{ "bridge": { "name": "Garage", "username": "01:23:45:67:89:AB", "port": 51826, "pin": "123-45-678" }, "description": "Garage Door HomeBridge Config, please file bugs at https://github.com/benlamonica/homebridge-rasppi-gpio-garagedoor/issues/new", "note":"The below accessories show how you can configure 2 garage doors at once. If you only have 1 garage door, remove one of the below blocks. The below config is the bare minimum configuration needed. You can configure other options (see the README.md for more detail)", "accessories": [{ "accessory": "RaspPiGPIOGarageDoor", "name": "Large Garage Door", "doorSwitchPin": 5, "doorSwitchPressTimeInMs": 1500, "doorSwitchValue": 1, "closedDoorSensorPin": 20, "closedDoorSensorValue": 1, "doorPollInMs": 4000, "doorOpensInSeconds": 14 }, { "accessory": "RaspPiGPIOGarageDoor", "name": "Small Garage Door", "doorSwitchPin": 6, "doorSwitchPressTimeInMs": 1500, "doorSwitchValue": 1, "closedDoorSensorPin": 21, "closedDoorSensorValue": 1, "doorPollInMs": 4000, "doorOpensInSeconds": 14 }], "platforms": [] }