01E0{S=135,E=PairID}[D?0,E|||D?1,S,D?2,D?3;F,??,0] NEC1-f16 NEC2-f16 NEC1 NEC-Shirriff-32 Apple (16,-8,D:5,S:11,C:1,F:7,PairID:8,1,^108m,(16,-4,1,^108m)*) {C=1-(#D+#F+#S+#PairID)%2,S=1087} [D:0..31=14,F:0..127,PairID:0..255] ]]> Adapted from Wiki. 16 bits formatted as follows: device(5 bits) (aka Command Page); subdevice(11 bits):always 0x43F (aka Vendor 1087 decimal); checksum(1bit aka Odd Parity); function(7bits aka Function); PairID(8bits aka Device ID). C=1 if the number of 1 bits in the fields D, S, F,and PairID is even. Apple uses the same framing as NEC1, where D is the command page. Specify D=14, or D=5 in normal use or specify D=0 for pairing (not recommended). S=1087