#compdef beet # zsh completion for beets music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger: http://beets.radbox.org/ # NOTE: it will be very slow the first time you try to complete in a zsh shell (especially if you've enable many plugins) # You can make it faster in future by creating a cached version: # 1) perform a query completion with this file (_beet), e.g. do: beet list artist:"<TAB> # to create the completion function (takes a few seconds) # 2) save a copy of the completion function: which _beet > _beet_cached # 3) save a copy of the query completion function: which _beet_query > _beet_query_cached # 4) copy the contents of _beet_query_cached to the top of _beet_cached # 5) copy and paste the _beet_field_values function from _beet to the top of _beet_cached # 6) add the following line to the top of _beet_cached: #compdef beet # 7) add the following line to the bottom of _beet_cached: _beet "$@" # 8) save _beet_cached to your completions directory (e.g. /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion) # 9) add the following line to your .zshrc file: compdef _beet_cached beet # You will need to repeat this proceedure each time you enable new plugins if you want them to complete properly. # useful: argument to _regex_arguments for matching any word local matchany=/$'[^\0]##\0'/ # Deal with completions for querying and modifying fields.. local fieldargs matchquery matchmodify local -a fields # get list of all fields fields=(`beet fields | grep -G '^ ' | sort -u | colrm 1 2`) # regexps for matching query and modify terms on the command line matchquery=/"(${(j/|/)fields[@]})"$':[^\0]##\0'/ matchmodify=/"(${(j/|/)fields[@]})"$'(=[^\0]##|!)\0'/ # Function for joining grouped lines of output into single lines (taken from _completion_helpers) function _join_lines() { awk -v SEP="$1" -v ARG2="$2" -v START="$3" -v END2="$4" 'BEGIN {if(START==""){f=1}{f=0}; if(ARG2 ~ "^[0-9]+"){LINE1 = "^[[:space:]]{,"ARG2"}[^[:space:]]"}else{LINE1 = ARG2}} ($0 ~ END2 && f>0 && END2!="") {exit} ($0 ~ START && f<1) {f=1; if(length(START)!=0){next}} ($0 ~ LINE1 && f>0) {if(f<2){f=2; printf("%s",$0)}else{printf("\n%s",$0)}; next} (f>1) {gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$0); printf("%s%s",SEP, $0); next} END {print ""}' } # Function for getting unique values for field from database (you may need to change the path to the database). function _beet_field_values() { local -a output fieldvals local library="$(beet config|grep library|cut -f 2 -d ' ')" output=$(sqlite3 ${~library} "select distinct $1 from items;") case $1 in lyrics) fieldvals= ;; *) fieldvals=("${(f)output[@]}") ;; esac compadd -P \" -S \" -M 'm:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]}' -Q -a fieldvals } # store call to _values function for completing query terms # (first build arguments for completing field values) local field for field in "${fields[@]}" do fieldargs="$fieldargs '$field:::{_beet_field_values $field}'" done local queryelem modifyelem queryelem="_values -S : 'query field (add an extra : to match by regexp)' '::' $fieldargs" # store call to _values function for completing modify terms (no need to complete field values) modifyelem="_values -S = 'modify field (replace = with ! to remove field)' $(echo "'${^fields[@]}:: '")" # Create completion function for queries _regex_arguments _beet_query "$matchany" \# \( "$matchquery" ":query:query string:$queryelem" \) \ \( "$matchquery" ":query:query string:$queryelem" \) \# # store regexps for completing lists of queries and modifications local -a query modify query=( \( "$matchquery" ":query:query string:{_beet_query}" \) \( "$matchquery" ":query:query string:{_beet_query}" \) \# ) modify=( \( "$matchmodify" ":modify:modify