import glob import os import numpy as np import import skimage.transform import multiprocessing as mp import utils directories = glob.glob("data/train/*") class_names = [os.path.basename(d) for d in directories] class_names.sort() num_classes = len(class_names) paths_train = glob.glob("data/train/*/*") paths_train.sort() paths_test = glob.glob("data/test/*") paths_test.sort() paths = { 'train': paths_train, 'test': paths_test, } # labels_train = np.zeros(len(paths['train']), dtype='int32') # for k, path in enumerate(paths['train']): # class_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)) # labels_train[k] = class_names.index(class_name) labels_train = utils.load_gz("data/labels_train.npy.gz") default_augmentation_params = { 'zoom_range': (1 / 1.1, 1.1), 'rotation_range': (0, 360), 'shear_range': (0, 0), 'translation_range': (-4, 4), 'do_flip': True, 'allow_stretch': False, } no_augmentation_params = { 'zoom_range': (1.0, 1.0), 'rotation_range': (0, 0), 'shear_range': (0, 0), 'translation_range': (0, 0), 'do_flip': False, 'allow_stretch': False, } no_augmentation_params_gaussian = { 'zoom_std': 0.0, 'rotation_range': (0, 0), 'shear_std': 0.0, 'translation_std': 0.0, 'do_flip': False, 'stretch_std': 0.0, } tform_identity = skimage.transform.AffineTransform() # def load(subset='train'): # """ # Load all images into memory for faster processing # """ # images = np.empty(len(paths[subset]), dtype='object') # for k, path in enumerate(paths[subset]): # img =, as_grey=True) # images[k] = img # return images def load(subset='train'): """ Load all images into memory for faster processing """ return utils.load_gz("data/images_%s.npy.gz" % subset) def uint_to_float(img): return 1 - (img / np.float32(255.0)) def extract_image_patch(chunk_dst, img): """ extract a correctly sized patch from img and place it into chunk_dst, which assumed to be preinitialized to zeros. """ # # DEBUG: draw a border to see where the image ends up # img[0, :] = 127 # img[-1, :] = 127 # img[:, 0] = 127 # img[:, -1] = 127 p_x, p_y = chunk_dst.shape im_x, im_y = img.shape offset_x = (im_x - p_x) // 2 offset_y = (im_y - p_y) // 2 if offset_x < 0: cx = slice(-offset_x, -offset_x + im_x) ix = slice(0, im_x) else: cx = slice(0, p_x) ix = slice(offset_x, offset_x + p_x) if offset_y < 0: cy = slice(-offset_y, -offset_y + im_y) iy = slice(0, im_y) else: cy = slice(0, p_y) iy = slice(offset_y, offset_y + p_y) chunk_dst[cx, cy] = uint_to_float(img[ix, iy]) def patches_gen(images, labels, patch_size=(50, 50), chunk_size=4096, num_chunks=100, rng=np.random): p_x, p_y = patch_size for n in xrange(num_chunks): indices = rng.randint(0, len(images), chunk_size) chunk_x = np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') chunk_y = np.zeros((chunk_size,), dtype='float32') for k, idx in enumerate(indices): img = images[indices[k]] extract_image_patch(chunk_x[k], img) chunk_y[k] = labels[indices[k]] yield chunk_x, chunk_y def patches_gen_ordered(images, patch_size=(50, 50), chunk_size=4096): p_x, p_y = patch_size num_images = len(images) num_chunks = int(np.ceil(num_images / float(chunk_size))) idx = 0 for n in xrange(num_chunks): chunk_x = np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') chunk_length = chunk_size for k in xrange(chunk_size): if idx >= num_images: chunk_length = k break img = images[idx] extract_image_patch(chunk_x[k], img) idx += 1 yield chunk_x, chunk_length ## augmentation def fast_warp(img, tf, output_shape=(50, 50), mode='constant', order=1): """ This wrapper function is faster than skimage.transform.warp """ m = tf.params # tf._matrix is return skimage.transform._warps_cy._warp_fast(img, m, output_shape=output_shape, mode=mode, order=order) def build_centering_transform(image_shape, target_shape=(50, 50)): rows, cols = image_shape trows, tcols = target_shape shift_x = (cols - tcols) / 2.0 shift_y = (rows - trows) / 2.0 return skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift_x, shift_y)) def build_rescale_transform_slow(downscale_factor, image_shape, target_shape): """ This mimics the skimage.transform.resize function. The resulting image is centered. """ rows, cols = image_shape trows, tcols = target_shape col_scale = row_scale = downscale_factor src_corners = np.array([[1, 1], [1, rows], [cols, rows]]) - 1 dst_corners = np.zeros(src_corners.shape, dtype=np.double) # take into account that 0th pixel is at position (0.5, 0.5) dst_corners[:, 0] = col_scale * (src_corners[:, 0] + 0.5) - 0.5 dst_corners[:, 1] = row_scale * (src_corners[:, 1] + 0.5) - 0.5 tform_ds = skimage.transform.AffineTransform() tform_ds.estimate(src_corners, dst_corners) # centering shift_x = cols / (2.0 * downscale_factor) - tcols / 2.0 shift_y = rows / (2.0 * downscale_factor) - trows / 2.0 tform_shift_ds = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift_x, shift_y)) return tform_shift_ds + tform_ds def build_rescale_transform_fast(downscale_factor, image_shape, target_shape): """ estimating the correct rescaling transform is slow, so just use the downscale_factor to define a transform directly. This probably isn't 100% correct, but it shouldn't matter much in practice. """ rows, cols = image_shape trows, tcols = target_shape tform_ds = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(scale=(downscale_factor, downscale_factor)) # centering shift_x = cols / (2.0 * downscale_factor) - tcols / 2.0 shift_y = rows / (2.0 * downscale_factor) - trows / 2.0 tform_shift_ds = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift_x, shift_y)) return tform_shift_ds + tform_ds build_rescale_transform = build_rescale_transform_fast def build_center_uncenter_transforms(image_shape): """ These are used to ensure that zooming and rotation happens around the center of the image. Use these transforms to center and uncenter the image around such a transform. """ center_shift = np.array([image_shape[1], image_shape[0]]) / 2.0 - 0.5 # need to swap rows and cols here apparently! confusing! tform_uncenter = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=-center_shift) tform_center = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=center_shift) return tform_center, tform_uncenter def build_augmentation_transform(zoom=(1.0, 1.0), rotation=0, shear=0, translation=(0, 0), flip=False): if flip: shear += 180 rotation += 180 # shear by 180 degrees is equivalent to rotation by 180 degrees + flip. # So after that we rotate it another 180 degrees to get just the flip. tform_augment = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(scale=(1/zoom[0], 1/zoom[1]), rotation=np.deg2rad(rotation), shear=np.deg2rad(shear), translation=translation) return tform_augment def random_perturbation_transform(zoom_range, rotation_range, shear_range, translation_range, do_flip=True, allow_stretch=False, rng=np.random): shift_x = rng.uniform(*translation_range) shift_y = rng.uniform(*translation_range) translation = (shift_x, shift_y) rotation = rng.uniform(*rotation_range) shear = rng.uniform(*shear_range) if do_flip: flip = (rng.randint(2) > 0) # flip half of the time else: flip = False # random zoom log_zoom_range = [np.log(z) for z in zoom_range] if isinstance(allow_stretch, float): log_stretch_range = [-np.log(allow_stretch), np.log(allow_stretch)] zoom = np.exp(rng.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) stretch = np.exp(rng.uniform(*log_stretch_range)) zoom_x = zoom * stretch zoom_y = zoom / stretch elif allow_stretch is True: # avoid bugs, f.e. when it is an integer zoom_x = np.exp(rng.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) zoom_y = np.exp(rng.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) else: zoom_x = zoom_y = np.exp(rng.