HTML <- @" ISS Overhead

ISS Overhead

"; ISSPassTimeBase <- ""; function setPosition(newLat, newLon, newAlt) { settings = { lat = newLat, lon = newLon, alt = newAlt };; //server.log("Set position: " + + ", " + settings.lon + " (" + settings.alt + "m)"); } settings <- server.load(); if (settings == null || !("lat" in settings) || !("lon" in settings) || !("alt" in settings)) { //lat,lon, alt (m) - default set to Amherst, MA setPosition(42.45338,-72.565285,90); } else { //server.log("Loaded position: " + + ", " + settings.lon + " (" + settings.alt + "m)"); } foreach(k,v in settings) overhead <- false; passLoopWakeup <- null; function GetISSPassTime(latitude, longitude, altitude = 0, passes = 5) { local params = { lat = latitude, lon = longitude, alt = altitude, n = passes }; local url = ISSPassTimeBase + http.urlencode(params); try { local result = http.get(url).sendsync(); if (result.statuscode != 200) throw("Something went horribly wrong: " + result.statuscode + " - " + result.body); local data = http.jsondecode(result.body); if (data.response.len() == 1) return data.response[0]; return data.response; } catch (ex) { server.log(ex); return null; } } function passLoop() { local nextPass = GetISSPassTime(, settings.lon, settings.alt, 1); if(!nextPass || !("risetime" in nextPass) || !("duration") in nextPass) { // if there was an error passLoopWakeup = imp.wakeup(30, passLoop); server.log("Error getting ISS pass time. Trying again in 30 seconds. "); return; } // there was data local timeToNextPass = nextPass.risetime - time(); local duration = nextPass.duration; if(overhead) { // if we think we're overhead, and get we a passtime // then we're not overhead anymore overhead = false; device.send("notOverhead", null); //server.log("ISS is no longer overhead.") } if (timeToNextPass < 3600) { // if pass is going to happen within an hour: //server.log("ISS will be overhead in " + timeToNextPass/60 + " minutes."); // schedule device on imp.wakeup(timeToNextPass-10, function() { overhead = true; device.send("overhead", duration); }); // schedule device off imp.wakeup(timeToNextPass+duration+10, function() { overhead = false; device.send("notOverhead", null); }); // schedule get next pass passLoopWakeup = imp.wakeup(timeToNextPass+duration+30, passLoop) } else { // if pass is more than hour away, wake up in an hour and check passLoopWakeup = imp.wakeup(3600, passLoop); //server.log("ISS is " + timeToNextPass / 3600 + " hours away."); } } passLoop(); function passLoopWatchDog() { // wakeup every 30 minutes to make sure things are fine imp.wakeup(1500, passLoopWatchDog); if (passLoopWakeup == null) { //server.log("restarted loop"); passLoop(); } } passLoopWatchDog(); http.onrequest(function(req, resp) { try { local path = req.path.tolower(); local method = req.method.toupper(); if (path == "/test" || path == "/test/") { if (overhead) return; device.send("overhead", 30); } if (path == "/settings" || path == "/settings/") { local changed = false; local data = http.urldecode(req.body); local lat =; if ("lat" in data) { changed = true; lat =; } local lon = settings.lon; if ("lon" in data) { changed = true; lon = data.lon.tofloat(); } local alt = settings.alt; if ("alt" in data) { changed = true; alt = data.alt.tofloat(); } if (changed) setPosition(lat, lon, alt); resp.header("content-type", "application/json"); resp.send(200, http.jsonencode(settings)); return; } resp.send(200, format(HTML,, settings.lon.tostring(), settings.alt.tostring(), http.agenturl())); } catch (ex) { resp.send(500, "Agent Error: " + ex); } }); //server.log("Agent Started");