# Sublime Text SilverStripe Package SS versions 4, 3, and 2 are supported. Works with Sublime Text v2/3. ## Features ![Screenshot of Sublime Text Silverstripe in action!](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benjamin-smith/sublime-text-silverstripe/master/screenshot.png) * Syntax highlighting for .ss files * Highlights SS markup within HTML attributes * High contrast colors against surrounding HTML markup * Support for Emmet * Snippets for template files and PHP code ## Installation With [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) (recommended): 1. Run "Package Control: Install Package" command, find and install `SilverStripe` plugin. 2. Restart Sublime Text ## Snippets Press tab after typing any of the following to generate markup: **Template files** * `if` * `ifelse` * `ifelseif` * `control` * `loop` * `with` * `include` * `ifloop` * `ifwith` * `pagination` **PHP code** * `gridfieldrecordeditor` * `gridfieldrelationeditor` ## Credits MUCH inspiration came from [nrw's Handlebars ST2 package](https://github.com/nrw/sublime-text-handlebars).