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-01","Fix new year heisenbug","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-01","Merge commit 'josevalim/inheritance'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2010-01-01","Merge commit 'mikel/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-31","Clarify assertion","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-31","Fix controller runtime test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-31","Revert "Add config.action_controller.include behavior to...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-31","Fix up AR extension by using Railties module instead of ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-31","Remove self-require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-31","Partially revert "ActionDispatch should require as littl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-30","depends on Module#attr_internal","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-30","Merge commit 'josevalim/arlog'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-30","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-30","Merge commit 'josevalim/callbacks'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-30","Merge commit 'mikel/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-30","Revert "Add default respond_to formats to ApplicationCon...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-29","Clean up changelog a bit","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-29","Merge branch 'mail'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-29","Move mail gem dep to Action Mailer's gemspec","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-29","Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/mikel/rails in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-29","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-29","Complain if there's no such middleware","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-29","Silence some trivial warnings: shadowed local vars, inde...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Don't publicize with_scope for tests since it may shadow...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Fix uniqueness validation: with_exclusive_scope is not p...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Fix pg test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Fix pg test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Merge commit 'Fingertips/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","rake smoke: toplevel task to quickly smoke-test all proj...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Use present rather than any","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Fix copy/pasted test class name","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Fix ruby version test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-28","Merge commit 'josevalim/validations'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-27","String#exclude? core extension: inverse of #include?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-27","Ruby 1.9: string is not enumerable, so #exclude? is not ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-27","Typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-27","Use i18n","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-27","Require bundled environment, if present, so Active Suppo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-24","Fix new schema test dependency on Hash#to_xml","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-24","Fix reference to Application#configuration to use #config","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-24","Routing: fix that route shorthand shouldn't ignore other...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-24","Fix Rack::Lock middleware condition: use *unless* we all...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-24","Shift more responsibility from application class to its ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-23","Fix bare string Rack response bodies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-22","Blog -> Blog::Application. Leave the toplevel module up ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-21","Missed changelog entry for :inverse_of","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-07","Ruby 1.9.2: explicitly raise NoMethodError for explicit ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-07","Ruby 1.9.2: explicitly raise NoMethodError for explicit ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-07","Remove assert_raises usage that only test-unit 1 support...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-07","Ruby 1.9.2: exclude to_str from explicit coercion check too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-07","Ruby 1.9.2: explicitly raise NoMethodError for attempts ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-06","Ruby 1.9: don't rely on . in load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-02","Ensure Cache-Control max-age is an integer","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-01","Avoid using unrequired core extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-01","rails:update:configs updates boot.rb and the rest of con...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-01","Reinstate rails:update:configs task removed in e1fdc8b","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-01","Fix rails:update:scripts","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-12-01","Fix caching test to ensure notifications are all delivered","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-29","Notifications: synchronous fanout queue pushes events to...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-28","Notifications: extract central Notifier, cordon off the ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-28","Remark that Listener is an implementation detail","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-28","Expose a simple Queue#wait to block until all notificati...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-28","Revert "Create SyncListener. Since they do not rely on T...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-28","Expand path relative to __FILE__","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-25","Revert "macruby: no format_datetime or msg2str"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-24","Use Rails.env after loading environment","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-24","Add a dead --irb option mentioning upgrade path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-24","Set RAILS_ENV before loading config/environment","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-24","RAILS_ENV falls back to RACK_ENV","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-23","Merge branch 'master' into mail","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-23","Merge commit 'mikel/master' into mail","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-23","Pending test now passing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-23","Revert "Revert "Assert primary key does not exist in hab...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-23","Add mail dep to AM gemspec","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-22","Never require jcode","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-22","Rely on gemspec and bundled env for gem dependency. We j...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-22","Rails 3: move core_ext/blank to core_ext/object/blank fo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-22","Explicit source no longer needed, default gems source po...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-22","Bundle mail 1.2.8","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-22","Merge commit 'origin/master' into mail","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-22","macruby: no format_datetime or msg2str","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-21","Fix Rails::Rack::Static deprecated constant proxy","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-20","Update gemspec also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-19","Revert "Final steps toward clean rails "foo"; cd foo; ge...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-19","Fix test bleed","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-18","Check whether another lib has implemented ruby 1.9 strin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-18","Extract form_authenticity_param instance method so it's ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-18","Extract form_authenticity_param instance method so it's ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-17","Revert "Ensure Model#destroy respects optimistic locking"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-17","Revert "Ensure Model#destroy respects optimistic locking"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-15","Ruby 1.9: skip pg locking test for 1.9.1 also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Repair time dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Loosen i18n gem deps from ~> to >=","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Loosen optional gem deps from ~> to >=","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Remove Gemfile deps duplicated from AP gemspec","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Just use abstract_unit","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Fix bundler environment check","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","No need for test stub","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","No need to check for generated method, just redispatch","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Ruby 1.9.2: use recursive flatten","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Skip pg locking test due to connection checkout deadlock...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Consolidate date & time landscape: require 'active_suppo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Ruby 1.9.2: fix flatten_deeper to preserve nils","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","CI: test AR + sqlite 2 on 1.8 only","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Notifications: queue.drained? for testability in place o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Fix duration check for longer sleep","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Ruby 1.9: skip fcgi handler tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","CI: slow down brittle notifications tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","CI: upgrade mysql, mocha, sqlite3-ruby","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Remove weird zombie test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-14","Ruby 1.9: remove dep on T::U::AssertionFailedError","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Revert "Split arel_table into method to get a relation a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Test railties earlier rather than having to wait through AR","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: StringIO no longer has #path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: use super rather than raise our own NoMethod...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: StringIO no longer has #path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: prefer Array.wrap to [foo].flatten","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","test-unit 2: filter_backtrace is private","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: fix broken to_ary expectation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: fix broken to_ary expectation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: disallow explicit coercion via method_missin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: disallow explicit coercion via method_missin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Rescue handlers should never need array wrapping. Bug if...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Split arel_table into method to get a relation and anoth...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Missing customers fixture","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Uses Hash#reverse_merge","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: avoid #flatten","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Prefer Array.wrap to Array()","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Ruby 1.9.2: work around Array allowing method_missing fo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-13","Test that Array.wrap works with proxy objects and structs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-12","Always bundle pg and mysql for AR tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","Update AR logger subscriber for Notifications subscriber...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","test-unit 2: filter_backtrace is private","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","CI: yeah, run those tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","CI: short-circuit at first failing task. Chmod 755 bin, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","Rack: HTTPS is either 'on' or 'off' as of 9b7a0569e4067d...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","CI: list bundled gems in build environment","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","Unify test:isolated across components and run by default...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","CI: missed mysql gem in bundle","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","Back to rack master, rack-1.0 reverts the kind_of? Strin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","Revert "Revert "Eliminate warning with layout is unset""","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","test-unit 2 compat: assert_raise doesn't support regexp ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","Revert "Eliminate warning with layout is unset"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-11","CI: rearrange build order, AR last","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","CI: no system gems required","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Bundle rack-1.0 branch","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Eliminate warning with layout is unset","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","CI: bundle test-unit on 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Revert "Eliminate warning with layout is unset"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","CI: return result of last rake task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","CI: shush complaints about 777 perms","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Use an env var to expand the CI bundle. Using bundler's ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Ruby 1.9: don't bundle fcgi at all for CI","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Make root_dir a method so rails can call it","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Bump AR.gemspec Arel dep too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Use bundled bin/rake","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Rely on bundler for gem deps instead of geminstaller","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Get rack from rails/rack.git. Introduce ci-only deps.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Bump CI mocha to 0.9.8 and rack to 1.0.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Be sure to invoke the super chain! And initialize respon...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Eliminate warning by initializing nil formats","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Eliminate warning with layout is unset","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Bump arel dep to 0.2.pre","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Ruby 1.9: bump CI mysql from 2.7 -> 2.8.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Ruby 1.9: fix Relation respond_to? and method_missing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Resolve deadlock in pooled connections test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Fix generated performance test helper requires","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Contortions to work around brittle naming dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Revert "the REXML security fix is not needed for Ruby >=...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Clarify failed assertion","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Ditto","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Fix missing dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-10","Remark when bundled env require fails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Ruby 1.9.2: work around inherited hook being called befo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Merge commit 'fxn/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Bump AP gem dependencies to upgrade Rack to 1.0.1 and to...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Bump CI rack to 1.0.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Merge commit 'brynary/2-3-stable' into 2-3-stable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Merge commit 'brynary/fix-master-warnings'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Bump Rack to 1.0.1. Ensure integration test input is ASCII.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Shush","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Work around Float faux precision","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Ruby 1.9 doesn't recognize EM SPACE as whitespace, break...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Silence spurious warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Ruby 1.9.2: URI.parse and .decode are deprecated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Remove reliance on string access core extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Revert "Ruby 1.9.2: avoid Array#to_s and Array(nil)"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Make Rakefile usable outside of base dir","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Remove string access core extension dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Fix arg destructure","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Fix unresolved string extension dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Work around assert_raise limitation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Ruby 1.9.2: work around changes to flatten and nil.to_str","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Ruby 1.9.2: avoid Array#to_s and Array(nil)","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-09","Ruby 1.9: use method_name to work around miniunit API ch...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-08","Unknown :format param should result in empty request.for...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-06","Fix generators tests that expect a class name","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-06","If class doesn't have a name, there's no implied layout ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-06","Ruby 1.9: Rack apps must *always* take an env arg on 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-06","Shush","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-05","Ruby 1.9: don't assume params are US-ASCII. Hands off th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-05","Ruby 1.9: fix number precision test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Ruby 1.9: resolve constant lookup issues","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Ruby 1.9: more constant lookup badness :(","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Ruby 1.9: work around constant resolution behavior chang...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Turn off --debug for gem bundle. Force gem update.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Give useful test:isolated failures","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Add bundler 0.6.0 to CI geminstaller","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Try to remotely troubleshoot bundler issue in CI","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Configure generator when needed rather than during initi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-04","Improve Gemfile commentary","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Use spoofed version bump to ensure git is preferred","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Force gemcutter source to ensure a consistent arel version","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Work around rebundling issue","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Arel::In -> Arel::Predicates::In","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Clarify date/time dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Consolidate Object#to_param and #to_query core extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Ruby 1.9.2: rational.rb is deprecated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Ruby 1.9.2: URI.escape is obsolete","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Ruby 1.9 doesn't recognize EM SPACE as whitespace, break...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-11-03","Give useful test:isolated failures","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-28","Fix test failures due to requiring rails without AS in l...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-27","Fix broken tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-27","Remove old per-component bundled environments first","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-27","Tweak CI for toplevel gem bundle","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-23","Use rails/rack-mount","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Missed cherry-pick from 2e37effd7203cad84459661e11db2be4...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Simplify path expansions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Missed Gemfile commits","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Bundle for railties tests too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Use bundled env for tests only","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Bundle arel for AR integration tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Only undef to_json if it's defined","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Merge commit 'josevalim/fixes'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Error message references application.rb instead of envir...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Bump arel requirement to 0.1.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Check for environment.rb","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-20","Check for bundler environment or 2.x-style vendor/rails ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-19","Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-17","Use rails/rack","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-16","Remove framework subscriber tests which depends on AR, w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-16","Get rid of stray require again","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-16","Merge branch 'master' into orchestra","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Kill rake bundle","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Fix AM tests by configuring AV","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","AP tests depend on AR","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Don't push siblings on load path if using bundled env","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","AV expects options[:locals] to be a Hash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","CI bundles Active Record dependencies before running (pu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Merge branch 'arel'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Clarify AR dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Fix env path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Include bundled env in toplevel require, if present","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","No more toplevel arel sibling","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Explicitly require logger","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Merge branch 'master' into arel","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-15","Move from git submodule to gem bundle","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-14","Revert "Get AS TestCase off deprecated callbacks"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-14","Revert "Rewrite AS::TestCase setup/teardown as a single ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-14","Revert "Missing requires"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-14","Fix tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-11","Bundle with system gem sources rather than gems.rubyforg...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-11","Fix generators load paths","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-10","Mark html safety","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-10","Mark html safety","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-10","Uses fileutils","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-10-10","To unmarshal MissingSourceFile from child","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Nah, test SHA1, but skip the test and whine if OpenSSL i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Test with MD5 digest in an attempt to mollify CI","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Use ActiveModel::TestCase base class","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Use OpenSSL::Digest.const(...).new instead of OpenSSL::D...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Explicitly require String#bytesize extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Skip addition to load path if an externally-provided lib...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Restore split between require-time and runtime load path...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Convert the other vendored libs to avoid pulling in old ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-25","Avoid inadvertently loading an old tzinfo gem","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-18","Extract class-finder method from instantiate","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-17","Collapse nested conditional","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-17","Fix brittle content-type check. [#1956 state:committed]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-17","Fix brittle content-type check. [#1956 state:committed]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Require rubygems in generators test so Action Dispatch c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Require active_support after autoload setup","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Style bikeshed: prefer obvious string paths with / separ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Fix deprecated gem-name requires","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Cherry-pick core extensions. Don't explicitly require ru...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Remove premature active_support/mini","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Uses extlib_inheritable_accessor","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Use abort","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-14","Skip parent isolation tests too","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Shush, new_callbacks","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Shush, rexml","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Prefer not to shadow a local","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Ignore isolation test tests for test-unit 2 also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Fix failing dependencies test relying on . being in LOAD...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Extract repetitive method","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Clean up spurious JSON decoding test failure","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Clean up spurious JSON decoding test failure","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix regexp slice test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix regexp slice test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Ruby 1.9: fix Time#beginning_of_day inaccuracy due to su...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Ruby 1.9: fix Time#beginning_of_day inaccuracy due to su...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Ruby 1.9 compat: no . in load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Silence warning for Encoding.default_external=","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Use Encoding.default_external, not _internal","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Silence warning for Encoding.default_external=","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Use Encoding.default_external, not _internal","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Silence warning for Encoding.default_external=","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","Use Encoding.default_external, not _internal","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-13","activesupport -> active_support","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-12","activesupport -> active_support","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-08","Ruby 1.9: fix MessageVerifier#secure_compare","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-08","Fix AS test breakage","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-08","Ruby 1.9: fix MessageVerifier#secure_compare","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-08","Ruby 1.9: fix MessageVerifier#secure_compare","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-02","Revert "Assert primary key does not exist in habtm when ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-09-02","Revert "Assert primary key does not exist in habtm when ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-28","Prefer utf8_unicode_ci (better) over utf8_general_ci (fa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-28","Prefer utf8_unicode_ci (better) over utf8_general_ci (fa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-26","Revert "I18n: use I18n for select helpers' prompt text"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-26","Revert "I18n: use I18n for select helpers' prompt text"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-25","Fix typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-25","Benchmark script via miloops' arel fork via DataMapper's...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-25","Fix typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-24","Add active_support/all for forward compatibility.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-22","Ruby 1.9: fix Time#beginning_of_day inaccuracy due to su...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-21","Benchmark script via miloops' arel fork via DataMapper's...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-16","2-3-stable CI notifies rails core list","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-16","Bump pg gem requirement to 0.8.0. Build psql db with UTF...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-16","Bump pg gem requirement to 0.8.0. Build psql db with UTF...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-15","Normalize route generation order: associations, yield bl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-15","Normalize route generation order: associations, yield bl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-15","Refine the deprecated route check to explicitly check wh...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-15","Skip isolation test tests when using MiniTest","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-11","'would of' => 'will be'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-10","Fix test dependency on taggings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-10","Fix test dependency on taggings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-10","pare down core_ext dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Fix failing dependencies test relying on . being in LOAD...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Extract repetitive method","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Uses &:foo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Fix standalone test missing developer fixture","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Fix that RedCloth shouldn't be required to run tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Fix that RedCloth shouldn't be required to run tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Setting connection timeout also affects Net::HTTP open_t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Setting connection timeout also affects Net::HTTP open_t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-09","Ruby 1.9 compat: can't implicitly set instance var using...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-08","Fix caller in assert_redirected_to deprecation warning.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-08","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix route recognition encoding test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-08","Ruby 1.9.2: implicit argument passing of super from meth...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-08","Don't rely on T::U::TestCase#name","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-07","Ruby 1.9.2: Object#id is gone now","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-07","Merge branch 'oracle_enhanced'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-06","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-06","Merge branch '2-3-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-02","Ruby 1.9: fix encoding for test_file_stream","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-02","Ruby 1.9: fix reloader tests using lambdas with no env arg","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-02","Ruby 1.9: fix encoding for test_file_stream","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-02","Extract String#bytesize shim","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-02","Fix errant require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-02","Extract String#bytesize shim","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-02","SQLite: deprecate the 'dbfile' option in favor of 'datab...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-08-02","SQLite: drop support for 'dbfile' option in favor of 'da...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-07-29","Revert "Methods invoked within named scope Procs should ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-07-29","Revert "Methods invoked within named scope Procs should ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-07-01","JSON.escape returns UTF-8 strings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-07-01","JSON.escape returns UTF-8 strings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-07-01","uses Hash#except/slice","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-07-01","Merge branch '2-3-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-07-01","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-19","Turn on autolist for debugging also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-19","Turn on autolist for debugging also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-19","Friendlier runtime exception if delegatee is nil","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-19","Friendlier runtime exception if delegatee is nil","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-18","Delegated methods report the expected file/line in backt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-18","Delegated methods report the expected file/line in backt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-18","Use errors[field] instead of errors.on(field)","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-12","Update memcache-client to 1.7.4 for cheaper timeouts","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-10","Remove dead AbstractRequest autoload","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Lazier Rakefile requires to avoid needing full rake gem ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Clearer String#first and #last edge cases. Fix that 'foo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Fix AR json encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Qualify constant references in BasicObjects","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Prefer JSON.encode(value) to value.to_json","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Simplify json decoder backend lazy load","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Add #element and #collection to ModelName","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Lazier Rakefile requires to avoid needing full rake gem ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Ruby 1.9: sqlite escape encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Failsafe doesn't return bare String body","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Check for to_str instead of String","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Integration tests use Rack::Lint on 1.9 also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Uses Hash#symbolize_keys","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Prefer JSON.encode(value) to value.to_json","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","each yields per message not per attribute","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Simplify json decoder backend lazy load","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Fix AR json encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Add #element and #collection to ModelName","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-09","Update for Active Model yielding per error not per attri...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","Ruby 1.9: fix json encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","Ruby 1.9: fix json encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","Explicitly qualify constants in BasicObjects","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","Use to_json instead of rails_to_json","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","Use as_json instead of rails_to_json","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","JSON: split encoding and coercion","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","Don't rely on Rails.logger","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","JSON: split encoding and coercion","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","Revert rails_to_json -> to_json so we don't break compat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-08","Don't rely on Rails.logger","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-06","Pull in time extensions also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-06","Prefer sibling action_controller","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-01","Fix initializer i18n path test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-06-01","Ensure ERB source begins with the encoding comment","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-30","Sidestep need for Kernel#silence_warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-30","Depend on Hash#slice and Object#try","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-30","Tolerate missing logger","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-30","Use URI and Inflector","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-30","html-scanner uses Set and class_inheritable_accessor","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-30","Depend on Hash#diff extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-30","AM::StateMachine autoloads","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-28","Ruby 1.9: ERB template encoding using a magic comment at...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-28","Ruby 1.9: flushing the output buffer preserves its encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-28","Reinstate pending output buffer tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-28","Ruby 1.9: use UTF-8 for default internal and external en...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-27","Rename tools/profile_requires -> tools/profile since we ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-27","add a metal to minimal examples for comparison","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-25","Don't want Rack's Content-Type default header though","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-25","Construct a single HeaderHash. Speed up assign_default_c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-25","Compare Base with Http","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-24","Speed up Request#formats","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-24","runner class","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-23","test depends on html-scanner","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-23","Restore some missing test constants","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-23","Move testing_sandbox to test/lib","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-23","Cordon off missing filter methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-23","Port cookies to new base","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Remove gratuitous filter_chain internal testing. Not par...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Verbose test_new_base_on_old_tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Move active_record_unit to shared load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Move fake controllers and models to a common load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Set ENV['NEW'] to run any test task with the new Base.