local function scrape() -- documetation about nf_conntrack: -- https://www.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial/chunkyhtml/x1309.html nat_metric = metric("node_nat_traffic", "gauge" ) for e in io.lines("/proc/net/nf_conntrack") do -- output(string.format("%s\n",e )) local fields = space_split(e) local src, sport, dest, dport, bytes; bytes = 0; for _, field in ipairs(fields) do if src == nil and string.match(field, '^src') then src = string.match(field,"src=([^ ]+)"); elseif sport == nil and string.match(field, '^sport') then sport = string.match(field,"sport=([^ ]+)"); elseif dest == nil and string.match(field, '^dst') then dest = string.match(field,"dst=([^ ]+)"); elseif dport == nil and string.match(field, '^dport') then dport = string.match(field,"dport=([^ ]+)"); elseif string.match(field, '^bytes') then local b = string.match(field, "bytes=([^ ]+)"); bytes = bytes + b; -- output(string.format("\t%d %s",ii,field )); end end local labels = { src = src, sport = sport, dest = dest, dport = dport } -- output(string.format("src=|%s| dest=|%s| bytes=|%s|", src, dest, bytes )) nat_metric(labels, bytes ) end end return { scrape = scrape }