module(..., package.seeall) ------------------------------------------------- -- -- class_MultipartFormData.lua -- Author: Brill Pappin, Sixgreen Labs Inc. -- -- Generates multipart form-data for http POST calls that require it. -- -- Caution: -- In Corona SDK you have to set a string as the body, which means that the -- entire POST needs to be encoded as a string, including any files you attach. -- Needless to say, if the file you are sending is large, it''s going to use -- up all your available memory! -- -- Example: --[[ local MultipartFormData = require("class_MultipartFormData") local multipart = multipart:addHeader("Customer-Header", "Custom Header Value") multipart:addField("myFieldName","myFieldValue") multipart:addField("banana","yellow") multipart:addFile("myfile", system.pathForFile( "myfile.jpg", system.DocumentsDirectory ), "image/jpeg", "myfile.jpg") local params = {} params.body = multipart:getBody() -- Must call getBody() first! params.headers = multipart:getHeaders() -- Headers not valid until getBody() is called. local function networkListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then print( "Network error!") else print ( "RESPONSE: " .. event.response ) end end network.request( "", "POST", networkListener, params) ]] ------------------------------------------------- local crypto = require("crypto") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local mime = require("mime") MultipartFormData = {} local MultipartFormData_mt = { __index = MultipartFormData } function -- The constructor local newBoundary = "MPFD-"..crypto.digest( crypto.sha1, "MultipartFormData"..tostring(object)..tostring(os.time())..tostring(os.clock()), false ) local object = { isClass = true, boundary = newBoundary, headers = {}, elements = {}, } object.headers["MIME-Version"] = "1.0" return setmetatable( object, MultipartFormData_mt ) end function MultipartFormData:getBody() local src = {} -- always need two CRLF's as the beginning table.insert(src, ltn12.source.chain(ltn12.source.string("\n\n"), mime.normalize())) for i = 1, #self.elements do local el = self.elements[i] if el then if el.intent == "field" then local elData = { "--"..self.boundary.."\n", "content-disposition: form-data; name=\"",, "\"\n\n", el.value, "\n" } local elBody = table.concat(elData) table.insert(src, ltn12.source.chain(ltn12.source.string(elBody), mime.normalize())) elseif el.intent == "file" then local elData = { "--"..self.boundary.."\n", "content-disposition: form-data; name=\"",, "\"; filename=\"", el.filename, "\"\n", "Content-Type: ", el.mimetype, "\n", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", el.encoding, "\n\n", } local elHeader = table.concat(elData) local elFile = el.path, "rb" ) assert(elFile) local fileSource = ltn12.source.chain(ltn12.source.string(elHeader), mime.normalize()), ltn12.source.chain( ltn12.source.file(elFile), ltn12.filter.chain( mime.encode(el.encoding), mime.wrap() ) ), ltn12.source.chain(ltn12.source.string("\n"), mime.normalize()) ) table.insert(src, fileSource) end end end -- always need to end the body table.insert(src, ltn12.source.chain(ltn12.source.string("\n--"..self.boundary.."--\n"), mime.normalize())) local source = ltn12.source.empty() for i = 1, #src do source =, src[i]) end local sink, data = ltn12.sink.table() ltn12.pump.all(source,sink) local body = table.concat(data) -- update the headers we now know how to add based on the multipart data we just generated. self.headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary="..self.boundary self.headers["Content-Length"] = string.len(body) -- must be total length of body return body end function MultipartFormData:getHeaders() assert(self.headers["Content-Type"]) assert(self.headers["Content-Length"]) return self.headers end function MultipartFormData:addHeader(name, value) self.headers[name] = value end function MultipartFormData:setBoundry(string) self.boundary = string end function MultipartFormData:addField(name, value) self:add("field", name, value) end function MultipartFormData:addFile(name, path, mimeType, remoteFileName) -- For Corona, we can really only use base64 as a simple binary -- won't work with their network.request method. local element = {intent="file", name=name, path=path, mimetype = mimeType, filename = remoteFileName, encoding = "base64"} self:addElement(element) end function MultipartFormData:add(intent, name, value) local element = {intent=intent, name=name, value=value} self:addElement(element) end function MultipartFormData:addElement(element) table.insert(self.elements, element) end function MultipartFormData:toString() return "MultipartFormData [elementCount:"..tostring(#self.elements)..", headerCount:"..tostring(#self.headers).."]" end return MultipartFormData