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"# Homework 5.1: MCMC with Boolean data with Stan (25 pts)\n",
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"**a)** In [Problem 4.1](../04/hw4.1.ipynb), you got samples out of a bivariate Normal distribution with mean $\\boldsymbol{\\mu} = (10, 20)$ and a covariance matrix of\n",
"\\mathsf{\\Sigma} = \\begin{pmatrix}\n",
"4 & -2 \\\\\n",
"-2 & 6\n",
"using your own sampler. Now, draw 1000 samples out of that distribution using Stan and plot the samples. First do it using Stan's built-in random number generator. Then, do it using Stan's MCMC sampler.\n",
"**b)** In [Problem 4.2](../04/hw4.2.ipynb) part (c), we asked you to do the problem using Stan for practice. Now it is real! Repeat [Problem 4.2](../04/hw4.2.ipynb), but use Stan to do it. You do not need to do prior predictive checks nor posterior predictive checks for this problem; you may simply acquire the necessary samples."
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