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) # the range should be multiplicatively symmetric, so [1/1.1, 1.1] instead of [0.9, 1.1] makes more sense. return build_augmentation_transform((zoom_x, zoom_y), rotation, shear, translation, flip) def perturb(img, augmentation_params, target_shape=(50, 50), rng=np.random): # # DEBUG: draw a border to see where the image ends up # img[0, :] = 0.5 # img[-1, :] = 0.5 # img[:, 0] = 0.5 # img[:, -1] = 0.5 tform_centering = build_centering_transform(img.shape, target_shape) tform_center, tform_uncenter = build_center_uncenter_transforms(img.shape) tform_augment = random_perturbation_transform(rng=rng, **augmentation_params) tform_augment = tform_uncenter + tform_augment + tform_center # shift to center, augment, shift back (for the rotation/shearing) return fast_warp(img, tform_centering + tform_augment, output_shape=target_shape, mode='constant').astype('float32') def patches_gen_augmented(images, labels, patch_size=(50, 50), chunk_size=4096, num_chunks=100, rng=np.random, rng_aug=np.random, augmentation_params=default_augmentation_params): p_x, p_y = patch_size if augmentation_params is None: augmentation_params = no_augmentation_params for n in xrange(num_chunks): indices = rng.randint(0, len(images), chunk_size) chunk_x = np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') chunk_y = labels[indices].astype('float32') for k, idx in enumerate(indices): img = images[idx] img = uint_to_float(img) chunk_x[k] = perturb(img, augmentation_params, target_shape=patch_size, rng=rng_aug) yield chunk_x, chunk_y ## RESCALING def perturb_rescaled(img, scale, augmentation_params, target_shape=(50, 50), rng=np.random): """ scale is a DOWNSCALING factor. """ tform_rescale = build_rescale_transform(scale, img.shape, target_shape) # also does centering tform_center, tform_uncenter = build_center_uncenter_transforms(img.shape) tform_augment = random_perturbation_transform(rng=rng, **augmentation_params) tform_augment = tform_uncenter + tform_augment + tform_center # shift to center, augment, shift back (for the rotation/shearing) return fast_warp(img, tform_rescale + tform_augment, output_shape=target_shape, mode='constant').astype('float32') def rescaled_patches_gen_augmented(images, labels, estimate_scale_func, patch_size=(50, 50), chunk_size=4096, num_chunks=100, rng=np.random, rng_aug=np.random, augmentation_params=default_augmentation_params): p_x, p_y = patch_size if augmentation_params is None: augmentation_params = no_augmentation_params for n in xrange(num_chunks): indices = rng.randint(0, len(images), chunk_size) chunk_x = np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') chunk_y = labels[indices].astype('float32') chunk_shape = np.zeros((chunk_size, 2), dtype='float32') for k, idx in enumerate(indices): img = images[idx] img = uint_to_float(img) scale = estimate_scale_func(img) chunk_x[k] = perturb_rescaled(img, scale, augmentation_params, target_shape=patch_size, rng=rng_aug) chunk_shape[k] = img.shape yield chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_shape def rescaled_patches_gen_ordered(images, estimate_scale_func, patch_size=(50, 50), chunk_size=4096, augmentation_params=no_augmentation_params, rng=np.random, rng_aug=np.random): p_x, p_y = patch_size num_images = len(images) num_chunks = int(np.ceil(num_images / float(chunk_size))) idx = 0 for n in xrange(num_chunks): chunk_x = np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') chunk_shape = np.zeros((chunk_size, 2), dtype='float32') chunk_length = chunk_size for k in xrange(chunk_size): if idx >= num_images: chunk_length = k break img = images[idx] img = uint_to_float(img) scale = estimate_scale_func(img) chunk_x[k] = perturb_rescaled(img, scale, augmentation_params, target_shape=patch_size, rng=rng_aug) chunk_shape[k] = img.shape idx += 1 yield chunk_x, chunk_shape, chunk_length # for test-time augmentation