string:$modifyelem" \) \( "$matchmodify" ":modify:modify string:$modifyelem" \) \# ) # arguments to _regex_arguments for completing files and directories local -a files dirs files=("$matchany" ':file:file:_files') dirs=("$matchany" ':dir:directory:_dirs') # Individual options used by subcommands, and global options (must be single quoted). # Its much faster if these are hard-coded rather generated using _beet_subcmd_options local helpopt formatopt albumopt dontmoveopt writeopt nowriteopt pretendopt pathopt destopt copyopt nocopyopt local inferopt noinferopt resumeopt noresumeopt nopromptopt logopt individualopt confirmopt retagopt skipopt noskipopt local flatopt groupopt editopt defaultopt noconfirmopt exactopt removeopt configopt debugopt helpopt='-h:show this help message and exit' formatopt='-f:print with custom format:$matchany' albumopt='-a:match albums instead of tracks' dontmoveopt='-M:dont move files in library' writeopt='-w:write new metadata to files tags (default)' nowriteopt='-W:dont write metadata (opposite of -w)' pretendopt='-p:show all changes but do nothing' pathopt='-p:print paths for matched items or albums' destopt='-d:destination music directory:$dirs' copyopt='-c:copy tracks into library directory (default)' nocopyopt='-C:dont copy tracks (opposite of -c)' inferopt='-a:infer tags for imported files (default)' noinferopt='-A:dont infer tags for imported files (opposite of -a)' resumeopt='-p:resume importing if interrupted' noresumeopt='-P:do not try to resume importing' nopromptopt='-q:never prompt for input, skip albums instead' logopt='-l:file to log untaggable albums for later review:$files' individualopt='-s:import individual tracks instead of full albums' confirmopt='-t:always confirm all actions' retagopt='-L:retag items matching a query:${query[@]}' skipopt='-i:skip already-imported directories' noskipopt='-I:do not skip already-imported directories' flatopt='--flat:import an entire tree as a single album' groupopt='-g:group tracks in a folder into seperate albums' editopt='-e:edit user configuration with $EDITOR' defaultopt='-d:include the default configuration' copynomoveopt='-c:copy instead of moving' noconfirmopt='-y:skip confirmation' exactopt='-e:get exact file sizes' removeopt='-d:also remove files from disk' configopt='-c:path to configuration file:$files' debugopt='-v:print debugging information' libopt='-l:library database file to use:$files' # This function takes a beet subcommand as its first argument, and then uses _regex_words to set ${reply[@]} # to an array containing arguments for the _regex_arguments function. function _beet_subcmd_options() { local shortopt optarg optdesc local -a regex_words regex_words=() for i in ${${(f)"$(beet help $1 | awk '/^ +-/{if(x)print x;x=$0;next}/^ *$/{if(x) exit}{if(x) x=x$0}END{print x}')"}[@]} do opt="${i[(w)1]/,/}" optarg="${${${i## #[-a-zA-Z]# }##[- ]##*}%%[, ]*}" optdesc="${${${${${i[(w)2,-1]/[A-Z, ]#--[-a-z]##[=A-Z]# #/}//:/-}//\[/(}//\]/)}//\'/}" case $optarg in ("") if [[ "$1" == "import" && "$opt" == "-L" ]]; then regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc:\${query[@]}") else regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc") fi ;; (LOG) regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc:\$files") ;; (CONFIG) local -a configfile configfile=("$matchany" ':file:config file:{_files -g *.yaml}') regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc:\$configfile") ;; (LIB|LIBRARY) local -a libfile libfile=("$matchany" ':file:database file:{_files -g *.db}') regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc:\$libfile") ;; (DIR|DIRECTORY) regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc:\$dirs") ;; (SOURCE) if [[ $1 -eq