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Complain if new_base/abstract_unit was already loaded","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Move misplaced test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't rely on lexical scoping since the...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Move Safari response-padding fix to Rails2Compatibility....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Dead local","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-22","Fewer runs by default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-21","Clean up tools/profile_requires a bit","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-21","Avoid uninitialized instance variable warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-21","Single-require forward compatibility with new Ruby featu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-21","Extract autoloads","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-21","Remove 'core' fluff. Hookable ActiveSupport.load_all!","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-21","Break out Symbol#to_proc as a future-ruby extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-21","Break up misc Object extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-21","Remove bad add","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-20","Massage setup for old tests on new base","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-20","Wrap string body in an array","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-20","Ruby 1.9 stdlib gems don't recognize .pre yet","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-19","Lazy-require Kernel#silence_warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-19","Mark pending release in changelog instead of edge","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Include acts_as_string?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Fix imprecise float comparison","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Missing 1.8.7 backport extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Revert "Get AR CI passing again by requiring the entire ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Extract json string escaping","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-18","Only Object to_json alias is needed. Prefer nil options.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-15","Active Support dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-14","Minimal base/new_base comparison","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-14","Cherry-picking Active Support extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-14","Simple example for require profiling","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-13","Simple examples for require profiling","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-13","Cherry-pick core extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-13","isolated_test task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-13","Remove support for deprecated validation message interpo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-13","Preserve ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-13","Defer rake/contrib requires so we can use the stdlib rak...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-12","Defer rake/contrib/sshpublisher require so we can use th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-11","Revert "Fixed bug with polymorphic has_one :as pointing ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-11","Revert "Fixed bug with polymorphic has_one :as pointing ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-11","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-08","Check for date/time methods that moved upstream in 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-08","Defer rake/contrib/sshpublisher require so basic tasks d...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-07","Tool for profiling resource usage in each require call.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-06","Fix tests on 1.8.6","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-06","Fix old reference to ActionController::Failsafe","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-06","Cherry pick Active Support dependencies. Autoload.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-06","Remove superfluous CGI require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-06","Prefer sibling Active Support","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-06","Cherry-pick the inflector only","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-02","Fix implicit ordering expectation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-02","Fix implicit ordering expectation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-02","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-02","Check for sibling Active Support first","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-01","Selectively require rake sshpublisher so full gem isn't ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-01","Selectively require rake sshpublisher so full gem isn't ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-01","Explicitly require builder for to_xml","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-01","Explicitly require builder for to_xml","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-01","Work around count returning string (bug)","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-01","Use public submodule url","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-05-01","Make ruby-debug optional","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-30","Missed commit for 7c4b325e0a3a73d7910b8cad062d1154d47e225b","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-30","Fix render :json => nil [#2589 state:resolved]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-30","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-30","Fix render :json => nil [#2589 state:resolved]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-30","Work around Float faux precision","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-30","Convert params keys to strings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-30","Prefer behavior check to RUBY_VERSION to catch 1.8 backp...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-29","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-29","Rejig active support dependencies to behave better with ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-29","Fix missing core extension dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Can't please them all","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Sufficient to test that multipart/mixed wasn't parsed to...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Don't return bare string as rack body","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Make it clearer that session is nil","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Fix differing rails_to_json arity","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Use Array.wrap","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Use __send__ for BasicObject friendliness","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Now that we have a separate internal rails_to_json, use ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Use javascript_object_for","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Check for to_str rather than String","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Array splitting strings on newlines is deprecated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Not sure why Request#session is missing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-27","Use session= writer methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Convert encoding before escaping","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Don't assume :params is a Hash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Check for to_str rather than String","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Don't undefine object_id","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Privatize rails_to_json","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Extract json string escaping","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Only Object to_json alias is needed. Prefer nil options.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Qualify toplevel constant references since we're in a Ba...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-26","Track object ids so the objects needn't respond to ==","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-25","test uses Pathname","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-24","Use Symbol#to_proc in rails plugin internals","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-23","Removed rest of Symbol#to_proc from railties tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-23","Missed one","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-23","Remove Symbol#to_proc dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-23","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-23","Fix dependencies revealed by testing in isolation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-23","new_callbacks core extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-23","Fix tests on 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Merge branch 'master' into cherry","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Opt in to JSON","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Opt in to Dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","No more free lunch","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","stdlib autoloads were hanging on 1.9.1","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Merge branch '2-3-stable' of git@github.com:rails/rails ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Get Active Model in the mix","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Divert CoreExtensions mention in docs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Convert string extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","ActiveSupport.core_ext bridge util no longer used","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Switch last module core extension to class reopen","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Merge branch 'master' into cherry","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-22","Rack::Utils.body_to_s doesn't exist in 1.0","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-21","Merge branch 'master' into cherry","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-21","Reinstate Base#render_to_string. Introduce AbstractContr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-21","Merge branch 'master' into cherry","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-21","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-21","Merge branch 'master' into cherry","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-21","Move AS::Duration autoload to core/time/autoload","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-20","Clearer String#first and #last edge cases. Fix that 'foo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-20","Treating strings as enumerable is deprecated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","Autoload I18n simple backend","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","Autoload YAML and StringScanner for JSON decoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","Autoload StringScanner for pre-1.9 String#each_char","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","Remove rarely-used DRb cache store","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","Eliminate Pathname extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","Dice up ActiveSupport::Deprecation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","Fix core/all require of adjacent core features","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","Fix core/time require of DateTime core extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-18","render_for_text pushes a body part instead of replacing ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-17","Don't set Content-Length in Base#response_body= since bo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-17","Rename render_to_string to render_to_body since it may r...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-17","Clearer String#first and #last edge cases. Fix that foo....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-17","Clearer String#first and #last edge cases. Fix that foo....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-14","Fix requires so tests run","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-08","Insert in sorted order to avoid TimeZone sort","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-08","autoload Pathname","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-04-08","Unneeded require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-31","Encapsulate date/time core extensions and constant autol...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Feature detection for Range#step extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert Range step and include extension modules to clas...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","JRuby doesn't have UnboundMethod#name","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit test dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit BigDecimal extension dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Fix require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit test dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit File#atomic_write dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit test dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Distinguish missing memcache from missing memcache server","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Avoid need for Enumerable#sum extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on Duration, numeric times, and date...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on Proc#bind extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on OrderedHash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on Hash#deep_merge extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on Object#instance_values extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on Array#wrap extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on String#start_with? extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on multibyte String extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on Module extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert Time conversions extension module to class reopen","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit dependency on Date calculations extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert String conversions, filters, starts/ends_with, a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert Range conversions extension module to class reopen","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert Numeric bytes and time extension modules to clas...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert Module aliasing and introspection extension modu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert Integer time extension module to class reopen","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert Hash conversions extension module to class reopen","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert DateTime extensions to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Convert Date calculations and conversions extension modu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Tease out Object#acts_like? behaviors","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Unneeded util require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explicit class attribute accessor, benchmark, and NameEr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-29","Explict class attribute accessor dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-27","Explicit Time/DateTime dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-27","Hack in env variable setting for Dependencies.mechanism","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-27","Narrow dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-27","Explicit NameError dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-27","Convert Time extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-27","Convert DateTime extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-27","Fix timezone test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Extract time fixes into separate extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Remove core ext dependency from test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Explicitly require core extension under test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Explicit dependency on Inflector and Object#blank?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Explicit dependency on class_inheritable_accessor","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Remove unnecessary use of Kernel#silence_warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Explicit dependency on Array#extract_options!","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Document NameError extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Don't require out of load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Condense to Kernel#with_warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-25","Indentation, superfluous self","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-24","Move Numeric#to_utc_offset_s to TimeZone.seconds_to_utc_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-22","Namespace HashWithIndifferentAccess","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-22","Hide XmlMini backend details from rdoc","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","try is an object extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Convert Range extension module to a class reopen","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Convert Numeric extension module to a class reopen","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Fix dangling Inflector reference","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Convert LoadError extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Convert integer extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Convert hash extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Explicitly require set","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Simplify Enumerable#each_with_object","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Explicitly require pathname core extension","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Convert date extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","blank? and duplicable? are Object extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Convert bigdecimal extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Convert array extension modules to class reopens","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Simple singleton. We don't need the full monty.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Only require builder at startup if we need to monkey wit...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","Prefer a less intrusive BlankSlate-alike that doesn't ho...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-21","* Introduce ActiveSupport.core_ext Integer, %w(conversio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-19","Merge branch 'master' into bodyparts","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-19","pluginize concurrent block body part","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-18","Merge branch 'master' into bodyparts","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-16","Pare down unit test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-14","Less ceremony","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Extract output buffer test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Simplify parts and tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Fix tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Example using an edge side include body part to fetch qu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Body parts: future rendering, threaded future, queued fu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Extract Response#string_body?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Merge branch 'master' into bodyparts","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Introduce flush_output_buffer to append the buffer to th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-13","Return body parts directly to Rack rather than building ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-12","Change naming to match 2.2 so life is easier on plugin d...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-12","Eliminate internal render stack since we only need its h...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-12","Eliminate internal render stack since we only need its h...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-11","Don't duplicate :order from scope and options, it makes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-11","Don't duplicate :order from scope and options, it makes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-11","Strip invalid leading whitespace error uncovered by noko...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-10","Make it easier to swap XmlMini backends. Require Nokogir...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-10","Properly set up libxml includes. Don't include LibXML in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-09","Use the REXML parser by default. XmlMini.backend = 'LibX...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-09","Require libxml-ruby 0.9.4 or 0.9.7 pending a segfault bu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-09","Revert "Revert "XmlMini supports different backend parse...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-08","Prototype helpers support the onCreate callback.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-08","Ruby 1.9 compat: rename deprecated assert_raises to asse...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-08","Ensure Active Support is loaded locally rather than from...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-05","Fix OrderedHash#inspect recursion","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-04","Fix OrderedHash#to_hash to return self instead of a new ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-04","Skip backtrace filters if BACKTRACE environment variable...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-03-02","Revert "Speed up script/console by launching IRB directly."","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-27","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-27","Skip console test when using minitest","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-27","Skip backtrace filter test when using minitest","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: limit const_defined?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-27","Invoke tests with the same ruby","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-25","Fix test failure introduced by 6099f261ea7c624aa45b47be7...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-24","Update bundled memcache-client from to","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-22","Don't depend on project.developers ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-21","Update changelog for URI.unescape fix","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-21","Update changelog for URI.unescape fix","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-21","Broaden URI.unescape fix to all affected 1.9.x by checki...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-21","Broaden URI.unescape fix to all affected 1.9.x by checki...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-21","URI.unescape fix removes the old unescape method","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-21","URI.unescape fix removes the old unescape method","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-10","Add missing test for parsing a multivalued query string","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-07","Handle either error string or array","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-07","Oops, don't yield per expression","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Test jdbc adapters by default on jruby","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Test AR integration with jdbcsqlite3 adapter on jruby","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Fix example and exception message","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Work around mock request hashing problem on 1.9 and jruby","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Prefer tap to returning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Remove dummy Object#try before aliasing it","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Avoid circular require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Add sibling AS to load path for testing to ensure gems a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Use Array.wrap, remove unneeded returning block","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Introduce Array.wrap(foo) to wrap the argument in an arr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Include failed difference expression in assert message","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Remove dead testing core_ext","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Work around enumerable string deprecation warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-06","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-04","Migrations: make default database connection overridable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-04","Ruby 1.9 compat: use String#each_line instead of #each","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-04","Require rubygems","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-04","Update ci config to use mocha 0.9.5","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-04","Ruby 1.9: force ascii encoding for comparison with utf8 ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-04","Bump mocha requirement for Ruby 1.9 compat. Remove uses_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-03","Workaround jruby issue with protected module attr_access...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-02-03","Don't assume ActiveRecord is available","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-31","Remove dead cgi_ext require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-31","Remove duplicate ConcurrentHash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-31","Ruby 1.9 compat: omit Rack::Lint from integration tests ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-31","Fix unsorted array comparison","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-31","Ruby 1.9 compat: work around that String is not Enumerable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-27","Use toplevel reference to ::StringIO since we're in a Ba...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-17","Fix performance regression","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-17","Skip respond_to check so rack.input doesn't have to impl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-15","Don't append limit to primary key column definition. Fre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-15","Don't append limit to primary key column definition. Fre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-10","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-10","Introduce transaction_joinable flag to mark that the fix...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-10","Merge branch 'master' into savepoints","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-09","Fix test broken by test process changes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-09","Remove Content-Length header from :no_content responses","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-09","Set assigns for integration tests also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-09","Take care not to mix in public methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-09","Use instance_eval instead of adding an accessor to the c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-09","Include process methods in ActionController::TestCase on...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-09","Object#tap for Ruby < 1.8.7","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-08","Fix test broken by test process changes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-07","Remove Content-Length header from :no_content responses","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-07","Set assigns for integration tests also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-07","Take care not to mix in public methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-07","Use instance_eval instead of adding an accessor to the c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-07","Include process methods in ActionController::TestCase on...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-07","Object#tap for Ruby < 1.8.7","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-07","Fix failing flash test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-06","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-06","Consolidate test_help requires","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-06","Explicitly require AS::TestCase","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-01","Only silence backtrace from plugin lib dirs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-01","Test that exceptions raised in filters are properly rescued","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-01","Fix formatted_* deprecation message","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-01","Clean trailing / after rails root from backtraces","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2009-01-01","Don't construct object deprecation proxy if unneeded","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-31","Only silence backtrace from plugin lib dirs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-31","Test that exceptions raised in filters are properly rescued","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-30","Fix formatted_* deprecation message","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-30","Clean trailing / after rails root from backtraces","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-30","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-29","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-22","Don't construct object deprecation proxy if unneeded","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-19","Cheaper metal cascade","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-19","Use LogTailer","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-18","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-18","Ensure rack.multithread is set back to original value. A...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-18","No need to dup immutable options","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-18","Be sure to call super","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-18","Rename Rails::Rack::Logger -> LogTailer. Speed up log mt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-18","Cheaper log tail time comparison","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-16","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-16","Revert "Make constantize look into ancestors"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-16","Revert "Make constantize look into ancestors"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-16","Revert "Make constantize look into ancestors"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-15","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-15","Make constantize look into ancestors","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-15","Fix Array#forty_two test case spelling","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-10","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-10","Revert "Fix: counter_cache should decrement on deleting ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-10","Revert "Fix: counter_cache should decrement on deleting ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-10","Revert "Fix: counter_cache should decrement on deleting ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-10","Add ActiveRecord::VERSION autoload","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-10","Fix ActionController autoloads","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-09","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-09","Fix tests broken by switch to Pathname","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-09","Benchmark.ms","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-09","How'd that sneak in there?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-09","Fix failing test introduced by optional-format routes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-09","Use full path to environment","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-08","Changelog entry for #1294","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-08","Changelog entry for #1397","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-04","Remove config dir from the load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-03","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-03","Require rack/utils explicitly","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-03","Unnecessary CGI require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-03","Fix failsafe response path. [#1504 state:committed]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-01","Simplify Request#path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-01","Simplify REMOTE_ADDR parsing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-12-01","Deprecated formatted_polymorphic_url","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-30","Load app initializers by path relative to Rails.root","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-30","Extract named_helper module_eval so it's easier to override","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-30","Extract named_helper module_eval so it's easier to override","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-30","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-30","Turn on debugger autoeval","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-27","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: no Unicode normalization support yet","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: CGI#escape_skipping_slashes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-27","MiniTest::Unit#method_name alias for Test::Unit compat","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-27","Ensure Test::Unit::Assertions is available","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","No need to have #generate and #generate_extras per instance","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Simpler and clearer to just explicitly require the JSON ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Autoload ActiveSupport::XmlMini","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Require as little of REXML as possible to apply the enti...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Lazy-require CGI for Object#to_query","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Rename use_transactional_fixtures? so it doesn't collide...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Extract XmlMini. Namespace FileLike extension.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Rescue OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError or OpenSSL::CipherEr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Remove XmlSimple dependencies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Unbundled XmlSimple","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Explicitly require Active Support for tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","AS::Dependencies also has core extensions; don't autoloa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Explicitly require Action View also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Explicitly require AS::Deprecation for the SecretKeyGene...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Skip fcgi dispatcher tests if fcgi lib isn't available","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Explicitly require action_view to bring in its i18n load...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Really remove components.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Rename Rails::Info.components to frameworks","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Add config.preload_frameworks to load all frameworks at ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-25","Initializer#env relies on StringInquirer autoload. Style...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","JSON can't be autoloaded since it includes core extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Ruby 1.9 compat: explicitly require delegate for cookie'...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Require builder before fast_xs so we don't tickle its ov...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Explicitly require Builder in test that uses it","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Revert "Hack builder to look for fast_xs instead of insi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Autoload HTML::Document and sanitizers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Drop unneeded drb require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Fix dangling tzinfo dependency","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Autoload ActiveSupport::Duration, Gzip, OptionMerger, Or...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Autoload cache stores","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Duration requires BasicObject in case it's autoloaded early","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-24","Lazy-require tzinfo for TimeZone","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Autoload ActiveSupport::SecureRandom and ::MessageVerifier","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Lazy-require tempfile for File#atomic_write","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Lazy-require DRb for ActiveSupport::Cache::DRbStore","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Lazy-require OpenSSL","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Lazy-require OpenSSL. Skip entirely if SecureRandom is a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Lazy-require XmlSimple. Move CGI require to object conve...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Require Mocha >= 0.9.3 which includes a MiniTest adapter","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Hack builder to look for fast_xs instead of insisting on...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Lazy-require builder lib","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Changelog for #1448. Mention updating old translations w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Changelog for #1448. Mention updating old translations w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Remove explicit tmail requires in favor of autoload","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Move deprecation assertions so TestCase (and Mocha) need...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Don't hide deeper LoadErrors","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Eliminate thread-local circular reference stack by passi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Don't include .rb suffix in core_ext requires","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Use a relative require for bundled rack lib","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Get ActiveSupport::TestCase working with classic Test::U...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't shadow local var with block arg","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Fix indentation mismatches","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Extract state query method definition and quiet method r...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","MiniTest compat: don't shadow @name","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","MiniTest compat: don't check for test/unit's assertion i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't use defined? on complex expressions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-23","Require mocha >= 0.9.0 for AS tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-20","Fix straggling references to Test::Unit::TestCase","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-20","Update changelog to reflect move from Test::Unit::TestCa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-20","Require mocha >= 0.9.0 for Active Support tests. Don't m...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-20","Mocha 0.9.0 compatibility for test setup/teardown callbacks","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-20","Mocha >= 0.9.0 must be available for Action Pack tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-19","Reflect default locale change from en-US to en","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-19","Reflect default locale change from en-US to en","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-19","Enumerable#none? conforms to Ruby 1.8.7 behavior","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-19","Require mocha for tests. Get rid of uses_mocha helper.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-19","Require mocha before the testcase overrides, otherwise i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-19","Eliminate method redefinition warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Explicitly require test/unit so tests autorun","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Wrap straggling mocha user with uses_mocha block","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Ruby 1.9 compat: rescue Exception since minitest's asser...