def perturb_rescaled_fixed(img, scale, tform_augment, target_shape=(50, 50)): """ scale is a DOWNSCALING factor. """ tform_rescale = build_rescale_transform(scale, img.shape, target_shape) # also does centering tform_center, tform_uncenter = build_center_uncenter_transforms(img.shape) tform_augment = tform_uncenter + tform_augment + tform_center # shift to center, augment, shift back (for the rotation/shearing) return fast_warp(img, tform_rescale + tform_augment, output_shape=target_shape, mode='constant').astype('float32') def rescaled_patches_gen_fixed(images, estimate_scale_func, patch_size=(50, 50), chunk_size=4096, augmentation_transforms=None, rng=np.random): if augmentation_transforms is None: augmentation_transforms = [tform_identity] p_x, p_y = patch_size num_images = len(images) num_tfs = len(augmentation_transforms) num_patches = num_images * num_tfs num_chunks = int(np.ceil(num_patches / float(chunk_size))) idx = 0 for n in xrange(num_chunks): chunk_x = np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') chunk_shape = np.zeros((chunk_size, 2), dtype='float32') chunk_length = chunk_size for k in xrange(chunk_size): if idx >= num_patches: chunk_length = k break img = images[idx // num_tfs] img = uint_to_float(img) tf = augmentation_transforms[idx % num_tfs] scale = estimate_scale_func(img) # could technically be cached but w/e chunk_x[k] = perturb_rescaled_fixed(img, scale, tf, target_shape=patch_size) chunk_shape[k] = img.shape idx += 1 yield chunk_x, chunk_shape, chunk_length ### MULTISCALE GENERATORS def perturb_multiscale(img, scale_factors, augmentation_params, target_shapes, rng=np.random): """ scale is a DOWNSCALING factor. """ tform_center, tform_uncenter = build_center_uncenter_transforms(img.shape) tform_augment = random_perturbation_transform(rng=rng, **augmentation_params) tform_augment = tform_uncenter + tform_augment + tform_center # shift to center, augment, shift back (for the rotation/shearing) output = [] for scale, target_shape in zip(scale_factors, target_shapes): if isinstance(scale, skimage.transform.ProjectiveTransform): tform_rescale = scale else: tform_rescale = build_rescale_transform(scale, img.shape, target_shape) # also does centering output.append(fast_warp(img, tform_rescale + tform_augment, output_shape=target_shape, mode='constant').astype('float32')) return output def multiscale_patches_gen_augmented(images, labels, scale_factors=[1.0], patch_sizes=[(50, 50)], chunk_size=4096, num_chunks=100, rng=np.random, rng_aug=np.random, augmentation_params=default_augmentation_params): assert len(patch_sizes) == len(scale_factors) if augmentation_params is None: augmentation_params = no_augmentation_params for n in xrange(num_chunks): indices = rng.randint(0, len(images), chunk_size) chunks_x = [np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') for p_x, p_y in patch_sizes] chunk_y = labels[indices].astype('float32') chunk_shape = np.zeros((chunk_size, 2), dtype='float32') for k, idx in enumerate(indices): img = images[idx] img = uint_to_float(img) sfs = [(sf(img) if callable(sf) else sf) for sf in scale_factors] # support both fixed scale factors and variable scale factors with callables patches = perturb_multiscale(img, sfs, augmentation_params, target_shapes=patch_sizes, rng=rng_aug) for chunk_x, patch in zip(chunks_x, patches): chunk_x[k] = patch chunk_shape[k] = img.shape yield chunks_x, chunk_y, chunk_shape # for test-time augmentation def perturb_multiscale_fixed(img, scale_factors, tform_augment, target_shapes): """ scale is a DOWNSCALING factor. """ tform_center, tform_uncenter = build_center_uncenter_transforms(img.shape) tform_augment = tform_uncenter + tform_augment + tform_center # shift to center, augment, shift back (for the rotation/shearing) output = [] for scale, target_shape in zip(scale_factors, target_shapes): if isinstance(scale, skimage.transform.ProjectiveTransform): tform_rescale = scale else: tform_rescale = build_rescale_transform(scale, img.shape, target_shape) # also does centering output.append(fast_warp(img, tform_rescale + tform_augment, output_shape=target_shape, mode='constant').astype('float32')) return output def multiscale_patches_gen_fixed(images, scale_factors=[1.0], patch_sizes=[(50, 50)], chunk_size=4096, augmentation_transforms=None, rng=np.random): if augmentation_transforms is None: augmentation_transforms = [tform_identity] assert len(patch_sizes) == len(scale_factors) num_images = len(images) num_tfs = len(augmentation_transforms) num_patches = num_images * num_tfs num_chunks = int(np.ceil(num_patches / float(chunk_size))) idx = 0 for n in xrange(num_chunks): chunks_x = [np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') for p_x, p_y in patch_sizes] chunk_shape = np.zeros((chunk_size, 2), dtype='float32') chunk_length = chunk_size for k in xrange(chunk_size): if idx >= num_patches: chunk_length = k break img = images[idx // num_tfs] img = uint_to_float(img) tf = augmentation_transforms[idx % num_tfs] sfs = [(sf(img) if callable(sf) else sf) for sf in scale_factors] # support both fixed scale factors and variable scale factors with callables patches = perturb_multiscale_fixed(img, sfs, tf, target_shapes=patch_sizes) for chunk_x, patch in zip(chunks_x, patches): chunk_x[k] = patch chunk_shape[k] = img.shape idx += 1 yield chunks_x, chunk_shape, chunk_length def intensity_jitter(chunk, std=0.1, rng=np.random): factors = np.exp(rng.normal(0.0, std, chunk.shape[0])).astype(chunk.dtype) return chunk * factors[:, None, None] ### GAUSSIAN AUGMENTATION PARAMETER DISTRIBUTIONS def random_perturbation_transform_gaussian(zoom_std, rotation_range, shear_std, translation_std, do_flip=True, stretch_std=0.0, rng=np.random): shift_x = rng.normal(0.0, translation_std) shift_y = rng.normal(0.0, translation_std) translation = (shift_x, shift_y) rotation = rng.uniform(*rotation_range) shear = rng.normal(0.0, shear_std) if do_flip: flip = (rng.randint(2) > 0) # flip half of the time else: flip = False zoom = np.exp(rng.normal(0.0, zoom_std)) stretch = np.exp(rng.normal(0.0, stretch_std)) zoom_x = zoom * stretch zoom_y = zoom / stretch return build_augmentation_transform((zoom_x, zoom_y), rotation, shear, translation, flip) def perturb_rescaled_gaussian(img, scale, augmentation_params, target_shape=(50, 50), rng=np.random): """ scale is a DOWNSCALING factor. """ tform_rescale = build_rescale_transform(scale, img.shape, target_shape) # also does centering tform_center, tform_uncenter = build_center_uncenter_transforms(img.shape) tform_augment = random_perturbation_transform_gaussian(rng=rng, **augmentation_params) tform_augment = tform_uncenter + tform_augment + tform_center # shift to center, augment, shift back (for the rotation/shearing) return fast_warp(img, tform_rescale + tform_augment, output_shape=target_shape, mode='constant').astype('float32') def rescaled_patches_gen_augmented_gaussian(images, labels, estimate_scale_func, patch_size=(50, 50), chunk_size=4096, num_chunks=100, rng=np.random, rng_aug=np.random, augmentation_params=None): p_x, p_y = patch_size if augmentation_params is None: augmentation_params = no_augmentation_params_gaussian for n in xrange(num_chunks): indices = rng.randint(0, len(images), chunk_size) chunk_x = np.zeros((chunk_size, p_x, p_y), dtype='float32') chunk_y = labels[indices].astype('float32') chunk_shape = np.zeros((chunk_size, 2), dtype='float32') for k, idx in enumerate(indices): img = images[idx] img = uint_to_float(img) scale = estimate_scale_func(img) chunk_x[k] = perturb_rescaled_gaussian(img, scale, augmentation_params, target_shape=patch_size, rng=rng_aug) chunk_shape[k] = img.shape yield chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_shape