{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Reporting summaries of the posterior\n", "\n", "
\\n\"+\n", " \"BokehJS does not appear to have successfully loaded. If loading BokehJS from CDN, this \\n\"+\n", " \"may be due to a slow or bad network connection. Possible fixes:\\n\"+\n", " \"
\\n\"+\n", " \"\\n\"+\n",
" \"from bokeh.resources import INLINE\\n\"+\n",
" \"output_notebook(resources=INLINE)\\n\"+\n",
" \"
" \"\\n\"+\n \"BokehJS does not appear to have successfully loaded. If loading BokehJS from CDN, this \\n\"+\n \"may be due to a slow or bad network connection. Possible fixes:\\n\"+\n \"
\\n\"+\n \"\\n\"+\n \"from bokeh.resources import INLINE\\n\"+\n \"output_notebook(resources=INLINE)\\n\"+\n \"
\\n\"+\n \"\n", " | Exponential | \n", "Normal | \n", "Two Normals | \n", "Heavy tail | \n", "
mean | \n", "1.007843 | \n", "1.001447 | \n", "2.004005 | \n", "4.134071 | \n", "
std | \n", "1.005351 | \n", "0.24914 | \n", "1.07385 | \n", "44.580247 | \n", "
2.5 | \n", "0.024875 | \n", "0.511552 | \n", "0.590438 | \n", "0.02307 | \n", "
median | \n", "0.701092 | \n", "1.000698 | \n", "1.767975 | \n", "0.79814 | \n", "
97.5 | \n", "3.649541 | \n", "1.49205 | \n", "3.804977 | \n", "20.613608 | \n", "
mode | \n", "0 | \n", "1.0 | \n", "1.0 | \n", "1 | \n", "
hpd_low | \n", "0.000088 | \n", "0.531863 | \n", "0.561362 | \n", "0.000057 | \n", "
hpd_high | \n", "2.996549 | \n", "1.507314 | \n", "3.755653 | \n", "11.296449 | \n", "