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Ruby 1.9 compat: CGI switched back to Tempfile","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Workaround lack of Mocha on 1.9 (hasn't been updated for...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Explicitly require AS::Duration","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Explicitly require AS::Duration","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Prefer a feature check to a version check","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Remove deprecated Gem.manage_gems","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Use ActiveSupport::TestCase in generated test/test_helpe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-16","Lazy-require state machine internals when the module is ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-16","Use the Ruby load path for test_helper requires. Fix AM:...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-16","Require callbacks so AS::TestCase may be required in iso...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-15","Switch to AS::TestCase for assert_deprecated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-15","Add create_fixtures method for tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-15","Set up fixtures for AR tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-15","Appropriate test case subclasses to get assert_tag and a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-15","Merge branch 'master' into testing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-14","Move fixtures settings from AR::TestCase to railties tes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-14","Remove superfluous require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-14","Merge branch 'master' into testing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-14","Move fixtures settings from AR::TestCase to railties tes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-12","Move fixtures settings from AR::TestCase to railties tes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-12","Remove deprecated Gem.manage_gems","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-12","Prefer a feature check to a version check","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-11","Merge branch 'master' into testing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-11","Only track new constant definitions when we're reloading...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-11","Eliminate excess Regexp creation due to capture counting","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-11","Pare down object creation during route building","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-09","Ruby 1.9 compat: check for minitest's assertion also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-09","lazy-initialize already loaded fixtures map","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-09","Ruby 1.9 compat: rescue Exception since minitest's asser...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-09","Wrap straggling mocha user with uses_mocha block","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-09","Ruby 1.9 compat: CGI switched back to Tempfile","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-09","Workaround lack of Mocha on 1.9 (hasn't been updated for...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Merge branch 'master' into testing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Move sshpublisher require into the rake tasks that use i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Timeout the connection pool monitor on ruby 1.8 only","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Merge branch 'master' into testing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Merge branch 'master' into testing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Work around ruby 1.9 segfault","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Don't worry about attribute ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Check whether last arg is a Hash instead of duck-typing ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Use delete if the rhs is nil","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Merge branch 'master' into testing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-08","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Check whether last arg is a Hash instead of duck-typing ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Don't worry about attribute ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Use delete if the rhs is nil","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Set up fixtures in app's test_help","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Update AR tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","undef abstract methods instead of raising NotImplemented...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Update AR integration tests for TestCase changes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Move controller assertions from base TestCase to AC:: an...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Silence parens warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Remove fixtures from Test::Unit::TestCase. Mix in AR::Te...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Remove controller assertions from Test::Unit::TestCase. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Set AS::TestCase::Assertion to the underlying test excep...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Extract test method declaration","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Just rescue exception rather than checking for both mini...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Subclass AS::TestCase to get custom assertions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Safer but hacky minitest autorun override","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Rework testing extensions to reflect the recent miniunit...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Remove direct TestCase mixins. Add miniunit compatibility.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Don't shadow local with black arg","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Fix indentation mismatch","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-11-07","Mark utf-8 encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-10-24","Skip collection ids reader optimization if using :finder...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-10-06","Mark utf-8 source encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-10","Disable warnings in AP tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-09","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-09","Check for uninitialized instance variables","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-09","Check whether memoized ivar is initialized","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-09","Remove recognized_optimized method before redefining it","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-09","Use defined? check since @view_paths may be uninitialized","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-09","Fix indentation mismatch","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-09","Don't shadow arg with block var","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-09","BigDecimal to_s and yaml housekeeping","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-08","Revert "Revert "Raise UnknownAttributeError when unknown...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-07","Revert "Raise UnknownAttributeError when unknown attribu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: use method_defined? instead of instance...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-04","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-04","Rescue spurious failures in case dummy postgresql user o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-04","Deprecate %d and %s in message interpolation, but only i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-04","Fix transaction exception test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-04","still need to track whether we're the toplevel transaction","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-04","PostgreSQL: introduce transaction_active? rather than tr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-09-02","Database connections are now pooled, one pool per #estab...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-31","Get rid of 'Object#send!'. It was originally added becau...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-31","Fix tests that assumed implicit order by id","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-30","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-30","Fix bad merge from e21ed3e","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-29","Fix test to not assume which thread finishes first","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-29","Date#freeze bug doesn't affect Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-29","Date#freeze bug doesn't affect Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-29","Work around frozen Date memoization","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-29","Date#freeze bug doesn't affect Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-28","Fix indentation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-28","Missed changelog update for #501","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-28","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-28","respond_to? passes along splat args to avoid introducing...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-28","respond_to? passes along splat args to avoid introducing...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-27","Merge commit 'sven/i18n'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Include people and readers fixtures to fix test isolatio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Include people and readers fixtures to fix test isolatio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","fix tests relying on implicit ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","fix tests relying on implicit ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","PostgreSQL: pg driver expects nil instead of empty strin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","PostgreSQL: pg driver expects nil instead of empty strin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","um.. yeah","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","um.. yeah","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","fix another ordering failure","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","fix another ordering failure","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","fix tests relying on implicit ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","fix tests relying on implicit ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","ensure tests load sibling Active Support instead of a gem","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Ruby 1.9 compat: switch profile_options to superclass_de...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Harmonize framework require strategy. Don't add self to ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","strip trailing whitespace","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix test error masked by old String#eac...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-26","Work around frozen Date memoization","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-24","Update translations for pluralization key change from 'o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-24","Fix test to assign the module instead of a new instance","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-24","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-24","link_to_function and button_to_function shouldn't modify...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-24","Ruby 1.9 compat: update bundled i18n lib","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-24","Merge branch 'master' into i18n","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-24","Ruby 1.9 compat: Hash is now flattenable, so explicitly ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-23","Ruby 1.9 compat: set source encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-23","Ruby 1.9: silence some warnings for block args shadowing...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-23","Ruby 1.9: constantize takes advantage of new inherit arg...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","Merge branch 'master' into i18n","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","Merge commit 'sven/i18n' into i18n","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","Revert "Performance: freeze cached rows instead of duping"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","Revert "coerce blank strings to nil values for boolean a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","update rack tests for default response content_type and ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","deprecate Base#assign_default_content_type_and_charset","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","Move default content type and charset from Base to Respo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-22","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-20","Rely on quieter db:test:load task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-19","Performance: freeze cached rows instead of duping","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-18","Ruby 1.9 and GC::Profiler updates","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-15","Set cache control to require revalidation if cache fresh...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-14","Fix asset file paths with dangling queries in mtime check","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-14","TestRequest#recycle! uses unmemoize_all to reset cached ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-14","memoize_ and unmemoize_all","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-13","Set asset-cached file ctime and mtime to the max mtime o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-13","Merge branch 'conditional-get'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-13","Update changelog for conditional GET utility methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-08","Update tests for request memoization","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-08","Don't shadow host method","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-08","Simplifying usage of ETags and Last-Modified and conditi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-08","Inherit these from AbstractRequest instead","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-08","Freeze memoized results when instance is frozen instead ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-07","Fixed memoize with punctuation and freezing memoized met...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-07","JRuby: improve constantize performance. [#410 state:res...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-07","JRuby: improve constantize performance. [#410 state:res...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-06","Be more careful about deducing action_methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-06","Strip newlines from cookie session data","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-06","Ensure public superclass methods don't shadow public con...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-05","Expose Routing::Segment::SAFE_PCHAR list of path charact...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-01","Ensure mailer view path is loaded when it's assigned. Pa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-08-01","List available actions in UnknownAction exception message","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-31","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-31","load_application_classes requires files relative to the ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-28","Once is enough, mmk","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-28","Don't rememoize if already frozen","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-28","Remove send! usage, relic of reverted 1.9 behavior","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-28","MacRuby: BasicObject unavailable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-18","Decrease default benchmark runs from 10 to 4","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-18","etag! and last_modified! conditional GET helpers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-17","Introduce simple internationalization support","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-17","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-17","Merge branch 'master' into i18n-merge","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-16","JavaScriptGenerator should only sets output_buffer for t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","Don't dump schema for every test run, just when migratio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","Fix quoting in test_counting_with_single_conditions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","PostgreSQL: use 'INSERT ... RETURNING id' for 8.2 and la...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","Remove dead, unused vendor/db2.rb","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","Performance: faster Object.subclasses_of","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","Give more info on missing gems and abort instead of prin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","Give more info on missing gems and abort instead of prin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","PostgreSQL: don't dump :limit => 4 for integers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: only eval with block.binding in 1.9, us...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: account for different String#hash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","Move dead recompile_template? also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","Remove dead code from merge","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","PostgreSQL: don't dump :limit => 4 for integers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","Fix bad merge","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","Faster and clearer value_to_boolean","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","Cache Module#parent_name","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","Cache template loading for performance tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","Use instance_method(...) to check whether the method exists","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-14","Restore the more readable before_ and after_filters meth...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Move accept header parsing shortcut to Mime::Type.parse","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Don't repeatedly convert only/except options","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Boolean type casting creates fewer objects","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Request#accepts special-cases a single mime type","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Fix teardown method name typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Put a newline rather than a semicolon at the end of RJS ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Use ActionController::Base.logger to report template com...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Rendering default template for missing actions works wit...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-09","Pass caller to concat deprecation warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-04","Fix rdoc for Filters::ClassMethods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-07-04","Fix rdoc for Filters::ClassMethods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-28","Fix typo in apparently-dead will_unload? method.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-28","Fix typo in apparently-dead will_unload? method.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-28","Fix typo in apparently-dead will_unload? method.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-27","MySQL: treat integer with :limit => 11 as a display widt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-27","MySQL: treat integer with :limit => 11 as a display widt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-26","Freeze ModelName cache_key also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-26","Performance: minor Column#text? and #number? speedups","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-25","Include cache key in ModelName","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-25","Performance: minor Array#to_param and #to_query speedups","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-24","Improve readability","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-24","Test for tinyint","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-24","Test for tinyint","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-24","link_to_function and button_to_function shouldn't modify...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-24","Treat any limit > 4 as bigint","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-24","Treat any limit > 4 as bigint","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-23","Revert "Check for mocha gem without requiring the lib. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-23","Revert "Check for mocha gem without requiring the lib. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-23","Check for mocha gem without requiring the lib. [#403 st...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-23","Check for mocha gem without requiring the lib. [#403 st...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-23","Oops, already had a postgresql_version method!","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-22","nix extra newline","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-22","Changelog for 509374e","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-22","Changelog for 509374e","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-22","Remove incorrect master entries from 2-1-stable CHANGELO...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-22","Horo rdoc template","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-22","Horo rdoc template","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-21","Performance: javascript helper tweaks to speed up escapi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-21","Everything responds to #to_param","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-20","Don't assume RubyProf constants are defined","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-20","true#to_param => true, so be sure to #to_s expanded cach...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-20","Tired of seeing <foo>/run","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-20","Don't profile GC runs/time by default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-20","Fall back to #to_s for cache key expansion","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-20","Fall back to #to_s for cache key expansion","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-20","Check whether blocks are called from erb using a special...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-20","Move erb_trim_mode setting to the ERB template handler. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","fix toplevel pdoc task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add toplevel doc to .gitignore","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add toplevel doc to .gitignore","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","fix toplevel pdoc task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Require ssh publisher in toplevel Rakefile","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add toplevel rdoc and pdoc tasks","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Require ssh publisher in toplevel Rakefile","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add toplevel rdoc and pdoc tasks","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add dummy pdoc task to railties","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add dummy pdoc task to railties","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Use rdoc exclude","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add lib/rails/*.rb to rdoc","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Use native include/exclude instead of doing it by hand","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Exclude lib/activeresource.rb from rdoc","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Exclude lib/actionpack.rb from rdoc","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Use rdoc exclude","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add lib/rails/*.rb to rdoc","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Use native include/exclude instead of doing it by hand","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Exclude lib/activeresource.rb from rdoc","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Exclude lib/actionpack.rb from rdoc","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Generate rdoc for all .rb files except those in vendor","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Generate rdoc for all .rb files except those in vendor","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Generate rdoc for all .rb files except those in vendor","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Generate rdoc for all .rb files except those in vendor","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add pdoc task to toplevel Rakefile","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Update Rakefiles to connect to wrath as current user. Us...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Add pdoc task to toplevel Rakefile","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Update Rakefiles to connect to wrath as current user. Us...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Performance: add GC metrics for # of runs and total runtime","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Oops, include metric name in csv filename","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-19","Performance: tweak unsupported metric error message","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-18","Write benchmark output to separate files per test+metric...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-17","Rely on quieter db:test:load task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-17","Make Base.merge_conditions public","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-17","Performance: PartialTemplate#initialize","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-16","Don't dump schema for every test run, just when migratio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-16","process time for benchmarks (quicker), wall time for pro...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-16","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-16","missed . joining rails version and git revision","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-16","Metrics::Memory measures in fractional KB also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-16","Extract environment. Hardcode some git info so I can sta...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-16","Force runs to be an integer. Start and stop RubyProf in ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-15","Delegate run_test to @harness","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-15","Use test/performance/test_helper to do test setup then b...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-15","Metrics::[] escues NameError only. Fix MODE typo.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-15","Extract Metric and Performer. Simplify and refactor.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-14","Pass printer class to output_filename","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-14","Last commit message was meant for changelog.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-14","Performance: integration test benchmarking and profiling...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-13","Ruby 1.9 compat: instance_methods are symbols instead of...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-13","Remove superfluous test_process require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-12","Fix quoting in test_counting_with_single_conditions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-11","Silence scope resolution warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-11","supports_insert_with_returning? caches false result also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-11","Merge branch 'pg'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-11","PostgreSQL: use 'INSERT ... RETURNING id' for 8.2 and la...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-10","PostgreSQL: insert looks up pk and sequence name if not ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-10","PostgreSQL: insert looks up pk and sequence name if not ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-10","Inflector -> ActiveSupport::Inflector","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-10","Inflector -> ActiveSupport::Inflector","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-10","Rubinious: setup/teardown override for miniunit","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-10","Rubinious: work around h[k] ||= v returning []= result i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-10","Add empty setup and teardown methods to rule out default...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-09","Enable autoreconnect if available. Freeze constants.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-09","Give a more informative error message instead of just ra...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-09","Don't append limit to primary key column definition. Fre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-09","Process view paths passed to AV::Base#initialize instead...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-09","with_output_buffer returns the temporary buffer instead ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-09","Use output_buffer reader and writer methods exclusively ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Deprecation warning for vendor/mysql.rb usage. Gone in 2...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Remove dead, unused vendor/db2.rb","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Remove vendor/mysql.rb. Deprecated in 2.1 stable, gone i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Revert "Missed add: deprecated erb_variable test"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Missed add: deprecated erb_variable test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Revert "Missed add: deprecated erb_variable test"","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Missed add: deprecated erb_variable test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Performance: faster Object.subclasses_of","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Fix changelog wording","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Deprecate ActionView::Base.erb_variable. Append the conc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","No need to build a Set since we're iterating instead of ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Changelog: More efficient concat and capture helpers. Re...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-08","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Give a nice message if there are duplicate migrations in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Move Class::ModelName to Active Support module core_ext","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Cache RecordIdentifier methods in Class#model_name wrapper","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Generate less garbage when expanding range bind variable...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Drop a string conversion from the often-called tag_optio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Ensure we have an array to collect","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Remove 1.9's String#chars also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","GemDependency#specification should be public","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","PostgreSQL: update create_database_with_encoding test also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","PostgreSQL: quote bare table names","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","PostgreSQL: update create_database_with_encoding test also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","PostgreSQL: quote bare table names","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Ensure we have an array to collect","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Don't use deprecated String#each","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Remove 1.9's String#chars also","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","GemDependency#specification should be public","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","Remove some internal dead code that supported content_for","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","concat should ignore nil","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-07","javascript_tag should only concat when block_given?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Qualify Inflector in rdoc examples also. [#356 state:re...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Drop a string conversion from the often-called tag_optio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Generate less garbage when expanding range bind variable...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Move Class::ModelName to Active Support module core_ext","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Cache RecordIdentifier methods in Class#model_name wrapper","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Fix doc typo. Move extend self so it's more immediately ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-06","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-05","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-04","Give a nice message if there are duplicate migrations in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-04","Merge branch 'master' into erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-03","Stack @output_buffer for nested rendering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-03","Don't pass block binding to concat","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-03","Work with @output_buffer instead of _erbout","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-03","Try replacing _erbout with @output_buffer","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-06-01","revert mysql test credential change","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-31","Ruby 1.8.7 compat: work around broken DelegateClass#resp...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-31","Ruby 1.8.7 compat: TimeWithZone# and Chars#respond_to? p...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-30","Ensure query assertion counts are the same when partial ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-30","Enable partial updates by default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-30","Require ruby-prof 0.6.1 or later. Use resume/pause to om...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-30","git ignore rubinius .rbc files","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-26","Remove superfluous tests directive","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-26","Don't require AV::TestCases to have a helper class. Only...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-20","Don't rely on association proxying object_id. [#225 sta...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-20","Bundle tmail 1.2.3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: ensure binary encoding for post body pa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: qualify module name within module_evale...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-19","Workaround missing Test::Unit::TestCase::PASSTHROUGH_EXC...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-12","Simpler rescue_action condition","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-12","Use #duplicable? instead of anonymous rescue","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-12","Ruby 1.9 compat: define __setobj__ for Delegator","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-07","Some dbconsole tweaks. [#102 state:resolved]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-07","Add script/dbconsole to app generator","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't shadow local with block var","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-01","Fix failing associate_with_create tests inserting null f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-05-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: compatibility wrapper for new Module#co...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-29","Clarify confusing ActionController::Base.allow_concurren...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-29","Note that allow_concurrency = true means you need to ver...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-28","run prepare callbacks after after_initialize blocks so c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-28","Ruby 1.9 compat: force assert_select text encoding to th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-21","Ruby 1.8.7 compat: detect and alias non-superclass DateT...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-21","Ruby 1.8.7 compat: override unordered Enumerable#group_by","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-21","Ruby 1.8.7 compat: String#start_with? and #end_with?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-20","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-20","Use append_features instead of included to get the inclu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-20","Merge commit 'rails/master'","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-20","Incompatible Symbol#to_proc was reverted upstream","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-20","Override incompatible 1.8.7p1 String#chars","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-20","Feature check :force_encoding instead of RUBY_VERSION","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-18","Override Ruby 1.8.7's incompatible Symbol#to_proc.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-11","stub the instance method, there is no class method","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-11","Ruby 1.9 compat: workaround module_eval issue","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-11","Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-11","rake rails:freeze:edge using http://dev.rubyonrails.org/...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-03","Update fcgi dispatcher test cases. Closes #11471 [guilla...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-03","Bah, don't test TMail in AM","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-03","Ruby 1.9 compat: compare with same encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-03","Ruby 1.9 compat: ascii encoding for quoted-printable reg...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Improving railties test coverage. Closes #11496 [miloops]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Partial updates off by default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: toplevel AS reference within BasicObject","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: encoding and multibyte test fixes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: force encoding for binary comparison tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: work around YAML serialization error ex...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: delete DEFAULTS key from Hash not Omap ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: proc arity","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","style & whitespace","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't confuse with headers method call","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9: no args is 0 arity, not -1 as in 1.8","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: anonymous class name is nil not '' now","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Ruby 1.9 compat: anonymous class name is nil not '' now","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","force_encoding to ascii-8bit instead of nil","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","PostgreSQL: use create_ and drop_database for rake tasks...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","PostgreSQL: create_ and drop_database support. Closes #9...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Missed adds. References #11491.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Support render :partial => collection of heterogeneous e...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Update generator tests. Closes #11487 [thechrisoshow]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-04-01","Fix migration test when run in GMT zone. Closes #11477 [...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Bump bundled tmail to r242","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Ruby 1.9 compat: mark utf-8 encoding.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Ruby 1.9 compat: use Array() instead of #to_a.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","rename config/initializers/new_in_rails_3.rb to new_rail...