lastgenre ]]; then local -a lastgenresource lastgenresource=(/$'(artist|album|track)\0'/ ':source:genre source:(artist album track)') regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc:\$lastgenresource") else regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc:\$matchany") fi ;; (*) regex_words+=("$opt:$optdesc:\$matchany") ;; esac done _regex_words options "$1 options" "${regex_words[@]}" } # Now build the arguments to _regex_arguments for each subcommand. local -a options regex_words_subcmds regex_words_help local subcmd cmddesc for i in ${${(f)"$(beet help | _join_lines ' ' 3 'Commands:')"[@]}[@]} do subcmd="${i[(w)1]}" # remove first word and parenthesised alias, replace : with -, [ with (, ] with ), and remove single quotes cmddesc="${${${${${i[(w)2,-1]##\(*\) #}//:/-}//\[/(}//\]/)}//\'/}" case $subcmd in (config) _regex_words options "config options" "$helpopt" "$pathopt" "$editopt" "$defaultopt" options=("${reply[@]}") ;; (import) _regex_words options "import options" "$helpopt" "$writeopt" "$nowriteopt" "$copyopt" "$nocopyopt"\ "$inferopt" "$noinferopt" "$resumeopt" "$noresumeopt" "$nopromptopt" "$logopt" "$individualopt" "$confirmopt"\ "$retagopt" "$skipopt" "$noskipopt" "$flatopt" "$groupopt" options=( "${reply[@]}" \# "${files[@]}" \# ) ;; (list) _regex_words options "list options" "$helpopt" "$pathopt" "$albumopt" "$formatopt" options=( "$reply[@]" \# "${query[@]}" ) ;; (modify) _regex_words options "modify options" "$helpopt" "$dontmoveopt" "$writeopt" "$nowriteopt" "$albumopt" \ "$noconfirmopt" "$formatopt" options=( "${reply[@]}" \# "${query[@]}" "${modify[@]}" ) ;; (move) _regex_words options "move options" "$helpopt" "$albumopt" "$destopt" "$copynomoveopt" options=( "${reply[@]}" \# "${query[@]}") ;; (remove) _regex_words options "remove options" "$helpopt" "$albumopt" "$removeopt" options=( "${reply[@]}" \# "${query[@]}" ) ;; (stats) _regex_words options "stats options" "$helpopt" "$exactopt" options=( "${reply[@]}" \# "${query[@]}" ) ;; (update) _regex_words options "update options" "$helpopt" "$albumopt" "$dontmoveopt" "$pretendopt" "$formatopt" options=( "${reply[@]}" \# "${query[@]}" ) ;; (write) _regex_words options "write options" "$helpopt" "$pretendopt" options=( "${reply[@]}" \# "${query[@]}" ) ;; (fields|migrate|version) options=() ;; (help) # The help subcommand is treated separately continue ;; (*) # completions for plugin commands are generated using _beet_subcmd_options _beet_subcmd_options "$subcmd" options=( \( "${reply[@]}" \# "${query[@]}" \) ) ;; esac # Create variable for holding option for this subcommand, and assign to it (needs to have a unique name). typeset -a opts_for_$subcmd set -A opts_for_$subcmd ${options[@]} # Assignment MUST be done using set (other methods fail). regex_words_subcmds+=("$subcmd:$cmddesc:\${(@)opts_for_$subcmd}") # Add to regex_words args for help subcommand regex_words_help+=("$subcmd:$cmddesc") done local -a opts_for_help _regex_words subcmds "subcommands" "${regex_words_help[@]}" opts_for_help=("${reply[@]}") regex_words_subcmds+=('help:show help:$opts_for_help') # Argument for global options local -a globalopts _regex_words options "global options" "$configopt" "$debugopt" "$libopt" "$helpopt" "$destopt" globalopts=("${reply[@]}") # Create main completion function #local -a subcmds _regex_words subcmds "subcommands" "${regex_words_subcmds[@]}" subcmds=("${reply[@]}") _regex_arguments _beet "$matchany" \( "${globalopts[@]}" \# \) "${subcmds[@]}" # Set tag-order so that options are completed separately from arguments zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" tag-order '! options' # Execute the completion function _beet "$@" # Local Variables: # mode:shell-script # End: