Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀

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--- ## Structure | Codebase | Description | | :------------------- | :-------------------: | | [kousa](kousa) | Elixir API | | [shawarma](shawarma) | Voice Server | | [dinner](dinner) | Puppeteer shenanigans | | [baklava](baklava) | Electron Wrapper | | [pilaf](pilaf) | React Native App | | [kibbeh](kibbeh) | Next.js frontend | | [kebab](kebab) | API Client | | [dolma](dolma) | Chat Token Transcoder | ## Branches - staging -> pr this branch for everything - prod -> don't touch, this is what's running in prod ## Contributions DogeHouse is open to contributions, but I recommend creating an issue or replying in a comment to let me know what you are working on first that way we don't overwrite each other. Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/benawad/dogehouse/blob/staging/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on this project. ## DogeHouse Desktop A desktop app built with [Electron](https://www.electronjs.org/) is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. There are different ways to get the Electron desktop app: * Get the official builds from [here, in GitHub Releases][gh-releases] for any platform. * Get it from AUR (unofficial package) for Arch/Manjaro or other Arch-based distro with `yay -S dogehouse`, using another AUR helper, or installing manually from the AUR. * Get the desktop client for Debian-based distros (including Ubuntu) from the official APT repo with these simple steps: * Add the repo with `echo "deb http://ppa.dogehouse.tv/ ./" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null` * Add Ben Awad's GPG key with `$(command -v curl>>/dev/null && echo "curl -o-" || echo "wget -q0-") http://ppa.dogehouse.tv/KEY.gpg | sudo apt-key add -`. * Finally, update your local repository list and install DogeHouse with `sudo apt update && sudo apt install dogehouse`. * Get the snap for your systemd-powered Linux distro from either the [Snap Store](https://snapcraft.io/dogehouse) or in an terminal with `sudo snap install dogehouse`. * After installing the snap, you need to allow microphone access with `sudo snap connect dogehouse:audio-record` to be able to speak in rooms. [gh-releases]: https://github.com/benawad/dogehouse/releases/latest **_Notes:_** - If a warning message pops up on Windows, go to 'more info' and select 'Run Anyway' - Currently, the snap package's available channels are only `edge` as contributions for Baklava are merged almost on daily basis. Tested versions that are stable will be promoted into `stable` in the future. ## DogeReviewers Contributors helping to review/merge pull requests: - [@HarrisonMayotte](https://github.com/HarrisonMayotte) - [@TheOtterlord](https://github.com/TheOtterlord) - [@amitojsingh366](https://github.com/amitojsingh366) - [@dk-raw](https://github.com/dk-raw) - [@ermalsh](https://github.com/ermalsh) - [@goldyydev](https://github.com/goldyydev) - [@jamesql](https://github.com/jamesql) - [@nadirabbas](https://github.com/nadirabbas) - [@ofsho](https://github.com/ofsho) - [@overlisted](https://github.com/overlisted) ## Code of Conduct Please read [CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](https://github.com/benawad/dogehouse/blob/staging/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) for details on our code of conduct. ## How to run locally Check here on how to run locally ## Why did you make this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy-EhJ_tTQo ## Attribution For emojis, we use [Twemoji](https://twemoji.twitter.com/)