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Force timestamp update","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Fine, warn. Just don't recurse to death in cc.rb","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Fix case-sensitive validates_uniqueness_of. Closes #1136...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Partial updates play nice with updated_at/on timestamps","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Add :message option to validates_numericality_of. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Partial updates include only unsaved attributes. Off by ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Add query methods for superclass_delegating_reader","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","Always alias DateTime#to_s to #to_default_s","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-31","require fileutils","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-30","Handle exit, reload, and restart immediately if not proc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-30","Ruby 1.9: mark failing assertion","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-30","Ruby 1.9 compat. Trailing whitespace.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-30","Don't shadow attrs var","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-30","Merge in latest tmail trunk r241","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-30","Don't need to explicitly pass the same params to super. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-29","Dirty typecasts attribute values before comparison, if p...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-29","Play nice with 1.9's DateTime#to_s","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-29","Generated tests rely on test dir in load path rather tha...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-29","Revert spurious commit from [9126]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-29","Track changes to unsaved attributes","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-28","Merge [9124] from trunk: Avoid remote_ip spoofing.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-28","Avoid remote_ip spoofing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-28","Inspect options hashes in RenderError message so it's ac...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-28","Add #clone. Closes #7352 [Ryan Daigle, thechrisoshow]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-28","Fix layouts in symlinked paths. Closes #9136 [court3nay,...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-28","Missing :js template falls back to :html, so you don't h...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-28","Fix some mistaken dependencies among AR unit tests. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-25","Whitespace + formatting","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-23","Fix merging blank conditions. Closes #10764 [mcmire, cav...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-22","has_one :through supports :source_type. Fix up some test...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-21","Fix schema.rb some more. sponsors.sponsorable_type shoul...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-21","Fix schema.rb. Please to be testing on more than just My...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-21","Merge [9069] from trunk: Fix an edge case with extra per...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-21","Fix an edge case with extra periods in Routing.normalize...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-20","Missed adds. References #10350.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-20","Re-added ActionView::Helpers::register_javascript/styles...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-19","Revert [9106]. References #10350.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-18","assert_response, don't cry if @exception isn't available...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-18","Merge [9056] from trunk: Migrations: create_table suppor...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-18","Migrations: create_table supports primary_key_prefix_typ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-18","Refactor filters to use Active Support callbacks. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-03-13","Remove unused to_date_tag. Closes #11237 [danger]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-28","Provide a post title for sqlite3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-28","Fix that batched :include would pull in duplicate record...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-28","mark encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-27","Fix Hash#from_xml with Type records. Closes #9242 [Juanj...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-27","Fix edge case with colons in times interpreted as bind v...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-27","Changelog attribution for #9312","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-27","Adding Time#end_of_day, _quarter, _week, and _year. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-27","Fix preloading nil polymorphic belongs_to. Closes #11218...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-27","Remove dead code from hmt#delete. Closes #11236 [rubyruy]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-24","Fix rdoc typo. Closes #11205 [wangchun]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-22","PostgreSQL: support server versions 7.4 through 8.0 and ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-21","Add #clear to mem_cache_store, flushes all caches","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-19","URI.decode site username/password. Closes #11169 [Ernest...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-19","Remove mysql option from a test that applies to all data...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-19","Don't assume all records from nested include are of same...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-19","Remove wasteful signal trap from transactions. Backport ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-17","Fix observed_class. References #11099.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-17","Pass array of addresses","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-15","Revert [8865], broke AP record identifier. Reopens #11109.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-15","Fix typo in migration test. Closes #11105 [h-lame]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-13","Introduce the :readonly option to all associations. Reco...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-11","Fix eager loading with pre-quoted table names. Closes #1...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-07","Remove empty .rhtml templates","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-07","ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64s since Base64 is deprecated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-03","MySQL: memoize column and table name quoting to reduce g...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-03","Cache partial variable names to reduce garbage","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-03","Add --measure option to script/performance/request to se...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-03","Fix missing extension for caching. Closes #10733 [Catfis...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-03","Revert r8742: remove has_many with :group option since i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Ruby 1.9 compat: declare utf-8 file encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Slight camelize speedup [Pratik Naik]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Introduce the :index option for form_for and fields_for ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Introduce map.resources :cards, :as => 'tarjetas' to use...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Merge r8782 from trunk: TestSession supports indifferent...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","TestSession supports indifferent access. Closes #7372.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Less verbose mail logging: just recipients for :info log...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Merge r8778 from trunk: fix calculations on associations...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Fix calculations on associations with custom :foreign_ke...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","When multiparameter date assignment fails due to an inva...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Fix has_many :through a polymorphic has_many. Closes #10...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Merge r8774 from trunk: fix number_to_human_size incorre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Fix number_to_human_size incorrectly removing trailing z...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Don't split cookies on comma also. References r8505.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-02","Git support for script/generate. Closes #10690.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-01","MemCacheStore#write and #delete return a boolean indicat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-01","Bundled memcache client consistently returns server resp...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-01","MemCacheStore#write uses add by default and set if :forc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-01","Add a handful of cache store tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-02-01","cache.fetch(key, :force => true) to force a cache miss","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-31","Fixed preloading belongs_to associations which reference...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-30","MySQL: omit text/blob defaults from the schema instead o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-28","Add posts.comments_count for other databases. Closes #10...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-23","Preserve integration session's request_count","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-23","Enumerable#group_by uses ActiveSupport::OrderedHash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-21","Add missing author_addresses.yml fixture. Closes #10592.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-21","Merge branch 'ar-test-cleanup' of git://git.geeksomnia.c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Revert r8669 for now, breaks Action Mailer. Reopens #10800.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","belongs_to supports :dependent => :destroy and :delete. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Performance: optimize route recognition. Large speedup f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Add timing test for large restful route recognition. Ref...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Introduce preload query strategy for eager :includes. Cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Support aggregations in finder conditions. Closes #10572.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Remove dead code. Closes #10698 [garru]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Introduce TemplateFinder to handle view paths and lookup...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Update vendor version number","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Update tmail to r208 versioned as 1.2.2","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: test encoding fixes. Closes #10597 [mur...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Move rake contrib require to task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Extract ActiveSupport::Callbacks from Active Record, tes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-19","Remove table quoting; only pull last_insert_id if there'...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-18","Organize and clean up the Active Record test suite. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-18","Fix paths","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-18","Move tests to cases","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-18","move schema","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-18","move migrations","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-18","move assets and models","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-11","Introduce send_file :x_sendfile => true to send an X-Sen...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-11","Merge [8622] to stable. References #10766.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-11","Reorder changelog. References #10766.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-10","Move fragment caching from special helper methods to Tem...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-10","Merge [8616] to stable: UrlWriter respects relative_url_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-10","Merge [8615] to stable: resurrect WordNet synonym lookup...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-10","UrlWriter respects relative_url_root. Closes #10748.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-10","Resurrect WordNet synonym lookups. Closes #10710.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-09","Merge [8608] to stable: simplify to_formatted_s docs. Re...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-09","Simplify to_formatted_s docs. Closes #10747 [Jeremy Kemper]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-09","Merge [8606] to stable: document date and time to_format...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-09","Document date and time to_formatted_s. Closes #10747 [le...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-09","Merge [8604] to stable: fix up Enumerable#group_by","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-09","Fix up Enumerable#group_by","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-09","Merge [8602] to stable: observed_subclasses gives [] if ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-09","observed_subclasses gives [] if there are no observed cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-08","Fixtures: removed support for the ancient pre-YAML file ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't rely on Array#to_s to flatten and...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: cookie store delete sets nil value inst...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: account for hash ordering","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: check dom equality","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","Use explicit toplevel namespace for constant reference i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: truncate and excerpt helpers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","Filter procs must take 1 or 2 arguments. Raise ArgumentE...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","Ruby 1.9 compat: remove stray colon","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-07","remove rubyforgepublisher, removed from rake","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-06","Use a decorator module for Files instantiated by Hash.fr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-06","The asset_host block takes the controller request as an ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-06","Support render :text => nil. Closes #6684.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-06","Simplify and speedup Hash#stringify_keys! References #10...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-06","Ruby 1.9 compat: instance_eval binding to get the record...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","More thoroughly quote table names. Exposes some issues w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","* Continue evolution toward ActiveSupport::TestCase and ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","require abstract_unit directly since test is in load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","require abstract_unit directly since test is in load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","remove some more absolute requires","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","require abstract_unit directly since test is in load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","require abstract_unit directly since test is in load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","require abstract_unit directly since test is in load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","require abstract_unit directly since test is in load path","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","Document that .build doesn't apply to has_many :through ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","Prefer to instantiate fixtures with model classes instea...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","Cache fixture model class. References #10677 [nwilmes]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","assert_response failures include the exception message. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-05","Move model dependency to the end of the scaffold generat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-04","Document that eager loading doesn't work with polymorphi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-04","Ruby 1.9: Module#local_constants can now just use consta...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-04","pdate_all ignores scoped :order and :limit, so post.comm...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-04","Ruby 1.9 compat: test multibyte chars proxy for 1.8 only","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-03","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't use obsolete ParseDate","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-03","Remove toplevel rubyforgepublisher require for new Rake","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-03","Ruby 1.9 compat: special-case String access methods to n...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","Fix failing date helper test. Closes #10664 [Wesley Moxam]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","find_or_create_resource_for handles module nesting. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix two failing tests since String#each...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","Ruby 1.9 compat: add #raise to AS::BasicObject, fixup Du...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","db:sessions:clear task uses session_table_name method. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","Correct Hash#assert_valid_keys docs. Closes #10621 [Chea...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","Merge [8519] from trunk: SQLite: db:drop:all doesn't fai...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","SQLite: db:drop:all doesn't fail silently if the databas...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2008-01-02","Fix invalid time test. Closes #10632 [Dirkjan Bussink]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-29","Don't make new_mongrel server default yet","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-29","Ruby 1.9 compat: introduce ActiveSupport::FrozenObjectEr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-29","Fixup mocha tests for 0.5.6. Closes #10602 [murphy, mikong]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-29","Ruby 1.9 compat: workaround module_eval bug. Closes #106...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-28","Introduce ActiveSupport::BasicObject which bridges Build...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-28","Ruby 1.9 compat: introduce instance_variable_names. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-28","Merge r8497 from trunk: ensure that test case setup is r...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-28","Ensure that test case setup is run even if overridden. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-28","Use extract_options! rather than Hash test + pop. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-28","Branching for stable 2.0.x line of development just befo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: calculations don't assume array impleme...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: javascript proxy. References #1689 [Fre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: file uploads. References #1689 [Frederi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Move rubyforge task require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't use obsolete ParseDate","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Move rubyforge task require","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Introduce native mongrel handler and push mutex into dis...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: don't modify iterator target within block","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-27","Ruby 1.9 compat: attribute methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Remove leaky unused signal handler for transactions.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Integration tests use ActionController::Dispatcher rathe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Ruby 1.9 compat: dependencies uses Module#local_constant...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Ruby 1.9 compat: fix warnings, shadowed block vars, and ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Ruby 1.9 compat: Fixtures inherits Hash instead of YAML:...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Ruby 1.9 compat: initializer only sets kcode for Ruby < 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Ruby 1.9 compat: Class#subclasses is now protected","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Fold reset! into the run method directly. Make -n option...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Request profiler resets after warmup and each run so you...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-22","Request profiler: use actual script path and line number...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Add :default option to time_zone_select. Closes #10590.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Document custom methods. Closes #10589.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Update layout docs. Closes #10584 [Cheah Chu Yeow]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Rails 1.9 compat: asset tag helper tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Ruby 1.9: use enumerator for blockless Range#step","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Ruby 1.9 compat: compiled templates test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Ruby 1.9 compat: date helper","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Ruby 1.9 compat: form helper test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Ruby 1.9 compat: note failing form options helper test, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Ruby 1.9 compat: text helper","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Ruby 1.9 compat: url helper encoding","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Ruby 1.9 compatibility","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Multibyte: skip String#each_char test for Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Multibyte: String#chars returns self for Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Multibyte: String#chars uses passthrough handler for Rub...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","App generate says sqlite3 is the default and mentions fr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Eager belongs_to :include infers the foreign key from th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-21","Benchmark logs for any level below or equal to the one s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-20","Hash#symbolize_keys skips keys that can't be symbolized....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-20","SQLite: fix rename_ and remove_column for columns with u...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-20","Ruby 1.9 compat: ENV.delete rather than assigning nil","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-19","Revert [8392]. Closes #10568, reopens #10379.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: join the buffer array explicitly rather...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: check column type more carefully","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-19","RubyGems 0.9.5 compat: always set the gem platform","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: use .to_a instead of .map which now ret...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-19","Simplify some rails info methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-19","Ruby 1.9 compat: Update idiosyncratic block variable usa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-18","Missed commit. References #10554.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-18","Ruby 1.9 compat: move from the deprecated Base64 module ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-18","Toplevel test task uses the same rake it was invoked with","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-17","Ruby 1.9 compatibility. References #1689.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Update changelog for Ruby 1.9 compat patches","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Revert const_missing bypass in favor of Duration constan...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","More changelog updates","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Mark that render tests crash Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: helpers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Note that filters test crashes Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: account for new, non-flattening Array#to_s","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Fixes for standalone tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: cookies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: use String#ord to escape filenames for ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: 'a'.ord == 'a'[0]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: shadowed vars, kcode","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Remove missing default helper warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Introduce (in /Users/jeremy/rails/git/trunk) to output a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: define Duration#== [chuyeow]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: normalize date and time xmlschema to ma...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Ruby 1.9 compat: prefer builtin String#starts_ and ends_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-15","Bypass const_missing lookup for toplevel constants. Opti...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-11","Base.exists? doesn't rescue exceptions to avoid hiding S...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","More Action View refactoring. Knock :erb default down a ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Missed commit. Closes #10437.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Fix up template handler tests. Closes #10437.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","TimeZone#to_s uses UTC rather than GMT. References #1689.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Ruby 1.9 compat: TimeZone avoids localtime conversion. R...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Fix javascript_tag method name collision. Closes #10337.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Update destroy_all and delete_all documentation to bette...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Ensure asset cache directories are automatically created...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Ruby 1.9 compat: File.exists\? -> File.exist\? en masse....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Correct empty response handling. Closes #10445.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Ruby 1.9 compat. References #1689 [Pratik Naik]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Document Active Record exceptions. Closes #10444.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Remove unused ConnectionFailed exception","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Credit #10443 + more changelog updates","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","More changelog updates","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Allow double quotes around RAILS_GEM_VERSION also. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","More changelog updates","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Merge [8355] from trunk: fix strange NoMemoryError on am...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Fix strange NoMemoryError on amd64. Closes #10442 [wrb]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Axe outdated :ar_joins commentary","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Remove empty ar_joins_test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","lifo -> Pratik","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","More contributor name updates","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Document how to disable forgery protection for tests. Us...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Update Chu's name in changelogs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Update Fred's name in changelogs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","post.comments.reload returns the association rather than...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Fix doc typo on Dispatcher.dispatch. Closes #10434 [fxn]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-10","Document the validates class method. Closes #10216 [Farl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","Missed commit. References #10395.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","Move #to_query methods where they ought to belong. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","render :xml and :json preserve custom content types. Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","Refactor Action View template handlers. Closes #10437.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","to_sentence returns self[0].to_s instead of just self[0]...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","Be careful not to reference ActiveRecord if it isn't loa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","Don't check for pending migrations if Active Record isn'...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","Merge [8336] from trunk: update rails:freeze:gems to wor...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-09","Update rails:freeze:gems to work with RubyGems 0.9.5.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-07","Ignore illegal seeks on body rewind. Catches CGI errors ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-06","The test task stops with a warning if you have pending m...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-05","Fix eager association test. Closes #10381 [alexey]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-05","MySQL: we can't distinguish a fake 0 default in 4.x","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-02","Handle 8.1 default formatting. Closes #10333 [Tim Pope]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-12-01","Don't inadvertently hit const_missing in defined?(Action...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-28","attr_protected and _accessible use sets of strings inste...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-28","attr_readonly uses a set of strings instead of an array ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-28","Introduce SecretKeyGenerator for more secure session sec...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-26","Foxy fixtures: support single-table inheritance. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-26","Foxy fixtures: allow mixed usage to make migration easie...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-26","Make the record_timestamps class-inheritable so it can b...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-22","Document that the cookie store is the default session st...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-22","Add example.log for binary escaping test. References #10...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-22","PostgreSQL: correct binary escaping. References #8049, c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-21","Dynamic finders on association collections respect assoc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-20","validates_inclusion_of and validates_exclusion_of allow ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-20","Fix typo in generator usage blurb. Closes #10217 [Mike N...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-17","Clarify Array#in_groups_of implementation, don't dup unl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-17","RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be set to any valid gem version sp...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-17","Load config/preinitializer.rb, if present, before loadin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-16","Table names aren't nested: replace / with _ to match the...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-16","Resource and scaffold generators pass on the full name t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-16","attr_readonly behaves well with optimistic locking. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-16","Remove components mention from railties README. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-16","Use the new TestCase subclasses in the scaffold and reso...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-16","MacOS X -> Mac OS X. Closes #10171 [henrik@nyh.se]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-15","Use Leopard's native mysql_config. Closes #10167 [Robert...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-14","Remove warning about fixture loading order from test_hel...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-14","Correct MySQL install instructions for Leopard. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-14","Remove stale warning from application generator usage me...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-14","Use rexml for some tests rather than string include? che...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-14","Add MySQL install instructions for Leopard in particular...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-14","Base#to_xml supports the nil="true" attribute like Hash#...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-14","Speedup String#blank? and remove some overspecified tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-13","FastCGI handler ignores unsupported signals like USR2 on...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-07","Rearrange vendor bundles so gem overrides work correctly.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-01","Update profiler changelog for integration session script...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-01","Profile an integration session instead of a single request","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-01","Factor Integration::Runner behavior out of IntegrationTe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-11-01","Don't eliminate the logger by default","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-29","Excise generated whitespace. Closes #10017 [Tim Pope]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-29","Introduce finder :joins with associations. Same :include...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-29","compute_public_path behaves well with mailers also. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-29","Associations: speedup duplicate record check. Closes #10...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-27","Merge [8046] from trunk: allow association redefinition ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-27","Integration tests: get_ and post_via_redirect take a hea...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-27","Allow association redefinition in subclasses. Closes #9346.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-27","Tested FormHelper#label. Closes #9850 [jarkko]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-27","Missed svn adds for [8042]. References #6466.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-27","Fix has_many :through delete with custom foreign keys. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-27","Fix has_many :through delete with custom foreign keys. R...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-26","Foxy fixtures. Adapter#disable_referential_integrity. Cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-26","Use instead of STDERR in boot.rb. Closes #9988 [thewool...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-25","Partials also set 'object' to the default partial variab...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-25","/ default uri, -b shortcut","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-25","Request profiler","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-24","Document Enumerable and Hash #to_json. Add test for hash...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-24","Remove unnecessary returns from builtin filters since re...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","rake test aborts if tests failed. Closes #9962 [Jason Ro...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","Disabled checkboxes don't submit a form value. Closes #9...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","Assigning an instance of a foreign class to a composed_o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","Assigning nil to a composed_of aggregate also sets its i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","Some mime type refactoring. Closes #9957 [Josh Peek]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","validates_uniqueness_of behaves well with abstract super...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","Remove duplicate rjs layout check. Closes #9956 [Josh Peek]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","Refactor and test boot.rb. Include tests from and closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-23","Hash#to_xml handles symbol values. Closes #9954.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-22","Reinstate test_change_column_nullability for all adapter...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-22","test_select_rows shouldn't depend on implicit result ord...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-22","Expand form helper test coverage. Closes #9950 [robinjfi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-22","request.parameters doesn't overwrite request.request_par...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-18","SQL Server: test for affected row count. References #955...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-18","Use SecureRandom to generate unique ids, if available.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-18","Merge [7832] from 1-2-stable: Correct RAILS_GEM_VERSION ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","caches_page uses a single after_filter instead of one pe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Hash#symbolize_keys behaves well with integer keys. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Dispatcher: fix that to_prepare should only run once in ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Qualified column names work in hash conditions, like :co...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Fix regression where the association would not construct...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","remove empty dirs missed by git-svn","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Fix regression where the association would not construct...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Refactor association create and build so before & after ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Improve the error message for assert_redirected_to. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Test link_to 'back', :back","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Quote table names. Defaults to column quoting. Closes #4...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Fix join table docs error in schema_statements. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Moving SQL Server tests to the extracted adapter. Refere...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-16","Missed mailer adds.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Fix silent failure of rxml templates. Closes #9879.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Don't assume ActiveSupport module is already defined","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Complete AWS -> ARes changeover. Closes #8717 [kampers]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Alias association #build to #new so it behaves predictab...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Revert [7894] and apply to adapter instead. References #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Multibyte: String#slice supports regexp argument. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Test that change_column quotes column names. Closes #953...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Factor out checks for duplicable objects. Closes #9333.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Add a time to duplicable tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","object.duplicable? returns true if object.dup is safe. F...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Generated fixtures use the actual primary key instead of...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Expand Routes::DynamicSegment test coverage. Closes #712...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Uncomment test for join model method_missing. Closes #87...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Update test/all.sh","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Update IGNORED_SQL for SQL Server. Closes #9638 [lawrence]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Add build/drop/rebuild tasks for SQL Server. Closes #958...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Skip memcache tests unless it's installed","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Forgot railties","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Reorder project list so AR tests run last","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Add toplevel Rakefile to run tests, generate docs, etc e...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-15","Add explicit test task","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-14","Wrap test with uses_mocha","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-14","Memcached sessions: add session data on initialization; ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-14","non-executable","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-14","Update gem dependencies to match current versions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-14","Fix environment.rb typos. Closes #9859 [fxn, mikong]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-14","error_messages_for also takes :message and :header_messa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-13","Time, Date and DateTime #advance accept :weeks option. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-13","Fix Time#years_ago and #years_since from leap days. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-13","Time and DateTime#advance accept :hours, :minutes, and :...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-13","Don't shadow local var with block var","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-13","Use __FILE__ and __LINE__ for BufferedLogger severity me...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-13","Fix Date#years_ago and #years_since from leap days. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-13","Refactor Time and Date#months_since and #months_ago to u...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-11","Model generator tests. Closes #8966 [abhay]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-11","Whitespace fix. Closes #9845.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-11","Backport: allow array and hash query parameters. Array r...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-11","Correct RAILS_GEM_VERSION regexp. Use =version gem requi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-11","JavaScriptVariableProxy#to_json ignores the options arg","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-10","Bundle xml-simple 1.0.11","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-10","Update bundled xml-simple to 1.0.11 and prefer installed...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-10","Rebundle Builder 2.1.2 but prefer a newer RubyGem if ava...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-10","eval with __FILE__ and __LINE__","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-10","rescue_from accepts :with => lambda { |exception| ... } ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-09","Style update for new Range extensions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-09","Hash is ordered in Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-09","Update :dependent docs and improve its argument error me...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","belongs_to infers the foreign key from the association n...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","config.active_record.whiny_protected_attributes. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Fix unescaped test expectations. Closes #9821 [mikel]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Include ARes and Railties in rdoc. Freeze ARes gem inste...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","PostgreSQL: support multiline default values. Closes #7533.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Dr Math meets Captain Obvious.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Namespace the internal Rakefile tasks. Closes #8850 [drnic]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","1 years -> 1 year","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Add tests for [7727]. Closes #6090 [dkubb, mpalmer, tarmo]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","MySQL: fix change_column on not-null columns that don't ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Builder unbundle message directs to Bulk updating Gem so...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","validates_uniqueness_of behaves well with single-table i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Move custom inflections example so available before rout...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Create layout dir it's nested. Closes #9272 [alancfrancis]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Create layout dir it's nested. References #9272 [alancfr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-08","Fix in place editor's setter action with non-string fiel...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Use a configuration check so ActiveRecord can be omitted...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Use fast date/time parsing by default. Closes #9811.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","error_messages_for and friends also work with local vari...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Closed wrong ticket. Closes #9802, reopens #9699.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Raise ProtectedAttributeAssignmentError in development a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Fix url_for, redirect_to, etc. with :controller => :symb...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Correct BufferedLogger#level? checks. Closes #9806.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Reference current fast_xs URL","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","String#to_xs uses the fast_xs extension if available for...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","BlankSlate -> BasicObject","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Reinstate failsafe date/time parsing rescues. Head off s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Axe excess backtracery.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","MySQL: speedup date/time parsing.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Check for the dir instead of relying on an exception.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","BlankSlate -> BasicObject","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Introduce BasicObject as Builder::BlankSlate for Ruby 1....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-07","Unbundle Builder in favor of a gem dependency.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-06","Use StringIO and Tempfile subclasses instead of defining...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-06","Rewind stdin if possible after multipart parsing.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-06","Don't generate strings to log unless they'll actually ge...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-06","Typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-06","Move misplaced CHANGELOG entry","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-06","Test for each JSON fragment to workaround assumed hash o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-06","Simplify some JSON tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-05","Disambiguate Time, Date, and DateTime#to_json formatting...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-05","Bump versions for 1.2.4 release.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-04","Disabling auto_flushing still flushes when the buffer hi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-04","Hash#to_json takes :only or :except options to specific ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-04","Try loading activerecord-<adaptername>-adapter gem befor...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-03","Explicitly convert the buffer array to a string before w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-03","Some platforms include colon in timezone offset, some do...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-03","BufferedLogger#auto_flushing = N flushes the log every N...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-03","Move #query_string to AbstractRequest","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-02","Ruby 1.9 compat, consistent load paths","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-10-02","db:create works with remote databases whereas db:create:...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-30","Don't implicitly assign instance variables by using them...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-29","Remove DB2 adapter since IBM chooses to maintain their o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-29","Extract Oracle, SQLServer, and Sybase adapters into gems.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-29","Ruby 1.9 compat for instance method check in Mysql adapter.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-29","Ruby 1.9 compat for hash_ext_test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-29","Mark Test::Unit#assert_difference incompatibility with R...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-29","Test::Unit#assert_difference Ruby 1.9 compat","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-29","JSON decoding Ruby 1.9 compat. Mark a section that's unn...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-28","Failing counter cache test. References #6896.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-28","Fixtures test fixes and general cleanup. Closes #9682 [n...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-28","MySQL: change_column raises if the table or column doesn...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-28","BufferedLogger#add converts the message to a string. Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Dependencies Ruby 1.9 compat","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","send -> send! for some private methods","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Alias Object#send to send! for Ruby 1.9 forward compatib...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Convert the Ruby 1.9 enumerator to an array","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Mark String#each_char test failing with Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Extract InflectorTestCases so both inflector and string ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Object#copy_instance_variables_from Ruby 1.9 compat","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Mark another Duration test failing with Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Prefer class_eval with block to many sends for Ruby 1.9 ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Hax to workaround private send for Ruby 1.9. Consider mo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Use instance_variable_defined? instead of instance_varia...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Backport Object#instance_variable_defined? for Ruby < 1....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Mark Duration test failing with Ruby 1.9","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Date/Time/DateTime Ruby 1.9 compat","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Change test for ruby 1.9 crash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","Cleanup comment. References #9702, closes #9703.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-27","BufferedLogger#add doesn't modify the message argument. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-26","Reinstate the default AR.instantiate_observers to_prepar...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-26","Move Railties' Dispatcher to ActionController::Dispatche...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-25","Doof. Don't call it with false if it doesn't respond.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-25","Skip test runner workaround only if Test::Unit is loaded...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","Object#instance_exec produces fewer garbage methods.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","Move rescue_action_with_handler from rescue_action to pe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","Include asset host in public path cache key. Clear cache...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","Cache computed public asset paths.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","Cache more file existence checks. Flip-flop escaping.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","Cache file existence checks and the list of all styleshe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","The tag helper may bypass escaping.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","Cache asset ids.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-24","escape_once uses negative lookahead to avoid double-esca...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-23","Optimized named routes respect AbstractRequest.relative_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-23","Revert [7414] which rearranged stable resource URLs. Ref...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-23","Remove , and ; (comma and semicolon) from routing separa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-23","Introduce ActionController::Base.rescue_from to declare ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-23","Revert [7574]. Closes #7521.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-23","RailsFCGIHandler tests. Closes #9630.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-23","Dispatcher tests. References #9630.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-23","Object.subclasses_of includes anonymous subclasses.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-22","Correctly quote id list for limited eager loading. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-22","Test CGI::Cookie#to_s. Closes #9624 [tarmo]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-20","Autolink behaves well with emails embedded in URLs. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-20","Revert [7397]. Reopens #7313.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-18","ERB::Util#html_escape creates fewer objects","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-18","tag_options creates fewer objects","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-18","Deprecation: remove deprecated threaded_connections meth...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-18","Deprecation: remove deprecated :mday option from Time, D...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-18","Support multiple config.after_initialize blocks so plugi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-17","Fix JSON decoder with nested quotes and commas. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-17","Hash#to_xml doesn't double-unescape. Closes #8806.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-17","Associations macros accept extension blocks alongside mo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-17","Don't worry about retrieving the last inserted id. [tarm...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-17","Speed up and simplify query caching.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-16","connection.select_rows 'sql' returns an array (rows) of ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-16","Typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-15","Eager loading respects explicit :joins. Closes #9496.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-15","Extract Firebird, FronBase, and OpenBase adapters into g...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-15","RubyGem database adapters: expects a gem named activerec...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-15","Fixed optimized route segment escaping. Closes #9562.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-15","root_path returns '/' not ''. Closes #9563.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-14","Add option to force binary mode on tempfile used for fix...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-14","Fix association writer with :dependent => :nullify. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-14","Fix attachment decoding when using the TMail C extension...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-14","Missed Reloadable bits and pieces","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-14","Some 1.9 forward compatibility","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-14","Deprecation: removed Reloadable.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-13","OpenBase: update for new lib and latest Rails. Support m...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-13","minor speedups + forward-compat syntax","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-13","minor speedup","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-11","Remove unused HashCaching","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-11","Purge empty files","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-11","Remove empty macros","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-11","Kill lingering acts","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-11","Remove empty acts","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-11","Don't raise superfluous exception on test failure.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-08","Match Fixnum and Float in particular. Rescue dup error a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-08","Explicitly require active_record/query_cache before usin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-09-08","Fix layout overriding response status. Closes #9476.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-08-31","Documentation tweaks and fixes. Closes #9454 [sur, kampers]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-08-31","request.host works with IPv6 addresses. Closes #9458.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-08-31","Performance: absorb instantiate and initialize_with_call...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-28","Improve capture helper documentation. Closes #8796.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-28","db:create creates the database for the current environme...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-27","Generators: look for generators in all gems, not just th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-27","Prefix nested resource named routes with their action na...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-27","Define collection singular ids method for has_many :thro...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-27","Array attribute conditions work with proxied association...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-26","Give the legacy X-POST_DATA_FORMAT header greater preced...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-25","Fix polymorphic has_one associations declared in an abst...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-25","Improve various test coverage. Closes #8676 [kamal]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-25","MySQL, PostgreSQL: database.yml defaults to utf-8. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-23","Mock the beginning of the transaction also. References #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-23","Rollback if commit raises an exception. Closes #8642.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-23","Merge [7086] to stable: demote Hash#to_xml to use XmlSim...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-23","Demote Hash#to_xml to use XmlSimple#xml_in_string so it ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-23","Remove deprecated Hash#create_from_xml. Use Hash#from_xml.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-23","Don't mistakenly interpret the request uri as the query ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-22","Fix reload error when path prefix is used. Closes #8727.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-22","Update tests' use of fixtures for the new collections ap...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-21","Merge [7075] to stable: save associated records only if ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-21","Save associated records only if the association is alrea...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-20","MySQL: fix show_variable. Closes #8448.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-20","Increase mail delivery test coverage. Closes #8692.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-15","Only change date to beginning of month if it isn't nil.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-14","Oh please. References #8646.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-14","Maybe passing an explicit offset mollifies CIA. Referenc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-14","Improve Time and Date test coverage. Closes #8646.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-13","Improve UrlRewriter tests. Improve helper test coverage....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-13","1-2-stable: changing the :default Date format doesn't br...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-13","Improve helper test coverage. Closes #7215, #7233, #7234...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-13","Take advantage of Mocha support for sequenced returns. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-12","Merge [7006] to stable: fix precedence error in failsafe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-12","Fix precedence error in failsafe rescue. Closes #8625.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-12","Tolerate missing content type on multipart file uploads....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Merge [7002] to stable: fix syntax error in dispatcher t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Fix syntax error in dispatcher than wrecked failsafe res...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Remove deprecated quote methods, replaced by quote_value...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Remove deprecated find_first and find_all.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Remove deprecated push_with_attributes.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Fix Base#inspect when not every attribute is present. Cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Manfred had already patched the same issue. References #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Deprecate pagination for Rails 1.2.4. Install the classi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-11","Deprecation: remove pagination. Install the classic_pagi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-10","Get picky about weird Ruby style.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-10","Scaffolded validation errors set the appropriate HTTP st...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-09","Remove ActiveResource::Struct because it hasn't proven v...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-09","Routing: improve static segment test coverage. #7117 [K...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Test javascript_tag. Closes #7239.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Clean up junk test. Closes #7973 [Rob Sanheim]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Fix typo in resources documentation. Closes #8607 [yon]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Action caching is limited to GET requests returning 200 ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Missed svn adds. References #7534.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Improve Text Helper test coverage. Closes #7274.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Improve Action View test coverage. Closes #7241, #7243, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Rollback [6961] which breaks SQLite tests. Reference #7345.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Quote db path so SQLite AR tests work on Windows. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-08","Test periodically_call_remote with frequency. Closes #72...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-07","Register alternative template engines using ActionMailer...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-07","Migrations: raise if a column is duplicated. Closes #7345.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-07","More nested polymorphic url helper fixes. Closes #6432, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-06","Fix incomplete work from [6951] that was hidden by test ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Resources: url_for([parent, child]) generates /parents/1...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Migrations: report the number of rows affected when call...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Fixtures: correctly delete and insert fixtures in a sing...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Fix typo. Closes #7504 [aurelianito]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Don't double-escape url_for in views. Closes #8144.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Remove junk form helper test. Closes #8416 [eric_oconnell]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Fixtures: people(:technomancy, :josh) returns both fixtu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Fix indentation in model generator migration template. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-05","Sexy migrations for the session_migration generator. Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-04","Add Date#since, ago, beginning_of_day, and end_of_day. D...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-04","String#to_time overflows to DateTime. Add String#to_date...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-04","Date.yesterday and .tomorrow. Closes #8571.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-04","Readable Date and DateTime#inspect. Closes #8570.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-01","Remove RAILS_ROOT from backtrace paths. Closes #8540.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-01","Routing: map.resource :logo routes to LogosController so...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-01","Move common DateTime calculations to Date. Closes #8536.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-01","render :partial recognizes Active Record associations as...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-06-01","Calculations support non-numeric foreign keys. Closes #8...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-31","Missing helper load error shouldn't shadow load errors w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-31","Base.inspect handles Base itself and abstract_class? Do...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-31","Fix an edge case with find with a list of ids, limit, an...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-30","with_scope is protected. Closes #8524.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-30","Fix imprecise duration addition test. Closes #8516 [Geof...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-30","Quickref for association methods. Closes #7723.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-30","Calculations: return nil average instead of 0 when there...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-30","acts_as_nested_set: direct_children is sorted correctly....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-30","DateTime#to_time converts to Time unless out of range. D...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-30","Time durations use since instead of + for accuracy. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-30","Skip databases that couldn't be created.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Don't choke on nested helpers.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Missed svn add from [6897]. References #8393.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Console reload! runs to_prepare callbacks also. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Raise an exception if both attr_protected and attr_acces...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Workaround test isolation failure with Task.attr_protect...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Typo in PostgreSQL change_column quoting. References #8466.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Missed Oracle rename_column quoting. References #8466.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle: quote column names in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Routing: drop semicolon and comma as route separators.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Correct flash discard rdoc. Closes #8502 [kampers]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Inflections: MatrixTest -> MatrixTests instead of Matric...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Update CHANGELOG attribution.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Wordsmith generator USAGEs.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-29","Generated migrations include timestamps by default. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-28","Multibyte strings respond_to the String methods they pro...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-28","Generate rdoc with utf-8 charset. Closes #7188 [manfred,...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-28","Test that DateTime are quoted as DateTime not Date. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-28","request.remote_ip understands X-Forwarded-For addresses ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-28","Don't croak if ruby-debug isn't installed.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-27","Don't prepare response when rendering a component. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-27","Fix chained duration operation tests. Closes #8489 [Geof...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-27","Add Active Resource to rails:freeze:edge and drop Action...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-27","Add Active Resource to rails:freeze:edge and drop Action...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-27","Reduce file stat calls when checking for template change...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-27","Remove unused resource generator templates obviated by [...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-27","Normalize whitespace. Closes #8385 [Time Pope]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-27","Wordsmith resources documentation. Closes #8484.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","Recognize and raise an exception on 405 Method Not Allow...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","Routing: respond with 405 Method Not Allowed status when...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","Oracle binary fixtures; pull fixture insertion into the ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","Array#to_xml yields the builder just like Hash and Activ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","Missed svn add from [6856]. References #8174.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","Introduce a default respond_to block for custom types. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","Announce migration versions as they're performed.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","DateTime uses Time formats. Closes #8476.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","SQLite: db:create and drop","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","find gracefully copes with blank :conditions. Closes #7599.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","auto_complete_field takes a :method option so you can GE...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","validates_numericality_of takes :greater_than, :greater_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","Add db:create, drop, reset, charset, and collation tasks...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-26","MySQL: create_database takes :charset and :collation opt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Test that #to_xml takes a block. Closes #8471. [seth]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Typo in [6845]. References #8437.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Find with a list of ids supports limit/offset. Closes #8...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Date, Time, and DateTime support formatting blocks in ad...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Optimistic locking: revert the lock version when an upda...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Migrations: add_column supports custom column types. Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Also remove the duplicated unit test template. Reference...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Scaffold generator depends on model generator instead of...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Missed commit from [6833]. References #8456.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Test reconnection after MySQL client timeout. References...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Call the newly generated read method after generating it...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Load database adapters on demand. Eliminates config.conn...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-25","Include some missing fixtures. Closes #7981.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-24","Add multipart request parsing test with bracketed parame...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-24","Don't alias local var","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Scaffold generator tests. Closes #8443.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Set RAW_POST_DATA when request parameters are parsed.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Fix JSON date/time conversion tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Extend the view instance directly instead of mucking wit...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Don't play with fire (anonymous class and returning block).","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Don't load observers if Active Record isn't loaded.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","whiny nil shouldn't depend on Active Record","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Fix :through docs wrecked up by [6777]. Closes #4961.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Revert [6811]. Should be fixed instead of selectively re...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-23","Rewind request body after reading it, if possible. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-22","Generated scaffold functional tests use assert_differenc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-22","Strip junk whitespace from [6806].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-22","Resource namespaces are inherited by their has_many subr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-22","Merge [6804] to stable: belongs_to assignment creates a ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-22","belongs_to assignment creates a new proxy rather than mo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-21","Merge [6802] to stable: fix filtered parameter logging w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-21","Fix filtered parameter logging with nil parameter values...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-21","Merge [6796] to stable from trunk. Integration tests: al...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-21","Integration tests: alias xhr to xml_http_request and add...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-20","Fix USAGE typo in resource generator. Closes #8406.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-20","Merge [6793] to stable from trunk: document Object#blank...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-20","Document Object#blank?. Closes #6491.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-19","Merge [6790] to stable from trunk: document deep eager i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-19","Document deep eager includes. Closes #6267.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-19","Revert [4706] which added incorrect docs. References #5684.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-19","Revert [4706] which added incorrect docs. References #5684.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-19","Merge [6787] to stable from trunk: document caches_actio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-19","Document caches_action. Closes #5419.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-19","Fix incorrent content type lookup in request parsing. Cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-19","Fix #inspect for new records. Closes #8405.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Fix generator test broken by scaffold change. Closes #8402.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","belongs_to doesn't go :through. Closes #4961.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Merge [6775] to stable from trunk: observe_form always s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","observe_form always sends the serialized form. Closes #5...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Include location header in args.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Date, Time, and DateTime#to_json. Closes #8399.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Silence some warnings.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Correct rdoc link to OracleAdapter. Closes #5289.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Docs: warn that associations names shouldn't be reserved...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Clarify :offset docs. Closes #3733.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Pay tribute to timezones. Tune #inspect style.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Remove dev exception.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Parse url-encoded and multipart requests ourselves inste...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","select :include_blank option can be set to a string inst...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Fix render :location => ... test.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Sanitize Base#inspect. Closes #8392.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Pass stdinput to super.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Oops.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-18","Clean up the simply_helpful merge.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-15","Add multipart and url-encoded form mime types.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-15","Simplify CgiRequest#query_parameters","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-15","Move request parameter parsing from CGI to AbstractRequest.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-15","Lazy-read request.raw_post from request.body","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-15","Introduce the request.body stream. Lazy-read to parse pa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-15","Merge [6738] to stable: extract Oracle CHAR column lengt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-15","Oracle: extract column length for CHAR also. Closes #7866.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-15","Shine some sunlight on the CGI extensions. Remove unused...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-14","Non-executable source files.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-14","Rationalize route path escaping according to RFC 2396 se...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-05-06","Generators use *.html.erb view template naming. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-04-26","Pull file from xml value only if it's a Hash. Closes #8190.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-04-25","Resource scaffolding returns the created entity.to_xml.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-04-25","Resource scaffolding responds to new.xml. Closes #8185.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-04-24","Stringify rendered text unless it's a Proc object for st...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-04-24","Expect string response body.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-04-09","script/console quotes RAILS_ROOT in irb command line so ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-30","Highlight helper highlights one or many terms in a singl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-29","Canonicalize configuration.root_path and replace RAILS_R...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-23","Merge [6455] from trunk. Fix PStore typo. References #7900.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-23","Fix PStore typo. Closes #7900.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-19","Merge [6449] from trunk. Fixes SQLite binary encoding wi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-19","SQLite: binary escaping works with ='u'. Closes #7862.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-18","Merge [6446] from trunk. Never return nil from read_para...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-18","Merge [6445] from trunk. Consistently canonicalizes RAIL...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-18","Never return nil from CGI#read_query for compatibility w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-18","Deprecation: remove components from controller paths. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-18","Hash#to_xml supports YAML attributes; ActiveRecord::Base...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-18","Fix method visibility bug uncovered by #7854.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-18","alias_method_chain preserves the original method's visib...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-17","Base.update_all :order and :limit options. Useful for My...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-16","Remove deprecated object transactions. People relying o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-16","Revert [6430] since the test is faulty. References #7837...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-16","Fix typo in migration test.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-16","PostgreSQL: remove DateTime -> Time downcast. Bypass the...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-16","Merge [6431] from trunk. CGI::Session::Pstore performanc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-16","Performance: patch cgi/session/pstore to require digest/...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-16","Undeprecate redirect_to with Hash argument and additiona...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-14","Cookie session store: ensure that new sessions doesn't r...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-14","Merge [6422] from trunk. Undeprecates verification with ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-14","Deprecation: verification with :redirect_to => :named_ro...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-14","Clarify changelog entries.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-14","find_or_create_by_* takes a hash so you can create with ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Cookie session store: raise ArgumentError when :session_...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove deprecated url_for(:symbol, *args) a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove deprecated update_element_function, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove deprecated human_size helper alias. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove deprecated link_to_image and link_im...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: privatize deprecated render_partial and ren...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove toplevel components directory and us...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove deprecated dependency methods.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove deprecated request methods.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove deprecated redirect methods.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Deprecation: remove deprecated instance variables.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Credit Dan by name rather than nick.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-13","Consistent public/protected/private visibility for chain...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-12","Fix to_datetime test broken by DST change. Closes #7797.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-12","Oracle: fix quoted primary keys and datetime overflow. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-11","Adjust test for unsorted Array#to_query. References #7756.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-11","Allow array and hash query parameters. Closes #7756.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-11","Array#to_query preserves its ordering. References #7756.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-11","form_options_helper refactoring for clarity. Closes #7787.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-11","Fix typo, closes #7788.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-11","Fix @logger.debug? conditional considering @logger may b...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-11","Give time_ago_in_words test some DST slop.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-09","Merge [6364] from trunk. Consistently quote primary key ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-09","Consistently quote primary key column names. Closes #7763.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-09","Merge [6360] from trunk. Fixes YAML Omap fixtures. Refer...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-09","Fixtures: fix YAML ordered map support. Closes #2665.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-09","DateTimes assume the default timezone. Closes #7764.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-08","Fix typo. References #7727, closes #7762.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","Prefer MIME constants to strings. Closes #7707.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","Sybase: hide timestamp columns since they're inherently ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","Oracle: overflow Time to DateTime. Closes #7718.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","Note that find results may not be in the same order as t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","PostgreSQL: don't use async_exec and async_query with po...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","Merge [6344] from trunk. Check for MinGW when testing fo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. Closes #2...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","Allow array and hash query parameters. Array route param...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-06","Fix an edge case with dates during the Italian calendar ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-05","Merge [6336] from trunk. References #6466, #7153.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-05","Fix has_many :through << with custom foreign keys. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-05","Time#since overflows to DateTime. Introduce Time#to_date...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","Upgrade rake dependency from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 to pull in i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","Upgrade rake dependency from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 to pull in i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility: the bundled mysql.rb had used ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","Sort asset sources for consistent results across filesys...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","Improve dispatcher failsafe responses. Beef up compatibi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","Extract dynamic scaffolding into a plugin. Closes #7700.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","Out-of-range Time calculations transparently overflow to...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","Test DateTime native type in migrations. References #7649.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-04","DateTime calculations analogous to the Date and Time ext...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-03","SQLServer: recognize real column type as Ruby float, cor...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-03","Cookie store: use OpenSSL::HMAC instead of basic hash. I...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-03","Cookie store: test that >4K raises CookieOverflow and th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-02","Merge [6099] from trunk. Compatibility with Ruby 1.8.6: ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-03-01","Dispatcher test requires abstract_unit. Cleanup abstract...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-27","Merge [6253] from trunk. References #6680.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-27","session_enabled? works with session :off. Closes #6680.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-26","Merge [6241] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-26","mysql.rb ignores IOError in finalizer when socket is alr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-25","Cookie session store: empty and unchanged sessions don't...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-22","Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-22","Integration tests: introduce methods for other HTTP meth...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-22","Use the query cache iff Active Record is configured.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-22","CGI escape the session cookie.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-22","Oops, don't omit the session_key since it's used as the ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-22","Session configuration in config/environment.rb instead o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-21","Missed commit for [6184]. Generate a random secret for n...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-21","Routing: better support for escaped values in route segm...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-21","Introduce a cookie-based session store as the Rails defa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-19","Factor out unique id generator. Expose cgi to session st...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-18","Add request protocol to asset host if not given. Prefer ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-18","Work around the two connection per host browser limit: u...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-18","Etagging ignores appended and block responses.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-11","MySQL disallows TEXT defaults so don't test for them.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-11","Hash#to_query CGI-escapes its keys.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-11","Don't test for hash sort order.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-10","Revert [6086] and [6087] since they caused a major regre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-10","Revert [6086] and [6087] since they caused a major regre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-10","Merge [6143] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-10","Performance: patch cgi/session to require digest/md5 onc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-08","Merge [6140] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-08","Deprecation: warn on stderr if RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER isn'...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-01","Plugins may be symlinked in vendor/plugins. Closes #4245.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-02-01","Ruby 1.8-cvs and 1.9 define a private Time#to_date that ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-29","Oracle: fix lob and text default handling. Closes #7344.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [6086] from trunk. References #7372.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","TestSession supports indifferent access so session['foo'...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [6084] from trunk. References #7083.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","SQLServer: don't choke on strings containing 'null'. Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","date_select and datetime_select take a :default option. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [6078] from trunk. References #6977.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","select :multiple => true suffixes the attribute name wit...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [6075] from trunk. References #7228.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Mark the last release in the changelog.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Full test coverage for Inflector. Closes #7228.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","MySQL: blob and text columns may not have defaults in 5....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","update_all can take a Hash argument. sanitize_sql splits...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [6071] from trunk. References #7095.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Improve routes documentation. Closes #7095.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","mail_to :encode => 'hex' also encodes the mailto: part o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Resource generator depends on the model generator rather...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [6067] from trunk. References #6778.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Post title and body not null. References #6778.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [5434] from trunk. Reference #6495.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [6064] from trunk. References #6778.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","MySQL: SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 so 'where id is null' does...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Merge [6062] from trunk. References #7229.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Resource member routes require :id, eliminating the ambi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Use Date#to_s(:db) for quoted dates. Closes #7411.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28",":db format for Date#to_s","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Use a consistent load path to avoid double requires. Fix...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Fix Test::Unit::TestCase#clean_backtrace","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-28","Remove deprecated assertions.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Merge [5704], [6005], [6034] from trunk. References #726...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Autolinking recognizes trailing and embedded . , : ; Cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Squash test warnings.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Loading a resource preserves its prefix_options. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Docs: validations examples. Closes #7343.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Mocha 0.4 mixes in more public instance methods, confusi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Pass busy timeout for sqlite3 integration tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Merge [6023] from trunk. References #7330.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-24","Fixtures use the table name and connection from set_fixt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-23","Merge [6014] from trunk. References #2928.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-23","SQLServer: quote table name in indexes query. Closes #2928.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-23","Subclasses of an abstract class work with single-table i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-17","Interpret 422 Unprocessable Entity as ResourceInvalid. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-17","RecordInvalid, RecordNotSaved => 422 Unprocessable Entit...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-15","Merge [5944] from trunk. References #7048.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-15","Skip column options for primary keys. Closes #7048.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-15","Merge [5937] from trunk. References #6956.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-15","change_column accepts :default => nil. Closes #6956.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-15","Merge [5935] from trunk. References #3987, #6664.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-15","MySQL, PostgreSQL: change_column_default quotes the defa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-15","Merge [5933] from trunk. References #7000.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-15","Oracle: create_table takes a :sequence_name option to ov...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Calculations don't modify their options hash. References...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Test that calculations don't modify their options hash. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Merge [5929] from trunk. References #6976.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","MySQL: retain SSL settings on reconnect. Closes #6976.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Merge [5909], [5927] from trunk. References #6742, #7026.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Allow exempt_from_layout :rhtml. References #6742, close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Wrap and skip tests using mocha.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Merge [5924] from trunk. References #7023.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Document Inflector.ordinalize and merge docs from String...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-14","Aggregate reflection klass works with nested :class_name","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-13","Merge [5919] from trunk. References #7021.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-13","Oracle: correctly perform eager finds with :limit and :o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-13","Merge [5917] from trunk: unbundle flexmock.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-13","Unbundle flexmock.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-13","Use mocha for rescue tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-13","Merge [5914] from trunk. References #7015.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-13","Generator: use destination path for diff tempfiles. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Failing test for exempt_from_layout :rhtml. References #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5907] from trunk. References #6482.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Fix scope typo in add_lock! Closes #6482. [zubek]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5904] from trunk. References #6252.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5901], [5902], [5903] from trunk. References #6156.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Fix parsing of array[] CGI parameters so extra empty val...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Demonstrate that a value's required. References #6156.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Oops. References #6156.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Test MySQL implicit NULL for integer columns. Closes #6156.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5899] from trunk. References #6962.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Tiny doc fix for link_to_remote simulated :delete exampl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Base.exists?(id, options) and Base#exists? check whether...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5895], [5896] from trunk. References #6891.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","link_to_unless_current works with full URLs as well as p...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Set request.env['REQUEST_URI'] when absent.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5893] from trunk. References #2541.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Test proving render_to_string result passed to partial w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5891] from trunk. References #6635.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","SQLServer: handle [quoted] table names. Closes #6635.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5889] from trunk. References #6030.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","acts_as_nested_set works with single-table inheritance. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Merge [5887] from trunk. References #4668.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","PostgreSQL: use a subselect to correctly perform eager f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Fix new_record? and id rollback. Closes #6910.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Inline primary keys.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-12","Ignore Ares test/debug.log","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-10","Pass a range in :conditions to use the SQL BETWEEN opera...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-08","test javascript include with and without application.js","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-08","Revert failing test from [5847].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Merge [5826] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Fix date helper test when run on 31st day of the month! ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Merge [5824] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","use stringify_keys","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Merge [5822] from 1.2 (oops, wrong order).","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Tighten new_session option check.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Merge [5820] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Set session to an empty hash if :new_session => false an...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Missed additions from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Missed additions from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","Merge [5816] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2007-01-01","tighten test_load_once_paths_should_behave_when_recursiv...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-31","Merge [5814] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-31","Check for nil name also. Closes #6561.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-29","Validating save returns boolean; update and create retur...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-29","prefix_parameters pulls /:path/:params from the URI prefix","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-29","doh typo in commit from the hip","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-29","generate prefix parameters if undefined","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-29","Query string support. Closes #6855.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-28","Routing uses URI escaping for path components and CGI es...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-22","Base#==, eql?, and hash methods. == returns true if its ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-22","Singleton resources: POST /singleton => create, GET /sin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-22","Use 400 Bad Request status for unrescued ActiveRecord::R...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-21","test that element name includes module nesting","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-21","Pushing a record on an association collection doesn't un...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-21","HttpMock InvalidRequestError inspects the mismatched req...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-21","Subclasses share superclass site until explicitly set. T...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-21","move http_mock to lib so others can use it in their Ares...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-21","Merge [5746] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-20","Merge [5763] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-20","DeprecatedInstanceVariable#inspect doesn't warn since te...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-20","Merge [5761] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-20","Oracle: fix connection reset failure. Closes #6846.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-20","Merge [5759] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-20","Fix date helper :include_blank regression. Closes #3811....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","Merge [5757] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","Silence log_error deprecation warnings from inspecting d...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","Merge [5755] from trunk. Closes #6514, closes #6743.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","Only cache GET requests with a 200 OK response. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","Merge [5753] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","Partially revert [5660] - makes more trouble than it res...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","Merge [5749],[5750],[5751] from trunk. References #6840.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","Subclass instantiation doesn't try to explicitly require...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","use RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER in debug mode so we can log Dep...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-19","utf8 mysql topics table","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-18","Rollback accidental commit from [5686].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-18","Don't require test/unit since it tries to turn everythin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-17","Merge [5730] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-17","Another test that the deprecation spout is plugged.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-17","Merge [5728] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-17","Deprecation: silence warnings when reporting test errors.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-17","Work around a cross-platform number_to_precision inconsi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-17","Hash#slice(*keys) returns a new hash with only the given...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-16","HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_hash converts to a Hash wit...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-16","Silence warnings; use more precise assertions.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-15","merge plugin loading changes to 1.2 release","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-12","Merge [5715] from trunk. Closes #6699.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-12","Correctly report which filter halted the chain. Referenc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-08","Rewrap scaffold_resource USAGE so it displays nicely on ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-08","Unrescued ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound responds with 404...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Merge [5694]-[5698] from trunk: respond_to json and rend...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Remove support for json in X-Post-Data-Format header sin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Remove unrelated render :yaml changes. References #4185.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Update changelog to reflect application/json content type.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","More thorough JSON tests. Use application/json by defaul...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","respond_to recognizes JSON. render :json => @person.to_j...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Partially merge [5691] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Changelog for bungled commit.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Missed commit from [5686].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Merge [5689] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Don't do introspection queries during locking tests [Mic...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Include svn revision in changelogs.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Merge [5685] from trunk. Closes #3811.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-06","Bob's raining patches: fixes date_helper bugs and usabil...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-05","Merge [5682] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-05","find supports :lock with :include. Check whether your da...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-05","AssociationCollection#any? takes a block [Michael Schoen]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-05","*_path instance methods. Check for missing/invalid site ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-01","Merge [5660] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-12-01","Subclasses of an abstract class work with single-table i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-29","Merge [5435] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-28","Merge [5645] from 1.2.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-28","Use head. Stop last @response.redirect_url from bleeding...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-28","Merge [5643] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-28","@response.redirect_url works with 201 Created responses:...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-26","Merge [5635] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-26","Use Location rather than location header.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-26","Merge [5631] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-26","uses_component_template_root looks at caller[0] which tu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-26","Merge [5629] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-26","strip_tags passes through blank args such as nil or "". ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Merge [5586], [5596] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Merge [5597] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Quote ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars. Closes #6653.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Test for forged '' default before it's typecast. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Test has_one :dependent => :nullify with missing associa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Test has_one :dependent => :nullify with missing associa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Simplify query_attribute by typecasting the attribute va...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Merge [5591] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Ensure render_to_string cleans up after itself when an e...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Merge [5589] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","validates_numericality_of uses \A \Z to ensure the entir...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Run validations in the order they were declared. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Extract template_changed_since? from compile_template? s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","MySQL: detect when a NOT NULL column without a default v...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-20","Test session table pluralization. Closes #6459.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-19","Simplify association proxy implementation by factoring c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-19","Migration benchmark wrappers use alias_method_chain. Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-19","Merge [5561] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-19","simple_format helper doesn't choke on nil. Closes #6644.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-18","Merged [5485] from trunk","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-18","Merged [5482] from trunk","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-17","Improve readability.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-17","Grep slightly faster than select =~","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-17","Merge [5543] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-17","ActionView::Base.erb_variable accessor names the buffer ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-17","Template errors: fix strange deprecation warnings on e.g...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-16","Merge [5541] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-16","Test autoloading nested subclass of parent.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-16","Merge [5531] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-16","Merge [5535], [5536] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-16","Deprecate standalone components.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-16","Handle failed caller parsing, factor out deprecation cal...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-16","Merge [5533] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-16","Mysql::Result#all_hashes compatibility with Mysql C driv...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-15","ARStore needs a data reader method. Closes #4795.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-15","Remove dead abort_tests method.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-15","assert_select_rjs :remove","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-15","Fix failing test fallback when neither SQLite 2 or 3 is ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-14","Merge [5521] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-14","Hash#to_xml handles keys with the same name as Kernel me...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-14","Cleanup SQLite AUTOINCREMENT: exclude sqlite_sequence ta...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-14","Merge [5518] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-14","Update Oracle performance credits.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Merge [5514] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Oracle: automatically detect the primary key. Closes #6594.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Merge [5512] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Always clear model associations from session. Closes #4795.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Merge [5509] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Oracle: to increase performance, prefetch 100 rows and e...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Merge [5506] from trunk. Set Rails::VERSION::STRING to 1...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Rails::VERSION::STRING on trunk is 1.2.0","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Rails::VERSION::STRING should always be available. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Allow mailer actions named send by using __send__ intern...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","test controller rescues","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","silence const_set warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","Merge [5501] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-13","update_element_function is deprecated","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-11","Only wrap request processing with our USR1 signal handle...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-11","Nested class gets qualified names.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-11","Sync ActionController::StatusCodes::STATUS_CODES with ht...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-10","Merge [5480] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-10","Oracle: fix limited id selection for eager loading. Clos...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-10","Don't inspect unloaded associations. Closes #2905.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-09","SQLite: use AUTOINCREMENT primary key in >= 3.1.0. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-09","Merge [5474] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-09","Cache inheritance_column. Closes #6592.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-09","Multipart form values may have a content type without be...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-09","Merge [5469] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-09","Rake: use absolute paths to load lib and vendor tasks so...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-07","Merge [5466] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-07","assert_response supports symbolic status codes. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-07","Merge [5440], [5444], [5463], [5464] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-07","Update failing autoload tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-07","Merge [5459] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-07","Firebird: decimal/numeric support. Closes #6408.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-07","Merge [5445] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-07","Find with :include respects scoped :order. Closes #5850.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-06","Merge [5442] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-06","Cache parsed query parameters. Closes #6559.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-06","Missed pluralize nil test in [5431].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-06","Failing test for autoloading shadowed exceptions.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","Add assert_emails and assert_no_emails to test the numbe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","Support nil and Array in :conditions => { attr => value ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","Consistently use LOWER() for uniqueness validations (rat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","Merge [5432] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","Fix unicode JSON regexp for Onigurama compatibility. Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","pluralize helper interprets nil as zero. Closes #6474.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","Merge [5429] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","Fix invalid test fixture exposed by stricter Ruby 1.8.5 ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","Merge [5427] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","scaffold_resource generator uses _path named routes and ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-05","SQLite: count(distinct) queries supported in >= 3.2.6, f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-03","Merge [5422] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-03","Set ActionView::Base.default_form_builder once rather th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-03","Merge [5420] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-03","Test multiple timezones' DST. Closes #5617.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5418] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Use US timezone for DST tests. Closes #5617.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5416] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Dynamically generate reader methods for serialized attri...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5412] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Deprecate expire_matched_fragments. Use expire_fragment ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Consistent default handling in ActionView render. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Remove dupe entry.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5405] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Deprecation: object transactions warning.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5403] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Update bundled flexmock to latest 0.4.3.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5401] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","has_one :dependent => :nullify ignores nil associates. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5399] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Document that expire_fragment with regexp arg fails on m...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5397] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Generator can show diff on file collision to help you de...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5395] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Generated directories are recursively svn added, like mk...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","Merge [5388] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-02","next_week respects DST changes. Closes #5617, closes #23...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-01","Merge [5384] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-01","Oracle: resolve test failures, use prefetched primary ke...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-01","Merge [5379] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-01","Merge [5378] from trunk.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-11-01","resource and scaffold_resource generators add a restful ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-24","next_week respects DST changes. Closes #6483.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-23","Plugin generator: check for class collisions. Closes #4833.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-20","MySQL: all_hashes compatibility with old MysqlRes class....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-20","mailer unit test handles nested fixture paths","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-20","reference view path in fixture","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-20",".rhtml extension for view only","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-20","Mailer generator: handle mailers in modules, set mime_ve...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-18","test deprecated instance variables using to_s instead of...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-11","Compare to 0 rather than call zero? to handle nil.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-10","Wrap save! in a transaction. Closes #6324.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-09","improve example in migrations docs, closes #6370","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-09","Don't rollback in teardown unless a transaction was star...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-09","PostgreSQL: db:test:purge closes open database connectio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-09"," r5540@ks: jeremy | 2006-10-08 23:05:30 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-09","render_text may optionally append to the response body. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-09","one render per test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-08"," r5515@ks: jeremy | 2006-10-08 13:24:42 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-08","The has_many create method works with polymorphic associ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-05","Update RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS for current Rake tasks. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-02","add response to list of deprecated instance variables","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-02","MySQL: introduce Mysql::Result#all_hashes to support fur...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-02","use instance vars in rescue templates since controller m...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-02","save! shouldn't validate twice. Closes #6324.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-10-01","Association collections have an _ids reader method to ma...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","Use class name as XML_TYPE_NAMES key.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","Hash#to_xml supports Bignum and BigDecimal. Closes #6313.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","Deprecate @response","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","Deprecate @headers","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","Deprecate @cookies","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","Include caller of deprecated count method.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","Use the first unparsed argument as the code or file to r...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","assert_select_rjs decodes escaped unicode chars since th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-29","Deprecation: @request will be removed after 1.2. Use the...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-26","Deprecation: count class method should be called with an...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-26","strip_links is case-insensitive. Closes #6285.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-26","whitespace","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-26","script/runner can run files, pass on arguments, and be u...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-26","has_one associations with a nil target may be safely mar...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-25","scaffold_resource naming, fixes #6276","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-25","organize associations tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-25","use a real test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-22","workaround collections loaded as :people => { :person =>...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-22","Filters overhaul including meantime filter support for a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-22","use ActiveRecordTestCase","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-22","deprecation_method_warning and deprecation_horizon - few...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-22","use :dependent => :destroy rather than :dependent => true","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-22","Look for rake tasks in plugin subdirs. Closes #6259.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-18","Rescue Errno::ECONNRESET to handle an unexpectedly close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-16","Declare file extensions exempt from layouts. Closes #6219.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-15","Stray code.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-15","Deprecation tests. Remove warnings for dynamic finders a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-15","assert_deprecated returns result of block","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-15","assert_deprecated matches any warning caught in block","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-15","alias_method_chain yields method target and punctuation ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-14","remove implicit primary actions - more pain than gain. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-14","Mock Time.now for more accurate Touch mixin tests. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-13","session_migration generator adds an index on updated_at....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-13","Improve yaml fixtures error reporting. Closes #6205.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-13","script/server creates the tmp/pids directory. Closes #6204.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-12","Load helpers in alphabetical order for consistency. Reso...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-12","Skip params with empty names, such as the &=Save query s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-12","alias_method_chain works with accessor= methods also. Cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-12","Fix script/console --sandbox for internal transactions c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-09","Optimistic locking: raise ActiveResource::ResourceConfli...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-08","Update descriptive messages for exceptions thrown by cgi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-07","Rollback [4917]. Closes #785.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-05","load expects a Hash","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","load nil is noop. use new? instead of new_resource?","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","Deep hashes are converted into collections of resources....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","consistent load path to prevent double loads","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","test subdirs, turn warnings on","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","quell warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","Deprecation: use :dependent => :delete_all rather than :...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","Document validates_presences_of behavior with booleans: ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","reloadable deprecation tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","silenced writer","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","deprecated render assertions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","deprecated assertions tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","new render deprecations test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","Don't use deprecated render API. Cosmetics.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","deprecated keep_flash test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","redirect deprecation tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","no more render_to_string deprecation warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","silence deprecation warnings. cosmetics.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","deprecated render tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","test_test deprecation and cosmetics","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","set ActiveSupport::Deprecation.debug = true to see backt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","pass caller to deprecation warning","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","set ActiveSupport::Deprecation.debug = true to see backt...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","Fix deprecation warnings in verification tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","Active Record integration deprecation tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","Quiet while testing, you.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","get deprecation methods and callers straight","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-04","Optimistic locking: gracefully handle nil versions, trea...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","Integration tests: thoroughly test ActionController::Int...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","svn:ignore debug.log","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","action","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","radio_button_tag generates unique id attributes. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","More tests for alias_method_chain with feature and metho...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","Validation tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","validates_confirmation_of only kicks in when the attribu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","strip_tags returns nil for a blank arg such as nil or ""...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","Cleanup assert_tag :children counting. Closes #2181.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","button_to accepts :method so you can PUT and DELETE with...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","Thoroughly test the FCGI dispatcher. Closes #5970.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-03","railties tests","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-02","to_xml: the :methods option works on arrays of records. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-02","Commit stray fixture.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-01","Deprecation: update docs. Closes #5998.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-01","has_many :through conditions are sanitized by the associ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-09-01","Integration tests: headers beginning with X aren't exclu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-31","200...400 are valid response codes. PUT and POST request...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-31","site= accepts URIs","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-31","Tighten rescue clauses. Closes #5985.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-31","Fix send_data documentation typo. Closes #5982.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-30","Inflections: don't singularize -ies plurals.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","has_one supports the :dependent => :delete option which ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","dispatcher test cosmetics","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","Railties: axe junk webrick dispatcher test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","Railties: info tests passing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","Railties: info controller tests passing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","Railties: generator tests passing","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","Cleaning up railties tests. Set RAILS_ROOT for Rails::In...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","remove superfluous ABSOLUTE_RAILS_ROOT from webrick server","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","make the railties test task available","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-29","Eliminate Active Support warnings.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-26","start an Active Resource changelog","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-26","Typo in integration app session. Closes #5864.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-26","Deprecation: test deprecated instance vars in partials.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-25","Nested subclasses are not prefixed with the parent class...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-25","Use Array#assoc in ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-25","SQLServer: work around bug where some unambiguous date f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-25","SQLServer: fix eager association test. Closes #5901.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-24","Clashing type columns due to a sloppy join shouldn't wre...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-24","map.resources docs typo closes #5895","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-24","Fixtures: correct escaping of \n and \r. Closes #5859.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-23","Migrations: gracefully handle missing migration files. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-23","MySQL: update test schema for MySQL 5 strict mode. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-22","Clean up and run the Active Record integration tests by ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-22","Rollback #5819 since it's compatible with PostgreSQL 8.1...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-22","Clean up and run the Active Record integration tests by ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-20","to_xml: correct naming of included associations. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-20","Correct example in cookies docs. Closes #5832.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-20","Pushing a record onto a has_many :through sets the assoc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-19","unbraindeadify addition to has_many :through","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-19","Pushing a record onto a has_many :through sets the assoc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-19","whitespace","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-19","PostgreSQL: simplify index introspection query. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-18","Add records to has_many :through using <<, push, and con...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-17","Cache nil results for :included has_one associations als...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-16","Shorten index name.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-16","Included associations: go deep.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-16","Nested classes are given table names prefixed by the sin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-16","Dependencies can autoload directories of nested classes.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-15","Make indexed columns easy to extract from the index name...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-15","Migrations: uniquely name multicolumn indexes so you don...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-14","Fix for deep includes on the same association.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-09","PostgreSQL: autodetected sequences work correctly with m...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-09","Nested controller scaffolding also nests the generated l...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-08","separate warn method for easier localization override","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-08","Include called method in instance variable deprecation w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-07","DateTime#to_time gives hour/minute/second resolution. Cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-07","Deprecation: check whether instance variables have been ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-07","Deprecate direct usage of @params. Update ActionView::Ba...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-07"," r3022@ks: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-07","Deprecation! @session and @flash will be removed after 1...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-07","Don't warn when the deprecated ivar proxy is instantiated.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-07","attr_internal to support namespacing and deprecation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-06","Don't save has_one associations unnecessarily. Closes #5...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-05","script/performance/profiler compatibility with the new r...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-05","DeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy stand-in for @request, @...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-05","Make controller_path available as an instance method. Cl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-05","Fix announcement of very long migration names. Closes #5...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-05","./script/generate usage. Closes #5721.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-03","The exists? class method should treat a string argument ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-03","Thoroughly document inflections. Closes #5700.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-02","Schema dumper quotes date :default values.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-01","Deprecation: easier to work with warning behavior as pro...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-01","more concise destroy test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-01"," r4889@ks: jeremy | 2006-07-31 20:27:15 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-01","Nested resource testing.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-08-01","Nesting map.resources","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-31"," r4886@ks: jeremy | 2006-07-31 00:01:55 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-31"," r4880@ks: jeremy | 2006-07-30 23:52:59 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-31"," r4854@ks: jeremy | 2006-07-30 00:59:18 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-24","BigDecimal: schema dumper formatting","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-18","Allow form_for and fields_for to work with indexed form ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-10","create_table rdoc: suggest :id => false for habtm join t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-10","PostgreSQL: return array fields as strings. Closes #4664.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-10","occured -> occurred. Closes #5559.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-10","Ignore fixtures in test cases if there are no database c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-10","Test connections use AR::Base.configurations. References...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-10","SQLServer: added tests to ensure all database statements...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-10","Oracle: BigDecimal support. Closes #5667.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-09","Optional identity for Enumerable#sum defaults to zero. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-09","Update documentation for erb trim syntax. Closes #5651.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-09","Firebird database tasks.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08"," r4704@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-27 12:00:19 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08"," r4487@asus: jeremy | 2006-04-29 12:21:39 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Firebird migrations support. Closes #5337.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Respect type method. #5337","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Pass :id => nil or :class => nil to error_messages_for t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Reset @html_document between requests so assert_tag work...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Update render :partial documentation. Closes #5646.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Dispatcher processes rescued actions with the same contr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","PostgreSQL: create/drop as postgres user. Closes #4790.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","rails -d frontbase to create a new project with a frontb...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Rollback [4584], bad test. Reopens #3819.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Update callbacks documentation. Closes #3970.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Don't modify options parameters in-place. Closes #3819.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","make_dest_dirs rake task uses path = . by default. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-08","Integration tests behave well with render_component. Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-07","Clarify partial filename constraints. Closes #1161.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-07","PostgreSQL: correctly quote the ' in pk_and_sequence_for...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-07","PostgreSQL: correctly quote microseconds in timestamps. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-07","find_one uses find_every.first instead of find_initial s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-07","Clearer has_one/belongs_to model names (account has_one ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-07","More succinct current_adapter? Enable locking duel for O...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-07","PostgreSQL: add_column can add a not null column with a ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-07","Oracle: use nonblocking queries if allow_concurrency is ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-06","Ensure the logger is initialized. Closes #5629.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-06","Rename test file so it runs for MySQL only.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-06","Grammar fix in aggregations rdoc. Closes #5613.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-05","Really, this time. References #5612.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-05","Update scaffolding functional tests to use :id => people...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-05","text_field_with_auto_complete stylesheet uses <style typ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-05","db:test:clone should remove existing tables before reloa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-05","HashWithIndifferentAccess shouldn't confuse false and ni...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-03","Typo in alias_method_chain rdoc.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-03","Add forgotten test/abstract_unit","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-07-01","Generate scaffold layout in subdirectory appropriate to ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-30","fix regexp typo","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-30"," r4748@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-29 22:40:35 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-30","Mailer template root applies to a class and its subclass...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-30"," r4738@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-29 20:18:43 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-30","Missing method_key.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29","Retain symbol method key and assign_method_name.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29"," r4732@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-29 13:51:32 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29"," r4730@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-29 13:13:38 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29"," r4724@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-28 19:22:46 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29","More compatible Hash.create_from_xml. Closes #5523.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29","Resolve conflict among mailer actions with the same name...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29"," r4720@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-28 18:12:57 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29","script/server prefers mongrel over lighttpd","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-29","Mongrel: script/server tails the rails log like it does ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-28","Don't assume Active Record is available. Closes #5497.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-28","Mongrel: script/server works on Win32. Closes #5499.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-28","rake build_mysql_database grants permissions to rails@lo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-25","Enumerable#sum without blocks. Closes #5505. Don't assum...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-25","PostgreSQL: support microsecond time resolution. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-23","Mongrel support for script/server. Closes #5475.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-22","Correct and clarify Array#to_sentence docs. Closes #5458.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-21","Get there","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-21","preserve chained method punctuation","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-21","alias_method_chain preserves method punctuation so foo, ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-21","prefer sibling actionpack","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-21","Determine the correct template_root for deeply nested co...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-20"," r4669@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-20 12:53:36 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-20","Include rails -v / rails --version in app generator usag...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-20"," r4667@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-20 00:59:15 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-20"," r4664@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-19 18:55:36 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-20"," r4663@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-19 17:23:57 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-19"," r4644@asus: jeremy | 2006-06-16 14:57:03 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-03","Uncry thyself","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-03","to_xml fixes, features, and speedup. Closes #4989.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-02","fixtures :accounts for base_test. Closes #5268.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-02","Rewind readable CGI params so others may reread them (su...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-02","Excise the headache-prone syswrite in send_file.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-02","PostgreSQL: don't ignore port when host is nil since it'...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-02","Add :status option to send_data and send_file. Defaults ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-01","Mind the order of things.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-01","Quell warnings. Closes #5245.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-01","Records and arrays of records are bound as quoted ids.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-06-01","Cope with missing content type and length headers. Parse...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-31","fix test warnings","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-22","follow_redirect doesn't complain about being redirected ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-22","Session migration generator obeys pluralize_table_names....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-19","create! no longer blows up when no attributes are passed...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-17","Change the request.env example in AC::Base docs to a var...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-12","Wipe those tears.. References [4335].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-12","rake test:recent understands subdirectories. Closes #2925.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-12","The app generator detects the XAMPP package's MySQL sock...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-12","PostgreSQL: migrations support :limit with :integer colu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-11","form.text_area handles the :size option just like the or...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-09","Excise ingrown code from FormOptionsHelper#options_for_s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-08","Trim typo.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-08","Document Active Support's Module::delegate. Closes #5002.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-07","The app generator sets a session key in application.rb s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-07","Dates and times interpret empty strings as nil rather th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-07","uniq preserves order. References [4325].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-05-06","Allow :uniq => true with has_many :through associations.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-13","Dynamically set allow_concurrency. Closes #4044.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-02","fix unreplaced class var","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-02","Revert allow_concurrency change for better testing. Retr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-01","(duh :)","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-01","Typo in stale thread removal.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-01","Clear stale, cached connections left behind by defunct t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-01","Clear stale, cached connections left behind by defunct t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-01","CHANGED DEFAULT: set ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrenc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-03-01","Help script/about print the correct svn revision when in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-28","Generator::Base#usage takes an optional message argument...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-28","Remove the extraneous AR::Base.threaded_connections sett...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-28","Add missing fixtures for #3937.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-27","Speed up class -> connection caching and stale connectio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-27","Define attribute query methods to avoid method_missing c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-26"," r3847@asus: jeremy | 2006-02-26 15:26:53 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-26"," r3846@asus: jeremy | 2006-02-26 15:24:58 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-26","ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection explicitly closes d...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-26","fix method scoping test for postgresql","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-23","Allow script/server -c /path/to/lighttpd.conf","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-23","fix test for postgresql","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-22","Remove hardcoded path to reaper script in script/server.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-22","Reflections don't attempt to resolve module nesting of a...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","PostgreSQL: smarter schema dumps using pk_and_sequence_f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","SQLServer: more compatible limit/offset emulation. Close...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","Major components cleanup and speedup. Closes #3527.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","Closes #3784.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","Update AR default timezone docs.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09"," r3730@asus: jeremy | 2006-02-09 11:42:57 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","SQL Server cannot sort on type text. This causes three e...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","Polymorphic join support for has_one associations (has_o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","defaults_test gets a dummy test method so it has at leas...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","Move active_record_store_test.rb to test/activerecord/. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09"," r3724@asus: jeremy | 2006-02-09 10:13:41 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2006-02-09","PostgreSQL: correctly parse negative integer column defa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-13"," r3465@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-13 10:15:33 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-13","Don't used defined? on a scoped constant since it result...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-13"," r3458@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-13 09:33:50 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-13"," r3457@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-13 08:52:39 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-13","Roll back [3244]. References #3116.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-13","MySQL: allow encoding option for mysql.rb driver.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-10"," r3435@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-10 13:40:43 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-10","MySQL: fixes for the bundled mysql.rb driver. Reference...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-10"," r3429@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 16:55:16 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-10","SQLServer: fix obscure optimistic locking bug, support u...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09"," r3421@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 15:42:40 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09"," r3420@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 15:38:30 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09"," r3419@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 15:36:50 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09","Name vendor/generators source differently from lib/gener...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09","MySQL: ensure that @config is set.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09"," r3416@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 15:07:21 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09","Generator looks in vendor/generators also.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09"," r3413@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 15:03:42 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09","Fix bundled mysql.rb to correctly check for PROTO_41. F...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09"," r3410@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 10:48:32 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09","Fix shebang handling for empty files. References #2927.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09"," r3407@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-09 10:39:00 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-09","Generator copies files in binary mode. References #3156.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3404@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-08 15:24:44 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08","Fix some test failures due to MySQL assumptions. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3401@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 23:30:11 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08","Oracle: active? performs a select instead of a commit. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3392@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 21:10:42 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08","MySQL: more robust test for nullified result hashes. Re...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3389@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:52:39 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08","SQLite: find database file when RAILS_ROOT is a symlink....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3387@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:48:42 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08","Reloading an instance refreshes its aggregations as well...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3379@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:42:31 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3378@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:41:47 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08","More robust relative url root discovery for SCGI compati...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3375@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:36:13 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08","PostgreSQL: more robust sequence name discovery. Refere...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08"," r3372@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-07 20:25:20 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-08","Oracle: use syntax compatible with Oracle 8. References...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-07"," r3363@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-06 22:26:27 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-05","Clear the connection cache entry when a new connection i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-05","Clear connection cache after rolling back transaction.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-04","Move dummy active? and reconnect! from sqlite to base ad...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-04","Connection cache to speed up retrieve_connection and get...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-04","Don't use transactional fixtures for when DDL changes ar...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-03","MySQL: work around ruby-mysql/mysql-ruby inconsistency w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-02","Firebird: active? and reconnect! methods for handling st...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-02"," r3339@asus: jeremy | 2005-12-01 17:03:16 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-12-02","Firebird: updated for FireRuby 0.4.0. References #3009.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-28","PostgreSQL: active? compatibility with the pure-Ruby dri...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-28","MySQL: active? compatibility with the pure-Ruby driver. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-28","Handle mutual dependencies with .rb suffix.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24","Introduce Dependencies.warnings_on_first_load setting. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24","Oracle: active? check pings the database rather than tes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24"," r3315@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 23:13:48 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24","SQLServer: resolve column aliasing/quoting collision whe...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24"," r3313@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 23:03:36 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24","Reloading a model doesn't lose track of its connection. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24","Sever infinite loop for mutual dependencies. Closes #2997.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24"," r3307@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 17:52:14 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24"," r3306@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 17:39:24 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24"," r3305@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 17:33:51 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-24"," r3303@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 17:14:31 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23","Dependencies: set load_file_name = file_name if it ends ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23","script/plugin: handle root paths and plugin names which ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23","Introduce :selected option to the select helper. Allows...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23"," r3296@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-23 13:38:56 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23"," r3285@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-22 13:33:04 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23"," r3269@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-21 04:46:40 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23","Credit ticket author.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23","Enable warnings on first load only. File which are load...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-23","Correct spelling of persistent [Stefan Kaes]. Document ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-22","MySQL, PostgreSQL: reconnect! also reconfigures the conn...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-22","Model generator: correct relative path to test_helper in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-22","FormHelper correctly passes its object through select, c...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21","has_and_belongs_to_many: use JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21","MySQL: introduce :encoding option to specify the charact...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21","Don't put flash in session if sessions are disabled.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21","Simpler Mysql load test.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3258@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-21 00:33:59 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21","Use Kernel.binding rather than binding to allow columns ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3241@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 23:26:28 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3240@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 23:22:34 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3239@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 23:21:37 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3220@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 03:19:22 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3219@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 03:07:19 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3218@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 03:06:32 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3217@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 03:06:01 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3216@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 03:05:20 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3215@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 02:05:56 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3214@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 02:03:05 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21"," r3213@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 02:01:28 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21","Turn warnings on when loading a file if Dependencies.mec...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21","Fix grammar error in [3115]. References #2966.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-21","Improve expire_fragment documentation. Closes #2966.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20","PostgreSQL: the purge_test_database Rake task shouldn't ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20"," r3209@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-20 01:04:22 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20","Make data writer private. Marshal/unmarshal handle nil.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20","Log ActiveRecordStore debugging.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20"," r3201@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 21:31:47 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20","Document request.env and request.host. Strip trailing w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20"," r3199@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 21:13:22 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20","Allows generator to specify migrations directory. Refer...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20"," r3173@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-18 23:34:41 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20"," r3190@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 20:20:48 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-20","Introducing the session_migration generator. Creates an...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-19"," r3181@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 02:52:24 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-19"," r3178@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 01:59:47 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-19","Use query methods rather than readers in boolean tests f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-19"," r3174@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-19 01:53:00 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-19","Correct boolean handling in generated reader methods. R...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-19"," r3167@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-18 22:47:31 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-19","Don't generate read methods for columns whose names are ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-18"," r3157@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-17 21:27:39 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-18","script/console uses RAILS_ENV environment variable if pr...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-18","Windows: eliminate the socket option in database.yml. C...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-18","Eliminate nil from newly generated logfiles. References...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-18","Correct length for the truncate text helper. Closes #2913.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-17"," r3149@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-17 12:47:36 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-17"," r3148@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-17 12:45:44 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-17","Document :force option to create_table. References #2921.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-17","Don't add the same conditions twice in has_one finder sq...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-17","Inline a method used by render_partial. Closes #2881.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16"," r3130@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-16 14:37:47 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","Remove CHANGELOG from apidoc Rake task since it isn't in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","Correct time_zone_options_for_select docs. Closes #2892.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16"," r3120@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-16 13:34:45 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","Remove the unused, slow response_dump and session_dump v...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","Include QUOTED_TYPE constant in ActionPack AR assertions...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","fewer objects, no loop in convert_content_type. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","Inline commonly-called template presence checks. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","Avoid logging code if logger is nil. Closes #2881.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","Use Set instead of Array to speed up prototype helper in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16","MemCache store may be given multiple addresses. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16"," r3118@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-16 00:32:48 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16"," r3116@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-16 00:17:06 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-16"," r3095@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-15 22:40:51 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-15","SQLServer: active? and reconnect! methods for handling s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-15","SQLServer: active? and reconnect! methods for handling s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-15","Associations handle case-equality more consistently: ite...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-15","Mention app/apis and db directories in README. Closes #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-15","Remove invalid links in ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper d...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-15","Stricter matching for implicitly multipart filenames exc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-15","Handle cookie parsing irregularity for certain Nokia pho...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14"," r3077@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-14 14:28:21 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14","SQLServer: insert uses given primary key value if not ni...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14","Oracle: active? and reconnect! methods for handling stal...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14","Fix reconnect success rate to report as percentage. Ref...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14"," r3073@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 23:42:32 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14","Correct documentation for Base.delete_all. References #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14"," r3070@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 20:54:50 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14","Oracle: test case for column default parsing. Reference...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14"," r3066@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 20:24:18 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14","Update documentation for Migrations. References #2861.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14"," r3063@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 16:13:51 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14","Update documentation for render :file. References #2858.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14"," r3058@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 16:09:17 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-14","Note that the ruby-memcache bindings are required to use...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13","Update CHANGELOG with more details. References #2842.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13","Eliminate Subversion dependencies in scripts/plugin. Co...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3055@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 14:48:48 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13","Reapply [2942] which was elided by [2997]. References #...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3053@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 14:37:39 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13","Only include builtin filters whose filenames match /^[a-...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3046@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 02:31:21 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3042@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 01:51:08 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3032@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 23:16:52 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3037@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-13 00:11:26 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13","PostgreSQL: last_insert_id uses select_value rather than...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3033@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 23:27:13 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13","Much faster Oracle column reflection. References #2848.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3027@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 22:37:45 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r4331@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 17:03:45 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3022@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 18:40:42 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13","SQLite: the clone_structure_to_test and purge_test_datab...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13"," r3008@asus (orig r2978): david | 2005-11-11 01:50:42 -...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-13","SQLite: the clone_structure_to_test Rake task should alw...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-12","PostgreSQL: min_messages = warning for AR tests.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-12"," r4325@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-12 03:57:46 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-12","Merge [2982] to stable. SQLServer: don't report limits ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-11","SQLServer: don't report limits for unsupported field typ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-11","Include the Enumerable module in ActiveRecord::Errors.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","options_for_select allows any objects which respond_to? ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","Update docs for AR::Base#clone.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","Add :group option, correspond to GROUP BY, to the find m...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","Pass __FILE__ when evaluating plugins' init.rb. Closes ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","Better svn status matching for generators. Closes #2814.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","Don't cast nil or empty strings to a dummy date. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","Expand tabs and strip trailing whitespace.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","acts_as_list plays nicely with inheritance by rememberin...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-10","The auto_link text helper accepts an optional block to f...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-09","Include all of session creation in stale_session_check","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-09"," r3886@sedna: jeremy | 2005-11-07 03:09:59 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-09","Delete existing sessions with the same session id before...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-09","CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore.data_column_name = 'foob...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-08","Correct handling of complex order clauses with SQL Serve...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-08","Correct whitespace problem in Oracle default column valu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-08","Correct versioning in :freeze_gems Rake task. Closes #2...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-08","Destroy associated has_and_belongs_to_many records after...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-08","Deprecate the old, confusing :exclusively_dependent opti...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-08","Controllers with acronyms in their names (e.g. PDFContro...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-08","More compatible Oracle column reflection. Closes #2771.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-08","Add :order option to Author.posts_with_comments_and_cate...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-07","Raise in stubby/init.rb if it doesn't have access to dir...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-07","Remove bogus hyphen from script/process/reaper calls to ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-07","New configuration option config.plugin_paths which may b...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-07","Fix status pluralization bug so status_codes doesn't get...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-06","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-06"," r2916@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-06 05:04:06 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-06"," r2915@asus: jeremy | 2005-11-06 05:02:53 -0800","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-05","Scaffold-generated controller action gives paginate the ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-05","Update paginator docs. Closes #2744.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-04","Omit internal dtproperties table from SQLServer table li...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-04","Don't reap the spawner or reaper scripts either. Closes...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-04","Explicitly require topic from reply fixture.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-04","Quote column names in generated SQL. Closes #2728.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-03","Don't reap spawn-fcgi. Closes #2727.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-03","Correct the pure-Ruby MySQL 4.1.1 shim's version test. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-03","Add Model.create! to match existing model.save! method. ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-03","Correct fixture behavior when table name pluralization i...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-03","Restore the fast Numeric#blank? Closes #2714.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-02","Reaper knows how to find processes even if the dispatch ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-02","Correct reader method generation for primary key attribu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-02","Changed 0.blank? to false rather than true since it viol...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-02","If specified, pass PostgreSQL client character encoding ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-02","ensure close_session in AC::Base#process","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-02","Failsafe response handler for dispatcher.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-01","Simplify gem search for :freeze_gems rake task.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-01","Move Dispatcher.dispatch CGI.new out of default args and...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-01","The freeze_gems Rake task accepts the VERSION environmen...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-11-01","A missing primary key column shouldn't raise an error wh...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-30","We want ::Plugin, not Commands::Plugin. Closes #2664.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-30","The freeze_edge Rake task does smarter svn detection and...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-30","Comment database.yml and include PostgreSQL and SQLite e...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","Improve script/plugin on Windows. Closes #2646.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","Removed erroneous arg-size check in AC::Base.fragment_ca...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","The *_plugindoc Rake tasks look deeper into the plugins'...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","Worked around that connection can't be reset if allow_co...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","The PostgreSQL :db_structure_dump task limits its dump t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","Beef up test fixtures documentation for test/test_helper.rb","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","Add default Mac + DarwinPorts MySQL socket locations to ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","Don't dirty up the command delegates' base class with me...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-29","Migrations may be destroyed: script/destroy migration fo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-28","Add Rakefile to plugin generator. Let test_plugins rake...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-28","Use the old way of getting args to the scaffold generato...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-28"," r3801@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-28 00:42:28 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-28"," r3800@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-28 00:39:05 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-25"," r2736@asus: jeremy | 2005-10-24 17:08:12 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-24"," r2727@asus: jeremy | 2005-10-24 14:14:36 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-24"," r2726@asus: jeremy | 2005-10-24 14:11:59 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-23"," r3689@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-16 10:24:36 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-23"," r2718@asus: jeremy | 2005-10-23 14:45:30 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-23","Map Active Record time to SQL TIME. Closes #2576.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-23","Map AR time to PostgreSQL TIME. Closes #2575.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-22","Clarify semantics of ActiveRecord::Base#respond_to? Clo...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-22","Scaffold generator pays attention to the controller name...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-20","Expose the session model backing CGI::Session","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-20","HABTM finder sets :readonly => false. Closes #2525.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-18","Parenthesize :conditions","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-18","Correct PostgreSQL primary key sequence detection. #2507","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-17","suppress mysql_config errors","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-16","Try to figure out which mysql socket to use. Default to...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-16","Use expand_path for app_name so, e.g., rails . is supported","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-16"," r3959@asus: jeremy | 2005-10-16 00:09:09 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-16"," r3957@asus: jeremy | 2005-10-16 00:01:55 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-16"," r3616@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 23:09:28 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-15","Really fix #1896. YAML class structure changed between ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-15","Support ordered YAML fixtures. #1896","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-15"," r3618@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-14 12:06:03 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-14"," r3619@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-14 14:41:24 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-14","Sanitize benchmarker. [times] argument is optional, def...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-14","Fix commands/perform","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13","Escape query strings in the href attribute of URLs creat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13","Fix Logger compatibility test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13"," r3581@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-13 12:20:42 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13"," r3580@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-13 12:03:37 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13"," r3579@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-13 12:02:01 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13"," r3578@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-13 12:00:03 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13"," r3577@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-13 11:55:20 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13"," r3576@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-13 11:31:50 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13"," r3575@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-13 11:22:13 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-13"," r3574@sedna: jeremy | 2005-10-13 11:16:51 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-08","Look here, braces: gimme some elbow room. #2418","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-07","Don't tell me about defined reader methods, even at debu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-06","sqlite topics.approved should default to true like the o...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-06","Remove straggling symbolize_strings_in_hash from [2427].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-06","Fixup tests for [2474].","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-06","smallint -> boolean in pg sql","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-05","Keep Units and Functionals around for those who don't up...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-10-02","Association validation does not belong in a before_save ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-30","Get rid of old symbolize_strings_in_hash.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-30","Ticket #2282 - fix parsing of timestamps with time zone","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-30","No need to string.to_s right after checking that string....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-30","Move transaction thread-safety test to transactions_test...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-30","Use transactional fixtures by default for AR tests. Set...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-30","Require topic model rather than assume another test has ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-30","Disable transactional fixtures for ar_schema_test and sc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-29","Clean up and extend test coverage for validates_numerica...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-28","Ticket #2156 - Use foreign_key inflection uniformly","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-28","Unit tests and fixtures for multipart posts.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-28"," r3657@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-28 00:32:33 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-28"," r3653@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-28 00:23:49 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27","Ticket 2256 - Recognize PostgreSQL NOW() default as equi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27","Ticket 2261 - Include lib/tasks/*.rake in rake stats","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27","Ticket #2295 - Tolerate consecutive delimiters in query ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27","Update change log for #2297","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27","Ticket 2297 - rake stats clearly labels functional and u...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27","Update change log for #2250.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27","Oops, swapped order of params to COALESCE! Upcoming pat...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27","Ticket 2263 - Make clean logger compatible with both 1.8...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27"," r3632@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-27 12:18:49 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-27"," r3613@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 22:25:04 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3605@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 19:10:50 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3604@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 19:10:42 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3603@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 19:10:00 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3597@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 17:39:23 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3592@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 17:01:47 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3591@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 17:01:30 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3590@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 17:00:53 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3589@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 16:58:40 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3573@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 11:38:44 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26"," r3569@asus: jeremy | 2005-09-26 05:33:09 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-09-26","Include the orders table in *.drop.sql","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-13"," r3023@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-12 23:43:39 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-10"," r2992@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-10 02:43:49 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-10"," r2985@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-10 02:04:41 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-10"," r2979@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-10 01:51:00 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-09"," r2960@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-09 02:12:35 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-08"," r2951@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-08 18:09:30 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-08"," r2948@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-08 16:00:23 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-08"," r2933@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-08 14:22:58 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-08"," r2932@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-08 14:21:36 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-07","Add test for dynamic dispatch based on action_name acces...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05","benchmark helper takes an optional log level, defaults t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2879@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-05 16:15:16 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2874@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-05 16:13:39 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2866@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-05 13:23:10 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2850@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-05 13:08:32 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05","Simplify aaa_create_tables_test","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05","Include all tables in mysql, sqlite, and postgresql drop...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2840@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-05 00:42:27 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2837@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-05 00:34:31 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2836@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-05 00:33:12 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2830@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 23:35:07 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2829@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 23:31:55 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2828@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 22:02:44 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-05"," r2827@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 21:30:06 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2822@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 21:14:30 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2821@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 21:14:16 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2820@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 21:13:57 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2817@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 20:49:12 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2815@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 19:49:35 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2810@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 19:29:54 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2809@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 19:29:19 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2808@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 19:08:48 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2807@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 18:15:18 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2790@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 16:30:58 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2789@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 16:17:35 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-04"," r2788@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-04 16:16:20 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03","Mark ticket # in changelog. Snip some trailing whitespace.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1645@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 08:51:59 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1618@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 08:24:19 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1617@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 08:23:31 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1616@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 08:07:13 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1615@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 08:06:00 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1614@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 08:01:08 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1613@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 07:04:53 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1612@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 04:35:59 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1611@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 04:21:52 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1610@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 00:19:06 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1609@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 00:18:43 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1608@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-03 00:13:57 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1607@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 23:36:52 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1605@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 14:50:23 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1604@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 14:40:20 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1603@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 14:38:52 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1602@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 14:34:00 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-03"," r1601@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 14:33:08 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-02","git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trun...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-02"," r1588@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-02 03:14:45 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-07-02"," r1587@asus: jeremy | 2005-07-01 20:36:08 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-29"," r1475@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-28 23:19:51 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-24","Increased accuracy of 1.year by accounting for leap year...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-24","Pass association finder arguments through to the associa...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-24","Fix routes generation for unit tests. #1434","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-24","Improved AbstractRequest documentation. Closes #1483.","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-17"," r1335@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-17 11:41:50 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-16","Allow any Enumerable, not just Array, to work as bind va...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-15"," r1318@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-15 01:08:22 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-13"," r1307@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-13 19:05:00 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-13"," r1300@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-13 18:31:29 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-13"," r1294@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-13 02:17:42 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-12"," r1278@iwill: jeremy | 2005-06-12 05:11:48 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-12","Corrected @@configurations typo. #1410 [david@ruppconsu...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-12","Return PostgreSQL columns in the order they are declared...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-12"," r2495@sedna: jeremy | 2005-05-27 22:07:18 -0700","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-12","Don't expect fixtures to be returned in the order they w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-11","Don't expect fixtures to be returned in the order they w...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-06-11","Preserve extendedWarranty case in PostgreSQL computers t...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-05-21","Made the console and profiler work with the default 1.8....","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-05-19","Fixed Request#remote_ip in testing #1251 [bitsweat]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-05-19","Push to .org instead","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-05-19","Fixed that clone would break when an aggregate had the s...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-04-30","Added console --profile for profiling an IRB session #11...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-04-02","Added assert_no_cookie and fixed assert_cookie_equal to ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-04-02","Added that model.items.delete(child) will delete the chi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-04-02","decrease reliance on instantiated fixtures #980 [Jeremy ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-03-26","Fixed Inflector.pluralize to handle capitalized words #9...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-03-10","Added assigns shortcut for @response.template.assigns to...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-03-06","Added transactional fixtures that uses rollback to undo ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-03-06","Fixed that form helpers would treat string and symbol ke...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-19","Added --sandbox option to script/console that'll roll ba...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-19","Added --sandbox option to script/console that'll roll ba...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-18","Added validates_each that validates each specified attri...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-17","Loading the Routes should happen in the environments #655","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-17","Added 'recent' as a rake target that'll run tests for fi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-17","Check class path for conflicts on generation #640 [bitsw...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-17","Changed script/console to default to development environ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-07","Fixed documentation snafus #575, #576, #577, #585","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-07","Added that the 'fixture :posts' syntax can be used for h...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-02-07","Added new generator framework that informs about its doi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-24","Added bind-named arrays for interpolating a group of ids...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-20","Added @request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] for people who need ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-15","Added availability of class inheritable attributes to th...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-15","Added Inflections as an extension on String, so Inflecto...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-13","Fixed that send_file would "remember" all the files sent...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-10","Added SQLite3 compatibility through the sqlite3-ruby ada...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-10","Added Fixnum#ago/until, Fixnum#since/from_now #450 [bits...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-04","Prepared for release of 0.9.3","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-02","Brought install.rb up to date #408 [bitsweat]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-02","Restored bind arity checking #412 [bitsweat]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-01","Added that Base#find takes an optional options hash, inc...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2005-01-01","Added block-style for callbacks #332 [bitsweat]","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-28","Fixed that the const_missing autoload assumes the reques...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-22","Releasing Rails 0.9.2","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-22","Added more informative exceptions in establish_connectio...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-22","Fixed that options[:counter_sql] was overwritten with in...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-12","Fixed CgiRequest#out to fall back to #write if doesn't ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-12","Fixed all helpers so that they use XHTML compliant doubl...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-09","Tidied up Fixtures for better readability and some error...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-07","Added counter_sql option for has_many associations [bits...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-07","Fixed that methods wrapped in callbacks still return the...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-01","Added graceful handling of non-alphanumeric names and mi...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-01","script/new_controller should create directory for views ...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-12-01","Added relative path search for sqlite dbfiles in databas...","Jeremy Kemper",1 "2004-11-24","Allow form_tag with no arguments (resulting in a form po...","Jeremy Kemper",1